#aspec Pride
the-irreverend · 14 hours
Great news: I beat up an acephobe today and threw him in the gutter afterwards.
Bad news: I got fined for littering.
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snake-and-goat · 3 days
Because I'm curious: For aspecs specifically, which aroace flag do you prefer? For the aroaces, as long as you're some form of aromantic and asexual I count it as aroace, so you can be demi, spike, grey, ect.
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fluffytimearts · 1 day
Alien Alien
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Made a lil oc for a self artist prompt I made for myself.
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Picture that inspired me which I made a fusion of these two and added my own clothing design afterwards
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maryhall · 7 months
Unpopular (?) opinion:
When I was young and wondering why I hadn't experienced a crush yet, the internet said I was probably just a late bloomer. They urged me not to identify as aroace because I could change my mind later on.
And looking back, like… so?
If I had been a late bloomer, who cares?
I was 13. I felt comfort in the aroace community. I didn’t feel like a weirdo for once in my life, surrounded by people who were like me. But I was urged to not join these communities until I became an adult in case I changed my mind about being ace. So I didn’t. And I paid for that.
Who cares? If you’re young and feel like you’re aroace, then you’re aroace. If you “change your mind” later, it’s okay. No one is going to be born and know themselves 100%. I genuinely thought I was alloromantic once, but now know I’m not.
Speaking from experience, I would rather have kids be “wrong” about their sexuality than feel like they have no place of belonging.
We shouldn’t gatekeep aroace folk because of their age. It hurts. It makes kids feel like they are the freaks society tells them they are.
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Aspec men deserve much more respect and recognition in the aspec community than they receive. They often face a different form of aphobia specific to them ("men are naturally sexual they can't be ace" "all men are unromantic that's not unique") this rhetoric is spouted by many, even members of our own community and I hope for a day where that is no longer the case. As an ace and demiro woman (demigirl but that's beside the point) I want to encourage folks to take the time to give the aspec men in their lives support and to the aspec men reading, you are who you say you are no matter what people say and you deserve the world. I'm sorry for the ways in which toxic masculinity has harmed you. You are a valued member of the aspec community and the queer community as a whole. No ace or aro person is broken and neither are you. I'm sorry if anyone has ever told you otherwise.
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acexualien · 1 month
I made an acespec bingo!
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*Mentioned in the bingo is the term “m-spec” - it stands for “multiple attraction spectrum” and is a spectrum of orientations defined by attraction to multiple genders.
A common aspec (asexual and aromantic spectrum) experience is thinking you’re m-spec before figuring out you are actually aspec.
You can support me by following me on my socials (link in bio) and engaging with my posts, thank you 🧡
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transgender-png · 9 months
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the mspec to aspec pipeline is real and it happened to me
[ID: a collection of m-spec flags (including bi, pan, poly, omni, and multisexual) at one end of a pipeline with a collection of a-spec flags (including aro, ace, greyace, greyaro, demi, demiro, and aroace) at the other end. end ID]
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paladinofmidnight · 2 months
I'm aroace. Always have been, always will be. And you know what ticks me off the most about it? It's the sentiment from allo people, that tell aces/aros/aroaces that the love they feel "must be platonic!" Or that if the have sex or date they aren't a real ace/aro/aroace.
This is wrong. It is wrong now, it was wrong then, and it will always b wrong.
Aros are defined as people without any romantic ATTRACTION. They can date, fall in love, or maybe they never will, and they find happiness in that.
Aces are defined as people without any sexual ATTRACTION. They can fuck, fuck around, make dirty jokes, or maybe they never have sex, or are uncomfortable with even the idea being brought up.
Ik this, because I'm aroace, and I'm in a poly relationship. I love my two partners, my boyfriend AND my girlfriend, but you wanna know what? I was never romantically or sexually attracted to them. I, oh so simply, just fell in love with them. I trust them completely, and I love them more than myself.
If I was not in love with them, I would not be in a relationship with them. It's as simple as that. I am not allo, I find no meaning in pretending to be attracted to someone. I've dated before, although it was more from societal pressures than any feelings, and that is why I'm so certain.
I never got a crush phase, never got the butterflies in my stomach or the fantasys about someone I was not close too.
Many aros/aces/aroaces will probably never want or find such relationships with a person. And that's okay, but it does not mean all are like that. People under the A-umbrella are 1000% valid, regardless of their wants/needs to have or not to have a relationship.
The Acespectum is always one of the hardest things to figure out if you are, because it is impossible to teach what the absence of something feels like. So, if you think you are, take it slow. Figure it out at your own pace, and don't be afraid of someone else's anger that you may not fit what they think you should be. In the end it's your choice, your wants, your needs, and your life.
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aegosake · 1 year
Aro/ace culture is not noticing the blatantly obvious signs that you are aro/ace all your life and later realising half the shit you thought was your personality is said blatantly obvious signs.
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meoskyan · 9 months
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woke up feeling like drawing a buncho aspec kitties hehe
might add more flags later but here's a blank template feel free to add other flags on :)
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beetroot-merchant · 10 months
petition to make cishetallo the norm instead of just cishet please
edit: badly phrased post, apparently. my point is when referring to non-queer people, if you're not going to say non-queer, put an 'allo' somewhere in there. where you put it does not matter.
edit 2: the 'het' does not exclude ace people. demisexual homosexual: someone who only feels attraction to people of the same gender after they have formed an emotional connection.
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theacecouple · 8 months
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Psssssssssssssst! Disabled Ace Day is coming. Pass it on
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lgbtqtext · 2 months
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thearoacemoon · 7 months
Can we take a moment to appreciate…
… how much we aspec people just love our pride flags and want to use our colors in everything possible?
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tinyflowerclub · 7 months
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we're not 'just' friends
still love this reminder, i would love to redraw this now as my style and my art have progressed tho!
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Happy pride from the oldest queer alive!
(I tried to mix the colors of the aroace flag and the nonbinary flag into one outfit)
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