#I've practically written a PowerPoint for it
Alternate scene in my fic
Navy: Oh no this is awful, the public would never trust us if this got out. Instead of fixing it let's bury this as deep as we can.
Ice: No
Navy: What do you mean no?
Ice: If you bury this I'll take it to the president myself
Navy: You can't do that, who do you think you are?
Ice: I'm the Commander of the Pacific Fleet, I do what I want!
Maverick: Oh no, I've corrupted him.
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goddessofroyalty · 3 months
Gonna be honest, the Sefikura baby PowerPoint just makes me think of Sephiroth basically constantly getting Cloud pregnant with all of the kids, to the point where Cloud is frequently making threats to his family jewels while Sephiroth regrets nothing
It was something I thought about when I was making it (thus the final slide). Tried to keep it to groupings I have written / seriously contemplated and typically I've only gotten up to 2 pregnacies (although it did pain me not to include a Prompto + Hope + Chadley twins purely so I could call it the "uncoordinated siblings", and I did cut out Prompto + the Remnants which I have written about because I didn't have a clever name for it).
I can definitively see Sephiroth becoming obsessed with getting Cloud pregnant as much as possible. However I think it's after their first is born that almost a switch goes off in his head and he becomes obsessed with having as many children with Cloud as possible. Before their first is born I don't think he really gets why people have children. He isn't a fan of babies or children and while sure he understands the value of heirs he still doesn't see why people are so hung up about it.
And, alright, I don't think he understands it in a normal way even after the first is born but he definitively becomes a little obsessed with it. This tiny human that is a combination of your and another person's genes. A combination of both of your traits that will carry on even after you die. It is creation in its purest form. And a display of just how strong Cloud is that he can carry and sustain a child that carries Sephiroth's genetics as well as a show of Sephiroth's virility to sire them. He wants as many as he can have and probably isn't entirely above sabotaging birth control to get it if needed (thankfully I don't think it reaches that level).
Apart from likely constant jokes of forcing Sepiroth to get a vacectimy (or possibly a castration) it's easy to see a version of Cloud that isn't really doing a whole lot to curb Sephiroth's want for as many children as possible. Yes a bit of the hero worship hanging around is probably at play but a lot of it is I think Cloud's body handles pregnancy very well (I give him so much mental and/or medical trauma around it in so many verses/ideas that physically I cut him a break). Oh, sure, it's still sucky - but he has very few side effects, practically glows through it, and recovers from birth very quickly. He falls pregnant easily and does pregnancy well so it's a bit too easy for Sephiroth to convince him to have (or I suppose get him pregnant with) another.
The great irony is that a non-evil Sephiroth (which I'm assuming this is) is going to be an incredibly awkward and hands-off father. He doesn't really know what to do with all these kids once they all start deveolping personalities.
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theogony · 8 months
The Jesper Fahey Foolproof guide to getting your friends to fall in love™
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written for the grishaverse big bang 2023 (@grishaversebigbang)! Pleasure to work on a lighthearted fic for a change of pace ^^ thank you sm to yaalni (@bloodyrakshasi ) for betaing the fic, and please go check the absolutely stunning works of accompanying artists :)
@intrgalartic (link to art here) @bubble--berry (link to art here) @jmie-draws (link to art here) @mitraavrs (link to art here)
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"Wait, no, that’s it. That’s perfect,” Jesper says, and everyone turns to look at him. “What if we use like - what’s the term - reverse psychology?” Jesper pauses, for additional appropriate gravitas (as though everyone in the table isn’t already looking at him with varying degrees of shock, horror, or scheming.)
“What if we still say it straight - but to the opposite person - tell Inej that Kaz likes him and Kaz that Inej likes him,” he finishes, triumphant.
The table quiets down, before interrupting into a series of loud whispers borderlining on shouts, before quieting down again as everyone mulls over the idea.
All in all, Jesper thinks, it’s a pretty promising reaction.
When even the imminent departure of Inej cannot prompt either her or Kaz to confront their feelings and cross the invisible line the two of them have been toeing for entirely too long, Jesper and the rest of their friends decide to take matters into their own hands with the help of PowerPoint transitions, nosy partners, and perhaps the entirety of Ketterdam University.
Alternatively, the faked into dating AU, wherein Jesper learns that perhaps he's not as good a matchmaker as he thought he was.
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read part of it under the cut! / ao3 link
The hallways part like a sea before them, whispers following them as the 6 (well 7 really, but no one's terrified of Wylan even with the rest of them surrounding him) skulking figures stalk down the hallway, leaving behind the principal's ajar door in their wake. 
All in all, it's a pretty normal day for Kaz Brekker and the crows, really. 
"You'd think we'd robbed the school ourselves at the rate the students are avoiding us." 
Jesper laughs merrily, throwing a friendly arm over Inej's shoulder.
"Relax, Nej. Besides, it's not like you're going to be here in this shithole much longer anyway!"
Inej lets out a tinkling laugh, lips momentarily turning up at brief levity - before she purses them again, turning around to address the rest of them.
"Alright, enough moping around about inevitable change - don't think I've noticed some people in particular practically avoiding me since the trip was announced."
Though the rest of their group tries their level best (which is to say, not at all) to hide their snickers - it's pretty obvious who the message is directed at. After all, there's only one person whom Inej would never bother to hesitate to call out so publicly - only one person whom Inej would never forget to look out for. 
To his own credit, Kaz looks away non committedly, before hefting his bag slightly higher. 
"If you forget to collect your dance shoes from the studio, I don't even think I'd be able to stop Baghra from keeping you here."
Imej hums before walking next to him.
"Fair enough. But you know that I'd stay if you asked me to."
A tension fills between the two of them, filled with unspoken possibilities. 
"I think I'd eventually learn how to handle my accounts on my own, thanks." 
The both of them shrug, turning away from each other, though the tense look on both of their faces tells a very different story.
The fact of the matter is this - no matter how much Inej wishes, Kaz wouldn't dare take away everything Inej has worked for - even if that meant depriving them of something that both of them wanted so badly.
Eventually, Inej shakes herself and joins Kaz, currently facing forward, an impenetrable stone wall of emotion. Together, they tentatively begin talking again about a topic that's too quiet for the rest of them to hear and enclose themselves in a bubble of their own - disappearing into the winding hallways.
read the rest here!
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
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I posted 8,686 times in 2022
That's 8,379 more posts than 2021!
7,935 posts created (91%)
751 posts reblogged (9%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 8,141 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#asks - 7,640 posts
#meta - 460 posts
#blue sky au - 281 posts
#ask game - 277 posts
#future toga au - 220 posts
#pokemon legends mustafa - 202 posts
#draconic hero au - 156 posts
#wimtbah - 152 posts
#inhumans au - 147 posts
#clone for one au - 126 posts
Longest Tag: 78 characters
#having a summary that is only questions is a good way to get me not to read it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Imagine how annoyed Nighteye would have been if Izuku hadn't applied to his agency? Like he just goes to fill in the application, 'hmm, suddenly vibes are shit no,' and then applies to like, be Nedzu's apprentice instead.
Midoriya: "These are some rancid vibes. Absolutely horrid."
Nighteye, storming Nedzu's Office: "Not only do you steal Togata's rightful Quirk, you deny me mentorship?!" Nedzu: (: Nighteye: "Don't you have anything to say, Principal?" Nedzu: "Oh heavens no. The longer you talk the more time I have to come up with ideas." Midoriya: (:
Narrator: "Nighteye was never seen or heard from again."
Oh yeah, Sir "Control Freak" Nighteye would be absolutely furious. I'm trying to remember if he explicitly told Togata to extend an offer on his behalf to Midoriya for the Work Studies. Come on, Nighteye, how are you legitimately creepier to me than AFO
305 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
Aizawa for the time travel fix ask game?
I'm sure you meant this seriously but I had a really funny crack idea with Aizawa so we're doing that
Aizawa comes up with a plan to ensure that everything will work out. It is a brilliant plan with no flaws. He expels all of Class 1-A during the Quirk Apprehension Test
Naturally, the class immediately pack bonds into a found family speedrun out of sheer united rage
The class becomes a 20-person vigilante organization specifically to spite Aizawa, with All Might's less-than-secret-but-still-deniable backing
Every major Villain is incarcerated within five weeks.
Nedzu reminds Aizawa that he could've just asked him for help
362 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
You know, why WAS Tensei attacked by Stain anyways, now that I think about it?
That's a wonderful question that canon has never in fact answered. It is one of the primary points in my 153-slide powerpoint titled "Why Stain Is A Clown and If You Like Him, So Are You'
I think the closest it's come to answering is Stain canonically has a habit of attacking people to see how they react when they believe they are going to die, and I really shouldn't have to explain everything wrong with that
405 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
I Think I Know Why I Dislike Bakugou's Writing
Yes I know I just did the AFO/Asano Meta, but I feel like I need to do this too
To clarify: this is not me bashing on Bakugou. I want to like Bakugou. If you like Bakugou, you aren't wrong. You just deserve better for him.
Let's begin.
For at least a week now, I have had a picture open in a tab on my browser. This picture is something that I was beginning to think was made up by an Ao3 author because I had only ever seen one mention of it. And now that I've found it for myself, I found myself holding on to it and trying to figure out how to feel about it.
But now that's led to me finally having a way to verbalize the issues I have with how Bakugou has been written throughout the series.
On paper, Bakugou has one of the most interesting character arcs in manga. He goes from being a self-absorbed asshole with a superiority-inferiority complex who only wants to be a Hero because they win fights to the genuinely Hero Midoriya believes he can be.
In practice... well.
Let's play a game really quickly. I'll describe a scene from My Hero Academia, and I want you to guess what chapter it is. It doesn't have to be exact, just a general idea. Here's the scenario:
Midoriya manages to use a Quirk that's destructive to him without seriously hurting himself, and is proud of this accomplishment. In response, Bakugou gets incensed and physically attacks him.
Thought about it? Got an idea? Keep that in mind for later.
So here is my issue with Bakugou: there are two Bakugous. I know that sounds weird but let me explain what I mean. I'll call them Interim Bakugou and Dramatic Bakugou.
Dramatic Bakugou saw his classmates at the Battle Trial and realized that he wasn't the Big Man on Campus. He was furious with Todoroki for not using his fire at the Sports Festival, and infuriated by his internship with Best Jeanist. Dramatic Bakugou was kidnapped by the League because he's an asshole. He blames himself for All Might retiring, and he failed the Provisional License Exam because he's a asshole. Dramatic Bakugou told a kid that he needed to acknowledge his own weakness, took a hit for Midoriya in the War Arc, and apologized to him.
Dramatic Bakugou is improving as a person and a Hero.
Dramatic Bakugou also barely appears in the manga.
We are instead left with Interim Bakugou, the Bakugou who exists in the interim between dramatic moments. Interim Bakugou has not changed from his first appearance on the first page of Chapter 1, when he was five, beating the shit out of Midoriya.
Interim Bakugou tried to attack Midoriya on Day 1, and tried to kill him on Day 2. Interim Bakugou listened in on a private conversation about how Endeavor's obsessions broke him and learned nothing. Interim Bakugou told the League of Villains that he wouldn't join them because he likes how Heroes look when they win. Interim Bakugou told the Help Us Company actors to fuck off. Interim Bakugou dragged Midoriya out to Ground Beta to beat the shit out of him because he was butthurt about his exam and making it all about him. Interim Bakugou won the Joint Training Battle because he wanted to be the Undisputed Best. Interim Bakugou never calls people by their real names.
Interim Bakugou called himself Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight. Interim Bakugou told the class that Deku is fucked in the head and doesn't care about what happens to himself, while ignoring that he called Midoriya 'Useless' so often Midoriya responds to it like his own name. Interim Bakugou uses Deku right up to the moment that Dramatic Bakugou apologized for inventing it in the first place.
Interim Bakugou never changes, no mater how much Dramatic Bakugou tries.
Here, let me prove it. You remember that game I had you play a few paragraphs ago, yes? What chapter did you say? Chapter 7, during the Quirk Apprehension Test?
Well, I have to admit that I lied a little. That picture I've had on my browser for the past week or so? It's actually a screencap of the manga.
This is from Chapter 253, after Midoriya shows his progress with Blackwhip.
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This is five chapters away from the start of the War Arc.
This is 69 chapters before he apologizes, most of which aren't focused on him at all.
This is within the Final Saga, as Horikoshi puts it.
And Interim Bakugou is indistinguishable from Orientation Day eleven months ago
I will freely admit that this is clearly meant to be a joke, and that he did not hurt Midoriya as severely as the class is acting, but the behavior is still there. It hasn't changed a bit. Interim Bakugou hasn't changed a bit.
Dramatic Bakugou, in a flashback, confessed to All Might that he used to bully Midoriya.
Interim Bakugou still does.
This is why I don't like how Horikoshi writes Bakugou. I want to like Dramatic Bakugou and follow his journey, but for every step forward he takes, Interim Bakugou takes two steps back. All of his apologies feel hollow because Interim Bakugou is demonstrably the same.
See the full post
466 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
AU where everything is practically the same but Izuku is visibly more feral. IE: he bit All Might instead of grabbing his leg and Toshi, upon remembering doing the same thing to Nana, decides to make him his successor (adopt him) on the spot.
Midoriya just fucking snaps one day because if you bully someone nonstop for ten years you either break them or get them to stop caring and bad news for Aldera they got the other coin flip this time.
You do not Fuck with Feral Midoriya. He has bitten most of his classmates by this point. He hisses like a cat. He casually starts discussing what it would take to render someone's Quirk permanently useless, like how someone could paralyze Bakugou's hands or scar them over until he couldn't make any explosions without breaking himself.
All Might gets nostalgic when Midoriya is gnawing on his leg to keep him from leaving.
During the entrance exam, Present Mic had to start the test a few seconds early because when Iida went to stop Midoriya from talking to Uraraka, Midoriya fucking picked Iida up and was getting ready to throw him like a javelin, and that announcement is the only thing that saved him. Midoriya did however carry him into the exam before he remembered to put him down.
When Midoriya uses his Quirk at the QAT, Bakugou assumes that Midoriya manifested it through sheer Feral energy and chooses life. Aizawa on the other hand tries an expulsion scare and he can taste how mad Midoriya is about it
511 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
I had to delay doing this because @gentrychild went and reblogged my Stray Cat AU and completely threw off my stats
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Closing the Gender Gap in STEM
I came out to my coworkers on October 23rd, just about a year after I first considered the fact that I might be transgender, a month and a half after my first dose of HRT, and a day before my 28th birthday. I had talked to my bosses a couple of weeks earlier to bring them up to speed, and they were absolutely wonderful in letting me direct how I wanted to let everyone know. My company suggests opening every staff meeting with a safety briefing and a diversity message, and I had decided that I would stand up and speak to the team during one of those, but hadn't decided if I'd do it in the next meeting, or push it off a bit.
I attended a Halloween party on Saturday the 21st (more on that later), and the next morning, I texted my boss and told her that I needed to say my piece during Monday's meeting. She immediately agreed and updated the Powerpoint slides for me.
I showed up to work on Monday, and wrote. I put in my headphones, and let it all flow. After half an hour, I stopped, took a second to edit the clumsiest bits, and then headed to my staff meeting. Below is that writing, more or less exactly how I presented it, with some edits for privacy:
"Good morning everyone. Apologies for reading off my laptop, I had to get my thoughts written down to make any sense of them
To get straight to the point, for the last several months, and from here forward, I have been making and will continue to make changes in my life to live as a female presenting person. A trans woman.
My original intention was never to make it a big part of my work life, and to never do anything like this, but for a couple of reasons, in the last several weeks I've had a change of heart
First, in this environment of the increasing politicization of transness, I feel that I owe it to myself and to the LGBTQ Community to live my life authentically: for my own sake, to honor those that have come before who were not given the opportunities that I have, and to those that will come after, and deserve to see representation in engineering, and in the communities I move in in my personal life
Secondly, however, is a much more practical reason. Over the last year or so, I've changed little parts of my gender expression, in growing out my hair, or painting my nails, things like that. To this point, it's been easy enough to hand wave those away as being a quirky guy, but over the next months and years, these changes will be a little harder to explain away.
In the last decade of my professional experience I've amassed quite a collection of polo shirts, and while I don't plan to throw them all out tomorrow and change my wardrobe overnight, maybe over time they start to get retired and replaced with something else.
Similarly, as I start hormone replacement therapy, the timeline I've been given is on the scale of months and years, rather than days and weeks. I don't know when you all would have started to notice things naturally, but after only a month I've already noticed my skin softening, and am working on feminizing the characteristics of my voice
Eventually, when I'm ready, and I've had a version of this conversation with the other teams I work with, I'll reach out to HR to change my name in the system, and take care of the paperwork details on [COMPANY'S] side
So, regardless of the speed of my personal ramp plan for my launch, whether it's a change in my appearance, my outfits, or my name, I figured that all of you would figure it out eventually. Knowing that, I reached out to [BOSS] and the supervisors to put this little introduction together, so that I could put everything on the table now, rather than putting it off and waiting for the awkward questions in 6-18 months when I can't pretend it's not happening anymore
With that said, however, I expect that there will be plenty of questions, awkward or otherwise. I want to express now that I will be a totally open book if you have any questions for me, and I have already spoken to your supervisors (and [LGBT COWORKER]) to empower them to be someone you can go to if you'd rather not bring things up with me directly.
At the end of the day, I'm still going to log in to work every day and continue to spend time with the [CONFIDENTIAL] programs, and to work with all of you. I am confident that, perhaps after a short period of awkwardness, it'll be like nothing ever changed. I'll still be tall, a little awkward, and just as bad at fantasy football as I've always been. I'll just look a little different
Thank you all for giving me a few minutes of your time. I'm going to hand things back to [BOSS] to finish the staff meeting, but as I said, I thoroughly welcome conversations with each and every one of you (directly or through your supervisors) if you have anything you want or need to discuss"
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fourth-quartet · 1 year
Since you had a shitty day, here's some question from the weird questions for writers: 5, 8, 13, 19, 24, 33, 36, 39
thank you friend <3
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
i don't think i do, which is wild. i have habits that i have in relation to writing, but i don't have any particular superstitions.
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
i was gonna say dialogue for sure, but i actually have written an original fiction piece that was done entirely via dialogue, so.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
i find darker themes and topics easier to write than lighter ones. i'm particularly bad with anything fluffy or soft without some kind of angst built into it. i just like conflict.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
once upon a time, a six year old took was in first grade. he liked writing so much, he volunteered to join the group of kids who were writing stories for the parents to hear on parent-teacher night. he read more than he did anything else, with his nose almost always buried in books.
he moved to a new country when he was nine, starting fourth grade, and really found his solace from constant, horrible bullying in books. he read and wrote as much as he could, going so far as to barely pay attention in his classes. he would go on to attend a weekend writing retreat in sixth grade, at age 11, and make one of the greatest friends he ever would - an actual adult, published author, who to this day, is still one of his biggest supporters.
that retreat cemented young took's love for writing, and his desire to take it somewhere with his life. alas, seventh and eighth grades would be pure hell for young took and he found comfort in LARPing and fanfiction, going so far as to spend his entire ninth grade (homeschooled) reading and writing fanfiction (he got an A in the class).
young took was in his senior year of high school in kentucky when he met the teacher who would change his life. despite having only just started writing poetry, took would shyly turn in some poetry for a creative writing assignment and his teacher (who also taught his ap lang class) would take him under his wing, mentoring him through the 4 class periods took would spend in that classroom a day. this teacher would nominate young took for the creative writing award for high school graduation, and would be excited to workshop his portfolio with him when took expressed interest in applying to art schools.
now, took is preparing to start a mfa in creative writing with a focus in fiction, attends a voluntary fiction class via zoom on monday nights (and has been since 2020!), and takes every chance he has to write.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
it depends on the story. sometimes it's nothing. sometimes it's extensive. sometimes i spend hours on research for a single sentence. sometimes i make shit up and ask people to forgive my ignorance.
i do enjoy prep work. recently i've been really into making powerpoints for characters in my original stories. it helps me visualize them (since i have absolutely no mental visualization at all).
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
i used to paint a lot. it tied into the poetry i wrote, because when i got extremely overwhelmed and would veer into shutdown territory, i would paint the voices of singers i liked. usually accompanied by a poem describing their voice as i saw it.
i also used to be an actor. i was very active in theater communities and i had just started dipping my toe into acting for film when i had to stop for numerous reasons.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know?
so much literature. so much writing. i always enjoy writing about writers - just a touch too meta at times, always funny to write a scene about a writer procrastinating editing while i myself am procrastinating editing. throw onto that academia, gender, and sexuality, and you can wrap up what I Know in a nice little bow.
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
the knowledge that tomorrow will be different.
0 notes
ficsforeren · 2 years
Pairing: Eren Jaeger X Female Reader
Genre: College AU, Smut, Fluff
Word Count: 10K
Summary: Caught having another girl sitting on his lap during a party, your boyfriend, Eren Jaeger tries to make it up to you by being your plaything for the night.
Warnings: rough and unprotected penetrative sex, bondage, daddy kink, reader masturbating while Eren watches, cunnilingus, blow job, hand job, recorded while performing oral sex, overstimulation, cum play, choking, dirty talk, use of marijuana, heavy swearing, dom!reader, bratty sub!eren
AN: Wrote this for my best girl, Lauren @ackersune! Sorry it took me so long to do your request, darling, but I hope you'll like this one (this is probably the filthiest sex scene I've ever written 🥵I'm so sorry)
Poster art by the most talented @rainbuniart (follow her on Twitter)
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When you told him, “Eren, I don’t think I can hang out with you tonight. My assignment is due on Monday and I still have a lot of things I need to work on,” you felt awful, partially because a) you haven’t been properly spending time together with him in the last two weeks because of that so-called assignment, b) you’ve missed him terribly to the point you started noticing how many words in your textbook were pronounced like his name (barren, marron, heron), and c) he seemed surprisingly cool about it even when you had promised him that you’d go see a movie together with him tonight.
Usually, when you cancel your plans with him, he would be grousing and fuming about it for days like a child. A week ago, for example, he was throwing tantrums in the hallway of your dorm. “I can’t believe you blew me off like that,” he complained with the biggest pout on his face. “I was really looking forward to our date last night, you know. I was ready to buy you flowers, flavored condoms, and everything. And Toblerones, so it was a pretty serious thing for me.”
“But you hadn’t bought them, right?”
“Yeah, well, I was about to.” He rolled his eyes. “Babe, you’re missing the point!”
“I said I’m sorry.”
He averted his gaze, muttering. “Easy for you to say.”
“Eren, for the third time, it wasn’t like we had a reservation at some fancy restaurant or anything. We were just going to order some take-out and watch a movie together at your place.”
He was practically puffing out his cheeks at this point. “I was looking forward to what comes after that.”
“And what is that?”
Jutting out his lower lip even further, he grumbled under his breath. “Me bending you over the table and fucking you from behind.”
“Hmm, figured.”
It was both cute, sweet, and slightly disgusting at the same time but Eren had always been like this from day one and this playful side of him was what made him so endearing (although your roommate Annie would probably make a whole PowerPoint presentation to prove you that no, he’s not endearing, he’s the most gigantic imbecile the world has ever known). Honestly, it even made you feel special too, in some ways, as he never behaved like this in front of anyone else. This childish, more honest, and mischievous side of him was only for your eyes to see and your lips to kiss.
That was a week ago, and just this evening you did the same thing to him again.
You expected him to go, “Damn it, babe, you’ve canceled our plans for like, what, seven times already?” (It was only the second time but Eren could be a little dramatic sometimes). “And for the same reason?! I mean, I have papers to work on too, but I’d never ditch you like this!”
But that was in your head. Because in reality, he only went, “Okay.”
“You’re not… upset about it?”
“Do you want me to be upset about it?”
“Err… No, but I thought you’d be—” You stopped yourself just in time. This was a good thing, right? You could work on your assignment without having your boyfriend seethe on the other side of your phone call. “Well, okay, then. I guess we can hang out tomorrow night? I can stay over at your place.”
“Or you can stay at mine. Annie won’t be here.”
You waited. You didn’t know what you wanted him to say but you waited. He wasn’t treating you coldly. His tone was light and casual, but for someone who usually spoke a minimum of ten words in a sentence, this was weird. When you could only hear silence from the other line, you restrained yourself from breaking into a heavy sigh. “So…” you tarried, a little bit unsettled with how uncharacteristically calm he was being. “What are your plans for the night, then?”
“Don’t know.”
“M-maybe you could go and meet up with the boys? It’s been a while since you hang out with them, right? I heard Jean is having a party tonight at his house.”
“You want me to go to the party?”
Honestly? You didn’t. Not if he was going there without you. “Sure,” you added a fake smile, even when you knew he couldn’t see it. “I feel really bad about canceling our plans. Go have a boys' night out or something—if that’s even a thing. I’m sure you’ll have fun.”
There was a pause. Somewhere in your mind, you could tell he was vexed about it but when you apologized again, he simply said, “Okay,” which somehow made him sound like he was not okay with it, but at the same time, you couldn’t force him to say what he truly felt if he didn’t want to. The last time you forced him to speak his thoughts, he snapped at you. He apologized right away but you sure as hell didn’t want to repeat that mistake.
“What do, uhh, boys even do during a boys' night out?” You chuckled dryly.
“We just look at some porn and jerk each other off, I guess,” Eren answered and you chortled, but he wasn’t laughing with you and yours felt strained. After another few failed attempts at breaking the tension, you decided to end the call. “Well, I gotta return to my papers. Promise me you’ll have fun tonight, okay?”
His okay started to grow a little bit worrying and irritating in your ears. “Bye, Rennie.”
“Bye, babe.”
“I miss yo—” Eren cut off the call before you could finish your line, leaving you staring at your phone screen with knitted eyebrows. Your stomach swirled, your heart lying heavily inside your chest. You tossed your phone back to the desk and you sighed. He’s definitely upset.
That was around five hours ago, and during those five hours, you could barely concentrate on your work. You kept thinking about him, kept trying to figure out whether his okay was just a facade to make you feel okay, though, in the end, it just only made you feel ten times worse. You only managed to write two more pages for your thesis and they were nowhere near perfect. Shutting down your MacBook, you sigh, I’m gonna have to revise them again later.
Eren is at the party. You can tell because Armin just posted a new story on his Instagram account and you could see your boyfriend sitting on the edge of the table with his eyes filled with boredom, sipping beer from his red plastic cup. Armin, Marco, and Frans are shouting random things at the camera, slurring their words because unlike Eren who can handle his alcohol pretty well, they’re already smashed after their fourth cup. He’s just chilling in the background, his legs dangling a few inches off the floor. When Armin shouted at him to say hi, he just raised his middle finger in the air and flashed it to the camera.
It’s obvious that he’s not enjoying the party as he should. And you know that he would’ve had much more fun if you were there. Can’t stand it any longer, you decide to take a quick shower, put some light make-up on and dress yourself in your favorite top and jeans. You don’t send him a text to let him know that you’re going to Jean’s party, thinking that it would be better to just show up and surprise your boyfriend with a kiss.
Just about an hour later, you’re walking past Jean’s front door, welcomed by the scent of sweat mixed with booze, cigarettes, with a splash of something that will definitely give you a headache tomorrow morning. The music is loud, too loud, but people are dancing to it with laughs and giggles like their ears aren’t about to burst in any given seconds.
You break past the crowds, moving from one couple to another, grimacing at the sight of them practically fucking on the dance floor. You’re getting dizzy, your eyes trying to scan the room under the flickering party lights, your body keeps being pushed here and there by people who spilled their drinks all over the carpet. You’re about to stop and take a breather when you see someone sporting his usual jacket and man-bun, sitting on a couch with his legs spread.
And a half-naked girl sitting on top of his lap.
Your heart plummets to your stomach, shriveling at the sight. Historia Reiss, you recall her name, one of the most popular girls in your campus, dressed in nothing but a skimpy silk tank top and a short skirt that rides up her thighs. Her backside is practically exposed, showcasing porcelain-like milky skin. She’s sitting on one of his thighs, her arm naturally winding around your boyfriend’s shoulders for support, tossing her luscious hair back to showcase her cleavage. Her beauty is stunning, to the point that you would’ve mistaken her as a model if it wasn’t because of her short height.
Eren, with the silver piercing on his ear glinting under the spectrum of light, has his eyes barely opened when she twirls her manicured fingers around his key-shaped pendant—fingers that, you’re sure, are just itching to rake their way down his back later tonight. He has a joint resting in one hand, the scent of marijuana filling the air. He brings the roll up to his lips, taking another long huff before he draws it away. The petite girl curls her fingers around his wrist and drags his hand closer, taking a drag from his joint, maintaining eye contact as she does it. Eren watches with hazy eyes, entranced by the way she effortlessly does it, blowing out air with her head thrown back so he can marvel at the column of her throat. When she giggles, a little smile breaks upon his lips. “Good?” He asks.
“Oh, the best,” she sighs, flirtatious and sensual. “Do it again.” You can somehow make out the words she said and Eren brings the joint closer to her lips but she shakes her head. “You know what I mean.”
When realization washes over him, it washes over you too. And when he draws his joint to his lips, sucking a breath, that does it.
You turn around on your heels; anger and jealousy scratching their claws against your insides, making you feel nauseous and disgusted at the sight that you have no other choice but to leave. As you make your way out, your head’s too shrouded by the thoughts of him that you can barely pay attention to anything else, you bump against a girl. She shouts at you, loud enough for Eren—who’s sitting just a couple of meters away from where you’re standing—to hear. He catches sight of you before you leave, eyes widening in surprise before he pushes Historia off his lap. Ignoring her protest, he jumps back to his feet, chasing after you.
You can hear your name being called repeatedly, but you play deaf. It’s such a huge fucking mistake coming over here and you know you’re going to feel even much worse if you stay even a minute longer. But when Eren catches your wrist, his fingers firm and strong around you, what else can you do?
“Baby,” he says, a little out of breath but other than that, nothing else seems unusual. “I didn’t realize you came. You should’ve let me know—”
“So you can do what?” You whirl around, facing him with a scowl. “So you could be more secretive? Take her to the bedroom and fuck her behind my back?” A voice in your head tells you that you're just being dramatic. It’s very unlikely for him to cheat on you, is it? But after working yourself for days trying to finish your thesis, all this exasperation building inside, it’s hard for you to not be dramatic.
“What?” He’s not offended, not insulted by the tone you’re using. He’s just genuinely confused. “What are you talking about?”
You open your mouth, ready to shout at him with this anger building up inside but you don’t want to cause a scene. It’s just not worth it. You’re not going to make your life look like a sappy scene from a teen drama more than it already does. So, instead of explaining, you simply mutter, “I’m going home,” as you turn around and walk away. You snatch your phone from your pocket, ready to call for a cab to pick you up when he tries to steal your attention back.
“Let me take you then,” he says, moving to stand before you, blocking your path. “I’m about to head back to the dorm too.”
“I’m just gonna take a cab.”
“Babe, seriously, what the hell is going on?” He almost whines in frustration, acting like he didn’t just have a girl sitting on his lap with her hands on his body, about to do the same thing he did once with you when he took you to your first frat party. “Talk to me, please.”
You can’t. Not now. But Eren gathers your face in his hands, lifting it so he can lock your gazes. “Baby,” he turns gentler, his breath tastes like alcohol and weed. “Whatever I did, I’m sorry.”
Whatever I did, I’m sorry? You repeat with disgust in your head. Never had an apology sounded so infuriating in your ears before. You take a hold of his wrist, leaning away from his touch. And with a quiver in your voice, coming from uncontainable rage instead of sadness, you tell him:
“Stay away from me.”
You’re being immature, you know that. You don’t like him when he gives you a silent treatment but you’re doing the same thing to him now. For three days you’ve been ignoring his calls. You haven’t read his texts. You pretend like you don’t hear him when he shouts your name in the crowd. You try to avoid him as best as you can in the hallways. Hell, you even ask Annie to tell him that you’re not in the dorm even when you’re curling up on your bed. But of course, you can’t avoid him forever.
When he goes all the way to pick you up after your study session with friends ended, asking you to grab some coffee together, you feel bad and unfair. You wish you could talk to him, but every time you see his face, you just remember the way Historia was perched so casually on his lap as if they had done that a million times before. Did they use to date? Or do they just casually hook up at parties? God, you don’t even want to start thinking about that.
“Thank you,” you tell him with a forced smile. “But I’m tired. I’m just gonna go back to my dorm and get some sleep.”
Eren is starting to lose his patience, you can tell, but he tries his best not to display any sentiment on his face. “I’m walking you there.”
“I insist.”
The pressure in his voice makes you sigh, and you let him do what he wants. It feels like you’re walking ten feet apart from each other even when your knuckles almost brush. Eren grinds his jaw, fighting the chaos of his emotions. He doesn’t speak a word and neither do you. You thought it would make you feel relieved, but it didn’t. You only feel worse.
“Is Annie here?” he asks when you’re rummaging your bag to find your key.
“No. She’s with Armin.”
“Then we should talk.”
Defeated, you let out a weary sigh. “Fine.” You push your door open and let him in.
He walks in first, turning around to face you. He looks handsome today, more so than usual as he had a presentation to do earlier this afternoon. He’s wearing all black from head to toe. His button-down shirt has three of his top buttons unfastened, showcasing a glimpse of sun-kissed skin and his toned chest. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, the veins in his arms protuberant. His dark jeans hug his thighs perfectly, accentuating his long legs. Eren wears his hair loose, the ends of his long silky strands brushing against his shoulders.
The second you close the door behind you, he cuts to the chase. “Okay, this is starting to drive me crazy, so I’m gonna ask you this and you’re gonna stop doing whatever it is you’re doing right now and talk to me. Can we do that, please?”
You drag your eyes away from him, leaning your back against the front door.
“What did I do wrong?” he questions, already turning restive when you don’t utter a word. “I know you’re pissed at me but I’ve been spending the last three days trying to rewind everything that happened between us and I still don’t know what the hell is going on.”
God, give me patience. “I saw you at the party,” you utter with a blank face. “With a girl.”
“With a girl?” He knits his eyebrows together. “What do you mean with a girl? I went there alone.”
That’s it. He can play dumb as much as he wants but you’re not having it. “Historia Reiss, you asshole!”
For a moment, his furrow turns deeper, scrutinizing you with confusion in his eyes, but then—
He laughs.
For some reason, Eren is laughing like a fucking child, full of mirth, guffawing even. And he continues to do so even when you’re throwing ice daggers with your eyes.
“What is so funny?” You don’t raise your voice, you just let your anger speak through your tone.
“Nothing, it’s just—” He takes a deep breath, hoping it would stop him from cackling like a mad man. His body may stop shaking from laughter, but the little smile on his lips remains and it irks you just as much. “You’re being so ridiculous right now.”
“Excuse me?” A muscle in your jaw twitches, just like the vein that almost pops on your forehead. “I’m being ridiculous?”
“Yes,” he almost laughs again, but thankfully—and fortunately for him—he manages to stop himself at the last second. “It’s ridiculous that you’re jealous of her. She’s gay, babe.” His grin turns wider when he notices you blinking in surprise. “She’s not into boys.”
Okay, what? If it’s true, then you’re absolutely ashamed of yourself for jumping to a conclusion like that. But then again— “She doesn’t look like that when you had your face glued to her neck the other night.”
“I was just talking to her. The music was loud—”
“Oh, yeah, right.”
He doesn’t like it when you cut him off, but he doesn’t comment on it. “Fine. You don’t believe me?” He sticks his hand inside the back pocket of his jeans, snatching his phone. “Here, you can look at my texts.”
You snort, throwing your face to the side. “I don’t want to read your texts.”
He takes a few strides forward, closing the gap between you. He shows you his phone screen, his voice turning gentle. “Just read them.”
Still scowling at him, you let out a harsh breath, taking the phone away from his fingers. You’re looking at his Discord chats, where he’s been exchanging direct messages with the same blond girl under the username RoyalQueen_Historia. Your eyes immediately move from one text to another, your thumb sliding up the screen to scroll down to his earlier messages.
Eren, oh my God, Historia said in her text. Those tips you gave me at the party the other day? THEY WORKED!
“Tips?” You ask with a frown. “You gave her some tips?”
Oblivious to your thoughts, he cheekily grins. “I did.”
“About what?”
“Oral sex.”
“You taught her how to suck a dick?” Naturally, your mind starts inventing scenarios of Eren telling Historia to go down on her knees, his hand tugging at the roots of her hair as he slides his cock in and out of her mouth, telling her to do this and that to maximize his pleasure. You don’t feel like reading his chats anymore, but Eren keeps his haughty smirk displayed on his face.
“Go on,” he suggests. Fear is absent in his eyes. “Read some more and you’ll find out.”
With your mouth set in a hard line, you do as you’re told, only to find yourself turning flustered for the next three seconds.
They were talking about her performing cunnilingus on her girlfriend, Ymir.
Holy shit, Eren, she went INSANE when I went down on her last night. No wonder your girlfriend fucking loves you. I can’t wait to try your other tips later today. You’re a lifesaver.
You’re stupefied, clutching on his phone with both hands as you read her last text.
“Yeah, see?” He simpers. “She’s gay.”
Now that you look at it—your thumb tapping on her profile to take a closer look at her display picture—you can see a photo of her sharing a kiss with a girl who has freckles on her cheeks. Their lips as they touch are noticeably curving up into smiles.
Oh, wow, okay, she really is a lesbian. And so, you feel relieved, but only for a few seconds before you realize something.
With a little gulp, you look up at him. Eren’s puckish grin has returned, his chin tilting up pompously. “I mean, I could be mean and make fun of you about this,” he sneers, taking his phone away and tossing it to your bed. “But since I’m a good boyfriend, I won’t do it.”
You exhale heavily through your nose. It's stupid. This is stupid. You’re stupid. You know you should say sorry but somehow your dignity won’t let you.
“Wait, what did you say?” Eren inclines his face to the side, his hand cupping his ear as if to hear you better when you haven’t said a single word. “You said you’re sorry? Aww, baby, you don’t have to. I know you didn’t mean what you said.”
You almost snarl at him. His childish side has returned and he’s as annoying as ever. “I will apologize for this, yes,” you say through gritted teeth. “But I still have my reasons to be mad at you.”
His smile slips. “What do you mean?”
God, you can’t believe you have to explain this to him but your boyfriend can be so laid-back and insensitive sometimes. “Okay, let’s imagine for a sec. You know Floch is gay, right? Now, imagine me sitting on his lap at a party, my hand around his shoulders, sharing joints. Asking him to fucking blew smoke into my mouth. How would you feel about it?”
There’s no amusement on his face. If anything, a scowl starts to form. “Historia and I did not do that.”
“Eren, I saw her telling you to do it.”
“Did you see me doing it?”
You loosen up your scarf. Somehow, it’s starting to feel a bit hot. “Well… No.”
“Yeah, cause you ran off after that.” He rolls his eyes. “Babe, she wasn’t asking me to blow smoke into her mouth. She wanted to see me do my party trick.”
“What party trick?”
“Making smoke rings with my mouth,” he admits rather bashfully as if he knew just how pathetic it sounded. “Look, Historia and I have been friends since kindergarten, okay? We do stupid shits together.”
“How come I’ve never seen you before with her, then?”
“Because I’d rather spend my time with you!” He almost shouts, frustrated. “And you keep blowing me off!”
His sudden burst startles you. “I wasn’t blowing you off.”
“I know. I know you had some stuff to do but—” He exhales sharply, running a hand through his hair. “Look,” he tries again, both his tone and his gaze are much softer this time. “I don’t want us to fight.”
Even if you try to be tough, you can’t help but melt a little from his words. Tucking your chin, you mumble, “I don’t want us to fight either.”
There are a few seconds that pass by with both of you staying reticent. Then Eren takes the final step, your bodies are mere inches away from one another. He lays one hand on the door, right beside your head. His other one finds your chin, angling your face upward. Your eyes peer into his viridian ones, his lips only a breath away when he whispers, “Do you miss me?”
You do. You missed him every second when he wasn’t here. You missed him even when you fought. You miss him even more now as he is so close and yet feels so far. “I do,” you breathe out. His smile is delicate when he hears your words and he presses your temples together. The fingers that were trapping your chin, have now moved to frame your jaw, lightly brushing your cheekbone before he tucks your hair behind your ear.
“Tell me how much?” He asks, tilting his head slightly to the side like a little boy.
You pout. “Are you messing with me?”
“No,” he chuckles once. “I just want to hear you say the words. It’s been a while since you told me you missed me. Or loved me.”
There’s a hint of shyness in his voice, and you realize that he’s not teasing you. He genuinely misses the way you sound when you tell him I miss you. Misses the way your lips move when you speak the words I love you. Misses the way your gaze turns affectionate when he whispers the words back followed by your name.
Eren really, really misses you, probably more than you miss him.
And to be fair, no matter what excuses you have, you did blow him off. “I’m sorry,” you murmur, standing on your toes to meet his lips in a brief kiss. “For not spending time with you. And for… doubting you like this.”
“No, like you said, you had your reasons.” A tender smile graces his lips. “I mean, right now, I’m still upset over the thought of you sitting on that dumbass Ken doll’s lap.”
You giggle. “You’re ridiculous.”
“God, how much I’ve missed hearing you laugh like this.” He brushes his lips against your forehead, making you smile as you feel your heart warm up. “How about I make it up to you?”
“I’m not gonna have sex with you, if that’s what you’re offering,” you reply, to both of your dismay, really.
“Why not?”
“‘Cause Annie can come back here any second.”
“We’ll tell her to wait outside.” He lowers his head, his nose skimming against the skin of your neck. “I haven’t touched you in two weeks, baby. I need to feel you again.” He moves to your ear, clamping his lips around your lobe. “Need to feel you around me.” The way his breath caresses your skin makes you shiver. “Need to feel how tight you are.”
And he’s back to being the tantalizing demon that he is, speaking breathily against your ear because he knows just how sexy he sounds when he does it. That little mmm when he nibbles on your shell isn’t helping either.
You lay a hand on his chest, pushing him away. “Jesus, you can’t just say stuff like that.”
He snickers, tapping his index finger against your nose. “You seem to enjoy it.”
“Oh, shut up.” You swat his hand away. “What can you offer me anyway?”
“Hmm…” He pretends to ruminate but the naughtiness in his eyes never falters. Then, his hand finds his belt, fingers toying with the strap before he unclasps it. “How about we use this?”
“You want to tie me up?” You almost groan. “You’re kidding, right? The last time you did that to me, I ended up with bruises all over my body, so, no. As great as it was, I’m too tired to do it again. And I have a presentation to do tomorrow. I don’t want my hickeys stealing the spotlight again, thank you very much.”
“Well, maybe it’s time for you to get your revenge.” As you frown, his smirk turns wider. He unbuttons his shirt all the way down, keeping his eyes on you as he does it. You try to keep a straight face as your eyes wander to his sculpted chest, the ridges of his abdomens are just as ravishing as the last time you saw them.
“What do you mean?”
“I want you to tie me up.”
Okay, so obviously you did not see that coming. Eren has always been the dominant one in bed, sometimes even going too overboard with his fingers wrapped around your neck and his teeth sinking into your shoulder. You weren’t kidding when you said the last time he bound your hands together in a motel room, he left your body with bruises, painted by his lips and teeth, formed by how tightly he gripped onto your hips as he took you from behind.
So, hearing him say the words tie me up almost feels surreal.
This is probably just a trick, you snort. “You’re just gonna complain halfway.”
“Well, true, I do like tying you up better,” he snickers. “Why don’t we make it a game, then? If you can make me beg for you to release my hands, I’ll do your assignments for a week.”
It’s tempting. Very tempting, as he is one of the smartest kids on your campus even when he’s only been giving a minimum effort so far. “And what if I can’t?”
“Well…” Placing both hands on the wall, each one on each side of your head, Eren presses his hips against yours, grinding as if you were two strangers losing themselves over a drink in a nightclub. Your heart throbs when you feel the tent in his pants. It’s been a while since you both were this intimate. You can feel his breath caressing your cheek, the intoxicating scent of his bergamot perfume making your head swirl. “We’re gonna go on a trip this weekend.” He lazily drags his fingertips from your cheekbones to your jaw. “I’ll book a nice hotel for two days.”
He’s now tracing over the pulsating vein in your neck, making you swallow your breath. “A-and then what?”
“I’m not gonna let you fucking leave, that’s for sure.” He bites his lower lip, his eyes turning half-lidded, glazed with lust. “And I won’t just tie you up, baby.” His hand cups the front of your throat, giving you a light squeeze just for a taste. His lips are brushing against your ear, his low moan reverberating when he plants a wet kiss on the spot below it. “Won’t stop even if you beg me either.” He chuckles in satisfaction when he feels you shivering a little underneath his touch. “I’m gonna ruin you, fuck you until you cry. I want to fuck you until you can't walk or talk, or fucking see straight. I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you'll feel like you can’t breathe.” He separates his mouth to suck hard on the side of your neck, teeth grinding against it until a bruise blooms beautifully on your skin. “I’ll keep fucking you until you pass out on my bed, voice hoarse from screaming out my name. I’m gonna use you, baby girl, every inch of you as I please.”
His words are magic spells and it’s frightening how easily you succumb to him when he’s like this. If he wants it, Eren can tug on your strings like a marionette. He can make you say the words he wants to hear, make you arch your back with his thrust, bend you over and fold your body in half as if you’re his sex doll.
“But,” he coos, taking a step away to let you breathe. “I won’t do that just yet. Like I said, I’m gonna make it up to you.”
Eren unties his belt, looping the end once through the buckle, stopping midway, before looping back, forming a figure 8. Then he places his wrists in each loop, grabbing the end of the belt with his teeth and tugging tightly until each loop is snug around his wrists. He releases the belt from his lips, mischief clouding his features, the impishness of his smirk surpasses the devil himself. “I’m all yours for the night, baby.” He presents his wrists to you in surrender. “Mark me up and use me as you will.”
You never considered yourself as a shy person, though you did have a few moments of weakness where his words got to your head and burned your cheeks with them. But you’re not easily flustered, always confident with your body. And when you have a lover telling you how pretty you are every time you get together, his lips appreciating every inch of your skin like you’re a piece of art, there’s no reason for you to feel insecure.
But tonight… Tonight, you’re more brazen than ever.
“Hmm, is that so?” Your smirk matches his when you step forward and slant your lips together. It starts light as you’re both still smiling into the kiss, but once they falter, tongues dart out to dance in the gap between your mouths before you plunge yours inside his hot cavern. Eren groans against the kiss, realizing that it’s not the taste of your lip gloss that he misses, it’s the taste of your mouth. Your hands are sliding up his chest, pushing down the fabric off his shirt just a little until they hang loose on his shoulders.
He grunts when he feels your nails clawing against his skin, raking them down from his collarbone to the middle of his stomach until he’s all marred with red lines. Your hands drift down to his belt, unfastening it from around his wrists. He breaks the kiss, asking you with a questioning brow. “You’re not gonna tie me up?”
You don’t answer him, only winding one arm around his neck, pulling him down to you to share yet another kiss. Eren guides you toward the bed, his body pushing forward until the back of your knee knocks against your bed. You know he wants you to lie down and spread your legs for him, but you don’t give him the satisfaction. You have his belt in one hand, your lips mapping their way down from his throat to the middle of his chest before you drive him away.
“On your knees.”
There’s something in your tone—reek with confidence and superiority—that staggers him for the first two seconds. “What?”
“You want to make it up to me, right?” You remind him with a sultry heat in your eyes. “Kneel.”
He doesn’t know what you’re planning to do just yet, but he obeys because whatever it is you have in your head, he knows he’ll love it.
Eren goes down to his knees, waiting with a little smirk on his face as you circle him. “You can still touch me if I tie you up that way, so…:” You bind his hands together behind his back, tightening his belt around his wrists and tugging on it until you witness him flinching. “Too tight, Sweetheart?” You murmur in a low seductive voice that has his body shuddering, but Eren simply chuckles.
“Not tight enough—” The cockiness in his voice vanishes at once when he feels you pulling again, the leather edges of his belt are now digging torturously into his skin. He refrains himself from hissing in pain.
“There, there.” You give him a cute peck on the top of his head before you move to stand before him once again. “Bear with me, okay, Rennie? It will only be a little while.” But once a thought fleets through your head, a Cheshire Cat grin paints your lips. “Well, actually, it depends.”
“Depends on what?”
“How fast you make me cum.”
That provocative look in your eyes, the way you’re staring down at him like you’re his queen and he’s nothing but your slave, it touches him on a level that makes breathing damn near impossible. But you haven’t even started yet.
You undress in front of him, peeling your clothes one by one as if you had all the time in the world but Eren feels like his time is running out. The more skin you expose to his eyes, the more he grows impatient, his blood pressure rising to dangerous proportions. Once you’ve left in nothing but your lingerie, you take a seat on the edge of your bed, spreading your legs wide apart. His eyes traverse down your body, watching you slide two fingers above your clothed heat.
“Now, sit back and watch,” you croon with your chin tilted up, your fingers pushing your panties to the side. You spread open your lips, letting him catch a glimpse of your protruding clit. “I’m gonna remind you just how much you miss me.”
“God, baby…” Eren doesn’t mean his words to slip out in a form of a breathy sigh that’s sketched with nothing but yearning. But now that they've departed from his lips, he just wishes you don’t hear them. He doesn't want you to know just how hopeless he is right now. But who is he kidding, really? Even if you didn’t catch his words, his face is filled with that intense desire that threatens his last vestige of control. He needs you and it shows.
But of course, you did. You heard him well. And you love it.
Eren is losing his mind.
He’s still kneeling on the floor, keeping his mouth shut as he observes you with both eyes wide open, just as he's ordered to. He may look obedient right now, but you know the second you unbind him, he’s going to use his belt on you like last time. The bed is high enough for his mouth to pleasure you with ease in that position, but you keep your distance. You’re not going to let him touch you, not yet.
Now that your lingerie has been cast aside, the sight of your beautiful, naked body evokes a myriad of sinful thoughts and bombard him with primal hunger. You’ve never done this before, never gone all the way seducing him like a devil luring an angel to fall from heaven. But Eren wants to fall, doesn’t he? He’s already falling.
The belt around his wrists feels like it’s sinking a millimeter lower into his skin every time he tries to break free. The pain reminds him to stay put, but it doesn’t wash away his craving. If anything, it just makes his blood boil, wanting to tear you apart.
Because look at you. Sitting with your legs wide open at the edge of your bed, your bottom lip tucked irresistibly between your teeth, your heavy gaze consuming him. You have one hand pressed against the sheets behind you, propping you up as you draw obscene circles on your clit. Keeping your eyes locked together, you probe your digits against your entrance, just taking a few of your juices before you raise them to your lips. Eren’s throat feels parched when he watches you push your fingers inside, wishing you were thrusting them inside his mouth instead. Hollowing your cheeks around them, you suck and lap every bit of your taste off your fingers. Now that they're lubricated with enough saliva, you bring them back to your heat.
When he asked you to tie him up, Eren didn’t think you were going to be such a fucking tease. He expected you to go down on him, to bounce on his lap as you fuck yourself and cum on his cock. He didn’t plan to go through this torture, as exhilarating as it is.
He pitches his voice low. “Baby.”
Your confidence transforms your face, making you look ten times more enchanting. Even with two of your fingers scissoring deep inside you, you show no hint of shyness. You’re a succubus and he is your prey, trapped under your spell and dazed from your charm. “Hmm?” Your voice is dripping with allure, melodious when you speak. “What is it, Rennie?” You bring your free hand to your chest, squeezing your left mound. You’re performing a show, maintaining eye contact before he locks his gaze at the way you’re pumping your fingers inside you. “Like what you see?”
So much, it knocks all senses away from his head. Eren swears under his breath, his eyes turning half-lidded, brimming with lust. “You’re fucking beautiful.”
“I know.” The naughtiness in your voice makes his cock twitch inside his jeans.
It’s like you were possessed. The devil’s inside you, controlling you. You’re overflowing with confidence, your expression is obscene and Eren would think about you for months after this with his hand around his cock, picturing this exact face of yours behind his lids as he thrust into his fist.
“Let me touch you,” he says, not yet pleading but close. “I want to make you cum.”
“Hmm, I don’t know about that,” you interrupt yourself with a moan, throwing your head back as you lift your hips slightly in the air, rocking yourself against your fingers. He feels like he's watching the filthiest porn, only this time, he's not allowed to enjoy it. “You can’t touch me with your hands like that, can you? Let alone make me cum.”
“Is that a challenge?” It astonishes you that he still has the strength to curve up his lips into a smirk. “Why don’t you be a good girl and beg Daddy to fuck you nicely with his tongue?”
You snort. “Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“What, too scared?” His smile turns coquettish. “The last time I used my mouth on you, you came in, like, what, five minutes? It was almost embarrassing, Sweetheart.”
You almost roll your eyes. It seems like you need to work a lot harder to break him apart.
But the truth is, that was his last straw on trying to act cocky. And seeing you unfazed by his words only frustrates him even more. The second you return to ignoring him, touching yourself as you please, Eren realizes that he’s been dancing on the palm of your hands from the start. He knows you want him to lose the bet, and God, he’s never wanted to lose this much in his life, which is strange as he’s a very competitive person to begin with. But doing your assignments for a week? When he already has his own to deal with? And keeping up with your constant mockery? Really?
“Eren, look.” With one hand hooked around your thigh to keep your legs as far apart as you can, you retract your fingers away from your entrance only to spread your lower lips. “Can you see it?”
His heart elevates to his throat and he tries to swallow it back with a big gulp. He can see it. Can see your slick dripping out of your heat, can see your hole twitching as you clench and unclench your walls around nothing. “It’s missing your cock, baby,” you say.
A whine almost escapes him. “Fuck, just come here and ride me, baby.” He doesn’t care if he sounds desperate. He is desperate. “I want you—I need you so bad.”
Now, that’s more like it, you think gleefully to yourself. “Oh, you do? I didn’t notice that.”
Every tease comes out so effortlessly that it vexes him even more. His jeans are tight, so tight especially when his member is throbbing with every thrust of your fingers inside your cunt. He wants nothing more than to have your hands working on his zipper, breaking him free out of his confinement only for you to take it inside your mouth.
You can laugh all you want, but your patience has its own limit too. He’s not the only one who misses how good it feels when your bodies are connected, especially when you've been separated this long. “Fine,” you huff, sliding your fingers out of you. They're soaked, glistening under the fluorescent light. Stepping down the bed and kneeling in front of him to match his line of vision, you smear your juices on his face by dragging your fingers from his jaw to his cheek before you slip them past his lips. “Come on,” you taunt him. “Clean them up.”
Releasing a heavy breath through his nose, Eren sucks on your fingers, moaning lowly on your taste. You slide them out, letting him swirl his tongue around your tips before you push them back in. “Good boy.” Your velvety voice offers no comfort, only causing his impatience to race through him. You shift your hand down to his jeans, cupping his bulge. He almost whimpers at the sensation. Fuck, he’s so aroused it’s not even funny that the slightest of your touch feels like a fucking blessing to him.
“Oh my,” you fake a gasp. “Eren, you’re so hard down here. You should’ve let me know.”
“I’m gonna make you pay for this,” he hisses back but the second you stroke him again, the venom on his tone turns pathetic. "Baby—"
“Aaw,” you pout, batting your eyelashes cutely at his whine. “Didn’t you say that this was my chance to get my revenge?”
Eren’s entire brain has shut down. With a harsh grunt, he snaps, “Damn it, enough with the teasing. You can’t keep—”
You slap a palm over his mouth, leaving him stunned. "I can." His eyes largen, surprised at the way your honeyed voice suddenly turns perilous. “Keep running your mouth like that and I’m not gonna let you cum,” you utter, ending the pressure in your sentence with a conceited smile. “You got that, baby?”
Eren watches you without a word when you unfasten your hair tie from your wrist, still too shocked to form one. “As much as I love seeing you with your hair down.” You reach forward to gather his strands in your hands, tying his luscious locks up in a messy bun. “I don’t want it to get in the way.”
Of what? He wonders, but he gets his answer the second you rise back to your feet. Your cunt is just a few inches away from his face. All he has to do to get a sliver of your taste is tilt his head up slightly and dart out his tongue. “You want me to sit on your cock?” You place your hand at the back of his skull, guiding him forward. “You better warm me up.”
His stomach flips at your words—no, your command. You’ve never been this controlling, never been this demanding and dominating and he thought he would hate it, as it was supposed to be his role to play, but now that he finds himself quite literally kneeling and begging for you to fuck him, he realizes that there’s only one thing that courses through his veins.
It feels humiliating at first when his realization dawns on him. Am I a fucking masochist? He shouts internally but he’ll never let you know his thoughts. It’s not just your words that electrified him, it’s the way you said them. God, you look like a goddess right now. And it's only right for him to worship you.
He starts by placing a kiss on your clit, waiting for your reaction but you give him none. He parts his lips, the sweet, tight-lipped kiss is now replaced by a wet, open-mouthed one. “Stick out your tongue,” you say, grabbing a handful of his bun, and he follows. You grind on it, rubbing your heat against his face, the tip of his nose grazing your clit one second and your pelvis on the next one. “Keep your eyes on me.”
Eren’s emerald eyes move to yours, drooping as he feels your wetness coating his tongue. He can’t speak, you don’t give him the chance to. For a moment, you continue moving your hips, driving yourself to the edge and driving him to the brink of his sanity. He’s making a mess—well, you both are. His saliva is dripping down his chin, mixed with your juices.
When you release him to let him catch his breath, Eren finally surrenders. “Untie me.”
“Oh?” Your smirk returns instantly. “You want me to release your hands?”
“Yes,” he snarls through gritted teeth.
“Hmm, let me think about it for a sec.” You bend down, your face hovering right above his as you gather him in your hands. “No.”
His jaw drops, baffled. “What?! I thought we've agreed that you'd release me if I said the words—”
“Yes, but you’re good with your tongue, aren’t you?” Eren’s eyes glint, aroused by the degrading look on your face. “Can make me cum in five minutes, you said? Well, here you go.” You push his head back toward you again, causing him to let out a sharp breath when his nose is pushing against your pelvis. “Better start working on your magic before I lose my patience.”
Your hand is on his head, fingers fisting his strands and messing up his bun. He groans at the way you’re tugging on his roots, his sound muffled by your skin. Sighing in content, you raise one leg in the air and place your foot on the bed so he can reach more of your skin.
“Play with my clit,” you tell him. You know he doesn’t need your guide. You’re just saying the words because you know how much it will drive him insane.
Eren, given no other choice, follows your every word. He has your sensitive nub pressing against his tongue as he clamps his mouth fully on your heat. He sucks on your clit, making you hiss in pleasure. “Again,” you gasp, “Do it again. Feels so good, Ren.”
After being mocked consistently, your praise sparks fire in the pit of his stomach. He’s never seen this side of you before—this beautiful woman in front of him, begging for his touch but at the same time, owning every control over him.
“I want to make you fucking squirt on my face,” he says, dragging his lips to your inner thigh, biting and suckling hard on the soft skin until it’s bruised before he returns to lap on your juices. “Untie me and I’ll do it within seconds with my fingers.”
“Make me cum with your mouth first,” you taunt in return. “Then you can touch me.”
The way he almost growls when he says his next words light your skin on fire. “Spread that fucking cunt wider then.”
“Sure,” you say, but to his surprise, you plop down to the bed, parting your legs to showcase your swollen clit. He grins, it’s easier to eat you out like this, as he doesn’t have to keep his face toward the ceiling. But when he’s about to lower his head, you push him away with your feet pressing against his chest. His forehead creases in confusion. “Beg,” you vocalize, your toes playing with his necklace. “Say: ‘baby, please, let me fuck you with my tongue.’”
Fuck your mouth upside-down, bend you over in an abandoned classroom, maybe even take you from behind and press your nude body against the window of a hotel room where people can see—Eren has already come up with multiple scenarios on how to make you pay for this but right now, he just has to bear with it. “Baby, please,” he mimics, but his tone is unsatisfying.
“I’m sure you can do better.” You snigger. “Come on, darling. Put your heart into it.”
He bites back his anger but his eyes still gleam dangerously as his patience runs thin. “Baby, please.”
“Please what?”
“Please, let me fuck you with my tongue.”
“Good boy." You lay yourself down on the bed, hooking your arms under your thighs, pulling up your legs. “I’m all yours, Ren.”
Eren doesn’t wait for even a second to pass. He doesn’t play around anymore, changing pace from slow to fast without waiting for you to adjust. You moan, fingers buried deep in his hair, holding the back of his head as you move your hips to grind against his face.
He runs his tongue, flicking up and down your folds in a way that is so obscene, you feel like you have to shift your gaze away. But you don't. You commit every bit of his expression into his memory, probably take a picture of him if you can.
Now, that's an idea.
With your hand on his head, you push him away, making him wince at the way you're yanking at his bun. "Just a moment, baby." You reach over to snatch his iPhone from the bed. Swiping your thumb along his screen, you aim the camera at his face.
"Smile for the camera," you purr. Eren, although he was taken aback at first, is never one to shy away. He loves watching himself pleasure you. Hearing you moan from his touch boosts up his self-esteem. It's only for you and him anyway, right? You and your dripping wet pussy would look so perfect in his gallery.
So he smirks and puts on a show. He's so sensual, the way his tongue slips past his front teeth, his little "mmm," every time he clasps his lips and suckles on your clit—he's the depiction of the dirtiest poem you've ever read.
"How do you like the taste, Daddy?"
"I fucking love it." He runs his tongue across his lower lip, looking up to the camera from underneath his long eyelashes. "You're so sweet, baby girl. The sweetest cunt I've ever tasted."
You chortle, mocking and proud.
Keeping his promise, it only takes a moment before you feel your stomach turning warm as your muscles grow taut. When the video has surpassed three minutes long, you decide to stop. You want to focus on him. You need to concentrate on reaching your high. This has been going on for too long.
You cast his phone away, not caring whether you've switched off the camera or not. “Ah, I’m gonna cum. Suck on my clit again.” Your legs are closing in around his head, suffocating him but neither of you cares. “Yeah, fuck, just like that. Eren—” Shockwaves run through you as you let out a shuddering breath. Your fingers are grabbing onto his strands too tightly and he grunts, still lazily moving his tongue as your pleasure ripples through you.
“Oh, God,” you sigh, followed shortly by a string of giggles. “That felt so good.” Propping your body on your elbows, you reach out to stroke his cheek. His chin glistens from your essence, and when you press your thumb against the corner of his mouth, he parts his lips obediently. You can see a glimpse of his tongue, the same one that was inside you a moment ago, and you bite your lip at the sight. “So you are good with your tongue.”
You tug him forward by his collar and reward him with a kiss, messy and breathless. He’s a bit dazed when you pull away but his voice is just as deep and low when he reminds you, “Untie me.”
“You wanna cum, Rennie?”
“Aaw, too bad…” You jut out your lower lip. “'Cause I just did and now I feel kinda tired.”
He didn't find it humiliating to be recorded with his tongue inside your heat, but you're ridiculing him like this? His dignity is shattered and it shows on his face. “You are not gonna leave me like this.”
You arch an eyebrow at his tone. “See, I don’t think that’s the right way to ask someone a favor.” You can go on forever like this but knowing how he can be a bit resentful sometimes, torturing him any further than this will only give him more reason for him to be even merciless with you in bed. Not that it’s a bad idea, but—“Well, I guess I can’t give my lovely boyfriend a case of blue balls now, can I? Sit on the bed.”
“You’re not gonna untie me first?”
“Do you want me to fuck you or not?”
His cock spasms at the way you say your line, so bossy and arrogant. Yanking him up by his necklace, treating him like a dog on a leash, you push him down until he’s perched on the edge of your bed. You kneel on the carpeted floor, settling yourself between his legs. Unzipping his jeans, you pull the fabric and his underwear low enough until his cock springs free. It’s leaking pre-cum, twitching when he feels your heavy gaze on it. Eren nearly whimpers when you give him lazy strokes, his leg muscles tightening. It’s like he hasn’t been touched for years. “Want my mouth on you, baby?” You question him with a smirk, your breath caressing his tip with every word.
His jaw grows slack, his chest heaving up and down. “Yes, please.”
He’s much more submissive now, you realize, probably because you’re finally giving him what he wants. You hum, running your tongue across your lower lip. You lean close, kissing the throbbing vein on the side of his cock, lips brushing ever so lightly.
Suddenly, you circle your fingers around him again and you run your hand up and down his length, giving him a set of fast pumps that steals a startled gasp from his mouth. "Ah—wait—stop—"
He tries to shake away from your grip but you keep him still, spitting onto his cock so you can glide your hand more easily. "Baby—Baby, please wait—" His body jerks and flinches, his eyebrows stitched together as he feels his climax closing in. He doesn't want to finish yet, not like this, but when you're moving your hand like that, you're robbing his choices away. "Shit, shit, shit, baby—I'm gonna cum—"
Fuck, he's ready. He doesn't care anymore. Everything just feels so good. He can fuck you again in a few minutes, he just needs to cum now. And he's there, standing on the edge, ready to have his orgasm wash over him like the storm but it never does.
Because you stop. You retract your hand at once, leaving his cock standing and twitching in the air. His mouth falls open, his chest heaving up and down with his black shirt sliding off his shoulders.
"God, look at that face." You jibe at the sight of him looking so wrecked and disappointed. If you didn't know him any better, you might even think he was about to cry. "How do you like being edged, Daddy?"
Never in his life has ever felt this urge to take a fistful of your hair, shove his cock inside your mouth, and fuck you deep until you gag and choke all over his length, doing it over and over without sparing you any mercy even if you beg him to stop with tears in your eyes. God, you can be so infuriating sometimes. "You're having fun?" he asks you, cold and menacing.
"I'm having the best day of my life." But you apologize to him by twining your hand around his cock again, applying a gentle kiss on his head. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again. Here, let me make it up to you." You part your lips, taking him in but only the tip. You let him feel just a bit of your warmth, the slickness of your tongue that’s pressed flat against his muscle. You plan to tease but Eren is not having it. He bucks his hips forward so abruptly, thrusting into your mouth and you choke, taken by surprise. Growling back at him, you press one hand against his thigh, another one on his stomach, keeping him in place. You break away with a pop, a thick rope of saliva connecting your mouth to his dick. Eren groans in vexation, so loudly, you’re sure the students next door can hear it.
“Who told you to move?” You glare at him, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
He throws his head back, emitting a sound between a grunt and a whine. “Fucking hell, you’re—” You harshly cover his mouth with your hand. “Mmph?!”
Keeping your palm glued to his face, you climb on his lap. You settle down with your knees on the bed, trapping his thighs between yours. You retract your hand only to shut him up with your lips, pillaging his mouth with so much vigor, he can barely keep up. "You're so damn impatient." Curling your fingers around his cock, you align his tip against your entrance.
He moans, louder than he’s ever been and you’re grateful that you’re there to muffle it down. No matter how many times you’ve done this with him, Eren is still the largest man you’ve ever had, stretching and filling you in a way that makes you keen. You grab hold of him in reflex, teeth grinding to refrain yourself from making noises.
The way you're shuddering makes him realize that you're in a bit of pain. Breathlessly, as he watches the way your face contort in discomfort, he asks, “You okay?” It's odd, even for him, how he felt so aggravated a moment ago, to the point that he wanted to lash out, and now he's like this, his face twisting in concern.
“Yeah, just—“ You try to move. Even with how drenched you are, there’s still a stinging pain as you wait for yourself to adjust. “It’s been a while.”
With you being this close to him, your chests squeezed together, Eren can feel your heartbeat hammering against your rib cages. “I won’t move, so…” He makes sure to let his lips brush against your forehead when he whispers. “Take as much time as you need.”
The sudden change in his attitude almost makes you laugh. “Didn’t you say you wanted to fuck me until I cry earlier?”
He rolls his eyes. “I’m trying to be nice, and this is what I get?”
“I hate when you’re being nice.” You dip your head down to speak the words against the side of his throat. “It doesn’t suit you.”
“What do you mean it doesn’t suit—"
You sink your teeth at the spot that connects his neck to his shoulder, pushing his shirt down until the fabric pools around his elbows. You do it right at the same time you work yourself on his dick, sliding almost all the way up before you take him to the hilt once more. Eren hisses in both pain and pleasure, the muscles in his stomach contracted as he feels his skin burned and marked. You try to soothe it down by planting a tender kiss, doing it several times until he can feel your smirk forming.
“You wanted me to mark you up, didn’t you?” You whisper against his ear, tugging his earlobe gently between your teeth. “Now everyone can see who owns you.”
“I still have one presentation to do tomorrow,” he grumbles but there’s no fury in his voice. If anything, he seems to be thrilled to have your marks on him, as this is the first time you’ve painted love bites on his body.
“Well,” you grind your hips, draping your arms on his shoulders for support. “The more reason why I should do it again, then.”
And you both do it at the same time—you suckling on the supple skin of his neck while he paints purplish bruises on your shoulder. You keep your hips moving, picking up pace and growing desperate with each grind. At one point, you push him down by the center of his chest, his body hitting the sheets when he husks, “Ah, shit, baby, you’re so good.”
“Yeah?” You keep your left hand above his heart to balance yourself as you bounce harder on his lap. “Go on, Daddy. Talk to me.”
“You’re so wet for me. So fucking tight.” He’s so lost in his thoughts that he doesn’t notice the way you have one hand crawling up to his neck, slowly tightening your grip around his throat. “I can feel you—” He stops—no, he can’t finish. Not with the way you’re pressing against his windpipes.
“Feel what?” You lean forward, your hair tickling his cheeks as you move back and forth. “Cat got your tongue, Eren?”
His eyes glint at the word, his smirk resurfacing. “Ah, I love the way you call my name,” he rasps, his voice strained but it only makes him sound even more erotic. “Love the way you choke me.”
The laugh that escapes you is derogatory but Eren loves it. “Seems like you’re not so much of a hard dom, after all,” you scoff.
“I can be whatever you want.” He can feel your walls tightening around him and he throws his head back, eyes closed in rapture. “God, the way you move, baby… Drives me fucking insane.”
His rambling makes you feel the same, just as desperate, just as wild. With labored breathing and sweat breaking on your temple, you ask him with your words laced in urgency. "Are you close?”
“So close,” he moans out, his eyes drifting down to your chest, watching the way your breasts bounce with every snap of your hips. “Ah, I wish I could put my hands on you.”
You wish nothing more, really. It feels wrong to ride him without having his nails sinking into your hips. You just feel incomplete. And you know if you release him right now, he’s going to ram his hips so forcefully into you until you see stars behind your lids. So, what is there to lose?
“Fuck, okay, turn around.” Moving away from his lap, Eren groans at the loss but he rolls to his side, letting you unfasten his belt from his wrists. You feel sorry when you witness the angry circles that blossom on his skin. You can only imagine how painful it is. “Eren, I’m sor—”
He grabs you by the nape, slamming your face down to your pillow. You almost scream, shocked by the sudden friction of his cock against your walls and how hard he’s driving himself into you. “I’ll give you a chance to apologize later,” he says right beside your ear. “I’m gonna make sure you'll say it like your life depends on it.” The fabric of his black shirt caresses the dip of your spine, his necklace resting on the spot between your shoulder blades. “Right now, I’m going to fuck you like you deserve.”
You're biting on the edge of your pillow when his hands slide down past your stomach. He lifts your lower half in the air while keeping your upper body glued to the sheets, allowing him for deeper penetration. Your hair tie slips off his strands, his long hair swaying like branches in the storm with his every thrust.
Eren has both of your wrists pinned against your back, holding them in one hand while he keeps his right one on your shoulder, keeping you in place. “How do you like being tied up, Sweetheart?”
You can’t answer him. He can be as cocky as he wants, you don’t care. He pumps into you, furiously, groaning his own pleasure, taking you hard, building on the shockwaves already coursing through your body and taking you higher. His shirt is still draping around his lower back, his jeans hanging low. His back muscles ripple when he tightens his grip around you, "Whimpering like a little bitch now, aren't you, baby?" He simpers. "After all that teasing you did, in the end, you're still like this, hungry for my cock. But don't worry." He snaps his hips forward, once, twice, to emphasize each word that comes out of his mouth next. "Daddy's gonna fill you up real nice."
It's embarrassing how fast your orgasm hits you, and when it does, it feels like you’re free-falling from the sky.
“That’s it,” he chuckles. “Cum on my fucking cock just like that, baby girl.” His hips rocket back and forth, his face twisting in sweet ecstasy. “Ah, shit, you’re squeezing me so tight.”
His name, along with a string of expletives, comes out as sobs from your mouth, and when he keeps plunging himself hard, they turn into shrieks of pleasure. You always become like this when you’re overstimulated.
It's cruel for him to not give you the chance to ride out your climax slowly, or even take a breath. He's only eager to give you another orgasm that’s just as intense. You're sure your body won’t be able to hold it if that's the case, but thankfully, Eren’s hips turn erratic. “Where do you want me, baby? Want me to cum inside?”
“Yes, Daddy!” You usually only call him that to taunt him, to rile him up so he can be rough with you, but right now you can’t even control what comes out of your mouth.
“Beg then,” he imitates you from earlier. He lets go of your wrists, moving one hand to squeeze your left ass cheek while smacking his palm hard against your other one. “Say: Daddy, please fill me up with your cum.”
You’re clawing against your sheets. Every time he plunges himself deep, it feels like he’s slamming the air out of your lungs. “Fill me up with your cum!”
He clicks his tongue. “You didn’t say please.”
“Daddy, please!”
Your voice—that needy whine from your pretty lips—it feeds his ego so well. Pounding into you with a forceful rhythm, he sends his hot seeds shooting deep within you as his heartbeat thunders deafeningly in his ears. He’s still groaning out a series of profanities when his pace gradually turns slow, and when he’s done, he pulls himself out, sitting on his heels with one hand pushing back his hair. He blows out his cheeks, “Well, fuck,” he laughs in satisfaction, “Not gonna lie, being edged several times today really paid out in the end.”
It takes you a few seconds to answer him, too fucked out of your mind to instantly form a word. “Can you… help me clean up, please?”
“For what?” Eren holds his length in one hand, gliding the side of his cock against the crease of your ass. He plays with the essence that seeps out of you, pushing his tip back and forth into your hole. “I’m not done with you yet.”
He’s fucking his cum back into you, grinding his hips slowly but steady before he lets himself be buried deep inside, sheathed in your warmth. He lies himself down on top of you, the hard shape of his chest compliments your backside. He supports himself up with his elbows on the sheets. “Didn’t I tell you?” He leans closer to let you feel his smirk growing against the shell of your ear. “I’m gonna fuck you until you pass out,” he murmurs. “Probably fuck you in your sleep too, who knows. After what you did to me today, you don’t think Daddy will let you go just like that, do you, baby girl?”
You gulp.
God, save me.
Part 2 can be read here!
Huge thanks to my besties Sandra @the-princess-button and Coi @coyloves for giving me inputs and feedback. Sandra even wrote a few lines for me because my english is so terrible and I don't know how to describe the belt thing Eren did with his teeth, so thank you for being an angel I love you both so much ❤️❤️❤️
@l6ffys @vivi-et @halparkebitch @fwess @littlemochi @thebeardedmoon @didiyogo @xximthefoolxx-blog @coyloves @erenbean​ @tehehebri @justasketch @infnteen @naiomiwinchester @spiderlingh @doyochii @ahornyenby @aengelren @sakurashell @the-princess-button @resonancesoul @blrqt @cacapeepee @persyhange @jaegersdiary @cknf69 @erentoes @trashgremlin36 @meed18 @j0livi0ni @snowflake-201 @jaymihawk @eva-gates @claudevonstrukesblog @sofijaeger @rinsie @blanccofiie @ereninbunu @natanialora @khinjito @ackersune @watermelon-online @tropicsoda @claudevonstrukesblog @alexackrman @bblgumz @jurrasicpork @erenjaegercult Thanks for reading, lovelies ❤️
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your--isgayrights · 2 years
actually speaking of tcm we randomly have a copy of the medical classic of the yellow emperor translated by zhu ming in our basement, I’ve been meaning to take a look at it. what kinda books/articles/websites/etc have you been diving into?
YOOO You mean the Huangdi Neijing? I read the Wikipedia page for it but didn't get a chance to look at the actual text... I gotta admit most of my research is from contemporary secondary sources. So I read like Historical summaries on pubmed like this one about pharmacology specifically, and then also ones that utilize western terminology to analyze longstanding therapeutic practices like this one about the autonomic nervous system's role in acupuncture. Recently I've been trying to track down the publication of this one about dentistry. Also if you ever want me to give you my infodump about wuxing or acupuncture/meridians I have powerpoints 👀.
Then if you want a reading guide or context for Huangdi Neijing in particular, you probably already know this but like, that's one of the four classics of TCM and allegedly the oldest one. Supposedly it's supposed to date back to prehistoric times and actually record a conversation between the Yellow emperor and his court, but recent researchers think it's more likely to be written in the Han dynasty, which would have to be after the Zhouyi and its descendant (another of the big 4 in TCM) the Yijing.... And it actually contains two sections! The Suwen and the Lingshu. I think that the Lingshu is like partially incomplete/people dispute the date of the extant text or something, but basically the Suwen goes over basic diagnostic theory that we see in TCM from then forward and then Lingshu goes over the theory of acupuncture in some detail. I think it'd be interesting to read texts like it as a primary source so I've been making a study of classical chinese by reading confucian analects & copying characters from it.
Sorry about lack of sources this is off the top of my head but i can go scouring if you want something more reliable.
Ok look at page 4 of this PDF.
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My Sonic Game Story Ranking From Worst to Best
Greetings, mortals! Today, I will be ranking every Sonic game story I've seen from worst to best.
Disclaimer: I will be judging the following games by the plot and writing, not the gameplay. Also, I will only be including Sonic game stories from 1998 onwards (I don't know much about the Classic Era storylines), and I'll eventually need to make an updated version of this list that includes Sonic Frontiers when that game comes out, but for now, this is my current ranking.
Please keep in mind, this is MY OPINION! You don't need to agree with it, but please don't complain in the comments section if you disagree with this list.
Anyway, let us begin! ^^
22. Sonic Lost World (2013)
This is hands down, the worst Sonic game story ever. It has a painfully cringeworthy script that looks like it was written by a ten year old, along with it catering to completely different people who likely hate Sonic as a whole. And don't even get me started on the Deadly Six...
21. Sonic Boom Game Trilogy (2014-2016)
I'm just going to group the entire trilogy here because they're all equally boring and unimpressive in my opinion, with Rise of Lyric and Shattered Crystal being the absolute worst of the bunch. And while Fire and Ice was a slight improvement over its predecessors, it's still kind of bland.
20. Sonic Free Riders (2010)
This is what you get when you take everything good about the first two Sonic Riders games and throw all of it out the window. With its lazy PowerPoint style cutscenes, a boring plot and badly written characters, this game effectively killed the Sonic Riders series.
19. Sonic Forces (2017)
What can I say about this bland, disappointing disaster of a game that hasn't been said already? It promised us a more serious, high-stakes storyline reminiscent of the Adventure/Dark Era titles and a mysterious, threatening new villain to boot, but then somewhere along the line, SEGA just shrugged and said, "Eh, it's just a kids' game. Who cares?" The amount of wasted potential this game had is ASTONISHING. Let's hope that Sonic Frontiers will have a much better story than this, because trust me, WE DO NOT WANT A REPEAT OF FORCES.
18. Sonic Generations (2011)
Not the worst storyline that the Meta Era has to offer, but it is a bland and practically non-existent one.
17. Sonic Rivals Duology (2006-2008)
I have mixed feelings towards both these games' stories to be honest. Rivals 1 was forgettable, while Rivals 2 was a hot mess, but yet there's something oddly charming about it...
16. Team Sonic Racing (2019)
Yes, it's bland, it's forgettable, it makes a lot of questionable writing choices (i.e. Eggman and Zavok are working together even though they clearly hated each other in Lost World, Vector names himself leader of Silver and Blaze's team even though he wasn't even invited to the race to begin with, Dodon Pa is revealed to be the good guy all along, etc.), and it has PowerPoint style cutscenes similar to Free Riders, but it's still one of the more tolerable Meta Era stories in my opinion (at least compared to the likes of Lost World and Forces).
15. Sonic Colors (2010)
Honestly, if it wasn't for the Pontaff duo's writing, I would actually consider this to be a cute and relatively decent light-hearted Sonic story. The Wisps are a great addition to the franchise, as they're extremely adorable and without them, we wouldn't have Eclipse's sweet little Dark Arms from the Archie comics. The only thing that truly bothers me about this game is that it started the Meta Era, which I personally hate. If it was just a standalone spinoff title aimed at the younger demographic like what the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog TV show was to the Classic Era, I wouldn't be as harsh towards it. Also, the DS version has a much better script than the Wii version, and I highly recommend checking it out.
14. Sonic Rush Adventure (2007)
Not quite as good as the first Rush game's story, but it's still a decent story overall. It introduced Marine the Raccoon, who (in my opinion) is a very underrated character. Also, I like the idea of Sonic and Tails exploring the Sol Dimension, I just wish they could have done more with it.
13. Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (2008)
I don't really know that much about Chronicles to be honest, but from what I've seen, it looked pretty cool. I like that it used lore from the Adventure games in its story, and Shade the Echidna is an interesting character who had potential, but sadly, she can't be used in official Sonic media anymore... (Fuck Ken Penders and his BS legal drama 😡)
12. Sonic Shuffle (2000)
This game's story had a surreal, dreamlike atmosphere to it, which I really liked. I also find it interesting that Illumina is the literal precursor to Solaris in a sense, as both characters are godlike deities who were separated into two halves, and then there's the fact that Shuffle predated 06 by about seven years. I know most people remember this game as a Mario Party clone, but I think the story is perhaps the most interesting and overlooked aspect of Shuffle.
11. Sonic and the Secret Rings (2007)
Secret Rings may be the black sheep of the five main Dark Era games, but the story is still enjoyable in its own right. The idea of Sonic exploring the world of the Arabian Nights was an interesting concept, and Erazor Djinn, while underdeveloped, is a much better villain than the Deadly Six.
10. Sonic Adventure (1998)
This game officially started the transition from Classic to Modern, and what a transition it was! One of my favorite aspects of SA1's story (besides the world building and lore) is that each of the six main characters contribute something important to the plot: Sonic himself is given a decent story with a good personality, Tails got his own character arc that showed that he was more than just a sidekick, that he could stand up for himself (which the newer games seem to have forgotten, sadly), Knuckles' story gave us more of his perspective of his clan and his role as the Master Emerald guardian, Amy is given a cute, wholesome story in which she tries to protect a Flicky from one of Eggman's robots, Big's story involves him looking for his pet Froggy and Gamma's story had the most emotional depth out of all the characters' campaigns, and his death is easily one of the saddest moments in the entire Sonic franchise.
I just wish SEGA/Sonic Team could make the characters more involved in the story rather than it just being the "Sonic Only Show". Seeing other characters besides Sonic be important to the story really brought out more to his world and honestly, I think it's an nice change of pace from tradition and I can only hope the idea of multiple character stories can return one day.
9. Sonic Heroes (2003)
This is the textbook example of a light-hearted Sonic story done well. I love the dynamic between each of the four teams and the interactions between the characters. Yes, it can be very cheesy at times, but that's all part of its charm. Unlike the Meta Era games, there are no stupid jokes, the characters aren't butchered and the storyline took itself seriously enough to fit in with the shonen anime style of the 2000's Sonic games. Also, Neo Metal Sonic is an awesome villain and the best version of Metal Sonic in my opinion.
8. Sonic Rush (2005)
Out of all the handheld Sonic games, this one has the best storyline in my opinion. It introduced fan favorite Blaze the Cat, who many people (myself included) consider to be one of the best female Sonic characters, and it has a great theme/message about learning to open up to friends.
7. Sonic Riders (2006)
A fun story that tells the tale of an ancient society in a futuristic setting... what's not to love? Also, I liked the dynamic between Team Sonic and the Babylon Rogues, it was interesting and enjoyable to watch.
6. Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (2008)
Easily the best installment of the Sonic Riders trilogy, Riders: Zero Gravity delves deeper into the Babylon lore that was introduced in the first Riders game while also telling a deep, meaningful story and further developing the relationship between Team Sonic and the Babylon Rogues.
5. Sonic Adventure 2 (2001)
One of the most widely acclaimed narratives in the Sonic franchise, SA2 is an engaging, high-stakes story jam packed with memorable moments and excellent characterization, with Shadow's character arc being the highlight.
4. Sonic Unleashed (2008)
This game represents everything the Sonic franchise should strive to be. Sonic and Chip's friendship throughout the story was definitely a highlight for me, and the final battle against Dark Gaia during the climax was EPIC. To me, this is what the Sonic franchise should be like, not like the dumb sitcom "storylines" of the Meta Era games. I truly hope there's still a chance for the writing quality of the Sonic series to get back on track and that future games will have more amazing and masterfully written storylines like this one.
3. Sonic and the Black Knight (2009)
This is honestly the best portrayal of Sonic in the Sonic franchise next to Unleashed and SA2. It gets Sonic's character right in so many ways. Being thrown into a world of chivalry and conduct, Sonic doesn't play by those rules and opts to be the free-spirited, nice guy he is. The plot twist was good and Sonic's message to Merlina about living life to the fullest is such a positive message a character like Sonic absolutely nails to deliver. This game, along with Unleashed, SA2 and Riders: Zero Gravity, is the pinnacle of Sonic game storytelling.
2. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Excluding Sonic and Elise's boring love story plot, 06's story is really good in my opinion. In fact, I personally think it has one of the best narratives in the entire franchise. Though that could be the nostalgia I have for 06... 😅
1. Shadow the Hedgehog (2005)
You already know I love this game too much. Sure, games like SA2, Unleashed and Black Knight are objectively better in terms of writing, but I have a lot of nostalgia for ShTH, as well as 06. It gives me all the warm, fuzzy serotonin and it's very nostalgic to me, so yea...
Another reason why I'm extremely biased for ShTH is because its main villain is hot (。💜‿💜。)
Thanks for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed this list and I'll see you next time!! ^^
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gzteacher · 2 years
Yeah, I need a new career because this teaching thing ain't it.
After about 12 years of this, nope nope nope nope.
This semester has been a spiral of burnout. I've had to cut classes 5 minutes, 10 minutes, some 20 minutes short because I legit had nothing left to teach.
Five curricula, only one of which has a textbook that's super difficult to teach out of unless I do 90% of the lesson in Chinese. The book was written for students from India, clearly, as all the articles and compositions reference people and places in India more than anywhere.
The rest of the classes, I'm still building from scratch. It takes me about 2hrs to do one PowerPoint/a set of lecture notes and that's not including any practice sheets or classroom activities. Those, by the way, I either have to think up on the fly or search for online. (And those that I find online, I have to tweak ad nauseam, otherwise the kids won't follow and the whole segment of the lesson is just pulling teeth).
I'm not enjoying this. I'm putting in waaaaaaay too much work, to the point where I'm walking into the classroom 3 minutes before class begins, my mind a total blank, as I have no idea what the hell could be taught for the day.
So I'm having to put in my best Oscar award winning performance, winging an entire lesson until.... nothing.
"Welp, that's all I got for today. Stay in this classroom please and stay seated. You can do other homework or whatever until the bell rings."
It never feels right. I can't plan AND research AND get activities together AND do homework/exams AND grade things for 5 courses.
It's embarrassing because as a teacher, if i can even call myself that, I expect students to be hard working. I can barely put a homework sheet together without them zooming through it. Online worksheets are never enough, as the ESL ones are either too easy, waaaay too difficult or are poorly put together.
If I could just have 2 or 3 courses.... like everyone else... not 8, not 5... I wouldn't have to worry about students complaining to their homeroom teachers behind my back about how we're not doing enough/anything.
I can't tell students that phones or laptops aren't allowed or that they aren't allowed to play games because I'm literally doing nothing.
I can't ask them not to chat with their friends idly during lessons when they're already expecting the lesson to "end early".
I can't explain or reveal to the students that the reason why they rarely if ever have homework and almost never have exams isn't because I'm a "laid back teacher who's just, like, blah-whatever chill lol" but because I'm exhausted and don't have the time because I spent all my energy and resources doing that for other classes.
Something tells me that the fact that I can't find a single person who can relate with this much detail leads me to believe there's something wrong with me.
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crazycatsiren · 3 years
Hi! So, I've been wanting to do Hero Worship in HelPol for a while. I am closeted so I'll be making virtual altars in PowerPoint Presentation and give pictures of offerings. I have no means of warding, cleansing, banishing, etc. How do I proceed? I cannot burn or bury anything and usually am able to pray only at night between 8-10pm. I veil during the whole process. I have a common folder for my worship called 'Theoi' where I'll keep everything. Some help please? Tysm!!! 😸😸😸😸
You don't need to ward, cleanse, or banish in order to worship gods or heroes in Hellenic Polytheism. Physical and spiritual hygiene is important, but that is something that you establish in your practice along with your worship and it becomes a part of your day to day routine. It could start off as simple as showering, washing your hands, changing into clean clothes, airing out your room, or tidying up your space. You don't have to burn or bury anything either. Hellenic Polytheism by itself does not at all have to be complicated or elaborate. There really is no set of rules or rituals you have to follow. Finding what works for you and creating a practice that you can feel comfortable with is what matters. On my Grimoire Page I have saved a few posts written by people with experiences on hero worshipping. I myself have not done hero worshipping yet, so those posts might be able to give you better pointers than I can on this specific topic.
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maozeemoo · 5 years
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So, in a span of 2 months, I’ve been asked by 3 different people (who found out that I’ve gone through the YTT) for advice. 3 is not a remarkable number. But really, for being my level of anti-social. 3 is plenty. I haven’t even met up with my actual friends 3 times within the same length of time.
Anyhow, in case I get asked the same thing again, I’m sure I will be too lazy to type everything so comprehensively for the fourth time. So here it is.
Q: How will I know I’m ready?
A: I think this has nothing to do with how long you’ve been practising yoga, or what tricks you can / cannot do. I practised for 4 years before YTT and only did it because I wanted to deepen my practice i.e. learn more about proper alignment so I could execute some more challenging poses. Some of my course mates were doing yoga for the first time when they attended the YTT (more on this later). Depends on your motivation. Do you feel happy with your current practice? Do you want to know more? Is there something specific you want to learn that you know you can get out of YTT? Do you want to teach? If yes, go find a good school and do it. But if you think it’s just for extra practice, and just because it seems trendy - then don’t as there’s no point.
Q: What exactly did you learn?
A: The curriculum for the YTT across the board includes learning in 3 planes. 1) The actual physical practice where you learn how to execute poses, how to cue students, adjustments etc. 2) Philosophy behind the practice - personally I wasn’t expecting this but it turned out to be an eye-opener, so keep an open mind to it. 3) Biology - body systems, bones, joints, muscles etc...
Q: How do I pick a school?
A: if you Google YTT courses in Singapore you will have no lack of options. In my knowledge, all the schools offering the YTT have to cover the abovementioned curriculum. But the way they approach it varies. Some enforce a lot of physical practice, like 2 hours every day during the duration of the course. Some teach a lot of alignment and adjustments in basic / common poses. Some make the students actually learn the advance poses (so there are prerequisites). Some offer a retreat overseas as part of the training. Some are very traditional and will go very deep into the philosophical / biological part of the practice including actually DOING the cleansing techniques. Some do these more on a what-you-need basis. I think what to look out for is how the school structures the course. Will it give u learning in an organised manner. Also look out for the quality and depth of the learning material. This is so so so so so so important.
Q: Which school did you go to? Why did you choose it?
A: Due to my work schedule which is very alternative as compared to regular working adults, most of the YTT timings offered by other schools aren’t an option for me. Some are part-time courses which require commitment on weekends and weekday evenings (which are my main working hours). Some are full-time which require you to commit an entire month of ‘going-to-school’ time. The school that I went to has a very flexi schedule. They have classes in the morning and in the evening - you can attend which ever session you want. As long as at the end of the day, you attend at least one lesson on each of the required modules. Sounds like a dream right? I actually regret my initial choice. Because now I've got my eye on a few other schools which may have been a better fit.
Q: Why you so unhappy with your course???? 
**** Warning: Long rant ahead ****
A1) You won’t know what module is being taught until you reach the class. There’s no fixed system or sequence of what’s going to be covered. Which means that you could be hauling your ass down to attend a lesson which you’ve already attended twice. So on the module attendance checklist, there are 3 columns - attended, revision, revision. That’s how they convince you that it’s normal to listen to the same content 3 times.
A2) The depth of the content delivered is grossly dis-uniform. Just to give one example. The chapter on the ‘digestive system’ is very dense, down to learning how pepsinogen is an inactive proenzyme converted to pepsin etc... The notes are in my memory, as extensive as at A-levels. The chapter on ‘joints’ though, is 20 powerpoint slides telling you about the different TYPES of joints. This makes studying for the exam a nightmare. Because you don’t know how far in depth you should memorise!!! I felt insecure just knowing the dumbed down condensed version of everything. But researching for notes to learn everything to A-level depth is just ridiculous. I did the latter by the way (because kiasu, nerdy and that was how serious I was). 
A3) There was very little focus on physical practice and adjustment - which was actually why I wanted to take the YTT in the first place. We’ve got this textbook which covers meditation / cleansing techniques, about 25 poses, as well as sun salutations. Not that I want to sound snobbish - but I really learnt close to nothing about teaching physical practice (or at least that which would be applicable for teaching locally). I’m attending classes at Yogalab and I learn more from the cues the teachers give. About breathing, engagement of muscles, alignment, options etc... The scariest part of it all is that I know of a few course mates who were completely new to yoga - the practice that we did during the course was the ONLY yoga they had ever done. They will graduate and go out there to teach with 25 poses in their repertoire. The 25 includes things like thunderbolt pose and tadasana (go Google them). Yes it’s true that technically, you don’t have to be able to do all the shit in order to teach the shit - but - having so little knowledge. You tell me lorh.
A4) The final assessment result sheet contains a few components and the results bewilder me. I scored "Average" in every single one of them and for reference, the highest available grade is "Outstanding". I know this will make me sound extremely obnoxious. But here is the reason why it pisses me off. (1) Written test - I'm pretty sure I scored almost full marks. Give and take 2/3 points for an ambiguous answer on the lymphatic system. I'm confident I got at least 45/50. Average meh? (2) Practical test - this one the result was revealed to us and I achieved 43.5/50 which according to the scoring rubric is excellent. I've seen coursemates in the 30s score range get 'above expectation'. 43.5 is average? (3) Character assessment - the person signing off the grade is one of the teachers I've NEVER met. Who are u to judge me? In the first place, wasn't one of your philosophical teachings not to judge??? Hahaha what a joke to assess character, especially if you don't even know me. Okay but this one subjective. If you say I'm average, so be it. Do that. I will show you how average I am by ratting on your bullshit quality of teaching. (4) Physical practice - have you seen me? Maybe by your expert standards I am really average. But how do u explain really average physical practitioners scoring 'exceeding expectation' then??
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itunesbooks · 5 years
Google Drive and Docs in 30 Minutes (2nd Edition) - Ian Lamont
Google Drive and Docs in 30 Minutes (2nd Edition) The unofficial guide to the new Google Drive, Docs, Sheets & Slides Ian Lamont Genre: Computers Price: $8.99 Publish Date: January 27, 2015 Publisher: I30 Media Seller: i30 Media Corporation The top-selling guide to Google’s free online office suite is now available in a revised and expanded second edition, updated in 2018! Thirty minutes is all you'll need to get up to speed with Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides, the free online productivity suite and alternative to Microsoft Office. Millions of people use the software every day. You can use Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides to perform the following tasks:  • Write letters and reports • Crunch numbers and create online data entry forms  • Give presentations  • Collaborate online with classmates and colleagues • Convert Microsoft Office documents to Google formats, and vice versa   • Print documents, drawings, and spreadsheets • Export PDFs  • Make pie charts, bar charts, and simple tables • Publish documents and spreadsheets online After covering registration, file creation and other basics, Google Drive and Docs In 30 Minutes (2nd Edition) zeroes in on the most important time-saving tips and productivity tools. Highlights include: • Converting files between Microsoft Office and Google formats. • Best practices for organizing files in Google Drive. • What to expect with collaboration and sharing. • The pros and cons of Google’s mobile apps for Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides. • Accessing older versions of files. • How to publish your documents to the Web for colleagues or members of the public to view. • Functions, sorting and filtering in Google Sheets (with examples). • Using Web Forms to gather data. • Google Slides: Is it a suitable alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint? • Working with offline files. • Downloading third-party apps. The tone of Google Drive and Docs In 30 Minutes is friendly and easy to understand, with lots of step-by-step instructions, screenshots, and examples. The guide can be used by anyone with a PC, Mac, or Chromebook. It also includes instructions for using Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides on Android and iOS phones and tablets.  Google Drive and Docs In 30 Minutes is authored by Ian Lamont, an award-winning technology and business journalist. He has written several books in the "In 30 Minutes" series, including Dropbox In 30 Minutes, Twitter In 30 Minutes, and Excel Basics In 30 Minutes. Here’s what real reviewers are saying about Google Drive & Docs In 30 Minutes: Reviews: “I am so glad this was made! I've been using Google Docs for a while now and have been encouraging my teacher colleagues to do so as well to facilitate collaboration. It has become my go-to text book to help new users understand quickly. If you're new to Google Drive or Google Documents, this will help you. If you're experienced, and want something to help those who come to you with questions, this is a nice tool to help them remember what you show them. I highly recommend it.” “I just got a new position that requires record keeping. Having used Google Docs in the past, I decided to update my knowledge. I googled "Docs for dummies" and this was one of the results. I liked the concept that the title implies - a concise guide that will distill what I need and allow me to complete a task quickly” “A clear and concise explanation of how to navigate your way through google docs.” “Excellent introduction to Google drive. Well researched, easy to read, nicely organized.” http://bit.ly/2EKRm44
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stormturtle · 7 years
Hi! I've got a lot of presentations in school coming up, like, A LOT. And I'm really anxious and nervous about it. Could you maybe give me some advice please? Thank you..
Hello!  I’m sorry you have so many presentations coming up!  That does sound pretty stressful.  In my experience, it might help to make little schedules and guides for each of the presentations you’re doing, just to keep on track.  Practicing is also important, and it doesn’t have to be stressful!  There are lots of ways to practice that are a lot more fun and helpful.  Find a way to practice that helps you feel comfortable and confident in yourself.
Try buying a nice notebook if you don’t already have one (I love using this website: https://www.papyrusonline.com/gifts/journals-and-notebooks).  Also, maybe get some sticky book tabs to divide the notebook into fairly even sections (you can find lots of these on Amazon).  Each of these sections will be used to organize and keep track of one of your presentations.  Here’s what would be good to include for each of the sections:
a schedule: create a to-do list that gives a rough estimate of the order you want to complete things in (including dates) and how long you think it will take to do those things (including time to practice your presentations); break portions of the project into chunks when you’re planning so they seem more manageable (for example, if there’s a PowerPoint, break it into structuring the PowerPoint, preparing each of the slides, and fine-tuning the appearance)
check-boxes: make these for each item on your to-do list so you can check each of them off as you complete them (this gives you a great sense of accomplishment!)
guidelines and notes: if your class gave you a sheet with project guidelines, you might want to tape these in; remember, your professors are there to help!  If you have a question, feel free to go in and ask them, or ask for a time to meet up with them if you have several questions (record their responses in this part of each section)
Color-coding is very helpful here!  Try using red for important dates, then decide on a color for the schedules themselves, the guidelines, and the notes (and anything else you want to code).  This helps different parts stand out so you can reference them more easily.  Refer back to your notebook every night so you can update your progress and see how much you have left to do!
Practicing and Presenting
Like I said before, there are lots of ways to practice the oral portions of your presentations that are fun and less stressful!  Start practicing as soon as you complete the preparation stage.  Begin by practicing the same amount of time for each of your presentations (maybe 20 mins per presentation each night, if you have time).  As the date for a certain presentation comes closer, increase the amount of time you practice for that one and decrease the times for the other ones (maybe 40 mins for that one and 10 mins for the other ones each night).  Here are some techniques for practicing:
Do your presentation in front of your family or a close friend.  This helps simulate the atmosphere in your classroom, and it also helps to have some support from people you trust as you practice.  Trust me, this really does help in the long run, even if it may seem awkward at first.  Try doing this every night for each of your presentations before you go to bed so it’s fresh in your mind. Make sure to practice the night before you present as well! On that night, the presentation you are doing the next day should be the only one you are practicing, just to avoid confusion.
If you feel comfortable, after you’ve practiced in front of people you trust for a while and feel pretty well-prepared, maybe try asking your professor if there’s a time you can meet up with them and practice your presentation in front of them.  This is a valuable opportunity for them to give you feedback before your actual presentation.  If you want to do this, try arranging a time a couple days before your actual presentation so you have some time to adjust your project if you need to make any changes.  Again, your professors want to help you do well.  They are there to give you support, and it’s okay to ask for some advice.
Try dividing your presentation into a few main parts so it makes it easier for you to memorize what you want to talk about.  You could even start the presentation by sharing the main points you will be discussing; this makes it easier for the audience to understand the path your presentation will be following before you dive into the actual material.
If you can use flash cards as a reference point during your presentation, and you find these to be helpful, the number of flash cards you use should be roughly equal to the number of main parts in your presentation.  Do a couple of short bullet points on each flash card to help you remember what each section is about.  Review your flash cards for each presentation when you have free time in school.
Remember, flash cards are a reference point, not something you read off word-for-word.  If you put effort into researching your topic, and you found some parts of your topic that interested you, you will find things to talk about in your presentation that align with these parts.  Just take a deep breath and try speaking as though you were sharing something you were interested in with a close friend.  If you show enjoyment in the subject, it’s likely your audience will be interested as well.  Present in a relaxed, natural way.
Similarly to flash cards, your PowerPoint, if you have one, should not have your entire presentation written on it. PowerPoints are meant as a supplement for your presentation; they help the audience to visualize and understand what you are talking about more easily. With that being said, each slide should be simple, with one to three pictures and only a few words (if any) that outline the main points you will be talking about for that slide. Also, extravagant transitions, numerous fonts and colors, and animations tend to be distracting to the audience. As a general rule, simple is better. It should look nice, clean, and professional, not super fancy and complex. Don’t wear yourself out making your PowerPoint! Choose a simple color theme, one or two fonts, and a smooth, quick transition between slides that will be used for the whole PowerPoint. Your professor will really appreciate this, and it will also show an admirable level of maturity that just might raise your grade.
Here’s a website that gives some other good tips on presenting: http://www.instigatorblog.com/how-do-you-prepare-for-presentations/2008/01/16/
Please keep in mind that your wellbeing is so much more important than stressing yourself out about these presentations.  Take care of yourself, remember to take breaks, and try your best not to neglect sleep or eating (maintaining a healthy sleeping and eating pattern makes it easier for you to focus, as well).  Just go in with a smile and the mentality that everything will be alright, and chances are, this optimism will help your presentations run smoothly.  You can do this : )
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