pilot-boi · 7 months
may I request an Oscar and Jaune pallet swap? I imagine Oscar just ends up looking like baby Jaune lol
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God he really DOES look like baby Jaune
Also I bumped this one up the list because god damn y’all really wanted to see this one lol
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gorillageek27 · 7 days
Monkey's paw tag.
Make a wish, but you have to choose a negative to the wish, and then tag someone
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@howlingday @pilot-boi @dicknouget @sinqrowithascythe @true-king-of-monsters @hrodvitnon @tosho89 @notmaplemable @bssaz97 @sassyassblog
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howlingday · 3 months
Select Your Character! TAG GAME
Show me a character to explain your go-to in a fighting game. Example...
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Then tag some people. As many as you'd like
@gorillageek27 @bssaz97 @decreare @misterlazer @noneatnonedotcom @epic-arc @tokufan400 @notmaplemable @madmanwonder @howlingday
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tanakavox · 1 year
I've been on a digimon bend and this started on reddit so I decided to bring it here. Using this site called Humlos I got my recommendation digimon partner and I used to it make a evolution line for her.
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Champion:Mantaraymon (X-Antibody)
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Lol went from aquatic to freaking Bayonetta. Hey so I wanna see what you guys get tag your friends and find your partner out and show me the evolution line you got for them. Just clink the pic and it'll sent you to the wiki to figure out what they can evolve to
@bssaz97 @laserdog10 @thatorigamiguy @the8worldking
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the8worldking · 1 year
Important update for friends/mutuals/followers
Hi everyone. I’m thinking of changing my tumblr/YouTube name. I’ve decided to go back to my old handle of “The8WorldKing”. It’s just something that’s been bugging me for a while and is why I haven’t uploaded any videos on my YouTube channel. So just before everyone thinks I’ve disappeared, just letting you know I’m going by another username
@bssaz97 @laserdog10 @darksaiyangoku @tanakavox
@thatorigamiguy @arcpaladin-jaune @arc-carnage
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noneatnonedotcom · 4 years
RWBY Earlier; Ruby is training at Beacon Academy and encounters a group of Huntsmen who learn about her relationship with Jaune and mock her for it. Ruby takes exception to that and gives them a lesson in manners.
here’s what I came up with for this. if you wanna try writing for it as well feel free. I’m always curious to see what other people do with the same premise.  everyone always has their own ideas it’s fascinating. 
either way, I hope you like it  RWBY Earlier
Chapter 2
The Lady Arc
Ruby was not so delicate a maiden that she didn’t know the truth of war. She might have specialized in fighting Grimm but she was by no means naive about what jaune did as a knight of the realm. She knew that when given the opportunity even normal men would become monsters and she knew that fighting those monsters ran the risk of becoming one of them.
Grimm were far easier to deal with.
So when jaune had come home with that bone-tired look on his face she had cared for her husband (and boy was calling him that still something that made her feel giddy). All in all, they had grown closer for it. And ruby had assured him that she would take no other than him. She loved him and had yang been around still she was sure her older sister would agree with her.
She did hope yang got back soon, her job as spring maiden had Oswald keeping her in minstrel. Which if you asked her was kinda stupid, why not have the spring maiden in vale so if something happened they had to go all the way to anima. It would only give them more time.
A paranoid part of her thought that perhaps it was Oswald trying to isolate her so she was more likely to leave her husband. The other part knew that was giving the old man far too much credit. In reality, she and her sister represented his best set of new agents. And that meant they were constantly busy
Jaune would probably help too but she and Oswald both knew that jaune wouldn’t follow orders from a man who had destroyed jaune’s way of life and had nearly left his family destitute after the great war. His ideals of democracy were great and all but ruby wasn’t really sold on the concept. Still, she and her sister were heroes just like their mother before them. She would fight Salem and her minions to the end.
Well as soon as both she and yang graduated that was. In truth, yang was being used as a diplomat to minstral purely because of her connection to lady Branwen. Even if the nobility was gone, the people remembered. Though just where the former lady had gone to after her family was betrayed by the last king of Vale was a mystery. Same with her uncle qrow. 
She missed them both dearly. But at least her mother was able to raise both her and yang together. She felt confidant that they would both be home soon from their mission.
Now if only she could get Oswald and his other agents to stop hating jaune.
Her husband hated himself enough for all of them.
It was actually a surprise though not much of one that the butcher of Anima wasn’t the only title jaune had gained from his expedition. The savior of humanity was a far more popular one. Second only to his true moniker
Sir. Jaune The Just
His actions in defeating the monsters of the faunas rights rebellions and then his actions to protect Menagerie when Atlas threatened to invade had earned him quite a bit of respect. Though Vale remained firmly against him and she had the good headmaster to thank for that.
She found it funny, everyone but the country he fought for respected jaune. But jaune was so much a patriot that he hated himself. He truly was a son of Vale.
Ruby shook the morbid thought away with a rueful smile. Jaune would recover, he was already bouncing back with only a few days of them having been back together. And his knights still loved him. In time the people of vale would love him as well and be able to see that his actions while not right morally were necessary.
Her optimism was shattered with a call of  “hey it’s the butcher’s whore! Done sucking the cock of that monster you call your man? Or maybe you came to see what a real man can do and not some coward who preys on the weak” shouted the former lordling Winchester. 
She found it somewhat ironic that the man was disparaging jaune for his actions when he himself had owned slaves not ten years ago before the practice was well and truly outlawed. Oh certainly the family might argue that they were former criminals indentured to serve but that was hollow reasoning when they only took pretty looking faunas women.
She did as she had always done and simply ignored the idiots that made up his team. Yang would have probably beaten them up. And her mom probably would have destroyed them politically but she had better things to do than waste her time. Weiss was waiting for her and they both had classes to get to.
“Walking away huh? Hey, ruby? How’s old jauney boy holding up anyways? It’s a lot harder to do anything without an army backing you up huh? I bet the coward is probably hiding back in his room crying for his little wifey to come and hold him” she truly tried to ignore the cackling of the idiots. And if Weiss asked she’d explain that she didn’t intend on being late.
But jaune would do far worse to them if he heard. It was best to settle up debts as soon as possible. She loved her husband but the man was overzealous about protecting her and her honor at times.
So that’s why when she deployed her war scythe all she did was smile.
Even as she launched Sky away with a single swing she smiled.
Even as she took a single step back before cleaving clean through Cardin’s armor with her counter strike she smiled.
And even as she chased the other two idiots down and made them bleed she smiled 
Jaune really was such a sweetheart.
Weiss looked at the slightly bloody ruby with a sigh and a smile “they’re not dead, are they? It’s bad enough we might be late for class but murder will be even harder to explain”
Ruby shook her head “no they’re fine. terrified, but fine.”
Weiss smiled politely “you would think they’d learn by now that angering a prodigy at combat is nearly as bad as angering jaune”
Ruby leaned over and mock whispered “truth be told i just think Cardin’s jealous”
Weiss raised an eyebrow “I had heard that his father had put forth a bride price for you but…”
Ruby shook her head “not of Jaune silly! Of Me!”
Weiss broke out laughing “ah I see, so he’s upset you got jaune for yourself”
Ruby nodded “jaune’s a pretty great husband, but honestly the fact that Cardin spends every waking moment thinking about him is the reason why it just wouldn’t work out.”
They walked in silence for a while before Weiss spoke up “so what’s the real reason you went so far?”
Ruby thought for a moment “you know why Cardin spends so much time thinking about jaune? Because he’s terrified of him. From a young age, jaune’s always been more powerful than Cardin. In politics, in economics, in prestige, and in charisma. The Arc family and jaune, in particular, have always been the one thing that his family didn’t dare act against.” she stopped in front of the statue to jaune’s father, the best friend of the last king of vale who had died protecting his king. “Up until now, Cardin had been able to say that he was at least physically stronger and better at combat then Cardin. Jaune’s victory proved that wrong. And the fact that he’s a hero in other continents, basically everywhere but Vale and Vacuo, it got to him.”
Weiss nodded “that doesn’t answer my question though, why did you go so far against them?” she reached out and hugged ruby “tell me the truth please”
Ruby tried to hold back tears but eventually, the dam broke “everything being said by those idiots is the things jaune says about himself” she hugged Weiss to her as hard as she could “AND IT’S NOT FAIR, JAUNE DID WHAT HE HAD TO! HE’S NOT A MONSTER WEISS AND I HATE THAT I CAN’T CONVINCE HIM OF THAT.” she fell to her knees and sobbed into her friend’s shoulder “Why should he suffer! He only did what they asked him to! The council sent him Oswald sent him! But they throw him away the second he does something that might look bad to their voters and those idiots who’ve never fought a day in their lives! So why Weiss Why my jaune!”
Weiss held her, ruby knew she didn’t have the answers but this wasn’t about answers this was about getting it out. And ruby had needed this. She hated that jaune was suffering and she couldn’t do anything to help. Some hero she was if she couldn’t even save her husband. And she cried for a while at the injustice of it clinging to Weiss like a lifeline.
Eventually, she calmed down, and still, Weiss held her in the quiet of the courtyard. Ruby sniffed bringing her head up “we’re definitely late for class”
“Those old fossils can stuff it, you’re more important”
Something about the Lady of White saying it made it funny to ruby and she laughed as her friend held her.
Not too far from where the two girls had their moment Ozma was left to ponder something. He found he couldn’t look at the statue of his old friend. Julius Arc was the previous wielder of Croceia Mors. and was the man who had died protecting him in his previous life as the last king of Vale. showing more loyalty and kindness to him than he’d experienced in all his lives.
And now he had cast away his son without even asking his side of the story.
“Have I truly fallen so far, old friend? Am I truly such a monster?” there was no response but Ozma couldn’t help but feel he’d lost the respect of the brave knight.
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coleconcon · 3 years
Hi Sonia and Rory, good to see you again!, my question for today is, how’s school life been at Beacon so far? You two having any fun?
Summer II: Sonia?
Ruby: I think that was typo.
Snow: Good to see you again to Mr. Bssaz! Beacon’s been great so far! Our team has done pretty well, we have had a few mishaps during missions and Rory fell a little behind in his studies at one point, because he went ahead two years, but Dove and I helped get him caught up.
Rory: Also, having Aunt Yang and Uncle Oscar as teachers is pretty nice. Our team has had a few incidents, but overall we’ve handled them well. We’re also competing in the Vytal Festival, which is exciting.
Snow: There’s actually a decent amount of people betting on our team, which is flattering, but I’m pretty sure once we’re up against Adrian’s team, we’re done. We’ll still give it our all though.
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darksaiyangoku · 4 years
Okay, slight miscalculation on my part. I accidentally reblogged the tumblr game with my HellGoku account.
Anyway, let’s try this again. Since I was tagged by @bssaz97 for this, I will be tagging @razorblade180 @smh0217 @loganhunter2 @kawaiigirl91 @lil-red-reaper @alexsuperstar @danurso
Here’s normal me:
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And here’s Neko me:
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Hopefully I don’t make that mistake again. 😅
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laserdog10 · 3 years
When Lea visits the Rose-Arcs for the weekend...
Lea: Hey, hey, hey Blos?
Blossom: *sighs* Yes Lea...?
Lea: Why can't a tomato beat lettuce in a race??? :D
Blossom: *pinching the bridge of her nose* Why?
Lea: Because lettuce is always a head, and tomatoes have to ketchup!
Blossom: *bashing her head on a book*
Lea: Hey Citrus?
Citrus: *already facedown on a pillow* What...
Lea: Why was the skeleton a great comedian???
Citrus: *groaning*
Lea: The audience found him very humerus!
Lea: Heeeeey Garnet~!
Garnet: ...yes Lea?
Lea: Why did the scarecrow get Employee of the Month?
Garnet: I don't know dear cousin, why did the scarecrow get employee of the month??? *sarcastic tone*
Lea: B-
Garnet: Because he was outstanding in his field, please shut the hell up...
Lea: *cackles manically*
Yang: Ahhh, I taught her well.
Ruby/Jaune/Whitley: You taught another headache.....
Yang: Haters gonna hate!
(A/N: To my greatest friends, @bssaz97 and @tempest-tatsumi...THIS IS HOW YOU WRITE, YOU AMATEURS! >8[)
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bssaz97 · 3 years
I need help finding the post where everyone thinks Jaune and Ruby are dead but in reality they are still alive and had kids
No problem dude, thanks for bring it to my attention actually. Been a hot minute since I’ve seen these.
I was able to find Part 1 & 2, I think there’s a part 3 but I will have to check.
Part 1: https://bssaz97.tumblr.com/post/190996450079/juane-and-ruby-go-missing-for-a-year-only-to-show
Part 2: https://bssaz97.tumblr.com/post/612602460654141440/think-you-would-do-another-part-to-the-missing-for
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sudoki-sara · 3 years
Monty Oum in heaven watching @gorillageek27, @naughtyweiss, @bssaz97, @dam1994s, and @danurso turn Jaune into a harem god
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pilot-boi · 4 years
Hey Pilot I remember that you made a piece of art that shows Jaune using the hard light from his shield in tangent with his great sword mode. With your premise ion could I use that concept for a fanfic battle that I’m writing about?
I would be honored, I never thought anyone would want to use one of the concepts from my drawing in actual writing?? Thank??
Also, go check out this person’s writings, guys! I’ve read it, and they’re really good so far.
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gorillageek27 · 3 months
New tag game
What is your favorite style of comedy writing?
Mine has to be seth mcfarlane's style of writing on early family guy. he can make a interesting situation and just turn it a casual conversation
@pilot-boi @howlingday @dicknouget @true-king-of-monsters @bssaz97 @sinqrowithascythe @itsupermanti
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howlingday · 2 years
🌺 Send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful. 🌺
Staring a chain, huh? Aight.
@wu-sisyphus-gang @idrownfishes0 @arc-misadventures @templeofdepravitymk2 @gorillageek27 @tokufan400 @freeusemuses @bssaz97 @noneatnonedotcom @juanarc-thethird
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tanakavox · 2 years
Jaune:Sooooo! What it like having 2 girlfriend.
Ren:My dick hurts.
Jaune stared his only guy friend as he stared right by at the blonde as if to say" You didn't mishear me." But... it was a really odd thing for someone like Ren to say.
Jaune:.... What?
Ren:Two girlfriends like Nora and Penny can by a nightmare. Nora is a handful, but I can outlast her, as surprising as that sound. But penny.... she just doesn't seem to get tired."
Jaune couldn't help but winch, having Ruby as a girlfriend he could relate slightly but thankful his semblance counter her perfectly.
Jaune: Oh man, you poor soul.
Ren:... Can we trade semblance? That might help."
Jaune felt a pang of fear in his heart at the idea of dealing with Ruby without his semblance and shook his head.
Jaune:I would. But....
Ren:Mm. Didn't hurt to ask. Even though it's impossible.
Ren:I gotta go. But before I do. Penny is probably pregnant and you and Ruby are the godparents. See ya.
Ren quickly walk off before Jaune could even say anything leaving him in a daze as the info the ninja had dropped process. Jaune began to smile widely, thinking excited Ruby would be hearing the news before a look of utter bewilderment replaced it.
@bssaz97 help me plan this out
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noneatnonedotcom · 3 years
a RWBY fighting game
set during the first volume of RWBY, this game is an arcaide fighter taking place in a universe where jaune unlocked his semblance early. he's now the strongest of all the main characters but he has a major problem
thus Nora comes to the conclusion that jaune-jaune needs to train to be flashier during a fight.
the game uses an aura meter that both acts as your health bar and your meter for super moves. taking damage or useing up aura will make you hit with less force as well.
jaune's aura meter is impossible to get empty or even lesson it for any real length of time on top of that he hits like a fucking truck and can end a aura bar in one level three supermove.
this would normally make him super OP but the point of the game is to build up points by doing relaly cool shit and landing large combos. rounds end after 60 seconds or when one person's aura is at zero. but the winner is decided by how many points they have built up. there for laming out an enemy will not net you enough points to win.
Ruby: "mix up fighter who does massive combos, crescent rose lets her reach out and continue a combo from across the screen and her semblance lets her reset her combos from the opposite side of the enemy without jumping. her supers are all about her learning to use aura slashes with crescent rose and take a lot of her aura though.
her story arc is about proving to weiss she's a good leader and forcing her friend to actually be her friend
Weiss: battlefield control character, she's all about setting up traps and poking with her rapier. her traps cost very little aura and her attacks are light and fast but do little damage. this makes her one of the better fighters for pulling off flashy shit. she also has the least aura of the lot
she's pissed that she's the weakest of the main characters and wants to take jaune down a few pegs, but in the end her ego has to get popped and she has to come to terms with her vaunted family name meens nothing
blake: aerial combat. blake is all about swinging around on her weapon and shooting with her gun to continue combos from a distance useing verticality and her mobility to show off. she's pretty bad on the ground though and likes to be in the air, as a result ruby is a great counter pick for her.
blakes story arc is about her learning to trust her friends with her secret even weiss... eventually. they're mainly just hainging out and fighting as flashy as possible so nothing high stakes for most of the characters
yang: all about spending that aura early to set up huge combos, the more aura you use the weaker your blows the the longer you can keep combos going. though she' tied with nora and pyrrha for damage and this makes her a little harder to use since she can end a aura bar really quick without giving herself the time to build up points.
her story arc is about her learning to trust that her friends will be there for her and that even if they left she wouldn't shatter.
ren: second weakest he's also like yang in that he relies hevily on super moves. the only differance is he doesn't just open with them he sprinkles super moves through all his combos meaning that he's in very real danger of knocking himself out before he can build up enough points. but he's pretty easy to use and second best character for this game (being the second weakest)
Pyrrha: GET OVER HERE! Pyrrha is all about distance, she has a veritable swiss army knife of combo openers from any distance and a set of super moves that pulls people back into reach for a reset to the combo to keep it going and build points, but she hits hard so she's a very technical character that you have to know what your doing to win with
her story arc is about her crush on jaune and her admitting it to him even if she's scared he'll say no. she has a comedy ending if you beat her story on the hardest difficulty where she tries to set up a harem so she'll have vindication that jaune's a stud! SHE DOESN'T HAVE WEIRD TASTE YOU ALL JUST HAVE BAD TASTE BUT SHE'LL FIX YOU! SHE'LL FIX YOU GOOD!
Nora: all about the bounce. all her combo enders bounce their target so you can go from one combo to the next. she hits like a truck though so it might be a good idea to take a little damage before you start going crazy
her story arc is that she's having fun with her friends and helping her fearless leader.
jaune: HOLY SHIT HE'S STRONG. jaune is really hard to use. he can end aura bars in a few hits and he can't get any weaker than when he starts. in a normal fighting game he'd be broken. in this game his infinite aura means his friends can just style on him forever (lol) his taunts heal his enemies though so be sure to sprinkle them in to your combos. parries also give extra points, so learn the timing!
his story arc is all about him learning to be confident and about the importance of looking cool in a fight.
so any thoughts comments concerns? and any ideas for dlc fighters?
@dam1994s @gorillageek27 @bssaz97 @tanakaclinkbeard @thatorigamiguy @dragonotaku-justineverything @spoonoftar
anyone can give their thoughts btw but I figured it would be easier for people to see If i tagged it for them
Edit: @aravas-writing sorry buddy almost forgot ya lol
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