#James knows
lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 6 - Strawberry
@jegulus-microfic May 6, Word count 835
Previous part First part
“So you can ask this room for anything, and it’ll give it to you?” Regulus questioned, staring around the room James had asked for. It was light and airy like the Gryffindor common room. There was a fireplace, an array of crystal phials on a bench and a selection of books on a small bookcase. 
“I think so. The only thing it can’t conjure is food, but other than that, yeah pretty much.” Regulus looked as if he was in awe. 
He walked to the bookcase and ran a finger across the spines of the books as he read the titles. He pulled one off the shelf and opened it. James wasn’t sure which book it was, but he’d asked the room for some on animagus transformations. 
“I need to keep a mandrake leaf in my mouth for a whole month?!” Regulus exclaimed as he read on. James stared at the little wrinkle in the middle of Regulus’s brow formed by the frown pulling down the corners of his mouth. He wanted to go and stroke it with his thumb to wipe it away. He blinked wide. Why had he felt the urge to do that? “How on earth did my brother manage that? His mouth is never closed long enough to keep anything in.” Regulus continued, seeming to have missed James’s little crisis. James cleared his throat.
“Yeah, it was hard, especially when my mum sent him some strawberry bon bon’s, and he was too scared to eat them in case the leaf moved.” James chuckled to himself. Sirius had ended up giving them to Remus to hide as the temptation was too great. Regulus replaced the book on the shelf. 
“How did you find this place?” He asked James. James looked around the room.
“Remus and Sirius found it. They sneak off here sometimes when the noise of the tower gets too much. I don’t know what they do though, they always come back dishevelled.” He hummed gently as he took the mandrake leaf he’d stolen from the greenhouses out of his pocket. 
He turned back to Regulus to hand it to him and stopped. Regulus was standing there with a look of bewilderment on his face. “It’s surprisingly easy to steal from the Herbology greenhouses.” He said, guessing that Regulus was surprised that he’d gotten hold of a mandrake leaf. “Now you have to put this in your mouth while looking up at a full moon. If it falls out, or you swallow it, you have to start again. We found it easier to tuck it under your tongue and pray the house elves are making a lot of soup that month.” Regulus shook his head and reached out for the leaf. James placed it carefully in his hand. His fingers brushed against the soft skin of Regulus’s palm, and he felt a jolt go through him. His eyes snapped up to Regulus’s, but the other boy’s face was blank. 
“Is that it? Just the leaf? Did we really need to meet in my brother's sex room just for this?” Regulus grimaced. 
“Well, there are a lot of other steps that we need to do as well. The leaf is just the first step. We need to get our hands on a Death’s-head Hawk Mo—Did you just say sex room?!” James gasped. Regulus smirked. 
“You can’t seriously be that oblivious. My brother and his wolf were all over each other yesterday. And you said they sneak off here, only the two of them?” James’s mind slowly started connecting the pieces together. 
“But, he’s always been touchy-feely, has Padfoot,” James said, while at the same time thinking, but only with me, never Remus. No, he decided. Sirius would have told him. Sirius would never keep something like that from him. Unless. Unless he was afraid of how James would react. 
“Why wouldn’t they tell me?” He said softly, not to Regulus, just voicing his thoughts. “Why wouldn’t he tell me?” He felt a profound sadness take over him. He looked up at Regulus. “Are you sure?” He asked. Begging Regulus to deny what he’d said. But he didn’t.
“Yeah, pretty sure. That was more than friendship how they were acting yesterday. And as for him not telling you, how am I supposed to know? He never tells me anything.” Regulus’s tone was sharp by the end. They all knew about the issues between the Black brothers. James found himself feeling sorry for the Slytherin. He reached over and squeezed his hand. 
“He wants to tell you stuff, you know. But it’s complicated.” James sighed, he didn’t know how else to put it. Sirius was scared anything he told his brother would get back to his parents or worse. Regulus scoffed.
“Are we done here?” And without waiting for an answer, he ripped his hand from James and stalked out of the room, leaving James in his thoughts, thinking about how to ask his best friends if what Regulus had said was true.   
Next part
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The drake Kendrick beef trending on tumblr is like finding out an isolated village in the middle of Siberia with no internet or television access knows who Michael Jackson is
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sassylittlecanary · 1 year
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Read some actual comics, Kyle.
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Superman is an incredibly kind and tender character. (If he’s not being written that way, then he’s not being written well.) He inspires hope not just through his heroics, but also through his kindness toward other people. That’s his thing. Don’t you DARE call tenderness a “weakness.” Get your toxic masculinity the hell away from me and go read a badly written Batman comic if you want a “tough” male character.
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sluttypatrickstar · 3 months
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i cannot fucking believe i am wheeling this out again
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daftmooncretin · 5 months
my absolute favourite thing about the kirk and spock dynamic is that the whole time you’re watching the show spock is gaslighting you into thinking that kirk is this loose canon and spock is paragon of logic keeping his captain on the straight and narrow when its very clearly the other way round. aside from being turned on by everyone and fighting like an old-timey boxer…. kirk is just like.. quite a logical, stable guy. like yeah he rules with his emotions but he’s rarely reckless or erratic, even in situations of immense pressure he’s always calm and measured. sure kirk is unhinged and insane, but we knew that right off the bat. spock on the other hand tries to hide how insanely balls to the walls crazy he is by standing next to jim and hiding all his derangement with logic. i think the reason bones beefs with spock so much because he is the only one who has noticed that spock is an absolutely unhinged individual. (jim is too busy doodling <3 mr jim spock <3 all over his briefings to notice)
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not-rab · 29 days
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this with jily BUT james ends up falling in love with the therapist (*cough* regulus)
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sealpup9 · 6 months
I'm not certain as to how many people checked the description of the new hbomberguy video but he linked a playlist to queer creators on youtube!
Your New Favorite YouTubers - Queer YouTubers you should check out, meticulously compiled by Kat.
It's worth a look! Please don't forget to support your fellow queer creators on YouTube whilst spreading memes and jokes about James Somerton and discussing the hbomberguy video!!
EDIT: @cursedgamerchild pointed out THIS REDDIT THREAD made by Kat
Which is a thread to share more discoveries of plagiarism and also to share more queer creators who could use some love! There's also a link to a google form if you don't have reddit and want to share said information.
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cruucigerglobus · 2 months
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and what if i said i’m fixating on that shitty homophobic doctor show. then what
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thankstothe · 3 months
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Oh, he'd be so annoying on social media <3
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forecast0ctopus · 5 months
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these guys am i right
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queerautism · 3 months
For anyone that's at all interested, I genuinely do think that watching James Somerton's new video is a good idea. Obviously use adblocker or find a reupload. But it's a really good one to practice spotting manipulative statements and tactics, which is an important skill to develop.
Watch Hbomb's and Todd's video, then his. What is he lying about? What is he misrepresenting? What is he avoiding to mention?
And if you feel yourself being convinced by his words, why is that? Is there a type of manipulation you might be vulnerable to? (We all are vulnerable to something, and knowing this is useful and important)
I know I used to be kinda scared to watch things by "bad people" or things I knew I'd disagree with, because I was afraid it would confuse me and convince me. But you cannot avoid this by only carefully controlling what you're exposed to, because eventually something, some propaganda, will absolutely get to you. You have to work on your skill to analyse things and think critically about them, on your own, and find your own conclusions.
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ficmotel · 3 months
“i want smut” “ i want hurt/comfort” — but what if i said i want the most heartbreaking angst followed by fluffy ass comfort followed by hot ass make up sex all rolled into one fic
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kyurochurro · 5 months
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and now i bring to you my concept art for my imaginary tos episode: the crew go to the beach planet (the beach episode) 🏝️
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annebonnydyke · 6 months
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new fucking video just dropped babes 
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frenchublog · 4 months
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kidovna · 6 days
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save me, bisexual MDs, save me
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