#baekyeol fanfic
moonycoco-fic-recs · 6 months
love me, court me
Summary: There is no easy way for an omega to court an alpha.
Author: anonymous for baeconandeggs2022
Ship: Park Chanyeol/Byun Baekhyun
Side Pairing: Kim Jongin/Do Kyungsoo
Tags/Genre: ABO, Heavy Angst, Omegaverse, Violence against children
Length: 17.3k words
Status: Completed
Ratings: Teen up and Audiences
Site: Ao3
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maayaainsworth · 27 days
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fanfic cover para o social spirit.
⸻ título: Sacrifice
programa: photoshop
feita para uso pessoal.
Chanyeol, EXO.
OK! Vamo lá. Essa é uma capa totalmente experimental.
Ou seja, não existe uma fanfic por trás dela. Estava querendo experimentar coisas novas, eu sigo muitas capistas que criam capas tanto para o wattpad, quanto para o spirit, e todas sempre são lindas e maravilhosas, algumas são de anime, e outras de idols de kpop.
E eu queria tentar também! Queria tentar fazer uma capa de um idol de kpop.
Eu tenho um estilo muito especifico do que eu gosto de ler e ver, e tentei ao máximo seguir e respeita-lo.
Fico feliz que no final tenha dado certo.
Mas é claro que também as inspirações não surgiram do nada. Hoje, enquanto eu rolava o meu feed, me deparei com uma capa feita pela @binglio, era uma capa para doação com o nome de 一 “never forget you”
No caso dessa capa, eu me inspirei em duas coisas, uma, idol de kpop, segunda, a divisão no meio que separava duas fotos, duas cores, sendo bem diferentes e ao mesmo tempo tão iguais que me encantou! Então eu também queria tentar algo com uma divisão exatamente no meio.
Mas eu não consegui, isso porque, como eu disse, tenho já um estilo muito definido e as vezes é difícil tentar coisas novas.
Outra coisa que me levou a chegar nesse resultado, foi a série que eu estava assistindo no momento (Penny Dreadful), que me fez pausar e abrir o photoshop na mesma hora, isso junto da memória que eu tive de um RPG que joguei, o RPG me ajudando a escolher o nome da capa, que é o mesmo nome da música Sacrifice.
Falando brevemente sobre a história do RPG:
Em uma cidade sombria e misteriosa, onde o véu entre a vida e a morte parece tênue, X, um adolescente solitário e deslocado, tem sua vida mudada drasticamente quando ele conhece Y, um sedutor e enigmático vampiro que espreita as sombras da cidade.
X, atraído pelas promessas de amor, poder e vida eterna, se entrega ao mundo obscuro de Y. No entanto, o que ele não sabia é que o preço desse novo caminho seria sua própria humanidade. Após um ritual macabro, X se vê transformado em uma Cria vampírica, preso entre a vida e a morte, condenado a uma existência de fome e servidão eterna.
Em uma de suas noites de caça, em busca de alimento para o seu agora, mestre. Ele acaba encontrando A, um vampiro benevolente que vê potencial nele além de sua atual forma. Com suas habilidades e conhecimentos, A liberta X de sua maldição, transformando-o em um vampiro completo.
Agora, enquanto X enfrenta o desafio de se adaptar a sua nova vida e natureza vampírica, é assombrado pelos fantasmas de seu passado e perseguido por Y, que não aceitou a partida de seu servo. Se vê dividido entre seu desejo por vingança contra X e o amor agora recém descoberto após sua partida.
X: Chanyeol Y: Baekhyun A: Random
O estado de cria vampírica sendo inspirado no filme do Nicolas Cage, Renfield - Dando Sangue Pelo Chefe, e no Astarion de Baldur's Gate 3.
A relação deles sendo semelhante a de Louis e Lestat em Entrevista com o Vampiro.
Uma configuração como se fosse Louis x Armand x Lestat
Uma história que se iniciava durante o século XVII e teria seu real progresso nos tempos atuais.
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bpcybhk · 14 days
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Eu sou a Tata, e estou aqui para te convidar para uma jornada de coração e alma. Minha nova história, "Apenas sete dias - Sete noites de redenção" (Chanbaek), já está disponível no Wattpad e promete ser uma viagem inesquecível.
Imagine ter apenas sete dias para reconquistar o amor da sua vida. É isso que Chanyeol enfrenta após meses de trabalho incessante que o afastaram de Baekhyun, o homem que ele ama. Agora, com o divórcio batendo à porta, Chanyeol pede sete dias para se despedir, mas em seu coração, ele tem um plano secreto para reconquistar Baekhyun.
Cada capítulo é um dia na contagem regressiva dessa emocionante história de amor, perda e redenção. Será que Chanyeol pode reverter o destino e salvar seu amor? Junte-se a nós para descobrir!
Para começar a ler, basta procurar por "Apenas sete dias - Sete noites de redenção" no Wattpad ou visitar meu perfil @bpcybhk. Não esqueça de deixar suas estrelas e comentários; adoraria saber o que você pensa!
Com carinho,
Tata! ♡
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veilyixing · 1 year
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Acorde Chanyeol
em caso de inspiração, me credite.
13/12/22 | ✎ @webyixing
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ladycalidi · 9 months
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♡ se você me encontrar por aí | feito por @icecreambaek ou @calidi | os pedidos de capa estão abertos! você pode solicitar sua capa aqui.
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her4tlantic · 11 months
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࣪ ⊹ 🪐 . . ݁ ࣪ ࣪ ⊹ 🪐 . . ݁ ࣪ ࣪ ⊹ 🪐 . . ݁ ࣪ ࣪ ⊹ 🪐 . . ݁ ࣪ ࣪ ⊹ 🪐 . . ݁ ࣪ ࣪ ⊹ 🪐 . . ݁ ࣪
like or reblog if u save or use..♡
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louisatfanfics · 7 months
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Sinopse: Byun Baekhyun é um professor extraordinário e visionário, que planejou uma aula inteira, no dia dos namorados, para conversar com os seus alunos sobre sentimentos, receios e sexualidade, além de contar para a sua turma a sua história de amor com o seu companheiro, Park Chanyeol. A turma toda se surpreende com a cumplicidade que o casal compartilha, além de acharem um máximo o motivo por estarem juntos: apostaram um beijo caso o ator Leonardo DiCaprio ganhasse o Oscar de melhor ator pelo filme "O Regresso".
LINK DA FANFIC: https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/a-aposta-da-minha-vida-25144059
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poutyboxian · 1 year
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ROUXINOL — JAZZ BAR! AU (Chanbaek! fanfic)
# Disponível nas seguintes plataformas: SPIRIT. AO3 . WATTPAD
Trechinho de degustação:
"— Gostou da minha apresentação, barman? Será que mereço alguma bebida grátis? — Baekhyun perguntou assim que chegou ao bar. 
Após ouvir a voz do cantor, Chanyeol deixou os copos que secava de lado e foi até o balcão. Foi satisfatório assistir o sorriso bonito de Baekhyun se abrindo quando sua atenção se voltou inteiramente para ele.
— Seu canto é impressionante! É raro a voz de um cantor desconhecido deleitar tanto meus ouvidos, mas, quando isso acontece, é muito fácil cair em fascínio — Chanyeol falou com sinceridade enquanto observava os olhos de Baekhyun cintilarem e um sorrisinho mais contido fazer as bochechas do rapaz saltarem em direção aos olhos e alargar um tantinho o nariz bonitinho. — E sobre a bebida grátis, você pode encontrar uma excelente no bebedouro. — Piscou, sacana.
Baekhyun arqueou ambas as sobrancelhas, arregalou os olhos e prendeu o riso. Até da resposta afiada tinha gostado. 
— Já começou a se afetar com meu canto, Park? — Baekhyun provocou. — Mas o agradeço. Minha voz é meu instrumento de trabalho e é muito gratificante ouvir tais elogios, ainda mais quando vem daqueles que me ouvem pela primeira vez. — Mais um sorriso foi direcionado ao barman, que abaixou a cabeça e deu uma coçadinha na nuca. Chanyeol estava visivelmente desconcertado com o sorriso caloroso que o cantor o direcionou. 
Baekhyun iria continuar com as provocações sutis, mas um casal acabou por chamar a atenção do barman, que se apressou em atendê-los. Entretanto, antes de ir até os clientes, Chanyeol deslizou um guardanapo pelo balcão em direção a Baekhyun, que o encarou com uma interrogação no olhar.
Em resposta, Chanyeol abriu um sorrisinho lateral que destacou a covinha que possuía. E, contrariando as expectativas de resposta que Baekhyun achou que ganharia, o barman sussurrou apenas um "Vire o guardanapo" antes de colocar uma caneta ao lado do papel e se afastar para atender os fregueses.
Levado pela curiosidade, Baekhyun encarou o guardanapo por um segundo antes de virá-lo:
“Você fica ainda mais charmoso usando roupa social, Rouxinol.” 
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cactoyeol · 1 month
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Love again;
indisponível; capa feita para o ficfest Dear Chanbaek.
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webyixing · 2 years
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fairyixingwriter · 1 year
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chanbaek — jazz!au (fanfic)
spirit fanfics - wattpad - ao3
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poorbyun · 2 months
Your tears don't fall
Por onde quer que Baekhyun passasse as más línguas lhe perseguiam com boatos sobre não passar de um "aspirante a Punk sem futuro", e assim que seu caminho cruzou com o de Park Chanyeol, começou a entender tais cochichos sobre si descobrindo o quão destrutivo conseguia ser.
Chanbaek • 90s
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#Pessoal × #Chanbaek
Postada na Ctt: @Pixyeol (Spirit Fanfics)
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moonycoco-fic-recs · 6 months
am I worthy (to bleed dry for you?)
Summary: The prince never expected his soulmate to be a lowlife serving in the castle. More so, Chanyeol never expected Baekhyun to be one of the best things that happened in his life.
Author: chanbaekedt
Ship: Park Chanyeol/Byun Baekhyun
Side Characters: Zhang Yixing, Oh Sehun, Do Kyungsoo, Kim Jongin
Tags/Genre: Royalty, Soulmate, Angst, Rich/Poor, Prince/Servant
Length: 14.8k words
Status: Completed
Ratings: Explicit
Site: ao3
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bpcybhk · 14 days
Acabei de tirar dois capítulos quentinhos de 'Apenas Sete Dias' do forno! Venham saborear estas delícias narrativas, perfeitas para acompanhar uma confortante xícara de café.
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kpopjust4u · 1 year
Life changing situations (Part 3)
Please read part 1 and 2 before reading this one.
Post Date: 20th November 2022 Content: Angst/ Fluff - EXO Baekhyun x Reader x EXO Chanyeol WC: 3K TW?: Fuck Boy! x Mafia!Baekhyun/ Mafia!Chanyeol/ Pregnant Reader/ Mentions of Abuse/ Mentions of trauma/ Strangers to lovers/ Request?: Yes
Masterlist                                    Prompt list
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Since leaving you on the curb outside of the charity event, sobbing into your hands as pain shoots through your stomach, Baekhyun is long gone. Leaving you completely alone there, well as you thought you were.
“Are you okay?” A soft, deep voice calls out from behind, a hand being placed on your back as you turn around to look at the mafia boss who caught your eyes on the way in, “Do you need assistance getting up?”.
Looking into your eyes, you slowly get lost in them. They were the softest and purest set of eyes that you’ve ever seen, especially for a mafia boss, and after the reputation of Baekhyun, you never thought you’d see a nice side to one.
“I’m okay, honestly,” You rush to swipe the tears away from your face with your hands, them being replaced with the soft swipes of his napkin on your face, kneeling down next to you as he gently held your face.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” He softly asks with a small smile, cheering you up in the process with how his smile matches his eyes, soft and so sweet. It made you think about how could he be a mafia boss with a smile as gentle as his.
Just as you were about to reply, the sharpest pain in your side makes you jolt, hand flying to your side to put pressure on it as you wince in pain. Chanyeol’s eyes widen sympathetically as he calls for his men, signaling them to get the car ready.
Trying to assist you to your feet, you almost collapse on yourself as your knees feel like jelly with the way that Baekhyun threw you around, whilst trying to resist getting help from Chanyeol.
“I’ll be fine, just a small pain. Happens all the-” The pain hits again and you collapse into Chanyeol’s arms, he and his men carry you to the car, gently setting you down on the seat before the sound of the car engine roars through the town. 
Though you weren’t anything to do with him, Chanyeol stays by your side, sitting in the back seat with you, holding you close and caressing your hair, trying to reassure you that you will be okay. That the baby will be okay. If he didn’t already hate Baekhyun, he does for definite now. He could tell that you were a victim to Baekhyun’s game, to his control and part of him wanted the car to turn around to go to his place, just have some “kind” words. 
He couldn’t care what the other mafia boss’ have to say about helping you. The second he laid his eyes on you, he knew what you were going through, feeling helpless at the start as he knew he couldn’t help you in front of Baekhyun. But now he’s got you in his care, he’s going to make sure that he doesn’t come anywhere near you again. 
“Not long until we’re there, okay?” Chanyeol whispers, hand on your head as his fingers play with your hair, “You’ll get seen straight away, I promise”. How could someone who’s a mafia boss be so caring? And for you? Someone he barely even knows. 
“Why are you helping me? Aren’t you rivals with Baekhyun?” You ask through the pain, moving to be able to look at him as the sour expression on his face indicates that it's deeper than just being mafia rivals. 
“Because you deserve to be looked after. I promise he’s not going to come near you again,” he forces a smile, tongue bit slightly, purely from the rage he feels for the way you’ve been treated. He knows that this wasn’t the first time Baekhyu has lashed out at you and it makes him angrier.
Taken aback by how genuine he was, you were worried for him. Baekhyun was merciless and if he catches the both of you together even though Chanyeol is trying to help you, both of you will suffer consequences. And you weren’t ready for that. However, you try and enjoy being in the safety of this stranger. Though he was a stranger to you, he feels safer to be around than Baekhyun ever made you feel. 
Getting to the hospital, two of his men rush to grab you a wheelchair, not letting you walk in, especially if you were going to collapse on yourself again. Though Chanyeol never leaves your side, being the one to offer to push you through the hospital to the reception. 
He must be a known face there, or it just might be his charms that gets you in the priority risk at the top of the to-be-seen list, the nurses and receptionists smiling at him and thanking him for bringing you in. 
“What’s all that about?” You laugh through the pain, rolling your eyes playfully as he leans down over your shoulder.
“I’m a kind and gentle person, anyone in need I bring in. I hope you don’t think I’m like the rest of the disgusting human beings that call themselves mafia bosses,” he laughs back, smiling more when he sees a genuine smile grow across your face. 
He finds you absolutely perfect and wonders how Baekhyun could do anything bad to you. He wouldn’t even bare touch you unless it was with a gentle hand to console you, like earlier on in the car. 
Your discussion gets cut short when one of the nurses calls for you, insisting that Chanyeol stays behind whilst they take you to get checked, promising to keep him updated on anything as it was evident that he wasn’t going to up and leave you as he does with the rest after they get taken into the care of the hospital.
“Is she going to be okay?” Chanyeol questions one of the nurses who share a brief smile with him, wondering how he could worry about someone he barely knows. 
“She should be herself, but not sure about the baby. Once we know what’s going on, we’ll let you know,” the nurse replies, nodding before making her way to join you in the assessment room. 
It felt like hours since he’d heard anything of your well-being, despite the fact that it’s only been half hour. Pacing back and forth in the waiting room as he awaits some information, getting distracted when he notices a familiar face walking past the window, well, storming past the window and bursting through the waiting room doors. 
“Where is she?!” Baekhyun bellows, the nurses and poor other patients waiting to be seen turn in panic, Chanyeol struts over to him, trying to move him out of the room.
“Don’t make a scene here, and she’s in good care after YOU threw her outside. She’s taking care of herself and her child,” Chanyeol grits his teeth, trying to keep his cool instead of ripping his head off there and then.
Baekhyun looks him up and down, scoffs, and rolls his eyes, “Who are you to say that? She belongs to me, and that child is mine too. Knew you’d be the one to come to her rescue”.
Chanyeol bites his tongue, itching to hit him but holds back, purely for the fact he wants to be there for you and he wouldn’t be able to if he starts a fight. Instead, he just walks outside, knowing Baekhyun would follow him.
“She doesn’t belong to you and that child she’s carrying is hers. What have you done for them? Nothing but abuse them. Now get out of here before you ruin her life even more,” Chanyeol hisses, walking back into the building and leaving the hospital security to swap places with him, they were given in a work by Chanyeol’s men to keep an eye out for him.
All he could hear was Baekhyun cussing out the security, trying to use his status against them but luckily enough, they don’t fall into his trap. Chanyeol gets into the waiting room in time for one of the nurses to call him over, walking through the hallways with him to direct him. 
“Y/N is going to be fine, and the baby will be too. We just want to keep them in for observations overnight just in case things take a turn but they shouldn’t,” the nurse smiles reassuringly, opening the door for him to enter your room.
“Thank you, nurse,” Chanyeol smiles back, turning with a bigger grin at you, walking to the side of your bed as he takes a seat next to you, taking your hand into his and for a moment, you just enjoy each other’s company.
However, you were on edge, after hearing Baekhyun’s shouting, you knew he was here for you. “He’s out there isn’t he?” you choke on your words, fighting back tears. 
All Chanyeol does was nod, his face once again turning sour, hatred for Baekhyun coming right back through as he grips your hand tighter, “He’s not going to come near you again, I’ll make sure of it...” He pauses for a moment, thinking of how to save you, “I’ll get my men to sort out a room for you back at my place, with a nursery. Until you can get on your feet and do whatever you want to do for you and the little one”. 
In shock at his nice gesture, your mouth and eyes widen, almost not willing to trust him after your experience with Baekhyun. His niceness could be a whole facade, and you could be in a worse situation.
“I don’t know,” you whisper, a tear falling down your face, as he swipes it away for you, understanding that there may be a wall of safety put up and he knows it’s hard to trust a mafia boss after Baekhyun.
“Nothing bad is ever going to happen to you again, it would kill me if he manages to get his hands on you again. I would never be able to forgive myself for letting you out of my protection,” he sighs, his leg bouncing from the thought of you getting hurt. 
What you didn’t realize is that Chanyeol fell for you, love at first sight and even if you never feel the same way for him, he’d still want to protect you and the baby. 
“I don’t want to be a burden, what if he finds out?” You sniff, shaking from pure fear, trying your best to hide your emotions but with your hormones, it was impossible to.
“He won’t, I won’t let him come anywhere near you. My men will protect you from him even if he did try. You’ll always have a bodyguard if you’re not with me. Plus you won’t be a burden, I’d love to have you around,” he replies, sharing a small smile as he loosens the grip on your hand.
Raising the other hand - which you flinch at -  he waits a second for you to calm down so he can gently caress your face, making you feel warm and fuzzy inside as well as protected. 
It was going to take some time to trust him, even though your heart wants to -you just want to protect yourself, protect the life growing inside of you. 
You've come to an agreement, he completely respects your choices and requests about staying with him. Mainly about having your own personal space, giving you time to adjust and trust him. He couldn’t blame you for taking precautions, he was just happy that he knew he was going to be able to protect you. 
You were slowly starting to see him as your guardian angel, and anything would be better than being back in Baekhyun’s care. Well, lack of it. As of this point, you just see him as someone who genuinely cares for people, ignoring your heart when it cries to feel love for him. Being your savior and genuinely showing he cares, you were giving yourself time before you let yourself fall in love, but that probably isn’t going to last long enough.
“Please don’t leave me here alone,” you beg, gripping his hand as he goes to get up just to get you something to drink and eat.
“I won’t I promise, I was going to grab you something to snack on and drink, what are you craving?” He laughs, sitting on the bed, hand in yours as his eyes glisten at you.
Rubbing and looking down at your stomach, you smile, telepathically speaking to your new reason to live before looking back at him with a huge grin, “Oh, cup of tea and something chocolatey,” you reply, admiring his gentle face.
“I’ll get my men to stand outside the door, you deserve something better than plain hospital food, I won’t be long, I promise,” he smiles, gently placing a kiss on your cheek before leaving the room, his men taking place by the door.
At that moment, you realized how safe you really were. You hated how it came to this but if you didn’t go to that charity event, you wouldn’t have ended up being cared for by Chanyeol, and you were entirely grateful.
*Time skip*
It’s been four months since you moved in with Chanyeol and you couldn’t ask for anything better. As promised, he gave you your personal space, letting you be free in his home, even if you did have to go outside with one of his men, or him. You found yourself enjoying your life, and not only that, but you’re now 8 months along. Getting so close to meeting your little bundle of joy.
As you’re chilling in the dining room, digging into the cookies that Chanyeol had made only for you, you hear knocking at the door. Then you hear Chanyeol’s low growl, “What are you doing here?”.
You knew you should stay where you were, but your interest peaks at the worst times, curious as to who it could possibly be. 
“I need to see her, please. She’s carrying my child. I miss her,” it was evident that it was Baekhyun’s voice the closer you got to the front door, his figure hidden by Chanyeol’s tall frame. 
For once, you hear mercy and remorse in Baekhyun’s voice as it sounds like he was choking on his words from crying, tears strolling down his face. 
“You only miss using her as a bloody punching bag. She’s living a good life now, thanks to you leaving her for me to save,” Chanyeol says sarcastically at first, his voice turning soft when he realizes how much happier you’ve been getting.
He knew you were still having nightmares, comforting you at night, letting you cuddle up to him when you needed to vent and cry into his chest. His love for you only grows, but respectfully keeps a distance when it comes to that. You’ve been through enough already without him trying to push his interest in you onto you when you’re trying to live for yourself and your unborn child. 
“Yeollie, who is it?” You try to act strong, pretending you didn’t hear anything and just heard him speaking to someone.
Yes, you had a nickname for him now, your relationship being more relaxed and actually being close together in such a short amount of time earned him that. He turns around in surprise, smiling at you as Baekhyun peaks around him, trying to test his luck by pushing past Chanyeol but doesn’t get very far.
“Oh, it’s you,” you roll your eyes, strolling towards Chanyeol and intertwining your fingers with his, holding his hand and making sure that Baekhyun saw, “What do you want?”.
Chanyeol is so proud of how far you’ve come, smiling to himself, completely in love and heart racing when your fingers intertwine with his. He especially loves Baekhyun’s facial expression seeing your hand in his. 
“Wow, you’re glowing,” Baekhyun answers in awe, and it was evident something went through his mind to even come over crying, complimenting you and you knew it hurt him to see you happy. 
“Thanks. But seriously, what do you want?” You bite, standing slightly in front of Chanyeol, inching closer to test Baekhyun’s behavior, knowing how you have Chanyeol and his men have your back. 
However, he doesn’t do anything. 
He stands there, tears rolling down his face, full of regret. 
“I suggest you leave. But before you do, I have something to say. I hate you, I really do. But if you were actually wanting to have a place in this child’s life, you can visit when he’s born. But I ain’t trusting you alone with him until he can make his own decisions to see you by himself until he’s 18. Got me?” Your voice is firm, still holding Chanyeol’s hand. 
“Okay.” Was all Baekhyun could reply, knowing that there was no way he could fix things between you. Leaving you alone as he walks away, head hanging low. 
“I’m so proud of you,” Chanyeol cheers once the door is closed, pulling you in for a hug, a warm and gentle hug. The best type.
It hits you there and then. How much you’ve been denying your heart of any love because of your trauma with Baekhyun. How Chanyeol has proved himself to be the man you’ve always wished for.
Peeling away from the hug, you feel a kick, making you smile as you look down at your unborn son, “We’re home buddy”.
At your words, Chanyeol’s jaw drops, not wanting to jump to conclusions but he’s too happy from hearing that to hold it back, “Home?”.
“Yeah, we’re home now,” you giggle, another happy kick, “Look, I don’t want to jump into it too fast, but this has made me realize that I can’t see myself anywhere but here, with you”.
With that, you reach up, kissing Chanyeol gently as he softens into the kiss, smiling and gently cupping your face. It felt like everything was setting into place perfectly. You knew you were going to have a good life, bringing a child into the world knowing it’ll be loved and so safe. It made you happy.. 
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Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007  
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ladycalidi · 9 months
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♡ esse tal filme de romance | feito por @icecreambaek ou @calidi | os pedidos de capa estão abertos! você pode solicitar sua capa aqui.
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