#boys I love you but this is such a catastrophically bad idea
crowclubkaz · 2 months
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Lucky Charm
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Hi guys!
A new one with Kyra Cooney-Cross, I got sweet request for her so here it is :)
Next one will be with Leah Williamson.
TW : None
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This dating app thing was the worst idea. Beth told you, Lia told you, Kyra told you. Even Leah told you it was bullshit. But, stubborn and a little desperate, you decided to give this guy a chance. Plot twist, you shouldn’t have.
Contrary to what you had imagined at first, this boy seems actually interested only in the idea of returning home with you. And not to play Fifa. The remarks he tried to slip were as subtle as Katie’s two-legged tackle.
When he left to go to the bathroom, you are quick to send a message in the Arsenal's WhatsApp group.
From You Next time I don’t listen to you, please hit me hard in the head.
From Lia 🇨🇭🍫 Is he that bad?
From You Yes.
From Leah ❤️🤍 On a scale of 1 to 10?
From You 10. I NEED to get out of there.
From Alessia 🧸 What can we do to help you? Wait I’m with Kyra, we call you in 5min and answer with the speaker xx
Surprise, you frown but answer a simple ok. Your date has returned from the bathroom and is picking up the talking where he left it. It’s hard for you to care, despite all your good will. You are the type to think that there is something good in everyone, but right now you are frankly struggling.
"You marked on your profile that you are interested in women and men, right?"
"Mhm" you answer simply, carrying your soon empty glass to your lips.
"Cool. You’re not against a threesome then?"
You almost choke in your glass to this question, but you are saved from having to answer by your phone which vibrates on the table. Despite the relief of seeing « Kyra 🦘 » appear on your screen, you try to look surprised.
You pick up and put the speaker on, as Alessia asked.
“Y/N?” makes Kyra’s trembling voice.
“Yes? What’s up sweety pie?”
“He…He left me.”
You stick your hand on your mouth to simulate the surprise but it's mostly used to mask your fun. Even if Kyra plays the comedy pretty good, you’re sure that she and Alessia are having a great time.
“Oh my God… You want me to pick you up? No you know what, I’m coming!”
Without taking the time to hang up, you quickly gather your things and put on your coat apologizing to your date. Which has a bitter look displayed on the face.
“I’ll call you back?” he says while trying to grab your hand
“Yeah sur”
You don’t even look at him and hurry out of the restaurant, breathing the fresh and cold London's air. The mixed laughter of Alessia and Kyra can be hear from your phone, making you smile.
"Thank you" you say, removing the speaker and putting the phone on your ear.
"You are very welcome" answers Alessia between two laughs.
"Where are you? I'll come to get you" Kyra proposes.
You hesitate two seconds before accepting. Kyra is one of the reasons you’re desperately trying to find someone. Between your breakup a few months ago and your stupid crush on her, you’re having a hard time keeping your head straight. But you finally accept her proposal and you wait for her in a parallel street, not wishing to meet your rejected suitor.
Kyra joins you on foot, which doesn’t surprise you. She likes to walk and given your Icelandic origins, you don’t mind the cold. So it's walking, hands in pockets, that you take the direction of your apartment with small talk and laughs.
A small moment of silence settles after a joke exchanged, during which you look up to the sky to watch the snow fall.
“Why did you accept this date?” Kyra abruptly asks.
You shrug and bite your bottom lip. You don’t want to make stupid excuses. Kyra knows about your break up and about you trying to find someone. Your love life always make your teammates laugh and it's so catastrophic that you laugh with them. But she doesn't know about your crush on her. You know she isn't interested in you.
"You should be with someone who appreciates you for who you are" continues Kyra. "Not someone who just want to bang you one night and leave you the day after."
"What a langage. You spend way to much time with Leah"
Kyra roll her eyes and as you turn to the next street, you both are facing small wood house with cute decoration. Christmas spirit. You love it.
"Hello there" smile the old lady, working in the stand.
"Hello" you answer with a smile, already looking at her stuff.
"These are wristband lucky charms" she explains
"Interesting. Do you have one for someone who only attracts losers?"
You shoot a glare at Kyra who got closer to the stand with a smirk. She looks at you maliciously and suddenly her body is too close to yours for you to continue to look at her in this way. So you just shift your attention to the old woman who laughed.
"Lucky charms like that are called loved ones"
She winks at Kyra and if you could have observed her better, you would have noticed the redness of her cheeks. When she takes another step to see a little better what is on the displays, her body is so close to yours that you need a few seconds to realize that you have let yourself go against her.
But Kyra says nothing, caressing one of the lucky charms with the tip of her finger.
"I like this one" she whispers thoughtfully, before resuming in a more assured voice "I'll take it, please."
In a few seconds the transaction is completed and the Australian finds herself with a small bag and her lucky charm in her hand. You say goodbye the lady and resume your way back to your apartment.
The snow continues to fall and a new silence sets in, always without being unpleasant.
"And on top of that, it was with a guy" Kyra says, your date always seems to be on her mind.
You laugh when you see her disgusted look, rolling your eyes.
"It’s okay, they’re not that bad."
"Oh please stop talking, you will succeed in convincing me to change my sexuality" laughs Kyra with sarcasm.
"It’s not exactly like I have a choice anyway" you sigh softly.
A few seconds go by before Kyra answers you.
"You are wrong"
Her voice is so low that you can’t understand what she’s saying. Sighing, Kyra stops and crosses her arms on her chest, standing straight in front of you.
"There are people who care about you, you know. For what you are. You just need to open your eyes."
Your eyebrows are frowned and you have trouble understanding what Kyra is getting at. You’re so lost, you didn’t even realize you got to the bottom of your building.
"Close your eyes and extend your arm"
Nothing makes sense in what’s happening, but you do as Kyra’s request. You find yourself shivering stupidly when you feel her fingers touch your hand when she passes the wristband she just bought around your wrist.
"Don’t" she whispers when she realizes you’re about to open your eyes.
You realize at this moment how close she is to you, you feel her breath against your face and the heat of her body radiate towards yours. You swallow hard, but you don’t move. Your legs have become so limp that you wouldn’t be able to anyway.
You have the impression of dreaming when Kyra puts her lips on yours during the first seconds, so light is the pressure. You quickly understand that it's to let you push her away if you do not want this kiss. But she is wrong to doubt.
You get as close to her as possible and that’s what she was waiting to presses her lips harder against yours. And you’re suddenly happy to feel her arms move around your waist, or you could quickly faint. What you’re going to say is probably related to the many love stories you’ve read in your life, but you feel like your lips were made for hers. The way they marry together is a sensation you’ve never experienced before.
It's Kyra who ends the kiss first. When your eyes reopen, they meet hers, inquisitors. Snowflakes have settled in her hair and the colors of the Christmas lights color her face when she speaks again.
"I do care about you. You have no idea how much I do."
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pacifymebby · 2 years
How would dark/yandere!peaky boys react to the reader asking for a break up (if they're dating) or divorce (if they're married) since reader gets uncomfortable with them now and finally notices their really possessive and unhealthy behavior? I have a feeling this most certainly won't go well
thx so much lovely❤️‍🔥
Thank u for this anon, not something ive ever tried to write before
Feel like this goes without saying lads but these wee headcannons depict sometimes abusive relationships that some people won't enjoy and may find upsetting. Please if u think it might upset u or put u at risk of harm, don't read them. (Im going to post some light stuff tonight too later on dont worry)
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🌿I'm not gonna lie, i don't think he'd let it get that far
🌿He's always in control, always pulling strings, no one thinks, feels or does anything without him knowing their desires before he does.
🌿He can read people like books, understand them deeply within only a few conversations, thats why he's so good at manipulating people and situations to get his own way.
🌿So if you are breaking up with him... Its because he wants you to, its just another microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan ect. ect.
🌿 Youre not leaving him, he's letting you leave... For one reason or another
🌿 It might be strategic, might be a way of taking the decision out of your hands, hes involved with some dangerous men and he wants you out the way for awhile, so he can be sure nothing will happen to you. If this is the case youll be dead to him, publicly, and as far as youre concerned. He'll cut you off completely, the only way youll be able to get through to him is if you march up to his front door.
🌿If he's letting you get to the point you actually try to leave him, he'll probably let you do it... If he shows you what life is like without him, how weak and feeble you are when you don't have him to protect you from the big bad world.. Then he knows you'll come running back.
🌿He might even set up the incident that scares you back to him. He might put you in "danger" then come swooping in to save you. Your tommy keeping you safe.
🌿And when you do he'll open his arms to you, he'll ask you if you missed him, "You've had me worried angel, thought somet had happened to you," and he'll lull you into a false sense of security.
🌿And just when you think youve been forgiven, he'll change, he'll be calm and cold but all the love wilo have drained from his eyes... "don't you ever do that to me again y/n, you know now eh, that world out there, it'll chew you up and spit you out and it won't think twice about putting you through hell, and i won't be so forgiving next time, might not let you back in... Think about that eh... Your Tommy might not let you back in..."
🌿But when he sees the tears in your eyes, that fear, the slight tremble in your bottom lip, he changes again, cups your cheek in his hand, rubs his thumb over your skin soothing and sweet, "Come 'ere eh, s'alright now love, you're back where you belong, right here with your tommy, c'mere"
🌿Pulls you into his arms, tight hug, holds you seriously and kisses your forehead. His eyes open the whole time.
🌿"You stay here now with me yeah, be safe as houses, just you and me against the world.."
🌿And he means it, thats whats so sinister about it, he really means it. As far as hes concerned in this world theres only really one thing that matters and thats him and you, him having you...
🌿So he wouldn't think twice about killing, destroying, burning the whole fuckin city to the ground if it meant keeping you.
🌿Ultimately youre the only thing in his life which is worth living for, other than spite. Hes obsessed with the idea of keeping you healthy, of giving you everything, of making sure you live the best life and remain pure and unscathed by the world...
🌿 Which again, is why he'd sooner see the whole world destroyed before he let you go off on your own and risk being hurt.
🐻 Just like Tommy Alfie wants to protect you. He is obsessed with your innocence and your youthful optimism, he wouldn't want any harm to come to you or for you to ever be in danger... Which is why he dotes on you, completely smothers you with his love, never leaves you alone.
🐻 And just like Tommy Alfies not surprised when you try to leave. Unlike Tommy it isn't part of some greater plan... When he first realises youre beginning to distance yourself from him he is genuinely hurt.
🐻He loves you... In his own, maybe more intense than is generally conventional but you know, thats just him ain't it, kind of way. He genuinely doesn't know what he'd do if he lost his little zieskiet...
🐻 Hes concered too, he actually does think you're as small and helpless as he's always telling you you are... He genuinely does believe that without him, you'll wither away, be dead in a week. He knows you can't look after yourself... If he lets you go thats it youre gone forever
🐻 Which is why hes so determined to keep you
🐻 He starts simple, he turns on the charm offensive, twists that dial right up to 11... He doesnt realise its making you feel worse though, all this walking you from home to the shops, the bar, meeting you outside your work...
🐻 He brings you flowers, bakes for you, buys your pretty gifts and is ever so sweet to you
🐻 But he notices what you're doing, youre still making plans... And last night one of his men told him they saw you buy a train ticket to take you up north...
🐻So he takes things up a notch... He's never let you in his office before, tells you the only people who ever come into his office are business men, cause you only leave his office on a deal or death basis
🐻So when he calls you and instructs you to come to his office you know you're in trouble, and you're terrified he knows your plan
🐻 "Alfie whats going on youre scaring me..."
🐻 "Not as much as youre scaring me poppet..." "I don't under..." "you know what i dont like poppet?... Rumours... Yeah nasty little things rumours, theyre like fuckin woodworms yeah... Theres never just fucjin one of em is there, theres always fuckin hundreds of them and theyre everywhere right... Fuckin woodworms.. You know theyre all different dont you, theyre all their own little wood munchin grimy little individual selves... But see the thing is they all look and sound thr fuckin same... Disgusting, i hate woodworms... They get into everythin don't they, the very bones of your house, and they feast on it, fuckin parasites right... And sometimes you dont even know youve got em until one night youre sleeping, dreaming fuckin lovely little dreams and suddenly, they all start dropping on you from on high... You ever had that poppet? Woodworms? "
🐻" N.. No Alfie..." "Nasty shock, fuckin horrible shock actually..."
🐻 "And thats the thing right, rumours right, theyre exactly the fuckin same and see recently yeah, I've been hearing a lot of em... Know what theyre about?" he's leaning back in his chair fingers locked over contemplative, until he turns them on you, "You..."
🐻 He tells you hes heard rumours youre going to take a train up north, he tells you all the journey details... Departure time, the stops you'll go through and the time you'll arrive at your final stop. "Amazing init, the details you hear in rumours..."
🐻Now you think you know why hes brought you to his office... The gun in his drawer, maybe he's worse than you thought he was, you try to angle yourself so that you can see his hand.
🐻 "Now what i wanna know right, is if these rumours are true?" youre trembling, utterly terrified, youre not a good liar and you know you definitely can't lie to him... But do you have a choice.
🐻 Your hesitence tells him everything he already knew.
🐻 "Now this is bad news innit, very bad news indeed poppet," "Cause see what ive been doing all these years we've been together yeah, you being mine and me being yours... Ive been looking after you, your old man - thats me yeah - 's been looking after you, plain and simple... And well, its been so long i don't know how you're gonna fair without me?"
🐻 He'll get you to stay by making you doubt yourself, he's always babied you and now hes going to remind you that you really are his little girl. That you need him to help you with everything, you won't survive without him. Who will do all the thinking for you? Make the difficult decisions? Who's going to defend you against all those bad men out there that want to hurt you?
🐻 "So these rumours right? Are they true?" this time you dont hesitate, you shake your head and say no, you dont want to leave him you want to stay with him forever...
🐻 He welcomes you into his lap, pats his knee says "well, thats alright then ain't it, come here poppet, come sit in your old mans lap yeah?" he strokes your hair and holds you and keeps talking to you about how he takes care of you.
🐻 You reach down, trying to be subtle you want to see if the gun is in his drawer, if he was going to use it on you. But he catches your little hand in his raises it to his mouth and kissing your fingers one by one whilst hes talking to you.
🐻 "Did you think that's what id brought you in here for poppet? You think your old man was gonna offer you a deal or death?" you shake your head but youre lying again and this time he questions for a second if he went too far... He did want you to think he might do that...
🐻 But he never actually would... Wouldnt every hurt you like that... Alfies toxic behaviors stem from him being possessive and too protective, he only holds on so tight to you to try and protect you from every threat he percieves. Why would he kill the thing that means the most to him.
🍂 He knows he has problems... Well, he's aware of most of them
🍂 He knows his temper is bad. Hes convinced that he's a monster. If you start to believe you are something hard enough you'll start behaving like it. He thinks hes a monster, hes convinced hes going to lose you
🍂 Whether he actually is or not.
🍂But he doesn't realise, that believing you to be the only thing thats good in this world, is a problem too. That thinking youre the only one who can save him, that without you he's doomed to hell...
🍂 Thats what starts to worry you, how hes always telling you youre his ticket to heaven... But his temper and his jealousy, the rages he throws himself into when he thinks someone else has looked at you or flirted with you... They're the things that make you certain you have to leave.
🍂 Its only a matter of time before someone gets killed because of his complete obsession with you, so you try to leave.
🍂 You dont want to hurt him though, despite his rages, his violent outbursts you see him for what you believe him to really be. A wounded man who is hurting, a man who is capable of love but gets so overwhelmed by it it starts eating him alive like black rot.
🍂 So you try to break it to him gently. You tell him you love him but you have to go, its too much, too intense. You make the mistake of telling him he scares you
🍂 "Alright love you listen to me now... This is whats going to happen yeah... You are going to go upstairs now yeah, youre going to unpack your things, put em all back where they belong and then you're going to come back down here and youre going to apologise to me for fucking scaring me alright?"
🍂 He doesnt say it calmly either, he has that low, threatening anger, you can see how hard hes trying to hold it together but hes shaking with rage, you can see it bubbling up behind his eyes.
🍂 You try to be brave, you try to say, "no arthur, thats not how its going to be this..."
🍂 Thats when he loses it, "Alright?" he raises his voice getting louder, "I said fucking alright y/n? Did you hear me?"
🍂 He might get physical, he won't attack you, but that switch will flip in his brain, triggered by how scared he is to lose you... And you'll definitely be scared that he might really hurt you
🍂 He'll probably grab you too roughly, perhaps trap you against the wall. Hand gripping your throat tight enough to leave a mark.
🍂 If he hurts you hes going to feel bad about it, full of guilt later. He'll apologise to you, tell you it won't happen again, he'll probably tell you he knows youre scared of him, hes a monster, you and fuckin everyone else is scared of him these days...
🍂 You'll stay because he scares you. But also because you are convinced that maybe underneath it all there is good in him, you can change him...
🍂 But he won't change.
🍂 He can't change. He doesnt know why he feels everything so intensely but he does, he feels his love for you like bullets ripping through his body. He wouldn't be able to breath if he lost you. He'd suffocate
🍂 Which is ironic because sometimes hes so overzealous with his love, so possesive, always touching you in public, behaving inappropriately at parties and in front of other people. Squeezing you, rubbing your thigh, your arse... Can't keep his hands off you... That it feels like hes suffocating you with his love.
🍂 If he isnt following you everywhere personally, hes got peaky boys watching over you at all times.
🌼 Doesnt know that he has problems, thinks this level of adoration and love combined with this level of fear of your leaving, is normal... Its just the nature of your relationship, because he lives in such a dangerous world, its natural to fear you could be snatched from him at any moment. So he doesn't realise theres anything wrong with his attachment to you
🌼 He wont believe you, he'll probably crack a grin and say "what was that flower?" when you don't answer though, when he looks and sees the tears in your eyes he'll shout, "fuckin what was that y/n?"
🌼 He has tears in his eyes, you cant tell if hes really going to cry or not...
🌼 Hes far too invested in your relationship its like his whole life depends on it... That the second you tell him you've had enough, of his fighting and drinking, the crime, the violence, the worrying he ain't gonna make it home to you... The second you quite fairly point out that it isn't fair on you, he hits breaking point.
🌼 0 to 100.
🌼 At first he can't believe it, then hes devestated, then hes angry. And the emotions hit him at 100mph
🌼He doesnt understand why you want to go? He believes the two of you are perfect, that youre the perfect example of when opposites attract, that your good balances out his bad...
🌼 So you try to explain it to him, you can see he's upset so you try to be kind... Try to tell him theres no balance... But his emotions are all over the place and he keeps flipping between crying and heartbroken to white heat anger
🌼 "You wanna talk about fuckin balance love?"
🌼 He takes his gun out, turns it on you, then himself then back to you. "Find the balance now eh... We're on a fucking seesaw now y/n and one of us has got to go yeah, me or you?"
🌼 You have to talk him down from his rage, but its hard, you're holding back tears, trying not to show how scared you are but seeing him point the trigger at himself it makes you realise how devestated you would be to lose him
🌼 And that must mean you love him right? You always knew you did love him, never questioned your love for him... Just whether or not it was good love.
🌼 Youre not stupid, you know this isnt good love but... Its the only love youve got and you do love him...
🌼 So you talk calmly, approach him slowly, youre trembling and when you get to him theres a moment where hes still pointing the gun at you... Hes tears on his cheeks and hes shaking too.
🌼 "John love, sweetheart please don't do this i love you Im sorry i love you..."
🌼 You end up crying together on the kitchen floor, him holding onto you so tight.
🌼 He makes sure in future to be extra sweet to you, he buys you a locket with a photo of him in it, on the back "my love" is engraved. Its beautiful. He tells you to wear it everyday. Never to take it off.
🌼He will also use sex to keeo you his, making you feel good and reminding you that hes the only man who could make you feel that good.
🍀 Doesn't really know that hes as bad as he is... Hes just protective, some would call him possesive too but all he thinks is that hes protecting what is his.
🍀 He knows he shouldn't like the fact that youre physically much weaker than him as much as he does but he brushes it off as just something that attracts him to you... Everyone likes different things and he likes you.
🍀 If you realise he's a little too possessive, if you work out the fact that he never actually leaves you on your own, that even when you go for walks you feel like someones following you, that you see him waiting across the street from you in town, always watching you (he'd say watching over you, making sure hes there near by if you need him)
🍀 Then you might decide you want to leave.
🍀And Bonnie does have a very strong moral code, he has certain views about relationships and women that hes stubborn about.
🍀 He wont hurt you, he wont physically stop you, won't even threaten you... Because he knows that isnt how you treat women... Even when they're scaring the shit out of you threatening to break your fucking heart
🍀He'll look sad when you tell him, when you tell him he scares you when he follows you, that youre scared to be with him
🍀He apologises, tells you he does it cause he cares about you, because he loves you, hes so sweet about it, so apologetic that you know he really is sorry he scares you...
🍀 He promises you he'll change... And he tries a little, not very hard because theres some changes he doesn't think it would be very smart to use make...
🍀So in the end he doesnt change at all, he still follows you, still lingers around you all the time, watching you with those intense eyes. Its like hes waiting for something bad to happen to you...
🍀He probably uses his peaky boy status to scare other lads away from you, hes scared of losing you to someone else so whenever he sees another man near he intervenes, either by coming up to you, holding your hand, putting his arm around you, kissing you in front of them, marks his territory or, by threatening them later when youre gone.
🍀Hes always finding an excuse to give you his clothes to wear, he likes it when you wear his coat. Feels like hes keeping you safe, but also it shows everyone that youre his.
🍀 You think Bonnies sweet, that he really is only trying his best to keep you safe.
🍀When things get rough, when he thinks you're becoming distant, he'll take you off into the wildlands where the two of you can be alone together for as long as it takes to win you over.
🍀And when you do say you'll give him another chance he's ever so sweet and good to you, smothers you with affection. He does make you feel loved, even if at times it is intense and scary.
🐀Hes jealous and he has a temper.
🐀The temper is usually reserved for people he percieves to threaten the happiness of you and him.
🐀You're his prize to defend and hes convinced hes always going to be fighting people to keep you. Thinks everyone wants a piece of his girl
🐀When you tire of the constant convincing him youre his and only his, and you try to leave he kind of bates you?
🐀"Fucking fine y/n, fuckin leave me then.." he can pretend not to care for just long enough to make you doubt yourself, just long enough to break your heart and make you regret your decision.
🐀Thats only because thats not something that takes very long... For a number of reasons
🐀Isaiah is very good at playing the long game. When things are good he showers you with expensive gifts and spoils you sexually too, he's always giving you little reminders of how hard he works for you and the life the two of you have together. He's always reminding you that everything he does is for you.
🐀He's always leaving little marks on you two, love bites and things, marking his territory
🐀So when he switches the charm off the moment you threaten to leave it makes you question whats wrong with you, he isn't even upset, maybe you need him more than he needs you?
🐀That scares you into submission pretty quickly and when you shake your head, change your mind and begin to cry, he'll change again, tell you not to cry, not to be upset.
🐀"Don't cry sweetheart, not your fault, i know you get a little bit confused sometimes, such strong, scary emotions must muddle that pretty little head of yours right up," he's good at babying you, talking down to you to remind you that without him you couldn't survive on your own.
🐀Will start kissing you, touching you, carressing you, teasing you until he has you undressed for him, he'll drive you crazy the way only he can and when he's fucking you into submission he'll remind you that hes the only one who can make you feel that way. Hes the only one youll ever be able to feel so good with. You need him.
🐀Buys you pretty jewellery, expensive gifts, takes you out to expensive bars and spoils you, buys you things you'll never want to part with.
☘️ Is obsessed with you, with the idea of owning you. Youre the pretty thing he wants to show off to the rest of the world, he wants to see you thrive because it will make him feel good about himself. Knowing his girl is the best there is. That shes all his.
☘️Because of this he invests so much time and money into you, you get music lessons, art lessons, you get libraries of books and youre spoilt but controlled too.
☘️ Michael controls everything about your life, from what you wear to how you spend every second of every day. He wants what's best for you. Thats all hes thinking about.
☘️Is pissed that you'd want to leave, not just pissed but insulted... He knows hes possesive and controlling and he knows he cam be cold sometimes but
☘️ "Everything you've got y/n, I've given you... Everything i own i share it with you.. Everything I've worked for its for us... Together right?"
☘️ Threatens you, not with physical violence but instead threatens to take everything from you.
☘️ "if I'm going to fucking lose you y/n then youre going to lose everything?" youre everything to him so it seems fair that you should lose everything if you walk away from him
☘️He'll dazzle you with all the fancy gifts hes brought you over the years, he'll stand behind you in the mirror, let his fingers trail the silk dress he chose for you, that he paid for... He'll kiss your neck just above the string of pearls you wear doubled around your neck
☘️ And then he'll tug them, the necklace tightens around your neck... Almost... Almost enough to actually choke you
☘️ You'll lose everything y/n... Your connections, the family will cut you off... We can leave you behind, forget we ever knew your name, but you can't leave us... People will always know you as my wife... Bad men will still try to use you to get to me..." "But if youre not mine anymore i wont protect you, ill let them have you wont i... Cause you wont be part of the family anymore and i wont know you... Wont know who you are..."
☘️ These kind of threats are as scary as anything threat of physical violence could be. You know michael really means it when he says these things. He's a cold man. Capable of cutting you off.
☘️"No second chances y/n if you want to leave then leave, but there'll be no second chances..."
☘️And maybe you could be fine on your own, maybe you could start fresh, somewhere no one knows your name... But is it really worth the risk...
☘️ "Or you can stay, you can apologise to me for being so ungrateful, and then I'll forgive you and we'll go back to happily ever after.." "Just like that?". "Yes love, just like that"
Idk if i did these right sorryy bestie, i hope you liked them though!!!
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Ima start with the first panel because there’s already so much in that one single panel and it is gonna drive me nuts!
So first up, we have “Secret” Chaotix meeting room. Yes, this place is apparently being kept a secret from the public eye. This could be due to the Chaotix having to handle a bunch of super deep and disturbing cases that, if allowed to spill out into the public, would be catastrophic! Not in the sense that it would destroy the world or anything like that, but it’d certainly ruin their reputation as detectives! Don’t detectives irl have these kinds of cases too…? Or maybe I’m thinking too hard on this and it’s just the place they meet with their friends whenever Eggman does something stupid? Who knows.
I do know though that it looks beautiful and it looks like they’re actually in a room which, as an amateur artist myself, can only dream of achieving!! It looks so cool! I just… I adore your backgrounds and I can tell you put a lot of love and effort into making them, so please give yourself a pat on the back!
And maybe I’m reading too much into a single panel.
But that’s not all that we get to see!!! (No I’m not talking about the Chaotix even though I REALLY wanna talk about the Chaotix cuz they deserve more love and I’m so glad they’re here THANK YOUUUUUUUU) YEAH THAT’S RIGHT, SONIC IS FULLY CONVERTED TO DARK GAIA SONIC LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Well not fully converted, but we can clearly see that it’s taking a huge toll on his body! Not only are the markings now visible on him during the day, but it also seems to be siphoning his energy…? Kind of…? I mean, Sonic has been out cold since “Killing” Omega, and usually he wouldn’t be so out of it otherwise. And I can see a little tiny X over his Gaia eye, so… I’m not too sure, but what I am sure of is that this is BAD for Sonic. The poor guy is gonna have to deal with not only being corrupted during the day, but also at night, and that cannot be good for his psyche. It was bad enough when he had to be in a completely new body for just the nighttime, but now it’s for both day and night in its own way, and… Gosh, this is gonna be torture for Sonic once he wakes up.
Okay back to the lore-
So, im still gonna call Light Gaia as Chip because I still see a cute adorable fluffy fairy in those big brown eyes and I think he deserves a real name. Anyhow, Chip now is aware of him being a literal god. He says he regulates the day and Dark Gaia regulates the night. This kind of makes sense. Chip handles the sun and DG handles the moon. Think Luna and Celestia from MLP. And similar to those two as well, Dark Gaia got out of control like Luna did and created an eternal night. But this doesn’t really explain the planet splitting into a million giant pieces. (Not literally a million) Nor does it explain Chip losing his memory. Chip claims that whenever one of them falls out of line, the other will be there to pull them back together. Does this mean Chip or Dark Gaia have lost their memory before? Have the events of Unleashed happened before? How do they reign the other in?
These questions are probably gonna get answered in the next page lmao what am I doing-
Everything else is kinda sorta spelled out to us which I think is a good thing, since Chip is, in the story, explaining all of this to a group of people who had no idea about any of this for their entire lives. The poor Chaotix just got roped into this, they just want their pay. So with that in mind I don’t know what else to really cover…? Maybe I’ll notice something later on and just start spamming you with questions, who knows. For now I’m SUPER DUPER EXCITED FOR THE NEXT PAGE LET’S GO THIS IS GONNA BE SO FUN CANNOT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK
hell yeah do look out for the new page on monday :3 i love ur little big analysis its always the highlight of my week to see one
btw this goes out to evecryone but the whole scene has a lot of moments for everyone else than sonic and shadow so we are winning
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pebblume · 3 months
guys i haven’t had time to write in weeks and it’s driving me INSANE. to help cope here are a bunch of percabeth fic ideas i have rattling around my brain that i may or may not get around to writing at some point
annabeth is assigned for cabin inspection and percy slept in (cue speed cleaning and attempted flattery and bribery to avoid punishment). this one is deeply unserious
since we didn’t get it in the show with the spider trap in the tunnel of love i’d love to write some other situation where annabeth gets scared by spiders and percy helps her through it and they talk about their fears 
ok ok. hear me out. pjo tv trio watching the lightning thief musical. i’m normally not into “characters watch their own media” type fics, but i think it could be fun to write while also allowing for some introspection! they’re just experiencing this weird uncanny valley where everything is familiar but it’s so different at the same time and also everyone is singing?? percy laughs at his own jokes of course and grover is a theatre kid so he’s nerding out and annabeth is confused (the only musical she’s ever seen is the wizard of oz) but entertained. i think it could be silly
lovesick au with an extra dose of angst. percy gets accidentally drugged with aphrodite’s love magic (and naturally annabeth is the first person he sees) so now she has to deal with a very clingy percy who's sweet and considerate and would do anything she asked but it's not her percy. like she wanted him to like her back but not like this ;-; happy ending tho obviously
hypervigilance and hyperfixation - annabeth has always had to be aware of her surroundings and never let her guard down (ptsd from her childhood and being a demigod), until this boy comes into her life and now all her attention zones in on him whenever he’s within a 50 yard radius. just a little drabble on all the little things you notice when you’re constantly aware of your crush and how even their annoying habits or flaws become hopelessly endearing
annabeth with glasses would be so cute?? (credit to @vicwritesfic for the idea!). basically just some percabeth moments told through glasses: annabeth first getting them and percy helping her feel comfortable with them when she gets self conscious, annabeth losing them in the lake and percy retrieving them, percy trying her glasses on because i think that’s a universal glasses wearer experience, percy finding her asleep at her desk with her glasses askew and taking them off gently, etc. etc. you get the idea
ok y’all know that saying that’s like “you know you like your crush when they get an awful haircut and they’re still attractive to you”? that’s it, that’s the fic. i’m thinking percy gets an unwilling haircut and he gets all embarrassed because his head is a fuzzy egg now, but annabeth still finds him cute because she's down catastrophically bad. he gets his curls back at the end tho don’t worry!
percy is cursed to be honest when he lies to a god and now he can’t stop telling annabeth how pretty her eyes are and how much he admires her; he can’t even use sarcasm - he’s defenseless! basically an excuse for me to torture percy and make him finally talk about his feelings
post tlt. annabeth ran away again after fighting with her father, but instead of going back to camp she goes to stay with the jackson’s (with the obligatory shows-up-on-their-doorstep-sopping-wet-and-pathetic scene and sally decides to adopt her immediately). it was supposed to be for a weekend, but percy convinces her to just stay until they have to go back to camp (about three weeks) and cute domestic shenanigans (and angst) ensue!
percy just got his driver's license after the titan war and takes annabeth for a ride to montauk to meet grover (she obviously has to tease him about the time he was 12 and crashed a car because he was too busy looking into her eyes). they sing along to their favorite songs and percy gets road rage and they stop for ice cream. basically a chance for them to be normal teens because they deserve it!
pen pal au where percy and annabeth write each other letters during the school year (takes place after tlt). just little moments in their lives told through letters and photos and mementos (sally insists on express mailing annabeth blue cookies after a fight with her parents ofc). it’s not the same as having each other there in person, but it helps with the distance. my way of coping with the hiatus between tlt and SoM ;-;
bi percabeth my beloved!! fic about percy’s bi awakening after reflecting on all his boy crushes (childhood friend, luke, beckendorf, etc). he comes out to annabeth after the war and they have this very touching moment where they talk and hug it out. then annabeth is like “oh also I like girls” “you couldn’t have led with that??” “i didn’t want to steal your moment!”
i've also been drafting out some percy pov chapters to my fics "i miss you like a little kid", "nothing's going to hurt you baby", and "punched in the gut (feels like being in love" so those are in the works!!
phew. and that's not even all of them (i think about them an unhealthy amount). i miss writing these two so much, but i won't really have a chance to breath from my school work until spring break so wish me luck ;-;
as always you can find my finished fics here :3
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corvuscorona · 5 months
"You Never Forget Your First Love."
The other day, a mutual (hi! you know who you are I think probably hello hi! thank you for the Posting Impetus!) said something that made me curious (for, like, the 80th time, actually; lol. I Have Thoughts) about something: what's the split on people who subscribe to the "Stranger of Paradise probably intended for us to believe that Jack & Sarah were in love" mindset, vs. not? In general, but ESPECIALLY around these parts.
I genuinely didn't read it that way myself (& I do NOT normally give media (general) this much credit, but the writing in this game is sublime; I had no choice but to fully engage Scholar Mode on it), + I think it's interesting that SPECIFICALLY any of my fellow tumblr people / AO3-heads / Gay People Online / etc. seem to have. (I expect nothing from people who haven't been basting themselves in the same online sub-subcultures as me for over a decade. They're allowed to write wrong things on wikis, and have done so already; it's whatever.)
I wanna metapost badly again, so let's go. Join me. No poll. If you have an opinion on this, I'm looking directly into your eyes and beckoning you towards your own keyboard + also the reblog button / comment section, like a weird ghost. What did you think when you first played the game?? What do you think right now? What are you about to think after you have read a bunch of my words. Tell Me. I Need To Know This.
Spoilers for, idk, everything? Today we will use everything we've got to talk about Princess Sarah.
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1. As a Narrative Element
This game makes a point of referring to Sarah as things like "a symbol of hope and peace" as often as possible, & when it isn't doing that she's usually in the role of An Object Or Device Of Some Kind, anyway. She's important because she's capable of holding light and dark in balance & SOMEONE'S gotta hold onto this dark crystal for safekeeping, and also we're gonna need to upset that balance on purpose later. There's that conversation in the Wicked Arbor about whether the Strangers would "choose" her (as opposed to "treasure") as the "reward" for succeeding in their mission[1], & there's the one in the Sunken Shrine where Jed asks Jack what he thinks of her and Jack says that he doesn't care about her as a person[2] BUT that protecting her is mission-critical (lol), too.
Sarah's death is metaphorically charged. It's the point of no return: the dark crystal breaks, the balance of light & dark gets extremely ruined, & Literally All The Darkness In Cornelia converges in one place (Fool's Missive XXVII). That's the payoff for the "symbol of hope and peace" motif, and communicating this idea that "the metaphorical light of hope just For Real Died, Like Catastrophically Imploded, No Take-Backs" feels to me like it was the highest priority here. Second-highest goes to "Jack had way more humanity before, but he set it aside on purpose and is actively in the middle of losing the rest of it." "Sort of." "I'm not getting into what counts as humanity or doesn't because if I did we would be here forever."
Basically, I'm saying that the tidiest read on the situation is "Jack despairs because Sarah dying means in a very literary and final way that everything is ruined forever, which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with, like, Love (romantic)." I don't think the text of the game is particularly signaling that Love (romantic) is involved, and I think that if it meant to, it would be more obvious about it. You could bundle "an romance" into the "humanity" thing if you wanted to, but I'm not inclined to, based on some additional list items that you can read below this one.
[1] The fact that Neon ALSO says she feels bad for her for being thought of in this way only reinforces my conviction that the game is pointing at Sarah & yelling "REMEMBER THAT SHE IS MOSTLY A SYMBOL!", tbh. Who wants to go point out how freaky the mechanics of Being An Royalty are w/ me and the boys??
[2] I will give the Wiki WrongPosters this: I can totally see this as some kind of irony thing, given that he's still missing like a fucktillion of his memories when he says it. However! As mentioned above, I have other reasons not to read it as evidence that he was ever, like, romantically interested in her.
2. As a Sheltered Youth™
We don't have a TON of information to work with RE: Sarah as, like, a person, but here are a couple of hard facts to start with: she's 19 (per the data book, but she'd have to be somewhere in the 18-to-early-20's age range regardless or her whole deal wouldn't really make much sense, imo. She's a baby...!), and she's royalty. I think this ties into her utility as a walking metaphor, among other things; she's archetypically young, fresh, & idealistic. I'd call her naïve but the game obviously isn't interested in portraying it as a weakness, so positive words only; why not.
You could argue that people look to her as a symbol of hope because she hasn't directly experienced enough strife to exhibit hopelessness or fear in response to bad news in the abstract. I find it interesting that before Jack, like, knocks the wind out of her & tells Sophia to take her outside so she can see for herself how bad things have gotten at the end of the game, she says that her duty is to die with her people if she has to, & it doesn't even seem to occur to her that she could lead at least some of them away to safety...? When she changes her mind, she still talks about herself as a symbol before she ever uses the word "leader". She sees HERSELF in terms of symbols and metaphors, and takes action based on her designated role As One Of Those. Not very practical.
There's also the dialogue you can have with the queen the first time you're allowed to run around in the throne room at the beginning of the game, where she asks Jack to smile in front of her daughters (NOT just Mia; daughters, plural). Even if she only means "dude can you be polite please," the fact that this is The thing she has to say to Jack is telling. Is it going to upset your 19-year-old daughter to see that the Guy Whose Job It Is To Kill Monsters looks serious? Why do you think this? Does your 19-year-old daughter understand how serious the situation is, generally speaking? Do you not WANT her to for some reason? Boats don't work anymore unless a weird elf messes with them first. Not thinking very hard about the implications of this is something a sheltered person does.
Residual time loop un-memories aside, a young woman in this situation is so obviously going to have a huge crush on Jack Garland no matter what. He Is So Cool, first of all, & he's also Different from the adult men she gets to see on an everyday basis (family, guards, rando townspeople[3]...). It's not like the political social scene could POSSIBLY be thriving in this world, either; it all seems to be one kingdom we're dealing with and they're kind of busy with the external threat of being Under Fucking Attack By Monsters. Does she even get fun treats like "handsome visiting dignitaries" & what-have-you? The game doesn't present us with any potential options, here. Jack is mysterious, he has special-boy Warrior of Light status, his one job & apparent life's purpose is protecting the kingdom she loves, he's pretty nice to her (even in later cycles he at least goes out of his way to be polite!), & additionally, he's shredded. THIS makes sense to me.
There's a Q&A in the data book that has something to say about JACK as a symbol & what that has to do with this whole thing but we'll get there. We'll get there.
[3] Tangent: what's up with how Cornelia's entire adult male population appears to consist of aging queens. Why did they only make models that look Like That for the NPCs? It's awesome but I have 1 quastion
I'm not about to say that he's just humoring her, or anything, but please humor ME for one second & put yourself in Jack's shoes. Not the default shoes; we can have more fun than that. Maybe the Banded Boots. Blurple ones? Shaped like a cartoon would wear them? Big spikes on the back for no reason? I love those things. Anyway, you're Jack. You're working for literally the king, & the work means Everything to you for reasons you can't even necessarily explain except to say that it JUST does. The king's eldest daughter (very young adult; Never Been Outdoors; a little overly-sociable but nice enough & what do you expect from a princess, anyway) has imprinted on you like a duckling for whatever reason. You would be nice to this person, yes? You'd be patient with her while you're in town. You have Brutal Murders to be doing, but not until, like, 2 days from now, or whatever; you're sharing space with her in some capacity in the meantime & it's in your best interests to keep her happy. (You probably even enjoy doing this, if you're Jack of a Way Earlier Cycle; I'm in no way ruling that out. Sharing your music collection with an enthusiastic Baby Adult? That's fun. I think he was probably having fun. Okay, you can step out of the fun purple shoes if you want; the Humoring Me Minute has concluded; thanks.)
Also, @2000sanimeop and I think that if Jack felt that way about her Astos would have been a little More Something about how much it was gonna suck for him when she died. In Fool's Missive XXVII he uses the word "painful," but that's about it. He doesn't even bring it up in XXV, which is the one where he says he's curious about whether she'd survive being turned into a fiend (side note: Astos fucking rocks. Why did he write that down?? I love him). & Hey SPEAKING OF ASTOS,
4. I wouldn't put Jackstos on a wiki, either.
The writing in Stranger of Paradise, SERIOUSLY, WITHOUT EXAGGERATION, is some of the best I've seen in literally anything ever. It suits not just its medium but also its sort of Place in History Relative to Other Video Games & the things it chose to DO with that medium & that niche INSANELY well. It is CUSTOMIZED. It's SO INTENTIONAL. I can't get too far into this or we'll be here all day, but the essence of what I want to say here is: there are relatively few facts presented to us by this game, compared to the implications we can go about drawing from those facts & other, external sources of context.
Sarah calls Jack her first love; that's a fact. No facts are presented to us that REALLY say much one way or the other[4] about what Jack thinks of this, himself; "fucktillion memories missing" Jack says he doesn't care, but he's missing a fucktillion of his memories, and DLC2 Jack has a set of dialogue options (hi Anne the Malboro I love you Anne the Malboro) that can point either way depending on what the player chooses, which is kind of nothing, on balance. As the audience, we can (should!) draw whatever conclusion we want about it, but none of those conclusions are text.
And, okay, please let me level with you. Let's be on the same page. Jack & Astos had some kind of thing going on, imo, OBVIOUSLY, but I want to be CLEAR and I want to get CREDIT for the things I'M bringing to the table to help generate this conviction. I drew that conclusion & I read that reading based on subtext, context, personal history, personal preference, & sheer gay zest for life. It is also, emphatically, NOT TEXT.
Astos refers to Jack with the ol' "...friend" in Fool's Missive XXI. He calls him "my Jack" in Fool's Missive XXXI. Canonically, textually, he has some big fucking COMPLICATED fucking feelings about this man. These are facts. If you're playing this game as Some Guy, I can see how you could potentially absorb these facts & still pay them much less regard[5] than I did & continue to. My argument here is that god I wish I lived in a world where Some Guy could extend the same courtesy to me and not treat Sarah's textual affection for Jack as something that necessarily indicates Some Kind Of Reciprocal Romantic Whatever, Definitely, Obviously, Of Course.
[5] Longer Tangent: I have been informed that the Some Guys of the world are currently pretty good at Recognizing a character that behaves in a way that's Pretty Gay, but tend to stop there, possibly for the combined reasons that A. they're not very familiar with a lot of the the ways gay relationships often work (you know, soul resonance. mutual recognition. sharing a brain etc.) and B. the Object Of Affection is usually the player character and they subconsciously shy away from thinking of a Guy They're Supposed To Identify With as gay. This is practically a lead-in to an entire separate post I could make, so I'll leave it at that, lol.
The writing is too good for that kind of assumption! I'M SERIOUS!! It's mind-blowingly subtle & endlessly fascinating to hold up to the light & view from every possible angle, and "Jack & Sarah were in love" + "Jack & Astos were in love" are BOTH ANGLES. I'm personally very very interested in giving the text credit for that. I think it's impressive. I think it's really, really cool, and I think it was on purpose. Speaking of which,
5. Word of God agrees with me, btw
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This is from the Q&A section on page 156 of the Confidential File. The translations below are my own (I think they're straightforward enough, but lmk if you know more than me & I'm actually being stupid in there somewhere. Alt text has the JPN, if you want to copypaste it or something). Someone asked:
Why is it that you established Garland as someone Sarah has a romantic interest in?
The answer is from Daisuke Inoue (director, one of 3; the other 2 are from Team Ninja; he's from Square Enix):
That was because, from a narrative standpoint, we wanted Sarah to be the kind of person who holds onto hope. You can imagine that she saw the "hope" to save the world in Jack, a potential Warrior of Light. Sarah is seen by her people as a symbol of a bright future, but if there were nobody to give her hope, that might destabilize her emotionally. As for whether she felt genuine love for Jack, or just mistook her feelings of admiration towards him for "first love," we'll leave that to your interpretation.
The first time I read this, I thought the question was implying the aforementioned Reciprocal Something, but on closer inspection that doesn't even seem to be true! "思い人" seems to indicate a directional relationship; as in, the question assumes that Jack is an object of affection to Sarah, but assumes nothing about what Jack thinks.
Also, the answer uses the word "初恋" (hatsukoi), which is a very established Concept as far as "first love" goes, but in that one cutscene, Sarah says "初めての恋" (hajimete no koi), which is. Different, but I couldn't tell you how, lol. It's Not The Exact Same Phrase, but I'm not sure whether it's meaningfully different in this context. If I had to guess, I'd say that IF ANYTHING it could be a way of saying "first love" without invoking the cultural CONSTRUCT of First Love (as much)? But it's whatever. The localization holds up. All sources show that Sarah had Feelings about Jack, and all sources CONSPICUOUSLY neglect to mention Jack's feelings about her.
It was on purpose. This is my license to be as annoying as I want for one second here. I am right. All the other writing in this game is notably subtle, efficient, intentional, and skilled, AND ALSO, WHEN do you ever see anyone write such a richly beautiful, mostly-subtextual relationship between two men, which can easily be read as a romantic thing, and NOT explicitly canonize a very possible romantic relationship between at least one of those men and a woman, like not even in an interview or anything. What the fuck, man.
I'm putting away the Respectable Scholar Hat now. This is so funny. The person asking this question didn't EVEN go as far as assuming Jack & Sarah had any kind of Actual Romance going on, & the answer STILL dials it back to "she might have been conflating her feelings about Jack AS A SYMBOL with actual affection, also. We'll let you decide : ) ". This game is everything ever.
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Someone suggested that either Noble Bell or Royal Sword is gonna come over and save Night Raven and idk which is funnier: Rollo going "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! THAT DRACONIA WAS BAD NEWS FROM THE START!" While he goes to fight Malleus
Or NRC students getting pissed off when they realized that they got saved by Royal Sword students
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It’s not completely clear yet how Malleus’s unique magic works! Like… do you need to be in close proximity to him to fall asleep??? Do you need to touch the thorns (you know, like how Aurora pricked her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel) to fall asleep??? If the latter is true, then there’s a chance there are people on Sage’s Island that are totally conscious and have no idea what the fuck is going on 😂
But??? I think the idea is that everyone on Sage’s Island has fallen asleep (this would be like in Sleeping Beauty, when fairies sent the whole kingdom into a deep slumber). In which case, the RSA boys couldn’t do anything. We’ll have to wait until the next update to see which way the magic sways!
I agree that it would be really funny and entertaining to see Rollo and/or RSA (Neige, Chenya, etc) coming in to help or to save the day but thinking about it realistically 🥲 I don’t think it would happen?? I want Rollo back SO badly, but I’d imagine it would be extremely confusing for anyone that didn’t play Glorious Masquerade to suddenly have this character they’ve never seen before pulling up and rambling about how he’s here to destroy Malleus Draconia and to scrub the SIN of magic off the face of Twisted Wonderland. (It would also ruin the twist for the Glorious Masquerade rerun in fall 2023 in JP and the first time run in EN. It’s a very… heavy event that I don’t think can just be quickly summarized or given a flashback to explain away his presence. There’s also the fact that the main story never acknowledges what happens in events, even major ones like the Halloween events or when they meet family members. It would be… weird?? If they started doing that this late in the game.
On that note, how would Rollo even find out about this catastrophe to act on it?? It’s not like anyone would report it to him all the way in Pyroxene (especially in the case where everyone on Sage’s Island fell asleep, thus limiting communication; if people were awake, they could easily use their phones to call for help from the outside world, especially given the rich and powerful students that attend NRC/RSA).
As for RSA, their involvement is heavily dependent on the parameters and limitations of Malleus’s magic. Either way, I still don’t see why or how they’d get involved??? How would RSA even know that the source of these thorns is Malleus/NRC to begin with? Even if they did somehow figure it out, how would they travel all the way to NRC??? RSA is on the complete opposite side of Sage’s Island, right?? Why would their first thought be to save the school on the other end when there are people in the town inbetween them and who could also use their help? I don’t get the sense that Idia would willingly go and ask them (or Rollo) for help.
EDIT: book 7 confirms that Malleus's thorns have consumed ALL of Sage's Island. Therefore, RSA students and staff are also sleeping and are unable to act.
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Even though I doubt that Rollo and/or RSA would step in sorry, blame my pragmatism 😅 I still think the idea of it is so cool and fun to explore!! fbjsbsjendjw Rollo rushing in to save the day from OB Malleus will forever be my copium… and, of course, gotta love how petty the NRC boys would be if they woke up only to learn that they got rescued their goody-two-shoes rivals 😂 The NRC boys would probably proceed to lock the RSA ones in a tower or tell them to fuck off next time they need help/j
… I’m more inclined to believe the fourth years return to campus from their final internships to graduate and they see the massive mess Malleus has made 😂
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jellypear · 1 year
I think you're worth holding onto PT4
Ayo besties I return from the void. This chapter is brought to you by the Undertale soundtrack and not wanting to do my uni worksheets <3. Also I'm really mad because I can't get the link for Part 2 to work on any of these posts and it's clearly all tumblr's fault.
@wolfythewitch, I understand that there is a strong Odyssey fixation atm but I have brought you an offering my liege.
Philza has learnt a few things about Technoblade over the course of his sickness. The first being that the kid really loves potatoes. It didn’t matter how ill and uninterested in food he felt, if Phil put a potato in front of Techno, he would eat it. Even if he threw it up a couple of hours later.
Phil is a notorious worrywart. And having Techno sick in bed as a consequence of trying to meet Phil makes him think about the boy’s journey. Whether they were warm enough, if the weather was decent, if they had to walk the entire way? He’s especially concerned as to whether they were able to acquire enough for both of them. Because Tommy is young and Techno is a mage. Both kids and magic require fuel and a failure to supply it can be catastrophic. 
But despite Phil’s worries, Techno manages to keep his food down after the first day. Sure he’s only eating mashed potatoes but it’s still something. And it honestly brings joy to his heart when he sees Techno’s face light up at the plate of potatoes. 
And Phil laughs because he’s never met someone so in love with one food.
(And Phil cries because Wilbur never managed to keep any food down when he was sick.)
The second is that cabin fever sets in incredibly quickly for Techno. It didn’t even take a full day before he was complaining and trying to get out of bed despite how weak his legs were. There were many times Phil watched as Techno attempted to escape his plush prison, too sick to actually succeed.
Except there was one time Philza had left Techno alone so he could make dinner that night. He had assumed that the boy would be too tired that day to try and get up, and it wasn’t like Phil could just not feed them all. But apparently the second Phil took his eyes off him, Techno decided it was time for bad ideas! Which led to both Phil and Tommy being incredibly alarmed when they heard a thump from the bedroom.
What they discovered when they ran into the room was Techno. On the floor. Desperately trying to extract his legs from where he’d caught them in his blankets. Nobody had been impressed by the situation, and once Techno was back into bed and given the scolding of his life, he complained.
And Phil laughs because it's so simple, but Tommy was doing the exact same thing just a few days ago.
(And Phil cries because Wilbur could never manage to make it out of bed on his worst days, his very existence weighed down by something he couldn't control.)
The third is that Techno for all his silence is wonderful to talk to. The boy is incredibly intelligent and he has a wicked sense of humor. He has a love for the mythological, especially Greek. Phil has had the pleasure of listening to Techno recount his favorite myths. The way he tells them may be a tad unconventional, but honestly? Phil hasn’t had this much fun in years.
But at the same time, Techno is so clearly unused to talking to people outside of Tommy. There’s an awkwardness in how he talks to Phil, like he isn’t really sure what he’s doing. And there is a likelihood he’s naturally awkward. That Techno would communicate in the same way even if he was used to others. It comes across in Tommy as well, in how blunt he is with his feelings and questions.
But alas, Phil has become prone to worrying in recent years. His brain will latch onto anything that could be perceived as a problem and rotate it around in his head. But here, looking after Techno and listening to him talk, Phil can’t help but feel more content than he has in a while.
And Phil laughs because Techno has a way with words that is captivating.
(And Phil cries because Wilbur also had a way with words, Wilbur was able to spin tales from nothing and captivate people with only some words and a smile.)
The last thing is that Techno, in all his charm and awkwardness, holds a lot of similarities to Wilbur.
Phil laughs because he’s like Wilbur.
(Phil cries because he’s nothing like Wilbur.)
Technoblade doesn't know how to feel about this Philza Minecraft. 
He's a completely different man from the stories he and Tommy grew up hearing. 
The Philza from the legends and rumors was powerful, a magical prodigy and a kind soul above all else. The man in front of Techno is different. He doesn't carry himself like one of the most revered men in the world. He doesn’t appear as if he once held the might of nature in his very hands. He doesn’t look like High Wizard Philza Minecraft, Advisor to the King and Master of the Arcane Arts. 
The Philza in front of him looks… tired. Sad. And Techno doesn’t know how to feel about it. Because while he didn’t really have any expectations for what Philza would look like, this blows it all away. 
He just looks like… Phil. Weird old Phil who talks to crows like they talk back. 
Who still hasn’t kicked him and Tommy out yet. 
Because here’s the thing, Techno and Tommy are resource drains. They’re two extra people in a house built for one. There’s only enough space and resources for Phil and Techno is expecting that it's only a matter of time before they’re asked to leave.
So he’s not surprised when one day Phil approaches him with a request.
What he isn't expecting, is what the request actually is.
“Come help me out in the garden mate” Techno is shocked. “What?” 
“Come help me in the garden. The storm swept away a good chunk of the crops so I want to get on top of that as soon as we can” “But, why?” “Well I can’t just let us go and starve now can I?”
“No, I don’t understand. Why haven’t you asked Tommy and I to leave” It takes Phil a while to answer that one. He stills and gets lost in his head as Techno has watched him do so many times. And just as Techno begins to fear that he’s accidentally wandered into some unknown sorespot, Phil shrugs. “I can’t. I won't Techno”
And Techno can’t reply to that. He doesn’t know how. So he follows Phil into the garden and learns to help.
Phil shows him how to safely fill up buckets in the river, and shows him how to rinse off any mud that remains on the plants. Phil shows him how to cover any revealed roots, how to identify and remove broken stems. 
The process of saving the garden only takes a couple days, but Phil warns him that the garden itself needs constant upkeep. 
And he grows to enjoy it. 
Techno enjoys the constant and methodical calm that comes with looking after the plants. The routine of it grants him a peace that he's never found before, the garden grants him respite. 
And once the yard work is finished, he and Phil will head back inside to wash up and then Techno spends the rest of the day reading or playing with Tommy. 
But one day this pattern breaks. 
Techno has just finished putting the tools away, when Phil gestures for him to follow, and he begins to walk into the forest. 
Techno isn't sure where they're going. The forest is massive, there is so much more to it than the confined area the crows keep Tommy in. 
But something about the way he walks makes Techno think that Phil knows exactly where they're headed. 
They walk past clearings, over streams further into the trees until Phil comes to a halt. They’ve stopped in a clearing that contains a stream, the water clear and bubbling onwards. There’s a fallen log lying haphazardly on the ground and that’s what Philza lowers himself onto as he stares at the gurgling water.
“People tend to think of magic as this mysterious energy, as something to be utilized. I used to have people ask me what the trick was. How they could get so good at magic as well," Phil turns away from the stream now to look at him. Techno steps forward, his breath leaving his chest. Surely Phil can’t be…
"That's all bullshit. There is no secret and there never was one."
Phil reaches over to tap on Techno's chest. "This is where magic comes from. You. And nature. Magic is no more special than lightning or flame, it is simply another force within our world."
Phil sighs, and Techno can't help but think that Phil looks, sad. Resigned. And Techno doesn't know why but it makes him feel the same way as when Tommy cries. 
"I’ll help you Techno, I’ll teach you how to stop treating your magic like lightning in a bottle”
Orignal AU by Wolfy | AO3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Part 4 |
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
Hi love! Lil angst with a twist since I like hurting myself 🤣 ok so medieval-ish AU where Hob and Dream are princes in neighbouring countries and their parents arrange for them to get married. They have never met before, only heard things about each other: Dream has heard that Hob is a loud extrovert, full of life, maybe a bit immature but with a heart of gold. Hob learns that Dream is an absolute dick on the surface but has, does, and will cry if he sees a hurt kitten.
They meet at the betrothal and immediately fall catastrophically in love, but they are both trying to maintain some semblance of dignity. Especially Hob, who has a heartrhob rumour around him. So he treats Dream kind of like shit: he makes fun of him, he pushes him to do things he doesn't like and then laughs at him. But also flirts shamelessly with everything and everyone because hey, let's not let Dream think he has the upper hand.
Dream is just. Devastated. Not only are his pride and heart hurt, but being a bit neurospicy he really doesn't clock that Hob is being like this on purpose and takes him at face value. He does not understand... If Hob, who is loved by everyone, treats him like shit then that means Dream must deserve it, right?
Meanwhile, Hob is also dying inside because he really hates doing this. With every flinch, every sudden silence from Dream, every frown on his face, not to mention the tears threatening to fall, he locks himself in his chambers and cries for what he is doing. But he has been instructed to maintain dominance over Dream.
The evening before the wedding, Hob goes to Dream's chambers to give him a ceremonial thingie he has to wear during the ceremony, and is seeing Dream furiously -and incredibly stupidly- trying to tie his bedsheets together in order to escape before the wedding. Which is bad not just because it's a stupid idea, but also because he's crying at the same time.
Hob is about to laugh his ass off when he sees that Dream is actually crying. Wailing. He tries to hug Dream but Dream is inconsolable, he doesn't want Hob near him. Hob figures out he went too far and gets on his knees. In front of a dumbfounded Dream, he confesses that he has been pretending but he is so in love with Dream. He begs Dream to forgive him, but if he doesn't, he promises to help him escape safely.
Dream is now very confused. "So.. you like me?" He asks. Hob grabs and kisses the trimming of Dream's silk robe and says that he more than likes Dream, he never wants to be apart from him again. Dream stays, and next day when they get married the entire court is VERY relieved this is all over because it had been awkward as fuck to witness the absolute hell Hob was putting Dream through.
Dream takes his revenge by rearranging Hob's guts since Hob has been a bottom this entire time
OH Hob deserves so much punishment after putting Dream through all that!! He's such a bad boy!! But I do kind of like it when we acknowledge that Hob can be an arsehole, it's a fundamental part of his character and I love him for that.
I kinda love the idea of the aftermath. Dream is like "I love you and I forgive you but you'd better believe that you won't get away with that behaviour." And Hob is like well, mark me down as scared AND horny.
It's all in good fun, but from then on Hob does dote on Dream’s every wish and whim to a rather extreme degree. If Dream says that he wants something, Hob scrambles to get it for him without a moment's hesitation. Even if he has to ride across the country and back again.
And in the bedroom, Hob works extra hard to earn Dream’s trust and forgiveness for all his misdeeds. No chance of a pillow prince lifestyle for Hob! Not that he minds. Being a perfect hole for Dream to fuck is pretty much all he aspires to at this point, and he's so glad that he has the opportunity to please his beloved husband whenever he wants to <3
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bunny-dr34ms · 10 months
youth is a storm - bffs!g.suguru g.satoru i.shoko x f!reader
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summary. one night you see a picture of your high school friends and you think back to your youth as you reminisce how wonderfully catastrophic it was
w.c. 2985
cw/ tw; fem!reader, angst, underage drinking and smoking, irresponsible students, family issues, neglect, bully kind of,
features; g.satoru, g.suguru, i.shoko
an; i hope you guys enjoy this !! i think the trio in their youth must've been fun &lt;3
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You love bad ideas.
And no one knows that better than your 3 best friends who were always part of each reckless plan. That's why the 4 of you are getting wasted on the beach. Tonight's scheme is a last hurrah before you officially say goodbye to your high school days.
"I'm so glad I have you guys with me." You giggled after you took another swig from some fruity beer. "Let's be friends forever!" Suguru chuckled behind you, turning his hand to take a deep inhale of his cigarette. He sat on a plastic chair with you in his lap, his arm hanging lazily behind him. The boy barely fit in the chair with how large he was so he had his legs spread wide and had you lean against him.
"Yeah yeah whatever you say sweet thing." Satoru chimed in waving his hand around, a blunt sticking loosely in his fingers. He was manspreading in a similar chair next to you with dark glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose. The way his blue eyes drooped and the way his words slurred told you he was starting to feel it.
Shoko sat under Satoru and had her head resting against his leg, her hand reaching for the lighter as she lit another cigarette. "The school must be glad to get the lot of you out." All of you couldn't help but laugh as 4 years of memories flooded your minds. It really would be nice to stay friends with all of them.
4 misfits that didn't fit in, even now with each other. Satoru and Suguru were basketball jocks who cared for nothing but themselves. Shoko was one of the smartest people in school, even with her hobby of cigarettes and beers. Then there was you. A ditzy cheerleader that would wreak havoc wherever you went. The sound of ocean waves was soothing in the background and you closed your eyes and began to think back.
You first met them in the first month of freshman year, under the bleachers during late hours in front of the school. You just came back from an away game and didn't want to go home so you took the time to smoke a cigarette. Unfortunately, you realized you finished your pack before the game and sighed in defeat looking at the empty box with save for your hello kitty lighter.
All of a sudden, you hear muttering and loud whispers a couple feet away from you. You walk a little closer, trying to stay in the shadows so you didn't get caught for eavesdropping. "Are the both of you idiots? You bring blunts without a lighter?" "It was Satoru. My job was just getting the goods." "You- Stop blaming it on me like you didn't lose your lighter." "Oh? So where's yours?" "In your fucking mom's hou-" "Wait shut the fuck up- I think someone's here."
It went silent and you become hyperaware of yourself. Unknowingly, you kept moving closer and closer to hear what they were saying. Your hot pink glitter lighter that you pressed against your chest with both hands reflected the light back which got you caught.
"Hey. If you let us borrow your lighter, I'll give you one."
Your upperclassmen stepped out of the shadows. There was three of them and the girl was offering a box of Marlboro Reds that only had one stick left. There was already one in her lips, her expression nonchalant with dark circles under her eyes. You know her as one of the geniuses of the school who's won a couple awards for science.
Behind her were two infamous basketball jocks known for their looks and immense skill. They looked at you with strained expressions. You heard how they weren't fond of people they didn't know. They glance at the lighter clutched in your hand and their expression changes slightly for the better. The boy you know as Satoru leaned forward with a smile and said, "You heard her. Let us use your lighter and you get a free cig!"
You think about and nod gratefully while you hand her the lighter. You would've gave it to them even if they didn't give something back anyway. "Really!? You're a life saver Ieiri!" All you knew about them was their name and somethings about what they did. Shoko was that she was a total science nerd and wanted to be a doctor. Satoru was a rich tease that became has a talent for anything he did. Suguru was a ladies man with brains, brawn, and money. You knew the three of them but you didn't think they'd all be in one group. "How'd you know I smoke though?"
“Under the bleachers was a popular smoke spot for students and teachers alike but it's not like you can tell who smoked what when.”
You watch as the boy pull out blunts from a tin to light up with your lighter. Satoru catches you staring and smirks with the roll between his lips. Embarrassed, you can't help but blush and look away. "Ha! You think you're sneaky when you smoke a couple feet away from me? Plus only cheer girls like you smoke Pianissimo." Shoko laughs as she hands you your lighter so you could light yours up. You almost cough at the bitterness but you choke it down before exhaling out grey.
"What? Red too strong for you?"
"As if."
There was a haughty tone in your voice but rasp contradicted your claim. Now even more embarrassed, you tugged your bow and tousled your hair, feeling your scalp tingle from the release of the tight pony tail. You combed your hair as you looked at the girl next to you who tapped the ashes from the her cigarette. "Sooo..Why are you here at school?"
Shoko shrugged inhaling through the cigarette and exhaling her answer. "Studying." Your tilted head and confused look was enough question for her. "Can't study at home. I can't focus there so I sneak around and stay at school."
You continue to stare at her and nod. You knew how that felt. To not want to go home, or rather the house where only chaos ensued. "I don't wanna go home either." You whispered, not taking your eyes off Shoko. "Umm..if you don't mind me asking. Why do you smoke such strong stuff? It's not like it's cheaper or anything." Red is actually way more expensive and hard to get as a student. Even as you asked your question, you couldn't stop your eyes from wandering to the two boys smoking weed. You thought you had it bad, but these guys are on a whole different level. A sudden wave of sadness sends a sharp ache in your heart. Were they like you? Hiding away in the night to find an escape from what was supposed to be a home? Did they also try to smother every emotion they felt in an attempt to be at least wanted?
The brown haired girl hummed her eyes closing for a second. "Anything not as strong as Red doesn't do anything for me anymore." She finally turns to meet your gaze. To her you look like a barely kept together mess. You hair and make up being pulled together with the tidiness of your cheer uniform. But your eyes, round eyes full of emotion and empathy. Something about your eyes makes her want to say more. "I smoke and drink because it's all my parents ever do. I tried it and I get it now."
"So? What's your deal?" She leans against the pole to her side allowing her to face you. Now you look away. "My mom has a scumbag husband. My dad has a cheating wife." It's not the most tragic story ever but both of your parents are so wrapped up in each other, they forget you exist. Or that you exist as their daughter and not their personal trauma dumpster.
Satoru looks at you from the corners of his eyes. He sees just how lonely you truly are because he can understand. in a way. He can understand how hard it is to be so devastatingly lonely even after working to get attention from everyone but the people you need it from the most. So that's when Satoru decides that you are worthy to be one of them.
He stares and stares until you turn and make eye contact with him. "You know, my parents hardly ever see me. They just tell me to make an appearance once in a while when their friends are over to show me off like I'm some prize they won." Satoru begins to ramble about his parents. He goes on and on about how they're always at work and no matter what he did they'd never spare him a glance. No matter how long he studied or what grades he got, nothing could win them over.
All you could do was sit there stunned and watch as Satoru explained wildly with his hands and expressions. When he comes to a close he looks deep into you and says, "I know what it's like, to be lonely but not alone." The sudden change of tone made your breath catch in your throat.
Suguru sighs and you realize he's been sitting there silently as Satoru went into detail of his life. He must've had to hear it a couple times already. He fixes his hair awkwardly and sighs again, "That's Satoru's way of making you feel better." You nod and you wonder if you're supposed to say thank you or ask if he's alright or tell him he's strong for growing through it all. Suguru cuts through your thoughts before you could say anything.
"I'm a little like that too.. My family is too focused on business to pay attention to me. They think I'm already a lost cause and they put everything else into my older brother. Not that I care much anyway."
A few moments of silence pass, the only sound being the four of you blowing smoke into the night. It was comfortable. Once the sticks burn away to nothing you smile at Shoko, the the two boys.
Has there been anywhere you’ve felt so safe? Or so at ease? Or so at peace with yourself? You turn to the and smile, your arms pressed a little awkwardly into your side.
“Can we..be friends?"
Shoko laughs quietly.
"Shoko. Call me Shoko."
“Hey if you call her Shoko you’d have to call me Satoru!”
“As if she’s calling you Satoru. She’ll call me Suguru before that happens.”
That night ended with a conversation that you so needed. Over cigarettes and blunts, you finally found friends you could cry to without judgement and they’d found someone that truly lightened the weight on their heart.
Ever since then, you and them were inseparable. Classmates whispered and gave the four of you odd glances but no one cared. You didn't need your fake cheer friends anyways. Shoko, Satoru, and Suguru were enough. Suguru held you while you cried. Shoko knew what you smoked and what you drank. Satoru listened as you blabbered on and on about what your mom did or what you dad said. You were enough too. You always went with Shoko on her late night studies and library runs. You always saw through Satoru and made him feel safe to spill whatever he needed to you. You kept Suguru company every time he needed to take hit late at night from stress.
They needed you as much as you needed them
And from then on, it was the four of you against the world. You stared at the picture in your hand with a soft smile. Those really were the times. So many bad decisions and mistakes were made but you were happy. Every night was hectic and you remember crying almost every day. The worst memories you had were fighting with your friends just to make up a couple days later. Underage drinking and smoking definitely caught up to you so you quit in college with just a few drinks here and there. Satoru quit with you actually. The stability of college was hard to adjust to but you worked hard because it was a chance given to you by Satoru and Suguru. There was no chance of getting into such a prestigious college with your record without their help. To be fair, those two were there by your side when you stole from small convenient stores and violated multiple property rules. Shoko was often busy with actually studying so whenever you had a terrible idea to execute, you'd find those two. They'd do anything with you and for you. You had a bit of a crush on the both of them back then and you'd like to think they liked you too. You couldn't help it with how they flirted with you and were so overprotective of you. You'll never admit it but if one of them asked you out now, you'd say yes. Your youth was a tornado of emotions and experiences that you wouldn't trade for the world. It was heartache and joy and liberating in all the ways it counted. It was your friends and your torn apart family. It was going to school late and leaving early. It was cramming to pass and skipping practice. It was lying on rooftops late at night with smoke and booze. It was running in the rain and yelling into thunder and laughing at lightning. Your youth was a storm.
It's been almost 7-8 years since then. Now you're all adults working on your own separate careers. Satoru and Suguru have been handling their own branches of their respective family businesses. Shoko has become one of the best surgeons in the prefecture. There's just you left.
Since then you've always thought about what you really wanted to do. You've wandered and dabbled in everything but nothing seemed to appeal you. Plus, you're not the same girl you were in high school anymore. You can't just run away from things you don't want to face. The world isn't as forgiving or as colorful anymore. Dark, lonely nights like tonight would still seem to glow back then. Not anymore, it seems. As of now, you work a nice modeling job for cosmetics. You were always pretty to look at and once you finally started investing in your face, modeling offers just came to you. You go around and take a few pictures for ads and magazines every once in a while. It pays well and it's comfortable. Parts of you still crave the rush of running around town late at night, drunk or high or both. The other part is grateful for the life you have now. You get to wear expensive clothes and drink expensive champagne in a expensive home. Younger you would look at the you now with stars in her eyes, you think. Leaning against the railing of your balcony in your apartment flat, you stare out into the night. The city below you was still bustling with life and bright colors. You take another sip of the fruity alcohol in your hand. Each sip makes your heart beat a little faster.
And your view of the city is pretty. The doorbell rings and you hear the door click open. "Y/n? You in there?" "Hey let me in first." "Shut up and just hold this." "No- what the fuck why would I hold it?" "Oh my god can both of you shut it? Y/n? You there?" The chorus of fighting and yelling of familiar voices makes your smile widen. You walk to greet them and their arguing takes a pause when they see your expression. They weren't used to your silence or the smile that came it with it. "What's wrong?" Shoko speaks first as she walks to you, her hands reaching for yours. Satoru and Suguru push through the door together and join you with curious and confused faces. It's been a good week or two since you've all gathered like this. Conflicting schedules and just being worn out kept you guys from meeting any sooner but tonight you suddenly texted them asking to see them. Seeing all of them now, worried for you and here for you because you asked made you want to cry. These are the people you grew with. The people who you cried and laughed with. These are the people who are always by your side no matter what happens. They are your home. You can't help but pull them into a hug. Your face was probably red and hot from alcohol. The room felt like it was swaying under your feet as you took a deep breath. Their arms wrapped around you tightly and you closed your eyes. The picture and your drink sat on a small table on your balcony. Your smiling and carefree faces with arms wrapped around each other was immortalized in that photo. You're no longer the girl in that picture and your friends have changed too. But that's okay. You'll continue to grow with these people by your side. It's fine to live in the moment as adults too right? "Y/n?" Satoru calls out your name, pulling you out of your thoughts. You pull away from them and you realize you're teary eyed. Yeah, you're all adults now and your youth is far behind you. It's okay though. Life is different but you still have them. You'll continue to walk through each moment together. You wipe your tears and Suguru rubs your back to comfort you. "Y/n..did something happen? Is that why you called us here today?" You shake you head with a smile and when you look back up at them, you swear for a minute you can see their high school selves stare back at you. Or maybe it was the alcohol. Either way, it was them here. That's all that matters. "It's nothing. I just missed you guys. That's all."
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mean-scarlet-deceiver · 11 months
I love the idea that Nobby likes James; even sorta respects him! What about Nobby and Gordon? I bet Nobby isnt so impressed by bossy big blue babey Gord
Oop, started to respond and then saved this to drafts. And then I forgot about it. Sorry.
I didn't want to answer at once, though, because when I received this we were only about two-thirds of the way through Springtime, and I thought it would be better to talk about this after the story was over.
Because now you've had a chance to see Nobby bossing someone else around mercilessly — and then, on a dime, going into utter, catastrophizing meltdown the minute he himself suffers a mild indignity.
So I hope it makes sense when I say that Nobby and Gordon have some similarities!
Another is that Nobby actually was, in his youngest years, a similar sort of all-important savior-of-the-railway company flagship. His domain was much smaller than Gordon's, of course, but he had the same absolute primacy and pride. And much like the youngest Gordon it's really not that Nobby was a bad sort, but a fellow engine trying to make him see sense when he was on his high horse was just a fool's errand. (Nobby was a lot more respectful of human authority in those early years... which you may consider to make the situation better or worse, lol. He definitely had—and still has!—more of a temper than Gordon, though, and can be way pettier. The counterbalance is that he has higher ideals and a better ability to relate to other engines.)
A final thing they have in common is that they conceive of and hatch rather daring ideas. Leadership qualities run strong in them both.
Of course, none of this means that Nobby will recognize these similarities. Or that they will in any way dispose him to think kindly of the infant galloping sausage.
Hmm, I reserve the right for this to change as I write, but in general I just think Nobby doesn't at first take much notice of Gordon particularly (heresy, I know!). In the same era Gordon is arriving, so are several absurdly large new Sodor engines and to him they are all ill-mannered whelps.
He doesn't get as steamed up about any of them as much you might think, though, because they are fundamentally Not His Problem. His railway is undergoing Grouping at the time — he has bigger fish to fry. Anyway, if any of his lot were a fourth as rude as the Big Blue Bastards, he'd tear them to shreds, but that's because he knows they were taught better and he expects more from them. Nobby kind of regards Gordon in the at first as a sort of orphan. Not in the sense he pities him but that he kind of half despises him as a poorly brought-up urchin and half thinks it's a shame that no one did better by him.
Nobby has definitely at times told Edward, when Edward has the dubious fortune of bringing a train over the bridge, that he must really tell that Gresley to do this or not do that or to act in such-a-such way.
At which point you can imagine Edward just staring at him with weary disbelief. Nobby, you don't tell Gordon things... it's a waste of good steam.
Nobby thinks this is making excuses, lol. To his mind it's entirely Edward's responsibility to Coppernob all those lost boys into respectable engines. Put your frames into it, son.
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sugar-omi · 9 months
(Didn't want to distract from your original post)
I am sooo normal about Yandere!MC and Seemingly Normal!Cove <- (he's not normal, a normal person would be terrified if a yandere commits violence in their name.)
Like Cove deserves it. All three boys do, but Cove is my favorite by a little bit. (Plus I think Derek and Baxter would actually be normal here and scared lol)
((Two iterations of my Cove!Mc are yanderes for him with four total iterations of said MC.))
He'd be so sweet and melty for the MC omg... his woozy blushy smile when the MC comes to him covered in blood and talks to him in a sing-song tone about how they took out the person being a creep to him and how nobody's gonna come between them/hurt him and how much they love and adore him, how he's all theirs forever and ever, and more sweet nothings.
Just the most down bad catastrophic romantic words you can think of coming out of someone who's shaking from adrenaline and covered in blood.
((3/4 iterations of my Cove!MC ended up promising him at 13 when they get together that no one will ever hurt him now if they have their way.))
Depending on how hopelessly in love (mind-broken) Cove is, I can definitely see him being down to have sex/you claim him once more after killing someone with the body nearby.
feel free to relog my posts w anything you wanna add!!! I love it n 7/10 times we all have the same brain worms n it's beautiful
my brain is tainted w the thought of kissing or having sex w cove with blood still on your hands... body doesn't have to be nearby but smth abt it is so sexy isn't it???
or cove joining you in the shower, washing the blood off of you and giving you head afterward while still in the shower, clinging into his hair and the shower head. it's a good thing you have one of those grippy shower rugs in here
idk abt mind break/sherlock holmes syndrome bc I like the idea of him alrdy being a little outta it but maybe it's like a gradual thing like all their life mc has said crazy shit n if they come home a little bloody well that's so fucking sexy n he's only mildly concern now that your lips are on him
I can totally see this cove being into bdsm shit though
he'd say it offhandly one day when you're having a jealous fit "well put a collar on me then"
and so you get him a few to choose from maybe and a tag
it shouldn't turn him on, this is beyond kinky probably, maybe a normal person would consider this sick.
but his dick is straining against his pants and his heart is racing and he's getting so hot n dizzy just thinking abt it
n when it's on he can't help looking at you for approval, and if you're a real dog then you clip a leash onto him the second he's facing you or while he's looking in the mirror you come up from behind and show it to him
he's nervous, that's really inappropriate but fuck if he's not happy to wear it
so you clip it on him "this way you can never stray far from me. you're mine."
fuck he'll random send you pictures while you're at work with his collar on under his dress shirt. he wears it everywhere.
maybe don't let your family see it though and keep smth more... normal. for him to wear
I almost forgot ong but he'd prbly get your name tatted on him
maybe a tramp stamp or over his dick, or over his heart. wherever you want really
I think I said it but he'll flirt just to see that look come across your face. to feel and see how dangerous you are, how rough you are
you'll beat the guy or girls ass from the bar until you're kicked out by force and then you'll go home and rearrange his guts for flirting with some bitch on purpose.
it always leaves his hips sore and his voice hoarse or gone, and you're putting ointment on some of your deeper bites or hickeys with an apologic kiss and tone.
omfg he'll even fuck you in the car, the person that was flirting w him earlier will come around the side and gets a front row view to the car shaking, fogging up, and then he can see cove's hand slap against the window and his green hair against the window as you fuck him up against the door
or if you're really risky then you'll fuck him on the side of the building, his pants around his ankles as you take him from behind and his knees shaking as you grip his hair, pulling his hair back.
the person can see cove moaning loudly and begging you to choke him harder, to hit him harder..
sees how he smiles and laughs when you call him a slut, telling him how dirty he is for wanting it outside and to be seen.
yeah this cove is a total freak n his sanity is questionable
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cyber-corp · 11 months
A shitty summary of Hivemind: Act 5: Act 1
written by someone who's too far in at this point
Let's start bad and complex: The romance quadrant system!
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Character drama escapades aside, I think that Hussie (either intentionally or accidentally) emphasizes queer relationship normality in the troll world, which is really cool, especially for 2010!
From my understanding, heart is basic romance (comparable to regular human romance, unrequited love), the diamond, which I think is moirail (sorta like soulmates, both parties are dependent on each other in the relationship), the spade or kismesis (Romantic hate, like an arch-rivalry) and the clover or auspistice (a separate party keeps a crumbling relationship afloat).
I have no idea why they call out John for not understanding, my boy simply has no fucking idea what Karkat is saying.
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There are a LOT of characters in Hivebent, three times the cast exactly. They are all mentally disturbed and want to kill each other as soon as possible. Nepeta is the best one though.
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Truly the whimsy. The main plot points revolve around two of the five girls: Aradia and Vriska.
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Apparently, something happened between these two before these events took place, and now they hate each other, to the point where one sends ghostly hallucinations to another (as seen above).
The 12-person gang attempts to set up a game that is literally just SBURB, and they split into two teams, red and blue. In order to connect to each other, they do the Mobius Double-Reacharound(TM).
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Then Aradia (who gets her soul transferred into a robot, thanks Equius), emasses an army of her future selves, each rerouted from a doomed offshoot of the main timeline.
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This is so that the troll gang can get really close to beating the game, before causing a catastrophic time rift, referred to Future Aradia as "a scratch. The party absconds to the "site of their hatching", which is the massive crater they appear on in previous acts, where they (I guess) float across their universe and make it into the Milky Way and into the
"universe we created"
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Which suspiciously looks like Earth. Which is where Act 5 Act 1 ends.
This feels like a story that Hussie really wanted to make. The previous MSPaint Adventures were just him taking suggestions from his forum and making something silly, while Hivebent feels like he went "Fuck you. I do my own shit now."
This summary has a lot of stuff I missed (like the drama......don't even get me started), but I think Hivebent is absolutely nuts. In a good way.
I miss John though.
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into-september · 8 months
Can we get a hatepiece (or mild criticism piece) on Ephemeral the episode?
Nnnnnot really, I'm afraid. They hyped it and it was bad, but it was just a slapdash work which was re-set at the end, not a thematic catastrophe that defined the direction of the entire series.
The one thing I'd note to it is that the reason it was bad isn't the most common complaint you hear, which is that Marinette is a dick in it. She is, of course, but her being OOC because the plot needs to happen follows the pattern of the other plot contrievances that make it evident that they really didn't know what they wanted this episode to be. It was allegedly pitched as a two-parter but the networks refused it, and I think a lot of the uncharacteristically bad writing that happens here goes back to that: they had an idea which was probably good, and when they didn't get to do it, they decided to stitch it together with what they could fit in rather than scrap it and begin from scratch like they probably should have.
It was underwhelming for being the 100th episode and generally poorly written, but that's the extent of its crimes. I just can't hate an episode that has my darling Bob Roth and gave us in canon what S5 decided was insignificant to its heroine's character arc: Marinette having to grapple with the differences between Cat Noir and the boy she fell in love with.
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saucy-sassy-sparkly · 2 years
Moments: Three
We're back, babies! I'm glad to bring these two back to you!! As I posted a week-ish ago, I'm a teacher getting back in the routine of life and things have been bananagrams. I'm back to writing (and rewriting Flight 1311)
I always love your feedback :) Sorry, these two don't quite get their ending yet, but there are still more parts to come. Happy reading!
Pairings: Chris Evans x Female Reader
Word Count: ~7.7k
Moments Masterlist
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Three: 2010: Washington DC
Heartbreak is nearly impossible to avoid. Relationships– both platonic and romantic– suffer from miscommunication, bad intentions, and just plain cruelty all the time. They also suffer the urges of desire, lust, compassion, and curiosity. Sometimes, the risk is worth the reward, but more often than not, the risk causes catastrophic damages. 
It is unlikely that we’ll escape this life without a broken heart or two. In the process of healing from those, we often learn more about ourselves. Some heartbreaks never entirely heal, they just get easier to ignore.
Y/N shifted her weight between her feet while she tried to relax her muscles. She’d jumped into the 12 items or less line at the grocery store, but it wasn’t going much faster than the line beside her. She tried to channel her energy into being present. Being aware of the tenseness of her muscles after a long day of heavy sessions. Being aware of the beeping sound as each item was swiped. Being aware of the deep deep hunger growing in her stomach. Being aware of how fucking long this was taking… no, Y/N, refocus… find something to bring you back.
Her attention was drawn to the magazines and she ran her fingers over several covers, deciding on which one to flip through to pass the time. She wasn’t in the mood for Food & Wine, she’d read the latest People in the waiting room of the dentist, so she kept pushing them aside, looking for something that would catch her interest. 
She froze when a familiar face stared back at her; she dropped the grocery basket haphazardly on the ground in front of her and used both hands to yank the magazine out of the stand. Even with his eyes airbrushed a murky brown instead of the steely blue she remembered, even with the superhero costume and stoic pose, she knew that face anywhere.  
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“Chris,” in a normal state of mind, she would have cringed when she realized she’d whispered it out loud as she stared at the glossy page in front of her. Instead, she was in a trance. She vaguely heard the cashier call “next” and she knew it was her. Her hands were shaking as she shuffled forward in line– it was finally her turn. Without another thought, she dropped the magazine on the conveyer belt and tried to put it out of her mind until she got home.
The three-block walk back to her condo was a blur, as was the walk up the stairs, the unloading of groceries, and the cooking of dinner. Y/N hadn’t taken the magazine out of the bag; she still hadn’t decided if it was a good idea to read it, but she was definitely waiting until she had food (and wine) in her system before she made a decision. She forced herself to finish eating, doing dishes, and getting into comfy clothes before she could look at it. 
She had to look at it, right? No. She didn’t have to do anything. But she desperately wanted a glimpse of him again. It had been almost seven years since she saw him, yet the tattoo on her ribcage regularly reminded her of the night they spent together. At the time, it had been the most romantic night of her life. She’d grown, she’d dated, she’d even loved since then and she knew that it was a low bar (particularly given the bomb he’d dropped the next morning). She knew she deserved more than a night of making out and dreaming together with a man… no, a boy… in a relationship. 
And yet, she still got butterflies when she thought of how important he’d made her feel sitting by the fire all those years ago. The feeling of sitting on Chris’s lap, wrapped in his arms while his breath tickled her neck as he whispered about his future and asked about hers… she could still feel it and it still made her heart skip a beat.
That next morning, after he’d crushed her heart (again), he’d begged and pleaded with her to hear him out. She’d left the room with her jeans in her hands, just his shirt hanging off her shoulders, and he’d followed her out of the room talking a mile a minute. She’d roused Annie from the couch, holding back tears, and dragging her best friend out of the apartment. Y/N had traversed home, clutching her clothes and purse, in an oversized t-shirt and panties, and resisting the urge to sob on the street. 
Once inside Annie’s, she’d forced herself to shower where she cried, cleaned up, and stepped back into Annie’s presence refusing to talk about it. The rest of the weekend, she’d actively refused Annie or her roommates’ questions about Chris and what had happened between them.  
Chris had gotten ahold of Annie’s number from one of his friends and had spent all weekend trying to call. Annie, as a loyal and protective best friend, refused him and laced every call with curses before hanging up. For what it was worth, he didn’t stop calling all weekend. And even all these years later, Y/N didn’t know that he’d continued to call Annie to try to plead his case with her in hopes that she’d relay a message to Y/N. She heard him out, but she never told Y/N… She’d watched Y/N crumple twice from this guy, and she’d decided that his excuse (it wasn’t working with Jess, he was ready to be out of that relationship) wasn’t good enough. It turns out, Annie’s instincts were likely right, even if it meant keeping a secret from Y/N.
After changing into sweats and pouring another glass of wine, Y/N sat on the couch staring straight ahead. Both of her hands were fidgeting with the bottom of her braid. Her stomach was in knots, her heart rate was accelerated. On the coffee table sat the magazine with Chris’s strong jawline staring back at her. Just a picture of him after all this time made her feel both nauseous and excited. She held out several more minutes, staring at the uniform, the shield, and the glossy film of the paper while she downed the rest of her wine. Finally, she lurched forward and snatched up the magazine, flipping frantically to the spread with his face.  
Despite all her efforts, she couldn’t stop the giddy grin on her face when she scanned the photos. Y/N read the article, soaking in every word and thinking of those whispers they’d shared on the balcony in Boston. How he wanted to follow his passion and make a real career out of acting, but how afraid he was of the consequences. She could still feel the way his hand had gripped her waist just a little tighter when he spoke of his anxieties of fame fighting against his desire to follow his heart.  
He’d done it. He’d become a movie star. He was a superhero now and there was no turning back for him.  
This was the first time in all the years since they’d woken up together, that Y/N had allowed herself to really think about him. She claimed that he was a fleeting memory and an occasional drunken cry, but she’d spent all of her energy cramming him into a tiny box so that she wouldn’t daydream and Google him. In the immediate wake of waking up together, she’d been distraught, been angry, been convinced that the universe was playing tricks on her because Jessica fucking Biel’s picture seemed to be everywhere. She’d refused to go to movies for fear that a trailer might have one of them in it. She’d avoided magazine aisles and anything on the internet that might hint at gossip or a picture of them snuggling.
Over time, she’d relaxed and been able to see Jessica’s image without immediately starting to cry and then eventually even saw some of her movies. It wasn’t Jessica’s fault; she probably didn’t even know about Y/N. She’d just been a night for Chris while he’d gone on to have several more years of a relationship with Jessica. Y/N’s ban on movies had helped her avoid Chris’s early career, but now, holding his face in her hands in the red, white, and blue uniform, it was clear that if she wanted to continue to avoid him, it was about to get harder.  
The next evening, Y/N flounced into the kitchen where her friends were gathered, checking her clutch for her phone. The click of her heels on the hardwood made Annie look up and catcall; Y/N blushed and avoided eye contact as she went straight for the fridge. 
“DAMN, Y/N,” Sasha called, “you look smoking.”
“Stop,” Y/N waved them off, pulling out a beer to chase the shots that Annie had just lined up.
Jenna smacked Y/N in the ass, “someone is looking for attention tonight.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N picked up the shot in front of her, encouraging her friends to do the same. “I’m just looking to dance.”
“Twenty bucks says someone is buying her a drink in the first ten minutes,” Sasha giggled, “are you ready for that?”
Y/N shrugged, swigging from her beer, “I’m not looking for anything more than drinking a little too much and dancing with my friends.”
“And yet here you are, clearly not wearing a bra and possibly no panties,” Jenna smirked.
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“I’m wearing panties, thank you very much. I’m just looking to have fun,” Y/N repeated, her face flushing. “And maybe a little flirting.”
Jenna raised her beer, “to Y/N getting laid tonight.”
“NOT what I said!” Y/N yelled over her friends toasting to her sex life. After another round of shots and loading into a waiting cab, the girls were waltzing into Grand Central and straight to the bar. After two shots and a beer at home, a shot at the bar, and then another beer in hand, Y/N marched straight to the dance floor, not bothering to check if her friends were behind her. The DJ was playing a mashup of Kesha and club music while the girls moved to the music, dancing on each other and singing loudly. Three or four songs later, Annie and Y/N stumbled towards the bar, clinging to each other and giggling when a hand grazed Y/N’s hip.  
She felt a tall presence behind her and caught a whiff of cologne over the smell of sweat and beer; the hand on her hip was heavy, but not unpleasant, and his other hand came to rest on the surface of the bar next to her, effectively caging her in. His breath fanned her ear when he leaned in, “How much does a polar bear weigh?”
Y/N scrunched up her nose, turning her ear towards him as she said, “What?”
“How much does a polar bear weigh?” he repeated, again leaning down to speak right in her ear.
She laughed, “I have no idea.”  
“Me either, but it breaks the ice,” his face was so close to her neck she could feel him smile, “Can I buy you a drink?”
“Does that line work?” She rolled her eyes, feeling herself lean into him. He was warm, sturdy, and smelled delicious; she finally turned in his grasp and her alcohol-muddled brain took a few seconds to take in his face. His blue eyes dropped to scan her whole body. When his eyes returned to hers, she sobered quickly.  
“Depends on your answer to my question.” His eyes bounced between hers, still grinning. 
It was him.  
It was Chris goddamn Evans. He was pressed against her, holding her against the bar with his body weight, and asking to buy her a drink.
And he had no idea who she was. 
Y/N’s heart was in her throat and the urge to cry was surpassed only by the urge to kick his shins as hard as possible. He was staring at her, smirking his perfect smirk, and she had a split second to make a decision.  
“I’d love another,” she forced a smile on her face, held up her Corona and he nodded, turning to the bar and motioning to the bartender.  
“Two of these,” he pointed to the drink and then looked back at Y/N, “and yes, that line works… this one and only time I've used it at least.”
Y/N blushed despite herself, “I’m a sucker for corny jokes,” 
“I’m a sucker for beautiful women,” he replied.  
“Okay,” she laughed, making a face, “you have to stop with the shitty lines. You got my attention,” she was leaning her whole body weight against him each time she reached up on her toes to speak into his ear. And each time, he would tighten his grip on her hip, squeezing as he pulled her closer. Annie was somewhere behind her but she was only vaguely aware. Alcohol, his cologne, his grin, his hand holding her against him, and her deep, burning fury were entirely distracting Y/N from anything else. Annie, however, didn’t care; she was already texting the rest of the girls a picture of Y/N snuggled up to this handsome stranger. The group chat lit up immediately, but Y/N wouldn’t see it until the morning… which would be about the same time Annie would be sober enough to process who the handsome stranger was.
Taking the beers from the bartender and paying, he leaned down to her again, “you seem familiar.”  
Y/N stared at him for a moment, trying to decide if it was the moment to tell him. Instead, she nodded, “so do you. Did you go to Georgetown too?”
He shook his head, “No, no college; I’m from Boston but here in town for work. What’s your name?”
She offered her name before he repeated it and then said, “I’m Chris. Do you want to dance?”
Y/N stared at him, looking for any recognition. When none came, she plastered a smile on her face, pulled his hand off her waist, and dragged him behind her to the dance floor. She leaned her back against him as his arms both found her waist. One arm wrapped around to press his hand just below her belly button, and the other– which was holding his beer– steadied her other side. Almost immediately they were in sync, moving together to the music and pressing into each other. Every so often, Chris would whisper something in her ear about how beautiful she was, how good she felt in his arms.  
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Chris was grateful for the first day off from press in a long time– in the run-up to the premiere of his first Captain America film, he had an interview nearly every hour of every day. Marvel had plunked them down in DC for several days to tap into the patriotic backdrops of the nation’s capital. Finally, he’d get tomorrow to himself, and as tired as he was, being in this bar dancing with this woman was better than sitting alone in his hotel room remembering that he was almost 30 and single. The second they’d walked into this bar, his eyes were drawn to her. Her snug dress got his attention immediately, quickly followed by the way she smoothly moved through the room and the column of her neck when she threw her head back as she laughed with her friends. He’d kept an eye on her while he and his buddies found a table and got drinks. He made no show of hiding his attention on her while he watched her dance, watched her body sway, and thought about what it might be like to hold her. When she’d made her way to the bar, she’d passed right by him, so he took his chance.  
The second he was close to her, he knew he’d met her before. His stomach clenched thinking maybe… maybe he’d slept with her before? Would she recognize him? Would she slap him across the face for not remembering her? He took his chance anyway. Maybe she’d been an extra on a set or a journalist in an interview.  
The whole time he held her, he ran through his list in his head. There were certainly a few he couldn’t put a name to anymore, but he remembered most of the faces. No, he was certain, the longer he held her and felt her dance against him, he’d never slept with her. There is no way any amount of alcohol could wipe away the feeling of her against him, of that he was positive. But he did know her. 
Chris flattened his palm on her stomach and used it to pull her closer; he couldn’t help but smirk when he felt her easily respond by pressing her ass back into him. Her free hand had been on his forearm, but now she snaked it up to his bicep and back around to cup the back of his neck, pulling him to her while she arched her back and ground her ass into him in time to the music. “You’re gonna kill me,” his mouth was right next to her ear, his breath tickling her neck as he spoke over the music. Y/N pulled apart just enough to glance over her shoulder at him, smirk, and added more pressure back into his hips. His groan rumbled up through his chest and she felt the vibrations against her back.  
After a few moments of being pressed impossibly close, Chris paused and slowed their movements. “Stay here,” he whispered, squeezing her waist and disappearing into the crowd. Y/N took a big swig of the room-temperature beer in her hand and felt awkward standing there in the middle of the dance floor waiting for him. This abrupt change caught her off guard, so she started to move off the floor in the opposite direction, pushing through the sweaty bodies and trying to calm her boozy, racing mind.  
He figured out who she was. He was mad she didn’t say anything. She’d pushed him too far with her little cat-and-mouse flirting. She’d thought it was innocent enough; lots of people around them were drunk and grinding, it didn’t mean much more than that it was Saturday night. Y/N was almost to the edge of the crowd when an arm wrapped around her bicep and she was gently turned around, coming face to pec with Chris. “Leavin’ me?”
Y/N bit her lip as she stared at him slightly wide-eyed. Chris’s eyes rolled back, his head lolling backward as he laughed, “Sweetheart, you can’t be biting your lip at me like that.” His hand on her arm slid down to her hand and over to her waist, his other hand mirroring it. With both hands on her, he tugged her into him and could speak directly into her ear, “You okay to stay with me? I wasn’t done with you yet, I just wanted to put down my empty, because I need to have both hands free for you.” He made his point by squeezing both hands that were holding her in place.
She nodded, giving him permission for his hands to slide further around her back, hovering dangerously close to her ass, swaying with her in a horribly out of place slow-dance. Y/N’s mind was still spinning, the beer in her system clouding her judgment and making it impossible to decide how to handle this situation. She was still oscillating from anger and humiliation to joy and excitement and didn’t have time to process any of it. Internally, she was starting to lose her cool; it was getting overwhelming and she needed a beat. Externally, she tried to play it off…
Her right hand holding her empty beer bottle rose to rest on his shoulder while her left hand slid slowly up his chest and gripped the fabric of his button down in her fist. She pressed herself into him, lifting onto her toes– even in heels– to lean up in his ear, “yes, but there is a deck upstairs, I could use some air,” she raised her eyebrows at him and he nodded. Chris took her hand and led her to the stairs, his large frame creating a path through the crowd.  
“I’ll meet you up there,” Y/N gestured to the ladies' room. 
“Can I get you another round?” She agreed and he headed towards the bar while Y/N was pleased to find no wait in the bathroom and could pee, splash some water on her face, pop some gum, and breathe sweaty, smelly bar bathroom air. She forced herself back out the door and up the stairs and out to the deck– the reason this bar was her favorite– and stared out at the lights of the city.
When he returned, Chris scanned the scattered groups on the rooftop deck looking for Y/N. When he spotted her, his breath hitched. Her back was to him, but her hair was thrown over one shoulder, allowing it to cascade down her back and show off the curves and angles of her neck and shoulders. In the cool evening air, a breeze picked up Y/N’s hair and it fluttered behind her while she leaned on the railing and looked out at the cityscape. In her pose with both hands braced on the bars in front of her, her back arched ever so slightly, accentuating her ass and drawing Chris’s eyes right to it.
His heart didn’t normally pound this hard when he was with a beautiful woman. He didn’t normally get this nervous. His hands weren’t normally sweaty. There were always beautiful women. Why was this one making his head spin and his heart jump into his throat? Whipping his palms on his jeans, he took a shaky breath before moving.  
He soldiered on and stepped up behind her, caging her in with his hands on either side of hers on the railing. “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he said to her, his lips almost brushing her exposed neck. A shiver ran through Y/N– whether it was her surprise at his approach, the words he said, or the chill air, Chris didn’t know or care. He took it as an invitation and stepped closer; Y/N was sure he could feel her pulse racing.  
They watched cars go by, Chris leaning his cheek against her head and Y/N letting her fingers interlace with his on the railing. He rubbed his thumb gently against her hand and she let herself lean entirely into him. They passed the time in this deeply intimate embrace with Y/N pointing out different landmarks visible from their rooftop spot. She knew historical tidbits and anecdotes that kept Chris asking question after question. They transitioned into exchanging bad dad jokes back and forth, and every time Chris pulled a giggle out of her, he racked his brain for ways to do it again. 
What are you doing, Evans?  Chris thought to himself as he cradled this woman in his arms. Any intention of taking her home for one night had gone out the window. It had already been at least ten minutes of pressing into each other while he tried to make her laugh. This wasn’t a one-night girl and the moment for “you wanna get outta here” was long gone anyway. In his head, Chris was already doing the math: if she was local, he had another few days in DC. He could see her again, he could take her to dinner, he could meet her for a drink. This didn’t have to end tonight. He had no reason to be this smitten but here he was, itching to kiss her and strip her down to have her under him, but also dying to know her. To hear her laugh every day, to feel his anxiety leave his body when she pressed up against him like this, to have a lazy morning in bed with her.
Stamping down his thoughts, he tried to recenter on this moment and what he had right now.  Focus, Evans, he reminded himself.  
Slowly, he reached his right arm across her to grab her left hip and pull her around to face him. He stepped even closer, securely holding her against him with one arm while the other cradled her cheek in his hand, his forehead pressing against hers.  
Y/N’s eyes fluttered closed while she tried to decide what to do. He hadn’t made any indication that he knew her, not even when they exchanged names, and her stomach was flipping in circles. A solid half of her wanted to just gently remind him, have a laugh about it, and keep feeling his arms around her.  
The other half of her was seeing red.  
How could he not remember? 
How did she still feel her heart flip when she thought of him and he was standing here, pressed up against her, whispering sweet things to her, and not knowing who she was? 
Did she really matter that little to him? Was it all in her head? Had she really exaggerated those memories so much that they were blown this far out of proportion?
A silence fell between them and Y/N opened her eyes to find him staring back at her. She knew the look on his face… she knew he was moments from kissing her; his hand was still cradling her neck. It was coming. Did she let herself kiss him again or did she tell him?  
His thumb rubbed softly up and down the front of her throat while he took her in. The tension in their stare-off was palpable and he was hoping he wasn’t the only one interpreting it sexually. He watched her nostrils flare once, then twice; was that fear? Apprehension? Anger?  
“Chris,” she whispered, chewing her bottom lip. She pulled her eyes from his and for a second he thought he saw tears welling in them, “Please don’t kiss me.”
His head snapped back, “are you okay?”
Y/N nodded vigorously, “I’m fine.”
“I really want to kiss you, Y/N.” His hands were still on her, his thumb was still caressing her throat and the hand at her waist was holding her tightly against him. Y/N’s arms were on his; she wasn’t pushing away, but he would let her go if she did.  
“Don’t,” she stared before cutting herself off, “I can’t.”
He dropped his hand from her neck but not her waist, “do you have a boyfriend.”
“No!” Y/N answered quickly, her hands involuntarily squeezing his arms. “No,” she repeated more calmly, “I just can’t– I don’t want to– It’s too–” Y/N sighed, “just don’t do it. Please.”
Chris nodded, “are you not interested? Did I get this all wrong?” He was trying to be cool and cavalier but he was panicking; had he forced this on her? Was she uncomfortable all night and she’d finally reached her breaking point? Would she go to the press? Would this be a thing for his fledgling team to iron out? Fuck.
“You didn’t get this wrong.” 
“We’ve both been drinking,” he countered, trying to fill in the pieces and understand; trying to fix it. 
Y/N nodded, “Can I–” she cut herself off again. Her demeanor had changed drastically in the last several minutes and it was putting Chris on edge. She sighed and dropped her hands from his arms to twist a hair tie in her hand. She was radiating nerves; Chris took a step back and removed his hands from her entirely. She wouldn’t make eye contact with him anymore and his anxiety was creeping up his chest. “I have to go,” she finally managed to whisper. “I’m sorry, I just can’t.”  
Y/N pushed past him before Chris had time to respond or even process the moment. She was hurrying down the stairs, pushing past people and grateful that the late hour in a dark and dingy bar led people to be far less concerned about her pushing and stumbling by. She didn’t waste any time trying to find Annie or the girls; she was out the door and waving down a cab while Chris pushed through people to catch her. 
He heard the ripple of voices as he passed people, the recognition and his name being drunkenly whispered while he shoved his way to Y/N. He knew there’d be something in the gossip rags tomorrow about him in this bar, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to catch Y/N. He just wanted to find out what was going on, to explain how he was feeling, to have her hear him out… He called her name, “Y/N, please wait!”...
Then, a memory hit him hard and he stopped in his tracks.  
“Y/N, please say something,” Chris was staring at her across the bed. Tears were pooling in her eyes but she was clearly willing not to let them fall. She didn’t move for several breaths and he ran his hands through his hair. Her lanky frame in his t-shirt, the neck of it hanging off her shoulder and exposing her soft skin. Her hair was tousled from sleep and her eyes were still puffy. 
She was stunning in the morning light streaming through the window and he’d fucking blown it. He’d been fighting with Jessica for weeks, their schedules were so chaotic, they were struggling so hard to make time together and when they did, one of them always picked a fight. He wasn’t sure what he had left to give her. And then Y/N had shown up in the tattoo parlor and taken his breath away once again. He’d spent the evening in a bubble, entirely forgetting about Jess and their problems and their last contact with each other– one in which he’d said “I think we should take a break, I’m not sure this is working,” on her voicemail after the seventh time he’d tried to call in as many days without an answer. 
In Chris’s mind, they were done. He’d been back in Boston spending time here before press for his next project and he was planning to go back and break it off. He loved her on some level, but he wasn’t sure they could survive anymore– and he knew that what he harbored for Y/N was love on a whole different, all-encompassing level. 
“I can’t. I have to go, I just can’t–” Y/N finally spoke so softly while she gathered her clothes. Chris moved his body in front of the door. 
“Please, let me explain.”
“You have a girlfriend, Chris, there is nothing to explain. I’m just glad I didn’t sleep with you.” Her voice was hard and she forced herself to stare at him coldly.
“You don’t understand–”
“Let me guess, it’s not working? You’re on a break? It wasn’t her, it was you? How very cliche of you to offer me some ridiculous line to try to explain away last night.”
“Well, it’s not like we slept together, so nothing really happened,” Chris snapped at her and immediately cringed. “Fuck, I’m sorry, wait,” 
Y/N leveled her eyes at him, “you’re absolutely right. Nothing really happened. So we can forget about it.” She shoved past him, holding her clothes. At any other moment, he would’ve let himself stare at her perky little ass cheeks peeking out from under the oversized t-shirt, but he was unwilling to let her go so easily.
“You’re right, I was going to give you a line, but it really isn’t a line. The last time I talked to her it was to tell her we should take a break, it isn’t working.”
“Oh, sure. That’s convenient timing,” She said over her shoulder as she shook Annie awake. “Annie, we have to go,” Annie grumbled and clung to the pillow in front of her, refusing to budge and buying Chris more time. 
“It sounds like a line, but it isn’t. I swear. Jess and I– our schedules don’t work, she’s constantly on set for Heaven, and then she was gone on location, and I was filming the pilot and now we’re both about to be in press–”
“I’m sorry,” Y/N whipped around, “did you say on set for Heaven?  As in 7th Heaven? Is your girlfriend Jessica Biel?”Chris paused and rubbed his hand over his neck, allowing Y/N to gather his non-answer as an answer. “Got it. Jessica Biel. Unfuckingbelievable. I’m supposed to believe that– I cannot even– Jessica fucking Biel? I can’t talk about this. I’m going now. Let’s go, Annie.” She yanked Annie off the sofa and they stumbled towards the door.
“She’s just a person, and she isn’t the person for me. Come on, Y/N, hear me out. I want to see you again, I want to keep talking to you.”
Y/N kept walking down the stairs, shoving Annie ahead of her, Chris hot on their heels, “Y/N, please wait!”
Chris pulled himself out of his daydream just in time to see a cab pull up next to Y/N and he sprinted the last few yards to slide in next to her before she could close the door. 
“Chris, what the hell?”
“You’re not running away from me again.” He pulled the door to the cab and the driver took off towards whatever destination Y/N had already given him.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she stuttered, “What are you– when did you–”  
“I didn’t know all night or didn’t know exactly how I knew you. But calling your name, chasing after you, it all came back to me.”
Even in the dark, Chris could tell she was blushing, her lip pulled between her teeth. She was quiet for a few minutes, the passing streetlights illuminating her face. She turned her head to look out the window and crossed her arms over her chest, unknowingly accentuating her cleavage. Chris willed himself not to look.  
“You’re an asshole,” she finally told him, turning her body away from him and towards the window.
“I am.”
“You should’ve remembered.”
“I should’ve.”
“Stop telling me what I want to hear!” 
“But you’re right.”
“STOP IT!” She snapped, looking back around at him and fixing him with a glare, “just… just shut up. Don’t talk to me.”
“Y/N, please–”
“Shut. Up. Christopher,” she announced each word with force, tightening her arms across her chest and throwing herself back against the seat. She glared out the window as the cab turned down several side streets and eventually slowed to a stop. Before she could pay, Chris handed a wad of cash to the driver and opened his door, sliding out onto the sidewalk.  
Y/N hesitated, staring at him through the open door where he was holding out his hand to help her. Instead, she threw open her own door and stepped out, narrowly missing a car passing and ignoring the cabbie yelling at her for getting out into traffic. She slammed the door and stormed around the trunk to her building. Chris was hot on her heels, still not speaking to her, but hurrying to hold open doors that she yanked open and trying not to be left behind. She didn’t tell him to leave, so he took it as a sign this was okay with her. He followed her up the stairs to her apartment; when she wrenched the door open, she left it hanging wide and kicked her heels off into the small kitchen before stomping back out of sight.  
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Chris closed the door quietly, locking the deadbolt, and then turned to find Y/N had turned on a string of cozy fairy lights and was sitting on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket, staring at him.  
“Can I sit?”
“If you must.”
“I can tell that you’re upset–”
“Thank you, Captain Obvious.”
“Hey, we don’t have to be mean,” Chris threw his hands up in a defensive position, trying to assuage her frustrations, but it seemed to spur her on.
“This is the third time we’ve met, the third time you’ve made me feel beautiful, and the third time you’ve crushed me. You get what you get.”
“I’m sorry,” he sighed, finally joining her on the sofa and reaching out towards her; she pulled away.
“You should be.”
“I am, Y/N, seriously. I should’ve known immediately. I should’ve heard your name and seen your face, and immediately known that you were the same beautiful woman I’ve thought about so many times since Killington. So. Many. Times.” Y/N rolled her eyes but Chris shook his head, “seriously. You’re a constant figure in my dreams.”
She scoffed, “yes, a constant figure who you didn’t recognize for hours while she danced on junk.”
“It’s been seven years, Y/N, we were kids the last time I saw you. You’ve… matured.”
“So have you,” she gestured to the Entertainment Weekly sitting in front of them on the coffee table, still open from where Annie had looked at it tonight and commiserated with Y/N about how hot her little crush had turned out in his multi-page article and photoshoot. It was Chris’s turn to roll his eyes; he reached across the table and tossed the magazine face down on the floor under the coffee table.
“That isn’t me.”
“Sure looks like you. You’re so important now.” Y/N knew her tone was full of undeserved snark. Despite her embarrassment and sadness at not being recognized, she was proud of what he’d accomplished. She knew he’d worked hard, but she would not acknowledge it. Not right now. 
“I’m not important,” Chris huffed, “I’m still the same guy who carried you down a mountain. I’m the same guy who daydreamed on a balcony with you. I’m the same guy.”
“You’re the same guy who let me sleep in his bed, in his clothes, kissing me and holding me and saying beautiful things to me while you were dating a famous actress.”
“I said I was sorry, I tried to explain, I even tried to explain to Annie but your guard dog wouldn’t let me near you.”
Until now, Y/N had been glaring at Chris, but at that, her glare slipped into a look of confusion. The blanket she’d so carefully wrapped tightly around her slipped as her shoulders fell, “what? Annie?”
He nodded, “I talked to Annie every day for weeks. I begged her to give me your number and let me plead my case. She practically threw her Dunkin at me when I tried to explain my side.”
“When did this happen?”
Chris shrugged, “I called her multiple times a day for the first week after, then I kept calling until she finally agreed to meet me. By then I’d broken up with Jessica, and I was auditioning for roles, and back and forth between LA and my mom’s house, I met her at a park between her campus and my mom’s. I brought her coffee to try to butter her up but she wasn’t having any of it. She said I was just trying to sweet talk my way into your pants.”
“Oh,” She said quietly, losing herself in thought. Annie had never said anything. Why had Annie never told her? All these years, she’d blamed Chris and been so hurt by him, but Annie had met with him; she’d ranted and raved and cried to Annie about the whole situation, but Annie had heard him out all along. She’d been the regular voice of reason in Y/N’s ear saying, ‘he’s just a jerk, you can do better, don’t think about him again.’ Y/N shook her head, trying to get back to the moment… Annie was another problem for another day. 
“You didn’t know,” Chris’s shoulders sagged.  
“No,” she shook her head, her eyes slightly kinder this time, “I had no idea.”
“Does it change your feelings about me?”
“I’m not sure yet,” Y/N took a breath and stared at him, her stomach churning with emotions and beer. 
“Of course, you don’t,” he sighed, shaking his head and starting to pace the room, “I don’t know why I bothered coming here.”
Y/N was silent, watching him pace while her mind raced in a thousand directions. She was angry with Annie and confused about Chris.  
“Look, I’m not going to grovel. If you want to be pissed at me forever, fine,” His tone was harsher than he meant it, but once it was out of his mouth, he saw Y/N’s face harden quickly.  
“I just need a second, Chris, you keep dropping bombs on me with no warning, and I’ve had a lot to drink.”
“You’ve had seven goddamn years, Y/N. That was plenty of warning,” he countered, coming to a stop in front of her with his hands on his hips. 
“I didn’t know you talked to Annie, I didn’t expect to run into you tonight, I put you out of my mind for the last seven years! I’m a little emotional and a little drunk!” The blanket fell from her shoulders as she gestured at him, “Give me a damn second to think!” 
“I don’t need a second to think about you! I want to kiss you, I want to call you every day, I want to make you laugh, and I want you in my bed every night.” He cradled her face in his hands, staring at her intensely.  
“That is too much too soon. You’re passionate, and I’ve loved that about you from the first time we met, but you’re throwing so much at me so quickly. An hour ago you didn’t recognize me and now you’re talking about a future together.”
“I’m an idiot, I know that, but I didn’t forget you. I never forgot you. I never forgot how comfortable it was to talk to you or to laugh with you. I never forgot how easily I felt like myself when I was with you. And even when I didn’t realize everything tonight, I still wanted more of you. That girl in the bar had my attention from the moment I saw her. I’m not finished with you, Y/N. We’re not finished.” He was still cradling her face, pulling her towards him. Y/N put her hands on his wrists, rubbing her thumbs against his hands in an effort to steal her mind and slow down his words. And to soften the blow.
“I’m not ready, Chris. It’s too fast; I can’t.”
He sighed loudly and stepped away from her, “Any other girl could,” he muttered as he ran his hands across his face in exasperation. 
“Excuse me?” Y/N stepped out of his grasp; the back of her knees hit the sofa behind her and she stumbled, catching herself on the armrest.
“No, no, by all means, go on, what was that about any other girl?”
Fully defensive now, Chris squared his shoulders at her, “I can get any girl in my bed, I don’t even have to try.”
“Unbelievable,” Y/N’s mouth hung open, “Why did you even come here?
“I came here for you!” He threw his hands up in the air before they dropped and loudly slapped against his thighs.  
“Did you come here for me or did you come here to fuck me?”
“I came– I didn’t–I wanted– Y/N,” he stuttered and looked at her helplessly. 
“Did you just come here to sleep with me, Chris?”
He was quiet, his mouth opening and closing like a goldfish while he tried to gather his thoughts. 
“Christopher,” Y/N whispered, “why did you come here? What were you hoping for.”
“I don’t know.”
Y/N squeezed her eyes shut and tried to force the tears welling in her eyes to stop falling. She was drunk, she was tired, she was overwhelmed, and she was highly emotional. She wanted to have this conversation with a clear head and when Chris was thinking clearly and not with Lil Chris. “I think you should go,” she forced herself to say.
“If I go, that’s it,” he said stubbornly, “this is the third time we’ve tried. If we fail this time, then I’m not coming back.”  
“Let’s talk with a clear head tomorrow, Chris,” she pleaded, “We’re both saying this we don’t mean tonight.”
“I mean everything I’m saying. It’s now or never.”
“Chris, please–”
“Now. Or never,” he annunciated very clearly as he watched tears streak down Y/N’s face. He didn’t mean it. Or at least sober Chris didn’t mean it. But Chris with too much beer in his system was stubborn, passionate, and a bit of an ass. If he walked out of here without her tonight, he wouldn’t try again. He’d put too much time and effort into trying for her already after she’d walked out seven years ago. He’d cried alone, he’d begged and pleaded with Annie, and he wouldn’t do it again. He’d leave her behind. He silently prayed that she’d back down because he knew he wouldn’t allow himself to be the one to break.  
“Chris,” she repeated quietly, “let’s meet tomorrow, please,” she moved towards him, reaching for his hands; the tiny sober part of his brain screamed at him when his stupid, drunken self yanked his hands away from her. 
“No. I guess it’s never then, Y/N,” he turned and moved quickly across the apartment to her door and flung open the deadbolt. He hesitated just long enough to hear her choke a sob before he stepped into the hallway.
Taglist: @bellaireland1981 @before-we-get-started @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @elrw24 @maylaysia109
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rainymunson · 2 years
Eddie Munson Rec List
(work in progress)
none of these are mine! just sharing AMAZING collections and works i have found by incredible blogs on here :)
audio links (nsfw):
losing ur v
nsfw alphabet
(another) nsfw abc’s
masterlists/rec lists
honeymunson (pt1)
one shots:
blood lust
you made me hate this city
bad idea - one last year. one last hurrah. hawkins high’s yearly senior camping trip is full of sentiment, and full of surprises. eddie definitely did not expect a night of confessions with his best friend, and definitely did not expect to end up naked with her.
don't tell steve - you’re steve’s younger sister and you’ve been secretly dating eddie. when eddie goes missing, you’re the only one who knows where he is.
Good Vibes - Eddie is your best friend and happens to accidentally come across your vibrator.
Purity ring - When Mrs. Thompson told me that I would have to tutor Eddie Munson, I never would have expected that I would be in his trailer on a Saturday night. Even if I don’t like to admit it, there is some tension between us. His constant flirty comments against my harsh responses have built up something between us. He is the one to make the first move.
girl with the tattoo - eddie pays for your first tattoo without knowing what it is you’re getting. when you finally show him, he practically flips his shit.
out of exile - jason fucking carver picked the wrong girl to go after in his search for chrissy’s killer, and eddie’s done running.
hawkins-losers request - How about some slow sweet, early mornin' loving for our Eddie boy? Or on the other side, dirty rough bathroom stall at a concert smut?
Save a Prayer ('til the morning after) - you and Eddie know you have to go back into the upside down to save Nancy, and so you spend one final night together before certain doom…
don't you dare - you and eddie have a private moment before going into the final battle against vecna
vampire!eddie: (i know. just, hear me out-)
bloodthirsty - He came to you only at night, your Eddie. Well you supposed he wasn’t quite your Eddie anymore. He was different, changed. 
worlds apart - THEN. You’re the only survivor among the Mind Flayer’s victims, thanks to your friends - but after the Battle of Starcourt, you find yourself adrift in a sea of nightmares. Until an encounter in the woods with Eddie The Freak Munson offers an unexpected life line and turns your world upside down. NOW. Four months have passed since the winter night you walked out of Eddie’s trailer and his life for good. But when the mysterious headaches and nightmares return full-force and something wicked stirs in sleepy Hawkins, starting a witch hunt against Eddie, you realize that there are two things in this world that might be more persistent than you’d thought: Evil…and love. The story will be told in two timelines: the past (after the Battle of Starcourt) and the present (during the events of season 4).
promises, promises - Your boyfriend, Eddie Munson, accuses you of cheating on him due to your strange behavior. If only you could tell him you were hunting interdimensional monsters instead.
fix it fics:
i always will -  in the midst of catastrophe and sorrow, hidden feelings are revealed.
eddiesbug request - eddie doesn't die, but he just barely makes it, and visiting him in the hospital with his favorite music and foods and giving him soft cuddles and yeah
“If I get to live a million other lives, I hope I get to love you in all of them.” - A quickly, sloppily written angsty + fluffy fix-it fic I cranked out in one sitting because this is my therapy in a post st4 vol2 world. This was written quickly and quickly proofread by a very tired me, so definitely not my best work but something I just wanted to get out in the open for everyone! Enjoy.
family video - robin and steve were able to snag eddie munson a job at Family Video and it just so happens that the person of his dreams would be a regular customer.
wake up - You and Dustin gets Eddie out of the Upside Down. He is now in a coma 
fade into you - this is definitely just a fix it fic for vol 2 because i miss my baby ):
I thought we weren't supposed to be heroes - Eddie cuts the rope that connects the real world with the upside-down to buy more time and you and Dustin find a way to reach him anyway.
“Why the hell would you say something like that?” - instead of the shitty ending we got, he’s gonna live in this fic. you’re welcome&lt;3
Say you'll still be by my side - Eddie made it out of the Upside Down, barely alive. He’s in a coma now but you refuse to let him go.
Hawkins' Hero - Eddie risks his life trying to be a hero. What he doesn’t realize, is that, he’s always been your hero.
Liquid Smooth - eddie’s nightmares corrode his nights for the past two weeks. with guilt overwhelming his healing wounds, you let your boyfriend talk to you as a cathartic release.
It Can't Be - Nothing on earth will ever take Eddie Munson away from you, not even an army of bloodthirsty, flesh-eating demobats in the Upside Down.
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