#and you're absolutely welcome to continue this if you want but don't feel pressured to match my length if you do!!
tvrningout-a · 1 year
"Hyouka..." The call of her name is soft, remiss of any sense of chiding as Megumi steps up, hands tucked in his pockets as his cool gaze takes in the scene before him. She's spent, that much he summises from how she is propped against the wall, fighting on past her usual limits, and yet it does not surprise him. He has a habit of spending time in those more self-sacrificing than him... all he can do is veer them back before they complete their self-destruction. "You can take it easy now, back up's here..." he hums, hands withdrawing as he makes the familiar sigils for both Divine Dogs and Nue to handle the left over dregs of the situation here.
He crouches then, and rests a hand behind her shoulder as a comfort, ignoring the bubbling sensation in his chest that tightens as he considers the consequences if he had not arrived so quickly. Wishing she'd focused more on saving herself than everyone else around her.
"Think you're okay to walk out of here?"
UNPROMPTED ASK | @resolutepath approached hyouka!
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the curse knocks hyouka to the ground. get up. her feet slide and a knee buckles from the force pressed against her sword. get up. she pierces the cursed spirit, flames bursting from her blade before she's flung across the warehouse. get up. hyouka collapses against a wall, closing her eyes for just a second, but there's no time for rest as a few weaker curses creep into the room like scavengers. her brow scrunches into a scowl as she swears. she won't give them the satisfaction of easy prey. get up. her body doesn't listen. her limbs feel so heavy, so sore; her cursed energy feels more like dying embers than the bonfire it should be. get up. panic settles in her chest. she grips her sword tighter, attempts to use it to lift herself off the ground. get up! move!
a uniform matching her own blocks the curses from view. megumi. his presence immediately calms hyouka's mounting anxiety, and she stops struggling, allows her body to rest against the wall again. she expects some kind of reprimand. she's so used to hearing it from satsuki and just about everyone else that she's fully prepared for it, but it doesn't come. instead, it's replaced by the reassurance that she can relax, said more gently than she thinks she deserves. over and over hyouka does this to herself, too bullheaded to ever learn, yet megumi's being so nice.
she feels a little guilty... she feels a little happy, too.
hyouka smiles. she's sore all over, her head feels like it was cleaved open, and it's sinking in how screwed she was if not for megumi's arrival, but she smiles anyway. " 'sa good thing! i was gettin' worried there. " her cheer can't completely hide the fatigue, the slight breathlessness left over from her panic. it makes it easier to ignore them, though.
megumi's hand is warm on her shoulder as he asks if she's okay to walk, and hyouka really wants to tell him no. it isn't a simple matter of wanting to move or not -- considering how she fared earlier, she isn't sure if she can move. but a mixture of pride and guilt silence the words before they ever make it past her lips, make her nod with that same, easy grin. she'll manage some way ( doesn't she always? ).
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" yeah! i just need another minute to catch my breath. "
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 5 months
Hi! Finally able to request. I really enjoy your work!
Can you try a creator who use their power through music (like singing or playing instrument) in an Imposter-AU with the Archons? (The voice of the Creator is heard as the sound of nature like wind or water, though. No one knows their true voice)
Thank you so much.
🎄Merry Christmas🎄
Welcome @peaceindreams ! I'll see what I can do with Your Request :D
Also VERY LATE Merry Christmas—I'm writing this a few days after Christmas.
Archons Realize Reader is a MUSICIAN WOAHHH
To be honest, you were kinda just minding your business when the Archons found you and your ever-singing glory.
They SHOOKETH so good job! Let's nitpick at their reactions! >:)
(Warning: Might be OOC!)
Wisp boi HELLA SHOOKETH. But he also happi boi so good job!
Wants to hear your voice sing and not the wind just continues to gently smack his face. Don't get him wrong, he's probably the only one who can actually listen and understand and compute with what you're singing, but like he really wants to hear your actual voice. He thinks it'll be such a treat!
"Your Graceee...Is there a way to let these humble gods hear your voice? Pleaseee? This bard will make a ballad about it and the world shall start spewing about it right after!~ Hehe, it'll be a big hit, one as grand as your visage!"
He really wants to hear you sing now. Good luck explaining that you got no control over dis :)
GRANDPA ABSOLUTELY SHOOKETH. But he finds it pleasant to see that you're having fun and enjoying your time in Teyvat.
Unlike the airhead beside him, he cannot understand what you are singing, and he feels kinda disappointed that he can't enjoy it too. He would share the memory—
Ahem, anyways. Loves it, 100%. Bro's a huge supporter even though he legit has, like, zero comprehension of the situation. He's also giving Venti some bombasic side-eyes.
"Your Grace, please do not be pressured by this wind god. While it would be a stunning blessing, do NOT feel like you owe us anything." You know those memes where like, one person is forcing someone's head to bow while they bow to apologize to whoever got offended? Yeah, it's that one meme except it's Zhongli making Venti bow for his idiocy.
Grandpa wants to hear your voice fr this time, but bro's not gonna force it upon you. Grandpa will, nevertheless, share the memory over osmanthus wine, because "Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I—"
Raiden Ei, Raiden Ei...I honestly think she feels like she doesn't DESERVE to hear you sing. Like, she feels like she just intruded on your personal space and she crossed some sort of line.
But the wind's pleasant and all of the surrounding area is practically glowing as you sing. Your voice practically carries throughout the place, becoming the nature, the water, the wind, everything.
"Your Grace, you need not heed to the request at all. We are more blessed to be in your presence enough." As much as she's getting more and more used to the present times of Teyvat, she's still kinda stuck in her ways a little. She still thinks of you highly and does not let her beliefs falter.
She really doesn't think she deserves to hear your voice, but she is also very curious. Never wants to push though because she's old-school.
Puppet Shogun looking at this and going "This will be forever engraved in eternity" as Ei is shaking the Puppet Shogun by the shoulders like "NO, WE SHOULD NOT BE HEARING THIS WHAT KIND OF PROGRAM ARE YOU ON I DID NOT PROGRAM YOU LIKE THIS—"
All in all? Mental crisis! :D
Cute god loves you! She loves how the flowers bloom, how the wind flows, how the water speaks—not even analogies can describe the amazingness of it all!
She's grinning so wide with such wholesome-wide eyes, like an actual child discovering music for the first time or smth ykwim? IT'S ADORABLE IS WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY.
"Your Grace...is it possible if we could see this more? You don't have to, of course, but this is really amazing!" She's practically GLOWING with excitement and nervousness. While Nahida wants to hear you sing and see you enjoying your time, she doesn't want to push boundaries!
Safe to say, she'll support whatever your answer will be!
Girl's flabbergasted. She thinks she might have been sent to both celestia and hell because it was hard to compute whether she was trespassing or if she was being blessed.
Furina is utterly speechless to how your voice alone commands presence and power without even needing to try so hard. Anyone, absolutely anyone, can tell you are truly the Almighty Creator.
Though she's retired from being the Hydro Archon, she still has the slight dramatic flare she has had for 500 years. And she's got to say, she absolutely loved your performance!
"Your Grace, if I could humbly suggest a request on the behest of the follow archons beside me." Furina dramatically bows a little. "May we be humbled by your presence, and continue to gaze upon our unfathomed eyes of what a real god can truly do in the likes of the world? I'm sure this will bring many beautiful pieces of art—be it music, visual arts, dramatic arts, and so on!" Girlie doesn't realize she made a beautiful monologue about your singing on the spot, but one thing's for sure—she loves you and you singing, even if her ears can't understand it. It was still a beautiful piece.
After all, she was the All-Powerful Hydro Archon before she retired. She knows power and art when she sees it, and you bypass all forms of mortal concepts. You're practically her favorite musician!
Please grace her—I mean them—with your singing! It's too beautiful to miss!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I am SAD I couldn't finish this when it was still AROUND CHRISTMAS SOBBING, but I hope y'all like this post, though! Hopefully my next post won't take too long—but I'm not gonna say anything because rn I'm EATING those words up like it's for breakfast lol—I'll see you all next time :)
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 8 months
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DAY SIX: Begging w/ Tess Servopoulos
a/n: DOUBLE UPLOAD GUYS YIPPIE!!! Here's more wlw content because I was absolutely determind to somehow manage to slip Tess in here if it was the last thing I did. I need to write for her more tbh sigh.
masterlist | kinktober masterlist | AO3
TAGLIST: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @murdadixon @zippertwat @hallecarey1 @alixwriter
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If there was one thing that Tess knew how to play, it was the long game. She didn't care about how long she had to wait, because in the end, she knew she'd always win. Always. So, you could deny her for however long you wanted; you could deny how you felt about her until your face went blue, because she knew that eventually you'd give in, and you did.
She had to admit, it did take her by surprise with how long it took to get you under her, but she enjoyed the chase. There were a lot of things that would keep her on her toes, but none of that adrenaline compared to the moments where you'd let her continue her tantalizing touches down your body before taking her hands off of you.
When you had allowed her to continue to the hem of your pants — where you'd usually stop her — she was taken aback. She heard your mischievous laughter at her surprise.
"What?" You breathlessly asked with a smirk, "Scared?" She raised a brow at your teasing, tongue poking the inside of her cheek. So, you wanted to be a brat? She could work with that. The idea that she had no idea what you were like in bed enticed her even more, but if it was anything like the way you were acting now? 
Oh yeah, she was going to fucking devour you.
"Fuck, Tess!" You whined. Your hips jumped at the feeling of the pads of her fingers lightly tracing your labia. Whenever she trailed over your clit she'd put excess pressure on it before trailing down to your leaking entrance, where she'd act like she was about to penetrate you before starting her teasing all over again.
"Don't tease." The squeaky complaint slipped through your lips before you could think about it. 
A sharp slap on your clit caused your legs to try and flutter shut, but Tess' shoulders were holding them open. 
"You don't get to boss me around." She said sternly, her already raspy voice extra gruff with a layer of lust. You gasped at the stinging feeling, watery eyes looking down at her.
"Sorry, 'm sorry."
She hummed thoughtlessly at your apologies. Her two fingers became a thumb when she finally decided to massage your bundle of nerves. A cry wretched itself from your throat. It was a mix of relief and overstimulation due to the amount of foreplay, most of it revolving around barely there touches after she had stripped you bare.
"Think you can boss me around after denying me this sweet pussy for so long." She mumbled to herself. Your face lit ablaze at her words, stomach twisting excitedly when you felt the tip of her middle and ring finger prod at your entrance. 
You were going to be honest, the only reason you had denied her for so long was because you enjoyed the chase. No one had worked so hard for you before, and her insistence had led to your walls slightly crumbling, allowing her to kiss and touch on you before pulling her hands off your body with a smirk.
Tess was a dominating woman, the best smuggler in the field compared to Joel, so having her trailing and yearning after you almost seemed too good to be true.
"Ah!" You squeaked. Her callused digits entered you roughly, leaving no room for mercy as she stretched open your pussy. There was little pain compared to the pleasure, fire coursing through your veins when she'd harshly caress your g-spot.
"Tess, Tess, Tess…" All you could do was chant her name like a prayer, but the way you said it all out of breath was pure sin. She had been on a mission to fuck you stupid, to teach you that bratty shit doesn't slide with her — even though you're more than welcome to do it again.
All you could do was claw at her bare shoulders, the only thing covering her upper body being her beat up, old white tank top that made her look insanely attractive.
"C'mon, honey. I know you can give it to me." She cooed with a smirk on her face. 
If she could get you like this, Tess wouldn't mind being denied, and just waiting a little bit longer.
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
here's one thing I could never understand about GE-Saeran...
why does he feel such a strong need to repent for what Ray but more so, what (Suit) Saeran did? I understand the guilt and shame he carries...but I feel like he's misplacing a LOT of responsibility onto himself, blaming himself for acting out in the ways he was made to
Saeran never had any interactions with normal people, outside of the church and the cult...he never knew what was normal- what was okay. He had no means to understand what was healthy! He was held under the threat of physical (elixir, cleansings) and emotional (gaslighting, manipulation) violence to act a certain way.
I guess what I'm saying is...how is that his fault? To act in the way you're being forced to, under the threat of such extremes? His capacity to be responsible for his actions is incredibly different to someone like V or Rika, as examples! It hurts so much to see him carry so much agony over what happened...when he, quite literally, had no other choice.
I absolutely believe both Ray and Saeran understood that they've done wrong! But how much accountability should we really put on them and not those who threatened them into being that way?
Okay, so, in particular, when it comes to this situation, I think it's so important to say that he's holding on to what he did to the player.
There are definitely things that he can't be faulted for, but there are also things that he can be faulted for. You can be a victim of violence and also a perpetrator of violence.
What both Ray and Suit Saeran did to the player wasn’t okay. 
There is no excuse for those actions and GE Saeran would never want you to excuse either one of them for what they did to you.
Trying to erase what they did would upset him because you shouldn't gloss over anything that happened. Yes, neither of them was in their right mind, but that doesn't mean it should excuse the horrible things they did. There's nothing wrong with forgiving him because people do forgive Saeran, and understand that the situation was complex, but don't let yourself believe they weren't complicit in some of that violence.
That's a huge core of what happens in the after ending. You bring up conversations about what happened in Mint Eye and so does he. Anytime you bring up something that either one of them did that wasn't okay, he owns it, and he doesn't beat around the bush.
He promises he will continue to be a better man as long as you want him around, and as long as you want to give him a second chance to do so. You're not obligated to forgive him. You don't have to forget the things he did.
I can point out numerous examples. 
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You're right in saying that he was under a lot of pressure to do things against his will, but as you can see in these images above, you can see him on the fact that he did those things and he will never excuse his actions by saying he was under the threat of Elixir or Rika.
He does not want to say anything that tries to make light of what happened because there is no way to make light of those things. You can understand why he did what he did but it'll never change the fact that he did it and it hurt you. 
You can accept his apology, you can welcome him with open arms, and you can tell him that you understand why he did what he did. He will appreciate that but he needs to learn how to forgive himself for what he did even if you forgive him.
Part of the reason why he goes on a journey to forgive the people who hurt him is so that he can learn how to forgive himself.
Because, at his worst, at the lowest Suit Saeran and Ray fell, they became an amalgamation of all of the monsters they could imagine. To be cruel and survive in Mint Eye was to become the devil, and the only devil they knew were the people who hurt them. Suit Saeran, in particular, wore a suit because that's what Saejoong wears, and his words became a mixture of both Rika and his mother's torture as he tried to become "the strongest in Paradise."
He took bits and pieces from all of the people who hurt him to make him somebody who could be the worst monster of them all to never be heard ever again. It wasn't healthy and it wasn't the way to protect himself. But, he didn't have a choice, and he had to do something to survive and protect you and Ray. 
He decided that if he could forgive the people who hurt him, he could forgive himself for repeating those angry words to somebody who never deserved to hear them. Nobody deserves to hear those words that were slung at him and he shouldn't have repeated them at you. He even acknowledges that the words may not have been intended for you but they hit you all the same. 
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We can understand from the fourth wall that these characters are victims and that they don't deserve to blame themselves for the things that they have suffered. However, it's important to not act like neither of them wasn't guilty of doing something wrong. You can be somebody who's done both good and bad.
Nobody is totally perfect, and nobody is completely evil, the world is just shades of gray, as opposed to black and white. GE Saeran wants to be held accountable for what he did wrong.
When he says that he wants to take ownership of his actions and hold himself accountable, he means for the things that he actually did wrong, not for the things that were done to him. He's not beating himself up and saying he is to blame for everything that happened to him, but he is owning the fact that he did things that aren't okay. 
In part, I also think he wants to hold himself accountable for any of the cleanings he might've been put in charge of, too.
Ray manipulated you to bring you to Mint Eye, lied, and pressured you to stay with him. Even if you understand that he is a victim, it doesn't change the fact that he did those things and they weren't right. People tend to gloss over what Ray did in comparison to what happened later with Suit Saeran, but Ray is complicit in wrongdoing, too. 
If you learn more about Ray, you understand very quickly that he had an idealized version of you in his head. He became infatuated with the idea of you. Rika told him that he could take anybody for the job, and he began to fantasize about a future with you as soon as he discovered you, and that wasn't healthy.
From an outside perspective, we can understand that for a long time, you were the one good thing in his world, even if it was just an idea of you, but it doesn't excuse the stalking. 
If you love him and give him a chance, you show him that real life is better than any fantasy. He starts to turn against everything that was pushed on to him, and he damn near comes close to undoing the cult manipulation until he's thrown into the basement after you kiss him. He began to fight as soon as he realized that the outside world could be worth fighting for as long as he believed in those kind words you said to him after you gave him a chance.
God knows you didn't have to give him a chance. But, you did, and he doesn't want to ruin that. You can love him and forgive him for what he did, but if you truly love him, you should own the fact that he was not wholly innocent. 
For most people, it's easy to understand what Suit Saeran did that was wrong. Screaming at the player, withholding food from them for nearly a day, locking them in a room with nobody to talk to, taking away access from the messenger, and leaving you in a perpetual state of fear for two days and some change.
He did a lot of awful things and even if you understand why he was doing those things, I.E the fact that he was tortured to believe that the only way to survive was to be the strongest monster in the room, and as long as he is worse than every monster he's ever met, then nobody will ever be able to hurt him. 
Even if you were to say that he told them not to bring you food because he was paranoid about them drugging it, it doesn't change the fact that you had no way of knowing that was his intent, and neither did he until much later. That hurt you. Even if you understand why he lashed out the way he did, it doesn't change the fact that he hurt you. 
Intent doesn't matter. If you hurt somebody, regardless of what your intention was, you need to do something to make that right and you need to hold yourself accountable. At the end of the day, if you do something bad to other people regardless of your intent, you need to own that mistake and work to do the right thing.
The path to hell is made with good intentions, after all.
We shouldn't excuse wrongdoing because they've gone through agony. GE Saeran would never want us to excuse anything Ray or Suit Saeran did. Don't gloss over it or try to make it sound better than what it was. Don't try to excuse what he did because he will never excuse his actions.
He wants to face the consequences of those actions and if he has to face judgment for those actions, he'll take it every time because it's the right thing to do. 
He wouldn't want anybody to say that he didn't do wrong because God knows he did wrong and to say he didn't would be a slap in the face to how much work he's done so far to do the right thing and hold himself accountable. Do I think he kicks himself a little bit more than he needs to sometimes?
Yeah, I think he does, but I am proud of him for being willing to talk about what happened and own his actions. 
But, hey, while I'm at it, if you want to hear AriahTea's original lyrics for Endless Struggle and I Am The Strongest, that might make what I'm saying even more clear here!
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GE Saeran wants to hold himself accountable and we should respect that. Even if you understand the situation with all of the nuance involved, and respect the fact that the world is painted in shades of gray instead of being just black and white, it's okay to admit that those two did things that weren't okay but you forgive them all the same. These characters are not inherently good or evil, they're filled with major complexities, and the more we can do to learn about this fact, the better our perception of media analysis can be. 
Part of the reason why this character means so much to me is the fact that he is willing to own up to the fact that he's made mistakes and that he wants to be better.
He's able to end a toxic cycle by acknowledging that he no longer wants to be a part of it and will choose kindness to the bitter end. We can acknowledge that he was pushed into a corner like a wild animal and some of the things he did were a necessity to survive, but we can also acknowledge that it hurt him and the people around him as well. 
That doesn't mean he doesn't experience anger and hatred in other emotions that may not always be pretty. But, it means that no matter how bad he feels, he would rather choose to be a better person than stoop to the level he did before. 
Saeran would rather die choosing to love and forgive than to hate and scorn.
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takamikeiigos · 2 years
OK but personal attention kink Hawks who just melts whenever you sit him down and help preen his wings. They're already so sensitive and then here you are, carefully tending to them. No way he doesn't cream his pants from just that alone.
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oh my gooooood yes
hawks is an absolute slut for affection. especially the small things, like kissing his cheek before you both leave for work, or holding his hand in the grocery store because you don't wanna lose sight of him, or when you excitedly greet him at the door after he's had a long shift, welcoming him home with loving arms and kisses peppered across his nose and cheeks. and days where you're both cuddled up next to each other on the couch, a movie playing on the TV while your fingers roam over each other's skin. breakfast in the mornings, standing next to each other while brewing a pot of coffee, standing in the bathroom and brushing your teeth together while laughing at each other in the mirror.
the domesticity of it all tbh. it makes his heart flutter and skip a beat. makes him warm with love, and the want to give more love, because he never got to experience genuine affection growing up.
he gets a little riled up with some things, sometimes. like when you're both showering together and on instinct you start scrubbing shampoo into his hair, massaging his scalp and washing all of his worries away. and when you cut his hair for him, just how he likes it, because he'd rather feel your fingers in his hair than someone else's. and days where you help him shave because he's just over it, so he leans back against the bathroom counter and let's you go to work, your fingers gripping his jaw to angle his chin while you concentrate, your burning focus a flame that ignites a want and need for more inside of him.
on particularly hard days, when he's just exhausted and drained because the commission just keeps pushing and taking and using him; days where he doesn't know how much more he can give, but he'll still continue to give because people deserve justice and there's so much he has yet to accomplish.
days like this he comes home, and you can immediately tell because he looks deflated - quiet, with his wings pulled taught to his back with stress. you say no words, just guide him inside and pull him close, his face in your hands while you kiss his forehead. you know he probably hasn't eaten all day, running on fumes, so you send him off to shower to wash a day's worth of sweat and grime off while you cook dinner.
nights like these are mostly spent quiet, letting him simmer down and enjoy some peace while you both eat. he'll talk when he's ready, and that's okay, because you both understand the feeling and that no matter what, you're there to support each other.
you guide him off to bed but there's still a stiffness to him, like the weight of the world still rests on his shoulders, even in the comfort of your own home. and this, you won't accept.
he clings to you when he sits on the edge of your shared bed, fingers clutched tightly in your sleep shirt, his head bowed and pressed to your chest. he lets out a sigh the minute your hands come up to run through his hair, and you know what he needs solely from his body language.
you press a kiss to his hairline and pull away, climbing onto the bed behind him where his wings sit taughtly, feathers still wet from his shower, misplaced and askew. you don't even touch his wings at first, but the tense muscle between his shoulder blades, instead, where most of the weight rests, and he gasps quietly, his back arching away from your touch.
"tender?" you ask, and the breathy 'yeah' that comes out tells you that there's work to be done - that this beautiful man in front of you needs someone to care for him, love him, make sure he's okay.
you press a kiss to the nape of his neck and put your fingers right back to where they were between his wings, gently but firmly applying pressure in attempt to ease his muscles. you continue your ministrations down his back and over his shoulders, rubbing away whatever stress you can, his breaths evening out as he relaxes under you
the first touch of your fingers through his feathers makes him see stars. the assaulted wing flares out, large and powerful enough to nearly slam the bedroom door off its hinges where you'd left it ajar, while he chokes out a curse and grips the sheets for dear life.
"do you-"
"don't you dare fuckin' stop," he hisses, relaxing as much as he can, his grip still tight while he grounds himself, "please."
it's interesting to watch how his wings shutter, arching into your touch like a cat would when you pet it. you do your best with straightening his feathers, untangling them and ridding them of any that hang loose, starting a small pile next to you on the bed. every once in a while he lets out a breathy moan, almost quiet enough that you can't hear it, and by the time you finish the backs of both his wings, he's jello under your hands, molding to your touch.
you get him to sit further back onto the bed, propped up against the pillows and the headboard, and crawl into his lap to begin on the underside of his wings, where his coverts and secondaries lie tangled. he nuzzles his face into your shoulder and drapes his arms around your waist, and the loud keening noise he lets out when you dip your fingers back into the plumage of feathers echoes throughout the bedroom. he ruts his hips upward and squeezes his arms tighter around your waist, and you can feel just how hard he is underneath you.
you continue the care of his wings just as you did before, and soon every feather is laid out perfectly, at this point you're touching his wings just to give him the pleasure of it. and it's working.
he's an absolute mess when you gently tug on the tertial feathers on the very inside of his wings, and he cries out, fingers clawing at the shirt on your back, his hips steadily pumping upward in attempt to gain friction. you know that when he's like this, there's no need to even reach a hand down his sweatpants and grab for his cock - that his wings are so damn sensitive and feel so good under your touch that this alone is enough to get him off.
"it's okay baby, i've got you," you murmur to him, and he whines into your neck as he paws at you, wings fluttering against the headboard as you continue to massage your fingers into them.
"fuck, songbird, fuck," he chokes, his chest stuttering, his heartbeat rapidly thumping away in his chest, enough that you can feel it, "fuckin' love you so much. so much. don't want anyone else to touch me like this, fuck."
he's shaking now, and you know he must be close. you pull back slightly and catch his lips in yours, and give his feathers one more squeeze. he moans wantonly into your mouth, the sound of it completely lewd against your lips, and his whole body shutters, the thrust of his hips stuttering. he rides the orgasm out, his skin pricking, hot, and his wings twitching against the headboard as you guide him through it. his brain starts catching back up to speed and he brushes his tongue over your lips, begging, pleading for you to open up for him. you give him what he wants, what he needs - allow him to take any part of you that might sooth him over and show him that he's loved.
"thank you," he breathes out after a moment, and you press a kiss to his forehead, brushing his hair back.
after a few moments he shifts under you in attempt you get up, and you pull away with a look of question on your face.
"gonna get cleaned up," he grunts running his hands up your sides. he look beautiful like this, plaint underneath you, like he just had one of the best orgasms of his life, even if he just came in his sweats.
"i can take care of that for you," you offer him a smirk, and his head falls back against the headboard with a thump, his tongue darting out over his lips and his hands squeezing where they rest of your hips.
"you're gonna be the death of me, kid."
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not-a-space-alien · 2 months
Savage Sunset Choose Your Own Adventure 30
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29
Story masterpost
Series is for 18+ audiences only!
All entries in the CYOA
So, the audience chose the first option for the finale--"Encourage Valen to stay as long as he wants. Talk to him about his project more."
After giving it some thought, I realized this is basically the route Lex and Ari went in the actual story, and so the sequence of events would likely not be significantly different! So I thought the best way to end this might be to decide what would happen on each option.
Sorry for not giving a more detailed ending to send this out with a bang! But hopefully you will enjoy some of these scenarios and feel free to imagine how it would go! Not sure if anyone would have any interest in doing so, but you're all perfectly welcome to write your own fic about it.
Encourage Valen to stay as long as he wants. Talk to him about his project more.
As I said the winning option would go basically the same way as canon, except Felix and the narrator would be there instead of Lex and Ari. Lex and Ari would probably eventually snoop around and become secondary supporters, the way Bailey and Jerome do in canon. Valen would probably eventually end up with a unit of six hunters invested in protecting him.
Keep Valen here and make it known what a horrible mistake the hunters made.
Valen is nervous about you telling anyone, but if you're able to convince him to stay and let you go public with it, he hunkers down and braces himself for the attention. It ignites an absolute shitstorm of national arguing--public opinion in areas where vampire attacks are not common is overwhelmingly on Valen's side--and those in areas who do live at risk of vampire attacks argue it's very easy to take a moral high ground when you don't live in danger yourself.
The director is a politician at heart and cares very much about the guild's public image, so Nick is fired and jailed. The director asks Valen to leave to avoid more attention, but the rest of the guild rallies to his side as happens in cannon, so eventually the director backpedals and lets him stay. The fact that everyone knows he's there means Valen is continually anxious; unlike canon, where his presence is kept more lowkey, he starts getting volumes of letters--both supportive and hatemail. The window of discourse in public life shifts to talk about whether or not vampires should have human rights.
Get Valen out of here, then make it public what happened.
This goes the same way as the previous option, except Valen isn't there to feel threatened by the attention. You keep him updated on the situation, until one day you can't get ahold of him again. A few weeks later, he gets off a frantic phone call that he's been pressured to come back to the Kithrara estate, and your group of 6 supportive hunters plan the same epic breakout that happens in canon. It ends the same way as scenario #2.
Get Valen out of here as soon as you can--he isn't safe. You can stay in touch.
You hurry Valen over the border ASAP, then have regular phone conversations with him. He's once again pressured to come back to the Kithrara estate, except this time you haven't spent enough time with him for his first instinct to be to call you. You never hear from him again--He eventually realizes he needs to leave Priscus and musters up the courage to do it, but by then he's basically too scared to call you again.
Get Valen out of here and never speak of it again. Hope you don't get caught.
You toss him over the border and don't get caught. You never hear from him again. You live with the incident in the back of your mind for the rest of your life, wondering if you made the right decision.
Thank you all for playing along!
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Wait, what...?
Bang Chan x female reader
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Synopsis: There was supposedly a once-in-a-lifetime contest you had applied for with no expectation of it being real or you actually winning.
Word Count: ~1700
A/N: Sooooo I want to keep doing this and I'm trying my best. Honestly, I don't really know what I'm doing lol. Just some more words put on the internet Ryan awkward introvert. (o_o')
Warning: Just probably some casual flirting, a lot of dirty thoughts by reader, and mentions of self doubt.
Part Two!!
(Part One)
This is still a lot to take in. You still have an unfinished Starbucks coffee over by your computer, yet everyone is just staring at you waiting for you to lose your cool again. No pressure or anything! You've just hugged one of the most attractive men you've ever set eyes on. And now all of your coworkers and bosses are trying to talk to you while you gather your purse and hope you didn't forget anything else.
When you first let reality sink in, during your hug with Christopher, you felt that the idea of just up and leaving your life is absolutely terrifying. But, the prospect of having that very sweet, very huggable, very strong, very firm... oh snap. Your ADHD is kicking in. It's Stray Kids! You're going to be doing things with them, at least that's what the sweepstakes had promised.
Honestly, they could just shove you into a hotel room and leave you there for a few weeks. You're gonna need to talk to Chan about that.
After grabbing your coffee, purse, and jacket, you went back to the main door of your office and were met with the warmest welcome you had gotten from anyone since you left to visit your aunt in Arizona for a summer in middle school.
And this time, the warmth is emanating from a beautiful man that's dimples are growing as soon as you locked eyes with him. Standing awkwardly outside your office space, you looked around the different hallways. Your whole body moving to look behind the gorgeous man and your supers.
Chan turned himself expectantly hoping to catch sight of whatever you're looking at or for. "What are we looking at?" HE questioned as he looked down the very boring beige hallway.
"I feel like you've got the other guys hiding somewhere and I can't handle more surprises right now."
His laugh echoed through the corridor as he turned around to look back at you. He set one hand down on your shoulder to draw your attention back to him, "I promise, no more surprises. They're all still back in Seoul waiting for you."
"Ohh great.... no pressure there." You rolled your eyes back at his statement. His giggling continued as you still searched lightly for the surprises he promised against. "Your constant snickers are not very convincing."
"Well, how about we get out of here and catch our flight?" He reached in his oversized hoodie and pulled out your passport with a ticket peeking out. He held it out and you cocked your eyebrow.
"Oh is that why Jenn was asking about all my passport? That sneaky bitch- Oh sorry. Am I allowed to swear??"
Chan reached his other hand behind him neck and scratched the baby hairs popping out of his beanie while looking at the man to his left, "Yeah, you can swear, just be careful who's around when you do it. If JYP catches you he will definitely have something to say to us."
"Ohmygod. Don't tell me I'm going to meet him too! Ughhhh..." You are not ready to meet that man. He hasn't been anywhere close to your list of favorites after you had learned about Hyunjin's break or the eliminations of Lee Know and Felix way back when.
"Only maybe. I can tell you're excited at the idea." He giggled and turned around. "Show us the way out and we can talk about all our options in the car."
You led the way with Chan right by your side. You hopped into the classic black van and sat next to Chan in the way back. You put on our seatbelt and turned to him. He had thrown one arm over the back and looked around before turning his head over to you. His million watt smile was all it took for you to get really shy again.
"Sir, you cannot look at me like that."
"Like what, y/n?"
"Like I'm someone important; someone to impress."
He grimaced, "I do want to impress you, though. You are literally this gorgeous girl that I get to be stuck with for the next twenty four hours. I want to woo you."
Your turn to frown at him, "What are you talking about?! You are literally Christopher Bang. Leader of Stray Kids. Fourth generation leaders and the best leader of any group I've gotten to know."
He grabbed his ear with his fingers as he felt the blush creeping up. "Okay okay that's enough of that."
You yanked his hand away from the poor ear he wouldn't stop rubbing and made him lock eyes with you, "No seriously. You are such a beautiful, kind soul and deserve every compliment. And if I have to spend the next twenty four hours reminding you I will."
"Also, you've got washboard abs and are just so handsome. Your dimples are so adorable and the way your eyes close when you laugh is so endearing." He didn't look way but you could tell he really wanted to.
Everything said was true. You tell everyone you know about how amazing this man is. He is the epitome of everything you wish you could be, and he needs to know. The hand that you had pulled from his ear was still holding onto his wrist, but he flipped it around and held your hand while using his thumb to rub the back of your palm. You could feel heat rising to your face and a tingling down under at your current situation.
"Regardless of how I feel about myself, I am glad to have a sweet person around." He looked down at your hands, continue his soft ministrations on your hand. Through his lashes, his piercing gaze seemed to imitate a smirk.
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The conversation ensued as casual banter and conversations about life and the weather. Just the usual things. It was so natural though. You made fun of Chan's accent and he made fun of yours. The best was when the two of you cackled at you trying to say certain phrases in Korean and you returned the horror when you tried to get him to say words in German.
As soon as you arrived at the local airport, you were immediately guided to check in and promptly brought back outside to a golf cart that brought you to a smaller plane. First things first, you looked in your carry-on to see what your best friend had packed for you to change into, you could not stay in scrubs any longer. Thin joggers, a loose black crop top, comfy sports bra, new socks, and some comfortable walking shoes. It's amazing how much effort she went to.
You had never ridden first class, so once you were brought to your spot, you realized the size of your seat was amazing. Your giddy attitude had returned as you settled into your space. A TV, side table, charging ports, and a coat rack to hang your belongings. Sliding into the spacious seat confirmed that you ACTUALLY had more room to spare.
The wall next to you slid down and you yelped, not realizing it could do that. "G'day, neighbor." Chan greeted you. You were so engrossed in getting acclimated to your surroundings that you didn't even see him settle in right there. Nor, had you caught the way he stood outside his seat area and just smiled at you. IF you had, you would've seen how smitten that man looked.
"Christopher Bang! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"
He looked so offended, "Me?! I don't want anything bad to happen to your heart!" The pout made you almost feel bad for the accusation. Almost.
You threw your arms on the side table that was twice the size now as you looked into his space. His laptop was set on his side of the partitioned table, headphones around his neck, and back pack hung on the hanger by his side of the aisle. "Hm...You seem like you're ready to get to work over there."
"Yeah, it's just habit to set everything up like this. I forgot that I had an angel sitting across from me." His words were so sweet you couldn't help but roll your eyes. He pressed a button on the outside of his chair and it turned inward towards the table. You looked beside and followed suit, only to see he had put his laptop back into his bag.
"Just because I'm a Stay, doesn't mean you have to continually flatter me, Channie. I'm already committed to this adventure and will support you guys regardless."
The sparkle in his pretty eyes disappeared again, "Why do you think so little of yourself?" The question made you want to disappear into the seat, or just throw yourself out of the airplane.
"It's not that. I just know that I'm not that special." You shrugged and looked at your feet so you could avoid the greek god sitting in front of you.
Chan reached across the divider and pulled your had towards him. Then led the hand to his face and graced your knuckles with a tender kiss. Never taking his eyes off your face while you were following your hand, "I am going to make it my mission to make you realize how special you are. Me and the kids won't let you forget that you are worth every moment. I have only spent a few hours with you, and I can already sense that we are destined to make great memories we won't forget."
You squinted at him. Knowing damn well he isn't just saying that. He's always had a way with his words, whether it's in his interviews, with his bandmates, or in the lyrics he wrote. But his dramatic attitude is making you more nervous than anything.
"I know you don't believe me now, but I swear, you're going to see what I see, and never want to look away."
"If I get to look at you the whole time, I'll be fine."
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worksby-d · 2 years
hey😊 first of all i’m absolutely obsessed with your writing! could you write a steve x reader where the reader is a virgin and they are nervous to try something but steve convinced them and he’s very sweet and gentle?💝
so. this request has been in my inbox for over a year and a half 💀 if whoever sent this is still around, i hope you enjoy this!! if not, i hope someone out there does lmfao
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x shy/virgin fem!Reader
Warnings: Thigh riding, m masturbation, mutual orgasm, praise, def pictured nomad Steve while writing this 😵‍💫, 18+/minors dni
Word count: ~1,000
“I had a really nice night.” His words are mumbled between kisses, barely registered by you as he gently pulls you down to straddle his lap on the sofa.
“Mm, me too,” you hum. “Thank you for dinner.”
“You're so welcome, princess.”
Princess. It's when he talks like that that you become putty in his hands, melting against him to deepen the already-desperate kisses you're sharing.
“Stevie,” you whimper, reflexively rocking your hips against him.
His hands fall to your hips, guiding you to keep them there. His touch is so intoxicating, stopping is far from being a thought.
…Until a certain grind of your hips allows you to catch the feeling of his growing erection beneath you.
“Oh,” you gasp, gently breaking the kiss to rest your forehead against his. “Steve, sorry.”
“It's okay,” he chuckles, catching his breath. “It's okay. Maybe we should slow down now.”
“No, I–” You pause with a huff, and he can clearly sense you're flustered.
You're too worked up to notice the smirk he can't suppress. “What, princess?”
Dropping your face to his neck, you just shrug.
“You like grinding on me, don't you,” he teases, and he can feel your nod against his shoulder.
“But I'm not… ready to do anything else,” you murmur. “I'm sorry.”
“It's okay… Here–” He helps you move so you're straddling his thigh and you easily move where he wants you. “Can we try something?” His hand softly touches your cheek to prompt you to look at him. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes,” you whisper, meeting his gaze.
“Grind on my thigh.” Watching your eyes widen, he quickly leans to give you a reassuring kiss. “It's okay. Go ahead.”
Taking your hands in his, he places them on his chest for you before taking hold of your hips again to help you move. Your eyes flit shut, mouth falling open in a silent moan feeling the pressure of his thick thigh against your center.
“Good girl,” he praises, feeling your pussy throb against him. “Can always tell when you're a little needy.”
“You can?” There's a horrified look in your eyes when you open them again.
“Yeah,” he laughs, shushing your groans of embarrassment. “Nothing to be embarrassed about.”
Continuing to move against him, you don't have the chance to dwell on it the way he's making you feel.
“Want you to feel good too, Stevie,” you pant, picking up the pace of your hips.
“I do feel good.” he winks, pressing a kiss to your pouted lips. “I love watching you.”
“That's not what I meant,” you whine.
“Then what did you mean, baby?” A hand on your cheek again, gently forces you to look into his eyes. “Tell me.”
Your pleading eyes ask him not to make you say it, but he waits. “Want you to… touch yourself too.”
“Oh, you want me to touch myself too,” he teases, pretending to ponder what you're asking. “You know I can't say no to you.”
His hands slip from you to between your bodies so he can undo his pants, pushing them enough out of the way to expose his hard cock.
You can't help but look down for a peek, heat immediately flushing across your face.
“See what you do to me, pretty girl?”
Your face drops to his neck again, but his hand returns to you, patting your back to get your attention.
“Mm-mm, head up,” he says, a sternness to his voice that makes you listen. “No reason to be shy now. Spit in my hand for me.”
“I–” Your words get caught in your throat. Why would he want you to do that? “Are you sure?”
“Please, baby,” he begs, holding his hand out. “Need to get my cock nice and wet.”
Taking a quick breath, you do it just to get it over with, quickly spitting into his hand.
“Good girl,” he cooes, but he can tell you're holding back. “I need more though. Come on, honey.”
So you do it one more time, hoping to God it's enough now.
“There we go,” he hums, and you instantly press your face back against his shoulder, sure he can feel the heat radiating from your cheeks.
The groan he lets out, finally stroking his cock, has you moaning in response. With a particularly rough grind of your hips, your cunt quivers around nothing as your clit drags against your soaked panties.
“Feels so good,” you choke out, grasping fistfuls of his shirt in your hands.
“I know, baby,” he breathes, pumping his fist faster. “Can feel you getting my leg all messy. Are you close?”
“Mhm,” you whine, movements becoming more hurried.
“Me too,” he grunts. “Wait for me, princess. Come when I say.”
All you can think is that you can't hold out for him much longer. “Please–”
“Come with me, baby,” he moans, his thigh flexing against your pussy as his body goes rigid with his climax.
“Steve,” you cry, hips jerking a few last times before you hit your peak. You collapse against him, thighs trembling against his leg as the aftershocks of your orgasm shoot through you with each residual twitch of his leg from his own.
Feeling your heaving chest against his, he hugs you close, pressing soft kisses to your shoulder. Once he can tell you've calmed down, he carefully holds you up so he can lay back and pull you back down on top of him.
“We'll clean up in a minute,” he promises, rubbing your back. “Just lay here a second. Was that okay?”
“Mhm,” you nod, voice hoarse from your dry mouth. “Thank you, Stevie.”
“Sure,” he laughs. It's lighthearted – he doesn't know what you're thanking him for. “You don't have to thank me. I didn't do anything,” he jokes. “You did. And you did so good.”
“But you're so patient with me.”
“Hey, I'll always be patient with you, princess.”
Tag list: @chris-butt @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @princess-evans-addict @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @bluemusickid @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersdrysdalebarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403
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Introductions and Important Info
Hello everyone! Welcome to the Fellowship of Sleep Buddy Read, a book club for all the Sleep Token fans on tumblr dot com, created by Misha and Darya (feel free to say hi!)
This space was born out of a mutual desire to both read more, and have an ongoing conversation about our love for books. The objective here is to encourage each other to have a consistent reading schedule, as we often lack the motivation and energy to do so, by setting small weekly goals. Super low-key, super casual, no pressure whatsoever.
What are we reading now?
We are kick-starting this club by reading The Lord Of Rings - The Fellowship Of The Ring. This read and all related posts will be tagged as #fos reads lotr
We will start on Sunday 3rd of March, and have our first discussion a week later, on Sunday 10th of March. The goal is to read a chapter a week, but this can be adjusted as we go.
Each week we'll have one post announcing the chapter of the week, and another post that you can use as a discussion thread for the previous chapter. Please keep the discussions on those posts spoiler free for those who haven't read further yet.
You can submit your own posts here.
You're more than welcome to read ahead, but please keep the weekly discussions focused on the current chapter! We are also planning on having occasional zoom calls (without video for now), where we can have some reading time together, talk to each other, and hopefully have a movie session 👀
Please check this post for updates and other questions you may have before sending an ask - we are but two eepie creechurs busy with Adult Life!
FAQs and Important Info (please read):
What is the Fellowship of Sleep? Is it related to Sleep Token?
The Fellowship of Sleep is the name we gave to our little Sleep Token tumblr friend circle, as a result of this post . As most (if not all) of us turned out to be LOTR fans, we should keep that name. It is also why we decided to start with the first book of the trilogy.
That being said, anyone who's here on tumblr and is part of the Sleep Token community, is 100% included in this Fellowship. We are all friends!!!
How does this work? Can anyone participate?
Yes! If you are reading this, and want to be a part of it, please join the conversation! All you need is a copy of the book. If for some reason you don't have it, and purchasing is not an option, check your local libraries! They are most certainly guaranteed to have LOTR available. Plus, it is usually free and you're helping keep them alive!
If you're thinking of acquiring a copy, we encourage you to get it second hand. There are many platforms that sell pre-loved books, in all stages of conservation, at a fraction of the cost. If reading is hard for you, audiobooks are also an option (they are not free normally, but check your local libraries for them). As long as you are keeping up with the chapters, everything is game!
What if I fall behind? What if I want to join in in the middle of the book?
There's absolutely no shame in falling behind. Life is tough, and we know how hard it is to maintain a reading habit - that is why we created this in the first place!
It is perfectly fine to join later, or even to stop reading! This is supposed to be a fun, safe space, so don't feel pressured to continue if you feel you can't keep up. For anyone who's already familiar with whatever book we are reading, please do feel free to join the discussions, even if you are not reading along!
(if you are behind, it is also possible to join the discussion post on the chapter you are currently on at a later point, we won't delete them)
Can we talk about Sleep Token here? How do discussions work?
Although this *is* a project created by and for Sleep Token fans, we want to keep this focused on reading, so there will be no Sleep Token discussions in here. We are more than happy to engage in Eepie conversation on our personal blogs, but this is not the space for it (unless directly related to the current read).
To keep things organised, we are accepting submissions on this blog, and we encourage you to engage with them and each other! Please do keep in mind that we are two very real, very tired individuals, so do have a little patience and grace while we figure this out. We apologise for any delays!
What can we submit?
-> Any and all things related to the current book: memes, fanart, plot discussions, merch and book collections - you name it!
We only ask that you keep *most* discussions relevant to the current place in the book (eg, it's okay if you want to talk about a plot point much further ahead, but we want the main focus to be on whatever chapter we're in. That way those who have never read it, or want to pick it up after we started, can easily join the conversations!)
-> Sleep Token content *if* it's directly related to the book. Example:
You noticed an interesting parallel between [book] and ST lore? Please share! Think a certain character dynamic is similar to the guys? Absolutely!
ST content that isn't relevant to our readings will be deleted. We created this space for a specific purpose and would like to keep it that way!
-> Any questions/thoughts/posts you may have about this book club: tagged under #fos meta or through our Ask Box
Tag List
Here's a comprehensive tutorial post on Asks and Submissions -> please read for submission guidelines and other faqs
We have an active tag list so you don't miss important info posts - if you want to be added to the list shoot us an ask on this blog! Same goes if you are currently on the list and don't want to be anymore :)
If you have any further questions, please leave them in the replies of this post, or send us an ask here. Do not dm us on our personal blogs with questions for this one. The inbox is open so please use that instead!
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
I've recently been questioning whether or not I should keep worshipping Hestia. I love Hestia for sure, but even beforehand I wasn't 100% sure and it doesn't help that I literally have a fear of fire lmao,, I was thinking of not continuing to worship hestia and instead worshipping hermes? I could worship both but I already have like. 8. As much as I love the number 9, it sounds pretty overwhelming! I'm not quite sure what to do,,
Also, you're really cool! Your posts help a lot of pagans (especially newer ones) and you overall seem like a wonderful person! Keep it up, you're doing great :]!
Hey, Nonny, thank you very much for the kind words! It was lovely to hear. c:
I'd say it sounds like you may already have your answer. It doesn't sound like your whole heart is in your worship, and that's ok. If you don't want to stop worshipping her altogether, you can always take a step back, and let her know you'll be focusing on some other deities for the time being. It sounds like that's not entirely something you're looking for as a solution, however.
I can't make the decision for you, but if you feel you're not wishing to continue worship, you can tell her you'll be pausing your worship of her for now but may pick it up again in the future. Hestia is an exceptionally kind and understanding goddess, and I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that she would welcome you back with open arms, should you choose to worship her again. It's ok to focus your attention on other deities. Not only is it ok, but it's entirely normal. I've met many people who have had to bid farewell to one deity in order to focus on another, and while it can be really saddening and difficult to let go, remember that they're never completely gone. You can always turn to her and ask for help again, even if you're not actively worshipping her. I've seen this happen many times, and I personally have never heard of any problems regarding doing this. Obviously, ask her if that's comfortable for her first (you asking for help after ending your active worship), but I'd be shocked if she said it wouldn't be. Remember that goodbye doesn't have to be forever.
I will say decisions like these are always difficult to make, but they're necessary. As we evolve and change, so, too, does our worship. We find the need to seek other deities for their guidance or we simply feel pulled to a new deity. It's ok for these things to happen, and I highly doubt Hestia would take it personally. Even in myths, she was depicted as forgiving and compassionate. If your heart isn't in the worship, then it may be time to move on. If you're constantly feeling disconnected and estranged, then it's likely time to let go. Regardless, you will be ok, and you will form new, stronger relationships. This doesn't diminish the strength of the relationship you already had, but you may find something better for yourself in giving someone new a chance.
I hope this helped, and I wish you luck on the path that lies ahead of you, no matter what you choose to do. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself with the situation, and if you need to take a breather and think about it, remind yourself that's ok to do. Take care, Nonny, and have a good day/night. 🧡
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drawthething · 11 months
Welcome to DTT's gallery of useless text posts because I'm in the post-exam mood and bored!Today we shall discuss about:
"Obvious ways to NOT get scammed when opening commissions"
Now if you're a smart and capable human who's already so good at being an adult then you might not need these advices. But if you're kinda gullible and young and eat instant noodles for dinner sometimes like me, this post might be for you!
1. "You're up for commissions? DM me!"
See, these jerks probably follow the #commission tag on insta to find their easy target. You have the comm sheet right there clear as daylight and they STILL ask this thing in your post's comments. And they don't even want to DM you, YOU DM THEM! Absolutely horrible commission etiquette! I think it's best to ignore these comments even if you're not sure about their intentions.
2. Random acc with 2 posts and 200+ followers casually walks up to your DMs and says: "Will you draw my pet for 200$??"
Suuuper basic tactics for scammers to initiate their hustle. They're just soooo basic and soooo boring they can't come up with anything else for you to draw they HAVE to be like "I don't give a damn about what you usually do or what weird fandom hyperfixation pills you're on but here's an easy-to come-up-with art idea!". And a fricking fortune for pets portraits?? Come on.
Yes, check the account too if you smell something fishy. Even if it's profile is an innocent old looking lady who seems really rude at texting for some reasons, it's worth being cautious about.
3. "Aww man something's wrong with your PayPal link, can you send me your email name instead?"
Now of course I'm not saying everyone who wants a pet drawing is a scammer. If you're still unsure or see nothing suspicious about the client, feel free to continue the conversation!
But oh noooo, every damn time they seem to have some fricking issue with your PayPal link! They DEMAND to know your email! Or offer to send the payment in some really vague foreign way. Alrighty, no big deal yet, it's not like they want to know your Roblox password or GG search history right? Let's see what might happen next!
4. Nope, no payment sent, but oooo, new email! So fun, let's check!
BAM! An "official" mail from PayPal. Some weird issue occurred and *inserts bullcrap explanation* now you have to like, send them back 500$ out of nowhere! Wait, what?!
Calm down, don't do anything yet (even if the "client" is so rudely pressuring you cuz you 'own' them cash now) Go through everything as thorough like it's your life crisis and notice that this email has an embarrassing typo! Perhaps... this is not a PayPal mail? Well no crap! You know exactly who sent it you silly goose! Plus these losers do be using ugly ass fonts amirite? Smh.
5. They're so obviously not interested in your art
Some of these bastards are just so vague about what they want for their art, you know? Instead of going on and on about the details, like do they want it coloured or not, what the artstyle is, yada yada bla bla bla, all they're excited about is getting to the payment part! The fun part of the hustle, yayyyy!! Oh and they're oddly rude and distant in the way they talk sometimes. Unacceptable even for scammers! If you want my money at least be nice!
6. So what do you do with these guys?
Block, delete, report and run!! And if you're still mad at them for lying to you, don't forget to tell those mfs to get a life instead of trying to scam someone who already knows how to make terrible financial decisions!! (it's me, I'm someone)
Pls remember though, don't jump to conclusions early yet. Now you don't want to accidentally block an innocent respectful person, do you? Trust your instincts!
Aaaaand that's all I have! Thank you for reading this nonsense, you truly are a delight! Please be safe, be cautious and be a decent human being who don't try to scam people!
Love ♥️
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loveackermannn · 2 years
Omg omg omggg!,
When I saw your vamp Levi fic i geeked lmao
But I did some research and found out that vampires have mates…like one for the rest of their lives🥺.
So i was wondering if you can do headcanons about vamp Levi x vamp reader and them just being that one old married couple lol, also mates can feed off of each other instead of hunting which is wayyyyy more powerful since there’s love involved
Sorry lol I’m being a nerd
a/n; my lovely anon! don't apologize for this ask, i loved reading every bit of it. thank you for indulging more vamp!levi into my brain and for the extra info! it'll really help me capture these headcanons better. anyways, i hope you enjoy <;3 im such a whore for vamp!levi ugh he's so hot okay bye
warnings; suggestive content! (17+ audience please !!) levi and reader feeding off each other YWBWHAJHWR (they're both switches btw :0) + mentions of blood
im gonna go with the scenario in which both of you are vamps, destined to be mates for all eternity. now one would think that it's a hell of a long time to be committed to one person, but when it comes to a lover like levi – he NEVER gets tired of you, as the same with you. he practically worships the ground you walk on, the air in which you exist with him. he just can't get enough of you.
by that, it was from the start that sparked what you two are now. "love at first sight" was a stupid idea that levi couldn't even bring himself to come to terms with when he first met you upon the forest. but he quickly realized that he felt like a love sick teenager again. the way you could just be existing in his presence and he'd still feel like he's falling in love all over again.
as time passed and humans continued to grow old, you and levi were stuck in your own little world with nothing else being of importance except the exchange of love and passion towards one another.
every kiss felt needier, every touch felt exhilarating, every breath felt warmer to the point where you couldn't tell if it was levi's or yours. all that mattered was that in this moment, he was yours as you were his.
levi began his intimate ministrations from your temple to your cheek to your jaw and down to your exposed and sensitive neck. your soft skin welcomed his lips with every kiss that he could manage, savoring you, worshipping you – he felt honored to be able to have the rest of his days spent with you.
lips continuing to suck and nip at your now marked neck, levi took the time to gently graze the points of his fangs and upon doing this, the reaction you gave him was just where he wanted you– breathless, speechless.
you looked absolutely divine to him and he couldn't wait to savor the rest of what he still had to get to. but for now, he wanted to specifically take his time on your neck – you knew what was to happen next and your body anticipating his touch, jerked slightly in his hold. upon noticing this, he grips you tighter and his hot breath tickles the lobe of your ear.
"you're so fucking perfect mon amour. think you could stay still for me yeah? if anything gets too much, you know our safe word. ill stop immediately, promise."
you nod against him, smiling as your fingers meet the side of his face and he pecks your cheek in return. you trusted levi with your whole life, he'd never forgive himself if ever you got hurt, let alone get hurt because of him.
he started slow, letting you get used to the feel of his fangs dancing up along the side of your neck. and as time went on, you were craving for him to finally sink his teeth into you with just the right amount of pressure.
and with that, 2 holes punctured into you, leaving you a whimpering and mewling mess in levi's arms. levi groaned into you, eyes practically rolling back at your taste in disbelief. god he could be here with you forever, in every universe.
he made sure to keep his eyes on you, gauging any discomfort from your reactions, but from what he could see – you were thoroughly enjoying this just as he is. with your head completely thrown back in pleasure, the sight alone could make him faint right then and there, but he keeps it together.
as it all comes to an end, levi pulls away to relieve any sort of tension in your neck as he soothes the holes with a kiss and leaving no waste of what you had just offered to him.
nothing was said for some time, not that there needed to be anyway. panting and short breaths were the only thing that was coherent from your semi-dried lips. from this, levi knew you needed a few minutes to regain your composure.
slicking back your disheveled hair with a gentle caress of his hand, he smiles at you as if you were the purest gem in the world – you were his treasure.
pressing a kiss to your forehead, he asks quietly as to not suddenly startle you from your peaceful trance, "i wasn't too rough on you was i? does anything hurt?"
you shake your head, looking back at him with an expression that reassured him further. but what surprised him, was the fact that you were quick in continuing from where you two had left off.
the stamina of vampires. he should've known.
and soon, a reverse of cards had him melting like putty in your hands as your face crept up slowly from his chest to his ear.
"it's my turn now. you'll be good for me right levi?"
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prianya · 2 years
I'm glad you're feeling better, welcome back!! I hope you'll be doing great for a long time! Really love your writings!!
If I may send a request, perhaps something with Scar where the reader met him through teaming up together in MCC? I've noticed a pattern in the MCC team where a hermit is often paired with another hermit. So maybe a scenario where Scar and the said hermit (of your choice!) talk about the reader in the Hermitcraft server after maybe being teamed up together in several tournament prior? Or maybe you can come up with your own twist? Anything works really! I'm curious about your interpretation of MCC into fanfiction.
I'm sorry that this feels too detailed! I'm trying to convert my words properly, I hope this works 😭 If you don't write for MCC related stuff then perhaps something around Scar with a PvP-skill centered reader? No rush and no pressure! Please write at your own pace!! And thank you!
Ad Amicum
Scar x Reader ft. Grian and False ▪︎ Platonic
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Word Count ▪︎ 672 words
Summary ▪︎ Scar rushes off to meet a friend, and False and Grian set their sights on a new server member.
Note ▪︎ I absolutely loved this idea! Mcc is something I want to write about more, because I have so many ideas but not enough to make a real story of it. Thank you for the kind words and I hope you enjoy!
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Mcc was always extremely fun, many people from closed servers being allowed this one chance to compete in fun games and see friends from open servers or other whitelist-only servers. Even with this, the hermits remained a tight-knit group, usually staying in pairs or trios within Mcc teams. This time wasn't any different, with Scar, Grian, and False being on the same team. Once the three of them arrived on the server, Scar immediately splits from the group and dissapears in the crowd. False and Grian look at eachother, both curious about what made him rush off so fast.
Later, the two of them find Scar deep in conversation with someone, his face light and practically overjoyed.
"I didn't know Scar has friends," False whispers to Grian. He nods at her words, placing a hand on his chin.
"They have to have met at Mcc, since I've never seen them on the server," Grian says. The two of them continue to stare quite creepily until Scar sees them. He quickly tries to wave them away with a hand, mouthing the words, "Don't you dare," at the two of them. They do, infact, dare, and they quickly make their way to Scar and his mystery friend.
"Hello!" Grian chirps with a large grin, and you smile back at him with just as much energy.
"Hey! Nice to meet you, you must be friends of Scar's," you say, and the two blondes nod in sync.
"I'm False, and he's Grian," The taller of the two tells you and gives you a small smile. When you smile back with a warm smile, the two of them immediately decide that you're going to be a hermit.
"You're really good at Build Mart," Scar says. You smile at the fact that someone had finally noticed your efforts.
"Having a good memory helps," you hum in reply, methodically placing the blocks down in their respective places without looking at the example. Once the last block is placed, the build dissapears with a flash and the next example is up. You take a few minutes to look at all the sides. You then run straight through the portal, your elytra catching air from the giant fans and pushing you into the air. As you head to the first island, you pass one of your teammates returning to their build. False smiles brightly at you in the split second you pass eachother.
You quickly assemble what has to be your fifth build, managing to place down the very last block right before the buzzer goes off. Your team is transported back into the Decision Dome, and you check the standings on your comm. Your team is in a solid 6th place, having placed first in the last game. When you look at your personal standing, you see that you had placed 2nd in Build Mart. You practically squeal, the noise of excitement catching the attention of your teammates.
"They look excited," False stage whispers while nudging Scar, who just rolls his eyes.
"They placed second, of course they're excited," Scar says. Grian whispers something to False that makes her eyes light up, and Scar immediately has a bad feeling.
"Isn't this the, what, 6th time you guys have been on the same team?" Grian asks, and False nods behind him.
"Yea, you guys have been teammates before, right?" He doesn't know where this is going, but he answers anyways.
"Yes, we have been on the same team before," he answers, and the two scheming hermits beam at him.
"So you know eachother well?" Grian asks, and Scar slowly nods.
"What server are they from?" False asks, and Scar easily answers.
"They're from a private server, but they've been meaning to leave that one due to the admin," he says, and the two are seemingly satisfied by the answer. They don't ask anymore questions, so he turns around to look out at the other platforms.
Behind him, False and Grian are communicating with their server admin about whitelisting a new member.
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direnightshade · 2 years
You know the evil Kermit meme? Yeah. Imagine me like that asking you to write more mean!daddy Charlie
Ask and you shall receive, my friend!
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Warnings: Daddy Kink, Gendered (F) Pet Names, Light CNC, Mentions of Birth Control (or lack thereof), Breeding Kink, Light Choking Word Count: Don't even ask. I rolled out of bed and wrote this in my drafts like the gremlin that I am.
Today has been...hellacious, to put it quite mildly. From the moment the second hand pushed to Nine AM, Charlie has found himself stuck in wall to wall meetings with barely a minute to breathe in between. By the time that he is finally released, the heat and humidity of a New York mid-summer's day has long since settled in, leaving the collar of his dress shirt sticking to his neck.
When he arrives back to his apartment he is tired, irritated with the heat only made worse by the commuters that piled onto the train with him. The suit jacket that has long since been shed and draped over his forearm is now folded over the arm of the sofa, his tie loosened to hang beneath the first few buttons of his shirt that have now been undone, and his sleeves rolled up to just above his elbow. When he emerges from the apex of your thighs, his hair a mess from where your hands have delved into its depths, Charlie's lips and chin are glossy with the coating of your arousal.
A hand remains on one of your thighs, fingers giving a dangerous squeeze in silent warning to keep those legs of yours apart—to keep yourself on display for him whilst he frees his cock from the rapidly constricting confines of his suit pants.
Charlie is practically vibrating with the need to be buried in the welcoming, tight warmth of you but like always, he practices a careful control as he glides his cock along your slippery folds. He can always tell when you're on the verge of begging for him, for his cock, to be filled in all ways with him; your legs shake around him with anticipation and you're all but writhing beneath him as he continues to tease.
"Daddy," you whine, the sound music to his ears.
Like always, he responds not with words, but with actions. When his cock glides downward once more and the head catches at your entrance, he pushes in, stopping only once he's buried to the hilt. It's a near painful stretch each time that he does this, but it feels like no time at all until he feels you relaxing around him, stretching to accommodate his girth.
Fuck, you're so tight, so wet—despite all outward appearances it's always so fucking hard for him to stave off the impending orgasm that builds so rapidly. The feeling is only made worse when he finally speaks and your body responds so fervently.
"Where do you want it, sweetheart," he asks between panted breaths, the rapid snap of his hips driving you further up the bed.
"Here," you respond with a finger pointing towards your mouth.
Charlie watches as you make a show of it, presenting your tongue to him in promise that you'll take every last drop like the good girl that he knows you can be.
A large hand settles against your neck, applying no pressure as his thumb presses against your tongue. Charlie slides the digit further into your mouth until your lips close around it and he feels you suck.
His head shakes, hips still continuing with their rapid cadence. "No," he says abruptly, pulling his thumb from your mouth to encircle his hand around your throat now. "Think I'll cum in you today, Princess."
He doesn't miss how your cunt constricts around his cock, the sensation causing the movement of his hips to stutter in their rhythm.
"Daddy, no, you can't," you weakly protest in a speech that you've given dozens of times before this; this is what he likes to hear, you know, to hear you protest even though you mean absolutely none of the words that leave your mouth. "I'm not on birth control."
The fingers around your neck constrict, applying a pressure that does not yet prevent a shortage of oxygen to your lungs. He's so fucking close, the coiling sensation in the depths of his stomach tightening in anticipation of the inevitable release. "Careless girl," he groans, the hand at your thigh now sliding upward until he is gripping your hip with such force that it is likely to bruise come morning. "Going to put a fucking baby in you—"
"No!" In spite of the false objection, a string of moans falls freely from your lips, urging Charlie on.
"Yes," he replies with a forcefulness that seems to match the drive of his hips.
It is when you cry out with yet another round of dissent that Charlie comes with a guttural groan, hips stuttering and then stilling entirely, his cock pulsing avidly within your warmth.
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waywardsculs · 3 months
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i'm gonna go to bed because it's like 1:30am and i need to do some things later to be an adult ( gross i know )
but i want to say a couple of things for all of you lovely mutuals of mine
there is absolutely never any rush for replies or ask answers. take things at your own pace. i will absolutely never put pressure on you to reply faster, no matter how invested i am in things going on. i'm just glad to write with you at all.
i am absolute ship trash. if you're interested in shipping with any of my muses, please don't hesitate to come tell me what ideas you have. a lot of the time i'm very likely to be down for it. to expand on that, once we've had at least one ship for even a couple of days the rest of my roster is honestly free for you to jump at. i ain't kidding when i say go ham.
you're welcome to continue any asks as threads. i don't really care if it's in the form of new posts or just reblogging the ask. if you'd like to continue something, you have my permission to automatically.
i don't ever intend to make it seem like i'm ignoring messages or replies. i do have memory problems, plus i'm doing about a billion things at any one time unfortunately. a lot of the time i think i've responded to things when, in truth, i haven't. i'm also extremely bad with small talk. it's not anyone's fault but my own.
if we're mutuals, you don't need my permission to send asks or jump on open starters. it all depends on context of these though, but for the most part just have fun and get some stuff going. i don't bite (unless you're into it).
as i have stated in my rules, angst is only with rp partners i feel comfortable writing it with. and this is not something i'll budge on. ever.
last but not least, i love you ♥
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sudzymactavish · 5 months
Hello! Welcome to my page! This pinned post will be edited a lot so people know everything up to date :) I mostly post silly things, but I do love to write about my favorite charaters. If you want to send a request in, be my guest. I love hearing new ideas about what to write! Just a few things to go over..
1. Fandoms I write for
Cod mostly. Of course I can do other fandoms if I am told about the charaters, but please no problematic fandoms.
2. Boundaries
One thing to get across: I do NOT want minors on my page! I write NSFW and minors shouldn't be reading things like that. Now with that out of the way, here's my boundaries for my writings.
I don't like doing huge age gaps (over 30-40 year ones) because it makes me slightly uncomfortable :(.
another is ageplay, with similar reasoning to the age gap. Mommy or daddy kinks are okay, but not like pretending either charater is a child.
And I will absolutely not do noncon (non consenting) NSFW. as a SA victim, that is very triggering to write and hear about. So, sorry, but absolutely not. If you request this, i will be blocking you. :(
no NSFW of minors (under the age of 18). Even if they are both minors, I still don't feel comfortable writing it. Even if they are aged up.
I will also not write any incest. Why would you even want that??
I love getting requests. But do I love being pressured to finish one? No, not really. I get that you're excited about me writing something but if you're going to ask every 5 minutes "is it done yet??" (With a rude tone) then I will let you know I won't be continuing the work.
Another thing, yes fem people can come onto my blog. I just don't write for them often. Anyone is welcome on my page :)
Just a reminder, if you request any of these things you will be instantly blocked. So just don't, okay? Thanks!
3. Schedules
I have a busy schedule from day to day, but I am mostly free on weekends. Sometimes I do like to go out and do things lol. I have a teaching job, so I'm busy most of the day.
4. Tags
I'm not super good at adding tags, but I'll try! I might forget sometimes. But here's the list:
5. New updates! (This one will change most frequently)
My followers/community is named Bubbles, so don't be confused if I call an anon a "bubble" or "bubble buddy". But I will mostly call anons by their emojis :)
My asks are open!
Bubble Buddies:
🌌 anon, 🦈 anon
That's it! If you have any questions, dm me or leave a comment. Thanks for visiting my page ❤️
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