#Wife acceptance factor
smileysuh · 7 months
night terror
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🌙 staring. Seungcheol x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. As much as you love being a mother, you think some of your favorite moments might just happen when the kids are asleep. Seeing Seungcheol with Hana and Daehyun is one of the great joys of your life, but you have needs too, and after a long day, you really need something to help you relax.
tw/cw. unprotected sex, bathroom sex, mirror sex, dirty talk, praise, fingering, blow job, deep throating, mentions of masochism, loud sex, your kid hearing you scream during sex and then your husband lies to her and says it's night terrors when really it's him - he's the night terror, etc… I pet names: (hers) princess.
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 4.2k
🍭 aus. rich businessman cheol, husband cheol, established relationship, father cheol, stay at home mom reader, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. i need a rich husband sugar daddy and i need him now
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There had been a time in his life when Seungcheol had thought he might never settle down. As a busy businessman, he’d never been able to comprehend how it would be possible to factor a wife - let alone children - into his schedule. But then, one summer afternoon, he’d met you, and all his fears had vanished.
His previous relationships had been marred with accusations about his lack of making time, and he’d been ready to repeat the same issues with you. However, the conflicts never came. You were a strong, capable, young woman, and as the first months of you flew by blissfully, Seungcheol had realized you accepted him for him, work and all. If anything, distance made the heart grow fonder, and when you were together, you both gave each other your complete attention, nurturing the relationship in a way that he’d never had a relationship truly nurtured before. 
Six months in, he’d asked you to marry him, and it was the most confident he’d ever been with a decision in his entire life. When you’d gotten pregnant, only a short while after your honeymoon, the two of you had sat down to discuss what being parents would look like. You’d both been committed to giving your children the best lives possible going forward, and - knowing he’d be around less than a dad with a different, less demanding job - Seungcheol had asked if you’d be interested in the stay-at-home life.
It’s been five years since then, and there hasn’t been a day that’s gone by where Seungcheol has questioned his decisions with you. He comes home at erratic times in the evening, but he always finds you excelling at motherhood. 
He truly doesn’t know how you do it and make it look easy. You have such a gentle way with not only the kids, but him as well, and he almost feels as if you were meant for this role. You’re a caregiver, through and through, and Seungcheol thinks he must be one of the luckiest men in the whole world to be able to fulfill the provider counterpart. 
It’s a Monday evening, and he’s managed to get off work early. When he arrives at your large family home, he follows the sound of giggles to the kitchen. This room has been the heart of your house ever since the kids were old enough to follow you around it like ducklings, watching you cook with eyes full of wonder - he thinks they must get that trait from him at least. 
He leans against the wall while he watches you, taking in the vision in front of him. It’s mac and cheese night, a long-held tradition in your household, wherein you help the kids make the base, and allow them to choose their favorite toppings to go in the ramekins before oven baking. 
The elder of your children, Daehyun, is more adventurous, and it looks like you’re helping him saute a pan of mushrooms on the gas stove top. Even while dealing with the hot element, and a little boy grabbing at your apron while teetering on his cooking step stool, you’re giving just as much attention to your youngest. 
Hana is the apple of Seungcheol’s eye, and - bless her heart - she’s a cheese fiend. There must be five different kinds of cheese on the counter, and you’re softly talking to her while she struggles to grate a small block of what looks to be gruyere. 
“You’re doing so well,” you tell your daughter. “Give mommy just a moment and she’ll help you grate the last of it. I don’t want you hurting your hands.”
“Okay, mama,” Hana nods, setting the cheese down before leaning over to watch you stir the pan. 
“Do you want to try a mushroom, sweetheart?” you ask, picking one out of the pan to taste for yourself. “They’re very good.”
Hana’s always been better at trying new things if you or Seungcheol go first, and the businessman finds himself smiling while he watches the soft moment.
“Okay,” Hana says, but she doesn’t sound too sure. 
“It’s a little hot, so I’m going to put it on the cutting board to cool before either of you taste it, okay?” You lift a few mushrooms from the sizzling pan, setting them down and gently blowing away the steam. “Let me know if these are good, Daehyun, or if you’d like me to cook them a little longer to make them more crispy.”
The three of you are so wrapped up in your own little world, and Seungcheol supposes the soft classical music in the background had drowned out the sound of his footfalls as he’d approached. He decides it’s a good time to make his presence known, so he moves into the room, coming to stand on the other side of the island countertop.
“Look at you three chefs,” he muses.
“Daddy!” His children scream, with Daehyun jumping from his stool to run around the table and hug Seungcheol around the waist. Hana, meanwhile, still needs help getting down from the steps, and Seungcheol watches you lift the small child to set her on the floor so she can join her brother on the other side of Seungcheol. 
“It smells good,” Seungcheol tells you, smiling at you as he rubs the backs of his children.
“We were just trying mushrooms!” Daehyun announces, releasing Seungcheol in favour of running to you to grab the food before dashing back to his dad, holding his hand out. 
Seungcheol accepts the mushroom, and he tries it, letting out an embellished groan. “These are great,” he says, which prompts both children to try them too.
“Perfect!” Daehyun agrees.
Seungcheol watches you turn off the heat under the pan, moving to finish grating the gruyere for Hana. “How was work, my love?” you ask.
“Fine,” he sighs, not wanting to think about his job in a moment like this. “I couldn’t miss mac and cheese night. How were things around here?”
“Hana, why don’t you tell daddy about preschool?” you suggest, moving a pan of preprepared pasta bake ramekins on a tray to the island counter. 
“We did art!” Hana says proudly. “Made something for you.”
“Really?” Seungcheol loves receiving drawings from his kids. “Want to go grab it for me?”
You’re two steps ahead of him, even while cooking, and you reach behind yourself to grab a piece of paper from the fridge. You hold it out to Seungcheol, and he takes it from you, smiling widely as he looks at the image.
“It’s our family,” Hana explains, although, with the dad character holding a briefcase and dressed in a suit, Seungcheol thinks it would be impossible for him to think it’s anything else.
“I love it, you’re going to be an artist one day,” he tells her, reaching down to pick her up, tucking her by his hip. “And how about you, Daehyun? How was soccer practice?”
“Mommy picked me up after school and she had veggie snacks which weren’t that good but I ate them anyways, and we did practice and I scored goals-” Seungcheol loves how his son rambles, and he listens patiently while Daehyun describes finding a coin on the field that he can add to his collection of treasures he’s picked up throughout his life.
By the time the story is finished, you’ve already put the mac and cheese in the oven, and you’re standing with your palms on the counter, watching Seungcheol interact with his children. There’s a gentle smile on your face, your eyes lit up with affection.
Seungcheol is drawn to you, and he walks around the island, Hana still tucked on his hip. “Hi,” he says softly, leaning forward to press a chaste kiss to your lips. “How was mommy’s day?”
“Good,” you respond. “Hana and I went to a greenery after preschool to get some new plants for the garden.”
“Oh yeah?” Seungcheol looks down at his daughter. “Did you two find anything nice?”
“Mommy got me a bouquet of tulips,” Hana confirms. 
“We also got a few more lavender bushes and some rosemary,” you add. “She played with bubbles while I planted them, and then we went to get Daehyun for soccer. A few of his friends came over with their moms after that to play in the pool, and then we started mac and cheese.”
“Sounds like a full day,” Seungcheol nods. He’s constantly in awe of how you juggle both kids, house maintenance, a social life, and cooking. 
“The kids are tuckered out,” you say, reaching out to brush some hair from Hana’s face. “They were thinking we could watch some Disney movies after dinner before bed.”
“Well we can’t say no to that, can we,” Seungcheol smiles. 
“No, we can’t,” you agree. “Daehyun, the mac and cheese is in the oven, should we start on a salad?”
“Do we have to?” he asks.
“Greens are an important part of a healthy diet,” you remind the little boy who’s always had problems with his veggies. “How about you help me choose what type of salad to make?”
“Can we have the one with lots of cheese?” Hana questions.
Seungcheol loves his little cheese fiend, he loves his family, and most of all, he loves that he gets to share it with you every day.
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After being filled up with hot mac and cheese, the kids had fallen asleep less than thirty minutes into their movie. Seungcheol had carried them to bed, double checking to make sure they were tucked in all right, and now, he heads into your shared room, closing the soundproof doors behind him.
“I’ve said it already, but I’ll say it again, dinner was great,” he tells you, as he heads to his closet to begin removing his button-up shirt. “Even the salad was good, I haven’t seen Daehyun eat that many greens in months.” 
“He’s warming up to them,” you smile, coming up behind your husband to give him a hug from behind, your cheek pressed to his back. “We were all happy you were there to eat with us. I know work has been busy, so I wasn’t sure if you’d make it.”
“And miss mac and cheese night?” Seungcheol scoffs. “Not even Jeon Wonwoo himself could keep me from that.”
You laugh at the mention of his business partner. “He can join next time, if he has the time. Hana misses Uncle Woo.”
“That's because he dotes on her.”
“As if you don’t.” 
“We all do, she’s a special kid, that one.”
“They both are,” you muse. “Daehyun downplayed it, but he was doing really well in practice. Coach says he has some real talent. Apparently he can’t shut up about the way that you take him to games twice a month in box seats. I think it’s making a huge difference.”
“That’s good to hear,” Seungcheol smiles. 
“Anyways, enough about our days,” you sigh. “Do you need a shower?”
“Why? Do I smell?” Seungcheol can’t help but chuckle.
“No, I was just thinking I might have one, and maybe you’d like to join me.”
Seungcheol groans. “Well, now I definitely need a shower.”
“Perfect.” You pull away from his back, reaching down to take off your shirt as you head to the bathroom. “I’ll see you in there, daddy.” 
As much as you love being a mother, you think some of your favorite moments might just happen when the kids are asleep. Seeing Seungcheol with Hana and Daehyun is one of the great joys of your life, but you have needs too, and after a long day, you really need something to help you relax. 
You turn the shower on, and as the spa-like bathroom fills with steam, you undo your pants. You’re slipping out of the fabric when Seungcheol joins you. His large form gently presses against your back, and his lips find your shoulder. His hands smooth down your arms softly, and he presses his crotch against your bum, showing you how turned on he is.
“You look so beautiful today,” he tells you.
“And you look as sexy as ever,” you respond, smiling while leaning back against his bare chest. 
“I do, do I?” You feel him grin where he’s kissing your neck, and you rest the back of your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling of him. “Guess this means we’re a match made in heaven.”
You love when he sweet-talks you like this, and when his hand slips down your abdomen to cup your pussy, you let out a groan of pleasure. “Should we go in the shower?”
“The shower can wait,” Seungcheol states, “and these panties have to come off.”
“You got it, daddy.” You hook your fingers in the waistband, pushing them down so his eager fingers can touch you directly. The contact has you shivering, and he begins to circle your clit. 
“How did I ever get so lucky with you?” he asks, teasing you while he grinds against your ass.
“I ask myself the same question every day,” you confess, whimpering when one of his large fingers slips into your core. 
“I think I’m the lucky one,” Seungcheol tells you, sucking on the sweet spot on your throat that always makes your entire body react. 
“Agree to disagree,” you whisper, consumed by the feeling of his fingers as he adds a second one, working you open. 
“It’s torture spending a whole day without being able to touch you,” your husband confesses, as he applies pressure to your clit with his palm.
You know exactly how he feels, and although you’re leaning into his touch, allowing him to be the one exploring your form, you know your patience will run dry soon. You need his cock, more than you’ve ever needed anything in your life.
It’s tantalizing, having his large bulge rubbing against your ass while he finger fucks you closer and closer to a release that’s always much too easy for him to earn. 
You turn your head to the side, reaching behind yourself to tangle your fingers in his hair, bringing his lips to your own. 
After all these years, Seungcheol knows your body inside and out. There are no words that need to be spoken as he gets you closer and closer to your high, only whimpered moans and groans of pleasure as you remain lip-locked.
Your first orgasm overtakes you, and you gasp into the kiss, wiggling your hips for more stimulation while he helps you through it. His free hand is on your waist, and he aids in your motions, which only adds to your pleasure.
“Cheol-” you whisper.
“I know, darling, I know,” he presses his forehead to yours, finishing you off before removing his hand from between your legs. He quickly sucks your juices off his digits before working on your bra, which falls off to join your clothes on the floor.
You turn in his embrace, palms flat to his chest so you can push him back until his bum hits the edge of the sink. “I wanna suck you off,” you tell him, feeling confident and as needy as ever.
“Fuck, I love it when you use that sweet, pretty mouth of yours to say the dirtiest things,” Seungcheol groans, large hands moving down to work on his belt while you sink to your knees on the tiled floor.
“You had a long day,” you tell him, knowing every day is long for the successful businessman, “I just want to make you feel good.”
“You always make me feel good,” he smiles, pushing his pants down so his cock can be released. 
Wasting no time, you wrap your hand around the base, taking one last look up at him to muse, “Well, I want to make you feel great,” before your mouth finds his large cock. 
The sounds he makes during sex have always been a huge turn-on for you, and the groans he lets out as you suckle on the head of his cock are like angels singing. You close your eyes, leaning into the act of pleasuring the man you love most in the world. 
His gentle hand finds your head, and he helps you blow him, taking more of him into your mouth while your hand pumps the base.
“You’re so good,” he whispers. “So fucking good for me.” 
You groan at the praise, and it makes his hips twitch, cock slipping into the back of your throat.
When you’d first been together, you hadn’t been used to the sensation, but after all this time together, you’ve become accustomed to it. In fact, you even kind of enjoy it when he throat-fuckes you, in some odd masochistic kind of way.
He’s slow with it, and you know he’s watching you carefully for any signs that he should let up on you. With you focused on your breathing and relaxing your throat, he never has to actually pull away. You listen to his sounds of pleasure grow, his grip tightening in your hair. 
“Fuck,” he groans, gently pulling you off his cock. “I need you.” 
He helps you to your feet and in one motion, he lifts you up and sets you on the sink, slotting between your legs. Your hands find his strong shoulders while he guides his cock to your pussy. His lip is caught between his teeth in concentration, and your heart swells with love for your husband.
The head of his cock slips into you and you both groan. 
“You’re wound up, darling,” he muses as he sinks a few more inches into you, test thrusting so your wet juices can cover his length and make it easier for you both. “Are you sure you don’t need some more of my fingers?”
“No,” you hold his strong shoulders tighter, “I just need you.”
“Yeah?” he leans in, pressing his lips to yours while his hands find your hips, one slipping to gently cup the small of your back. “Are you still my needy princess?”
It had been the first true pet name that stuck when you’d started dating, and even after all these years, it still makes a tingle run up your spine.
“Yes, Cheol, you feel so good-”
His thrusts have his cock sinking fully inside of you now, and you can’t help the way your eyes roll into the back of your head. Your body is alight with pleasure, and you truly can't help the sounds that are escaping past your lips.
You try your best to be quiet with Cheol most nights, but your kids are asleep. On top of that,  there’s a soundproof bedroom door, a bathroom door and a shower running to muffle your noises, so you figure now is as good a time as any to let loose a little.
“God, I love it when you get loud for me,” Seungcheol groans, leaning forward to pepper your throat in kisses while you lace your fingers through his soft hair. 
Each thrust has his cock hitting a spot deep inside of you, and you can feel tension building in your abdomen, a sign of another orgasm on its way.
“You look so perfect like this,” your husband muses. Suddenly, he’s pulling away from you. “I want you to see.” 
You moan in annoyance as he pulls out of you, dragging you off the countertop so he can turn you around, facing the steamed mirror. You bend over the sink, letting out a whine when he slips inside of you again, leaning forward with his chest pressed to your back while he wipes a hand along the reflective surface. 
You can see yourself now, and you look completely fucked out. 
Cheol grins behind you, and you love how the reflection showcases how much larger than you he is. With your smaller form in front of him, his shoulders are visible on either side of your own, and his height makes your pussy clench around him.
“Told you it was sexy,” Seungcheol muses, leaning forward again to press his lips to your shoulder. “I want you to watch as I make you cum.”
You’re not entirely sure you’ll be able to keep your eyes open, but you nod all the same, eager to please him as he begins to fuck you again. Each thrust has your hips pressing to the marble sink top, and it hurts a little, but the pain is pleasure.
You groan, panting as you watch Seungcheol fuck you from behind through the mirror.
He truly is a vision. each slap of his hips against your ass has your breasts bouncing too-
Steam is quickly covering the mirror again, and you reach out a shaky hand to wipe it away, intent on doing your best to follow through with his command.
“Cheol,” you whimper, his thrusts getting faster, harder- 
“That’s it,” he groans. “Let me hear you.” 
Your sounds are getting louder and louder as the tension in your stomach builds- and when Seungcheol licks two fingers, slipping his hand down your front to play with your clit, the noises of pleasure become uncontrollable. 
“Gonna cum for me, princess?” he asks, breath hot against your throat.
Everything feels so intense, the steam in the room adding to your heightened senses, and you nod quickly. You can’t find it in yourself to speak, you can only grab the sink as an anchor while your husband works you to the edge-
“I’m there too,” Seungcheol assures you. “Cum with me.” 
The sound that escapes you as your pussy clamps down on his cock is almost inhuman, and you struggle to keep your eyes open, gazing at your own fucked out expression through the mirror while Seungcheol rides out your highs.
His head is thrown back, throat all gorgeous and on display- 
You love him a stupid amount, and it only makes your core throb harder around his cock while he fills you up with his cum. 
It doesn’t help that his fingers are still on your clit, and you twitch from oversensitivity, letting out another loud cry. Seungcheol’s eyes open, as if he hadn’t even realized what he was still doing, too lost in the feeling of your throbbing cunt- he’s quick to pull his hand away, resting it on your hip as his thrusts begin to slow.
“Fuck,” he groans, “that was good.” 
His lips find your shoulder, and you both do your best to slow your heavy breathing. 
“Now I really need that shower,” you joke, earning a chuckle from the man still inside of you.
“Let's do it,” he says, giving you one last kiss before he pulls out of you.
He grabs your hand, helping you to the shower-
“Shit, did you hear that?” His head turns towards the closed door.
“I didn’t hear anything,” you tell him.
“No, listen, there it is again-” Seungcheol lets go of your hand, and he quickly grabs his robe, wrapping it around his naked body. He opens the bathroom door. “Shit, we woke up one of the kids. I’ll be right back.”
He exits the bathroom, shutting you inside behind him as he tightens his robe, rushing to the large soundproof bedroom doors. When he opens them, he finds Hana standing there, her stuffed teddy in her arms.
“Is Mama okay?” she asks, looking up at him like she’s on the verge of tears.
“Yes, sweetheart,” Seungcheol is quick to sink to his knees, wrapping his daughter in a hug. “You know she gets night terrors sometimes. It was just a bad dream, but I got a shower started for her and she should be okay.”
“Are you sure?” Hana asks, wiping at her eyes.
Seungcheol releases her, taking a look at her face and helping her clear the tear tracks with his thumb. “Yes, love, mama is fine. Here, let me get you back to bed.”
He picks up his daughter, carrying her back to her room. She settles in alright, and with a quick kiss to her forehead and a goodnight, Seungcheol leaves her be. He’s in a rush to get back to you, and as he enters your room and ensuite bathroom, shrugging off his robe, he finds you in the shower.
“I swear that kid has super hearing,” he muses softly, joining you under the water spray and pulling your body tight to his own.
“Maybe our soundproof bedroom door isn’t as soundproof as we thought,” you suggest. “Did you tell her it was night terrors again?”
“That seems to be the company line, doesn’t it?” Seungcheol can’t help but chuckle. He feels a little bad that the lie has gone on for two years already, but what else is he supposed to say to a kid who just heard her mother screaming?
“Hey, Night Terror,” you tug him closer, “you look lost in thought. What’s on your mind?”
Seungcheol sighs. “Just that maybe we need to invest in some good earplugs for the kids.”
You laugh, snuggling close to his chest while he wraps you in his arms. “Darling, I love the way you think.”
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! sometimes we all just need a short, sweet, established relationship sugar daddy/ A+ actual dad Cheol in our lives, you know?
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview.  “Fuck the house, I want you here. Now.” You don’t waste another second, grabbing his face and crashing your lips against his. His own hands find your hips, and within moments he’s pulling you onto his lap, growling into the kiss. It’s clear from the way that he’s touching you that he has no objections to fucking in the hot tub.
cw/ tw. Unprotected sex, exhibitionism, fucking in a hot tub, dry/wet humping, multiple reader orgasms, sensory stuff with the hot tub and heat, breast worship, fingering, cheol using her like a fleshlight, manhandling, some dirty talk, praise, breeding kink, finger sucking,. I petnames. (hers) princess.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.9k I teaser wc. 300
🌙 staring.Cheol x afab!Reader
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“Uncle Woo!” Hana lights up as one of her favorite people enters the house, and Wonwoo returns her smile, dropping onto one knee to embrace her.
“Hey, Hana,” he grins.
“They told us we were sleeping over with you but I almost didn’t believe it!” Hana raves.
“I got the guest room all set up for you two,” Wonwoo says, standing up while holding your daughter to his chest. His gaze shifts to Daehyun. “Uncle Mingyu and Uncle Vernon are going to pop by for a bit too, they’ve been missing watching soccer with you. I’ve got the game from earlier recorded, you could have some boys' time while I play princesses with Hana.”
God. You love Wonwoo. He’s the best uncle you could have asked for concerning your kids. It’s clear Seungcheol thinks the same, his grip tightening around you while his smile widens. You all watch Hana joyfully rant about playing princesses, and Daehyun is even smiling at the thought of spending time with his favorite uncles.
“Do you two have any special plans for tonight?” Wonwoo asks when there’s a lull in the conversation. 
It’s your anniversary tonight, and you definitely have special plans, but none you can discuss in front of the kids.
“Mostly just taking her out for dinner,” Seungcheol says, which is only half a lie as he turns to gaze at you with hearts in his eyes.
“Nothing too extreme,” you agree, patting his chest. 
Wonwoo gives you a look that tells you he sees through your bluff, but your kids are none the wiser, and - as it is with your ‘night terrors’ - at the end of the day, a few white lies to protect their innocence doesn’t hurt anybody.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Yandere DILF! Reaction to You seeing Him as a Fatherly Figure
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Warnings: Obsessive Behaviour, Delusional Behaviour, Freudian “Logic”, Age Gap, Implication of Murder, Implied Sexual Content, Infidelity, Pet Names, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You.
♡ The D in DILF stands for ‘Delusional’.
♡ At least, in Dominic’s case.
♡ When you first told him that you saw him as your “Dad away from home !” he spiralled.
♡ At first, in the immediate fallout of your bombshell statement (one which you gave little thought to, seeing it only as a compliment), Dominic smiled, a dry, thin, almost watery smile, and paid you a compliment back – something suave and reflexive; the technique he’d learnt as a younger man that freed him of consequence on many occasions.
♡ And, like clockwork, you give a laugh and a smile, yet you do not succumb to abashment.
♡ Just another reason why you stand out to Dominic; why he loves you so.
♡ Your comment stays with him long after you’ve left.
♡ And, initially terrified that this was all you’d ever see him as – just some guy who could be your step-in father when your real one was away – he tried to rationalise it. Nullify it.
♡ For days afterwards, Dominic assesses his behaviour, searches for the instigator of his ‘fatherly’ aura.
♡ True, he is an actual father to two children, which he can’t exactly “correct” (not legally, anyway).
♡ After racking his brain, searching for any way to nullify his fatherly appeal, he has a flash of brilliance.
♡ Instead of neutralising it, he decides to lean into it; to amplify it and add his own charm to such a degree so to make himself more appealing to you in ways a father could not be.
♡ Cue Dominic’s Freud era.
♡ Fr though, he’s so desperate to turn your appreciation into attraction that he endorses the whole insane theory that a man’s offspring will compete for their father’s romantic attention with their peers (gross, I know).
♡ He’s turning up the DILF factor.
♡ Sleeves half-drawn up to his elbows to show off his forearms (the ones which he’s worked tirelessly on at the gym); giving you one of his shirts to wear when he “accidentally” gets yours wet during a summer water fight – things like that.
♡ Things that are a gateway for him to show that he ‘cares’.
♡ Really pressing into that ‘fatherly’ image.
♡ Prepare to be praised 24/7.
♡ Only when his wife isn’t in earshot, though.
♡ “Oh, what a wonderful painting ! Such a pretty little picture, Darling…”
♡ He’ll lean over you, trapping you between his arms as you sit at the table, bringing himself as close to your body as he can without arousing your suspicion or making you uncomfortable.
♡ Definitely the type to lean against doorframes or walls just so he can cross his arms over his chest and show off his bulging biceps.
♡ He calls you a good girl or good boy whenever you do something that pleases him.
♡ In his own way, he’s trying to train you to seek his validation.
♡ Dominic’s a master at reading a room, and he uses this power of perception to act when he knows you’re at your most accepting. Or your most vulnerable.
♡ Had a bad day at work ? He offers you his open arms, his shirt sprayed with an irresistible collection of colognes to create a distinct scent (one which he’s also tried on others with positive effects. Though, as previously discussed, things which sent his prior conquests wild seemingly have little effect on you).
♡ You have something big to celebrate ? He’ll take that opportunity – your good mood – to pull you into his arms, lower his lips to your ear and congratulate you: “That’s such good news, Sweetie !” he says, laying on the pet names. Then, his volume dips as he pulls you just a little closer, just brushing the area between your legs with his thigh.
♡ “I’ll have to take you out somewhere so we can celebrate properly.”
♡ As to what this is will be a mystery to you until a box is delivered to your doorstep, a formal outfit inside, coupled with a note with the address of an upscale restaurant, and…
♡ A keycard to a hotel room.
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Masterlist Yandere AI Masterlist Masterpost
AO3 Wattpad
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etz-ashashiyot · 29 days
You know how sometimes arguing a point is losing?
Like if you engage the argument at all you are inherently putting up for debate things that should never be up for debate and the argument itself is degrading?
You see this with interpersonal gaslighting:
A gaslighter doesn’t simply need to be right. They also need for you to believe that they are right. In stage one, you know that they’re being ridiculous, but you argue anyways. You argue for hours, without resolution. You argue over things that shouldn’t be up for debate  – your feelings, your opinions, your experience of the world. You argue because you need to be right, you need to be understood, or you need to get their approval. In stage one, you still believe yourself, but you also unwittingly put that belief up for debate. In stage two, you consider your gaslighter’s point of view first and try desperately to get them to see your point of view as well. You continue to engage because you’re afraid of what their perspective of you says about you. Winning the argument now has one objective :  proving that you’re still good, kind, and worthwhile. In stage three, when you’re hurt, you first ask, “What’s wrong with me?” You consider their point of view as normal. You start to lose your ability to make your own judgements. You become consumed with understanding them and seeing their perspective. You live with and obsess over every criticism, trying to solve it.
But you also see this on a broader societal level, with people asking unfathomably awful questions about minority groups, such as:
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It should go without saying, but no group of people should be forced to explain that yes, they really are real people, dickheads. The question doesn't deserve an answer; it deserves at best a disgusted eyeroll + "Are you a Nazi?" and at worst a punch to the face.
There is also the related phenomenon of the "when did you stop beating your wife?" type questions. The question is framed as a yes or no question, but the real answer for the innocent is: "I've never beaten my wife and never would." But even that answer still dignifies the question with a real response and puts the idea in the mind of the listener that hey maybe that's a real possibility and this guy is lying because of course he wouldn't just admit that. Now I don't know what to believe, but I'm skeptical.
Even if he answers, doubt has been cast on his character and many people (maybe even most people) neither have the attention span to listen to his full counter argument and supporting evidence nor are invested enough in strangers' lives to take the time to dig for facts on their own. Critically, it comes from a good impulse that shouldn't be repressed or taken too far in the opposite direction; namely, that we want to believe survivors and make it socially acceptable to speak out about abuse.
This leaves us with the uncomfortable reality that balancing believing survivors and whistle-blowers against not automatically believing allegations that very well may be false and/or in bad faith is a very tricky balancing act indeed. Because of this, people tend to struggle with taking survivors seriously and with presuming innocence until guilt has actually been proven, both. And as for the latter, this is at least partially due to the same psychological factors underlying the Don't Think of an Elephant problem.
Why am I discussing this?
See the thing is that these types of discourse have all been used, heavily, against the Jewish community, especially since Oct 7th, but really going back hundreds of years.
If you want to be our ally, you need to be on guard for how people use this rhetoric to accuse Jews of absolutely batshit cookoo bananas allegations (like being lizard people or having horns, or secretly running the world, or killing Christian babies to use their blood in our matzah, etc. etc.) and get away with it. Now obviously if so many people weren't already racist towards Jews as a people and had a vested interest in maintaining their supercessionist cultural worldview from Christianity and Islam, it would be a lot harder for this to work. Alas, the past 2000 years has created a bit of a snowballing effect.
This culminates in the effect described so well by Sartre:
Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.
— Jean-Paul Sartre
Right now, Jews are facing extreme levels of these types of rhetorical abuse, and are receiving very little help in the way of pushback.
We have to stop trying to explain ourselves and start just naming these tactics instead.
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yanderehsr · 10 months
I love the neglected wife reader x yandere jing yuan. If its not too much but can I request a follow up on that story. On what lengths would Jing yuan to prevent reader form divorcing him and how unhinged would he be to keep the reader from getting away. I can just imagined the guilt eating him up to the point that he would over compensate and go too far with his affections being downright suffocating and controlling towards the reader. Also how would Yanqing fit in this scenerio would he fell guilty that he was one of the factors that cause reader and jing yuan problem.
I'm happy you loved it😊
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Jing Yuan will do absolutely anything to have you forgive him and stay with him, he will go down on his knees and bow down to apologize if that's whats needed of him. This is were things can go two seperate directions, either you accept the apology or you refuse it
If you accept it, then Jing Yuan will be over the moon, he never leaves your side again, you even have to be with him every second when he works. Instead of being neglected you found yourself suffocated by him. Whenever you stand up to leave he grabs your wrist, having this scared look like you will never come back.
Now on the other hand, if you were to refuse his apology, then Jing Yuan will go quiet, he can't believe this is happening. When you turn around to leave, that's when he will grab you and drag you to both of yours home. He will never acknowledge that you wanted a divorce, you can even mention it to him and he will give you a look of confusion.
Now whether you refuse or accept his apology, Jing Yuan will be all over you, he needs to make up for lost time. Any gift you want is yours, all but freedom, he can never give that to you. Yanqing will never know that he was the reason for this, he doesn't even know that you tried to divorce Jing Yuan.
"You aren't going anywhere, I won't let you leave me, my beautiful wife"
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i had not realized just how emphatically bram drives home the point of Thank God We All Realized Mina Doesn’t Have To Worry Her Pretty Little Head About This Anymore - like it comes up again and again across the multiple narrators - and like yeah it does make me feel insane because it does feel like the text is going out of its way to have everyone congratulate themselves on Doing A Gender at the exact same time that actually doing gender is making things worse. and specifically these four manly men are totally failing to protect the woman in their midst precisely because they have determined her to be in need of protection because of her gender instead of recognizing that the relevant risk factor here is not Woman but isolation. and gender produces isolation as when for example it separates a husband and a wife in their bed. isolation with devastating consequences! consequences which cannot even be recognized or named for what they are, once more partly because of gender. the pro gender line is literally being used as a vein to mine for dramatic irony. like the text literally calls attention to how incredibly sure of themselves everyone is about this course of action, because of gender, and also leaves it unambiguous that in this instance gender has led them astray, which, like, arguably calls the whole thing into question, not that i’m trying to put words into the mouth of mr “can the world ever accept that a man can have a woman’s heart.” ok. like the characters are praying to the god of gender and the text is saying, gender is a false god and gender will not keep you safe. like. ok. ok!! and i am supposed to be normal about this. i am supposed to NOT let this book make me insane? somehow??
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absurdthirst · 10 months
A Bumpy Road {Frankie Morales x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 12.6k
Warnings: Fake marriages, mentions of emotional alienation/affairs, fighting, drunk driving, death, feelings, injuries, mentions of surgeries, confessions, oral sex, vaginal sex, mentions of family planning
Comments: In order to stay on his team and keep his toxic ex in-laws from gaining custody of his daughter, Frankie does something crazy. He marries you, his friend. You need insurance and he needs someone to care for his daughter, ignoring how he feels about you until he ends up hurt on his deployment.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
|| MasterList || Frankie Morales MasterList ||
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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You have an idea, it’s outrageous, outlandish and completely insane but it might just actually work. You bite your lip nervously as Frankie paces in front of you, swiping his hands through his hair and it’s unusual to not hear the rasp of the shorter military high and tight he used to wear. Since being accepted into Delta, he had been allowed to grow his hair out past normal regulation, the need to look less like the soldier necessary for the ops he would be running. Unless he has to give up his entire career because of the three year old little girl currently napping in her room upstairs. 
“How could they do this?” Frankie hisses, angry and frustrated. Scared that they actually could take his daughter from him, terrified they would. “They can’t do this. I just- I asked for help while I was deployed! Not to take her from me!” It had been a mistake to reach out, to talk about his upcoming deployment. The papers had been delivered by a court server today. He was being sued for full custody of his little girl by his late wife’s family. 
Your mind races, trying to talk yourself out of the crazy idea but you can’t. It would work. Better yet, people who knew you would believe it. And Frankie could prove that he had care in place for his daughter, stability. The military would get off his back and his former in-laws would have no case. The bonus would be that you would have health insurance for the first time in years. “Frank.” You murmur quietly, following his frantic pacing. “Frankie!” You call louder, getting his attention this time as he stops mid-turn to look at you. “Marry me.”
His eyes widen, absorbing your words, and he thinks back on how damn long he’s been in love with you. It’s hard to think about but he nods, knowing that this is smart. You need your meds and the insurance will get them for you. He needs a caretaker for his daughter that isn’t his toxic former in-laws. “You’re a genius.” He declares and cups your cheek to kiss your forehead. “God, how - you are a goddamn angel, baby. That’s perfect. We can - we can get married before I deploy and then Ana can have someone - are you sure you want to take over caring for her? I know you babysit and when I’m away but - full time? It’s a lot of work.” He says, lowering his hands from your cheeks.
“I won’t lie and say that I’m not nervous.” You chuckle and melt at the soft, grateful expression in his warm eyes. “But she’s a good kid. And there’s the daycare, so I can still work.” The more you think about it, the more that you know it’s the right thing to do. “Ana loves me, and I know you don’t want to lose her or give up your spot on the team. The boys need you.” The fact that you have very strong feelings for Frankie doesn’t need to factor into this. “I say we get married quickly so you can let your in-laws know that it’s a losing case.”
Frankie can’t believe you’ve agreed to do this and he knows he will owe you for the rest of his life. He can’t lose his daughter but he also can’t leave his friends, his brothers, to go into danger without him. “I want you to pick a dress. I’ll pay for everything. Rings too. I- I want it to be us and Ana. No one else. She loves you already and I- are you sure you want to do this?” He asks, reaching for your hands to squeeze them.
“It’s not completely altruistic.” You remind him, knowing that he is aware of your need for health insurance. “I want to do this. I know we need to take care of things, power of attorney and things like that, but I want to help you, Francisco.” You promise quietly, imagining a small courthouse wedding with the handsome soldier. “I wouldn’t have suggested it if I wasn’t sure. We’re friends. It’ll be easy.” 
Frankie nods, knowing you know him inside out, even the dark things he hides from the outside world. The dark sins he has committed. He leans in to kiss your forehead, “I think so too, I- I can’t believe I’m saying this but - but I can’t wait to marry you.” He smiles as he pulls back. You are his best friend and as much as he tries to deny it, he’s in love with you. He knows you’re better off in the dark on that particular sin. It wouldn’t benefit you to know that. His late wife knew and that’s what killed her. 
“Janet, please. Just calm down, sweetheart.” Frankie pleads, following his wife down the hall. Ana is crying, woken up by the screaming, and Frankie is desperate to deny what Janet is accusing him of. 
“You’re fucking in love with her! Just say it. I- you didn’t love me. Did you? It’s always been her.” Janet screams down the hall and Frankie shakes his head, unable to answer. When Janet got pregnant, he was just about to be called up for a deployment and he knew he had to do the right thing and marry her. He loved her, he did. In his own way. He can’t love her like he does you, though. You are the sun, the moon, the stars. Everything to him. He had done the right thing and married Janet but she was never you. When Ana came along, she became his world and he stayed for her, fought for her. 
When Frankie doesn’t answer again, Janet shakes her head. “I knew it. You bastard! You shouldn’t - you shouldn’t have married me. It’s over Frank. It’s done. I- fuck. I gotta - I gotta go.” Janet says, rushing towards the front door. 
“Wait. Don’t. You can’t fucking drive. You’ve had three glasses of wine.” Frankie growls, having long accepted that his wife became an alcoholic in his absence, drinking when the nights were lonely and Ana wouldn’t stop crying. He didn’t realize it until he came home from that first tour. 
“I’m fucking leaving otherwise if I stay in this house, I’m gonna kill Ana.” She threatens and Frankie growls, grabbing her purse. 
“You fucking - threatening the life of our daughter? You- I know you’re hurt but you’re a - get the fuck out. Go kill yourself on the goddamn road for all I care.” He growls, shoving her purse at her. She doesn’t say a word as she leaves and Frankie watches her drive down the street. 
Little did he know that he’d be getting a call an hour later to tell him that his wife had died in an accident, driven into a tree. He was upset, mostly for Ana, for the mother she’d never get to have. Janet looked after her well-being but was never affectionate or caring. Now she has no mother at all. “I’ll be right there.” He promises the cop and the next number he dials is yours. “Hey. Yeah, um, I know it’s late but can you come over? I need someone to watch Ana for me. I’ll explain when you get here.” He says and hangs up after you agree. His wife just died but his heart still beats at the sound of your voice. He’s committed many sins but tonight might just be the worst of all. 
“You don’t need to be nervous.” You remind yourself as you look in the mirror, hands trembling as you lean towards the glass and smudge a little more of your eyeliner into place. “It’s Frankie, he’s not- he doesn’t actually love you.” That stings more than you thought it would as you wear the white tea dress you had picked out to get married in. Feeling like a bride and yet not one all at the same time. It’s going to be just ten minutes before Frankie will be here to drive you to the courthouse to exchange vows. The marriage certificate is ready to be signed by the magistrate that will officially declare you Mrs. Francisco Javier Morales. The knock on the door startles you, and you look towards it before glancing back in the mirror. “It’s time.” 
When you answer the door, Frankie’s breath is taken away from him. You look devastatingly beautiful. “You look so pwetty.” Ana grins up at you and you look at her in her little white flower girl dress that is similar to yours, her hair done in what looks like an attempt to style it by Frankie. 
“She’s right. You look - you look incredible.” He says, his dark eyes meeting yours and he offers you a boyish grin.
Frankie is wearing his uniform, you had asked him to but it’s impossible to think of anything but how handsome he is wearing his medals. “Not nearly as incredible as you.” You reach out and your finger strokes his jaw. “You shaved.” Your finger grazes his lip and you pull back, aware that if you keep touching him, you will want to kiss him for real. “Every single woman in town is pissed at me today.” You promise. 
Frankie suppresses the shiver that runs through him at the way you caress his face and he knows it’s going to be hard not confessing how he feels. He knows you only think of him as a dear friend and even if, by some miracle, you didn’t, you wouldn’t be able to look past his sins. He’s not good enough for you. He blushes and clears his throat, “alongside every man.” He counters and Ana tugs on your hand, “daddy got me petals.” She holds up the basket that she insisted Frankie get her. She had heard about flower girls from her friends in pre-school and she insisted Frankie let her throw the petals down before you walk down the aisle. “I know it’s only a courthouse wedding but Ana wanted to make it special.”
“Thank you, Ana.” You bend down to look the little girl in the eyes, knowing how excited that she is. For her, this is exciting and fun, something that she will play with her friends the next time she sees them in school. “You are the prettiest little flower girl I have ever seen.” You promise, making her smile and you reach out to cup her little cheek. “Now I know your daddy talked to you about it, but how would you like me to come stay with you and daddy? Help him make breakfast and do your hair? Would you like that?” 
Ana nods, her eyes wide, “yes! Daddy never gets my hair right.” She says with a pout, “are you my new mommy?” She asks and Frankie had spoken to her about this. How you were going to come live with them, how you were going to be his new friend and that her mommy was still with her. He hates how selfish Janet was to drink and drive and the guilt he felt when she died after he all but forced her into the car, but there was something in her eyes. He’s seen that look before. She would’ve hurt Ana and he couldn’t allow that to happen.
“I-” You frown slightly, unsure of what to say to the young girl. “I would like to be your friend. A good friend. But I also don’t want you to feel like I am trying to become your mommy unless you would like that.” It might be a little more than a three year old understands, but you don’t want her to feel like she has to forget Janet. 
Frankie kneels beside his daughter, “your mommy is your angel, remember? She’s gonna look after you.” Frankie smiles and says your name, “she’s gonna be your friend when daddy is gone fighting the bad guys, okay? You are safe with her and she loves you as much as daddy does.” Frankie knows his job is much more complicated than good guys and bad guys but it’s how he can explain to a three year old that he’s gonna be gone for so long. He hates missing huge parts of her life but he can’t let his team down. 
“Okay daddy.” She hands him the basket and steps closer to wrap her small arms around your neck.
You smile at the two of them together and you know that you are doing the right thing. You are giving Frankie the opportunity to keep his daughter here with him so he can come home to her when he can. “Are you ready to go throw the petals down, sweetheart?” You ask softly. “I bet daddy will take us out for ice cream after.” 
Ana grins and nods, squealing “lets go!” 
Frankie chuckles and stands up, holding his hand out to his daughter and he winks at you, “lets go get hitched, baby.” You smile and he holds his arm out to you, guiding his girls to his truck. 
Ana beams as she tosses the flowers on the floor, Frankie would say in heaps more than scattered but he chuckles and she comes to stand beside him. When you walk down the small aisle, Frankie exhales shakily, his heart pounding and he’s certain you can tell he’s sweating. When you stand in front of him, you beckon Ana to stand between you and Frankie knows he’s made the right choice for his daughter. It’s always been you.
The magistrates ceremony is brief and you barely remember any of it, grinning like an idiot as you stand there with Frankie, imagining if this were actually real. “Do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?” He asks, making you swallow harshly before you squeeze his hands. “I do.” You promise clearly.
Frankie nearly yells “I do” but manages to control himself, staring into your eyes as the officiant declares you husband and wife. “You may now kiss the bride.” Frankie knows this could be the only chance he gets to kiss you so he leans in to cup your cheek, pressing his lips to yours and he is firm but not demanding. It’s not brief but it doesn’t drag, despite Frankie wanting to pull you against him and slide his tongue into your mouth. This is an agreement between friends and nothing more. He pulls back and smiles, looking down at Ana between you who looks happy. This feels right. After signing the marriage certificate, Frankie takes your hand to guide you and Ana back to his truck. “I - I hope you don’t mind…it was supposed to be a surprise but the guys put together some food and drinks at Tom and Molly’s.
“Really?” Your mouth drops open in shock and you smile when he nods. “Oh my god, that’s so sweet.” You gush before you frown. “Wait.” Twisting in your seat, you watch as Frankie buckles Ana into her car seat. “Do they- uh, know what the situation is?” You ask softly, unsure of what you can say around them. 
Frankie shakes his head. “No.” He finishes pulling the strap up Ana’s chest and looks over at you. “I wanted them to be able to truthfully say they believe it is real.” He explains, making you nod in understanding. There’s the possibility that Frankie’s in-laws could still come for custody or challenge the validity of the marriage and it’s better if everyone thought this was real. “Got it. Happy newlyweds.”
Frankie is grateful that you’re going along with this. He knows it benefits you too but it’s a lot to ask, to pretend to be married to him. The drive to Tom’s house is quiet and when you knock on the front door, Molly opens it with a “congratulations!” You grin and Frankie holds your hand and Ana’s as he walks inside. All of his team are there, several of your mutual friends, and Frankie is blushing when they shout “congratulations.”
“Hot damn!” Benny bellows, making you automatically grin as the younger Miller brother bounds into view. “Fish got married! You son of a bitch, you hid it from us!” He tackles Frankie in a bear hug while Molly pulls you in for a  hug. “What? Afraid she’d see me in my dress uniform and run off with me?” Ben teases, pulling back to grin at his friend before he scoops you up in a hug. “She wouldn’t have done that? Would you, sweetheart? You’ve been in love with ole Fish for years.” Benny teases.
Frankie picks Ana up, not wanting her to be excluded and he tries to ignore the comment, aware that people have thought you and him have been in love with each other for years. It’s true on his side but he doesn’t fool himself into thinking you love him as more than a friend. “Shut up Benny, my wife has good taste.” He jokes and Pope walks over. 
“Couldn’t pick a best man so you decided to do it solo?” Pope jokes and Frankie gives him a one armed hug. 
“Uncle Pope!” Ana cheers as Santi takes her into his arms, “hey chiquita.” He kisses the cheek of his goddaughter. 
Frankie smiles, turning towards Will. “You finally did it, huh? You convinced her to marry you, you son of a bitch.” He chuckles and Frankie hugs his friend. 
“Guess so.” He grins as you greet your friends and they admire the ring Frankie had bought you. He had spent quite a bit of money on it, wanting to make something about this situation real.
The party is fantastic but after a few hours you are ready to leave. Not because anyone is rude, but the jokes about you being pregnant before Frankie leaves for deployment and giving Ana a sibling just curl in your stomach. Knowing that you are never going to have that with your husband because he didn’t marry you for love. He married you for Ana and to fight off his in-laws. With the little girl passed out against her father’s shoulder, you use that as an excuse. “We need to get her home. Today was a big day for her.” You tell Molly when she offers to keep Ana overnight so you and Frankie can have some time alone. “I think we will settle in better if she’s there with us.”
Frankie nods, aware that he won’t be getting a wedding night. He’s not that stupid. He would never ever ask it of you. “She’s right. I want Ana to feel settled since we are leaving soon.” He says and rubs your back with his free hand. “Let’s go, sweetheart.” He murmurs and he keeps Ana in his arms while he says goodbye to his friends, knowing he will see them soon.
In his truck, you look over after he’s pulled away from Tom and Molly’s. “We didn’t discuss sleeping arrangements.” You realize, rolling your eyes at yourself. “I can stay at my apartment until you leave, but I would rather Ana get used to me being there.” You admit. “Or I can stay in the guest room if you prefer? When Ana notices that we aren’t sleeping in the same bed, you can say that you don’t sleep well beside me? Or….” you bite your lip, imagining curling up next to him. “We are both adults. We can sleep next to each other, right? You have a king sized bed.” 
“We can share a bed. We are adults. Not like we haven’t before.” He reminds you of when he used to get drunk and end up in your tiny one bed apartment, seeking solace and a late meal after a night out with the boys. “Besides, I think it would be best if Ana thinks this is real. I want her to think that this is real so she is happy with you. Not that I don’t think you’re not - you know what I’m saying, right?” He asks as he drives to his house.
“I know what you mean.” Reaching out, you pat his hand and give him a smile when he looks over at you. “It’s a good thing we’ve started carting some of my things over, right?” You have every intention of selling most of your things, since Frankie’s is already established and your furniture holds no sentimental attachment for you. “We can go get my ID and everything tomorrow. Get me set up in the system as your wife?”
Frankie nods, “yeah. We will sort everything out tomorrow.” His heart pounds in his chest at hearing you call yourself his wife and he swallows harshly, knowing that nothing can be done. For your sake and Ana’s. He can’t fuck this up by letting his feelings get involved. He sighs and pulls into his driveway, killing the engine and he’s careful as he takes Ana out of her car seat.
As Frankie takes Ana to lay her down, you take the bag that Frankie had brought over into the master bathroom so you can change out of your wedding dress into some comfortable pajamas. They aren’t fancy or sexy but you had bought some new, cute sleeping clothes since you would be sharing a house with Frankie. Washing the makeup off and taking your hair out of the careful style you had put it in for the ceremony. Looking more like your normal self when you open the door to find your new husband in the bedroom you will share. 
Frankie is carefully hanging up his uniform when he sees you and his heart clenches at how fucking beautiful you look. He feels guilty that he’s got you in this situation, in a marriage of convenience when you deserve all the love in the world. He strips down to his boxers, pulling a plain shirt out to pull on. “You want some water?” He asks, clearing his throat and you nod so he ventures into the kitchen, exhaling shakily to force himself to calm down. This isn’t a real wedding night. “Here you go, sweetheart.” He says and hands you the glass.
“Thank you.” You sit on the end of the bed and take a sip of the water, trying to calm your nerves and you sigh. “I know that this is- that we aren’t actually together, but I want you to know that I’m not going to embarrass you while you are deployed.” You tell him. It's been a long time since you’ve dated but just because you aren’t really Frankie’s wife in all senses doesn’t mean you are going to mess around with anyone. “You don’t have to worry about that.” 
Frankie comes to sit down beside you, reaching for your hand. “I- I know this isn’t easy but if you do meet someone…you need to tell me and we end this. I shouldn’t - I don’t want to get in the way of the rest of your life. I love you - for - for doing this for me, and I will never be able to repay you. You’ve helped me keep Ana and I’ll forever be in your debt. I can’t - I can’t hold you back if you find someone and want to live your own life.” It kills him to say it, hating the thought of you with anyone else but he can’t be selfish, not when you’ve done so much for him.
It’s hard not to immediately assure him that you would never meet anyone else. Not when you are in love with him and no one has ever stood up against Frankie in your heart. Instead, you nod. “And I want you to do the same thing. You deserve to be happy, Frankie and when you meet someone that does that for you….” You give him a weak smile and go for a joke. “It will be the easiest divorce in the history of divorces.”
Frankie chuckles softly, his heart sinking but he ignores that and leans in to kiss your cheek. “Let’s get some sleep. It’s been a long day and I know Ana will be waking us up with excitement to have our first day together. I want to do as much as I can with her before I leave. Tomorrow, let’s go get you in the system and go for breakfast.” He says and lets go of your hand so he can slide under the covers.
Frankie has his side of the bed established, so you climb in on the other side. Knowing that you don’t mind it and you are thankful that his bed is comfortable. “It was a good wedding, Frankie.” You murmur as you lay down beside him. “Thank you. For not thinking that I was crazy.” You grin at him, knowing that he is also thankful you are willing to do this. “Goodnight hubby.”
“Goodnight wifey.” Frankie chuckles, leaning over to turn the lamp off and you curl up, falling asleep pretty quickly. He doesn’t. Staying awake and listening to your soft snores, murmurs, and breathing. His heart aches for you, to curl around you and breathe you in. He can’t ruin this. You don’t feel the same way, you want the insurance and to help him out. It takes a while but eventually he falls asleep, unaware that he had ended up doing the thing he was trying to avoid: curling around you.
Waking up in Frankie’s arms is a special kind of hell. Because you know that this is only because he’s asleep and not because he’s decided that he wants you in the middle of the night. Even if the very prominent hardness pressed against your ass makes you want to pretend that he does. The good thing is that Frankie is a heavy sleeper when he’s home so you manage to wiggle away from him before you wake him up. “Morning.” You huff when he starts to stir. “I have to pee, go back to sleep.” You urge softly.
He grumbles, hugging the pillow you were sleeping on, inhaling your scent from it, and he falls asleep again, wanting to make the most of this time at home. When you walk into the kitchen, you decide to get a start on making some coffee and eventually, Frankie wakes up, rolling onto his back and willing his morning wood to disappear. When the mental attempt is fruitless, he gets into the shower. Groaning as he wraps his hand around his cock, he remembers the dream he was having of you underneath him, celebrating your wedding night for real.
In the kitchen, you are reminding yourself that Frankie is just a man who wakes up with a hardon. It doesn’t mean that he wants to throw you up on the counter and fuck you. Deciding that you will make a small breakfast for Ana, giving Frankie some space and allowing you to cool down.
“Fuck. Oh fuck.” Frankie groans, jerking himself as his cum paints the shower wall. He’s lost track of how many times he’s imagined fucking you while in this shower. After cleaning off the shower and himself, Frankie brushes his teeth and shaves, getting dressed just in time for you to finish Ana’s breakfast. “Thank you for doing that.” Frankie says and fixes himself a cup of coffee after he sees you already have a cup.
“Of course.” Ana squawks over the baby monitor, obviously just waking up and you smile. “Do you want to get her or do you want me to start getting into a routine?” You ask, before you answer your own question. “Let me get her. I’ll be right back.”
Frankie watches you go, sipping his coffee and smiling as he listens to Ana sleepily say good morning on the monitor before she realizes you’re still there and she is excited, telling you how she wants to make cupcakes and show you all her dolls. It makes Frankie feel comforted that his little girl will be looked after while he’s gone. “Morning baby girl.” He greets her when she walks into the kitchen, eyes still sleepy and he picks her up to kiss her cheek. 
“Daddy. I want pancakes.” She demands and Frankie chuckles, “we will get pancakes later baby.” He says your name, “she made you some eggs for now.”
Ana frowns slightly and shakes her little head. “I no want eggs.” She pouts, crossing her arms and you try not to smile at the ferocious little look on her face. 
“Oh, well..” you sigh softly, “I guess you don’t have to eat the eggs. Even though they give you lots of energy to play.” You tell her softly. “Especially since this is just supposed to be first breakfast.”
“First breakfast?” She pipes up and Frankie nods, “yeah. Pancakes are second breakfast. But only if you eat the first breakfast. You wanna show off all your dolls, right baby girl? You gotta have energy to do that and eggs give you that.” Frankie explains to his daughter who lowers her arms. 
“With ketchup.” She insists, walking over to you.
Laughing, you turn back towards the refrigerator. “Eggs with ketchup, got it.” You don’t miss the way Frankie winces and you wonder if it’s something that she had learned from Janet. Frankie’s first wife had never hidden the fact that she hadn’t liked you, so you had tried to give her the distance she wanted, though you weren’t going to stop being friends with the guys or Frankie for her. “After you eat, I’ll help you get dressed and we will do your hair, how does that sound?” 
Frankie is reminded of Janet, who he used to make fun of for having eggs with ketchup and she used to make it for Ana when she started eating solids. “Can I have braids?” She asks, wanting to have her hair different from the styles Frankie just about manages to put together. “Of course, sweetheart.” You say and Frankie smiles as he watches Ana hug your leg.
Breakfast goes easy for Ana and you leave Frankie to clean up the kitchen while you and Ana go to get ready. The young girl sitting extremely still for a three year old, excited for her braids. You don’t blame her. The dolly she had introduced you two had braids and she wanted to look like her. Making her gasp in the mirror when she looks at her reflection.
When Ana comes out, squealing happily about her braids, Frankie ooohs and awws and tells her how pretty she looks. He winks at you, “you did a good job, baby.” He says and he doesn’t even think about the nickname he calls you and Ana admires the braids. “You wanna get ready and I’ll entertain the little lady?” Frankie suggests.
“Thanks.” You nod and try not to take his nickname to heart. It’s just practice for when you are in public and around others. “I’ll try not to be too long,” you promise, turning and heading towards the bedroom where your bag is. You need to shower and plan on doing just basic makeup for your ID photo.
Frankie glances over at you while he drives, admiring your profile in the sun and his gaze drops down to his ring on your finger. It makes his heart twist that he didn’t propose to you properly but again, he’s reminded that this isn’t real. “You got everything?” He asks while looking in the mirror at Ana who is admiring her Barbie.
“Social security, birth certificate, marriage certificate, driver’s license.” You go through all your documents and grin. “Yep. Although now I need to change all of that too. To reflect the last name Morales.” Your stomach twists pleasantly and you remind yourself that you are a Morales in name only. “Plus a passport change. That’s the one I dread.”
“It’ll be fine. You’ll have the insurance soon. Do you have enough meds to last?” He asks, knowing you have been halving the dose and he hates that, seeing how it has taken a toll on you. You aren’t your usual self and he wants to see you’re okay before he leaves.
“Yes.” You bite your lip and reach for his hand on the gear shifter. “Thank you Frankie. This is- I am grateful. I hated choosing between my medications and eating sometimes.” You hate how expensive it is to live when you don’t have health insurance and your job does not provide employer insurance since you are technically a contractor.
Frankie exhales, hating that you have to even choose. “Fucking country.” He huffs under his breath, knowing that he fights for freedom but those freedoms don’t allow you to have what you need when you desperately need it. He pulls into the parking lot of the administration building and comes around to open your door, helping you out before he moves to unbuckle Ana.
“Thank you.” You feel your cheeks heat up from Frankie’s attention to manners. You grab the diaper bag just in case and the three of you make your way to the first office to have you officially added to Frankie’s record as his wife and dependent. You will have to memorize his social security number because that is how they will give you the services you need from now on.
Frankie remembers adding Janet to his file when she was newly pregnant before he was first deployed and he squeezes your hand as you walk out, officially added as his dependent. He will call his lawyer later to tell them about the wedding so he can get Janet’s parents to drop their custody case. For now, he’s going to take his family to breakfast. 
“Silly daddy!” Ana giggles when he puts the empty glass to his eye and pretends to look at her through it. Pancakes eaten and bellies full, he hasn’t been this happy in a long time, glancing at you when he lowers the glass from his face.
Frankie is such a good father and it makes your heart pound. Imagining that you are a real family and wishing that you could be looking forward to giving Ana a little brother or sister. “Daddy is silly.” You tease, sending him a smile.
He chuckles, reaching for your hand so he can caress the ring with his thumb. “Daddy is silly!” Ana giggles and leans into Frankie’s side. He cuddles her with his free arm, knowing it’s going to be hard to leave but he has to, he can’t abandon his brothers. 
“Is she asleep?” You ask as Frankie walks into the kitchen. 
“Out like a light.” He tells you and groans in appreciation when you hand him the bottle of beer. He leaves in a few days and tomorrow he begins to prep for his departure. He has one last night to spend with you in relaxation. 
“You wanna finish that show?” You ask and he nods, watching you dish up the pasta that you’ve been cooking after giving Ana her simple buttered noodles earlier. 
“Sure baby.” The nickname comes naturally now and it slips off of his tongue without thought.
Your evenings have been so natural, perfect together. The friendship between the two of you had made it easy to be around each other and the only thing that you are struggling with is to not try to jump Frankie. He’s so sexy, especially when he comes home in his uniform. Waiting until he’s asleep to touch yourself while you are laying next to him at night or using your toy in the shower before Ana gets up is the only relief that you are getting. Bringing the pasta over to the couch, you sit down beside him and hand him his bowl. “Hopefully we figure out if they are going to get together this episode. I don’t want to wait until next season to find out.” 
“Probably not. It’s the waiting that makes the end result sweeter, don’t you think?” He asks, thanking you for the food and he hits play on the show. “Fuck, this is good.” He groans after swallowing the first bite. You are a damn good cook and he is going to miss your food when he’s got MREs on the menu. You eat in companionable silence, it’s comfortable and he loves that he can just be himself around you. Janet’s parents were furious to hear Frankie had married you, having heard from their daughter about how she thought he loved you more than her. Still, they didn’t have a case anymore so it was dropped
“Oh, I hope you don’t mind.” You start as you turn towards him. “I told Ana that we will drop you off together. She wants to see you off and I couldn’t say no. I think it will help her understand why daddy has to be gone for a long time.” You know this will be the first deployment that she will remember and you want it to be as good as it can for her. “I also got you one of those recordable books. You know? The ones that we saw in the toy store? That way you can read her bedtime story anytime she’s missing daddy.” 
Frankie swears he falls in love with you even more in that moment. Watching you with his daughter, how caring you are, how much you love her, it makes him want to stay and just spend the rest of his life with you, not missing a moment. When you were in the kitchen baking cookies with Ana last weekend, he imagined you pregnant with his child and it’s almost too easy to envision. “Yeah? That’s a great idea. I’ll do that tomorrow when she’s napping. I-I’m worried that she’s gonna forget all about me.” He admits his deepest fear, knowing he could potentially leave his daughter an orphan if he were to die on this deployment. It keeps him awake at night.
“I’m not going to let that happen.” You promise him softly, reaching over and taking his hand. “You have your will set up, you know I will make sure that if something happens, she knows all about her wonderful father, Francisco Morales.” You bite your lip. “Maybe you can record some videos for her? Send them to my phone to show her when she’s needing to see your face?” You know that video chatting will be sparse, sometimes impossible, but you want to make sure that she remembers him. “And we are going to be making you care packages.”
He smiles, unshed tears stinging in his eyes as he squeezes your hand. “You are amazing. I- I know this is - this is hard but I want you to know that I love you. You’re my best friend and I couldn’t do any of this without you.” He admits, “I owe you everything, baby.” He blinks and a tear escapes, allowing himself a moment of vulnerability, knowing that you’d never think of him as weak or not enough. He trusts you implicitly.
Your heart aches because you know that he doesn’t mean ‘love’ like you wish that he would. Still, you swallow down your feelings and lean over to kiss his cheek. “I love you too, Frankie.” You promise him quietly. You do, you love him with everything that you are and you always will. “I promise you that I will hold down the fort until you can get back home.”
It’s early and Frankie knows Ana is sleepy but she insists she comes to say goodbye to her daddy. The enormous hangar is full of families saying goodbye to their soldiers, some for the first time, others are well practiced in this. Frankie adjusts his pack over his shoulder when he sees his team. Tom saying goodbye to Molly and the girls, Will and Benny saying goodbye to their mom. Pope saying goodbye to his current girlfriend. “Come here, baby girl.” Frankie says, bending down to pick Ana up after setting his pack down once he’s standing with the team, not wanting to tear up in case it upsets his daughter more than it should.
“Daddy, I don’t want you to go.” Ana sniffles and you reach over to rub her little back. She had been very brave while Frankie was packing and had even stuffed a picture she had drawn for him in one of the pockets. “I want you to stay with mommy and me.” 
Frankie has mixed feelings, so happy that Ana is comfortable enough to call you mommy but he’s sad that she doesn’t remember Janet. As much as he resented her mother for what she became, he wants Ana to know her mother. Your eyes widen slightly and he knows he will email you to discuss this when he can. Now isn’t the time or place. “I know, baby girl.” He kisses her hair, “but I can’t stay. I gotta go fight bad guys, remember? You’ll be safe here with mommy and I promise you, I’ll come home as soon as I can. I will call you as many times as I can. I love you. So much.” He chokes a little and swallows the lump in his throat.
You know that it’s important for you to kiss Frankie goodbye, everyone around would expect it. You lean in and kiss his cheek. “I’m going to miss you. We are going to miss you. Take care of yourself please.” You beg him quietly. “Come home to us.” 
Frankie doesn’t know if he will come back and he nudges his nose against yours, “I- can I kiss you goodbye? Properly?” He asks, knowing it’s important for him to show you are his wife to anyone watching. You nod, unable to speak, and he cups your cheek, pressing his lips against yours. It’s brief but he tries to pour as much into it as possible. Ana clings to him as he nudges his nose against yours again before he pulls back. “I’m going to miss you, baby.” He tells you, adjusting Ana on his hip and he gets the minute warning to say goodbye.
Taking Ana, both you and she give Frankie a tearful goodbye, another fierce hug before he is walking away. His daughter is clinging to you as you both wave frantically as he boards a bus to take them to the plane. “Okay, baby girl.” You murmur softly, stroking her back as the little girl tucks her face against your neck. “We’re going to be okay. We’ll talk to daddy soon.” 
Frankie looks back at you before he boards the bus. Walking away is the hardest thing he has to do but he does it because he cannot turn back. He has to be there with his team. With a sigh, he steps onto the bus and takes a seat, unable to tear his eyes away from you and Ana as the bus pulls away. Pope slaps his shoulder, “they will be okay, hermano.” He promises and Frankie silently prays he’s right.
“Hello?” You quickly answer the phone, hoping that it is Frankie, letting you know that he’s gotten to his base overseas. “Frank, is that you?” You fumble for the light beside the bed and sit up. It’s late, or early but you don’t care. Ana groans next to you, having slept in the same bed for the last couple of nights since Frankie had left. “Hello?”
“Hey baby.” Frankie smiles against the phone when he hears your voice. He’s aware of how late it is there but he wants to hear your voice. He’s going to his op brief in the morning, diving straight into it, and he doesn’t know how long he will be dark for. 
“Hey.” You reply sleepily and Frankie’s heart twists, remembering how you’d curl into his chest during the night. 
“Just wanted to let you know I’m safe. Fucking cold here right now. How are you? How’s Ana?”
“She’s good.” You look over at his spot to see his daughter sprawled across his pillow and taking up even more room than he does if that's possible. “She’s sleeping in your spot. Wanted to cuddle daddy’s pillow.” You murmur quietly so you don’t disturb her. “I won’t let her get used to it, but she needs some comfort right now.”
“I miss her already. So much. I, uh, I want you to give her the bear tomorrow.” He says. He’d gone to the mall to Build A Bear and recorded his voice, telling Ana how much he loves her, and he wants her to have it now that he’s gone. The bear is wearing a uniform like daddy does. “How are you doing? I know it’s a lot to look after her alone.”
“Taking it one day at a time, baby.” You tell him. Thank god for her pre-school, allowing for you to work without having to entertain her. “Molly promised to come over and help out, we will get along just fine.” Reaching over, you pull up her covers and smile when she frowns just like Frankie does. “The bear will be the first thing she sees when she wakes up, I promise.”
“Good. I- I’m heading out any day now. Not sure when, but I’ll be dark for a while until we come back to base. I- I don’t know what’s gonna happen out there but I want you to know that you and Ana mean everything to me.” He confesses, wanting to leave you with that as his time is nearly up.
“We’ll be waiting to hear from you and putting together your first care package.” You hate how your stomach twists but you put on a brave front for him. 
“Sounds good. I gotta go now, sweetheart. I- I’ll talk to you soon.” He promises, aware of how much he wants to say to you but he can’t. He has to stay strong and not drag you into his stupid emotions. “Bye Frankie.” You murmur and he smiles, “bye baby.” He says and hangs up, closing his eyes and he knows this is going to be harder than ever.
You knew that this wasn’t going to be easy. Living in his house, raising his daughter. But it has moments where you can’t imagine anything else. Packing up care packages with his favorite things inside for him to have a bit of home and shipping them off faithfully. Living with your phone nearby at all times, because you don’t want to miss his calls. They are few and far between, but emails are regular, making you create a file folder to keep them all in. It’s been three months and you are finally settled into being Frankie’s dependent.
Frankie devours every email, every photo, every damn video you send of Ana. He wishes you’d include photos of you - not sexual, he just misses your smile. “Baby girl, daddy misses you.” He tells Ana on the video chat, back on base after a few hard hitting missions and he’s glad to see his daughter’s face. “Mommy. Give daddy a kiss!” Ana demands, having been kissing the phone to Frankie herself making his heart yearn for his family.
“Hey!” You light up when you see Frankie on the screen. Your hand automatically goes to your hair. You haven’t done it and you are wearing leggings and one of his t-shirts while you clean. Not your best look. “It’s good to see you, baby. How are you?” You think he looks tired but you don’t want to say that. You know he’s been out of communication so he’s been outside the wire.
God, you’re gorgeous. Frankie inhales sharply and bites his lip, “I’m good. Exhausted. We think we are gonna be sent out again. It’s - it’s rough.” He admits, running his hand through his hair. He realizes you are wearing his shirt and his cock twitches, knowing he’s gonna imagine you wearing just that when he goes to shower. “I miss you.” Frankie says softly.
“I miss you too.” Admitting that is easy. You miss your friend. The man you have fallen in love with. “Ana has a playdate on Saturday. We are going to Chuck E Cheese with one of the little girls from her preschool and her mom. Her dad is on the deployment with you.” You ramble, filling him in on all the small things about the time he’s been out of communication. “And we started a countdown for your tentative return.” You grin and angle the camera towards the calendar, showing where you’ve been marking off days.
Frankie hates that you’re waiting on him but he loves it at the same time, having a family to come home to. It keeps him going. It allows him to put his entire being into making sure he flies the team out of danger. It motivates him. “Hopefully I won’t be a day late coming back to you.” He says, asking you how your work is. Menial conversation but it means the world to him, he loves how simple it is to hear about your day but compared to the horrors he sees, he appreciates it.
You know that the call will have to end soon. Plenty of others want to talk to their loved ones. “We are planning on mailing you another package since Benny ate all your Oreos.” You laugh. “I put in a package for him so he doesn’t steal yours .”
Frankie grins, “thanks baby. I could’ve killed him when he bragged about stealing my cookies with the goddamn crumbs in his teeth.” Frankie shakes his head and Ana rushes up to the phone. “Daddy! Mommy got me a Barbie!” She holds her new doll up and Frankie admires it, reminded of how good you are with her. He’s not sure what will happen in the long run. When you meet someone and want to divorce. It will kill him but he will do it. “Okay my loves. I gotta go. Ana, sweetheart, I love you.” He says and she blows him a kiss, “love you daddy.” He looks at you, “I love you too. I’ll call when I can.” He promises and you nod, “bye Frank.” You blow him a kiss and he knows he will be thinking of that all afternoon.
“Coming!” Drying your hands on a dish towel, you rush towards the door, wondering who it can be. Maybe Molly, she had said she would drop by. Your friendly smile freezes the second that you open the door and see uniforms. Heart sinking, you feel like you’re going to be sick. You’ve seen this scene in a movie way too many times. “No-“ you gasp out, making the one with the silver leaf on his lapels remove his hat- or cover as Frankie called it. 
“Mrs. Morales?” You can’t breathe, you can’t speak as you imagine the next words, praying that you are finding yourself in the middle of a nightmare. “I am sorry to report that your husband has been injured in combat. He was shot multiple times and is currently being flown to Germany. You are his medical power of attorney and we need you to consent to surgery for when he arrives.” His words almost sound like you’re underwater. “Mrs. Morales, do you understand?” He asks you with a frown.
You blink stupidly at him for several moments before his words sink in. “He’s alive?” You whisper, reaching out for his arm desperately. “Frankie’s alive? Yes, yes whatever they need.” You rush out, tears streaming down your face. “Oh god, Germany?” You swallow. “I need to be there. I need to go be with him.”
“We have already arranged for you to go to Germany. Pack your bag now and we will wait. There’s no time to waste.” He says and you nod, rushing into the house to the bedroom to frantically pack a bag, grabbing your passport, and you go into Ana’s room, grabbing things for her, and you are grateful that Frankie got her a passport in hopes of taking her to Chile to see his distant cousins one day. “Mommy? What’s wrong?” She asks with a frown after she stops playing.
“Honey.” Bending down, you brush Ana’s hair back. “Daddy - daddy got hurt. He’s going to be okay, but we have to go visit him. Cheer him up.” You don’t want to scare her, but how do you explain to a three year old that her dad was in surgery after getting shot. “Can you be a big girl and come with me now? We have to be good because it’s a long trip.”
“Daddy’s hurt?” She asks, her lower lip trembling and you nod, “yes but we are going to kiss his boo boos better, okay? Can you be a good girl and pick out some toys for us to take?” You ask, grabbing her backpack and she nods, picking up her favorite dolls to take on the trip. Once you’re all packed up, you alarm the house and lock it, stepping out to the men waiting for you.
It’s surreal, being driven to a plane that is scheduled to take off in just a few hours. Apparently they had delayed it and you’ll never know if it was them or providence that had you up in the air so quickly and on your way to Germany. Praying the entire time that Frankie would be okay as you tried to entertain Ana, worried what you might learn when you land.
“Morning baby.” Frankie smiles, kissing along your neck. 
“Hmmm. Morning.” You grind back against his hard cock and smile, “someone is eager to start the day.” 
Frankie chuckles, sliding his hand under the t-shirt you’re wearing to cup your tit. “Always when it involves you.” He rasps, pinching your nipple and you whimper when he slides his hand down your belly after letting go of your breast. It’s starting to round, you’ll have to announce that you’re pregnant soon and Frankie knows you won’t be able to wait long after you both tell Ana. She will spill the beans within hours. His hand slides lower to disappear into your panties and he wastes no time rubbing your clit. Your soft moan has him biting down on your shoulder, grinding against you. 
“Fuck, Frankie.” You whine softly and he smiles against your skin, “mmm love it when you moan my name. My beautiful wife.” He sighs and pushes two fingers inside of your wet cunt, making you turn your head to find his lips. His tongue slides into your mouth as he pumps his fingers, loving the way you push your pleasured sounds into his mouth to muffle them. It doesn’t take you long to cum, sensitive from the hormones, and he pushes you over the edge by twisting his wrist to press his thumb to your clit. “Cum for me.” He begs against your lips and you fall apart with a cry of his name. He kisses along your jaw, working you through it until he’s pulling his fingers out of you. 
There’s a beeping noise and he frowns, looking over at the nightstand. “Did you get a new alarm clock?” He asks and you shake your head. 
“No. Frankie? Frankie?” Your face blurs and he’s back into the void.
“Frankie.” You carry Ana, rushing through the hospital behind the nurse who is bringing you to his room. He’s out of surgery but he hasn’t woken up yet. The danger is still there but he’s stable. Tears stream down your face when you see him looking grey and still in the hospital bed, hooked up to the heart monitor. “Oh god, Frankie, we’re here.” You promise, rubbing Ava’s back. “It’s okay baby,” the little girl has turned away from the sight of her daddy in the bed and tucked her face into the crook of your neck. “He’s okay, he’s sleeping. Trying to feel better.” The doctor had explained his injuries and the surgery and you are so damn thankful he survived.
Ana whimpers, “is daddy okay?” She asks and your heart breaks at the fearful tone to the voice. 
“Yeah, baby girl. Daddy is gonna be fine.” You try to be positive, hoping that he’s going to be okay. 
You’re not sure how many hours have passed. Ana is asleep on the chair, curled up after the hospital staff brought her and you some food. Time will tell if Frankie wakes up, his head and chest bandaged and you can’t seem to look away from the rise and fall of his chest, the beeping of the heart monitor reminding you that he’s still here.  When he does wake up, he blinks, wincing at the bright light above, and he tries to remember what happened.
“Oh thank god.” You sigh breathlessly when you feel him shift, looking up to find his eyes slowly opening. “Frankie. It’s okay, take it easy.” You don’t want him to be startled or scared. Squeezing his hand gently. “It’s me. You’re in the hospital in Germany.” Trying to keep your voice soothing until he turns to head to look at you.
His throat is so dry. Like he has been stranded in the desert for days without water. He swallows, trying to speak, and he tries to remember what happened but all he can say is “love you.” His dreams were lucid, showing him what life could be like. A life spent with you and Ana. You as his wife, his actual wife, not some paper so you can get healthcare. He closes his eyes again, feeling exhausted.
“I love you too.” You cry, relieved that he’s okay. That he’s awake. The fear and the anxiety make you sob as you lean forward and kiss his hand. “I’m so- god, I’m so - god I was so worried.”
The nurse comes in to check on you at that moment and you turn towards her, “he’s awake.” The nurse nods and comes over to Frankie, ushering you away and pushing the button to summon the rest of the medical team to assess Frankie who is still half drugged up but aware of his surroundings.
You move over towards Ana, leaning over and checking on her while the doctors and nurses come into the room. Smiling as she cuddles the beat that had his voice recorded in it while she sleeps. You have to talk to him. You can’t do this. Not when you really love him. You can’t pretend you don’t want a real future with him while playing as his wife.
The medical team eventually filters out and the doctor approaches to tell you that Frankie’s vitals all look good. He was shot in the head but it was just scraped and didn’t go in. He had a bullet to the chest which punctured his lung but didn’t go near his heart, and a bullet to the shoulder. He’s lucky to be alive but he should make a recovery as long as he’s stable.
Listening to the doctor, you are so damn thankful for the fact that Frankie pulled through as well as he has, hugging yourself as you hear the prognosis and what will happen going forward with rehab for him. “Thank you.” You murmur as the doctor leaves, letting you move back towards Frankie. You can tell that he’s about to fall asleep as you take his hand again. “Baby, I-” you choke out the words, new tears falling and you just squeeze his hand again, unable to get the words out. Frankie’s eyes flutter closed again and his breathing evens out as he falls asleep again. 
“Daddy! Mommy wants pancakes.” Ana declares and Frankie chuckles, “oh she does? I guess it is Mother’s Day after all.” Frankie says as he slides the pancakes he was already making onto the plate. “Come on then. Let’s go.” Frankie says once he’s got everything and Ana opens the door for him to find you holding the baby, breastfeeding him. 
“Happy Mommy Day!” Ana declares and you smile, looking up at Frankie as he holds the tray. 
“Happy Mother’s Day.” He says and kisses your cheek even though he showed you how much he loves you this morning before the kids woke up. “I’ll hold him while you eat.” Frankie offers after his son pulls off of your breast. You nod and Frankie takes the baby into his arms, certain that this is a dream. The life he’s always wanted with the woman he’s always wanted.
“I’ve been thinking.” You smile sweetly at the picture Frankie paints holding your son. 
“Yeah baby? What have you been thinking about?” He asks, looking up from Miguel to find you grinning at him. His heart flutters every time he sees that smile. 
“I think that once the doctor clears me, we should try for another.” You admit, chuckling when his eyes widen. “Have a set of Irish twins. What do you think?” You had cursed him while you were pushing Miguel out, but immediately apologized once the pain had passed and your son was in your arms.
Frankie’s eyes widen, “really? You want another one so soon?” He asks and you nod, “yes. Yes. I don’t want to waste time. It’s precious.” He agrees, knowing how quick time flies. “Let’s do it.” He says and he is leaning in to kiss you. “I love you baby.” He murmurs and you hum into his mouth, making him smile.
Frankie squeezes your hand while he continues to rest. Letting you cry in solitude while Ana still sleeps curled up in the chair. “I love you Frankie.” You admit quietly. “I’ve always loved you. It’s why it was so easy to offer to marry you. I- I want you to recover for Ana, but for me too.” Leaning down, you kiss his hand again, wondering if he’s dreaming. If he is, you hope that it's a good dream.
Frankie blinks against the bright light again, annoyed that he’s been dragged away from his dream of making another baby with you. The dreams were so real he mourns the life he had in those dreams and he opens his eyes to find you crying while holding his hand. “Wha- baby?” He croaks, throat still so dry and he wonders why you are crying.
Looking up, you press your lips together as you hold back a sob. Leaning forward and pressing your lips to his cheek and forehead, taking care to keep away from his bandages. “Oh god baby, you're awake. I - I’m so glad.” You pull back, knowing he is probably confused. “You were- you were shot.” You explain quietly. “You’re in a hospital in Germany. I- Ana and I flew out as soon as possible. I have been so worried about you.” 
He frowns, finally getting his focus, and he looks at you. “Shot? Germany? The- the others?” He asks, suddenly worried about his team. Are they okay? Is anyone else hurt or dead? His heart monitor starts to beep rapidly and he squeezes your hand.
“Everyone else is fine.” You promise, having heard what happened from the officer who had taken you to the airfield to fly out. “You took fire while you were trying to get soldiers out of a heavy fire situation. You were shot, but managed to get them back to the base before you passed out right after you set down your chopper.” Your heart had stopped when you heard how he had barely made it back to base, but you could only be strong for him. 
He’s still fuzzy but he understands what you are saying. He nearly died. He remembers the panic in his mind when he was shot, thinking about leaving you and Ana behind. Fuck, he nearly died. Fuck. “I love you.” He tells you breathlessly. 
“I love you.” You murmur, tears streaming down your cheeks. 
“No. No. You don’t understand. I’m in love with you. I love you. I love you. I can’t - I can’t live without you. You’re my best friend. You’re my everything.” He chokes, needing you to understand him.
“You’re my best friend too.” You promise him, thinking that he’s just telling you needing you as a friend. 
But Frankie frowns. “No baby, I don’t- I want to be married to you for real. Forever.” He manages, squeezing your hand. 
“For real?” You frown and then lean forward. “Baby, I want- if this is just some kind of reaction to being shot-“ 
“it’s not,” he insists. “I love you.” 
You lunge forward and press your lips to his. “I love you.” You tell him breathlessly.
He wishes he could reach up and cup your cheek, keep you pressed against him, but all he can do is kiss you back. “I’m so fucking in love with you. Always have been. Even with - even when I was with Janet. It’s why she left that night. We were arguing and I- shit. I’ve made so many mistakes but marrying you ain’t one of them. I love you. I love you.” He says when you lean back to look into his eyes.
Your heart breaks, knowing that you were the cause of what could be the reason that Janet was driving that night, although you know her actions were her own. You know that she and Frankie weren’t good together and you can’t blame him for the past. “I love you, Francisco.” You promise him softly with a smile, kissing him once more. “Will you stay married to me?” You ask quietly, not wanting anyone to over hear. “Make this a real marriage with me?” 
Frankie nuzzles into your cheek, unable to believe how lucky he is to have you. “I love you. It’s always been you. I- I don’t want to waste any more time. I want to start the rest of our lives.”
You smile and giggle happily, reaching up and brushing his hair back from his face. “I love you too baby. Now you just need to heal so you can come home to us.” Frankie’s deployment is officially over and as soon as he is recovered enough to go home, you would be headed back to the states so he could recover fully. 
“Frankie!” You huff, pushing at his wandering hands and pushing them away from your ass. “You need to stop. You could pull a stitch.” You chide, finding it harder and harder to push him as the weeks go by.
Frankie grunts, “don’t care. It’s been torture seeing you and not being able to be inside of you.” He admits, and he knows you’ve done stuff. You have sucked his cock and he let you sit on his face, but the doctor told him no strenuous activity. He hasn’t been cleared yet but every day it’s getting harder to not fuck you. He honestly wants to make love to you, something slow and sweet to consummate your marriage…finally.
You bite your lip and you know that he is just as eager as you are to finally have sex. Leaning in, you press your lips to his. “If - and I mean if - you can be good and be still, how about we compromise and I sit on your cock?” You know that Frankie wants to be in charge but he can’t. No with the bandage on his side. But if he could be still, you could ride him. “But you have to be still. Not trying to take over.”
Frankie pouts, aware that he can’t ruin you the way he wants to but he has the rest of your lives to make love to you, to make you cum on his cock while he fucks you. “I can be good.” He promises, sliding his hands down to squeeze your ass. Ana is in bed and he’s so grateful for it so he can push his hard cock into your hip. “I won’t take over.”
You smirk, absolutely aware of the fact that he will try to take over. “Then what are you waiting for, soldier?” You tease. “Get undressed so I can fuck my husband.” You are already getting out of the bed so you can strip out of the t-shirt and panties that you had taken to sleeping in. Enjoying the way Frankie’s eyes wander over your body every night.
He loves seeing you like this. His beautiful wife. The love of his life. He swallows, throat suddenly dries, and he is grateful he isn’t wearing a shirt. His boxers are able to be shoved down and he pushes the sheets down the bed before settling against the pillows. “Baby. Come here. Are you wet? You wanna sit on my face?” He asks, “there’s lube in the nightstand.” He wants you to be comfortable. “And condoms…if you want.” He adds, knowing you haven’t been on birth control and he doesn’t want to push you in case you change your mind and don’t want to get pregnant yet.
He pants, fingers twitching to grab you. He desperately wants you, he wants to make you feel good. “I can’t wait to see you pregnant.” He admits, knowing that the experience will be different than Janet who was a nightmare when she was pregnant. She was demanding and accused him of cheating, and then cried and begged for sex in the same breath. He had whiplash and tried to be there for her but it was hard at times. His hands caress your back and he leans in to kiss your shoulder, just breathing you in while you grind against him.
“Lean back, baby.” You chide, pushing his shoulder back gently. “I’m going to come to you. Give you what we’ve both wanted.” He feels so good against your clit that you can’t help but roll your hips, slicking up his cock with how wet you are and enjoying when his cock flexes against your folds. Leaning in, you press your lips to his in a soft kiss.
“Fuck. Don’t tease me baby. It’s been torture.” He groans when you kiss him slowly, his hands squeezing your hips to encourage you. “Come on baby. I need you to fuck me.” He begs, rocking his hips to grind against you.
Taking mercy on him and yourself, you reach down and wrap your fingers around his thick cock and lift your hips. Eager to have him inside you now and feel his cum filling you up. The first inch makes you gasp, carefully bracing your hands on his chest but not putting any pressure on him. Wanting to make sure you don’t hurt him as you sink down on him.
Frankie whimpers, actually whimpers, when you take his cock inside of you. “Fuck baby. You- Jesus fucking Christ - you feel so good.” He pants, “I- oh God. Wanted this for so long.” He grips your waist, wishing he could slide inside of you on your back and make love to you.
Leaning forward, you press your lips to his and slide your tongue into his mouth as you grind back onto him. Wanting to make sure that you get used to the thick heft of him inside you. “Me too baby, wanted you for so long.” You promise, your walls clenching around him.
Frankie almost feels like he can't breathe. His heart beats out of his chest and he pants when you clench around him. "Fuck, sweetheart. Feel so good. Can't - can't wait to feel this for the rest of our lives. So damn lucky." He kisses along your jaw and down your neck, wanting to worship you as much as possible.
“I’m lucky.” You start to slowly roll your hips, in no hurry to cum. You want this time to be soft and sweet. Not only for him, but so you can feel every inch of him scrubbing through your walls. “Love you.” You close your eyes as he kisses you, absorbing the groans and loving how his hands wander as you slowly ride him.
“Love you too.” He vows, knowing he’s going to ask you to marry him again. He wants a big wedding, the boys to be there and your friends. He wants to show off how much he loves you. After nearly dying, it’s put everything into perspective and he knows he is grateful for what he has. Others have fared far worse than him. His hands squeeze your breasts and his cock twitching inside of you, imagining them full of milk for his baby. The thought nearly sends him over the edge but he controls himself.
“Ohhh someone thought of something they like.” You tease, seeing the look on his face as he twitches inside you. You wonder if it’s the same as him. Imagining him knocking you up tonight. Your hips roll a little faster and you moan his name softly, reaching up and combing through his hair as your nose touches his and you look in his dark eyes
He chuckles softly, “was thinking about you full of our baby. When your tits get bigger.” He confesses and nudges your nose with his. “I can’t wait. I can’t wait to begin our family with Ana and another child. It’s gonna - fuck - it’s everything I’ve ever wanted.” He murmurs, caressing your back.
You moan, imaging how possessive, how loving he will be when you are showing. Frankie seems like the type to worship you when you are pregnant. “I want that too.” You promise. “Have your baby, share that with you. Raising our kids.” Ana isn’t yours by blood but you love her like your own.
He nods, knowing he wants to ask you to formally adopt Ana and be her mom. He will preserve Janet’s legacy with her daughter but Ana deserves all the love in the world. “Fuck.” Frankie groans when you rock a little faster, his shoulder aches but he ignores it, trying to rock his hips up into you as you grind on top of him.
“Frankie.” You gasp out, clenching down around him when his cock nudges against your g-spot wonderfully. “There.” You pant, knowing that if he keeps hitting that spot just like that, you will cum quickly.
He hisses, concentrating on thrusting up into you at that angle. “Baby. Cum for me baby.” He begs, “come on, be a good girl. Cum for me.” He demands, needing to feel you clamp down on his cock.
You whine out his name, holding onto him as he takes control. 
He wasn’t supposed to do that, but you are beyond caring. As long as he doesn’t rip his stitches, he can take the reins and thrust up into you. “I’m gonna cum baby, oh fuck, I’m gonna cum on your cock.”
“That’s it. That’s it.” He groans when he thrusts up into you, his hands gripping your ass, and you clamp down on his cock. “Fuck yes baby. That’s it. Oh shit. I’m gonna-” Frankie usually prides himself on his stamina but the emotional connection combined with wanting you for years and the added ecstasy of you possibly getting pregnant and his near demise has him sent over the edge. “Fuck.” He moans your name as he cums, cock twitching inside of you.
It’s Heaven, the molten heat of his seed filling you. Making you gasp in pleasure as you grind down on him as he rides out his high, pushing up into you with short thrusts. “Oh god, oh god.” You collapse against him and kiss along his jaw. “I love you so much.”
“Love you.” Frankie pants, his entire body lost in the feel of his orgasm. It’s more than he could’ve ever imagined. He feels complete. His wife in his arms, hopefully pregnant soon with his second child. It’s his dream come true. He just wishes it wasn’t such a bumpy road to get to this point but that’s life. Twists and turns…Frankie still got his happy ending.
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saccharineomens · 3 months
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i've been poking at this too long to care how visually appealing it is anymore. My headcanons for the main characters' sexualities, based on canon information! (has no bearing on ships.) Canon speculation below the cut.
marcille (bi): fascinated by romance and loves romance. we only see her show explicit interest in a male (fictional character (General Halleus from the book series she loves)), but i don't think she's fully straight.
falin (aro? ace? lesbian? genderqueer?): falin's only interest in relationships in canon is 'she considered accepting shuro's proposal because she was afraid nobody else would want her, but felt it'd be unfair to him because she had no feelings for him'. i consider whether she's aroace or a lesbian or maybe bi/pan, and she also seems like she might have some genderqueer feelings, based on some of her discomfort with her body and wearing certain types of femme clothing. (Also the fact that she‘s part male dragon.) Since she ends the story going on a journey for herself, it feels like she'll finally get the chance to figure out what she wants.
laios (pan, demi): he hasn't shown explicit interest in men, but similar to marcille, i don't feel he's fully straight. He’s aesthetically attracted to monsters, at the very least, so gender probably doesn’t factor in for him. romance/sex just don’t seem to be much of a high priority to him in general, but he did think his ex-fiance was cute and didn't seem uncomfortable with the idea of marriage (just seemed unhappy with being trapped in his hometown), so i feel like demisexuality fits him well.
About his succubus: He was very noticeably not stopped in his tracks by it like Chilchuck and Marcille, but that could possibly be because it just….looked exactly like Marcille, not an obvious fantasy. He started blushing and stammering heavily when it turned into a monster, which like….this boy is definitely a furry/monsterfucker, if anything, but that doesn’t speak on his attraction to actual humans.
I think it speaks for something that the succubi are able to literally read minds and craft the perfect fantasy for their specific target. And for Laios, it wasn’t just “his friend Marcille”. It was a version of his friend Marcille that wasn’t grossed out by monsters, didn’t think he was weird for wanting to be one, and was able to turn Laios into one. It was a Marcille who understood him at his deepest level that made him become a blushing, stammering mess to rival Chilchuck. Which is why I think he’s Demi, and needs a strong emotional connection with someone before he finds them attractive.
kabru (pan): his special interest is people, and he's bold enough with his sexuality to kiss rin despite not being in a relationship with her. so being pan/bi feels appropriate.
chilchuck (bi): he has a wife, and they were childhood friends, so he's definitely allo. but his comments and behavior towards senshi makes me suspect he might be bi, and just never considered the possibility due to being in a committed relationship.
senshi (gay, ace): this is 90% off of vibes. he keeps to himself in the dungeon and doesn't seem to have any need for social company, he's a complete hermit. Being ace makes sense to me, but so would him just having a low social drive. His succubus was 'a woman he hadn't seen since he was a child', but his journal implies it wasn't a romantic/sexual attraction.
namari (bi/lesbian): she is at the very least attracted to women, given her behavior with kiki, but she does make a point to say that kaka is also attractive to her, and her friends at the bar tease her about Kaka being her “new” boyfriend (implying previous boyfriends).
shuro: the token straight (in love with falin, asked her to marry him). i love you shuro <3 (but i can also see him being into men. there's no evidence to the contrary)
izutsumi: aroace. literally no question. her succubus is her mother.
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bungalowbear · 5 months
good wife
naoya zen’in x reader, wc: 2,750
cw: nudity, p in v sex, arranged marriage, mentions of reader being pregnant, children, death, manga spoilers, MDNI
a/n: this was a concept i’ve had on my mind for a while. title from good wife by kacey musgraves. dividers by @anlian-aishang
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Ever since you were young you knew you were destined to become a wife. Your family was well connected and sought after within the jujutsu community, so it was no surprise that when you came of age, and as your father’s only daughter, talks of your future marital status began.
Your father wasn’t completely insensitive to your position though. In fact, he agreed to a binding vow that relinquished any say you had of who you would marry, giving him absolute control of the decision, but only if he guaranteed your employment as an auxiliary manager for five years.
After you graduated from Tokyo Jujutsu High you stayed on as arranged by your father and worked alongside the other managers to support the active sorcerers in the area. Your cursed energy output wasn’t sufficient enough for any higher position, but you didn’t mind. While there were many factors, mainly a white haired sorcerer, that made some days more tiring than others, you were grateful for the fact that you could do the work in the first place. Not many in your position could say the same.
But all good things must come to an end.
Entering the final year of your contract, your father informed you that your husband had been chosen. A car was sent to take you to the train station, you were handed a ticket, and a few hours later you were at the Zen’in residence.
There were only two good things you heard about Naoya Zen’in. The first was that he was a strong sorcerer. The second was that he was quite handsome. But no amount of good looks could distract from his personality. Even with both your fathers present in the room, Naoya’s pride and arrogance were on full display as he made several demeaning comments at your expense. And he made his displeasure of the terms of your binding vow very clear, but nevertheless agreed, quite reluctantly, to allow you to complete the time remaining of the vow with the condition that after your marriage ceremony in the spring you must come to see him so that you could start trying for an heir.
You had no choice but to accept.
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Spring came and went faster than you had hoped. Gone were the days of verdant greenery and perfect temperatures, now replaced with summer rains and blistering heat. You’ve spent many summers of your life in Japan, but that didn’t make this time of year any more bearable.
On a particularly humid day, after you completed your duties at the school, you took a train out of Tokyo to visit your husband. When you arrived at the Zen’in estate you were led to your shared room where your attendants bathed you and helped dress you in the kimono you were expected to wear while at the estate.
You were told that tonight Naoya was coming back from a week long mission and would have dinner with his father before coming to see you. Your own food was brought to the room. You ate in silence as your attendant watched and waited for you to finish before she took your dishes and left you alone to prepare to receive your husband.
When Naoya finally arrived, you greeted him formally and led him into the bathroom. You helped him shed each layer of clothing before he wordlessly stepped into the tub. He settled into the warm water then you began the work of scrubbing his body clean, lathering the special shampoo that preserves the dye in his hair, and rinsing it all away with the small hinoki wood bath bowl.
After you blow dried his hair and helped him redress into his nightwear, a black striped jinbei set, you both made your way to the bed where you lay on your sides facing each other. He looked at you with an expression you’ve never seen on his face before. There was a weariness in his eyes that you weren’t sure he was aware you could see, and his bottom lip stuck out in the tiniest of pouts.
“Zen’in-sama?” You brought your hand to rest on his cheek. “Is everything alright?”
“I…” he started, bringing his hand to cover yours, but then sighed and his expression returned to the guarded one you’ve come to know. “Be a good wife. Make me feel good.”
Naoya clutched your hand and guided it down his body. Pushing down his trousers with his other hand, he wrapped your hand around his half hard length. You stroked him to full staff then shuffled down the bed to kneel between his legs. When you took him into your mouth he released a deep sigh, and his breathing only became heavier as you bobbed your head up and down. You came to know the intricacies of your husband’s pleasure quite well these past few months that your hands and lips worked on instinct to bring him to release.
Even after he shot his spend down your throat he was still hard. He was the only man you’d ever been with, so you had no way to gauge if his stamina was more or less than the average man. It didn’t matter really. As long as he was ready and wanting, you were also expected to be.
You opened the panels of your kimono and exposed the bare flesh of your chest, torso, and womanhood to your husband. The fingers that brought him pleasure now traveled between your slick folds that only grew wetter as Naoya’s lust filled gaze followed your every movement. He watched you carefully, studiously, as you played with yourself.
You tilted your head back as you moaned softly, hiding the smirk tugging at the corner of your lips. Ever since you told Naoya, in the most demure fashion you could muster, that female orgasms increased the chances of conception he’d been resolved in learning how to make you feel good.
Once sufficiently lubricated, you slowly sunk down onto him. You began to move above him and Naoya’s hands gripped your hips tightly to guide you into a steady pace, reminding you that your positions didn’t change who was in charge.
The moans and grunts that passed through both your lips filled the room. Your breath hitched when a warm calloused thumb pressed against your small bundle of nerves. You looked down at where your husband dutifully swirled circles against your clit, but his eyes were focused on your stomach. On the way your muscles contracted from the sensation of his touch.
Naoya’s grip loosened before he suddenly flipped you onto your back. You didn’t have time to react, other than a surprised gasp, when he began to piston his hips into you. He pinned your hands above your head as he reached that spongey spot inside you, the one that made you clench tightly around his cock. And he kept hitting it. You whimpered in ecstasy as Naoya buried his face into your neck to muffle his own sounds, but the symphony of your joint pleasure continued to swell around the room until it reached the crescendo of your mutually achieved peaks.
Panting and without saying a word, Naoya pulled out of you with a quiet squelch of your combined juices, grabbed you by your thighs, and turned your body so that your legs and hips were angled upward against the headboard. After tucking a pillow underneath your bottom for support, Naoya settled on his side again with his head propped up in his hand.
“I won’t deny you anything.” He stared at your stomach again, gaze piercing, as if just by sheer will this time his seed would take. ”As long as you give me what I want in return.”
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You didn’t sense that ponytail nuisance until it was almost too late. He tried to pierce his sword straight through your back but you dodged it at the last second, leaving a long bloody gash across your ribs.
With a frown, you reach into the pockets of your coat and produce your pair of sai.
Naoya had made a comment on how embarrassing it was to have to rely on a blade in battle. But when you reminded him of your minimal cursed energy output he’d simply scowled and walked away, most likely put off by the reminder of your inferiority.
But it was precisely the reason you worked to become proficient in Okinawan Kobudo. So that in situations like this you wouldn’t be completely helpless.
Your opponent’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets, not expecting a mere auxiliary manager like you to put up a fight. But he quickly recovered and charged toward you.
The sharp clang of metal against metal rang out in the deserted street. Your movements were sharp and came in quick succession, while his were powerful but sloppy. You land a strike against the exposed skin of his torso and he jumps back with a shriek.
You kept your defensive stance as he pointed his sword at you.
“Not fair,” he whined. The end of his ponytail fell in front of his shoulder as he hunched forward. “You’re supposed to be easy to kill.”
“Sorry to disappoint,” you said bitingly.
The man looked like he was on the edge of throwing a tantrum. His eyes darted from side to side before he abruptly turned and ran off, literally hand in hand with his weapon.
You watched him until he disappeared around the corner of a building several blocks away, but your relief was short lived. A sudden wave of dizziness overcame you before collapsing onto the hard surface of the street.
When you came to you realized you were being carried.
“You’re safe.” The deep timbre of Nanami’s voice soothed you instantly. “I’m taking you to Ieiri.”
When you arrived at Shoko’s location, Nanami set you down carefully before leaving once more. She kneeled down in front of you and placed a hand over your ribs. You hissed as you felt the thrumming of her reverse cursed technique against your bones as she healed your wound. When her treatment was completed her usually dull eyes widened as she placed both hands over your torso.
She didn’t respond right away. Another sensation warmed you this time, something less repairing and more probing.
“I can feel two heartbeats.”
You didn’t need her to elaborate.
When the sun finally rose, you were permitted to leave. As you neared the edge of the perimeter you took out your phone and sighed at the several missed calls and texts from Naoya. News must have spread throughout the jujutsu community about the events that transpired, and your husband no doubt would be beyond pissed you had to be here in the first place.
Before you could contemplate whether to call him back or not, your name was called out. You raised your head and felt your body freeze at the sight of Naoya standing only a few yards away, along with one of your attendants from the estate.
You lowered your chin to your chest as he came forward. His eyes sat heavy on the tear in your shirt from where you’d been cut. You raised your eyes slightly and weren’t surprised to see his gaze now on your hand that rested over your stomach.
Suddenly, you were thankful for Shoko’s diagnosis.
“I am with child,” you confessed, hoping to lessen his wrath.
“Take her home.” Naoya raised his head. He looked past you as he spoke, addressing the attendant. “Clean her. Feed her. She is not allowed to leave our quarters until my return.”
He said nothing more before walking past you and deeper into the devastation that was Shibuya.
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The Zen’in estate was admittedly quite lovely in the early autumn. The mixture of green and orange of nature’s transitional stage was always a sight you liked to take in. If only you were allowed to actually see it.
The door to your quarters opened and Naoya entered, followed by an older man who you assumed was the physician. He examined you and confirmed you were pregnant. About six weeks along.
“I haven’t experienced any morning sickness,” you said.
“That’s normal. About one third of pregnant women don’t experience it at all.” The physician spoke to you kindly, unlike most people you encountered in the estate. You were somewhat relieved by this. “Have you experienced any fatigue? Or tenderness in your breasts?”
“Both, actually.” You felt Naoya’s stare and wrapped your hands around your torso. “I thought it was just work-related stress.”
“There’s no need to worry. Plenty of rest, moderate exercise, and balanced meals will help you feel better and keep yourself and the growing child healthy.” The older man rose from his spot beside you. “I’ll return in a few weeks for another examination.”
Naoya and the physician spoke briefly at the door, mainly about the necessary changes to be made to your diet, before he departed. Your husband returned to your side and stood above you, looking down with a triumphant grin.
“In case it wasn’t clear, now that you’re carrying my child you won’t be returning to Tokyo.”
“But the binding vow—”
“Do you actually think after that incident I’d allow you to go back?” Naoya frowned. His tone was scolding. “You barely made it out alive.”
You knew that being his wife meant deferring to him, but that still didn’t stop you from advocating for yourself, spoken in a whisper, “I still have two more months.”
“I know.” Naoya rolled his eyes. “Which is why I’ve already arranged for your transfer to Kyoto.”
“You never specified where you’d work. Did you?”
“Exactly.” He crossed his arms, turning his back to you. “So just be grateful that you have such a benevolent husband to make these exceptions for you.”
“Whatever,” you mumbled.
Naoya turned his head to the side. “What was that?”
“Thank you, Zen’in-sama,” you said, louder this time.
“Don’t look so glum. Once your time as a manager is over you’ll be able to focus solely on your duties as my wife. And everything will finally be as it should.”
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During Maki’s storming of the Zen’in estate, Naoya had been killed. He then reincarnated as a cursed spirit and was defeated once more. The stubborn bastard was truly gone.
You spent the rest of your pregnancy in a house in the countryside owned by the Zen’in family. A cook, two attendants, and a midwife were assigned to accompany you.
Nearly every night of your pregnancy you had a recurring dream, more like a memory really, of the day you and Naoya were married. In your dream you watched from afar as your two figures clad in the traditional uchikake and montsuki marched side by side dutifully beneath the large red parasol. Sometimes you were in the procession heading into the shrine, and other times you were standing on the small bridge built over the nearby creek waiting for your photographs to be taken. You remembered the current of anxiety that flowed through you, only soothed by the delicate pink petals that floated down from the trees.
After your daughter was born the dreams stopped.
You held no doubts that if your husband were still alive he wouldn’t hide his disappointment of his firstborn not being a boy. Although Naoya was traditional is almost every sense, your actual marriage to him was not conventional in the slightest. You’d only spent a couple of weeks truly living together before his death, but most of that time was spent fussing over your condition. You realized too late that Naoya had his own way of showing affection. Perhaps if you had more time together you could have understood it better and harnessed its potential. You were very experienced at managing delicate situations after all.
You could’t say for certain whether you were, or could become, a good wife. The only goal you’d spend the rest of your life trying to achieve was to be a good mother. In this new age of jujutsu, you’d guide and protect your daughter as she came of age and her cursed technique was revealed. You’d treasure her despite being the spitting image of her father.
But in the deepest part of your heart you knew that without Naoya you wouldn’t have been able to create the miracle of life that was your Sakura, named after the cherry blossoms that surrounded her parents on the day of their union.
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iznsfw · 1 year
above the law, (under you)
TWICE's Chou Tzuyu x Male Reader Smut
4,629 words
Categories | lawyer!Tzuyu x criminal!you, thighjob, blowjob
Quick one for TWICE's maknae. Hope you like it.
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The thing about law is that it's actually quite flexible. Forget what your law professors taught you and all those fines the government threatens. If you manage to lie with just a bit of space for truth to distort your falsehoods into, you can get out of anything easily. That's certain, actually, no matter what consequences are inscribed into whatever bible juries and judges have. Maybe you'd only have to spend a few days in jail, probably narrowly avoid a death sentence. 
At least, that's how it works when you've got a good lawyer. 
Oh, yeah, that's what Tzuyu is for. Lucky you.
"So you understand," she says, spreading your files on the desk like it were butter across toast (don't mind the choice of comparison; your stomach is growling), "that it gets suspicious."
Actually, you don't. "Do elaborate."
Tzuyu sighs. She drags a hand along her golden hair. Normally, colored hair in the courtroom would be looked down on, but she's reached that kind of status that it doesn't matter what she does or who she represents—whether she wins or loses the trial for you, she's Chou Tzuyu, and everyone still gives her the deserved respect. 
But with you, the situation is more dangerous. It's a hit or miss with you, and now, the two of you are getting closer and closer to missing.
"You've been in and out of juvie since you were in middle school," she says, one pinky up to count the factors. Another as she goes on, "And you haven't stopped robbery and physical assault since then. You raged in the divorce court, too, so trust me: when it comes to custody of your kid, it doesn't get easier."
Three fingers. Three's the charm, right?
"Well," you curl down the sides of your mouth and raise your hands, "obviously."
Again, you're lucky to have Tzuyu. She's the only one who's paid enough to put up with your bullshit. She's the only one who can get you out of said bullshit. If you said that to anybody else, they'd kick you out, and you know enough already about being excluded and rejected.
That's not to say you feel sorry for yourself, just to be clear. You're too used to this rowdy lifestyle that your own actions don't humiliate you. Neither does the fact that you haven't matured from the age of sixteen. 
In that case, you do feel sorry for Tzuyu, though. She's an intelligent and beautiful young woman. She's only going forward from here on out, but you'll always hang onto the hem of her dress pants like a tail. You're a mistake that no Mongol pencil top can erase, and that's been sealed into her mind long after she accepted to represent you. 
She's the one getting paid anyway. No need to muck over it.
"Did you do it, though?" Tzuyu asks. 
"Do what?"
"Did you beat up your ex-wife's husband in front of her?" 
Honesty is a virtue that only your lawyer is deserving of. So, "Yeah."
Tzuyu pinches her nose. "And the drunk texts?"
"Uh huh."
"The lamb blood on the yard?" 
"All me, baby," you answer. 
You're a bit regretful, to be honest. Not for the fucked up shit you did to coax your ex-wife into getting back with you, but with how you failed to use your own blood to write out "YOU'LL ALWAYS BE MINE, DAHYUN!" in front of her house. But you've already crossed one too many lines.
"You sound proud," Tzuyu notes. "Don't you realize how this can influence the trial?"
Do you? Probably, but you've gone to court so many times, against so many people, that it's become like a second home. The Corinthian columns looming over you don't scare you anymore. Neither do the judge and jury.
Maybe the reason you keep fucking shit up is the need for something to feel?
You haven't felt anything in a long time besides anger. Maybe that's it. Maybe that's why you keep doing what you do despite knowing it can ruin your few good relationships with the few good people who deal with you.
"You can get me out of this alright, Tzuyu," you say. Prop your feet on the opposite plush seat that stands at the front of her desk. "Just lie—you know, it's your job."
"I'm a lawyer, not a magician," Tzuyu says, speaking through her grinding teeth. "I'm not another foolproof way to buy yourself out of consequences."
"That's nice. Got that comeback off searching 'badass lawyer quotes'?"
Tzuyu stares at you. She's really too cute to be in a courtroom, but the way her full lips are set and her eyes glare through your soul make you remember that she's up there for a reason. All these certificates and awards placed on her wall and bookshelves aren't out of nothing. She deserves respect from you because she's still your lawyer, she's still your only way out of going to prison.
"You just… don't care, huh," Tzuyu remarks. "Everything about this is just one huge joke to you."
Her tone isn't far from her usual formal one, but it's mixed with realization, too. She realizes that you'll always be like this. It's not your job or your kids or work—it's you. It's all on you.
"But really," she continues, with a small, bitter laugh, "the funny thing is I actually held out hope for you."
She did? 
You've been waiting a lifetime to feel something that isn't rage. You're surprised to find out that it would happen, and the thing would be guilt.
"I—I thought that if I did everything I could for you," she says, her fists curling tighter to the beat of every syllable, "for you to get away scot-free, you'd actually put some sense in yourself." She smiles sarcastically. "But I was stupid to think that, wasn't I?" 
Everyone's been disappointed in you one way or another. It's no lie that your parents are. There's also a reason why your siblings won't talk to you anymore. But the disappointment riding off Tzuyu's words hurt unexpectedly. It breaks you. 
It also, somehow, angers you. 
"Get out of my office." She points to the door. "I'm done with you."
"No, you're fucking not," you reply. 
Tzuyu's accustomed to your banter and attitude, but that actually stops her in her tracks. She looks at you with disbelief.
Your smile quakes with anger. "We're not done until I say so, Tzuyu."
"That doesn't work on me."
"Come on, let's face it, attorney," you say, stressing the title with false respect. Set your hands on the desk scattered with files and folders. "You like me."
Tzuyu rolls her eyes. "Oh, please, spare me the—"
Your steps trace a marble path to the back of her desk, to the place that should be off-limits to you. You never raped or anything, but you remain a criminal, and she remains a lawyer who has to set boundaries. 
However, all boundaries are crossed when you've got her backed up to the edge of her desk, when her pretty face is centimeters away, and your hands are itching to tear the high fashion uniform off her slender body.
It's the first time you've ever seen Chou Tzuyu scared. Her face is set to a poker expression in the courtroom and out of it, but seeing her parted lips and wide doe eyes ignite your emotions. It's new, it's different, and you love it more than you should.
"Come on, Tzuyu," you press, tilting your head to the side. "You know why you want to keep defending me after all the fuckery I did."
"And what can that be?" Tzuyu asks. Her brows are raised.
Another question, you see. This girl really should stop inquiring about things she knows well the answer to, but, graciously, you say it out loud for her. You're a good guy like that. "Didn't I say it already? You like me. Admit it: you're tired of defending guys who at best stole from Walmart. You want the real horror. You want me."
It's all delusions to grope for the upper hand, but you see Tzuyu's eyes. You can read them well from all the time you've unwillingly(?) spent together, you know that her rare expression of vulnerability means something:
You've caught her.
"Oh." Smile. Your rambling holds some truth after all. "So I'm right. Of course you like me."
"Don't flatter yourself," Tzuyu snaps. She struggles to keep eye contact with you. 
"No, no." Guide her face to meet your gaze. "You want some relief. It's not easy being a lawyer, definitely not easier to fall for a psychopath client. But it just happens. You can't control it."
She swallows, looks down, and shakes her head. That's something she's humble enough to admit. "No…" 
"Of course. I can give you what you want, you know."
"I don't want anything from you," says Tzuyu. Her eyes fire an unspoken word of caution to you. "You don't know what you're trying to do."
"For a lawyer," you chuckle, "you're a terrible liar. I thought that was the whole thing with you people."
"I told you to leave already." 
"Oh, I'm not going anywhere," you say, sliding your hands down to her tiny thing of a waist, "until you tell me what you actually feel."
You can feel Tzuyu's breaths accent the rises and rests of her tight midriff. She's contemplating this over, but she knows that she's grown fond of you. You know this, too. Like you said, there's a reason for her staying with you. 
You have to admit you've grown fond of seeing her, too. Her face is more than easy on the eyes. Hearing her as well is an everyday delight; her soft voice is melodious, even when she's describing your crimes. 
So, what's there to say? 
"It's not right," Tzuyu says. The shakes of her head are too repetitive to be sincere. "I can't be biased towards you. I… I have to be professional."
"It's just you and me, sweet," you quip. Step closer so that her body's flush against your form and her gaze can go nowhere. "Live a little. Who cares if it's wrong?"
"My career—" she tries.
"Tzuyu. Come on. Fuck the convict you want so badly. I put you through enough already."
Understanding passes through her eyes, mingled with hesitation and a sprinkle of fear. She wonders, as she peers at your face from a taller height, how you knew about the whole crush ordeal. Was she too obvious? Flirty? Patient? It can be one or the other, and she'd still have to dial it down.
But her heart skips several beats that her words come unrehearsed. Your hands at her waist, so close yet so far to where she needs them to be, trigger her needs. 
So, there it is: she needs you. She has to accept that.
"O-okay," Tzuyu finally agrees. 
"There you are. You finally came around."
"Just shut up and fuck me."
"Oh, you'd love that, wouldn't you?" Your shameless kisses end up on her neck and collarbone that peek through the ends of her blazer and the neckline of her innerwear. "I know you thought about it, Tzuyu. How I'd bend you over on this desk, fuck your brains out, make you cum more times than you can count."
As you pull the blazer from her body, Tzuyu hisses, "Don't get too happy, dickhead."
How unprofessional of her. But you have to admit it feels powerful to be able to extract the most unladylike of words from a woman who'd never dare utter them. And you're just getting started—she's only sitting on the edge of her desk, and not even filled with your cock yet. 
Your fingers aren't idle. They appreciate her tall curves and the fullness of her thighs. They even slip under that pencil skirt to feel around for her center. 
Of course, you find it. You find it under a layer of flimsy shorts and panties. Tease her clit; have her legs join in attempts to undergo the stimulation. 
And then—
"Oh my god," she whines. Tzuyu purses her lips. Curls her fingers at the cliff of the desk. "Feels so good."
"I know it does," says you. "Why don't you return the favor? Jerk off my cock with those pretty hands?"
Her posture becomes too straight to be proper as you press your fingers at her sensitive pink walls. "I've done too much for you. Y-you don't deserve any more favors."
That's fair. She's still a smart girl, even when she's soaking your fingers. 
Can she be a good girl? To be a good girl or not to be—that is the question.
"You're right. My cock deserves to be inside you, not just in your hand."
The faster pace has Tzuyu's legs jerking. "Fuck you."
Chuckle. "You are."
Maybe you don't need a handjob as a warm-up. Your cock already erects by itself watching Tzuyu react and moan to your digits pumping in and out of her. Her beautiful arms, free from the blazer, struggle and strain to stay upwards with how quick you're fingerfucking her. Her unkempt whines are so unlike her that there's complete pride inside of you, an arrogance, even, that's birthed from the fact that you make her like this. You're so fucked up that it turns her on when it shouldn't, and now that you're fucking her, the immorality of everything gets her wet. 
"P-please," she says. Her doe eyes are watery with need. 
She's never said that outside of the courtroom, where she says that only for formality's sake. But here she is, anyway, begging you for something she'll have to spell out if she doesn't want you to go crazy and fuck her in every corner of her office. 
Maybe that's what you'd do anyway.
"What is it, Tzuyu?" you ask. Your fingers strain while the heel of your hand hits and rubs her clit. "Tell me what you want. Tell me what you need."
"Please," again, "faster. Oh my god, that's all I ever want, please go faster."
No more do her legs close. Rather, they part. They welcome your thrusts and rubs. She's completely allowing you to fuck her, despite how wrong it is and how it can screw up your future trials. Bias this and bias that are things she doesn't care about anymore. All she knows is that her nipples ache to be pinched, and her pussy awaits more of your thrusts because she's close. So close that she could taste euphoria already.
"Should I go rougher, hm?"
"Please, fffuck, I don't know." As you squeeze one of her handful-sized breasts, she bites her lip hard. "Just fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, please, make me c-cum—"
When Tzuyu orgasms, it's messy yet quiet. Her formality shows up even in sex. Her moans are tight and so is her pussy as it clenches down on your fulfilling digits, and you have to perk your ears up to hear her sounds of pleasure. She's still a quiet girl, barely talkative (though you've managed to pull a few pleas out of her already), and you're completely trying to change that with your pumps.
Your lips create a purple bruise on her neck. Tzuyu sighs and gasps helplessly. She's wetting your fingers like a flood, and you keep provoking the natural yet woman-made disaster; you drag your fingers at her velvety, weak spots and venture deeper. 
You don't have to ask her if it was good. She's panting heavily, and sucks on the soaked fingers you've led to her face to calm herself down. Watching her pink lips work away at your hand, as if she were suckling something completely different, makes you more turned on. Her warm wet mouth deserves to be somewhere else rather than just your pointer and middle.
"Now that wasn't so bad," you say. Draw them out of her mouth. "You didn't leave any for me to taste. How selfish."
"You still could." Tzuyu points to her mouth. 
It's clear that she's wanted you to kiss her forever. When your lips press against her mouth, she immediately slips her tongue inside. You return the favor, but also to have her own self-made taste of love. 
As expected, she's fucking delicious. 
You hold her head in place as the two of you kiss for seconds that felt like hours. After, you're breathless.
"You're a good kisser," she comments. 
"You want me to tell you what else is good?" 
"Oh, please. Show, not tell." 
Your belt's off and soon, your trousers are as well. Tzuyu's gazing at your hard cock with admiration. It just boosts your pride and arrogance—you can never tell the difference between the two when they mix and match with each other so often.
"No one told me criminals had big dicks," says Tzuyu. She skates her hand on your cock, stroking it softly. Her eyes have left it and instead seal on your faltering gaze. 
"You learn something new everyday." Try not to make your shuddering breaths obvious when she starts jerking you off. "You like?"
"I think… I think I want to suck it."
"Go ahead. No one's stopping you."
"There're a lot of people stopping me," she informs you. "If they find out I'm fucking a client, then what?"
She doesn't live up to her words of concern because she hops off the table cleanly and kneels anyway. Her small face looks even tinier next to your cock. And you realize now how her mouth is miniscule too after she wraps her lips around your cockhead. 
You shiver. 
Tzuyu's staring again. 
This time, her large eyes are directed up at you. She doesn't have to focus on your dick when her mouth is doing it for her. With each harsh swipe of her tongue on your tip and the drawing of her mouth closer to the base, your cock grows wetter with her drool and precum. 
"Your mouth is amazing, Tzuyu," you say. You're not afraid to admit that.
She responds to you not with words, but with more suckling. She closes her lips around your base then slowly brings her mouth up. She repeats this cycle of pleasure until your whole rod is coated with her. When she feels you throb in her orifice, she giggles—what's more satisfying than seeing the guy who put her through hell become weak?
You're in a daze of your own, too. As much as you like seeing Tzuyu dominate the court with her steady voice and no-nonsense look, she looks so much better when she's on her knees. When her hands wrap your hips to thrust her head forward and force your length down her tight throat. When the usually serious look in her eyes fades into obscurity and is replaced with an almost innocent look that says "come on, use me, fuck my mouth."
That's exactly what you do anyway. You don't need her prodding to fuck her pretty face.
Tzuyu's hums vibrate on your sensitive flesh. The back of your cock slides deliciously on her tongue and almost all of your rod slides down her throat. It bulges; you can tell even without looking down. She's a slim girl after all. It's easy to fuck and fold and use her. This situation isn't any different.
"Yeah, that's it," you say, grinning. "Take my cock, Tzuyu. Take it like a good girl."
Her ears burn. Her thighs squirm together, and that's how you find out that she might like being called a good girl more than you'd think. Stroking her hair that looks like it was personally woven with real gold has her whining. You can't believe the tough lawyer has a submissive side, too. 
Has she done this before? She seems to be taking the thrusts to the back of her throat well. Perhaps she simply enjoys this. You'll never know.
"I'm gonna cum, Tzuyu," you announce. "You better swallow it all like the slut you are."
Her cheeks hollow as your cum fills her mouth. Her lips remain sealed on your tip so the flow of your semen ends up nowhere but inside her. 
After you pull out, you realize then that you've just fucked your lawyer's face. It's like everything was a lucid dream that eventually blended into reality, because there's Tzuyu, still kneeling and gulping down your cum, and your cock out in the open between your bare legs. There are lines you've crossed before, but you never thought you'd do the same to the boundary that's been set between you and Tzuyu. 
Where's the rage you felt earlier? Why does arousal take its place?
"I'm not a slut, by the way," says Tzuyu airily. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. "I'm not your good girl either."
"Oh, alright. Does that mean you won't let me fuck you?"
"Jerk," she spits. "Your cock isn't even that big."
"I guess I should leave then. You were a good fuck, Tzuyu." 
Turn your heel with faux intention to exit, like she's told you to do earlier, but you're pulled towards her again. She tugs your wrist and pulls you to herself, her ass snug against the edge of the table and you pressed against her slim frame.
Okay, so—
"I fucking hate you." Tzuyu tears the buttons off your shirt with a clean rip, and kisses your chest. Your neck. Grabs your waist to ensure that you're going nowhere. " I hate that you're so fucking annoying. I hate that I can't spend all day fucking myself on your huge cock."
"Did you just say I had a huge cock?" 
"Like I said," Tzuyu snarls, "shut up."
Whatever snarky response you could have come up with on the spot is lost into an embarrassingly loud moan. She's forced your still sensitive cock inside her, and now her hips are dancing forward and back. It's a dance of death with how it bears its weight on your mind and girth. 
"Thought I told you to be quiet," she says smugly.
Her skirt has ridden up her waist. You take advantage of this to get a feel for her thighs. They're slim yet round at the same time, creating the perfect balance that fits your squeezing hands. Tug on them to pull her closer. Your remaining inches make it past her folds, and Tzuyu moans in delight.
"And I thought you didn't like me," you say. But it's difficult to be cocky when her tight little pussy is just that good, squeezing you as if determined to drain your might and taking you good and well. 
Tzuyu scoots her wide hips side to side, arms sedentary on the sides of the table as she rests down on it, and bites her lip. Intentional or not, it's too fucking sexy. "Things change."
So, that's how it works out: your lawyer on the flat of her desk, above scattered piles of papers describing your crimes and issuing your statements, with her legs spread around your midriff and receiving your cock as a traveller in the desert would receive water. She's desperate, is what you're saying—her gasps are timed to the beat of your thrusts, and she's accompanying it with soft curses. This whole sex thing could be a song, you see. Tzuyu can play the vocals, and her cleavage that bounces behind her vest could be looped and made into a matching music video. It's just so perfect.
"So good, you're so good," she sighs, her mind addled with thoughts of you ruining her insides and, probably, fill her up with semen. "Fuck me harder. Touch me. Use me, my god, just fuck me."
You pull up her vest to devour her breasts. The brown nipples end up in your mouth, suckled on and chewed, while the softness of her small tits are relished with squeezes. Tzuyu whimpers quietly, volume hushed down as it always is with her. Although her quiet whines turn you on, it's the will inside you to have the silent lawyer screaming that propels your thrusts. Drives them with a purpose that's so specific your hips could have a mind of their own. 
Dragging her vest off her torso is how you see that your cock is bulging through her tight midriff. The lines of her abs hide not your cock forcing yourself through her hole. Tzuyu notices it, too, and you feel her become wetter underneath you, because she loves it. She loves how wrong this is, how she's letting a person she shouldn't even be acquaintances with outside of her career use her like a doll.
"P-please," she says (for the millionth time, yes, but you'll never grow tired of hearing it.)
"Should I go harder?" Do exactly that, rutting her against the table, even without her answer. "Rub this little thing here?"
Tzuyu cries out. There's a completed mission—you've finally forced her to scream, and it's all thanks to your thumb toying with her clit.
"Oh my god!" she yelps. She looks at you with eyes filled with shock at how good it feels. "Oh my god, yes, keep doing that! It feels so—fuck!"
"Keep screaming like that and I'll make you cum. Do you want to cum, Tzuyu?"
She nods dumbly. "Yes, make me cum. M-make me cum around that stupid big dick, I love it so much, please!"
You're reaching places inside her that her own fingers couldn't embark to. The bulge on her stomach goes farther, and you think of how you're rearranging her guts so deliciously, how she's pounding at the table in frustration and pleasure and screaming, and how you can give her bliss with just a few more pumps.
Your thrusts hold purpose—they're driven by Tzuyu's boobs lifting with the creaks of her desk, the squeeze of her pussy as it swallows you whole, the helpless look on her face. She's so beautiful, really, and you're glad to be able to—
"Gonna make me cum!" she wails. "Gonna make me cum, gonna make me cum, don't fucking stop!"
Tzuyu's pleasure reaches an all-time high. She clenches as hard as her muscles can bear and screams. Her throat must be sore because of that, so you don't forget to kiss all over it as you extract a violent orgasm from her with rough, untimed pumps. 
She's shivering, eyes unfocused. She's rambling senseless words that don't quite give clues to what they should be comprehended as.
That's exactly what you want.
You pull out. "I want to fuck your thighs." Show so after that: slip your dick in between her soft, supple skin, and add, "Gonna explode on that fucking stomach."
"W-why not inside me?" whines Tzuyu. She closes her eyes as your cock unintentionally brushes over her folds and prods at her bundle of nerves.
"You're already fighting to give me custody of my kid," you chuckle. "What makes you think I want another?"
Tzuyu manages a laugh. You're too laser-focused on fucking her thighs though to appreciate her first love beauty when she smiles, since you're as close as you can be. With the soft flesh holding your length captive as you pray for your soul not to be by the eyes of justice, you have no choice but to do what you said: cum on her tight midriff.
White above tan skin is a beautiful color on your lawyer.
"You're… you're a little evil, you know that?" Tzuyu makes out. She glances at the puddle of cum on her rising stomach with fascination.
"Oh, love." Lean down to kiss her, with your arm pillaring the space on the table not occupied with paperwork. "You're just now figuring that out?"
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
not to keep harping on but definitely the complaint i see that really sticks in my craw is that the only reason or the main reason robb planned to banish catelyn to seaguard was because of their argument over jon. it’s certainly a factor but they have spent the entire war arguing over every decision robb makes! ned tells robb “keep your mother in your council” but robb really does not! he has her there, yes, he lets her speak, yes, but oftentimes he will disregard her advice without any appeasement, misstep badly, and be worse off politically in the exact way she warned him of. she’s not the only person he blows off - he’s not exactly nice to edmure either, for example - but cat is right when she suspects there’s an element of “kings are not supposed to have mothers” and “wedded to his war" and she clocks this long before the argument over jon! robb tries to get rid of her at the beginning of a clash of kings when all cat has done is urge him to continue peaceful negotiations with the lannisters!
robb is angry because he’s in over his head and he knows it, and it's got very little to do with jon! robb is losing this war and his best friend was the son of a man who crowned himself and lost the war!! robb knows exactly what’s going to happen to the north if he loses and despite everything, he cannot seem to win despite being a near prodigy in battle tactics. and here his mother has been this whole time, fighting him on every front - just like the lords but he cant punish them for disagreeing can he? - and being so frustratingly right about more things than his lords, and now they’re picking at this wound in their family that has never been allowed to heal and a lot of resentment that both robb and catelyn are feeling at their general situation gets focused in on each other. this is such a tully thing too (pls remember these are canonically unpleasant people!) because look at lysa projecting years of resentment onto sansa, look at the entire cat, hoster, edmure situation, or even hoster & blackfish’s relationship. family is so important to them but in times of stress, “doing everything for family” becomes an anchor pulling them down, until the only thing left is to lash out at each other.
most of the lords are happy to let this nonsense play out! catelyn does not even have the privilege maege & dacey mormont do at being head of their own house - she’s just a wife, just a mother, just a first born daughter. when she disagrees, they don’t see an equal arguing with them, they see a woman sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. they do not give a single solitary shit about like, ~the plight of bastards~ they just believe, like robb, that sansa is currently “tainted” by her marriage to a lannister and can’t be allowed to inherit, that arya is dead, that the boys are dead, that jeyne is not yet pregnant, and a bastard boy castle raised who looks like ned is better than no boy at all (see edric storm, addam of hull, and larence snow). these men have not spent the last fourteen years cooking in their resentment over this situation the way catelyn and robb have!
jon is a reason. but so is rickard karstark, jaime lannister, willem lannister, tion frey, renly baratheon, walder frey, and theon greyjoy. ned is a reason as well, and bran, sansa, rickon, arya, hoster, edmure, perhaps even lysa and sweetrobin. jon is the final straw but robb isn’t (only) sending catelyn away because of some righteous fury on his brother’s behalf! he’s sending her away because she is an easy, socially acceptable target for all his frustrations and failures and fears that he can project on, and punish, in a way he cannot punish his enemies, his lords, or himself.
and catelyn is as always very aware of the deeper motivations in her son’s mind, and resentful that she doesn’t have the power to push back; she’s just a mother, after all.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
He’ll pay, sunshine. I’ll make sure he does
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • The lineup. Took more than what you expected. A price had to be paid… • ANGST/SFW • TW: Pregnancy / Canon Violence / Anxiety Attacks / Injuries / Scars • rewriting canon, baby
Requested by: Anon
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“Hm. Well don’t we have a looker here” The leader smirks bringing himself over to the woman shaking beside the retired sheriff. “Now I have a proposition for yea…that leaves all of y’all alive” he states gently taking her chin in between his fingers.
The smallest action lead the archer to get up and lunge at the head Savior, only to be knocked down by a henchman and the guy the pinned individual had brought up before. The man that took his crossbow during the wolves attack, aimed his arrow at his head. Making the woman the leader fancied to start sobbing.
“Should I end him?”
“Nah, stand down Dwighty boy.” He laughs at his enthusiasm. “Now on your feet little lady” he extended his hand toward the crying woman as she was extremely hesitant. “If yea don’t do what I say…I’ll have him kill what I could only assume is someone you care deeply about” he kept the smirk on his face knowing it was adding to the intimidation factor as the woman felt every part of her scream when she took his hand.
Once she was brought to her feet, the man carefully took a hold of her face making the tears fall even harder. He couldn’t help the amusement he was receiving.
“God you’re gorgeous when you’re cryin’, doll” He chuckles to himself as he pulls her along with him while his bat dragged in the dirt on his other side. “If you accept my offer, no one dies. If you refuse…it’s the pretty one to go first”
The offer wasn’t even stated but the anxiety lead to the sickly woman to yell out at the leader to this gang.
“She’s pregnant! You wouldn’t kill a pregnant woman…”
“Hm. You’re right, but it’s the two for one special if yea don’t listen” He scoffs followed by a laugh. “To Ricky Rick, y’all’s fearless leader…who is shakin’ in his boots as I manhandle one of his own…will be making the deal”
The growling that came from the archer pinned only grew louder and occasionally cut off by the man who pinned him, shoving more into the gravel. He didn’t like this one bit.
“I don’t take any lives, if I can take her as my wife”
The words rang out to everyone in the lineup as the archer started to thrash under the henchman even more.
“Shut him up or I’ll make it—-“ The leader stopped speaking when he felt the woman grab at his leather jacket bringing her closer with pleading eyes.
“I’ll do anything…don’t hurt him, don’t hurt anyone” She begged as his smirk grew to her words.
“Yeah…I’ll take that instead. Simon!” He yells as his right hand approached the man.
“Yes Negan?”
“Take her to the truck…and knock her man out. Don’t kill’em. I need some leeway” Negan states watching Simon take his new wife away as he couldn’t help but smack her rear as she walked away. “Hm. That was too easy” he says while watching his men knock out the archer before dragging him back in line. “Gotta show you I mean business somehow…” he sighs parching the retired sheriff grabbing him by the collar and dragging him to the RV. “Watch them boys, gonna take our new bitch boy on a joy ride”
Everything happened so quickly…the archer sat there taking it all in, even after the cars drove away once Negan told them what to prepare for. He was frozen in his spot…his girl, his partner,…his everything, and his unborn baby…were taken from him. It may not be in death, but the pain sure felt like it.
“Daryl…we gotta go man…” Glenn frowns feeling his own tears get the best of him as he tried to help Daryl off the ground but the man was cement. He couldn’t stay much longer because of Maggie’s condition but his worry got the best of his expression making Rick take over.
“Brother, we gotta get Maggie to the Hilltop…then head back”
Daryl stayed put, not wanting to leave or the reality will consume him. He’s not going home with his partner…he’s alone. He feels…stuck.
Michonne watches Rick fail to get Daryl to move while Abraham, Sasha, and Glenn took care of getting Maggie to the Hilltop. Aaron checked on Carl as Rosita checked on Eugene. She stood watching the two as she quietly approaches giving her partner a look that led to Rick leaving with the remaining people back to Alexandria.
Leaving Michonne and Daryl alone at the line up.
“You need to get up” Michonne knelt down to him listening to his soft sobs and the smallest whimper that escaped him. “You need to get up for them. We need to go home…prepare…and come up with a plan to save them”
“I failed—-“
“No you didn’t. We know you didn’t” the heartbreak in her own voice lead him to look her in the eye. “Cmon now. She can’t have you die right here” she refers to the bullet wound in his shoulder, but also the mental toll of what has happened weighing him down.
He would’ve laid to rest there, if it weren’t for the hand Michonne provided.
Now all he needs to do is get her back.
The right hand to Negan, Simon, led Y/N into a room with a handful of other women as they all wore black. Felt like a funeral and in her mind, she wishes this was hers and it was some nightmare…that she’ll wake eventually back in his embrace but the anxious pinching proved her wrong and one of the women noticed what she was doing. She didn’t speak up until Simon left the room leaving the women to do their routine whenever Negan received a new wife.
“Where did Negan find you?”
“And why” Another wife asked as Y/N stood there trying to keep herself from crying.
“Usually he takes wives once their community folds, it’s always another brute that’s taken to get mentally beaten into submission”
After hearing that she couldn’t hold it in anymore and started crying, which to three of wives made them quickly try to console Y/N because they didn’t know when Negan would return and knew he wouldn’t like this very much. The fourth one was Sherry, a relatively one like Y/N.
Lives over mine and I’ll never see him again Y/N’s thoughts panicked her as she held herself fearful of what’s to come.
The four got Y/N ready in the attire that Negan has been making his wives dress in. Which a black dress wasn’t all too fancy but it didn’t take long for the other four to take notice of what Negan could also be hanging over Y/N’s community’s heads.
“Did he threaten your life and your baby’s?” Learning their names slowly, Amber had asked Y/N once she was dressed watching her protectively hold her stomach.
“When we said about the brute…this group, these people…must’ve been a real threat to him if they rolled over when you were taken” The one wife with black hair, Tanya started to go on. “They didn’t react like others or you wouldn’t be here, and people from your group would be dead”
“So not to shine a light to the horrors that you might have to endure here, but you saved lives with being taken” Frankie tried to smile it off but hers faded as fast as Y/N’s.
But as much as she wanted to outwardly panic for everyone to see. If what they were saying is true, she needs to suffer. And take care of what’s with her right now.
Their unborn child
“How long have you and Y/N been expecting? You two really kept it a secret up until…” Michonne cut herself off but alluded for Daryl to continue while the two were out hunting.
“Found out right before the prison fell. Thought she was gettin’ sick from the illness…but she took a few tests” Daryl frowns loading the shared hunting rifle between the two. “Came out positive every time. Then the Governor took our home”
“Oh Daryl…why didn’t you say anything—-“
“Cuz we wanted to keep it to ourselves in case—“ Daryl didn’t want to say it. He didn’t want to or who knows what cosmic consequence would occur if he said it while she was away from him. “…it only came out cuz of Dr. Carson, only Maggie knew. Now everybody knows so it don’t matter why we kept it from yea. Alright?” He was getting defensive and Michonne knew she struck a nerve.
She felt awful. She knew what it was like to lose someone close to you, but nothing like having someone taken.
“In some sick way, she saved a lot of us by being taken…”
“Should’ve fought harder…”
“We all should’ve” Michonne sternly states to make it clear to Daryl that they’ve all failed Y/N, that it shouldn’t all be on his shoulders alone.
It’s already been a few days without his partner and he had to be taken out of Alexandria before he punches another person. It’s fine Spencer was the one he punched…a few times. Michonne wasn’t particularly happy with everything either, not that Rick rolled over on his back to Negan but it felt like that. The second his son’s well-being was threatened, the man folded even harder on himself.
When the two returned from the game Michonne had landed the shot on, Daryl stopped in his tracks seeing the back of his girl standing beside the man he wishes would fall into a pit of walkers.
“Ah!” Negan smirks turning toward the two as he eyed the deer over Daryl’s shoulder. “Now ain’t that a beaut you’ve got there, not as beautiful as my wife” he gripped onto Y/N’s bicep bringing herself toward them and forcing her to turn around.
The sudden drop of the deer startled everyone that was tense just from Negan’s presence. Daryl frowns noticing the bruising on Y/N’s neck and how the cardigan he could only assume she was forced to wear to cover up the bandages on her arms.
“Now don’t worry your little head about her” Negan strides over to get up close and personal to Daryl. “Both girls are doin’ fine”
The archer clenched his fists trying his best not to tackle the man down as he couldn’t believe that a special moment that was meant for him and his girl. He didn’t utter a word, knowing damn well he’ll get physical.
“We’ll take your deer, and that gun of yours…then be on our merry way” Negan continued to have that annoying smirk on his face as he headed toward his truck grabbing Y/N once more.
Daryl didn’t stop himself that time as he quickly approached the two but right before he got close, Rick stepped in his way.
“You could kill her if you try anythin’ right now” Rick whispered to Daryl who wasn’t in any mood to have his rage directed toward anybody else.
But he was back in that position, just watching Y/N get taken away by this asshole.
He’ll be six feet under by his hand
“There was a stowaway”
Frankie randomly blurted when the wives were regrouped once Y/N returned with Negan. When the other wives noticed what he has done to her in private quarters, they were plotting their own murder.
“A stowaway? Who would WANT to come here?!” Amber scoffs watching Y/N’s face contort. “You have an idea?”
“I do…but I hope I’m wrong” Y/N frowns rising to her feet approaching the door to the room they were all in, with a bit of hesitance on leaving.
Anything can happen.
You can get people killed.
He could take his life.
Weigh your options.
I’m done cowering Y/N pushes the door open seeing the few men assigned to watch the women staring at her. It was only two, and two she can handle.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“I heard Negan’s back…can I see him?”
“He’s in a meeting, princess” One of them scoffs. “You gotta stay out and we’ll radio him” it only took a second for Y/N to step back in, grabbing the wine bottle from behind the wall that was gifted to the women.
“Y/N…” Sherry frowns a bit afraid of what she was going to do and next thing they witnessed was Y/N knock one of them out with the bottle causing it to break and before the other could react, she stabbed the broken end into his throat. “Fuck”
“Who woulda thought we needed an angry pregnant woman to get those two off our asses” Tonya laughs quietly as she waves Amber and Frankie over to help her drag the bodies into the room to keep the evidence hidden for Y/N’s sake.
“What are you going to do now?”
“Get to Negan”
“And kill him?”
“I’m afraid I’ll die trying. I need to get whoever he took, out of here. Whether that be his doing or mine” Y/N frowns toward Sherry as she quickly ran in grabbing one of the knives off the body before giving it to Y/N. “Yknow this is your moment”
“We’ve been here the longest. The guards know our tactics” Frankie frowns, but was quick to recuperate with a smile. “But they obviously don’t know yours”
“If you have the chance? Take it. We’ll get rid of these two” Amber adds as Tonya approaches Y/N.
“But once your group has a plan to tear this place down, don’t forget about us”
“I won’t, I promise”
Sherry led Y/N to where Negan’s room is in the Sanctuary, or close to it as they both noticed the two standing outside the room.
“I’ll distract them”
“How?” Y/N questions as she watches Sherry immediately run over to them in a theatric panic.
“Help! One of the wives is missing” Sherry states in a panic and that was going to be the case, but they were far from where the women stayed and where they currently stood. So Y/N did her best to hide in the blind spot of the turned corner as she watches the three run past.
As Y/N was about to approach Negan’s room to confront him, she quickly whipped back when the door swung open and out came Negan and Carl. Of course it’s Carl that snuck his way here. He shouldn’t have done that…for whatever reason. But now she was alone. No one watching her. This really is her chance.
Y/N immediately went into Negan’s room stripping herself of the annoying dress, and finding her belongings in his room. Which were weird but as she struggled to get, once fitting jeans, onto her person. She noticed the picture that stuck out from her pile of clothes as the panic from the moment she was stripped of her clothing the first night there subsided. She thought she had lost the sonogram that Dr. Carson gave her but the relieved tears spilled happily as she carefully puts it in her back pocket before getting the already oversized black jumper on.
Once the woman got her shoes on and managed to take a gun from the leader’s room, she had taken notice of several things she found in there while making her way to the loading bay without being noticed.
A picture of a woman with him
A discarded wedding band
Polaroid pictures of victims to his actions
and a whole lot more that Y/N knew she was never going to forget. But hopefully keep her child away from in the future.
When she finally reached the loading bay, Y/N felt something. It felt off and her anxiety started to crawl up her spine again that when she heard the footsteps. She didn’t hesitate to aim her gun, only to be met with Jesus’s concerned expression on the other end.
“Oh thank fuck” Y/N sighs holding her belly and the same flutter from seconds before happened again, making her sob as it was another moment missed. “I need to get home…”
“You need to get to the Hilltop, and I’ll take you”
“You’re escaping, Negan will flip Alexandria over first to find you if it comes to that. You’ll have to make do with Hilltop…besides. Maggie and Glenn are there and maybe bringing you there will stop their suicide mission to come and get you”
“Daryl? We’ll get him once you’re safe, okay? Once you both are” Jesus reassures as he led the way for Hilltop, or at least far from the Sanctuary enough to Hotwire a vehicle and drive the rest of the way.
Arriving at the Hilltop felt weird, all Y/N thought while stuck in the Sanctuary was the second she escapes she’s going straight to Daryl. But this man still has some sort of chokehold on her and everyone knows he’ll come after her, it was best not to return to the obvious place first.
As the gates opened, Y/N was met with the sight of a sprinting Maggie coming toward her as she couldn’t contain her emotions anymore. She quickly met her halfway, latching onto her the second they embraced.
“Thank god you’re okay” Maggie sighs a whole lot of anxiety away the second Y/N was taken. “I know the others didn’t know til that night but I couldn’t let him—-“
“Yeah no I understand why you said it, Mags” Y/N pulls away wincing slightly as Maggie couldn’t help but gently touch the healing bruises on her neck. “It’s okay, I’m okay. She’s okay”
“We’re still gonna have you checked out” Glenn interrupts the two as he quickly brought Y/N in his embrace watching Maggie behind her be silently excited over the fact that she’s having a girl. The excitement in the dark times made him smile for the moment.
“Everyone’s still alive?”
“Yes” Glenn handed the canteen to Y/N before sitting with Maggie on the couch across her in the Barrington House. “There were a few fights that had happened with the Saviors, but Negan only came once here and once at Alexandria”
“Michonne has been keeping him sane enough until we came up with a plan to go and get you” Maggie frowns watching Y/N’s worry get to her again. “He’s okay, from what we’ve heard last…”
“Maggie and I were trying to come up with a safe way to get you. Jesus said every idea was too risky until someone scouted out the place”
“But thank god when he went to do so, he came back with yea. Hopefully the reunion you’re hoping for can happen soon” Maggie smiles watching Y/N lean back into the couch bringing her legs up onto it as she took notice of how protective she was over the tiny human she was preparing for. “Uhm. What happened with Negan when you were with him? Anything we can—-“
“Maggie, I don’t…”
“Right right. Sorry. You just got out. Selfish of me to jump right into—-“
“I don’t want to talk about it…but I can write it down”
Sometimes, when everything is still fresh, you have to do something. So while Y/N was stuck hiding out in the Hilltop until anything, she wrote everything down that she knew about the Sanctuary from what she saw and took notice of. She even drew a mock up of the lay out according to where she’s walked and where she’s been in.
While in the middle of a thought, Glenn opened the door to the trailer they were staying in looking at Y/N as she quickly took notice of him.
“Come on. We’ve got you something”
With a confused look, Y/N brought herself to follow her friend out of the trailer and inevitably toward the front of the Hilltop. Where she noticed Maggie hugging onto Rick given it’s been some time since they’ve seen each other. Since the line up. Wow. That day really separated a few for some time. And her heart started to quicken as her eyes scanned the field noticing Michonne, Tara, Rosita, Sasha, Abraham, Carl,…and him.
Daryl watched their backs when entering the Hilltop and it didn’t take the archer long to notice. No one said anything or dared to interrupt his current thoughts.
She’s alive
They’re alive
My girls
The archer suddenly ran toward who he was staring at which led the others to look his way. Everyone felt a wave of relief when taking note of Y/N standing still, which brought on the following…
“Don’t tackle her Daryl!” Rick laughs watching the man slow his pace when getting close.
“Oh thank fucking god she’s alright” Michonne sighs as she started to make her way over but giving the two enough time.
Y/N instantly wraps her arms around Daryl’s neck pulling him close as he carefully brought his around her pulling her as close as humanely possible to his chest. The tears fell naturally from her eyes as she gripped onto her partner not wanting to let go any time soon. Not like he was going to either.
“He’ll pay Y/N…that fucking bastard will pay” Daryl felt the whimper escape from him as he was holding onto a lot of his feelings ever since she was taken. “He hurt my girls, he’s not living after this”
“Can we not talk about it…I just wanna be right here” Y/N sobbed into his shoulder feeling him adjust but still hold onto her, not ever wanting to let go.
After reuniting with the rest of her family, Daryl and Y/N were left alone in the trailer she’s been staying in as she was laying down in the bed with him right beside her. His hand resting on her belly waiting for it…then when the smallest kick happened, Daryl felt himself fall apart all over again as Y/N gently wiped away his tears.
She’s okay
They both are
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handweavers · 6 months
when it comes to my safety i think the greatest blessing for me is that my family in malaysia has embraced me without hesitation, including distant relatives who immediately switched to referring to me as my father's son rather than his daughter and treat me with respect and dignity. my close family are loving and protective of me, i am openly myself around them and they have explicitly told me that they love me more for it. earlier this year i met a cousin's wife for the first time since i was a baby and she took a long look at me and smiled wide and said "oh my god, what a miracle" and hugged me so tightly and warmly and i keep thinking about that over and over. and i think about how much safety comes from your immediate surroundings, the people closest to you, the firm knowledge that there are people in your life who would protect you from harm, and how much of a determining factor that is in the lives of trans people regardless of what country we live in.
aside from my mom, my white family in canada is not accepting of me - not just as a trans person but as a brown person as well, i've faced racism from them my entire life, not even getting into the transphobia on top of it. i'm not in contact with the majority of that side of my family for those reasons, and the alienation i feel as a result of that is difficult to swallow. even if there are more protections for trans people in the law here, i do not necessarily feel more loved or safe here due to that alienation. and i think about how for so many trans people, (a lack of) familial acceptance is one of the greatest barriers to safety and survival in a very immediate sense. how even if the world can be a scary and cruel place, if we are loved and protected by those around us - whoever we call family - it can make a massive difference. and when i think about moving back home and losing some of the protections i have here, i feel less afraid knowing that even my 2nd cousin's wife is on my side and wants to help me... every trans person deserves to feel that kind of safety. every trans person is owed that kind of safety.
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lovecanyon · 1 year
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Y/N couldn't believe her luck as she walked arm-in-arm with her husband, Harry Styles, towards the red carpet of the 65th Annual Grammy Awards.
While she took in the sights and sounds of the most prestigious music event in the industry, she couldn't help but feel proud of the role she played in preparing her husband for his big night.
As Harry's personal stylist, Y/N had worked tirelessly to create the perfect ensemble for him to wear when he took the stage to perform his latest hit song. As they made their way down the red carpet, cameras flashed and fans screamed Harry's name. But Y/N's attention was focused on their ten year old daughter, Juliet.
She looked beautiful in her little black dress, which Y/N had carefully chosen and accessorized for her. Being able to share this special moment with her family made Y/N feel incredibly grateful.
Once inside, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the grandeur of the event. Everywhere she looked, she saw music legends and industry heavyweights.
But as Harry's performance drew nearer, her focus shifted once again. She made sure that he was looking sharp and feeling confident before he took the stage.
As Harry's performance began, Y/N felt her heart swell with pride. She couldn't believe how far he had come since they first met on the set of The X Factor. Now, here he was, performing at one of the most prestigious music events in the world.
Y/N knew that her role in his success was small but she couldn't be happier to support him in whatever way she could.
When it was Harry's turn to accept an award, Juliet was jumping up and down with excitement. Y/N held her hand tightly as they made their way to the stage, feeling like the proudest wife and mother in the world. Harry gave a heartfelt speech, thanking his fans and family, including Y/N for always keeping him looking sharp. Juliet couldn't stop clapping and cheering for her dad.
Throughout the night, Y/N and Harry were constantly being approached by fans and reporters alike, but they made sure to keep Juliet close and protected from the crowds.
Juliet, on the other hand, thrived on the attention and was more than happy to snap some pictures with fans and even some of the other celebrity kids in attendance.
After the show, Y/N and her family joined the after-party. She mingled with other stylists and industry professionals while Harry and Juliet danced the night away.
As they left the party, Y/N looked back at her family with a sense of contentment. She was proud of everything that they had accomplished together and couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @lomlolivia @b-reads-things
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faintingheroine · 5 months
Look, Emily Brontë may have intended for Heathcliff to be Mr. Earnshaw’s illegitimate child. Maybe I am ignorant. That’s possible. But if I accept this as a fact, it significantly hurts my enjoyment of the book because I feel that it renders Heathcliff’s revenge moot, as I have said years ago:
“The whole story of Wuthering Heights is Heathcliff taking revenge on the power structures that separated him from Catherine. Catherine and Heathcliff were separated because Catherine was the daughter of a propertied man and the potential wife of an another while Heathcliff was a nobody with nothing. Heathcliff takes the properties of both Catherine’s father and her husband, thus taking revenge on the forces that separated them. If the primary cause of their separation was incest and not any sociological or economic reason then the whole plot of Wuthering Heights is meaningless. Incest factor will always be more important than social class. If this theory were true, Heathcliff wouldn’t be unable to be with Catherine because he didn’t own Thrushcross Grange, it would be because he was her brother, so it would be meaningless for him to own Thrushcross Grange as a way of revenge.”
This is my position. It has always been my stance on it. This is the most important thing to me. I enjoy this story primarily as a revenge story and Heathcliff and Catherine being related destroys the purpose and meaning of the revenge in my eyes. For the last couple of days I have really tried to still enjoy Wuthering Heights while accepting Heathcliff as Mr. Earnshaw’s biological son and I simply can’t do it. It fundamentally changes the story in my eyes and makes it something I like much less. I just love Heathcliff being a rando.
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I like angst.
Lucifer learns the heart breaking truth that Lilith lied about Adam. Lucifer had been in love with Adam, the plan of feeding the apple to Adam was actually in the process of planning out fully before Lilith was born as Lucifer wanted Adam to truly understand love. However he cruelly broke Adams heart after Lilith tells him that Adam was abusive and controlling, wanting to dominate Lilith.
Lilith later reveals the truth that Adam was actually frightened of her and avoided her. That the only time Adam was happy was when Lucifer came to visit him and while Lilith could see the two were in love, she wanted more then Eden, she wanted power and Lucifer was her only way out. She saw her chance and took it.
Lucifer: Then why lie? Why tell me Adam was hurting you? Was trying to control and dominate you when he wasn’t?
Lilith: You would have never left Eden otherwise. If Adam didn’t eat the apple, you wouldn’t have given it to me, you wouldn’t have helped me leave Eden.
Lucifer: so it was all a lie?
Lilith: I wanted power. Faking a live partnership between us gave me that.
Lucifer: Then why manipulate me into loving you?
Lilith: You made me the Queen of Hell. That position gave me everything I desired and more. Heaven trembles at the sound of my voice.
Lucifer, shaking his head: I need to talk Adam. I need to apologise and-
Lilith: I don’t think you understand how badly you’ve fucked up and hurt him. I was created as his wife, his equal and you took me away. Eve was his second wife, and you fucked her, feed her the apple and caused Adam to be kicked out of Eden. Adam had bent himself over backwards to keep humanity alive, he earned that spot in heaven whether people accept it or not.
Then as an Angel, he’s forced into the role of the leader of the exterminations, forces to kill all his grandchildren and descendants. All because you refused to talk with Sera after she rejected your little redemption plan. You were able to save Charlie from the exterminations but Adam wasn’t able to save Cain, hardly fair is it?
Lilith sighed: even I have to say that Adam was rather patient with our daughter. She’s very one sighted and ignores other factors. He sat there and listened to her during their first meeting but we both know Adam couldn’t give her the permission she wanted. Charlie’s clueless about Heaven and their rules.
Lucifer stunned: how do you know all this
Lilith smirking: I never wanted to torture Adam as you have. I only wanted more purpose and power, I never intended for him to be hurt so much.
Lucifer souring: you’re a lier and backstabbed
Lilith: takes one to know one, dear. Adam will never forgive you. Heavens refusing to let him come down to hell after what our brat did to him
- Adam never forgives Lucifer. Lucifer is grovelling on his Knees. Lilith returned to reclaim her crown.
Lucifer wouldn't let Lilith reclaim her spot as Queen of Hell now knowing the truth. She can stay in Hell if she wants but she will NEVER rule the land again.
It's not until Adam falls does Lucifer get the chance to attempt to apologize and make amends. And no, Adam never fully forgives him the pain seeded too deep.
Lucifer spends the rest of his afterlife trying to make it up to Adam.
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thezombieprostitute · 18 days
Dragonfly - Part 2
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Summary: Steve has just about everything he could ever want in life. He's got you, a baby on the way, and a successful Family. No one would dare interfere with that. Right?
A/N: Reader is female, pregnant. No other descriptors used.
Word Count: ~1k
Warnings: Death threats, Implied violence, Pregnancy. Please let me know if I missed any!
Part 1 -- Part 3
Series Masterlist
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You’ve been stuck inside the house for days. It’s a beautiful house, you feel comfortable in it, but knowing you can’t leave makes you want out more than ever. You try to distract yourself by cooking and baking whatever it is the baby is craving but that only goes so far. Especially when you can feel Steve’s frustration adding to your own. Something needs to actually be done but, with nothing you can actually do, it’s just building up a lot of frustrated energy for both of you. He can at least use the home gym for some of his energy but all you’re allowed to use in there is the treadmill and it’s just not enough. 
Bucky finally has some news and calls you both into Steve’s office. You vaguely recognize the person with him as God the Bounty Hunter, or GBH as he allows only his closest circle to call him. Steve sets you in the chair behind his desk, the most comfortable one in the office, before sitting on the desk facing the two men. 
“GBH has been able to get an appointment with the person who runs the boards,” Bucky starts. Steve’s fists clench as he grabs the edge of the desk, fighting the urge to punch the faceless person. “It’s at the Cairo Hotel and I’m gonna recommend neither of you is there for it.”
“What?” Steve’s anger is evident in his clenched jaw.
“There are a few factors, Steve,” Bucky raises his hands. “Namely, I don’t think you can control yourself to follow the rules of neutrality at the appointment. We can’t afford to lose Pine’s support.” 
Steve lowers his head in understanding. You get up and gently rub your hand between his shoulder blades, trying to help him keep calm.
“Another factor is my professional standing,” GBH adds. “I have a reputation and clout to uphold. These aren’t the kind of people you want to piss off. Anything happens to Mr. Smith at an appointment with me, I’ll be done for. And not just professionally.”
“GBH assures me that there is procedure for a target to remove their contract or for someone else to do so on their behalf,” Bucky offers. “It’s likely gonna cost a lot, but I know that doesn’t matter.” Steve nods. “Plus, it’ll keep her off of the contract postings for at least five years.”
“But I am highly doubtful anyone will get any information on who posted the contract,” GBH confessed. Steve turned to glare at him but the other man seemed unaffected as he continued, “again, lots of regulation and factors. Namely trust within the business. No one’s gonna post a contract if there’s a chance the target finds out they’re the ones who opened it.”
“Just business, huh,” Steve mocks. 
You hug him from behind, “just getting the hit on me removed would be a major quality of life improvement.” You nuzzle your face against his shoulder. “And maybe we can send one of the Garbage Men to the appointment? They’re good at getting subtext and negotiations, right?”
Steve and Bucky both nod at your assessment. 
“I was planning on just me and God,” Bucky admits. “Would it be acceptable for us to bring a third?” 
GBH contemplates, “it shouldn’t be a problem. The key thing is that it’s at Pine’s establishment and he doesn’t have to worry about someone trying to hurt him in retaliation for doing his job.” 
Steve’s grip on the desk makes his knuckles go white. He hates the idea of his wife’s life or death being a matter of ‘business’. But he knows that’s how it is for everyone outside his circle. It’s the kind of thinking that he’s worked hard to make sure he doesn’t fall into. “Whatever you need to do, do it. I want this contract burnt.”
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It’s finally the day of the contract appointment and you do your best to distract yourself and Steve. He’s always been willing to do whatever you needed but it’s been magnified since your confirmed pregnancy test a few months ago. Thinking it might help both of you to relax a little, you ask him to help you out. 
A foot massage for your swollen feet, keeping his hands busy and his thoughts focused on your moans of pleasure. 
A warm bath to help your muscle aches, keeping his attention focused on your naked body and the temperature of the water. 
Which, of course, led to the two of you in bed so he can properly worship your body. Part of you misses the rougher sex but you understand Steve’s hesitancy. And damn if he doesn’t still make you feel so good you forget your name. 
Steve holds your sleeping form in his arms, gently rubbing your belly. He knows you’ve been trying to distract him and he’s so grateful to you. He’s barely been able to keep from punching walls and checking his phone every five minutes. But taking care of you really helped to settle him. 
He hears the telltale chirp of his phone and moves as carefully as he can so that he doesn’t wake you. The message is from Bucky, Contract burnt. Possible lead thanks to Teach. His shoulders go lax as he finally feels the relief he’s been longing for. 
He returns to his place in the bed, holding you close. You barely wake up, just enough to make yourself comfortable and kiss his neck. It’s not completely safe for you and your baby boy yet. But now that the overarching danger has been taken care of, he can focus on finding and crushing the source. Whoever Dragonfly is, Steve vows they will die in agony by his own hand.
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Part 1 -- Part 3
Series Masterlist
@alicedopey; @aryhyuuga; @cynic-spirit; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @jamneuromain; @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory; @ktficworld; @leryg0; @rayofdawnworld; @rebekahdawkins; @talesofadragon; @texmexdarling
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