#Im such a nerd oh my gosh
brewing-mischief · 9 days
I want to read a fanfiction where Damien as a college kid faces the realization that you know what-growing up in the league was actually pretty bad. Like yeah, he had to murder his cousins in a death battle for the right to be the heir and he went on missions as young as four BUT ALSO dressing up and being a vigilante was NOT the most normal thing ever.
Look sure, it was all consensual-he wanted to be Robin. But now looking back as an adult he kind of has this moment of clarity where hes like "That...wasnt normal." And like SURE he knew that. Of course he knew that. He knew his family was different from the other kids he went to school with, obviously. But it just sort of hits him that you know what. Taking a kid exploited to be a murderer from an underground organization and then have him use his training to be a mini-cop (I'm sorry, vigilante.) Was like...really weird.
That's like taking a foster kid from an underground fighting ring or a brainwashed cult and then letting them still use their previous weapons and knowledge to fight people YOU consider 'allowed'.
Like-he helped SO many people. SO MANY. And he doesnt regret any of that. But also WHAT THE-???
I want to see Damien wake up for just a split second and just be like 'I agree given my attitude this method actually worked for me and my recovery but also-what the @*&$% Bruce?'
An mabye-as a treat- he shares this realization with one of the other Bats and they look at him like "yeah duh" and "why did you THINK we were all a little weirded out by you when you showed up and got to be robin ASAP"
And Damien gets a minute to go "oh."
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on my trip in CA. never before have i seen so many Teslas. Never before have I wished to be hit by a car and for the car to take the damage.p
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bloodweep · 6 months
And yes I do 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 it makes me so happy and giggly like the bitch I am jfjfhfhfhfh
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‗ ❍ I love him so much but I just know he would be a bit of an asshole at first, far better than before, don’t get me wrong! But he will still ask what you’re going and provide “tips” to make it better, but will be quickly silenced if you glared at him
‗ ❍ he is literally the definition of “oh I hate that man, I hate that man! But oh cara mia how I love him”
‗ ❍ after a while he would be silent and just listen to you, he would highly enjoy your music btw
‗ ❍ would get stuck in his head constantly where he is humming it wherever he is, bobbing his head to the beat
‗ ❍ would so just hold you close, arm around your shoulders watching you write away, nuzzling into your hair
‗ ❍ would beg to have a duet with you, no lie, will literally beg on all fours to have one
‗ ❍ he would hold you so tight and kiss along your head while he sways with you and sings
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‗ ❍ he would be so fun to write songs with, so attentive, leaned back and just listening
‗ ❍ wouldn’t say anything until you were finished and asked for tips
‗ ❍ “play it again” he would say just so he can hear your voice again and listen to the melody
‗ ❍ he would do this a few times before you caught on and playfully punched his knee
‗ ❍ he would just laugh and shake his head “nothing needs to be changed it’s wonderful ”
‗ ❍ he would so sing the songs you make while surfing too
‗ ❍ he’s your number one biggest fan, will fight anyone to get that position
‗ ❍ he will be the loudest person in the audience and dancing in the crowd
‗ ❍ sings it for his kids any song you create
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‗ ❍ he’s such a little nerd, would be vibing to anything so hard
‗ ❍ he will fight whoever even if it’s his own brothers to be the number one fan
‗ ❍ he would so teach you how to dance to whatever you’re writing
‗ ❍ his hands holding your hips to help you move better
‗ ❍ begs to hear you sing all the time because he likes it so so much
‗ ❍ makes up all your choreography for you, and isn’t upset if you desire to change it
‗ ❍ he would so so beg to dance with you on stage at least once (he’s a lair all the time he wants to dance with you forever)
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‗ ❍ He would be so happy to see you write and create music
‗ ❍ he would relax back and listen with such a peaceful smile on his face
‗ ❍ he would so love to do duets with you too
‗ ❍ they would be so soft and gentle; you’re very mindful of what happened to him and don’t want to push him to hurt himself - even if he says he’s fine and can handle whatever
‗ ❍ holds your hands while you practice with him, showing you his full attention and encouraging you whenever you stumble or feel like you can’t get something right
‗ ❍ UGH his smile will be so fucking soft and gentle as he looks at you
‗ ❍ when he watches you from the crowd he is just smiling and dancing slightly the whole time
‗ ❍ UGH tells you how proud he is of you all the time, and you deserve all the fans and happiness
‗ ❍ if he ever preforms with his brothers he definitely invites you in and puts you right next to him - holding your hand tightly the whole time
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‗ ❍ GOSH that stupid look he gives when he really loves someone??? That look the whole time
‗ ❍ fully understands if you don’t feel comfortable singing with him or in front of him just yet
‗ ❍ or even if you just want to do it on stage only
‗ ❍ if you feel self conscious about a song he will preform it with you and his brothers so you feel better
‗ ❍ never ever tells you to change it because there’s no such thing as “perfect” and a song is what is felt from within - things no such thing to be perfect
‗ ❍ every time you do sing in front of him he will drop everything he’s doing and listening to you
‗ ❍ he’s so giddy to hear you sing but doesn’t go over the top to stress you out
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Im sorry it’s so short I struggle with sfw for some reason because fluff makes me so giddy and excited and I feel gushy
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carmenberzattosgf · 22 days
i'm just thinking about how a reader sends nudes to Carmen while he's at work and he just likes them LOL (but he's actually really nervous 'bout this💔)
OH MY GOSH this little nerd literally putting a thumbs up reaction on it im crying.
He’s just looking at his phone midway into dinner rush at the Bear and he turns pink so fast. You’ve sent him a “classy” nude. It’s a mirror picture with a hand lazily covering your nipples and your legs crossed just enough that you can’t really see anything. You’ve sent a message along with the picture, simply reading: just had an everything shower. don’t stay out too late ;)
Out of reflex he literally presses his phone screen to his chest like a kid trying to kid their phone from their parents. Once he realizes there’s no one actually around him, he lets himself take a proper look at the picture.
Carmy, however, has no idea how to even respond to your pictures (and if he looks any longer he’s going to get hard) so he holds down the picture, and clicks the thumbs up reaction. That’s right, not a heart, a thumbs up.
He fights for his life for the rest of dinner trying to not look at his phone. When he walks in the door of the apartment that night, he immediately goes to the bedroom.
You’re in bed, wearing a cute pajama set, and watching old episodes of dance moms on tv. You can’t hide the cheeky grin on your face as Carmy stands in the doorway. “Hey, Bear. We gotta talk about your texting skills. A thumbs up? Really?” you tease.
“I think we need to talk about you sending nudes while I’m at work. Baby, I was thinking about you for the rest of service. Almost cut my finger dicing carrots.”
“That was the point, Carm.”
“You’re going to be the death of me,” he breaths out in the middle of taking off his pants.
And yeah he fucks you within an inch of your life as per usual
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lesbianlores · 1 year
You promise?
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Pair: Drug dealer! shuriri x Anti drug! fem! reader
part two
Warnings: heavy arguing, make up/rough sex, strap! reader receiving, praise kink, strap sucking! shuri receiving, masterbation, plus size! reader, references, reader has locs. (most of the smut is going to be in part two) Not proof read!!
Word count: about 2,000
You’re studying for your exam thats in a couple weeks and you hear a buzz coming from your phone that’s charging in the kitchen. You get up to answer and it’s your friend Jayda, “heyyy biiitchhh” “girl what do you want i’m studying” you said grabbing a bottle of water from your fridge. “you’re such a nerd oh my gosh, anyways there’s this dope party and the whole gang is going you should come with us” you paused, almost like Jayda sensed you were going to decline she continued “and before you say no, consider getting out of your shell for once. The only time you ever go out is to the movies, you never have actual fun so please think about your answer.” she said with a pleading voice then hung up before you could speak.
You nearly slam your phone on the counter, irritatedly sighing and went to finish your studies then head to bed. It’s early in the morning and you wake up to someone knocking on your door. Getting up with a tired yawn you walk to the door and open it to see Jayda. “heyyy biiitchhh” she invited herself in closing the door behind her, “what do you want now?” you exaggerated “Shut up and get ready we’re going to find an outfit for this party cause you’re going” she said while rolling her eyes. “You’re not even gonna let me think about my answer?” you said in an annoyed tone, “listen its a simple house party, not some loud club with strippers and all that crazy stuff. When was the last time you went out and had fun hm?” You sigh in defeat knowing she’s right and said “Fine i’ll go, but if you guys ditch me for one second im leaving.”
You and Jayda have been hopping to different beauty stores and you two finally decided to find an outfit, You guys walk into the clothing store and a dress immediately caught your eye. You damn near ran towards it but one look at the tag and your heart is crushed, realizing its way out of your budget. You were about to turn around with a sad look on your face but instead you bumped into someone. She was incredibly attractive and you scan her appearance, her sharp jaw catching your eye first. You didn’t realize you were zoning out looking at her until you finally look up to see her already staring at you “Are you okay? You seem sad.” She said genuinely concerned. “Oh i’m just fine, I apologize for bumping into you, I wasn’t paying attention.” you apologized, “You’re so cute” she chuckled and turned her head towards the dress you were just looking at.
“Was it this that upset you? I bet it would look amazing on you.” You glanced at the dress and sighed “Yeah that dress is too expensive for it to be a simple silk dress.” you saddened, the stranger smirks, grabs the dress and walks towards the cashier. You give Jayda a confused look across the store and she for some reason is cheering you on with a thumbs up. You follow the stranger “Hey what are you doing? That dress isn’t in your size” you say “It’s in yours isn’t it?” she snapped slightly with that same smirk on her face. You took a step back not only offended but even more confused, “Why are-” you stop realizing she’s about to buy the dress for you “Wait you dont need to do that I can just-” “I’m going to buy it for you and you’re gonna wear it.” she interrupted. You kept silent and watched as she scanned her card and handed it to you. “thanks” you said dryly “Of course beautiful” she said still carrying that smirk while walking away. “Girl oh my gosh do you know who that is? That’s the black panther !” you whipped your head towards her almost giving yourself whip lash “What?!”.
Jade spent the whole car ride talking about her “How did you not realize!” she exclaimed “I’ve only ever heard of her I haven’t seen her face!”.
You’re in the bathroom finishing up your makeup, you take out the dress and eye at it. The “stranger” still lingering in your mind, Jade walks in behind you. “The glorious dress in the flesh” she says sarcastically waving her arms around “oh shut up” you nudge her “this dress is too simple for it to be that expensive.” “Well hurry up and put it on we have 28 minutes.” she says while walking out. You finally put and admired it in the mirror.
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*ouu I am fine, maybe it was worth it* you thought then hurried to finish your hair, taking out the hair rollers and grabbing your purse.
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Jayda snapped her head towards you “Dhuam gurrl what’s yo number” she shouted making you cackle “girl shut up and get to the car” you said still laughing. You finally made it to the party, it being a huge mansion with booming music and people standing outside “Jade you said this was a simple party!” You expressed and she smiled without saying a word. Jayda gets out the car first and you were hesitant to even touch the car door to head out, Jade noticed and opened to door for you. “Girl come on don’t worry i’ll be by your side the entire time” She said calmly “okayy” you slouched you shoulders and got out.
Walking in you could already smell the many drugs that were being used. Weed, vape, and worst of all, alcohol. You turned to look at Jade in disbelief and pulled her aggressively back outside “So not only you lied about the party being “simple” but there is also fucking drugs, are you serious?! You know how bad drugs effected my life and how much I hate it, what made you think bringing me to a place full of it was a great idea?!” You shouted and stared at her waiting for a response “Girl calm the fuck down there is people glaring at us! I didn’t think it was such a big fucking deal don’t be a cry baby it’s not like i’m forcing it onto you!” She screamed back “Ugh you’re such a buzz kill, I try to get you out of your shell and this is the thanks I get? You know what i’m going to another party away from you, you can find a way home.” She rolls her eyes and stormed away.
You watch her leave tearing up and looking back to the house , knowing you’ll have to ask someone to for a ride because you took a week off from work to study so you have no money. Walking back in immediately smelling the awful substances again you search around for specifically a woman considering you have trust issues with men. Unfortunately every women in sight is either drunk off their ass or too busy grinding on random people. You reached the backyard, the sent was getting stronger but you decided to ignore it and started to search more until you were tapped on the shoulder. “yo ma, you lost?” you turned around to see a women smiling at you “Uhh no- well yes I am lost but i’m looking for someone to drop me off home, I just got ditched and I dont have money.”
The woman looks you up and down then speaks “ight i’ll help you, I just gotta run a quick errand, follow me.” You follow the girl upstairs taking this as an opportunity to observe her *Her eyebrows are perfect* you thought, getting lost in her beauty you didn’t notice you were zoning out on her until you bumped into the door hearing a cackle. “you ight?” she said still giggling a bit. “Oh i’m fine I just wasn’t paying attention.” you said embarrassed “you good shawty just stand out here for little a minute i’ll get wchu.” she said as she walked into the room and shut the door behind her. You stood there taking the time to think about what just happened *I swear this happened to be before, i’m getting daja vu*.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice “Hello beautiful, I didn’t think this was the type of party you were shopping for.” You look up to see the “stranger” smiling down at you “Yeah me neither my friend lied to be about what type of party this was, thats why i’m trying to find a way home.” you said trying to take a peek into the room but the women you were walking with came into view and closed the door. “Y’all know each other?” she asked, “No baby we just bumped into one another at a store, I bought that dress for her.” She said turning to stare at the girl “baby?” you thought out loud, only realizing when they both looked from each other to you. “uh- I never got your names” you said trying to change the subject “My name is Shuri” The taller women answered “the names Riri, what’s yours mama?” she asked “my name is y/n” you said fidgeting with your bracelet. “Do we make you nervous y/n?” Shuri questioned “uh-” you’re lost for words “Shuri dont scare the poor girl away.” Riri said nudging Shuri to walk, you follow behind them silently as they started to talk about something you couldn’t figure because of the music.
The two of you reach to the car “Oh my gosh this is your car?” “yup, it’s my baby” she said tapping it, shuri opened the door and you realized there is only two seats. You look back at shuri, her already carrying that signature smirk “Guess you’ll have to sit on my lap pretty girl” She said in a cocky tone getting in the car “But im a little-” “Dont worry about your weight mama she can handle it” Riri interrupted “All of it” Shuri says tapping her lap with one hand, her gaze sending shivers down your spine. You hesitate to get in but as soon as you put a leg into the car Shuri tugs you onto her lap, making your heart jump “ight ma put your address on my phone.” Riri says starting the car.
The whole ride it took everything for you to not move your hips to ease that tension between your legs, Shuri’s hands resting on your thighs not helping. “So what happened between you and your friend?” Riri asks from across you “Well i’m not much of a big party person and she lied to me about the type of party she was taking me to, I still cant get over the fact she knew I hate drugs and still took me to a place surrounded with it.” you said going over it, Riri and Shuri share a look you couldn’t catch. “Such a pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to go through that, i’m sorry” Shuri expresses “Dont be, it wasnt your fault”. Riri finally pulls up to the front of your apartment building “You can stop here.” “Ight shawty, it was nice meeting ya” Riri says giving you a smile, You get out the car and turn to say goodbye but before you speak shuri beats you to it “Whats your number princess?” The pet name making you more flustered, “Why should I tell you?” “Because we want it” Riri answered. Without question you give both of them your number and said your goodbyes.
You took a long shower and changed into a baggy shirt, you’re not so sleepy so you decide to watch short film. The two women you were just with abiding your mind, you start to feel that tingle in your lower region once again. You walked up to your drawer, grabbed your favorite toy and hopped back onto the bed spreading your legs. You turn it on the lowest speed rubbing it up and down your folds letting out a deep sigh of relief, turning the speed up. Not even a few minutes later you hips are bucking and your free and is groping your chest, almost at climax your phone rings. You look at the contact and it’s unknown, as you’re about to decline you remember giving your number to Shuri and Riri, so you turn the toy off to answer. “Hey mama, its me Riri”
“I can tell, what’s up?” you asked “Aww you recognize my voice already? Stop flirting with me.” She said sarcastically “I just wanted to make sure you ight ma, wachu doing?” Riri’s voice making you even more wet, almost completely forgetting you’re on the phone you turn the toy back on. “Ma? You hear me?” “y- yeah im okay, what are you doing.” you managed to say “Me and Shuri are running some errands, Shuri y/n’s on the phone!” You hear her shout to her, you’re fighting for your life to keep your moans in but Shuri’s voice breaks you. “Hey princess” You unconsciously let out a loud whimper, “Yo you good shawty?” Riri says concerned “I just tripped, i’m o-” You hurry to mute your mic as you climax, throwing your head back moaning like crazy . “y/n?” You hear them both call for you but you’re too tired to talk so you just hang up and go to sleep.
You wake up to over a hundred missed calls from two different numbers, “Shit I forgot I hung up.” You were about to open your phone to call them back but you hear a banging at your door. You rush to answer it, swinging the door open “Why the hell-” You see Riri and Shuri looking at you with a concerned eye, “What are you two doing here! How did you get in and how’d you get my door number?” You asked, this apartment being strict about visitors “We have our ways, are you okay? You hung up on us last night and didn’t call us back.” Shuri said inviting herself in along with Riri. “Oh I got caught up with something, it wasn’t serious.” you lied “what was it?” Riri asked, your breathing getting faster “It isn’t any of your business, can you guys leave?” Shuri snaps her head towards you and Riri walked up to you face to face “Who you think you talking to shawty? Be grateful we care about you.” You immediately feel guilty. “I’m sorry, not a morning person.” You confessed, shuri hummed looking around. “I can tell, maybe we should take you out? That’ll cheer you up yeah?” Shuri asks, Riri nodding in agreement “yeah ma you should go somewhere fun, let off some steam.” You smiled “are you two asking me out?” You said half joking. “yes” they both said “so get ready” said Shuri.
You’re walking outside with the two of them and realize its the same car from last night, but before you can speak Riri says “You’re sitting on my lap this time mama.” she winked. Shuri started driving “We’re gonna run a quick errand and then we’ll go out to have some fun.” She said, you noticed that they are always running errands so you asked “What do y’all do to have y’all running errands 24/7?” you asked half joking. Shuri and Riri glance at each other “Don’t worry about it ma” Riri answers and you sigh. Shuri pulls up to this scary abandoned looking building, gets out and goes to the trunk for a black bag “Riri what the hell is going on? Did yall kill someone?!” Riri starts bursting out laughing. “Mama relax we didn’t kill anyone.” she said laughing between words, Shuri comes back stuffing something in her pocket and throws the bag back into the trunk. Shuri entering the car you smell that disgusting sent of drugs, “Shuri whats in that bag?” Riri was about to answer until Shuri interrupts her “Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing dangerous.” She said staring the car, you take a peek at whats in her pocket noticing a clear bag poking out but not enough to see whats in it. You had a plan to wait until she started driving so the bag can slip out further and as you expected, it was weed. “Take me home” you said “whats wrong ma?” Riri asks, “Just take me home!” you snap and Shuri parks to stop the car to look at you as Riri looks up from behind you with her eyebrows frowned. “Listen carefully y/n, I don’t know what’s got into you but you better remember who you’re talking to.” she said pointing her finger at you. Without thinking you opened the car, Riri attempted to pull you back into the car but you throw her hands off you “After what I just told you about my hatred for drugs you hide the fact that you sell it?!” Shuri and Riri looks at you in shock “Get back in the car right now” Riri demands as you starts walking “How are you gonna get home hm? Thats a 30 minute walk” Shuri says driving at your pace “I guess i’ll get some cardio!” They turned to whisper at each other then suddenly Shuri stops the car and Riri gets out to chase you, you wearing sandals didn’t get you far as she grabbed you from behind and pulled you into the car.
A/N: if this disappoints you im so sorry i was rushing and its not proof read AT ALL
(me and bae have been busy all day so i had to post this at midnight 🤭)
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zarvasace · 2 months
doodle requests you say,,, could i perhaps get some four content if ur still doing 'em? perhaps shatterproof or space au (i forgot the official name of it i will look in a sec alksrjg)
also hi! i am here bc i was browsing the four tag on ao3 as u do and found a fic from the space au, got hooked and read through all of it, and now im about half? 3/4s? of the way thru the shatterproof series and im Eating It Up thank u for keeping me fed :D love me some good good four content, he's my current favorite hehe
i have giggled so many times reading your stuff and your writing is so lovely i love your vocabulary and word choices and your character voices are so good, especially four's in the space au, hes such a lil nerd i love him
ANYWHO sorry for rambling keep up the good work 10/10 im off to sleep (read more of shatterproof in my bed)
Iuansdiuchwieufbeiw don’t be sorry about the ramble! I’m so glad you are enjoying it all, that’s one of the reasons I post my writing. :) it is very nice to hear that someone enjoys it,
I was gonna say “hey there isn’t THAT much shatterproof” but then I checked and HOLY HECK there are 62 works and over 150k of it???? Take your time oh my gosh! No wonder I sometimes have continuity errors ahahaha
Four is, uh as you can probably guess, my favorite :) I love writing him. And drawing him! Here’s a doodle :) not sure exactly what I was going for buttttttt I like it
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spookemsdukems · 3 months
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TY for indulging me my darling mutuals for letting me doodle some lil fusions/kids of our characters!! Helped my brain brr today ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ JAZZ HANDS I NOW PRESENT THE KIDDOS
Unsuur x "Builder" Just a quiet lil baby girl, her name is Opal and she talks to Wilson all the time and Captain (Who I imagine retired at some point) who became her lil support Captain cause she a shy gorl. I think she holds the sleeves of Unsuur and "Builder" anytime they walk around. Captain, Unsuur, and Opal all share a birthday. Arvio x "Builder" Oh my sweet bb Marigold who probably has a million siblings. She loves her Papa and Mama, but the fact she has her Mama's eyes scares her a lil. THEY GLOW IN THE DARK?? It's scary like the monsters under her bed! But Mama hums her songs all the time so its okay. She is real close with Aunty Amirah. Ernest x "Builder" A GRUMPY GOOSE!!! Ernest is so over the top and in love with Quillian's Mom and it drives him NUTS?? STOP Kissing mom in the kitchen every MORNING EUGH GROSS. Also stop stealing her attention blarg. Anyway he does love his Dad but GOSH annoying. He wants more siblings please, he cannot stand to be the soul witness to his Dad's affection towards Mom.
@/guatemama-satanael pls enjoy our darling lil jellyfish child in this hypothetical world! The day they visit the ocean this girl is gonna wanna be one with the sea I have this DEEP feeling in my soul. @/huni-bii IM in love with our SON he's a lil nerd who is a germaphobe, but gosh does he still love rabbits and they are his comfort animal. @/sanddusted-wisteria Demon testtube bbies, they are goblins and I adore them!! They will terrorize the TOWN LET IT BE KNOWN MWAHAHHA! LET THE WORLD KNOW I am open for more moots or new pals to give me permission to use their OCs as I will probably try to do a fictional kiddo for every bachelor/bachelorette in MTAS!
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
She’s the fiancé of prince Sidon, (arranged marriage) and since Sidon is almost always shipped with link, people went feral the second they saw her. She’s genuinely very kind and cares about her people and wants Sidon to be happy! She is NOT jealous, she wants him to hang out with his Best Friend. I have seen firsthand in real-time, people being SO misogynistic and cruel, and saying she’s ugly. She’s good in a crisis, very friendly, has a great design, and she doesn’t deserve the hate in the slightest!
so the breath of the wild fandom is pretty well known for REALLY liking prince sidon aka that one really tall fish guy. and they're also really well known for shipping him with link because every fandom needs a gay ship right. so then the sequel (totk) comes around and it's revealed that sidon has a fiance now and it's not link it's some zora girl from another domain. the game hasn't even been out for a month but i've seen people act so vile towards her like yona get behind me!!!!
She spent 100 years in a metaphysical wrestling match with an ancient and primal evil after seeing it destroy almost everyone and everything she held dear in the hopes of saving the few that remained and Link's main goal after HIYAHing his way out of a amnesia-inducing coma was to come in and tag team said evil in order to save her and like 90% of the memories he can regain focus on their relationship with each other and its gradual improvement up to the point where Link fucking dies protecting her and it's the push she needs to awaken the power to push back the blight and PEOPLE ARE STILL OUT THERE IN THEIR POST-CANON FANWORKS TRYING TO TELL ME THAT LINK FUCKS OFF AND LEAVES HER ALONE TO GO SMOOCH THE HOT FISH PRINCE BECAUSE ZELDA WAS BEING TOO OVERBEARING OR WHATEVER AND HE COULDN'T DEAL WITH THE EXPECTATION??? LIKE ZELDA'S WHOLE FUCKING ARC WASNT ALSO ABOUT HER STRUGGLING WITH EXPECTATION AND FAILING TO LIVE UP TO IT AND YOU WANT ME TO BELIEVE THIS WUALITY THEY BOTH OSTENSIBLY HAVE IN COMMON WOULD DRIVE A WEDGE BETWEEN THEM?? WHERE'S ZELDA YOU COWARDS?? I DON'T EVEN CARE IF YOU DON'T WANT HER AND LINK TO BE TOGETHER, JUST STOP DIMINISHING THE GRAVITY OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND MAKING ZELDA SUCK FOR NO REASON. SHE'S A BIG NERD! SHE GETS TOO IN HER OWN HEAD! SHE'D DO ANYTHING TO HELP THE PEOPLE SHE CARES ABOUT! SHE UNASHAMEDLY AND EXCITEDLY TRIED TO FEED HER PERSONAL KNIGHT A LIVE FROG IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE! HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HER 
Im specifically saying botw Zelda here because oh my gOSH this poor girl can get made out to be like a horrible bitch when people. want link to get that shark dick. on average she doesnt get thattttt badly treated compared to some others but goddamn.
title character but people hate her because they want link to get w sidon. so she gets fridged or entirely forgotten even though shes literally his canonical soulmate and they have been reincarnated together hundreds of times (w ganon but whether u make em poly or make him the long suffering third wheel is up to you). people will be like oh but zelda was mean to him that one time (??). be serious w me rn. she just got removed from fandom entirely and if that isnt the epitome of victim of yaoi idk what is.
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junoswrlld · 7 months
✧˖°📖nerd antics ୨୧˚
choi soobin x gn!reader 1.9k words warning swearing & lowercase intended & kms jokes genre fluff, established relationship, crack(this was very unserious) featuring sim jake-enhypen and eunchae- le serrafim junos’s note this is supossed to be a birthday present for nai @run2seob happy birthday pookster *runs away*
mini synopsis -- u do nerd anime stuff with Soobin (he shows u anime figure collection & jake jumpscare)
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Friday 3am
your phone screen illuminated your face in the otherwise dimly lit room as tonight was just like any night for you, the usual scrolling through tiktok at 3am, more specifically scrolling through the soobin hashtag.
it was definitely endearing seeing all the heartwarming things moas would post about soobin. The genuine affection they harbored for your boyfriend, was palpable. Their posts ranged from heartwarming anecdotes to hilariously relatable observations, all testament to the magnetic charm of Soobin.
but one video caught your eye, an episode of Eunchae's Star Diary, a close friend of yours interviewing Soobin and Kai. It was a compilation a fan made of all their favorite clips from the show. about halfway through the clip show Eunchae asks Soobin about his fixation with anime.
Eunchae leaned in and asked, "oh, Soobin you like anime?"
soobin laughed, feigning surprise. "ah yes, how'd you know?" he said.
eunchae couldn't help but chuckle in response, "Aren't you famous for it....?"
seeing this clip made you go down a rabbit hole of trying to find times when Soobin talked about the interest of his of anime. and in one video he seems to mention having a shelf of sorts the he uses to display anime figures. This intrigues you because it's not like you didn't know of this fascination, having been dating him for a little over two months of course he's told you all about it, but a shelf dedicated to figures? you've heard no talk of the sort.
and you've also had to chance to see such thing since you haven't yet been to soobins dorm, thus you've also never got the chance to see this shelf, so you decided to text him about it
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you: u collect anime figures??? soobie:WHO TOLD U?!?!?!? you: u did? you:i watched a clip of u mentioning it soobie: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO you: its not that embarrassing soobinnnn soobie: SO U ADMIT ITS AT LEAST A LITTLE WEIRD?!?!? you: WHAT NO you:id collect them too if i had the money soobie: really?? soobie:oh my gosh im in love you: omg wtf kms ur killing me you: anyways can i come over tomorrow(x together)? you:or i guess later today since its 3am soobin: like after practice? ofc u can you: im #scared after what ive seen of the dorms from tiktok you:a bike right by the stove? really? soobie:OMG LOL ill definitely clean it up for u you: u better
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5 hours later (8am)
soobie:y/n. you: what???? soobie: i just heard my 8am alarm go off you: not my fault u couldnt stop talking to me soobie: real u just have too much rizz you:real!!! soobie: but i gotta get ready to go to practice now you: wanna reschedule when i come over then? you:yknow so u (and me) can get some sleep? soobie:ur just reading my mind you: we should have planed it for tmr any since its saturady soobie: omg were so not smart you:im very smart idk about u tho you: since u spend all ur money on anime figures n stuff soobie: honestly fair
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Saturday 2pm
you've arrived at the dorm building, its a modern structure with a sleek and contemporary design. It stands tall, several stories high, with large windows that allow plenty of natural light to filter through. The exterior is adorned with a combination of glass and steel, giving it a polished and sophisticated look.
The entrance is well-lit, and as you step inside, you're greeted by a spacious and stylish lobby. The walls are decorated with subtle, tasteful artwork, featuring images of past achievements or group photos of the residents. The floor is immaculately tiled, and there's a reception desk where visitors can check-in.
after the rigorous check-in process of the front desk ladies just making sure you're not some crazy fan trying to break into the dorms, they point you in the direction of the elevators you would be taking to Soobin's room.
As you step into the elevator, your anticipation for seeing Soobin intensifies. The doors start to close, and just before they shut completely, a hand slips through, causing the doors to retract. You look up, and to your surprise, you find yourself face to face with a group of idols entering the elevator.
you think that maybe it's one of the front desk ladies that might have forgotten something? or maybe it's Soobin getting to his dorm at the same time you did. so without giving it a second thought you spam the "open door" button, hoping to help whoever is on the other side of the door.
just when you think that it's surely soobin based on the height the person entering the elevator has, he turn to meet eyes with you.
JAKE?!!!?!??!?! FROM ENHYPEN???????
of course, you have idol friends since you're dating the Choi Soobin, but he hasn't introduced you to Enhypen yet! you don't even think he's told them about your relationship, so what if Jake thinks you're some crazy fan like the front desk ladies did??
jake side-eyes you as he exits the elevator, reaching his floor, clearly thinking you're not supposed to be there. silently relieved that the awkward encounter has come to an end, at least for the moment since you can't stop replaying the moment in your head and cringing.
exiting the elevator onto the floor where Soobin's apartment is located, the hallway greets you with a quiet atmosphere. as you walk, the recent awkward encounter with Jake replays in your mind, leaving behind a sense of unease and self-consciousness. however, amidst these feelings, there's a spark of excitement, especially considering this is your first time visiting Soobin's dorm. the anticipation adds an extra layer to the mix as you make your way down the hallway.
as you reach Soobin's apartment door, marked '127' as he had told you. taking a deep breath, you knock, eager to see him but after 10 seconds of awkwardly waiting outside his door you hear a loud thud coming from the other side. you knock again, thinking his clumsy ass might've fallen over and hurt himself.
just as you were about to knock again the door wings open, and soobins stumbles to lean against the door frame.
"hey, uh, you come here often? i said that with Rizz by the way." Soobin says with a sheepish grin, trying to mask the fact that he stumbled with his charisma. His disheveled appearance and the loud thud suddenly make sense.
as you observe Soobins slightly disarrayed state, a realization dawns on you. the charm in his smile doesn't quite hide the signs of a hurried cleanup. the misplaced items and the askew chair suggest that he must have been rushing to tidy up the place right before your arrival. and the thud? Probably something clattering to the floor in the midst of his cleanup efforts.
"hold on, why do you look so shaken up??? i swear the dorm isnt that bad, i cleaned it up and none of the boys are here. you good?"
soobin gestures at you to come in and you do. "it couldn't have been that bad y/nnn. what did he say anyway?"
"he didn't say anything BUT he did give me the nastiest side-eye on the planet. and i swear if i was near a cliff i would've jumped cause that interaction made me wanna kill myself."
"i hope you're joking about the last part cause i dunno what id do without you pookie." he says while winking and putting up double peace signs.
you couldn't help but cringe, your eyebrows involuntarily scrunching together.
"some light aegyo didn't make you feel better?" soobins shoulders slumped, and he cast his gaze downward in defeat. "how about i put on a studio ghibli film so you don't die of embarrassment?" he says while guiding you to sit on the living room couch.
"spirited away."
"put on spirited away."
"of course"
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after a Mini Studio Ghibli movie marathon, you remember the main reason you wanted to come over in the first place.
Soobin's cheeks flush slightly as you enthusiastically exclaim, "OH RIGHT!!! where's your little figure collection hiding? that's like the main reason I'm here."
"i thought you might've already forgotten, and why do you wanna see it so bad anyway?"
"soobin, i literally think it's cool. plus i wanna see the things you're passionate about or whatever." you say with a teasing smile, trying to ease the tension of his embarrassment.
soobin sighs, giving in to your insistence. "i guess if you wanna see it so bad." He murmurs softly, fingers intertwined with yours, guiding you towards his room with a gentle tug.
as you enter soobins room you can clearly tell that the living room was the only one he bothered tidying up, as all of his room was left in chaos.
"welcome to my humble abode" Soobin says, gesturing playfully around the room.
"I'm surprised the figures aren't scattered across the floor with how messy this place is."
"to be fair i didn't exactly have time to clean considering you never told me when you'd be here till you were 10 minutes away"
"i guess you're right but wheres this shelf full of figures ive heard so much about?"
soobin pulls you out of the doorway and closes the door behind you, revealing the infamous collection that was hiding behind the opened door.
"WOAH. this is way more than i thought it would be."
"so it is weird???"
"WHAT?!? NO, if anything its really impressive cause how do you have all the money for this??"
"i'm an idol."
"oh right. well anyway, who's this girl?" you say as you go to pick up a chibi-looking figure. when you're only inches away from picking it up soobin slaps your hand away.
"what was that for!?!?!?!" You ask, fingers instinctively reaching for the tender spot where the impact landed.
"don't touch them?? they're only for display. and that's a Nendoroid of Lillie from the pokemon anime, kai bought her for me. also how did you not recognize her? do you not watch pokemon??"
"okay, nerd. also i hate to break it to you soobin but the last time i watched an episode of pokemon i was 12"
"im heartbroken," he says dramatically stumbling away from you, grasping onto his chest (CUZ THATS WHERE HIS HEART IS). "you've broken my heart, this is to much to bear."
"don't worry soob, I'll buy you a new figure to mend your "broken" heart"
"REALLY????? are you serious cause there's this one figure i really want to preorder," he says grabbing his phone out of his pocket at the speed of light to show you what he's talking about
"soobin do you really think i have the money for that? also, what the fuck is a Nendoroid???? what kind of alien name is that?"
"Nendoroid is the chibi figures, they're my personal have to collect."
"this wasn't as mind-blowing as i thought it would be."
"what did you expect?"
"i dunno maybe some secret underground vault of ultra-rare figures guarded by miniature anime warriors or something"
"Well, sorry to disappoint. But hey, can we go back to watching Studio Ghibli movies now?"
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note pt2... please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop
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satorsra · 9 months
Bro is a Cutie Patootie
wc: 665
notes: this was inspired by the jjk x sanrio collab, literally the cutest i cant. Gojo and Cinnamoroll makes sm sense to me sobsob im gonna explode.
Satoru is cute. We all know it. He knows it. You often call him your “cutie patootie” or “pretty princess” for fun, looking forward to the grimace his face contorts into as he pretends he isn’t eating it up.
Right now, you two are out shopping, hands interlocked and swinging forwards and back when you come across a store with a wide array of Sanrio goods. “Gahh! Oh my gosh! Look ‘Toru!!” You let go of his hand to point and do little excited tiptoe hops.
He finds your excitement for the little characters so endearing. Satoru smiles at your innocently excited form and grabs your hand again before walking into the store. He thinks you’re cuter than any of those toys.
Like a wind up toy, you’re darting all over the place, picking up almost everything and gushing at how cute it is. Satoru just follows with a smile and listens to you nerd out about Sanrio lore while he eats his crepe.
“And that’s why I like this one the best.” You say, holding up a plushie of your favourite character and hugging it. “Just so adorable ugh.”
“Which one do you like most?” You ask, turning to him smiling the cutest smile he’s ever seen.
“Uhh,” He takes the last bite of his crepe and places a finger on his chin as he ponders the question and taps the finger on his chin. You know dang well he’s not thinking that hard about the question. “They’re all pretty cute,” He finally swallows the bite of that crepe. “I guess that bunny would have to be my favourite.”
Bunny… hmm. You reach over for a plushie and show it to him. “You mean My Melody?” His face tilts to the side a little in confusion.
“Nah not that one.” He looks around for a second before reaching over for a different plushie. “This one.”
He’s puzzled at the sight of your face shifting into a smile before you start laughing. “What? It’s cute?” The character in question was none other than Cinnamoroll.
“Cinnamoroll is a puppy! I thought I told you this Satoru come on, were you not listening to me earlier?” Laughter subsiding, you take the plush from his hands and smile at it.
“Oh come on! That literally looks like a bunny!” He exclaims as he grabs its floppy ears. “Even the tail!” Pink ever so slightly dusting over his cheeks at being wrong. He wasn’t gonna admit that he was listening to you earlier, he just got distracted by your cuteness and ended up tuning you out a bit.
“Well, he’s not a bunny.”
“He?? That’s a girl, you’re just messing with me now. ‘Ts too cute to be a boy.”
You chuckle at his disbelief. “I could say the same thing about you.” You counter with a wink.
He dramatically scoffs as he takes the plush and puts it back on the shelf. “I’m going to assume you meant that as a compliment.”
You snicker as you take the toy back from the shelf. “‘Course it was! My pretty princess~” you giggle as you look for the little scrunch of his nose.
And he does just that, scrunches his nose and face contorts into a silly grimace. “You’re so corny.” You shrug off the insult and stick your tongue out, both of you know who’s cheesier at home, so you let it slide.
“You know, you liking Cinnamoroll the best is actually quite fitting.” He raises an eyebrow as you start.
“Blue eyes, white hair, pink cheeks. You two are identical.” He laughs as he takes the plush and holds it next to his face.
“Well unlike him, I am also quite handsome aside from being cute. And hot.” He says smugly as he wiggles his eyebrows at you. You roll your eyes with a smile.
“He also loves eating, just like you.” You add.
“Does he like sweets?”
“He loves sweets.”
Satoru gasps. “He’s coming home with me.”
✎ i too was in denial when i first found out cinnamoroll was a dog.
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favcharacterpoll · 9 months
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Quill Kipps from the Lockwood and Co. books faces Sans Undertale from Undertale. Who do you like more?
Quill Propaganda:
"He's such a loser. Has beef with 3 16 year olds. He's like 4'10. Had one of the best character arcs ever. He almost died. His sword is bejeweled."
"guys vote for my son quilliam and his stupid little bedazzled sword"
Sans Propaganda:
“Fucking skelektion (i have the flu”
“funny skeleton :))”
“C’mon look at him just look c’mon look look at him and his genocide-related-depression c’mon he’s so sexy and”
“"Gosh dont even get me started, first of he's my husband my beloved my one and only my bonefriend my soulmate the love of my life the absolute perfect man to exist he's someone every guy strives to be he's just that perfect oh my gosh also did i mention he's my husband? Exactly, see my point? Secondly like how can you not like him! He's funny he's a nerd and is depressed! Just like tumblr userbase! Everyone can relate to him! And yk if you dont like him there's like bajillion alternative versions of him so go ahead pick and choose your favs there's surely at least one you'd like! (Which one i like best? HA! THATS CLASSIFIED (.... it's edgy version of him, of course it's the edgy version))Thirdly! He's so stylish like have you seen taht hoodie? Have you seen those gym shorts? The pink slippers? What a timeless look srsly! And one that everyone can recreate! Everyone can be as stylish as Sans! What an icon!Fourth-ly(?)! What a great brother he is! Supporting his brother jn everything whilst still annoying the shit out of him! Thats a true love for your sibling if i ever saw one! (That sentence doesnt make sense im sorry im tired) Fifth! He's hot. Okay thats it thanksies for your time <3<3<3"”
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subhumanselflover · 21 days
HELLO! Is it too early for me to come back and request more romeo? I just think he's the cutest thing ever hfhfh I'd like some cute hcs like giving him a sheep plush or something If this is spammy of me you can disregard this rq dw ^^ - Bedman Anon
note: bedman anon no it is not too early!!! you can request whenever you want. anyway im taking this as an excuse to curate some of my personal bedman hcs for you because i’m kind of crazy abt him. i’m currently getting off of a two week period of listening to the circle obsessively and telling anyone who would listen abt romeo lore. also, please assume these hcs are in an au where bedman is awake because.. that part of canon is very difficult to write with like 90% of the time. anyway!
A Handful of Bedman (Romeo F. Neumann) Headcanons for one Bedman Anon!
First of all I love the sheep plushie idea. That is canon to me now.
Actually.. perhaps in addition to that, I think he might collect plushies. When the bed isn't in fighting mode, it is lined with his stuffed friends :]
Also, he seems like the type to name all of his plushies. Except because it's Bedman, they all have complicated and refined names.
Kind of canon, but his buckwheat pillow is his #1 comfort item.
A sweet older brother hc for you, I think Delilah struggles with sleep deprivation, which leads to Bedman throwing together warm milk with cinnamon and honey for her. He's been doing it since they were younger, and she still asks for it now. They both swear by it working.
Bedman has.. interesting music taste. While you'd expect him to mostly listen to something classical, that's a rare piece of his taste. I don't know why, but some part of me feels like he would love something like Love Live. I am chuckling at the mental image of Romeo listening to silly anime girl music.
On the topic of music, I think he knows how to play piano. It's a random thing he learned as a child that stuck with him.
Adding to both of those above. Rhythm game fiend. He's crazy good at stuff like Bandori, Taiko no Tatsujin, Osu!, etc etc.
Oh my gosh I almost forgot. I think, though part of me feels this is canon, that he is a huge cinema nerd. Google show me this guy's letterboxd account.
Additional thought, I think maybe he likes Studio Ghibli and Wes Anderson movies. They're sort of comforting to him.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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mattscoquette · 22 days
all this talk about frat boy chris and nerd reader is making me wet:(
oh my gosh me too i’m so excited for this fic im making
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owlhari · 25 days
ayo uhh i know this is a dumb question but i saw ur silly lil npmd swap au and i fucking love it but now its got me wonderin if pete and steph swap do ted and solomon do the same and if so how?
not a dumb question at all!! there is no such thing as a dumb question :]
i haven't thought about ted and solomon too much but they are swapped! here's some things i'm making up on the spot bc now im Thinking.
solomon works at ccrp like canon!ted, though his role is less "sleazeball they keep around for some reason" and more "very smart IT guy always trying to nose around in business at the upper levels"
thanks to influence from her dad, steph is more of a tech-focused nerd, into tinkering and coding and [shudders] maybe even crypto. taking inspiration from her being phone-obsessed in canon here. she connects with her dad over tech but with anything else, he's as cold towards her as canon!solomon.
meanwhile ted is the mayor. horrifying, i know. while canon!solomon strikes me more as a man who was elected through a combination of his own charm, wit, and maybe a sacrifice or two, swapped ted likely relies heavily on eldritch sacrifices and promising shady deals to shady people in exchange for votes. he is still absolutely a sleazeball.
so because ted is so proficient in it, pete knows how to manipulate people and pull any undesirable strings in order to get what he wants. while steph pretty vehemently hates solomon in canon, i think even in this au pete loves ted.
the drama of solomon taking steph's phone away is replaced with ted doing the same, but pete is more angry at the "betrayal" of his cool older brother finally fed up with his grades, instead of steph's general "i hate my dad!"
oh gosh that was long. i love fleshing out this au more though, since i will probably never have the discipline to write a fic about it. so feel free to send any more questions!!
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So.... Y'all know that post that @lemonwisp made?
Well, I did it :3
For reference:
Red= Octavious
Blue= Jedediah
Purple= both
Also warning: this has the f slur in it
I’m Octavius, I’m Jedediah
He’s Jed, He’s Oct
Our life at
The museum
Totally rocks
Started as rivals
but now we are friends
Totally platonic
Which makes this next bit quite ironic
Jed’s like my husband
And Oct is like mine
Alive to the end of the night
Had nothing much in common
Loves horses
Loves swords
But we were attached at the hip
Jed’s so intriguing, so wild and brash
Oct is a nerd and a drip
But we would be together every our of the night
We would be recognized on sight
It's Jed and Octavious
Two peas in pod
Well if one pea had armor
And one pea did not
They're together
Are not!
No i don't think he's hot
Though I think he's quite gorgeous
But our people would not support us
Just watching him fight
My gosh its a site
Alive till the end of the night
Octavious looks so damn fine, I just admit
Just look at the way he walks
It cant be that bad to give him one little kiss
I really wanna see his.... Clock!
Why would being together make us social refugees?
'Cause there's no you can fall in love with me
Oh right
So we were
Octavious and Jedediah
A vulgar display
Like some weird romcom
Except we're totally straight
He's so fine
He's so nice
But no way we would date
I mean we could just have a a fling
But im scared that we would be seen
We were contrary forces, who somehow combined
Alive till the end of the night
Then something crazy happened, when I came to his aid
I was tending to Jedediahs wound
I decided this was the best time
I was no longer afraid
I told him how I feel but he refused
I didn't want to hurt him i wasn't trying to be mean
But what we have is very unclean
Um, Jedediah?
Sorry, thanks for the bandages
We walked around the museum and no need to pretend
What he said had made me sad
And everyone was asking "Octavious who's your friend?
The one thats a-"
"... F*g?"
All this malice aimed at Jedediah was quite startling and new
So I did what any best friend would do
I said
"I'm Octy, he's Jed...
We used to be close
But now he's malicious and stupid
It came from his folks
Used to have a crush on him but now we are foes
In this world is there a site
More tragic than this parasite?
So that is our story
And ain't it divine?
Alive till the end of the
Cold bitter end
I cant wait for the end of the night
Yeah sorry, I don't know what you were expecting
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fatmaclover · 2 months
12, the whole gang. would love to hear every head canon you have tbh!!
oh gosh thats gonna be a lot. im gonna be excluding anything that would make this blog more personal or less tame than i want it to be but you really arent missing much there
well. first and foremost UNFORTUNATELY its a hc that im a joyce kelly truther. shes so unbelievably transfem to me at this point its hard to see her as much else. genuinely forget its not canon sometimes. oops
i also must say all of @pariskim's joyceverse tag is canon in my mind and i really recommend you go through it even if you dont see joyce the same way i do, genuinely some of my favorite fan content to consume period. yes i am also sending you over there to become a joyce truther. go.
honestly if mac and dennis could be responsible pet owners (theyll never be.) i think theyd LOVE having a snake. i know theyd go for a ball python because theyre more stereotypically "snake" than some other pet trade species, but frankly i think theyd do best with a hognose. theyre pretty social (with humans. dont keep hognoses together in a tank) idiots with huge attitude and they look god damn adorable. hognoses would also be great for them because they tend to be more food motivated! its also good for snakes to just take them out and like. set them on your bed n just chill or talk with em for an hour or so. thatd be great for mac.
i personally think that mac will only hook up with you as a fellow man if you a) can pass as older than him or b) look like dennis. yeag i think he, consciously or not, goes for people that have similar traits to dennis, physically or personality wise. if dennis let himself accept that he cares a bit too much about who mac is dating, that little fact would single-handedly make macdennis canon. dennis would tell mac to just date him if he wanted to date him so badly
not entirely a headcanon but i imagine almost all of the gang besides maybe frank has methods for getting dennis to regulate his diet a bit more instead of eating like 1 meal a day. i think mac can get dennis to eat or drink just about anything by just giving it to him in conversation. he'll just let dennis talk his ear off and continually hand him chips or fruit or even drinks or nearly any drug at all. having a small bite or drink or hit during conversation is such a reinforced habit that its natural to the both of them now.
i think dee does it by purposefully playing into her status of being "below" dennis. she'll complain about being too weak to open a peanut shell or something and he'll snatch it and do it to prove hes better and out of habit maybe has a little bite. though i imagine if theyre inebriated in any way its as easy as genuinely just feeding it to him. dennis will never admit it, because he hates his sister, but he trusts her.
joyce i think can get dennis to eat just by getting alone with him. she provides a bubble of decompression and a lack of worry for him. its also insanely easy for her to just offer dennis a huff of whatever inhalant shes been having fun with that day and i imagine that makes things easier as well
i think you could pretty easily get mac into nerd shit. just have some pretty boy be a little nerdy. get him to watch star trek itd be life changing for him even if i think a good amount of it would fly over his head at times. ttrpgs and roleplaying in general i think would be big for him
also bringing back my hc of him joining the philadelphia gay mens chorus ohhhhhh my god i need him to sing more i need him to embrace his love of singing
unngh thats not all of em but i my brains starting to lag a bit here. ill happily rb this post with more and make it a sorta masterpost for hcs eventually
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