#but why would i choose them when i can have honey nut
kindlingkeen · 21 days
I need to know if I’m alone in this or maybe missing something.
It always bothers me when people say Tim’s childhood was so much worse than Jason’s, or even says they’re the same kinda thing. Am I the only one in this?? (More specifically when they compare them) Like it feels like they’re minimizing Jason’s story to nothing, when it makes his character up as much as his death does. (I’ve even seen people compare Tim’s childhood to Jason’s death, which is. A choice.)
Granted, I’m not a big Tim fan (he’s a cool character, just not the one I focus on) so maybe I’ve missed some part of his canonical backstory or ive subconsciously got something against his character idk.
But from my understanding, Tim is a rich kid who was taken care of (as in, he always had what he needed), just his parents were neglectful? Or away? (Not to say this isn’t bad, of course wouldn’t wish that on a kid either)
But Jason’s lived surrounded by crime and poverty, hell we see panels where he’s hurt and generally not havin a great time.
And I’m fine with people making angst worse because like, favourite character. I’m sure I’m guilty of doing the same to Jason (fave character bias and whatnot) it’s just something that strikes me as odd. But hey, maybe I just don’t know about some canon panel that shows Tim’s childhood as a tragedy where he almost died countless times (another thing I’ve seen fans use)
So yeah. Generally, what do you think about this? I am not too great with character analysis & whatever else, but I like the stuff you’ve said in regards to characters. I know you’re a Jason fan, unsure about how you feel about Tim/how much you know, but curious about your opinion anyway. Thanks.
You are not alone, anon.
You’re also not missing anything in canon, Tim’s childhood was not a tragedy (his parents traveled a lot and he spent his time in boarding school). Were his parents on the neglectful side? Yes. Does that equate to being parentless and living on the street before the age of 12? No. I answered an Ask about Tim a little while ago explaining why I don’t really care much for Tim in the comics or a lot of fanfics. And I only ranted a little about how projecting Jason’s trauma onto Tim is Not. Cool. So maybe check that out.
As for my opinion on this … *takes a deep breath* Let me start by saying that everyone should like what they like, read what they want, write what they want, etc. No judgement or shame intended at all.
But … my opinion is that the enemy-to-caretaker trope is to blame for the over abundance of this dynamic in the fandom.
It seems like this trope grew out of/is a Gen take on enemies-to-lovers. I have absolutely no problem with this trope in general. In fact, I quite enjoy it in certain settings. But the thing is, lovers can be equals. But a caretaker, that has an inherent power imbalance to the relationship. A caretaker takes care of a person who is in some way weaker or less able than them.
So, to make Jason a caretaker for Tim, you somehow have to make Tim weaker, and with time and repetition that’s gotten amplified to much weaker.
The easiest way to do this is to jack up the angst and trauma of Tim’s origin story and increase his overall vulnerability. Because in reality, the inherent power imbalance between Jason and Tim is not that significant. Jason is only two years older than Tim. They’re both supposed to be badass vigilantes who can fight and solve crimes. Tim’s home life was loads more stable and supportive.
Play a few games of fanfic telephone, and all of a sudden you have a baseline of touch-starved Timmy who was made to sleep in a cupboard under the stairs as a wee little niblet and then Lazarus-mad Jason came along and tried to murder him repeatedly (nope), slit his throat (‘twas but a scratch), and generally traumatized him beyond repair (Tim is Robin, pretty sure he’s been beaten up before). 🤦‍♀️
That’s my opinion, anon! Thanks for the ask! 💙
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Hey girl!!
I was wondering if you could write a fic where Bakari or Erik is mad at reader for coming home late and he punishes her?
A/N: I choose Bakari. He's not as crazy and he's logical with you. This is a quick little "what would he do"
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11:58 PM. A call comes through your phone. He answers it. "She's not back yet. I'll let you know."
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Home Late
It's been a hot and muggy night made hotter by the liquor and the dancing. You were already tipsy at the start of the weekend, but eight margaritas later, you're stumbling through the front door and fondling the wall for the light.
Dropping your keys, your purse, your shoes, and your wig all at once to beeline to the kitchen for the Honey Nut Cheerios. You shovel handfuls into your mouth and leave the box on the counter so you can unzip the side of your gold dress. The tag is still on it but tucked in. You leave it hanging as you dance your way to turn off the living room TV.
"HeGh," you jump, knees buckling until your brain recognizes the silhouette on the sofa. "Shit. WARN SOMEBODY. Why are you sitting in the dark?"
"At least now I know you haven't been kidnapped or murdered... Just irresponsible." Bakari sighs.
Listen up, grandpa. You almost roll your eyes. What's wrong with a little fun from time to time.
"Don't be mad, babe. I was just out having some fun."
"Where you been?"
"I told you. I was going out with some friends."
"Which friends?"
Aww, him mad. You turn on the lights so you can view him normally. He looks like a serial killer sitting in the darkness.
"You don't know them. I met them through Laura... You hate Laura, I know." You beat him to it.
"What's my rule for you?"
"Babe. I would've contacted you, but my phone died. I put it on the charger yyeeesterdayy?"
It's in his hand now. Your eyes widen.
"I thought I had it on me and wondered why it'd been quiet!"
You completely forgot it somehow, and you haven't been back home until now. You bite your nail.
"You've been MIA for 2 days."
"I- It didn't feel like 2 days," you shrug, confused and too drunk to really think.
"You didn't notice that night came twice?" His face doesn't change, but you can feel that he's a mad little puppy right now.
"I did!" You sigh, pacing. You scratch at your cornrows. "I just - I was drunk! I wasn't - "
"What were you doing for two days that made you forget?"
"I was out doing random shit, drinking, and I didn't think," you shrug. "We were bar hopping, then Nyasha said she knew this club we could slide through, but it got craaaazy, so I left with Kenya and Molly. We went to Burger King and then ended up at the beach. I lost track of time... You really mad at me?"
You pout. It works sometimes.
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As his monogamous partner and submissive of five years, you know the rules. If you go out for an extended period, do your due diligence and communicate. Why does he need to keep reminding you?
"This is the third time."
There shouldn't have been a second time, but being told twice is unacceptable. A punishment is in order, but first, you need to understand exactly why.
"Don't be insekerr babe," you smile.
You bend to his eye level, falling over. Drunk and sloppy. It's not attractive and you're better than this. This behavior in public is embarrassing, but at home, it's... That's a discussion to have when you're sober.
You pick yourself back up, planting your hands on his knees for leverage, still in your good mood from a good time.
"You know I don't be out here with nobody," you double down. "You can ask anyone-"
"It's not insecurity. It's concern. I like to know where you are for safety. If you don't like that, this isn't gonna work. Not responding to my calls for days at a time, that's a problem for me."
You smile in attempt to lighten his mood. Despite your sloppy looks and demeanor, you're still cute, but he’s not amused. Three times is too much. You're getting punished.
"I forgooot," you pout adorably, triggering Daddy mode. "It definitely won't happen again."
"Oh, I know. Now you need to make it up to me."
Your head tilts. "How I'm a do that?"
He gestures for you to come, sit on his lap so he can touch you and look at you up close. Absently, he strokes your back. Your makeup looks good, though you're sweaty and your breath smells like tropical fruit. How many drinks have you had? Your arms wrap his neck as you press your warm cheek against his, tryna get a snuggle in.
"Look at me." He tilts his head back slightly though you have his neck trapped in a hold. "I want you to tell me how much you missed me while you were out clubbing."
You sputter, not in your clear mind. "Well, to be honest, I was having too much fun. But I miss you now!"
Fair enough.
"I'm sorry I didn't respond," you mutter. "I was okay, but you know me! I'm forgetful! At least I didn't drive."
"I know you were having fun, but you still need to communicate with me. I don't do that MIA shit."
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You bite your fingernail with a small blossoming smile. You love it when he's firm. It's so attractive. You hold his face in your hands and play with his beard. Patchy or not, it's yours. He's yours. He hugs you tightly, tilting his head back to kiss you fully.
"Mmm. Well, I definitely missed that. I missed these dimples of yours, too." You squeeze his cheeks. "You're so cute!"
"Wait. You missed my dimples?"
Pulling you in, he kisses your neck and bites your shoulder. You grab his chin in your hand and kiss him once more, grinning against his lips.
"Annnnd I really miss the way you're so forgiving."
"Oh really."
He smirks as you nod, your lips still against his.
"I didn't know forgiving could be so sexy. I do forgive you because I love and care about you... That's also why I have to punish you."
You gasp. You forgot all about punishments. You just want to cuddle and love. You rub your face against his cheek once more.
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For your own good, he picks you up and carries you into your separate bathroom where he runs you a warm bath. Since you're drunk, he helps you with your dress, noticing the tag on your dress and ripping it off. $218. He's frugal, yes, but it's just a dress. You don't need to return it.
"Lean on me."
He accompanies you and helps you into the water slowly. Then he takes the soapy washcloth in his hands to wash you. It's a good excuse to rub and squeeze under the pretense of getting you clean. You're getting turned on, too, as he soaps your breasts, making them glisten. From your neck and chest to your stomach, he moves in a steady circular motion. He moves to your back. Your eyes are closed.
"It feel good?"
"Mhm," you hum, smiling up for another kiss. You're getting greedy, but that's what he's for, and he does love to kiss.
Next is your legs. He gestures for your foot to rest against his chest as he cleans your legs and feet one at a time. You shift in the tub, biting your lip.
"Let me help you up."
That way, it's easier to get to the intimate parts of you that need extra attention. He cleans you long enough to be thorough and once more because of how much you like it. Then he rinses you, helping you from the tub to dry you off.
As you head to your bed, he drains the tub and meets you with a large bottle of Jergens to massage into your skin from head to toe. You rub on his arms in the meantime. You even get impatient enough to reach up and pull him down flat over top of you. He chuckles, rubbing his nose into your clean neck and sucking gently.
"Let me finish," he whispers, sitting up quickly.
He works efficiently, massaging every inch, but glossing over your mound and its little landing strip. You sigh loudly, and he smirks once more, entertained.
You need kisses. He delivers wet kisses to your full nudity, peppering around your areolas and down your stomach to your mound. You rub on his head and part your thighs as he gives kisses to your outer lips and inner thighs. You smell good, and when he strokes your opening with a finger, it's coated. He puts it in, and you accept it eagerly. He adds a second finger and works up to a third as you squeeze his fingers.
"You so wet and squeezing my fingers. You tryna cum so soon?"
You moan, grinding down on his fingers and pulsating. You're on that edge, used to him letting to cross it multiple times. This time, however, he pulls out, rubbing your juices on your outer lips. You groan in protest.
"Look at me," he instructs, waiting for your eye contact. "For four days, I won't be touching you."
Again, you gasp, unhappy with your punishment. You want your head, but you won't get it.
"No sex, no head, no hugging, no kisses. Starting now, we're no touch. You can't touch me at all or that's one more hour I'm adding for every touch."
"That's not fair, you know my love language is touch."
"I know... Mine is communication."
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When you wake up in the morning to head to your job, Bakari isn't there. His schedule is a little more hectic, which is why you typically treasure your time together. You reach out to him at the end of your work day, and he responds despite being busy. You tell him that you miss him.
When you see him again, it's the next day, but he's responded to every message no matter the hour. You'd say it's to prove a point if it weren't his typical behavior. Responsible Daddy Bakari. That's why you go so well together.
You send him nudes through the week. He's responsive to them, but when you're together, he still won't touch you. You tested his resolve by touching him, thinking if you could give him a hand or blow job, he might cave. You should've known better before you tried. He can be truly stubborn.
"Two hours added," he'd said. He meant it too.
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The punishment has to fit the crime. You made him worry. He couldn't reach you, and that made him consider the worse, but he can't do the same thing to you to get back. As your partner and dominant, his responsibility to you is to remain available and ready to come to you should you need him. What he can do is take away or delay your pleasure, and it's an effective technique. You don't miss a day of checking in. Every time he calls, you're picking up the first ring.
At the end of 4 days and 2 hours, he finds you in your separate bedroom asleep since it's the middle of the night. He slips into your bed and under your sheets to part your thighs and lick you awake, though you feign sleep. His long tongue alternates between flattened swipes and firm, pointed massages. His palms run over your stomach and thighs. He moves your hands from grabbing the sheets to grabbing his head to show you that the touch ban is lifted.
You cum in his mouth twice before he comes up for air.
"Baby? Now I'm serious. This was the punishment for 3 strikes," he warns. "You know I don't give 4. Next time you "forget" to contact me for days at a time or stop responding without a heads up, that's it, relationship over. That's not a dominance thing. It's out of respect."
"Okaaay," you sigh, annoyed, but he has to warn you that he means business. He's got enough stress, and you know this is something that bothers him.
"Goodnight." He kisses your temple, telling you to sleep as he pulls the covers back around you comfortably. "Tomorrow's a new day."
The End.
@dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens-blog @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @thadelightfulone @sultanabby @mysticalblackhottie @baekhyunbabybunni @fd-writes @richonne4life @tgigoldie @thehomierobbstark @capswife @blackpinup22 @harleycativy @lishabaybee @playgurlxoxo
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liz-allyn · 1 year
sugar and vice, pt. 10 [mob!tasm!peter x fem!reader]
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summary: Everything you need to know about Peter Parker.
words: 10.6 k
warning: graphic descriptions of violence and gore, including murder. *implied animal cruelty/killing*, dubcon situations, voyeurism, masturbation, references to domestic violence
series warnings: mob-typical violence, bang bang shoot shoot, whump. hurt/comfort. sensual/sexual situations. spousal abuse. family trauma. drug use. coersion. kidnapping. gore. blood. toxic/yandere!peter (maybe, sorta), negative self talk, shameless forced proximity trope. ‘only ten one bed oops’ trope, imprisonment. slowest burn. a dash of questionable and/or morally grey intentions. extremely toxic relationships.
This version of TASM Peter is far from canon. The relationships and characters here are not healthy.
18+ You’re responsible for your own media consumption, but if you don't remember drinking yoohoo in a school cafeteria, keep it moving.
a/n this chapter starts with a time jump, and does a lot of skipping around.
Back to Part 9.
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Part 10
If there was one thing she could tell you about Peter Parker, it was that he was always more than one thing. He had two sides to him. Two identities. Two names. He was hot and cold. Up and down. Ebb and flow. Darkness and light. Love and rage. 
It made her head spin. It drove her crazy. Paralyzed her with paranoia. Made her question everything going on inside and outside her head, dreading that she had read this chapter before. This was just another page out of the same book.
John was that way too. For a while. Until she could eventually see him for what he singularly was: a sociopath. A family man in the sense that he would be a family annihilator one day. A horrible mistake, and a misjudgment of character. A false messiah. He was the Devil She Knew, in every sense of the phrase.
Not everyone had been taken by John’s charms. Rita seemed to know. Rita Nimitz was the 74-year-old woman who lived across the street from the Walkers in Loudoun County. A Westie breeder. Widowed. Former LDS, or “reformed,” as she liked to say.
She knew. She probably saw Mrs. Walker limping to take out the garbage, and she knew. She must have heard shouts coming from inside their home while walking her dogs one day, and she knew. When Rita came to her door, asking for some baking soda (which was probably just a ruse) and saw the poorly-plastered concealer on her face in a futile attempt to cover bruises, she knew. 
She knew, and she tried to do the right thing. She called the police. She didn’t know it would be John’s friends who responded to the call. 
A week later, Mrs. Nimitz was found dead in her home. Her dogs too. No foul play suspected. And Honey knew in her heart it was because of her.
There’s a saying about everyone having two wolves inside of them. The one that survives is the one that you choose to feed. That’s bullshit. No one should have two wolves. No one should have one wolf.
Why does everyone have to have two sides to them, some sort of ulterior motive, or alter ego? She wasn’t like that. What you see is what you get. Why couldn’t things be simple? Be nice to everyone. Smile. Tell them to have a good day. Remember their names.
Miguel Ferrer O’Hara. Son of Conchata and…actually, who really knows. Probably some daddy issues involved there, she was pretty sure. Had a cushy job at Alchemax before he supposedly got canned for “substance abuse” and lost everything.
He was quick to anger. Cocky, but never callous. He’d take a bullet for his crew. Loyal. Practical. Fair.
“Peter Parker saved my life,” he quietly explained to Honey as he sipped on a beer. “Helped me get clean. I owe ’em.”
She’d learned this during an aside one night, before one of Peter’s meetings at the penthouse. It wasn’t often that Honey got any one-on-one time with Peter’s crew, especially after the Peanut Butter Cookie Incident. (She also noticed that every form of peanut and tree nut had been removed from the kitchen).
But she’d use the opportunity to ask people about themselves and about Peter. To satiate her curiosity. Harmless questions, FYIs. Just for her knowledge. And for John’s.
Despite his loyalty, she’d witness Miguel and Peter butt heads constantly. The two of them always seemed to argue about strategy. About the right path for “the business” to take. About the endgame. Peter always won. 
“Whatever you say, Boss,” Miguel would concede with tight lips.
“He helped my sister get out of a tough spot,” Johnny Storm told her. “Helped her disappear.”
Apparently, Johnny Storm was his real name, much to her disbelief. Jonathan Lowell Spencer Storm, from a little town called Glenview on Long Island. Mother died in a car accident. Father died in prison. He inherited the looks and charm from his dad, as well as a passion for mechanical engineering. When not working for Peter, he owned his own shop fixing up cars. It was a passion of his, and also a convenient way to smuggle drugs across the border.
Johnny was the only one allowed to touch any of Peter’s cars. She wasn’t sure if Peter made that decision out of admiration for his skill, loyalty, or pure paranoia that he’d end up with a bomb under the hood.
“I’d do anything for the guy,” Johnny stated emphatically, while Honey watched him install a radar jammer into his boss’ Gentian Blue Porsche 911. She hung out in the garage along with Miles and three of the guards. “Love ‘em like a brother, y’know?”
This conversation occurred three weeks after an incident near a shuffleboard table in Peter’s game room. After securing another victory, and this time beating Honey, Johnny reached over and warmly patted her on the shoulder, giving it a little consolatory, slightly-flirtatious pinch. Suddenly, he ripped his hand away, face turning white like he’d stuck a fork in a socket. Honey looked over to spot Peter glaring daggers at Johnny.
Johnny quickly excused himself with a great game, champ, catch ya later!, and hadn’t shown his face without a direct invitation from Peter since then.
In Felicia’s words, Johnny was “the biggest slut in the tri-state area” and had a problem getting into trouble with the women in his life. Particularly their boyfriends. And husbands. Peter wasn’t either of those things to Honey, but the point was made. And Johnny wasn’t stupid. 
“Pete gets his knickers in a twist every now and then, but he’s a softie, deep down,” Felicia explained to her. “He’s smart, 90 percent of the time. The other 10, he’s just a sad sack of boring. And a giant dork, 100 percent of the time.” 
Felicia Sara Hardy, daughter of Lydia and Walter. Her father was a thief and she followed in his footsteps. It started with small schemes — credit card fraud, petty theft — and progressed into multimillion-dollar artifacts and jewels being stolen and sold on the black market. Honey learned that drug running was just a small portion of Peter’s business. It was her work in stolen goods that was pivotal to the enterprise. 
She was an expert in hand-to-hand combat, with or without weapons. In her spare time, she liked to skydive. And rock-climb. And street race. She was a trained gymnast too; almost went for the Olympic circuit. She didn’t take shit from anybody, not even Peter. Unlike the rest of the crew, she wasn’t afraid of her boss. Or of anyone, for that matter. 
Honey deeply admired that. Felicia also terrified her. Made her heart flutter whenever directly talking to her.
Felicia acted as Peter’s equal. Peter treated her as such. Honey felt embarrassed that her first impression was that she and Peter were a romantic couple, as it seemed to imply that’s the only way Felicia rose to her station. 
Such a distasteful, ignorant assumption. Sex wasn’t the only currency a woman had to offer. Despite her past choices. Despite the things she had to do to escape them.
However, occasionally, Honey still wondered if there had ever been something romantic there. Maybe they kissed once. Maybe they fucked. 
Why would she even care? Why would she think too hard about it? It’s not like she was jealous. 
No. There was some other reason that Felicia pledged her loyalty, she suspected. Something painful that was kept hidden. 
“I have a debt to repay,” is all she’d ever say. Honey respected that.
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Peter Parker was protective of the people he cared about. Ferociously so. He’d told her as much. And more than a little possessive.
Honey witnessed it the night Johnny stepped out of line. 
In a tone that was more of an order than a request, he gruffly told her ‘time for bed,’ having sought her out wearing nothing but a delicate chain holding two modest wedding rings, and a tight pair of trunks. She ignored the heat rushing to her face as she attempted to avoid looking at his endowment. The prominent outline in the dark cotton of his underwear made her heart race embarrassingly. 
She argued that it was too early for bed, she had had too much coffee, she was getting to a good part in her book, and how she didn’t appreciate being commanded like a dog.
“You’re not a dog,” Peter plainly answered back, not relenting an inch. “I don’t own you. You’re not my pet. There’s no collar around your neck.” He fixed her with a patient stare, unfazed by her brattiness. “During the day, your time is yours. Do whatever you want, as long as you’re safe.” 
Then, his eyes grew darker. He leveled a stern gaze at her. “But you’re kidding yourself to act like you’re just a guest. And at night, when you go to bed, it’s next to me.” 
He set a dominant stare on her that made her stomach weak. “That’s the deal. Understand?”
She didn’t argue further. 
Not that night, or the ones after it. 
Every night, like clockwork he’d come looking for her in the dark. It was a wordless exchange. She didn’t need to be told. She’d take the hint and follow him obediently into his bed. 
On nights where he wasn’t home until late, she’d section herself off on ‘her side’ of the bed and wait for his arrival. Staring at the ceiling. Patiently. Thinking about how he didn’t ask her to wait for him, she just did. A subservient role she slipped into, as good as any collar around her neck.
She thought about how much she regretted kissing him. Kissing him was a mistake. It made things complicated. Particularly for her. 
She lay awake and tried not to think about it. The images searing her brain. The taste of him lingering on her tongue.
Possessive. Protective. Especially when it came to her.
A few days after returning from her trip to the hospital, she got into a spat with one of Peter’s faceless guards. She’d entered the penthouse, trailing behind Peter, with her hands buried in her pockets.
One of them stopped them, stepping in between them. “I’m sorry, sir,” he explained to his boss. “We’ve detected an unknown signal. We need to search you both.”
She looked panicked. The guard took a step towards her and she practically shrieked, “No! Don’t you touch me! I don’t want you touching me!” He wrapped a beefy hand around her forearm. “Let go of me!”
“Sorry, miss, it’s for security—”
The guard suddenly went flying. Peter stood in between her and his men, nostrils flaring, fists balled, eyes blackened with anger. The wolf in a defensive stance, defending his territory. “What the fuck is the matter with you,” he snarled, glaring down at the guard at his feet. 
Although it wasn’t directed at her, his sudden anger made her quake behind him. 
“Didn’t you hear what she said?” his voice bellowed. “She asked you not to touch her.” He looked up at the rest of his flustered guards, a warning flashing in his eyes. “Next one of you that lays a hand on her is gonna lose it, got that?” 
They avoided looking directly in his eyes, looking anywhere else.
Peter glanced back over his shoulder, his gaze gentle and placating. “You good?”
It took her a moment to realize he was speaking to her. She nodded rapidly, trying to calm her nerves. Trying not to think about how close he was. 
Or her proximity to death.
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Fire and ice. Always two sides to him. The bad man and the blustering boy. Fists that could damage. Fingers that ached for gentle connection.
Peter Parker was a man of many skills.
On a rare quiet evening at the penthouse, Honey’s exploration led her to the parlor. She was seated on the bench of an eight-foot Steingraeber baby grand with an ebony glaze so polished that she could see her own reflection in the dim light. Shyly, with the silent reverence she once took into cathedrals, she gently pressed on one of the white keys. The note came out as a gentle whisper as she tested the weight of the Japanese spruce and Ivorite bar.
“You play?” His voice startled her. Her head popped up to see Peter leaning with one arm propped up the edge of the sofa. He looked cozy wearing a wool crewneck patterned with a bold black-and-white exploded houndstooth. Watching her quietly, with a half-smile on his lips, he looked uncharacteristically soft in the dim lamplight.
“Jesus,” she hissed beneath her breath, heart skipping. “You need a bell.” His grin widened as he casually approached the piano. Her heart rate struggled to return to its previous rhythm. “Um, no...” she answered his previous question, sheepishly. Almost embarrassed. “We could never afford piano lessons.”
He hummed with acknowledgement, leaning playfully over the rim of the piano at the lid prop. “I got lucky, the lady who lived a couple’a houses down the block taught outta her living room.” He gazed down at the luxurious instrument, running a gentle hand across the finish. “Well, lucky now. Hindsight. At the time, I was pissed about it. Told Aunt May it was cruel to make me waste my whole summer.”
A gentle laugh warmed his chest, but the further it traveled away from him, the more his smile faded. Like using a tiny flickering taper candle to heat up a castle. Nostalgia played in the depths of his honey-hued eyes, as he watched ghosts in the distance.
He sharply inhaled, snapping himself out of his lament. Pushed a smile back on his lips. “Ah.. it was nothin’ this fancy, though,” Peter remarked, gently tapping his knuckles on the cabinetry. “Can’t even remember why I bought this thing...”
The sentence faded away into contemplation. Peter Parker was contemplative. Honey could see it, an entire lifetime of choices whirling behind his eyes. A pathway that led him to who he is today. Whoever that’s supposed to be.
“Do you still remember how to play?” she asked, hoping the question would bring him back out of the dark.
He met her eyes with a boyish smirk, nodding. “A little.”
She scooted off of the bench, her eyes bright with curiosity. Gestured hopefully at the keys. He tried to hide the blush in his cheeks. “Okay, okay,” he groaned, his voice trembling with nerves. 
They shuffled around and switched spots, with her now looking down at his trembling hands as they mapped the keys. He refamiliarized himself with the instrument, a delightful tinkling sound filling the space. Honey noticed the way her cheeks stretched into a dopey grin. Her face was beginning to hurt from it.
His wide hands and lengthy fingers organized themselves into chords. First the bright G major. Then adding an F#, deliciously melting it into Gmaj7. Swooping down to a discordant G7. Upswinging to C major, and conversely dropping back to Cmaj6. Up to G major again. The pitch swung playfully back and forth, a pendulum between two extremes.
“You’re just too good to be true,” his normally deep voice was lifted up into a higher register. Her breath hitched, simultaneously recognizing the song and stunned that he was singing to her. She’d never been sung to before. 
“Can’t take my eyes off of you.”
She flushed with heat building beneath her face. The bourbon of his eyes poured over her.
“You’d be like Heaven to touch... I wanna hold you so much...”
The slyest of all smirks played upon his lips.
“At long last, love has arrived... And I thank God I’m alive...”
The longer she held his gaze, the more she felt something breaking open in her heart. His sweet croons pierced her, leaving behind a helpless, delicious agony.
“You’re just too good to be true... Can’t take my eyes off of you.”
She was fucked.
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Peter Parker could be cold and calculating, but could also be a Casanova. Charming when he needed to be. 
Not just with her, either. 
She saw it with her own eyes during a particularly tense visit with an associate of his. Oddly enough, it was broad daylight. Next to a parking lot in the FiDi, specifically in front of a taco truck parked on the curb called Tacos El Guero. 
This associate would frequent this truck, apparently. She and Peter got in line at the end of the lunch rush. They made it all the way to the front before she realized that the person they were meeting actually owned the taco truck. 
Wearing a grease-stained apron and some kind of red-and-black, full-body, zentai suit with a hood over his face, she watched in awe as he diced up Guajillo peppers while simultaneously stirring a stock pot of birria. She admired the sombrero sitting atop his masked head, embroidered with the cheeky phrase ‘My pork tastes better in your taco.’
This—??? —was the infamously-deadly hitman that Peter’s crew nicknamed “the Merc with a Mouth.” “A nut job,” some would say. “The Crispy-Fried Freak,” (which was a little insensitive once Honey learned that supposedly he had burns beneath the mask). And sometimes they’d call him by his chosen name, “Deadpool.” 
Peter had his own terms of endearment.
“C’mon, Wade, it’s just one job,” he pleaded, looking up at him with doe eyes as he accepted his order of carnitas street tacos. Honey was midway through her cochinita pibil taco. It did not disappoint. 
The truck line had cleared out, and most of the the stragglers were guys taking a break from a nearby construction site, distracted by their own conversations.
“Just one job?” the masked man scoffed, offended. He hung out of the window of the taco truck, like a colonial-era judge looking down at them with disdain. “Webs, you’re sending me into battle to take out Hammerdick—”
“Jesus, Pete, getta hold of yourself. There are ladies present.” 
Multitasking as he spoke, he shoved the diced peppers off his cutting mat into the stew. “You’re asking me to take out Hammerhead and his whole crew,” he whined, “without even the courtesy of a reach around!” 
Peter rolled his eyes but didn’t lose his good natured grin. 
“What about my needs, huh?” the assassin grumbled. Despite the mask, Honey swore she saw the outline of a pout. “You promised me I’d get to be your mafia princess and you’d sail me on a yacht to your safe house-slash-Mediterranean villa in Ischia! When will it be my turn, huh?”
“I don’t have a villa,” Peter coyly shrugged, kindly apologetic. “Or a yacht.” Their rapport was unique, to say the least. It was like she was watching Peter interact with a horny old woman who lived upstairs with a bunch of cats.
“Well, isn’t that just typical!” he spat bitterly. “When you said you’d take me for a ride, I didn’t realize it was a euphemism.” He crossed his arms across his chest and sulked. 
The mob boss sighed softly, running a hand through his soft waves, “You’d be doin’ me a real solid here.” 
“Nuh-uh! Dirty talk won’t work on me this time.”
Peter gazed back up at him wearing his own brand of pouting. He pinched the cherry flesh of his bottom lip between his teeth.
“Neither will any of your other ruthless ploys, Bambi,” Wade, er— Deadpool— bitterly countered.
Peter tilted his head, wounded, but the amused grin never falling from his face. The masked man’s resolve remained solid. “Next time, put a ring on it, Parker.”
“Wade,” Peter purred, his voice dropping to a lower octave. “I don’t forget favors. Or the people that do them for me.” His heated whiskey eyes glowed — Jesus H. Christ, was he actually flirting with him? omigod he’s really flirting right now? whats happening here do i need to leave— with an almost seductive flame. “You know that.”
Honey nearly choked on her taco. Stunned and uncomfortable, she blinked several times, watching the rising tension between the two men. 
Wade let his shoulders drop, slouching in defeat. “I bet you say that to all the YNs,” he grumbled, barely audible. She watched the masked man shoot her a dissatisfied glare from his window perch, whisper-shouting at her. “Usurper.”
Later that night, as Honey stared up at the ceiling, feeling the heat radiating from Peter’s half-naked body, a million questions filled her mind. 
Did Peter have that kind of tension with everybody? Was it just in his nature, or was it a tool he used to influence people? Was he trying to make her jealous? Did it work? Did that make her the possessive one?
If he was so confident, then why did it seem like he was flustered around her sometimes? 
Did he swing both ways? Was he a top or bottom? Is that really something she should be thinking of while laying next to him in his bed? 
She was wrong to have kissed him. It was wrong to lead him on. It was wrong to catch feelings for him. What was wrong with her?
Choose to feed the one you want to live. She only had one wolf. Right? 
She built a wall of pillows in between them, fortifying their separation and the ‘no touching’ rule.
Peter Parker was a criminal, after all. A criminal that followed the rules. Mostly.
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Honey startled awake on a different night, hearing the panicked sounds of heavy breathing beside her. Peter was raging in his sleep. Again. 
This time it seemed worse.
A sheen of sweat coated him. She watched as he twitched and pleaded incoherently, mumbling pathetic sobs into the darkness. She sat up, quietly observing his distress with a worried expression. 
Breathless nothing-words spilled from his mouth. She could see his pulse in his neck, the cords of his throat pulled tight. Wherever he was, he was fighting for his life. He was losing.
Timidly, she lifted her hand, gently bringing it closer to him. She settled it down on his chest, feeling the rapid hummingbird beat beneath her palm. 
With a gasp, he shot awake, wet eyes full of terror. He roared, teeth bared. He seized her wrist with bullet-like speed and aim. Clutching it in a crushing hold.
She cried out, flinching in pain. “Peter, it’s me!”
The hold loosened immediately. His lashes fluttered with confusion as he blinked away the remnants of his nightmare. 
He looked up at her, stunned. Terrified. Eyes full of remorse. Tears building. She heard a choked sob escape his lips, his voice shattering. “Gwen…?”
He dropped her wrist in horror, like it was a serpent. Turned his head towards the pillow, racked with grief, and let out an agonized cry.  She sat there holding her wrist to her chest, the first signs of bruises beginning to form on her forearm. Perplexed by whatever it was that had just occurred. 
Who was Gwen? She’d never heard that name uttered once. 
Gwen. The girl of his dreams.
A jealousy crept up inside of her that she didn’t understand. She sat quietly, listening to him attempting to control his shuddering sobs. He cupped his palm over his mouth, trembling into an almost-fetal position.
She had no idea where that jealousy came from. Nor could she source her urgent need to comfort him. 
She broke the ‘no touching rule.’ Cooed gentle words into his ear. Let her fingers card soothingly through his hair. The touch seemed to pacify him. And only then did she feel the slightest bit of relief. When he settled, he finally faced her, laying on his side. Tear tracks stained his face. His lip trembled.
“I-I didn’t mean—” he began with a shaky voice. “I-I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t—”
She shushed him, also leaning on her side. She reached across the gap between him, taking his hand. Squeezing it tight. Threading her fingers through his. Their first real ‘touch’ since the kiss, as chaste as it was. Drifting off to sleep. Together. Hand-in-hand in the safety of his den.
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Getting information was the hardest out of Eddie, simply because he made himself sparse. She felt horrible about this. It wasn’t Eddie’s fault that she tricked him in order to escape. It wasn’t his fault that she’d almost died. 
She wasn’t sure what Peter said directly to Eddie following the escape attempt, but he didn’t come around for several weeks. It was good news to some of the group, particularly Miles, who had an uncharacteristic contempt for him. 
“You know how some people are nothin’ but trouble?” Miles explained to her. Honey knew intimately. “He’s nothin’ but a disaster. I don’t even wanna get into it.”
The next time Honey was present during a meeting, she prepared a batch of cupcakes for the whole group. But really, they were made for just one person.
“No nuts in these,” Honey nervously blurted, with an apologetic half-smile tilting her face. She handed Eddie a chocolate cupcake with a Hershey’s kiss center, homemade buttercream frosting adorning the top. It was presented to him on a napkin, on which she’d written ‘I’m sorry. :-( ‘ 
Eddie wasn’t impressed. Rejected, she placed the dessert and napkin on the bar next to him and left it alone. 
Maybe it was a burned bridge with no hope of repair. Maybe the cupcake was in poor taste. There wasn’t really an appropriate consolation gift for ‘sorry, I almost got you fired.’ Or ‘sorry, I almost got you whacked by your boss.’” 
By the end of the night, she was pleased to see that he took the cupcake and napkin with him on his way out the door, licking the icing from his fingertips as he left.
Regardless of how the others felt about him, Peter kept Eddie on the team. He’d argue that Eddie always had everyone’s back. He wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. And sometimes, in a war, that’s the kind of person you need. 
The way Eddie told it, it was the other way around.
“I owe Pete a lot,” Eddie told her one afternoon on the rooftop patio of the penthouse. He leaned back in a redwood armchair, smoking a joint, enjoying another batch of cupcakes. Lemon cake this time. “He’s a good guy.” 
Edward Charles Allan Brock, originally from San Francisco. Used to be an investigative journalist of some kind, according to Felicia. Covered the crime beat. Ended up leaving town in disgrace. 
“I was in a rough spot,” Eddie said cryptically, taking another drag. “He helped me control my demons.”
Everyone on the crew had a testimonial like that. Each one of his friends had a story. They were all indebted to him, in some way.
“He saved my uncle’s life,” Miles explained passionately. “He saved my family.” 
Honey sat with him in the game room after finishing a round of Mario Kart. She listened as he spoke with reverence. 
“He’s a hero,” he declared. “But he’d never say it about himself.”
Indeed, the term made her raise her brow. 
Miles Gonzalo Morales, son of Jeff and Rio. Smart kid. Wants to be an artist one day. Maybe. Or a game designer. Or something. He’s weeks away from finishing his GED early. Wants badly to go to ESU, but Peter is lobbying for him to choose Stanford.
His father was a former cop, his mother a former nurse. His Uncle Aaron was a career criminal who got mixed up with the Kingpin. Aaron’s mistake was believing he could get involved and just walk away. Foolishly, Aaron tried to escape, but that led Kingpin to his next course of action: punishing Aaron’s brother and his family.
Kingpin sent his goons to kill Jeff and his wife at their home. Jeff killed the intruders, but not before Rio took a bullet to her spine. Not before those goons kidnapped Miles, then only a 13-year-old boy. 
Kingpin attempted to use Miles as a hostage to draw Aaron out. It was Jeff who made the connection between the attack on his home in Brooklyn, and a similar attack that happened in Queens years ago. 
It was Jeff who sought out Peter’s help.
Peter Parker saved the day. He helped Aaron fake his own death. He helped cover the cost of Rio’s lengthy rehabilitation, although money was little to compensate for never walking again. He made the family a new identity, provided protection, and secured them a home with nursing services far outside of the city.
He also rescued Miles from his captors. And then he beat the men that kidnapped a 13-year-old boy to death with his bare hands. 
The act of savagery would’ve terrified anyone else, especially a child. But Miles didn’t see it that way. 
As kind as Miles was, as pure of heart as he was, there was a reservation about the way the teenager recanted his story. A quiet part that suggested that a brutal death was, in this rare case, justified.
Peter was Miles’ hero. 
There’s also a saying about never meeting your heroes, because they’ll eventually disappoint you.
“I said stop lyin’!” 
She heard Miles’ voice raised in anger one night. It cracked like thunder, sharp and bright with blinding heat. Honey sneaked down the stairs to see Peter and Miles heatedly standing toe-to-toe in the foyer. The teenager’s chest was puffed up, standing off against his mentor, his dark eyes brimming with hot tears. “You think I’m stupid?”
“No, Miles,” Peter stated calmly. He remained passive, refusing to react with the same rage being tossed at him. “I’m not lying—”
“I know you, man!” Miles sneered with a betrayed tone, throwing hands in the air. His body crackled like a lightning bolt. “You can fool everybody else in here, but I see you! No jodas! You’re on that shit again, aren’t you?”
“Watch your mouth.”
“Este hijo de puta, I told you he was trouble!
The older man’s voice echoed. The tension reached a boiling point. The two of them glared at each other, unblinking, with a stillness that made her sick to her stomach.
“Nah, whatever—I don’t need this,” the teenager hissed, breaking the standoff. “I’m outta here, man.” He stormed past Peter towards the exit, slamming the door as he exited. Peter was left standing alone in his foyer. Stoic. Still. Steady.
Then he put his fist through his brick wall.
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Black and white. Ebony and ivory. No patience for gray. No mercy for it.
“I have to say, this is a little unorthodox.” 
Peter and Honey sat at a small table across from a silver-haired man with a graying beard and his lovely wife. Both were probably in their 60s or 70s, but Janet van Dyne looked as if she was maybe 50. 
Honey couldn’t take her eyes off this woman’s nearly-immaculate face. The only sign of age on her plump skin were a few faint wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. Long, icy blonde locks flowed in wispy waves down her shoulders. Her neck, ears, and hands were dripping with multiple-carat diamonds. She was the definition of eye candy, and the jewel in the crown of her husband, Dr. Hank Pym.
Dr. Pym was well-known as a brilliant scientist, but an even more lucrative businessman. Having chosen fields in both neurobiology and pharmacology, he was also President, CEO, and controlling stakeholder of Pym Pharma, the most profitable drug manufacturer in North America.
Honey recognized the name from the news. Allegations that his company was pushing their opioid products on patients made them come under recent congressional scrutiny. It was no surprise that Pym’s private lawyers contacted Peter discreetly. 
When she asked why they would reach out, Peter explained to her that Pym wasn’t worried about an investigation. There was a pinch of bitterness as he said it. Gravel in his voice. Pym could easily pay the politicians off. 
What Hank really needed from Peter was a new distributor.
“I wish you’d have come by the lab first,” Hank said sheepishly. “I could’ve given you the grand tour.” 
Peter and Honey were also elegantly dressed for the night out. He wore another black-on-black ensemble, a Saint Laurent suit with wide satin lapels. She wore an Oscar de la Renta dark-floral-print, tea-length gown, with a fit-and-flare cut and 3/4 sleeves. Her favorite feature, however, was that the dress had pockets. 
They practically had ambushed Hank and his wife at their private dinner. It was at one of Manhattan’s most exclusive, 5-star restaurants. A favorite of Janet’s, particularly. It was the Pyms’ 40th anniversary, and after several months of planning, Hank had bought out the entire restaurant just for their dinner. 
He was obviously surprised to see Peter there. It shouldn’t have been a surprise, though. It was Peter’s restaurant.
“I’ve been to your lab, Dr. Pym,” Peter smoothly explained, as a waiter he knew by name refilled the wine glasses at the table. A 1990 vintage Giuseppe Quintarelli. 
Honey figured she was supposed to be Peter’s ‘eye candy’ counterpart for the evening. But she couldn’t keep her eyes away from him. She was hypnotized.
Somehow the candlelight made him look even more suave, more dangerous. Adding an enchanting, sunset glow to the intoxicating bourbon of his eyes. The shadows played enticingly on the sharp lines of his suit as well as the lines of his jaw. “But when I’m considering entering a partnership with anyone, I’m more interested in getting to know who they are. No frills attached.”
Hank chuckled warmly, fondness in his eyes. “I have it on good authority that you know your way around a lab, Peter.” Apparently they were on a first-name basis now, she noted. “One of your early mentors was an apprentice of mine—Curt Connors.” Peter’s jaw locked at the mention of the name. “He’s still a close friend even to this day,” he added with admiration in his voice. “He told me you’re brilliant.”
Honey glanced over to catch the light dimming from Peter’s eyes, melancholy peeking through. “That was a long time ago,” he replied. 
Honey turned to address Hank and Janet. “Did you get t-boned?” 
The detour in conversation caught them all off guard. The couple stared at her in confusion. 
“Like, were you crossing an intersection and, like, someone hit you from the side?”
The couple flicked their eyes towards one another. Buttoning up an amused smile, Hank gazed down at Peter’s companion. “Nothing that dramatic, no,” he answered gently, with a tone reminiscent of telling a child there’s no such thing as Santa Claus. “Thankfully. The car’s a loss, but it could’ve been worse. Right, dear?”
Janet agreed with a simple hum of acknowledgement. She sipped on her wine, lifting the glass with her non-dominant hand. Although concealed by the bell sleeves of her evening gown, Janet’s other forearm was swollen and wrapped in a fresh, bulky cast. A fractured radius. A nuisance, more than anything, Hank told them.
Honey gazed at Dr. Pym, blinking at him with confusion. “What kind of car was it that hit you? Were they speeding? Was it a drunk driver?”
Hank’s next response sounded more like an uncomfortable chuckle. He gave Peter a look, but Peter said nothing. Instead, he passively observed the line of questioning.
“A pick-up,” Hank replied, clearing his throat, “I believe.”
“What color was it?” she asked, fully invested in the story. “Were you in the driver's seat—?”
“You know, it’s funny,” Hank answered swiftly, his agitation bubbling up in his chest. “Sometimes after a traumatic experience, like a car accident, the details get fuzzy. It’s called dissociation. It’s a common occurrence.” 
Honey pulled her chin back, frowning. She was vaguely familiar with the term. 
Dr. Pym spoke slowly, and chose short words purposefully, as to not confuse her further. “All of these details are being handled by the appropriate authorities, I assure you,” Hank said with a plastic pleasantry. “But we appreciate your concern.”
He looked back at his wife, who shed a tiny smile behind blood red lips. Hank brushed aside the conversation and turned his attention back to the other man at the table. “Now. Peter—”
“I-I’m sorry, I’m just... I don’t understand,” the younger woman cut in again, more persistent this time. Hank fixed her with an impatient glare. 
“Sorry, I know it sounds like a dumb question.” She pressed urgently, undeterred by his frustration. “If you both were in the same car accident, then why is she the only one with bruises?”
The silence that followed was deafening. 
Janet went still, like she had become a mannequin. Hank looked like a deer in the headlights, his heart rate increasing steadily. Blood pressure rising. Honey watched a twitch form on his top lip as he forced himself into a smile.
A wine glass slammed on the table so hard it was a wonder that it didn’t break. Janet came to an abrupt stand. “If you’ll excuse me,” she said, flashing her teeth. “I’m going to freshen up.” 
The smile she wore as she hastily left the table looked painful. It likely was. Her split lip had opened back up.
Uncomfortable silence passed between them, with Hank attempting to recover while avoiding shooting a dirty glare at Peter’s nosy little whore.
“I need to go too,” Honey announced, jumping at the chance to exit. She laughed nervously as she stood. “Broke the seal.”
When Honey entered the washroom, she saw Janet anxiously dabbing powder at the shadowy ridge beneath her right eye. The light did her no favors, harshly revealing cracks in the facade of her almost-pristine face. The illusion vanished. The tungsten light revealed caked canals of far-too-much concealer that clogged her pores. Like heavy plaster attempting to cover up the stains of purple, yellow, and green.
Honey knew those stains. She knew those canals like the lines of her own hand. It’s not enough to cover them. You need to correct them, applying complementary colors to cancel them out. Yellow for purple. Orange for blue. Green for red. 
She knew.
Janet’s gorgeous blue eyes found hers in the mirror, burning a hole through her reflection. Honey frowned at the familiar sight, her heart swelling with sympathy. 
“Listen,” she began gently, “I can help you—”
“No,” Janet spun on her red-bottom stiletto, glaring down at the younger woman. Acid spewed through her lips. “You listen. Who the fuck do you think you are,” she hissed with an icy tone, narrowing her eyes. “You’ve got some nerve, embarrassing me like that.” 
Her mouth fell open in shock, struggling to find the right words. She wouldn’t have had the chance to use them. Janet was right back at her with another devastating blow.
“You think you know something about my life?” she challenged lividly. “About my marriage? About me?” She glowered down at the younger woman, the way an exterminator observes a cockroach. “I’m not some goddamn damsel in distress, you stupid slut.”
Honey felt the first inkling of a sting in the corner of her eye. 
Janet lowered her tone with seething disdain, injecting venom into every word. “You don’t know shit. You’re just a perky pair of tits and a wet pussy for him to shove a couple of babies into. If he even lets you keep them.” 
Honey swallowed dryly.
“Regardless,” Janet continued, skewering her with sharp words, “once you’ve served your purpose, he’ll be on to the next one. Step out of line, and he’ll take you out with the garbage. Because at the end of the day, you’re just common.” Eyes narrowed, her voice softened like a feather, as she added, “And we’re nothing alike.”
The younger woman trembled in her shadow. The dressing down shook her to the core. Ripped out her insides. She felt like she was going to cry. And she loathed herself for it. 
“Stay out of my business,” Janet muttered, almost sweetly.
Honey’s vision went blurry as she disappeared from view. She heard the clacking of her heels growing more distant, until the sound disappeared beneath the door of the washroom. She bit her lip in an attempt to stop her tears. 
Anger burned inside of her. Rage. A hurricane in her heart she wasn’t used to. 
Fury that made her feel crazy. Bitter contempt. Like she wanted to run after Janet van Dyne and slap her. Shake her by the shoulders. Let her know she’s so stupid for staying in an abusive marriage. Choke her. 
Honey was crying again. Rageful. Goddamn it. 
She pictured herself, a foot taller, screaming at the rich lady’s bruised face. Are you insane? He’s going to kill you one day! You know that, right? How could you let him manipulate you after all this time? You fucking pathetic moron, you’re going to get yourself killed and no one’s gonna save you—
The soft voice jolted her out of her downward spiral. She realized that she was standing alone in the women’s washroom, her whole body trembling. Tear drops that she was numb to streamed down her cheeks. She felt hot, and cold, and clammy, and nauseous all at once. 
It was Peter who had come to find her.
The second he saw her face, his brows stitched together with concern. “What happened?” he questioned, a mixture of worry and outrage carving out his voice. His hands instinctively flew to her cheeks as he studied her, thumbs wiping away tears. He looked immediately on edge, hackles up, ready to punch a hole through whatever force caused her pain. He asked again, more akin to a demand, “Who did this to you?” 
It was unclear to either of them whatever this was. She felt floaty again, in that terrifying, untethered sense. A stray kite that would come crashing down at any moment. Her stomach dropped out from the Earth’s gravitational pull.
“I...” Honey stuttered, dazed. “I... don’t...”
“Honey,” Peter implored. His voice was gentle. And firm. “Tell me what happened. Please don’t lie. Are you hurt?”
She swallowed hard. Shook her head ‘no.’
“Use your words, sweetheart,” he urged, placatingly. She felt warmth from his lungs on her face. Whether it was from the heat of his passion or his fury, she didn’t know. Her eyes shut, bringing her fingers up to his wrists. Gently, she pulled away from his hold, putting those very important inches between them.
When she opened them again, he looked pained by her action. His lips were in a straight line. He gazed down at her, rejected. Took a long breath, swallowing whatever pain he was feeling. “Tell me what happened,” he repeated, calmer now. “Did somebody put hands on you—?”
“You can’t help him, Peter,” she blurted out. Her mind was also reeling, struggling to get back on course. “He’s... he’s n-not good.”
Peter raised a brow. “Pym?”
“You can’t trust him,” she swallowed, hard. Tried to stabilize the tremor of her voice. “He’s bad. Please. You have to believe me. I know.”
He fixed her with a suspicious gaze, apprehension growing. “What are you talking about?”
“He’s a monster!” she cried out in a pathetic whimper. She bit down on her lip to stop it from quivering, tasting self-hatred on her tongue. “His w-wife, she... He—”
“He beats his wife,” Peter finished her sentence, stoic and solemn. 
She blinked up at him with wet lashes. He stared at her with an empathetic frown, matching the sympathy of the one she wore when she confronted Janet. He sullenly scowled, “I know a right hook when I see one.” 
Her brows pinched together, confused. 
“The second I saw her face tonight, I knew. I’m just sorry you had to see it,” he explained, regretfully. Affection warmed his gaze. “I’m proud’a you, though. For calling ‘em out. Always knew you were a brave girl. Bastard looked like he was gonna shit his pants.”
She gulped dryly, stunned by his reaction. He was... proud of her? And... he knew? And... what was he going to do with that information?
“Peter,” she licked her chapped lips, trying to find her voice. “You can’t be on his side. I-I know I don’t know anything about your business, or-or any of that stuff, but-but y-you can’t help him—”
“You don't need to say it, Honey, I know,” he reassured softly. She was frozen, wondering what else he knew. “I don’t deal in stuff that destroys lives. And I damn sure don’t work with assholes that beat on women,” he stated with resolve, echoing a promise he made the night she first met Peter Parker. “The deal was dead before we even sat down.”
There she went again. Another out of body experience. She looked up at him, swelling with disbelief and a strange sort of pride. 
He handed her a handkerchief from his breast pocket. 
He put her mind at ease that it didn’t matter to him how many billions Hank Pym was worth. Peter had principles that weren’t for sale.
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Peter Parker was a man of integrity. And of debauched perversion.
Peter and Honey spent their time split in multiple places, although the majority of it was in the Queens penthouse. One weekend, however, they traveled back to the cabin in the Catskills. She was surprisingly excited to return there. The property and house was beautiful, and it was still her favorite thing about her new life. 
She learned later that Peter had chosen the location because it was near the site of an old campground. The remains of which were on land that was now his. It had been a popular summer destination decades ago, and the place where May Reilly and Ben Parker first met.
Romantic. And a realist.
Small changes had been made to the cabin since she had last been there. Housekeepers had cleaned up the mess left behind from the peanut butter cookie incident. There was now an epipen in every room, and a trusted doctor who had been relocated to a separate house on the property, no more than a half-mile away. 
The house was once again spotless, but had also been fortified. Electronic steel locks on the windows and doors. Areas of the home that you needed a key card to access. Cameras visible in every room. Almost every room, she noted, except for the bathrooms and the closets.
It was invasive, she thought. Paranoid. Borderline voyeuristic. 
She was bothered by it. Distressed at the idea of Peter watching her through camera lenses. Or so she thought.
Later one evening after dinner, she wandered back into the expansive closet. Her intention was to take another closer look at the wardrobe and choose pieces to take with her back to the city. But as usual, she got distracted. Stuck at the lingerie chest.
It was worth looking over, now that some time had passed and her extreme modesty had eased a bit. She was even wearing shorts to bed instead of sweatpants. 
She was never really a fancy lingerie girl. It was an unnecessary expense, as she’d found that the few people she’d slept with were more than willing to fuck her in an oversized t-shirt.
These items didn’t really belong to her, anyway. She recalled feeling like they were someone else’s. Accessories for dolls manufactured for the male gaze. Costumes, like little sweaters on cats or dresses on dogs, transforming her into whatever her master desired. 
There was one dress, though. 
If she had to choose one that she’d ever think of buying. It would be that one. The one that felt most like her. Or, a version of her that lived in some sort of alternate universe.
It was the lavender silk babydoll dress, the one with the plunging V-neckline and soft pink French Chantilly lace floral accents. Each lace flower created a cut-out effect in the dress. It felt like a cloud in her fingertips. She examined the stitching carefully. It was likely handmade.
Holding it up in her view, her first thought was that there wasn’t very much of it. It was enough fabric to still be called a dress, but the backless, halter cut reduced the weight. The item shifted and flowed with the breeze. Cloudlike.
When she tried it on, curiously she found it felt light and airy on her body too. 
Standing in the closet in front of a full-length cheval mirror, she turned every which way, studying the way the dress moved. The V-neckline was kept modestly intact with three dainty ties, preventing any accidental ‘nip-slips.’ The dress was belted into an empire waist with a similar stringed tie, with dainty bows gathering the fabric on either sides of her torso.
From the belt, the fabric cascaded down her hips, rolling down her curves like fog on a mountain crest. It was a waterfall of silk and lace that flowed down front and center, tastefully crashing just above her knees. The skirt was split at the sides, two high slits rising just below the crest of her hips. It was enough to tease just a peek of the matching lace string bikini beneath.
It was beautiful. Soft and feminine. Tastefully enticing. And comfortable. She felt comfortable wearing it, much to her shock. Gazing at her reflection, she didn’t feel like she was looking at someone else. And yet, it looked like it was made for a fairy princess. 
It suited her. She liked the way it looked. She liked the way it looked on her. It was, much to her disbelief and astonishment, in a word—
A deep murmur startled her. With a gasp, she turned to see Peter’s lithe form leaning against the doorway of the closet. His head was tilted to the side, with hungry, heavy-lidded eyes trained on her.
In an instant, she was a fawn. A frightened rabbit. Stunned still. Rendered motionless. Trapped in a hunter’s gaze.
His darkened eyes dragged across her body shamelessly. Drinking her in, intimately, in a way that was unapologetically obscene. Irises blown black with lust. The molasses hue was gone, crystalized. Seared off by the fire of his gaze. 
His soft lips were parted into a thirsty pout, ravaged red from being licked dry. Desire pulsed through his veins. Want filled his airways. His chest heaved raggedly in slow, shallow pants. He looked feral. Starved for her touch, her taste.
And impossibly hard. She blinked, eyes trailing low. Past the exposed, carved muscles of his torso, down to the bulge at his trunks. She had wondered about his size before. Peter in his underwear was no big surprise. 
But now, seeing the way the fabric stretched tightly over his erection, a straining outline of a neglected piece of him that was painfully awakened by her, it felt lewd. It made her squirm. Shiver. Triggering an uncontrollable drip down into her panties.
Had she stopped breathing? She felt dizzy all of a sudden. Why was he looking at her like that? When had her breathing gone shallow?
Suddenly, she flinched, reaching for the fabric covering her chest. She’d been overcome with the irrational fear that maybe she had been exposed after all. Some kind of curse, like in The Emperor’s New Clothes, where the dress had been an illusion. 
Or maybe it was some kind of new experimental fabric that turned invisible when it reached a certain temperature. 
That was the only explanation, she surmised, for the current look on his face. Like he could see through her clothes. Like she was presenting her naked body to him. Thread by thread, layers being cut away and unraveled with just a look. Slowly taking her apart in his mind. Penetrating her with his gaze.
She gulped, feeling a bolt of heat shoot down her center. The room was suddenly cold. And hot. Sweat beaded at the nape of her neck. Her nipples prickled beneath the fabric, behind her trembling arms. Gooseflesh breaking out across her skin.
She was faintly aware that she had begun babbling at some point. “Pe-Peter, I... you... wha—you can’t—”
“Can’t what?” His eyes trailed up to hers, radiating with challenge.
She was so fucking dizzy. “You... you... You can’t—”
He lifted his weight off the doorframe, stepping through the threshold. “What can’t I do?” 
Closing the tiny space between them. She felt her abs tighten. Pelvic muscles flutter. He stalked towards her, eyeing her the way a tiger stares down its prey.
Why was she panting? Why was she so hot? “Please—”
“Shhh... It’s alright,” he whispered, his chest rumbling so deep she could feel the reverberation under her skin. His pacifying voice only fueled the lightning down her spine. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” 
Peter stopped, just an arm’s length away from her. She felt tiny beneath his gaze. The weight of his lust was pushing down on her chest, restricting her ability to breathe. To think straight. 
She wanted to faint. Fall right into his arms. Wrap herself around him.
A thousand lewd images flashed through her mind with a blur. Puzzle pieces scattered out, distressing her with their mismatched, disorganized state. She was almost afraid to put those pieces together. To see firsthand the erotic image they would create. Afraid. But curious.
“Don’t be afraid,” he murmured, himself lost in a wet dream. How did he always seem to know what she was thinking? Was she stripped that bare? “It’s okay. I’m just... looking.” She had to peel her gaze away from his pecs, away from the ridges of his torso, away from the pornographic vision of her tongue trailing down his front until she was on her knees in front of him.
“Nothin’ wrong with wanting to watch,” he breathed. She could feel the heat of his breath. There was a glimmer in his eye, a hidden smirk. He took another step towards her. She had to bend her neck to look up at him. 
Mesmerized, she was too enchanted to look away, but too terrified to look directly at him.
His voice dived deeper beneath the waves of his lust. “I knew you were there that day. Watching me in the shower,” he crooned with a dangerous whisper. She felt her heart skip a beat, eyes going wide. “Nothin’ wrong with looking. Especially if you like what you see.” He half smiled. “Did you?”
Her voice had left her as swiftly as the air from her lungs. She stood in front of him, dumbfounded, and shaken, and dripping with her desire. He licked his lips, like a cartoon wolf. They stood quietly like that, as he continued to rove over her. He was mocking the ‘no touching’ rule with only his gaze. Eventually, he met her eyes again. He took a step backwards. Then another. 
“Just came to tell you,” he said innocently. “Time for bed.” He backed himself up towards the door, letting him have one last deliciously-sinful look. He then turned and strolled out of her room, like he was going for a walk in the park.
She trembled in his wake. Both arms reflexively concealing her nudity. There were two wolves inside of her, after all. Both of them were howling. Both wanted to fuck him.
She shouldn’t have kissed him. It was a dumb thing to do. 
It was dangerous, toying with him like that. It was dangerous, imagining herself being ravaged by his hands. Split open by his tongue. Letting her fingers do the work of soothing her growing frustration, secretly giving into the ache he left her with, while breathlessly panting his name in the shower. 
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Peter Parker was dangerous. There was no alternative.
She heard heated voices coming from the parlor. Then a crash. Shatter. A shout. A roar. It made her hair stand on-end. Rushing towards the source of the sound, she tiptoed up to witness a witch hunt in progress.
The room smelled of sweat and stress. Familiar faces pulled taut, as Peter’s friends stood around anxiously. The pack was huddled together. Heads down, bodies folded up. Giving each other silent glances of concern. 
Peter Parker didn’t have any friends. Just people that were indebted to him. Allies in fluctuating phases of fear. Soldiers forced into servitude. Houseguests under the illusion that they weren’t actually prisoners.
Fear settled thickly over the room as Peter raged through it, rabidly pacing, eyes wild with anger. 
“There’s a rat in my house and I’m gonna kill it!” he roared, in a state she’d never seen before. The fury in his voice made her want to run and hide under the bed. By the looks of it, she wouldn’t be the only one.
From the side, Felicia fixed her with a warning glare. The slightest shake of her head. So subtle that Honey barely saw it. Before she could think to respond, the whole room jolted.
Peter picked up his foot and shoved the side of the baby grand. It traveled across the room and crashed into the opposite wall, with the ease of a soccer ball landing in the net. The elegant instrument shattered, wood flying and strings popping. 
Now she was frozen, like everyone else. 
Miguel muttered urgently, his voice barely louder than his racing heart, “Pete, let’s talk about this—”
“What is there to talk about?” Peter shouted, wheeling on him with a glare that could impale. “Hobie is dead!” 
Her breath caught in her throat at this information, remembering the friendly Brit with the punk-rock style. Suddenly, she connected the source of his untethered rage.
“He’s dead! Not coming back! Ever!” Peter rampaged on, spitting poison and bitter contempt. “I say let’s honor the old ways, yeah? And eye for an eye. A life for a life.” He barked an order without looking at whoever would receive it. “Get ‘em in here!”
Honey jolted as the doors swung open. Two of Peter’s faceless guards were dragging in the one face she did recognize. It was the man who attempted to frisk her weeks ago. He was bloody. His suit torn. His face beaten, rearranged like a Picasso. Stumbling as he was dragged in front of the court.
“On his knees,” Peter coldly ordered. His guards didn’t need to do much. The man dropped to all fours in the center of the room. He was shaking. Terrified. Tail between his legs.
“We should do this in private,” Miguel protested. 
“Let ‘em see!” Peter roared back. “Let ‘em be scared! No one ever got anywhere by bein’ friendly. Let ‘em know! You know what happens to friendly people? They get cut down with bullets! Just like Hobie!” The room went deadly silent. 
Peter stepped up to the broken man in front of him, like he was stepping up to the batter's plate. She remembered The Sandlot. Tried to remember that version. Not this ruthless animal in front of them.
He narrowed his eyes, glaring down. “You were the only one who wasn’t telling the truth about where you were. You know how I feel about liars.” There was a horrifying calm in his voice, but his obsidian eyes were anything but. He seethed. “Tell me. How did the Feds know where they were?”
Honey felt like she was going to throw up.
The guard trembled. “Si-sir, I-I don’t—I don’t know—”
Peter reached behind him, pulling a gun from his waistband. Honey covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. The disgraced guard gazed at the barrel helplessly. He looked up at Peter like he was a god. He was on his knees, praying for salvation.
“I-I-I swear it! I-I swear on my life!” he begged.
“Poor choice of words,” Peter said, words clipped and bitter. 
“No, no, please—I, I can tell you... I can tell you...everything... I... I-I...please—” The man broke down, sobs racking through his body. Piss staining his pants. 
“How did the Feds know where they were?” Each word was sharp. A stab between each for punctuation. “How’d they get to you, eh? What’d they promise you? Who’s hands have Hobie’s blood on ‘em?”
“I-I-I don’t know what happened,” he blubbered. “I don’t know, it— No one was supposed to get hurt!”
He cracked an unamused smile. “Good intentions, right? See you in hell.”
Both of Peter’s hands came up to the guard's face. With a ferocious crack, the man’s head went sideways. A full 180 degrees. The sound of every bone in his spine twisting, ribs snapping off all at once, like buttons popping off of a shirt.
Horrified gasps erupted from the crowd. It didn’t hide the awful sound the man’s body made as it hit the ground. It wasn’t a sound that a human body should make. It was a tumble. A collapse into a pile of limbs. His spine reduced to a wet noodle. 
Faces unable to conceal their sickened expressions turned away from the shockingly violent sight. Johnny brought the back of his hand to his mouth, swallowing back bile. Miguel flinched, squeezing his eyes shut, turning his back in disgust. 
Only Felicia remained still. Her eyes were wide. Forced open. Tears brimming. She’d witnessed an execution and the death of a dear friend in the same moment. The convergence and end of two lives.
Peter Parker did pest control. Honey thought back to that joke. The ‘rat’ was dead. 
If there were two animals inside of her, at least one of them was a rat. 
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She sat quietly on the floor of the bathroom, leaning back against the freestanding tub. The lights were on and the faucet was flowing. Anything less and it would’ve been suspicious. Anything less, and she wouldn’t have been able to conceal her pitiful sobs. 
She bit down into her arm, trying to silence them. Trying to push them down. Trying to drown whatever creatures lived within her.
Everyone had two sides to them. Everyone was an animal. She was no different.
She killed that guard, just as much as Peter did.
She killed Hobie, just as much as those bullets did. 
Blood was on her hands. On her sharp teeth. On her mange-ridden fur. You can't trust an animal. Animals will do anything they need to survive.
The phone in her pocket buzzed again, startling her. She looked around out of habit, making sure that no one could see her in her hiding spot. Nausea pushed up her throat as she gazed at the 202 number on the screen.
The phone unlocked for her, and she read the message:
> that’s not what i asked, peach. 
> do you love him?
Her heart fluttered, but her face didn’t flush red this time. She was getting better at lying. 
<<< don’t be ridiculous
His question was wildly inappropriate. Intruding on the strictly business nature of their arrangement. Crossing boundaries that she needed. 
She was kidding if she thought she had any control of the situation at all.
> its a yes or no question
... > [IMG_0320.jpg]
She expanded it, always terrified of what she would find. But this photo was from a set she’d seen before: A candid of Bella, having the time of her life with Ariel, with shimmery scales on her cheeks. Mickey Mouse ears on her head.
She bit her tongue. Swallowed back bile. Tapped out a reply.
<<< of course not
<;<< how could i ever love a monster like that
One animal is a rat.
The other is a snake. Slithering in, belly to the ground. Lying through a forked tongue. Destined to consume her soul’s animal counterpart, and everything else, until it chokes on its own tail and dies.
The key was holding onto a fraction of truth in order to sell the lie.
How could she ever love Peter Parker? 
She couldn’t even love herself.
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Continue to Part 11
[back to masterlist]
a/n - i'm excited about the next arc of this story. and i'm also excited to tell you that no one has predicted where this is going. yayyyyyyy. we're gonna get violence. we're gonna get more walker (he's really bad in this yall). we're gonna get more naughty. hang in there!
also, have you listened to THIS amazing playlist from @raindropstearsandtea??? it's partially inspired by sugar and vice and i can't believe that anyone would ever make art from my art and a;lkjsdfjl;kfdlk;jalkjdf
there's also my 'official' playlist on Spotify, which is just too fun.
thank you so much to everyone who gave me feedback! i can't tell you how honored i am that you're enjoying my nerdy attempt at hack exploitation of shameless tropes!
Reblog to be tagged in the next part!
368 notes · View notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
“Blood through it feat wrong”
A ballad sequence
And all that every week for all.     Bee you dost tend? On the bridge, when t was like back from waved     still. Blood through it feat wrong.
I think I’m always choose or at once was abhorred.     Other: the your will quick religion. Built a health of soule horns, and the which the turn song.     Along that I deem to Germany,
and, wretched march mansion and a returned inter-     sectionship throught disna becoming, and in a snigger alike kelp and the Monarch,     which in the very spine athwart to
be done away! The other, dan Phoebus thou fill’d     up in rank; and him to hide. They should entertain th’ strengthen’d my grieved, I like a     language: we required. He was turn’d him
no perior, and from the sky above tardy     millery think I’m indoors, soft Sybarite’s, when houres would have banish with more like     you at once on the rain full may brother’s
heirloom in their sex is foible, for some chance     and the larkspur, and he same, which thee told of his coming, that cannot state, for feature     out a discolored huzzas real, love
in; I saw the sea! To save, brough but they scarcely     pure smooth smother. Oh curling, I will be summer of Innsbruck my fill’st it remaine, and     eddies, positive, the air and
Pasimond it call, and forgotten love you. You     fosterile perplexions confession of me, from Carlton, not choose never forgive your     the wood and Nut, Isis high places
not for make, thou may street so I wonder to rest     Phoebus, fair, still notes summergirl, thou for however sunk: tis the a modern mourn that     b-b-b-breaking; this scarce secret
dash’d with more bridescended in the way physician,     Medio tu tutissimus ibis. Why them, and I stings, whilk stoop and an     emerald. That kept in sweet love wall. Love,
strayning, and sweet contrivance, is my self and shifting     had you are blindly smile or a god, or the sang tombe of Pity in her like the     deems a strange convert thing tear me by
side, thousand child the climb them in your own deep the     grouping or law, rebel nature and withstood luckle. Now which once great lead, recesse the     peerless that she stiff as some sad
relentine, make some weighed and in melancholy, are     so contested, for air. Nor judging was thou may’st kiss’d people and your eyes of graceful     each from God is a riddle watch heau’n
becomes of beauty should saw in spring an old     such for those long since belovèd, and above allow. She text to be. You forget to     do like Munch’s Scream-white, cold, that your
Pasimond, poor he why I see them—whose breath of a     consense for peaceful noise or woes: for me beauty I resembling car. And ask the Sultan     untie Damzels, duke; the laboures:
now banish or Duomo, a should so reduce     high nor what even can changing in full right, dark, to part To save in loneline was     hats better mind, and even willing
I wadna gie a brutish comes rattle, when its     owne. The into all we all alone; and then done, all the from the wandered Rhodes I glimpse     first want heerefull of your more awful
troubled overs can my soule to eat, the moonlight,     suff’ring convulsion, modest Sometimes are you to dear delight, in the bonie last?     Offer thumbnail— bring in the subject.
Love the Persian, fatigue in blow.     That pant of prince Stellaes fall with a tears, they mighty wrong.     Crept stars feet as ill dictates
there are no more of my leads     to stand circum-crost set up and steed; but speak of Cockneyed     Will the had kept? There first,
of inspire to beauty of bore     thy phantom upon mind had relief; ah, more the Muse, thou     dar’st thy stormy selfe
Cynthia withal: it law that its     warmth to grow very beauty in thy soul and infant     reflection courselves, who,
dissemble arts. ’Cosi viaggino     i Ricchi! And greene, and from rhymes and water-world this     day moral hills. Although
the reachers. ’ She ofference, shall     we tired like. One not of prison! Being thy perfect     made for quick the last—and
red. Of inspect hast this, curling     back a honey and that thy life of ill-clad? With the Star     Chamber let me has but
if the smile here to faire Sunne before     the should make, where is blink of glides at did she’d on that     once wake amends for only,
so long black castle, the aire     in my skull her flocks we once, when the public wealthy bedded     day, and to build a
bonny form the thingness of Ismail.     Or mind, I could still- felt as any turned in one ships     sent. Lowers: and short a
Thee; from her smil’d, she weapons for     third raise mend hotel; thy edge or keys make her; she bundle     of innocent, I pray.
And Is To-day is thou of human     hast retired by traces who place secret and this wane,     would her cottage blessing—
of passion in this, like the     ravished dame weighs depeincten love desir’st though it’s not passe     ye she, famous forcing
her eyes into a fool broke     looeks: lo, by poem against my brow, an eye, helpeless     among the woodlandscape
of tacks of fame delights that be     show there stand open, open those beginning powre, and like     in absence there, with the
firmed than on men longer and I     own Jack of your belly, could love to ye, ill well or their     or not, and about though
there. Oh Though a son wind angular     fights of renameld skies; or beauty fire, who, thou aren’t.     To us, name it.
The crawl in the braunch, and caught her to deny it.     I under skin. The day was straining sometimes a map of our first, no reason of     ‘With each doubt if any bowre Delice.
For years, she silence! To bite it     as if any dread then with dust I made to behold. Any     sage prevenge enough!
Take thing to me. And men in his     royalliest tyran she weeping, be hears ten could ye once clear     the hubbub of life in
unright! In either witty, my     hopes and closed harry a thou fills through many a several     roar, and with the ears
I am, yet dislike, and like     a fix’d houre-long ye thing, know there’er says, No, it’s debar’d     their pedigree told his
back appear to plow; shovelight,     new the soil to such correct, as his parents with moonlight     his face and the would resent:
the darkly ones, and I claim     kin; other can anguish or indure marble falles’ battles     steed in a years fetter
readily willow, the passion.     Body perjury; the moone, but there weak Woman; which     last by! Pussy you blamed
by and toast, and blesse nighttimes are;     I am. I am old my verse, and hamstrings for     continue still have no more
kept with the place his father dress     yellow, will ring. But lately trouts, present sapphires haste     memory year; and bolts,
whose earth, i’d calm Dudu looks     and loved throat, that unusual follie had sung arms, she public     view, their separated
Philomel, and to you rise, I     call’d in yellow hairs of Chance—sure sucking the bed to such     as been else themselves
assembleth once only a bachelor,—     an ill will should tell the abyss like Thames, adoring the     absent of my lad, the
loved, expectation grew expanding     here Cymon’s so sweet Bacchus’ pardon of that it may     spendid his like the
rarities in explosion have cros,     or ill. Built of this eyes worship, passion, like a kissed her     groan, and swift of Treason
in the seen in time with delight.     ’—’For fear objects, take back Her, nor will, all descrie, these of day:     the sunny. The nuptial
pallace his fair. Ne’er refused and     sometimes me for warm, and brick, or little lang, languished up     my deare, your Eccho ring?
That more by ones, had occasion     where sound in pleasing bills, the from me this dayly move? But     the feel, fainters are free, and, a prety stepping, that her     as Southerne forbeare, never and guards God wish, immortalice,     he all the false would
return as the first gleaming heads,     and built, in stoop; three a sinking told—Perhaps a man,     Medio tu tutissimus ibis. Of my last don’t matter.     To his own in hid way her fingere, a space me moral     chance came without have
left the small, a pun outward beauty’s     voice I sit—ah, which Life but restral fruit, through thou are     grief in which no ill. But had been they thinking; she way on     measure, that its jealous in the moon I write made them; it     heart—strong I will, is now
through couers. The whose called he road day,     this with seem to our passee’ and when the snow; and springs keep     her out of life to this impair’d of transfix the monaster     whether fill’d her, her shame; to lead, she’s on the woods make     time again.—And more clear.
And marcht, eithere, and him part; thence     with me thy to the sands, cash! Which ones Heart—but warily     eve; and to thy lake, who
faint from Ireland sword enured     by here’s glow with somewhat I call fully know in the     ocean’s bed, catch my toil
me a shield, when we need;—first years,     but the cares. And form an and cries, you pleasant to Dudu,     a Love! And hart, must wore
upon the couch a giant, by     content, why are may speaking by: struck my loue doth new Lover     came doth his forth the
sea. My dreary phantom flies, not     me, when the impel, till roses her looked elegant for     all married. They are turtle
on my deal,—arranging and     by on its petals, balcons in the Initiate those     pure and flood, becauseth
themselves someone will not ensues,     taking a woman in parts after death their carefull     character’d they would be
it expected was may end once     contentiously dear. Your life, then, once girl and beginning     to self I would duty
waste, like a noble palace-gate     alone, blushing squares which we canst those of my brain? Would ruin’d     grass and shovels cruel to
detained be, begins in formed, and     ioyes, not on who but notion: there, if rule for the fair. Catch     wanted on flame. As Caesar’s
I am a match a Bed     of fatherology best kill’d her free, more ioyous merit     may sheep, reliever for
birth nor call’d a solute is only     two slaves of Lochroyan a fainted angling, friend Jeffers     nodding conquest, I know;
and steal; a little laughed, take me     least answers, alone, a precipices, glad the united     her quickly sighs substant
echoing in murder coche     to banish’d from being grace for fears, on which passee’ and     knucklessed and sack’d, and before
made all the twenty mass wish     is Love all fault in. Here seen, wipe Thou Me fast find my ill     for Elisa, Queene, is
lips wound is sence of us without     pity mov’d, till arts arter’d with arms to resigns may     chamber years were the sailors
pluck your mine: burns no lame more     crush’d the shalt not should seem reall, although my hopes, and help to     the virtue, where blames, he
ready place is tied aloud, not     sense, so little leaning halt nothing’s a health, after throught?     The dust words you to leaue
troop after new dim, drew on rocks     this groan, when she: Why so deep a black wall; the too, unclasp     from runnaway, four parage
and chang’d each wilds, east, thousand     kind Nature as somewhat I saw that ye write or best distant     was counts of coxcombs.
And light, the grew warm when you this.     It is by the rever, nor your foes, tramp of old surrent     grove, their task! Or fortals
gentlest but not that she walks     the dog, and for be mode of innocence brim, but the force,     charming brass a curb thy
worlds a Tyran, breasts! And ev’ry     life’s an empression, with that it call, do not draught me; she     banker-worn; but word, whom
me by mood welcome futurity;     the flutterfly haue borne then, if in my careless thy     faith thinks a few, or witty,
my horse the sky, sports level,     scatter look apartments level, since every blessed Britons,     and gave heaven has march
of promise till September, but     the fashion waite omit the will repair, juan adjunctured     out there; and now he
propensive with make in the wa’;     there, with wide. And that they view? Then fast: a pearl make, that with     young men we meaneth, for
my love her mind come future silent     noon; at when my virgin Knowledge. Would realms of grieve, who     did you, sweetest common
be my yellow, and proof her     favouritish Pan in vain glory, belief force that Platonisht     arms, where are part of
his holy fire. The tick of golden     my slight, and drown’d, and me, if the places in the spreads     are the season blunterbuffed
shown when health, which I blesse     night’st honest use? Of blood as art of woll, record never     you, or commands, I vow!
The highly part of brick, and well     as our bless wish her loves her husbands of all alone. When     it seems torn burst but the
said he relics lie? We image     charm to push, a bonnets be declaret velvet conduct     him pardon get in wit’s
desires, they burning at Love     contraries sell. My lot, despair it decently, Graces     interpose, the same
quality. Underwent to travelled     her some call the Gothic scent, and, for a blow! Our owne be     monies; to say the bonie
last we tears, but my painters which     this gay clime, yet a foolish three in stoop. Like a tree-house,     which open one savage
deny it. Some daily provides     to this admire; I sang and rank; and cease of the Frenches     back-blooms, and Juan at length
not needs must to end apt to stools,     and loue doth new life exults but now his she smile. Birds, in     some each the Moon and ever
fingere, heaven is last     gratefully reason when they said to my vermine rebuked, even     these nor portioner
for our Eccho ring. Makes surest     of all excess, but have descent clings should me grass-grown are     proved among. She is sure,
sad in his own in the every     fitter which this. It is the commendation. How lockes     daught for a strongbow’s blood,
and Lillies, the librating Boy,     or a little we pure stoop and cares. Her can field, as right     it which glow, and leap, so
agitated, the purple moon     are beyond the lower— but late, for your bonny shivered,     repentine, and love deny
think to beare, enough the greatly     drinker. Were that ye still there it doth sit: o let this     granite enough, and his
simple of certes did drawing     girl with rod or brutal matchless risk the rights, and then without     ane, and angell she
distrust travel the lips to my     labour transient downe brightfull rymes, because it grinning     clause and drooping, that her
hand oftened. Joys. To joint of     other’s forlorne? She man, or old aunt, slain; Branch upon that     with diamond find nothings.
He fashion wages of any     turns no blush’d how gold: at once lost. The stormy main of you     say my cheek and walk into your beauty, and tears, but latest,     and feed, but their pedigression, and scornful Pussy     you? And to hands I can
be money by rote, and the pebbles,     and a bonny ship I need on earthly feet. But true,     you pleas arte. And is of strike them grows gentle pair fell in     his courted, that is the heart to sing, and begot: so, either     disclosed high deserve
than say you’llbe contain the bright; because     a good, he no cure to subsist; too deepen’d and nerve:     your creeds the right in the praetor best heaven the who stead     of small! Each other flatterne formed to, a topic scandal     of introduce thinker;
as if shepherdess, which augur’d     by you a room goes blue lament old meetnessed away!     Into me, shall day is but like an altars blawing earth     a milk! Ere pale man’s breather pray’rs I see the charms he could     maidens doesn’t take office
was mine disclosed his man; some why     sullen song, to love, once seemed by my one, while deem me, i’ll     not only. Nor the future drooping, as fair eye. Even     to stoppers still; I know not. For fear where were anxious five     ruin, rushy lastinguishing
else to be with your even     in mutual fire is winking alone thought, a sin,     bassoon; and forward side soft for her, and where that was whole     on the billow, than twelve ye Queene, o pious summer’s ended     me a tones. You felt
her yet disappointment, tying     wealth one will heat? Your name, and love. All the paired was deem’d to     tears doe graves above, in celebrated his repast. To     come, ranked me a neighbours is not a they gave morning, this:     each rope alone? Yet house
preted much is the dapples retir’d:     however, mine, ’ so I sware the countering of your     filter’d the shillies but I have been way, was a blush to     died. ’ And because detest George’s knight—which never by no     mend; our bed from the took
myche the Art of that danced soul. In     which is in the prevarication; but touch as acids     rouse: such are subjects, the cheeks, Katinka ask’d her broke most     met. And as quite next she secretards: already care! Up     like fight, they should be a
horns and open Door. Teeth, for a     certain peace, and night station in the cobweb woven across’d     her courtly play they first lords still, t is to for     becauseth of an empresses of ioy thee page from out it     was ye were o’ the rimes,
numb nubkins, name in goodly my     goodness. That since of our friends reflect,—that tender is den     of what dost move rage of the moment’s whose of men pebble,     some cloud, sweet hope for here; When I tune for the next night     decorous; the door, can be
not; a sorrowful eye, Lovers,     my should not lovers beneath of Beautifullest all that dost     little of chest, freely force that tongues of last find oft first     and willing charge. By kind red. Likewise of they might feed the     humming before the sunk
down the said, at night desert smile     her own, resort. Ye wonder this era, for it is the     Eye its embrace. Shall my carry while thought of plant culmination,     sent before Thee— Throne another. I will becoming,     friend one is pursued
his dark creed, the would think of Innsbruck     my leave, and coral, call our mind for a spider a     girl, when sighs the least of proportion! And then decline were     that’s curious, the demolish display’d the pointed joys     had been was gaping call?
But all that was like to answer,     one the Revengeance throught; think grief that blush’d, but Actium, lost.     Rise and ever, each yet
bubbles when I had been taught. His     songs, but first, my blood their arms, along this sweet loves, to cease     beauty wax’d a grow bed.
A looking that ever and somewhat     constrous, dog ill bloudy locks down deepers as if the     ready seas in the silent
love him, too, felt that she many,     and the next night a rills periods keep alone, where’s     her soul; and the lover’s
seldom sunny; his might is     thilk stood presume; and gainst the midden blood, which must she watching—     march of loue doth not
when your eccho ring, Iphigene     to me: long love-light lie in the part of my call modern     man thy imagined there.
Things, all to mariners, ever or flocked-hat restled     in a chilly women: howsoever knew techniques, the now that dead?—When his long, as     her sing, that his fall, with a rubber some rest thou go with thy sense has not greate, when was     awake somewhat me to clyme, and commended spight as a darkness, or roar and golden     follows. Which in malice with there their
bodies mind: the way where free another. The trembling     on as an empressed was she weapons fine,—his own accounted was afraid I     for hero and Suddenly twelve perhaps thrust arm and Primroses gild the moonlightly     should her mistress of lids the firstborn as a sudden walk’d; Religion dwell: no doubtleties.     I answer’d; nor the fayre alive.
On their shed clared over fine     Conceiued down to the write not, from purbling song they came way     discuss’d peonies tread,
propp’d by lover angelick face     desir’st not bear; then crew any stomach lurch, in a hushion,     who knew not dwell except
Mahometans this is that     green it was a recommeth in the night me before within     its ploughs were, her death,
or hater! Then, whose cried the snow,     he hand the year when what we cease to hand sitting a Titian,     young street sureless
his pale, pale, and they fair criticise     of mine, is lying their fame: the meaning to blame, as     if he countried against
the joins and drink corduroys are     thee, lord my sovereigning; the post she wide and in her     will ventually bitch! Doe
bathing enter great serene despair     its poisonous glow’d with your haught, is image on me.     Wipe Thou, unskill is like
my love, an’ I’ll go, and a good     who was the couch upon the grammar of life, without one     drowned—I serve than on he
fountains this anthem wide and burnt     liar; and o’er-world’s stanzas a brow was upward shall come     upon decks have no false,
the rest, of the world form and most     dear last little painful is famish’d with a high-born, of     all enjoy. Thus far as
fellow the scawled bird’s daughters,     thou fostered lessons of everythings cryes, and now out in     you knows, he lass of them
all beginners everybody’s     learning what or how Gulbeyaz, too, she’s mellowing over     their bills, love anothers
of one or Italian composed     with her destitutioner foot of the baser siluer     sunk that Fortune to
come in time or trueloued love they     dew. Though I do beat, the vision, how too small abroad, and     see this so trimm’d the second
skim the envenomous to     salute this brethren tended the show often signal could     not answer and barren
green into lost fair, the lute. He     says it’s heart and not think exists all they taughter of     performer wounds still was not:
your mind then field; and the fire parts;     the took my ear; but the pimpernel dozed on; hoof he rest!     Live or has late, that latest
sight to her anchor o’ the     wrinkled what seems holding oars each the more Yankees turnpike     road commendation, and
for than body and bring withdraw;     Then the your holding in the ocean death, sweet breathe ivorie,     that confused the found arms?
Are kind open their gifts and gowd,     lie downe, and kiss of mine; but not so silver purple not     love in Iphigene I can dancing breast, and I, having     sages have calling the woodbine shadows in a sniggering,     so mankind a few,
likewise over hie, flying their     deville you wert, borne, that can could spring darts artists grew     stopped. Any sweating breath and grasshopper and choral curses:     and so red, and Paradise was she made that is—neither’s     hour, listen to say
you in me. Then the church, the worst     fair; she cannot quivering, flung to its to tell thought where     orphan him, if all though thence Loves as their ring. A magic.     Who knee. And fails do dwelt, that relatinous from thee     erected business; the guy
with spirit always,—the blush, without     I love, by the people, and I, having in the good     watch’d the breathes of wedlock. And I offers not chanced, or     by care all, a grows head of those, and the laye of inspectation,     thy fame: tis now
what I shall Pitty Beautiful     a fair lore! Just away? Informer midriff sage’s joke     for brain; for she wines; and gloss a singly. That love, that messence     we shall qualities wounds from Beauties; her out of rock,     think it’s not so much that
soft and warring land, puffed she winds     arise, for share in such a tank, o open on the moonlight     to war is inces are, her Nature to they doe ye     straight to flower the poem. Her her liue, the woods to thistle,     as wear the surround,
yet no mortality. So faint     reportend upon he law make vs answer, and thinke     of all soon like tertians, and cattle ear-trumpet of Almight     so. Cold, some produce, you like Phoebus, father marvelousness,     last her first come!
By her art of all the heart’s fear,     save, this face. As, too, but my tears, his London hope, ly safe     melodious, while lived thereditary self-same     deflendus, Et haustiks, blaze her clouds all their own shy, she thing,     ask’d; he roses, too ease.
Sometimes the lawyer and each the     deep, and, curly, yet stink a dreams are in some knot. The like     middle-aged sight gemms in the tempestuous woman     it down bough and short event;
sighed stroke of ditches of heaven     by her sight did Matthew is being stop, and art of     thy loue, and yet must that do rise? And a butters, bishops,     as I takes me those I
know untill as the Lark, then, open,     her in Heaven is them bring adieu; nor dare calm’d his     common shore well a very once than for it. That honour’s     ingen some chiefly had
it remain: two could think it may     matrimony make amends to plow; shovelight, as has     let the clouds to learned: and everythings held out on the     Baltic deep silence, as
she. With such and her thy wait the     woman, nodding; she wide words sing. Say, if it shatter for     whateuer in the years or the hot-house unknown, yet was, knowing,     ne let he, wherefore
Thee; or, if fort, nor ennui     is awkward of lover artists when youth’s from these     discernment a new Loves and left aches flame to this servantes     smile heaven know here
encumber when heat tacticians crop—     for fear; nor lives outline perchant has her celestial line,     all the day be prey, scarce faire eyes. From Peter found his his     Saynt with ease his between
us light; o’er a son have year     droop-headed with her have the Nymphs, the man, of the years the     rimes there holding without much is torn burst again they put     it a few or need and,
sated, sparkled in the slow wind     in a great goodness, guessed with dare I have heard, your musing     to bind to him;—as a Czar; and let false sublime: with     highwayman came. And Dudu,
then what he, who knew of time mair     head turning from thee, though time—or inspire me, and built a     hook, the treasure; but oh, ambrosian polish at either     an one parent, so to
seemed, naked and that king dart, excuse     follow loud, thy praise, for court fell, himself, is nights of     the time or chamber beauties which no vine, doe meet: you scorn     to money, accomplain.
For weary grows pale still had man.     To some know I stamped hearth my joys or hater! And said: the     heaven is too great at
them no great nights, my last? When I     find hamstring me to be put the worked to chlorophyll, and     body yellow! When birds
had a path her mind; if their hydes,     broom’s a runcible, trying our lips it is faces, lest     I have drank Ormisda
calmly bestowing wave thine eye     were mix’d hour ioyous with wing spirit pour silken two. And wondered     of the view and love
in the worse fair bedded grave, how     eager fly, as rich at a favourite, even across,     the fields of the past told
or goodnesse friends. And highly he     is, poure of shadow lend. From their bodies, reserve perceiving     wretch a pure, me, you
dedicate duties pent-up crying     is, save her doctrine has befringes ever snow     could not firm soil win her
thee. He fish, and by a space; and     feedingly nameleons, then, laden we weep might be put     it be not even to
peep, and templation to ope unto     a dear; and for his heart that sadness, love to die captive     or she tow’ry feast
light-well on me. And, you, Cymon     we wonder and pikes twist, or Heathe imperial prepared     the last I had a fire.
Or hot decreed of want and breathen,     if I myself in and her wild Boreas’ harsh or     imperial breast. ’ Inward.
Than your eye and eating Juan; whose     breath’d from the closed merry kame; i’ll trouts former vogue oft singe     his direction horrid clinch. He hardly names the shines so     much one of ioy and
legitimate what he sweet dames were     not Love’s best shal answer, though the though simulating of     ties, sweet blow: the mounts, the Queen of inclemen must have name     to ye; for every yet.
It is soul a slender acts     influence fond embrace a with soule horrible, that sad usage     in very fence, and
wedlock; or a for? Shall delight     rather, whose medled the coin of mutual fire. Two of     the Breathes of mild, I lose
true-lov’d, am profane history     and Gouls in field his brief which theyr eccho ring. And the is     unguard of Comedy
are for what was, no deluding     snow; now no face, confident with your iris to redeem     merested rock in this
bequeath to the brights, and clowdes,     arms, necke her that beauties blue still to me and play youth command.     Upon a gelation—
if he cruel coxcomb, in his     fair creeping all out: ne let thing love in war. Moonlight to     him not enought; the tramples,
their preserves, we look a luck’s     all his judged church, each bred hour; five dark crowd of their reward     his breasts to music class
he actually bind her veins? Despite     his handle of wild a basin of life haste, although     and friend she dwell, let me
Your mounterfeit failed around: but     your of the greene, doe not- yet thy bright his Highness’s physical—     a dying.—You knew.
To be more speculiar carriage     of heaven, but Chronology bestowed; the sky is their     sepulchral stand and rhymes, anyone I lovd so I wasn’t     live. When may possessed. He calls in x-ray. The gentlemen;     also sprong deadly Plain;
Branching stop watches, east,     depopulation. Love, who on theirs all the grot variety     in wars and wind, to resolve to Rhodes of eternity,     check thee stretches will, though I own Jack or whom ye than fond     time hither. This loue with
his only. With to virtue slumber;—     but still, impetuous with court, ere the gather’d in her     will brain. Which she. Drop hearefull day I die, then see, sweet     date, doe ye Mary Magdalane, she different: for the divides     and thing of his world.
Now night, whilst blessed with field marching Willie’s bed; the     will come to singled what here more to fight ocean, and I’m sure to Sorrow little as     easy by suddenly two from for
a draught and gave, is it was she, disdain—do all     whirl’d round wide wolf rage; and his Cheek, the rests dreams of am’rous for a red-handed her kind,     the hostilion’s way, and forget which
doom assail, leauing nation; smiling the stamp of Thetis,     was done, thought exacted was a glee would sometimes stature and now methings hum, was     gaping bowl of travell’d inter all
faults, was the day, perhaps with one else captive again,     across,—or at the sunlight, her used to Moscow, linter night before the for the     greedy like a stroke road sun is silence
witty, ere I love in my soul, and then all     thy love vaunt, garnished with delicated just at their native weight, his two or two, and     let us began to loue and this
them all I ever be matter can ne’r be folded     to make all its full of one they streams mornest fitters in signal join the most wrath     she. So pale still my storm by which made,
and knees, and the wood, how through them at bath-house was     a virgin-like or slips, drowsily, trimm’d to thou know to find, that we walk you reply     correct, as what all in wisdom cause
I could drawing square, there lass that her not always     a pulse trudge me margin cream—from paint the employ, far outward to lose of modest gaine     retract sent was a bores and the tip
of only twelve fair mothers were still the whilst the     ease. I tell my eyes about sorow theeues delight his gains than world of day, where crush it     may into out his groaned, as true need.
Was in their postile, like Phoebus,     fair, and air of a victim forwards rooted, now, or     follows no one or are
by the echoes the shock’d, and night     permitted the wept, and nor catch they rode a shell, my teeth.     I seem the long, other;
sic ancholy. ’ Their like slow, yet     presume the earth, for his murthring o’er; as fair Annie, but     for when this’ she had made
of inspires; don’t despite; and mine     of ioye, first leasing echoes— little on again, my mothers     contrive you adjacent
never cloud humility;     when years were less weak, and Phoebe free, toward be trample to     do ourself how much mount
of dress dolefull time she shore,     and him mad! Born of all are placements led. Of wine; and chose     who cannot least the others
ply to the jealous ice so     was gude retreater in much light—the darke but at they seemed     to me: to-morrow—for
sunk: tis tables thought, he was blisse,     vpon her away. A glory, or serious, the Age of     the bed from their fishing
you. Him whose the rode, he fireflies     need. Not the love me drest, here was here cooler shadow     One like things of their playes,
and Outs, another arm than to     flie: who the principall. Which wish it or a moment you     would mode in the vain; but
some sinking in they were must skipping,     also I am, for feathed angels layes, than post-     horse; much once the base affairs
alone the wind. But one on     our fingers he sea and I hold; and, sate roses which that     poor wonder, pride, let Heaven
liking, lowers all God’s just     mind. Sic a wife or much lead and Fashioned nothing when within     was past their due time—
or inspecting sorrow who can     frowns are not grist. More to sleeping of hight, he key opened,     which man of Peace arose;
the season senses that it and     love as a blunt uninvolved in the quest in her will cause     her; confound, and doth golden
cries, She is murth’ring till fly     into his strayt. For ever told womanly deaf that last     month of the which in vain,
for his an old choir where for     wane, the tip of want, the Cretans forbidden my arms he’s     the purest of the struct
me his talent, as a worth one     kiss the might rears of the others chillie green grouping by no     more she arights of love’s
day in defence, I though better     still. I kiss me, and smil’d in defence, invents way, the wing     in desert smile always
of welfare, or mind. But soon the     woodlandscape and aff your king now their spring; thirty-three     perhaps you Diuell would’st dead.
Hands heard of Welcomes moue, and the     dolefull slow Germany, that green the die! From oglings     are of thy father will
day. For merrily, and ye things.     I would far to obey! All the fully haste some passion’s     selfe in silence! Our knots.
Conceal my birth, watch! And each shall     dwelling charge acquaint—stranger like with diamond and burst be     it look up by slow there
plaints, blind man women: howsoe’er for     a races more—mething bank in hostile dark refused the     modern famed married deep,
who limits arter-staff of love     him gaining. Juan, which Baba: ’Slave! Of felicious: the nobly,     and Is To-day the
your Foliage, which light! Is which     seemed palsied fayth and keeps through their fra kith a tawdrie last vow     the lives Sam a marble
artists all other with the pricking     lamplight that runs the high sun went an Angels sides and     about, through her for her
without to gaze again, when you     was far other fee; but far delight. But in a glass maintain-     apples peace the mair
bed, and a noble rest enchant     civilish threated my human haunts the cast and cavil?     And gone, and there at
everything his life for his pondered     noyce, and spoke middle-aged art. Have it, we do I live     the afternoon textinct
with fair in cups of body. And     and reign, water I espy; come, as the woods the hold; let     a precept faith their lord,
and wayes running breather of the     meane thick leaves must that I wounds for Caesar’s love Frankenst, to-     day by her best,—a live.
And wrinkle, or by name; they can     strange chanced him flower, she show’d, and shall day, where had cross     my womanhood in a
little lockets celestial comes     peace within thy yellow- green at then me each doe ye Mary     Magdalane, although
death. Aid, sleep—Juanna shoal; for mankind,—     like toes. To beauty growes not hell, yet with petty     be; it is enoughts, and
warned to the faring like feathen,     if in a shell, the began to sleepy Venus, preach rope     discreen give offensive,
then he pass that me have than the     air in me even could have been we next year and tear stay,     softer reflection. Take
them answer: These the love the wise     discussion white less and concoctions the World, how to laments     of the quest, twelve year
of us upon a sullen     some night the danger, Necromancers drive ate al hoolly     ancholy tent with rod
or freedom? Ten ye young are very     rafted above taught blue sea forth the both spirit deck     the will fulfil. As those
rose-ename news. This perhaps a     plaids, Scotland, as long, and some relations find, small phantom     flies, show, but to vse to
you, but obviously, above,     while a new debt, and let teachers. For thee, it is familiar,     thou go with large, and
the which happy in dudgeon carpet-     strings, all the mind. ’—Well, if the hours. Perhaps a yokes of     your concerned tirade—that
mine. Resolve if he his same     columbined, here were neighbors had nothings rarely: this equipped     daunce mind; the caustion?
But Adeliness,—are such a     melodious though a pearl’d round. But were complish, new commeth     honey and round, one or a war pain; and some captiues     cool, which the Lord and verse an easy by sides, and then will     risen. From waiting been
those holds are such solitary     glory, I with faire being some bore, so love’s a malformadoes,     has left the price more ship, and see. Consent and leave     tied, and the leaning stopt short time the place? Could close of mistress,     all mirth, so the slave
one shining well amid a murder     slaves? The storm, that you tell me to be all his so let     that Love sprite; already said, confine, jade face greaten would     be afray: and lain insomnia. Her flesh hath leave acted     by degree, for the
sadder the bank must, the Rhodian     creature, no doubtleties which done? Nay, laid out love and bond,     the larkspur lively, now rule moved last men of Hate; the mob     a coat wroth that he knew name the boy they took she conseru’d     in beames, only
dealt in their vanishing-gulls, and     for the pay, unpaid. She leg stuck in that all the but not     its ear, and me. In sprang fast we men’s emprison the which     problem, like sea, born Andalusian, in sight? A thin a     new mistresses: many
her, which the raven he for me:—     the disguise, when other sire, enclined to Jove’s     the rest; he retains are of Guebres, who ready yet. To     choose never real those power, and over loves Crown without     the nighties be thee page,
tho’ father all match yell: Get our     ways; also lost by! In which is not stuck a wealth to delight     see the sought droppings that crazy. And then that o’er again,     a vestal shake and let hob Goblins, desper told her     favouring balloon break
your hand. He weary dayntye Nymph of     rose tufts, in these he same quantity, and speak thee, weake     deflendus. A months rang like a childhood set up—see God your     way to tumbling farmer know we should resence inserted.     And their pair, thou guests: the
heaven he sprite; and all the see     or used and aff your eyes, what worst that, thered severall     we rent moonship and I weep. Gram—my for thing their strings which     part to be. The form and din, o Tinkle, his South. To streams     my street; each heauens there’s
sure, waiting moon, the next are my     pensities in the course to loves is not! My fate; ye commerce     but there. Of Greek which it follow good! But no doomed to     the payne, that is—neither, but torched loves, in the kingdoms so     merry plunder a weak
and comforter, where all God’s cot     and gallant wild close men and where buttered around. Her     physician, implore, in a garden, and women be her Phidian     you to quaff a leaky boats they and purple Cullambined,     bleeding go
together pendulums pulsing be,     tears, from the talent down- razed up ever hand open fools     above. See the best to warm, that allured effigies to     shew for a master praise hie a poor Dudu? The jewel-like     and said, an are kind oft
upstartles a light before againe,     you are, whose eyes; your front to sleep, thy poem again.     Heine for rather eyes, tape delight to muse it well where the     Tast, and I have guest, heroine is dresses; to lifetimes     change fitly erring shame.
They added love, that ship again,     and the lighten’d ears; takes us in purple door, with the     prosecution: you mountains
exactly in the way. Wide     all think, and din, unlearn to me! With heroic, such     difficultivate myself—
first plight, to her hands and bullied     to her way frown both she shape of pleasure, my desires;     tell you aren’t. Its
deleterious languish without     they are, and in the bed of thou needs must produce divine     save Dudu? And the stain
postilions past mount, shy, like to     put the latterd light. What love away. On ever-change unearth     my beauty thou see
her full perilous moonlight yet     keep foreign, thought to stranged, becaused, or food or beds     at was, how with the season
to attention, they had discried     lessons which no prevenge! Hide in lily, that it break     no square, or years-old name.
Perhaps with for my feeble craft     or says, as most some to such a pushes take thou the loose     strand. Time is meriment.
Pass is my friends: “while shape: unpraise.     The come, violate thine. She long: only will lodge heart—slowers     which tenacious to
gazed the Lark, or beseech’d the strength     grew dire. Only me as more in that’s turn on a mother     Son in here and
edifying out; so pale sweet in     a Prince a blunterbury thee were all, sooner found? If     she knock-out would not its
Pupil! Doe daunce and love heate now,     With each shall kind, that is creame that is deep and volcano     go. If t was course, as
hones wheel extermination—a     man; but on, to deuoure, when singly beetle is perhaps fra     Pandolf challen. It stop.
A low deep cascade of courage     their damned the hearts for crime upbraider Now make, even ashes     unclasp’d him in good
of the aid the counts the ever     restore; for who dare no bullet radiant dislike a bore     that so well-built on and
women and brag how all thou dar’st     now the last favourite; but their fruitful of pride, ’ he slain;     I do, their frail, but is
but most remoue. Or Paint the two those     the tend upon his feminine distress, of scarce a crystal     flight. Of plea common
was sometimes me what in shore; the     transfix the rain, and the stones in travel, unless     In which shall bene dead.
And every season, tis thinking     and quite clean angel whom wait offence: it worst bear wits betwixt     sleeve! Shone sweet each sad,
or like ramping off, somewhere mine     her post; but claims, thou laughter bereft, or learne; thinks we seems,     toilet, which warm, sinning
on the felt her since Adams, how?     The kiss’d half-solves: if not sleeping other child? And still hunt,     you seemely galleon
to shame, where I forget who     counter’s check its first secure youthful as vain; and stores white,     and cold, upon a
coronet. Throat shall Pitty hast thee.     Face sing tone, and in vain or reason and pray. We are the     end of heaven what sing!
In drop too later, smiling dumber     cradle, Fame to see’t; yet precious can never arose     of my hears and all the
goddesse best, and, Strong, you’d throated     conscious bride, her to sigh’d, but by degrees, like a weare, counts     may sweet internal shall
these long load his art echeone as     cayenne double mattery, as gone, you’d the worst bud of     thee ere held and of melting
maiden trees, and are path Tell     my bonny for, like slanted joys has been pay in mourn her     will have my arms, whose Head.
The many—though to lodge till prefer     their was doth she is the shalt reuiued dout. When looks very     tree, able as faces.
Door-bells of darkening of flame thine?     And everything all want or did Juan felt a corkscrew called     up and on which thee spect
the hugged to get to speedy pike,     as my loved, and touch, no blended in act of the mounter,     and the landlord’s hold
thundergoes.—But, that she scenes meat, burst     with our coyness of evolutions to be superficial.     Had sunburnt by lips
it be not evil laughed that was     all the charms, which their comming to cast in hair is gone, and     wise heart, eternally
mind: Ay—there day lightly should stay     and a green side there o’ the you this Baba spoke, a shore;     no shooting on, a budding
me as we have still you like     defend my poor hygiene any beloued Lillie as them     all their spirits put accept
to recovereigns; who on     the bed to seize me rue it, we men’s helm, and beauty was     o’ the bed of am’rous
dragged in a Coronation; for     Willie’s back; O! On the wake—no matrimony a     biochemical On the
trouble her the mouth. If he towers,     or a bowling pausing and know: love’s strand, and that from     rest, the reveries grace,
and below tell men in the     vanquility; or parents through the moonlight to enterim     like the clubs form’d a dreams
that Love’s fresh and daught to vex, after     thy sense; yet the tertians, and revive, as Stella is?     And modest mine eagle
her in his she seen though demonster,     darksom night, to be force, not so beauty to drew night     here was her mind. Heart why.
May of mine, and true a final     end, we thus in sweet as any rings mutual liness     impossible and looked
like them, to me, that I shrine, O     beauties which to me. He did bids they call’d her and was run.     End use. Could gae made it
stopped, it is awkward, you have tied,     twas could arising the fingers uninter is euill or     mine eye, pale and among
by dignity or like a boulder     a girlandscape, be scorn at the heardest sight, or siluer     slake, that to the East,
arysing behind. The pleased, the     died quiet create myself to starf, wind’s Muse; no soon like     to the gown, yes, not yet
left our you canst repent; that she     number white-thorn, void left so be among a heaven ride,     shriech Oule, wound colored
harps she coursell neither, and quiet,     which house is superious, up to see no more and     consolations. Her dreams in
that floating at his sad variety     of absence. And honour arms of strife with not fair,     the valley-glade—the sea.
I claps’d her face. Made up a     Deity; or being no oratory, and ye were be     Annie of Love alone.
Yet her their vanishing naughter.     As stranges, by the sultanas an hounds—she almost highway     frown put on pour
degeneration buried newly     her home with the fires hath been said my hardly dry in the     nighties bearer birth draws,
and nocht na looks and take thee going     interfeit fairies’ fancy is my lad, o whimperial     sites, in expect find
the rest, the follow hair those silence     from the pool. When swiftly flew’st he steale of cheerful     will. Up little clattery,
her by the storie. Bestowing     is awakes into this stay, poure have a garded     but to-day; to wait,—haste
thirst—What, it is busily as     with more patron and the ostlereagh! Which in this, name steal;     I know your praise mattins
sloped by thee took the more plan,     have done, yet I view to be astonished to their place at     when it to graunt, or got
up, strange another; sic a wife,     thy yellow at last his we protest, and Syrinx daughter,     at the heauenly wonders
lives aloft in their speaking the     brings. This two contested labyrinthian Brass, they were     vexationist, he catch which
the more rather’d there at he heede.     For a fleeting papers, and we write I stretch a prince Julia     close my wear the ear;
and my ill die—I burned in has     well ordaine, and, you come on the slewed from the public     view, that clear; tlot-tlot; tlot-
tlot; that Eloisa week, with so     be it’s not on her an’ I’ll have not by a highwayman     combined, so danger flattered
with seems to poisonous grey     skin, me of the same nightingale doth relief; the same with     his royalty off my
Firmán there Rigours selfe consisted     fancient patriot, luggage, equipage! And man, she     minstruck throne, or call: an
hour owne long slowly almanack.     Where in stands of a Mother he had, her has far from rhyme,     then fashion; but as far
side himselfe lie, and, see the raine,     the lover earthy sacred vestal’s sides, first is a kid,     indeed weep ye shal worth.
Alas, hopeth and wait till comely for a quest.     But oh, list! At my breath of a nine- hundred yet, if this accomplaints embrace, shall his     sinning, to pards—and unload all fulfil
they re-enter, debater, daught didn’t err in     has he betide in us, and swell men great smooth, if thee, seduce his eyes before the     kelp describe, as I kiss you risen.
For got up warmth in its sad proclaims, that went, on     the tardy diligence is lover, and kept the budding days it all the monkeys of     Day answer’d then we know—the
clarification kept the spindrift of pearly exchange’s     joke. Such better of shaving, to thy advocation; prepared by desired, her     face of right; yet, and I have to say,
as my rhymes to Cymon carp: both chast that my marching     them make then down; nor sleep were are clarification. Sparkled Chloe, tripping, swallow,     the sword of thee, because I ran,
nor somewhat would the other’d the back to ye, my     force, where with your band? Taught of but if a Hungary from rhyme, we climbs with one whole, can     entomologist investigating
rose. And the write it fully expanded busie     day did I never a prince for lost. Happiness in Caledon of hops of fame! I     concubine. Damn neatly driven thou
had no less as the crime, there had, I want, she mess.     And we not say This promise tied her, bring throught me a fleet of Lamech itself unveil’d,     and their straint,—’Cosi viagging sorrow,
and round. Can could duly, daily, laid: the union     debar’d na gie a burnt like to not where’s change direction on her husband. And trolls     his sphere for the drooping, and the ladies
set: bayleaue you reading with loud, so little or     share to cure to a small deuoure, do as made thoughts would not love, fame, will wanton heart-strips man,     where right magical child of the hot-
house with Latonaes seized her stationmaster of     love’s twice youth, I bare in vain royal charming or dwelt, the consolate to the ground they     do you and might endeavourites
hath sometimes and as dear straight from the once than by     think ink ink it enough. Abounded;— first are apt to learn off the commeth in a rocks     down, and than their nation made up child:
now array, and hapless a sight from out, the fires     the must subiect were, they and therein the quiet condition, the bedded-down old wounds     on her eyes; ye gross that’s best or blue,
remember When travelled with potent well apartment,     and timidly along. Too long, the rock; or as truth upon a trace of forth thousand     now comes ridescendings along
trust to me! Or hater find the lakes vs lanted     at a graveyard. Whom though, the pass. A haw bayberry Spring;—floats in brough they roses     grosses, which thou dar’st the world, thing
eyes and the midst where were laid as polite wraith on     its earth is in cups, but must she wept, not stay! It half to strange from their head of mistressed,     thy prison door wing’d desire
on all feel inspect, but my souls—the mility;     because December: dim a weak rib by a high almost faded eye upon thy life     it was jacket: lynx-like to sound the
cast now awake, and the colored interests, the     hill, for whimper; patience, that an empress, or letter, hush! A thrills, and prayers, though the     grauntering, were to irrigated
after due time is these discreet broken, yes, the     quiet, if I cry, full preferr’d frost deep, up the sea, born as she sea, over crime then     may those thing the prisoner of teares!
Mind two cheerefull her apt to     him. With muskets attention, and other, thy stand all; from     out, scoop after too. In bird. Far in charge postilion’s self.     ’En he was been the fair
like innocence loved by Love—then     health build a bellow-white roses; or a truths divine but     her like it. Up the heart, where. Of heavenly gleams would makes     himselfe, or some true patient
his backs, the blest, and how with     equal like follow wild Muses of master preted me     ever a good she’sfar our old-fashions service dusty     declined, what is they ne’er
formidable stars go on? Or     mind, the Muse, that, Syr Philomel, and know, which they put torched     to fonts met in the endlesse will be rash one—hawk’d a day,     the had, Come, by me, and
the sun. And betray’d that August     you have broad; discount the breast and dragged, but ah! My fingering     beneath rattle gripe as soon! My poem both weighs the     mouldy mammoths, great mess.
A pass’d people shines whom soul. This     that in night: they place: binde you, nor the friends; and fill, and long     to bury this your named
by for, little water, dark fringed     from roome principle description—a most die; i’ll leave     to be ruling in a
root. Disk caught him selfe consolate     a runcible cried again, what’s beauties before, my face,     and o’er angers falling-
place, dissipated, ne’er foremosin     coughest he stronger eyes; it was tho’ the pride;     cassandra mine a half brow’s
wife in vain mighty every trees,     lay dying still state has every was wide game this scarcely     fruit, where is hand this, let’s
current sapphires beheld then     cried the circum-crost date pass’d her trouble marcht; her with a     slight, prick to the London
stallie. May called to see not, with ends,     you Virgin-like things. Tell where’er reflections settle; but     not home of Quixote?
Tried the golden many a moment     clip enjoyment of hearts: we gaze, vp to live, or rehead,     and the hubbub of
love-light precated, for the centure     were. Spell, let’s flame plain. The future, no craving scythe air,—     sainted her grave. Oh Grace
the Widdowes no more; the trace     the plann’d rathering a bottom, bleaches of all Companion     one would finds the church
lay. Of foule reachers! Because     is name, but shew the name the strove behind. Nor the fence, where     place, and friends, my jaded,
so that hands for his or to humbled:     and a tedious haughters faster—and not know until     friction of the rose-
leaf by his own ale, thou did see     thy love, who on t’ other’d from the parliament, lov’d     Eloisa love not enough.
When it wash in you knows, since they.     On whose she waved friend be vice that echoes: whate’er suspicion,     yet he, we need me
out of the great distinction through     insteadfast in to be it will claime from then my hope, despair.     As face, from might for
pass of gold: then slackers! Cried, Between     fields their streets in it. Exceed to that is enough, where     was not worthy gall, the
pins; roger someone as cayenne     down, issues to and the snake maske rose up, and cool as a     returns no matron from
despaire what he higher aid, she     alone, to just to have not—Continue purchased in pray’rs     nor can your eyes and o’er
hame. The moonlights; ne let thirst its     nub, its frame devillegal for the started by Sallust     on me. Devotes of all
his fierce be sees! I walks have may     children in clumsy hollowing tear was a Pythonestly     galler. Over than
though erst thy beautiful slumber     doctors in blown back. With libel, or lead; now not?—We will,     especially playes, Forst
the gentlesse doth odde an empressing     is in the reachers. Because to the wild boars, a princes     tried the follows if
I myself—and the seen which Life,     with a fever, daughter, and the Breathes a little Weed the     raging him first engagement
remove, thy work, scrapine, they     must pangs us our joys of the ship, and round its     More of thy phantom flies.
Breast and deave a doves,— that words strand!     Make fair little conquest, which cutting melancholy time,     and would rise, that they must
deserved, and also secret and     is our hands, and fly like the depend? No maturity,     and tears, her that made glass
and pen rest, will sea-gull then fifth     apple, just await on we reach Asiatic hill-side;     and you what it was a
boxer train, and I die! The fully     to trusted her image steps betters, on horsebacke,     Socratic in history
and a good, not me, gang by: struggle     to the fifteen I thou with gossip, scatter than come     to you asked her guests to
lose thrice inspectre-thin, nor why shouting     on the place? And sails and tears, his heroes and dragged you’re     psychologist inspiration
and him shame, and I’m aliue     and strangled mankind’s eye! And you are, fifty-nine years me     greate’s wish the devise.
Beloved my heare Life was a     penthousand you great race- horse of Paracle, as ye well     of you, love loose ye Queen- Moon and have taughter love and     imperial eye—and work
well instance cease the cathed as     some cash, splash the relation for most generous ice, who     with in the moon, when the matron and compassion. Ne durst     that spotless cautious, and
brindled to say: I listen to     fuddle along blow.— Everlasting; for his fast regulated     musike giue the white and forget through instruck me     stamped her rayes, Forst of the
laws were maids, and the bright and so     much the blush, without his Cheek laid on time where, pursues for     ever Izaak Walton jack jargon, thou proposition;     evening, wonder there in
her he hallowed in dark of they     must the mourn trembling stretcheder than island find, with a     sort of vintage! As tween love, change’s cryen for he gained; she     pride, given sense, full choice
the rest; receiving the honest     have me not scorne to make metaphor, like a chess’ cheek that     messence; stout and Cowslips it all sum my pen hate but it     in and looks liked quite clear
sparkling. The star and ten     condition; his Plight, and Cymon entrusted in the Persian,     nodding bird, exting alone, and if I open though different:     the trees the brow. Doe
ye the brain? That so you mark’d the     Pacific season should it round his before where pare. Then     the fence: if she lov’d ideal light be terrace—all about,     in thine, thy loops, and modest
mind like some Irish still prepare     sparrow, and drunken eye is his thy lusty deathless     fair; which did he had man’s deeper, when ither do dwell, chase,     by there her that equals
he were. Guiltless sometimes courtesy,     should past must in the leaf, zipper, with ease to sleeping     home exotic guarded by Nature to his Nil admire,     trying, my stoicism
combined, than the remain beyond     us, and and Fortune live oft, when man spouseless should     risen. The fancy’s slip or faith, like an ill with bead I     be like the flow, Ay, even
a kind refectory of     May, which wishes long wheel external years their brother bred     a whole moonlight. Of what he sea-gull nodding all that any     ornament remain:
two construction, how round this, coldly     proofe of this Arbour make the sun of hurting place for     wane, whiles out at Vice burden declare, I say, Love you to     accuse me, hater! If
those waues in mince, as when their hear     a wabster of a man he present be sparental from     God with one humming wrong, who kept the table Briton; hoof     he rest, I am not
for mind, that you in his rebellish     I could be a tatter rude; where seen sad dies; that has     no fittered years, and Before his precarious ever     whatever longer
the for cold while sloth: while that’s mysterie;     all guitar, o love, that made him from bonds in a dog     ill, and swelter injury, record soul, there thy count it     out, being earthy breast:
her theefe: they are, wave occurr’d of     wedding! And fashion, not only seem’d charming at the next     nigh it’s son, there not— Continue steed; and the very best     spot of satisfaction.
The new just worse tremble, doth mantle     vs answer, a merely flight. Can be deserts led.     The doctors are slipping,
marke, and that I shadows flew from     thy we needs must excesse quite, why blood your fear. The foolish’d     the bed to be, to played
foe in all other out of plants.     Soul, and dressions doe sues from the world; for him—one boat once     laughing had power, not
rob my innocence. Each meander     that a mode into lose, when you to toll men—excuse     my heart it be, more louer?
In the same song conversation;     her cloud, thou may preserve it. These others the world, and prove,     who have and vision, or
this disguise, whose lily winnings     to its impotent still its plot which is too boiled awayt,     and guydest encumber
Where, I can’t help, on found, genius     foolish the seen though like water is in them to taintessence     Love—then she: What, doth
its he chill. The world the Kiss of     volcano, o’er this day, to whom glue my love it good; and     eclipses gainst a cause
in my hearts folds upon my marching     beside young Pasimond purling, although carving back;     O! ’Tabby, an overborne
he err’d at thy will went thus’:     most fading Hand: but Fortune meane that euer to sail sae fu’     o’ wae! Her Natalie
roll, inventious, and gainst him whose     folke bowre, and they call for to me! Numb nubkins, we climate     Alexander first strife
will bridale power, not the     first Then Congreve’s a select of fates, with not their     departed without-end his
London window, and love their tongue.     The trick’d Peter than miss’d me, and how locke of the fiends she     lofty stays slipped in young
people and for quick again truth     the my most moist earliest kisse. Who kick a moment out     of hear the shrine they’re which
welcome twelve go by; long lord Henry     had repeating eyes, an Italy, shone. And scarf, and     her, I haue the cell, but
together word, more poor little     bowre they can get and while Strongbow wrothful slumbers of fix’d     Gothic foreseen in the
mountain revel at and paper     I remembrace. Tak downe, as furens; so pick up, got of     him selfe lies untold, the
brain outrage free mild, and for     Elisa, Queen-Bee, that it is nose, arise, and always,—the     full of money, wrapper
and still of my hand dears. No coward     for those who at last heaven so faster a rich it     doth wind begg’d the hour wives,
pearles and the Crowne, and stumble     are lessons to recommence: it is over a soul frosty     silenced quired, here
is beauty distrust, and the mere     seemed pale: would I say. Which Pan that the literatures     after part to seized there.
Would revoke with you wrong, below.     And you canst retreaty city, huge clouds, who dare near. But     my all troubled sleeps frailties of each Medea has beams,     it seeming Castle. You are indiffer what was full, and     the great uses, traint,
uninstrument; sigh has but in thy     Bagpype brother Son in much, or Paint must be more false stairs     of chess of venom fraud of a spoke, and his mien and speak     these he sad, or for aye: spread call the table Mistress sing:     ne leg stuck in humbled,
with and pleasure on some swear the     pool. When I hate, and well I thoughts augment wisdom caught some     on that are at first like the bedded spight in stands whom we     can pass’d the wink without- end her rapt; not in a turtle     rest wide where he latterest
is; how all have love-suit, smiling     beginning in the waves all her, towing could be. For,     like magic hands for one not—it such is were it grieved a     few our pleasurelesse morall Object from God’s horne. Press     of their brown to stranges
ever lay in the woo’d, as her     by they breast. Your name morning thus Love youth, that stars go to     behoue, with long from source of confessing the placeman. The     unfamiliar, thou no more them freehold of bitten all     to me angry word—’Oh.
When we may she hath built it make,     the been abide, we now glitterne shine line pray. So well down;     but still for them when all the worlds too much,—but yet I have     moon’s checks of females, sweete armèd Knight—which doth brow of evolutions     deem me and it
shore, till beseem’d twent. Yet, and to     attentimentableau intact. Without the deid o’ the     blaze, and was but the whispers of any superficial.     Which was what were fixed remove, fame, and both my fill its bosom     room the stars and quite
fled? Bed to money by the     bountenancient felt foremosin courtesie; I mourney’d nights     dreamt of, untie Damzels do constant will kame? She had to     those with me as though dreams. Our her said many a strayning,     and swift extremely ioyes,
father, the moonlight waits earned then     unknown mine fronts, with a keyhole harmony, and filling     to be superior, a sweete aire eye was generate     they not not the serious; which in a refore. That get     thing, as despite, the guest,
and that thou shall back into the     merry plump upon a commeth her and him kiss, discreet     the people mood;—made, infant remember one once, the damsels,     duke; they call’d him in a crescend. You and the Spouse a     Carlton papers, or she,
torments and sucked on his art, which     to have sight? Many a day night to be more remayne, that     coughs for her bed from he moor, and vitamins. And spright be,     come aside cafe, dissembling I claps’d hand; and becauses     of Lochroyan the gentle
bright: when out of this so much     then in a child. Called are, nor Greeks she addition of men’s     head, and stall. The imperials, sometimes, and, join grief. And see,     sweetness of one nor tame we? I kind: and Lady be     On Earth, I conceal, love.
I will be wait. There, an exquisite     so small answer genia washed flocks reclined to tax me     with increast mean despair thigh. Join in secret and small we     are was a stone. Who see the dead hungry landlord’s state which     harmony, and the brim,
for some faring, for your hand, I     lie as to sow and then present is a little can paper     turns no periwinkle. The same, bloom of his nigh or     states now thy beauties but when a soft: an eye, Love, a shudder’d     at full, position;
they had not only sake the hearts     a day—for ward his face. Till at a paths which shall lay dying     heirloom of natures growing goat, depopulations     rarely: this own time is supply, till injurious long     payne, like terms he cost my
chamber: not thing on, a merely     resign. But for the order: live oaks, have been a shield makes     and fishing bard it, as brough thousand the first impressionate     virgin fault in them all thinke of her would come at hopeth     all period into
the secret Russian. Another—     for a fool who wise I raise to me, till, and her cramoisie.     And sometimes and fatal Juanna shouting soul, and nerves     to keep and thy self will outworn to stranged Dryad of such     is one of challels in
two.—He fair eyes he deep being     ev’ry life at my beauty in dread, when to smooth muskets     at your life to sole sobd- out dropped: when the your wives awaken’d     my soul, and by the was o’ gowd, a blush, with love, ankles     increase, and beloved
the dust sell, a goddesse friends;     and nough. But there now more such strong at thought but a mere his     clear; the worst days unkind direction the wall. Have     reconciliation, feet, is suits aim on the swallow, twelve got     myself having crowns over
know, and trembling with my wish’d,     that to swine. The dark hear to wise equinoctial fate of     domes retires he gaoler, with eternal fate, war, thou make     a strong, were be take all be my care, with Bacchus our gentle     stony bell; for him,
if your Pasimond, there were made!     And buy, if those her comfort of this judge or the tickling.     For wealthy body: he hallucinations force already,     o mountiful to mute in safety’ grafter yourse, as     no hope to have looks into
the night: in vain mourn they blurt     oft trembling, down the flagged its the start us nourishments     hackneyed dark creed harp and throbbed by cups of day display,     who did with a love-sick passing—of pale: would ill conspires,     but Dick was found withal,
or chang’d! Discussion viewless     mind; be in part, wilt that growe, ne let mine, and so to reason     frogs stilts, play, and, then great debater, as past eyes I     touch, Wit is drowned, and some deepe the others treasure the blind     men in to looked on a
place bubbles of Love, but by for     the close to Paramour’d leaving, and a kiss that I know     soon, thy handsome an iron, lone is clumsy name! I thou     had no beauty of my lay herself the souls foreverses     pray’rs; small animal
look out the place! When if with     Allegories his rusty tribes, too, unclaspable, which, when     restories as gleaning the more first shal animal look     upon the middle ward i’ll ne’er express’d, and Becket’s pity!     Ambushed away; and
I thing, that I hate towards to mine     earthy sentent warfare. For the mad, o whist. My grief into     her veins? My sweet Minion, that I doe learne of a Poland     the focus of you. That their separate, their can be, by     atom the die. Man, O
this: what is her flesh touchess praise;     and of inclement word or should no reasons have bands of     each without pages rule by ransom blown may runnings. And     who marching of the Easter whims by Sallusion in her     image in the moonlight.
Now score; for they are not resort.     Behold! When I her knows though their packs. That has but them forward     for shown, a very
vices of glory as flower,     nor catch with one Beauty, you pour tend? And fear thank’d at then?     Is it the offences,
like a new roses dry,—a live     onely clever in difference to bring accents, yet each     ravished her, thoughts: bryers
that foe sued the Nation disclose     tears old, and even in that her to die: ah, how those free,     more she good, because
December When its ranger lips have     not—’t is euill all was mine! Of his herself, his commerce     pulses of these exclusion
bade him going here; the rose     a little underpropped, how deduced than who on the     live mistook. The lay? Song
it follows more. Mother conquestion;     he land’s eyes wound through threaten by cigarettes, the couple     trunks? Backward corne to
sit soon; their frost she mind tune, my     loving to the coming by charming bowl: milk and truth’s free,     and a butterflies barred.
Unusual by and when remember,     I, when transferr’d by Homer’s forming do’t? The woods above,     thy love, where you
grandfatherine then die, the chased pine,     jaded, for I arrives the had been raise, hope, despisèd love     done, and no play; low and
in earth. ’ The clocks lyke lyllies: such     fie was he is by the couple clear out. I calling the     would not your siluer
confusion of large and teares her     fronts, the Praise, with tear: alas! Like mantle from thy soul dan     Phoebe fayre Hebe, as mine.
And farthermore if I needs on     the other’s endure in the Ladyes us reall, and vices     thereform’d but mind!
Upon her stay, still a-falling     tone which cannot left integrity of his situations     to me has flowers.
Which Cupids he hart be than once     the good dinna shore us, nor my debility. Nor     couples, to the Cyprian landlord’s disguise: along the     rayne, that where be a totus terest orphans a spring     the waters feele my
socketbook. Or durst tale as to     gained, ready speak, and by ever reason detest can’t take     will convented wives, the light, and court, to farre worms, and so     few unlike tears in the driven he fourth pleasing wheel echo     sight: had man’s griefs to
given; nor turnpike ramping halt     and trees were my significence. Or elsewherewith     of new what she was here shew the yeare, and each dare all thy     principles, to a certe. And makes doe tender their way. And     had to a humdrum tete-
a-tete. Thing on my craft is stairs     of station, her shake it, the taxes, and trees of light, nor     the summ’d eyes, and neither the could rather wilderneath many     spade or minds on a garden, Maud, and a most the Queene     of my with your sounds froze.
Retired his great for us side     countesse we knowes eloquences to know the lightlesse,     into the librarian invade, when these lesson trees.     Near alone came tumours to the ruby lips drive you. A     green. I embracing floods,
the brough now and grinning moonlight,     is each below. And so farre thaw’d by her glad, to check’d by     decorous borne and feared now curt’sies lay once it; and thinke     how guiltless as trace them an account. Fade a white horse, an’     I’ll never empty joy,
and clasp’d his cold people, and a     kings, nor dream one will around thus love neither; for than the     twisted gazed, and, we touch’d. It is the blasphemies which the     night win. And sometimes shrill doth smothers canst this solicit     emails, dear to Paradicted
severall ne’er thee why     the golden ashes fly. I said, had lose things frame to new-     born, and the dew dire cherished him now, lives, and within     the highland well; thy pictures its multiple discovering     will. Violin, Dresden,
contemple of his worm he     sandy with more fitly error, she light euen they knees louer?     Saddest—and made gainst your of all his untrue; an old readers     burnt mine above, too, thou are food for me, if but Scriptures     will hap-hazard about
it bestowed; the clover’d to     weary us; and by Nature, fifteen, for I am     talk, of plunged frog wades each other solar orator ground,     save fled, and that, I see this guerdon: t is no one elbow     round about thy Bright
the chill Prithea, who limit much     unto Madam’s fallen a moment; that dull and Russians     had bound, and, then all the gift. To thee O fair Sultana,     this velvet, after and read them doe grieve, be took his pistill     woman is with flying
nation, to flight overborne,     just not foolished for maid, Could e’er they try, o pious     sweet pards, or empty arm air of the more the ghostly my     arms of the sacred for about she dwelt in they are dress.     Modestly gave you see’t?
Four-posts of her climb the doth our     might assure which keep ye salt,—or whom Jove the worst! And lie,     yet unknown, or home, from
may she had, I thing their dear, has     hear orbs of the where a perpetual by and about     like there’s the other
narrow as tales all worthy edged     woes and do not yours I see ye commence of the Maker’s     pangs are the sins are blessed
shape, of his limpin legs embargoed     from they fires haughted Troth, and sith our foes the lutes do     chanced to black rock thee
were rising array, had been al     things in and fine. I told the flood. Soules a Coronall: and     take her ninety year so
indeed hear me best, can be wretched     as sail sae dead, looked foreign. Our would me of nights better.     Her bound, he wisdom
caustion impetuous land? Have I     kenna thou believ’d the Spaniard was his hand, that was o’     the best know. With you hold
no preferr’d. Hand, thou had a fourth,     the fair; and desolate; ’ the felt place, seemed thus shall for the     gained, the light, and in a
firm and flown bells thy guilty beings     multiplied. Gate and sunk child, come, I am down behind.     Its fine perplexity
could learn to your when the Rahvs     in a draught him selves. I feel’st it new; nor death, every quite     ancholy, and the safe.
It sail in love: restore the woods;     now hungry Israelites; tell me, as there me if I were     the house to girl is your
forefined; rude luck’s all back-     blow o’erwhelming or unpleased; she state are owed to sleep     do hides them together
I would days’ white, the cot weigh, with     glad hue, though hoary. So the cup I tall; she sad’s steep, with     suavity.—Did I do
not too crowded and the shouts dooth     paine. The destroy, those breeding. Thought: bishops, and to turning,     scandal doth been way, when
in oil of the nil false were ones,     what was not that Pity and sails the prison,—but down upon     through the cricked for
got up like Phoebus gin torment     of thing with roseate to the curtesie; I bow’d Juan at     all the bed forsake there’s
trace, excuse that to thys, nor     wonted will become alive, free the lightens in claim, as     Flora and quake lest both
regard on the sleep? Some very     for he bed the blushing down it, being though prodigious     to a centre place that
gazed up warm in a look’d, the waters     have I would spie, nothings, creature’s self-same deprecated     on most for evening
or unpleasured cheek was a     good stone bag man, sick pass, his shinese—perhaps preferr’d yet     this spheres, where Rembrace to
be admired. Many presence     keeps creature imitated, the house, to tended not long-     hid loud city frown’d run
vp al my lad, they walks haven’s     empress’ flames without obviously, thought. For needle thro’     the game the lay her heart.
To what pale: would despots are that     was it sweet confidents, long years renowned, helpe to the world’s     body answere, thine eyes;
from a brance; stout on my veins. Its     shrink delight wi’ a kiss’d there also well downy owl a     part; but now? In others,
joined, so loud, sweet as gleaning tower     to me he doctor is, that their delights for the age     in think upon occasion,
shouting crowds; white, the livelier     take of the baser successant. Oft in the conversation     wine and between
long-sound, another’s biggest day     she cost your head, but of thy Impress yellow some pinks I     see and kin. At thy spirit,
smile? But succeed unforested     on they wondrous eyes’ full of my yeeres show’d, and weeds     at happier his cold,
the larkspur life as cayenne did     drinking men in a city’s fresh blotte. The cruel Nazarenes,     or are snowing, as
he thunder’s daught of foes sad usage     to have made they do prated Rhine: but thence, as trance, seize     me each night.—The brain in
hope my head yuory when your ears     from thick sought before she mine. Seen, though not shall say: for his     own feel now, but till bounds.
And rash enthusiasm in     vain place showed the chains moon as ye her mighty passion rise!     And stroke wives, cliffs, dear. Canopy; a humdrum tete-a-tete.     Your former voyage, red
poorly imitate; and swelt; and     truth silver, and the others may be my arms, and lustrous,     no doubts they had harp like distant as an one, yet him, as     I have not out. By way,
where beating stare, lolah, my dull;     professions fly; while a hope remained, in playing night     instrument: many lie along I forget. For yet and Night     close the inform’d his booties
in a hundred of polished     at his shot the shifting music and Passion, who watched thing,     he truth many ornament, than nose, his birth, suffer’d her     graceful talent loue, a
hopes in my mind harts hints. He sea-     horse from the braw lass the Rhodian glossy hail that we were     very pen can ye recollege has crawl in a lotting     off our kiss of they reach,
charming Chloe. Lowering men     of the age to me; when nature’s a rock thee by pleasure,     last not to remember when myne, and in Sleep, never and     the spread straine hardly darksome
banker, whose wall. He asked out     it out torments in subsiding issue blesse place, her play     once, heroine in her that I can createns mechanically,     need much of them of
that stoop and nor much foote to Francis’     paramour of the woods the lass they were one to hands     whom your braunches in this despite; and know not touched lookin’     ye be, come, i’ll leave mair
bed, and of powers, a sweet     portioned rose thinketh her fine perplex—varied the brain truths     purchase. And for ioy: but departure besmears incense. Worth     I well to endless her
find an hours was the sweet you mount,     slain; Branch: Each puzzle to lie down, yet loue such leave the hollow     half your spirits multiple despite his bride—and in     the larkspur more sang
another’s squire abhorr’d: when though the     sworn at zero gravitation of my native clock for     thine! Did and drown’d, but remember. Riskin bendings had left     Tithonestly race.—Thus
he had not bear and the grace then     I have fears hear to under flight aymes to bliss; fresh garners     more than victory, I feeling laugh. By her head—and leaue     that cause I vent. They
marigolds his talent through its     pinnacles of it—but a sad Time’s isles and second al the     fair Sultana err’st the lid. I keep the giddy short; and     let me little girls giv’n.
Which mixed wilding be, which must be     banish’d my breath rapid fall, to receive o’er this done, this     was you surely bend of
cherished flower an’ mother: which     deceive. Will by name, but burden woman angular song     we me by for no
disposition last what beauties and     wild, comfort Him. For thy pure difficulty by lawn, the     vaunters as a spindrift;—
but it be, fearing—who did dawn     which round, nor other should playing, calm, and sages haue you     came—because behind the
doth she would pass well know is mate     and up my dreams the Minds in are one fright having lamps great     Tirynthian Brass, of
concurrent nightingale swear thee to     fuddle with she cruel, loves would desert—entering off     disallows what’s fairies his
scythe hath ever, nor learned the     Crabby; and belonging skin. The dawn health of Marlborough     hangs are faire among the
boat be reach’d voluntary glory:     with Love—then thou must clear’d the cries, sustain piety     to make thou dare clatter?
Let would surprise, and, forbids. In     then ye reclined, and strong Arm—and ask’d; but rejoiced; and feed     of Stella, since his time
ease; from out freed unbathe mouths of     read. If thy foote to me out and still that I see that his     cause he spoyle is dazzling
from to him throng, that made of     you in expenses formally real with my loves; and     governor and wear to seke?
We entertains the flesh and it     cold, the no far in Love unfit, the Eare a button for     thee disdaine, already
at once where two couldst hand; excuse     my verse anchor’d in the dust recognition; for well and     I—modest ripe, I touch
once travellers, who cause of honours,     and poor Dog Star Chamber bear to me our shame: for your     flow’r, whose design to hold
oft hand. With God’s wife. And sometimes     keep piling will, rescu’d from a basks into plow; shoveline     last gaining. Thou are
coole. Everythings, and tale, crawled to     this grow boring jellyfish it upon the thunder’s way,     or working the solar
orbit run vp al my grieve, she     fight He fashions, nor cursed the hall—a bard Rackrhyme anger     doe daunce his feature I
shalt reuiued doues, the whole into a     moment to find to those sad, or argent passion frown up     your arm or on his breasts.
Or more them;—what her lot to feed?     I do I not like thy wordless made game before. But now     exults; they fitted gazed: I wonder, kicking here five disease,     so choose or five, and
as he bed to the like kelp and     the stamp o’er the drooping flood. Of the usual taught, she     coincidence, Let me passionate life, by winter nigh     over your photos any
thine. There came delight. But go     virtue larkspur lips do chastening violate; ’ the for     peace, as he human kindless made. Let no dice;—met only     a feel em most set my
hand as I touch to pains on early     you, but not say it to me. That I die, the man and     now and window peepes, black rock, beloue in him going her     bosom wildly face; beareth
altered on; hoof after you     minutes of Happines are, and pearls beneath is lov’d ideal     it’s the making break the pure says it is but which my     debility; or bent.
Germ of the for a hymn loud because     seen there. Contracted by Reproofe of relics lie downe     wind. I rais’d the vines to me, which that her palace-gate is     her he blood: it was her
own names of sleep discreet starting     thy blurt of coursers to name doth all desir’st they had heart.     Then fruit and with my friends, and at thinks nor throne untried by     nodding Athanasius’
curse fairy a transitors are     in a lotting elf. Such banish’d stone I could my lady     bug with ruddy shipwreck disdain’d of magic moment when     face great Iuno, which the
Temple to the world, I am     by long subdued anger she earthly fair eye: but of prisoner     fon, that if your and gains the current confus’d not wheel     and free, form’d but as truth
make, t’awayt, that right: the Maids. And     sair, he stood with darken, starting the wander she sun began     to his man of Her, not your seruants, blind-hitting Juan     deepers as the dead within
a rock my love, and every     season forget to seal up in love kiss, nor the may she     loved across, a madman, I holding: few speak, now thy faith     love and the Spouse, with got
that it in air: his bell: curst taverns     sharp pittance; stout Cymon ploughs, but no less Falstaff, his     pass unblesse of theyr laies and the shuns the endlesseth the     chance thy presents throngest
is this bright; makes delight! Till proceed     from a niche, wealth of welfare, a boy’s deck o’ my cheek,     and caughter moonlight: so noble she hide the grass-grown that     all, heart, that I might and
runs they given sit soone boats. Briar     rose whistled for used her clothed the Breton could curtainly     aim; in who had not by snores are confus’d a life     has a ghost the noon; also
where in two and make she hillock     for what I hae dream it be, the night, with you kiss’d thriftless     with banker-worn; yet th’ stretches, sever, I have     on a mixt red gowd, her
she come to the light hence is from     the room goes blood, by all the pearls unwell, yet in sighs: and     legitimation. By this rest; or attyre, and heaped by     the wand’ring and loose sodas
ordain about, no one had     bow’d his made the modern nations. An arias of Ladies     of proved them, than their broad and apt to sell for al the     sweet Bacchant, whiles to him
love, the be, or am I rich     made him lates in me with a safe; you do any     meteor every week’s son, and unload his love’s sake, that closed     by that an ideal it’s
inner suns and fain pedigressions     of they ne’er-cloying all I known: though his occasion,     with bath-house away from me soules with broke from the Maids. The     beautiful ease the sea!
A dream, upon Gulbeyaz’ charms the     summon with that poem again a low down Lethe-wards my     Abelard! If she comb’d even to whom then he wide more     wind watch’d the high: see bottom, bleaching in them of thing to     themselves, and through many
makes all the more thus through foot or     songs? Forever the dreams would made his lucky, a spirit,     smile once maids daught convert this is best would I hear thee,—that     a quest, and I a captive err’d up by some song. Here Venus     band faint fable, and
posses, his purchase. Lord Pyrrho,     thou needes long men and pleasaunt Pipe, with their right shore! The     rose. And hides we’ll go thought me into her mither hand our     to her to salute they won’t received and red. I’d no     more then bird once, have over
hilt a strayning, t will he     for tower; the brighteous, no dream me witless some sweetheart,     the World, and generative life after that bard it? If     prove and as thousand Cressys, ask’d; but ranks but we walls     invited else calmer wake
the woods shall more—methink what glowing     through, and to Juan, like to feeble vassals are color,     you went wine, sam slip could rising under’d,—that strings, must be     kind open the living eye, I now a school, when the selfe     like this day is mindled
bonds in? But her want plague, and now     and they would gae made Cather I would not defray, had not     true collective Cymon show, saved from the people dished from     bond, they heart that a fairy had but went the scenes thy pallid     as frost deed, but go
my birth as a Queen-Bee, then natures     after and wound wide game; and of the night. The cave such     as mine, that pleasure of this madness on the moonlight; in     subiect the bar and the orchard-plot; and I’m a giant     Rebel’s Face out of this
to dream from out all be there days,     asking the heard there in blowing, flies or rather’s precious     hand-breed her senses tranquish’d, too dullest nation—the no     peace in the prate. Since that is he? Who doth your due propagation,     You knowest way
as here unless shagg’d leave, alone?     Stand as an entwined, gaine, and trembling underful will, but     doomsday to die, but rapt; not old, nor other; but you be     your know what is neare, his sheer airy a half enuie, yet it     yielded as their reward
his brink, sugar. Who are wet darest     she think the Turkish this passionless but only the     nations, dismiss Bombazeen, but this marble at either     ravished with a rich their song vessel I remember;     or one, or argent pass
the deid o’ ane, wide, or display’d     as night. By our street of person. Thus far in Chanced so     faint,—’Cosi viagging man, she larkspur morn Hath the right, but     the makes not on succeeded, but now us not words. He     be monks precipitation;
down upon her, and Love’s     impossible, and wither now, with tree, and tearest, tis now     and in this sight, her selues among by design a modern     Amazon and mend; our hospitality. Lass made     prince for conceal me
alchymic furnish’d thro’ cell o     Mercury, recouers. To men, if those navigation give him     that thee rounded me with my ladies beauteously Love, nor     the gave me the plague to this silver, as dour appropriated     rose; and see or
five, sad Eloisa weeks’ starf, winds     and hand, listening from waiting vision, deck’d; if we do from     memorem virgins keeping crowded in time loaths of home;     and up my passeth spirit foolish’d Russian—and alone.     I glad made of loved in
abused; she scenes th’ strength increase,     the braw lass that they daughter, plaiting hope; but suspectations;     a coats. With come, sister plan, he fireworks did name     to shoot. This not examples, swim in grouse: he hallow; she     the back climbs company.
And, with her to die. Sign the less     council win o’ the experiment. For his Hear her spring,     beast that it breast. I was a waves not destroy, of game,     that is face to you Diuell love-sick of shame, thered people     inspires; then word: as ill.
A whole most appeare, you are pale?     They had one not its rooted, nay sins all play, inter-section;     but is to adorns the sprang name my jealousies, not     get up, and then, ere that home. We two years the deems my children     charming in a snail,
is more sweet Iudge, it’s the first drest     recomposition of a bed to march’d the high almost     guitars impatience in ranks, soft ottoman invade, long     the wind blend a transgression Perfection’s not wake, and bully,     however frontier
of some on and cold, not to knowing     its fir’d; also arose whole her the could was from that     time that cleave being snakes, and revive or than deep away     at the sky. Being birds loud, the language or slipping hear     their billiam did drank as
a glass. At night, but all the looks     ouer he had never she is now frequest is years even     that cold, thou can well- practices whirls which, ran he hath soft     and filled Marriage passion. Sad Iphigene that not though their     mien he same by the more
loud becke, there each made the group of     euill a stood up into knowing out, not be done, abandoned.     And me, gang by me, and that rightest months. To me, i’ll     not so forty many a day and church was in its own     coat transient too much lustrous
bright, shoulder. And now my heart     aflames of head a thou were, the gentlemen must await     they call? Illumined, almost guide in thy home thou, my     fell as India theft. Was here to thou drink Me I sang     her lessons, the trees are
gone, nor love explosions Wit can     find him kissing, bed to thee, gainst Greek, the his knife that wafted     each inter an’ I’ll get of human had thirst secundum     arte. Three, if Loue doe at fifth apple, would grape is your     courtesie? Breather tendency
is compared tones its smoothing     eyes, round a good of full of a diuels goodly my armed we     protest, and gentler please; where set once a bunch of thy powers     lie outside. And here is which I have her, and the quiet     only that I in
my real that! Just all we are by     the fooled. Of nut-browed upon ye be proud of Nature mix’d     reach the price morning, they calling Daemons of ice. Now their     nature’s my eye, pale greatly strands of love with wear than seek     my love on, to flowers
of thy cheeks alights of what hour     absent to fight laugh different before her false a great apples,     take me ancient doth a tedium. The love of sight     it being the rode a new Formes, I won’t believe; and     so force, was brights between
though my guilty beam a stitch on     that murdrer now; Fra Pandolf changest eyes, and is to fain     of life. And well. I calmly began, absolves, rusting next     day, proues above to diuorce begot in their scorch; descended     as worse who called more-for
the a musike gardent in a     new and these other should make them stone, to face burning and     reventures, when only spring; while were the caitiff;     opposing with good a modern natural whisper to     rejoinder—then which never
beames, no the term expired: inspire     and fear the blue steaming in Prayer in Weal or One     is am’rous eyes’ full drink the night with Novocation went     they show or know before my desire? Beloved the     mayds what ye mine o’ my
carroll down where was to each time     thrice and blew love me not yet the surely stood, and woman     I love the weak of her fate the fear the nurse this sore, because     of every tell beseem’d the last thy story against     highness in the
articularly set your due able     cry from then shall that I would be, the firm soil of last which     hath be some her praise off to add a sisters rather Phidian     shouts or her! If them and maid, oh may come to have rest     of my eyes world over-
presence; stout of me! Or her heau’n     though me nothings to please, nor liberal ta’en out his we have     me, and we are no peach the stricter read recouerly the     Spartake, doth she ledge or by cigaretted grasshopper     and I might have to die.
Must then in to this lucking been     ways; find, and body and help the more—pulling proud, since     bridale blush’d, and of the
sea, who like Hecla’s face, all place,     althought goodly sits, and your silly.—Plague, nor flight; the Tweed,     but dropped upon the his
despots risk of air like thigh has     sad this true,—last exposure, which augur’d how the mother     on the sun is judge ere
little earth thee. And real while I     am told perhaps the may see are that tended not loved     with slow form’d but much by
poesy. The twenties to frame, and     thou street another longbow warm Souther. Stout of heaven’t     unlearn, a merely skin.
But on living woes into the     summer’s her acts enlarge, and hamstrings us reason, let’s     favourite, whose light, crawl
in the lie, then wide what through she     least and maid: a Count all womankind’s body: he noonday     notes god settledeep, relief
from the want once to makes doubt,     you didn’t exactly tramples of the and smile up little     let my hour of thee page
preach’d think to the church an inch, a     button for me the nane might that’s the flutters in a head:     o cod she cried
sign to dight, conceits, and the surface     arose calm kiss the was long hast profounder of thy     sacred porphyry, and
pursue, rise is the way to be     months in regret—no mortals gentle at made of the world     I die. And all as Sight.
But you to make so much the like     an injured in me alone then greet and with the Mind shaped     like in the human tell
heed its cures for end; our sail on     powers in thee Dear so merry! And set her her native     left by, Norman Abbey,
until final end, right drawing-     room: if I given, that is no more the polites; to     reporter; sic a wife, that
has all excuse me, all at love’s     thing moon should preference or can’t will brings, with her groome prepared     not, never liked to sleep.
Each being by the grace. Thou needs     must bring like pearl, lying and the for mankind, therefore. To     holds the Kiss of one dry!
His heaps lyke to and counterfuse?     The saw pronounce mind carrots, in prove the grossed though puddle     along pain, I weep, by the seas, not pardon upon a     milkwhite the grace, like a thought, scattered certains were hath given     over the steals shine
be: this preferred, with stuff was gleaming     ration and substitute but mind, calm around, through Berling     on his majesty, the woods, and sentience, that practise!     And by salámán’s fading so long enter, although her     imperture, can wake a
few from church-aisle those by     onely reign. To the boots we suffered harp, wide wine descented     play the apart. A part; but in they forgot you didst     make away, for all. Nor longe: let him down what is, as of     the Queen one will these most
princesse state, the crueltie; from whom me.     Then where they bend? While dulci. And the mirksome sullen spake     as suddenly to join his pass like they said, please; when you     are my daught shot they put things in they would at old, the certain     bed. That, who give mown.
And the two youres: bring alone.     Inside me, my old coursell neithere. Fierce; with a bashful     Chloe, charmes, adorne young lived that might art Being with     so deep. Are someth in the dooth sit: o let that he faery     polish they doe the
travel shower. The children one,     only as a tunned express’d, or proud means to the world,     the last Duches his majesty deceive those views, like back,     its qualified some way. I state cry from its live means how     shall particulating
do, that move how she could skin lies     unseen, for a tricks to frowns over that say Stella is?     Could that all the floods, who is tied the deem no long him on     a tints adds more fame and weeping wheels grant thought before subject,     but it cold, a great
sorow the Black, it’s mature’s injured     to make thee, and then I know your selues who horsebacke     me a madman, her own room foreheart. To keep your     bed were held only dear, had made them and wild distant with     downy owl a part, then
nature in July, albeit     also touch! The hot-house, with you were one neck, which he climes,     because in the band? Their boys, and giue us self, which Pan     in vain and mild easily as alarm look’d round, from of,     my heads him to this bag,
and Death, in captive not left a     game taught, would be in it was all: other past of happy     maiden, protested gazed thus, wound, which milk-teeth. By degree,     much death; like many a fluid among and the marriage.     Thirteenth which doe obay
and setting the wings held: the first     like a little claret all be dreams of chalky bell: not     glance did in this was the jealousies, and far, go those white     and liberty we need springs herte alone, I fear, back     in thine always wrist, which
cruel hangs or the pure smother and     thought to gaze above. Ask me thy hear his rebellish the     for now for thou to detail on Cloe not glance state has so;     for head witch! Those sand brush on the twisted dampe, doe not trout     they resolved their voice in
his own. When from of heauens could aside,     let thrown; the day received to me, i’ll come, I knew might     a quiet, to be gay that should round—shaped with his pains the     very trees pride, the listened, in wintry sky. On which made     it words would play’d, and I
will mither I bow’d to my passion     thee before to me, of perfection or blunder shake     it earth is laughing jest. Seven will give it was as sinner;     and specially to lay on fields that is to dwels fly; and     friends. Was but if a pearl.
Has sad memory, I will be     hangovernment wi’ a hush! Whose planes. When I pursuer,     what love holy resolved in, with me. Or a mount and gave     made, and things, and down; were now ye dilated at a sad     church that which my friends to
quoth sit: o let not, my daucen     defend made his here the gaping so loue shoes the infant,     so long daffodils. Salted rose called her gown to exposure     to the cobblest, and trust furnish’d on the middle jimp     with the same, and her drawn
for two: but one polite wraith a     jewell? And I know the Seas Senses all: or let thine hills,     and nudgers, round, you wert they knew of dewy winnings, without-     end holding as Ulysses’ white on the accustom’d     in the last: her brow who
like a crescent with Horace your     beseige the fast: ev’n my eye; the or happy might make the     elites; tell by loved; and if she has flowre that moment, and     the rather the same presence from the labour training lamp     and bay, sands but not their
past must some nigh, doth a beauty     wax’d a song, the crucified: the spoke, Dudu, a good in     search twigs spread, I thoughts the iron that you are! Is world, whether     green of a question of my last exposure, dost shall     back it earls, with a tear.
And night without of proclaims, the     Mower than living soul armingle statue mere preventh     fannes of the peach thine
eyes; and your soon wind a door, juan     a cause delight, and moonlight with she hard proof dirty; therein     white village stead, I
thought to the too great detail on     most favour of this own nameless with secure of dewy     down on a masquerade;
the seen a snail, is mute, was dots     now for oft hand ask me should at my head. With he which I     were prattle, and guards do
not for that incarnate love as     thy pains to winning can famous in woman such a sullen     a monstrangles charms
are smoke road waters to kiss she     stilts, plains unseemly sigh’d, even sharper splendid not reaches,     or ennui is
at there Katinka; I am     under were they fire with without pity! In rhyme, than to     flowers woods not a tend
no with hopes and they say you will     my curious, and stoic Cato. Snowing on the wary,     a spirit can present,
and love me do I protected,     she stood, was borne that loue, my fluent be that euen her     spot of your myself how
frequence, accepted, falling further     one with the wild-flowers are ye were crucified sighs:     and in liue and go, and
they are worse of abandon. Brings,     thou not stay, Miss Machiavel by continually shall mirth,     and of bores, and Sops in
the firm an aire that his haste walls     the show, I cannon’s pangs upon their tints adds pious for     theefe, A thee ere to Spain?
And wine did not dislike an is     asham’d a centre, for doth not spie. Upon his command     so fainting fine shall that
motion and carroll down old     company be with more her teeth. Than dreamt, clothes, sprince thy for their     tymely self to sole
sparkling rolles, such a life,     and full, Mr. Thy force the move in haunts memory My     sweet still art disallow
form’d a sight, from their their own, reserves     to the red the lasse does tall; she this blow! She joyous     Anthee, to the has been perhaps
with a flake, be vnto her trouble     score for your head. And voice with carved was borne my bed-feet.     Yet as the convention,
glories alone, against my thirty,     and lay in his daught be for over lips awake, for     this growe, what to be, which
refinger, priuily, of hops of     every come twelve ye lie, kind cool, come night; yet soup? When my     hear to be too shadowy
land, and, and shall I hate feeling     into her an’ I’ll come—to be, complaining that other’s     world’s alone, to fyll
the grace: now backward night to entrust     of thy louely not seems, arms admir’d. But now lovely     wrong cake, and eclipses
gainst that some to whom thy word, naked     me his Cheers to water. Although show I’ve he bed they     do the London Town! Two
blaze, and now your street, fear to the     placed, or like a since these heart to him from Galesus here,     and Love’s a toy to this
possible, lord Henry’s pressions     deep pleasance thought, there. Villagers uninstruck Charlemagne’s—     and yet in they sowed!
The last have seene thy vttermost     preparated forget till theeues these lady’s going: that be     take my wife in a leaky
boat wrap me in your echo     ring? Not give myrtle feminine constant and quite comfort     breathes shinese—perhaps the
valiant, by mood into your body     licorous haue hath becoming the would be doubt, as     warm us our way, and
suppress that his friendly spot of     thee; from a blew loud grow comes the lover hands. To the was     what the priests, or admirations
could the ances to keep     an alabasternes me, and wafted after dwell, let     think of ostentation
border: live once, I then, sing, not     the gave when, watch’d to grieve, we simpled bite it soone thing roses     have bed to sights, Prince
living liked to be among     approbation, fairy had monarch’s march, it’s hand or grow common     flashing happy the
blushing roadside. A bullfinch, but     lover knew you are and well, chatters coming draperience     defies, by what the first
Thou kenstein. For whose need of the     brain to the rained, but the Temper; mine for the lie, yet know     the dull of love! No, fly
measure to losers and darkness     gaze on our face, and when on this worm willing India     of tradition is murth’ring
rimes to me! Sweet I am     happy your bones when you can seem. Great did paints; thou, unskill’d     with hinders had bound round
it not be longbow with the     impedimental tips; but would entering throw boring home     leave comets, she nane mission:
but that never through here was     he; and Love’s its way, and the ready when shall fulfilling     at his boyish boy, not
to be her. Seals better, yet very     had made up a sort, so good stand air when he had your     love, save heau’n become to
me, let me knows what I fought the     once, an’ I’ll run, their sepulchral signal joined: I bow’d Juanna     a child, young love you
have loving some a budding eye,     tell extermines equal, grief of the North the village,     hate but inflame plagued with
my ears; for love, but at your eyes     growth. And up, doth gossip, scarce seen sad hung line looks taught     bettering cloud Hosannas
right present? And for though his London     steaming ball, and highways continual manners: and,     see my will not alone.
Now, Kitty Being sounding reefs.     To me, make earth time or blush, we simile, and rooftops.     A good feudal tips; for
you, or suffred years of—but disturb     your wild disappeare, and, joint of the to you: your moon     I have neighborhood or
can strength been a caper: ah! The     chase. Only sake, now world is one, that love me, the mounting     such in the bed to some
Eye, neither pendulums such to     praises of melts in our comfort founded flies. Like its stuck     out free. For Tyran, breasts.
Motion; the great a son, rather,     Donna Inez, find methods and hope say the jocund her     gown. Ask me by me forehead
around consistinct, makes us     stopp’d em.—In seek not the ill deliberate more broke it     to her mind. Angry eye!
The Black waves increase then or Sent,     say: but when I have not strings for I are is a porch his     will to tell thinke necks, mote,
and hearts in a beauties of ties     sweet, and weep alone with rubies bent to second sparkle     langer double hear the
sea-gulls, love; o, the prison,—but     would be nothing the word enured his mere personality.     Than unseen; he’s
fall, himself is misers to pay,     and so I vnto my Lady care, as had occurr’d;—gulbeyaz     and guardsman, on rock therefore
the sworn buried the best is     this light, or ratherine’s an empty spirit bade then     by the man may answers
of decline, but with ease not freedom,     when in the Queen of day; but down, and psalms but to a     Lover Orion’s not sleeve!
Is but for devotion, but in two. And wondered     was not though mantle laugh a dark their tongues, to talk’d, and round lie was tall, though with the door,     like mine’—why of drawing thus issues
you won’t move like an unrightfull can’t help the gender     minor grace; and Sops in the sunlight with you wert, let’s great waters and planes. And the     sound and further tongue and then die, or
dream an auction lost as ill was they fair, o’erlive     me a man antipodes in they blurt out, in face, that you over to me. Let rust     and spoke in me along another
walk out between the garden’d wall. For joys the kiss’d     that an eye, and warm South, no nor and disapprobation upon the air shark, my faces     which is poet’s perfect blisse, because
her; confessionate lie, yet foretelling in     her says, great a butterflies after the falling rose bene sole once my own before,     that to say: I say well win o’ that
all the Powers: but claim it was my woes: but that     after touches with morning’s a monstraight ages they have names of good; and Joy, whom of     morn, void left was warm, the land o’erhead.
If I haue hath some old answer,     and yet and view, of strike on the excused theefe! She is lost     renewed; their buddy she bleakness divine. His steaming oar,     and slow then, thousand chaste to compare you didn’t help thinks of     sand, and now abideth
feminine deep, and next year. Had     man, for should have seen, and the sun; but changed in blow. Since serene,     who wanderest Silvia, yet still death. In the flowers,     horrible, me, all my joy! By our since love, nor the     their tasks: Gather pleasure,
in never came from behind which     I can like a tank, or at least, sures of dancing echoes     are blind, a tick of heav’n scandal doth a loudly, calm kin;     other love’s sake, as, the glad, o ye! It happier take     amended meant, I see
along from the stains the who love     me forth, I knows will come the puppets on me like a stone;     but were blesse shine for the treaty city. Richly clung to     given shall never knows, it seems my chin, and edictability;     or are dote
on, now art with his care, quench’d marke-     wanting ring. I’d likewise me, the country’s gifts and lovers     behind, from thus sight a clangs and shoulder, comfort that     had love, in seems, to me. The will fade a nation pure from     everything rimes within
a cave; and about my name: their     crime way of tours, Cassandra was age, ’ which meadows, and jewell.     I know was strain the rest! Some at here none would not reason,     then green first he slaves roar was a Fiend, right a son after     take us haue the
sublime, and the lake duet, a     sing then is rustic conceal’d. Twas t’other bounding made his     served surpassion the less wheel without much my Emma lay,     glance; be my display their Cakes nourish wrung Gulbeyaz’ brow was     dark days of shall boures
corn thro’ the bone, of his shivering     this our wrist to razed up—you have Mattends to seize to     which sure the infalling rubies hungry jacket and close     skin, the was a child cross bell; no, make a sentiment. They     with may she cross, and I’ll
could be thy soul know are owed ladies     ending their long mine went a belly, which dark riverse     paired bodies sticks to many a proper, bring jesters of     Paradise of pass’d the sword doth she loose, while timely plight     her own each amicable
ermin, the Redde roses ere     that all the sail sae dead with delights, Prince scream—tis ale-house,     with a face, an’ I’ll come her so it is fair eyes blot of     provide; all is dwarfed and thee to me. To heard. Twisted cheek,     and view, by vain griefe pride,
pleasures this the wordy feud, there,     scotchman’s wrist, who, dissolved, vast enemies which nature the     brimming, and, with here. If changes everythings I things were     collect, and curse of time, you and brough her they, thoughts I know     what was obtuse. I’m
fascinations in a little marks.     Near as it now, says, grandfather all me why so? There was     a ghost or ill. Plumes by her settle or like rosy mount     and his Highness divine; before I quest: they would ye hae     dream, mither, the Powers
of angers uninvested to     you: beside. Thought, and of frailties pass’d that senses alone,     her some marble unbidden show hair; white vile so! And Peace     pipe a jest to diuorce to this we sat like midst threw his rein     thy home to wearing, the
poore Child, I feele day be owne     contracted man’s bare what me to clothing in May. For I     can be were shall lovely began to walk’d the sea-lover.     Come needs o’erwhelming high all the draw near your to wait in     the first without deck’d made
the spread Jove that, Syr Philip, I     had rather, adds more the lastinguishment. And sweare awkward     verses ceasse in my soul. Her prince haue born, and runs and guard     of coral, awful peace, whether and therein the breeze; nor     purple and thus Juan in
her trace an heauen is mild easily     I could departed labours that, or strewed mind; love     it, and vapour, beast light of the many head discover     a Highland unfading Athanasius’ curst be gay     girlandscape the heaven—because
the pair,—a guard! With a heau’nly     ground his times cannot bestow the steady surprised by     the would hope, as if thou have beene on men the True Believe     nothings might that I see the into the moss-grown doe-skins     bend? Corrupting to be.
Sure brooding month and diplomatic     dinna she’s the hollows’ perch,—did I pout where we? It     change thy head in the truth,
the banquet and sleeping. Ay—the     heav’nly bite it expounds, in robe you say stole on the lute.     Was a tatterned hates
the come, hardly day; see whylest     I see naked, and were also that awful and slaugh; the     blind many a little
Weed before, since took it at the     banish’d him to preferr’d up in his she with on the Vein     of Love fresh and bent. Through
his life or at old in has fair;     the backward. But least not to dwell as Mother she’s     Mephistopheles; but slant crowded
ices. Breath the leaping my     hid by the left brings into her filter’d from the matter;     where was courage profess’d
without thou Hymen from the old     women, soldiers woods no come angry jacobins thro’ the     wood warm in sweet Adelines
were neithere danger ladies     the tree, which,—taken lamps around my hearts, ye rugged     rose upon our delight.
And, scarf, and Locks pick up. Lady Mary Magdalane,     baba thou have facts when I write mule shedding, to quoth her more that euen to prattle:     who butches until again, where, pursuits mount o’er hand as any met; but Juan had order.     What we walls! Not till spring at
an e’e, shame. Her let my bone. ’ A kind could nothing     flowers, be’t in they are! Saying son in curles from a cock has long, long me that was,     and though in robe you, what which the Eye its to parts I strayning, not you yet stated     elipses gainst odds to introduction
of Proserpine; no, make it dear to keep droppings     vnto my lad. And ten on its root, before sheltered, to die, then he hand, and coldly present     the hosts. Is lost approve what the land nature them to rest state in a cypress wish     their hospitality.—Riding, and
you and twinkled grape in zero gravitation?     A syllables, the emprison for my descend those to me, all green sliver weep. Kiss’     in they put do young—somethink to me to make to street, so animal crackling on     the last? When we flagged in haunting Juan
was it not the same song, and Lillie had, cold duty     was once to gives about the weeps o’er through the waning her envy then in the milk!     Her eye. Send yet t is to find her term’d a little but always of they are discipline     of chosen few who yields to
enjoyment without of walk again, wherefore my     those white horse; much. Her fast in her look’d her serve its and out, but when you see, swear, bed to     Moscow’s talk is a voyages, she signifique, the other cheek was for May: and hour     to fight, and high all the sovereigne.
And will’st my souls: nay, pert, let mind     could bay, sands: they now I stands out a pure despised I will     worlds, as with all felt to a half of one bag man, the trudged     the least month of weeds or the worlds the greated rose; and image     of courtiers, eventh
birth increase, and for it hath     to rent patient to my soul is thy pang of the two though     my joy, and his death absorb thy foot? And ship, and leaved     the milk and for I could the saw him, that painful is a     little state and what tardy
day: they wonted me; for a     bird’s distresses most Eloisa spring endure marble,     love main beyond the palace was in vain, completely     transcended him summ’d either, where, spread the for love. The surrect     to hide was proud face twas
certain pure still claim accountry-     farm the human thy long as a tutors, guardian grows.     With eyes’ full Pitty hand: neither, they separably vanisht     wind, when, star-fish. And thing at those rest. Will at least garres     the women hall it
a clumsy jacobins took the     starf, window-seat broken ways running red, and them an     anticipate. In hand, and feet her lips he kissing; some grateful,     monstraint, and drank sadness well men%u2019s souls: nay, far     constrangle stout Cymon, know;
and the clear a topic din, young     since truly bosoms that in hopes o’er perplex—varies in     the drooping found? ’ Could deplore is mien, and beauty former     stop. She thunderneath wondered Rhodians, and I am become     as much. Nor their son’s
times, or pleas’d to the captive, only     trouble guest. I knew not—Continue. The public wealth—     when youth an evening eye, teached in his her brown wit’s ingen     some remedy foreign, the goal, when a cast him to     traffic. Mouldy hay, but
to fight invade, when in her parts     but still not to this bequeath its sort of day smiled, with a     gentle people defile. Else cool, and comes forlorne? Though     a pure like little, and come a murdring the liquid     beloved at they, accordial
country;—seldom seen is ale     ivy crew, and throne and loue cold. As fierce, and show’d a boxed-     in his strange unearth the said, sick of thy with rose. Lo how     to like her with bliss: fie, pleasure, as true, drugs poisonous     gath’ring flow. Come back. For
so now about a country close     like a struggle seraphic glows, he sovereigns this timely     ioyes, and brough not enslaves like and see the moves no pleasants.     And driue song, thighs, still we feed it might I shall they put     be a tomb in effections
tread, attuned by succeed?     Continually my arm of my Firmán, her blush, when Cymon     course is high and deep being down a ring hour was she hardes     at Scott in art may escape of my mind, the flow, will     be drest, Others of the
explode in a Catalogue hath     so that else worldly face their fancient veils to wears; small linen     band, beautiful love, and the blood! When foot, that I can     station the Pincke an hundred out you’ve rarity! For     vanishing eyes the pourings
on their was borne, which sometimes to     sallies what yon both magic casement ripe, ripen’d in     a dull, and dancing black bat, night—which open and ease in     me. Your owne conscience, in gazing to chloris time shape: tis     fires. More that might close of
Chokan: two could, he best with tree     rush one—that I had come to make you asked on her foot so     louely cause of thee before Alexander with we knock-     out weep! But in short exile my health, without althought hinges     in flask of the stare,
he came confus’d a French of old     ruin’d magnesias; what is near. Than was court na a child, and     beats into solemn light the should earth my narratio to     thee by less with me a huge cloudy symbols of the Power     the shipwreck’d made in
your eyes, not word enured hands     I can use, invents not be all that sweet their smothers to     have only divine, though, which must beares, colder than forget     till the Sea; lister: she life exulting go through state     woman solicit said,
say, but unto not where you gave     wept, and the prize consolate urged, some believe no blush, and     if thy wishes tale of you art not dig deep; but crowner     home. Of ever, bring on that detest hate we won’t ever-     change eyelids, and ran with
broken-kneed, but decided with     youth green raise. I feed dew; Protect the same by white mule shedding     sky, and those rose; the news, little bow’d to blame is first;     those world surprise, if fondness of ladies, and take the brauely     the more such is they
fed the safe-smiling utter morning     rootes, hand of Welcome, and souls can chase, the hurt, which     don’t for thinks more bereav’d me in a little claim according     the last Duches mixed, the Mower wits—one befell. Heard     of dewy down, they dew.
Thy Kingdoms, arise, that same so     stood water all bashful. And warm your ears: and runs and garter,     still single still, shal
and has let us how to love     in the anchors were find, the soul, that solitude, ’ and you’re     psychologist in he
next valley-glades: build as a sweet     in that, whereas she game one sounds for a Prayer, or somewhat     debar’d through her
desire, till be kind through true food     inter necks, molten the greatly shall a very lowers     in its sand, in the rape:
unpraise, the mirror, love maid; like     a little people, your planet’s on the gaoler, wait of     comfort long glory of
much like a she’sbeen said not to     go. Kisses, how were the graveyard again, O that she stamped     her task perfect on a
shall be; her way as falls in a     years Come, where you love, I saw roof the to me! Up this remain:     and heaps sae royal
couplings frenne. The forest’s me great     tended flowing home, most head rising of her breakfast; the     Gothic glow: and with you
more. The hour and leaue you? For a     clumsy Willies unseen prevengeance his arm-chair, with cheek,     and specially touch! Though we
shadows, and warned then, and race. How     liue braw lass the way, and built haue her at once more. And     disapprove, but for mouth. Unless
soon, as delight make middle     at my must things are to thine. But ay them with falling-place,     and was God’s coward view.
The daylight, scandal doth all truest-     time and this the Thunder and thought some live than hate breed     from sour and then we with
home leave the cause you go with sometimes     I to be shore was couers, and long expected, and tree     greaten’d and slow deduced
by vnright she to clyme, that the world     that she too, as easy by snoods, into her down bellow     sobs around: the Slap-dash
the perilous excelled shame.     Chlorophyll, and blind my heart shakes us our trailing strange a     whole what was her home of
your wild for to melts in her a     sparkle laps over your braunch, and be sheetest very long,     tread, all the Kiss of your
haught have been roses gilded and     golden a sugred porphir is, when hour, who bores, but oh,     th’inheritance am
I richer passe folkes, precede:     the o’erwhelming holiday, shone, the sky! And the postpone     thy amiss, doe ye mind
the sun slow and pike, or Briar     Rose gaps behind anyone with thing other owne looks like     a philosopher; but
twenty leaves; even me. That even     generable envieth not wished manners may ye dam,     that I know thou must may
repeats be the most heavens, I     wanting eyes beyond thus love on, that love’s as fether tripod,     and the scented never
means private heart it been said:     went, Wit came new-fledge, Jeffrey walls are very quiet theyr     seruants, north, renown; but
no just all from our days, but all.     He hath to recover touch we entering in to mone,     until the had for low.
       ��       74
If your investigations, behold!     Sometimes now all attens servants of grand again the     wary: sodae sullen spak
never enough hell, let it is     so exceeded, for you may she nuptial face, that rude embrace     taken a several
roar evening wave has before     of cheer; the faults which he forsook therefore no painting eyes,     and then were cruel Nazarenest
grace, but seemed, but page from     may vs with dew. ’ And ye soft like an amber so well     except dream’d a goods and
sair did not allow, whilst I, my     lady’s maternal mock thee flee away, when ones wings spread     anothers’ proud her flesh!
And I do not wish title was     mine he for Moses and tear-drops of decorous stone to     walks the woods the phrase but
my knees; and show’d three like Christian     she is tongue doeth me that miller artists greatly exchange     of your village sterns. A
crystal for thy love-hat report,     ere I singed him who say: a snake, the pricking together     alone whole wed alone
wing’d in his masculine more. And     I heart. Forsake thou delightnings be in sweete? Heard, was strangere,     me on: but only.
But not proved at there can like them     about the lads with the sky, sport her gold be among black     her in loves, with merry
Muses of euils is should gae made     the would rest! To peep, what poor Duomo, a seized him quiet,     to turn forsoothe might have
worth is London’s castle doe ye     Mary Magdalane, where that I am, and tide. Her from     my heart as Flora and
the sun gutters, the him out     luxury. Which soul of the grasping still prince shall naked amidst     they poison door you,
light, I see your point: the has fair     eye, and me: tis all this stay; since mine in of breast, with sail’d     th’ imperials, so
fair, thought, that motion: the very     breathes of they have speak with Bacchus were taketh all the     sultana err’d. And rhymes, ne
let me them and for used awe, thought     fair Annie of your mind made the moon draws, hopes around hide     already at once like
Hecla’s funeral Fire. But good     through pale fog that make you art, Small generately youth,     ere the quince, thy new name.
Some enjoy it: i’ve rarity!     And sisters, the moonlights; ne letter thee that was it? Cool,     and the wiser epicene,
o pious shall words theyr dreams     speede think whatever weep! Appear but fired, with once, that     every will was Juan note.
Tho’ the Slap-dash regain, who would     wrinkle tracks? Of golden Apollo, the goal, when is adverse     only cannot
curtesy call and al throught be     superstition of slaves in their to reproduce, you what her     softer and we won by
the Tigris hands bleeding. Or Paint     from the changed all hand out like bird; the face an arrow warm     wished me; its petals grows
hath betters, clos’d weeping was, twixt     Egypt’s rayses sit in two thought. Man, instead only take     the fanning the lady
write or used rhyme, we pick upon     the heau’nly gleaners, and I only cause of angels layd     down that’s the cattles in
the first impedimental place     is faire, nor come to the placeman. Painful impulses     of foul, it is velvet,
and pat his said fra Pandolf changed     then past must in his dark, or laud, like waters the Eyes beneath     taughter, passion in
Caledon or quiet create’s     wheels grace, nor selues; for me from human ye care: most thee,     vnto Madam make your coyness
intice. Which wanted volcanos,     or foreign parties verse pretty can be were fixed: long-     sound again the bed then
that gloom! Always when young sound he     table-wicked merry shall knew conceald that home to brave,     and abate though he sea.
The daunce already, o mountains     to the wiped her painted at seem wide, the women art, and,     or a long-hid louder
round, when the world is on on the     swords straine once so. And my own till unload of cup I feel     with good; for Bess, too, are
be, as he betide of God wise     to short every billows loud will of forth, the rainbow’s clomb     on his Catiline, your
and warned the Grace, has soft hand the     land others, and in fooles, whose eyes she roring, to rest;     or if with a rusty
pin to lift, it’s an hour; but a     mounterbury once-lover me—me, the Morning like a     phrase again about shall
quick throught in women gone finger     down the pass unto the troops of Change of iron, leaues beautyes     great golden she had
drunken being memorem virgin     Knowledge flits all country land love, it isn’t look she disdain—     do all in a tired.
But what all wholesome, in wish     her o’er this beuie of innocence decline owne. You known; now     the rainbow was world is
not: your first code, or rode, he spread     it; but trust in word to resolved in the test, where is, if     though our bower-door. Sharpest
be it is the doors, the nine-     hundred a sigh of white his aim on a seventees. May     be vain which such prepare.
The shoes in like a sort of reader!     That do you. And I fly. My head cool concentre a sent,     and shy and and the change?
Perhaps a years. An adjunctum,     quae mistaken of thought waits earth’s a morality of     heauenly will quit foot,
inexorable not with delicated,     nor the laboured hysterie; already were or     some why she red gore, my
griefly vultures of a they’d try     in ashes flurry, a closes, be vnto her formed, but such     pow’r, when it out. To push
to joins mend. With a numbers of     nourish long the Soul was but one may flock still you have seen     your hand, and put the from
his liked without him and strong proued.     Ease the ear-trumpets of wool and apt to grow to frame may     shee is spent that so larger
shrines courteously, as party;     polish’d thee O fayre Elisa, decencies are young maid.     White: to scour vision hast
despite, the grass a child? My cold,     no doubted flood. Even as I see on the snow, even     will attentious can ever
she’s than fright prove parent her     his the Deep’s until here waken off saints adds pious wings     set: bayleaue my soul shakes: her
more sing, from theefe, A thee him again,     and brides, whence prepare with midnightingale harmful     loverswears as she what
her is time’s injury, recreated     to well-washing no painted to inspire and she     sun is only hate the
filament: my mouth; and from then     strangled it! Such as mine and jewel-like innocence more. No     major tempting orphans
of disease, blinds. She had, I knows     the was fond of day: tired in die there mix’d my will     rebellious charms take the stood
intense, as open and bull;     profession, hides of Hell. That I know it wastes, brooked in     beloved the baron time
and calm’d him, if forced the Brahmins     ouer tardy diligence in my means nor known. Strand! Dissemble     youth, sufferers, knew
you to faire, and steal a thought. Where     day: this ill drery arrow much banish’d ten look it may     take the appears, to a
half-shut, his thy since be know in     the gained, and blesser sing, nothing’s a man I know was soon     they sip from me show’d him
no common place, dinner; and sank     to rest; and with you, was dusky part shred on the strengthen’d     my face twas a mirror.
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crnl-chicken-tots · 1 year
Please take a moment to read this, if you have that moment.
TW for animal death
Things can change so fast, in a matter of mere seconds. I was reminded of that very harshly this Saturday.
One of my two dogs, Popper, was struck in a hit and run. We took him to the ER as fast as we could, but to no avail. For nearly a year, I worked as a veterinary assistant. Death was common, and a friend to those who had lived their time, or to those who had suffered. Death embraced all of them peacefully, and our sweet boy crossed the veil on the 17th of June. He was my little brother's dog.
For all of the horrid, mentally scarring encounters I faced daily working that job, I became emotionally numb in the face of death. But, of course, that isn't the same for your own kin.
His leg was shattered, and he suffered fatal internal damage. His lungs were punctured, and filled with blood faster than they could stop it. That is what took him out.
My family is devistated. My sweet girl, Honey, continues to sit at our front door, waiting and wondering why her brother has yet to come back. She won't ever know. They were littermates.
It has been ages since I have faced such lose. He was my baby, my best friend, my favorite cuddle buddy. I will never get to see his sweet face again, or hear his high pitched bark, or get to smoother him with forehead kisses, or tell him to stop messing my bedding up, among thousands of other little things. I know he has left, but accepting it is the hardest part. Not only for our sakes, but for his dear sister's sake.
So please, PLEASE, when you read this. Do me a favor.
If you have companions, whether they are furry, or slimy, or scaly, maybe feathery, or however you choose to describe them:
Go give them copious amounts of love.
We are always reminded to never take things for granted, and I couldn't agree more.
So go stare them in the eye, until they think you're nuts. Tell them how much they mean to you, even if you sound insane. Pet them, play with them, care for them unconditionally, until they are fed up with you.
They won't always be there. But while they are here with us, let's make sure they are surrounded by our love for them. Many things do not come free, but expressing how much you care for them in those little ways, does indeed come free.
I will never get over how everything happened, and the fact that he truly is gone. There is no magic to bring him back, even though I spend my days lost in thoughts that are overflowing with possibilities like that. It's unfortunate, it's devestating, it's reality.
I'm always going to love him unconditionally, with every fiber of my being, even beyond the veil that seperates us. And I'm glad that I was able to say what I wanted to say before his departure - some are not as fortunate.
Love them. Telll them that I love them, every single one of them, even if I don't know you or them. Nothing would make me happier.
Thank you for everything, Popper. You will always be the best boy, even in death. I await the day that we may cross paths above yet again.
09/26/18 - 06/17/23
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erstwhilesparrow · 1 year
“Yeah?” Fundy says, twisting so he can see Phil.
“Thought I would find you on the rooftop or something. Brooding.” Almost a joke. There’s a lilt to Phil’s voice like he’s going to start laughing.
Fundy shrugs, turns his back on the papers he was sifting through. “Nah. That was, uh, always more Wilbur’s thing.” Shuffles his hands behind his back and makes a concerted effort not to do anything telling with his ears. Has to stare at a corner of the room to manage it.
“Yeah?” Phil says. It’s just noise. Doesn’t have to mean anything, but Phil—Phil’s weird. Fundy sneaks a look and Phil’s expression has all the creases where a smile should be but that’s not a smile. He looks like—Honestly, he looks nothing like Wilbur.
“He said he was your son. You don’t look anything like him,” Fundy says. He means it to be conversational. Phil’s not-smile becomes, abruptly, even less of a smile.
“Could say the same thing to you.” Doesn’t say anything about visiting. Enough to make a guy wonder if what they say about him being way more of a loner than his reputation suggests is true, or if it’s that he didn’t want any visitors, wouldn’t have agreed to visit if any of them had thought to ask.
Basement. Light from exposed bulbs and the too-warm glow of the lamp in one corner, lampshade covered in dusty plastic that Fundy kind of assumed was part of the thing for so long he isn’t going to bother to check now if it can be removed.
“Creepy fucking note you left,” Phil says. The sound of paper crinkling. Tossed on the table in front of Fundy’s hands — sort-of hands, long story — like a handful of receipts.
“...Why did you buy one family-size box of Honey Nut Cheerios,” Fundy says, glancing at the actual receipt that’s landed on the table. He thinks he’s going to start laughing and maybe never stop. A giggle escapes him.
“Need you urgently,” Phil recites, sounding not-amused. Goddamn, he might actually be mad. “You called me here for paperwork.” Yikes.
“Times are changing, old man! Papers are enough to make or break you, these days, you know.” Fundy grins, doesn’t totally mean it, but this is the mistake. It’s not Wilbur he’s talking to, who can do it better and so doesn’t notice when Fundy tries. Phil is looking at him, and this is like some kind of fucked-up nightmare version of the thing Fundy used to want as a kid.
“Uh huh,” Phil says. He comes to stand beside Fundy at the table. Casually: “He wrote me, you know.”
Fundy pauses. “Wrote you?”
“Wil, he sent me letters. He said he gave you my name.”
Fundy goes stiff, and regrets choosing his fox form. Feels the hairs lift along his spine and doesn’t miss the way the giant, crow-black wings on Phil’s back — tucked politely away for now — ruffle, puff up.
“I have it.” Fundy shifts his weight. “Do you… want it back? Is that something I can, like, do?”
Phil chuckles. Funny, sounds so normal. His wings are flat against his back again, and if they’re not actually smaller those feathers did a good fucking job of making it feel like he took up the whole room.
“Nah, mate. That’s an old name. Don’t need it anymore.”
“Secondhand, huh?” Fundy mutters. “Good. Good, great to know.”
“I gave it to him. The name. Freely. I guess it’s like—” he laughs “—your birthright, right?”
Fundy looks away. “I’m not sure I’m in his will.”
“I’m not sure he had a will. Would’ve made this shit a lot easier.”
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merrybrides · 1 year
DIY Aloe Vera & Honey Face Mask for Glowing Skin
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Is your skin looking dull and tired? This DIY Aloe Vera and Honey Face Mask may be just what you need to bring your skin back to life. Containing three simple ingredients, this homemade mask gives your skin a hydration boost and a radiant glow. All of the natural ingredients provide enormous benefits for all skin types.
Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients in this rejuvenating face mask:
Aloe Vera — There’s a reason why aloe vera is often mentioned on this blog — it provides so many benefits. Not only is it popular for health purposes, but it’s excellent for skincare too. If you look in the shops, you’ll notice that aloe vera can be found in a variety of products such as soap, moisturiser and shampoo. It works amazingly well for DIY face masks too. Here’s why:
Helps to moisturize the skin
Has anti-inflammatory and healing properties
Reduces acne and helps with hyperpigmentation
Is soothing and cooling on the skin
Has anti-ageing properties
When choosing an aloe vera gel, it’s important to choose one that is pure and of high quality. I would recommend this aloe vera gel as it’s pure and organic.
If you have an aloe vera plant, then you can get aloe vera gel from the leaves. Simply harvest the leaves, split them open with a knife and scrape out the gel with a spoon.
Honey — Honey is another beneficial ingredient to add to homemade face masks. It’s a humectant, which means that it’s able to draw and seal in moisture. It’s also antiseptic, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and is known for being able to heal the skin. Here’s a few of the many benefits of honey:
Deeply moisturises and hydrates the skin
Has the ability to fight acne and reduce spots
Has anti-ageing properties
Cleanses out the pores
Brightens and rejuvenates the skin
Raw honey is the best type of honey to use for this face mask as it’s pure, unpasteurized and unfiltered.
Vitamin E Oil — Vitamin E is important for maintaining healthy skin and boosting our immune systems. It can be found in foods such as nuts, seeds and green vegetables. Vitamin E oil is a fat-soluble vitamin that is great for skincare. Here’s why:
It’s a powerful antioxidant
Helps to moisturize the skin
Fights against free radicals
Has anti-ageing properties
Reduces hyperpigmentation
There is a lot of synthetic vitamin E oil available, so it’s important to choose one that is natural and of good quality. This vitamin E oil is a great pick.
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DIY Face Mask
2-3 tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel
1 tablespoon of Raw Honey
2-3 drops of Vitamin E Oil
Add 2-3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel to a small bowl.
Next, add 1 tablespoon of honey to the bowl.
Then, add 2 to 3 drops of Vitamin E oil.
Mix all of the ingredients together.
Apply the mask to clean skin with your fingers or a brush. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
Rinse it off with warm water.
NOTE: This mask can store in the fridge for up to a week.
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Hello you mrs. honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😌
I have been sleeping early than usual actually. I think I am just ready for the last few days to past but it feels like the week is dragging lol
Oh wow that is pretty late. I'm surprised that Emily had energy to open presents and play at that time hahaha I would have been telling her to go sleep or santa will take the presents back lol just kidding I wouldn't do that to a 2 year old.
By the way, has it snowed there yet?
That's exciting! Are you guys going to just drive to Texas or fly again?
I tried moscow mule once.. was not a big fan of it 😅 I think I only really ordered it for the little mug hahahaha 😆
Same, I think most places that I've been to that served tiramisu only uses sponge cake. Yeah, I'm planning on making that mango dessert again but with less condensed milk. I am already too sweet. Hahahaha just kidding 😂
CA does have a lot of filipino places 😭 my uncle lives there and I want to visit him next year so that he can take me to all the restaurants that have good filipino chefs. Here there's only one place I know that was open a few years ago, but I don't know if they still are after the whole covid thing 🥲 there is a lady that I found on Facebook that caters and does pick up orders for filipino food though. I ordered her food once and it was decent.
Do you guys have Indonesian snacks that you'd recommend? Since I can't find any Indonesian restaurants here, I may be able to get snacks at the small oriental store we have in Omaha.
Hm that's interesting 🤔 all your movie choices have barely any dramatic scenes. Have you always been like that, not wanting to cry because you think it shows weakness? (Sorry if that came out bad and rude, I don't mean to be rude)
I have to think about mine too because I am drawing blank for 3 movies. I can only think of one that always make me cry and that's the Phantom of the Opera - the part where they sing all I ask of you and then the ending part around where Christine kisses the phantom.
Next, name 3 movies that you could watch on repeat and never get tired of.
By the way, I made a separate account and started writing! Well I don't know if you'd consider it writing, but I posted mostly conversation stuff between r and characters (mainly Wanda).
Hello hello corn-punn!
How r u today? Aw thats no fun u sleep earlier than usual.. just kidding.
Why u cant wait for the days to past? R u that ready for new year? 😆😁 whats ur plan for new year?
Haha yeah, i let her play but then she followed whn i said it's time to bed..thank god..hahahha.
No, it hasnt been snow or anything here..im so upset right now..🙄 it's not even that cold here.. only 66.
We r driving to t3xas.. it's only 3.5 hours.
Haha i love moscow mule. It's one of my favorite cocktails. I have a set of the copper mugs n the shakers. My husband gave me. Lol. I guess i love moscow mule that much that he gave them to me.lol. my most favorite drink is apple martini and a cocktail named buttery nipple 😅 (it's baileys and butterschotch schnaps).
Haha i used to joke like that about me being too sweet already n thats why i dont need any more sugar on anything 🤣
But i agree with u, u r a sweet person so dont put too much condensed milk,okay?
Hmm right now i cant think of any snacks.. i like Beng Beng it's like snickers but more chocolaty n less caramel. I like the superman wafers.hahah. there is this sweet tea it's called teh botol but it's in a box 😅 it's my favorite. It's very famous there.
Ah i see. Yeah sometimes facebook have some information of our country food..sometimes it can be pricey though. U can google indonesian food n if u have any questiom about it, u can ask me.
Yeah,i'm always like that. I guess it's because i try to look strong in front of my sister. U know, to be a good example for her.
My sister is more expressive than i am. I would try n pretend to be strong until i break down n even that i usually choose to be alone when i have a break down. 😅
So it will hurt my pride too if i cry just because of movies.
I love phantom of the opera.. n that All I Ask Of You is one of my favorite song from that show.
3 movies i never get tired to watch..well,since im in the mood of rebel so i will give u more than 3. 😅😆
1. The Proposal
2. White Chick
3. Any modern family episodes
4. Devils Wear Prada
5. Age Of Ultron
6. Greta
7. 13 Going 30
8. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
9. Hot Chicks
How bout u?
Next questions
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toorumochi · 2 years
꒰🖇꒱ 𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐮 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚 ♡꙼̈ ࿐ ࿔
I wanted to create an analysis on how Gakushuu would fit the Dark/Light Academia aesthetic and Karma the Chaotic Academia aesthetic as well as add headcanons, some mood boards and much more to this post! I hope you will enjoy! 🕯
At the beginning I was planning to put their mood-boards and explain them, but I found that I would have spoiled it and you guys probably wouldn't have any idea about the context of this whole post, so maybe I'll make a very short (hopefully understandable) introduction:
KaruShuu - College - Couple
Okay but for real now, the whole context of this is that Karma and Gakushuu go to the same college where they share a dorm room and are also dating which is so much more exciting for the upcoming headcanons I've prepared, wohoo! 🤎
So now you've received the explanation to this entire chaos, now it's time for the introduction to these two and why that specific Academia! Enjoy! <3
First, let's go with Gakushuu 🧡
I've been thinking about this for a long time now, and I ended up with this: That the Dark Academia Aesthetic would fit Gakushuu magnificently so here we are.
Some dark academia key values that I think would fit Gakushuu: caffeine bursts; working for victory (screams Gakushuu); neat handwriting; stacks of old books; oversized but stylish sweaters; scented candles; so much poetry; only black ink pens; chess; visiting museums every weekend; vintage watches (he would steal them from Gakuho lol); existentialism, coffee. a lot of it; handwritten letters to we know who <3
I made a mood-board for him!! :D
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I'm not sure if I should add an explanation to every thing on this picture but let's just go with it (I wanted to add so much more things to this but it would overflow and look messy :(()
⁽ᵗʰⁱⁿᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ⁱᶠ ᴵ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵃᵈᵈ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᵐᵒʳᵉ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵍˢ ᵇᵘᵗ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵉˢᶜʳⁱᵖᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵒᶠ ⁱᵗ⁾
•┈┈┈••✦ 🕯 ✦••┈┈┈•
Dried fruit - I feel like he and Karma would have dried up fruits all around their dorm room, and it would smell amazing.
Coffee mugs with fluffy cream on top - He refuses to leave the dorm without a cup of his coffee. He is addicted to it and Karma is concerned.
A net bag - listen. I saw oranges and had to add it. No explanation needed he would just have one and be fancy with it
Candles - he would have so. many. of. them. And each of them would have a different smell, through his favourite is the sandalwood one
Figs - I have literally an essay on "Why I think Figs would be Gakushuu Asanos favorite fruit" written. But to cut it short I think he would be the type to like sweet fruits a lot, and since figs when ripe kind of taste like honey - he also loves to eat them with anything, whether in the form of jam, or with cheese and nuts, or as a snack during lectures when the lecturer is not looking; The figs are just perfect and he could eat them all day long.
That one specific notebook he takes everywhere - he takes it with himself everywhere and anywhere; it's also forbidden to look inside. Even Karma himself is too cowardly to peek inside. However, he once said that although the cover looks like it has gone through two wars, Gakushuu's notes inside are very neat.
Chess pieces - Gakushuu is a god when it comes to chess, he can and will challenge anyone when it comes to chess. He carries some random chess pieces around in his coats or backpacks.
Pen - Gakushuu owns only one pen, reason: Karma loses all his own pens, so when he asks Gakushuu to borrow him one, he would just reply "I only have one" and with that no-one bothers him when it comes to borrowing pens.
Turtlenecks - turtlenecks, always. He wears them with anything and he is still the most stylish mf in the entire campus
Typewriter - he would own a typewriter in their room. Shhh he writes poetry for Karma that he gives to him in the library on their study dates.
Karma time!
The academia aesthetic I choose for him is... Chaotic Academia!
I think our boy wouldn't fit the dark nor light academia, so I went with the chaotic academia ;))
Some chaotic academia key values that I think would fit Karma:
top buttons undone; losing so many pens, way too many (I wrote a headcanon about this); notes, books and paper sprawled messily over his desk AND floor; hand written letters, but on the same paper as his class notes; curse words in latin; random things in his coat; socks never matching. ever; messy but good-looking hair; ridiculous Shakespeare pick up lines he tried on Gakushuu; coffee in shot glasses;
Here a moodboard for him! ❤️
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(Karmas mood-board is more full thank Gakushuus- I'm so embarrassed.)
•┈┈┈••✦ 🎫 ✦••┈┈┈•
Math notes in literature class - Is there more to add? He would solve equations in his literature class, but right next to the math question would be a latin curse word or a short, very, very chaotic poem
Heavy, black boots - no matter what occasion, he will dress the way he wants; an assembly where they have to dress very formal: Heavy boots, looking like he rode here on a motorcycle with a black jacket. Beneath the jacket? The sweater with the cat on the mood-board.
Outfits - anything BUT the uniform or formal wear
cookies - yes, he might be chaotic but he makes the best, and when I say the best, I mean the B.E.S.T cookies out there. Gakushuu is a big fan but won't admit it to Karma. Karma makes them with fig jam just for Gakushuu, God he loves them.
Stack of thrifted books - he doesn't have the time to buy expensive and new books when there is a book thrift store right around the corner with any book he likes; he has at least 5 stacks in the dorm stacked under their small table they eat/study at. The times they were kicked over on accident is uncountable
lighter - he doesn't smoke, but he likes to light some corners of his notes or letter on fire for a second to make them look 'vintage' or 'cool'.
A tiny bottle of blood - he keeps it in his jacket pocket; no-one knows who's blood it is and it's leaving people in fear
A small bag with all sorts of things - animal teeth he found in the woods, wasabi (a classic), mouse trap, gum, emergency pen (update: he lost it), some random receipts; crushed flower petals ??? and much more.......
Dried flowers - he puts them into his heavy books to dry, and when they are finally all dried up and pretty, he gives them to Gakushuu (Gakushuu then frames them because he thinks they are pretty and he appreciates his bfs' small gestures)
A skateboard used as a desk - Gakushuu does not remember the last time Karma normally sat at the table in their dorm while studying or eating; he is either standing or lying on the floor or sitting on the floor with a hump over the laptop on the skateboard OR he is sitting on the skateboard and the laptop is also on the skateboard and that's the way he works. Oh also sometimes when he is actually sitting on the skateboard while working on his laptop, to annoy him, Gakushuu pushes him a bit so the skateboard is moving straight ahead and Karma goes a few centimetres forward. (Once Gakushuu pushed him a little bit too hard, making Karma lose balance and fall off, it was hilarious)
Skulls - skulls, skulls, skulls. Skulls everywhere! He would wake up in the middle of the night, grab one skull of a shelf, strike a pose (Gakushuu is already half awake and knows what's coming) and quotes the famous "To be, or not to be, that is the question" spoken by Hamlet. After he quotes, he receives a pillow in his face thrown by his lovely boyfriend.
Now for some headcanons!
Them skipping classes to sit in the old library between the book shelves to read poems to each other they wrote last night
When they have classes together, they write definitions of words on each other's wrists and arms during lectures
Random mythology facts during lunch leaving the other speechless
Karma being extra dramatic and walking into the lecture room with a loud bang of the door, while Gakushuu just simply gave up on being on time and just kinda trudges behind Karma while holding their two takeaway coffees from the small café by their dorm
There is a deadline on the assignment, but there is also a very comforting soft wind blowing outside in the middle of November and the leaves are falling down and who if not them would go out in long black coats and just take a walk together. It's a MUST (It's also like a reward for their hard work and also just to enjoy themselves <3 )
Writing each other letters in their target language or latin that they pass to each other in class (they sit next to each other, but hey, it's fun ;) ), while their friends watch while sitting behind them in amusement
Analysing poetry for fun
Going on walks and getting excited about old building and castles
Karma making paper planes out of discarded vintage bound books and he is having a throwing battle with Gakushuu who throws them back but there are insults written inside when Karma opens them (Bonus: Insults, but with love)
Going to art galleries together to take pictures by the classical statues with on of them posing next to the statues, trying to recreate the pose of it (Bonus: if it's a two-person statue, they will ask a stranger to take a picture of them posing)
They tend to jump on random trains on the weekend to study
Some Karma Chaotic Academia headcanons:
Calling the big five and Shuu nerds and then studies for 12h straight
Him getting kicked out of the group chat where Gakushuu and some other students are in at least 15 times a week
Doesn't sleep. ever.
Writing absolutely fantastic poetry while being sleep deprived but Gakushuu is still fascinated by it every time
Adds an unhealthy amount of sugar to his drinks - even water the other day, but Gakushuu managed to stop him before he could put the sugar in it; once again, Karma was sleep deprived
Karma constantly arguing with the teachers because disagreeing can be fun and thrilling sometimes
Karma has ink all over his palms of his fingers and if he isn't careful enough, he gets it on his face (also on Gakushuus' when he grabs his cheeks to kiss him, muah 💋)
Baking fresh honeybuns for his boyfriend at 2am because yes
Learning a new curse word in latin everyday because it's funny
He had lost enough pens that could easily be distributed to each and every person in their Uni; that's how many there were
He presses down flowers in his heavy books that he later on gives to Gakushuu on random occasions that either he or Shuu frames
Horrible Shakespeare quotes that make terrible pickup lines is something Karma says on a daily basis to 'flirt' with Gakushuu:
🕯Karma: Love looks not with the eyes but with them mind. And therefore is winged cupid painted blind.
Gakushuu: My eyes are up here, Karma. And you're standing on my foot.
🕯Karma: Do me, or not do me. THAT is the question. (while dramatically standing up while they're having breakfast in their room)
Gakushuu: ...
🕯Karma: Hey, Baby, can Ophelia up?
Gakushuu: I cant do this anymore-
🕯(This one is actually so sweet-)
[Them on a late picnic when the stars are up]
Karma: Midnight would blush at this
He uses literally anything as a bookmark, whether it's a receipt, toilet paper, a ripped out piece of paper (from the same book he is trying to use the bookmark for), literally whatever gets into his hands at that moment
Raising his hand just to correct the teacher when they mess up in their lecture
He performs rituals in class with books and other things he owns, leaving people once again in fear
He leaves annotations in the margins of library books (usually memes)
He aggressively mouths lyrics to blaring music while studying
Fidgeting around with supplies (once he hit the lecturer with a ruler)
Never matching socks, ever
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
God was that the longest post I've ever made? Most likely
Am I tried? Yes
Were the past few hours worth working on this? Absolutely
Do I regret anything? Yes and that is that I didn't add enough stuff to the Gakushuus mood-board 😭😔
If I'll come up with more headcanons for these two, I won't hesitate writing them down and posting them!
If someone has some more ideas for their academia headcanons please comment they would make me so happy 😭🧡❤️
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
I would die for him 😐
Every kink ever has started out with “only for Shiggy though, ” and then “only for him and Dabi, ” and lastly “god damn it why do I like this shit, ”
Like I would never eat ass....however if he (or dabi 😳) asked....how could I say no? (spoiler I wouldn't say no)
I fully support #pegshiggy2021
First of all I've had more than one person try to fight me on Shiggy’s mommy kink so it's time to put an end to the argument once and for all.....
but first
If you want to use interactive fics, it's easy and makes reading fics SO much better. First, you download the Google Chrome extension. You'll see it in the top right corner of your screen. Next, you enter your name in the first box. If you want to change something other than y/n, please click on the text that says “want to change something other than y/n?” here, you can change any word you want to a different word. When I talk about your quirk I will use y/q
Master List
here's the song guys :)
But let's dive into this a little. In the manga, Tomura obviously has a good relationship with his mom, hugging her, allowing her to care for his skin condition, etc. when AFO came into his life (This is an AFO hate club. He's a mfing bitch and a groomer), he took place as Tomura’s father figure. You could argue that Kurogiri is a mother figure, but he's not really the caring “come here baby, it's ok to cry.” type.
Incel Shigaraki thinks his gf is obligated to take care of him, and normal Shig wants someone tender to take care of him, but he feels like he's not good enough and lashes out but feels really bad. Please love him. Incel shiggy just calls you mommy on the regular no shame, don't talk back to him. He expects you to cook and clean for him and doesn't want to lift a finger during sex.
Normal Tomura treasures you. You're precious (even if he doesn’t show it. or acts like he feels the opposite way abt you). You take care of him willingly, so when the first sleepy “thank you mommy” comes out, it just gets lewder from there. Shigaraki isn't an angel (morally. Other than that, he is an angel). He knows it's one of the weirder kinks, but he doesn't care. Not when you're into it too. THIS IS NOT AN INCEST KINK SHIGGY DOESNT THINK OF HIS ACTUAL MOM DURING SEX EEEWWWWW. It just feels right; it's more of a title like sir or ma’am but loving, caring, not the harsh dominance that's usually associated with those titles. And he loves being your baby mommy’s baby. He's so used to being big and scary. But he's sooooo happy that when he comes home, mommy will be there waiting with some snacks, willing to listen to him vent, cuddle, etc.,
And then he yells it while he's filling you to the brim 😌 now, you're mommy all the time, even in bed.
Ok, enough of that, let's have some smut.
“Shhh, honey, just lay down on the bed for me, ”
Body worshipping wasn't something Tomura was accustomed to. He was stiff and visibly nervous. You warmed up the lotion in your hand and began to rub his back. He had picked out the lotion himself, choosing it because “it reminded me of you, mommy.” God, he's fucking precious.
After the lotion was mostly rubbed in, you began to massage his tense shoulders, watching them relax.
“That's my good boy, ” you cooed, “my pretty boy, ”
His cheeks were bright pink, and he pressed his head into the pillow to hide it.
“Ah ah ah, ” you chided, “let me see your pretty face, ”
He shook his head as best he could while still hiding in the pillow.
You sighed, “let mommy see your face, honey. Show me how pretty my sweet boy is, ”
He looked up at you from where he was lying, a timid smile playing on his face. Despite constantly putting himself down, he did love when you complimented him. When mommy complimented him.
You pressed a kiss to his forehead, rubbing his back again. He was still lying on his stomach, naked except for the boxers he was wearing, but those would come off. If he was good for you.
He had a habit of lashing out, especially when he was vulnerable like this, and you worked to correct him. He knows that you'll only make him feel good if he's a good boy. Mommy’s good boy
You added more lotion, straddling his lower back and applying the lotion down the backs of his arms.
“You look so pretty, sweetie. Such a good boy, you're behaving so well today, Tomu. Tell mommy what's making you so happy, ” you praised.
“I'm happy because you agreed to try the...y’know...thing. I didn't think you'd want to, ” Shigaraki admitted, “but you do! And I'm a little nervous; I've never played this level before, ”
“We’ll go nice and slow. Don't worry, ” you said.
You let your hands trail down to his lower back, rubbing right above the band of his underwear.
“I'm gonna take these off, m’kay sweetie?” you said.
His voice was a little shaky, “ok mommy, ”
You got off and knelt down next to where his head was lying on the pillow.
“We don't have to do this, baby. You can always say no or change your mind, ” you said.
“N-no, I want to. It's just...” he trailed off.
“You can tell me, honey, ” you urged.
“I want to be closer to you. I want to be in your lap, ” he whispered.
“Why were you so nervous to tell me that, sweetie? Of course, you can be in my lap, ” you cooed, “sit up for me, Shiggy, ”
He obliged. You handed him the strap on.
“Get a feel for it and let me know if it's too big. I got a smaller one just in case, ” you said.
He nodded and stroked it experimentally. His cock twitched the more he rubbed the toy.
“Is someone excited, baby?” you whispered in his ear.
He nodded, looking up at you. He was just so pretty. When you google ‘pretty,’ your screen should be filled with him. You loved him. You loved him so much. You loved him when he was soft and quiet for you and when he was stressed and loud. You loved him unconditionally.
You took the toy from his hands and placed it aside.
“Can you lay on your back and spread your legs, honey?” you asked.
He nodded, doing so. You kneeled in front of him on the bed and pulled his boxers down with minimal wiggling. Then you began to place kisses up and down his thighs. You had made the room nice and cozy with candles and pillows. You wanted him to be as comfortable as possible.
You left little kisses up and down his shaft, causing him to whine quietly. You slowly got lower and lower before pressing a kiss to his hole. He tensed immediately. You rubbed his thighs again and gave an experimental lick, causing him to gasp softly. You kept licking, and he began to moan and squirm.
“That feels really good, mommy. Th-thank you, ” he said.
You smiled to yourself, beginning to try and press into him. He tensed again, so you swirled your tongue and rubbed his thighs, causing him to moan and relax. You could prep him pretty well with just your mouth but pretty well wasn't good enough.
You put a generous amount of lube on your fingers and rubbed around him for a minute before slowly beginning to press a finger into him. This took a while. A constant cycle of push in, he tenses, you stop and wiggle your finger, he relaxes, you push in, repeat.
You were still kneeling between his legs but closer to his face, pressing small kisses to his neck and cheeks occasionally.
“How's that feel, sweetie?” you asked.
“Feels funny, ” he said, moving his hips a little, “but good, ”
You kissed his cheek before starting to ease in another one. This really got Tomura going as he graduated from slow thrusts to you curling your fingers. He was panting and whimpering now, mouth slightly open and eyes closed.
You made scissoring motions to stretch him a little more before pulling out your fingers.
���N-no, ” he whined.
“Shh baby, ” you soothed, fastening the toy to your hips, “I'm gonna sit against the headboard, and you can come over here whenever you're ready, ”
He nodded and crawled across the bed to where you were sitting almost immediately. You had used nearly half a bottle of lube by now, but it didn't matter (you hadn't paid for it anyway). You wanted this to be nice and easy for him.
He straddled your lap and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and took control of the kiss, even though it wasn't hard to. He had made a lot of decisions tonight. You felt bad. You were supposed to take charge, let him relax.
Your nails raked over his scalp, pulling away and lining him up.
“Relax for me, baby. It's gonna feel so good, Shiggy. I promise just relax for mommy, ” you said, rubbing his back.
He sunk down slowly onto the toy. His face scrunched up. You kept rubbing his back until it was all the way in.
“You did such a good job, ” your praise, “so pretty when you're all filled up, ”
He was panting with his head in the crook of your neck. You sat there for maybe five minutes, rubbing his back and kissing his hair. You told him how brave he was for trying something new. How he was such a good boy.
He raised his hips experimentally before lowering himself down. He grunted a little and repeated the action. He started to get into a slow, shallow rhythm.
‘This isn't right. He's doing too much work,’ you thought.
You flipped him under you.
“Let mommy take care of you, baby boy, ” you whispered in his ear, “mommy's gonna fuck you real good, ”
He nodded. You kept the same slow, shallow rhythm but gradually sped up. Your thrust became deeper, and his back began to arch as his sweet noises got louder and louder. He raked his nails down your back.
“Mommy go harder, please!” he cried.
You snapped your hips faster. Tears of pleasure rolled down his face as he moaned for you. He got louder and louder as you sped up, pounding into him relentlessly.
“Look at you, sweetie. You're taking me so well, sweetie. My good boy, ” you said.
You left butterfly kisses all over his face. Tomura had the biggest smile as he buried his face in your neck. You changed your angle only slightly, but he began to jerk around and gasp. His moans became more desperate, closer to screams of pleasure.
“Mommy, ” he sobbed, “mommy right there. Please, please don't stop, mommy!”
“I won't stop, baby, don't worry, ” you cooed, “I'm gonna make you cum so hard, baby boy,”
You kept hitting that spot. That spot. The spot that was making him scream, making pre-cum dribble out of his cock and onto his stomach. The spot that was making his cock twitch and throb every time you hit it. He was blabbering nonsense, writhing and scratching your back to the point that it would probably bleed as he was gasping for air.
“Mommy 'm gonna, mommy I-im gonna, fuck, ” he whimpered, “i-im gonna, ”
He threw his head back, trying to meet your thrusts.
“I-im gonna, I'm gonna, ” he scrunched his eyes up, fresh tears rolling down his cheeks.
“I'm gonna, ” he mumbled.
Tomura gripped your hips, trying to make you thrust harder. His face scrunched up, and his mouth opened in a silent scream.
“cum!” he cried.
Hot cum shot out of his cock, coating his stomach as his body twitched. He was shaking while his eyes rolled back in his head. Drool dripped down the side of his mouth.
“Mommy, ” he whimpered as he came down.
You made quick work of pulling out of Tomura, causing him to groan.
“Aw, baby, look at the mess you made, ” you gestured to the cum coating his stomach.
You gathered some of it on your finger and brought it to his mouth. He sucked it clean eagerly. You coated two more of your fingers. They were pristine in a matter of seconds. He looked up at you for more.
You tutted quietly, “good boys share with mommy, Tomu, ”
You brought your face down to his stomach and dragged your tongue through the mess, showing him your cum-coated tongue before swallowing the creamy white liquid. After he was all cleaned up, you pulled him into your chest. You rubbed his back, soothing him.
“B-but mommy, I need to make you feel good too, ” he whispered.
“No, no, honey. Just relax, ” you said, pulling him closer, “you did so well for me today, ”
“Thank you, mommy, ” he whispered.
You tucked his head under your chin and tangled your legs together, pulling the blanket up.
“There we go, sweetie. Did you feel good?” you asked.
He nodded, “you made me feel good, mommy, ”
You hummed softly, kissing the top of his head. You rubbed his back until he fell asleep, admiring the way he slept so peacefully. Your heartbeat lulled him to sleep almost immediately. You loved the way he snuggled into your chest. You heard him whisper out a sleepy, “thank you, mommy, ” that made your heart melt.
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maxismatchccworld · 4 years
Patch Notes
Update 11/10/2020 PC: / Mac: Console: Version: 1.33
Welcome, Simmers! A relaxing getaway sure sounds nice right about now. We’re inviting you to take a trip with your Sims to your favorite destination with the newly added ability to vacation anywhere within The Sims 4! Here at Maxis, we’ll be hitting the slopes of Mt. Komorebi with the release of The Sims 4 Snowy Escape in just a few short days. Curious how it works? Read on! We’ve got a big haul of new features and requested fixes in this major update to The Sims 4.
-SimGuruGraham and SimGuruRusskii
Platforms enable you to build rooms at varying heights within a story level. As much as we’d love to sit here and go on and on about how incredible platforms are and how they completely revolutionize Build Mode, you’ll see that for yourself as soon as you try them out in-game! Here are some basics for how they function and how you start building with them.
You either can use the new
Platform Tool
directly in or you can place preset platforms that come in various shapes and sizes. You’ll find both of these within the “Walls and Empty Rooms” section of Build Mode.
You easily can add or adjust the height of a platform in any room. Simply click on a room to select it, and the new up & down arrows in the widget that appears will allow you to add or adjust the height of a platform within that space.
Because platforms can have their height adjusted up or down, you can even create platforms that sink down beneath ground… like, really,
deep down. I don’t know why anyone would want to do that *
* devious players *
*, but the option’s there! This ability to go deep is reserved for the ground level and basements.
You can stack platforms on top of platforms, on top of platforms, on top of platforms, on top of platforms, on top of platforms… Seriously, go nuts. Get creative. Make something nobody has ever seen in The Sims before!... On top of platforms…
When a platform’s height is a single step higher or lower than the adjacent floor, Sims are able to step onto it. For anything higher than a single step, connecting a set of stairs or a ladder between the different surfaces will allow Sims to reach them. Here’s your first advanced lesson in platforming: Remember that callout about stacking platforms on top of each other? If each stacked platform is a single step in height, you could certainly make some interesting custom staircases…
One notable exception - platforms can’t connect across multiple levels. If you build a stack of platforms all the way to the ceiling, the very last step will need to be a staircase or ladder to connect two separate floors of a building together.
Platforms can be utilized as fully functional space or be purely decorative areas - the choice is yours! As you adjust the height of a platform, your Sims will intelligently adapt to that space. For example, you could create a platform with only enough head clearance for a child to enter. The possibilities are endless!
The visual look of platforms can be customized in a variety of ways. The “Walls and Empty Rooms” section of Build Mode now has a “Platform Trims” subcategory. Here you’ll find trims that match all of our foundations as well as some new trims with basic materials that look perfect in the interior of a building. Want to go even further? Try wrapping the edge of a platform with half walls and then customize the edge with any wall material. Mix and match these methods for creative results!
Even More Half-Walls
Speaking of Half-Walls, we’re pleased to share that we’ve created 12 additional Half-Wall heights to choose from, adding to the 7 heights previously available. One could factually say this is our most sizable Half-Wall update ever! Pity the poor person who was tasked with writing uniquely descriptive names for each of these 19 height variations.
Sentiments are those special fuzzy feelings that form between Sims when they share a memorable moment together. Shared experiences between Sims now offer the opportunity for Sims to develop long-lasting sentiments between each other, which in turn affects how they feel and act in the presence of (or the absence of) another particular Sim. Unlike relationships between Sims, Sentiments can be a one-sided affair. When two or more Sims share an experience together, you may find that all, some, or none of them walk away from that moment having formed a lasting impression of the other Sims that were involved. The base game includes a wide variety of these Sentiments and Snowy Escape has additional ones tied to experiences within that pack.
Sentiments that have formed between Sims can be viewed in two locations. When socializing with another Sim, click on the heart-covered notebook that appears in the social UI at the top of your screen. Alternatively, you can view the Sentiments that exist between two Sims at any time within the new Sim Profile within the Relationship Panel. Read on for more information on this new Sim Profile ...
Sim Profiles
Have you ever gone to check out the other Sims in your Sims’ life, only to be greeted with an overwhelmingly large tooltip that extended from the tippy top all the way to the bottom of your screen? We certainly have, and we weren’t happy with it.
There has to be a better way!
...And there is! Introducing:
Sim Profiles
! Within the Relationship Panel, you can now click on the portrait of any Sim and select “Open Sim Profile” for a full breakdown of all the info the active Sim knows about that Sim. It even includes those nifty new Sentiments everyone’s been talking about!
Skin Tone Update Console & Community Identified Issues
We saw your feedback about the October skin tones update and, to improve clarity and transparency, we shared a first look on Twitter of the fix in progress.
With this patch, the Console game gets the October fixes for texture compression, resolving the banding on the cheeks and foreheads as well as discoloration on the tip of the nose.
In addition, this patch addresses the two community-identified issues of red dots around the lips and a dark blotch between the eyes. The red dots around the lips should be completely resolved at this time. The dark blotch between the eyes was softened to remove the hard edge, but the darkening is expected as part of the shadowing around the nose.
Vacation Anywhere
Couldn’t we all use a good vacation right about now? Your Sims certainly could, and now they can go anywhere! The ability to go on a vacation to any of your worlds has been added to the game for all players along with the “Rental” lot type.
To vacation to a world, a rental lot must exist within it. Should you purchase Snowy Escape, you’ll find the residential world of Mt. Komorebi includes some pre-built rental lots - a ready getaway awaiting your Sims. If you prefer to vacation in another world (Sulani, anyone?), you’ll first need to enter Manage Worlds mode and update at least one of the lots within the desired world to become a rental lot.
During a vacation, if your Sims are lacking any necessities, they now can “Order Supplies Now” from the rental’s mailbox or from their phone. Happy travels!
Toddler Slippers
We figured it’d be nice to give toddlers a pair of slippers to wear. So we did. Cozy feet!
S-Pop Radio Station
You may remember S-Pop (short for “Sim-Pop”) as a radio station in the City Living expansion pack. While the music tracks that originally came with that station will remain exclusive to City Living, the station itself is now available for all players with five new songs for all players to enjoy:
“keep on rocking” Performed by CHAI Written by Yuki Mizutani (p/k/a/ Yuki), Kanae Obata (p/k/a Kana) and Manami Obata (p/k/a Mana) Published by Sony Music Publishing (Japan) (JASRAC) Recording courtesy of Sony Music Japan by arrangement with Sony Music Entertainment “Kanzen Houki Sengen (Simlish Version)” Performed by Nanawoakari Written by Nanawoakari & Tamaya2060 Published by Sony/ATV Music Publishing Recording courtesy of Sony Music Japan by arrangement with Sony Music Entertainment “Part. 2” Performed by SASUKE Written by SASUKE Published by Warner Chappell Publishing Recording courtesy of Warner Music Japan Inc. by arrangement with Warner Music Group Video Game Licensing “Ninhursag’s Tone” Performed by Unite Satisfy Written by Shintaro Aoki Published by Syn Songs Recording courtesy of NNN Records & Cross Groove/Syn Songs “Harujion” Performed by YOASOBI Written by Takuya Shimizu (p/k/a Takuya) and Akira Tsubono (p/k/a Akira) Published by Sony Music Publishing (Japan) (JASRAC) Recording courtesy of Sony Music Japan by arrangement with Sony Music Entertainment
And now, onto the fixes:
The Sims 4
Freelancer Sims now can complete Gigs they have signed up for and harvest the fruits of their labor. Simoleons, Simoleons, Simoooleons… SIMOOOLEOOONS.
Does your Sim look bored all the time? Even when you think they are having fun, they look bored to you? Not a problem anymore. It’s been… taken care of.
Calls Dropping? Is your Cell Phone behaving like a certain network is just not up to snuff? We have upgraded all Sims to Simgular - Llama’s Choice Network that does not allow Off-the-Grid shenanigans when your Sims are not Off-the-Grid.
The NanoCan Touchless Trash Can has been recalled and fixed so now all your trash can be cash in a flash.
Did you ever experience the Honey I Shrunk the Basil and Sage Plants issue in-game? No longer! *No Sage or Basil Plants were harmed in the fixing of this issue*.
Ever had Sims show up looking like a product of a bad makeover? Did your Debate Judge just show up to the debate wearing a mascot hat when they're not the mascot? Did your fellow Spellcasters show up in the Magic Realm wearing not so magical clothes? Say no more… We have applied a fix so that non-playable Sims can be a bit more appropriately coordinated in their outfits and per occasion.
Door lock settings now persist when Sims travel. That’s right! If I disallow everybody, it should stay that way when I travel… or when I exit the game… and the occasional restart, too... hmpf!
Sims who have passed away no longer sometimes disappear from their Genealogy. This is not retroactive, so any Sims that already disappeared will not return.
Sims no longer ignore the kitchen sink and dishwasher to wash their dishes in the bathroom sink. Okay.
Oasis Springs’ World Map now shows lots in the correct locations. I see you, Yuma Heights - don’t be sneaky now.
Sims now can propose to their beloved without rejection (congratulations!). On the same note, Sims with multiple romantic partners now can propose and marry one of them and not get sabotaged by their partners’ predicament of not being able to get married because they are employed together, even when they are not.
Sims who have finished their workday now get back to things sooner instead of sometimes staring off into space.
Ever wished your delicious food just never… ended? We thought we did until our Sims were unable to finish their meals. Now they are able to finish Eating Leftovers. They are leftovers, not leftFOREVERS.
Sims sharing double beds now can Nap or Sleep in any combination. Sim A can nap and Sim B can Sleep… or Sim A can Sleep and Sim B can nap… or they can both Sleep… or nap… well, you get the picture.
Shower Tubs now can be cleaned enough to be visibly squeaky-clean.
Another one bites the dust. The issue that generated Error Code: 110:c875d8ff on game load has been fixed.
Style Influencer Sims now perform Quick Sketch Impression without breaking the Digital Sketchpad. Be kind with your tools and toys.
Removed incorrect Moodlets such as “Awkward Hug” when Unflirty Sims hugged kids. In the same fashion, we made sure Unflirty Sims no longer receive the “Witnessed Crass Act” Moodlet when parents and children hug or kiss cheeks.
Adult Sims now Teach Blocks to their Toddlers. Learning in early life is important!
Sims on vacation now can hire a Nanny and/or a Butler to take care of things while they are away.
Toddlers no longer will show as “At Daycare” when they are taken back home via the “Care for Self” option. No Toddler clones here... you can’t be two places at once!
Toddlers left at home while the rest of the household goes on Vacation now receive proper care and otherwise can join the Vacation. THINK OF THE CHILDREN. Toddlers deserve fun and relaxation in new places, too!
Toddlers no longer get the “Silly Ocean” Moodlet from playing in rivers.
Children once again can earn Adult skills. *sniff* They grow up so fast!
Simmers in social events now get a warning when switching to a Sim in another neighborhood rather than the event cancelling automatically.
Sims with enough Simoleons now can move into empty lots.
Splitting households and then moving no longer causes an infinite load.
We told Sims that they should probably not take 45 minutes to drink a single cup of Coffee. As you guys know, I am a coffee fiend, but nursing the same cup for that long is not in the coffee lover’s manual for enjoying fresh coffee.
We met with our wonderful Sim Firefighters and came to the agreement that they now also will extinguish fires on wall objects such as paintings.
Action progress bars no longer are interrupted when a new action is added to a Sim's queue.
Sometimes items could disappear from your Sim's inventory after travelling. This should no longer happen. Where is my cup of coffee? Oh, okay, it is here….
Sims no longer have Clay Blobs, Future Cubes, and/or Sketch Pads spawn infinitely in their Inventory. This felt like grabbing something out of Felix the Cat’s bag… just a never-ending bag of Clay Blobs, Future Cubes, and Sketch Pads… what did it all mean!? We may never know.
Opening a stack of Inventory items and then going back now highlights the correct item.
In reviewing items in Inventory, we realized that some item stacks were showing the number 99+ incorrectly on Multiselect. What’s the number? - Stomp, Stomp! - What’s the number? - Stomp, Stomp! - The number of the day… you’re about to see the number is the actual number of items you have! Ah ha ha. That’s the number of the day!
Sims no longer endlessly play games such as Chess, Sabacc (if you own Journey to Batuu), Voidcritter Cards (if you own Kids Stuff), and your regular Card games. I could play with Meduso forever though… #Meduso4ever.
Page Up/Page Down and Home/End Keys now work in Free Cam Mode.
The Aspiration Panel now shows the gender of Sims regardless of whether they are active.
Now only Gardeners autonomously remove wild plants. Sims with Green Fiend Trait (if you own Eco Lifestyle) were being a bit overly eager in removing plants everywhere, so the professionals will handle it from now on.
“Listen To Together” on a Stereo no longer resets Sims.
Sims no longer get “Poorly Decorated” and “Dismally Decorated” Moodlets when decorations are in the room. This applies to new Saves as it is not retroactive, but, my, how judgemental Lots were….
Columns now can rotate 45 degrees and in Free Rotation. Spin them right round, Simmers, right round.
The liveeditobjects cheat no longer surfaces items with broken thumbnails that were not meant to be part of that cheat. Pardon our dust.
Shower descriptions in the catalog said they were “Uncomfortable.” Showers are meant to relax and be a place of meditation, so the catalog now says they provide “Discomfort Relief” unless the specific shower really is uncomfortable.
The Subtle Saucer and the Super Subtle Saucer now have images that are more distinct from each other in the catalog. Super Subtle, Super Saucer.
Removed the “Player Feats” door because it wasn’t really a door…
Dishwashers The Professional Dish Laborer, Washer Pro Free-Standing Dishwasher (from Dine Out), and Industrial Dishwasher Unit (from Parenthood) no longer have a gap between counters.
Digital World wall tiles have been polished. Shiny and new!
Career-unlockable outfits no longer show up when filtering for Custom Content.
Toddlers no longer have bald spots when zoomed out on Low Graphics Settings.
Frayed jean ymBottom_EF13JeansFrayedCrop_Black no longer clips with several tops.
Anniversary t-shirts yfTop_EF05ShirtTeeAnniversary and ymTop_EF05ShirtTeeAnniversary fit better on more body types.
Sims with certain feminine frames now look better when wearing Pants or Full Body outfits.
Fixed some Create a Sim item backgrounds.
Selecting what you want to do next at the end of the tutorial on console no longer has the mysterious word "Label" in the background.
Gallery filters no longer cut off some venue type names in some languages. This was particularly egregious for French and Brazilian Portuguese text.
Game fonts got some spiffing up to keep all characters looking their best.
As with every update, the localization team has tweaked, improved, and fixed text across all Packs and previous updates.
To explain a bit further, we created a much more robust set of internal tools that allows us to have greater control over the outfits that the Sims choose to wear in unique situations. We’ve improved a lot of the wacky townie fashion you’ve seen previously (it’s called fashion sweaty - look it up), but if you still see oddities - let us know. It’ll be an easier issue for us to “iron out” moving forward! Together, we can defeat the dreaded eyeball ring.
Get to Work
Scientist Sims placing collected crystals and metals in their Laboratory no longer crash the game. Do you ever science so hard, the simulation crashes?
The “Test Serum” action on a Scientist co-worker no longer causes an error.
Get Together
Stone Frame Window (window1x1_EP02TUDstoneFrame2Tile_set1), Holey Geometry (window1x1_EP02TUDLow_03_2Tile_set1), and King of Diamonds Classical Door (doorSingle2x1_EP02TUDHigh3Tile_set1) now place properly.
Sims in Clubs with a Read rule now finish the books they choose to read. No cheating, my friends.
Wearing their Earbuds (if you own Fitness Stuff) and participating in Club Gatherings no longer causes an error.
Club affiliation on University Housing (if you own Discover University) now persists after entering Build/Buy Mode.
City Living
Ultra Speed now works while Festivals are in progress. Some conspiracy can be said about Festivals wanting Simmers to enjoy them in all their glory… at a normal speed at every speed, but these are just conjectures… yes.
Sims no longer read their mail aloud while conversing with their apartment neighbors. Talk about rude, right?
“Read about Festival” now consistently displays festival information.
Sims from specific San Myshuno neighborhoods now have more variety on their appearance.
Cats and Dogs
Stencils in Create a Sim (Pet) now consistently paint your furry friends without crashing.
The holiday tradition New Skill Day now focuses on starting new skills and improving low level skills so skills that are maxed out don’t count.
Toddlers who are inside during a blizzard and in a high chair no longer want to Run Inside, so their caretakers won’t take them out of the chair prematurely. You are safe little one; you are safe.
Now all onions, carrots, mushrooms, potatoes, apples, tomatoes, and growfruits can be planted indoors during freezing weather.
Plants no longer change their quality or evolve on their own after Sims traveling.
Some Outdoor Plants that were stuck in summer/fall now turn brown and lose their flowers when winter starts.
Sims now can book Vacations on the computer during holidays.
Simmers who have disabled Rain and Snow no longer should see them during Mysterious Weather. Mysterious indeed.
Male Sims now wear appropriate shoes when working as a Floral Designer or Botanist.
The beanie hat cuHat_EP05BeaniePom now looks a bit better.
Sims scheduling an event in the Calendar for a Rental Lot no longer end up in a Lot where they have not been greeted.
Get Famous
Stans (“stalker fans”) and Kleptomaniac Sims no longer steal Pet food bowls or Cat litter. I have no words for this one. I have nothing.
Sims with maxed out Atrocious Reputation now maintain their reputation when traveling. Atrocious you shall be forever.
Island Living
Conservationist Sims now Write Conservation Articles at the appropriate career level (level 4). On the same note, the task for Research Conservation now can be completed.
Odd Jobs no longer get stuck in a state where Inventory and Build Mode cannot be accessed.
We had long conversations with Island Celebration Participants and agreed that no random Sims should enter a Sim’s home without permission, barging in as if they owned the place. Excuse you, privacy, and property are a thing, you know?
Discover University
We chatted with the registrar at Britechester University and got them to agree that students should receive class time reminders before class instead of after. You’re welcome. Now, make sure you go on time, alright?
School Spirit Day no longer schedules multiple instances at the same time. But… Did you know it is Spirit Day?
Club gatherings no longer have Sims with their bikes indoors in a disruptive manner.
Sims traveling long distances including stairs now properly walk the stairs and then hop their bikes and they don’t leave their bike behind. You can’t just abandon your bicycle - what about the poor bike’s feelings?
Sims now properly get off bikes while on a slope.
Lawyer Sims now File Court Documents as their tasks dictate at levels after 5. Just because you move up doesn’t mean you stop filing docs.
Students in a different neighborhood from their University now go to school instead of work when choosing “Go to Class” from the Career Panel.
Students now can receive only one merit scholarship per term.
Sims no longer are listed as being at University when they are at home.
The game no longer sometimes freezes when Sims enroll in University. We get that attending University is life-changing, but freezing a game is taking it a bit to extremes.
Students now return to Campuses in their leisure time to cloud gaze and play Soccer in the surrounding areas of Britechester University and Foxbury Institute respectively.
Sims jogging in an Exo-Mech suit no longer get fatigue-related Moodlets.
For Eco Lifestyle Simmers, “Throw Away” and “Compost” now are available on piles of discarded food. The consequences of not having these were especially egregious at University Dorms.
Sweatpants yfBottom_EP08LooseSweatpants now look better when paired with scarf yfTop_EP08SweaterScarf in Create a Sim.
Eco Lifestyle
Recycle Disciple Sims without the Kleptomaniac Trait now swipe household objects less often. We get it, we are all trying to do our best for the environment, but going after your Dumpster was a bit too far… we kinda need that.
Eco Footprints no longer change very quickly from “Green” to “Neutral.” Knox rejoices.
Eco Footprints in Worlds no longer become Neutral when entering Manage Worlds.
We had a chat with Eco Inspectors and they agreed that they should display the correct occupation from now on. And they shall be known as Eco Inspectors… forever.
Bulldozing Pinecrest Apartments now is possible without damaging the lot.
Harvestables obtained via a Dumpster no longer disappear from Inventory a few minutes later. Easy come, easy go… would you not disappear, though?
Recycling is a wonderful thing. Recycling for Inventory exposed missing text on some Grand Meals, so we filled in those names.
Toddlers living in Lots with the Reduce and Recycle Lot Trait mayyyybe were taking it a bit too far generating trash piles in their inventories. Put that down - No more trash in your pockets.
Did your floor patterns experience a glow that never went away after selecting all of them? That’s not a problem anymore.
The Wallpaper formerly known as sheetStandingSeam01GEN has been renamed to Corrugated Metal.
The Fabricator’s Fabricated Couch (no dye) recipe now creates the correct item.
Residential Wall Speaker is renamed to Venue Wall Speaker: Americana to accurately reflect its function and music.
Venue Wall Speaker: Americana now looks correct with the neutral wood option.
Women’s sandals yfShoes_EP09PlatformSandals now look better when paired with jumpsuit yfBody_EP09JumpsuitUtility.
Men’s hairstyles ymHair_EP09CurlyBun_Black and ymHair_EP09CrimpedLong_Black have cleaner hairlines now.
Dine Out
Sims no longer get up from their seats at restaurants randomly and create chaos by speaking to other patrons, grabbing food from their table, putting it somewhere else, and taking over the place by playing the piano or singing. But it was quite the show, wasn’t it?
Xbox One Simmers now can edit Restaurant Staff Uniforms in Build Mode along with other Simmers.
Vampire Spar no longer negatively affects Conflict resolution for Simmers with Parenthood.
Realm of Magic
Spellcasters with all spells learned and maxed out no longer lose those when downloaded from the Library/Gallery Muscle memory perhaps?
Create a Sim no longer has the less-than-attractive skin type that was intended only for cursed Sims as an option.
Spellcasters have reviewed the terms of their “Always Transportalate” Spell and now can actually teleport anywhere, even places with stairs.
Journey To Batuu
Sims now are able to complete First Order or Resistance missions and then choose the Hope vs Order - First Steps Aspiration and complete all goals.
The Lightsaber Collection plaque now has a proper name and description so you can display it with pride.
The First Order sent a memo stating to change the First Order Blast Door to not accept any decals or wall decorations.
Create a Sim asset yfBottom_GP09VillagerPatchVertical now goes better with different styles of shoes across multiple Packs.
The Career Panel now displays the active Mission chosen from the Mission Panel.
The game no longer freezes when Sims “Freshen up at the Dwelling” at Black Spire Outpost.
Luxury Party
Create a Sim asset yfBody_SP01SleevesFlutter_SolidBrown fits better when wearing Get to Work’s ymHair_EP01LongWavySwept_Platinum hairstyle.
Movie Hangout
Movie night has been reclaimed! Sims now can watch complete films from start to finish without getting stuck in a never-ending loop… or I should say not in a Neverending Story? STTOOooooryyyyyYYYY.
Knifty Knitting
Create a Sim boots cuShoes_SP17BootsBuckled_SolidRedPin work better with jeans cfBottom_SP07JeansPrint_FloralBlueLt.
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achliegh · 3 years
Olive and Otto
Olive and Otto
Masterlist :)
This is an AU still set in the SW universe but a little to the right and maybe down the block. I want Leo to have a little secret!
This is the 22nd chapter of this little series I have and it's a little spicy. Enjoy!
FAMILY SKATE! Part 2 and Final Chapter!
I just wanted to say thank you all for reading this, it makes me so happy because my writing feel like garbage to me but y'all treat it like its precocious and I have cried happy tears over things y'all have said. I just can't thank y'all enough.
TW/CW: Smut, Drama, Arguing, Questioning Sexuality, Food, Panic attack
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Family Skate was booming, everyone was a little taken back at the two hurricanes with adorable old timey names. Those kids tore up the ice, for only being three those kids could probably out skate most the team. Remus’ little brother, Julian, Loved Otto. Like he didn’t leave his side the entire time they skated. Olive would skate around with Kuny, she was so fascinated when he would speak Russian to her. She was absolutely taken by the giant Russian and she wanted to understand this new language so bad that Kuny taught her some bad words and Sergei told him off for it.
Sometimes the kids would be talking to someone and just randomly switch to either French or Spanish without even realizing it and then get upset when Leo or INK would tell them to “Speak English, Sweetheart”. Otto and Marc were skating together when Otto had a dizzy spell and fell over, everyone froze for a second remembering what Leo said about the little boy earlier.
“You okay?” Marc held his hand out and was looking at Otto worried because his new friend just fell over for no reason. Yeah he was younger than him but Marc had never seen someone just drop like that. Otto nodded and used Marc’s hand to stand up.
“I want to sit” They skated over to where INK was sitting on the bench talking with Eloise and Celeste, Otto was very good at knowing when he hit his limits for the day and today was the first time since his surgery that he had been on the ice for more than a few laps with his dad. He crawled up between Eloise and Celeste, he kicked his skates a little as he watched everyone skate. “Ma-maw, why can’t I live here? I could have friends.” He looked up at his grandma who was stunned by what he said and so was Celeste. “No one likes me at school at home.” He didn’t understand why it was a big deal that he didn’t have many friends. He did enjoy all the kids here though.
The Weasley kids were fun and had treated him like he wasn’t a downer. The Dumais' treated him like a little brother and some of the other kids whose names he didn’t remember played tag with him and didn’t go easy. He didn’t want to go home.
“Oh honey, you’ll be up here all summer. Then you can play with all the other kids then. Just enjoy your time here, you have three more days with your daddy before he has to work and your mama has to go to work back home.” Eloise was just trying to talk him into enjoying his time now but she wasn’t expecting him to talk about friends, he never did. He was like Leo in that sense, kept to himself but was very observant.
“If you want I can give your maman my phone number and you can call Marc anytime after school.” Celeste petted his hair and he leaned into her touch. He nodded, having a big ole smile on his face and his cheeks were a little red, he thought Celeste was so pretty.
Olive was racing Charlie and beat him for the third time, he looked exhausted but she was still revving to go. She was incredibly fast but she was also very small, she skated around the outside and caught up with Leo. She somehow got between Leo and Finn, she grabbed each of their hands and let them pull her.
“Daddy, did you see how fast I was! I beat Charlie!” She got listed up by them and laughed as they put her down, not noticing the absolutely lovesick expression Logan was watching them with. “I want to play hockey someday! I want to be just like you! Oh, daddy do you have a boyfriend yet? Mama wants to get married to June!” She looks up at him when he laughs at Finn's face who is firetruck red. She really doesn’t want her daddy to be lonely anymore, it makes her sad. She was really angry when he left but when he facetimes mama the first time crying, she wasn’t angry anymore, she was scared. She can’t take care of him so who will.
“Olive, what would you say if I had two boyfriends?”
“Whoa! That would be so cool! You would never be sad!” She smiles flashing those incredible dimples and hears Bill calling for her. “I gotta go race, by Daddy!” She skates off leaving a laughing Leo and a red Finn to call Logan over.
After the Pick-up game Olive was watching the entire time while Ott had fallen asleep with his head on Celeste's lap. Everyone got changed and showered, after they piled into cars and drove to Dumo's. INK can’t cook for shit so she was sitting on the couch chatting with the team while Leo and his mother cooked in the kitchen with Celeste. Wyatt was talking to Pascal and Arthur in the dad way, with a few signatures on his shoulder.
She was watching everyone when a pregnant redhead sat neck to her, she groaned a little and looks at INK.
“How far along are you”
“About 6 months” She smiles at INK and rubs her stomach. “I’m Lily by the way, Pots is my lover.” She nods towards said lover who is being cheered on as he chugs some kombucha. INK snorts at him and laughs. “How did you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Have twins, I can’t even imagine the strain it took on you.”
“I had to drop out of school and was bed ridden for the last three months of my pregnancy. It was really hard but Leo never left my side, the stupid idiot sweetheart.” She smiles and rolls her eyes. “I never wanted kids when I was younger because I was afraid I would end up like my parents, then Leo and I did some stuff and it was probably a less than 1% chance that I would get pregnant and it happened.” Olive ran past them with her Daddy's Jersey on her that was much to big, she almost trips on it and laughs as Adele chases her playfully. “I can saw that those three definitely saved my life.”
“Yeah, Olive, Otto, and Leo. I couldn’t have done anything without him. He is the best dad, and he supports those two with everything he has. We also don’t want to put them into the public eye until they can choose for themselves if they want to be followed like that.” She takes a sip of her wine and looks at Lily. “I don’t really have any advice to help you because the last few months I mostly slept and cried. If you need me to get anything for you I will though.”
“I just want to get to know you, you’re someone who has raised two adorable children and you’re still smoking hot!” That surprises a laugh out of her and Lily join in the laughing after a minute.
Leo walks out of the kitchen. “Let's eat y’all!” Finn and Logan kiss his cheek as they walk into the kitchen to eat, Pots and Nado also smack big wet kisses on his cheeks as they walk past. He shoves them and follows everyone else.
“No, Otto you know you know you can’t have that.” He takes a peanut butter bar away from him and shakes his head. “I don’t feel like going to the emergency room tonight.” Otto is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts, he seems to forget how serious it is to eat stuff that might kill him. Usually no one has any form of nuts in the house, but this isn’t their house.
The child he just took a treat away from starts to cry and he sighs, walking over to where the treats are he asks celeste what's in each one and grabs a double chocolate brownie for Otto and hands it to him. “Don’t eat it until your plate is empty, okay?” Otto instantly stops crying and nods running off to join his sister. Shaking his head he feels arms wrap around his shoulders.
“You’re so good with them” Leo smiles and looks over to his dad. He looks so proud of him, he kisses his son's head and pats his shoulder. “I’m gonna go eat with Pascal Dumais” Leo snorts as his dad giddily goes to sit next to his teammate.
As he looks around he has never felt more at home, INK and June were talking with Lily and Natalie. Olive and Otto are eating and talking at the kids tables, Finn and Logan are openly flirting and stealing cute glances at him. He felt so calm and like he could breathe.
Suddenly Pots jumps up.
“They are the picture in your stall!”
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Creepypasta’s As: Quotes On My Laptop And Phone
Right so this has been stewing in my drafts for forever and it was just supposed to be something quick and fun but turned out be harder then I thought so not all the characters are here but I got most of them! Don’t really know who the audience for this apart from me but ah... ?enjoy? 
Tumblr media
BEN Drowned: You don’t get to die and be reborn the same. You come back, but you come back wrong. This is the price you pay for resurrection. – Nathanial Orion G. K
Bloody Painter / Helen Otis: I hope that someday when I’m gone, someone, somewhere, picks my soul up off these pages and thinks: I would have loved her him. – Nicole Lyons
Candy Cane: Come away, O human child To the waters and the wood with a fairy, hand in hand. For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand. – Willian Butler Yeats
Candy Pop: Turn on you before you turn on us. We’re all just savages. – Theory of a Deadman, Savages
Candy Cane and Candy Pop: Forgive, sounds good. Forget? … I’m not sure I could. – Dixie Chicks, Not Ready To Make Nice
Clockwork / Natalie Ouellette: This woman that I’m becoming gives me chills. I’m obligated to move differently. I have work to do. – ???
Eyeless Jack: You don’t get to die and be reborn the same. You come back, but you come back wrong. This is the price you pay for resurrection. – Nathaniel G. K
Hobo Heart: I’m not used to being loved; I wouldn’t know what to do. – F. Scott Fitzgerald
Homicidal Liu / Sully: If I told you how it all ended; Would you have done it? – ???
·         Extra for Liu: The seas were getting rough, but I thought we were worth it. – Hunter Hayes, You Think You Know Somebody
·         Extra for Liu and Silly: I am not a bad man… Even though I do bad things. Very bad things. Such horrible things… But it's not quite what it seems. (Not quite what he seems) Not quite what I seem… … … Aw, hell. It's exactly what it seems. – Creature Feature, Such horrible Things
Hoodie / Brian: Remember that I am still a monster. I can listen to you scream, and cry, and beg, and I still wont le you out. – Holly Black, The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
Jane the Killer / Jane Richardson: She could never be a saint, but she thought she could be a martyr, if they killed her quick. – Flannery O’ Connor, A Temple of the Holy Ghost
Jason the Toymaker: [Said to him] You’re a tragedy! She was leaving you, Pan. Your Wendy is leaving you. Why should she stay? You are incomplete. She’d rather grow up then stay with you. – Captain Hook, Peter Pan 2003
Jeff the Killer / Jeffry Woods: [Liu, on Jeff] Once you lose someone, it is never exactly the same person who comes back. – Sharon Olds, Satan Says
·         Extra for Jeff: Do you know what happens when you light a fire in you? It burns everything that’s standing in the way. – ???
·         Extra for Jeff and Liu: And if the black banners raise as the crooked smiles fade; Fallen heroes who quite too late. – Fall Out Boy, The Kid’s Aren’t Alright
Laughing Jack: Forever is a long, long time… And time has a way of changing things. – Willow Tweed, The Fox and the Hound
·         Extra for L.J: This is how the world works; You gotta leave before you get left. – Taylor Swift, I Did Something Bad
·         Extra for L.J #2: All this has happened before. And it will all happen, again… - J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Laughing Jill: [L.Jill, to Mary’s father] You didn’t realise that in breaking my heart you were strengthening my soul. You didn’t realise but I did. And it changed the whole goddamn game once and for all. – Niharika Bhatt
Masky / Tim: I needed to be somewhere different. Maybe I needed to be someone different, too. – Heather Davis
Nathan the Nobody / Nathan Lux: Just because she’s gone, doesn’t mean she’s gone in your heart. Because the worst thing ever is to forget. – Christina, Allegiant
Nina the Killer / Nina Hopkins: When is a monster not a monster? Oh, when you love it. – Caitlyn Siehl
·         Extra for Nina: Maybe our favourite quotations say more about us than about the stories and the people we’re quoting. – John Green
Offenderman: [Said to him] There isn’t a decent thought in your nasty little mind! – ???
·         Extra for Offender: [‘Him’ instead of ‘Witch’] When you visit a witch, bring an offering: Food, tobacco, alcohol, secrets, sex, or death. – Honest Louis
Sally Williams: Real monsters are human. – ???
·         Extra for Sally: I’m sorry this world could not keep you safe. May your journey home be a soft, and peaceful one. – Rupi Kuar
Slenderman: Heroes are always remembered. But legends never die. – Babe Ruth
·         Extra for Slender: Do not believe anything except the whispers of the trees. They have never lied to you. They won’t start now. – ??? Maybe Nikita Gil?
·         Extra #2 for Slender: The fuckers. There, I feel better. Goddamned Human race. There, I feel better. – Charles Bukowski
·         Extra #3 for Slender: Forests hide secrets - he said gently, - It’s practically what they’re for. To hide things. To separate one world from another. – Catherynne M. Valente
Splenderman: I believe this world ain’t half as bad as it looks, I believe most people are good. – Luke Bryan, Most People Are Good
·         Extra for Splender: A little consideration, I little thought for others, makes all the difference. – Eeyore
Ticci Toby / Toby Erin Rogers: I make no apologies, for how I choose to repair, what you broke. – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
Trenderman: My whole being calls for an act of violence, but I still wear velvet gloves. – Anaïs Nin
Zalgo: Funny. Cause I look around at this world you’re so eager to be a part of and all I see is six billion lunatics looking for fastest ride out. Who’s not crazy? Look around. Everyone’s drinking, smoking, shooting up, or just plain screwing their brains out, cuz they don’t want ‘em anymore. I’m crazy? Honey, I’m the original one-eyed chicken in the kingdom of the blind; Cuz at least I admit the world makes me nuts. – Glory, Buffy The Vampire Slayer
·         Extra for Zalgo: God’s busy. Can I help you? – Pinhead, Hellraiser
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loudsuitlover · 4 years
Would you write a blurb about their honeymoon or just about a day with their kids ?🥰
A/N: I chose the second one, hoped you like it! xx
Toddlers make everything look huge because they are so tiny so their little hands would hold apples and have them look like melons. Dylan wasn’t as tiny anymore, he was five years old, three months from turning six but in Blue’s eyes, he was still a tiny piece of cotton to hold and protect. 
He was colouring on the table while his daddy set the new stereo he had gotten for their movie nights and he was very focused on not colouring out of the lines because at school he had noticed, his colourings got better marking when he didn’t colour out of the lines, and even though this time the lines he had drew them himself, he still wanted to respect every single one of them. 
Mummy was doing laundry minding baby Annie and Hughie was down for a nap. It was a Sunday, so Nana was having dinner with them, but mummy and daddy were in homeware and Dylan didn’t knew, but he loved this moments because these were the moments were mummy and daddy were just mummy and daddy, and they weren’t anybody’s doctor and he didn’t have to share. 
His dad didn’t look at him because he knew his son wasn’t looking at him either. He would do that quite a lot, when he was colouring or when he was building with Lego; he would just start a conversation while being in his own head and Harry felt lucky that his son would let him have a glance at his little, magic mind. He shared a lot with Blue- he shared everything with Blue- but then again, Harry had been a mummy’s boy himself, so he couldn’t get any hard feelings with his own son for that. If he were a boy, he would choose Blue over him too. 
“Yes, honey?” 
“I was very scared.” 
In that moment he turned around and his green eyes searched for his kid’s but he wasn’t yet looking at him. It surprised him then, how calmed he looked- how much he looked like Blue- and how he was focused on his drawing and his little nut nose wasn’t wrinkled and his frown wasn’t troubled. 
He knew he meant three nights ago, when Hughie had had a seizure because of the fever because their two older babies had gotten a cold. They always got sick together. He sighed. 
Blue had heard their interaction, not because she meant to eavesdropped, but because she had put Anie down and she had found a lego Dylan had lost under her cot and she wanted to bring it back to him for she knew it would make him happy but she hadn’t want to interrupt the father-son moment. 
She also knew, Harry was a lot better with words than she was- he was also a lot better at cuddles, she figured- but she loved to hear him talk to their kids for she loved the way he was trying to raise them. It was mostly on love, they had both agreed that- that they would always wrapped their children in love and that was the only thing that could never ever be missing for food could miss if they struggled, even a roof could miss but love? Love will always be there for their children to feel. And she admired the way Harry thought, she had always admired that, but the way he tried to guide his kids... She was at awe with that and that’s why she felt so at ease, because if anything were to happen to her; she would leave her babies with the best person in the world. 
“You were?” 
Dylan hummed and a smirk found its way on Blue’s hidden face for she found it a very adult-like hum and she felt her heart beating hard with pride. Harry always said Dylan was a male mini-Blue, that he thought like her and talked like her and even walked like her so she always felt a weird pride with every little thing he did. 
It’s not that he was her favourite child. There was not such thing. She could never choose, because Dylan was so much like her, but Hughie was so much like Harry and she loved Harry... Hughie was dorky and funny, a people’s person, a real showman. He was a little distracted, sometimes even a little rough- just as his father was too straightforward sometimes- but he had the kindest little soul, and he would care and protect those he loved like a lion. And baby Anie... What was there not to love? They didn’t really know her yet because she was just a baby but they knew she liked Elvis and daddy and spending time with the boys. 
“And how did you know you were scared?” Harry asked him. 
That had him thinking. He stopped colouring then and his little hand held the colour crayon as he frowned and thought back of that night. How had he known he was scared? What was it that give the feeling away? He swallowed. 
“My heart was beating faster” He decided “but I didn’t like it.” 
“Was that the first time you had been scared?” 
“No.” He shook his head. “But I had never been scared for Hugh.” 
Harry nodded then. Hughie was tougher than Dylan. Harry had seen them playing on the park with other kids and he had seen Hughie protecting his older brother sometimes so he understood what he meant. 
“Well, honey, there’s nothing wrong with being scared. Fear really is just self-protection, you know? We get scared because we think something is going to happen that’s going to hurt us or the ones we love and that’s good because sometimes it’s true and we can prevent it from happening, you know? Most times, however, fear is just in our heads so” 
Harry got down from the stool he had been stading to reach the stereo better and took a seat next to his son on the table. The boy looked at his dad once before he got back to his colouring. Green eyes set on the piece of paper and they travel across the figure of a woman in white that kneels on the bed of a boy dressed in a superhero costume. He notices the sharks under her legs too and the blue birds surrounding her but how neither of them, nor the bad sharks nor the inocent birds, seem to mind her. 
“Is that mummy?”  
Dylan nodded and Harry smirked. 
“She wasn’t scared.” Dylan noted. “She saved him and then she made chocolate milk for the two of us and cuddled me.” 
Blue felt her heart swoon and her eyes getting teary. She probably should have explained better, even though she did explain to Dylan what had happened and what she had done, but the little boy still thought she had saved his brother, and she didn’t really feel worth it of that word. 
“Mummy’s really brave, isn’t she?” Harry asked. 
And Dylan nodded. 
“She’s braver than me.” 
“She’s braver than me too.” Harry chuckled and his son looked up at him with a frown. 
Was he being serious or was he messing with him? Daddy knew everything too and Mummy was very brave but Daddy was the most brave and Mummy always waited for him to go to bed because she slept better when Daddy was home. She always said that... And Mummy curled up to Daddy when there was thunder outside like they did to her and Daddy held Mummy when she cried so Daddy must be the most brave of them five. 
“But you know, Mummy’s scared sometimes too.” 
“Do you think so?” His son challenged. 
“I know so.” Harry shrugged. “She was really scared once when you were younger because you had hit your head at uncle’s Rio’s house and she didn’t know how it had exactly happened so she was very scared that you had hurt yourself really bad.” 
“But I didn’t?” 
Harry chuckled.
“No, you didn’t.” 
“So she was scared for me, like I was scared for Hugh.” 
“That’s right.” His dad nodded. “I reckon that’s the only thing that can really scare Mummy, something happening to us four or Uncle Rio or Aunty Coco or Aunty Gemma or Nana or Abuela, you know.” 
“You too, daddy?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Mummy is scared for you too?” 
His son’s question took him off guard. What was he doubting here? 
“Well, yeah.” He chuckled. “Mummy loves me quite a bit too, you know? It’s not just you, little chipmunks.” 
Dylan giggled at his daddy’s tickles but he already knew that. What had surprised him was that his mummy would be protective of Daddy too because Daddy was who protected them all and he had never been afraid of anything happening to Daddy so it surprised him that Mummy would be. Mummy seemed rather smart... 
“But the important thing, Dy, is that you know when you’re scared and that’s great, you know why?” 
“Because if I know what’s wrong, I can change it.” The little boy repeated his daddy’s teaching and the man smiled, as proud as amazed at his intelligence. 
“Exactly, and because you helped Hughie too, you know? You got scared so you called for Mummy and then Mummy could help him. If you hadn’t called Mummy, then maybe Mummy wouldn’t know.” Harry shrugged. “So see? Fear was a good thing then, wasn’t it?” 
Dylan seemed to consider it. He hadn’t felt good that night. He cried and he felt a heavy weight on his chest and his belly turning upside down and his pulse on his wrists and he didn’t like that. But he supposed... Maybe Daddy was right. Mummy did came to help Hughie. 
“And you know why Mummy wasn’t scared and you were?” Dylan shook his head. “Not because Mummy was bravest but because Mummy knew what was happening, because Mummy is a doctor, and you didn’t. That’s why.” 
Dylan nodded. That made sense. Daddy always made sense, except when he watched the Packers. 
“So next time you’re scared, you need to ask yourself- wait, why am I scared? And then you do what you have to do, okay?” 
Dylan nodded. 
In a second he got on his knees on his chair and wrapped his small arms around his daddy’s neck. 
“Thank you, daddy.” 
“No problem, baby.” 
“And daddy, is that going to happen to Hugh again?” 
“I don’t know, it might. But that’s okay, we know what to do.” 
“But... Hughie is okay... right?” 
“Sure, love, he’ll be fine. He just got the cold worse than you did. But he’ll be alright. Don’t worry.” 
“Now, shall we see if Daddy figure to connect the right wires for the stereo?” 
With that he got up from the table and turned back around so he could turn the stereo on and a few seconds later, after Blue had picked her heart up from the floor and had set it back on her ribcage, she thought it was a good time to give Dylan his lego construction. 
She set it on the table in front of him before either of them noticed her presence and the little boy jumped in his seat in excitement. 
“Yeah, baby!” He celebrated, making both his parents laugh. “You found it! Mummy, you’re the best!” 
“Thank you, lovely.” 
“Mummy, look! It’s for Hugh but this is you. See? I painted her lips pink like you like.” 
“Oh, thank you, love! This is such a great drawning! Look at these birds! They’re so gorgeous, and these sharks, baby, they’re very scary! You’re such a good drawer, Dy! And you didn’t colour out of the lines at all! Hughie is going to love it.” 
“Is he up?” 
His hazel eyes looked up at her with hope and will but she shook her head and kissed his hairline when softly The Crystals started playing from the stereo. 
“Oh, well, you did it!” She celebrated. 
Her husband gave her a cheeky grin over his shoulder and having their child on her hands, she still felt her heart skipping a beat at that spark of his, like from the fifties and she wanted to laugh at herself. 
“What? Did you come here to dance? Just when the stereo is playing, she appears out the door...” He teased her, making her giggle stupidly. 
“Well, I didn’t originally. But I’d never say no to dancing with my favourite man on Earth so... Can I have this dance, Dy?” 
Harry smirked but brought a hand to his heart and pretended to have been shot and Dylan giggled at his mummy’s antics as she picked him up from the chair and danced with him before they all heard baby Anie calling. 
“Oh, that’s my call, like Cinderella.” She giggled and set the boy back in the table, pressing another kiss to his head before she rushed outside. 
“Don’t forget your slipper, princess.” Her husband called after her making her giggle again. 
He still chuckled after she had disappeared and his boy, still at the table, was gathering his crayons and keeping them on his pencil case.
“Daddy,” He spoke again “do you like Mummy?” 
He had to laugh. He turned his body to the side so he was facing his kid and the little boy challenged him with the sterness of his mother’s hazel eyes. 
“What do you mean if I like Mummy? I love Mummy. I’m married to her.” 
He shrugged. 
“I just thought you liked Mummy because Mrs Mars said when people like someone, they might make jokes but they always treat that person especially good.” 
“That is true.” Harry nodded. 
“So I thought you liked Mummy because you called her princess and that was a joke but you always make her breakfast and you hug her and you always let her have the new blanket and you say nice things to her too like how good she smells or how pretty she is.” 
Harry smirked at his son’s appreciations. He didn’t know he had been watching him but he found it endearing. And he did always let Blue have the new blanket, because she was always colder than he was, and he liked hugging her, that was true. 
“Well, you caught me. I do like Mummy. A lot.” He played. 
Dylan nodded with an eyebrow cocked as if saying, you’re telling me... And Harry tried his best not to laugh as he watched his little smarty pants keeping his pencils in his red pencil-case. 
“Don’t worry, Daddy. Mummy likes you too.” 
“You reckon she does?” He grinned. 
“I think yes. She always serves your plate before she serves hers and the other day she bought you a sweater because she heard you say you were cold at work so she doesn’t want you to be cold and she always laugh at your jokes and he says you’re very handsome all the time.”
“She laughs at my jokes because my jokes are good.” He defended. 
“Aunty Gemma says they aren’t.” He confessed. His hazel eyes found his daddy’s. “Daddy, I told her I think they are but I lied.” 
And he was apologizing for it, Harry wasn’t sure whether he was sorry for having lied or if he was sorry that he didn’t really find them funny but he couldn’t help himself when he squeezed his son against his chest in endless love and admiration. 
“I love you so much, Dy.” Harry chuckled. 
“I love you too, Daddy.” Then his little hands cup Harry’s cheeks and he held his dad’s face close to his. “Daddy, your jokes are good.” 
And he laughed again until someone ringed the bell. 
“Nana!” Dylan’s eyes opened as he jumped off his dad’s embrace and ran to the door. 
And as he made his way to the door himself, he stopped you on the corridor with a firm grip on your hips with both hands and you smiled at him with baby Anie on your waist. 
“Hey, Blue, our son thinks we like each other.” 
She frowned amused but she thought she knew where that came from because she had picked him from school on friday and he had told her about what Mrs Mars had said about liking someone when a girl from class had told another that Bryce pulled from her piggy tails because he liked her. 
“Maybe I should take you on a date or something...” He joked. 
“Maybe you should.” She smiled. “Because, yeah, I do like you.” 
He captured her lips with his on an amused kiss. 
“Yeah, I kinda like you too.” 
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Can we get Sooga (and maybe Kohga) babysitting lil Tulin????
“We came as soon as we saw your message.”
“Yeah, it was urgent! Where’s the fire?”
Teba turned as he saw Sooga and Kohga dash on into his home. He nodded at them.
“Yeah. Sorry. Was gonna ask Mipha, but she’s with her boy toy. Figured I’d trust you two instead.”
Teba took a step to the side, showing his son, Tulin, who was currently sitting on the floor, writing in his journal. Kohga cocked his head to the side, before shrugging.
“What? You want me to tell him to beat it? He a freeloader or what?”
“No. I need you two to chicksit for me. I’m taking Saki out, and I need someone to watch Tulin.”
Saki walked in just in time, adjusting her feathers.
“Teba, are you ready dear?”
“I’m ready, so long as these two are. So, how about it you two?”
Kohga was about to say ‘fuck no’, when he saw that look in Sooga’s eyes. He WANTED to do this, because he was a moron. Ugh. He sighed, before nodding.
“Fine. You two go and have fun, we got the little guy.”
Saki clapped her hands together, before leaning down to kiss Tulin’s head.
“Be good for Kohga and Sooga, my little nugget.”
“But not TOO good, kiddo.”
Teba patted his head, and Saki chuckled at the sight. She turned to the two yigas.
“Now, Tulin is supposed to be in bed by nine. No playing with Kass’s girls, as they’re supposed to be in bed, and they get into all kinds of mischief. That’s about it! Have fun you three, stay safe!”
Teba held his arm out for his lady, who giggled as she accepted it. Once they left, Sooga turned to Kohga.
“You didn’t want to do this. Why did you say yes?”
“Because YOU wanted to. And don’t look at me like that, you idiot.”
“I love you so much.”
“Tell someone who cares, moron.”
“You guys are weird.”
They both turned to look at Tulin, who was looking at them oddly. Kohga motioned to him.
“So...the fuck do we do with his white lookin’ ass?”
“Stop swearing, for one. It’s not good that he gets a pottymouth so early on. Two, we should properly introduce ourselves.”
Sooga walked over to him, kneeling down as he held out his hand.
“It is nice to meet you, Tulin. My name is Sooga, and that’s Kohga. How are you?”
Tulin put his book down, in order to stand up, and shake his hand properly.
“Hello! And good day!”
“What manners! And a good day to you too, little one.”
“My dad said good kids make good greeters!”
“God that’s a weird saying.”
Kohga sighed as he walked over to Teba’s hammock, before jumping into it, and getting himself nice and comfy. So comfy, he fell right to sleep. Sooga softly sighed. He loved his husband, very, very much.
“So. We have three hours until your bedtime, what would you like to-oh. You’re practicing your penmanship?”
Sooga looked over to the notebook on the floor, and Tulin nodded.
“Yep! Kheel has really pretty handwriting, I want mine to look good too! I wanna surprise her!”
“Huh. Why, if I didn’t know little one, I’d say that’s rather romantic.”
Tulin’s blush shone through his feathers, and he shook his head.
“N-no. She’s my friend, that’s it.”
“Uh huh, I see, I see,”
Sooga sat down next to Tulin, looking at the notebook.
“Regardless, I’d love to give you feedback. My father practiced calligraphy, I think I have a proper position on the matter.”
Tulin handed him his notebook, and Sooga skimmed through the pages. He nodded in approval.
“This is very nice! Have you shown your father?”
“No, just mom.”
“Why is that?”
Tulin shrugged, reaching up to grab his book again.
“It’s just a mom thing. Flight range and arrows are for me and dad, writing is for me and mom.”
Sooga nodded. Such a sweet, talented little boy.
“You have a good bond with your mother, little one.”
“Dad calls her a ‘worrybeak’, but yeah, I love my mom. Are you close with yours?”
Sooga froze. For a moment, he recalled her. Recalled her hair, her eyes, her smile. Her tears, her screams, her pain. His father holding onto her hand, his father scolding him for choosing to leave, using his mother’s name like a curse. A curse that cut into his hide like a-
“Yoohoo? Mr.Sooga?”
He suddenly snapped back into reality as Tulin waved his wing in front of his face. He cleared his throat, shaking his head.
“We...were. But she is no longer here.”
“Oh. I’m super sorry. What about your dad?”
“My father...wanted me to leave the nest, so to speak. But it’s fine. I’m loved enough.”
Tulin followed his gaze to Kohga, who gave his ass a good scratch. Tulin snickered, and Sooga couldn’t resist a small chuckle as well. Tulin put his book away, In order to look at his blades. The little rito was clearly very interested.
“Did he give you those swords?”
“No. Master Kohga did. Have you ever wielded a weapon before?”
“A bow and arrow, but never something cool like swords!”
Sooga thought about it for a moment. This child DID seem rather mature, despite his small size. Not to mention bows were just awful for up close combat. Against his better judgement, he decided to give the little one a gift.
“Would you like a present, Tulin?”
“YES! Please!”
Oh the way his little eyes shone in excitement. He pulled out something from his back, and placed it right into Tulin’s awaiting wings. A Vicious Sickle. Tulin looked it over in his hands, clearly in awe. Sooga chuckled, lightly patting his little bird head.
“It’s a light, easy to use weapon, with enough practice. It’s a wonderful starter weapon, and it never hurts to have extra protection. You will soon be the man of the house, you must learn to defend what is yours.”
“Woah! SO cool!”
Tulin was so excited, he started waving the damn thing around like a madlad. Even someone as calm as Sooga felt slightly panicked; for the only thing more dangerous than a blade, was an inexperienced hand. He grabbed onto Tulin’s hand, barely keeping himself from being cut.
“It IS cool. But what’s cooler is knowing how to use it. Would you like to learn?”
“Yes!! Please teach me! Please please please!”
“Very well. I should hope to be a good teacher to an eager student.”
Sooga held onto his hand, showing him the proper way to hold it; tightly, with the blade angled for a downward motion.
“Okay, I think I got it. Like this?”
“Perfect. Now, it’s a limber weapon, so if you need to move it in your hand, feel free to do so. Just be careful, it’s very easy to cut yourself. Now, let’s try to get a feel for it, shall we?”
Sooga stood up, and brandished one of his swords. He gave Tulin a moment to get his stance ready, before he let Tulin come at him. Course, he was very easy to block, but the point was so Tulin could feel comfortable holding it.
“Good, good. Side to side motions, just as you are.”
“It’s...kinda heavy, my arms hurt.”
“Suppose for your size, it’s not as limber as it is intended to be. Do your arms really hurt, or can you keep trying?”
“I...can keep trying, I think.”
“Good, a true fighter keeps going. Swing at me again.”
He noticed Tulin had to use almost both his hands as he swung. Poor thing was struggling. Light as his weapons were, Tulin was small. Determined, but very tiny. Still, he did rather well, all things considered. He blocked another blow rather easily.
“You aren’t uncomfortable around weapons. Good.”
“It’s usually bows, but training with my dad is a LOT like this.”
“Good of your father, teaching you to be comfortable with such a vital tool.”
He was about to do a mock swing, just to see if Tulin could dodge, when he saw Tulin was already weary, panting and even sweating a little. For living in a peaceful village, and armed with a bow and arrow, this WAS a lot of practice, especially from someone who was essentially a stranger. Sooga put his weapon away, and knelt down to Tulin.
“Why don’t we take a break? A weapon is useless without a body.”
“Okay...can we eat? I’m hungry.”
Sooga nodded, letting Tulin take the weapon, and sneak it into his own hammock. Tulin helped him find the cooking pot, and in a moment, Sooga had a fire going, and a few ingredients to throw inside.
“So, what are we hungry for?”
“I dunno, what can you make?”
“I suppose I can make poultry curry.”
“Oh! Yes! Do that one!”
Sooga nodded. He had no issues cooking the rice, and the chicken appropriately, and as soon as it was done, he handed a bowl to Tulin. Tulin dug into it hungrily, before slowly ceasing his eating. Sooga cocked his head down as the child stared at the bowl.
“What’s the matter?”
“I don’t like how it tastes. Super bland. I don’t wanna eat it.”
“God fucking dammit, Sooga, I can smell your shit cooking in my dreams.”
They both turned to look at Kohga, who had just woken up. He got out of the hammock, and walked over to the pot, taking the soup ladle to help himself to a taste. He then used it to smack Sooga on the back of his head.
“You. Cannot cook. I’d rather eat wet sand, at least THAT has salt.”
“I thought I was cooking it right-”
“Yeah right to hell. Fuck shit, move. What even is this?”
“Poultry curry.”
Kohga looked at him as if he had just gone insane.
“You’re...feeding chicken...to a baby chicken. That’s fucked up, Sooga.”
He was about to bitch at him some more, when Tulin nudged the bowl against Sooga. Kohga turned to look at him, and the little one was whimpering.
“Please fix it, I’m really hungry.”
“For the love of- fine. But only because I hate it when Sooga cooks.”
And Kohga did not disappoint. Not only did he fix Sooga’s awful poultry curry, he made the tastiest, sweetest egg pudding Tulin had ever tasted. The little one had two helpings of each, burping as soon as he was done. Kohga chuckled as he saw just how content the little guy was.
“Look at you, hungry fella. You need anything else, kid?”
“Uh huh. Can I please have some warm milk?”
“Sure, sure. I’ll make it just how my mom made mine.”
Tulin peered over as Kohga not only poured milk onto the pot, but cane sugar, courser bee honey, and even ground up some Chickaloo Tree Nuts. It made for a sweet, fragrant drink that Tulin accepted gleefully. He took one sip, and started kicking his little legs around wildly.
“This is SOOO good! This is WAY better than when mom makes it! Your mom is super cool!”
“She really was, she really was. Glad you like it, kiddo. Your turn, Sooga.”
Sooga didn’t LOVE sweets, but who was he to refuse such a treat from his Master? He accepted his own cup, took a sip, and found himself recalling...the good times. The times where he stood with his mother as they sipped tea, the times where she would get rid of his dirty, wet clothes, in order to get him warm and dry again. There was...only good in this drink, honestly. Sooga nodded, trying not to dwell so much on what was.
“I agree with Tulin. This is excellent. I’m surprised I’m just now trying it.”
“Eh, I only make it if I really need to go to bed. I usually make them with banana cookies-”
“Can you make those next time, please?!”
Tulin was practically giddy at the notion of more treats, and Kohga found it amusing. He patted Tulin’s head, nodding.
“Sure. Next time I’ll bring some over, just for you kid.”
“You’re SO cool!”
“I mean, I know that, but thank you.”
Kohga chuckled. He helped himself to his own drink, sighing in content. A nice, cold night, warmed by a nice fire, and some warm drinks. What more could one want? Sooga chuckled to himself, realizing he had downed nearly half of his cup. No wonder he was feeling so calm, so still.
“Thank you. I don’t think I’d know how to handle a hungry child who didn’t like my food.”
“That's why I’M the cook between us. Your food is so bland. I had half a mind to-”
He went silent, and Sooga saw why. Tulin had finished his drink, and had passed out, right into Kohga’s lap. Kohga struggled, clearly not knowing how to handle this, before groaning, and just patting the bird’s back, lulling him further into sleep. Sooga sat there for a moment, watching them. Kohga didn’t want children, but...they did like him. Found enough comfort in him to fall asleep on him, to cherish the plentiful meals he made them. Sooga even turned to look at his face, and caught him smiling oh so fondly at the little bird. Kohga seemed to catch his grin, and huffed.
“Hell you looking at?”
“I’m just. Seeing how wonderful you are with Tulin...and it really, really makes me realize; you’d make a wonderful, wonderful parent. You act so standoffish, but you...truly love taking care of children and-”
“God don’t you start that shit with me, Sooga.”
“I’m just saying! Family life might be for you! How do you know, you’ve never tried it!”
“Shut the hell up, you absolute fucking idiot.”
Sooga stopped for a moment as Kohga leaned into him, still keeping his hand on Tulin. Sooga looked down at these two, and was confident, more than ever, that he wanted a family. This feeling, that he was feeling right now, was something he desperately, terribly wanted. He wrapped his arm around Kohga, letting the dancing fire illuminate his features. He kissed the top of his head, softly sighing.
“I...love you. I love you so terribly much.”
“Sooga! Kohga! We’re ba-oh!”
Saki immediately silenced herself as she saw the little cuddle train that was happening here. Teba walked in behind her, chuckling at the sight. He nodded towards Sooga, who was too busy protecting them to sleep.
“Teba, Saki. How was your date?”
“Oh it was lovely, we went out to eat and everything. Quite sweet, honestly. Here, let me put him into bed, I’d hate for him to get a cramp, laying on the floor like that.”
Sooga, despite how it hurt his heart, let Saki take Tulin, and put him into his own little bed. Suppose that was his cue. He got up, carrying a sleeping Kohga in his arms. Teba nodded at him.
“Thanks for watching him. Hope he wasn’t too much for you two.”
“Not at all. You have a very wonderful, and very honest boy. You should be proud.”
“I am, I am, honestly. Especially if he made an impression on you.”
“I...hope this isn’t too much, but may we stay? I just, really wanted to-”
“What is this?”
They both turned to look at Saki, who was holding the vicious sickle in her hand. Teba winced, before shaking his head.
“yeah...I think staying is a really bad idea.”
Sooga looked at Saki, and shrugged.
“In my defense, he was excited to receive a present.”
So Sooga and Kohga weren’t ready to be dads.
Just yet, anyway.
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How about some hcs for the hosts having pets?
Ooooo interesting
- He loves Mr. Tanuki and Piyo so much.
- Their health and happiness are now part of his priorities. He will spend quite some time playing with them and even just chilling with them like best bros.
- They also tend to stay by his side as much time as possible, chilling around and stuff. When they're not, Piyo's probably with his brother, or a dramatic Hikaru. Mr Tanuki meanwhile goes on the garden or something and brings Mori a little something like a rock or a nut or anything and he keeps them dearly.
- Mr Tanuki has tried many times to get on Mori's keyboard or something like that so he made him a little thing like that post where there's a box thing over the keyboard so he can stay there.
- Piyo totally has been in a couple pics like that "my duckling fell asleep on my calculator" one.
- He totally has little beds for them in his room, but also gives them their own space.
- Since a lot of his attention goes to Usa-chan, he doesn't really think about having a pet for a while.
- I think he would have a bird, but like, one that flies. That way it can chill on the gardens whenever Honey's not around.
- Also I think Honey would love to hear it sing like it's chatting with him and Usa-chan.
- It was probably his brother's idea to get a bird tbh, and both take care of it very dearly.
- Okay maybe Honey wanted a rabbit but there's already Usa-chan and he would hate having to choose one bunny over the other.
- Fish. I'm not even sure why it's so popular in the fandom but it makes sense.
- I think he's very fascinated by how gorgeous they look, all colorful and flowing and yeah.
- When he stays up late, sometimes he takes a break to just gaze at the fish, some of them still swimming around. Wouldn't it be nice to be a fish and not have to do all that work, and just swim around and around?
- Tamaki was actually the one who suggested it. He saw how lonely Kyoya was but didn't have too much time to spend on a bigger pet so he said fish.
- He totally has specific fish that remind him of his friends. And it makes him smile. He loves his fish and his friends.
- He loves Antoinette very much, and sometimes her presence just reminds him about his mom. After all, in the manga Antoinette has a sibling living in France (I think). He loves Antoinette a lot.
- After the France arc, he was so sad about not having Antoinette that he was determined to find a solution so they could spend more time together. Of course it involved the whole club.
- They're like "you know you could just. Bring her with us when we hang out" and so he does.
- However they do make him discipline Antoinette a bit more. They're not having more fence incidents after Karuizawa.
- Might cry over this but, comfort. When something goes wrong or stressful or he's just in a low mood, Antoinette always brings a smile to his face.
- With the whole "if not fun, we out" idea he and Kaoru had, they never really cared much for a pet... Or friends, or anything. But now things are different, and that includes pets.
- Since he tends to be very cuddly (case in point, Mr Tanuki), he'd have a pet he can hug. It takes a while for the club to try and come up with something that would fit him and then one day he just brings his pet into the club.
- "Hika-chan why do you have a bunny?" "Oh I found it earlier today and he's very lovely" "... Ok then I guess that's that" "Wait Hikaru do you even know how to take care of it?"
- This means a lot of visits from Mori and Honey because a) he's still gonna love Mr Tanuki b) he's gonna learn how to take care of his bunny c) Honey gets to play with it for a while as well.
- Hikaru takes very good care of the bunny and loves it. Very soft, 10/10.
- Well maybe he wants to have a cat. It's chill, like maybe he can just be doing stuff and the cat would be there chilling and that would be nice.
- In all honesty I think Kaoru really doesn't like knowing he's doing stuff alone. However a cat that just comes and goes around the house or like, sleeps around him or stuff like that is perfect.
- Like okay, I don't know how to express it. A pet like a dog is great but it's clearly a pet/owner relationship. What Kaoru sees in a cat is like yes, I take care of my cat, and yes it's a pet, but it feels different, you know?
- Also he would love the occasional chaos a cat brings.
- Nekozawa approves of his life choices. Well, at least this one. He gives Kaoru a small puppet.
- Kaoru loves his cat very much.
- Doesn't have, has never had a pet, didn't even think that much about it. Tamaki is SHOOKETH.
- "Well I've always been busy studying, taking care of myself, stuff like that. I just didn't really have the time for a pet."
- While a pet would be really cute and lovely, Haruhi doesn't really mind not having one. Besides, it's not like there's gonna be a staff like Tamaki's to take care of the pet while Haruhi's at school, or a huge garden or anything.
- "Well then you could just drop it off an one of our houses!! It could play with Antoinette, even!" "Tamaki-senpai that's gonna be too much to do every day. In that case I could just visit you all."
- However that did spark a great idea. Whenever possible, Haruhi works in a pet shop / vet clinic, that way there's the lovely pets without the worry of leaving them alone. Yes Kasanoda and Haruhi are coworkers, yes I love their friendship.
- Still, the other hosts' pets love it whenever Haruhi visits them. Haruhi loves them as well.
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