#distracted from my actual work
johnnykillme · 2 months
Why do I have 2 blogs. I thought I only made one. The Boop counter made me realize Is this part of the april fools? Am I dumB? They share the same email. ... HELP.
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heybiji · 13 days
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That causes Dande’s resolve to soften somewhat...
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mattodore · 4 months
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playing with dionte's hair bc i'm procrastinating
#river dipping#dionte duval#lykos#ts4#i do really love how dionte and nicholas kinda have a b4b (bald for bald) thing going on.... but that first hair........#he looks so good... the urge to keep it is gonna make me develop a twitch under my eye...#i love the shadows the locs add btw like i personally loveee when hair creators add shading#like the DRAMAAA it adds!!!#also don't look too closely at him here bc i actually haven't updated him yet hence no proper edit of him (tho i probably won't change much#i'm really just supposed to be cleaning out the hundreds!! of duplicate households in my library dkhjnkfgh i just. get so distracted#i also have to fix mattodore's households bc i think i accidentally deleted the updated version of them at 20...#like there are multiple other saves?? but they're all with matthias's old chin??? like literally WHERE did the updated version go#so i need to clean out my library from the top down and fix their sims#i really messed my sleep schedule up the day before yesterday when i was working on those edits of delphi btw#but i did enjoy rewatching secretary and watching charade while staying up all night to do them <3#also listened to the first two chapters of freedom is a constant struggle! editing may take me forever but i do do other things as i do it#...........talking a lot in these tags bc i'm seriously procrastinating jdkhnf i do NOT ! want to clean through my library it's a mess#OH. ALSO GOOD MORNING I FORGOT TO SAY THAT ‼️#seeing this again two days later and seeing the amount of notes....... y'all weren't meant to reblog this kjhdkfjhndkjgnh#now i'm like damn... is there any reason to make his intro edit like i did for ria and delphi 😭😭😭😭😭
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witchinatree · 3 months
i know the whole "do you think jon ever used his powers to Know what his parents looked like" thing is far more devastating than this but what if he tried using his powers to remember original sasha? jon and sasha always seemed closer than the rest, he picked her (and tim) to work with him and tolerated a lot more nonsense from her than anyone else (using his password to access his computer [161], debating his pronunciation of calliope [25], etc)
and ofc jon and martin became significantly closer as the podcast went on, but in the beginning he was cruel to martin when he gave a statement but accepting of sasha? idk i think their friendship was a lot deeper than we realized (ESPECIALLY since his first murder in season 5 was because NotThem provoked him about sasha) and i think jon wouldve used his powers to Know the original sasha, not sure if it wouldve worked though
so so sorry to distract from the post but can yall read the tags for me because i suffered immensely for this post
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nezz-cringe-crib · 2 months
matsuda the beloved save me
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wannabemylover · 9 months
rewatching the first episode of Hannibal and holy shit I forgot how good this is but it's actually insane that Brian fuller set up the ep like this, he introduces will and Hannibal by first briefly showing them at their core, at the darkest, most vile part of them---we get a glimpse behind the curtain---and then its gone, the curtain is snapped shut and we see their masks, their human suits.
Will empathizes with killers because he likes it, and he wants to kill but he refuses to give into the urge because he knows how much he'll like it and he won't be able to stop. So he lives vicariously through other killers, satisfying his own dark urge by feeding it little morsels of secondhand blood lust. Every crime scene he works gives the urge something that satisfies it, not enough for it to grow, but enough for it be sate. Enough that he can ignore it for long enough that he can walk around and be Professor Will Graham who is Weird, Brash, and Non-sociable.
And Hannibal is a cannibal at night and a psychiatrist by morning.
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primamchorus · 2 months
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gay-strawberry · 1 month
i really appreciate the way jean's brain works. he be having very heavy suicidal thoughts or remembering traumatic shit and then he suddenly goes. hold on. big thighs ? sexy women in bikinis ?? a water drop going down a naked back ? pretty boy is now blond ??? why is everyone so short ? pretty boy GAY ????
its so relatable. i feel so seen,
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thegirlsinthecity · 10 months
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This one is for the lovely @kalevalakryze ! Thank you for all the time and effort you put into your amazing fics!
This idea is once again pulled from their fic Mine over on AO3 :)
#star wars#ahsoka#wolfwren#sabine wren#shin hati#ahsoka series#ahsoka show#sabine wren x shin hati#star wars fanart#my art#thegirlsinthecity#okay when I read this scene it stuck in my head for days#(i had to get the dyeing image out of my brain first to be able to work on this one but once it was done? I immediately started this one#It’s such a good fic and a very cute scene!!#i hope you like it :)#i’m actually pretty proud of myself on this one#still lots to learn but i am improving i feel like#the lighting is what took me the longest because no matter how many videos i watched about light i still don’t get it#i also tried really hard to make the faces a focal point by rendering that area more than the rest. i originally had more detail on the rest#but it distracted from what should be the focus#also i am a perfectionist and often lose sight of the bigger image… note to self it doesn’t matter if something is rotated 37 vs 38 degrees.#no one will notice you don’t have to waste an hour deciding on if a single pixel should be added or not#also note to self phone will crash multiple times as soon as more than 30 layers are involved#also note to self overlay is your best friend#but yeah probably the first time i’ve looked at something i’ve made and been like ‘holy fuck i did a good job’#also you know what? i will be shameless and put my own damn art in my favourites tag if i want to because i’m so proud of myself#favourites#tumblr is compressing my image quality >:( it actually looks so much crisper in my camera roll#adhd rambling sorry got off track here
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puppyeared · 8 months
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ive made myself more wet and pathetic
#new icon because im SUFFERING. im in HELL#its so bad. i had to sign out of discord so now im both lonely and stressed#because i KNOW im still gonna get dstracted. i just did making this URGH#how good are brains at working around things. i once set a 7AM alarm on my phone with snooze cause i was so sure my brain would#be too lazy and keep snoozing instead of actually turning it off. but nay it either kept sleeping through the alarms and snoozing#or actually managed to turn off the alarm half awake that i barely remembered it and then waking up late#i actually have a track record of climbing out of bed and turning my alarm off without remembering. which is impressive bc i have a loftbed#the other thing is setting fake deadlines so make myself panic into doing things ahead of time. but unfortunately that doesnt work either#because if theres one thing my brain will put all its energy into remembering its self assurance. meaning i WILL be able to remember#the real deadline even if i try to trick myself. cant ask someone to give me a fake deadline either#the only things keeping me going rn is that i have deadlines due at least 1 day between each other and excitement being able to talk with#crow after break. but you can see how well thats going <- ignores long term rewards in favor of short term pleasure#BTW CROW IF YOURE READING THIS IM SO SORRY TURNING OFF MY DISCORD WITH BARELY ANY EXPLANATION#im a huge fucking dumbass and i had barely enough impulse control not to block everyone in my dms because i realized that would send a real#really bad msg. youre not distracting me im distracting myself and i promise youre not annoying me i just really like talking to you and#thats why im just barely stopping myself from signing in. I WANT TO TALK TO U LOTS BUT AT THE SAME TIME IM KICKING MYSELF FOR DOING IT#you can be a little mad at me btw cause i definitely could have done that better but i was all over the place abt how to do it without#making u think im ignoring you. IF THAT MAKES SENSE. SORRY#yapping#doodles#puppysona#edit but last week i tried to schedule and give myself work periods and break periods using my class schedule#and reminders on my phone to tell me when to start and stop. can you guess what happened
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thedisablednaturalist · 2 months
The new spine doctor took so many precautions for my cervical injection like making sure I had an IV, taking pictures from multiple angles, even a strap on the bed that kept me from falling off the narrow table. They also made me lay flat for 15 minutes while running my vitals to make sure I didn't seize. They also forbade me from driving home and want me to take it easy for a week. My old doctor just had me lay on a table in a gown and he would do everything really quickly and relatively painlessly and would tell me I could go right back to work normally. I think I know why his injections never helped for more than a couple weeks.
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lieutenantselnia · 1 year
A couple random images from my Barbossa screenshot folder because I love my captain and have been thinking about him a lot recently💕
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soldier-poet-king · 5 months
Having the hots for sad vampires constantly on main is not on the same level of Bad Opinion Posting as like, outright homophobia and racism, but, by God, if I try hard enough maybe in 2024 I can make it the same level of Problem
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thl-vrmr · 1 year
That one girl from Beyond the Trailer saying she had problems with the new Scarlet Witch comic because 'It focused on the twin's Roma heritage and thus made the MCU version look bad' and also because 'It has nothing to do with the MCU's Scarlet Witch who is popular'... Some people just shouldn't have opinions
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Me, reading fanfiction instead of continuing the show: thank you for the characters, but I'll take it from here
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aloftmelevar · 6 months
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here is the space on my bookshelf dedicated to my major special interests. there are two TAWOG things on there - a mad libs book is tucked in before the mayhem manual. i should probably invest in collecting the TAWOG comics.
then you have my fanmade caddicarus DVDs + the official caddicarus blu ray. i don't think i've posted the spines of my DVD cases publicly yet, nor have i mentioned i added a fourth set for the 2023 episodes, so that's exciting.
then you have the huge onward section. when i noticed i was getting a special interest in a mainstream animated film i knew i had to take advantage of all the chances to collect merch. my precious sp/ins didn't have as much merch obviously, so i went crazy here.
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