#deadpool core and i ADORE IT
david-talks-sw · 7 months
You've said before that you're a Marvel/MCU fan. I'm curious, what are your favorite MCU movies?
Thing is... I only got into the MCU around 2011, with Thor. And even then, I wasn't really interested until the first Avengers film came out.
At my core, I'm an X-Men movies fan. Those were the superhero films I originally liked, still love them all except for Dark Phoenix and New Mutants (and even then, I forgive those two for being butchered through reshoots, due to Disney acquiring 20th Century Fox).
Before I actually got into Marvel comics in general, I had only read a few comic collections released by the italian Repubblica newspaper.
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So I was familiar with classics like Days of Future Past, Frank Miller's Daredevil stories, I knew who characters like Cassandra Nova and Franklin Richards were, but I wasn't more of a reader than a fan.
Then I read the first volume Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men (also in Italian), and wow, the X-Men are actually interesting and 3-dimensional. Okay.
Then, years later, I come across a French issue of Wolverine that collected (1 French issue collects 2-3 American issues):
Final part of Get Mystique,
Final part of the Deadpool arc of Wolverine: Origins.
And the following issue had the first part of Old Man Logan.
So immediately I have a whole bunch of questions. Wolverine has a son?! And who is this hilarious Spider-Man lookalike? Wait, so Mystique and Wolverine are how old? And woah, wtf, why are Hulk's kids such assholes? And who's this blind archer dude?
And boom, I'm down the rabbit hole.
But with that context, it's easy to see why, for me, there hasn't ever been an MCU film that ranked above an 8/10, bar a few exceptions.
I'll enjoy them because I enjoy the genre, so most MCU films will rank between 5 and 8. I like RDJ's Iron Man, Ruffalo's Hulk is an adorable nerd, Loki is cool, etc, but those films just don't feature the characters I fell in love with.
I can acknowledge that Winter Soldier is objectively a good film. Black Panther is an excellent one too. But they're both 8/10 in my book, no more. Put Wolverine in Winter Soldier or Ororo in Black Panther and I'd give those films a 10.
The above-mentioned exceptions - in terms of what got the best emotional reactions out of me - are:
Avengers - Infinity War (9/10) and Endgame (10/10, I don't care what anyone says, when I went to see it on opening night, the audience in the AMC Theater was louder and wilder than that of a football stadium and I'm here for that! Geek power!)
Avengers (9/10)
Spider-Man - No Way Home (9/10)
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (9/10)
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crowbrainss · 5 months
an intro post perchance
bare with me i’ve never done one of these before
hi!! i’m Jay, 18, and genderqueer?? agender?? transmasc?? idk?? gender i hardly know her?? but i use he/they pronouns
my main(?) account is @ccrowteethh but this one is much more spam and violent babbling
my brain is filled with bees (adhd) and brainrot for many pieces of media- Hannibal, Dexter, The Magnus Archives, Deadpool, my OCs, crows and many other critters
i’m very very normal about all of them 👍👍
at my core i am a goblin who adores trinkets, the personification of a crow, and am incredibly interested in dead things, bugs, cryptids and creatures, clowns (man idk why), punk rock and metal music and so much more
i post from a dark den in the woods :)
really i’m just a little guy
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seasaltbaptism · 2 years
may i ask when it comes to marvel comics who are your favorite characters? do you have a preference for marvel or dc comics? if you had to rank your top 5 comicbook characters who would they be and why? what is something you think people misunderstand about your favorite character and/or team? <3
hi jojo! i went to go play so viddy games but i’m back! you may indeed ask!! when it comes to preference it’s probably a close tie? i do enjoy some marvel characters more than some dc characters ( see magneto, kurt , kitty, emma , deadpool, the punisher, daredevil ect. ) you ask such nice questions let’s see if i can give you succinct answers !!
top five favorite comic book characters, in no particular order.
1. magneto / erik : this man tops a lot of people’s lists i’m sure, however i really do love his core character traits and what he stood for & stands for. mainstream media demonizes erik because in my eyes they don’t want the public to realize that activism and toppling current oppressive world orders IS POSSIBLE with effort and willingness of people ( think about the inception that was the hunger games trilogy movies, how they strategically butchered it in a way where it’s core message was skewed and used as marketing , eerily similar to messages in the books ) . originally erik survived the holocaust and i like the message his original jewish creators wanted to send when making him. he is someone who never wants to see his people or any people violently oppressed and killed & movies don’t quite capture it too well ( besides some of the older original x-men movies actually ) but i resonate with him. through love and compassion and a firm hand against oppressors, uniting with people to help formulate and continue to form a better world for everyone is always worth it to me. what people misunderstand about him? portrayals have made him cruel & i think that in ways he is, he’s cold and weirdly detached but he’s also driven by love , intense love & i really wish people would remember that.
2. spider man / peter parker : once again , jewish , poor , for the people , down to earth. peter parker is a light hearted character despite who and what he’s always up against ( i’m not looking at the mcu , i’m looking a little bit at TASM and the original spider man movies. i’m peeking at them ) but i do just love how he doesn’t let the world beat him down, though it’s interesting to look at points in his comics where he IS taken to his limits. he makes me feel safe, i know he’s not real. i’d leave cool things out on my fire escape for him, he has so much genuine kindness and heart, i really adore this character and a lot of his variations ( see spider man 2099 / miles morales / spider gwen / esp 2099 ……. mmm miguel ANYWAYS ) also like parallels with venom too , love venom but imma put him in with pete bc i haven’t read too many of his comics. the mcu has misunderstood this dude a whole lot, but people tend to make him a bit too serious lately, and i enjoy diving into that side of him, but i think peter is genuinely really good at seeing the good in people / seeing ways their lives could be better if nudged onto the right path. also he doesn’t like billionaires.
3. the punisher / frank castle : i’m not a fan of a lot of his cartoon appearances and portrayals to be a cold hearted military man , as he hates cops and the military & the gov. i like his netflix show , i really enjoyed that actually. frank castle lost everyone he cares about and the media surrounding him usually never focuses on how his code makes solid differences / protects people ( except the show. god. i’m emotional. ) anyways i have a thing for characters who are emotionally destroyed but still do good bc that’s the only fucked up way they feel they can still do good. EVERYONE THINKS HES PRO COP OR PRO MILITARY OR ANTI LGBT? HES NOT? HES WITH THE LGBTS , THE GAYS , THE MINORITIES! HES NOT A RACIST EITHER! HE HATES RACISTS HE’LL MURDER RACISTS!
4. comic book scarlett witch / wanda maximoff : romani representation that’s mostly done nicely , i really actually relate to this character a lot , and find catharsis in her. she suffers greatly, probably too much, but she works her way through it, she’s powerful and kind and vengeful and angry and beautiful. she’s wise and confident and loses that and regains it, she reminds me of the wheel of fortune card in my deck, constantly embodying things that should have killed her. once again, i know she isn’t real, but i do relate to her and love to see her happy and winning, she’s brave and strong and i hate her MCU portrayal , truly, but i love her comic book self! god ok. people misunderstand her a lot, esp mcu …….she’s not ‘ i’m tired of being good >:) i wanna be a bag guy now! she’s more ‘ i loved very deeply and i cling to that because i cannot imagine who i will be if i acknowledge that what i loved is gone and i cannot get it back ‘ vs ‘ i can remake myself over and over if i need to , i contain all i need ‘
5. night crawler / kurt wagner: god. ok. his design fucks so severely i want that man to give me a hug , pick me up and spin me around , ok? did you jot that down? we got that? i know he smells nice , i know he does. his smile is so sweet to me , very playful. i enjoy how hard he works to be a good person, how he doesn’t take short cuts or let his past dictate him ( idk what the fuck was going on with his movie portrayal in those early x men movies i watched as a kid ) but in some of the animated shows and def the comics i have fallen hard for this man , i know he’s not real. i know. shh. but yes! the way he has quips too, idk i really enjoy him overcoming odds and projected bullshit he has to face, you and i just 🤝 gotta shake hands here ok we are shaking hands. hm. people think he’s naive or an idiot, they misunderstand his hope and warmth, it comes from a place of understanding hatred and choosing to rise above that, so.
( bonus!! ) 6. lanterns: i dont have a favorite lantern ( i’m lying it’s razor , hal & guy. ) but i love all my mutuals who make the lanterns more interesting than anything dc has done recently. i miss GLTAS , i miss when hal wasn’t reduced to a total dickhead , i love the headcanons that GLS are weirdly ageless and have wonky fashion sense , i love all my mutuals art and stuff i just love it. i loe space adventures i love fucked up shit going on out there in the big old galaxy. i love razor bc of GLTAS and his development, i miss him and IO and i hope he’s doing ok. but yes! this subgroup of heroes ( i also miss when dc didn’t make them a weird military thing and i love reminding people it’s an honor based volunteer service only given to those as highest honor. lol ) omg ppl stop saying they’re the military shut the fuck up theyre gays in space!
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monterraverde · 1 year
PWT Deadpool: Rika V. Koga
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(Theme for maximum immersion)
When you have everything to lose, put into a corner, desperation drives a person to do miraculous things.
Taking the pitch again for the deadpool round, she found herself face to face with the Ninja she'd spent so much time reading about back home. Atticus' spitting image... or was it the other way around? Regardless, hands in her pockets, she stood firm, planting her feet on her side of the field.
The sight of this place still left a sour taste in her mouth, that visage of Fafnir falling to the blue flames of the mega charizard riding heavy on her heart... But she steels her expression, levelling Koga with a look of sheer determination, and enough gusto to not let herself falter a second time.
One of an ego scarred, and a lesson learned.
"Koga, yeah? I was hoping to meet you in happier circumstances, you're quite the talk of the academy over in Paldea. But I don't intend to lose here- Not again. I didn't come all the way here just to crumble under the weight of the world on my shoulders. So forgive me, but I'm taking the gloves off."
And she does take the gloves off- Literally, the black gloves with the Paldea leagues logo on it are taken off and pocketed. After that, she stomps her foot down, the Stadium rocking and a harsh wind blowing upward, tossing her hair around in a wild, playful whip as rocks and dirt appeared beneath her... Endless badlands... A desert.
Oh, she summoned home.
A light sandstorm kicked up across the battlefield, one could swear they were hearing the faint guitar twangs of an orrean saloon to accentuate to setting… But she’d never felt more at home- More in touch with the earth then she did right now. If she lost here, she’d never forgive herself…
Time to act.
The battle begins, and Gliscor and Victreebel are out first, Gremlin cackling as it zoomed ahead, flying circles around the plant and slashing at it with its thin yet sturdy wings. They come to blows multiple times, to the point they reset back on their sides of the field, and then charge at each other a second time, bashing their heads together as Gremlin kicked up some sand and tossed it into Victreebells eyes before delivering a harsh final blow. The gliscor cackled with glee before returning to Rikas side, proud that it managed to claim a victory finally, and the excitement on her face matched her pokemons infections smile.
Next was Fafnir against Blissey. The Tyranitar- and Rika herself- Were incredibly surprised to see such a pink and fluffy pokemon on such a hardened ninjas team... And it quickly proved why it had earned its place there, double slapping the snot out of the poor Tyranitar, much to her dismay... Oh, Fafnir, you young adorable fool, one day you'll get a win under your belt.
Next was Kamina against Kogas Scizor, a powerful steel type that Kamina was glad to engage with. It's a close match, both pokemons claws clashing with loud 'clangs' and sparks flying with every strike. Despite how close the battle was, the Scizor proved stronger, dropping Kamina after a hard fought battle.
After that was Gastrodon vs. Krookodile. The squishy slug took the Krookodiles strikes like a champ, slapping back with Surfs and Muddy waters until it forced a reset, both pokemon returning to their respective sides of the field, only for the Krookodile to rush back in and try to crunch down on the Gastrodons back- “SMUDGE! HARDEN!” She cries, and the Gastrodon draws in its head, steeling itself for the hit as the Krookodiles teeth sunk into its rubbery flesh… and making use of its long neck, it buried itself in the Krookodiles core and let loose a furious Hydro pump, blasting the creature back to its own side of the field and into the arms of a Total Knock out.
Out next was a battle of the aces, Clodsire and Crobat- What a battle hardened creature the other had, the sign of a pokemon well loved and trained. But her best friend was just as wild, pure and free, and with a quick tap of the keystone, the rainbow light erupted again, Bappy’s spines growing into a literal crown of barbs as it roared, and the battle commenced. Claws clashed with gnashing teeth, trying desperately to get a hit on one another, and just when she thought all was lost, Bappy noticed the other about to swoop right over his head, and thrust his head back, pushing his body up with all his newly acquired might to shove the largest barb into the crobats wing, injuring it quite heavily as it brought the Crobat back down for a quick poison jab to finish it. She was almost shocked at the intense and vicious anger that Bappy was showing, but they were no longer on the back foot, and her eyes focused down Koga once more. Bappy’s mega evolution faded, and he was quickly returned to his ball.
The finale was Adniel against Kogas Dragalge… A welcome sight- a Pokemon she actually knew… Until it wasn’t. That same Rainbow light she had just used now used against her as the thing Mega evolved… Beautiful, in all the terrifyingly awful ways. Adniel looked back at her, the look of determination on his face steeling her own resolve… She’d never felt this in sync with him, so much so their movements almost mirrored each other, Rika issuing only one command- Punching her fist down toward the ground as Adniel roared and leapt into battle. The clash of the titans was felt with every strike causing shockwaves to rock the arena, Adniel snarling as he made every attempt possible to land his dragon claws, but the Dragalges lithe and wispy body made such a feat difficult… Until he managed to find the soft underbelly, and wasted no time and thrusting his claw upward in a harsh uppercut to destabilize it.
“We cant lose, Adniel! Stay strong and finish it!! EARTHQUAKE!!” Rika commands while thrustjng her fists down at her side, practically screaming to the heavens.
Suffering from poison, it cried out in a desperate rage as an earthquake rocked the pitch, threatening to bury the Dragalge if it continued… But as soon as Adniel noticed the transformation cease, and the pokemon returned, he paused, the roar of the crowd now the only thing either he or Rika could hear.
And she gasped when she saw it go down, her lip quirking in a smile of disbelief, and she heard the Paldeans start to chant in the stands- That familiar song that she heard at every sanctioned gym battle… It’d been a long few years since she heard it being sung for her. Rushing out onto the court, she jumped onto her Garchomp with an excited laugh, hugging the pokemon close- And immediately regretting the action because of its rough skin, her cheek now bleeding a little from the scrape- But it was fine! She had bigger things to think about! They won!! THEY FINALLY WON!!
Returning Adniel to his ball, She turns, approaching Koga as she extended her hand to shake. “Thank you for that absolute thrill of a battle, you’re absolutely as tough as they say. Maybe we could battle again sometime? Next time im in Kanto, at least.” She smiles, laughing faintly…
Oh she was going to be riding high for a WHILE after this one- Wait… This meant she had to fight Duo next…
Oh no…
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trillgutterbug · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions!
tagged by @palamedessextus 😊 thanks friend!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
64! only five more to the magic number ayyyyy and then i’m legally obligated to never post another one.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
289,575 apparently??? which seems way way way higher than i ever would have guessed, wow. who knew!
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
31 on ao3, although that’s lumping, eg, all marvel subfandoms together. but i have a ridiculous amount of wips in all kinds of other fandoms that i haven’t/won’t post, soooo.... more than that! and i don’t want to list them all bc that’d be a long boring read!
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
it serenely disdains to destroy us, a magnus archives fic that, i somewhat vainly note, has been orbiting in the top few top kudosed fics in the tag since i posted it womp womp.
concerning flight, because we all thirsty for thor/loki+gender and i for one support us.
untitled porny snippet (yes that’s actually what it’s called), because same as above. (i see u, kudos-to-comment ratio and i aint mad but.... i see u. all you dirty birds out there shamefully yet silently jerking it. kudos to YOU.)
an experiment in posthumous subsistence, a batman/joker zombie au i wrote fucking TEN YEARS AGO ALMOST. why???? why is this fic so popular?? i’m barely a good writer now and i sure as shit wasn’t one a decade ago! the terrible title alone should disqualify it from being read, but i guess the people want what they want. and what they want is batman and joker handcuffed together, trying to escape the zombie apocalypse  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
all good things, some stucky hydra trash party-adjacent smut regarding piercings. i stand by this one 100%, it deserves every kudo(s?) tbh.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i do, depending on the comment! i don’t think comments like “loved this!” / “thanks for writing!” are written with the intent to receive a response (or at least, when i write them on other people’s fics, i certainly don’t expect one). they’re like an extra kudo(s?), and i appreciate them a lot, but they’re not really an invitation to Discuss. whereas if someone clearly has put a lot of thought into a comment, or asked a question, or made some observations that i jive with, or just seems like they want to engage, then hell yeah i jump in there. love that shit. 
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i guess arguably thine own self, which is some hydra husbands abo. laugh all you want, it’s one of my fave of all my fics lmao. probably specifically bc of the unpleasant/open ending.
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
probably moderation is a memory! since it, unlike 99% of all my other stuff, isn’t just total smut, and the whole point of writing it was to wallow as deep as possible in the sauce of giddy teenage infatuation, it got the opportunity to have an actual emotional arc (more or less). furthermore i could not possibly bring myself to break johnny lawrence’s tender little heart ever, that would hurt me far more than it would hurt him.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i only realised while answering this question that apparently.... no i don’t write crossovers! which is not at all a deliberate choice, i guess a compelling enough one just hasn’t occurred to me yet! 
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
shockingly no! by some accidental miracle i’ve managed to fly under the radar so far, despite some of the really buckwild stuff i’ve posted. however, considering some of the stuff i’m probably ABOUT to post.... that clean track record might soon come to an end lmao.
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
lmao. uhhhh. almost exclusively, and i guess??? all kinds? this is clearly a question composed by someone who does not write smut.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of, and i wouldn’t really care if i did. 
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah i think a few....? a number of people have asked anyway and i always say yes, so probably there’s at least one floating around out there somewhere.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have! just once, and we really made it count. it’s called a reptile dysfunction, which should tell you all you need to know. 
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
thorki, probably. i always have and always will come back to it, no matter what. it’s got such a ferociously timeless staying power and so much potential variation, i don’t think i could ever get bored of it, regardless of what level of marvel-exhaustion i might feel at a given time, or what tropes, kinks, or stage of literary pretension i’m at. truly the oh tee pee. 
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
ohhhhh all 836575927 of them, but. there’s this one thorki fic i started almost ten years ago as an experiment with a new-to-me style, which turned out over the intervening years to become my main style, and looking back on that fic, which for many years was a touchstone of writing-to-aspire to for me, it’s actually Not Very Good lol. but i still love the core concept, which is a canon divergence berserker thor au, but not only is it a somewhat inaccessible (admittedly less so since the deadpool movies came out, which was a hilarious pipe dream back when i started writing it) x-force comics crossover, but i wrote myself into a bunch of corners and have yet to dig up the energy to write myself back out of them! i go and reread it every year or so and think “hmm... maybe now...” but tbh it’s just not really good enough to bother! perhaps someday i’ll repurpose the best elements of it into something new.
16) What are your writing strengths?
man, it’s so hard to say. in much the same way that you can spend hours every day staring at yourself in a mirror, yet be utterly incapable of picking yourself out of a lineup, i spend a lot of time eyeballing my writing, but stepping back it seems like a chaotic mass of nonsense with few cohesive throughlines. i’m good at writing smut, i know that much! and in that vein, i think i am good at smut bc i am very good at committing to the bit, as it were. getting into the nitty gritty of experience and sensation (physical or emotional) and rendering largely abstract internal concepts in fairly comprehensible ways. i think my prose is quite decent on a sentence level too.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
utterly incapable of finishing anything! or plotting anything! can’t mange a cohesive emotional arc! write myself into overly structured corners or out onto a vast plain with no structure in sight! all the macro elements of storytelling totally elude me, which is very frustrating when i have all this tasty fleshed out micro-level character stuff, but no narrative skeleton upon which to drape it.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?   don’t! unless you are very sure you know what you’re doing, and the other language bits are a) very few, b) easily contextually understood, and c) actually adding something other than a weird flex that you know google translate exists.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
11yo me wrote spock/kirk/janice rand and thought she invented the concept of a threesome. brand been stronk since day one 🤘. (the vulcan salute is right next to the devil horns in my emoji list, so....)
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
i love the (ongoing) better with you series very much, not least because i’m still absolutely flabbergasted that i wrote something that long. i think it’s actually pretty good all things considered and it’s very dear to me on many many levels. but the fic that i just viscerally adore, that i love the style of, and that i had such a transcendent, invigorating, organic Experience writing, is temper its strength, adding honey until quite cold, which is a terror fic with the inexplicable pairing of edward little/hartnell, featuring crossdressing and gender stuff. it just burst out of me fully formed one day and i don’t think i’ve managed to top it yet! 
lowkey tagging @lingua-mortua @pitcherplant @kaasknot @froggy-babyy @deputychairman @nomercyonlytears @clockheartedcrocodile
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Static (Spideypool)
(Based on THIS PROMPT)
Peter...Peter heard everything.
Well, heard wasn't exactly the right word.
Peter felt....
Sometimes it was a physical feeling, like bugs on his skin if someone around him was uncomfortable. Sometimes it was hard to swallow, hard to breathe if he was at a crime scene and the people were terrified.
Sometimes it was the feeling of being stared at even if no one was looking, the feeling of eyes watching, and eventually Peter realized that was the feeling of anxiety, of nervous.
Before the spider, it hadn't been as bad. Peter would get the buggy feeling when May would clear her throat and try to have one of Those Talks, or he'd walk through the halls at school and brush past someone and suddenly he felt like everyone was looking.
After the spider, the feeling amplified, magnified, until Peter couldn't deny something was off, something was wrong, he was feeling too much.
Empath was the word the internet gave him. Empath, he felt what other people felt. But empath didn't seem like a big enough word, not even close.
The first time Peter pulled a little girl from a house fire, she wasn't even crying, wasn't even screaming, she was just terrified and still and Peter's muscles locked up, his legs giving out with heart stopping, core deep fear.
The day he webbed a gun out of someone's hands to stop a mugging and the baddie turned to him and shouted, Peter felt the wall of rage as if he'd ran right into it.
It was too much and empath was not a big enough word for what was happening.
Peter learned to tune most of it out. He altered his suit so he couldn't really feel anything physical in case someone touched him, wore headphones that played white noise so he wouldn't have to hear the fear in people's voices, meditated so when he got bowled over by the mental noise of someone's scattered mind, he could pull himself out of the spiral.
It was exhausting.
Peter's friends assumed he stopped hanging around because he was busy with school and work, the Avengers assumed he never came by because he wanted to do the whole lone gun slinger act, and Aunt May assumed he kept his distance because he was busy being Spider-man.
They didn't know that Peter couldn't handle Harry's anxiety or MJ's insecurity or the way Gwen worried and worried and worried. He couldn't stomach the sting of Iron Man's blase attitude because it covered so much anger, and he couldn't handle the sadness in Aunt May that had always been there before Uncle Ben passed, but after Uncle Ben, the sadness was strangling and Peter--
--god, he just couldn't handle it.
So Peter retreated away behind his mask, there and gone when he had to save someone, avoiding friends and family, lonely in his tiny apartment but unwilling to step outside and risk being overwhelmed by everything everyone in the entire goddamn world was putting out in the universe.
Empath wasn't a big enough word to cover the loneliness of feeling what everyone else felt.
Deadpool was loud and proud and obnoxious on about eight thousand different levels. He laughed and he talked and he teased and poked and prodded and got on every single on of Peter's last nerves and then managed to turn around and be sweet to kids or stop to rescue animals or to beat the hell outta someone who messed with the nice lady that owned the flower shop.
Deadpool was all over the place, talking to Peter, talking to himself, talking to the voices in his head that never seemed to let him rest. And Peter felt bad about it, but he had to wear his white noise headphones around Wade, had to tune out alot of what the Merc said, had to wear his gloves all the time to dull any accidental touches.
Peter knew Wade was just as lonely, just as touch starved as he was, but he couldn't risk the strain on his mind and emotions to open up to Deadpool. He wouldn't survive feeling the pain that skittered beneath Wade's skin every day, or the awful headaches that Wade tried to laugh off, or the way the Merc swung between manic and depressed and back again for a stop along every marker on that spectrum.
Peter knew he couldn't handle it, so even though he ached to take some of the stress from Wade, ached to share some of the burden the Merc handled every single day--
Peter kept his distance. He had to preserve his sanity, his mental health, his emotional health--
Peter kept his distance.
Wade understood, or at least he said he understood, but that didn't make it any easier to stay away when their conversations turned serious and when the night fell into morning and Peter wanted nothing more than to slide over and rest his head on Wade's shoulder. Wade must have reached for Peter's hand a hundred different times, stopping himself just short of touching and one night when they were eating, Wade reached over and wiped the crumbs from Peter's face and then froze--
"Shit, baby boy, I'm sorry. I know you can't handle being touched."
"It's fine." Peter shook his head quickly, the brush of Wade's fingers too quick to even have registered. "It's fine, don't worry about it."
"Yeah?" Wade swallowed. "My skin doesn't bother you?"
"No, it's not that." Peter took another bite of his burger. "You know, it's the empath thing. I want to be able to touch you but I--"
"I get it." Wade assured him. "Normal people set off everything in your head, someone like me would probably make your brain explode. It's alright."
"Well, I mean." Peter shrugged self consciously. "It's not. Sorta sucks that I can spend every day with you but can't get closer than this. That I wear my white noise headphones to block out everything when really I just want to--"
"You're not wearing your headphones, Pete."
"...what?" Peter felt around his head, then widened his eyes. "Oh my god, I'm not wearing my headphones."
"Nah, you dropped them when you took off your backpack." Wade motioned behind them vaguely. "I figured you decided not to wear them today. The noise isn't bothering you?"
"I um--" Peter cocked his head and frowned. "I don't hear anything. My heads just sort of... sort of staticky."
"Sounds awful."
"No." Peter put his food down and closed his eyes to listen. "No, it's wonderful. Wade, you don't understand. Usually I hear everything, or feel everything and it hurts my head but I don't hear anything right now. It's-- this is-- it's so nice."
"That's great, sweet cheeks." Wade blew the web slinger a kiss and sauntered over towards the far end of the roof to get his bag. "By the way, I bought you something at a souvenir shop yesterday. Full disclosure, it's terrible, but I thought it would make you laugh so--"
Noise rushed in and Peter cried out loud, clapping his hands over his ears. "Oh my god! Oh my--"
Rage, from someone in the apartment below, fear from the other person in the room. Laughter, eyes staring, someone watching, too close too close, someone was touching, anxiety, nervous, giddy, fear--
Peter curled over into himself and shouted, "Wade! My headphones! Please!"
"Come here, baby." Wade was suddenly back at Peter's side, wrapping both arms around him and hauling him close. "Okay I know you don't want to hear what's in my head but it should be loud enough to drown out everything else, come here."
Wade yanked Peter's gloves off and shoved his own shirt up so Peter could touch skin, then flattened his palms over Peter's ears as if it would drown out the noise.
And Peter went still immediately. 
He went still immediately and Wade waited with bated breath for the disgust, for the recoil, for Peter to look up with those beautifully wide eyes and wonder what the fuck was wrong with him.
"Oh my god, you feel good."
Okay well Wade hadn't been expecting that, nor was he expecting Peter to moan quietly and to press even closer, his fingers digging into Wade's side to clutch him tight.
"I-- I what? I what? Why are you the one talking crazy right now?” 
"You feel good." Peter hooked a foot behind Wade's knee and took him down to the roof with no effort at all, and even though Wade oophed when he hit the rooftop, he didn't have time to care much as Peter crawled up his body and straddled his chest, tucking that adorable nose right into Wade's neck.
"...Pete? What um-- what are you doing?” 
"The static is you." Peter laughed quietly and wriggled closer. "I thought I was wearing my headphones cos I couldn't hear anything, but the second you walked away, all the noise came back. The static is you."
"You're telling me I'm so damn crazy that it just translates to static when you hear it?" Wade teased and Peter pulled away to stare down at him.
"I'm telling you that you're the only person I've ever met that doesn't hurt me to be around. Whatever your mutation is, whatever you have going on-- it scrambles my senses and mutes everything else."
"All I can feel is you." Peter breathed, and he looked almost close to tears. "All I feel is you babe. Do you know how amazing that is?"
Wade ran his hands up Peter's back to tangle in the thick hair and drag him down for a much a-waited, much longed for kiss.
"Yeah, baby boy." he said hoarsely. "I sure do."
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strangehoot · 4 years
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How to Watch Marvel's Movies in Order
Marvel Studio is a famous American film producing company specialized in directing and producing movies of superheros. It’s parent company, Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) produces web and TV series, comic books and short films. All over the world, people are Marvel fans and crazy to watch each production of Marvel.
Marvel has copyrights of the main superhero characters and every movie the character remains with unique characteristics in terms of their power and weapons. Marvel’s Universe is out of imagination.
Marvel studio movies receive an average of 64 nominations and awards per movie.
Most of the climatic battles that are seen in the Marvel studio movies among superheroes and villains rely heavily on computer generated effects. As we all know, each movie that Marvel studio makes has a signature shot of a cameo appearance of the late Stan Lee (the writer of many original comics). The first movie released by them was in 2008 but it all began in 1941. Most of the Marvel studio movies can be found online on streaming services like Amazon, iTunes and Disney+.
Characters of Marvel Movies
The following table gives you an overview of some characters of Marvel, their powers and weapons. 
CharacterHow they got powersWeaponsCaptain AmericaThe Super Soldier Serum was injectedVibranium shieldMoon KnightThe ancient Egyptian Moon God, Khonshu and got the Werewolf scratchCrescent darts, truncheon, ankhLoki He got the power from his mother’s teachings and learnt wizardry.His magic sword, LaevateinHulk Gamma radiationHis Huge Body is enoughSpider Man Radioactive spider bite himWeb-shootersDaredevil Radioactive isotopeManrikigusariBlack PantherHad the juices of the heart-shaped herb and Wakandan God blessed him with strengthEnergy dagger, anti-metal clawsCaptain Marvel Accidental Photon Energy bestowed upon herNega BandsUltron Dr. Henry Pym created himRepulsor, plasma weaponsGhost RiderZarathos His Hellfire ChainJessica JonesRadioactive chemicals after she caught with car accident and went in comaHer talentWolverineMutant-bornAdamantium claws, daggers, katana, gunsBlack BoltInhuman-bornHis speech and strengthSpider WomanMother hit by a radiation beam during pregnancyHer powersSilver SurferCosmic Power by Galactus.His boardDoctor StrangeStudied and trained with the Ancient One.Cloak of Levitation, Eye of Agamotto, Orb of Agamotto etc.Beast Mutant-bornRazor-sharp clawsNick Fury ArmyUSP pistol, SHIELD weaponsVenom Sensory perception and talent to reproduce itselfWeb ShootersDeadpoolMysterious serum to cure his cancerGuns, grenades, knives, katanasStorm Earth’s electromagnetic fieldHandguns, firearms, knivesIron Man Armour suite and technologyRepulsor rays, uni-beam projector, lasersThanosDeath, an abstract entityStasis Rifle, Infinity GauntletThor Technological PowerWarhammer MjolnirAnt ManThe Pym Particles created by himself and experimentation on himselfStinger firearmMagnetoMutant-bornHelmet, powersDoctor DoomMagical power blessed by his mother, Roma His powersThe MandarinReceived 10 Rings from alien technology10 Rings of PowerThe Winter SoldierSuper soldier serum as a sourceSnipers, riflesStar-Lord Planet Ego’s EnergyElement Gun
Marvel Movies Release Order
The table below lists the movies already released. Phase 3 is completed. A list of movies for Phase 4 is ready. Please visit https://www.cinemablend.com/new/upcoming-marvel-movies-release-dates-for-phase-4-and-5-67944.html
Phase IIron Man (2008)The Incredible Hulk (2008)Iron Man 2 (2010)Thor (2011)Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)The Avengers (2012)Thor 2 (2013)Phase IIIron Man 3 (2013)Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)Ant-Man (2015)Phase IIICaptain America: Civil War (2016)Doctor Strange (2016)Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. II (2017)Spiderman: Homecoming (2017)Thor: Ragnarok (2017)Black Panther (2018)Avengers: Infinity War (2018)Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)Captain Marvel (2019)Avengers: Endgame (2019)Spiderman: Far From Home (2019)
Watch Marvel Movies in Sequence to Get All of it 
Below is the sequence in which you need to watch the moveis if you are new to the Marvel world and get the understanding of the superheroes and their role in each movie.
1. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
In the first avenger which is most logical to watch first, Captain America is introduced through flashback as well as connecting the film to the major antagonist threat. 
2. Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel can be viewed in various aspects but if we are striving to timeline continuity it makes sense to watch next where we are introduced to the most powerful superhero in the MCU and this film could exist entirely on its own outside the marvel timeline also a way to introduce important characters for later. It has been taken from endgame so it expects you to know who all the characters are. 
3. Iron Man (2008)
Iron man introduces us to Tony Stark, his origin and idea of avengers initiative. This film has as well begun post credit scenes tradition. 
4. Iron Man 2 (2010)
Iron man 2 introduction to another important character. This movie lays the groundwork for events and also introduces us to Black Widow. 
5. The Incredible Hulk (2008)
The Incredible Hulk can be skipped. 
6. Thor (2011)
Thor, first foray into cosmic elements of marvel introduces us to one of the original six The Norse God of Thunder, Thor and Norse God of Mischief, Loki. 
7. The Avengers (2012)
Assembling this movie brought all the MCU heroes together and united them against a common threat. Now, the  movie takes elements from the Ultimates comic and introduced both mid credit and end credit scenes and was the first step towards infinity war. 
8. Iron Man 3 (2013)
We see Toney dealing with the personal aftermath of events in Avengers and introduces us to his greatest enemy. 
9. Thor: The Dark World (2013)
This movie also is dealing with the aftermath.This film is important because it has a direct connection with Thor: Ragnarok. 
10. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
In this movie, we see Captain America and Black Widow team up for a mission. 
11. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
This movie has a first hand introduction of the cosmic side of marvel introducing Star Lord, Gamora, Nebula, Groot, Drax and Rocket and finally introducing to an alien, Thanos. 
12. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Not much has changed in this movie. The details about all the characters are extended.
13. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
In this movie, Avengers is an already established team where they team up again to take down a big threat and also sets up a lot of things heading into Phase III. 
14. Ant-Man (2015)
Ant Man is the conclusion of phase 2 and also setting up the groundwork for the endgame. 
15. Captain America: Civil War (2016)
This movie brings together the whole team, deals with the fall out events in Age of Ultron and also deals with the introduction of winter soldiers from the previous film.  
16. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
In this movie,  the spiderman is adjusting to life and it gives us a spider man origin story.  
17. Doctor Strange (2016)
This is the first film to introduce Mystic Arts into the MCU as well as alternative dimensions. 
18. Black Panther (2018)
Black panther doesn’t tie much into the rest of the MCU but shows the story of an original hero. 
19. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
It is an adorable comics adventure. The post credits scene leads directly into the events of Avengers: Infinity war. 
20. Ant-Man and The Wasp (2018)
Ant man and The Wasp introduces Quantum Realm and also the post credit scene shows a lot of characters get dusted. 
21. Black Widow (2020)
One of the strongest female superheroes playing an important role in the following movies. Must watch to understand her skills.
22. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
It is largely a showdown between Avengers and Thanos. Avengers: Endgame final chapter of phase 3.
23. Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Going back to the time machine and getting all the power stones back and getting to the end of Thanos.
24. Spiderman: Far From Home (2019)
Spiderman facing monsters behind his life and fellow superhero Mysterio helps in saving him from these monsters.
Marvel has set a standard and gained popularity over the years
Marvel movie’s success is has four core principles: 
(1) Select for experienced inexperience.
(2) Grasp a stable core.
(3) Need for challenging the formula.
(4) Foster customers’ curiosity. 
Marvel Studios believes in granting directors majority of control in areas where they have the most experience. In order to balance the ideas, new talents and voices which are brought into each movie, the Marvel studio holds on to a tiny percentage of people from one to the next. The support and footing provided by them allows Marvel to maintain continuity among products and to give birth to an attractive community for fresh talent.
It has been noticed that Marvel movies portray differing emotional tones, that is the steadiness between positive and negative emotions conveyed verbally by its characters. Analysing the experience of Marvel shows us that franchises gain from continual experimentation.
Creativity, Animation, Character Building, and the Story Line are the main attributes of each Marvel movie and the fan followers just love to watch each of them over and over again!
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symbiote rec list
requirements: explores a symbiote as a character. ideally, a pov character. no symbiote is demonised or denied personhood by the narrative. absolutely no jars
failed to adhere to original criteria. too many jars.
web of spider-man (1985) 1 there’s much more to the symbiote’s origin, but this is the issue you really need for its original characterisation. it’s an alien thrown into a world it doesn’t understand and emotions it’s never experienced and it’s not handling it very well. ultimately, its love can be a genuine and redeeming thing.
deadpool: back in black the story you just read, again, expanded on to make me cry like a bitch baby bastard, again. deadpool is retconned into the symbiote’s origin, being its host in-between peter and eddie, but in this instance, i think it works. and the art is adorable.
venom: separation anxiety extremely frustrating to read as eddie is the most stubborn ass of all time and continues to act the exact same way venom did while actively in the process of condemning venom. still, the symbiote gets a good bit of interesting screen time to itself, and it marks the first time we get to see the symbiote’s thoughts and feelings expressed directly, not relayed by eddie. it also sets up the conflict leading into...
planet of the symbiotes oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh. the symbiote’s... pre-origin origin. and... it’s the softest fucking thing. it is the softest fucking thing. good god. we get michelinie eddie back for this, and he’s the fucking softest, too. good god.
venom: the hunger the ultimate, the absolute. the thing packs a thematic punch. it actually explores the symbiote as an alien being. like, hints of hard sci-fi. it makes it take the best forms and make the best noises. it’s so fucking life-affirming. when it gets dark and gritty it does so with a purpose and stays goofy enough to stay true to venom. this is the iteration you want for the symbiote being genuinely strange, and terrifying, and beautiful, and loved.
hybrid SYMBIOTE RIIIIIIIGHTS. hybrid can be found in the second half of the “along came a spider” and “the hunted” books. the life foundation symbiotes are being tortured and experimented on, and one of the guards, my favourite host of all time, develops a problem with that, and... i love him, i love them. the shift in quality between these and the main stories is staggering. some warning...
spider-man family (2007) 1 venom super special two little one-shots from the symbiote’s perspective during the spider-man days. my weakness.
toxin i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: toxin is, or was, a god tier symbiote. this miniseries digs into a lot of previously unexplored potential, into how being a symbiote shapes a person. toxin’s just a great character. also a baby. literally.
venom: space knight flash becomes the symbiote’s friend and partner (in space), and there’s a whole new symbiote planet and culture as we explore the symbiote’s background... prematurely cancelled...
venom (2016) eddie and the symbiote are unarguably dual protagonists throughout this run and their development and relationship is at its core. we give an overly extended middle finger to the notion that symbiotes should be controlled and dominated and then it’s all about love, baby. special mention goes to issue 154, which is just slice of life and quiet reflection from the symbiote’s perspective.
venom: first host continuation of venom (2016), eddie and the symbiote raise their child and build a family - you already knew this, didn’t you? did you also know that this picks up the troubling running theme of heroes lobotomising symbiotes to use for their heroic ends and snaps it over its fucking knee?
amazing spider-man (2018) annual 1 another one-shot from the symbiote’s perspective during the spider-man days, but more elaborate, doing god’s work in clearing up the cartoon-imported misconception that the symbiote made peter Go Evil. really good.
superior carnage annual 1 focus on the carnage symbiote is a rare and incredible thing. anything that says “cullen bunn” on it you can trust with your life, symbiote-wise.
venom annual (vol. 2) 1 this one is very confusingly named because of trickery that is going on but it’s the “acts of evil” one, with lady hellbender. for one moment, venom is allowed to be garnet again.
marvel comics presents 5 listen, it’s the sexy symbiote one. i don’t think it’s an accurate representation of the eddie/symbiote relationship, but like. sexy symbiote.
savage avengers 1 - 5  there’s a symbiote in a jar! there’s a venom appearance! these two things are connected! not too much symbiote content, but it makes my heart soar.
absolute carnage: scream & scream: curse of carnage BRO. fucking fantastic. scream is brought back, made a character, and gets to explore all those classic symbiote themes, purpose, exploitation, family, protecting the vulnerable. cancelled suddenly and extremely prematurely. i won’t curse marvel out in this post but know i am cursing marvel out on the inside.
red goblin: red death the great blessing that is: more red! with norman, this time. working out... a partnership. being animalistic and highly intelligent and in control all at once.
symbiote spider-man more... more flashbacks... my power grows. technically sort of has two symbiotes in it but not really. Symby’s Fucking Pissed. i wouldn’t consider the sequel series symbiote content, though.
venom: dark origin 3 - 5 now, listen, you are not allowed to read this if you haven’t read the michelinie comics it’s based on, it is not a substitute, it is an alternate take, none of it is an accurate depiction of canon events. but. but! there is some goddamn juicy symbiote stuff in here.
edge of venomverse a number of alternate universe venom symbiotes that have bonded with different characters. special mention to issue 2, for gwenompool, and issue 5, for venompool. wade remains the most underappreciated host.
venomverse: war stories black panther: long live the king 6 in these issues you will find ngozi! she bonded with the venom symbiote after the black panther just kind of up and died and became the new one. they work well together and communicate and sometimes ngozi wears the symbiote as a gooey necklace right there out in the open and it gets me something awful.
venom 2099 the venom symbiote's characterisation eighty years in the future is heartbreaking, but it hurts so good. its host is a deeply compassionate teenage girl who also saves it from medical exploitation... i want more...
venom: the end i despise the thought of this being anything approaching canon, especially over venom 2099, but it’s fun as a thought experiment. the symbiote kind of... lives to see the end of all organic life, acts as its final protector, and becomes god. i don’t know why everybody wants it to become god these days! it’s just a little creature.
spider-gwen (2015) & spider-gwen: ghost spider & ghost-spider not technically a symbiote, the “venom” in this universe was engineered in a lab, but it is alive. it’s also the stereotypical Stuff What Makes You Evil, boosting your darkest impulses, and yet, the venom ends up being handled with far more care than you’ve come to expect from, like, anything.
spider-girl (1998) 5, 82 - 100 the original “hey, wait a second, isn’t symbiosis a two-way street? wasn’t eddie already an angry and broken man before meeting it? are we sure it isn’t the host that corrupts the symbiote?” take. an alternate universe featuring normie osborn as the symbiote’s host, also an underrated one.
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guardiandae · 4 years
Scarlet and Cerise 😎💕
scarlet; what are some of your special interests, and how long have you had each of those interests?
Deadpool/Cablepool - I wanna say it’s been... 8 years now? I went a long time ignoring it because it’s so intense, I will NOT shut up about Wade Wilson given half a chance, but after the movie was done well, it came back with a vengeance ;;;w;;; I’m so happy
One Punch Man - 4 years? It’s taken a sideline lately because my love for Cablepool is blinding, but it’s gonna come back. I haven’t even watched S2 yet though because I go through aversion phases.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - 19 years? This one is currently being actively ignored by me because it’s aged poorly and I don’t want to deal with people’s negative opinions on it, but it was such a HUGE part of my life and I still daydream about plots I never wrote. I used to be able to identify every single episode and name them based on Buffy’s hair/outfit. Don’t quiz me on it now though!
Writing - Since I was old enough to even craft stories. Literally everything I think about tends to be through the filter of writing.
cerise; tell me about one of your current hyperfixations/special interests/or just rant about what’s on your mind right now!
I’m working on my symbiote!Wade au again right now and I just. Cannot. Get over how goddamn cute he is and how much FUN it was to write the original fic. 
I started it before I even got that deep into reading Venom comics (and I think before I even got to watch Venom 2018) so my knowledge of symbiotes was kind of growing at the same time. I wanted to adapt Wade Wilson’s core characteristics/special abilities into a symbiote - (1. his healing powers 2. his inability to die/somewhat terrifying ability to become OP as fuck 3. his will-fall-for-anyone love and loyalty 4. his obsession with words and manic personality). 
I thought my Wade symbiote was super unique until I kept learning more and realized that like... it’s just Venom tbh and the only unique differences are that symb!Wade Cannot Be Tamed and Loves To Taste Words. Thassit. 
Arguably, Venom should be able to die ofc but since it’s comics, nobody with a readership ever stays dead. So the difference between comics!Symbrock and Wable would be that if they were both severely under attack, where the hosts were being injured and bleeding out, Eddie would be in danger because symmy is kind of limited with how much healing they can do and how quickly, and Wade would just be like, “lol” while Nate swears at him because Wade learned the ability to heal hosts rapidly to try to keep them from dying and never let them leave him. If you haven’t read Hello, Handsome yet, it’s honestly kind of a horrifying concept tbh. Wade is both adorable and terrifying.
The extra layer of fun is that, symbiote!Wade was left in isolation for so long that he completely forgot language. He’s severely touch starved, affection-starved and loves verbal stimming. It was really, really fun to basically rebuild Wade from the ground up, because the only words Wade even knows to begin with are whatever Nate says/thinks, and then Wade can echo those words back and start to build more complex sentences as he learns. So at first it was a challenge of conveying complex emotions while the character only has like, a ten word vocabulary. Even once Wade gets a better grasp of language, it’s still fun to have a character that has really strange ways of phrasing things sometimes, or deliberately pronounces things in weird ways, or just stops to play with mouth sounds.
"My name is Nate," he says, and it repeats him, testing his name out. "My daughter's name is Hope." As he expected, the symbiote delights in the 'p' sound in her name, drawing out the airy 'h' and the solid 'puh' at the end. It tastes like the color yellow.
Sidenote: Untouchable!Wade is also like this, because it’s so goddamn fun and also it’s me.
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Anger Issues
First proper movie of the year, and it’s Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn. Look, the DCEU is a dumpster fire, so much so that the WB has basically given up on it. They’ve started doing stand alone films as a way to recuperate their image and it’s kind of working. Shazam was fun as f*ck and Joker is rightfully getting so much buzz, it’s ridiculous. Even Aquaman was decent once it was released from the grimdark Snyder vision. Birds of Prey is not that. It is, at it’s core, a DCEU film. This thing might as well be called Suicide Squad but with chicks. It’s that ridiculous. But is it as bad as that? Let’s get into it.
The Great
The very best thing about this movie is f*cking Huntress. Bro, i LOVED Helena Bertinelli in this movie! Mary Elizabeth Winstead owned this part, one hundred percent! She was the MVP of this whole goddamn sh*t show but she sure as f*ck ain’t get MVP minutes! Huntress is in this thing for a grand total of ten minutes, man. It might be more, it might be less, but it definitely ain’t enough because she has NO time to shine! What little she gets, though, she kills! Talk about burying the lead, man. I understand that certain cuts needed to made in order to give the top-biller in Harley the god shots, but f*ck, dude. You can’t tease me with so much awesome and then just snatch it all away! F*ck you for that, movie. F*ck You!
The Good
This thing was cast incredibly well. I was on the fence with some of the announcements during development, but it came together nicely. There aren’t many weak performances and, overall, you can tell that everyone was having fun. There’s a lot of great chemistry among this group and i can see myself giving a proper BoP sequel a chance.
Margot Robbie is Harley Quinn. She embodies this chick like Ryan Reynolds embodies Deadpool, for the most part. She was my first pick going into SKWAD and it felt right seeing her in those hot pants. There were some issues i had with that character, mostly the vanishing accent, but she’s gotten much better since then an that growth shows here. It’s unfortunate that her character doesn’t grow in this two hour run time, especially considering how much time Harley gets onscreen.
Jurnee Smollet-Bell is probably the best Dinah Lance we’re going to get for a while. he was surprisingly adept at the part, even if everyone is butt-hurt that she was race-bent. Her Canary Cry was absolute sh*t but that was more the effects fault. Them sh*ts is cheap! Jurnee did a fantastic job as Black Canary and i wasn’t even mad she wasn’t rocking the fishnets while doing it. She kicks high.
Rosie Perez was an interesting choice for Renee Montoya but i knew she could be fantastic in the role if they gave her room to breathe. Perez could have brought that Puerto Rican heat to the role, and she did a few times, but not enough to make an impression. Again, that’s because this ain’t a Birds of Prey vehicle so all of the Birds had to kind of curtail their time in the camera, and overall character development, in order to make sure Harley got her face time with the audience. It’s kind of f*cked up and makes the movie less for it.
Black Mask was a goddamn spectacle! He’s smarmy, and arrogant, and flamboyant, and campy, and generally just brilliant. He’s one of the best villains of the DCEU, which ain’t saying much, but i can say just SO much about Ewan McGregor’s performance as Roman Sionis. His mask is stupid though. And he’s definitely Black Mask in name only. Still, for what this version is, McGregor delivers. If you’re curious what a closer interpretation of the comic character can be, check out Batman: Under The Red Hood. That’s a far more accurate representation of what Sidonis is supposed to be but I’m not mad what we got here.
Chris Messina as Victor Zsasz is okay. In the book, he’s out of his mine and ludicrously violent. Like, textbook psychopath crazy. In this, he’s still pretty f*cking nuts but he’s also wildly jealous and crazy possessive? I think that’s because of the insinuated relationship between he and Black Mask but you gotta read real heavy into that relationship to even broach that subject. Like, I‘m reaching with that statement but, for the most part, Messina does an admirable job of bringing this character to life.
The action scenes, outside of the awesome that is Huntress, is the real draw of this movie. Harley’s story is cliche and the Birds don’t get much time to develop so they’re kind of inconsequential but the action is superb. It’s, legit, John Wick levels of awesome most of the time. There is a lot of buzz about that jailhouse scene and it’s totally worth all the talk. That motherf*cker was spectacular!
The art direction is pretty amazing in here. This looks like how i think SKWAD wanted to look, but couldn’t because of Snyder grimdark nonsense. Like, if that trailer house had full reign to actually film that movie, BoP is what we might have gotten and it is a much better look for the type of movie these things are. Certain sets, like the funhouse and Sinonis’ club were awesome and the little flairs for characters were on point. The confetti beanbags were absolutely genius!
I would be remiss if i didn’t mention the costumes. Harley had a ton of costume changes, so much so a character mentions it in the middle of a fight, but i wasn’t mad. They all reflect her character and Margot Robbie is a helluva a Barbie to play dress-up with but so was Black Mask apparently. He had almost as many costume changes as Quinn and they were all amazing. I liked what they had Canary in, even if it wasn’t comic accurate and i absolutely adored what Huntress rocked in the beginning. All in all, pretty legit costuming, i must say.
Another one where the sound design is worth mentioning. The direction didn’t elevate this assblast of a movie but the sound design sure as sh*t did. There are a ton of punctuating songs and effects that give otherwise flaccid scenes, that extra Viagra boost to get them rock hard! It’s amazing what music can do for anything really. Throw a dope ass soundtrack behind constipation and you have a serenade that eases things up to drop that deuce. I say that because that’s how it feels watching this goddamn movie.
The Meh
Ella Jay Basco is probably the weakest part of this movie. She does an admirable job as Cassandra Cain for being so young but there are certain instance where you can tell this is her first big gig. She isn’t terrible by any means, there aren’t any terrible performances at all in this thing, but she was easily the weakest of the lot.
The liberties taken with the characters in this movie are interesting. I’m curious as to see where this version of Gotham can go and what these particular interpretations of such iconic Bat-Characters can go. I don’t think they are great as a direct representations, f*cking Cassandra Cain is a particular sore spot for me because i adore her in the books, but i can give her chance. I can give all of these characters a chance. I rather adored this version of Huntress. Ma might be my favorite one! Well, almost. I’m pretty partial to Helena Wayne but i digress. While i don’t particularly care for how these awesome women are represented in this flick, i can see the potential. There is a unique vision here that is worth seeing through.
The writing is so-so. I can’t say it’s bad because there is a lot of good in there, tons of interesting ideas, but the execution is real poor. Most of these scenes feel like, on paper, they were dope as f*ck. On screen, though? Just underwhelming. It’s like they couldn’t translate what they wanted or needed to film for one reason or another. I feel like that might have more to do with the direction, I’m getting to that, but the core of a flick is the writing. If you’re script ain’t on point, you’re movie can’t be and i can see how dull them pages were to begin with.
The direction in this thing is mediocre. Cathy Yan did a “meh” job with this thing. A lot of that might have been due to the script but a great director can elevate straight schlock. Look at James Cameron. Avatar is an ass of a film that rips of f*cking Ferngully but his vision got it Oscars and the number one, highest grossing, spot on the all-time list until Endgame murdered that sh*t. Yan did not elevate this schlock. They had to go back to reshoots and have Chad Stahleski touch up some stuff. Like, the best parts of this thing, the action scenes, weren’t even directed by Yan. I mean, they were at first, but this thing got screened by the execs ad all of that sh*t was tossed out. Stahleski made them things pop! No telling what else he touched up, or f*cked up, on his way out.
The Bad
This is not a Birds of Prey movie. This is a Harley Quinn vehicle with a Birds of Prey cameo. I can see what they wanted to do with this thing, backdoor origin story for one of Batman’s strongest supplementary teams, but with no Barbara Gordon as Oracle, it feels hollow. Especially considering that the Birds, themselves, have next to no screen time. I get that Harley is the money maker but this should have been a Gotham City Sirens film.
The continuity of this sh*t is dubious. It takes place in the old DCEU. It’s legit a sequel to Suicide Squad. Harley references that sh*t twice. I don’t know what that means going forward, but this Gotham ain’t that Gotham at all. It’s weird to see because you spend a good amount of time within the GCPD and no Bullock or Gordon; The latter of which we’ve seen already. It’s awkward the way WB has decided to play fast and loose with what sticks and what doesn’t. Joker is a stand alone and so is Shazam. The Batman is going to be a stand alone or it’s own franchise. Aquaman and Wondy are still in the DCEU continuity but i don’t know how long they will be, especially considering Wonder Woman’s solos are all prequels that have no ties to that Snyder depression exercise. It’s nothing to just pluck her out and add her to a much better executed cinematic universe. With Flashpoint all but confirmed, It feels like none of this matters. This one, for sure, doesn’t.
The plot is still stupid. The McGuffin is better since the reshoots because dick pics? Really? But the writing is still stupid. The whole center of the conflict is ridiculous and the resolution is just blergh.
The only thing worse than the plot is the pacing. This motherf*cker drags! There are entire scenes where nothing f*cking happens and it’s stupid. Most of the time, it’s the scenes with Harley. Her arc is just so f*cking pedestrian. It’s well acted, i said as much above, but it’s SO dumb and i kind of hate it.
This movie really hates dudes. Like, i get it, right? Respect. Recognition. Women deserve all of everything. Equality, feminism, yadda-yadda. I get it. There are ways to execute that perspective which are good. A decent writer would convey that by actually writing decent scenes, not just turning all of the men in the film into juvenile caricatures of chauvinism. I personally don’t care, I’m not a neckbeard typing with one hand while breathing heavily on my monitor in my ma’s basement, but i had to mention it because everyone is mentioning it and they have a point. This is glorified misandry at it’s finest but, you know, patriarchy or whatever. I don’t care. It didn’t take me out of the movie, the sh*tty plot did that, but it was interesting to see in person. It’s hard to justify this bullsh*t when Atomic Blonde exists.
So the gay-baiting. Like, really, dude? If you’re going to do it, go all the way. I read somewhere that Black Mask was supposed to have a homosexual relationship with Victor Zsasz but nah. None of that is expressed in any capacity. There might have been a line referencing it, maybe, but that could have been in regards to the violent outburst in the club the night before. Ambiguous because you gotta sell this thing in China! Renee Montoya is legit gay in the books and, other than a passing line early on, it never comes up again. I think that might be because of the distinct lack of characterization for literally all the Birds in their own f*cking movie, but still. That’s massive part of her character and no one talks about it. No one talks about any of the LBGTQ bullsh*t they pushed in the promotion.
All of this controversy does this flick a disservice. It doesn’t deserve all the hate it’s getting and it definitely doesn’t deserve all of the praise. This is not some super “GRRRL power”, kickass, gay-loving, action flick. It’s a mediocre break-up story that happens to have some interesting action set pieces but, ultimately, is inconsequential in the greater scheme of things. This is the Ant-Man of the DCEU. I spoke about this at length a few days ago and the nonsense that I was afraid was going to happen, is happening. No one wants to sh*t on this flick because of “Muh representation”. It’s a female lead, female directed, piece of sh*t. It is. But it’s a fun piece of sh*t and easily the best, of the worst, of the DCEU but it’s still a piece of sh*t. It’s not changing cinema, it’s not some great step forward in representation, and it’s not doing women in the industry a great service. It’s a quirky, violent, nonsense of a movie and should be judged as such. Again, Atomic Blonde is a much better example of ho to “GRRRL power” your way in the box office. Go watch that instead.
The ending to this thing feels rushed and super anticlimactic. I felt bad about it. Seriously. The way this movie resolves, after everything that took place, is just whack, man. It leaves you wanting, especially after how charismatic Black Mask turned out to be more than that, there’s no resolution. No one grows. Everyone is exactly where they were at the start of this f*cking thing. Like, what was the f*cking point? I can tell they wanted me to think that these chicks had grown into something more but did they really? Did we really see any growth out of any one of them not name Harley? Hell, even Harley is still the same motherf*cker! Like, for real, dude? Someone read that script and thought, “Okey-Dokey, this is good enough!” I just wanted to punch this movie in it’s face when it was over. Like, f*ck you, movie.
The Verdict
Birds of Prey is a bad movie. It’s gorgeous to look at, the costumes are amazing, and most of the performances are super strong. However, the plot is stupid, the pacing is on drugs, and the best parts of this flick get, like, no screen time to breathe. The Birds are guest stars in what, very obviously, is not their movie. This really should have been called “Harley Quinn and The Tiniest Bit of an Origin Story For The Birds of Prey” because that’s what it is. Technically, this should have been Gotham City Sirens to begin with but i ranted about that before. Margot Robbie is bad at picking movies to produce and she definitely produced this one. Got her unfortunate and inexperienced fingerprints all over it. Kind of doesn’t matter what should have been, though, this is what we got and this is a sh*t time, for sure. But, it can be fun at times. There is about as much to like as there is to hate especially if you’re open to being blue-balled when it counts. If that sounds like a party to you, check this thing out. If not, you can pass on it. That’s how meaningless this thing feels.
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somegoodsheith · 6 years
cinema concession stand worker keith who sees shiro coming in to the movies on endless dates, sad every time because shiro is obviously uninterested in him. except shiro annoys ALL of his friends because he keeps dragging them to the movies so that he can catch a glimpse of the cute concession stand guy
This prompt is seriously so sweet :D
I’m sorry again for writing in such slow pace! But I’m getting there, I promise! More will arrive in time.
I hope you enjoy it ^-^
Most of the time, Keith hated his job. Insane working hours; inconsistent work days; annoying people coming to the cinema, shouting, spilling popcorn or coke, talking too loudly or worse - talking to him.
There was only one guy he didn’t mind talking to. In fact, it was more than that - he wanted to talk to him, dreamt of it more times than he was willing to admit.
Ever since he saw him setting foot in Voltron Cinema for the first time, Keith had one big crush.
He discovered his name during one of the nights when he was the one to serve him directly and had to ask for his credit card.
Takashi Shirogane.
It was good to attach an actual name to the handsome face. Up until then, he called him The Japanese Angel, a name he had accidentally said out loud beside Pidge and Hunk and since, he didn’t get to live it down. At least they promised not to tell Lance. He had no choice but to believe them.
There was only one problem with the Angel from the far land of Japan. Each time he came around, it was with another person, male or female. Keith assumed they were all dates, and he hated each and every single one of them to the core. More than he hated screaming kids in the lines, more than he hated egocentric douchebags who thought they had the right to be rude just because they were paying customers.
No. Those who had the opportunity to be so close to Shiro (in one of the times he actually had the courage to ask him for his name, this is how he asked to be called), those who touched his shoulder, laughed with him, talked to him, went to the movies and back home with him - those were the real villains of his life.
But even they didn’t manage to budge that smile Keith had on his face every time he saw Shiro. Every time, his heart found itself speeding by his sight; his cheeks turned a darker shade of pink, and so did his ears, when the other man approached and asked for his regular - large popcorn and two lemon sodas.
What would he give to be the man who shares those with him.
But he couldn’t. He was just another concession stand worker. A man like The Japanese Angel would never date a man like him, a small Earthling with a red hat and an obligatory annoying slogan.
He was bound to be the audience, while others stole the show called Shiro.
Allura had no choice but to roll her eyes. Again. For the sixth time since they have arrived.
Shiro asked her to come to the movies again. Which should have been nice, since they were friends and some quality friendship time was usually a good thing.
Not tonight. Not when she saw it was Voltron Cinema, on a yet another Wednesday, or as she, Matt and every other person Shiro took with him knew it as: Keith the Cute Popcorn Guy Day.
Or, as she called in her head, Shiro’s Gotta Get Some Guts Already and Ask Keith The Cute Popcorn Guy Out Day.
The man beside her, a 25 year old buff with a promising close future as an astronaut, one of the smartest people she knew, was a total mess every single time they arrived there. It was always on Wednesday, despite the fact that she saw that concession worker working there much more - sometimes, as she heard, during a whole week - but Matt made her promise not to let Shiro know that.
She had no idea why she agreed to come again.
“Is he here? Do you see him?” Shiro asked her nervously.
“You’re taller than me, Shiro. You can see just fine.”
“I - I just wanna make sure which line I need to take to order from him.”
“Shiro. You already know he’s gonna be in the fourth stand to the right. He’s always there, as you so kindly mention every single time we’re here.”
Shiro looked over beyond the crowd, smiling to himself as he spotted the soft-looking mullet underneath the red Voltron hat. “He’s just… so cute, isn’t he? Look at him… he’s just… gorgeous. How can a man even be this handsome? Isn’t it cool that his eyes look purple sometimes?” he blabbed some more while ignoring Allura’s pained groans.
Then just beside Keith, he saw Matt’s sister.
Oh no.
“Shit. Pidge is here. She’s in the stand right next to him! She’s gonna make fun of me again just like the last three times I was here.”
If Allura could, she’d salute her for every single time. “Oh, relax. She’s harmless. Besides, it doesn’t seem to affect him that much.”
“She called me The Japanese Angel, Allura. Keith looked pretty shocked.”
“She’s just teasing. And think about it this way, you’re gonna be an astronaut. It kinda fits, in its own weird way.”
“Allura. Please. Distract her when I talk to him.”
“And how do you expect me to do that without delaying her entire line?”
Shiro groaned. Allura was right. She wouldn’t embarrass him in front of his hopeless crush again… Would she?
“Oh no. We’re getting closer.”
“That’s a good thing, Shiro. You’re getting closer to Keith.”
“Oh my god. Oh my - how do I look? Do I look like a normal person?”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
“No. No, I’m fine. I’ll be fine, I just - gotta play it cool. Gotta do it right. I’ll just go there and be… the three c’s.”
Allura looked at him like he talked in some alien language. “I know I’m gonna regret this question, but what are the three c’s?”
Shiro looked at her with determination flaming in his eyes. “Casual. Confident. Charming.”
“Oh lord.”
“What? You always tell me yourself to get some guts. This is me getting guts.”
She thought about it for a moment, and then nodded. “You’re right, Shiro. You can do it. Just be yourself and talk to him, and after a little conversation - just ask him out.”
“Yes! Yes. I will do that.”
“You can do this, Shiro!”
“I can do it! I will do! I - ”
“Welcome to Voltron Cinema, what would you like to order… Shiro?”
The beautiful voice cut through him like a knife. He looked at the man he didn’t even notice he reached, witnessing those beautiful purple-like eyes, those lips curling up right in the corners.
If Shiro didn’t turn red before, he sure did now.
“Ah… Um. I’d - I’d like - “
“The usual, large popcorn and two lemon sodas, right?”
His breath was stuck in his throat. He actually remembered that. “Yes. Yes, thank you.”
“Would you like extra butter on your popcorn, by adding thirty cents?”
“Um. Yeah. Thank you.”
A smile was flashed at him, and Shiro was sure he was going to turn blind by it one of these days.
As the other worked, Shiro could see him glance over from time to time. “So, what movie are you gonna watch this time? MCU?”
“Ah - yeah. Deadpool 2.”
Keith laughed. “Oh that movie is awesome. You’ll really enjoy it.” he nodded, then cleared his throat and got back to work.
Damn. It wasn’t him who was the three c’s, Shiro thought. It was Keith.
A big carton filled with hot, buttered popcorn, along with two glass bottles of lemon flavored soda, were all put in front of the taller man a moment later. “D-did you come with someone tonight?” Keith asked with a burst of courage.
Shiro continued to watch him with awe. “Um, yeah. I brought Allura, you know h-” he cut his own words when he saw she wasn’t there.
Shit. She abandoned him to battle on his own.
“Oh, she probably - waits somewhere in the back.” He tried to laugh it off.
“Mm… I see,” Keith said in an odd tone.
Shiro’s eyes widened. Was he… Was he jealous?
Was it really his confirmation? Was it the sign he needed in order to take that chance?
“So, um, Shiro, that popcorn and soda would be -”
“Keith,” he cut him off. When Keith didn’t continue, he gulped and finally found it in himself to continue. “Can I ask for your phone number?… Please?”
Keith’s eyes flashed like two stars. At first it made Shiro think again about what he asked for, maybe even apologize, but then - the younger man pushed a napkin into his hands. Shiro blinked, witnessing the adorable blush that appeared on the concession worker before him.
“E-enjoy the movie!” he said. “I’ll - see you around.”
Shiro didn’t even notice Allura was the one to take their food and drinks as he walked out of the line in a haze. Inside the crumpled napkin was written a phone number, along with a scribbled writing of the name Keith beside it. A tiny star was drawn, as well, and Shiro couldn’t help but smile.
What a good night it was.
What a good future it will bring.
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dracota · 5 years
On not seeing the new hellboy
Ooooh boy have I been thinking about this. Bit of a long rant.
And no cuts on mobile. Great.
I’ll start with the easy part. Del Toro & Perlman said their move was supposed to be three parts. The end of The Golden Army even set it up.
They also would not say WHY it was being held up.
Fast forward to Mignolas confusion as to why no one was realizing that this was a “new” Hellboy move. He seemed to avoid using the word reboot. Milla Jovovivh posted a ton about her part on instagram and then went suddenly silent about it.
During this Ed Skrein does the right thing by turning down a roll and then... more nothing.
Then suddenly there is news! Reboot is finally used as a discriptor! But... at this point I had started following Mignola on twitter because del Toro was talking about the movie. I am no longer following him on twitter. -_-
Mignola posted a link to an interview he did and all I got from it was that he didn’t understand how the control or rights worked. At all. Like he was shocked. He had no film rights and couldn’t handle it. The interview was in Vulture 4-12-2019 ((app linking not working for me))
It was as if he had never seen a book to film movie and considered maybe I should hold onto something.
I saw the trailer and it was jarring as fuck. No real reason for the movie that I could easily follow. Even though I have most of the comics.
I made the mistake of rereading the interview and reading another interview.
So now to me the movie is looking like a hard core member only movie for true fans.
And then David Harbor says his Hellboy can’t have sex possibly pisses off all the monster fuckers. Face meet desk.
And then Pearlman said his could.
I finally started looking into the movie more at right near the top of the wiki? It was originally planned as the third film but guess who didn’t want to let del Toro have much, if anything to do with it? Which considering the giant bridge destroying angel that looks a dead ringer for del Toros art & Doug Jones acting?
I am having trouble finding info on that.
I did see that an article in revenge of the fans from 3-25-2019 says del Toro didn’t want to work on it. And that that was how they got the rights. I call bullshit.
Film rights or options are not forever. Someone made the decision to delay the film so that the rights would expire.
So then the movie that had originally been a trilogy gets turned into a reboot that’s bombs.
And since they made it R so that takes out all the ticket sales from the under 18 crowd. Deadpool made a PG-13 version to pull in extra cash. But everything shows that it’s full of violence and grim dark with... not much else.
I adore Daniel Dae Kim but not even he cane get me into a theater for that crap.
Funny thing is, I think if they had just let del Toro & Pearlman make their third film and then do the reboot? It probably would have done better in theaters
There would have been no confusion. No promises from an uncomplicated trilogy. People would have known it was new and not the old.
To the death of a series.
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zillanewt · 6 years
Merc with a Trashmouth
Chapter One // Chapter Two // Chapter Three // Chapter Four
summary: Despite growing up in Derry together, the two boys went down two very different paths. Richie is the world’s most notorious mercenary and assassin, while Eddie is none other than New York’s sweetheart - the literal poster boy for bringing justice to baddies without unaliving them. This is the self-indulgent spideypool!reddie au that literally nobody asked for.
pairing: reddie
words: 2.5K
warnings: non-graphic violence, mentions of child abuse, self-esteem issues
A/N: aye thank you so much to everyone who has liked, read, and sent nice things!! i have expanded on Richie’s backstory for your reading pleasures. I hope this doesn’t suck too bad!! Please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!
Most people tended to have more welcoming reunions with their childhood friends, but Eddie?
There was going to be none of that nonsense if he could help it.
When they came to Eddie’s apartment window, Eddie immediately flung Richie off his back and into the apartment the minute the window was open. The other’s back hit the hardwood floor with a cracking thud, followed by a groan. Richie began to wriggle his body on the floor, as he tried to lift his upper half up.
“Wow, you don’t gotta be so rough, Eds,” he coughed, hissing in pain when he moved some delicate spots. There was definitely going to be a little bit of bruising on his back tomorrow morning. “You’ve already proved how strong and sexy you are.”
In response, Eddie slammed the window shut and drew the curtains, before ripping his mask off. He was just as gorgeous as Richie knew he was going to be, but seeing it in person made something deep in Richie’s heart ache. Despite all that beauty, Eddie’s wasn’t laughing or even smiling. In fact, he looked pissed. Not the fun kind of shut-up-Richie pissed, but rather the I’m-going-to-kill-you-if-you-don’t-start-giving-me-some-explanations kind of pissed.
“Is everything a joke to you, Rich?” Eddie snapped. He stood with his arms crossed and his mouth pulled into a tight line. Richie would almost find Eddie’s angry stance adorable if it weren’t for the fire in the man’s dark brown eyes. When Richie didn’t answer, Eddie sighed, confliction running across the features on his face. Tiredly, he rubbed his eyes with his palms.
“Do you know the kind of person you are, Rich? A murderer. I shouldn’t even have you in my apartment right now!”
Richie cocked his head to the side, sitting with his legs crossed on the floor.
“That’s the issue?” he asked, incredulously.
Eddie scoffed, glancing at Richie wide-eyed. “There are so many issues right now, Rich! That’s only one of them!”
Slowly, Richie stood up and dusted imaginary dirt off himself, then took a step closer to Eddie, who only cautiously stepped back.
“News flash!” Richie said with a raised voice. “Not everyone is New York’s goody-two-shoes perfect pretty boy! What I do with my life is really none of your business!”
Suddenly, the room, as well as Eddie, went completely cold. Any chance Richie had of reconnecting with his old friend was automatically gone.
“Why are you here, Richie?” he said coldly. “What do you want from me? Are you here to kill me? Because you know I could kick your fucking ass. I think prison orange would be a nice color for you.”
There was a heavy lump in his throat at the idea of Richie even trying to hurt him, but this was probably reality now. His childhood best friend was a cold-blooded killer, not the dorky kid in coke bottle glasses and ugly Hawaiian shirts. Every instinct was telling him to trap Richie in the apartment and call the police, but something deep in his heart kept him from doing it. He needed to know why Richie was like this.
Richie rolled his eyes, which Eddie was really surprised he could see through the mask. The man crept closer to Eddie, causing his spidey senses to go off like alarm bells, but he simply couldn’t bring himself to move.
“You’re a mutant, not immortal, Baby Boy.” He leaned into Eddie’s ear and whispered, “If I wanted to kill you, I would’ve.” Richie couldn’t help but smirk when he noticed all the hairs on Eddie’s neck stand up and his breathing growing heavier and ragged.
Then, he immediately stepped out of Eddie’s personal space and deadpanned, “Plus, why would I tell you my name and cut off my arm to get you to talk to me if all I want to do was kill you?”
Logistically, Richie was right. Eddie knew it. This night got even more annoying, because Richie Tozier, and therefore Deadpool, was right of all people! He should’ve left Richie and his weird baby stuck to that roof!
“I’m tired of having your blood all over me,” he stated simply. “So, you’re gonna sit patiently on my couch, while I go change in the bathroom. When I come back, I expect some explanations.”
“Ooh! Bossy! I like that, Eddie Spaghetti.”
As he exited the room, Eddie flipped Richie off, leaving him to his own devices in the living room. Richie would be a saint to not snoop!
There wasn’t much to Eddie’s apartment. It was tidy, as one might expect it to be. Honestly, Richie was surprised he hasn’t found a single bottle of Germ-X yet. Textbooks and lab reports were strewn all over the floor, suggesting that Eddie sure has more going for him than Richie does.
On Eddie’s desk, he had two framed photos on the desk. One of the Losers Club in the summer of 1989, a couple years before Richie moved. Young Eddie was squished in between Richie and Beverly, who were both trying to tickle Eddie, because damn! He was so fun to annoy back then. Young Richie seemed so happy, and he figures it was probably the happiest he had been all summer because God knew he was never happy at home. Richie almost hated looking at his younger self, because it was a physical manifestation of somebody who will never exist again, physically and in spirit.
The other photo is one of the woman from Eddie’s file. Richie can’t stop staring, not because she’s beautiful, but rather because he knows this woman be somebody very important to Eddie. Richie felt a pang of guilt in his heart at being in this apartment. This apartment was probably where Eddie kissed, dined with, slept with, and had sex with this woman, and Richie clearly didn’t belong in this sacred space. He didn’t belong in Eddie’s life, period.
He didn’t even hear Eddie pad into the living room, dressed in sweatpants and an old Guns N Roses t-shirt. Eddie cleared his throat, startling Richie.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Eddie said awkwardly.
“I suppose,” Richie shrugged. “Who is she?”
Richie couldn’t help but notice that Eddie was pointedly avoiding eye-contact with him.
“Ex-fiance,” he said bluntly, sitting down on the couch.
“What happened?”
The room was uncomfortably silent for a minute. Immediately, Richie wanted to abort mission, because he knows he made Eddie uncomfortable. What if she tragically died or something?
Quietly, Eddie mumbled something Richie couldn’t hear, but he could see him blushing (and still avoiding eye-contact).
“I’m sorry?”
“She found out I don’t swing for the home team, if you uuhhhhh…..catch my drift,” Eddie mumbled, just slightly louder. “We’re still good friends, so I haven’t found the need to remove the picture.”
Without being able to control himself, Richie softly started laughing, because oh my god! He was worried about invading this “sacred space” not five minutes ago, and now he finds out Eddie is not a heterosexual. Despite losing an arm, this night is going the best route it possibly could’ve.
But Eddie, being as sensitive as he always was, assumed Richie was laughing at him. His face grew hot and he wanted to throw up because this was not the response he expected.
“Screw you, Richie!” he spat, getting up off the couch.
Richie controlled his giggling long enough to grab Eddie by the wrist before he could leave.
“I’m not laughing at you, Eddie,” he confessed. “I’m laughing because I was feeling guilty being in you and your girlfriend’s apartment, but I realize that was dumb now.”
Visibly, Eddie relaxed, then took his seat on the couch again. Everything in his face grew softer, and his eyes were open and understanding as he took Richie’s hand in his.
“What happened to you, Rich?” he breathed, tears in his eyes. “I wondered and worried about you for the last ten years. How did you get to this point? Why do you still have that stupid mask on?”
Eddie wasn’t dumb. He knew if Richie hadn’t taken off his mask by this point, then there was an obvious reason. It slightly hurt Richie didn’t completely trust him, but could anybody blame him? Ten years was a long time.
Richie played with Eddie’s fingers like he would as a kid when they thought nobody was looking. The familiarity slightly sickened and excited him.
“Why do you wanna see my face so bad, Eddie? You wanna kiss me?” he joked, trying to avoid the real subject.
“It’s nothing you want to see, Eddie Spaghetti. Let’s just move on.”
Unwillingly, Eddie relented and dropped the subject of Richie’s mask, but that didn’t mean he’d let go of everything else.
“Fine. Why are you here?”
The doe-eyed look Eddie was giving him almost made Richie wanted to cry because he literally never deserves to be looked at like that with those eyes.
“Some drug lord approached me with a hit on you, but I refused. I just wanted to make sure they didn’t hire some other doofus that I’d have to kill.”
Eddie let out a breathy, incredulous laugh, gazing at Richie like he was the most fascinating person in New York City. The sound warmed Richie to his core, and he knew he was fucked. He knew that if he stayed any longer in Eddie’s apartment with Eddie, he’d never want to leave.
“You came all the way out to New York to make sure I was ok? Richie, that’s surprisingly sweet, considering it’s you.”
Richie playfully shoved Eddie, who let out a little giggle that Richie could listen to for the rest of his life. They silently sat together, comfortably giggling and enjoying each others company.
When the laughter died down, the atmosphere took a very sobering turn, as Richie swallowed a lump in his throat in order to continue. He could feel tears in his eyes.
“When we left,” he breathed very quietly, “Maggie and Wentworth would never stop fighting. Nobody in the neighborhood would talk to me because they could all hear the shouts and glass breaking at night. Sneaking out at night became a better option than hanging around and waiting to get hit with an empty whiskey bottle.”
The room was still, as Eddie was silently hanging onto Richie’s every word. He was gripping Richie’s hand tighter because subconsciously, he was terrified of letting Richie go. Tears that matched the other’s began to well in eyes.
“I met this guy who gave me my first gun - this little Glock. Truthfully, I should’ve just buried that gun in the backyard or something, because I had absolutely no reason to have one at all. Well, all I had at that point in my life was anger towards my parents and that dumb little gun.”
Richie went uncharacteristically quiet then, swallowing thickly. Eddie could only imagine what Richie’s eyes must look like right now. Were they sorrowful? Or rather, were they the eyes of a frightened child who made a mistake?
“One night, a mixed of teenagers and adults were all in an abandoned parking lot, drinking, when this guy kept teasing me about the dumb fucking glasses on my face, of all the stupid things. Naturally, the rest of them started egging me on to do something about it. Honestly, I just wanted to be left the fuck alone, because I had gotten in the wrong path of a Jack Daniel’s bottle earlier. Neither side would shut the fuck up and it was escalating to a physical level, so pulled out my Glock. Shot the guy in the leg. Nobody could actually believe that I did it. I love the release -- the rush! -- I felt from it, so much so that I became ‘the guy that will shoot you if you cross him.’ And the rest? Well, you’d be surprised the kind of things people will pay a trigger happy person to do.”
When it all came out, Richie felt as if he could breathe. Surprisingly, Eddie’s hand was still gripping his. Still, he was almost scared to glance over and see the other’s reaction. But, this is like a highway pileup situation, where you simply just can’t look away, no matter how horrific. So, he looked out of the corner of his eyes.
Eddie was crying. There were tear tracking down his face, glittering in the light of the New York skyline.
That’s the one thing he didn’t want to do - make Eddie cry.
He’d much rather have Eddie be disgusted and angry with him, treating him like he was the Son of Satan.
But no. The guy was crying silently and gently as if felt hurt for Richie, a masked murderer.
“I knew you hated it at home, but I didn’t think it was that bad,” he muttered, wiping away tears. “I should’ve tried harder to be there for you. I should’ve called or wrote or something. I was literally the worst best friend ever.”
No. No. No. Richie did NOT want Eddie to blame himself for this because he knew if he did, then the guy would carry guilt (that wasn’t his!) forever. If he remembers one thing correctly, it’s that Eddie carries guilt as if it’s one of his vital organs, meaning he refuses to part with it. It’s what made Sonia Kaspbrak so successful at being a manipulative mother.
Richie grabbed Eddie’s face with his hands, turning it towards his still masked face. His eyes were wide in shock, and Richie kinda wished he could drown in those big brown pools right now.
“Dude, I chose to shoot people. Literally, none of it is your fault. You’re not a terrible friend, but you are dumb if you think you could’ve stopped me.”
Once again, the room was silent, as Eddie attempt to search Richie’s masked face for any dishonesty, only being disappointed when he realized he can’t read anything from a mask. He reached for the seam on Richie’s neck.
Richie immediately jumped away from the touch, putting a considerable distance between him and Eddie. He wishes he hadn’t when he sees the hurt look in Eddie’s eyes.
“You don’t trust me?” Eddie sniffled.
Of course, Richie trusted Eddie. He just didn’t trust himself to be able to handle Eddie’s reaction.
Instead of voicing this, he chose to just rip the band-aid off and take his mask off so Eddie would stop looking at him like that.
“I’m still hotter than your mom,” Richie half-joked, as he sat there, bare to Eddie, who did not vomit.
These were good signs.
Gently, Eddie reached out to run his hands over the scarred skin, feeling the uneven texture and scabs. He retracted his hand when Richie let out a hiss.
“It must be sensitive,” Eddie mumbled.
“Pretty ugly, right?” Richie said in a self-deprecating tone.
Eddie vigorously shook his head, forcefully grabbing Richie’s face in his hands. He was wearing a stubborn look on his face, and Richie knew this wasn’t a battle he was going to win.
“I like this better,” he confessed. “I like being able to see your eyes. Did you get contacts? They’re nice, dumbass.”
Richie just stared at Eddie in shock, which Eddie absolutely loved seeing in his eyes. He hated trying to communicate with Richie through that dumb mask.
“By the way,” Eddie started, stifling a laugh, “you were pretty ugly when we were kids too.”
Finally, Eddie left out his laugh, which Richie couldn’t help but join in on.
Maybe, he was meant to find Eddie after all.
taglist:  @eds2fannypacks, @welctothelosersclub, @its-stranger-than-you-think, @reddiietoship, @richietoaster, @hickey-richie, @dandeliontozier, @kaspbrck, @yalocalemo, @hearteyes-m, @petebparker, @jinglejamie, @anemoee
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comixconnection · 6 years
Counter Monkey John Arminio reviews ‘Mister Miracle’ #5
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Now that Entertainment Weekly has declared Mister Miracle “Best Series” in it’s 2017 comic book roundup, it seems Jack Kirby’s vaunted Fourth World has gone... mainstream? So why do I need to add my voice to the avalanche of acclaim to Tom King and Mitch Gerads’s revolutionary take on the DC universe’s greatest escape artist? Heck, why do I need to offer yet more praise to the body of work of both Tom King and Mitch Gerads, whose comics I have already gushed with prolix prose and conversation about how much I adore them? Because Mister Miracle deserves it, that’s why. It’s a book that is creating an entirely new vision of a character while paying homage to his legendary creator. It celebrates in nostalgia while making it clear that such an outlook could have a deleterious effect on our psyches if we continue to gaze backwards. It comments on the metatextual nature of Mr. Miracle and of incorporating the intellectual property of an artist and creator whose own intellectual property was frequently co-opted while he was alive, yet is, at its core, a story about love, family, and how we combat despair. The is real deal comics.
(Image from Mister Miracle #1)
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What immediately separates King and Gerads’s Mister Miracle from anything Kirby did is how restricted the movements of the characters are and how they are so confined by the panels we find them in. There is no room for the hyper-exaggerated poses or trademark Kirby Krackle that made Jack Kirby’s work so distinctive and dynamic. Much of the current series in structured in a ridged panel grid system, trapping the characters in an unvarnished, harsh reality with no escape (even for an escape artist). When the grid system is abandoned for a looser page setup, the images are still frequently dominated by close-ups and faces, the depressed or angry expressions of the characters telling much of the story thanks to Gerads’s incomparable facial renderings. We as readers are as trapped with the inescapable rage and angst as these characters, contained in their emotional myopia. It’s a harrowing experience, one made all the more desperate when it’s Mister Miracle, Scott Free himself, who is the trapped individual we are reading about. The greatest escape artist is trapped in this 12-issue story arc, riding to its inevitable conclusion.
Issue #5 opens with Scott Free, in full Mister Miracle garb, standing in front of a Grauman’s Chinese Theater-esque movie house, putting his own hands in the handprints, immortalized in concrete in front of the theater, of Jack Kirby himself. Later, resting on a hill with his wife Big Barda, Scott will pontificate on the nature of existence, God, and the “I Think Therefore I Am” philosophy of Rene Descartes. We have Scott putting his hands in those of his own creator, then, while reflecting with the woman he loves more than anything in the Universe, if he even exists; if anything exists. It’s an incredibly poignant moment, made all the more powerful by the fact that Kirby created the Fourth World and the New Gods as a means to ask those questions of himself.
This collision of meta-commentary and genuine, heartfelt emotion is something I would never have expected in... any narrative. Sure, we have Deadpool breaking the fourth wall and Christopher Nolan has used some of his non-Batman films (The Prestige and Inception in particular), to comment on the process of filmmaking itself, but those examples are usually an end unto themselves and tend to lack any emotional connection to the audience. I am hard-pressed to think of such synchronicity in which a story is using the medium of its own specific storytelling to comment on the medium and the story itself, WHILE being a compelling and heartbreaking narrative all at the same time. It brings to mind Shakespeare’s “All The World’s A Stage” monologues or Dante writing The Divine Comedy about ascending to Paradise all the while banished from his native home and an enemy of his church. Fitting, that the family dynamics of Mister Miracle are downright Shakespearean and the war of the New Gods is comparable to that between Heaven and Hell.
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And even with all of that lofty presentation and historicity, both in the real world and in the Fourth World, Issue #5 resonates most powerfully as a love story between a husband and wife, a couple who love and depend on one another as fully when they are playing carnival games as when they are combating the innumerable parademon legions of Apokolips. Mister Miracle and Big Barda (can I call them “Bardacle?”) are a fascinating and unique couple, especially in comics, where stable, fulfilling marriages are rare. Jack Kirby purportedly modeled their marriage after his relationship with his own wife, and it manifests with a spirit of equanimity and trust. Free and Barda fully depend upon one another when they need to, have faith in each other’s emotions and motivations, and those aspects are mined by King and Gerads and made even richer and more fulfilled in this story. This Mister Miracle series is not an all-ages book and, since the physical relationship between any married couple is an essential part of a healthy relationship, it represents the sex life of Bardacle in an honest, funny, heartwarming, and even tasteful way. The height disparity between Scott and Barda is evident but never played for laughs. Instead, it is a charming aspect of their relationship; part of what makes their marriage unique. Issue #5 allows us to explore how perfect these two New Gods are for each other and how intimate and human their marriage really is.
Of course, this being a book by Tom King and Mitch Gerads, these moments of bliss are few and far between, tragically constructed to make us feel the full, desperate force of the despair to follow. In Issue #4, Scott Free was sentenced to death by his own step brother, Orion, for daring to question his leadership abilities in the New Gods’ war against Apokolips. Thus, Issue #5 functions as a sort of “Last Night On Earth” for our illustrious couple, at least before Scott is dragged away by the denizens of New Genesis to see his sentence carried out. When this finally occurs, every scene previous becomes more powerful and poignant in retrospect; the debates about existence, the stubbornness in the face of pointless carnival games, the last time the couple would make love; it all coalesces in a beautiful statement on how these two people love each other and why. Why, amid all the fighting and pain they have experienced in their lives, they are still willing to endure anything for each other, to go to war for each other. Now, that war has come home and woe to anyone who seeks to tear them apart.
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classicmarvelera · 6 years
Wolverine movies: Quintessential Marvel
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Hardly a year goes by in which comic book readers and super hero fans are served with 3-4 superhero movies on a silver platter. The success of MCU’s phase 1 and DCEU’s Dark Knight Trilogy expanded the base of Superhero movie fans around the world. Thanks to movies that were released then, Superheroes found a wider acceptable audience i.e. the Gen X that grew up reading superhero comics only to see their dreams fulfilled along with their children
They have now been succeeded by millennials, a generation born in or after 1980. Never before Superheroes genre has enjoyed such a mass acceptance but as is usually the case, there have been some negative outcomes, which are detrimental to the source material whose ultimate existence depends on the success of their silver-screen adaptations
The tragedy has been that what started out as a promising project has deteriorated significantly in terms of quality content, one that projects core values of super heroism on to the silver screen. Post-Nolan DCEU is trying to redefine core characteristics of a super hero but the problem is that this job is better done by a comic book writer rather than a movie director. In MCU, there is a deliberate attempt, in the name of appealing to Millennials, to maximize ticket sales by creating content that is comedic, loaded with cheap thrills and just too painful to watch. The only things that transcend from comic book to silver screen in MCU are characters, name of a successful story-arc and that’s it. The true essence of the characters that were shown by DCEU’s Nolan, Sony’s Raimi, 20th Century Fox’ Singer and MCU Phase 1 (notable mention Captain America: The Winter Soldier from Phase 2) has been forgotten by the production houses 
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Enter: The Wolverine
While the superhero movie genre went through the change, within it, one movie series remained consistent in its approach towards a character. It didn’t abandon the standards that were set by 1st batch of superhero movies, it’s team gave credence to source material and re-imagined it for the silver-screen without damaging the character’s equity. The movie series is Wolverine and the man who deserves most credit for it is James Mangold 
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The spin-off movie series was a dream come true for die-hard Wolverine fans. After all, he was the character that saw the most success with his limited series and on-going series more than any X-Men character and way before Deadpool. In fact, there is no character in MU who was introduced as part of a team but who landed with a series of his own whose success continued for decades thanks mainly to writers like Chris Claremont and Larry Hama which explains why the content produced for all 3 parts resulted in one hit movie after another only to end up with Logan that might end up winning an Oscar 
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Gavin Hood took Wolverine’s rogues gallery to a new level especially with Sabretooth, played masterfully by Leigh Schrieber. Hiring Ryan Reynolds to play Deadpool is proving to be the best decision time and time again. Even Gambit was awesome and James Mangold did the same with Madame Hydra, Silver Samurai, X-23 and The Reavers
Secret to Success: The Marvel (Comics) Approach
“...because even though they’re heroes, they’re still human” 
- Stan Lee  
Yes heroes are vulnerable in MU. They are not loved or adored by their community. Their life changes for the worse after they’re exposed to super-human or mutant powers and deep down inside, the struggle of a superhero in MU is relatable to our lives in some way or another
In case of Wolverine, it is more about Logan who has flashbacks in the form of nightmares about his past which he can’t seem to recall because of countless experimentation.It is his painful journey which is his life that drags on whereas he wishes to be free from it. Maybe that’s why he’s selfless when it comes to saving others, it’s not just about his healing factor, it’s something bigger, something greater; for him it’s more about sacrificing oneself for the innocent than it is about justice and the plight of the innocent is his reason for vengeance against those who he knows are out there to provoke his beastiality, his berserker rage, to make him lose it by exploiting the innocent to which he responds again and again: 
“I will bring you down I will make you hurt”
- Trent Reznor
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But Logan isn’t successful all the time. His enemies get the best of him, as they did with Silver Fox. Nothing exemplifies life’s torment metaphorically than Wolverine’s story and to the credit of comic book writers, they preserved the main theme of Logan’s life flawlessly, all the way from Chris Claremont to Mark Millar
What makes a Superhero Movie successful?
Comic books in the US have a rich history. They have told some of the greatest stories. To channel them to silver screen requires a Director to add value by mixing stories with common threads and other media components that add value to the portrayal of the character and their defining stories 
For example, it is hard for a reader to imagine which song exemplifies a given situation within a comic book panel nor is it possible to have a separate  bubble or a box to force a reader into imagining a particular song playing in the background. It takes superb direction to lead to that. We all saw Logan’s trailer and felt as if the song “Hurt” was actually composed for Wolverine more than anyone  
A movie director can select which stories have common thread and how 2 or 3 great stories can be combined to deliver 160 minutes of masterpiece provided that the stories aren’t tempered with, beyond repair
The approach that made earlier superhero movies successful remains valid to this day. Thank You James Mangold for giving us a movie series, one for the ages
Classic Marvel Reading List for Wolverine movie series:
Essential Wolverine Vol. 3
Wolverine (Limited Series Collection by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller)
Old Man Logan 
Death of Wolverine
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callmederok · 4 years
All Answered: Get to Know Me
Get To Know Me Questions
1. What is your full name? 
Daniele P. 
2. What is your nickname? 
3. What is your zodiac sign?  
Leo but i was born like 15 minutes before the beginning of the Virgo..so in theory, i’m both with Taurus as ascendant 
4. What is your favourite book series? 
The Witcher
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? 
Alien, yes but merely because it’s statistically impossible that we’re the only sentient beings in this galaxy/universe 
6. Who is your favourite author? 
Giacomo Leopardi? Giovanni Verga? Pirandello? I can’t choose
7. What is your favourite radio station? 
does Youtube count as radio station? XD
8. What is your favourite flavour of anything? 
Not sure, i’m addicted to salmon sushi, to BBQ-ed chicken meat, to cream ice-creams...i can’t decide...it depends on my mood
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? 
Incredible or Cool u.u
10. What is your current favourite song? 
Favourite love song: Nothing Else Matters (Metallica)
Favourite funny song: Resurrection by Erection (Powerwolf)
Favourite song in general: Last Ride of the Day (Nightwish)
Favourite game OST: Price of Freedom (FF7 Crisis Core - Takeharu Ishimoto)
Favourite cover song: Komm, Susser Todd singed by Marina Rios 
11. What is your favourite word? 
12. What was the last song you listened to? 
At the moment i’m writing this i’m listening to The Price of Freedom (read Question 10)
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? 
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (i don’t watch much TV) and Futurama(i grew up with their humour) 
14. What is your favourite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? 
Deadpool...but i don’t watch it very often...i’m more of an “i listen to music when i’m down” kind of guy
15. Do you play video games? 
It’s my life...
16. What is your biggest fear? 
Dying alone without accomplishing nothing? Being stuck in a place? Death by choke?
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? 
i don’t think I’ve something like that...maybe i’m not needy(i am maybe, but i don’t throw tantrums when my needs aren’t met…)
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? 
My inability to speak about my feelings...
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? 
Dogs, i love cats...but my dog is so loyal that he protected me even from my parents( i mean, once i broke my left leg and my dog was always suspicious around everyone even when mom used to bring me a meal XD)
20. What is your favourite season? 
Late Spring(basically May and June)
21. Are you in a relationship? 
HAHAHAHAHAHAH...i crave love...but i don’t think i’m mature enough to be worthy to have someone in love with me…
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? 
My ignorance...it’s something i hate and yet i miss it...everything felt so good for being such a garbage fire…
23. Who is your best friend? 
My dog, Jack
Sorry guys, but he the best friend’s position in my heart will always be occupied by my adorable little doggo <3 it’s one of the few things in my life that cheers me up a little...
24. What is your eye colour? 
25. What is your hair colour? 
26. Who is someone you love? 
I don’t even know if i ever felt love... i simply don’t have enough social interactions to even begin to understand the idea of feeling in love and feel loved...depressing but realistic, i never being invited to parties or events or whatever and i was bullied enough(with awful pranks) be scared of school trips...so always alone
27. Who is someone you trust? 
Not even myself...recently i’m beginning to learn that my memory mixes stuff up very often (or that my family is lying straight to my face...and i don’t know what i hate the most...the fact that maybe all i remember is a lie, or my family lying to me because they’re trying to guilt-shaming me for things they did but blaming me for those things…)
28. Who is someone you think about often? 
My own past self...that poor bastard...
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? 
Not really…
30. What is your biggest obsession? 
My life? I’m obsessed about it...because no one cares to fix it or help me to fix it...i mean...i asked my father to teach me how to drive recently...because i’m still feeling ready...now that i’m almost 26...he didn’t even bother to answer me...my younger brothers said no directly..because they’ve jobs and girlfriends and friends...classic young-adult life...and mom is too scared to teach me…
31. What was your favourite TV show as a child? 
Futurama...and still is u.u
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? 
No friends = No one to talk to...
33. Are you superstitious? 
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? 
I don’t think so...i mean fear of choking is normal...fear of being without air, fear of being stuck somewhere small = Claustrophobia...very usual to me…
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? 
Behind it...i’m not photogenic at all
36. What is your favourite hobby? 
Music, Videogames and Comics
37. What was the last book you read? 
Do fanfictions 50 chapters long count as a book?
38. What was the last movie you watched? 
Evangelion 2.22
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? 
No instruments...i mean a little of flute but i’m not good, I’ve no rhythm, i’m clumsy with my hands... i suck, harsh but honest opinion...and i never liked the flute...i’m better with my voice but it’s not an instrument...in theory
40. What is your favourite animal? 
41. What are your top 5 favourite Tumblr blogs that you follow? 
Not gonna tell ;P
42. What superpower do you wish you had? 
Not-aging and immortality...pretty much like Konoe Touta in UQ Holder(a comic) so i could try to fix my life at my own speed
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? 
In the woods...i like green, it’s relaxing and at the beach...i love the sound of the waves, it’s also relaxing…
44. What makes you smile? 
Puns? Jokes? Memes? Nothing in my life makes me smile, don’t send me some net-positivity bullshit, you either send me money or a hug in real life, i don’t care for a bunch of random people telling me bullshit like “it’s gonna be fine!” because it pisses me off sooo much, you’re just showing off, for the sake of feeling good with yourself! It’s the theory of Evolution! It’s bloody Darwin pal! For you to succeed someone has to fail...it means that everytime life is going fine for someone, for someone else life is gonna be a nightmare! Am I Cynical? Probably, am i depressed and pessimistic? Hell Yeah! my point of view is also realistic, it doesn’t sound like a fairy tale...it’s harsh and horrible but honest and realistic
If you’re a depressed person reading this, if you want to improve your life, take everything from those who ruined your life, bite them, take them down, destroy them, ruin their existence as they did it to you! 
45. What sports do you play, if any? 
Never played sports...my father was too happy to have three kids(my brothers) interested in soccer, while i hate that sport...it’s just 22 morons chasing a ball, no real strategy, no real challenge, I’d like to play it, at the park, with people, but never watch it...it’s just boring
46. What is your favourite drink? 
Cold Tea? 
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? 
Don’t remember...probably a diary ...i gave up when someone stole it, read the stuff inside and got beaten and mocked for the stuff i wrote...that’s how toxic masculinity begins...that’s why men prefer to keep everything inside...we get insulted and humiliated for being sensitive, for having dreams and emotions, get beaten and mocked for sharing those things...at least inside us it’s safer than any other place..
48. Are you afraid of heights? 
I’m afraid of falling from those heights..but i love high places...i love the view
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? 
Waiting for people...and then discovering that the wait wasn’t worth it...i hate when i feel i wasted my time(who is worth nothing but it’s still my time)
50. Have you ever been to a concert? 
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? 
Happily No...i love veggies and meat equally, u.u
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? 
Astronaut first, then doctor, then chef...then just a random worker...like my dad, wealthy enough to take my family somewhere nice during summers...and what am i now? a failure...
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? 
I know too many fictional worlds to decide u.u
54. What is something you worry about? 
My life, it’s my obsession after all
55. Are you scared of the dark? 
My fear is about being clumsy in the dark...but other than that...i’m cool in the dark.
56. Do you like to sing? 
57. Have you ever skipped school? 
A couple of times...
58. What is your favourite place on the planet? 
The Philippines maybe...naaah, it’s Naples, where i was born...
59. Where would you like to live? 
Where i live now...but with more friendly people...
60. Do you have any pets? 
A dog...
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? 
Night Owl...
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? 
63. Do you know how to drive?
Nope...read above, i already touched this argument...
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? 
65. Have you ever had braces? 
66. What is your favourite genre of music? 
Rock and Metal
67. Who is your hero? 
I don’t have heroes...anymore...they tend to disappoint…
68. Do you read comic books? 
69. What makes you the angriest? 
The hypocrisy of people and when people make shit up out of nothing(like theories without proofs)
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? 
I don’t care how i read something...the important thing is reading something.
71. What is your favourite subject in school? 
Literature and English
72. Do you have any siblings? 
3 younger brothers...cool guys...but we’re emotionally far from each other...we don’t look alike...we have different hobbies(although similar) we like different kinds of people...
73. What was the last thing you bought? 
A game on sale...
74. How tall are you? 
1.80 m
75. Can you cook? 
Barely but yes...
76. What are three things that you love? 
My Dog, my brothers(although i feel it’s not mutual...for really for them i would go in jail or hell for them...my life is useless and meaningless, without hopes and dreams...so i will be happy to give up everything I’ve for them), and i think i don’t have a third thing…
77. What are three things that you hate? 
...boy oh boy, i can only choose three things?
I stick to Everything, Everyone and Anything...
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? 
if people i talk in the net = friends...then i don’t know their genders...or i care about it...
79. What is your sexual orientation? 
I like women...
80. Where do you currently live? 
81. Who was the last person you texted? 
Don’t remember...unless you count on Tumblr…
82. When was the last time you cried? 
i’m about to cry right now
83. Who is your favourite YouTuber? 
I don’t have one
84. Do you like to take selfies? 
I hate them
85. What is your favourite app? 
I don’t have one
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? 
Weird...toxic but like where i hate them for being present only when they feel like to be present and wash their dirty conscience...sort of like “Okay, i spent 5 seconds with Dany, now i can enjoy 5 hours of something better than helping my son to deal with his depression, i’m sure he will love me for giving him those 5 seconds of silently watching him trying to ask me something that he may think it’s important”
87. What is your favourite foreign accent? 
 Never heard any foreign accents...i think...
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? 
The Philippines...i like the idea of many tiny islands close to each other...
89. What is your favourite number? 
90. Can you juggle? 
91. Are you religious? 
Hell NO!
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? 
Outer Space...it was my dream to be a farmer or a colonist of a new planet...maybe finding love on that planet and starting a family...sort of like US farmer’s life...but on a different planet…(it’s an extension of my dream of being an Astronaut)
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? 
94. Are you allergic to anything? 
Not that i’m aware of…
95. Can you curl your tongue? 
96. Can you wiggle your ears? 
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? 
Too much often….but fuck i lost every significant battle of my life because other people were right…
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? 
Love them both, can’t decide
99. What is your favourite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? 
wait...people share advice?! 
It’s a joke right?...
100. Are you a good liar? 
Yes but not very often...like, it depends what i’m lying about...
101. What is your Hogwarts House? 
Gryffindor or Hufflepuff...maybe bits of both
102. Do you talk to yourself? 
Constantly…at least I’ve a decent company...
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? 
An extrovert who preferred to be an introvert...still have extrovert’s traits but...people kill my will to be around them...they’re so boring and yet they act like i’m the boring one...sure i can’t talk of soo many things and making tons of references about movies and game...but I’M the boring one? People around here either talk about jobs or family or play with their phones...
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? 
I did...read above for learning how it went...
105. Do you believe in second chances? 
I do...but i won’t give them...life and people never gave me second chances…why should i? because i’m better? It’s stupid, it’s like asking to be exploited...being nice without being selective can fuck your life! I’m the living example of it!
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? 
I will take part of the money...probably...i’m not sure...
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? 
Yes but life makes it hard for me to believe in this thing...
108. Are you ticklish? 
Not sure...nobody ever tickled me...
109. Have you ever been on a plane? 
110. Do you have any piercings? 
Nope, i hate them…(and the septum is bloody disgusting...am i watching a person with a septum or a cow?! I don’t know!)
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? 
...i don’t know...i’ve soo much choice that i can’t decide...
112. Do you have any tattoos? 
My skin is too delicate to handle tattoos...also i’m very sensitive to pain...
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? 
I never made a decent decision in my life...every choice, every decision, everything i did either failed on the spot or backfired so much that i’m still paying the price...
114. Do you believe in karma? 
I would if i was decently rich and the girl of my dreams(or even a close friend, I’ve low standards on this ) wants to go to a Comicon with me...but it’s not happening…
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? 
116. Do you want children? 
Two kids...i saw what hellish place is a family with more than two kids...
117. Who is the smartest person you know? 
I’m not smart enough to know it XD
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? 
Not gonna tell you...
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? 
Once...i was 6...i was playing the Emperor’s New Groove’s game on Playstation 1...before i knew it...mom woke up telling me that i spent the whole night playing that game and i didn’t notice...i felt so bad for disobeying her that i cried on the spot begging her to forgive me...
120. What colour are most of your clothes? 
Black, Blue and white...
121. Do you like adventures? 
Only if i’m not alone...
122. Have you ever been on TV? 
123. How old are you? 
Almost 26
124. What is your favourite quote? 
"Disrupts socio-technological balance. All scientific advancement due to intelligence overcoming, compensating, for limitations. Can't carry a load, so invent wheel. Can't catch food, so invent spear. Limitations. No limitations, no advancement. No advancement, culture stagnates. Works other way too. Advancement before culture is ready. Disastrous." - Mordin Solus(ME2)
125. Do you prefer sweet or savoury foods?
I always being more for salty things...but recently i got addicted to sweet things...
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