#bruce and betty son
painofhumanity · 1 year
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plotting call for Eliot Ross
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nightwolf14292 · 1 month
Some of my Thoughts About Batman: The Animated Series as Someone Who Knows Very Little About Batman Lore (PART 1)
(This is just the first three episodes because it's late and I'm tired and I'd like to go to bed now lol)
•Bangin intro has me very hyped
•Police blimps
•"No one is taking a vigilante force onto my streets." Commissioner Gordon.. Wtf do you think Batman is-? Do you know who Batman is at this point in the series?
•Gotham citizens have a hard time telling the difference between an emo and an actual anthropomorphic bat despite the fact that they look nothing alike
•Batman really likes using smoke bombs
•From reading the episode descriptions, and from watching this first episode, it seems like a lot of these villains are just drug addicts- •Drug addicts who really like bats, in this case
•The anthropomorphic bat was a doctor's fursona all along •There's a ridiculous amount of furries in Gotham
•They really like breaking windows. This is only the first episode and like.. Three windows have been broken already
•Christmas tree rockets
•ROBIN SPOTTED •WHICH ROBIN IS THIS •I KNOW THERE'S A LOT OF 'EM •Whichever Robin it is has sass, but I think all of them do •"Well ba-humbug to you too 😒" - Robin •THEY'RE WATCHING MOVIES AND EATING DINNER TOGETHER ON CHRISTMAS THIS IS A CUTE FAMILY MOMENT ASJSHAHSJAK •Unfortunately the Joker is here to mess that up tho T-T
•"Looks like I'll have to teach daddy some manners.." Uhhh, Joker..? 💀
•Look at this lovely father & son Christmas bonding, saving people and getting shot at with canons 💕
•I feel like the Joker having turrets shaped like him is really on brand somehow, despite knowing little to nothing about the Joker's said brand
•Batman just has a freaking baseball bat 😭🖐 •"They don't call you Bat-man for nothing! 😀" - Robin
•According to the five minutes of research I just did, I think this Robin is Dick Grayson which is, according to the longer then five minutes of research I did last night, the OG (AKA the first) Robin.. So before Bruce's orphan addiction fully formed, I suppose?
•What did Bruce do to you, doctor guy- •This doctor is, like, really passive aggressive ;-; •Also kind of rude of him to just spout nonsense about Bruce's father and Bruce's father's death as if that wasn't an incredibly traumatizing experience for Bruce lmao •BRUCE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TIME TO BE DEPRESSED ABOUT IT BECAUSE SCARECROW IS HERE AND HE HAS A GUN- •The villains in this series are kinda obsessed with guns just as much as they're obsessed with drugs
•So Scarecrow takes the "Scare" part of his name literally and makes people hallucinate their fears? •Damn Bruce, dealing with some trauma right now?? 😭😭 I feel like a lot of characters with parent problems (whether those parents are dead or not) have visions and dreams of their parents being like "you suck lmao" to them
•Commissioner Gordon does, in fact know who Batman is right now, so wtf was he talking about earlier with the whole "no vigilantes" thing -_-
•yeah I'd probably call someone a lunatic if they kidnapped people and performed human experimentation too, scarecrow
•Guys I think Bruce needs to go to therapy (again? Has he already been before?) because he's having- like- a panic attack over this Scarecrow guy and his parents and all that.. •I mean my mans hands are SHAKING and his visions going all blurry •YEAH YOU TELL HIM ALFRED, GIVE HIM THOSE POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS AND FEED HIM SOUP ALL RIGHT
•Bruce literally can not catch a break in this episode he went from having panic attacks because of the fear toxin to just.. Getting beat up by random, also fear gassed people 😔
•They like blimps a lot
•Just broke another window
•Tiny plane that looks like it's made out of cardboard
•They also like explosions a lot
•Why's this Jonathan Crane guy so scared of bats •He also has elf ears lol
•Thomas and Martha Wayne? Bruce's parents names acquired
•(This version of)Bruce looks stupid in sunglasses
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bedlamsbard · 2 months
Some Yonderverse concept writing! This is for a potential sequel to The Horizon Line, set about four years before On Yonder Hill (a.k.a. eleven months post-Snap, four months after the end of Horizon).
About 4.3K below the break.
“How is he?”
There was only one he anyone even remotely associated with the Avengers meant these days.  Six months ago it would have been Loki; since the Tower, it had been Steve Rogers.
Natasha chewed on a fingernail and shot a glance at the Quinjet’s closed hatch, even though she was alone in the vessel and the only people visible through the viewport were a couple of Asgardian teenagers carefully coaxing a dozen strayed miniature sheep back in the direction of the flocks.  She had no doubt that they knew she was there, but the Asgardians were pretty good about not bothering anyone other than Loki, who after almost a year was still their first go-to for anything and everything.
“Natasha?” Rhodey prompted when she didn’t say anything.
“Not good,” she said finally.  “Not – not good.”
There was a long silence on the other end of the call, then Rhodey asked carefully, “How bad is it?”
It was a question whose answer varied from day to day, though sometimes it was hard to tell with Steve, since the worse he was doing the more he shut down.  She couldn’t tell if being in New Asgard was making it worse or better, since everyone there was already traumatized and depressed to the point of daily tears and nightmares.  At least the Asgardians had some kind of cultural context for what had happened to Steve, which did seem to help.
“Well,” Natasha said, “I think Loki is the most emotionally stable person here, so that might be your answer.”  Or at least that he was the best at pushing through the absurdity of daily life post-Snap, which these days amounted to the same thing.  She was aware that it might end in him having a messy breakdown with a body count later on, which was evidently what had happened seven years prior, but that was a problem Natasha and the Avengers would deal with when and if it happened.  At this point she didn’t think it would, or at least that if it did Loki would go off and do it on some other planet instead of on Earth, which Natasha probably should have been more concerned about but which she didn’t have the energy to deal with now.
She took a deep breath, then asked, “Does the President want us back in the States?  Or is Secretary Ross –”
He’d wanted to put Steve back in a lab as soon as he had come out of the Red Room, ostensibly on the grounds of replicating the serum; Natasha was certain that if he’d gotten his way, it would have resulted in a lot of dead scientists.  Steve hadn’t even been able to go into the laboratory wing of Avengers Compound.
“No,” Rhodey said swiftly.  “No, nothing like that.  Just –”  He took a deep breath of his own, then asked, “Is he anywhere nearby?  Anywhere that he can hear?”
Natasha shook her head, remembered that he couldn’t see her, and said, “No, he’s out with Loki looking at some field with the harvest goddesses.  I’m in the Quinjet with the hatch closed.  What is it?”
“I’ll leave it up to you whether to tell him or not, but –” Rhodey sighed heavily.  “Bruce and I just confirmed that Samuel Sterns survived.”
Natasha went absolutely still.
“Natasha?” Rhodey said after a minute of silence.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.  We’ve got footage and eyewitness confirmation.  Bruce and Betty are back at the compound now going through it all.”
“We don’t know, but he’s a Hulk mutate, so…”
“Hard to kill,” Natasha said bitterly.  She bit down on her thumbnail, worrying a little strip of it free before she bit it off and spat it aside.  “God, I can’t tell Steve, he’ll never sleep again, and he doesn’t sleep through the night now.  I have to tell Loki – where was he?  America?”
Which was at least on the other side of an ocean from New Asgard, though with planes that didn’t mean much.
“God,” Natasha whispered again. “Son of a bitch.  Why won’t he just die?”
“It gets worse,” Rhodey said after a moment.  “Ross knows.”
“Son of a bitch!”  Ross would want Sterns alive and working for him.  Worse, if he got his hands on Sterns, he would find out what he had done to Steve.  In all likelihood Ross had guessed some of what had happened to Steve in the Tower, but guessing was one thing; knowing was another.  And he couldn’t be allowed to know if there was any way around it.
Natasha shut her eyes and slumped against the back of the pilot’s seat. “I can’t keep this from Steve,” she admitted.  “He’ll never forgive me.  But I can’t – Rhodey, he’s terrified of Sterns.  The man drugged him, stuck him in a glass box, implanted a chip in his brain stem, spent a month cutting off bits and watching them grow back, and tried to peel his mind like an onion and got closer that anyone will admit.”
“I know,” Rhodey said grimly.
“Did you tell Tony?”
“Yeah.  We’re using the SI satellites to try and find him.”  He sighed.  “Ross is probably going to want you two – maybe you three – back here sooner rather than later, but not if he can get his hands on Sterns first.  He has to know that we won’t let him take Sterns alive.”
“Preferably mashed into a fine paste,” Natasha muttered.  Louder: “How much time do you think we have?”
“Couple weeks?”
Natasha massaged her forehead.  “I’ll tell Steve and Loki.  If nothing else, Loki will probably want to up the security on New Asgard, which will make me feel better and might make Steve feel better.”  Though at this point she suspected nothing was going to make Steve feel better.  “Keep me updated.”
“Will do.  Take care of yourselves.”
“You too.”  She ended the call and tossed her cell phone onto the jet’s dashboard, staring bleakly out the viewport.  The little sheep were still frolicking gleefully on top of the snow, ignoring the Asgardians’ patient attempts to herd them back towards the flocks.  Unlike nearly every other animal in New Asgard, most of which tended to be half-again as large as their Earth equivalents and some of which were even bigger, the sheep only came up to Natasha’s knees and looked outright comical next to Steve and Loki.
“God damn it,” she whispered, and thumped her closed fist down on top of her thigh.  “God damn it!”
All she could think about as she trudged back along the path to the settlement was how frightened Steve had been when they had taken him out of the Tower, away from Samuel Sterns and the Red Room.  It had been the first time in her life that she had ever seen Steve Rogers afraid.  In the four months since, he hadn’t slept through the night once; on his worst days he didn’t sleep at all and he couldn’t be touched.  He didn’t react violently to it, he just froze, his eyes huge and terrified as he waited miserably for whatever was going to come next.  Since Natasha was both the most likely person to touch him and the only person in New Asgard who might have been seriously hurt if he lashed out, that was probably for the best, but on the whole she thought she would have preferred violence.  The unthinking resignation was worse.
Despite the construction of several houses in New Asgard, most of the Asgardians still slept either in Gimlé or Iðavoll.  Natasha passed the great meeting-hall with its gilded rafter-ends, Ullr’s forge, the recently-completed loom-house, and the public baths, all of which were already lit up from within.  Iðavoll’s elaborately carved doors were closed against the cold of a Norwegian March, but they opened easily at her touch, letting out a blast of warm air from the firepit that ran down the center of the great hall.  At this hour the big room was mostly deserted except for the usual assortment of dogs and cats, but Loki and Steve were sitting at the long table at the back of the room, Steve working in his sketchbook and Loki going through his mail.  Natasha still wasn’t sure how the mail was arriving in New Asgard and was afraid to ask.
They both looked up as she came in.  Natasha paused just inside the door to scuff the snow off her boots, then went to join them.  She touched a brief kiss to Steve’s lips as she sat down next to him, relieved when he put his arm around her; that meant he was having one of his good days.
Loki was frowning at what seemed to be an enormous scale the size of two cupped hands.  When Natasha leaned over to peer at, she saw that one side of it was covered in dense runic writing in gold-colored ink.  It was glowing faintly.  After a moment he tossed the scale down with a clatter and picked up an ordinary envelope, slitting it open with a dagger.  He read the contents, rolled his eyes, and stuck envelope and letter together into the nearest candle flame.
“More hate mail?” Natasha asked.  There was already a dusting of ash on the table.
“More hate mail,” Loki agreed.  He let the letter burn down to his fingers, then dropped it into a bowl and picked up a roll of parchment, leaving sooty fingerprints behind as he pried the wax seal off with the tip of his dagger and flipped it aside.
Steve had a small pile of opened mail set to one side of him, and another pile for Natasha.  As he went back to sketching, Natasha began to sort through her own mail.  Most of it was either hate mail or fan mail; some of the fan mail probably qualified as hate mail too.  There were a couple of advertisements and a letter from Alexei, which she set aside to read later.
She jumped as Loki snarled a curse in Asgardian, the Nordic syllables harsh, and slapped a hand down on the table.  Natasha grabbed for the candle as it started to fall, getting drops of hot wax on the back of her palm before she righted it.
“Kin-slaying be damned, I knew I should have had that son of a níðingr whore killed,” Loki said through clenched teeth.  He snapped his fingers with a glitter of green-gold magic and said, “Forseti, Ullr, I need you now.  Brunnhilde and Eir if you can be spared.”
Steve and Natasha stared at him as he tossed the parchment down onto the table and flattened his palms on top of the planed wood, flexing them as if he would have preferred to wrap them around someone’s neck.
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked.
“Family disagreement,” Loki said.
Natasha blinked. “I thought –” she started to say, then stopped herself.
“That everyone was dead?” Loki finished for her.  “I could be so lucky.  That bastard would never have done this to Thor.”  He slapped his hand against the table again, furious.
The great hall’s door opened to admit the Valkyrie and Ullr, with Forseti and Eir just behind them.  As soon as they were within earshot, Loki wadded the parchment up into a ball and tossed it to Ullr, who caught it and straightened it out as Loki slumped back in his chair.
“Is he mad?” the blacksmith demanded, then passed the letter to Forseti.
“Well, given that side of the family, I certainly wouldn’t be surprised to hear it,” Loki said.
Forseti handed the letter to Eir; the Valkyrie leaned around her shoulder to read it too, then blinked and looked up at Loki. “Who the hell is this?”
“My cousin,” Loki said bluntly. “Or Thor’s cousin if we’re going to be exact about it, as he’s being – on my father’s side,” he added for Steve’s and Natasha’s benefits, and presumably the Valkyrie’s.  “Son of my father’s younger brother Vili.  And an ass.  He always has been, ever since we were children.”
“What does he want?” Steve asked.
“Asgard,” Loki said bluntly.  He sat clenching his fist on top of the table, white-knuckled and clench-jawed with fury.  “He wants Asgard.”
Natasha and Steve exchanged a puzzled look.  She would have expected Loki to just dismiss the possibility, but his reaction suggested that there was something else going on. “Can he do that?”
“Yes,” Loki said through clenched teeth. “I do not have time for this nonsense and the Conclave will treat it seriously for the sheer pleasure of dragging Asgard through the mud.  Thor or my father could have gotten away with ignoring it, I can’t.  Not now, at least.  I should have had him killed years ago.”
“The…Conclave?” Natasha said.
“Of the Nine Realms.  Get off, greedy one,” Loki added as Freki jumped up onto the table and sniffed at the remaining mail.  She ignored him and batted a paw at the candle flame, then sat down on some of the opened mail and stared at him.
“Why can’t you ignore the Conclave?” the Valkyrie demanded.  “They’ve never had any real power – not over Asgard, anyway.”
“Because I’m not Asgardian,” Loki said through his teeth. “As dear cousin Baldur takes such care to point out, I’m defiling our people by planting my Jotun-born arse on Hliðskálf, though I don’t think he knows Hliðskálf didn’t survive Ragnarok.  Idiot.  And if I ignore him, some of our people might start listening to him – the Realms might anyway, the House of Odin hasn’t exactly endeared itself to most of them over the course of the past few millennia.  I’m not letting him have the last word.”
“So you’re just going to take him seriously?” the Valkyrie demanded, at the same time that Ullr said, “If the Conclave and the vǫlur decide against you –”
“And have to deal with Baldur for the next six thousand years?” Loki scoffed. “Even they’re not that stupid.”
“What are you talking about?” Steve said.
“My cousin is suing for rule of Asgard,” Loki said. “On the grounds that I’m not Asgardian enough to have a right to the throne.  I’m not sure he knows how few of us there are or if he just wants the prestige of it.  He’s already called it up before the Conclave of the Nine Realms, the rulers of the Nine and some of the protectorate worlds, as well as the vǫlur.  They deal with inter-realm disputes and certain issues of inheritance at the highest levels, or at least they’re supposed to; my father used to rule them with an iron fist.”
Steve and Natasha stared at him.  After a moment, Natasha said, “You’re getting sued?”
“Yes,” Loki said. “Isn’t civilization lovely?  I should have stayed evil.”
Loki was so furious that Natasha didn’t have a chance to bring up Sterns’ survival to him and Steve until late that evening.  By then rumor had already spread through the settlement and New Asgard was in a state of high panic over the possibility that Loki might be deposed; Natasha wouldn’t give a fig for his cousin’s life if he ever came within spitting distance of New Asgard.  Every Asgardian there had crowded into the great hall for dinner and there was a buzz of sound throughout the building, all of them watching Loki, who slouched in the high seat on the dais and worked his way through two bottles of wine without blinking or looking noticeably inebriated.  He did get increasingly sarcastic as the night went on, though without the sharp-edged cruelty that Natasha remembered from the helicarrier.
“Didn’t the coronation put an end to this?” Natasha asked Forseti quietly at one point, while Loki was busy adjudicating some sort of disagreement over a goat.  “He’s already been crowned king, hasn’t he?”
“Yes,” Forseti said. “He’s been elected by the Althing, acclaimed by the Aesir and recognized by the Æsir, but Baldur’s challenging that he has no legal right to stand for election or to hold the throne.”
“But he already has the throne,” Natasha said, puzzled. “And he’s Thor’s brother and Odin’s son, isn’t he?”
“By law-right, yes, and by kin-right,” Forseti said, as Steve leaned in to listen.  The Valkyrie was sitting on Loki’s other side, but she turned her head too, clearly using her superior Asgardian hearing to eavesdrop on the conversation.  “But not by blood, which was never public knowledge.  We won’t know for sure until we stand up in front of the Conclave –”  Natasha took that to mean that she was expecting to act as Loki’s lawyer or whatever the Asgardian equivalent was. “– but my guess is that Baldur Vilison is arguing that because His Majesty isn’t born-Aesir he has no right to the throne.”
“Baldur,” Steve said thoughtfully.  “Isn’t he the one in the myths who…”  He let the words trail off, exchanging a look with Natasha.
She glanced at the wall behind the dais, where Mistilteinn hung along with one of the ulfheðnar’s wolf-headed shields and a pair of short swords, all ready for Loki to snatch up at need.  She had read the same myths as Steve.  On the other hand, they all knew how accurate those myths could be, which usually wasn’t very.
Forseti waved that aside. “They were children.  Eir can tell you the story; she was there.”
“That doesn’t sound good,” Steve said, his eyebrows going up.
“Oh, please, he was fine,” Loki said, glancing at him. “It was barely a scratch a thousand years ago.  It’s not my fault he and Höd hold grudges.”
“This isn’t sounding better,” the Valkyrie pointed out.
“What is he the god of?” Natasha asked.
“Light,” Forseti said.
Natasha had no idea what that meant on a practical level, though even after nearly a year she still didn’t quite understand what Asgardian godheads entailed.
Loki scoffed. “He’s barely Aesir, that hardly counts.  I wouldn’t be surprised if what’s left of the Triumvirate talked him into this, I’m not sure he’s smart enough for it on his own.”
“His mother is Rind, younger sister of Freyja and Frey from the Ruling Triumvirate of the Vanir,” Forseti interpreted for Natasha and Steve.  “Odin arranged the marriage soon after he became king.  Vé’s too – that’s Vili’s twin; he married twice on Ria, but there were no children from those.  He has three bastard daughters, all with different mothers.”
“Does Baldur actually have a claim to the throne?” Natasha asked curiously.
“Kin-right, not law-right,” Loki said, scowling. “My father made certain of that when he married off his brothers.  None of my cousins even have a vote in the Althing; they’re not Asgardian by law.”
One thing that Natasha had figured out over the past eleven months was that Asgardian law was insanely complicated and got more so when it intersected with the laws of the other worlds in the Nine Realms.  There was no overreaching law in the Nine Realms; Asgardian law applied to a certain sector of the population on the planets ruled directly by Asgard, but otherwise local laws dominated.  There were ways to argue that one set of laws should apply over another, several cases of which Loki had already adjudicated, since the King of Asgard was the highest authority in any law case that involved Asgardians.
Loki knocked back his wine glass and picked up the bottle again, shaking it experimentally before setting it back down with a sigh; apparently it was empty.  He turned his attention to another Asgardian standing in front of the high table, saying something to her that Natasha didn’t catch.
Natasha sat back in her chair, thinking about what it might mean for Earth if Loki did lose the Asgardian throne.  The Asgardians were on Earth because Thor had wanted them to be and Loki was determined to follow his brother’s last wishes; knowing the general Asgardian opinion of Earth, she doubted that anyone else would be all that interested in carrying on with the New Asgard experiment.  Most human politicians would find removing the Asgardians from Earth a preferable option to keeping them here.  On the other hand, unlike Loki, Baldur had no reason to want to keep on Earth’s good side, and the last thing they needed was another inter-planetary war.
There were more Asgardians bedding down in the great hall than there had been lately by the time Loki finally pulled himself free and retreated to the room in the back of the building that he shared with Steve and Natasha.  It was a long room that ran behind the great hall, divided by folding screens and warmed by braziers filled with magically heated stones.  Loki sat down heavily on the futon-like quilted mat he slept on and rubbed his hands over his face, some of his anger and frustration dropping away.  When he looked up again, his expression was weary.
“Is it actually serious?” Natasha asked him.
He nodded.  “The Conclave doesn’t have any real ability to enforce anything it decides, but Baldur has close ties to the Ruling Triumvirate of the Vanir, and Freyja and Idunn could decide to enforce it if the Conclave decides in his favor.  That would mean war, since I doubt my people would simply accept Baldur’s claim even if I did.  Traditionally Asgard has never given much weight to the Conclave, since for many millennia we were the only ones who enforced anything across the Nine.”  He drew his knees up and rested his folded arms over the top of them.  “Baldur would very likely take my people to Vanaheim as well.  It would have been different if there was still an Asgard, but…”  He shook his head.  “In half a century, they wouldn’t be Asgardian anymore, they’d be Vanir, and Vanaheim would have the Protectorate, not Asgard.”
“What would it mean for you?” Steve asked, sounding worried.
Loki lifted a shoulder in a shrug.  “I could go to Vanaheim with the rest of my people, I suppose, if Baldur didn’t have me outlawed.  I could go elsewhere in the Nine; Eitri would probably take me in.  I could stay here.  Or I could leave the Nine.  Or, well, there’s the lovely and more likely option of civil war.  I don’t know that the Vanaheim garrison would side with Baldur over me – Thor, certainly, but to them he’s just another Vanr, not an Ás.  Though I’m not sure they’re convinced I’m an Ás, though they wouldn’t be wrong there.  Of course, they don’t get a vote, so what they think doesn’t really matter unless we do get that lovely civil war.”
He held out a hand to Freki as the cat walked in through the closed door, which never failed to disturb Natasha.  Freki butted her head against his fingers, then curled up against his left ankle as he stroked her back.
“So basically the Conclave is the space UN,” Natasha said thoughtfully. “Or the World Security Council.”  Before Alexander Pierce had blown the World Security Council to hell.
Since Loki had spent the better part of a month arguing with the UN, he couldn’t fall back on his usual tactic of pretending he didn’t know how Earth governments worked.  All he said was, “Roughly,” and rubbed at his face with the hand not involved in petting Freki.
Natasha bit her lip, not wanting to make Loki’s day worse, but if she put this off any longer then it would go worse for everyone involved.  She caught Steve’s eye as he started to move towards the opposite side of the room where they usually slept – they slept with Loki occasionally, but not that often – and he stopped, looking at her inquisitively.  “What is it?”
Loki looked up again.  “I take it that I’m not the only one who got bad news today.”
“No,” Natasha said.  “I got a call from Rhodey earlier.”
“I cannot go to America right now, even if it’s being attacked by robots again –” Loki began.
“It’s not about that,” Natasha said.  She took a deep breath, then said, “He and Bruce just confirmed that Samuel Sterns is still alive.”
Steve went dead white.  He took a step away from Natasha, his shoulders bunching up as if he expected to be hit and he was trying to brace himself for the blow.
Loki cursed wearily in Nordic-sounding Asgardian syllables that made Freki sit up and hiss.  “How?”
“They don’t know,” Natasha said. “They’re trying to find him before –”
“Before he finds me?” Steve said. “I’m not exactly hard to find.”
“He can’t cross the land-wards,” Loki said. “And if he tries, the Valkyrie will dismember him.”  Freki hissed again and Loki glanced down at her, smiling wryly. “Assuming the greedy one here doesn’t get him first.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Steve said blankly. “Ross will call us back, or he’ll use it as an excuse to –”  He had started to shake again, but when Natasha put out a hand to him, he pulled away.
Loki chewed his lower lip, then shrugged suddenly and said, “Then don’t be here.  Come to Nornheim with me; Midgard does technically have a seat on the Conclave and you might as well remind the rest of the Nine exactly who put an end to Thanos.  They could use the reminder that humanity is no longer Yggdrasil’s plaything.”
Natasha looked at him in surprise. “Nornheim?”
“The vǫlur host the Conclave at the ruins of Urðarbrunnr on Nornheim,” Loki explained.  “It’s considered neutral by all Nine Realms and the rest of the Protectorate.”  He frowned thoughtfully.  “The vǫlur might side with me; my mother was patroness to them.  On the other hand, I’m fairly certain that my sister is the reason Urðarbrunnr is in ruins, so perhaps not.”  His gaze flickered upwards again. “Regardless, there’s no way that Sterns will be able to reach it.”
Natasha glanced at Steve.  After a moment he nodded and she said, “I guess we’re going to Nornheim.”
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sebeth · 3 months
Who's Who In The DC Universe #2: Bat-Mite, Batwoman
Bat-Mite by Marshall Rogers
A pint-sized imp from another dimension
Claims to be the greatest fan of Batman and Robin, comes to Earth to watch his idols in action
Loves to use his powers to complicate matters for the Dynamic Duo
Forever being ordered back to his home dimension by Batman, like a bad boy being sent to stand in a corner
Bat-Mite is a silly character that mainly appeared in the Silver Age. He did have a mini-series in the New 52 era and has made a few appearances in the various Batman animated series. If you don’t mind an occasionally silly Batman, Bat-Mite can be a fun character. If the “Dark Knight Strikes Again” Miller-Batman is your ideal then Bat-Mite is not the character for you.
Batwoman by Dick Giordano
Kathy Kate was a circus stunt-cyclist and trapeze artist. She later became a socialite and owner of a circus.
A longtime admirer of Batman, Kathy decided to become a costumed crimefighter after she received a considerable inheritance.
She had a mansion constructed atop an abandoned mine tunnel and built her own version of the Batcave.
Often partnered up with Batman and Robin
Kathy’s own niece, Betty, developed her own costumed identity as Bat-Girl
Katy had counterparts on Earth-One and Earth-Two – their careers were mainly identical except for the endings
On Earth-Two, Kathy retired and remained a prominent citizen of Earth-One
On Earth-One, Kathy retired and bought a small circus to keep herself occupied
She was later murdered by the Bronze Tiger in a struggle between Ra’s Al Ghul and the League of Assassins
Kathy Kane is one of my all-time favorite characters and my 2nd favorite love interest of Batman (Andrea Beaumont is my number one Batman love interest).  Was she a silly character? Yes, in her late Golden Age/Silver Age appearances but it was a rather overall silly time for DC Comics. She is the first heroic female Bat character as she debuted in the 1950s and Barbara Gordon wouldn’t debut until the late 1960s. Loved her rare Bronze Age appearances. After Kathy’s death, her time as Batwoman was erased in the post-Crisis but Bette kept her role as a costumed adventurer as Flamebird. Kathy -as Batwoman – made an appearance in one of the Kingdom one shots. Batman sees Batwoman and says “Kathy?” so he retained some memories of her costumed identity.
As for Kathy’s death…she was essentially stuffed into the fridge.  In Detective Comics #485, Batman visits Kathy’s circus and helps her fend off attackers. A second wave of attacks separates the duo and Batman later finds a deceased Kathy clutching her Batwoman costume. Ra’s Al Ghul arrives at the circus and informs Batman that Kathy was killed by the order of the Sensei of the League of Assassins and that Ra’s was the one who sent the note warning Batman of Kathy’s upcoming assassination. Batman questions why the Sensei would consider Kathy a threat and Ra’s tells Batman it is because he told the Sensei that Kathy was a threat. The Bronze Tiger is implicated to be Kathy’s murderer.
We don’t receive a reason for why Ra’s went out of his way to have Kathy assassinated. The only reason I can head-cannon relates to Ra’s obsession to have Bruce as an heir. Around this time there were four main love interests of Bruce: Selina, Talia, Kathy, and Silver St Cloud. Was Ra’s eliminating a possible romantic rival of Talia?
The aftermath of Kathy’s murder received some attention in the Ostrander’s Suicide Squad series – mainly in Bronze Tiger’s attempts to break the League’s brainwashing and his attempts to remember if he killed Kathy.
Kathy frequently married Bruce and was the mother of his son in “imaginary stories” (Elseworlds) from the Golden/Silver Age.
I was so excited when Batwoman was rumored to return in the 52 serie and was so disappointed when it wasn’t Kathy. (Not that I don’t like Kate, I simply wanted the return of Kathy).
Grant Morrison brought Kathy/Batwoman back during his run on the Batman titles and she also featured in the Grayson series. I don’t know if she’s made appearances since the Rebirth era but I’m always up for more Kathy.
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mordenheim · 6 months
Fictober 2023 24: “Is it over? Is it really over?”
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Betty stared back at the crackling flames. The laboratory looked like a gigantic bonfire as she slowly backed away. She turned towards her father, wrapping her arms tightly around him as tears poured down her cheeks.
Thaddeus held his daughter close as he stared into the flames. Being in the military as long as he had, having the rank he'd attained he had to do many horrible things in his life bit this, this felt the worst. He stroked her hair, trying to comfort her as she wept against his chest. His heart ached for her loss, and his own.
“Is it over? Is it really over?” she asked, finally turning her head up to look into his eyes. The pain he witnessed in his daughter's eyes was almost more than he could bear.
He nodded as he forced himself to meet her gaze. “It's over. It was for the best, I promise...”
“Oh, daddy....” She buried her face against the old man like she did when he was a child and he just held her, wishing with every moment he could take away her pain, just take it all on himself.
“Betty...” He kissed her forehead like he did when she was little, “Oh Betty... I...”
“B...E...T...T..Y....” came a guttural whisper from somewhere in the flames.
“No... it can't...” He held his daughter close, not wanting her to see. “Betty. I want you to walk away from here. You walk away and you don't look back no matter what.”
“What? b.. but...”
He held her at arms length looking into her eyes. He hated to do this, but he didn't have any choice. He turned off his loving father persona, only the soldier remaining. “You do what I said and don't ask questions. You go and go now, missy.”
Tears welling up in her eyes again, fresh pain and this time anger flashed in them. A hatred for him he hadn't seen from her since she was a teenager. It hurt him just as much now as it did then but nothing showed on his stoic face. He stood and watched her run away from him for the last time.
A look of grim determination on his face, Thaddeus marched back towards the ruin. He could feel the heat on his skin from almost a hundred feet away. He gritted his teeth as he saw the rubble shift and move. A gigantic charred hand pushed up from the rubble, green blood that gave off a faint, sickly glow dripping from the cracked flesh. It looked smaller now, weaker than it had but still huge.
He snatched up a broken length of pipe, ignoring the pain as the metal seared his hands. He marched through the ruins toward where the creature was crawling out of the wreckage. He held his makeshift weapon at the ready, sharp point aimed down towards the shifting chunks of concrete.
The face that pushed up from the destruction was a shock. The eyes were blind, ruined by the intense heat that was blistering the military man's skin even now. It was charred on one side and the other half was a sickly green and larger than any man's, the brow sloping and the jawline jutting out, but he was in there, his features were prominent.
“BETTY!! WHERE ARE YOU?!” The creature roared out in agony. Not just physical pain, but heartbreak.
Doing what he does best, Thaddeus Ross hardened his heart and did what he had to do, slamming the broken length of metal downwards and silencing the cries once and for all. He stood there panting for a moment before turning and staggering away from the flames.
“Bruce...” He muttered under his breath. Today he had likely lost a daughter, but he had been forced to kill a son.
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mid-nightowl · 6 months
💖 & 🧠 for the fic writer ask game please? <3
hi hello!!! thank you for the ask!!! :) <3
💖 ahhhhh, tough question! i would say my fight scenes or writing action, whatever word you use to describe that type of writing lol. i once got told my fights were pretty realistic and fun to read, and i ran with it (absolutely inflated my ego ngl), i kind of pride myself on them though it also means they have to be perfect
🧠 oh man, i have a few that are just outlines but most usually have a few drabbles or scenes associated with them that i tinker with when bored. BUT i do have a spider-cat jaydick au that is only worldbuilding notes at this point (and im not actively working on), so please enjoy my notes on that :)
(stuffing it under a keep reading thingy bc its a lot, sorry!)
Spider-Cat Jaydick AU
Working Summary: After the death/retirement of Spider-Woman Barbara Gordon, Gotham hits a dark patch. But unfortunately or fortunately, another radioactive spider bites Jaye Todd-Wayne on a school field trip to Fox Corp/Wayne Tech. Knowing Crime Alley, Jaye’s home (despite being adopted by billionaire Bruce Wayne), is in trouble without a Spider guardian, Jaye decides to take it upon herself to be the next Spider. 
It’s not without its…problems.
Barbara as Spider-Woman Main Cast
Barbara Gordon = Spider-Gwen/Spider-Woman aka Gwen Stacy (Earth-65)
Commissioner Jim Gordon = NYPD Chief George Stacy
Harvey Bullock = Captain Frank Castle
Renee Montoya = Detective Jean DeWolff
Dinah Drake Lance = Mary Jane Watson (of the Mary Janes Band)
Alysia Yeoh = Betty Brant (of the Mary Janes Band)
Kori Anders = Glory Grant (of the Mary Janes Band)
Ted Kord = Peter Parker (aka Lizard, Earth-65)
Luke Fox = Harry Osborn (close friend to Gwen & Peter, Earth-65)
Lucius Fox = Norman Osborn
Jaye Todd-Wayne as Spider-Woman II or Ghost Spider Main Cast
Jaye Todd-Wayne = Spider-Woman II or Ghost Spider (aka Miles Morales)
Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne = Rio and Jefferson (Davis) Morales
Damian al Ghul = Billie Morales (younger sibling to Miles)
Willis Todd = Prowler aka Aaron Davis (uncle to Miles)
Tim Drake = Ganke Lee
Stephanie Brown = Starling aka Tiana Toomes
Arthur Brown = Vulture aka Adrian Toomes
Dick Grayson = Black Cat aka Felicia Hardy
Selina Kyle = Black Fox (mentor to Felicia and Tamara)
Victor Stone = Boris Korpse
Donna Troy = Bruno Grainger
Roy Harper = Tamara Blake
Raven = Odessa Drake
Main Villains
Joker & Harley Quinn = Carnage and Venom
Cluemaster (Arthur Brown) = Vulture
Two-Face (Harvey Dent) = Green Goblin or Two-Faced Goblin
The Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot) = Kingpin
Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley) = Doc Ock
Selina Kyle = Black Fox
Bane = Rhino
Black Mask (Roman Sionis) = Mister Negative
Mr. Freeze (Victor Fries) = Electro or Scorpion
Clayface = Hydro-Man or Swarm
Scarecrow = Sandwoman (whose sand causes nightmares from Earth 2099)
Firefly = Shocker
Mad Hatter = Mysterio
Ted Kord = Lizard I (deceased)
Killer Croc = Lizard II
Deathstroke (Slade Wilson) = Kraven the Hunter
Grant Wilson = Grim Hunter (Kraven’s first son and Kraven the Hunter II)
Rose Wilson* = Ana Kravinoff (Kraven’s daughter)
Carmine Falcone/Falcone Crime Family = Hammerhead
Maroni Crime Family = Tombstone
Moxon’s Empire/Lew Moxon = Silvermane
*Originally had Rose Wilson as Deadpool but I think she would work better as Kraven's daughter
Other Cast: (could potential appear or be saved for later)
Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman) = Kate Kane
Cindy Moon (Silk) = Cassandra Cain
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) = Helena Bertinelli*
Madame Web (Cassandra Webb) = Ma Gunn
The Tinkerer (based on the game Spider Man) = Lonnie Machlin or Dana Harlowe
*Helena could either be Daredevil or Glory Brant (of the Mary Janes Band), whether you want to have her as a vigilante or just a civilian
Additional Notes:
Barbara’s main villains were Doc Ock, Vulture, Lizard, Shocker, and Mysterio. The only villains present during her tenure were: Doc Ock, Vulture, Lizard I, Mysterio, Sandwoman, Kingpin, Black Cat, Silvermane, Tombstone, Hammerhead, Electro, Swarm, Prowler, and Shocker. 
>>Barbara knew Kraven the Hunter was active and a villain via Dick, but never fought him personally. 
>>Barbara mainly fought her big three: Doc Ock, Shocker, and Lizard. She also handled a lot of mafia/gang related crimes, in conjunction with her father’s work. 
>>Barbara’s toughest battles were with Lizard I (mainly emotional) and Doc Ock.
Jaye’s main villains are Green Goblin/Two Faced Goblin, Kingpin, Mister Negative, Venom & Carnage. The villains present during her tenure are: Doc Ock, Vulture, Lizard II, Mysterio, Sandwoman, Black Cat, Kingpin, Shocker, Electro, Rhino, Venom & Carnage, Kraven the Hunter, Grim Hunter & Ana Kravinoff, Prowler, Swarm, Mister Negative, Hammerhead, Tombstone, and Silvermane. 
>>Jaye mainly fights her big four: Two-Faced Goblin, Kingpin, Mister Negative, and Venom & Carnage. Jaye also handles a lot of gang related activity but for different reasons than Barbara--whereas Barbara acted very much like a police detective, Jaye was trying to protect Crime Alley (aka Barbara worked with the police and Jaye does not). 
>>Black Cat, Doc Ock, Lizard II, and Ana Kravinoff are technically “villains” but Jaye has good working relationships with them. 
>>Jaye’s toughest battles are Venom & Carnage and Two-Faced Goblin (mainly emotional).
>>Jaye was adopted around 12-13, and grew up with Bruce and Talia (and later on, baby Damian), but also Uncle Harvey, Bruce’s best friend. Harvey, unfortunately, will be attacked and scarred by Tombstone (Maroni) and become the Two-Faced Goblin. 
>>Unclear if Jaye knows Willis is Prowler. 
>>Madame Web and Starling are newest additions to the hero community in Jaye’s time, and did not meet Barbara. Starling (Steph) knew of her because of her father and Madame knew her through her clairvoyance, but neither of them had ever met her face to face or interacted with one another.
And the lil drabble that started it all:
Out of all the leftover characters and remnants from Barbara’s time as Spidey, Black Cat is the only one she doesn’t mind.  Granted, he’s still a pain in the ass.  But, he also doesn’t try to kill her. Maim? Maybe, if she gets on his bad side. Use as a cat scratcher? More times than she can count, for no reason beyond “he was bored.”  He’s never gone for the jugular though and that she can appreciate.   And even she can admit, Barbara had good taste in men.
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pedropascalpuppyeyes · 3 months
Infamous: Second Son Fancast.
Because I'm replaying the game.
Infamous Second Son Fancast!!
Delsin Rowe - D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai, couldn't find anyone young enough to protray Delsin, cause there aren't enough Indigenous Actors. I like up and coming actors rather than known, it gives more options and more talent to emerge, But I really like D'Pharaoh.
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Reggie Rowe - Martin Sensmeier, Chaske Spencer, or Kiowa Gordon. I'd really say Martin, because his skin tone matches D'Pharaoh. Probably simple minded to think that, lol. (I'm black btw. 1% Indigenous lol). Though I really like Chasake, he got the older brother who's just tired of younger brother vibe. And Kiowa was really good in Dark Winds. (I recommend you to watch, it's a good show).
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Betty - Tantoo Cardinal (The only older woman I could find to play Betty...But also because Tantoo is a really great actress).
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Brooke Augustine - Sigourney Weaver Or if Male, Anthony Starr. Sigourney is an obvious choice to play strong evil villain lady, but imagine it being Anthony Starr. He creeps me out on The Boys so much, but like...he's also...yeah. But he plays such an evil asshole, that I think he would do good as Augustine. Bruce Augustine...lol.
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Henry Daughtry - Oliver Jackson-Cohen. I liked him in The Haunting of Hill House and the other trilogy whatevers lol. If he can pull out a Texan or Southern accent out his ass, he'd be pretty neat. (I'm Southern also btw).
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Fetch (Abigail Waller) - Odessa A'zion, honestly couldn't find anyone I liked.
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Eugene Sims - Evan Peters, Devon Bosick. I know Evan is tired of playing evil twisted roles. But he made a really good superhero in X-Men. He also gives Introvert nerd that hacks into databases. So does Devon Bosick, I started back reading The 100 fanfictions, and he'd make a good choice.
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Shane -Boyd Hollbrook, Anthony Starr, like I said before. Evil. Villainy. He's amazing at it. Also Boyd played a good bad guy on Logan...I love his acting and his face..
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I love doing fancast.
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soupsandstars · 10 months
Okay, I'm back home from work, I read the new Hulk issue, here are all of my unfiltered rambling thoughts and theories. Spoilers ahead!
Okay I’m going to get my most implausible, probably totally not correct theory out of the way first because I have practically zero knowledge of the grander marvel universe, so just bear with me here. 
Mother of monsters/horror could refer to any of the marvel characters who held a similar moniker, but I’m placing my bets on Rebecca Banner. It could be the whole fractured son, one below all is our enemy, but he’s still one of us talks, or just wishful thinking on my part to have Rebecca take control of her narrative (Brian is a great antagonist, but I feel like writers were so focused on him, there's so little on Rebecca). It’ll also tie in thematically with the idea of trauma, anger, and a need to find control where there is none (and ghost stories!!). I also don't want the climax of the story to be too easy, and I worry if the mother of horrors is just a plain old bad guy, that the conclusion is just going to be an all out brawl, as are most Hulk stories (but I’m leaning away from this because the writer has said that this is more inspired by ghost stories, classic monster stories, and folklore, and structurally a lot of them don’t end with the monster pummeled). 
It seems like souls are possessed by creatures that the Eldest has control over, and they tend to body hop and are able to mimic their victims. Betty seems to be one of them, but it seems more like mind control? Dunno about this one. I do think she’s going to play a huge role, whether it's getting Bruce to Eldest, or somehow pulling a double cross, we’ll see. Charlene also might be one of these creatures, and her story parallels Bruce’s. She seems drawn to Hulk, but narratively I’m going to guess that she’s going to connect more with Bruce the further the story goes (and who knows, maybe she’s the key to everything, whereas Bruce’s connection is just a mcguffin).
I'm also hoping that they don't wash away Bruces d.i.d with oooh spooky supernatural. Thats my only fear walking into this new run, especially with talks of vessels, and godflesh idk (it just baffles me that they took as much as they could from Immortal Hulk aside from the hulk system, which was the beating heart of the series). Ehh, but we'll see. Overall it was fun and I'm excited to see where it goes!
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genderenvykeefe · 7 months
“Catholic Gay Experience” Playlist
I was asked to share this playlist. Took me a minute because I had made it originally a few years ago so I wanted to update it. I ended up like doubling the amount of songs on it so enjoy. There’s no real specific order but I did group some of the same songs with the same ~vibes~ together. Linking the Spotify playlist but I’m going to put the song list below under cut because it is long.
Unknown/Nth - Hozier
Holy - King Princess
Like Real People Do - Hozier
Samson - Regina Spektor
From Eden - Hozier
The Promised Land - Bruce Springsteen
Hopeless Wanderer - Mumford & Sons
My Father’s House - Bruce Springsteen
Babel - Mumford & Sons
1950 - King Princess
Lovers In A Dangerous Time - Barenaked Ladies
Take Me to Church - Hozier
Not With Haste - Mumford & Sons
HEAVEN - Troye Sivan (ft. Betty Who)
Foreigner’s God - Hozier
hand of god - Gang of Youths
Big God - Florence + the Machine
False God - Taylor Swift
Godlight - Noah Karan
Prophet - King Princess
Preach - Keiynan Lonsdale
Bad Religion - Frank Ocean
Halo - Beyoncé
Mercy/Gatekeeper - Hayley Kiyoko
Hymn - Kesha
Astrovan - Mt. Joy
Bedroom Hymns - Florence + the Machine
Burning - Maggie Rogers
I’m On Fire - Bruce Springsteen
Pussy Is God - King Princess
She’s My Religion - Pale Waves
Fear and Trembling - Gang of Youths
Lover Of The Light - Mumford & Sons
Adam’s Ribs - Jensen McRae
Girls Against God - Florence + the Machine
Francesca - Hozier
What A Heavenly Way to Die - Troye Sivan
All This and Heaven Too - Florence + the Machine
Soul Meets Body - Death Cab for Cutie
Save Me - Noah Kahan
Awake My Soul - Mumford & Sons
She Keeps Me Warm - Mary Lambert
Reminder - Mumford & Sons
the angel of 8th ave. - Gang of Youths
Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene - Hozier
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a-fnaf-adaptation · 20 days
Ages and Classification symbols:
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Animatronic: Character names in Bold “Nicknames on quotes” Former name crossed Made up or not from canon Name/Character/Animatronic
SPOILERS!! Long ass list (seriously is very long)
FNAF 1 ✖ Freddy Fazbear: Gabriel ✖ Bonnie: Jeremy ✖ Chica: Susie ✖ Foxy: Fritz ♠ Mr. Cupcake: Samantha ✖ Yellow Bear: Cassidy ✖ Endo 01: Barry “Phone dude”
FNAF 2 ♥ Toy Freddy: “SAVETHEM kid 1” ♥ Toy Bonnie: “SAVETHEM kid 2” ♥ Toy Chica: “SAVETHEM kid 3” ♥ The Mangle: “SAVETHEM kid 4” ♥ Toy Cupcake: “SAVETHEM kid 5” ■ Balloon Boy: Michael McNally ■ The Puppet: Charlie ∆ Withered Freddy: Mike Schmidt “Freddy bully” ∆ Withered Bonnie: Michael Afton “Foxybro” ∆ Withered Chica: Faith “Chica bully” ∆ Withered Foxy: Jeremy Fitzgerald “Bonnie bully” ∆ Golden Freddy: Fritz Smith ∆  Endo 02: Dale¶ JJ: Evan McNally
FNAF 3 ¶ Golden cupcake: Duane ☺ Springtrap: William Afton ☺ RWQFSFASXC-Glitch Bonnie: Donald Brooks # Nightmare’s (springlock) Endo: “Phone guy”
FNAF 4 # Nightmare Freddy: “Gabriel's dad” # Nightmare Bonnie: “Jeremy's dad” # Nightmare Chica: Patricia  # Nightmare Foxy: “Fritz's dad” # Nightmare Cupcake: Hayden  ♠ Freddle: Rory ✖ Plushtrap: “Crying child” ☺ FNAF4 Fredbear: Henry Emily ☺ Nightmare-Shadow Freddy: Cassidy Senior  # Nightmare Mangle: “SAVETHEM kid's dad” # Nightmare BB: “Jake's grandpa” # Nightmarionne: “Charlie's uncle”
SISTER LOCATION † Circus Baby: Elizabeth Afton † + Ballora: Lillie “Mrs. Afton” † Funtime Freddy: Federick † Funtime Foxy: Félix + Ennard: “Zombie Mike” “Stanley's boss” Harold  ‡ Bonbon: “Board member” Todd ‡ Electrobab: Stanley ‡ Minireena: Melissa ‡ Bonnet: Ember † Yendoo: Jesse “Angsty teen unit”  ☺ Spring lock suit: Jack Kennedy  ∞ Little Joe: Lally “Technician 1” ∞ Magician: “Technician 2” ∞ Human heads: “Previous employees” ∞ Fortune Teller: Tracy Horton
NOVEL TRILOGY ■ Ella: Charlotte Emily “fake charlie” ■ Theodore: Michael Brooks ■ Stanley: John √ Frog Toy: Jason ♪ Blue animatronic: Roxanne  Γ Twisted Freddy: Clay Burke Γ Twisted Bonnie: Bruce Γ Twisted Foxy: Oliver Γ Twisted Wolf: Brandon Γ Twisted Chica: Betty Burke
PIZZERIA SIMULATOR ¢ Helpy: Charles D. “Handyman” ≈ Mr. Hugs: Edwing Murray ≈ Pan Stan: Stan ≈ Bucket Bob: Sam Walton ≈ Mr. Can do: Marty ≈ No. 1 Crate: Fiona Murray ♪ Happy Frog: Marla ♪ Mr. Hippo: Lamar  ♪ Pigpatch: Jessica ♪ Nedd Bear: Carlton Burke ♪ Orville Elephant: Arty √ Rockstar Freddy: “Judge Guy” √ Rockstar Bonnie: “Kind Man” √ Rockstar Chica: “Young Woman” √ Rockstar Foxy: “Burglar” ♠ Rockstar parrot: Paul O’Neil ¢ Music Man: Mr. Becker  ¢ El Chip: Luis Cabrera † Funtime Chica: Gina Marley  † Funtime cupcake: Steven Wilson + Molten Freddy: Jenny Emily “Aunt Jen” ∞ Scrap Baby: “Sarah’s mom” “Afton kids’ half sister” ☺ Scraptrap: Dave Miller ■ Lefty: Sammy Emily + Security Puppet: Mrs. Emily ₹ /™ Egg Baby: Dr. Talber / Renelle Talber ₹ Fruit Punch Clown: “Sarah’s dad” ₹ Lemonade Clown:Aiden Jackson “Aidan's mom” ₹ Candy Cadet: Detective Everette Larson ₹ Prize King: Dr. Phineas Taggart ₹ Gumball Swivelhands: Angela Larson
ULTIMATE CUSTOM NIGHT (& FNAF WORLD) Γ Old Man Consequences: Arthur Blythe ε DD: Margie ε Mendo: “Mia’s Boyfriend” ε Lolbit: Mia Fremont % White Rabbit: Nurse Ackerman % Tangle: Beatrice Thomas % Bounce Pot: Nurse Colton % Redbear: Dr. Henner
HELP WANTED ¶ VR/AR Spring (toxic): Hudson Ω Nightmare Endo: Dale “Tutorial unit” ♣ Glitchtrap: Matt Parker ® PlushBaby: Aidan  ® VR freddy plush: Hazel ® VR bonnie plush: Rory ® VR chica plush: Avery Jr “Sarah's son” ® VR foxy plush: Chuck Dinglewood Ω Jack-O Bonnie: Maliah Ω Jack-O Chica: Nora ★ Captain Foxy (Glam Foxy): Alec Ω Dreadbear: Jeremiah  Ω Grim Foxy: Tristan ¢ Vanny: Vanessa A. ඞ AR Lefty: “Tape girl” Tonya
SPECIAL DELIVERY ඞ AR Endo(flamethrower): Julius ඞ AR Freddy(firework): Reed ඞ AR Bonnie(blackheart): Mott ඞ AR Chica(liberty): Payton Thompson ඞ AR Foxy(ringmaster): Pete Dinglewood ඞ AR Shadow Bonnie(sunken): Connor Billings ඞ AR Baby(heartskick): Kayla Stringer α Frostbear: Robert Stanton α AR ballon boy(jetpack): Sergio Altieri  α AR Toy chica(high score): Sarah Avery α AR Toy bonnie(system error): Daniel Rocha α AR Toy freddy(virtual): Mark Cho α AR Mangle(magician): Raha Salib α Chocolate Bonnie: Anna Kwemto ඞ AR Ballora(artic): Kesey ඞ AR Plushtrap(wind-up): Osward Avila ඞ AR Golden freddy(great scape): Kelsey ඞ AR Funtime freddy: Millie Fitzsimmons ± AR Mr. cupcake(liberty): Isolde ± AR Toy cupcake(catrina): Isabella Avery ± AR Bonbon: Vic Anderson ± AR Minireena(clockwork): Alexa
SECURITY BREACH ~ Nightmare plush: Krystal  ~ Glitch plush (baby trap): Ellis “Boots” ~ V.A.N.N.I. mask: Cassie ~ Helpi: Gregory ~ Windup music man: Tony Becker “Vanny victim ★ Glamrock Freddy: Jimmy Hauss “Remember Jimmy” ★ Glamrock Chica: Keith Marley ★ Glamrock Monty: Andrew ★ Glamrock Roxy: Brenda Tanaka Π Staff Bot: Dennis Π Pat Pat: Steven Snodgrass ™ Daycare Attendant (Stitchwraith): Jake McNally ★ DJ Music Man: “DJ Dan” ¢ The princess: Vanny Π Nightmare Staff Bot: Jenkins ★ Glamrock Endo: Leo “Dread unit” ★ Glamrock Hippo: James Campell ★ Glamrock female Endo: Elsa ¶ Burntrap: Bill A. ▣ M.X.E.S.: “Cassie's dad” ★ Glamrock Bonnie: Davey Anderson “Dave” ★ Ruin Candy Cadet (Glam Candy Cadet): Ryan Larson ♣ Bird mascot: Alanna ♣ Elephant mascot: Ron ♣ Lion mascot: Jacob ¢ The Mimic: ???
HELP WANTED 2 ♣ Sheep: Lisa ▣ Mystic Hippo: Hope ▣ Carnie: Timmy  ™ VR Pigpatch: Mandy Mason
FAZBEAR FRIGHTS % PurpleGeist (The Agony): William-Donald ¶ I.T.P. Bon: Mr. Avila ™ Eleanor: Sarah + C.T.W. Fred: “Millie’s grandpa” ™ Fetch: Greg ¶ Ralpho the bunny: Bob Mackensie % VR Springtrap: Jason ± Tag-along freddy: Tayler Stanton  ¢ Blackbird: Sam O’Neil © Coils the Birthday clown: Colton † Circus Ennard: “Uncle Mike” ™ Friendly Face Faraday: Jack Weston ♪ Rosie Porckchop: Brittany ¢ Kids at play figure: Joel D’Agostino Γ Felix the Shark: Aaron Sanders ™ Sideshow: Stevie Robins ™ Wooden puppet: Lindy
TALES FROM THE PIZZAPLEX ★ L.O.L.Z.H.A.K.S.(Glam Mimic): David Sean Murray © Circus Freddy: Ronan © Circus Bonnie: Tate © Circus Foxy: Grady © Circus Chica: Kim Peg ★ Tiger Rock: Mr. Burrows Π Rose: Abe Thayer Π Olive: Preston Π Gemini: Sasha ¶ Gen 1 Bobbiedot: Victoria Thayer ~ B.W. (lucky) boy: Greg “Dr. Rabbit” “Patient 46”  ₱ VR sisters: Mary Schneider ₱ Thug Chica: Raelynn Lawrence ₱ Punk Mangle: Trina Welch ₱ Fire girl: Georgia Lowe ₱ Thug Marionette: “Fifth therapist” β Balloon Freddy: Danny Shullenberg β Balloon Bonnie: Kane β Balloon Chica: Kara Walsh β Balloon Foxy: Kai » Jester costume: Lucia » Purple lion costume: Jayce » Spiked dog costume: Adrian » Mushroom costume: Hope » Gray rat costume: Joel » Monkey costume: Wade » Blue dog costume: Nick » Yellow cat costume Kelly
FNAF Movie 1 √ Ella clock: Abby Schmidt ♠ Ventriloquist dummy: Garrett Schmidt ∆ Rachel Rabbit: Vanessa Shelly ☺ The Yellow rabbit: Steve Raglan ✖ Purple Bear: Maxine ☺ Baron von Bear: Mr. Schmidt ☺ Springlock Ella: Mrs. Schmidt + Baby Crawler: Aunt Jane Γ The Clown: Doug # Jack-O Fredbear: Hank ∆ Sparky: Jeff ♠ Jack-O lantern: Carl
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painofhumanity · 10 months
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starter call for Eliot Ross, son of Bruce and Betty
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Prompt: Bruce has no idea that Betty, Tony & Thor meet up coffee sometimes to talk what it’s like loving him.
okay I will admit I had absolutely no idea how to go about this until like. last night when I had an idea that I didn't even know was going to work until I finished it, but please accept this as a way to really show how loved Bruce is
Read To Love and Be Loved here on ao3
In every person’s life, there are certain people, certain loves that impact you the most. These are people that leave lasting imprints, the people that no matter how far away they are you’ll never forget them. 
Bruce Banner had three of these loves. 
Lost Love
Betty Ross was his first love. She was a genius, a quick thinker, and she was always ready to lend a hand with his work.  
To say he loved her was an understatement. 
Back when they met, Bruce may have also technically been considered a genius, but he thinks he may have been a little bit stupid too. 
Like maybe, just maybe, if he’d lived his life a little differently, made smarter choices, then maybe he wouldn’t have lost her. 
Still, had he not made those mistakes, he probably wouldn’t have met his second love. 
Right Place, Wrong Time
Actually, he might have met his second love without the Hulk, but he certainly expedited the process. 
Tony Stark was an enigma. 
Of course he knew about him long before he met the man. Everyone knew about Tony Stark, the son of Howard Stark, the prince of a technological empire, and a genius to boot. 
Bruce may have had a type. 
They were introduced when aliens descended on New York, and they were met with the challenge of how to cope with being on a team of Earth’s mightiest heroes. 
After it was all said and done and the planet wasn’t destroyed, Tony invited him to stick around. Apparently he’d told the government to go fuck themselves a few years back, and he would be perfectly safe in any of Tony’s homes. 
Of course he took him up on it. Working side by side with Tony Stark was a dream he’d had since he was in high school. 
Then, after a fateful night, one where they were up too late, giddy with the thrill of a major breakthrough, another dream came true. 
Tony touched him like he meant something, like he mattered, like he was loved. 
If only, if only, they had led different lives. Because the next time the world ended they were ripped apart, and Bruce never even got to process his broken heart.
True Love
Being on another planet was an interesting experience. It wasn’t part of his life plan to leave Earth, but if he’d learned anything in the past decade, it was that he didn’t get to make those decisions for himself. 
So he ended up on another planet on the outskirts of the universe, somewhere where no one could find him. 
Except someone found him. 
When the Avengers were formed, Bruce didn’t expect to get along with anyone besides Tony and maybe Natasha. Steve, Clint, and Thor were nice and all, but they never really became more than colleagues. 
Now though, watching Thor, he was curious. He was kind even though he was clearly in pain, and he kept up with Bruce intellectually which he hadn’t expected.
Not that Thor was dumb, but Bruce’s brain worked fast, faster than most humans could keep up with, and he never expected anyone to understand.  
The Asgardian talked about science as if it were magic. Not like he couldn’t comprehend it, but as if they were one and the same. 
Had he been missing out on this all along?
There wasn’t time to contemplate what that meant since they had to almost destroy Sakaar to escape it and save Asgard before they could get back to Earth, but once he was back home and everyone was safe, he came to a conclusion. 
Maybe he had been missing this, but it couldn’t have happened any other way. 
So he called Thor one night, plagued by nightmares and unanswered questions, and invited him to join him in the lab. 
It reminded him of Tony, being up so late at night making discoveries, but at the same time, it was so much quieter. 
Thor’s presence in the lab was strange, but it felt right. 
Finally, just before dawn, he finished running the calculations on a neutron star comparable to the ones surrounding Sakaar. 
“Did you find your answers, Doctor Banner?” Thor inquired quietly, the sound still rumbling out in the silence of the lab. 
“Do you want to get coffee with me?” Bruce asked instead of answering. 
Now, after all this time, he was happy. He’d loved and been loved, and even though certain relationships hadn’t lasted, he knew they had made him into the person he was today. 
He still talked to Betty from time to time, video chatting with her from wherever she was changing the world. She was in Denmark now, and she had changed too. 
It was funny, watching her talk. She moved in a way that reminded him of Tony, erratic but pointed, never without purpose and full of energy. Her command of a room reminded him of Thor, confident, larger than life, yet understanding and kind. 
And Tony, even though he was constantly splitting time between New York and California, checked in on him the same way she did. He would never stop him if Bruce thought he could do something, but he was always watching to make sure he didn’t go overboard again. Plus he was starting to talk about science the way Thor did, understanding the greater universe in a more nuanced way where even the concepts they’d known for years could be observed with wonder. 
Then there was Thor. Thor who was gentle and warm, but liked to challenge him to do better every single day, and who made him happy. He may not have been his type, but maybe his type wasn’t about small statured brunettes. Maybe it was about their kindness, their genius, about how much they cared. 
What Bruce didn’t know was how far that love went. That they had a group chat dedicated to scheduling monthly coffee meet ups, reminders to get Bruce to take breaks when he was immersed in a project, and recollections of memories from over the years, from college to late adulthood. 
Bruce Banner had three loves that changed his life. He just hadn’t considered that maybe he’d changed theirs too. 
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bedlamsbard · 9 months
Some concept writing! This is a scene that I've been thinking about for a while but haven't had anywhere to use it; I might do a bigger wedding story at some point, which is why this isn't going to AO3 as a standalone. This is set several months after On Yonder Hill/Endgame in the Yonderverse timeline. (Note that the timeline doesn't quite match up with the sequel concept, which is why it's all concept writing.)
Steve/Nat, Bruce/Betty, and Clint/Laura all referred to. Pied ravens are an extinct color morph from the Faroe Islands.
Just over 2K under the break.
There was a nervous edge to Lila’s voice that made Clint’s hand tighten on his razor.  He flinched an instant later as the twitch opened a thin cut on the underside of his chin.  Wiping the blood and the last of the soapsuds away, he called back, “Yeah, sweetie?”
He had to fight to keep his voice calm and finish wiping his face dry, rather than rushing downstairs immediately.  Since the Blip he had been hovering in a way that he knew made them all nervous, not dissimilarly to the way he had hovered when he had first retired after the Ultron debacle.  Only back then it had been because he didn’t really know what to do with himself when he didn’t feel like he was counting time until his next deployment; now it was because he couldn’t bring himself to believe that they wouldn’t all vanish if he turned his back.  He was doing his best.
“Dad, there’s a – a bird.”
Clint stopped with the water running across his hands.  “A bird?”
“Hon, I think you’d better come down here,” Laura added.  From the sound of it she was standing at the bottom of the stairs.  “I think it’s for you.”
He heard Nathaniel say, “Why would a bird be for Daddy?”
“Jesus,” Clint muttered, turning the water off and wiping his hands dry. “I’m going to kill that son of a bitch.  Coming to my house –”
He took the stairs two at a time on the way down and arrived in the kitchen to find Laura and the kids clustered on one side of the room and a big black-and-white bird perched calmly on the back of a chair.  The back door was open behind it.
Because of the color, it took Clint a moment to identify the bird as a raven.  It was half again as big as the next biggest raven Clint had ever seen, which was pretty damn big.  It had the same indefinable air of being faintly alien as the handful of Asgardian animals he had seen, maybe something about the glossiness of its piebald feathers or the curvature of its beak.
Clint eyed it warily.  He had grabbed one of his holdout pistols on his way downstairs and was holding it down by his thigh where the kids couldn’t see it, just in case he had guessed wrong and the damn thing wasn’t Asgardian after all; if it was Asgardian he doubted bullets would have all that much effect on it.
The raven eyed him back with what seemed to be equal suspicion, then let out a single quork and turned its head.  There was a glitter of green-gold energy as it turned back with a thick envelope held in its beak.
Clint gritted his teeth and tucked his gun into his waistband, pulling his shirt down to cover the grip.  “You tell Loki,” he informed the raven as he crossed the kitchen, “that the postal service exists and it’s very reliable.  Don’t tell me he’s too cheap to buy an international stamp.”  He took the envelope a little gingerly from the raven, then resisted the urge to flinch as it repeated the motion, this time with what seemed to be a tightly rolled scroll.  It settled back on the chair and watched him after he took it.
“What?” Clint asked it. “What do you want?  A prize?  Go on, shoo.”
The raven ruffled its feathers and didn’t move.
“Jesus,” Clint muttered, taking a wary step back from the bird and putting himself between it and his family.  He opened the envelope first and pulled out a perfectly ordinary sheet of heavy embossed paper, reading out loud, “You are cordially invited to the wedding of Robert Bruce Banner and Elizabeth Lee Ross – Bruce is engaged to the Vice President’s daughter,” he informed Laura, passing her the invitation as she came up behind him. “The weddin’s going to be in some church in Virginia, which makes me wonder why the hell Bruce has Loki’s menagerie delivering his mail.”
The raven quorked at him again, sounding annoyed.
“That’s wonderful,” Laura said, reading the invitation.  “What’s the other one?”
“Ross must be losing his mind,” Clint said as he unrolled the scroll.  “He hates Bruce.  He – holy shit!”
“Nat’s getting married!” Clint said, staring at the sheet of parchment or pressed wood paper or whatever it was the Asgardians used.
Laura snatched the scroll out of his hand. “To who?  I didn’t even know she was seeing anyone!”
“Aunt Nat’s getting married?” Lila said, venturing closer with a wary look at the raven.
“Nat’s getting married to Steve Rogers?” Laura said, staring at the scroll.  She stared accusingly up at Clint and said, “Did you know about this?”
“No!” Clint protested.  “I had no idea that they were –”  Several dozen observations from his month at the compound while they had been working on the quantum tunnel and the Time Heist snapped together.  He had written them all off as coincidence; Steve and Natasha had been weird about each other since they had gutted SHIELD together nine years ago.  Hell, they had been weird about each other since the Chitauri invasion back in 2012; Steve had apparently taken one look at Natasha on the helicarrier and decided that she was the only person there he trusted.  Clint still remembered seeing him for the first time back in that cell-cum-cabin and the wordless question-and-answer that had passed between Steve and Natasha about him.  From his best calculation they had known each other for about twelve hours at that point.  “I’m an idiot.”
Laura gave him a dry look.  “I thought you were living with them at the compound.”
“I wasn’t paying attention to who was sleeping in whose room!”
“So we’re going, right?” Lila said, reaching for the scroll; Laura relinquished it to her after a moment and the kids all clustered around it.  Clint wished them luck at reading Loki’s ornate, runic handwriting; at least the damn thing was in English.  Why Loki was writing Steve and Natasha’s wedding invitations was anyone’s best guess.
“The wedding’s going to be in New Asgard,” Clint said.  Although he had scouted the borders during the Snap, he had only been out to the settlement once and wasn’t sure how he felt about it; his visit had been soon after the Blip and Loki had been busy organizing it with ruthless efficiency, backed up by its original residents.  Clint still couldn’t decide if Thor hadn’t been able to get a word in edgewise or if he had been content to let Loki have his way.
“So?” Cooper said. “New Asgard’s cool.  I’ve seen pictures on the internet.”
Clint exchanged a look with Laura.  He didn’t like the idea of letting his kids anywhere near Loki, no matter what Loki had been up to during the past five years.
“I mean, if aliens attack again, New Asgard’s got to be the safest place to be, right?” Cooper insisted.
It had been eleven years since the Battle of New York and Clint still couldn’t get over the fact that that was a concern that kids just had these days.  “New Asgard’s full of aliens, bud, that’s why it’s got the words ‘new’ and ‘Asgard’ in the name.”
“But all the Avengers are there too.”
“Probably just to spite Ross,” Clint muttered; for better or worse Steve and Natasha were currently running the active Avengers team out of New Asgard.  It cut down on the paparazzi, anyway.
Laura put a hand on his arm and said, “It’s Nat, Clint.  And Steve,” she added as an afterthought; she liked Steve but knew him less well than she did Natasha.
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” Clint said; the outcome was a foregone conclusion and they didn’t need to have a debate about it.  He looked back at the patient raven and said, “Are you waiting for an RSVP or something?”
It quorked again.
“Right,” Clint muttered, then, louder, “Yes on both, party of five.”  He took the RSVP card that had been in Bruce’s envelope, found a pen, and scribbled his response before holding it tentatively out to the bird, which took it in its beak and made it vanish in a little flicker of green-gold magic.  “Is there one for Steve and Nat?”
The raven made what he assumed was a negative gesture.  It spread massive wings and hopped into the air, gliding out through the open door.  They all rushed after it, getting to the door just in time to watch it vanish in another flash of green-gold energy.
“God, everything about Asgard is so weird,” Clint said.  “I gotta make a phone call,” he added, and went upstairs to find his cell phone.  He checked the time in Norway before he hit the call button, then said, “You’re getting married?  I had to find out from one of Loki’s wild animals?”
“Hello to you too,” Natasha said.  “I was going to call, Loki just moved faster on the party-planning than I thought he would.”
“Since when have you and Steve been – uh –”  Aside from a few ill-fated attempts that Clint and Laura had arranged in the first year after her defection and the disaster with Bruce in 2015, Natasha didn’t date.  As far as Clint was aware, Steve didn’t either.
“Seven years,” Natasha said, after a brief pause.
“What?”  Clint almost yelled.  “You didn’t say!”
“I thought you were supposed to be observant, Hawkeye!  I didn’t realize we were supposed to send out a press release!”  She took a deep breath and then added more calmly, “I thought you knew.”
“I found out now,” Clint said.  “You guys aren’t really, uh, demonstrative.”  He bit his lip; thinking back on it, he was pretty sure that Steve had been sleeping in Natasha’s room at the compound nine nights out of every ten.  “So, uh, why now?”
“Steve really wants to.  He wouldn’t have pushed if I didn’t, but – I do too,” Natasha said.  There was a little bloom of heat behind the words, like any other woman who was in love; Clint just wasn’t used to hearing it from Natasha.  “It’s like – like everything was on pause during the Snap and we just couldn’t think about it then.”
“Yeah,” Clint admitted; he knew what that one was like. “Why New Asgard, though?  Isn’t Steve Irish Catholic?  He could get St. Patrick’s or St. Matthew’s for the asking.  Or whatever the cathedral in Brooklyn is.”
“St. Joseph’s,” Natasha supplied.  “He says he doesn’t care and if we have a wedding in the States then it will be a sideshow.”
“And having one in New Asgard won’t be?” Clint said dubiously.  “You know what Asgardians are like –”
“I know better than you do,” Natasha pointed out.  “You know what New York has that New Asgard doesn’t?  The press.  It’s mostly an excuse for Loki to throw a party, anyway.”
Clint bit his lip, then went over to shut the bedroom door. “I don’t like the idea of bringing my kids to New Asgard, Nat.”
There was a long pause before Natasha said carefully, “You’re not coming?”
“No, of course we’re coming,” Clint reassured her.  “Just, you know.  St. Pat’s would have been a lot easier.”
“For you,” Natasha pointed out.  “We’re going to have enough trouble getting Loki into the country for Bruce’s wedding.  Bucky’s already started a betting pool on who’s going to punch out Ross.”
Clint snorted.  “Who’s in the lead right now?”
“Betty.  You haven’t met her, have you?”
“Nope, but I read her file.  When did you meet her?”
There was another long pause.  “We had an op five years ago, about six months after the Snap, and she got brought in on it.  I don’t want to talk about it on the phone.”
Clint bit the inside of his cheek. “Was that the thing in New York when the Tower got blown up?  I saw it on the news.”
“That’s the one.”
Clint was well aware that he had fucked up by not linking up with the remaining Avengers after the Snap.  To his grief-stricken mind it had seemed like the best idea for everyone at the time, but in actuality it hadn’t been good for anyone, him included.  He had been able to tell from the news reports about the New York op that there was something big missing and no one had any idea what it was.  That usually meant that something had gone very, very wrong.
He cleared his throat and said, “We’ll be there.  For Bruce and Betty too, tell them I said hi.  I gotta go have breakfast.”
“Okay,” Natasha said, sounding a little relieved not to have to talk about whatever disaster had happened on the New York op.  “Give Laura and the kids my love.”
“Will do.  Talk to you later.”
He ended the call and sat down heavily on the bed, tossing the phone to one side.  “Damn,” he said eventually, feeling more than a little astonished.  Clint might not have gotten snapped, but he had missed a lot anyway.
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sorrythatwasmean · 2 years
Bruce's biological parents are dead. (TW: alcoholism, Child abuse, character death, DID, toxic use of religion) || Bruce's dad Brian never wanted him and was convinced his own work with radiation meant his son would be a monster. He was an alcoholic and physically abusive. Bruce's mom tried to escape with Bruce, but Brian killed her. Bruce witnessing this lead to his Dissociative Identity Disorder. Brian threatened Bruce with hell if he told anyone and made him lie in court.Brian slipped up and went to jail anyway.||
Bruce's father made him wary of any kind of strong emotion. Bruce was reserved but had bursts of anger.
Bruce's saving grace was his Aunt Susan Banner. She loved him.
And she's the reason Bruce is kind and compassionate and loving. And without her, Bruce would've been so much worse. And I don't think comics acknowledges her enough.
Bruce's most successful relationships have been with opinionated, loving, women. Betty, Jarella, ~~Caiera~~.
I imagine Aunt Susan was tough because she survived her father and her brother and she was a Banner, too. She was the nice scrapbooking Midwestern Aunt who would shoot at foxes for trying to eat her chickens. In comics, she was divorced and I need to read more but I headcanon she chose Bruce over Mr. Drake. And if any man had a problem with her nephew, she didn't need them anyway. She chose Bruce who would be shy but so angry sometimes.She chose him again and again. She chose everyday.
And choosing to love is why Bruce Banner saved some teen he didn't know. It's why he keeps fighting. It's why he keeps going. Because it's not just about loving other people, it's about loving yourself, too.
I headcanon Bruce thinks of having two mothers in his head. His bio mom who protected him until she couldn't and the mom who saved him.
They forget Aunt Susan when they retell Bruce's story over and over but I won't.
Hulk just wants to be loved.And he always wishes his Dad loved him, but he doesn't wish his mothers loved him. He already knows she and Aunt Susan did.
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moontheoretist · 2 years
Hulk 2003 is just superior [obviously heavy spoilers to 2003 Hulk movie]
Opening Note
David Banner was a scientist that tried to create "super-immune systems by strengthening the human cellular response". The only issue I have with the start of 2003 Hulk movie is that Banner Senior was pursuing human regeneration and immortality with the passion of Dr Connors trying to get his hand back, which makes me in turn miss Dr Connors and his obsession to get his hand back, just a little bit. This movie actually shows some greening signs on infant Bruce’s skin when he is distressed before Bruce is even exposed to the Gamma in his lab, due to his father experimenting on himself.
David Banner
David Banner doesn't actively hate Bruce like Brian Banner from the comics did, but it is only because he is curious about what happened after his augmented DNA from his experiments that he conducted on himself got mixed with regular, non-augmented DNA and gave birth to a person. Bruce was his little science experiment, so he was nice to him and was playing with him and was generally a good dad, until he took out the needle and treated Bruce like his alive test subject to see what became of Bruce. And then when he “realized what Bruce is”, he went 180 on his kid, because he was "all he feared". When the military learned about his human blood samples, they removed him from the project and he in exchange triggered a gamma bomb. He was put away for 30 years and came back to stalk Bruce, because Bruce was his creation, and he treated him as his creation more than he did treat him as his son. To the point that he was willing to manipulate his son in order to get what he wanted - his power. When he learns that Betty's existence brought General Ross onto Bruce, he steals her scarf so then his mutated dogs could attack and kill her, because he wanted Bruce to change into Hulk. David treats Bruce and Hulk as his biggest success as a scientist. He also uses the tech that turned Bruce into the Hulk to turn himself into some... molecule kinda man that can "partake with the essence of all things". David describes his life as whole and complete when he was in love with his wife Edith, and Edith wanted a baby. But the moment she got pregnant, he knew he gave her a monster, something else entirely than the son he intended to give. He says that he didn't kill Bruce as an infant only because he was curious about what happened, what were the results of the experiment. He started feeling compassion only when he realized that Bruce will be a horror for everybody around him, or so he claims. He also claims that he wanted to cure Bruce, to save him from what he had done to him, but later it is clear that he never intended to save Bruce, or if he did, it was quickly abandoned for either killing him or using him for his own gain. When his lab was taken away he came back home with intention to kill Bruce, he saw it as a mercy from a father to a son, and ended accidentally killing his own wife - "taking away all that was precious to him", because Bruce was never that to him. He was just a curious experimental subject, not a son or family to him. David tricked Betty and the military to take him close to his son. And he doesn't mean Bruce by that. He means the Hulk. He sees the Hulk as his only and real son. He calls Bruce his son first, then he calls him "a superficial shell of consciousness", and then again calls him a son, as if he thought he could make him believe that lie. He wants the Hulk's strength, nothing more and he claims that it is all done to “cure Bruce”. That proves that neither of them was ever his son to him, despite what he claimed before, and they are seen by David as his salvation and his experiment, nothing more. He may try to claim that either of them is his son, but this is just a manipulation tactic. He then calls Bruce a little speck of human trash and tells him to stop crying, literally not long after he was all supportive of his son crying it all out. This is a manipulator at his most evil. The person who tries to gaslight you into believing him to care about you, even when you know for a fact he doesn't, because he showed and told you it to your face a five seconds earlier. His first transformation into the man made of electro energy reminds me of ZZazz from one of the 1996 The Incredible Hulk cartoon. He looks the same!
Edith Banner
Dies in the same circumstances as Rebecca Banner.
Bruce Banner
Bruce in this movie was a kid that even when hit with a stick would never hit back, standing there and shacking, and taking it all and boiling it all inside. Feeding the rage bubble that will one day need to be released. Then he witnessed his father killing his mum and suffered nightmares with what happened so long that they were afflicting him still when he was a teen living with his adoptive mum. While his father had become his personal demon, monster in his own mind for what he did to his mum. His adoptive mum had faith that there was greatness in Bruce that he will share with a whole world one day as a great scientist. He is Bruce Krenzler, not Banner in this movie due to adoption, but he is still a son of David Banner. Bruce in this universe saves Harper, his colleague from the lab, from gamma exposure, not Rick Jones like in the comics and cartoons. He also finds humor in the fact that he was healed with nanomeds to the point that even his old injuries are gone, so he never actually actively seeks the cure like Bruce from cartoons and comics. Betty doesn't find it funny. It is nice that in this movie it is an accident that he becomes the Hulk. An accident born from his father's experiments on himself and accident in the lab that is true to the source material, instead of Bruce using himself as a human experiment willingly like it was shown in 2008 movie (goddammit I hate that movie). He turns into a Hulk shortly after, but when he comes back, he doesn't remember anything other than what happened before the change. Bruce describes his transformation as a dream about rage, power and freedom. "Gamma released what was already there...me...it". He knows his father provoked him on purpose. Bruce says that what scares him the most is that he actually likes it when he loses control.
This movie just like 2008 one too makes Hulk mostly silent. Just screaming in rage, not responding to Betty at all. However, what I like about the portrayal of the Hulk in this movie is that he is mostly shown as a stoic figure that reacts in rage occasionally, but interacts with people without screaming in rage at all. Hulk seems to only have access to very early memories of Bruce, the ones with his trauma, his mother being murdered in front of his eyes by his own father. But he doesn't attack his father even when he meets him for the first time, despite recognizing him. Just gets agitated and runs away from him. I suspect that he was scared of him, of what he did to his mum and what he could do to him, without realizing that there was very little that man could do to him when he is the Hulk. When he looks at his father and Betty he just looks like a big confused puppy at times. In comparison to 2008 Hulk that had always that angry expression, this Hulk is always just confused or curious whenever he is not raging around, and he doesn't seem to like scaring people he cares about with his rage, which is shown in his face when Betty sees him kill that one mutated dog just in front of her, and she looks terrified and Hulk feels bad about causing it. Hulk yelled at the helicopter that he put down once in the entire movie as if he was saying "and stay down". Trying to intimidate and scare the thing to stop attacking him, without understanding that the pilot cannot attack him anymore without the chopper. This is one of very few instances when he intimidates people, as like I said he tries to avoid it. Hulk cannot be put to sleep by the gas in this movie, which is neat. He just sneezes, lol. He tries to avoid hurting people, but he sometimes does it accidentally. He purposefully shakes the tank’s cockpit chamber to make humans fall off, so he would not hurt them. The military wants to stop Hulk in his tracks without realizing that if they stopped pursuing him, he would just stay in empty silent places and enjoy the nature, because that's who Hulk is. When it comes to his battle style, he runs around to avoid being hit by the artillery, and on top of that smacks the missiles as if they were just bugs on his way. And in all of this, he manages to not kill the soldiers from the choppers that he punched out of the sky. He prefers avoidance and only charges when he feels like he is trapped and has no other choice than to go through people instead of turn around and run. This includes being targeted by tanks, as he felt he cannot move anywhere with them firing at every place he turned to, so he naturally had to dispose of them. He got close and personal with the tanks, scaring the soldiers shitless and destroying the tanks as if they were very big plastic toys. Some of those Choppers vs Hulk scenes feel like taken straight out of 1996 cartoon and I love it. Hulk is also attacked by more advanced aircrafts and saves one of his attackers when they cannot pull up. If Hulk didn't jump onto the aircraft, it would hit the busy bridge road full of civilians. Hulk stops attacking when he sees Betty. He calms down a bit thanks to that. When he gets surrounded by police and military, he doesn’t resist, just looks resigned. He looks sad and a bit guilty when he sees Betty come to him. Like a kid. He probably doesn't like what he had done to protect himself.
Window / mirror scene with Bruce and Hulk was short, but nice AND HE SPOKE! HE CALLED BANNER “PUNY HUMAN”! FINALLY A GODDAMN WORD! But sadly it is the only thing he says in the whole movie. He never even says “Betty” or anything which I always associate Hulk with. Like “Hulk smash” or “Hulk hurt” or anything other that describes how he feels or in what condition he is or what he wants. Which is seriously a shame, especially considering that this movie goes to such lenghts to portray Hulk accurately.
Glenn Talbot
Glenn Talbot is no longer a military man in this universe. He is a lead of the science lab called Atheon and wants soldiers that can self-heal on the battlefield. Bruce and Betty want to create a cure for injuries that would serve EVERYONE, not only the privileged few, so they don’t agree to join his lab, even when Talbot tries to take over their lab forcefully. Talbot goes around General Ross to secure Bruce, he wants to get samples from him, analyze them and patent him to get rich out of the potential his power and his genome can bring. Talbot is blonde blue eyed cruel man. Kinda reminds me of the Nazis. He has no nuance, he is just purely evil manipulative guy that wants to get rich. He happy tortures Bruce and tells him that he would have killed him himself, because then he would be able to make an autopsy on his corpse, which is part of a lie he tells him to rile him up and change. He then realized that Bruce can control his change conciously, but not subconciously and trapps him in a water tank, attaches his brain to some technology and induces nightmares to force him to change. The nightmares were created from Bruce's represessed memories and due to that he started changing. Talbot and his lab could not drill through Bruce's skin to get the Hulk's samples. He didn't want to kill him, disagreed with neutralization, because he would not get anything from "goop". He orders lockdown and ignores General's order for full evacuation of the base. And funnily he accidentally killed himself when he tried to hurt the Hulk with M2 weapon that bounced off of Hulk's peck like a very fast flying fly, or any mere bug lol. That's so hilarious. I do not know much about the original Talbot, so I cannot even compare the accuracy or lack thereof, but I never liked him anyway, so who cares.
Betty Ross
Betty in this movie is very snarky like and playfully mean. She and Bruce were together before and now she sometimes makes a little fun of him when they talk and this is like their thing as ex-couple. And what is the most important to me: SHE IS SHOWN WORKING IN A LAB. And not in just quick montage scene to show the Hulk. Just in general. She is shown AS A SCIENTIST THAT HAS A CARRIER AND RESEARCH AND LAB AND DOING THEIR SHIT. She and Bruce were working on a healing technology using nanomeds and gamma radiation as inducer of cells replication. When Talbot appears, she cuts through his charade, straight to the meaty gritty point and then shows him the door. Sassy little lady. Who doesn't speak to her father unless she has a business for him. I really like how Bruce and Betty speak about something else than Bruce all the time. It feels like they both are independent humans. Betty is very much not happy though that Bruce finds his unique situation funny. She saw him throw himself at the gamma radiation releasing machine and she knew it will kill him, that she will have to watch him die. She doesn't want to loose him even if they are not together anymore. Because she already lost everybody else. She lost her father, because she feels that he never is there for her, never wants to just see her, without any funny buisness attached. She has trauma over being left alone, because he was summoned when she was on an outing with him as a kid and was left alone at a restaurant due to him having to go and manage the gamma bomb explosion. She is so worried about Bruce she invites herself to his house using her keys, which she still has for some reason. And then she is very not happy that Bruce lied that he was not at the lab at night and then not happy that she needed to leave him alone with her father, but left. She is though a cunning little detective who instead of sitting on her ass when her dad forbade her to visit Bruce, goes to investigate the mysterious new janitor. Betty's first meeting with the Hulk is in much calmer setting than in 2008 movie. They just have a quiet moment together before they get attacked. Then after the attack Betty is scared after what happened. Betty suspects that Bruce's anger triggers nanomeds. They should react only on physical damage, but Betty says that emotional damage can manifest physically as well, like serious trauma does in the form of repressed memories. Betty says that physical damage is finite, but emotional one can fester and keep going and create a chain reaction. Betty called her father on Bruce, who gets sedated by General Ross people. She believes she protects him this way. She wants to take him somewhere safe, but she is tricked by her father, who wants to keep Bruce sedated till he dies of natural causes. Betty thought he will keep Bruce safe and she feels betrayed once again, when her father says she can trust him to do what he thinks is right, but not what she asked him to do. She just wants her father to help Bruce. Betty is a scientist and she knows that she can help him, while she also knows that the army sees him as a weapon to be either studied and replicated or pacified and used. This is such a beautiful scene (in a grittty way) between Betty and her father. Has a lot of vibes from the 1996 cartoon minus Betty knowingly manipulating her father in the cartoon to get equipment and funding to help Bruce. Betty manages to convince her father and takes Bruce to his old home to help him remember and deal with his trauma. The imagery of Betty swinging on a swing in a nuclear wasteland is so NICE. The contrast of her beign alive and doing a thing that is associated with being lively in a place that is dead. After that she loses access to Bruce, because NSA gave the authority to study him to Atheon - the research lab that Talbot is in charge of and where he wanted to force Betty to work. When Hulk gets out and military targets him she is first to realize that Hulk is getting stronger with rage. The more mad he is the stronger he will become. She manages to convince her father to let her go and calm the Hulk. Betty cries when Bruce changes back. Probably because she can see him again. And then she cries more when she realizes that he will be taken away once more, that they cannot just be together. She suddenly goes very quiet when Bruce is captured again. Not reacting to any orders her father gives. Nothing. And then when the Gamma missile is levelled at Bruce and David, she just puts her hand on her father's shoulder. I don't like that. She should be angry at what they had done to him. Then 1 year later she seems to have a good contact with her father despite him murdering the man she still loved but was not dating at the time it happened, and I don't buy it that maybe she thought he killed him with heavy heart or smth. General’s heart was not heavy at all. Anyway, she still admits she would not tell him if Bruce called if he was still alive, and pointedly reminds her father that her phone and tech are bugged, so she doesn't really have to tell him, because he is spying on her 24/7 and would know it anyway. THE AUDACITY. THE SASS.
I LOVE THIS WOMAN. Despite her behavior at the end of the movie she is so much more well rounded character than 2008 Betty.
General Ross
General Ross in this movie is not obsessed maniac. He is a man who tries and continuously fails to connect with his daughter. He always does something she doesn't approve of and that drives them further and further apart. He is also angry that he is indepted to Bruce for saving Betty, especially after he told him to keep distance from his daughter (very controlling dad behavior, not nice and not cute). He thinks Bruce and Hulk are dangerous, because Hulk put 3 people in a hospital and Talbot barely can walk after his encounter with him. The issue is that General doesn't know that Hulk treats like this only people that attack him, never innocent bystanders. Though on the other hand police officers would probably get into hospital too if they ever shoot at Hulk, though Hulk still prefers avoidance tactics and only attacks people if they are in his direct path of escape. He never attacks when he has a choice to turn any other way and run. So he needs to be backed into a corner to attack people in his way, whom he doesn't know and only sees as his assailants. Ross thinks that Bruce is the same as his father David. That he is dangerous man that fooled his daughter. That he is manipulator and liar and psychopath willing to hurt others, even people he loves. This is also the reason why General wanted him to keep his distance from Betty at all cost. He is angry that NSA took away his authority over Bruce, because he is a military man and he doesn't make policies of higher ups and still has to follow their orders as a General. He is furious that Talbot went around him to secure Bruce for himself. He thinks studying Bruce can bring a lot of interested people a lot of money. He was still willing to let Betty say goodbye to Bruce, but the decision was taken out of his hands, so he could not give her permission to do it even if he wanted to. he also mercilessly LEVELED WHAT WAS LEFT OF BRUCE'S CHILDHOOD HOME! Still, this general is definitely better when it comes to civilian casualties. He tries to avoid them, not like the Thadeus Ross from 2008 movie. After Hulk’s escape from the lab he was kept by Atheon, General is all set on destroying Bruce to protect Betty from him. He believes that the Hulk is heading straight for his daughter and like overprotective patriarchal father he sets himself into protection mode even if she doesn't want him to do so, because he will just make everything worse. When Betty's presence calms the Hulk, Ross orders to hold the fire in the end. He doesn't want to make him angry again and stronger than before and wreck more havoc than he already did. When they capture Bruce again, General is ready to incinerate Bruce if he moves just a little. He claims that he is doing it for Betty's sake and that he is preparing for the worst case. Then after the battle and “killing” Bruce, General admits he is sorry, but I do not buy it. He is not sorry that he “killed” Bruce, he is sorry that he hurt Betty. He couldn't care less about Bruce. He only cares if he lives or dies, because it would cause Betty even more pain.
Things I dislike apart from Hulk being silent:
- Random murder of a black man. - That Ross is purposefully darker skinned than white to show he is the bad guy. But what I like is that he is nuanced at least. - Betty going silent at the end and not protesting at all what was happening. She was bargaining all this time for Bruce's sake and now suddenly she stopped. That's just too weird and kind of OOC. - I don't get the point of that whole dream Betty had that Bruce will choke her one day, and then the follow up scene when he grabs her by the troat for real after he comes back to his senses after he killed the dogs. As Hulk he was able to not hurt her, but as Bruce, when he talks how he killed the dogs, he suddenly cannot control what he is doing? That's just weird. Andrenaline rush, or what?
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lettherebemonsters · 4 months
Hadn't spoken to his son proper in years, not since that incident at Rebecca's grave, but when he got word he was going to be a grandfather…. Well, had to see it for himself.
After sometime tracking down addresses he finds himself on the doorstep of a white farmhouse, with what looked to be a freshly painted picket fence running around it. 'how ridiculous' He thinks before knocking on the door.
(For the AU in which Brian didn't crack his head on that grave and is now everybody's problem)
It had taken a very long time with a lot of headaches and heartaches for Thad and Bruce to set aside their differences. Being hulks certainly helped and now baby Lana was like the glue that helped keep the small family together.
To the point where Ross had given the keys to the old home for Betty and Bruce, hoping Lana would have the happy childhood he regretted Betty not having.
Ross was house sitting while Bruce and the family were out, just making sure nobody decided to get weird about the area. And thankfully he stayed because Ross seeing Brian immediately put the old general on edge.
He didn't open the door....not yet. He wanted to see what this pest of a man tried to do. Maybe it'd give him the excuse to beat Brian to a pulp....
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