#college diaries
mariecchiato · 19 days
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a little update of chesca's life:
she already moved in her apartment with the help of hank
i tried to "break them up" based from l chesca's "wants" but they always end up flirting with each other at the end 😭🤣
she also entered her internship while she is in her last term of uni.
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study-with-chai · 6 months
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| 11.07.2023 |
This semester is kicking my butt. Classes are harder, home life is getting stressful too. There’s been numerous times where I’ve wanted to throw in the towel, but I just can’t yet. It’s super hard to just focus and stay motivated. I’ve had that issue before but never to this degree. And it’s all the more frustrating because I feel like I’ve been sacrificing my physical, mental, and social health, only to barely scrape by.
I’ve had a lot of good talks with people. One thing is for certain, I’m done neglecting myself. I’m not going to just slack off, but I need to get out of the toxic mindset that I have to prolong eating or taking a little break for the sake of memorizing one more flash card. Is one extra point worth waking up with panic attacks?
Regardless, I am learning a lot about myself in regards to how I learn. I’m going to do my best to make adjustments to finish strong this semester. And hopefully by the next I’ll be able to implement what I’ve learned and come back better than ever. Wish me luck, I’ll need it.
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pinkonlineacademia · 7 months
Dairy: 17/09/2023
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First week of online college is done, it's been interesting the new stuff and everything so I'm trying to keep track of everything that I'm gonna learn this semester, thank God I can see in advance all the things and subjects.
My goals for this new week are:
Take notes of all the slides that I have so I can study in advance.
Update all my notion pages so my stuff is updated.
Download and organize all the books that I have to read.
Prepare in advance my homework.
Wish me luck!💕
*picture is mine
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clarasummers · 2 months
i fucked up. i fucked up big time this time. all i wanted was some control over my life and all i got was this fucking borderline eating disorder.
now my parents are mad at me, my school career is at risk and all i want to do is to be hidden in safety of my dorm/home.
i do realize that i'm not pleasant to be around, but everything feels so isolating right now.
idk if i'll be active here as much as i want to, so... take this as a little update.
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buticanfixhim · 20 days
Guys I officially had the “last day of college” chapter im soooooooooooo idk what
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realhumanbean · 2 months
আজকে আইসিটি পরিক্ষা ছিল। পাস করাটাকে জেদে পরিণত করে ফেলটা বোধহয় ভালোই ছিল আমার জন্য। নিজেকে ভুল প্রমাণ করায় অন্যরকম একটা থ্রিল কাজ করে। কিন্তু কাহিনিক্রমে আজকেই জীবনে প্রথমবার পরিক্ষার জন্য দেরি করে বের হলাম। ইচ্ছা করে না অবশ্যই। ঘুমাচ্ছিলাম তো। তাই যখন আটটা পনেরো বাজে আর আমরা এখনো আসাদ গেটে, আব্বুর "তোমার আর আজকে পরিক্ষা দেওয়া লাগবে না" - তে কোনো কিছু বলার সাহস পাই নাই। এলাকার ভিতরের জ্যাম এ না হয় দুরুদ শরিফ পরে বের হয়ে আসছি,মেইন রোড এর জ্যাম তো আর ছাড়ে না। প্যানিক করার সময় আসলেই নাই আমার। ভাবছিলাম পরিক্ষায় ফেইল করার চেয়ে হয়তো পরিক্ষা না দেওয়াই স্রেয়। শুনলাম কোন জানি ভি আই পি যাচ্ছে তাই রাস্তা বন্ধ। ৭ই মার্চ বলে কথা। "এবারের সংগ্রাম পরিক্ষায় বসতে পারার সংগ্রাম" ভেবে মনে মনে হাসলাম। ৮:১৫ এর মধ্যে যেতে পারলে শুধু টিচার এর একটু কথা শুনা লাগতো। ৮:২০ এ গেলেও খাতায় দাগ টানার সময় পেতাম। ৮:৩০ এর পরে গেলে আর পাস করতাম না। তো ৮:৩০ এই হলে ঢুকলাম। কিছুই ভাবার টাইম নাই, প্রশ্ন দিচ্ছে। বেঞ্চ এ বসে দেখি খাতা নাই, খাতা চাবো এমন সময় পিছে থেকে মাইশা খাতা দিলো। একটা দাগ টানা খাতা। আমি বুঝার আগেই হামিদা মিস অবাক হয়ে বলে "তুমি ওর খাতায় দাগ টেনে দিচ্ছিলা? এত ভালবাসা বন্ধুর জন্য? এইচএসসি তে এগুলা করলে কি হবে জানো?" কোত্থকে জানি মাইশা অনেক সাহস নিয়ে বললো "মিস, নাম তো লিখি নাই।" হাসি আটকাতে কষ্ট করতে হলো। যদিও ইচ্ছা করছিলো ওকে গিয়ে একটা হাগ দেই, তখন শুধু একটা থ্যাংক ইউ এ দিতে পারলাম। পরিক্ষা কেমন গেল তা নিয়ে বেশি কিছু বলব না,কিন্তু পাস করবো ইনশাআল্লাহ। আমিও একবার আমার পাশের বান্ধবীর খাতায় দাগ টেনে দিয়েছিলাম, মনে মনে ভেবেছিলাম আমার জন্য কেউ করে দিলে আমি কত খুশি হতাম। আজকে আমি অনেক খুশি। বাসা থেকে দেরিতে বের হয়ে একদমই ভুল করি নাই। And if that wasn’t enough to bring back my faith in humanity, আসার সময় এক বুড়া মহিলা আমাদেরকে এসে বলে গেল সে দুয়া করবে যেন আমরা পরিক্ষায় পাস করি। আসে পাশে আরও অনেকে ছিল,আমাকে আর প্রীতিকে এসেই সে বললো। তাকে আরেকবার না দেখলে বিশ্বাস করে নিবো সে ফেরেশতা।
On a spiritual level today was a very satisfying day. I was in need of regaining my faith in humanity as it was almost making me hopeless with this world. But it’s these small things that make all of it tolerable. Am grateful to Allah for opening my eyes to them. Duaas are indeed the most powerful thing.
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coluccikins · 7 months
emily, matthew and jay college aio diaries when??? kathy buchanan please get on this asap like imaging jay actually getting really famous and becoming an actor it would be so unserious i would eat it up!! like making jay smouse act mysterious and trying to hide out in his dorm room idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ the people need it (aka me)
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mohtivations · 7 months
filmed a little vlog about my summer interning at an investment bank so here it is lol
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emeraldastraea · 1 year
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sweetnandha · 1 year
💙Life is a bowl of falooda🤤.‪ Sometimes sweet, sometimes sour, always colorful🍧🍧🍨
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mariecchiato · 1 month
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chesca's ig story; her last day in britechester before she goes home to tomarang
paris mod by: @lijoue and @bbygyal123 🤍🫶🏻
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study-with-chai · 4 months
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| 12.22.2023 |
Hello! Sorry I've been gone so long. Fall semester took a lot out of me physically and mentally. I've taken a week long break since my last final to really recuperate. It's time to start studying again though, next semester's classes are going to be tough, but I really want to learn from my mistakes and do the best I can.
So much has happened this semester, both inside and outside of school. School left me feeling physically and mentally exhausted. I lost a lot of confidence for sure, the experience proved to be way more than I could have anticipated. After looking back, I will say I'm content. I'm going to give myself some room to take pride in the fact that despite all that's happened, I've managed to come out with not just okay grades, but good ones (despite the perfectionist in me saying otherwise). Definitely will try to adapt and learn from my mistakes for the next semester so I can give the best I can. And next semester, I'm definitely going to prioritize some healthy habits. It's going to be tough semester on its own, there's no reason for me to make it harder by neglecting myself.
Outside of school, I learned a lot about myself and where I stand in other's lives. I think a lot of the issues come from me placing way too much weight into what others think of me, and then putting in too much energy into keeping people in my life, who may not necessarily be good to keep or even want to be part of my life. There was an argument which really made me concerned on whether I was a good person or not, and it left me wanting to withdraw from everyone. But, after talking about it with my therapist, I'm determined to work on going easier on myself. I want to be concerned with doing my best in being a good person and being content with who I am. Others are going to perceive you as they please, there's no point in trying to please everyone. So if it's out of my control, it's out of my mind. I'm also going to try to instill some healthy boundaries within some of my relationships. I feel like I let people walk all over me for the sake of keeping people in my life. But the only person this is hurting is myself. If someone naturally drifts, so be it. It's good to surround yourself with people who want to be around you, as much as you want to be around them.
Have a good rest of the year everyone, and here's to self-improvement!
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First Day of College Freshman Year
This day was so different than I ever imagined. I had always heard the seniors try to tease and bully each and every freshie on the first day. But the seniors here are indeed so helpful and kind.
The campus of the Maharaja sayajirao university is very very large and beautiful as well.
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"Welcome To The Hell, Freshie!"
When I entered the waiting area for having my meal, the noticeboard had these words written.
I was shocked. If hell was this beautiful than how would be the heaven? 😂😂
It would be hell later when the studies and regular lectures will begin. That's for sure.
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clarasummers · 2 months
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rainbow sock moment.
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sparkandashes · 1 year
People wear makeup any day and feel confident. On a random occasional day, I put on a lipstick and start being so self-conscious. Lmao, I am such a weirdo.
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realhumanbean · 3 months
I think the epitome of college life is having a bunch of individual experiences thrown your way to see how you react. The problem is, or was, that there are too many experiences and a very limited amount of time. But being four months into it,I think I'm getting a hold of it. First of all, general experiences really don’t have to be your own. Just because everyone else is going on that trip or doing the display doesn’t mean you also have to. Selective participation. Preserve individuality. And for the things you do choose to experience, don’t hold on to it. Enjoy it while it's there, appreciate it, all while keeping in mind that this will very quickly come to an end. Initially it'll be hard to let go of. That’s when you need to look for what you already took from the experience. Giving up the chance to play volleyball was tough,as it was something I had looked forward to even before I got into college. But HCC had already become a safe space for my creative side. So that's what I chose to move on with. Handing away my concept for the display was hard too. But I was able to leave with the unexpected appreciation of so many of my classmates. I think this will become one of the many things I end up leaving this college with. The art of letting go. And in a broader sense, it has allowed me to let go of the person I was trying to fit into a box labelled as 'Me'. Instead i'm becoming someone who can now embrace change with open arms.
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