#and now I'm patiently waiting for amy to say The Thing
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Holmes and Horses!
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... and a bonus Brett for all of you <3
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ki-irke · 1 year
Hello :) Any chance for Amelia X reader(surgeon) fluff ,anything pls ? Amelia deserves better :((
Paring: Amelia Shepherd x reader
Summary: In which y/n is flirting with Amelia, but she dosn't notice it.
A/N: I fucking hate it. I didn't have any idea for this, so it's just it. Let's hope that the next one is gonna be better (ノ_・、)
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You were one of the best surgeons at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. And you have liked Amelia since you first met her. She was nice, smart, and beautiful. But you were too scared to tell her. You knew about her past lovers; you didn't even know if she wanted to start a new relationship, so you kept your feelings to yourself. But your feelings started growing more and more, so you made the decision to try with little steps.
"Hey Amelia," you greet her when you walk into lockers.
"Hey, y/n," she smiled at me. "Have you had any cool surgeries today?" she asked, closing her locker.
"Heart transplant." 
"And that's interesting. Maybe I'm going to come and watch you?" She asked, which surprised me.
"Really?" I asked, too happy. "I mean, sure. You can come." She smiled at me and walked out of the locker room. On her way out, she passed Maggie, who gave her a soft smile as a greeting.
"Did you just?" Maggie asked, smiling broadly.
"Shut it," you say while putting your shirt on. "I want to take small steps with her."
"So you're just going to flirt with her?" the girl asked.
"Too loud, Maggie, too loud," you say. You then left the locker room, completely ignoring her question.
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As she said, Amelia came.
Through the whole storm, you had a good mood. You even winked at her a few times.
"Sooo," you started when you met her after. "Wanna grab some lunch?" you asked.
"Sure," Amy smiled at you, which you returned as you stared as you made your way to the cafeteria.
"We never really talk a lot; why have you asked me to lunch now?" she asked.
"I just really like you, you know?" you answered, looking straight ahead. "We don't have a lot of time at work to talk either."
"Ah, okay. You're a good friend, you know y/n?" you nooded.
But at this moment, you didn't know if Amelia wasn't feeling the same for you or if she was just being dumb. You felt dumb. And kind of embarrassed because you just told her that you really liked her. Everyone who knew about your crush on Amy was saying that she was feeling the same.
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"She did what?" Maggie asked with her eyes wide open while I was reviewing one of my patients' charts.
"She said that I'm a good friend. After I say that I like her!" I repeat, I am taking a sip of my coffee. "Maybe I wasn't obvious about it?"
"You said you liked her, just after you asked her to go to lunch with you! Is she dumb or something?"
"Don't talk about her like that, please." Maggie rolled her eyes.
"If she's dumb, then it's my turn," she said, then drank her coffee and started walking away. I followed her for a bit.
"Your turn to what?" I asked, and at the same time, my pager went on. I sighed.
"You'll see."
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It was finally the end of my shift. I changed into my normal clothes and locked my locker, and to my surprise, I saw Amelia outside the room. This time, I tried to ignore her. I didn't say 'hello' or smile at her; I just packed my things into my bag and tried to leave.
"You were flirting with me, right?" she asked, making me stop. I took a deep breath.
"I was, Amy. But forget about it," I answered calmly as I approached the doors. Then Amelia laughed, making me stop again.
"I was so dumb," she said, grabbing my wrist.
"I really like you too, y/n. More than just a friend." She said it suddenly, leaving a moment of silence between us. I didn't wait after this. I turned around, leaning her against the locker, and then kissed her. She started kissing me back, making me feel satisfied. The kisses grew more passionate as we got closer and closer.
"Dinner. Tonight," Amy suggested, breaking the kiss.
"Sounds good," I answered, kissing her again when I heard the doors open. I grabbed my bag and headed for the door, giving her a wink.
"Text me later, Amy."
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shadowxamyweek · 8 months
How do you guys feel about Silver being your son? I mean, Shadow lives forever, so I could definitely see Shadow having Silver. And then Silver could inherit his kindness and naivety from Amy...
But overall, what are YOUR opinions on that thought? And do you think Amy would be a "Momma Bear"?
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Amy: It's weird- you're not the first person to ask about that here. Hope you don't mind that we just sort of, you know, address this all at once. Shadow: ...Silver is from 200 years in the future. Amy: That's the thing you respond with? Shadow: It- it's the most logical and irrefutable piece of evidence we have! Amy: Shadow, if time travel is real, then it doesn't matter where we think he's from. For all we know, he could be from 1,000 years in the future, 2,000 years in the past, or from present day. 200 years ahead of our time is just where he calls home and where he says he's from. Shadow: ... Okay? Amy: So I'm a bit more concerned as to why people think he's *our* child. *Ours*. Shadow: ... (⊙_⊙) Amy: Yeah, okay, now you get it. Shadow: He... but... what... no... wait... Amy: Wow, alright, you might have broken him. Shadow: (@_@);;; Amy: While Shadow processes that, I'll address the rest of what you wrote. We don't actually know for sure if Shadow *will* live forever. Part of the goal Robotnik had, based on what we've been able to find and what Shadow has been comfortable sharing, was immortality. There's no way to know if that goal has been achieved with Shadow. Like, Shadow's been through a lot, the fall to Earth from the ARK being one of them, don't get me wrong. *Amy shudders.* Amy: But, not to downplay that, Sonic has been through similar things and has survived. Heck, look at what we all went through on the Starfall Islands. So to automatically assume that Shadow is going to live forever might not be... might not be correct. I'm not going to lie... I kinda hope that's wrong, just because of, um... how he talked about it... that one time... anyway. *Amy clears her throat* Amy: As to the rest though, I know Rouge has joked that Silver follows Shadow around like a little lost duckling. Heck, I've even noticed Silver starting to act like Shadow sometimes. That's probably because Shadow is weirdly patient with Silver. Like, no matter what happens, Shadow never loses his cool with the guy, answers all his questions, is always willing to help. Shadow is... for all intents and purposes... kinda... you know what nevermind Shadow has absolutely taken up the role of being Silver's dad. Shadow: Σ(O_O) Amy: I mean you have! Shadow: We're practically the same age! ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ) Amy: Doesn't matter. You are absolutely being a dad-friend to Silver. You are his dad in spirit. Shadow: ...(ᓀ ᓀ) Amy: You're not denying it. Shadow: You're implicating yourself in this, you know that. Amy: *How?* Shadow: If I fit the parameters of 'dad-friend,' then you are absolutely his 'mom-friend.' Amy: That- that's not the same! I'm nice to everyone! Shadow: Different types of nice. You are not nice to everyone like you are nice to Silver. Amy: No, wait, come on. No- Shadow: And to their point of 'mama-bear,' do I need to remind you about what happened at the sandwich shop last month? Amy: No... Shadow: The question was rhetorical. Amy: Shadow-! Shadow: Silver picked a meal that would give him pickles, since he loves pickles, and when failed to get any, you took it upon yourself to march up to the counter and not only *ask* for the pickles he was supposed to get, but then *demanded* he get extra! Amy: He wanted pickles! Shadow: I had already given him mine! *Amy points accusingly* Amy: Dad-friend. Dad-friend behavior right there. Shadow: STOP IT!
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frangipanilove · 9 months
Vessels of Hope and Faith: more on the Blue Clues and the Venus symbolism
Sometimes you'll have these thougths and connections simmering in the back of your mind for years, but you don't know how to articulate them into something that sounds coherent.
And then new content comes out and there's a shot that unlocks a Pandora's Box of new theories and correlations.
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Yesterday I tried to explain the significance of the blue bird symbolism and its connection to the 101 symbolism. I started researching all kinds of blue bird symbolism after Noah's T-shirt theory was confired all those years ago, and I found a few connections that seemed like they were obvious choised for tptb to utilize, and yet, tptb took their sweet time in confirming they were indeed real, actual connections. The connection between the yellow school bus brand Blue Bird was one of them. We have seen yellow school buses multiple times, some were indeed Blue Bird buses, others weren't necessarily easy to decide, and it wasn't always clear to me if a yellow school bus in an episode was a Blue Bird, and if it was meant to be read into as a part of the symbolism language, or if it was just a random coincidence.
And then, in TWD: Dead City 1x5 Stories We Tell Ourselves, we got the scene that confirmed that yes, the yellow school buses were indeed an integral part of the Blue Bird symbolism seen on the show.
Another blue bird reference I've been anticipating for years was the Crowned Victoria Pigeon. I always thought it was an absolute travesty and missed oppertunity if they didn't use it as a symbol, because it is absolutely perfect for the symbolism language they're already using. And in the episode "Amy/Dr.Everett" in the spin off series Tales of The Walking Dead they finally did. Here's a review on the episode in which it appeared.
"They come across a moment of beauty: a colorful Victoria crowned pigeon. Once on the verge of extinction, the bird is beautiful. "You're alive," Amy says. "You're right here." Amy's marveling turns to heartbreak when the bird flies away."
Sounds a lot like this blue bird is about resurrection. It's on the verge of extinction, and yet it reveals itself for Amy in the episode. And like we often see with symbolism in the spin off's versus on the main show, ot's a lot more over-stated. It's in-your-face type of glaringly obvious. "You're alive"? Come on! If that's not resurrection symbolism I'm eating my hat.
In my Trunk Resurrection 1 and 2 posts from a few years back I elaborate on cars and what they tell us about the subtext of a scene. I also touched on it yesterday, mostly because one of the spoiler pics from the filming outside the Louvre possibly involves a Jeep Cherokee (which I explain the relevance of in Trunk Ressurection 2) (and at this point this is only wild speculation on my part, nothing is confirmed) . TD has also tracked licence plates for years, which deserves a separate post so I'll leave that out for now, but it is relevant because it ties into the car symbolism.
So, anyone familiar with the Trunk Resurrection posts will understand why I was patiently waiting for a Crowned Victoria Pigeon reference, especially when I tell you that the police car Rick and Shane use in the car chase that goes horribly wrong in TWD 1X1 Days Gone By is a Ford Crown Victoria. The car was quite literally the first thing we saw in 1x1 Days Gone By.
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From a symbolism language standpoint, Rick's Crown Victoria police car in season one ties into almost every symbol I'm tracking on this show. It's a car, which means it ties into the Three-Tree-Trunk theory (Trunk Ressurection 1 and 2), it's a police car, which means it ties into the Blue Clues theory, and we saw it in TWD episode 1 season 1 (which I talked about yesterday in relation to the 101-1x1-one one-symbolism).
TWD: Daryl Dixon episode 1 season 1 was wonderful in many ways, and symbolism-wise it was a treasure trove. I have so many thoughts it's difficult to decide which trails to explore first. Yesterday I touched on some stuff that I want to elaborate on here. It deals with the same stuff, but I'll try to tie it together some more, and mention a few other exemples that I find relevant. I mentioned the Venus and Sirius symbolism yesteday, and I'll continue to elaborate on that today.
Let's start with the opening minutes of 1x1 L'ame Perdue. We see Daryl, unconcious and resting on top of an overturned (inverted) boat (or shall we say VESSEL?), wash ashore on a French beach.
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This little sequence of events sparked a chain reaction of lightbulbs firing in my brain.
For starters, all I could see initially was this:
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We saw the painting "The Birth Of Venus" in TWD 7x3 WTDCK, and it was inverted. I've said it before and I'll say it again, @angelthefirst1 had an absolutely brilliant breakdown of the symbolism in TWD 10x18 Find Me, and she very cleverly was able to tie it to WTDCK. I think that's super relevant because Find Me, polarizing and divisive as it was, for me was one of the most magical episodes of the entire franchise. I thought it was absolutely saturated with "underworld" symbolism in every single scene, it was as though the veil between the Realm of the Dead and the Realm of the Living was particularly thin, and in my opinion it had a lot in common with Still and Alone in that respect. For someone who loves underworld themes and themes of liminal spaces between the realms of the dead and the living, it was pure magic. I even kind of liked Leah.
(A quick note on the name Leah, because I have zero self control when it comes to these things... For me, who's already primed to pick up on anything remotely underworld-coded...I wouldn' be true to my soul if I didn' put it out there that the name Leah is an anagram for Hela, which is the Norse goddess of Death. Hel in Norwegian, Hela in Swedish. Yeah. That's a hill I'm willing to die on. Leah was TWDU's Goddess of Death, Monarch of the Underworld. And I love that about her...ok, back to the regular scheduled programming)
In WTDCK, where we saw the famous Bottichelli painting, we could see that it was inverted. The painting depicts Venus, the Roman version of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, arriving onto the shore, aided by the wind gods, in a vessel that is also a sea shell.
In TWDDD 1x1, Daryl, with the help of the wind and ocean currents (I guess), reached shore on top of a vessel that was an inverted boat.
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The painting is widely interpreted as to be dealing with themes of "rebirth", which @wdway had great insight into when I discussed this scene with her. When watching the opening minutes if TWDDD 1x1, where I saw the scene from Botticelli's "The Birth Of Venus", which is about "rebirth", she saw themes of baptism, which is ultimately also about rebirth.
When speaking of a "vessel", we are obviously normally alluding to a boat, or even vehicle, something meant as an instrument of transportation of some kind. But "vessel" can also be used about something which holds beverages, such as a "drinking vessel".
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And as soon as we started down the rabbit hole of "drinking vessels" it was unavoidable that we eventually ended up discussing "Holy Grail" symbolism...
...which is something we've discussed a lot because of all of the thinly veiled references to the book and movie The Da Vinci Code we've seen in TWDU for at least the past seven years...
...which in turn is increasingly becoming interesting again, seeing as we keep getting spoiler pics of filming currently happening in and outside the Louvre. For those who aren't familiar with the book and film, here's a spoiler: the Holy Grail turned out to be the tomb of Mary Magdalene, hidden underneath the inverted pyramid under the glass pyramid outside the Louvre, where TWDDD are filming as I'm writing this. And there's more; the actual, real Holy Grail in the book wasn't so much Mary Magdalene herself as it was her womb, which in the story had carried and given birth to the child of Jesus, and one of the symbols of the female womb is a V... a reference to the shape of a uteris... Basically in TDVC the Holy Grail was the Tomb of the Womb. Or perhaps the Womb in the Tomb.
@wdway was kind enough to dig up her copy of the book and send over these convincing pics of the part in the book where Robert Langdon, the main character, and Sophie Neveu (spoiler alert: a direct decendant of JC himself) discuss the same symbolism I've just discussed above.
The female symbol:
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Thanks @wdway, you're a star and an absolute legend!
Fear not, I'm not going to do a full synopsis of TDVC here, besides it's @wdway who is the real expert on these matters (she's been talking about chevrons for years). Go read it yourself, it's quite captivating. But for what it's worth, it does seem clear that someone in the writer's room in TWDU are more than just a little intrigued by the symbolism presented by author Dan Brown. And they're not afraid to use it in TWDU, because TD has consistently been tracking this type of symbolism since season 5 when Daryl paused in front of the carved wooden reproduction of Da Vinci's The Last Supper in Father Gabriel's church. Probably even before that, I have memories of TD'ers theorizing that Beth and Daryl's "white trash brunch" in 4x13 Alone was their "Last Supper", and that their kitchen scene was actually choreographed and modeled after Da Vinci's famous fresco.
And again, I'm bringing it up again because the writing of TWDDD 1x1 is practically forcing me to. That, along with the abundance of glorious spoiler pics from the Louvre...
Anyway, like the symbolism around the Blue Bird school buses and the Victoria Crowned Pigeon I mentioned initially, there are another few symbols I've been silently tracking over the years, and they both tie into the shot of Daryl stumbling out of the water, onto a Mediterranean beach, like a beautiful, though somewhat thirsty Venus or Aphrodite...
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He finds a bucket of fresh water, and drinks it like his life depends on it (which it probably did, to be fair). And it's blue. Of course it is. A blue drinking vessel for our dehydrated but very much still alive Venus/Aphrodite...
My favorite method when it comes to researching symbolism revolves around etymology, first and foremost. Etymology is my go-to for everything symbolism related. And of course I've checked the etymology of the word "vessel" a long ass time ago.
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How peculiar, the root word for "vessel" is "vas". And I'm not gonna lie, the results were interesting because OF COURSE I've also checked the etymology of the word "vase" a long ass time ago...
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..and the reason for why I checked the etymology of the word "vase" back in the ancient times of Really Early TD was obviously because...
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...I'm sure we all remember this lovely decorative piece on top of Beth's piano in 4x13 Alone.
BTW, @wdway, Queen of Chevrons and V symbolism would like you all to appreciate the lovely chevron pattern on Beth's knitted jacket...
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...a pattern we've just established is a possible reference to the symbolism around the Holy Grail as it is utilized in TDVC...
And the reason we all instinctively knew this particular vase on top of Beth's piano was more than just random kitchy knick knack was because...
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Yeah. In the words of the great Rick Grimes, "That vase...That's something special"...
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Yeah. Rick Grimes knows a thing or two about vases/vessels, as he's just woken up from a Tour de Liminal Space between the Realms of the Dead and the Living...
Most certainly a special vase/vessel indeed...
In fact, it was special enough to make an appearence in a hallucination in TWD 9x5 The Bridge, when Rick "died" (but not really).
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And much like our thirsty Venus/Aphrodite from the French beach...
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...our OG Sirius figure Rick Grimes, the first one to dissappear from the night sky only to return/ressurect/be reborn later and have a reunion with his loved ones, was also feeling the dehydration after his return/resurrection/rebirth...
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...and we know Beth likes her drink...
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Remember how I’ve been talking about the importance of the Jeep Cherokee symbolism lately? I've even been theorizing, like the desperate fangirl I am, that one of the cars from the Louvre spoiler pics could be a Jeep Cherokee. (if you have no idea of what I'm talking about, do seek out yesterday's post plus the Trunk Resurrection posts)
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A Cherokee rose in a beer bottle vase/vessel. Meant to instill hope and faith in Carol. Along with a story about the Grail of Tears, excuse-moi, TRAIL of tears…
(...also I have written probably 15 000 posts about beer symbolism in the past, check out those, and I also don't have time to elaborate on the name of the beer brand, Sweetwater, but I'm leaving it here for you @wdway)
I have a long list of Blue Clues, and I’ve compiled a bunch of them in the Blue Clue post, but among more recent examples that stand out is definitely the "Heart Of Blue" boat from 10x13 What We Become. Be sure to check out the numbers on the sail and tell me if you don't believe me when I say that the Blue Clues and the 101-1x1-one one- symbolism go together. Because it’s the number 11 (or 101-1x1-one one, as we discussed yesterday.
Also, @wdway who is a magician with numerology, would waste no time pointing out that the other number seen on the sail, the "22", represents the 22nd letter of the alphabet, namely the "V".
V for Venus perhaps? Or Team Violet?
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This is the episode when Michonne finds Rick’s boots (boot = trunk = vessel) on a boat, no less (another vessel).
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The boat has the numbers 672 written on its side...
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...something which makes it easily recognizible in case we should happen to come across it again at a later point.
...which we did. We came across it again.
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...like here, in the coda of 11x24 RIP, where we see a flashback of Rick throwing his backpack with his boots onboard the 672 vessel before he's apprehended by the Mean Helicopter Guy. This is why Michonne later was able to find his boots in the boat. Again, I highly reccomend this post by @angelthefirst1 for some absolutely glorious side-by-side comparisons of several Beth and Rick moments (and equally glorious additions by others).
So, from a symbolism point of view, what are we talking about here? It's about HOPE and FAITH. When Daryl told Carol the story of the Trail of Tears and the symbolism around the Cherokee Rose in season 2, it was to give her hope and faith. The Cherokee Rose in a beer bottle vase (vessel) is Daryl's vessel of hope and faith, extended to Carol at a time when she didn't have any.
When Michonne finds Rick's boots onboard the 672 vessel, she realises Rick could be alive (boot = trunk = vessel symbolism). She arrived at the island in a blue boat/vessel (called Heart Of Blue, no less), and she found Ricks boots (which in and of itself is a representation of Trunk symbolism, because boot = trunk, check out the Trunk Resurrection posts if you have no idea of what I'm on about) inside the boat/vessel, the same vessel we later see when we for the first time see Rick Grimes alive after he "died" (but not really) in 9x5 The Bridge.
Rick's boots gave Michonne the hope and faith she needed to go out in search of him. She found that hope onboard the 672 vessel.
Daryl's drinking vessel of choice when he stumbles out of the French waters in 1x1 L'ame Perdue is a blue bucket.
The vase we see on Rick's bed-side table in TWD 1x1 has blue decor on white background.
The vase we see on Beth's piano in 4x13 Alone has blue decor on white background.
The "Heart of Blue" boat that brings Michonne to the island where clues about Rick are to be found is blue (obviously, it's in the name), complete with a 101-1x1-one one-referance (and a 22-V referance) on its white sail.
It's like the vessel/vase symbolism represents the journey between the realms, a way for characters to move between the realms, a way in which loved ones, long thought to be dead, can travel between the realms, from the percieved Realm of the Dead, back into the Realm of the Living. They are vessels in which "dead" characters are given an opportunity to "wake up", they are vessels for "life", for "resurrection".
It's like they're Vessels of Hope and Faith...
...and venereal diseases?????
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In case it doesn't come across, this helpful poster inside Michonne's Vessel of Hope and Faith implores the public to help stop the spread of syphilis and gonorrhea. I'm not at all opposed to effective public health measures, such as information campaigns, but this poster, in this particular episode, in a literal Vessel of Hope and Faith seemed super random. So I turned to my trusted old friend etymology for advice:
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What do you know, the term "venereal” is directly linked to Venus, through my favorite academic dicipline etymology!
Michonne's vessel of hope and faith is ultimately a Venus reference. And because we love repetition:
Daryl stumbling out of the water is a dramatic reenactment of the Bottichelli painting The Birth Of Venus.
Venus and Sirius are two sides to the same story, as they're both concidered morning stars. Daryl's weapon of choise, outside the crossbow, is a Morningstar. Beth is a Sirius figure, a morning star.
Rick is the OG Sirius character, who disappeared from the night sky only to "resurrect" later. Beth is the next.
Beth, Rick and Daryl are all surrounded by the same blue bird symbolism.
And, there's currently filming going on at the Louvre, which, among other things, is home to the famous statue Venus de Milo.
And if this ol' fangirl is correct in her wild speculations, a car seen in a spoiler pic is a Jeep Cherokee, which certainly brings me lots of Hope and Faith that interesting Stuff and Thangs are coming up shortly in Daryl Dixon's European Adventure.
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slashingdisneypasta · 1 month
So Tinny is huge, right? Maybe not as big as Lion(?) But he's still a hulking giant at this point, right, IMAGINE HIM CARRYING YOU!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you're tucked in the crook of his arm, or if you're really short, you can perch yourself on his shoulder? But like- PLEASE IMAGINE THIS WITH ME! Even if you're a fighter, you kind of look/feel like a princess being carried like this 😆🥰 and Tin would be living for this I just know it.
Imagine in that AU where the trio are being rehabilitated instead of executed, Tinny will actively dull his knife fingers so HE CAN TOUCH YOU!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Him nervously and hesitantly reaching for your cheek (he tested the sharpness of his digits before touching you. Like you said, he is thorough. But he's so scared of hurting you, too), maybe not touching you all the way, so you lean the rest of the way in and press your cheek into his palm!!! The same cheek that's been sliced countless times can now be held in his hands with no danger 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 (... Yes I know Amy would have probably gotten his knife fingers replaced, but WE AREN'T TALKING ABOUT THAT HERE-)
Or! Alternatively! You and Tinny decide to flee the Emerald City!!! He's a wanted man now, and you two have to constantly be on the run. He's so regretful and sorrowful that he can't give you the peaceful life you deserve, and you tell him that you'd much rather be out here with him than under control of Dorothy 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Ok.... I'm probably not gonna be done after this ask, but for now I am XD
Tin with a pocket wife???? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Yes??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 He would love that so much??? Easy to protect and keep close?? Adorable????? Imagine sitting next to him at dinner with Lion and Scarecrow, and Tin genuinely has to look RIGHT DOWN in order to converse with you 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 XD
I see your 'Tin actively dulling his dentist tool fingers' and love it, and also raise you... reader knitting soft little finger cover things to slip over them for him !! Putting them on one-by-one while he waits patiently and intrigued by your knitting skills, saying thank you sunstar. Him getting all excited to hold your hand and cup your face then!??
Or Tin convincing you (Or Amy. Or Una) to give Scarecrow back his brain for a short, very very heavily supervised surgery where he fixes his hands.
... and that last dot point. I cant even. Its so perfect, my heart is just 🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕🥺
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besidesitstoowarm · 1 month
"The Eleventh Hour" thoughts
this is such a fun, explosive opening to the season and the new era as a whole. moffat episodes always leave me w so many notes so i'll try to get through this normally
so we see amy's beautiful dilapidated garden, the broken bench and overgrown ivy, while mournful singing plays overtop. fairy tale imagery that will carry us through to eleven's very last episode (and even into twelve, altho twelve has a more straightforward aesop fable thing going on). baby amy is praying to santa about the crack in her wall and i think this is a good intro for the kind of kid she is, the one who asks a larger-than-life half-fantasy man for help. she doesn't ask god, she asks santa, so of course she imprints on the doctor, who at this point is far more like the latter than the former
"are you a policeman?" "did you call a policeman?" eleven is very good w baby amy! he doesn't brush her off, he wants to comfort her in a language she understands, so if she mentions the police, he'll meet her there. she feeds him, montage of him thinking it's all ickyucky. fish fingers and custard you nasty ass. "amelia pond, like a name in a fairy tale" there we go. she gives him an apple w a face carved in and he keeps it even tho he already said he hates apples now
"prisoner zero has escaped" this would have scared the fuck outta me at age 7 so she's honestly being really brave to me. he promises to be back in 5 minutes. she packs up a suitcase, puts on her coat, sits outside waiting. and waiting, and waiting. a door at the end of her hall opens wider and wider
we skip forward! coma patients all saying "doctor" on repeat. hi rory. adult amy! she doesn't say who she is and says amelia hasn't lived there in 6 months and eleven keeps insisting it couldn't have been 6 months. there's a room she can only see in the corner of her eye and she goes inside and there's a fucked up evil eel in it. it's fine. he realizes she was lying about the 6 months thing and says "why did you say 6 months?" and she snaps back "why did you say 5 minutes?"
"i'm the doctor, i'm worse than everybody's aunt" that tracks. he uses rory's phone to track prisoner zero and wants to meet up w amy's handsome friend jeff to steal his laptop. rory is not happy about this assessment. eleven busts into jeff's room and snags the computer and says "get a girlfriend, jeff" in response to whatever he was looking at. he joins a worldwide genius zoom call or something idk
they go to the hospital and olivia colman is there! she's credited as "mother" and she is in fact mothering. "the pandorica will open," she says, "silence will fall" i am so excited. eleven tricks her into revealing herself and she gets arrested and then he demands the atraxi come back bc how DARE they threaten earth. he steals doctors' clothes and we get the iconic bow tie and tweed coat. this entire end monologue fucks so severely, it's the kind of thing moffat is so good at it and matt smith excels at performing, this fast-talking quick-witted sharp-spined arrogance. lil montage of all the previous doctors. "basically, run" that's my baby right there!!
he comes back two years later to pick up amy and she deliberately does not mention it's the night before her damn wedding. he says he's been alone too long and wants company, very hard left turn from the time lord victorious but it makes sense. she agrees to come and i like the new tardis interior :) eleven's later classic-style interior is my fave but this one is nice too. eccentric ass. next ep is one of my faves!
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Betrayal (11)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Crossover of Spooks and Pilgrimage (Modern AU)
Pairings: Lucas North x OC/Raymond de Merville x OC
Warnings: Love triangle. Angst. Language. Sexual references/language. Cheating. Stalking. 
Summary: Amy Holland is Lucas North’s girlfriend of six months. Amy is aware of his job as an MI-5 agent and supports him. However, Lucas’ cousin, Raymond de Merville, has always loved Amy and uses their one night stand together as leverage for something more.
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in. I’m gradually removing people from my tag lists who do not interact.
I want to say a special thank you to @sweetestgbye who has helped me pinpoint the exact road that I want to take this fic down. Thank you so much, love. @lathalea and @middleearthpixie have also been amazing as well. All of you have listened to my ramblings about this fic and helped immensely.
Amy began her working at the local Coventry JobCentre, fitting into a routine quickly as she was already experienced in the role. After confronting Raymond in Costa, she had threatened to go to the police if he continued his stalking behaviour. The threat made Raymond retreat, but Amy knew that he wouldn't give up so easily. His steel blue eyes had bore into her as he left, making her aware that he would be back at some point. Her run in with him that day still remained a secret between only them.
Lucas now came to visit Amy every week to ten days, treating her to a meal at varying restaurants. However, they had still not slept together. And that was weighing on Lucas.
Two months into Amy's return to Coventry, she accompanied Lucas back to his hotel room, as usual, but pushed him away as he began to try and remove her clothing.
Lucas sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, his back to her. "Aim, what's going on with us? Just talk to me, please," he begged. "I'm not forcing you to sleep with me, but I can't keep doing this if you're going to push me off every time. I've been patient, and now I feel like you're holding back from me."
Amy stood up and walked to the window, looking down at the traffic below. "I love you, Lucas. But whenever you touch me, I just....I feel dirty, like you're going to become dirty as well."
"I know you carry around all the guilt of what happened between you and Ray, but I've got to know if you love him. Is this because you're unsure who to be with? I don't know anymore."
"No! It's not that at all," Amy said. "I've told Ray that nothing will happen between us. He wants what I'm not prepared to give him. But I still can't stop feeling that shame every time I look at you."
Lucas got up and approached Amy. "Angel, please, for me, try and stop beating yourself up over and over about this. It's consuming you. Please, let it go. I know we said we wanted to take things slow, but just let things happen. Stop keep holding back."
Amy's chill between her and Lucas seemed to mount after their conversation. His efforts to be intimate with her where always met with a gentle sigh, a movement of her head in the opposite direction, or her pulling her clothing back in place.
Raymond was adamant that he needed to see Amy face to face, to speak his mind freely and tell her absolutely everything. He reached for a weekender bag from the top of his dusty wardrobe and began to fill it, packing enough clothing for at least four days. He'd made the relevant hotel reservation for four days, Monday to Thursday.
As he finished packing the last pair of trousers, Raymond picked up his phone and called Amy. He took a deep inhale and waited, his heart pounding.
"Ray?" Amy asked, her voice still gentle, but with an edge of shock.
"Aim. Can I come and see you? I'm packing some stuff and will be in Coventry tomorrow. Please let me come and see you. I need to talk to you."
Amy sighed. "Ray..."
"I want to just let things off my chest. I'm not expecting anything. You know I won't stop fighting for you. I can't..." A lump rose in Raymond's throat as a tsunami of emotion took hold. He bit his lip and sniffed, trying so had not to break down.
"You can," Amy whispered. "It's okay. I don't think you truly know how you feel about all this..."
"I DO know how I feel," Raymond snapped. "I know right now that all I think about is you. What little peace I have at night soon disappears when I wake up and realise that I'm not with you. I'm in an empty bed."
Over a hundred miles away, Amy sat down, her legs having started to shake beneath her. Those words swept over her so pleasurably, melting within her, rendering her so helpless. There was no way that she had the self-restraint to push him away.
"What time will you be in Coventry tomorrow?" Amy asked.
"I can be there as early as you want me to be."
"I've got work until five," Amy replied. "Are you driving?"
"You know where my parents live so come and meet me about half six."
After the phone call ended, Amy stared at the ceiling. "What the fuck am I doing?" she whispered.
Raymond arrived promptly at Amy's house, and waited outside in his car. He noticed Amy step out of the residence almost immediately, showing that she had been waiting, checking for him. He composed himself, taking a deep breath and then sat up straight in the drivers seat.
"Hi," Amy said softly as she got into the car and sat down in the passenger seat. One thing she noticed immediately about Raymond's car, in comparison to Lucas', was how tidy it was. There were no wrappers in the foot well of the car and it smelled fresh, like vanilla and cherries. Lucas' car normally had something in the passenger foot well, which Amy had to push aside.
Raymond took a quick look at Amy, feeling his stomach clench at the sight of her smile. His heart was pounding, so unlike other encounters he had had with women over the years.
Amy remained still and looked into her lap, ever watchful from the corner of her eye of what Raymond was doing. He seemed flustered, and fumbled for his keys. Was Raymond de Merville actually nervous?
"Ray?" she whispered. "It's okay."
His steel blue eyes met her gaze. So much like Lucas, yet different. Raymond was older, more experienced. He wore that experience on his face with more defined crows feet at his eyes, and an ever so slightly more tanned complexion, grey at his temples, and a beard. Raymond wore his experience outward, while Lucas attempted to hide it.
Amy and Raymond went to a local pub, ordered food, and then sat together on a leather sofa, which was next to a huge window, overlooking an outside seating area. Raymond had sat next to Amy, rather than opposite, she noticed. He spread his arm across the back of the sofa, edging it closer towards her.
"I needed to see you," Raymond told her, his upper body turned towards her. "I've missed you."
"Please tell me that you've stopped with the following?" Amy asked. "Ray...if you want us to be friends then we've got to be able to trust each other. Tracking me and Lucas..."
"Fuck Lucas," Raymond spat.
"Why are you so hostile towards him? He's done nothing to you. If anything, he should be the one who is hostile to us, but he isn't."
Raymond clenched his jaw tight. "Aim...." he sighed. Then Raymond made a fist with his right hand and straightened his back. "There are things you don't know about him..."
This is jealousy," Amy replied. "There are probably plenty of things that I don't know about him."
"You treat me like I'm a liar and downright evil bastard, but you need to be very, very careful of Lucas, Aim."
"This is getting stupid now," Amy hissed. "You're trying anything to get me to..."
"Fucking hell! Listen to me!" Raymond snapped. "You need to be careful of him. The last thing I want to happen is to see you hurt, because I'd kill him."
A shiver raced up Amy's spine. She could see nothing but truth and frustration in Raymond's eyes.
"He's been in touch with me and things are happening which he isn't telling you about. The shit will hit the fan, and I want to protect you from all of that. If this is the last thing you ever do in your life, please trust me."
Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @middleearthpixie @luna-xial @knitastically @meganlpie @asgardianhobbit98 @eunoiaastralwings @rachel1959 @xxbyimm @guardianofrivendell @spidergirla5 @msjava1972 @sunflwrnsunnieshine
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legolasghosty · 1 year
hi dino bones bestie, hope you’re having a great week!! can i request fluffy prompt 6. “Should I bring you some lunch today?” for willex? also good luck with the school papers!
OKAY HELLO HI I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!!! School was nuts and I had no time and no spoons, but it's spring break now so I have a dash of free time! Here you go, my dino bones bestie! Hope you like it!!!!
Willie closes his office door behind Danny, then lets his head fall forward against the cool surface. They don't regret becoming a therapist, not by a long shot, but sometimes it's just... exhausting. It's exhausting to care so much.
He wishes he could reach inside Danny's head and rewire the little part that makes him do everything in 4s, even just for a day to give the kid a break from his own mind. Or snap his fingers and get the teachers to stop deadnaming Amy. Or just fix any one of so many issues their patients had to deal with every day. But they can't. And some days, it just kills them.
He opens a drawer in his desk and pulls out their phone. Maybe he can catch Alex between recording sessions. Talking with their husband has always been a great way to get Willie out of his head. Even if it's just over text.
Willie - How goes the studio things?
Alex responds in less than a minute, so one of his bandmates must be in the booth at the moment.
Alexander Ortega <3 - Pretty good! Luke and Reggie have only resorted to throwing things at each other once! How are things at the office?
Willie chuckles, the nervous energy in his fingers fading a bit at Alex's lighthearted words.
Willie - Things are going okay here. I'm just tired.
Alexander Ortega <3 - Good tired or bad tired?
Willie - ...sad tired? I just wish there was more I could do to help everybody.
Alexander Ortega <3 - That makes sense. You care about them. Do you want to talk about it?
Willie considers it for a moment. They do want to talk about it. Alex has some kind of listening magic that lets him listen to Willie ramble on for half an hour and somehow get what they were trying to say. (Alex always rolls his eyes when Willie calls it magic, claiming it's just cause they've known each other for so long, but Willie knows the truth.) And that sounds really good right about now.
But Willie has another appointment in half an hour. He can't really fall apart right now, because there won't be the time to pick up the pieces. It will have to wait until after their next 2 appointments. Their afternoon is open, just some paperwork to deal with. And he'll have dinner at home with Alex. They just have to wait a bit.
Willie - I got another appointment soon. But later talking would be great.
Alexander Ortega <3 - Your last one gets out at 2, right? Should I bring you some lunch after that? Or we can go out if you want. With the way Julie and Luke are looking at each other, I'm pretty sure we're going to call it good on the recording soon anyways. Before everyone else in here starts having to play 3rd wheel.
Willie laughs. They can almost picture the heart eyes going between the couple. Julie and Luke always get like that when they're singing together. He has a feeling Alex knew the story would make him laugh.
Willie - YES that would be amazing!!! I love you so much!!! Just pick something up on the way, I don't really care what as long as it has calories.
Alexander Ortega <3 - Yes Ma'am! I love you too, see you at 2 <333
Willie leans back in his chair. They're still exhausted, but it's a bit better now. Alex always manages to do that. Even when the both of them are having a terrible day, just being with Alex makes Willie feel more at ease. It really is like magic. In their personal opinion.
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findrppartners · 1 year
hello!! my name is cam. i'm 18, and i'm looking for 18+ roleplay partners.
i know im a little late to the party, and that this is a long shot considering how quiet the fandom has been for the past few years, but i've recently watched the 2012 adaption of les miserables and i'd love to get some roleplay partners for it: specifically looking for somebody to write enjolras against a fem!oc -- and in return, i'm more than happy to play any other character for your oc. :)
only things i ask for is that you are literate, multi-para and able to give lenghty responses as i like detail.
i also ask that you're patient, and willing to wait for replies from me, as im a busy person and have a life outside of socials -- therefore my replies tend to take a while to be sent over. i can also provide a google doc with my oc's info and a writing sample to see if you like my style; and it'd be lovely if you could provide those two things aswell.
id also love to have a partner who likes talking ooc. sharing headcanons, moodboards, playlists and so on -- i love being friends with my roleplay partners. however this is not a requirement, just a personal preference, so if you don't like talking ooc that's okay too. just let me know!
as far as plots go, i know i want to stay with the canon era so 1800s, but for the rest -- im pretty flexible so throw any idea you may have at me and i'll most likely say yes! however, i can say that ( at least for my part ) i'd love love love to do a fix-it au where all of les amis somehow survived.
lastly, i only roleplay on discord.
this is getting a little long now so thank you to everyone who made it this far!
if you're interested, just interact with this post or shoot me a pm on discord:
━━ ❥ 𝗧𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗞𝗖𝗢𝗥𝗘 !#1827
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amynchan · 2 years
Writing Update, I suppose???
So I have a oneshot story for MDZS I've called it The Ways In Which I Love You. I wanted to use some prompts to do little things, so now I've got this. XD It's halfway done at this point (go me!), and this is chapter #5.
Chapter 1: Wangxian, "Who did this to you?", T
Chapter 2: Wangxian, "You're my best friend. I've always loved you.", T
Chapter 3: Wangxian, "Oh. Oh.", G
Chapter 4: Wangxian, "Shut up." "Make me.", E
Chapter 5: Jiang Cheng & Wei Wuxian, "Then why did you do it?" "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU", T
Chapters 1 and 5 have Alternate Attempts that I made and abandoned for different reasons. They're in the sequel story, The Ways In Which I Botch Loving You.
Chapter 1: "Who did this to you" Take 1
Chapter 2: "Then why did you do it?" "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU" Take 1
I'm hoping to get the other 5 prompts out in a timely manner, but we'll see how it all goes. I currently have my rolling die python application (that I made ages ago and didn't realize would come in so handy!) open to make sure that each prompt is randomly selected when I move onto the next, and the next prompt (for anyone interested) is ''I didn't know where else to go.'' A few ideas are already bouncing around, so we'll definitely see how this goes. >:3
I have a sister story for Selling Flowers in the works, though it's gone through a couple of serious overhauls at this point. ^^; New beginnings, new endings, new consequences, new disasters, new timelines, new lots of stuff. I'm really enjoying this AU. This story just needs major tweaks in order for me to get the timeline I really want down right. What I can and will say is that it's Jiang Cheng-centric, focusing on what he and certain others were up to during what we all know had to have been a rough patch in Wei Wuxian's life. It'll touch on the past, a tic of trauma, how Jiang Cheng interacts with the Wens, his dynamic and feelings towards Wei Wuxian himself, and the Jiang family situation. I am seriously aiming big here.
I also have a story that I never released, but it runs in the same vein as To Never Forget, but sadder. Well... ish. I had a thought experiment going about Wei Wuxian, what he's been through, and his happy ending, and I wanted it to be a little more tangible than just inside my own head, so I started writing out a story. I'm hoping it'll be no more than a few chapters once I'm done with it, and I want similar vibes to what I was going for with Trapped are the Guilty, but we'll see if the years have really honed in my ability to get the effect I'm going for.
There's a slow-going HunterxHunter AU that I've been working on, but I'm currently stuck there. However, it's a non-nen AU where Gon and Killua meet when they're much older and have slightly different priorities. Gon works with Kurapika, Leorio, and Melody in an undisclosed business while setting a trap and lying in wait for Ging to come along. He's very reluctantly patient about the whole thing. Killua is with Alluka, living a...life..., and there's something... not quite right or wrong about the pair. Whatever's up, Gon is still Gon, Killua still needs a friend, and the world is a little more grey than we all want to believe it is.
Finally, there's a fluffy as heck oneshot idea that's in the works and already has a beginning kinda hammered out. It's come to Lan Wangji's attention (through Unfortunate means) that Wei Wuxian doesn't sleep as well when they are forced to part. When Lan Wangji is sent out and Wei Wuxian must stay behind, what's a man to do to ensure that his beloved husband gets the rest that he needs? The answer comes from the same source as the unfortunate revelation, and I think it's kinda funny.
So... I think that's everything. Now y'all are up to date on the thoughts of Amy. XD Or, at least, the writings she's been actively working on. Some passive stuff is going on in the bg of my computer and shall stay there for a long time. *pat pats computer*
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mofffun · 8 months
forecast recap.
(Speaking of which. OST vol.3 is due, right?! It's mid-October, 2-month interval is up!!)
Sept extras call: resistance is just a fancy word for refugees, luckily that belongs to Kyoryu's earth instead of ours. But my au isn't that bad ;) Basically my earliest guess was that either something happened to the Kings that they lost their thrones (or a group of people started rebelling against Dugded on their own <- less likely because you'll've to introduce a new leader character), and THEY have to start a resistance now because (a) puppet king(s) is in their place. The only thing we knew then was, Chapter 2 is happening. In the following month, the kings' defeat after defeat is not helping my overthinking! I should've just taken the costume clues on the surface and came to the direct conclusion that it's happening not on Chikyuu but Our Earth. Man I would've love to see my Dark AU some unofficial way ;)
Now that I caught up to Kyoryu ep36, and more obviously, Kingoh 33, I can make the connection for the Oct extras call. They are going to recreate/homage the scene where the crowd sing and clap to give the rangers power. The TV preview text says the Kyoryugers are going to return, so the brightest side is Daigo and Utcchy are going to show up in mid/late November when their search for Dugded brings them to Chikyuu. I don't think there's gonna be a Kyoryu 10th. They had to shoot Amy's scenes separately and Shiono outright said it may be the last time he plays Souji. Practically it's a bit late for the marketing to start if it's really happening, let alone the 20ths are having it in the coming year.
P.S. EP3 goes on sale 6 Dec, and usually an EP contains at least 2 new songs. So is the other "I'm Still Alive" for the Yanma focus ep? Please *pleading eyes*. December also sounds suspiciously late (coincidence with Blu-ray v.2 release?). EP1 was two weeks and EP2 a month after the first song. "Pride and Brave" will likely be reused for the Kyoryu-Ohger and if Crossover 2.0. I'm not very patient waiting for the eventual release of the full version of that dance... worst case maybe we'll have to wait until Blu-ray vol.3's release next March...
[Katou D] 22/10 ep34 Gabutyra
[Katou D] 29/10 ep35 Kagu + Suzume backstory (Minnogan round? Revived bug to sell toy?)
[? (skm)] 5/11 ep36 Rita
[? (skm)] 12/11 ep37 Yanm, Robo
[? (ymg?)]  19,26/11 ep38/39 Racules? build-up to 40?
yzy tweet 27/9 (28/9: kingchan) -> est. 5/11 ?!
Uch 182: interview: 11-15/9 (post 28 air), publish date 2/10
Uch info: Kagu past, Yanma/N'kosopa past, Sebas' real name, Sakamoto 2nd round
Extras shooting: 8-9/10, Studio (crowd singing but on chikyuu?!) -> on air est. 12/11 (ep37)
(32/33: shooting 1,2,6/9 -> on air 8,15/10)
YZY math gives us 36 + crowd cheers scene gives 37. Both "Action" and "Homage" sound SKM style but it sounds a bit soon for Sakamoto to return if he's just a guest director. The rate is possible and maybe 34,35 will rush the plot, but it sounds too much of a leap even for me.
I was hoping for Yamaguchi to return with Racles but it seems he got excahanged to Rider with Nakazawa coming our side. :p Well it's just next door, he could always come back to shoot the Husty brothers. (wait that sounds wrong)
Another possibility, it could be KHU calling the extras, seems like you'd need the head D to call that size of a crowd. Hmmm. I'm not giving up my Racles cult theory yet.
Uchusenn interview happened mid-September, the cast should only had received the script til ep35, but it's plausible to bump that number up by two since that Takamina got timeoff for 32,33.
YZY could be training early, and even though she said there's going to be another SKM round, what she trained for is written into the script by Takamina, so it's not a 1-to-1 confirmation that the SKM round is her FOCUS ep. It could've been the entire cast is all required to do untransformed action and she just happen to be the one that posted about it.
but oh god... if Takamina wrote Rita broken mask action...
Director list:
1-5 Kamihoriuchi
6-8 Yamaguchi
9-11 Katou
12 Kamihoriuchi
13-14 Chatani
15-16 Yamaguchi
17-19 Katou
20-21 Yamaguchi
22-23 Chatani
24-26 Katou
27-29 Kamihoriuchi (ko29,30 = Gotchard 3,4 Yamaguchi)
30-31 Nakazawa
32-33 Sakamoto
34-35 Katou
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9/25/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription part 4
Dailyaudiobible.com is our website. That is the place of connection. That's where you can see what's happening here in the community, how to get connected and stay connected. So be sure to check that out. If there's things that we can be praying for you, come alongside of you and encourage you, and just pray over you all need that right, you can call in at 800-583-2164. And those get sent in and played at the end of every day's podcast. That is all for today. I'm China, I love you, and I'll be waiting for you here, Tomorrow.
Community Prayer Line
Good afternoon, DABC Community, this is under construction and I just wanted to say thank you to you guys for all your prayers for my new job. It will be a year in November that I have been here and things are going amazing and not only did God get my foot in the door To a major hospital in the area, but he also provided me with employment that provides tuition reimbursement, so I am now eligible. I'll be getting my first check Next payday. And then after this next term I'll be able to get another check. So I just, I thank you guys so much for your prayers. I was so stressed out and trying to find a new job and the doctors that I work for are absolutely amazing. They let me watch Procedures standing right behind them with the patient in the room, with the nurses and staff and stuff. Like I'm one of them, even though I'm not on the medical side, they are in that runs the Cath lab is awesome and is like, yeah, anytime we have something feel free to come over. Like I got just really led me into a extremely Awesome place. And so I just wanted to say thank you guys because I know that you guys were praying for me and I heard the prayer request during my time searching for a job and like he is just. I am. He is amazing. Alright guys, take care. Stay blessed.
Hey, my extraordinary DABC fam. This is Kingdom Seeker Daniel. I got a few shoutouts to give, so let me get to it. Shout out to Missus China Brown. Oh, sis you have me cracking up when you said that Then you might have responded to King Darius by saying what up, Darius?Oh, this China. Absolutely love your storytelling Wit and comedy. It is absolutely beautiful. Don't you dare change for anybody. Keep being you. Shout out to our dear Sister Kerry, AKA Jesus girl. Oh my goodness. Thank you so much for the powerful words of simplicity and prayer. Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much care I'm sure many people were encouraged to just talk to Jesus. We don't have to have all the fancy words and all that. So thank you so much sis. Shout out to Miss Inga from Denmark. Oh sis thank you for sharing your story, your bedtime prayer time with your little guy. What a sweet boy you have. That he would just want to give thanks to the Lord. Thank you so much, Chastity from Kansas, thank you so much for your prayers, for your love, for your affirmation. And please continue to pray for LOV and I because like everybody else, we feel the attack of the enemy. But we're determined to keep running the race For Jesus. And finally, what can I say about Mrs. Nicole Simone from Brooklyn? Says All I can say is thank you for that infectious joy. Keep sharing it for Jesus. I love y'all.
Hi, this is Amy calling in from Atlanta. I wanted to pray this morning for Tiffany from New York who is desperately asking for prayer for her husband Whose faith is dissipating. He's depressed. He's talking about wanting to take his life. And she was reaching out to the community, just desperate for him and all the prayers that she's prayed for him for years. And things only seem to be getting worse. So Lord, that Tiffany would not lose her faith, Lord, that she would continue praying to you God, Lord that you would pull her husband up and out of the pit that he's been in and Lord Pretty please just bring your light into the darkness that is trying to take them down. Don't let the darkness take them down, Lord. Give them hope. And I also wanted to pray for Tammy in California, who called with a praise that she is reconnecting with her daughter Sophia. So We we we praise God with you. Tammy and I just want to thank Daily Audio Bible Chronological I've only been listening for a couple of months and this is just been an amazing way for me to be faithful in reading my Bible every day and understanding understanding it. So I hope everyone has a great day and thank you.
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pairing: Kim Namjoon x female reader (guest star Yoongi)
genre: smut, established relationship au
word count: 4.3k | reading time: 20 min
summary: Dating Kim Namjoon comes with its advantages and disadvantages. The later mainly being working so much all you get to see of him is in his studio. But you're a needy bitch. And if you have to get what you want while he works, you will do just that.
warnings: hard dom namjoon, bratty sub reader, cockwarming, daddy kink, dirty talk, degradation, praise, choking, spanking, unprotected sex, oral m.receiving, orgasm denial, studio sex, slight exhibitionism, aka the one where namjoon discovers he likes public sex and exhibitionism.
A/N: Amy=Army=reader because I prefer using a name instead of y/n
Masterlist | Read on AO3
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Time slipping closer to the comeback dates meant missing-your-boyfriend hours grew more frequent. You never complained, just like he didn't either, but you were clingy by nature and finding any way to be even in the same room as Namjoon had become your top priority. At first, sleeping in his arms at night was enough. In about a week it became apparent that waking hours were paramount, so you started joining him for lunch. No matter how short and rushed it had to be. But the more he worked on the group's comeback, the less attention he could pay, always distracted and keeping your interactions to small talk. Eating with him wasn't sating your hunger anymore.
"I'm sorry, baby," he would say when he would realize you had been talking this whole time.
You honestly didn't mind. Simply wanted to be by his side. "It's okay, sweetie. Everything alright?"
He sighed and caressed your hand laying on the table. "I just miss you. I have to stay to work extra hours again and I won't see you again and I miss you. That's all."
You replicated his small, soft smile. "I can stay with you. I'll bring my laptop and we can both work together. That way we won't be alone."
Namjoon smirked. "You know I can't concentrate with you in the room," he declared with a low tone in his voice and slightly squeezed your hand.
Suddenly, you were fighting a smile on your lips while your eyes raced to the floor as if you were too shy to face your own boyfriend. Then you pouted. "No, we'll just work. I will be working too, I'll be so quiet, you won't even know I'm there."
And so you did. You took the small couch while he had his back to you, working on his computer. The sound of both of your keyboards was filling the room, along with the slight whispers of the music playing through Namjoon's headphones. It was after-hours and they went by mostly uninterrupted, except for the occasional visit by a manager or a member –usually the rappers– to deliver some type of message. The boys would smile softly at the sight of you, and you replied with a raise of your shoulders to state the obvious.
"Can I sit on your lap?" You asked Namjoon once after you had given up on your work and were battling falling asleep on that comfortable couch while you waited for him to call it a day, or more accurately, a night.
He pulled his headphones to the side and turned to look at you. "My lap?"
You nodded. "I'll just sit there and you can work."
"Don't you want to work?"
"No, I want to be in your arms."
He bit his bottom lip. He eyed you up and down and then looked at his monitor. He knew it wasn't a good idea, but he figured he would just sound like a straight douche if he declined cuddle offers from his girlfriend, after she had been patiently putting up with him distancing for the past few weeks. So he turned back to you and patted his lap.
"Okay, hop on, kitty. But if you don't sit quietly, you'll be in trouble."
You had to bite back that shy smile again. Namjoon was asking you to sit quietly yet just by the way he asked, he made you crave that trouble he promised. But no, you were a good girl. You didn't want to disturb his work, it would only stress him out more. You straddled his lap and huddled on his chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible so as not to restrict his movements in the least. You felt his big hand stroking your hair as you planted your head on his left shoulder, your nose close to his neck, tickling him with your warm breath. Before you knew it, you were asleep.
So now you almost didn't even bother pretending to work on that laptop of yours. Since Namjoon had been convinced that you could sit on his lap without causing trouble, and you had discovered how easy it was to relax when you were wrapped around him like that, you basically jumped in his lap right after you two settled in his studio. Namjoon played with your hair or gently squeezed the softer parts of your body every time he paused to think. He found it helped him work even better. His own little stress relief toy.
"Oh- uh… Sorry- um…" Yoongi squealed when he walked into the studio and saw the two of you tangled like so.
Namjoon turned to face the older member and simply shook his head. "Oh, she's just sleeping," he whispered.
Yoongi now opened the door more widely and stood up straighter to take a better look at you. "Oh…" he exhaled with a smile. "Like that?"
"Yeah… she can't stay away from me."
At that, you decided to lift your head and look at Yoongi's general direction. "I'm awake!" you stated loudly then immediately dropped your head back down.
The other man chuckled slightly before he informed Namjoon on something about their manager, this and that, and left. Anyone walking into the studio was met with what appeared like an adorable scene that they quickly became accustomed to, and even your boyfriend seemed to think completely innocently of it now. Which meant you were the only one quietly suffering because of his cologne and the warmth of his crotch under yours.
You tried to sit there quietly. You tried to fall asleep. But it had been days since you and Namjoon had done anything other than work, and that promised trouble was becoming more and more appealing. You circled your fingertips at the base of his neck, contemplating whether you should grid yourself on him to get him to fuck you on that desk as a punishment, or be a good girl so that you don't lose your lap privileges.
But you wanted more than your lap privileges. You truly were so clingy, it wasn't enough that you were sitting on him like that; you wanted to feel more of him. You bit your lip and controlled yourself, catching your breath on purpose so that he wouldn't notice it had gotten heavier and warmer on his neck. You could practically hear his deep voice vibrating something like "you little minx" in case you exposed yourself, which in turn made your struggles even harder.
You squirming on his lap was probably registered as you squirming in your sleep by your boyfriend. Indeed, you kept your eyes tightly closed to play the role, too. You swallowed, again and again, excess saliva flooding your mouth from all the dirty thoughts passing your mind, like a dog dreaming of a delicious meal. But you stayed put. You sat quietly, just like he had asked. Because you were a good girl and you knew you would be awarded for that eventually.
"Baby…" you whispered with a pout in your lips. Today you had worn a skirt and as you sat on Namjoon's lap, the only thing covering your heat was your lace panties. Today you would get that award you craved the whole week. "Namjoon, baby…" you whined again to get your boyfriend's attention.
He looked at you with wide eyes, pausing whatever he was doing and sliding his headphones off. "What's that, kitten?"
Your eyes dropped down as your fingers played with the hem of his shirt. "I–" you gulped, "I want you inside me."
You heard nothing, no reaction. So you looked up again and Namjoon was just staring at you. "You know we can't do that here, kitten…"
You bounced slightly on his lap in protest. Luckily for you, you found out your boyfriend had already started to get hard under you. So you continued. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed yourself on him, making him suck in a breath.
"Ohh... I'm not asking for anything too much. I just want you inside me."
"Inside you?"
You nodded. "Yes, yes. I just want to feel you. Can you just… just put it inside me?"
Namjoon laughed. "Baby, if I put it inside you there is no way it won't lead to something more…"
But you shook your head frantically. For good measure, you ground yourself on him, too. "No, no, I promise! I won't even move. I'll just go right to sleep like I do every day. You know, you've seen how quietly I can sit like that. You can trust me, right?"
Namjoon bit his bottom lip aggressively as he watched you act all innocent and cute while talking about putting his dick in you. He took one too many seconds to answer, so you took the initiative to move your hands to his pants and unbutton them. His hands grabbed your hips. Not to stop you. Just to hold you forcefully as he processed what was happening.
"So you– you want to do… cockwarming?"
In response, you took one of his hands and guided it under your skirt, to your already wet core. His fingers felt your arousal through the lace. Suddenly, all signs of demur disappeared from his face.
"Hm, does your little hole feel empty without me, kitten? You want me to fill you up?"
You bit your lip as you nodded, your hands moving again to completely undo his pants and pull them down just a bit. You palmed him through his boxers and his fingers massaged your clit over your panties. You pulled his dick out and saw how it sprang up, almost to full hardness already. Quickly, you spat on your hand a generous amount and used that to pump him up and down a few times. Namjoon groaned and pushed your panties away, two fingers teasing at your entrance.
"Do you need prepping? Or can you take my cock as it is?" he asked you as he slipped his two fingers easily in.
"Namjoon," you moaned his name quietly. "Don't get me too horny, just put your dick inside me." He raised his eyebrows at your commanding attitude. "Unless you don't want me to be good," you added with a raised eyebrow of your own.
Chuckling, he pulled his fingers out and grabbed your hips again. He guided you over his dick. "Alright, kitten. Sit on that cock and don't. Move."
You sank, taking him in inch by inch, the thickness stretching you out so much it burned. You allowed yourself to moan out as quietly as you could, still struggling to fit all of him inside you. Namjoon kept a hand on your hips to guide you down, while the other caressed the side of your head.
"That's right," he praised you. "Take all of me, baby. I know you can."
With his encouraging words, you took a deep breath and moved down until your pussy had swallowed him whole, his head now nudging at your cervix.
"There, there… that's great," Namjoon cooed. He brushed his palm over your cheek and made you look at him. "How does this feel?"
"Oh, it feels good…" you said, dragging out the last word while letting your eyes roll to the back of your head. Your boyfriend gave you a sweet kiss on your forehead.
"So, did you get what you wanted, kitten?"
"Mm, yes, daddy, thank you," you moaned.
His thumb ran over your lips and he pinched your chin. You opened your eyes to look at him. "Now… will you sit there quietly and let me do my job?"
You nodded lazily. "Yes. Yes, daddy, I will."
Namjoon smiled and gave you a quick peck. He looked down, pushing your skirt out and adjusting it so that it covered both of you up. He put his headphones back on and you, just like you promised, laid your head on his shoulder again and sat there quietly. Your position ultimately not changing at all and it still seemed very sinless, with the only exception that you were now so deliciously full and finally sated.
You tried to calm your breathing down. You clenched and unclenched around him involuntarily and he released a warning groan in response. It was hard to stay still at first, but once you got used to his length stretching your walls, it was surprisingly relaxing. He was big and warm and the most comfortable thing you had experienced in your life. You had never felt closer to your boyfriend than at that moment. You loved it in a very possessive way.
From now on this would be the only seat you'd ever take.
Namjoon loved it too. He didn't expect you to actually sit still, secretly wanted you to act out so that he could teach you a lesson afterwards. But now you looked as peaceful as a baby breastfeeding. It was funny how something so dirty made you look so chaste, and how that in return made you look, well... hot. He sighed. He really didn't think he would be the one having trouble controlling himself. Your pussy was moving slightly around him every time you squirmed, and he felt every single thing. Yet you had managed to drift into a light sleep, your cheek pressed on his collarbone, your lips apart, your breaths long and warm on his neck.
So pretty… So cute. Namjoon would make sure to fuck you so well when you two got home.
"Hey, Namjoon!"
Namjoon jumped right as the studio door opened wide. He hands quickly grabbed your hips, ready to push you away and pretend nothing was happening.
"Oh, is she sleeping?" Yoongi whispered and walked closer to them.
Namjoon froze. He looked down, your skirt was still covering you up. Then he looked at the other man. He seemed blissfully unaware of what was going on in there.
And that, for some reason, made Namjoon's dick throb.
"Um, ye-yeah."
"Heh, she's so cute when she sleeps on you like that."
Namjoon bit the inside of his cheek hard. His hips moved forward on their own accord, pushing further inside you so slightly that the moment went by unnoticed. But not by you. A tiny whine echoed from your throat.
"Hm, yes. What's up?" he answered, his voice husky.
Yoongi started talking, but if Namjoon were to be honest with himself, he didn't hear a thing he said. All he could register was his dick getting even harder while your pussy got tighter around him. He tried to stay still as he stared forcefully into his friend's eyes. What if he realised?
God, the thought alone made him suck in a deep breath.
"Okay?" Yoongi's voice was barely made out inside the younger's foggy head. But he managed to nod. "Can you do that for me?"
"Hyung..." Namjoon sighed. Just as Yoongi frowned at his friend's odd voice, you moved around, clinging closer to Namjoon, cutting off his oxygen supply completely. "Yes! Yes, I will!" he literally choked out.
The other rapper gave him an up and down and Namjoon would never dare admit how his eyes on the two of you made his stomach shrink. But he would admit to how he felt ready to combust and if you weren't left alone within the next thirty seconds, he would no longer care about details such as privacy.
"Cool," Yoongi mumbled, moving back towards the door yet still facing you. "Thanks, man. I owe you one."
The moment the door clicked closed, Namjoon gasped hard, taking in all the air he was missing. His hands -still on your hips- held you tighter, tight enough to leave bruises, as he panted and moved his hips slowly into you.
"Stop pretending you're sleeping," he demanded. A couple of seconds of silence passed, and then he felt your lips gently land on his neck in a small kiss, trying to play innocent. He snorted. "You–"
"Everything okay, daddy?" you asked in the purest voice you could master.
"No!" he exclaimed, dropping his head back on his chair. He thrust up as much as he could, but since he was already buried to the brim, there wasn't much space to move. "No, I'm not okay!" he growled. You immediately bit your lip, pulling your head away so that you could finally face him. He leaned slightly forward but the moment his eyes fell on you, his head hit his chair again. "Move!"
"But, daddy, you–"
"Fuck, Amy, if you don't– move!"
His hands pushed you slightly off him, and he immediately thrust into you. Hard. You had no choice but to cry out. Another thrust and you felt like you couldn't hold yourself up anymore, falling on his chest and clinging to him desperately.
"Nam-" you tried to talk, but the man had found his position and was drilling into you at a never before seen speed. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and all you could do was have your jaw hung open and a moan escape freely with every hit on your spot. He was animalistic, growling and groaning loudly with no regards to the public building you were in, and most importantly, without even noticing your attempts to slow him down. You pushed your palms on his shoulders, trying to lift yourself, but in response, he just bit down on your neck and made you moan harder.
This... This is exactly what you wanted. Wasn't it?
"Namjoon, the door is unlocked," you managed to whisper while he was licking your neck up and down aggressively. He just hummed in response. At least he heard your voice. "What if somebody comes in?"
Your boyfriend moaned. He slowed down, his right hand leaving your hip to move higher up, ruffling your shirt, squeezing your breast and wrapping around your throat. You gasped right as he tightened his grip.
"Let them see," Namjoon mumbled. His grip around your throat tightened even more and his hips picked up the pace again. But now, you had no way of making any sound other than choking. Namjoon moaned louder. "Oh, let them watch."
He finally let you breathe and right away he crushed his lips to yours, pulling you deep down on his dick and grinding inside you. You had never seen this side of him before and you couldn't help but drip arousal around his base. Just seeing how into it he seemed to be made you get closer to your climax.
"Bounce on my cock, you slut. Isn't this what you wanted from the beginning?" your boyfriend growled in your ear and you whined, immediately obeying. Jumping up and down.
"Daddy..." you moaned for his attention, getting closer and closer.
A hard slap on your right butt cheek. "Faster. Do it how you know you wanted it." Another slap.
Leaning forward you found a new momentum to slide up and down his dick faster, and his breathing instantly changed. You looked up through your lashes at him, gawking at his expression, face hot with coy and pride.
"Like that, daddy?"
He groaned, staring right into your eyes. "So needy," he mumbled. "Such a desperate slut, constantly wanting praise. Is that what you want, baby? For me to praise you?"
You almost missed your rhythm due to the effect his words had on you. "Da... Daddy..." was all you could say.
He held you from the ass, helping you move since you were so close to cumming it was getting hard. "Hm? You want me to praise that warm, wet pussy of yours that takes my dick so well?" You had to moan. "So well-" he repeated, "-that I can't resist it?"
"Daddy, I'm gonna-"
"You fuck me so well, baby. Hm, is that what you want me to say?" Namjoon continued teasing. "You're so good..."
"I'm gonna cum!"
Suddenly, you were empty. Namjoon had pulled out of you and pushed you away.
"Oh no, baby. You don't get to cum."
Your mouth dropped open, the sweat that glistened all over your face probably evaporating at how hot it suddenly got. "Wh- what?"
The man in front of you gave you the most shit-eating grin you had seen in a while. He got up from the chair and stood in front of you. "What? You really thought you would be rewarded with an orgasm after everything you pulled?"
You pouted. "But..."
Namjoon held your chin gently and smiled down at you smugly. "You've been too naughty, sweetness. Now, if you get on your knees for me, I might make you cum when we get home."
You bit your lips so hard it hurt. "Daddy..." you whined in the most seductive voice you had in you, giving him your big, puppy eyes. But he just released your chin and raised his eyebrows.
"On. Your. Knees."
Gulping, you lowered yourself down. If Namjoon said knees then knees it would be. You looked up at him and he sighed heavily at the attractive sight.
"Now, open up for me, baby."
You opened your mouth and drew your tongue out as far as you could, which seemed to please him a lot. Grabbing his dick at the base, he ran his head over your tongue. Getting desperate again, you closed your lips around him and sucked the head. That earned you a hiss. His fingers were suddenly all in your hair, his head fallen back, as he picked up right where he had left. He pushed the first couple of inches of his dick in and out of you fast until you were used to it and you swallowed more of him in. You couldn't take all of him, but you didn't need to: the tightness of the back of your mouth was all Namjoon needed to feel from you.
"Oh, God…" Namjoon moaned and you knew the moment the atheist started to call out to God, was the moment he was getting close. You grabbed his hips to halt his thrusts and instead just suck. Suck him hard enough to slurp his own soul if he had one. Hard enough to swallow his warm cum right as it was released down your throat.
You opened up your mouth with a satisfied "ah" to show him it was empty. Namjoon smiled and fell back on his chair, exhausted. Knowing you needed to be as good as you could in order to be rewarded afterwards, you gently tucked him back in his trousers while still on your knees, looking at him proudly.
"Did I make you feel good?"
Namjoon chuckled, ruffling his hair. "I swear all you ever–"
A knock on the door followed but a member right away. "Hey, Namjoon-ah, when-"
You both turned with dread to look at the door, finding a mortified Yoongi standing to it. His wide eyes moved from the fucked out looking man on the chair, to the girl on her knees in front of him, and he very wisely decided to disappear behind the closed door again without a word.
"Ah, shit…" Namjoon mumbled, but you just laughed.
"You know, he's probably still waiting for that translation," you said, which made your boyfriend look at you puzzlingly.
"What translation?"
You bit your bottom lip to prevent you from laughing again. "Babe! Earlier… he said he e-mailed you some lyrics he wanted you to translate to English. You said you'd do it."
His face scrunched up to the saddest 'oh' you had seen. "I h– I didn't– I..."
You showed your teeth in an 'oopsie' way. "Oh, well... At least now he knows what took so long."
Namjoon moved off the chair and pulled you up with him. "I need to– I mean, I should probably talk to him. I don't know, say it wasn't what it looked like? Would that sound believable?"
You chuckled again, getting on your tippy-toes to try and fix his hair. "Looking like that? Not so much."
Namjoon looked at his reflection on the black screen of his computer to fix what he could. "You should go home, baby. I'll stay here to make this right."
"What? No, but you promised to make me cum when we get home," you whined like the spoiled brat you were.
But your boyfriend grabbed your jacket, waiting for you to wear it. "Yeah, but that was before you got me in trouble, you brat."
You pouted. "No, I'm not going."
He rolled his eyes and grabbed your arms to push them through your jacket sleeves. "Get home now, Amy, before I change my mind and not let you cum at all."
You were ready to throw a tantrum, but as you were guided toward the door, you just turned and looked at him very seriously. "Namjoon, I swear to you, if you let me go now I'll find a better way of getting myself off tonight," you threatened.
But he laughed. "Oh, okay. Tell me, do you wanna go apologize to Yoongi perhaps?"
You shrugged nonchalantly. "Perhaps. At least he'd let me cum, wouldn't he?" you commented as you opened the door and were ready to leave. But Namjoon slammed it closed again. His arms caged you against it as he loomed over you.
"I have a better idea. You go home right now, undress, get in bed and wait for me without touching yourself at all, like a good girl, and I'll make you cum until you beg me to stop," Namjoon whispered darkly. You seemed to consider it. "There is no alternative, sweetness. You'll do as I tell you."
So you smiled. You gave him a little kiss on the cheek and agreed. Well, at least he thought you did. Because you were definitely going to disobey him by touching yourself back home until you had wet your bed waiting for him. Waiting for the punishment he'd come up with then...
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Love On-Set (Pt. 06 of 10)
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Pairing: Dacre Montgomery X Reader
Summary: You knew acting on Stranger Things season 3 would be a challenge, and you also knew, from the start, you'd have to work closely with Dacre Montgomery. But is wasn't a big deal for you, since this is your job and you're determined to act professionally. You had it all figured out, or so you thought, until the moment you were out face to face with Dacre. Then, this job became a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since you can't seem to focus whenever you're around Dacre. And you'll have to be around him a lot until the end of production.
Word count: 3 K
<- Previous part (05)
Next part (07) ->
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Los Angeles
The fresh wind messes with your hair as you squint your eyes at the rising sun. You always loved the beach, but this one is your favorite. The way the light blue color of the ocean mixes with the sky is breathtaking, and you know you could spend all of your days here, just looking at the horizon, not a single worry on your mind. It's peaceful, like paradise. The sand is soft under your bare feet, and there's nobody here yet. It's too early, and the only reason why you're here is because you missed this feeling.
It doesn't matter where you go, you'll always want to return here, even is it's just for a visit. The only sound you hear is from the crashing waves, slow and calming, like music. You can't help but smile, eyes closed to better feel the warmth of the sunlight in your skin.
The unmistakable click of a camera gets your attention, forcing you to open your eyes again. Furrowing your eyebrows, you wonder if someone recognized you. It happened only once, even before the shooting for the season three started when a girl spotted you as the girl who Billy almost ran over. But that was it.
Turning around to check the source of the sound, your heart stops for a moment when you see Dacre, still putting his phone down.
“Sorry, but you were looking so good.” He says, making his way over you.
He's the one looking good. The white pants and pale blue shirt mix perfectly with the atmosphere, light, and relaxing. And all the rest too. His face, his smile, the way he walks. You're quick to notice the first three buttons of his shirt are opened and you wonder if he's getting this idea from Billy. “Me? Please, look at you. You're... Gorgeous.”
“Yeah.” She simply says, finally reaching you. “I'm glad you're still here. I was scared you'd be gone.”
Dacre lives forty-five minutes away from you. It's not that close, but close enough, you think. Maybe it's fate, or so says Millie. Like a sign. “I can't believe you came all the way here.” An hour ago, before you came to the beach, you answered his text to let him know where you would be since you wouldn't bring your phone.
“Better start trying, because here I am.”
Biting your lip to hold back a smile, you turn at the ocean again. “Well, this is one of my favorite places on Earth.”
“I noticed.”
“Really? How?” Crossing your arms, you look at him. Dacre's eyes are as blue as the ocean. But they're much more beautiful.
“The shine in your eyes.” He answers, shrugging his shoulders. “It's pretty obvious if you pay attention.”
“You say these things and I don't even know what to think.” Unlike you, Dacre doesn't try to hide his feelings or thoughts. He's honest, every time.
“Just tell me how you feel about this place.” He lightly touches your arm, and you set in a slow walk.
“Uhm...” You mutter, feeling as his hand slides down your arm until it reaches yours. His fingers linger for a while, and you feel the usual sensation Dacre brings you. Butterflies, moving all over your skin, tickling. Slowly, very, almost painfully, his fingers brush on yours, and when he's just about to let go, you decide to be brave, intertwining your fingers with his. You wait for him to still want to let to, but he doesn't. His grip only gets tighter. “It's beautiful, obliviously.”
“That's it? Is that everything you have to say about one of your favorite places on Earth?” You stop a few feet away from where the ripples reach. “You know you can tell me how you feel, right? I want to know.”
Taking a deep breath, you turn your body towards Dacre, trying not to look as nervous as you feel right now, holding his hand. “This is nostalgic. It's my second home after that house over there.” You gesture at a small group of houses by a cliff. “Mine is the tiniest one. I grew up here but only moved back a year ago. This beach makes me feel... Free. Like there is not a single worry in the world. It's... Bliss.”
Dacre is already looking down at you when your eyes meets his. The smile on his lips sends shivers down your spine. “I'm happy you shared it with me.”
“It's just... A couple of words.” Blushing, you look down. “It doesn't mean anything.”
“It means a lot.” His free hand comes to your face, fingers softly caressing your cheek and jaw. “To both of us.”
You were just about to say something when the water reaches your feet, and you give a little jump. “Oh my Gosh!” You exclaim, giggling.
“Wanna go for a swim?” He asks.
“I can't.” Shrugging your shoulders, you take a look at the ocean. “I don't know how to.”
“It's not a big deal.”
“We were shooting next to a pool and you didn't tell me you can't swim?” He sounds a little offended, but when you look at him again, you can tell he's faking it. “I play the lifeguard, I should know that.”
“Well, you never asked.” Letting go of his hand, you start walking backward, away from the water.
“No, no.” He's quick to grab your arm, smirking. “We will go for a dive. C'mon.”
“No way!” You start pulling back, and a small fight starts. “You have your phone with you, remember? You'll ruin it.”
“Let me just–.” Dacre searches on his pocket, easily finding his phone and throwing it on the sand, away from the water. “Problem solved.”
“I won't let you drown. Trust me.” His voice invites you in, and you know you can't fight it. And you do trust him.
Sighing, you surrender, allowing him to pull you into the water. Your eyes are focused on his, and it's impossible to keep the usual distance. When your feet stop touching the bottom, you have no choice but to cling onto him, arms around his neck. Dacre holds you tight, arms encircling your waist, and you feel secure in his embrace. Fortunately, the water is calm, and the waves are small. It'll change in a few hours though, but for now, they won't be a problem.
There's nothing else to do now. Your foreheads are almost touching, and there's no space between your bodies. You've never been this close to him, not even on scene. You wonder if he can listen to your heart, beating insanely fast.
“Hold your breath.” He says and you nod, taking the deepest breath you can.
Dacre pulls you down with him, and you close your eyes shut. It only takes a few seconds before you break to the surface again, releasing the air from your lungs and lips breaking into a smile.
“You ok?”
“Yeah. Why?” You ask, letting go of him just to remove some of the hair that was attached to your face.
“Your cheeks are red.”
“Oh...” There's no way to hide it now, standing face to face with him. “I'm alright. I know you won't let your co-star drown.”
“Never.” He whispers, his voice deep and soft. “Actually, I–” Dacre is cut short by his cellphone ringing. It's a low, calming song you don't know.
“Maybe we should go.”
“I know who it is. This magazine wants an interview and a photoshoot but I told them I'd only accept if you could come with me.”
“What?” You giggle, furrowing your eyebrows. “I'm not as famous as you, they wouldn't want me.”
“The whole interview will be about Billy and Stranger Things. People are already shipping Billy and Amy, it'll only make sense if you're there with me.” As he speaks, Dacre starts making his way back to the beach, only letting go of you when you're out of the water. “And the moment season 3 starts, you won't be left alone by the fans, trust me.”
“Would James allow it? Seeing us together will raise suspicions.”
“Yeah, I texted James about it. He said it's a good idea, to get people hyped for the next season.” Dacre carefully picks up his phone. “What do you say? We could even go out after. Have dinner somewhere nice.”
Does he mean it like a date? It can't be... Right? “Ok, then. When is it?”
“Tomorrow afternoon. I'll pick you up.”
Smiling, you nod, biting your lip.
You would stay the whole day with Dacre, but you had promised your mother you'd spend the day with her. And Dacre understands it. You took him to your house so he could dry himself and have breakfast since he only had a cup of coffee.
When he leaves, your mother makes a lot of questions, and you're happy to answer. She teases you a lot, making silly comments and reminding you how handsome Dacre is throughout the day. You don't need to be reminded though, you know it very well.
When the next day comes, you patiently wait for him after having lunch and taking a fresh shower. You wonder if you'll always feel this nervous about Dacre. Just the thought of seeing him in a couple of minutes sends a shiver down your spine, makes your stomach burn with anticipation. When the doorbell rings, you jump up, taking your bag, and ignoring the stare your mother gives you.
“Bye, mom.” You mutter, heading to the front door. Taking a deep breath, you open it, trying not to smile. And failing. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He says back, and you start making your way to his car. “Excited?”
“Wondering what they'll ask. They always want some spoilers.” You get into the passenger seat, blushing with the fact that Dacre just opened the door for you.
“That they do.”
The ride is filled with chattering. You tell him about your childhood and he does the same. Eventually, you're not sure how exactly, you have your hand on his shoulder as he drives, then on his neck. He touches your leg every once in a while, and you can't help but blush a little.
But soon enough you're at this amazing, luxury hotel. The photoshoot will take place at the pools, which are absolutely incredible. It's huge, and there's an aisle in the middle, with a bridge that leads to it. A stylist comes to take you to the dressing room so you can change. It'll be 80's themed, so your swimsuit is very colorful, blue, green, and pink. The one piece is open on the sides and on the back, and it looks amazing. Your hair is done very quickly, beach waves with some volume. It takes an hour until you're allowed out, and Dacre is ready, talking to a guy. He looks good, his blue and green shirt unbuttoned, leaving his chest exposed.
“Hey,” you mutter when you're close enough. “Looking good.”
“Not as good as you.” He says, winking. “We were waiting for you, the interview happens now, then the photoshoot.”
“Alright.” Dacre guides you to a small scenario, with three chairs and a huge Stranger Things poster behind. The cameras are already positioned, and a woman comes to pin the microphones on your suits.
Once everything is ready, you and Dacre sit down, and a middle-aged woman takes the seat before you, a smile on her lips. The interview goes on very well, with small questions about what the public can expect from the new season, and from the relationship between Billy and Amy. People are really excited about it, you didn't know how much. You make a self note to make some research, to know where exactly the fans stand.
It was great until the video in the gym comes up. “I think it's pretty obvious, but that got people talking.” The woman, Maryan, says. “So I gotta ask. Is there anything happening between you two? Away from the cameras?”
You exchange a glance with Dacre, and you have no idea what to say. You don't want to say no, but you're too scared to say yes...
“Well, if there is you'll find out soon or later so...” Dacre speaks up, and you can tell this is the gentle way of saying this isn't her business.
She seems happy with that, making a quick remark before finishing the interview. Then different people take over. The photographer, a short man with grey hair and a huge camera starts guiding you around the pools. The stylist comes to fix your hair every time you strike a pose. And obviously, it takes little time for you and Dacre to be put close, very close.
You have fun though, laughing at his jokes about how weird things can get on these things. And that he's happy you're here.
“Alright. (Y/N), lie down, please. Dacre, sit down beside her.” Nodding, you follow the instructions. Half your body is in the shadow and the other half under the sunlight as you lie down near the pool. “Dacre, I want you to look down at her, and (Y/N), reach out your hand to touch his face.”
Trying to keep it professional, you do as he says. Dacre's eyes burn right through you, and you would give all the money you have to know what he's thinking. Slowly, you caress his jaw with your thumb, realizing you never touched him like this.
“You ok?” He asks, for the hundredth time. Dacre is always making sure you're comfortable, but the truth is that you're more than comfortable. You're actually starting to crave for this proximity, for his touch.
The camera flashes and you smile. “Look over here.” The photographer commands and you follow. “Amazing, amazing.”
The good news is that you're enjoying yourself. The bad news is that they make you get inside the pool, which is too deep. So all the photos have you on Dacre's arms, and honestly, you don't mind one bit.
The night is falling when the photoshoot is over and Dacre takes you to one of his favorites restaurants. It was an area on the back from which you have a view of the city. You both continue talking about childhood memories and stuff like that, and you tell him about your father. How he forced both you and your mother to put the walls high, to keep people away. Dacre is so kind though, reassuring you he wants to get in. That he wants to know how you feel, all the time. You still wonder if he means it though, you can't help it. But by the end of the night, after you both ate the desert and are now just chattering, you feel like he means it.
“Oh, have you read the script they sent us? They changed so many things they had to add another episode.” Dacre says, elbows on the table.
“Of course I didn't.” Shrugging your shoulders, you raise an eyebrow. “We got a five days vacation and that means no work. And since I have you to read it and tell me everything... Why should I?”
“Really? Are you making me do all the hard work in scene?” He makes a pause when the waiter comes with the check.
“James always likes it better when we improvise anyways.”
“I have no idea why.” He says, taking the check.
“Hey, we can–”
“I'm paying and that's not up to discussion.” He cuts you off, giving you a glance as he leaves the money on the table before standing up.
“(Y/N), I...” You were just about to head to the exit when he stops, still near the table. “I'm not sure if I made it clear, I should've have... But this was supposed to be a date.”
Blushing, you gasp, looking at him in the eyes. “It kinda felt like a date but I didn't want to assume anything.”
“Well, if you're ok with it, I'd like this to be the first date.” Some people walk by, so you set in motion, walking towards the exit and to the parking lot.
“I'm ok with that.” More than ok, actually. Your stomach feels funny as he opens the passenger door for you, and your skin is on fire.
“Well...” He mumbles as he gets in, starting the car. “It's still a little early but since we have a flight tomorrow morning, we'll both need to get some sleep.”
“Definitely.” You agree. Tomorrow you'll be flying back to the set, straight to the kissing scene. As if he's listening to your thoughts, Dacre gives you a glance. “Excited to go back to work?”
“I am actually.” He nods, eyes on the road.
“Why?” It comes out suddenly because you can't help but wonder if it's for the kiss. If he wants to kiss you as you want to kiss him.
“...I miss the guys, that's all.”
“Oh...” Shifting in your seat, you look away from him, eyes on the road ahead. Your heart sinks a little, and now you're genuinely confused. “Me too.”
“Yeah.” He mumbles, a hand running through his hair.
The rest of the ride to your place is silent, and when you get there, you mutter a goodbye. Once you're inside, away from Dacre, you can't help but feel a little stupid. Maybe you're misreading the signs. He did say today was supposed to be a date, so you don't get why he ignored the kiss. He knows that's the scene you'll be shooting tomorrow night. You'll be thrown back into work straight into the very scene you've been worrying about since the beginning. You were hoping he'd say something, make it easier or... You just don't know anymore. If Dacre wants a date, he should want a kiss too, right? Isn't it how it works?
Not even the fresh shower helps you understand what's going on. With you or with Dacre. Climbing into bed, you feel the wind invading the bedroom, but you're too lost in thoughts to enjoy it. The truth is that you were excited to do it, to shoot that scene and finally kiss him, but now... Now you feel as you did on the first day.
The soft notification sound of your phone gets your attention. Stretching your arm, you take it. It's a voice message from Dacre. Maybe he regrets the whole first date thing and he wants you to know... It'll only make things worse, but you should know it. The sooner the better. You're a professional, and you'll manage to do your job no matter what.
Taking a deep breath, you unlock your phone, pressing play on the message and bringing the phone to your ear.
You can hear his heavy breath before any words come. It takes a couple of seconds until his voice breaks through. “I probably shouldn't say this through a message, but I think I won't be able to sleep if I don't let you know how I feel.” A pause, something falling on the background. “Tomorrow on the scene... It won't be Billy and Amy, it'll be you and me.” This makes you sit up straight, a hand in your heart as it starts beating dangerously fast. “I can't be Billy when I'm with you, when we're so close, it just... I've been breaking character every time and I never struggled so much with a character before.” His voice is heavy with sleep. “I know you've been struggling too and I have no idea why I didn't tell you all this in the car, I just... I really like you and tomorrow I'll kiss you but I didn't want our the first kiss to be like that... So I'm just letting you know when it happens it won't be Billy, it'll be me and... And I hope it'll be you too. Good night, (Y/N).”
His voice is long gone, but you keep still, frozen, eyes on the wall across the room. You can't believe what you just heard.
@baker151910 @shinydixon @dreamin-of-dacre @hanoi15 @lickmymelanin @foccus @multific @uncookspaget @kellysimagines @peakascum
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tessiete · 3 years
"I wish you would write a —" continuation or AU of that scene from away the vapour flew (because I've seen you mention that even your AU's have AU's lol and I'm selfishly hoping you'd consider revisiting that fic and coz I can't let this opportunity pass when this fic literally lives in my mind rent free lol)
Alright! At long last I have figured out what happens next. This is for you, dear thing ❤️❤️❤️ ( @lightasthesun on - or very near thereabouts - your birthday)
It starts with a very little thing: a seed.
 It is slipped from the glove of a Republic aid trooper who smiles as he passes it over.
 “From the General of the 212th,” he says. “Don’t know what it is, but I damn near lost the thing on the way over.” 
 “For me?” he asks, and the man nods, his grin growing wider.
 Then he leans in as though commiserating with a friend. “Jetiise sha’bise, lek?”
 “Elek,” agrees Korkie, dubiously, turning the little living pebble between his fingers.
 The trooper grins, and gives him a friendly shove before trotting off back to his ship. Korkie has come down on his aunt’s behalf to oversee the relief efforts, but he is distracted by the seed in his hand. It is flat, and furry, and pleasingly plump. If he squeezes it, he can feel the skin relent and rebound, and if he digs in his nail ever so gently, he can feel the taste of water upon his thumb, and see the pale blush of springtime in the depths of the cut. It is a seed of something, he knows, but of what?
 He places it in the breast pocket of his Academy jacket, and turns his attention back to the work. It is an impressive, and important sight, but his thoughts linger on the seed, and he feels it sit bright and eager against his heart.
 Later, when the supplies have been unloaded, and the aid troopers seen off, when the ceremony of thanks and assurances of neutrality have all been displayed, when he is back in his room at Sundari only hours away from the magtrain ride back to school, he plants the seed in a little pot of black earth, and dampens the soil. It will not grow tonight, but he cannot help but stare at it anyway, waiting in the dark, beneath the stars, so patient.
A week passes, and he is back at the Academy when the mail officer - an upperclassman he’s never met - stops at his place during first meal.
 “Su-su, Kryze!” he calls. “A package for you from the Core.”
 A small bundle wrapped in layer upon layer of bonding tape, and stamped with the ink of a hundred spaceports too numerous and cramped to decipher lands upon his lap. He uses the thin knife from his plate to slice through the plastifibe envelope. 
 When his fingers graze the object within he gasps, and pulls back the wrap to reveal a real, proper book. It’s not even printed on flimsi, he notes, cracking the aged spine and letting the pages fall open, but on actual paper. They don’t make these in the Core, and hardly ever in the Mid Rim, it’s just not economical, and most planets don’t have the resources to spare. But this one is old, it’s pages creased, and worn smooth at the corners with the turning of many fingers. It is about horticulture, though the illustrations of green and growing things have faded to browns and burnished golds. It is beautiful. 
 A piece of dried grass has been tucked between two pages, and when Korkie folds them back to look he sees an image of the seed he’d sown in the pot by his bed. Beside it, a riotous bouquet of blossoms burst in an array of different colours. It is a daesyn flower.
He tucks the book in his kebisebag, and carries it around for the rest of the day. At nightfall, he takes it out with careful reverence, turning the pages back to the daesyn slowly lest they tear or turn to dust. Then, by the light of a little glowrod, he props the book against his window and reads along as he tends to the small green sprout only just peeking through the soil.
 He buys a sun lamp, and a watermeter, and adjusts the temperature of his quarters much to Amis’ chagrin, determined to provide the most optimal growing conditions he can for the little plant.
  After a month, the seedling has become a sturdy sprout, with prickly leaves of a green so deep it might be blue. He is attempting to commit those variegated lines to flimsi when Amis returns to their quarters, a small pouch swinging from his hand.
 “I’m supposed to give this to you,” he says, tossing the pouch. Korkie reacts without thinking, snatching the bag out of the air before it can hit the ground.
 “Who’s it from?”
 “Front desk. Said some high up Republic alor sent it.”
 “Which one?”
 “Don’t know. Didn’t ask, did I? Too busy polishing the silver.”
 Korkie grimaces in sympathy, having spent many an afternoon of his first year cleaning the trophy case in the main hall. He thinks that Amis’ plight could be easily avoided if only he behaved himself, but refrains from saying so to his friend.
 Instead, he pulls the drawstring at the top of the purse, and turns it over his hand. A dozen discs of coloured glass tumble into his palm. They are thick, and smooth, though not polished by anything but time. Each is a different colour, though some are struck through with shimmers of gold and silver. 
 “What’s that?” asks Amis over his shoulder.
 “Don’t know,” he echoes. The glass feels comfortable in his grip. Made to be held, and carried, and passed from hand to hand.
 “Should ask Lagos,” says Amis. “That seems like her kind of thing.”
 He makes no reply to Amis, but of course, he does as he suggests. Lagos is, after all, a walking encyclopaedia, and of all their friends the most likely to at least have an idea of where to start looking.
 The excitement on her face when Korkie shows her his hoard tells him she has more than an idea - she knows.
 “Oh, oh, oh!” she gasps. “Where’d you find Abafar trading beads?”
 “They were a gift,” he replies. “What are they for?”
 She picks them up one at a time and holds them to the light. By some trick of their design, they cast no shadow, but seem to capture the rays inside like banked embers, or twisting prisms. The ones marked with ribbons of ore grow warm in her hand, and she presses them to his cheek so he can feel their heat.
 “They’re the traditional currency of Abafar,” she explains. “It’s a desert planet in the Outer Rim, and craftsmen in the Void used to make these beads as a means of facilitating trade over great distances. Metal was scarce, and the beads could also be used to retain heat for longer - that one in your hand could keep the warmth of the sun all night, if you wanted it to.”
 He considers the disc of deep indigo, and holds it up to the sun until it turns red. The glass seems to have become molten, but its warmth is not painful in the hand. He leaves the bead out for the rest of the afternoon to test Lagos’ theory, and brings it into bed with him at night. Tucked beneath his pillow, it radiates a soothing heat, and he feels his muscles relax and his worries melt as he drifts away into an easy slumber.
   The next gift he receives is shattered into bits.
 “Sorry, kid,” says the attendant at the delivery depot when he arrives to claim his parcel. “Happens sometimes with these packages from the front. The war is not a safe place for fragile things. Bic cuyir meg bic cuyir.”
 He takes the present anyway, carrying it delicately back to the Academy, fearful of breaking it further. When he finally tears through the tape and plastifibe, clay and ceramplast pieces give up any pretense at form and clatter over the surface of his desk.
 It was beautiful once, he can tell. Perhaps a bowl or a cup turned by hand - he can see the telltale print of a foreign finger pressed into a section of naked clay - but now it is only fragments and dust.
 Still, he hovers over the pile, turning the pieces this way and that, trying to see how they fit together. He doesn’t notice when sixth bell rings, or when Soniee pings his comm, or when Amis sneaks in past curfew and turns out his light. He stays up late into the night, until the form takes shape, and through the cracks and crevasses of painted clay dawn creeps in.
 It is an amphoriskos. A small vessel for storing precious oils, like the kind used in the rituals of so many traditional peoples. There is none in it now, and Korkie retrieves the sachet to see if perhaps it was spilled into the weave of the plastifibe wrap. But it is dry. And the clay, when he looks at it more closely, is dry and unstained by use. The gift was always empty.
 The shards sit upon his desk in their loose arrangement until, one afternoon, Amis moves to sweep them off into the dustbin.
 “No, no!” protests Korkie, before Amis can complete the task. “I want to keep it.”
 “What for?” his friend asks. “It’s broken.”
 “I don’t know yet.”
 He collects the bits of amphoriskos into his hands, and arranges them about the base of his daesyn pot. The paint glints in the light, and so too do the Abafar beads nestled amidst the debris. The plant grows green and bushy, its leaves reaching out to skim the rim of its bed as though a swimmer poised on the edge of emersion.
He receives Theelin singing strings wound tight around a holodrive meant for the Duchess, paired basalt spindles from Hapes, seashells from the deep oceans of Mon Cala, and a set of Lateron hoops carried on the wrist of the visiting senator from Naboo.
 “From Master Kenobi,” she says, and she smiles at him with a warmth that feels like family. He wonders if they’ve met before, if he should know her, but she moves along with the entourage of press and government officials before he can ask.
 He is home for Holyrod month, and has brought his prizes with him carried along specially in his kebisebag, his daesyn in his hands. He sets them out along the windowsill in his rooms at Sundari. The watchet blues and greens of crystalline filtered light play over his collection, illuminating one after the other in joyous turn. He does not know what they mean, or why his father has sent these particular things to him, but they are all precious, and he longs for a way to display his gratitude for the thought he has been spared.
 The daesyn itself revels in its new surroundings, and leans close to the glass to get as close a view of the sun as it can, budding with imminent delight.
The Senator from Naboo is called Padme, he discovers when he is introduced to her again at mealtime. And she has not come alone. She is part of a delegation of foreign ambassadors, all from the Republic, but not all, Korkie suspects, as enthusiastic about the Chancellor as they had once been. There are murmurings and whispers amongst them, hurried out between thin lips and caught only in the corner of his eye, or the turn of his head, but whether satisfied or not, they are accompanied by the ceremonial force of the Senate, and the might of Palpatine himself - Two Jedi travel with them.
 Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
 He sees him through the crush of bodies, and later down the line at suppertime. In the midst of deep blues, and mauves, and furs, and silks, his earthen tunics stand out, but he is always distant, always just out of reach. All he needs is a moment, he thinks, to make sure he’s seen, so he can acknowledge his father - even in the polite, and suitably respectful language of perfect strangers if he must, but it never comes. 
The plates are cleared, the halls are emptied, and Korkie finds himself bidding his aunt (she is always his aunt here) goodnight, and wandering back to his rooms alone.
 It is dark when he arrives, though by the window the Abafar beads glow like the distant lights of the city. He slips off his stiff shoes, and his raiments of clan, but is interrupted by a knock at the door. He waits, uncertain, until the knock comes again.
 Perhaps his mother come to assure herself of his health and presence, as she has done so often in the past, but he opens the door to find Obi-Wan Kenobi waiting, with his hand out. In the euphoric rush of astonishment, he hastens to place his own hand upon his father’s as is customary on Stewjon, though he holds fast in a manner peculiar between children and their parents.
 “Master Kenobi,” he stammers. “I did not expect you. I thought you’d left. Forgive me.”
 “There is nothing to forgive,” Obi-Wan replies. “I’d rather hoped to catch you alone, but I’m afraid our schedule was somewhat packed.”
“Of course.”
He is staring, he knows it, but he can’t seem to think of anything else to say, caught up in looking at his father and searching for all the commonalities between them. Does he tilt his head like that? Does he stroke his chin? Does he frown and smile by equal measure?
But the weight of his scrutiny is too much to bear, and Obi-Wan cracks.
“I thought to ask: did you get my gifts?”
“Yes,” says Korkie. “Thank you. They were very thoughtful.”
“Ah...And did you - did you like them?”
At this, Korkie cannot help but smile, and he shakes his father’s hand, tugging him forward with zeal.
“Yes, of course,” he says. “Would you like to see?”
If he is confused by his son’s desire to reintroduce him to items he has already laboured over and seen, then he does not show it. Nor does he resist when the hand in his pulls him further into the room, and doesn’t let go even as a curtain is flung open, and a light flicked on low.
He is pulled over to the broad casements and left to bask in starlight as Korkie steps aside to reveal a colorful mobile hanging from the frame of his window.
“The amphoriskos broke,” he explains, and sees a shadow flicker in his father's eyes. “No, no,” he insists. “It wasn’t your fault. It just happened. But I couldn’t bear to throw it away. It was so beautiful.”
He gestures at a silver thread from which hang a variety of irregularly shaped clay shards. The shiny amber and black paint catches the light thrown by the glowing Abafar beads strung further up, and on another and another thread. When he blows on them the threads hum, and sway together, the seashells and pottery and glass clattering together like wind chimes.
“The singing strings,” notes Obi-Wan, and Korkie grins.
“And the Lateron hoops,” he says, pointing to the frame from which the strings are suspended. “And the spindles, for balance. It’s meant to hang with my window open, like it is at school. And then, at night, when the dreamwinds come, the whole thing sings, and shines, and glows like the stars.”
“It’s beautiful,” says Obi-Wan with awe. He reaches out with one hesitant finger, the beads flickering beneath his touch, and the strings murmuring the low notes of an opening phrase.
“You gave it to me,” says Korkie with a shrug, and Obi-Wan turns his awe upon his boy.
“No,” he says. “I gave you fragments, but you have made them into art. You gave them meaning. You gave them a soul.”
Korkie shifts on his feet, fretting at the cuff of his sleeve, and diving in.
“Would it be okay, do you think -” he starts, then stops. Then he starts again. “Do you think it’d be alright if I wrote you? Every once in a while.”
“Wrote me?”
“Or com’d,” he says, quickly. “Only I know you’re busy, and I can’t expect to lay claim to any of your time, not really, but I -”
“Com me,” says Obi-Wan. “Write me. Send me anything you like, but only say you will and I will have all the time for you I can spare.”
“I promise that I only want a very little.”
“If it’s mine to give it’s yours to have, Kiorkicek,” his father swears. His grip upon his hand is firm, willing him to believe him, and Korkie nods his head because he does.
They stand there, hand in hand, reading themselves in each other, and learning the other in turn, and in the glow of the stars, and the city, and the Abafar beads, the daesyn flower bursts from its roots into a riot of colour and life.
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
A Little Piece of Art
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The art gallery had always been one of Shawn's favourite places, he loved the colours, the textures, even the smell of the freshly painted canvases.
During his residency year of Emergency Medicine this love, had become something more, something sacred. His weekly visits to the local art galleries were the only chance he got to 'just be'. He found something so comforting in the way the colours melded together forming any number of unique patterns, the colours quietly, but boldly expressing the many emotions with fuelled the artist's work.
Maybe it was this that he connected with the most? Life as a medical resident was hectic, always ruled, by other people's, needs, wants, emotions, there never seemed to be time to address your own wants and needs. But time, at the art gallery, Shawn found, gave him an escape, a way to wonder off into a world of bright unchecked colour and vibrancy, away from the harsh unrelenting realities of people's all too often life-threatening and life-changing injuries, away from everything an everyone. Well everyone except one person that was.
He'd first met Auburn three years ago, it was a chance encounter, he wasn't meant to walk into that particular little gallery , and she wasn't meant to working that day, but as fate had it she was and he did.
They'd striked up a friendship fairly quickly, a mutual interest and respect for the works of art and the artist's behind them fuelled many hours of conversation. There had always been an unspoken, but undeniable chemistry between the two of them, but Shawn was busy with work and didn't want to drag someone else into that mess, and Auburn was just too shy to ask
When Shawn found out that Auburn was single, he was shocked. She was gorgeous, with long platinum blonde straight hair and the perfect figure, yet up close she had just the right amount of freckles scattered over the bridge of her nose, breaking the facade of perfection.
Auburn had been equally as confused when Shawn admitted that he too was single. She could understand the reasoning behind it, with a busy job and other commitments including a family that lived out of state, she couldn't however get over, but Shawn was gorgeous like some Greek God doctor-model who had just made his way from the runway and into her gallery. He was tall and lean, but muscular with tattoos scattering his hands and arms, deep brown eyes which seemed to reach your soul with the barest glace and a mop of perfectly kept brown curls- always tamed by hair product which Auburn longed to run her fingers through.
Two years and much flirting later and Shawn had finally gotten up the courage to ask her out l, to which she immediately agreed. He'd taken her to one of his favourite restaurants for dinner and they're talked for hours as if they'd known one another for a lifetime. Shawn told her about his hobbies, medicine was number one for which Auburn admired him for following his passions, closely followed by the guitar and ice hockey, not to mention family, he loved his family, Auburn found this to be an immediate turn-on as she too was close to her family although she couldn't get to see them as often as she liked l, they were across country and an art gallerist's wages certainly did not cover the cost of the ticket.
She found herself telling him all her most embarrassing stories from grade school when she's tripped and fallen into a muddy puddle bigger than she was in front of her entire class, and all about the time she'd been left to sit outside the movie theatre in 8th grade for two hours waiting for a date that would never show.
Shawn was furious at this, exclaiming that he would never do that to a girl, and anyone who would, was a coward, before downing the rest of his Tequila.
Admittedly by then they were both a little drunk and high on life and the presence of each other
When the evening ended Shawn walked Auburn home like the gentleman he was,turning to leave her and she made it to the doorstep, but something in him made him turn around causing him to crash into her body with the force of a truck as she too made her way to him. The two sharing a heated kiss before Auburn turned head down to hide the raging blush and wide smile that lit up her face and made her way inside.
From that moment the two had been inseperable, with Auburn moving into Shawn's condo- a far cry from the crusty old place she'd rented when she first got the city.
They'd done the whole meeting each other's families, both feeling completely at home and welcome, before a year later getting the happy news that they were expecting.
Auburn had been feeling off for over a week when Shawn finally convinced her to go to the doctors and get a blood drawn, a million things flying through his head as to what it might be.
The pregnancy news had completely shocked them both, but as they had sat there together staring down at the piece of paper stating the cause of all her sickness, irritability and hunger there was no denying that it was right.
They were over the moon, elated at the idea of being parents with Shawn referring to the baby as he laid his hands on her stomach as "Their happy little ancient!"
To say that Shawn was protective was an understatement a helicopter parent (to be) might be more apt Auburn thought as Shawn handed her what fleet like her tens of pills as she ate her breakfast before rushing from the room only half dressed to finish getting ready for work which now that he was finished residency (and at the top of his class, which Auburn loved to brag to her friends about) was a local hospital where he was working.
The day started normally, Auburn went off to the gallery to start her day l, daydreaming of seeing Shawn who'd been away on training for the last little bit.
Somewhere in this perfect daydream, everything came crashing down. The last thing Auburn was aware of was the screech of tyres and the immense, unstoppable feeling of pain.
"Dr Craigen,we need you in triage one." Brian's nurse Amy spoke as she came skidding into the room.
"Can it wait?"  He asked looking up briefly from the hand of a young girl he was suturing after she was bitten by a dog.
"No, it can't." He could hear the tension in her voice,  so he stood removing his gloves,  and paging another doctor to take care of the girl before following her out.
"What is it? Who?"  He asked as Amy all but ran through the corridor. His question was cut short as they reached the bay in question.
"Just stay still! For God sake, you don't have a choice." He couldn't see the patient's face from outside the door,  but he could see that two nurses and an intern were currently trying to restrain her,  against her will.
"What on earth do you think youre doing Doctor Tanaran?"  Brian asked as he grabbed a pair of gloves and stepped into the room. The intern stepped back from the patient, turning to look at him.
"We need to get an I.V. in her,  but she's not cooperating," he responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Brian?" The person on the bed asked. He recognised the voice immediately and sure enough as he stepped around to the other side of the bed,  there lay Auburn  a close personal friend, someone who he considered to be like a sister, and the girlfriend of one of his best friends, Dr. Shawn Mendes.
She was almost unrecognisable, bloodied,  and bruised,  tears flooding her face and falling into the linen of the bed staining it a muddy brown as they mixed with the blood flowing from a nasty looking gash on her head,  an oxygen mask laying forgotten beside her.
"Auburn?" he asked finally making eye contact, before looking up to find that she had not even been attached to any monitors yet.
"Everyone get your hands off the patient, now."  he stared poignantly at the intern that who still had his hands on her.
"She just wouldn't cooperate." he grumbled as he stepped back.
Brian saw red at that, turning to glare before speaking.
"Have you thought about why the patient might be uncooperative?  Have you even bothered to ask?"  I questioned folding my arms across my chest.
He looked down at the floor,  but didn't answer. "Didn't think so.  So not only have you terrified an already distressed patient,  but you've assaulted the girlfriend of Dr. Shawn Mendes,  head of this ER."
His head snapped up at this,  a look of shear panic on his face.
"Dr. Craigen I didn't think-"
"That's right,"  he interrupted.  "The same way you haven't thought the three other times I've had to speak to you over the duration of your time here so far.
Get out of this room,  and go and tell your resident that I don't want you on my service anymore.  Oh and Tanaran," Brian called as the man made his way for the exit.  "If I ever see or hear you do something like that ever again,  I will personally make sure you're pulled from this program."
He sighed and turned around to see Auburn smiling softly.
"Thanks Bri"  she spoke softly, very dazed,reaching her hand out for him to take. Somewhat restricted by the board and collar she had been placed on for spinal management.
"No problem hon. He's got an attitude that one.
So I'm just going to start slowly okay.  I'm just going to hook you up to some monitors so that we can check you're heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen. Can I see the chart please? " he asked one of the nurses that was stood meekly in the corner.
"Yes Doctor," she responded before leaving and returning a minute later with the relevant information.
"Okay so it says here,  that apart from that gash on your forehead and a fracture to your arm you have  some fractured ribs, a suspected bruised spleen and a dislocated ankle as well as possible spinal injuries," he listed off as he took in the notes from the Emergency Services.
"They only got half way through checking her." the other nurse  responded. Brian nodded, before placing the chart in the holder at the end of the bed,  and returning to Auburn's side. He picked up her hand gently to check her pulse,  watching as her eyes fluttered,  drooping slightly.
"Auburn, I need you to try and stay awake for me," he spoke, tapping her check softly, moving to check her focal response with his pen light and finding that she had a fairly moderate concussion.
She let out a small groan,  but managed to open her eyes, watching me tiredly.
"That's it," he praised. " smiling before grabbing his stethoscope from around his neck and resting it to her chest.
"Deep breathes," he asked quietly. She did as asked, but it was obvious from the way she was wincing every time she inhaled that she was in pain.
"It hurts and I want Shawn." she cried.
"I know you do hon. We'll get him here soon," he promised, paging one of his nurses to go and find him.
"How bad is your pain one to ten?' he asked,  watching her closely.
"Eight " she answered.
"Okay I'm going to help ease some of that okay. " he spoke resting the I.V.tray that the previous doctor had set up next to the bed.
"Tell me what you remember? " he asked, trying to keep her talking.
"I was just crossing the street,  and a car came out of nowhere. I don't know what happend. I was coming to see Shawn." she added.
"I'm sorry Auburn. " He really did feel sorry for her,  not only as a doctor, but as a friend.  She and Shawn had barely gotten to see one another the last few weeks, and now this. 
"They didn't even stop to help me! " She cried, more tears trailing down her face. He felt so sorry for her, and sick at the thought of how Shawn might react. He just hoped Shawn was able to stay calm,  for both of their sakes.
"Small scratch." he warned, inserting the line, and getting her started on some much needed fluids and pain relief. She flinched a little,  but didn't pull away. "Okay, so I'm going to get Dave to come and  help me with a spinal exam,  and he should also be able to determine if we need x-rays for these breaks okay" he explained gently,trying not to scare her.
She looked worried at the mention of x-rays,  but he just assumed it was due to her being clastrophobic,  as she didn't say anymore on the subject.
He walked out of the room, quietly closing the door after me, and made my way to the nurses station where I found Dave helping a nurse. As an Orthopedic doctor he was often called down for consults, so it was common to find him here.
"Dave, do you mind helping me for a second mate?" he asked, before coming to stand next to him waiting as he finished his conversation.
"Yeah what is it?" he asked as Brian handed him Auburn's chart.
"Auburn?" He asked disbelief clear in his tone,  eyebrows raised in confusion. "Auburn as in Shawn's Auburn.What happend?
"Hit and run." he answered. Causing Dave to wince in sympathy. "They didn't even stop!"
"Has anyone gotten a hold of Shawn?" He asked, shaking his head as they made their way to the door of Auburn's room.
"Yeah, but she's quite distressed obviously,  so I'm just taking it really slowly. At least until Shawn gets here, unless something is absolutely vital," he told him. Dave nodded before opening the door, and greeting Auburn with a bright smile.
"Hi Auburn, Bri told me you got in a fight with a car?" He asked, causing her to smile faintly.
"What have we got so far?" he asked.
"Large laceration on the forehead and a fracture to the left  arm, some fractured ribs, a suspected bruised spleen and a dislocated right ankle as well as possible spinal injuries, she is also complaining of chest pain." Brian added as he hummed at the growing list of ailments.
"Auburn are you having any trouble breathing? " he asked, she nodded letting him listen to her breathing as Brian had. The room was quiet for a few moments except for the beeping of the machines as he moved the stethoscope around her chest, before stepping back with a sigh.
"Slightly muffled left side," he agreed, glancing to the monitors,  a look of concern on his face.
"It'll need to get an x-ray,  and maybe an ultrasound." Brian nodded, adding,
"I'd also like to get some CTs of the head just to be sure there is no underlying bleeding. Is it okay if we give you some oxygen?" he asked wanting to up her saturation, especially given her breathing troubles.
She made a small jerk of the head in the affirmative,  allowing him to place the mask that had lay beside her back on her face.
"Any other pain?" Dave asked lifting the blanket to assess the damage to her lower extremities, she took a few shaky breaths.
"Just my ankle."
" Okay,we just need to turn you and have a feel of your spine. Before we do, anything else, as we don't want to aggregate anything." Dave explained coming back to stand at the head of the bed. "All you need to tell me is if you feel anything sore."
She hummed in resonse,  unable to nod due to the collar.
"On three, one,two,three. " Brian spoke before rolling her and holding her steady.
"Any tenderness?" Dave asked as he made his way down her spine, gently feeling for abnormalities.
"No." she answered innnediately.
"Wiggled your toes for me?" he asked as he went to stand by the end of the bed again. She did so,  causing them both to breathe a sigh of relief.
Five minutes later and Dave l had decided that x- rays were necessary, due to the precarious nature of the fractures in her arm and ankle and that the fractured ribs did need further investigation, however that no spinal damage had been done,  meaning she could be removed from the collar and brace.
"Where's Shawn?"  She asked, again as they went about removing the neck brace. Brian was starting to wonder what was taking the nurse so long himself.
I hadn't been able to focus all day, it was my first day back after being away at a two week trauma conference,and also the first time I would be able to see Auburn and the baby since she was meeting me at work. I sighed as I tried yet again to focus on the swirling numbers of the department's budget on the screen in front of me.
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock.  "Dr. Mendes you're needed down in triage. Urgently." A nurse spoke,making me stand and follow her immediately.
-Third Person-
"He's on his way now hon, but we really should get you up to x-rays okay." Dave spoke, going to start moving the bed.
"Not not until Shawn is here," she begged, catching his hand and stopping him. Seconds later, and Shawn ran through the door, eyes wide as he took in the site of me.
"Auburn, baby,what happend?" he asked, leaning down and gently stroking her head, careful of the cut.
"They didn't stop!A car!" She cried a fresh batch of tears starting.
Shawn was pretty calm considering the situation, Auburn however was not, Brian could see from the monitor that her heart rate was spiking and he tipped his head to Shawn, indicating for him to do something.
"Try and slow your breathing honey," he encouraged softly as it spiked to about 130 when it had previously been sitting about 110. She managed to slow it a little, Shawn not saying anything,  merely cupping her face gently and kissing her head.
"Shawn, " Daves spoke,  "we really need to get her to x-ray. She has broken ribs, we need to determine how bad."
"No, no x-ray," she interrupted again.
"Sweetheart, you'll be fine,  I promise. " he spoke,  stroking her hand softly.
"It's not that." She answered, looking away.
"Then what?" Dave asked looking to Shawn.
"I'm pregnant," she whispered. "We found out two weeks ago. We wanted to keep it a surprise."
"Someone get Connor down here," Shawn ordered almost too calmly.
Dave and Brian shared a worried look, if she was pregnant,  there was a possibility that something may have effected the baby.
"Page Connor." Dave mumbled to Brian.
"I've already done it ,he's on his way." Briam tried to reassure him, hoping that he would calm a little at the fact that the best ObGyn was going to be consulting.
"No what if something's wrong? " Auburnpanicked,  catching on.
"Auburn you need the ultrasound," Shawn spoke firmly.
Her lip wobbled a little causing Shawn to soften his tone a little.  "I'm sorry babe,  I'm just worried about you. And you need the x-rays," he added.
"Auburn, you need to understand that while normally we wouldn't use x-ray, in this instance it's important,  we won't have a healthy baby,  unless it's mummy is healthy too yeah? " Dave explained gently.
  "O-okay," she agreed reluctantly.
"I think we can however forgo the CT, given that you've been alert the whole time. " Brian spoke earning a smile from her.
"But you won't be allowed to sleep for the next few hours and even once you can we'll need to wake you every hour, on the hour," Dave warned.
Just as we were about to start moving up to radiology having unhooked the bed Connor arrived.
"Sorry I came down as fast as I could," he apologised "Hi Auburn," he smiled as he came over to the side of the bed.
"So you found out you were pregnant two weeks ago?" he asked. She nodded.  "And everything has been normal so far? No bleeding?
"No." She answered, nervously, causing Shawn to squeeze her hand a little.
"Okay then, I'm just going to pull your gown up."  he did so before reaching for the gel. That was housed next to the portable ultrasound machine that we always kept in the triage bays. They were smaller, and less powerful, but still useful in situations like this. "This will be a little cold," he spoke before placing the gel on her stomach. The room was silent, everyone waiting with baited breath, Auburn with her eyes shut. Connor hit a button on the machine and the room was filled with a rhythmic thumping.
"What's that?" her eyes snapping open to met his.
"Congratulations Auburn, that is your baby's heart beat. Junior seems very happy,  very strong heart rate at 150 beats per minute." Connor smiled. 
" Oh my God!" she cried reaching up to hug Shawn, before sharing a kiss.
"Judging by the size, bubby's just gone 12 weeks," Connor added, pointing out the measurements on the screen.
Everyone's faces were the same- all smiling from ear to ear.
"Do you want a copy of the scan?" Connor asked.
"Hell yeah!" Shawn agreed making Leah laugh. "This is going on the fridge."
Twenty minutes later, and we had all gone down to radiology, Shawn not having left her side. A permanent smile etched on his face.
"Just stay still for me Auburn." Dave asked,adjusting her leg to get the right image.
Once that was done, and it was determined that nothing needed surgery she was taken back up to a more private room, and Dave set about casting her.
"This will feel a little funny, but it won't hurt now." He reassured her as she became a little fidgety,  giving her some laughing gas and upping her pain meds slightly.
It was then Brian's turn to stitch up the wounds on her head, something which should have been very straight forward, but she was terrified,  having all but jumped (or gotten as far,which wasn't very) into Shawn's arms.
"It won't hurt Princess, Brian will numb you up good okay?" he spoke, sitting next to her, while Brian sat on a rolly chair by her head, Dave next to Shawn.
She nodded.
"You're being so brave Princess," Shawn encouraged as she clung to his hand.
"Have you thought of any names for the baby?" Connor asked from where he sat in the corner working, having left briefly while they were at radiology and then returned, wanting to be here for support. Something which Shawn was grateful for.
An hour later and they were officially off shift, but  had all taken up residency in Auburn's room,  wanting to keep an eye on her, as she was a part of the family. They all sat quietly doing paper work,  as she rested, fast asleep now that we have deemed it safe.
"How are you feeling Shawn?" Brian asked, looking up to find Shawn watching her.
"I don't know, I have never felt so many emotions in one day!" he laughed, before Auburn broke the silence with a small moan.
" I'm cold," she mumbled,  "And sore," she added, visibly shivering.
"Here,  budge up." Shane spoke, helping her to move over,  before getting into the small bed again.
Connor got up to adjust the pain meds and check her vitals. However she didn't settle.  "What's wrong Poppet?" Shawn asked. Sometimes the meds could make patients a little agitated.
"I want to have a bath,  I feel gross,  and you smell different. " she grumbled,  her nose wrinkling. Shawn looked up at Connor and Brian,all laughing.
"How much of the stuff did you give her?
"I'm serious." she pouted, swotting Shawn's shoulder. "I don't like the smell of the scrubs. It doesn't smell like you."
"How 'bout this?" he asked bending down to reach for his bag, and grabbing a hoodie.
"Much better," she spoke,  nuzzling her head into him.
"Now I'll help give you a pat down with a cloth if you want?" he offered. You can't really have a proper bath yet cause of all the wiring and your cast."
She nodded
"Just sit up slowly okay. You might feel a little dizzy." Brian warned, standing up to help too.
  Connor went ahead to start the water for her while Dave came to help move the wiring as they supported her to hop to the bathroom. Eventually Shawn just picked her up,being extra careful of her ribs, holding her under her shoulders instead,and cradling her somewhat like an infant.
Half hour later, and Shawn had successful sponge bathed her, the rest of the group having gone back to their work while they waited.
"Get some rest Princess,you've got a little piece of art growing in there, you and Jellybean need it, he whispered as he placed her back in bed, rubbing her stomach softly.
"Love you," she whispered, already half asleep.
"Love you more," he replied kissing her head, they all shared a smile, because at that moment, all was right with the world.
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