#and him knowing that she’s sad but she won’t admit it cause she did everything to get away from Laredo that she doesn’t want to admit
undercoverpena · 26 days
tell me why I can’t stop thinking of post colombia!javi being in love with his childhood best friend—and why I’m reopening a wip oneshot of him going to her city to surprise her. only to fall more in love with her. tell me why. tell me.
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look-at-the-soul · 11 months
The way to a man’s heart
Tommy Shelby x reader (dark) -minor smut mentioned
Wrote this for my dear Lee @zablife 1.8 k celebration 🎉 congratulations my dear Lee! I wanted to write this for you remembering how much you made me enjoy dark stories and it’s a great excuse to wish you a thousand more followers, thank you for being so kind always, for always having something nice to offer and the absolutely brilliant ideas you share! ✨👏🏻
My first (and probably only) attemp to write a little “corrupt” story, this idea came to me naturally and I hope I was able to deliver the main point since it’s so far away from my usual fluff 🥰
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They say food it’s the way to man’s heart. But to a man like Tommy Shelby who rarely eats and has a whiskey and cigarette for breakfast, that doesn’t make a huge difference.
Those methods wouldn’t work with a man like Tommy, he needed other kinds of resources.
Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Y/N fixed her hair and reapplied her lipstick. Stepping back into the bedroom, she found him in the same spot he was when she got up; lying on his back against the headboard and his eyes lost in some point at the ceiling, one of his hands touching the hem of the sheets covering his lower body.
She definitely took his breath away, it was easy to tell judging by his post-sex drunk state. Who was she trying to fool? Y/N knew the kind of power she held over him.
His blue eyes covered by his specs followed her every move as she walked towards the bed wearing only the bottom part of her silky underwear, her hips swaying to a tune that him weak, not only physically, but emotionally.
“You’re so quiet darling.” She purred in his ear, after climbing back into the bed.
“I missed you.” He admitted bluntly. “I don’t want you to leave ever again, you understand?”
Y/N started running her fingers over his chest hair. “You know why I did it, your family hates me.”
Tommy turned his head towards her.
“I’m so sad you believed them, over me.” She pouted. “I’d never betray you.”
“Nothing they do or say matters anymore, I know you didn’t… I trust you.”
“But they will try to tear us apart.” She complained, looking at her hands.
Tommy changed his position on the bed, leaning on his forearm, he used his other hand to make Y/N look at him. “I’ll protect you, from now on you’re my only priority.”
“How could they even imagine I was the one who got them arrested? You never mentioned anything to me.” Y/N batted her eyelashes, one of her fingers removing an invisible tear.
“I shouldn’t have listen to them, I made a mistake but I’m trying to make it up to you for that.” Tommy’s fingers caressed her chin gently. The last thing he wanted was to upset her more than he already had. “I’m taking over this, I will demand every single one of my family to apologize to you.”
“No, Tommy that’ll cause a confrontation, specially with your aunt… I’m just so glad they got released on time, it was so close.” With a loud sigh, Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder, her soft hand running up and down his arm.
“You never told me how you were able to get the letters, those must be some pretty important contacts.” He recalled the really late night when she knocked on his door with a copy of each letter to release his family from the death sentence, Y/N saved them from getting hanged last minute. He would be forever grateful with her.
That’s when Tommy realized how much she loved him, how she was willing to do anything for him.
Y/N noticed his piercing eyes on her. “What?”
“Something is bothering you.” Tommy stated.
She shook her head. “It’s just… it’s not fair for you Tommy, look at everything you have gave your family, power, money, their lifestyle, everything they have it’s because of you… it wasn’t your fault the police took them.” She looked at him, batting her eyelashes. “And look at how they treat you? The lack of respect makes me feel annoyed, they won’t even talk to you although you somehow managed to save them from getting hanged.”
“They are all angry because of what happened. It must’ve been a shock to be so close to death.”
“Don’t try to justify their attitude towards you darling, you’re too good for them, you’re always cleaning up their mess, helping them with everything… they don’t deserve you.”
Tommy sighed, defeated, thinking of her words… she was right, his family couldn’t even thank him for getting them out of jail in one piece.
“Look at this place, just the two of us, this is all we need. Just cut a little their privileges and you’ll see how they’ll come on their knees.”
“I understand they’re angry, but over time, they will come around.” He tried to reason.
“And then what? They will create more drama around me and try to make you turn your back at me, just like they already had, I’m worried because they almost succeeded.”
“I’m so glad you showed up in my office to explain me what happened with Pol.”
“She can’t stand that you’re better than her, I’m sure she wants her son to take over your place, you should be careful with your cousin I’m sure he’s after you.”
Tommy shook his head. “Michael isn’t like that, he’s just a lost kid, wants to blend in with the family.”
Y/N moved her hand lower, to a dangerous zone, over his hip bone. His member started to grow involuntary at the sensation of her warm palm close to his manhood.
“Arthur never listens to you and look at Finn, he’s always doing as he pleases.” Tommy hissed as her hand wrapped around his shaft and started dancing up and down. “You need to tighten the reins around your family or they will ruin your plans.”
But Tommy was already focusing on the feeling of her legs straddling him and the movements of her hand, taking him to a better place where he didn’t have to argue or yell or demand anything, she knew how to please him, she listened to him and his loud mind. In no time, he found himself inside of her, the only place where he could forget about every worry and doubt, her velvety walls fluttering around his hard member, her nails on his chest scratching him.
Demanding only pleasure from him.
And he delivered returning the pleasure she provoked in him.
Later the doorbell made her open her eyes, heavy from their love-making, Y/N looked down at the man sleeping in her arms. Careful to not wake Tommy up, she slid from under his body, covering her naked frame with the jacket of his suit.
Pretending to be surprised by the woman in front of her -because she called his aunt on behalf of Tommy-, she made evident the mark on her neck that Tommy left.
“Sorry for not inviting you in, but your nephew is sleeping.”
Polly shot her a shocked look mixed with all the contempt in her heart after realizing how she had fooled Tommy and turned everything around in her favor.
“Who’s it?” He asked from the top of the stairs.
Quickly, Y/N pulled Polly for a short hug to whisper in her ear:
“Next time the letter won’t arrive on time to save you from getting hanged. I want you and every fucking member of the family out of Tommy’s life.”
“You can’t do that.” Polly looked at her with terror in her eyes, why was she back with Tommy? After finding out all the lies she had him wrapped in, Polly tried to make Tommy open his eyes, but everything turned out wrong and they were back together.
“I’ve him by the balls, that’s stronger than any blood ties. It’s up to you if you want me to turn him against all of you.” Y/N gave Polly one smile that assured her victory before turning around to face Tommy. “Your aunt said she wants to talk to you, just be quick darling, I’ll be waiting in the bedroom.”
Standing on her tiptoes, Y/N pulled Tommy by the neck for a passionate kiss, she devoured his mouth completely, demanding the same response from him. Just one kiss and he was put into some kind of spell.
Tommy made sure Y/N was out of sight before grabbing Polly by the arm to make her stand closer to the door.
“Y/N explained me everything, I want you to apologize to her tomorrow and after that I want you out of the Shelby Company Ltd. I won’t be tolerating one more intrigues from you, she didn’t lie to me.”
“She’s manipulating you!” Polly hissed, shocked to see her nephew completely blinded by that woman.
“Pol stop! You thought you succeed but nothing you can do will take her away from me, she loves me and she forgave me for doubting her words.”
“How can you be so fool? She’s using sex to-”
“That’s what you came for? Ey?” Tommy raised his voice. “That’s all, I want your resignation letter tomorrow morning.” He placed his hand on Polly’s back to guide her out of his house.
“She lied!”
“Stop this bullshit Polly, Y/N didn’t know you shot Campbell because I never told her.”
Hiding in the dark, but close enough to hear, Y/N smiled pleased, Tommy didn’t know how much he could talk after several strong drinks and mixing it with the mind blowing sex and he could turn into the most talkative person.
But her smile grew bigger as she heard him yelling at his aunt, saying things Polly would never forgive him for, breaking their business partnership finally, just like she had planned all along.
“I knew she would try to tell you more lies about me.” She crossed her arms against her chest and slowed down her pace, hiding her grin with her hair.
Tommy’s arms found their way around her waist, in a comforting motion.
“I know you’re not lying to me,” he stated firmly. “We’re going to start over, away from this shit, ey?”
“Is that a promise?” She gave him her best puppy eyes.
“I swear to you, no one is coming between us.”
She felt Tommy kissing the top of her hair.
Now, she only needed to get rid of his brothers and convince him to put the company under her name.
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neos127 · 2 months
WHY HER? — SIM JAEYUN (chapter fifteen)
pairing. idol!jake x fem!fan!reader synopsis. in the most cliche way, jake falls for a fan of his. y/n just has to decide if she’s able to handle being apart of his life. notes. super angsty…sorryyyy
“How are you feeling?” Jake asked, sitting down next to Y/N. It had been a couple weeks since the album in incident and Y/N’s eye had healed well. Unfortunately during a recent concert of Enhypen’s, Y/N had someone spit on her shoes. It angered her sure, but the tip of the iceberg was the trucks sent by engenes, encouraging a breakup between Y/N and Jake. The girl had passed by them the other day and had never felt so humiliated in her life.
Or maybe the last last straw was someone ‘accidentally’ bumping into her at a cafe and spilling an iced americano all over her outfit. Y/N wanted to believe that it wasn’t intentional, but the soft giggles from the girls and the enhypen photo cards dangling from their bags said otherwise.
Y/N hated to give up, she never wanted to admit defeat. Jake was hers and she was his, it shouldn’t matter what anyone thought. But her dignity was slowly being destroyed and constantly looking over her shoulder became tiring. She just needed to focus on school and not on the possibility of being injured worse than an album to the face.
“Better.” Y/N mumbled, not being able to meet Jake’s gaze. She hated the words that were about to leave her mouth, but maybe it was for the best. Or maybe she should’ve slept on it more, going over the pros and cons in her head. But Y/N wasn’t thinking straight and she was extremely stressed out. Her judgement was a bit clouded.
“I think we should take a break.” She whispered, finally looking up at Jake. The silence was deafening and the way Jake’s expression dropped made Y/N wince. The girl sighed, already feeling tears come to her eyes. She had been dreading this conversation.
“Did I do something wrong?” Jake asked, his voice cracking. Y/N held back a sob, allowing tears to fall down her face.
“No…no you didn’t and that’s what sucks about this. Jake, you’re an amazing boyfriend, really really amazing. You’ve done everything for me and more so it’s not about you.” Y/N explained, turning to face him once more. That was a mistake since the look on his face only made the lump in her throat grow more. Y/N had never seen Jake this upset before, and of course she had to be the one to cause his pain.
“Then what is it about? We can fix this, there has to be some kind of solution.” Jake replied, grabbing Y/N’s hands with his. She let out a shaky sigh, a sad smile on her face.
“But there isn’t one, Jake. You’re too popular, engenes love you but they don’t love you with me. I’m being humiliated and dumped on by these people, and I don’t know if I can take it anymore.” Y/N said, watching as the boy sighed and anxiously ran his hands through his hair. Jake had always felt guilty about what Y/N went through to be with him and suddenly wished he had talked to her earlier. Had he been neglecting her mental health? Was he really as good of a boyfriend as she said?
“I’m sorry that this is happening to you, you know how shitty I feel. But they won’t do this forever. They’ll back down when they realize that you’re here to stay.” Jake was practically begging her now, already feeling Y/N slipping away from him. He felt nothing but panic in the moment, trying to say all the right things so she wouldn’t walk out of his life.
“Back down? In what, a few years? Jake, I don’t know if this is worth it!” Y/N exclaimed with frustration. Jake stilled at her words, looking at her with teary eyes. The boy didn’t want to cry in front of Y/N, but he wasn’t sure if he could hold back his emotions anymore.
“So I’m not worth it? What, did you think this was going to be easy? You knew what you were getting into Y/N how could you do this do me now?” Jake raised his voice, tears spilling into his face. Y/N rubbed her hands over her eyes, already feeling overwhelmed by the conversation.
“No…that’s not what I mean. It’s just…it’s really hard for me to have a nice relationship with you when these crazy fans exist.”
“So ignore them! They don’t matter to us!”
“Jake, you’re not listening to me—”
“Y/N I love you.” Jake interrupted. And suddenly as if Y/N’s tears were held back by a dam, it finally broke. She wished that their first ‘i love you’ could have been under better circumstances, but of course life had a way of playing cruel games.
“Why would you say that to me? Now? Are you fucking kidding me?” Y/N sneered, trying to get her words out in between sobs.
“Because I don’t want my favorite girl to leave me. I don’t know how I’ll be able to go on with my life without you in it. And I mean— I’m so in love with you that it hurts. Like, I can physically feel how much I love you and it can be overwhelming but it’s also the best feeling in the world.” Jake cried while trying to wipe away the stream of tears coming from his eyes. It was hopeless, he felt as miserable as Y/N did.
“Oh my gosh.” Y/N mumbled, head in her hands as she continued to cry. Jake’s confession only made her feel worse, her stomach twisting uncomfortably. Why did he have to be the most precious person she had ever met? Why did this have to be so hard?
“Please, Y/N. I love you so much don’t do this to me.” Jake begged, his bottom lip wobbling as sobs threatened to escape from his mouth. Y/N shook her head before standing up from the bed and gathering her things.
“I can’t…I can’t do this anymore. I’m so sorry, Yun. I’m so sorry.” Y/N said, ignoring Jake’s desperate pleas and heading straight towards the door. She tried to convince herself that it would be for best, that Jake’s career would thrive better without her. But as she walk down the hallways of the apartment building, she felt as if she left her whole world back in that dorm.
It’s for the best…It’s for the best…
Jake stared at the door, tears silently streamed down his face as he replayed the conversation over and over in his head. She left and that was it. The relationship was over. She was leaving for New York in a month, Jake would probably never see her again.
The boy began to cry even harder, feeling as if his heart had physically broken into tiny pieces. Heeseung and Riki, who had accidentally eavesdropped due to the thin walls, immediately ran to the living room. Heeseung brought the boy into a hug, rubbing his back in a comforting manner. Riki observed the two with a heavy heart, wishing that he didn’t have to see Jake in such a state.
“I’m so sorry, Jake.” Heeseung mumbled, really wishing he hadn’t sent that text in the first place.
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chaotic-super · 9 months
Background Rhythm
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Read it on AO3 here!
“Come on, you won’t feel any better if you just sit and wallow alone in your loft.”
Lena pulls Kara through the bar by her hand, her grip tight so she doesn’t lose her through the crowd that seems to be getting thicker by the second.
“I won’t have to sit and wallow alone in my loft if you stay and hang out with me. I’d much prefer to be there than here. This isn’t my scene, Lena.”
“I know, but what better time to push yourself and enjoy everything life has to offer than when you’re feeling a bit shitty?”
Kara sighs and lets Lena pull her through the tightly packed space. She’s not a big fan of it, and people are standing too close for comfort. She keeps her grip on Lena’s hand tight, afraid that a single moment of distraction will cause them to be separated and then her buoy in this ocean of people will be lost.
Lena pulls her to the bar and wraps her arm around her waist to keep her close, the bare skin of her forearm pressing against the small of Kara’s back, the skin there deliciously exposed by the crop top Lena insisted she wear mainly for her selfish enjoyment but under the guise of making her look hot as hell to get back at her loser of an ex.
Kara watches Lena closely as she orders for the pair of them, her eyes lingering on the sharp curve of her jaw and the confidence held in the stiffness of her neck. She trails her gaze down that neck, and then she settles on her collarbones before flicking her gaze away abruptly when she realizes how much she wants to lick them. Totally not appropriate.
She shouldn’t be thinking about Lena like this, not when she’s being a good friend and getting her out of her loft and away from the pity party she’s been throwing herself since finding out her loser of an ex was cheating on her.
Mike was by no means a great boyfriend, but he was sweet, and he was someone Kara could always laugh with. There might not have been the greatest level of support, but she was always able to look past that because while he wasn’t there for her, he was more than she had without him, and somehow, that was enough.
It made it sting all the more when she found out what he was doing behind her back. He wasn’t even making up for being shitty behind her back when they were together. He was cheating on her with multiple women for the entirety of their relationship and still had the balls to complain when she made him pick his socks up off the floor or take his feet off the coffee table. It would have been nice to find out a different way though, because finding her boyfriend and a random woman getting steamy in her shower in the middle of the day was not fun, and she’ll never look at her bathroom the same way.
Mike admitted to what he did after a little pushing but it was probably just to hurt her after she kicked him out of her place and made it clear they were no longer together. She can’t even understand how he managed to get with so many girls though; he’s nothing special in the sack.
Lena touches her arm and it makes her jump. “Hey, you ok?”
“Yeah, just thinking.” Kara plasters a smile on her face, one that is faker than the one the bartender is currently giving a drunken patron down on the other side of the bar.
“About Mike?”
“Yeah, just thinking about how much of a douche he is,” Kara admits. “Mostly just wondering how he managed to find so many other women to sleep with when he was so mediocre. They must have all been one-night stands because there’s no way anyone was coming back for more.”
Lena snickers from her side. “Now that’s the attitude you should be having. You’ve gotten past the part where you’re just sad and missing him. I’m so proud of you.”
“Yeah, but it’s making me realize how pathetic I was to date him in the first place.” Kara shrugs, taking a large gulp of the drink Lena ordered for her. She winces when it reaches her throat. Whatever Lena got for her is strong.
A frown covers Lena’s face and she takes a second to look around the bar, her focus drawn to an empty booth across the room. She grabs Kara’s hand again and rushes them over to it before it gets snagged up. It’s still covered in empty glasses from the last group that was here, but she just pushes them into a little pile on one side of the table and tucks herself and Kara into the opposite side of the booth.
“Now that we’re not surrounded by a bunch of sweaty people, I can tell you that you’re the least pathetic person I know. I might not know what was going through your head when you decided to date the human embodiment of that one fork you always avoid in your cutlery drawer because it has weird vibes, but I do know you, and I know that you’re not pathetic.”
Kara shakes her head. “I think I was just using him.”
Lena’s eyebrows furrow. “I don’t think you could use someone if you tried, no offence. You’re too nice.”
“Not on purpose, I don’t think. Looking back at it though, I’m sort of realizing that I wasn’t with him for the right reasons.”
Lena covers Kara’s hand with her own and shuffles close to her side so their thighs touch and she can pull their joined hands into her lap. “How so?”
“I was only with him because it was better than being alone.” Kara’s voice is small but the words are so sure. “I don’t want to be alone, Lena.”
Kara hadn’t intended on being so direct, but there’s just something about the sudden onslaught of emotions, Lena’s caring face and her soft voice that draws it out of her like it’s the easiest thing on the planet.
Lena wraps her arms around her, pulling her close so Kara’s head rests against her shoulder. “You’re not alone, Kara. I’ll never leave you alone, I promise. “
Kara clings to Lena, her fingers digging into her back like she’s afraid Lena will pull back and make a break for it at any minute despite her being blocked in the booth.
The fingers in her back hurt, but Lena’s not letting go for anything. Not until Kara is secure enough to do so and believes every word she says. “I got you. I’m not going anywhere, I swear it. I’m right here and you’re not alone.”
“Lena,” Kara whispers, adjusting her grip but staying just as close. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry.”
“Am I a bad person for using him like that?” She whispers her question.
Lena just barely shrugs, but being so close to her, Kara feels the tiny movement. “I don’t think so. I think that people do silly things when they’re scared, and I think he’s enough of an ass that he deserved it anyway.”
Kara nods against her. “I’m sorry I’m ruining the night. We haven’t even got through one drink yet and I’m already a mess.”
“That’s ok. I brought you here to help you move on. It seems as though my idea of a boozy night isn’t what you need. It’s an emotional chat kind of day.” Lena cards her fingers through Kara’s hair, fully aware of the way Kara always relaxes when she does that.
“Can we get out of here?” Kara asks, her eyes begging until she spots their still full glasses. “After our drinks though.”
Lena sighs. “Yeah, sure.” She’s disappointed that her plan hasn’t worked and made Kara feel better, but she can see that Kara is getting uncomfortable being here when she’s so emotional and by the way she keeps turning her head towards the crowd, she must be self-conscious.
“Are you upset?”
“No, darling. I’m not upset. We can leave whenever you want.” Lena is quick to reassure her, so she doesn’t have time to filter out the pet name before it leaves her mouth.
Kara doesn’t mind it at all though, her cheeks flushing. Nobody has ever given her a pet name outside of her family before. Even past boyfriends only ever called her by her name. Her head ducks forward, her eyes closing as she follows through with the movement. She lifts it again after a moment, keenly aware of Lena’s gaze on the side of her face, probably focusing on her blushing cheeks.
“Ok.” Kara breathes, her fingers circling her glass before bringing it to her face for a healthy sip.
“Ok,” Lena repeats, following Kara’s lead and taking a sip of her drink. She scoots back to give her a little more space to breathe but stays close nonetheless, her knee resting against Kara’s.
There are several moments in which Lena thinks about starting up a conversation, but each time she opens her mouth, she sees the distant look in Kara’s eyes and the way she’s lost in thought. It’s better just to let her work out her feelings before pushing her to talk again.
Their glasses get steadily emptier and emptier as the minutes tick by, and once they are both empty, Lena pushes them across the table to join the other empty glasses over there. The movement breaks Kara out of her distant staring and she looks up to meet Lena’s eyes. “Sorry. I’m not exactly making this a fun night for you, am I?”
“That’s not what tonight was about. Tonight is about you; we can do whatever you want.” Lena bumps her shoulder into Kara’s gently. “If you want to sit and stare, we can sit and stare.”
“And if I want to dance instead?”
Lena rolls her eyes good-naturedly but is worried that Kara’s just saying that because she feels bad that all they’ve done for the past few minutes is sit in silence. “I suppose I can make that happen but I must warn you, I don’t know how to dance properly in a club.”
“Me neither. I don’t think I know how to dance outside of a club either, so we’re as bad as one another.” A smile sneaks its way onto Kara’s face, and Lena’s worry ebbs away with it.
Lena shakes her head, offended that Kara has no faith in her dancing skills. “Hey, I can dance outside of a club, just not in one.”
“Really?” Kara sounds genuinely surprised and Lena shoves her arm in response.
“Yes! Why is that so shocking?”
Kara shrugs. “I don’t know. You just don’t seem like the type. What kind of dancing do you do?”
“I can dance ballroom,” Lena says casually, although her cheeks flush. She’s just grateful the dim light hides it somewhat.
“Really?” Kara’s eyes light up. “Where did you learn to do that?”
Lena tilts her head, cracking her neck and making Kara wince before she answers. “I’m a Luthor. I didn’t get a choice. Lillian made sure I had the training she deemed necessary. Being a trained ballroom dancer was never a choice I would have made for myself.”
“So if you had professional training, does that mean that you’re good at it?” Kara’s grin is growing larger by the second, and her eyes are getting predatory in a way that shows her true intentions.
“When have I ever not been good at something, Kara? Of course I’m good at it.”
“Can you show me?”
There it is. Lena could see that coming. “Perhaps we should head out then, huh? I don’t think even my skills can work with club music. I’ll call my driver and get him to come and get us, and then we’ll go to my place.”
“Yes!” Kara hisses in celebration, her fist pumping in the air. “I’m so excited.”
“Whatever. You better get ready though because you’re about to have a ballroom lesson when we get back to my place. You might want to go and grab some water before we go so you’re not dancing on wobbly feet.”
“Ok.” Kara dives out of the booth with no more prompting necessary. “I’ll get you one too.”
Lena watches her go, her eyes pinned on her retreating form. She’s not a big fan of ball dancing. She wasn’t lying when she admitted to being good at it, but it’s never been a passion of hers. However, she needed a way to wipe the sad look off Kara’s face, and she succeeded. It’s insane what she’s willing to do with that woman.
She truly doesn’t understand how anyone could be as stupid as Mike. How could he cheat on Kara when he had the world’s most beautiful and wonderful woman to himself? Lena can only imagine what that would feel like.
Kara is leaning up against the bar, and it takes a moment for Lena to come to her senses and get in touch with her driver, Frank, so he can come and get them.
She tucks her phone away as Kara comes back with two glasses. “He’s not far away, only ten minutes.”
“We better hurry then. We’ll go and wait outside for him in a minute. Drink your water.” Kara instructs her, already chugging hers out of excitement to get out of here so she can see Lena dance. She hasn’t been as excited about anything in a while.
Lena sips her water, not particularly bothered about leaving it half-finished by the time Kara has finished hers and instead ushering Kara out of the booth once more and towards the door.
Together, they fight their way through the crowds, and Lena questions why she ever thought a club was a good idea since neither of them goes to clubs regularly and are much more inclined to stay in for a quiet night. She supposes she thought a change would get Kara out of her funk. It might have worked to an extent, but it’s not something she would do again.
They clamber into the back of the car in a mix of unruly limbs and Kara settles beside Lena without a care of how much she’s leaning into her, not that Lena minds. They spend the entire journey so entwined they might as well be playing Twister.
Kara almost pulls Lena’s arm out of its socket as she drags her up to her penthouse, the blonde impatient to see her dance.
“Slow down, slow down.” Lena chuckles as Kara taps her foot while she unlocks the door.
“Lena,” Kara whines when she makes a show of opening the door extra slowly.
Lena giggles to herself. “Come on. We’ll have to move some of the furniture out of the way.”
Kara nods quickly, following her inside before heading right to the middle of the room. “What do you want me to move?”
Kara’s impatience makes Lena shake her head again. “You do know that ballroom dancing is about grace and poise, right? Maybe a little bit of patience will get you in the right state of mind for learning. We have all night, Kara, just relax.”
The words hit Kara deeply, and she drops her head forward for a second while she takes a deep breath, making a conscious effort to let go of all the tension in her shoulders.
She looks back up at Lena afterwards with a much more relaxed expression, and Lena smiles at her. “Much better. Let’s move the couch and coffee table first.”
They each grab an end of each piece of furniture and shuffle it as far back as they can so there’s a large empty space in the middle of the living room. Lena crinkles her nose at the rug. “That thing is heavier than it looks, but if we want the true ballroom experience then we need the hardwood floors.”
“I got it.” Kara offers. “I’ll roll it, and then we can drag it away together.”
“Ok. I’ll set up the music while you do that.” Lena grabs her phone and connects it to her speakers. She has to find a decent playlist, so it takes her a few moments to set it up. The music rings out gently, all slow and delicate to start with.
Kara is waiting for her with the rolled rug, so she grabs the opposite end and they heave it out of the way and prop it against the nearest wall.
Kara nods. “Show me what you’ve got.” She gestures to the empty space in the living room and takes a step back.
“Ah, ah. We’re in this together. You’re dancing with me, just follow my lead.” Lena pulls Kara into the middle of the room and guides her hands to where she wants them, one hand clasped in hers and the other on her shoulder while Lena places hers on Kara’s hip. “Follow my feet.”
Lena starts them off as slow as she can, not paying any mind to the rhythm of the music while she’s just showing her the basics, but as Kara gets the hang of it, she speeds them up to match it until they are turning and stepping in time with the melody.
A couple of songs in and Kara finally garners enough courage to look up rather than at her feet because she’s afraid she’ll step on Lena’s toes.
Their eyes meet and Kara’s mouth is split into a toothy grin that toothpaste commercial actresses would be jealous of.
Lena’s not focused on her smile though. Not when she’s got a close-up view of the blue eyes that haunt her dreams and nightmares alike, the ones she sees every time she closes her eyes and the ones that inspire the majority of decisions she makes.
Unbeknownst to her, Kara is having the exact same thoughts, her mind buffering because she can’t handle the emerald-green eyes staring back at her. She clears her throat when her brain decides to start functioning again. “You’re really good at this.” She whispers.
“I’ve had a lot of practice.” Lena continues guiding her, flicking her into a spin and then dipping her low, their faces so close they can feel the ghost of each other’s breaths against their lips.
Kara is pulled back up, and whether it’s the closeness, the heat of their bodies, Lena’s hand on her bare waist or a mixture of all of the above, she can’t stop herself. In a movement that is much more confident than any she’s made whilst dancing, Kara leans in and moves her hand off Lena’s shoulder to cradle the back of Lena’s head as she pushes her lips into Lena’s.
A gasp is released between their lips, but neither knows who it originated from. However, neither is about to start investigating, the kiss taking precedence over everything. Their lips move together and it’s getting rougher and more desperate by the second. Kara’s hand fists Lena’s hair, messing it up from her usual neat style, and Lena’s fingertips press into the small of Kara’s back, pinning her in place.
Their hands are still clasped together but are no longer held aloft, instead just swinging by their sides softly in time with the motion of their lips.
Oxygen becomes a problem though, and far too soon, Lena has to pull back for a breath, her forehead remaining pressed against Kara’s because she can’t bear to move away. Kara probably wouldn’t let her move away anyway though, because her hand is still in her hair and scratching softly. “What are we doing?”
“Something I’ve wanted to do for a while but never had the balls to admit,” Kara whispers. “Not even to myself.” She adds.
“Me too.” Lena smiles, pushing back in for another frantic kiss, her tongue making itself known as it slides between Kara’s lips.
Kara jumps. “You have a tongue piercing?” She leans her head back to look into Lena’s eyes.
Lena presses harder against Kara’s back, unhappy with the sudden distance. “Yeah, want to feel it?”
“Definitely.” Kara allows herself to be pulled back in, and Lena allows her to experience that piercing close-up. She gets lost in the sensations of it and the music that is still marching on in the background, and now that she’s tuned into the endless rhythm, she’s aware of the way Lena is dancing her tongue to the beat of the music, completely dominating her mouth and claiming it as her own with the poise and grace of a ballroom dancer.
Kara would have thought the next step would be obvious; they would head somewhere soft, and they would become considerably more naked, but instead Lena just lifts their dangling arms once more and begins pulling her around the room again in a slow, gentle wave, their dancing continuing with their lips pressed together.
There’s no escape from Lena. She’s all-encompassing and the only steady thing in the room despite being the thing moving the most. Kara doesn’t want to escape; she wants to be closer.
They somehow gravitate even closer, so close there’s no room for even the strongest of breezes between their bodies. Lena’s lips retreat for a moment, but only so kisses can trail across Kara’s cheek and then down her neck where those lips attack her vulnerable flesh.
Kara happily leans her head back to give Lena all the space she wants, and she’s made even happier when Lena presses a leg between her own, bringing them impossibly closer. The hand on her back slides down to grip her butt and push her hips into the thigh nestled between hers, and the sound that comes out of her mouth in response is nothing but guttural.
The moan breaks Lena out of her Kara-induced spell and she releases her neck to ask, “What about Mike? Is this a rebound thing?”
Kara peers at her through half-mast eyelids. “Who?”
“Good.” Lena smiles, forcibly rolling Kara’s hips into her thigh. “Very good.”
Check out the SG Fandom event Supergirl Mayhem here! It's for artists and writers!
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stephstars08 · 3 months
You’re Not Him
Spider Socorro x Metkayina!Reader
Warnings: Low Self Esteem, Spider being Bullied, Depressed!Spider, Parent Issues, Anxiety, Angst, Fluff, Y/N being Pressured By Her Parents, and Maybe Some Grammar Errors. (Don’t think I forgot any!!)
Summary: Ever since the Sully’s official adopted Spider he hasn’t been very welcomed by the Metkayina clan beside Y/N who is the eldest daughter of Tonowari and Ronal. Thanks to what Quaritch did to the Na’vi no one trusts Spider but Y/N always tries her very best to prove that Spider is nothing like his father.
Word Count: 2,031
Author’s Note: ALL IMAGES THAT ARE IN MY COVER PHOTO ARE NOT MINE AND I FOUND ON PINTEREST! I did try my best to make this story very accurate to the movie so I hope I did a good job and you all enjoy it!
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Ever since Spider had reunited with the Sully’s he hasn’t really been welcomed in by the Metkayina clan. It’s mostly because his father is Quaritch who had caused so much distraction to Pandora. The only one from the Metkayina clan that have showed the most kindness and welcoming to Spider is Y/N who is the the eldest daughter of Tonowari, the Olo’eyktan of the Metkayina clan and his wife Ronal.
Y/N has always been the kindest Metkayina along with her sister Tsireya but Y/N does have a whole lot more pressure on her for being the perfect sibling since she is the eldest and her parents want her to be a good role model to not just her younger siblings but all of the Metkayina children. Her parents also expect her to be the most responsible as well.
That’s why it worries her parents to see how much she has bonded with Spider. Y/N’s parents done trust Spider like the Sully’s do.
Y/N was hanging out with her sister, Tsireya. They were in the water on their Ilus just talking sister stuff like they always do. As Tsireya was telling Y/N a story she spotted Spider hanging out with the Sully kids, Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk on the shore line. It didn’t take long for Y/N to put all of her attention on just Spider. She could feel butterflies in her stomach when Spider laughed at something Tuk said. She probably told them a joke that she came up with. The only two that laughed were Spider and Kiri while Lo’ak just playfully rolled his eyes which is what he does all the time when Tuk tells a silly joke.
“Y/N!” Tsireya said waving one of her hands in front of Y/N which quickly got her attention. “Sorry.” Y/N told her feeling embarrassed. “What were you staring at?” Tsireya asked her in a curious tone. “Oh, um nothing.” Y/N said looking anywhere but her sister’s face. Tsireya looked over and when she saw Spider her lips curved up into a smile.
“Why won’t you just admit that you are growing feelings for him?” Tsireya said looking back at Y/N. “Well, you like Lo’ak.” Y/N said ignoring her question by putting the attention on her crush than hers. She still wasn’t looking at Tsireya. “And I have already admitted my feelings about him to you.” Tsireya said reminding her which made Y/N playfully roll her eyes.
“I don’t see why you won’t admit it. I see how happy you are when you are around him.” Tsireya said which made Y/N let out a heavy sigh. “I feel like if I do admit my feelings, I feel like I’ll disappoint mom and dad.” Y/N told her looking at her sister with sadness in her ocean blue eyes. “Aw Y/N.” Tsireya said as her lips turned down into a frown.
“I don’t care who his father is. He’s not him.” Y/N said with some frustration in her voice. “I know he’s not but after everything that has happened between the Na’vi, and his kind mom and dad are just trying to be cautious.” Tsireya explained to her. “It’s just going to take them a little longer to accept him.” Tsireya added in a reassuring tone. “We’ll see.” Y/N said with a sigh looking over at Spider who was talking to Kiri while Lo’ak was on his Ilu with Tuk.
Y/N just got done with her chores her parents gave her when she saw Spider sitting in the sand all by himself. When the water would reach where he was sitting, he would feel the water with his hands. Y/N started to feel a little concern about him sitting there all by himself, so she decided to walk over to him.
“Hi.” Y/N said to him as she stood next to him. “Hi, Y/N.” Spider said looking up at her. “Why are you sitting here all by yourself?” Y/N asked him. “Just trying to clear my head up a little.” Spider answered with a heavy sigh. “Do you want to join me?” Spider asked her in a curious tone. “Sure.” Y/N said with a soft smile. When she took a seat right down next to him, they both stared out into the ocean.
“I’m sorry that my clan hasn’t been very welcoming to you.” Y/N told him in a soft tone. “It’s okay. I’m used to that feeling.” Spider told her which made her heart ache. “I know that you’re on the Na’vi’s side in this long going war. But please tell me that you aren’t blaming yourself for what has happened recently.” Y/N said to him with hope in her voice. “I try not to but it’s hard because when anyone looks at me, they see him.” Spider said trying to keep himself together.
He’s tired of feeling vulnerable when it comes to what his father had done. He feels like the only one who looks at him as himself is Y/N. It breaks her heart to see all of the Metkayina kids brush him off and be really rude towards. It annoys her when her younger brothers, Aonung and Rotxo talk down to Spider and no matter how many times she’s told them to be nice to Spider they just brush her off too. It doesn’t help that their parents just take their side and keep letting them do it.
“You do blame yourself?” Y/N said looking over at him with concern in her eyes and voice. “Sometimes I feel like I could’ve done more to stop him. To stop them.” Spider told her as he avoided looking into her worried eyes. “But you knew everything they did was wrong.” Y/N told him. She took one of his hands into hers which made him look away from the water and at her. Her blue eyes connected with his brown eyes like they always do when they look at each other. “That’s all that matters.” Y/N told him with a comforting smile. Spider gave her a nod as his lips turned into a small smile. Y/N always know what to say to him when he gets down on himself.
“Y/N!” She heard a familiar voice call out her name in a stern voice. When both Y/N and Spider saw it was Ronal calling her daughter’s name they knew their hangout was over for the day. When Spider let go of her hand, she felt emptiness go through her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Ronal asked looking down at her daughter with stern eyes. “I’m talking to my friend.” Y/N told her mom not being intimidated by her mother’s stern glance. She’s tired of her parents trying to control who she talks to or who she hangs out with. “Y/N to our Marui now!” Ronal told her in a stern tone. “No, I want to stay here and talk to Spider.” Y/N said standing her ground. “I’m your mother and I say go to our Marui now! I’m not going to say it again.” Ronal told her not letting her daughter tell her tell her no. “You should go with your mom.” Spider said before Y/N could respond to Ronal. “I should get back to the Sully’s anyways.” Spider said as he stood up. Y/N watched him walk away with sadness in her blue eyes.
“Y/N!” Ronal said breaking Y/N’s gaze away from Spider. Y/N let out a heavy sigh as she stood up from the sand and walked towards her families Mauri with her mom following behind her. Right when they got there Ronal told Y/N to sit which she did. Y/N folded her arms over her chest waiting for her daily lecture.
“No matter how many times your father and I have told you to stay away from that boy you just keep disobeying us.” Ronal said with anger in her voice. Y/N avoided her mom’s stern gaze. “You are the eldest sibling which means you are the role model to your younger siblings. They don’t need to see their older sibling disobeying their parents' orders.” Ronal lectured her. “You also have another sibling on the way, and you can’t keep stressing me out by being around that boy!” Ronal added as she put her hand on pregnant stomach. She added. Y/N just continued to stay silent.
“Y/N look at me!” Ronal told her in a demanding tone. Y/N sighed as she did what her mother told her to do. “I’m going to tell you for the last time.” Ronal started. “You are forbidden to see that boy.” Ronal told her in strict tone. “Do I make myself clear?” Ronal asked her but Y/N stayed silent which made her start to lose her patience. “Y/N answer me right now!” Ronal demanded. “No!” Y/N snapped finally talking. Ronal was caught off guard since Y/N has never talked to her in that tone before. She’s never heard her daughter talk in that tone ever. Y/N got up onto her feet.
“You and father have raised me to be accepting to everyone and anyone who come to our village and Spider is no exception.” Y/N told her now it being her time to talk. “I understand what Spider’s kind to us, but he is nothing like his father.” Y/N explained to her mother. “Just because you and dad don’t see him like I do doesn’t mean I am not allowed to be around him.” Y/N said in a stern tone.
“I think he’s very sweet and he cares so much about our people so no matter what you and dad say I’m going to continue to be around him.” Y/N told her. Without another word Y/N walked past her mother and out of the families Mauri.
Y/N has been clearing her mind out a little bit before she goes to talk to Spider. She wants to tell him that no matter what her parents tell her she isn’t going to stop seeing him. She finally feels free after standing up to her mom and she knows the perfect thing to say to Spider.
Y/N spotted Lo’ak talking with Tsireya so she walked over to them to ask Lo’ak if he knows where Spider is. “Hi, sorry to interrupt but I need to ask Lo’ak a quick question.” Y/N said getting their attention. “What’s up?” Lo’ak said in a curious tone. “Do you know where Spider is?” Y/N asked him. “Yeah, he’s in our Mauri with Kiri and Tuk.” Lo’ak answered her question. “Okay, thank you.” Y/N said and walked towards the Sully’s Mauri.
When Y/N walked into the Mauri she saw Spider sitting on the floor with Tuk and Kiri playing a game that Tuk most likely came up with. “Hi.” Y/N said only getting Kiri and Tuk’s attention. “Hi, Y/N!” Tuk said with an excited smile. “What brings you here?” Kiri asked in a curious tone. “Do you want to play my game with us?” Tuk asked before Y/N could answer Kiri’s question which made Kiri playfully roll her eyes at her. “Sure, but I need to talk to Spider outside first.” Y/N said which made Spider look up at her. “If that’s okay with him.” Y/N added. Spider gave her a nod as he stood up. Kiri and Tuk shared a smile as Spider followed Y/N outside.
“Y/N I don’t want to get you in trouble again.” Spider told her with worry. “I told my mother that no matter what her and my father tell me it’s not going to keep me away from you.” Y/N told him in a reassuring tone. “I love hanging out with you because it makes me happy!” Y/N told him with a warm smile. “Me too.” Spider said as his cheeks turned a light shade of red.
“Don’t listen to what everyone says. You’re not you’re father. You are a much better man than him.” Y/N told him locking her blue eyes with his brown eyes. “I see you.” Y/N told him. Spider smiled as he took one of her hands into hers just like she did earlier with his’s. “I see you, too.” Spider told her as he held onto her hand tight.
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camilaxmartin · 1 year
hi! love your imagines so much! was wondering if you could write something about shuri just being really protective of the reader. maybe even overprotective but that’s just a part of her charm
ღ the scientist IV
hi! thank you for this request!! i adore this one my god, to be honest maybe this is my favourite part,,, i’m not sure. but the last one was pretty exciting too🤭
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navigation // request // me and find the rest!
summary: shuri gets protective over you and the two of you finally admit your feelings
warnings: none, maybe a little hotish make-out session
notes: i’m kinda sad this story has ended but i love the overall of it
part one // part two // part three
after shuri left you to talk with namor you had been laying on the ‘bed’ for the whole time not being sure what to do with yourself. maybe half and hour later or at least something that felt like it she came back looking really stressed. you decided not to ask her about it not being sure if she trust you. yeah, you might have had a moment with her but that doesn’t mean she trust you with her life all of the sudden.
shuri took a sit next to you and stared dumbly into the room silently. you gently touched her arm but she flinched. you quickly took away your hand and it caught her attention.
“no, no.” she said and held your hand that previously touched her. “i don’t mind you touching me.” she said and you smiled softly at her.
“that’s good to know.” you said and she let out a small laugh.
“listen, i need to think everything through.” she said as her other hand the one that wasn’t touching you flew straight up to her forehead to massage it a bit.
“how come?” you asked still not being sure if she wants to talk with you about it all.
“well,” she started and stroked your hand with her thumb. “namor wants wakanda to help him with starting the world war. and if we won’t agree he will attack us.” she explained skipping the fact about namor wanting you dead. you bit down on your lip.
“that’s a situation without a reasonable exit.” you said and shuri nodded her head at you. “there must be another way to go.” you added and started thinking about everything shuri shook her head at you gently.
“i’m afraid there’s not.” she said quietly still calming your hand.
“well, maybe-“ you probably would say something stupid but a sudden noise interrupted you.
yours and shuri’s attention immediately flew straight to the thing that was making the noise. after a moment you realised it was a underwater ship. with some woman inside of it. shuri definitely knew her cause her eyes widened at the sight of her.
“nakia?! what are you doing here?!” she screamed-whispered when the woman came out of the little green ship.
“there’s no time for that now. come in and take the girl with you. hurry up!” she said and shuri was standing still. “shuri cmon! we are lucky there’s no one here now.” she said and came up to the princess.
“no! no! you don’t understand, it’ll start a war!” shuri argued but the woman grabbed her by the shoulders and put into the cabin. you came in yourself. nakia then came in too and the three of you swam out of this weird cage.
when you were at the land finally you felt something pulling you up and you couldn’t believe your eyes. there was wakanda’s spaceship. you were actually speechless.
when the weird thing took you up you ended being pulled into the spaceship by the hole in it’s floor. when you finally touched the ground of the machine you noticed the queen of wakanda standing in the corner and immediately hugging shuri when she also came up through the same hole you did.
“i’m so glad you’re okay.” ramonda said squeezing her daughter in her arms.
“we need to go back to wakanda shortly. i’m scared there’s a war coming.” said worried shuri and it immediately worried her mother.
all of you arrived at the palace and shuri took you to her lab wanting to show you all of her machines and also wanting to know if there are some things you’d improve in them. you felt flattered, really.
when you came into the lab you were met with huge space filled with so many machines you’ve never seen in your life. your eyes might just get bigger looking at all of it. shuri laughed seeing your reaction but also kept walking to her normal stand.
“so that’s my lab.” she said and you looked at her.
“it’s amazing.” you said being totally mesmerised. “but why is no one here?” you asked suddenly noticing the lack of people.
“well, i suppose they were waiting for my come back.” she said being curious herself why nobody was there.
“princess, there’s your mother coming down to your lab.” your conversation was interrupted by the voice of the al.
“thank you griot.” shuri said and you turned around to see the wind going down. the door opened and you saw queen ramonda in her less casual outfit. she smiled kindly at you and then looked at her daughter.
“shuri, i think it would be better for us to get ready for the war you mentioned earlier.” she said in a very stern tone. “even though i think we can handle this namor, i still prefer to be ready.” she added and shuri looked at her unsurely.
“i’m not so sure about handling him.” she responded obviously worried.
“well, even if it’s still better to be prepared.” said the queen not wanting to think about the possible future.
“yeah, your right.” shuri said and turned around to her stand while browsing some files on the huge screen right before her eyes. “took y/n somewhere so she will be safe.” she said not looking at you or her mother.
“i want to help.” you protested and shuri let out a laugh at you.
“namor wants you. there’s no way i’m going to let him even have a chance at finding you.” she said while her mother stood in place. you looked at the back of her head.
“i still want to help.” you said and shuri shook her head.
“great. and i want to keep you safe.” she said and you rolled your eyes at her.
“it doesn’t mean i’ll let you do that.” you argued and ramonda raised a brow at you. “you saved me from him today, let me return the favour.”
“you will.” shuri said finally finding the file she was looking for the whole time. “if you let me keep you safe.” she said witch a sarcastic smile, turning to you. you let out a scuff.
“be serious.” you said and came up to her closer. “i can help with the fighting. you saw me in action.” you argued but shuri wasn’t going to break so easily.
“yes, and you have some pretty good skills but this man wants to get you. you understand? i can’t let him get close to you not even thinking about fighting with you.” she explained also coming up to you, so now the two of you we’re pretty close. and actually her reasoning made a lot of sense now. but you couldn’t just give up the little fight that easily.
“i want to help you, somehow.” you said being less stubborn than before. shuri noticed the change in your appearance and smiled a bit. “the best you can do is hide. i won’t let him find you.” she said and you rolled your eyes at her. her stare changed a bit to a more unbothered one.
“i think she can help you with the new suits for our army.” suddenly ramonda stepped into the conversation and you were reminded of her still presence in the room. shuri also looked to her side being a bit confused.
“i was counting on that.” she said looking at you again. at this moment she realised how close the two of you were. you eyes slipped down to her lips for a second only to come back to her eyes again.
“i’ll be glad.” you said which came out more as a whisper. shuri smiled at you.
“i’ll let you do your thing.” ramonda said smiling at shuri, but something has changed within her expression.
“great mama.” shuri replied and the two of you watched the woman leave the lab the same way she came into it a moment ago.
“soo,” shuri started, catching your attention again. “you remember our little talk in the cage?” she asked and your eyes widened a bit.
“i have no clue what you’re talking about.” you said not being able to hide the smile that was forming on your lips. she raised her eyebrow at you.
“oh? you sure?” she asked stepping even closer to you. now your faces were only centimetres away from each other.
“m-no.” you pretended to think for a second while looking around and then your eyes found hers once again. “you have to remind me, i think.” you said and bit your lower lip. shuri smiled at you even more and shook her head a bit.
“what a shame i don’t think i fully remember it too.” she said and one of her hands caught your jaw bringing your head a bit higher. you realised she did it probably because she wanted to kiss you. left alone the thought of it made you blush. “or maybe i remember.” she said noticing the sudden color appearing on your cheeks. shuri licked her lips while still keeping the eye contact with you which made you even more flustered. your eyes uncontrollably went to her lips when she licked them. she smiled even more. “i think we were arguing about the fact that i in fact, do make you flustered.” she finished the thought and your head was literally empty.
“well, maybe you do, princess.” you answered her and she definitely liked this response. she delicately blushed herself hearing you use her title.
“and you make me go crazy.” she whispered and chuckled at the end. she then gently shook her head loosing the eye contact for a moment only to remake it second later. “like no one else.” she added and you felt your cheeks burn again. she chuckled again but also pulled her face a bit closer to yours. your noses were almost touching.
“i’m glad the feeling is mutual, princess.” you said and she genuinely smiled and you with the most honest and kind smile you’ve seen for a long time.
“so i guess i can kiss you right now?” she asked and came even closer to you, to the fact you noses were in fact, touching.
“yes, princess.” you answered and she smiled still looking into your eyes. “i want nothing more.” you added and she chuckled again.
then she slowly came closer and her lips finally touched yours. the kiss was soft and unsure at the start, but when you kissed her back she gained back her normal confidence. your hands found her waits and hugged her, wanting to finally touch her. shuri smiled into the kiss and finally let go of you jaw, wrapping her hands around your neck, brining you even closer to her.
the kiss got a bit more aroused when she gently licked your lip. you opened your mouth slightly letting her have the access. shuri smiled once again and delicately slid her tongue to your mouth. you raised your head a bit wanting to deepen the kiss even more. shuri groaned quietly feeling your moment.
shuri’s hands found their ways to your hair and started playing with it, ruining your hairstyle totally. you bit down on her lip feeling her touch which caused her to moan quietly. it was your time to smile into the kiss. your hands were on her shoulders but slowly moved down just to lay on her chest and maybe a bit squeeze it. shuri sighed loudly as she felt your hands.
the two of you were so caught up in the kiss and all that you didn’t hear the sound of the elevator’s door opening. the thing you did notice in fact, was the surprised gasp of the person who just entered the lab and saw you literally swallow each other’s tongues.
“oh my.” the person exclaimed and the two of you immediately pulled out from each other. and finally got to see who was the unlucky guy to disturb this awaited moment. it was none other than okoye herself. she was standing with a proud but mostly unsurprised grin on her face.
“okoye.” shuri said wanting to get over it as quick as possible.
“shuri.” she smiled to her. “y/n.” she smiled at you too.
“what brings you here?” shuri asked her trying to compose her t-shirt to look untouchable.
“i just wanted to check on you and ask if you have anything for me with what i can defend myself but,” she said, grin still presented on her face. “i think i’ll step by next time.” she said and nodded her head. okoye then turned around and stepped into the elevator again.
“i’ll see you!” shuri smiled to her letting her real smile come out. okoye smiled even more at her.
“but girls please do some real work.” she added and pushed one of the buttons. “and if you feel like doing something else, find a better spot for it.” she added and the door shut close. shuri rubbed her forehead feeling embarrassed.
“don’t worry about her, it’s just-“ she started but you interrupted her.
“her thing.” you smiled at her and shuri let out a laugh.
she then came up to you once again and kissed your forehead not taking her eyes of you even for a second. she then pulled only an inch away.
“what do you say about working for sometime and then going to see my room?” she offered and you snorted while rolling your eyes.
“i think that’s a great idea, princess.” you replied and raised your head a bit higher so your lip could reach cheek.
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drama-glob · 2 years
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*Spoilers for Helluva Boss Season 2 Episode 2
This episode was crazy on several levels, but also really touching and sweet. ^_^ I felt bad for Octavia on Stolas forgetting what day it was (Azathoth’s Tears celestial event) because he was telling Stella off when she wanted her stuff from the divorce so he wasn’t making a mistake on purpose, but nothing like almost 20 years of repressed anger to distract you. O_O This at least set up Blitz’s trouble with his daughter Loona and her talk with Octavia later all the more poignant. Also, Moxxie and Millie just having their own thing was cute, but seriously Moxxie, he needs to stop buying everything on an LA street corner. XD
We don’t know for sure how long this is after “Ozzie’s” takes place, but I’m guessing a few days to 2 weeks at the most because 1) Stella wants her stuff and I doubt she would wait long for it and 2) Blitz’s calendar had Stolas’s name written with a bunch of question marks on it, like he wasn’t for sure they’d be hooking up. It’s possible they did have a talk and are trying to work something out, but Stolas was at least being less thirsty in this and kept calling him “Blitz” instead of “Blitzy,” meaning he’s trying to be more respectful/was more focused on finding his daughter. If it has only been a few days since “Ozzie’s,” then they probably haven’t worked out yet what they want in the relationship, but put it aside for this episode. I have a feeling he will still get the Asmodean crystal to give to Blitz, but he’s got to go see Asmodeus for that and if “Ozzie’s” did just happen, it’s probably going to take a fair amount of will to see him. (Hopefully we’ll see Asmodeus and Fizzarolli in the next episode then and get some more of Blitz/Fizz’s backstory ^_^)
I loved that Octavia wound up killing Brennon Radgers (supposed to be Brandon Rogers obviously XD XD XD), which caused the whole mistaken identity issue and causing Blitz to have to act on a sitcom. There was also some foreshadowing with Blitz saying he has performed since and then we don’t hear what it is, so most likely the incident that scarred him and either caused Fizzarolli to loose his limbs and horns or got his mom killed. :(
Loona’s flashback was so terribly sad and makes what happened in “Spring Broken” mean more in that Blitz saw someone like him who was told they were worthless, needed help and to be loved, so he adopted her as his daughter to try and do that. ^_^
Also, there were so many Stolitz moments from both Stolas and Blitz that it makes me think that even if they haven’t talked yet, they still have feeling for each other and have bonded/found empathy over worrying about their daughters instead of just sex. I’m still glad that Stolas found Octavia and said he was sorry because he didn’t mean to neglect her, but he still messed up and hurting her is the last thing he wants; fortunately, they could still have the fireworks to watch together. Poor Blitz though on Loona not reciprocating the hug, but we did see that she does love him, even if she won’t admit it.
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riversofmars · 1 month
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I keep thinking I need to get better at cross-posting again and then I forget. But here we are with another attempt. A little fic for the prompt "Lost Dog". Sounds random and it is, but it also really worked and was fun to write!
One And Only
Summary: On her way back from the shop, Liv makes a sudden and unintentional acquisition. Rushing back to 107 Baker Street, she hopes Helen will be able to help her with her predicament. One thing she hadn't banked on, however, was that she was setting off an avalanche of surprisingly emotional revelations. (Rating: G)
“HELEN!” Liv yelled up to flat 4 at 107 Baker Street, hoping her best friend would still be in the living room where she had been when she’d left. She couldn’t risk opening the door. “HELEN!” she called again, drawing curious looks from passers-by and tried her best to ignore them. The last thing she wanted to do was cause a scene, things were bad enough as they were. Mercifully, eventually, her best friend stuck her head out of the window and looked down to her.
“Liv? Is everything alright?” she called back, and it seemed she hadn’t realised her predicament, else she would likely have commented.
“Can you come down here a minute?” the med-tech requested and Helen, kind and considerate as she always was, merely nodded with a smile, closing the window again. Liv made her way up to the front door, hoping against hope her problem would solve itself but it didn’t. “Yeah, alright-” she mumbled, waiting anxiously until the linguist finally opened the door.
“What is it?” she asked brightly, only to have the chocolate coloured dachshund, that had been following Liv, jump up at her legs with excitement. “Oh-” She blinked, confused and was likely asking herself the same question the med-tech had been struggling with the last few minutes: Where had the dog come from?
“It won’t leave me alone,” Liv rushed to explain. “It just started following me and- It was trying to come in the house and I didn’t know what to do so…” Her rambling trailed off when she saw her friend crouch down to greet the animal with a wide grin.
“Hello you…” she hummed, brushing her hand across his head and behind his ears. She seemed perfectly at ease, even looked to be enjoying herself, and Liv gaped.
“Careful! What if it has fleas?” she exclaimed and Helen laughed.
“He’s clearly a pet, he’s got a collar, the lead is still attached and look how clean he is. Clearly his owners have lost hold of him, that’s all,” she chuckled as the dog rolled over, presenting its belly to her, begging for more affection. It was actually quite cute, as was the look on her friend’s face.
“Yeah well-” Liv flapped her arms and the linguist looked up to her.
“What’s the matter?” she asked with a grin. “Do you not like dogs?”
“I don’t not not like dogs, I just… don’t know what to do with them-” the med-tech admitted, her cheeks pinking as she scratched the back of her head. Perhaps she had been a bit exaggerated in her response. “We don’t have them on Kaldor.”
“You don’t have dogs on Kaldor?” Helen echoed in disbelief.
“It’s not the sort of place where you can walk pets,” Liv shrugged. It wasn’t something she had ever truly thought about. She’d known people to have pet lizards and the like but that was about it. Dogs were hardly suited to the desert. Looking at the linguist now, seeing the grin that was painted on her lips while stroking the small creature, she thought perhaps she could be convinced into having one…
“Oh, Liv,” the blonde chuckled as the dog turned over once more, jumping up her knees, clearly wanting to be in her arms. “You’re missing out.”
“He clearly likes you,” Liv commented, unable to help a smile of her own. It was lovely to watch. “Did you have one? When you were younger?”
“No… no… I wanted one, but… father would never have allowed it…” A flash of sadness crossed her friend’s face. “This girl I used to be friends with had one… I’d go around all the time. While I could anyway…” She cleared her throat, clearly not wanting to dwell on it, so the brunette didn’t push. Instead, she watched her getting up and grasping the lead. “We’ll have to try to find his owner… Did he just run up to you?”
“Yeah, literally, just halfway up the street suddenly he was there snaking around my legs-” Liv answered truthfully and as she gestured down the road, Helen’s eyes fell to her hand, spying what she was holding.
“Think it’s that sausage roll…” she pointed out with a smirk and the med-tech looked down at the half-eaten pastry in her hand.
“Well, with his little legs, he can’t have run very far,” Helen concluded, looking up and down the road. “Which way were you going?”
“Just down the road from Greggs…” Liv answered and the blonde nudged her to get walking.
“Is this a reflection on the salad I made for lunch?” she teased as they fell into step with each other.
“That was lovely!” the med-tech retorted immediately, colour draining from her cheeks. She didn’t mean to offend her, not when she had been so kind to make her a lovely lunch. She had, however, still been peckish and the opportunity had been there when her friend had sent her to the shop for milk… only, she hadn’t gotten that far yet. Then the dog had happened.
“But you still had to get a sausage roll,” Helen hummed, fixing her eyes forward.
“Well… salads are not that filling…” Liv mumbled awkwardly, fighting a wave of concern. “I’m sorry, are you mad?”
“Not even a little,” the blonde laughed, shooting her an affectionate look. “Just amused. Teaches me for trying to feed you healthily.”
“I eat healthily! Just fancy a treat every now and again,” the med-tech launched a feeble defence, relieved that she hadn’t taken offence. The dog was walking ahead of them happily, though as she took a bite of the sausage roll it promptly stopped to whine at her. She nearly fell over it, drawing another laugh from her best friend.
“And you call a sausage roll a treat?” she quipped, clearly amused. “Well, I was thinking of doing some baking later, but maybe now I need to reconsider if you don’t want anything sweet…”
“Were you really?” Liv’s expression brightened immediately. She adored Helen’s baking. And really, everything else she made. Just as she adored her… She could probably feed her anything and she’d thank her… But the prospect of baked goods was certainly an intriguing one.
“Well, let’s find who this dog belongs to, and then we can talk about cake,” Helen suggested with a smirk and that certainly quickened her friend’s steps.
“Right, let’s get to it!” she declared, stuffing the remainder of her sausage roll into her mouth in a messy, yet somewhat adorable display. “Surely whoever lost him will be looking for him too,” she spoke through crumbs, hoping the dog would be less distracted now.
“Oh my god, Aiyko!” a female voice called ahead of them, making them both look up. A woman who was dragging along a small child hurried towards them. Her face was flushed in near panic and promptly, the dog started pulling. “You’ve found our dog!” This was clearly the owner and she crouched down to greet her pet with joy and relief.
“I turned around and he was just following me,” Liv said, exchanging a quick look with Helen who was smiling happily as well. They had gotten lucky for their search to yield results so quickly.
“Eyeing up her sausage roll, most likely,” the linguist added, giving her friend an affectionate nudge as the woman looked up to them.
“My son insisted he just had to hold him and of course he let go and- Trying to manage a child and a dog-” she gestured to her son who looked about five years old and was now having a turn at greeting the dog.
“Oh we can only imagine,” Helen gave back kindly. “Everything was fine though, he was very friendly.” She knelt down as well, giving the small dog another stroke as this was goodbye.
“His recall could be better,” the woman sighed as she straightened up and looked to Liv with an apologetic smile. “All these distractions- I’m so sorry to have inconvenienced you.”
“It was no bother at all, he’s lovely,” the blonde carried on and looking up to her to check it was okay to do so, she handed the lead back to the small boy. “Here you are, little man. Hold on tightly this time, yeah?” The child gave a firm nod, as she took care to wrap the lead around his hand so he couldn’t so easily lose it.
Liv, for her part, found herself rather transfixed. She knew her friend to be kind and gentle and every time she witnessed it first hand, the affection she held for her in her heart grew. Soon enough, she feared it would burst. So far, she had done alright to keep her romantic feelings for her hidden, assuming them unwelcome, but she wasn’t sure if she would be able to keep it up indefinitely.
“Thank you so much, honestly, I don’t know what we would have done-” the woman sighed, running her hand through her hair as the shock slowly wore off and Helen stood up again.
“It’s really no problem at all, just glad we found you,” the linguist gave back kindly. “I’m not sure how Liv would have coped with a dog in the flat. That would be a first.” She shot her friend a cheeky smile and the med-tech rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.
“He’s cute, but probably not the best first pet,” she admitted sheepishly, glad the matter had been easy enough to resolve.
“Please, let me buy you a coffee as a thank you?” the woman suggested. “You and your girlfriend.” She looked in between the two of them hopefully.
Liv’s heart dropped and Helen seemed perplexed.
“My-” she started but the med-tech was quick to interject, trying to avoid an uncomfortable situation.
“No, it’s fine, really.” She shook her head firmly. “ Just happy you got him back. We do have to get on.”
“Thank again,” the woman smiled and as her son was already starting to wander off with the dog again, she had no choice but to rush after them, leaving them in a muddle without realising as much. Silently, tensely, they turned to head down the road back towards Baker Street.
“Helen… you okay?” Liv probed eventually, disliking the heavy silence that had settled around them.
“Yes… perfectly fine…” the linguist answered and far too quickly. It made the med-tech all the more worried.
“Really?” she prompted anxiously, as her stomach twisted itself up in knots. Helen didn’t answer, not immediately, silence fell again and it took the length of another two houses before she asked:
“Why do you think she said that?”
“What?” the brunette questioned, even though she knew full well what she meant. It was the comment that had thrown her, too, though only out of concern over the effect it might have on her friend.
“That she assumed we-” Helen flapped her hand in between the two of them but didn’t look at her.
“Oh uh… I dunno…” Liv mumbled awkwardly, pushing her hands into her pockets, taking to watching the pavement beneath her feet. Perhaps she had caught the way she had been looking at her, so full of adoration… Everyone seemed to be aware of it… Ron and Tony had commented. Tania had asked about their relationship. Sometimes she even thought the Doctor knew… Like that time he had set them up on a date on Kaldor… It seemed the most obvious thing in the world to anyone except Helen herself… and while it remained like that, Liv wouldn’t dare to say anymore.
“I forget…” the linguist carried on with a little huff and the brunette frowned, confused.
“Forget?” she echoed and with a deep breath and without looking at her, Helen elaborated.
“That it’s… In this time… that it’s perfectly normal… People don’t think twice… They see two women together and just… assume it might be that…”
“Well… it’s not so far-fetched, is it?” Liv commented though she wasn’t entirely sure why that had been her response of choice. Perhaps it was just that she wanted some sort of confirmation that in another universe, it could be that… even if it wasn’t.
“If you say so…” the linguist mumbled, dropping her eyes to the floor and her friend’s frown deepened. While she hadn’t expected enthusiastic agreement, she found her tone odd. She didn’t seem uncomfortable at the thought, merely disbelieving and perhaps a little disheartened. Liv couldn’t be sure so she probed further.
“You don’t think so?”
“What would you possibly want with me…” Helen scoffed, shooting her a look, a pained half-smile that made the brunette’s chest tighten. Was she serious? Did she really think she wouldn’t want her in some way that implied she wasn’t just not interested but that she wasn’t good enough?! It was ludicrous!
“Helen!” She grabbed her arm and stopped her, forcing her to face her. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“I’m just saying… Even if, you know… You wouldn’t end up with me…” the linguist answered, seemingly confused as to why she had stopped her, but sure of her answer. She started walking again, as if she was trying to evade the conversation. “I think Tania has her eye on you anyway and she’s probably more-”
“More what?” Liv shot back, quickening her steps to catch up. “My type?” Annoyance swept over her. “You haven’t got the first idea what my type might be! What I find attractive in a woman. What I would be looking for in a partner,” she argued, surprising herself with the sharpness of her tone. She wasn’t setting out to have a go at her but she needed to make her understand that she was in no way lesser than Tania or any other woman for that matter. As far as the med-tech was concern, she was the one, the only one-
“Well no… How would I know… You haven’t said…” Helen countered calmly, if slightly shakily. She didn’t look at her or stop.
“You haven’t asked!” the med-tech retorted, unable to keep a measure of hurt from her voice. It wasn’t that she was hurt, no, that was wrong to assume. It was that she hurt for her friend who seemed to think terribly little of herself to misjudge the situation so grossly. If only she had asked, perhaps then she’d understand…
“Right,” Helen mumbled, a flash of hurt crossing her face as well, and Liv felt the conversation slipping away from her. This was not what she was aiming for, she never, ever, wanted to hurt her friend, so she changed course.
“I like kindness,” she said, and the linguist’s response was puzzled.
“Kindness?” she echoed, and the med-tech found she was having some manner of success as she actually looked around that time, awaiting her explanation.
“Someone who puts others before herself,” she carried on. “Who gives people the benefit of the doubt, who doesn’t judge, who always tries her best, even sometimes to her own detriment.” That was something Helen often did… with the resonance engine, in Salzburg… Before the blonde had the opportunity to respond, she carried on, fixing her eyes forward. “Intelligence. I like that. Someone who is sharp and witty and who I can turn to for advice, who surprises me with her insight and talks rings around me when she wants to. Someone who I am in awe of,” she continued, speaking with no-one but her best friend in mind.
“Good luck finding-” the linguist scoffed but Liv spoke over her, undeterred.
“I like someone who is curious about the universe and passionate about the things she believes in. Who doesn’t shy away from doing the right thing, even when it’s hard. Someone I can trust with my darkest secrets and who loves me in spite of them.” Carried by a wave of determination, she stepped into Helen’s way, turning to face her and to make sure she was listening, even as her voice grew shaky. She hadn’t expected herself to turn emotional but she was. “Someone who I can be vulnerable with and don’t have to act strong all the time. Someone who is my best friend as well as my lover and truly understands me,” her voice broke a little but she met her friend’s eyes anyway, hoping - stupidly - that she would understand. “And the fact that she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on is just the cherry on top.”
“Liv-” Helen whispered, overcome. Tears had long since sprung to her eyes and the look in her eyes left no doubt that she knew exactly what she was saying. It made the med-tech’s heart race, anxiety crawling up her back but she tried to hold firm. For Helen. If nothing else, she needed her to understand how wonderful she thought her, and how much she meant to her.
“And if she doesn’t feel the same way about me, that’s also fine because I’m just happy to have her in my life,” she concluded, hoping to limit some of the damage her words had the potential to do. “If I can’t have her heart I will settle for her friendship and still call myself the luckiest woman in the universe for being allowed to share my life with her.”
Helen dragged her hand across her cheek, trying to catch her tears but failing. She gave a little sniffle as she dropped her eyes, self-conscious and insecure. Liv’s heart ached for her and she took the fact that she hadn’t run away yet as encouraging. The only way forward was facing things head on now.
“You wouldn’t happen to know someone like that, would you?” she asked softly and the linguist gave a heart-breaking little sob as she shook her head.
“I-I think you’re wrong…” she whispered, her voice thick with tears and Liv’s heart sank. She had miscalculated.
“Right…” she mumbled, her shoulders drooping in defeat but then, Helen continued in a shaky whisper.
“You wouldn’t be the luckiest woman in the universe… that would be whoever has the privilege of calling you their own…” she breathed, desperately trying to stop her tears from falling. “And if that was me… oh Liv--” She shook her head to herself in a disbelieving manner, touching her fingers to her trembling lips as she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment.
Carefully, hopefully, and with her heart thundering in her chest, the med-tech reached out for her hand, moving it away from her face and tugging it towards her.
“I wish it was…” she gave back, offering a heartfelt, emotional smile as her friend’s eyes blinked open again, looking at her in wonder. Gently Liv leaned forward, pressing a tender, chaste but lingering kiss to her lips.
Helen drew a sharp breath of surprise, standing motionless for a moment and her friend waited, hopeful yet terrified until she responded with a slow, soft kiss of her own. It was blissful and new and wiped away all the doubt and pain that had come before.
In the end, the linguist pulled back far too soon for Liv’s liking, but she knew she shouldn’t rush her. She simply offered her a soft, encouraging and patient smile.
“Are you sure?” Helen asked in a wobbly voice, her insecurity far from gone but now that they had made a first step, the med-tech knew what to do. She would make her feel like the most important, most treasured woman on the planet, not letting up until she believed how precious she was to her.
“How about you let me buy you coffee and a cake?” she suggested softly, raising her hand to her lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. It was a tender gesture and the expression that filled her friend’s face was enough to make her melt. She looked so surprised, so moved, so disbelieving that this tenderness was meant for her and it only made the med-tech want to give her more, anything, everything she could possibly desire. She would lay the world at her feet if she could and the simple fact that Helen, sweet, unassuming, insecure Helen, didn’t think herself worthy of it made her all the more determined to prove it to her.
“Like a date?” the linguist whispered, as though she didn’t trust herself to speak up for fear her voice might break once more.
“If you’d do me that honour…” Liv smiled, reached for her cheek to brush away her tears as best as she could.
“Nothing would make me happier…” Helen answered tearfully, dragging her sleeve across her eyes and Liv intertwined their fingers as she chuckled.
“What?” the linguist’s head snapped up, colour draining from her cheeks but the med-tech elaborated quickly.
“Shame we didn’t have that conversation sooner… could have had it for free,” she grinned and while Helen looked instantly relieved that she hadn’t changed her mind, her expression quickly turned to a scowl.
“Liv!” She gave her arm a playful slap for having tricked her so and Liv laughed, wrapping her arms around her in a tight embrace. She would never let her doubt again.
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jesuisici33 · 1 month
fave lines game
rules: share your favourite lines or paragraph you've written from one of your fics, posted or wip. tagged by @spotsandsocks @kitteneddiediaz @wikiangela @hippolotamus @aroeddiediaz @diazsdimples and using this as my seven sentences Sunday and was tagged by @theotherbuckley @liminalmemories21 @bidisasterevankinard @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @tizniz
From Public Relations, Patrick and David having a literary fight
“I just figured, this might be a good time to get to know you, and also what you think of the story. Of how our characters work together. That sort of thing. I know we won’t get the scripts until the read-through, but we do have the book…” Patrick shrugged. “Um, sort of self explanatory, isn’t it?” David’s features melted into a “no duh” gesture as he slid his omelette from skillet to plate. “During the first book Adam tricks Godrick the entire time into getting Wyndom’s scepter, allowing him to change reality and having everyone think Adam is the crown prince. He’s a trickster.” David cocked his head to the side. “Although, admittedly, a very good redemption arc.” Patrick blinked, his smile growing in astonishment. “Wait, wait, wait. Did you just finish the first book recently? Cause that is not what happens at all.” He interrupted before David could get a word in edgewise. “Adam is being controlled by the ruby necklace he stole from Queen Luna and because Wyndom cursed the necklace to corrupt anyone who will ever steal it, that’s why he changes reality.”  “Is it?” David almost wanted to add an “Oh, honey,” to the end of his sentence. “ If you remember, V. R. Lee introduced Adam constantly being envious of the royal family and their abundant wealth. The motivation was already there, he didn’t need some necklace to ‘corrupt’ him.” He took a bite out of his omelette. Ever since he learned how to fold in cheese, he’s been making omelettes like a champ. Perhaps he should ask Stevie if she can get him a food network show he can host on the side. “Adam is poor! He had to learn to be a thief! What are you not getting?”  “I’m getting everything actually, it’s you who seems to be missing the point.” David put the last bite of his omelette in his mouth, staring at his plate mournfully. Instead he took the second coffee Patrick brought for him and took a sip from that cup.
two more under the cut
yes I know that he's my ex - tarlos - post breakup/pre getting back together
The only greeting he gets is a raised eyebrow and a scoff. TK brushes past him into the loft and looks around, pointedly ignoring all the decoration Carlos worked hard on during his time moving himself in. TK finds the hoodie behind an end table where Carlos must have thrown it when he took it off. “Got it, thanks.” And this - this isn’t how Carlos wants things to end. Things with TK can’t be just random occurrences at work where they pretend to ignore each other or clipped tones of trying to be civil. It can’t be one of them coming over to get a fucking hoodie for two seconds before leaving to go out and have fun somewhere else. As much as TK may put up a tough front of not caring about what happened between them, he knows that’s all bullshit. Carlos only has to get TK to admit it. Before he realizes what he’s doing, Carlos takes hold of TK’s bicep, stopping him from taking another step. “That’s it? That’s all you have to say?” “What else is there to say?” TK’s body inflates. All the posturing he’s put up for Carlos suddenly leaves him without a fight.
and something from a wip that I've been rereading - my demon!buck/angel!Eddie one
Eddie confronts him about it at the gym station. Making sure no prying humans are within earshot. “What’s a demon like you doing here?”
If there is a way to punch him without also hurting Bobby, Buck would. “Helping.”
Eddie purses his lips. Half in concentration on keeping his rep count, half in displeasure at Buck’s answer. “Helping. How does a demon help people? You’re a temptor, right?” At Buck’s sharp nod, Eddie continues. “So am I supposed to expect a lot of arson around here or something?”
“That’s not how that works.”
“Then educate me. How does your power work?”
Technically, Buck can tempt the divine or damned. It takes a lot of effort and a lot of strength. But he’s done it before. And he’s feeling a little petty and vengeful at the thought of an angel being here in Buck’s territory. So he might as well do it. He’ll most likely be drained by the end of it – but it’ll be worth it. 
He peers into Eddie’s mind, into his wants and desires. He sees…a lego set? Some new lego set that just came out. Someone in Eddie’s life really wants it and Eddie is debating on splurging to make this person happy. But money is tight right now so he has to decide between getting the lego set or paying bills… Logically he knows he should pay bills. But this person has been through so much shit already and this lego set would really make him happy. Eddie should just get the lego set. Another month without cable really wouldn’t hurt-
Eddie gasps. “How did you do that?”
Buck feels cold sweat trickle down his face and back. He doesn’t need to look at Eddie to know he’s been tempted. Whoever that person is, they’re getting their lego set. It’s a small temptation, but the fact he’s tempted an angel will feed him for weeks. 
“You wanted to see how my power works. You got your answer.”
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buckysgrace · 10 months
Fifty Five
CW: Drugging, violence, attempted assault
Kim didn’t feel any better about herself the closer they got to Tommy’s. Her pulse was racing, her breath quickening as she wondered if Billy would be looking for her. She hoped that he would be. She hoped that he missed her as much as she missed him. She felt like she hadn’t seen him in forever. He was gone before she woke and usually didn’t return until she was pretending to sleep. She wanted to sneak into his room and see him, but was worried that he would get mad. She needed to explain things to him, but she didn’t know how to do it. 
She had dragged Addi along to the party with her, not even giving her a chance to complain about it. She had practically guilted Addi into it, but she figured that it would be fine. She promised that Eddie tagging along wouldn’t bother her. She wanted to forget the conversation with her mom, she wanted to forget everything. 
Still, she found herself dressing in a way that she could earn Billy’s attention. She couldn’t make sense of her feelings. She knew she should stop what they had between them, but she wasn’t able to commit to it. She loved him, no matter what. She just had to tell him.
She wore her lingerie under the pink dress she had worn what felt like ages ago. She had styled her hair nicely and done her makeup with a steady hand. She wanted Billy to be so enamored with her that he was no longer conflicted about his feelings. She wanted him to look upon her and just know that she was the right choice. She hoped it worked, she needed him. 
“So,” Addi turned to look at Kim, “What’s the plan for tonight?” Kim stared at her for a long moment. She wasn’t sure if she should admit that she just wanted to forget everything. She wanted to feel something, anything other than the numb feeling that had taken over her heart.
“To have fun,” Kim forced out a smile and exhaled slowly, “We’re just going to have fun.” She repeated after a second, trying to reassure her that she wouldn’t do anything stupid. Addi paused, looking like she didn’t believe her.
“You know what’s fun,” Addi stepped out with Kim, holding onto Eddie’s arm, “Eddie’s game. It’s so much fun. We could always do that instead.” Addi offered. Eddie sent her a look, looking as if this was the first time he had heard her say that.
“I thought you said it was nerdy?” He questioned, his lips curling into a smile. Kim looked at where their hands were linked and felt another wave of sadness. She looked back at Addi.
“I’m fine,” She breathed out again, “We wanted to go to parties, remember?” She linked their arms together, pulling her friend towards the thumping house. It looked similar to how it did when she had come to pick up Billy. She thought of him again, feeling another wave of sadness hit her.
“Yeah,” Addi agreed softly. Kim moved her hand away, but Addi quickly grabbed a hold of it as they moved through the bustling bodies. Kim was searching, looking through the crowds and people for anything familiar. She felt disappointed when she didn’t see him, “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” Addi stopped her, pulling her aside. Her hands were on Kim’s shoulders, looking at her seriously. Kim felt her eyebrows furrow together.
“I’m fine, why?” She was glancing around again, in fear that she might miss Billy if he walked in. Addi shook her lightly, bringing her attention back to her. Kim exhaled softly, the beat of the music was filling inside of her body. It caused her whole body to vibrate. 
“I know it hurts but you don’t have to do this,” Addi looked at her seriously, her dark brown eyes were soft as she examined her friend, “I don’t want you to spiral out of control. Promise me you won’t do anything dumb.” Kim stared at her for a long time.
“I’m not spiraling,” She tried to defend herself, knowing it was far from the truth, “I promise. I’ll be on my best behavior.” Kim grinned again. It hurt to smile. She felt like she couldn’t do anything without Billy around. She needed him like she needed air. 
“Okay,” Addi looked her over after a second, “Just don’t get too crazy with the drinking. C’mon.” She grabbed her hand again and pulled Kim towards the kitchen. Kim looked around it, wondering if she skimmed through the drawers if she would find Billy’s keys hidden away again. She had no indication that he was here. She needed him to be. 
“It’s a party,” Kim told her softly, pouring herself a cup of spiked punch, “We’re supposed to get drunk.” Kim smiled again, welcoming the burn that filled her system. It was warming, it felt better than the empty feeling that was inside her chest. She took another drink, then another, until it was all gone.
“Oh girl,” Addi was smiling nervously as she pulled her wrist down softly, “Are we really going to do that?” She searched Kim’s face. Kim shrugged her shoulders, moving her hand away so she could get another glass.
“I’ve never really been that drunk before,” Kim glanced towards her, “I can finally get that off of my list.” Addi was still looking at her nervously.
“Okay, but when I tell you to leave I mean it. Sounds good?” Kim nodded her head, hoping that she would be long gone before then. She wanted to feel good, she wanted to feel anything. Addi poured herself a drink, still looking at Kim like she didn’t trust her. 
Kim drank the liquid slowly this time, making a point to behave nicely in front of her friend. She tried to hide the fact that her hands were shaking, that she was completely overwhelmed at the moment, “Whenever you want to go, I’m ready.” Kim promised with a nod of her head. Of course, she meant as soon as she was able to see Billy. She wanted him to see her, to want her as desperately as he did before. 
No matter how hard Kim looked, it was like he was hiding from her. She kept drinking, trying to fill the void of the empty sensation that was inside of her. She wondered if this is why Billy drank, if it was easier to ignore those feelings with alcohol. She understood suddenly.
Kim found herself drifting away from her friend, bored by the way her and Eddie were hanging onto each other. It made her think of Billy, made her think of how she wasn’t able to hold onto him. She wandered through the house, stopping as she found an empty room. She grinned as she bounced on the bed, giggling softly at how it moved underneath her. She looked up suddenly, hearing footsteps.
“Hi,” Kim smiled up at Robin, holding her hands underneath her chin, “Do you want to join me?” Robin looked a little surprised. She looked nice. Kim liked her jeans and the simple blue shirt that she wore. It complimented her eyes nicely. Kim sat up on the edge of the bed, the alcohol making her a little less shy as she patted the mattress next to her.
“What are you doing in here?” Robin smiled, looking a little flustered as she crossed the room and sat down. Kim nearly sat criss crossed, before remembering that she was wearing a dress. She shrugged her shoulders.
“Just looking around I guess,” Kim glanced around the room. It must’ve been a guest room by the lack of decorations. Robin sat with her hands crossed on her lap, “What about you?” Robin shrugged her shoulders.
“I lost Steve to some girls,” She smiled softly, “I didn’t want to stand around and listen to that.” Kim made a face with her, thinking about how she had left Addi for similar reasons. 
“Romance,” She huffed playfully as she swatted a hand in the air, “It sucks.” She felt her smile dropping as she thought of Billy. She exhaled deeply, feeling the familiar numbness beginning to settle in over her skin. Robin tilted her head, looking a little nervous.
“Steve said he talked to you?” She fidgeted with her bottom lip, gnashing it between her teeth. Kim felt an eye squint and her eyebrow raise as she tried to think about what she had spoken about with Steve.
“Been a few days,” Kim admitted as she crossed one leg over the other to try and make herself more comfortable, “He basically explained why he wouldn’t be with me before.” She replied after a second, feeling like she had to search deep inside of her brain to find the answer. She was beginning to feel a little jittery. Robin exhaled deeply.
“Yeah,” She looked at Kim apprehensively, like she was debating about saying anything, “Because of his friend?” She questioned, like she was trying to find out what exactly Steve had said. Kim nodded her head, thinking that it sounded right.
“I think that’s right.” Kim confirmed, unsure of why Robin was bringing it up. Maybe she was trying to admit that she liked Steve too. Kim wondered if she needed to reassure Robin that she didn’t feel anything for Steve anymore.
“I’m the friend,” Robin said softly, staring down at the mattress as she spoke. She dug her fingers against the pattern on the quilt, “You know, the one that likes you.” Kim blinked a few times, trying to make sense of what she had just said. She felt it would’ve been easier to process it, without the alcohol.
“Oh, Robin,” Kim suddenly felt bad as she looked at Robin’s hidden face. She didn’t think it was fair for Robin to have to feel like she should hide her feelings, “I’m sorry. You’re so funny and pretty. I just, I don’t-” Kim was beginning to take a deep breath and delve into her complicated feelings at the moment. Robin looked up at her, her blue eyes looking like she had heard this a hundred different times. 
“You don’t like girls,” Robin finished for her, “I get it. I don’t really know why I thought you would like me. You were so enamored with Steve.” Kim felt bad suddenly, realizing she had been blind to everything this whole time. She felt stupid, thinking that it was fairly obvious that Robin had been the person the whole time. 
“That was before,” Kim groaned softly, “I think we’re cool now. His mom has seen me naked. I think that ruins the whole romance thing.” She admitted. Robin looked at her confused before she started to laugh. 
“Do I want to know?” Robin looked almost hesitant, like Kim was hiding a deep secret. She covered her mouth, unsure of why she kept bringing that up. It was like she wanted everybody to know. 
“She’s a gynecologist,” Kim giggled softly, feeling her face warm, “I don’t know why I keep telling people that.” She shook her head, hoping that the embarrassment would leave her body as she did so. 
“It’s kind of weird,” Robin nodded in agreement but she was still smiling, “I’m sorry if I made things weird.” Robin apologized. Kim felt her eyebrows furrowing together as she reached for Robin. 
“You didn’t make things weird,” Kim squeezed her hand gently, “You’re pretty cool and I think if I wasn’t totally in love with this person, that we could’ve had a chance.” She admitted. She had no idea what it was like to be with a woman, but Robin was nice. She wasn’t sure why everyone made a big deal over genders. She was sure that Robin would be nice to her. 
“You’re just saying that to be nice,” Robin spoke like she was a balloon that had just been deflated, “But thank you.” She shrugged her shoulders softly. Kim paused, unsure of how she was supposed to support Robin. This was something she had no idea on how to handle. It was a complex situation that she also didn’t have the answer to. 
“I mean it,” She paused for a moment as she spoke, furrowing her eyebrows together, “How do girls have sex?” She wasn’t sure why that had to be the thing to fall free from her lips. She instantly regretted it at the way Robin’s blue eyes widened. 
“What?” Robin asked, nearly in disbelief. Her cheeks were turning red as she stared at Kim. Kim fanned herself, trying to think of a way to explain her stupidity. 
“I mean,” Kim paused for a moment, “Do you just like hump or, is there something else I don’t know about my body?” She was more curious than anything. She wondered if there was a way to do it without a penis that didn’t just involve fingering. 
“Kim!” Robin looked mortified, her face completely red at this point. Kim bit back a sheepish smile, noticing how Robin was having a hard time looking at her. She smiled bashfully. 
“I’ve had a few drinks and I’m just curious,” Kim shrugged her shoulders to defend herself. She felt bad asking, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” She added quickly, not wanting to put Robin on the spot. Billy was much easier to question, he rarely got embarrassed.
“You didn’t,” Robin spoke softly as her eyes darted around, “I just don’t really know. I’ve never had sex.” Robin admitted, like it was something to be embarrassed about. 
“You’ve never had sex?” Kim asked curiously, figuring that she was the only one at her age that had never had sex before. Robin turned towards her before she exhaled deeply. 
“I’ve never kissed anyone.” She spoke next, surprising Kim completely. Robin was nice, she was pretty. She didn’t see why no one would ever try to kiss her. Then again, perhaps Robin had never been allowed to express her feelings to anyone that she actually liked.
“You’ve never kissed anyone?” Kim repeated softly, asking for Robin to confirm what she had just heard. Robin shook her head no, looking embarrassed once again. 
“Saying it again doesn’t make it any less true,” Robin laughed, “I’m a bit of a loser.” Robin turned to face Kim again. Kim glanced over her features, taking in her bright blue eyes. She thought of Billy’s blue eyes. She missed him. She missed everything about him. Something in Robin reminded her of a bit of herself. 
“I can kiss you.” Kim offered slowly, unsure if she was crossing a boundary. She didn’t want to press the issue, but she felt guilty that Robin hadn’t ever been able to experience anything. Robin’s eyes were wide, staring as if Kim had grown an extra head.
“What?” She was laughing nervously as she watched Kim fiddle with her fingers. Kim breathed out deeply, trying to regain her confidence. She darted her thumbs in circles around each other and bit down on her bottom lip. 
“If you want to kiss someone, I can do it,” Kim nodded her head softly, “It doesn’t have to mean anything.” She added at the end, hoping that it wouldn’t give Robin any false hope. She was too crazy about Billy to ever leave him. She knew that was a fact. But if he could kiss other people, she was allowed to as well. Still, she felt guilt in the pit of her stomach.
“I don’t want to force you.” Robin said at last, breaking the tension between the two of them. Kim smiled gently as she shook her head. 
“You wouldn’t be,” Kim smiled, feeling like maybe she had drunk a little too much, “I really don’t mind.” She mumbled without a second thought. It felt weird, talking about kissing someone else. She wondered if she would be betraying Billy, but she quickly reminded herself that he wasn’t sure of his options yet. 
“Okay,” Robin looked at her, still not certain as her eyes grazed over Kim’s face, “You’re sure?” Kim smiled, gripping Robin’s shoulders instead of answering her. She leaned forward, letting her lips gently slide against Robin’s to answer that she was more than fine with this.
She tried not to laugh against Robin’s lips as they met hers messily. It was sloppy and gentle as Robin tried to find her routine. Kim felt nothing as Robin pressed her lips on hers repeatedly. It was nothing like kissing Billy. There was no spark, there was no desire to make it something deeper. 
“How was that?” Kim asked, curious as to if Billy had been lying to her the whole time. Robin looked a little flustered as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Not bad,” She squeaked out, her face more red than before. Kim felt another grin forming on her lips, “Thanks.” Robin stared at the floor as she spoke, a large grin written on her lips. Kim grinned to herself.
“Do you want to head back out there?” Kim had an urge to see Billy again. Her kiss with Robin had just fueled her fire. She wanted Billy desperately. In whatever way possible. She needed to find him, to see him. She was sure that everything would be okay if she just saw him.
“Sure,” Robin breathed out gently, “If we could um just keep this between us?” She asked hopefully. Kim nodded her head, promising to keep it between them. 
She headed back out, making sure Robin was following her as she headed back towards the kitchen. Thinking of Billy just made her feel more numb, more empty. She was upset that she couldn’t have him. She wanted to drink the feeling away, to make herself feel something again.
“You ran off!” Addi was at her side in a second, watching as she poured herself a cup of punch. Robin stood not too far behind Kim, waving awkwardly and still looking like she was having the time of her life. 
“I’m sorry,” Kim meant it as she spoke. She paused for a moment, drinking until her cup was empty again, “I was talking with Robin. Is that a crime?” Addi made a disapproving look.
“I don’t like that you’re drinking this much,” Addi admitted, trying to stop her before she made another glass. Kim huffed and shook her head, feeling more agitated than usual. Perhaps it was the drink in her hand. 
“It’s a party, I can drink,” She tried to reason with her friend, liking the way the alcohol was warming her nerves, “It’s just for one night.” Addi sighed softly but nodded, looking like there was no point in arguing. Kim glanced around the room, exhaling deeply as she watched the crowd again.
The numb feeling that had spread inside of Kim suddenly diminished when she saw him. He was like a breath of fresh air, a spark that ignited the flames inside of her. Billy was here. Standing so far away but seeming so close to her at the same time. She felt as if her heart was suddenly alive again, that everything worked the way it was supposed to. 
She inhaled deeply, her eyes flickering over him as she took in his unbuttoned red shirt and tight jeans. She breathed out deeply, feeling like her heart was beginning to beat again for the first time. She thought that he was beautiful, brighter than any light or star that she had ever seen. She stared at his golden skin as the way his beer dripped from his chin and down his chest. 
She felt a familiar squashing sensation of her heart being stomped on. She watched as Chrissy wrapped her small arms around Billy’s waist and pulled him close. He was laughing, smiling as if nothing was wrong. As if there was something to be happy about. She stared for the longest time, feeling an empty feeling settling over her. He glanced up and she tore her gaze away before she could meet his eyes again. Everything hurt, everything felt too raw. It was like she had ice in her lungs as she exhaled. Addi looked at her worried but Kim just pushed past her, gripping her cup tightly. 
“I wanna drink,” Kim was stumbling over her words as she struggled to pour another cup. The liquid was dripping down her fingers, all over the sighed of the cup as she breathed in deeply. Her heart ached, her eyesight blurred with fresh tears, “Wanna forget him.” Robin was staring at her with concern but Kim didn’t offer any more information as she took another giant gulp, welcoming the burning feeling.
“Let’s not do anything dumb,” Addi urged as she placed a hand on Kim’s wrist, “He’s not worth all of that.” Kim was about to tell her that he was worth everything, when they were interrupted by someone else walking in on them.
“Hey,” He smiled as he looked down at her, “You’re Kim, right?” She stared at him for a long time until the pieces connected in her mind.
“Oh, oh hi,” She looked at him surprised, sniffling deeply as she tried to compose herself, “Logan, right?” She smiled softly, remembering their uncomfortable meeting from the other day. He beamed at her.
“You remembered?” His lips curled into a soft smirk, “It’s nice to see you again.” She felt an odd chill settle over her. She didn’t like the way that he was looking at her. 
“Right,” She glanced towards Addi and Robin, “It’s nice to see you too.” She didn’t really know what else to say. She felt shy suddenly, remembering that he had been close to seeing her naked. Addi’s dark eyes hardened.
“You look too old to be at a party for teenagers.” Addi spoke up clearly, her eyes lingering on him for a long time. Logan looked taken aback for a moment before he spoke up again. Kim glanced towards Addi.
“Tommy is my younger brother, I live here,” He laughed, “Pretty sure I’m allowed to be in my own house.” Kim watched as Addi’s eyes narrowed again. She looked irritated and Kim wasn’t sure why. She took another drink, not wanting to press the issue. Kim glanced around at the shiny countertops and pretty wooden cabinets to distract herself from the awkward tension that was filling the kitchen. 
“It’s a nice house,” Robin nodded her head, speaking similar to what Kim was thinking, “Very classy.” She furrowed her eyebrows together as if she was considering what she had said. Kim giggled softly before she took another drink and set it down.
“Huh,” Addi was still eyeing him suspiciously, “Never heard Tommy speak about you.” Kim hadn’t either, but she wasn’t necessarily friends with Tommy at the same time. She exhaled softly, glancing up to notice Logan’s narrowing eyes. 
“Do you dance?” He turned towards Kim, looking at her with keen interest. She felt her eyes widening in surprise. She looked towards Addi, relying on her friend to answer the question. She didn’t want to be rude to Logan, but she had no desire to dance with him. 
“She’s fine,” Addi smiled stiffly, “You’re not her type.” Addi smiled sweetly, but Kim could tell that she was being anything but nice. She took another sip from her cup, looking back and forth between the two of them. 
“Can she speak for herself?” He laughed but then nodded his head, “I get it. I just thought she was pretty.” Kim made an awkward face as she glanced towards Robin and shrugged her shoulders, unsure of what she was supposed to do. Robin laughed softly, pulling Kim towards her. 
“She’s drunk,” Addi spat back, “I’m sure there’s plenty of pretty girls that are your age. Maybe you’d find them if you didn’t hang out at your teenaged brother’s parties.” She shrugged her shoulders, still wearing that sickeningly sweet smile. He looked taken aback for a moment.
“Let’s just go,” Robin tugged on Addi’s arm gently, “He’s not worth it.” Robin promised her. Kim was still partially in her own stupor, swaying to the music that was bleeding in through the living room. Addi huffed on her breath, making sure Kim was the first one to turn around.
She was beginning to stumble now as they walked. She blinked hard, grinning as she looked down in front of her and willed herself to walk normally. She could hear Robin laughing from behind her and she turned quickly, her eyebrows pulling together as she moved her empty hands around. 
“I forgot my drink.” Kim whined as she pouted, feeling the urge to kick her foot as if she was going to throw a tantrum. Addi looked back over her shoulder. 
“We can go back in a few minutes.” Addi said quickly, looking like she didn’t want to go back into the kitchen. Kim was still pouting, knowing she couldn’t have any fun without her drink. 
“It’s right there,” She turned, “Just wait here.” She tried to reason with Addi, who looked like it was a bad idea. Robin stared at her for a moment before she stood up. 
“I’ll go with,” Robin offered as she stuck her hands in her pockets. She followed closely behind Kim, “We could fend him off together.” Kim snorted at the idea. She had a feeling they would fail horribly.
“I’m not very strong,” She picked her cup up from the counter, pausing for a moment before she filled it up again, “Don’t tell Addi.” She shot Robin a look, holding her gaze until the other girl nodded in agreement. She followed Robin back out, drinking from her cup. She furrowed her eyebrows softly, wondering if someone had added more alcohol to the punch.
“Do you usually drink this much?” Robin questioned her softly, watching the way Kim was downing the liquid. She gripped her stomach, feeling the warm liquid travel down and down. She shook her head.
“Barely ever,” Kim was fluttering her eyes a bunch as she spoke, “Just feel like it tonight.” She swirled her tongue in her mouth, thinking that it felt funny to move. Robin turned towards her, looking a bit nervous again.
“You’re sure your brother won’t say anything?” Kim wrinkled her nose up and quickly shook her head, spilling some of her drink on her foot and the ground. She groaned at the cold liquid that hit her toes. 
“He’s not my brother,” Kim told her urgently, “He won’t say anything either.” She mumbled as she took another deep breath, wanting to think of anyone but Billy. She was still doing what she could to forget him. 
“It’s just,” Robin drew out a deep breath, “Kind of a big secret.” She said softly. Kim frowned as she wrapped her arms around Robin again.
“He won’t tell,” She promised as she rested her head against the crook of her neck, “Your secret is safe.” She told her again, pulling away with a smile. Robin didn’t look fully relieved and Kim felt bad for that. Kim felt herself suddenly perk up as she noticed a familiar face walking towards them in the crowd. She beamed as she gripped a hold of him, like she was giving Robin a present. 
“It’s Steve,” Kim slurred, gripping a hold of his shoulder, “He’s here now.” She presented Steve dramatically, tugging on the collar of his shirt. Robin raised her eyebrow high.
“I see that,” Robin nodded her head, a soft smile on her face, “He’s a moron.” Robin spoke dryly as she looked at Steve. He smiled sheepishly as he looked between the two of them. 
“He said I was pretty.” Kim giggled like it was some sort of secret. She stumbled back against Robin, only to be steadied again. Steve shot her a look that she didn’t understand. 
“Oh did he?” Robin sounded amused as she spoke. Kim nodded her head quickly, her eyes shutting with her movements. She thought it felt nice to have her eyes closed and did it for a few seconds before she was stumbling awake again. 
“That was,” Steve stammared, “I was just reassuring her, okay?” Robin gave him a look, “I didn’t actually do anything. I’m not that horrible.” He held his hands up in defense. Kim smiled again, bumping back and forth between the two of them.
“He’s friends with my little sister!” She shouted over the music, “It’s kinda weird but it’s fine I guess.” She had her arm wrapped around Steve’s waist, as if they were really good friends. She didn’t take any notice, feeling too high over the moon to care.
“Robin is friends with her too.” Steve protested, his hand barely touching her as she swayed back and forth. Kim grinned at Robin, unsure of why the two of them were looking at her like she was silly. 
“Oh yeah,” She beamed, “You sneak her into movies!” She giggled at the thought, thinking that it was typical Max behavior. Robin’s eyes grew wider as she stretched her hand out.
“Okay,” Robin laughed softly, “Maybe you’ve had enough to drink.” She told her, trying to reach for the cup. Kim’s face grew serious, her eyebrows furrowing over her eyes as her fingers tightened around her cup. 
“This is mine.” Kim told her seriously, shoveling herself closer to Steve to hold onto it. Robin made an exasperated face. 
“I think she’s right,” Addi appeared again, holding a cup in her hand, “Here, try this instead.” Steve moved away from her side suddenly as she swapped her empty cup with Addi’s full one. She looked down at the clear liquid, her eyes narrowing.
“This is water,” She said, making a face, “I don’t want it.” She whined as she pushed the cup back towards Addi. Addi shared a look with Robin.
“It’s good,” Robin tried this time, taking a sip from the cup, “Mhm, taste it.” Robin pushed the cup towards her. Kim shook her head and made a disgusted face.
“No thanks,” Kim told the two of them seriously, “You can keep it if you like it.” She felt herself swaying again, listening to the music that was blaring. Steve was back to her side then, handing her another drink.
“Steve!” Addi protested, watching the way Kim downed the liquid, “She doesn’t need anymore.” Addi reached forward but Kim yanked it away, clutching it to her chest like it was her most prized possession. Steve laughed.
“She’s funny when she’s like this,” He looked up over her head, “It’s not alcoholic.” He told the other two. Kim shot her head up, her eyebrows furrowing together, “Oh, I wasn’t talking to you.” He reassured her with a pat on her head. She grinned widely up at him before she took another drink.
“You’re evil,” Robin told him seriously, “Maybe not a full moron.” She said offhandedly. Kim wasn’t sure why she found it so funny, but she did. She snorted into her cup as she swayed back and forth. 
“Moron,” Kim mumbled underneath her breath. She paused, “I have to pee.” She looked at Addi as she bounced her legs together. Addi sighed deeply.
“Okay,” She linked her arm through Kim’s tightly, like she was afraid to lose her, “Let’s go to the bathroom. We’ll be right back.” She turned towards Steve and Robin, looking like she was exasperated. Kim grinned, dragging her back through the crowd.
“I don’t know where I’m going,” She admitted as she stumbled against her friend. She was looking around, not necessarily searching for a bathroom. She felt like she was looking for someone else, “Lots of people.” She mumbled underneath her breath.
“You just drank too much,” Addi patted her back softly, as she pulled the bathroom door open for her. Kim grinned, nearly racing inside as she fumbled with her dress. The door shut behind her, “Do you need help?” Kim shook her head as she finally managed her way onto the toilet.
“Oh my god,” She moaned as she rested her hands against her cheek, “I’ve never had to pee so bad before.” She breathed out deeply, staring at the tiled floors. She watched as Addi rested up against the cabinets.
“Maybe it’s time we head back?” Addi questioned softly, “I mean you’ve already drank quite a bit.” Kim groaned as she fumbled with the toilet paper.
“But Steve just showed up,” She protested, hitting her knee against the toilet as she flushed it, “I’m having fun. Aren’t you?” She washed her hands messily, splashing some of the water against her dress. Addi laughed, taking a towel and helping her dry her hands.
“I’m glad you’re having fun,” Addi started, “But I don’t know if I can drag you back drunk.” She told her seriously. Kim frowned as she wrapped her arms around Addi’s waist.
“No more drinking,” She promised, swaying as she held onto her friend, “Can we stay a little longer? Please.” Addi sighed in her arms, patting her sides softly.
“Only because I love you,” Addi laughed softly. Kim liked the vibrations that came forth as she nodded her head, “Let’s go then.” Addi pulled Kim back out of the door, back to where the music was blaring loudly again. She stumbled along, her eyes fleeting across the busy bodies. 
“What’s Eddie doing?” Kim felt her eyebrows raise in amusement, staring as he was making his way on top of the Kitchen table. Addi sighed deeply, cursing under her breath as she turned to face Kim with a serious look on her face. 
“Don’t go anywhere,” Addi pointed a finger at Kim. Kim nodded her head like she was a little kid and the teacher was telling her something really important, “I’m serious. I don’t want to lose you.” Kim was sure that she would be too hard to lose. 
“I’ll stay right here.” Kim promised with a nod of her head. She leaned back against the wall for good measure, trying to make sure that Addi understood that she wouldn’t leave her spot. 
“You won’t run off?” Addi glanced back over, making a face as Eddie began to speak. Kim tried to strain her ears to listen, but he was still too far away. She smiled at Addi. 
“I won’t run off.” She nodded in agreement. She suddenly laughed, thinking of the scene in Star Wars where Obi-Wan made the stormtroopers do what he wanted. Addi sighed softly, looking as if she was debating about leaving. 
“If I get back here and you’re gone, you’re in trouble.” Kim felt her eyebrows rising to her scalp and her eyes widening in disbelief. She didn’t want to get in trouble, she hadn’t done anything wrong. 
“Okay, mom,” She drew out the O’s dramatically, “I’ll stay right here.” She folded her hands neatly across her chest, trying to look as serious as she could manage. Addi exhaled before she nodded her head like she had no other choice. 
“Don’t move.” Kim nodded her head again. Watching as her friend drifted away. She swayed her head back and forth, her fingers pressing against the front of her dress as she watched Addi quickly rush off. Kim felt her eyes dragging across the room, staring at unknown faces as she tried to remember why she was supposed to be standing against the wall.
Her eyes flickered across the room until she found a familiar face. She grinned to herself, moving away from the wall and stumbling through the crowd. She was unable to stop herself as she approached him, completely forgetting what Addi had said. 
“Tommy!” Kim found herself wrapping her arms around his thick shoulders, as if they were the best of friends. He stumbled back for a moment, temporarily overwhelmed with the way she towered over him. She had a goofy smile on her face as she pressed her finger on his nose, squishing it softly. 
“I see you found the punch.” He observed, making a surprised face. She nodded her head, her smile burning her cheeks. 
“Very good,” She confirmed with a nod of her head, “Compliments to the chef.” She pretended to tip a hat towards him. She giggled, stumbling back against a few people. Tommy gripped onto her wrists quickly, pulling her back towards him. 
“I really didn’t think you’d come.” He said after a moment. He glanced across the room, like he was looking for someone. She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to think of who he’d be looking for. She squeezed his arm softly.
“I promised,” She paused, stumbling in her steps. She was glad she had a hold of him, “At least I think I did.” She felt her eyebrows furrowing together, trying to remember what she had said. Everything felt fuzzy. 
“Where’d your friends go?” She shrugged her shoulders, making a face as people bumped against them. She tried to scan the crowd but everyone’s faces began to mold into one. She couldn’t make out any distance features or looks. Suddenly her chest felt tight as the music became too loud, the crowd of people pushing in on her. 
“It’s hot,” She told him, beginning to pull the straps of her dress down. Her mind was blank, she couldn’t focus on anything other than how warm she felt and how loud the music was. It was like the walls were caving in on her, “Too hot.” She mumbled, moving her arm like she was going to push it through the sleeve. Tommy’s eyes widened and he gripped her wrists softly.
“Let’s not do that here,” He laughed nervously, moving his head to look over hers as he scanned the room, “Why don’t you just chill out in my room?” He pushed her sleeve back up on her shoulder. She whined, feeling sweaty and warm as she held onto him.
“I don’t want to sleep.” She told him, her tongue feeling heavy in her mouth. He nudged her forward softly, taking her up the winding stairs with an uncertain look on his face. She smiled dopily, her footsteps heavy as they walked up.
“You don’t have to sleep,” He struggled to pull her up the remaining steps as she kept halting. Her strap on her ankle kept sliding down, causing her to slip around as she did so, “Just don’t strip naked in front of everyone.” She looked around the crowded hallway, surprised that there were so many people up here as well. She was sure she had never seen so many people kissing before. 
“I wasn’t going to get naked,” She scoffed as if it was the most obvious thing, “I have panties on underneath.” She giggled as if it was the most funny thing. He huffed and pushed his door open.
“Right, shit,” He gripped underneath her waist as she went forward, nearly slamming face first into the floor. She giggled hard in his arms, thinking that it was funny, “Maybe you should take your shoes off.” He suggested. She bent forward, trying to reach for her straps as she kept giggling. Her face felt hot and tight in this position.
“Can’t reach,” She grumbled under her breath, pressing her fingers against the strap before she rose again, “Too hard.” He sighed, looking a little irritated as he dragged her towards the bed. She landed with a soft gasp and found herself scooting closer towards the middle of the bed. 
“I’m going to find Billy.” He told her softly. She felt her eyes widening as she sat up on her elbows, feeling betrayal fill inside her chest.
“No!” She blurted out quickly, shaking her head wildly. She didn’t want to be a burden to Billy. She kept trying to remind herself that he was allowed to see anyone he wanted, no matter how badly it hurt.
“Not to be rude, but I have no idea how to handle you.” Tommy stared at her as she plopped back down the mattress. She grinned, feeling like it was moving underneath her. 
“I’m cool,” Kim said quickly, the words rolling off of her tongue nicely, “It’s just hot.” She told him again, feeling like she was burning alive. She pulled at her dress sleeves again before Tommy gripped her hands.
“Please don’t undress,” Tommy was begging her again as he gently stopped her movements,“I don’t want to die.” She felt her eyebrows furrowing together, unsure of how Billy got so many girls to like him. She thought of his arm around Chrissy again, a fire beginning to burn inside of her. 
“You said you liked me,” She pouted, “Do I look ugly?” She asked curiously, wondering if she had done something wrong with her hair or her makeup. She thought about what Neil had said and wondered if she was too scrawny. Tommy laughed softly.
“You’re very pretty,” He slid the sleeve of her dress up again, “But I value my life.” He sounded more serious than playful. She felt a goofy grin forming on her face before she moved her elbows again and let herself plop back onto the mattress. She moved too fast, her eyes crossing and his room going fuzzy before she was blinking it away.
“I’m thirsty,” She said suddenly, feeling a dryness in her throat along with the burning in her skin, “Really thirsty.” She mumbled as she stared at the ceiling, willing for the room around her to stop spinning. She felt Tommy’s weight shift off of the bed. 
“I’ll be back.” He said suddenly. She tried to sit up but her body suddenly wouldn’t move. She huffed as she moved her eyes lazily to look at him. He looked worried. She felt her eyes narrowing at him.
“Don’t get Billy.” She told him directly, making a point that she didn’t want Billy to know that she was up here. She still had plans to leave with Addi, she just needed to cool down first. She wondered if Tommy could grab Addi for her. 
“I’m not,” He promised with his hands raised in surrender, “I’m going to get you water.” She wasn’t sure if she believed him but she couldn’t look at him any longer. She covered her hands over her face, not caring if she ruined her makeup. She felt sick with how fast the room was spinning. 
“Everything feels like it’s moving, but then it’s not,” She paused for a long time, “Does that make sense?” Her head felt too heavy to move. She listened to the way Tommy exhaled softly. She wasn’t even sure what she was meaning to say. 
“Yeah, of course,” He stopped for a moment before she felt the hem of her dress being pulled back down on her thighs, “Just don’t go anywhere.” She wondered if Tommy was always this nice. She nodded her head, but then quickly stopped at the sensation of being dizzy.
“Can’t,” She whined, trying to wiggle her toes, “My body feels broken, I’m too tired.” She promised him, knowing it was true. Her mind felt like it weighed hundreds and hundreds of pounds. Tommy watched her curiously.
“I’ll be right back,” He told her, like he didn’t trust her, “Stay there.” He repeated. She grinned as she thought of Addi, suddenly remembering that she had left her too. Kim groaned.
“Can you tell my friend where I’m at?” Her tongue felt odd as it moved in her mouth, “She’s probably looking for me.” Kim thought about wiggling off of the bed, but the idea of doing so sounded like far too much work. 
“Sure,” He spoke up quickly, “I’ll get right on that. Just, just don’t move.” He repeated again. She lazily held up a hand to give him a thumbs up. She listened as he slowly crossed the room and shut the door behind him. She breathed out softly.
She kicked off her heels, not caring where they landed, as she let her fingers drift across Tommy’s smooth bed. She felt like she was floating on a nice cloud, far above where she was resting. She grinned to herself, feeling giddy.
She examined his room slowly, noticing the differences from Billy’s room. She felt guilty suddenly, that she was in someone else’s room that wasn’t Billy’s. She could almost feel Tommy’s personality as she scanned his large room. There were multiple different posters of sports teams, trophies and report cards hung up proudly. She looked at the various pictures of his friends. She spotted Steve, Carol and even Billy. She wiggled her way across the bed, pulling one of them off of his board.
She felt sad suddenly as she looked at it. Billy wasn’t smiling, as usual. He was just sitting there, his eyebrows drawn in tightly and a far away look in his eyes. Even with as foggy as her mind felt at the moment, she knew there was nothing she could drink that would make her forget him. He was bound to her. 
She felt guilty, so very guilty now. She hadn’t done anything, but she felt like she had betrayed him. She was doing her best to wiggle off of Tommy’s bed. She rolled onto her stomach, searching on the floor next to the bed for where she may have kicked her shoes towards.
“Hi,” She breathed out as she sat up on her elbows. She blinked a few times as she looked at him, placing a tight grin on her face, “What are you doing here?” Logan stared at her, an amused grin on his face as he looked at her form. She thought it was silly, having him look at her in such a way. 
“I was looking for Tommy, have you seen him?” She shook her head no, “Shame, what are you doing?” She tried to think about what she was doing. She searched her brain for an answer, but didn’t really know what she was doing. 
“I guess waiting for Tommy,” She spit out, not remembering why, “It got hot down there.” He sat next to her on the bed as she quickly moved her legs out of his way. She couldn’t find the strength to rise all the way up, her body felt weak and tired. She was tempted to fall asleep in Tommy’s bed. It was soft and she felt really tired suddenly. 
“You were drinking a lot,” Logan nodded his head in agreement. Kim felt her arms plop down from underneath her. She stared up at the ceiling, urging her legs to move forward but they wouldn’t, “You look really pretty tonight.” Her skin felt like it was on fire, the burning sensation prickling at her in an uncomfortable way. It took her a moment to realize that he was pulling the hem of her dress up.
“Stop,” Her words felt heavy, her hands numb as she tried to swat him away, “Don’t wanna.” She breathed out, feeling like her insides were burning too. Everything felt hazy. He pulled it up higher, despite her protests.
“I thought you wanted to forget that guy?” He asked softly, like he was somehow trying to make her feel better. She shook her head quickly, still trying to keep his hands off of her skin. 
“No,” She mumbled, her throat feeling dry, “Don’t wanna.” She repeated again, her tongue heavy in her mouth. She didn’t know how to speak suddenly, it was like words were too hard. 
“Relax,” He pushed her shoulders down gently, “You’re fine. I promise, I won’t hurt you. You look sleepy anyways, why don’t you just go to sleep? I’m just trying to make you less hot.” She was blinking hard, trying to clear out the fuzzy parts in her mind. She no longer felt that hot, she felt like her nerves were icy cold. 
“Not hot,” She tried to tell him, “S’okay now.” She nodded her head, quickly stopping her actions as her mind swirled and eyes felt like they were crossing. He grinned from ear to ear, but it didn’t look like the kind smile that Tommy had sent her earlier. She paused, trying to remember if Tommy had actually been in here or if it was a dream. 
“It’s alright,” He tried again and she could feel a panic rising in her body. Her arms weren’t moving even though she was telling her body to work, “I’ll take care of you.” He mumbled softly, pushing the dress up over her waist. His eyes drank in over her skin as she kept trying to push her dress back down. She didn’t like that he could see her panties. She wished she had worn something different, something not so revealing. 
“Stop,” She could feel her bottom lip beginning to wobble and she hated herself for coming to tears so quickly. His fingers wrapped around the sides of her panties and she did the same, trying to keep them in place while he began to tug them down, “Please.” She whispered under her breath, feeling chills settling over her body. 
“It’s alright,” He leaned over her, as if somehow by being closer he would reassure her. She was shaking her head slowly, not wanting to make herself dizzy, “It’s going to be alright. I promise.” He touched her face softly and Kim reacted purely on instinct, rather than letting herself think about what may happen. 
She bit down on his thumb hard, clenching her teeth down as tightly as she could manage. She didn’t want his hands on her, she didn’t want him anywhere near her. He yelled out in protest, trying to yank his hand away from her mouth. Her senses were too dull to react, to really process what was happening. Her head snapped to the side, the stinging on the right side of her cheek echoed clear down her neck. She whimpered at the feeling, moving her hands to softly touch the reddened area. 
“Bitch,” He spit out, roughly turning her so that she was laying on her stomach. She shook her head hard, blinking deeply as she willed her body to wake up. Her mind felt like it was sleeping, like it wasn’t really awake, “Could’ve done this nicely.” He was yanking her dress up high over her back. She was trying to kick her feet in protest, trying to move her body away from him. 
“Stop,” She was pleading, begging for him to leave her alone as he roughly shoved her panties down her legs, “Please, please.” She was sobbing now, completely incoherent as he gripped the back of her head and shoved her sore cheek against the mattress. She tried to will herself to relax, not wanting it to be too painful as she heard the sound of his pants coming undone.
The door slammed open, causing a chill breeze to enter the room. She was still whimpering, sobbing into the mattress as she prayed that Tommy had come back to save her. She suddenly thought of Jason and his friend, wondering if Tommy would actually do anything. 
The weight from the bed shifted, Logan’s grip was suddenly off of her. She struggled onto her elbows, the room spinning as she blinked her eyes rapidly. She could feel the makeup clumping against her eyelashes as she blinked.
“Don’t touch me!” She cried out when she was dragged onto her feet. She met Tommy’s worried brown eyes, her fists were pressed against his chest as he tried to adjust her clothes again. She was shaking, overcome with fear from what had nearly happened.
“Kim, it’s okay,” His voice was rough as he looked at her. She was shaking, nothing about this felt okay, “Everything is fine.” She tried to speak but her words slurred into nonsense as she brushed against him. She was blinking, trying her best to focus. The door had invited in the music and suddenly everything was overwhelming again.The lights were too bright, the music too loud and her skin too warm. 
He looked like he was about to say something else before he turned from her, his eyebrows pulling together in worry. She was suddenly aware of the sound of skin colliding against skin. She breathed out roughly, watching the way Tommy was wincing and how his lips were beginning to part in protest. 
Kim turned slowly, her body pressing up against Tommy as her legs suddenly felt far too weak. She could hardly stand, she could hardly move as she peered over towards the wall. Billy had taken Logan by his collar and had him pinned against the wall. He was punching him, over and over again as blood poured from Logan’s nose and mouth. Kim felt too numb to react, almost feeling fearful from how Billy’s anger had seeped into the room. 
“Billy,” Tommy was letting go of her, “Billy that’s enough!” He was yanking Billy away from Logan as Kim struggled to find her balance. Her eyes moved slowly across the room, details blurring in as she kept blinking rapidly. Her neck felt wet from her tears and her cheek burned. Billy was angry, she had never seen him so angry before.
Logan was bloody and blue, his face looking lumpy and swollen. He was still smiling, if she could even call it that. His lips were so inflated and bruised that it was hard to tell. His dark eyes flickering up towards her. She felt sick all of a sudden, wondering if he even regretted what he had done. Tommy was shoving Billy towards her.
Billy turned just as fast, charging back towards Logan only to be stopped by Tommy’s hands, “He fucking deserves it. Did you see what he was doing?” BIlly was shouting, looking furious as Kim swayed against the wooden floors. She blinked again, slowly shaking her head as she tried to stay in focus with everything else. She didn’t want this to happen. 
“It’s not worth it anymore,” Billy looked like he was about to yell again but Tommy shoved him back, “Look at him. You’ll kill him if you keep it up. Just go. Take her and go.” Kim felt guilty suddenly, thinking about how Logan was Tommy’s older brother.
“I’m sorry,” She was blubbering suddenly, wishing that she hadn’t drank at all, “It’s all my fault. I’m sorry.” She was a mess, shivering like a cat that had been left in the cold rain. Billy’s rage shut off like a light, he approached her but she was too humiliated to look him in the eye. He touched her gently.
“It’s not your fault,” He glanced over his shoulder again, bearing that same furious look in his eyes, “Let’s go.” She was nodded in agreement, her body and soul felt exhausted
“Billy,” Tommy sounded exasperated and Kim felt another pang in her chest. Tommy had been so nice to her tonight and now she was the reason his brother was lying in blood on his floor, “That’s enough.” Billy ignored him, kicking his foot hard across Logan’s abdomen. He groaned, staring up as Billy bent down and cupped his bloody chin.
“You ever,” Billy was all wrath as he spoke, “Come near here again, I’ll kill you. Do you understand?” Billy was hissing, his words like venom as he spoke. Kim was too afraid to move forward as Logan’s eyes found her again. He nodded his head slowly, as if it was some kind of game. 
“Do you,” Billy was seething, his whole body curled into anger as he roughly gripped Logan’s bloody face. Kim felt like she was stuck to the floor, unable to move even though she was desperately trying to. It was like her body wasn’t under her control anymore, “Understand?” Billy pushed Logan’s head back hard, the sound of his skull snapping against the wall echoed in the room. Kim turned to where Tommy was standing, looking just how she felt. 
“Yes,” Logan finally spit out, his words slurring as if he had been the one to drink, “I understand.” Billy let him go roughly, letting him rest in a pile on the floor. She was blinking softly, her eyes feeling droopy as Billy approached her again. She took in the blood on his hands and the knuckles that looked swollen.
He paused for a long moment, looking hesitant as he brought his hands up towards her face. She nearly winced away, her cheek still burning from the sensation. He stared at her for the longest time, looking angry. She was worried, afraid that he would blame her for everything that had just happened. 
“Are you okay?” His question surprised her. She wasn’t sure what to say, or what her answer would be. She just swayed back and forth, her legs feeling like they would give way any moment. 
“I feel weird,” She admitted as she felt her body tilting backwards. He moved his hands from her face, gripping a hold of her elbows to keep her steady, “Too much to drink.” She was slurring her words again, unsure of how to explain to him how weird everything felt at the moment. He looked at her concerned, his eyes shooting back towards Tommy.
“I don’t know,” Tommy sounded remorseful, “I swear I didn’t know.” Kim wasn’t sure what Tommy was talking about. Billy nodded hard after a moment, his arm wrapping around her waist.
“Can you walk?” She nodded her head softly, feeling comfort in his strong arms. She wanted out of here, she didn’t want to be around Logan for any longer. She suddenly felt like everything she had on was too tight, too revealing. She felt insecure, wanting to bury herself in a hole and hide. It didn’t take him long to drag her out of there. She stumbled down the stairs, grateful for his strong grip that kept her steady. 
People were staring as he pushed through the crowd. They moved on instant and she was sure Billy still looked furious. She was suddenly anxious, wondering how terrible she looked at the moment. She couldn’t even make out faces as he dragged her along through the crowd. 
“My shoes,” She mumbled suddenly as she walked across the floorboards, “I forgot my shoes.” She nearly whined, unsure if she was speaking louder than the music. Billy turned towards her in surprise.
“I’ll get them after,” He promised, pulling her out the door. Her thoughts were thumping in her head, “What’s wrong?” He turned towards her in worry as her feet came to a halt.
“I need to tell Addi,” Her heart was beating roughly inside of her chest, “She’ll worry.” She mumbled, nearly falling against the side of the house. Billy sighed as he took her hand.
“I think she’ll understand this time,” He urged her to take a step forward, “Come on.” He pleaded. She found herself moving without a second thought, her body following his on command. She couldn’t find it in herself to protest at all. 
“It’s hot,” Her mind felt fuggy as she tried to remember why she was walking barefoot. The crunchy grass and warm dirt tickled against her bare feet as he trekked down towards his familiar car. She stumbled and tripped, clinging to him as she tried to keep herself balanced. She found that it was hard to walk when her only source of light was the moon and her mind felt so foggy, “Really hot.” She was trying to pull her dress off again, not caring that they were outside.
“Let me turn the AC on,” He gently stopped her movements, squeezing her hands in his own, “You’ll cool down faster that way.” He was watching her with worry in his eyes as he helped her slide into the car. She moaned about how hot it was again, nearly forgetting to put her seatbelt on. She sat forward in urgency, scooting as far forward as she could to feel the cold air against her hot skin.
“Better,” She spoke softly, her eyes closing as the air coated her skin, “We’re leaving so soon.” She observed as she looked back up towards the bustling house. Billy turned towards her, looking concerned again.
“Yeah,” He said softly as he began to reverse the car, “You’re acting funny.” He observed softly. She moved her head to face him, a dopey grin wrote across her face.
“You’re funny,” She flicked her finger across his nose, “Are we sneaking out early?” She felt her eyes rolling back in her head before she snapped forward again, watching the way the moonlight danced on his skin as he drove.
“Shit,” He mumbled under his breath as he lit a cigarette. She stared at the blood on his knuckles, feeling a cold dread settling across her stomach. She felt sick suddenly as her smile dropped from her face, “We can talk about it in the morning.” He was still driving as she stared at him, suddenly feeling everything rushing back towards her. She felt small, so small as bile rose in the back of her throat. 
“Billy,” She breathed out hard, feeling her pulse echoing throughout her body. Everything was beginning to sound like it was far away, like she was fading into something else. Her breathing was loud in her ears as time seemed to pause around her, only to be thrown at her suddenly as she tried to recall which trees they had passed by, “Billy pull over.” She spoke up louder, her skin feeling as if it was on fire.
“I’m not pulling over,” He told her seriously as he drove. She blinked hard, trying to bring the world back to normal as the sounds and sights around her kept slowing and then racing towards her suddenly. She was beginning to fan her face, “What are you doing?” He looked over suddenly. The movement was too fast for her. She heaved forward.
“Stop the car,” She urged him, reaching for her seatbelt and unbuckling herself. He began to protest only for her to cut him off, “Stop!” Her body was too hot, her insides too cold when he finally pulled to a stop. He looked like he was going to start warning her about something, when the sound of her gagging cut him off.
“Shit,” He pushed himself across the middle console and pushed the door open quickly. She fell over quickly, onto the hot gravel and the prickly grass as she emptied her stomach onto the ground before her. Billy was behind her in a heartbeat, pulling her hair back quickly as she emptied the contents in her stomach. She vomited until there was nothing left, until all she could do was dry heave. Billy was still there, pulling her hair back tightly and rubbing soothing circles along her back. She felt something in her chest spike as the warm air coated her, digging in along her skin. Dread danced up her spine, nestling in her stomach as she looked towards him. 
“Something’s wrong,” She mumbled, feeling her heart beginning to pump inside of her chest harder than what it should. It felt like it was going to burst. She started to breathe faster, feeling the panic building up in her chest, “I think I need to go to a hospital.” She was nodding her head, already deciding that going to the hospital would be the safest thing. 
“Why would you need to go to the hospital?” He questioned her softly. His blue eyes were looking at her gently but she couldn’t focus on him for too long. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly, her breath coming out in quick spurts as her heart hammered uncomfortably hard against her chest. 
“Somethings wrong, my heart it’s going too fast and I can’t breathe.” Her tongue felt heavy in her mouth as she tried to spit all the words out at once. She felt like she didn’t make any sense, like she really couldn’t articulate what she was feeling at the moment. Everything was moving too slow, then it was suddenly too fast. Her heart only seemed to race faster in her chest at the thought that something was wrong. She was beginning to cry and she didn’t even realize it. 
“Hey, hey,” He cupped her chin softly, his fingers brushing along her jawline as he kept her steady and looking towards him. She was having a hard time focusing, everything was beginning to be overwhelming, “Look at me, hey. Just look at me. It’s fine. Take a deep breath, you’re fine.” He kept trying to reassure her. She tried to follow his commands, focusing on the way he was holding her and gazing in on his concerned eyes. Her chest was still moving hard, but not nearly as fast as what it was a few seconds ago.
“My heart is beating too fast,” She was still taking deep breaths as she spoke. Billy was rubbing his thumbs across her wet cheeks and sending her an urgent look. She was trying to relax but it felt too difficult, “It’s really, really hard.” She told him finally, moving one of his hands away from her cheek and placing it on the base of her neck. She held it there hard, looking towards him in worry so he could understand just how roughly her heart was moving. It was stinging hard in her chest, stabbing up against her collarbone and ribs.
“It’s beating hard,” He confirmed gently. He rubbed his thumb across her skin, “You’re just freaking yourself out right now. I promise you. Nothing is wrong. Just take another breath.” She exhaled roughly, desperately trying to take another inhale. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t get her lungs to fill with fresh air. 
“Did someone give me something?” She was starting to panic again. He quickly took notice, shaking his head no swiftly and touching her face again. Her shoulders were rising and falling rapidly, her breath was coming out in short spurts as she assumed the worst. Billy’s eyes widened and he was shaking his head again, denying her worries. 
“No one gave you anything,” He reassured, tapping his fingers along the side of her face again to draw her darting eyes back towards him, “You’re fine. You’re just drunk, okay? You had a lot to drink and you’re not used to it. Just breathe.” She listened again, taking a few deep inhales until she felt like her lungs were full again. She felt like she was shaking, like her whole body was vibrating. 
“Something just doesn’t feel right,” She sounded pitiful as she spoke, like she was whimpering. Billy was rubbing his hands down the curve of her shoulders, squeezing her arms softly. She felt like she was finally calming down as she finally inhaled deeply enough for all of her lungs to be filled with new air, “It hurts.”
“You’re okay,” Billy promised her, his eyes looking at her gently. She felt safe with him, like nothing bad would happen as long as she had him, “You just got a little panicked. Let’s get in the car and go home. Does that sound okay?” He was pulling her hair out of her face, trying to get a better look at her.
“I can go,” She mumbled under her breath, her body feeling fuzzy as he guided her back towards the car. He held onto her hand tightly, keeping a grip on her so he could help her slide into the car. He held onto the top of her head to keep her from bumping her forehead against the roof of the car, “Tired.” She mumbled, suddenly feeling like her body was exhausted. She blinked for a long second, missing the way he shut her door and made his way back inside. She stared at him for a moment before he reached across and buckled her back in.
“Are you okay now?” He asked her softly. She liked the way his eyes looked in the moonlight. They were like bright stars, shining right at her. She nodded her head, feeling a dopey grin forming on her lips. She was already forgetting what had just happened. Her skin tickled against the leather seats as she rested back against her chair. She kicked her feet out in front of her. They felt odd against the floor and she found herself laughing every few seconds from the sensation. 
“M’fine,” She grinned from ear to ear as she turned to face him. She didn’t understand why he looked so worried. She didn’t remember how they got in the car, but figured he must’ve dragged her out of the party. She leaned against the middle console, nearly choking herself against the seatbelt as she did so. She rubbed at her neck before she leaned her head against his shoulder, “Really fine.” She told him seriously. She noticed that he was driving slower than usual and turned towards him with questioning eyes.
“I think you need to sleep,” He glanced down at her with a hint of a smile on his lips. She liked the sound of sleeping. It sounded nice. She felt like her whole body was exhausted, “You look tired.” He confirmed, bending his head down to press a kiss against her forehead. She smiled against the sensation, liking how it traveled clear across her skin and down her spine. She sat up after a moment, relaxing as best as she could against the back of the seat. She felt her eyes fluttering shut and she wondered if she’d drift into sleep before they made it back. 
“Too loud.” She murmured, feeling an odd pang in her chest as her heart seemed to match the beat of his music. She placed a hand over her chest, squeezing softly as if she could make the hurting go away. He quickly turned the dial all the way down before he reached over and took her hand in his. He squeezed softly, glancing towards the road as he spoke.
“Just breathe again,” He reminded her as he traced his fingers along the curve of her hand before he pressed his fingers against her palm. She instantly closed her fist around his fingers, bringing him closer towards her, “You’re doing great. We’re almost home, okay?” She nodded her head, wishing that she believed it was all okay. She kept breathing deeply, trying to ignore the feelings and thoughts of panic that kept rising in her mind. 
“It hurts,” She was holding her chest again suddenly, “Really bad.” She breathed out in worry. Billy shook his head as he pulled over. His parking was more rushed than what it usually was. He leaned over the console and took her face in his hands again.
“You’re fine, I promise you. Nothing is going to happen to you,” She nodded her head, looking at the intense way he was staring at her. Her heart was still beating obnoxiously loud, nearly louder than her own thoughts, “You’re safe.” He reassured her after another moment. She blinked hard, not even realizing she was crying again. She didn’t understand what kept happening to her. 
“Okay,” She believed him anyway. She watched as he quickly got out, then crossed the front of the car before he was opening her door, “The world is spinning.” She mumbled as he helped her out of the car. She leaned up against him, wrapping her arms around his chest. He pulled her into a tight hug, letting her linger up against him. 
“Let’s go inside,” His voice was slightly muffled as he spoke, “Get you cleaned up.” She grumbled as she remembered she’d have to walk up that big hill. He held onto her waist with a soft grip, trudging her up the hill. Her legs were shaking and wobbly. She glanced at the ground, giggling as she remembered she didn’t have shoes again.
It was a struggle to get in through the front door. He was basically pulling her around, her body weight fully leaning up against him. He didn’t protest at all, only sending her soft hushes when she would randomly start giggling again. She didn’t know how to explain to him that everything felt funny and off at the same time. 
He gently pulled her into the bathroom, quickly shutting the door behind him before he turned the light on. She blinked hard and rapidly, trying to urge the bright light to stop stinging against her eyes. Billy held onto her waist, bringing her back to the Earth. 
“Here,” He handed her the toothbrush gently, “Can you brush your teeth? I’ll be right back.” She stared down at the toothpaste on it before she looked at him again. His eyebrows were pulled tightly together, looking like he was urging her to take it. 
“You won’t leave me?” She asked nervously, taking a deep breath to keep her heart from racing again. Billy looked over her worried expressions gently, before he tucked her hair behind her ears and shook his head no. 
“No, I”ll be right back. I promise.” He squeezed her face gently in his large hand. She stared at him for the longest time before she accepted his answer. She would be fine on her own for a few minutes. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss against her forehead, making her lips curl into a smile.
“Hurry.” She told him seriously, watching as he snuck back out of the bathroom. She brushed her teeth slowly, taking cautious movements as anything too fast left her feeling dizzy. Despite her caution, she still felt like the floorboards were moving from underneath her. 
“You alright?” Billy questioned her as he snuck back in. She nodded her head as she leaned against the counter. She blinked hard and took another deep breath, feeling the painful lurch of her heart. He stepped closer, touching her shoulders gently, “Let’s get you cleaned up.” 
“I feel gross,” She whined as he shimmied the dress off of her, “Yucky.” She said again after a moment. Her skin felt sticky and sweaty. She regretted the outfit she wore underneath as the lace seemed to itch her sweaty skin. 
“That’s why you’re going to get in the shower,” He reminded her softly. He reached his hands around and unhooked her bra slowly, “Did you wear this for someone special?” His tone was slightly teasing.
“Wanted to make you jealous,” She pouted her lips out as she spoke. He set her bra down before he moved towards her hips, shifting her panties down her legs. She breathed out hard as she got a painful reminder, “Logan saw it though. I didn’t want him to, he just did it.” She was rambling again as her chest started to move up and down harshly. Billy snapped his head up and gripped her face softly.
“S’alright,” His eyes looked over her panicked expression again, his eyes softening even more, “He won’t be bothering you for a long time okay? I’ve got you, I promise.” She nodded, her chest still rising rapidly as she tried to control her breathing again. It hurt, her chest hurt so badly. She gripped her hands over his wrists, watching the way his lips moved as she calmed her breathing. 
“I’m sorry,” She felt close to tears suddenly. He was shaking his head as she spoke, “I shouldn’t have drank so much. I was just so upset.” Her breathing became rapid again. He touched her collarbone softly.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about,” He nudged her chin up again so she was looking at him. HIs lips were curled up softly but he had some worry deep within his eyes, “Think about what a mess I was. At least you haven’t vomited all over yourself.” He tried to tease her, tried to get her mind off of everything that had happened. 
“I did vomit,” Kim cried out, her tears growing wet, “Outside the car.” He wiped at her cheeks again, looking like he was close to laughing. She sniffled, unsure of what was so funny. She felt like she should be embarrassed. 
“Not on yourself though,” He nodded his head, “Don’t worry about it. Seriously, everything is going to be okay.” She felt like he had said that a lot. She sniffled and nodded her head. 
“I’m cold.” She told him, trying not to whine as she spoke. Her body no longer felt warm as the chill air settled in around her. The brisk air caused goosebumps to appear on her skin and for her nipples to harden. She thought about crossing her arms over her chest and hiding away. 
“Probably because you’re standing here naked,” He smiled, leaning away for a moment so he could turn the water on. She watched him, leaning against the cold tiles as he moved, “Can you get in the shower?” She stumbled, kicking her foot against the tub as she stepped inside. She whined, the pain traveling up her body.
“Owie.” She mumbled, bending over to rub at her foot. She moved too fast. Stars appeared in her eyesight and she nearly toppled over. Billy gripped her waist hard and straightened her up.
“Okay,” He sighed softly and she looked over at the sound of clothing rustling. He was removing his clothes, stripping down to join her, “Scoot over.” She mumbled in response, her foot hurting from where she had hit it. She enjoyed the way the warm water hit her back. He made his way in before he closed the shower curtain.
“So tired.” She mumbled suddenly, her hands feeling like they were glued to her sides. Billy moved her softly, fully dipping her hair underneath the water so he could get her hair wet. Her eyes kept falling closed as he scrubbed at her hair and skin. She was too tired to protest, to tell him that she could handle it on her own. She felt an urgency to fall forward against his chest. 
He scrubbed at her hair softly and she watched the way his nose scrunched up as he worked. She thought of how it felt like Chicago had been ages ago. She wished they could go back. She furrowed her eyebrows suddenly when he peered out of focus and snapped forward again. 
“Time isn’t right,” She told him, beginning to breathe hard again, “Everything is moving too slow and then it’s fast all of a sudden.” She knew it was dumb, she knew it made no sense but she didn't know how else she was supposed to explain it. Billy hummed softly, rinsing the rest of the soap from her red hair. 
“Just breathe,” He reminded her again, watching the way her chest was beginning to rise and fall again, “You’re fine, just keep taking deep breaths.” She felt her chest rattling as she tried to do as he said. She felt the tears forming in her eyes, wishing that he would listen to her. 
“I can’t remember what’s been happening,��� She was freaking out, “I can’t remember anything.” She was crying again, trying to remember how they had made it home and into the shower in the first place. He paused, moving his soapy hands underneath the water so he could touch her again. 
“All we’ve done is showered,” He tried again, “There’s nothing to remember. I promise. Just keep breathing.” Her chest was aching from how hard she was breathing. She stared at him, trying to make sense of what he was saying as she looked into his blue eyes. They were pretty. So blue and so full of life. 
“You promise?” She asked softly as he washed her hair. He was gentle to make sure that he didn’t get any soap into her eyes or mouth. He traced his hands down the curve of her shoulders before he reached her hands. He squeezed softly.
“Of course,” He was speaking softly again, almost slow so she could understand every single word he said,“You don’t have anything to worry about.” He promised her, squeezing her small hands in his large ones. Her heart was still thumping but her breathing eventually went back to normal again. 
Her eyes remained closed the rest of the shower. It was easier that way, so she didn’t become overwhelmed by all of the movements. The water was off suddenly and he was drying her off with a towel. She felt a grin forming on her lips, a small laugh bubbling in her chest at the feeling of the towel on her skin. It felt so soft and warm. She wanted it to engulf her like a giant hug. 
“Feel good?” He sounded like he was amused. She opened her eyes again, thinking that he looked too bright to be in such a dingy room. She was enamored by him, her arms and legs moving however he wanted them to go. 
“Yeah,” She breathed out slowly, wondering how he could look so pretty, “Feels nice.” He smiled in response, drawing his hand along her back to make sure that she was dry. Her smile grew as he dressed her, realizing that he was giving her one of his shirts to wear.
“S’big,” Her words felt like they were slurred again. He chuckled as he stood in front of her, bringing her brush up and slowly brushing her hair out. She liked that he was gentle with his movements. It felt a lot better against her skin, “Feels good.” She mumbled, her body growing tired. 
“Do you want me to braid it?” Her eyes were beginning to feel heavy and she wasn’t sure how much longer she could stand. She kept bumping into him, her eyes snapping shut and then rapidly opening again. He peered into focus as she thought about his question for a long time. 
“Do you know how?” She murmured absentmindedly. He was looking at her worried again and she didn’t understand why. She wondered if she had done something wrong. 
“Is it that hard?” She shrugged her shoulders, her mind feeling too fuzzy to have much of an opinion. He sat on the edge of the tub while she fell to the floor in front of him, “Jesus, are you okay?” He scooted her forward a bit, pulling the shirt up to look at her lower back. She looked back at him, her wet hair touching against his legs.
“I didn’t feel it,” She told him seriously, “Everything feels weird.” He paused for a moment.
“It happens,” He tilted her head forward gently, “Are you tired?” He started to brush her hair gently and she felt her eyes fluttering close. She hadn’t felt tired before, but she certainly did now. His hands were so soft, so gentle that it tickled across her scalp.
“Bit,” She mumbled, unsure of why she had such a throbbing in her chest, “I could sleep here.” She admitted, enjoying the way nothing seemed to be moving when she had her eyes shut. The back of her neck tickled when his fingers brushed against it. Everything felt so nice, so much better than how they usually felt.
“Let’s go lay down,” He told her softly when he was done. She pressed her palm against the back of her head, feeling the rough ridges and bumps. She was sure it was messy, but she didn’t mind. She giggled, leaning her head all the way back until she was looking at him. He glanced down at her, the lines on his face were drawn in tightly. His eyes looked like they were full of worry. She felt bad, wondering what he was worrying about, “Can you walk?”
“Yeah,” She told him but then held her hands up anyways, “I’d prefer not to though.” She grinned again, liking the way he didn’t exhale or act like dealing with her was a chore. Her skin lit into flames when he picked her up. She moved as close to him as she could, lingering in the way his hands felt against the back of her thighs.
“Are you feeling better?” He asked her, a hint of an amused grin on his face. She watched him for a moment, feeling her eyebrows raise towards her forehead. She couldn’t remember why she wouldn’t be feeling good. She was with Billy. 
“I guess so,” She told him, nestling her head on his shoulder as he walked. She felt like she sounded too loud, her breathing was too loud and he was too quiet. She moved her head again, focusing instead on the way his heart was beating in his chest. She liked the sound, she liked the way it felt, “I’m kind of dizzy.” She admitted. Even though the house was dark, she kept feeling like objects were moving when they didn’t need to be. She closed her eyes again, listening to him push her door open gently.
“You just need to sleep it off,” He told her softly as he laid her across her bed. She sprawled out suddenly, giggling at the odd feeling of her comforter against her skin. She moved her hands out against it like she would when she would lay in the sand. He watched for a moment before he was pulling the blankets up over her. She turned on her side, curling up in them. She felt like she was hiding in a warm den, “I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” He pressed his lips against her forehead, the sensation traveling across her skin. She paused for a long time before she heard footsteps. She snapped her eyes open, not realizing that he meant he’d be in a different room than her. 
She turned to him suddenly, feeling panicked at the idea of him leaving, “Where are you going?” She asked him seriously. He turned, looking at her confused. She was beginning to sit up when he made his way back and gently pressed her back down onto the bed.
“You need to sleep it off.” He was trying to put the blankets back over her again. She wiggled her arms out from under her comforter and took a hold of his wrists. She stared up at him for the longest time, not liking the look of remorse that was on his face. 
“Don’t leave me.” She begged, her heart beginning to hurt again. She could feel her breathing beginning to rise again. Billy sat on the edge of the bed, pushing some of her hair that hadn’t made it into the braid. He twisted the strands gently and she found herself leaning into his touch. 
“I’m right next door.” Billy reassured her gently. He rubbed her back softly, his fingers tickling against her spine. She curled against him instantly, trying to make the ache inside of her leave. She took another deep breath, her lungs burning. He touched her face gently, caressing her cheek until she was brought back down. 
“That won’t help me if I die in my sleep.” She responded weakly, unsure of why those exact words left her mouth. She was scared, she could feel that deep inside of her. Billy watched her for a moment before he pressed his lips against the corner of her mouth. She exhaled softly, wishing she could never forget how it felt. 
“You’re not going to die,” His lips curled into a gentle smile but there was something else hidden beneath his eyes. Worry, anger. It looked like a mixture of all of that, “Why would you think that?” He asked her softly, as if she was silly. She shook her head, meaning it completely. 
“My heart feels funny and it’s hard to breathe.” She told him honestly. Kim breathed in sharply again, feeling like there was glass inside of her lungs. Billy watched her for a long moment 
“Scoot over,” He told her seriously, nudging her bottom softly. She did as he said, moving closer towards the other side of the bed. The mattress dipped as he laid behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her flush against him. She sank into his touch, closing her eyes and trying to inhale deeply. He followed her same deep breaths, his chest moving alongside her back. It was easier to breathe that was, with him guiding her, “You’re okay.” He promised as he pushed her wet braid behind her head. 
“I’m scared.” She admitted, feeling like everything was coming to a standstill. He traced his warm fingers across her face gently. The sensation traveled across her body, tickling her gently in a nice way. 
“I won’t let anything happen to you,” He promised her, his words warm and like honey. She closed her eyes, willing herself to focus on him and not anything else. His fingers kept the same pattern as he slowly dipped down, tracing them across her collarbone and down her shoulders. 
“What if something happens to me in my sleep?” She was speaking again, unable to control the feelings inside of her stomach. She breathed out harshly. He hummed and kissed the side of her mouth again. 
“I’ll stay awake and watch you.” He told her gently. He brought one hand around her waist and squeezed softly. She sank against his touch, willing for the sensation in her stomach to go away. She hated how she felt right now and she didn’t want to feel guilty for making him stay awake to care for her. 
“Then I feel bad.” She mumbled underneath her breath. She felt his chest moving as he laughed. She turned to face him, fully meaning her words. He only looked at her as if she was silly.
“Don’t feel bad,” He told her softly as he cupped her face softly, “You need to rest.” He encouraged her softly. She felt calmer when she was looking in his eyes. He was easy to focus on, to make her feel grounded. 
“What about you?” She didn’t want him to be tired in the morning. She thought that he deserved to get just as much rest as what she did. He was smiling again and she wondered what he was thinking. 
“I’ll sleep when I know you’re fine.” He promised her. Her eyes glazed over the way his curls pressed against his cheek as he laid on the pillow. He squeezed her hands softly with his larger one.
“You won’t leave?” She whispered softly, for no one but him and the night to hear. He kissed the side of her face softly. She felt comforted again, her heavy eyelids closing again. He held her close and she felt safer than what she had in a long time. 
“I’m not going to leave you again,” He promised her. His voice was warm and smooth. It was like he was singing her a lullaby. She was drifting off, her mind and body finally at ease as he traced his fingers across her warm skin. Her chest was moving deeply as she drifted away,“Kim?” His voice was soft against the crook of her neck. Her eyelids were too heavy to open.
“Mhm.” She was already drifting off again, barely awake to recognize that he was speaking. Her body was so exhausted. Her mind felt like it was sleeping, his words drifted around loosely inside of her head in a way she wasn’t able to untangle at the moment. 
“I love you.” 
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amber-michaelson · 2 years
We’ll be right here
Izuku midoriya x reader x shoto todoroki
Summary: they always promised to be beside you but they broke that promise and it was to late to fix it
Read at own risk
Warning: swearing, reader death
(Mean momo) izou <15> rei <13>
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Yn pov
my life turned up side down when they left, our kids hate me, i lost my job my house, i was diagnosed with incurable disease my life is shit.
i sat in the waiting room chair processing what the doctor said i didn’t have much longer to live, I slowly walked the hospital and claimed into the car I don't have anyone to spend my last days with 'maybe I could try and mend my relationship with izou and rei' I decided to drive to my exs house to see me kids "hello" I knocked on the door my eyes widened as momo opened the door "hey momo is izou and rei here" I asked tilting my head to look past here "no now leave" she muttered "well can you at least tell them I was here" I murmur with pleading eyes "just so you can screw up their lives no thanks im their mother now they don't need a bitch like you" she muttered and slammed the door in my face my eyes brimmed with tears as I drove home I went inside and decided to skip dinner and go straight to bed only to be interrupted by a phone call "hello" "yn what the fuck" my eyes widened at izukus voice "izuku wh-" "why the fuck would you punch momo why would you even come to our house" he screamed into the phone "izuku-" "don't you dare say my name" he muttered "midoriya I came by to spend time with the kids this morning I found out I don't have much time left" I murmured "bullshit you probably came to steal and luckily momo was here" todoroki chimped in "guys I swea-" they ended the call, tears streamed down my face I could feel myself become weak by the second "they really did mean I didn't have alot or time left" I whispered smiling to myself at least I know I won't cause any grief I sat down leaning against the wall with the last energy I had left 'I guess this is goodbye' I looked at my phone screen it was a picture of me and my family smiling with my kids "I miss you guys" I whisper with my last breath and drifted off into death,
Izuku pov
I was fuming "we were so lucky momo was here" I nodded as me and shoto made our way to the bed room "you should've seen her face she was soo sad that I didn't let her see her children" we stopped and decided to listen to momo's conversation "she's gonna die alone, yea she only came because she was alerted that she has limited time left so I made it more hell for her I told the boys she punched me and now she will never see them or the brats in her last lonely bitchy days" she laughed loudly "you lied" I said revealing myself "what deku no I was just joking" she shout hanging up her phone "you only call him deku when your lieing" shoto muttered "momo when we get back you better be gone" I muttered coldly "izou, rei let's go" I called rushing them to the car "whats happening" rei asked buckling her seat belts"we're going to see yn" shota explained turning to them as I sped towards her house "why are we going to see her she just misses things up" izou mutters "no she doesn't" I slammed my fists against the steering wheel as I stopped at a red light "we missed things up" I admitted sadly "what" they asked confused "we made her life hell and made you guys hate her, we didn't want to lose you because we know she's a better parent" I cried it was true she's the best parent out there and the kids would always choose her so we made them hate her I cried and continued driving "why did you do this" izou muttered but we didn't answer him because we didn't have a reason we just did.
We hurried out as we made it to her house and knocked on the door which opened under the pressure we walked inside and cringed the place was a mess everything was covered in a thin layer of dust "yn we're here" I called but no answer "stay down here" I muttered and headed upstairs by myself I can't believe I did this to her I looked at the pictures she had on the walls it was all the family trips and photos we took "im so sorry yn" I whispered and smiled sadly at our wedding picture I turned down the hallway and stopped no it couldn't be "no" I screamed running to her "please please" I begged dropping to the ground "izuku what is wr-" shoto shouted running up the stairs but turned and covered the children's face as he saw the site 'we lost her and its all our fault'.
My other my hero academia works 
Check out my other works
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selenacosmic · 2 years
IkeSen request: Teen! MC has a crush on the Warlords, but gets flustered and will run away (like into the forest) whenever they are nearby?
(Heh heh imagine Nobunaga getting confused when MC blushes and runs away and tries to run after her but she is too quick)
Hello! A teen MC? Sure, though I won’t make it romantic since she is a teen. Thank you for requesting! MC isn’t really related to any of the warlords, but they consider her as their little sister.
Teen!MC has a crush on him. (Not romantic)
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
He will definitely be confused. He had appointed you as his adopted sister, which did make you the princess of Azuchi. So he wasn’t expecting that reaction from you, what could have caused you to run away like this? On your part, it was natural to have a little crush on, well, all of them. All the warlords were handsome and treated you as family. Nobunaga naturally would have searched you and made sure to calm you down, it took him a bit to understand why you suddenly ran away from him.
He might not reciprocate those feelings, and would turn them down immediately. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t care about you, you were family to him.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Another example of a good big brother, it’s impossible to not have a crush on this sweet and caring man, many women from town who are his friends admit to have had a crush on him. On this case, he will really see you as his little sister, which will make you having a crush on him a bit awkward.
If you ever confessed yourself for having a crush on him, he would feel torn. Not only are you lord Nobunaga’s beloved sister, but he also considered you his sister. He would very awkwardly reject you, and then try showering you with gifts. At first you were naturally sad that he rejected you, but eventually got over it.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
No, don’t even think about it. Of course, he will be like a big brother to you, but a grumpy one. He is the kind of sibling that tells you off if you do something reckless. Sometimes he will be nice and give you a compliment or two. In the occasion you do develop a crush on him, revealing those feelings won’t be an option. You just know he will turn them down immediately and might distance himself for a while until you completely forgot about them. The reason? He sees you as family and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings more.
Even though you two aren’t really related, he can’t see you as anything more than a sister, specially because you are still a teen.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
Crush? Who said anything about crush? It’s impossible to develop any sort of crush towards him. He is the kind of brother that teases his siblings with countless pranks. Sure, he is very beautiful and ethereal, but you really can’t help but see him as a potential crush.
You won’t lie though, it’s impossible to not go crazy over those looks he has.
Mitsunari Ishida.
He… is a bit too naive to understand that you have a crush on him. Whenever you see him, you can’t help but run away. Though, to Mitsunari, you must be in a big hurry. Hideyoshi might need to tell him what was the cause for you to blush and run away every time. But this man is such an angel he will turn down your feelings in the nicest way possible.
You will even forget about getting hurt from his rejection, he is just too nice of an angel.
Masamune Date.
He could tell right away what was happening with you, he is the cool big brother who understands everything that is happening. But if you run away? He runs after you, and he will be faster than you. Masamune will catch you and demand an explanation. To know that you had a crush on him… wasn’t really a surprise.
He is used to being able to charm many people with his coolness (his words), but you were like a little sister. However, he will sit down and have a nice talk about it. You are still young and should wait until you are older to consider dating anyone. Expect encouragement from big bro Masamune.
He will think that it’s strange that you often run away whenever you see him, did he do something wrong? We’re you scared of him because of how buff he is? (No, seriously, this man has to be the strongest among the warlords) in any case, he will confront you about it and demand an explanation. Why were you running away from him?
He will be shocked to hear that you had a crush on him, Keiji will have to turn you down and he will be serious while doing it. He will also be one to talk to you about how you should wait until you are older to think about dating, enjoy your youth! To take your mind off the rejection, he will take you to town to have fun.
Ranmaru Mori.
Anyone who looks at Ranmaru might think that he is also a teen, but he is a young adult. He looks so young that some people might confuse him with a girl(if he disguises himself). He will always be cheerful around you, trying to bring a smile to your face. So seeing you run away from him might upset him a bit, did he do something wrong?
Well, be prepared, because he will use his cute charms to make you talk. He will definitely feel happy that you like him, but will politely decline. However, he will always try to cheer you up so that you don’t get upset.
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literary-creature · 1 year
Our Days in New York: Chapter 9
December 14th, 1926
Despite her doubts, Tina’s heart warmed at her sister’s reaction to the news. 
She had made Newt tell her (It had been his idea after all), and Queenie had all but pounced onto the man to hug him, as she thanked him. Tina was about to step in to rescue him, seeing his discomfort, when the legilimens freed him. 
“Oh, honey you’re wonderful. He’s gonna be happy, so happy.” she giggled, jumping in delight. “I can’t wait to see his face when he finds out.” 
Tina had supposed as much, but she still could not agree wholeheartedly with it. 
“I want to be there. Just be there and see him.” Queenie said immediately, reading her mind. “There would be no danger in that.” 
“I guess not,” Tina admitted with a sigh. “Newt and I will go to his neighborhood tomorrow, and he will follow Jacob and find out where he works. Then we’ll see how to get the occamy eggshells to him discreetly.” 
“It will work out, there must be an easy way to do it,” Newt added, enthusiastic. “A superficial knowledge of his daily routine will give us enough information.”
He searched for Tina’s eyes while he spoke, in a discreet search for approval, tearing a little smile out of her. “I should go finish the feedings, I won’t be long.”
“Go, we'll start dinner.”
As soon as the case lid close, the legilimens turned to her sister. 
“He's so sweet to think of that.”
“Yes, he is.” Tina agreed, heading towards the kitchen. “Any ideas about dinner? I was thinking maybe a… “
“I wanted to thank you too, Teen.” Queenie interrupted. “This means a lot to me.”
Tina shook her head softly. “It’s really all Newt’s doing, my part will probably be very small.” 
“I know you don’t like this, and you’re still helping. “
“It’s not that…” she said. “I don’t want you to be hurt in any way, that’s all. I have nothing against Jacob, and I have no doubt he is a good man and deserves a chance. If circumstances were different…” 
“Yes, if only..” Queenie sighed. “No, I will not be sad. This is good news.” 
“Yes.” Tina smiled. “Everything's going to be fine.” 
Her part in the search the next morning, was quite small indeed: She had taken Newt to Jacob's street and they had managed to find the right building. It could have been easier for them to just apparate to the apartment in question, but they didn't want to cause another commotion nor give the baker the fright of his life again. Luckily for them, Tina knew the neighborhood and could apparate the both of them far enough to not raise any suspicions. They placed themselves across the street.
A little after six o'clock, they saw Jacob's figure cross the building door. He stopped to exchange a few words with two women that were passing by, and shake hands briefly with an old man who was sitting on the doorsteps before going his way. As he walked away, Tina saw how his affable smile disappeared, and his face fell. He looked tired and discouraged. She supposed a canning factory would crush people’s spirits as hard as the wand permit office, and couldn’t help but sympathize with him even more. 
Newt and Tina parted ways not long after, and she hurried to pick up something for breakfast on her way to work. It would be better to be early. 
The morning was relatively quiet, with more paperwork to be completed, informs to be delivered and files to be read. The head of the department had instructed her to find a connection between Grindelwald’s whereabouts in the past year, and his knowledge of an obscurus’ existence in America. The main concern was that he may try to do it again. The man had been gathering quite a lot of support in Europe, and it was urgent to know if there were more people involved in his infiltration of MACUSA, and how exactly did he plan to use the obscurus. 
Nobody seemed remotely suspicious of the possibility of Credence surviving, but Newt’s comment the day before kept running through Tina’s mind. It presented a dilemma for her. 
There was a high chance, if Credence was alive, that notifying the authorities would put the boy’s life in danger. But if she hid it from her superiors there was also a high chance of being kicked out of the department again. 
Tina knew that, despite her recent success, her job was still in thin air. One more reckless action and nobody would care if she had helped capture Grindelwald. 
It would be prudent to keep her mouth shut for the time being. Once she was cleared for field work again, which was bound to happen shortly if MACUSA wanted her to handle the case, it wouldn’t be difficult to do some discreet inquiries on the side. If she found proof of Credence's survival, she would see about talking to someone about it. 
Tina skipped lunch to get home and feed the creatures. She had insisted upon it, and Newt had prepared her a list with instructions, that she intended to follow dutifully. 
The first one on the list was the erumpent, which was easy enough. The bowltruckles proved to be more of a challenge, not because they were particularly hard to feed, but because Pickett wanted to accompany her around and refused to go back to the tree. After a five-minute argument, Tina accepted her defeat and allowed the bowltruckle into her pocket until she had to go back to work. 
She sighed. As much as Queenie had teased her for the past week, she had never seriously stopped to consider what this closeness with Newt meant.  
It was the first time she was inside the case without Newt, and she could see why he enjoyed spending time there on his own: It was the most peaceful place.
It was going to be hard to get used to her apartment without the case again. It was going to be hard to adapt to Newt’s absence. 
She didn’t try to deny she had become fond of him. It was the extent of that fondness that was beginning to worry her.  
She had never felt so comfortable with a man, or any person for that matter. He had managed to earn her trust, to make her share many of her most personal experiences in record time. The only person she had ever been close to was Queenie, but this was a different thing.
Tina walked past the graphorns without stopping, as Newt had requested her not to go near them on her own, and went for the niffler’s burrow. She pet the little head, distractedly keeping her locket away from the paws, still deep in thought. 
She had brushed Queenie’s comments aside, thinking it was a part of her usual sense of humor. It seemed she was speaking from an honest observation. That, and whatever she could see inside of Newt’s head. For some reason, letting the legilimens tell her a thing or two on the subject had never been more tempting. 
If there was something that Tina had always wanted, was to have things under control. All her life she had struggled to keep her emotions in check and be the rational adult she needed to be to survive. The emotions that were taking hold of her lately, she did not understand them, and that was unnerving. It shouldn’t matter to her what Newt thought. Still, she couldn’t help but care. 
A movement of her wand summoned the bucket of pellets for the mooncalves.
She had to think. She had to break her feelings down into smaller pieces and understand them before anything. 
What was it that she liked about Newt? 
He was intelligent, observant, and cultured. Shy sometimes, though he was becoming less so in her presence. He had a sense of humor. 
Maybe what had left a permanent impression on her was his kindness. He had proven to be a loyal friend in the short time they’d known each other. 
Tina had learned to take care of herself and her sister quite young, used to not having another soul to rely on in times of trouble. Newt had come to her help, even when he didn’t have to, asking for nothing in return. 
He had saved her from death, and helped her get her career back, but it was more than that. He had offered his friendship, shared his space and his work, brought back some sort of equilibrium into her life. After all that, how could he not be special to her?
A young mooncalf slid closer to her, gently urging her to distribute the rest of the food. She rushed to comply.
Well, there was nothing out of normal with all that. People could be special to other people without moving into romantic territory. Admiring someone didn’t necessarily mean being attracted to them on any other level.
She did find him handsome though, but that couldn’t be held against her; he was. Though perhaps not the kind of "handsome" women in the office would be obsessed over. He had nice eyes, and his smile was sweet. The freckles smattered all over his face gave him a boyish appearance; she liked it. His hands were rough and full of callouses, a product of his work, but also extremely gentle. And there was also these particular feeling that took hold of her every time their eyes met or their hands touched. 
Tina bit her lip. That couldn’t be normal. 
What if Queenie was right? 
And if it was the case, what did it mean for her? What did it mean for Newt? What would Newt think of her if he knew? The idea alone made her squirm. She would probably die of shame. 
Queenie’s outbursts hinted that she believed Newt had a similar regard for her. A few times Tina herself had even thought… But it couldn’t be. It just couldn’t. 
Queenie may read minds, but she didn’t understand Newt the way Tina did. He was just too good, and his preference for her was merely the recognition of a kindred spirit. When he observed her, he was most probably moved by a purely scientific curiosity. 
She had to search for evidence. Be alert, mistrust herself, and examine her own feelings and thoughts when he was around. Pay attention to his behavior. That was the best way to come to a conclusion. 
She was an investigator, after all, she surely could handle that.
With that determination, Tina headed back to the shed, wishing she could stay some more. Only when she was climbing up the ladder did she remember Pickett was still in her coat.
“Pick, I have to go now,” she said, reaching for her pocket. “I’ll take you back to the tree, alright?”
The creature held to her fingers, emitting mournful chirps.
“We said until I was done with the feedings, that was the deal. Besides, Newt will be back soon. And I’ll come to see you later.” 
Those words were far from making Pickett come to his senses; the next chirp was even more dramatic.
“Fine, you can stay in the shed if you want, that’s all. I can’t take you.”
There were some more protests, but Tina finally managed to place the grumpy bowltruckle over one of the shelves.
The mysterious girl had some flowers placed over her dark hair. Her factions were proportioned and graceful, and her smile was attractive. 
It was then that her eyes fell on the picture. Of course she had seen it before, but she had never paid much mind to it.
The girl in the picture reminded her of Queenie a little bit. Not because they had some physical similarity; mostly because both of them irradiated confidence and grace. 
For the first time, she wondered about the beautiful stranger. Who was she? What was her picture doing there? What did she mean to Newt?
“What does it matter to me?”
She had a sense of her inferiority. It was not a new; she had grown up with Queenie. She had always been conscious she was not “the beauty” in any place she had ever been. It hadn’t bothered her that much until that moment.
She left for work feeling slightly dejected. 
Looking at the picture, she felt upset she wasn't as pretty as that girl, that her smile wasn't bolder, that her features were so imperfect, and her presence was so irrelevant.
And not for the first time, she wished for some of Queenie's confidence. 
Hi there! This chapter was supposed to be longer, but I wanted to post a little something for the NewtinaMoments event, and I don't have enough time to finish the whole thing. I'm already late for that!
I have my last exam next week, so hopefully, I'll have time to work on my two unfinished stories during the summer.
Whoever is still reading this, thank you!
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skylarmoon71 · 11 months
Eobard Thawne (Flash) - Extra
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“This Eobard Thawne must be another effect of changing timelines.” Harry stated.
Right now he was tucked in the pipeline as they tried to figure out what course of action needed to be taken.
Cisco was obviously down for vibing him to another planet.They were all pretty much done with handling all the different versions of the evil speedster. At least this time he didn’t look like Harrison Wells. It was unsettling having two Wells just casually walking around.
Barry wasn’t sure what the right decision was. No matter where he dropped him, he knew some way or another he would return to cause havoc. They were all brainstorming at this point.
“I can help.”
The new voice made them flinch. Harry went into fight mode, and he expected Caitlin, Barry and Cisco to do the same, but they just froze as if they’d seen a ghost.
“(Y/N)..” Cisco was speechless.
You just wore a sad smile.
“We thought you were dead. Eobard said the blast had killed you…that the reaction was delayed and you just disappeared. W-We never even found a body..” You could tell that it had torn him losing you like that.
“I couldn’t stay. I knew too much and if I’d intevine it would have jeopardized everything.”
“You knew?” Barry asked.
“I know everything.” Your eyes glowed that blinding white for a second before it disappeared.
“I had to let it all play out. I’m sorry about everything.”
Cisco shook his head.
With so many changing timelines and mistakes, he didn’t have it in him to be angry at you.
“I’m glad you’re alive.” He ran over, pulling you into his arms, and you held on with a smile.
“I feel like I’ve missed something completely.” Harry spoke.
Barry laughed, and soon enough, you all did.
“I need to find a way to trick them.”
He just needed a plan, then he could get away and hide out in some other timeline until he could get strong enough to finally defeat Barry. The second he heard footsteps he schooled his features. The trick was making them think he was in control.
“So what’s the verdict?” He planted a confident smile. What he doesn’t expect is how calm they all seem. Another person came from around the corner, and he felt his heart stop.
He didn’t say it aloud. Truthfully he never thought he would see you again.
“Hi Eobard.”
You wore a gentle smile, and his mind ran back to that kiss you’d both shared. That day when you begged him to give up his hunt for revenge and join you into a much better place. You hold out your hand for him
Unconsciously, he felt himself reaching out. He touched the glass, and when he caught the gesture, he yanked his hand backwards, glaring.
“This is a trick! Do you really think they’re going to just let me walk out of here. Barry would sooner die than let me go!!”
His words held so much spite.
“I won’t.” Barry admitted.
“As much as I hate you, there’s nothing that I can do about how you see me. I can’t take you back to the future, because I know you’ll cause issues. Putting you in argus was the only option we would have. Because watching you rot in a prison would make me feel better.” Eobard gritted his teeth.
“But it wouldn’t bring my mother back. “ He says. Caitlin runs a hand down his shoulder.
“We trust (Y/N). For some reason she actually cares about what happens to you. So if she says that she can save you, then we believe her.”
Eobard realized then that he could take a chance. He had extreme faith that Argus would not hold him. In a week’s time he would be able to get himself out. He’d gotten away from worse situations.
But on the other hand…
“Come with me..”
He never forgot those words. That look of complete and utter selfless love. Like the last time, he knows it has to be his choice. He could continue down this part, or maybe, actually be happy.
“You don’t deserve happiness. All you need is revenge.”
That voice in the back of his head made him hesitate. When you moved closer and placed your hand on the glass, your body phased right through. Harry was astonished, so was everyone else.
“You deserve to be happy, you can be. All you have to do is take my hand Eobard.”
You turned over your hand, eyes filled with so much faith in someone as broken as he was. His hand trembled as he reached out for you, sliding his palm into yours. It glowed, and for the first time since he’d gotten to this timeline, he felt a sense of relief. No hate or pain or anger. Just relief.
He looked back up at you.
“I missed you.”
Your lips hadn’t moved, but he heard it.
He smiled, sliding his hand against your cheek. He almost forgot how amazing it felt to touch you.
“I missed you too.”
Your eyes shifted back to the team, and you could tell they knew that this was goodbye again.
“I love you guys.”
Cisco wiped the tear from his cheek.
“I miss you already.” He spoke. Barry sent a wave, and Caitlin smiled. Your gaze moved back to Eobard.
“Where do you want to go?”
He shook his head.
“It doesn’t matter.”
He took a step, and when he leaned in for a kiss, both your bodies dissipated with the shine of a light.
Maybe happy endings were possible after all.
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7marichan714 · 1 year
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March of the Tropes Challenge at Twitter Day 3. Rivals This takes place in 2.52, just after the "first" meeting with Estinien, and Stellaris recognises him. Then she goes out, wanting to dialogue about their last encounter...
She definitely had to do something, it was too dangerous. And even more after lying in front of Aymeric, Alphinaud and Haurchefant, who stayed aside. Stellaris wanted to solve the issue with Estinien. She took courage to walk towards him. 
 -I need to speak with you about something. 
-Stellaris tried to remain calm.
 -Could you dedicate me a moment? 
-What is it about? -Between Azure Dragoons. 
 Estinien had a faint smile.  She understood it was an affirmation when she observed him, walking towards the door, beckoning her. She noticed Aymeric was looking at them, delighted. It wasn't until they were in an open area, in the middle of the snow, with no one listening, that Stellaris decided to act. 
 -Did he possess you again? -Stellaris wanted to know. 
-Why? Are you going to kill me for being a menace? -Estinien replied, defensive. 
-I beg you, answer me. I'm worried about your wellbeing. -she insisted, with spiritless and sad gaze. Silence. He took time to reply, he was taking his time.
-I'll understand you didn't have any mishap... -she sighed. -I simply wanted to tell you Ferndale lives in you. You are its living legacy, Estinien. -she struggled to speak, so much to say it was difficult to condense everything. -I won't that memory to fade. I'll help you with Nidhogg, before he corrupts you completely. 
 He listened quietly. Or he wasn't interested at all, or being extra attentive. She decided to resume her speech. 
 -You told me were alike and you thought I'd join your cause. That stays up from my part, you have all my support. In exchange, I ask you one thing. Stellaris requested. 
-And what is it? -Estinien broke his silence. -Save you, because you deserve to live. 
 -Save me? Preposterous. 
-More preposterous is wasting your life going by yourself after a dragon. -she sentenced. -I promise we'll solve this together. There are people that would be sad to lose you. 
-Like whom? That coward Alberic? -Estinien accused.
-And me too. I'd be so sad if I cannot get to know you as I want. -she admitted, melancholic. 
-Know me, huh? Like that lascivious proposal in the middle of our duel? That I pierced you with my lance? -he commented, cocky. 
-You were the one wanting to dive on me, don't deny it. -Stellaris was starting to lose patience.
 -In your chest, NOT INSIDE YOU. -He remarked, pointing with his finger. His voice was angry, though his cheeks turned red.
 -Didn't it work and you didn't gave in to Nidhogg? -she asked, doubtful. 
 He couldn't reply to that comment, crossing his arms. 
 -Though if you want that type of relationship, I wouldn't discard it in the future -she blushed, shyly. -Depends about how we interact.
 -Then you shouldn't toy with other people's feelings. -he answered, more reserved.
 -As if I said those things to anyone.-she crossed arms.-You told me I'm your equal. Lets cooperate and work as a team. 
 Both incredibly stubborn. Stellaris extended her hand. 
 -Do we have a pact, Ser Estinien?
The situation was tense. No reaction from him, she sighed, fed up with it. 
 -Alright. Do you want a proof? Since Alberic and I are the only ones who know what happened to you the last time, I'll entrust you with something only he knows, and know you. It's fair. 
-I'm listening. 
 She gestured him to come closer and whisper to his ear. He agreeded. 
 -I'm not a foreigner. I come from Ishgard, but I ran away ten years ago and they considered me deceased. My uncle used me as a trade token, wanting me to marry to take advantage, against my will. I was his doll to be exhibited, not her niece under his custody because my parents were murdered by dragons. 
-By dragons? That was twenty summers ago. -his interest increased drastically. -In that very disaster you lost your parents in Ferndale, so I lost mines when they were travelling nearby the villages he burnt. I barely remember their faces, I was too young. 
-You too, my sincere condolences... 
 -Thank you... 
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scalamore · 1 year
TL1 Rupert
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This is so sad, but its pointed out a few times by Lari’s musings, and also confirmed by Rupert’s monologues, but its heavily implied that TL1 Rupert was a sad, lonely person who felt empty, who felt nothing.
Because the story enforces the idea that “people won’t change, unless they themselves want to” over and over: Rupert in Vol 6 even admits, that knowing how cruel he naturally was, if Lari wasn’t someone he treasured, he could easily have completely obliterated her and her house without hesitation, just for the sake of keeping the throne in his hands.
As such, we have a good idea who TL1 Rupert was: A lonely guy, who never got over the trauma and abuse from Eva and Crazy Emperor. Fassbender was just a merchant affiliated with him as a way for him to accumulate wealth. Louis was just a knight he used for military purposes. His closest companion was Tory, who made sure he was kept on track to become Emperor. After Eva died, Tory was his closest person, who gave him advice and they worked closely to together for the rest of their time together. She would often whisper to him that life is full of pain, that it’s about pain, that he just has to endure everything, just as always. Whenever he was hurt, he would hide away for a bit to recover, as she left him alone to let him deal with it on his own. As Rupert’s spy/assassin/black hand krunaruka alchemic doll weapon, Tory did a lot of things behind the scenes to get rid of his enemies to ensure he became CP and Emperor.
He probably had a soft spot for her, even though he just considered her a tool. As to why he insisted on marrying her - it’s because she was the one he only trusted, and not because of any affection for her.
As to why he killed her? Hard to say. It’s open to interpretation, but the most likely is 1) she betrayed him, to get him to resent everything, to lose everything, to become the perfect tyrant, to fill him with despair 2) she was already becoming distorted, and he killed her, his only companion, to end her suffering; the loss of the one closest to him would also cause him to be in despair and become a tyrant. It’s unclear WHEN exactly TL1 Rupert became a tyrant, but it’s implied that he was ALWAYS one. It wasn’t until he fully grasped power as Emperor, that he began to openly kill off the political enemies that threatened his rule. True to his personality, Rupert killed off his enemies before they could kill him (Ch 82). In quick succession, months after becoming Emperor, he had already killed off the Queen, Arnulf, Tory, Archduke Ventibolt and Aunt Amelia, and numerous other nobles. Who knows who else was killed behind the scenes before becoming Emperor.
After those who could immediately threaten his position (the royals) were killed off, he turned his attention to House Bellua, and swiftly imprisoned and killed them as well. He did hesitate a bit regarding Lari (her trial was 5? months later after the rest of the house was executed)- he knew she knew nothing - but in the end, to secure his position, he had her killed anyways in a completely rigged trial aimed to defame and slander her to justify her death to the people.
It’s implied that despite killing people left and right, that TL1 Rupert did not feel anything. No joy, no sorrow. He was just empty. Even becoming crown prince, and then Emperor, he felt empty. Because the “wish” he worked hard to achieve - the one where he became Emperor, to destroy his enemies, to destroy the royals who tormented him, to destroy this wretched Empire from the inside out as they ruined him and his mother - was not his own wish. Out of blind obligation for his mother, he did everything she asked for…. As it wasn’t what HE wanted, he didn’t feel anything. He also grew up with Tory, who kept him isolated and didn’t let him experience anything that would help him properly learn and understand emotions.
Because of that, it’s implied that in TL1, Rupert did not live a happy life. After everyone else was dead, after he killed his enemies and earned the hatred of the people…. There’s nothing left. He will be an Emperor with no one who cares for him, he will be alone with no allies, no one who cared about him for the rest of his lonely, sad life.
He was alone his whole life, and died alone, never knowing happiness.
With the realization that TL1 Rupert lived such a sad, lonely life, that only strengthened Lari’s resolve to make sure that this time, TL2 Rupert becomes happy, and she won’t leave his side until then. Because to her, if she leaves now, then Rupert’s future will probably go back to what it was originally: him being lonely and alone. So of course, she has to stay beside him to make sure that doesn’t happen in this timeline ;___;
Lari is such a sweetie, who genuinely understood Rupert lived a hard life and deserves happiness like anyone else.
The thing is, despite understanding TL1 Rupert’s justification in punishing House Belois, that it was the correct decision as the Emperor, Lari doesn’t forgive him. After all, he caused her such trauma and hurt for years. But what it does, is helps her move on from the past.
She’s now living a life in TL2, with a Rupert who knows of her past and vows to never let her experience such pain ever again.
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