#be calm . anyway there’ll be more
nafohcnis · 1 month
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some school notebook dorys from about a month ago probably.. the first two are for the fanfic “john dory’s quick and concise guide on how to survive” by rytheoneandonly on ao3. GO READ IT. and expect more fanart for this.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 10 months
Too Old
Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Synopsis: Dean confronts you about a strange habit, and you have to confess something to him.
Author’s note: hey guys! Currently obsessed with supernatural (I’m very late to the fandom, and just about done the first season), so I took a tiny break from my Sherlock series to write this! Maybe there’ll be more Winchesters in the future, we’ll see!
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“Y/N, why is your stupid dog on my bed again?”
You returned from the measly motel breakfast only to find Dean glaring at you, holding your stuffed dog with two fingers like it was made of acid. You bounded forward, snatching it up out of his hands.
“Gee I don’t know, why are you stealing him?” You hugged the animal to your chest, a feigned innocent expression on your face as you looked up at your big brother. At Sam’s light chuckle, you dropped the expression and giggled, punching Dean playfully on the arm when his glare hardened. “Aw c’mon, you gotta admit that was kinda funny.”
Dean only rolled his eyes.
“Yeah yeah, hilarious. Seriously though, keep the dog on your own bed.”
You scoffed.
“What bed?”
Every motel you went to, your big brothers instantly claimed the two beds, leaving you with the fold out couch. Every. Time.
Dean quirked his eyebrow, staring down at you.
“Someone’s feeling sassy this morning.”
You ignored him, turning around to stuff your dog in your backpack and double-checking that you had everything packed. Dean turned his back on you to do the same, tossing over his shoulder-
“Aren’t you a little old for that stuffed dog anyway?”
Your hands stilled, nearly dropping your bag before you regained your composure quickly before your brothers noticed.
“Nope, I don’t care what you say,” gosh, if only that were true, “I’m not tossing him out.”
Dean just scoffed and, you assumed, rolled his eyes.
“Alright, whatever. Hurry up, I wanna get out of here.”
Not twenty minutes later, you were on the road again, another days-long drive ahead of you. When darkness fell and the moon arose, you dug around in one of the bags for a blanket, pulling out your dog with it and cuddling up in the back for some rest. You pressed the soft fur of the stuffed animal up against your face, breathing in its calming scent contentedly.
“You alright back there?” Dean’s gruff voice broke the silence, and you mumbled a positive response as you shifted, trying to get comfortable enough to get to sleep.
Two days later, the pattern started over again. Checking into a motel for the night, the fold-out couch, the small bag by your side filled with only the necessities–you weren’t staying long. You never did. And that was fine, just fine.
What wasn’t fine was the next step in the pattern. You awoke in the middle of the night, the back of your neck and your forehead drenched in sweat, your breathing labored. Another nightmare, stupid, stupid nightmare, of yet another stupid, stupid monster attacking you. Was it a monster? Maybe it was a demon tonight. Not that it mattered, you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep again either way. You hugged your stuffed dog to your chest and tried to breathe in its scent, before you remembered that you had washed it with the blankets as soon as you’d gotten to the motel.
Sighing in annoyance, you stood with the dog in hand, tip toeing over to Dean’s bed before hesitating. Would he get mad? Would he be suspicious about finding the animal in his bed again? No, you wouldn’t let him, you’d just have to get up before he did in the morning and take it back before he noticed. He couldn’t figure it out, he just couldn’t. You’d die of embarrassment if your big brother ever found out the real reason that he kept finding your dog in his bed.
You’d just have to be more careful next time.
Despite your surety that you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep again after the nightmare, after hours of tossing and turning, trying to rid yourself of the demons that haunted your dreams, you finally fell asleep. Unfortunately, because it took you so long to fall asleep, you didn’t wake up before your brothers in the morning, as you usually did.
“Y/N,” a voice cut through your sleep just as a hand shook your arm, “Y/N c’mon, time to get ready.”
You groaned, rolling over and blinking up to see Dean hovering above you, just before something dropped onto your head. You grabbed at it with your hand, and pulled it away enough to look at it. When you saw what it was, your stomach dropped.
Your dog. You’d left it in Dean’s bed again, and you hadn’t gotten up to retrieve it.
Dean was frowning at you, “That thing was in my bed again. Why do you keep putting it there? I know it’s not getting there on its own, and I know that Sam’s not determined enough in pranking me to lose precious minutes of sleep just to put this darn thing in my bed.”
You shook your head groggily, trying desperately to hide both your guilty look and your embarrassment as you shoved the animal into your bag.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Dean. I didn’t do that.”
Dean grabbed your arm and turned you to face him.
“Come on, don’t give me that, I know when you’re lying,” He sighed. “Look, you’re not in trouble or anything, I’m not mad. It’s not that big of a deal, I just can’t figure out why you’re doing it.”
You shook your head.
“Dean, I mean it, I’m not-”
Dean’s sudden change in tone made you flinch. You hadn’t expected him to get so persistent about something so small, but you should’ve known him better than that. He never let anything go.
“I told you, I’m not mad. I just want to know. C’mon, you can tell me anything.”
You weren’t so sure about that, but you also knew that Dean wouldn’t drop this no matter what you said. You figured you might as well get it over with now, with Sam out–probably getting coffee. The less people who had to hear your confession, the better.
“It smells like you,” You kept your voice so quiet, you almost hoped Dean hadn’t heard you.
Ok, that backfired. Now you wished he had heard you, so you didn’t have to repeat it.
“When I leave it on your-on your bed. It smells like you.”
Dean was frowning at you now, curiosity covering his features.
“I don’t understand.”
You cleared your throat, blinking rapidly and trying desperately to look anywhere in the room but at Dean’s face.
“I leave it on your bed, because then it smells like your cologne. It-it’s a nice smell, it helps me sleep.”
Dean was trying desperately to catch your eye, but you wouldn’t let him.
“Ok,” Dean said slowly, thinking through your explanation. “You could’ve just sprayed my cologne on it, I wouldn’t have stopped you.”
You huffed in frustration, your cheeks growing more flushed with embarrassment by the second.
“It’s not just-just your cologne. It’s like this mix of your cologne and shampoo and-” you stopped your rambling, too embarrassed to go on. “Look, just forget it, ok? If it really bugs you so much, I can stop.” You swallowed hard, hoping beyond hope that he wouldn’t tell you to stop. You were having a hard enough time sleeping as it was, you weren’t sure how well you would do if Dean made you stop your little routine.
Dean shook his head.
“No, no it doesn’t bug me. I just don’t get it.”
Your lip was quivering now, and the longer Dean penetrated you with his stare the more you felt like crying.
“It’s just…it reminds me of-of when you used to let me sleep in your bed. When I was having a nightmare,” your breath caught when you felt a tear trailing down your cheek. You really didn’t want to cry in front of Dean, but his gentle, yet firm grip on your arm told you that you wouldn’t get out of this conversation easily. “But since you said I’m to-too old for that, I figured this might be ok.”
Dean was frowning again, and you couldn’t help but notice the alarm on his face when he saw your tears.
“Hey now, when did I say that?”
You bit your lip to keep it from trembling, flitting your eyes upward so that you didn’t have to look Dean in the eye.
“U-um, maybe a couple months ago? When I tried to,” you choked on the lump in your throat, but forced yourself to keep going, “When I tried to get in your bed one night, you tol-told me to go back to my own bed, because I was too–I was too old to sleep in your bed.”
Dean’s brows scrunched together, and a sigh escaped his lips as he tried again to catch your eye.
“I don’t remember that.”
A sound that sounded half laugh, half sob escaped your throat, and you ducked your head in shame.
“I do.”
You felt Dean’s strong arms wrap around your shoulders, and before you knew it his hand was at the back of your head, pushing your face against the soft fabric of his shirt as his other hand rubbed your back.
“I don’t remember…baby, I didn’t mean it. You can come to me whenever you need to, ok?”
You sniffled, wincing when you saw you were getting tears all over his shirt.
“I don’t need to…I shouldn’t…Dean you’re right, I’m too old to-”
“No,” Dean’s voice was firm, and he pulled away from you just enough to try to look into your eyes. But you wouldn’t meet his gaze. “Look at me.”
Slowly, reluctantly, you let your eyes stray to his, and you saw resolve hardening his gaze. But there was a softness there too, a tenderness that only you, his baby sister, got to see.
“You’re never gonna be too old to need me, ok? I’m always gonna be here for you, I promise.” Dean sighed, and when his gaze wandered below your eyes you knew he was seeing the dark circles planted there. “You’ve been having nightmares, right? That’s why you wanted to sleep in my bed?”
You nodded, your head again ducking in shame. Dean’s strong fingers gripped your chin, lifting your head up so you were forced to meet his gaze.
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m not gonna let you go through those alone, ok? Next time you have one, I want you to come straight to me, understand?”
There was something comforting about Dean’s commanding tone. If he had been only reassuring, you would’ve perhaps felt that he was just trying to be nice. But his “soldier tone”, his ordering you to come to him, made you feel less like you were bothering him, and more like you were following an order, something that you knew made him happy.
You snapped a sarcastic salute, and even though he tried to hide it, you saw the corners of his lips turn up slightly at your action before he maintained a more serious expression.
“Alright, alright, you little smart-alek,” He pulled you into his arms again and stood, holding you off the ground and making you giggle, before he dropped you to the floor and clapped a hand on your shoulder. “Go get your stuff, ok? We’ve got about a thirteen-hour drive ahead of us before we reach where we’re going.”
Just as you turned to grab your bag, Dean gripped your shoulder a little tighter and leaned down to look at you.
“Hey, when we get there tonight, I want you to come to me if you can’t sleep, ok? Promise me.”
You smiled widely at your big brother, and lunged forward to wrap him in a hug.
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anonymousewrites · 3 days
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Four
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Four: Safety Drills and Clairvoyants
Summary: (Y/N) and Saiki perform a safety drill, and Saiki has to make sure his friends don't get tricked by a fake psychic.
            “Listen up, everyone! There’ll be an evacuation drill today!” announced Hairo.
            “Evacuation drill, huh?”
            “Ha! I’ll be fine. I don’t need to rehearse,” said Nendou.
            “Yes, he does,” whispered (Y/N), leaning over to Saiki. “Yesterday, he walked into the first-year hall and thought it was ours.” They grinned cheekily.
            Saiki sighed. “Of course, he did.”
            “Nendou, you shouldn’t take the drill so lightly,” warned Hairo. “Take a fire, for example! You’re surrounded by hot flames. The smoke makes it hard to see. You have trouble breathing! Now, what’re you gonna do in such a hot and hostile environment?! Can you make a level-headed decision in that situation when you didn’t even bother to participate in the drill?! Preparedness always pays off!”
            “You’re as hot and suffocating as a fire,” said Saiki.
            “Fires are great for making s’mores on a summer night,” said (Y/N), thinking aloud.
            They wouldn’t survive a fire, either, would they? The psychic sighed. For all (Y/N)’s good sense, they lacked it at some critical moments. Yare yare. They’re all so troublesome.
            “Anyway, when the fire alarm goes off, follow the instructions and evacuate to the schoolyard,” said Hairo. He was acting much calmer than he had been a few seconds ago. “This is a mnemonic created by using the initials for the important considerations during an evacuation. ‘SOS.’ ”
            If I remember correctly, it stands for “Slow, Orderly, and Silent.”
            (Y/N) brightened. “I was right earlier! ‘S’mores On Summer nights.’ ”
            Saiki deadpanned even more than usual. That’s not even close.
            “Oh, I get it!” piped up Nendou. “ ‘Save Our Selves!’ ”
            “That can’t be right!” protested (Y/N).
            Do they remember what it actually means?
            “We should Save Others before Snacks!”
            Well, at least they have good intentions…
            “Well, I suppose, but…” said Hairo.
            “Then, it must be ‘Someone! Over here! Save me!’ ” said Nendou.
            “Do it yourself,” said Saiki.
            Kaidou laughed derisively (acting dramatic as usual). “You’re stupid as ever.”
            “What?! Do you know what it means?” questioned Nendou.
            “Hmph, of course, I do,” declared Kaidou confidently.
            “What? Is it ‘Save Others with Superpowers?’ ” laughed (Y/N), obviously joking.
            Nendou laughed. “Good one, pinky.”
            “No! It’s ‘Scorching Oblivion Smackdown!’ ” said Kaidou.
            Everyone was silent.
            “I was just kidding,” said Kaidou, backpedaling quickly. “It stands for ‘Slow, Orderly, and Silent.’ ”
            “Yes, that’s right,” said Hairo. “So everyone, please remember SOS when you are participating in the drill.”
            The PA system turned on. “A fire broke out in the science room on the first floor. Please evacuate.” The fire alarm began to ring.
            “The sound of fire alarms makes me panic,” said Teruhashi.
            “This is important. We should pay attention,” said Saiki.
            “Fire, you need to Stay calm. Open your bag and take out your safety hood, then Stand in line in order of your student number,” explained Hairo.
            (Y/N) walked over and picked their hood up. Since the buttons were directly under their chin, they fumbled with them. Sighing, Saiki walked over and buttoned it correctly. (Well, really he held his hands up and the buttons did themselves, but it was still Saiki making them do so. It counted).
            “Thanks, Saiki!” chirped (Y/N). Their heart fluttered at his help, and they smiled widely.
            “Yare yare. It’s just for helping at the sports festival,” said Saiki, looking away. He didn’t like being in debt to anyone, so helping with buttons would even out the food thing. That was all.
            “Oh, no,” said Teruhashi, frowning down at her hood. “I can’t figure out my buttons.” Saiki will see me in trouble and help! Then I’ll thank him, and he’ll say “Oh, wow!”
            Not happening.
            A swarm of boys jumped to Teruhashi’s side. “We’ll help you, Teruhashi!”
            “We shouldn’t wait around here! The fire could spread,” warned Hairo.
            “If you spend too much time helping me, you guys will…” Teruhashi gasped dramatically and softened her eyes thankfully.
            “She’s right! What is your guys’ plan?” asked Hairo.
            “Sacrifice Ourselves to Save her,” declared the boys.
            “I-I see,” said Hairo.
            Saying nary a word they’d Offer me their help. They’re my love Slaves. Teehee, thought Teruhashi.
            Class 3 lined up by the door and began exiting.
            “Okay! Let’s start evacuating,” ordered Hairo.
            “Oh, shoot, I left my phone in class,” said Tadashi. He began to turn around, but Hairo interceded.
            “Stop, Tadashi! You’re Out of line, Stay in place,” commanded the class rep.
            “He’s trying too hard.”
            “Mhm,” hummed (Y/N), chewing on a snack.
            Saiki almost deadpanned more than usual. They had marshmallows with them. No wonder they kept thinking about s’mores. “I feel like I’m hearing SOS in almost everything now.”
            “That’s a Strange Occurrence, Saiki,” said (Y/N).
            “See? What did I tell you?”
            (Y/N) blinked before smiling. “Whoa, you’re So Observant, Saiki.”
            “Stop it, guys. Obviously a fire drill doesn’t have time for Stupid quarrels,” said Kaidou to Hairo and Tadashi.
            “Right! Great call, Kaidou!” said Hairo. “Let’s continue down the stairs! We’re almost there!” He stopped at the first floor. “What?!” The way was blocked. “Stop! The path leading Outside has been Shuttered?!”
            “Seriously? Come On. We’d be Screwed if this wasn’t a drill,” muttered the discontent students.
            “I wonder if the shutter was closed by mistake,” said Teruhashi.
            “I think it’s because this goes by the science room,” pointed out (Y/N), still munching marshmallows.
            Saiki nodded. How do they manage to be so observant and clueless at the same time?
            “Stay calm. Obviously, there’s gotta be a Solution,” said Hairo. “A solution?” He became serious and introspective. “I see…I now understand the point of this shutter!”
            “I think he finally figured it out, too,” said Saiki.
            “We’re being tested! This is an obstacle!” declared the redhead. “During a fire, Sometimes Obstacles Stance in our way! In other words, to move forward, we must break through this shutter!”
            “Isn’t it made to be tough to break?” asked (Y/N), tilting their head.
            Excepting Saiki, the boys weren’t listening. “Alright then! Let’s break that shuttle!” The grabbed a fire extinguisher and a desk to throw at the barrier.
            “In a real fire, they’d be the first to go,” said Saiki. He glanced over at (Y/N) and their marshmallows. “You might be next.”
            They were blissfully unaware of his comment and just held out a sweet treat to him. “Want one?”
            “…Yes.” Coffee jelly may be his favorite snack, but he liked other sweets, too. Alright, so maybe I’d save you since you bring me dessert.
            Finally, Hairo, Nendou, and Kaidou managed to open a corner of the shutter and let the students pass through. Mr. Matsuzaki was waiting on the other side.
            “So…You wrenched open the shutter and escaped through the front entrance,” observed the gym teacher. “I see…Who would break a shutter?! We just installed it! Are you Simpletons Out of your minds? Do you know what it costs to repair a Shutter?!”
            “We’re sorry!” apologized the boys.
            Geez…This is why I told them…Ah, I guess I didn’t tell them directly. Well, this school doesn’t need an evacuation drill to start with, though. Because…So long as I’m around, Ordeals such as fire Simply will not happen.
            Yare yare. Now I’m doing it.
            Throughout the town, the news of the House of Fortune Telling was spreading like wildfire. Apparently, a skilled clairvoyant worked there. People were loving what she said. Whether or not she was correct in her predictions was still unknown, but people kept on going to her, especially curious teenagers.
            “Hmph. How stupid. Fortune-telling is just an illusion created by a bunch of people who pretend to be prophets,” said Kaidou.
            “Wow, it’s pretty rare that you and I agree on something,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “I find it hard to believe someone who can actually see the future isn’t being sought out by governments.” They grinned. “But I’m going this afternoon, anyways. I’m curious about what she’ll say, even if it is totally made up. It’ll be fun.”
            “Well, forget that,” said Kaidou, “I have something more important to discuss with you two. Come with me after school today. Have you noticed? I sense a strange aura being given off in this town. I think Dark Reunion is behind it.”
            “Whatever floats your boat,” said (Y/N), “And I already have plans.”
            “That’s just an illusion you created,” said Saiki to Kaidou.
            Saddened, Kaidou walked away. Nendou popped up beside Saiki and (Y/N).
            “Pal, pinky! Have you heard? There’s a fortune-telling shop nearby,” said Nendou.
            “It’s ‘House of Fortune Telling.’ I’m tired of hearing about it already.”
            “Yeah, I know!” chirped (Y/N). “I’m going to check it out later today, ya know, for curiosity’s sake!”
            Looks like I’ll be making sure my friends bothers don’t make bad decisions today.
            If Saiki was being at all observant of his own actions, he’d notice that as soon as (Y/N) was involved, he was way more willing to wade into irritating situations to keep track of his friends. Acquaintances. (Friends).
            Saiki, invisible to all, sighed and followed (Y/N) inside the House of Fortune Telling. Kaidou was with them because they had spotted him “in disguise” in line. The inside was made to look like a stereotypical psychic’s shop with a crystal ball, shimmery drapes, lows lights, the whole nine yards.
            “Welcome to the House of Fortune. Please have a seat,” said the fortune teller.
            “O-Okay,” said Kaidou.
            “Alright,” said (Y/N).
            They both sat down.
            “I’m Mikiko Clairvoyance. Nice to meet you,” said the lady.
            (Y/N) tilted their head in confusion at her name. That feels way too on the nose. Like a stage name.
            “On what matter would you like advice today?” asked Mikiko.
            “Umm,” said Kaidou.
            I see. They seem half in doubt, too.
            “Oh, my…I sense a very unusual aura from you, young man!” said Mikiko.
            “What?!” gasped Kaidou.
            “You’re no ordinary person, are you,” asked Mikiko slyly. “Do you have special gifts?”
            (Y/N) watched the proceedings in amusement.
            “And you!” Mikiko turned to the teenager.
            “Me?” (Y/N) pointed to themself.
            “Yes! You’re quite important to someone with gifts, aren’t you?!” questioned the clairvoyant dramatically.
            (Y/N) shrugged and laughed. “Sorry, ma’am, you got the wrong person.” They brushed her off without a second thought. There weren’t many people they wanted to be important to, and having gifts didn’t go into it. Plus, the list wasn’t that long. Their friends, family, Saiki.
            But Saiki’s a friend, so there we go, thought (Y/N) decidedly, brushing the way their mind separated him from everyone else away.
            Wait…important to someone with gifts?! thought Kaidou. Does that mean…me?! A sudden blush overtook his cheeks as he looked at (Y/N).
            Oh, wow. Saiki frowned slightly. He was more annoyed than usual as he saw Kaidou, even though he was just confused, get all flustered because of (Y/N). It just felt so…troublesome
            “Ah…well, perhaps you’re just not aware of it!” covered Mikiko expertly. Not a good target. I should focus on the boy. She turned quickly to Kaidou. “You’re troubled by something! Am I wrong?!”
            “How did you know that?!” gasped Kaidou.
            People without troubles wouldn’t come to a place like this.
            “Let me tell you what it is…” Mikiko carefully gaged what her predictions should be by watching Kaidou’s reactions. “A problem with romance…is not what it is, so an issue with your future and schoolwork…isn’t what’s troubling you, either. So it’s something to do with your friends and relationships!” She nailed it on the third try. “Yes! Your source of trouble is one friends and relationships!”
            “H-How do you know that?!” stammered Kaidou.
            You make it too easy.
            “Most teenagers have that problem,” whispered (Y/N) to Kaidou, but he paid them no mind.
            “Yeah, you’re right. That is the source of my troubles,” said the blue-haired boy. “I’m an assassin known as the Jet-Black Wings who came from a parallel world.”
            (Y/N) sweat-dropped.
            What is he talking about? thought Mikiko.
            I ask myself that question every day.
            “But after I learned the truth about the organization…” rambled Kaidou.
            Mikiko nodded. “I understand.”
            “I’m used to fighting.” Kaidou clenched his fist. “But sometimes I think about my life…I live in solitude…I don’t have anything I can call frie—I mean, comrade.”
            “Aww, I’ll be your friend!” chirped (Y/N), leaning affectionately towards him.
            “A-Ah!” Kaidou squeaked and blushed.
            Saiki’s eyebrow twitched. (Y/N) was too nice for their own good, and Saiki didn’t need Kaidou having any misguided feelings for them. That would be complicated. That was the trouble. Obviously.
            In an attempt to keep his attention, Mikiko said, “But he needs someone to completely understand him! You need a new approach. You should try to understand others.”
            Oh, so she says some decent things, too. Maybe I misjudged her.
            “Also, this will help.” She opened a box which held necklace. “You’ll be fine if you wear this necklace.
            “What’s that?” asked (Y/N).
            “If you wear this, you’ll be able to make friends with one hundred people and with Kento Yamazaki!” explained Mikiko. “If you buy now, I’m willing to offer you the low price of thirty-thousand yen.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and their jaw dropped open.
            “Thirty-thousand yen?!” cried Kaidou. “I-I’ll buy it! But I want to know one thing first. Will this make me friends with Saiki?!”
            A soft smile spread across (Y/N)’s face. “Aww, Kaidou…”
            “If you wear it, that Saiki guy will follow you around saying, ‘Hey, pal,’ ” said Mikiko.
            (Y/N) blanked. “Huh?” There was no way that was happening. Plus, that was Nendou’s line.
            “I-I’ll buy it!” declared Kaidou. He paid without hesitation.
            “Well, well, good luck, now I must see other customers!” Mikiko rushed them out the door to the street. “Next person! Please come in.”
            Kaidou regarded the necklace happily as he walked down the street with (Y/N).
            “If nothing else, it’s…pretty,” said (Y/N). They weren’t sure it would work.
            Both teens turned around. Kaidou was excited to have his first friend while (Y/N) was just surprised that the necklace might actually do something. They were both let down because it was just Mikiko.
            “I’m giving this back! I had no idea what you were saying was true!” she cried. She shoved Kaidou’s money back into his hands.
            “What? Then what about the necklace?” asked Kaidou.
            “You can have it! I bought it at a street stall for five-hundred yen!” she shouted as she ran.
            “What?!” cried Kaidou, realizing the necklace wasn’t magical.
            (Y/N) patted his back. “Sorry. At least you got your money back. And don’t worry, you’ve already got one friend. Me!” They beamed radiantly.
            The pair turned after hearing Nendou’s voice. He had just run into Saiki.
            “Oh, hey, pal! Oh, and you, too, runt, pinky?” asked Nendou.
            Kaidou’s eyes widened. Three of the people he was closest to were suddenly all around him. He gazed in wonder at the trinket in his hands. “So this necklace really is…”
            Saiki sighed.
            (Y/N) grinned. “No, no, Kaidou. Can’t you see? We’re already your friends!”
            Kaidou blushed. “A-Ah! R-Right!”
            Saiki was torn between being annoyed at Kaidou’s flustered state and enjoying how kind (Y/N) was. Those two annoy me, but you—he looked at (Y/N)—I can tolerate you.
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nobody-for-sure · 1 year
Language Barrier
For those of you who haven't cracked the code yet: as of the last chapter, there’s now two (one for each country’s language). However, as a reminder for everyone, I maintain that the story can still be easily read and enjoyed with only context clues. If you're feeling frustrated trying to crack it, take a break. A fic about a language barrier where you had to know the language would be pretty pointless, wouldn't it?
Chapter 15
(~2.7k words, see chapter list here)
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You may have fucked up.
Correction: you definitely fucked up.
The good news is that the teleport waypoints do, in fact, teleport you. Which is cool. Very neat. That means they weren't just a convenient game mechanic for the traveler. Good to know.
The bad news is that you apparently can't control where they teleport you, because when the blinding light fades, you're most definitely NOT in Liyue Harbor.
Fuck, go back. Quickly, you turn to the new waypoint beside you and press your hand against it. "Take me to Wangshu Inn!"
In an unsurprising turn of events... nothing happens. Nevertheless, you keep your hand pressed to the device, waiting. Lag? Is it lag? It took a few moments to activate the first time around, so maybe you just need to be patient.
Minutes pass, and your hand falls to your side. Why is this my life??? In what universe do the teleports only go one way? Are they one-time use? What a rip-off! You consider trying again, asking for a different destination, but you think better of it. It didn't even take you to the right spot in the first place, so you'd better not give it the chance to dump you somewhere worse.
Speaking of... where am I, anyway? You take a long look around. Unfortunately - likely due to the world being bigger than the game - you've been finding in your travels so far that nothing looks exactly the same as you remember it. Nevertheless, you try to stay calm and think things through rationally. (Not doing so has already been your downfall more than you'd like to admit.)
The air is thinner here, and foggy, so you deduce you must be in the mountains somewhere. It makes you thankful you didn't get transported to Dragonspine, at least; you're definitely not dressed for that. You don't think you've left Liyue, either. Not that you would recognize Fontaine or Natlan if you saw them, but the few scattered trees and vegetation seem to fit the bill. Thinking back to the game, you close your eyes in concentration. If I remember correctly, there were some pretty large mountains right next to the harbor. One of them had a waypoint, didn't it? That must be where I am. It's definitely not what you had in mind, but it's also the most logical option you can think of.
You sigh. At least I'm close. Now I just have to figure out a way down. From there, you'll find a way to get a message to your traveling companions.
You give the waypoint a withering glare. Still, could it really not have dropped me anywhere closer? And what's with the indefinite cooldown all of a sudden?? Muttering under your breath, you pick a direction that looks vaguely familiar and start walking. Hopefully, your reception in Liyue will be smoother than it was in Mondstadt... though your misfortunes in the land of freedom were entirely self-inflicted to begin with.
When am I going to stop making life harder for myself?
The mountaintop is hilly, and at first, the fog makes it difficult to see too far ahead. But you're in luck: after several minutes of walking, the fog starts to dissipate, and you can see a cliff edge ahead. Perfect. You can scope out your location and see if you can spot a way down - perhaps there'll even be a nice, gentle slope with a pathway leading straight into the city.
Yeah, right.
But as much as you weren't expecting that to be true, what you see instead comes as even more of a shock.
The sides of the mountain are steep craggy inclines as far as the eye can see, and that's the least of your problems. You're nowhere near the harbor. In fact, you're nowhere near much of anything. Not Qingce, not Mingyun, not even the Chasm, which appears to be the closest thing to civilization in the distance. You know where you are now. The three dreaded trial towers of Tianqiu stand tall across the gorge. No wonder your surroundings seemed vaguely familiar: back when you first pulled Xiao, this was the waypoint you used every day to get to the Primo Geovishap.
But how in Teyvat does 'take me to Liyue Harbor' translate to this?!
...Wait a minute.
You backtrack for a moment. Xiao. I can call Xiao!
You feel much better about summoning the adeptus now that you're actually in need of his assistance, rather than just to say hi. "Xiao!" Despite the situation, you can't quite conceal the tinge of excitement in your voice as you speak the yaksha's name. There's a moment of silence. You hold your breath in anticipation. And then:
"Biat ye, ika! Kundala kucha unu!"
If you had a table, you'd flip it. For the first time, you do recognize the language being spoken. Who would've thought it'd turn out to be a bad thing?
You wheel around to see two club-wielding hilichurls, a geo samachurl, and - by far the most menacing - a rock shieldwall mitachurl almost twice your size. And, in yet another dissimilarity to the fanfics, they do not look happy to see you. Frantically, you think back to your daily commissions with Ella Musk. "Um. Olah?"
The mitachurl charges.
You leap back from the ledge. The last thing you want is to get knocked off and fall to your death. The mitachurl zooms past, missing you by a hair and grunting as it skids to a stop itself, adjusting its shield. The hilichurls are right behind, waving their wooden clubs in a frenzy. They're less formidable, but they have numbers in their favor: when you move to dodge a blow to the head, the other manages to land a heavy hit on your upper arm. You stumble backward a couple steps, cursing. It's not bleeding, but it will definitely leave a nasty bruise. "Xiao!!" Where is he?!
...Oh, wait.
He probably can't understand that I'm calling him, can he?
When you regain your balance, you turn around and make a desperate dash back for the waypoint. The ground rumbles, and rocky spikes shoot up from underneath you (courtesy of the samachurl, no doubt). You skirt around them, and they crumble, but you can hear shouts in hilichurlian behind you. You put on a burst of speed. Soon, the pounding of your heart and the panting of your breath drown out all other sounds.
That's why, when you crest a slight hill, you let out an unholy screech as yet another masked figure appears in your field of vision. Immediately, you swerve the other direction, but you barely move another step before a firm hand clamps down on your shoulder.
"Uwoug. You'll xgovxxo more of them."
You do a double take, and your heart nearly stops in relief. "Xiao," you breathe.
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It's hard to tell if it's because of his temperament or not, but the adeptus doesn't seem very happy to see you.
He came to your rescue, there's no doubt about that. Once you realize it's him, you feel safe enough to risk a glance over your shoulder at your enemies. But they're simply... gone. All traces of them have vanished completely, as if the attack existed purely in your imagination.
Obliterated, your mind supplies, in a mixture of fear and awe. You've never been gladder that this is not an imposter au.
As soon as the thought crosses your mind, though, your arm is roughly grabbed. "Hey!" you exclaim out of reflex, and the masked face snaps to yours so quickly that you instinctively shut your mouth. It could just be the eerie glow of the eyes, but you somehow get the feeling that he's glaring at you. When you don't say anything further, he makes a derisive noise and turns around. However, as he drags you to a nearby cave, removes his mask, and pins you with a piercing golden stare (that's even scarier than the mask, honestly), it's hard to tell where you stand with him.
"What are you doing?" he asks sharply.
The question roots you to the spot, not because of its content, but because it feels like forever since you've heard an entire coherent sentence from someone. The fact that it's being directed at you angrily by one of your favorite characters is secondary. It takes you a minute to absorb it, because inside your head, you're already celebrating. I was right! Xiao's at level seven! My friendship level theory was right!
The adeptus is not in the mood to wait for your celebration, though. "Vubwro," he says sternly. "Why are you here?"
You blink. "Ah- sorry. Um- by accident?"
He furrows his brow. "By what?"
"...accident...?" When the crease in his brow only grows, you realize he must not be able to understand that word. "Oh. Well, I tried to use one of the waypoints to get to the harbor, but it didn't work. Somehow I ended up here instead."
You expect him to maybe sigh or call you an idiot, but he just shakes his head, expression unchanging. "Not that," he says, sounding irritated. It's a sharp contrast to the way everyone else has spoken to you. "Why are you back?"
The question seems to hold a certain gravity. Your excitement fades. "...Back?"
He gives a single nod. Your chest tightens, and the ominous feeling you've been getting recently returns in flash. "Um... I don't know what you mean," you admit slowly.
"What?" His gaze narrows even further, and he opens his mouth before closing it again. "Xyob here," he says brusquely, before vanishing.
Numbly, you lean against the cave wall, turning the question over in your head. 'Back'? What does he mean? I haven't been here before. ...Moreover, the way he's acting... could it be...? You gulp.
Several minutes pass before there's a flash of pale green light, and the yaksha appears before you again. Before you can say a word, he sinks to one knee and bows his head. "I udykapaso. It's an varal to make your ugroxryoetgo, Your Grace," he says coolly.
You can barely make heads or tails of the fragmented sentence beyond 'Your Grace', but the complete reversal in attitude is enough to leave you gaping. "...What?"
"Which xvos did you not hroxwvuhre, Your Grace?" he says patiently, without raising his head. His tone exudes a strange sense of neutrality devoid of its previous emotion. It's... unnerving, to say the least.
"Wait. No, wait. What? What is this?? Who are you, and what did you do with Xiao?"
"I am Xiao, Your Grace."
"No, no. Where's that other guy I talked to? The one who was mad at me? That was Xiao."
"...That was me." You notice he doesn’t deny the part about being mad.
"...Are you actually a whopperflower?"
"Am I a what?"
"So you are?!"
"No, I am not," he says firmly, and this time you catch a familiar rough edge in his voice. So it is him.
"Then what's with all... this? Why are you so calm and... nice all of a sudden, when you were definitely not happy to see me before? ...Also, stand up."
He does. "It is krylxar to rvugrag yourself with, Your Grace. I was runoxwyq."
You purse your lips. You didn't understand much of that, but your mind is too preoccupied to try and break it down. You're almost scared to hear the answer, but you want... no, you need to know if it's a possibility. "...Did you think I was someone else?"
The question hangs in the air for a moment. Xiao folds his arms and gives you a long, searching look. "No," he says finally. "I could never." His words hold no hint of insincerity or falsehoods.
Your brow furrows in confusion. "Then-"
"I will not be krynousw more on this," he snaps.
You raise your hands in surrender. "Okay." Whatever is behind his sudden change in demeanor, it's obviously a touchy subject, and you would never force him to tell you. You've heard all you needed.
An awkward silence falls over the cave. You have no idea what's going through the yaksha's mind, but for your part, you're trying to piece together everything that's happened since your first encounter.
The way he treats you is undeniably different than the others you've met so far. Is it a Liyue thing, or an adeptus thing, or a Xiao thing? First brash, and now more formal... yet still lacking the unquestioning respect and adoration of Mondstadters. Most baffling is the fact that he claimed to know who you were the entire time. You believe him - but you have no idea what to make of it. Nor were you expecting these sorts of complications right off the bat with the first person you can (almost) properly communicate with.
It's painfully ironic: the first one you can comprehend is the one you understand the least.
You sigh. You don't know how you were expecting your first meeting with Xiao to go, but like every other part of your journey so far, this definitely wasn't it. You can't begin to fathom what sort of relationship the two of you have. It doesn't seem to be a good one. Maybe something's different for characters you've built and travelled with - which would explain why you had a different reception in Mondstadt - but you can't think of what or why it would be. It doesn't seem like he's about to tell you, either.
At the very least, though, no matter what he might be hiding, he didn't hate you enough to leave you at the mercy of the hilichurls earlier. You owe him for that. "Thank you for coming to help me."
He exhales and gives a slight nod before turning to face you fully. "What are you doing in reiuem xwvon?" he asks, more calmly than before.
"In where?"
"Um, that doesn't really- never mind, not important. I think I mentioned this earlier, but I'm not here on purpose...... you look confused."
"I can't hroxwvuhre half of the whvab you say," he responds bluntly, reminding you of your glaring communication problem. "Try using vupsqyw ones."
"...Using what ones?"
"Vuywou," he says, and when you shake your head, "Small."
"Small ones?" Small words? You turn this over in your head for a moment. Breaking it down, you feel like you've actually been able to understand a majority of what he's said, but he's right. Most of the words you recognize are short and fall into very basic English. Alright, then. You can work with that. It's hard to say exactly where friendship levels draw the line, but better Razor language than sorry.
"Okay," you start off, "I did not try to be here." You give him a questioning glance, and he nods for you to continue. "I used a... thing. I tried to go to the-" you pause, debating whether 'harbor' falls into basic English and deciding it probably doesn't- "...place. Not here - place with water and boats." He shakes his head in confusion, and you wave it off. "I tried to go to a place, but the thing took me here. I don't know why." Stupid waypoint.
The adeptus takes a minute to absorb this information. "Which... thing did you use?"
A lightbulb goes off in your brain, and you squat down, tracing your finger in the dirt. "This thing."
He seems to be trying hard to hide his exasperation when he repeats, "Yes. Which thing?"
"Which one?" Does it matter? Well, for all you know, it does. "Uh, the one at Wangshu Inn."
"Try again."
"Um... the one at the hotel? No? Okay... the one at the place, with... the food you like?"
Xiao bristles, and for the first time - if only for a fraction of a second - you get the strong sense you know what he's thinking. If you showed up, he had expected to meet you there. "You were there? When?"
"Just now."
You shrug. "I came with people. From-" you sigh- "place."
He mulls this over, narrowing his gaze. "If you didn't try to be here, why did you not go back?"
"Because I can't. That's why I was hoping you could help me," you respond. "The thing here didn't work."
At long last, you've been able to steer the conversation around to the reason you summoned him in the first place. Moreover, the act of conversing itself has been going a lot better now, if you do say so yourself. This is progress. This is good. It's a great feeling, like you're finally making some headway through the chaotic mess you've found yourself in.
And then the yaksha brings you crashing down again.
"Then you can't leave."
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solitary-star · 1 year
The Cryptid Sightings brainrot is still eating away at my brain, so I decided to make something of it!! This is maybe the second time that I’ve drawn something that wasn’t just a still image—so naturally, if I was going to do it, it was going to be of them <3
Even though I don’t anticipate the actual reveal being as calm as this (I imagine there’ll be a lot more screaming involved), I like to think about this kind of interaction. Maybe it takes place right before the hunter’s acceptance of it all.
Ignoring, of course, the glaring factor that is the cause for the reveal—because whatever it might be, it will likely make an interaction like this impossible.
But anyways!! I had a lot of fun drawing this. @naffeclipse, I hope you like it <3
Individual frames and a bonus doodle after the cut:
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Inspired by this post LMAO
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olivexii · 4 months
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⚠️ - 100 days
Charlie Slimecicle x f!reader
Chapter 2
Tw: Violence, gore, language
Based on the film by Slimecicle
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
The journey back to Charlie’s base was long and strenuous. You had gotten lost, Charlie leading you the wrong way multiple times, as well as it being dark.
Many zombies swarmed around the both of you as you hid up in the trees, trying to stay out of reach.
“Why do I hear them everywhere now?” Charlie sighed as he leaned over the edge of a branch.
“Charlie don’t lean that far over you’re going to fall…” You reached for him and grabbed the back of his shirt just in case.
“I’ll be fine. I’m more worried about how we’re going to get back without being eaten alive. Oh no, there’s a bunch over there too.” He pointed in the distance towards the direction of the base.
“It’s alright,” I re-assured him, “I’m sure there’ll be an opening at some point, then we can make a run for it.”
“Oh man, it’s only the start of the night as well. We might be here for hours!”
“Can you calm down for 5 minutes and help me look for an opening please?” Unlike him you didn’t loose hope.
“Alright, alright, little miss hopeful.” He mumbled the last part with an attitude.
You chose to ignore it and look around through the leaves for a gap in the swarm of zombies.
Eventually a cow walked past close to the tree you were both sitting on, temporarily distracting the zombies so they swarmed to only one side of the tree.
“Okay okay, now’s the time. Jump onto that shorter tree then we can make a run for it up that hill.” He moved without thinking and immediately jumped to the smaller tree.
You followed behind him quickly, stumbling when you landed.
“Be careful,” Charlie said as he wrapped a hand around your arm, holding you steady “won’t be very nice of you fall to the ground and I have to watch you being eaten.”
“Wouldn’t be very nice for me either.” You replied quickly.
Charlie then jumped onto the raised ground, the zombies still distracted by the cow.
“C’mon, I’ll catch you again.” He joked and you rolled your eyes, getting ready to jump.
This time you didn’t stumble, and landed on the ground steadily.
“Right let’s go before they follow us.” Charlie turned around and began walking up the hill, away from the city and towards his base, with you trailing behind.
When you were a few minutes from his base the grumbles of zombies grew louder, causing panic in him and you.
You both began walking faster, constantly checking your surroundings with weapons drawn at your sides.
“Go go go,” Charlie said quickly as he opened the wooden door to his base, rushing in with you behind him.
“And in.” He sighed in relief as he slammed the door behind you.
His base was entirely made out of wood, lit up with a few torches and a ladder leading up in the middle.
“There’s one bed on the second floor. We can take turns sleeping and keeping watch.” He told you as he emptied the contents of his backpack into a chest.
“Great, I’ll take the first watch then.” You stated.
“No, no. I’m taking the first one,” he turns around to face you, “firstly, you need the rest and secondly I’m not even tired. And don’t even try and protest.”
“Okay fine, but if you try anything while I’m sleeping, or if you kill me, then I will kill you.” You glared at him, still not fully trusting him.
“H-how can you kill me if you’re dead?” He let out a short laugh and shook his head. “Anyway, just go up the ladder and have a snooze, I’ll wake you up in an hour or so.”
He turned back around and put food into the furnace to cook.
You began climbing the ladder up to the second floor, there was less candles up there and only a singular white bed.
“Wow, how homely.” You jokingly whispered as you placed your back pack down beside the bed, sitting down on it.
You placed the knife underneath the pillow, just in case, and took off your jacket to make yourself more comfortable.
As you lay down, the crackling sound of the furnace below became white noise, along with Charlie’s quiet foot steps.
Your hand was placed on the knife underneath the pillow, making you feel more re-assured as you drifted off to sleep.
You woke up to Charlie shaking your shoulder softly.
“Y/N?” he whispered, as if he was scared to wake you up.
You grumbled in reply and looked up to the taller man with your hand shielding the top of your eyes, quickly grabbing and stuffing the knife from under the pillow into your trouser pocket when he wasn’t looking.
“I let you sleep for a bit longer than an hour, you looked comfortable. But not i’m getting really tired and I don’t think I’ll be able to stay awake any longer.” He said drowsily.
“Yeah, okay. Just give me a minute to wake up.” You yawned in reply, his hand still on your shoulder.
As soon as you sat up on the bed he sat down next to you, eyes half lidded.
You turned your head to look at him and made eye contact.
“I didn’t… thank you properly before, Charlie. When you saved my life in the city. “
“Oh uhm, you don’t need to say thank you. I think it’s nice to have the company. And you being alive of course.” He stumbled over his words in tiredness.
“Yeah, but I want to say thank you,” you placed your hand over his resting one on the bed. “I probably would’ve starved to death or would have been eaten if it wasn’t for you.”
He brought his hand not resting underneath yours up to his face, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“Good thing I was there then.” He chuckled and tilted his head to the right, still making eye contact with you.
“You need to sleep, I’ll take watch.” You broke the long eye contact with him and stared down at your hands.
“Thank you, I’m so tired.” He said while going to lay on his side, you now sitting at the end of the bed.
He soon fell asleep and you climbed back down the ladder into the well lit floor.
The mumbles of zombies were distant, meaning you had nothing to worry about at the moment. But you still looked out the windows every now and again cautiously, knife in hand, as Charlie’s soft snores and breathing could be heard from upstairs.
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A/N: sorry if this is short but it’s 2am 😔😔
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mslanna · 4 months
What Remains of the Pain
In which I grant everybody a soft reprieve from the cold hard world.
Sleep is elusive and uneven. Tav doesn't know how much rest they got but while they wake calmed they are only a little refreshed. Their muscles hum subdued in the memory of overuse but without pain. Haarlep's hand is running gently over their back in a distracted way.
Tav blinks and moves a little to announce they are awake. "You could just have rolled me off," they mumble.
"Of course."
"Thank you." Tav sighs and buries their face against the red skin for a moment. "What cost?"
"Oh, don't you worry about that. I will find a way to make you pay." The incubus pats their head.
"That's what I fear." Tav props themself up. Their muscles protest quietly and are ignored. They feel beat and in dire need of a bath. Food. Raphael. "How long did I sleep?"
"Two, maybe three hours only," the incubus replies.
Tav sits up and eyes the pool. It's not perfect for getting clean. But they don't want to be alone. And if the worst comes to pass, they want to be with a devil they know. So they pad off and take a quick wash, drinking the healing waters in lieu of something to eat. They are not sure they can keep anything down anyway.
Padding back to the bed, Tav picks up a book. Reading will go badly, but they can keep enough of their thoughts together for a cheap splatter spree.
"Preparing for the worst?" Haarlep chuckles when they see the novel. "Macabre but sensible."
"The world may end any moment. Might as well end it with a bad book and a good friend."
Haarlep snorts. "You may want to reconsider the positions of those adjectives, mouse. I am not your friend."
Tav looks up from the book with a sad smile. "I know, Haarps. But I'm yours. So shut up and deal with it."
"Insufferable." The incubus snatches the book from Tav's hands. "This is so much nonsense. If you pull somebody's fingernails out, they will bleed. There is no pristine pale skin to slash with dull knives. Anyway, it’s more delicious to use a really, really sharp knife and watch the realisation unfold on the victims face before the pain sets in."
"I'll take your word for it."
"Demonstrations can be arranged." Haarlep turns onto their stomach. "Come let's get this poor sod to his deserved end. I think there'll be another skinning. Do you think it’s finally going to be more accurate than the first three?"
Tav is pretty sure it won't be but that's alright. Haarlep educated them thoroughly on more efficient was to skin a person each time, if with efficient you meant painful. They'd take another and'd try to ignore the fact that it could be them.
The incubus isn't half through explaining how a knife isn't even necessary for a good skinning if you approached it more like peeling an egg when a commotion runs through the House of Hope. They perk up, listening for boots on the tiles and try to gauge the numbers of the arrivals. Haarlep puts the book a way and a hand on Tav's shoulder. The human places theirs over it with a smile.
By the time they look back to the entrance, a dark figure approaches with long strides, swathed in dust and ash. Tav's heart settles in relief – they know that gait anywhere. They squeeze Haarlep's hand before they let go, muscles releasing a tension they didn't know they held. Tav melts in a counterpoint to the sharp lines and angular planes making up the form of their returning devil.
Tav is captivated by the hard thin line of his lips that tells more of what transpired than words. They want to lean up, soften it with their own and assure Raphael that things will be alright.
He looks exhausted under the layers of grime and blood, the burning coronas of his black eyes dim. Tav reaches up and their palms turn black and dirty again but this time, they smell even less appealing. It doesn't matter. Raphael is back. The glow of death and murder in his eyes is slowly replaced by exhaustion.
Tav doesn't resist when he scoops them up with one arm. They cling to his tired body desperately, armour cutting into their flesh. It doesn't matter. They cut their cheek open on one of his spikes and it doesn't matter. He is alive. He is back.
In their suite, Raphael drops them. Tav waits for clues but he just stand in the room, staring ahead. He doesn't react to a gentle tug, or a more decisive one. When he allows Tav to tentatively remove one of his heavy gloves, the human knows what to do until the devil's senses go live again.
They manoeuvre the towering figure into the tiled section and draw a hot bath as they slowly peel the devil out of his grimy armour. Raphael winces when Tav reaches for the closures of the cuirass. Eyes dark as night without redeeming coronas settle on Tav.
"Sei still, mein Herz." Tav cups his face between their hands and bends him until the devil looks down into their eyes. "Ich bin hier."
Tav waits until recognition returns the fire into the sunken eyes before they continue. Most of the blood and gore is on the outside of the plates and stripped down, Raphael is acceptably dirty. Still, Tav quickly drains the first water after scrubbing away the worst of the filth.
As they work on the red skin with a sponge and scented soap, Raphael slowly relaxes. He yields his arms and legs to Tav’s ministrations without opening his eyes. A trust tav teases with small kisses now and then.
Tav washes his hair, massaging his scalp and murmuring soft words into his ear. The wings take some work and water drips all over the tiles. It doesn't matter. Tav caresses the leathery skin tip to tip, watching rivulets of warm water running down over the soft texture, taking soap and dirt with it.
When Tav leans back over the devil's shoulder, Raphael breathes slow and deep as the tension drifts from his features ever so slowly. Tav ghosts a kiss over his cheek before taking up their sponging again. Raphael's chest and shoulders get more than their fair share, but Tav considers it alright to indulge themself a little.
They give his hair another wash, running the soft strands through their fingers, half transfixed by the patterns the water paints on them. The horns come last and touching them puts a smile on Tav's face. Water sputters as it tries to run down the uneven surface. Soap sticks to the crevices and allows Tav to take their time, switching between sponge, brush and hands at leisure.
After Tav drains the water, Raphael stays down until they dried off his horns. They apply horn balm, hands smelling of cherries and tallow, humming under their breath with contentment.
When they finally rest their hands on his chest and lean their forehead into his wet hair, Raphael finally moves. His hands claps Tav's, thumbs rubbing theirs gently. Tav reclines into the silence of the moment. But they are not done yet.
"Come," they murmur into the devil's ear.
Raphael climbs out of the tub and there is little water to dry off his hot skin. For a moment, Tav considers applying soothing lotion but the image of how they'd have to climb all over him like a monkey makes them discard the idea.
Instead they tug him towards the bed. Raphael still looks exhausted, eyes dim and face slack, but his gaze follows them and a smile plays at the corners of his mouth when he identifies the direction of their journey.
He resist a little, when Tav puts him onto the sheets face-first but soft touches convince him to play along. The devil stretches out with a deep sigh and Tav lets their hands wander of his back. Raphael turns when they stop but Tav puts a finger over his lips.
"Wait for me."
They allow Raphael to kiss their fingers gently before they get down from the bed to grab a bottle of scented oil. Vanilla and cinnamon bolstering sour cherries and heavy musk. Tav kneels at the feet of their devil and places one of them in their lap. With a dollop of oil, they start to massage the sole. Raphael grunts, head dropping back onto the sheets. Having made their point and gotten their will, Tav works their way up slow. Feet first, legs and a carefully curated stint on the ass. It takes some balancing not to get Raphael too excited. It would likely not have worked if he hadn’t been so exhausted.
The tail is next. Tav watches the muscles relax and Raphael's breath turn deep. Not kissing him all over takes a lot of self-control. But they have a different goal this time. The devil turns his head to glance at them when Tav settles on the small of his back. But they just smile and distribute oil over his shoulder back.
Raphael lie down again and Tav gets to work with a smile. Their hands are small on the cambion form and the pressure can't be as strong as they want it but they will make do. Regular movements massage the muscles from the spine outwards. They press their thumbs into the shallow dent at the base of his skull before working down and out gain. It is a familiar routine and they fall into its rhythm easily.
Devils don't have to sleep but after fifteen minutes, Raphael is out as cold as they come. Tav phases out their massage and settles with their head between his wings, arms curled under his chest and up around his shoulders. It isn't the most comfortable position to sleep in but that doesn't matter. He is back, he is here and warm and all that they want.
Tav dozes, slipping in and out of a golden cocoon of almost sleep until Raphael moves. He rolls his shoulders and wings. When Tav slips of his back they are intercepted by a strong arm and wedged under the devil like a body pillow.
They smile up and cup his cheek with one hand, trailing gentle fingers down the side of his face and throat. Raphael leans into a kiss and their lips meet soft and gentle. They proceed at a leisurely pace, hands and mouths confirming the existence of the other.
Tav melts into the warm embrace until they beak apart, to leave gentle trails over each other's skin. Trails that cover arms and stomachs and sides. There is no pressure in the pleasure. Only towards the end, when a certain urgency is necessary to finish, do they speed up, breath mingling as they cling to the one another close and fast.
They kiss in the afterglow, back to the quiet gentleness that knows no hurry and worry. Tav doesn't want to let go of his body that covers them with sweet heaviness as his breath caresses their face. But the moment slowly drips from between their fingers even as they look up into the brightly burning eyes of their devil. "Dem Sieger." Tav brushes their lips against his.
Raphael leans down to return the kiss like a promise kept. He props himself up on his elbows to gaze down at Tav. They look utterly soft – utterly his. Almost. He runs a finger along their face and relishes in how Tav leans into the touch, eyes glued to his full of tenderness. Soon.
Glasya was the last fight before he faces his father. The other hells will bargain for alliances, maybe Mephistopheles will as well. The thought warms him almost as much as the soft hands of Tav on his skin. As soon as Mephistopheles is gone, their soul will be free. Will be his. He presses a soft kiss onto their lips, a claim Tav readily accepts.
"Your war, I know." They smile as they say it.
Raphael gets up, slow and reluctant. His absence sends goosebumps over Tav's skin, exposed to air that is cool in comparison. Raphael watches appreciatively, one hand chasing the shivering trails. "Once Mephistopheles is accounted for, it will slow down," he promises.
"It will be prudent to give the hells some time to get used to their new ruler." He continues. "But Mephistopheles has to be dealt with quickly."
Tav smiles back, stretching a little under his glance. "I understand. And I appreciate it." They watch as Raphael snaps his clothes back into place and adjusts them in the mirror.
"Find me when you are ready," Raphael says as he leaves, eyes raking over their naked body a last time.
Tav blows him a kiss. When the door closed behind their devil they slump back and concentrate on the feeling of air cooling their skin until the wetness drying cold between their legs turns uncomfortable. But a bath is a remedy for that. Tav hums as they pour warm water over themself.
They smooth down their wet hair, watching the person in the mirror closely. Is it still the same one that went into the hells? Tav can't even say how long ago that has been. Crescent marks on their skin in varying states of healing have no answer either. They should ask Wyll when he returns.
A rumbling stomach leads Tav to the feast hall next. It is a somewhat lonely experience, everything to big for a lowly human and any devils partaking out of sheer indulgence ignore them out of principle. Tav takes the long way back to the throne room. It seems forever that they last visited the archive. The place of honour is once again taken by the Orphic Hammer.
Haarlep takes exactly half a minute to shoo them away, citing their duties. The fall of Glasya has opened up an exciting new market, it seems. Leery faces abound and Tav isn't keen on staying around long enough to turn into a temptation themself. It hurts only a little. Raphael is waiting.
The mere thought brings a smile to Tav's lips. Raphael. Waiting. For them. Tav bounces down the stairs, taking up speed and for once the devils have to get out of their way if they don't want to scrape human off their armour. And they don't want to. The path clears itself. Tav wants to twirl. But that is undignified and also a little too personal for public display.
They suppress the urge to dance across the throne room as best as they can but the swing in their step and arms is noticeable.
The door to Raphael's study stands open. Tav watches their devil for a moment. He leans forward over the desk, reading in concentration, a quill ready in his hand to strike at inadequate expressions. Around him, the huge study looks almost small. Only the desk – Tav grins, oh such a huge desk – looks actually big.
When Raphael looks up, a smile tugs at his lips. He doesn't move otherwise though, just holds Tav's glance. They come closer slowly, pulled in by the black eyes holding them close. Their fingers trail over the smooth wood of the desk as Tav walks around it to lean against the devil's side.
"There you are." A simple statement accompanied by Raphael's arm around their waist.
Tav hums a reply and presses a kiss on his temple. The can make out enough of the infernal on the parchment to identify it as a complicated legalese text. "Making progress?"
"Always." He smiles. "Everybody apart from Asmodeus has made their move. Maladomnia and Mephistopheles want to bargain."
"And you will receive them."
"Of course."
"Mephistopheles as well."
The hand on Tav's side tightens for the broken moment Raphael hesitates with his answer. "Of course."
"Can't say I like it," Tav sighs. "But I guess I understand."
Raphael regards them for a moment. "Come, sit with me."
Tav blinks but follows the invitation.
Raphael wraps one arm around them, using the other to make notations on his papers. It must be inconvenient.
"Why?" Tav asks softly.
"To get you some more of those healthy hugs.” Mischief sparkles in the words. "Every little bit helps and I hear you are in dire need of help and health."
Haarlep gossiping most likely. Tav leans their head against his shoulder and closes their eyes. It isn't as lonely here, held firmly against their devil's chest, the beat of his heart a seductive rhythm under their head.
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I knew it would fit my Dracopia fic so. All credits to the creator of this beautiful art piece I just found on Pinterest
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After Dark pt6
I had a brainfart for a whole week so, I did not manage to continue write After Dark but I just kept listening to Depeche Mode Enjoy the Scilence, idk it’s HIS song too in my opinion. I’m obsessed. #ilovePapa
As you were preparing for the night’s shift, you started to become more and more anxious. Party with the ghouls and the beautiful ghoulettes, you’d had to slap yourself, cause it ain’t a dream as you assumed.
“What if Papa shows up Pen? I’ll probably faint and say sorry after waking up.” She was just looking at you just as your pet bat did. You knew that they felt your excitement and even your nervousness. You hear your phone making a beep sound and as you unlocked it you slapped your forehead in realisation.
‘I know it’s you day off, but could you maybe get here? There’s another letter waiting for you. And I think it’s written with blood.’ - Michael
‘SHIT… uhmm yeah I’ll meet u there. And I totally forgot that I’m off today. I have new friends that I’ll meet up there.’
‘Friends? Since when you have friends other than me?’ - Michael
‘I’ll tell you when we meet, I’ll try to be as fast as possible.’
‘Alright see u then bestie.’ - Michael
‘See ya.’
You dropped your phone to the bed and laid backwards until your back touched the bed.
“Why is this keep happening? Why me?”
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As you approached the back door of the club, Michael was already there waiting for you. He was kind of not scared but disturbed.
“Finally you’re here.”
“I’m here, so where’s the letter?” He said nothing, but handed you the letter, your name was there written with blood. It was smeared but it was there.
“Maybe it’d be better if you read this inside. You want to people to stare.” He ushered you inside gently and you thanked him. You two did not stop until you reached the door the the dressing room. “Don’t worry (Y/n). Everything will be fine.” He tried to calm you down, but it did not work much since you were jumping out of your skin from fear.
“I don’t think so. Thank you Mich.”
“Anytime.” He kissed your forehead and you opened the door and closed it fast. Your heart was beating faster and you felt that it wanted to burst through your chest. As you opened the letter, you found your way to a chair and dropped down on it. What you did find in that letter made you sick to your stomach.
I’ll find you wherever you are,
Daughter of a murderer
I’ll take my revenge,
As I walk over your and your lover’s cold corpses.
There’ll be no happy ending for you.
Just watch and see
Yours truly, X
It’s crazy you thought, who wants you dead so badly?
“Lover?…. I did not even have a….. on ho Copia.” Realisation just hit you. The dream wasn’t even a dream. He IS yours and you are HIS. It was a lot to take in. You did not even know how long did you rest in that chair, thinking through the whole situation, but you heard the dj announcing the start of the party. And even your phone made a notification sound. As you opened it, you saw that the phone number was not in your contacts.
‘We’re here. And don’t worry I know your phone number, I looked it out from your phone.’ - Cirrus
“Oh shit…. There we go.”
‘I’ll be out ASAP.’
‘Okay honey.’ - Cirrus.
“Did she just called me Honey?” You giggled, already forgot the letter, which before you go you placed it into your locker. Your way to the dance floor was short, as you were practically running to meet the ghouls. You quickly checked on Marge to make sure she’s fine with everything.
“Look who decided to show up.”
“Hey. Is everything alright?”
“If you wanna ask that if I’m fine with taking care of your job too. Yes. What are you doing here anyway?” Marge asked as she was drying one of the glasses.
“I’ll meet up with some friends.” You sat down on one of the bar chairs and Marge poured you some liquid courage. It made you quite surprised, but accepted the drink. “Thanks Marge. Do you wanna drink one too? It’s on me.”
“Alright.” She poured the alcoholic beverage into a glass again and grabbed it with her fingers moving it up.
“Bottoms up!” As it went down your throat you felt the burning sensation, which meant that it’ll have the effects soon that you’re hoping for. as time flew by it was maybe the fourth or fifth beverage that you consumed and was already in a drunken state, but not too drunk. Music was blearing, heat radiated off of the dancing group of people. But it was not the only thing you felt. It was like someone was watching you from afar. Eyeing you from your head to your toe, like he wants to devour you with his mismatched eyes.
“(Y/n). It’s good to see you honey.” You heard Cirrus’ voice and when you turned your head around smiled at her and was aware of the other ghouls behind Cirrus’ back.
“Heyya. Don’t mind me. I’m a little drunk. It’s so good to see all of you.”
“The pleasure is ours Pri…. (Y/n).” Aether took your hand and kissed it affectionately. Papa was a little jealous as he saw his precious ghoul kiss your hand, but he remained in the shadows. He was curious what you’re gonna do and what the ghouls will do. He was rather hungry too, so he hoped to get a little bite from you.
“Oh… it’s you Aether, and Dew, Mountain, Swiss, Rain. Oh… Sunshine, Cumulus. Wow. I can’t believe it that that’s really you.”
“Oh she knows. I like her.” Cooed Cumulus and it made you blush.
“Anyway, you all wants some liquid courage? I already had five… I was a little nervous.” You admitted
“Because you’re Ghost! My favourite band, well the only person is missing is Papa.” As you mentioned his name you heard you name and a rather delicious Italian accent.
“Talking about me Mia Dolce?” He popped up next to you and when he looked at you, legs started to wobble and you almost fell onto him. His eyes bored into yours, never leaving them.
“I think we need to talk Cop…. I mean Papa.” You quickly corrected yourself and he just chuckled.
“Oh Sorella, you can call me Copia.”
“I know. You told me before.” He was suspicious now, what you know about all of the moments you shared before.
“Yeah he would not mind if you were screaming it.” Sunshine whispered into your ear and you slapped her forearm. You were as red as a beetroot. And you imagined it, you beneath him, pleasuring you, kissing you, making you cum. Just the though of it made you wet, for him. Your Papa. He knew….
“Mio Amore, I think you wanted to talk.”
“Please Papa it can wait. We’re here to party, (Y/n) wanted to have a drink too.” Said Dew and Aether finishing each others sentence.
“Alright fine. But not too much alcohol. It’s applies to you too (Y/n).” Papa was touching your lover back now moving you a little closer to him. You were a little intoxicated so you put your hand up to his chest and felt that there was no heartbeat, but he was rather warm. He leaned in little by little until there was a little space between the two of you.
“Co…Copia….. I…”
“Do I make you speechless mia Cara? Papa got your tongue?” His hand grabbed a mop of your hair and moved it behind you ear.
“You can…. I mean…” his lips were inches away from yours.
“Yo, everybody. Listen up, cause I have something to tell ya. I heard that there’s one special woman in here. A lovely lady requested a song just for this special someone.”
“Oh wow… where’s Cirrus?” Dew looked around searching for her but your eyes were only on Papa. Your Papa.
“Our lovely Ghoulette wants to thank this special lady for her kindness and requested a song. Dear (Y/n) I’ll play you Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode.” You were now looking at the dj and Cirrus when she arrived. The song started to play and you immediately grabbed Copia’s hand and started dragging him.
“What are you up to mio topolino?”
“Dance with me Copia.”
As you swayed your hips to the music Copia nuzzled close to you. Hands on your hips your hands around his neck. Eye contact was on point, like it was never enough of his gaze. You but your bottom lip Copia responded with a little growl and nudged you closer, like a paper could not go through your bodies. Song already forgotten, there was just the two of you. Moving as one to the music.
"Mia Cara. You're taking my breath away. I just want to devour you. Mi scusi Mio Topolino. I don't know what came over me. I want to kiss you so bad." Papa was slightly embarrassed but you found it cute. You grabbed his face with both hands.
"Kiss me." You did not have him time to respond, your lips collided with his in a bruising kiss. It soon became heated as Copia buried his hand in your hair and tugged it to show your neck to him.
"Already begging Darling?" Papa nuzzled his nose up and down your neck, his hand snaked around your hip and pressed his noticable erection to your stomach. You moaned out his name, your whole body was burning up like you were in hell.
"You go down just like Holy Mary. Mary on a, Mary on a cross." He sang into your ear and he continued with the song. And when he stopped he looked at you and you just nodded at him cause you already knew what he was up to. He smiled at you and saw his long, sharp fangs ready to bite into your neck.
"Papa please.... Copia."
"Say it Mia Cara."
"Please bite me. Drink from me." You bared your neck even more to him, he sighed in approval and peppered your neck with kisses, and you felt it. You don't even know if you screamed or moaned in pain. The only think that you felt is your Papa, drinking from you.
Here it is Ghesties! 🖤 I really enjoyed to write this part and of course at the end I listened to Mary on a cross so that's the inspiration from.
Take care ♥️🖤
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cuiizhu · 7 days
Helios Rising Heroes - Rise on GoldenXXSection
Chapter 1:
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Akira: HELL YEAH! The Genius Idol, Ootori Akira’s back at it! Gonna work at Voltage Max again today! 
Dino: Good morning, Akira-kun. You’re as lively as ever~ perfect marks♪
Akira: Hehe♪ Ain’t that right~
Asch: Oi, greet people properly. 
Akira: Haah? I just did, and happily too! 
Asch: That wasn’t a greeting. It was just a big monologue. 
Akira: …Shit, don’t say things that ruin the mood. Even you don’t greet us all the time either.  
Asch: Aah??? Don’t fuck with me, shithead. 
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Gast: Now now. Why don’t we turn the voltage down a notch instead of maxing it within the first minute of arriving at work, both of you? 
Akira: Gast! Don’t steal MY Voltage Max! 
Gast: It’s not stealing…. And anyways, where’d you get the idea that Asch isn’t greeting us? 
Gast: He’s more thorough than any of us, you usually just don’t see it. 
Akira: Eeh….? 
Asch: In the first place, you’re always arriving later than me. Know your place. 
Akira: Guh…..
Asch: For a rookie to do it this often…Do you want to learn this lesson the painful way? 
Akira: The hell, you wanna go? 
Gast: Oi, quit it…. Asch too, don’t let it get to ya. 
Asch: Hmph. 
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Dino: Let’s just calm down you guys. Look, here’s the piping hot pizza that just arrived~
Akira: You ordered pizza again!? Everytime I come here, this agency’s always got pizza. 
Asch: It’s not the agency’s fault, it’s this guy’s. This pizzahead bitch never gets tired of ordering it day in and day out. 
Dino: I’ll never get tired of it! One pizza per day! Then I’ll be happy, and everyone will be happy! 
Dino: Definitely, love and peace…..☆
Gast: Ahaha, there it is. Dino’s inscrutable motto. 
Asch: Tsk, who’s ever heard of an idol that eats nothing but pizza everyday. …..How have you not gained weight? 
Dino: I won’t gain weight. In fact, it’s full of benefits for health and beauty! See? If you eat pizza, it’ll be love and peace …..☆
Asch: Stop shitting around…. speak like a normal person.
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Akira: Dino’s supposed to be our leader, right? At first glance, he seems normal, but I don’t really understand…. 
Akira: Hm? Gast, whatchu lookin’ at? 
Gast: Our fanclub site. Subscribers seem to be on the rise.
Akira: Oh!? What’s that feel like !?
Gast: Take a look…our followers on social media are steadily increasing, and results from searchin’ your own name feels pretty great. 
Gast: For a while there were some rumors of member disagreements that’d pop up, but that’s calmed down since. 
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Dino: Ahaha, there it is~. I think everyone’s realized Asch’s lone wolf persona.
Asch: Aah? This ain’t a persona.  
Dino: Is that so? Well, even so, it just means they’ve accepted who you are as a person, I’m glad ♪
Asch: ……Tch….
Akira: Ah! By the way, there was talk of using our song in a commercial right? Any updates on that?
Gast: Aah that, huh. That kinda talk…
Dino: That huh~ It’s a shame but it seems that’s a dead end. Apparently they picked another song last minute. 
Akira: Seriously!? Man, and I was so looking forward to it…..
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Dino: There there…these sorts of things happen all the time, so don’t get too down in the dumps. There’ll be plenty of other chances soon enough. 
Asch: ….Plenty my ass? 
Asch: We’ve been like this since before the rookie’s arrival. We’re not at a level where these offers come handed to us on a silver platter. 
Dino: You think so? Between the conditions and power balance within the agency, so on and so forth—I think it depends a lot on those kinds of circumstances…..
Dino: But I think first priority should go to whether we fit what they’re looking for. 
Dino: “This is what I wanted! This is exactly what I was looking for!” —till we get those kinds of feedback, let’s keep giving our all♪
Asch: Tsk, if only the industry were so simple—
Akira: You mean, till you’re the strongest idol! Leave it to me, I’ll shut everyone up! 
Dino: Akira-kun…..!
Akira: Let’s aim to have the most fans in Japan, no, in the WORLD! Voltage Max!!!
Asch: Turn it down….
Masterlist || Next
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CS Fic: “Trapped” 1/2
I live! Apologies for the absence. My muse went on holiday way back in August and it’s only been this week that I feel she’s finally coming back to me. Leaving me just a few days to get this fic that was originally supposed to be for Whumptober wrapped up in time for @cosette141​′s birthday instead.
It is gratuitous whump and hurt/comfort with a tiny thread of plot that you really shouldn’t look too hard at. For context, this is set in some future time after the end of Once, and Killian has ventured beyond Storybrooke (who knows why? I sure don’t lol) where he has encountered some bad luck of course. Unedited and rushed a bit but hopefully not terrible? Just enjoy this for what it is and don’t ask any questions lol
Read On A03
“Killian?” Her voice from the dark startled him, and he brought the phone back up to his ear with a shaking hand. He couldn’t remember when he’d lowered it.
“Emma?” Damn it, Killian couldn’t remember when he’d called her either. “I’m here.”
“Keep talking to me.”
“What do you want me to say, love?” 
“Anything. Just… I need to know you’re still there.”
“Killian, can you hear me? Killian!”
“What is it, Swan?”
“Oh, thank god. You weren’t answering.”
“My apologies, love. It’s alright. I’m still here.”
“Okay. That’s good. It shouldn’t take them much longer, right?”
Who’s them? Killian felt like he should know the answer, but the memory escaped him, his head throbbing worse the more he reached for the missing knowledge.
“... No, not much longer. Just stay with me until then, Emma.”
“I will.”
“I think… I think something’s wrong..” 
“What do you mean?”
“I… I’m not sure. I don’t feel right.”
“Just stay calm, okay? Tell me what you’re feeling.”
“I think I’ve forgotten something.”
“Like what?”
“If I remember, love, I’ll tell you.”
“...Of course. Just don’t worry about that right now, okay?”
“Killian, answer me!”
“Sorry, love… I must have drifted off for a moment there.”
“Well, don’t do that again. No more drifting, Killian, I need you here with me.”
It was difficult to stay there, to stop drifting away, with nothing to anchor him but the pain. He wished he could hold Emma’s hand. 
“I’m cold.”
“I’m sorry. They’re working as fast as they can.”
“I want to go home.” Bloody hell. He hadn’t meant to say that. It was the plea of a frightened, wounded child for the comfort of familiarity. It had been a long, long time since Killian was a child.
He swallowed against the wave of emotion and dug his fingers into the soft dirt beneath him, the damp earth against his skin a pale replacement for the reassurance of feeling Emma’s hand in his, but it was the best he could manage for the moment.
“We’ll be home soon,” Emma said, and he could hear in her voice the same fear and pain as in his. 
He had to find something to anchor himself or he’d slip away. He could feel it, the life draining out of him, his mind slowing down, each beat of his heart pounding in his head. He was already losing moments and it had only been Emma’s panicked shouts that pulled him back from the edge. He was so tired.
Killian didn’t want to worry her but he knew he didn’t have much longer. 
“I love you.”
“Don’t do that,” Emma snapped, “Don’t act like you’re going to die.”
“You’re not going to die, Killian. I forbid it.”
He chuckled, wincing when the breath caught in his ribs. His jaw clenched, teeth gritted tight but a quiet groan broke free anyway. 
He forced himself to breathe slowly, trying to sound normal when he responded, “Ah, the princess forbids it, does she?”
“She does.” 
“I’m not saying goodbye, love.”
“It sounded like a goodbye. People always say they love you when they’re saying goodbye.”
“I just needed you to hear it, Emma.”
“There’ll be plenty of time to say how much you love me when this is over.”
He resigned himself to it. Of course Emma wouldn’t allow him to say goodbye. Bloody stubborn woman. 
“Of course, love.” 
She was quiet for a time. 
“I love you too, Killian.”
“No goodbyes, remember?”
She laughed, but it sounded weak and watery, and Killian pictured there to be tears in her eyes as she held the communication device to her lips. It brought tears to his own eyes. 
“Shut up,” Emma said, “It’s not a goodbye. I just had to say it back.”
“I know.”
His head had really started to hurt now, like it was being squeezed in a vice, but through the pain Killian finally remembered what he’d been forgetting.
“There was… there was someone else,” he whispered. “Someone else? Where?”
“She was here, I think. I don’t know, I can’t s-see… Gods, my head...”
“Killian, can you hear me?”
He was sinking. His own body was an anchor now, pulling him into the depths of the ocean, down into the dark and the cold. 
But no, he can’t be underwater because he could still breathe, albeit with difficulty. And there was… there was someone holding his hand. 
“Emma?” His voice was a weak and broken thing. It stole the little breath he had in his lungs and he couldn’t seem to get enough of it back. 
“Yes, I’m here,” she said, “Stay with me, okay?”
His chest hurt. No, more than simply hurt; trying to draw breath was agony. He didn’t have the strength to open his eyes, too occupied with the previously simple task of breathing. Perhaps he was underwater after all. 
The world beyond him and Emma was hazy. He was distantly aware there were other people around them; other voices, other sounds. Light and shadow that didn’t match where Killian thought he was. But he couldn’t expand his awareness further than the pain in his chest and his head and Emma’s hand squeezing his. He wondered, for a moment, if someone had reached into his chest and was crushing his heart, and although the pain now wasn’t quite the same, the memory was enough to make him panic. Make him forget where he was, who he was with, make him pull away from Emma’s hand and choke on what little air he had, his entire body lighting up with pain.
“No, no, Killian, don’t move,” Emma’s voice reached him through it, her hands on his shoulders, coaxing him to stay down with a gentle pressure, “You’re safe, I promise. Lie still. Focus on your breathing, okay?”
The problem with focusing on his breathing was that it only made him aware of how difficult breathing was. There was something over his face now, and his eyes opened again to find the room had changed between blinks, that the lights were harsher and brighter and Emma was gone. 
“Emma,” he whispered. Gods, he had no strength left. At least the pain had eased a little now.
“Just relax for us, sir.”
A stranger’s voice. He felt a brief flash of panic, not enough to rouse his tired muscles into motion, before he slipped once more into darkness.
 To begin with, Killian wasn’t even certain he was awake or trapped in some horrid nightmare. Everything was so white. And he felt so weak he could barely move. There was something in his mouth and down his throat that was choking him while a cacophony of noise assaulted him, and to top it all off, when he tried to lift his hand to remove whatever was preventing him from breathing properly, someone bloody restrained him. 
He could tell there was a voice speaking among all the noise, but he couldn’t make out what was being said. 
They didn’t want him to fight but that was all Killian wanted to do, instinct taking over reason. His mind was all pain and panic, he couldn’t breathe and they didn’t understand, he couldn’t- 
 The thing in his throat was gone when Killian found his senses again, exhausted and hurting in too many places to list. There were still strange little tubes and wires stuck all over him, but he knew better than to try removing any of those. 
Movement by his bedside caught his eye and he turned his head, slow and with a wince because his head was on that list of hurt parts. Emma. Her eyes widened as they met his and she stood up from the chair, her hands hovering over him like she was afraid to touch him, afraid of hurting him.
“Easy, easy,” she soothed, “Just breathe slowly, stay relaxed, okay?”
He was not relaxing at all. He wanted to hold her, to reassure himself that she was okay. That she hadn’t been hurt like he had. 
“Em-” He broke off into coughing, each one sending blinding pain across his chest until he was almost doubled over in the bed, arms wrapped around his torso as he struggled to suppress the coughs. 
“Here, this will help,” Emma said, bringing an ice chip to his mouth. 
She was right, it did help, cold and wet and easing his body’s urgent need for coughing. He leaned back against the pillow, taking careful, shallow breaths so he wouldn’t set it off again.
“Do you remember what happened?”
It came back to him in pieces - the distant rumble before the ground began to shake, the way he’d locked eyes with the child, lunging for her, taking her in his arms just as the floor swallowed them both…
“Just pieces,” he rasped. The ice chip, though it provided relief from the coughing fit, had failed to fully soothe the rawness of his throat. “There was… an earthquake? I remember a child… I was trying to protect her. Is she…?”
Emma’s smile was watery as she fed him another ice chip. 
“Yes, that’s right. You did protect her. When the floor gave way, it looked like you took the brunt of the fall and then rolled over to shield her from debris. She actually managed to climb out of the rubble herself before you woke up, and she told the search team where you were. She just had some minor cuts and bruises, but you…”
She took a steadying breath as she thought of the traumatic event and Killian reached for her hand, squeezing it gently to reassure her. 
“I’ll be alright, love.”
“I know.” 
Emma looked down at their joined hands.
“Killian, you had a collapsed lung, some broken ribs, a pretty bad concussion. It wasn’t… it wasn’t good. You’ve been sleeping for a few days.”
“I’m sorry to scare you, Emma.” 
“I’m checking you out of here tomorrow,” she said. “I can heal you and then we can go home. Of course they wouldn’t let me take you anywhere until you were stable, but I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. You know, being intubated and stuff.”
“It’s alright, love, you know that’s not your fault.”
“Damn muggles.”
He had no bloody idea what she was talking about.
“Aye, pesky things, those… muggles.”
Emma smiled in a way that told him she knew he didn’t understand the reference, despite his effort to follow the conversation. 
“Harry Potter,” she prompted.
“Ah. Of course.” His memory was still a little fuzzy, it seemed, because now he did remember Henry talking of such things from his books about wizards and warty hogs.
“Are you up to some visitors?” the nurse asked.
“Visitors?” Emma repeated, “Who is it?”
She was being unnecessarily suspicious, Killian thought; they had no enemies in the lands beyond Storybrooke.
“A young woman and a child. She said you saved her sister during the earthquake?”
“Of course, let them in,” Killian said.
The child led her sister in quite eagerly by the hand and came to a stop at the foot of Killian’s bed.
“Are you feeling better, Mr Jones?” she asked without preamble.
“Aye, much better, thank you. But I’m sorry, I can’t seem to remember your name.”
“I’m Lilo. You really don’t remember me?”
“Well, not exactly. I hit my head when we fell, you see, so my memories are still a bit confused. I can only remember some of the events from that day.”
“I understand,” Lilo said very seriously. “I’m glad you’re feeling better though.” She seemed to suddenly remember she’d dragged her sister in with her. “Oh, this is my sister Nani.”
“Killian Jones. This is my wife, Emma.”
“Lovely to meet you both,” Nani said. “You’re a hero, Mr Jones.”
He chuckled awkwardly. 
“I mean it. You saved my sister’s life. And very nearly at the cost of your own, she tells me.”
“It wasn’t that bad.”
“It was that bad,” Emma interjected.
There was a poignant silence for a moment. 
“Well, we’ll let you get some rest. Thank you, again.”
“Get well soon, Mr Jones,” Lilo said with a wave as they exited the room.
Part 2 coming soon-ish, because my muse has further ideas for this but I ran out of time to complete it within the deadline!
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cas-kingdom · 2 years
hi Cas! five line fic request with tony stark and teen reader? If you’re still doing them.
“Can I have a go in the suit?”
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“Can I have a go in the suit?”
You had certain habits when it came to sleeping. Though you were typically quiet while awake, reserved around those you didn’t consider family and relaxed around those you did, the moment your head hit the pillow was an entirely different story.
Steve said you’d started sleepwalking after their mother had died, and you’d experienced your fair share of night terrors before the ice. Those seemed to have calmed down now, Bruce supplying you with a couple medications to try out as soon as you and your brother had moved into the Tower, but the more...endearing habits still held steady.
Tony frowned, his hands pausing in their work at the barely coherent mumble that had sounded from behind him. Laying the screws and bolts in his grasp on the desk, he half-spun his chair, an instinctive “huh?” escaping his mouth before he’d thought much of it. It was only at the sight of you, stretched across the couch in his lab, your legs barely covered by the blanket you’d dragged down with you over two hours ago, that he realised you were sleeping. If you had been anyone else, he would have questioned his sleep-deprived brain for a moment, wondering if the mumble had been his imagination, but this was you, and you rarely went a night without sleep talking.
As though sensing his pondering, you shifted your position, arm swinging off the edge of the couch to hang uselessly down the side. “Promise I’ll be careful,” you murmured, the words far more intelligible now Tony had given you his full attention. Once he put your two sentences together, he turned the full way with a breathy chuckle and leaned back, crossing his legs at the ankles.
“Red’s not your colour...anyway...” You moved again, this time coming dangerously close to toppling off the couch’s edge, but Tony calmed once you righted yourself and fell still once more. 
He twisted his face in contemplation. “Really? Always thought red complemented my eyes.”
“Yeah, like...hot pink...or something...”
He shrugged. “Hot pink might be an improvement, actually.”
“But, like...do wha’ you wanna do.”
“Too right, kiddo. Too right.” He shook his head to himself as he realised what he was doing, figuring it was high time he take his own blanket to the couch opposite and wander into dreams that were hopefully just as interesting as yours.
He’d experiment with hot pink in the morning.
Avengers Masterpost
send me the first sentence of a fanfic and i’ll write the next five, except i don’t know when to stop writing so i guarantee there’ll be more than five
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On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… 6 Gingerbread Houses!
Sorry this one's late as well. I have no excuses this time. Anyway, days 6-12 are decided by random draw, so they're a random conglomeration of characters.
Obanai Iguro
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🖤🐍Don’t get him wrong, Obanai is thrilled to bits that you want to spend time with him. He’s one hell of a simp, but work is still important. However… you’re more important. Mitsuri definitely dragged him by his uniform collar to make gingerbread houses.
🖤🐍Yeah so it’s you, Obanai, and Mitsuri. You and Mitsuri did most of the planning and acquiring ingredients. Since it is not, in fact, modern times, you have to make the gingerbread from scratch. Don’t worry, Mitsuri knows what she’s doing. She’s a genius in the kitchen! Obanai has no idea what he’s doing, however, and stands there awkwardly until Mitsuri gives him orders.
🖤🐍When it comes to decorating, Mitsuri’s house is definitely the best. She just has impeccable style like that. Obanai is trying his best, but his artistic talent is lacking a bit… give him a break, he’s never done this before! You may have to help him with it. He just can’t get the pieces to stick! Kaburamaru is hissing suggestions in his ear, but as a snake, he has no idea what he’s talking about.
🖤🐍Get close to him while you’re helping him out and he will go bright red. He’s just so nervous! He’ll definitely beat himself up about it later. Tell him he’s cute. I dare you.
Ling Yao
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👑💛Ling absolutely loves anything to do with food, so yes he would love to make gingerbread houses with you! It’s probably an Amestrian tradition that either you or Ed introduced him to. I can’t guarantee there’ll be a whole lot of decorating though… he’ll probably end up eating most of the candies.
👑💛There probably aren’t pre-made houses in Amestris, so you’ll likely have to make it from scratch. Lan-Fan will try to help, but she has no idea what she’s doing. You’ll figure it out eventually. And in the meantime, Ling will eat the candy that is SUPPOSED to be for decorating.
👑💛Once you finally get the gingerbread made, it’s time for decorating! Wait… why is half the candy missing? DAMN IT, LING! THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR DECORATING!
👑💛Even while he’s decorating, he’s still eating the candies. He’ll also eat any of the leftovers. And any leftover gingerbread. And any unattended frosting.
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🤍💛We’re gonna say this is after Snake joined the Phantomhive crew, because I said so. Snake has never made gingerbread houses, but he’s definitely excited! He’s happy to spend time with his new friends!
🤍💛Since this is the Victorian era, you have to make the gingerbread from scratch. Huh… I’m starting to notice a pattern here. Anyway, Sebastian will take care of actually baking the gingerbread. The last time he let the servants make their own gingerbread was… well, it was a disaster. Snake doesn’t mind, he doesn't know how to make gingerbread anyway.
🤍💛Yes, all of his snakes are helping him decorate. He can’t exclude his friends! Snake actually really enjoys making gingerbread houses, he finds it calming. He also just likes spending time with you!
🤍💛His house is a little chaotic when he’s done, but that’s just because he was trying to listen to what all of his snake friends thought he should do. Oscar doesn’t have the best artistic taste, and Emily kept trying to pick fights with him over it!
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🖤🦊*cracks knuckles* Alright fools, I already mentioned this briefly on day 3… but gingerbread houses are a whole team ordeal. Not to mention it’s a competition! Sakuya was dragged in by his coat collar for team bonding time and does not want to be here, but all the others are excited! Tsubaki and Belkia most of all!
🖤🦊Thankfully, this is in modern times so there are pre-made houses. Everyone picks out their own house and candies, the reason for this is to keep people from fighting over the candy. Whenever they try to have a communal candy pile, a fist fight ensues (Usually between Sakuya and Belkia).
🖤🦊Some of the designs border on traumatic. Red frosting is always very popular. Beru-Beru always gets everything covered in sprinkles. Every. Damn. Time. Tsubaki doesn’t mind, but Sakuya goes absolutely nuts when Belkia gets pink sprinkes on his house.
🖤🦊Otogiri, Shamrock, and Higan take their time and usually come up with the best designs. Tsubaki tries his best at first, but his house soon devolves into chaos.
🖤🦊The whole kitchen is a disaster by the time you’re finished, and everyone is covered in frosting and sprinkles. Who’s the winner, you ask? Well, everyone votes for themselves anyway so it isn’t much of a competition. Tsubaki probably wins because you voted for him out of pity or something.
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🖤🍫This is not something Mello is used to. You think the mafia makes time for gingerbread houses at Christmas time? I have no idea what mafias usually do, but I'm pretty sure it’s not that. You had to force Mello to take time off and join you in making gingerbread houses. After a lot of pestering, he finally relented.
🖤🍫You were probably responsible for getting everything prepared. Be careful if you got chocolate candies, he’s going to eat them when you’re not looking!
🖤🍫Mello is a disaster, honestly. He probably hasn’t made a gingerbread house since his days at Wammy’s. He can’t seem to get the pieces to stick together, and he uses way too much frosting! He’s going to get mad and start yelling at it. You might wanna show him how it’s done…
🖤🍫Once he manages to get the house to stop collapsing, he’s actually very slow and careful with his decorating. He’s incredibly obsessive, as well. As I’m sure you’re aware, he has this incessant need to be the best at everything.
🖤🍫Once you’re finished, just let him eat the leftover chocolate. Honestly he probably avoided using the chocolate candy just so he could eat it, the sneaky bastard.
Neji Hyuga
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🤍👀I doubt Neji had much interest in gingerbread houses before you forced him to join you in making some. He’s probably got more important things to do, but he couldn’t seem to say no to your pleas to spend time with him.
🤍👀I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the Naruto universe doesn’t have pre-made gingerbread houses, so congrats! You have to suffer through making them from scratch! Neji seems like the kind of guy who would locate cookbooks so that you at least somewhat know what you’re doing.
🤍👀The whole process actually goes quite smoothly. Neji is a natural genius, after all! So, unless you somehow manage to astronomically fuck something up, everything gets done in a reasonable amount of time.
🤍👀Neji actually ends up enjoying decorating gingerbread houses a lot more than he originally thought he would. The whole process is relaxing, and it’s nice to take his mind off of stressful matters. Plus, he gets to spend time with you!
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Shadow and Bone 2x05 Review
Ok going to be honest this might be the episode where they lost me. The first 4 episode I thought were pretty solid and I enjoyed them but this one I don’t know why but I just didn’t enjoy it as much. It felt rushed but also felt like it dragged which I know is a bit of a oxymoron but there we go. I also feel like not a lot really happened. But anyway best to get into it, there will spoilers any book spoilers will be between two *. 
The Crows 
The crows whole mission this episode was getting the sword in shu han. However there was also alot of tension between them all, last episode Kaz kicked Inej out of the crew so there is the fallout from that. He also doesn’t tell her about the new job, I did think it was funny though when Nina says that Kaz would rather push Inej away than admit he feels anything for her and then questions whether she was supposed to say that out loud. Then Jesper puts his foot in his mouth with Wylan when its revealed he can’t read and this is clearly something he feels ashamed off, Jesper spends most of the episode trying to mend that yet somehow keeps making it worse. I did like the scene where Wylan calls Jesper out for trying to tell him how to feel about his shame whilst he himself is hiding that he is grisha. 
I did like the conversation between Nina and Zoya. It’s clear Zoya believes that Nina has abandoned her country and has dome resentment towards her for that. What is interesting is the line about Fjerdans burning grisha and how ‘you can’t unlearn that kind of hatred.’ I do think you could apply this to ravka and otkazat’sya views of grisha, at the moment Nikolai and Alina have this whole lets unite otkazat’sya and grisha and that once the fold is gone there’ll be no reason to hate the grisha but they have forgotten that unlearning the hatred otkazat’sya have for grisha is not going to be easy. I don’t really agree with Zoya’s statement that hate can’t be unlearnt, I think it can, as nina and matthais showed, but I think it is incredibly difficult especially if you’re talking about a mass group of people. It’s going to be easy to turn one persons opinion but very difficult to turn an entire nations. But this scene did make me feel really bad for Nina especially when she is talking about her and matthias choosing each other and choosing to be free together but then Zoya pointing out that now Matthias is in hellgate and nina has abandoned her country and asking if it was worth it, seeing that tear come down Nina’s face was really sad.  
We also learn where Kaz gets his touch aversion from and it makes perfect sense, I too would never want to be touched again my life if I had gone through that trauma. That scene in the teashop when Kaz starts to have the panic attack and Nina unknowingly touches his hand was really intense, but I do love that Inej saves him and gets him out of the situation and says that she couldn’t leave him. I mean Kaz and Inej are having some really great scenes this season. 
I feel like both Alina and Aleks become more unhinged in this episode. Alina in particular is starting to spiral a bit. She can’t find mal, she is seeing the aftermath of Aleks’ attack and poor Adrik does lose his arm, she is reunited with Genya and Baghra and has learnt what Aleks has done to them and all of this is clearly having a deep effect on Alina who is starting to act erratic. Meanwhile Aleks finds out that Baghra and Genya have escaped and that all the experiments were destroyed so that hasn’t put him in the best of moods. But what’s interesting is again like when he had an angry outburst after finding out the journal was missing, when he feels his anger rising here he once again reaches through their connection so he can see Alina, I really do think that he is using her as a sort of anchor to reign in these feelings of anger, she is what calms him and helps him regain control.
Then we have the mind palace scene between them where Alina is looking to sever the link between them. This scene was really intriguing to me because its kind of like the tables have turned and here we have Alina manipulating Aleks, I mean it was clear the she was manipulating him and honestly I think he did know that and you can see his wariness, her change of mind came too quickly for it to be real and he knows that. But I think at the same time she is saying all the things he has ever wanted to hear from her. Also I do think whilst she is trying to manipulate him what she is saying is true, its all the things she has denied up until now and I do think most of what she says is how she really feels. Like when she tells him he was the first person to see who she really was, what she was truly capable of. She was telling the truth here and she confirms as much later when she is talking with Baghra and says that he was the first one to show her that she wasn’t just a weak stick from Keramzin, that he showed her she was meant for more and honestly that scene she has with Baghra was heartbreaking because it really did highlight all the insecurities she had about herself before meeting Aleks and how he made her feel special and like she could be something but also how him then betraying her had such a deep effect on her and how she is struggling with that. 
Another thing she says that I think is true and something she has been in denial about is how mal doesn’t understand the power that is growing within her, this is shown in their argument right after this scene where he admits that she’s just been barrelling towards her goal of saving ravka and hunting the amplifiers and he’s just been trying to keep up. 
Alina does change tactics during the scene when she says its not all about power, she turns from talking about how a like they are to full on seduction mode. It once again reminded me of just how much chemistry these guys have, like you could feel the want between them. We also got Aleks saying the ‘wanting makes us weak’ line. The way when she stroked his cheek he leant into her touch and closed his eyes. I think a part of him was still wary that this was a manipulation but also he couldn’t help but react to her touch. 
So as I said I do think that Alina was being truthful in this scene, but its interesting because its essentially a tactic she learnt from Aleks, its the same thing he did to her in season 1, manipulate not with lies but with the truth. Alina hides her true intentions behind that truth she is telling him. 
*One scene I did hate though was when Aleks says the line ‘the whole world will hear it when I make her scream.’ The reason I hate it is because its nearly identical to a line from the second book that the Darkling says to Mal. Only hear they have completely changed the meaning and tone of it. In the books it is very much an innuendo and it happens right after Mal reacts with jealously to seeing the darkling saving Alina from tripping. LB even confirmed that it was an innuendo in an interview she did. But here they’ve twisted it into something violent and hateful. Which as a darklina and a book reader who found humour in that scene, as you were supposed to, I am really disappointed the added the line but in this way. I would have preferred they had left it out.* 
Genya and David
 Oh poor Genya she really had an emotional episode. I hated that she felt the need to hide from david. But I did like the scene where she confronted the Queen and told her how she was able to poison the King. I also liked how Nikolai took his mother to task and held her accountable for the part she played in what happened to Genya. As Nikolai said Genya was under the Queen’s protection and the Queen turned a blind eye and even thought it was acceptable because he was her king and genya was just a servant. But the Queen was supposed to mother to all ravkans and yet she failed in that task. 
 I loved the speech david gave to genya though about how her beauty is her armour and how it was fragile and for show but what was inside her was steel. Which is unbreakable and doesn’t need fixing. Just the whole speech was beautiful. And then Genya saying that she was able to find them because she sort out familiar heartbeats was the cherry on top. Honestly the whole scene I am not ashamed to admit brought tears to my eyes.   
So this was one of my shorter reviews but honestly I feel like this episode was just pairs of characters having conversations and not a whole lot really happened. So on to the next episode. 
Favourite Lines 
‘...because no one is this bloody band of broken dolls can confab worth a damn.’ 
‘Your beauty is your armour. It’s fragile stuff, all show, really. But what’s inside you, that’s steel. It’s brave and unbreakable and it doesn’t need fixing.’ 
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aprilsadviceaskblog · 9 months
So, the last time I went camping with my family, there was a fight and my dad left for the second time. It was preceded by a lot of tension in my mom and dad’s relationship.
So, on related news, we’re going camping on the 29th. And my mom’s been complaining about my dad’s temper. I’m really worried that there’s going to be a fight, and my sister’s bringing along her friend and I really don’t want there to be a fight in front of her friend, because it’s humiliating.
My sister (different one) wants me there to support our mom, and I don’t like my mom but I want to go camping, and I love my sister, and I can’t say no because there’ll be a whole thing. I don’t even know what could happen if I say no.
Anyway, I’m wondering if you have any tips for calming myself down, both before and during our trip. Also if you have any advice for keeping the peace. I know it’s not my job, but I really don’t want a fight to happen.
Thank you in advance :3 (also if you don’t mind, could you tag this with like “🐬” so i can find it?)
Hi anon,
That sounds really stressful and I’m sorry to hear about it.
I’m not sure how to “keep the peace” without knowing more about what may cause tension, but I do have some tips for calming.
I recommend trying some grounding techniques. I also recommend trying some when you’re calm so they’re easier to recall when you’re stressed or anxious. The blog post I linked has several different methods and ideas.
Learning some different breathing exercises can also help (and again, practicing these when you’re calm will make them easier to use when you’re not.)
If the option is available to you, if things get tense, maybe going for a walk to clear your head could be good. You could perhaps even take your sister and friend along.
Take some comfort items with you. (I have a stuffy I love taking with me.) I suggest this because I normally would suggest having a safe place you could go or using a self care box, but that’s not super easy when you’re not at home. So, maybe you can bring something with you that feels safe.
If a fight does happen, something that helps me when something stressful happens is the reminder that it’ll be over. It won’t be forever. I don’t have to get through forever. I just need to get through right now.
I hope things go as smoothly as they can.
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remmammie · 2 years
Hello. I noticed your request lab is open, so I have to ask. May I request yandere Neku headcanons? (romantic) But I don't know if you will accept this.
Um! I did decide to do this, but only somewhat. Like I've said, I'm not a massive fan of the yandere trope, but I know a lot of people are so I tried to write from a more protective/possessive aspect rather than strictly yandere. I hope this is alright for you! I just can't.
Protective!Neku HCs (Romantic)
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I definitely do see Neku as the protective type, but not outwardly or vocally so. He’s…still not used to the whole “having a partner” thing after years of choosing to isolate himself from society and relying on music and art for happiness.
So, he finally finds someone he loves dearly! The first person…ever, really. Sure, Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme are his close friends but this is the first time he’s felt something for someone romantically. He will absolutely not be giving them up so easily to others.
Neku is completely fine with his partner talking to the aforementioned trio - they’ve been through so much together and Neku trusts them with his life…which is pretty much his partner, anyway. He might demand a bit more of their attention during these conversations in subtle ways like always having a bud earphone in their ear so they’re at least partially listening to something to do with him or having them hold his hand; it’s really very simple things with Neku’s friends and they've learnt not to comment on how “cute” it is because Neku’s death glare is not a friendly sight - Shiki still has chills.
Around strangers, though, Neku has an entirely different attitude. He might be initially calm, but he makes it very clear very quickly that this lovely person is, in fact, his partner. There’ll be no advancements made towards his partner because that death glare of Neku’s returns tenfold if this stranger even dares touch his partner. 
Be it an arm around their waist or his hand in theirs, Neku wants to make it incredibly obvious that he’ll bite their hand off if they make any kind of move towards his partner.
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snowball-maltese · 2 years
Day Four!!!
So… I didn’t have time to draw anything for this prompt.
(The prompt being “Redraw fav. Episode/movie/book)
So I decided to write a little scene for one of my favourite episodes, The Octonauts and the Speedy Sailfish.
I know this isn’t a “redraw” but at least it is something.
-Skip down if you remember the plot or just decide to watch it.-
(In this episode, Tweak creates a device, that when attached to the GUPs, can control them with a remote. With this, Tweak claims, “They’re totally crash proof.” And that anyone could control them. Even Shellington. Needless to say our favourite clumsy boi breaks the it and the GUPs get lost. Barnacles and Kwazii have to go after in the GUP-F.)
So, in this episode I always thought there was a scene missing, where Shellington apologizes to Tweak for breaking her invention. I mean if I broke someone else thing they worked so hard on, I wouldn’t stop apologizing.
(Yes, this is Shellington and Tweak. Yes, I ship it. but You can take this as romantic or platonic. Idc. It can go either way for this particular piece.)
Anyway here is my piece. (This takes place after the mission briefing.)
Shellington pops into the HQ and sees Tweak tinkering with the GUPs’ remote control, at the HQ table. He sighs and cautiously approaches the green rabbit.
He sits across from the southerner and awkwardly says, “Hey…”
Tweak flinches and looks up from her project.
She exhales and giggles saying, “Shellington, ya startled me.”
“Oh I’m… sorry.”
“Hey, don’t worry ‘bout it. I was just working on…fixing your handy work.”, gesturing to the remote control.
Shellington blushes and sheepishly looks down at the floor.
He looks back up at Tweak and says sincerely, “Yeah, about that… I wanted to apologize for ruining your remote control. I realize I caused a lot of trouble for everyone.”
Tweak giggles and coos in her sweet southern twang, grabbing his hand, “Aww Shellington. It’s okay, I ain’t mad. It was just an accident.”
Shellington smiles with relief and says in his dorky Scottish accent, “Oh that’s great. I was afraid you wouldn’t be so… calm.”
Confused, Tweak asks, “Why not?”
“Well, I’m always ruining your machines, and… I- I always feel so bad. I know, and really appreciate the fact you’re always so understanding. But there comes a time when… I don’t know… One day there’ll be a last straw.”
“Oh Shellington, I know this ain't your first rodeo when it comes to breaking my things. And sure I’m never pleased when my GUPs are damaged, but I certainly know you ain’t doin’ it on purpose. You’re just a clumsy guy and I except that. There ain’t nothing you can do ‘bout it. That’s you. And I like you for you.”
The two share a soft and meaningful smile.
Tweak leans into the conversation and asks, “Why don’t we ever hang out?”
Shellington nods in agreement and adds, “Yeah, we don’t usually spend time together.”
Tweak leans back into her chair and sarcastically says, “Hey, if ya stopped breakin’ my things we just might hang out more.”
Shellington chuckles uncomfortably and says, “Yeah… maybe.”
Tweak then promptly adds, “Hey, lighten up. I’m just kidding. You the man Shelly!”
“Oh, ha, of course.”
“And hey, don’t worry ‘bout Barnacles and Kwazii. I’m sure they ain’t mad at ya either.”
Shellington nods appreciatively and says softly, “Thanks Tweak.”
The two sit in silence for for a moment. Not an awkward silence, but a ‘nothing needs to be said’ silence.
Shellington then gets up and begins to walk away.
He turns back to Tweak and says, “Wanna hang out later?”
Tweak subtly nods and says softly, “Yeah. I’d like that.”
And there it is!!
Hope you all liked it!!!! :D
I love you all :)
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