the fucking air quality thingie: uh oh! light's red again! Open The Windows!! me, sitting right next to the window: ughhhh do we have to?? the teacher, technically legally required to and actually still somewhat convinced that this is necessary: yes. me: but it's cold! it'll be much worse for our immune system to sit in the cold all the time because this room never gets warm ever! can't we at least just open the windows after each lesson? teacher: sorry, but the we have to me, pulling on my scarf and hat, staring at the table with a dramatic but very real desperation: it's. it's literally snowing onto my notes......
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kk-k-kk · 18 days
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Chapter 1: The Diner Story
Summary: The thriving streets with booming businesses have come to a stand still. Curfews and police raids every few hours to seize any whiff of narcotics terrorised every person, regardless of involvement. The Upper Side lies unfaltering in their picket fences. In this induced borderline dystopia, in your cardboard box apartment you have found a strange joy in watching the actions of a tangerine-stealing thug.
Part Warnings: murder, gore, indulgence of illegal activities, violence
Pairing: suga/yoongi/agust d x fem!reader
"But I have two degrees!"
You rushed to take the files out of your bags to shove it into his face because clearly he missed it. You pulled at the zipper of your faded grey tote and the zip came right off. 
"Hah! So what? I have two as well and I also have three diplomas. So what?"
Broken zip in hand, you stared blankly as the grocery store clerk shouted at you. He held a shiny duster in front of him as if he would dust you off in case you stepped closer. 
"No buts, madam. You didn't get the job. That is it. If you continue creating a ruckus like this, you will be forcibly removed and your chance, if any, of being possibly recruited in the future, will also be crossed."
"Why the fuck would I wait for the future to get a job in a grocery store?"
The man sighed. He was frustrated and you were numb. The heat outside was spilling through the glass windows of the store. You couldn't believe that you were being rejected from working part time at a grocery store. You had two degrees! 
"Look around you," you did, "half of the crowd here is of workers themselves. We are already exceeding employee capacity. Half of these employees are with degrees, diplomas and what nots, moreover they have experience too. Maybe you should try in a few years."
"But, this is just a grocery store," the broken zip in your hand felt very heavy. 
"Yes. And it's 2027," the man pushed the glass door open for you. You couldn't argue your case anymore. 
"And they rejected me! Like I care! It's just a useless grocery store," the melting popsicle was posing a problem to your venting so you rushed to finish it in one go.
"Maybe you should open an ice cream store?" the old ice cream seller was indulging in a popsicle too. You eyed him, wondering if his eyes showed mirth behind those sunglasses. 
You lived a funny life. A big room with a three by two bathroom is what you called your home. You slept every night smelling the onions and garlic peels left in the kitchen sink which was a 10 feet distance from your bed, no wall in between. Apparently the builder was very focused on open spaces. You would really like to meet the man someday. The only good thing about it was the tiny balcony, big enough to have no space for a third adult to stand. Watching the night market with something to drink made your terrible days, a little better. 
You worked as a babysitter for a decently rich family but you caught the rich housewife fucking the househelp. You were fired for neglecting the child on the same day. Ever since, unemployed and exhausted you have walked shop to shop in hope for even a part time job. Your two degrees were just laminated tissue papers, you were sure, or something of the same cost. 
"I'll just sleep it off, I guess, again."
"Yes. Do that. Again," the old man tapped the price card and you sighed, taking out the loose change in your pockets. What was so cool about money anyway?
You felt like you would faint if you took another step so you leaned against the alley wall, basking in the shadows of the shabby looking diners and bars. Another block down and you would be home. The disgustingly small and dilapidated room was all that you needed after a horrible day. So you mentally made a count, deciding that you would start walking right after. 
1… A deep inhale. 
2… Holding your breath. 
3… A deep exhale that poured out not only carbon dioxide but a bit of your exhaustion and sorrow too. 
4… Another deep inhale. 
5… Holding your breath again. 
6… A deep exhale-
A shriek of terror rang in your ears that got immediately muffled with the sound of something heavy dropping to the ground. You couldn't recall at what point your eyes shot open and you were sprinting to help the man who was slowly beginning to get drenched, lying in a pool of blood. 
The man was fairly large and well built but his eyes faded in and out of focus as he coughed out more blood. Your hands frantically searched for your phone in your bag as you kneeled on the ground next to him. You only realised you were screaming for help when you heard the emergency services on the other side of the call. 
You had just told them the location and hung up when you finally noticed the knife stabbed into his stomach. It didn't go in very deep but the wound was bleeding profusely. The man groaned in pain and reached towards the wound. 
"Wait, don't touch it," you looked around for anything that you could help him with but there was nothing and no one. 
You stumbled back on your feet and ran towards the end of the alley to ask for help. It looked like the man would bleed out before help got there. You sprinted ahead but before you could exit the alley, you heard sirens blare. With a sigh of relief, you turned towards the siren only to be met with a gun to your head. 
"Don't move. Get in the car."
"What? What is going on-"
"You are under arrest on the suspicion of murder or bodily harm. You have the right to remain-"
"Remain exactly the fuck where I am. What are you doing? I called you people. What insanity is this?"
"Look. I called you guys. I was the one who called for help. I found him in the alley bleeding."
The inspector scrolled his screen and you weren't sure if he was listening to you at all. 
"Excuse me-"
"Shut up."
You gaped at the man who just asked you to shut up. It wasn't the inspector, no. It was the guy who was handcuffed to the next chair. His eyes were closed as he relaxed on the chair. It didn't really look like he was bothered about being handcuffed and possibly being thrown in jail. But all thoughts aside, all your senses came to one agreement: he was unarguably a sight for sore eyes.
Nonetheless, a pretty face couldn't be excused for being disrespectful to you. So you cleared your throat and turned properly to face him, "Excuse me?"
"Stop whining. They can't hold you here for long without evidence, anyway," his voice was gravelly like he just woke up from a nap. 
"They shouldn't hold me here at all because I didn't do anything," you glared at the inspector as you spoke, taking care to be extra loud during the latter part. 
The man chuckled under his breath and you could feel something turn in your stomach. The laughter felt condescending and it made the flutter in your stomach turn into annoyance. 
"What? What's so funny?"
You watched him raise his cuffed hands as much as he could and stretch with a yawn. It was very disappointing that such a sight turned out to be an asshole. You waited for him to put words to his condescension so you could do something about the growing anger in you. 
But when he finally opened his eyes, he didn't spare you a glance. He tapped on the desk before him and the inspector on the other side sighed and gave him a look. You almost screamed out loud when the man was uncuffed with a nod and a grim, "Don't get caught again."
"Wait what? Excuse me? Hello?"
You tapped on the desk before you too. It has to be a magic key or something to be let go because how was the man just uncuffed without any exchanges? 
The old inspector before you sighed and finally looked at you with a sudden urgency. You took it as your chance and began explaining, "Sir, I was just on the scene and I saw the guy bloodied and-"
"Do you know how to open an Instagram account?"
You have lived in the LBs since forever. When your parents were alive it was the upper LBs. After their passing, working all these part time jobs, your residence changed to worse. But never have you ever been handcuffed with a criminal charge. You had no idea how people got out of situations like this but from the movies and the dramas, it had to be networking. But you had no networks. You knew no one. Even then, you had just walked out of a police station as a free woman after you opened a fake Instagram account for the investigator. 
"Are you sure?" You had asked. 
"Go on," the investigator nodded, going back to scrolling reels on his phone in an obnoxiously loud volume. 
You had thought for a minute that maybe this would come back to bite you in the ass later but then you remembered how that man had walked free just like that. 
So there you were, exiting the damp air of the police station, with an ominous feeling lingering in your guts. 
"Gave him a blowjob?"
It was the same guy who had walked out a while before you. His wavy hair fell on his face as he leaned against the wall. They looked so soft and luminous and for a moment, you even thought he almost looked familiar. But your thoughts abruptly halted when you finally processed what he just said to you. 
"Why? Is that what you do to get out?"
He laughed. He laughed so hard that his whole body shook with each fit of it. You had no idea why it made you feel proud of your comeback. Your smugness urged a smirk on your lips too. 
"You win this time," his laughter slowly came reduced to a smile that felt awfully gentle. It made you feel weird so you begged your head to focus on something else. 
"I always do," you almost never but he doesn't need to know that. 
He nodded, finally standing up to his full height to face you. He was taller, you noticed, only slightly though. You didn't like the way he looked at you. It wasn't condescension. It wasn't violating. It just felt like he was looking at you, really looking. It had been ages since you felt seen and not an unnoticed spec of dust in the grand scheme of things. 
So when he extended a hand filled with bruises and busted knuckles, you took it. That's how you came to know him although that exhausting afternoon, you had no idea what was to come. 
August '27
Although you walked out of the police station together, cursed the government together and parted ways abruptly when you couldn't find your phone, you regretted not getting his name. You had sprinted back to the police station and he said you'd probably see him around. Since that day, you neither found your phone nor him in the streets. 
In the days after, your life remained exactly the same. Till evenings you'd toil the market in front of your building. On some days, you worked in the diner beside your building and on others, as assistants to the vendors in front of it. It was enough to barely get by. It was enough. 
"Sang-ho has brought in so many men today. Are you sure you want to be here today?"
You shrugged at Hee-jin. She permanently worked at the diner and didn't find your existence disgusting. You weren't friends, you supposed, both of you tolerated each other. 
"Rumor has it that he has brought in billions. He probably got a new deal. But with all the men he has called, there might be problems. I hope we don't get raided," Hee-jin placed the last dish in the sink just as you finished tying your apron. 
But your interest was caught. Sang-ho was a regular at the diner but Hee-jin insisted that he was only regular on the day that you were working. He didn't bother you nor did he ever speak to you. You couldn't say the same about his men. You almost stopped coming to the diner after one of them had been extra touchy-feely while asking for chopsticks. But the pay was good and beggars couldn''t be choosers. 
"Even if they get raided, what is it to us? With all that money, I doubt they pay rent every month," sharing a laugh with Hee-jin, you stretched your shoulders. You had a feeling that it was going to be a long day. 
The day turned out to be slower than usual. Sang-ho's men occasionally went up and down the stairs but they didn't stop to eat. It was exceptionally hot for a day in August. Once in a while you'd spot Hee-jin standing in front of the fan and scurry when your eyes awkwardly met. You wouldn't tell on her. She wouldn't trust you and well, neither would you. 
Once there were enough dishes that you could see the pile from the counters, you'd start washing again, you decided. It wouldn't hurt to sit near the cool air once in a while. The kitchen was so humid that you could feel sweat trickling inside your bra and as much as you wanted to scratch the itch, you stayed still. 
There was a couple sitting exactly in your line of vision. They were talking softly, giggling periodically. It was annoying how long the guy was stirring the soup with his chopsticks. The red of the chopsticks went round and round. You realised you were zoned out staring at someone's food but you didn't have it in yourself to care about it. 
The sound of murmuring and hustle bustle from the market was growing louder, you observed at one point, until all of a sudden it went quiet. That's when your eyes returned to focus, falling on the familiar figure that was now entering the diner like he owned the place. His eyes met yours once, not even wandering, like he knew exactly where you would be. Before you could react, he was taking the red chopsticks you were staring so keenly at and running up the stairs. 
Havoc was being wrecked upstairs while people downstairs pretended that it was alright. You would too, generally. Turf wars have grown to be a frequent sight and even if Sang-ho was being raided upstairs, you never cared. But it was different the moment he entered. It was different that out of all those shouts and groans upstairs, one voice could be his. 
You despised people in horror movies who would venture into the darkness just to feed their curiosity but there you were, ignoring Hee-jin's wide eyed glare and the silence of the stilled cutleries as you walked up the stairs. 
There were men still fighting when you reached the top stair. The first body lying still in the corridor was that of a man; chopsticks sticking out of his eyes and you almost threw up right there. But the man was familiar and so were the chopsticks, both of the two that had once made you want to quit. You didn't like the blooming feeling of victory you could feel in yourself. So you gulped it down. 
As you looked forward, you could see that familiar figure sift through the bulky men trying to plough each other. Narrowly avoiding being thrown or punched, you stayed by the wall flinching when a broken glass somehow scraped past your arm. You almost missed the mop of black hair disappear into a room and sprinted to follow it except just when you were about to touch the door, a hand pulled you back by the shoulders, twisting you around and pushing you up against the wall. 
Staring you down was the man himself, breathing heavily with blood splattered on his face. He had a smile adorning his lips as he stepped closer crowding your bubble until all your eyes could see were his dark ones. You didn't even know that you wanted to see them up close this bad. His breath was mingling with yours, mixing with the stench of blood. You could smell the nicotine and something more musky you couldn't quite put a finger on. 
A cold hand gripped the base of your throat and you could feel your heart dropping at the way he lowered his face to your level. You held your breath as he stayed like that, teasingly running his eyes up and down your features before returning to your face, "You, again?"
His hand didn't move from your throat, his digits began pressing deeper to the point where your gulping made him follow the column of your throat again with his dark eyes as his smile widened. What could you say? Would he understand if you told him that your feet just brought you here, to him and now your hands wanted to reach up and your fingers wanted to entangle in his curls and- No. You probably couldn't tell him that. So you did what you did best. You lied. 
You spoke with a steady voice, "Someone called the cops, you should get what you need and escape."
"What makes you think I need something? Maybe I just came here to get in trouble, what do you know?"
His voice was deeper than you remembered consciously and the gravelly vibrations traveled to your core with the way he was pressed against you. You were already breathless with his presence when there was a crash beside your head. It was a man with a knife sticking out of his side. Your vision became blurry for a moment and by the time it returned to normal your view of the bloody man was blocked by the grinning man in front of you. Of course, to block the view like the gentleman that he was, he would have to step even closer. 
"You could have just fought with your men there then. I saw you move ahead of them like you had intention-"
Your words stuttered to a stop when he was off you in a second, taking out a small knife from heaven knows where and stabbing a man twice his size some ten times in five seconds. The man fell to the floor and he smiled back at you again, "you were saying?"
Eyes stuck on the man bleeding out on the floor, you pushed your back against the wall to not let your feet give away, "I saw you run forward as if you-"
"Uh huh?"
"As if you-"
He was laughing. You couldn't help but feel a tinge of fear; only a tinge when you should have screamed bloody murder and sprinted miles away. But at the same time you could feel the coils in your stomach tighten and something in you not wanting to leave. 
"As if what?"
"As if you need something from here. Get it done and go."
He smiled, sending you a mock salute before pushing open a heavy looking door while you stood against the wall, breathless and panting. You could hear the blood rushing to your head over the sounds of the fighting. Never in your entire life had you felt such a rollercoaster of emotions. There was something strange about him and you knew it, it was as obvious as global warming that you shouldn't play Dora the Explorer with this guy of all people. But you watched as he emerged out of the room, a big leather bag in hand. 
The corridor had become more chaotic than before. You assumed that both sides had called in more people. As you stared at the people fighting to death, you tried to process what exactly was happening. But you failed. So when a sticky hand grabbed yours and prompted you to move forward, you let it. His wavy hair bounced as he ducked random blows, spinning you around, moving you back and forth while moving forward and out of the narrow, bloodied corridor. Just before the last step before the stairs, he dropped your hand. 
You hadn't realised that you were staring at your joined hands until he let go. When your eyes traveled up to his face, it had more blood than before and his light coloured shirt was barely half of the shade it used to be. He was still smiling at you, you realised. 
"I never found you on the streets."
Your lips were moving so you knew it was you talking. But what was that weak, breathless voice? 
"Did you want to?"
He asked it so nonchalantly as if he was around and you just hadn't spotted him. 
"Yes. I mean-", you barely recognised your voice and your train of thoughts. You wondered where all your years of being tough and tactical went. 
"Then you will."
And he was gone. 
Sirens. Multiple cars. 12 deaths. A huge number of injured people. 
The closed diner was dark, lit up by the red and blue and echoing the haunting sirens. The police officers had stopped to ask a few questions and Hee-jin answered them all. You watched her lie through her teeth that you, who stood like a pinned doll, were too shaken up with the incident so you couldn't speak to them at all. They said they understood and gave you a look of pity. You felt nauseous. 
When you had walked downstairs and splashed water in your face a good fifteen times, the police were already there. You sent a prayer hoping he was gone far away by then and then to erase the guilt of sending such a prayer, you splashed water in your face again. Hee-jin didn't ask anything. Nobody asked or even glanced at you. It was as if you hadn't just associated yourself with someone who raided one of the biggest turfs of the LBs. Were they ignorant? Were they afraid? 
The owner of the diner appeared once in front of you two to mention in a rather bored tone that the diner would be closed the following day and left. Hee-jin looked at you strangely and left. You were thankful that she even looked at you and you left. 
When you were home and you could hear the familiar tune of old school kpop playing in the apartment right below yours, you bawled like a baby. You didn't know why. You just cried and cried until the turning of your guts stopped and you were sane enough to question yourself. There were feelings in you that had not been stirred for years and there was a tingling in the back of your heart, a craving almost. But it was a different kind of craving, the ones that made you want to have a pair of strong arms wrapped around you. You wondered where all of this was coming from. But you knew the answer. You just didn't want it to be the answer.
The steaming mug of coffee was grounding you to reality as you looked over at the night market. The night market saw two types of customers, one that bought the usual edibles up front and the other, that bought tightly sealed packets from the shadows. It was almost funny sometimes. The old lady of stall 5 got mad at anyone who tried to bargain. She was just constantly in a bad mood and while you understood and related to her, it was not nice to always hear people being shouted upon. When watching the night market became your muse, it took you all of a week to believe that the same old lady probably sold the most narcotics. Her customers in the shadows even queued to get it. 
The coffee had cooled down comparatively when you took your first sip. There was a small commotion in the market but you couldn't see it. The old lady was closed, you realised. That was very strange. It was a clear night and it almost made you forget the kind of day you had. A good night's sleep would prepare you for a tough next day and with the kind of heatwave that was shaking the city, you would need all the preparation. 
Your eyes were out of focus and you zoned in and out. The image of an intriguing pair of chocolate brown eyes flashed in the back of your mind. It was so vivid. You could see the smirk that formed on his lips and it subconsciously made you grip the cup tighter. His eyes stared at you unblinking until the smirk got bigger and he sent a wink your way. 
That's when you broke out of your trance. Groaning in disbelief, you rubbed your eyes and sighed. But when you opened them, they met the chocolate brown pools again. 
"What the-"
There he was. Not in your vision but walking in all glory out of the night market, smiling at you. In a polythene by his side, something orange swung with each step. Tangerines? 
As he took a turn and disappeared out of sight, you placed a hand on your heart, which felt like it would pop out of your throat. What had just happened? He was gone as fast as he came. You almost confirmed in your mind that he was not real. You were hallucinating and you'd have to break your savings to go see a doctor. 
As if he was hearing your thoughts, the alley where he disappeared, he walked back out of it. This time he walked straight to your building. Stumbling to reach the railings, you peered down at him. 
"What are you doing here?"
You wondered if he heard you over the noise of the market. But he was looking straight up at you. 
"Tomorrow. Lake Plaza at 5."
And again with a mock salute, he walked off. You fumbled, stuttered and almost bit your tongue in the urgency to reply but by the time you were about to utter, "What?" He was gone. 
He got a deal. A deal so good he liked to call it a steal deal. Four tangerines for no money. Normally he would celebrate his steal deal with some more steal deals but he was somewhat in a hurry. 
The men behind him had knives, he was sure. But he had left his own set of beautiful knives at his home. Now he had a backup tucked in his shoe but he was slightly concerned. Five grown men might pose a little trouble for a pocket knife. 
He whistled as he walked, a small smile playing on his busted lips. The way you fumbled every time you saw him but how you were ready with comebacks every time he got too comfortable, it made him curious. It made him wonder what kind of life you had lived, what kind of life you lived. There was a hollow pit in his stomach that was making him question whether you would show up where he asked you. After all, it would be a miracle if you did but for some reason, he thought you were a miracle. Something in him could tell that you were. So he wanted to push his luck. 
The men tailing him had stopped being subtle. Their footsteps were closer and peripherally he could see something shiny in the occasional lights from nearby buildings and the rarely unbroken lamp posts. 
'No,' he thought. If you were to show up, he would need his face to be unscathed. 
"Alright guys," the men abruptly stopped when he turned around to face them, their mouth open in surprise. 
He took his time cracking his neck and stretching his arms before finally nodding at them, "Let's get this over with."
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surveysandthings · 1 year
Tell me about the first five photos you have on your phone or camera. The 1st is a calendar I made, the next 3 are pictures/videos of my dog loving the new bed we got her, and the 5th is an anniversary picture of my husband and I!
Have you got any half or step siblings? All my siblings are half siblings but I don’t have any step siblings, thankfully.
When was the last time you were disappointed? A couple days ago, I invited my mom to see an artist we both loved when I was a kid in concert and she declined for reasons I knew were a lie, which was extra disappointing because she’s going out of her way to see my little sister’s favorite artist that she doesn't even like. 
When was the last time you had wet hair? Thursday night I think.
Do you like kids’ movies? Oh yeah!
Have you ever known someone online and then met them in person? If so, which website did you meet on? Yes, my husband! And I met one girl off Bumble BFF but it didn’t work out.
Have you ever been to the beach? If so, tell me the name of the beach you last went to and when. I have! We went to Santa something island in Florida wayyyy back in 2012.
When was the last time you were sick and what illness did you have? I had a cold back in April.
When did you last wash your hair? ...Thursday night.
Who did you last speak aloud to and what did you say? My husband, he was asking me which game he should play.
Do you know anyone with a serious anger management problem? My family for sureeee.
Do you have a calendar in your room? Nope!
What color is your wallet? Black.
Have you ever been to Manhattan? Newp.
Are you wearing any jewelry right now? What are they? I’m wearing my wedding rings on my left ring finger and then a super thin little gold chain ring on my right ring finger.
Did you get swine flu? I did, actually. It was fucking awful and to this day, it’s the sickest I've ever been.
Do you know anyone from Alabama? Not personally!
How bright is it in the room you’re in? We have a massive living room window and it’s daytime with the curtains open but it’s overcast outside so it’s perfectly lit but not blinding or anything.
What can you smell right now? Nothin!
Have you ever bought a game from a site like Big Fish Games or Shockwave? I think so!
Have you ever had a snow day? Oh yeah. They were more frequent when I was a kid but we had a huge blizzard in April and we were snowed in for days.
Have you seen all the Lord of the Rings movies? I think so actually.
Do you have an unhealthy obsession with colored furry throw pillows that are different shapes and sizes? Mmm, no.
How often do you change your underwear? Every day to every other day, depending when I put them on the previous day. Does that make sense?
Doesn’t it bother you when guys in your family / household leave the toilet seat up so that you wind up almost falling in when you’re sleepy and dazed at 3:00 AM and need to pee? My husband always puts the toilet seat down and I never wake up in the middle of the night to pee.
Approximately how many books do you have in your house? Um...less than 10 for sure.
Have you ever had to call the cops on someone else before? I called the cops because it was like 90 degrees and someone had left their dog locked in their car.
Have you ever been to court for something other than a traffic ticket? I got married in a courthouse if that counts.
Don’t you hate it when people suddenly love a celebrity when they die? It’s weird but whatever.
What type of math are you the best at? Addition I guess?
How’s the weather? It’s cold but not as cold as it usually is this time of year. Supposedly there's a blizzard on its way here this week but it could miss us so we’ll see.
0 notes
vintagemiserie · 2 years
John woke with an acute feeling that there wasn’t enough oxygen in the room. He was damn near hyperventilating within just seconds, gently extracting himself from Daniel’s unconscious grasp just so he could breathe. It still wasn’t enough, not really, so he pulled himself out of bed and stood up, maybe hoping to just let his lungs open up a little. He opened the window, just a crack. It was raining outside. He crouched and let his head lean against the windowsill, hoping his heart would stop racing.
Back home he would have been able to lean over his boyfriend and push the window open, rather than get out of bed entirely. It was an annoying quirk of the apartment, that and the lack of any lawn. He was just waiting for the band to get a little bigger, then he and Daniel could break their lease and buy one of the houses they’d been looking at.
God, he was so homesick. It was pathetic. They had only been in the apartment for a couple months, only a 10 minute drive from home, yet he was more homesick than he was when couchsurfing after gigs on the other side of the country.
Movement caught the corner of John’s eye, making him sit up. It was just Daniel, of course it was. Didn’t change the prey nerves that dictated John’s subconsciousness.
“Hey,” Daniel murmured. With his eyes not yet adjusted to the early morning darkness, he groped the nightstand until finding his glasses. “Why are…” he couldn’t find the words for the rest of the question.
“Needed fresh air,” John said. Say it felt like a gasp, but it really wasn’t at all. What a fucking nutcase, he thought to himself. “Mm, when we get a house we need a backyard—I miss grass.”
“Okay,” Daniel said through a yawn. He didn’t sound awake enough to have really understood what John meant, but that was okay.
Daniel had already sat up a bit, to get his glasses and inspect John, but apparently it wasn’t enough. He pushed the covers off of him and stood. John, heart and breathing starting to return to normal, stood in return. They looked at each other for a few moments, silent, awkward, exhausted.
“Hey, we haven’t really, y’know… how’ve you been doing since you dropped out?” Daniel asked. “I know you have the—the thing next week, but I still…”
“Yeah,” John said. The thing was an actual fucking therapy appointment, the first one in years, one that he probably should have set up a year or two ago. The band was doing well enough that he didn’t need an art degree, not if the label kept promoting them, but when he had a semester of C’s and D’s the year prior, before knowing whether or not a degree would still be worthwhile, he should have given himself an intervention and gone to therapy. Better late than never. “It’s like half of me is relieved, and the other half of me thinks I’ve destroyed my life, right? It’s always so irrational, but it’s so hard not to listen to,” he explained.
Daniel nodded. He prepared himself for a usual, poorly-worded anecdote where Daniel empathized via his social struggles, but it didn’t come. “So, so you’re doing okay?” He moved just barely and his eyes caught a dim reflection of a streetlamp outside. His eyes were so big, so pretty. They made John want to weep.
“You know you can just ask if I’m feeling suicidal. And I’m not,” he half-lied. It was always there, always in the back of his mind, always an escape option. But that wasn’t the answer that would make sense to Daniel, it would just confuse and upset him. It was confusing and upsetting for John, really, and that was why he finally bit the bullet and booked an appointment with a professional after, what was it, four years of putting it off.
“Yeah—” Daniel said. He turned his head and the dots of light in his eyes disappeared, darkening everything. It made John want to weep more. “—but I don’t want to say, like, ‘how much do you wanna kill yourself, one to ten?’, right? I’d sound like a bitch.”
John laughed. “But you’re my bitch, so it’s okay,” he said.
Though Daniel’s statement was clearly meant to be serious, it seemed to dawn on him how funny it sounded in retrospect. He had always been such a focused person that his own comedic chops usually went over his head. “Yeah right, big guy,” he said through a giggle. “I’m fucken cold, and you’re the bitch of this relationship, so you need to do something about that problem.”
The suggestion was pretty clear, and John had finally relaxed from whatever made him wake up in the first place. Conceding the argument of exactly who called the shots, John wrapped his arms around Daniel’s waist and pulled him a step backward, into bed.
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suckitsurveys · 2 years
Have you ever lied to a person of authority? What did you say? If teachers count I lied to them all the time about homework and shit. And of course my parents from time to time because I was a shitty teenager.
What’s your favourite type of pie, either sweet or savoury? Pumpkin..
Do you have a Netflix subscription? Yes.
Have you ever parked in a disabled parking space even if you aren’t disabled? I have, but it was to pick up my mother, who was disabled. I’ve also probably pulled into one to pick someone up once or twice, but never sat there for more than a couple minutes or left my car.
How long does it usually take you to get ready in the morning? For work it takes me like 10 minutes because I get everything ready the night before.
What colour is your favourite shirt? Black.
When was the last time you saw a photo of yourself? I can see a photo of myself from where I am right now.
Does your laptop ever overheat? I had one that CONSTANTLY overheated. It was so annoying but then it finally died.
Are you wearing a dress today? No.
Do you use your phone during class or at work? I use my phone at work.
How many times a day do you check Facebook? Once or twice. Sometimes more to check notifications if I posted something that day.
Do you hate it when people on airplanes recline the seat in front? I’ve never had that happen to me.
Are you the type of person to press a button just because? No.
Would you ever volunteer in the case of a natural disaster? It depends.
Do you check your emails daily? I check emails daily for my job.
Are you inside or outside at the moment? Inside.
Why did you last have to see a doctor? I needed new glasses.
Have you ever been pulled aside for a random bag search at an airport? Yes, they needed to go through my entire bag because I had an instax printer in it and they didn’t know what it was lol.
Are you happy with how much you weigh? No.
What’s your favourite flavour of Jell-O? Strawberry.
Do you pick your nose? C’mon, be honest. Yes, with tissues, and in private.
What was the last thing you bought from a supermarket? A whole grocery list’s worth of stuff.
Do you know anyone who is highly allergic to anything? Yes.
When was the last time you had a nap? I don’t remember. I’m not a napper.
Are you hot, cold, or just right at the moment? Just right. I have the window opened in my office and it’s like 60 something degrees and rainy and its so fucking nice.
Do you have a Spotify Premium membership? If not, do you want one? I do have one.
What’s your boss’ name? Tony.
Have you ever eaten caviar? Yes, I like it.
Are you a nervous type of person? Sure.
Do/did you collect anything currently or in the past? This question has come up like 2348792 times lately I’m so tired of answering it.
On average, how much money do you usually put into savings every week? We put a little in every paycheck.
Do you prefer sweet or savoury foods? I enjoy both.
Do you have any games on your computer? Which ones? Not on my work computer. And probably none on my laptop at home either lol.
What are your three favourite fruits? Pomegranates, watermelon, bananas.
Have you ever received a speeding fine? I have.
When was the last time you shaved any part of your body? I shaved my legs Saturday night.
Have you ever had a cramp in an odd place? Yes.
Would you ever go overseas for cheap medical treatment? Nah.
How many hours did you sleep last night? Around 6.
Are you good at writing stories? Eh.
What have you eaten today? Nothing yet.
Do you watch House of Cards? No.
Did anything exciting or interesting happen to you today? No.
What’s your favourite type of fish to eat? Honestly I love all types of fish. My favorite way to eat fish is in sushi form, though. Also crab legs.
Who else is in the building you’re in right now? My coworkers in my shop and other people from the other shops that operate out of this building.
0 notes
spookydrreid · 2 years
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Friends Without Benefits
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: falling in love with your best friend (when you weren’t supposed to) can be quite a bitch.
Content warnings: friends with benefits, talks of being in love, kissing, oral sex (fem! Receiving), unprotected sex, penetrative sex, creampie. (Let me know if i missed anything.)
Word count: 2.1k
Based off the song “Friends Without Benefits” By Chloe Collins
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He should’ve known I would be awake, Spencer knew I liked the silent darkness night brought me. I did my best work between midnight and 3 am. So when his text came in, letting me know the team would be landing in an hour, I replied almost embarrassingly quickly.
I was out the door and into the frigid, January cold even faster. When I was awake, I would always go get him. It was a little tradition Spencer and I started after his first really rough case. At that time, we just drove around until his mind quieted, sometimes getting shitty pizza and eating in the car.
But now… we were doing a little more than that.
I let my mind wander as I drove to the airstrip. It wasn’t far from my apartment and it was on the way to his, so picking him up was no big deal. I knew exactly what would be happening once he got in my car. We played coy in front of his teammates, claiming to be just friends. But we were a little more than that.
Friends with benefits was my idea, something I proposed when pizza and long car rides stoped working for Spencer. We’d been friends since college, me getting a bachelors in engineering, and him working on his third PhD. We were so alike it was almost scary.
I loved our little arrangement. It started with only after cases, then once a week, and now I’m only ever sleeping by myself when he’s away on cases. And between times when I see him, my phone never leaves my hands in case he needs me.
But we are not dating.
I want to make that explicitly clear. Spencer and I are friends with benefits and that’s it. We agreed when all this started that we wouldn’t fall in love with each other.
Unfortunately, this was something I was failing at… miserably.
I didn’t understand how anyone couldn’t fall in love with Spencer. He was everything you could ever imagine. Like if I could build the perfect man, it would be everything Spencer is. Smart, kind, funny, understanding, compassionate, romant-
“Jesus fuck, it’s cold out there!” The shutting of the car door brings me back to the present. And the man sitting in my front seat, cranking the heat.
I cant help but grin at his vulgar language, something he uses more often than people seem to think. “My car says its 10 degrees outside. Which is warmer than it was last night!” My heart races as I look over at him, taking him in. He was so fucking beautiful and it killed me to know we were only friends. But I tried to keep love and sadness out of my eyes because then he would know and everything would be ruined.
“Did you sleep at your apartment last night?” Oh yeah, then theres that. The little tiny fact that I practically lived at his place. Like I said, when he was home, it was rare I ever slept alone. And even sometimes when he was gone I would ‘house sit’ and just sleep in his bed.
I nod, “I did. It was freezing without you.”
He grins and hums, “you always say I’m the best heat source around.” Because he was. Spencer was scrawny but he threw off more heat than my heated blanket, most nights forcing us to sleep with the windows open.
“Pizza or home?” I asked. It was nearly 2 am but there was a little place near his apartment that always had the most amazing slices.
I watch him think it over for a minute before turning and doing to me what I did to him, take me in. “Home… its been a while and I miss you.”
I felt my heart jump into my throat at his confession. But I swallowed it down and reminded myself that he more than likely didn’t mean it like that. He probably just missed the sex and the slight companionship I brought to him. He always said, even when we were in college, I was one of the few people that made him calm. And after college I became the only person.
I nod and put the car in drive, waving to his teammates who eye us suspiciously. I knew they knew my feelings and I prayed that they never told him. “I missed you too, Spence. Work just isn’t the same without you breathing down my neck to check my work.”
He laughs and my heart is back in my throat. Its one of the most beautiful noises I’ve ever heard in my entire life. Like a favorite song that I wish I could replay over and over again. “Because sometimes you make silly mistakes and the last thing we need is NASA getting mad at you! Cannot have that.”
“I am too valuable to NASA for them to fire me.” I grin and roll my eyes at him.
“Mmhm sure, sure.”
The closer I get to Spencers apartment, the more the tension rises. By the time I park in my usual spot, I’m squeezing my thighs together to try to relieve some pressure forming between them. And we barely make it in the door before his lips are on mine.
It’s 2 am and its dark, but it didn’t matter. It was a route that we’d taken so many times before, I knew it well. We rip off clothes as we walk, only breaking the kiss to take off our shirts. The trail of our clothes leading into his bedroom.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he murmurs as his lips trail over my jaw and down my neck, leaving little love bites in their wake.
I let myself relish in the compliment; falling into the little fantasy that maybe he could see me the way I saw him. I craved his affection and if this was the only way I could have it, I’d do it forever.
My hands creep into his hair, twisting into his curls and bringing his face up mine for another kiss. He tasted like cinnamon and Spencer, two of my most favorite things. He was intoxicating and I wanted to be high on him forever.
“Someone missed me?” He giggles into our kiss, hands wrapping around me to unclasp my bra. “Always so needy when I come home.” I let the straps fall, revealing more of myself to him.
Hungry eyes flicker between my breasts and my own eyes, fire and lust filling them. I will the butterflies in my stomach to dissipate. But the second his fingers reach up and tweak my nipples, they are back in full force. His fingers are magical and I think about it, the wetter I get.
“I did miss you. A-always miss you when you’re gone, Spence.” I let the confession fall from my lips. I knew I could just explain it away; I’d done it before. “But can you blame me for being needy? L-look at you.”
He grins, pushing me back onto his bed, crawling over me. “Yeah? What about me?”
I’m nearly speechless when he asks me that. I’ve told him he looks good before and never, ever, has he asked me to explain what I meant. And him kissing down my body is not helping my brain think of an excuse.
So, that explains why all I could think of was, “y-you’re so beautiful. Perfect.” He’s pulling off my panties as I confess to him that I thought he was beautiful.
“Really? You think I’m beautiful? S’very sweet.” He mutters between kisses up my thighs, till he’s settled between my legs. All I wanted was him to do something more stimulating. But Spencer liked the thrill of the chase, the build up. He teased me relentlessly until I begged.
He kisses my clit so gently, and it makes me shudder a little. I feel him smirk against me and before I can speak, he licks up my cunt and makes me moan loudly. “Fuck!” My hands tangle back into his beautiful hair, soft and pretty thanks to me teaching him how to take care of it.
He sucks a little harder on my clit, doing everything he knows I like. I squirm, making him wrap his arms around my thighs and pulling me closer to him while he works his tongue against me. “Spencer… p-please.” My begging starts because I want him to give me what I want.
“Begging already, pretty girl?” He grins before going back to what he was doing.
I grin at his sentiment, he only ever called me ‘pretty girl’ when we were like this. He never called me anything other than my name outside of this room. I relished in the name while I could. “Y-yes please. I’m so close!”
“Go ahead… cum for me, y/n.” And that’s all it takes for me to tip over the edge. My hands tugging on his hair and his name rolling off my tongue over and over again.
He works me through it as he always does, gently and with care. No man had ever made me feel the way he did. No man was ever as gentle as he was. Even when Spencer was rough with me, I still felt like he cared. Trust me, I understand how much of an oxymoron that is, but its true.
“Such a pretty girl… such a good girl for me huh?” He kisses up my body till he’s at my lips. I can taste myself on his tongue, my hands on his face so keep him near me.
“Please fuck me, Spencer” I whisper, our faces so close. “I need it.”
He grins, “oh you need it?” I cant help but match his grin.
“I’ll die if you don’t.” It makes him giggle but it works because he lines up and pushes in slowly. He fills me perfectly, stretching me in a way no one else has. “God…” I whine.
He fills me to the hilt and waits no time to fuck me, slow and deep. When he’s like this it means the case was decent, his mind just needed to be shut off so he can sleep. If it was hard and fast it meant he had a rough time, stressed out, and most likely, forced to kill someone. It didn’t matter if they were killers, he never liked shooting unsubs.
I was grateful for when we got to be like this, slow and controlled. Close. So, fucking close. His lips so close to mine, but pleasure not allowing us time for kisses. Just moans and sounds of our bodies coming together. My eyes struggling to stay open but I needed them to. I needed to memorize every moment of this time with Spencer. I did it every single time we were like this. Just in case it was the last time.
I wasn’t religious, but I always prayed he wouldn’t wake up and regret our time, ending us before we really ever started.
My nails dig into his back, making him groan, it was such a pretty sound. It makes me dig my nails in a little more just to hear it again. And I’m rewarded “fucking hell, baby.”
‘Baby’… another thing he only called me when we were like this.
It makes the knot in my stomach tighten and before I know it, another orgasm has me in a chokehold. Spencer following right behind me, calling out my name. The feeling fills me with emotions unlike anything else. “Spencer! God, Spencer I love you.” I don’t even stutter when I say it, but his hips do and that’s what makes me realize what I just said. “S-spencer I didn’t… i-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”
“I love you too.” It’s not an accident. He means his words, I can see it in his eyes. It takes my breath away.
“What?” My hands run down his arms and I will myself not to cry. All I’ve wanted for years is to hear him say that. And I sincerely wanted to make sure I wasn’t going crazy.
He moves slowly but he nods, slowly bringing us down from the high, “I love you. Have for so long.”
I blink up at him digesting his words. “Me? You love me?”
It makes him giggle. My confusion is something he always found funny. Claiming I was smarter than him in some ways, not as smart as others. He always says its cute. “Yes. I love you. And you love me, yeah?”
I nod and all that makes him do is connect his lips with mine. The kiss is sweet and full of everything I felt for so long. And it was all coming true.
“I’ll take that as a yes then?” He asks when I pull back.
“Can take it as an absolutely.”
I guess there really isnt fun in friends without benefits.
Tag list: @worryd0ll @muffin-cup @will-on-the-internet @mikewizkalifa @dr-spencerr-reidd @reidsconverse @ssaalexisreid @spencerreidat3am @thisiscalm-andits-doctor @princesssmooshie @spenxerslut @xoxospencerreid @reiding-recs @aayaissaa @spencerreid9 @pancake2603 @wheelsupscenehater @sixxslut @doctorspenceryeet @freakyhood96 @flipperpenguins @k-k0129 @measure-in-pain @rrtxcmt @withasideofmeg @totallyclearwitch @vaella1821 @shemarmooresfedora @tbuhgs @manuosorioh @luvofyourlifeliv @reidsbookclub @@mikhailogallavich @coldlilheart @everythingbutnormal @reidsacademia @sassymoon @nomajdetective @spideygenius @goldensonlyangel  @hufflepuffhaze @doctcr-reid
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spectral-kitkat · 3 years
Miraculous Rant.
Where the hell do I begin…
Season 1:
The show was decent in season 1. Some episodes were just mindless filler and probably weren’t needed in the grand scheme of things but they helped us get introduced to the characters, we got to know the plot and the world our characters inhabit. It was good. The love story between Adrien and Marinette was cute and off to a touching and fluffy start.
Season 2:
This season was immediately better than season 1. It had character development, it went more into detail about the lore surrounding the Miraculous and we got to learn more about our characters and their families and the villian’s motives. (HM really went from “I wanna destroy the world” to “I wanna wake my wife from the coma she’s in”).
We got to see new heroes which was fun! We got new characters like Luka and Kagami.
The season finale was epic! The Miraculous team all taking down all the previous villains in the show was awesome. At the end we even got Mari kissing Adrien on the cheek. It was great! (Even though it clearly reset itself in season 3 cause it’s never mentioned again)
I really enjoyed season 2 and it’s probably my favourite out of the 4.
Season 3:
Season 3 was kinda good and kinda bad. We had some great episodes but this is where the show took the wrong turn.
Marinette lost some of her character in season 3. This was the start of her descent into being the Queen of Mary Sues. It’s also where she was crowned the Queen of Stalkers! Her character took a fucking nose dive in this season. We had so many moments that just creeped me the fuck out.
1. The ENTIRETY of Puppeteer 2 🤢🤢🤢 I could not stand that episode. When we reached the dreaded statue scene I physically had to pause it like 10 times. That scene takes about 3 minutes to watch… it took me about 20. I cringed so fucking hard because of the secondhand embarrassment I was feeling. That was not sweet, it wasn’t romantic, it wasn’t the least bit cute… it was a train wreck! It was creepy and stalkerish and it’s a wonder Adrien even spoke to her again after that atrocity!
2. LB delivering the present in Chat Blanc. Two words: STALKER BEHAVIOUR!!! I genuinely could not believe my eyes when I saw LB run her hand across everything in his room and then actually SNIFF Adrien’s pillow. Like WTF!!! 🤮 I’m pretty sure whoever was responsible for that scene clearly thought it was the equivalent of when someone gets their S/O’s jumper or something and it still smells like them. But this turned it up to the nth degree and way passed the line of sanity.
Adrien was extremely under-utilised in this season. He didn’t really do anything. The only episodes we got about him didn’t really focus on him. ‘Felix’ whilst focusing on Adrien’s family didn’t really feature him. ‘Party Crasher’ while a beautiful mess was more about Mari trying to get into the party than the party itself. ‘Chat Blanc’ again focused more on Mari trying to fix her mistake.
We got even more heroes in season 3, not in the right order but they were there. It was fun seeing everyone’s transformations.
Season 3 was also the season of destroying redemptions. The big one obviously being Chloe. Season 2 was setting up this amazing redemption for her and before it could go anywhere it was wiped off the face of the earth during the finale (and don’t worry we’ll get to that dumpster fire later). Gabriel also had any remaining sympathy ripped away from him. How did the guy who stopped Gorizilla from letting Adrien die when he only thought he was CN go from that to using his son like fucking baseball in Chat Blanc when he knew his son was CN. Like I knew you were a shit father but you still cared about Adrien in some way shape or form but after that episode I can see I was clearly mistaken!
Before we get to the finale I want to talk about probably my 2 least favourite episodes from this season: Desperada and Reflekdoll
I fucking hated this episode! The only good thing was Luka getting to be Viperion, other than that this episode was awful!
Marinette was a selfish cringey bitch. Completely ignoring Luka to gush about Adrien to Jagged. Brushing Luka off as soon as Adrien turns up. Immediately cuddling up to Aspik and flirting with him when she needed to focus on the akuma (something which she has told CN not to do many times before)
Adrien, I love you kid but Jesus Christ you were a dumbass in this episode! Aspik’s design was terrible! Aspik himself was awful. I know Adrien tried his best but dude you were given the Black Cat miraculous for a reason! He shouldn’t have tried to be Aspik but even when he did he should’ve called it quits after like 5 resets not 25,913 times.
The only person with a brain this episode was Luka. So well done guitar boy, gold star!
This episode was annoying! It was basically the start of the Marinette can do no wrong streak! When they have to swap miraculous I was happy cause it meant we got to see new outfits and see how they each handle the different powers. It would also serve as a way to get LB and CN to see what their partners role is first hand. Until we actually get to it…
LadyNoire is of course amazing and needs no introduction to using this new miraculous that she’s never used before. She’s cocky and confident and basically just LB in Chat’s costume with his powers.
Mister Bug on the other hand is just useless. He struggles with this new miraculous (like anyone would!) and is stupid and goofy. He has to rely on LadyNoire to solve the lucky charm. They swapped miraculous so shouldn’t that mean that Mister Bug should get the lucky vision and the creative powers that the earrings give him.
Overall Reflekdoll is awful. It was shitty writing and the start of Adrien getting the short end of the stick.
And now the season 3 finale… Just what the fuck. That is my only reaction: what the fuck!
Chloe you poor fucking child! What did they do to you!!! So much potential SQUANDERED!!!!
What was the point in bringing in all these different superheros with unique skill sets, costumes and transformations if you were just going to immediately reveal them to the main villian so they can’t be used again. That’s stupid! If you wanted the shock value that is “Oh no HM knows some of the heroes identities!” Then keep it as only some. Have like Max, Kim and Kagami outside trying to find somewhere to hide but unfortunately they get hit. Or Nino and Alya are hiding but the windows open and they get hit. Have some of the heroes hide so they’re fine! Taking away every ally of LB and CN’s was a stupid move! (Even if they wanted Alya to become a spy have her as part of the like 4 that get revealed or something, it’s not that difficult)
Season 3 was 50/50 for me
Season 4:
So I know season 4 isn’t even halfway through yet but so much is wrong with this season already that I need to vent!
So my biggest problem with this season of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybitch and Rena Rouge, I mean Rena Furtive… shit, Chat Noir! Is that CN is basically pointless! Adrien has been flung over a rainbow and is only remembered when he’s needed as
1. Marinette’s love interest
2. Someone for LB to shout at
3. A plot device
He has basically been sidelined. Partners my ASS!!!
Adrien is being blown off by pretty much EVERYONE! It’s coming to a point where this poor sweet summer child is going to crack! And it is not gonna be pretty… I definitely feel like the writers are leading up to a big fight between CN and LB which will probably end with Chat Blanc 2.0.
I REALLY HATE MARINETTE/LADYBUG!!!! In Season 3 I said it was the beginning of her descent, well in season 4 she’s done it. She’s descended, she has hit rock fucking bottom. She is so unlikable I don’t actually care about her as a person. She has entered full blown stalker territory it’s only a matter of time before she starts killing people for even looking at Adrien! Not to mention that Miss Mary Sue here can’t do anything wrong! She never has to suffer the consequences of her actions, she is always perfect no matter what she does… it pisses me off!)
She’s the Guardian now big whoop. I know what it feels like to be stressed and under pressure so I do understand why she needed to tell someone about it all. I just don’t see why that person had to Alya! Especially considering she has someone by her side every akuma attack going through pretty much the exact same thing. I know she’s worried about CB happening again but as I said before the more she leaves him out the more she is actually pushing that to become a possibility! Plus it makes sense for them to reveal their identities now since LB is now the guardian it’s probably a good idea to know who holds the cat miraculous, she knows everyone else’s identities!
Even if she didn’t want to tell CN her identity she could still explain the situation to him. If she didn’t want to tell him anything (which she doesn’t anyway) then instead of Alya she should’ve talked to Luka! Her boyfriend for all of half an episode (thanks writers…). He’s so sweet and caring and clearly loves her so much! If she wanted someone to confide in then why not choose the person you clearly wanted to date but couldn’t because of that very reason! (Yeah I know it’s kinda a moot point now since Luka knows both identities but still). He wanted to try and comfort her so it would’ve been the perfect moment for it. That way you could still date him and he’d know why you had to suddenly leave dates halfway through! But no break the boys heart instead!
Adrien and Marinette were both such fucking idiots in the first 2 episodes. Like why would you start a relationship with someone when you know your heart isn’t in it! That’s called leading someone on and is a really shitty thing to do to someone! No wonder Kagami and Luka ended up akumatized!
Another aspect of season 4 I don’t like is Rena Furtive. Yes ok having a spy for your side is a good strategy but when said spy basically tells an important member of a duo that the 2 person job doesn’t involve them… it just really ticks me off! Alya you are the sidekick to LB and CN! Chat isn’t!
Miraculous specials:
The Miraculous World specials suck! Shanghai is better than NY but still has its problems. Both specials add nothing to the overall plot/lore of the show apart from trying to set up some weird cinematic universe…
NY special:
One of the worst things I’ve ever had to sit through! The plane scene alone I paused a few times. I want to say well done to Mari for trying to move on from Adrien (especially considering I’m pretty sure she’s dating Luka at this point) but I can’t help but think it’s just to give her character some pointless development that goes nowhere and doesn’t actually develop anything!
LB can pretty much fuck off at this point! I hate her! She put all this shit on CN (like she doesn’t know exactly how that feels). It’s like why does she get to go off on holiday but CN can’t. LB should’ve stayed in Paris for 3 reasons:
1. She’s recently become the guardian meaning it would probably be best that she stayed with the Mircle Box
2. She’s the only one who can purity the akumas
3. If she’s so sure about being the boss then she should take responsibility of Paris and the citizens.
What really pisses me off about her is what she says to CN during the big fight. “I can’t trust you”… surely you could have this conversation afterwards since you’re supposed to be focusing on taking down the villian! Plus everyone bashes Adrien for giving his miraculous up in this episode but look at it from his point of view: His partner and best friend just said she couldn’t trust him which in turn caused him to cataclysm someone and essentially kill them. That’s gonna take a toll on anyone, especially a 14 year old! He probably thought in that moment. “Ladybug needs a partner she can trust and someone who won’t mess up and kill someone. She needs a better partner.” It makes sense he renounces his miraculous! I’m just upset that in doing so he loses Plagg who is pretty much his only friend who actually understands what Adrien goes through at home.
When Uncanny gets CN to come back, LB acts like it’s not her fault in the first place that he feels inadequate! She didn’t even apologise for saying what she did! He apologised for lying about not being in Paris but nope LB wasn’t in the wrong at all and didn’t have anything to apologise for 🙄… (yes the LadyNoir hug was amazing but I just wish it was under different circumstances!)
Also are we not gonna mention Gabriel Agreste almost starting WW3??? He wanted to launch a fucking missile!!!
As I said before, this special is way better for several reasons.
We got MariChat! (Best side to the love square imo). This special actually had some semblance on a plot. Fei, whilst a bit op, was a cool character. It was nice to see Wang Cheng again.
However once again there were many problems.
A big one being Marinette yet again! (What a shock! 😒 I’ll come back to this). Another was that once again HM’s motivation has changed. How is getting the Prodigious gonna help bring back Emilie??
Back to Marinette… The fact that the words “Huh?! There must be some kind of mistake! I always know what's up with Adrien! … His 5 first names and every corresponding name date, his yearly schedule, even his shoe size! If there were anything to know about him, I would know it!” come out of her mouth whilst she is flipping through his schedule that she keeps in her pocketbook is a hugh red flag!!! That is not cute or adorable! That’s messed up and Adrien needs to fucking run and maybe possibly go into witness protection… Marinette is a full blown stalker! Not to mention the GPS she has (that could just be the find my friends app on iphone but still).
It also is extremely rude of her to use not only her great uncle’s birthday but also a lie about wanting to know her Chinese heritage in order to go to Shanghai to stalk her obsession, I mean crush. This could’ve been avoided if the Dupain-Chengs were going to Shanghai for the purpose of celebrating Wang Cheng’s bday and then Adrien just so happened to be in Shanghai.
Also this means LB left Paris without telling CN! I know CN did the same but again he can’t purify the akumas. Plus he has a reason he couldn’t stay in Paris, Mari just went cause her crush did. Great guardianship there Marinette.
This was also the last time CN actually did something. Even if it was for a short while before LB and her female partner took over (the beginning of a theme…)
Other things:
There are 2 other things that I wanna say but felt they needed a separate bit.
In Furious Fu, Su-Han has a rule book that he uses to tell Marinette which rules she has broken. At the end of the episode he tells her that is she breaks 1 more rule that he will take the Miraculous and the Miracle Box off her, which fair enough but wouldn’t it be helpful to leave the rule book with her?! How can she be wary of not breaking anymore rules when she doesn’t even know what the rules are??
Now the big one: Master Fu…
Where do I even start with him. He is so fucking manipulative!! He is Asian Dumbledore!
He decides to leave these extremely powerful jewels in the hands of 13 year olds! Surely leaving the miraculous to someone in their 20s would’ve been better!
He clearly favours LB over CN even though the Ladybug and Black Cat are supposed to be partners! Wouldn’t it make sense for them both to be in contact with the guardian from the start?? He randomly started introducing rules such as if LB and CN find out each other’s identities they would lose their miraculous… what kind of bullshit rule is that? It also came out of fucking nowhere!
Final Thoughts:
But to summarise all of that: Miraculous is on quite a steep decline but I’m invested at this point and I am genuinely curious as to where the fuck this will go.
Marinette needs professional fucking help before the writers even consider canonising Adrienette cause at the moment she is not what Adrien needs!
Adrien needs to stand up for himself! He needs to pull LB to the side and tell her what he feels and what he’s going through cause he is on the precipice of a breakdown!
(Small point that’s more to do with the fandom: when searching for fanfics it’s really annoying that Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir Bashing is a tag but Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug Bashing isn’t. Why does everyone think Marinette can do no wrong???)
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eatyourchancletas · 3 years
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SUMMARY |  y/n l/n; the trauma surgeon who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and is taken hostage by the terrifying mafia known as ateez. despite their situations, love arises between the doctor and san; but when an enemy comes in between the group, breaking trust and belief between the members, what will san choose to save; his newfound love or his brothers?
PAIRING | choi san x male reader
INFO/CATEGORY | mafia au, fluff, light angst
WARNINGS | violence, weapon usage/mention, foul language, lower case writing
[chapter index] [playlist] [previous chapter]
AUTHOR’S NOTE | we’re back! sorry for the long break, hopefully we can get into the flow of things! monnie’s already started chapter 5 off amazingly too :p written by both of us this time (mainly edited by monnie)! please leave feedback, like, reblog, whatever you can to let us know whether you enjoyed it or not!  (re-edited because dongwoo and changsik were switched up)
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TAG LIST :; @jonghoshoe​  if you’d like to be added to the list please say so in our inbox/ask box!
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y/n was usually called outstanding, hard-working, smart. but in reality, he was an idiot when he was outside the workforce. 
being a workaholic meant showing your skills, growing them, improving them, and practicing them constantly. sometimes it seemed to be all he knew— it’s what all the people around him saw. 
yet again, outside of it he’s quite a gullible man; which brings him to his current situation… 
“looking for something?” 
he looked away from the bandages he was previously examining to come face to face with a man that looked around his age. “not really, just restocking my clinic. or—trying to find things to restock it with.” the man nods, glancing around suspiciously, although y/n didn’t didn’t seem to take notice of this particular action. 
“this pharmacy is pretty small, but it has lots of good supplies… lots of hidden gems. want me to show you where i get my tools?”
“oh,” y/n blinked in surprise, “you’re in the medical field?”
the man made eye contact with him, managing a convincing smile. “yeah, there’s a clinic down the road from here, about fifteen minutes by foot, this is the nearest pharmacy, so we stock up from here most of the time. i work there as an assistant.”
y/n nodded, amusement sparkling in his eyes. “wow, then please! show me what you suggest.”
at the approval, the man nodded, “name’s changsik, by the way. what do you work as? i’m assuming you’re also in the medical field.”
they walked along the aisle of the cough syrups, ointments, and the few other medicines to turn and make their way to the exit door. y/n furrowed his brows, about to ask why they were exiting until changsik made another turn, walking towards the staff room. 
“your assumption is correct, i’m a surgeon…” he replied belatedly, trailing off as he stepped foot inside the room. his eyes trailed on the shelves full of unopened boxes, more prescription pills, and—bingo! the supplies he’d written down on his list. 
for a split second, the memory of san handing it to him flashes across his mind, blinking it away as he turned to changsik. “wait, how are you able to access this?”
“i’m a regular.” he glanced across at him, looking past the window. “and also the perks of having a pharmaceutical license,” a hefty laugh left his mouth, “took some convincing though.” 
“huh,” y/n squatted down, inspecting a box that was on the floor, “i guess that makes sense.”
“just put what you need in a box and take it out. i’ll just say you’re helping me take it back.” changsik smiled, watching y/n nod and do so.
after a few minutes, y/n finished and announced he was ready to check out. changsik’s eyes met one of the cctv cameras before settling on y/n. 
“alright, let’s go check out.” 
as they walked toward the front, they reached the hallway that led to the exit. just as y/n was going to walk past, toward the checkout counter, a hand forcefully grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back. he looked behind him, in a startled manner, thinking changsik had just forgotten something. however, a deeper fear struck when changsik’s hand moved to clench at the back of his collar. 
“don’t make a sound.”
the second the cold blade touched the skin of y/n’s neck, the surgeon knew to stay quiet. there was a burning in his throat as he struggled to swallow, scared to trigger any abrupt movement. his frantic mind jumbled about, words of scolding placed toward himself and the situation while trying to get a grip. he thought of using the in-ear to alert jongho, but it would risk exposure of the communication device: in any case… he’d be dead by then.
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“what is taking him so long?” jongho grunted, tapping his foot in impatience. it’d already been about 10 minutes since y/n entered the store—it shouldn’t take that long for a surgieron to find equipment that’s of medicinal standard!
tapping his in-ear and calling out the doctor’s name, he got no response. placing his face mask on, he rushed into the store, beckoning the cashier. “have you seen a man, about 6’3” with h/c hair?”
the cashier stared at him with a shocked look, “yes, but he went back toward the restrooms. is he dangerous?”
jongho shook his head before running toward the back of the store. he shoved against the restroom door, shouting out the older’s name as he threw open each stall door. finally admitting the fact that the older had disappeared, he tapped his in-ear once more, calling out for anyone.
“jongho, what’s going on?” hongjoong had intercepted the connection, hearing jongho’s worried voice.
the bodyguard had no time to register the primal fear that would settle itself in his bones once faced with the leader, “it’s y/n, hyung. he ran away.” 
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jongho returned to the headquarters after scoping out the area once more and had just entered through the front door when he was met with the sight of the whole group. 
hongjoong was staring at him with his jaw clenched and an almost empty whiskey glass settled in his lax hand. jongho had never seen a look so severe in hongjoong’s eyes—he’d never messed up this bad. and apparently, the leader wasn’t the only one emotionally affected by his mistake, because before hongjoong could even physically express his own anger, san had snatched the glass from his hand and launched it at jongho, missing his head by less than an inch.
everyone was shocked at his silent outburst, san even going as far to ignore the immense pain in his abdomen and on his shoulder, but hongjoong simply sent the younger a look, causing him to cower back in the slightest. jongho, however, was enraged at what had just happened. what gave san, who had no superiority over him, the right to do that?
“what the fuck was that?” he had stormed over to the boy, grabbing his shirt with both fists. san didn’t back down, sticking his jaw out toward the youngest.
“how could you lose y/n?”
“i was told no matter what to avoid cameras, so i stayed outside! i didn’t exactly think the fucker would have the balls to run away!” 
everyone watched the two, eyeing when to step in and pull them apart. but hongjoong let them run their mouths. the longer someone talks, the more something is revealed. what he was looking to be revealed, he didn’t know; but something would come up.
san pushed back against jongho, “y/n hyung wouldn’t run away. he’d never do that!” 
‘oh,’ hongjoong perked in interest.
the younger scoffed, “what makes you so sure?”
san’s next words came as a bit of a shock, leaving the others with silent questions, “he promised he’d come back.”
an awkward silence filled the room as they all stared, speechless at how hopelessly fond their brother had become for their hostage. as much as some of them hated to admit it, y/n was only a hostage to them at the end of the day. and for san to fall into a reversal stockholm syndrome of sorts was nothing short of  a disappointment. however, that couldn’t be the main focus, y/n was missing and they didn’t know how strong his resolve would be in the event of torturing.
“run us back on what happened, will you?” hongjoong told jongho, trying to get a clear picture on what went down because the first thing they needed to know was why y/n was taken, much less, who took him. was it by the same person who’d been running their mouths in the streets? 
and right in the middle of his explanation, an alarm went off on yeosang’s phone; it was a message. the others kept talking, figuring yeosang could handle whatever message he’d received. 
it was when he promptly stood up that all attention had been placed on him. 
“it’s him! it’s dongwoo!”
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a soft whimper sounded as y/n was thrown to the ground, hands bound and eyes blinded by some piece of cloth.
“boss,” y/n’s kidnapper spoke in a submissive wave, causing y/n to assume the guy had straightened his spine and was saluting him in some way.
a moment later, a gruff voice broke through the eerie silence in the room, “and who is this?” his voice wasn’t angered or bewildered at all, and that’s what scared y/n. he sounded intrigued; like even he wasn’t expecting to be a part of this situation.
“someone with connections to ateez— saw that bodyguard walking around with him.” 
the other man hummed, “the bodyguard didn’t follow you, did he?”
“no, no. i found them by the pharmacy; i know the area pretty well because i do the runs for sowon— i knew the camera blindspots!” his abductor seemed to be a bit on the simpler side when it came to this “boss” of his, y/n concluded. this was a completely different personality than when he was being abducted at the scene…
“good job. and you know what, changsik-ah,” his voice seemed to be getting more intrigued, y/n’s heart beating even faster in response, “since you bought in such a valuable hostage, i’ll let you have the honors of obtaining information from him.”
y/n felt the air beside him shift, changsik bowing a full 90 degrees at his boss’s blessing, “thank you!”
a sickeningly hearty laugh resonated and the creaking of a chair sounded before the boss’s next words seemed to be the final straw for y/n’s pounding heart.
“i want him alive.” 
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“he better be alive,” san growled at jongho.
“we might get to him alive if you two would quit bickering. we’re wasting time because of you two, so shut it and sit down!” hongjoong had had enough of the two. he knew it was a sensitive time for san and jongho, different reasons for both, of course, but they would only get nowhere if they weren’t level-headed.
the two boys bowed their heads at their leader, san still sending a side-eyed glare at the younger before sitting down in his chair. 
it’d been two days since y/n was kidnapped and they still hadn’t been able to come up with a plan to get y/n back. 
wooyoung tried to trace where the text message came from within the first minute it was received, but surprise, surprise! it was a burner phone— so back to square one; checking all of the cctv footage in the area and trying to spot a suspect that wasn’t even visible from the first frame. 
the cameras in the pharmacy showed only y/n, the pharmacist, clerk, and four other customers. of those four, only one person never entered through the front door. and within those 48 hours, he’d managed to single out a vehicle that had arrived in the frame of one of the street cams showing the alleyway behind the pharmacy, and left the same way not even 5 minutes later. it was a suspicious vehicle too; white van, no windows in the back, and paper license plates. the paper plates hinted that they were most likely changed recently or are changed frequently.
and so after hours of having to witness his best friend be so uncharacteristically frantic and down, wooyoung, unfortunately, decided to do what he thought was smartest—save y/n himself to make his best friend happy again.
his intentions may have been well, but in stories like these, doesn’t something always go wrong?
“help me set the table guys,” seonghwa cleared his throat, hand on his hip as he stirred the soup on the stove. the steam from the boiling liquid sent another cloud to his tired face, a sheen of sweat and condensation forming.
“i really don’t understand why we are acting like we have the time to set a table and eat home cooked meals when we don’t!” san exasperated, pacing around the dining room. 
mingi gave a sympathetic smile, patting him on the back before going to help seonghwa. 
while mingi was more on the understanding side of san’s worries, jongho disagreed, “how exactly do you expect us to find him if we don’t take care of ourselves?”
“all i’m saying is food and sleep shouldn’t be this consistently on your minds when we’re all in this situation!”
jongho scoffed, finding the utmost absurdities in san’s words, “why are you acting like he’s so important? he doesn’t know anything about us or our weaknesses— for fuck’s sake, it’s not like we can’t just get another doc—”
a fist had flown toward jongho’s cheek, cutting off his words, before san’s thrashing body was being pulled back by mingi and yeosang.
“go to hell choi jongho!” san screamed, trying to force his way through the barrier the two had made with their bodies. the boy could feel his stitches tearing as he fought, but he didn’t care. jongho had been a bitch since the very first moment y/n was around, and for what reason?
“cut it out, san!” yeosang hollered, voice brute as he pushed against the boy.
“no, let me at him. he wants to keep being a little shit, i’ll show him shitty!”
“stop it! you haven’t even noticed, have you?”
san didn’t stop trying to break the barrier, focusing on getting to jongho and the other’s words, “notice what?”
“wooyoung’s missing,” yeosang began, san whipping his head toward him and trying to disagree, but yeosang was having none of it, “and you haven’t done anything but antagonize everyone here for not doing their jobs at your pace!”
“oh, excuse me for trying to be as quick as possible in finding him!”
“yeah, and who ever said quick was the efficient route to go? we’re dealing with people we know nothing about, but they seem to know a little too much about us, no? so stop getting on everyone’s asses and—”
“shut the hell up! please!” seonghwa had slammed his hands down on the table, screaming at the top of his lungs. every person in the room had immediately gone silent, words left on the tips of their tongues in a desperate attempt to fly about.
“you’re all going to shut it, sit down, and eat this meal like the civilized people we are and come up with a plan to get y/n back as safely as possible,” he gave a quick glare at everyone, blowing a puff of air at the lock of hair that had settled over his eyelids.
“am i clear?”
"yes, sir."
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holidaywishes · 3 years
a bit of stress relief
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  Requested: 👍
  Summary/Request: Can you PLEASE write about Freddie coming to your work and having a quickie in your office
  Warning: smut, fluff, whiny Freddie
  Author’s Note: REQUESTS ARE CLOSED for a bit. I do have one more in my inbox right now so I’ll add it to my drafts but after I write that I won’t be taking requests for... a while. Maybe a month? I have a few series I want to finish up before I start having requests piling up. I always love seeing my inbox full of requests for different types of fics, so this isn’t forever, just until I’m able to finish my Gally series for sure and possibly my 9-1-1 series. This request was fun and I just couldn’t say no lol. Thanks in advance for your understanding and I hope I’ll be able to get back to requests sooner than later but I’ll keep y’all updated! Stay Golden, loves! <3 
  the other masterlist
  Your boss asked you to go into the office on a Saturday to finish an assignment that she had forgotten to mention earlier in the week. You would’ve argued that you had plans but your boss said it was for a presentation the next morning that they needed the information for
  “I’m sorry, Freddie,” you whined to your boyfriend as he tried to convince you to stay at his apartment, “believe me, I’d much rather be here but I’m not about to get fired...”
  “It’s not your assignment, it’s hers,” he argued, “she made the mistake. Why do you have to do it for her?”
  “It’s my job” you admitted
  “Except when it’s not...” he groaned
  “Freddie,” you sighed, “I won’t be long I promise. I just need to go in and print up some stuff and make a couple calls. Nothing major...”
  “So why can’t your boss do it?” he challenged, “it’s her mistake, so.. she should be responsible for fixing it”
  “I know,” you repeated, wrapping your arms around his neck before kissing his cheek, “but I can’t lose this job. I have loans to pay off”
  “You know I can help with that”
  “No,” you scoffed, “no you absolutely cannot. I don’t want to feel like I owe you anything. That’s not the relationship we have... I’m not your sugar baby”
  “But you could be”
  “But I don’t wanna be”
  “Alright...” he laughed, kissing your nose playfully
  “I’ll call you when I’m finished okay. I give it one, two hours tops”
  “If you’re not finished in two hours, I’m coming down there and taking you home” he teased
  “Okay,” you scoffed, “I’ll see you later.” You got to the office and rushed into your boss’s office to find the information you needed to work on. The office was empty, as it should’ve been, but when you heard the door open and close, you popped your out of the door to see who was there, “Hello?” you called
  “(Y/N)?” your co-worker asked
  “Mason? What are you doing here?” you returned, noticing now that a bunch of your co-workers were walking in
  “We could ask you the same thing” he chuckled
  “Laura forgot to do stuff for the presentation tomorrow, so she asked me to come in and do it”
  “For the conference?”
  “Yeah,” he replied, “our team is having the same issue. Except they’re saying they ‘lost it’ or that it ‘must have gotten deleted somehow’ so now we have to be here all day trying to fix this”
  “Why are any of this people in charge again?” you asked
  “Maybe they slept their way to the top” he joked before waving you goodbye and heading to his station. You started at this company as an intern, mostly handing out mail and grabbing coffee for everyone, but they kept you around because you had a good eye for graphic design which was important in a marketing firm. However, your boss, Laura, had replaced Debra, the former Head of Marketing, a month before you were hired to be her assistant and she really wasn’t all that fond of you. She claimed that your degree should be in Business or Marketing not Graphic Design and that you’d only ever be an assistant in this industry so ‘don’t hope for more than that.’ You didn’t think too much of her comments though, at the end of the day, you had a job to you and you were going to do it well; even if it meant coming in on the weekend to do her forgotten assignments. When you finally found Laura’s papers, you groaned audibly, realizing this wasn’t going to be quick work
  “Hey!” Freddie greeted you from the other end of the line when you called him to let him know what was happening
  “Hey...” you sighed
  “What?” he groaned, “what’s going on?”
  “It looks like I’m gonna be here for a while. Laura underplayed how much work there was for me to do...”
  “You can’t really be doing this?” he whined
  “Babe, I have to. I told you, it’s my job. But,” you added, hoping it would make him feel better, “it’s not just me! Apparently, all the senior staff forgot to do these super important assignments for the conference. So, a bunch of us are here working until we finish them”
  “You need to quit this job,” he grumbled, “clearly no one is good at what they were hired to do”
  “I can’t quit unless I have something lined up,” you argued, “babe, I’m sorry. I know I promised that we’d lay in bed all weekend because this was the first time that you had free time but I have to do this. I promise, I’ll work as fast as I can but the longer I’m on the phone, the longer I’m at the office. So, I gotta go. I love you and I’ll see you as soon as I’m done okay?”
  “Call me and I’ll pick you up,” he replied, “you shouldn’t have to take an Uber back here...”
  “Okay,” you smiled, “that would be nice. Talk soon. Love you”
  “Love you, too” he said before you ended the call. You took a deep breath and started getting to work. Organizing timelines and trying to understand doctors-note-handwriting from past meetings
  “How can she possibly expect me to be able to understand this?” you thought to yourself. You signed onto her computer and were immediately left in shock at the jumbled mess of her desktop, “holy fuck!” you exclaimed silently, it’s no wonder she gets nothing done, “she’s the most unorganized person I’ve ever seen!” You spent the next 20 minutes opening files to find what you were looking for, closing what was not it immediately so you could legally say you didn’t see anything, and then you had to spend the next half an hour printing documents and running back and forth between Laura’s office and the copy room
  “How’s it goin’?” Rob, one of the other team members who was forced to come in and work on a Saturday, asked when he noticed you rushing throughout the room
  “Oh, you know, I’m sure I’ll have a panic attack in the next, oh, twenty or so minutes” you replied, sighing as you walked back to the printer one last time. You had managed to get most of the paper work done but you still had to make a few phone calls to get estimates on some of the ad spaces needed and whether or not there could be a discount involved for the company
  “Hey!” Freddie said gleefully, walking into your boss’ office like he owned the place
  “Freddie,” you gasped, a slight sneer on your tone, “what are you doing here?”
  “I came to see you...” he replied, furrowing his brow at your response, “when you said you were gonna be longer than you thought, I thought I’d come down and surprise you. Maybe take the stress off a little?”
  “That’s sweet, babe,” you smiled, noticing the look in his eyes and realizing what he was really there for, “but I have to make some calls so I can’t... do that”
  “We can make it work” he teased, biting his bottom lip quickly before pulling you close to him
  “Fred...” you whined, kissing him once before pushing him away from you and walking back to Laura’s desk, “I really do have to work. You can sit if you want but that’s it...” he slumped onto the plush couch against the window and frowned before scrolling through his phone as you started to call the businesses on your list. After about 10 minutes, you noticed Freddie peering up from his phone to look over at you, as if he was trying to get you to hang up the phone just from a look, choosing to walk over to you when you didn’t. “Yes, that’s right. I know you’ve been with us for quite some time and our relationship has helped both our businesses grow,” you spoke as Freddie swiveled you and your chair out from the desk, “we want that relationship to keep growing” you continued before noticing the smirk on Freddie’s face as he hovered over you, kissing your neck as you tried to pay attention to the call. “Mhmm,” you said to the person on the other end of the phone, distracted by Freddie’s lips pressing against the sensitive skin on your neck, his hot breath cascading down your neck, “mhm, sure. I understand” you said again, trying not to let on what was happening. “Laura is so sorry she couldn’t make this call to you herself,” you lied, Freddie kissing his way down to your core, pulling off your leggings quickly and kissing your inner thighs as you spoke, “however, she is excited to showcase your work to those at our conference tomorrow. We all just wanted to make sure the numbers were 100% accurate...” you had to bite your lip and move the receiver end of the phone from your mouth in case any sound escaped when you felt Freddie’s tongue finally press against your clit. “Oh that’s great!” you exclaimed when the partner on the phone added a discount to the quote you’d already been given, claiming that, had he known other businesses would be hearing of his services earlier, he would’ve offered it sooner. “Thank you so much,” you smiled, Freddie’s hands pulling your body closer to his him as his mouth brought you closer and closer to your orgasm, “I or Laura will let you know how everything goes. Thank you again” you said quickly before hanging up the phone. “Fuck,” you cursed breathlessly, “oh my god, Freddie!” your back was forced to arch, as you were pretty much falling out of your seat as Freddie continued to stimulate your clit, only now moving his finger to caress your folds before slowly inserted it inside of you and pumping until you whimpered, tugging at his hair. “Freddie,” you squeaked, trying not to be heard from outside the office, “fuck” you repeated quietly, your grip loosening from his hair as his ministrations slowed and your breathing steadied.
  “How’s your stress now?” he smirked, wiping his mouth casually before standing up in front of you once more
  “You can’t do that” you said, small pants escaping your lips, making Freddie believe you less than you intended
  “I think I can” he teased
  “I was on a business call, Fred!” you exclaimed, pulling your leggings back up, “what if they heard something?”
  “They would only hear something if you let them” he countered and, ultimately, you knew he was right but you still shook your head
  “You can’t do that” you repeated and he scoffed, hovering over you once more to taunt you with a kiss but stopped right in front of your lips
  “We’ll see about that...” he smirked, taking his hands away from the chair and walking back to sit on the couch
  “What’s goin’ on with you?” you asked
  “I just want to be with you,” he whined, giving you puppy dog eyes and earning a scoff from you, “that’s what we were supposed to be doing anyway...”
  “I told you we would when I got home...” you said
  “Come here,” he said, patting his thigh, “come sit on my lap” you chuckled but obliged. You wrapped your arms around his neck after sitting on his thigh, playing with his hair and kissing his nose before he spoke again, “see, isn’t this better than making a few phone calls?” he asked, his hand beginning to rub your back lightly
  “You know I would rather be doing this, or more than this, with you,” you admitted, leaning in and kissing him softly, letting your lips linger a moment before you pulled back, “but I have to do this stuff...”
  “Just a quickie...” he whispered, “and then I’ll go. Then we can pick up at home”
  “This is my boss’s office” you whined
  “All the more reason to do it. We’re in a private spot, secluded from everyone else, it’s perfect” he replied, kissing your jaw before moving down to your neck and you let your head fall back to give him more room
  “Mmmm,” you hummed, melting into his kiss, “I can’t”
  “(Y/N)...“ he groaned
  “Just a few more calls,” you argued, “I don’t have a lot left. Just like, five, maybe six”
  “That’s a lot. How long are each of those calls? 10 minutes? 20?” he asked, “we could do a lot with that time...”
  “Stop,” you smiled, standing up from his lap and walking back to the desk chair, “just a few more calls...” you repeated. He slunk into the couch and angrily unlocked his phone while you picked up Laura’s phone and began dialing. You were able to make three calls before Freddie began sighing loudly across the room and you had to glare at him, which is when the texts started
  “I want you” he sent as you spoke to another advertising partner on the phone
  “Like now” another came through
  “I’m gonna come over there”
  “And make you cum again” you glared up at him and he smiled
  “And again” you shook your head, turning off your sound so the partner didn’t hear the constant dinging
  “And again”
  “And again”
  “Until you can’t cum anymore” you noticed him smile as he thought up more responses and you threw a pencil at him, still paying attention to the conversation on the phone before mouthing ‘stop’ to Freddie but he just shook his head with a teasing smile
  “You won’t be able to walk”
  “Your legs will be numb”
  “Your chest will be heaving because you can’t catch your breath”
  “You’re gonna crave my dick”
  “Every time you move”
  “You’ll have to physically stop yourself from jumping me in public”
  “Because you’re still feeling me inside you” your eyes went wide as you read his messages, heat flooding your face as you ended the call, forcing yourself to dial another number before Freddie could get the upper hand. He slowly made his way to the desk once more and you gulped as you swallowed the saliva that had filled your mouth, Freddie hung up the phone before it ever even really began to ring
  “Seriously, don’t...” you whispered, knowing that you were about to break from whatever move he made next
  “But I want to” he growled, grazing your nose with his and you started to give in when he walked toward the door, “crap” you thought to yourself when you thought he was about to leave but he was only locking the door
  “What the fuck?!” you exclaimed, “that was unlocked this whole time?!”
  “Yeah?” he chuckled
  “Freddie! What would have happened if someone walked in earlier?”
  “They would’ve gotten a great show” he replied, walking over to you, leaning over you but not doing anything. You took a deep breath before running your hands up his arms, tangling your fingers in his hair before bringing him down to kiss you
  “We have to be quick...” you whispered, earning a grin from Freddie before he pulled your leggings off and directed your thighs around his waist so he could pick you up to carry you to the couch. You laughed when he sat down and you fell into him clumsily, “quiet” you shushed him before kissing him slowly and trailing your hands down to his waistband, pushing his pants down just enough to free his erection while his hands lifted your shirt up, stopping to massage your breasts. You heard a laugh outside of the office and stopped what you were doing, “wait,” you whispered, “I think someone’s there” he didn’t listen, kissing your neck and lining himself up with your entrance before bucking his hips to yours; your nails digging into his shoulders to stop yourself from making any sound. His hands gripped your hips as he thrust into you, bringing your attention back to him while your lips found each other in a clumsy rush to muffle the sounds of each other’s moans
  “Fuck,” Freddie moaned first, “fuck” you were about to reciprocate his sentiment when the phone rang and your head jerked back in panic
  “Shit” you sighed, worry mixing with pleasure as Freddie continued to grip your hips tightly
  “Ignore it” he said, kissing your peaked nipple over your shirt before moving a hand to your core, but your head still stayed looking at the ringing phone
  “What if it’s her?” you whined, referring to your boss
  “Ignore it” he repeated
  “What if it’s one of the partners or the vendors? What if it’s one of the really important clients?” you asked, knowing he wouldn’t give any helpful advice other than
  “Ignore it” he said once more, pulling your face back to his before kissing you harshly. The phone stopped ringing and you felt a faint sense of peace course through you as you softened the kiss that Freddie had started, your tongue begging for his lips to part, a muffled moan intertwining with his warm breath as it brushed over your exposed neck. Your tongue danced with his for a while as his fingers circled your clit, pressing down on the sensitive flesh every so often
  “Fuck” you breathed finally, now beginning to ride him faster, feeling his thighs flex underneath you as he welcomed the sensation of you crashing onto him. “Fuck,” you repeated, “shit, oh my god. Fuck Freddie” you felt your climax build as his lips met your neck, his finger still working on your clit while you rode him harder; the loud ringing of the phone the only thing that brought you back to where you were. “Ugh” you groaned
  “Leave it” he groaned back
  “Fuck” you sighed, reluctantly ignoring the phone to continue fucking your incredibly broad shoulder boyfriend
  “That’s my girl” he smirked, watching you bounce up and down his length
  “Fuck, Freddie, I’m gonna cum” you panted, your hands clutching his shirt as your hips began to shake. “Sh-i-it, god fuck! Freddie” you moaned, still trying to be as quiet as possible but knowing that everyone in the office was probably putting on noise cancelling headphones just to try to escape the sounds they were undoubtedly hearing.
  “Almost there, baby” Freddie breathed, clutching onto your waist to assist your movements. Fuck, his hands fit so perfectly on your body, you really hated that this had to end so quickly, but that’s what he came here for. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum in you”
  “Fuck” you breathed, dropping your head onto his shoulder, your body taking over until you and Freddie met your release. Like clockwork, the annoying ringing of the phone appeared and you had to scoff at Freddie while you quickly got dressed
  “That was fun,” he smiled, “you sure you don’t wanna go round two?”
  “Hello” you greeted, picking up the phone to continue the work you had come to do, “I am so sorry about that. I’m not sure what was happening with the line…”
  “So we’ll continue this at my place then?” Freddie teased before and you nodded with wink before shooing him away but not before he kissed you goodbye. You were dreading the walk out of the office if Mason and his team hadn’t left yet but you knew it had to happen sooner or later
  “So, should we hire a clean up crew before your boss gets back?” one of the guys teased
  “Shut up” you said, hoping your embarrassment didn’t show too clearly
  “You do know we put on our headphones as soon as we saw him,” Mason admitted, “we knew there’s no way that he was gonna just show up to say hi”
  “He could’ve,” you tried, exhaling when you realized you were never going to fool any of them, “fine. Just, please, don’t rat me out. I just pulled together a miracle in that office and I don’t need Laura finding out about my office sex-capades — I don’t want that to be the reason she fires me. I’m not that girl…”
  “We know” another co-worker smirked
  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with us,” Mason assured, “it’s a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy as far as we’re concerned” you gave him an appreciative smile before heading out to meet Freddie in the parking garage
  “Hey” he smiled as you sat in the front seat
  “Hi” you replied, leaning over to peck his lips
  “Did you get your work done?” he teased
  “Yeah,” you chuckled, “it was a miracle but I got it done” he took your hand and brought it to his lips to press a kiss to it
  “No more quickies,” he whined, holding your hand for the remainder of the ride, until he needed it for one reason or another, “I need more than that”
  “I agree,” you smirked, “now, let’s go home so you can fuck me until I can’t walk
  “Yes ma’am.”
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keltonwrites · 3 years
Where no one knows your name
How many times is a person meant to make new friends? When I moved into an apartment in DC with an absolutely iconic girl from Craigslist, I wrote in my journal, “you never know when you’ll meet your next bridesmaid.” Charmingly juvenile, as I was 24 years old. Ironic, as I never had any bridesmaids. And embarrassing, knowing I wrote something that’s surely been embroidered on a bachelorette party t-shirt by now. My point was: you can meet people you fall in love with anywhere, anytime, assuming your heart (and calendar) are open. Now my heart and calendar are open and I am one of Elizabeth Bennet’s sad sisters, cloying and desperate for attention while everyone at the ball ignores me. Meeting people here is unnerving and hapless and eye-clawingly vulnerable. My first new friend told me she was moving away in a few months. Do you invest deeply in hopes of another faraway friendship? Do you just go back to waving as you pass on the street? I like this girl! What an embarrassing thing to have to say to someone! Do you just invite people to every and anything like a lunatic? I can’t even remember to call the people I am forever-and-ever in cahoots with. I’m also deeply bound by what I’ll call the Movie Trap: say it’s 3pm during not-a-pandemic, and you get the urge to see a movie. You look at the showings, and there’s one you really want to see at 7:15. You think to yourself, “I should make an effort,” and you text a friend. “Hey, you wanna go see This Cool Movie at 7:15 tonight?” No one ever says yes. Don’t give me an example of when someone has, because it’s always one of these answers:
“Oooh, I’m actually seeing it with Kate tomorrow - wanna come?”
“Can we go to the 9pm showing? Stuck at work.”
“Yeah but let’s see Movie You’ll Fucking Hate instead.”
Now maybe I’m just lighting flares guiding you to the worst parts of my personality, but this drives me nuts. No, Liz, I don’t want to go tomorrow. I want to go tonight. At 7:15. So I can be in bed by 10. And you’d have to drag my dead body and prop open my eyes to get me to see something like Marriage Story in theaters. The Movie Trap is a big reason I usually hang out by myself, or I make plans weeks in advance. (Don't I sound like a blast.) Just the idea of being like, “I like you! Wanna hang out in October?” makes me want to collapse into a puddle of sad adulthood. Which is why on Friday at 4:30pm, when a girl I’d met a week prior asked if I wanted to grab a drink, I just said yes. I put on a pretty dress, did my makeup, put stuff in a purse, and drove the 25 minutes to town. It was really fun! And how novel to have new contacts in my phone like “Maggie blue house” and “Jess concert friend” — a throwback to the days of “Greg guy on L train” and “Devon ad party.” The very concept of not knowing someone’s last name or even needing it, and a year from now updating their contact info and smiling at your origin story. But for the most part, no one is in our phones. In terms of phone numbers collected, here is the list:
Two friends we knew prior who thank god you guys exist.
New friend who is moving away.
New friend who is game to drink tequila and ride mountain bikes.
Neighbor-not-yet-friend who I really fucking like and am not sure how to cross hang-out threshold with.
​Not to say there aren’t any other prospects or people I’m platonically gaga over, but I don’t have their phone numbers. There are honestly a lot of people like this because when you live in a small town (and you’re from the Midwest) you say “oop, sorry” to every person/object you bump into, and you say “hi :)” to every person you see. These are the rules. If I drive by you and don’t wave, it’s because I was so deep in a daydream I probably shouldn’t have been driving in the first place. This isn’t acceptable, because in our urgency to tattoo our vaccination status on our foreheads so we can make friends, it turns out just driving by someone can be a viable strategy. A few days ago, a man was driving by our kitchen window and then our driveway, and then he reversed back up to the kitchen window and started waving. Ben went outside — it was that kind of wave. The man had seen from his car a smokejumper emblem on the back of a truck in our driveway. “Hey, are you a smokejumper?” We aren’t. But my dad was, and he was in town visiting, accompanied by the emblem on the back of his truck. The guy said we should drink sometime. Numbers were not exchanged. We’ll call that a node, because it’s not quite a connection. And it’s mainly nodes, waiting to be connected, to have relevance. But first, no matter who you’re trying to befriend, you have to answer everyone else’s Do I Care Quiz. The quiz is employed by 93% of locals to determine how they feel about you existing within their personal 50-mile radius. The first question is non negotiable:
1) Are you visiting?
Variations on this question include “how long are you in town?” or “what brings y’all to town?” or my least favorite and most insulting, “did you just finish Jeeping?” I know I have blonde hair and say y’all, but how dare you. (Also, to be clear, you can own a Jeep, customize your Jeep, mod out your Jeep, and love your Jeep, but you’re not Jeeping until you drive too fast through a tiny town so you can hurl your Jeep over a mountain pass without ever getting out of it.) So the answer to “are you visiting” is “no, I live here.” Which brings us to the next question, my favorite for how loaded the gun, kneeling in the grass, scope on, target locked it is.
2) Are you part-time or full-time?
The first time I answered this question, I didn’t realize it was essentially like asking how someone voted in the 2020 election. The judgment was cocked and ready and the palpable relief/joy/or at the very least, tolerance, exuded by answering “full-time” was like when the sun comes out from behind the clouds on a 40 degree day. I was fine, but wow that does feel better. The third question though does not have a standard hoped-for answer. This is where nodes turn to connections turn to phone numbers.
3) What brings you here?
It seems like the best possible answer would be saying you work in town, and you’re going to begin construction on displaced-worker housing to ensure the people who run this town can actually live in it. We’d have everyone’s phone number. Saying you’re a writer who works remotely and bought a house from a legendary and beloved local who could no longer afford it is really something you keep to yourself. But in the interest of making friends, I just word vomit my entire history. We might as well find out at the onset if I make your eyes roll back into your skull. Not at all threatening that all it takes is a single social signal misinterpreted to be the absolute death knell of my ability to make friends in a town of some 1400 adults. In fact, I’ll share one such interaction. I was hiking with Cooper, about 5 miles by foot away from my house. I was on a trail, crossing a sloped meadow, and a group was traversing up the hillside to the trail. I said hi, where y’all coming from. One girl answered and we talked about the trail. She eyed me up and down. “Did you just move here?” “I did!” “I served your family last week,” she said. “Oh,” that phrasing. “Must have been my in-laws.” “Heard you bought Jack’s house. Such a bummer when locals like that are forced out.” “We didn’t even know about his house,” I said. “We were looking at another house and he asked his realtor if he could get us to come see his house. We just loved it, and him!” She had no emotional reaction to this. “You moved from California?” she asked. (Dangerous question.) “Yeah, got these sea level lungs, haha,” attempting to disarm with humor was a failure, “but couldn’t be happier to be out of California.” “It’s not like this all year. Winter’s really hard here, you’re in for a rude awakening.” “Well California’s the last place I lived, but I’m not from there. I’ve lived in brutal winters. At least Colorado gets sun!” I laugh with cloaked loathing. “It’s different when you live at altitude,” she said, like no human aside from her had ever been literally anywhere. “Are you trying to go around?” She indicated the path behind her. “No, y’all go ahead, just gonna wait to give you your space. I’m sure you’re faster than me.” “K, good luck making it to the lake." Maybe she was thirsty. Maybe she was hungover. Maybe she just has vicious delivery, but it felt like every blade of grass was leaning against the wind to listen. She was with four other people and not one of them said a word. I left that interaction not wanting to see another human ever again. But that interaction, and her intimate knowledge of exactly which house I lived in, made me want to decorate like we lived in a gingerbread house, all candy canes and plum drops, screaming to any passerby that we’re friendly. One of the mayor’s first questions to me was “what are you going to do to the house?” There are rules here about what your house can look like, and I kept emphasizing we bought the house because we loved it, not because we wanted to change everything about it. And now, instead of wanting to decorate the interior, I want to put up shades so we don’t contribute to light pollution, I want to hang a sign by the water spigot saying “grab some if you need” for hikers and mountain bikers, I want to paint a sign for the wild mint by our door that says, “I mint to tell you to take some,” because our neighbors were openly panicked they wouldn’t be able to just grab mint from the cabin’s garden anymore. Without question, COVID makes things harder. Dinner parties feel like dares. Dropping cookies off at someone’s house feels invasive. Grabbing a drink feels like the ultimate sign of trust. But at least we have nodes who can connect who can think to invite us and who can see that despite having lived in California, we’re not all that bad. In the meantime, I’ll be painting signs about water and mint, hoping to garner the benefit of the doubt from the so beautifully, earnestly, and waiting-to-see-if-you’re-worth-it doubtful.
Subscribe to the newsletter at tinyletter.com/keltonwrites — high altitude relocation and renovation in a tiny mountain town.
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uhharrypls · 3 years
Dont hang out with those Pogues
Your new BF Rafe doesn't want you hanging out with your pogue friends anymore and things get physical. You can't hide it from JJ.
Pogue by birth, Kook by marriage. You were in an undefined area now that your mother, a pogue, married your now stepdad, a kook. The pogues were accepting of your new house on figure eight but they weren’t so accepting of your new relationship with Rafe Cameron. Your relationship was new and exciting, he was sweet. They just hadn’t gotten the chance to see that side of him yet.
Your family had met the Cameron’s at the country club for lunch one afternoon. You nearly choked on your water as Ward told you about Rafe’s first surf lesson. You stifled a laugh, excusing yourself to the restroom.
You stood outside the bathroom, checking your phone. John B sent you a video of JJ trying to jump off a rope swing, but getting tangled and swinging from it upside down instead. You laughed, typing out a response when arms laced around your waist. You jumped as Rafe’s head rested on your shoulder, his body pressed against your back.
“I was hoping to get you alone tonight.” He whispered in your ear, pressing a kiss to your neck.
You shivered as his kiss sent a chill up your spine. “Hey, you.” You smiled, turning into his arms, tucking your phone away.
He leaned down, pressing a kiss to your lips, sliding his hands into your back pockets.
Your phone vibrated in your back pocket as you pulled out of the kiss.
“Whose got your attention?” He muttered, dipping his head into your neck. He pulled his head back, looking over your screen.
You smiled at your phone, locking the screen again as you looked up. Your smile dropped from your face as you met Rafe’s darkened eyes. “JJ Maybank? Really, Y/N?” He clenched his jaw.
“What? Rafe, stop. They’re my friends.” You craned your neck, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He turned his face, bringing his hand up to your jaw. “Baby.” He brushed your cheek with his thumb. “Don’t let me see you hanging around those dirty fucking pogues again, okay?” He tightened his grip on your face. “You have a reputation to keep now.” He pressed a gentle kiss against your forehead before storming off.
You furrowed your brow, watching him disappear down the hall. You returned back to lunch, remaining silent as Rafe pretended nothing had happened moments ago.
You brushed off Rafe’s attitude as jealousy. He knew you and your mom were born and raised pogues. He knew they were your friends. He was just jealous. But you were stubborn and you wouldn’t let a jealous boyfriend make decisions for you.
So, when John B called, you answered. The pogues were having a party and you had to be there.
“No, seriously Y/N, it was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen in my life.” John B recalled JJ’s accident.
“God, JJ. You’re a mess.” You laughed, leaning your head on his shoulder.
The night was winding down and the cooler was just about empty. “Shoot, guys. I gotta go. My mom and I have plans super early.” You groaned.
“Need a ride, chief?” Pope stood with you.
You nodded gratefully, waving goodbye to John B, JJ and Kiara before climbing into Pope’s truck.
Pope pulled into your driveway, giving you a questioning look as he registered Rafe sitting on your front steps. “He looks pissed.” He spoke, turning the music down.
“Yeah, he does.” You gulped. “Thanks for the ride, Pope.” You muttered, climbing out.
Pope didn’t pull away until you had reached the front steps and Rafe waved at him with fake sincerity.
“What are you doing here?” You asked innocently.
After Pope’s headlights had disappeared from view, Rafe grabbed your shoulders, pinning you against your front door. “What did I fucking tell you about hanging out with those damn pogues.” He spit, rage filling his eyes.
“Rafe, stop, you’re hurting me.” You wriggled, trying to free yourself.He brought one hand to your throat, the other stroking the top of your head. “You really don’t want to upset me, Y/N. I don’t think straight when I get upset.” He threatened. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He pulled his hand from your throat, running his finger against your cheek as you flinched away from his touch.
You spent the next few days avoiding your friends. You felt awful but you couldn’t shake Rafe’s threat. You had every intention of ending things with him but you hadn’t worked up the courage yet.
JJ had texted you, letting you know there was a kegger at the boneyard that weekend and he hoped you would be there. You replied a vague I’ll let you know and prayed he didn’t push.
It wasn’t until Sarah Cameron and Topper texted you, insisting you to go to the kegger that you decided you would go. Rafe couldn’t do anything if you were surrounded by people. Besides, if Sarah and Topper were going, he really had no room to get mad at you for seeing your friends. You told yourself you would end things if you saw him there.
You pulled your hair back in two braids and pulled on an old flannel, probably belonging to JJ or John B. You met Sarah and Topper and headed to the boneyard. Rafe was nowhere to be seen, to your relief.
You found your way to the keg, filling a cup when a strong arm wrapped around your shoulder.
“Damn, Y/N. You look great in my clothes.” JJ teased. “Where the hell have you been?” He slurred into your ear, leading you towards the other pogues.
“Sorry, guys. I’ve been busy. I actually, um.” You looked over your shoulder to motion to Sarah when your stomach dropped. Through the flames you watched as Rafe crossed his arms, rage filling his eyes as he stared at you, tucked under JJ’s arm.
“Apple of your eye, eh Y/N?” Pope teased, motioning to Rafe’s rigid stance from across the beach.
You shrugged off JJ’s arm, suddenly feeling constrained by his closeness. You ran your hands down your loose braids, tearing your eyes from Rafe. You stuttered out a rough apology, turning away from the pogues, heading in the direction opposite of Rafe.
“Yo, yo, yo.” JJ called, jogging to catch up with you. “Where you running off to? We haven’t seen you all fucking week.” JJ uttered.
You glanced up behind JJ’s shoulders Rafe began stalking towards you. You tore your eyes from him, looking back at JJ. “I’m so sorry, um, I have to go. We’ll hang out tomorrow, okay? I promise.” You gave his hand a squeeze before turning and jogging up the sandy hill.
You glanced up over your shoulder, sighing with relief when you didn’t see Rafe trailing you.
“Where are you off to, baby?” He spoke sinisterly, popping out in front of you.
“Shit, Rafe. You scared me.” You raised a hand to your chest. You looked around nervously, hoping someone was close enough to see the two of you. There was no one. Just the two of you.
He gave you an ominous smile, craze twinkling in his eyes. “Baby.” He pouted, bringing his hand to your cheek like he had done so many times before.
The smile dropped from his face as he tightened his grip on your cheek, throwing you to the ground. “What did I fucking say?!” He leaned over you, spitting his hateful words into your face.
“Rafe, please. I didn’t come with them. I came with Sarah. And Topper. And, and I was coming to see you.” You pleaded.
He threw his hands into his hair, exhaling as you begged beneath him. “God dammit!” He cried, kicking you in the stomach. “Why can’t you just listen to me?!” He shouted as you curled into yourself.
“Please.” You begged, quieter now.He looked down at you, his expression dropping in concern.
He straddled you, holding your face in his hands. “I didn’t want to do this.” He whispered, stroking your cheek.You pinched your eyes closed, flinching away from his touch. “I’m sorry.”
He bit his lip, pulling his arm back and slapping you across the face. You tasted blood as he leaned down, resting his forehead against yours. “You made me do this.” He cried.
Your lip trembled as he came unhinged, slamming his fist against the ground next to your head, tears streaming down his face. He was ill, he was so mentally ill.
His arm fell limp against the ground. “I love you, Y/N.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead before climbing off of you. He looked down at you, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He shook his head as you curled into a fetal position, before he walked away, leaving you on the ground.
How you had managed to get home, you didn’t know. You climbed into your bathtub, fully clothed, turning the water on. You laid in the ice cold water all night, not able to process what had just happened.
Rafe was sick. He was a sick sociopath and you were so afraid. He had beat the life out of you and professed his love for you in the same 30 second stretch. If he could do this to you, he could do worse to your friends.You had to end things with him, but how could you? He was deeply disturbed, who knew what he was capable of?
You promised. Come over. JJ texted.
Sorry, J. Can’t today. You replied, tears welling in your eyes as you turned away your friends, yet again.
Thought you might bail. Too late. We’re here. He replied. You peered out the window, sure enough, there they were at the end of the dock. JJ waved seeing your head peek through the curtain.
10 minutes. You replied, realizing there was no evading them now.
You stared at your reflection, how could you possibly go on the boat looking like this? You pulled on a bikini, tugging on an oversized sweater on top. You pulled your hair out of your braids, hoping it would shield any marks left from the night before. You pressed concealer to the majority of the bruise on your jaw but frowned, realizing you couldn’t cover your split lip.
You walked out to the dock, glancing over your shoulder as nerves slipped into your stomach.
“There she is!” JJ called, hopping over the edge of the boat onto the dock, opening his arms wide for you.
“Y/N, you realize it’s like, a million degrees out?” John B questioned from the driver’s seat.
“Yeah, uh, I think I’m just getting a head cold or something. Super chilly.” You shrugged, stepping out of JJ’s arms.
“Yeah, whatever. Let’s fuckin’ goooo!” JJ called, jumping back into the boat. He held his hand out to you, helping you climb in.
You curled into a seat in the back of the boat, staring at the water as John B cruised into the marsh.
“So, how’s Rafe?” Pope kicked his feet up next to you as JJ stood at the bow and Kie scolded him. “What happened that night?”
“What night? What do you mean? Nothing happened.” You rambled, pulling at your sweater, worrying he had seen a bruise.
“The night I took you home? He was all pissy on the porch?” Pope raised an eyebrow at your reaction.
“Yeah, dude’s a little bitch, Y/N.” JJ called, jumping down from the bow.
“Let’s swim, guys. It’s so hot.” Kie moaned, stepping out of her shorts.
“As you wish.” John B declared, dropping the anchor.Kie and John B jumped in. Pope shrugged, jumping in after. JJ took a running start, flipping off the stern next to where you were sitting.
“I’m gonna chill up here, I think. Still kinda cold.” You lied.
JJ splashed water up at you, squawking like a chicken.You were drowning in sweat in your sweatshirt. You raised the end, revealing the darkening bruise on your stomach and swallowed a lump in your throat. You definitely would not be swimming today.
After what felt like hours, the crew climbed back into the boat, cruising back to the chateau.
JJ slid in next to you, draping an arm over your shoulder. You flinched slightly at his touch and he looked down at you, squinting his eyes accusingly.
He leaned down into your ear, whispering so no one would hear. “What’s up with you?”
You pursed your lips, shrugging. “Nothing.”
“You can’t hide anything from me, Y/N. You’re off and I’m gonna find out why.” He took a sip of his beer, pulling you closer into his side.
You lit a fire and cozied up outside back at the chateau. It was nice seeing your friends again and you felt safe being around them. But in the back of your mind you feared Rafe would find out and he wouldn’t let you off so easy this time.
“So, Rafe likes it rough, huh Y/N?” John B called from across the fire.
“Rafe? Rough? As if.” JJ scoffed. “He’s a pussy.”
“How else would you explain the busted lip?” John B shrugged, sinking further into the hammock he was swinging in.You laughed, bringing a hand to your lip. Your fingers shaking as you brushed over the cut, recalling every hand he laid on you.
“I’ll be right back. Anyone need a beer?” You called, starting towards the house. You felt the tears pricking at your eyes, fearing they would slip out in front of your friends.
You stepped into the house, letting out a shaky breath. You moved into the bathroom, leaning over the sink.
“Y/N?” JJ whispered. You hadn’t heard him follow you into the house, let alone the bathroom. “Hey, what’s going on?” He stepped forward, placing his hands on either side of your arms.
You, again, flinched at his touch and he noticed. His eyes searched yours for any kind of answer as you felt yourself shrinking in his arms. Your lip trembled as you pulled at the sleeves of your shirt.
JJ’s jaw clenched, dropping his hands. He shoved them in his pockets, looking to the far corner of the bathroom. “What did he do?”
You let out an exasperated sob as you stepped forward, he wrapped his arms around you, leaning his head against yours. He let you sob in his chest for a moment before he ran his hands down your hair, pulling your face back.
He blue eyes fixed on yours as he held your tear-stricken cheeks. “Tell me.”
You looked away, unable to meet his eyes as you pulled up the bottom of your sweatshirt, revealing the swelling bruise that spread across your stomach.
“I’ll kill him.” He flared his nostrils, biting his lip in frustration.“JJ, please. He’s fucking crazy. Just don’t.” You begged.
He scrunched his nose, desperately wanting to get his hands of Rafe’s.
“I’m so scared, J.” You whispered.He sighed, pulling you into his chest.
“You’re okay. I got you. He won’t hurt you anymore.” He whispered into your hair.
You unintentionally fell asleep in the hammock outside, tucked into JJ’s side. But you didn’t mind. You felt safe with JJ.
You groaned as a car door slammed, curling your head into JJ’s chest.“Fuck off!” JJ called as footsteps grew closer.
You pulled your head off JJ’s chest, peering over the edge of the hammock, letting out a gasp when you realized who it was.
“JJ.” You whispered, sitting up.
“Y/N, baby, where have you been? Sleeping with a pogue? What have I told you!” Rafe called over, a twisted smile spreading across his face as he beat his fist against his chest.
“Fuck.” JJ muttered, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He climbed out of the hammock, pulling you behind him. “Yo, John B? Mind joining us out here?” JJ called for backup.
“That’s my girlfriend you’ve got there, Maybank.” Rafe paced in front of you two.
John B stepped out of the house, his hair was a mess as he let out a yawn, straightening quickly when he took in the interaction in front of him.
“I think it’s not.” JJ smiled, cracking his knuckles as he stepped forward.
“What’s going on, JJ?” John B called out.
“Our buddy Rafe Cameron likes to hit women.” JJ spit, eyeing up Rafe as they paced around one another. Rafe’s eyes flickered between you and JJ.
John B’s jaw dropped slightly as he looked at you with sad eyes. You nodded slightly, confirming JJ’s accusation.“Rafe, please just go. It’s over.” You tried your best to sound firm.
“I don’t think you are in any position to tell me we’re done.” He sneered, running his tongue across his lower lip. “These pogues are going to be the end of you, baby. Remember last time? The blood and the bruises?” He squinted his eyes in your direction.
JJ nodded, stepping forward. “You’re dead.” He declared, lunging at Rafe, knocking him to the ground. He easily straddled him, throwing punch after punch into his face.
“JJ, stop!” You cried as blood began to pour down Rafe’s nose and out his mouth. “John B, stop him! He’s going to kill him!” You cried, throwing your hands into your hair.
John B jogged over to the two rolling around in the dirt, pulling JJ off Rafe’s limp body. “Alright, big guy. You got him, you’re good.” He said as JJ wiped the blood off his lip.
Tears welled in your eyes as Rafe stood, spitting blood in your direction before stalking off.
JJ turned to you, the rage melting off his face as he met your frightened eyes. He opened his arms, stepping towards you as you crashed into his chest.
“I got you, Y/N. You’re okay.” He whispered.
You pulled back, holding his jaw in your hand. You ran your thumb across his cheek, steaked with blood, sweat, and dirt as you searched his eyes.
Your eyes pulled from his, down to his lips. You ran your thumb across the cut on his bottom lip, nearly identical to your own. You looked back up to his eyes as he stared down at you.
You took his jaw, pulling his mouth to yours, pressing an urgent kiss to his.
You kept your forehead pressed to his as you pulled your lips back ever so slightly. “Thank you.” You whispered.
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all-that-tmnt-jazz · 3 years
Valentine’s Day Challenge [10/14]
Sorry for being late again 😞.
Warnings: Swearing
Incarnation: Bayverse
Extra Info: Day 10 out of 14. None of the prompts/scenarios are related
Posting: 3:30 PM Each Day
Prompt: The First Argument with Their S/O
You admit that you started this argument
But, with a valid reason
It was like he was avoiding you, and you wanted to know why
So you confronted him about it
“You’re avoiding me. Why?”
“I’m not avoiding you!”
“You are, Leo. You’ve been having longer training sessions than usual with your brothers-”
“Because we need training!”
“You guys train basically every day. If there’s something I’m doing that’s making you avoid me-”
“I’m not avoiding you, Y/n.”
“Then why does it feel like you are?”
He just scoffed and started walking away
“And he continues to ignore me,” you mutter, mostly to yourself
He stopped in his place, then looked back at you
This went on for about ten more minutes
You stormed out of the Lair, anger boiling inside you and tears threatening to fall
He went to his room and closed out everyone
You two didn’t communicate for a week
No texting, no phone calls
You didn’t go to the Lair, and he didn’t go to your apartment
His brothers visited once each to check if you were alright
(you thought Leo sent them, but they all came on their own terms)
Then he arrived at your apartment around 11 PM one night
He knocked on your bedroom window, scaring you shitless
You haphazardly opened the window and let him in
“It 20 degrees, you’ll freeze! What the fuck are you thinking?”
He just shook his head 
He sat on the foot of your bed
He wouldn’t- couldn’t- look at you
“Leo, what are you thinking?”
“I’m sorry!”
“You- what?”
He didn’t move
“I… I’ve been thinking. About what you said.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m scared. I’m not normal. I’m trying to be normal, but I pushed you away instead…”
You didn’t know what to say
You hesitated, but ultimately decided to sit next to him
“I just want to be normal for you.”
“You don’t need to be ‘normal’ for me to love you, Leo.”
“Leo. Look. I’m sorry, too. I… We just needed to talk, instead of me making assumptions.”
He finally looked at you
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you to him
“Neither of us are perfect, Y/n. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
He knows he started it, but will never admit it to anyone else
He knows that you have a life outside of him, on the surface
With people
And, in a very Raphael™ fashion, he gets extremely jealous
You told him you were going to be going to dinner with a friend you just started to reconnect with named Frankie
He made sure you got there safely and watched you go to the table
The moment he saw you greet Frankie, something immediately didn’t sit right with him
When you got back to the Lair, you were worried that he’d hurt himself if he continued punching his boxing dummy so hard
When you asked him what was wrong, he snapped
“You- you- you want Frankie- you’re with Frankie!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I saw the way you greeted Frankie! I’m not blind!”
“You may as well be!”
This went on for only a minute or two after it started
It stopped when you pulled over his rack of dumbbell weights
The two of you stood in silence
The only noise was your hard breathing
“I cannot believe you…” You muttered
You started to leave
“Y/n, wait… I…”
You looked back at him, and he saw the annoyance on your face
“What? You want to apologize?”
“Yes! I was wrong…”
“No shit!”
“Y/n- please… Stay…”
You immediately relaxed when you saw the guilt on his face
“I just… I’m trying, but I know that’s a painful excuse for what I said to you.”
“Yeah, I could tell.”
“I know. You can trust me, y’know.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m just new to this. Being in a relationship, I mean.”
You nod
You approach him and check his knuckles
They were still bloody from hitting his boxing dummy
“I’ll help patch you up.”
“I love you. So much.”
Who started it was a tie
You both started arguing over a way of coding a new gadget he had been working on
However, it wasn’t working
He swore he was getting it right, so the hardware must’ve been wrong
You told him the coding was wrong and the hardware was perfect
If anyone was listening, they couldn’t hear the words either of you said
It was like the world’s fastest rap battle
You had never heard him swear so much before
(in hindsight, it was rather entertaining)
In the end, you both Googled the way to code it
Turns out, you were both half-correct
You were right in saying the coding was wrong
He was right in saying the hardware was wrong, as well
“Hey, um… Thanks. For questioning my work.”
“You hate when I question your work, and this literally started an argument.”
“Yeah, well,” he chuckled, rather embarrassed. “It had a good outcome. And it’s not that I hate when you question my work, it’s just… You’re the only one who does, and you’re often correct.”
You became severely flustered
“Not to mention, adorable.”
You waved him off- jokingly, of course
You we finally sick of the fact that he left your apartment in stitches whenever he came over, and then left without helping to clean
You had arrived at the Lair with your head held high and your confidence higher
When you started talking, your voice started to raise
But him?
He never raised his voice
He never yelled, he never got angry
The entire time, you became more and more livid
He seemed to get calmer and calmer
He nodded along as you yelled at him, screamed at him
You only stopped when you ran out of breath
There was a long moment before either of you spoke
“Okay,” he said calmly
“Okay? I just told you what I hate most about this relationship, and all you say is okay?”
“Yes. I hear you, and I’ll do better.”
All anger fell from your body
He heard you
He didn’t get angry because he listened
You wanted to hug him
As if reading your mind, he opened his arms
You nearly fell into him, apologizing profusely
“It’s okay, Love. I just wish you said something sooner.”
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Fresh Squeeze, Chapter 7
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: Lots of pics, Cursing, Angsty Angst, Mention of Death, Lots of Plot, Anthony Ramos, Afro Samurai, Clothes altering, SMUT: Fingering, Thumb sucking, Fluff. 18+.
Word Count: 6.6 K 
Plot: Linden Marshall just finished law school at Columbia University in NYC. Daveed Diggs is still creating magic with his platonic life partner Rafael Casal and nursing his broken heart post pandemic. 
Linden’s boyfriend WAS Mark Monaco, movie star.  They were together for years, and her trauma and his addictions were chaotic. She knows now that wasn’t love. 
Read the Previous Chapter.
Thursday night/Friday, May 6-7, 2023
After Daveed heard what you said, he stood stock still, trying to decide whether or not to go back into your room.  He clenched his fists and concentrated intensely to not break the fucking door down. All he needed was for you to call his name…
You stood in the middle of your room, naked except for the towel.  You closed your eyes and prayed for strength to not go running after him. You had to stay in control.  
But if you saw him turn your door handle, you would fuck him right there on the floor of your room.
After a few minutes, you both turned around and went about your business, Daveed to his room and you to the shower. You thought of Daveed in the shower and fell into bed still thinking of him. 
What did you want for your birthday, if not Daveed?
Daveed, alone in his bed, thought of all the feelings involved.  He knew you were fragile, but it seemed you were relaxing a bit, deciding to trust him if just a little.
He resolved to give a little bit of chase. You just needed to feel safe and accepted. 
You dreamt of each other so deeply that all that was left when you woke up was a wisp of a memory.
Daveed did not sleep long.  Even though it was after 4 o’clock when he went to sleep, he was up by 10, hard on raging under the sheets.  
He’d be damned if he jerked off, but he remembered your voice through the door of the room last night, and he had to strip the sheets away, as he was making a mess at the thought of you.  
He decided to go for a run on the beach. He pulled on some basketball shorts and decided to go shirtless, as the temperature outside was already 80 degrees.
Daveed ran with his music blasting in his ears.  He played out song lyrics and lined up preparation for upcoming roles.  Before he knew it, he was three miles down the beach from the house.
He turned around as the tropical heat and the sun was getting to be a bit much. He went back in and went to his room to shower and put some clothes on. You didn’t know the sight you were missing.
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When you woke up at Noon, you pulled on Mark's t-shirt and basketball shorts and made your way to the kitchen which had floor to ceiling windows and glass doors facing the ocean. It was breathtaking. The doors were open and the ocean breeze felt amazing.
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"Good morning, Sunshine!" 
You turned to see Daveed at the stove, greeting you and smiling. 
He was wearing an orange Oakland tank top and some pajama pants slung low on his hips. You smiled at his hair, which was tied up in two curly puffs at the front, with the back down in his wild curls.  
Even though it was an odd hairstyle for a grown man, you knew the curl life. And it did not take away from his masculinity.  
Not. At. All.
Besides, his curly puffs gave you a place to focus rather than on his well-muscled arms.  
Daveed’s hair reminded of when your mom did your hair only to have Dell try to pull your pony tails out as soon as she dismissed you from the kitchen chair. 
Ya’ll would get into so much trouble for fighting yet again. The thought gave you a warm feeling at the memory as you smiled wider and patted your own pineappled hair. 
‘Damn, her smile is a killer,’ Daveed thought as he watched you look around the kitchen for other signs of life. Now he was glad that he couldn’t sleep, and that he decided to be productive.  
He would have the chance to talk to you. As friends. Yeah.  He nodded to himself, trying to emphasize that last thought.  Friends.
Fuck.  He was in serious trouble.
Noticing that you and he were the only two humans in the kitchen and sniffing the air for the delicious smell that was wafting over from the stove, you finally greeted Daveed.
"Good morning, D.  Looks like everyone else is still knocked the fuck out.” 
Your other four friends were nowhere to be found.
You laughed, yawned and stretched.  Daveed turned back to the stove, cursing to himself. You were so damn fine.
“Calm the fuck down boy,” he whispered.
“What’s that?” 
You ventured over to see Diggs making French toast and bacon. Your stomach rumbled.
"I said sit down. Sounds like you’re hungry, haha. We gotta feed you. Grab some fruit over there and I'll serve you right up."
You grabbed something and sat down at the bar facing the windows. When Diggs turned to offer you some fresh oj, you didn't notice him watching you eat your banana. 
Your lips were a problem for him. When you looked away from the ocean, Daveed turned back to the stove and looked over his shoulder to smile at you.
His smile made you feel some kind of way.
"Why do they call you ‘Smiley?’" 
Daveed laughed, a sound that was quite nice.
“Because I started out as a clown. A professional clown.” 
You tilted your head, convinced that he was fucking with you. But maybe, he and Rafa always talked about the random shit they did to make money before they made it.
When he winked and turned back to the stove to the food, you just shook your head and ate the rest of your banana, positive that Daveed was fucking with you.
Meanwhile, Diggs was trying to stop himself from thinking about fucking with you. He did not need to watch you eat a banana. He licked his lips as he thought of how your lips tasted.
You smiled at Diggs’ broad back. He seemed different this morning.
He turned to plate some food for you and smiled again, shaking his head.
“Most times it’s a nervous tick.”
You were confused. “What’s a nervous tick?”
“My smile. I'm actually a really shy person.  Most times my smile is a defense mechanism.”
You were not sure about all that. Daveed had to know how he affected people.
“I’m not sure I believe that. Man. You are famous for performing in front of hundreds of people a night.  You’re on tv, movies, for goodness sake! You do live rap shows with your shirt off. I ain’t boo boo the fool.”
Daveed’s laugh filled the kitchen.
“How many clipping. shows did you watch on YouTube?  Or did you only watch the ones where I'm shirtless?” 
His look was hungry, and surprised, like he couldn’t believe he’d said that out loud. Then he barrelled on.
“I am shy, but I get my energy from crowds. I'm an introverted extrovert. Ya feel me?"
You nodded, understanding. You noticed that he was fiddling with the spatula he had in his hand. Uncertain again. He really was awkward. It was sweet. And hot.
Diggs continued.
"When I perform, I'm probably under the influence."
"Hold up. What?" 
You flashed back to Mark. You couldn’t be around this again. Daveed caught your panicked look.
"Oh, it’s not like that, haha."  
That laugh and that smile. It automatically put you at ease. 
"It just takes a little. Drink; like last night at Criag’s Adrenaline; when I used to run track. Now it's performing." 
Daveed watched you carefully, gauging whether or not to continue. Fuck it, he thought. He felt as comfortable with you as when he first met Rafa.
"You know what the best drug is?" 
You cocked your head to the side, intrigued despite yourself. That smile. It was angelic and so opposite of what came out of his mouth next.
"Fucking. You know? When it's that good good. Or even better, that feeling when you haven't smashed, but the sexual tension is everything?"
There was suddenly little air in the room. You had to open your mouth to get oxygen. Oh. You knew the feeling alright. You gulped down your orange juice and continued eating.
"Hard-dick dopamine delivers every time." 
He said it so casually. He was playing innocent, but he was going for it.
You choked on your bacon. Daveed came up beside you.
"Raise your arms above your head.”
You turned toward him, held your arms up and he helped you, his hands holding your hands up. You stopped coughing pretty quickly but you stared at each other with your small wrists in his large hands. Daveed shifted on his feet and cleared his throat.  
“You good?" His voice had to be a couple of octaves lower. 
You gaped for a second, mouth still open, then laughed and nodded, pulling your arms slightly to get him to release them.  Daveed let go, stepped back and laughed along.
"But yeah. Back to what we were talking about...It just takes a little high, and I'm a completely different person." 
You watched him as he crossed his chocolate arms. 
"So what's your drug? Your motivation?"
That was something you didn't want to think about too hard. You tried to avoid his eyes. You cleared your throat and took another drink.  
“You got any vodka for this orange juice?”
“C’mon. I made you this gourmet breakfast and everything…” You could hear the smile in his voice even though you were looking down. You didn’t feel pressed, you just felt like telling D this would open up so many things to him.
"Well, I don't do hard drugs if that's what you mean. No pills, or coke. Don't need molly," you winked and filled your mouth with French toast. 
"Gosh. This food is amazing!"
Daveed could barely make out the words through the food in your mouth.  He shook his head.
"Thanks, but don’t play me Lindy. Is french toast your motivation?"
Diggs wasn't letting you off the hook. You thought about it.  He was being very cool, and you felt safe with him.  You plunged ahead.
"I think about how fragile life is. How it is not guaranteed from day to day. How it can be taken away in a moment." 
You tried to push the emotions down and took a deep breath.
"I lost my twin brother when we were 17 in a car accident. I think a lot about what he didn't get to do. And that motivates me to do better with my life."
Daveed just looked down at the counter, mortified that he had pushed you to share something so personal. Then he finally looked up at you.
"That's a good reason to be motivated. I'm sorry for your loss." He looked down at his plate again.  "Look, I didn't mean to press you...."
Telling Daveed about Dell just felt right, even though you really didn’t know him like that.
"Don't apologize.  You didn't know. And I'm glad I told you." 
Diggs looked up at her and smiled. You smiled back.
He got up and stood next to you to grab your plate. Daveed smelled like coconut. It was nice. You closed your eyes and sniffed him.
"You done?" He was laughing at you.
"What? Oh, yeah. Thanks."
"Where is the fooood?"
Craig padded in the kitchen, with a wide smile. 
"There you are." You grinned at your cousin.
"Goood morningggg peopleeeee! I smell the Diggs Special. Hey. You two fuck last night?”
Rafa came in already on one this morning. Unlike his best friend, his confidence seemed to seldom waver.
He ignored your shocked looks and Craig’s laughter and went to get some food.  He continued as if he just walked in and said, “Good morning.”
"Ay, D, you gonna go check out this venue in town with me?"
Daveed shook his head at his friend. But he was chilling.
"Sure, what up?"
"I figure we can turn up on stage tonight"
"Cool. Let me eat and chill a little bit before we go." He looked at his watch. "About two?"
Jasmine walked into the kitchen. 
“Lindy needs to go shopping. We should come with.  You down, Craig?”
“You know it. That reminds me, we gotta fix you up.  Start destroying Daveed’s pants, since Lindy won’t do it for real.”
“Y’all gonna get enough…” you were getting swole.
“Calm down Ms. Fussy pants. Let’s go.”
Craig grabbed some shears from the kitchen and went toward Lindy’s room.
When you got to your room, Craig gave you the business.
"You are so tiresome."
“You just need to fuck the man. We are all tired of feeling this sexual tension. It’s bothersome.”
“Leave me alone, Craig.” You watched as he worked his magic on the jeans. “What if I don’t want t…”
“What if I’m not read…”
“Fuck that.”
“What if he hurts me? What if I hurt him?”
Craig put the shears down and turned toward you.  
“Listen, stop over thinking and do what you feel. What you want. Turn up. It’s your birthday. Anybody can see that man is all about you.”
“I’m scared.”
“I know. But you deserve…” He didn’t say it. 
“You deserve. Now put these clothes on, bitch.”
You emerged from the room and no one paid any particular attention to you, no one but Daveed. 
His eyes swept from your feet, which were housed in some of Jasmine’s high heeled sandals, to your long, brown legs which were highly moisturized and seemed to go on and get better from your juicy calves to your generous, muscular thighs. 
Craig had cut and distressed some jeans that Daveed didn't particularly love to garments that he felt he could not live without. 
On you. 
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Damn, Daveed gaped as he remembered that you probably didn’t have any underwear on. 
His eyes moved up to notice how his blue Oaklandish t-shirt was huge, but the way you had it tied up let it accentuate your waist, breasts and shoulders.
‘Good God,’ he thought. As his eyes moved up to yours, he saw that you noticed his reaction and were smiling at him. He smiled back. He wanted you to wear nothing but his destroyed and altered clothing for the rest of your life.
“OKAYYYYYYY, you look cute as hell.” Jasmine admired your outfit.  
“Thank you!”  Craig responded. 
“Yes, you did that!” Jas laughed.  “And the model ain’t half bad.” Jasmine got up, took your hand and had you twirl.
“Got DAMN!”  
Everyone turned and looked at Rafa as he yelled.  He put his hand over his mouth. “Oh, did I say that out loud?”
Daveed was so grateful that you did not have any of your own clothes. Your ass in those distressed shorts were everything. He gulped and you and Jasmine giggled.
“Be quiet!” 
Anthony shushed everybody and then gave you a double take. 
“Nice, Lindy,” but then he turned back to the tv. He was used to Jasmine’s glorious ass, so he was nonplussed. 
“Let’s just finish this episode before we go. It’s my favorite,” he said as Jasmine went back over to sit down with him.
Black Dynamite was on the tv while they were waiting. It was the alien episode. 
Ant and Jas were curled up in a big white overstuffed chair, Craig was on the other,while Daveed and Rafa were on the couch. You sat down in between them. 
You leaned your head on Rafa’s shoulder, looking at Daveed. Rafa put his arm around you, watching the show, as you put your legs up on Digg’s knees. 
You didn’t see Rafa wink at Daveed, who just smiled at you and turned toward the screen. After a couple of minutes, he put his hand on your shins, looking over to see if it was okay.  
Your chill smile indicated your assent.  He started lightly rubbing, looking down at your caramel skin. Your legs were so soft. 
Diggs peeked up at you relaxing and accepting his touch, and snuggling into Rafa’s embrace.  The way you were looking at him was everything, even if you were in Rafa’s arms. 
Rafa was his boy. And he knew what you wanted. As for Daveed and you, you two were watching each other and not the screen.
Daveed decided to move his hand up your leg, but a flash went off and he stopped. He hadn’t noticed that the show was over and that Craig was taking pictures. 
"This is so cute! Family love!" 
He was cheesing as he snapped a wide-angle selfie and some pics. Jasmine came and sat on your lap, the couch becoming a crazy twister game. 
Anthony came behind the couch and snuck in the pics with the crazy eyes flipped a double bird behind Rafa’s head. You were all being so silly.
"What is this, a orgy?” Rafa with the jokes. 
“Not that I’m saying there’s anything wrong with that.” That devilish smile. Everybody laughed. 
“Y’all are some beautiful people, but ain’t nobody got time for that. Let's go."
Anthony seemed hype.  He slapped his hands together and then rubbed them.
“Okay, we have a choice, since we are going into town we can drive….” he looked around at everyone.  “OR, we can go over in my new boat!”
Everyone sensed that there wasn’t really a choice, so they all said, “Boat!” and laughed.  
Anthony’s grin was wide as fuck.  Jasmine harshed the flow.
“The only thing is, it only has four seats…”  Everyone looked around and counted six people. Ant spoke up.  
“I’ll be piloting, so I will stand, but it takes about 20-30 minutes, soooooooo…..”
“Sooooooo, Lindy… would you mind sitting on D’s lap? We need to get creative.” 
Her eyes sparkled as she smirked. 
“Would that be okay with you Diggs?”
Rafa coughed “Setup” into his hand.
You looked at Jasmine and Anthony and Daveed, who was looking at you expectantly.  You were in agreement with Rafa, but you weren’t mad. It seemed that everyone was looking at you.
“Sure…” said Daveed whose eyes were fixed on you.  “Is that okay with you, Lindy?” 
You smiled and nodded your head.  “I’m cool with it.”   Daveed smiled wide, eyes crinkling with happiness.
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Jasmine and Anthony led you all out onto the back deck, where you and Jas took off your heels, and down to the beach, a little ways away to the boat dock.  You and Daveed brought up the rear of the little ensemble.
You were watching the waves and the beautiful surroundings, trying not to focus on the awkwardness. 
Daveed was watching you.
“You good Lindy?” 
Daveed’s voice broke your reverie.
You two stopped and looked at each other.  Your head was tilted back, looking into D’s eyes. He smiled down at you and you felt warm.  Must have been the sun.
“Heyyyy youuu guuuysss!”  
Daveed nodded his head toward the boat. 
You smiled and followed him. Ant was at the helm, Jasmine and Rafa were at the front, and Craig was in the second row.  
Daveed stepped on the boat and turned around offering you his hand. You flashed back to that January night.
You swallowed, smiled and tried to board. And immediately fell when you misjudged the deck while stepping on the boat.
Daveed helped you up, chuckling, while Craig howled and Rafa shook his head. Jasmine just stared, open mouthed, said “That’s not funny,” then burst out laughing.
Anthony was busy getting the boat ready but had a grin on his face.
“Fuck all y’all!”
“No, not all of us, just D…”
“Shut the fuck up Craig.”  You gave him the gas face and then turned and smiled at Daveed.
Daveed was seated and spread his arms out so you could sit down.  Anthony started the engine, so you got settled in on his lap as carefully as you could.  
“You okay?” you asked him softly, turning on his lap and feeling the muscles in his thighs. And maybe something else. 
You tried to adjust your shorts to cover your core adequately, because like this, he would easily be able to ascertain your situation.
Daveed looked into your eyes and whispered, “I’m perfect.”
You agreed silently as you stared back into his big browns. 
You were thrown against Daveed’s chest as the boat gained speed. You were able to feel his abs through his t-shirt and your rear shifted and came into contact with his crotch. 
‘This is going to be a fun ride,’ you thought, smiling to yourself.
Daveed put his arms around you, one at your waist and one on your legs, to try and hold you steady.  The movement of the boat allowed him to feel you, just as he wanted.  
He turned his head and looked at the water, concentrating on keeping his hands in neutral locations.
Jas looked over at you.  “You okay?” she mouthed.
You smiled and nodded, giggling a little.
D turned his head back quickly to look at your face. You looked at him and winked. He smiled and unknowingly started stroking your leg.
You stopped laughing and all of your attention turned to his hand on your leg. You adjusted yourself in Daveed’s lap. You were getting a little moist and could feel his cock becoming hard. 
Your lips parted and you started breathing a little faster.
The feel of you on his lap was what was up. There was a definite heat from your core. Daveed happened to look down at his t- shirt on you and saw that your nipples were hard.  
All he wanted was for them to be in his mouth and to be enveloped in your heat.
Daveed turned his head to look at everyone else to see if they noticed you two, and his lips brushed your shoulder.  He heard your sharp intake of breath.
Geez, he felt like he could take you on the boat in front of everyone. By the way your body was reacting, he thought that you would let him.  
He finally noticed he was stroking your leg and stopped himself.  He sat up straighter and tried to get control.
You closed your eyes and moaned a little when Daveed pulled away.  All you wanted at that moment was him inside you. When you opened your eyes, Daveed was looking at you.
“You sure you’re comfortable? I could sit on the boat deck if you want.”
“No!” you said a little too loudly.  Craig smirked at you.
You blushed, then relaxed again in D’s arms. How could a moment be so awkward, yet so perfect?.  
After about 20 minutes, the view of the pretty little town of Isabela became clear.  It looked like a neat spot to spend the day, but you were sad that the boat ride was over.
As the boat came to a stop and tied off at the dock, you and Daveed let everyone get off before them, then D climbed out, turned around and held out his hand for you.  
You took it and stepped out onto the dock. You didn’t let go and Daveed didn’t either. No one said anything, just exchanged glances as you and Daveed concentrated on being casual with it.  
Truth be told, each of your hearts were pounding in your chest.  
This is another world. You could be free and do what you wanted to do.  And what you wanted to do was to hold Daveed’s hand.
Daveed’s chest was puffed out, proud that you decided to show affection. In front of the crew. 
This was a big step but he tried not to make it a big deal.  
You strolled together and admired the architecture, holding his hand until you walked to the shopping center on Barbosa Street.
They were going to check out a venue to do a show later in the weekend. Daveed didn’t want to let you go.
Rafa and Ant just walked on and let Daveed handle his business. 
“Go to work.” 
You smiling at him was everything, as Daveed played with your hand, moving it up to lace his fingers in yours and press your palm upright.
Jas and Craig went into the store.
“It’s not work. Having fun creating with friends…”  
Daveed really wanted to create fun with you. He felt like he should kiss you goodbye, but he didn’t want to push it.
“Bye Daveed.  See you in a few.” 
You laughed, cause it was like he was going off to war. This was too much.
“Bye Linden…” 
He finally let your hand go and then backed up the street in the direction that his bros went, not wanting to let you out of his sight. 
When you disappeared into the store, he turned and ran to catch up.
Rafa and Anthony were talking to the club owner in Spanish, Daveed following along, but not very well.  He thought they were talking about lighting and sound, but couldn’t get the entire conversation.
“Tienes tu propio gaffer o tenemos que hacer nuestra propia iluminación?”
“Nosotros tenemos un capataz, pero él cobra una tarifa separada.”
Daveed zoned out and planned how he was going to get closer to you.
Rafa turned to him and said something, and Daveed nodded. 
“Oh, absolutely.”
 He had not one clue what was happening in this club right now.  His mind was on you.  Rafa and Ant looked at each other.
“So, when they bring up the pigs in tutus, we cut one open and smear the blood all over you…” 
Anthony wanted to see if Daveed was paying attention.
Daveed smiled. “Sounds dope.”
Rafa and Ant shook their heads at him.
“Listen dude, your head is not in the game right now. You need to get right.”
They didn't have to tell him twice. 
You were going to town.  Craig and Jasmine had abandoned you and were already down at Pinkheart and Loft.  You were not moving from H & M.
You didn’t mind being alone in the store, as you minored in shopping in undergrad. You were in the zone. And zoned out from what was happening with Daveed. You needed some headspace.
Your hands were full of clothes and your heart was feeling light as you headed toward the dressing room. 
You could barely see over your pile when the cute top you just recently grabbed off a clearance rack fell on the floor as you rushed ahead.  You walked past it before you realized, then went back to try and pick it up.
You jumped as soon as you turned around.
Daveed was standing there with your top in his hand.
"Drop something?"  That smile was everything.
You stared at him wide-eyed. 
‘Fuck. Me.’ Daveed thought. 
"Here, let me take your pile, I'll help you to the register."
You smiled at him again. He'd do anything to see that smile forever.
"Oh, ok. Thanks." 
You handed over the clothes to reveal a handful of sandals underneath which you kept. Daveed slowed himself to appreciate you fully.
“I really like that shirt on you.” Daveed bit his lip. “And those shorts..”
You saw him checking you out and you watched him, your eyes fixed on his lips. 
You recalled the talk about what mouths could do from months ago but were thinking about his succulent lips. And you couldn’t stop.
You needed to remain in control.
"I'm not going to the register, I'm going to try these on.  You can drop them at the fitting room." 
Daveed looked around to tear his eyes away from you.  He caught you checking him out when he swung his eyes back around.  His stomach flipped a little.  
He smiled.
You were at the fitting room, the attendant eyeing Daveed as he gave you a number and pointed you to a stall.  
You took the 10 garments you were allowed and started to go into to your fitting room, looking back at him over your shoulder. You disappeared into the room.
Daveed just stood there.
He made a decision.
You stood there for a minute, shook, before you thought you had yourself together. You were about to take off his shirt when Daveed opened the door at came in.
The look on your face was everything.  The wide eyes, that mouth in an "O." So damn fuckable.
"The guy out there said I could bring you the rest of your clothes."
That was true, after Daveed paid him 20 dollars.
He got close to you, reached behind you and put the clothes on the hook.
You could smell him. He smelled like the coconut and his cologne, and your dreams.  You closed your eyes.
Daveed wanted your lips. He wanted to own them, to command them, to hear them command him.
You opened your eyes and he backed up.  He tried to contain himself despite your proximity.
“Look. Daveed. That night. The launch party. I was wasted. I usually don’t lose control like that… I don’t want you to think that’s really me.”
You were keyed up and stressed because you were losing control.  He could tell.
God, he wanted to put his hands on you. In a good way. You’d calm down then.
He knew you had baggage.  And that he should probably stay away.  But he didn't want to.  Hell, he had matching luggage. 
"Well, I think it is you. I have a theory that people are more their real selves when they are drunk or high. Inhibitions are gone. They get to act out like they want to. Do what they want to."
Daveed looked into your eyes.
"What do you want to do, Lindy?"
You wanted to do a lot of things.  To Daveed. In this fitting room. You almost gave it all up for him right there.
Then you got mad. At Daveed or your feelings, you didn’t know.
"That's just it, adults don't get to do what they want to do all the time. It's called adulting, you know. Responsibilities...?" 
You fired back at him.
He opened his mouth and spoke.  To himself as well as you.
He said it gently, not raising his voice at all, but the force behind it made you shut the fuck up. 
Your knees were weak and the small of your back was acting up again. Your body was reacting without your permission. You shivered.
Daveed could tell you were reacting to him physically.  But he wanted inside your mind, not just your body. He was going to give you some space. 
He backed toward the door of the fitting room. Leaning against it, his long body in jeans and t-shirt delectable.
“What do you want, Linden?” 
His voice was deeper, more commanding now. You swallowed. You were exhausted from fighting it. Maybe you could have a taste.
“I-I want a kiss. Just a kiss.”
Daveed felt triumphant.  He smiled and looked down at his shoes, then back up at you.
“Come get it.”  
He was going to let you make the first move.
You bit your lip through a smile.  You walked the five steps toward him in slow motion it seemed, as you raised up on your tiptoes to reach up and peck his lips, your hands behind your back.  
Your lips met his pillowy goodness and you leaned back to look into his eyes.  
Then, you put your hands on his shirt, tracing his abs all the way up and going back in for more, Daveed’s tongue prodding it’s way between your lips, and your tongue dancing with his.
You moaned as Daveed put his hand on your hips and then slid them up the sides of his shirt, skimming your breasts, and resting under your arms as you two went for it. 
He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, as he backed you into the wall. 
He palmed your ass in the shorts, his long fingers reaching inside the distressed rips and squeezing your ass. He spread you apart and squeezed you closed, so that his fingers barely grazed your core and drove you crazy.  
When you reached up and pulled his hair, that’s when he stopped kissing you, leaned his head against your forehead and breathed, “Fuck, Lindy. You don’t know what you do to me.”
You just looked at him and craned your neck for another kiss which he couldn’t deny, but then he stopped and let you down.
“What do you want Daveed?”
Daveed put his hand on the wall above your head. You looked up at it and at him and he had to remember to breathe.
“Fuck it. Linden, I want you. You know that.” 
You raised your eyebrow and smiled up at him, then bit your lip, playful. Daveed’s throat became dry.
“And I think that I know that you want me too. But I know it’s hard.”
Your eyes swept down his torso to his pants, and damn, well…if it wasn’t hard right now.
He cleared his throat.  “It’s hard for YOU.”  You smiled wide. 
He rolled his eyes.
“You know what I mean. It’s hard for you to be vulnerable, but Linden, I won’t hurt you. I promise.”
The way he looked in your eyes. You couldn’t go there with him, but the physical was okay for now. You decided to indulge yourself.  It was almost your birthday.
“What if I want you... to hurt me?” 
The innocent look in your eyes masked the devilish intent in your words. Daveed, stomach flipped again and he screwed his eyes shut. He masked a whimper and opened his eyes again.
“Huh. Don’t play with me Linden.” The menacing tone of his voice was making you wet.
“But what if I want to play with you, Daveed?” 
You reached for his belt buckle; Daveed stopped you, grabbed your hand and put it above your head against the wall, his arms now caging you in. 
You raised your chin, meeting his glare with yours. His eyes were fucking you so rough right now. You had to open your mouth to breathe, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip.
Daveed was looking as if he was going to devour you..  That mouth. He wanted to take it, but he restrained himself.  He had to know.
“Tell me. What. You. Want.”
You held his stare, the air around you crackling with energy.
“I want you Daveed.”
His smile was wide. Then he bent down, grabbed your thighs in his hand, picked you up and carried you to the mirror and pressing you against it, running his hands back down your body to your ass, cupping and grabbing it to memorize how it felt.
“We are NOT about to do this in the fitting room at H & M.  But somebody is going to cum. Right now.”
You kissed him as he ran his hands under your shirt to your nipples, pinching and rolling them in between his fingers as he kissed you again.
You started whimpering in your throat as you let him make you wet. 
“God, Daveed.”  
You kissed him again, but he did not stop what he was doing to your breasts.
“What?”  Daveed asked when you came up for air. “You wet?’
“Fuck yes.”  
You moaned as you threw your head back and huffed.
Daveed pulled his shirt up off your waist and exposed your breasts.  
“So fucking beautiful.”  
His mouth watered at the sight. Daveed licked his lips and leaned toward those beauties.
“Can I?”  Daveed paused.
“Please!” You whispered.  
He leaned down. His mouth got so close that you could feel his hot breath. Then he paused again.
“Please what?”
At first you could not think of what he was talking about. Then you got it.
“Please. Sir.”  
Your eyes sparkled under your lashes as you looked down. His dick got even harder.
“Such a Good Girl for me Linden. Fuck.”  
Damn, he had the key to your pussy.
Your wetness was leaking down your thigh, now reaching the tips of Daveed’s fingers.
Daveed proceeded to alternate his attention to each breast. Delicately at first, he kissed your nipples, then suckled them gently, then harder, more insistently, until his mouth was pulling at them rhythmically and firmly, to the point of almost hurting you.
You were groaning pretty loudly and Daveed released a nipple from his tightly clamped lips with an almost painful pop.
“Suck this,” he said, and put his thumb in your mouth, pushing your head back into the mirror. 
While still suckling you, he then moved his other hand down your body to your crotch and stuck his hand into the jean shorts, his long fingers grazing your folds, feeling a small patch of hair and your oh so slick lower lips. 
He looked up at you and how you were enthusiastically sucking his thumb, fellating it like it could cum down your throat.  That sight and feeling, combined with how you felt at your core, was fucking him up.
“Damn, Lindy? All this. For me? You sure?”
You nodded vigorously, his thumb deep in your mouth as he kept you pressed to the mirror. He found your clit and started rubbing, while inserting a finger into you. 
You were so fucking tight, it was a stretch to fit two in, but you were humming with pleasure now, your eyes rolling back in your head.
You nodded again, and as he pried your mouth open, your sounds became louder before he put his mouth on yours and kissed you, muffling your moans as his thumb and fingers worked in concert to bring you close to the edge. 
You tried to reach for his belt buckle again and he moved out of the way.
“Unh unh, it’s not about me right now.” 
Daveed grunted. He spun you around and had you face the mirror, his hand in your mouth and your pants, and his cock pressed into your ass.
It was big and your eyes matched it. You two stared at each other.
“Look at us.  Don’t we look good together? This should be a thing.”  
You watched what he was doing to you and it did look hot as fuck.
He pressed deeper into you through your pants.  He could feel you quiver on his fingers. 
“You want it Lindy?”
Daveed could feel your clit harden and vibrate like a guitar string.
“Maybe later, but you could cum… not now…” 
You whimpered around his thumb, but he sped up.  
“Not now…”
You were almost crying now. Daveed was smiling, his teeth bared against the shell of your ear, whispering his commands to you.
“NNNNot now….” 
Your legs were shaking from holding it.
“Good girl. Now cum.”  
Daveed spoke into your ear and you exploded from the inside out. It had been months since anyone else made you cum.
He reached down and grabbed you under your knees and sat down with you on the fitting room bench. You were draped around him like a vine, exhausted.
D held you for a few, taking care of you and waiting for his hard on to go down. You clung to him, eyes closed, trying not to panic. This was good. You wanted this.  And you told him so.
“Me too, Lindy.”  
He helped you stand and stood himself, standing behind you and watching you straighten yourself out in the mirror.  He pulled you back against him, wrapping his arms around your front and putting his chin next to your forehead.
“I meant what I said, Linden.  We look good together.  Let this be a thing.”  
You just smiled at him as you thought about the weekend to come.
Read the Next Chapter
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
If Only She Knew - 9/10 | westallen fanfiction
A/N: It’s been a million yeaarrssss!!!! But finally I got this chap out. I hope you enjoy it as much as it stresses you out. lol. Happy reading!
Commissioned by @shalanda83 
Chapter 9 -
Barry was wrong.
He was so, so wrong about Iris.
He’d thought he would have to combat her being super touchy-feely like they were as far back as he could remember. If things were really back to normal between them, that’s exactly what he would have had to endure.
Not that it was bad, of course. It was just inconvenient, awkward and embarrassing with him getting aroused at literally anything Iris did that was remotely close to him or in his line of vision. It happened with other girls too, of course, but to a much lesser degree.
Anyway, as it turned out, he didn’t have to worry about her so much as brushing her knee against his leg, because Iris made it her mission to stay as far away as possible from him in the backseat of the car.
And he knew it was her mission, because he could feel the tension rolling off of her in waves from the minute he refused to stretch out in the backseat of the car due to his injuries, in which case she would’ve simply sat in the front passenger seat across from her dad.
His brows had furrowed instantly with suspicion.
“I’ve got Neosporin and bandages on, Iris. I don’t think I need the whole backseat to stretch out in.” He continued before her parting lips could interrupt him. “Besides, it feels better when my knees are slightly bent. And I wouldn’t be able to put my seatbelt on either.”
I wouldn’t get to sit next to you floated around in his head, but he didn’t say it. He didn’t know if that would be too touchy a thing to say after they’d just gotten past – or so he thought – the kiss that he should have reciprocated.
Because for all his fears of embarrassing arousal, Barry still wanted to sit next to his best friend. And he did love her. He just had to find a way to tell her without her shutting him down.
“What’s that about not putting on a seatbelt?” Joe asked, as he approached the car.
“Nothing,” the two of them muttered.
“Uh-huh. Backseat. Both of you,” he ordered, and Barry did not think he’d ever seen Iris be so grumpy to sit in the backseat with him before.
Now Barry did stretch his legs out a little bit into the floorspace on Iris’ side. His legs were quite long after all, and he did need them at a certain angle for his wounds, even with antibiotic cream and bandaids couldn’t dim the pain of completely.
“Sorry, Iris,” he mumbled, as Joe started the car. “I guess-”
“No worries,” she insisted brightly, though an I told you so was probably stifled with the rolling eyes she didn’t think he saw.
Iris knew best, he guessed, but he was still glad she was in the back seat with him.
When a good five minutes passed, and Iris hadn’t so much as kept both butt cheeks in her seat, practically plastering herself against the door and sticking her head out the window awkwardly, Barry grew impatient and had to say something.
She started humming. That, in addition to the wind blowing over her ears and through her wild locks, should’ve been enough to convince him that she couldn’t hear him. And so she wouldn’t be at fault in the least for not responding to his saying her name.
Or at least that’s what she was probably hoping he was thinking, but he was not stupid. Iris had excellent hearing. It was why she insisted she’d be a great cop one day. One of the reasons at least.
“Iris,” he said again, fighting the urge to tense up and pull her all the back into the car.
Touching her was a bad idea, but so was her ignoring him.
She only hummed louder, and that was all the confirmation Barry needed to know it was deliberate.
He kept his fuming at bay, and instead took a risk and reached for her knee. He’d just been planning to briefly touch it to get her attention in a way she couldn’t pretend to be unaware of. But just as his hand hovered over the gentle curve, her head swiftly turned back to look at him, unintentionally wacking her head on the top of the window frame.
“What are you – ow! – doing?” She rubbed her head, coming back inside and hesitantly sitting all the way down on the seat.
“Trying to get your attention,” he said. “Are you okay?” He frowned.
“I’d be just fine if you hadn’t tried to touch me,” she growled, and a moment later she seemed to realize she’d said the words out loud instead of keeping them in her head, because horror flashed across her face. He knew she was afraid she’d ruined everything again.
“Oh, Barry, I didn’t mean-”
“It’s okay, Iris,” he said. “I just uh…your seatbelt, the top part, it isn’t across your-” He started to blush a deep red as he realized his eyes were glued to her chest. He forced his gaze up into her eyes, but that was almost worse. He squeaked when he continued. “It’s behind you. Shouldn’t…Shouldn’t it be in front?” He cleared his throat, so his voice would normalize. “I mean, for safety.”
Iris stared at him as if she hadn’t heard a word he’d just said. Then the words apparently clicked, and she responded.
“Right. Of course.” She forced a smile. “Thanks, Barry.”
He looked up towards the front and found Joe staring at him through the rearview mirror.
“We almost there, Joe?” he asked, willing the red in his face to disappear at least to a very light pink.
“About halfway,” Joe said. Barry could hear the suspicion in his voice, but he didn’t say anything more, and for that, Barry was grateful.
Iris licked her lips beside him.
“Why don’t you roll down your window, Barry? It’s nice outside.”
“I’m too tall, Iris,” he whined, not bothering to analyze how that made a lick of sense.
Iris frowned but said nothing more and leaned back against her side of the car, not sticking her head out again but not paying attention to Barry either.
Barry decided it was for the best, since he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He didn’t want her to catch on, so he didn’t watch how the wind blew through the hair framing her face or the slight goosebumps that decorated her arms. No, instead his stayed glued to the knee he’d almost touched and the thighs just above that he imagined were smooth as a baby’s bottom.
An interesting metaphor, but he couldn’t think of another one.
He wanted to touch her.
He wanted to touch her so badly.
And she thought he didn’t like her.
Fuck, he thought, not even feeling guilty when the swear word passed through his mind.
Because truly, fuck.
On arrival, Hope Town Mountain did look pretty spectacular.
There were shops and boats and carriage rides, bicyclists and kayakers and shops galore. There was a long road of vendors that ended and began with a large log cabin gift shop that included concessions, and the lake was absolutely stunning as it sparkled in the sun.
Barry knew Iris would want to go shopping, and that he couldn’t go with her because of his knees. He frowned on the realization, because even though he wasn’t particularly fond of carrying a multitude of bags on his arms, he loved seeing Iris buzz with energy and be overcome with the happiness of new discoveries. And he was going to miss that.
“I vote we go boating!” Iris announced, and Barry wondered if she’d seen his downcast face. “You have your boating license, right dad?”
Joe grinned, turning around in his seat after parking the car.
“I sure do. We can take one of the bigger motorboats out into the middle of the lake, and you two can relax while I sleep.”
“Iris, are you sure?” Barry asked. “I mean, we’ve been sitting for half an hour. Don’t you want to stretch your legs? Do some shopping?”
She pushed past it immediately.
“Nope. I can shop any time,” she insisted. “I want you to have a good time too.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but this time Iris stopped him.
“Trust me, my dad does not want to follow me around for an hour while I shop to my heart’s content and he carries my bags.”
“No thank you,” Joe concurred.
Barry managed to laugh at that.
“Alright. Let’s go get a boat then.”
Excited now, Iris grabbed his hands and squeezed them, making his stomach flip and his heart flutter. He swallowed inconspicuously so she wouldn’t notice.
She squealed and released his hands, spilling out of the car with one hop after she unbuckled her belt. He did the same, but it was slower, more gradual, and he winced slightly when he was standing again.
“Is it far?” Barry asked.
Iris frowned. “Just down the way… my Dad will help you.”
Joe stepped out of the car, locked up, and wrapped one of Barry’s arms over his shoulders.
“Come on, son, we’ll get there.”
It was a little trickier than expected, and in the end Iris wound up wrapping her arm around Barry’s waist to assist somewhat.
“Oh, Iris, you don’t have to-”
“Shut up, Barry. I’m helping.”
He groaned, hoping her arm wouldn’t slip down to his hip or lower on accident – you never know! Because then he’d be a dead man walking. Or falling rather. Because he would fall, flat on his face.
“Don’t tell that girl no, son,” Joe remarked, chuckling, and Barry wanted to die.
He let them assist to the halfway point though where the first dock on the lake was located. Then Joe left to rent out the boat and get the lifejackets and pull the boat over to this side of the lake so Barry wouldn’t have to walk much farther.
“This is going to be great, Barry. You’ll see.”
He looked over at her and managed a smile with how happy she was acting.
“You’re happy,” he noted.
“Of course I am,” she said. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well…considering the last 24 hours…”
She shook her head. “I’m past that.”
“Are you?”
“Yes, of course.” She looked nervous though. “Why are you even asking?”
“The car ride,” he blurted.
Better to get this out now than later when it could potentially cause problems.
“I just didn’t want you to think I was trying to come on to you again is all,” she mumbled, but Barry heard every word.
“Iris…” He took her hand, and she let him. “We’ve always been close. Since we were kids. It’s not weird for me when you touch me. It’s weird when you don’t.”
She laughed a little nervously, then tucked some of her hair behind her ear.
She looked up into his eyes and smiled. He looked back, all the love in his heart pouring into his gaze.
God, I just want to tell you…how I feel…how you make me feel!
Then, do it, the ornery voice in his head combatted. And don’t mess it up this time.
“Iris, I…”
He started to lean in before he could tell her what was in his heart, and much to his surprise Iris’ expression wasn’t troubled but elated. She was hopeful, that they were finally on the same page maybe. Or so she hoped. He hoped too. Oh, wouldn’t it be just so perfect if-
A horn blasted just as Barry was about to close his eyes, and a bicyclist sped by. What felt like a millisecond later, Joe drove up in the boat and called out to them.
Barry was still processing the interruption.
“Oh, there he is! And look, we don’t have to walk too far!”
“I-Iris, wait!” he called out after she took off.
“Oh, right, I forgot.”
She came back and helped him to his feet and together they started to hobble over to the dock.
“I was going to” He sucked in a breath. “Tell you” He sucked in another. “Something.”
“So tell me,” she ground out, fighting for her own breath as he put some of his weight on her.
This was how he was going to tell her? With him clumsily bearing his weight down on her as they hopped over to the boat where Joe was waiting for them?
He couldn’t do that. It had to be special.
But what if he waited too long and lost his chance?
He couldn’t do that either.
“Here you go!” Joe flung two lifejackets at them once they reached the dock.
Somewhat agitated, Barry put his on. Iris was in the boat with hers on before he could blink.
His brows furrowed, then he registered both Wests holding their hands out for him to grab onto.
“Come on, son,” Joe said, and Barry refocused on the task of getting into the boat with wounded knees.
It hurt, but he managed it, and soon enough he was sitting with Iris in the front of the boat while Joe steered it out into the huge lake from the back.
“Okay, what were you going to say?” Iris asked, turning to look at her best friend, her eyes gleaming.
“Huh?” Joe called.
“Not you, Dad!” Iris rolled her eyes. “Barry was about to tell me something.”
“Oh, my bad. Carry on.”
Barry felt his face grow hot again. He couldn’t do it like this either. Not with Joe here possibly eavesdropping. And he couldn’t wait till he fell asleep either, could he? A snoring Joe West as background noise to his love confession?
So when Iris shook her head and laughed before sobering up and asked him to tell her again, he knew with every fiber of his being that he was going to ruin it.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” he said, his lips thinning as his eyes avoided hers.
“No, come on, Barry, you can tell me.”
Her eyes pleaded with him to tell her, as if she somehow knew or hoped she knew, and if he didn’t tell her now she was going to doubt his all over again.
He swallowed.
“No, really, Iris. It’s nothing important.”
Her smile fell. “Oh.”
“Nothing that can’t wait,” he said.
She nodded and forced a smile then, taking his hand as she relaxed into the seat and urged him to relax too.
“Friends then.”
He hated, hated, hated himself as he let the word spill out of his mouth.
*will be posted on AO3 and FFnet when beta’d.
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hawksward · 4 years
F**k Him, He’s a DJ (Hawks/Reader Music Industry AU)
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Summary: A year after your separation from your former girl group, your solo career is just getting started. It only needs some extra oomph. Enter world renowned DJ, Hawks. Here to give you more than what you bargained for.
Pairing: DJ! Hawks (Keigo Takami)/ Singer! Reader
Rating: E+
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: sex without a condom, drunk sex, cunnilingus, ragging on DJ’s, dirty talk if you squint
Notes: Hi All! Its been a hot second since I’ve written smut and this is the first time for my favorite bird boi. Music Industry AU’s are a weakness of mine. Please enjoy!!
Special shout out to @shinsotired​ for beta-ing my trash 
“No. Absolutely not. Under no conditions will I work with him.” Water splashed everywhere as you slammed your water bottle onto the table. “I’ll take anyone else you give me.”
Maya, your manager, let out a hefty sigh before adjusting her tight ponytail. She had only taken the position a short year ago after you ditched your former girl group the moment you turned 18. They couldn’t pay you enough to sign another contract describing in detail the ‘cute’ and ‘pure’ image you were expected to maintain. It was time to turn a new, edgier, leaf.
Just not with an insufferable asshole as your first collaboration.
“Hawks has been the only DJ on the top 10 list consistently. Plus you work for the same label. He’s already created the track and we’ve written the lyrics. All you have to do is show up and sing. Maybe do some appearances on his tour.” Maya didn’t take her eyes off her tablet “You’re an established name, but you need to prove yourself again. Now suck it up, he’ll be here any minute.”
The door nearly flew off its hinges with the force Hawks used. You’d never seen him in person before, and he was definitely shorter than you imagined. Not like you could talk. He wore a beige bomber jacket lined in sherpa and a simple pair of jeans. Far simpler than you’d seen him wear on stage.
“Y/N,” Maya put on her biggest, most professional smile, “I’d like to introduce Keigo Takami, or as he more commonly goes by on stage, Hawks. Keigo this is Y/N.”
“Ah good girl gone bad.” His smirk was infuriating. “So this is what I’m working with.”
He circled you, like a bird ready to strike its prey. Taking in every inch of you. Anger continued to rise in the pit of your stomach as he came to a halt. Putting his fingers to his chin in contemplation.
“Something to say?” You questioned, arms folded across your chest.
“Nah.” His fingers raked through his blonde locks “This’ll be fine. I always liked a challenge.” He gave you a wink.
Offended didn’t come close to how you felt about his comment. A challenge, not for you but for him. The bastard probably thinks you don’t have what it takes to succeed in a solo career.
“A challenge?” You rose from your seat to meet him head on, despite being a whole head shorter.  “I’ll have you know I’m a fucking professional.”
“She’s got small dog syndrome too!” He nearly folded in half with laughter “Don’t worry, Maya, I’ll play nice with her.”
He knew all the right buttons to push to send you into a rage. Half moons formed on your palms as you exercised every ounce of self control you had. You wanted nothing more than to tell him where exactly he could shove his bullshit.
“Great!” Maya grabbed you by the arm “She will see you in the studio first thing tomorrow morning!” There was no mercy as she pulled you through the door, not giving you the chance for the final word.
The next morning came too fast for your liking. You arrived 15 minutes before your scheduled meeting time, canister of warm tea in hand, wishing it was coffee instead. You were no stranger to the ins and outs of taking care of your voice. It was your livelihood after all.
“Morning Chickadee”
You recoiled at the name, noticing Keigo standing in the doorway. Takeout coffee in hand. He sauntered in, throwing his jacket on the back of his chair before setting his coffee down on a nearby table. He pushed himself in his chair over to his soundboard, letting everything boot up.
“Do you need a minute to warm up or are you already ready for the main event?” He gave you a quick wink before diverting his attention back to his equipment. You couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes.
“Like I said before, I’m a professional. I’m ready to start whenever you are”. You took your place in the soundbooth on the opposite end of the room. Slipping your headphones over your ears before checking to make sure your mic was on.
Take. After take. After take. He had a problem with everything.
“You’re too pitchy in the chorus”
“What the fuck is this breathy shit? Stop making it weird.”
“Are you even capable of being sexy?”
The last one bothered you the most.
“Stop being picky because you don’t fucking like me!” You ripped the headphones off before storming out of the booth “There was nothing wrong with that take!”
Keigo rolled his eyes, straightening himself out in his chair before removing his headphones. “You think I’m being picky? My fans will never buy whatever fake sexy shit you’re selling.”
“ Your fans?” The fangs were coming out now “Do you even have fans? All you do is stand behind a laptop and wave your arms around like an idiot.” DJs had no performance value in your mind. Sure, they could make a good track but they were worthless live.
“Yeah, my fans.” He didn’t seem phased at all. Even his body language exuded confidence. “This is my track, Sweetheart. You’re just the feature.”
Your muscles tensed as he said it. Maya had you convinced that this would be the last track on your album, something to really set you apart. You should have known this was a publicity stunt to gain you some of his fans. The room went silent. Hawks shook his head.
“Have you ever even seen a live set?” He rested his elbows on his knees, folding his hands to hold his chin “Not some prom shit. But an actual, full blown set at a club? I’m talking about mixing your own tracks to spinning.”
You scoffed “When would I have time? Some of us are trying to debut.”
Taking a step back, you narrowed your eyes. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“I’m taking you to a set tonight. Consider it part of the creative process.”
He rose from his chair, tossing his jacket over his shoulder before walking out the door. A quick wave and a nod was all Hawks gave before he left the studio. You were dumbfounded.
A loud buzz came from your pocket revealing a text from an unknown number.
I’ll pick you up at 10. Wear something sexy.    -Kei
At 9:55pm you stood outside the apartment. After spending hours trying to determine what was considered ‘club sexy’ you settled on a short black dress and the highest pair of heels you owned. Crisp night air filled your senses as you took in the city. It would have been peaceful if it weren’t for some douchebag pulling up to the curb in a sports car, flashing the lights like a strobe.
The window rolled down to reveal Keigo in a slim fit shirt and jeans. He let out a low whistle, his eyes trailing down before returning to your own. “You clean up nicely”
You rolled your eyes, walking to the passenger side and easing yourself into the car. The dress slipped up your thighs as you adjusted in the seat. Keigo made no attempt to hide his eyes drifting to your legs during the ride to Sky Parlor, Tokyo’s premier nightclub.
He was in his element. Bodies parted around him as he led you to the roped off center area of the club. The place was already full and from what Keigo said, the headliner had yet to perform. You nestled yourself into a corner of the booth, careful not to trip over the short table in front. Someone already dropped by to place a bucket full of ice along with a bottle of tequila onto the table.
Keigo popped the bottle open with ease, filling two shot glasses to the brim “What do you say we toast?” he shouted into your ear, barely coming across as a whisper muddled in all the noise “To a successful partnership?”
You grabbed the glass out of his hand, clinking it to his before shooting the liquid. The burn warmed up your insides as you grabbed the bottle to pour another “Better do two to be safe.”
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but the bottle was half empty. There was now enough liquid courage running through your veins to let loose. It didn’t hurt that your girl group reputation wasn’t there to drag you down either. As much as you hated to admit it, the DJ was putting on a good show.
Your hips moved with the beat, hands running down your body before making their way up to the air. The atmosphere was intoxicating, your body moving in time to the bass. You hardly noticed when Keigo snaked his arms around you, allowing his hands to drift to your hips. He pulled you tight to his chest, his body moving in time with your rhythm.
If you were sober you might have put up more of a fight when he began to grind his hips into you, greedy for more contact. Your arms moved up to snake around his neck, bringing his face closer to your own. Keigo’s breath grazed the shell of your ear as you moved in sync, seeming to raise the temperature in the room by at least 10 degrees.
You turned to face him, allowing his knee between your legs as you continued to grind your hips into him. His eyes were lidded, lips barely parted open.  Your fingers traced along his jawline, your lips parting to meet his.
Before you had time to process the music began to fade, the DJ picked up his mic to pass it over to the next artist.
“Thanks everybody! Hope you’re having a great time tonight!” The crowd cheered “We’ve got a really special guest here tonight. Rumor has it he’s going to let us preview a new track. Everyone welcome to the stage HAWKS!”
Keigo detangled himself from you at a speed you didn’t think possible, flashing a large smile to the crowd. Bouncers guided his way to the front stage, keeping him safe for all but the roaming hands of strangers. You slid into your seat, pouring yourself another shot of tequila to make up for your disappointment.
When Hawks took the stage he exuded energy. The hum of excited crowd chatter filled the club while he set up. “How’s everyone doing tonight?” His cheeky smile radiated under the harsh lights. The entire crowd erupted into cheers. You even managed to catch a few I love you’s and a Fucking marry me already!
Hawks winked at the crowd, blowing a kiss in the direction of the rogue comments. “I have a special treat, it’s a new track I’ve been working on off my new album.” He let out a laugh before continuing “This one’s dedicated to a special someone who thinks all I do is push play on my laptop”
The blood rushed to your face as the track started. Thankfully he decided not to drop a name or else his fans might have mauled you.
He was good, great even. Almost good enough to make you admit it. His energy on stage was contagious, waving his arms in the air causing the crowd to follow. You could see why he was #2 on the charts. Maybe Maya was onto something.
The night was a blur of stolen glances, tequila shots, and deafening music. Keigo, ever the gentleman, booked both of you an Uber back to his place. Something about ‘strike while the inspiration is hot’.
Keigo’s apartment was the penthouse of one of the tallest buildings in the city. The place was beautiful. Tall ceilings, windows open to the glow of the city night. Everything someone would expect from a successful artist.
“Follow me” Keigo motioned “I have a home studio. We should be able to get some work done in there.” He led you to a smaller room, crammed with every piece of recording equipment imaginable. “Start from line 17.”
Shimmying through a sea of tech, you made your way into the corner where a small mic was set up. No glass to separate you from the rest of the studio. Tequila still running through your veins, you began to wonder if now was the best time to record. Your words were probably slurring already.
The words came out like vomit. Completely unsexy. You caught Keigo’s eye and could already tell he was pissed. At least if he came home drunk to work he didn’t have to worry about opening his mouth.
“What the hell was that?” He asked, eyes narrowed. “Is that what you call sexy?” Keigo removed his headphones and leaned back into his chair. “Let’s try something. Seduce me.”
“I’m sorry, what?” arms folded across your chest.
“You heard me. If I don’t buy it, my fans won’t.” Fuck, the man didn’t shut up about his fans. You tentatively walked over to him, unsure how to fulfill his request. No one asked you to seduce them before. The man sitting before you looked unphased as you slid your hair to the side, exposing your neck. You ran your hands down your chest, moving down your thighs. You were too drunk for this shit.
Keigo laughed, “have you never seduced anyone before?” He rose from his chair, inching closer to you, like a predator fixated on his prey. “No bringing a boy band member home and hoping no one finds out?”
Your back was against the wall as he slammed his hand into the foam soundproofing, keeping you locked in place. “Trying to keep quiet so your roommates don’t hear you breaking the rules?” His breath was hot against your ear as he whispered “Don’t tell me you’re a virgin.”
Blood rushed to your face “Of course not!” you practically shouted “I’ve slept with multiple people.” Which was not any of his business. You weren’t sure why you blurted it out.
A smirk graced Keigo’s features. He was enjoying the rise he was getting out of you. His other hand pushed a strand of hair out of your face, succeeding in making you even more flustered. Your nerve endings were on fire, begging to be touched. Tequila swirling in your mind, encouraging you to give in.
“You’re supposed to be seducing me, not the other way around.” His breath caused goosebumps.
“Please just shut up.” You turned your head to avert your eyes, the blush still painfully apparent on your cheeks. Keigo grabbed your chin, pulling your eyes back to his.
“Only if you make me.”
Never one to back down from a challenge, you went for it. Grabbing a fistfull of his hair, you closed the distance between you. It didn’t take long for him to take the lead, his lips bruising your own. His teeth pulled on your lower lip, causing you to let out a small sigh. Keigo used the chance to grant his tongue entrance, fighting your own for dominance.
Limbs intertwined, your hands clenched the back of his shirt. Keigo’s mouth moved from your lips to the edge of your jaw, trailing lower as he kept your chin in place with his hand. His mouth continued to trail lower as he sucked on the sweet spot by your collar bone. A moan left your mouth, causing Keigo to bite down. Your nails dug into his back, eliciting a low growl from his throat. He grabbed a fistfull of your hair with his opposite hand, pulling to give himself easier access.
Your eyes closed as the room started to spin around you. It was euphoric. It was hard to tell whether it was the booze or the way his mouth moved across your skin, but it felt like heaven. Enough so that when he removed his mouth from your skin, the first feeling was disappointment.
“What?” your voice came out as a harsh whisper “Don’t stop.” You’d beg if you had to, not that you’d tell him that.
“Stop?” Keigo smirked “Baby, I’m just getting started.” In one swift movement he pulled the shirt off his head revealing his sculpted chest and adonis belt. If you were a lesser woman you might have actually drooled at the sight. Being a part of the entertainment industry you were well aware that taking care of your body was important, but it was clear that his was a labor of love.
“LIke what you see?” He smirked, signifying your staring hadn’t gone unnoticed. He was hot, sure, but he was still a cocky bastard. You rolled your eyes before pulling him back into another heated kiss, allowing him to lift your arms up before he pulled the hem of your dress up and over. Leaving you in your bra and the smallest pair of panties you owned.
“I’m nothing if not a gentleman, so ladies first.” Keigo kept eye contact as he dropped slowly to his knees, taking the strings of your panties down with him. Leaving you on display. Your core twitched in anticipation when you felt his hot breath on the inside of your thigh. Planting light kisses as he moved his way upward. He tossed your leg over his shoulder, unbalancing you for just a moment, for better access.
Your eyes rolled back as he lazily traced shapes onto your clit with his tongue. Back pressing further into the wall to arch yourself into him, you grabbed a fistful of his hair. Desperate for something to hold on to. He alternated between fast and slow, short and long before using his fingers to tease at your entrance.
“Damn Baby, are you already this wet for me?” He pulled away if only for a moment, his index finger pushing past your lips into your core.
“Fuck Kei.” You groaned as your head arched back, “Do you get off on hearing yourself talk?”  It was your current opinion that there were other things you would rather his mouth do. You felt him smile into your folds, slipping a second finger into your wet pussy. The new sensation filling you up from the inside, making you feel like you could crack at any moment.
Heat continued to build inside you as Keigo’s pace quickened. Curling his fingers into a spot none of your previous lovers had even tried to find all while keeping pace with his tongue. It didn’t take long for you to boil over, moaning out his name. Keigo removed his fingers as he rose to meet you, lips crashing into yours allowing you to taste yourself. His fingers quickly moved, fumbling against the clasp of your bra, clear that the tequila still had a hold on him as well.
Fabric fell to the floor as he grabbed your breast in his hand, playing with your nipple while he took the other breast in his mouth. Tongue flicking and sucking until you reached a stiff peak. Your hands made their way down to his belt, trying to ignore the sensation enough to concentrate on the buckle. Clear that you were struggling, Keigo removed himself from you to unbutton and throw down his pants at an almost inhuman speed.
Even his dick was magnificent. The brief thought passed your mind of how many other people he brought back to his penthouse after a recording session. Drunk and ready to make bad decisions.
His hands grabbed onto your ass, giving it a squeeze before hoisting you into the air and back down onto his hips. You could already feel his rock hard erection teasing at you. Keigo pushed your back into the wall, causing a small gasp of air to leave your lips. He positioned himself so he was at your entrance. His head grazing your lips before thrusting himself inside, your sufficiently soaked pussy allowing him to bury himself in one motion.
Keigo let out a moan, his forehead resting on yours briefly as he let himself acclimate to just how tight you were. It was difficult to describe just how full and amazing he felt inside you. Your breathing picked up as he slowly began to thrust in and out.
The small ‘oh’s’ and ‘ ah’s’ from your mouth filled the room, mixing with the sound of skin slapping on skin. Keigo’s mouth returned to your collarbone as he picked up his pace, nearly removing himself from your cunt before pushing himself back in, almost punching you in the cervix. Every vein felt like it was made to please you, sending your nerves into a frenzy.
“Holy fuck you feel good.” His breathing matched your own, rough and uneven. Enough to send shivers down your spine. Your head arched back, enjoying the sensation of his cock while he adjusted himself to put your nipple in his mouth. Nails traced thin white lines down his back, lightly breaking the tattooed skin.
The building sensation was quickly becoming overwhelming. Your mind unable to focus on your surroundings, only your impending release. “Oh Fuck, Kei. I’m gonna cum.” You grabbed a fistful of his hair, your other hand gripping onto his shoulder. Your words causing him to go feral, his pace increasing exponentially as he gripped harder into your thighs. His fingertips sure to leave bruises. He brought his mouth back up to yours, his tongue thrashing with your own in a sloppy kiss.
The bundle of nerves inside you, that kept winding tighter and tighter exploded. You gripped harder as the wave of sensation washed over you, continuing to hold on as Keigo reached his own release, emptying himself inside of you.  You rested your forehead against his, enjoying the moment of bliss before he pulled out.
“So..” Keigo smiled “Think you’re ready to record a number one single?”
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes
Alex thinks Maxine is with Roach, this means Samantha is nearby. Join us as the Alpha Team and Bravo Team breach the last safehouse in the hopes that Samantha is inside.
But is she though?
Previous Chapter : Roach - Run Through the Jungle
Chapter 4 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
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"Déjà vu"
Task Force 141
Short Blonde Hair. If intel was correct then Maxine was with her. This means he's really close to Samantha and he could feel his excitement burst out as they creeped closer to the house. It was a simple white house with a brown roof with windows on all sides, the door was facing them but it was sealed shut based on his assessment. He turned his gaze toward France, he could see her fingers tremble and he can't help but wonder why in the world did she know Maxine. Maybe she's her…
"This is Kilo One-One. We have detected multiple armed tangos going to your position. It looked like they were restocking supplies and headed your way. Be quick though, it looks like they're already suspicious about this bird." the pilot reported over comms. The team needed to hurry before they lose their chance at saving Samantha. 
Let's do this, he said to himself as Alex turned to France, Royce and Meat, his Alpha team, and gestured them to slowly surround the building. He nodded to Price as the Bravo Team consisting of Price, Soap, Rocket and Lazer positioned themselves around the other side.
Alex's heart thumped as he shot the door knob safely and kicked it open. What he saw was an unconscious girl tied on a chair, tears were falling from her eyes. She looked thinner than that of the photo, and her skin was almost pale. They haven't been feeding her because she isn't awake since they got her.
Alex quickly slung his rifle and dashed beside her, checking her vitals and used his knife to cut her away from the chair. The rest of the team entered and checked around for intel. Price stood by Alex and summoned a flight home.
"Ghost, Roach. Proceed to the LZed as planned. Our job here is done." He muttered over the comms. Both soldiers agreed but Roach added that he was kind of lost and will wait for the aircraft to arrive so he could use it as a guide.
"Bravo Six to Kilo One One we're ready for extraction in five. Over."
"No can do. Bravo Six. Our Primary LZed is swarming with hostiles. I may have to retreat to our secondary." he replied.
"Bollocks!" Price cursed and instructed everyone to exit immediately. 
"Multiple Tangos by the trees! They're firing at us!" Soap roared after peeking at the broken door. Alex held on to Samantha tight. He couldn't let their mission end like this.
"We don't have air support so we're going to have to push through them." The captain commanded. 
"Throw smokes around the house so we can position ourselves." he added and everyone nodded.
"Alex. We'll cover you. The best option for you is to retreat south to Ghost's position with Samantha." Price instructed the former CIA agent. The rest of the team did as ordered and exited the building one by one.
Alex ran and looked back, everyone was still acounted for. The radio chatter was filled with location tags of tangos.
He saw Ghost shine a reflective light by the bushes. He almost couldn't see him through the ghillie suit.
"That's Samantha?" Ghost asked.
"Yeah." Alex replied and set her beside them, grabbed Gary's spotter equipment and began scanning the area.
"Echo Three One to Bravo Six. I'm reunited with Ghost and ready to provide assistance to sniper support. What's your sitrep? Over."
"Bravo Six here. Good to hear you made it. There are RPGs on the North Northeast of the Safehouse and they're putting pressure on our formation." Price replied, sounding a little bit stressed.
"Got it."
"Adjust to 11 degrees." he suggested. Ghost's knob clicked softly and he took a deep breath firing the trigger.
"That's a headshot on RPG number 1. Number 2 is just a few degrees left." Alex commented and Ghost pulled the trigger once again, hitting the grenadier on the chest.
"Good hit Good hit."
"Ghost, Roach, Alex. This is Soap. I'm seeing multiple squads heading to your position to flank." MacTavish reminded them, heavy gunfire filled the background.
"Let's swap weapons. I want these tangos to stay the fuck away from us." Ghost requested and Alex quickly obliged, slinging the sniper and carrying Samantha. 
"Let's meet up with Roach. I'm pretty sure he's already met our friends." Ghost said as he lead the way, covering the CIA and the HVI.
Gunshots were fired across the distance, signaling Roach's presence. Alex turned to Ghost and nodded walking to the direction of the fire. Plowing over thick leaves and marching across the muddy tracks, they found themselves in a clearing where Roach hid behind the huge rock with an unconscious Maxine beside him. Alex quickly lifted the sniper and began assisting Roach from behind the tree. Ghost rushed to Roach's aid fending off the hostiles shooting at them. A few moments later they found themselves in a moment of stillness.
"Soap, what's the sitrep over there?" Ghost asked.
"We've retreated back to the house and are taking heavy fire. Looks like these bastards don't know how to give up!" He yelled.
"If you can find time, we really need your gunfire right now!" Price added.
"Bollocks. That's my last grenade!" he muttered before cutting off his line.
"We better get going." Alex commanded and Ghost led the way. He was the only one not carrying any load so he's securing the path for the two of them.
"Holy Shit." Ghost whistled as they saw the situation. The whole squad was hiding behind the house while it was slowly being chipped away by explosives. They only shot those brave enough to encircle them and were smartly conserving their bullets.
"Let's clean this street." Ghost said as he dashed to the house firung with his grenade launcher attachment, it had 10 rounds and he used it at certain clusters of enemies. Hostiles flew as the blast exploded beneath their feet, oddly enough it wasn't one of the recommended loadouts but Ghost forced Roach to bring one in case they needed to chip off a wall for sniper support. It was a great idea. Alex and Roach followed behind him, carrying the hostages on their backs and made their way to the Alpha Team and Bravo Team's Location, placing both hostages in an area protected by the squad.
"This is Kilo One One. If you don't get rid of the SAM Turrets we cannot call a VTOL. And I'm running low on fuel!" he complained over the radio. 
"Guess we'll have to plant a c4 on it. Soap, take France with you and run toward the SAM turret. Alex and I will provide support from behind. The rest of you, continue protecting our hostages and hold this position. Once the VTOL is out we're going to be home safely." He ordered and everyone nodded, proceeding to their positions.
"You ready to go lass?" Soap asked France who nodded without looking at him. Alex could tell that something is already bothering her ever since Roach rescued Maxine. But she still looked determined and tried to focus on the mission, but deep inside she was actually worried  He knew that feeling as he was feeling the same way about Samantha.
Alex tapped her back. "You better go. You can do this. We're right behind you" he yelled. The duo nodded and readied their rifles. 
"Go! Go! Go!" Price yelled and started opening fire against the rows of enemies that were targeting them. Alex sniped the farthest threats who were protecting the SAM Turret, their bodies twitched the moment the bullet hit them as they slowly dropped on the floor.
This gave way for the duo to sprint faster covering each other's backs. They made their way to the turret and Soap placed the charge.
"Charge is good to go." Soap muttered and ran back to them. The events were too quick and Alex was too late to notice it but an RPG flew across them and blasted on their side, the explosion knocked them back away from the group as they both rolled downhill.
"Soaap! Fraance!" Price roared as Alex shot the rocketman square in the head. The allied VTOL immediately assisted the squad, raining grenade shells across enemy forces, forcing some of them to retreat, making way for Kilo One One to safely land. Alex quickly rushed to Soap's side while Price went to France. Ghost and Roach took care of the hostages while the others helped each other to extraction.
"Soap. Soap… come on. Let's go home." Alex pleaded, softly slapping his cheek.
He groaned and reached for his head, rubbing the short hairs growing on the sides of his mohawk. He didn't have any bruises but he reported that he might have broken a bone. Alex turned to France who was already on her way to the bird, Price was assisting her, putting pressure on her grazed forehead. Alex assisted Soap as he limped toward the aircraft as huge gusts of wind blew across them.
The ride home was awfully quiet. Ghost was nodding his head to some tunes. Roach sat beside Alex while making sounds by tapping his metal leg, Price stared outside the open sky. The hostages were at the stretchers being assisted by  medics along with Soap and France who were the only ones whi sustained major injuries from the mission. For Alex, it was a success, but it could've gone better. If they were to arrive and begin earlier, they shouldn't be having this kind of results right now. They won this mission but they're sure Nero is going to be one more step ahead.
After mission briefings were the worst. The team had to suck up their mistakes and it brought everyone involved down. It was unfair but as the famous saying goes, All is fair in love and war. And speaking of love… Alex paced quickly to the infirmary, where the four of them lied in adjacent beds, all of them still either asleep and unconscious. He looked at Samantha by the window. He couldn't help but feel pity and sadness at her situation. It wasn't fair, it's as if all her efforts to remove him from her life we're useless. So much that he wished he convinced her to keep her memories and run away with him. 
"Ya think they're going to be fine?" Roach asked, startling Alex. 
"Yeah. They're a tough bunch. Have faith in them." Alex muttered, he almost felt like he lied to Roach as he was also unsure of their situation, but at times like these, it's always better to have a positive approach.
Next Chapter : Reunited
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