#and just when i was about to place the first items for the café
moonwoodhollow · 1 month
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my game froze while I saved... and even the save-while-game-is-frozen-trick did not work. Luckily, I did not lose much progress, I was just testing out whether I wanted to build a café or a restaurant for this build on the ground floor. I'm thinking a café is the way to go because it just feels more organic to have the flats on the 1st floor and above.
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sunshine-theseus · 7 months
Apple and Chocolate Muffins | Katie McCabe x Reader
Words: 1.9k Summary: owning a café apparently brings you the girl of your dreams Warnings: fluff
Having your own little book café on a corner of a small street in St Albans, London, brings you things you’d never expect.
I’d first bought the place from an older lady, Ms Nelson, who sold antiques. She’d decided she wanted to spend whatever time she had left travelling. She tried to simply give it to me, but I couldn’t accept and ended up paying her half of what was listed.
She likes to send me post cards whenever she’s about to leave a place. I put the most recent on display on the counter and the rest go in an antique memento box she gifted me before she left.
Ms Nelson also introduced me to my best friend Juniper, one of her old workers who helps run the place now.
“3 years here and you still refuse to tell me what your special recipe is. Whyyy?” Juniper’s favourite item, was my special apple and chocolate muffins. It was an item I refused to take off no matter how many times we changed the menu.
“They wouldn’t be a secret then would they June?”
“But I’m your best friend. And I need these in my life daily.”
“I literally make an extra 3, every night, just for you.”
The ringing of the bell on the door stops her from retaliating, and I approach the counter while June finally makes an order for Mr Byrne, one of our regulars.
“Welcome to the Inkwell Café! What can I get you?” I look at the customer, but my breath gets caught in my throat.
It’s like the Gods just sent down and angel to derail my day. Her eyes were a greyish blue and her skin was sun kissed, freckles scattering her cheeks. And her arms… well fuck me.
“Hello?” I hadn’t even realised I’d stopped paying attention until she waves a hand in front of my face.
“S- sorry could you repeat that?” I let out a nervous chuckle, but she just smiles a magnificent smile.
She starts listing off an order and I momentarily get caught off by her Irish accent, but I manage to take down the 3 different drinks. I’m about to tell her the total when she stops me again.
“Oh! And can I get one of those apple and chocolate muffins? Jonas is going to kill me, but I hear they’re worth it.” I give her a confused look.
“My friend Steph, she comes here once a month as a treat and raves about it at training.” Training?
“Oh! Well, here’s an extra one for her! For free of course. What’s the name for the order?”
“It will be ready soon.” I flash a smile before going to make the coffees.
June comes out of nowhere.
“Why is Katie fucking McCabe in here?” she whispers into my ear.
“Katie McCabe. One of the best Arsenal players ever? Captain for the Republic of Ireland Women’s National Football team? How do you not know her? I talk about Arsenal all the time. They literally train right down the road.” I stare blankly back at her.
“How did she even find us? You don’t casually find this café on your way to work.”
“She said her friend Steph comes here, told her about it.”
“Steph Cately!? I’ve never seen Steph Cately walk through those doors.”
“…Who? And you do tend to not pay attention.” Juniper just groans and I finish making the coffees.
“Katie!” as I give her the drinks, her hand brushes against my own. Tingles run up my arm, but I bid her adieu with a small smile and wave.
Katie begins coming in every Tuesday and Friday, and we slowly get to know each other while Juniper freaks out in the corner. Or sometimes Katie liked to just sit and read in a corner for whatever time she had before she left for training. Either way it was nice.
She loved telling me about her younger sister Lauryn who was on her way to joining Katie on their senior national team, and her crazy encounters on the pitch during games. I tell her about how and why I decided to open a book café and retell the stories Ms Nelson sends me. I also desperately try to repress all my feelings for the Irish angel that blessed my shop every week.
I also find out who Steph is. A very nice Australian woman, who does in fact come in once a month for the Apple and Chocolate muffin. I get to know her a bit too, but she usually grabs her muffin and something for her fiancée and leaves.
The first time Katie misses a Tuesday is 4 months after her first visit. I’m disappointed but don’t think much of it until she doesn’t show up on Friday, or either day the week following. That’s when I decide to visit their training ground, obviously dragging June along to do any talking, to see if I can figure out what happened.
I don’t think about how weird it is until Juniper pulls me out of the car in front of their training centre at 9am on Friday after hurriedly closing the café. And a promise for a free coffee to everyone we had to kick out.
“June this was stupid, this is something you do, not me. Why didn’t you talk me out of it.”
“I’m about to meet the whole Arsenal team just because your huge crush failed to come for her regular coffee a few times.”
“But like it is weird she just stopped coming so abruptly, right? Like we were getting along.”
“I mean sure, but you didn’t freak out like this when Mickie stopped coming. And it took us another six months to find out she’d moved to fucking Glasgow.”
“We should leave shouldn’t we.”
I turn around to head back to the car right as we’re about to enter the reception but come face to face with a slightly shorter brunette. One I’ve seen the face of in some recent team photo Katie had shown me, but was otherwise completely unfamiliar.
“Are you trying to get in? The door can be a little tricky sometimes.” How many Australians did they have here?
“Oh no-“
“Yes! We’re friends of Katie; Y/n and Juniper, and we haven’t seen her in a few weeks. We were hoping to catch her.”
“Oh! I think she’s shown us a picture of you actually! She talks about you both quite a bit. I’m Kyra by the way.”
“I know.”
“Nice to meet you.” I talk over Juniper and hold out a hand for Kyra to shake.
“Well, I’m not quite sure why she hasn’t come to see you, but I can bring you back to the locker room, you’ll just need to fill some forms out probably.” She’s already leading us to the front desk before I can deny her offer.
 Not 5 minutes later Kyra is happily dragging us to the locker room, and I can see Juniper skipping next to me, clearly excited.
“Dude you’ve gotta calm down.” I whisper to her.
“More like you need to stop being so uptight. Kyra Cooney-Cross is literally leading us to the whole Arsenal women’s team.”
“McCaaaabe! Someone’s here to see yoouuu.” Kyra calls out as soon as she opens the door.
“It’s not my bloody mum again is it? I swear she decides to come surprise me far too often.”
I peak out from behind Kyra and give a small wave.
“Hiii” I say meekly as Juniper jumps into talking to her favourite players.
“What are you doing here?” Katie gives me a quick hug.
“Well, you kinda stopped showing up and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.”
“Oh, y- yeah. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I just, I started getting feelings for you and freaked out and thought that cutting you off would help.”
“Y- you like me?”
“Yeah. Like a lot. I obviously totally understand you don’t like me back.” She lets out a sigh and looks at her boots.
“Shh shoosh shut up.” I place my fingers under her chin and tilt her head up.
It was hard to escape the doom of falling in love with Katie McCabe. Her eyes were the perfect shade of blue, her lips the softest of pinks, her freckles like the stars. She had the kindest of hearts and the most beautiful laugh. A creation made by Aphrodite herself.
“I really like you too.” And her lips are softer than you could imagine as she presses her’s hard against my own.
We’re broken apart by an array of whistles and shouts from Juniper and Katie’s teammates and I hide my flushed face in her neck.
“I can’t believe we finally get to meet the girl Katie hasn’t shut up about for like 4 months.” Alessia Russo, one player I am familiar with, comments from across the room.
“You talk about me?” I poke her in the side.
“Y/n you can’t talk you literally don’t shut up about Katie. ‘Oh my god she’s sooo funny and pretty.’”
“Bro what the fuck? That was a secret you were meant to take to your grave.” Juniper simply shrugs.
“As much as I want to stay and tease you about how much you talk about me, and kiss you, we do unfortunately have training.” Katie pouts as she hugs me.
“Oh! Before I forget. I brought you an apple and chocolate muffin.” I pull the baked good from my bag and hand it to her.
“Fuuuck yees! You are literally the best person ever. I need to know your recipe so bad.”
“Mmmm maybe I could teach you how to make them. Tonight, at the café?”
“I’VE BEEN ASKING FOR THAT RECIPE FOR 3 FUCKING YEARS AND YOU’RE GOING TO JUST HAND IT OVER TO HER?” Juniper’s outburst makes the room erupt in giggles.
“How about for your birthday?” She nods solemnly and begins to say goodbye to the other girls as they begin to head out to the pitch for training.
I turn back to Katie.
“I’ll see you tonight…” She leans up and kisses me one more time.
“Girlfriend.” She leaves before I can reply, and I’m left to giggle as Juniper drives us back to the café, to reluctantly reopen for the rest of the day.
The clock shows 6:13 and I begin to think Katie flaked, but right as I’m packing up the ingredients, the bell rings and in rushes a flushed, panting, Katie McCabe.
“I’m so… sorry! Caitlin could only… drop me… a few blocks away… so I had to… run.” She pants out.
“It’s ok.” I peck her on the cheek and take her coat, then offer her some water which she sculls down.
We spend hours baking and messing around. Mostly kissing.
Another 6 months pass before Katie and I decide to move in together in a small apartment down the street from the café.
She now helps me bake my apple and chocolate muffins once a week, insisting she has to always be in a simple cropped singlet after I had made a comment about how good her arms looked when she mixes the batter.
There was something so domestic about baking together that made it hard not to just scream to the world how much I loved the woman. Instead, I stick to wrapping my arms around her waist and whispering it in her ear, periodically kissing her while she cuts the apples or mixes whatever needs mixing.
I can’t wait to tell Ms Nelson her apple and chocolate muffins brought me the most beautiful girl in the world. She and her wife have been begging for a new post card.
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heartsiez · 1 year
when they’re put in a situation that makes them feel jealous
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⌗ kazuha and scaramouche x gn reader (seperate)
⌗ jealous behaviour, possessive behaviour, idk what else. their parts are like a one shot in their own HELP.
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— kazuha
as the cherry blossom petals swirled around you and kazuha, you couldn't help but feel content. you had known kazuha for a while now, and had grown to appreciate his company more and more each time you were together. today, the two of you had decided to take a stroll through the park and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
you’d just gotten off work at a local café in inazuma. it was insanely busy today, causing you to get stressed out. many customers wanted the same thing, causing the item to go out of stock, which caused others to be mad because what they wanted wasn’t available. you’d go into more detail but just the thought of it stresses you out.
once you stepped out of the building you knew straight away you needed kazuha with you to ease off all of your negative emotions. you really did love kazuha, he was always able to clear your head with just a word. you may not be dating yet, but it’s clear as day to anyone that you both have feelings for each other.
anyways, that’s where it brings you to now. you were in the middle of telling kazuha about your day when you suddenly spotted a familiar figure in the distance causing you to pause your movements, kazuha copying with a confused look.
it was your ex.
you couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as memories flooded your mind. you hadn't seen your ex in months, and you had thought that you had moved on from the heartbreak they had caused you. which, you have moved on, but you still can’t help the familiar feelings that come over you. it makes you feel guilty because kazuhas right next to you.
your ex noticed you, both locking eyes. you wanted to tear your eyes away from them, or even pull your eyes out of your sockets but you just couldn’t look away.
as your ex approached, you tensed up, unsure of how to react. to your surprise, your ex greeted you with a warm smile and a friendly hug. you hesitated, but you couldn't help but reciprocate, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over you.
kazuha, who had been watching the entire interaction (even from when you first noticed them), felt a pang of jealousy shoot through him.
he had grown to care deeply for you, wanting to keep you by his side forever, and the sight of you interacting with your ex made him very uneasy. he tried to brush off the feeling, reminding himself that you were the one with him now (even if not officially), and that your ex was just permanently a part of your past.
you pulled away from your ex, turning back to kazuha with a guilty, and apologetic look. “uhm, kazu, this is my…” you trailed off awkwardly, not really knowing what to call them. kazuha already knew who this person was to you, you just didn’t wanna seem rude officially introducing your ex, as your ex.
“i’m their old friend.” they continued for you, offering out their hand for him with a sweet smile, though the wind told kazuha different.
“it’s… a surprise to meet you.” kazuha took their hand with swift haste, an obvious fake smile plastered. you cleared your throat as they both pulled away, moving back to stand next to kazuha you looked to him, and he looked back.
“you don’t mind if they spend the rest of the day with us?” you asked, a sheepish smile on your face as kazuha let out a sigh only you could really hear. “of course not, it would be my pleasure to meet an old friend of your past.” he made sure to clarify.
“great…” your ex looked at him with a challenging look and then turned around. “i saw there was a place just past those trees over there, let’s go take a look.”
they took your wrist pulling you with them, scaring you out of surprise. you looked back to kazuha who was quick to follow you two, though mainly focusing on the connection between your wrist and their hand. his eyes finally travelled up to meet yours and you offered him an apologetic smile, as in to say everything will go fine from now on.
however, as the day went on, kazuha couldn't shake the wretched feeling inside of him. he just wanted to steal you away forever, not liking the feeling of someone else being a threat to you two. and your ex was one. they seemed to be getting too close for comfort, and kazuha couldn't help but feel like he was slowly being pushed out of the picture.
the sun began to set, and your ex had already said their goodbyes, apologising that it must be weird for you and that they overstayed their visit. kazuha was glad they finally seemed to realise.
he pulled you aside, away from everyone else who was still in the cherry blossom park, thought not much. you looked at him with a curious look, both your arms crossed over each other. he took a deep breath before speaking, his voice low and hesitant.
"i know i shouldn't feel this way, and it’s not my place to really say this, but seeing you with your ex today... it made me feel… horrible. i care about you a lot, and the thought of losing you to someone from your past scares me."
you were a little shocked. i mean, kazuha feeling insecure? usually he knows whether or whether not he should be feeling vulnerable in a situation, because the wind whispers the secrets to him. so he must be feeling really upset if he’s not trusting the winds of the archon.
you continued to stare at him, trying to find out how he was really feeling inside from his face. you could see the pain and vulnerability in his eyes, and your heart ached for him. you felt guilty.
you took his hand and pulled him into a tight embrace, "kazuha, you have nothing to worry about. you're the one i want to be with, and nothing will ever change that. my ex is just a part of my past, but you... you're my present and my future." you smiled at him warmly.
kazuha's tense shoulders relaxed as he returned the embrace, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. he had been so worried about losing you, but hearing your words made him feel more secure in your relationship. the negativ emotion on his face disappeared, getting it replaced with a way more positive one.
as the two of you pulled away, kazuha leaned in to press a soft kiss to your forehead. "thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. he grabbed the wrist your ex held earlier, and pulled it up to his lips to kiss, his eyes not breaking eye contact the entire time.
the rest of the evening was spent in a comfortable silence, the two of you enjoying each other's company as the sun set over the horizon. the memory of your exes visit was fading fast along with the light in the sky.
you knew that there would be more challenges ahead for you both, but with kazuha by your side, you felt confident that the two of you could overcome anything together.
lol corny.
— scaramouche
scaramouche, the cunning and mischievous harbinger of the fatui, had always been a man of many talents. but there was one thing that he couldn't quite control - his jealousy. and as he watched you interact with aether from behind a wall, scaramouche couldn't help but feel a rising sense of possessiveness.
you lived with scaramouche in the fatui headquarters as his assistant, and loving partner. your best friend, aether, would usually visit you sometimes with scaramouches permission, but he never really knew what you two got up to since he was always out on missions when aether was there.
this was the first time he was present while aether visited and he’d never felt such regret in saying yes before. he wished he never gave permission to that blonde.
while scaramouche had tried to ignore the growing friendship between the two of you, he found it increasingly difficult to do so throughout the day. aether was a charismatic and friendly traveler, and it was visible to the eye that you seemed to enjoy spending time with him, much to scaramouches dismay.
as scaramouche continued to watch the two of you talk and laugh, he couldn't help but feel a nagging murderous feeling in his chest. he knew that he had no right to feel this way, mostly because you’d get extremely angry at him if you found out he wanted to kill your best friend... but he couldn't help the way he felt.
then, to add salt on his internal wound, aether leaned in closer to you, his hand brushing against yours. scaramouche's eyes narrowed as he watched the interaction, feeling a surge of anger. if aether didn’t mean that much to you he would’ve already ripped that plat off.
as he started to slowly get a better look of the two of you, he noticed something that surprised him - aether seemed completely oblivious to what he was doing. he was just being friendly, completely unaware of the intimate actions he was creating, and of the harbinger's leaking jealousy flowing throughout the entire building.
scaramouche took a deep, long breath, trying to calm himself down. he knew that he couldn't let his emotions get the best of him, especially not near you and aether. one noise and you’d hear him, which would cause you to find him and boast him with questions.
it’s okay. he can last… at least that’s what he told himself.
as the day went on, scaramouche found it harder and harder to control his burning jealousy. it felt like a forest fire inside of him. he didn't want to lose you to some prick, and the sight and thought of aether getting too close to you made him feel sick to his stomach.
finally, it was night and you three sat around a small table chatting. well, it was mostly just you and aether speaking while scaramouche held back a nasty look to him.
as he sat there anticipating for the time aether would leave, he saw something that made the last thread inside of him snap. aether had tucked some short hair strands behind your ear, then his hand trailed down your neck and rested on your shoulder as you continued to speak. it was an innocent friendly gesture, but scaramouche had had enough. he stood up abruptly, glaring at aether sharply.
"i think it's time for you to leave," he said, his voice harsh and fast to leave his body.
aether looked up, surprised. "what? why?" he asked.
"because i don't want you around here anymore," scaramouche replied, his voice laced with venom.
you looked between the two of them, confused and slightly angered by scaramouche's sudden outburst. "scaramouche, what's going on?" you asked, reaching out to touch his arm.
but scaramouche pulled away from you. you looked at him, slightly hurt from what he did, but in a way that you knew you upset him in some way seriously which made you upset.
his eyes dark and his jaw clenched. "i said leave, aether," he repeated, his voice colder than before.
aether stood up slowly, looking between you and scaramouche with a mix of confusion and concern. "i don't understand what's going on, but if you want me to leave, i will," he said, his voice calm and measured. “i’ll see you!” he said with an awkward smile, you giving a sad one back.
as aether gathered his things and prepared to leave, you turned your attention back to scaramouche, your voice hurt and angry. "what was that about?" you demanded, your voice shaking with emotion.
scaramouche's expression softened slightly as he looked at you, but the jealousy was still evident in his eyes. "i'm sorry," he said, his voice low. "i just... i don't like seeing you with him. i don't want to lose you. the way he touched you just then and today i…”
you sighed, feeling torn between your feelings for scaramouche and your friendship with aether. "scaramouche, you know that you don't have to be jealous," you said, trying to reason with him. "i care about you, and i'm not going anywhere."
scaramouche nodded, his expression still pained. "i know that, but... i can't help the way i feel."
you reached out to take his hand, squeezing it gently. "i understand that, but you can't just push people away when you feel threatened," you said gently. "it's not fair to them, or to me."
scaramouche nodded again, his grip on your hand tightening slightly. "i know, and i'm sorry. i'll try to do better," he said, his voice heavy with regret.
you smiled at him, feeling the tension between you start to dissipate. "that's all i can ask," you said, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his cheek. "let's just focus on enjoying the peace we’ll have together, okay?"
scaramouche's lips twitched up into a small smile as he leaned in to return the kiss. "okay," he said, his voice softening. "together."
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⌗ hai i’m back:3 took a little break bc of writers block……………. um……… not proof read bc i’m honestly still in writers block i just feel bad for not posting. would u believe me if i told u ai helped me out with the ideas of these prompts
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reveluving · 6 months
Damn ive never seen you earlier, you write graves just amazing :(
Idk if you are still taking requests but how do you think graves approached his shy gf/wife in the first place? Is he persuasive?
Aww babe!! That is so nice of you to say! 😭 Sorry it took a bit of time ‘cause I admit, I’ve never thought of this, not deeply, at least! Please enjoy ‘cause I know I did 😘💗
Includes: tooth-rotting fluff!
COD x shy!wife thots closed! Thank you, everyone, for your time & amazing minds! I sincerely hope I can do this again with y'all soon! 💌
Come & check out my COD m.list!
The possibilities of meeting Graves for the first time are endless, but I have two in mind!
The first scenario is a typical but well-loved meet cute at a café, or a bookstore or better; a book café! With you and him standing in one corner of the counter, waiting for your drinks. Graves has zero problems in offering you a polite smile, only for his amusement to grow when you return the smile, albeit a smaller one, before immediately averting your gaze. 
The barista’s taking a while to make your drinks, so after some time, he thought of just striking up a conversation.
“They’re sure takin’ their sweet time.” Was the first thing he said to you. A lighthearted comment—you would’ve been more worried if he was more gruff about it, and you weren’t even a worker there.
You nod, huffing in amusement while looking at the dishevelled teenager, “They don’t usually take this long.”
Graves nods along and though he asks you some things, such as if you were a regular customer or if you had any recommendations, regardless of whether it was sweet treats or any novels you may have stumbled upon (even if he’s not a fan of reading, he may or may not like the way you slowly yet surely open up with him), he keeps them a bare minimum. He doesn’t want you to feel forced, especially since he began the conversation.
Soon, the barista finally completes your order, but unfortunately, it’s prepared wrongly. 
Yours were hot while Graves was iced. The complete opposite of what you and he asked for.
He was perceptive, seeing you grimace but also ready to just accept whatever was offered, Graves spoke up.
“Excuse me, kid, but I’m pretty sure you got our orders mixed up,” You would’ve panicked if it wasn’t for his cordial approach. Disappointed or not, he had no problem hiding it. And even so, you couldn’t help but feel bad when they heard the dreadful words. They must’ve faced a harsher customer in the past. 
Graves was quick to reassure them, even telling them to take the mistaken orders and share with a colleague, much to your surprise. Of course, you weren’t expecting him to lash out, not right away, at least, but you weren’t blind to his… lifestyle. Just from the way he carried himself, you knew he must be some kind of a ‘man of the hour’. That, and the way he dressed/his items i.e. his laptop bag, phone. 
And yet, you never saw him as one of those unapproachable degenerates. Thinking they were high and mighty, maybe even cause a ruckus and gain some kind of benefit out of it. He was confident, sure, but he could’ve just ignored you the whole time, much like now. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him softly when the barista, with the weight seemingly lifted off their shoulders, went back to make you and Graves’ orders again. 
“It’s no problem. Thought y’might need a little help.” So he did notice. You wanted the floor to swallow you whole for not hiding your emotion better, but something about his smile, his lack of judgement, it didn’t make you feel too bad about it all. 
Plus, you couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t easy on the eye, either.
Bonus if you decide to take a leap and accept his offer of sitting together at the window seat, especially if it’s during the lunch rush! The two of you may become regulars at the café and soon enough, you exchange numbers!
The second scenario is actually part of a mini-series that I’m working on (read: collecting dust), with you being a florist! While I won’t spoil a whole lot, it involves our beloved Shiba Inu. By now, we all know Kai is extremely playful, borderline mischievous if it means being a loving pain in Graves’ ass. 
So, after looking away for a moment, only to find Kai making a mess out of some flower shop owner’s potted flowers, he’s initially more disappointed (but not surprised) than worried. But nothing a little Southern charm and a bit of reimbursement can’t solve. 
That is until he sees you.
And while this revelation wouldn’t leave him to tuck his tail between his legs, I can see him going like ‘oh’, turning away for a second to swear under his breath before putting on his award-winning smile. But in all honesty, there’s a tad bit of guilt in it, especially after he overhears you forgive Kai, who, surprisingly, is whimpering in front of you, despite your soft tone.
Oh, how Graves could never forget your voice. 
Upon approaching you at the front door, he immediately apologizes, and unlike other times where he’s trying to rush the conversation so it could all be said and done, he’s very patient with you, partially praying that you were with him, too. There’s just something so magnetic about you that he doesn’t want the conversation to end so soon. But with your bashfulness, he knows not to overwhelm you either, which was funny, since he never particularly thinks about that with others.
And from there, he has an inkling that you may be one of the few people he’s willing to learn more about while considering his own personality. So, while he doesn’t shy away from showing you his romantic side, and spoils you a whole lot, too, he also lets you know about his more ‘disliked’ personality. On days when you and he are more heart-to-heart with each other, he tells you about the side of him where he has to play offence to be the person that he is. He wants to be as transparent with you as possible, so you won’t catch a ‘whiplash’ with how he treats you versus how he treats others.
Whichever the cases may be, while he is persuasive, knowing that you’re one of a kind, he knows this is something he has to be patient about, and frankly, he’s more than fine with it. If you have a history of bad dating experiences, then you best believe that he’s willing to show you just how much you mean to him, and hopefully, vice versa. Graves isn’t one to think about a committed relationship, mostly because he never found one and with his line of work, it’s a lot to think about, but he is more than willing to adapt to the new changes (and finally spoil ‘the one’) for you.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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chuulyssa · 2 months
coffee? (l lawliet)
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↷ ASK ─ L and reader met at a cafe where L is a regular but reader is a new recruit at the cafe as a waitress who is being harrassed by some dudes and L steps in just to get feelings for her.
★ COUNT ─ 1.2k
!! TAGS ─ l lawliet x reader, slight harassment, catcalling, degrading (not by l), cliffhanger ending because im an asshole (also im a lazy bitch sorry)
★ PROLOGUE ─ stepping in to help without the security of a mask teaches a detective how to love
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L settled into his favourite spot at the cozy café. He felt the familiar sense of comfort wash over him. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft murmur of undecipherable conversation surrounded him, leaving him in complete relaxation. It was days like this that helped take his mind off murders and mysteries and sink deep within solace and peace.
He let out a content sigh and reached for his book, ready to lose himself in its pages, when a voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Hello, welcome to our café. My name is Y/N, and I'll be your waitress today. May I take your order?"
L glanced up to see a new face smiling warmly at him, your name tag proudly displaying your name. He couldn't help but return your smile with a small one himself, an action which was quite unusual, even for his own standards.
"Hello, Y/N," L replied with a nod. "I'll just have my usual, please."
"Um... your usual?" you blinked, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I'm-"
"Ah, it's alright, I figured as much," L waved a hand. "A black coffee."
You wrote it down on your little notepad. "Anything else?"
"Well..." L trailed off, thinking. He never really cared much about the other items on the menu. This time, however, to his own amusement, he found himself asking, "What would you recommend?"
"Huh? I- um," you were caught off-guard. In your defense, it was only your first day as an employee. How were you supposed to answer this customer now? "I suppose... a croissant?"
"Great choice," L nodded. "Please add that to my order."
After you left, L was left wondering why in the world he ordered a croissant of all things. He could already picture Watari shaking his head at the fact that a million croissants could have been ordered in a second if he had said so. Still, L shrugged and looked over at the counter, grumbling internally when he didn't find you there.
The soft clinking of silverware and porcelain from the kitchen reminded him of how empty his stomach was. L's gaze returned to his book, one foot tapping on the ground in a firm rhythm. As soon as you came back with his order, he took it without a word. He smiled, albeit slightly, before taking a small bite of the croissant.
"It's quite nice actually," he muttered watching you retreat to another table, surprised because he didn't usually compliment any kind of food.
Your evening shift was coming to an end. While you were packing up and getting ready to leave and call it a day, a sudden ring from the front door of the cafe signaled another customer. You sighed before throwing your apron back on and hurrying towards the table.
Upon reaching there, you realized that it wasn't just one customer, but a whole group of men, probably in their early 20s. You wondered why they'd be here of all places - in a cafe, that is, and not at some bar getting wasted. Still, pushing those thoughts aside, you bent over slightly to talk to the nearest person, inquiring about their order.
The group of men gave a few whistles and even a few catcalls as you conversed. From the corner of your eye, you could see many of them staring at your behind, and you immediately straightened up uncomfrotably.
“Well, well,” one of them snickered as he glanced you over. “If it isn't the new, cute waitress. Hey, why don't you come over here and join us? There’s plenty of room on this table.”
You blinked at him, trying not to punch him in the face. "I'm sorry, sir. We aren't authorized to be-"
"Ack, stop that silly talk. I don't understand nothin' of what you're trynna say," his words were slurred by the alcohol in his system, while you looked for ways to get out of this situation.
The rest of them were eyeing you up and down as they laughed amongst themselves, seemingly amused by their companion’s crude behaviour. Their eyes were like sharks circling their prey, searching for a chance to seize it.
“Ah, come on now,” another one spoke up, giggling. “You can take a break, right? It’s not like anyone’s going to notice if you’re gone for a few minutes. So what do you say? You join us, and we have some fun?”
"Um, I'll have to decline, sorry-"
"Hello," a quiet voice interrupted. The men turned to look at the new addition to their conversation, jeering.
"You want some fun too? It's alright, join us. We won't mind," one of the men laughed.
"Leave her alone," L was surprised at his own willingness to go out of his way to help you. After all, he had just met you, so there was no way he had already become 'attached' to you, right?
"Woah, woah, chill, mate," one of them said with a smirk. "Who are you - her boyfriend? Her bodyguard?"
The men laughed along, and another one added, "Yeah, man. Stop ruining the fun."
"She said no, alright? So back off."
The other men snickered. The air was filled with a tense silence as L and the drunkard stared intently at each other.
The drunkard scoffed, “Nah, man, for real though. What’re you, her boyfriend or something? Don’t even bother, dude. With a face like that, you’re obviously not the type the bitches want.”
L felt a strange sensation of anger and irritation as a muscle in his jaw clenched. Did he just dare to call you a bitch? He kept his face unreadable as he met the drunkard’s gaze again.
The drunkard smirked. “Oh? Did I hit a sore spot there? Do I need to repeat myself? There’s no way that bitc would go for a guy like-"
SMACK! The drunkard fell out of his chair, and you could have sworn you saw a few teeth fly off. L's foot had landed straight to his jaw and knocked the man off his feet.
The other three men sat still as they stared at L, a mixture of shock and disbelief written on them.
L looked down at the still unconscious drunkard with a stone-cold expression, as if he was used to knocking people out with his boots.
The three men looked at each other, unsure of how to react.
"W-we're leaving," one of them said finally, grabbing his drunk companion by the arms and dragging him out of the café.
Your hands were clasped onto your mouth, genuinely shocked, but also trying to hide a little smile that threatened to be seen by the others.
The café had fallen silent. It was only broken by the sound of the front door closing and the sound of footsteps outside.
L's gaze snapped up as he looked at you. It was like his senses were finally coming back to his body. He cleared his throat and turned towards you again, his demeanour shifting into its usual emotionless state.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-yea," you said, taking your hands off your mouth awkwardly. "That was a... um... clean kick."
L looked at you as if he could suddenly see you in a completely different light. Why did he step in to help you? Why did he lash out at your customers? Heck, why did he even stay that long in the cafe?
He frowned at the new emotion that was building up in him. What was this feeling that he, the greatest detective ever, could not figure out?
With a timid sigh, L closed his eyes briefly before opening them and mumbling a little, "Thank you."
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© chuulyssa 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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dateless-bar · 4 months
The Great Crusade Café | Concept Design
You can just watch the video which has a detailed description as well as the tour. I used Chinese dubbing with English subtitles, so make sure you have the subtitles turned on while watching.
CAFÉ FOR ASTARTES! | Fan Idle Game: The Great Crusade Café Concept Design
The Great Crusade Café
Productivity Tool& Idle Game Fanart Project (Concept Design Only)
Concept design: Gameplay
[Intro & Setting]
When a user first opens the web page, the name The Great Crusade Café will appear. After clicking, you can start by naming the café owner, which is the role you will play.
Then, as the owner, you will be asked to choose the tasks you want to undertake in reality for today. The default name here is John.
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The purpose of this web page is to provide users with a leisurely and comfortable café white noise. It allows you to enjoy such an atmosphere whether you are reading or translating WH novels. Additionally, café-themed white noise has been proven by studies to increase efficiency for people. Therefore, you can also use it while working or painting miniature models.
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After setting a task, you can officially enter the management of the café within the game. Don't worry, you can change the current task being undertaken at any time, just below the time displayed in the top right corner. And if you feel that the display of time might make you anxious, you can also turn it off in the settings.
[Coffee System]
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After today's business starts, you can choose to make a cup of coffee for yourself first. By clicking on the coffee cup under the coffee machine, you can make a cup of your favorite drink for yourself.
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Recaff is precisely the coffee beverage commonly found in the "Siege of Terra" series of novels. And various other drinks also have their unique origins.
After deciding which type of coffee to make, we can choose options like the milk to use based on our personal preference.
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This will result in a steaming hot cup of coffee.
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After each cup of coffee is made, hovering the mouse over the coffee cup icon will start a 2-hour timer. However, after one hour, the steam on the coffee cup will disappear. And when the timer finally reaches zero, you will know that two hours have passed. Setting a 2-hour timer aligns with the time unit of the Pomodoro Technique. If you want to use the web page as an efficiency tool, you can make good use of this feature.
[Character Visiting]
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After making a cup of coffee for yourself, naturally, various characters will be attracted to the café and its aroma. They usually greet you directly and place their orders. But sometimes, you will need to guess their preferences based on the characters' personalities. If you have read many related novels, you will have a unique advantage in this aspect.
For example, people from Caliban would drink black tea. Commanders stationed on Terra, on the other hand, prefer bitter coffee, among other things. Additionally, some special drink recipes need to be purchased or unlocked through gifts from characters.
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After fulfilling the characters' needs, their Trust will increase.
Subsequently, they often spend some time in the café, and during this period, you can engage in conversation with them. As the Trust increases, the topics they bring up will also vary.
For instance, Loken might talk to you about Mr. Sindermann's lectures, while Argel Tal could bring up his friend Khârn. Ahriman might mention that the café was recommended to him by his human friend Gaumon.
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This often unlocks more characters. After all, the café's reputation is always spread by word of mouth among friends.
And some rarer characters, I mean, like a Primarch, might require the trust of everyone in the legion.
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After increasing trust levels, besides more conversations and characters, there will also be an important matter.
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Once trust levels reach their peak, characters will give you a variety of gifts, including decorative items. For example, members of the Thousand Sons always like to give you various books, regardless of whether you can understand them or not.
But you can use some of them as decorations inside the café.
This can sometimes be key to unlocking rare characters. Of course, you can also purchase various decorations and drink recipes at any time from the itinerant merchant in the upper left corner of the screen.
And if you complete the current task setting and change the task, most of the characters present will express encouragement and approval towards you.
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[Bulletin Board & Character Book]
Each character stays for a different amount of time. Many of them are very busy with numerous affairs. However, you can find clues of their visits on the bulletin board.
Almost every customer who has visited the café leaves something behind on this bulletin board. For example, stickers, messages, or even advertisements.
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Hovering the mouse over specific items will display detailed explanations and descriptions.
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You can also find information about the visitors in the customer notes, where all guest information is recorded.
However, characters that have not yet been unlocked will be displayed as "unsigned".
[Weather System]
Additionally, some sufficiently important characters, if they are very satisfied with your café, they will grant you access rights.
This privilege allows you to open cafés in different areas, such as on battleships, Terra, the Hive cities, and various other places.
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As time passes, the ambient light in the café will also change.
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This also means that some special characters will only be unlocked at specific times. If you go from noon to night, you can see the nighttime view of the Hive city outside the window. As time progresses from afternoon to night, you can see the nighttime view of the Hive city from the window. And when midnight arrives, the starry sea above the deck will leave you in awe. In the central area of Terra, mornings always face the unchanging snowy mountains.
[Vinyl Records Player]
While running the café, you can always spin your vinyl records. This allows you to change the background music and even import your own favorite tracks. If you don't like the ambient chatter or the sounds of the coffee machine and cups, you can also turn them off here.
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The above is a brief instruction for using "The Great Crusade Café".
The project is a purely conceptual design. As Games Workshop does not allow fanart creators to engage in programming or development. It is currently only presented in this form to everyone. It's worth mentioning that this design was inspired by a series of excellent projects, including VA-11 Hall-A, Coffee Talk, I Miss My Cafe, and Neko Atsume, etc. That's also why I chose to use a pixel art style in the project.
At the same time, I'd like to thank the pixel art artists who collaborated with me. Without you, this demo video wouldn't have been possible.
Finally, thank you for watching. If you enjoy research and artistic creations related to the Warhammer theme, feel free to follow my Youtube channel and X.
May your day always start with a great cup of coffee : )
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luna-andra · 27 days
The Shadows Return | Simon 'Ghost' Riley x OC Retired AU | Year One*
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Summary: A little insight
Word count: 2k words
Author's note: I have returned! 🎉 if you're new to this story, you can read Chapter 1 here. Filler chapters will be marked with an * sign from here on out.
Ch 8 is posted!
Content: slow burn, fluff, retired au Ghost x OC, mentions of mental health, violence, eventual smut
Andra let out a sigh of relief as she read the email she received during her morning shift at the café. Her work visa had been approved for renewal. It was weighing on her for the past couple of weeks, stressing her to think she had submitted her documents too close to the deadline. Her current visa wasn’t due to expire until the end of the month, but now it wasn’t a cause for concern.
She didn’t have to plan for the possibility of returning to Texas anymore, so she closed out the tabs in her browser on her phone for apartments in her old area with a satisfied grin and a “good fucking riddance” to herself in the break room. The rest of her shift went smoothly with renowned happiness, having her smiling wider than she was before going on break.
Andra didn’t have many people to share the good news with, but her managers would have to suffice, and will be notified under the pretense of business.
“That’s good to hear,” Henry, her manager at her evening job, said with milquetoast optimism, “Won’t have to look for a new bartender for a whole ‘nether year, then.”
“Guess I’ll still be a thorn in your side for a while longer, Henry.”
He chortled at that. Andra got his dry humor now that she had been working for him for long enough. She swore he hated the shadow that followed behind her every step, muttering snide and sarcastic remarks any time she had questions on some of the items on the menu. It was when she quipped back about him being a pain in the ass and he smiled to himself did she start to feel less of an outsider to her new environment.
Andra had a run-in with a few of the locals that weren’t too keen on an American serving them. It was expected, a sobering reminder when she built her new life in the quaint village. Six months later and she has become their favorite American bartender, some of them checked in on how she’s coming along with her fixer-upper of a farmhouse out in the boonies.
“It’s comin’.” Andra drawled a little more than her baseline accent. “I got the paint for the living room, got the tarp laid down, and she should have a fresh coat of paint on her in the next few days.” She finished pouring a pint of cider and placed it down on the dampened coaster.
“Any plans for the farmland?” Mister Wade asked a few barstools down the counter.
Andra paid close attention to the whiskey she was pouring into the glass before answering. “Can’t say I’ve thought about it, I’m not much of a green thumb gal.”
She got a grunt of disapproval for that one. “These lands are fertile if ye treat em right. Even if it’s veg that yer growin’ for yourself, give it a go.”
The idea of starting her own little garden of produce and fruits brought a smile to her face. Now that she can actually think of long-term decisions, Andra might just consider the suggestion. “I’ll think on it, Mister Wade.”
“Call me Dean.” He raised his pint of cider before taking a generous swig.
“I’ll take these for you.” Warm hands took the collection of pint glasses from Andra’s hold.
Henry’s son, Sean, was the most welcoming and helpful when she started working at the pub. With Andra picking up the evening shifts, it gave Sean time to start college classes. When she had first walked in to Henry’s establishment, Andra could sense the rejection on the tip of his tongue as she was explaining her qualifications. Sean thankfully swooped in before Henry could say no, and she couldn’t have been more grateful.
She learned quickly his friendliness and warm smiles were an attempt to win her affections. It was difficult to ignore a good looking guy like Sean; ocean blue eyes, short, slicked back blonde hair, and fairly taller than Andra. He was too sweet of a guy. Sean deserved a woman with a clean background, someone that didn’t attract trouble.
“We should celebrate your prolonged stay.” Sean suggested with that stunning smile.
Andra could already feel Henry’s hardened stare before she looked to him. Sean might be unaware of what transpired back in the states, but Henry knew. They exchanged a subtle look of agreement before Andra returned her attention to Sean. “That’s nice of you to think of me Sean. I’m just really busy with my morning job as well, you know? And I wouldn’t want to pull you away from your studies. The sentiment is appreciated, though.”
He gave her a defeated grin. “Perhaps some other time, then. When we’re both not so busy.”
Henry turned away from their chatter and Andra let out a sigh. She was thankful that Sean took her rejections on the chin, and even more thankful for Henry feeling like one heavy discussion between the two of them was enough to get the message across.
Payday came around and Andra made sure to get her loan payment from her dad paid right away before anything else. She always made sure to send a message to him just to let him know that it was done, paying double the minimum monthly payment to get it taken care of as soon as possible. Immediately after sending the message, there was an automated reply that pulled up in the messenger.
Message failed.
She paused in her tracks, stopping by the door of her used truck. She tried sending the same message, but the same message failed response came back.
Her heart constricted in her chest. Dad… blocked me?
The rest of the day, it plagued her mind. She desperately wanted to know what was going on back home. It’s not like they were on bad terms, he pulled out that loan to make sure it would cover the costs of her visa and passport, and even though he said not to worry about paying him back, Andra wasn’t accepting that answer.
Unless mom found out…
She closed her eyes and let out a deflated sigh. Of course, mom had to be behind this. She must have discovered the loan somehow, whether it be by snooping through dad’s emails or bank statements, a rogue letter from the loan company showing up in the mail that she happened to get her hands on. And she must have got access to the one source of communication she had with her dad and nixed it.
Tears clouded her vision, the ache in her chest deepening. Andra wondered when was the last time dad tried reaching out to her. Did he think she had blocked him? She looked over their messages to see what the last thing was she told him.
Lol thanks
A month ago.
A message she wished she had put more thought into, unsure of when the next time she would be able to tell her father that she loves him.
She could reach out to Ivan or Orion, but she didn’t want to run the risk of setting off mom. Ivan was graduating in June and was getting on that bus as soon as he could to go off to basic training.
Andra wasn’t going to be there for it. She already knew that she wasn’t going to be able to afford a plane ticket and a hotel to be there to see him walk the stage, but it felt heavier now that she couldn’t talk to dad about it.
All of a sudden, the elation she felt about her renewed visa turned to ash as she realized, she really was alone out here. In a country that still hasn’t truly become a place she could call home.
The drive to the farmhouse was silent. Her hands were shaky as she held the steering wheel, a little firmer than usual. She used the sleeve of her sweater to wipe away the rogue tears slipping. A silver truck was turning down her road just a few feet ahead and took another turn into the first dirt path. She was familiar with the vehicle of the one other person living off of the shared road, despite never introducing herself or running into the other person.
She was almost certain that they preferred privacy along with being blissfully unaware of her existence out here.
Fine by her.
Her brakes screeched as she came to an abrupt halt at the sight of a black and brown puppy meandering across the street. Andra opened the door and stepped out of the truck, approaching the puppy with caution.
“What are you doing out here all alone, sweet baby?”
The puppy’s ears perked up and it happily trotted to Andra, and she crouched down to meet the curious animal. It was so friendly, so sweet. Andra giggled at the onslaught of licks and kisses the puppy gave her, and she picked up the puppy with care.
“Thank you, thank you!” Her voice squeaked as she scratched the puppy’s bare neck. No collar, nothing to indicate that she has an owner. Andra walked around the front of the truck to see if there were any others. No litter, no mother, no other dogs in sight.
Her smile faltered. “Were you left out here, sweetie?”
The puppy’s hot breath fanned her face as it continued its demonstration of affection. Completely oblivious to the redundant question Andra had asked. Maybe the puppy belonged to her neighbor? She got back into her truck with the pup on her lap and turned around in her own driveway to go back in the opposite direction. By the time she arrived and turned into her neighbor’s path, the silver truck was gone.
Well, damn.
Andra had no indication if the pup was indoor trained or not, so she started dispersing patches of old newspaper throughout the spaces of the house.
“Good think I didn’t throw those out, huh.” Andra said out loud to the puppy.
The newspaper was stacked inside the barn that came with the house, along with a mountain of other items, junk, and farm equipment that she couldn’t find time to sift through. She was hoping once she was able to quit one of her jobs, she would have more time to spend on making her house a home.
Andra didn’t see any fleas jumping or crawling around the puppy’s fur, but she wasn’t taking any chances and started filling the kitchen sink with lukewarm water, tossing in some oats to soak in the little bath.
If anyone was nearby, they would think Andra was torturing the animal. “I know, sweet girl, it’s gotta be done.” Her soothing words were futile, the puppy only stopped wailing and whining once she was out of water and being dried off with a soft towel.
She cuddled her new friend on the couch while she looked up the nearest vet clinic to make sure she was okay and whether or not she had been microchipped.
It was already late in the evening, so this would be an adventure for tomorrow.
Her eyes were growing heavy while Andra cleaned the remaining water from her ears. The bath had drained any energy the puppy had left for the night. Got herself ready for bed, and allowed the pup to lay on the empty side of the bed on top of a small nest of towels.
“She has no owner.” The vet technician came back into the tiny room Andra and the pup waited in. “Would you consider adopting her?”
The doe-eyed pup directed her attention back onto Andra, as if she understood what was being asked. A grin escaped Andra. What are the chances of a beautiful, pure-bred German shepherd showing up at such a down-trodden time? It couldn’t have been coincidence. The universe had sent her to Andra, she felt it in her heart.
“Yeah, I’ll take her home with me.” Andra finally answered and rubbed her new pet’s head.
Andra started immediately on the forms to get the pup prepared for vaccination and everything else. The pen hovered over the spot where the dog’s name would be written as she thought cautiously.
See you next week for the next chapter! 🖤
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shuchu · 2 years
❥• happy birthday my love °❀°•༢
characters: vox akuma ; mysta rias ; luca kaneshiro ; ike eveland ; shu yamino ; shxtou ; alban knox
tags: gn!reader ; suggestive for vox and shoto’s ; established relationship
author notes: since it was my birthday a few days ago, i decided to post some headcanons on what the boys would do to celebrate your birthday. this was slightly rushed so it’s not proof read but i hope y’all like it. to everyone reading this, whether your birthday has passed or is coming up, happy birthday ♡ decorative dividers: @/mykaesu on twt ⋯♡ᵎ
enjoy lovelies! ♡
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wakes you up with breakfast in bed
he places the tray on the bed side table before leaning down to give you a chaste kiss
“darling, i’ve prepared something special for you.”
vox props your pillow up behind you so that you can rest comfortably against it before he places the tray of food in front of you
“happy birthday sweet thing, i hope you like what i’ve prepared.” vox says with a big ol’ grin on his face
“awww thank you baby, that’s so sweet of you. c’mere.” you gesture for him to come to you and when he does you give him a kiss on the cheek, making the demon chuckle
after breakfast, the both of you go for a stroll by the river near the house
then, back to the house for lunch where vox would cook whatever you wanted to have
he would then bring you out shopping
whatever item that you stare at for more than 1 minute, he buys it for you before you can even say anything
when you get back to the house, vox tells you to change into something nice because he made reservations at a very nice restaurant
when you get there, you realise that he actually fully booked out the restaurant for you
the restaurant’s lights were dimmed at first and you asked him whether it was closed; vox just asked you to follow him and so you did
when you open the door, the lights come on and you see all your friends there with a banner saying ‘Happy Birthday y/n!’ with lots of other beautiful decorations and a massive cake on the table
you and your friends do karaoke together, get tipsy/drunk together and party late into the night
when you get home the both of you knock out, tired from all the partying
the next morning…
“good morning my love, did you enjoy your birthday?” vox asks as his finger traces shapes on your back gently.
“yeah i did, thank you for planning all of that, i love you.” you smile and give him a soft peck on the lips.
“i love you too. although, i do have one more present for you.”
“hmm? what is it?” your eyes widen slightly, curious as to what it is
vox takes your hand gently and moves it down, under the covers
your face heats up when you feel something hard underneath your hand, he chuckles at your reaction and moves towards you to press his lips against yours
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surprises you with a bouquet of roses in bed and is all shy about it
“happy birthday babe. i hope you like the flowers i got you.” mysta says with a faint pink dusting his cheeks
“aww thank you baby, you’re so cute.”
he then joins you in bed again to give you lots of kisses, the both of you lazing in bed for a bit
mysta would then bring you to a nice little café for brunch
after brunch, you both would spend the rest of the afternoon gaming together and watching anime
in the middle of an episode, the doorbell rings and mysta stands up to go answer the door saying that it’s an amazon parcel for something he ordered a while ago, when it was actually your birthday cake
for dinner, mysta orders takeout from your favourite restaurant 
while waiting for dinner to arrive, you fell asleep so he sneaks off to go set up your little surprise in the kitchen
after he’s done setting up, he wakes you up from your nap by crawling on top of you and bombarding you with lots of kisses all over your face and down your neck as well
when you finally get up, he covers your eyes with a blindfold and leads you to the kitchen
when he uncovers your eyes, you see a banner stretched across the kitchen cabinets that says ‘happy birthday!’ with lots of balloons floating around and a beautiful cake on the kitchen island
you turn around and engulf him in a hug
after you’re done with eating your slice of cake, mysta pulls out a box and tells you to open it
you pull the lid of the box back to see a set of fire topaz necklace and earrings
your eyes widened and you gasped, for a few seconds you just stood there with your mouth open, too stunned to even say anything 
“i know it’s not much but i hope you like it.” mysta says nervously while fiddling with his thumbs
“like it? babe, i love it. all of this,” you gesture around the kitchen, “is more than enough. i don’t need anything more when i have you.” you smile, your hands finding their way into his
mysta chuckles, “god, you’re cheesy. i’m glad you liked it babe.”
“can you put the necklace on for me?”
mysta stands behind you and kisses the back of your neck gently after fastening the clasp
he then comes round the front to admire how good you look wearing it
you blush under his intense gaze and walk over to hug him tight, “thank you, i love you.”
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cue luca jumping on the bed and tickling you to wake you up
“babe! babe! babe! wake up! it’s your birthday!”
after you plead him to stop tickling you he grins and leans down to give you a kiss, “happy birthday babe.”
luca tells you to get dressed after breakfast but doesn’t say where he’s bringing you
when you get closer and closer to the destination, you gasp, “luca are we going to disneyland?!”
yep, you’re going to disneyland for the day
the both of you find your way into the shop to get matching mickey headbands before heading off to the rides
luca got the both of you express passes so that y'all didn’t have to wait at all to get on the rides
the both of you love rollercoasters so after one round, luca would go, “again?” and you’d reply with a big grin, “hell yeah!”
luca would also get you anything you wanted from the shops, whether it be a stuffed toy or a hoodie
at the end of the day, the both of you stayed back to watch the fireworks
for some reason, you and luca were the only ones waiting in front of the castle
“babe, are you sure we are supposed to be here?” you ask worriedly as you continue looking around
“yeah we are, i even asked a staff member earlier to make sure. i guess no one else wanted to watch the fireworks tonight.” luca smiled and wrapped his arms around you
after a few minutes the fireworks start and the first one that goes up spelled out ‘HBD y/n!’ and the second one said ‘i ♡ you’
you turn to luca, eyes wide with shock
luca just chuckles and pecks your cheek softly
while you were busy admiring the fireworks, your friends sneak up behind the both of you
after the fireworks were done, luca tells you to turn around 
your jaw drops and all your friends rush towards you to engulf you in a group hug
you guys head out to have supper and some drinks together
you go to hug luca and rest your chin on his chest, smiling up at him, “this is the best birthday ever, thank you baby.”
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ike makes sure that he wakes up earlier than you today even though the both of you went to bed pretty late last night
you were finishing up some work while he was pretending to be working on a project when he was actually writing a poem for you
he gets out of bed as quietly as possible so that he wouldn’t wake you up
he then starts setting up the dining table to surprise you when you get up
he ordered a bouquet of blue roses for you which he went to pick up from the florist nearby and he rushed back in fear that you had woken up already
thankfully, when he got home you were still fast asleep
after ike was done setting up, he went back into the bedroom to see if you were awake
ike felt really bad for waking you up but he couldn’t wait any longer, you guys could take a nap later in the day if you wanted to
“darling?” ike asks softly, leaning down to kiss your forehead
you start to rouse and ike cups your cheek rubbing it gently with his thumb while you slowly open your eyes 
“good morning my love. did you sleep well?”
you giggle, “yes i did.” you wrap your arms around him, pulling him towards you to give him a peck on the lips
ike rests his forehead against yours and whispers, “happy birthday, i love you.”
you giggle and peck his lips again, “thank you babe.”
after getting out of bed, ike leads you into the living room. when you notice the decorated dining table your eyes widen and you look at ike in shock
ike chuckles, he walks over to pick up the bouquet of blue roses to hand them to you
“i hope you like it.”
you pout and wrap your arms around ike, “i love it, thank you my love.”
ike then proceeds to read you the poem he wrote you as well as sing you the happy birthday song with his angelic voice
he then walks into his little streaming booth to bring out the biggest snorlax plush you’ve ever seen
“omg i’ve been looking at getting this for so long but i decided against it because i didn’t think it would be a wise decision.”
“precisely why i bought it for you, i knew you wanted it so badly. plus, i get to cuddle it too.” ike laughs 
“you better not cuddle it more than me.” you huff
“i would never.” ike chuckles and wraps his arms around you
the both of you spent the rest of the day cuddling, watching movies and playing games together
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the day before, shu spent the whole day making a little scavenger hunt for you
he managed to find little hiding spots around the house to hide his gifts for you
he then sat down to write all the clues 
the day of your birthday he gets up earlier than you to make sure everything was in place and ready
to his surprise, you woke up without him having to do so
"mmm...good morning babe." you say sleepily, yawning right after
"good morning," shu replies, leaning down to kiss your cheek, "let's get some breakfast yeah?"
after breakfast, shu can barely contain his excitement anymore, "i have a surprise for you babe." 
your eyes widen and shu continues, "you're gonna be doing a scavenger hunt." 
shu then gave you the first clue
you found it pretty quick and there lay a minecraft chicken mug
"i wanted us to match so i got you one too." shu said with a faint blush on his cheeks
"you're so cute." you giggle and kiss him on the cheek
shu hands you the second clue and off you go looking for your next present
you were surprisingly pretty good at figuring out the little riddles so you found the next 3 presents really easily
shu got you an oled switch with 2 games, splatoon 3 and pokemon brilliant diamond which you were thrilled about because you have been looking at getting a switch for a while now
it took you a while to find the ariana grande cloud perfume and the new iphone that you've been eyeing for a while now too
then came the final clue for the final present
it led you into the living room again, where a beautiful cake sat on the once empty dining table
"happy birthday baby. i hope you enjoyed the little scavenger hunt." 
you hugged him tight, "i can't thank you enough babe, thank you for setting all this up, i love you."
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shoto had to go over to shu's place to bake a cake for you and his excuse to you was that he had arranged for an off collab with shu months ago. you believed him thankfully
he returned home late that night. you had already started getting ready for bed so shoto quickly put the cake in the fridge and headed into the bedroom to join you
the next morning, he's sleep deprived because he was too excited the whole night which resulted in him not being able to sleep
he got out of bed quietly to make you some pancakes for breakfast
he then brought the pancakes in on a little tray for you
he put the tray to the side and kissed your cheek
"babe~ i made some pancakes for you!"
hearing the word pancakes and having that delicious smell waft towards your nose, it roused you from your slumber
shoto set the tray in front of you and joined you in bed
"happy birthday darling." he says before kissing your cheek again
while you were finishing up your pancakes, shoto walked into his streaming room and brought back two pieces of paper
he handed them to you and your eyes widened when you finally realise what they were for
"we're going to play laser tag and do an escape room with our friends?"
shoto nods with a big smile on his face
you cup his cheek and lean in to give him a few pecks on the lips, "thank you baby."
"you're welcome babe. but before you start getting ready, can i get a few more kisses?"
and of course you shower him in kisses, thanking him for setting this up for you
after the escape room and laser tag, all of you went for some sushi for lunch
as usual, shoto got the little boat full of sushi so that he could share it with you
your single friends were groaning at how they were third, fourth, fifth etc. wheeling with the both of you
when the both of you return home, shoto brings out the cake he baked
your jaw drops when he reveals to you that he baked it when he went over to shu’s place
you giggle, “you sneaky sneaky bastard you,” giving him a few pecks on his lips, “thank you for baking me a cake baby, it looks so good!”
and oh damn did it taste amazing too
“babe, what the heck? this tastes so good.” “i’m glad you like it babe.”
for dinner, shoto brings you to a fancy restaurant
you ate so much that you were starting to enter a food coma
when you get home, you plop onto the couch groaning from how full you are, “gosh i feel like i’m gonna explode.”
shoto gets on top of you and pins your arms above your head
your eyes widen, “b-babe?”, then you notice his lust-blown pupils. you gulp, knowing what's about to go down
shoto leans down to trail kisses down your neck and mumbles against it, “you looked so good, i had to hold myself back till now. let me give you one final birthday present.”
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the sweet boy got out of bed after making sure you fell asleep to bake a cake for you
surprisingly he managed to get it done relatively quickly so he was able to get at least 3 hours of sleep
the next morning he wakes you up with lots of kisses, kissing all over your face and down your neck
when you finally open your eyes, you see alban smiling at you, he leans down to kiss you gently before saying, “good morning baby, happy birthday.”
the both of you cuddle in bed for a bit longer before getting out of bed to have breakfast
you were going to cook breakfast but alban insisted on cooking breakfast for you so you just sat at the kitchen island watching him cook for you
after alban was done cooking you thanked him by giving him two gentle pecks on the lips, “thank you for cooking breakfast my love.”
in the middle of eating, your phone pings with a notification. you click on the notification to see a screenshot of a booking to go to a cat café sent by alban
you look at him with such excitement, alban thought you looked so adorable, “gosh, you’re so cute.”
when the both of you got to the cat café, alban was just as excited as you were
the cats seemed to really like the both of you so you guys were surrounded by most of the cats, some of them even fighting to sleep in your laps
alban took lots of photos of you when you weren’t looking and choosing between them to make it his wallpaper
unbeknownst to you, your friends were helping to set up a surprise for you at home while the both of you were out
when you both get home and you turn on the lights, your friends shout, “happy birthday y/n!”
you hug all your friends and thank them for taking the time to set up the surprise and celebrate your birthday with you
after having your friends sing the happy birthday song to you and cutting the cake, you take the first bite and you almost moan from how good it tastes
“babe, where did you get this cake? it tastes so good!”
“um…about that…i baked it last night.” alban chuckles
“you did what? how did i not know? when?”
“you were fast asleep babe.” alban chuckles again
“oh my god. thank you baby.” you pout, now knowing that he stayed up just to bake you a cake from scratch
“guys look away for a second.” you announce to your friends
you walk over to hug alban tight and give him a kiss, “thank you baby, i love you.”
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merylstreepsworld · 9 months
Personal Tech Support
Pairing: Donna Sheridan x Fem!reader
Summary: You upgrade a few items around the island. Making Donna have to relearn technology.
Word count: 993
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You've always been the tech-savvy one in your relationship with Donna. From the moment you first met, it was clear that while she had the charm, creativity, and charisma to run her small hotel on the Greek island of Kalokairi, she was a bit challenged when it came to modern technology. You, on the other hand, had a knack for all things electronic and mechanical. So, when you decided to surprise Donna by upgrading a few things around her hotel, you knew it would make her life easier, even if it did come with some comical challenges.
The hotel, though full of character and history, had its fair share of quirks. The plumbing was ancient, the electrical wiring was a patchwork of DIY solutions, and the Wi-Fi, well, it was more of a "Wi-Maybe." You couldn't stand to see your girlfriend struggle with these everyday issues, so you set out to modernize the place without compromising its rustic charm.
One of your first projects was installing a brand-new espresso machine in the hotel's café. You figured it would be a hit with the tourists who frequented the place. The sleek, stainless steel beast looked like it belonged in a spaceship compared to the old, sputtering coffee maker it replaced.
The morning after you installed it, Donna stood in front of the new espresso machine, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Love, how does this contraption work again?" she asked, casting you an adorable, bewildered look. You chuckled, walking over to her. "Darling, I've shown you this at least five times. You press this button for a regular espresso, this one for a cappuccino, and this one for a latte."
Donna blinked at the array of buttons. "But which one makes a regular coffee?"
You couldn't help but grin. "The one that says 'espresso,' Donna. It's the first button."
She nodded, clearly trying to remember. "Right, the 'ex-press-oh.' Got it."
You watched as she carefully pressed the button, and the machine whirred to life, making all sorts of futuristic noises. Espresso poured into the cup, and Donna beamed triumphantly as if she'd just solved a complex puzzle. You couldn't contain your laughter. "Don't worry, love," you said, ruffling her hair affectionately. "You'll get the hang of it."
Over the next few days, you introduced more upgrades. You replaced the old landline phone with a sleek, cordless model. You set up a modern sound system in the hotel's courtyard for music during the evening gatherings. You even convinced Donna to ditch the ancient cash register in favor of a user-friendly tablet-based point-of-sale system. With each new addition, Donna's confusion seemed to grow. She'd call you over for help, even when you were just in the next room. "Sweetie, can you come here? I can't get the music to play."
You'd sigh with faux exasperation, setting down whatever you were doing to assist her. "Donna, remember the app? You just select the playlist and press play."
"I know, I know," she'd reply, rolling her eyes at her own forgetfulness. "But it's all so...fiddly."
As much as you teased her about it, you couldn't deny the joy of watching her adapt to these newfangled devices. It was endearing to see her navigate the touch screen of the tablet POS system with determined concentration, making transactions for guests with a sense of accomplishment.
One evening, as you both sat on the terrace overlooking the azure sea, Donna sipped a glass of wine and turned to you with a mischievous glint in her eye. "You know," she began, "I think you're secretly enjoying being my personal tech support." You chuckled, tracing circles on her hand. "Well, it does give me the chance to hold you close and whisper sweet nothings in your ear."
She laughed, leaning in to steal a quick kiss. "You do have a point there."
As the summer days passed, Donna's tech anxiety began to wane. She'd proudly tell you about how she had successfully made a latte without any assistance, or how she'd mastered the art of Bluetooth pairing for the speakers. She even dared to experiment with the espresso machine, trying her hand at creating intricate latte art.
One morning, you walked into the café to find her diligently working behind the counter. She held up a cup with a heart-shaped design in the foam. "Look at this, my love!" she exclaimed. "I made a heart!" You couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "That's fantastic, Donna! You're becoming a pro."
But just as you thought her tech-related troubles were a thing of the past, a new challenge emerged. You had upgraded the hotel's Wi-Fi, and while it was now faster and more reliable, Donna couldn't quite grasp the concept of network names and passwords.
"Darling," she called from the reception desk, "what's the code for the Wee-Fee again?"
You sighed, resigning yourself to another round of explanations. "It's Wi-Fi, Donna. And the password is 'KalokairiSunshine.'"
"Right, right," she replied with a nod, jotting it down on a piece of paper. You couldn't resist teasing her. "Donna, I've told you the password at least ten times. It's 'KalokairiSunshine,' like our beautiful island."
She laughed, folding her arms and giving you an impish look. "Well, maybe I just enjoy hearing you say it, my tech genius."
You shook your head in mock exasperation, but deep down, you cherished these moments. Donna's quirks, her playful nature, and her ability to embrace change, even if it came with a learning curve, were all part of what made her so special to you.
As the sun set over Kalokairi, casting a warm, golden glow across the hotel, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to be Donna's partner in both love and technology. In your eyes, she was the heart and soul of the hotel, and you were more than happy to be the one who helped her keep it running, one espresso at a time.
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white-noises-archive · 6 months
There's no place like home
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Tags/warnings: None, just a bit of swearing then and there. Modern Au, can be taken platonic or on the start of a crush with either (or both) of them. Reader was kept gn as best as possible. No beta read.
Note: This is just a little something I thought about a few days ago, and the idea didn't seem to leave me alone, so I tried writing it (although I have a feeling that I forgot some stuff I wanted to add). Either way, I hope you enjoy ^^
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Life could be funny at times.
If someone had told you a year or so ago that you would be not only out of home, but also out of the crappy apartment you had started to live in after jumping into the “I’m an independent adult” wagon, you would’ve certainly laughed at them.
Yet, after quite the lucky meeting with a rather sweet landlady, you managed to land a new place, way better than the claustrophobic place you couldn’t even dare to call home.
Still, as much as it had felt like the opportunity fell from the sky, you would be lying if you said that all had been nice and smooth upon arriving there.
Meeting and bonding with the two men living there, aka your new roommates, had been… quite the task.
Kujo Jotaro and Kakyoin Noriaki.
Both were weird in their own way.
Yes, maybe some people would call you mean just by saying that, mostly since what meets the eye is nothing like what really lies under the surface of both guys.
The redhead, Noriaki (as you both were well acquainted enough for him to allow you to call him by his first name), was an absolute gentleman ever since you moved there. Kind, well-mannered, and always seemed to be around when there was something you couldn’t figure out.
However, after time passed, you discovered that awkward, nerdy side of him. The true nature of his persona that would make him stay up all night watching some show he got hooked on or playing a video game for hours, that and also that sassy, sarcastic side that would appear when he was feeling playful and, therefore, comfortable.
And Jotaro… he was still a work in progress.
But he seemed to like you and be more vocal around you than when you first moved there, so that’s a win!
He had been one of the most intimidating persons you had met, his towering figure and glare never failing to make you freeze like a deer in headlights the first couple of months.
Noriaki had reassured you multiple times that his friend was like that with everyone, that you didn’t need to take his attitude personal… but the guy was still scary.
And even though he was still intimidating at times, he had eventually warmed up to your presence.
Hell, you almost jumped like a little kid the day he finally started a conversation with you himself.
Now, quite a long time after moving there, your mind had absolutely forgotten about the time when you lived on your own, only having space for the sweet memories with your roommates - now friends.
“Can I go with you?”
It had been rather a boring day.
While you were grateful for the day off, since you knew that it was a pretty busy day at the café you worked at, you had managed to take care of any left business you had pending, leaving you with nothing to do in the afternoon.
So, as the redhead reminded you that it was his time to buy groceries, you didn’t think twice before asking to join him.
“Are you sure?” He questioned you, slightly confused at your request, “I thought you wanted to rest today”
“I did, yes. But resting got boring pretty quickly”
He chuckled at your words, quickly motioning to the door as he grabbed both his and your jacket.
As weird as sometimes it was for Noriaki to plan every single detail for the things he did, having found the exact day and hour that the store was less crowded was a blessing when it came to grocery shopping.
As you both walked through the aisles, scanning the items and picking up whatever was needed, your mind couldn’t help but to wonder, getting lost in memories from when the three of you decided to buy things for everyone rather than having to find a time to do it for yourself.
It was still a bit embarrassing to think about it. But after both men had seen you absolutely stressed after a pretty busy week, having had zero time to buy groceries for yourself, the deal of taking turns to buy everything was pretty welcome.
…Thought you had been pretty upset when you found out that they had the habit of taking a couple of bucks off your bill, knowing that the pay and tips at the café weren’t exactly the best.
Chuckling to yourself, your body automatically stopped as your eyes landed on some bright cups in one of the shelves.
“Huh, it’s been a while since I last saw these” you spoke out loud, grabbing the item from its place.
Hearing your voice, Noriaki’s gaze went up from the list on his phone, moving to you, then to the cup in your hand.
Instant Ramen Noodles.
“Have you tried them before?” he joined your side, tilting his head at you.
“Yeah, kind of…”
“Kind of?”
Keeping your gaze on the cup, you didn’t notice the bittersweet smile that formed in your lips.
“One time, when I was still living in my old apartment… It was either paying rent or a full meal, but this seemed nice enough for dinner” carefully, you placed the cup back on the shelf “It was good, though I have to say I expected something more”
A slight frown appeared on his face as he thought for a moment, clearly thinking about his next words.
“...How did you prepare it?”
“Huh?” You blinked a few times in disbelief, being taken aback at his question. “The way the cup says… why?”
He looked at you, clearly holding back from laughing, as a muffled chuckle escaped from his mouth.
“Nothing!” he shook his head, a smile still present on his face, “That’s a way to do it, but it’s better if you add more things to it”
A message notification snapped you both from your thoughts, making you realize just how stupid you probably looked staring at a shelf full of instant noodles.
You didn’t need to look at it to know it was Jotaro, probably asking just where the fuck you two were.
You were just about to walk away and resume your shopping, but noticed as your companion stayed in place.
He stood in place for a few seconds, before grabbing a pair of cups and turning to you as he smiled.
“What about trying them again, but this time better served?”
“It doesn’t sound like a bad idea…” You smiled back at him, walking back to where he was, “But why, though?”
He shrugged, a bit embarrassed, handing you one of the cups.
“I think it would be a nice contrast since, you know… you’re no longer living like that”
If you knew he was going to get sentimental out of the sudden in the middle of the grocery store at 6pm, you probably would have thought twice before asking to join him.
But damn, you couldn’t help but to grab the cup from his hand as your eyes felt like watering because he was right.
“That’s… a lovely idea” you smiled up at him, just to then raise a brow, “what about Jotaro?”
He smirked, instantly grabbing another cup.
“I’m sure he won’t mind, he likes them too anyway”
The rest of the shopping and the drive home had gone smoothly, and you both were back at your shared apartment sooner than expected.
After a quick “about damn time” from Jotaro, and putting everything in place, the three of you went on with your usual routine for dinner, although this time you mostly watched as Noriaki prepared your food, Jotaro helping a few times when he found it necessary.
Once food was done and a really pleasant smell filled the kitchen, the three of you sat down to eat.
You didn’t know if it was Noriaki’s cooking talent or how different the situation was this time… but this time, the food tasted so, so much better that you couldn’t help but to smile with every bite, more as you paid attention to your friends as they chatted about whatever random topics they could think of.
Life could be funny at times, yes.
But you rather it be like that, more if it brought you surprises like these.
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fy-mina · 1 month
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MINA Harper's BAZAAR June 2024 issue
© Minami Myo Weibo
translation by MarisaTheCube
"Mina of TWICE poses against the shutters on a balcony offering a wide view of Paris, with a line of Hausmann-style buildings.
“I’ve wanted to try doing a fashion shoot for a magazine overseas. And the setting is Paris, which I love! The city’s buildings and the townscape are so beautiful, so it would make for a wonderful shoot, so I’ve been really looking forward to it.” When looking at a photo of herself dissolving into the Parisian scenery, a happy expression comes over her face. As the shoot continues, Mina changes into countless outfits and quickly captures their design, moving actively or standing still with a mature mood. Her movements are widely varied, just like a top model.
“Paris is known for its classic cityscape, but the people living there are also wonderful. There’s a calm atmosphere, and I admire the way people spend time at cafes, use chic fashion in their own ways, and dress up at night to enjoy the nightlife. When I first visited Paris, I was looking forward to sightseeing. I was able to go see the outside of the Louvre, but there wasn’t time to go inside, so I was looking forward to going there the next time. If I had an opportunity to stay longer, there are so many other plans I would want to do, like getting up in the morning and going to a café, going to the market if the weather was nice – spending time here as though I lived here,” she says with a sparkle in her eye.
In order to embody Mina’s dream plan, the shoot this time is themed as if Mina was studying abroad in Paris for a short time during the summer season. She wears Fendi’s summer collection in a bourgeois-chic apartment to express the feeling of spending time freely in the summer.
“The Fendi summer collection that I wore for the shoot this time has a fresh style of Western clothing and swimwear. When you think of swimwear, you often get the image that it’s only worn at places like the beach or the pool. But if you wear a jacket and skirt or denim pants over it, you can wear it around town, and it’s very new and cool. My personal favorite is the combination of a short jacket and striped skirt with swimwear.”
Mina travels around the world as a member of TWICE. In 2023, the group embarked on their fifth world tour, becoming the first girl group to perform at stadiums in Japan, and set records for days in a row, including setting the record for the first girl group to hold a sold-out performance at LA’s SoFi Stadium. The group’s tour is ongoing, and they are currently scheduled to hold a performance at Nissan Stadium, where they will be the first overseas female artists to perform. Mina is enthusiastic, saying, “It will be a challenge for us.”
Furthermore, last year, she began unit activities with MISAMO. “The three of us - Sana-chan, Momo-chan, and I – have been working as hard as we can to support each other. This year, we hope to go on tour for the album we released as MISAMO.”
Mina shows off her beautiful new faces one after another, both as a member of the world-famous girl group that captivates audiences with their amazing live performances, and as a model participating in fashion shoots as a brand muse. In January of this year, she attended Fendi’s couture collection as a guest, and made her show debut. She expressed that she was nervous about going to the show alone, but said, “Personally, I love Fendi, so I was even more excited for that. I bought my first knitwear a few years ago, and thought it was really cool and comfortable. After that, I bought a bag, and now I use it regularly. Personally, I like the “Peekaboo” collection. Fendi generally has very feminine collections, but they also debut some very imaginative items, so I’m always looking forward to surprises.”
As mentioned, this was Mina’s first time coming to Paris alone for a fashion shoot since her debut. She gave the impression of a female image that was simultaneously cute, intellectual, and elegant. What kind of expression will she show in her next fashion shoot? We can’t take our eyes off Mina as she continues to put forth effort and gain experience to update her form.
Mina is a member of the nine-member girl group TWICE, who are scheduled to perform at Nissan Stadium this year. Also, last year, she formed MISAMO with fellow Japanese members Sana and Momo and began unit activities."
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chaomother · 2 years
cute café date with sonic and shadow please?❤ (not sonadow tho, it kinda just happened and now they're both there in a gorgeous little cafè with you and they're trying their best to focus on you and not tearing eachother apart)
this was so super cute and fun to write!! thanks for your req! i would love to be feeding these two café sweets rn
「sonic x gn!reader x shadow」
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“This new promotion is going to be so much fun♪”
Vivacious and bright, you exuded nothing short of pure happiness as you debuted the new outfit you bought the other day. Anyone could see how much you were enjoying yourself at the moment, arms swinging as your hands interlocked with the pair of hedgehogs on each side of you.
“[Name], you look really good in the outfit I helped you choose and all, but... I just have one question——
“What is FAKER doing here?” “What is that BLUE HEDGEHOG doing here?”
Despite acting as an improvised buffer between the two rivals, Sonic and Shadow’s incredulity synchronized together; and they promptly glared at each other, with Sonic raising his fist in a miffed manner.
You didn’t think it’d be that big of a deal, to be honest.
“Well, since Sonic offered to go shopping with me, I told him I’d take him out as thanks. And then, when I ran into you, Shadow, I couldn’t help but want to go with you, too,” you twittered, doubtful you were making any sense at all as to why you’d try to bring them together in any capacity.
Squeezing your hand, in what you surmised to be a reassuring gesture, Shadow nodded as he listened to you attentively. Was he happy about the situation? No; he genuinely thought he was going to spend some time with you, but he wasn’t about to leave you alone with Sonic, either. “You must’ve really wanted me here, huh?” he baited with a smug simper.
“Well, they invited me first for a reason,” Sonic curtly remarked, pouting as he shamelessly took the taunt. The cute clothes adorning you were all thanks to his appraisal, and the blue bow on your choker was Sonic’s tiny way of staking his claim on you… he was allowed to do that as part of his reward, right? “Hey, [Name], you said they’re serving chili dogs?!”
“Uh, no, I didn’t?! It’s a café, you dummy!” Huffing, you released both of their hands in congruence with skipping ahead—all in favor of pointing out the aforementioned café. “There it is! Isn’t it cute?♡”
The only thing the two boys were enthralled with was the radiant grin on your countenance, their cheeks powdering with rosy hues.
Entering inside, they both discerned how luxurious the place was; it was swathed in lavish, glittering banners, yet retained an antique atmosphere that coalesced together. “And don’t worry, it’s my treat!” you winked at them as you took your seats.
Sonic and Shadow both made a conspicuous beeline for the spot next to you, but as Shadow dug his heel into Sonic’s foot and caught him off-guard, he was able to deftly purloin that empty, coveted seat beside you.
With a moue twisted onto his lips, Sonic plopped down directly across from you. Well, this wasn’t so bad—he could stare right at your face this way! Even though Shadow was shuffling awfully close to you…
“I usually just take my coffee black,” Shadow divulged as he leaned over to read from your menu despite the fact that he had one of his own before him.
Poking his tongue out in disgust, Sonic retorted, “I bet you’re one of those guys that think that’ll impress your crush~” And he was promptly met with a biting scowl, one that Sonic concluded that if looks could kill, he’d be extinguished right where he sits.
“I actually wanted to get the new menu items. They have a heavy emphasis on love and hearts,” you exclaimed, patently bashful about your own suggestion as the two hedgehogs with you immediately fixed their eyes on that specific section.
“Oh, we can share this, [Name],” Shadow softly said, pointing out a lovey-dovey parfait meant to share between lovers, except… “—Ow, dammit!” From underneath the table, Sonic harshly kicked Shadow in the shin.
You were understandably perplexed by the abrupt outburst, but in order to avoid you catching on to anything, Shadow quickly said, “I changed my mind, so I’ll take your recommendation.”
Nodding in spite of your own confusion, the three of you decided to get a plethora of things and share amongst yourselves. Well, you definitely got Shadow his black coffee and Sonic a non-caffeinated tea.
It wasn’t too long after that your desserts began piling up on the table, overlaying all the free space with the abundance of it all. “This might’ve been overkill, [Name]...” Sonic chuckled, beads of sweat dripping from his head.
“Better start eating!” you cheered, enraptured with the tantalizing treats and already shifting your focus off the boys and onto devouring as much as you could.
Shadow wasn’t a fan of sweet things—you didn’t count!—but for you, he’d sample a few things. And by a few things, he meant whatever you had; so whenever you’d pluck something off a plate, he’d follow suit and do the same.
“Ooh, [Name], that looks tasty!” Sonic proclaimed in a flash as he watched you take a spoonful of a pudding-like dish, diminutive drool converging in his mouth. “Feed me some♪”
Eyebrow twitching, Shadow watched as you rolled your eyes playfully before lifting the spoon over into Sonic’s opened mouth.
Sonic licked his lips, thinking that tasted much better than expected having come from you. “Mm, yummy!”
“What are you, a child? Eat it yourself, hedgehog,” Shadow snarled, his fingers already picking up a small, heart-shaped biscuit. Two can play at that game. “Here, [Name]. Open up.”
“Didn’t you just say that was childish?!” Sonic riposted with another glower on his face, only feeling his indignation magnify when Shadow cupped your cheek and poked the biscuit against your lips.
There was no harm in letting Shadow have a doting moment, you thought as you slowly pried your lips open. As Shadow fed you, he couldn’t cease the overflowing warmth inundating his chest. You looked so overjoyed munching away on the biscuit, humming cutely as you savored its buttery taste.
Sonic was palpably frustrated and jealous, the feelings flickering in his green eyes, and it only exacerbated when Shadow locked eyes with him with a complacent smirk.
You were blissfully unaware of the rivalry happening secretly between the two, never even noticing the surge of electricity shooting from their eyes at each other, and as you continued to eat away, you’d likely stay that way.
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mariipun · 11 months
Some Sunny Day
Warnings: N/A, Fluff
Word Count: 1,671
Brief Description: Welcome Home Bakery AU. Wally Darling x GN!Reader. Reader/self-insert. You are learning how to bake, but don’t know where to start. Not wanting to be a nuisance, you’ve begun watching from outside the local bakery café’s window as Wally took notice.
[Characters belong to Clown, aka, partycoffin]
Dedication: @satanic-witchcraft (Inspired by their Bakery AU, although it’s extremely loosely based /I just love the aesthetic/. Just a fanfic I wrote because I dreamt about this scenario lol)
It first began on a warm Tuesday afternoon.
You stood there outside, writing in a yellow-covered journal as you watched through the window of the bakery café; the blue-haired man glancing up at you every so often as he kneaded the dough. At one point, the both of you had made eye contact and he watched as you smiled. You pointed toward his motions and then pointed at your book with a slight tilt of your head as if asking permission to take notes.
Wally nodded, a smile of his own forming on his lips in return before going back to work on evenly distributing the dough. You continued to take notes, sometimes carefully mimicking some of his movements in the air as if committing to memory the way the dough needed to be handled. You’d be there for about an hour before placing your journal into your satchel, tucking the pencil behind your ear, and waving goodbye. Wally simply grinned, nodding in reply as you walked away.
This continued every week for the next three months.
Like clockwork, you were there every Tuesday afternoon as the café side bustled with life; customers shuffling in or out with pastries, coffees, or teas. Wally had become accustomed to your presence, albeit through the bakery’s window. He wondered why you simply didn’t come in to ask him questions about his work... or why you never seemed to come into the establishment during this time.
The other workers happened to take notice as well, but he assured them it was not an issue, and he didn’t want anyone to pry. He assumed you were wanting to learn how to bake, perhaps even explore new culinary skills. He may not know the extent of your situation, but he was always happy to teach, as you had always been enthusiastic to learn.
You’d watch, you’d write, and then you’d both exchange goodbyes. He didn’t realize when he’d stop working on whatever he was doing to simply watch you walk away to whatever destination you were headed to next.  
Every Tuesday afternoon, he began anticipating your return.
He didn’t quite show how excited he was, maintaining his cool demeanor, yet mindlessly fiddling with the strings of his apron. As the clock ticked closer to the predetermined time, he would prepare his area, having a different recipe or lesson at the ready.
You had even started noticing the little things he did, perking with curiosity. Some days there would be a recipe for whatever he was making during that time, laid out in front of your view; a list of ingredients meticulously written out in what you assumed was his handwriting.
Was he sharing his trade secrets with you?
You would read through the list of items, jotting them down quickly before watching as he began creating the batch of goods. Whenever Wally shared one of his recipes though, he’d patiently wait until you were done writing before showing you how to measure and make.
On other days he’d start showing off, tossing dough in the air, or elaborately packaging whole loaves of bread for orders. Sometimes he’d get a bit carried away, getting flour in his hair, or accidentally dropping an egg on the floor. He’d shift his eyes toward you to catch a glimpse of your reaction, always earning a giggle or stifling a laugh in your hand before continuing to write away in that yellow journal of yours. His cheeks would dust rouge in embarrassment, but honestly, Wally was glad he had an audience, especially one as devoted as you.
Sometimes, a bittersweet taste would settle on his tongue as the hour would end and you’d retreat into the world while he stayed behind the glass. Your figure would be lost within the crowd of people walking up and down the sidewalk, colors of various shades blending and muting into the background.
He wondered what you did every Tuesday morning before coming to the bakery, and what you did after when your time together would end.
Maybe he’d ask you one of these days, but for now, he enjoyed the wordless company.
Twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes past your usual arrival time.
You hadn’t shown up yet and the ticking of the clock began to make him restless.
Wally started to wonder if you were no longer available, or maybe, no longer interested in stopping by. A few different scenarios had swirled in his mind from you being at work, maybe school, having gotten hurt, maybe sick? Why was he so concerned about a complete stranger? Neither one of you even knew the other’s name.
Yet… he felt his chest tighten, disappointment prickling at his skin.
Surely, you were just running late today?
He stared at the counter; his mind lost in thought. He didn’t hear the familiar dings of the bell when the front door opened as you stepped inside, yellow journal in hand. He had only looked up when he heard Julie’s voice greet you from the register.
“Finally decided to come inside instead of watching through the window, huh?” Julie chimed.
You laughed in response, the sound filling the bakery with warmth.
Wally’s cheeks lifted as a smile formed on his lips, eyes falling on you. Feelings of elation and relief both washed over him in waves.
He stood still. The world around him seemed to burst into vibrant hues of light. Soft yellows, pinks, and mellow blues dance around you. He continued to watch you in adoration as you placed a drink order and made your way to one of the small tables near the corner of the café.
“It���s not polite to stare you know,” Poppy spoke up from behind him, causing him to turn and stutter in response. She smiled at him and shook her head. “Why not just say hello?” She encouraged, earning a defeated sigh from the man.
Wally took off his apron, hanging it up. “You’re right…” he mused, dusting himself off. “I’m going to take a break…”
“Take all the time you need dear,” Poppy replied, taking over the kitchen.
He carefully made his way over.
You were comfortably seated in the corner, reading through your writings as you sipped your drink. Setting the cup down, you looked over to the man making his way to you. You gave him a smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Mind if I join you for a bit?” he asked, a bit hesitant.
“I don’t mind at all.” You spoke sweetly, gesturing for him to sit.
Wally pulled out the chair across from you, settling down as well. Eyes panning down to your journal, he pointed a finger in its direction. “May I?”
“Oh! Of course.” You chuckled, moving the journal toward him. He began turning through the pages in awe of the detailed notes, scribbles, and even sketches of the baked goods he shared with you.
“Wow, this is incredible.” He breathed, “You even captured some of the techniques I use when I bake…”
“Yeah, I really wanted to make sure I got it right, ya know?” You confessed before clicking your tongue, “…But… whenever I try to bake something myself, it doesn’t seem to turn out right…” You mulled over the words, leaning forward to rest your arms on the table as you watched him read.
After a moment, he looked up at you in understanding before setting the journal back on the table. “Well, if you are interested, I’d be more than happy to teach you one-on-one here in the bakery, so you aren’t just watching from outside.”
“Really?” You squeaked, a bit more loudly than intended, earning a few looks your way. You gave him a sheepish grin, nodding. “Thank you… I would absolutely love that, but…”
“But?” He looked at you quizzically.
“I don’t have much money to really afford private lessons or anything…” You said sadly, reaching over to take the journal back. “I’ve usually just come by to watch you work, which is why I took notes. I tried doing the same with a few other bakeries, but they brushed me off. You were the only one that didn’t really seem to mind…” Sighing, you closed the journal and tucked it away, “I just didn’t want to bother you with it, so I’m just fine watching from the window…”
Wally pondered this for a moment, humming thoughtfully before nodding at you. “Then how about this? I’ll teach you ways you can improve your skills, and in return, you help me organize my recipes. That sound fair?”
“More than fair… That’s just way too generous.” You counter, hands coming up in defense.
“I suppose, but I do need some help with organizing my own notes. And it’d be a great help if you could assist with that, especially with all the ideas and experiments I have in mind... Sometimes I lose track.” He chuckled, gently scratching his cheek. This offer was more of an excuse to get to know you better anyhow. “So, what do you say?”
“Y-Yes…. I say yes, absolutely. Thank you so much, Mr.—"
“Darling”, he interjects, extending a hand for you to take. “My name’s Wally Darling. But please, call me Wally.”
You slowly take his hand in your own, heat emitting from your cheeks as you gave him your name in return. “It’s a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance… Wally.”
For the rest of his break, the two of you talked, laughed, and talked some more until his attention was pulled away back to work.
You said your farewells, but before leaving, Wally gifted you a small box of pastries filled with new flavors he was working on; contemplating whether they would be good to sell or not. He asked you to try them and write in detail what you thought about each one. You were happy to do so, saying goodbye once more as you left the bakery.
You were both looking forward to next Tuesday.
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daily-twice-content · 2 months
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MINA Harper's BAZAAR June 2024 issue
© Minami Myo Weibo
translation by MarisaTheCube
"Mina of TWICE poses against the shutters on a balcony offering a wide view of Paris, with a line of Hausmann-style buildings.
“I’ve wanted to try doing a fashion shoot for a magazine overseas. And the setting is Paris, which I love! The city’s buildings and the townscape are so beautiful, so it would make for a wonderful shoot, so I’ve been really looking forward to it.” When looking at a photo of herself dissolving into the Parisian scenery, a happy expression comes over her face. As the shoot continues, Mina changes into countless outfits and quickly captures their design, moving actively or standing still with a mature mood. Her movements are widely varied, just like a top model.
“Paris is known for its classic cityscape, but the people living there are also wonderful. There’s a calm atmosphere, and I admire the way people spend time at cafes, use chic fashion in their own ways, and dress up at night to enjoy the nightlife. When I first visited Paris, I was looking forward to sightseeing. I was able to go see the outside of the Louvre, but there wasn’t time to go inside, so I was looking forward to going there the next time. If I had an opportunity to stay longer, there are so many other plans I would want to do, like getting up in the morning and going to a café, going to the market if the weather was nice – spending time here as though I lived here,” she says with a sparkle in her eye.
In order to embody Mina’s dream plan, the shoot this time is themed as if Mina was studying abroad in Paris for a short time during the summer season. She wears Fendi’s summer collection in a bourgeois-chic apartment to express the feeling of spending time freely in the summer.
“The Fendi summer collection that I wore for the shoot this time has a fresh style of Western clothing and swimwear. When you think of swimwear, you often get the image that it’s only worn at places like the beach or the pool. But if you wear a jacket and skirt or denim pants over it, you can wear it around town, and it’s very new and cool. My personal favorite is the combination of a short jacket and striped skirt with swimwear.”
Mina travels around the world as a member of TWICE. In 2023, the group embarked on their fifth world tour, becoming the first girl group to perform at stadiums in Japan, and set records for days in a row, including setting the record for the first girl group to hold a sold-out performance at LA’s SoFi Stadium. The group’s tour is ongoing, and they are currently scheduled to hold a performance at Nissan Stadium, where they will be the first overseas female artists to perform. Mina is enthusiastic, saying, “It will be a challenge for us.”
Furthermore, last year, she began unit activities with MISAMO. “The three of us - Sana-chan, Momo-chan, and I – have been working as hard as we can to support each other. This year, we hope to go on tour for the album we released as MISAMO.”
Mina shows off her beautiful new faces one after another, both as a member of the world-famous girl group that captivates audiences with their amazing live performances, and as a model participating in fashion shoots as a brand muse. In January of this year, she attended Fendi’s couture collection as a guest, and made her show debut. She expressed that she was nervous about going to the show alone, but said, “Personally, I love Fendi, so I was even more excited for that. I bought my first knitwear a few years ago, and thought it was really cool and comfortable. After that, I bought a bag, and now I use it regularly. Personally, I like the “Peekaboo” collection. Fendi generally has very feminine collections, but they also debut some very imaginative items, so I’m always looking forward to surprises.”
As mentioned, this was Mina’s first time coming to Paris alone for a fashion shoot since her debut. She gave the impression of a female image that was simultaneously cute, intellectual, and elegant. What kind of expression will she show in her next fashion shoot? We can’t take our eyes off Mina as she continues to put forth effort and gain experience to update her form.
Mina is a member of the nine-member girl group TWICE, who are scheduled to perform at Nissan Stadium this year. Also, last year, she formed MISAMO with fellow Japanese members Sana and Momo and began unit activities."
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smallestapplin · 2 years
I got into SwSh late and I see you write for that game 👀 maybe something with Leon, Raihan and Milo? 👉👈 I'm a sucker for coffee shop au ☕? Or meeting at like a café or library? Meet cute moments speak to my soul ❤
Fist fighting my brain worms for this.
“Leon, my sweet, please, I’m trying to work.”
Once a week like clockwork your sweet boyfriend of two years would come visit you. You work at a local library, for the most part it’s peaceful and you have only a handful of people in here at a time.
So the champion doesn’t have to worry about being stopped half the time, he can just focus on flustering you.
Leon leans in, grin plastered on his handsome face before he smothers you in another round of kisses.
You giggle at the tickling sensation.
“Babe! Come on, I have to work!”
He whines, using his lovely golden eyes to plead with you.
“Please? Just a little more? I missed you this morning.”
He nuzzled against your neck, earning him another round of giggles as his stubble tickles against your skin.
There isn’t anyone here yet, so he can smooch you to his hearts content!
Your darling boyfriend always likes surprising you at work.
He knows how people can be at your job, so he likes popping in to cheer you up! The issue is that he is Raihan, and he’s a well loved gym leader.
So your entire coffee shop goes quiet with gasps only being heard as the tall gym leader walks in.
“There’s my love!” He peeks up at the sight of you.
He rushes up to the counter, completely moving passed stunned customers.
“Hello to you too Rai, but I thought you had a challenger coming in sometime today?”
The lanky man leans down, pressing a kiss to you nose.
“I mean yeah, sometime today, but that’s not now! I missed ya!”
“I can wait!“
You stare at him and that happy fanged smile he gives you.
“That means you have to move, sweetie.”
“I know.” Yet he still stands there.
You sigh “you want a kiss first, don’t you?”
“I meeeeaan since you’re offering, yes please.”
You chuckle at your dorky boyfriend.
“Come here then you dork.”
Raihan let’s out a quiet happy squeak before placing a sweet kiss against your lips.
“Okay you’ve had your kiss, now please wait I have to work.”
He goes over to the first chair available by the counter as you work, you can feel his eyes on you as you take orders.
You take the order of an elderly couple and the sweet lady couldn’t help but talk.
“That’s the same look you gave me when I agree to go out with you, oh how sweet.”
Her husband playfully huffs “I still give you that look, you just refuse to wear your contacts.”
You look over to see what they are talking about, only to see Raihan resting his chin on the palms of his hands, with a look so sweet and tender.
Oh you’re absolutely smooching him after your shift.
Your little café is exactly how you met your fiancé.
He shows up at the same time every other day so you get his usual ready. Moments later the bell chimes and there stands the sweet grass gym leader.
“Welcome back, beloved!” You lean over the counter a little “and welcome to you too Flapple.”
The apple like Pokémon screeches happily and hops on the counter, contently nuzzling against you.
“Aw I’m happy to see you too! I already got your order ready.”
Milo smiles warmly at you.
“Thank you starshine!” He always comes in during your break, just to spend more time with you.
He pays for his items while you join him and Flapple.
The sweet dragon grass Pokémon had been your gift to him when you two started dating, you’re happy to see him with a spot on your lover’s team.
Milo hands Flapple a small pokéuccino, which he happily consumes.
While Milo sets his hat in the table, sighing in relief at the cool air before slurping down his iced coffee.
“You always make the best drinks.”
He must’ve had a long day.
“It’s my job lovely.”
“I swear you put so much love into it.”
“Yeah, cause it’s for you, and I love you.”
You laugh at his he sputters and chokes on his drink.
“I swear we have been together so long and you still don’t see it coming!”
His face only goes bright red as he tries to hide his face in his hands.
You just love teasing him.
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reverie-starlight · 1 year
Bestie, my love, light of my life (for reals :( ) I’m in my thoughts™️ thinking about atsumu being like. Super, always prepared with a plan b whenever your plans get changed bc he never wants to disappoint you and I’m soft smh 🥺🧡 going above and beyond to make you happy; pls feel free to feed me because the brainrot is so real????
gn!reader, pure fluff <3, but mentions of anxiety and feelings of helplessness but like very minor. no angst.
UMMM OKAY YES. as someone who absolutely hates and does not respond well to change, i would be sososososo appreciative of this??? i really drew from personal experiences here- 
like?? he would so totally have a plan b because he knows you don’t like it when the things you planned together don’t go the way you wanted, he knows it makes you anxious when things you thought you had control over get seemingly ripped away from you by the universe. 
but he knows you never end up making plan b’s on your own because once you get excited about something, you let yourself think there’s no way it could end up not happening. and you know you shouldn’t set yourself up for disappointment, but it’s so easy to forget about a plan b when you’ve figured out everything to perfection.
which means he makes sure you both have a back up plan so you still feel like there’s a sense of security when it doesn’t go to plan. 
(a smol sidenote abt the lengths atsumu would go for you: if he could, he would totally take on the fates in a fist fight if it meant keeping a smile on your face forever.)
he doesn’t always need to come up with a backup plan but he has one anyway!!
the night before he has to use his plan b for the first time, you're sitting in bed and excitedly rambling on about everything you're going to do the next day ( for the third time that week since you planned it) as he gets ready for bed.
he has a smile on his face that you don't see because you're staring up at the ceiling instead. "okay so we're going to wake up early and head to the café for breakfast, then the zoo, because it shouldn't be busy on a week day... and after that I thought we could head over to that new photo op place with the cool backgrounds and take some cute pictures. it's been a while since we've done our own mini photoshoot. does that sound okay, 'tsum?"
"it sounds perfect, baby, thank you again for planning it all out."
you give him a shy smile and shake your head a bit. "it's nothing, I'm just glad you're going to enjoy it too. it's not often we both have a day off together, so I wanted it to be perfect."
except the next morning you head out only to find that the café you wanted to try out was closed. you frowned, but atsumu just took your hand and lead you back to the car. "it's okay! I know another place we can go, it's not too far out of the way. you'll like it, I promise."
you debated for a second, not sure if you should just wait for it to open or go along with your boyfriend's idea. but ultimately he convinced you that it was much better than throwing your schedule off by a couple of hours.
he heard you sigh as you got into the car and shook off the minor setback. it was one thing, surely the rest of the day will go as planned, you reasoned with yourself and turned up the music a bit, wanting to sing along with atsumu as he drove.
thankfully you ended up adoring the place your boyfriend suggested, and you were in much better spirits the next time you got in the car.
you weren't aware, but he was happy that the first part of his backup plan came in handy.
the next item on your list was the zoo. you were ready to walk off your meals and look at some cool animals, now, but the second you arrived in the parking lot, it started to rain.
and not just a light drizzle, either, it was pouring.
"what?!" you yelled, "I checked the weather three times yesterday and once before we left, it wasn't supposed to rain! I mean, I brought umbrellas just in case, anyway, but we can't walk in this!"
you looked so distraught that atsumu reached over to rub your arm. "baby, it's alright! here- we can sit in the car for ten minutes and if it doesn't let up anytime soon, I have an idea for what we can do instead."
a whine escaped your mouth. "but 'tsum, our plans-"
"it'll all be okay, y/n/n, I promise. do ya trust me?"
you nodded and gripped his hand. he brought them up to his mouth and kissed the back of yours a few times. "I know you wanted everything to be perfect, but don't let a couple changes in our plans ruin your mood, alright, sweetheart? anything I do with you is perfect for me."
"you are disgustingly sweet, I love you so much," you laughed at him as he let out a shocked sound.
ten minutes later, the rain still hadn't let up and he drove you over to the aquarium a few blocks away. truthfully, when he found out you'd both have a day off together he had planned out his own day for the two of you just in case something like this happened. he'd never tell you unless you explicitly asked, but it was something he always did for you.
and thankfully, his plans weren't so different than your own. café, then animal themed attraction. then a mini photoshoot (because he knew you were getting antsy with all the "fan" accounts of his bringing up how you guys never post each other anymore so it must either be a PR thing or a breakup). then home for dinner and hopefully lots of cuddles after.
he pulled into the parking lot and he noticed your eyes light up a bit. "the aquarium? atsumu, you genius!"
he grinned and sat a bit straighter in the driver's seat. you were never shy about complimenting him or feeding into his ego.
after parking the car and reaching for the umbrellas, he glanced at you. "get ready to run, there were no spots open close to the entrance."
you nodded and got out of the car, undoing your umbrella and making a mad dash for the building. the both of you were laughing the whole time, earning some stares from bystanders.
once you were inside, you purchased your tickets and made your way through. atsumu would never admit this either, because he hated to see you disappointed, but he was glad the zoo didn't work out. now he got to see your eyes shine brighter, both with excitement and the reflection of the water from the tanks as you stared at the sharks in awe.
it was safe to say he definitely admired you more than the sea life.
you left the aquarium a few hours later happy and holding a stuffed dolphin that he insisted on buying you from the gift shop. you glanced up at the sky before stepping out from underneath the entrance. "it stopped raining, finally."
he took your hand and made way to the car. "photo op place next?"
you nodded and got in the driver's seat. "my turn to drive, you don't know how to get there."
"GPS exists, baby."
you gave him a deadpan look. "last time we used GPS we were half an hour late to your brother's dinner reservations because you insisted you knew a faster route."
"in my defense I didn't think there would be so much construction."
"mhm, just let me drive."
twenty minutes later, you were trying not to pop a blood vessel while you spoke to the lady at the reception desk. "but there's nothing on your website about needing to make a reservation! it literally says that walk-ins are an option!"
"I'm very sorry, but there's a limit to how many people can enter the rooms at a time and we're at max capacity right now. the next available time we can get you in is next week, if that's alright."
you wanted to cry. atsumu could see you struggling to stay calm and quickly sent the lady a charming smile. "no, that's alright, but thank you anyway! have a nice day."
when you got back to the car, you finally gave in to the stress that had been building up all day. you were thankful that atsumu always had a solution to your issues that worked out, but you felt so out of control now that literally everything you planned for the day had gone wrong.
tears welled up in your eyes and atsumu rubbed your back. "it's okay, baby, let it out."
"I just wanted our day together to go smoothly, and I know you said earlier you were happy with anything but I had it all planned, 'tsum. and it ended up being a really nice day, I'm happy about that, but I feel so useless! I hate it when things don't go to plan."
"I know, sweetheart, I'm sorry what ya had planned didn't end up happening, it's frustrating. I hate seein' ya disappointed, but think about it- we stayed on theme with what ya originally had planned. it didn't differ too much."
you shrugged and nodded a bit. "I guess..."
he wiped away a tear and kissed your cheek. "can I take over one last time? we can still do our photoshoot. I know a real pretty place, much better than whatever this place had to offer for sure. and then dinner and what we watch tonight is all your pick."
you glanced at him and nodded, attempting a small smile. "sure, 'tsum... thank you. this might have been a lot worse if you hadn't been here. I appreciate you, you know how to make me feel more secure in moments like this. I love you."
he winked and smiled back at you. "anything for the love of my life."
fine, maybe things hadn't totally gone to plan, but you were learning to let go of that. you trusted atsumu, so you just had to trust that everything would be okay so long as he was involved. he always made sure of it.
(and in the end you got some really amazing pictures that definitely silenced those accounts saying you broke up. obviously no one would assume that after atsumu posted a... just slightly too-hot-for-instagram photo of the two of you posing with his hands all over you in front of some roses...and then one more from the very end of the night when you were cuddled up in bed.)
I... kinda don't love how this turned out I won't lie. I don't hate it, but I'm scared I didn't do it justice, I'm so sorry emmy!! but regardless, I hope you enjoyed, this prompt was SO CUTE!!! and thank you for sending it innnn <333
have a nice day everyone :)
pls consider reblogging, it helps me out <3
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