thefanfichouse · 2 years
Let your followers get to know you asks <3
What's your name?
For how long you have this account?
Favourite food?
Favourite drink?
Do you have any siblings?
Do you have pets?
How old are you?
How many languages do you know?
What's your all time favourite movie/tv show?
What are you enjoying to do in your free time?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Your favourite music genres?
Your dream place to visit?
Something you wish you were better at?
How long do you take to respond to texts?
Do you have any tattoos? If not, would like to?
What's your sexuality?
Do you like reading? If yes what's your favourite book?
Have you ever been in love?
What's your relationship status?
Have you ever been heartbroken?
Best memory you could think of?
Worst memory you can think of?
Do you have any fears?
Are you a morning or a night person?
How many pictures you have on your phone?
Who was your favourite childhood crush?
Are you a romantic?
What’s your dream date?
What are your hobbies?
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majormeilani · 10 months
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shipping bingo board i made because some of them don't appeal to my personal thoughts. you may reblog and repost but if you repost outside of tumblr do not remove the watermark so others can get a clean ver of the board to use if they so wish. (watermark can be removed if you are posting to tumblr tho!!!!) these can apply however you wish and you may elaborate in your response too if what i put in the boxes doesn't get your thoughts across :)
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sxorpiomooon · 11 days
Hi! In this game basically I will tell you three qualities that your next partner has and a k-pop idol that they might have a similar vibe to! If you are not interested in k-pop mention it in the ask and I'll just give you a celebrity.
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Rules to enter
- follow me
- share and like this post
- share my astrology observations and my pac
- share my masterlist
- share my paid readings post
- while sending an ask mention your initials and a k-pop song recommendation
- if you want to ask a specific small question about your next partner you can pay me $5 on kofi for one question(send the SS of the payment in the ask) remember, if you ever want a big reading you can always purchase my paid readings!!
thankyouu for participating in this game<333
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chipper-smol · 6 months
7 and 30 for the ask game?
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Oh so many. There are art mediums I wish I could work with but don't have near enough patience to do.
The first two that come to mind are oil paints and 3D sculpture. Those couldn't be anymore different, but once I watched a series of videos of someone building a furry sculpture from scratch and I felt like I was witnessing a god working.
here's the first part btw
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
Oohh hmm... I feel like thats a hard question to ask on Tumblr- and the internet in general. It's a very common issue where artists pour their heart and soul into a piece only for the shitpost you made in 30 minutes to get astronomically more attention
... but I will say my (very brief) Hollow Knight Space AU with Quirrel def took a while for people to discover and appreciate
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carmen-caught-em · 5 months
//If your muse has one, is there any phobias that are impacted by the presence of Pokémon?
//like an alolan with thallasaphobia refusing to go manta surfing to the other islands because of the deep ocean
//or just generally pyrophobia and fire types, haha.
//if not a phobia, then are there any minor fears that can be brought up? like being a bit scared of bug types perhaps.
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mossdaggar · 4 months
For the ask game: 🌀, 🌩️, 🌤️?
🌀Post the pitch for a game you’re working on.
Killing Time: An existential duet TTRPG for Father Time and the misguided fool who will try to kill him. Playable over four 40 minute seasons - Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter - each with its own rules and themes. Spring is a lesson building dexterity game, Summer is maximalist tactical combat, Fall is a narrative puzzle, and Winter is a more abstract conversation, as the game's rules become less structured as Time is dying.
🌤️Share your favorite mechanic from a game you’re working on.
Killing Time's 'dexterity' mechanic from Spring is super rad. Within the live timer, you need to physically (or digitally if you can replicate it) find a card in a shuffled deck of Tarot cards, and answer a prompt 40 times: 13 cards through three suits +1 required Major Arcana, with optional Major Arcana along the way as distractions and bonus challenges. This averages 1 minute per card to find it, answer a prompt and roleplay for a moment with Father Time, but the temptation to not min-max it and roleplay longer is always there, and certain cards (Kings are Time's generals, and Major Arcana usually feature challenges) take longer than others.
🌩️ Share something spooky from one of your games (name the game, or let me choose).
'Spooky' from my game design brain: In KN1GHT, the dragon fight, mechanically, is often a doozy that shakes people. After establishing the play pattern of rolling against a card to defeat an obstacle, and clearing 5 harrowing cards' worth of obstacles, you arrive at the lair of the dragon, where you find you need to clear the entire Spades line to defeat the dragon, 13 more dangerous and deadly cards between you and your victory.
Original link to the ask game post.
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winwin17 · 1 month
Ask Game 😃
1. A book or series that you've really liked?
2. A book or series that's really annoyed you?
3. Something quirky you do?
4. Random weird or obscure fact about yourself?
5. Random object(s) you like?
6. Random rant or info dump about something you like?
7. Random rant or info dump about something you dislike?
8. Talk about a character you love?
9. Talk about something you know little/nothing about?
10. Any question about the fandoms I'm in!
(Mainly: Lord of the Rings, Keeper of the Lost Cities, Nevermoor, The Hunger Games, Michael Vey)
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wheelsup30 · 1 month
🦋 🦴 🍅 🐚 🪲 ☁️🐝 hehehe
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
I've been thinking a lot about healing, the past...a lot of years HDJFNF have brought a lot of trauma for me and I've realised that healing sometimes doesn't mean fixing. Sometimes healing is accepting that it happened and moving on, or accepting that something is a part of you and moving on.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
Usually whatever I'm watching, right now it's CM, but in terms of writing style not really? I kinda just do my own thing. Same with scriptwriting 🤷‍♂️
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I really need to work on integrating dialogue into scenes better, a lot of my fics either barely have any or straight up don't and its kind of an issue
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
It depends I think, I like them if I know they're coming, like 'I've got a surprise for you' is great, but people just springing things on me (mostly if it's plans) can really really throw me off and upset me (shoutout to autism ‼️🗣🔥🫡)
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
(this is more than 50 but idc)
"Unconsciously, he seems to have shifted one of his legs closer to you. Spying an opportunity, your knees shuffle to either side of his foot and you pull him from your mouth- eliciting a choked grunt from Aaron- and start using your hand instead as you roll your hips to grind against the black leather of his lace up boots."
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
honestly it was a shot in the dark bc I thought it'd already be taken but it wasn't somehow, I wanted something cm related that still felt like a username, so I took out the 'in' in 'wheels up in 30' and boom
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
@hotchfiles you were one of the first people to start interacting with me when I was still on my old sideblog, and talking to you behind the scenes too has just been very fun, you're very kind and have been so welcoming :)
@de4dlyniightshade my pookie wookie super dookie...you aren't on here a lot but I'm so excited to play silly horse game with you tomorrow :3
@softhairedhotch honestly getting to dm with you and come up with oc and hotch shit and just talk to someone who's pretty similar to me has been the highlight of my day since we started <:) you're a really cool guy
@mandarinmoons you're always in my notifs and I get so excited seeing your name HEHE
@ssahotchnerr I'm tagging you bc you're honestly the person that inspired me to get back into writing and make the old sideblog in the first place, I wouldn't be here or know these people otherwise so thank you for always killing it in your writing <3
@ficmeoutofthisworld I was always so scared of interacting a lot w ppl but the way you've rbd and replied and dmd me in the few months I've been here has really brought me out of my shell <:) tysm <3
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Fight True North
“Mhmm.” Buck nodded, “Well—we’ve seen you, I don’t think you technically saw us. You were in and out when we first got here, you were fighting whatever they gave you to help keep you calm.” 
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wilsons-journey · 10 months
Hey you! Yes you!! Do you wan't some silly ask?
My Charr Wilson found this huge box with strange items inside. She wants to share it. So if you wan't something out of this weird box, reblog with the Tag #giveMeItem or leave a comment!
But please keep in mind - it will be silly. Maybe a little naughty, too. At least I caught a glimpse of a dirty magazine,...
Let's see how your OCs react.
(I just want to throw silly ask at people and see how their Ocs react.)
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TAGGED! People you'd like to get to know better
Hey @shymaymay ! Thanks for the tag, friend!
Last Song:
Ironically, I’ve been listening to Jude’s playlist a lot - I like to put it on while I’m working on season 4 of WEIRD & WONDERFUL; can’t remember if I shared it or not, but this is a good as time as any 
Currently Watching: Supreme Court oral arguments
Favorite color:
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Sweet/Spicy/Savory: currently spicy, but my chocolate cravings are getting loud 
Relationship: Unsubscribed
Current Obsession: creeping around Pinterest, making more boards
Last thing I googled: cheaper phone plans
Tagging @therichantsim @silverspringsimmer @miss-may-i @nyrarachelle @merry927 ( per usual, no pressure to do it if you don’t wanna, just tagging folks in an effort to force myself to be more participatory 🖤🤘🏾 )
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mar64ds · 2 months
Aro character (canon or headcanon) ask game:
1. Where do they fall on the spectrum? Love repulsed? Favorable? Are they partnening? Non-partening?
2. How do they react to romance on media?
3. How would they react if someone had a crush on them/asked them out on a date?
4. How does being aromantic impact their life? Are family/friends supportive? Do they try to understand?
5. When and how did they find out they are aro? Or have they not figured it out yet?
6. If they are a headcanon aro character explain why you think it would be cool and awesome if they were aro, if they are canonically aro explain what this representation means to you
7. If they are partening, what do they think about their relationship? If they aren't, how do they feel about the way that impacts their life?
8. Do they know anyone else that is on the aro spectrum too?
9. Are they also aplatonic, afamilial and/or loveless? If yes, how does that impact their life and relationships?
10. Do friends ask them for advice with their romantic relationships? How do they feel and react to that?
11. Do you relate with their own aro experience? Explain the things you relate to and the ones you don't
12. How did their aromanticism affected them in the past and what do they think about the furure?
13. What's their least favorite romantic trope? Or what's their favorite?
14. How did they come out to the people around then? Or have they not come out to anyone? Only a few selected people?
15. Wacky situation happens and they are asked to pretend to date someone (in an alloromantic way), how do they handle this?
16. Have they ever had to turn someone down?
17. What are their thoughts on marriage?
18. Wacky situation, a problem happens and 'only love can save the day!'. How do they react to that?
19. Any more random headcanons you want to share?
20. Vent about how amatonormativity in fandoms affects this character and how you feel about that
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miscelliteeous · 7 months
Post-Halloween/Fall Selfship Questions
October is almost over, and we still have November left, so these are questions regarding the time after Halloween but before Winter really begins.
🎃 -Which of you packs up the Halloween decorations?
2. 🍲 -What's your F/Os favorite comforting fall food?
3. 🌽 -How would your F/O fare in a corn maze?
4. 🥧 -Does your F/O have a favorite type of pie? If so, what is it?
5. ❄️ -How would your F/O prepare for the coming winter?
6. 🍂 -Which of you has a warmer wardrobe ready?
7. 🎞️ -Are there any relaxing movies you and your F/O watch together?
8. 🛏️ -Would your F/O hog the blankets on a cold night?
9. ☀️ -Does your F/O like colder weather, or do they miss summer?
10. 🎉 -Would you and your F/O go to any fall parades?
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chipper-smol · 6 months
1, 12, and 19?
(mostly 19)
I'mma do 19 and then one of the other two
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
I need to draw more inanimate objects in general but I love drawing trees. You can give them so much character with so little. It's so fun making them gnarled and imperfect because that ends up making them look better!
also, Saddles on dragons
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1. Art programs you have but don't use
Rebelle (bought it hella cheap) and Blender
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Okay, fun SamBucky ask game!! Send this to five other people to keep it going ✨ Say one of your favorite things about SamBucky, your favorite SamBucky headcanon, or write a tiny microfic. Have a wonderful day!! 💕
Sambucky Headcanons:
🔥That Bucky remembers fondly taking the steer wheel from Sam and it make him very horny.
🔥That Sam gets shivers any time Bucky touches even the feather light touches
🔥Sam can talk to birds and Bucky just stares in awe
🔥Both love to cook for each other, but Bucky is a mess while Sam is pristine about it.
🔥 Bucky fell first but Sam is the first one to say I love you.
Favorite thing about these two lovebirds:
💙 The way they tease each other by name calling
💙 Cuddling boys
💙 They will do everything to keep each other safe
💙 co- pet parenting and best uncles around
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evren-sadwrn · 2 months
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Drawing Marquis de Gramont everyday until I become his top blog(Day 28)
marquis!!!!!!!!!! de!!!!!!! gramont!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s all :3
ask game <- feel free to give me drawing requests both mcyt + john wick
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