#baulder's gate 2
isolationstreet · 2 years
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Baeloth Barrityl my Beloved
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simple-and-dark · 2 months
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midnigtartist · 1 month
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I’m taking his boon every time
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I'm obsessed with boyish, giddy Astarion. Specifically thinking about your act 2 confession when he says "Honestly, I have no idea what we're doing." While hes just holding your hand and kinda proposing the idea that more than friends?? He sounds kinda nervous but also excited.
Ugh, can I take him on his first real date in 200 years please?
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thatratgo · 15 days
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Just father and daughter things :D
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bhaalspawnshitposting · 8 months
Day 3 of Playing Baluder's Gate:
I've seen a lot of people compare Astarion to Fenris when it comes to healing from trauma, even David Gaider!
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Something I haven't seen anyone bring up yet is he's also VERY similar to Sebille.
Unlike regular slavery, which is bad enough, Astarion and Sebille were both elves controlled physically by their master, unable to manipulate their body against their masters' will if they tried. Sebille's scar song, and Astarion's enthrallment to the Szarrs. I've seen some people complain about all three of them being "edgelords" but I think there's a very common theme with all of them hiding their fear, helplessness and vulnerability being a mask of tough attitude and self-serving behavior. Sebille was kept specifically to
[divinity original sin spoilers]
kill off her kin and other scions, so that her own race would suffer and collapse. Both she and Astarion struggle with their ideas of self, both thinking of themselves as unfeeling monsters, when they want, SO desperately, to be soft and still safe.
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All three of them desperately fight for their freedom and autonomy, and when they can't seem small and hide, they summon the courage to face their former masters.
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yesiplaygamez · 3 months
When you romance the human in a RPG/ Romance game
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faerunframed · 5 months
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chatting in the underdark.
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sorenvii · 5 months
Dammon x Cleric (GN) Tav
Imagine a scene where the attacks on Last Night Inn brought harm to all, including Dammon. When bedding that night, Tav pays extra attention to healing him.
-Got this idea just by looking at the blue glows of healing spells in Baulder’s Gate and thinking they’d look pretty along skin-
The wind snapped sharply along the skin of those rushing for shelter within the Inn. The stench of blood already mixing in with the foul smell of the undead.
Everything was set in a panic, Isobel and Shadowheart healing as many as possible within the medical ward- unbeknownst to their own. Jaheira yelled words out to her Harper’s, ordering to defend the area in case more attacks came.
You had found yourself in a daze, rushing past the groans and shouts of orders. Stepping outside into the harsh winds as they festered. You needed to find him soon, there weren’t too many casualties from what you’ve seen, you just needed to be sure. Rounding the corner to the temporary Smithery, your heart dropped at the sight of Dammon clutching a wound bound at his stomach.
His eyes looked up to meet yours, an immediate sense of relief flooded in him as he saw you. “You’re okay.” He’d croaked out, a shaking smile on his face that quickly dissipated with a hiss as he keeled forward. You immediately helped him up, whether holding him up by his shoulders or carrying him in yourself. You had both ended up in a spare room with crumbling wood walls and creaking floorboards. But it was more than enough for now.
You’ve had multiple, countless experiences in helping the wounded, yet even so your hands shook. He’d been breathing harshly, lying down on the dusty bed. His soft eyes gazing into yours with nothing but admiration. His hand went for yours, squeezing it three times before planting a delicate kiss on your wrist. “I’m fine, I promise. I’d only been cut from a piece of wood rushing by.” He spoke plainly and calmly, a go-easy look on his features.
You scoffed and squeezed his hand back before ordering him to remove his clothing with your help. As you helped in lifting his working clothes over his sensitive horns, you murmured, “You’re still injured, I should be more than worried.” You spoke in a quivering voice, betraying your act of confidence.
“What about you then? You’re surely damaged as well. You’ve fought a lot harder than I had that’s for sure.” His brows furrowed as he sat up, not for long though as you immediately pushed him back down softly with a knowing look. “I’ll be fine, I need to make sure you are completely okay right now though.” You gazed into his eyes once more, pleading for him to side with you this once.
He sighed, a worried glance still present on his face but biting his own tongue. Knowing you both were stubborn in making sure the other was fine this wouldn’t progress anywhere. In fact throughout your relationship he’d supply you with armor or weapons he’d spend hours on. Sometimes you’d watch by his side. Simply basking in the comfortable silence you brought one another. For he’d be swooning at the sight of his hero basking in the light of the glory, adorning the armor and weapon.
After throughly cleaning the wound and inspecting the groves of his infernal body for other signs of hurt, you determined he’d been fine. You’d been so focused that you didn’t even realize the adoring stare or the tail wrapped tightly around your thigh, curling in the way of a snake. You’d bandaged his waist in a similar fashion, making sure that you’d check it tomorrow as well.
After breathing a sigh of relief you heard your lovers soft voice. “Everything alright with me then doctor?” He’d chuckled softly at the term he teasingly used for you. Bringing a small blush of embarrassment to your face. “You’ll be okay, as you said. The cut wasn’t anything bad but you’ll need to be extra careful of movement for the next week or so.” You murmured, looking upon his body once more. He took in your words with a nod and replied, “What’s next then? Will we be going to Moonrise and fighting the blasted curse-bringer?” His words held malice, angry at the events that occurred on otherwise a peaceful night. So many were hurt tonight, he’d only wish he were more powerful. Powerful enough to help you in all your adventures come forth. But this would do for now.
“Probably, we can’t risk another attack like this soon. We’ll probably head out within the next two days.” You spoke these words, calculated thoughts pouring in before turning to the tiefling. “Other than you, you’ll be here recovering.” Emphasizing the last word to get your point across while pointing at his wound.
Dammon sighed and tugged your thigh closer to him with his tail slithered around you. “Let me bask in your light once more, before you decide to go save us all again.” He murmured, pulling you down next to him on the bed. You snuggly wrapped your arms around him, finding place in his neck as you felt a small purr rumble in him. His tail coiled around your waist, pulling you flush against him, still careful of his wound. “How lucky am I to have a devoted healer such as you.”
He purred the words into your hair, finding respite in your lips as he had many times previous. Peppered kisses flew between the two of you, upon faces, wrists, hands, and necks.
Each kiss you landed on his fragile skin, embedded with your deities help. Each flutter having an ounce of healing properties within. Your hands were no stranger to this either, as they softly glided over his ridges and curves. Finding placement in his chest, hair, face, and beyond.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t scared. That you weren’t worried what the coming days would bring. Sometimes even the light of the gods on you felt worthless in moment like these. You can only find current peace in knowing he’s here. That he’s here and alive in your arms. For what are the comforts of flesh, when there is a lack of.
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birb--birb · 8 months
The more I play, the more I think people that who super dislike Astarion have never experienced a trauma before.
Like ofc you're allowed to dislike a character for any reason, but it also makes so much sense why he is how he is when you unlock his positive approval rating covos. He's a snarky stab happy fuckboy yes, but his quest for power isn't unjustified. Astarion is scared, he's terrified he'll be brought back to Cazador and tortured 5 ways to sunday, if not outright killed. The tadpole is what's keeping him safe, and he isn't going to give it up without a fight. So he thinks the only way to ensure his safety and freedom is to go full scorched earth, take as much power by any means possible no matter who it hurts. He's a spurr of the moment decion maker, of course he's not going to think it through. When your ticket to freedom after 200 years of torture is right there, you don't stop to think about the cost of it, to yourself or others.
Astarion doesn't want power so he can rule over the sword coast, he wants power to make sure no one ever can ever hurt him again. You hear something simular in folks who have experienced trauma (plz understand that I'm generalizing here, trauma is processed differently by different people no one brain is the same). Anger, grief, fear, confusion, terror all are things that can go through your mind after a traumatic event occurs. Your brain is trying to find a way to make things hurt less, so if there's a chance for revenge, or the ability to take back power, you bet your ass its gonna sound delicious to your emotionally flooded brain. This is what I think is at the core of Astarions story. That this confident, cunning, flirtatious vampire is mostly an act, it's what he's practiced and what's protected him thus far. He likely learned that showing any sort of vulnerability is a weakness that will be used against him. His grab for power is selfish yes, but not in the way it seems at the surface. But absolutely power will corrupt absolutely, which is why I say his desire is justified, but not exactly supported depending on what type of run you're doing.
Idk man I just immediately looked at this man and went "aweeh.... it's traumatized". That boi ain't got any coping skills whatsoever and I'm a sucker for characters who's confidence is just a ploy to keep you from seeing just how fucked up they actually are. Anyways each character in this damn game is written so freaking well I could write a billion essays about it everyone say thank you Larian
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Finally got Astarion to have a medium relationship with my Tav. It’s not much (not by a long shot), but considering I haven’t gotten to the forge or mountain pass yet, I call this a minor win
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kingdomzeldaquest · 10 months
I’m still yet to determine my third companion to my Baulders Gate “Slut Crew” as I call it. This crew is made up of my fave characters or my favourite chaos combo of people who could and would end up in jail on a night out together for one reason or another.
Like DAO was Alistair Lelianna and Zevran
DA2 was Isabella Varric and Anders
DAI was Dorian Bull and Varric (again)
But BG3 I just got Astarion and Karlach
Currently Wyll is in the hotswappable seat of whichever companion I need to swap out for whatever reason.
And poor Gale is still level 1 because I’ve never taken him out (I’m level 6). Maybe he is my missing link. He does give me Anders vibes.
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schwartzkaft · 3 months
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Did a six(eight) fanarts challenge.
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theomeganerd · 3 months
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Video Game News Stories for February 25th, 2024
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Soars to Critical Acclaim, But Questions Remain
Square Enix's highly anticipated Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the second installment in their reimagining of the classic RPG, launched yesterday to generally positive reviews. However, the critical reception has been mixed, with some praising the game's stunning visuals, emotional storytelling, and expanded combat system, while others criticize its pacing issues and deviations from the original narrative. Regardless, the game is already a commercial success, topping sales charts worldwide.
Elden Ring DLC "Shadow of the Erdtree" Announced, Pre-orders Discounted
FromSoftware surprised fans by announcing the first DLC expansion for Elden Ring, titled "Shadow of the Erdtree." Details remain scarce, but the teaser trailer hints at new areas, enemies, and challenges. Interestingly, pre-orders for the DLC are already discounted on some platforms, sparking speculation about a potential release date in the near future.
Surprise! Dead Island 2 Launches on Xbox Game Pass
After years of development hell and numerous delays, Dead Island 2 unexpectedly launched yesterday on Xbox Game Pass. The game picks up the zombie-slaying action in Los Angeles, offering a gruesome and comedic open-world experience. While reviews are still trickling in, early impressions suggest it might be worth checking out, especially for Game Pass subscribers.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Gets Leatherface DLC
Gun Interactive's asymmetrical multiplayer horror game, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, is getting a chilling new DLC character: Leatherface himself. This iconic slasher joins the roster of playable killers, bringing his brutal chainsaw and signature mask to the hunt. The DLC is expected to arrive in March, just in time for Halloween season... or should we say, Massacre season?
Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Support Comes to Consoles
Rejoice, console RPG fans! Larian Studios announced that Baldur's Gate 3 will be receiving mod support on PlayStation and Xbox consoles later this year. This opens up a world of possibilities for user-created content, allowing players to experience new quests, stories, and even custom classes.
Other noteworthy news:
Twitch was hit with a hefty fine by South Korea for failing to properly classify and filter gambling content.
A popular 2018 RPG is finally coming to the Nintendo Switch, with details expected soon.
A Red Bull ad cleverly reimagines the iconic Final Fantasy VII intro with a twist.
Sea of Thieves is on the verge of breaking a 39-year record for consecutive weekly content updates.
Looking ahead:
Mark your calendars! The next Nintendo Direct is rumored to be happening in March, showcasing upcoming Switch titles.
The highly anticipated open-world Pokémon game is expected to be revealed soon, potentially during the next Direct.
The debate surrounding the controversial Hogwarts Legacy continues, with both supporters and critics making their voices heard.
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When Astarion says that hes prayed to all Gods and none answered, but your Durge (the spawn of a murder God) helps him kill Cazador and loves him.
I just...
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thatratgo · 8 months
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My playthrough got evil real quick.
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