#Kate Schechter
dizzyhslightlyvoided · 2 months
Re: walrus vs. fairy:
"The impossible often has a kind of integrity to it which the merely improbable lacks. How often have you been presented with an apparently rational explanation of something which works in all respects other than one, which is just that it is hopelessly improbable? Your instinct is to say, 'Yes, but he or she simply wouldn't do that.'"
"Well, it happened to me today, in fact," replied Kate.
"Ah yes," said Dirk, slapping the table and making the glasses jump, "your girl in the wheelchair - a perfect example. The idea that she is somehow receiving yesterday's stock market prices apparently out of thin air is merely impossible, and therefore must be the case, because the idea that she is maintaining an immensely complex and laborious hoax of no benefit to herself is hopelessly improbable. The first idea merely supposes that there is something we don't know about, and God knows there are enough of those. The second, however, runs contrary to something fundamental and human which we do know about. We should therefore be very suspicious of it and all its specious rationality."
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time Of The Soul
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dingoskidneys · 8 months
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Dirks and Kates
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literadella · 18 days
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Quando pensamos em assassinos em série, pensamos em homens. Mais precisamente, em homens matando mulheres inocentes, vítimas de um apetite atroz por sangue e uma vontade irrefreável de carnificina. As mulheres podem ser tão letais quanto os homens e deixar um rastro de corpos por onde passam ― então o que acontece quando as pessoas são confrontadas com uma assassina em série? Quando as ideias de “sexo frágil” se quebram e fitamos os desconcertantes olhos de uma mulher com sangue seco sob as unhas?
Prepare-se para realizar mais uma investigação criminal ao lado da DarkSide® Books e sua divisão Crime Scene® . Esqueça tudo aquilo que você achava que sabia sobre assassinos letais ― perto de Mary Ann Cotton e Elizabeth Báthory, para citar apenas algumas, Jack, o Estripador ainda era um aprendiz.
Inspirado na coluna homônima da escritora Tori Telfer no site Jezebel, Lady Killers: Assassinas em Série é um dossiê de histórias sobre assassinas em série e seus crimes ao longo dos últimos séculos, e o material perfeito para você mergulhar fundo em suas mentes. Com um texto informativo e espirituoso, a autora recapitula a vida de catorze mulheres com apetite para destruição, suas atrocidades e o legado de dor deixado por cada uma delas. As histórias são narradas através de um necessário viés feminista. Telfer dispensa explicações preguiçosas e sexistas e disseca a complexidade da violência feminina e suas camadas. A autora também contesta os arquétipos ― vovó gentil, mãe carinhosa, dama sensual, feiticeira traiçoeira, entre outros ― e busca entender por que as mulheres foram reduzidas a definições tão superficiais.
Além disso, questiona a “amnésia coletiva” a respeito dos assassinatos cometidos por mulheres. Por que falamos de Ed Kemper e não de Nannie Doss, a Vovó Sorriso, que dominou as páginas dos jornais norte-americanos em 1950 por seu carisma e piadas mórbidas (ela matou quatro maridos)? Por que continuamos lembrando apenas de H.H. Holmes quando Kate Bender recebia viajantes em sua hospedaria (e assassinava todos que ousavam flertar com ela)? A linha que divide o bem e o mal atravessa o coração de todo ser humano.
Lady Killers: Assassinas em Série faz parte da coleção Crime Scene® : histórias reais, de assassinos reais, indicadas para quem tem o espírito investigador. Entre os títulos da coleção estão Casos de Família e Arquivos Serial Killers, de Ilana Casoy, e o best-seller Serial Killers: Anatomia do Mal, de Harold Schechter. O livro de Tori Telfer , ilustrado pela artista salvadorenha Jennifer Dahbura e complementado com uma rica pesquisa de imagens, se junta a estas grandes fontes de estudo para alimentar a mente dos darksiders mais curiosos.
Através das páginas de Lady Killers: Assassinas em Série os leitores vão perceber que estas damas assassinas eram inteligentes, coniventes, imprudentes, egoístas e estavam dispostas a fazer o que fosse necessário para ingressar no que elas viam como uma vida melhor. Foram implacáveis e inflexíveis. Eram psicopatas e estavam prontas para dizimar suas próprias famílias. Mas elas não eram lobos. Não eram vampiros. Não eram homens. Mais uma vez, a ficha mostra: elas eram horrivelmente, essencialmente, inescapavelmente humanas.
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Chocolate in the Underworld Space of Death: Cacao Seeds from an Early Classic Mortuary Cave (Keith M. Prufer and William Jeffrey Hurst) Chocolate: Cultivation and Culture in pre-Hispanic Mexico Author(s): Margarita de Orellana, Richard Moszka, Timothy Adès, Valentine Tibère, J.M. Hoppan, Philippe Nondedeo, Nezahualcóyotl, Nikita Harwich, Nisao Ogata, Quentin Pope, Fray Toribio de Benavente, Motolinía, Guadalupe M. Santamaría and Daniel Schechter Source: Artes de México, No. 103, CHOCOLATE: CULTIVO Y CULTURA DEL MÉXICO ANTIGUO (SEPTIEMBRE 2011), pp. 65-80 The Power of Chocolate Author(s): Blake Edgar Source: Archaeology, Vol. 63, No. 6 (November/December 2010), pp. 20-25 Published by: Archaeological Institute of America Tasting Empire: Chocolate and the European Internalization of Mesoamerican Aesthetics by MARCY NORTON CHOCOLATE II: Mysticism and Cultural Blends Author(s): Margarita de Orellana, Quentin Pope, Sonia Corcuera Mancera, José Luis Trueba Lara, Jana Schroeder, Laura Esquivel, Jill Derais, Mario Humberto Ruz, Clara Marín, Miguel León-Portilla, Michelle Suderman, Marta Turok, Mario M. Aliphat Fernández, Laura Caso Barrera, Sophie D. Coe, Michael D. Coe and Pedro Pitarch Source: Artes de México, No. 105, CHOCOLATE II: Mística y Mestizaje (marzo 2012), pp. 73- 96 The Introduction of Chocolate into England: Retailers, Researchers, and Consumers, 1640- 1730 Author(s): Kate Loveman Source: Journal of Social History, Vol. 47, No. 1 (Fall 2013), pp. 27-46 Published by: Oxford University Press Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/43306044 Encomienda, African Slavery, and Agriculture in Seventeenth-Century Caracas Author(s): Robert J. Ferry Source: The Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Nov., 1981), pp. 609-635 Published by: Duke University Press Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2514606 Accessed: 12-07-2019 16:34 UTC The Cacao Economy of the Eighteenth-Century Province of Caracas and the Spanish Cacao Market Author(s): Eugenio Pinero Source: The Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 68, No. 1 (Feb., 1988), pp. 75-100 Published by: Duke University Press Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2516221 Accessed: 12-07-2019 17:03 UTC Establishing Cacao Plantation Culture in the Western World - Timothy Walker The Ghirardelli Story Author(s): Sidney Lawrence Source: California History, Vol. 81, No. 2 (2002), pp. 90-115 Published by: University of California Press in association with the California Historical Society Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/25177676 The Evolution of Chocolate Manufacturing Rodney Snyder, Bradley Foliart Olsen, and Laura Pallas Brindle The Emperors of Chocolate - Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars by Joel Glenn Brenner (Random House, 1998) Bitter Chocolate by Carol Off (The New Press, 2006) "Cocoa's child labrorers", Whoriskey, Peter; Siegel, Rachel, The Washington Post, June 10 2019 The Harkin-Engel Protocol (Chocolate Manufacturers' Association, 2001) "Role of Trade Cards in Marketing Chocolate during the Late 19th Century", Virginia Westbrook "Chocolate at the World's Fairs, 1851-1964", Nicholas Westbrook Edible Ideologies by Kathleen LeBesco (SUNY 2008) Cosmopolitan cocoa farmers: refashioning Africa in Divine Chocolate advertisements Author(s): Kristy Leissle Source: Journal of African Cultural Studies, Vol. 24, No. 2 (December 2012), pp. 121-139 Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/42005280 Chocolate Nations: Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa by Orla Ryan (Zed Books, 2011) Cocoa by Kristy Leissle (Polity, 2018) How Mars Inc., maker of M&Ms, vowed to make its chocolate green. And failed. Mufson, Steven . The Washington Post (Online) , Washington, D.C.: WP Company LLC d/b/a The Washington Post. Oct 29, 2019.
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lelivrebrasil · 1 year
A Longa e Sombria Hora do Chá da Alma – Douglas Adams
Descrição do livro:
Kate Schechter devia ter prestado atenção aos avisos que o universo tentava lhe dar. No aeroporto de Heathrow, prestes a embarcar para a Noruega, a americana pensa em todos os sinais que lhe diziam para não fazer aquela viagem. Ainda assim, ela não está nem um pouco preparada para a explosão do balcão de checkin, que destrói parte do terminal.Enquanto isso, no norte de Londres, o detetive Dirk Gently está no fundo do poço: sem dinheiro, vive de bicos como quiromante numa tendinha. Refletindo sobre seu fracasso, ele lembra de repente que, na verdade, tem um cliente e está absurdamente atrasado para o encontro aquela manhã.Porém, o investigador chega tarde demais. Sentindo-se culpado pela sina do homem, ele resolve mais uma vez fazer uso da interconexão de todas as coisas e vê uma ligação do seu caso com os estranhos eventos no aeroporto.Abrindo caminho em meio aos elementos mais absurdos, Dirk se depara com uma máquina de refrigerante que aparece nos lugares mais improváveis, uma águia hostil que insiste em atacá-lo, um hospital sinistro para casos exóticos, horóscopos insultuosos e uma calculadora de I Ching.Neste delicioso livro que dá continuação à série de Dirk Gently, o leitor se surpreenderá ao observar como todas as peças do quebra-cabeça se encaixam para formar uma trama genial e hilária.
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holistic-hitchhiker · 2 years
guys i've read the salmon of doubt and i just cant get over the fact that douglas adams was writing about dirk gently and kate schechter (the woman from the second dirk gently book) being friends, talking about their lives, drinking tea and gossiping, talking about dirk's nonsense over the phone... i would love to see more of their friendship
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The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul - Impossible Ideas
Most of the ideas I have at the moment have to do with things that are completely impossible, so I am wary about sharing them. They are, however, the only thoughts I have.
I'd get some different ones, then. What was that Sherlock Holmes principle? 'Once you have discounted the impossible, then whatever remains, however improbably, must be the truth.'
I reject that entirely. The impossible often has a kind of integrity to it which the merely improbable lacks.
Dirk Gently, Kate Schechter; Douglas Adams; The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
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potato-lord-but-not · 3 years
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Doodles doodles doodles yeehaw
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golyadkin · 4 years
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“I am Thor. I am the God of Thunder. The God of Rain. The God of the High Towering Clouds.The God of Lightning. The God of the Flowing Currents. The God of the Particles. The God of the Shaping and the Binding Forces. The God of the Wind. The God of the Growing Crops. The God of the Hammer Mjollnir.”
“Are you?” Kate simmered. “Well, I’ve no doubt that if you’d picked a slack moment to mention all that, I might have taken an interest, but right now it just makes me very angry. Turn the damn lights on!”
-Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
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firefighter01 · 5 years
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Dirk Gently sketches that I made during my internship
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I just finished watching Daniel Schechter’s “After Class” (2019) and I must say I highly recommend this movie.Very current and poignant movie.
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After Class
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After Class    [trailer]
An NYC professor spends a week re-connecting with his family while defending his reputation over controversial behavior at his college.
A measured approach to a difficult subject. The story isn't extreme. But it still shows some of the mechanisms that have to change.
Usually I would expect, that the sheer number of crises Josh has to deal with, would put me off. But I continued to stay interested. Justin Long's performance strongly contributed to that.
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dingoskidneys · 8 months
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movie-magic · 3 years
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Ruby Rose Alleges Gruesome Injuries, Toxic Behavior on ‘Batwoman’ Set
“I will come for you so what happened to me never happens to another person again,” actress wrote on Instagram
Actress Ruby Rose detailed the injuries and difficult working conditions she says she and others endured while making the CW Arrowverse series, Batwoman.
Rose — who left Batwoman in May 2020 — leveled her allegations in a series of posts on Instagram Stories, which included video from doctors’ visits post-injury. She also detailed alleged injuries suffered by crew members and stunt people, while she accused Warner Bros. Television executive, Peter Roth, of hiring a private investigator to track her.
“Enough is enough,” Rose wrote in her first post, which was addressed to the CW, Batwoman showrunner Caroline Dries, and Greg Berlanti and Sarah Schechter of the show’s production company Berlanti Productions. “I’m going to tell the whole world what really happened on that set… I will come for you so what happened to me never happens to another person again. And so I can finally take back my life and the truth. Shame on you.”
Rose shared a handful of videos from doctors’ visits regarding injuries to her ribs and neck. Reposting a clip made during a neck surgery she underwent in 2019, Rose wrote, “To everyone who said I was too stiff on Batwoman, imagine going back to work 10 days after this … 10 DAYS! (Or the whole crew and cast would be fired and I’d let everyone down because [Warner Bros. exec] Peter Roth said he would recast and I just lost the studio millions (by getting injured on his set). … Instead of spending half a day to rewrite me out for a few weeks to heal.”
Rose went on to say she would never return to Batwoman for “any amount of money nor if a gun were to my head,” although also clarified that she did not quit. “They ruined Kate Kane and they destroyed Batwoman, not me. I followed orders, and if I wanted to stay I was going to have to sign my rights away. Any threats, any bullying tactics, or blackmail will not make me stand down.”
She then went on to share allegations involving dangerous workplace conditions and injuries she says were suffered by herself and others on the set. Rose claimed a crew member “got 3rd degree burns over his whole body, and we were given no therapy after witnessing his skin fall off his face.” She claimed that soon after, she was told she “had to do a sex scene without a minute to process.” Additionally, she said the show lost two stunt doubles, and she was once cut so close to the eye while doing a stunt, “I could have been blind.”
Rose also claimed that a PA was “left quadriplegic” following an incident on the set. While the incident was allegedly blamed on the woman being on her phone, Rose noted, “she’s a PA, they work via phones.” Rose added that the incident “occurred because our show refused to shut down when everyone else did because of Covid,” and that the showrunner, Dries, “wanted us to finish the season throughout the pandemic and I told her it was a bad idea… I told her everyone was too distracted, constantly checking Covid updates, checking on friends.” Rose said when the show was finally shut down it was not because of the PA’s injury, but because of the government mandate.
Elsewhere in her posts, Rose addressed Roth, the Warner TV exec, saying he allegedly made “young women steam [his] pants, around your crotch while you were still wearing said pants,” and that he allegedly hired a private investigator to track Rose, but fired them “as soon as the report didn’t fit your narrative.” “When it comes to you, there’s already an army waiting for u,” Rose wrote.
She also leveled several accusations against Batwoman co-star Dougray Scott: “Dougray hurt a female stunt double, he yelled like a little bitch at women and was a nightmare. He left when he wanted and arrived when he wanted, he abused women and in turn, as a lead of a show, I sent an email out asking for a no yelling policy, they declined.”
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fearsmagazine · 3 years
Batwoman: The Complete Second Season - Arrives on Blu-ray & DVD September 21, 2021
Contains All 18 Exhilarating Episodes from the Second Season, Plus All-New Special Features!
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Watch as Javicia Leslie takes on the mantle of DC Super Hero Batwoman, when Batwoman: The Complete Second Season arrives on Blu-ray and DVD on September 21, 2021 from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. Strap yourself in for a thrilling ride with all 18 episodes from the second season, plus never-before-seen bonus content including deleted scenes and a gag reel. Batwoman: The Complete Second Season is priced to own at $39.99 SRP for the DVD ($44.98 in Canada) and $44.98 SRP for the Blu-ray ($49.99 in Canada), which includes a Digital Copy (U.S. only). Batwoman: The Complete Second Season is also available to own on Digital via purchase from digital retailers, and to stream on HBO Max starting July 27, 2021.
At the end of the first season, Crows Commander Kane (Dougray Scott) has declared war on Batwoman, forcing everyone around them to choose sides. Season two kicks off with a major game-changer that alters Gotham City and The Bat Team forever. A new hero emerges from the shadows. Relatable, messy, loyal, and a little goofy, Ryan Wilder (Leslie) couldn’t be more different than the woman who wore the Batsuit before her, billionaire Kate Kane. Living in her van, Ryan has been made to feel trapped and powerless by the system her whole life and believes the Batsuit is the key to breaking out of it. But what she’ll come to discover is that it’s not the suit that makes Ryan Wilder powerful, it’s the woman inside of it who finds her destiny in changing Gotham City for good. 
With Blu-ray’s unsurpassed picture and sound, Batwoman: The Complete Second Season Blu-ray release will include 1080p Full HD Video with DTS-HD Master Audio for English 5.1. Featuring all 18 episodes from the second season in high definition, as well as a digital code of the season (available in the U.S. only).
Batwoman stars Javicia Leslie (God Friended Me), Rachel Skarsten (Birds of Prey, Reign), Meagan Tandy (unREAL, Teen Wolf), Nicole Kang (You), Camrus Johnson (The Sun Is Also a Star) and Dougray Scott (Departure, Snatch). Based on characters created for DC by Bob Kane with Bill Finger, Batwoman is produced by Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television with executive producers Greg Berlanti (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl), Caroline Dries (The Vampire Diaries, Smallville), Geoff Johns (DC’s Stargirl, The Flash, Titans), Sarah Schechter (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl), James Stoteraux and Chad Fiveash (Gotham, The Vampire Diaries). 
• Deleted Scenes (Exclusive to Blu-ray and DVD) • Gag Reel (Exclusive to Blu-ray and DVD) • Villains Analyzed • Never Alone: Heroes and Allies
18 ONE-HOUR EPISODES 1. Whatever Happened to Kate Kane? 2. Prior Criminal History 3. Bat Girl Magic! 4. Fair Skin, Blue Eyes 5. Gore on Canvas 6. Do Not Resuscitate 7. It's Best You Stop Digging 8. Survived Much Worse 9. Rule #1 10. Time Off for Good Behavior 11. Arrive Alive 12. Initiate Self Destruct 13. I’ll Give You a Clue 14. …And Justice For All 15. Armed and Dangerous 16. Rebirth 17. Kane, Kate 18. Power
Batwoman: The Complete Second Season is available to own on Digital. Digital purchase allows consumers to instantly stream and download all episodes to watch anywhere and anytime on their favorite devices. Digital movies and TV shows are available from various digital retailers including Amazon Video, iTunes, Google Play, Vudu and others.
Street Date: September 21, 2021 Order Due Date: August 17, 2020 BD and DVD Presented in 16x9 widescreen format Running Time: Feature: Approx 793 min Enhanced Content: Approx 55 min
Price: $39.99 SRP ($44.98 in Canada) 4-Discs (4 DVD-9s) Audio – English (5.1) Subtitles – English SDH
Price: $44.98 SRP ($49.99 in Canada)3-Discs (3 BD-50s)Audio – DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 – EnglishBD Subtitles – English SDH
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talknerdywithus · 5 years
'Batwoman' ordered to series at The CW
‘Batwoman’ ordered to series at The CW
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There’s a new hero coming to the Arrowverse and she might be the fiercest of them all.
The CW announced on Tuesday night it has given out a series order to Batwoman for the 2019-2020 season.
Batwoman stars Ruby Rose, who is mostly known for her role in Netflix’s Orange Is the New Black. Rose will play Kate Kane/Batwoman, who is the cousin of Bruce Wayne aka Batman, as the new hero looking…
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