#a lot of these also complain about her grammar which is a separate post
libraryspectre · 1 year
I keep thinking of these indignant parent reviews of Junie B. Jones books (there are many, many like this on goodreads)
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(So many of these reviews call her Junie even though the narration makes it VERY clear that she hates when you leave off the B lol)
Anyway I'm shaking these parents by the shoulders. If you only let your kids read books about perfectly well-behaved angels, they'll feel like something is wrong with them when they inevitably fail to live up to your likely unrealistic expectations of their behavior.
Junie B is not a bad kid, she's impulsive and adept at rules-lawyering and has her own internal logic that doesn't make sense to anyone but her. She has a lot of emotions she's not great at dealing with constructively. She often doesn't know what is and isn't appropriate to say to others. All of this is EXTREMELY TYPICAL of a 5-6 year old.
In my experience, kids get it! We've all have bad days where our friends were being annoying, and that one kid antagonized you, and then you got in trouble with the teacher for fighting back and it made you grumpy at your parents when you got home. Kids understand that Junie B's behavior isn't something to purposefully imitate, but they relate to it anyway because, again, it's very normal and kind of inevitable for kids to act like her sometimes.
Junie B is a uniquely well written 5-6 year old, and she's written for an audience around the same age. That's really valuable for young readers! She's really funny, but she's also incredibly relatable, which is honestly kind of hard to find at that age. It wouldn't be as funny OR relatable if she was well-behaved, because kids are just wild like that.
What these parents are depriving their kids of is 1) a character to relate to through the basic struggles of being a young child and 2) a really engaging book that might encourage them to read. And honestly, pretty much anything your kid is excited to read is good.
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fallen-hero · 4 years
Let's talk pacing, because it's a nebulous thing that I think deserves to be talked about more. BUT in order to talk about pacing, we need to talk about structure.
Writing a book is a thing. Most people who start out writing one, never finishes. They get stuck halfway, or they get a better idea, or they run out of steam, and even if they do finish it, they take one look at it and realizes it is not what they wanted and despair.
I get that. I really do. Most of the things that people write are short stories. Why? Because they are short, fast, fun little snippets. They might be a fanfiction filling out an established story, or just a scene that got stuck in your head, or even a carefully structured piece meant for publishing. It's still short. It's in the name. So you write it, check the grammar, maybe send it off to a beta, make sure that the language is good, and that you get across what you want to. Then you're done, publish and move on. The majority of time is spent actually writing, and most of the editing is done on the fly.
Why? Because it is short enough that you can keep everything in mind. It's a song, not an album.
This is what many people try to do with books, treating each chapter as a short story. Write, fix, edit, next chapter. Books... doesn't work that way.
One of my favorite illustrations of this is an author I am following on twitter (V.E Schwab, the structure of Vicious is -chef's kiss-) posting a picture of her and her editor trying to fix her latest (at the time) book before the deadline. The picture was of the floor filled with yellow papers detailing what happened in the scenes, and they kept moving around scenes to find the flow of the book. Because with a book, writing 'the end' is not the end, that is just the beginning. Because only when you've got the text down can you start making sense of the flow. Do you need to add scenes? Remove them? Move them around? These are the parts that are impossible to fix on the fly, because you don't know until you've got the end. It's too big. Too complex. It changes too much from what you've originally planned.
This is why I am so adamant about not fixing grammar or bothering having nice writing until the alpha is done. I don't know if the scenes will stay. I don't know if they need to be rewritten. I can't know.
In Rebirth, the scene where you steal the Rat-King was in a different place, and a lot more simple and dry. It was the part playtesters skipped through to get to the good stuff. I had to move it, rewrite it, add a lot of scenes to it just to make it fit better into the narrative and be fun. I have already done one round of changes to Retribution because I knew they were needed (moving chapters around, adjusting the timeline) but I can't look at it until I'm at the end,
If there is ONE advice I have to ANYBODY out there writing a book is to FINISH it before you start to edit it. Don't go back. Don't fix things. DON'T REWRITE THE START. JUST DON'T. Not until it's done. Otherwise it's wasted work. Take notes, but don't write it.
Just finish the damn book first.
It's taken me a lot of courage letting other people see my unfinished work. It's harder than I pretend, because I'm a perfectionist, but I also know that the end result will be the better for it. So I will suck it up. The biggest issue is that I can fix coding errors, but I CANNOT go and fix the pacing. Not yet. It will just sit there and annoy me, and I have to try to ignore it. It's not easy.
And here we come to the BIG problem with pacing.
It is a nightmare. In a book you have control. Here, the more choices you give people, the less control you have over the pacing.
Let's take a simple book. A is for Action, I is for Interaction, and R is for Romance.
A - I - A - I - A - R - A is a common pacing. A mix of action/plot and character interaction ending in a romance and a climax. No, not that kind of climax, get your mind out of the gutter.
In Rebirth I had a pacing like this, because the Interactions were separate, Ortega for the hero side and the past, Mortum for the villain side and the future. No complications. Simple. Easy to pace. And then we started to add love interests.
A - I - A - Ia/Ib/Ic/Id - A - Ra/Rb/Rc/Rd - A
Not that much more complicated. More alternative scenes, sure, but still straightforward as games go. Talk to person A or B. A lot of games that locks in your romance does this, choose the same interaction to build romance points, enough and you'll get the payoff at the end.
But some of those scenes were so nice, and would also work if you are friends. And I wanted a platonic playtrough as well. It's just that well, the friendship scenes are already there, and you can care about more than one person so why not be able to romance one and be friends with the other?
A - Ia -Ic - A - Ia - Ic - A - Ra - A
And all of a sudden those action/plot scenes are a lot further apart.
But some of those interaction scenes were cool, and kind of plot related things were revealed so maybe everyone should have those not to miss out on content, right? And that also helps with not having to choose one out of five options and feel shut out from the cool things in there for no good reason. In real life, people have time to do more things, right? Not to mention that you need more interactions to do more groundwork for the romance, which some people want to happen right now, and other people draw it out.
A - I - Ib - Ia - A - Ia - I - Ib - A - Ra - A
By now our plot/action A scenes are getting further and further apart... and all of a sudden someone says, well, there's a lot of talking and not much action in this game? Because we can have one playthrough that is:
A - I - Ib - Ia - Ic - A - Ia - I - Ib - A - Ia - Ra - A
because they talk to/wants to romance everyone, while another playthrough is:
A - I - A - I - A - R - A
because they are playing a depressed loner who would rather skip at least two of those I scenes because that would be in character.
And these are the things I'll have to sit and balance. Because there is no canon playtrough. Because some people will want to talk to everyone, and I have to make the decision if I should let them, and risk them complaining that the game is slow and too talky, but if I don't, they might complain that they get cut off from content for no good reason because realistically in the game they would have time.
And on the other hand I have to decide if I should allow people to skip content because it would be in character, and risk players missing out on content, information and maybe even think it was a short and boring game if they only played it once. I made the Lady Argent mind dive optional in Rebirth, and I think it was the right call. I did not make the Ortega argument in the park optional because I wanted that interaction there, though it was against character for some mc's to meet up.
These are the things I have to juggle, in addition to the pacing.
I am taking a big risk with Retribution, but I've allowed myself the possibility of failure, rather than taking control. I am giving the players/readers more variation/control and choices than I had planned. It's going to be very hard getting a decent pacing at the end, for all the varying playthroughs. But I'm gonna try.
We'll see if I'll manage to pull it off.
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elliottcoka · 5 years
My Discord Roleplay Hell
I hate to be this person, but it’s time.
I can’t remember the day anymore. It was a year ago or more, but I joined a Hogwarts Roleplaying server. This server evolved into a new server, as life goes on and changes. I’ve had my ups and downs with the server owner, Lord. As an adult, I didn’t care too much. I genuinely tried to work through our problems & there have been points I thought I’d solved our issues. I can’t even remember most of the issues anymore, but nonetheless, things weren’t solved. This person acted kindly to me while talking badly about me in staff chats. How do I know this? Not only did someone come forward and tell me, but I got to see these messages myself when I became a part of the staff.
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Here we have her accusing me of making an alt to try to, I guess, destroy her relationship. Not only did she edit the screenshots she posted in a STAFF VENT (those are all separate messages from different times in the conversation), but she said she will ruin me if I happen to be an alt that accused her of cheating. What I really asked was why she, her boyfriend, and a new staff member shared a role called “Triforce”. I said “are they together? Or is it some video gaming thing I don’t understand” as I saw they were playing league at the time. (This is paraphrased! Message screenshot is below!!)
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This person has pushed being a monogamist so much in chats before. I’m fine with both monogamists and poly people, but she always said she could never be poly. I was confused about a role. That’s all this was.
She never messaged me to talk. She never told me “I don’t like you, and I don’t feel like things are resolved.” I’ve had multiple talks doing my best to make things better between us. This isn’t the only thing said about me in staff chats. Here’s the rest:
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I suggested a channel for writing help because the people who RP on that server aren’t very advanced. A lot of them struggle with basic grammar so I thought it would help people. Instead, Lord says I’m just bragging. In these messages, the staff members are dragging multiple users (complaining about them), and lord throws my name into it. 
I have more screenshots from the rest of the staff that don’t involve lord, but I’m only going to post as much as Tumblr will allow for this post. I would not include them, however, there are people bashing me who haven’t really interacted with me. She’s made me out to be some awful person just because we have beef. She shit talks people in voice chats as well. She’s raided an old server & got them shut down for CH*LD P*RN! This is all because they “mutinied” her that fateful year ago, & she made a new server.
Why am I making this post??
To warn discord users.
Her HP roleplaying server is the largest one I’ve seen. She has over 1000 members, even though less than half are probably active. She’s bribed the users with house points if they give a good review for the server. And with someone who’s taken down a server under the circumstances she did, I’ve genuinely been scared. She’s had some sort of grudge against me for the longest time, and no matter what I’ve done, I’m still shit on & things won’t be okay. They have a Tumblr. It’s: https://hogwartswnw.tumblr.com/
I want everyone to know how much I HATE drama. I’m not joking when I say I’ve tried to work things out with her so many times, and I felt sick when I saw these messages in the staff chats.
But people need to be warned. I do not want anyone else to join her server, think you can be her friend, and come out unscathed.
I’m attaching all screenshots I can (that I think are most important) in this message. I will reblog with other screenshots. For now, I’m going to list the things I’ve experienced. Unfortunately, I do not have screenshots for it all. I do think the pattern from this person’s behavior is (hopefully) enough for you to believe me.
She shit talks her old server. She calls it Oldwarts. This is the server she sank with false allegations (as far as I’m aware, as someone who worked with her told me). She still mentions it even though the people involved not only lost their server but their accounts as well.
She says she’s LGBTQ friendly, but she added a gender role of “attack helicopter” after a lot of cis (also Straight for the majority) asked for it once gender roles were a thing. When other LGBTQ users confronted her for this, she told them that it was just a joke. Users that asked for the role also told the LGBTQ people coming forward that they needed to take it as a joke. After much backlash, the role was finally removed.
I was in a server she had dedicated to raiding.
She shit talks servers for fun. She will join (it’s important to note that she says she has MANY alts, so I doubt she always joins on her main) and take screenshots to make fun of or belittle servers with others in the server. While she has not encouraged trolling behavior, she has not discouraged it when people have asked to join the “shitty” server.
She shit talks people. She has shared private DMs to talk badly about people. As a server owner, I just don’t think that’s appropriate.
She posts N*FW content in general channels even though she’s not only a m*nor but has a n*fw chat.
Her staff made a server called Oldwarts, mocking the server they hate & destroyed. 
I’m honestly sure there’s more that she does. The point is not to list everything. The point is to warn you of her behavior. As someone who’s managed servers as large as hers, I know a successful server can be run without this. It’s unnecessary and childish.
Please, if you want to join a Harry Potter roleplay server, avoid this one. Because of this server & “Lord”, I’ve been scared to make my own. Remember to be safe on the internet. Don’t share too much info, and keep an eye out for people like this.
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Above are more screenshots of things said about me as well as proof of searching in staff chats for my name and nickname. As you can see, I was on an expel list from someone I didn’t talk to. My character & person had no warnings or strikes, but because I was disliked I was on an expel list. Then, in an editor chat, I’m misgendered even though my nickname has my pronouns in it. I couldn’t include the screenshot, but when called out, “Nord” continued to misgender me. (I bring this up because they say they’re LGBTQ inclusive, but changing pronouns in a MESSAGE you can EDIT isn’t too hard to do). You can also see that the position I applied for gets a trial period in case I’m “troublesome”. Once again, in this server, I have not gotten warnings or strikes for behavior.
These messages are the ones I’d deem most important. There are more, I’ve just reached Tumblrs limit, & I don’t think the other screenshots have as much substance.
If you’ve read this, even skimmed, thank you. It would mean the world to me if you could share this. This is their discord link. Their oldwarts server is linked. They also have a social server which will be linked as well. I am ONLY linking so you can AVOID the server. Please do not send hate to these people.
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flarebossmalva · 5 years
the catghost post, pt. 1 [intro saga]
i said i was gonna talk about catghost, and then it turned into attempting to explain catghost by summarizing it, and then it turned into multiple posts because there’s a lot of material to cover and i want to do a thorough job. watch the intro saga first because this is a good series and you should check it out for yourself before listening to me ramble about it!
CWs for part 1: murder, images of dead bodies / skeletal remains, other disturbing imagery (including a couple jumpscares), one image depicting animal death (it’s near the very end of the post)
Alright, I’m posting with decent grammar so you know it’s serious. If you’re just here looking for a brief overview of the series, here’s my crack at it: CatGhost is a multimedia ARG comprised primarily of YouTube videos and accompanying minigames. It’s ongoing, and I plan to update this post as the series itself updates. On the surface, the videos resemble other YouTube cartoons, following the tried-and-true formula of two characters comically tormenting a third; however, something else is clearly going on below the surface, and it quickly becomes clear that these three are tied together by very dark circumstances. Much of what’s really going on is still unclear, but enough has been revealed that I can talk about it without constantly resorting to pure guesswork.
This is part one, covering the Intro Saga (first three videos and their associated games). Like I said, I wanted to be thorough and if I didn’t split it up into separate posts this would get way too long. It’s already too long.
CatGhost 1, “Birthday,” opens with flames filling the screen, then a ripple effect playing over the title card, which I mention because that’s gonna make a whole lot more sense in a minute. We then see our main cast, Elon (cat), Naarah (ghost), and Gideon (hedgehog). Gideon is asleep and the girls are making fun of him. From their dynamic, it seems Naarah’s pretty young and Elon is sort of a big sister figure to her, which means they’re probably close in age. Gideon is 48; today is allegedly his birthday, though he seems unaware until the girls tell him so. Gideon seems generally confused about whatever’s going on and just wants to go back to sleep, but the girls want to take him out to someplace called “Party Country,” and eventually they end up threatening to curse him if he doesn’t comply. The threat seems pretty real as the girls’ voices turn demonic and their eyes glow. Gideon gives in, though it’s unclear if he even realized he was in any danger. 
Next scene, Gideon is presented with his birthday cake, which is... pretty wonky-looking, to put it gently. Pecking order for the trio gets further established when Naarah intimidates Gideon into saying the cake she made looks fine and seconds later Elon comments that the cake isn’t very good. Naarah defends herself and says that it’s hard to bake a cake without hands, to which Elon sympathizes and says that her paws aren’t much good either. Naarah says “I miss having a body.” The girls were human once, and seem to remember it clearly. Gideon, on the other hand, interjects saying he has no idea what they’re talking about. Whatever circumstances have bound these three together, Gideon seems to be the only one with no awareness of what’s going on.
Party Country turns out to be an arcade cabinet. Gideon is encouraged to play, but he seems completely apathetic about the game (Gideon seems completely apathetic about most things) and dialogue implies he may not even know what a video game is. Naarah calls Gideon “Dad” at one point while she and Elon bully him into playing, a detail which could lead one to guess a major twist way in advance but which I actually never noticed until just now. Gideon gives in and starts playing, declaring that the game (which we can’t see yet) is actually pretty fun, but the girls continue to tell him to play as if they can’t see that he’s already complying. We then cut to the game, which I’ll talk about more below, but suffice it to say that unless your definition of “fun” is all about talking to fucked-up skeleton ladies in some haunted woods, this is not a fun game:
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Afterwards, Gideon wakes and assumes he dreamed the whole thing until he sees the ugly birthday cake Naarah baked. He waves goodbye to the viewer, breaking the fourth wall; an odd thing for a character who shows so little awareness of his surroundings to do.
The game associated with this episode is the same game shown in the episode itself. It’s pretty simple; you play as Gideon and can move left or right through a gloomy-looking pixelated forest. There are two NPCs and a small number of objects to be interacted with, all of which can appear randomly. For now, we’ll focus on the two NPCs. Both are skeletons, and both wear simple dresses of the type peasant girls might wear; one is tinted red, the other tinted blue, with the blue skeleton being notably smaller. When interacted with, the red skeleton will say “It burns! I can’t feel my skin,” or “Trapped like a fly in a jar,” or “I have taken on my new form.” The blue skeleton will say “It’s cold here, I can’t breathe,” or “I have to save him, he waited for me,” or “She lured me into this place.” Is the fire/water motif from the episode’s opening starting to seem relevant? Oh, and there’s more. One game object is a sort of upright stone with a hole cut into it near the top; I’ll be calling this object “Key” as that’s how it identifies itself. Key can be interacted with by typing questions, to which it will give an appropriate answer based on words/phrases it recognizes (like Tool in Petscop, incidentally). If we ask Key certain questions about our main cast, we can learn a lot about the story.
Ask “Who is Elon,” and Key tells you, “Temptress.” Asking the same question about Naarah returns “Proselyte,” while Gideon is “Judge.” If you ask what happened to any of the main cast, you’re told “Vanished.” However, asking for death dates yields results; Elon and Naarah both died in 1650, while Gideon died in 1672. Ask where each of the main three are, and you learn Elon is “In a jar,” Naarah is “Immersed,” and Gideon is “In a dark place.” Given all that, I think we can put the basic setting together:
Elon, Naarah, and Gideon were all human once. They lived during the seventeenth century in what is now the northeastern United States. Naarah must have been a preteen or young teen at the time of her death; Elon was likely a young adult in her late teens when she died, and the pair met their respective fates at or around the same time. Gideon lived into his late forties before dying, which speaks to a life of relative comfort for the time and place, befitting a judge. The animosity between the girls and Gideon seems pretty clear: Gideon sentenced both of them to death for witchcraft. Elon, represented in-game by the red skeleton, was burned at the stake, and her ashes were subsequently stored in a jar. Naarah was drowned by being tied to a chair and immersed in a large body of water (this was a common execution method for suspected witches, and the presence of a chair hanging from a rope in the game supports this); her remains are still underwater. Gideon was most likely given a traditional burial after he passed away of, most likely, natural causes. The wrinkle is that Gideon seems to have been right — Elon and Naarah are witches. Elon (the Temptress) taught Naarah (the Proselyte) the craft. Now all three appear to be stuck in the world of the show, which I guess is some sort of weird limbo, and only Elon and Naarah know what’s going on or who they used to be, probably because they are witches. 
We can also take some more guesses at what might be going on based off the interactions the main cast have with each other. For instance, Elon’s the leader of the group and generally takes charge, but it’s clear that at least some of that confidence is an act and she doesn’t really seem to be pulling the strings here. The two have plenty of reasons to hate Gideon and could easily use their magic to put him through hell, but instead they don’t go beyond pushing him around and making fun of him — Naarah even bakes him a cake, which she complains about the difficulty of doing. This could imply the three have been trapped in the afterlife with each other ever since dying and the girls have finally gotten tired of exacting less petty revenge. It could also mean that deep down they’re fond of Gideon and don’t really want him to come to harm, which is a strange relationship to have with the man who ordered your torture and execution. Later videos will shed further light on the dynamics between the three, but for now we’ll leave it at that.
One more thing before I move on — asking Key any question containing the word “murder” will trigger a jumpscare. Initially, this was of what appears to be Naarah’s corpse, but it’s since been changed (we’ll talk about that change later). Here’s the original jumpscare showing Naarah:
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CatGhost 2, “Knock,” is more straightforward and thus will take me less time to summarize, thank god. Elon and Naarah are telling knock knock jokes. Gideon completely fails to understand the joke, and possibly completely fails to understand the concept of jokes, and the girls get so pissed they put some sort of curse on him and he winds up locked in a dungeon-like room. The door bears a large ornamental mail slot that looks like some sort of gargoyle’s face, with the slot as its mouth. Gideon is instructed to write a knock knock joke that’s actually funny and slide it through the door if he wants to be released. His first attempt is rejected (it doesn’t even have a punchline) and so Gideon tries to think of another. Cut to the words “2 years later” and Gideon’s still trying to write a funny knock knock joke — this series isn’t above the typical cartoon tropes and I love it. He finally comes up with one (Knock knock / Who’s there / Anita / Anita who / Anita get through this door!) and triumphantly slides it into the mail slot, which then grows larger until it takes up nearly the entire door, the “mouth” gaping wide. Gideon stares at it and is seemingly hypnotized. Disturbing images tinted blue and red flash across the screen, before the camera pulls back and Gideon is shown still in a trancelike state as the girls look at him, confused. Naarah says he’s been staring at that door a while, and she and Elon seem mildly concerned, but decide poking him with a stick would be more fun than helping him. Credits roll.
For this episode, much of the worldbuilding is in the form of freeze-frame bonuses and background details, meaning you have to pay close attention to catch everything. When Gideon is teleported to the cell, images flash onscreen showing an inverted cross and the word “EXCRUCIATE,” all tinted red (the color generally associated with Elon), as well as what appear to be human bones and a girl’s face, tinted blue (the color associated with Naarah). In the cell with Gideon is a skeleton, though he seems not to take notice. One wall reads “Wild Partes of the World,” which is a complex reference I won’t attempt to explain in full (the phrase has been quoted and quoted again across multiple books) but in context within the rest of the story refers to early seventeenth-century Virginia, which must be where our main trio lived as humans. Text is shown written in the Theban alphabet, a substitution cipher based on the Latin alphabet and generally associated with witches and occultists. When Gideon is hypnotized by the door, he sees a judge’s podium, a jar (presumably the one containing Elon’s ashes), and a hanging chair (as was used to execute Naarah). Images of graves are shown, inverted and flipped upside down, along with a similarly distorted picture of a row of houses. During the end credits, the background appears to be lava with yellow flashes moving across it; putting all these yellow flashes together results in this image:
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Audio during the intro, when reversed, is of a voice saying “I don’t know. I don’t know where it’s at. I think they’ve been looking for it for a long time, but… sometimes it seems like we’re just never going to find it.”
The accompanying minigame features the door from Gideon’s cell, complete with its ornamental mail slot (browsing the wiki, because of course there’s a wiki and of course that’s how I’m getting images for this post as well as checking for stuff I missed, it seems fans call this the “Horrible Beast door”). The door can be interacted with by knocking on it using tap code; if the right words are input, the game will display a corresponding image.
“Megalith” produces an image of Key, the stone you can question in the previous minigame:
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“Libation” shows Gideon’s unfortunate-looking birthday cake:
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“Trinity” shows the shadows of three people, what appears to be a man and two girls, most likely our main trio:
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“Excruciate” shows what is presumably the stake used during Elon’s execution:
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“Proselyte” shows what must be Naarah’s skeleton, along with the chair she was bound to, laying at the bottom of a body of water:
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CatGhost 3, “Window,” opens by showing that same body of water, although there is no sign of the chair or of Naarah’s remains. We then cut to an outhouse in the show’s typical animated style. Elon is inside, preening, when a noise outside startles her. She checks and discovers a small hand mirror, with Theban writing on it reading “For Elon,” though the text is mirrored and upside down. Elon seems confused and flips the mirror open, whereupon she sees a black-and-white image of a mysterious woman, her face completely in shadow save for her glowing white eyes. When the woman raises her head and makes eye contact with Elon, the cat gets so spooked she drops the mirror and flees. Elon runs back inside, entering via the Horrible Beast door, and is greeted by Naarah, who’s acting suspiciously and asks if Elon saw anything interesting outside. When she’s asked point blank if she’s the one who left the mirror there, Naarah denies it and blames Gideon, and even though it seems obvious that she’s lying, Elon doesn’t question her further. She confronts Gideon, who is chopping wood and seems enthusiastic for once, and tells him — I’m only paraphrasing slightly here — not to use witchcraft to fuck with a witch, or else [colorful threat omitted for brevity’s sake]. At the end of this rant, she briefly shapeshifts into some sort of demonic chimera, with a snakelike body, horns, and quite a lot of teeth. Gideon, who as usual has no idea what she’s on about, is suitably terrified.
Elon, back to her regular form, goes back inside and picks up what appears to be a crayon drawing of a blue girl hugging a taller red girl, accompanied by Theban that reads “From: Naarah, To: bestest best friend.” We can presume Naarah is the blue girl and Elon is the red girl, of course, but of interest is the small form next to the house in the background. It looks like it could be a dog, and, given later events, it almost certainly is a dog.
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The drawing had been resting on a large object covered with a cloth, and Elon, curious, pulls the cloth free. Underneath are three mirrors, angled so they all face towards her, and the strange woman from earlier (some fans call her “the Watcher,” which I’ll go with for now) is reflected in each one. Elon is frozen in place as the three Watchers advance towards her, and she begins to cry. The Watcher points a finger (from here on there seems to be only one of her, not three) and Elon begins levitating as the background glitches out. She’s tugged towards the Watcher, and when the outstretched finger touches her forehead, the screen goes white.
Then we’re back to the pixel graphics from the first minigame, in the same dark woods as before, but Elon and Naarah aren’t skeletons — they’re living girls. Elon is pale, with long red hair and blue eyes; Naarah is quite a bit smaller, with brown skin and dark blue-tinged hair in pigtails. Interestingly, Elon wears a blue dress and Naarah’s dress is red, despite their typical color associations. Elon stands over a crying Naarah, her expression sullen. After a few seconds, the credits roll.
This time, the “minigame” just shows a static image of a mirror. Well, almost static — the clock resting on the dresser below the mirror moves in real time, matching the time set on the player’s computer. At exactly three AM system time, the Watcher appears in the mirror, which is then overtaken by static, and the scene changes to Elon and Naarah as we saw them during the end of the last video. Initially, it seems to be the same as before, with Elon standing over Naarah as she cries, but this time there’s dialogue. Here, have a transcript I stole from the wiki because it was easier than typing it up again myself:
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After this, the mirror becomes static once more; if you wait three minutes, this image displays for a single frame before the game closes:
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So, yeah, I think it’s safe to say that’s a dog in Naarah’s drawing. This also seems to explain why she’s crying in the scene we just saw. Why the dog was killed (sacrificed on an alter, looks like) is a mystery I’ll tackle when we cover the later sagas.
Also, in the interest of equality, this time it’s Elon who jumpscares you if you type “murder.” Typing doesn’t do anything else in this game, though.
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That concludes the Intro Saga! This post is already really long and I’m not going to bother giving closing thoughts at this point especially considering the series is still ongoing. Stay tuned for the next installment, coming whenever I get around to it!
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aja154ever · 6 years
BSD Dead Apple Spoilers
There is nothing here but MAJOR MAJOR spoilers, as in the plot summary, in detail as much as possible. Some points are already on @looking-for-stray-dogs post so I decided not to delve into them anymore. ((Gosh Lea and I talked about this for probably more than 2 hrs, making notes and the outline lol, until the restaurant finally told us to go home))
You’ve been warned so if you don’t want any of that, then don’t read this post. Also this is a fan report and is not 100% accurate. Bear with my human memory ability
Also, excuse my grammar, I can’t English damn it I’m tired
Bias - ofc everyone has their own. I have favorites so I might have focused more on some characters, but I did try to report this as objectively as I can. I put comments/feelings tho in some parts I found hard to narrate/describe like action scenes. And yes, I’m a Soukoku shipper but I tried to keep it low here, I’ll make a separate post for them for the sake of people who don’t want to read too much feels here. Also, my Japanese is far from perfect so I may have missed some or a lot of details, especially with Fyodor, Shibusawa, Fukuzawa, and Chuuya’s language.
Lastly, PLEASE DO SUPPORT THE MOVIE in any possible legal way you can. I’ve felt how much the staff put so much work on this movie, how they love it so much, and how they present it as a gift to everyone. The BSD fandom is not big, but we have been blessed to actually have this, because Asagiri believes we deserve more than a compilation film, and because Kadokawa and Bones are willing to produce this thing.
If it will be showing in your country, please, please do make sure to watch it. If not, then please buy official goods. And yeah do continue bugging Crunchyroll or anyone else
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Actual Toho Cinemas, Ueno as seen from the Port Mafia Family Official art
So the movie will make you cry just by the first scene because the first character to appear on the big screen was… Odasaku.
It’s the event from 6 years ago, specifically the night before the end of the 88-day Dragon Head Dispute. Oda looks at the mess before him - dead ability users lying on the ground anywhere he looked. He hears a cry out of the blue, and goes to discover an alive child crying in the middle of her dead parents. The girl is Sakura, one of the orphans in the Dark era.
Dazai communicates with Oda thru a transmitter warning him to get away from where he is because it’ll be soon dangerous there.
Chuuya arrives on the scene, driving his motorcycle, when one of the enemies appears and chases him with an ability akin to lightning. So Chuuya gracefully maneuvers his motor around the building walls with his ability. He finally reaches the enemy’s base where Dazai is held hostage. Dazai complains that Chuuya is five minutes late, then goes to kick the enemy who’s pointing a gun at his head He also gets himself free from the shackles without any help. Soukoku starts bickering but Dazai says that the one Chuuya will kill isn’t him. The enemy surrounds them, 
C: The garbage is piling up.
D: Hurry up and finish this.
Chuuya activates his ability and then there’s an explosion after, then cuts to the scene where Soukoku just walks away like nothing (RIP Chuuya bike)
Note: He didn’t use Corruption nor did he touch anyone, but apparently For the Tainted Sorrow also works that way.
Soukoku then found Shibusawa who was tediously chanting, “I will obtain it, I will not”, repeatedly while seemingly counting gemstones. He says there is something he wants but even with all the people who got killed, he still couldn’t get a hold of it or they couldn’t give him what he wants.
Chuuya angrily scowls, “Bring back my comrades.”
Shibusawa just shrugs saying that they all committed suicide, and boring people are still boring even on the point of dying. To this, Chuuya gets very angry because it’s as if his men died for nothing. Red marks start to appear on his skin, signaling Corruption getting activated but he didn’t have to say the chant. He told Dazai not to stop him, and so Dazai just backs off, “Oh, Corruption, huh?”
Then explosion again, and so we didn’t know what happened after. Beautiful Fyodor is seen on top of a building commenting that they’re having so much fun.
BSD Opening - Deadly drive YEESSSS anyway the graphics are soooo good and beautiful
Back to present time
Atsushi goes to find Dazai on a graveyard, sitting on the back of a tombstone, his head lying on top of it. Atsushi comments that it’s his first time seeing Dazai visiting/paying respect to a grave so he assumes that the person is someone important to Dazai. The tombstone is then revealed to be labeled, “S. ODA” Flashback to the Dark era scene of Oda dying when he advises Dazai to go to the side that saves people. ((Ok I didn’t need a flashback of this scene on a big screen damn it my poor heart))
Innocent Atsushi: By any chance, is it the person Dazai-san likes?
D: If it’s a girl that I liked, then I could’ve gone on a double suicide with her.
A: Ah, yeah, if it’s Dazai-san that would be it.
D: Did you say something?
A: Ah, no, nothing.
D: It was my friend. The one responsible for me quitting the Mafia and joining the Agency. If not for him, then maybe I’d still be in the Mafia killing people up to now. Anyway, Kunikida sent you to look for me, right?
A: Yes. There’ll be an important meeting today.
D: Pa-ss. I just found a new method to commit suicide and will go try it.
A: Eh? Again?
ADA Meeting
Kunikida explains the mysterious case of ability users dying of their own abilities around the world (as seen in the PV)
The person behind it is revealed to be Shibusawa Tatsuhiko, who is now starting to move in Yokohama. Something struck Atsushi when he sees Shibusawa’s photo and hears his name - he sees a closed door somewhere in his mind, but chooses to ignore it knowing nothing at the moment.
Fukuzawa orders the Agency to do everything to stop this/Shibusawa.
After that, Kunikida and Tanizaki is seen on the Port going out to meet someone. Worried Tanizaki talks about the ability users’ suicide incident, then they see the man they’re supposed to meet lying on the ground, already dead as Kunikida checked his pulse. On the crime scene, they discovered a knife stabbed on an apple.
Bar Lupin
Dazai sits on the bar alone with two glasses, one for him, and one with the flower on it. “Today what will we toast for?” He reminisces about a time when he talks with Oda about “apple suicide” cases. Oda doesn’t know about it then he guesses it’s like from Cinderella. And Dazai was just like, “Ow, I didn’t expect that answer. Odasaku is really interesting.” He then remembers the poisoned apple story of Snow White, and proceeds to consider that Snow White’s case was actually a suicide. snow white could’ve known that the apple is poisoned but she still took it anyway. Dazai then shares that he actually found an interesting ability user recently who’s making people commit apple suicides. He says that suicide getting popular in Yokohama would be great, with a lovely smile on his face. Odasaku comments that Dazai is indeed interesting. Dazai replies, “Not as much as you.”
Back to the present, Dazai says that Odasaku is actually right, that the side that saves people is indeed better… if only one would continue living. Then he swallows the pill.
“Well then, I’ll go for now, Odasaku.”
He leaves the drinks on the counter untouched, and leaves the bar, a stabbed apple revealed on the counter.
Outside the bar Ango appears to capture Dazai, saying that the one who called Shibusawa to go to Yokohama is Dazai. Dazai smirks (the Mafia smirk), “Do you think you can actually capture me?” Shibusawa shadow appears on Ango’s back and then the Mist (as seen in the PV).
ADA Dorm
Atsushi dreams of the door he saw earlier and a strange mist appearing, then he wakes up.
Kyouka goes to check on him (they’re actually sleeping in one room with Kyouka on the futon while Atsushi inside the closet (smth like Doraemon).
When they opened the window, they discovered that the mist is already spreading. They head to the Agency Office as Kyouka demanded over anxious Atsushi.
On the way
They discovered that the whole city is in a mess, cars everywhere on the streets, but no signs of people, as if everyone disappeared.
Kyouka sensed a strong bloodlust and when they looked for it, they found the white tiger. they called their abilities but to their surprise, they did not activate and so they ran for their lives. Atsushi trips on something, which is then revealed to be Kunikida, injured by a shot on his side. Kunikida says that he found out the cause of the suicide cases. But first, they managed to escape from the tiger.
Kunikida then explains that he got hit by his own ability, and that ability users did not commit suicide rather they got killed by their own abilities. Demon Snow appears all of a sudden chasing them. Kyouka manages to get them a car and they drove all the way to the Agency Office.
Agency Office
Kunikida reveals a communication device beneath the floor under the President’s table, which connects them to Ango. Ango explains the situation, revealing the castle where Shibusawa is supposedly in, and adds that Dazai is also there. He entrusts the agency the mission to capture Shibusawa and that he will not question whatever methods they use. Communication gets cut off. Kunikida’s ability arrives to wreak havoc at the Agency. Kunikida gives Atsushi a weapon while Kyouka refuses since she has her sword. Kunikida tells them to run away while he goes to fight his own Ability.
It was also shown here that the other Agency members are fighting their own Abilities. Kenji’s ability is throwing him cars and hitting him with the street signs, Tanizaki being strangled by Light Snow from behind, Yosano fighting with her big weapon and Fukuzawa sword fighting.
Special Ability Department
Ango commands his subordinate to call Ability user 5058 telling him to return his debt.
White trio in the castle
First scene revealing that this three are “working together” but they all know from the start that they do not trust one another. Interesting exchanges.
More on Lea’s post
Back on the Streets
Kyouka and Atsushi are in the car again. Atsushi’s worrying about a lot of things, but Kyouka is calm and tells him to focus on the mission at hand. Atsushi believes that capturing Shibusawa is enough, because no matter how bad someone is, there is no need to kill.
Demon Snow then appears, slicing the car roof, and so Kyouka and Atsushi ran off again. Kyouka fights Demon Snow with her sword. Atsushi tries shooting but fails to do so in time with the gun safety. Out of nowhere, Akutagawa gets thrown into the situation (like literally), stopping Demon Snow in the process. The three were then faced with their respective Abilities.
Rashomon and the tiger end up fighting anyway, so they used the chance to escape. Kyouka fights against Demon Snow, while instructing the two to enter a Mafia secret passage somewhere nearby. Atsushi hesitates to go with Aku, but Kyouka insists that he go. Atsushi complies.
They entered the elevator in time before Demon Snow catches up. Aku explains that not even the mist can get through that elevator. They then shared information. Aku says that the way to have their ability back is to beat their own. They also learned that they have the same motive: Shibusawa Tatsuhiko. Aku says that he will kill him, because there is no other way to save Yokohama. Atsushi argues that the Agency doesn’t do such kind of job. Aku says that Kyouka can understand the situation they are in. Kyouka defends that the Agency and the Mafia have different ways of killing.
revealing that Dazai went to the enemy’s side out of own will. Atsushi refuses to believe, “Dazai-san will not do such a thing!” But Aku says that that Dazai is also the one who was part of the Mafia before but abandoned it. “I will be the one to kill Dazai-san.” “I won’t let you do that! *points gun at Aku*” Elevator stops and opens. Aku gets out, while Atsushi says that they will not follow him. But Kyouka demands that they do, so they did.
White Trio - Draconia
Shibusawa presents Draconia to Fyodor and Dazai, his collection of abilities in crystal forms. (Again refer to Lea’s post with the nyaaa and the “do you have friends” lol))
Shibusawa: Do you think there is a single person out there who can beat his own ability?
Fight against their abilities
Atsushi, Aku, and Kyouka fight their abilities separately. The fight with Rashomon was particularly impressive to me, showing how Aku knows his ability well, and how good he is at making strategies. For Kyouka’s fight, refer to Lea’s post again. ((Anyway Kyouka’s mom is a goddess OMG)) Atsushi had to help Kyouka in the middle because she was emotionally hit and needed a second to get a hold of herself, before she beats the Demon Snow in a bad-ass way yayy. Atsushi then somehow beats his own ability too. Anyway the way to beat the ability is to crush the crystal, which is most of the time found on the ability’s forehead. Aku and Kyouka got their abilities back, but Atsushi doesn’t even when he already beat it. “Why?” “Fool! You still don’t know??” “Akutagawa! What do you mean by that?” But Aku doesn’t tell him. Kyouka tells Atsushi to stay there and take a rest as she goes to fulfill their mission.
Special Ability Department
Agent 5158 revealed to be Chuuya. Ango and Chuuya talked about paying debts with Chuuya arguing that it is Ango who has a debt. It’s about what happened 6 years ago. Shibusawa was an important ability user so the government spared his life to be used for something (I didn’t understand), but Ango defends that it’s all for the city’s sake/peace. Chuuya gets angry (well he’s been angry since earlier), and lifts Ango on his collar saying that if not for what happened then his comrades, particularly 6 men, would have still been alive. At the end of the day though, Chuuya accepts Ango’s request to help them in the current situation. In exchange, he will have Ango’s life.
White Trio - Betrayal scenes
Again refer to Lea’s post. This is indeed the start of the movie’s climax - Dazai “dies”,  revelation of Shibusawa’s story, and the ever-beautiful Crime and Punishment scene (which unfortunately I didn’t understand for the most part omg Fyodor)
Shibusawa and Atsushi
Atsushi faces the door earlier, the one that flashed on his mind when mentioned about Shibusawa. When he was able to open it, his memories came to him. Shibusawa also remembers at the time being, as Fyodor sliced his throat and he remembers that dying was a familiar feeling to him. They both watch the scene unfold before them.
Inside the room was a young Atsushi tied on a chair. Shibusawa wants to obtain Atsushi’s ability, because there’s something special about it, but he couldn’t get it in a normal way that he did with everyone. He electrocutes him, until Atsushi’s ability in the form of crystal gets out of his body. However, before Shibusawa could get a hold of it, the tiger goes berserk and manages to free himself then eats the crystal. He then kills Shibusawa with his nails scratching his face.
So yeah, Shibusawa actually died some years ago. When that happened is something we do not know. But his ability still continued to live on so he was risen from the dead (by Fyodor?) Anyway, the skull on top of the apples is actually Shibusawa’s.
Dragon Appears
The dragon was formed from the vortex earlier (white trio scene on Lea’s post), and something that Fyodor did with the Crime and Punishment thing, and then “dead” Dazai also joins the vortex. For your imagination, the Dragon is something that resembles Shenron of Dragon Ball Z. So yeah it’s really big, but this one is red-orange in color.
Dragon vs Chuuya
Chuuya is seen heading out of a plane to go and fight the dragon. Chuuya starts removing his gloves. ((Okay this is no way in verbatim))
Ango: Chuuya-kun, are you sure about this? You still haven’t gotten the end of the deal about my life
Chuuya: Don’t think too highly of yourself
A: Dazai-kun is nowhere to be found. You understand what this means
C: That stupid Dazai is there. I’m sure of that. And I’d feel bad if I don’t go punch him
Tsujimura also appears from the back of the plane, stopping Chuuya.
T: This is impossible. Ability users are humans, the one you’re facing against is a monster!
C: That isn’t a reason to get scared and back out. Do you know of a time to get scared and back out?
T: I don’t.
C: Never. There’s never a time.
Then he jumps off the plane, activating Corruption with the chant.
Okay. Okay. I can’t breathe lol. Here goes bias reporting because this scene is just so fantastically spectacular in a magnificent way wth my adjectives don’t give justice. But I honestly felt like the proudest person on earth because finally Chuuya gets the screen time he deserves. A hero, willing to die to save the city. I’ve always loved Bones’ animation and graphics with BSD and srsly this scene WHOA. Also lots of screaming from Taniyama Kishou yassss
The dragon threw fire from its mouth while Chuuya threw rocks and blackholes. And when they faced head-on, Chuuya hit the dragon’s head repeatedly with a whole building, damn it gravity manipulation is such a coooooool ability. Chuuya shoves the whole building into the Dragon’s mouth and he goes inside along with it. One final beautiful scream and Corruption finally destroys the whole dragon.
The Soukoku scene
It is then revealed that Dazai was inside the Dragon. Chuuya found him and he did punch him (he’s still in Corruption form and was basically growling at Dazai). Chuuya was already coughing out blood though. They were floating and falling from the sky now. Dazai who was supposedly dead got awoken by Chuuya’s punch, and the pill he took earlier, which is apparently an antidote against the poison from the knife, was on his mouth and then it took effect. 
So Dazai was alive and saw Chuuya before him so he reached for him, touching Chuuya’s cheek to nullify Corruption.
Dazai: You believed in me and used Corruption? I’m so touched I could cry.
Chuuya: Yeah, I did. I believed in your cunning schemes and shitty inability to die.
Dazai: Isn’t your way of waking up Snow White a bit violent?
Chuuya: Shut up. You’re the one who anticipated getting punched by putting that antidote in your mouth.
Then they finally fell on the ground. Dazai fell with his butt first, basically sitting on the ground, then Chuuya falls in between Dazai’s legs with his face a few inches away from Dazai’s right thigh. Dazai is holding the back of Chuuya’s head and Chuuya complains, “Let go!” but Dazai said, “Don’t move”, because the enemy is still out there somewhere. They bickered some more, until Chuuya finally lost his consciousness, head falling on Dazai. Dazai stays still, saying that he has predicted everything that would happen up to that point. But it will most likely just be the start from here on. But it is their turn now.
The Last Battle - Shibusawa vs Atsushi + Aku + Kyouka
Fyodor places a crystal on Shibusawa’s skull which then resurrects him again, and he’s in a monster-like form now. Aku appears in front of him, revealing that he’s an ability user who was able to regain his ability. Shibu is quite impressed. Kyouka then appears next. 
Sometime there Agatha Christie also appears telling Ango via a transmitter that she sent troops to assist in the battle
Kyouka claims that Aku and she aren’t the only ones who were able to win against their abilities. Fukuzawa and Mori are shown somewhere in Yokohama fighting their own abilities. Mori is getting frustrated because cute Elise is fighting him. “What a coincidence, Mori-sensei,” Fukuzawa says when they meet back-to-back against their abilities. One single move after, Fukuzawa slashes Elise’s crystal while Mori shoots the crystal on Fukuzawa’s personified ability. So basically, they beat each other’s abilities. ((Hmm, so apparently it’s fine even if you’re not the one who beat your own))
Back to Atsushi, who is still trying to come to terms with himself and the tiger. He was feeling bad about using his claws to kill Shibu. The tiger appears behind him. He realizes that no matter what he does, where he goes, the tiger always follows him. He thinks that it is akin to his heart that keeps beating without stopping. He comes to realize that the tiger is not his ability, but his strong will to continue living. He then calls on the tiger to come to him.
Meanwhile Aku and Kyouka were having a hard time battling against Shibu, until Atsushi appears out of nowhere, transformed in half-tiger state. Shibu is glad saying, “Will you kill me again, Nakajima Atsushi-kun?” Kyouka is shocked at what she heard. Atsushi only responds, “I just have to bring back a thing where it’s supposed to be.” The three fight against Shibusawa, and they conclude that they have to join forces to be able to beat him. Sometime in the middle, Demon Snow gets beaten and disappears, and didn’t appear again when Kyouka called again. In their last attack, Atsushi encourages her to pull herself together and believe that the Demon Snow that she doesn’t want to hate will surely respond to her feelings.She calls on to her ability again and it did appear, pinning Shibusawa on the ground with the sword. Atsushi calls Aku, and Aku yells, “Don’t order me around!” Rashomon makes a big sphere where Shibusawa and Atsushi get trapped to battle (for Shibu not to escape). Atsushi hits Shibu quickly and repeatedly, and while it is clear that he gets hurt, he manages to use his ability to try to collect Atsushi’s ability. The crystal came out of Atsushi, but before Shibu could reach it, Atsushi grabs it shouting, “This is not my ability. This is me!” Atsushi gives the final blows, and Shibu concludes that he finally realizes the reason why he still existed, the reason why he met Atsushi, and what Dazai meant when he said he needs saving. And so it was Atsushi who is the angel who finally saves him. Atsushi crushes his skull and so Shibusawa finally dies, for real.
The sun rises. Dazai appears from behind and tries to explain, but Atsushi cuts him off saying that Dazai is only trying to save the city.
D: Do you see me as a good person who’d actually do that?
Innocent Atsushi: I do.
Kyouka: Are you really okay with what happened? (killing Shibusawa)
A: Yes. I am proud that we were able to protect the city, and being able to live on with Kyouka-chan and everyone, that is so much more wonderful. (as per Lea’s post, this is exactly in reference to Oda’s words)
The Agency members also appear to reunite with them and Atsushi is happy.
A: I see, everyone looks fine.
D: Of course, We’re the Armed Detective Agency after all.
Meanwhile, Chuuya is sitting somewhere in the ruins and sees Akutagawa who just looks at him. He tells him that if he’s looking for Dazai then the bastard is fine. Aku just bows and starts to walk away. Chuuya calls him smiling, “Lend me a shoulder!”
Fyodor - on top of a building again, like the god that he is just watching everything play out in his hands. He mentions that this is just for entertainment, and he really should get hold of The Book.
The following day/s
Mori and Chuuya talk about the past events and Chuuya asks if Mori knows anything about it. Mori just says that if Dazai is on the move, he thinks he would need Chuuya’s power. And it’s an advanced payment for the Mafia and they would just have to wait for the repayment later. Mori tells him, “Thank you for your hard work”, but Chuuya says he doesn’t need it because the boss’ order is his job anyway.
Back at the Agency Office, everyday life seems back to normal and we can hear Kunikida’s whines, and so Dazai goes to call him the Agency mom.
Kyouka and Atsushi are off to a new mission and everyone sends them off.
Okay that’s it. It’s 5AM WTH I need to sleep. This is probably the longest post I ever made for BSD oh my gosh. Sorry if this got confusing and boring somewhere, but I’ll just make other posts in the next days to come. 
Hit me with asks, tho I’m not sure if I can adequately respond to them in time! 
Otsukaresama deshita, myself. Oh the things I do for BSD. 
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internethorrorfan · 5 years
Commentarypasta: Jana the Killer (origionally posted on Deviantart in 2017)
So while I take time off from riffing Childhood to recover from the severe mental scarring, I thought it'd be fun to spotlight the perennial thorn in the side of any true creepypasta fan: Jeff the Killer rip off OC stories. Submitted for the approval of the midnight society, I call this story: Jana the Killer by someone I don't know: Me, Nina, Oh here we go. Liu, and Jeff are brother and sisters We're literally one line into this and we're already hitting the "my OC is related to a popular character!" cliché. .....beautiful brown haired and blue eyed babies Were any of these characters ever described as having "brown hair and blue eyes"? Also where's the context to this line? .....It all started a long time ago.....before I went INSANE Look out guys we got a real BADASS ON OUR HANDS BECAUSE THEY USE ALL CAPS! .....we were babies... Which means you don't remember a single thing about your siblings. back then we were so happy and Cheerful. I'll never forget how much we did together Yes you did because you were babies. but then... Is William Shatner narrating this story? What's with all the ellipsis? We're only in the second sentence, folks. for a unknown reason are family got taken apart... Really? That's all the explanation we're going to get? "For an unknown reason"? Families don't just get separated for no reason at all. Jeff and Liu stayed together When multiple children are put up for adoption ...but me and Nina Why was Nina ever popular? when to different families. "When" to different families? You don't have to use the first draft, you know. But the family I went to was a abusive one Of course it was an abusive one! It's always an abusive one! All abuse victims become psychotic killers who murder innocent people for fun  .......When I was 15 they took me to a some high school where I made a bunch of friends. How dare they let you go to a school where you have a bunch of friends! The nerve of those people! You might as well be listening to Simple Plan as you complain about getting the wrong sports car for your birthday. There also were these Girls that would bully me.... Because every Jeff wannabe is bullied. I would of stopped them but they had knives What is up with these kinds of stories and people getting ludicrously easy access to weapons they shouldn't be able to? I mean, 12 year olds carrying guns, high school students wielding knives, hell I wouldn't be surprised if one of these "killer' stories had 3 year olds carrying rocket launchers. I mean, why not? Childhood taught me 3 year olds were the smartest beings on Earth. No I'm not letting that go! ....and I felt if I tried to stop them they would Kill me Tell a teacher or principal to call the police. Idiot. .....HAHAH BUT IT WAS THE OTHER WAY AROUND. They killed themselves because you didn't try to stop them? Later that day Later what day? we had to go home early. No one knew why but we did Because reasons for things happening are apparently nonexistent in this reality. .....After the normal bus ride home. I noticed something.....different. Good God putting a million ellipsis in your story doesn't enhance it or make it more dramatic in anyway! Something was in my room at my house, as I walked toward my room I heard a voice more Like a whisper it said "She's coming..HIDE!!" Then they jumped out and said "Surprise! Happy birthday"! This is when I rushed to my bedroom door to find the window opened and my floor.......covered in a clear liquid........Out of curiosity I sniffed the liquid....turns out the liquid wasn't what I thought It was What did you think it was? Would it kill this story to go into any detail about literally anything? .......it was gasoline. You couldn't tell it was gasoline from the smell? I looked though the window to find to jerks What jerks? Do you mean the girls with knives you were talking about earlier? standing there with a lighter in their hands. They flicked on the lighters and threw them at my house. I'd ask for the reason why 2 people decided to burn down Jana's house but I know I'm getting one. Before I knew it my house burst in flames. That escalated quickly. The jerks ran away...Later a girl that looked familiar to showed up my doorstep with a fire extinguisher in her hand. Unfortunately it was hours too late and Jana was burnt to a crisp along with her house. Luckily for me my front door was opened. It turned out that she had called a ambulance before she came to my house. Why would she call an ambulance before getting a fire extinguisher and putting the fire out herself? The girl put out most of the fire then she took one glance at me........then she just fainted. Oh hi Jane Arkensaw! I don't remember much at the hospital but the day when I my bandages off Oh by the way I went to the hospital and had bandages put on me. Completely unlike any other character called 'the killer". I was shocked at myself I said "M-my skin....m-my hair......what the hell happened to me." Skin was white like snow....My hair was pure Black..... Remember kids, fire doesn't burn you or melt your skin, it just turns you into the average Hot Topic customer.  I remember nothing else but I will tell you how I became insane. How can you tell a story you don't remember? Plus, call me crazy, but I highly doubt the esteemed author of "Jana the Killer" knew how insanity worked. It was just a week after accident the girl that saved came to my house. Which she did because... she said "Hello? Is anybody here?" I replied and said "We are upstairs. Come join us."  She Walked up stairs to me and no one else because they were behind me in a messy pile, blood dripped everywhere. A "messy pile"? As apposed to what, a neat and tidy pile of freshly stabbed corpses? I killed them. Thanks couldn't have put that together myself. The girl was in shock "D-Did you do that?" She said in a scared voice "Yes..and What is your name?" "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die". "N-Nina. Nina W-Woods." I replied Since when the hell was Nina ever related to Jeff? Wasn't she in love with him or something in the story? And, wait, you replied? As in, Jana replied? Is Jana the one saying she's Nina? Who is talking right now?  looking like a psychopath. So you looked like a completely normal person? Psychopathic personality disorder isn't exactly known for being visual. she stared at my face. I stared right back at her with tears coming down cheaks."W-Wait are you by any chance Jana Woods?"  she asked with tears starting down her face. "I am Jana Woods*I replied. Nina hugged me "I missed you my sister" You were mere infants the last time you saw each other, there's no way you two should have any memories of the other person! she cried in my shoulder and I cried in hers. Then Nina grab my arm and said "We must leave. I don't wanna see my sister in Jail." That's rich coming from a serial killer. We left my house. That's all I remember...... Who said you forgot anything? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well that was a whole lot of nothing. The grammar's bad, the story uses way too many ellipsis and we don't know anything about Jana as a character or anything about her personality. Plus things constantly get brought up and never mentioned again. Her adoptive family being abusive, her making lots of friends at school, her being bullied by girls with knives, hell Jana being Jeff and Liu's sister are never mentioned again after being first introduced. I'd say there seemed like very little motivation for Jana to become a murderer but I don't know, maybe there was! The story sure didn't tell me. There's at least one thing I can say in it's favor however: it's short which means it's infinitely better than Childhood.
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perfectackeracy · 7 years
Shingeki no Kyojin chapter 97 review (+ theories)
What a chapter!
This one packs several points of view and not just Reiner’s. In fact, Reiner’s occupied a good half of the chapter and even then, it was divided into several segments. This one is so content heavy it’s going to be hard to make a brief post. But at least the quality was overall better than last month.
This chapter closed the flashbacks of Reiner, Bertolt and Annie infiltrating the walls till Trost’s attack and introduced the main actor of the Liberio festival: the head of the Tybur clan, Willy Tybur. In the meantime, Falco met that strange amputee who revealed himself to be Eren under a fake name, further leading to the possibility of a scenario where the world declaration is going to get sabotaged, making it the most explosive moment of Marley arc. With chapter 98 being the last chapter of volume 24, either something big ought to happen or mark the beginning of a new sub-arc.
While I’m having an idea of what might happen in the future, the picture isn’t exactly clear in my mind, knowing there’s new plot holes that need to be resolved: the ones I addressed in the past and the new ones opening themselves in this chapter.
Follow me under the cut!
Before Wall Rose gets breached
Reiner’s suicide attempt
Eren and Falco
Willy Tybur
What next?
Starting with a short WTF CR: all those grammar mistakes. Looks like they’re rushing their translation as always. Good think Kodansha checks the panels.
Before Wall Rose gets breached
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The plan aiming to breach Wall Rose - Ch. 97
The chapter starts with Annie, at 16, gathering intel from her nights in the capital. Despite joining the training ground, she never stopped collecting information. That explains the slacker attitude she put up during training and furthermore her annoyance over Reiner, since she’s the one collecting what Marley needs while Reiner and Bertolt do buddy-buddy with the trainees. Combined to the military training, Annie does the double of the work.
Last chapter showed she was the only one to enter the capital. @plain-dude’s correction here clarified it was because she could enter it as the Female Titan, implying she didn’t take the classical route. This chapter confirms she goes through sewers to find a path. That must be tiresome when it goes on 5 years, while smashing the gates only takes a couple of minutes.
Annie also experienced her second Ackerterror. Despite escaping Kenny, she still fears what he might do to her in the future. She further adds it’s because of Kenny she’d rather keep her distances within the MP. Even when Eren was revealed to be their target, she still picked the MP as her branch. Probably because she couldn’t stand Reiner’s warrior motto anymore, and she was getting used to the interior, her element. This chapter nails Annie as this character who keep pushing everything away so she can retreat herself in a safer position, from Reiner’s direction against Marley’s trial, the interior against the training grounds and the SL, to the crystal against death and torture by Paradis’ forces.  
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Annie and Reiner’s relationship - Ch. 97
Annie and Reiner’s relationship is still as sour as ever. I wonder if Reiner being harsh with his words doesn’t come as a payback for how Annie almost broke his face and spirit. One thing is sure, she only told him to keep his distances. Not even cooperation brought them close, but Reiner did apologize for his behavior and Annie warned him about his new friends dying under the assault, just in case.
P.S.: No matter how much you look at it, their interaction was golden:
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Annie’s terrible sense of humor - Ch. 97
You also have Bertolt looking at them in the background, probably wanting the two of them to stop fighting but not knowing what to do. The conflict between the two of them makes him uneasy and was powerless from the start to stop them.
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“The Hanged Man“ - Ch. 97
And Bertolt is the one with seer superpowers considering the pose he made the morning Annie came back was nothing else but “The Hanged Man”.
I’m perplexed about the meaning of this card, or anything related to tarot and astrology, so I’ll try to see what I can flesh out according to external sources. I think it’s best to dedicate a whole post apart for Bertolt and that card, but there’s definitely some similarities between the meaning of The Hanged Man and Bertolt’s character arc; particularly in the terms of letting go (his defeatist attitude), suspension (his abilities as a marksman, a living nuclear bomb, his blowing but late development, him telling Reiner and Annie his recurring dream in this chapter…) and sacrifice (Reiner against the mission). We also don’t know if it’s a message meant for the general population, because description says, “We “win” by surrending”, which would end Paradis’ history for good if they just handled the Funding Titan, ensuring (mainland) Eldians’ future.
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Bertolt’s dream - Ch. 97
Furthermore, it could mean Bertolt simply has trouble letting go of the past, considering he keeps dreaming about the hanged man, or Marco when their deaths have been left aside for a very long time. I wrote more about the hanged man here  and here, but there’s a chance that Reiner and Annie have hanged this man themselves, so Reiner could absolve Bertolt from the guilt of achieving somebody already under mercy.
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Reiner waking Bertolt up - Ch. 97
Do I need to mention how sweet Reiner is when he wakes Bertolt up? He really puts Bertolt on another level compared to Annie: praising him when he breaks the wall, never looking at him right in the eyes when he’s reproaching him something, never gets tasked with “the dirty work”…
As expected, Reiner had no choice but to go on with his plans to break each wall till the Founder shows itself. Even with a good panel of data, he still wants to accomplish the main goal. Little does he know the following events at Trost is settling him on a path of regrets over the mistakes on the trainee days…
Reiner’s suicide attempt
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Reiner trying to kill himself - Ch. 97
This is without question, the most disturbing panel of the chapter, and the moment where we return to the present, cut between moments where Reiner remembers the most disturbing moments of his chronology and that scene where he helps Eren.
First, we all know Reiner’s mind deteriorated since he came back from Paradis alone: he lost weight (12 kg), became distant, risks his life in battles and stays close to the kids when he can. Hell, it may not even be his first tentative, but hearing him going back in Paradis triggered something within him: a long story of failures and deceptions. That’s how we’re seeing Reiner’s life scrolling as he realized he should’ve stayed distant with those cadets.
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The comparison between Eren and Reiner and Bertolt and Reiner - Ch. 97 & 94
The conversation between him and Eren is oddly reminiscent of him and Bertolt in the past. The moment where Eren kneels complaining about how he’ll die unaccomplished makes Reiner click with him. That scene also shows the advice Reiner could’ve given to his younger self, now that he’s older. Despite being dragged into the mud, Reiner never gave up and kept moving forward at the expense of his own sanity. The advice he’s giving to Eren underlines their common point: moving forward. That adds even more fuel to the fire when Reiner happens to be the Armored Titan, because everything Reiner told him turned out to be sour. In return, Reiner wished he never told him those words.
Unlike Reiner however, Bertolt tried to make Reiner think about his choices, arguing how short his life would become, whereas Reiner believed in Eren’s capacity to kill all the titans.
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Reiner and Bertolt’s last goodbye - Ch. 97
It’s not a coincidence the last panels of Reiner’s life are about him seeing Bertolt for the last time, while giving Eren a push to kill all the titans to fulfill his desire of revenge. Eren became fueled up because of it, and he accomplished it by taking down the person dearest to him in the warrior unit. He kept having flashbacks of Eren extracting Bertolt away from his titan and for a good reason. At that point, he’s expecting the worst to happen to Bertolt and tortured himself for four years because of it. He misses him a lot and feels responsible for his fate, yet unknown to Reiner.
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Dead inside - Ch. 97
Reiner showed no hesitation: his sparkle of life was gone during the second where he pulled the trigger, till Falco banged to the wall, defeated again by Gabi.
Reiner still must hold on for their sake. They’re probably the ones fishing him away from his depression after Paradis.
Eren and Falco
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Eren and Falco at the hospital - Ch. 97
Falco meets an Eren in a strange shape. Their first meeting was Falco helping him as Koslow made fun of Eldian amputees and fixed his armband -even though Eren already spotted Reiner and the kids back in Fort Slava-. During their second meeting, Eren stays vague about the details but reveals he’s here for something.
First, he claims he doesn’t want to go back home and it was too hard to face his family. Of course, Falco understands his family living in Liberio, but his home is in Paradis, which leads us to think he can’t face Mikasa, Armin and the others. He chose a specific way to infiltrate Marley, something that not everybody in the SC can, further implying he came alone (hacking a regenerable leg and eye, being alone in that hospital). With those two elements, you can safely assume the EMA separation already occurred.
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Mikasa telling Eren goodbye - Ch. 1
So maybe that panel was meant for Eren departing to Marley after all.
Of course, the double implication could be he has trouble facing his brother, Zeke, since he’s technically family.
Eren is glad Falco can’t become a warrior. I guess his first impressions were indeed good: a kid related to the person helping his father join the revolutionaries and who is willing to cover for him. Not only that, but upon hearing his reasons to become a warrior, two things resonated within him: Gabi getting the Armor instead of him, like how Eren envied Mikasa who could perform everything on the first try, and his words, like what Eren told Reiner.
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Now that seems familiar... - Ch. 97 & ch. 90
The last thing Eren told Falco is the whole classical freedom speech, sounding exactly like the one Kruger told Grisha, or what Grisha told Keith. Add a couple of lines from Eren’s speech to Armin as he tried to justify himself into having Levi inject the latter and that’s exactly how it sounds. Eren truly inherited the philosophy of the possessors of the Attack Titan.
What’s up with the bearers of the Attack Titan and their romantic speeches capable to charm people by just telling them to throw their heads into hell? That works perfectly on people: Grisha, the revolutionaries, Keith, the trainees… and now Falco. But at least he’s feeling better about it? He’s ought to have a breakdown about that “lovely” amputee, Eren “Kruger”, soon.
Doesn’t help that Reiner just noticed that Falco hides something, implying we’re up for a Eren and Reiner meeting soon. I fear for Reiner’s reaction considering his tentative of suicide.
Willy Tybur
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The Tybur family - Ch. 97
At the right timing, the Tybur family comes inside Liberio to act for the future of Eldia, just after Zeke made a call in his room for the current warriors.
The Tybur family is a family of aristocrats who don’t need to wear the Eldian armband to show their affiliation, they have their own guard and the whole family is full of spoiled brats picking fights and stuffing themselves with too much cake. They also have housemaids, which is nice.
Magath meets Willy, the patriarch of the Tybur family and their whole game ended up on figuring he was the current holder of the Warhammer Titan. They mention Helos, the hero who defeated the Eldian devil, of Marlean origin. The snarky comment Magath made about the statue being hollow reflects the current role Marleans occupy in the warfare of their continent: only a few of them get to experience the bloodbath on the frontlines, making Marley unstable on the long term. Particularly in a time where you can no longer rely on titans for power.
Willy also confirms the Tybur clan rules Marley behind the shadows, just as the Reiss family ruled Paradis. Well… that just validates my theory of the 9th shifter ruling Marley. In other words, nobody hates Eldia much as Eldians themselves, to put it simply. That further confirms Marley needed help from descendants of Ymir to regain their independence. This act of atonement is exactly as Zeke describes it, after all. The memories granted by the Tybur line allows Willy to see how damaged the Eldians on the continent were as they did nothing except being spectators. So, was Zeke’s version of the history correct after all?
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Willy and Magath passing an agreement - Ch. 97
This festival allows Willy to play his role as an actor against Paradis and the revolution stirring there after all. What could possibly occur on the island at that moment? Does Eren know something neither Paradis not Marley does?
What next?
I suppose we will go on with the festival and how Eren could possibly sabotage it by himself. He didn’t go on Liberio to rampage immediately around: he has specific targets in mind and even he knows he’s powerless against 5 experimented titan shifters. He still knows how to trigger the coordinate. All he should do is to invite Zeke over and touch him. And for some reason this is going to be more complicated for him than initially planned.
For starters, Falco goofed: Reiner saw Falco was trying to sneak up a letter for a stranger. That act alone could cause Falco trouble, but also Reiner to check the letter contents through some way or another (through vice-captain permission), cue him to become increasingly worried if he recognizes the handwriting. Eren must not reach Zeke.
I feel like Eren would also target the Tybur clan due to their status: the ones responsible for sending warriors on Paradis while being Eldians themselves. People have sensed the parallels between the Tyburs and the Reisses and thus would expect Eren, the current holder of the Attack Titan, to exterminate them in the same fashion Grisha did.
Eren also holds a grudge against Reiner because of the events from Shiganshina and because he personally deceived him. He holds nothing except but disgust for him and would feel satisfied into watching him die.
Flashbacks-wise, I don’t think this is over: we still have a part on Paradis to cover, and it’s the whole part about Zeke’s arrival and that 2-month hiatus. I need confirmation about Reiner and Bertolt making it back to Paradis with Ymir or not. Besides, it would be a good time to switch perspective about these: not making them about Reiner alone any longer, but alternating with Zeke. I still need to know about these “Strongest” and “Armor” serums Rod got and how Zeke mass-administrated his spine fluid to the village inhabitants.
Concerning the state of the SC, it’s hard to tell. Maybe they rebranded, but something happened, aside from Eren fleeing them. After all, Eren had a reason to escape them, didn’t he? Supposing the EMA separation already happened, Armin, Jean, Floch and the others stayed in their respective positions and Mikasa quit the SC in the meantime. Isayama specified the three of them would go into different directions after all, and Mikasa leaving a life as a civilian is appropriate: no longer bound to Eren, and no longer bound to military duty either. Armin and Eren had diverging opinions and Armin’s current role forbids him to flee.
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Survey #107
“i love everything you do, when you call me fuckin’ dumb for the stupid shit i do.”
The beach or the pool?  The pool.  Cleaner, less risk, no sand. Do you have many internet friends?  Most of my friends are online. Do you think those friendships are on level with your real life ones?  Shit, I'm closer to some online friends more than I am "real" ones. Did you name all of your dolls and stuffed animals?  I think I might've...  I know I named the ones I really loved. Is your middle name plain?  Pretty sure it's one of the most common middle names. Do you like Resident Evil games?  RE4 is in my top 10 fave games.  I've played some of the original RE, but I didn't like it.  Controls were awful and I didn't find the story all that interesting.  I played like the first 30 minutes of RE6 with Jason, but for some reason we never finished it?  I'd love to play more, even though I've heard it was terrible.  Def wanna play the 7th too bc Leon is love.  Eeeeven though I heard that one was awful, too. What would you say is your WORST phobia?  I actually recently found out what pisanthrophobia (fear of trusting people due to negative, past relationships) is, and it is 100% that. Do you wish your last name was more interesting? Sure, I don't like my last name. If you wrote a novel, would you give the characters ordinary names?  Some would be, some wouldn't be. What’s your favorite leaf color?  Orange. Have you ever had a close friend get knocked up early?  I don't know why the term "knocked up" is annoying to me, but whatever.  Anyway, no. Have you yourself ever gotten close to getting pregnant? No. If you were to get pregnant as a teen, what would happen? Have the baby and give it up for adoption. Do you have any pictures of you kissing someone? A few exist, but I no longer have any. Are you afraid of needles?  No.  I mean the idea of getting a deep shot is unpleasant, but I'm not afraid of them. Do you find piercing attractive or unattractive? It really depends on the piercing and the person, but usually attractive. What's your most popular post? I actually made a gif of Chica and Mark almost two months ago (this isn't my main blog obvs.) that took way too long and Mark actually reblogged it (he controls his own social media) and????  A whale-like sob escaped from the very core of my soul?????  And I couldn't sleep for two days?????? Manga or anime?  Anime, I don't read.  I've never read manga, actually. A card game that you're good at? None. Favorite flavors of ice cream?  My favorite is vanilla with chocolate syrup, but I also like plain chocolate or moose tracks. Have you ever overcome a disease that was life-threatening and, if so, which one?  No. Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person? Yes, but thankfully nothing embarrassing.  I've come close, though. Do you like Subway?  Yes, but I always get the same thing there. Would you rather lose your best friend or your boyfriend? *girlfriend, but I'd rather lose my other best friend. Have you ever dated someone in secret?  My relationship now is secret to most people in my face-to-face life.  I mean I wouldn't lie if I was asked, but I'm not going to tell most people otherwise for a few reasons. Do you ever send people good morning texts?  Sara, sometimes. Do you kiss your pets? I kiss Teddy.  I would happily kiss Venus is it wasn't for salmonella. Would your parents approve of you dating someone of a different race? Yes. How old is the oldest person you know? Hm... I'm not sure.  Maybe this woman my mom used to watch; I met her once, and she was such a sweetie.  I think she was almost 90. Have you ever had to put your hand over someone’s mouth to keep them quiet?  Yes. Do you have an accent?  People tell me I don't really have one, even people from outside the state, but with some words, people can tell I'm from the south. Do you own any figurines? Of what? I have one of a small dragon. How long does it usually take you to get to sleep?  Now that I take Melatonin, like, 15-20 minutes I'd guess. What was the last picture you took with your phone?  My dog because he was being precious. Do you have trouble waking up in the morning? What gets you up and awake? I tend to lie there for a while, so kinda?  And I just get up once I'm not incredibly drowsy. What is one thing you and your best friend have in common physically? With Colleen, we both have blue eyes, with Sara, we both have brown hair. Now based on your interests, what is one thing you both have in common?  Sara, we both love reptiles, with Colleen... Jesus, like nothing. Where do your grandparents live? Florida (but she stays in New York a lot) and Michigan. When is the last time you went out to dinner with a friend? Where did you go? Who paid?  Earlier this month with Dad.  We went to a Mexican restaurant whose name I can't remember.  Aaaand I hate Mexican food. Do you get excited when you learn you have to dress up?  Not really.  Too much work. What’s your ideal first date?  Don't have one.  Plenty of things can be fun with different people with different interests. If you type for awhile, do your fingers start to hurt?  Boi step yo game up that's some amateur shit *doesn't mention how I have carpal tunnel so my wrist disagrees* Chinese or Mexican food?  Hate Mexican food and don't like much Chinese, but Chinese. Are you the type of person who would study for a test for hours?  No.  I'm not willing to invest THAT much time into studying. Do you hate when you’re in a good mood and one person ruins your mood?  Ha, yeah.  People can do that easily for me. What’s worse: Rude people, two faced people or fake people?  Rude or two-faced. Does your house have a doorbell?  Shit, does it? o_o  I don't think so... Do you know someone who has dropped out of high school?  A few. Has your Facebook ever been hacked?  I don't think so. Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook?  I love Tumblr so much help I didn't want this. Do you have any quotes on your bedroom walls?  The serenity prayer, yes. Do you wear earrings?  Ugh no because all of mine are silver, which I'm allergic to.  I want to get gold or surgical steel ones so I can actually wear them, I like earrings. Is your WiFi protected?  Yes. Does your phone have a cover on it?  No, but I'd like one. Would you ever lie about your past?  Already am about some things to people in my "real" life. Some say that high school is the best time of your life. Was that true for you? It was in some ways, others not. Is it good to have pride in your own race or does that separate people from each other because it makes them think of everyone else as ‘outsiders’?  It's perfectly fine to feel proud of your race as long as you don't look down on others. What’s the bravest or most daring thing you have ever done? Shit, probably speak my mind to my mom since she's scary as fuck when I disagree with her. Who owes you an apology? A number of people. Who deserves an apology from you? My dad deserves another, for one. Is a prenuptial agreement necessary or does it take the romance and trust out of marriage? Fucking destroys trust, imo. Know of any conspiracy theories you think might be credible?  Not off the top of my head.  I do find the theory of the moon landing being fake very interesting and there is some compelling evidence, but I still believe it was real.  It's my fave theory, though. How do you go about losing weight?  I don't eat nearly enough most days. What is the worst mistake you’ve ever made? Overdosing.  I mean it led to my recovery, but I could've achieved that in a different way. Are you patriotic?  Not especially, but I don't hate America either. When you ask people how they are doing you actually care about their answer or is it just polite?  Yes, I care. Would you consider yourself to be very polite?  In most ways, yes. Which group generally annoys you more, people older than you, or people younger than you?  Younger. What do you think of crop circles?  They're interesting, but I don't blame them on aliens. Have you ever written graffiti on anything?  Nope. Should birth control be taught in high school? How about in jr. high or elementary school?  Around 4th/5th grade. Some kids start having sex early, and it's about this time where a girl can get pregnant. Do you use bad grammar or hate bad grammar?  I only ever use it sarcastically or comedically. Last time you fed your pets? My mom always feeds all the dogs simultaneously, and Venus hasn't wanted to eat since I got her.  If she doesn't eat by mid-November, then I'll be concerned (already kinda am). Do you know/ have you met your significant other’s ex?  I know Sara's online but obviously never "met" him. What do you think about censorship in music?  I honestly think both versions should exist.  Some people don't like profanity and I don't believe children should hear it. Do you have any of your teachers on MySpace/Facebook?  I have a few. Have you seen your family tree? Someone made one, but I've never seen it. What are you most likely to do first in the morning; grab a cup of coffee, have a cigarette, or use the bathroom?  Use the bathroom.  I don't smoke and I hate coffee. What are you most likely to do when you are upset; talk to somebody you’re close to, cry yourself to sleep, or bottle it up inside?  I've finally learned how to talk to someone. What are you most likely to do if you get drunk; pick fights, hook up with people, or socialize with anybody & everybody? Never been drunk, but apparently I'm seriously giggly and social when I'm tipsy. What are you most likely to pick if you got to choose your topic on a research paper; drug abuse, mental illness, or the death penalty? Oh, I can write a damn novel on mental illness. What are you most likely to do if there are no good surveys floating around at the time; make some new surveys for yourself & everyone else to take, bitch & complain about how there are no good surveys then take a survey you don’t even feel like taking, or go find something else to do besides taking surveys?  Oh hun.  I get surveys from about a billion sources so I will never run out. *cackles* Do you hold grudges or forgive easily? If someone is truly sorry, I forgive easily. In a relationship, how important are looks? I don't care.  I care about your personality.  Sure, it's nice to be attracted physically to your s/o, but it's not a determining factor on whether I date you or not. Do you have to know someone for a while before you will date them?  I mean I won't date someone too quickly, no, but we don't have to have known each other for months or anything.  Jason and I started dating I don't even think two weeks after meeting, and we had a great relationship for almost four years 'til the end. What do you consider the greatest threat to mankind?  Hm, deep question... probably lack of compassion. Describe your music taste in one word:  Consistent. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, where would you go to hide?  Ideally a brick building or something likewise. Who’s your favorite character on That '70s Show? AHHHHH I LOVE THAT SHOW!!  Probably Hyde.  Maybe Kitty.  But I love them all omg <3  All the characters are SO memorable. Do you fangirl/fanboy over anyone?  hahahahahahahhHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Have you ever said 'I love you’ and didn’t mean it?  I've said it back to Mom when I feel that I didn't, though I know I did. Use one word to describe your last kiss. Awkward. How much is gas where you live? Two-something.  Mid twos. What has caused you to reinvent yourself or reevaluate who you are? Absolutely Holly Hill.  It saved my life.  I looked at my situation in a totally different light. Short, knee, or ankle skirts?  I tend to aesthetically like those that are a little above the knee. What couldn’t you live your life without? My mom.  I don't think I'd survive.  She's the one who makes sure I keep myself on the right path. Would you be on that who wants to marry a millionaire show as a contestant?  1.) Why the fuck would I marry someone just for money and 2.) why the fuck would I want to go into a relationship with someone I just met. Is it easier to live when you’re evil? Sure, no remorse. <<< Yeah. Have you ever given blood?  Once. Are you a miracle? I consider every single life a miracle; it's the source of one tattoo I have.  This world being created and adapted as it has is miraculous enough, and then the odds of you exactly being conceived is SO fucking rare. Can musicians be held responsible for influencing people to behave badly?  No.  People make their own choices, lyrics don't change that. What annoys you the most about yourself?  I immediately assume the worst end result of any situation. Is it better for people to change and evolve their ideas or always be consistent?  It depends on the belief. Do you want a girl or a boy as your first born?  I don't want kids, but if I did, definitely a girl. Do you have any embarrassing usernames?  Eh, don't like some anymore, but no. Have you ever scratched yourself until your skin was raw?  I have six long scars on my left shin (one being the worst scar on my body) and four more mild ones on my right front scratching the fuck out of them after I shave and then shower.  I don't know why the fuck it happens, but it's awful.  Even lotion doesn't really help. What is the longest essay or research paper you have written?  Ten or so pages. Do you worry about being judged by other people?  I shouldn't be but I'm heavily concerned with it. If someone doesn’t like you, do you usually want to know the reason?  Duh.  I want to know if it's petty or something I can improve on. Can you do a flip on a trampoline?  I used to do front flips, but I was too scared to do back flips because I had this intense fear of breaking my neck or something.  Stopped entirely because of that fear. Does your doctor freak you out?  She doesn't freak me out, she's just unfriendly. Does it annoy you when people’s eyebrows are a different color than hair?  Don't care. Has your grandma ever cussed in front of you before?  More like at me.  But in front of me, too, once or twice. What primary color is your Christmas tree?  Green.  I want a black one, man, but since it's a family thing, it's obviously not just up to me. What’s the best camera brand?  I think it's technically Canon. Where do you go fishing at?  Dad and I haven't gone in forever, but it was pretty much always somewhere on the Tar River or Sapony Creek. How old were your parents when you were born?  Uhhh I don't have my parents' ages memorized, but Mom was around 35 and Dad's one year younger than her. Is there one song that you know all the lyrics to? A decent number, yeah. Has a cat/dog ever thrown up on your bed?  Omg no I'd never sleep on that bed again pretty much. Have you ever had a concussion? Ugh, yes.  Can't even explain how bad it was. Have you seen the movie "The Dark Knight?"  You can't date the world's biggest Joker fan and not at some point. Do you know anyone who has a pet gecko? Summer has a leopard gecko and he's super-duper cute. Is there an animal that you’re afraid of? Maggots and slugs are the worst, whale sharks, some spiders and bugs. Kissed someone who was a really bad kisser?  Tbh. Gotten in trouble for public displays of affection? OKAY SO.  Jason and I used to ride the bus home together and one day I was falling asleep in his lap, and he was too.  Our friends were joking around and yelled something along the lines of us being too affectionate, so the bus driver came back to see what was up, and she looked so confused when she saw we were just trying to sleep lmao.  But she still told us to just sit next to each other.  Looking back on it, it was funny. Do you get bad hangovers?  Never had one. Have you ever sent a friend request to someone who you thought was someone different? No but true shit the only reason I accepted Jason's friend request was because I thought he was a different Jason lmao. Have you ever chatted with someone on webcam?  No because it's awkward as fuck.  Wait.  I did once with Jason.  Never again.  Jeez, three questions I've mentioned him in the last four ones.  Ew. Have you ever solved a Rubik’s cube? I ain't got the patience for that shit. Are you embarrassed/uncomfortable dancing in front of other people? YUP.  One reason why I don't. Do you ever drink directly from beverage containers because you don’t want to dirty a cup? No, because I don't want other people drinking my backwash??  This is such a backwards question. If you carry a purse, roughly how big is it? What do you carry in it? It's small.  Phone, iPod, wallet, keys, hand sanitizer, a few other miscellaneous things I may need. Of all the pets you have had throughout your life, which one has meant the most to you? Is there a reason why?  My current dog Teddy.  He's an absolute angel that adores me probably even more than I adore him.  He's been an important part of my life for 11 years, and I could never love a literal child more. Imagine it is a dark night, you are alone, it is raining outside, you hear someone walking around outside your window. WHO do you wish was there with you? My mom 'cuz she'd kill a bitch. Is love a commitment to one person, or can you love more than one person at the same time?  I believe it's totally possible to be interested in more than one people, but love?  Only one.  I believe loving someone is about putting him/her above all others. What is your favorite kind of incense?  Omg I had this one, red incense that smelled fucking AMAZING, but I don't remember what it was called! D: Who is the most immature person you know?  *winks @ Sara* Do you read your friend’s surveys? Yes, because it's a cool way to learn usually miscellaneous things about them you wouldn't have known. If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would you pick?  I wouldn't want to get one tomorrow, actually.  I want to get a Markiplier tattoo I designed for Christmas, and I'm going to estimate it'll be around $150-$200 (I'm not good at estimating tat prices, so take that with a grain of salt), so I want to be sure we have money for that first.  Literally the only thing I'm asking for for Christmas, I just don't ask for much anymore. How do you feel about band tattoos?  I'm not against them or anything, but I'm not sure I'll ever get one. What piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? Opposite or same, lip piercings. What brand of hair dye do you prefer to use? Splat is the only kind that's ever actually made the color stick for months.  Won't use anything but that anymore. Would you ever get your hips pierced?  No, seems painful as fuck and dangerous with pants and all, and I'm not skinny enough to look good with them. Have you ever gone to court? Not for a "real" trial, but I did have to give my reasoning as to why I felt I should be discharged from the hospital earlier (I think they wanted me there a month) to a judge, and it was one of the most nerve-wracking things ever.  I did win the case, though. Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?  No.  I'm not necessarily scared of sharks and even believe they're immensely misunderstood, but I don't trust a shark enough to swim with it. Do you like sushi? I can pretty much guarantee I'd absolutely loathe it.  Never trying. What is the worst thing that could possibly happen to you? Relapsing.  I will fucking not go through that again. Who is your favorite visual artist?  NukeRooster and Culpeo-Fox of dA.  Their styles are super recognizable and just wonderful.  I actually want a tattoo of one of NukeRooster's pieces ("Denialism") and actually got her permission, but it would be INCREDIBLY expensive with how intricate it is, so it's gonna be a looooong time 'til that happens. How old were you when you figured out what you wanted to do for a career?  Lmao last month, so 21. Is there anyone with whom you would like to be better friends? A LOT of people.  Mostly online friends, but some irl too. Who was the last person you cried in front of?  Mom. Do you like pretzels?  I have a massive preference for soft ones, but I'll eat either. Do any of your friends have children?  My best friend's pregnant and I have some friends I used to be closer to who have young kids. Would you rather cry in public or make someone else cry in public?  I'd rather cry, but either would suck. Would you rather re-live today forever or not live?  I have absolutely zero desire for immortality. Have you ever truly thought you knew who you were going to marry?  Yeah. Who was the last person of the opposite sex to be in your bedroom?  I actually don't think a guy has ever been in this bedroom...  Well, maybe save for when people were helping us move in, but I don't remember. Do you like kissing in public?  Only if it's just a simple peck. Is the male or female body closest to perfection?  I don't think either is "better" than the other. Four guys/girls whom you find attractive:  1.) Mark Fischfuck, 2.) Link Neal, 3.) Hannah Hart is like my biggest female celeb crush, 4.) uhhh... I'm not really sure.  Maybe Johnny Depp? What is your definition of cheating? As soon as you're flirting with someone else in an obviously non-playful way, you're cheating. Do you tend to go for older or younger when looking for someone to date? Older guys for maturity, no preference with girls. When do you want to get married?  I don't have a specific time in mind.  I don't want kids, so it's not like I'm racing the biological clock. Describe your personality in 3 words or less:  Really Fucking Awkward™ What size bed do you have?  Queen How many friends do you have?  Very few that I consider "friends," really.  Around like 10, and most I include are more like... a bit higher than acquaintances, but not really "friends?" What's the worst thing you have ever done?  It's something I don't talk about because it's humiliating to think I've done it. What is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)  Dry as actual fuck. Are you going to change your last name when you get married?  If I marry a man, yes.  If I maybe a girl, depends on whose name sounds better with whose last name lol. What is your phone background?  Lock screen, Mark Fischbach, home screen, the magic sigil from "Shadow of the Colossus." Have you taken self-defense classes?  No, but I should.  Particularly with how much I distrust people. What are you known for among your friends? Being very quiet. The person you would never want to meet? A rapist.  For someone who's never even been harassed, I am fucking terrified of them and rape in general to the point my mother and therapist have asked multiple times if I've ever been molested. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? The divorce.  I would say the breakup, but that, in the end, had an amazing effect on me. Have you ever built a snowman?  Yeah. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?  Vanilla, but sometimes I'm in the mood for chocolate. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?  The picture I did of one of my RP OC's scars to demonstrate how it looked since it was hard to describe. What do you think about babies?  I'm very uncomfortable around them and feel like I can just touch them and they'll break.  And unlike, like, everyone, I don't find newborn/very young babies cute. What is the effect on you of having people physically nearby, if they’re not interacting with you? AWKWARD AS FUCK I GET SO UNCOMFORTABLE.  Like whenever my mom sits on the couch (it's directly outside my door), I have to close it because her being able to see me and me being able to see her is awkward to me.  If I'm sitting in the front seat of a car with someone, I need music on. Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep?  I do that a LOT. Have you ever experienced something paranormal? I feel I have at least twice. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been stuck in traffic?  I don't know.  You don't get AWFUL traffic jams in this part of NC, but we've definitely waited a while. Best field trip experience? The zoo in 5th grade!!  Saw meerkats for the first time and I was fucking ecstatic. How much time do you spend on Facebook, if you have one?  Sometimes I don't go on for days, and if I do, I go through my news feed once and am done. What is the worst thunderstorm you’ve experienced? Maybe this one time when we still lived in Sharpsburg...  Mom came to get us from our friend's house, which was maybe like 15 minutes away, and I was having an absolute panic attack. Favorite episode of Spongebob?  Hm.  Maybe the Slasher one.  Or the pizza one. What bug frightens you most?  Rhinoceros beetles and wasps. Do you hate your weight? Yup.  But it's getting better. What do you usually order on a pizza?  Jalapeno from Domino's, pepperoni from Little Caesar's because their jalapeno is too hot for even me. What is one thing that the Titanic has taught you?  Don't go on a ship in a fucking arctic ocean. What is one thing you dislike about sheep? Why? I'm going to assume they smell bad?  But otherwise, I love sheep, they're super cute. What do you think is an assumption that someone could make about you, just by looking at your Tumblr? Would this assumption be correct?  That I love Mark, Rhett, and Link more than I love myself & they're probably right lmao. Do you sleep with your door closed or open? It's usually open, but I sometimes close it because Bentley annoys the fuck out of me because he comes into my room just to scratch himself relentlessly and get more fur in my room than there already is.  Like he ALWAYS comes to my room just to do this shit.  It's most annoying just because he's obnoxiously loud when he does this and I'm trying to sleep. Do you sometimes need help opening water bottles, Gatorade bottles, etc.? YUP.  My hands are extremely soft, so it hurts easily. What would you say is your number one priority in life right now?  My mental health, 100%. Are you someone who has to hide the things you like around friends? I don't have to, no, but I ABSOLUTELY do.  I'm way too easily embarrassed about what I'm passionate about.  But for some reason I'm not online. Do you like word or picture tattoos better? It depends on the style, how well it is done, and the placement. <<< This. When will your driver’s license expire?  My permit expires in December. If you did, did you have to get a Tetanus shot?  I think?  Isn't that a required vaccination? What color lipstick do you think looks best on you?  Black.  I think me being so pale actually makes it look nice on me. Do you prefer pastel colors or dusty colors? Forests or beaches? Strawberries or bananas? Pastels, forests, strawberries. Do you prefer sunshine or moonlight? Gardening or baking? Flowers or succulents?  Moonlight, neither, uhhh flowers maybe.  Or maybe the latter.  Idk. Do you use emojis when you text or type online?  No, I use emoticons.  It's a fucking miracle if I ever use an emoji. Do you like playing games by yourself or with other people? If you're talking about video games, usually alone. Do you prefer honey or jam? Roses or sunflowers? Oatmeal or cereal?  Jame, roses, probably cereal. Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means.  "Erdmännchen" is German for "meerkat." A romantic meal, a trip to a theme park, or go to a concert? Concert, dude. When was the last time you had an alcoholic beverage?  Two months ago because Mom felt like getting Smirnoff's and apparently we have the same favorite (the Jamaican one) and she laughed "well you better drink it before me or Nicole do" so we shared two. Do you believe you'll find someone better than who you're with now?  Honest opinion, I think she's perfect for me.  So finding someone better would surprise me. Do you like pineapple?  YES Would you ever smoke?  No.  I don't fancy cancer, bad breath, and a likely addiction. What was the first thing you are/were excited to do upon turning 21?  Even when I got out of the hospital, I did nothing to celebrate.  There wasn't really anything I looked forward to besides just legally being an adult. You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you?  I don't ever want to be drunk considering I don't like the idea of not having a full grip on myself but if that was to ever hypothetically happen, it'd be Colleen, I'm sure. Do you like hickeys?  If they're not obvious. Do you always answer your texts?  If I have nothing to say, no. Do people ever call you by your last name?  No, I'd hate that.  I don't like my last name, plus it's masculine. What do you most like about making out?  It's just a passionate experience. When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?  Huh.  Kinda split according to history. Are you too shy to ask someone out?  Apparently not. If an attractive person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it? 1.) Looks are whatever and 2.) I'm not an ass, and even if they broke up, I wouldn't date a disloyal person. Is it hard for you to imagine life away from your hometown?  I don't live in my hometown already. Do you expect to move out in the next year?  That'd be pretty much miraculous. Name something you have always wanted and never got.  An iguana, for one. Do you want a small or big wedding?  I'm sure it'll be pretty small.  I'm not close to enough people to want them to come, but it obviously also depends on who my s/o wants to come. Do you actually participate in gym class, or just stand there? Participated considering you couldn't graduate without it.  Which was fucking stupid. Have you ever found yourself worrying about commitment?  I've never had that fear. Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? I'd like to, but I doubt it. Do you have unlimited texting? Yes. Have you ever slept a whole day away?  Accidentally and I had a massive panic attack because it totally screwed me up. Do you like those ramen noodles?  I actually really dislike ramen.  There was this one spicy kind, though, that I essentially survived off of in the apartment, and it was good.  Don't remember the name, though. What’s your favorite song by Daughtry? "No Surprise" Do you make good first impressions?  I honestly doubt I do because I'll just make it fucking awkward because I'll be uncomfortable. Are you ashamed of your past?  Many parts of it. Name all the social networking sites you use: Just Tumblr and Facebook. Do you watch "The Walking Dead"?  No. Are raisins good?  Omg no.  Disgusting. Do you get cold easily?  I get hot easier. Have either of your parents gone to jail?  No. Do you think homosexuality (anything beside heterosexual) is a choice? I personally believe it's a mutation considering it defies the biological plan, BUT a mutation does not equate to being wrong.  I fully support it.  I don't believe it's a choice either because you can't force yourself to be sexually attracted to a certain gender. Do you wax, pluck, or leave your eyebrows?  Leave them.  Mom takes Nicole and me to get ours waxed for only special occasions.  There's really just no point. Do you like guns? NO.  I'm not into extreme gun control and overall do support the 2nd Amendment (but with some degree of improved control), but I'm personally horrified of them and never want to touch one.  They hold way too much power. Do you sleep with all the lights out, or do you leave a lamp or even the television on? I keep Venus' light on. What do you think of mosh pits?  Seems pretty stupid, honestly.  I've never heard of someone not being in pain after a mosh pit. Do you wear hoop earrings or studs more?  Eh, kinda tied. Have you ever had stitches?  Twice. Does heat seem to drain you of your energy?  Completely. Who do you think has it harder in terms of expectations regarding physical appearance: men, or women?  Elaborate on your choice? Women, easily.  We have an absolute novel of societal expectations. Who is the most emotionally strong person that you know?  I have a number of people in mind, but I don't know about most. Do you feel comfortable staying over at other people's houses for the night? I have to know the person very well. Or would you rather they stayed over at yours?  No, my place is boring as fuck. Do you spend time online when your friends are over?  I'll twiddle on my phone if we're doing nothing, but I don't use my laptop. Do you spend [too much] time texting when you’re around others? No, I try to refrain from texting when I'm with friends. Who was the “bad guy” in the last book you read? That I finished, Ner'zhul was the "main" one if we're being technical, but Arthas was a villain as well. Are you an insomniac? I officially do have insomnia.  I now have to take Melatonin every night if I at all hope to sleep.
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Commission Rules and Prices!
I reserve the right to change these rules when I see fit, check here often before purchasing. So there you have it!
I enjoy writing, but I do have my limits and standards. Here they are! just so you’re more aware :) I will be enforcing these.
PLEASE NOTE THESE ARE JUST OPTIONS - You can still ask for prompts and asks, free advice, and what not. This is just if you want something more with it. :) 
Summary: Basically, what you’re about to read in spark notes.
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- Based on the amount you wish to pay, I message you and ask for details about the story and how many pages your payment will give me for a minimum number. (I usually like to give more pages X3 My gift to you!) For example, 8$ will give you about 20 as a limit, 20$ could get you about 60 or so minimum pages. (This example is for a short story purchase)
- You can request updates to see how the story is going. If it’s an Original Character, I will ask for bios and references. Please detail the story you want and allow me to message you if I have any questions regarding the story. (For example: Can your character do this? What kind of genres are you looking for? etc.)
- Lastly, where do I send the finished product too? Email? Tumblr submission box? You get the Rough Draft and have One Edit request after that. List out the things you may want changed, grammar or spelling errors (Though you have the right to change those if that’s all it is.), and I’ll happily take it back and rework any scenes for you! After that, I will write up your receipt and post it to tumblr with your details, review, and (if you consent to your product being advertised.) a preview of the product for others to enjoy! If you post it anywhere, I would like a link and you are required to keep a link to me or my name upon the document, stating something like, “Cutegirlmayra -link- wrote this for me! Please enjoy and support her work!” or something along those lines. In other words, just credit me please. :)b
Now, on to the specific things! Commission Receipts and Rules are below for your viewing pleasure!
They are important rules that govern my writing!
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Why, thank you for reading them. Now that you’re back-- A small recap and some extra tidbits for Purchases only.
First, would you like to see some of my works before purchases?
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Here you go! (x) These are all my Commission Receipts! Some have previews of the stories written for them :) Feel free to choose if this is something you’d be interested in!
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Now, on to the extra explanations of rules specific to Commission Purchases!
Rule 1:
- Nothing weird or too out there. (I uphold right to make my own decisions on if something is too strange for me.) Again, contact me if you have specific questions before purchases. (*No refunds. So be careful and ask me first!!)
Rule 2: 
- If it’s something I’m not familiar with I’ll have to decline UNLESS it’s an Original Character or Story concept. Then I will ask for a reference, bio, etc. to make sure I adequately understand. If it’s not fanfiction, I need lots of description of your characters and some lines to get a feel for who they are or how you want them to be portrayed. Please put a well put description of the main plot key-points you may desire or at least a fully developed concept for me to go off of. (We can also just chill and talk to each other, I may ask some simple questions about what you want. No big deal ;)b )
Rule 3: 
- All writings need some description for them, as in, what you would like. We can discuss that over chat or messages. Keep everything together and all in one request, not a few requests that are all connected please, cause it can get confusing and messy. (In other words, one purchase/story at a time! :Db) I uphold the right to deny any requests if I feel violate a rule in any way, but I can work with you to make whatever you’d like work within my range. But again, we can talk about it, or I can message you if I have questions. :)
Rule 4:
 - For stories you pay for, I will accept appropriate pictures of either characters or the story you want to be based around your image. Remember to leave some description for me of what you would like or at least some references/bios. I will not post all my works to my sites if I don’t want too, so no requests to advertise your works that way. (But I usually do post a receipt, if you’d like that :)c it shows off my work.)
Rule 5: 
- There are no Refunds or Cancelations. If you are dissatisfied with the story given, you have a chance to ask for edits upon receiving the Rough Draft. I can revise it if you kindly contact me and I’ll give you the changes you require. This will only happen upon the first time you ask for a redo on one purchase at a time. Meaning that I will take my work back for revisions that you have asked for, then return it to you and nothing more. If you have a separate purchase that has not been through that process yet, and you desire its revision, I can work with you on that. But I will not revise a work more than once, so make sure you please list out kindly the changes you would like before asking me to revise it. (*Orders Due Dates require patience due to life circumstances but I can offer status updates If you’d like to keep tabs on where I am with the story :). If there’s a delay I’ll message you and I might even send you half the unfinished work so you may have evidence to see it’s being worked on.) 
Rule 6: 
- You may submit my works but only with credit given to me by linking people to my websites, and mentioning I wrote it with your idea in mind, on the page where you posted the work or other but it must be attached with the product. (In other words, credit me! ;Db) I don’t require permission for this, but I would be very happy if you sent me a link where you posted it. I enjoy seeing happy smiles and people appreciating my works. You may edit for grammar and spelling only, all other edits must be done by me through my revise.
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$1 - Priority-Prompt: Do you like my prompts I do on here? Tired of waiting in line? Get this! You can push yourself up to the top of the list! Your prompt is now immediate and written specifically for you! (Includes Otps or OCs.)
Consisting of your paragraph of description involving a story concept and moment you desire. (Please include where to send the finished product within your purchase. Tumblr, Email..? Etc.) Includes characters you wish and what you would like from the prompt’s outcome. (If you so desire to include all these things) I will then deliver a summarized plot idea with a more detailed moment through my creative freedoms to write a satisfying conclusion if one is so desired. This purchase makes your prompt my priority to finish first. The length will be 6-9 pages minimum, but if I write you more, will you complain? Haha! This purchase does include Art-Prompt trades (Consisting of including an image with your request, all images must have a link to the original artists with added permission from them provided.)
$15-$60 (Your Choice) – Short Story – This is the most fun! We discuss the price you’re willing to pay, I then calculate (15 - 20-30 pages, 30 - 40-50 pages, 45 - 50-60, 60 - 70-80 pages, etc.) how many pages that would give your story, then you tell me exactly what you want and I send updates to let you know how your full-on story is going! (Includes OCs and OTPs)
This includes your description of a short-story with plot details you so desire, characters, and overall themes. Please include if I have artistic freedom in how you want it to be portrayed and executed. If not, please detail each thing you may desire, I will do my best, but I may change some details in hopes to surprise you or make the scene better. If this is not allowed, please mention it in the purchase. According to how far I can take your idea, I uphold the right to give you more for your money if I’m enjoying myself, lol! Once again, if there is a picture provided for, there must be a link and artists permission before I use it, and please inform me where to send the finished product, -Tumblr, Email?- Thank you!)
Your freedom (according to rules) of whatever you wish in a story, including what you will and free communication with me as well as sending you small portions of what I’m writing to make sure you like it. (Which would exclude any request for revision so be forewarned) This includes both prompts or one-shots, and you are allowed to ask for writing advice, I do not mind. ^^ (This purchase will include stories with these prices to pages ratio or more if I so desire to give you more for your money. you’ll have communications with me personally and updates as you wish them.)
(You can message me before making a purchase if you have any questions for clarity and other such things :) )
This doesn’t mean I won’t be making prompts on tumblr! It simply means if you want one of these things, you can get it! :D Otherwise, you wait in line and I do whatever I please with your prompt request on here :) but this is more ‘specialized’ for those who may want these services ;)
If you want to support this blog instead of commissioning, donating a dollar can also be very generous! (x) Much obliged :’)
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wishingfornever · 6 years
10/21/17 – No Contact: Concrete Box
I had a dream about eggs.  I was trying to cook four fried eggs at the same time.  A lot of problems I was having.  Wouldn’t call it a nightmare, but it wasn’t the best case scenario.  That’s what I’m needing right now.
That said, Shane told me he was deleting his Facebook.  I asked why but I already knew why.  The drama between me, Esther, and Dennis.  Let’s just call it SED, though it should probably be DES or EDS because I should be last because grammar has laws, apparently.
However, SED is appropriate because it’s all he SED she SED bullshit.  See what I mean?
Been talking to Ariel a lot more.  Which is nice.  As I write this, know it is almost 5 in the afternoon.  Basically spent the whole day talking to her and I woke up before 11am.  Short post today, it seems like.  Maybe in a week, I’ll start missing days.
It’s a good thing.  Today, I was thinking how everything could have been settled had Dennis or Esther just spoken to me sooner.  Both were afraid of me for separate reasons.  I find it insulting, really.  Like… I’m responsible for my own words, but this misunderstanding shouldn’t go unnoticed. Dennis and Esther refused to speak with me.  My only view into their world was what Shane told me.
So, yeah.  It was skewed.  It’s why I panicked.
Had they just joined me and Daniel for dinner, then they’d have seen I was ready to forgive and forget.  Of course, I still harbored some agitation towards Dennis but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.  When he said, “I don’t know what to say” he should have said something more.  He should have confronted me saying, “Listen… the thing with Esther.”  Even if he wasn’t going to apologize, he should have tried to clear the air.
But they didn’t.  Esther and Dennis were too afraid of me.  Why?  Esther has a reason.  I get angry, but I never yelled at her since this all started.  Dennis said he was afraid of me with my guns but Daniel could have confirmed that I’m not armed.  Honestly, I’m pro-gun.  However, I’m not sure I like guns.  Supposed to wear ear protection but they’re still incredibly loud.
No.  If I were to murder Dennis, I’d use a knife.  It’s quick, it’s easier, and it would prove the point that I’m angry and this is personal.
That’s if I were to murder him.  Obviously he is still alive as of the time of writing this. I’d have a lot more problems if he had died.
Anyways… I promised I’d talk about Ariel, didn’t I?  Well, fuck.  I’m… really tired.  Like, I need to do the dishes for tomorrow.  Also… cut some spinach, too. Might do that first.  Then dishes.  As for Ariel… I’ll talk about her tomorrow.
I know, I know.  I’m a piece of shit.  I swear, I’ll tell you more about her tomorrow.  I’m just so tired.  But I’ll go to bed early tonight.  I’ll get my sleeping schedule up to par and then I’ll be more available to do EVERYTHING because life is ran by the fucking daywalkers.  >:C
I’m more nocturnal than anything else.  I know this because that’s when I get my best ideas.  Or maybe that’s when I’m the most crazy.
Doesn’t matter.  I need to do dishes.  I’ll be back later.
Before I go, know I had to go out to get avocados.  When I came back, the garage door was locked. I was basically stuck in the garage, texting my cousin and trying to get her to open the door and let me in.  Thing is, she was asleep.  I had to call her.
Not sure if you realize this, but it can get quite hot.  Being stuck in that garage, I realized that heat.  It sucked.  I didn’t lose my temperature, I was just miserable for a little while.  It wasn’t that bad but Adela said I’d have a code. Unfortunately, I don’t have a code yet. Whatever.  I’ll be fine.  I’m just tired.  Not that grumpy, surprisingly.  Possibly good thing?
Finished with the spinach and dishes.  I had several cops of water.  Strangely, that seemed to have woken me up.  Almost like I had a cup of coffee instead of three cups of water.  It’s a weird concept.  Maybe I wasn’t tired, just dehydrated.  I’m tired now but I found the energy to get my chores done.  Energy well spent, maybe.
I have a confession to make. Being vegetarian… I actually had a burger today.  I could make a bunch of dumb excuses like how the night before I saw the video where Arin from Game Grumps goes to the main hub of Wendy’s and tries all these really delicious burgers or how I was feeling super depressed and used it as a comfort food.  But, I have no excuse.
I ate meat.  I consciously ate meat and felt bad as I ate it.  Didn’t even taste that good. Ironic because it was Whataburger and they’re great normally.
I’m feeling depressed now. Can’t eat anything now because I basically had my calories for the day/week.  I want pizza.  I’ll order a pizza sometime this week. That’ll make me happy.  Fatty foods… then hating myself as I spend too much food getting fat.  Fuck.
Whatever.  Watching more GG (Game Grumps) and they’re playing Funhaus in Overwatch.  Never heard of them.  There is this character I really like named, “Winston.”  Mercy I really like her design but Winston… I find his entire character interesting.  He’s a gorilla with a prescription.  He wears these little glasses, is an intellectual.  I find it very charming.
I remember… when Overwatch (or BlizzFortress 2) was announced.  I saw all the trailers because Blizz was complaining about porn (porn is great free advertisement, tell someone not to make a porn of a character and they’ll do it twice as fast).  The only really interesting trailer I thought was with Winston.  There were the two Japanese gentlemen, Soldier 82, and Tracer trying to save Robo-Gandh1.
I’ve got to say, Winston was the best.  Like… it was charming.  He was a cute monkey pup, too. Well… ape.  The action part was okay.  But I absolutely adore Winston’s character.  It was touching.  I love how he had tires and ate bananas and peanut butter.  Like, he is super smart but he’s still an animal.
I actually googled the trailers right now, just to recap.  APPARENTLY, it’s not 82 but 76.  Soldier 76.  I hate numbers.  -,-
Anyways, rewatching the trailer. I love how fatherly that scientist is.
Oh, shit!  I didn’t realize skullface guy was there.  All I remember of the action part was that he said, “I’m not a monkey… I’m an APE!!!”  Hasn’t happened yet.  The dude who lets go of his gun as Winston swings everything around was pretty smart.  He’s going to go places.  :3
God damn, that is a cute mother fucking monkey.
Oh, he says he’s a scientist. I was wrong.  And then Tracer opens who fucking mouth.  Low point of the trailer.
Anyways, yeah.  Really like Winston.  I’d watch a full length movie about him.  And because he’s a gorilla, I’d fucking cry in the middle.  Idgaf.
Now that I got that out of the way, I doubt I’ll actually ever PLAY Overwatch.  Like ever.  If I do, it’ll be because someone asked me to.  And if I do play, I’ll probably play as Winston.  I think I heard he was pretty underpowered which was weird but I think they patched him if he was too underpowered.  It’s been a couple years.
Oh, I forgot!  There was another trailer I liked with the robot dude.  Bastion.  I liked his story, too.  I guess I really like non-human characters AS WELL as blondes. :/
Hrm…  Esther came onto NationStates.  Didn’t do anything.  Weird.  Maybe she messaged NSRF.  Going to see if my story checks out.  That’s if I had to guess.  I don’t blame her.  After what happened, she’s checking sources.  I told her to do this with Dennis when he told her that his mother didn’t like her hanging out with me and thought she was using Dennis.  If I’m right, she’s checking on me.
She’s doing what I told her to do.  Clever girl.
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