#cause that's exactly what happened on the opposite side of my mouth
igotanidea · 3 months
Shunning: Jason Todd x reader
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request: Jason comforting reader cause her friends ostracised her.
A/N: hopefully this will put a smile on the face of everyone who felt back for being rejected in any form it may come.
They were madly in love, there was no denying that.
But not in a lovey-dovey kind of way that was reserved only for the time they were alone and felt safe enough with the other to let that side out. It was rather mercilessly-teasing-not-really-meaning-all-those-mean-words-coming-out-of-my-mouth-cause-only-I-can-do-that manner.
However, there are boundaries to every relationship.
Especially when one of the parts in couple is a infamous vigilante/antihero.
And ever since the beginning Jason made it very clear that Y/N was not supposed to visit his apartment when he was not there. It was his duty to keep her safe. At all costs. And since sometimes it happened that due to lack of strength after patrol he just crashed his regular flat instead of safe house, no one, no one, was allowed to connect Y/N Y/L/N to Red Hood.
No fucking one.
Even if it meant giving her the spare key as a sign of commitment (but only because Jason tended to lost his own too often), but also simultaneously pushing her away by making the hereinabove mentioned rule.
Yeah… it hurt.
But she understood.
She understood all the rules and boundaries and safety precautions coming from being with him and if that’s what it took to call him hers – so be it.
So normally she stuck to the principles.
8 a.m.
It was one of the hardest patrol he had ever had, but some kind of crazy instincts made him push forward and patch himself up at the nearest lair. Which wasn’t even his in the first place, but that was something Grayson would never know. And also- besides the point.
The fact was, though, that he came back to his  official address (official for someone who was still legally dead, of course), dressed in regular clothes and without blood stains with plasters all over his face.
Planning to maybe call his girlfriend so they can spend the nice day together.
Hoping to see her teasing smirk and eyes rolling, knowing she was the one to match his sarcasm, give him hard time making this relationship a challenge for him, which was exactly why she fell for her in the first place. Or maybe it was the fact that underneath all that rough-around-the-edges surface they were so similarly sensitive on the inside it made it easier to connect on so many levels.
Lost in his thoughts he opened the door and immediately knew something was wrong.
Energetic music coming from the kitchen.
Some crazy (DELICIOUS!) smell.
And the opened curtains that make the dim Gotham light permeate the room.
The hell?
Jason grabbed his pistol from the shoe (regular clothes or not, forewarned is forearmed) and busted into kitchen, grabbing the intruder by the arm, pointing the gun to their head.
“Auch! Fuck! Jay!”
“Y/N!” the gun landed on the floor and she immediately kicked it away, so it wouldn’t fire on her leg or foot.
‘Well morning to you to!”
“The hell you doing here?!”
“fucking breakfast!”
The scene was truly grotesque.
Boyfriend and girlfriend, who were, may I remind you, madly in love, standing on the opposite side of the kitchen, one of them clearly in need of some loving and rest, the other offering exactly that and yet they settled on yelling their surprise out at one another.
“I’m gonna ask you again- what are you doing here?” Jason almost hissed, his own protective and possessive instincts kicking in in a Red Hood style.
“I told you-“ she became a little defensive, but sure as hell not submissive or humble.
“Stop yelling at me Jason!”
The way she accentuated the last word, his name, made him stop for a moment, groan in frustration and run hand over his face, almost poking his eyes out. Right. He was Jason now. Her Jason. And she didn’t deserve the aggression and violence (she had her fair share of that coming from men).
“Okay, fine. I won’t yell. But explain to me.”
“I needed you—” she finally whispered.
Any other guy would just melt at such sweet confession coming from the loved woman, but Jason? Nah. He was way more perceiving and knowledgeable about her quirks.
So he noticed.
Her sad eyes.
Her nervous energy.
Her feigned smile.
And the fact that she not only just made him his favorite breakfast but also was currently keeping an eye on the blueberry muffins in the oven.
“Y/N….” he said calmly to get her attention.
“Yeah, huh, what’s wrong?”
“I should be asking you that question…”
“What you mean?” she raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t trick me honey.” He warned with a grin and before she realized what was happening around her he grabbed her, threw her over his shoulder and carried her to the living room, ready to coax, force or hug the truth out of her. No holds barred.
“My muffins!” she yelled struggling against his grip.
“Yeah, whatever, as long as we don’t need firefighters here I don’t care.”
He threw her on the couch sitting beside her.
“Talk to me.”
“It’s nothing really I –“
“you know I’d hate to be the therapist in this relation and steal the job you do for me, but for Christ’s sake Y/N, let it out.”
Okay, so he clearly did not think those words out.
And it was not his intention to make her cry.
Even if her snuggling into his chest made him feel like she actually needed him. Like she wasn’t always the tough, self-made, self-sufficient girl.
“Oh…” he gasped wrapping arms around her. “Shh… sh… it’s okay. I got you. I got you, you can tell me.” The mindless words were just coming out his mouth when he pulled her closer not caring about black mascara smudges on his favorite shirt. (which was old either way, so no shame in ruining it).
“Do you think I’m pathetic for being an introvert?”
“What?” he blinked a couple times, frowning and searching her face to make sure she was serious with that question “Since when you’re an introvert?”
“Ok, princess listen to me. I have no idea from where that idea got into your pretty little head but-“
“My friends.” She stuttered wiping her eyes smudging makeup even more looking like a cute little panda and despite all the seriousness from her part Jason smiled for a moment considering the view adorable.
“come again? Your friends?”
“Yeah…” she sniffled “my friends. We were supposed to hang out last night, but when I reached out, cause I was feeling a tad lonely” she send him a look “they all respectively said that they are busy and tired and maybe another time.”
“Uh-huh.” He nodded “I got a feeling I know where this is going-“
“Believe me, you have no idea.” She rolled her eyes, sadness slowly making way to annoyance and frustration “not only they went partying, which I found out via Instagram, hashtag somuchfun, hashtag hotgirlsparty,  but also figured it was Allison’s bachelorette party!”
“That Alison?! The friendship bracelet Allison?!”
“yes! Can you imagine the audacity!? And she’s been engaged for months and everyone knew!”
“No way!” Jason gasped while they both acted at least like Hollywood wives gossiping about first world problems.
“Also, I have to say how much I appreciate you actually listening to all my silly girly ranting.”
“Of course baby” he kissed her forehead rubbing her back affectionately “but don’t tell it to anyone. Now seriously, all jokes aside, are you all right? I mean – not that I have much experience with friendship-“
“Roy.” She cuts him off with a firm voice.
“Ok, fine, fine! I’ll make peace with him!” he raised his hands in surrender “that’s not the point. You were straight forward casted out! Ostra-fucking-cised! And the fuck why??” now he was becoming a little angry.
“Cause clearly I’m a mood killer, no fun, tense, embarrassing, don’t know how to party-“
“Jason?” she looked at him briefly “Jason! JASON! HELL! Put that gun down and get back here!” she yanked the back of his shirt pulling him back to the couch before he could something reckless and irreversible.
“Let go off me princess I have to-“
She started crying again.
“Oh god! Oh baby please don’t cry, I’m sorry-“ he cupped both her cheeks falling to his knees and wiping the tears away “Y/N, love, please I didn’t mean to –“
“There’s only one thing you have to do now.”  She calmed down at once, revealing that her tears were just another trick.
“What?! NO! You stay here and pamper me! Comfort me!” she smacked him on the head, soft enough to not make any damage. “Jeez! How many times will I have to teach you!? A girl, your girl is crying. What do we do then?” her voice was reminiscent of that of a primary school teacher
“We hug. We say nice words. We don’t let go until she feels better. We let her do all she wants cause she’s sad.” He answered mechanically.
“Very good, Jason” Y/N teased “gold star for theory, now can you please make it into practice?”
Ten seconds later she was wrapped up in his strong arms, with one of his hand cradling her head and brushing the strands of her hair, the other on the small of her back.
“For the record, I think introverts are cool. Seriously, the hell is wrong with the world making a false impression that you need to crash everyone just to get somewhere in life? Like I don’t know, make a name for yourself by being loud and show-offish.
“Jason…” she laughed and it made his chest reverberate
“What--? Oh! Hey! That’s not what I meant! We were talking about you,, not me!”
“Well you made me laugh, so good job on that!”
“You know what on the other hand, introverts are assholes. They are always quiet and listen and remember everything you say only to use it against you later on. Like little rat searching for the hole in everything.”
“Hey!” she poked his ribs
“Oh no, princess, that’s out the line!” he laughed rolling on top of her, tickling her. “You’re the most amazing introvert I have ever met, you hear me? Life is a constant party with you and your beautiful mind, ok? So what if they didn’t tell you about the bachelorette? I mean, sure it sucks, but I bet her fiancé is an ugly ork.”
“And how is that supposed to make me feel better?”
“Cause baby believe me, once you get thrown a bachelorette I’ll make sure that not only Instagram but also all the magazines will be racing to get photos of that party. How could they not? The prettiest, most amazing girl in Gotham not being available anymore! Damn, Kardashians will get jealous of you!"”
“Are you asking me something here Jason Peter Todd.”
“You and your admirable fantasy.” He smirked kissing her forehead “I’ll leave you hanging, but tell me one thing. Do you really need fake friends? You already have a zombie boyfriend, isn’t that enough for you? Starring in a “Walking Dead”, now you also want “Mean Girls?” he faked indignation “so greedy!”
“Your impossible you know that?” she smiled at him, the first genuine smile since she came to his apartment.
“Hell no, I’m way more handsome than Tom Cruise!”
“What? You wanted to be comforted, you can only get it done my style.”
“Hey. Hey look at me” she cupped his cheek so their gazes could meet.
“Yeah? What is it my sunshine and rainbows?”
“Don’t stop, okay?”
“Never.” He grinned. “You’re stuck with the tacky humor and dry jokes.”
And with a burning blueberry muffins
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obsessedelusional · 1 year
Eddie ‘The Munch’ Munson
parings ✦ Eddie Munson x reader
summary ✦ Your best friend, Chrissy, confronts you wanting to know why you’ve been so distant. When you tell her it’s because you’ve been spending all your time under Eddie Munson she’s in shock, wanting to know everything. So you do exactly that, which leads to Chrissy reevaluating her relationship with Jason. Does her big mouth get you in trouble?
authors note ✦ thanks for all the love on my most recent post omg hope y’all enjoy this one too!! appreciate feedback and reblogs <3 my fav is Eddie being obsessed with eating the reader out expecting nothing in return so that’s where this came from lol
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
“I still can’t believe the reason you’ve been disappearing lately is because you’re too busy fucking Eddie Munson.” Chrissy laughs out loud which comes to an end quickly when you tell her shut up. You decided to come clean when she pulled you to side asking what was wrong and why you had been come so distant.
You two grew up together, you considered her family at this point. Chrissy and you were on total opposite sides of the social spectrum. You joined band and she became a cheerleader. That never stopped you two from being inseparable. At first you tried to hang out with her new friends but couldn’t handle it which she took no offense to. You found your own group of friends quickly but you two always found your ways back to each other. Most weekends spent at each others homes or hanging out together at the local mall. You felt like you could tell her anything and felt bad you have kept this a secret as long as you had.
“So how’d this happen?” Chrissy asks wanting to know all the details. But before you can respond the schools bell goes off signally that lunch is over. She groans annoyed, “You best believe I’ll be at your house tonight after practice and you’re going to tell me everything.” She pulls you into a hug before leaving you alone in the quiet hallway which quickly fills up with other students hurrying to their classrooms. Eddie walks by, catches you staring and shoots you a smile. You waste no time pulling out your phone to send him a text making your way to your next period.
You: my parents won’t be home tonight
Only a few moments pass before your phone dings, it’s Eddie.
Eddie: I have a drop off but as soon as I’m done I’ll be at yours
You: I’ll be waiting for you
You’re sat at home anticipating Eddie’s arrival. Periodically checking your phone waiting for any messages letting you know he’s on his way. Your parents would be out of town this weekend, leaving you home alone. No text from him but the music blaring out of a car stereo notifies you, he’s here. You waste no time running down stairs, to the front door to greet him. You open the door just as he’s about to knock.
“Come on, we have one hour until Chrissy’s coming over.” You grab his hand to lead him upstairs, straight to you bedroom. You push him towards your bed he stumbles backwards eventually landing on it.
“Only one hour! What ever shall we do?” He asks, putting on one of his accents, he pulls you in closer so your standing between his legs. You laugh before smashing your lips into his, he hoists you up so you can sit on his lap. His hands wander under the skirt your wearing. “No underwear?” You nod no in response, his hand grasps your ass softly before pulling away swiftly and smacking it hard enough to emit a noise out of you.
“I want to please you.” You pout, letting yourself unbutton his black skinny jeans.
“Won’t be necessary.” He lifts you up unexpectedly causing you to hold on tight before he lays you down so he could be on top. He starts peppering kisses down you neck, pulling at your t-shirt. You help him take it off, exposing your chest. “No bra either? You’re trying to kill me.” He says latching onto you nipple, sucking causing you to arch yourself forward. He let’s go and continues kissing down your body. Stopping at where you skirt starts lifting it up and using his strong hands to spread your legs. Your glistening cunt on full display for him. “One hour right?”
“Yeah,” You gulp nervously knowing what’s coming. Eddie loved nothing more then to spend an extended period of time between you legs making you finish over and over again. Half the time you’d have cum multiple times and he’d never once let you get him off. Telling you that causing you pleasure was more than enough for him.
“I wanna see how many time I can make you cum before our times up. Is that okay?” He asks, looking up from between your legs. You nod yes response but that’s not enough. “I need your words princess.”
“Yes.” Is all you can manage to get out and he doesn’t miss a beat, his tongue running up your opening landing on you clit. Your whimpers fill the silence in the room along with sounds of his fingers slipping between your folds. His middle finger enters your opening and curls it upward.
“More please.” You beg and he adds another finger, stretching you out. His tongue leaves your clit and is replaced by his other hand, running circles around your clit.
“You’re so fucking hot when you beg. So fucking needy.” His words just what you need to send you over the edge. Moans as loud as a yell leave your mouth. Eddie can feel your orgasm as your privates clench on his two fingers. He shuts you up by kissing you his fingers still pumping in and out of you.
You two lost track of time because before you knew it the moment is interrupted by the sound of pounding on front door, a female voice yelling for you. He pulls away from you so he can look out your bedroom window.
You rush throwing your clothes back on and finding your phone to find the time. It had been well over an hour at this point. You have several missed messages and a few missed calls from her. You shoot her a text saying you’ll be downstairs in a moment.
You look into the mirror on your vanity and quickly brush your hair and fix your makeup so it’s not as evident what she’s walking in on. In the mirror you notice Eddie sat on the bed readjusting his boner. Facing him you say, “I hate to kick you out so early but I promised her we’d hang and catch up. She’s was pretty upset because I’ve been preoccupied.”
“By what?”
“You.” He smiles and kisses you one last time before he has to go.
“Do you want me to climb out the window once you let her inside?” Eddie suggest, almost as if he’s had to do that before which makes you sad at the thought of that.
“Why would you do that?”
“In case you don’t want her to see me.”
���I don’t care if she sees you. She knows about you.”
“She does?” You nod, smile reassuringly letting know Eddie everything’s okay. Eddie follows you down stairs, watching as you open the door to let Chrissy in.
“What took you so long?” She groans annoyed throwing her backpack to the ground stopping in her tracks when she sees Eddie standing there. “Oh that’s what took you so long.” She narrows her eyes, looking between Eddie and you.
Uncomfortable by the situation Eddie excuses him self. “We’re still on for tomorrow right?” You ask before he walks out the front door.
“Wouldn’t miss it.” With that he’s gone, shutting the door behind him.
“Girl what the fuck was that?” She makes her way to your bedroom, you follow closely behind. Watching her as she sits on your bed. The bed where you just spent the last last hour being eaten out. You try to hard not to think about it. “Can’t believe you were to busy fucking Munson to let your best friend in.” She looks around your bedroom before terror strikes her, “In this bed too?” She shrieks getting up to move to the chair sat in the opposite corner.
You can’t help but laugh before apologizing, “Sorry we were—“
“Fucking.” She interrupts you.
You sigh excepting the fact that there’s no way to hide it, “Sort of.”
“Sort of? What does that mean?” She ask curiously, “and don’t spare any of the details please.”
“He was going down on me.” You admit. Figuring it was your turn to share the gory details of your sex life. Have been forced on multiple occasions to hear about Jason. The man you hated but knew if you tried to say anything it’d only push Chrissy away from you.
“Must be nice.” She says flatly, distracting herself by scrolling through her phone.
“Jason doesn’t go down on you?” You ask absolutely baffled.
“No he refuses.”
“Do you go down on him?” You ask and she nods yes, likes she’s to ashamed to say it out loud. “Girl what the fuck? Is there anything favorable about him?”
“Enough about me.” She laughs uncomfortably, “How is he in bed? How big is he?
Rolling your eyes annoyed you respond, “Amazing actually. He enjoys making me finish over and over again. Half the time I don’t even have to do anything which is shame because his uhh… is huge.”
“I didn’t think men like that actually existed.” She sighs.
“They’re out there. You’ve just been stuck on the same dick for years, expand you horizons Chrissy. Have you ever even had an orgasm?”
“Ya know they have a name for men like that?” She says completely disregarding your jab at Jason and the question you asked. Her lack of answer was your answer. “He’s a munch.”
“A munch?” You ask, you’ve never heard of it before.
“A man who gets off on performing oral. Doesn’t expect anything in return. Usually because he’s obsessed with the woman who’s receiving.” You laugh because that describes Eddie to a t.
“Sounds a bout right.” You smile.
“Instead of Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson we should start calling him Eddie ‘The Munch’ Munson.” Chrissy says erupting in laughter at her own joke causing you to roll your eyes for the hundredth time since Chrissy showed up.
You two spend the next few hours catching up on town gossip and updating each other on your lives. The conversation somehow always ending back on the topic of Eddie. You didn’t mind though, it was nice finally being able to talk to someone about him. It’s getting pretty late so Chrissy decides to go home not before letting you know she’d be having a talk with Jason about how things needed to change.
The entirety of you weekend was spent in bed with Eddie. Waking up next to him was something you could get used to. You two would stay up supper late fucking and sleep in till the later afternoon. Sometimes being woken up in the middle of the night because Eddie couldn’t contain him self. His favorite image was you laying in bed in nothing more than underwear and oversized t-shirt. It all came an end Sunday afternoon when your mom notified you they were on your way home. Sadly you two separated making plans for Monday night at his place.
You were so exhausted from the weekend you slept through your alarm Monday morning. Waking up near noon, your parents already gone for the day. You’ve never gotten ready so fast in your life. Only time to brush your teeth and your hair before running out the door. When you arrive to school it’s lunch time, “Better late than never I guess.” You mutter your self as the lady at the front desk checks you in. Walking out the office you make your way to your locker, throwing stuff from your backpack inside.
“Where have you been?” Chrissy says as she approaches you, wearing her cheer uniform.
“I over slept.”
“So you haven’t heard anything?”
“Heard what?” You groan not in the mood for any drama right now.
“Before I tell you what happened please tell me you’re not gonna be mad at me.”
“What did you do?” Your mind racing at what Chrissy could of possibly done, shutting you locker so you can face her.
“Promise me.”
“Fine I promise I won’t be mad at you.”
“So it’s kinda your fault because you got into my head. All the talk about how good Eddie is in bed made me upset that Jason is the way he is. So after I left yours I went straight to his house and ripped into him.” She hesitates to finish her story so you tell her to skip to the part that would piss you off. “Well he wasn’t taking me seriously and I know how much he dislikes Eddie. So I told him I heard from a friend that Eddie is so good in bed, the best she’s ever had. Always going down on her.” Your eyes widen in horror, “He immediately assumed I meant one of the girls on the cheer squad. He was so mad I would even compare him with Eddie. So he went around telling his friends what I said.”
“Chrissy why would you tell him all that?”
“I’m not done yet.” Guilt spreads across her face.
“Oh my fucking god. What else could you possibly add?”
“Now all the girls on the squad are talking about Eddie and gushing over him. Talking about how who should be the one to find out if the rumors are true. I’m so so so so so sorry.” You can’t come up with a response trying to wrap your mind around all the information she just dumped on you. Out of your peripheral you can see Eddie headed you way, he looks upset.
“Please keep walking,” You mutter to yourself. Chrissy notices Eddie and apologizes again before running of leaving you alone. As you try to follow her your stopped by someone grabbing your wrist. You turn to face Eddie smile plastered on your face praying that he has no idea. Considering this is the first time he’s publicly approached you he must know.
“Care to explain why I’ve got three different cheerleaders in my DMs and Sinclair telling me that everyone on the basketball team was talking about my performance in bed?”
“Huh! That’s crazy.” You laugh awkwardly as Eddie backs you into lockers.
“Considering your the only one at this school I’ve slept with and your best friend is Chrissy Cunningham. It all leads back to you.” You quickly decide that coming clean is your only option.
“I shared details with Chrissy as you do with your closest friends.” He nods watching you attentively as you explain. He’s so much taller then you so you have to look up when you speak to him. Which doesn’t help your nerves at all, fluttering your long lashes at Eddie in the hopes that it’s enough to get you out of this situation.
“And?” Your presenting innocent didn’t work.
“Apparently Jason doesn’t go down on her. So when I told her how much you enjoy it she called you a munch.”
“A munch?” He questions, you ignore it and continue the story.
“She told Jason that he she do it because you do it and she thought because of how much he dislikes you it would make him want to do it. It didn’t. It only made him mad and he told everyone on the basketball team which obviously got passed onto the cheer squad. Now they’re all thirsting after you.” You sigh finishing your rambles.
“Could be a worst rumor going around.” He laughs, allowing you to relax knowing he’s not too upset.
“Yeah and now you can have any cheerleader you want.” You laugh back trying to make a joke of the whole situation.
“I don’t want any cheerleader.” He rejects your joke.
“Who do you want?” You grin, hoping his answer aligns with your hopes.
“Who do you think?” He playfully jokes.
“I dunno.”
“You.” He says and lowering himself to your level, can’t help yourself from blushing at how forward he’s being in such a public setting. His hand finding your face before giving you a sweet short kiss soothing any anger you had toward Chrissy for opening her big mouth. Pulling away he asks, “So are you going to explain what a munch is?” Embarrassed your hands cover your face. “Nah uh you’re gonna tell me.”
“It’s basically a man who enjoys eating pussy without getting anything in return.” You spit it out fast as humanly possible, hands still covering your face.
“Guess that makes me a munch,” he laughs, pulling your hands away from your face.
“She called you Eddie ‘The Munch’ Munson.” You can’t believe your sharing any of this.
“That’s munch better than the original version.” Eddie jokes, laughing at his own joke. When you don’t laugh he ask, “Don’t you get it? Munch instead of much?”
“Yes I understand,” You laugh burying your head into his chest, cheeks red from embarrassment. His arms wrap around you, resting his head on yours before giving the top of your head a kiss.
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miradorafterdark · 1 month
𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖏𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖞
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Jake Kiszka X reader, Josh Kiszka X reader
word count; 3,186
warnings; 18+-minors do not interact. Oral sex; male receiving, degradation, begging, pleading, cockiness, unadulterated smut, domination, sub, dom/sub, controlling
“I dont wanna hear it, Lewis!” Josh growled into the phone. “All I wanna see tonight are signs with my name on them. Got it?!” You could faintly hear the line go dead, followed by Josh tossing his phone onto the vanity top. The older of the Kiszka twins, brown curly locks bouncing as he ambled into the room, flexed his hands into fists as he caught sight of where you stood near the crafts services table they’d conveniently placed in the green room whose door was right outside of the dressing rooms. 
“How much did you hear, little bird?” He requested in a saccharine tone, honey dripping from his every word as he footed closer and closer. 
“Enough to know you may be jealous of your little brother,” you said simply, a mandarin segment held between two fingers as you brought it to your lips. The juice dripped down your fingers as you pushed it into your mouth, smiling ruefully around it and perking your brows as the juices filled your mouth. Josh’s eyes widened, darkening as his pupils blew out, at your admission. Him? Jealous? He’d never admit to it. 
“Jea-jealous?” He chuckled, his signature smile turning into almost a pout as his face went stoic. “Say it again and I’ll show exactly why I’m not jealous. I can have anyone I want in this venue, including you.” He pointed a slender finger at you, stepping closer still yet and tapping it against the center of your chest before dragging it up to your chin. “And you’d so willingly oblige, wouldn’t you birdie baby?” He captured your chin between his thumb and forefinger, his gaze softening as he bestowed you with a gentle half smile. You knew the look painted on his face all too well, always pulling it out when he was prepared to get what he wanted without care to the consequence. You could faintly hear Jake’s boots clambering down the hall. Tap, tap, tapping with every step closer he got and you knew the simple fact he were wearing them already meant that he’d already put himself into the black on black ensemble he wore for Miradors performance. Your eyes cut toward the door, expectantly waiting for him to appear when Josh sighed through his nose. A great huff of a noise, his patience already thin and thinning further as you contemplated pressing your luck. 
“Looking for him to save you won’t help the cause, dove.” 
“Jealous ass,” you muttered softly, encouraging him though you knew you ought not to. This was a road you’d walked with Josh many a time, Jake included. Whenever one found themselves jealous of the attention the other had been bathed in, they’d seek you out in silent revery. Competition between the pair had been at an all time high, the air thick with tension as Jake prepped his side band to open for his main band. Josh simply could not accept the fact the younger of the two had stolen his spotlight. 
“I’m not jealous,” he again insisted, pressing himself to you as he titled his head. With his dark eyes hooded, his teeth baring down into his plush bottom lip, he let you revel in silence for a moment as the sound of Jake’s boots drug him closer yet. 
“Seem it,” you finally sighed, half scared but incredibly excited at what may happen. You could only push Josh so far before he’d seek out the company of another. In those times you had found solace in his stark opposite, Jacob lavishing you with the gentle attention of a lover who knew your body with their eyes closed. It had been widely known amongst band and crew alike, though you were merely assistant to the tour manager you’d somehow become assistant to the twins as well. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately depending on how sour their moods turned, they’d found many a reason for you to assist them beyond real job duties. It had been like that for two tours now, either one seeking you out when they needed the reassurance that they were the star. They were just as important as the other. And when one seemed to steal all of the attention, it became a game between them to see which one had yours. This leg of tour had been no different, with Jake debuting his new band and walking on stage nightly to belt out a five song set. Josh had, at first, been only mildly annoyed at the amount of Mirador signs he was welcomed with upon the opening show. But by the time night two and three rolled around, his jealousy had grown a head of its own and he’d been on the hunt since for any way he could to steal back his spotlight. Like solar flares in the night, he stood shining on stage lavishing fans with the attention of a seasoned frontman. Because that’s what he was. But you’d noticed the change in him, you’d seen the amount of ‘I love you, too, darling’ he had spoken. Had fallen prey to his neediness every night when he would call you to his hotel room, pinning you face down against the mattress as he fucked you into oblivion and demanded you tell him how much you adored him. How beautiful he was. How very lovely his fans thought he to be, because he was. Josh’s attention was like basking in the sunlight, warm and delicious and so very welcome. But it came with a cost, always, and you’d inevitably crawl into Jacob’s bed after Josh had had his fill of you, the younger twin wrapping you in his arms and nestling back into his slumber without a single question asked. 
Josh had caught on too quickly to that, jealous even then that Jake finished the night with you regardless of in what way. Demanding you sleep in his bed, be his own personal alarm clock with a little head start to his day. 
“You know, dove, we call you little bird because the only time we hear you sing is when you’re alone with one of us. Quiet as a mouse otherwise, barely a peep heard. And here you are, running your mouth to me throwing accusatory words like jealous around.” Josh smirked as his hand dropped from your chin, finding new real estate grasping tightly to your hip. “Why would I ever be jealous of Jacob?”
“Because, I’m fucking in charge now,” you heard Jake rasp from the door, his lean form stepping into the room. “Because you can’t handle that I didn’t need you to hold my hand out onto that stage,” he continued, a single booted foot pushing the door shut before he tossed his black blazer to the couch. You’d worried over this, knowing sooner or later the tension between them would come to a head and they’d not be able to avoid one another. Words would need to be spoken, and whether they were forced past their teeth or dripping with honey would inherently dictate the way the rest of tour might go. “Maybe because the spotlights on me more now.” 
“Jacob,” Josh’s eyes never left your face though yours had already focused in on the guitarist. He stood a few feet away, unbuttoning the wrists of his dress shirt and rolling the sleeves up to his elbows slowly. 
“Joshua, I’d like to speak with her alone if you don’t mind. Think your jealousy could take a break and find something better to do while I speak with our assistant?” 
“I was here first,” Josh bit out, his cold stare eating through your calm demeanor. “And. I’m not. Jealous.” 
“Right. Well you’ve held her hostage since last night and I need to speak with her alone.” Oh. You knew the tone to his voice. Josh may be jealous of the attention Jake had been receiving, but Jake was jealous of the attention you’d been giving Josh. Your eyes cut between Josh and Jake, your throat jumping as you swallowed nervous spit and let your mouth drop open to speak. 
“Josh,” you began, feeling his fingers dig into the flesh stretched over your hip bone. “Why-.”
“Don’t even think about suggesting I give you two a few minutes.” His voice dropping low as he spoke, a flash of anger blazing through his piercing stare. 
“Come the hell on, Josh,” Jake groaned. “You’re being such a bitch about this.” 
Okay, so the words they had weren’t going to be nice, and you’d be stuck in the crossfire of it all. 
“Me?” Josh mused, an incredulous tone to his voice as he released his grip on you and spun toward his brother. They regarded one another for a beat before you heard Josh snort. “Maybe I am. The bitch is back, baby! And the bitch gets what he wants.” His words had a sense of finality to them as he stepped closer to his twin and further from you. 
“Really, Josh?” Jake shook his head, one side of his mouth curling into a smirk as he glanced beyond his brother to you. “What, you afraid if you let her spend any time with me she won’t come back the doting little dove you so needily demand time with?” 
“You afraid if you don’t intervene now she won’t come back to you at all?” Josh countered, one hand ghosting down over his own hip as he smoothed the front of his velveteen jumpsuit. Black and fitted, a v neck that zipped down the front, he had taken on a new persona when he’d slipped into it. Becoming dark as midnight when he did, if his hair were any longer you’d mistake him possibly for his very twin with the broody way he walked around in it. Jake snorted loudly in response, gesturing for you with a two fingered gesture. You moved near involuntarily, your feet carrying you to him as you stepped around Joshua. 
“Good morning and good afternoon dove,” he purred, his hand snaking up and cupping around your neck as he pulled you into him. “You were missed sorely last night.” His last words were spoken against your lips before he kissed you deeply, licking into your mouth as his lips moved against yours. From behind, you could feel Josh’s hands come to rest against your sides as his chest pressed to your back. 
“Don’t you dare think about kicking me out of this room for him.” He demanded into your ear, voice so low the vibration reverberated through you down to your toes. Breaking the kiss, Jake used his thumb to push your chin up as he pulled back some to look at you, tipping your head back onto Josh’s shoulder as he did. 
“Show him how badly you’ve missed me, little bird,” Jake cooed, his eyes dancing between making eye contact and staring at your lips. “Show Joshua he isn’t the only one worthy of your attention.”
Again, Josh huffed a sigh through his nose, his patience wearing thin as his finger tips kneaded into your side. 
“C’mon dove, show me,” he taunted from behind, his lips pressed to the shell of your ear as his eyes stared unwaveringly at his twin. “But don’t forget to tell Jacob how you called me a god last night.” 
You watched Jake’s face redden, deep crimson spreading over his chest and neck as he glared past you to Josh. 
“Jake,” you whimpered, his grip on your neck tightening as he pulled you flush against him. Josh followed, unwilling to keep any space between the two of you. 
“Show him, dove.” 
“She won’t,” the older of the twins rasped. “Sweet bird is too enamored by me to go against that. Aren’t you little precious?” 
You pressed your eyes shut as Jake reached his free hand around you, pushing Josh away gently. 
“Enough,” he demanded. “She can give us both equal attention, Josh.” Finally, a damn voice of reason, you thought. Until he continued. His attention returned to you as he released your neck, his hands deftly working his belt open. “Forget showing him, show me how much you’ve missed me.” His belt clinked as it fell open and his nimble fingers worked the button apart before rolling the zipper of his slacks down slowly. “Show me I’m just as special as him.” His words were begging, his deep brown eyes matching the way Josh had previously looked at you-hooded and pleading. You couldn’t deny the younger twin, they both knew you had a soft spot for him. Common knowledge between the three of you, something more resided between you and Jake where as for Josh you were at times merely a play thing. Jake’s lower lip pouted out just the tiniest bit, enough that Josh himself wouldn’t even notice but you’d caught it. He was too good at this game. Acting on instinct alone, you dropped to your knees as Jake splayed the sides of his slacks out. The short tuft of hair he’d trimmed down recently peeked out, letting you know for the fourth show in a row that he’d planned to walk on stage without boxer briefs on under his suit pants. 
“I like the way it feels,” he had insisted once when you’d scolded him for it, siting that he would ensue panic if he went around slanging dick the way he was. Jacob had only giggled, but somewhere in your mind you knew it was because Joshua had done the same. 
“Jacob, no boxers?” 
“It’s sir when you’re on your knees, dove. Don’t disappoint me already.” He needn’t say more, his lower lip pouting out even further as he looked down at you. Obediently, you reached up and ran your hand along his inner thigh, squeezing his length as it hardened beneath your touch. “Atta girl,” he encouraged, watching with rapt attention as you dipped your fingers beneath the material of his pants and fisted his cock. Expertly, you removed his length from the confines of his pants and stroked from base to tip slow and firm. 
“You’re gonna make me watch you give him the attention I deserve?” Josh questioned from behind you, impatient already as he watched you lean in and pull your tongue along the expanse of Jacob’s length. 
“Why are you talking still,” Jake groaned, refusing to take his eyes off of you. For your part, you watched him through your lashes as you worked your mouth back down to his tip-a trail of wet kisses being bestowed upon his beautiful cock. Josh huffed quietly, and without looking you could tell he was already pouting as he padded toward the couch and dropped to the plush surface of it. 
“Fucking front man treatment,” he grumbled as Jake’s hand came around and cupped the back of your head, nudging you forward. Instinctively, you wrapped your lips around the pillowy head of his cock and swirled the tip of your tongue around it. Jacob’s stomach muscles danced and flexed, the breath beginning to pant out of him as you fed his length into your mouth. You took great care to work your tongue along his shaft as you did, reveling in the feel and taste of his smooth skin. You had missed him. And Josh could tell based on the way you eagerly gave his twin the attention he so desperately wanted. 
“Fuck, dove,” Jake moaned, his head dropping back as the tip of his cock nudged against the back of your throat. From the couch, you could hear Josh roll the zipper on his jumpsuit down before clearing his throat loudly. 
“If a shows going to be performed tonight, you’ll show me the same attention.” 
Jakes fingers tangled into your hair, grasping tightly at the root as you tried to pull your head back. 
“Jus’ jus’a’sec,” he mumbled, mouth dropping open as his hips thrusted forward causing you to gag around his thick length. When he released his grip on the back of your head, you popped off of him as a thin string of saliva kept you connected to him. 
“Dove,” Josh beckoned for you as he stood and approached the two of you, seeing you turn on your knees just as he reached you. “Be a good girl,” he ordered, fisting his length and removing it from his jumpsuit as his free hand tapped against your cheek. And so you obliged, your mouth falling open in the same manner as it had for Jake. Joshua, however, didn’t believe in gentle. Not when it came to making the point that he was the better of the two twins, the bigger, the hotter, the more talented. And true to form, it didn’t take long before he was falling apart beneath your touch, his moans and whines growing desperate as he fucked into your throat with quick, sharp thrusts of his hips. 
“My sweet sparrow,” Jake cooed, watching you perk up as you were reminded of his presence. “Don’t make me wait.” He stepped closer, leaving only room for you to turn to him on your knees once you’d released Josh’s length from your mouth. You’d known this game before, the twins so demanding of your attention and time that they’d see you between the two of them rather than alone with one. Never touching one another, barely touching you, and both of them eager to be your first taste between them. Thrice they pulled you between the two of them, fucking your throat and twirling their fingers into your hair until you were nothing but a mess. Your hair fucked and your face tear stained from being gagged repeatedly in an effort to prove who could make you the messiest until Josh unexpectedly whimpered in a tone you’d not heard from him in too long. Your face pressed to the smooth, shaved skin of his pelvis as your lips stretched around his base and his length throbbed and pulsed against your tongue. 
“Fuck,” he whined loudly as he came, his hot release spurting down your throat as he held your head still and delivered harsh, quick thrusts forward. 
“Son of a bitch,” Jacob growled, shoving his cock back into his pants as you pulled away from his twin. 
“Jake,” you started, turning to him as he put the button on his slacks together and began working at the belt. 
“Save it, I won’t come second to him any more.” His eyes refused to meet yours as you stood, Josh chuffed and chuckling behind you as he stuffed himself back beneath the velvety fabric of his jumpsuit. 
“Jacob,” you offered again softly, your eyes cast toward the floor as you stood on wobbly legs. “Sir, please.” 
“Later, Dove.” He silenced you with his tone, disappointed and hurt as he grabbed for his blazer and vacated the room, leaving you and Josh alone once more. 
“Now who’s the jealous one,” he mused, condescending and cocky as he squeezed your shoulder tightly. “Don’t bother going after the cry baby, he’ll get his rocks off on stage when he’s out there fucking his guitar.” 
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brattyfork · 6 months
I kinda feel embarrassed by this request but what the hell, I’ll just go for it. Last night I had a a dream about me and Matt and we were about to do the dee but we only got to some kissing and making out and him kinda playing with my tits until my alarm went off. Would you be an angel and finish this story? It can be literally anything since I don’t know what would’ve happened
tell me
summary: your dream ends early, matt helps finish it.
warnings: smut, nothing super crazy in this one!
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i had laid down to take a nap, my boyfriend sitting next to me on his phone. i set a timer for an hour so i wouldn’t sleep the rest of the day away. i drifted off to sleep, dreams forming in my head.
i must’ve been subconsciously horny because matt was there. i’ve had wet dreams about him even before we started dating, it wasn’t new. there seemed to be no build up, we were sitting on the bed, his legs crossed with me sitting in his lap, my arms and legs wrapped around him. i could see it from a kind of third person view, we were getting into a pretty intense make out session, teeth clashing and tongues exploring each other.
i ground into his lap, him letting out a loud unexpected moan in return. he pulled away, looking at me before grabbing my shirt and pulling it over my head. he started kissing me again, shoving his tongue back in my mouth while he fiddled with bra. after he had gotten it off, he made his way down my neck, leaving a dark hickey or two before taking one of my nipples in his mouth. he grabbed the other in his fingers, pinching and rolling it in between them. i let out small whimpers from so much stimulation, but it still wasn’t enough. i felt his teeth graze my nipple lightly before he took it, biting on it lightly causing me to yelp.
he had come back up to give me more kisses while still fondling my boobs when my alarm went off.
honestly, it scared the shit out of me, immediately sitting up in bed, rubbing my legs together feeling how wet i was.
“did you have a nightmare angel? you were squirming and making noises” matt asked.
i blushed, embarrassed that he had seen my little outburst.
“no, not a nightmare. the opposite actually…” i whispered the last part.
“oh yeah? was i there?” he set his phone down, scooting a bit closer to me.
“yeah…” i said, still facing away from him. he moved his fingers to my chin, turning my head towards him.
“what was i doing?” he asked, the blue rings of his eyes small, almost invisible.
“well i was sitting in your lap and we were kissing-“ he interrupted me, pulling me to straddle him before pulling me into a deep kiss.
“like this?” he disconnected our lips.
“yeah kinda, and you were playing with my boobs”
“well i do love your boobs” he giggled. i laughed back at him before he pulled my shirt over my head, just like in the dream. he unclasped my bra faster than dream matt had. he grabbed one in his hand, leaving hickies on the top of the other. he switched sides, marking my other breast with dark spots. i grinded into his lap, needing more. he moved his hands to my hips, holding me still.
“pretty needy aren’t we?” he teased.
“please matt ” i kissed up his neck, stopping below his ear, “i’m so wet for you”
this must’ve flipped a switch because he turned us over, him now on top in between my legs. he kissed his way down the valley of my breasts, sucked small marks into my tummy before pulling my leggings down, making sure to leave my panties on. i groaned when i noticed, knowing exactly why he left them on.
“what’s wrong princess?” he looked up, genuine concern in his eyes.
“please don’t tease me, i need you” i looked down at him, my doe eyes sparkling with lust. he hooked his fingers in my panties.
“fine, only because you asked so nicely” he smirked up at me, me giving him the most innocent smile possible back. he chuckled to himself at the facade, knowing how desperate i really was. he spread my legs, hoooking his arms around my thighs to keep me still. he kissed around my inner thighs, he just couldn’t help teasing just a little bit.
“mattttt…” i whined out, cut off as he licked a long stripe up my folds. my whines turned to moans as he wrapped his lips around my clit, sucking while occasionally slipping his tongue into my entrance. i brought my hands to my breasts, needing a bit more stimulation. matt must’ve noticed because he grabbed one of my hands, placing it in his hair before moving his hands up to my boobs. he smacked my other hand away, making me giggle and placed his hands on my chest, groping and pinching as he ate me out. it all felt so good. too good.
“matt fuck i’m gonna cum”
once the last word left my mouth he brought one of his hands from my boob up to my lips, sticking two fingers out. i took them into my mouth, swirling my tongue around them before he pulled them out, bringing them down to my entrance. in one swift motion, both of his fingers were inside me. he barely got two pumps in before i came, moaning loudly. he pulled his fingers out, still licking me through my orgasm.
he came back up to me, kissing me harshly, making me taste myself on him.
“you want me to fuck you baby?” i nodded, but he tilted his head and smirked at me.
“words princess”
“fuck matt i need you inside me please”
“good girl” he cooed, standing up to slip his pants and boxers off then pulling his shirt over his head.
i don’t know how it was possible but, matt’s cock was gorgeous. i didn’t think they could look not gross until i saw him. he’s not huge, the perfect length to reach all the best places and thick enough to stretch me out just right.
he came back over to me, situating himself between my legs.
“yes please”
“i love when you use your manners angel” i blushed as he took his cock in his hand, pushing into me slowly.
we both let out low groans as he buried himself all the way inside me, stretching perfectly around him. he pulled my hands above my head, pinning them to the bed.
“fuck matt you’re so deep”
“yeah? you like having me so far inside you…” he moved one of his hands to my lower stomach, just above my pussy and pressed on it. “fuck i can feel myself in your tummy baby”
the feeling of him pressing on me, trying to feel himself made me let out a loud groan that turned into what i can only describe as a scream.
“i know baby” he consoled me. “you’re so warm, so fucking tight” he started pounding into me, hard. my noises just got louder as i got closer.
“matttt…” i slurred out, unable to think of anything other than his cock inside me.
“you close baby?” i let out a high pitched hum in response.
“go ahead my love, i’m right there too. let go for me pretty girl, doing so good for me.”
his words pushed me over the edge, i clenched down around him, letting out a loud scream/moan mixture.
“good girl, so fucking good” he whimpered out, releasing inside me after feeling me constrict around him. he fucked his cum into me, letting us both ride out our highs as we let out low moans and groans. he laid on top of me, the weight of him just adding to the euphoric feeling.
“i think im gonna need another nap”
a/n: ahhh i hope u like this anon. it was pretty fun to write :3
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pleasingforharry · 10 months
I know it was headcannon but you should definitely explore y/n’s anxiety (panic attacks) more and how Harry learns to help her through them and how it makes him feel to have caused her to have one, idk I just have them too so it really made me feel seen
Of course! Let's do it.
college!harry x quiet!yn
Her hands leaked with sweat, so she rolled them down the fabric of her jeans. Her body was beaming hot, but also shivering from some unbeknownst cold. Her teeth bled into her lips. But after the wince of pain from her strength, she let them go with a puffed breath.
Y/N hated this. She hated when this happened. And as much as she wanted to curl into a ball in her boyfriend's arms, she couldn't. She shouldn't. She wouldn't. Especially because she didn't want him to know. Especially because she was embarrassed when it happened. Especially because she didn't want to be a disturbance. Especially because she didn't want to annoy him, to bother him, to anger him.
Especially because he was the reason she was feeling this way.
"Okay, I'm done with this. I'm leaving," Harry growled, storming for the door of Y/N's dorm. "I can't do this, right now."
"Fine then, fucking leave. Go!" Y/N barked back, but feeling the opposite up in her head. Wait no, don't leave. Stay!
"What do you think I'm doing?" Harry snapped at her over his shoulder. His steps were long, making their argument short.
"Being a stubborn asshole, is what you're doing." Y/N couldn't control the words that trickled out her mouth.
She was a whole different person when she was upset. And she'd pay for the consequences later.
"Me?" Harry scoffed, spinning around to face his girlfriend. "You're the one who's being stubborn."
"Don't fucking put this on me! This whole argument started because of you," Y/N shot back, her finger sharply pointing at him.
Harry wanted to explode. He needed to let his anger out, but not around Y/N. As much as he wanted her to see how upset she was making him, the best way for them to cool off is for them to have their space. To let everything out, but separately.
"Yeah, right. It's always me, huh?" He cocked his head to the side. "I didn't do shit. Don't—“
"Harry, are you for real? You literally—“
"I what? I was voicing my opinion? Yeah, that's exactly what the fuck I was doing!" Harry stopped her. "You're the one who made this bigger than it had to be."
"Me? Oh, classic. Blame me," Y/N laughed, falling back down on her couch. She was steaming out of her ears.
Harry fisted his hands and turned away again. "Yeah, I'm out. Fuck this, we're done."
We're done.
Y/N didn't have time to ask him to elaborate before he was out the door and slamming it behind him. The girl was alone, her eyes widened and her body fell numb. Everything was blurring.
We're done? What does he mean by that?
Y/N shot up from her spot and planned to run after him, but something inside her froze. Her legs suddenly gave out, causing her hands to meet the floor. The beating of her heart sprinted from the sound of the gunshot starting the race.
"Wha—“ she gasped as her breath got caught in her throat. Her arms felt weak and began to shake as they tried to keep her up.
Y/N knew what was happening, and it was not what she needed right now. This wasn't the first time she experienced a panic attack, and it definitely wasn't going to be the last.
We're done.
Y/N fell back on her butt to sit down. That's when her body started to heave and the sweating/shivering began. Her hands quivered as they ran through her hair. She wanted to cover her mouth to silence her heavy breathing, not wanting to disturb anyone in the halls.
"Fuck, Y/N, calm... calm," she whispered to herself, shutting her eyes tightly. She gripped the couch beside her and squeezed the cushion. Her mouth and nose worked together to pace her breathing, but it was no use. She couldn't calm down.
Fuck. She needed the one person she couldn't call for help.
Y/N fluttered her eyes open and searched her room. "Plants," she sighed. "There’s… uh a desk chair. Plants, desk—uh… desk chair. Fuck." Her head was dizzy, and she couldn't focus on identifying another object. It was a method to help her push through her panic attack.
She tried again. "Plants, desk chair, uh... picture." It was a framed picture hanging on the wall of her and Harry at one of his soccer games. The team won and even though it was a simple game, as soon as the referee blew the whistle to finalize the score, Harry ran to his girlfriend on the team's bench.
He hauled her into his arms and hugged her. It was short and sweet because he knew eyes would be on them from Harry being a popular player on campus. And as much as he wanted them to see him love on his girlfriend, her tinted pink cheeks told him to wait until they were alone.
Y/N stared at the picture, trying to focus on remembering the feeling in the moment. But it didn't exactly help as she realized what happened minutes earlier between her and her boyfriend.
The girl fell back against the couch and let her eyes fall closed. Nothing was helping, so she simply accepted the panic. The rushed heart, the irregular temperature surging though her body, her chapped lips letting out stinging breaths.
Everything hurt.
"Baby, look at me. Open your eyes." Y/N thought her mind was trying to imagine her boyfriend with her, hoping it would help her panic attack. "Y/N, baby. Come on, let me see you." She felt feathery touches on her cheek and her thigh.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as her lids flicked up. She somehow gasped through her panicked breathing as she was met with a worried Harry. He was bent by her side, eyes wildly examining her.
He smiled when she looked at him. "Hey, there you go. Okay, can you sit up for me? Can you do that, baby?" Y/N stared blankly, letting out rasping breaths, but followed instructions.
Harry helped her sit up before he swiftly slithered behind her, him now leaning back against the couch. He tucked Y/N's shaking body against him and sighed.
"Alright, I got you. I always got you, babygirl," He found her ear to whisper in. Y/N's hand couldn't decide where to land as she was scared to touch him. And Harry noticed with a sad frown. "It's okay, you're okay." He slowly met his palms with hers before lacing their fingers together. Their intertwined hands wrapped around Y/N's front, holding her tightly.
"I'm—I can't... I'm trying... I can't—“ Y/N heaved out.
"Just breath, Y/N. Match me, okay?" Harry told her before slowing his breathing to a calming pace. Y/N nodding rapidly and attempted to copy him. "Good girl, baby."
Harry felt horrible, listening to his girlfriend struggle like that. But he's glad his Y/N instincts told him to turn back around and find her. He didn't expect to see her in that state, but all he knew was that he was going to get her out.
"Better," he whispered. "You're doing good, I'm so proud of you." Y/N was finally able to sigh, but not her racing heart. "Do you think you can do me a favor?"
"Wh-what?" Y/N hiccuped.
"Think you help me choose what we're gonna eat for lunch? I'm getting hungry? What should we have?"
Y/N bit her lip again as she thought about it. Harry rocked them slowly, giving her time to focus on his task.
"Um... P-pizza?" She said as a question. Harry hummed, at both her answer and slower breathing. "No pepperoni."
"Yeah, we don't like that, huh?" Harry chuckled against her ear, and she shook her head. "But I don't know. Will that fill us up? What else could we have?"
Y/N didn't realize she had relaxed her tense muscles and calmly fell into her boyfriend's chest.
"We.. we-we liked the pasta at uh... that place next to the pet shop," Y/N said.
"Yeah, I forgot what I got. Do you remember?"
"Mhm," she nodded. "You got angel hair Alfredo. But then it was actually spicy, and your tongue was on fire." Y/N laughed softly. Harry smiled so wide and let it press against the back of her head.
"Good girl, that's right. We had to switch our plates and I had yours, right? You loved mine."
Y/N realized how hard she was squeezing Harry's hand, so she let them go. But Harry immediately grabbed them and laced them together.
"I just want to hold you, baby. Is that okay? Is this too much?" He asked her.
"Good, I love holding you. You make me so happy, Y/N," Harry whispered to her. "But you know what will make me happier?"
Y/N wiggled in her spot. "What?"
"Your smile."
She blinked, growing shy. Harry chuckled and assisted her to turn to her side. He finally saw her face, softly guiding her chin to face him.
Y/N looked at her boyfriend, only him noticing that she was back. Her body was calm and warm, and safe in his arms.
She sniffled quietly. "What did you mean when you said we're done? Like done done?"
Harry's eyes widened, before shutting as he cursed.
"No, baby. Not at all," he kissed her cheek. "Never, you can't get rid of me. Sorry."
Y/N chuckled, rolling her lips inward.
"I meant, we're done arguing. I hate when we do and I left so we could get some space to cool down, you know?" Harry explained while plucking her lip free. Y/N sighed at his words with a nod.
"Oh okay."
"And I'm sorry for putting you through that. It's my fault," his voice turned soft. "I never want my baby to feel that way. You're too special to me." Y/N smiled, it growing wider.
Harry leaned forward to grasp her lips with his. Their kiss was soft and slow, exactly how he wanted her breathing to be. And she was back. And safe.
"I love you, baby. So so, fucking much," Harry said against their lips. He lifted his girlfriend up so she could turn to face him completely and straddle him. "I'm sorry. Next time, we cool off together. Okay?"
Y/N nodded and kissed him. "Okay. And I love you too."
Harry smiled drunk-like. Dimples. "I can't believe I get to hear you say that to me." Y/N laughed quietly, before wrapping her arms around him and hiding in his neck.
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eddiemunsonswhxre · 2 years
babygirl / eddie munson (when we were high pt. 2)
rated: m (18+, minors DNI)
one shot
cw: fem!reader, marijuana use, cursing, teasing, oral (m and f receiving), sex, squirting, pet names, cute end :)
ever since that day, you haven’t stopped thinking about eddie and what he could do. you wanted to know more, and he did too.
“i can’t believe they want an eleven year old to join hellfire. your brother is making a mockery of us, as if it’s just some silly little babysitting group and not one of the most prestigious d&d clubs in all of hawkins,” eddie complains, sitting opposite of you on his bed.
you chuckle, taking the blunt from him and inhaling. “pretty sure you’re the only d&d club in hawkins,” you point out with raised eyebrows.
eddie rolls his eyes and scoffs before taking the blunt back from you. “point being, you’re easily becoming my favorite henderson,” he says.
“awe, eds you make my heart flutter,” you tease causing him to flip you off. you take a moment to admire his hand, thinking back to about two weeks ago when that finger was making you cum in the exact spot where he was sitting.
“do you want to stay my favorite henderson or am i abandoning you both?” he asks causing you to gasp in mock offense.
you place a hand to your heart as eddie smiles at your theatrics. he was rubbing off on you. “you would abandon me? and just when i thought i could trust you,” you say and wipe away a fake tear.
eddie’s smile widens before he holds out his arms. “shut up and c’mere,” he says and you smile before moving towards him. you crawl up and place yourself on the tops of his thighs as he places one hand on your thigh and the other puts the blunt to your lips. “you’re so obedient, doing exactly what i tell you to, you know? just like when i had you squirting all over my fingers,” eddie says.
your eyes widen and you suck in too much on the inhale, causing you to start choking. eddie laughs as he rubs your back, you coughing painfully into your hand. “asshole,” you grumble before coughing some more.
eddie continues rubbing your back soothingly until you finally look back up to him. “i’m just messing with you,” he says in amusement.
“you’re so funny,” you reply with a dead serious scowl.
“mm, i know,” he says, exhaling some smoke and holding the blunt back up to you. this time, he waits until you’ve fully exhaled to talk. “can i tell you something?” eddie asks.
you furrow your eyebrows but nod anyway. “eddie, i’ve bluntly asked you to finger me. i think we’re at the point where we can say anything,” you say, gesturing around the both of you with your hands.
“fair point,” eddie laughs, bending his knees up which causes you to slide onto his lap and now be on top of his crotch area. “ever since that happened, actually, i’ve been thinking…” he starts.
you smirk at him. “i knew i could smell smoke,” you joke.
he gives you a playful glare and pokes you in the side. “shut up. do you wanna hear what i’ve been thinking?” he asks as he puts the blunt back to your lips. you nod before blowing the smoke out. “i’ve been thinking that… i want to make you squirt again. now let me elaborate before you get all weird! you told me that i make you horny. so it’s only fair i admit that you have the same effect. awe, look at you getting all blushy,” he interrupts himself.
you slap him on the shoulder which causes him to laugh. he takes another hit before continuing. “basically what i’m trying to do is ask you if you want to fuck,” he shrugs.
you look at him in a bit of disbelief for a second before blinking. “yeah, today?” you ask.
eddie puts the blunt back up to your mouth and watches as your lips wrap around it. “i was thinking after we finish this blunt,” he says as you pull away from it. “on one condition,” he says with a raised finger.
“what’s your condition?” you ask, amused by his words.
eddie looks at you seriously, so you know you need to not take this as a joke. “promise this won’t push us apart,” he says.
“how could this push us apart?” you ask, cocking your head to the side.
eddie looks away from you and bites his lip, suddenly just a scared ball of nerves. “i don’t know. i guess i just worry because… never mind just- just promise,” he says, not wanting to voice his seemingly pathetic insecurities to you.
you frown, knowing you were definitely going to bother him about that later. “i promise,” you say. eddie nods, taking another drag and the both of you sit in comfortable silence for a minute.
“so do you always get horny when you’re high?” he asks after some time.
you duck your head shyly as you had just felt your panties dampen. “most of the time, yeah,” you say, messing with your fingers.
“damn, so all this time i could’ve been fucking you stupid and making you squirt out of that pretty little pussy and all over my bed?” eddie questions, as he sets down the blunt that was now done for. he places his hands on your hips, sensually rubbing them as he looked into your eyes.
you bite your lip, refusing to look at him as his words go straight to your core. “you like that i made a mess?” you whisper in an unsure manner.
eddie’s finger is placed under your chin and guides you up to look at his face. “i love that you made a mess, it’s insanely hot. and knowing that every night i get to sleep exactly where you squirted because of me gets me hard in seconds,” he says, analyzing your reaction. “look who’s being so shy when last time you were begging me to finger you,” he taunts with a cocky smile.
“high hasn’t fully set in,” you point out.
eddie hums at that. “maybe we just start slow then, wanna make out? or is that crossing a line?” eddie asks.
you shake your head no, “not crossing a line.” eddie tucks a piece of your hair back and then gently pulls you in. you let out a small moan as your lips meet; they were so much softer than you expected. eddie’s thumb strokes your cheek as you reach your arms to grab the back of his neck.
he slides his lip out to lick your bottom lip, and you comply with giving him access. you breathe him in, savoring the taste of marijuana and mint from his tongue as he slides it against yours. never did you think you’d be making out with one of your best friends. and never did you think it’d be this good.
eddie’s hands then moved to your sides, gliding to your back and beginning to slide down to your ass. he stopped before he reached it, pulling away slightly. “that okay?” he asks as he slowly moved his hands down, watching your face carefully.
“you don’t have to ask to touch my ass, eddie,” you laughed. he rolled his eyes and then gripped your ass in his hands making you squeal at the bit of pain.
he smirked before reattaching your lips and pulling you as close as possible. you moved your hands down, grabbing the hem of his black t-shirt and sliding it up his torso as you guided your hands across his smooth skin. eddie pulled from you so that you could finish taking off his shirt before his lips hungrily found yours again.
your hips dropped down to meet his, a grunt leaving his lips. your hands explored his chest as you began slow rolls of your hips over his hardening cock. “fuck, y/n,” he grumbled, pulling away to watch you grind against him. he quickly reached for your shirt, throwing it somewhere in his room and then going for your shorts. you pushed yourself off him in order to remove your shorts quickly and crawling back on the bed. “what are you doing?” he asked as you sat between his legs.
you smiled sweetly at him before undoing his belt. he watched you closely as you unbuttoned his jeans and lifted his hips when you hooked your fingers into his underwear. you yanked them down, sitting back as you fully removed them from his legs. you took a moment to admire his hard cock, tip glistening with the slightest bit of precum. his cock twitched under your gaze as you crawled up to him.
eddie’s eyes stayed trained on you as you wrapped your fingers around his base and began jerking him slowly. “oh shit, babygirl,” he moaned and you froze for a moment at the nickname as a rush of your arousal seeped onto the fabric of your panties. “you like that?” eddie asked with a raised brow. you silenced him by leaning down to take his tip in your mouth. he shuddered, one hand flying to tangle into your hair.
you pressed your tongue flat against the underside of his dick and slowly slid down as far as you could. eddie tried resisting bucking into your mouth as you started at a torturously slow pace. your hand was twisting and jerking the part your mouth couldn’t reach as you bobbed your head up and down. you looked up to make eye contact with eddie, him hissing as he bucked into your warm mouth. “yes pretty girl, fuck. wanna take care of me huh? make me cum in your sweet mouth, babygirl?” he taunted, his other hand reaching to grab another fist full of your hair.
you moaned around his cock, his words turning you on. the high was starting to kick in and eddie knew. you look at him lazily as you hollow your cheeks. eddie grunts and begins using his grip to slide you up and down his cock. “gonna cum, babygirl, holy fuck- your mouth is so good, shit,” he moaned as his eyes screwed shut.
his hips lifted off the bed as he shot streams of cum down your throat. when you finally pulled off of him, he was catching his breath. you moved up to sit beside him and his eyes caught yours. “bra and panties off, now,” he demanded. you complied, unsnapping your bra to let it fall off your shoulders. you quickly threw it and your underwear off the bed, and by that time eddie was nestling himself between your legs. “didn’t think you were the only one giving good head, did you?” he teases, running his thumb up your slit. you twitch as his thumb brushes the sensitive bud and he smiles.
eddie’s head dives down, immediately placing kisses over your already very wet pussy. you let out a mixture of a moan and a yelp causing eddie to chuckle into your mound. eddie begins sucking and licking around your clit as his hand travels down. without warning he sinks two fingers inside of you and begins pumping them. “m’want you to squirt on my face,” he mumbles into your pussy before suckling your clit.
your hips jump at both his words and his attention to your clit. you close your eyes, letting the weed make you feel the sweet buildup. eddie begins curling his fingers, brushing against that sensitive spot inside of you. you roll your hips up into his mouth as you begin to pant. “fuck me, eddie, please,” you whine.
“mm-mm, not until you cum like this,” eddie says and then shakes his head with his tongue on your clit. you gasp, head falling back as eddie works his fingers on you. his sucking of your clit causes your legs to shake as your high nears.
you were so desperate for eddie to just fuck you, and thoughts of it made your pussy clench. “shit, i’m gonna cum,” you whine. this makes eddie move faster and before you know it, your whining as a stream of squirt splashes eddie’s chest and chin as he begins lapping up what didn’t soak his sheets.
“you’re gonna make me cum so fast when i fuck you,” eddie huffs as he rubs your clit through your orgasm. when you squirm uncomfortably he gets up. you watch him carefully as you lay in a puddle of your own juices as he grabs a condom and slides it on. he situates himself between your legs before tenderly kissing you once more. you reach your hand down, the boldness over taking you, and grab his cock. he grunts into your mouth as you squeeze it.
he lets you guide his cock through your folds and then press it to your entrance. “you’re sure?” eddie asks one last time.
“eddie, just fuck me,” you breathe. that’s all it takes for eddie to start sinking his cock into you. the both of you let out quiet moans until eddie is fully inside of you. “stretch me so good,” you whisper, tucking some hair behind his ear. he leans down to connect your lips once again and begins slow thrusts. your hands roam his back as he slides in and out of you perfectly, his kiss making your head spin.
once he knows you’re comfortable, he picks up speed. he groans into your lips before pulling away. “you feel so good wrapped around my dick,” he mumbles, his hips hitting yours with his thrusts.
“yes, eddie, fuck,” you moan, nails digging in to his back. eddie grunts as you clench around him.
“you gonna cum on my dick, babygirl? yeah? fuck, you been so desperate for this? wanting your best friend to fuck you hard?” eddie moans, watching in a mesmerized state as your face contorts in pleasure. his words were driving you closer and closer to your orgasm.
eddie felt his own high coming, but he wanted you to cum first. he brought one of his hands down between you to apply pressure to your clit. your back arches, a gasp leaving your lips as you slam your hips to meet his. “eddie, i'm close,” you whine as the knot in your core tightens further.
eddie smiles and starts rubbing his thumb over your clit. “cum for me, squirt on my dick, baby,” eddie says, coaxing you closer to your orgasm. you dig your nails in and scratch down his back as your legs begin to quiver. “cum,” eddie demands in a rough voice.
“fuck,” you moan as your orgasm rips through you. eddie’s head falls back at the feeling of you squirting and clenching around him. he fucks you through it, his breathing beginning to stagger until he’s cumming too.
“y/n,” eddie moans as he sloppily thrusts into you, his seed filling the condom. he falls on you as he catches his breath and you bring your hand up to stroke the back of his head.
you close your eyes as eddie pulls out, the feeling of you sitting in your own puddle of squirt making you feel slightly gross. eddie pushes himself slowly to stand, throwing the condom away before looking at you. you whine as you know what’s coming, you were gonna have to get up. “i’m not even asking you to stand, come here,” eddie chuckles before maneuvering you to pick you up. “i fuck you good?” he asks with a smirk, eyeing your still trembling legs.
you roll your eyes as he sits you in his desk chair. “shut up, you cocky fuck,” you mutter, wrapping your arms around yourself as you feel weak.
eddie looks at you as he removes his sheets and frowns. “you okay?” he asks as he takes in your sad looking expression. please, don’t have regret for this…
you look up to him and bite your lip. “i feel gross… we are gonna cuddle… right?” you ask.
eddie feels stupid, he didn’t even clean you off this time. “hold on, baby, i’ll get you cleaned up and some comfy clothes. and yes, of course we’re gonna cuddle, just let me throw down some blankets okay?” he informs you. a chill runs through you as he calls you baby. you nod, letting your head fall to the side as you felt exhaustion set in your body. eddie throws on a pair of pajama pants before leaving his room. “c’mere pretty girl,” he mutters and places a hand on your knee, other holding a warm rag. you spread your shaky legs so he can wipe you off, him carefully caressing you with it.
eddie brings you a pair of his boxers and a big t-shirt, helping you into it. he was being so soft with you and you couldn’t lie that it mixed with the pet names was making you melt. “ready for a nap, baby?” he asks, holding you up and against him by your waist.
you give him a tired smile. “mhm, wanna hold you eds,” you mumble, wrapping your arms around his neck.
eddie smiles at how adorable you are and leans down to press a soft and sweet kiss to your lips. “hold on,” he says softly before picking you up. you nuzzle into him as he walks before placing you slowly on the bed. he gets in next to you, pulling the blanket up and over you two as he feels your arms wrap around his torso. you end up basically half laying on top of him as he chuckles. “so, are we doing this again or?” he asks jokingly.
you cuddle into his chest as your eyes close. “absolutely,” you mutter causing eddie’s heart to skip. he didn’t expect you to say yes. he places a kiss on your head, and once again you both fall asleep, thinking happily about one another. maybe, just maybe, you weren't meant to be 'just friends.'
taglist: @alexandraoonaghives @shawtybae224 @wojciechovsk @rathreads @eddiemunsonswife36 @loofeto @kingsqueensandvagabonds @variety-fangirl @jaylee-05 @yunonaneko
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
It's alright, Sunflower
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Me stepping out of my hiatus to write a Kiribaku comfort fic for one of my most devoted readers here on tumblr. *SIGH* I love yall so much, it makes me crazy.
In all real talk baby, @eijiandkatspebble, I don't mind. I'm sorry that happened to you and really, I don't mind writing one. We all need some comfort from our fav best boys.
Note: Depressed reader. Nicknames like "firework", "sunflower", "sweet-pea"
GN!Reader x Kiribaku
"I think it's happening again." Peaking over the edge of the doorway whispering was Kirishima. The redhead's wide red ruby eyes blinked as they watched the still form in their shared bed. He tilted his head in worry as his eyes furrowed. "They've been like that since we left, Katsuki. I'm worried."
Peaking over as well under the redhead was the blond head of puffy hair. Red crimson eyes stared at what Kirishima was looking at. His already scowling face only hardened when he understood the situation. He had a knack for these things, but the only issue was he never knew how to deal with them. When it came to feelings and mental health, he wasn't exactly the guy to call.
Kirishima straightened up, standing back straight in the hallway of their apartment. He sighed as he put his head back against the wall. The tall prohero put a hand through his thick red locks of hair as he looked up at the ceiling. "I wish they talked to us before things got this bad." He let out softly.
With a grunt, Bakugou straightened his own posture before walking to lean against the opposite wall to Kirishima, still able to watch your barely motionless form. "You know how hard it is for them to do that." He let out in an attempt of whispering but sounded more like his normal voice volume. "They... they just..." Bakugou couldn't find the words. He gripped his head for a moment trying to think. Yet everything he thought of whenever it came to when he was in a bad slump was either toxic, unhelpfull or caused a bigger mess than it would be originally. He let out a frustrated growl. "You go talk to them! You're better at the whole comfort stuff than me." He whisper shouted at Kirishima.
Kirishima opened his mouth to try and give Bakugou some credit but he wasn't exactly wrong. Kirishima nodded. "Fine." He let out. He however paused and pointed a finger down at the blond. "But we're talking about you later Katsuki, and don't you dare try and get out of it." He shut down Bakugou before he could even get a word out afterwards. The blond frowned and closed his mouth. He grunted almost disinterested. Kirishima just let out an amused scoff. He took a step forward and placed a kiss to Bakugou's forehead, cupping the back of his head gently. The blond briefly closed his eyes at the affection.
With that, Kirishima turned and entered the bedroom the three of you shared. He smiled softly as he walked over to the right side of the bed and gently sat down near you. You were bundled up in the middle. You could easily feel the bed dip under all his weight as he sat next to you. He placed a hand to your back gently. "Hey there, sunflower." He spoke softly with nothing but care in his voice. "You still there?" He asked.
You didn't move for a moment, not knowing if you even could. With a deep breath with all your might, you moved the blankets to allow your eyes to look up at him. Your eyes felt strained at the light coming in from the hallway contrasting to the dark abyss that was under the sheets. You furrowed your eyebrows for a moment but weakly looked up at one of your partners.
Kirishima let out a soft humm as his smile broadened. He pet your head gently. "There you are. Thank you for doing that for me, sunflower." He stated, acknowledging how hard it must have been for you. "Can you talk to me for a second, sweet pea? Katsuki and I are worried about you." He told you honestly.
You looked down away from him. Your body felt so drained. Everything felt heavy and you weren't exactly sure if you could even speak loud enough for him to hear. But it was Kirishima. It was your Eijiro, who always cared to listen to you no matter how long it took.
You swallowed. "I'm sorry, Eiji." You whispered. "I don't know what happened today. I just..." Your heart felt too heavy to explain what was wrong. You sighed as a tear slipped from your eyes in tiredness but also in how drained you felt.
"Y/N, don't apologise. It's alright, Sunflower." He wiped your tear away. "We know how hard some days can feel for you. Don't worry, we understand." He affirmed for you. "Thank you for telling me, sweet-pea. That was really brave of you." He whispered down to you.
He carefully moved to scoop you up in his arms, keeping you bundled up in the blankets. He kept his strong arms around you as he kept your head against his chest. He hummed sweetly as he held you for a moment. You closed your eyes almost in pure relief that for a second, you felt warmness seep into your heart today.
Bakugou walked in with a bowl of soup. He held it safely in his hands with a spoon as he walked over to you and Kirishima. He sat on the edge of the bed, next to the two of you, holding it in his hands safely. He looked up at you gently. "I... I got soup." He let out trying his best not to sound too rough or loud for you. "I think you should eat, Y/N. You got to be strong, remember? You're so strong. You can't keep being strong if you're hungry."
Kirishima smiled at the blond. He looked down at you. You had a soft smile on your own face at Bakugou. He lifted up a spoon full of soup to your mouth carefully. You opened your mouth and allowed him to feed you gently. He had blown the soup to make sure it wouldn't be too hot for you. You could taste the familiar spicy tingle on your tongue (not too hot for you) that he would normally add to most of his food.
You swallowed and smiled. "Thanks, Katsuki." You whispered. You looked up at Kirishima. "Thanks Eiji."
Kirishima placed a kiss to the top of your head as he gently squeezed you in his arms. Bakugou huffed, his cheeks turning pink at the gratitude. He leaned forward to the both of you, placing a kiss on your shoulder.
"Anything for you, sunflower."
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birinboom · 7 months
Post-Apocalyptic Shopkeep Bakugou
This came from me being tired and skimming a prompt for another piece - coffee shop/bookstore au or dystopia au with Bakugou - and my eepy brain turning it into ‘dystopian bookstore Bakugou’. I ended up imagining less of a bookstore per se, and more of a shop from a dystopian/post-apocalyptic game where you’d buy weapon upgrades, treasure maps, etc from an older and incredibly tired Bakugou.
WARNING! This is quite a bit darker than what I usually write, it contains mentions of blood and death (the reader recalling seeing someone being shot). 
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Shopkeep Bakugou, linguist reader Post-apocalyptic au, mentions of blood, mentions of death, mild swearing, fluffy ending 🌿 1,204 words
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Making the trek across the dried-up seabed was always a challenge, even as civilization slowly expanded, creeping closer and closer to the old shipwreck. You adjusted the piece of fabric you’d tied over your nose and mouth; the dust kicked up with every step was hazardous if inhaled. It would cut your lungs to shreds - or so you’d heard. You didn’t want to take any chances.
Finally you spotted the wreck, tucked into a dip in the ocean floor. As always, you took a short detour to marvel at the bones jutting from the ground close to the wreckage. You always liked to imagine that this giant creature was the one to take down the ship, tearing it to pieces before letting it sink to the bottom of the ocean. Maybe it died from its wounds? Maybe it had cut itself on the metal of the hull and bled to death? Or - much more likely - the creature was a victim of the ocean drying up, completely unrelated to the wreckage. You shrugged, reaching out to touch the sun-bleached bones. It didn’t matter what the truth was. You’d never find out anyway, and the idea of a battle between ship and sea monster was fun. 
Moving on, you started the climb onto the shipwreck, careful to not cut yourself on the rusty metal. Your gaze crept up to the bow of the ship where the name had once been painted. It had bleached enough over the centuries that it was almost invisible, all you could read was ‘MS Ba--’ Maybe that was why he’d picked this place. Far enough from civilization that only serious buyers would make the trek. You had started to think of the wreckage as the ‘MS Bakugou.’ Another thing to amuse yourself with. And amusement was exactly why you’d come.
The air cooled around you as you moved deeper into the wreck. Finally, you reached your destination, a door with the words ‘stay the fuck away!’ painted on it. Ignoring the warning, you began spinning the handle, your labored breath almost drowning out the muted sounds of the latches clicking into place on the opposite side of the door. Then, you heaved the door open, instantly raising your hands as the door clanged against the wall. 
A battle-hardened crimson gaze bore into you over the barrel of a shotgun. You stood still, knowing well that moving before he’d recognized you might cause him to pull the trigger. You’d seen it happen when some idiot decided to attempt to raid the wreck while you’d been present. His rattling breath still haunted your dreams. 
“It’s just me,” you said softly.
“You again?” His voice had a tinge of irritation, but he lowered the gun.
You entered, carefully stepping over the tall threshold, lest you trip like you did on your very first visit.
“What do you want this time?” Bakugou’s voice was tired. You couldn’t remember when his tone had changed from the snark it’d that first time, when the hard edge had appeared. But you supposed that it happened to everybody over time.
Placing your hands behind your back, you looked around the room, inspecting the shelves.
“You got anything new?”
Bakugou gestured behind him before he picked up an oiled cloth and a rusty handgun receiver. “Bought a couple of crates from a traveler yesterday. Haven’t had a chance to look at them properly yet.”
Slipping behind the counter, you crouched next to the crates, slowly searching through the contents. Despite how irritated Bakugou had sounded when you showed up, it was testament to his trust that he allowed you to be behind him. It had taken years of visits before he’d stopped watching you like a hawk, longer still for him to relax in your presence. Turning your head, you just watched him for a while, watched his broad, scarred shoulders move under his tattered, sleeveless shirt as he cleaned the rusty handgun, gaze focused on the weapon. His movements were fluid with decades of practice. Hypnotizing. 
Bakugou spared you a glance. “Found anything?”
“Not yet,” you replied, eyes snapping back to the crates. 
You heard a soft chuckle but chose to ignore it as your fingertips brushed over something papery. Digging your hands further into the crate, you pulled out a stack of books, their pages yellow with age. 
“Bakugou, look at this!”
He turned, one eyebrow rising when he saw the stack in your hands.
“Heh, only a nerd like you would be so happy over books.”
“I’m a scholar, you old fart!” you retorted.
Bakugou bundled the oiled cloth in his fists, preparing to throw it at you as punishment. His hands sank when you took no notice of him, too busy looking through the books. He had to fight to keep the fond smile off his lips when you looked back up, your eyes shining with glee.
You held a book out to him. “Check this one out!”
Bakugou just looked at you for a moment. “You know I can’t read that old-ass language - what did you call it again, English? People like you pick up the most useless skills.”
You shrugged, looking back at the book. “It’s useful for treasure hunting. And you know my lock-picking skills are excellent.” Tapping the cover, you added, “It’s a book of fairy tales.”
“Keh, children’s drivel,” Bakugou replied. “Sounds like it’ll be right up your alley.”
Ignoring him, you moved on to the next book. “And this one… ‘maps of the contiguous United States.’ Okay, this one is useless.”
Looking through the rest of the books, you deemed everything but the book of fairy tales unworthy. Holding out the book again, you asked, “How much?”
Bakugou scoffed. “You can have it. Can’t sell that shit anyway. Might as well give it to someone who’ll enjoy it.”
You beamed at him. “I’ll read it to the kids at the village in your honor.”
He shrugged, returning to his gun-cleaning. “If you must.”
Settling on the lid of one of the crates, you spent a moment looking at the movement of his shoulders again.
“Why don’t you ever come to the village? It’s safe there, and I’m sure your fighting experience would be appreciated. You don’t have to live by yourself.”
Baugou stopped for a moment, just staring at his hands, fingers flexing. “I don’t get along with people,” he finally said.
“You get along with me…”
“You’re an exception.”
You looked at the book again, fighting to keep the heat from rising in your cheeks from the unexpected compliment. Looking over the faded cover picture of five mice dancing around a cat, you then opened the book to the first tale.
“Want me to read it to you? It’ll let me practice reading for the kids.” 
He shrugged again. “If you want.”
You started reading, pausing on occasion to think of a good translation or to explain some archaic term. During one of these times, you noticed that Bakugou had stopped working. He was leaning on the counter, hands still, eyes soft and unfocused as he listened. 
He frowned, his eyes slipping back into focus. “Why’d you stop?”
“Just thinking.”
You continued reading, a smile blooming on your lips.
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Thank you so much for reading! Likes, comments, and reblogs are always greatly appreciated! If you like, you can check out my other works here. Love, Birin 💖
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hockeynoses · 1 month
R/oy x Jam/ie (Somno/philia Snz Fic)
Summary: Consensual somnophilia when Jamie has a cold. Includes snzing into the covers (inspired by this post and my original post about it is here). Roy has the kink.
Warnings: Mess. 2.2k.
Roy can’t fall asleep. He’s been trying for the past hour, but he’s just so fucking distracted. Lying in the darkness of their room, he can feel the heat of Jamie’s body beside him. He’s been listening to the cadence of his breathing, uneven with congestion.
Jamie’s so stuffed up that he’s forced to breathe through his mouth, drying his throat and causing him to wake in fits and starts with cute little snuffles and coughs, rubbing his face into the pillow, the sheets, whatever’s in reach.
Roy himself hasn’t escaped unscathed, not that he minds, of course. Quite the opposite, in fact. Jamie had fallen asleep on Roy’s chest, peppering him with enough wet, heavy sneezes to cause all Roy’s blood to flow straight to his cock. He had tried his best to remain still and not wake his boyfriend, reaching down with his free hand and giving himself a couple cursory strokes to take the edge off in the hopes that he’d settle back down after that.
After several minutes, Jamie had stirred with a syrupy sniffle and rolled off Roy to his side of the bed, facing away from him. Roy’s grateful for the relief, and the ability to move his limbs freely without the weight of Jamie’s muscle mass smothering him.
So here Roy lies, deciding whether or not to wrap a hand around his cock and finish what Jamie unknowingly started. His skin feels itchy with need. It’s been a special kind of exquisite torture, looking after Jamie when he’s this sick. He’s fucking irresistible enough on a normal day, but this… this is more than Roy can take. His nerves are a constant live wire, jumping to attention every time Jamie sneezes or lets out a particularly miserable groan. The heady tension of desire and restraint constantly thrumming through Roy’s veins. Flushes spilling down his neck in a way that has Jamie smirking into his tissues. It’s like something out of a wet dream.
Jamie knows, of course. They’d talked about it months ago. He had assured Roy that it was fine. They’re both into plenty of freaky stuff, and Jamie has a very open mind. He’d gone so far as to say it was charming, the cheeky prick.
He knows Jamie would do just about anything he asks him to, so Roy takes it upon himself to be the one to set boundaries. He insists they have a safeword, in this and any other kinky shit they get up to. He doesn’t want to take advantage of Jamie when he’s sick. Doesn’t want to press him, but he has to trust that Jamie would tell him if it ever got to be too much.
They’d even talked about –
Roy squeezes his eyes shut. Is he really that desperate?
Jamie said it was okay. That he was flattered, always happy for any and all of Roy’s attention and love.
Their conversation from earlier that day flashes through Roy’s mind, as if to prove to himself that it actually happened.
“You dknow how we talked about… mbe being asleeb?” Jamie asks as he finishes blowing his chapped nose for the millionth time.
Roy grunts in affirmation, laser-focused on his boyfriend.
“You could sdtill do that, whend I’b like this.”
Something coils in Roy’s gut, sinister and so, so tempting. They joke about him being a sadist, but this feels like a lot, even for him. But oh god, he wants it.
He knows as soon as Jamie says it that he’s going to do it. How could he not? Now that Jamie’s offering it to him on a silver platter.
“Are you sure?” he forces out, his throat tight with lust.
“Of course. I trust you.” Jamie says. He presses the crumpled tissue to his pink, dripping nostrils. “And one of us mbight as well enjoy ihh… hih’AEETTSHH’uh! SNF. Endjoy id.”
“Okay,” Roy says, the idea taking shape in his mind. “You do need your rest.”
“Exactly, mbate. We can both get what we want.” His tired, red-rimmed eyes soften. “Love that you’re still into mbe evedn when I’b disgustin’.” He gives a playful leer that quickly dissolves into a wrenching sneeze. “uh…ha…HA’IGGHHSH’IUE!”
And Roy can’t go another second without touching him after that.
Roy’s cock twitches at the memory, dragging his attention back to the present.
His hard-on is insistent now; it hasn’t flagged at all. Probably because Jamie’s lying next to him making all sorts of sounds and Roy can’t focus on anything but that. Every noise he makes only serves as a reminder to Roy of just how full of cold Jamie is. He’d taken a considerable amount of Nyquil before bed to combat it, or at the very least to knock him out, and it seems to have only accomplished the latter.
Unable to take anymore, he decides to give in, reminding himself that he doesn’t have to feel guilty. Jamie asked for this.
He curls against Jamie, blanketing his back with the warm line of his body. He brings his hands to Jamie’s hips, buries his face in the nape of his neck, smelling the familiar warmth of Jamie’s skin. Jamie snuffles a bit – and Roy freezes – but he stays asleep.
His cock fits perfectly between Jamie’s pert ass cheeks, and Roy digs his fingers into the skin of Jamie’s hips as hard as he dares to pull him closer. Panting his hot breath against the back of Jamie’s neck, already so worked up. It’s like he’s popped the cork of a shaken bottle of champagne and all his desire is spilling out of him. Their bodies are sleep-warm beneath the sheets, and Roy feels like he’s going to combust. He starts a slow, easy grind against Jamie’s ass, forever grateful that the man sleeps with no pants on.
Jamie breath hitches and he groans out a little sound – Nng – nuzzling his face against his pillow. Roy doesn’t stop.
His runny nose has already leaked onto the pillowcase. Roy’s had to switch them out every day, throwing the snotty things in the wash. If Roy lifts his head a little, he can watch Jamie’s face contort, nostrils flaring as a sneeze builds in his sleep. Jamie’s chest expands as his breath picks up – “huh… huh-ggsh’TCHH’iue!” The sneeze sends mess bubbling from his nose, spraying down onto the sheets and his chest.
He still doesn’t blink awake. The Nyquil must have really knocked him out. The thought goes straight to Roy’s dick, heady with the knowledge that he could do whatever he wanted and Jamie might not even wake up; a sick power trip that’s been gifted to him.
“Fuck,” he grits between his teeth, pressing his forehead to Jamie’s shoulder as his thrusts turn more desperate.
Jamie snuffles again, his sinuses thick as molasses. His open mouth sucks in a sharp breath before – “ha’kxxgsh’uh!” another viscous, sickly sneeze coats his upper lip and the pillow below him. He moans, and Roy, through the haze in his own brain, tries to decipher if it’s in discomfort or if it has to do with the fact that Jamie’s dick is thickening up now – his body reacting to Roy even like this – dead to the world, sick as a dog, and hopped up on drugs. If there’s one constant in this life, it’s that Jamie’s going to get hard for him.
Christ, you’re gonna be the death of me, he thinks.
Needing more, he lifts Jamie’s leg as gently as he can – he’s so fucking pliant like this - and thrusts his dick between his fucking tree trunk thighs; one of the many benefits of dating a professional footballer. It provides him with just the right amount of the friction he’s so desperately seeking, the corded muscles like a vice on his dick.
The tight heat of Jamie’s thighs sends Roy careening closer to the edge, a growing, molten pressure in his gut. He’s still not awake yet, Roy marvels, breaking a sweat.
As though summoned by his thoughts, Jamie’s breath starts to hitch again - little frustrated gasps in and out. Roy doesn’t halt the movement of his hips. He buries his face in the back of Jamie’s neck and keeps pumping into that warm, inviting place between his thighs.
“ah…hah… ha’NGGSSHH’UH!” The sneeze rocks them both as it tears out of Jamie, spraying the sheets and clinging to the bottom of his face in a sheer glossy mess. Roy’s hips stutter with another sharp spike of lust.
Jamie groans, low and confused, and Roy feels it reverberate through him where he’s fused to Jamie’s back.
“Mm…Roy?” he mumbles, cracking his bleary eyes open. Roy slows his pace but doesn’t stop the rhythmic slide of his hips.
“I’m right here,” he says, his quiet voice strained with his quick breath. “Go back to sleep. I’ve got you.”
“Ngh… Cadn’t… heh… hih’nngg’SHOO! Ugh. Cadn’t breathe.”
Roy’s halfway to outer space right now, with the brain function to match, so he does the only thing he can think of and gathers the section of the comforter that’s in front of Jamie and presses it to his slick face. These sheets are fucked anyway, he reasons.
“Blow for me,” his voice rolls deep in Jamie’s ear. Jamie doesn’t even hesitate, still half-asleep and fuzzy from the Nyquil. He simply does as Roy says, mustering all the energy he has in his sleepy state to force out a gurgling blow, soaking the comforter with a heavy amount of snot.
“Good boy, get it all out.” He starts to pull the fabric away from Jamie’s face, strings of mess still tethered, when the sound of Jamie’s breath scissoring in and out goes straight to his dick. Fuck, he isn’t going to last much longer.
He props himself up on one elbow to have a better view of Jamie’s face as it contorts in a delicious pre-sneeze expression, still covered in mess and about to get worse. He doesn’t even have his eyes open, but his eyebrows pull up desperately as his red, wet nostrils twitch.
After one last sharp inhale of breath, a heaving double bursts from him - “huh… hih’AEESSHH’IUE! Hah…ha-Heh’GKSSHHTT!” – unleashed openly into the inches of space between him and the already-slimy comforter, coating it even further, spots of liquid turning the fabric dark where it lands.
“Fuck - Jamie.” Roy’s voice punches out of him, raw with need. Lightning jolts through him, his hips fucking into the tight clench of him, an exquisite pressure building. He sets his teeth against Jamie’s shoulder in a bite, as gentle as he can stand. Jamie groans and tries to snort up the congestion that’s shifted in his sinuses once again.
It takes all Roy’s concentration to arrange the comforter in his hand to find a clean spot and bring it to Jamie’s face for more.
“Come on. Again,” he grunts out, head swimming with his imminent orgasm. Jamie obeys. Of course he does. The squelching, miserable sound of it shivers down Roy’s spine. The viscous mess fills the section of fabric, drenching it through until Roy can feel it warm against his skin.
Fuck. Jamie’s breath starts to hitch again, and Roy thinks he must have done something very good in a previous life to deserve this. I’m so close, he thinks, his hips rutting in time with Jamie’s staccato breaths.
Jamie’s head rears back, pulling away from the sodden blanket before splattering it with another exhausted, desperate fit – “ah…hah’iiggh’SHIUE! Hih…hih-kngxxt’GSSHT!” The Nyquil and fatigue are banding together to turn his sneezes haphazard and unrestrained. His face is slack with it; mouth open as he heaves in another breath. “Ugh… ihh… hih’GgSHHuh! Hah… Hiiiih-ZZSSHHESSHH!” He finishes with a monster of a sneeze, sullying everything with a wrenching, wet deluge of filth.
Reaching a fever pitch, Roy’s thrusts stutter before pumping once, twice – then there’s a rush in his ears as he comes so hard he sees stars. Thick, white ropes of come coat Jamie’s thighs as Roy chases his pleasure, fucking him through it.
When Roy comes back to earth, he pulls out from Jamie’s thighs, hissing at the sensation. Nuzzling into Jamie’s neck, he peppers soft kisses against the warm skin there, luxuriating in the smell of him. Jamie sniffles and rouses a bit at that, and Roy tightens his hold around his middle.
One last time, Roy finds a dry part of the blanket - no easy task at this point - and wipes Jamie’s face clean as best he can.
“Roy?” Jamie blinks, half-awake as Roy pulls the blankets up around them. The sheets are truly disgusting, but only in certain spots. They’re both sure to wake up sticky tomorrow, but Roy’s too satiated and fucked out to deal with it right now. And he doesn’t want to disrupt Jamie’s rest any further. They’ll just have to enjoy a nice hot shower together in the morning, and Roy can throw the sheets in the wash then.
“Shh. You did so good, love.”
Jamie gives a sweet little moan and reaches for Roy’s hands around him, holding him there. He snuggles back into his pillow.
“Go back to sleep now. You need your rest.”
Roy’s hand drifts down to Jamie’s cock, checking the state of him, and finds him still half hard. Jamie cants his hips against Roy’s hand on instinct, but doesn’t give him much more than that.
Roy chuckles into his hair. He really does need his rest and Roy doesn’t want to risk waking him up further. It’s nothing that can’t wait.
“Sleep. I’ll take care of you tomorrow.”
Jamie’s contented sigh is the last thing he hears before sleep pulls him under.
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honeeslust · 4 months
🖤 Idk where this came from... but here it is.
Eijiros quirk is hardening... so lets experiment with what happens when the hardening causes....Damage?!??
🖤 both parties are consenting adults!
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My dick did that??
Poor Eijiro. blurted it so loud the barista handing you your change awkwardly suppresses and grin. You thank them and promptly take your coffees and pull away without getting your change.
He's staring at you with wide eyes after you told him your gyne said to take it easy the next few days because there was some cervical bruising. It was nothing drastic but you were definitely walking funny.
Even though you were pretty pleased as punch that your bf had the ability blow your back out.. yet treat you like the princess as delicate as the one who slept atop that pesky little pea… he’s beside himself. He goes all out, buying a new heating pad and Tylenol. He even tries googling what exercises could help with the mending proces. No matter how many times you tell him that your fine and it could happen to anyone, he still feels so guilty for hurting you.
I shouldnt have lost control like that. I can normally control my quirk just fine… especially… you know when…
Well…I didn't mind in the slightest.
…I'd never hurt you, you know that.
I do. Baby please dont feel bad about this.
He promises you that he won't beat himself up over it. And even after all the research he’s done hes unable to forgive himself. He proceeds to spoil you rotten. Even surprising you with gettind Tenya to cover him a few days to invest in a little TLC. You were curious at first but that was easily pushed aside after you got to spend the day with laid up and playing video games and watching anime.
Too bad that was a big mistake. As you’re in heat and anime guys do something inexplicable to the little nympho inside you.
You pounce right into his lap. Kissing his lips and playing in his hair. You can feel the warmth of his palms though your panties as he grabs himself a handful and pulls you deeper into the kiss.
As much as he worried about managing to control himself this time, he wanted nothing more than to keep you exactly as you were… stradled over his thighs, the hot wet region between your legs grinding atop the bulge underneath his basketball shorts. Your chest pressed up against his. Your heart beat racing so fast he could feel it against his chest.
He wanted to move that little piece of fabric to the side and let you feel every inch of him inside…. He wanted you! Bad! But the way he felt right now…he knew he'd do some damage. So the kiss lingers on, slow, and wet. Your body so soft, making it hard to hold on to any resolve when your softness felt so good opposite his rigidity.
He moves, lying your body across the couch and dragging your shirt over your head. His kisses landing hot and wet across your chest. He makes his way lower, his powerful hands manipulating your legs apart. Slowly, he drags his nose along your folds still sheathed by your panties… his body responsively shuddering under the brush of your fingertips over his scalp. He grumbles, affectionately calling out your name.
He foresakes the cautious voice in his head, warning him to keep calm as he presses his lips to the wet area, making you loose a pretty moan… though he's glad he could at least do this without having to worry about his quirk getting out of control. By the time you've stopped strangling him between your legs, he comes up to kiss your lips. But you're reaching for the waist of his shorts to get at the promising erection that he was so hesitant to use on you.
But youre insistent, all hopped up on pheromones and desire. He lets you drag the flimsy fabric down his thighs, glaring down at you with lust lidded eyes. He loves the pretty red nail polish you always wear… specifically for this little show alone.
Your little fingers wrapped around his cock as you slapped the tip against your lips before sucking it into your mouth. You moan closing your lips around him, giving your ass a wiggle to ensure he enjoyed the show. He moans loudly, gripping the couch cushions tight even though you’ve only managed to the head of his dick into your mouth.
It just won't fit, but fuck, the way your eyes rolled back as your flattened out your tongue to take more of him was enough to have him shaking. Its the moments like this that he doesn't recognize himself anymore.
His scarlet gaze is fixed on you and the way your little mouth barely fit him… he'd be lying to himself is he said the sight didn't make his ego swell. The more he moans, the more you clench and cream, rocking back and forth as you used your mouth to seduce him. the eagerness to feel him splitting you open drives you to suck further down upon him, oxygen intake be damned.
Drooling off the engorged member actively trembling in your hand…You crawl atop him, eyes darkened with desire, your pussy dripping at the sight of him panting beneath you as you readied yourself to settle onto him.
He's panicking inside. You're so small, so sensitive.. So sweet. Andhe ikes it… no he loves it! He's far too entranced to stop the way you slowly descend upon him. The hug you give us so warm and tight and wet and needy that it makes his fingers clamp down tight over your hips. He throws his head back, elation overtaking his ability to keep hold back the rapid firing of sensors sending his quirk into an uncontrollable overdrive.
Mmm babe youre so tight. Wait wait wait!
You're already gushing as you start to move.
But you feel so good stretching me like this. I want it. Please don’t make me stop.
but last time…
Last time what? You moan beginning to move yourself up and down with a slight wince.
don't wanna hurt you bae… he's so afraid he’ll hurt you again but he can't stop the way his body craves more of this. If he's honest, he wants to split you in two.
Fuck you feel so fucking good.
He's seeing red, wanting so bad to take over your pathetic attempts to move and pound the fuck outta that pussy.
You prop yourself up, placing your hand atop his thighs to inch in your way up and down.
Don't worry. Mmmm you know I trust you. You're panting, waiting for him to do what he does best and demolish you. But he keeps a sturdy grip on tour waist, letting you pick up the pace.
At first you worried you didn't have the stamina to keep bouncing the way your were. But fuck, the way he filled you, the way he held you… the way he moaned with the propulsion of your cunt up and down his thick shaft was exquisite.
Fuck fuck fuck. Baby, sss gonn-aaahh
Yea? Half screaming, you keep bouncing yourself. Your pussy raining wet around him.
He forgets how worried he was and focuses on not finishing before you could get yours. You’re rapid approaching release has you cinched so tight that he's barely holding on. He's seeing stars, whimpering your name.
Cum inside Eijiro. Fill me please, you beg slamming you sticky wet cunt down on his dick, fucking him against the curve of your canal until your spurting down around him.
Collective moans echoe out from you both until you e collapsed onto his chest. He wraps you in his arms, secretly thanking you for taking the control out of his hands as he still didn’t know if he could keep his wits about himself when he fucked you.
He pulls your close to him, and kisses your temple. Your breaths come slower, tour lips parted with heavy exhausted sighs as your fell quickly into your post coitus nap.
While you were completely elated…. Poor Eijiro contemplates the ways he can ensure he could love you without hurting you.
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lau219 · 18 days
Enemies with Benefits
Part 5
Previous part here
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​Before opening the door to the office suite at the address on Tommy Shelby’s card, Y/N took a deep breath in through her nose and slowly exhaled through her mouth, trying to mentally prepare herself.
A part of her couldn’t believe she’d come here; she had debated standing him up. She didn’t want to give Tommy the satisfaction of her showing up where and when he’d told her to, but his offer had been tempting enough that she’d convinced herself to at least humor him for the details.
Before reaching for the door handle, she made the deal with herself to leave if he decided to get cute and tried to sweet talk her into any kind of bullshit, or if he didn’t give her complete transparency on whatever kind of agreement they might come to.
Grabbing the handle, Y/N pulled open the door and stepped inside, finding herself in a kind of common area that had several chairs and a sofa surrounding a large coffee table. There was a gas fireplace behind the sitting area and the walls were covered in artwork. Off to the side of the room was a small desk, several stacks of paper sitting on top, along with a few personal items that indicated that the desk was occupied by a woman. The room was empty, however, and as Y/N took a few steps further inside, she wondered if there was anyone even there.
“Oh, shit!” came a woman’s voice suddenly, and as Y/N turned towards the sound, she saw an older dark-haired woman emerging from a door at the back of the room. She had a cup of coffee in her hand that she’d unintentionally dripped from as she’d tried to close the door behind her, and she wagged her hand in the air to relieve the sting of the hot liquid.
“Are you OK?” Y/N said as she watched the woman bring her scalded hand to her mouth and suck the liquid off her skin. Her hand still at her lips, the woman raised her head and looked up, meeting Y/N’s eyes.
“Fucking peachy,” the woman responded, and Y/N worried she’d already made her upset, but after she walked over to the small desk to set the cup of coffee down, she turned around to face her, and she gave her a big smile.
“Let me guess, you must be Y/F/N Y/L/N,” the woman said. Y/N guessed she was somewhere between her late forties and early fifties, and while older, her beauty was still evident, and her smile caused Y/N to feel a bit more at ease.
“That’s me,” Y/N replied, giving the woman a friendly but somewhat reserved smile back. “Are you sure you’re OK?”
The woman waved her hand dismissively.
“Just fine; it happens all the time. Just not usually in front of company.”
Y/N smiled timidly again.
“I’m here to see Thomas Shelby,” she said.
“I know,” the woman replied with another smile. She then walked over to Y/N and stopped in front of her.
“Well, aren’t you just the most darling thing,” she continued as her smile grew warmer. She then held out her hand for Y/N to shake. “I’m Polly. Polly Gray. Tommy is my nephew.”
Y/N extended her hand to shake Polly’s.
“It’s nice to meet you,” she said.
“Likewise, dear. After everything I’ve heard about you, I’ve got to be honest, I couldn’t wait to meet you.”
Y/N tilted her head.
“What have you heard, exactly?” she asked Polly, who smiled big again.
“Oh, just that you’re an incredibly smart, talented, take-no-shit businesswoman who can handle herself and put obnoxious men in their place.”
Y/N smiled and let out a small laugh.
“I find it hard to believe that Mr. Shelby said any of that about me,” she said.
“He didn’t,” Polly confirmed as she shook her head. “I concluded it myself after hearing the things you’ve said to him and the others. And I’ve got to tell you, I wish I’d been there to see even a little bit of it. It’s about time someone told all of them what they need to hear.”
Y/N laughed at that – she liked this woman. As Polly indicated towards the sofa and gestured for Y/N to sit down, she took a seat opposite her in one of the chairs.
“Well, your nephews don’t seem to be very familiar with the word ‘no’, particularly Tommy,” Y/N said. “I’m mostly here today just so he’ll finally leave me alone.”
Polly crossed her legs and smiled again, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“The problem there is that Thomas is as determined as you,” she said.
Polly knew this all was not going to go well, but she had been unable to convince Tommy not to go through with it. There was no changing his mind once he’d decided on something, and the added fact that he had his eye on this girl meant that there was even more certainty in his decision. All Polly could do now was hope that Y/N was truly as strong as she seemed.
“Determined. Pushy. Irritating. Arrogant. They all work interchangeably when it comes to him,” Y/N said with a playful smile.
“I think I’ve found my new best friend,” Polly grinned back at her, and the two of them laughed. But after a moment, Polly’s expression became somewhat serious again.
“Just remember, honey, whatever happens, you can handle him.”
Y/N’s brow furrowed slightly, the older woman’s statement sounding almost like a sympathetic warning. But before Y/N had any more time to analyze what Polly had said, the door at the back of the room opened, and who should appear but Tommy Shelby.
His eyes met Y/N’s, and she felt a quick rush go through her as she looked at his handsome face. It was intimidating seeing him on his territory instead of her own, and she swallowed as he spoke.
“Things are sounding a bit too diabolical out here,” he said as his eyes moved from Y/N to Polly. He smirked when he looked at Y/N again, and to her dismay, she couldn’t control the blush that she felt creep up her cheeks.
“Just plotting your demise, Tommy, darling, that’s all,” Polly said as she quickly looked at him over her shoulder before turning back to Y/N, whom she gave another smile.
“Well, as much as I hate to break that up, Miss Y/L/N and I have a meeting, Pol,” Tommy said, his eyes landing on Y/N again.
“Ohh, we wouldn’t want to interfere with that, now, would we?” Polly said with feigned concern.
Unable to sit still any longer under Tommy’s gaze, Y/N looked down as she stood up from the sofa and grabbed her bag, which she’d set beside her. Following her movement, Tommy waited until she’d looked up again, and when she did, he spoke.
“This way, love,” he said to her, and jerked his head for her to join him.
Before moving, Y/N looked at Polly one more time, who gave her an encouraging wink before rising from her chair and heading back over to the desk on the side of the room. As soon as the path was clear, Y/N began walking towards Tommy, avoiding his eyes until she stopped in front of him and had no choice but to look at him. As she stepped through the doorway and Tommy closed it behind her, he smiled.
“You look gorgeous, love,” he said to her.
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat again, but she narrowed her eyes at him.
“I’m here to talk business,” she said to him.
Tommy just smiled again.
“Yes, ma’am,” he responded teasingly. “This way.”
He then turned and led her down the short hallway and into another room, which was obviously his office. A large wooden desk sat as the focal point, with bookshelves on either side and two wing backed chairs in front of it. A big screen TV was mounted on the wall behind the two chairs, and a narrow floor to ceiling window accented one of the adjacent walls. The entire vibe of it was intimate, but also reflected the authority the room and its occupant held.
As she entered his office, Y/N saw that there was another man sitting in one of the chairs in front of Tommy’s desk. As Tommy rounded his desk and sat down, he indicated for Y/N to have a seat in the vacant chair, meeting her eyes as she looked at him with confusion.
“Have a seat, Y/N,” Tommy said as he leaned back in his own chair.
Apprehensively, Y/N sat down, perching on the edge of the chair and looking between the two men.
“This is Patrick Warner, he’s one of the head bankers over on 3rd Street,” Tommy said by way of an introduction, mentioning the location of their mutual bank.
“It’s nice to meet you, Miss Y/L/N,” Patrick spoke then, extending his hand to Y/N, which she hesitantly shook.
“I didn’t realize that whatever we’d be discussing today required the presence of a banker,” Y/N said as she shifted her eyes from Patrick to Tommy. “I thought we were just discussing specifics of this potential job you’ve offered me.”
Tommy nodded.
“Among other things,” he said.
Y/N narrowed her eyes.
“What ‘other things’?” she said.
“The sale of your club,” Patrick spoke up then.
Frowning, Y/N turned to him.
“I’m not selling my club,” she said. “To Mr. Shelby or anyone else.”
“No, you’re not selling it,” Patrick replied. “But the bank is.”
Her frown intensifying, Y/N looked from Patrick to Tommy, who was watching her with an unreadable expression. She looked back to Patrick again.
“What do you mean? What are you talking about? The bank can’t sell it. I own it,” Y/N said as she shook her head.
“I’m afraid it’s a bit more complicated than that,” Patrick replied.
Y/N looked to Tommy once more, and when he didn’t say anything, she spoke.
“What the hell is going on?”
“I’m buying your club, love,” Tommy finally said.
“The fuck you are,” Y/N responded before turning back to Patrick. “What the hell is he talking about?” she asked him.
“I’m afraid when you bought the club several years ago, that the banker in charge of the sale failed to notice that the property itself that the club sits on was still partially bank-owned. The previous owner never fully paid off that portion of the sale, but he’d paid off enough of it that the amount the bank was still waiting on didn’t draw enough attention and was repeatedly overlooked. Enough time passed that the bank, embarrassingly enough, essentially forgot about the remaining balance. But when Mr. Shelby came to us with interest in buying the property, this all came to light.”
The entire time Patrick had been talking, Y/N’s head was spinning as she tried to process everything he was saying.
“I paid for the place, fair and square,” she said. “I paid for it. It’s all in my transaction history. Go on and check it. I paid everything the previous owner asked for.”
Patrick nodded.
“Yes, you did,” he conceded, “but that amount all went to the previous owner. There was still a remaining balance due on the land.”
Y/N shook her head again.
“What are you saying?” she asked.
“I’m saying that you may own the club, but not the land it sits on, due to the outstanding balance. And with that brought to light, the remaining balance needs to be paid. Either by you, or someone else.”
“Ok, so if I pay the remaining balance, then I own it all?” Y/N asked.
“Yes,” Patrick answered.
“Ok, how much is owed?” she followed up.
Patrick hesitated and briefly looked at Tommy before looking back to her.
“Thirty thousand dollars,” he replied.
Upon hearing that number, the color drained from Y/N’s face. She didn’t have that kind of money laying around.
“What?!” she yelped. “I thought you just said it was a small enough balance that you’d overlooked it?!”
“That is small, in terms of the other loans we’re out for,” Patrick replied.
Her eyes still wide, Y/N shook her head again, then turned to Tommy, whose expression was still neutral.
“So...so what does this mean?” she asked neither of them in particular.
“Mr. Shelby has paid the entire cost of the property, which includes the balance that was outstanding. He now owns the property,” Patrick answered.
Y/N slowly turned and looked at Tommy again, silently demanding some kind of explanation.
“I’d brought it to their attention before we’d even met, love,” Tommy said to her. “But the fact of the matter is, it was up for grabs, so I took it.”
“I...I don’t even...” Y/N furrowed her brow again. “I’m not even understanding this. What does it matter if the property wasn’t paid off? I still own that club. I don’t care about owning the property.”
“You have to own the property to own the club, Miss Y/L/N,” Patrick responded.
“What?” she said.
“Owning the property means owning whatever is on it. Therefore, Mr. Shelby now also owns the club.”
At that, Y/N began furiously shaking her head.
“No. No, no, no. That can’t be possible. How can that even be allowed?”
“I’m afraid it’s all in the closing agreements between the bank and whoever were to become owner,” said Patrick. “With ownership of the property comes owning whatever is on it, including structures or businesses.”
“That’s absolute bullshit!” Y/N shouted. “You’re selling this out from under me?! That can’t be legal!”
“I’m afraid it is,” Patrick replied.
“You knew this was going to happen?” Y/N then said to Tommy, turning to look at him and giving him a glare that was dripping with hatred. “You already had all this in the works when you came to me wanting to buy it and then asking me to work for you?”
“It’s simply a change in ownership, Y/N,” Tommy calmly replied. “I still want you to work for me – in running the place as well as the other job we discussed.”
“You’re even more arrogant than I thought humanly possible if you think for a minute that I’m going to work for you after pulling a stunt like this,” she replied.
“It’s business, love. Nothing personal,” Tommy responded.
Y/N held up her hand to silence him, refusing to look at him again.
“What about my money?” she asked Patrick. “If this truly has been sold to him, then I should be getting back what I paid for the place.”
“You will,” Patrick confirmed, “although with inflation and also the fact that you got the place for a steal due to how poorly it was doing, it won’t be enough to purchase anything new.”
“This is absolute bullshit!” Y/N repeated again, standing up from her chair. “There’s no way this is legal!”
“I’m afraid it is,” said Patrick again.
Y/N turned to Tommy.
“I’ll sue you,” she said.
Tommy didn’t reply, and Patrick interjected for him.
“I’d caution you that that’d be a waste of your time and money, Miss Y/L/N – everything about this is legal. Not to mention that suing would only draw more attention to the fact that you technically never owned the place to begin with.”
It was now Patrick’s turn to receive a death glare.
“So I’m being punished for a mistake that the bank made and was too stupid to notice for eight years?!” Y/N was practically screaming. “A bunch of morons like you overlook something like this and I’m being robbed?!”
Patrick said nothing as she stared him down before she turned to Tommy once more.
“How could you sit there and act like you were giving me a choice when in reality you’d already executed this?”
“I told you, the process had already begun before we’d even met,” said Tommy.
“You could have pulled the plug between now and then,” she replied.
“By that point, the bank was reminded of the outstanding balance,” Tommy reasoned. “Either you’d have had to pay it, or I could have bought it all. I’m guessing the first option wouldn’t have been possible.”
Although that was true, it didn’t matter. This never should have happened.
“You lied to me. You said the other night that your focus had shifted. And you lied about becoming owner of my place.”
“My focus had shifted,” Tommy replied. “I already knew that the club was going to be mine, so my attention then went to still keeping you to run it, as well as hiring you to assess the other places, which I still want you to do.” He paused. “And I didn’t lie about becoming the owner; I never even mentioned it.”
“Exactly! A lie of omission!” Y/N responded. “You were just playing me.”
“It’s not like that, love.”
Y/N was ready to slap him.
“You selfish son of a bitch! None of this would ever have happened if you hadn’t been hell-bent on putting your name on every Goddamn establishment in this city. Look what you’ve taken from me! I’ve got nothing now!”
“That’s not true,” Tommy replied, looking at her. “My offer still stands. I want you to work for me, and also keep running the club. No one else can do it.”
Bending down, Y/N violently yanked her bag up off the floor and looked at him.
“Then you and your brothers better learn how real fast!”
At that, she turned and headed for the door, preparing to leave, but not before turning around to look at both Tommy and Patrick a final time, her eyes still full of hatred.
“You both can fucking go to hell!”
As she then stormed out of the room and down the short hallway, she could hardly see due to the hot tears behind her eyes that were beginning to blur her vision. If she could see clearly, she would have noticed Polly standing from her desk as she flew by, a sympathetic and concerned look on her face as she watched Y/N walk out and slam the door behind her.
Part 6
@nyxxie-pooh @xsweetcatastrophe @febris-amatoria @hannibellector @natalie--rushman
@beastofburdenxo @garrison-girl-08 @meister95 @betty21rose @hudson-bay-girl
@neonpurplestars89-blog @fuseburner @aphroditeslover11 @wild-rose-35 @allie131313
@ceirinen @devotedlyshadowytheorist @alltoowellbeneaththemangotree @judig92 @fairytale07 @galactict3a @runnning-outof-time
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exololyunho · 1 year
FFF day 10: threesome/ritual
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word count: 1.7k
masterlist  fff masterlist
warnings: threesome, roommate au, barely any plot, fingering, spit roasting, deep throating, orgasm denial, like 0 dialogue my bad
uh so theres no ritual in this its just straight threesome
This was torture. The two assholes on either side of you knew what they were doing to you, and they both seemed to enjoy this way too much.
What had started as a simple night in with your roommates, Wooyoung and Yeosang had quickly gone south when Wooyoung had jokingly suggested watching Fifty Shades of Grey. You knew he was only joking and had protested, but Yeosang was never one to back down from a challenge and had agreed with Wooyoung.
And so you found yourself in between two of the hottest men you’d ever met watching a goddamn BDSM movie on a Tuesday night. Wooyoung’s arm was stretched over your shoulders and Yeosang’s hand was placed on your thigh. Both men were situated as close to you as possible, their legs brushing yours.
“Something wrong?” You jumped, not expecting Wooyoung’s lips to be directly next to your ear. Yeosang chuckled as you turned to face Wooyoung, feeling like a deer in headlights. His arm slid off your shoulder to rest a hand on your waist.
“Um yeah, yeah I’m fine why?” It was hard to swallow when the two of you were face to face, noses practically touching.
He opened his mouth but was interrupted by a loud moan from the TV. More color rose to your cheeks and he laughed, high pitched and teasing. 
“You seem a little tense,” this time it was Yeosang’s voice in your ear, causing you to stiffen even more. “Not liking the movie?”
You weren’t sure you had even the slightest clue what was happening in the movie, besides what you’d heard about it in the past. It was hard to focus when the two of them were so close to you. Wooyoung was usually this touchy, but Yeosang wasn’t and the combination of both of their proximity was fucking with your ability to think.
“It-it’s fine I guess,” you pulled your gaze from Wooyoung, glancing at Yeosang who was still leaning unusually close to you before trying to focus on what must be the fifth sex scene playing out before you.
“Just fine? C’mon doll, there must be more thoughts in that head than just that,” Wooyoung gently poked a finger into your temple. You swatted his hand only for him to laugh and lay it dangerously high on your thigh, opposite Yeosang’s. Although, Yeosang’s hand sat closer to your knee. Wooyoung’s fingers were damn near brushing the seat of your sweats.
“It’s fine,” you grumbled, crossing your arms and trying your absolute hardest to pretend your roommates weren’t torturing you.
Mercifully, they let you be. Not for long, though, because by the time the next sex scene rolled around, Yeosang’s hand had inched up your leg. It was nearing the position of Wooyoung’s, so high it was damn near indecent.
“Sure you’re good?” This time Yeosang’s lips made contact with your ear. You hissed when he gently took the lobe between his teeth. By now, his hand was settled where your hip met your thigh, fingers dangerously close to your covered pussy.
What the hell had gotten into them?
Yeosang’s lips moved to suck, kiss, and nibble at the side of your neck. Your eyes had slid shut, lost in the feeling until Wooyoung’s hand on your jaw drew your attention. Before you could register what he was doing exactly, his lips were on yours. He moved tentatively at first, but once you reciprocated, he kissed you with more force. His tongue swiped against your lips and you opened them for him with no resistance.
You parted from Wooyoung to gasp when Yeosang cupped you over your pants. He rubbed his palm back and forth as his lips continued to leave marks across your throat. 
Wooyoung took a moment to sit back and watch as Yeosang slowly moved his hand up, giving you plenty of time to shove him away before he slid his hand down your pants. You gasped, turning to him with wide eyes as his fingers gently explored. He had a dark look in his eyes. Suddenly, he surged forwards to claim your lips with his. 
Yeosang was a lot less gently than Wooyoung had. He was all tongue and teeth, nipping at your lips and pressing you backwards, all while his hand was still rubbing you underneath your pants. 
Eventually, you found yourself leaning back against Wooyoung, between his legs while Yeosang was between yours. Wooyoung's hands were sliding over your torso underneath your shirt, feeling up every bit of skin he could before they eventually settled on groping your breasts. 
By now, the movie was long forgotten, only providing background noise to mix with heavy breathing from all three of you, Yeosang’s lips on yours, and the slick sound of his fingers sliding inside of you.
Your head tipped back against Wooyoung’s shoulder as you parted from Yeosang to gasp for breath.
“Off,” Wooyoung pushed you up slightly to lift your shirt over your head. He removed his quickly before pulling you back down to rest against him. His hands came back up to pluck and tug at your nipples, cupping your breasts in his hands.
Yeosang took his chance to strip your bottom half less than gracefully. He tugged and pulled to get your sweats down off your ankles before he threw them over his shoulder, before thrusting his fingers back into you. Your back arched, your hands clinging onto Wooyoung’s thighs for dear life as Yeosang used the lack of restricting clothes to his advantage. He was twisting and turning his fingers, searching for the angle that would have you crying out his name.
He found it, unsurprisingly. He repeated his motions over and over until it seemed to you like he was trying to make you lose the ability to do anything other than moan for him. 
Wooyoung was ever so slightly grinding his hard on into your back, still stroking your breasts and teasing your nipples. He was panting in your ear, his hot breath sending goosebumps down your arms.
You were nearly there, so close from their combined motions. Just as you were beginning to rise, Yeosang ripped his hand away, backing up while Wooyoung pushed you forward, onto your hands and knees on the couch between them.
“Why-why’d you stop?” You were unable to stop your words from coming out as a whine. 
Yeosang just chuckled and pulled down his sweats just far enough to pull his dick. “You’re going to cum on Woo’s cock, or not at all.”
The look in his eyes was downright evil, something you’d never seen in him before making an appearance. All you could do was nod as you tried not to stare at his dick, right in front of your face.
“Open up, Y/n. Thank Sangie for making you feel good,” Wooyoung was bent over your back, one hand grabbing your jaw and opening your mouth for Yeosang. You kept your eyes on the man before you as he fed the tip of his dick through your lips.
Wooyoung removed himself from you, but you barely paid him any mind, instead focusing on licking Yeosang’s head. You suckled on it for a moment, before opening your mouth wider and taking him farther down. Fighting your gag reflex, you pushed on until your nose brushed against his lower stomach. Yeosang’s hand threaded through your hair, his head tipped back as he shakily exhaled. 
You were so focused on sucking lightly on Yeosang and trying to breath through your nose that you didn’t realize what Wooyoung was doing until he was slowly pushing inside of you.
A garbled moan forced its way out around Yeosang’s dick as Wooyoung seated himself fully inside you. Breathing was starting to get too difficult, so you pulled back from Yeosang to take a few shuddering breaths as Wooyoung started moving with short thrusts. 
When you could breathe somewhat normally, you took Yeosang back into your mouth. You tried to set a rhythm, but it was futile and when Wooyoung’s thrusts picked up, you allowed his movements to fuck you forward onto Yeosang. Yeosang’s hand hadn’t left your hair, his hand gripping just tight enough to sting your scalp a little, but not enough to actually hurt at all.
Behind you, Wooyoung was gripping your hips and tugging you back to take him fully everytime he thrust into you. It felt so good, your eyes drifted closed. Both men were grunting and groaning as they used you, but all you could focus on was the mounting pleasure that was seeping through your bloodstream.
Wooyoung shifted slightly, allowing him to brush the head of his dick over your g-spot with every inward motion. Your eyes flew open and you were greeted with the sight of Yeosang, jaw slack, cheeks flushed, and eyes focused on you. His hips jerked up into your mouth when the two of you made eye contact. You gagged around him, spit dripping out of the corners of your mouth as your eyes began to water.
Yeosang groaned louder, his hips actively starting to thrust into your mouth. Wooyoung had picked up a nearly frantic pace behind you, slamming into you and driving you closer and closer to the orgasm Yeosang had denied you earlier. 
All of a sudden, the wave of pleasure you didn’t know had been building inside hit you like a truck. Your eyes rolled back as shudders racked your body. Wooyoung groaned, long and low, as his hips stuttered when you clenched around his dick. He emptied inside you, pressing his hips fully to yours to bury himself as deep as he could. 
As you and Wooyoung reached your highs, Yeosang took over, thrusting into your mouth to chase his own. Within a few moments, he had you pulled all the way down again to pump his load down your throat. You gagged around him at first, but relaxed and let him ride out the pleasure.
He pulled out gingerly when he was done, Wooyoung following. You couldn’t help it, falling bonelessly to pant and lay flat on the couch.
Both of them slowly and softly picked you up to cradle you between them. Yeosang had you cradled in his arms as your legs were thrown over Wooyoungs. They both ran soothing hands over you.
As you caught your breath, a smile broke out on your face. 
“So,” you cleared your throat. “When can we do that again?”
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slvttyplum · 7 months
SYNOPSIS: it’s that time of the year again… the holidays, because of satoru’s incompetence, it’s back to your family’s house, but what happens when you guys get there?
CONTENTS: fluff, comfort, fem!reader, pet names—pretty much it for part one.
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you put one leg in the pants, turning in the mirror to see how they look.
“so what do you think?” you ask, putting your other leg into the pants and turning around and looking at your ass. you hum, looking at the pants and doing every pose imaginable to see if you like them.
“what do i thinkkk” satoru says, dragging out every syllable.
he looks back at you, then back at the mirror, flossing his teeth.
“they’re alright.”
you sigh, rolling your eyes and taking off the pants. “i’m not talking about the pants; im talking about what you want to do.” satoru throws away his floss, walking out of the bathroom that connects the bedroom to the closet.
“about what exactly?” he says, looking through his shirts that hang flatly on his hangers. you throw the pants on the bed and enter the closet with satoru bending down and pulling out a box with clothes stacked in them.
“about thanksgiving. you wanna go to my family's, or do you have somewhere we can go?”
you already know the answer.
satoru immediately stops what he’s doing, “noooooo.”
you take out a red sweater dress, hold it up to yourself, and then put it down on the floor.
“then do you have somewhere to go?”
satoru takes out a light blue button up walking out of the closet. he hums in response to what you’re saying, but not an actual response. he’s been holding off going to your parents house for months, promising that he was going to find somewhere y’all could go.
you bend down looking for shoes and pull out a pair of black, thick-heeled boots covered with black knitted leg warmers.
the red sweater wasn’t it, so you continued looking for something to wear.
“i already told my parents we were coming.” you say, standing up, looking through the hanger of clothes on the opposite side of the closet from satoru’s. satoru immediately turns his head and walks towards you, flailing his arms. “what?!”
he storms into the closet, pouting with his hands by his sides, and his mouth frowns up like a little kid. you turn to face him, then back to the clothes. you move each hanger one by one, looking for something you truly like.
“satoru let’s be real... It’s been months; i’ve literally given you months. nanami is out of town; shoko is going with Utahaine; who else is there?”
satoru holds his head up, thinking, letting out a drawn-out “uhhhh.”
he crosses his arms against his chest. “megumi?” you roll your eyes, pulling out a mid-length black dress with two finger-width straps.
“oh my god, I forgot about this dress.” satoru rolls his eyes, storming out of the closet.
“come onnnn, why can’t we just do something by ourselves?”
he takes off his t-shirt and lifts up the blue shirt, holding it up to himself.
you walk into the shared bedroom, placing the dress on the bed and sliding off your shirt.
“cause i told you to have our plans ready. plus i want to see my family.”
satoru places one hand in the shirt, scrunching his face in annoyance. “what? then what would you have done if i did find somewhere we could go?" you look up at him, furrowing your eyebrow. “now you know damn well, that’s not what i mean; you’re the king of procrastination.”
you pick up the dress and slip it on with ease. wow, it still fits you thought to yourself.
satoru starts buttoning up his shirt and pouting again; he hates going to your parents house. they didn’t like him, and he knew it. they threw slight jabs at him, looked at him weirdly, and whispered to each other about him. overall, it wasn’t a comfortable experience for him.
this year was super busy: missions here, missions there, megumi needing extra training, itadori and nobara coming, the higher-ups on his neck. if it had anything pertaining to you, he was down to do it, but man, did your parents give him the heebie jeebies.
he sighed loudly and put on a fake smile. "fine,fine fine, fine.”
you walk back into the closet, giving a silent thumbs up. you take a dark brown leather jacket off the hanger and pick up the shoes from earlier.
you walk back out, eyeing him down. he had on black pants and that washed-out blue shirt that he wore EVERYWHERE.
“do you not want to wear anything else? what about that shirt i bought you?"
satoru tucks his shirt in his pants, looking down. “eh? what’s wrong with it?”
you walk towards the full-body mirror, putting on the leather jacket. “you just wear that all the time when you’re not working.” he squints his eyes and looks back down at his shirt. “is this supposed to be a nice way to say wear something else?”
you shrug your shoulders, turning your body, still looking at yourself in the mirror. “take it how you want; you have a nice body; wear what you want.”
well she ain’t lying…
satoru walked into the closet, looking through all his pieces. he liked to keep his outfits basic and lowkey, but now that it was an event, sorta speak, he had a reason to dress up. he pulled out a black turtleneck and a black-washed blazer. walking out of the closet, you stood still, twisting and turning in the mirror.
“are you done? i need that," he says, unbuttoning his shirt.
you turn around laughing and say, “oh the mirror, yeah, go ahead.”
he slips the shirt over his head as you walk towards him. you pull it down for him and rub it down so it won’t be wrinkled.
“thank you, baby.” satoru says, walking to the mirror, his pants were already somewhat matched, so he was going to keep them like that. the shirt hugged his body like a warm blanket on a cold, snowy day.
his big torso popping out and the bottom half of his shirt hugging his waist.
“what do you think?”
you’re bent down, putting on your shoes, and you look over at him. you can see him through the mirror, and you smile at each other.
satoru looks at his pants in the mirror, nodding. he walks into the closet, grabbing a belt as you continue to put on your shoes. he walks back out, looping his belt in, and looks at himself in the mirror. you get up and look at him again.
“mmm i don’t know; the double “g” just looks tacky.”
satoru sighs loudly, flailing his hands and slapping them down on his thighs.
you wave your hands, dismissing him, not feeling like going back and forth. “do what you want; let’s go.”
you were walking out the door before satoru grabbed your arm. "wait, wait, wait i need to put something over my eyes and do my hair.” you jerked back, grabbing the door for support. you looked at him up and down and at yourself.
“how about i drive and you get yourself together? cause i’m hungry.”
satoru nodded, going back into the closet with his glasses and blindfold case. as he finds what to wear over his eyes, you walk downstairs to grab the keys.
your hair and makeup were already done how you liked them. you grabbed the keys off the counter and headed to the car, and right when you stepped out the door, satoru was there behind you.
that was fast.
you feel his hand creep around your waist, his face crooked in your neck, and his cologne was creeping in your nose. your favorite.
“i love you so much.” he says, securing his arm around you tightly, you felt so safe in his embrace, like a warm winter day. you take your hand, squeezing his arm and nodding, “i love you.” he kisses your neck repeatedly.
“let’s go," he says as he moves his other hand towards yours with the keys in them.
you both walk to the car and get in; he’s wearing his rectangular glasses, your favorite.
“im glad you didn’t wear a blindfold; you look good with glasses.” you say, putting on your seatbelt. he adjusts in his seat, putting his hand on your thigh. “thank you, baby; you always look good.”
you smile, laying your hand on top of his as he pulls out of the driveway. the weather was sunny but breezy; overall, it was just pretty weather, just like when you and satoru met.
the drive was long because your family lived in the country; they categorized it as the safer side, and they weren’t wrong
you moved years ago for work, then moved in with satoru a little after that, and you didn’t regret it at all. as much as you loved living in the country and agreed with your parents that it was safer there, you just went by “whatever happens happens.”
satoru turned his head towards you, then back at the road. “what?”
you look at him, realizing you said that out loud, waving your hand and dismissing him “nothing nothing.” he pulls into the big driveway with four other cars sitting there. you smile brightly as you see the lights on in the window.
he turns to you and looks back at the window, mentally sighing… he hopes all goes well.
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Cardinal Sins and Other Desires
Okay, I know I have other requests that were submitted first, but I this weekend is a writing weekend because I need to decompress my mind and I wanna do something fun
But this one was requested by @cantchoosejust1 who offered a very interesting idea of Arthur and reader having to disguise themselves as a priest and a nun....and have some...interesting times. 
The idea is so juicy I had no choice but to do it. 
This is my take on it but of course @cantchoosejust1​ if it doesn’t match your expectations I’d love to take another stab at it!
It’s also probably gonna be a bit of a longer read, so strap in!
With that being said 
Warnings!: NSFW, Uhhh religious type things but it’s sexy so like....if that offends you don’t read, arthur being delicious, female reader 
Tags!: @mrsarthurmorgan7 @kieropal @photo1030 @pcotarelo @6kaja9
Alright, that being said, everyone, hold onto your butts, let’s get this horny train rolling!
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“Dutch, this has got to be your dumbest idea yet.” 
Arthur scoffs as he looks down at the ridiculous looking outfit that Hosea and Dutch have managed to just barely squeeze him into, his arms raised out to his sides. 
A set of Priest’s robes that match the Nun outfit you’re wearing, and you can’t help but agree with him, you feel absolutely idiotic wearing the long black robe with it’s white accents and hood. 
The black robe Arthur dons is plain, matching black buttons, and something similar to a miniature poncho rests against his shoulders, that signature white collar sits around his neck, but if it’d been a single size smaller he’d be choking. 
“I have to agree.” You sigh and look down at yourself, and at the rosary beads that Hosea had placed in your hand. “This is a stupid idea. The two of us couldn’t pass off as religious figures, are you kidding me? I couldn’t quote a single thing from the Bible.” 
Arthur snorts in agreement and puts his arms down to his sides, looking up at his two father figures with a grimace on his face. 
It was early evening, and Shady Belle seems far more inviting than going out into Saint Denis, into a Church of all places too. 
“The two of you need to look on the logical side of this!” Dutch crosses his arms and stares at the two of you, his nostrils flaring in annoyance. “That Church has money in it, I know it does. We got a decent tip on it, and this is the best way to get in there and get it without causing a huge scene.”
“Why us though?” You can’t help but let the question slip out of your mouth.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like working with Arthur, quite the opposite actually. Arthur was fantastic to work with, he got the job done right, and he got it done quick, usually, if he could. He was precise, and he was good at what he did. 
The only problem between the two of you working is that you were often distracted watching him work. It was obnoxiously attractive to watch him reload his gun in the middle of a gun fight, his back against his wall and the calmest look on his face, sometimes annoyance, but never fear. It was one of the best things about him.
That was about the only thing that ever-caused problems working with him.
That and the fact that the two of you tended to get along a little too well if you’re left alone for too long. 
In both of your defenses the two of you have been together for nearly two years now, so it was only natural that it happened. 
But, your question, it was more directed at why the two of you for THIS specific job.
If anyone was suited for this kind of job it was Mary-Beth, Karen, maybe even Hosea himself, but Arthur? You? 
Arthur wasn’t exactly known for his play acting, or for his subtly.
“Because, the two of you are the best we have, you’ll get the job done, and the two of you are the only ones without jobs set up right now.” Hosea chimes in and quietly he walks towards Arthur, adjusting a part of his costume. “You’ll know what to do.” 
“Arthur’s not exactly...” You swallow, trying to think of a nice way to say what you needed to. “He’s not really the stealthy type.” You finish.
“That’s why you’re going with him.” Hosea huffs. “We were told that there’s a stash of money in the basement of the church, as long as you and him can get there and get it that’s all that matters, if he goes to step out of line then you can step in and steer the situation right.” 
“Don’t I get a say in all this?” 
“No Arthur, you don’t.” 
“So why not just send me in by myself?” You furrow your brow and cross your own arms now. 
“Because you can’t pass as ‘Father Morgan’.” Dutch snorts. 
“Ugh....’Father Morgan’.” Arthur shakes his head and looks towards the road leading out of camp, his horse and yours stand next to each other, grazing at the grass nearby. 
“Come on you two! It’ll be fun, go out for drinks afterwards! Our treat!” Dutch moves closer to the younger man and claps his shoulder with a hand, shaking Arthur slightly with a huge smile on his face. “It’s just one job, I promise, no more outfits for you for a while after this one Arthur.” 
Arthur sighs and rolls his eyes, but swallows and nods before taking a step towards the horses. 
“C’mon Darlin’ let’s get this done with.” 
You roll your eyes as well but follow behind offering a bit of a timid wave to the two older outlaws, moving quickly to keep up with Arthur, who even in his new outfit seems to move much faster than you could. 
“This is ridiculous,” Arthur looks over his shoulder at you as the two of you reach your horses. “Look at this, look at me, I look stupid.”
You chuckle and smack his shoulder with the back of your hand as you mount up.
“You aren’t the only one Arthur, I look stupid in this get up too.” 
“Not as stupid as me, I’m surprised this damn thing hasn’t ripped yet,” He sighs and mounts his own horse, struggling slightly with the tightness around his arms. “They couldn’t find anything bigger than this?” 
“Apparently not,” You nod towards the road leading out. “Let’s get going cowboy, the sooner we get this done the sooner we can get out of these things.” 
“You’re right, I know.” 
He offers another sigh, but then turns to lead the two of you out of camp, setting off at a decent pace.
You lean your head against the side of Arthur’s bicep as the two of you lean around a wall, staring at the Church placed in a rather unfortunate location for the two of you.
It’s situated in nearly the center of attention, it’s not in an area that’s exactly easy for the two of you to sneak into it, the only way to go about it was to walk in with confidence that your disguises would work. ‘Stealth’ in the traditional sense wasn’t an option for the two of you two.
“Alright, so...” Arthur adjusts himself, standing a little straighter. “I guess we just walk in?” 
“I guess, try to seem Pious, straighten your back, look confident for once Arthur.” 
“Hey, I’m confident-” 
“Yeah when you’re drunk and when you’re robbing, just....Imagine you’re....”
You stop and huff, turning to face him as he stands against the wall of the building the two of you have hidden yourselves behind. 
“Play Dutch.” You finish.
“Play Dutch?” 
“You know, be....fuck Arthur just be obnoxious. Everything you do, pretend it was planned out, if you’re confident about it they won’t question a single thing.” 
“You think Dutch is obnoxious?” Arthur makes a sound that borders between a snort and a full laugh as he looks at you.
“Of course I do, but that’s not important right now.” You look back towards the church. “Just...Like I said be confident.” You reach up and gently move a lock of his hair behind his ear, it’s not too long, not enough seem out of place, but he definitely should have gotten it trimmed. 
“I know, it’s a mess.” He huffs and reaches up, covering your hand with his own. “Didn’t get the chance to stop and cut it with everythin’ goin’ on in camp. It’s gettin’ too long.” 
“Just keep it out of your face, you did good with your stubble, looks clean.” 
“Good, now, gimme a kiss before we do this.” 
You can’t help but smile at him, and offer him a quick kiss, which he makes longer as one of his hands grips your waist tightly when your lips make contact with his. 
He has a habit of deepening those kisses that you mean to be quick pecks, little messages of love that turn into something far more...promiscuous. 
You finally manage to pry yourself away from him, suppressing a laugh. 
“Arthur, come on, we’re gonna get caught, now go, I’ll follow.” 
“Alright, alright-” He starts to move away from you, but you grab his robe sleeve quickly.
“Sorry, don’t forget this.” 
You thrust a bible into his hand, and then give him a slight push. 
“Confidence Arthur!” 
“Alright, I got it, I got it, jus’ come on, you gotta come with me anyhow.” 
You wipe your hands on the front of your robes, feeling the palms of your hands get sweaty.
You stand a little straighter and follow after him as the two of you walk towards the church, trying to control the sudden set of nerves that have overcome your body. 
It’s late, the sun had set on the way into Saint Denis, in theory there shouldn’t be anyone in the church, or at least there shouldn’t be too many people in there. 
It was the middle of the week, there wasn’t a Sunday Service. 
Hopefully things would be easy for the two of you, as long as you could keep the charade up.
Nearing the church you could see two nuns talking to one another outside the front door, arms held in front of themselves, one hand over the other, and you quickly mimic the posture as the two of you continue. 
Luckily as you pass the two of them they do nothing but nod and smile at the two of you, which each of you return. 
As you pass through the doors you lean a little closer to Arthur, keeping your voice quiet.
“You’re doing great Arthur.” 
“I ain’t done anythin’ yet, that’s why.” 
You shake your head and swallow back the remark you want to say as you look down at the rosary in your hand. 
“Just look around, where’s the stairs to the basement in this place?”
“Don’t know, I ain’t ever been in here, I avoid the city and most religious places like the plague,” he whispers. “I’m surprised I ain’t burned up in flames yet.” 
You elbow him as subtly as you can.
“Shut up, if anything the both of us would be in flames by now if that myth was true.”
“Mhm...Awful crime, that premarital sex.”
“Arthur, I think it’s several other crimes that would cause us problems before that one.” 
“I guess you’re right, probably all the murder and robbin’.” 
“You think?” 
He offers a quiet chuckle, one of your favorite sounds, low and breathy, short and sweet. It’s cut off quickly as he looks to the left, seeing a door off to the side of the main room, away from the pews and podium.
“You think that leads down?”
“Don’t know, we’ll have to take a look.” You sigh and look around the room, it seems completely empty, at least from what you can see. “Let’s be quick about it.” 
He leads you off towards the door, and as you reach it he opens it up, only to reveal a small closet that’s nearly empty, despite a broom in the corner and a few extra bibles on the top shelf.
“Damn, not it... We should look-” 
“Get in the closet!” 
“What the hell are you talkin’ about?” 
Your body is sparking with a sudden rush of anxiety, a sound from your right had sent it through you within a matter of seconds. Voices, is what it sounded like to you, quiet, but there.
“Just get in!” You shove him into the closet and follow after, closing the door in front of you.
The two of you are shrouded in darkness easily, and your body brushes against him, your back to his chest, and you listen as he grunts after hitting his head on the shelf.
“Jesus Y/N, the hell are you doin’?” He’s whispering, but there’s a familiar anger in his voice, well, perhaps its more annoyance.
“I’m sorry I panicked! I heard voices over by the pews...” 
“Well we’re dressed like this for a reason-” 
“We can’t get out of here now, they’ll wonder why we were crammed in here together.” 
“What, you’re sayin’ Priests don’t get freaky now and then?” 
“Arthur you know they don’t.” 
“It was sarcasm darlin’.” 
You take a shaky breath and Arthur’s arm snakes around your waist and he pulls you flush against his body.
“It’s alright Darlin’, we’re fine. What’s goin’ on with you tonight?” 
“I don’t know...something about a church, I feel like getting caught here is worse than getting caught in a bank.” You mumble.
“What, all that higher power nonsense?” 
“I don’t know, society does not take likely to thieves of the church.” 
“Darlin’ society don’t take a likin’ to any thieves I’m afraid.” 
You chuckle quietly and lean against him.
“You always know what to say, you know that?” 
“Mhm...I try...Now...you think you can take a peek out there, see if they’re gone?” 
You take a breath and do as he suggests, opening the door quietly and slowly, peeking your head out just barely. 
You listen, hardly moving, hardly breathing, until you realize you no longer hear anyone speaking.
“I think we’re good.” 
You step out of the closet and Arthur follows suit, and that’s when you see another door.
It’s straight across from the one that you just exited, and without another word to Arthur you head towards it, and pull it open, a feeling of relief flooding over you as you see stairs heading downwards.
“Good Girl...” Arthur’s voice is nearly a growl in your ear as he leans over your shoulder, he knows how that gets to you, he does, but in this instance you’re fairly certain he’s done it unintentionally.
He’s got a habit of making things attractive when he doesn’t mean to.
“Thanks Father.” 
“Don’t say that.” 
“Would you prefer Daddy?” 
“Not unless you wanna cause more problems for yourself Darlin’.” 
You chuckle and begin to head down the stairs, Arthur following you and closing the door quietly behind him.
The basement is dark, and almost damp feeling, you can’t see a damn thing and Arthur doesn’t have his trusty lantern with him.
“Well now what?” 
Arthur’s breath comes out warm against your shoulder and an arm wraps around your waist. 
“I don’t know, let me think.” He mutters. “I got my matches in my pocket.” 
“Your robes have pockets?”
“Course, yours don’t?” 
“No, it’s a fucking dress, so is yours I didn’t figure you’d have pockets.” 
“Please don’t refer to it as a dress, you’re ruinin’ my masculine reputation.” 
You roll your eyes but your hand finds its way to his thighs, patting along the robe in an attempt to find said matches
Of course he has matches on him, he can’t go more than an hour or two without a smoke. 
“Mhmm...careful, you’re gonna hit somethin’ else while you’re down there.” 
“Why the hell are you so horny right now, I’m not even wearing anything revealing-”
“Maybe I’ve been possessed, need some holy water...” 
“Arthur please, can we find the money?” 
“I’m sure we can, but I’m sure I’d be a lot more focused after...”
“Are you serious right now?” 
“Yeah, serious as a heart attack Sugar. Somethin’ about this place...somethin’ about that....the...shit...the idea of somethin’ like that in a place like this, a church...” He lowers his voice. “In public.....it’s doin’ somethin’ to me.” 
You know he means it, you can feel his hardness against your rear, you’ve been able to feel it since the closet, you just refused to say anything.
The basement seemed like the safest place, if you were going to do this.
Not only that but Arthur wasn’t the only one who had this sort of feeling.
The idea of being caught...It was exhilarating, and the idea of being dressed as a nun, yet committing such lewd acts...
You swallow, and grip the rosary in your fist fairly tightly.
“Possessed by the devil, not a demon.” You mutter.
“Maybe you should exorcise me....you are a nun after all.” 
You turn, and your eyes are finally adjusting to the darkness, you can see the look on Arthur’s face, the haze of red beginning to cover his cheeks.
“Maybe we need to fuck it out of you.” 
“Seems like it’s what he wants...” Arthur murmurs and his hands reach for your waist, and that’s when you catch him.
The rosary slips around his wrists easily, it’s a long beaded string with a cross on the end, longer than it needs to be, but long enough it works perfectly.
You know he can break out of this makeshift bondage easily, but he won’t, at least not on purpose.
He watches, his eyes hungry as you wrap the rosary around his wrists as many times as you can. 
“That’s new.” He snorts. 
“Maybe that demon will be more willing to leave with a cross on him...”
You have no idea what’s convinced you to slip fully into this sort of romanticized sort of scenario. You know he isn’t possessed, you don’t even believe in that kind of stuff, but....the idea that the only way to expel that ‘demon’ is to fuck it out of him...
It’s doing something to you. 
Luckily Arthur can catch on easily, and he follows your lead.
“Well, what the hell are you waitin’ for, you gonna fuck this demon, or are you gonna leave me tied?” 
Quietly, you step forwards, and unbutton the lower buttons of his robe, following after that his union suit which even in the dark you can see the outline of his dick pressed against his thigh.
His cock springs out the moment you get it unbuttoned, and without much of a thought you lick the tip of it, listening as Arthur sucks in through his teeth.
From there you move to the base of him, and lick along his shaft, moving towards the tip before taking him into your mouth fully, and that lovely voice of his comes tumbling out of his mouth in a groan.
He rests his tied hands against the back of your head, gently pushing his wrists against it in an attempt to partially guide you, gripping, or at least attempting to grip, at the hood of your robe.
“Fuck....I didn’t....shit I didn’t realize I was that...sensitive...right now.” He breathes out.
You hum against his skin as you bob your head, and again he lets a groan out.
You don’t do this long, and his dick comes out of your mouth with a satisfying pop.
“Nah, that....that ain’t fair-” 
“I said we’re gonna fuck it out of you Arthur, me sucking you off isn’t exactly a fucking.” 
He’s silent at your remark and watches in the dim light as you shuffle and manage to get your undergarments off.
He watches as you kick them to the side and then motion for him to near you.
He follows orders, the opposite of his usual dominating demeanor, but that’s going to change soon.
You simply turn around and face the wall nearest to you, placing your hands against it, and then arching your back out towards him.
Arthur swallows, and it’s only a moment before his mind seems to be taken over.
His hands are still tied, but thanks to your earlier endeavor his dick is exposed, and all you have to do is pull up your skirt.
His arms come over your neck, his hands still confined, now settled against your collar bone as he manages to get his cock lined up with your slick.
He pushes into you roughly, enough to make you cry out, and from there he’s unable to move slowly.
His hips snap against yours, deeply, roughly, needily.
“Jesus Christ...” He huffs.
“He ain’t doing...much to help...you right now.” You manage to get out as your cheek rests against the wall, your body moving in tandem with Arthur’s, back and forth, your breasts grazing the wall.
“No...he ain’t....fuck....you sure you ain’t the devil?” 
You twitch your hips, moving against Arthur in an attempt to get a deeper angle.
“Maybe...” Your face is hot, your neck too.
You listen to the sounds he makes, each little grunt or groan pushing you forwards.
“This ain’t very....fuck....this ain’t very holy of you.” 
“Sometimes....you need different....solutions..” 
There’s a noise the sounds from upstairs, and suddenly Arthur’s hands are pressed against your mouth as he continues to rut into you. 
“Shhh....quiet Sugar...you don’t want us to be caught do you?” He whispers.
His thrusts get harder, and you bite down on his hand, the area you can get to, you think it’s the side of his thumb, doing your best not to hurt him, but it’s the only thing you can do to stop the moan building in your throat.
You love it when he’s rough with you, and this position, these clothes, getting caught now would only make things hotter.
You know exactly how Arthur would react, and a part of you hopes that someone will, but you know it’s for the best if they don’t.
“Fuck....’demons’....jesus...fuck...” Arthur’s attempt at another suave sentence fails as his hips smack yours again and again.
You lick his hand, leaving hot breath against his skin, and listen to him do his best to suppress a sound that rises to his throat.
“You tryna get us caught? For a Nun...you’re kinda....a slut...” He huffs out. 
“Yours Father Morgan...” The words are uttered against the side of his hand in a whisper, but he hears it and he swallows, trying again to keep his voice from raising.
“Christ Woman, maybe you are possessed.” 
“Harder...” You plea again, pushing your hips back against his, roughly hoping he takes the hint, which you’re lucky and he does.
“You know....I...fuck...I could finish you...if I had my hands....” 
You offer a grunt in response and watch as he pulls his wrists apart and the beads scatter around the room, pinging against the floor in every direction.
His hands fly to their places almost like it’s instinct.
One against your throat and the other to your clit.
He circles it, matching up his speed with the thrusts against your ass.
“You thought you could keep me like that, but sorry Darlin’...I just couldn’t do it any longer.” 
His voice is breathy, and he leans forwards, kissing your neck, listening to the sounds that escape your mouth,.
He only stops when the sound of the basement door comes. 
He’s quick to move, his cock still buried inside you as he pulls you around the side of a wall.
No one would see you there, not unless they walked around.
He places a palm against your mouth and he leans his back against the wall, only to thrust upwards into you, slowly, making sure his body and yours wouldn’t make a sound.
“Someone down here? The church is closed for the night I’m afraid!” 
Arthur moves slowly, his hips still gently rocking against yours, it’s nearly torture, and you want to beg him to move faster, but to quell it you bite his palm, just as you’d done earlier.
“Hello? Anyone?” 
His dick pulls out gently, and he has to do his best to keep a groan in his throat.
“Must be hearing things.” 
The two of you listen as the person heads back up the stairs and the door closes.
You let out a deep breath and as soon as you do Arthur’s pace picks up.
He’s fast, thrusting into you with a speed that seems like he’ll die without feeling you clench against him.
His hand comes back to your neck and the other back to your clit.
He’s persistent, and after a moment you know why.
His hips begin to get erratic, the rhythm and speed are off, and his breathing against your neck gets hotter, they turn from deep breaths into panting.
“Sugar....you nearly there? Princess...I’m....soon.” 
You can’t do anything but nod, leaning your head against his shoulder as he keeps you moving.
The hand around your throat moves to cup your breast, squeezing it through the cloth.
“Love the way these bounce...” He mutters. “Even clothed it’s a sight...” 
“Arthur,” You close your eyes, your arm moving to come around his neck, the other slapped against the wall.
“Mhm....you’re almost there, I can hear it in your....fuck...in your voice.” 
It’s a few more of these hard fast thrusts and then suddenly there’s a warmth that fills you and you yourself come apart as Arthur’s fingers continue to circle your clit.
Arthur groans in your ear and puts his forehead against your shoulder, breathing deeply, trying to catch his breath.
You’re silent for a moment.
“You broke my rosary.” 
“Oh, like you were ever gonna use it after this.” 
“Maybe on you, back, back I say, may the power of Christ compel you-”
“Oh, you need more than Christ to compel me Darlin’.” 
You chuckle and the two of you manage to get untangled, not before Arthur whispers in your ear about the mess he’s made.
“Gonna have me all over you, hidin’ under that outfit of yours....you ain’t exactly the Virgin Mary are you...”
“Shut up Arthur, the ‘demon’ is supposed to be gone, let’s find that damn money and get out of here, I’ll let you do whatever you want with me when we get back to camp.”
“Good, not like you were gonna stop me anyhow.” 
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imaginethezeldaverse · 10 months
To the anon that had asked me last month about writing Yunobo and being put in a mating press............................
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 I’m sorry this took me so long - truthfully I needed to build up the courage to write this holy fuck cause it was overwhelming to think about. I also lost the ask as I was writing this because Chrome decided not to cooperate which is why I don’t have the original ask on this post. Uhhhh...yeah! Allow me to lay my thirst below the cut oh my asdja. Let’s see what happens when you take a much more confident Tears of the Kingdom Yunobo, and pair that with a sprinkle of breeding and a full-on mating press 🥴 Hint: Something incredibly nasty. Reader is written female/afab because this lowkey self-indulgent bye 💗
It was a passing conversation. Something he swore he didn't mean to eavesdrop on, but in all fairness you weren't that far away from his particular earshot. You'd been chatting with Ramella who had just gotten back into town from her home in the Gerudo desert. He recalled hearing your squeal and at first thought something was wrong, but as he rounded the corner he realized it was a sound of embarrassed delight. "I'm telling you - you must ask your rock voe to hold you in a mating press while you passionately embrace. Ashai swears it's a delightful position," Ramella muses loudly at the way you're already blushing. "A-And it won't hurt when he pushes my knees toward my chest like that?" you stuttered, starting to swelter at the idea. The Gerudo merchant giggled at your question, nearly shouting she replied, "Not if you're flexible, it shouldn't!" "I-I suppose I could...ask..." you shyly mumbled back as you pressed your hands to your cheeks, face reddening by the second. Yunobo tucked his fingers to his chin in thought. Something you needed from him? Judging by your facial expressions and words, you sounded like you'd wanted whatever this hold was. But what exactly was it? Ramella mentioned it being a position, and he did overhear her say 'passionate embrace'...was it like a hug? "No that's not it, goro..." Yunobo said to himself, head tilting the opposite way as he thought further. Hugs don't normally involve your knees being at your chest last he checked; he also doesn't know you to be overly blushy about hugs in general. So what was so different about this 'mating pr--" And then it clicked. Now he understood why your cheeks were lighting up like a night lantern - and he couldn't stop himself from doing the same the more he thought about it himself. --- "Ahhh, Yunooo" you whined, back arching so your chest was further pinned to his. His colossal hand splayed across your back as he slowly filled you, his torso spreading your thighs as far apart as they could go. You relished in the feel of him, impossibly hard and thick inside of you - so much so your fingernails were already biting at his forearms. "Easy, goro...nice and ngh...slow, love..." he breathed into your ear. You had to applaud his restraint; Yunobo was always delicate with you at the beginning of your love-making, taking into consideration how much preparation and wherewithal it took for you to truly take him all in. Lashes fluttering from the deep stretch you moaned through a bitten lip at how the slight sting was dying out to pleasure now. Your hands slid up his arms, reaching to wrap around his neck. The Goron champion lifted his head just enough to seal his lips over yours, his hips drawing back and then thrusting forward. Your mewl into his mouth had him gripping you a little tighter, though his pace was kept exactly how you needed it for the moment: slow, hard, and as deep as your pussy would allow him. Each thrust would acclimate you, bend you to the shape of him and open you further. "Feel...good?..." Yunobo panted, blue eyes darkening to a rich navy as his eyelids fell halfway. Your lip was snatched between your teeth, your head leaning to the side, exposing your neck. "Yes! Ungh, goddess yessss!" And he believed you. With your breasts shaking under him, your lips parted in a semi-permanent 'O' and the feel of your hands holding onto him for dear life, he believed he was delivering your body the summation of his love and lust just fine. But something nudged at the back of Yunobo's mind, a pebble of a thought. He removed his hand from your back, gliding his palms down your hips and slotting under your knees. His body stilled for a moment, the sudden cease of his actions sending chills down your spine and causing you to flutter around his length. Your Goron beau hissed in a pleasured wince, before sitting upright on his knees and pushing yours to your chest. Your breath fell short as you were gently folded, still stuffed half-full with Goron cock. "Mmm..." Yunobo purred, a tinge of grit and machismo in tone. He leaned back over, caging your legs in place with his biceps, "Like...this, right, goro?" Eyes blown wide at how he could possibly known what you’d been silently working up the courage to ask, you gasped as he sunk back into you again. This position had him working into you deeper now, hitting a spot inside you that had your voice keening in another octave. Stars gathered behind your eyelids, your senses clouded with only the pleasure that stroked your walls and the sound of Yunobo's low grunting in the crook of your neck. He thanked Hylia for placing him in the right place at the right time - Ramella was right, this position was incredible to have you in. Something surged in his chest - fire and power lit his blood aflame as he felt the need to move faster inside you. Hoarse pants and sweetened moans dove into deeper growls and teeth-gritting grunts as he fed your body thrust after thrust after thrust. The hard edges of his hips smacked against your thighs, and you clawed desperately at his arms for purchase. Your breathy moans sang heavenly in your Goron’s ears as he hit a sensitive spot inside you.  “Oh! Ahhhhhhn, Yunobo, I--!” you cried out, your body aching to have him even closer than he was already. His thrusts grew sloppier as Yunobo let his instincts take him - barreling past the line of gentler sex with you and straight into full fucking you. His mind drove him to one objective: fill you up. With the way your hands dug into him, the bend in your spine with your head thrown back, and even the flex of your calves that most undoubtedly meant your toes were curling in absolute pleasure - you were close and he knew it. Yunobo’s powerful fingers ground harshly into the smooth surface beneath you both, cracking the build of his sculpted bed.  In your ear he panted low, “You gonna cum soon, love? I can hnnnk, feel it, y’know,” he licked a wet strip along the side of your neck, the slight hint of salt on his tongue, “So good to me...oooooh so good for me...gonna f-fill you up haaaahhh, sweetheart...you’ll take it, wontcha?”  His babbled, passionate words were sending your nerves into a frenzy, your cunt clenching around him as the ebb and flow of your release crept up your limbs.  “YES!” you sobbed, whole body wracked with desire, “Yunobo, please, I’m so close, mmmmf I’m, I-I’m...!”  Your words cut short at the sharp, empty scream of your voice, a blast of heat and ecstasy ripping through your entire body. Yunobo groaned heavily at feel of your pussy clamping tight on him, milking his cock with your rippling silken heat until even he could hold on no longer.  “That’s it, love, thaaaat’s it. All of it, goro, hahhh ffff--” His orgasm shot through him at lightning speed - a series of moans tumbling from his throat akin to a rough crescendo as he came buried deep inside you. The brawn in his thrusts softened to simple rolls in his hips as his growling lightened to airy huffs. His spent cock had emptied as much of him as would fit in your poor pussy, and when he pulled out of you - the wet squelch of it dribbling from your hole was unmistakable. Carefully, Yunobo set your legs down, making sure not to move too quickly so you could acclimate. When he was sure you were okay, you were easily flipped to sit in his lap, his arms tucking behind your back and holding you close. A gentle nuzzle of his nose on your cheek stirred you from the high of your post-coital bliss, followed by the cover of lips to your still heated skin, “I didn’t hurt you...did I?” came Yunobo’s meek whisper, tickling your ear. You sleepily shook your head in a negative and proceeded to rest on his chest.  He hummed quietly, “I’m glad...I don’t know what came over me, goro...I just...ya felt so good and then suddenly I was hit with this strange urge...” His chin rested on your head gently, “Felt like fire was in my blood - and the only thing ready t’quench it was all those n-noises you were makin’” You could hear the nerves in his voice tangled up in his words, the sense of him feeling like he did something wrong clouding his thoughts. A soft press of your lips to his pectoral, “It was incredible, Yunobo...every bit of it,” you nuzzled into his chest some more, “I wouldn’t mind doing it again like that at all.”  That seemed to lay the Goron a little more lax, albeit with wildly flushed cheeks. His hand rubbed soothing circles into your back, the other, affectionately coming to the back of your head.  You would definitely have to remember to thank Ramella later - though you were sure she was being loud during your conversation on purpose now. As you shifted you felt liquid traveling down your thighs.  “Yuno...maybe we should hit the hot spring, I um...i-it’s starting to,” stuttered you, face growing more crimson by the second. Immediately Yunobo caught what you meant, “O-Oh! Yes, let's! S-S-Sorry, hold on.” You were lifted bridal style in his arms, shifted only slightly in his hold so he could give you your dress and slip his fundoshi back on.  “I can walk, hunny,” you giggled, sweet smile accompanied by a reassuring look. Yunobo chuckled back at you, pulling your frame a tad closer to his chest, “I know, but I figured I’d give ya a break after nearly foldin’ ya in half.” Your jaw dropped at his words, and it wasn’t until he realized what he’d said - and so casually at that - that his face turned as red as Goron spice. 
“F-FORGET I SAID THAT!”  The saccharine smile on your lips turned devious in a matter of seconds; accompanied by the fresh memory of his biceps hooked under your knees as he pounded away at you had it grow more devious still, “Oh Yunobo...never.” 
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annmariethrush · 7 months
Suptober Day 6: Full Spread
Dean can't share a bed like a normal person, which Cas carefully documents throughout the night while they are supposed to be sleeping together.
On AO3 or below the cut
Dean was thrilled to be in possession of a large bed at the bunker. While it sometimes got a little lonely, or a little cold since the place was particularly drafty, he had spent so much of his life without things that he could call his own that he savored having a bed which was just for him. However, after a few weeks of Cas sneaking in and out of his room at night in partial states of undress, he figured that he should start letting Cas come sleep with him. Although he still associated sharing a bed more with getting the short end of the stick and not having one to yourself than with anything romantic or otherwise, he had decided not to be a little bitch about it and buck up.  After all, he did have the bigger bed, and sharing was better than giving up his sweet sweet memory foam entirely to go sleep in the bare bones room that Cas occupied when he was at the bunker.
So here he was, scooting his pillow over to the right side of the bed, mentally preparing himself for his first night of co-sleeping with his angel.
"Dean, I don't even sleep. I would be perfectly happy to sit at the desk and watch you while you rest. My presence on the bed is not necessary for you to sleep." Cas eyed him warily as Dean shuffled around the room, doing a poor job of hiding his stupid feelings on the matter.
"No Cas, that's stupid. I don't care if you don't sleep, if you want to be in here with me while I'm sleeping, you'll get in bed with me cause you're my boyfriend and that's what boyfriends do." Dean plopped himself down onto the bed with a huff and pointed at the spot next to him. "Strip or be stripped, sweetheart, it's time for bed."
Cas rolled his eyes and began the tedious process of pulling off layer after layer of clothes until he was left only with his undershirt and boxers. Climbing into bed under the blanket, Cas placed a gentle kiss on Dean's cheek before snuggling close to him. Dean sighed contentedly and relaxed his body into Cas's, letting the rhythm of his breathing slowly lull him into sleep.
When Dean awoke, everything seemed normal. His jaw gaped in a big yawn, and his arm was stretched most of the way across the bed to grab his phone from his night stand when he remembered. Why was he alone and in the middle of the bed again? He went to sleep with Cas! He bolted upright, panicked, only to discover Cas, now partially reclothed with his dress pants on once more, sitting in the desk chair across from him looking at his phone.
At the sound of motion, Cas's eyes lifted. "Oh, good morning, Dean."
"What the fuck, Cas?" Dean suddenly felt more hurt than he had anticipated. "I told you to stay in bed with me, what happened?"
The corners of Cas's mouth slowly curled upwards, causing Dean's racing heart to slow ever so slightly. Without saying a word, Cas returned his eyes to his phone and started swiping through something. A few moments passed this way, with Dean staring at Cas wide-eyed while Cas swiped away, and just as Dean was about to voice his frustrations at not being answered, Cas pulled himself from the chair and came to sit on the side of Dean's bed.
Cas handed the phone to Dean, saying simply, "Swipe."
Dean's jaw slowly loosened as he stared at the picture on the screen. With a time stamp of 1:44 am, a dim and grainy photo showed him laying diagonally across the bed, head exactly where it had started, but his legs and feet almost to the opposite corner in the space where Cas was supposed to have been. With a creeping sense of shame, Dean swiped to the next photo, finding another dim and grainy image of him from 2:07 am, this time with his right leg and right arm sprawled out to form some sort of janky 'K' shape, his body taking up at least three quarters of the bed. Hesitantly, he swiped again, finding yet another dim and grainy photo, this time from 2:56 am, where he had rolled over and assumed a large right angle, leaving only his ass on his designated side of the bed. 
He felt his cheeks and neck begin to redden and he looked over at Cas with big eyes, "I'm so sorry Cas I didn't--"
"Oh, there's more." Cas's face was smug. "You haven't even gotten to my favorite yet."
"Fuck me..." Dean muttered, returning his eyes to the phone.
The next photo was from 3:22 and featured Dean in some sort of corrupted yoga pose, with one arm above his head, one leg directly underneath him, and the other bent in under him, a stretch he wasn't even sure he could purposefully achieve. 
When Dean swiped to the next photo, he heard Cas stifle a giggle. "This is my favorite. You look like you're praying."
Sure enough, when Dean inspected the photo, this one from 4:13am, he had somehow ended up on hands and knees with his face at the foot of the bed, hugging his pillow to his face and chest, his ass pointed into the air.
"How did I even..." Dean trailed off, defeated.
Cas took his phone back from Dean, smiling a little too hard. "You're a very animated sleeper. I'd be excited to see if you can do some of those while you're awake though. Watching you gave me some ideas about how I'd like to see you spread out for me."
Dean shoved Cas's shoulder lightly, "You horny bastard. Maybe I'd get better sleep if you just laid on top of me instead of next to me."
Cas raised an eyebrow suggestively and then shook his head. "Perhaps... Now I want to confirm that you are not a direct descendant of the starfish, though, as you seem to be very good at imitating them."
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