#Prison City
alpha-beta-gamer · 2 years
PRISON CITY is a Contra, Metal Gear, Powerblade & Escape From New York inspired retro action platformer where you break into the prison city of Detroit!
Read More & Play The Prototype, Free (Windows)
Gameplay Video:
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petty-crush · 6 days
“Prison City”
-A video game should contain good parts, and ideally back to back, as long as possible. If only including the good makes a game below ten hours of awesome fun, so be it
-“City” is giving kisses to the underseen Nintendo Entertainment System(NES) actions games, in particular Power Blade, Shatterhand, and Street Fighter 2010.
-This is refreshing because usually NES action tributes exclusively extend to Mega man, Contra, and Castlevania. Here, more respect is extended
-How deep does this game love the late 80s/early 90s junk culture? The ending credits have a song called “Dolphin Power” that brings big brushstrokes of the similarly titled song for the 1990 ninja turtles film
-This game is brutally hard. I am a weenie, and could only beat it on easy. Thank you, game developers. I had a blast overcoming those insane bosses
-The feelings I had of jumping head first into the 8 bit bog could almost be called Pavlovian
-Said bosses are among the most creative I have faced in a good long while; the highs were dizzying
-Fun was had, every single step of the way. Even when I had to try over twenty times to beat a level. Supremely delightful
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ryanmoody · 3 months
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Video Games of 2024:
A record of games I have beaten in 2024.
Game number 8: Prison City (Nintendo Switch - 2023)
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cartoontriper · 9 months
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Hal from the game Prison City
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thatsleepymermaid · 4 months
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I haven't heard people talking about this much, but I feel like it's important for people to know. Especially since SB 63 essentially bans bail funds by not allowing organizations, charities, individuals, or groups to bail out more than three people per year and requiring them to register as bonding agencies.
This is a direct response to all the protests happening here in Atlanta. So far, spreading the word can help as well as donating to The Atlanta Solidarity Fund .
In the meantime, here's some phone numbers of politicians you can go bug.
Randy Robertson (Guy who's sponsoring the bill): +1-404-656-0045
Brian Kemp (Governor of Georgia): +1-404-656-1776
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
Prison City inspired by NES classics is playable on Linux
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Prison City NES action platformer game is coming to Linux via Steam Deck and Windows PC. Which is the result of the work and effort of developer Retroware as well as Programancer. Which is working to make its way onto Steam. Retroware and developer Programancer are eager to announce the inclusion of the original IP Prison City. A game inspired by an affinity for NES classics such as Shatterhand and Power Blade. As a result, Prison City offers players a solid sidescrolling dystopian arcade experience. Along exploding with tight mechanics, intricate level design, and a satisfying action story. A public demo is still available on Steam, as well as an extended Influencer Demo for those interested. But first, here are the details from the developer's email reply:
We are still considering a Linux build, but the game will be Steam Deck compatible. We are still unsure if it will be a native build or through Proton.
So here's the deal, Prison City is being developed with GameMaker Studio 2. As we know, this primarily focuses on Ubuntu support for Linux. However, most if not almost all GMS2 games do work well via Proton. Honestly, I wish YoYo Games would increase its Linux platform support. But, at least we have a solid workaround via Proton. Which does work well for the Demo on Steam, with its serious retro vibe.
Prison City Teaser Trailer
Your sentence begins ... in Prison City! As former cop Hal Bruzer, accept the Chief’s plea to raid the Prison City security zones and end the Techno Terrorists’ reign. Throw your chakram or grab some grenades. You will also eat hot dogs to restore health. All while you locate contacts to obtain key cards to the wardens' safe rooms. Inspired by NES action titles, Prison City is a sidescrolling dystopian gameplay exploding with tight mechanics. This also includes a level design to test players with a solid story.
Do cool things like:
Uncover hidden weapon and health upgrades,
Grapple through 8+ zones, ranging from Sewer, Factory, and Preserve,
"Play on Your Terms" - take on customizable gameplay and difficulty through a range of mods. Including health, damage, lives, and loot frequency,
Compete for "best time" with Warden (Boss) Rush mode,
Rock out to Raddland Studios’ (Retro City Rampage, Shakedown Hawaii) OST
and talk to a dolphin!?
Prison City NES action platformer game is coming to Steam in 2023. The release date is still TBD. But there will be Linux and Steam Deck support via Proton and the Windows PC build.
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caemidraws · 3 months
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Things we promised
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thesplintering · 2 years
Retro-Inspired Action Game “Prison City” Coming to Consoles, PC in 2023
Retro-Inspired Action Game “Prison City” Coming to Consoles, PC in 2023 | #retrogaming #gaming #retrogames #PCgaming #pixelart
What makes a terrorist a “techno-terrorist”? Glow sticks? Indie game publisher Retroware recently announced that arcade-style action game Prison City is coming to both PC and consoles in 2023. Developed by Programancer, Prison City is inspired by 8-bit NES side-scrollers such as Shatterhand and Power Blade, complete with a retro, pixel art aesthetic. Players take on the role of a hard-boiled…
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k-wame · 5 months
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JACOB ELORDI He Went That Way (2023) dir. Jeffrey Darling
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Was scrolling through tumblr when I came across a Panda Redd skit about lawyers and judges. And one of the comments was, there’s no good judges in Gotham because they’d be killed immediately. And my mind instantly said, “but what if Danny grew up, moved to Gotham, and became a judge 🤔”
Cause like the boys already half dead, they can’t kill him. And he’s king of The Infinite Realm so he can’t be bribed! All his friends and family are either ghosts or liminal’s so they can’t hold anyone he cares about hostage to get him to do what they want! He would be the perfect judge for Gotham!!!
Plus like in the case of murders, he could talk to the ghosts of the victim’s of the crime to find out if the person on trial is really guilty of the crime. It wouldn’t really be all that admissible in court. Unless he worked to get some laws changed. Maybe he works to get it legal for the ghost of victims to be allowed to testify at the trials. Cause really who better to prove the persons guilt than the person who was killed!!!!
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"The New York City Council voted to ban most uses of solitary confinement in city jails Wednesday [December 20, 2023], passing the measure with enough votes to override a veto from Mayor Eric Adams.
The measure would ban the use of solitary confinement beyond four hours and during certain emergencies. That four hour period would be for "de-escalation" in situations where a detainee has caused someone else physical harm or risks doing so. The resolution would also require the city's jails to allow every person detained to spend at least 14 hours outside of their cells each day.
The bill, which had 38 co-sponsors, was passed 39 to 7. It will now go to the mayor, who can sign the bill or veto it within 30 days. If Mayor Adams vetoes the bill, it will get sent back to the council, which can override the veto with a vote from two-thirds of the members. The 39 votes for the bill today make up 76% of the 51-member council. At a press conference ahead of the vote today [December 20, 2023], Council speaker Adrienne Adams indicated the council would seek [a veto] override if necessary.
For his part, Mayor Adams has signaled he is indeed considering vetoing the bill...
The United Nations has said solitary confinement can amount to torture, and multiple studies suggest its use can have serious consequences on a person's physical and mental health, including an increased risk of PTSD, dying by suicide, and having high blood pressure.
One 2019 study found people who had spent time in solitary confinement in prison were more likely to die in the first year after their release than people who had not spent time in solitary confinement. They were especially likely to die from suicide, homicide and opioid overdose.
Black and Hispanic men have been found to be overrepresented among those placed in solitary confinement – as have gay, lesbian and bisexual people.
The resolution in New York comes amid scrutiny over deaths in the jail complex on Rikers Island. Last month, the federal government joined efforts to wrest control of the facility from the mayor, and give it to an outside authority.
In August 2021, 25-year-old Brandon Rodriguez died while in solitary confinement at Rikers. He had been in pre-trial detention at the jail for less than a week. His mother, Tamara Carter, says his death was ruled a suicide and that he was in a mental health crisis at the time of his confinement.
"I know for Brandon, he should have been put in the infirmary. He should have been seeing a psychiatrist. He should have been being watched," she said.
She says the passage of the bill feels like a form of justice for her.
"Brandon wasn't nothing. He was my son. He was an uncle. A brother. A grandson. And he's very, very missed," she told NPR. "I couldn't save my son. But if I joined this fight, maybe I could save somebody else's son." ...
New York City is not the first U.S. city to limit the use of solitary confinement in its jails, though it is the largest. In 2021, voters in Pennsylvania's Allegheny County, which includes Pittsburgh, passed a measure to restrict solitary confinement except in cases of lockdowns and emergencies. The sheriff in Illinois' Cook County, which includes Chicago, has said the Cook County jail – one of the country's largest – has also stopped using solitary confinement...
Naila Awan, the interim co-director of policy at the New York Civil Liberties Union, says that New York making this change could have larger influence across the country.
"As folks look at what New York has done, other larger jails that are not quite the size of Rikers will be able to say, 'If New York City is able to do this, then we too can implement similar programs here, that it's within our capacity and capabilities," Awan says. "And to the extent that we are able to get this implemented and folks see the success, I think we could see a real shift in the way that individuals are treated behind bars.""
-via NPR, December 20, 2023
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mumblesplash · 2 years
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don’t you hate it when your civilization flees deep underground to escape the wither only to find yourselves trapped down there with something even worse. anyway surprise! i can still draw
#my art#minecraft#minecraft fanart#minecraft ancient cities#they named it the warden because they were its prisoners i will die on this hill#see fellas when i said i was brainrotting about ancient cities i meant like advanced stages of decay#Bad Syndrome: instead of a brain there is sculk#i'm still pondering additional designs for like guards/soldiers and redstone specialists etc#also yeah i was like ok time to design generic ancient city residents for outfit concepts#and bc i'm me they immediately became Characters and now it's a whole thing#their names are echo and felix and they hate each other <3#echo was actually a temple kid like felix growing up but he fled to the outer city due to irreconcilable differences w the sculk worshippers#felix keeps trying to convince him to come back bc he was one of their most talented alchemists#they don't quite have echo's talent for magic but they make up for it in charisma and violent tendencies#neither of which have yet proved effective in convincing echo to come work for them#these days he mostly dedicates his potion skills to making life a bit more bearable for outer city residents#he got the nickname 'echo' due to his knack for inducing realistic auditory hallucinations of dead loved ones#...i TOLD you it turned into a whole thing#i also have a pet theory that ancient cities invented skeleton horses bc they needed horses but also leather and meat#but that's mostly bc i think the phrase 'have your horse and eat it too' is rly funny
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minecraft · 1 year
instead of making the nether taller they should just put the existing nether upwards and then fill the underneath section with a new Deeper Dark biome that links to the overworld via ancient city portals.
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kropotkindersurprise · 11 months
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June 27/28/29, 2023 - Police stations, prisons, town halls, and banks burn across France after police executed 17-year old Naël M. during a traffic stop. [video]/[video]/[video]/[video]
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satsuha · 1 year
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table manners (based on some tavern banters)
read right to left!
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thepumkinmoth · 29 days
I imagine that all the elves look like those overly perfect “ realistic” ai photos
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Like that’s what just Gisela would look like
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