#Kevin Rudd
How likely is a US-China war? Kevin Rudd on a new era Xi Jinping
          Kevin Rudd was Australia's former prime minister. And well before that career, he was and is an academic, a Sinologist, a specialist in China. With a PhD on Xi Jinping. He is also author of The Avoidable War, The Dangers of Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China. Paul Rudd worries that Beijing and the United States might clash in a hot war.
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channeledhistory · 3 months
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tinylilvalery · 4 months
This is my Roman Empire
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brexiiton · 10 months
Kevin Rudd's official prime minister portrait revealed
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By Lucy Slade, August 10, 2023 - 5:43PM
Kevin Rudd (prime minister from 2007-2010 and June 2013-September 2013)
Former prime minister Kevin Rudd's portrait has been unveiled in Canberra today, 10 years after he left office.
The 26th prime minister's portrait was painted by official prime ministerial artist Ralph Heimans.
Rudd is currently Australia's ambassador to the United States.
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The portrait features Rudd with a white beard, which he did not have while he was in office.
The portrait comes long after he left the Lodge, with later prime ministers Malcom Turnbull and Scott Morrison yet to receive an official portrait.
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osamu-jinguji · 1 year
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My favorite books in Feb-2023 - #2
The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China Hardcover – March 22, 2022 by Kevin Rudd (Author)
A war between China and the US would be catastrophic, deadly, and destructive. Unfortunately, it is no longer unthinkable. 
The relationship between the US and China, the world’s two superpowers, is peculiarly volatile. It rests on a seismic fault—of cultural misunderstanding, historical grievance, and ideological incompatibility. No other nations are so quick to offend and be offended. Their militaries play a dangerous game of chicken, corporations steal intellectual property, intelligence satellites peer, and AI technicians plot. The capacity for either country to cross a fatal line grows daily. 
Kevin Rudd, a former Australian prime minister who has studied, lived in, and worked with China for more than forty years, is one of the very few people who can offer real insight into the mindsets of the leadership whose judgment will determine if a war will be fought. The Avoidable War demystifies the actions of both sides, explaining and translating them for the benefit of the other. Geopolitical disaster is still avoidable, but only if these two giants can find a way to coexist without betraying their core interests through what Rudd calls “managed strategic competition.” Should they fail, down that path lies the possibility of a war that could rewrite the future of both countries, and the world.
*************** References ************
The Avoidable U.S.-China War – A Conversation with Condoleezza Rice and Kevin Rudd
Kevin Rudd: Understanding How China Sees the World
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Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology Hardcover – October 4, 2022 by Chris Miller (Author)
An epic account of the decades-long battle to control what has emerged as the world's most critical resource—microchip technology—with the United States and China increasingly in conflict.
You may be surprised to learn that microchips are the new oil—the scarce resource on which the modern world depends. Today, military, economic, and geopolitical power are built on a foundation of computer chips. Virtually everything—from missiles to microwaves, smartphones to the stock market—runs on chips. Until recently, America designed and built the fastest chips and maintained its lead as the #1 superpower. Now, America's edge is slipping, undermined by competitors in Taiwan, Korea, Europe, and, above all, China. Today, as Chip War reveals, China, which spends more money each year importing chips than it spends importing oil, is pouring billions into a chip-building initiative to catch up to the US. At stake is America's military superiority and economic prosperity.
Economic historian Chris Miller explains how the semiconductor came to play a critical role in modern life and how the U.S. become dominant in chip design and manufacturing and applied this technology to military systems. America's victory in the Cold War and its global military dominance stems from its ability to harness computing power more effectively than any other power. But here, too, China is catching up, with its chip-building ambitions and military modernization going hand in hand. America has let key components of the chip-building process slip out of its grasp, contributing not only to a worldwide chip shortage but also a new Cold War with a superpower adversary that is desperate to bridge the gap.
Illuminating, timely, and fascinating, Chip War shows that, to make sense of the current state of politics, economics, and technology, we must first understand the vital role played by chips.
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reportwire · 2 years
India, Mexico and Southeast Asia will benefit from 'the great diversification,' Australia's Kevin Rudd says
India, Mexico and Southeast Asia will benefit from ‘the great diversification,’ Australia’s Kevin Rudd says
Former Prime Minister to the Commonwealth of Australia and President of the Asia Society Policy Institute Kevin Rudd Leigh Vogel | Getty Images For businesses seeking diversification into new markets — especially given the geopolitical risks surrounding China — India, southeast Asia and Mexico are top contenders, former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said Sunday.  “When I look around the…
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idroolinmysleep · 2 years
Xi has pushed politics to the Leninist left, economics to the Marxist left, and foreign policy to the nationalist right. … Meanwhile, he has stoked nationalism by pursuing an increasingly assertive foreign policy, turbocharged by a Marxist-inspired belief that history is irreversibly on China’s side and that a world anchored in Chinese power would produce a more just international order.
I had previously posted about how, in Xi Jinping’s view, Chinese history inevitably points toward the country’s reunification with Taiwan and its preeminence worldwide. This article offers an additional perspective, where Xi believes that China’s path is the right (and righteous) one because of Marxist-Leninist ideology.
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andrewwhalan · 2 years
The Boring ALP Leadership Soap Opera!
The Boring ALP Leadership Soap Opera! #auspol #http://wp.me/p1D1R7-8M
Yet again I turn to the political section of the newspaper. Yet again I feel I am reading the script of a soap opera. But the same scene and same dialogue is being replayed. More stories on the Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard leadership crisis! Should Kevin be leader instead of Julia? Should some one else? It should be newsworthy. It isn’t. It’s boring. I’ve heard it all before. Sorry Michelle…
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fuzzysparrow · 2 years
Who served as Prime Minister of Australia from 2007 until 2010, and again from June to September 2013?
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Kevin Rudd (born 1957) was the 26th Prime Minister of Australia, serving from 2007 to 2010 and again from 27th June 2013 to 18th September 2013. He took up the position at the beginning of the Global Financial Crisis and his government was seen as being unable to cope, which affected Rudd's popularity. Realizing that he had lost support, Rudd resigned as Prime Minister and leader of the Labor Party. He was replaced by Julia Gillard.
In 2013, the Labor Party held a vote for the leader of the party, with Rudd beating Gillard. This automatically made him Prime Minister again, although he lost the election later that year to Liberal Party leader Tony Abbott.
Before winning a seat in Parliament back in 1998, Rudd worked as a diplomat in Sweden and China. The Australian Labor party elected him the Leader of the Opposition in December 2006, which meant he was up for election as Prime Minister in 2007. During the election, Rudd talked a lot about work agreements and global warming, which won the hearts of many Australians.
As Prime Minister, Rudd signed the Kyoto Protocol and "apologised" to Aboriginal Australians for events of the distant past. He also supported the Afghanistan war and took Australian troops out of the Iraq conflict.
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djungleskogs · 3 months
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hey guys can you do me a favour and tell me where you’re from and what you call this game? it’s the one where you have to bounce a small ball between four players and stay within your square. the squares might have different names (king, queen, etc) depending on how you played
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shr3dhead · 6 days
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moodboards for stupid movies i like
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ljones41 · 1 year
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I never saw “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania” in the movie theaters last February.  I’m watching it on DisneyPlus instead.   After viewing it, I wish I had seen it in the theaters.  It’s not a bad movie.  In fact . . . I think it’s pretty good.  Yes, it has some flaws.  What movie doesn’t?  But I think it’s a lot better than the second film in the franchise, 2018′s “Ant-Man and the Wasp”.  Why on earth did Kevin Feige release this movie in February, instead of mid-to-late July, which is the usual release slot for the Ant-Man movies?
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mandoreviews · 4 months
📽️ The Object of My Affection (1998)
I watched this whole thing, but I honestly wasn’t a huge fan. It’s just sad. The whole premise is kind of messed up and unbelievable. Don’t believe that it’s a love story. I don’t have much to say about this one and I wouldn’t really recommend it.
Sex/nudity: 2/10 (implied sex between a gay couple, almost sex between a man and woman, kissing, talk of both hetero and homo relationships)
Language: 4/10 (more than one f-word but I don’t remember how many, other profanities as well)
Violence: 0/10 (I don’t remember any violence at all)
Overall rating: 3/10
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seven7arts · 1 year
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movie-magic · 1 year
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agentnico · 1 year
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) Review
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MCU isn’t what it used to be. So I mainly went to see the new Ant-Man movie for Paul Rudd. My friend suggested I could simply watch Paul Rudd clips on the internet or print out a really big picture of him and get lost in his eyes. All acceptable options, however nothing beats seeing his cute lil’ face on the big screen. So off I went to watch Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania...
Plot: When Scott Lang and Hope van Dyne, along with Hope's parents, Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne, and Scott's daughter, Cassie, are accidentally sent to the Quantum Realm, they soon find themselves exploring the Realm, interacting with strange new creatures, and coming face to face with a new big threat to the entire multiverse.
Since Avengers: Endgame, Marvel has been desperately trying to reignite the excitement audiences had during the Infinity Saga and the build-up to Thanos. Until now they have been at best mediocre, and all their multiversal shenanigans have come across mostly desperate and eye-rolling. Basically the MCU magic has been lost. Now comes the third Ant-Man with the promise to set a new course direction for the cinematic universe, with the proper introduction of the new Thanos-level Big Bad that will have a ripple effect on the future of the franchise. The result?
Yep, the magic is indeed lost. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is a by-the-numbers superhero blockbuster with a predictable plot, lots of CGI and an abundance of gobbledigook-filler sprinkled throughout. As a third movie in the Ant-Man series it fails, as it loses that self-contained heist thematic that was featured in the previous two. These movies have always felt quite separate from the rest of the MCU and smaller scale. Palette cleansers if you will in between all the major universe shattering threats. With Quantumania this is very much a bigger scale Marvel film, and in fact the Ant-Man characters feel like secondary thought, and instead this plays out as The Kang Movie. But then as the set-up to Phase 5 and the introduction of the new Big Bad of the MCU it doesn’t really work either, as Kang is useless. For someone who’s supposed to be such a big deal and hard to defeat, the fact that Ant-Man even has a fighting chance against him should be ludicrous. Don’t get me wrong, Jonathan Majors provides dramatic heft to the villain, and portrays the character in a stoic Shakespearean way, as he slowly enunciates his devilish schemes, and to be fair he shows that he lacks any mercy to anyone as he blasts down to death many Quantum citizens without a second thought. However that portrayal akums to nothing when, again, a couple of people with shrinking suits manage to take his punches and keep going. Look, we’ll see how they will use Kang further down the line, but this movie very much failed in presenting him as a lasting threat to the MCU. 
The writing is also piss poor. So many dialogue scenes between characters feel unnatural and rushed, as if the screenwriters are in a race against time to finish off the script so that they can quickly on and do the next Marvel project and then the next. And the narrative itself is filled with plot holes and certain things that flat-out don’t make sense. For example, Hope’s mother Janet van Dyne acts as the expositional source in this movie. However for half of the movie Janet refuses to tell our main characters any important information, instead simply leaving them with a “we don’t have time, I’ll tell you later”. But that is only done to give us a pointless bit of suspense before she dishes out the info anyway halfway through the movie. As such she is needlessly leaving out main characters out of the loop, in turn making them unprepared for the incoming threat, whereas if she warned them beforehand, all of it could have been easily  avoided. As for the reasoning behind her being so secretive about the Quantum Realm and not wanting anyone to have anything to do with it - where was all that in the last movie, when she so confidently sent Scott Lang into the Quantum Realm to fetch those special time particles for Ghost? She had no issues then. I get that most likely the Marvel producers and writers had a creative change of course in between these two films, but they should have made the transition more smoother. Instead it’s now inconsistent and blatant lazy writing.
Visually to be fair the movie is done pretty well. Yes, it is a lot of green screen that at times is very obvious, but overall it is a pretty looking movie, and very much came off as Marvel’s version of Star Wars. I’m not even talking narratively with Kang and his forces being like Darth Vader and the Empire, and the rebels being, well, like the rebels! But visually, the various Quantum characters we come across and the general aesthetic plays out like a feature length version of the Mos Eisley cantina from A New Hope. Which I didn’t mind, as I appreciated the creative designs that the visual artists came up with. That being said, and this is a very light spoiler that, if you use the internet in any capacity, would have come across your interface at one point or other. But that being said, a certain comic book character is introduced in this movie, that being MODOK. Yes, MODOK is in this film, and there are some very visually striking choices made with him that are most definitely going to split audiences. His look is very jarring and unnatural, but I myself actually really dug what they did with this character, and it played for some very good laughs.
Quantumania is not inherently a bad movie. There’s plenty of fun moments and visuals, with the usual blockbuster action you come to expect from the Marvel folks. The cast all are lovely to watch. Paul Rudd brings his usual charm and charisma. Michael Douglas is an acting legend and is always great to see him try and act in front of a green screen. Evangeline Lilly as the Wasp - she’s hardly in the film, even though she’s in the title. Go figure. Michelle Pfeiffer and Jonathan Majors try their best in their roles, however the poor writing really damages their characters. Kathryn Newton as Cassie I couldn’t care less about. Bill Murray is just Bill Murray. But overall this movie doesn’t change the fact that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has lost its original spark, and is now milking a dead cow to its last drop. Still looking forward to seeing Guardians Vol. 3 as its James Gunn’s final swan song before moving to DC, but otherwise maybe its time for Marvel to take a break. Which they won’t do, as these movies make so much money for the studio. Again, Disney gets it all.
Overall score: 5/10
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