#Italian Recipes
jacky93sims · 2 months
Casatiello/Tortano Napoletano Food for The Sims 2
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This is a typical neapolitan recipe for Easter period, available at lunch and dinner time, 6 cooking points required. Eat and Serving state meshes are taken from Crocobaura Bundt Cake. Serving plate is a 4to2 conversion from Icktoria Sims. Low poly. Invisible plate required.
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donewithnothing · 5 months
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Cod Piccata (Delicious, Easy Cod Fillet Recipe) - Lavender & Macarons
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thoughtportal · 1 year
cheesy eggplant balls
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greypetrel · 7 months
Pan dei Morti
Aka Deads' Bread. (Image source) (recipe I translated - My family moved to Milan but we're originally from Parma, I don't have a family recipe)
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They're little soft biscuits that are typical of Milan and the area of Lombardy north of the city (Brianza). You ONLY find them in bakeries there and around All Saints' Day (Ognissanti), when the tradition in Catholic Italy wants that you should go and visit your dead ones in the cemetery, change the flowers, pay your respects. (It's mostly a thing that grannies do, nowadays, but it's a bank holiday and what's not to enjoy about a day home with a seasonal treat) The name comes not because the cakes are meant to be offered to the deads, but because All Saints' Day is from this tradition also called "Giorno dei Morti", Day of the Deads (not to be confounded with Dia de los Muertos in Mexico, they're different celebrations and shouldn't be mixed up!), and it's litterally "the bread you eat around that day".
They're delicious and tasty, and @brother-genitivi expressed interest for the recipe... (and listen, exchanging recipes with people all over the world is something really great about the internet)
Recipe under the cut! Note: I am European and don't do imperial measurements. Forgive me if I keep the metric, I don't trust my conversions since when I found out that British and American cups are different.
All purpose flour, 250g
Almond cookies (Amaretti), 100g
Caster sugar, 300g
Almonds, 120g (or the same quantity of almond flour)
Raisins, 120g
Dessert wine (sweet wine), 100ml. You can substitute it with apple juice or grape juice, same quantity.
Unflavoured, plain biscuits, 100g
Ladyfingers, 300g
Cocoa powder, 50g
Dried figs, 120g
6 egg whites
Cinnamon, 1 teaspoon
Nutmeg, a pinch (optional)
Baking powder, 10g
I have unfortunately no idea on how to substitute the egg whites in baking if you want to make it vegan, and I've never tried anything to have an educated guess over tutorials online, if anyone have an intel I'll edit the recipe with pleasure! (And I'd be glad to know myself) All the spices can be skipped if you don't like them, and if you like me don't like figs, use your favourite dried fruit, it goes without saying.
Wash and soak your raisins, either in water or in the wine/juice of the recipe.
Grind together the biscuits, ladyfingers and almond cookies until you obtain a fine grind. Move it in a bowl.
Grind the almonds to a fine flour, then add it to the biscuits in the bowl. Do the same with the dried figs.
Add to the bowl the flour, cocoa, cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg (optional).
Drain the raisins if you soaked them in water, and add them to the bowl. If you soaked them in the wine/juice, add that too.
Add the egg whites, and start mixing everything together by hand or with a wooden spoon until you obtain a compact batter. Move it to a flat surface, floured, and keep working it with your hand until the batter is firm and solid. Form a sausage of it and cut it in thick slices.
The slices should then be modelled and flattened so they're fairly thick (1cm of depth, the recipe says, but you do you) and shaped like longue tongues. They're not really small!
Put them on a baking tray, minding not to place them too close together: they'll rise a little in the baking.
Cook them in a pre-heated oven at 180°C/350°F for around 25 minutes (use a toothpick to check if they're cooked inside). When they're ready, powder them with powdered sugar and let them cool.
The recipe wants you to leave them alone for at least two days, so they'll get soft, but listen. No judgement here, eat them whenever you'd like, life is bitter as it is without restraining yourself not to eat cake for two days.
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difensoredelfocolare · 8 months
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Un grande ritorno: la zucca!
100 g di farina “0”
100 g di semola di grano duro
2 uova
olio extravergine d’oliva
300 g di zucca delica cotta (mezza zucca cruda)
150 g di Parmigiano Reggiano
noce moscata
sale se necessario
Elimina i semi dalla zucca, tagliala in pezzi e cuocila in forno a 200°C per 40/50 minuti. Dovrà risultare molto morbida;
Nel frattempo prepara la pasta all’uovo nel solito modo, avvolgila nella pellicola e falla riposare per almeno 30 minuti;
Quando la zucca sarà cotta lasciala raffreddare e poi raccogli tutta la polpa in una ciotola, schiacciala con una forchetta e poi aggiungi il Parmigiano grattugiato, la noce moscata e, se serve, il sale;
Raccogli il ripieno in una sacca da pasticciere;
Stendi la pasta fino a raggiungere uno spessore non troppo sottile, taglia dei dischi di 5 cm di diametro, oppure dei quadrati con i lati di 7 cm e aggiungi al centro il ripieno;
Piega a metà i dischi e poi unisci le estremità avvolgendole sul dito;
Disponi i tortelli su un secca-pasta o su un vassoio foderato con carta da forno;
Cuocili in acqua salata e condiscili con burro e salvia oppure con dell’ottimo ragù di carne.
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vegan-nom-noms · 4 months
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20-Minute Garlicky Lemon Pasta
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chefcarolb · 9 months
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A homemade Giardiniera recipe, also known as Italian Pickled Vegetables, is a classic condiment you can easily make yourself and the flavor is so much better than store-bought. It's a great way to preserve vegetables for later use and is perfect on sandwiches and burgers, on an antipasto platter, as a ready-made side dish or as a healthful snack!
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stephpanda · 16 days
Guilty pleasure: Cucina piemontese
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foodshowxyz · 7 hours
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Orecchiette with Sausage and Broccoli Rabe
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themessykitchen · 1 year
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baked ziti
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sayitaliano · 2 years
Today I made some "pesche ripiene" (peaches filled with amaretto biscuits and dark chocolate 70%) for my family. I'd have loved to take a pic but my brother kinda ate them all so yeah, I can only show you a pic from the internet:
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The one I follow it's probably not the real and actual Piemontese recipe (yes, it's a typical Piemonte's dish fom what I know), but my mother, who is not a huge fan of amaretto biscuits, appreciate it too, so I stick with this version (honestly one of the many that you can find online. Sadly I cannot recall the one that my grandma used to follow, but it was pretty close to this one).
If you want to try it, here's what I do: Take around 80-100g of amaretto biscuits and grind them. Then take 3-4 peaches (better if they're not too ripe), cut them in half, remove the kernel and add the pulp to the amaretto biscuits. Grind and blend it all together. Put a chocolate bar (100-120g, cut it into smaller pieces) in a bowl and put it on a small pot filled with boiling water, so to make the chocolate melt and have basically a fluid chocolate. Remove the bowl from the boiling water and wait a little for it to turn lukewarm. Add the mix of amaretto biscuits and peaches to it, and blend it all together with a spoon. Put the half peaches on a baking tray with parchment paper, fill each of them with one/two spoons of the blend. You can cover each peach with some hand-crumbled amaretto biscuits if you like to (I don't do this on each of them cause my mother may not like it). Put it in the oven, 200°C for 10 minutes (you just need to make the peaches a little more soft... according on how ripe they are, you may leave them inside the oven a little more). And that's all.
Buon appetito!
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noisy-v · 20 days
I want to bake more good things in the kitchen! Tell me, what's a good tasty thing to bake for the summer? I love eating different kinds of baked goods.
Tbh when I think of summer rather than baked stuff more nice, cool desserts come to my mind..but!! I have this recipe of Italian baked cookies that popped in my mind.
Granted they are usually made during winter time but they are really good and not too hard to prepare!
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Linguine alle Vongole is a classic Italian seafood pasta made with fresh clams, garlic, white wine and lemon.
Full recipe--> https://www.insidetherustickitchen.com/linguine-alle-vongole/
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sikfankitchen · 1 year
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Happy #EarthDay!! 🌎 Reduce food waste in your kitchen by saving your Parmesan rinds to flavor sauces & stocks! 🍝
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recipesitaly · 12 days
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