#coffee magic
enchantedbeverages · 6 months
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"Discover a wider selection of enchanting brews in our shop right here and explore a realm of coffee that transcends the ordinary."
Rise and shine, magical maestros! To infuse your brew with an extra kick of mystic might, grab your wand... Or spoon, and let's conjuring!
Stir clockwise from the top point for a protective shield, warding off negativity like a pro witch.
Begin at the bottom left point and banish morning woes, showing those bad vibes the door.
Feeling the need for some grounding energy? Stir from the bottom point with a counterclockwise twirl, anchoring your day in stability.
Remember, it's not just coffee, it's a potion with a side of enchantement ! 🌙☕ ✨
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samwisethewitch · 28 days
Bewitching Your Coffee
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I am 100% a coffee drinker. I love drinking it black, I love it in lattes and cappucini (yes, that's the actual plural of cappucino), and I especially love the experience of sharing coffee with another person. And, like everything that comes out of my kitchen, I like finding ways to make coffee more magical.
But even though coffee is a daily essential for a lot of us and has a long history in folk magic, people don't talk about it nearly as much as tea magic. I did some digging, and this post contains my research into the magic and lore of coffee and the things we like to add to coffee. I hope my fellow kitchen witches find this helpful!
Correspondences of Coffee and Common Coffee Add-ons
Coffee: Used for grounding and to anchor a spell in the physical world. Useful in spells for mental clarity and enhancing psychic senses. Used in several types of American folk magic as an offering for spirits. Author Starr Casas uses coffee for powerful cleansing and blockbusting in her Southern folk magic practice. Because of its association with energy and movement, coffee can be used to add strength to spells. I personally associate coffee with the Earth and Air elements and with the planet Uranus.
Milk has different correspondences based on whether you are using cow's milk or a plant-based milk.
Cow's Milk: Associated with nurturing, love, and abundance. In pagan Ireland, offering someone milk was an effective blessing. Milk and cream are said to be favorite offerings of fairies. I associate cow's milk with the Water element and the Moon.
Soy Milk: Soy may have been a sacred food crop in ancient China and is associated with blessings. During the Japanese festival Setsubun, soy beans are used to repel bad spirits and draw good fortune in a practice called mamemaki -- soy products can be used in spells for protection or good fortune. Use soy milk or other soy products in spells for success, good luck, and prosperity. I personally associate soy milk with the Earth element and with the planet Jupiter.
Almond Milk: Associated with prosperity, wealth, and success in business, as well as with increasing wisdom. Almond milk and other almond products are associated with the Air element and the planet Mercury.
Coconut Milk: Associated with purification, healing, and protection. In African American magic traditions, coconut can be used for peaceful home work and protection work, as well as ancestor offerings. Coconut is associated with the Water element and the moon.
Oatmilk: Associated with prosperity and money magic. Oats are associated with the Earth element and the planet Venus.
Sweeteners attract sweetness and good fortune. Different sweeteners have their own associations.
Sugar: Associated with love and lust. In Southern folk magic, sugar is sometimes used in money work. Sugar is associated with the Water element and the planet Venus.
Brown Sugar: Has the same associations as regular sugar, but works more slowly because it contains molasses.
Honey: Associated with home, family, love, and blessings. In Southern folk magic, honey is sometimes used in domination or control work, especially honeycomb. I personally associate honey with the Water element and with the planet Venus.
Maple Syrup: Associated with love, money, and long life. I personally associate maple with new life and transformation based on Robin Wall Kimmerer's writings about them in Braiding Sweetgrass. Associated with the Air element and the planet Jupiter.
Artificial Sweeteners (Splenda, xylitol, and other man-made sweeteners): There's very little written about the magical uses of these sweeteners, but I personally associate them with creativity, innovation, and new discoveries. I associate these sweeteners with the Air element and the planets Mercury and Uranus.
Caramel* is actually made from sugar, which is cooked over low heat until it caramelizes, or turns brown. Caramel has the same magical associations as sugar, but with a stronger connection to Fire energy and to transformation.
*Note: In the US, "caramel" is often made with corn syrup. For example, the caramel drizzle at Starbucks is basically 100% corn syrup, or at least was when I worked there a few years back. This isn't to say you can't work magically with corn syrup-based caramel, but the energy will be different. I don't have experience here because I have a corn allergy, so I'd love to hear if anyone has experience working with corn syrup in witchcraft!
Chocolate** is originally from Latin America and was an important ceremonial drink in Mayan culture. In Mexica (Aztec) culture, chocolate was used as currency and was said to be a gift from the gods. It was associated with the devil and with witchcraft when it was first brought to Spain by colonizers. Later, during the Renaissance, it was seen as a miracle cure for all kinds of medical conditions. Based on its history, chocolate can be used in magic for love, sex, energy, spirituality, magical abilities, and healing. I personally associate chocolate with the Fire element and with the Sun.
**Note: Scott Cunningham includes a note on "chocolate" in his book on magical herbs, but this is actually carob, Jacaranda procera. The cacao tree, which produces chocolate, is Theobroma cacao.
Cinnamon is associated with success, healing, adding power to spells, spirituality, wealth, and protection. Cinnamon is important in Christian folk magic because of its use in the Bible. In Southern folk magic, cinnamon is used for money, luck, and lust and is said to work very fast. It can also be used for blessings and protection spells. It is associated with the Fire element and the Sun.
Clove is probably most famous for its use in spells to stop gossip, but it is also used to drive away harmful spirits and to attract wealth. It is also sometimes used in love and sex magic and for successful business work. It is connected to the Fire element and the planet Jupiter.
Ginger adds power to spells and situations. It is used in spells for love, money, success, and healing, but it can be included in any spell to add power or make results happen faster. Ginger is associated with Fire and with the planet Mars.
Hazelnuts have long been used in Western European folk charms for luck and good fortune. It is said that eating hazelnuts makes you wise and can increase fertility. Hazel is also associated with protection and with granting wishes. It is connected to the Air element and the Sun.
Lavender is used in love spells, especially spells to attract a masculine partner. It also has a strong association with peacefulness and with calming emotions. It is sometimes used for protection and is said to both attract and banish spirits, depending on the source. Lavender has a long historic connection to the queer community. It is associated with Air and the planet Mercury.
Nutmeg is most famous as a good luck charm, but it is also used for healing, money, and success. In Southern folk magic, it is used mostly for money, success, and good luck. It is associated with Fire and with Jupiter.
Peppermint is commonly used in healing magic, but it can also be used for purification, attracting good spirits, divination, love, and money. In Southern folk magic, peppermint is used for hex breaking. It is associated with Fire and the planet Mercury.
Vanilla is strongly associated with love and comfort. It can sometimes be used in lust spells. Scott Cunningham mentions using vanilla to replenish lost energy. It is associated with the Water element and the planet Venus.
Magical Coffee Brews
With these ingredient correspondences, you can easily mix a spell into a coffee drink. For example, a pumpkin spice latte (which is made with pumpkin pie spice, i.e., a mix of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves) can be a spell for money and success. A lavender latte with oatmilk could be an excellent love spell, especially for queer love. A peppermint mocha (coffee with chocolate) could be a healing spell. There are lots of possibilities for a magic brew!
Witchcraft for Everyone by Sam Wise
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
Hoodoo Herbal by Starr Casas
Jambalaya by Luisah Teish
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Wikipedia article for soybeans
Wikipedia article for Setsubun
"History of Chocolate" on History.com
"Chocolate: From witchcraft to miracle worker in early modern Europe" by Erin Alice Cowling, published in The Conversation
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assassin1513 · 9 months
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☕️Coffee Time ☕️
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motherwytch · 15 days
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Morning Coffee Affirmation
As the sun rises, so does my spirit. Today, I embrace the new day with open arms.
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zarabella73 · 6 months
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coffeesnumber1fan · 2 months
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Whittington Tea does coffee too :-) On the Thames River
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fernthewhimsical · 1 year
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Simple spell:
"I stir my brew* with this spoon,
and infuse it with a loving** boon."
*or tea, coffee, soup, etc. **or warming, healing, strengthening, etc.
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lasorciere-fille · 2 years
Simple Coffee Charms
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☕️ add cinnamon for love, luck, money
☕️ add hazelnut for wisdom, knowledge, divination, marriage, protection
☕️ speak a prayer while stirring your coffee
☕️ after you finish your drink, see if you can read the leftover coffee grounds at the bottom of the mug
☕️ turn your coffee into a potion
☕️ add caramel to attract luxury, prosperity, luck
☕️ add vanilla to invoke a sense of love, warmth and hominess
☕️ add nutmeg for a sense of home, protection and safety, prosperity, justice, astral and lucid dream work
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ladymoony-art · 1 year
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Going against the Coffee Clan is... dangerous
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iolamaysworld · 8 months
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End of summer: coffee time ☕
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enchantedbeverages · 6 months
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"Discover a wider selection of enchanting brews in our shop right here and explore a realm of coffee that transcends the ordinary."
Coffee in Witchcraft ☕✨
Ah, brewing coffee, the modern witch's cauldron. It's not just a caffeine jolt, it's a potion to awaken your inner sorceress. Stirring it counterclockwise might not summon demons, but it'll sure help you banish morning drowsiness.🧙‍♀️
And those coffee grounds? Perfect for scrying or maybe just composting. Mother Earth deserves her props too, right?🦇
So sip your brew my magical compatriots, and let the spells of productivity and caffeinated enchantment course through your veins! 🌙 ☕✨
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elod · 3 months
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sistercrone · 1 year
Energy Magic - with coffee or tea
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Energy magic and caffeinated beverages are a natural combination but did you know you can energize with camomile? Caffeine by its very nature gives us a boost. Sometimes that boost isn’t enough, instead of just increasing the amount of caffeine you drink, why not add a little magic?
1. Any good barista can tell you that good coffee and tea both start with good water. If you brew your own, use charged or blessed water. I’m in Cambodia right now (searching for those spiritual places) so I don’t have all my tools with me. I do have a water bottle and my favorite crystal necklace, before I go to bed, I fill the water bottle and carefully wrap the crystal so it doesn’t touch anything but the water bottle. Add a little prayer (spell) to clarify your intentions and leave it overnight. In the morning, carefully remove the crystal and use the water to brew your drink.
2. Can’t brew your own right now? Grab your cuppa and visualize the morning sun, you know the cartoon one with the big smile, let yourself see the rays of sunshine poring into your brew. Know that as you sip, that lovely warm clean energy will transfer to you. Wrap yourself in it. If it’s winter where you are and you have a hard time visualizing the sun, think of a candle flame, imagine holding your cuppa over it so it can absorb the energy.
3. How about blessing your coffee or tea pot? Keep in mind, if it’s mostly plastic, it won’t hold a charge for long. I had a Mr. Coffee that I recharged every month by placing it in the window on the night of the full moon. Made great coffee. Natural materials will hold the charge much longer. Maybe all you need to do is charge your favorite coffee mug.
4. Cautions, if your using crystals to charge, don’t soak or dip them in the water, some will dissolve a little, you might not see it, but over time it will damage the crystal and probably isn’t healthy. Always specify where the energy is coming from, you don’t want to be draining plants or pets. The sun, moon and ocean are safe bets. Don’t share your blessed brew with anyone who doesn’t know about and agree to it. That is just not cool.
5. Remember in the beginning I said you could even get a boost from camomile? Same methods apply, the most important things are your intentions. Even if your will isn’t strong, you will notice a difference. Over time that increase.
6. Energy magic with coffee or tea can be as simple as a quick prayer as you go through the drive up window, or as elaborate as you want it to be.
Happy energizing!
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motherwytch · 28 days
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Morning Coffee Affirmation
I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to.
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zarabella73 · 7 months
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coffeesnumber1fan · 1 year
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Cappucino in Itaewon
Berkeley Coffee Social
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