#Kentucky Camp
burlybrandon · 1 year
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pcttrailsidereader · 9 months
The Ghosts of Kentucky Camp
"Deep in the heart of the Santa Rita Mountains lies a ghost town called Kentucky Camp.  It was once a bustling mining town, abandoned after a freak accident that killed the lead mining engineer.  Some say the town is now haunted by the ghosts of the lead engineer and miners who lost their lives.  The locals say that on quiet nights you might hear the sound of pickaxes and shovels coming from the hills, but be warned, if you hear the sound of a lone miner's whistle, you certainly are not alone."
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Dave Baugher, a regular contributor to this website, started his multi-year thru-hike of the Arizona Trail this year. Dave estimated that 30 percent of those on the Arizona Trail had either left the PCT or altered plans to walk the PCT because of the epic snowpack on the PCT. This story is based upon a stop early in his Arizona Trail walk.
Ever see a ghost fly?  No?  How about a man about to become a ghost as he "flew" off the third story of a newly constructed hotel in Tucson, AZ?  No?  Neither have I.  However, my buddy Ed and I spent some time in the old gold mining town of Kentucky Camp.  Let me tell you about the "Ghosts of Kentucky Camp."
Gold.  The yellow metal has driven men mad, sent conquistadores over the oceans, and even led to war between nations.  However, much of the gold on Earth is thought to have been incorporated into the planet since its very beginning, as orbiting debris formed the planet's mantle early in Earth's creation. 
About 55 million years ago, during earth movement and mountain building, hot solutions bearing gold and other minerals worked their way into the faults and fissures of folded and compressed rock.  Later, these mineral-laden veins eroded along with the host rock,  freeing the gold.  Long before any people arrived on the scene, water and gravity began the gold-milling process better than any human invention carrying and concentrating small particles of gold along the bottoms of streams and gulches.  These are placer deposits: water-laid sand and gravels that contain eroded and redeposited particles of valuable minerals.
Gold was discovered in the Santa Rita Mountains in 1874.  In the following years, up to 500 miners worked in what became known as the Greaterville Mining District.    Early on, the miners had to haul their pay dirt to the few running streams in the area or haul bladders of water to their claims on the backs of pack animals.  At first, this laborious effort was worthwhile, but by 1886 the easy pickings played out, and most miners moved on.
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In 1902, a charismatic California mining engineer, James Stetson, had an idea to solve the water problem.  He believed collecting seasonal runoff into a nearby reservoir would be possible, thus creating a permanent water source and making placer mining again profitable.
Stetson sold his idea to investors and formed the Santa Rita Water & Mining Company.  Kentucky Camp in the Santa Rita Mountains was the Company's headquarters.  It was an attempt to get the land to give up its gold with placer mining.  That process, successful in California, uses water cannons to break up desert hillsides so gold can be washed out and recovered in sluices, a sort of industrial-sized gold panning.  Stetson believed the California process would work in Southern Arizona.  Californian George McAneny put up $150,000 to get things started in 1902 and was made president of the new Company, with Stetson as the manager.
Stetson designed a dam near three streams with over eight miles of pipe and ditches to get the water to the mining site at Kentucky Gulch.  A company office building, a house for Stetson, a barn, and two other buildings were constructed.  The 40 to 100 workers lived in a nearby tent camp, and the operation opened in 1904.
Unfortunately, it all washed out.  Only about $3,000 was repaid to McAneny, so a meeting was called in Tucson on May 22, 1905.  McAneny and several other stockholders were to meet at lawyer Samuel Kingan's office.  However, around 3 o'clock the afternoon before, a maid working on the 2nd floor directly below Mr. Stetson's room heard a thud on the windowsill of the room she was cleaning.  She went to investigate.  She leaned out her window and saw Mr. Stetson's dead body on the concrete sidewalk below.  Stetson mysteriously fell, jumped, or was thrown from a third-story window of the Santa Rita Hotel and died.  The truth of his death was never determined.
McAneny's health and finances fell apart after that day.  He got divorced and claimed that ghosts were ever after him.  He died in 1909.  The Santa Rita Water & Mining Company ended, and the land was used by ranchers.  Kentucky Camp was abandoned in the mid-1960s, and the U.S. Forest Service took it over in 1989.  
Renters around the ranch sometimes report ghostly noises, and a ghost-hunters group has spent time documenting the strange happenings in the cabins.  But seasoned visitors say it is mice in the place and skunks making a winter den under the house near the propane heater that account for the mysterious night sounds.  A resident jaguar living in Santa Ritas may also visit the area.
On the hot afternoon of Friday, March 31, 2023, Ed and I dropped our packs on the covered porch of Mr. Stetson's house.  There was water for us to fill our bottles, electricity to charge our electronics, and displays describing the past history of Kentucky Camp.  I'll be honest, we did not stay too long.  There were still miles of trail ahead before we could call it a day.  However, we enjoyed the shade, and several other visitors joined us on the deck to cool off from the sun. 
Ghosts?  We did not see or hear anything that afternoon.  Later, camped by a small lake, Ed and I talked about the place, and we both thought it might be exciting to return to in the future.  Calling it a night, we dove into our tents as the cold chilly wind ran down from the Santa Rita Mountains high above our camp.  Tired, I did hear things in the evening twilight.  Shovels and pickaxes?  No.  Whistles?  You could say that the cooing of doves in waning light or the soft chirps of quail in the brush might resemble a whistle as I drifted off to sleep thinking about the ghosts of Kentucky Camp.
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vintagecamping · 3 months
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Family camping in General Butler State Park.
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voodooya · 1 year
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bikerlovertexas · 11 months
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louiseazy · 2 years
thoughts while rewatching camp camp season 3
oh geez Neil is a crypto bro, oh look max is "helping"
Neil predicts the quadruple love triangle and the accidental wire tap confession
them being in full uniform makes less sense for them to be spies, but then again there first orders was murder. That Kentucky twits was great
How are they not boiling to death in those outfits? Max & Ered are wearing coats! Don't even get me started on Spacekid
I wasn't a Theater Kid I just loved the energy Preston bring with him every line he has
Max actually helps Gwen with no strings attached??
Found out what happen to Scottie, they were hurt in a Nikki sugar high related incident
Is David more worried about bears due to what happen with Jasper?
Petrol doesn't really talk but boy can he see though people
I like how they picked apart Max character by comparing him to Mr. Campbell and having him tell Dolph to stand up for himself. Having Max take the fall for the candy to be foreshadowing what Campbell turning himself in. Instead of just serving as a warning to Max if he kept pushing people away
I get Max and Campbell but everyone else makes little sense. I get what the writers were going for but the campers(including Max) barely tolerated it and each other. Personally I think they needed more time to fully pull this off. That ending really feels like a series finally. It even has the book end of Max trying to escape by bus to Max getting everybody back by bus. And the friendship speeches.
Really thought that the series capped would be realizing he actually enjoy his time at camp despite everything.
Step 1 finds out that David does see for what it is but keep trying to make it better for them cause their (the campers) are wroth it
Step 2 Have Max negative emotions acknowledge in a more healthy manner
Step 3 Make it clear this doesn't mean Max is allow to hurt others
Step 4 finish character development they been building for 3 seasons campers to befriends or improve existing relationship so summer ending is extras sad
Step 5 despite having cellphones and internet being a thing comedically have them all refuse to contact each other after. and somebody calls David an idiot
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jaredisnothere · 1 month
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Oh hey I went and made a music festival.
August 31 in Newport, KY at The Southgate House Revival.
MidWest Friends Fest 2024, for tickets, band info, and more: www.midwestfriendsfest.com
Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0945wn7wqyIlRoXYEskUEf
Come make some new friends.
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hutchford · 5 months
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There are many parks near West Liberty, KY that are worth exploring. They’re perfect for a day trip or picnic, and they’re all accessible by car. These spots offer scenic views, hiking trails, fishing spots, swimming holes, campgrounds, and much more. Let’s take a look at some of the best spots near West Liberty you need to check out right now!
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ricefame · 10 months
Elite trainer Tony Sands brought his Sandsational Elite Football Combine & Camp to Radcliff, Kentucky in conjunction with the KY Football League's Radcliff Hurricanes. This inaugural event featured NFL legends and Pro Football Hall of Famers Michael Irvin and Warren Sapp, who interacted with the athletes and left them with pearls of wisdom. The organizers promised that this would not be the last edition, and it drew close to 200 participants.
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d12ney · 10 months
Dad's Kentucky Home Fries
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Golden-brown fried potatoes made with bacon drippings and sweet Vidalia onion. Leftovers keep well in the fridge for a microwave breakfast on the go. For an East Coast twist, add diced green pepper.
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vintagecamping · 3 months
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Loaded up and ready to hit the trails of the Daniel Boone National Forest.
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luxebeat · 10 months
Things to do in Patagonia, Arizona
A peachy neat artsy town 18 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border, Patagonia, though tiny, offers plenty to do. Nestled between the Santa Rita Mountains to the north and the Patagonia Mountains to the south, the incredible views envelop the area. Whether you drive from Phoenix, Tombstone, or Tubac, you will experience some of the prettiest roads in the country. Furthermore, with a population…
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autotrails · 11 months
American Auto Trail-New Orleans & Ohio Railroad (Mayfield to Fulton KY)
American Auto Trail-New Orleans & Ohio Railroad (Mayfield to Fulton KY) https://youtu.be/YovnGDxmXqI This American auto trail explores the route of U.S. Highway 45 in southwestern Kentucky, from Mayfield to Fulton on the Tennessee State Line.
This American auto trail explores the route of U.S. Highway 45 in southwestern Kentucky, from Mayfield to Fulton on the Tennessee State Line. The highway follows the route of the earlier New Orleans & Ohio Railroad. For more of our Auto Trails and Slow Travels guides, available in print or eBook format, use one of the links below: Amazon Lulu Press Smashwords Camera: Sony Active Camera…
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idc-itsobvious · 1 year
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Dad's Kentucky Home Fries With sweet Vidalia® onion and bacon drippings, make golden-brown fried potatoes. For a quick breakfast in the microwave, leftovers keep well in the refrigerator. Add diced green pepper for an East Coast twist.
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Crackling Fire Sounds For Relaxing
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emilygingarrard · 2 years
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