izvmimi · 25 days
cw: yandere. female noun for reader used once.
“Baby, did you hear a word I just said?”
You look up from your phone with a start, realizing you’ve been distracted for the past minute. Izuku is uncommonly sensitive these days, and the edge in his voice is sharper than usual as his emerald eyes flit from your phone screen back to your face. There’s a dull shine to them, matching with the very faint bags circling his eyes, and he lets out a sigh as he sets his dinner utensils down and runs his right hand through his messy hair before shaking his head.
“I’m sorry,” you say reflexively. Ever since your last argument, there have been new rules imposed - you mean, agreed upon - and one of these includes avoiding using your cell phone at dinner. After all, dinnertime is sacred between two loved ones, it’s the only recourse you both have from the demands of the day where you are face to face and replenishing with the fruits of your own labor. Man works so that they can eat. Man shares food with the people they love. 
Izuku’s meal is untouched. Yours has been picked at slightly, and your chopsticks are no longer neatly placed against your bowl but stuck nearly straight up in your rice. An affront, he’s already reminded you multiple times, but again you’re being careless, texting instead of talking to him, disregarding him, disregarding the sanctity of a meal, disregarding the fact that his jaw is clenched and he’s trying his best to remain calm, deep exhale through pursed lips.
He doesn’t tell you it’s okay, although you remember a time when you first started dating where every misstep you made could be assuaged by a mere pout and batting your eyelashes at him, because you were terribly cute to him no matter how much and often you disrespected him. Now, the corners of his lips perk up in a mirthless smile and he asks, tilting his head:
“Who’s that?”
You blink, and he exhales under his breath. “Who are you talking to?” he repeats, still smiling, trying very hard to be oh so patient with you, the corner of his lips hiked up higher than before.
You had perhaps smiled a little too much when receiving that text message. It was nothing really, just a group chat with your friends where you’d alerted them you’d be slow to reply, and the conversation still went on without you, with the intention for you to come back and get up to speed. A picture of a cat in a ridiculous situation of its own making had been posted and it’d drawn a chuckle out of you - even though you’re having dinner with your partner, the only person on this earth that should matter and does matter.
“My friend. You know her, remember?” you remind him. It shouldn’t be a big deal. Grabbing your chopsticks in your right hand again, you try to redirect him, indulging him in conversation.
“So as you were saying…-”
“Hey, can I see?”
Izuku has moved on from whatever he was trying to communicate and is already reaching his hand out in demand for you to give up your phone. He’s steady and stubborn like an ox, and you know he can stay in this position for as long as possible.
“It’s just a group chat, it’s not that interesting. Hold on, let me unlock it for you,” you start, but he insists.
“Just hand it over.” 
The edge is sharper still, practically bleeding as though it were already pressed against the soft skin of your neck. 
Your throat dries, but you hand it over hastily, practically slapping it into his palm.
“Good girl.”
Before you can guess what his next move is, he’s closed his fingers around the phone the wrong way around and it’s so small in his hand, just as vulnerable as you are.
It snaps.
Izuku doesn’t make a dramatic scene of it; he stares at you, unwaveringly, the entire time, as the glass and metal and whatever else of the phone crumples and gives way in his hand like wet toilet paper, and he looks practically bored doing it, as if he were doing a necessary chore like taking out the trash when his roommate forgot to do it. Once he’s done, it’s set aside, nonchalantly at the edge of the table, in an irregular, far too neat clump.
“Focus on your meal,” he says.
Bile rises in your throat quickly, then subsides as he picks up his chopsticks again. 
Three seconds pass, and he picks up speech again.
“So as I was saying, Kacchan’s been really struggling with making sure his paperwork is in on time and it’s causing stress for everyone else and-”
“They’ll ask, you know,” you pipe up, suddenly. It’s in a small voice, smaller than you want it to be, but it’s enough for him to know that he’s been interrupted and that you have something to say. Izuku’s eyes narrow as he looks at you for a moment, then picks up the metal ball that comprises the remains of your cell phone and rolls it in his other hand.
“Who’s they?” he asks, softly. His feigned ignorance seems to mock you.
“The phone company. That’s the fourth one this month, Izuku.”
He tilts his head, pondering for a moment. “Really?”
You prevent yourself from gritting your teeth, and reply sweetly, “Really.”
“They won’t ask. We can afford it.”
The word ‘we’ both aggravates and mollifies you. We means him and you, you and him. You are equals. You are not possessed, even if he could very much do so, own you, if he wanted to.
Allowing yourself to wrap yourself up tightly, safe and warm, in this understanding, you aim to take a bite of food in your chopsticks but decide instead to let your chopsticks dip over to his plate to pick a piece of roasted meat off of his plate before slipping it into your mouth coyly. 
“If you say so,” you add between bites. He smiles, glad that despite all this hassle, you’re still very much, and inevitably so, his.
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cheriladycl01 · 4 months
How the fuck has a bird been the reason I DNFed - Grid x Driver! Reader
Plot: Y/N is racing in Silverstone when a Pigeon flies into her and is stuck to her while she's driving at 200mph around the track until it starts to fly away but gets pulled under the car and causes Y/N to crash out.
Credit to umlewis for the GIF
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"Y/N you are currently P2, Lewis ahead 2.6 second gap" your radio engineer says.
"Copy, increasing" you report.
Sky Sports: Commentator - It's really been a fantastic race at Silverstone, with only 4 laps left to go, it's looking like a Lewis win, Y/N behind him in P2 and Oscar Piastri who just overtook Max Verstappen. WHAT'S THIS Y/N JUST HAD A BIT OF A TWITCH ON TRACK! She remains steady but... was that debris? Commentator - Lets look at that on-board, to me it looks like Y/N's had a bird attack. Oh woah yeah look at that, it flies straight into her. She flinches which is what that twitch was, but she's recovered so well and the birds still in there with her. Commentator - Let's look at that radio.
Y/N Radio: Y/N - A fucking bird just flew into me Radio Engineer - Copy that Y/N - What do you mean copy that, what do i do. It's covering my vision from the left with its wing! Radio Engineer - Go into turn 14, and try shift it off. If not then pull it off on the straight Y/N - I'm driving 200mph and you want me to take my hands off the wheel?
As you swoop round that corner the bird manages to jump out all on its own, without you having to nudge it, where you were slower. However next thing you know as your speeding down the straight is you see a large mass get sucked under you car. You car jumps slightly with the intrusion under the car and you spin a little, recovering it once again.
"Fuck fuck" you mutter to yourself as the car starts to spit the engine.
"Did you just take the bird under the car?" you engineer asks and you let out a small whimper. You couldn't believe you'd just killed a bird with your car.
"The car's fuck-" you start, but something gives out in you car and in a freak accident your car skids as you attempt to break. However with the motion of your car clipping the race edging you car flips over multiple times. Where you car was flipping, the gravel wasn't much help to slow you down, and you colliding into the barriers was the only thing you remembered.
Sky Sports: Commentator - And what a nasty crash that is for Y/N, really unfortunate where she was gaining on Lewis. And i think that's a red flag because of the amount of debris and that crash. Everyone's being called back to the pits and the Red Bull Team are looking extremely worried for their youngest driver. Commentator - this just isn't looking good David, no Marshalls have arrived on scene, Y/N isn't replying to her Engineer... everyone in the pits looks worried. These are those crashes that, you just really don't know the outcome...
Y/N Radio: Radio Engineer - Y/N please come in, Y/N are you okay? *Static* Radio Engineer - Y/N, the Marshalls are nearly with you, if the radio is broken, please just give us a hand gesture of something. *static* Radio Engineer - Christian, she's not replying Y/N - How- Radio Engineer - Y/N! Y/N - How the fuck has a bird been the reason I DNFed
Sky Sports: Commentator - Her voice sounds a little strained but, she's getting herself out that wreck as the Marshalls approach. The car engine has just caught alight as well, so the Marshalls will need to look at that.
You pulled yourself out, before putting a week thumbs up to the fans who were all standing round near the barrier waiting to see if you really were okay!
Marshalls came running over, two of three going to defuse the car and the others coming to check on you.
"You okay kid?" a man asks you, you had your arm wrapped round the front of you, by your ribs. They were most definitely bruised for sure.
"Smells like a fucking fuel infused Christmas dinner" you shout over the loud noises of the crowd and the car being put out before pointing at the roasted Pigeon on the floor next to your car.
The medic bursts out laughing, happy to see that you were okay and cracking jokes.
"Fuck, I just lost P2" you say kicking some of the gravel. You look up seeing the medical car come up to you. You walk over to it explaining your okay, but they refuse saying they need you to come in for observation.
After a long time in observation coming out with a mild concussion, bruised ribs and a sprain you were sent back to see the last few laps of the race. You saw some crew from various new channels film you, making you wave and smile.
You saw Christian and he immediately came from the Pit Wall pulling you into a hug.
"Hey its okay, it's okay! I'm just glad you are okay. That was a freak accident and there wasn't much else we could have done" Christian says rubbing your shoulder.
Everyone was happy too see you, Max ended up overtaking both Oscar and Lewis, coming in first place as a make up for what happened with you.
After the podium you were directed to post race interviews.
"Well, Y/N what a race that was. Could have been a race win but ... talk us through what happened" Will says looking at you and pushing the mic forward.
"Well, its uncommon but yeah. I was driving, pigeon flew into my cockpit and gave me the scare of my life. It hit my chest and helmet hard which caused that spin. And from there on it was a shit show, and I ended up crashing. Considering that wasn't a crash with another car, that's one of the worst I've been in! I blacked out and don't remember too much" you explain and he nods in thought.
"Yeah, you definitely had us all worries there! That's up there with the nastiest crashes I've witnessed. We're just all glad your okay!" he smiles and with that your sent off.
You went online to see everyone making memes of you and the bird and your funny radios.
All the other drivers had messaged you to make sure that you were okay, and you'd been treated to dinner by Max and Christian who felt bad about your scare today.
But overall, if you ever see a bird on the track again, you'll probably cry!
A/N: Just a small little drabble!
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talaok · 1 year
Hunting lesson
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Pairing: Joel miller x reader
summary: You try to teach Ellie to hunt, and Joel comes to help. ( Inspired by that 1x06 scene)
warnings: just fluff
"take a deep breath" you instructed
"no, Ellie, a deep breath, like this" you showered her, inhaling and exhaling slowly.
"fine" she grumbled, imitating what you'd just done.
"Good, now firmly grab the trigger " you helped her hand around it "aim, and you're ready"
"ok" she breathed, concentrating as she closed one eye.
You couldn't hold back a laugh
"shit" she hissed
"This rifle sucks"
You chuckled "you sure the rifle's the problem?"
"It's a piece of shit, it doesn't aim right" she whined
"yeah sure" you mocked "c'mon try again, you're getting better"
She glared at you "you don't have to lie"
that only made you snort "I'm not lying, at least you didn't close both your eyes this time"
"Wha-I never did that!"
"yes you did" you laughed
"c'mon grip the trigger and breathe before pulling it"
She sighed, doing just that
"oh c'mon!" she moaned, as the target remained untouched, or ungrazed really.
"you're really shit at this kid" you couldn't help but laugh
"oh thanks, such kind words of encouragement"
"I'm sorry, but you really are"
"maybe you're just a shit teacher"
You gasped, feigning offense "I'm most certainly not"
"or, as I've said before, this rifle is trash"
you looked amusedly at her "it's a poor carpenter who blames his tools"
"well maybe the carpenter's right" she cocked an eyebrow "maybe the tools just suck"
"sure thing" you joked " wanna try again?"
"I guess" she shrugged, positioning herself again
"what are you doing?"
you both turned
"I'm teaching her to hunt"
"What? the snow?" Joel asked, making you both scowl at him
"the rifle sucks" Ellie explained
"didn't seem like it sucked to me" he walked closer, crouching between you and Ellie "show me" he nodded, and Ellie complied, taking another shot.
Joel turned to you, his brows raised as to say -really?-
"she's improved" you defended
"If this is improved I'm scared of how she was before"
"I'm right here" Ellie commented, making you smile.
"ok" he turned to her "try again"
She did, once again, only the ground beneath the target being hit.
"wide right, you're flinching"
She sighed "the target's too small"
"I made it bigger than I should have" you intervened
"eject the cartridge"
"I am not flinching," Ellie said defensively, only making Joel hum condescendingly.
"the rifle just sucks" she complained, clearly frustrated
"ok, give it" Joel gestured, giving up, and taking her place.
"It doesn't aim right" she continued blabbing, moving to Joe'ls right, while you were on his left "You'll see"
He sighed "a deep breath in, a slow breath out" he explained
"I told her already" you tilted your head, and he just bit down a smile
"you squeeze the trigger like you love it" He continued, and Ellie hummed in understanding
"gentle, steady, nice, and slow" he turned to you with a smug smirk and you had to bite down a grin, as your eyebrow shot up.
That was definitely his style
"ew," Ellie said, noticing the two of you "you're gonna shoot this thing or get it pregnant?"
You laughed "c'mon show us how it's done, Miller" you nodded to the rifle
"yeah" Ellie agreed "let's see if you're all talk"
"alright," he accepted the challenge, steadying himself before shooting.
"You... dick" Ellie breathed, and you smiled knowingly, of course he wasn't gonna miss.
"show off" you joined her, teasing Joel as he looked smugly between you two.
He got up and you both followed.
"He just got lucky" Ellie continued bitterly, talking to you
"of course" you agreed just to piss him off
"I doubt he can even see that far, considering his age" she said, making you laugh.
He turned at that, scowling at you both, and you could only grin as Ellie's eyes widened like she didn't definitely mean for him to hear that.
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What if Aziraphale wasn't on earth between 1941 and 1967?
What if, the same way Crowley was brought back to Hell in 1827 Aziraphale was recalled to Heaven in 1941?
Hear me out: Aziraphale has been making slow but steady progress within his character arc right? In 1941 at the end of the night, sharing drinks with Crowley in the bookshop, Aziraphale was willing to accept that things are not always black and white and sometimes there is room for shades of grey (albeit very light grey). Compare this to his thinking concerning Elspeth. Aziraphale kept flip flopping back and forth over whether Elspeth's actions were good or bad. He didn't seem to consider her actions were ethically complicated. In his mind they could either be good or bad depending on whatever information came to light in the moment.
It also seems that after the church, the magic trick, and the shades of grey discussion, Crowley and Aziraphale are back on good terms with one another. At the very least, talking and willing to spend time together again. Other than the mention of how easily accessible the holy water is in the church, Crowley doesn't seem to mention or allude to his request again. However, in 1967, it feels like their interactions are strained again. Aside from the awkwardness and tension in their conversation, it's also strange that Crowley is surprised to see Aziraphale in the Bentley (despite being PARKED IN FRONT OF THE BOOKSHOP) and that Aziraphale is only aware of what Crowley is up to through second-hand means “I work in Soho, I hear things." (You don't need to 'hear things' when Crowley is conducting those things IN FRONT OF THE BOOKSHOP)
So what happened? My theory: Aziraphale has been serving out a punishment in Heaven since 1941.
Fandom consensus seems to be that there is a 1941 pt. 3 coming next season and many are hoping for a kiss or something undeniably romantic (I am too ngl). But what if it's actually a scene where Aziraphale gets dragged back up to heaven?
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Shax said that 80-90 years ago was the first time that she heard about Crowley and Aziraphale being an item. We can assume that this 80-90 years ago was during Furfur’s failed evidence presentation to Dagon and F(r)iends.
A lot of demons were hanging around in that scene. It wouldn’t surprise me if one of them (or Shax herself) got in touch with an angel in Heaven and let them know about the rumor downstairs of Crowley working with an angel on Earth.
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Obviously, Heaven can’t allow that, and who else could it be other than Aziraphale? He’s the only angel down there, so they recall him. Without evidence though, and given that (1) it's a demon's word against an angel's; (2) less than a century and a half ago, Gabriel awarded Aziraphale a medal for his work on earth (bookstore opening cut scene); and (3) as far as we know, Aziraphale hasn’t had any major offenses other than frivolous use of miracles, I don’t think Heaven can really do much. That doesn’t mean they don’t do anything, I just don’t think they do anything like use hellfire on him or make him fall.
Despite the lack of evidence, Heaven still has to make an example out of Aziraphale for getting caught working with a demon. I think whatever punishment Heaven doles out, keeps Aziraphale up in Heaven for a long time.
(Small tangent: If it can be traced back to one event rather than a slow progression over millenia, this rumor is also probably what makes all the archangels be so cruel to Aziraphale (or at least finally gives them permission to act on what they’ve been wanting to do for ages). Maybe this is when they start looking into Aziraphale’s past endeavors and notice Crowley everywhere.)
It could be worse, if there had been evidence, it would have been worse. Still (Aziraphale might think), this is Heaven, 'the side of good', they wouldn't take it too far. He probably received a trial before his punishment began. And yeah the trial is more for show than anything else, but it's not like Hell would have bothered with any of that. Hell would probably delve right into whatever torture they'd decided for punishment. His time spent in Heaven, no matter how intense the punishment, would have been a breeze to tolerate compared to what Hell would do to Crowley. Speaking of which...
By the time Heaven lets Aziraphale back down to Earth, I think he would be a mess of mindless worry. He had just come to terms with his feelings for Crowley after all. Maybe this is why Aziraphale decides to give Crowley the holy water after all. He's had more than enough time in Heaven to realize that as much as he wants to protect Crowley and keep him safe, all that intent means nothing if he's stuck in Heaven because of his own carelessness. In Aziraphale's absence (or destruction), holy water could keep Crowley safe, at least from Hell, even if it is dangerous. Once Aziraphale is back on Earth, when he hears what Crowley was plotting, it probably further cements his decision to give it to him.
If Aziraphale got taken up to Heaven right after the magic show, he probably has no idea if his palming of the polaroid worked for sure. The bookshop is a safe place for Crowley to be away from Hell, but how long will that last? Is it still an embassy with Aziraphale up here in heaven? Is Crowley defenseless against the other demons down there? Did Hell come for Crowley after all even without evidence?
So how long is Aziraphale gone for? We already know that after Crowley got sent back to hell in 1827 and Aziraphale didn’t see him again for “a very long time.” The next meeting we, as an audience, see between them is the holy water request in 1862. So at worst, Crowley's been in Hell for ~30 years. Heaven probably would have taken Aziraphale back for a similar amount of time. And wow look at that, 26 years ago by between 1941 and 1967.
There’s enough ambiguity in the set and dialogue to allow for this length of absence as well. I already wrote a post about how ridiculous Aziraphale is for saying 'I work in Soho I hear things' in 1967 when the whole scene takes place outside the bookshop and how equally ridiculous Crowley is for seeming to think Aziraphale wouldn't notice him prancing around the block plotting to steal from a church. But maybe Crowley conducting his holy water heist business all over Aziraphale's corner of Soho is because as far as he knows Aziraphale isn't around anymore. In my post, I point out that the bookshop is blocked off by the "Striptease" and "Love Shop Cinema" signs but that you can tell it’s the bookshop because of its pillars.
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I admitted that it was weird to cover up half the windows, but didn't really have any diegetic explanation for it. Maybe the explanation is that Aziraphale’s bookshop has been abandoned for years. In which case, I think Crowley might be hanging around Soho caring for it and the books, making sure it doesn't get vandalized, protecting it from snooping humans, etc. (tangent: this could also be why Aziraphale says that the bookshop is both of theirs. Maybe the "plenty of use" he said Crowley got out of it was while Aziraphale was away. Maybe Crowley used it as a pseudo base of operations.)
Aziraphale being gone would also explain why, suddenly, 105 years after his initial request, Crowley is plotting to steal holy water from a church. Aziraphale has been gone a long enough time that Crowley is starting to get antsy. Maybe he’s starting to think that Aziraphale is gone for good (not dead, he is an OPTIMIST DAMMIT). I think Crowley is spurred to start the holy water heist because he thinks Aziraphale isn’t going to be assigned to earth any more and whoever they're sending down next is going to be more of a smitey kind of angel. And if Aziraphale isn’t around anymore, then the demon-proof-except-for-Crowley-bookshop/embassy is also likely not going to stop any demons from getting to Crowley whenever they want. If Aziraphale is really not coming back, then Crowley is alone again, on his own side, for the first time since they saved Job's kids. He's gonna really need that insurance now more than ever and unfortunately, he has no one else to rely on. He’s gonna have to procure it himself, even if it’s dangerous and dumb.
Aziraphale's absence (as much as I am loathe to let go of the theory that Aziraphale and Crowley are just being incredibly dramatic idiots) can also explain some of the dialogue from the 1967 scene.
“What are you doing here?” might seem a silly thing to say when Crowley is parked outside of the bookshop, but makes sense if he's reacting to seeing Aziraphale for the first time in years, so damn close it can’t be a dream, right inside the Bentley.
“I work in Soho, I hear things,” is not just a way to give the audience exposition that Crowley wouldn’t need but a way for Aziraphale to explain why he’s there.
The barely concealed desperation in Crowley's voice when wanting to give Aziraphale a lift home (despite being LITERALLY OUTSIDE THE BOOKSHOP), or to take him anywhere he wants, makes a little more sense if he hasn’t seen him in years, wants to catch up, and doesn’t even know where Aziraphale would be staying if not the bookshop.
If this theory is true and Aziraphale has been absent between 1941 and 1967, it could explain why we don't see the bookshop in the 1967 scene even though everything else in the scene points to it taking place on that corner, it would give Aziraphale a reason for deciding to give Crowley the holy water after all even though hes been stubbornly opposed to it for more than a century, and it could also explain why even though he was making a lot of progress character wise to, it felt like he was regressing again.
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somerandomdot · 8 months
Random Nsfw Wyll Headcanons
Helloo hope you enjoy!! I decided to give our boy Wyll some well needed and deserved love. If you have any other opinions or suggestions please leave them! Oki enjoy!
Small spoilers if you haven’t finished his romance story!!
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Straight up we all know this Wyll is a gentleman, but I can’t get over the proposal bit. When you accept it and join him in the grass and get down on one knee and it’s like he just gets on top of you so quickly. God I was screaming when I got that scene, okay anywayss.
Obviously his kisses are sweet and romantic in camp, the cute little pecks. But when it comes to making out I feel like this is something the man loves. Hey what’s romantic then literally kissing-?
He 100% has a thing with biting/nibbling the bottom of your lip asking for permission/access before the kiss gets deeper.
He is very touchy, in a good possessive way. Obviously the only time you get bed the man is when you accept a proposal. So you’re ‘his’ now, but in a good healthy way.
His favorite place to put his hands on you is your face, hips or either your hands. Holding your face, both his hands on the sides of your cheek as he looks at you with that smile in between kisses. Hands on your hip when you’re close enough to reach for, holding your hand if walking together.
Personally I think he has a small thing for hickies, but doesn’t like COMPLETELY covering your neck. If anything he’d leave a tiny small one, for his own enjoyment and to remind you about your earlier ‘activities’
With head this man is obviously more on the giving side of it rather than receiving, imagine using the horns as handle bars (if your wyll has horns :3). Jokes to the forked tongue, he knows exactly how to make you come undone as his head is between your legs and his hands pressed into thighs keeping them from closing as he makes you reach climax so he can continue.
When receiving head this man cannot stay quiet let alone stay still, letting out groans as he bucks his hips as you bob your head, apologizing with every unintentional movement he makes as you’d gag occasionally.
Favorite positions with Wyll would have to be missionary or anything really having eye contact, Wyll is a very big on eye contact and seeing your face during it, loving the faces you make as he pleasures you.
He’d probably have a steady medium pace with a bit of roughness added to it, not completely ramming you into the ground. But rough and slow enough to get a yelp from you when he’d pick up the speed.
Into overstimulation on himself to prolong his orgasm, but with you he wouldn’t deny you your approaching climax. Letting you peak as many times as your body would let you, enjoying how you twitch and shake below him.
He is mostly the type to groan, only time there’s a whimper or a moan is when he puts it in, or when he’s getting close and when he’s finishing.
Wouldn’t really be into cream pies, would do it if you were asking for it while he announces that he’s close, but personally likes seeing you covered in his release.
Obviously man’s is a gentleman, he would demand you not to worry about cleaning up and would take care of you, constantly making sure your okay, making sure your comfortable with what has happened.
Cuddles, a part of my brain screams that you’d be sleeping and he’s be big spoon, but in the end he’s the small spoon. Wouldn’t really accept the fact he likes it, but enjoys it.
Yay! You made it! I hope you enjoyed it, thank you for reading! If you have any suggestion, opinions or requests please let me know, have a good rest of your morning/afternoon/night!!
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starsomens · 8 months
Scene 11 dialogue 20! 1000% into it getting spicy if inspiration takes you there! Congrats on 100!
11: Smiling against your partners lips; 20: "I like how good your hands look in mine"
Note: I added a small twist ;)
Warnings: Size kink! PIV, dirty talk, straight up smut, thigh riding, but reader is also in charge......does that make sense ???
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You softly knock on the door and peek your head inside. Noah was working in his home studio, experimenting with some new sounds and working on a new song. His head perk from his desk and over to the door where you stood.
"Hey sunshine," he smiled taking off his headphones and placing them on the desk
"Hey, you, how's the experiments going?" you ask coming to sit on his lap
"It's actually going well, I just feel like it's missing something" he said as he typed on the computer and handed you his headphones. You slip them on and listen to the soft start of the melody. It had a beautiful start that fades into instrumental
"well it's sounding really good" you smile at him
"you think so?" he smiles resting his large hands on your hips and you nod your head
"..You know," you start as you turn in your seat "you should take a break. You deserve it you know" you were now straddling his lap. The skirt you were wearing hitching up your thighs. You lean forward and graze his lips with yours. his thumb travels up your thigh to where the edge of your underwear should have been. But found nothing
"baby" he whispers against your lips
"Hm?" you smile against his knowing what was coming. You own hands running under his shir, feeling the skin you adored.
"where are your panties?" he asked slipping the fabric from your thighs to rest on your hips. Your body exposed from the waist down. You gave him a coy smile and shrug your shoulders. "you dirty little slut" he chuckles. As his middle and ring fingers slowly run up your aching pussy. You were walking around all day hoping for him to notice you had no panties on. Bend you over somewhere and just take you.
"Now sit back and relax and," you said taking his hands off your body and setting them on the arm rests "No. Touching. Only when I say you can" you smile and boop his nose. You could see a Slight change in his face, one of interest but also fear. Knowing he loved to have his hands all over you and not being able to? It's already killing him.
You move his shorts up just enough to sit down on his thigh. The wetness of your pussy making his cock twitch in his pants. He was already leaking precum from your pussy on him. You slide up and down his thigh, your clit pulses against it from the friction. Noah's watch you with lust filled eyes, as your hips rock on his thigh
"Fuck Noah....feels so good" you pant as your hands come to remove you shirt and tossing it off into the room. Your hands travel from your hips, up to your ribcage to fondle and squeeze your breasts. You juices coating his thigh with each thrust you gave
"..fuuucck" he whispers "princess...please let me-"
"ah! You need to relax...and not move a finger" you wink as your hands fall down to his shorts and bring his cock out. Your hand wraps around it and give it one slow long pump to the base and back up. His head leans back in a groan, you were finally breaking him.
“Does that feel good baby?” You ask
“M-mhm” he hums as you watch his chest fall and rise. Your hand continues, pumping him at a steady pace. You can feel him pulsing within your grasp beads of pre-cum leaking from his hip and lubricating your hand .
“ tell me what you want baby” you say in close to his ear “ Use your words and tell me what you want me to do”
“P-please…ride me” you had this giant of a man covered in tattoos, begging for you to ride him and give him sweet release. You bring his cock against your wet pussy and grind against it your juices, rubbing and covering it. Your hands spreading it from base to tip. If you didn’t know any better, you thought he would’ve came right on the spot without even being inside.
“ anything from my hard-working man” smirk as his head comes back up to lock eyes with your own as he slowly sink onto him. The feeling of being filled and stretched by him could never get old. It was absolutely ecstasy the way he fit you perfectly. The way your pussy wrapped and constricted around him with something he could never get enough.
“ Feels so good Noah” you win, giving just the smallest bounce “ It’s so big…so good. I love it so much”
“Fuck….so tight” his knuckles had turned white by now, because he was gripping the armrest so tightly. He knew he was nearly at his breaking point. If he didn’t touch you soon you were afraid he was going to have an aneurysm. You finally sit up on your knees to bring him nearly all the way out to sit back down in one swift move. You had never heard come out of his mouth before and honestly shocked you, but also really turned you on.
He had let out a whimper, probably from all the teasing you’ve been doing so far. Your hands breast on the head of his chair as you begin to bounce on his dick. With each bounce a grown is let out and you could somehow feel him growing more inside of you.
“Princess….Y/N please!” He growls “damn it! Fuck this..” his hands shoot to your waist and before you can protest he stands and slams you on to his desk. His hands spreading your legs apart as he desperately fucks into you. His hips slap against yours, the room is full of moans and the sound of sex.
“Fucking take it…take it” He growls as he pounds into you "don't..touch my ass! You're mine! I just touch my slut...when..I...want!"
His hand moves from your waist and captures your throat in his large hand. He watched your eyes roll back as your body shook from pleasure.
"Ah~ Ah! Noah! Fuck!" you moan and gasp through the choke he had you in. Your grip struggled to keep you steady. His tip bullied your cervix and you could feel you sight fuzzing as you come closer and close to your end. '
"Shit! baby.,..gonnna cum! Where? Where do you want?" he asked as his thrusts begin to stutter and fall out of rhythm. His desk shaking every now and then from the force of his thrusts
"in...inside please!" you answer feeling your own high coming, not far behind. With three more thrusts he releases inside you. His white strings of cum painting your walls. Filling your pussy the way you loved to be stuffed. Your pants fill the room as his cum began to leak out on to the desk. His head rested on your shoulder as you both caught your breath. The only thing that broke the silence was the beep from his computer.
"did....did we just..." you start the question
"just record us fucking?...Yea pretty much" he finishes your sentence "hehe should I add it into the track or keep it for later?" he asked with a smirk
"well...let's see how it sounds first" you smile and peck his lips "feel better after your little break?"
"All I can say, I really don't deserve you but I gotta say," he chimes "I liked you taking charge maybe you should do it more often"
"you got it handsome" you boop his nose with a wink. Youd defiantly make a mental note for next time.
「✨Taglist✨」 @lilhobgobbler @cncohshit @vir-tual @tdopomymind @concretenoah @misspygmypie @your-girl-c @fvckmeorchokeme @lust-for-sacher @thescarlettvvitch @cind6547
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fenfyre · 2 months
The Beast In His Bones - Part I
Please note that this fic will heavily feature consensual non-consent. It will be negotiated and both Laios and Chilchuck will express enthusiastic consent about trying that kind of roleplay together. The first chapter will be entirely that with both of them enjoying their fantasy about it. The second chapter will feature the actual scene with all that entails. I will give another warning once we get there.
Chilchuck had no idea how much time had passed. He only knew that the night outside was dark, the air in the room hot and humid and his own skin slick with sweat where Laios' grabbed him to flip him over. One large, calloused hand supported his hip, pulling him up and back to where that cock sank into him again. Slick and deep. Chilchuck groaned, fisting the sheets between his fingers and biting into the fabric.
They must have been at it for hours. Chilchuck's entire body was aching, muscles straining, nearly unable to keep himself up anymore. Not that he had to. Somewhere along the way he had allowed Laios to take over, trusting his lover to handle him with the same care and efficiency he always used when they fucked. Pushing and pulling him into position as soon as Chilchuck's body gave out. Fucking into him over and over again until Chilchuck was floating.
He had always known tallmen had more stamina than half-foots. It was one of the things he had been excited about when this started between them, curious just for how long his younger lover could keep him entertained. Soon he had found out ... and not looked back since.
"You like that?", Laios panted above him, curling in on himself to bury his face in Chilchuck's sweaty hair. "Like when I push you down and take you, yeah? Like when I hold you still and fuck you good?"
Chilchuck whined, straining to push his hips up and back with all the strength still left in his body. Damp fabric slipped from between his teeth as he babbled out his mindless answer.
"Fuck Laios, yes ... yes, make me beg ... beg for mercy ... and don't show me any..."
Above him Laios faltered, the steady snap of his hips slowing for just a few seconds. Then he picked up his pace with renewed vigour, making Chilchuck's eyes cross and his mind sputter out for whatever came next.
"So...", Laios hummed as they laid there after, Chilchuck sprawled out half on top of him where he had collapsed after getting wiped down. For some reason Laios sounded brazenly lucid while Chilchuck was close to nodding off.
"Make you beg for mercy and not show you any ... is that something you're interested in?"
Within seconds Chilchuck was wide awake again, breath catching in his throat and heart skipping a beat. Or five.
Because that stirred a memory. A hazy memory from when he had been near mindless with pleasure. A memory of him running his stupid mouth saying stupid things he really should not have said.
"Uhm", he mumbled intelligently as he tried to scrape his scrambled brain together enough to answer. "It was just ... that was ... just dirty talk. Don't worry about it."
Laios shifted underneath him, arms pulling tighter where they wrapped around Chilchuck's back.
"Are you sure? Because if it's something you want..."
"I said don't worry about it. Go to sleep, Laios." He forced out the words so fast his tongue was stumbling over itself. Before Laios could react any further Chilchuck wiggled out of his grasp to reach down for the blanket and pull it up around his shoulders. Turning onto his side he felt Laios slowly settle down to curl around his back, a careful arm coming to circle his waist and pull him closer.
Chilchuck's heart was still beating a nervous rhythm against his ribs by the time Laios' breaths had grown deep and even.
Morning came slow.
They had booked the room for their few days of rest between expeditions into the dungeon so sleeping in was a luxury Chilchuck allowed himself when he got the chance. By the time he groaned and stretched and blinked his eyes open sunlight was already streaming through the window and the sounds of a busy street were drifting up to them from outside. Taking a few deep breaths Chilchuck watched specks of dust dance in the sunbeams as he slowly found his way to wakefulness.
He had been apprehensive about taking a room at the local inn, way too aware of how rumours tended to spread. In the end Laios had worn him down with puppy eyes and surprisingly sound arguments. The time the two of them could spend together was limited. Too limited to waste sneaking around or travelling to meet up at remote locations. They had done that for months but by now Chilchuck, too, would much rather spend their time like they had last night.
Rumours had already started to spread, of course, most of them outrageous. For some reason though Chilchuck found himself not caring too much about those when he woke up this relaxed after a night well spent.
He stretched again with a yawn, feeling something in his back pop as his sore muscles protested.
"Ugh, I'll be feeling that for days", he grumbled, voice annoyed but body wholly satisfied as he turned around. Then blinked in confusion.
The other side of the bed was empty. Laios never woke up before him.
Sitting upright with a low noise - and oh, his backside had definitely not recovered yet, either - he found the tallman seated at the desk, scribbling something into his notebook. He looked up as he noticed Chilchuck moving, a smile replacing the focused frown on his face.
"Ah, good morning! Hope I didn't wake you up?"
"No, I ... what are you doing?", Chilchuck asked, rubbing the last remnants of sleep from his eyes. Even if Laios occasionally woke up before him, he usually stayed in bed to get in as much skin on skin contact as possible. Now though he only shrugged, as if it were the most normal thing for him to be doing paperwork instead of clinging to Chilchuck under the covers.
"Just writing up a shopping list for our meet-up later. Oh, I also brought you some breakfast from downstairs!" He pointed at a wooden bowl and a spoon resting on the bedside table next to Chilchuck. "Mala made porridge and I snagged some extra berries for you."
So he had. When Chilchuck, unsure what to reply, reached for the bowl, he found the porridge still hot and steaming. A handful of blueberries and raspberries as well as some sunflower seeds were scattered across the top. It smelled of cinnamon and vanilla and other spices. But Chilchuck was not quite ready to dig in.
"Alright, what is going on?"
The smile on Laios' face faltered, he looked down, then at the bowl in Chilchuck's hands.
"Maybe you should eat first, the food's getting cold..."
"Laios, you're freaking me out."
The words were terse but not very loud or sharp and still Laios flinched in his chair, shoulders pulling up as he kneaded his hands. After a moment of tense contemplation he decided to turn around to fully face Chilchuck.
A quick, shallow breath.
"I did something wrong, didn't I?", he asked, eyes still focused on the wooden bowl in Chilchuck's hands. "Last night. I upset you."
Part II
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xazse · 2 years
Warnings: Grinding, they are kinda outta character, they have ears and a tail, little fluff
·─────── ─────── Your cute puppy hybrid Scaramouche who waits for you to come home almost everyday, patiently waiting at the door with his fluffy ears and fluffy tail,  twitching in excitement. 
As soon as he hears the door click he’s there before you can even get in the door, showering you with wet sloppy kisses. Your good boy is so nasty the way he’s already trying to shove his tongue down your throat. Pushing his little cock right against your body letting you know he’s oh so horny and wants you right now. “Scara.. not now we have a guest” you slowly slide over to introduce your guest, scara still clinging to your waist—- A guest? Scara knows for a fact you don’t like having people in your space especially someone he’s never met before.
So when he looks over at said guest he quickly tightens his grip on your waist, wasting no time to glare at the “stupid cat” in his words. Of course it’s him, the all so high and “mighty” Xiao he’s so stuckup and truly believes he was some warrior in his past life, scara simply rolls his eyes everytime he goes into his little rants. 
“His owner had asked me to look after him for a couple of hours and I had agreed, xiao isn’t much trouble anyway ” The urge scara has to just scratch at xiao but he knows if he were to you’d scold him and possibly deny him his pleasure later. “Well don’t get quiet scara: say hello!” You knock him out of thought, “Hello again Xiao” he mumbles against your chest. Xiao simply nods his head and makes his way towards your living room. “Scara youll behave for me right?” You sigh hoping he’ll oblige, “yes…” he agrees while furrowing his brows, you let out an excited yip and make your way to the living room with him following behind you.
Now you’re watching a movie with both the little cuties, xiao on your right and scara on your left, all huddled up together cuddling and of course scara pestering xiao to not get so comfortable and especially to not fall asleep. Xiao pays him no mind even having the audacity to get even closer with you, scara is giving an impression that he wants to go back on his little agreement with you but he chooses to ignore it altogether. 
When a particular lewd scenes shows up of the 2 leads touching eachother you notice xiao and scara shifting around, but you make the assumption they’re getting a little more comfy. The scene goes on for a little longer and your getting a little irritated with the constant moving about to speak up on the issue you feel something pushing against the side of your thigh, more specifically scaras side, he’s very clearly rubbing his little cock against your thigh as his cute ears twitch every shift against you, breathy whines can barely be heard as the movie plays in the background.
Reaching your hand atop his underware and rubbing his bulge, already feeling precum form at his tip— you keep a steady slow pace on his cock while keeping your eyes on the movie.
Scara whimpering and clutching his thighs around your hand, oh by the gods do you love him when he gets like this, all hot and bothered and you’d of course give him want he wants but your cute puppy has to remember you have a guest over— 
Xiao is 100% aware of what’s going on with you and scara and he’s trying his hardest to ignore it, moving around doesn’t seem to help his situation in his pants either. He really wants you to pay attention to him too but that would most definitely be out of line and out of character for him, but the need to be touched outweighs his shame— he’s slowly sliding his up hand on your thigh.
“Do you want to be touched too xiao?” You whisper towards him still rubbing scara. 
“Yes.. please” he mumbles out, you can already see his cute tail waving through the air. Scara is in his own world simply enjoying you stroking his length at just the right pace he doesn’t even care that you’re now touching xiao.
Now they’re both sat up on your thigh rubbing their hard leaking lengths on you. Panting and both taking turns giving you open mouthed kisses begging for you to make them cum already. You start sucking on one of xiaos cute pink nipple and pinching scaras this makes them both mewl and whine, getting even closer to their release.
“S..o close” Scara repeats through hurried breathes a few seconds his tummy is tightening and he’s cumming, streamy white globs of cum landing right on your stomach and chest. Xiao is more quiet about how close he’s about to come, speeding up his thrusts whilst you pinch his tail much harder than you had intended to, “mmhnn..” “hngg..” one last push and pinch and his cock is spurting sticky, thick cum on your chest. 
Both of them pleased with the pleasure, panting in your neck. Slowly closing their eyes, ears relaxing and tails slowly wagging.
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painsandconfusion · 4 months
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But…
Whumping the Whumpers - Part One
This series (this scene specifically) started as a @whumptober prompt, so thank you to them for making this possible!
(tw: stabbing, cutting, kidnapping, restrained, stress position, implied past self-harm)
[Masterpost | Next]
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Nate pulled the chain tight and watched Ethan’s hands stretch toward the ceiling. They kept pulling until Ethan was balancing on their tiptoes.
Very nice. Visually dynamic.
Ethan was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, but they’d fix that soon. Nate always loved how much skin was exposed when the arms were brought up like this.
Nate stepped up to Ethan, sliding off their blindfold.
Ethan’s eyes burned back at them. That was…surprising. "Happy to see me, darling?”
Ethan didn’t break eye-contact like they used to. “Sure. Psyched.”
Nate tucked away a stray lock of hair that fell in Ethan’s eyes. “So angry. You’ve only been away from me…what? Five years now? Not much time to grow a backbone.”
“Long enough, apparently.”
“Yes, apparently,” Nate chucked. “I’ll have a fun time ripping it back out of you.” They trailed their fingers down Ethan’s sternum for added effect.
Their eyes were flat. Void of amusement or fear. “Go for it.”
Nate stepped back, looking them over. They had gained back the weight they’d lost and then some. They looked stronger - much stronger, actually - than before. Nate reached out, pressing a hand to their stomach, then running it up along their arms. They had definitely gained some muscle, too. Ethan didn’t flinch at the touch. Nate didn’t know why that was annoying to them.
They smiled, covering up the emotion. “It’s really so good to have you back. I never stopped looking for you after you escaped. Did you know that?”
Ethan sighed, staring at the ceiling. “I never assumed you would.”
“And yet…you don’t seem afraid. I’m not going to lie, I miss that a little. You made the cutest sounds.”
“I really don’t have any more fucks to give at this point.” Their eyes did seem particularly…well…dead.
“Hmm. Well, maybe you’ll find some again.” They grinned, slipping a small knife from their pocket. “You just need a little persuasion.”
Ethan’s eyes dropped to the knife. “By all means, go ahead. Pain and I are good friends.”
Nate smirked. They were acting so tough. We will see how long that lasts. They brought the knife up, letting the tip rest and push gently up under Ethan’s chin.
They waited for the flinch. For Ethan’s breath to hitch. For them to tip their head up, exposing their neck.
Nate quirked an eyebrow and tipped the knife further up. Ethan didn’t flinch as the skin split, bead of blood running down the blade.
For a moment, Nate had to beat down the sudden urge to push it further. To make them gasp and flinch even if they had to ram the knife up through the roof of their mouth.
No no, not today. Start slow. Relish this.
They watched the bead of blood roll. And…noticed something behind it.
Something out of place on Ethan’s neck.
Nate blinked. Was that…a scar? They’d never given Ethan a scar there. Had they? No. Definitely not.
Nate snaked a hand around and gripped Ethan by the back of the hair, pulling down to expose the throat. Ethan offered no resistance as Nate examined the faded white line. They traced it lightly with the tip of the knife.
“Who did this to you?” Their voice was a whisper. A flavor of rage they didn’t recognize bubbled in their chest.
Ethan’s voice hummed against the blade. “Some guy named Redd? Ran into him after I left you.”
Nate pulled back, dropping Ethan’s head. They gripped the knife tighter. Redd.
They stared at the ceiling, trying to keep their breaths steady. “And this Redd…did he hurt you besides that once?”
Ethan smirked, “Oh plenty. Much worse than you did.”
Nate gripped the knife tighter as their hands started to shake. Darkness creeped into the edges of their vision. “What’s his full name?”
“Oh my god, are you jealous?” Ethan laughed at that. “Wow, you really are. Feeling a little protective now, are we?”
Nate spun back to them. “What the fuck did he do to you?!”
Ethan offered no response but a smile.
Whatever. They’d find out themselves.
Nate slipped the knife under the hem of Ethan’s shirt, splitting it cleanly down the middle. They did the same to the sleeves, ripping them away and tossing the tattered fabric on the ground.
And stared.
And stared some more.
Gashes and scars littered their flesh. They were in every shape. Every color a scar can be. Nate walked around them, forcing themselves to look, even if seeing the marred flesh - their flesh - made Nate’s skin craw. Normally they would appreciate the sight, but not when other hands had made those scars. They wanted to strip all the ruined skin back, peeling it off and starting fresh.
Nate took a deep breath. “What. The. Fuck. Happened to you.”
Ethan shrugged - at least Nate assumed it was a shrug - it was hard to tell in that position. “Met a few more. Finally got out. Got into juice cleanses and kale-”
“More? I’m sorry, did you just say more?”
“More sick freaks like you? Yeah. Quite a few, actually.”
Nate could practically feel the air vibrating in their lungs.
“You’re MINE.”
Ethan smiled at that. It seemed genuine. “Evidently not, sorry.”
Nate lashed out, punching Ethan as hard as they could in the gut. Ethan coughed and swayed back against the chain.
Why. The. FUCK weren’t they flinching??
“I don’t know what to tell you. Sorry for your loss? Apparently you never learned to share your toys as a kid.”
Nate tossed the knife to the side of the room before they lost control and stabbed them or something. It clattered to a stop against the wall. Nate turned away, running their fingers through their hair. They needed to calm down. They had Ethan now. They were theirs now.
And this time, they weren’t ever getting away.
“You doing okay, there?”
Nate spun back around to face them, eyes burning. “Peachy,” they spat.
Ethan chuckled. “Doesn’t look like it to me.” They looked Nate up and down, amusement radiating. “What can I do to make you feel better?” They cooed, mocking. “Should I scream? Beg? Pull away and cry? Make you feel like you’re somehow scarier than they were?”
Nate’s fist cracked against Ethan’s nose before they even realized they were moving.
Blood started to dribble after a few moments. Ethan laughed loudly as the chain keeping them up spun them back forward. “Wow, touched a nerve there, did I?”
Nate’s eyes locked on the fallen knife. Fuck it. They were going to stab them after all.
Nate retrieved it and strode back up to Ethan, pointing the knife at them while every inch of their body trembled with fury. “You’re MINE. Do you understand that?” They pressed the knife tip hard against Ethan’s stomach.
“Sure. Whatever makes you feel better.”
The little shit. Nate pulled back the knife, ready to thrust it into their diaphragm. They froze, looking at the skin on their ribs, just to the left of their target.
It was their brand. Their beautiful brand they placed on Ethan. The good one with their initials and emblem. It was massacred.
Gashes and lines criss-crossed over the lettering until it was hardly recognizable. Scarred over. Destroyed. Forgotten.
Nate’s breath stopped. Their vision nearly blurring.
They struggled to keep their voice down. They pressed their shaking fingers hard against it. “Who did that.”
Ethan only smirked at them.
Nate gritted their teeth and drove the knife deep into Ethan’s abdomen, in a safe(er) place below the appendix.
Ethan grunted, but laughed freely as they gasped for air. “Wow, that one really has you railed up.”
Nate grabbed Ethan’s jaw with their free hand, forcing Ethan to look at them. “I said,” They twisted the knife, “WHO did that?”
Ethan didn’t even respond to the knife when Nate twisted it a second time. “I need names.”
Ethan just chucked. “That one was all me.”
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[Masterpost | Next] [Original Post]
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everwitch-magiks · 1 year
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Thank you to everyone who participated in this WIP ask game the other week! ♡ I'm gearing up to post this story, and today I'm sharing the opening scene. Coming soon to an AO3 near you, here is the start of:
Tell Me All Your Secrets
Alex has dumped another batch of photos on his Instagram.
Henry gets the notification while he’s waiting for his date. He flicks through the pictures, biting back a fond smile as he takes in Alex curled up on a couch wearing sweats and glasses, Alex making funny faces behind June’s back, Alex grinning cheekily for a badly angled mirror selfie.
The camera bloody loves Alex. Angles be damned.
Henry slowly swipes back to the first photo. Double taps. Then he puts his phone safely in his pocket.
The thing about June’s brother is, he's so comically straight, he's explicitly told Henry so on no less than three occasions.
"Sorry I'm late. Henry, right?"
Henry looks up. Ah. Showtime.
"Yes." He gets to his feet, offers a smile and his hand. "It’s lovely to meet you in person."
And it is. Liam's handshake feels good. Steady. He's got more than a little stubble, in a roguish, scrappy sort of way, and Henry instantly likes his smile. They're about the same height, and both blond. Liam's hair has a bit of brown in it, though. It's a nice shade.
Not that it’s a surprise; Henry has more than looked his fill on Liam’s Tinder profile.
It takes Henry a second to realise he's staring. "Sorry," he says. Except that earns him a pleased smile. Hm. "It's just, you look really nice."
Definitely the right thing to say; Liam flicks his eyes down, smiling bashfully. "Thanks. Should we sit?"
They do. Henry flags down a waiter and Liam orders a beer. Henry is already nursing one, but he asks for crisps and sour cream to share. That has Liam looking pleased again. Maybe he enjoys crisps? Or maybe he simply enjoys the accent? Not that Henry could blame him; Liam’s slight southern twang is devastatingly charming.
They chat for a bit. They've already covered the basics online — Liam is two years out of college and working in software development, likes country music and craft beer, wants to have a dog someday. Henry has a dog, so that checks out. And Liam has mentioned he's got zero plans to move ‘back home’, wherever that is. New York is Liam’s home now. Henry knows that feeling very well.
He also knows the feeling he gets when he makes Liam laugh properly for the first time, when Liam watches raptly as Henry talks about the draft of his queer anthology, when Liam’s hand brushes Henry’s over the plate of crisps. It's nice. Uncomplicated. Not addictive, but maybe it could be. Maybe this could be the start?
They stay for two beers. Afterwards, when Henry has walked Liam over to the subway like the gentleman he is, Liam turns around to face him properly. He only hesitates for a second before he carefully leans in, giving Henry plenty of time to back away.
Henry doesn’t.
Liam kisses well. He really does. He's sweet about it, slow in a way that honestly has Henry curious for more. It is, objectively, a very good first kiss.
Liam pulls back with a faint sort of smile on his lips. His eyes flicker between Henry’s. "Right," he says. Then, less ambiguously: "Can I see you again?"
Henry says yes.
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chvnssecret · 2 years
Music n Kisses
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warnings - soft!dom jisung - fem!reader - kissing with tongue - lip biting - fingering - boob play - lots of praise - compliments - a bunch of fluffy sex. if you are under the age of 18, i suggest you click off now.
You and Jisung were in a heated make out session; soft music playing on his vinyl that just collected dust on his shelf. The jazz music really set the scene of your evening. Chilling out together and being intimate, which is a rare occurrence, was your favourite. Typically, he would come home from work and have to sleep, ready to get up early for work the next day. It gave you no time to see each other.
His lips danced against yours perfectly as his hand was tangled in your tresses, massaging your scalp lightly. No words needed to be spoken in moments like these, just completely indulging in each other’s romance was completely enough. That was until he spoke, voice hoarse and croaky from being mute for a long time. You kept his mouth occupied from kissing; barely giving him anytime to speak even if he wanted to. “Baby, I need you.” He broke the kiss, pulling back ajar and looking into your eyes. “You have me always, Ji.” He pulled you back into a kiss with a smile playing on his lips.
Both of your breathing became fast and heavy, puffing out air between kisses. His hand left your hair and made its way to your shoulder, pulling your shirt off slightly whilst trying to keep his lips on yours. With help, you pulled it over your head, taking off the rest of your garments as he done the same next to you. It was all slow motion, just how you liked it. His lips attached to your collarbone and traced all along to your boobs. “So perfect.” He whispered, taking the other boob in his hand whilst he kissed the other. You whimpered at the feeling of his warm hands cupping your breasts, knowing they’ll be put to good use elsewhere. “Ji, enough. I need you.” You whined as he looked up at you. “Patience, baby. Let me love you.” He went back to kissing your boobs and back up to your face. His lips were soft, they always were, pressing against your skin gently as if it was fragile glass.
You pulled him closer by the back of his neck, tongue darting in his mouth for a deeper kiss. He traced his finger tips down your stomach as you flinched at the ticklish sensation, finally reaching your core. He spread your lips apart skilfully with two fingers, wiping a long strip up your folds for the wetness. “Mm. What I expected.” He smiled and lowered a finger to your hole. He inserted his middle finger first, sliding it in and out whilst occasionally flicking it back and forth on your g spot. “So good.” You mewled, back arched and barely able to kiss back. “Hmm, wait until I add more.” You could basically hear the smirk in his voice as his ego grew. “Please, now.” Your voice was breathy and shaky, parting your legs for more. He slipped his middle finger out, putting his other middle finger next to it before sliding in again slowly. “Look at you, all beautiful and needy for me. Good girl.” He watched your face as it got distorted, orgasm coming close from his fingers inside you. “So close, gonna cum.” You spoke into his mouth before kissing him deeply again. “Come for me, beautiful.” His words sent you over the edge, legs shaking and eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Think you can take me?” His voice was endearing, hopeful almost. “Y-yes.” You stuttered, barely recovered from your previous orgasm. He positioned himself on top of you, lining his cock up before sliding in. It slid in with ease, your wetness from before played a part in that. His cock throbbed the moment it went in, you could basically feel the veins on it. “My sweet girl, you feel better every time.” He caressed your hair before placing a sweet kiss to your forehead. His hips rolled at a steady pace, the only sounds of your sweet moans and the melodic music playing in the background. The sunset was peeking through the blinds, painting the walls a stunning orange tone. “You are..so beautiful.” His breath was jagged from thrusting, sweat dripping from his head. “That’s why I’m all yours.” You responded and gripped his back, slightly digging your nails in. “And that’s why I’m the luckiest. You feel so good baby.” He hissed between his teeth, hands gripping on the sheets and his muscles flexed in his arms.
“Ji, I’m close again.” You felt a pit of warmth in your stomach. He lifted your leg up, holding on to it as his last few thrusts slapped against your thighs. “Oh fuck..so good, baby.” He breathed out and dropped his head. “I love you more than you’ll ever know.” His cock still buried inside of you, laying on your chest.
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lutawolf · 1 year
I Will Knock You Episode 10 D/s point outs
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The D/s element is being broken down by both me and @thequeenofsastiel. Whose post you can find here.
Before we begin, let's talk D/s lifestyle and relationships. While lifestyle and scene D/s might appear similar, they aren't. Yes, there is an unbalanced power play and there is some need for trust, but the lifestyle is 24/7. Nonstop connection. While the control we hold is imbalanced, we ourselves are balanced by our relationship.
For many of us neurodivergent people, it's how we survive in a world that was not created for us. It gives us calm and stability because we always have a connection and life-line. You can truly see this in Noey and Thi's relationship. They both grow into themselves by being together.
Noey realized a long time ago that he wanted to keep the pendant. Aww. "Don't say you love me. Don't ask me to be your boyfriend or be together right now. Not right now, Noey. I'm not ready!" Thi is saying he isn't ready. Which is not surprising. He is slow and steady. He had to come to terms with even liking Noey. Now he has to come to terms with the idea of being with him. Never mind that he technically is already. For Noey's part, he knows that Thi needs time and that he has to make some changes.
I mean, if you watch. When Noey says cheesy things like, "Of course I caught your cold. I'm so stuck on you." It makes Thi giddy. He's happy. Thi is not running from Noey. Look how he says they should go back to the tents, and then he waits on Noey. Noey puts an arm around Thi and Thi immediately returns the gesture.
Time passes: Woot! We are seeing a lot of maturity changes from Noey. He isn't perfect, but he is trying. We find out that his father lived a gangster lifestyle, so we aren't too surprised about Noey now, huh. He picks up and drops Thi off, making sure he is safe and taken care of because he knows Thi has a tendency to get bullied. However, we've seen a growth in Thi too. We see a comfort in how they talk to each other.
Noey is still a thug, but he's a thug making changes. He has to be strong, or he wouldn't be a fit for Thi. Someone who isn't afraid to be tough against those that try to hurt Thi, but also someone who can be tough with him. I love Noey and Thiw's friendship. I really do. I just need Thiw to find a reason to stop the thug life too.
Noey is respecting the boundary Thi set for the temple fair. It's Thi that crosses his own rules. Because he wants to spend that time with Noey. The fair was such a fun watch, there were huge moments of love and support between them both. When Noey helped him at the games. The grabbing the rope to make the stuffy into a backpack. Bringing all the stuff to sit and watch the movie. When he wiped his tears. Noey's first thoughts are on how he can support his submissive, and that's what a good Dom does. It's not the oldest taking care of Thi, but very much the other way around.
When Thiw shows up. Noey doesn't run off. His first priority is his submissive. Then we see Phayu. Really, Phayu, I'm so done with you. I love how Thi, smiles when Phayu misses one, because he knows Noey won't. Well, and also because he wants to go on that ride with Noey. See Thi wants Noey just as much, but he is afraid of a lot, it's typical deep sub. They get stuck in their anxiety and fear change. That Dominant personality really helps them past these hurdles.
Noey gives him the necklace. When he says, "And belongs with me." We don't hear a peep from Thi. No objections. It's only when Noey tells him that he loves him. Why? Because it's new. He needs one thing at a time. And in all honesty, it was really a token upset. You get to the fireworks and the boys are all smiles and happy.
Then shit hits the fan. I will say that even in this we see maturity. He tells them not to talk about people unrelated. Tries to take the fight away from the people he cares about. Yet, shit really hits the fan and all the people he cares about are done with his thug lifestyle. I think we are about to see some huge changes from him in this next episode.
As a sub, Thi isn't there yet. I'm hoping that we see that in the next episode. A true sub will do anything for their Dom. They find their fire and confidence due to them. Hopefully we see that next.
Okay, I see where people are thinking there will be a time jump. Watching the next episode. Seeing where, he says thank you for tutoring me up till now. Then we see them dancing. I'm gonna be honest. If they really were to separate, in real life, they wouldn't wait on each other. True D/s relationships will fight hard for their relationship before they will ever give it up. Then, if they have to, they won't do well without that counterbalance, so they usually don't stay single. Like I've said previously, I've already prepared my kids for the fact that if something were to happen to me, that their dad wouldn't mourn long. He would be finding another Dom fast. Not because he doesn't love me or loved me, but because he needs that.
I'm really hoping, since they've done such an amazing job at keep the D/s real. They continue to do so and don't separate them. Hope you guys enjoyed this. 💜💜💜
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taeswolfie · 3 months
𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 : 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏
☽︎𝑰𝒄𝒆 𝑷𝒊𝒄𝒌☾︎
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Ch.14 - Ch.16
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x fem!Reader
Word count: 4.7k
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Scott and Allison talk while they scale the climbing wall for P.E. The mention of the new supernatural having a tail and Scott's lack there of being the topic with a cute interaction between the couple thrown in. Allison had slowed down a bit for Scott, who was trailing a bit behind her, and then started climbing faster, only to pause and look to see Scott had easily gotten ahead of her. In spite she kicked his foot making him lose his grip on the wall, falling down and being caught by the rope a foot above the mat. He grunts as he's let fully down and the class laughs.
Coach laughs happily and sits by Scott's head. "McCall. I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." He laughs more. "Right?" Scott gives a short huff of a laugh before Coach looks back at the teens. "All right, next two." He gets up and pats Stiles' shoulder. "Stilinski, L/n, let's go." Man, he really likes pairing couples, huh? Y/n thought to herself and looked beside her to see Stiles smiling at her. "The wall." The teens nod at Coach and strap on the climbing gear.
Y/n starts climbing at a steady pace and when she gets half way up she looks to see where Stiles is at only to find him staring up at her from a few feet off the ground. He seemed to be lost in a daze and failed to make any more progress than a few steps. "Stiles." She calls down to him. He blinks like he just woke up and finally looked at her eyes. "I know my ass is great and all, but this is climbing, not admiring. Keep up, sweetheart." She smirks and continues to climb. Stiles has the good mind to seem a bit embarrassed at being caught and keeps his eyes firmly on the wall until he and his girlfriend are both on the ground. She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek as they go to stand with the students again and he smiles at her.
Next to climb is some boy Y/n didn't really know and Erica, a sweet girl with frizzy blonde hair who is insecure about herself. Erica stares up at the wall before she and the boy gear up. She grunts as she slowly climbs, the boy going twice her speed. When she makes it halfway the boy is done and is climbing down. She looks down and starts to hyperventilate at being so high up. "Oh, please..." She sobs out and people gather below her.
"Erica." Coach calls. "Dizzy? Is it vertigo?"
"Vertigo is a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia informs.
"Erica?" Y/n calls, concerned.
"I'm- I'm fine." She says.
"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Allison informs.
"Why does nobody tell me this stuff? Erica, y- you're fine. Just kick off from the wall. There's a mat to catch you. Come on."
"It's okay, Erica. You're completely safe." Y/n assures. Erica slowly lets go of the wall and she's lowered down safely by the harness. Y/n gently touches her shoulder and gives her a little smile. "See? It wasn't so bad." Erica gives her a tiny, wobbly smile before it falls again.
"See, you're fine." Coach also tries to assure. "You're on the ground. You're alright. Let it go. Shake it off. You're fine." She glances at everyone and walks through the crowd holding back tears.
The students laugh at the previous scene and Y/n glares at them. "What the hell are you all laughing at?" They jump at her loud voice and shy away from her angry stare.
Later, when the teens have gone off to their locker rooms Erica looks up at the climbing wall, ties her hair up, and goes up to it and starts climbing.
Y/n takes off her tank top and tosses it into her locker with a huff. Allison looks at her with a half smile. "Are you still upset?" She asks.
"Very." Y/n pulls her normal shirt back on. "I have half a mind to slap the whole class."
"But if you did that you wouldn't be able to go out tonight because you'd get detention."
Y/n frowned into her locker. "Why do you have to be right?"
Allison shrugged with a smile and Lydia looked at them. "You're going out tonight?" She asked curiously.
"Yeah. Me, Stiles, Allison and Scott."
"Oh. Sounds nice."
Y/n thought Lydia sounded a bit down and decided to cheer her up. "You wanna come?"
She shook her head. "I don't wanna crash your double date."
"You're not. It's okay, really. Right, Allison?"
"Yeah, no, you're totally welcome to come." Allison smiled at Lydia in encouragement.
Lydia still seemed unsure. "Come on, Lydie. We're going ice skating~" Y/n added in a singsong knowing it would get her to say yes.
Lydia smiled. "Well, if you insist."
Y/n smiled at her friend and turned back to her stuff, reaching a hand to grab something when she suddenly stopped. Slowly she touched her finger tips to her lips. Her mouth tasted metallic. Like... Blood. She looked around the locker room in alarm. "Where's Erica?"
"What do you mean tonight's not a good idea?" Stiles starts changing his shirt while talking to Scott in the locker room.
"I don't know." Scott opens his locker, blocking his friend from sight. "That thing we saw last night, Isaac missing, Allison's grandfather. All this stuff happening with Derek, I just- doesn't feel right." He closes the locker and Stiles has finished changing his shirt.
"No, you're not backing out. Do you wanna know why? Because you and Allison are obviously having a good time together. And you know who else wants to have a good time with his girlfriend? Stiles! Stiles wants to have a good time with his girlfriend. Many, many times. Several times in a row. In different positions." Scott gives him a weird look before he looks down at his hand. It was shaking. "Are you even listening to me?" Then he notices Scott's hand too. "What? What is that?"
Erica started having a seizure half way up the wall. She suddenly fell back, but Scott caught her before she could hit the hard floor of the gymnasium. He lowered her to the ground and Y/n slid to a stop next to him. "On her side. Put her on her side." She quickly ordered and Scott obeyed, Erica's hand latching onto his as she convulsed. Other students rushed in behind the two and Allison looked down at them.
"How'd you know?" She asked.
Y/n and Scott shared a look before he looked up at Allison. "We just felt it."
"You ruin everything!" Y/n heard Jackson yell down the hall and she looked over to him to see him walking away from a terrified looking Lydia. Y/n rushed over to her friend in worry.
"Lydia? Are you okay? What happened?"
"I- I don't know. He just came up to me talking about I did something to him and I was immune. It was nonsense." She practically sobbed as her eyes started to water.
"Oh, Lydia." Y/n pulled the girl into a hug and she felt how upset Lydia had gotten by Jackson's confrontation. "He's just an asshole. Whatever is happening with him is probably his own fault, okay? If it will make you feel better I can kick his ass for you." She lightly jokes (while also being a bit serious) and Lydia manages to let out a small chuckle.
"No. I'll be fine. I just need to be alone for a minute." She gently pulled away and gave her a tight smile. "Thanks." And then she sped off to the bathrooms. Y/n looked after her with a small sigh, but left her alone like she wanted.
At lunch Stiles walked into the cafeteria and sat in front of a teen named Boyd. He nodded at him. "Boyd. You got the keys?"
Boyd held up said keys and dangled them between his fingers. Stiles smiled and grabbed them yet Boyd held tight to them. "This isn't a favor. It's a transaction."
"Right, yeah." He let the keys go. "Absolutely." He pulled $20 from his pocket and sat it on the table between them.
"I said 50."
"Really, I... I remember 20. I don't know. I have a really good verbal memory. And I remember 20. I remember that distinctive 'twa' sound. 'Twa-enty'."
"I said fifty. With a 'fa' sound. Hear the difference?" Stiles made a slight face and shook his head. "If you can't, I can demonstrate other words with the 'fa' sound."
"Uh, no, no, no. I think I'm recalling it now. Heh. No. Maybe I just got it confused with..." He fishes another $20 and adds it with the other. "'For-ty'." Boyd eats a chip with a blank look. Stiles sighs. "Come one, man, have you seen the piece of crap Jeep that I drive?"
"You seen the piece of crap bus that I take?"
Stiles relents and forks up the final $10. "Fiddy." Boyd smiles at him. "Mmm." Stiles hums with a sarcastic smile of his own. Boyd offers the keys again. "Okay. Thank you." He takes them and makes his way to the table his friend and girlfriend sat at, taking a seat next to Y/n and putting the keys on the table. "Got 'em."
"That was painful to hear." Y/n chuckled. "And I love your piece of crap Jeep, by the way."
He rolled his eyes at her but smiled anyway. "Pick you up right after work tonight and we'll meet at the rink, cool?" He directed his question to both teens but suddenly their attention was drawn to the cafeteria doors. Everyone's attention was drawn to the doors. Why? Because walking through them was Erica, but not shy, frizzy haired Erica everyone knew. No. This was sudden blonde hotty Erica who was wearing tight clothes, heels, makeup, and had perfectly styled hair. She walked up to a table with confidence and bent over it next to a guy. She took his apple and took a bite, giving a small smirk as she chewed and dabbed at the corner of her mouth with her finger.
Lydia placed her hands on the table between Y/n and Scott. "What... the holy hell... is that?"
"It's Erica." Scott answered.
"I mean, I don't normally swing that way but... She could turn me." Y/n complimented the girl in her own strange way getting a wide eyed look from Stiles. "What?" She shrugged innocently. Erica smiled at everyone and then strode back out, taking one more glance and bite over her shoulder before she was out of sight. Scott, Y/n and Stiles got out of their seats and rushed down the halls and out the doors. Erica grinned at them as she got into Derek's car, the new Alpha also giving them a toothy smile before driving off with his apparent new Beta.
While working at the clinic Y/n can tell Scott is upset by the recent events. She wants to help, unfortunately there's nothing she could really do but be there for him. He lets a jar slip from his hands and it shatters at his feet. He crouches down and picks up a piece of glass and looks at it with a frown. Alan looks at Y/n in question and all she offers is a small shrug. He goes over and crouches next to the teen. Y/n quietly works in her corner while her guardian does what he does best. Offer ambiguous advice.
"Why do I get the feeling you've got a lot on your mind?"
"Sorry, it just kind of slipped through my fingers. Everything has been slipping through my fingers."
"Now, that sounds like far too a world-weary thing for a teenager to say."
"You might wanna try a different perspective. This is just entropy at work. This is more the natural way of the universe. But it doesn't necessarily mean it's falling apart. It's just... Changing shape."
"For better or worse?"
"Exactly." Alan smiles and stands, going to walk away when Scott stops him.
"Hey, Doc." Scott stands as well. "When are we gonna talk about..." He looks to Y/n for help, but she has her back turned. "The thing that we never got a chance to talk about?"
"Oh, yes. We never did get a chance to talk about that, did we?" Scott shakes his head. "Now is definitely a good time."
Scott has a relieved look on his face. "Thank God."
Alan folds his arms in thought. "What do you think? Two dollars?"
"Two dollars?" Scott is now confused.
"Nah. I think a bit more." Y/n finally speaks up, playing along with Alan's act.
"You're right. $2.50 more an hour. It seems like a pretty good raise."
"It's not exactly what I was..." Scott starts to deny. But then, "$2.50 more an hour?"
"Done." Alan holds a hand to Scott who shakes it. "Don't forget to clean up the cat cages." Scott has a smile as he crouches to clean up his mess.
Alan walks out of the room and Y/n follows. "You really like to be confusing, don't you?" She asks with a smile.
"What can I say? It's what I'm good at." She laughs at that.
"Hey, could I get a raise too?"
"If you practiced your skills a bit more, I might consider it." His mention of Y/n's magic practice made her sigh.
"I'm trying, but with the whole Peter thing and now Derek and..." She trailed off a bit, not really wanting to mention her strange experiences just yet, and quickly covered it with another sigh. "There's just hardly been any time. I'll try and practice some tomorrow."
He could tell she was holding something back, but he trusts her to come to him when she needs him. For now he just smiles at her. "Thank you."
"So?" She dragged out the syllable in question.
"I'll think about it."
"Thanks." She beamed.
Stiles turns the key and he and Scott open the doors to the ice rink. Stiles turned on the lights and the girls walk up, Allison going up to Scott excitedly. Y/n went to Stiles and gave him a kiss, one that left his lips tingling when she pulled away with a smile. She turned and gestured for Lydia to come on and the five went into the building.
Y/n and Stiles sat next to each other with Lydia in front of them as they laced up their ice skates, Allison and Scott were a bit farther off. "Could it be any colder in here?" Lydia complained as she rubbed her arms. Stiles dug in his bag and pulled out a bright orange jacket, tapping her shoulder and offering it to her. She looked at it and then him. "I'm wearing blue." When he didn't respond she elaborated. "Orange and blue, not a good combination."
"But it's the colors of the Mets." She gave him a bored look and he raised his hands in surrender.
Y/n chuckled at her friend and took off her black coat. "Here. Black goes with everything." Lydia smiled at her and took the offered garment and put it on. "You know, orange and blue are complementary colors. Put them together and sometimes it brings out the best in the other. Like a sherbert sunset, a caribbean blue sky chasing it on the horizon." Lydia paused in her actions as she thought about that.
"Yeah." Stiles nods at her explanation. "Not always the best, but sometimes it's the perfect combination. Like, uh, like two people together... Who nobody ever thought would be together ever." Y/n looked over at him to see him already looking at her. Sometimes it seemed like seconds stretched into minutes and even hours when she explored the amber depths.
"No, I can see that." Lydia suddenly spoke, breaking the momentary spell and making the couple look at her.
"You can?" Stiles asked her, taking another glance at the side of Y/n's face.
"Yeah. They're cute together." Lydia looked at the couple down the way.
"They're adorable." Y/n agreed with a smile.
"You two are cute together too, although I could see you two getting together from a mile away." With that Lydia stood and made her way to the ice, leaving Stiles gaping after her in surprise and Y/n smiling fondly.
"Apparently everyone could see we liked each other before we even realized ourselves." Y/n mused. "I don't think we're such a surprising combination though." She looked at Stiles with a smile and stood up. "Come on." She held a hand to him and he took it.
Allison held Scott's hand as they got ready to step onto the ice. "Since you never skated before, maybe I should give you a few pointers?" She asked.
He gave her a small smirk. "Allison. I don't know if this is news to you or anything, but you remember the werewolf thing? Super speed, strength, and reflexes."
"So a little ice skating should be no problem."
"Yeah." He stepped onto the ice and he was still upright. "See? It's no prob- ugh!" He grunted as he fell when trying to take a step. Allison chuckled.
Lydia and Y/n skated circles around each other looking like a pair of ice queens as they glided together. Stiles watched in amazement as the girls started spinning resembling a strawberry blonde and h/c tornado with how fast they were going. They easily glided out of it and skated together towards Stiles. Lydia bypassed him while Y/n stopped. "I think your jaw is touching the ice." She teased.
He blinked at her. "How- where did you learn to do that?"
She shrugged a bit. "I skated once or twice with my mom and then when I came here and became friends with Lydia she insisted I go with her."
"You're amazing."
She smirked at him. "I know. Come on." She took his hand and skated away with him.
They passed Allison as she held Scott's hands, gently leading him down the ice. "Okay, you got it." She slowly let him go. "You got-" And then he fell on his face. She sighed.
Scott managed to start wobbly getting across the rink on his own. He looked back at Allison in excitement. "I think I'm getting the hang of it!" But as soon as he turned back around he crashed into the plexiglass wall.
Allison leaned over him in worry. "You look like you hit your head that time."
Scott looked around in a daze. "What's that, Coach?"
"You definitely hit your head."
Lydia knelt down and picked up a purple petal, looking at it in curiosity. She stood and found more petals on the ice and followed them to a stem of wolfsbane sticking up out of the ice. She got down onto her hands and knees to look closer. She wiped the frost from the ice and found a face underneath.
Y/n had her arms around Stiles' shoulders, his around her waist, as she kissed him. She pulled away with a bright smile as she looked at him. "Thanks for setting this up tonight." She said.
"It's no biggie." He waved it off a little bashfully.
"I hope you don't mind that I invited Lydia. She's been having a rough time with Jackson and the whole Peter situation. I thought this would help her out a bit."
"No, I get it and I don't mind. I'm just happy I get some time with you at all." She smiled at him and went to kiss him again, but in her periphery she saw someone. Brown hair and leather jacket. She pulled back with a small frown and she looked over, her arms slipping from him. No one was there. "What?" Stiles asked and followed her gaze. When he also didn't see anything he looked back at her. "What's wrong?"
"N- nothing. Nothing, I... I just thought I saw someone." He looked at her in concern, something she didn't notice because something else had caught her attention. "Do you smell that?"
He shook his head. "No. What is it?"
"I don't know. It smells like..." She trailed off as her gaze trailed down to her hand. When had she closed it into a fist? She slowly turned it over and opened it, finding a petal there. "Wolfsbane." She inhaled sharply and whipped her head around. "Lydia." A moment later the girl's screams ripped through the air and Y/n quickly went to her friend. The flower was gone, Lydia was still on her knees. Y/n knelt next to her and grabbed her shoulders. She still screamed but let Y/n pull her into her arms as she cried out.
Scott and Allison rushed out from the photo booth to find the girls on the ground and Stiles looked at them. None of them knew what to do.
Y/n skipped school the next day. These strange things that have been happening have shook her. Nothing has ever happened like that before. Spirits have come and gone in the blink of an eye before, yes, but only when her eyes were shifted. She's never seen a spirit any other time than when her eyes glow. So, if this boy she's seen is a spirit, why is she seeing him without her gift?
She wants to tell Alan what's been happening and what she's seeing, ask for his help, but he's not like her. He doesn't have the experience with spirits like she and other witches do. If she could find another witch and ask her, she would, but witches are hard to come by. So she'll just have to figure it out on her own.
She'd been looking through her grimoire, looking for anything on spirits. Has anyone experienced something like this before? But apparently all she can find is what she already knows. No one in her line has had this happen. She sighed and flopped back onto her bed. She tried to think of anything that could give her an answer. Some sort of divination ritual? A scrying bowl? Crystal ball? Then it hit her. She sat up with a small gasp. Spirit writing! Or at least a version of it. She picked up her grimoire again and combed through the pages. Once she found what she wanted she read over it carefully.
Spirit writing is used by the supernatural creatures who have a connection to the dead such as Witches and Banshees, but it is not limited to just the written word. If allowed to focus properly the conduit for the dead can use any type of medium she prefers. Spirit writing is just a tool for the conduit to get more answers from the spiritual world than talking to a singular spirit would yield. If a conduit has a stronger connection to graphite and parchment drawings compared to the written word then she is more likely to get better answers or even a clear picture. All outside distractions must be blocked for it to work properly. If even a tiny sound distracts her the spell is broken and the message will be forever unfinished. All senses must be focused on this one task. Sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and the spiritual intuition.
The answer you get may not be the one you asked for, but something you need to see nonetheless.
That means Y/n would have to be isolated from the world for however long the spell lasts. She wouldn't be able to help the boys if they need it or anyone else. Something could happen that she could have helped with or even prevented. But if she could get some answers... Isn't that worth it? She has to do this. She has to get some sort of answer. The boys will be fine without her for a while.
Anything that could make a sound, like her phone and computer, she turned it off and sat it outside her door, putting a note for Alan that she can not be disturbed until she was done. The only thing she left in the room was her radio that she'd put a CD in that would repeat itself if necessary. Something soothing that she doesn't need to really hear. She closed and locked her door and window and shut the blinds. She turned on a light so she could see when it got darker. She went to her dresser and set up her incense burner, lighting one that she liked that would last for a good while in her closed room. She rinsed her mouth with water so that she had nothing on her tongue but her own saliva. She changed into loose and comfortable clothes that she uses for when she's painting and tied her hair up. She went to her art corner, set up her materials, turned on the music and picked up a brush.
She closed her eyes for a moment, connecting herself to her senses. The feel of the sturdy tool in her hand. The smell of incense and acrylic paint in the air. The sound of the pianos and violins from her radio. The taste of water on her tongue. The display of colors just waiting for her. The flow of her magic in her veins and the connection to the other world that lives in her soul. Her eyes open and they glow brilliantly as she starts to paint, letting the supernatural forces that be guide her hand as she asks one question.
What do I need to see?
It will be hours before she's out of the spell. In this time she misses phone calls from Scott and Stiles to help look for Boyd as they had figured out he's the next one Derek wants to turn. When they get no answer they look for Boyd themselves. Stiles gets hit by a piece of his Jeep and dumped into a trash bin by Erica when he went to Boyd's house. Meanwhile Scott went to the ice rink where Boyd was riding a Zamboni to smooth the ice. He tries to talk Boyd out of it when Derek comes with Isaac and Erica. The two Beta's rush Scott but he manages to knock them down quickly, sliding them back to their Alpha. Scott told Boyd that all Derek wanted was power and the Hale agreed that it was for power, soon displaying it by knocking Scott down with his claws. Scott tries one last time to stop Boyd only to find out that he's already too late. Boyd has already accepted the Bite.
In the night Alan had gotten alerted to the fact that the alarm at the clinic was tripped. Someone had broken in it seemed. He went up to Y/n's room to let her know what was happening but stopped short when he saw her things in front of the door and a note with his name. When he read it he sighed a bit but let her be. He did ask her to practice her skills more, and whatever she's doing is definitely magic. He leaves for the clinic and disarms the alarm when he enters. He went to the back room and his eyes widened at the clawed body laying on the metal table.
"I was wondering if you could give me your medical opinion on what killed this man." Chris Argent's voice comes from the darkened side room.
"I don't know if you saw the sign out there, but this is just an animal clinic."
"I'm aware of that. I'm also aware that you're not just a vet. And that Y/n is not just a teenager. I won't say anything about her to anyone, but in return you need to examine this body." Not really seeing much of a choice Alan agrees.
Later Scott walks into the clinic looking at his still present wound. "Why aren't you healing?"
"Because it's from an Alpha." Scott jumps at Alan's voice and his eyes widen at the body on the table. "I think maybe we better have that talk now."
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
You’re writing never ceases from fascinating me and I’ve been meaning to ask this for a while now, but could you perhaps give us some book recommendations? There’s no fixed criteria, nor any fiction or non fiction preference, I really just would like to know what sort of books you enjoy and how they’ve impacted you!
Sorry if there’s any grammatical errors, I don’t use English quite often and my apologies if you’ve answered this question before and I simply did not notice :’)
your english is excellent, don't worry!!! thank you so much for your encouraging words, i really appreciate it 🥺💖💖💖
as for books i'd recommend, you can check out the definitive list here, but i can expand on the impact my favorites have had on me!! i don't think i've done that yet, at least. i'm always down for an excuse to gush about my favorite books.
“I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness.” The Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoevsky
ah, my favorite author, who i mention on this blog frequently. TBK takes the crown of being my absolute favorite book. it deals with themes that resonated with me personally, since i grew up in the christian faith and have experienced no small share of skepticism with what was essentially my childhood foundation. while there are plenty of intriguing themes explored throughout this work, dostoevsky's take on the age old question "if there is a god, why does he allow such terrible things to happen, and if such a god exists, can he really be called 'good'?" is a sight to behold. he takes the question very seriously and doesn't settle for simple platitudes to explain it away. at its heart, TBK is deeply human, delving into our flaws and triumphs.
“I admit that twice two makes four is an excellent thing, but if we are to give everything its due, twice two makes five is sometimes a very charming thing too.” Notes From Underground, by Fyodor Dostoevsky
the novella's protagonist, the underground man, embodies some of our more unsightly thoughts and beliefs. he's openly bitter, resenting the 'common man', while secretly pining for the simple joy they're able to live life with, unburdened by being overly self-aware. it's a fascinating look into how self-contradictory people often are. one of the themes this story tackles was a philosophy gaining traction at the time, determinism. through the underground man, dostoevsky posits that humans are not so simple as to always take the best course of action for themselves, as rational egoism would claim. trying to understand people by thinking they'll always act in their best interest, while a nice sentiment, just doesn't match with what we see in reality. people are weird and do weird things, sometimes just for the sake of it. dostoevsky has such a solid grasp on human nature and how confounding it is.
“You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.” The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
there's nothing like a good ol' fashioned fall from grace. here we get to see the slow yet steady degradation of innocence into depravity, the highs and lows that come from it. the conversations between dorian and lord henry are some of my favorite dialogue exchanges in fiction. there's this wry social commentary, sharp wit, and undeniable charisma. it's almost as if we the reader are being seduced by lord henry's libertine inclinations in the same way dorian is. oscar wilde is another author who has some of my favorite prose. he knows how to paint a scene with words. it's always such a delight to read his work.
“I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.” Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley
gothic elements and references to alchemy? i'm running at top speeds. i loved watching this tragedy unfold. frankenstein's monster was always my favorite perspective to read from. his handling of the curse of being created, his initial naïve desire to belong to humanity, then the burning rage upon his unfair rejection... it's so eloquently written. even as he devolves into committing cruel acts, i still felt sympathetic toward him, and similarly lamented 'what could've been' had people been kinder. it's a classic for a reason.
“Thus each of us had to be content to live only for the day, alone under the vast indifference of the sky.” The Plague, by Albert Camus
albert camus is a very fascinating author to me. i'm especially interested in his absurdist philosophy, there are a lot of beats to it that i find appealing. maybe it's due in part to recently experiencing the covid 19 pandemic, but man did this book hit close to home. beyond the metaphysical themes of just living in a world that doesn't care about you and how to handle that realization without falling into despair, it also mirrors a lot of what we saw these past few years. an initial reluctance from positions in power to acknowledge a plague outbreak, the wide range of people's responses (trying to live on as normal, turning to religion, turning away from religion, looking for a way to make profit, looking for a way to help others...), the steady numbness to seeing numbers that represent those taken from the plague every week. camus just nails it. at the same time, the book isn't overly pessimistic or optimistic. there aren't any gallant heroes or nefarious villains. there are just... people, doing what they can, in spite of overwhelming circumstances.
“I was pretending that I did not speak their language; on the moon we spoke a soft, liquid tongue, and sang in the starlight, looking down on the dead dried world.” We Have Always Lived In The Castle, by Shirley Jackson
shirley jackson's prose... i can only describe it as magical. it tickles the brain. right from the beginning, we have a tale of intrigue told from an unreliable protagonist who, throughout the story, you slowly get the sense is somewhat off. there story feels dreamlike in a sense. it's rooted enough in reality where your suspension of disbelief isn't shaken, yet there's also this uncanniness to it that makes for a unique experience.
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kyngsnake · 2 months
I would like to know about ‘What Ifs’ please
It's a little "alternate ending" piece I wrote as an off-shoot of West of Eden, which is Avery and Wes's full narrative. Specifically it's a scene in which Avery and Wes are 21 and just recently started talking again after long period of religiously avoiding one another. Avery invited Wes to attend a rodeo in which he's competing as a sort of olive branch-- Hey, wanna come watch me risk my life riding bulls? Totally not because I missed you and don't know how to up and say that. Nah man I just totally wanted some bro time.
The two of them are sharing a motel room. They're both drunk and have a particularly intimate moment but ultimately nothing happens between them, Wes sleeps on the couch and Avery sleeps in the only bed. What Ifs was me indulging the "yeah but what if they did act on their impulses?"
Here's a snippet. Nsfw warning.
“Sit yer ass down,” Wes tells him. Avery looks up to see him pointing at the edge of his bed. 
“Why?” Avery spits back without a second thought.
Wes’s eyelids shutter in a few irritable blinks, he grimaces like he’s about to spit. “Cause you’re too damn drunk to get yer boots off!”
There’s a pause between them during which Avery ponders just how much his dignity means to him. He grabs the scuffed wood heel of his boot and tries to wrench it off with a touch more force than necessary. The graceless motion stunts his balance, he has to take his hand off his boot and brace it against the wall lest he hit the floor entirely.
Avery’s nostrils flare in a huff, his cheeks prickle with warmth. He looks back up at Wes. “You’re drunk too!” 
“Not as drunk as you are,” Wes snips right back. 
With a low groan, Avery relents. He isn’t sure if he’s too tired to keep fighting or just too drunk. He’d rather die than admit it but the longer he stands still the more the nausea sets in. Whatever the case, he moves over to the bed and drops his ass down on the mattress. Wes meets him there and kneels in front of him, brows knit low and lips pursed like he’s never been more frustrated.
Avery can say with confidence this isn’t the most frustrated he’s made Wes in their many years tangled up in each other’s lives. It’s been a while since Avery last got a good, long taste of what it’s like to get under this cowboy’s skin. Truth be told, he missed it. Avery holds himself still, hands placed flat against the bed beneath him to hold his posture steady as Wes grabs ahold of a boot heel and pulls it free. 
He sets the boot down on the floor, positioned upright all polite-like. Avery would’ve just kicked them off in the corner of the room were he sober— Wes is kind to the things he anticipates staying in his life a good long while. A nice pair of boots ought to last a man quite a few years. 
And it’s there with Wes knelt below him at the edge of the bed, hands gripped around his remaining boot, that the fire swelling in his chest starts to dampen. It’s not a flame dying cold but a flame slowing to a gentle warm glow. Molten metal cools and takes shape, hot-blooded emotions give way for something tender, Avery is sorely reminded how much he missed stupid Wesley fucking Baker. 
A sense of longing is a dangerous feeling if left unattended. Avery’s felt it for months, years now, he refuses to remind himself just how long he’s been tied to his own heartache. Has it really been years? Avery remembers the last time they shared a hotel room so vividly. Unspoken words and cold weather and the hot steam of a shared shower. If he opens that bottle, dares to peek inside and see his own reflection in bittersweet memories, he runs the risk of admitting wholeheartedly that he is still just as in love with Wes as he’s always been.
Just as it is impossible to be unaware of the contents of a clear bottle, Avery knows what he hides in his own heart. To be blissfully unaware would be to blatantly lie and he’s never been a very good liar. 
He has to wonder– just has to entertain the thought– if Wes still harbors the same affection but the bottle is painted over in the colors of a good Catholic man. The patient lover that begets the loyal husband, stained glass reflection of a family structure Wes has only ever seen broken. Does he really want to model himself after his father? Bottlemaker’s son, he would be better at making a vessel to hide innermost thoughts anyway. 
Avery’s face still feels flushed and hot from the liquor, his heartbeat hasn’t wanted to slow since his fist made contact with a stranger’s cheek. He feels his pulse in his throat as he watches Wes set the second boot beside its matching counterpart. Hazel eyes look up from the floor and the rush of every emotion he’s ever felt for Wesley Baker hits him, he swears he feels nauseous.
This is the part where Wes sheepishly looks away. This is the part where Avery still doesn’t know what to say, if he should say anything at all. This is the part where Wes sleeps on the couch fully clothed, boots and all, and Avery stares at the ceiling in his bed. This is the terrible yearning that never wanes, this is the past, present and future, this is what their lives have come to. 
And yet Wes defies the will of God and all his teachings when he doesn’t look away. Avery only realizes he’s holding his breath when a hand wrapping around his calf forces a shaky exhale. Staring dumbly in the low light of a single orange-gold lamp, Avery tries to grasp the simple act of Wes staying on his knees because it strikes through his every expectation. 
He struggles to even ask the only burning question there is to ask.
 “What are you doing?” 
Wes responds in motion before he responds in words. He inches his body closer, hand creeping up Avery’s leg until it cradles the underside of a thigh. Lips graze the seam of Avery’s jeans like they are a path meant to be followed, Wes’s eyes are closed as he makes his slow advance. He pauses to press his cheek against Avery’s inner thigh, eyes open half-lidded and sick with desire. 
The pieces stack slow and fall in an instant, once that pin is pulled there is no going back. Avery arcs his hips up off the bed when Wes undoes his belt buckle, grabs him by the beltloops and pulls his jeans down around his knees. All it takes is bare skin to bare skin for Avery’s cunt to ache, Wes’s wide hands pushing his thighs apart. He’s sure he’s already wet because he’s been wet every time he’s sat alone thinking about Wes touching him just like this.
Wes grabs the cuff of one pant leg to yank it down off Avery’s foot as he makes the first slow draw of his tongue. Even the smallest taste is electric, Avery gasps and bites his lip lest he let the neighboring hotel room know he’s got another man between his legs. More desire than Avery knows what to do with gets the better of him and he bucks up into Wes’s warm mouth, opens his legs further now that Wes’s freed them from the burden of dusty blue jeans.
It occurs to him that Wes hasn’t done this before. He knows because Wes’s mouth has never known the taste of Avery’s cunt and he knows because Wes wasn’t lying when he said he’s never touched Monica. Avery decides he couldn’t fucking care less, it wouldn’t be the first time they shared a first– Avery almost wishes it was a first for both of them again, just like it was in that abandoned house. 
That doesn’t matter. It only matters that it’s him. 
Avery weaves his hand into Wes’s sandy blond hair and pulls. “Higher,” he breathes, “Just a little– just a little bit higher.” 
Wes tilts his chin up and opens his eyes just long enough to look at him. Expectant verdant irises watch and wait for approval as he presses the flat of his tongue to Avery’s clit. Avery jolts, again his hips try helplessly to rut into Wes’s mouth, insatiable need is just so hard to quell. The whimper that rolls off his tongue tells its own tale; Wes is a quick learner. Eyes flutter shut again and a contented murmur rumbles in Wes’s chest as he rocks his head from side to side, mirroring the motion Avery’s hand might make, Avery wonders just how often Wes has fantasized about this too. 
“Fuck,” Avery curses through a shuddering exhale, “Keep– J-just– Fuck,” his voice strains and snaps, forming whole sentences against the tide of a velvet-soft mouth is nigh on impossible. Avery can feel himself blushing when he steels himself and growls, “Just keep doing that.”
Avery swears he knows Wes is smiling despite having his face buried in his pussy. Those hazel eyes blink open only briefly; Wes’s gaze feels like it aims to admire just as much as it aims to tease. Avery could never admit to feeling butterflies in his stomach from a look alone. 
Steady rhythm makes the fire in Avery burn hotter, desire is gasoline and the flames can do nothing but rise. His thighs tremble, hands clench around Wes’s hair and yank, trying to stop himself from grinding his clit against Wes’s tongue is entirely a lost cause. Each breath is an audible sound, by now he’s too lost in unanswered needs, carnal and pure. Whimpers, whines, breathless moans, if God is out there he’s welcome to listen too for all Avery cares. 
His heart races at a hummingbird’s pace, the headrush strikes him dizzy. Wes breathes slow through his nose, stillwater calm as he indulges in the divine act of service. No one makes Avery fall apart so quickly and so absolutely like Wes can. Many have tried, Avery has sought tirelessly after a balm for his own aching desire. None can match that measure, none can embody the bread and wine while the flesh and blood still lives. 
Sometimes it feels as though God made them for each other. It’s easier to rationalize just why Avery cannot settle for anyone else that way. Avery is not often a religious man but Wes on knees as though he’s praying at the altar can bring him back to faith. 
Avery’s chest rises and falls as he pants through an open mouth, hazy eyes dripping amber honeyed affection while he watches Wes. Every stroke of his tongue is a prayer answered, doesn’t matter if Avery has to adjust his angle by the hand woven into Wes’s hair every now and again. Avery wonders how Wes is going to justify this to himself come morning, if sharing a bed with Avery once again is another damning sin or the inevitable culmination of bound fates. Things were always going to end up this way, weren’t they? 
Wes stops dead. Avery groans under his breath and inches himself closer to the edge of the bed. He urges Wes to put his mouth back where it belongs with language only bodies can speak, impatience is a trait Wes has learned to expect. He just looks up and grins as he grabs each of Avery’s thighs and hoists them over his shoulders. 
Arms looped around muscle-dense thighs, fingertips pressed into his freckled skin, Avery’s head throws back as Wes’s tongue draws up through his soaked cunt ‘til his mouth fits around his clit. A shiver rattles Avery down to his core, he grips handfuls of the bedsheets beneath him. Hard to tell if Wes is technically any good at this, a warm mouth is enough in its own right and watching Wesley Baker eat like Avery’s cunt offers ambrosial salvation already has Avery nothing short of a mess.
A soft hum resonates in the back of Wes’s throat, he squeezes Avery’s body in his hands hard enough to bruise. He’s already speckled black and blue from riding bulls, what’s a few more marks? No one but Avery will know who they came from, what they mean. 
“Oh my God, Wes,” Avery exclaims through a straining whimper, “Don’t stop, fuck, please don’t st– Your mouth feels so–”
A shameless display of carnal hunger breaks something in Wes just as it broke something in Avery. 
“God dammit,” Wes growls, pulling his head up with teeth gritted as he tries to swallow his mounting frustration, “I can’t— Fuck it, Avery, I can’t stand waitin’ any longer.”
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lokiwhitewolf · 9 months
Red Hot Winter- Chapter 8
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Chapter 8: "Burning Red"
Trigger warning: sex scenes- minors dni
"So, I have a theory.” Said Elena, getting to Elijah’s office late one night. It has been two weeks since Davina died and Caroline was kidnapped, and there has been no new news on the witches. It has been too quiet. She sat on the table and crossed her arms.
"What’s on your mind, my love?” He asked, stopping what he was doing and putting one of his hands on her knees.
"When Klaus first arrived in Mystic Falls, he had a witch do a spell, and he took over Alaric’s body.” She said.
Yes, he said, following her logic.
"Well, when I saw Celeste in your hallucination, there was something familiar about her that I couldn’t put my finger on, and Sophie said she couldn’t consecrate her bones."
"You think she put her conscience on another body?"
"I think she has been doing this for a long time, and she’s taken over Sabine. I’ve talked to Bonnie about this; she said it’d be possible, but a witch would have to have a pretty good reason to stick around for so long."
"Klaus has done unspeakable things to New Orleans witches back in the day. Celeste wanted me to punish him, but I never could. He's my brother; he’s my family."
"If she’s plotting something against Klaus, we have to assume she is plotting something against you too, or Klaus's daughter."
"She doesn’t know we suspect her true nature. Maybe we will ask her to give us a tour of the city. After all, you didn’t really get to see it, did you? ” He smiled up at her.
“Technically, it's not my fault, you know; my boyfriend won’t let me leave the bed!” Elena laughed as Elijah brought her to his lap.
"Oh yeah? Maybe I should speak to your boyfriend. ” He said, spreading kisses down her neck. "Keeping a lady like you in bed? Doesn’t he have manners? Elena started to move her hips against his, and Elijah naturally followed her rhythm.
“Oh, he does, but when he has his way with me, it’s just so good.” She says this, whispering in his ear.
"I want to have you right here, my lovely Elena, may I?” He asked.
"Yes, you may.” She replied.
He pushes away everything that is on the table to make way for them and puts her gently on top of the wooden table. He takes her shirt off while she rips his, laying her down.
He worked his way down her body like a painter, tasting every inch of her curves. He went all in, exploring her body at a tantalizingly slow but steady pace. He teased her skin with his tongue, and she let out little moans of pleasure as he licked and sucked her into a frenzy. Eventually, he reached his destination, her sensitive center.
He lapped at her clitoris with soft lips, making circles around it and then targeting it directly. He went between her folds, caressing every ridge as she could feel her body tremble with anticipation.
His hands expertly explored her body, bringing her to an aroused state with each touch. Elena could feel her desire building as she felt his warm breath on her skin. She couldn't help but moan in pleasure as Elijah continued to tantalize her. As her pleasure rose to an ecstatic peak, Elijah inserted his fingers into her center, pushing her to the edge of squirting. Elena felt that intense pleasure as her body quivered in response.
She felt special and loved as Elijah worked his magic. She was so aroused that she began to squirt all over Elijah's face as her orgasm surged through her body in a way she had never experienced. After she relaxed, Elijah kissed her passionately, his arousal evident between them. He stood up, took his pants off, and looked at her, asking for permission again.
"Yes, my love.” She answered.
Elijah didn't waste any time; he moved his hand to the center of her pleasure and worked his magic. She felt a wave of pleasure run through her entire body, and it kept on climbing as he moved his fingers around and played with her clitoral area. She laid back and closed her eyes, focusing solely on the pleasure that Elijah was giving her.
Finally, he grabbed her hips and entered her with his hard dick, and they moved into a perfect rhythm that was making them both head toward the edge of pleasure.
Elena welcomed his movements and felt the pleasure radiating from her core. As they moved together, Elijah’s movements became faster and wilder, and their breathing became heavy.
Soon, their moans of pleasure mingled into one. She gasped at the intensity of the sensation. It felt like nothing she had ever experienced before. With every thrust, Elijah moved further and further in, gradually building up speed. Elena’s moans increased with every movement.
But as they moved together, Elijah was also playing with her clitoral area, making her moan even harder. His hands fondled her breasts, causing her to moan uncontrollably with pleasure. Together, their moves perfectly synchronize, and before long, they reach a powerful climax together, a perfect culmination of their passions and desires.
Elijah sits down on the chair, bringing Elena with him, not breaking their connection.
"I love you so much.” She said this, hugging him close to her.
"I love you too, my love, more than you’ll ever know."
Back in the kitchen, while Klaus is trying to figure out how to put together a baby’s crib, Hayley asks Caroline for a favor.
“You want me to what?” Caroline asks.
"Look, today is the only night of the month that the wolves get to be humans; they’re my pack. I’d figure it would be good to throw a little party."
"No, at the Mikaelson Mansion. You just need to lure the wolves in, and I’ll take care of the rest."
"Are you sure this is okay? What if I get bitten?"
"No one is going to bite you, Caroline, and if you get bitten, Klaus will give you his blood and probably have the werewolf killed."
"Can’t you ask Elena?"
"From what we just heard, she’s got plans with Elijah.”
They hear Klaus coming down the stairs.
"Klaus, Klaus, what is happening?” Asks Caroline.
"Love." Klaus says, kissing Caroline briefly. "I need you to stay with Hayley; I need to help out a friend, Cami, a bartender. I’ll introduce you to her one day."
"Who is Cami?” Asked Caroline when Klaus walked out.
"She used to write out Klaus’s thoughts, and he compelled her to forget, but Davina gave her her memories back, and they are friends."
Later that night, Elijah and Elena, with her dressed up as Katherine, go out in the streets of the city holding hands and run into Sabine, closing up her shop.
“Sabine,” says Elena. "We wanted you to give us a tour of the city."
"Ms. Pierce, I’m sure your boyfriend knows the city better than I do since he was one of the founders.” Said Sabine.
“Well, you see, my girlfriend wants a tour with someone from the city. You wouldn’t mind, would you? ” Elijah says.
"It would be my pleasure.” Says Sabine.
Back at the plantation house, Caroline had laid out clothes for the wolves while Hayley was making food for them.
"I take it your pack won’t like that I’m with Klaus.” Said Caroline.
"Honestly, I don’t think anyone likes Klaus. How come you fell for him?"
"I think I was always attracted to him. Damon always wanted to use me as a distraction for Klaus. Sometimes he and I ended up fighting, but I knew he’d never do anything to hurt me. Somewhere along the way of being used as a distraction, I ended up falling for him. I punished myself for it, but I never admitted it to anyone until he asked me to. And I gave up everything for him."
"I think he is changing because of you."
"No. He is changing because of your daughter. He wants to be better than Mikael. Mikael wanted to kill him and his siblings; Klaus wants to be a loving father."
"But you’re having a great influence on him, Caroline. My daughter will grow up and see this version of her father. Thank you"
A little later, the wolves arrived. They were quite nice, even if they were acting weird around Caroline because she was Klaus’s queen.
A wolf named Jackson approached Hayley and told her their families had originally planned for them to get married before Hayley’s parents got killed. That’s how she found out she was the pack’s Alpha, and her daughter would be the most powerful creature of the supernatural.
Back in the city, Elijah and Elena were on tour with Sabine, and they exchanged knowing glances. It was Celeste.
"All right," Sabine said, stopping. "What is this all for?"
"We know," Elijah said. "We know it’s you, Celeste; we know you took over this young witch’s body and who knows how many others just to get revenge on my family."
"Not on you, Elijah, but on Klaus.” She said this, taking a step forward. "Katherine, you spent five hundred years running from him, and he has you as a prisoner in his house. Don’t tell him you don’t want to kill him."
"Elijah would never let me be a prisoner, especially not his brothers.” Said Elena.
"Fine, so be it.” Sabine touches Elijah’s wrists, and he immediately falls to the ground, groaning in pain, with Elena holding him. "You only have enough force to save either Hayley or Klaus, who is now suffering with a blade inside of him. Your choice."
Sabine leaves.
"Elijah, what should we do?” Asks Elena.
"Go to Klaus, call Caroline, and tell her to get Hayley out of the mansion; I’ll get there now. Go now!" He says this, barely standing.
"Come back to me," Elena says, looking deep into his eyes.
"Always my love.” He kisses her forehead and runs to the mansion.
Elena starts to track Klaus’s scent through the city while calling Caroline, who picks up on the third ring.
"Get Hayley out; it’s a trap!” Elena screams and hangs up.
At the mansion, Caroline realizes the kitchen is about to blow up with Hayley inside. She grabs the wolf and runs outside with barely enough time left.
Back in the city, Elena finds Klaus lying in Sophie’s bar, groaning in pain, but with no sign of the witch. Not sticking around to ask questions, Elena grabs him and takes him back to the compound, putting him on the dining table. Caroline would kill her if there were blood stains on the new bed set she got for them.
"This is going to hurt." She tells him before putting her hand inside his chest and hearing him scream even louder. She finds the blade and removes it, putting it on the table. Klaus passed out right after.
A few moments later, he wakes up when Caroline calls him.
"Klaus, Klaus."
"Love," he says, sitting up and hugging her, with the blonde hugging him back.
Hayley, Elijah, and Elena were also there.
"Who stabbed you, Niklaus?" Asked Elijah.
"Monique Devoroux, Sophie’s niece, who, by the way, killed her aunt.” Replied Klaus. "She is back from the harvest."
"Sabine is Celeste, and she wants to kill you, Klaus." Said Elena.
Well, evidently, there is a long line of people who want to kill me; tell her to get in line," Klaus said.
"She tried to kill me, your daughter, and you, and poisoned Elijah. What did you do to her? Asked Hayley.
"She wanted a piece of the quarter in the 1800s, and I wouldn’t give it to her; that’s why she got in bed with Elijah."
"There’s more to it; what is it? Asked Elena.
"She believed that if I broke my course, I would break the balance of nature, and she wanted me dead. One of the witches of her coven believed that so much that they tried to kill me, but I killed them instead, and she swore she’d killed me for it."
"You were trying to find a way to break the curse without the doppelganger’s blood.” Said Elijah.
"Yes, but no doppelganger showed up until Elena."
Klaus got up from the table and grabbed the blade.
"I’m going to keep this.” Turning to Elena, he said, "Thank you, Elena.”
He went to his room, with Caroline following him. Without a single word, Caroline started to fill the bathtub and put bath salts in it—yes, she had made Klaus get her favorite bath salts—and called Klaus to the bathroom. He took his clothes off and sat on the tub, with Caroline sitting in the middle of his legs, resting her body against his.
"Next time you go face a witch, please tell me.” She said.
"So you can stop me?"
"No, I’ve got a witch on speed dial, so I can call her and ask for some tips."
Klaus laughed and pulled her closer to him. She put his hands on top of hers.
"This feels nice.” she said.
"Anything with you feels nice, love," he said.
"You really scared me today, Klaus."
"I’m sorry, love; I really am."
"How did it go with Cami?"
"I couldn’t help her; I really tried my best, but I couldn’t. Those damn witches are making her lose the only family she has."
"It seems like we’re taking hit after hit."
"I wouldn’t call it all losses.
"Why not?" She said this, turning her face towards him.
“I've got you to stay."
Caroline smiled, and he kissed her deeply, with her reciprocating.
Klaus stood up suddenly, taking Caroline with him on his arm and taking her to their bed.
"Klaus, we’re going to get the bed wet," Caroline said, laughing while he kissed every patch of skin he could find.
"I don’t care, my love, as long as I get to have you.” He says it, smiling. Klaus kissed and licked her neck before making his way downward, teasing her nipples before finally arriving at his true destination—her sweet, wet, throbbing center of pleasure. His tongue moved expertly near her clitoris as he felt her body slowly quiver beneath him.
Klaus's tongue slid along Caroline's soft inner thigh, his lips skimming closer and closer to her most intimate area. His warm breath tickling her flesh caused her body to tense with anticipation. A gentle moan escaped her lips as his lips finally grazed over hers, and his tongue began to tease her entrance, her lips trembling and her hips rising in response. He licked and nibbled, each stroke sending a wave of pleasure straight to her core. Her hands found their way into his hair, her nails lightly scratching at his scalp as the intensity increased. His hand moved to cradle her hips, keeping her steady as his tongue continued to move in and out, making sure no spot was left untouched.
Soon enough, Caroline's head was thrown back in sweet agony, her whole body quivering at the pleasure he was giving her. Her eyes closed to savor the moment, the sensation overwhelming her senses as a moan made its way out of her throat. Klaus expertly licked and sucked on Caroline's pussy, making her moan and writhe in pleasure. He explored her tight wetness, enjoying the feeling of her around his tongue. She moaned and gasped loudly, a sign indicating that she was close to orgasm. Klaus moved his tongue around and over her sensitive little nub, teasing her until she was on the brink of climax.
Caroline was experiencing a pleasure unlike any she had ever felt before. She growled and moaned in ecstasy as her body shook with delight, feeling her most intimate areas stimulated to the point of bliss. Klaus was working tirelessly to provide her with an uncontainable pleasure, all the while she felt the warmth of his body flooding her core and rocking her to her core. Each motion became more passionate than the last as time seemed to stand still and the two lovers were transported away from the physical world.
They shared a rare and beautiful connection in that moment—the kind of connection that grows stronger with each passing moment of physical union. But it wasn't just physical; it was much more than that. It was a moment when two souls came together, feeling united in a way that nothing else in this world could recreate.
Finally, her body shook and her heart rate raced as she came undone, her orgasm crashing down over Klaus like a wave. Pushing one last time, he felt her tense up and could taste her cum flooding his tongue. He kept licking, drawing out her orgasm, and making her heart race with waves of pleasure. He kept his tongue in her, licking up every last drop of her sweet nectar, causing her to shiver slightly as he gently kissed her lips one last time.
When she finally came down from the high of her orgasm, Klaus smiled up at Caroline with a satisfied look on his face before burying his head in her neck.
She brought his face to him and said:
That was so amazing." And she kissed him with everything she had.
"Turn around, love." Caroline smiles and turns around.
Klaus carefully and gently slid himself inside her as far as possible. Caroline moaned in pleasure, both of their bodies shuddering and trembling as the sensations filled them with lust and desire. Klaus had complete control over her now, thrusting in and out powerfully, leaving Caroline trembling as each powerful thrust brought her closer and closer to an intense orgasm.
The sensation was so intense and pleasurable, and they both began to moan uncontrollably. He moved in and out of her rapidly, pushing her forward with each thrust. As their breathing picked up and they came closer and closer to the point of no return, Caroline let out a loud shudder of pleasure.
Her flesh quivers with pleasure as his thick, throbbing member fills her with intense pleasure. She's overwhelmed by the wild sensations and lets out a wild moan as he drives his hips deep again and again. Her moans grow louder and wilder as her pleasure intensifies, as does his. Filled with pleasure, they both soon reached a crescendo as they erupted simultaneously. It was a battle of wits and will, and in the end, they both experienced satisfaction like they had never before.
Soon they are both shaking and trembling from the raging climax that overtakes them, as their moans reach a fever pitch and they both come in a powerful, intense swirl of pleasure. They both collapse onto the bed, exhausted but satisfied from their experience, and they bask in the warmth and bliss of their being together.
Caroline turns around, holding him close, and slides his arm around her back.
"Don’t you ever scare me like that, Klaus.” She says.
"Never again, my love, I promise."
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