#di bento
lowdeeperz · 10 months
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do you think daigo still gets 7/11 bentos for dinner despite being rokudaime
i know for facts that despite having access to all the luxuries japan can offer i'd be better off betting my legs away that daigo would rather duck into a greasy smile burger than go anywhere remotely high class
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cutewaterlily · 1 year
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contedivaldoca · 2 years
Essere desiderati è forse la cosa che, in questa vita, più ci fa sentire immortali
“Il taccuino di Bento”, J.Berger
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rumahaqiqahbandung · 10 days
BERKAH! (WA) 0852-2137-3290 | UMMA AQIQAH | Aqiqah Lokasi di Embah Jaksa Bandung
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Informasi Pemesanan UMMA AQIQAH 0852-2137-3290 Berikut kami rekomendasikan Aqiqah dan Katering Kambing Guling Terbaik di daerah Bandung Raya (Kota Bandung, Kab. Bandung, Kota Cimahi) paket hewan aqiqah,paket aqiqah murah,paket aqiqah perempuan,paket aqiqah premium,paket aqiqah untuk anak laki-laki
Aqiqah Lokasi: Menyelenggarakan Aqiqah dengan Mudah dan Berkualitas di Bandung
Aqiqah merupakan salah satu ritual penting dalam Islam yang dilakukan sebagai ungkapan syukur atas kelahiran seorang anak. Bagi warga Bandung dan sekitarnya, menyelenggarakan aqiqah bisa menjadi tantangan tersendiri jika tidak mengetahui tempat yang tepat. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas tentang aqiqah lokasi di Bandung dan sekitarnya, serta menjawab pertanyaan umum terkait penyelenggaraan aqiqah.
Rekomendasi Aqiqah Lokasi di Bandung: Pilihan Terbaik untuk Anda
Bagi yang tinggal di Bandung, banyak pilihan tempat aqiqah yang bisa dipilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan budget. Beberapa tempat aqiqah menawarkan layanan catering lengkap, sementara yang lain lebih fokus pada penyediaan hewan aqiqah berkualitas. Berikut adalah beberapa rekomendasi aqiqah lokasi di Bandung yang dapat Anda pertimbangkan:
Aqiqah di Dago Bandung: Lokasi yang strategis dengan berbagai pilihan paket aqiqah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Aqiqah Murah di Bandung Timur: Untuk yang mencari opsi yang terjangkau namun tetap berkualitas, Bandung Timur menjadi pilihan yang tepat.
Aqiqah Catering di Bandung: Bagi yang ingin memudahkan penyelenggaraan aqiqah tanpa harus repot memasak, layanan catering aqiqah di Bandung siap membantu Anda.
Kambing Aqiqah di Bandung: Menyediakan kambing aqiqah berkualitas dengan harga yang terjangkau untuk merayakan kelahiran anak dengan penuh keberkahan.
Rekomendasi Aqiqah: Tidak yakin memilih tempat aqiqah yang mana? Berbagai rekomendasi aqiqah terbaik di Bandung siap membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang tepat.
FAQ tentang Aqiqah Lokasi:
1. Apakah jasa aqiqah menyediakan dokumentasi atau sertifikat resmi untuk aqiqah yang dilakukan?
Sebagian besar jasa aqiqah menyediakan dokumentasi atau sertifikat resmi yang menunjukkan bahwa aqiqah telah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Ini penting sebagai bukti pelaksanaan aqiqah yang sah.
2. Bagaimana jika ada perubahan atau pembatalan dalam pemesanan aqiqah?
Jika terjadi perubahan atau pembatalan dalam pemesanan aqiqah, sebaiknya segera hubungi penyedia jasa aqiqah untuk melakukan perubahan atau pembatalan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.
3. Apakah jasa aqiqah juga menyediakan layanan tambahan seperti pengaturan acara atau dekorasi?
Beberapa jasa aqiqah menyediakan layanan tambahan seperti pengaturan acara atau dekorasi sesuai dengan permintaan Anda. Pastikan untuk mengonfirmasi dengan penyedia jasa mengenai layanan tambahan yang mereka sediakan.
4. Apakah ada perbedaan antara aqiqah untuk anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan?
Secara prinsip, pelaksanaan aqiqah untuk anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan sama. Namun, dalam beberapa budaya atau tradisi tertentu, bisa ada perbedaan dalam perlakuan atau pilihan hewan yang digunakan untuk aqiqah.
5. Apakah ada penawaran khusus atau diskon untuk aqiqah yang dilakukan dalam jumlah besar atau untuk keluarga yang membutuhkan?
Beberapa penyedia jasa aqiqah mungkin menawarkan diskon atau penawaran khusus untuk aqiqah dalam jumlah besar atau untuk keluarga yang membutuhkan. Anda bisa menanyakan hal ini kepada penyedia jasa sebelum melakukan pemesanan.
Dengan memilih aqiqah lokasi yang tepat, Anda dapat menyelenggarakan aqiqah dengan mudah dan berkualitas di Bandung dan sekitarnya. Pastikan untuk mempertimbangkan kebutuhan dan preferensi Anda dalam memilih tempat aqiqah yang terbaik. Semoga artikel ini membantu Anda dalam merencanakan aqiqah yang berkesan dan penuh keberkahan.
Whatsapp/Tlp  : 0852-2137-3290 Link Whatsapp  : https://wa.me/6285221373290
Instagram : @aqiqah.bandungraya
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#UmmaAqiqah #AqiqahDiDagoBandung #AqiqahMurahDiBandungTimur #AqiqahCateringDiBandung #KambingAqiqahDiBandung #RekomendasiAqiqah #TempatAqiqahDiBandung #TempatAqiqahTerdekat #TempatAqiqah #TempatAqiqahDiCimahi #TempatAqiqahTerbaik
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aqiqahenakdibandung · 6 months
ENAK! (WA) 0852-2137-3290 UMMA AQIQAH Paket Aqiqah 2 Kambing di Cibaduyut Bandung
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Aqiqah dan Kambing Guling Terbaik se Bandung Raya Hubungi Whatsapp 0852-2137-3290 Berikut kami rekomendasikan Aqiqah dan Katering Kambing Guling Terbaik di daerah Bandung Raya (Kota Bandung, Kab. Bandung, Kota Cimahi)
domba atau kambing untuk aqiqah,domba untuk aqiqah anak perempuan,kambing guling,kambing guling di bandung,kambing guling terdekat,kambing guling aqiqah,kambing guling catering
Title: "Paket Aqiqah Bandung: Tradisi Islami dengan Kualitas Terbaik"
Selamat datang dalam pembahasan tentang "Paket Aqiqah Bandung." Aqiqah adalah salah satu tradisi Islami yang penuh makna, dan di Bandung, Anda dapat menemukan beragam pilihan paket aqiqah berkualitas. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan menjelajahi berbagai aspek paket aqiqah di Bandung, serta menjawab beberapa pertanyaan umum tentang tradisi ini. Mari kita mulai!
Aqiqah dalam Tradisi Islami:
Aqiqah adalah salah satu tradisi penting dalam Islam yang merayakan kelahiran anak. Tradisi ini dilakukan dengan menyembelih hewan dan membagikan dagingnya kepada yang membutuhkan. Selain sebagai ungkapan syukur kepada Allah SWT, aqiqah juga merupakan cara untuk berbagi kebahagiaan dengan keluarga dan masyarakat sekitar.
Paket Aqiqah Bandung: Kualitas Terbaik di Jawa Barat:
Ketika Anda berada di Bandung, Anda memiliki banyak pilihan paket aqiqah berkualitas untuk memilihnya. Paket aqiqah Bandung menawarkan berbagai pilihan, mulai dari paket aqiqah anak hingga paket aqiqah premium, yang memastikan bahwa tradisi ini dijalani dengan penuh kualitas.
FAQ tentang Paket Aqiqah Bandung:
1. Apa yang membuat paket aqiqah di Bandung istimewa?
Paket aqiqah di Bandung terkenal karena kualitas daging yang tinggi, pelayanan yang profesional, dan beragam pilihan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan keluarga. Bandung adalah pusat aqiqah yang menawarkan berbagai jenis paket.
2. Bagaimana cara menemukan paket aqiqah yang sesuai di Bandung?
Anda dapat mencari penyedia paket aqiqah di Bandung dengan mencari di mesin pencari online atau melalui rekomendasi dari teman dan keluarga. Pastikan untuk memeriksa penawaran dari beberapa penyedia sebelum membuat keputusan.
3. Apa perbedaan antara paket aqiqah anak, paket aqiqah perempuan, dan paket aqiqah premium?
Paket aqiqah anak umumnya mencakup satu kambing dan menyajikan hidangan sederhana. Paket aqiqah perempuan adalah pilihan yang lebih bervariasi dalam penyajian hidangan, sedangkan paket aqiqah premium biasanya mencakup lebih banyak kambing dan menu yang lebih istimewa.
Paket aqiqah di Bandung menawarkan kualitas terbaik untuk merayakan tradisi Islami yang penting. Dengan beragam pilihan paket, Anda dapat menemukan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi keluarga Anda. Bandung adalah tempat yang tepat untuk mencari paket aqiqah yang memastikan acara berjalan dengan baik dan penuh makna. Semoga artikel ini membantu Anda dalam memahami pilihan yang tersedia dalam paket aqiqah di Bandung dan menjalankan tradisi ini dengan penuh kebahagiaan.
Baca Juga Artikel Di Bawah
Whatsapp/Tlp   : 0852-2137-3290 Link Whatsapp  : https://wa.me/6285221373290
Instagram          : @aqiqah.bandungraya
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Umma Aqiqah, paket aqiqah anak,paket aqiqah berapa,paket aqiqah bento,paket aqiqah di bandung,paket aqiqah enak bandung,paket aqiqah harga kambing,paket hewan aqiqah,paket aqiqah murah,paket aqiqah perempuan,paket aqiqah premium
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(WA) 0852-2137-3290 UMMA AQIQAH Paket Aqiqah 2 Kambing di Cibaduyut Bandung
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nininmenulis · 1 year
Bukber Seru dengan Bento Ramadan dan Hoka Ramen di Hokben
NININMENULIS.COM – Setiap memasuki bulan puasa selalu ada hal menarik di Hokben. Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, Hokben kembali menghadirkan paket Bento Ramadan untuk menemani waktu berbuka puasa. Jika ada yang mengajak bukber di Hokben, siapa yang dapat menolak? Hokben selalu menyajikan menu-menu yang disukai semua orang, baik orang dewasa hingga anak-anak. Jadi ketika ada ajakan bukber di…
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nasibentometro · 1 year
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TERMURAH! , CALL 0821-8461-8550 , Nasi Bento Metro Lampung
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PAWON LIWET jl. Arwana no 21 Yosorejo Kec.Metro Timur Kota Metro, Lampung 34124 Info Pemesanan = 0821-8461-8550
Instagram : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089901735488&mibextid=ZbWKwL
Facebook : https://instagram.com/bento_metro?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM=
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gglitch1dd · 6 days
"Best husband in the world" award goes to Izuku Midoriya. I head cannon that he NEVER leaves the honeymoon phase, even after having kids!
Wifey is treated like royalty, Always gets gifts, he dresses up for dates bc his wife LOVES it, shows her off in gala's (one red-eyed hero is pissed) even the boys are so sick of seeing the random smooches Izu steals from his wife 😂
Bet Toshi would say "Don't you have enough kids already?" -_-
The poor boy is TIRED
Honestly, I believe in every single syllable that just came out of your mouth.
He never leaves the honeymoon phase. That man is in love from the moment he meets you to the moment he dies.
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If there was one thing that Midoriya Izuku knew that he couldn't get enough of, it was you. His beautiful wife of seventeen years. Everyday, waking up next to you was like a dream and he didn't want to be woken up.
He's enraptured by you and your very being. Even after five boys and you not getting any younger, he's still obsessed with you like you were newly weds.
He keeps every sticky note that you leave on his bento boxes for lunch and has boxes upon boxes of them saved from the years that have gone by. He would never deny anything you made him because it was made by you, his amazing wife, by your loving and gentle hands that he kisses daily.
Izuku honestly still doubts he's that good of a father or a perfect husband either, but he knows he's as good as he can be with you at his side.
You gave him everything that is his world. You made the apartment you both had in the beginning feel like a home. Coming home to your waiting arms and loving expression was what kept his feet moving everyday.
When he was a prohero he often wondered what he was missing in his life. Even though becoming Number One at such a young age and achieving his goal of being the next predecessor of All Might, of owning his own hero agency, millions at his disposal, he only ever felt truly complete when he met you.
Oh dear God, he loved you.
The day he married you was the best day of his life. He had cried the moment he saw you in that beautiful white dress and he had cried when you had both signed the marriage certificate, and he had cried when he had his first dance with you too.
He knew from the first day he met you that he wanted to marry you. He didn't believe in just dating for funsies and wasting your time. No, he wanted you in a sort of way he didn't know how to explain.
He wanted you in way that was to have and to old, in sickness and in health, in life and in death. Knowing that when he looked down at you on your wedding night, when he had you in his arms, your breath heavy and your eyes half lidded, when you stared up at him with such blown out love in your eyes. When he sunk deep inside of you, he knew that your souls would become one and he would never depart from you.
Where you went, he went.
Where you stayed, he would stay.
It's not true what they say about heroes, least not for Izuku. For Izuku would watch the world burn and have you by his side.
"Hm?" Izuku straightened up as he was lost in thought. Toshinori waved his hand over his face, making sure that his father was still alright. He raised a green eyebrow as he looked up at his father. "Are you alright? You spaced out for a second there."
Izuku looked down at his oldest son. Midoriya Toshinori.
Wow, even just the thought of him having a son still shook him till this day. The thought that he, a man that grew up without a father, who at one point believed he wasn't worth anything more than what other people said he was worth, could have a son.
A son, you gave him.
He could still remember the day you told him that you were pregnant with Toshinori. Izuku had gone to sleep with you in his arms, a hand over your stomach still unbelieving but he was sure he had soaked his pillow because of the tears that left his eyes.
You had blessed him with a gift that he could never even begin to comprehend how uniquely special it was.
"I'm alright." Izuku laughed as he went down the final step of the staircase, having just freshened up. "Have you finished your homework?"
Toshinori nodded his head as he put his hands in his pockets. "Yah but honestly, all that math had me going cross-eyed. I'm having Asahi look at it." He motioned to his younger brother, but a mere eleven.
Asahi adjusted his glasses as he scribbled down on the tablet with a stylus. He scoffed as he lifted his head to look up at his father. "Honestly dad, Toshinori just needs a prayers. Only Jesus can help him now."
"HEY!" Toshinori let out offended as he walked over to where his younger brother was sitting at the table.
Asahi motioned to the tablet. "This is basic maths!"
Toshinori's eyebrows furrowed. "How the hell is this basic maths?! It's grade nine level algebra!"
"As I said, basic maths!"
"Alright Einstein!" Toshinori taunted his younger brother with a look on his face and hands on his hips that reminded Izuku so much of you. "You do it!" He pointed to the screen.
Asahi rolled his eyes as he flipped the screen so that Toshinori could see. "Do you need my glasses, cause I already did!"
His second son, Midoriya Asahi. Honestly, Izuku was sure that in Asahi he saw himself. He saw himself in that kid everyday and he loved every second of it. His second son.
That you gave him.
He was so smart and so bright. A genuine child genius. Although quirkless, he was beyond his years. Izuku loved to sit down with him and watched as his mind thought at the speed of light at a pace that only Izuku could understand because he did that too.
Nothing beat having Asahi on his shoulders as he took him to the Hero Support labs in his Hero Agency. The way that kids eyes widened in awe is something Izuku would treasure forever. Having him interact and ask questions that not even Izuku could understand but was happy to participate regardless.
To think he could ever have such a kid.
"Asahi." He chuckled as he walked over to his second son, putting a hand on his head of green curls. "Be patient with him, remember not everyone learns as fast as you."
Asahi huffed, his cheeks that had light freckles on them puffed but he nodded his head. "Okay." He groaned.
"What are we doing?" Hero asked as he peaked his head over to see the tablet that was on the table. He took one look at the tablet and his face scrunched up. "Ew maths." His reaction made Izuku laugh as he decided to leave his two eldest be. "Dad catch!"
It was a fast throw but Izuku caught it nonetheless. The rugby ball in his hand was firm and in perfect condition, considering he got it for Hero three weeks ago. The kid went through equipment faster than Izuku could break a bone.
Midoriya Hero, although being eight years old, he was entranced with sports and was pretty good at them too, specifically field sports. Izuku felt like somewhere inside himself he was healing the little boy inside of him that never got to play sports with someone, not like the way him and Asahi would play around with a ball in the garden.
Something so precious yet so simple.
Something that was only possible because of you.
Izuku chuckled. "Nice throw. You're getting better, but remember..." He tossed him back the ball, it landing in his arms. "Not playing around inside with the ball."
"Okay." He nodded as he left to go to the sitting room.
"And did you do your homework?" Izuku called back after him.
"Yah! Asahi looked at it."
Izuku turned to his second oldest who shot him a thumbs up, showing that Hero was telling the truth. He hummed with a smile as he moved towards the kitchen where the smell of dinner was spilling out from.
"Daddy!" Running out of the kitchen was his fourth son, Shoyo. He had the brightest little smile on his face as he lifted up a crayon picture for him to see. "Daddy look! I drew you something."
Izuku chuckled as he picked up the little boy. He was the happiest out of all your children together. Even when he cried, he would try to smile. He was like the sun and always filled with giggles. It was why you called him Shoyo, because he smiled even as a newborn.
Izuku knew that such joy in his life could have only been given through you.
"Really? let me see?" He carried the young boy on his hip as he looked down at the drawing. It was a crayon drawing of what he assumed was him in his hero uniform. That or it could be a bunny with a cape.
Shoyo was never really gifted with artistic talent but he tried anyways. And Izuku loved them all.
"Aww, it looks great buddy." He placed a kiss to Shoyo's face. "I love it. Why don't you go put it in my office for me? I can put it right on my desk."
Shoyo's smile grew even wider as he nodded his bushy hair of green curls. "Okay!" Once set down, he went trotting away towards the staircase.
Izuku entered the kitchen and sitting on your hip was Koda, the final sprout in your little garden that was your family. He was a rather shy thing and clung to you like a baby koala, but he sure was the sweetest. He smiled at his father tiredly with a wave of his hand.
He often fell sick easily, but he was such a strong trooper.
He put a hand to his head as he carefully moved the young three year old to be held in his arms instead, allowing you free reign over the kitchen.
Your heavenly voice reached his ears, instantly taking his attention. You smiled as you turned to look up at him. "How was your day, my love?"
His shoulders eased as he moved to step behind you. He rested his head against you briefly, your body just fitting into his perfectly. "I can't complain when I come back home to this everyday." He stated, moving down to kiss your cheek.
You chuckled as you lifted up the spoon for him to taste part of dinner. He opened his mouth, allowing you to feed him to taste. He let out a groan as he nodded his head. You laughed at your husband's antics. "Ready?"
"Definitely." He informed you with a nod of his head. He looked you over as you stood in an apron and fitted sweatpants. He hadn't seen you in those pants in ages and yet they clung to you like a deadly weopon and Izuku was a wounded soldier. His eyes looked you over with shameless obviousness. "Damn, where did these come from?" He asked as he moved to turn you to face him, a hand moving to your ass shamelessly.
You shot up with a heated expression with a squeak. You swatted his chest with little to no intent to actually drive him away. "Izuku! I'm cooking."
"Can't I appreciate my beautiful wife?" He asked with a rested grin on his face as he leaned down closer to you. A soft peck to your lips. "You look gorgeous, honey." His lips met yours again for a longer kiss.
You couldn't help but giggle as you let him kiss you, moving a hand to wrap around him. He always managed to give you butterflies, even now.
Years of being together, of mapping out each other's bodies and memorising everything new and old, and you never got tired of it. Even after five pregnancies and the effect that had on your body, Izuku just craved you more and more. He never asked you to change, and always loved you as you were.
How couldn't he?
You were the reason that he was happy, that he had everything that made him feel like a man.
You made him a husband.
You made him a father.
You made him happy.
Izuku couldn't even begin to think of where to thank you, but he would do so for the rest of his life.
"EW! Dad! Get off of mom!" Toshinori shouted from the table with a scrunched up face.
Hero scrunched up his own face. "That's disgusting."
"Right over our dinner." Asahi shook his head in sheer disappointment.
You separated from you husband with a giggle as he looked to his sons with half annoyance. You turned to grab a serving spoon but Izuku adjusted poor Koda who was resting in his arms as Izuku pointed to his sons. "Hey! This is my wife, okay. I get to kiss her."
"Yah." Toshinori acknowledged. "But she's our mom."
Asahi and Hero nodded their heads in agreement with their older brother.
Izuku frowned before he turned to you. "Y/N, the kids are being mean to me." He complained as he pointed to your three eldest siblings.
You shook your head in a chuckle as you motioned to your sprouts. "Boys, get your homework off the table and set it for dinner please."
"Yes mom."
"And you, mister." You turned to your husband with a pointed look but smiled as you had your hand rest over his chest. You smiled as you reached up and kissed his cheek. "Get Shoyo for me, won't you? And sit down, dinner is ready." You let out softly.
Izuku looked down at you with blown out pupils. "I love you." He whispered down to you.
You giggled. "I love you too, Izuku."
"No, Y/N, I... I love you."
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najmakhns · 2 years
CALL +62 815-7222-2428 tumpeng mini di piring Setu Tangsel
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sitifatimahazahra · 2 years
CALL +62 815-7222-2428 tumpeng mini diameter 20 Setu Tangsel
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Catering Firda Lim adalah Catering dengan berbagai macam menu Trasdisonal sampai Internasional. Kami Siap untuk melayani Pekerjaan dari Skala kecil sampai Skala Besar.
Kantor Pusat Catering Firda Lim Jl.Ir.H.Juanda No.63 D Pisangan Ciputat 15419 Tangerang Selatan Depan Kampus UIN
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tumpeng mini diameter 20 Setu Tangsel, tumpeng mini agustusan Setu Tangsel, tumpeng mini ultah anak Setu Tangsel, tumpeng mini unik Setu Tangsel, tumpeng mini bungkus plastik Setu Tangsel, tumpeng mini bento Setu Tangsel, tumpeng mini buat ultah Setu Tangsel, buat tumpeng mini Setu Tangsel, tumpeng mini diameter 15 Setu Tangsel, tumpeng mini di piring Setu Tangsel
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lowdeeperz · 11 months
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mamani-bento · 6 months
i'm glad you're back (kento nanami)
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nanami x reader, 2.7k, sorcerer!reader, reader is referred to as 'she' once
established relationship, hurt/comfort + fluff + a tiny bit of angst
i love u nanami. please help me get through this week. please.
mamani-bento's masterlist!
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there's been a cloud hanging over nanami's head recently. a dark, looming one. pulls his shoulders high, closer to his ears, as he stays on edge, constantly waiting.
he goes through the motions, trying to focus on his missions and mentoring at the high school, but the stubborn cloud lingers.
how can it leave? you haven't come home yet.
it's been five days since they sent you to find and defeat the cursed spirit holed up in the outskirts of the city. five days since they pulled you out of a class you were taking on domains, explained that there's a special grade that's popped up on their radar, that they need a grade one to get rid of it immediately, that you have to locate and destroy it before it finds the entrance to the city's sewage system.
nanami is a reasonable man. he worries, of course he worries and always about you, it's inevitable in your line of work. but he knows you're strong. he understood when you rushed past him in the corridor, whirlwind of energy as you made your way to the locker rooms to pick up some supplies. the quick explanation, the blazing determination in your behaviour, the almost-playful peck you had given him after confirming that you'd see him at home for dinner - none of it indicated that this mission was anything out of the ordinary.
so apart from the unease that's always itching at him every time you're sent out on a mission - the standard unease, the one he knows you feel for him as well - nanami didn't think too much of it. he wrapped up his classes. stopped by the bakery around the corner from the apartment and picked up your favourite croissant for desert. took a shower, washed his hair even, and went about making dinner.
when the clock struck 8, as he switched off the burner and started to set up the table, the itch began to make itself more prominent. he waited. the pasta got cold and the two empty plates stared at him mockingly. he tried distracting himself by folding the laundry, even though it was your turn to do that. he wiped down the counter, just to keep himself busy. he imagined the sound of keys jiggling in the door knob, imagined you walking through the threshold with a proud smile and full of chatter about how easy the cursed spirit was to defeat, maybe with a tiny cut over your cheekbone that he'd bandage and kiss better.
when it crossed 10pm, he decided to call you. just to check. just to find out if you'd like him to heat up the pasta. no answer. he forced himself to stay calm. your phone had died, obviously. so he had called ijichi.
ijichi, good old reliable ijichi, hadn't known where you were either. then he had called the school. you were obviously getting patched up by shoko, maybe for a bruise or at most a bleeding wound. but you weren't with shoko.
'it's a big one, kento,' gojo had said. 'she's dealing with it. she'll be back in the morning.'
you aren't back in the morning. or the next morning. or the next. and nanami cannot breathe, cannot sleep, is only eating when he physically feels his body begging for sustenance, because how can you not be back?
he had gone with gojo to the location the morning after you didn't come back - just to check, he had told himself furiously, but there was no trace of you or the cursed spirit.
'all we can do is wait' yaga said on the third day, annoyingly calm. how was he so calm?
nanami doesn't miss the worried glances thrown his way by students and sorcerers alike. doesn't miss how itadori doesn't fool around during training or how gojo tones down his incessant chatter by 10% around him. but he's unaffected by the changes in the way people are treating him. by the fourth day you've been gone, there's pity in their glances, as well. he doesn't take it seriously. he can't take it seriously. you'll be back. nanami is a reasonable man. you'll be back.
on the fifth morning, nanami wakes up from a troubled sleep, more tired than he was the previous night. he misses the warmth of your body next to his, the way you need five minutes of bleary yawning and blinking in the morning to get your brain to start up, the smell of your strawberry moisturiser on the sheets. the cloud that's taken residence over his head has grown and grown in the last few days, held up with hope and determination and reason, but he's afraid something will pierce it soon. he doesn't know how much strength he has left to carry this firm belief that you'll be back you'll be back you'll be back and he's never felt so wretchedly helpless in his life.
which is why, when he comes back to the empty house in the evening and sits on the couch, staring unblinkingly at the wall, he doesn't think much of gojo's caller id on his phone, blaring in the terrible silence of the apartment.
"she's back."
relief overtakes nanami's every cell with a painful jolt. he thinks he might cry - no, he knows he'll cry the moment this fully sinks in. he gets the car keys, jingling in his grasp as he haphazardly tugs his shoes on, phone pressed between his shoulder and his ear.
"how is she?" he manages to get out, voice mildly wobbling at the end.
for once, gojo is silent.
nanami's movements slow down in growing foreboding.
"gojo. how is she?" he's firm now. no wobble.
"...shoko's looking into it. she's badly hurt, probably in shock."
nanami lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "alright. i'll be there in a few minutes."
"no, don't come. she'll reach home quicker if ijichi drops her. they're leaving now."
and it kills him to put the keys down, to take his shoes off, to let go of the knob on the front door, but nanami is a reasonable man. he recognises the wisdom in gojo's words, that the priority is not to see you but for you to reach the comfort of your home as soon as possible.
so he watches the second hand of the wall clock in the living room move with excruciating slowness. he paces. he sits. he decides to not change out of his work clothes, despite the fact that it's rumpled beyond belief, that the folded sleeves are slipping past his forearms and he's tired of repeatedly pushing them up - what if you reach just when he's changing? he debates keeping the door open but before he can make up his mind, there's a sharp knock - a real one, not from his imagination.
immediately, he takes three long and rapid strides, urgently pulling the door open.
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ijichi explains something to nanami. something about your ribs? you aren't really paying attention. you didn't when shoko told you either, just stared unblinkingly at the ceiling as she wrapped a bandage tightly around your mid-section. you stare now, watching the wall from your seat on the armchair as nanami takes ijichi's empty cup to place in the sink. he had offered you one as well. chamomile tea with a hint of lemon, steaming and fragrant, just the way you like it. it sits on the centre table. still steaming, still fragrant, still full.
you manage a 'thank you' as the two men walk towards the door. it's a fragile, brittle thing, and your voice is hoarse from both screaming and disuse, somehow, but you still say it. ijichi wordlessly places a comforting palm on your shoulder. you try to muster a smile, but it's too much work.
nanami's footsteps are soft as he makes his way back into the living room. you want to look at him, really truly look at him after so long - has it only been five days? - of seeing his face swimming in your dizzy vision, of longing for his solid presence next to you. you brace yourself for the effort of moving your neck up, but his hand appears on the arm of your seat, moments before he's squatting in front of your chair.
he searches your face, even as you search his. he looks tired, exhausted. dark circles line his eyes, a weariness that you can swear wasn't there before the mission sits like a weight on his shoulders. you haven't had a chance to see a mirror since you stumbled out of that cave, limping half-delirious in what you had hoped was the direction of the school, closer to the outskirts than your home. even then, with your nerves fried and senses muddled in exhaustion and lingering terror, you had recognised that the pain on your left wasn't normal and that walking shouldn't hurt so much. you can't imagine what you must look like. bloody, probably. shoko had cleaned your bruises, bandaged up your wounds, but your clothes are stiff with darkened red, and you feel it caked on your skin. dirt and grime, as well. you should be more disgusted, but you can't bring yourself to feel much of anything.
whatever nanami sees, it makes him reach out to take both your hands in his. he's fully kneeling in front of you now. the warmth of his palms in yours is grounding, and your heart cracks a bit as he lifts your left arm to place a soft, affectionate kiss on the inside of your wrist. callused palms gently move upward, firm as they brush up your shoulders, as if ensuring your presence, triple-checking that he isn't imagining this. he cups your cheeks, thumb stroking over your cheekbones, unmindful of the dried blood flaking at his touch. he brings his forehead to slowly meet yours.
for the first time in what feels like forever, you let out a deep, shuddering exhale, body slumping in an exhaustion that hits you too hard. you feel nanami relax too, in the way he slightly pulls back to place a tender kiss on your forehead, as if reminding himself that you're really here, that you're really back.
in a massive display of strength, you manage to lift your arms to hold nanami's arms in place before he can pull away, lightly closing over his wrists.
"hi," you whisper, meeting his eyes. a fragile, brittle thing.
he smiles. "hi," he says, tone low and shaky.
it takes you ten more minutes of sitting before you let nanami help you up from the armchair. neither of you say anything in that time. he continues to kneel in front of you, rubbing circles on the backs of your hands that he refuses to let go of. when you do get up, everything aches with a bone-deep weariness that makes you slump against his shoulder, one of his large hands curved around your waist and the other holding your arm. he's mindful of all the injuries that ijichi told him about, even the ones that anesthesia has momentarily made you forget exist.
he guides you to the bedroom, patient even as you have to take breaks every few steps as your ribs groan with at the exertion. as much as you'd like to fall asleep, you make a sound of protest when he guides you to the bed.
"no?" he asks, looking down at you quizzically.
"shower," you say shortly. "i'm filthy." your voice is a bit stronger now.
easily, he course-corrects, moving towards the bathroom. he slowly peels off the grimy fabric on your skin, and when he's done, you're left in just your bandages. you can feel him assessing the damage, the full extent of which is only clear now. the wraps around your mid-section, the one covering the deep gash over your left shoulder. cuts and scrapes litter your skin.
his jaw is tight, but he's gentle as ever as he helps you to the cubicle. he tests the temperature of the water first before letting you stand under the showerhead. your shoulders droop as the water washes over you, blissfully warm. the pool at your feet is deep red for a good few seconds until it's replaced by transparency.
you don't realise nanami had left you alone until he returns. the cubicle door opens with a squeak that you make out over the sound of the water, and you feel the heat of his body behind you. still in his button-up, he detaches the showerhead before retrieving the shampoo bottle.
he sections you hair, deftly working the sticky grime out, long fingers scratching against your scalp as his ministrations lull you closer to sleep.
"would you like to eat something before going to bed?" he softly asks, slight in his movements as he turns off the water.
you probably should, but your body is threatening to shut down. you shake your head.
nanami takes off your soggy bandages, unwrapping with a care that one wouldn't have expected from a man so big. he knows that shoko has already cleaned your wounds, but he does it again anyway, holding your squeezing hand as you wince. he's precise when he re-wraps you, knuckles brushing tenderly across your cheek as he finishes with the one on your shoulder.
the light in the bathroom is a covered bulb on the ceiling, and it throws nanami's gold-spun hair into some sort of halo. like an angel drawn to it, you step closer to him until you're huddled into his frame. strong arms come to carefully circle around your back as you rest your cheek against his chest. again, something leaves as you breathe out, and a security you haven't felt in days begins to re-appear.
you haven't told him what happened, and he hasn't asked. you haven't told anybody. you'll need to give your mission report eventually, and there's a breakdown waiting to happen, hovering at the edges of your psyche until you have the strength to face it, but for now, you let yourself sink into the embrace. a kiss is placed on top of your head, lingering as you feel a puff of air ruffling your hair. his own exhale of relief.
he helps you put your clothes on, dries your hair because he knows you catch colds easy, makes your highly-strung nerves unwind bit by miniscule bit as he does the things that you don't have it in you to do.
as he changes out of his work clothes into soft cotton, you silently watch from your position in the bed. under the covers that he had pulled over you, around the pillows that he had tucked under this arm and that leg so you aren't in pain. a part of you wants to tell him everything. the dim lights cast him in a glow that makes you feel brave enough to relive it all just by being in the same room as him, but you know your voice will give up mid-way.
he switches off the lights and climbs into the bed, turning on his side to face your body. you turn your neck to face him, which is all you can really do. a heavy arm drapes over your frame, avoiding the bandages, fingers curling at your hip.
your eyes adjust to the darkness, and you watch him watching you.
"i'm glad you're back."
"me too."
this time, it's the silence that's a fragile, bitter thing. there's so much under the surface. so much you have to tell him, so much he needs to tell you. about the fight, about the pain, about the agonising wait, about the blind stumbling through sewers, about the cloud that was about to burst.
but for now, all he says is, "wake me up if you need anything."
for now, you nod and place a palm on his forearm that's wrapped around your middle, other hand coming up to cup his face as his eyelids flutter shut. he tilts his head to the side, pressing a doting kiss over the pulse of your wrist.
"i'm glad you're back," he softly repeats as you slip asleep.
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allmightluver · 1 year
These photos especially hurt me.
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The face he makes when he’s told he isn’t needed anymore. Something he’s known for a long time. He KNOWS he shouldn’t be alive, and that he’s only a burden to everyone now; especially Deku.
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The face of heartbreak. Of understanding Deku’s position. He understands more than anyone possibly could. He held the world up by himself for over 40 years. I know how you feel. I know it feels to want to protect everyone, especially those closest to you. And the only way to do so is to leave them behind. Distance and Isolate yourself completely so you can’t get too attached to anyone. Because if you do, and the villains find out, it would feel impossible to live on knowing it was your fault they died. Because you endangered them by just being around them. Loving them. It’s only now, that I’ve allowed myself to live, that I can see how wrong I was to believe that. You shouldn’t have to suffer the same way I did. I can’t let you!
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When he falls to the ground, he first lands on his torso. Which feels significant given the mortal wound there, as well how the normal pain in his side has moved to his chest. And even though the pain of having a misshapen, broken body can be extremely debilitating, the pain he now feels is absolutely unbearable.
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The bento box. Sure it’s wasted food. But the fact that kills me is how lovingly he made it himself for his boy. Imagine him in their makeshift shelter, which may just be an abandoned building or apartment, carefully using the best ingredients he could find, to make a meal and feed his overworked son. The son he’s more than just a little worried about. It’s all he can think about.
But he busies himself preparing the rice, keeping an eye on the meat to be thoroughly cooked but not burnt, and then cutting it into small strips so his boy can easily grab it with his chopsticks while on the move without having to worry about cutting it himself. Protein. That’s what Deku needs most. And vegetables to keep his strength up. Everything is prepared as perfectly as possible in the short amount of time he has between following Deku to every villain attack.
He already knows the boy isn’t eating on his own. He did the same when he was a hero. Sometimes going for days without a proper meal in order to Protect. Toshi didn’t have anyone to help him with this, save for the few years Nighteye was with him. And that’s why he knows exactly what Deku needs.
After meticulously putting together the food in the bento box, he wraps it his signature bunny cloth…only to have Deku reject not only the meal, but HIM as well. Watching the boy walk away from him raises a memory of himself doing the same to Nighteye in the hospital. He now knows how Nighteye felt when he turned his back on him. Nighteye had left, unable to watch him slowly kill himself.
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But Toshi can’t leave. Deku is all. He. Has. The only reason he’s still alive.
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And yet, the food he prepared for his boy, the love he put into it to nourish him, ends up spilt. Splattered in the mud. Ruined. Rejected. Wasted…The food too.
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And this final scene. Seeing this was so painful in the manga. I imaged he was crying, or trying not to. And my heart ached just thinking about it. But finally being able to hear it, to hear that yes, he is in fact crying, audibly, for the first time without holding himself back…that’s what finally shattered me.
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jiniretss · 2 months
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pairing: bf!suna rintarou x fem!reader
warning: swearing, mention of cutting, mention of weight loss, name calling, etc.
wc: 1.4k
genre: angst
summary: Suna didn't realize until he saw what he had done.
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Days and nights were always dark, lonely, silent, and heartbreaking. Nights where her whimpers of cries would just continue on until she passes out asleep. It continues the way it was for 4 whole years out of 8 of being married to Suna Rintarou, the amazing, popular, unique, and skilled blocker for National Boys Volleyball of all Japan. All she knew was that she barely saw her husband. Her head would snap to view the man she has married for 8 whole years, just for it only getting the vision of his back. The black sports jacket covered his body, revealing his team while caring for a bag. She would sigh to herself, getting the courage to talk to him. "Rin, here have some lunch I packed for yo -" by the time she could explain the dish, all she felt was a heavy slap of the dish flying away from the bento. Holding her hand closely towards her chest as to the bento breaks, therefore, glass shattered behind her. "I don't need your disgusting dish. All it does is just give me headaches!" He shouts while staring down on her trembling body. "God damn it. Now I'm late because of you. Such an ungrateful sight." He growled. Y/n couldn't help but cry once he had left the apartment. Palms against her face as she pulls on to her hair and for it to only scream out in pain. She couldn't see the light. All her mind was just fogged with only darkness. Messy. Exhaustion. Everything comes in mind that they can categorize. Her mind was fuzzed, but the tears slowly died down after screaming her heart out for the man she decided to spend her life with. Y/n couldn't think correctly. Everything rushing through her mind was just the only scene that happened 10 minutes ago. Her body moves before her actions can. Moving to pick up the bento, slowly being careful not to hurt herself with the sharp object that scatters among the dining room.
Staring at the food she spent the morning on, she sighed to herself as a single tears drops from her eyes. "What happened, rin?" She questioned, still picking up the dropped food that was settled on the ground. After some time had passed, it was 9 pm. Rintarou usual time to get home was 7:30. It's been 2 hours since. Calling him nonstop, messaging him where he was. But finally, hearing the keys jingle opening up the door, Y/n goes rushing towards the front door. "Rin, are you okay?" She asked with so much worry in her tone. "Did you eat? Are you hungry?" She continues to ask. Y/n was scared and worried for Rintarou, but all Rintarou was giving her the silent treatment. "Rin?" She asked again. "Can you just shut up?" He says, glaring down at her face, as her face just gives him a sad look. "Rin... can we just talk -" Rin groans in annoyance from the question. "Just stop! Stop being so ignorant, horrible, and a little peice of fucking shit in the house. Stop bothering me, I'm tired of you, I'm tired of your own well being. Stop just fucking stop. Every time I come back you just something I don't even wanna come back home. You such a little whore!!!" He yells, Y/n just staring into his eyes with her hands crumbled to her side. Her anxiety was kicking in. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt like tha-" her voice was small only for Rin to shove her back.
"Don't you fucking get it! I said stop! I don't wanna hear you. Matter a fact. I don't want to see you. I don't want you in my life. Your just a little bitch who's weeping around like a little sore loser... I could've stayed with Anna and be with her. She is such better than your ungrateful self. Look at you! You're getting bigger. You eating up all the food all the god damn time. At least Anna knows how maintain her weight. While you just go and eat and get bigger!!" He shouts loudly. Her wrapped around her waist, as tears shed down from her face. "Now leave me alone you unworthy crap!" He yells before stomping his feet the way up to the room. She fell to the floor. Palm to her mouth as she silently cry to herself.
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The next few days, Y/n didn't do much. She only cleaned, making sure there was food on the table, but she hadn't eaten. She took the words that Rintarou had thrown towards her. Her boney body only shows through her use to fit clothing. Rin began to notice the sudden change. How her body was fragile, she begans to wear baggy clothes, how her arms weren't showing no more. And how she was always pale. Her face was miserable, and her anxiety began to worsen more than before. "Y/n?" Rin begins only for her body to flinch at his voice. "You need to eat. you're getting really skinny." He said, not looking up at her but eating his food. She just nods, not saying a word. Picking up her fork while her hands were shaking, she dropped the utensils. Rin looks up at her. "Why aren't you eating?" He asked. "I'm not hungry." She says, getting up and walking towards the guest room where she has been sleeping for a while. Rintarou sighed to himself, thinking why she was all of sudden acting this way. He followed her into the room and opened the door to see scars on her arms and legs. "Y/n?" Suna's voice shakes. Y/n turns her head and begins to hurry to put her clothes on. "Suna... knock next time." She says quietly. "Suna," the last name of his ringing in his head. She never called me that ever since middle school. "Have you been cutting yourself?" Rin wonders. "No." She said shortly. "Yes, you have, let me see." Rin says, as she backs up into the corner. "No." She repeated. "I'm your husband so let me see." He says getting closer as her lifted up her sleeves. Seeing freshly and old cuts being available to see. "Why are you cutting yourself." Rin looks up in a painful look.
"Why you care?" She says, snatching her arm away, pulling down the sleeve. She pushes past Rintarou and hops in the bed. He slides in right next to her to hold her small portion of the body. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked again, still concerning over her actions. "Don't call me that." She replies. "What do you mean?" He sits up, staring at her face with tears coming down. "What's wrong?" He asked again. "You rin... you compared me to your ex-girlfriend, and then talked about my weight. Then tell me to shut the fuck up. And now you don't want that. You wanted space so I gave, you wanted me to lose weight right, so I gave. You wanted me to be like your ex girlfriend Anna, so I gave it. You wanted me to shut up, so I gave it to you. Still wanting to be by me, even though I'm ungrateful, a whore, a bitch, all those categories. Right, I am those. Cause I'm not as perfect as Anna was." She hiccuped between her words, only for Rin to remember what he said. "I'm sorry princess." Y/n looks over seeing that he was sorry. "I know you're not." She sighs. "But I forgive you." She trembles. Only for to hug her. "I don't want you to be like Anna, I want you to be yourself. I miss the way you would always make me food to bring to practice. I miss the way you healthy body looks, I miss everything about Y/n. Trust me. I was thinking about what I said and I know I hurt the love of my life. I'm really sorry. I was just stressed with the schedule I have that I've taken all theat stressed on to you. And I'm really sorry about it." Rin whispers, as he lied next to her for her to cuddle up against him. "Do me a favor. Will you be healthy again. It scares me to see you like this. I want you to be better." He smiles kissed her forehead. "Okay." Y/n mumbles. "Now let's go eat before the food gets cold. I'm going to watch you eat okay." She nods. As them both settled themselves downstairs in the dinning room.
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aqiqahenakdibandung · 7 months
MUDAH! (WA) 0852-2137-3290 UMMA AQIQAH Jual Kambing Guling Enak di Pasirwangi Bandung
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Aqiqah dan Kambing Guling Terbaik se Bandung Raya Hubungi Whatsapp 0852-2137-3290 Berikut kami rekomendasikan Aqiqah dan Katering Kambing Guling Terbaik di daerah Bandung Raya (Kota Bandung, Kab. Bandung, Kota Cimahi)
aqiqah untuk orang dewasa,akikah,akikahan adalah,akikah anak laki laki,akikah artinya,akikah bayi laki laki,akikah satu ekor kambing
Seputar Aqiqah Anak Dalam Islam
Aqiqah dalam islam dapat juga dimaknai sebagai rasa syukur kepada Allah SWT atas kehadiran sang buah hati yang hadir diantara keluarga mereka, sehingga umat muslim sangat dianjurkan untuk melakukan aqiqah terhadap anak yang baru lahir. Aqiqah biasanya dilakukan dengan prosesi penyembelihan hewan ternak seperti kambing atau domba yang kemudian dibagikan kepada keluarga, kerabat ataupun orang yang membutuhkan seperti kaum dhuafa.
Aqiqah dapat dilaksanakan pada hari ke-7, hari ke-14 atau hari ke-21 setelah kelahiran anak. Bagi anak laki-laki, hukum aqiqah adalah dengan melaksanakan pemotongan dua ekor kambing/domba sedangkan pada anak perempuan cukup dengan satu ekor saja.
Pelaksanaan aqiqah dalam agama islam hukumnya adalah sunnah muakad, yaitu sunnah yang diutamakan. Seperti diriwayatkan Al-Hasan dari Sammuroh radhiyallahu 'anhu, bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Semua anak tergadaikan dengan aqiqahnya yang disembelihkan pada hari ketujuh, dicukur rambutnya, dan diberikan nama." (HR Ahmad 20722, At-Turmudzi 1605 dan dinilai shahih oleh Al-Albani).
Semoga Allah senantiasa memberikan kemampuan untuk menyegerakan Aqiqah. Sekali seumur hidup, jangan sampai salah pilih! Percayakan Aqiqah Anda/Anak Anda di Umma Aqiqah, penyembelihan dan pengolahan Aqiqah terbaik dengan katering paling enak, kualitas daging terbaik, dan tata cara sesuai syariat Islam yang disunnahkan Rasulullah SAW dengan harga terjangkau.
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(WA) 0852-2137-3290 UMMA AQIQAH Jual Kambing Guling Enak di Pasirwangi Bandung
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