#and a $35 candle for my mom
shithitsmynipples · 2 years
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Also check out the sick choker I bought last night
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Looking for some threads for some of my 35+ ladies. Open to M/F, F/F, taboo, more sweet, more dirty, etc. Four muses under the read more! Like if you are interested and I'll reach out to plot!
Ebony Spencer: late thirties. artist + baker. introvert, moody, creative, sensitive. paint splotches, candles, bubble baths, coffee stains, rainy days, jazz music. switch.
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Elena Mendes: late forties. ex pageant queen. current pageant coach + mom. confident, sexy, protective. high heels, red lipstick, slinky dresses, baked goods, glasses of wine. switch.
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Harper West: mid-late thirties. public defender. single mom (thread dependent). workaholic, protective, loving. hot tubs, high heels, red wine, pedicures, peplum tops. switch. (Older sister to Hazel)
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Kaitlyn Rodriguez : early forties. psychatrist. generous, helpful, kind. eager to be loved. notebook collection, caffeine adiction. floral blouses, new high heels, daddy issues. submissive lean. (Half sister to Darcy).
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luvtonique · 3 months
How do you keep up the motivation to work on your game?!
I've been stalled out on 2 ttrpg projects and every time I try to get started, either my motivation dies like a candle in a hurricane or I get immediately interrupted and motivation gets hijacked to go do someone else's thing.
I have a few motivators of various different weights.
I want to play the game with my mom. I wanna show her what I've made, and get her honest first-time reaction of seeing a video game designed by her son. Especially with the Pixel Animation, which lets my mom see my art come to life. When I was growing up, our family was a Disney family, and animation has always been something of a dream of mine to one day be able to do. So showing my mom that I have made a game with animation in it that I made all by myself is a priceless thing that I want to experience.
I need to just figure out motivation in general. I'm 35 and I've only been employed a total of 2 years in my life at Victoria Secret in Hollywood. If I don't make something of my life soon, I'll never get anywhere. At least I don't think I will.
Money, obviously. I can absolutely live on commission money and conventions for the rest of my life if I keep producing merchandise and commissions, but I've got extremely high hopes for my game. After making the Lil Miss Rarity animation with almost 9million views and daily comments after 9 years, the Bestia mod for Binding of Isaac with over 100,000 downloads and sitting at the 70th most downloaded mod in the game, and the Full Service Playing Cards which made me lifechanging amounts of money at conventions, I'm convinced that I'm entirely capable of making something that people will love and will give me a real income that will let me live more comfortably and continue to follow my dreams.
I am extremely excited to tell this story. I've always been a creative writer, my teachers used to call my parents just to tell them over the phone to encourage me to keep writing. I wrote a story called "The Wolf and the Vixen" when I was 13 that was about a wolf inside the earth who built mountains to try and impress a Vixen in the moon who was making rain and water with her alchemy, and a guy got called in from a university in Florida (I'm in Cali) to read my story and he talked to me about getting a Young Writers Scholarship and moving to Florida to study in some program where I'd get a publisher at the end of it. (My dad told me to turn it down and I did).
Added to the above: I think Melodi, as of right now, is the most insanely deep and compelling story I've ever written, and that's saying a lot. I've been writing the world of Lucidia since I was 13 or 14, and I gave a hint of it in Lil Miss Rarity with Malice and Lucidia's story arc, but that was only the tip of the iceberg.
So, I know, what you were asking was "How (IN GENERAL) do you stay motivated to keep working?" and a lot of these are very personal reasons that won't really help the average person, so I'll give some advice here. The advice here is, because if you truly are passionate to tell your story, nothing should stop you from telling it.
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awildtei · 5 months
the summer day
[this is just a little ficlet I wrote based on my HC that Alvarez is Argentinian. It's also on AO3 here]
Catalina Álvarez has never had a white Christmas. She has never had a winter Christmas, actually.
On the flight to the States when she was fifteen (not her first one, but her first one without a return ticket), she told her dad she was excited about all the Christmas songs and paraphernalia (the pinetree, the Santas with their winter hats and gloves, the Disney songs about it being cold outside) aligning with the reality of the holiday for once.
Her mom didn't bother removing her eye mask as she said, “Cata, we’re going to California.”
Since her mom couldn’t see her, Catalina rolled her eyes. “Well, yeah, but we could go somewhere else for the holidays. New York, maybe, kill two birds with one stone: white Christmas and the ball drop on New Year’s.”
“We are going somewhere else for the holidays,” said her dad without putting his book down “Home.”
Summers in Buenos Aires are scorching hot, the pavement, concrete, and bricks of the city’s streets and buildings absorbing the heat and becoming a furnace, slow-roasting its sweaty inhabitants day and night. It’s a humid, heavy heat, one that sits on your skin like a physical weight and becomes the sole topic of small talk for the months it comes to stay.
The holidays are scattered throughout the summer holidays, three long months of school break sprinkled with Christmas, New Year’s, and Reyes Magos. They always celebrated Reyes at home, just the three of them with their gift-full shoes under the tree. When Catalina’s dad still had his mom and wasn’t yet estranged from his only brother, they spent New Year’s with them and Christmas with her mom’s side of the family.
Hebe Rodríguez’s house was squat and painted a soft blue, halfway down a quiet residential street where stray cats could still be spotted. Inside, it was teeming with plants (which Catalina loved) and pictures of her late husband, Roberto Álvarez (which Catalina found creepy as fuck).
(Two months before she died and five months before most of the remaining Álvarezes moved to the northern hemisphere, Hebe pulled Catalina aside. “Promise me this, Cata,” she asked. “Don’t do like the yankees and take your husband’s surname when you get married, okay? Just because they’re stuck in the Dark Ages doesn’t mean you have to put up with it. You are Catalina Álvarez, remember that.”
“I’m a lesbian, grandma,” she reminded her with a smile.
Her grandma blinked at her. “Oh. Right, I forgot. Alright, carry on, then,” and she patted her only grandchild on the shoulder with a decisive nod.)
Her uncle Luis would spend most of New Year’s Eve stuck to the TV screen. Some years, he would pop his head into the kitchen and grimly inform them, “Blackout tonight,” and they would all sigh, resigned. Better announced than unannounced, they supposed.
No blackout is welcome in 35°C temperatures, though. When the dark wave swept through the neighborhood, drowning out the lights of each house one by one like in the apocalyptic movies Catalina’s dad liked, they would have flashlights and candles ready, but the click of the ceiling fan and air-con turning off felt final and ominous. 
Those years (blackout-in-the-middle-of-New-Year’s-Eve-dinner years), they would sit out on the small patio in their white clothes to watch the stars and sip chilled wine. Conversation was hard to keep going when the humid air made breathing laborious, but the silence wasn’t bad. The electricity would usually return before midnight, and they would turn the TV on to a news channel and chant along to the countdown: cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno, ¡FELIZ AÑO NUEVO! before eating twelve raisins (which Catalina replaced with chocolate-covered cereal because she found raisins disgusting), one for each month, and running outside to see the fireworks.
Christmases, however, were always Catalina’s favorite. Her mom’s side of the family was a very different story from her dad’s: loud where they were quiet, numerous where they were sparse, posh where they were normal (her dad’s words, the ‘chetos’ said with undisguised derision, ignoring his mom’s resulting elbow to the ribs).
Catalina and her parents would make the forty-minute drive to Santa Bárbara, the definition of a swank gated community. Once past the guard booths, they would make the slow fifteen-minute drive down winding streets with their “Children Playing” signs to the big house at the end of the lane where Aunt Soledad and Uncle Tomás lived with their 2.5 kids and golden retriever. It was always lavishly decorated, with a life-size nativity scene on the front lawn and unseasonable snowflake cutouts and colorful strings of lights on the windowsills.
The afternoon before Christmas Eve was for riding bikes and swimming in the wide backyard pool and roller skating up and down the long wooden bridge over the expansive pond that was Santa Bárbara’s hallmark. Cousins Marcos, Agustín, Lara and Constanza were older than Catalina; Milagros, Sebastián and Santiago were younger. Then there were the babies, Benjamín and Pilar, but they stayed home with their respective parents, doing whatever babies did while kids played, so Catalina barely registered them for a few years.
At noon, they would run back to the house, Catalina and her cousins, and sit down for lunch under big striped patio umbrellas with minimal eye-rolling at their mothers’ fussing that they would get heatstroke and would they please play inside where it was cool? Uncle Tomás would serve the asado, delicious, juicy meat that was as much cultural ritual as it was meal, an excuse for the men to hover around the grill as though the whole thing would go up in flames without their combined expertise.
After lunch (an hours-long affair that included lengthy, inescapable post-lunch conversation), some of the adults would retreat to guest rooms to nap, others would lounge around on plastic chairs to sip mate and keep talking, and the kids would run again. Christmas Eve Eve always felt endless to Catalina, lovely and sweltering and carefree. Playing in the street was out of the question back in the city, had stopped being safe when her parents were children, but here it was fine, and she felt that freedom coursing through her veins with every running step she took down quiet streets lined with Aguaribay, American Ash, and Plane trees.
When the sun began to set, they would all, parents and children, slowly amble down to the pond to watch the orange-pink-red spectacle play on the water’s surface. Besides the two weeks she and her parents spent on the coast in Mar del Plata each February, it was the only time Catalina saw the horizon, the perfect straight line usually hidden by towering buildings.
Back at the house, the adults would start setting everything up for Christmas dinner, and the kids would banish the heat that still hung heavy in the air by playing mermaids and Marco Polo in the pool. When they were called inside, they would climb the pool ladder, grass sticking to their feet, trailing water all the way back into the house, and get changed into white dresses and shorts, airy and fresh, wet patches immediately appearing from their dripping hair.
Barefoot, smelling of chlorine, and worn from a day spent playing in the sun, they would sit at the table set with the good cutlery and linen napkins, jittery with the looming promise of Papá Noel’s visit (Catalina would never get used to the way U.S. Americans open presents on Christmas day instead of Christmas Eve, couldn’t fathom asking a child to go to sleep with that anticipation hanging over them). Dinner would be light due to the heat, salads and cold cuts, chilled wine and champagne for the adults, lemonade and Coke for the children, dessert for all.
When the excitement got to be too much for the youngest members of the family, one of the adults would say, “Hey, why don’t we go outside to wait for Papá Noel?” and guide a band of eager children to the backyard to search the stars for signs of an approaching reindeer-pulled sleigh. They were brighter here than in the city, and Catalina thought any one of them could be him.
Somehow, Santa always arrived when they were outside looking for him, and they would run back in to find a towering pile of presents waiting for them underneath the huge plastic Christmas tree. The rest of the evening usually unraveled in a loud mess of bright, noisy toys and sugar-high kids wanting to play with them even as the day caught up with them and made their jaws crack with their lion yawns.
The ones left standing by midnight were welcome to a glass of champagne to toast with the adults. Catalina always fought tooth and nail against her tiredness because she refused to miss out. After a sip or two of the bitter, bubbly liquid, she would kiss her parents goodnight and drag herself into the guest room she shared with her female cousins. The sheets smelled clean, the fan droned its merciful reprieve from the heat, and her heart felt full as she fell asleep.
On Christmas day, the boys would go to the fútbol field by the restaurant and wouldn’t let the girls join them, so Lara, Constanza, Catalina and Milagros would claim the backyard and invite the neighbors’ girls to play Exy with them. For years, that’s what Exy meant to Catalina: running with a pack of fierce girls under a furious summer sun, sweaty and happy and in charge. They would take pool breaks now and then, a quick dip and a pit stop for sunscreen reinforcement before resuming their game.
Lunch would consist of assorted leftovers and a dozen empanadas ordered from the restaurant two streets down. The knowledge that the day was about to end made it a less ebullient affair than the previous day, even the wildest of her cousins subdued by their impending departure.
After lunch, Aunt Soledad and Uncle Tomás would dress their kids up and walk down to the chapel five minutes away for Christmas Mass. Everyone else was allowed to join them, but only Aunt Carolina would sometimes go.
When the day slowly trickled down into night, the guest families would leave one by one, causing tantrums and loud protests as playmates were forced to say their goodbyes.
Catalina would get in the boiling car with her hair still dripping wet and an inevitable sunburn where she neglected to put on sunscreen. She would watch the trees pass them by on their slow crawl to the gates. Somewhere between the house and the highway, she would fall asleep. On the ride home, she would dream of grass and swimming pools and laughter and Exy and family.
The holidays are inevitably different now that she’s an adult. She goes from USC straight to LAX and meets her parents there. She sleeps most of the flight.
Buenos Aires is always the same, except for the ever-changing billboards and many old houses in her neighborhood being demolished to make room for mammoth apartment complexes. The summers are still scorching hot, only getting hotter with global warming.
Grandma Hebe is gone. Uncle Luis kept her house, but he and Catalina’s dad haven’t spoken in years, so she doesn’t know what became of that blue jungle, whether her grandad’s pictures still sprout among the plants like weeds.
Catalina and her parents spend both Christmas and New Year’s in Santa Bárbara with her aunt and uncle now. She and her cousins don’t run around all day anymore, but they do still sometimes play Exy in the backyard, with racquets they’ve outgrown and complaints from her opponents that being a college Exy player gives her an unfair advantage, which she gleefully ignores. 
There are still long evenings spent floating on her back in the swimming pool until her fingers prune and her skin smells of chlorine. There are still asados, even if Uncle Román isn’t part of the grill committee anymore since Aunt Carolina divorced him. 
There is no searching for Santa among the stars, but presents are still exchanged, toasts still made. There are new guests, Agustín’s girlfriend, Marcos’s best friend, Milagros’s girlfriend. Their junior year of college, Catalina brings along Laila. 
There are long lunches that stretch into longer conversations. There is sunscreen and chilled champagne and the sun setting over the pond.
And on the plane ride back to California, where she will exchange gifts with Jeremy and Jean and the other Trojans, where she will train and study and keep growing up, Catalina dreams of grass and swimming pools and laughter and Exy and family.
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rosalind-hawkins · 9 days
Okay your new header is SO cute!!!
So for the ask meme, our lovely mumble boys!!! 1, 8, 35, and whichever your favourite number is!
Thank you so much, and thanks for indulging me!
1. Who fell for the other one first?
Generally speaking, Ryou is the hopeless romantic who falls first, but somehow in Power of Three, he's the last one to fall for both of his boys. 🤷‍♀️ Seto falling for Ryou first is just too adorable.
8. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?
Oooh, I've made a post like this before, but I never get tired of talking about how these boys build their family.
Seto lets Ryou put up a little angel shrine to his mother and sister in the mansion's garden with votive candles and such (thanks to my "Ryou had a Catholic mom" headcanons). Duke is not on speaking terms with his parents (idk that we know anything about Duke's mom, but assuming she's not dead, I think he resents her for what she let his dad do), so Kaiba is happy to stonewall them as well. "The enemy of my friend is my enemy." And if either Duke's dad or Ryou's dad shows up uninvited, Seto is taking every legal measure to keep them as far away as possible.
Ryou and Duke love Mokuba, and Mokuba loves them. Kaiba cannot date anyone longterm that Mokuba hates, it's not allowed. They get along super well and it's honestly enriching for lil Mokie.
In an AU where Amane is secretly somehow alive, she and Mokuba become BFFs, she slips right into his friendgroup with Leon and Rebecca, and he has a big crush on her. Seto and Amane don't quite know what to make of each other, and that's partly because Seto is weird with women. Duke and Amane would get along great, total nerdy gamer bros.
Kaiba is forced to learn how to play nice with the rest of the gang, mostly due to Ryou's insistence. Ryou's not going to keep the people he cares about all separate unless there's a very good reason for it, and he doesn't think Kaiba has a good reason for refusing to interact with the others. Duke actually would have been fine with Seto staying so standoffish, but does admit that it's not fun when they can all do things together with their friends.
35. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
Ooooooooohhhhhhhh boy. *Deep breath* Okay, SO.
When Seto has to travel and taking either of his boys with him isn't an option, they use phonecalls to stay in touch. Seto doesn't usually do much of the talking on these calls, but hearing their voices and listening to them happily talk about their day and their ideas makes him happier in that "I miss you more than I did before" kind of way.
Sometimes Duke has to go to America for business stuff with Pegasus, and he prefers video calls and exchanging selfies to help with missing his boys. Kaiba won't take selfies but Ryou takes pictures of him on Duke's behalf, which is deemed acceptable.
When Ryou is missing his men, in addition to the stuff above, he will wear their clothes to feel closer to them and hang out in a spot where they usually spend their time. Sometimes he'll drink coffee when he misses Seto, even though he doesn't really like coffee. It makes him feel closer. Then when they come back, Ryou is all over them for cuddles.
And, since you asked for my favorite number, I've become a little... extra indulgent.
33. Who is the big spoon and why?
Mostly Kaiba, secondarily Duke, but Ryou will be a big spoon too sometimes to both of them and it's precious. Ryou likes to hold onto people and cuddle, and Kaiba denies that he's a cuddler, but if he's holding them in his sleep and they creep out of his hold for any reason, he wakes up fast. It's secretly an anxiety thing. Ryou figured that out first but doesn't say anything about it. Duke just loves physical contact, he will go either way with either of them. 😉
48. Who would bring home a homeless animal?
Ryou 1000%. He will come home with a box of abandoned kittens, crying because he already loves all of them so much. Duke grabs the tissues and Seto summons a veterinarian.
49. Do they match outfits for special occasions?
Ryou likes to match Kaiba, and Duke likes to be his own thing. Duke's style and flair are very distinct and don't match Kaiba at all, though they are an interesting complement. Sometimes Duke wants Ryou to match him instead, and that's when Ryou becomes an absolute doll that his boyfriends dress up because he would wear casual comfy clothes every day of his life for every occasion if he didn't have such fashionable men to guide him.
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bmbochangetales · 1 year
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I posted 400 times in 2022
16 posts created (4%)
384 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 260 of my posts in 2022
Only 35% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 217 posts
#my favorite reads - 52 posts
#mr h m bo - 41 posts
#my writing - 39 posts
#my story - 38 posts
#short story - 35 posts
#bimboization - 31 posts
#caption - 27 posts
#mind control - 23 posts
#hypnosis - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 28 characters
#technological transformation
My Top Posts in 2022:
Being Useful
Another birthday as you get older. People jokingly telling you that you would be able to retire soon. You were at a small party on a Sunday afternoon with friends. You felt like life was passing you by. Some were in amazing careers, others were married and having kids. Buying houses. It was silly but you decided to make a wish. "I wish I could do something useful this year," you blew out the candle.
That night you began having weird dreams. Dozens of children calling you mommy. Milk flowing freely for them all to drink from enormously swollen breasts. Your walk was a waddle slowed by an oversized growing belly. The perfect place for you triple sized mommy milkers to rest. You pussy was a perfect place for a fertile healthy cock to pump into as it milked the potent cum deep in your body.
You wake up in a sweat and notice it is still very early. You decide to get up and hit the office early. Maybe you can finish up and get out early and go to the gym or go to happy hour. Although, the thought of alcohol suddenly turns your stomach. You pull out your tightest skirt that shows off your wide hips. You think about how great your hips are for fucking. The dreams come back and you turn to the side and imagine what you’d look like heavily pregnant. In your daydream, you forget to get a bra as you button up a blouse.
The whole drive you just think of how great and useful you would be swollen in pregnancy. Having baby after baby. You for some reason listen to a new mom’s podcast. Talking feeding and caring for babies. One even was already pregnant again. So useful you think. You think how great it would be so nice to just be kept one after the other.
You arrive at the office and hardly anyone is there. You see your supervisors car. He was transferred in about two months ago. Young but driven. He had already accomplished a lot. He was the talk of everyone in the office. No girlfriend, high paying job and handsome. Right now you think about how good he would be to breed you and your fantasies don’t disappoint.
Nipples are pressed hard against your shirt as you walk in. He is in the break room making the coffee for the day. Before he even sees you, he can smell you. His body tensed up and suddenly it overtakes him. Like a man possessed he turns and sizes you up. You can smell him too. God is he fertile. He is across the room is seconds as you feel the need to obey whatever he says. He is your supervisor, your big, sexy, fertile supervisor.
His hand is up your skirt and he feels your already soaked cunt. He rubs around and then puts three fingers inside. It’s not what either of you crave though. He strokes a few times before he hikes your skirt up and throws you on the table. You unbutton your blouse as he yanks his cock out. It’s already hard and ready to fill you as a huge drop of precum leaks down. Your mind empties out seeing it as he goes to slide on your waiting hole. As soon as he begins fucking you, your brain tells you how useful you are. How his balls will empty and fill you. He is going faster and harder. He grabs the table so you won’t slide away. Harder and harder his cock pounds into you. You begin to use your pussy to milk his cum out you need that. The grunts and moans as he fucks you, images fill his head with you so pregnant you can’t move with your tits flowing with milk. He wants it. He keeps his pace and begins muttering “breed her, breed her, breed her”. He begins to cum and he sucks on your breasts. Sucking harder with each squirt of cum. You begin to orgasm yourself as you feel the cum.
“Your assignment today is to be useful and keep that cum in you. Your gonna be a good little breeder.” He pours you both coffee and struts away even more confident than before.
You hold the coffee to your lips but immediately the smell caused you to flinch back. He must have brewed it wrong. You stick to your water deciding to get another cup later. You never do. The smell was making you nauseous.
You tried to sit at your desk calmly but you imagined getting pumped full by every male co-worker imagining who could fill you to be enormously pregnant the most. Your supervisor got 7 in your fantasies. Your hand was up your skirt stroking your clit and massaging your empty, fertile pussy. Your other hand unbuttoned your blouse and began teasing your nipples imagining your tits swollen with milk dripping down your body. Your ever swelling body a sign of how useful you are. More and more babies growing and feeding because of you. Your mind constantly going back to your supervisor who you fucked this morning.
You remember the feeling of his cock pounding into you over and over until he came. Your mouth is hanging open as your fingers furiously try to give you the same feeling but fail. You office door has a forceful knock when he walks in. You can see the thick health bulge growing in his pants.
“Hands on the table, time to be useful,” he grabs you and places you in position. You turn and catch sight of his cock and balls. They seemed bigger than this morning. Heavier and more full. You expectant cunt is greedy for more as he begins to fuck, the tip seeking out your cervix. After a few shallower thrusts, he hits it. It sets off animal like instincts. He won’t stop until your full of cum and there is no doubt of you being bred. Every thrust he is dripping gobs of potent cum. You’re already full of it as he heads toward climax.
You steady your hips and hold firm as you feel his cock tense. He paused and makes sure all the cum shoots as deep in as possible. As he unloads inside you, your orgasm as he deposits nearly a full liter of cum. Your stomach puffs out as it fills you. After a few moments he slides out and readjusts his out. He sets you gently on your chair making sure you don’t lost a single drop. After the hard fucking, you pass out in your chair.
When you finally come to it, it’s 8 pm. The office has long emptied. At some point, the supervisor came in and fucked you again but you could hardly keep your eyes open. You look down at your stomach. You are easily 4 months pregnant. You can feel the babies moving in you. Definitely 3 or 4. Your tits are massive with huge darkened nipples. You can almost feel them making milk. Your skirt is pressed to its limit as you waddle to your car. You need to go and eat. Maybe a chicken sandwich with pickles. And ice cream. And peanut butter. And some tacos with jelly. This is just the beginning. You are already imagining your next pregnancy caring for these babies and making more.
You dream of being useful all night. Your supervisor will keep you pregnant and full. Pushing your body to grow and carry more. Using your overflowing breasts to feed a tiny army of babies. Never getting a flat stomach again. You orgasm many times in your sleep.
When you wake the next morning, hardly anything will fit your body. Your massive stomach is 7 months with 5 healthy growing babies. You waddle and jiggle with every step. Your supervisor stops by your house for a morning fuck and drives you in as you give him a hand job to help relieve the pressure of his massive baseball sized breeding balls. He proudly walks you in so everyone knows he bred you and made you useful.
No one thinks it’s weird that in 3 days you a fully pregnant with multiples. In fact the whispers are about how all the women want to be like you and the men want a chance to make a woman be as useful as you.
“Sorry we are late with your birthday but here is your cake” as they sing to you. You stroke your enormous belly as you formulate you wish. “I wish everyone here could be useful like me”
227 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
My mom had me young. She did it on purpose. She was a sorority girl and popular girl who wanted me as an accessory. She chose my frat boy father because he was easy for her to manipulate and control. It didn’t hurt that he was a trust fund baby who could buy her all the pretty useless luxury goods.
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I was her first. She had hopes of having a little Barbie doll mini me. She instead got bookish and quiet type me. I don’t care about hair, clothes or make up. I spent so much time hiding with a book and doing my school work. Some how every sibling after me was exactly like my parents wanted except me, so I’m kind of the black sheep.
I wanted to go to college far away but my parents are insisting on their alma mater. They are paying so I can’t argue much unless I want to take out loans. My mother won’t stop talking about me rushing her sorority. Like they would let me in with my messy ponytail and sweatpants.
Today is my 18th birthday and my parents had a whole set up of gifts for me. Everything looks like it’s for my mom or something my younger sisters would want. Not even a single book I asked for. The only thing that was on my list was the latest phone but it was entirely pink and encrusted with diamonds too much for me but I guess it was a compromise. I could fix it later.
I picked it up and started playing with it. Mindless scrolling and enjoying a rest on my birthday. When I checked the clock suddenly four hours have passed. What had I even been doing for that long? A text popped up from my friend, she wanted to know what time I wanted to meet for the concert to our favorite punk band. I said 5 and we could grab burgers and fries before.
My mom always wanted me to enjoy her trendy pop and club music. Go to eat over priced fancy door or salads and green juices with her. I preferred the basics. I was about to start picking out an outfit from my wardrobe of neutrals and black, when my mom popped in.
“Let’s get your nails done for your birthday!” I was about to fight about my plans when I saw my nails did look a bit grungy even for me. I could get a simple color and be done. I still had all afternoon before I met my friends.
I followed her to her pink luxury car. I always thought it was obnoxious that it was all pink and had crystals all over but today I thought it did look kind of cool in the driveway and my friends always drooled over it and my mom.
“You can play on your new phone,” she cranked up her music and some bubbly pop song filled the car. As I scrolled, I tapped my foot and bopped my head a bit. This playlist was kind of catchy.
“See even in music mother knows best,” my mom smiled and made it even louder. My mom didn’t have terrible taste I suppose. She pulled into the parking lot and strut in with me trailing behind her. Everyone greeted her there and she pulled me to an open station. I didn’t even get a chance to pick a color.
“Just keep watching videos on your phone and relax! It’s your birthday princess. Mother knows best” I watched for what felt like minutes as the manicurist worked. Suddenly she stopped and I looked down and saw the brightest sparkling nails ever. Not what I wanted but it matched my mom’s set. I was so shocked I didn’t know what to say.
“So cute!!!” Mom gushed. She tipped the workers and we left. We stepped out and instead of going towards the car she ushered me to the hair salon and walked in.
“Mother knows best darling. Right?” She asked me.
“Yes mom.” I answered. She was just trying to spend time with me I guess. The stylist who always trimmed my hair came up. She looked particularly gleeful. She ushered me back to the dye section. I never did this.
“Match her to me it will look so perfect on her.” My mom ordered the girl sweetly.
“Mother knows best” the girl answered happily. My mom would know since I never really got into hair. I hope I look as pretty as my mom. I wonder if she can show me how to do my make up before the concert. I looked at the time and saw that it was getting late. I texted my friend that I was running late, I would meet her at the concert. My mom could stop and get me a smoothie and some expensive sushi maybe! She knows the best places.
We stopped at one more place. It was some doctor's office.
"Dr Vayak will give you your final gift."
"It's sucking out any final resistance and useless knowledge to give you a perfect pair of breasts, like any Delta Alpha Beta girl should have."
I let out a giggle. It felt so funny feeling the vacuum on my chest.
See the full post
230 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
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You clicked reblog. Damn right! The patriarchal misogynistic society. Of course you had a not like other girls phase. Who didn’t?
You got a message. Seemed like a rather harmless account. A few reblogs here and there. Nothing weird. A cheesy joke bio. Then you saw! They were who you reblogged that post from! You opened the message.
Your computer flashes filling the whole room with a blinding silver light. You felt your head go fuzzy instantly. Your whole body feels tight as you look at your computer to see what caused it, when a silver swirl pulls you in.
“You are just like other girls. You are just make up and boobs. You are just like other girls. You are just make up and boobs. You are just like other girls. You are just make up and boobs.”
More and more messages came through repeating it again and again. Hours of reading. You couldn’t look away. You could only read.
“I am just like other girls. I am just make up and boobs!”
Your interests seemed to melt away. Shelves of books and intellectual pursuits faded into over priced make up. Rows of lipsticks and palettes of eye shadows. Hundreds of products. All to make you look prettier. All the blogs and podcasts you followed shifted into shallow, pursuits of beauty and sex. You exist to please men. You are just make up and boobs. Just like other girls.
Thinking? Going to College? Ick. That’s hard work! You should leave it to the boys. You belong at a salon getting your nails and hair done. You just need to look pretty for the big smart boys. You are a silly dumb blonde with nothing better than to look pretty.
“I am just like other girls. I am just make up and boobs”
Strong and independent? Ewwwww! You are weak and submissive. A man can tell you what to do. Only a man’s opinion matters. You are useless without a man. You are going to use your nice big boobies and your warm, wet pussy to show him that he can control you.
“I am just like other girls. I am just make up and boobs”
You forwarded the messages to anyone who reblogged that post! They were so silly for thinking they could be any different. Girls are just make up and boobs!
See the full post
265 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
He forced her into his hotel room. She had never seen him before. He said he had a gun. She was being kidnapped at the hotel she was staying at on her two week long solo trip.
Wrists tied above her head she laid struggling on the luxurious hotel bed. The rooms were sound proof, no one would hear her. She needed to get to the phone or the hallway. But she laid in the bed hands bound above her head and feet tied together to the corner of the bed. The phone was across the room where her captor laid.
He watched her struggle ignoring any pleas or threats. Just laughing in her face every so often. There was a knock on the door and for a moment she thought she was saved. He rushed to get it and before a word left her mouth he was back in the room holding a spray bottle.
He stood over here and began soaking her in the spray. She felt the mist coat every inch, getting her her nose. It seeped into her mouth causing her to begin coughing. With her mouth open, several heavy sprays went in. It was so fruity and sweet, like her favorite cocktail. She finally heard the kidnapper speak for the first time.
“First let’s blow up those boobies”
Like a pump was attached, silicone filled them, slowly getting bigger and bigger. Faker and faker. Rounder and rounder. Her once average shirt was now pushed to its limits trying to contain a massive fake pair of breasts.
“These are obscene!”she screamed in shock, hardly able to comprehend that whatever that spray was, her body was under his command.
“Oh you don’t need big words any more,” her tongue buzzed removing her ability to say anything long or complicated “just try to say it now.”
“I said these are obsiigfii…objiiiii…..obbbb big silly boobies!” She covered her mouth. No she could say big words!
“No I can talk! I’m imteligiant, Intallimahshs. Infffffffff. Imma a big smartie!” She let out a forcible giggle. Oh god, this was turning her on. Her own body betraying her. Seeing herself with huge fuck tits. She looked good. Being sexy was turning her on.
“You want to be a big fake bimbo,” he said in a smug tone.
Suddenly she was imagining, showing off her pretty tiddies. People looking at her because she was so sexy. Men and women wanting her. She felt her body getting warmer, her pussy was beginning to get wet as she imagined her captor teasing her with his cock. She imagined becoming faker and enjoying it She tried to hide it but her mouth betrayed her.
“I’m a sexy horny dumb girl! Wanna be fake bimbo! ”
“Of course you are!” He pointed at you again “Faker, hornier, sluttier,” like a tingle that spread through her body, it over took her. She couldn’t fight it. Her face became the work of a surgeons knife and the girl ms at the make up counters every where. Fake hair bleached to an unreal shade of blonde. Nails so long, painted and bedazzled.
Her hips filled out and no one would think it her natural shape. The silicone flooded into her butt. The curves were made for pleasure. Looking at herself in the mirror on the bed, all tied up and sexy. She looked at the man. He had a cock. She should please him. He had another hour before pick up came to take another finished product to be sold to some rich man. Time for his tip.
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372 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Welcome to the Good Girl Training center
You have been sponsored by someone close to you to enjoy a stay at our resort. We specialize in the training and reprogramming of women into the proper sluts they are made to be.
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You have been entered in our Horny Slut Total package. You will receive all of our general programs available. Here is your schedule, a course description will follow.
You will enjoy 3 hours of subliminal porn every morning. Afternoon sessions of Cocksucker Boot Camp and Anal Superior Services in the afternoon. Your evenings will be spent in Fucktoy Techniques Workshops. Completing your daily schedule with with an hour of dick dumbification and worship of your sponsor’s cock.
Subliminal Porn time is a great way to start your day. Your kind and generous sponsor has personally selected a collection of porn for you to watch everyday. As your watch subliminal words and sounds will help reprogram you into the perfect good girl able to perform various kinks and positions and able to switch personas with the slap of your ass. Your sponsor deserves that kind of control and pleasure from you.
Cocksucker Boot Camp is our most popular program. You will work on giving the most perfect blowjob according to the specifications of your sponsor. You will be able to take cock, be able to tease it using your tongue, lips, and throat giving the perfect amount of choking and gagging. Once you master the basics, you will become the perfect suck doll able to facefuck yourself just as your sponsor deserves.
Anal Superior Service Your man won't want another hole once he's has a taste of your A.S.S. Training. All good girls must be properly trained in anal to graduate because your sponsor deserves use of all your holes.
Fucktoy Techniques Workshop is where you will work on all your skills. We will make sure you suck, fuck and act like the perfect fuck toy should as specified by your sponsors. You will be taught how to walk and talk (or not) perfectly to please your sponsor. You will enjoy more subliminal training helping you relinquish your free will and become the obedient fucktoy your sponsor deserves.
Every evening will conclude of your sponsor's cock being used to dumb you down to their preference. If your sponsor is available, you will receive their cock in the hole of their choice following the appropriate amount of dick worship. If not, custom molded dildos will be used to complete dick worship activities. Be a good dumb, obedient bimbo, just like your sponsor deserves.
The Good Girl Training center is excited to see how wonderful you will become and give your sponsor the woman he deserves.
387 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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reigningmax · 2 years
Tell us the rest of your thoughts when you finish
So this is min 35 onwards
Max on track vs. Max off track are different people
On track he’s ruthless and aggressive and did it all to prove a point to his dad and to repay the debt he feels he owes his family
Off track, the thesis from his friends is that Max is Max. He loves fiercely, he wants to have fun and live his life and eat what he wants and take care of the people around him. I think if you are chosen to be part of his inner circle, you are very very lucky
He deserves to be loved, his dad deserves jail
Max got approached by Marc, Ferrari and Mclaren. RBR offered F1 straight away…a generational talent. One of a kind driver.
Helmut saying that J*s recognized his roll was less important when Max signed with Rbr…mate just say you banned him from getting too involved
Oh he literally says RBR told him not to come to all races lol 
J*s still getting involved and wanting to be in Max’s ears lmao
J*s getting mad about RBR giving Daneil “an advantage” choke bitch 
Someone please get Max therapy so he understands nothing about J*s is worthy of praise or compassion 
Max laughing/joking about not having any kids “that he knows of” please he’s so funny 
he got his drivers license on his 18th bday, moved to monaco the next day...2 years AFTER signing for RBR legends only
Investigate why Max says its nicer to live in Monaco than Amsterdam because “he can be himself” 
These drivers and their relationship with weight is batshit insane 
Max saying he doesn’t want to live too strict and wants to eat/have fun while maintaining a balance is so interesting
HIs first win :( a baby :( 
His WhatsApp media roll with his mom is scenery pics, candle pics, and his baby pics lmao 
Talking about how Max is so different outside the race car, but inside it he can be impatient, and this “J*s attitude” comes out but it’s getting better and better. That man really gave him the worst parts of himself lmao 
the whole bit with daniel on his 22nd birthday what the fuck went on with those 2 freaks!!!!!!!!!!!!
the whole bit with his sister’s surprise…iconic 
j*s needs to fuck off and let this man LIVE 
“Max is a friend that likes to share his success” not ever letting his friends pay for anything when they hang out or go on vacation because he doesn’t think it’s fair when he earns so much money and they earn considerably less, oh my GOD 
“Max is himself.” vs. “Max is max” investigate how this is THEEEEEE thesis statement about him
Max’s proud happy lil smile when Victoria is driving :( please :( 
Max saying he owes his mom and sister cause they both suffered a lot cause of him and he wants to give them nice and fun things :( 
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kawaiilizzie · 1 year
Happy Birthday Shion!
I’ve been discussing birthdays for my characters with Tale of @tokuteasings​ and settled on today being Shion’s birthday. So, in honor of her, have some short and sweet fluff centering on her celebrating with Kaede and everyone else.
Warnings: None really aside from implied spoilers for Saber up to episode 35.
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Mother’s Day didn’t seem like a big deal to Shion. Except for helping her friends at college pick out gifts for their own moms. She knew she would really feel the love when she becomes a mother herself, so she wasn’t really bothered by it.
However, the day to celebrate mothers also meant that her birthday, just three days after Mother’s Day, was around the corner. Shion considered herself lucky it was only one week after the birthday of her beloved princess Kaede on the ninth of May.
The last few days have been insane. She thought. I wonder if Kae-chan and the others had time to prepare for my birthday after what the Sword of Logos’ deluded leader tried to pull off if at all.
Luckily for her, any concerns she had disappeared when she entered the Northern Base and was greeted with party poppers going off around her, covering her in confetti and streamers.
“Happy birthday Shion!” Everyone shouted together, clapping their hands and cheering.
“Y-You guys remembered!” She laughed, removing confetti and streamers off herself.
“Of course we did, Shion-chan.” Kaede said with a smile, putting a silver tiara on her head. “We would never forget.”
“Here you go Shion! I had it made special just for you~” Mei said, holding out a delicious looking cake, a single candle glowing on top of it, and decorated with large pink roses made of icing and a chocolate plague reading Happy birthday Shion!
“Now, blow out your candle and make a wish!” Touma told her, holding out his phone along with Kaede to take a picture of the moment. Shion nodded, and blew out the candle, Homura and Naoto cheering and everyone else clapping when she did.
“Congratulations, Espada.” Sophia said with a gentle smile.
Shion returned the smile. “Thank you, Sophia.”
“Here, let me take this before something happens to it and we can’t eat any of it.” Tetsuo offered, taking the cake away with Naoto following him cheerfully.
Kaede walked up to Shion, holding out a bouquet of flowers consisting of red and pink roses, white lilies, and sunflowers. “Here, I picked out the flowers myself.”
“Thanks, Kae-chan.” Shion said, taking the bouquet from her. “The Shindais are on Rider duty to keep an eye on Master Logos, right?”
“Yeah. Should he make a move, they’ll let us know.” Kaede confirmed. “For now, your happiness is essential.”
Shion blushed pink at being acknowledged as important by her roommate. This felt a lot like the fairytales she loved as a child. She imagined Kaede looking at her lovingly, dressed in a beautiful white and pink dress fit for a princess, herself in a similar fairytale dress. She has been planning to confess her feelings for a while now, and she intends to tell Kaede soon.
“Kaede, everyone is waiting for you and the birthday girl.” Yukina called out, snapping Shion out of her thoughts.
“We’ll share the photos with Kento and Yamina later.” Raito added. “Hopefully seeing you guys happy will convince them that there is hope.”
“Alright, come on Shion-chan, time to cut your cake!” Kaede told her, holding out a hand to Shion.
Shion accepted her hand and held it tightly as the two went to join the others for a celebratory toast and food.
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headcanons: Choi Jongin
so sorry about this being late... i know i promised it forever ago, but i've been really worried about whether or not people will like these headcanons until i realized it doesn't really matter lmao. though here's a disclaimer anyway: i've absolutely used my creative liberty with these characters, and you'll probably have one or two moments where you go "they would never fucking say that," or something along those lines. these are just. blorbos that have been rotting in my brain and i have finally given them their poor little meow meow backstories that have absolutely nothing to do with canon. so :) just keep this in mind with these headcanons, and any future ones i post. i'm just throwing my 2 cents into the fandom, even if they are a very niche 2 cents.
last thing. this is long. i've done my best to shorten it. rip to mobile users.
content warning for mention of drug abuse and attempted suicide.
Quick headcanons -
Name: Choi Jongin
Age: 28
Gender: Male
DOB/Place: May 3rd, 2032 in Seoul, South Korea 
Rank/Type: S Rank Mage
Guild/Occupation: Hunter’s Guild Leader
Past Occupation(s): Fiend Guild 
Skills: Fire go boom 
Weapons: Rings, Gauntlet
Family: Smith Seunghee (mom) (alive) 
Kang Donghyuk (biological dad) (unknown) 
Choi Jeonghan (stepdad) (alive) 
Core headcanons - 
Hidden talent: pencil/charcoal/oil pastel art
Favorite food: Deep fried chicken drumsticks 
What motivates them: Protecting those he loves, even if it means sacrificing himself + proving others wrong (others being Yoonho and Hwang Dongsuk) + giving his cat Kiwi a good life
Treasured possession: Jintao Brown’s red flannel jacket 
Deepest secret: He used to be addicted to ecstasy and has relapsed once already 
Best/Worst thing to happen to them: Lim Taegyu taking a chance on him/Getting sent to that boarding school 
Random memories: Finding Kiwi as in the rubble of Jeju and smuggling her home in his cape; having too realistic of a nightmare when he was a child and watching the sunrise from his window; Taegyu yelling at him for smoking inside his office; meeting Yoonho for the first time at the testing center, and the fight that followed; the first crush he had on a guy that was in his high school class; riding bikes with Jintao Brown to the track during the summer and having a picnic nearby as their weekly not-date-but-kinda-date;  
Best friend/Worst enemy: Lim Taegyu/Hwang Dongsuk
Good/Bad traits: Smart, dependable, funny/Competitive, arrogant, independent, distant, protective, 
Things they’ve done/like to do:Lit his kitchen on fire trying to make maruchan noodles, collects candles, 
Personality type: “Defender” ISFJ-A (22% extraverted, 78% introverted; 43% intuitive, 57% observant; 46% thinking, 54% feeling; 92% judging, 8% prospecting; 65% assertive, 35% turbulent) 
Nervous habit: Clenching his hands/teeth, twisting his rings, 
Things they’re afraid of: Sleeping, as he usually has nightmares, lighting his cat on fire,  
Things they want to accomplish: Building a cat tree for Kiwi his cat, learning to at least boil an egg with his powers, finish a decent portfolio of his oil pastel works, draw more portraiture of people around him (Taegyu, Haein, Jinchul, Yoonho unfortunately, etc) 
Additional headcanons -
Doesn't like kiwis because of their texture. Also, they are hairy 
Goes with maroon and blood orange, but that's because hes a fire mage - he actually likes blue
Has a habit of manually sharpening pencils from his artist days 
He really like dinosaurs, especially the brontosaurus 
Very interested in true crime, he was originally in college to be a forensic scientist
His fingers are usually dirty whenever he's stressed, as he draws when he can't sleep. He also smells a lot like pencil shavings and oil pastels 
Has tried to quit smoking 3 separate times but it never seems to work 
Their Timeline -
Age 12: leaves for boarding school 
2 years pass
Age 14: does ecstasy for the first time
Age 15: starts “dating” Jintao Brown
Age 16: learns he isn’t his stepdads son 
Age 17: unsuccessful suicide attempt + graduates 
Age 18: gets his rank + joins the Fiend Guild + attempts to sober up 
Age 19: his parents divorce 
Age 20: Taegyu confronts him about his addiction 
3 years pass
Age 23: fight with Hwang + sobers up 
Age 24: creates the Hunters Guild 
Age 25: first Jeju raid + gets Kiwi 
Age 26: second Jeju raid
Age 27: third Jeju raid
Age 28: now
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sillyvisioncorner · 1 year
Top 100 Songs Of The Year
1. Find The Keys (Remastered) by The Stupendium
2. Bones by Imagine Dragons
3. A Good Song Never Dies by Saint Motel
4. Eleven Sings A Song (Part 3) by Aaron Fraser Nash
5. Candy Store - Heather's The Musical (Off Broadway Cast)
6. All Eyes On Me by OR3O
7. Moving Up In The World by DAGames
8. Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
9. Dead Girl Walking (Reprise) - Heather's The Musical (Off Broadway Cast)
10. Build Our Machine (Trio Mashup) by DAGames
11. Enemy (Cover) by Annapantsu
12. Enemy (No Rap/Radio Cut) by Imagine Dragons
13. Devil's Price by Poor Man's Poison
14. Mr Bones by Kroh
15. Cipher by LEMMiNO
16. Teens - Stranger Things s4 Ost
17. California Dreamin' by The Beach Boys
18. Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush
19. The Devil's Swing (Mashup) by Fandroid
20. Welcome Home (Cover) by Cami-Cat
21. A Little Messed Up (TechnoBlade Animatic) by June
22. Stranger Things s3 Recap Song by Aaron Fraser Nash
23. Ready To - BNA (Brand New Animal)
24. Should I Stay Or Should I Go by The Clash
25. Rewired by Gabbie Hanna
26. Brothers In Arms (Cover) by OR3O
27. Feed The Machine by Poor Man's Poison
28. Cells No More by The Stupendium
29. Voices by Derivakat
30. Devil's Train by The Lab Rats
31. Shut Eye (Slowed) by Steeling Sheep
32. Kids (Slowed) - Stranger Things s1 Ost
33. Ballroom Blitz by The Struts
34. Art Of Darkness by The Stupendium
35. Blood And Ink by NateWantsToBattle/ Give Heart Records
36. Meant To Be Yours - Heather's The Musical (Original West End Cast)
37. Beautiful - Heather's The Musical (Off Broadway Cast)
38. Dead Girl Walking - Heather's The Musical (Off Broadway Cast)
39. Smells Like Teen Spirt by Nirvana
40. Monster by Imagine Dragons
41. Get Jinxed - League Of Legends
42. This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller
43. Ashite Ashite by Kikuo
44. Give And Take by Poor Man's Poision
45. Freeze Your Brain - Heather's The Musical (Off Broadway Cast)
46. A Pizza The Action by The Stupendium
47. Desolate Hallway by Advocate Music
48. Cell Block Tango (Edit) - Chicago (2002)
49. I Say No - Heather's The Musical (Original West End Cast)
50. Here Comes Vi/Get Jinxed (Mashup) - League Of Legends
51. Trouble by Gabbie Hanna
52. Thank God I'm Not You by Himalayas
53. You Give Love A Bad Name (Nightcore) by Bon Jovi
54. Teen Idle (Animatic) by MARINA
55. Gospel Of Dismay (Cover) by OR3O
56. Cherry Bomb by Joan Jett and The BlackHearts
57. Revived by Derivakat
58. No One Escapes by Catherine Kelly
59. Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon
60. Why Did I Say Okie Doki? by The Stupendium
61. Kids (Ain't Alright) by Grace Mitchell
62. Max Sings A Song (Part 3) by Aaron Fraser Nash
63. Typical Me by Kroh
64. Spend The Night by TryHardNinja
65. Bendy Beats by Kyle Allen Music
66. Burn by Fishy Mom
67. Bendy's Tale by OR3O
68. Candle Queen by GHOST
69. Orphan Tears (Edit) by Your Favourite Martian
70. Glitter And Gold by Barns Courtney
71. CopyCat (Mashup) by Circus-P
72. The Fine Print by The Stupendium
73. Why Did I Say Okie Doki (Cover) by K.C
74. Detroit Rock City by KISS
75. Playground By Bea Miller
76. Little Talks by Of Monsters And Men
77. 1985 by Bo BurnHam
78. Total Insecurity by Rockit Gaming
79. Sharks by Imagine Dragons
80. Tangled Up by Caro Emarald
81. Seventeen - Heather's The Musical (Off Broadway Cast)
82. Hayloft 1/2 by Mother Mother
83. Everybody Loves Me by One Republic
84. Sunglasses At Night by Corey Hart
85. Yo Girl - Heather's The Musical (Off Broadway Cast)
86. Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos
87. One Of My Kind by CeCe And The Dark Hearts
88. Its Spreading by Dawko
89. Face Reality by Victor McKnight
90. 2econd, 2ight, 2eer (That Was Fun GoodBye) by Will Wood
91. Apex Predator - Mean Girls The Musical
92. DAGames Official Founders Pack
93. A Cautionary Tale - Mean Girls The Musical
94. Dead Girl Walking - Heather's The Musical (Original West End Cast)
95. House Of Memories by Panic! At The Disco
96. Sic Semper Tyrannis by Creamay
97. Always Wanted by MiatriSs
98. Burning Pile by Mother Mother
99. Fight For Me - Heather's The Musical (Off Broadway Cast)
100. Casino Royale by DerivaKat
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dreamslogs · 9 months
August 3, 2023: Log #94
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🌥️Weather: Raining with a high of 78, low of 71, humidity of 92%, feels like 79
🐖9:00 AM: Wake up & check social media
🫏9:10 AM: Do my morning weigh in
🐖9:15 AM: Drink coffee, eat breakfast, and talk to my mom on the phone for a while
I ate 2 soft boiled eggs, cottage cheese, and 2 strawberries
🫏10:45 AM: Take my vitamins, brush my teeth, and get ready for my workout
🐖11:00 AM: Do my morning workout
🫏11:30 AM: Put away last nights dishes
🐖11:40 AM: Take a quick rinse off shower
🫏11:45 AM: Get dressed, wash my face, and do my hair
🐖12:00 PM: Do some catching up with my friend on the phone
🫏12:30 PM: Start studying for my math final exam
🐖2:00 PM: Take a break to put away breakfast dishes & make lunch
I had a peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich, 4 strawberries, and 10 cauliflower stalks with sea salt
🫏2:15 PM: Eat my lunch and continue studying for math
🐖5:00 PM: Watch Wizards of Waverly Place with my roommate
🫏7:20 PM: Quickly go to the store next door
🐖7:35 PM: Put away groceries & prepare dinner
🫏7:45 PM: Eat dinner
I had a cup of jasmine, homemade korma, 2 pieces of mini naan, and lime sparkling water
🐖9:00 PM: Put away dinner dishes
🫏9:10 PM: Get in my pajamas, brush my teeth, wash my face, and braid my hair
🐖9:30 PM: Put on fairy lights, put a candle on the warmer, and do some Japanese duolingo
🕯️Candle Scent: Bath & Body Works - White Pumpkin
🫏9:45 PM: Talk to my friend for a little bit
🐖10:15 PM: Read Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall
📖Pages Read: 17
🫏10:30 PM: Settle down in bed to watch Bob’s Burgers
🐖11:45 PM: Take melatonin & scroll social media until I fall asleep
🖋️Notes on the Day🖋️
I got nervous because my roommate came back today and sometimes her moods can affect the environment around her. In the nicest way possible, if she is not having a good time no one else can have a good time. But it’s fine I’m not spending a lot of time at the apartment and next week I get to meet our two new roommates moving in! Very excited for that :). I’m also ready for my math class to be done I’m struggling so bad through it, but I think I’m getting a C. So that’s fine I guess. Wish it was a B.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Christmas/Holiday Prompts
It’s that time of year guys, when the snow falls like a bitch and everything in the air smells of coffee and peppermint. Feel free to send in whatever asks you want off the list, I’ll take’em. Fandoms are Top Gun Maverick, Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale and Salem’s Lot. 
1. “It smells like peppermint” 
2. Fresh cookies
3. The kids getting a part in the Christmas Play/Pageant at school
4. Watching “A Charlie Brown Christmas” with their s.o and or the kids
5. Decorating the house
6. Decorating the tree
7. Christmas tree hunt
8. Christmas at the lake house/cabin
9. “There’s plenty of room at the inn” 
10. Under the mistletoe
11. Surprise in the stockings
12. Baby’s first Christmas
13. Their favorite ornament on the tree
14. Christmas in Hawaii/The Bahamas
15. Dirty/funny Christmas Carols
16. Waking mom and dad up on Christmas morning
17. Matching pjs for the whole family
18. The Christmas puppy
19. “Can you help me get the baking done?” 
20. “Do you wanna build a snowman?” 
21. Snuggling by the fire
22. “Your cheeks are so cold!” 
23. Gingerbread
24. Dogfight hockey game
25. Ugly sweaters
26. Warm socks
27. “The entire family’s coming and we’ve hardly made a dent in the food prep” 
28. Licking the foam from the coffee or hot chocolate off their s.o’s nose or lip
29. Watching the snowfall with their s.o and or their newborn
30. Christmas trip to Yankee Candle (this is one of our family traditions)
31. Making the family stockings from scratch
32. Your mother-in-law helping you with the dinner prep
33. Going to church with the family on Christmas Eve
34. Christmas decorations the kids made at school
35. The kids watching the original Grinch cartoon
36. “Baby it’s cold outside”
37. The kids looking for where mom and dad hid the Christmas presents
38. “Oh my God, it’s like Hobby Lobby just exploded in here!” 
39. Hanging the lights on the house
40. The kids spying on the grown ups while the Christmas party is going on downstairs
41. Their s.o showing off their favorite Christmas outfit
42. The kids getting a sugar high from their Christmas candy
43. Christmas Eve sleepover
44. Snowy mittens
45. Sledding with the kids on Christmas morning
46. Snowball fight
47. Christmas Eve on the ranch
48. Trying not to wake the kids when they’re asleep on Christmas Eve
49. The kids writing letters to Santa
50. “This is the best Christmas ever!” 
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thedeadthree · 1 year
multiples of five for viktor and an oc of your choice please! 💕
ROSIIEEE hii! i hope your doing well dear! <3 THATS MY DEAR BOY. ive had him for EONS he means the world to me AHH. hmm and for the second one in honor of tlou releasing today on hbo! i'll introduce alaia! <3
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i would say MODUS by joji would be a cute first slow dance song for him! i would say first slow dance parter would go to the lucky dear ness (or nessie as he likes to call her <3 shes aj @jendoe's girlie!)! for a goood chunk of his life slow dances wigged him out u know? it's what his parents did at galas, and furthermore, its what people in committed relationships do u know? so it would take a "love of their life" sort to sway prince skittish of long term relationships <3
to be honest i think until nessie he didn't think himself as much of a romantic? and after they become an item (nessie will likely have to go "LISTENN BUB I THINK UR NEAT" or something like that jksankjn bc for all of his banter and etc etc dear boy was like UHH when it came to the art of courting ahjsabjx). but he'll try his best! its like watching a baby dear learn how to walk which is precious but also PRIME opportunity for teasing (affectionate). wanted to be in love but didn't think it was for him u know?
he's a social butterfly my dear boy sure is! of course soap and willa and Garrick and ghost begrudgingly are the besties and price and isi are like parental figures to him <3. radolfo and alejandro (dad wars between him and price kajnsj their time together in that cell was all the convincing ale needed that vik was to be his son jjhsjh) became instant besties of his <3. he has a number of close friends and fringe acquaintances as well! though the one who will hold the candle as his friend of all friends for him would be his late brother aldric <3
vik gets crushes like his dogs track mud in his house... ALL THE TIME. the essence of the "falls in love with a new person everyday." hehe <3 he took the cake for that until he met *COUGH*!
hES TrYinG hIS BeST his upbringing he's a nepo baby and his tendency towards the dramatic (stubs his toe? shakespearean tragedy.) he makes an effort for practicality but like his mannerisms in the romantic department its like watching a deer learn how to walk <3 viktor "how much does a banana cost? $50?" mason <3
no greater slight he could make to his mother if he didn't put thought into his sense of style bjsbjd and thank the heavens for aldric and his IMMACULATE TASTE bc i am confident dear boy would have considered joggers and a t-shirt as a suitable formal wear jankxdk. he learned all he knows from him! <3
his grandma on his moms side in france pronounced it as meh-meh and as a like seven he used to say it that way until aldric told him its MEME not meh-meh habjsbj (after waiting EONS until vik was fifteen to tell him DARN OLDER SIBLINGS). now, its just around graves to get on his nerves <3. he's a twerp!
he survives only bc select clowns would find his "hot mess with a heart of gold" nature endearing <3 he's beelining for roman, ayrenn, vindamea and enya the moment he sees them! strong badass ladies who can break his neck like a twig? AND upon them knowing him for five minutes if anyone touched a hair on his head they'd zero everyone on the scene hehe <3 he's drinking mead with baelor afterwards and running for the HILLS shrieking and tears in his eyes seeing una on the back of the cannibal <3 its fun!
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i think maybe not a first slow dance song but something for a first emotional moment where the bleakness of the post apocalyptic landscape of the world (which members of her family may or may not have been responsible for the outbreak) and its really getting to her.. i think of DEAL ME by MeLoveMeAlot ft KÅIKÅI? the "you can't kill me I'm alive / you gotta deal me i'm alive ... we all know no paradise." i think would be lovely for her in that moment u know? like a hold her while she sways a bit sort of post panic attack moment?
she was the child of seattle socialites and so the notion of romantics came from her admirers verses from her u know? but! she is for sure with the love language of gifting as that was the way she saw her parents expressing their affections and what people around her would do for her. so sort of a romantic but? not really?
i think between her and viktor she would have more friends but none of them she would consider close, acquaintances at best u know? a lot of her friendships in seattle were superficial. a lot of them were more so to have a connection to her name? to say they knew the family? she was little when the outbreak hit the friends she had and their parents it was like that? she needs friends i am PLEADING. these days its easier for her to have dalliances and acquaintances <3
crushes? in the year of our lord 2023 post outbreak? not on her life <3 she does have more than a few admirers though in higher circles and in leaving the comforts of home traversing the landscape <3.
alaia actually would have that over dear boy vik! i am still working things out (im doing lore diving as im watching the show rn <3) her step father before the outbreak was a neurosurgeon and he was looking into understanding the outbreak. on her defying her dads wishes and finding survivors outside of FEDRA the things she learned from him and the people around her she took to things rather well!
the outbreak broke out in 2003 i believe right? y2k in the post apocalyptic pnw/us fashion icon besties! luxury clothing from the 2000s and 90s inherited from her family! it may be the end times but that didn't mean she had to stop dressing cute!
sending memes? in the year of our lord 2023 in a post apocalyptic era? shes asking "huh?" habjwbdjbj in a no-outbreak au, dear girl was pronounces it as memes! <3 or nuisances <3 (rich people u know?)
oh shes not fighting jkanknw <3 fighting? in these chanel boots? she wouldn't dare! she and narcissa and sybille are sipping champagne as the fighting rages!! she would likely if she must use ye olde charm and request damiano to protect her (AND HE OBLIGES *cough* clown <3 but also love that for her! and he's valid for it!) and that's how she walks out of the conflict without a scratch <3
#🌹: rosie#rosebarsoap#oc: viktor mason#oc: alaia alcántara#leg.asks#leg.ocs#leg.txt#TY TY ROSIEE FOR THE ASK <3 i hope ur doing well dear!! this was the cutest to do and to develop them with!#i don't have much on her at the moment but i did do some reading and i may have her bio dad be the head of fedra?#so on her learning he made it VERRY clear they weren't to provide aid any further survivors she was like YEEA no bud <3#they fully expected to learn she was dead within the week.. i would almost also say they sent out parties to look for her?#but she knew how to thwart them <3 she had been doing it for years so it was no challenge!#(at a point she also meets tommy right and learning she came from a well off upbringing he was like?? how are u not dead?)#(shes a smart cookie bestie! i don't think she informs who she is for a WHILE but <3 yea <3)#theyll either be besties or something more i haven’t decided sksjjxjx 🤍😵‍💫#totally not for the giggles after the final question thinking of a crossover thing jasnknkw it would be inch resting!#ocs from the fantasy verses interacting? with the modern clowns? funsies! neat!#vik is being held together with star wars duct tape and glue but he's doing his darnedest and I love him <3#he was easily spooked by relationships prior to nessie <3 congrats dear! u did it!#the new banners and how they look for them both turned out so pretty GAHH im emotional <3#i had to make new ones as the old banners are on my old m*acbook and i love love how they turned out <3 and the babies deserve it <3
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randomwriteronline · 1 year
21:19.  Emmet there is a catholic procession outside my house
21:21. what.
21:22. They have the big eggshell pieces and everything i shit you not
21:22. This has never happened before
21:24. what is a catholic.
21:25. i don’t know?
21:25. THE CULT
21:25. never heard before.
21:26. Youve never heard of the fucking???????????
21:26. Egg boy???????????
21:26. Guy who hatched from an egg????????????
21:26. Laid by arceus?????????????
21:27. In a lady?????????
21:30. what the hell.
21:31. no!
21:32. Kyurem on crack this is insane
21:32. They have a megaphone and everything
21:32. Ive got my hearing aids on im so baffled dear dragons. the guy was singing up until now theyve all got a bunch of candles in hand
21:33. This is about retirement homes? nursery homes? places for old people. no idea what that has to do with anything
21:34. They are RIGHT IN FRONT of my condo
21:35. [photo. a dark street with several small lights.]
21:37. briosa i am working.
21:38. Theyre moving now
21:38. They right next door im going to explode
21:38. briosa please.
21:38. im have tears in my eyes.
21:39. From laughing??
21:39. yes.
21:40. You text so fucking ominously boss
21:42. briosa i am Working!
21:42. challengers will be here any moment!
21:42. i cannot be laughing!
21:43. Wait fuck my dad is going to meet them bc hes walking Brighella
21:44. Brighella HATES people and noises outside of battles hes going to freak out poor boy hes just a poisonous bug
21:45. who is brighella?
21:45. Venipede
21:46. aaah.
21:47. But seriously have you NEVER heard of the catholics before
21:47. no?
21:48. should i?
21:48. I mean i would say yes
21:48. But then again my mom was one of them and insisted on dragging me to listen to them every day when i was like 3yo so that mightve been just me
21:49. Im still normal only bc of my dads circus training im pretty sure
21:49. your mom was in a cult?
21:49. Im fairly certain that was the third one
21:49. First one was the one she tried to get my dad to join and then forgot bc she married him
21:50. And dad only found out bc she got a letter that said everything she owned previously was now in their possession bc they kicked her out for not meeting her quota of new alcolytes
21:51. Second probably this one
21:51. Third was the one that made dad get a separate bank account for me n him bc
21:52. Last one was the terrorists
21:54. thats all verrry concerning!
21:54. Yea
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12, 16, 26, 35!!
12. What is your favorite piece of Judaica?
Hmm, I know this might not be considered "Judaica", but my copy of "Ma Nishtana in 300 languages". I started a tradition in my family years ago that every Seder we say Ma Nishtana in as many languages as we can before people get pissed off and want us to move on already so we can eat XD
I especially love that the book includes "dead" languages and endangered languages, and the author really put in a ton of time in documenting these languages and getting Ma Nishtana translated into them. I feel like this truly embodies the spirit of Seder. We start by saying H'e Lachma Anya, which is in Aramaic, a tradition that began as a way for Jews to signal that all are welcome to join in, even if they don't speak Hebrew. And now my family flips through "Ma Nishtana in 300 languages" and I think we really accomplish that goal.
16. Do you have any Jewish superstitions?
Oooh so many. I'm autistic, bipolar, and have OCD, so obsessions and irrational beliefs are very much....something I deal with. Sometimes it's hard to separate what beliefs are my genuine spiritual beliefs and what are my delusions or obsessions acting up. But anyway, here are some of mine:
-Ayin Hara: I am verrryyy superstitious when it comes to Ayin Hara. I get very anxious when people talk too positively about something, or joke about bad things or death happening to someone or something I care about. I get very upset and yell at them to say "Bli Ayin Hara" and spit.
-Spirits: This is one that's very hard for me to separate from actual delusions, but I really do believe in spirits, good or bad. Sometimes I can "feel" that a house or place is particularly prone to spirits, and sometimes I talk to them. In Judaism, spirits aren't necessarily a bad thing, just a part of life.
-Birds: This one isn't necessarily Jewish, but it's very tied to my Jewish identity and beliefs. Basically, my mom's side of the family has the belief that loved ones come back in the form of birds. I really love birds, and have a pet bird myself, and sometimes it really does seem that that cardinal that was perched outside our window was my Granny. Also, reincarnation and soul-cycling is very much something that comes up in Jewish culture and traditions. Of course there's the obvious "Righteous people get reincarnated as fish".
-Spiders: My dad's side of the family claims lineage from the Davidic Dynasty, and it's said that a spider once saved King David's life. So, that's why, I and my family try very hard to not kill spiders, and to try and protect them, because if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be here.
-Charms and amulets: I make jewelry, continuing a very long Jewish tradition, and as such I also make charms and amulets for myself. Some of mine include:
*A scrap of leftover fabric from the fabric that was used to make my family's synagogue's Torah Scroll "jacket". I rolled up this fabric and secured it with wire, and wear it on a necklace. It's said that the leftover fabric from the Torah Scroll "jacket"'s fabric provides protection for those who carry it, just as the Torah Scroll's "jacket" protects it from the elements.
*A Magen David with blue beads, since blue protects from Ayin Hara.
*A khamsa made with metal
*A snake made with copper wire for healing
*Coral beads
*A wire charm shaped like a doorway and wrapped with red thread, to evoke how the Jews painted their doorways with lamb blood in Egypt to protect our houses from the Angel of Death.
-There are just a ton more, I'm a very spiritual person, but y'know, let's get on to the other questions XD
26.  Do you have any family or local Havdalah traditions?
-All the kids in my family (when we're all at home) that are over the age of Bar/Bat Mitzvah read additional passages with my parents.
-I'm sure a lot of families have this, but raising the Havdalah candle (if you're the one holding it) as high as you want your future spouse to be
35. What (activity, text, practice, etc.) makes you feel connected to Jewishness and the Jewish community?
Oh goodness, so many things. I think just existing as a proud Jew and being one with myself and my identity sums it about up.
Thanks for the ask!
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sagejistu · 2 months
A List of things in my Bedroom [to be continued]
1. Deer skull
2. Eastern hercules beetle in pickled okra jar
3. Feathers
4. Shells
5. Driftwood
6. Inact hawk wing
7. Dead moth in bowl
8. Jar of my teeth
9. Unknown wisdom teeth in bag
10. Brothers teeth
11. My mom's wisdom teeth
12. Cat skull
13. Dinosaur tooth
14. Dead cicadas in a baby food jar
15. Fully intact frog skeleton
16. Fish bottle
17. Vertebrae of unknown origin
18. Icelandic sand
19. Icelandic rock
20. Mink skull
21. Screenprint of punk E.T.
22. Dirt soda
23. Three teapots
24. Three baskets of yarn
25. Cat yoga postcards
26. Leather belt with armadillos that doesn't fit
27. Bag of stuffing
28. Kettlebell 15lbs
29. 2 partially filled photo albums
30. 3d printed bust of my head
31. 3d printed buff pigs
32. 3d printed greg
33. Heater
34. Screenprint from an old friend
35. Sugar cookie lotion
36. Ceramic cup my professor gave me
37. 3 yoga blocks
38. Purple yoga mat
39. Torn dollar bill on the floor
40. Tape measure
41. 2 rulers
42. Dremel
43. 2 boxes of vans shoes Unworn
44. 5 reusable water bottles
45. Dead flowers
46. 20 partially burned candles
47. 160 books
48. Mushroom chair from 1970s
49. Laptop
50. Wicker papasan chair
51. Bird skull
52. Bird stickers
53. Rodeo t-shirt
0 notes