#and my gym friends ☹️
fizzytoo · 1 year
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just two friends in the gym they might kiss
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mother-harrington · 1 year
I find it hard to believe that some people actually enjoy life and feel like they have a purpose?
because I definitely don’t
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carcinized · 2 years
Bro what the fuck did i do to my hamstring 💀 why is it Like That
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pumpkinespresso · 2 years
Omg… ;; I haven’t had a cheat day in weeks and this morning after we woke up, my bf said he’s going to take me to ihop later!!!!
You guys have no idea how much I love pancakes!!! 🥞
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kennyluvr · 1 year
#☕: main 4 — having a crush on you
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synopsis/concept: when each of the main 4 has a crush on you
warnings: none
author's note: i need wendy reqs or reqs for the girls please im desperate for a drop of inspiration 😔 also are my posts too long idk they all feel like whole ass novels
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kyle brovsloski
at first, kyle himself wasn't truly aware of the fact that he had a crush on you. he only realized when he found himself getting kind of disappointed whenever you talked to some of the other guys, and plotting ways to get into whatever activities or clubs you were in
but soon almost everyone knew of how head over heels he was 😭
he'd almost follow you around like a lost puppy, going along with everything you say, doing whatever you'd say or ask, and even participating in your weird or sometimes semi-hazardous ideas.
he didn't even mind when you would get sucked into the black hole that is walmart and spend hours there. the longer you wanted to shop, the longer he could stay with you
sometimes you would drag him by the hand through the aisles looking for something, and he'd pretend like he was bored, or he was unentertained. truthfully, he loved that you were even touching him, and the mildest physical affection from you makes him go feral
usually, you initiate any physical contact, but when kyle does he touches you like you're fragile. i feel like kyle's the type to playfully hit people, but he just taps you instead, whereas he'd accidentally knockout cartman or something 😭
he'd just think all day about how much you smiled or how happy you seemed sometimes,
he just enjoys to be close to you and being included in like everything you did. it's lowk obsessive, but in an endearing way i swear
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stan marsh
stan made it so obvious that he liked you 😭
literally everybody teased you both for it, but everybody was also lowk rooting for you two to start dating
because he would constantly be staring at you in every class and find every little excuse to talk to you or have an interaction with you. group project? he would come to you. he needs help with something? he'll come to you. you guys just worked so well together, he felt like it made sm sense
sometimes though, he'd get incredibly nauseous around you. he'd keep going to the bathroom every few minutes and you wouldn't know why. it was kind of weird, but you tried not to think too much of it.
he would always act incredibly awkward around you, and he'd get really flustered and anxious when talking to you or being around you, but you found it so cute <33 he wouldn't know what to say or how to act around you, afraid to say the wrong thing and scare you away.
he would be really sweet to you too. stan is generally really kind and polite to most other people, so you didn't think much of it at first, but you noticed something weird when it started to seem like he was trying to impress you.
he'd learn the songs you liked on his guitar and bring you to his house to play them for you. it's so endearing to him how you get so excited and shocked every single time he does it ☹️
he'd bring you little gifts and things that you like whenever he has the chance. if he happens to find a soda or a snack that you like when he's running to the bodega, he'll bring it for you the next day when he sees you.
AND stan is definitely the type to send you gym gain updates and tell you how much he benched you each day. he heard you talking about how you liked athletic and muscular guys with abs, so he makes sure to remind you almost daily about his sports abilities and stuff 💀
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eric cartman
just like stan, he'd try to impress you a lot, but being less obvious. he'd want to make himself appear more masculine and "tough." like, he'd be a lot more aggressive to his friends when you're near, and he would talk a lot louder. it would make him really willing to get into fights around you so that you could see how big and strong he is, too
cartman also would get REALLY jealous if other boys have your attention, and he'd do anything to grab your attention and draw it away from them. he'd pretend he needed your help with something, or act like someone was calling you for something
cartman's the type to be a little meaner to you if he likes you to convince himself you that he doesn't for some reason?? he'd try to play them off as jokes, though
he'd act like he hates you, but it's kind of clear he doesn't. when he's chewing the rest of his friends out, he often exempts you from some of his insults
"you guys are so STUPID, did you really think that was going to work? except for y/n obviously, but the rest of you are idiots."
you had a small feeling he liked you, but it was kind of unclear.
you and cartman were also really closer friends somehow, so you just considered that his bias to you might not be romantic
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kenny mccormick
kenny was sort of weirded-out when he realized he had a massive crush on you. he found himself fantasizing about every curve and dip in your body, and constantly thought about you.
and although you had a suspicion he liked you, you couldn't be entirely sure. kenny had the tendency to flirt with almost every girl he encountered (he's a little bit of a hoe) and he wanted himself to come off to you as confident to you
and he'd keep "jokingly" asking you to kiss or make out, hoping that eventually you'd agree and it would actually happen
but it was just the way that he got so flustered when you play along and flirt back with him even more intensely that gave him away. he'd start stuttering and blushing, trying to think of something to outdo you again
still, he'd restrict himself a little and think over his words thoroughly before he makes an effort to flirt with you, because he'd be scared he's going to scare you away or make you think he's weird.
he probably googles "how to be charismatic" or "how to make a girl like you back" just to make sure he gets it right 😭
he's literally smitten by you btw. everything you do is so attractive to him, and he talks about you to his friends almost 24/7, telling them about every single movement you made
he felt more at ease around you than most of his other friends too, so he felt safe bringing you over to his house. he knew you wouldn't make fun of him or nag him for it, unlike cartman or other people.
and when you met karen, you got along with her so well. kenny would rant about you to her and tell her all about you, and you were surprised that she knew you so well. and he loves how you always try to talk to her and be friendly to her. she's really shy, so you're one of the few people she finds herself comfortable around.
he loved when you started bringing him food or basic stuff for him and some of his family, at that point he was planning your wedding and looking for rings. he likes you because you're so considerate and kind to him, he just can't help it
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enkvyu · 10 months
HIII I HEARD UR TAKING REQUESTS!!! (I think if not jus ignore this) bf headcanons with geto plzzzz :( hes just a silly lil guy (I LOVE HIM SO MUCH OH MY GOD) anwzzz have a gud day :33
getou as your bf headcannons
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thanks for the request anon, i hope you have a good day too !! btw ure so real he is just a lil guy ☹️ he isn’t defined by his actions (what murder?) he’s just a babygirl ! i wrote this for teen getou but then i thought might as well do a few thoughts on adult getou. i hope this is okay!
teen getou
you confessed first and getou laughed it off, thinking you just wanted to copy his homework. but when he saw you slowly turn red, he realised that this was the real deal. super awkward confession and you tease him about it all the time, professing your love to him every time you need something from him just so he can recall the embarrassment he caused on that day
in the beginning of your relationship, he really wanted you to wear his clothes and have it be a causal thing. but because he's nervous, and because shoko and gojo are bad influences, he decides the only way for you to comfortably ask for his shirts and jumpers was to wear yours first. gojo assures him you'll find it funny and realise that boundaries such as "yours" and "mine" will be blurred this point forward. taking his friends' advice, getou shimmies into your jujutsu uniform and knocks on your dorm door, posing to make you laugh. it's only when he sees the disbelief on your face that he regains his senses
the type to be looking at you no matter what he’s doing. you’re telling him about your day and he’s drinking water? he’s looking at you over the rim of the glass. you get called in class to answer a question you weren't paying attention to? getou is already looking at you, mouthing the (incorrect) answer. you’re comparing hand sizes? look up and you’ll find him looking at you instead of your interlocked fingers. it’s natural that he’s the first to notice when things are wrong, and the first to tease you
the type to smile when he gets angry and make a face that says "what (kind of nonsense) are you talking about?" he deflects a lot in arguments and never yells, but his low voice is honestly scarier
no sense of personal space whatsoever (blame gojo) so if you want to make a move on him, you have to be very direct. it's a double-edged sword because he'll be teaching you boxing and cover your hand with his to reposition your posture, and only you will think something of it. but at the same time, you can simply wrap your arms around his neck, lean in, and he'll break out in a cold sweat and a blush. he's simple in that way
a girl's kind of guy. he'll hand you a cushion or a plushie if you sit down wearing a skirt or a dress and if there isn't any, he'll wordlessly take off his jacket and hand it to you. always has a spare hairband around his wrist but he doesn't tell you that he also uses it to close off open chip bags when he can't finish them in one sitting. sometimes you do wonder why it smells like salt and vinegar
will take something of yours just so you can ask him for help. if it's raining, he'll take your umbrella so the two of you can walk home under his. of course, he'll be the one walking on the outer edge of the path
getou's a gym rat. wakes up chugs a protein shake (doesn't use a blender, shaking it super hard is enough). usually focuses on arms and abdomen and loves to show off whether it's through boxing or doing push ups with you on his back. objectively, he's really fit but there's something about him walking around his dorm shirtless just to catch a glimpse of himself being Buff that's annoying
thinks he can charm his way out of any situation (he can). he was praised a lot as a kid for being pretty and kind which led him to slipping out of situations he didn't want to be in just by smiling. he thinks the same thing can work on you (usually it does)
late night missions means sleep deprivation for class the next morning, and you carry the bulk of it after three consecutive missions. the next morning, even yaga winces at the heavy bags under your eyes. of course, it’s your boyfriend who’s by your side first. he does most of the talking that day and doesn't say anything when you doze off mid-sentence. he even angles his body so your head can comfortably rest on his shoulder and doesn’t say (much) anything when he sees you drooling. you notice that throughout the day, his hand is always hovering your back
extra — adult getou:
has the habit of talking to you like you're a stray kitten sometimes. there's a benevolent smile on his face and his words are soft, coaxing you out gently as if you were buzzing to flee. it's something he developed after raising nanako and mimiko, but it works just as well on you, too
he still does the same "what the fuck?" smile when he gets angry, but there's a sinister edge to it now, like he's waiting to see how far you can push it before he does something about it
an absolutely terrible chef. perhaps it's because his tastebuds has been destroyed by his technique and cigarettes, but everything he makes is either too salty, too bland, too spicy or everything in between. his culinary skills are fine, and his presentation is frankly award winning but take one bite and you're rushed to the hospital. usually, the two of you just go out for dinner or order uber eats
likes the sensation of someone playing with his hair. whether it's getting you to dry his hair after he gets out of the shower, or allowing himself to be a mannequin to your sudden desire at being a hair stylist, he's satisfied
still likes walking around shirtless or in a shirt that is half open (just take it off at that point) but at least this time, you also get a view. his confidence in his body has skyrocketed, and now it's one of the main thing he uses to get a reaction out of you. if you call him out for it, he'll just :3 "what do you mean?"
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just steve harrington being so selfless and not taking time for himself melting into a puddle if the reader or you or y/n (idk which one to put 💀) just asked him if he was okay a lot (I do that 24/7, this is purely self indulgent) and the many times he said yeah and the one time he said no :(
i was originally gonna do a full fic style blurb on this but words have been very hard for me lately so i'm just gonna do a text post about this! hope you don't mind 🫶🏻
warnings: reader is sorta implied to be fem!reader, allusions to steve being treated not so well by his parents as a kid, part of this does mention some upside down violence, tiny mention of food, no use of Y/N, lmk if i missed anything!
send me steve thoughts | ask box
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I imagine the first time it happens is probably in gym class when you're younger.
You accidentally hit him right in his pretty lil face with a dodgeball ☹️
And Steve being Steve insists he's okay because "I get hit all the time in basketball and football. I've broken bones and nearly busted my teeth out. A lil dodgeball never hurt anyone."
But you can tell he's hurt.
Whether it's him that's hurt or his bruised ego, you can't really tell.
But some part of him was clearly hurt.
more under the cut!
The second time it happens is when you get paired together for a study group during senior year.
Steve struggles with a lot of subjects, but math is probably his worst.
And it's not like he doesn't want to get better, his parents just never sat down at the table and helped him with anything growing up, and when his nannies told his dad about his report cards, it didn't end very well ☹️
But math is the one he's always had the hardest time with.
So when the two of you get paired to study for the calculus final, you can almost immediately tell he's struggling to understand the questions on the example sheet.
At one point, he just kinda places his head in his hands and groans into his palms.
And you're just kinda like, "Hey, you okay?"
And again, Steve is never one to admit defeat.
"I'll be fine. Can you just help me with question four?"
Surprisingly though, after just a few nights of studying together, you become sort of reluctant allies.
He surprisingly excelled in human biology, which you did not. So, the two of you helped each other where you could.
And then it happened a third time, during the summer after you'd graduated.
Steve had had a rather unsuccessful time trying to flirt with the ladies that often came into Scoops Ahoy.
This day had been no different.
He'd really tried his hardest to get the beautiful ginger in front of you to go with him to the movies on Friday.
But she and her friends just moved along, double-scoop ice cream cones in hand, back to their shopping.
"You good?" you asked, nearly on the verge of laughing, as you stepped up to the counter.
"Oh, yeah, sure," he answered sarcastically. "Just a little bruise to my ego. That was definitely the first time any lady has turned down this beautiful face."
Part of you, though, was hurting. Hurting that, even though you were right in front of him, he'd never bothered to look at you that way.
The fourth time it happened, you really started to question everything you thought you knew about Steve.
Somehow, despite being back in town for a total of two days, you'd gotten roped into something to do with some evil dude named Vecna.
And for once, after everything you'd learned since arriving back in Hawkins for spring break, Steve was the one asking if you were okay.
Also for once, one of you was answering the question truthfully.
However, in the week that followed after, even in the midst of alternate dimensions and weird mutations of bats, you'd learned that Steve might have been causing his previous lady problems on purpose.
And when you saw the painful expression he sported as Nancy Wheeler was reunited with her boyfriend, your own heart shattered all over again.
Still, if there was one thing you were, it was a good friend to Steve.
So, you pulled him aside and asked those three little words.
Steve simply ran a hand through his disheveled hair with a slow nod.
But you could tell he was nearly at the point of breaking.
And the time when he finally answered truthfully, he really did break.
You'd drove with him to the hospital to check up on Max Mayfield, who somehow he'd became friends with despite the age difference.
The room was dead silent, other than the annoying buzzing coming from the lights.
You finally gave him a good once-over as he sat at Max's bedside—his messy hair, his pale face with newly acquired purple spots under his eyes, a small cut under his lip.
And for the first time since you'd known Steve, you watched as tears formed in his eyes.
You were quick to rush over to the other side of the bed, your hand splaying across his back and rubbing soft, small circles against his frame.
"Steve, I know this is a silly question to ask, because we both know the real answer, but seriously, are you okay?"
He knew he couldn't hide. Not any longer. So, he simply let the walls come down, croaking out a small, "No," through his flood of tears.
After crying into your shoulder and allowing himself to finally let go of everything he'd been holding in for all those years, he just simply held you.
Finally, after explaining everything—from the reason why he never told you about the Upside Down, to why he'd used Nancy and all those girls as a distraction from the person he really wanted—he just grabbed your face and kissed you. A sweet and tender kiss, not a desperate or lustful kiss, but a longing one—one he'd waited much too long to give you.
And somehow, even in the midst of all the bad stuff, even in the midst of Steve finally breaking, the two of you could finally find a way to maybe, just maybe, be okay for once. ❤️‍🩹
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @ducky-died-inside @awkotaco24 @liberhoe @princesseddie @aftermidnightwriting @manuosorioh @esoltis280
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luvchrltts · 6 months
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dating mondo owada headcanons !! (sfw + nsfw)
ship : mondo x reader 🫡
— warnings : breeding kink, dimensions and measurements of his dick 😭😭, cccccunnilingus, dominant mondo (most of the time ….), erm js sex in general FOR THE NSFW AREA . no warnings in the sfw :3
reader : female anatomy in nsfw areaaaa
love language is spending time with u <3 he stands on BUSINESS when it comes to being with u no matter what it is
takes u to the gym and shows him his routine (REOWWW 😻😻)
lazy af when inside tho 🤷🏼‍♀️
he lets u borrow his jacket that’s like 5x bigger than u — forgot to say that he is most likely towering over u
not shy or anything but he genuienly forgets to show affection . he thinks of u as a best friend
reallllyyyyy comfortable with u but u’ll never ever catch him lacking
u love to play with his long hair after hes just showered and hasnt styled it yet
more loyal than anyone ever could be . he thinks having ONE partner is enough LET ALONE TWO . and also he just wouldnt choose to be a cheater he doesnt see the point and believes its tooo much effort
mondo doesnt tease a lot he’s just kind of sly
he finds it downright hilarious when u say something that sounds dirty and he gets to make a joke about it 😭😭. hes got smth wrong with him
would do anything to prevent u from breaking up with him. he’s already lost his brother let alone the lohl ☹️ give him a BREAKKKK
nsfw under the cut 🙈
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he’s so loud omfg
wants u to sit on his face .
no joke he literally gets off even to the thought of eating u out …..
goes pussydrunk
he loves ass im sorry
as long as you have SOMETHING for him to grab onto no matter the size he’s satisfied
………….. thick dick
alr just hear me out on this
shaft #AD8484 tip #97575F — 8 inches long and 5 inches thick ………. it doesnt feel right writing this x
if he feels like shaving he will if he doesnt he wont ✌️ he doesnt care what u do with ur pubes as long as u dont care abt what he does with his
he wants to be gentle he really does but he cant bring himself to be sometimes
not necessarily kinky but he’ll do whatever the fuck u want 😇😇 as long as ur happy pookie !!!!
as i said at the start he’s very vocal.. literally pants like a dog 🙇🏼‍♀️
his voice breaks when he orrrrgasssmmmmssss
his stupid hair bounces up and down when he thrusts inside u 😭😭😭😭 i find myself VERY funny 🫡
hear me out . he wraps his arms around ur thighs to hold u still as ur laying down and eats u out 🙏
u cuuuummmmm on his weird ass hair sometimes and he gets pissed ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS A GOOD HAIR DAY
maybe just MAYBE would he let u take control . but only if its a birthday treat or smth as i said u’ll never catch him lacking like that
toys are useless in his opinion … why a fake cock when hes got a real one waiting for u with open arms 🤗
'attagirl’ 'take it like a champ’ 'doing so well f’me..’ ……. I MIGHT TEML A JOKE BUT I NEVER TELL A LIE
bbbbbreeeeedinnnngggg kink maybe …… as long as ur alr w it
would laugh recklessly if u ever mentioned piss or shit or anything like that (as he should. as he fucking should)
erm thats it i hope it was alr for my first thingy evaaa lolz 🫡
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moonjxsung · 8 months
Like changbin just gives me the BIGGEST boy best friend vibes..
Sfw side he would go shopping with you, video games with you...yall literally do everything together, late night walks, your shoulder to cry on at wtf o'clock, you'd pull pranks on each other ALL the fucking time, he'd 10/10 always sleep over at your place bc it got too late and he'd take the couch to give you space. But then one night he finds himself in your bed bc "It's comfier" and he just refuses to leave and so do you (it's your before anyway) so now you just have this arrangement of going to sleep in your bed together and no one bats an eye....until the feelings develop
but nsfw binnie would either slowly start getting more touchy and grabbed with you, lingering hands and lingering looks, if yall went clubbing he'd be pulling you closer and chasing other guys away by "mistake"....guess too many guys didn't like him around and thought he was your boyfriend...not his fault though....
1. You get into an argument with him for always cockblocking you and he quips back with "because it should be me fucking you instead"
Or 2. The cliche movie night with your best boy and yall get extra cuddly until he's pulling you into his lap and grabbing your ass and tips while grinding up into you, please touch him he's been waiting so long AAH OKAY CLEARLY THIS IS MY FAVOURITE THOUGHT 🤣 like idk how buff this man is he's the biggest babie but uses his strength against you so much and is so cocky about how dumb you (me) go for him 🤣
Despite being the ultimate lee know stan binnie is my biggest wrecker and I brain rot over him so much
Pic for....brain food? 🤣
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OHHHH MY GOSH BESTIE…… I hope you know I LITERALLY just queued this in my requests for a oneshot bc ??? HELLO???? The part about the bed PLEASEEEEE it would start so platonic too!! Like he would be so cute in his little pajamas whining about how “your apartment’s too cold☹️” so he’d make a literal NEST with your pillows and blankets and the two of you would be giggling so hard and it would just become an everyday thing somehow 🥺 and then at some point he showers at your place after the gym and comes out shirtless and you’re like??? 🫣 And he’s SO into teasing you about his muscles “go on, you can touch them if you want…” and even though you guys are still friends at this point- the sexual!! Tension!!!! At some point you start getting jealous of him bringing up random girls when he’s talking and he gets even more teasing about it “aww are you jealous or something? If you wanted me all along you could’ve just said that” but you’re so stubborn and headstrong that’s it’s always “NO I just don’t like her, duh”. And then it snowballs until he’s the one getting jealous… someone getting a little too close to you at the club, someone asking for your number when the two of you are out together. And at some point, you deny him the chance to stay the night because you’re completely set on bringing home someone from the club “Changbin, you can’t really stay the night tonight…” and with a gesture to the sleazy guy you’re all over he gets LIVID at the thought of someone else fucking you in your bed, in the spot he usually occupies. So he makes a scene, in true Changbin fashion, and he’s loud and rude and you’re angry that he’s cockblocking you like this when he’s always bringing up random girls and talking about all of his sexual endeavors?? Cue to crying in a taxi on the way home and yelling at him in your apartment. Where he completely shuts you up with a kiss and fucks the shit out of you in your bed, beside your little collection of plushies and pillows he’s so kindly gathered for you. Railing you into the mattress until you’re a drooly whimpering mess “is this what you want? Why didn’t you say something earlier? God you take me so well, baby, it’s always meant to be us. Now be a good girl and give me another one.”
Anyways. All this is to say I agree and Changbin request lined up. Ty bestie 🤭🫶 ILYYY
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lovebvni · 8 months
affirm AND persist
“but abyss, why aren’t my manifestations coming to me ☹️☹️”
are you affirming and persisting? saying AND doing? breathing AND living? or are you just saying it once “oh no it didn’t work ☹️ what the heck” saying it again the next day and never doing anything, changing anything or getting advice from people?
then all you’re doing is affirming. this is the most common issue i see within people who say “my manifestations aren’t working”.
let’s think of this logically. i want to get fit, right? all im saying is “im gonna go to the gym today.” i never go to the gym, i never ask my friends who work out what to do, how to get started. i never change my diet to make sure i’m eating and drinking enough in order to be able to work out, yet im pissy because i dont see the results i want.
that’s because i’m only affirming and doing the BARE MINIMUM. sure, you can get your desires without doing a lot, but sometimes you have to work to BELIEVE and MAKE it happen.
don’t just sit on your ass, get up and put in the work. you can do it, you know it.
you can be affirming and persisting subconsciously, but try to do it consciously now. if you’re the opposite, start affirming and persisting subconsciously as well as consciously.
i hope this helps someone, seriously you guys. you deserve everything in the universe and more. i pray this helps.
take it as a sign.
love and blessings, from the abyss
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
This might sound weird but can i request Olivier Giroud x teen reader, like where they are neighbours and reader’s parents are like drunk and drugged people so he takes care of her? In a fatherly way❤️❤️
I really love your blog! You writings are my favorites❤️❤️
Okay so you’re telling me there are NONE writings about Olivier Giroud on this app?
Thank you so much for requesting this! This one actually feels very personal to me.
I hope you like this💓
(Let’s pretends Oli doesn’t have kids and a wife in this story okay🤭)
also tw : domestic abuse, drug and alcohol mention, violence , oliver being the father i actually need since mine went out to buy milk and never came back ☹️
kylian mbappe is in this one too! kinda of kylian x friend reader where they both have a crush on each other 🤭
just look at the way he’s comforting kylian 😭😭😭😭😭
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You grew up in a pretty messed up family.
You’re parents were caring and nice when you were a kid but once you grew up they stopped caring about you. The only reason they didn’t divorce was because they had to decided who would take care of you and since no one wanted to do it they remained married. Also because if they divorced your rich uncles wouldn’t gave them any more money. You called them for help so many times and the only thing they did was giving them money.
What a shitty family.
You can’t recall when everything started to going down you just remembered being alone all of sudden.
You lived in a fancy complex in the middle of Milan. It was a very expensive building, the one who has a gym and a pool inside of it. If it wasn’t for your uncles you all would be living under a bridge now.
Your parents acted normal in public but inside your house everything was crazy. They would constantly fight and throw things at each other. They would scream and hit each other and that made you feel so unsafe.
You tried to escape once and saying that they didn’t even realised you were gone hurt you.
You were 18 so legally you could have left, problem you had no job or degree.
One night the constantly screaming made you feel sick and you decided to sit on the stairs of your complex hoping they would stop.
It was cold and you were only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans but you were so scared of going back inside that you preferred staying cold.
You waited for two hours, sitting there all alone but they wouldn’t stop. You started crying and fidgeting with your hands, your anxiety rising when you heard someone coming out of the elevator.
You pretended you didn’t hear anything so your neighbour wouldn’t ask you.
You knew exactly who he was.
Olivier Giroud, the famous football player. He played for Milan and for the Equipe de France. He won the world cup once. He’s also champion of Italy now.
He was a nice person. Always greeting you when he saw you, asking you if you were good. He was like an angel sent to heart. Everyone loved him for his caring and gentle soul.
In fact he was going home when he saw you sitting on the stairs, shivering from the cold.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” he asked with a concerned voice
“Yes” you said with a shaky voice and in that moment you cursed yourself because you didn’t want to look so weak
“Are you sure?”
“What are you doing outside here? It’s cold,
plus it’s past midnight, you should be sleeping…”
“I’m fine”
“Have you eaten?” he asked and when he mentioned food your stomach rumbled
You were starving.
“Do you want to come inside and eat something?” he asked hoping you would say yes
“I don’t want to bother”
“It’s fine really”
In that moment you turned around to look at him and when he saw your face his heart broke a little. Your eyes red and puffy from crying.
You stood up and followed him inside his home.
His apartment completely different from yours.
It was clean and nice decorated. It felt like home.
“You can sit on the couch if you want to, I’ll get you something to eat” he said while you sat
He came back a few moments later with a very good looking sandwich and you couldn’t help to smile at his kind gesture.
You thanked him and started eating.
Once you’ve finished he gave you something to drink and set everything in the sink.
“Now can you tell me what were you doing outside?” he asked you again
“I didn’t want to stay at home”
“Your parents?” he asked and you looked at him with an interrogative face “I hear them fight sometimes” he said
“Yup, that’s my life”
“Have you called someone?”
“I’ve called so many people and no one would do anything”
“I’m sorry, truly, if you want you can use my guest bedroom and stay here tonight” he said
“I can’t accept, you already did a lot for me”
“I insist, I can’t let you go back knowing they might hurt you”
You thought about it and accepted his offer.
Just for one night.
He showed you the way and the moment you touched the bed you drifted off to sleep.
He woke you up around 8 am
“I’m sorry to wake you up but I have to go to practice, you can stay here a bit more if you want to” he said truthfully
“No it’s fine I’ve got school in one hour…”
“Okay, well, if you need anything just give a call” he gave you his phone number and you thanked him.
After that night days passed and everyday he would make sure you were okay. He texted you and asked if you needed anything. Truth was you wanted to spend the rest of your days in his apartment, away from your parents but you couldn’t take advantage of his kindness like this.
This month things got worse.
Your dad started drinking again because things were going bad at work, your mum started using again and you were on the verge of a crisis.
“Y/n!” your dad called you from the living room.
You were in your bedroom doing your homework so you decided to ignore him.
It was almost 10 pm so he would have probably fell asleep very soon. Your mom was out, probably with some druggies.
“Y/n!” your dad called you again.
You decide to go out and see what he wanted.
When he saw you he smiled a bit.
“Honey can you get me a beer?” he asked.
Was he serious?
“No” you replied back
“Excuse me?”
“I said no. I was doing my homework and you interrupted me. Plus you’re already drunk you don’t need another beer!” you said almost leaving when you saw the bottle of his empty beer crashing straight into the wall in front of you.
“Where do you think you’re going whore! Come back and pay me some respect! I’m your father” he said standing up from the couch.
You started to being scared.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…” you apologised hoping he would calm down.
You were so wrong.
He come towards you with an inhuman speed and slapped you right in face. The impact was so hard you fell to the floor. He never raised his hands to you.
“Dad I said i’m sorry please…”
“What a whore, always begging just like whores do” he said sitting on top of you “I bet you like when I hit you” he said punching your nose making it hard to breathe.
You tried to free yourself and somehow, due to the fact that he was drunk he lost his balance and fell.
In that moment you ran out of your apartment and ran through the corridor trying to find Olivier’s apartment.
“Olivier…” you almost shouted knowing on this door. You really hoped he was home you didn’t have no where to go “Olivier please please open the door” you knocked a bit louder, your eyes full of tears, your face red and you knows bleeding “please please Olivier”
That’s until you saw him opening the door with a very concerned face
When you saw him you hugged him so tight you were scared to leave him.
He was shocked, he didn’t know what was going on so he simply hugged you.
You cried into his shirt but he didn’t mind
He waited a few minutes before you calmed down.
“Sweetie can you look at me?” the moment you looked at him he saw your bleeding nose and your red cheek “What happened? Who did this to you?” he asked in a more serious tone
“My-my father…he was - he was drunk he didn’t mean to”
“I’m calling the police”
“No please no, don’t”
“I know it’s a bit messed up but they’re the only family I have, please…”
The moment you said this you saw your dad coming straight into Oli’s apartment.
Olivier saw it and he put you behind him in a protective way.
“Leave before I call the police”
“Why? What has done this whore for you? Is she good in bed? The only reason a football player would stay with her I guess”
“I won’t say it again, leave before I call the police”
“Nah, the bitch is coming home with me and she’s going to learn some good manners”
“Not a chance” Olivier said protecting you “now leave my apartment before I call the police”
Your dad left without not even looking at you.
The moment he left you started crying harder and shaking. You were so scared.
“Hey hey it’s fine. You’re okay he’s gone okay? He won’t hurt you ever again I promise you, I swear on my life” he said hugging you.
You simply nodded too tired to even reply.
He medicated your nose and let you sleep in his guest bedroom.
The morning after you woke up with a lot of noise coming from your apartment.
“Olivier?” you called him going into his living room
“Stay here” he simply said
“What’s going on?”
“The police is here…I know I said I wouldn’t call them but…” he didn’t even finish the sentence that you hugged him
“Thank you” you said
He smiled and hugged you back.
From that day on you continued living with him, his guest bedroom became your own bedroom. He helped you with homework and did everything a father should do for his own kids even if you weren’t his. He would bring you his matches and you would cheer for him. Who knew you liked football this much?
Until the moment of the world cup came
You couldn’t go with him in Qatar mostly because of school so you had to stay home alone for a month. You weren’t sure how to react, after your past you hated being alone.
“So…” he said coming through the door and sitting on the sofa watching tv with you “how would you feel coming in Qatar with me?” he asked you
“I-I…you know I would love to but I have school”
“I already talked with your school. Your grades are high and you’re the best of the class…they agreed to let you do online classes for a month, in case you wanted to come”
You were speechless. You said yes without even thinking.
When you got in Qatar you went straight into your room and fell asleep on the huge comfortable bed. The next day Olivier introduced you to the rest of the team, everyone knew your past but they decided to not say anything to make you uncomfortable. They all made you feel safe.
You took a liking in Kylian.
He was the first one to approach you.
He introduced himself and you started talking.
“So how’s my belle today?” he asked when he saw you coming out of your bedroom
“I’m good thank you! How are you?”
“Fine, ready to our first match against Australia” he said knowing it was going to be a great match “in fact…I wanted to ask you if you could wear this” he said giving you his jersey “you know, as a good luck”
“Of course but don’t tell Olivier” you said making you both laugh.
Olivier tho saw everything from a distance and couldn’t be happier that you were making friends. Even if he knew he would have to talk with Kylian.
“Okay…well I better go now, I have practice” he said awkwardly
“Oh yes, sure…I’ll see you tonight”
“Yes…well, bye” he said waving to you.
At the stadium you were in the VIP section, feeling protected with a lot of security. The game went good! France won 4-1 against Australia. Rabiot scored first, Giroud scored twice and Kylian scored too. You couldn’t be happier. You knew they were celebrating in the changing room so you simply texted Olivier you were coming back to the hotel.
Once arrived you changed into your pajamas and laid Kylian’s jersey on your bed.
A few hours later a gentle knock woke you up from your sleep. When you opened you saw a very happy and excited Kylian.
“Did I wake you?” he said apologising
“No” you lied
“Sure…” he said not believing you but smiling “the jersey brought me good luck”
You couldn’t help but blush.
“You’re just good at playing football Kylian, I didn’t do anything”
“You were there, for Olivier, for me, and for the team…and that meant a lot” he said truthfully looking into your eyes. You didn’t know how to feel. You’ve never had a boyfriend, you’ve never had a real crush so you didn’t know how to act. He kinda sensed it your discomfort so he just smiled trying to ease it a bit.
You got lost into his eyes.
“I’ve spoken with Olivier” he said out of nothing “he really cares about you…that’s why he threatened me”
“He did what?” you almost shouted
“He said I have to treat you good and if I dared to hurt you he would kill me” he said now laughing and you couldn’t help to laugh too “but we’re good friends so I would never hurt you…”
Ouch that hurt.
Just friends?
He saw your expression change and he wanted to say a bit more.
“Unless…you don’t want us to be just friends?” he teased a bit and you were completely out of words.
Of course you wanted to be more than friends!
He looked straight into your eyes and saw the way you were looking at his lips so the made first step and gently put his hands on your face and kissed you. Very gently. His lips like feathers on yours. You wrapped your arms around his body and put him closer to you.
You kissed for a while before you separated to catch breathe.
“I want this” he said truthfully “I want to be more than friends”
“I don’t know how to act Kylian…I’ve never dated”
“We’ll take things slow, I won’t pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to but please, just give me a chance”
You didn’t even replied back instead you kissed him.
He smiled into the kiss.
If someone told you a couple of months ago that this was going to be your life you wouldn’t believed it but now this was really your life and you couldn’t be more grateful.
To that angel named Olivier who changed your life in the best way.
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hello I would LOVE to just hear you ramble about any rarepairs or ships you like in general hehe, your art is super cute btw!!
Holy Wow okay so i never get to talk about these sillies so here we GO !! Most r mlm or wlw !!
• Lucky/Lefty
This one is So special to my heart and its so silly really, i just think they would look so cute together. Im under the impression that Lefty is a touch younger than Lucky, based on his voice, position in the shop, etc. i like to imagine that Lefty grows up looking up to Lucky for a long time and never knows why hes just about Leftys ‘favorite friend’ when one day he drops his freakin hot dog in shock after realizing that he very much thinks of Lucky when hes not even around, what he might be up to, being mad when he talks to ladies, MUCH, much like someone who has a big fat crush.
He puts it off forever and thinks hes maybe just Going Crazy, takes Pinky on an unsuccessful date, does all these ‘manly’ things that he was taught growing up.
I like to think that there would be a dance at the school, and Lefty doesn’t feel like going with anyone. No one matches up with the feelings he’s been having for his best friend.
Lucky, being his right hand (lol) man, still makes him go because, “theres plenty of broads here who’ll dance with ya”
And when Lefty is spending time out in the lot, instead of inside the gym with everyone else, Lucky comes looking for him. I think he would notice when Lefty is upset or deterred, given his typical upbeat personality.
I think that Lefty would babble about how he hasnt felt right and that he thinks somethings up with him, maybe eating those hotdogs from the gasstation all the time isnt a good idea.
But Lucky gets it.
Nothing big happens, Lucky pulls him in by his shoulder, both boys far more snazzy-looking than they ever did on a regular day. They would take things really slow, so much so that no one even hardly has an inclination that they might be together for a WHILE. It would probably take an observation from Vance, i imagine, being queer himself.
I actually love to imagine that Vance catches Lucky bringing Lefty lunch and cigarettes, and its like that scene in spongebob where spongebob realizes squidward likes krabby patties LMAOOO
I feel like they would have a VERY sweet relationship, very casual around the other greasers, like best friends who are joking about bikes and then they start smooching. They might be more careful in public, especially on their side of town, where some less-than-tasteful opinions are shared on minorities, but they would still be very much proud of their relationship :,3 these r two i could see being highschool sweethearts and being fiances/married in the future.. sighs queerly
• Tad/Parker
This is a pairing i love because its so sweet, but also so tragic just generally because of their statuses and reputations :((( 💔
I think this interest would start on Parkers end, honestly! He seems very sweet, compared to a lot of the Preps. He is also a hopeless romantic at heart, and always dreams of having someone to take care of and make happy, regardless of gender, really.
I think Parker would notice how he feels about Tad very clearly. He realizes that he’s hoping to spar with Tad more often, urging to his friends that “Tad needs the practice with someone who believes in him!” and they all look at him like. What Do You Mean By That..
And then when Tad comes around with bruises that didn’t originate from their matches, Parker worries. It’s summer, so, the sunglasses on Tad’s head arent exactly unusual for the weather, persay, but unusual for HIM.
Parker knows he can’t exactly beat Mr. Spencer till he sees jesus, so he settles for making Tad comfortable. Parker wears sunglasses, anytime Tad does.
I think that they would be very secretive, considering that their families both want them to grow up, take over companies, and marry a woman, who might or might not be blood related to them. That idea is distasteful to both, of course, so they spend their alone time in the boxing ring, or in Parker’s room at the Harrington house, dreaming of an intertwined life in the City.
Besides, they know they arent the only ones sharing a bed on occasion behind these walls.. (cough theyre all gay)
These two would probably have an exclusive, secret relationship in highschool, break up for college and to maintain their secret, and would end up inevitably meeting again in their adult lives. I like to think that they would try to just have a friendship, but wouldn’t be able to ignore how intimate they used to be with one another.
• Justin/Ted
This one.. euehueheheh
Theyre both so silly looking. Reminds me of “we’re pretty cute for two ugly people” 😭
I think that Justin has a big fat disgusting crush on Ted Thompson. He is REVOLTED and so inlove.
I like to think that Justin possibly played football as a child, or has an interest in it. Maybe this is just because he wants to grow closer to Ted, but i can actually see him wanting to play football on occasion.
He would go to football games, insisting to his friends that he was going to watch the Jocks fail, and to pull pranks, however, no one ever sees him doing…any of that.
Usually, hes perched in the bleachers, eyes trailing a body on the feild as they pound down other players and the rival. He’s kind of obvious, but he will always deny any sight of him pining.
Justin keeps a journal much much like a girl. I dont mean boys dont have journals, but Justins is solely for all his queer thoughts and gossip when Gord is busy and can’t listen to him bitch through a glass of brandy.
This journal has plenty of daydreams of Ted written in it, handwriting messy in the areas where Justin felt particularly embarrassed to feel this way, almost like if he wrote it sloppy enough, it wouldn’t be eligible, therefore, not real!!!
I think being a jock, the school would have Ted put in Art class and shop class, to try and level out his education and make sure it wasn’t all football.
Therefore, Justin and Ted get paired one fateful day for an art project. They have to do portraits of eachother. Both are very ticked about it, but.. maybe moreso ted, than Justin, because he has way too much fun during those couple of days.
He has an excuse to sit with Ted Thompson! And Talk to him!!! Oh me oh my!
And he does just that, he talks his way into sitting with Ted at lunch, and convinces him that they really need to finish this project, considering Ted’s grades are constantly suffering when he isn’t paying nerds to do his work.
Ted is a tough guy, and everyone knows it, its painted on his face. However, when Justin finishes his portrait a day or so later, Ted is stood infront of him, face looking dumb as ever. Because, justin is a great artist. He wishes the kid could have done his highlights with the way he captures him on lead-smudged sketch paper.
And Ted asks to keep it! Justin is extremely stupid in love and obviously accepts, running off to the Harrington house to bury himself in his bed and scream.
I think they would have a rlly cute back and forth non-exclusive thing going on..Justin insists on studying with him to get his grades up, alone, in Ted’s dorm room, of course :3 Ted walks him around sometimes because hes just sure that Justin will run his mouth to someone who would take it way personal, Justin constantly quips that he can handle himself, but never deters the Jock when he comes around to chaperone Vandervelde to his locker.
Ill post Actual headcanons soon but these r kind of the explanation of dynamics and stuff between the relationships :333 THANK U FOR THE ASK!! IVE BEEN YEARNING TO TALK ABOUT RAREPAIRS UGHH
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Being Seijoh’s Manager:
Confessing to Shinji Watari
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Shinji Watari featuring Seijoh x Fem! Reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: swearing (?), fluff
AN: this is a request from 🦢 anon! I changed it up a little to confessing instead of dating 😌 I hope this is acceptable!
Liberos are so underrated in HQ
There I said it, don’t come for me 🤚🏻
And just look at this cutie!!
The man who inspired Noya to learn to jump set from the back row
Honestly the G.O.A.T.
Also, he just oozes respect juice
He has so much respect for his upperclassmen and I know he drinks women respect juice like water!
Anyways, Seijoh had been thinking of getting a manager since FINALLY Oikawa would be retiring from the team 🙄
As much as an asset he was, he was the #1 reason they couldn’t have nice things
Needless to say, the second and first years were hard at work, scouring far and wide for a manager
Now, you knew of Seijoh’s infamous volleyball team
You also knew of loserkawa because all of your friends had crushes on him
Seriously… y tho?
But not you, you didn’t really find Oikawa to be your type
Instead you found interest in someone else 👀
A certain short haired, blue eyed angel
You were in a few classes with Shinji and knew he was on the volleyball team
But he honestly never seemed to notice you
He was pretty popular and he talked with everyone
But you ☹️
It honestly kind of hurt your feelings
But you see, the reason he wasn’t talking to you wasn’t because he didn’t like you
Oh no no no
In fact, it was the opposite
Man had the BIGGEST crush on you!
Literally, he watched you from afar way more times than he’d care to admit
You were so cute and fun
He adored your smile and how friendly you were to everyone
So when Seijoh found themselves in need of a manager…
Well let’s just say that a certain SOMEONE noticed your mutual pinning with Watari
A certain replacement setter 🙃 who was kind of annoying but like also way less annoying than Oikawa
Yahaba thought you would be the perfect addition to Seijoh’s team
You were smart, calm, fun and most importantly, cute 🥰
Which is why he asked you to be Seijohs’s manager, right in front of Watari
Man’s knew what he was doing
“Hey YN!” Yahaba shouted as Watari watched, confused as Yahaba ran up to you, “I was wondering if you’d be interested in being Seijoh’s manager?”
You looked at Yahaba and then your eyes drifted to Watari, who looked heckin mad that Yahaba was even talking to you
“Umm well I umm don’t know much about volleyball,” you shyly said
“Let me ask you, do you have a crush on Oikawa?” Yahaba asked as Watari glared at him from behind and you gasped
“WHAT NO!” You shouted
“Ok then you need no prior experience! Watari will walk you to practice tonight! See you there Yn!” Yahaba said running away quickly
Please he thinks he’s SO smooth 😅
Watari and you rn 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
After class, Watari nervously awaits you
You come out, smiling shyly as he greets you, walking you to the gym
“I’m glad you agreed to be our manager Yn,” he said, blushing
You practically die because he’s so freaking cute 😩
In the gym, you are greeted by Yahaba, Kyotani, Kindaichi and Kunimi
They are all extremely respectful and so happy your here
But then you hear it
The voice to break all sound barriers
Because guess who’s still on the team 🙄
“Oh my goodness is that Yn-Chan!” Oikawa screeches
The younger guys 👉🏻😐 please don’t leave us Yn we promise he’s leaving
“Hello annoying-kawa,” you responded
Please the rest of the guys are so freaking happy 😌
Despite the setback of having to deal with Oiks, you decide to take the manager position
Mostly because you get to be close to your crush 😻
You come to live and adore your team
Yahaba turns out to be a solid leader
Kyotani is quiet but super respectful
Kindaichi and Kunimi are both just happy you exist
And Watari, well he’s flustered like 98% of the time
You look so pretty in your managers uniform 🥹
You are super helpful to all the guys and always there when they need you
Watari has gotten more comfortable talking with you and vice versa
He helps you with water bottles and hanging nets
He helps you learn the game, rules and each position
Heck he even walks you home at night 🥰
Literally the sweetest boy
You’ve done well handling Oikawa
It’s the last few months before the third years finally leave so thankfully, only a little bit more time Yn 🙌🏻
Oikawa is always Oikawa meaning he loves attention
And Watari really gets annoying by this
He respects Oikawa but Oikawa is pushing it at this point
And both Yahaba and Kyotani notice his shift 👀
One night, when the second tears are tearing down the gym, Yahaba decides to bring it up
“When are you gonna confess to Yn?” He says as Watari stops and looks at him
Please his face turns bright red
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Watari responds
Yahaba 👉🏻mmhmm 😐😑
“It’s pretty obvious you like Yn,” Kyotani adds
Jesus does everyone know?!?
“She’s not interested in me, why would she be?” Watari responds as he finishes gathering the balls
Apparently all boys are oblivious because you are definitely interested Yn
And thankfully, we have an embarrassing Oikawa moment to make that VERY clear
“Yoo-hoo YN Chan!” An agitating grating voice fills the gym
You 👉🏻😐🙄 yes Oikawa
The entire team is gearing up for a practice match
Watari is helping you set up chairs as well as fill water bottles
“You know, I’m retiring soon and I think it’s time you grant your setter a date,” Oikawa chimes
Oof Watari is PISSED 😅
But you, our calm queen, remain neutral
“But I don’t even like you Oikawa,” you say as everyone dies of laughter
“Shittykawa leave Yn alone!” Iwa shouts as Mattsun and Makki back him up
“YN come on! How often is it that you get to go on a date with someone like me?!?” Oikawa shouts
“Sorry Oikawa but I like someone else,” you say as Oikawa reels
Watari deflated a little because of course you like someone else, you are gorgeous and smart and funny
What guy wouldn’t want to date you?!?
“Someone better than me Yn?!?” Oikawa continues
“Miles better,” you respond
“Who?!” Oikawa asks
“Shittykawa I swear to god- if you don’t leave Yn alone!” Iwa says before you interrupt
“I like Shinji,” you say, smiling at him and walking away
Watari 👉🏻😐😳😀 whet-
Yahaba and Kyotani 👉🏻😮😮
Mattsun and Makki 👉🏻😳
Oikawa 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
“Wait a second, you like Watari?!?” Oikawa screams
You 👉🏻😐 that’s what I said-
Please Yn, Watari is too stunned to speech
Watari.exe has stopped functioning
Thankfully Yahaba is there to help 😌
“You idiot! Confess!” He yells at the Libero
“I LIKE YOU TOO YN!” Watari screams
Talk about an awkward gym experience imma right 😅
“Well than settles it!” Yahaba says as he continues to get the gym ready
Please everyone’s like, “we really just gonna move on from this huh?”
You smile at Watari as he walks over to you and grabs your hands
“YN, would you go out with me?” He asks
Me rn 👉🏻🥹🥹🥹 you better say yes YN istg-
“Of course I will!” You say, kissing his cheek as he blushes
Everyone 👉🏻🥹🤧
Oikawa 👉🏻👁️👄👁️ what the hell?!?
“Shittykawa I warned you!” Iwa shouts before belting Oiks in the back of the head with a volleyball
But you and Watari pay no mind 🥰
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luvring · 3 months
hello i saw you tags and am here to ask you about akaashi i cannot stop thinking about him he is so everything
fun fact his name (akaash) means sky in my language 🫢🫣
THANK U. u get it. also sky that's so cutieful omg? gahhh.. keiji thoughts...
he isn't a very confident person, at least not in high school, and i think watching him become more confident would be endearing and?? attractive?? it's a quiet confidence. he's as kind as always, but he learns to take compliments better, shares his opinions a little easier, gets used to small talk with strangers. with you it means less hesitation before asking if he can kiss you, a satisfied smile when he catches you off-guard with a compliment, rolling his eyes and joking when you teasingly ask if he's jealous.
& you'd be a huge factor in this!! whether it's him catching you staring as he rolls up his sleeves, or calling him hot when he combs his fingers through his hair and stretches. he isn't used to being called hot especially. like, pretty or handsome or good-looking, sure, but hot? keiji's never really seen himself that way. he gets flustered, but subconsciously relaxes and stands a little taller when you shoot heart eyes his way :-(
advice/comfort/compliments from akaashi would be very well-thought out and sincere. look at him with bokuto. like he thinks a Lot, about you ten-fold. it's easy to say exactly what you need to hear—he prides himself on knowing you as completely as you know him!! on loving you like you love him!! your imposter syndrome and anxiety will hit and keiji will be there, reminding you of the last time you felt this way and how it turned out alright. he'll tell you no matter what happens, he knows, and you know your passion and worth, and he'll be with you the whole time.
on a lighter note if you said you felt awful and miserable and angry and it was past 9pm he'd quote that thing about never trusting how you feel about life past 9pm, and also ask if you've 1) eaten 2) showered 3) slept. LOL.
!!! miscellaneous akaashi thoughts.... I alwayshave them. alwayndsk...
cat person of course. likes stray cats. he often forgets to bring treats but he feeds them when he remembers.. & meows at them (he looks around nervously because it'd be a little embarrassing if someone heard LOL). when a cat rubs against his leg or purrs he's energized for the rest of the day!
he likes laying his head in your lap while you work. you don't have to talk or anything, he might just take a nap. gets kind of nervous that he's bothering you the first few times though. he's also happy when you lie down on/near him!
i was thinking of photographer!keiji.... him struggling to find inspiration or to take photos he's really proud of.... him seeing u and going ..! and he hates going up to people. it's nerve-wracking and he usually works with nature or close friends.... but you've noticed this pretty guy pacing nearby a couple of times and he's pretty sure if he doesn't approach you he'll regret it forever. GAH!
in a world where i don't ship bokuaka akaashi doesn't date until he's in his 20s at least.. like my self ship world that isn't with bokuaka. god bless my heart. uni au! uni au! uni au!!!
has flipped a coin to see if he should skip class or not. a uni class not high school just for clarification. except he didn't actually have a coin so he had to google Coin flip. was devastated when it told him to go
mm i think timeskip keiji might be a little insecure about his appearance/fitness actually.. being on the volleyball team was an easy way to exercise in hs but he finds himself too busy or tired to go to the gym a lot of the time now :') i think it'd be nice to work out at home or go on walks together... also reassuring him and showering him with compliments and seeing his face turn red ☹️ my keiji.....
keiji will push around the shopping cart for you if you're shopping and fold the clothes you're getting for sure while he waits Just because. has definitely found a few of your favourite things ever...he denies his thrifting luck but He has it
gets embarrassed and tries to stop crying while watching a movie. he's sniffling but then you start crying for real and he laughs a little and cries harder too.
touches water and watches it ripple... keiji in the morning... still so sleepy... messy hair... shirt lifted so u can see his stomach... him humming or mumbling responses while he stays curled into ur side... furrowing his brows and groaning and holding onto u when u try to get up.. my chesthurts. WHY
not keiji. my bad. but This bokuaka comic has genuinely changed my life and even if you don't gaf about bokuaka you should read it for me. please. please. i need you to gaf about bkak for me for a minute. sometimes i go NIA SHOCK as a reaction because of it
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I took a break from tumblr but I’m back now. My life has had its ups and downs and I felt I needed more support in my day to day life. This place has always been a great place to post struggles, successes and feel lifted up from the positive interactions I have with my mutuals and followers. So I’m back!
My close friend is having a crisis. I’ve only known him for a year or so. But I still care and worry for him. He is isolating and I want to show my care and concern without bombarding him with too much attention especially if he wants to be alone. It’s a fine line. I miss him though ☹️
I went out with another friend and we got manicures for the first time. I enjoyed it and like seeing my nails look so clean and well taken care of. But the price was a bit too much so I will probably not go back or wait a long time between visits.
My tutoring company is coming together. The kids I work with are all really great. I am a little rusty and need to study to stay caught up. I think I am professional and well articulated. My prices r good. I’m hoping to study up and establish myself and then get a regular morning shift job with tutoring in the evenings in the next tax year.
My schizoaffective disorder is managed. I feel like mentioning it bc it gives perspective into my situation and struggles.
Halloween is coming up. I am going as an Amazon delivery driver. I am going to carry around a box of candy and hand it out. Heading to a party the day of. I wanted to do pumpkin carving but my mental health clubhouse schedule and my tutoring schedule overlapped. So I’m missing out ☹️ they’re having a murder mystery night and I can’t go.
My friends have also been supporting me in weight loss. My friend I got my manicure with has been great source of camaraderie. We both want to lose weight so it’s refreshing to have those conversations with her. My other friend wants to go to the gym with me. He runs like 10 miles at a time 😅but yea. Well lift and it’ll be good for me. He can push me.
My therapist says I’m thriving and I’m starting to see it. I’ve been watching virgin river on Netflix per her request and it’s fun. It’s been helping my social anxiety a lot. I be taking notes lol.
That’s all. A short fall run. I love fall ❤️🍁🍂
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bellysoupset · 1 month
hi!! so sorry to know that you’re not feeling well ☹️☹️ if it helps could you tell me literally ANYTHING about max 😭😭 mundane minute details whatever you like ⭐️
Hi star!!
Honestly, tomorrow I shall be well again and collected, but tonight I'm giving myself the grace to lick my wounds and indulge into cheerful stuff.... such as torturing these ocs lol.
Alright some random facts for Max!
He loves being an only child
His father is a high functioning alcoholic. He's sober now, but they did hit a rough patch when Max was 12, when his parents divorced.
His mother is into aaaall that eat-pray-love bs. Does the weirdest diets, definitely tried her hand at keto and paleo, also that blood type one. Max suffered with this as a teenager, none of those were nice diets to his sensitive tummy.
He flunked at his senior year! Then got into Doveport's community college and to this day he's a high key defender of local education. Max still has friends among the college professors
Vince is right, Max's little condo does look like a cave. He's very focused on his job, he really could not care less about his living space.
He is SUPER into camping. Despite hating his mom's hippie ways, he's also very nature focused and he does trails and hikes during his free time. Doesn't like the gym or closed spaces.
Got arrested for arson during a protest against law enforcement once <3
Max and Luke are the same when it comes to the competitiveness. Sore loser extreme.
A Slut. This is a man who has dating apps downloaded in his phone and posts thirst traps on his insta (CLOSED FROM STUDENTS BTW)
Despite being a very cool teacher and vibing with his students, he doesn't let them in his personal life at all, as it should be.
You bet your ass this idiot has done tiktok dances his kids asked him to do. Put together songs so they could remember the periodic table. He loves teaching, he just really dislikes Parents.
His favorite flavor on anything is green apple.
He hates reading. Sorry, but I have enough bookworms 🙈🙈 (Vince, Luke, Leo, Jonah)
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