#but anakin deserves this
starwarjotta · 3 months
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Cody surrounded by family and the people he loves, because that is what he deserves
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thegalaxykatsworld · 1 year
Padme: did you know Obi wan gives Cody flowers every single morning?
Padme: why don’t you do that :(
Anakin: d-do you want me too?
Padme: YES Ani!
-the next day-
Cody, staring at the flowers is Anakin offering him: why the hell are you doing this?
Anakin: I don’t get it either just take them-
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moonysweirdtoast · 30 days
it always randomly hits me that Obi-Wan had to go into the temple and see the people he grew up with, his friends, people he considered family, the people he trained with, all dead and his home for his whole life in flames, then learned that it was his padawan that he considered his child and brother that did it
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human-rocket · 2 months
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have some sleepy generals ✨
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ventresses · 3 months
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars (12/?)
Star Wars + Text Posts & Headlines
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hayden-christensen · 9 months
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'It's been really heartwarming I can't really sort of tell you what it means to me but so much, you know. I mean this is for the fans so to have their support is just huge.' — Hayden Christensen on fan reception to his return to Star Wars.
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sixfrogsonalog · 1 year
one of my favourite things about the clone wars is that everyone just agreed that the clone commanders are all in love with their generals.
Obi Wan and Cody? theyre in love. they drink tea together.
Aayla and Bly? married, paint each others nails sometimes.
Shaak Ti and Colt? adopted every single clone trooper, official parents of the GAR.
Anakin and Rex might not be in romantic love, but platonically they were MADE for one another.
and everyone knows that Plo adopted the wolffepack so there nothing but love there, too.
they just deserve to be happy.
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now THIS is podracing
(a lil painting inspired by @lesbianahsokatano‘s fic from the Legacies Entwined zine, thank you for the ahsoka visits tatooine brainrot 💖)
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twinterrors29 · 3 months
during the clone wars, the 212th found themselves staying for a day or two on a planet who they'd saved
despite the language barrier, the citizens managed to communicate that they'd like to build a monument to the Jedi who saved them, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, and got the Jedi and his Commander's permission before they were abruptly called away to the next battle
however, they never actually asked which of the men they talked to was the Jedi, and which the Commander, and since they didn't speak Basic (or any other language common off their own planet), weren't able to fact check their model
and of course, since Marshall Commander Cody was the one carrying his Jedi's lightsaber on his hip nearly the entire visit, they picked up a skewed impression of which of the pair was the General
due to the hardship of the war and the years following it, it takes the people years to build their intended statue, long enough for the event to be separated in the minds of any Imperial watchers, and since all signage and discussion took place in the local language, no one picked up on the fact that this monument was intended dedicated to the Jedi
miraculously, this saved it from the Imperial purge of any and all remnants of the Jedi
after all, to an outside observer, the statue depicted a clone, not a Jedi, and only a very select handful would have recognized the significance of the strange cylinder hanging from the statue's belt
decades later, while Luke Skywalker desperately searched for any remnants of the Jedi's legacy, he found a mention of a remote planet that Ben had visited during the Clone Wars in the man's journals, which included the addendum that the citizens had informed him that they intended to construct a monument to him, but that he never got to actually see it
Luke, excited for this chance to learn about this period of his people's history, rushed to borrow Threepio for the trip and raced off across the galaxy in search of this monument
when Threepio pointed him to the statue in question though, Luke was terribly confused
who was this man? his face seemed strangely familiar, but he'd think he'd remember meeting someone with such a memorable scar on their face! and that cylinder on his belt did look like what he remembered of Ben's lightsaber...
so Luke called for Ben for an explanation, only for the man to take one look at the statue and start laughing his ass off before disappearing, saying only that he needed to go tell someone about this
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incorrectskywalkers · 11 months
Obi-Wan, sighing: Force give me patience.
Ahsoka: I thought it was "Force give me strength"?
Obi-Wan: For most people. But you see, if the Force didn't give me the amount of patience I require, everyone on this ship would be dead.
Anakin (aka "Everyone"):
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pathetic-lifeform · 8 months
After witnessing Hayden’s return to Star Wars, first in OWK in 2022 and now in Ahsoka, I cannot help but think that why did it take us nearly 20 years to collectively claim this man as our own? Do we even deserve him?
In the prequels he gave his everything, his portrayal of Anakin was incredibly nuanced and he clearly had done his homework (e.g. nailing JEJ’s speech pattern and his vocal cadence, as well as David Prowse’s physical mannerisms). Looking at Hayden you could see exactly what George Lucas meant when he said he wanted someone who had ” that presence of the dark side”. But you could also distinguish the former innocent slave boy, who wanted to be a Jedi and make his loved ones proud. He was Anakin, he was Vader.
It still makes me extremely sad and upset that some fans thought their image of Vader at the time was the only right one. They had their heads too up their asses to see that Anakin/Vader was right there, exactly as George Lucas had written him, both passionate and powerful but also sad and pathetic. And of course there were those who did see it, most of them were just too young at the time/without a platform to express all that awe and outpouring of love, as it was mostly drowned out by the loud, spiteful hate and criticism.
I can’t even imagine the things Hayden had to hear, directly from fans and from the media. It must’ve been so discouraging for a young actor. Heck, he was 24 when RotS came out. 24. And still, after everything, he decided to come back. He could’ve declined when Deborah Chow called him and asked him to return to the franchise, I would not have blamed him.
We are extremely lucky to have him back as Anakin and Vader again. And we better remember that.
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“she was my friend.” absolutely in shambles right at this moment.
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captainkirkk · 2 months
Favourite relationship trope (romantic or platonic):
Clingy Character A who has always been told they love too intensely and overtly & Character who doesn't know what it is to be loved unconditionally, surprised and awed and overjoyed at being loved so shamelessly so Character B
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jollyhaunt · 1 year
coruscant has the space equivalent to the cosmopolitan magazine, including those celebrity quizzes pertaining to things such as "which actor is your bestie" etc. except they come out with an issue about the jedi INCLUDING "which jedi master would be your soulmate"
the troopers have a riot with this, the jedi amused just as much if not more (no one has heard yoda laugh this much since a prank some padawans *cough cough obiwanandquinlan COUGH* had pulled on mace). cody had refused to participate in the quiz no matter how much heckling he received from the 212th. on the other hand, obiwan is having a riot with it.
when obiwan hears troopers who got him, he becomes more friendly than before—overuses terms of endearments, more pats on the shoulders, smiling a little sweeter, those sorts of things. 212th troopers who got jedi like anakin or plokoon, obiwan just waggles a teasing brow and makes teasing little comments whenever they're teamed up.
it's rex that finally gets cody to take the quiz. some off hand comment about obiwan and his eyes or something along those lines. cody just yanks out the nearest datapad and does the questionnaire with much more thought than he ought to.
and what'd ya know—he got obiwan.
rex leaks it to the 212th and cody receives so much crap for that. obiwan overhears it and bc he is such a bastard, participates in all the teasing, just outright starts flirting bc isn't it so fun to see cody, marshall commander of the 3rd system army, become pink in the face from all the implications?
the next issue is of the high ranking officers of the GAR, including the clones. obiwan gets cody and anakin gives him so much crap for it as well. cody gives obiwan a taste of his own medicine
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coruscant-clickbait · 3 months
lives were changed
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drawingdroid · 9 months
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How things should have ended:
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