doriansbutt · 3 years
I really need to do a line up of my darpg character through the year of campaign so far.....he’s been thru.....so much.......
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bon-nii · 3 years
Sorry for spam reblogging from u but im very mad about episode 3 and ur blog conveyed pretty much everything i couldn't scream at my anime only fans friends
Omg hey anon don't worry about it, no need to apologize!! Honestly it makes me happy when I see people spam reblog from me like "damn ur going thru it too then?" 😭 My blog and inbox are always open for whatever <3
Glad you could find a voice thru all my TPN shitposts and reblogs. I know what it's like to be SUPER OBSESSED with something that none of your friends are obsessed with so you can't share it with anyone and then feel like you are gonna explode lmfao
Here are some thoughts I have about episode three below the cut. It got a bit long but I'm really passionate about this series aaaaa:
From an anime-only standpoint, I think it was a great episode. It lures the viewer into a false sense of security, only to drop two massive bombshells on them--the "Help" room and the call from William Minerva. From a manga standpoint, what the FUCK is going on!?
We have known for awhile now that the anime is going to change things up, so I have been trying to separate the anime from the manga a bit, in terms of plot and execution. I am not against this idea, but I am not really for it either. I think it is too early to determine whether this is a good call or not, but I'm not necessarily hopeful lol. But if done right, I think this anime-only thing could be a great addition to the story.
Unless they are fuckin, rewriting the ENTIRE story, I can't possibly imagine a reason why they would omit both Yuugo AND Goldy Pond--two of the most beloved and favorite things from the series.
Yuugo is everyone's favorite trash uncle, we all love his goofy ass, but I think a lot of people forget that he serves a very explicit and important purpose for the narrative. He represents what Emma could become if her plans, ideals, and dreams cost her everything. He is the second big challenge to Emma's ideals (the first being Isabella, the third being Norman). I really, REALLY would not understand why they would remove him, if they remove him.
There is a lot of disinformation going around about the anime, so much that nobody really even knows what is disinformation and what is real. There's this idea going around that they cut GP and Yuugo entirely from the anime, and people are spreading this like it's fact. It's not, we simply do not know what they plan to do from here. I understand why everyone is panicking, I'm lowkey panicking too because Yuugo is so near and dear to my heart, but I think in the heat of the moment there has been a bit of an overreaction. Just my opinion though, but I think it is way too early to tell if this will be good or not. I think we will know after episode 4
If Yuugo will be introduced, I think it is highly likely that they will have him show up at the bunker at some point and discover the kids, rather than the other way around. This would add a lot of suspense--imagine, the kids see some unknown figure entering the bunker from the monitors? Imagine being Yuugo, walking into the bunker, thinking you are completely alone. His mental state is extremely fragile, he is severely suicidal, he has nightmares and lives his life constantly haunted by the ghosts of his family...and now he is hearing children's voices and laughter when he enters the bunker??? YIKES!!!
Yuugo's intro in the manga was FIRE, but it probably didn't have the level of suspense that the anime was looking for. There isn't really any build up except for the one or two panels before they find him where Emma hears noises behind the door. (I think his intro had suspense at the time it was published because he was introduced as a cliffhanger at the end of volume 6, and then the manga went on a two month hiatus and everyone was like "ayo who tf is that guy?!?!??!")
Right before Yuugo dies, he thinks back on that day, the day he "failed to die". In this flashback, we see that he was out gathering food, came back to the bunker, had a mental breakdown, and was going to shoot himself, but was interrupted by the kids arriving at the shelter. So, he was out of the bunker before they met. The things that make me nervous about this theory: the moldy cookies, the empty garden, and the letter pinned to the wall.
Don't get your hopes up that this is going to happen. Speaking from experience as someone who went through both the great BBC Sherlock season 4 meltdown and the great Voltron meltdown, if you get in too deep with theorizing to the point where you become convinced that *this specific thing* is going to happen, it's probably going to come back to bite you in the ass BIG TIME and it is going to ruin the series and the love you have for it entirely. For the sake of sparing myself that stress, I am going to assume the worst case scenario, which is that this doesn't happen and they fuck everything up. I love this series but I am not going to revert back to my Sherlock and Voltron mental state for it lmfao
If worst comes to worst, we have the manga. That's it. We have the original story and that's what matters. It exists, whether the anime adapts it or not. Yeah it will suck if they don't adapt it, but it won't destroy the manga's story, y'know? Yuugo will be here for us to love, regardless of what form he is in. They will never be able to take bunker dad from us lol
I do have other thoughts concerning the phone call, and what that might mean about James, Norman, and Lambda, but this is getting way too long and the mass majority of the concern is about Yuugo and GP so I'll leave it at this. Heads up guys, no matter what happens, it's not the end of the world. Don't let whatever happens ruin this series for you.
I hope that I was maybe able to help you feel better about everything? Thank you again for visiting, for the reblogs and taking the time to inbox me, it really means a lot to me!! Feel free to spam me anytime! 💕 :>
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hankwritten · 3 years
No Thru Traffic
Gen, 1k
Part of the DontNeedADiscord Pride Week, Day 6: Parade
“I’m really sorry Administrator,” I coughed into my tissue. “It really is- achoo-! It really is that bad. But at least it came after I got all that work done yesterday, right?”
The slightly pixelated Administrator on the other end of the Zoom call did not chime in in agreement. She narrowed her eyes, and I swallowed, hoping the sweat beading down the side of my face added to the charade.
After several tense seconds, the Administrator said, “very well. But I expect you early tomorrow morning to make up for the lost contracts.”
“Oh d-definitely,” I sniffed. “I’m sure it’ll be c-cleared up by tomorrow,”
“It better be. Administrator out.”
Her face hung frozen for a half second before the call dropped, replaced by a black void on my screen. I cautiously closed the webcam cover, just in case.
Then, I flew into a frenzy, wiping off the makeup I’d used put fake bags under the eyes. From my nose I removed two stubs of tissue, and took in a glorious breath now that I was freed from stuffy-nostrils. The sweat was real though. I’d never lied to the Administrator before, never to her face, and the sudden adrenaline as I realized what I’d just pulled off threatened to jitter me out of my skin.
“Yes!” I said, punching the air. “Ha! I did it!”
The exultation was short lived, as my head whipped to where my laptop was still sitting open. The call was over but…better be extra safe and power that off before I go.
I changed out of the grubby, sick-girl pajamas, and went to my closet. Habitually, my hand went to one of my numerous purple tops, but stopped just short of the hanger. Was this what I was going to wear, today of all days? Same boring work clothes I did for the other three hundred sixty-four days a year? I drew my hand back and frowned.
Screw it. Who knew when the next time I’d work up the nerve to do this again?
I began shoving hangers aside, heavy with their deep whooshing as I sorted through dozens and dozens of painfully similar button downs. Sometimes there was even a dress! How original! So I just kept searching and searching until-
There! Right at the back: an orange Hawaiian shirt I’d worn exactly once, back when I’d been forced to take my government mandated vacation. I pulled it on with gusto.
The tangles came free from my hair—I hadn’t brushed it yet that morning in order to give it that “sickly” look—and then I was in front of the bathroom mirror. Biting my lip, I looked down at the facepaints I’d bought on an impulse, thinking at the time I could paint little flags on my cheeks, but now that the time was upon me I wondered if it was too much. Already I was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, how much more wild was I willing to get?
But, well, since I’d already bought them…
Fifteen minutes later, I examined myself in the mirror again, and gave a relieved sigh. Hadn’t managed to smudge a thing!
Sensible shoes, my bus pass, and then I was off.
The parade was vibrant, so much better in person instead of looking at YouTube clips later and sighing wistfully. My first day off to coincide with it ever, and all I’d had to do was a little office subterfuge. Now, as long as I didn’t end up in any photos, no one would know I’d been here at all! Everything was going to be absolutely-
“-Oof, entschuldigung, I did not see you there.” The man who’d just bumped into me adjusted his glasses. “Miss Pauling?”
“Medic?” I gaped. “What are you doing here?”
“I am here for the parade of course,” he said, gesturing around. He was dressed for it, his usual vest replaced with one of horizontal rainbow stripes. “As are you, I assume.”
“Yes but,” I stumbled over my words. “What about work?”
“Ah, the Voice? I simply told her I was sick.”
I felt my spirits sink. “Did you now.” I rubbed my face, only remembering to avoid the facepaint at the last second. “It’s fine. Great to see you actually. As long as no one else recognizes us I’m sure we’re-”
“Doktor! Miss Pauling!”
“Aw jeez.”
Pushing through the crowd to greet them was the Heavy Weapons Guy—even worse, Engie appeared to be tagging along behind him, discussing a brochure with a unicorn-costume clad Pyro.
“Did not expect to see you here,” Heavy said as he made it to our side of the street. “Thought little Pauling must work.”
“Could say the same to you guys!” I said, irritation creeping into my voice. “Don’t tell me you all just played hookey together?”
“Naw,” Engie replied. “Didn’t know any of these fellers were coming until we all ran into each other.”
“This is bad,” I began to titter. “If we’re here, then who’s at the office?”
“…Is this a bad time to tell you that Demo ‘n Soldier are coming at us from down the street?”
I whipped around. Sure enough, there they were: Soldier with rainbow-striped American flag tied around his shoulders, and Demo with his afro dyed a deep commitment to purple.
“Ahhhhh!” I couldn’t help but let out. “Why did you all have to skip work at the same time as me?”
“We all wanted to come to the parade, lass.” Then, noting my distress, Demo added with a wink, “don’t fret! The old woman won’t know a thing. Currently, I’m home in bed with the measles.”
“The measles,” I deadpanned. I turned to our now rather obstructing group. “And what did the rest of you say?”
“Gingivitis,” Soldier offered.
“Chicken pox.”
“Cat Scratch Fever,” Scout said, taking a bite from a hot dog.
“Scout!” I demanded. “When did you get here?”
He shrugged. “Don’t blame me, I was just following Spy, seeing why he was sneaking around and crap.”
“And I told you,” Spy’s voice replied, “that I was merely following the bushman and seeing what he was up to.”
Maybe I should just stop turning around. Then my coworkers would have to stop randomly appearing behind me, right?
“That’s literally everyone,” I berated them all. This time, when I rubbed my palms under my glasses, I did end up smudging the paint, streaks of white and pink running up my cheeks. “Uhg, we’re so screwed. What is the Administrator going to think when she walks in to the office and sees-”
“Absolutely no one?”
Okay. It looked like I’d have to turn around in a horrified manner one more time.
The Administrator parted the crowd around her, not the least because her shoulder pads threatened to stab anyone who got too close. Everyone shrank before her, except for Heavy maybe because I don’t think he has it in him to shrink before anyone.
“Helen,” I started, then cleared my throat. “I guess you uh…took a guess where we all went huh?”
“That I did.” She blinked down at her employees. “I must say I am disappointed. Of course, I expect something like this from these idiots, but from you Miss Pauling? Couldn’t even engineer a decent structural emergency in order to justify shirking your work. At the very least you could have flooded the building, or released feral opossums into the ventilation.”
“HEY NOW,” Soldier barked from the back of the group. “Have you been reading my itinerary? Because it very clearly says SOLDIER’S DAY PLANNER, DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU ARE SOLDIER OTHERWISE I WILL KILL YOU!”
“…Are you saying you wanted me to fabricate an emergency?” I asked, perplexed.
“It would at least have been more convincing than nine separate emails from my employees, all claiming different maladies. One of which was,” she looked at her phone, “‘A Case of the Mondays’.”
“It is actually proven that worker productivity is up to thirty-three percent lower at the beginning of the week,” Medic justified.
The Administrator stared at him. “It’s Thursday.”
“Alright, alright,” Engineer butt in. “I think we can all agree that we may have messed up a little. Told a few harmless lies about medical issues we may or may not have. But that ain’t exclusive to Miss P here! We all’ve been lying ‘round here, and it ain’t fair to single her out.”
“The laborer is right,” Spy agreed. “The blame should fall on all of us.”
One by one, to my amazement, the others spoke up, or nodded in agreement. When I glanced up at the Administrator again, she had an eyebrow raised, as though I had somehow orchestrated this as well.
“I could instruct you all to return to work, you know,” she said. “It is only fair that your recrimination should begin there. However…”
“You showed up, saw how sick it was, and decided you’re going to hang out and eat hot dogs with us instead?” Scout asked.
She glared at him. “I still have work that must be done before the end of the day. But, it appears Miss Pauling has tripled her workload in the week leading up to today, she has effectively removed any urgency from the rest of your duties. Thanks to her foresight, you are technically not needed at the office today.”
“Aih! Way to go lassie!” Demo said, squeezing me around the shoulders until only my toes were on the ground. Similar congratulations were offered, everyone getting in a pat on the back.
“You inspire great loyalty, Miss Pauling,” she said. “But do not let this happen again.” With that she turned, and disappeared into the revelry.
“Wow,” I said. “I think I’m going to have a heart attack now.”
“Have one when the parade is over!” Soldier demanded. “Look! Floats!”
There certainly were floats. As the chatter died down, and everyone celebrated their good luck, I was left standing among my friends with a new appreciation, these people who’d stuck by me when it’d counted. They were a bit of a colorful bunch but, hey, who better to celebrate pride with than them?
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queen-rogah · 4 years
Heartbreak Weather (part 1)
Roger Taylor x Reader
Series Summary: It's the story about the unexpected love between you and Roger Taylor that had lasted through thick and thin, through the challenges and darkness as you both find a way to prove that love is unbreakable...
In this part: Roger just broke up with his long-term girlfriend through the phone just minutes before his performance with the band, then in the same night, he never knew that his broken heart will recover again...
Warnings: language, mild fluff, mild angst
Word Count: 4.4k+ words
Note: First part of the Heartbreak Weather series coming thru! This is actually based from Niall Horan's new album called "Heartbreak Weather" wherein I will use the titles of the songs in the albums as the other parts of this series. Hope you're all excited about this as much as I do. Gifs are not mine, all credits to the owner!
PS. STREAM HEARTBREAK WEATHER BY NIALL HORAN, it's a great album, it's definitely worth a listen!
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They unloaded the trucks as the roadies rushes in and started pushes the different equipments they needed for the tour. The band also arrived on time for sound checks as they led them inside the theatre. They have their eyes locked on the lights around the stage and how spacious this place is. It's been days that the Sheer Heart Attack tour had started and their adrenaline during the tour is getting much stronger because of the people's energy inside the venue and how they sing right back to them the lyrics of their songs. Especially when the sophisticated melody of Killer Queen will play from Freddie's piano. The crowd will definitely go crazy.
After the soundcheck, the band made their way inside the dressing room to get ready for tonight's show. Different people also got inside the room to take care of them. Freddie sat by the corner to let them fix his hair, Brian also fixes his hair, Deacy and Roger were by the rack of clothes to look for their outfit tonight.
Then Roger found this golden vest that will definitely shimmer underneath those lights on stage.
"Roger, you're next!." Brian shouts from the other side of the room.
The drummer put the vest back in the clothes rack to make his way to Paloma, the band's new hair stylist who really have a huge personality.
"How are you Mr. Taylor?." Paloma spoke to him as she took her equipment and started cutting off the excess hairs out of his blonde locks.
"I'm fine love, and please...call me Roger, Mr. Taylor doesn't fit me." Roger replied and Paloma nods that him.
"Okay...Roger." She said as she fixed his hair, brushing it down and put on some hairspray. Paloma soon stood in front of the drummer to fix his hair up front.
Roger never stopped himself staring at her breasts just inches away from him.
"You're staring again Roger." Paloma chuckles as he tore his eyes away from her and put up a smirk.
"Can't help it love, it's right in front of me." Roger laughs and just in time Paloma finished fixing his hair. The drummer left the chair and soon took off his top and put on a robe.
He picked the black leather pants from the clothes rack as he finally changed. Deacy is also in a robe, next to Brian's red special, while Brian is lounging beside him with still the same clothes he's in when they arrived.
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Roger borrowed a polaroid from one of the staffs as he played around with it
Roger borrowed a polaroid from one of the staffs as he played around with it. Taking different pictures here and there like Freddie getting his makeup done, Brian now standing in front of the mirror and Deacy on the couch. Roger sat down on the vacant space on the couch beside Deacy where Brian is earlier and put down the Polaroid as he let the bassist look at the pictures too.
A flash goes off in front of them as they look at Brian pointing the camera at the both of them, the guitarist soon showed them the picture. Only Deacy caught the camera but Roger didn't, he's too busy looking at those pictures in his hands.
Only Deacy caught the camera but Roger didn't, he's too busy looking at those pictures in his hands
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"I'll keep these for my scrapbook back home. Maybe it'll make a good use in the future." Roger said as he also took the polaroid picture from Brian and put it inside his bag that is on the floor. He also reached over for a cigarette as he light it up with his lighter, inhaling the smoke to calm himself down.
"Ten minutes boys!." They finally announces.
The adrenaline came in again.
Freddie faces the mirror for his finishing touches, Brian also stood beside him as he fixes his hair. Deacy changed into his clothes while Roger finally puts on his vest. Brian had his guitar with him, Deacy also had his bass and Freddie is now warming up his voice.
The crowd of 3,000 people of the Rainbow Theatre awaits them again.
"Boys, let's have a mini rehearsal before we go on stage." Freddie told them as they huddle together in a small circle as Freddie started singing. Brian was playing his guitar to catch the melody.
"Roger," Paloma suddenly called him as he turn his look to her, "Telephone." She points on the telephone that's on hold as he approaches to the phone.
"Hello?." Roger speaks. There was silence at first, until he heard a sigh from the other line.
That voice sends his heart into beating loudly in his chest as a smile appears on his lips.
"Reese, love, why did you call? Missed me already?." Roger teased her long-term girlfriend who's waiting on him back in the shared home with her.
"Yeah, I miss you...I really do." She replied back, but how she said that sounded sad or tired.
Roger noticed that.
"It's unusual to hear you in that tone of your voice Reese, is something wrong? Did someone hurt you? Did you–"
"–I'm fine Roger, it's just...I...I missed you, that's all." Her laugh was strained and sounded fake, and it feels like she's holding something back.
"Reese...you already know that I don't like you lying to me." Roger sighs, not believing on what his girlfriend just said.
He really wants to know the truth behind those words.
But she fell into silence again, like she did earlier.
Only the sound of Freddie singing and Brian strumming his guitar behind him is what he hears.
"–Roger, I can't do this anymore." She sobs and Roger paused for a second as her words replayed in his mind.
"What...what do you mean you can't do this anymore? Reese, have you been drinking?..." Roger turned paranoid and the other's noticed his tone of voice changing as their noises died down.
"No, I haven't been drinking Roger and I'm telling you that truth that I really can't do this anymore. Aren't you even tired on our fights, our lives living together and even in our relationship. Aren't you already tired Roger?." She asked.
Her words broke the drummer's heart in pieces.
"I was never tired for you Reese because I love you so much. Even though I come home from a tiring tour and fight about something didn't made me turn my back to you. Unless you're just the only one who's turning your back on me. You're throwing away our relationship with just those nonsense words Reese. I love you and think of the words you've been saying." Roger pleaded.
"I'm tired Roger and let's accept the fact that we should part ways and respect our decisions–"
"–why? Is being with me is the biggest mistake of your life? Is moving in with me the biggest regret of your life? Or you're just too heartless about it?." Roger now angrily asked her and Reese was tongue tied for a second.
"I respect you so much Roger and I deserve your fury but you also have to accept that I'm breaking up with you..." Reese tried to calm him up but he was already angry.
"You're breaking up with me through the phone Reese! This is the most impractical thing you ever did! Why all of the sudden? Did you...met somebody else?." His voice shakes when he asked the last sentence.
She gave him the silent treatment again.
"Reese answer me." He commands.
"Yes, I've been seeing someone else Roger." She whispers, her voice so small but Roger heard her.
"For how long?." He asked. Tears were already forming around his eyes, he never imagined this time with her because he thought Reese was the one for him since they were dating for 6 years now.
"5 months." Reese sobs, "I'm so sorry Roger, I...I can't deal with this anymore, I felt like we’ve been parting ways even though we're blind to see it–"
"–no Reese, you're the only one who's parting it's way here. I'm holding on so much into this relationship because I loved you so much. I tried to change my ways for you because you want me to change up my habits, but turns out everything isn't enough for you. My love for you is never enough." The drummer replied to her as he hangs up the phone. He noticed the room being silent as he knew everyone was listening to his conversation with Reese.
"Are you...okay Roger? Did something happened between you and Reese?." Brian asked.
"I don't give a fuck anymore." He mutters and took his drumsticks before leaving the room without dismissing himself.
Three minutes before their performance and Roger is already pissed off, his excitement faded out after that phone call.
What a great way to start a fucking show.
"You promise you'll pick me up? Don't worry, I'll be paying for your drinks when we get there." You pace around the room while speaking to your bestest friend since highschool. Eleanor had been planning this night out for weeks now since she came back home from California for a year.
"I'm also bringing Kelsey and Cleo with us too, remember those girls?." She squeals.
Kelsey and Cleo. The girls you've known in Physics class in highschool. You remember them being the smartest people in that school.
"Yeah, I remember them. It's been years that I didn't saw them. Maybe the last time I was with them is the highschool graduation, since we all parted ways for college." You replied.
Eleanor, Kelsey and Cleo went to the same university, a very well-known university outside the city. Well, you stayed behind, enrolled to a university in the city and pursue in learning accountancy.
Now you're working in a small accounting firm that pays you well.
Enough to pay your own bills.
"Now I'm going to call them for this mini reunion. Wear the sexiest clothing you've ever hand in your closet right now then I'll pick you up by 8pm later. Bye Y/N!." Eleanor said as she finally hangs up.
You made your way towards your closet as you go through your clothes, pulling out some of the clothes you mostly wear in parties or social events, but one thing had made you stop when you finally saw it again here. It's the deep v-neck sequined top that you bought last year. You haven't used that top since you bought it and now you think this is the opportunity to wear it. For the first time.
Not caring about your insecurity.
You took the top and lay it on your bed, along with your high rise black denim flares and your old gold sequin pumps–that you managed to find in your shoe rack–and there's only an hour left for you to get ready before Eleanor would pick you up. You didn't styled your hair that much and just let it down, but you focused on your makeup. After all your work on your face, you look at yourself in the mirror–your eyes have been enhanced by the bronze eyeshadow and eyeliner, your contour brings out your cheekbones more–one last thing, you applied the strawberry flavored lip gloss, and now you’re good to go.
You put your planned outfit, even though you’re unsure about how much skin you’re revealing with the sequin top. Your back and cleavage on full display, hoping no creep will come up to you to where Eleanor will lead you. You look over to your clock to see it’s already 8pm, thinking that Eleanor will come up late again and that will take you some time to think if this outfit will be the one you’ll be wearing for the rest of the night.
Until you heard a loud honk outside your apartment.
Eleanor’s not late, very unusual.
So you just took your white fur coat and put it on, buttoned up to conceal your top that is already a small regret that you wore it. You grab your bag and left your place, Eleanor’s car is parked as her window rolled down, “Are you ready for tonight missy?.” Eleanor shouts from her car, not caring about your neighbors.
You step inside the car laughing to see Cleo in the backseat and Kelsey in the passenger seat beside Eleanor wearing their most fashionable and quite revealing outfits, “Hi guys, how are you?.” You sat beside Cleo as you put your seatbelts on. Eleanor finally drives away from the cul-de-sac and to where she will lead you all.
“Great! I don’t know if how many years that we haven’t see each other and now, you’re a view Y/N.” Cleo said as she also complimented you as you blushed a bit.
“–in short you’re hot Y/N.” Kelsey added in the conversation.
You truly missed these girls.
“Thank you ladies, you all looked beautiful too!,” You exclaim then soon look at Eleanor through the rear view mirror, “How about you El?.” You asked her.
“I’m doing great too because all that I’m thinking of that we are all getting shitfaced tonight.” She smirks at you through the rear view mirror as you took a deep breath.
Tonight will be a long night.
Everything is a mess to Roger tonight.
After that sudden break-up with his girlfriend, his mood and energy for the whole performance night went downhill and he officially lost it when the power went out–not once but twice in the venue earlier and the production team is pissing them off. Not just Roger, but also to the other boys. The whole band doesn’t feel like performing to the people tonight, so when the show has come to an end, Roger hits the last beat of the song on the drums and kicks off the drumset across the stage–good thing that Freddie saw what he’s going to do and immediately moved out of the way as he says his thank you to the crowd, he also pulled Deacy with him while he’s still bowing down for the people. They are all disappointed about tonight’s show, and Roger was disappointed, angry and heartbroken.
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He already entitled this night the worst night of his life.
They got inside the dressing room again to dry up their sweat and change up into their comfortable clothes.
“Tonight’s show is a load of bollocks.” Roger said in anger while looking at himself in the mirror.
“It is, the power interruption really pisses me off.” Brian also said in pure irritation.
“And Roger, you almost killed me when you throw off your drums in the stage. Mind telling me a warning next time.” Freddie said to the drummer as he just heard him scoffed.
“But we still did our best for the show, I just don’t want for this incident to happen again.” Deacy added as he glares at Roger who’s already sitting on the couch while looking down on the floor–his brows furrowed.
The band fell in silence while they’re only hearing the chatters of the staffs outside the dressing room.
Freddie claps his hand as he stood up from the chair he’s sitting on, “I heard there’s a nightclub just blocks away from here–“
“–well then we’re going there.” Roger immediately replied as he also stood up from the couch.
Freddie widen his eyes at the drummer and let’s out a chuckle before calling the other roadies and staffs to come with them in the nightclub he’s talking about. They left the theatre and drive to where it is to see multiple people already in line to get inside the place–maybe some of these people just came from the show that’s why when they left the vehicle, they recognized them as they wave at their direction, calling out their names to get noticed–mostly women as they mostly call on Roger’s attention.
They let the band in without falling in line with the people as they were welcomed by the scent of alcohol in the air–maybe not just alcohol. The roadies that they invited managed to find a booth for the band to sit in. Freddie was eyeing a lot of people in the crowd, Brian was talking to some fan while walking to the booth, Deacy was also talking to a fan and Roger is already holding a drink that was given by a fan earlier. They gave them multiple drinks and drank it one-by-one, Roger planned to get drunk tonight, to get the heartbreak with Reese out of his head.
In just a matter of minutes in the club, Freddie was already enjoying himself in the dancefloor with Deacy and other people, then Brian was talking to a girl in the booth and Roger already have two good-looking ladies on his sides with their hands roaming around his body. The red-head is seducing him and the blonde was non-stop touching him.
Roger again ordered another round of shots with the ladies.
It’s been 20 minutes since you’re still in this line for the club that Eleanor took you all to. She said that this club has the best drinks and the strongest shots–she’s really serious about getting shitfaced tonight. The entrance is getting closer, then suddenly the people in front starts to cheer and heard them calling out some names but you don’t understand since they’re talking all at once. Eleanor, Kelsey and Cleo are also dumbfounded to what’s happening right now.
“Excuse me, can you tell what’s happening and why are the people shouting so loud? Is there a club fight?.” Eleanor taps on the girl in front of her as she turns around.
“Queen is here!.” The girl responds.
“Queen Elizabeth is here?.” You asked and Eleanor loudly laughed at your remark, the girl also laughed along with her.
“No darling, she means that the band named Queen is here. You know, the band that sang…I don’t know…Killer Queen I think?.” Eleanor said as you nod your head. You mentally cursed at yourself thinking about the Queen of England going to club like this. You’ve forgotten that there’s actually a band that calls themselves Queen.
“Oh fuck–I’m sorry I’m so stupid.” You laughed at yourself.
Eleanor accepted your apology as you talk about other things again while you’re still in line. Ivy–the girl you’ve talked to earlier already are comfortable with the three of you and she’s going to the club all by herself, that’s why you all adopted her in your group. When it’s finally your turn to get inside the club, Eleanor shouted fucking finally as you all stepped inside the club filled with people already dancing and drinking different alcohols. The humid of the room is making you uncomfortable with the fur coat you’re wearing but you still didn’t decide to take it off. Your self-confidence is still hiding. Eleanor took you all in the bar, ordering tequilas as the starter. She made a toast as you all brought your drinks up in the air and drank the tequila. It all goes on with more stories, gossips, drinks and round of shots. Kelsey and Cleo are already dancing in the dancefloor, Eleanor is talking to a man while you’re just watching the girls dancing to the music. Some men tried to give you free drinks but you’re thanking God nobody has ever pushed you to your limits. You just got free drinks and someone to talk to.
They also didn’t know how to flirt.
And if they did, you didn’t know how to flirt back too.
After all of those things, more and more people entered the club and beads of sweats are already forming in your temple as you wipe it away with some table napkins in the bar. The fur coat really is making you officially uncomfortable. Thinking now it’s the time to take it off.
Your fingers found the buttons of the coat as you want to take it off, but you were interrupted with Cleo’s drunken self walking back with some man you don’t know but they looked like good friends.
“There she is! Y/N, I want you to meet John!.” Cleo shouts through the blaring music.
He gave you small smile as you come up for a handshake, “Hi John, nice to meet you! I’m Y’N, as Cleo already said earlier.” You smiled at him as he shakes your hand.
“John Deacon, nice to meet you–“
You stopped as you heard him say his name, “–wait, are you from Queen?.” You guessed.
He chuckles and nod his head, “I am, I’m the bassist of the band, yeah.” He approves as you gape at Cleo who’s arm was wrapped around his own too.
“So uh, how did you two know each other? Cleo never mentions she knows somebody who’s famous.” You asked, feeling interested.
“Well, I met Deacy in college because we’re taking the same classes in electrical engineering course and we became close when he became my partner in a project.” Cleo responds.
You didn’t know Cleo studied electrical engineering in college.
“By the way, I’m not just here to introduce Deacy to you, he calls us to sit with them in their booth. The other members of Queen will definitely be there,” Cleo stops mid-sentence as she hiccups and laughed at herself. Even John laughed too, “I’m sorry about that, so, since you’re the only one who’s here and I don’t know where the fuck did the others go, you’re coming with us.”
You nod your head as you followed Cleo and John through the crowd and towards the other side of the room to where they are sitting. You saw people with them, also drinking a lot of shots and see the other members. You’re soon looking at Roger who’s still surrounded by good-looking ladies that are drunk. You’re still good but tipsy tonight, since you didn’t drank all of the shots that Eleanor ordered earlier. You only took the drinks that were mild.
“Deacy finally managed to find himself some ladies. Care to introduce them darling?.” Freddie asked as he sips on his drink.
“This is Cleo and this is her friend Y/N. I invited them to sit with us tonight.” John said and Freddie nods his head, letting them sit on the vacant spaces of their place. You were close to Roger with all the ladies around him as you didn’t stop yourself from looking at the sensual scene they’re causing, and one of the girls noticed your stare.
“Hey creep, stop with that stare alright? Dreaming that you’re with us?,” The girl looks at you from head to toe, judging your looks, “I don’t think so,” she devilishly smirked at you as she gets back in seducing the drummer, who’s soon kissing the other girl on his right.
You frowned at her remark as you glared at her, even though her back is facing you. She just gave you this rude introduction that leads you in standing up from the couch and finally unbuttoned your fur coat and took it off, in front of these people around you. The gold sequin top that reveals your skin was like true gold that made them stare at you. Cleo was in awe when you took your fur coat off.
“Y/N…I didn’t know you wore something like that! I mean look at you!.” Cleo praises as you blushed hardly.
“It’s getting warm in here, finally decided to take it off,” You replied. In the corner of your eye, you saw Roger staring at you as you just shrug it off, “I’ll be at the bar.” You said and left the booth, making your way towards the bar, ordering yourself a drink.
“So I guess you’re Y/N.”
You look over your shoulder to suddenly see Roger standing before you.
“Yes, I am Y/N, I didn’t think you’ll be listening back there with all the ladies around you.” You sassed him as he smirks at you. Liking your feisty side.
“I see that you’re watching.” He smirks, soon ordering his own drink as he drank it.
“I just looked–not watching.” You replied to him as you sip on your glass of daiquiri that you ordered earlier, your lips slowly gliding on the rim of the glass.
You didn’t notice that Roger was looking at you and down your lips that were touching the rim of the glass. He didn’t thought about be interested in you, but aside of those ladies that surrounds him earlier, you’re more than that. He thought that you were like a magic that just appeared out of nowhere in his life and you were quite a vision to him. He thinks that after Reese, his love-life would be nothing but experiencing a heartbreak weather and will never get better, but you walked in this club, introduced by Deacy and he feels you’re different, and he feels different when you’re already standing before him. It’s the same feeling when he met Reese when they’re both in highschool, but far more better.
“You’re quite interesting Y/N.” Roger said and you turn your look to him again.
“I’m surprised that I’m more interesting that those girls around you, what makes you think of that Roger?.” You taunt him, feeling your self-confidence going higher.
“Finally, you’re flirting with me.” The drummer chuckles.
You blushed in his words as you let out a chuckle, “I don’t think I’m flirting with you Roger.” You denied his words.
“What a shame because I wish you had been.”
reader’s outfit in the club:
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taglist: @peter-sue-the-management​ @beatlesdotcom​
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Mikayla Jay's World...
Welcome one and all.
Hey friends....I thought it's about time for me to really introduce myself to all of you. I started this little blog about 6 weeks ago, and the first thing I should say is that I'm...well...*ahem... getting older. (I'm 45). As such, I'm a bit of a late-comer to social media. If truth be told, this is my first and only blog and platform that I have ever used. Ever. I don't use Facebook, I'm not a YouTuber or on Twitter or Twatter or Chatsnap or whatever else is typically used by y'all. This isn't about monetization for me. I needed a place to be creative, to vent, to learn, to grow...and most importantly...I wanted to find others in hopes of developing some sort of support network for myself. You see, in addition to being old (er), I'm also a proud MTF Transgender WOMAN. I am also bi-sexual, with a ravenous sexual appetite for both men and women - and each for their own unique reasons and dynamics. I have been an artist for mist if my life and career, having spent over 15 years professionally as a tattoo artist (I was attracted to Tumbler initially because of the graphic friendly, pro-art/artist philosophy...and the porn lol- at least until they took that away 🙄). I got burned out professionally about 18 months ago, and really wanted to follow a dream that has been sitting in the back of my head for years and years... I wanted to pursue writing. I've always believed that you do what you love, AND THEN you find a way to get paid doing it. But really, it's not about making money for me. It's about living my life on my terms, loving the person I continue evolving into, standing in my own truths, living authentically and being happy....truly happy with the life I want to live. And while I'm on the topic, I wasn't always interested in that. Living, I mean. The Cole's Notes version of my past is certainly colorful, but also full of pain and some tragedy- like many of us.
I grew up in a chaotic household, with parents that fought constantly and ultimately divorced. That was tough on me because I was close to my mom, and not so much to my father. Mom was a Nurse, Dad a University Professor. You see, I knew I was different from an early age. Thing is, my Mom knew too. She caught me wearing her makeup (because I would smush her lipsticks not understanding proper application techniques, and she got tired of me destroying them on her lol). So my Mom decided to show me how to apply makeup properly. She knew I liked lingerie, dresses, heels etc. I believe she also knew that I was not straight at the very least- certainly as I entered my teens and became a horny kid, it became obvious- to her. My father had his face in a textbook my entire childhood, and so was oblivious to his oldest son's (me) true personality. As such, I became very close to Mom. She was my best friend.
When I was 13, my parents divorced. My Mom needed a fresh start and my father made way more money, so we (me and younger brother) were forced to live with him. We moved to Maritime Canada- Prince Edward Island to be specific, as my father accepted a job in Charlottetown. My Mom moved to the North West Territories, and took a job as an Emergency Medical Flight Nurse working thru a small Native reserve hospital in Fort Simpson NWT. I was heart broken at being away from her suddenly, and bitter at the whole situation. Then my life really turned upside down.
My Mom, the best friend I ever had, loved her new life. She was finally really happy, and at peace with herself. She spent a very. fullfilling year up North. Then, just before X-Mas 1988, my world fell apart. My mom was on an emergency medical flight, and without me reliving painfull details, the plane she was flying in- 3 miles from the airport on the return leg, flew into a mountain. The plane exploded on impact, and my Mom was killed. That day, a big piece of my heart died.
I'm 14 yrs old. My mom, my best friend, my confidant and only person I trusted and supported who I was, was taken from me. The impact it had on me was simple. I was broken inside. I was in a new city and province, had no friends, was confused, alone....and broken.
The way I dealt with the pain and grief was to bury it by inside me. I became introverted, isolated, depressed, and scared. I was also trying to fit in where I didn't belong. Those of you that have never experienced small town maritime Canada, it's like Deliverence. Only worse. I had to adapt to my surroundings. The local customs and beliefs were not open, accepting or pro LGBTQ. The one thing I had going for me (at least then) was that I was coordinated and active. I could play sports. And I was a big kid. I believed my only option to fit in was to pretend I was like "everyone else". I learned to bury not just my pain, but everything that made me who I was. My sexuality. My needs and longings to feel feminine. To dress up and wear makeup. The happiest side of my personality was intimately linked to my feeling that I was born in the wrong body. I became sport-o. A jock. I blocked out and buried that part of me. And began living a life of lies. I became a "mans man".
Fast forward. I got big. I got angry. I hated myself and the world. I got involved in football and rugby and started amateur boxing. I became more confused as time went on. And more angry. Eventually after University, I moved out West. To British Columbia. Vancouver. Part of me wanted to get as far away from my father, Atlantic Canada, and my past. Part of me was aware of the progressive open gay community out there.
I ended up taking a job as a bouncer in a fairly violent biker bar. I immersed myself in that world, all the while walking a razors edge where I was "Iron Mike" on the outside, a tough SOB and all around bastard of a person. My confusion and anger over time grew into overwhelming dysphoria. I hated my body. I hated the way I looked. I battled those feeling by way overcompensating and going to the extreme other end of the gender scale. I became hyper masculine outwardly, and satisfied my inner desires on the sly, behind everyone's back. I engaged in many dangerous and stupid behaviors. I became a drug addict. And that culminated in 3 suicide attempts. I wanted to die.
That part of my life is a story for another time. But I will fast forward, for the sake of my sanity and yours. I was lucky enough to find an addictions doctor and a mental health councillor who helped me turn my life around. I began with grief Councilling for dealing with my mother's death. As I learned to trust the two women at that clinic, I came clean. With everything. My sexuality. My gender identity. I opened up about my risky sexual behavior (days and weeks suppressing and burying who I was inevitably would boil over and I would "blow off steam in the extreme let's just say.) Cyclical, drug fuelled gay sex parties were like a medicinal, almost spiritual healing event, just in a backwards twisted sort of way. My depression, dysphoria and anxiety would go up and down with my moods. I needed to change. And the more I worked on accepting myself, and battling the debilitating shame of feeling like a closet freak, the more I realized how wrong I had always been. How confused, disillusioned and unhappy I always was. I learned, slowly and not without setbacks, that I was not the pariah I feared I would become. I wasn't a freak. And I didn't have to continue to be......broken.
Over the past 10 years, I have grown and evolved. I began by accepting that I was gender fluid, and embracing it. My lifelong habit of crossdressing became something I refused to bury, and I stopped being ashamed of it. I consider myself mostly bisexual....with a definitive preferrence towards gay men and gay sex. I enjoy sleeping with women as well, but I really find it is a different type of sex, and my attraction to women is more about the intimacy. I emotionally 'make love' to women, whereas I like a good n' nasty fuck with a man...call me old-fashioned LMAO.
I also evolved in my gender identity, my knowledge and experience growing alongside my courage, and the belief in who I really am. I have grown to embrace the woman I've been evolving into. The amount of time I spent dressed up and living as a female grew more and more. I learned to truly accept myself, and the word Transgender. The philosophy, lifestyle, choices, mental impact and ultimately the strength and happiness that I've found by embracing that I AM A PROUD AND HAPPY MTF TRANSGENDER WOMAN has absolutely changed and saved my life. As such, I went through Gender Councilling, and went through the long and arduous waiting list/period to see a gender specialist doctor. I am so excited to say that I finally began by hormone therapy treatment about 6 weeks ago.
Which brings me to where we are now. I have just begun the next phase of my life. I am so happy and thankful to have survived and come through on the other side. Part of that journey has been learning to love myself. Respect myself. Believe in myself. I am so grateful to the small support group of doctor's and mental health workers who helped me learn to live my life as it was always meant to have been lived. And the other part is making sure that I can pay that gratitude forward, by helping other Transgender people live their authentic wonderful lives. That's a big reason why I started my blog. Mikayla Jay's World is a reflection of who I am. It is a place where I can thrive, meet others like myself, actually BE myself, and continue to grow....creatively, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. It is a world where you won't be judged, and you will always find a supportive girl to lean on and become friends with. We are on the cusp of great societal changes. We have the ability to help each other through the difficulties still to come, and all be stronger, better people for it. Welcome to the world I live in. Welcome to a place I love. A safe place to be who you are...inside and out....and a place where we can all laugh, cry, be shocked, be turned on, be motivated, be creative, be unique, and be loved. Your always welcome in Mikayla Jay's World. Thanks y'all.
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btsxlami · 7 years
How Kim Namjoon ISNT as problematic as he was before and how he is growing/owning up to his past actions
(dick sclaimer, I am not and NEVER defending his actions in the past, they are not excusable and I am very sorry if I am offending you)
*at the end of the day I’m not forcing you to accept or support Namjoon, if you don’t want to.... I guess “fuck” with him because of his actions in the past thats totally okay 
*also dont feel as if I am biased towards him I’m trying to write this with a open mind, I won’t baby him and be like My POOR BABY AND WENT THRU SO MUCH BLAHDUFU
So lets start off with what  Namjoon did for him to be called problematic:
“Talking black as a talent”
Saying the n-word during Shinhwa’s cover (k but why did no one beef shinhwa tho?)
RM said: “When I first saw V and J-Hope, I couldn’t see them because they were too black.. Yeah when the nights get too dark I couldn’t find them.” (this was in English
Just cultural appropriation of black culture, like having dreads (many of my black friends referred to him as a blackboo
Also I don’t personally like the term “trying to act black” but my black friends said he was basically “a wannabe hoodman”.
His background
Overall I feel as if Namjoon had a little phase where he really was lost in identity (i talk about this more don’t attack me). Like I’m not saying LOL HE WAS HAVING A KPOP PHASE, but as he mentions further on in post he had a really closed minded view on hip hop.That rapping only had one style, one culture, one way to act and speak. When Namjoon first started rapping he had the whole dreadlocks thing going on, kind of showing that he believed you had to black in order to rap, overall he was receiving and interpretating a close minded view on hip hop. I definitely don’t think Namjoon has hateful thoughts against black people. But you can still NOT be racist and culturally appropriate. He was just being oblivious and ignorant that his actions are offensive (I explain this more).
How he learned from his mistakes (so basically the proof section of my rant)
*Acknowledging he had a close minded view on hip hop
Namjoon admits his mistakes, in his mixtape interview: in 2015
Q: You shouted, “Westside Till I Die” during ‘If I Ruled The World’.
RM: That’s well… I was really wrong then (laughter). After the album came out and I listened to it, I thought “Ah”. I think I was immersed in the emotions while recording and ended up shouting like that.
Q: What’s the specific reason why you feel you were wrong?
RM: First off, I didn’t even live in the 'west side’… And even if that song had a G-Funk sound, what I shouted wasn’t the way to respect the west coast hip-hop musicians. I believe there are many meanings inside the words “Westside Till I Die”. Sweat, struggles, pride, etc. Isn’t it a phrase that compressed all these factors of life.
Q: Are you saying that you overlooked the weight and complex undertones that the phrase has within hip-hop?
RM: That’s right. I believe it’s different from words like “Yo!” or “Check It!”. As a result, I was thoughtless.
Q: Are you admitting it to be a mistake?
RM: Further than a mistake, it was a wrong. I have nothing to say.
*honestly this part is really self explanatory. This interview was in 2015 while the song was in 2013. So he was basically justified how in the beginning of his career he was ignorant and oblivious to the real meaning of hip hop. You can definitely see his music grow for the better after this.
*Why I M Y S E L F personally forgave him for this action.
I feel as if this quote doesn't only signify him saying “west side” when he’s not from the west side, but him acknowledging his mistakes of having a close minded view hip hop IN G E N E R AL and being ignorant of “what hip hop is”. He definitely owned up to his actions “ Further than a mistake, it was a wrong.”
He acknowledges them and admitted to them “ First off, I didn’t even live in the 'west side “
and never repeated them ever since. His music now definitely doesn't fit the stereotype of rapping nowadays. Might I suggest watching politically woke MV “CHANGE” he did with black rapper WALE. 
I’ve seen many people think Namjoon mocks black culture but this interview really opened up my eyes to many things and how we can learn from our mistakes
In this interview he did in 2015 >> you can really see how compared to the last interview, he seems more confident with what he is saying, he has no hesitation, and CLEARLY states what he feels about hip hop and black culture.
“There are two things that Warren G told me that I will never be able to forget. The first is, hip-hop is open to any one. Despite what your race is or where you’re from, hip-hop is a type of music that is always ready to give you space for anyone who enjoys hip-hop. So, don’t restrain yourself behind any type of prejudiced thought, and the other one was you’re doing well, so no matter what others say, believe in yourself and do what you want.”
This connects to what I mentioned before of Namjoon having a close minded view on hip hop before and thinking hip hop was associated to one certain race. Now he fully understands that hip hop is for everyone. 
“Defining hip-hop is the same as trying to define love. If there are 6 billion people in the world, then there are 6 billion definitions of love, and like that, each definition of hip-hop is different for each person. Of course, it’s possible to give a dictionary definition. In 1970, there was a person called DJ Herc in South Bronx. At a party that he was hosting, he set breaks on a beat and during that break, someone would be rapping, someone would be dancing, and someone else would be doing graffiti… That’s how hip-hop was born, and they call that the 4 elements of hip-hop, but dictionary definitions like these is something anyone knows, but to explain that spirit… In one word, it’s something that can’t be explained. It’s a way that expresses me as well as being a meaning for freedom and rebelling. Because it’s something where people play and have fun with, it can have messages of peace and love placed in it. If you compare it to a Pokemon, it’s like a Ditto. Personally, hip-hop to me is the world. The world that I’m living in… It’s difficult, right? To be honest, it’s still hard for me too.”
He is now owning up to his actions by making his own music about his own life. His own hip hop.
“The culture of shooting guns and doing drugs is not the actual self of hip-hop. It’s just become a by-product that appeared around hip-hop music, it’s not the actual self of hip-hop. Although there’s a certain image that pops up clearly when you think of hip-hop fashion, that’s also becoming something that’s more broad. Look at A$AP Rocky or Kanye West. They don’t wear pants that drag around any more. To understand ‘swag’, you need to understand what kind of meaning ‘making it on your own’ has in hip-hop. Making it on your own is a very cool and important concept in hip-hop. I’ll use Jay-Z as an example. Jay-Z was a drug dealer. He’s someone that sold drugs on the rooftop of a very large stadium called Barclays Center, but he succeeded and bought that building. After buying that building, he dressed up in hip-hop and then went up to the rooftop and looked down at that building. Then they took a picture of that and posted it. After seeing that, everyone died. Kya… Just how cool is that?”
Namjoon acknowledges that there are many stereotypes associated with hip hop and also a “culture” to it. But he should try to do his own thing and not generalize.
Namjoon’s personal apologies
Personally I noticed especially for bighit, when it comes to western fans that seem to have a problem with what BTS is doing they never allow their idols to apologize. I’ve seen Namjoon apologizing facing korean fan based controversies.
The two interviews were already big indicators of how Namjoon grew from a close minded hip hop enthusiast to his own rapper and artist, but I found one v live where he personally talked about his actions as a general. He wasnt as specific but it was short and sweet kinda XD. 
Long story short he mentions how he apologizes if his action ever offended anyone and that he was oblivious that what he could say or do could cause others harm (relate to this man) and finally how he needs to hold responsibility and think before he acts and speaks.
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Overall I am saying that Namjoon isnt an idol who made the best decisions in his life but he definitely should not be viewed as someone who is evil but at the same time I don’t view  him as someone who is a wOKE KING!212 Mistakes are mistakes but its how you own up to them which ultimately says how you are as a person.
He is human after all and instead of degrading him I simply just recognized his growth and willingness to learn and that was enough for me.
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"Artesia New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88210
Artesia New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88210
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How do I get health insurance?
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i live in new mexico, and i'm sure it varies a little form state to state, but can you tell me the process you went through and possibly what kind of increase in insurance rates im looking at?""
I was stopped by police for no car insurance which I thought was covered on my other car. What's the fine?
I'm 28 and have been driving for 9 years but have no record against me before. It will go to court but does anyone know a ballpark figure of the fine/points, etc...?""
If I apply for life insurance through a different company will they know what I told the first company?
I have life insurance with State Farm. I quit smoking on a daily basis 2 years ago but had a cigarette and 1 hit of marijuana on June 18th of this year. I told this to the underwriters because I wanted to be completely honest. All blood work came back negative for nicotine (Cotinine) and THC. State Farm charged me the smoker's rate and said I can get it reevaluated in 1 year. My agent told me I should have lied since it was just the 1 cig. I am not happy paying the smoker's rate as I don't consider myself a smoker. I called an Allstate agent and she says I can go thru her and just say no this time when asked by the underwriters about smoking. My question is, do they have the State Farm phone interview with the underwriters stored somewhere in some database and they will know I smoked the one cigarette or will I be ok just going thru Allstate and saying no to the smoking question this time?""
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In Tennessee, is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22? I already have minimum coverage but am now required to get an SR22. Is this something that needs to be added on or will minimum coverage suffice? Thanks.""
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Today, I got a moped so that for my birthday, I can go and do my CBT on the day. I want to get a rough price of what I would have to pay for insurance. I would like to know what I would have to pay but as I am not yet 16, I cannot yet get a quote. Does anyone know how to get round this as I do not want to lie about my age. Thanks.""
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I'm 18 and looking into buying my first car this year. From my understanding the cheapest of Vehicles could be anywhere from $500-$1000 dollars. Since I'm doing this alone I'm asking you from your own personal experiences with car finances.
What is the BEST LIFE INSURANCE to get?
Do you have a life insurance? I would like to get one but i dont know what companys are good and how much money.. I have ask state farm they have a 30-term policies and if u dont die by that time you get back all your premiums all the money u have paid. but is very expensive for 100k gotta pay about 45dls.
How much money will I pay to my insurance with my G2?
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I will be divorced in 2 months and will have to find my own health insurance. I have been with Anthem for 14 years and have no health problems and no medications except 1 blood ...show more
Can my parents insure my car without me on the insurance policy?
Ok, there's a little bit to the story. I want my mom to sign my car (which is in her name at the moment) over to me. She said that she would. The DMV people said that to change the car over into my name, I have to bring in my I.D. and proof of insurance. I'm wondering if they will switch the car into my name without me being listed on my mom's policy (the ins. car has her name on it.) Will the people at the DMV switch the car into my name, or do I have to have my own insurance, or be put on her policy?""
Car insurance?
which car would be the cheapest to insure for a newly qualified driver aged 19 male uk thanks in advance
Cheap motorcycle insurance?
anybody noe of some cheap motorcycle insurance im only 17 and im planning on getting a 250cc dis coming summer and i cant spend 300 or more a month thats to much pls help.
How much car insurance for 16 year old?
The state of Louisiana. The car is a Lexus GS 2003. My family has a total of 3 drivers already. (4 Plus me) What does car insurance depend on?
What car can i hav 4 dead cheap insurance and whats the best insurance comp.... (im 18)?
I passed my test 6 months ago and still aint gotta car! i hav been looking at a honda civic 1.6 but im not sure what i can get insured on.. i know i can get insured on a 1.0L corsa but i want sumat a bit better (sumfin like a ferrari lol)?
Renters insurance question
ok, i have renters insurance, and have and had it for about a year from the same company we get our car insurance from. maybe this is a stupid question, but i am asking so please be polite and honest. i am looking into renting (moving) and i was just curious as to if this is something we would want to bring our potetential new landlord (s) and if this will influence his/her decision. also our renters insurance is paid up for another year already.""
Artesia New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88210
Artesia New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88210
How much are car insurance usually cost in texas?
I would be a first time driver. I am 25 year old. how much is the cost for any car insurance now in the market?
Whats wrong with car insurance prices?
Hi, i sold my car ( MG ZS + 1.8 ) Quite a big car and high insurance group, i was paying 75 a month to insure it through kwick fit, i am now trying to insure a small 1.4 peugeot 206 but my quotes are comein out at about 200 per month!! how is this possible? i need to insure this car for my new job that starts next week but i cannot pay this much! i am a 21yr old male if that helps""
Does Florida auto insurance have some sort of new windshield coverage?
I need an arguement solved. i was on interstate and some rocks/debris flew off truck in front of me and damaged my windshield. everyone keeps telling me that my insurance will cover the windshield to be replaced but I do not see this in my policy at all. I only carry the basic minimum needed to insure car. Is there something I am missing or does anyone what these other people are talking about? I do not carry comp or collision.
25 years old and buy life insurance?
Hi guys thanks for reading my problem. I am 22 years old, my husband just 25 years old. We've been married for six years, and has three children. His work on the site and my question is... 25 too early to look for to buy life insurance? If not, would you recommend any company? I extra novice, this will be our first look for life insurance for our family.""
Ticket for No Insurance in Alabama?
We have checkpoint in mobile, alabama where I live and basically it's where cops stop traffic and check every vehicle for drivers license, insurance, registration, child restraints, etc. Well, I got a ticket for no insurance (I know i'm dumb for not having it, but believe me i'm getting it tomorrow). My question is does anyone know how much a ticket for no insurance is in Mobile, AL? I've checked the website but they have nothing on how much tickets are. I called the number on the back of the ticket and it doesn't say either. The officer said I may be able to get insurance and on my court date show it to the judge and just pay the $105 court fee and no ticket fee. Is that true also? Please help.""
Car insurance in the u.k??
is ridiculous i am a young male who has had his license 4 10 days and havent drove a car due to the fact that robbing insurance companies are trying to charge me over 2000 for third party fire an theft on a car that isnt even 1000cc in fact its 950 cc does any one no of any insurance companies that DO ACTUALLY SAVE U MONEY thank you
What would happen if I can't afford my car insurance?
I'm 18 and just got a car and insurance. I am set to pay on the 28th of each month, starting this month. My insurance is $236 a month and it's being taken directly from my checking account. Say by this time if I was short $20 - $30, what would happen? I know I'd get a $35 overdraft fee from my bank but what happen with the car insurance company?""
How would car mileage affect the insurance rate?
Will the rate go higher with higher mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks!""
Why is the Infiniti G37S Coupe insurance premium costs so high?
I looked up average insurance premium costs for the G37S coupe, and the cost was over $2600. I then looked up the Infiniti's competitors, the BMW 335i coupe and the Audi S5 4.2 which costs $1900+ and $1800+ respectively. Why is the insurance premium of the G37S so much higher? Thanks in advance.""
Which car insurance is cheaper a brand new car wi the same engine size or an old car wi the same engine size?
btw i live in uk and simply say i want to buy a corsa 1.0 and which insurance will be cheaper a old 1.0 corsa or a brand new 1.0 corsa? thanks for the help
""Getting a New Car, Insurance question?""
Hey, so i'm going to be getting a 2011 toyota yaris and i was wondering how much the insurance on it would be, i'm 19 years old.""
Do you know how much insurance is for a Porsche Cayenne ?
I am 15 1/2 years old and i am planning to buy a Porsche Cayenne S. I was wondering how much insurance is going to cost???
New York State car insurance question?
Do you need to have car insurance to have a drivers license? I mean could you take the road test and get your license but have no insurance?
Why is a 1600cc engine Less expensive in insurance than a 1300cc or 1500cc?
Why is a 1600cc engine Less expensive in insurance than a 1300cc or 1500cc? As my beetle was quoted 1100 insurance for 17 year old driver as first car, but when i asked for a quote for a smaller engine it said, 1700 for a 1300cc engine!? Thanks""
How much would it cost to insure my motorcycle?
I plan on buying a Suzuki dr-z400s and I'd like to know what some people are paying for their insurance. Or maybe just what I would be paying. I'm 16 years old, Male, and I have a clean record. I'm not sure what kind of insurance I would get but probably just liability. Thanks!""
16 year old first car - Camaro?
I just turned 16 a few days ago and am looking to buy my first car. I really want a 2010 camaro ss with the 6 speed manual, but i am open to any suggestions. I'm a really responsible kid and i get all A's and B's in school. Plus i own my own business and can definitely pay for a new car, insurance, and gas on my own. Your thoughts and any suggestions would be great. Thanks.""
Will i still be insured to drive a car that i took off my insurance policy yesterday?
I have bought a new car and changed my insurance over to that car, just yesterday. However i still have my other car for a day or so and was wondering is there any leeway when insurance is swapped over from car to car to still use my original car?""
Car Insurance Liability?
Should I go around and get $2000000 in liability, or should I just go with $1000000?""
Cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in california?
Cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in california?
Price for health insurance?
I found out today that my health insurance each month though my company is going to be $234 a MONTH. It's $468 but the company pays half. I'm not married or have any kids so it woul be just for me. I can't take it because it would cut too much into my paycheck. Is this a ridiculous price or the average?
Can i pay gor someone elses car insurance?
Right so my mum bought a car and I love my mummy so I offered to pay for her car insurance but she said I won't be able to do that for some reason so (I'm her son btw) what I'm asking is if I put all the details in her name but put me down as an additional driver can I pay for the car insurance ?, it's cheaper that way too (for me) lol""
""What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
What would be the average price of car insurance for a 18 yearold driving a scion tc in Florida?
Thinking about buying one, trying to see what the price of insurance would be like.""
Life insurance for my parents?
Hi i am interested in taking out a life insurance policy on my parents in the UK just wondering if this is possible and whether it can be shared between me and my siblings many thanks.
Do anyone know where i can get cheaper car insurance?
Im with Tesco and am due to renew my insurance next month but what im paying at the moment is sky high. Ive been on the road 2 years now, I have a reno clio.""
Artesia New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88210
Artesia New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88210
""Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
What is the best dental insurance I can buy?
What is the best dental insurance I can buy?
How much would car insurance AAA cost for a 16 years old?
Good insurance for a small liquor store/market in Los angeles county?
I am looking for a good commercial insurance company for my newly purchased small liquor store/market in southern California. It's a tiny 850 sqft store. I am looking for one that is reputable & lower price. Anybody know? What kind of coverage should I get? approximate cost? best most helpful answer gets full points!
Why is it that car insurance is Mandatory ?
why is it that if you crash you just can't pay for the damage and not have car insurance ?
Looking for insurance on older apts in Mewrced Ca?
QWe are looking for affordable property insurance for our older apts. We keep them up.
I am looking for a company that will help me sign up for dentical and healthy family insurance as a provider?
Can anyone help me sign up for dentical. I would like to provide service to dentical and healthy family patients in my area. I am a dentist in northern california. I am looking for a reputed company that will help me with this process. I really want to help the children in my community.
What is a good CHEAP car for a 16 year old?
i am turning 16 in a while and i really want a cheap used small suv got any suggestions ????? please help my dad and i are tired of fighting over it
""Can I register my car in my name but have insurance in my husband's, in Florida?""
I live in Florida, I'm 24years old. So you know my insurance would be sky high. I was wondering if I could register my car in my name but have the insurance in my husband's?""
Provisional insurance for young driver?
Looking to get insured on my mums car but my mums insurance company wont put me on her insurance,,,, could i get insured by a company such as provisional marmalade? Any other suggestions?""
Motorbike cheaper than car insurance?
Is motorbike insurance for learer motorcycle 125cc, significantly cheaper than car insurance for a small city car, for a young man?""
How can I find out what my employer pays for my health insurance?
My employer tells me that they pay 70% of my health insurance premiums, but looking at the amount my 30% portion is and calculating the total, it would be a ridiculous total premium. So I think that my employer is lying to me about the percentage they pay. I tried calling the insurance company to find out what the total premiums are, but they would not tell me. Is there a way that I can find out what what the total premiums are on my health insurance plan?""
How much will my insurance be?
If I am a 16 year old male, and I want to get a 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6.... About how much should insurance cost?""
""My mustang was totaled, and now has been auctioned ,how do I get the miledge for the Insurance company?""
Im having a time with my insurance company,my mustang was torched by some thuds,I guess fro fun,It was a 2004,fresh off the show room,Im the only owner,I had very low miledge, I didnt drive her much due to taking care of my disabled husband, 40 th anniversary special, pony package and a few more items on it,red,beautiful car well taken care of. This is the problem, My insurance wants proof of the miledge,I kept my documents in the car, they had someone pick up my car and had it auctioned off,now I need to find out where the car is,I sure it was sold for parts, I need the miledge off the car,proof of the miledge.Insurance is offering me a lower price because a vehicle of that year compared to their reports have alot of miledge,well mine didnt.I am so upset because they never had someone come and look at the car,they could have gotten the milege with a little work removing the screen, can some one give me some advice,thanks""
""What is the average price of insurance of a $15,000 car for a paramedic?""
21 years old , good credit rating works and goes to school, trading in 1998 jeep cherokee sport""
Will speed camera tickets effect my car insurance in Maryland?
I have gotten several speed camera tickets in the past few months.. these things have been unknowingly til after the flash, been popping up!! Will these effect my car insurance? I have progressive.""
Affordable insurance plan for a diabetic?
im a diabetic and i recently lost my AR Kids insurance when i turned 19.... i need an affordable insurance plan that will cover my prescription does anyone have any suggestions
What make and model of car is cheap to insure?
Hi. I am learning to drive and need a car to practice/run around in. I'm looking for one I can get that has been used, cheap to insure (group 1 - 3) and cheap road tax (Band A-C). Any cars that I have found cheap insurance and/or cheap road tax is only so if its bought new at 1000s of pounds. My maximum is 1000 for the car itself. Any makes and models please? thank you""
Is their affordable Health Insurance for full time students?
I'm a full time college students & I no longer have Health Insurance because I turned 19. I can't go on my dads plan because its for people 65 & over or disabled. I've looked on the internet and haven't really found anything afforable besided for International students & and not internaional. I'd like to find insurance like they can get from ISO where they can pay $27 per month. I haven't found anything like that for myself & only paying 27-40 dollars a month would be GREAT! Can anyone help me?
My fiance got hit in my car is it an insurance problem?
I bought a car about 5 months ago and got full coverage insurance through State Farm with myself listed as the driver of the car and only my name on the insurance. My fiances car recently broke down so we sold it to salvage and canceled her insurance for it. I have two cars so I let her borrow the newest one today because its an automatic. Pulling out to turn a woman struck her passenger side with a minivan. I haven't seen it yet but the damage she says is very light a scratch and the front corner of the headlight broken. The other woman agreed it was totally her fault and provided all her insurance info but they didn't call the police to make a report :( So will this cause a problem when I call the womens insurance company or if I have to call mine if her insurance won't pay and who should I contact first just her insurance or mine and hers? I don't want to tell my company if I don't have to I turn 25 in a week and my rate is suppossed to drop big time and I don't want to screw that up.
How much does car insurance cost for 18 year olds?
would it be cheaper if I combined it with my dad's insurance plan? abput how much would it cost then?
Insurance or Registration?
I can only aford one or the other. I live in a very expensive state, california. I can only aford either insurance or car registration. am i better of to drive with insurance and no registration, or registration and no insurance.""
Good health insurance company?
Hi guys im new to kansas and im looking for a good health insurance company which also affordable any suggestion ??? thnx
Auto insurance?
which auto insurance should i get for my 2005 chrysler sebring? i have farmers but its so freaking expensive! i pay 200 dollras every month and i know theres people who pay less i wanna know which insurance would be cheaper? but i want full coverage and everything.
Can anyone tell me what finding a cheap car insurance company?
I am a 60 year old female. I live in the rural part of Mississippi (little traffic and no heavy traffic, if it matters) I have two cars that are insured with Geico Insurance company. I am paying $93 dollars per month. One car is a 95 and the others one is (new) a Hyundai 2012. I never drive the 95 Buick. I will be driving the new Hyundai to and from work around 7 miles round trip, each day. My driving record is clean with everything intact and I am the only driver. I was informed by Geico that the 94 dollars is cheaper than other insurance companies. Are there any cheaper insurance out there.""
Artesia New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88210
Artesia New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88210
I'm 17 years old how can i get my insurance premium cheaper please? Any help is appreciated thanks?
Heya i was wondering how a 17 year old guy can get his insurance premium down please thanks
What is the best health insurance?
Hi! I have been trying to find an affordable health insurance company. I am young and in good health. I am a nanny and am not offered health insurance. At my husband's job they ...show more
Insurance Question/Quote?
My name is Jake and my grandpa wants to sell me is 2004 V6 nissan 350z for like next to nothing but i am curious as to how much my insurance payment would be?
How do you get proof of car insurance without a car?
I had my brother listed as a driver on my insurance policy and he is moving so will no longer be using my car. The insurance company is requiring that I show proof of insurance before removing him from the policy. They are telling me there is no other way to remove him from the policy due to a DUI charge. Is it even possible to get car insurance without a car? What should I do?
Best car insurance for 16 y.o. boy that is getting his license?
Cheapest car insurance for the coverage you get? discounts for grades?
How long have i had car insurance?
Can someone please tell me where I stand on the following: I have held a provisional UK license since 4/4/06 after a few months of driving lessons I took out insurance on my vehicle with Virgin so that I could drive accompanied by my parents. This policy was taken out on 31/7/06. On 9/11/06 I past my driving test. On 31/07/07 I renewed my car insurance with virgin and with the 31/07/08 soon approaching I must again renew my car insurance. The problem is I will in fact have had two year no claims on 31/07/08 which Virgin recognises, however when I go on their and any other online car insurers websites it says that my no claims (2 years) cannot exceed my full license period (1 year 9 months) So the question is, will my car insurance be recognised by other insurers as been held for two years?""
I got a car accident for the first time.. how much my insurance will go up?
This is first time I caused the accident and I had someone rear me before which came out as it wasnt my fault.... but accident that I caused I hit a school bus thankfully there were ...show more
Cat c car do i need to inform the insurance company?
when buying a cat c car does it affect the insurance and should i inform the insurance it was bought as a cat c ?
Termination Car Insurance Policy?
Hi folks, I need to cancel my current car insurance policy. Do i have to write a termination letter to notice the insurance company, even if i already call them? Or do i just need to call and let them know that i wanna terminate? Does anyone have the sample letter about how to write a termination letter. Any help will be appreciate :).""
Monthly insurance for a Mustang?
I'm a 17 year old male and was wondering what the monthly insurance would be on a mustang? And if you know if a certain years model is the cheapest post that to please?
Do i need a cars permit to get a motorcycle permit in california?
hi i just wanted to know if i have to get a cars permit for a motorcycle permit in california im already going to turn 17 in a couple of months and i already took drivers education i also read and studied both handbooks for the test sorry if my english is not that good or if i misspelled anything
Health insurance in florida?
if you dont have a job yet and have children how do u get health insurance in florida and if you had a c section and a premature baby why would an insurance company deny you insurance also if your child is underweight because of being premature why would their insurance be ridiculously high each month?
Car hire insurance! HELP?
can i hire a car/van with third party insurance or do i need to be fully comp. please help
Who can help me with car insurance?
I sold my car and canceled my car insurance direct debit in my bank and the insurance company sold my debit to a debit collectors. Now I want to buy another car and my question is: can I make a new car insurance without having problems?
What is term life insurance ?
What is term life insurance ? And what types of term life insurance is provived by lic of india?
How much does a clio sport 172 cost to insure?
im thinkin of gettin a clio sport 172 how much is the insurance? per month? if you could please state your age as well thanks
How can I get life insurance on my parents?
I'm 27 and my dad is having his 6th child this month. Which means by the time my little sister is my age I'll be near elderly. Furthermore, as we picked up the cake for the baby shower, my dad informed me that since it's quite likely he may be gone before the child fully matures, I will be left in charge in his absence. Is there anyway to get life insurance for my dad without his consent. I don't mind informing him, but it's something I would like to manage alone.""
Which cars/trucks get the best auto insurance?
I know that insurance companies look at things like color, model, and things like that, please help!!!!""
What are some good insurance companies?
I am 20 years old, working part-time, living on Connecticut and making around 800 a month. I was wondering if any one has some ideas of good but affordable health insurance I would be able to buy on my own?""
Car Insurance?
How much does a demerit point affect the insurance in premium outflow? I mean if I get a point how much more would I pay in insurance per month? Also which carrier is the best for point heavy drivers? Thank you
Insurance after you buy your car?
I'm picking up a new car I just bought from a dealership tomorrow, how does insurance work? I have insurance at the moment for the car I am driving but not the new one I am buying. help :)""
Is life insurance a good ivnestment?
Is it wise to ivnest in a life insurance? Have you heard of Manulife?
What is the best motorcycle towing insurance to have?
I have a Yamaha 650 V-Star with spoke wheels and I tend to go on several hundred mile road trips. I did not had a flat in 6,000 miles of riding last year, but I want to be prepared.""
Do I have to have auto insurance when driving a uhaul?
Ok so My boyfriend and I are planning on renting a uhaul in a few months for our move from Florida to California. We currently do not have auto insurance. If we get pulled over will they ask for proof of insurance? Do we need insurance to drive a rented vehicle? Also does uhaul offer insurance? What does it cover and how pricey is it? I told my bf that you probably dont need insurance to drive a rented vehicle but he disagrees with me. So if you can help me prove him wrong I'd greatly appreciate it.
""Families who live in America, how much is your health insurance per month?""
In an earlier question I mentioned that my boyfriend's parents are paying for his 24-year-old sister's health insurance after she got laid off and couldn't find another position and can't afford health care on her own, to the tune of $175 a month (and she's perfectly healthy) and was floored when someone said that was actually inexpensive. Btw, her parents insist on her having health care coverage for fear of her getting in an accident or whatever. I'm 17 and am quite obviously naive about the costs of health insurance, but I'm really curious about it, and would like to know how much it usually costs for a family to have health insurance in America. I'm in California. I don't know if it's more expensive depending on your state. If if you don't mind answering, how much do you pay per year, and how many people are in your family? Does it become more expensive as your kids get older? What kind of plan do you have? Through work or your own? Are you supportive of universal health coverage? Also: does anyone understand how Medicare / MediCal works and who decides who is covered and who isn't? Is it based on your yearly income? I'm asking because one of the reasons my boyfriend's parents want his sister to have insurance is that another family friend of ours broke her jaw in a roller blading accident when she was 26 and didn't have insurance because she was unemployed at the time, and not being able to pay the $15,000 hospital bill killed her credit score. Sorry for all the questions. I'm just really curious about all this.""
Artesia New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88210
Artesia New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88210
0 notes
survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 6 "If Britney Spears Can Get Through 2007 The Villains Can Get Through Tribal Again" -Brian
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Hey Alex.... Sad thing is was that I was fighting for you probably the hardest for the longest (hence the Raven crying pic), but then not only does your pal Richie decide to be a lunatic at tribal, but you also were making it quite hard.... I defended you to multiple people, but I can't do anything substantial if A) I don't hear from Linus myself about his potential swing vote and B) You tried to make a deal with Kage to force rocks and not tell me I liked you more than most of these people, but I can't work with someone who makes an alliance and then tries to force it in danger by accepting a selfish proposal to try and save only yourself and not your allies. I think it was just the way the cookie crumbled that it ended up this way....:L gl on the outside, I might be joining u soon.
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Where is Nic asking for confessionals when we need him? :P I'm really sad that Alex is gone, I wanted to work closely with he and Richie, so it sucks that he's not around but I'm hoping that Richie and I can work together before too long. Right now I just want to make jury and once I accomplish that I'll feel better! 
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What happens when you bring together the 13 most messy, paranoid, villains? Kyoaku? Kyaoku? Kayoaku? Koyaku? I have no clue how to spell out name. But anyway, you get us Also, one more thing FUCK RICHIE FUCK LINUS FUCK JONATHAN
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We win again... woohoo. Not anything different, but the more important part of this round is that I couldn't figure out how finding the idol went, since I'm pretty inexperienced, and honestly would've never figured that out, so I asked Steffen for help, and he goes ahead and just punches in a magic word into a url, and he found the idol and is now choosing to not give it to me, after it being all me who found it for us. I am clearly trusting Steffen for now, but I know he is a VERY smart player, and I wouldn't be surprised if he fucked me over at the end of the day, but I get a strong feeling that he won't do it to me. I just don't think he would, and if he did, it'd probably be one of the shadiest moves that could be pulled, but I'm also not trying to use this thing y'know. It'd be killer if I found it, figured everything out, and Steffen just punched in the URL, and he needed it to save himself and I didn't need it at all. My only concern is if one of us is holding onto it, and then the other needs it played on them, then that's going to leave the person playing the idol VERY vulnerable, but that's something we're just going to have to roll with, and going back to my previous point, if we even need to use this thing, it's a sign of weakness, but also a great tool for us to have in our back pockets. 
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People are constantly criticizing my game but messy or not, when it comes down to it, my social game has saved me 3 times in a row now
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crow and sarah can eat the entirety of my ass tbh GOD i hate being on a tribe with these people.... after the mess that was the rocks scenario crow came to me and was like "have you talked to alex he has a plan for an alliance" and i went to alex and said ".....crow and sarah didnt they just vote you out?" and he was like "they came to me my dude" so whatever i never trusted them because sarah was sketchy about the hinky vote against me at the rocks tribal... BUT i thought okay theres no reason for them to go thru all this trouble if they were just going to vote out me or alex like we're at the bottom no reason to string us along i guess we could come together vote out kage this one round and from there maybe a unified tribe would allow for more moves for me in the upcoming rounds.... but shortly before tribal brian comes to me and is like im voting out alex i dont want there to be a tie bc crow and sarah are voting alex so im like okay theyre votes are already in for alex and you cant change votes this wont cause IMMEDIATE consequences and im going to need alex still here to back me up for this so 15 minutes before tribal i start WW3 asdfjhasfk i call out sarah and crow for the alliance and for sarah blaming junior for the hinky vote against me blah blah more goes down i say more things alex says things they say things everythings a mess and im just trying to paint the image that those 2 are liars and expose them just in the off chance that someone believes me and has an ounce of doubt against them bc with alex leaving and those 2 lying about it i was alone on this tribe anyway with no real social connections so id be gone next tribal.....but of course we lost the duel immediately after alex was voted out and i went crazy so i dont really have the time to do damage control at this point now its just campaigning which is going to be.................difficult i already went to junior kage and tommy with some campaigning last night but idk im going to need a miracle or someone to realize that i'm an asset that can be used like anyone who saves me right now gains an ally that has no other connections besides them so im prime numbers material in arabia i played such an under the radar social game where even when i backstabbed people and voted everyone out (except ting ting RIP) and i still got them to vote for me in the end bc i formed relationships and remained a likable positive quiet game player.... in this game.... BITCH i'm JT the winner that should have just played once because they just blow up their game from being extra in the next go around 
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okay remember the last time i wrote a confessional i was in the mindset of i know i'm going down but i'm going to do everything in my power to stay? well fuck that i swear to god i'd rather be voted out than ever have to have another conversation with tommy again i have never met anyone who is more infuriating to speak to and i CANT DO IT I"D RATHER BE VOTED OUT ITS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!    
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On 9/6/17, at 6:28 PM, cat (japan host) wrote: > okay FIRST it all started when i woke up and had to live another day Honestly I'm Cat
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Hey I haven't been here in a while because we literally haven't lost since Mist. Not that there haven't been any developments, because their have been! It's just that the villains suck booty. And they're losing their 5th person in a row tonight. I wasn't really pressed about any of the eliminations other then Jaiden. I wasn't sure if I would have been able to work with him, but I was able to get quite a bit of info out of him. And now my outlet for villain tea is kinda gone. And the fact that I was in Canada all last weekend didn't help me in finding a villain tea substitute. BUT with all of them dropping like flies, it's hard to tell who would be a good candidate :') Other than Jaiden, we saw Ashley go which is fine because she's from India and I want them dead. Alex S went too so that's a thing. I feel like I need to really start messaging some of these villains to gain a connection - whether we swap any time soon or not there's an inevitable merge that there's a chance I could be at. The problem is though, I don't wanna really talk to any of them asdfghjk. Tommy and Sarah sketch me out, Brian and I are not on good terms, and while Linus and Kage could be chaotic and spill shit, I don't wanna get caught up in their messes. That leaves Richie, Junior, and Jonathan. Which obviously one of these 8 is going tonight, so I won't start messaging until after the tribal. I'm still skeptical of a swap and I'm hoping one doesn't happen so I can utilize getting close to the villains that I want to before we ACTUALLY meet up with them. But as for tea on the hero side, there's an obvious conflict on who we would hypothetically take out if we go to tribal. With 12 of us, we need 7 so someone isn't Jaiden'd. The main argument is whether to go for a Malaysian or to just take out Steffen. The thing is, I've been getting really close to Johnny and I think he trusts me. And he wants to bring in Steffen for a strong Solomon 5. Now, I don't want that to last forever seeing as I want Steffen gone soon anyway. But I think we need him for one round. Because the Malaysia/India hybrid duo of Kendall and Alex is a major problem. And Drew is someone who is just a massive threat to begin with. But Isaac still just wants Steffen gone. And he doesn't think that we could take out someone like Kendall or effectively take out Alex with Pippa being close to him. HERE'S THE GAG THOUGH! I talked to Pippa for a little bit one on one today, and she is totally down with taking out Kendall or Alex. The thing is, they both seem a little bit checked out. Kendall has 2 strikes, and Alex has kinda died out since his audition. Which... I absolutely feel for them if they're dealing with real life struggle. But at the same time if they're not gonna be super invested and if one of them already has 2 strikes then I won't question voting them out. So if Isaac knows Pippa is down to come for one of them, then we have the Solomon 5 already. Then it comes down to the outliers of Dom, Trace, Ruthie, and Ashton. I know Pippa and Johnny both really like Dom separately. Isaac likes Trace. I personally like Ashton but dunno how long we could trust him because he seems like he could have a chaotic side to him. And then there's Ruthie who I just would prefer not to really work with long term because she's such a social threat, and if we swap or get to merge way down the line or whatever and Ruthie is there, I feel like she's someone villains would definitely flock to for a potential number because she's so social and kind. And I know girl can be a flipper. So this just comes down to who do we wanna take out, and getting enough people on the same page for my own agenda. Because at the end of the day this is to benefit MY agenda the most. Isaac wants out Steffen still, and I was already able to talk Pippa out of going for Drew first. If we could get a Malaysia/India person out, then Drew, then Steffen, that would be the most optimal. Will it happen? Probably not just because that's so specific. However, it is still at least an outline that I would like to ATTEMPT trying to follow.
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wionews · 7 years
Vishal Sikka resigns as MD & CEO of Infosys, stocks tank in morning trade
Vishal Sikka has resigned as the managing director and CEO of Infosys.
The board of directors of Infosys Ltd have accepted Sikka's resignation, reports said.
U B Pravin Rao has been appointed as interim-managing director and chief executive. Sikka has now been appointed as executive vice-chairman, Infosys said.
Sikka's exit hit the Infosys stocks as it tanked 6 per cent in morning trade.
"Over the last many months and quarters, we have all been besieged by false, baseless, malicious and increasingly personal attacks," Sikka said in his statement to the company's board.
"The distractions that we have seen, the constant drumbeat of the same issues over and over again, while ignoring and undermining the good work that has been done, take the excitement and passion out of this amazing journey," he said in his resignation letter.
Read the full text of Sikka's resignation letter below: 
Over the last few days, since our earlier call, I’ve met Sesh several times, talked to you individually at length, and spent time thinking things thru with Vandana. During this time, one of our employees, Sandeep Karamongikar, died in his sleep, likely of a massive heart attack. He was working on the chatbot frontend in Nia. Also over the weekend, in possibly the greatest demonstration of AI capability ever, a bot built by the researchers at OpenAI (yes, that OpenAI), defeated the world’s best players of DOTA2, a multiplayer online video game, a game where the bot learned to play entirely from scratch. Further demonstrating that the force to automate routine, even advanced, activities is an unstoppable and exponential one. And the Charlottesville incident here in the US demonstrated once again the power of words and silences to cause real damage, or to heal.
After much reflection, I have concluded that it is indeed time for me to leave my current positions as MD and CEO, and I have communicated my resignation to Sesh. I will be working closely with Sesh, Ravi, Pravin, with all of you, and the senior management team to plan out the details and the timelines to ensure a smooth transition and in the meantime, continue our work without disruption, and ensuring that we protect our company, the employees, the clients, and the interests of every shareholder. You can count on my commitment to this.
I came here to help navigate the company through what I saw as a massive transformation opportunity, to transform our company and restore strong profitable growth, as well as help transform the business of our customers. I came to do this with the power of technology, given my experiences with similar transformations, my background in AI, and the structural changes that I saw happening in the IT services industry. This needed new skills, new thinking, new initiatives, and a transformation in the culture, from a cost-oriented value delivery, to entrepreneurship oriented value delivery. You have heard me articulate this many times before.
This type of a transformation has always been a passion for me, indeed I took this job for this reason. We have achieved much in the last 3+ years, and for sure we can all be proud of the powerful seeds of transformation that have already been sowed. No one anticipated the additional headwinds like the geo-political disruptions (Brexit, Trump, visa etc.) that made this transformation even more challenging, but also rewarding. But, the distractions that we have seen, the constant drumbeat of the same issues over and over again, while ignoring and undermining the good work that has been done, take the excitement and passion out of this amazing journey. Over the last many months and quarters, we have all been besieged by false, baseless, malicious and increasingly personal attacks. Allegations that have been repeatedly proven false and baseless by multiple, independent investigations. But despite this, the attacks continue, and worse still, amplified by the very people from whom we all expected the most steadfast support in this great transformation. This continuous drumbeat of distractions and negativity over the last several months/quarters, inhibits our ability to make positive change and stay focused on value creation. Addressing the noise by itself is damaging; hundreds of hours of my own time has gone into this recently. But the structural challenges this engenders within the organization, has a very damaging effect on our ability to carry out any kind of a transformation, especially one that is as fundamental as transforming from a cost-oriented to an innovation oriented value delivery to clients.
Therefore, I have come to this moment and the end of this journey. I hope that it gives everyone a chance to reflect, and give the transformation effort another big push and move the company forward rapidly to build its future, to build upon the foundation that we have laid over these past 3 years. If these types of attacks continue, I hope each of you will continue to be the voice of fairness and reason – providing the active, emphatic and unequivocal support that the company, the management, the employees, and all of the stakeholders and friends of the company need in order to succeed. Since the board deeply believes in the cause we have started, I will be happy to support all of you to achieve a smooth transition, and serve as your Executive Vice Chair as discussed.
I would like to thank each one of you, my dear colleagues, my friends and mentors, and look forward to working with you to close this chapter and open a great new one for all of us.
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itsfarmerphil · 7 years
To receive it! To give it! To cherish it! To share it! To tell of it! To accept it!
God loves you! He loves you so much that He gave His one and only Son so that you can receive it, put your faith in Him, and follow after Him! He loves you so much that He doesn’t want you to perish but to have everlasting life! It takes faith in Jesus! Will you invite Jesus into your heart? He loves you so much that His plan for you is to give you a hope and a future! He loves you so much that Jesus died on the cross so that you could be forgiven! God love you just the way you are and too much to leave you there! Will you choose love? Will you choose to start and have a lifelong relationship with Him?
Will you take hold of this love and share it? Will you be a person who shares love and mercy with others? Will you be someone who walks in Jesus’ footsteps of healing and restoring others? Will you be a peacemaker? Will you be Jesus with skin on to the people God brings into your life? Will you love everyone? Will you be the personification of love to the world around you so that they too may come to know the truth of Jesus Christ?
It’s Thursday…the day before Good Friday…the day when Jesus paid it all by giving up His life on the cross…the day when Jesus provided a way for us to be forgiven and pardoned for our wrongs and for missing the mark (aka our sins)…the day when He provided justice in love for all the sins of the world…the day when He showed the truth of His love through the mercy of not giving us what we deserve but in love giving us what we needed! LOVE!
How to Love — Day 93: Bible In One Year 2017
Devotional, Psalm 40:9-17, Luke 9:28-56, Numbers 35, Numbers 36
1. Love and truth … Psalm 40:9-17
9I proclaim your saving acts in the great assembly; I do not seal my lips, Lord, as you know. 10I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and your saving help. I do not conceal your love and your faithfulness from the great assembly. 11Do not withhold your mercy from me, Lord; may your love and faithfulness always protect me. 12For troubles without number surround me; my sins have overtaken me, and I cannot see. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart fails within me. 13Be pleased to save me, Lord; come quickly, Lord, to help me. 14May all who want to take my life be put to shame and confusion; may all who desire my ruin be turned back in disgrace. 15May those who say to me, “Aha! Aha!” be appalled at their own shame. 16But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, “The Lord is great!” 17But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; you are my God, do not delay.
–from Psalm 40
Additional key verses that speak to our first point…
John 14:6 — Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Romans 5:5 — And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
John 15:26 — When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father-the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father-he will testify about me.
We need to be sharing the love of God with others!
We need to be sharing the truth in love! We don’t want to be too hard on someone by telling the the truth without love! We don’t want to be too soft on someone by loving them and omitting the truth! The truth will set us free! The truth will bring clarity! To have full clarity beyond what our sin had darkened or muddied, we need God’s mercy and forgiveness!
2. Love and mercy … Luke 9:28-56
28About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. 29As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. 30Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus. 31They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem. 32Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him. 33As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” (He did not know what he was saying.) 34While he was speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. 35A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” 36When the voice had spoken, they found that Jesus was alone. The disciples kept this to themselves and did not tell anyone at that time what they had seen.
Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Boy
37The next day, when they came down from the mountain, a large crowd met him. 38A man in the crowd called out, “Teacher, I beg you to look at my son, for he is my only child. 39A spirit seizes him and he suddenly screams; it throws him into convulsions so that he foams at the mouth. It scarcely ever leaves him and is destroying him. 40I begged your disciples to drive it out, but they could not.” 41 “You unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you and put up with you? Bring your son here.” 42Even while the boy was coming, the demon threw him to the ground in a convulsion. But Jesus rebuked the impure spirit, healed the boy and gave him back to his father. 43And they were all amazed at the greatness of God.
Jesus Predicts His Death a Second Time
While everyone was marveling at all that Jesus did, he said to his disciples, 44“Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you: The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men.” 45But they did not understand what this meant. It was hidden from them, so that they did not grasp it, and they were afraid to ask him about it. 46An argument started among the disciples as to which of them would be the greatest. 47Jesus, knowing their thoughts, took a little child and had him stand beside him. 48Then he said to them, “Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.” 49“Master,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.” 50 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said, “for whoever is not against you is for you.”
Samaritan Opposition
51As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. 52And he sent messengers on ahead, who went into a Samaritan village to get things ready for him; 53but the people there did not welcome him, because he was heading for Jerusalem. 54When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” 55But Jesus turned and rebuked them. 56Then he and his disciples went to another village.
–from Luke 9
To be the greatest needs to be the least! We need to be serving others! We need to be live our lives like the lowest servant and serving others for the glory of God! Consider Jesus’ example at the “Last Supper” when He lead by example continuing in His serving ways, washing the feet of the disciples which would normally be the role of the lowest servant in the household! Take hold of Jesus’ example! Take hold of His love! Share it in the world around you that He will receive the praise, the honor, and the glory!
Sure there will be mountaintop experiences in your life, do you remember one in the presence of God? Eventually we come down from there and move forward towards what God has next for us. Don’t lose the inspiration from those mountain top times! Hold onto them thru the valleys which strengthen you and your faith!
So let’s be welcoming, embracing, and discipling people! Let’s allow the love of God to flow thru us into the world around us so that each day our lives plant a seed of hope into the lives of the people around us for the glory of God!
Consider today as you meet others how welcoming you are! Welcome them as though you were welcoming Jesus with the love and respect they deserve! Transform the world around you by being that person who welcomes others and loves them right where they are at and helping them get to where they need to be! Be accepting of people beyond your own circle! If they are not against Jesus, they are for Him! No matter how you are treated, welcomed or not, let’s walk out our today in love! Not seeking revenge because you aren’t being welcomed or being welcomed like you would have like! We need to love everyone!
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3. Love and justice … Numbers 35:1-36:13
Towns for the Levites
1On the plains of Moab by the Jordan across from Jericho, the Lord said to Moses, 2“Command the Israelites to give the Levites towns to live in from the inheritance the Israelites will possess. And give them pasturelands around the towns. 3Then they will have towns to live in and pasturelands for the cattle they own and all their other animals. 4“The pasturelands around the towns that you give the Levites will extend a thousand cubits from the town wall. 5Outside the town, measure two thousand cubits on the east side, two thousand on the south side, two thousand on the west and two thousand on the north, with the town in the center. They will have this area as pastureland for the towns.
Cities of Refuge
6“Six of the towns you give the Levites will be cities of refuge, to which a person who has killed someone may flee. In addition, give them forty-two other towns. 7In all you must give the Levites forty-eight towns, together with their pasturelands. 8The towns you give the Levites from the land the Israelites possess are to be given in proportion to the inheritance of each tribe: Take many towns from a tribe that has many, but few from one that has few.” 9Then the Lord said to Moses: 10“Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you cross the Jordan into Canaan, 11select some towns to be your cities of refuge, to which a person who has killed someone accidentally may flee. 12They will be places of refuge from the avenger, so that anyone accused of murder may not die before they stand trial before the assembly. 13These six towns you give will be your cities of refuge. 14Give three on this side of the Jordan and three in Canaan as cities of refuge. 15These six towns will be a place of refuge for Israelites and for foreigners residing among them, so that anyone who has killed another accidentally can flee there. 16“ ‘If anyone strikes someone a fatal blow with an iron object, that person is a murderer; the murderer is to be put to death. 17Or if anyone is holding a stone and strikes someone a fatal blow with it, that person is a murderer; the murderer is to be put to death. 18Or if anyone is holding a wooden object and strikes someone a fatal blow with it, that person is a murderer; the murderer is to be put to death. 19The avenger of blood shall put the murderer to death; when the avenger comes upon the murderer, the avenger shall put the murderer to death. 20If anyone with malice aforethought shoves another or throws something at them intentionally so that they die 21or if out of enmity one person hits another with their fist so that the other dies, that person is to be put to death; that person is a murderer. The avenger of blood shall put the murderer to death when they meet. 22“ ‘But if without enmity someone suddenly pushes another or throws something at them unintentionally 23or, without seeing them, drops on them a stone heavy enough to kill them, and they die, then since that other person was not an enemy and no harm was intended, 24the assembly must judge between the accused and the avenger of blood according to these regulations. 25The assembly must protect the one accused of murder from the avenger of blood and send the accused back to the city of refuge to which they fled. The accused must stay there until the death of the high priest, who was anointed with the holy oil. 26“ ‘But if the accused ever goes outside the limits of the city of refuge to which they fled 27and the avenger of blood finds them outside the city, the avenger of blood may kill the accused without being guilty of murder. 28The accused must stay in the city of refuge until the death of the high priest; only after the death of the high priest may they return to their own property. 29“ ‘This is to have the force of law for you throughout the generations to come, wherever you live. 30“ ‘Anyone who kills a person is to be put to death as a murderer only on the testimony of witnesses. But no one is to be put to death on the testimony of only one witness. 31“ ‘Do not accept a ransom for the life of a murderer, who deserves to die. They are to be put to death. 32“ ‘Do not accept a ransom for anyone who has fled to a city of refuge and so allow them to go back and live on their own land before the death of the high priest. 33“ ‘Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land, and atonement cannot be made for the land on which blood has been shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it. 34Do not defile the land where you live and where I dwell, for I, the Lord, dwell among the Israelites.’ ”
–Numbers 35
  Additional key verses that speak to our third point…
Romans 13:4 — For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
Matthew 5:38–42 — “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
Romans 12:17–19 — Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the LORD.
Today’s devotional closed with the following that I wanted to share too…
The New Testament makes a distinction between the dealings of the state and personal morality. Governing authorities are established by God and ‘the one in authority is God’s servant to do you good… They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer’ (Romans 13:4). The state is concerned with the protection of others. To stand by and allow injustice would actually be unloving and unchristian. It would be to allow evil to go unchecked, and to ignore the pain of the victims.
Yet, in personal morality we are told, both by Jesus and the apostle Paul, not to take revenge (Matthew 5:38–42; Romans 12:17–19). This attitude of love and forgiveness is not to deny justice, but rather it is an expression of trust in God’s ultimate justice (see Romans 12:19). As we trust in God’s justice, we are empowered to imitate his love. As Miroslav Volf writes, ‘The practice of non-violence requires a belief in divine vengeance.’ He explains that when we know that the torturer will not eternally triumph over the victim, we are free to rediscover that person’s humanity and imitate God’s love for them.
The distinction between our own morality and that of the state creates a tension within us all. We are all individuals with a command from Jesus not to retaliate or take revenge. We are also citizens of the state with a duty to prevent crime and bring wrongdoers to justice. It is not easy to hold this tension, but an attitude of love requires that we do. Our motive should always be love and justice, not retaliation or revenge. In every situation we need to act with an attitude of love.
— from Day 93: Bible In One Year 2017
  All you need is LOVE! To receive it! To give it! To cherish it! To share it! To tell of it! To accept it!
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saundrahuff-blog · 7 years
What comes after a traumatic event
Everyone has talked about what you do when someone or ones you love end up in hospital for a long time. They tell what that persons life is like away from home. And it's horrible. But let me take a moment and let you know what it's like from the perspective of the family at home. First of all, there is a huge emptiness in the house. It feels almost foreign. If, like me, you are now taking care of the children from the ones in the hospital, you are busy from hospital to home to back. You worry. A lot. Let's just say ALL THE TIME! It's overwhelming from that first phone call from hospital telling you that you need to get there. But you still have everyday things that need to be handled. While my daughter. And her fiancé were in hospital, I had two young girls to take care of, one 4 1/2 and one 6 months. Luckily, I had help. But you still have to figure out, what do you say when they ask were mommy and daddy are. Those long nights that you can't sleep because of nightmares, holding a confused 6 month old, you come up with some pretty stupid coping methods. At night, I had one granddaughter sleep in my bed. The 6 month old would wake up crying. I would get up because, honestly, I'm the only one there. This will probably come back and bite me later, but when Namine would wake up, we would spend the rest of the night watching Supernatural on Netflix. We watched nine seasons before my gimps came home from hospital. We watched conventions on you tube. And that's why my youngest granddaughter loves the sound of Jared's voice, but Jensen's singing. It's also why she lives music videos. Eminem's Not Afraid is one of her favorites. AC/DC Thunderstruck. Beyoncé I Was Here. Calling All Angels. She knows them, she rocks them. She's not scared of too much. Actually, I haven't found where she's afraid for very long on anything. When we had to go up to Ann Arbor for all the therapy treatments daily, we stayed in a hotel for three months. They had a pool. It took awhile before Gimp one and Gimp two were allowed in the pool, their open wounds had to heal over first. But both girls loved playing in the water. And when mommy and daddy got to join them, it turned into party time. As for the eldest, Rena, she latched onto me like a burr. It was upsetting if I wasn't home with her. It's almost two years and she is still in my bed. She was diagnosed with childhood ptsd. I'm her coping method. Can we say yay? We do realize that she will need help, if we can get insurance to finally pay for it. She's become even more fragile than before. We don't know how she will turn out, but she already knows how to be around someone who can't be touched because they are all stitched up, with pins sticking out and braces for everything. Kendra was in ICU for ten days. I refused to take the girls to see either of them, mommy or daddy. But, when she was released into step down room, I couldn't ignore the damage and fear of Rena loosing her family. I had to bring both. You have to understand, by the time we reached that point, to us, she looked a hundred times better. But to a four and half year old, her mommy looked like a nightmare come to life. Everything she feared, there was the proof that mommy was hurt bad enough, she might not come home. Of course, by that time we knew mommy and daddy both were going to come home. To a little girl? Who wasn't allowed to hug or be close to mommy, it was devastating? Our normal everyday world was blown up. Nothing would even come close to matching what we used to think normal was. We had to learn to embrace a new normal every couple days. The only things that have stayed the same is Namines music and supernatural, and Rena sleeping with me. But, let's talk about me. Not much. The first can be best described as living a nightmare for every single moment of my day. At first the fear was a live tangible monster. If I left the ICU, my fear was if she would be there by the time I came back. Seeing Shawn and letting him know any progress. Even today, he still has no idea just how close it came to ending horribly. When he starts to find out, he closes down. Not me. I was there. I was a very tightly wrapped bundle of fear, hiding it all so I could function enough to do all that needed done. Making sure everyone got what they needed. My husband is a lord no haul driver. He had a high value load on its way to Texas when I told him. We live in Michigan. He had to find a driver that could take the load the rest of the way, clear it with both shipper and consignee, and drive back up here. This nightmare started on Friday. He didn't get home until Tuesday. I tried to let go enough so I could release some of that emotion. I tried, I really tried. But right when I was laying there beside him, with his arms wrapped tightly around me, crying into his shoulder, at that moment, Kendra's cat, Nappa decided to jump from the back of the bed where he was hiding onto Scott's head. He was half coon so he was huge. So instead of crying, I ended up laughing. I didn't care. Release is release. It felt good. But, sleep was still difficult. The nightmares nightly. We went to see the car to see if anything was salvageable. A marker. That was he only thing we found that wasn't damaged. I still have it. Of their phones, never found them. But when I saw where they were sitting, I began to see why they were hurt as bad as they were. The dash from where Kendra's knee was embedded was completely torn apart. I had washed their clothes from crash, because they asked to keep them, and plastic parts fell out. One piece I found where it went to. The state police was there to ale sure I didn't destroy any evidence. I handed him the piece. Told him I found where it went. Showed him. I saw how much the steering wheel was pushed forward from shawn hitting it. I think, by that time, living in the shock for so long, trying desperately to make sense of everything, and not give into the fear eating me up inside, your mind goes to weird places. I finally understood what they experienced. Kendra was still in a coma. We still didn't know if she would live, or how much brain damage, or keep her leg, or walk. I remember asking the officer what happened. Just like everyone that saw it, he told me the other driver went completely left of center and hit my car directly head on going 55 with an impact speed of 110. He asked how they were. I know I told him she was still in a coma and that shawn had shattered his wrist and sliced off his heel. I don't remember much else. I've yet to take time to fully react to what our life has become. I've tried to come to terms with everything. I haven't. Everyone is still here. I'm still helping with what they can't do. I can't settle for long. I used to be able to read for hours. Now? I'm jumping from thing to thing, trying to keep myself distracted. I don't need to. I'm just so used to it, I can't seem to stop. For me, living with the fear and our new normal has changed me. You find you don't have time for bullshit, unless you decide it would distract you. My sense of humor was always a little dark. Now it's totally black. Black hole black. I don't bring it out often. People find it unsettling. Which only makes it that much more funny. Looking back, I have no problem remembering that fear. That feeling of desperation. It's better now. I know they both will live. Kendra didn't have too much TBI, nor Shawn. She kept her leg. She has horrible scars. So does he. In a way, they have it easier. When telling others why they are the way they are, they point to their scares. From how horrible it looks, you know it was a horrible time. For me, you only notice if you knew me before. I've become more afraid with having to know where everyone is. The gimps are not allowed to go on dates. Every time have tried, it kept getting worse. The last one being the crash, I absolutely refuse to help if they try to date. They go on outings. Their last date they almost died. But on their last outing, they had a blast. I hate silver cars. Both cars were silver. Lots of accidents have silver cars. The Gimpmobile is red. Silver is bad luck. And I can only eat cornflakes if I don't want upset system. It was months before I realized that the only thing I ate every day was cornflakes. It was food, filled me up, I didn't have to think how to make it. Now, if I don't have a bowl before I sleep, I won't be able to sleep. As obsessions go, it's weird, but not like eat my hair weird. So I'm fine with that. The thing to remember is that everyone becomes involved in a traumatic event. Not just the ones who experience it. But the family and caregivers also. No one comes out with no wounds. From the little ones to the old farts. Watching every day wen your loved one has to be in pain so they can check this or that, weather hurting, or their unbelievable amount of fear getting back inside a car, and knowing that there is not one damned thing you can do to help will leave there own marks on you. Just unseen. It's not over when thy wake from their coma, or get released from hospital. Or all their multitude of therapies. It's still going strong after 21 months. And we haven't even gotten thru the other drivers trial or the lawsuits because their insurance isn't paying what they are supposed to. And it might be years before we see the end to this damned nightmare.
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gwassysworld-blog · 7 years
Hello booze
22...... how do you start writing about the craziest year of your life.. not all of 22, and not a calendar year but what started when I was 22 and went on thru part of 23.... I started working at a bar that just opened up. My dad got an amazing job working for the president of the Browns and him and my mom were able to afford going out every night of the week. I remember my mom being happy at this point... which was weird because she had just lost her mom, but she was also drunk all the time.. My brother was still in the Marine corps but was back stationed in the States after he did a year in Japan. He met some girl at a rib burn off when he was home on leave and married her withing a few months at a court house. That girl was great.. I don't no what happened between them, but I miss who she was. ANyways.. My oldest younger sister was a senior in high school, and was doing it right.. she had amazing grades amazing friends and she was going places... Things were starting to effect her at home, but that's her story to tell.. WE had a lot of good times partying together that year. And then there was my youngest sister and T. looking back now I hate this year.. I Hate that all this was going on around them, I hate that T was pushed on my sisters a lot.. I hate what my little sister had to experience... I mean when I say everyone was going out partying every night.. it wasn't you sneak in the house quietly and go to bed.. My parents were having swinger parties in the hot tub they bought from the money my grandma left them when she died.. and poor little sisters bedroom window was right above said hot tub... Older younger sister did do a lot to help too.. something neither of those girls needed to have put on them.
so this bar.. ugh I hate writing sometimes, causes its like u want to get your story out but theres just some things that have happened in your life that you don't want to give attention to.. here goes..
so I start working at this bar.. It was a chain sport bar that just opened in a small city full of drinkers, so it was the place to be.. and I thought perfect to meet some people.. Everyone that worked there was great and I had this new crazy confidence in myself. I was invincible.. no one knew me there. I had short punk black hair and a bad ass attitude. well so I thought.. within a month of working there I remember I went in and changed after an afternoon shift and the short jean skirt I put on got the attention of one of the managers. Enter satan. we sat and drank at the bar all night.. and it never stopped soon every night I was drinking there after hours till 5 - 6 in the morning.. just in time to sneak out before the morning managers came in to open. The party never stopped and the drugs didn't either. we would drink all night and smoke some meth to get thru the next day.. he could party just as much as I could and its all either of us wanted to do. I remember in the beginning making him pinky swear that we would just stay friends.. I remember saying that and in my head thinking that that's what all guys want to hear from me.. before then every relationship I was in was a secret.. and this was no different.. he was my manager and I was an employee .. there was a no tolerance policy for it at work.. everyone knew... we just couldn't say it out loud. i was really never home though. in all this i deided this would be a great time to go to a technical school.. once i was done at school i was either working or finding an excuse to go party. I remember one night wanting badly to go to a friends bday party. My parents were actualy home that night so i told my mom i had to go to work so she would watch T. So i threw my work clothes on and packed bag of clothes to change into.. After about 10 shots of liquid cocain i was passed out on the sidewalk out side my work with my ass hanging out of my mini skirt. Satan threw me in the back of my mini van and drove me home.. carried me up to the door where my mom awaited.. i remember her looking at me and saying i thought u had to work.. and him saying, sorry i am Satan.. and then i crawled up to bed..   and this went on like that for about 9 months.. Then December came around.. Satan met someone else.. he tried to hide it from me for awhile.. and i mean honestly we were both not exactly faithful.. I even went and hung out with my now husband one night.. my biggest regret is i didnt see him again till about 7 years later..but my head was retarded at the time and this girl with Satan different.. this girl was moving in.. and i didn't like that one bit.. To the point it exploded one night.. I drunkenly ran into new girl at my bar while she was there to visit satan.. it was being pushed in my face and i didn't like it.. we were still “talking” so whats it going to be.. so i asked new girl to come talk to me in the bathroom, and showed her some texts that satan had sent me that you could not deny that me and him were still “talking” so she flew out of the bathroom to go confront him.. i follow.. cause hey I'm drunk and shits about to go down.. well ya it did. he picked me up and threw me across the bar.. me.. pissed at me.. so u get caught and i get tossed.. and as a result i was fired and baned from the bar.. everyone took his side because that bar was everyones life.. its really sad thinking back, but him throwing me resulted in twisting my appendix and needing it removed.. it was a wake up call.. it was just things got way out of control.. my life was way out of control.. so what does one do after this.. go to new Orleans for a bit party your ass off.. come home drop out of school... and start over again...
Everything changed very quickly after this.. The president of the browns retired and my dad lost his job and we had to move again into a small 2 bedroom house. I quit doing drugs, got an office job, and i was home again.. unfortunately the parents didn't have money to drink anymore and they were home all the time too.. It was way to close of quarters for all of us. and everyone was sober on edge. My older younger sister quickly moved in with her boyfriends family and i was to blame.. I just wanted to focus on moving forward though and getting my life together.. that year of my life needed to disappear.. a lot of years tho need to disappear.. looking back now i am so happy for how far I have come.. ther are a lot more difficult years i still have to write about, but its all worth it in the end.  
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nebulous-walkabout · 7 years
sands of identity falling thru an hourglass
driving past danny bonaduce’s house everyday looking at the uncut grass and dereliction that was his property and feeling the dread that the life of the washed up dj on '104.3 the golden oldies' in chicago is one of the first emotions i remember feeling tied to music. the stale decaying music that got played over and over for people that wouldnt try anything new, to me seemed destructive and soul crushing. thats generally where we first experience music though, in the back seat of our parents car. and my mom loved the oldies. of course it wasnt until a decade later when he would come out as a crackhead on celebrity rehab that it really made sense why the red headed kid from the partridge family wouldnt mow his lawn. for some reason that i cannot find though, this feeling i got when i would drive past his house with my mom while listening to his radio show, is still the feeling i get when i hear most old music. my musical taste is shaped by what i would absorb in my first few years on earth. they were a strange time for me, like most awkward kids. and we moved a few times, like most awkward kids. but we also moved stratospherically thru the socioeconomic structure when i was too young to understand it. when i was 6 or 7 in the first house i remember, we got a bose cd player and i discovered my parents cds. one of the first ones i remember playing over and over was smashing pumpkins' mellon collie and infinite sadness. i remember springsteen albums everywhere. live. even 4 non-blondes. rolling stones. that stuff laid the foundation for how i would unconsciously receive music and form my own taste. of course after you discover your parents music, you hunt out your own. and in the early 90's that was all about MTV. sure when youre 8 you dont understand it. but you know what other people think is cool. and i think that was the point. i dont know how the older kids consumed their mtv, but i can tell you 90's kids and later were all told exactly what they should like and listen to by VJ's we wish we were still dressing like. thats what informed us. taught us what kind of music we should explore, so later when we were old enough to peruse the aisles of tower records alone we could actually find what we like. the thing that made mtv better than the radio early on was it was selling an entire culture, not just pop hits. all sorts of atrocities from the faux fashion world of 1994 were pushed into the minds of millions of kids who let it define their childhoods. from mtv you found the sound, then you went out and tried to find it again in something else. after school most days i would hang out at my neighbor's house, he was older and actually my brothers friend, but i remember coming into possession of a Green Jelly CD at his house one day and my world changed. it was something i thought was uniquely for me, but how could it be? thats what music was about back then, buying into the idea that youre cool for liking this thing that everyone else likes too. quickly after that you start in on green day, and you love dookie, but you love it more because you think the secret song is just for you. and its a treat. and you use the music to make you louder. and you scream. but everyone is screaming. and no one else can hear you. i remember where i was when the news came on and told the world kurt cobain died. i was in the living room being forced to eat macaroni and cheese by my older cousin. i can still remember the carpet, but not the furniture. and its not so much that as a nine year old that i cared so much that kurt cobain died, because as a kid you dont really know who he is, you just know hes nirvana and hes cool. and your parents want to keep you away from the tv bc they dont want you thinking about hot guys killing themselves. fine. but that only made you like nirvana even more. then thats the sound. all i ever knew was that i really liked loud music, and thats all i ever liked. you start hating that youve been listening to B96 with all the girls that would grow up to be wannabe valley girls. you run around thinking you like music before you really know what it is. your identity at this age starts to be formed by it, although at this age its formed around the cool shit you do on your bikes when youre with youre friends. it relies upon how long you hold the controller before you die and have to let your friends play whatever video game you just got.
and then you move. youre alone. youve gone from this world you knew, and had a place in, to a very different place. for me it was even stranger, moving from a normal neighborhood with friends next door, to a place where you couldnt see your neighbors house, and your friends were always a car ride away. the houses were huge. the land was massive. and youre alone in the center of both. you become dependent on finding ways to occupy yourself. you start making your own mixtapes off the radio. you continue to make them better, tape over the songs youre tired of. you steal your older brother cd's. and then my parents had one of these giant motorized satelite dishes installed. it got everything. my new source of new kinds of music was movies on tv. movies like bio-dome changed my musical course. you hear a different kind of punk. and sure now you look back and its shitty, but back then it represented a change. and you felt good, and you want to be pauly shore with stephen baldwins terrible dreadlocks. and you want to dye your skin blue and skydive strapped into a drum kit. so you start taking drum lessons. and then you realize youre the weird kid. i didnt care. i liked what i liked, i didnt fit in with the way the rest of the rich kids liked to be. sure i had friends, but i had more than enough time to sit at home alone and absorb the world i thought i wanted to be a part of. for the last couple years before the internet descended from the heavens my musical taste was almost entirely forged by movie soundtracks. empire records, dazed and confused, and trainspotting. ever since then the joy i feel watching a movie depends almost exclusively on what im hearing behind the the people talking. my choice of movie relies on music, and to some extent the reverse is true as well, although i can enjoy music without a movie, but i cant enjoy a movie without music. this is something that has remained true throughout the rest of my life up until today.  in fact, thinking back, it is probably the reason i love so many terrible movies, because if it has a good soundtrack i dont really care how bad the story is. i would find myself more and more trying to find music from movies when walking the aisles at tower. i always wished i had a tower closer to my house, so my trips were not as frequent as i would have liked. instead often times i was marooned at home watching the golden age of music video technology. a period in time where who was making what video was news. the last couple years of mtv's usefulness was a weird time, in that trl and the rest of its programming was pointing us all towards a very specific set of music and videos again. it was like we jumped back in time 10 years and all we were given access to was the top 10, just like the radio had been doing for years. but then something changed. and it was everything. all the sudden your reach was limitless with a computer. all of the sudden it didnt matter that i was sitting alone at home. i had a computer, and for the first couple years the music came to me at 56.6kbps over the phone. i would sit up in the office under my moms painting studio on the other side of the house and just watch those status bars slowly fill in while i waited for my music. there was no limit. you would hear bands on mtv, early in the morning or late at night, or youd watchsnl or conan or kilborn. you never knew any of the bands but they informed your musical zeitgeist. and after you heard something you would know if it was 'it' or not, and if it was, you put it in queue to download. next thing you know youre listening to narcotic by liquido. your infinite musical catalog in the year 2000 was only limited by one thing: your drive to find new music. and so thats the way its been for almost 20 years. with endless new music at my fingertips, im still always floored by certain songs that i love but almost never hear anymore. part of the joy comes from knowing people would laugh at me if they came across me listening to certain things i like. in most cases these songs are terrible and im in the minority for loving them but theyre a part of me. and if you can listen to 'give it up' by cut'n'move without getting into it, youre a robot. by the time i was a teenager i was just another white kid living in a whitewashed world all day, anytime i left my room i was surrounded by people walking around with starched collars. but at home and in my car i could listen to my music as loud as i wanted, i made an obnoxious effort to let people know i was them. i would drive around in a range rover, with the harmon/kardon sub in the back turned up all the way, didnt matter where i was, school, the park, practice, the country club, they all heard what i was listening to, it didnt matter if it was pearl jams' crazy mary or the st lunatics. our world changed when our ability to freely pick out our own music tailored by our own tastes and informed by exposure to stuff like thestraightdope.com or whoever's music was playing in the background of kurt loders news updates. since then ive used peoples taste in music against them. it wasnt that i really cared what they listened to as much as what they wouldnt listen to. its a good barometer in my eyes. people that cant discern good music for themselves generally cant do much at all on their own. its my firm belief that if youre open about not liking something then you should at least have a reason. were living in a time where every thing you see or do is interrupted by someone trying to sell you on their idea.  the freedoms to be yourself appear to again be fleeting. the last bastion of personal freedom is quickly becoming monetized in a way it hasnt been before. the same way mtv turned into the channel that plays teenage mom all day, people are finding ways to sell people the same generic package again. you have to fight hard to find your personal space in this world and be yourself. while my musical taste is a representation of me and me alone, its sort of like a batch of cookies. my cookie might have more chocolate chips but all the dough came from the same bowl.
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storiemaeandco · 7 years
Taylor Graves
Nora Madison
Political Communication
 PsyWar: The Real Battlefield is the Mind
This film was a political, social and an informative piece about Propaganda and the many features, aspects and people that went and go into it. One of the main aspects that I enjoyed was on 1:55 when the interviewee said “Propaganda has become a business, a business of public relations” This stood out because in the world we live in everything now has become all about business and what makes money and less about what’s moral and not moral. The context of this issue is that Propaganda is deeper that what we may think, that it’s been around for generations and that it was made and here for a reason and what we can do about it, and how it plays an apart in everyone’s lives if we like it or not. “Perception management” to manage public perception policy on behalf of their clients 2:12
This issue is can be very controversial depending on what side you are on and what you choose to believe such as Sadam Hussain “The destruction of the Firdos Square statue was an event in the 2003 invasion of Iraq that marked the symbolic end of the Battle of Baghdad. In the afternoon of April 9, 2003, a group of Iraqi civilians started to attack the statue. One such futile attempt by sledgehammer wielding weightlifter Kadhem Sharif particularly caught media attention.” (Wikipedia) But really in the documentary 1:38 “The whole thing was staged” and the rescue of Jessica Lynch she “was a prisoner of war of the Iraqi military in the 2003 invasion of Iraq who was rescued by United States forces on April 1, 2003. Lynch's was the first successful rescue of an American POW since World War II and the first ever of a woman” (http://www.jessica-lynch.com) but really the interviewee said that had been a part of the PR firm “we waited for the cameras and squat team to make it to this huge thing they had saved her but the same day we were off killing Iraqi journalists” 4:44 It was a PR story used to fill in what was really happening. Known names of this PR industry was John Rendon who was a perception manager and also known as the man who sold the Iraq War and was also President Bush's general in the propaganda war. He was paid in millions to do work in his own PR firm The Rendon Group to fabricate stories that would sell the war and since the PR film is a 2-billion-dollar industry and growing its easily and quickly outnumbering journalist.
Another aspect I enjoyed of the film was at 6:44 when the interviewee said “The wealthy communicate with the rest of society” the news stories are crafted by a company then put logos we are familiar with so it appears as if journalists air it. Propaganda has been around for years and it started back in Ledlow Colorado, it was the turn of the century, and when “PR began to take shape” 13:53 They worked 14 hour days, had awful living conditions and where children worked alongside their parents. They went on strike with their families and friends to have better conditions overall and that’s when the Ledlow Massacre occurred “The Ludlow Massacre was an attack by the Colorado National Guard and Colorado Fuel & Iron Company camp guards on a tent colony of 1,200 striking coal miners and their families at Ludlow, Colorado, on April 20, 1914. Two dozen people, including miners' wives and children, were killed” (Wikipedia) It was a PR nightmare. Ivy Lee who was another public perception and crisis manager, known back in the 19th century really came up with inventing the press release and “fake stories” 19:35 and began the disinformation campaign which he presented the story that “the ladies and children died from an overturned stove” 20:27
The relationship between the Public and Corporations were changing. It was the beginning of the public relation industry, and people such as Rockefeller who was widely considered the wealthiest American of all time wanted to maintain their image and needed a makeover so they seemed warm and cozy, so Ivy Lee would set up photo ops have him hand out money but the problem is It’s all just business “Private charity, government charity, any kind of action that sort of relieves people of distress a little but without changing the system, its giving the people just a little bit to prevent them from breaking into open rebellion” 23:29 Its functional not charitable. America needs Propaganda and George Creel was one person who had the greatest adventure in advertising which was called The Creel Commission. He had Pamphlets sent out to millions about what it meant to be “the ideal American: 37:51 and “Pro-War Messages” 32:10 and then acts were put into place such as “The Espionage and Sedition Acts. ... Congress passed the Sedition Act of 1918, which made it a federal offense to use "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the Constitution, the government, the American uniform, or the flag.” which was meant to keep in control its citizens” (Wikipedia)
If you don’t have the support of the people you could be in trouble. War is an opportunity for the government to grow in power. “We are ruled by the rich” 49:40 Wealthy elites have the right to rule over the mass of the population. Walter Lippmann who was American writer, reporter, and political commentator once said “we are to be interested spectators of action but not participants” 1:04:09. The American Constitution was formulated mainly by James Madison and its primary goal of government “designed to constitution, the wealth of the nation will be in charge, power is in the senate.” 56:27 The Bill of Rights is not a guarantee. We are just passive observers that pick and choose individuals that make decisions on our behalf but not ourselves and the main reason they have this in place is because if individuals participate we would pursue our own interest and not the interest of the wealth of the nation. One last aspect that I found interesting that advertising is another form of Propaganda and the lie that our identity is based on “Consumption of objects which there is no material need” 1:12:10 Advertisements are no longer talking about the goods themselves but the relationship of goods to our needs and reflect our deepest desires. The way to happiness is through consumption and is still seen today such as on Black Friday. We have tremendous emptiness in which we even lose our moral such as not letting paramedics come thru and help someone who has been trampled because “we’ve been standing in line so long” 1:18:50 and lose who we are to save money. “Poverty is needed if you’re going to have wealth” 1:26:19 Edward Berney who was the father of public relations said “Elites regiment the public mind every bit as much as an army regiments their body” 1:07:42 There was this great quote in the documentary that said “If you asked a fish what’s the most obvious element of your environment the last thing they would say is water, it’s the most obvious to the outsider but the people inside don’t see it” 40:00 Bu how do we stop It? It first starts with understanding what it is and how it works. We need to force the players to the surface, to become more transparent, “what is appearing to us on newspapers is coming to us by a specific group who’s paying for it and have names” 1:34:00 We need to recognize who’s manipulating us and create more exposure and give more education so that we can be critical thinkers and have the ultimate battlefields in our minds.
[Conspiracy Documentaries]. (2014, April 2). PsyWar-Full Documentary. [Video File]. Retreieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eB046f998U.
Edward Bernays. (n.d). In Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia online. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Bernays
Espionage Act. (n.d). In Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia online. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espionage_Act_of_1917
Firdos Square Statue Destruction. (n.d). In Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia online. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firdos_Square_statue_destruction
Ivy Lee. (n.d). In Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia online. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivy_Lee
Ludlow Massacre. (n.d). In Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia online. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludlow_Massacre
Lutzky M. (2003). Jessica’s Biography. Retrieved from
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