#Space dragons
bioluminosity · 2 months
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Enceladus, dark matter amphiptere. offer or AB on Kofi!
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tafferling · 3 months
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The Star Hatched
Or, as they are commonly referred to: dragons and apex.
According to legend, dragons hatched from the stars Elaya gathered in her courtship of Lady Death. A gift. One to serve her ladyship forevermore.
My dragons may not have featured much in Aphelion's first season, but you'll see them soon. Especially if you go have a read!
Beautiful art by @rcris123 - who continues to bring to life creatures I've dreamt of since childhood. Thank you.
Read Aphelion on Archive of Our Own or Campfire Explore.
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Behold, a pair of strawberry-crested and void-tailed Star Hatched!
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ettawritesnstudies · 5 months
Reposting from my Instagram because it has the music and the captions but you can read First Flight of Spring here!
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kobold-royalty · 6 months
Star Drac
To Koboldly go where no Kobold has gone before!!!
Space dragon tummies. :3
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aethermancy · 11 months
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dahlia dragon for those spring vibes
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julie-devin · 10 months
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What I see.
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swemtpotamtam · 6 months
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some space dragons for Daylight Publications
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awritersbro · 1 year
A Conversation at the End of the Universe
“You're like Atlas,” the Astronaut breathed in revelation. “Holding up the sky for us.”
The dragon's giant, planet-sized eye blinked.
The black slit of the pupil narrowed impossibly thin, to focus on the dust mite clad in a pale white spacesuit that was floating above their face.
The pupil yawned beneath her like the deep and endless abyss of an event horizon. Pitch black against the red haze of The Star.
“Do you think that I'm doing this for you?” They asked, voice growling and crackling through the Astronaut's radio. “I am a being of the stars, and you are a mite that hops from dust speck to dust speck. You are less than nothing to me.”
The Astronaut smiled behind her opaque visor. “And yet, you're talking to me.”
The dragon's scoff was almost indistinguishable from a solar flare. “Why are you here, dust mite? None of your ilk have dared talk to me since there were stars still forming in the clouds.”
“I'm an astronaut. A Star sailor. Comes from the same language spoken by the people who told the story of Atlas, actually.” She continued her survey. To… confirm her findings. Triple-check, or however many she was on right now.
“You are a dust mite and a trespasser upon my hoard,” the dragon growled, “I have eaten planets in my time. Not the little dust-specks your kind calls planets, but planets. Swirling spheres of gas and ice larger than you could even fathom. Do not think I can't do the same to you.”
“Your hoard happens to be the one remaining Star in the universe.” The Astronaut breathed in deep and kept her eyes on the surveyor instrument to calm herself down. It wasn't wise to antagonize reptiles so large that not even the word “colossal” does them justice.
“Do not attempt to belittle me, little less-than-nothing!” Continent-spanning lightning shot through the dragon's iris, “my hoard is every star that crosses your pathetic little sky, and every star beyond!”
“Yes,” the Astronaut agreed, “And every Star in the universe is This Star, right here.”
The dragon tightened their life-giving coil around The Star, but otherwise refused to dignify her truth with a response.
“…Which, apparently, is more than what could be said if you weren't here.”
The Astronaut floated there, against the infinite expanse of sheer unfathomable void, lit only by a single red Star. The Dragon coiled around it, tight as a snake around its prey.
Gentle as a snake around its eggs.
She wondered if The Star felt as heavy to The Dragon as the sky did to Atlas.
“…Perhaps you're more than nothing, little dust mite,” the dragon's eye moved to look at the infinite nothing behind her. “I haven't heard from my fellow Dragons since I came to save this star. There were twenty of us last I knew. Floating from dust speck to dust speck as your kind does, you may have seen them.”
The Astronaut looked up from the stream of data that she probably knew by heart by now and laughed.
“Imagine that.”
“I have imagined things your mind can barely comprehend, speck-hopper, what makes my request seem amusing?”
“No, it's just… You're a colossal planet-eating reptile who's been coiled around The Star for generations, and the first time in eons you talk to another person you ask the most human question imaginable.”
“We are incomparable, dust-hopper,” the Dragon growled. “I could send you across the galaxy with a single twist of my tail.”
The Astronaut almost let go of her surveyor, “the galaxy was real?”
The dragon laughed, finally causing a variation in her Solar Surveyor’s data and shaking the Astronaut's bones.
“Galaxies, little dust-hopper. Plural. As many galaxies as there were stars dancing inside them. Whirling through the void like accretion disks. Can you imagine that?”
“I can barely imagine one star in the sky other than this one.” She breathed, barely a whisper.
Galaxies. Plural. What would that even look like? Could the sky even get so bright? Surely there wasn't enough room in the sky for…
She had to focus on her self-assigned task.
It was far from what her real assigned mission was. The opposite, actually. But the mission was based on false data. Maybe. Incomplete at the very least. She needed to get a more thorough view of the situation. To figure out what to do next, to…
“Have you?”
“Have I what?”
“So soon you are to forget, little dust-hopper. I suppose I cannot fault you for that. You are so small I'm surprised you can remember anything at all! Dragons. Do you know of any others?”
“Oh. Yes.” and oh the way their eye dilated just the slightest bit reminded her of the children back home when she surprised them with secret chocolates and cookies from her rations. She wished she didn't have to kill that light. “They died.”
The dragon moved its head just the barest twitch towards her and The entire Star flashed brighter. “What?”
“They died. Generations ago. I don't… really know how, exactly. We still tell stories about them, back home. How they used to fly across nebulae and play among comets. How they used to eat stars…”
How knights in pale white spacesuits and helmets with opaque visors used to kill them because of it.
Lightning flashed once more in the Dragon’s one visible eye.
“We do not eat stars. The rest of what you said is true, but we do not eat stars. The stars are mine and we do not infringe on one another's hoards. We eat planets, little dust-mite. Nothing more. I will not tolerate lies about my dead race.”
There was fluid visible in the dragon's eye. Pooling atop it as the vastest ocean in the universe. Not that that was saying much, now.
A third semi-transparent eyelid blinked the ocean away, rippling spheres floating across the empty sky. They watched it slowly boil away to nothing in the heat of The Star.
“I'm sorry you had to find out this way.”
“…I was the youngest of my kind, I was always bound to be the last one to die. I only hoped… Well… That I would be there when they did. But really, I suppose I lost them long ago.”
“…May I ask how?”
“When I came to guard this star. Hoards-Black-Holes was insistent that I let entropy take its course, even when I asked them what they would do when their hoard slowly decays into nothing. Hoards-The-Clouds knew what it was like to lose everything, and still they--” The Dragon closed their eyes. “I died to all of them before my scales even touched the surface of this star, I'm sure. They certainly died to me.”
The Astronaut let her surveyor tool float freely beside her. “That seems cruel of them, to not let you keep what's yours.
The Dragon… smiled, almost. It was too sad to be a real smile, but it played the part well enough.
“It was not their place to stop me. My hold on this star is only prolonging the inevitable, but it is prolonging it. When I grow too old and tired to continue living, my grip will loosen, and The Star will die with me. It's only right for a dragon to die with their hoard.”
A neutron-star weight settled in the bottom of the Astronaut's stomach. She didn't know dragons could die of old age. How long had this one been alive?
How long did everything have left?
If it was long enough than maybe, just maybe…
“When… How long will it be? Until you die?”
Heracles built two pillars to hold the sky up for Atlas. Maybe Humanity could do the same, with enough time and Materials.
Was there enough matter left in the universe to build something as ambitious as that?
She knew the findings of the latest Matter and Energy Census as well as she knew her surveyor’s readings. There wasn't.
The dragon laughed now, a full-body chuckle that could probably be felt all the way at The Planet.
The way The star flickered, it most certainly could be seen.
“Oh, little dust-hopper, do you think time matters to me anymore? There's nothing left to measure it. The last black hole dissipated before you dust-hoppers hopped to the little dust speck surrounding this star.”
The Dragon's eye moved past the Astronaut to look into the emptiness beyond. “I wonder… did Hoards-Black-Holes die before or after their hoard?”
The Astronaut knew the answer to their question.
She wished she didn't.
The dragon's eye focused on her and she suddenly remembered just what exactly she was talking to.
“You know more than you are telling me, little dust-mite. Perhaps you would do well to consider who could swallow whom and not even notice it.”
She swallowed thickly. The saliva felt like gruel going down her throat, and not because of the threat they both knew was empty.
“Humanity, we… Generations ago, we found a way to siphon energy out of black holes on a massive scale. Truly massive. From what I'm told, it was almost like there were stars in the sky all over again. Hundreds of billions of souls all over the universe, forcing light from out of the darkness, there are still pictures in some of the older model spaceships. It was beautiful.”
The dragon's eye narrowed as the Astronaut continued on.
“I don't remember the story, exactly,” she lied. She could recite the tale by heart, backwards and forwards. Humanity as Sisyphus, cheating death once again. “But… The legend says that seven humans killed the dragon on a ship called the St George, because they were keeping humanity from rekindling the stars. Once we took all there was to take from the black holes, their corpse fueled our ship for twelve generations. Enough for us to find this star, five generations ago.”
Humanity as Sisyphus, rolling the boulder up the hill to unfathomable prosperity before it inevitably rolled back down.
Hills erode over time. The peak of prosperity shrinking lower and lower until there is no longer a hill to climb up.
Her own ship was called the Beowulf.
She tried not to think about that.
Or the five hundred thermonuclear harpoons in the weapons hold.
It took five generations to build them all.
They could have been used as fuel rods.
Five hundred terajoules of energy that could have been used for growing food. For communicating. For trying to stall the ever-taking hands of entropy. For pretending that any of this actually mattered and that the Universe wasn’t about to end cold and miserable and empty and so, so dark.
The dragon blinked.
For the first time since their conversation started, the eye moved to look at the Beowulf, at the red-blue dot of the planet. Back at her.
“So that is why you're here, star sailor.”
“I find it hard to believe that you can.”
The Astronaut said nothing.
“How did your kind kill Hoards-black-holes, exactly?”
She opened her mouth and spoke through the neutron star in her chest. “Enough thermonuclear harpoons that they say it looked like a real star was burning in the universe again. The same amount as is on my ship, according to the legend. They say the hole in their head was half the size of The Star.”
After all, there was no room for lies at the end of the universe.
The dragon smiled, “and yet, you're talking to me.”
The Astronaut's laugh was more like a huff.
The Universe wouldn’t end just yet. Maybe in a few generations. Maybe as soon as the Astronaut stepped back onto the planet with five hundred more thermonuclear harpoons than expected and a well-crafted argument as to why that she’d have to write on her way back. It didn’t really matter in what little of a grand scheme of things there was left.
For now, the Astronaut and the Dragon floated side-by side in an infinite expanse of sheer unfathomable void, lit only by a single red Star, staring at a pale red-blue dot.
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noescape · 2 months
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🐉 Dragon Adventures
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chaoskirin · 2 years
Free E-Book: Reality Breaker!
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Click here for a link to Reality Breaker on Amazon!
Have you been looking for an easy read? Not sure where to turn because you don’t want to spend money on an author you might not know? 
Have I got a deal for you! (No, really. No strings attached. IT’S FREE!) 
Over this weekend (May 28-May 29), Reality Breaker will be FREE on Amazon. And yes, that means I’m BUYING AN AD on tumblr and then giving my book away for free. That’s how much I’m sure you’ll like it. 
And hey, even if you don’t intend to ever read it, download it anyway! Because of how internet algorithms work, it helps boost my visibility. And if you do read it, please leave a review! That also helps a great deal. If you like it, consider buying a paperback copy or donating to my ko-fi!
A brief summary:
Something weird is happening on the surface of an alien moon. Mutant dragon-like creatures called Xoa have abandoned their random attack pattern have concentrated their rage on one person--a Breaker named Sierra whose job it is to eliminate the alien threat. While she makes it off the moon alive, the Xoa aren’t finished with her, and the plot to destroy her goes far deeper than she ever could have imagined. And if she dies... The rest of humanity is at risk. 
Thanks! And enjoy the book! 
Click here for a link to Reality Breaker on Amazon!
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rachaelmayo · 1 year
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This is When the Moon Eats the Sun. Detail shots of the two dragons are below the text block.
Like many traditional art geeks of eld, I have a large pile of semi-finished or partly painted scraps of paper and board.  Every so often, I paw through the pile to see if something suggests a project.  This time, I got a PING! from a 4x20-inch board painted with acrylics in blues. 
These particular blues happen to be very close to the color of the sky when the sun is fully eclipsed.  I SAW THIS COLOR IN PERSON a few years ago, when the totality happened over the Kansas City area.  It's a very distinctive indigo blue.  And I happened to capture this blue hue on this little scrap of board about twenty years ago.  How 'bout that?  The color inspired the idea for the piece, and I thought I'd stick with an almost monochromatic palette for the dragons in order to keep the focus on that lovely, unique blue.
I worked up the dragons with ink, watercolor, and Prismacolor pencils.  All you can actually see is the colored pencil, as the underpainting is consumed by the coloring process.  The brighter dragon holds a rainbow moonstone cabochon.   
In the background is acrylic paint of several types (including an interference color that glimmers with iridescence at the right angles), gel medium, and a round shattuckite stone.  The stone is an oddity I picked up at a rock show - it's a "bad specimen" in that it's so dark - normally, shattuckite has visible chrysocolla and quartz, with a bit of hematite.  This one is more hematite than anything else, but it worked perfectly for the composition and concept.  The background also has a gob of shiny bits and some gel pen.  
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Whumptober day 2! This one’s about my space dragons, Almitak and Algol.
(if you didn’t see my character intro dump I posted it earlier today! I’ll try and remember to put it in a reblog but no promises)
Confrontation, Cornered, Caged
           “You wanted to see me, Algol?”
           Almitak smiled as he said it, but his smile faded when Algol turned around looking… cold. Cold and harsh like a winter storm, or a desert windstorm here on Aguitha. In the two thousand years he’d known his best friend, Algol had never looked like that, and it sent a cold shaft of anxiety into Almitak’s heart.
           “What’s wrong?” he asked, taking a step forward. “Has something happened?”
           Algol stared at him for a moment, then smiled. It was a dark, predatory smile, and Almitak forced himself to not take a step back from it. Algol’s talons clacked on the stone floor as he walked up to Almitak, and he stopped so close that Almitak could feel his breath.
           “I have come to a decision,” said Algol, setting a hand on Almitak’s shoulder. “It is not one I make lightly, but I need you to understand that it is necessary to help this world thrive. To help all worlds thrive, in fact.”
           The words made him shiver, but Almitak nodded, ignoring his senses telling him to sprout his wings and fly away. “I’m listening.”
           Algol’s smile widened, and he turned away, gazing at the massive stone pillars that surrounded them. Aguitha’s greatest work of art was this great building carved into the stone of the mountain. It was a space so massive that he and Algol could have transformed into their dragon forms right there and still had space to move about between the pillars. It was a place meant to shelter all of the people of Aguitha in times of trouble, and the only cathedral more wonderful that Almitak had ever seen were the stars themselves.
           “To help Aguitha progress changes must be made. The people here are strong and of great courage, and I believe they have what is necessary to help the universe at large find peace and harmony such as not been had since the Beginning.” Algol said. “You and I are the only beings capable of guiding them into this, but you,” he turned back and shrugged. “You lack the resolve to do what is needed. I do not.”
           Almitak swallowed past the lump in his throat. “What are you saying?”
           Algol watched him with a greedy glint in his eye. “I will guide them. I will lead them into an era of peace and prosperity. I will save them and all worlds from the Darkness that consumes. And you will help me, my friend, my brother. I do not have the power to do this all on my own- I need you.”
           Almitak stepped back. “You are not yourself, Algol.” He could feel it in his very bones, the dark power brewing inside his friend. It crashed into him like a broken dam, as if…
           As if Algol had suddenly let him sense it.
           Almitak threw up his defenses a second too late and Algol’s magic crashed into him like a white lightning bolt. He flew back and slammed into a pillar, gasping.
           What was happening? He didn’t have time to think. He summoned his wings and his magic and threw a magical containment field to cover Algol. Algol laughed, and flew right through it. Almitak sped up to the ceiling, trying to buy himself a moment to figure out what was going on.
           But Algol followed, and as he did he transformed into his true form, a massive red and gold dragon. Almitak hissed and quickly called up his own dragon form, and in a moment his blue and purple scales shimmered gold in the fading light.
           The two space dragons circled around each other, wings beating slowly as they floated their long sinuous bodies around the pillars.
           Algol lunged first, his huge jaw open wide as if to bite Almitak in half. Almitak swung his tail and knocked Algol’s head aside, then dove under the other dragon, slamming him upward towards the roof.
           Algol twisted and his teeth did find Almitak this time, latching onto his tail and causing Almitak to scream in pain as his dark purple blood spilled out.
           Almitak snarled and snapped at Algol’s wing, but Algol reared back, then brought himself down on top of Almitak.
           Almitak found himself slammed into the floor, and the impact shook the very mountain. He couldn’t breathe and his vision flicked black.
           ‘Stay awake, stay awake, stay awake,’ screamed a voice in his mind. ‘Fight back!’            ‘But he’s my friend,’ Almitak thought, suddenly feeling far more pressing down on him than the crushing weight of Algol’s body. Why was he doing this?
           “You are weak,” Algol snarled. “You care too much, Almitak. You care about me, you care about them,” he jerked his head towards Aguitha outside the closed doors of the fortress. “You think kindness and love can change the universe, can help it. But nothing less than an iron will can bend this universe into the shape it ought to be. And an iron will I have.”
           Almitak went as cold as if he were already dead. “Algol that is not our way! We are here to guide worlds in the way the Creator desired, not how we desire-”
           “The Creator created nothing but chaos!” said Algol. “But he gave us power. So, so much power, and I can use it to make it right. I can make peace. Under me, the universe can live in harmony.”            “He gave us the power, yes, and he can take it away if we misuse it! You know that, Algol. You can’t do this, it isn’t what we were made to do-”            “It is what I was made to do,” Algol smiled darkly. “And you are going to help me, old friend.”
           “I won’t help you,” said Almitak. “You have fallen into madness and darkness.”            “I know you won’t help me willingly, but I don’t need you to. I have learned the forbidden magic, Almitak. And with it I can use you for whatever purposes I need.”
           Almitak didn’t know what forbidden magic exactly Algol had learned, but he did know that all of it was dark and evil. “Algol you don’t have to do this. We can create peace in other ways! We can fix this together if you-”
           Algol laughed. “You’re so soft. I wish I could have counted on you to help me, but you’re too weak-hearted. Now,” he bared his teeth in a sinister smile. “Let’s finish this.”
           Algol lunged, too fast for Almitak to pull away. His jaws locked around Almitak’s neck and Almitak roared, twisting and jerking his body as he felt Algol’s teeth pierce his scales.
           But Algol did not bite down. He simply held Almitak there, blood dripping from his teeth to the floor as Almitak fought to get free.
           Suddenly Almitak froze. Something else was draining out of him that wasn’t his blood. Immediately he redoubled his efforts to escape, flailing his entire body and curling it around Algol, trying to suffocate him to make him let go.
           But Algol stayed stuck fast, and Almitak screamed in horror as he felt his soul draining out of his body.
           “Algol please!” he pleaded. “Please stop!”
           Algol gave a deep throaty chuckle that nearly stopped his heart.
           Almitak stopped fighting. He fell limp and eerily still as the last of his soul was sucked out of his body. Algol held the writhing mass of blue, purple and gold in his mouth for a moment, then blew it from his mouth, straight into an open box waiting on the fortress dais.
           The box snapped shut.
             Almitak felt darkness around him, pressing down on him and smothering him. He couldn’t breathe, or think or see or feel. Where was he? What had Algol done to him?
           ‘Algol… please…’
           A low chuckle answered him.
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ettawritesnstudies · 1 year
Into the Night
It’s a fun exercise to find motifs that appear often in a writer’s work, and I recently noticed that I have an attachment to the describing nighttime scenes in my stories. I’ve compiled a bunch of short excerpts from these WIPs to compare the different worlds in which they take place. Feel free to peruse the tags and categories if any of these catch your attention! From Runaways: A million…
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Take some Scalesian doodles because I haven’t drawn my space dragons in a while. The sketch of the two babies was an idea I had that involved conjoined twins who got surgically separated and given cybernetics for the parts they didn’t have after surgery. Idk if I’ll do anything with them, but they were fun to doodle.
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rateater2000 · 1 month
Space dragons
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rosemariecawkwell · 2 months
One of Our Assessors is Missing Chapter 2 - Lah-Shar's thoughts
Alright! We’re back with Lah-Shar and Maria’s adventures. This time we get some insight into Lah-Shar’s life and thoughts. Chapter two – Lah-Shar Lah-Shar felt the air change as they came closer to the base. He’d seen planets with ice sheets miles deep that extended almost to the equator. He’d seen planets that were tidally locked, one side burning the other freezing. His own planet, Ran-Nang,…
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