#ducks supremacy
velidewrites · 2 years
ACOTAR Characters As Ducks: A Thread
You can find Part 2 here and Part 3 here
The Morrigan
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This duck is beautiful and she knows it. Her beak glows with pink iridescence, and her golden coiffure is polished to perfection. Her gaze holds nothing but pure seduction, but don't be fooled; she will bite you if you dare cross her.
2. Amren
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She may look small and harmless, but this duck has been nurturing murderous bloodthirst for millennia. Her fluffy wings are spread wide, holding promise of nothing but death. Look at her charge and hear the ominous flaps of her tiny legs. There is nowhere for you to run.
3. Cassian
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This duck is on crack and he loves it. Look at his chest, puffed out and on display. He wants you to see he’s been working out. Today is leg day. Come back tomorrow for the mirror selfies.
4. Azriel
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This duck is far from the likes of others, for his life has been veiled with eternal shadows. He’s been around for centuries; he has seen unspeakable things that a mere duck's imagination could never comprehend. Could anyone penetrate this icy exterior?
5. Gwyneth Berdara
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The gentle smile. The hopeful gaze. This duck can tell you've had a long day and wants to offer her companionship. Take it. It will make you feel better.
6. Nesta Archeron
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Just a single look at this duck makes me shiver. Her legs are spread wide, asserting dominance in more ways than one. Her entire presence commands my unyielding attention. She has it. She can have whatever she wants.
7. Feyre Archeron
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Look at her go. This duck has a clear purpose, and she will stop at nothing to achieve it. Her gaze flares with unwavering determination. She is ready to take her next step. Where will she go? It doesn't matter. I will follow her, no matter the destination.
8. Rhysand
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This duck wants to know all your business and will not concede until you reveal it. Will he make you feel better? Maybe. But is this face the first thing you want to see when you wake up? I'll leave that judgement for you to make on your own.
9. Elain Archeron
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Just look at her. This duck is the epitome of delicate grace; she is a lady and she knows it. And though her face is the perfect picture of elegance, her eyes betray a cunning, complicated mind. What kind of dark secrets are buried inside it? I want to be let in on all of them.
10. Lucien Vanserra
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...I'm sorry.
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hahasuchagarbage · 1 year
liquiroot pics from the video with my greatest attempts at drawing the backgrounds:
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+ some doodles
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tiny 👌
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andromeddog · 7 months
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mister guy
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zeecringez · 11 months
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sinswhen · 6 months
Crowley talking about ducks
Crowley, leaning casually against a bookshelf in his angels bookshop, nonchalantly brings up the topic of ducks.
"You know, ducks are fascinating creatures, angel."
Aziraphale, glances up from his book "Ducks?.. Really?"
Crowley, smirks "Oh, absolutely. Look at them – gliding on the water, quacking like they've got the secrets of the universe."
Azi, bemused "I fail to see the cosmic significance of ducks."
Crow raises an eyebrow "Well, they waddle, don't they? Very ineffable, that waddling. A cosmic dance of sorts."
he, chuckles "I hardly think ducks have anything to do with the ineffable plan."
Crowley, grins "You're missing the point, angel. Ducks are nature's way of reminding us that even in this world, there's room for a bit of well.. spice"
"Spice, you say? Perhaps I've underestimated the profound wisdom of ducks."
Crowley talks with mock seriousness "Wise creatures, ducks. I've always said they're the philosophers of the pond."
Azi, shakes his head "Crowley, sometimes I wonder about your taste in subjects."
They stroll away "Just remember, Angel, when the world seems too absurd, there's always solace in the delightful quackery of ducks."
Aziraphale, still smiling, returns to his book as Crowley puts his sunglasses back on and saunters out, leaving the bookshop with a sort of duck-inspired vibe.
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ghostlysage · 11 months
i am a woman of many fandoms 🤭
for today we have: old puppet show i really liked and i can finally DRAW THEM, gay people… (@/a-cryptid-called-magetha gave the nme salesman the name jin and the rest is history 💗), and then an old show i need to rewatch because the characters slap and kitty is so gnc (MERCHIN IS THE BEST, FIGHT ME)
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sideblogdotjpeg · 3 months
the duckteam polycule enjoyers (me) are FEASTING tonight
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gophersupremecy · 2 months
I have had a buttload of homework to do all freaking week and am just now getting caught up in my NHL news!
THE SUCKY DUCKYS ARE OFFICIALLY ELIMINATED (as of Sunday)!!! To all my girlies who are ducks fans, I am sorry. But- I’m happy :) that’s all I can say. We all know how much I can’t stand the ducks (and zero hate to my girlies who are fans!!) so this brightened my day!
Anyways, I also saw a post that said the Penguins have a shot at winning the cup this year and I literally laughed out loud. They do not have a single chance- and I’m okay with that. I am beyond okay with that to be honest.
Also! Even though the Bruins are my freaking TEAM- part of me is really hoping the Nucks bring it home this year! Mostly because of Quinn and how he has just stepped up into leadership with so much tact and grace- I love him. So much. And I’m so proud of him!! I just think it would be a perfect ending to the best season for him (that and the Norris 🤩🤩) so anyways… yeah.
Love you guys! Don’t miss the Hockey East semis and final tonight and tomorrow!!!
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kapitanbank · 4 months
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Warming up with human Molly today.
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specklelouis · 1 year
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cottagedreamy · 1 year
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I'm back with dewey dump doodles 😎
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velidewrites · 2 years
Ducklings for your Elucien drabble <3 (I was inspired by your profile pic)
Ducklings | Elucien Drabble
Word Count: 1.3k
Note: Thank you so much for sending this prompt @the-lonelybarricade ! As soon as I saw the word "ducklings" I knew this was exactly what Elucien needed. Hope you enjoy this shameless fluff! <3
“Lucien,” Elain pleaded, out of breath. “Tell me we’re at least getting close.”
He chuckled, his hand guiding her through the narrow path. “Patience, my lady. I promised you a nice day out, did I not?” he teased, earning an exasperated huff from the female.
It was a nice day indeed, as most days were in the Autumn Court. The trail he’d chosen for their little expedition had been somewhat challenging, at least according to Elain, who had clearly not been a fan of hiking uphill. Still, it offered some of the most incredible sights of the Autumn forests, with warm, golden sunlight peaking through the trees, their leaves laying out a path of amber, orange and maroon. 
“Autumn Court truly is beautiful,” Elain admitted, still a little breathless.
He nodded. “It is. Though I can’t say I ever had the chance to truly enjoy it,” he added, a tinge of bitterness to his voice.
Elain scowled. “I hate that Eris is forcing you to come back here,” she confessed. “I don’t see why we need to honour Beron’s death, anyway. He was a bastard.”
Lucien felt the corners of his mouth twitch. “So ferocious,” he teased, letting his smile broaden at the sight of Elain’s cheeks flushing. “Don’t worry about me, Elain. This is just something I have to do,” he explained, though they both knew he hated the fact as much as she did.
She squeezed his hand in return. “I just wish…” she trailed off, then shook her head, clearly deciding not to elaborate. She did not need to.
“So do I,” he said quietly, his gaze softening upon her concerned features. “I suppose sometimes you have to let go of the past to keep up appearances, even if just for a moment. Besides, us being here sends a message—that the Night Court supports Eris as the new High Lord of Autumn.”
Elain grimaced at the words, prompting a small chuckle to escape him. “Well,” Lucien added. “He can be a real bastard too. But he’ll make a better ruler than my father ever was.”
She sighed in response. “Let’s hope that’s true.”
Lucien laughed once again. Taking the final step upward, he reached to toss away a branch, its leaves masking the view of their destination. “We’re here,” he announced, holding out his hand to help Elain up.
He felt her gasp beside him, taking in the beauty of what laid before them. The clearing was surrounded by tall, striking rock formations, all covered with moss ranging from light yellow to rich green. A small waterfall draped the rough stone, falling peacefully into a pond, glistening with the sun reflecting off its surface. Floating atop the pool, among the red leaves that must have fallen in earlier, was a small flock of ducks—seven little ducklings surrounding their mother, basking in the sunlight.
Elain’s hand travelled to her mouth, covering lips that had slightly parted in awe. Slowly approaching the pond, she kneeled by its edge, a small laugh escaping her at the sight of one of the ducklings eagerly chasing one of its siblings.
Lucien stood behind her, leaning against the bark of a tree, suddenly feeling all words leave his head. All he could do was stand there and admire the way her hair shone in rays of sunlight, how they warmed her soft skin with a delightful glow.
He had no idea how long he had stood there, but she had clearly noticed his absence, head turning over her shoulder as she patted the ground beside her, gesturing for him to sit.
Inches away from Elain, Lucien sprawled on the fresh soil, leaning back on his forearms. Seconds after, happy quacks began approaching them, as the ducklings swam closer to greet their new companions. He tilted his head, getting a closer look. Though all seven ducklings were equally small and fluffy, only the six of them shared a coating of different shades of brown. The last one of them glistened with bright, yellow feathers, and Elain beamed as it stepped out of the water, waddling towards her clumsily.
He watched as she laughed softly, picking up the duckling in her hands. “Hello there, little one,” she cooed, the duckling squealing with excitement. Her smile widened. “I think you’re my favourite.”
Lucien chuckled at the remark. “Now what do I have to do to get that sort of treatment?”
Elain smiled, her eyes still on the small, happy creature in her hands. “I’m afraid you’ve got some competition, my lord. This one is simply too cute and fluffy,” she informed, though a grin spread on her face as her gaze slid over to the other ducklings swimming in the crystal water. She turned to him with a playful gleam in her eyes. “Though if you’d like to try for my advances, you’re more than welcome to get in the water and splash around, too.”
Lucien grinned. “Only if you get in with me,” he offered, his eyes betraying his idea of playing wildly differed from Elain’s. Looking into them, she flushed with a shade of red that almost matched the colour of the Autumn leaves.
She pet the yellow duckling, the bird leaning its head onto her delicate fingers. With a gentle tap on its beak, Elain released it back into the water. The duckling immediately swam to its mother, small wings flapping with enthusiasm, splashing the water around it.
Elain closed her eyes in content, resting her head against Lucien’s shoulder. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
He smiled, warmth spreading through him at her affectionate touch. “My mother used to bring me here when father was away. It didn’t happen very often, but I cherished those moments.”
Elain nodded, understanding coating her beautiful features. “I’m glad you were able to steal those moments of happiness, however small. I…” she swallowed, shaking her head. “My mother wasn’t as nurturing.”
Pain tugged on Lucien’s heart as he laced his fingers through hers. They sat in silence, unspoken understanding shining between them as they watched the ducklings circle their mother in a happy chase.
“Would you like to meet her?” Lucien asked.
Elain lifted her head to look at him in confusion. Lucien smiled, something like warmth glowing inside his chest as he reached to tuck away a loose string of hair behind her ear. “My mother.” 
A small gasp escaped Elain’s breath.
“I know it hasn’t been that long since we’ve started getting to know each another as this. As…mates,” he said hesitantly, though Elain did not shudder. Instead, she consumed his every word, as if she was suffocating and he was feeding her fresh, invigorating air. Brown eyes watched him intently, and he couldn’t help but lean in closer. “But…I would really love it if she could meet you. Meet you and truly see you, see you the way I do.”
“And what do you see, Lucien?” Elain asked, her voice barely above a whisper. He could feel her soft breath on his lips, and it took everything in his power not to taste it. 
“I see your warmth. Your kindness. Your passion for anything that can change the world for the better. The way your eyes sparkle when you watch the sunrise. That’s the true you, Elain. You bring light into the lives of those lucky enough to be part of yours.”
Tears gleamed in her beautiful, brown eyes as she nodded, their noses brushing against each other lightly. “Lucien,” she breathed, and their lips joined in a soft, unyielding promise.
When they broke apart, she rested her hand on his cheek, eyes gleaming with nothing but pure sunlight. “It would be an honour, Lucien.”
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ambrosiusthecanard · 15 days
duck :°
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mirrren · 2 years
It’s funny how Duck sees Yellow Guy as the pet and Yellow Guy sees Duck as the pet but none of them see Red Guy as a pet. Red Guy in the only one they mutually respect.
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drink-tang-gang · 2 years
What's your thoughts on the clampett vs jones daffy discourse happening on looneytwt right now
if my previous reblogs weren't enough to convey hjkfd I feel like pitting these two aspects of daffy as distinct personalities fail to recognize they embody him as a whole. daffy has always been greedy and opportunistic. he's also always been insane and a great foil. he's always, always lived up to his name.
besides like... the "jonesian" part of himself is a natural evolution to his "clampett" character, in a meta sense. the darker aspects of his personality was a response to him no longer being the no.1 looney tune, plus like, budget cuts. so his signature sharp, gooey, unpredictable movements (think Piggy Bank Robbery) had to be sacrificed.
What I'd focus on, is comparing and choosing what clampett and jones prioritized for comedy. bc jones is all abt story and relationships, dialogue, deliberate expressions (which meant more pauses so the audience can reaalllyy take in how characters are feeling) meanwhile clampett is high energy, constant movement, a rhythm that transform the dialogue into something lyrical. THAT'S what I think ppl should be doin the "either or" bc they're both respectable yet VASTLY different approaches to comedy. And I absolutely love that daffy was able to shine in both.
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psqqa · 7 months
airport of all time fr
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