#Marcos de la cruz
cxffncase · 10 months
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the werewolf grunge band DEAD MEAT.
Mikey (he/him) is lead vocals and bass, Juri (she/they) is drum kit, Lola (he/him) plays rhythm guitar and Marcos (he/him) is lead guitar. Fynn is the band’s manager/promoter/graphic artist
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pencopanko · 7 months
Bienvenidos, nuestros duelistas
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seethecroissant · 1 year
Hay quienes discuten y quienes hacen lo que se les venga en gana
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Fue divertido dibujar un trajesito de dinosaurio
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habecc-blog · 3 months
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Miguel cantando Paloma negra y Marco cantando Cielo rojo
Hubo un tiempo en que me gustaba tanto este tipo de ships que hasta en mi wattpad tengo un fanfic mas o menos parecido, no es este ship pero si algomas o menos relacionado con el personaje de Miguel.
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
Who is Marco de la Cruz? I keep seeing him in the AO3 character tags. Is he a deleted character or something?
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rizalmadraw · 8 months
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Termine mi dibujo de Marcodelacruz marcorivera, quise volver a dibujarlo al releer cempasúchilRojo, y la verdad me gustó como quedó, la anatomía no es perfecta pero es un gran avance.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlmaBadillo12/status/1695192514280485018?t=AJhCurKZPWhs4__x9dMBCw&s=19
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mictlaart · 1 year
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Markyle x Black Panther
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elmartillosinmetre · 5 months
Mi crítica del concierto de clausura del Otoño Barroco 2023.
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delaruecaalapluma · 6 months
Disponible el texto completo de "San Juan de la Cruz, Opera aperta", en Revista de Espiritualidad
Disponible el texto completo de "San Juan de la Cruz, Opera aperta", en Revista de Espiritualidad
La Revista de Espiritualidad titula su número 326 (enero-marzo 2023, 82) “San Juan de la Cruz, Opera aperta (Nuevas perspectivas)”. Ahora ya está disponible para su descarga a través de la página web de la Revista. Editorial ESTUDIOS DAMIÁN GAITÁN ROJAS, JOSÉ, OCD,   «Según se ve en el evangelio» (3S 18,2). Los evangelios sinópticos en Juan de la Cruz … 37-67 GABRIEL CASTRO MARTÍNEZ, La…
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renajuvperu · 1 year
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pencopanko · 7 months
Revolutionary Girl Utena-inspired Coco AU... but it's focused on Rosa Rivera
In 2017, the second eldest son of a family of shoemakers embarked on a journey to Escuela de la Cruz to discover his family's true roots after discovering that his great-great grandfather had been Héctor Rivera; a songwriter and fellow musician who used to travel with Ernesto de la Cruz before his untimely disappearance in 1921. An event which triggered a 100-year long music ban, and the establishment of a new school "dedicated to his name".
It had been four years, and nobody had neither seen nor heard from Miguel Rivera since.
Not wanting history to repeat itself, the head matriarch of the family along with her sons and their wives gave their blessings to their children, Rosa Rivera and Abel Rivera to go to Escuela de la Cruz and bring Miguel home. At first, the youngsters were reluctant but after a prophetic dream that Rosa had of her ancestors, Miguel's whereabouts, and an enchanted academy in the heart of México City the two of them finally complied.
Little did they know that the time and space continuum worked in a different way in Escuela de la Cruz. Everyone who entered the school grounds stopped aging, the dead were able to communicate with their descendants directly... and no living thing could ever leave. In order to be able to leave the school, students would have to face a series of duels with the final showdown being a duel with the headmaster: Ernesto de la Cruz himself. And nobody had succeeded past the headmaster's great-great grandson, Marco de la Cruz.
Including Miguel Rivera, who had been stuck in his 12-year-old body all this time... and the ghost of Héctor Rivera. The only ghost who could not leave the school premises.
After a series of misadventures and armed with weapons from their ancestors (a pair of boots and an enchanted rapier/rifle thing from Mamá Imelda & Tía Victoria, a pair of golden gauntlets from Tía Rosita & Papá Julio, and a guitar from Papá Héctor; all of which had been modified and enchanted by Tíos Óscar & Felipe), Rosa, Abel, and Miguel had found themselves in the middle of a century-long feud of music, family, shoes, and betrayal. Rosa even had found herself in an odd romantic tug-of-war with the cocky yet well-meaning(?) Marco.
And so as the next-next matriarch of her family, Rosa would have to learn to fully embrace who she is and lead her family to... a "revolution"? Whatever that is.
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seethecroissant · 7 months
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soracities · 2 years
brief primer for the hopeless days, pt. IV
"I felt I should embrace him and tell him not to suffer; that he wasn't alone, that I was his friend and we were living on the same planet, at the same time, in the same country; that now the two of us were in the same park, on the same bench; that human beings should talk to each other, be aware of each other, and love each other; that each man who passes by offers us the chance for companionship and warmth."
Josefina Vicens, The Empty Book (tr. David Lauer)
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[James Baldwin & Friends, Istanbul. ph. Sedat Pakay]
"On love: always the great gestures, or that it is incompatible with ambition and individuality. Rarely the small gestures, rarely that these make the other accomplishments possible. A work in progress. A chain of kindnesses fashioned a link at a time. Clumsy effort, but effort nonetheless."
Katie Ward, Girl Reading
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Paul Eluard, “Gabriel Péri” tr. Gilbert Brown
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[Two old men hand in hand rush for taking place for prayer time in the Yeni Cami mosque in Istanbul. ph. Marco Vacca]
"We find comfort only in another beauty, in others' music, in the poetry of others. Salvation lies with others, though solitude may taste like opium. Other people aren't hell if you glimpse them at dawn, when their brows are clean, rinsed by dreams."
Adam Zagajewski, “Another Beauty”, tr. Clare Cavanagh
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"We are sun and moon, dear friend; we are sea and land. It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is: each the other’s opposite and complement."
Hermann Hesse, Narcissus & Goldmund
"Down the road there is an old man who sits in a chair under the porch of his front door to enjoy the sun. He is very old. In fact, he is dying. And because I know this, every time I pass him I pass the time of day with him. I tell him he is getting brown in the sun. Or he asks me about the price of the vegetables in my shopping bag – once he lived in the country – and I answer him at length and with great warmth. Why do I do this? It is a natural reaction. Soon he will die [and] I want him between now and then, and perhaps even at the moment of dying, to have good thoughts, not of me personally, but of the living, of the world he leaves. I want to give him reason for thinking the best possible thoughts."
John Berger, A Painter of Our Time
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[waves of handprints dating between 7,300 BC & 700 AD, Cueva de las Manos (Cave of Hands), Santa Cruz, Argentina. ph. Pablo A. Gimenez]
“Something strange happens when people are in a small boat, something that rarely happens with people in a car or an elevator, in a train or even a boat large enough to say that you are on it instead of in it. What they experience is the sense of solitude. There are only a few thin boards keeping them from being totally engulfed by the surrounding deep sea. They are lonely, but it’s not an isolated loneliness, because they feel lonesome together, together with others in the boat. This is why a temporary bond forms between people in a small boat. They only have each other, the deep sea is frightening, and small boats are very fragile. Therefore, each one of them becomes the other’s lifebuoy. If you’re not afraid, then neither am I, so we shouldn’t scare each other, and we ought to be nice to each other as long as the water surrounds us.”
Stig Dagerman, A Moth to a Flame (Burnt Child), tr. Benjamin Mier-Cruz
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["The Ride Home", submitted by slyburger13 r/AccidentalRenaissance]
"I tried to focus on something small, the smallest thing I could think of. Someone once made this pew I’m sitting on, I thought. Someone sanded the wood and varnished it. Someone carried it into the church. Someone laid the tiles on the floor, someone fitted the windows. Each brick was placed by human hands, each hinge fitted on each door, every road surface outside, every bulb in every streetlight. And even things built by machines were really built by human beings, who built the machines initially. And human beings themselves, made by other humans, struggling to create happy children and families. Me, all the clothing I wear, all the language I know. Who put me here in this church, thinking these thoughts? Other people, some I know very well and others I have never met. Am I myself, or am I them? Is this me, Frances? No, it is not me. It is the others. Do I sometimes hurt and harm myself, do I abuse the unearned cultural privilege of whiteness, do I take the labor of others for granted, have I sometimes exploited a reductive iteration of gender theory to avoid serious moral engagement, do I have a troubled relationship with my body, yes. Do I want to be free of pain and therefore demand that others also live free of pain, the pain that is mine and therefore also theirs, yes, yes.”
Sally Rooney, Conversations With Friends
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[”Pale Blue Dot”: photo of Earth taken by the Voyager 1 space probe]
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[anonymous, Jan. 15, 2022]
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Alain de Botton, Essays in Love
"A single stranger sleeps next to me and I feel like a whole crowd has come in with him. He hasn’t said anything to me, I haven’t said anything to him, but I feel I have nothing else to say to him, nor to hide from him."
Mihail Sebastian, For Two Thousand Years (tr. Philip Ó Ceallaigh)
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[tiktok @ shanrizwan]
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Michael Onyebuchi Eze, Intellectual History in Contemporary South Africa
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[”A full bottle of wine just rolled out from under a subway seat and now these 2 strangers popped it open & are drinking it. This is peak NYC”, ph. Colleen Hagerty]
"Nobody can claim that humanity is in the process of decay without having observed the same putrid symptoms in himself. Nobody can say that humanity is evil without he himself having been part of evil deeds. There is no such thing as unshackled observation. He who lives is the life-long prisoner of humanity and contributes, willingly or unwillingly, to an increase or decrease of the human inventory of happiness and misfortune, greatness and humiliation, hope and despondence […] the fate of humanity is at stake everywhere and at all times, and the responsibility of one life for another is immeasurable."
Stig Dagerman, "Do We Have Faith in Humankind?"
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ibarbouron-us · 5 months
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Virgen de Guadalupe con las cuatro apariciones.
Cruz Barroca con Virgen y Apariciones, óleo sobre tela y vidrio. Marco de madera tallada y dorada.
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your-averagewriter · 2 years
Request rules.
I don't write smut but I will write steamy make-out scenes and all that.
I will write fem!character x fem!reader, male!character x fem!reader, male!reader x male!reader. All of it including gender neutral reader.
I also only really write x reader fics.
My Masterlist - What I've already written, I update when I post.
- Thanks for the requests though! :)
Keep an eye on this as I add more characters as I watch more shows/movies!
People/characters I will write for:
- Hunger Games - Peeta Mellark, Katniss Everdeen, Haymitch Abernathy, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason, Annie Cresta, Lucy Gray Baird, Sejanus Plinth.
- Maze Runner - Thomas, Newt, Gally, Minho.
- Kingsman - Harry Hart (Galahad), Gary "Eggsy" Unwin (Galahad), Hamish Mycroft (Merlin), Jack Daniels (Whiskey).
- Zombieland - Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita.
- Luther - John Luther, Alice Morgan, Justin Ripley.
- Call of Duty - John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, König, Alejandro Vargas, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Valeria Garza, Keegan Russ.
- The Boys - Homelander, Starlight, Soldier Boy, Black Noir, Billy Butcher, Hughie Campbell, The Deep, Queen Maeve, A-Train, Translucent.
- Gen V - Marie Moreau, Emma Meyer, Jordan Li, Andre Anderson, Cate Dunlap, Luke Riordan and Sam Riordan.
- Fallout - Cooper Howard (pre and post Ghoul), Lucy MacLean, Maximus.
- Scream - Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Dwight "Dewey" Riley, Randy Meeks, Richie Kirsch, Sam Carpenter, Tara Carpenter, Chad Meeks-Martin, Mindy Meeks-Martin, Ethan Landry.
- The Lost Boys - Michael Emerson, David, Star, Marko, Dwayne.
- What We Do in the Shadows - Nandor the Relentless, Laszlo Cravensworth, Nadja, Guillermo de la Cruz.
- Late Night with The Devil - Jack Delroy
- Renfield - R.M Renfield.
- A Quiet Place (1&2) - Lee Abbott, Evelyn Abbott, Emmett.
- The Boy - Brahms.
- Fight Club - Tyler Durden, The Narrator.
- Alien - Ripley, Dwayne Hicks, Hudson.
- Saw - Adam Faulkner-Stanheight, Amanda Young, Peter Strahm, Mark Hoffman.
- The Crow - Eric Draven.
- Midnight Mass - Sheriff Hassan, Father Paul, Riley Flynn.
- MCU - Tom Holland!Peter Parker, Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Steve Rodgers, Tony Stark, T'Challa, Stephen Strange, Logan, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Matt Murdock, Valkyrie, Carol Danvers, Peter Quill, Bucky Barnes, Phil Coulson, Gamora, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, James Rhodes, Pietro Maximoff, Druig, Sam Wilson, Shuri.
- Spiderverse - Hobie Brown, Miles Morales (both variations), Gwen Stacy, Miguel O'Hara, Pavitr Prabhakar, Peter B Parker, Spider Noir.
- X-Men and others (Deadpool etc) - Young!Charles Xavier, Young!Erik Lehnsherr, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Nathan Summers, Wade Wilson.
- The Dark Knight Trilogy - Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne, Jonathon Crane.
- The Batman - Robert Pattinson!Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle.
- Justice League - Diana Prince (Wonderwoman), Arthur Curry (Aquaman), Clark Kent (Superman).
- Gotham - David Mazouz!Bruce Wayne, Jerome Valeska, Jerimiah Valeska, Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon, Selina Kyle, Ed Nygma, Barbara Kean, Oswald Cobblepot, Victor Zsasz, Harvey Bullock, Jonathon Crane, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries.
The Suicide Squad - Jared Leto!Joker, Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Chris Smith (Peacemaker), Robert DuBois (Bloodsport), Chato Santana (El Diablo).
- Attack on Titan - Eren Yeager, Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhart, Sasha Braus, Erwin Smith, Miche Zacharius, Hitch Dreyse, Kenny Ackerman, Marco Bodt, Pieck Finger, Porco Galliard, Colt Grice, Bertholdt Hoover, Nicolo, Ymir, Zeke Yeager, Floch Forster.
- Demon Slayer - Giyu Tomioka, Mitsuri Kanroji, Obanai Iguro, Muichiro Tokito, Shinobu Kocho, Kyojuro Rengoku, Tengen Uzui, Kanao Tsuyuri, Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Gyutaro, Daki, Enmu, Hinatsuru, Makio, Suma.
- Castlevania - Alucard, Sypha Belnades, Trevor Belmont, Carmilla, Lenore.
- Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Juuzou Suzuya, Touka Kirishima, Kuki Urie, Ayato Kirishima, Itori, Uta, Hideyoshi Nagachika.
- My Hero Academia - Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, Tenya Ida, Ochaco Uraraka, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Kyoka Jiro, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, Itsuka Kendo, Tamaki Amajiki, Hitoshi Shinso, Keigo Takami, Mirko, Dabi, Himiko Toga, Jin Bubaigawara.
- Obey me - Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon.
- Haikyuu! - Daichi Sawamura, Kōshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Tobio Kageyama, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Kiyoko Shimizu, Keishin Ukai, Tetsurō Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Tōru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Kōtarō Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Satori Tendō, Yūji Terushima, Kiyoomi Sakusa, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya.
- Avatar the Last Airbender - Zuko, Katara, Sokka, Aang, Azula, Ty Lee.
- Avatar: Legend of Korra - Korra, Asami, Mako, Tenzin, Iroh.
- Waterparks - Awsten Knight, Geoff Wigington, Otto Wood.
- My Chemical Romance - Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Frank Iero, (all the killjoys).
- Pierce The Veil - Vic Fuentes, Tony Perry, Jaime Preciado.
- All Time Low - Alex Gaskarth, Rian Dawson, Zack Merrick.
- Ice Nine Kills - Spencer Charnas, Ricky Armellino, Patrick Galante, Joe Occhiuti, Dan Sugarman.
- Palaye Royale - Remington Leith, Emerson Barrett.
- Others - Oli Sykes, Ronnie Radke, Andy Hurley, Brandon Flowers, Chris Motionless, Kellin Quinn,, John O'Callaghan, Josh Franceschi, Lzzy Hale, Hayley Williams, William Beckett, Noah Sebastian, Will Ramos, Will Ghould, Dave Grohl, Vessel (Sleep Token).
- Metal Lords - Hunter, Kevin, Emily.
- The Sandman - Dream, Corinthian.
- Prey - Naru, Taabe.
- Stranger Things - Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathon Byers, Max Mayfield, Robin Buckley, 001, Dimitri, Eddie Munson.
- Star Wars - Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Rey, Kylo Ren, Boba Fett, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Cal Kestis.
- Barbie - Barbie, Ken.
- Monster High - Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Cleo de Nile, Deuce Gorgon, Draculaura, Lagoona Blue, Abbey Bominable, Clawd Wolf, Gillington Webber, Heath Burns, Holt Hyde, Jackson Jekyll, Neighthan Rot, Operetta, Robecca Steam, Rochelle Goyle, Venus McFlytrap, Kieran Valentine, Porter Geiss.
- Euphoria - Rue Bennett, Jules Vaughn, Maddy Perez, Cassie Howard, Fezco, Lexi Howard, Nate Jacobs (nothing abusive).
- Wonka - Willy Wonka, Fickelgruber.
- Saltburn - Oliver Quick, Felix Catton, Farleigh Start, Venetia Catton.
I know that's quite a long list and if you want me to write for a character not on there then just ask :)
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