#first of all did you expect them to cut a musical number from one of the most well known and beloved musicals ever?
supercantaloupe · 2 years
now i am just in a bad mood in general so i know i’m primed to be really bitchy about things i disagree with or don’t like rn but nevertheless hearing/reading reviews about sexy oklahoma is making me really pissy right now. “the directors made weird choices that didn’t exactly work” to YOU. III get it tho. hope u recover from covid soon luv cause idk why else you’d have completely lost ur sense of taste <3
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wolfjackle-creates · 4 months
Answer My Call Chapter 2 Part 1
What's this? Two posts for WIP Wednesday??? I said I was gonna spoil you guys. Now, I originally planned to do Carry Your Heart. Figured the top and bottom choices from the WIP Wednesday poll would be fun. But both stories are at a point where Danny is taking Jason to Frostbite and I just didn't feel like writing the same scenario twice, even if the details and POV are totally different.
So I went to the third place option.
If you want a say in what I work on this week, check out the poll!
Story Summary: Jazz, Sam, and Tucker manage to help Danny escape the GIW, but they can't follow him and are under too much surveillance to communicate with each other. Sam snuck Danny a phone as he ran and Jazz sends him a text every day, hoping to hear he is all right. But he's not the one getting the texts.
Jason was away for several months on a mission with the Outlaws. When he finally returns home, he is surprised to find dozens of messages from an unknown number begging a Danny to tell her he's okay. Looks like there's not going to be a break between missions this time around.
Chapter 1: AO3 (user locked), Tumblr
Word Count: 1.5k
Jazz tapped her finger on her phone as she waited for the Dunkin employee to call out her order. Red Hood was supposed to arrive any minute. She’d left her dorm a full two hours ago and led Agents K and O on a merry chase through Boston before finally losing them at Quincy Market. Then she’d doubled back and was now near Northeastern. She had no reason to be here, so hopefully it’d take a little longer to track her down.
And that’s when she felt it—a ghost or liminal was nearby.
Pushing his way in the building was a tall man with a red beanie covering dark hair. He had on an unbuttoned flannel jacket over a Dumpty Humpty T-shirt and jeans with a backpack slung over one shoulder. He glanced around before his eyes settled on her and he grinned.
“Hey, Jazz, right?” He held out his hand. “I’m Todd.”
Jazz couldn’t say anything and just stared in horror. Red Hood couldn’t be liminal. Had she just led another liminal to the guys in white? Did he even realize he was considered an ecto-entity under the anti-ecto acts she’d introduced him and Red Robin to?
“Jazz? Are you okay?” he asked, dropping his hand.
“Order for Jazz!” called out the barista.
Jazz shook herself and grabbed her drink with a smile for the employee. Then she grabbed Todd’s elbow and dragged him over to the tables.
“Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting—” she cut herself off. She had no idea what he knew and what he didn’t. And the agents could come get them at any moment. Instead she pulled out her phone started turning off every security setting. “Never mind. Do you want anything?” she asked with a gesture at her own drink.
“I’m all right. But, are you? What happened?”
Jazz let out a laugh; if the way Todd’s eyes widened was any indication, it was a tad more hysterical that she would’ve liked. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing happened.” She looked down at his shirt. “My brother loves Dumpty Humpty, you a music fan?”
He seemed nonplussed at the topic change but shrugged. “Sure. Music is good, but I stole this shirt from one of my brothers. I don’t know if I could name a single song by them. How about you?”
Jazz grinned and forced herself to relax as she logged out of her school email on her phone. “I’m a huge fan of any sort of self-expression, including music. Actually, my plans for tonight involve music, so I hope you like the indie scene. Might be a bit intense for a first date, but I’ve always figured, why not jump right in? Show ‘em the crazy from the start and see if they can keep up.” She leaned forward over the table and winked at him. “Think you’ll be able to keep up?”
Todd played the game perfectly and looked her up and down like they really were about to start a first date. “With you, sweetheart, I’ll follow anywhere you lead.”
Jazz laughed and stood. “Come on, then. We’re going on an adventure.”
Todd grinned and joined her. “Lead the way.”
Once out of the building, Jazz led them away from the university. This being Boston, it wasn’t long before they came across a homeless man begging on the side of the street.
Wincing internally, she gripped Todd’s arm and said loudly, “Honestly, I don’t know why the cops don’t do a better job of keeping away the beggars.”
Todd looked at her in surprise. “What are you talking about? They have a right to exist and we should help them.”
“They’re probably fine. Everyone knows they only use the money they’re given on drugs and alcohol.” She pretended to glance at her phone before reaching back to shove it in her back pocket. Only to miss so it fell to the ground. “Ew, he’s looking at us. Come on, let’s cross the street.”
She could feel the way Todd tensed at her words, but he let himself be led across the street.
As soon as they were out of hearing shot, he turned to her and hissed, “What the hell was that?”
Jazz glanced back and saw the man picking up her phone. She looked away before he could catch her looking. “Come on, I’ll explain.” She grabbed Todd’s hand and led him down an alley to a much busier street. “I had to ditch my phone. I logged out of everything and left it unlocked so he can use it or resell it. I needed to make sure he wouldn’t try to return it to me and, well, what better way than being the worst person you can imagine?”
And now he was staring, open mouthed.
“They’ve had remote access to my phone for months and I couldn’t let them track us!” she insisted. Habit had her looking around for any sign of a white suit.
“Who can’t find us?”
Jazz shook her head. “The guys in white. Look, this is too public. I can’t say much else here. But meeting you, everything had to change. You’re in danger just by being near me and I refuse to be the reason you get hurt.”
“Why am I in danger?”
“Later!” Jazz hissed before wincing and looking around. She forced a smile back on her face and asked, in as normal a tone as she could manage, “What time is it? Do you know?”
He looked down at his phone. “Uh, looks like it’s almost five.”
“Oh great! Plenty of time for us to get something to eat before I bring you to our surprise destination.”
And from there, Jazz led Todd on a convoluted tour of Boston. They grabbed food at the Pru, then she took him to the green line. Where they traveled four stops before she jumped up in feigned surprise that they were on the wrong branch. So then they got off and hopped on the train going in the opposite direction.
Which was where she wanted to be going all along.
For once, she was happy the orange line was still under construction, because the shuffle of passengers from trains to buses and back just made their journey that much more complicated and harder to follow.
By the time they finally got to their stop, the sun had mostly set. The station was mostly empty and Jazz looked around for any sign of white suits or vans, but even when she didn't see any, she couldn't relax.
“Where are we going?” Todd asked for probably the dozenth time.
Jazz rolled her eyes. “We’ll be there in five minutes and then you’ll find out.”
She led him to the street, the crosswalk had lights over it, but the rest of the road was shrouded in darkness. They ran across without waiting for the walk symbol.
Once they crossed what was basically a divided highway, Jazz led them along the poorly lit and cracked sidewalk. Ahead of them they were approaching a river.
“It’s before the river,” muttered Jazz to herself. “Is this it?” She hesitated at the top of a sloping, unpaved drive that led to an industrial building that sat on the waterfront. “I think so. Apparently this building used to be a coffin factory. Cool, huh?”
“I don’t care for coffins,” was Todd’s terse reply.
Jazz flinched slightly. She knew he was death-adjacent. Should’ve known better than to mention coffins. “Right, sorry. Well, they aren’t made here anymore.” She made her way down the steep drive, Todd a step behind her.
“What is it now?”
“Apartments, I believe.”
Once at the bottom, she looked around and saw the old loading dock. Entering, she looked for the door on the left.
Only to hesitate once more. Two doors were on the left. She hadn’t heard anything about there being two doors. Taking a chance, she opened the first one.
Inside was a table where two women sat in front of a metal box. On the wall were a set of pegs already mostly filled with coats. And inside milled probably thirty or forty people.
The women smiled at Jazz. “Hi, have you two been here before?”
Jazz shook her head and pulled two twenties out of her wallet. “No. But I had a classmate come here and tell me about it. When I realized you had something going on tonight when I had a date? Figured it was a great place to come with my partner!”
She laughed. “We’re definitely unique here at the Night Cap.” She stamped their hands. “Show starts in half an hour, but feel free to mingle until then. Bathroom’s through the kitchen.”
“Thanks! We’re looking forward to tonight.”
Todd nodded his own thanks and followed Jazz into the room.
“What are we doing here?” he whispered in her ear.
“Hiding,” she whispered back. “I’ve never been here before. Never even taken this stop on the T before. When we leave here, we’ll get a motel room or something and I’ll tell you everything.”
“Is this necessary?”
“Without a doubt.”
Jazz could tell Todd didn’t fully believe her, but he dropped it. Jazz found a few people who were discussing that evening’s performers and the two of them joined the conversation.
Part 2
I no longer do tag lists, but please check out the Subscription Post if you want notifications when I update.
So, I had a lot of fun with this section. The place Jazz takes Jason to? Real place. Though Night Cap isn't what the residents call it. Honestly, the real name is also impossible to google. If you don't know it exists, you would never find it (why Jazz runs from the GIW there). Out of respect for the residents of the apartment, though, I changed the name. I went to a show there and it was super weird trying to find it. Like, the directions in my email seriously said "enter the loading dock of the former coffin factory, find the door on the left, and slip the person standing there $10-20 cash. Don't touch anyone's personal belongings, please."
As we waited for the bathroom during set break, two of the residents were cooking dinner at the stove and we were chatting about how Regan was the worst.
10/10 would go again.
Anyone who has spent any time in Boston knows what I mean about the T being under construction. Annoying as hell, but it worked out for Jazz this time.
(The T is the name of the Boston train/subway system.)
The Pru refers to the Prudential building. The bottom level(s) are full of restaurants and shops (basically a high end shopping mall) and upper levels are offices. The top level is an observation deck that's open to the public, though I've never been.
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flower-boi16 · 6 days
I just finished watching The Full Moon, here are my thoughts.
+The opening musical number is good & is admittely pretty catchy. I expected it to be some god awful love ballad between Stolas and Blitz, and thank god it didn't end up being that.
+The scenes of the Cherubs being horrified of the stuff at Blitz is buying are pretty funny I'll admit
+Nice to see the Dhorks and Cherubs back as well as a team up between the two. That's a fun idea
-The Dhorks just. Randomly appear out of nowhere to capture the Cherubs...? Where did they come from????
-The Cherubs for some reason try to lie about being excorists...? Why??? Why are they lying about this??? Why can't they just tell the Dhorks their beef with the Imps???
-So the Dhorks got more funding from the government because of the incident that happened the last time they met with the Imps, implying that they did send the footage they had, implying that the government now knows about the existance of demons. Ok so woulden't an incident as big as this get on the news...? Did this thing get on the news or no???
-The Cherubs are screaming right behind Blitz yet he NEVER hears them for some reason????
-Blitz being on completely good terms with Fizz still feels very weird to me. Like Fizz just instantly forgives Blitz for the sheer amount of physical and emotional truama he gave him in one episode and their back to being buddies again. It just doesn't feel earned is what I'm saying.
-So it's revealed that Loona and the others were following Blitz throughout the whole episode, which is how they were able to find the cherubs. Ok so if they were following Blitz around then woulden't they have seen the Cherubs? They were plainly hiding on the roof in the first scene, anyone could see them. Did they see the Cherubs at first? And if they did, why didn't they attack them earlier???
-The whole fight feels oddly very slow. Like I just felt bored while watching this fight scene unfold and that sucks because season 1 was able to create good fights, and even season 2's first half has some well-animated fight scenes. Why do the movements of the characters here feel so sluggish now???
-One of the Cherubs for some reason doesn't cut Millie's tail off and stabs her leg instead even though it's literally the thing that’s strangling her.
-Millie throws st. Cherub with her tail after that which she for some reason didn't do earlier.
-Moxxie makes quip in front of one of the Cherubs when he could’ve just instantly shot him in the face there. Seriously that was such an easy opportunity
-That fucking line where Stolass says "I thought so highly of you, I didn't know you felt so low of me" is PEAK Stolass victimization and Blitz being demonized. Plus it makes no fucking sense; like, BITCH YOU WERE SEXUALLY ABUSING HIM. OF COURSE HE WAS GOING TO HATE YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
-The whole finale scene is very confusing to me. It starts out good enough with the show actually ackgnowlegding Stolas' mistakes for once but then towards the end the framing begins to shift into Stolas victimizing and Blitz demonization, all culminating in that final line. "Oh no Blitz hurt Stolas' feelings he's such an asshole!!!". Like although the show sometimes acknowledges Stolas' mistakes it's rendered null by the show Still framming Blitz as an asshole for not understanding that Stolas has real feelings for him, even though all Stolas has been doing is SEXUALLY ABUSING HIM.
It all feels gaslighty to me. And the line where Stolas says that Blitz not realizing that Stolas has genuine feelings for him and thinks it's just for sleeping with him shows that the reletionship can't work makes it sound like Blitz is apart of the problem for not reconizing that Stolas loves him, even though, again, Stolas has been treating Blitz horribly throughout the first season so why WOULD Blitz think that Stolas loves him???? It's just more Stolas victimization painting him as the sympathetic one while Blitz is once again framed as the asshole by the narrative. I'm sorry. But I'm fucking TIRED of it. I'm tired of Stolas victimization. I'm tired of Blitz being demonized. And I'm TIRED OF THE FANDOM BLAMING BLITZ AS THE TOXIC ONE HERE WHEN HE'S NOT.
And sadly, the Blitz demonization is only going to get worse from here judging by the latest trailer.
This episode was just as awful as I was expecting it to be. 2.5/10.
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justarandombrit · 2 months
Okay, so in case anyone couldn't make it to the livestream (and just because I wanted to), I wrote down some notes while watching it, so if anyone wants to read them, they're below the cut. (Also sorry ANI fans, my dad came in to borrow a pencil while the ANI segment was happening, so I missed a lot of it)
. There was a 4 minute long intro voice over before AVPM
. James watched AVPM
. 600,000 and Lauren plays the green screen piano
. 700,000 and Lauren does an architectural digest on the green screen house
. Jon really loves Ready To Go
. Darren keeps letting Joey know he sounds like shit on old recordings
. Pinball Pete’s burnt down 🙏🙏
. MAMD was the first student produced album to make the charts
. A Very Potter Sequel’s name came before A Very Potter Musical
. They accidentally wrote Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
. James gave Julia Albain leg splints
. During Starship the entire cast was breathing fibreglass
. Starship was called “knowingly amateurish”
. Darren was supposed to write 15 songs for Starship, but he got cast on GLEE
. Darren flew in to join a rehearsal as a surprise, ran in singing Beauty and everyone was so pissed
. Everyone still loves Kick It Up A Notch
. Nick: “Which was Holy Musical B@man-
Lauren: “Fuck yeah”
. They made up Sweet Tooth, and then found out he was an actual Batman villain
. Matt came up with “Calendar Man, your days are numbered” in his dream, and it was so good it forced him awake to instantly call Nick
. Everyone thought the flying machine joke was the best AVPM joke
. Goin' Back To Hogwarts Reprise made everyone cry
. AVPSY was five hours long
. Curt saw AVPSY
. Darren arrived 2 hours before the show and didn't get a chance to read through a lot of the script
. Darren came up with “I hope you find that swimming pool”
. Joey ate one banana on the day of AVPSY and during Sidekick went “I'm losing my vision”
. They had to pay the hotel union $11,000 to use THEIR OWN microphones, and Darren's STILL BROKE
. Jeff accidentally washed out his Aladdin hair dye
. A.J. Holmes had the same agent as Jafar's original VA, and they got him to do the intro and say “pee” and “poop” in Jafar's voice
. ANI was, as we know, expected to be a hit, and, as we know, it was not
. TTO was, as we know, expected to fail, and, as we know, did not
. TTO had a batshit cast party
. Pierce used to ask Matt insanely complicated questions before bed, e.g, “How did WWII happen?”
. Firebringer was a really old concept
. Literally no one questioned why the “I don't really wanna do the work today” clip had loads of people dressed as cavewomen + cavemen
. Firebringer was the first show Jon saw live
. They made up all the Hatchetfield shows at the same time
. Nick kept making sure Paul was having fun
. The song from the Pirate Show, “Born To Be Wretched goes so fucking hard. Like if a sea shanty was a musical theatre song essentially
. Mariah: “Rich gays, please give”
. Lauren choreographed Show Stoppin' Number
. People actually gave Lauren their phones when she asked in Inevitable, and they would take them backstage and take selfies before giving them back. One time it was locked and she shouted “WHAT'S THE PASSCODE?!?!?”
. Joey: “I'm in the middle of Wiggle”
. Everyone was ill during Black Friday
. Bryce saw Black Friday
. Nick told her “Interesting things happen here” when showing her to the seat
. Ahhh when Jeff played Tom…
. Angela was in Jaime’s improv class
. Angela is no longer on vocal rest
. Angela had to kill Sherman with a finger gun one night
. Will was 100% ready for NPMD
. Will was at a party they went to during A Very Starkid Reunion
. Rip Kim
. The Docks of Troutspear is sung by Matt’s favourite character (it also slaps)
. The Pit Stop in Hatchetfield livestream is going to be a tag team deathmatch
. I love Starkid so much
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thepixelelf · 7 months
Oh Baby, You Part 32 - Confrontation
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Jihoon takes the water an assistant stage manager hands to him, and he lifts the straw to his lips. The water is cool and refreshing — much needed after singing the finale number of the encore.
“Fifteen ‘til the fanmeet,” the assistant relays to him. “You can head over to that area we showed you whenever you’re ready.”
He nods, then takes the cloth they’re holding out to wipe the sweat off his forehead.
It was his management team that decided on this whole “meet and greet” thing. Not that he doesn’t like his fans, he's just a little nervous to interact today, one on one, for longer than a few seconds while he’s signing an album or something.
Before Jihoon goes into the room the fan is in, he shoots off a text to Wonwoo, telling him where to go and what to say to get backstage.
He didn’t expect confetti. Or yelling. Or gasps.
But he at least expected the fan to look excited to meet him.
The fan smiles, but there’s something about it that seems… transactional? Jihoon thinks he must just be exhausted from the concert and tries to shake his inhibitions off. The fan reaches out his hand to shake, and Jihoon takes it.
“Hi,” the fan says. “I’m Chan.”
Jihoon forces out an awkward laugh. Maybe this fan is just as nervous as he is. “Hi, Chan. It’s really cool to meet you.”
Chan’s smile widens, and he looks down for a moment. “Yeah. I’ve been a fan since your first single.”
“No way, people actually listened to that?”
They share another laugh together before a silence settles. Chan breathes in, and he speaks as he meets Jihoon’s eyes. “I just have something I’ve been dying to ask you.”
Jihoon thinks of all the music-related questions people have asked of him online. “Sure, shoot.”
“What do you know about Orion’s father?”
Jihoon blinks. The name is only vaguely familiar to him — the constellation and how he’s some Greek archer, but the most recent time he’s heard it was from Wonwoo.
Chan continues when he receives no immediate answer. “You know…”
And then he says your name. A name which has set off anger within Jihoon for three years now, anger for a friend who suffered at your hand.
Jihoon’s expression turns somber. “I think you should leave.”
The staff members in the room, who had been politely standing to the side, perk to attention, concerned eyes trying to read Jihoon’s face.
“What did they ever do to you?” Chan asks further, ignoring Jihoon’s words. “To make you hate them so much?”
In turn, Jihoon ignores him. He moves towards the door and tells the staff, “We’re done here.”
When he walks out, Wonwoo is right there, but his eyes are pointed behind Jihoon.
“Chan?” he says.
“I knew it!” Chan exclaims, coming out into the hallway.
(Out of the corner of his eye, Jihoon spots his manager about to pop a blood vessel.)
“What is up with you three? And those guys from Geomsoft? Choi Seungcheol? Kim Mingyu?”
Just as Jihoon goes to say, “It’s none of your business,” Wonwoo steps closer to Chan.
“What do you know about Kim Mingyu?” he asks him, brows furrowed.
Chan rebuts, “Almost nothing aside from what google told me, which is why I’m asking you.”
“I know he used to be my friend.” Wonwoo’s voice wavers on that last word, and Jihoon puts a hand on his arm.
Chan leaves no room for interruption. “Was he MT’s friend too?”
“Why don’t you know?” Wonwoo spits. “Aren’t you their friend now? Why don’t you even know who the father is?”
“No one does! Soonyoung seems to know something since he knew about him—” Chan gestures at Jihoon but doesn’t look away from Wonwoo. “—but he’s been super cagey lately and—”
“Soonyoung knows?” Wonwoo cuts in with a deep frown.
Jihoon frowns, too. Other than Wonwoo, he was closest to Soonyoung in the group before everything happened, and he was really disappointed when his friend took your side of things. He’d blocked Soonyoung three years ago when he had tried to contact Jihoon and ask him to give you a chance.
But why did Soonyoung take your side? Jihoon never took him for a cheater apologist. Soonyoung is a little lightheaded sometimes, but he’s always been fiercely loyal. Back then, he was closer to you than Wonwoo, sure, but to defend you after what you did? Knowing the facts?
The facts that are a little fuzzy now…
Jihoon tunes back in to the conversation just when Chan says, “They’re right out there, you know? Waiting for me so they can go get Orion from ‘Uncle Gyu’ —”
Wonwoo turns right around and starts marching out of the backstage area towards the lobby. Jihoon doesn’t exactly try to stop him, but he does move to follow, as does Chan. His manager stops Jihoon with a hand on his arm, though. “I don’t know what the hell is going on right now, but at least try to lay low. Please.” They hand him a black lower-face mask before letting him go.
Thankfully, the only people left in the lobby seem to be a group of older women, who spot Jihoon and respectfully keep their distance, whispering to each other, and the group of people in the opposite corner that includes you.
You’ve already spotted Wonwoo and Chan, your mouth gaped open.
Before you can say anything, Wonwoo stops right in front of you.
“Just tell me the truth,” he starts. “Even if it hurts, I— I don’t care that— fuck, I do care that you cheated on me, but…”
Jihoon watches you glance in panic to your group of friends, and how you grimace at the shock on their faces. Wonwoo doesn’t even seem to notice, but Jihoon doesn’t attempt to step in to stop him.
“…I’m just so scared that you cheated on me with him, because—”
“Wonwoo,” you say gently.
“—if it was him then maybe I’ll finally be angry enough to let you go because—”
“Wonwoo,” you speak a little louder.
“—I need to finally let you go or else I’ll just keep loving someone who hurt me so badly—”
He freezes, almost panting at his explosion of emotion, and you put your hands on his arms. He looks down at your touch, and sighs out.
Jihoon’s brow furrows.
“I never cheated on you.”
The words come out so quietly, but everyone hears it. Wonwoo’s breath hitches, and his eyes meet yours, frantically searching them for any hint of a lie.
But Jihoon moves closer, putting a hand on Wonwoo’s shoulder and pulling him back so he can slip himself between you and his friend. His protective positioning doesn’t go unnoticed by you, and you just step back, complacent.
“What the fuck do you mean, you never cheated?” Jihoon growls.
You meet his eyes, then shift over to Wonwoo, then look around at your friends. “Oh, god.” You run your hand over your face. “I’m going to get in so much trouble with Jeonghan for this.”
Moving your hands in front of you, you gesture everyone to gather up closer. “Okay, this is kind of a long story…”
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oby tagging 1, 50/50: @shiningstar-byulxx @shuabby-woowoo @90s-belladonna @xavi-in-kpopland @kachren @xmessaroundx @chwevernonlover @kwanisms @dalamjisung @1ntaktak @crazywittysassy @butterfliesinthenightsky @ddaengpotate @dorrysstuff @ckline35 @vanishingboots @potatofrieswithketchup @minhwa @oncecaratorbit @sugacookees @royal9 @doodlelibrary @myjaeyunn @yksthings @jundundun @amosmortese @jaeskz @seungmintree @woozarts @my-chaos-in-stars @yoonychoik @ksywoo @kellesvt @candidupped @sharkipoonis @wooahaeproductions @capsiclesworld @hellodefthings @sunshineshouchan @calumsfringe @caratinluv @pinkysinnerbaby @winterwallacehenderson @jvhoons @woo8hao @sxftiell @wondering-out-loud
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The Beatles invigorated the role of the fan because they were the first cultural product to engage holistically with the figure of the teenage girl. They emerged onto ground broken by Elvis and then outpaced their predecessor creatively and commercially. Elvis supplied an avatar for the forbidden promise of sex, but his appeal rested in how easy he was to objectify, his obviousness. Cartoonishly handsome, he was a body onto which the teenage girl could project unspoken and illicit desire. He inspired adoration, but it could not compare to the ferocious awe frothed up among Beatles girls. There is no Elvis equivalent to the term "Beatlemaniac." "To younger teenagers, the Beatles' cheerful, faintly androgynous sexuality was more approachable than Elvis's alpha-male heat," wrote Lynskey. The Beatles offered something more complex than an empty sexual template. They presented an opportunity for identification. A girl could invest her desire in the band, but she could also discover herself there. The gaze cast on the Beatles was a queer one from the start. Before American women looked at the Beatles, they had been seen by Brian Epstein, the closeted gay record clerk who discovered and ferociously advocated for the band when record executives failed to give them a second glance. Watching them play a lunch hour show at a grimy club in Liverpool, Epstein picked up on the magnetic potential of the four young men. In Vivek Tiwary's graphic novel The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story, artist Andrew Robinson closes the frame around the future manager's stunned face as he beholds the Beatles for the first time, as if he could sense his life pivoting around that one rapturous moment. "There was some indefinable charm there," he wrote in his 1964 memoir A Cellarful of Noise. "They were extremely amusing and in a rough 'take it or leave [it] way' very attractive." Upon becoming their manager, Epstein was tasked with convincing the world to see the Beatles the way he saw them: via a gaze that desired its objects without othering them. Heterosexual desire spans a chasm, coveting difference. Queer desire pulls together like elements, finding attraction in affinity. That teen girls could even feel the kind of active, demanding sexual desire evinced by their screams was still a novel concept in the early '60s, which carried vestiges of the prior decade's postwar conservatism. "In a highly sexualized society (one sociologist found that the number of explicitly sexual references in the mass media had doubled between 1950 and 1960), teen and preteen girls were expected to be not only 'good' and 'pure' but to be the enforcers of purity within their teen society—drawing the line for overeager boys and ostracizing girls who failed in this responsibility," wrote Barbara Ehrenreich in a 1986 essay. "To abandon control—to scream, faint, dash about in mobs—was, in form if not in conscious intent, to protest the sexual repressiveness, the rigid double standard of female teen culture. It was the first and most dramatic uprising of women's sexual revolution." Befuddled by the Beatlemaniacs' exuberance, interviewers and critics (who were more often than not men) pinned the scream to a desire, of all things, to mother the band. "It has been said that you appeal to the maternal instinct in these girls," began an interviewer in 1964. John cut him off: "That's a dirty lie." Joking or not, he was right. The dynamic at hand did not correspond to a mother/son model. Beatles girls wanted the way men were expected to want: unabashedly and directly, as active agents in the exchange of desire. There was nothing coy about their hunger.
Sasha Geffen, Glitter Up the Dark: How Pop Music Broke the Binary
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bettyfrommars · 9 months
it’s the a7x anon 😘
imagine stripper harlot reader and eddie falls for her (obviously) and he follows her to a club one night. it’s an underground club (got me thinking blood rave from blade) but shes deadly, she sucks the soul out of men in the clubs, poisons them for fun, the club is filled with different types, vampires, wolves, ghouls, but none are more desired or feared than her.
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Sympathy for the Devil
eddie x demon!fem!reader
It's the mid-90's and Eddie has moved to Seattle with the rest of Corroded Coffin to get in on the music scene. He sees you one night dancing at a bachelor party and can't seem to stop thinking about you. His hunt for you takes him to a dark part of town where only monsters dare to go. wc: 2.5k
18+ONLY, grunge!eddie, descriptions of monsters, eventual smut, star-crossed lovers, Gareth, reader described as having thick hips and tattoos, exotic dancers, alcohol consumption, breathing fire. Readers dad is basically Hellboy.
Part 1: Great Balls of Fire
Part 2: Mark of the Beast
Part 3: Burn it Down
A/N: There is just so much I want to explore on this topic, I had to turn it into multiple parts. No smut in this chapter, but there will be in the next two, if there are people who want to read it. I love any reason for a good Blade blood shower. I love this anon, and I hope I did some justice to your idea.
Eddie dropped down into the dark venue on a wing and a prayer, hoping you were working that night.  He didn’t know your schedule, he only knew you from that one night two weeks ago when he was there for Jeff’s bachelor party.  
Out of a sea of beautiful, scantily clad women, you stood out like a flash of  lightning in a pitch black night.
“I can’t believe we’re here again, man,” Gareth complained, swiping his hair out of his face.
“What are you afraid of?” Eddie shouted over his shoulder, hoping to be heard above the throbbing, electronic music. His eyes scanned the crowd for you, or any one he remembered seeing you talk to that first night.  Ahead of them, down the shadowed alcove of the venue were several dancers gyrating on poles and spreading their legs out wide for customers at the rack to hook dollar bills into their g-strings.  
“I’m afraid my girl will cut my nuts off if she finds out I came here with you,” Gareth responded.  
Gareth's hair was shorter than it had been when they were in high school. It was just long enough to tuck behind his ears, but still so full and curly that he had to slick it back.  Eddie’s hair was much longer now, almost to his nipples, and he’d grown his bangs out, so it was more grunge rather than early 80’s metal.  
“We went to see Mudhoney at the Crocodile,” Eddie confirmed. “That’s all you need to tell her.  We only came here to look for someone.”  They had done exactly that, and the Mudhoney show had been amazing. Corroded Coffin’s relocation to Seattle was the best decision Eddie had ever made, and he was grateful his band made the journey with him.  They were all renting this old house on Capitol Hill and getting paying gigs a couple times a month—it was a dream.
But since he’d laid eyes on you—he could barely function.
You had bewitched him in the best of ways.  
So, there he was---dragging Gareth back to the same strip club to look for you.  He honestly didn’t expect to get your number, or even talk to you—he just needed to see you again.   
Once he reached the dimly lit red cocktail bar, Eddie froze.  “She’s not here,” he wet his dry lips, getting on the balls of his feet to scan the crowd. “I mean, I don’t see her.”
“Okay, great, "Gareth tried to avert his eyes from the women on stage so that he wouldn’t feel guilty.  “Can we go now?”
But Eddie wasn’t ready to give up that easily.  
“Hey,” he called over to one of the servers he remembered from the last time. She was about to carry a tray of drinks over to a table when she caught his eye and her face lit up.  
Eddie was awkward when he didn't want to be, but on every other occasion—he possessed a decent amount of charm.  Plus, this particular server was a fan of his band, he just didn’t know it.
Eddie stroked some hair behind his ear and leaned closer, giving her your full description, right down to the color of your eyes, and the details of a few of your tattoos, and then asked if you were working that weekend.
The server shook her head, her cheeks burning hot under Eddie's attention.  “Sorry, she’s not here. I think she’s at the Devils Den tonight.”
Eddie squinted at Gareth and the both of them mouthed “the devils den” with a question mark, like they had never heard of it in all of the 2 years they’d been there.  
The Devil’s Den did not advertise.  You could not find it in the phone book.  It was a word of mouth or friend of a friend only, and security was tight.
“Be careful,” the redhead server offered a warning, passing Eddie her phone number on the inside of a gum wrapper with a wink. Gareth rolled his eyes and headed for the door.
Eddie drove Gareth back to his car first.
“You sure you don’t want me to go with?” Gareth asked Eddie over the hood, strumming his fingers on the metal.
“Nah man, I’m good,” Eddie assured him, twirling his keys on his finger as he walked backwards. “You go home to your girl.  I’ll call you tomorrow.”
He remembered the directions the redhead told him as he sucked down a cigarette with the window open, blowing smoke out into the crisp city night.  It took him down through the east end of town, along a tunnel, and then shot him deep into the industrial district.  Vacant buildings loomed like faceless gargoyles as his van rolled along the dismal expanse, void of human life.
The building was unmarked, but the address was correct; he checked it with the numbers inked on his palm several times.  He parked a block away and walked over with his fists shoved deep into the pockets of his leather while scraps of paper and leaves skidded across the pavement.  His long hair flew across his lips and clung there until he peeled the strand back and tucked it behind his ear again.
He could hear the music now, thudding low from inside the building as he rounded the corner.  
There was a purple light coming from the open doorway, and a minotaur man with a thick tail and broad shoulders sat on a stool blowing smoke out his nostrils.  Eddie heard him ask the couple ahead of him to see their IDs, so Eddie got his ready.
You just happened to be on your way out for a smoke when you saw him—-
The one you couldn’t take your eyes off of two weekends ago. The grungy boy with the long hair you couldn’t stop thinking about.
What was he doing at a monster bar? Did you want him to see you like this? 
Self-consciously, you spun around, ducking your head so he wouldn’t see your horns, wondering if you should try to cover them with your hood and retract your claws. 
Eddie handed the Minotaur bouncer his ID.
“What the fuck you want me to do with this?” The bouncer asked, aggressively standing up to his full height which was close to 7ft.  His voice bellowed, “no humans allowed, can’t you read?” Sure enough, there was a black and white sign on the door that said: NO UNAUTHORIZED HUMANS ALLOWED.
Eddie tucked his ID back in his wallet, about to offer to try and pay the guy off when he saw you appear in the doorway.
“Oh shit,” Eddie whispered to himself.  You were even more stunning than the night he first saw you. Now you have horns? He hadn't noticed them the other weekend at the club; maybe you had them tucked under your wig. He could tell you were different, but he had no idea you were what was known in human circles as a Beastly.  
“He’s with me,” you told the enormous Minotaur man, and Eddie watched him cower before you.  He sat back down on his stool and bowed his head, muttering his apologies.  
He had to remember not to let his jaw hang slack as you walked closer, swaying your hips as you did so, plucking a cigarette out of the pack to pop it into your mouth.  He noticed that what he once thought were tattoos were actually designs that seemed like they were burned into your flesh; they glowed orange in the night as if there was lava flowing in your veins.  
Eddie patted his jacket and his back pockets, forgetting where he put his lighter. Once he found it, his hand was trembling, but he took a breath and cupped his palm over the flame, leaning forward to offer it to you.
You hesitated, searching his rich brown eyes.  His very human eyes: you wanted to watch them sparkle.  “Do you want to see something cool?”
Eddie lowered his hands and poked his tongue out between his teeth. “Always.”
“It might freak you out,” you warned.
“I love getting freaked out.”
You held the cigarette out and blew on the end of it, producing a string of fire from your lungs.  It was a soft, blue flame and Eddie watched the tip of your smoke light up and crackle with embers just as the fire disappeared behind your lips again.
“Party trick,” you took a drag, squinting one eye at him playfully.  
“Can you do mine?” Eddie opened the top pocket of his jacket to pull out a smoke from his pack, while a few more bodies shuffled by on their way to the door.  Two had chalk white skin with fangs, one had the snout of a pig and a green mohawk, and the other looked like she could’ve passed as human, until she stuck her tongue out at one of the other men and it was long and forked, falling almost to her chest.  
They each gave Eddie a suspicious look, but when they saw you standing there, they quickly jerked their stares away.
Eddie gripped the cig between his full lips, and his eyes never left you as you leaned in.  You could’ve produced a flame long enough to reach him where he was, but you decided to step in close, so that your mouth wasn’t far from his.
Your eyes met as you breathed a steady stream of fire.  The thought occurred to you that you could take him right then; you could suck his soul out like juice from a Capri Sun and he’d never know what hit him.  You could drink his essence like oxygen and fill your stomach with his charming warmth—but then you wouldn’t have him anymore, and your heart was screaming louder than your hunger.  
“That’s so rad,” Eddie chuckled.  He took a drag and then blew the smoke out sideways.  “What other tricks do you know?”
“I think it’s your turn to do a trick,” you raised an eyebrow. 
“What could a human possibly do to impress you?”
“I’m sure there are lots of ways you could impress me,” your smile was coy, and it made Eddie’s pupils widen with admiration.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered.
But then one of the ghouls with skin that looked stapled on stepped out of the doorway and said your name.  
“What is it?” You snapped.  Your demeanor changed—your eyes narrowing on her.  
“Sorry,” the ghoul stammered.  “Um, it’s Drucilla—she says there’s a phone call for you.”
“I’ll be right there,” you grumbled, waving her off, but when you turned back to Eddie, your face softened.  “I have to go.  If you’re around later we can—-”
“Yeah, I’ll wait,” Eddie said quickly.  He didn’t know how long the wait would be, and he didn’t care.
You motioned for him to follow you inside, and as he entered, the Minotaur bouncer grumbled: “Sorry about earlier, man.”
“It’s all good,” Eddie clapped him on his big, beefy shoulder.
There was a band at the back of the venue playing something that reminded him of Alice in Chains, and Eddie felt right at home.  Everyone turned in his direction, and he followed close behind as you traveled down a few carpeted steps to the long, low-lit bar along the wall.  Your tail flicked from side to side as you walked, and he smiled to himself when he noticed it.  
You swatted the bar with your hand to get Danny’s attention.  The wolfman bartender stopped the conversation he was having mid-sentence and rushed over, a furry hand swiping hair away from his beard.  
“He’s with me,” you told Danny, motioning over your shoulder to a bewildered Eddie.  “Anyone fucks with him, and I’ll rip their head off.”
You meant it literally, and Danny knew that.  
“I’ll keep an eye on your pet,” Danny nodded as he cleaned a glass with a towel.  He made eye contact with Eddie and ran his tongue over his sharp canines.
Eddie sank down onto a stool at the bar and watched you go, his heart hammering in his chest.  There were two exotic dancers in cages on either side of the dancefloor, and one looked like she had reptilian skin with an alligator tail.  The action on the main floor was more of a mosh pit than actual dancing, and he knew the guys from his band would dig this place.  He wondered what you would think of his music if you saw him perform; maybe he could do a few tricks for you on stage. He wanted to look out and see you in the crowd and know you were his.
“What can I get you?” Danny asked, flipping a coaster in front of Eddie with a flourish.  
Flustered at his choices, Eddie ordered a beer, and then he leaned in.  “Hey, what is her story? Why does everyone seem so…afraid of her?”
“You mean you don’t know who she is?” Danny raised both bushy eyebrows at him as he popped the cap on his beer. 
Eddie shrugged, eyes dancing over the wall of bottles.  “I have no idea, man.  This isn’t my scene.”
Danny came forward and put his hairy forearms on the bar.  “Yeah well, her dad is the head Devil in charge of all of this,” he gestured around.  “He runs the underground Beast Mob, and everyone is scared shitless of him.”  Danny scooted Eddie’s beer forward, giving him a pointed look.  “And you should be too.  He hates humans.”
Eddie swallowed hard.  “I’m pretty good with parents,” he mumbled. 
He sat there for a while and sipped his beer, taking in the scenery and the other monsters, when he caught sight of you weaving your way back through the crowd.  Everyone you walked by seemed to beg to touch you or talk to you; a couple of them even bowed.  He wanted to have you on his arm, to feel the fire from your lungs burn his skin.
“Hey,” the person behind Eddie tapped his shoulder, and Eddie spun around to find an orc-looking guy with two tusks jutting up from his bottom teeth.  
“Yeah, man, what’s up?” 
The orc glanced over Eddie’s shoulder at you, and then regarded him with a serious gaze.  “Be careful with that one, son.  She will feast on your soul and drain you dry.”
Eddie turned to see you watching him from across the way, and you offered a shy wave.  Your short horns looked sharp and ready for battle; the marks in your skin glowed like neon.
Eddie sighed wistfully.  “Damn, I really hope so.”
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bigfootsmom · 1 year
Slow dancing for the soft prompts?
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“C’mon, up you get.”
Eddie’s voice cuts through the gentle hiss of rain against the windows and the soft staticky music leaking from the small radio perched next to the fridge. 
Buck lifts his head from where it had been resting on his folded arms, blearily searching the now dark kitchen for his husband. He can feel the beginnings of a headache pounding in his temples and his mouth feels like he swallowed sand. 
“Wha– what time is it?” Buck asks, throat clicking as he tries to rewet his mouth. 
Scrubbing his hands over his face, Buck twists in his kitchen chair to look at the clock hanging on the wall. It takes him a moment to read the small numbers, but when he does finally manage it he’s surprised to see how late it is. He had planned to already have dinner ready, but the remnants of half completed prep is strewn around the countertops. Halfway through preparing the food, Buck had to sit down at the kitchen table — the ache in his leg becoming too persistent to ignore.  
“It’s time for you to go to bed,” Eddie hums, smoothing a warm palm across Buck's shoulders. Buck leans into the contact, shifting toward Eddie’s warmth like a sunflower seeking the sun. 
“Mm— not tired,” Buck mumbles, tilting his head up for a kiss. 
Eddie complies with the request, easily planting one against Buck’s lips before asking, “oh really? Why were you sleeping on the table then?” 
Buck sags, knee and hip twinging as if to remind him why. “I was just resting.” 
Calloused fingers card through his probably wildly unkempt curls, and Buck finds him sinking more and more against the solid warmth of Eddie pressed against him. Just when he thinks he could actually nod off like this, Eddie breaks the silence. 
“Is your leg bothering you?” 
Biting his lip, Buck sighs as he spins his wedding band around his finger. The warm metal glints in the lowlight of the hall light filtering into the kitchen. There are more days than not that his leg ends up bothering him. But that’s to be expected when he had fallen through the floor of a burning warehouse and landed on his previously crushed leg. Today is just particularly bad. 
Buck had known it was coming, had woken up with the telltale stiffness in his joints. But he had ignored it, not bothering to do any of the stretches his PT had taught him, hoping to muscle through like he used to be able to do. He knows that was stupid of him. There’s a small curl of embarrassment settling in his belly, and he debates not telling Eddie. He doesn’t even have a good reason he can provide for why he didn’t do anything. Not one he can articulate at least. 
In the end, he decides he doesn’t like lying to Eddie, even by omission. “Yeah, it is.” 
“Did you do your stretches?” 
Buck’s silence is answer enough and Eddie nods to himself. “Okay, c’mere.” 
Eddie gets a big hand wrapped around Buck’s bicep and helps him stand from the kitchen chair. Buck goes willingly, letting Eddie pull him up and into his arms. 
At first, he thinks they’re just embracing, and he’s not complaining about it, soaking up all the heat radiating off of his husband. Then Eddie starts rearranging Buck’s arms, getting them loosely looped around his neck before Eddie’s palms slide to Buck’s waist, holding him gently. 
The music coming from the radio is low, too low for Buck to identify the song that’s playing. But he can hear enough to realize that Eddie is moving them in a slow shuffling rhythm around the kitchen that matches the staticky rhythm humming through tinny speakers. 
“Babe, what are you doing?” 
“Dancing— we’re dancing,” Eddie replies, swaying their bodies together as they rock side to side. 
Buck shoots Eddie an incredulous look, but he just leans forward and kisses it off Buck’s face. “We can do your stretches instead, if you would like?” 
With a laugh, Buck shakes his head fondly. “You’re ridiculous,” he mutters, but continues to follow Eddie’s lead, letting himself be slowly spun around the kitchen. 
It helps. The ache doesn’t leave him entirely, but the stiffness slowly bleeds from his joints — the slow gentle movements of their “dancing” and the warmth of Eddie helping to ease the persistent discomfort. 
Gradually, Buck finds himself relaxing, allowing more of his weight to settle on his husband. Eddie accepts it gracefully, a pillar of strength against Buck. 
“There you go, baby,” Eddie murmurs, pressing a kiss to Buck’s temple. 
Tucking his head into the hollow of Eddie’s throat, Buck sighs out, “thank you.” 
“Always,” Eddie says as if it’s just that easy. 
Maybe it is. 
send me a soft prompt and I'll write a little something!
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lifes-line · 2 months
In honor of the Adventure Zone and the suffering game coming out soon I’m gonna talk about the moments in The Adventure Zone that got me the most emotional
Obviously spoilers for the Adventure Zone
5. Johann the Bard’s death
This one I think caught the majority of TAZ fans off guard. Whenever an NPC died.. it was always during the events of recovering a grand relic - never after the mission. It’s like-
Johann was here. And then he wasn’t.
And most people grew very attached to Johann during the episodes and arcs of making fun of him, asking if they’re ok with being forgotten, him and his relationship with the Void Fish— and to include this with my number 5
4. Meeting Lup
Now- not when Lup was freed from the Umbra-staff and called out her brother for being gay, while that was a funny as fuck moment, that’s not what I’m referring to.
It’s when we cut back to the Stolen Century and we meet Lup officially for the first time. I just remember hearing her speak for the first time and her antics and I remember being like “god.. she’s just like her brother.”
And we get to know her and it’s like- we also find out she is nothing like Taako. She’s more empathetic to people - to strangers- she’s smarter than him(like book smart) , SHES a nerd, she flamboyant and kindhearted and it’s like also-
We’ve known her forever. She was in every single adventure the boys had- she was this overwhelming presence in the entire podcast - from her name burnt into the wall, to “where’d you get that umbrella?”, to flying to Taako’s aid every time he was in trouble— she had always been a character without a name or face to her and then we she is finally formally introduced you just love her instantly.
That’s amazing writing.
3. Arms outstretched
Now this got everyone.
It was such a powerful moment between brothers and between friends- even Griffin didn’t see it coming.
He fully expect them to just let Magnus float off into the astral plane but then they change the entire plot of the story and saved Magnus and brought him back.
Taako and Merle both using a spell slot to bring back their bestfriend. Also foreshadows to their deeper connection back in their stolen century.
The music behind that scene was also fucking phenomenal it was beautiful and I loved it.
2. “You fucking took everything from me”
Ok SO- THIS ONE IS INCREDIBLE- it starts me on the same tangent every time.
In this moment Taako has fully remembered all of the events that happened before Lucretia erased their memories and he is fucking infuriated.
Because if Lucretia had not done it that day- Taako and Barry would’ve found Lup. THINK ABOUT IT - that day they were going to check Wave Echo cave- they would’ve found Lup’s corse and the red robe and the umbrella - Taako would’ve made the connection and Barry would’ve figured it out instantly and Lup would’ve been set free and back.
But because Lucretia did it they never went to WaveEcho cave and they never found her- until a decade later- Taako found her stupid and unknowing - took her umbrella and watched her skeleton decay- AND NOW HE REMEMBERS THIS
And it’s too late to go back to WaveEcho now, the fucking hunger is here and her corpse is long gone, if she was a lich barry would’ve found her by now, and if she was in Phanadalin- it was all glass now - where could she have gone?
Taako is realizing silently what Barry isn’t aware of- Lup was right there. SHE WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM- and he couldn’t find her, he couldn’t save her.
In this moment of rage Taako realizes his sister is gone. She’s never coming back. Lucretia took his everything from him.
And it’s all her fault.
1. Magnus’s death
Now. The day I finished TAZ Balance edition, at 9:38PM, I cried myself to sleep. OF COURSE I DID
Magnus, rushing in to everything because he ultimately wanted to die a crazed hero so he could see his wife again but still feel like he died doing something worth it just for her, who never loved another ever during his years alive, who turned down the temptation of his own relic because if he was going to see his wife again he wanted her to be proud of him, Magnus Burnsides whose ultimate destination and goal was to see the love of his life again.
And he finally did.
Magnus got the happy ending he truly deserved.
Magnus Burnsides is the most relatable character in all of the Adventure Zone(to me at least) I love and cherished him like he was truly my friend- so when he dies at the end of the podcast I cried like I was grieving a real person.
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oliversrarebooks · 7 months
Hi!! so i recently just found your blog and i am literally in love with your work! i recently just saw a prompt that was like a musical villain who has the power to hypnotize their audience (and especially hero) through their stage performance or just by singing, and i was wondering if u you would like write anything based off that? totally fine if not, thanks queen!😁🤍
Excellent taste in prompts!
TW: mind control, imagery of restraints
She had to admit, she was happy to have a night off for a change.
Hero had been working very long shifts lately. Between the glue factory explosion two weeks ago, the string of bank robberies carried out by perpetrators who couldn't remember what they had done afterwards, and the return and subsequent defeat of notorious supervillain Radioface, it felt like she hadn't gotten more than a few hours of sleep in ages, much less time off.
The commissioner had noticed Hero's deterioration, as well. That's why she insisted that Hero take the tickets to the hottest musical act in town, the one that was sold out every night. She'd seen the act a week before, loved it, and decided that the only way to force Hero to take some time off would be giving her tickets she couldn't possibly refuse. After all, they were impossible to get unless you lined up all day or had connections.
So that was why Hero had dressed up in something other than her costume or training sweats for the first time in a long time. She was standing in the crowd near the stage, and everyone around her was buzzing with excitement.
"This is my fifth time here!" said a young woman wearing a bright yellow tank top.
"You're so lucky," said her friend. "I could've never even gotten tickets if it weren't for you."
The anticipation was so thick in the air that Hero felt like she was getting swept up in it too. How often did she just get to be a civilian, dressed in cute clothes among a big crowd, anonymous and mercifully free of responsibility? A night like this didn't come often, so she might as well cut loose and enjoy herself.
The lights cut, and instead of the commotion Hero expected, the crowd immediately went dead silent. The tension hung in the air for a moment before the stage lit up in a kaleidoscope of neon rainbow shapes. Synthwave music was fading in from the many amplifiers, and just as it reached a crescendo, a spotlight hit center stage, illuminating the city's biggest pop sensation, Siren Waves.
Her voice rang out clear and strong above the synths, launching into her first song, and Hero was immediately captivated. Her opening number was an aggressive song about power and control with a catchy beat and a great hook, and her voice was the sort that was borderline addictive to listen to. In her peripheral vision, Hero could see that the entire crowd around her was entranced and hanging on to her every word, and she could see why. She'd have to look up the artist on streaming later so she could listen to this during workouts.
Siren strode across the stage with flashy confidence, her glitter-encrusted outfit sparkling in the multi-colored lights, her cocky grin showing that she knew very well how much the audience was eating out of her hand. She went straight from her first song to her second without a break, this one with an intense, driving bass line that made Hero want to dance. Indeed, a good portion of the crowd was dancing in place to the beat, and Hero felt her own head bobbing before she could stop herself.
It really was fun to lose herself in the crowd, the beat, the colorful light show, and especially Siren's fantastic voice. She was singing about building something, hard work and devotion, and while Hero couldn't follow all of the lyrics, the way Siren sang them just made her feel good.
"Thank you everybody!" said Siren once the song finished. "For this next song, I want to slow things down a little. This is a song about feeling powerless."
A good portion of the crowd cheered.
"We all feel powerless sometimes," Siren continued. "And what a lot of people don't want to admit is that feeling powerless can be nice. It can be nice to have no responsibility, to relax and float along and let things happen to you. This is a song about that very special feeling."
The music started up again, but even though it wasn't loud and intense like the previous two songs, it was no less compelling. The slower song was a fantastic showcase for Siren's versatile voice. It was if all of Hero's cares and worries were melting away, and the only thing that existed was the music, the flashing lights, and the electrifying presence of Siren Waves.
Powerless... Hero certainly had experienced her fair share of that. Tied up, caught in traps, subdued with power suppressants, injured, knocked out... it drove Hero crazy when she had nothing to do but endure and wait for a rescue.
...it could be nice, sometimes, too.
The beautiful voice and the lyrics were stirring up feelings in Hero. Feelings she normally liked to suppress. The idea that it could be nice to be powerless... that it wasn't so bad to be tied up, helpless, subdued... it wasn't as if she hadn't thought that before. She just had to save any of those thoughts and urges for when she wasn't doing heroics, for obvious reasons.
And these days, she was pretty much always doing heroics. No time for any of that.
No time to think about being powerless... bound... relaxing... letting go...
Siren's voice really was impossibly beautiful. Hero could listen to this all day. Hero could listen to this forever, really.
The thought stirred something in Hero's hazy mind. This voice... this song... it sounded familiar, didn't it? Siren was using her amplifiers to turn her voice into something synthetic, but the underlying quality of it... it was something Hero was increasingly certain she had heard before.
Where had she heard this voice? It was hard to concentrate, especially when it was so nice to stop thinking and drift along on the song. It was nice to think about times when she'd been captured and at the villain's mercy, writhing against ropes and waiting for a chance to escape, the villain whispering threats and promises in her ear.
Wait. Hero knew that voice.
Two years back, Hero had faced down a young woman with an irresistible mind control voice. It'd been one of her hardest cases yet, owing in part to the fact that each time Hero failed to catch the villain, she'd captured Hero and put her under her spell. Hero could still remember so clearly how it felt to be bound and gagged, listening to the villain's sweet hypnotic voice, her mind becoming hazy and floaty, her fight fading away as she succumbed to the villain's control. 
So good to be powerless. So good to relax. So good to stop thinking and be guided under a gentle hypnotic spell. 
Hero shook her head, trying to snap herself out of it. This was that same voice, she was sure of it. It was obscured with voice modulation, and the woman had disguised herself in flashy clothes and heavy stage makeup, but that was a voice she could never forget.
But wasn't she still in jail...?
...It was probably fine... she was here to have a nice evening off... she didn't need to do hero work... she just needed to pay attention to the concert...
She shook herself awake again. The amplified music was impossible to escape from, and she was already halfway under its spell. 
Powerless... so powerless...
No...! She wasn't powerless at all. She could storm the stage, take down the amplifiers, even just clamp a hand over Siren's mouth.
She was right in the thick of the crowd, though. All around her she could see glassy-eyed people staring up at Siren with utterly enraptured faces, swaying gently back and forth to the slow song. As she tried to gather herself and get closer to the stage, the zombie-eyed fans were unwilling to budge.
Why fight it...? Why fight it at all? Why fight it when it was so, so nice to just let the beautiful music take her away...
"Hey," said Hero weakly, shaking the shoulder of the woman in the yellow tank top. "You have to let me through. We're all being brainwashed by the music."
The woman managed to tear her eyes away from the stage, blinking slowly at Hero. "Yeah..." she said with a blissful smile. "I just love being brainwashed by Siren..."
Well, that definitely wasn't going to go anywhere. Hero was trapped in the hypnotized crowd.
Might as well give up...
No, she could use her powers to... to...
Sway gently to the rhythm of the music... let her mind relax... give in...
Hero looked up at the stage, the swirling lights, Siren's glittering makeup, and it seemed almost like the singer was singing directly to her. 
And all Hero could think about was how badly she wanted to be captured, to relax helplessly into inescapable binds, to hear that hypnotic voice whispering seductively in her ear. To give up all control, to not have to worry about the fate of the city or the danger she was in, to just let the music...
Let the music in...
A blissful, hazy feeling settled over her as she fell completely under the music's spell, forgetting why she was struggling. Why struggle against something that felt so, so good? The music was filling her head with all sorts of delicious, buried desires. As she stood there watching, letting all the tension drain from her tired muscles, she could practically feel the pull of soft bonds on her wrists, the touch of a hand on her head, the dizzying thrill of being at someone's mercy.
God, yes, this was what she wanted. So perfect.
The mesmeric song came to a close, but nothing was about to break the spell laid on the audience. "Thank you all for listening so very closely," said Siren. "My next number is a song I think a lot of you already know. It's a song about obedience and pleasure."
Hero felt a shiver run down her spine.
"Now, for this song, when I sing 'obey me,' you sing...?"
"Yes, mistress!" called out the crowd in unison. Someone very near Hero was yelling very, very enthusiastically.
"Very good! Let's try that again. Obey me...!"
"Yes, mistress!" 
"Obey me!"
"Yes, mistress!" Hero realized that the enthusiastic yelling was her.
"And we have a very special guest in the crowd today."
Siren was looking right at her and smiling, a wicked Cheshire Cat grin that made Hero weak in the knees.
"Come on up to the stage, sweet thing," she said, beckoning. "That's right, I mean you."
The crowd, which had been completely impenetrable just a few minutes before when she was trying to escape it, parted immediately to let her through. She took a few hesitant steps towards the stage, feeling as if she were sleepwalking, or deep in a dream. Hands were nudging her forward, encouraging.
Siren reached a hand down.
Her touch was electric, being so near to her intoxicating, and Hero helped herself be swept onto the stage.
"My special guest. I'm so glad to see you here," said Siren, and now that she was close, Hero could recognize those sparkling eyes, the ones she still thought about far too often. Without a doubt, it was that same villain. And judging by Siren's cat-that-ate-the-canary face, she knew that Hero knew.
Hero's mind struggled very, very briefly against the chains of trance ensorcelling her, as Siren drew her closer and turned her towards the audience. "Here she is! The city's pride and joy, the most hardworking superhero in the state. Everyone welcome Hero!"
The crowd went wild, and Hero stared out at all the blissed-out smiles, trying to pull her mind into gear. She was in her civilian clothes with no mask, and Siren had just announced to the packed venue that she was Hero. This seemed bad, really bad... but trying to think of how it was bad left Hero's mind hitting a wall of fog.
"I wanted to show my appreciation for everything you've done for the city, Hero," said Siren, pulling Hero in close and petting her hair, and oh, hearing her voice so close, her real voice with no distortion or amplifiers, was like having liquid honey poured in her vulnerable mind. "So this next song is dedicated to you."
Siren wrapped her arms around Hero as she sang the first sweet notes of her melody, and whatever remained of Hero's willpower was gone. Siren was singing to her of obedience, of vulnerability, of the sweet, irresistible pull of submission. 
Hero had been so, so exhausted. So stressed. This was what she needed, what she craved. She needed to rest her mind, let someone else make all the decisions for her. She needed the song to wash all her worries away. 
And she deserved it. She must deserve it, because Siren had brought her up on stage to sing so beautifully just for her.
"Fall to your knees for me," she sang, and Hero sank. The crowd felt like a distant memory as she surrendered to Siren in front of thousands of civilians. It all felt so completely and utterly right.
From her position kneeling at Siren's feet, Hero had the best possible view of the concert. There was nothing between her and the source of her euphoria. Here, she could lose herself entirely in the music, letting her mind ebb away with the hypnotic melody.
Hero didn't know how long the concert went on. She didn't care. As far as she was concerned, it could go on forever, the music driving her further and further into obedient trance, lights flashing all around her as her new master sang.
And then, it was quiet.
"Thank you all for coming!" Siren called out to the crowd, bowing. "Keep an eye on the mail for further instructions or free tickets!"
Hero blinked slowly as the neon light show stopped and the stage lights dimmed. She could hear the crowd shuffling out, far quieter than one would expect for so many people exiting a loud pop concert. 
She felt so disappointed that the concert was over already. It felt like it was over in the blink of an eye. Still, she had to do what her master wanted. She began struggling to her feet, her knees sore from the stage floor.
A hand on her head stopped her. "Oh, no, not you, my little hero," said the delicious voice. "I have a special encore for you and you alone to hear."
Hero's breath hitched with excitement.
"You're going to join me backstage, and I'm going to sing you into being my willing puppet to overthrow the city. Doesn't that sound perfect?"
The music was too deep in her brain for her to say anything else. "Yes, master, yes, it does."
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Get Out Of Here (Not Without You)
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Prompt - “I need you to trust me, there’s no time to explain,  just do everything I say and you’ll be safe.”
When you had first moved to Boston you knew then and there you knew your life would change, accepted into one of the top schools on a full ride scholarship, leaving your small town behind and being the first in your family to make such a huge decision. Of course you hadn’t quite expected how drastically your life would change, you hadn’t expected to be sat in your dorm room working on a paper that seemed so important at the time listening to soft music in the background before the radio to cut out abruptly with an emergency broadcast telling you to stay inside, hadn’t expected the flat hum of the phone as it refused to dial any number.
You still remembered those early days, sitting alone in your dorm room with no information on what was happening. You remembered the first bomb dropping, remembered how, even though it was far away, your whole room seemed to shake and you stood from your bed abruptly to run over to your window just in time to see the next bomb. You still didn’t know how you’d survived that but eventually you had to leave your room and that’s when you saw them, or more realistically it saw you first, its head cracking over in your direction before the rest of its body followed and you ran until your chest hurt.
You’d gotten lucky, you’d found one of the quarantine zones in the first month of the government having set them up, you’d been in here long enough to hear people’s horror stories of having to walk for miles, days on end, just to get here, heard how they had narrowly escaped the clickers. You’d only ever seen a handful of them and that had been in the first month of the outbreak, you couldn’t even imagine how they had evolved in the many, many years you’d been in these walls.
It seemed strange at first, hell sometimes it still felt strange, how the world in these walls never seemed to change. Here you were with jobs that provided ration cards, an apartment, if it weren’t for all the guards it’d be easy to forget about the outbreak.
Sometimes you were curious though, you’d stop counting how many years it had been since you first walked into the quarantine zone but it was long enough for you to forget what the outside world looked like. You’d heard stories about what they called the Open City but each one was even more unbelievable than the last, headless clicker roaming the streets, dead that had been set on fire still moving, hordes of them attached to each other as they made their way through the city.
You wanted to go outside, it’s not like you wanted to go very far either but it’d be good to remember what the old world looked like, to remember that beyond these worlds you once had a life, a life that was so different from this.
You had a gun stashed away underneath your floorboards, you remembered how fast the dead things moved all those years ago but it was a risk you wanted to take and there was only one person in the quarantine zone you knew that snuck in and out.
“Joel-” You started to argue but he cut you off before you could even begin.
“Don’t.” Joel said, shutting you down immediately, not even entertaining the idea for a second. “What makes you think I’d ever say yes to takin’ you out there?”
“I’d be with you, Joel, I’d be safe.” You insisted and watched as his face hardened and somehow felt like you’d said the complete wrong thing.
“I can’t keep you safe, Y/N! When I go out there I don’t have to give a damn about anyone else, if I take you out there-” Joel cut himself off as he sat heavily on the sofa and glared at you. “Don’t ask me again.”
“But Joel-” You tried again only to be cut off for a second time.
“What did I just say?” He snapped and you rolled your eyes as you sat down next to him, arms crossed over your chest and definitely not pouting. “Why you so desperate to get yourself killed anyway?”
“Why are you so damn sure I'll get myself killed?” You shot back before sighing and sinking further into the sofa. “I just, I don’t know, ok? Part of me just needs to see the outside world, it’s been so long. I know it’s dangerous, trust me I get it-”
“You don’t get it, Y/N/N.” Joel interrupted you again but this time his voice was softer as he leaned back into the cushions and turned his head towards. “There’s shit out there you don’t need to see, alright?”
“I wanna go outside, Joel.” You told him, lowering your voice to match his, not demanding anything but just repeating it. “I know it’s dangerous and I know I’m asking you to risk a lot but I really want to see outside the walls at least once more in my life.”
“There’s nothing good out there, not anymore.” Joel told you honestly and you nodded, you believed him, the second those bombs fell from the sky it felt like everything good had been taken with them. “You’re safe in here, Y/N, just…just stay in the walls.”
Despite Joel’s warnings you found yourself only a few nights later waiting until the guards’ shifted positions before you were sneaking out, knowing the way through information Joel had let slip across the years. It took a long time, there were a few close calls where you had to be as quiet as possible, but eventually you could see an opening to the city.
By the time you were out of view of the quarantine zone it was too dark to see much of anything, a strange feeling when years ago you had walked Boston’s streets at all hours of night and the streets had been lit up from streetlights, the lights from cars still out at that time, lights spilling out of bars and apartments.
The first thing you noticed was how quiet it was, the stories you’d heard made it seem like the streets would be filled with monsters, you unable to move past them, but the streets sounded empty and so did the building you entered, you weren’t sure how well you’d sleep out in the open city but you were going to hide away until the morning and explore as much as you could before sneaking back into the quarantine zone.
It was surprisingly easy to fall asleep that night and when you woke up the next morning to the sunlight on your face you felt a burst of excitement. Last night it had been far too dark to see anything and you knew you only had a few hours of daylight. It wasn’t long before you were up, double checking your backpack and making sure your gun was loaded before you were pulling the door open, waiting a moment to see if you could hear anything, and heading out into the city.
You paused in the doorway of whatever building you had entered last night and stared out, frozen in disbelief. Skyscrapers had collapsed, some falling into each other whereas others had crumbled into piles of rubble. Greenery covered almost everything in sight and you couldn’t help but notice how the world had never seemed so green before the outbreak, maybe you just couldn’t remember but the city had never felt so full of nature.
As you walked further into the city you saw all the cars, ambulances, police cars, all of them dusty and long since dead, covered with leaves and moss. Your stomach turned as you saw a stuffed bear laying abandoned on the floor, looking up to see a kid’s car seat bloody in the car. You forced your feet to move, surprised at how easy it was to walk through the city, there wasn’t a clicker in sight, you’d been walking for a good hour, making your way through streets and buildings to get to the other side when the way was blocked and other than seeing dead bodies you hadn’t seen much else.
You finally came across a building you remembered, it was the library. In the year you’d lived in Boston you had practically lived in this building, could still remember the text books littering your table as you wrote your papers. To see it now was strange, it was long abandoned and the building had its fair share of greenery growing around it.
You hadn’t even taken five steps into the building, eyes wide as you looked around, when you let out a scream, the sound muffled as a hand wrapped around your mouth and an arm wrapped around your middle, trapping both your arms to your side and stopping you from getting your gun.
“And you're dead.” You heard a voice hiss in your ear before you were shoved away, barely staying upright as you stumbled and turned around.
Joel was stood before you, gun slung around his shoulders as he glared at you and you glared right back even as your breath came out quick and fast and your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest.
“What the hell Joel?” You shouted, stepping forward to push at his chest but he caught your wrist and pulled you close.
“Me?” He questioned in disbelief and tightened his grip as you tried to pull away. “What the hell are you thinking? Clearly you’re not! Jesus Y/N, you could’ve got yourself killed.”
“I asked you to bring me and you didn’t-”
“Don’t you dare put this on me.” Joel told you, his voice cold as he continued to glare at you. “If you die, that shit ain’t on me.”
You knew Joel was only shutting down on you because you had scared him, he liked to think he had his walls up but you’d known him for years at this point and you could read him as easily as you could your favourite book.
Joel hadn’t exactly been looking for friends when you’d met him working the same job but you had been persistent and before he knew it you had wormed your way into his life, even after he swore not to let anyone else in, he couldn’t go through another heartache. At first he kept his distance, refused to answer any questions about his life before but eventually he started letting you in, there was still a lot you didn’t know about his life before but then again the people you were before the outbreak were whole different people so you didn’t mind.
At some point it became second nature to spend all your time with Joel, it was rare to see you without each other and you weren’t surprised when you started liking the man. Joel had been cold and gruff when you had first met him, most people took one look at the man and decided it wasn’t worth the energy it would take to break through that hardened exterior but you hadn’t even given it a second thought, hadn’t been concerned with how long it’d take him to relax around you, you liked cold Joel, he snapped and glared but you liked him.
“Joel,” You began, bringing your other hand up to his, brushing your thumb across his knuckles before pulling his fingers off your wrist, Joel not resisting and you figured maybe he was calming down now that he had you in his sights. “I’m sorry, ok? I know this isn’t a game, I know it’s dangerous but I had to see.”
“Yeah I know you did.” Joel sighed and brought his hand back up to cup the back of your head as he pulled you into his chest and you didn’t hesitate to cuddle into him, finally feeling your heart rate settle. “Is it what you thought it’d be?”
“It’s quieter than I thought,” you told him, pulling back only far enough so that you look up at him questioningly. “It’s weird too, I remember the streets were never quiet and now it’s deadly silent. I remember being in here during exam season and every seat was filled, even if people didn’t speak there was always noise, the turning of a book, somebody coughing, the scratching of pen against paper. The world really ended Joel.”
“You’re alright.” Joel assured as he pulled you back into his chest, wrapping his other arm around your shoulder and it was only then you noticed the tears slipping down your cheeks. It had hit you long ago, the reality of the world, but seeing it again after years of comfortable living seemed to shake you more than you thought it would. “You’re alright, Y/N/N.”
You nodded against his chest and wrapped your arms around his waist, taking a deep breath as you composed yourself. It wasn’t long before you were pulling back and looking around the library. Chairs and tables had been flipped, books and loose pages scattered across the floor whilst leaves and moss covered most of the surfaces.
“We should go.” Joel murmured but you shook your head, turning to look back at him with pleading eyes and he sighed before you could even speak. “One look around and then we go, stay close to me.”
“Thank you, Joel.” You said softly after a moment of silence and watched as he swallowed before he nodded at you and gestured for you to follow him.
Your fingers lightly traced the book shelves, somehow even after twenty years you were still able to find your way around, old, worn signs telling you you had remembered right.
“I used to study back here all the time, me and my friends would work on our papers and prepare for finals.” You told Joel and out of the corner of your eyes you saw him smile softly at you. “Back then it had seemed so important, you know? Like passing those exams or getting the best marks on our papers was the difference between life and death.” You chuckled as you ran your hands along a chair. “God, looking back now we were so stupid.”
“Nobody knew this shit was comin’.” Joel told you and you nodded, looking over at him to see him leant against a bookcase that looked ready to give out.
“It doesn’t even seem real, that life all those years ago.” You frowned as you moved around the table to go down another aisle and Joel nodded, opening his mouth to say something else before you interrupted.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed, stumbling back into Joel’s chest and he didn’t hesitate to shove you behind him, gun raised before he saw a body on the floor, blood covering him and his chest practically torn apart. “What the hell-”
“Shh.” Joel shushed you, turning around to face you even as his wide eyes focused on everything but you, like he was looking for something.
“Joel-” You whispered but he shushed you again and you felt genuine fear fill you, your stomach dropped and you blood ran cold as you went to look around but Joel stopped you.
“Eyes on me, baby.” He murmured, keeping his voice soft and low, barely audible and you didn’t even have time to appreciate how good him calling you baby sounded as you took a deep breath and turned back to Joel with wide, scared eyes. “I need you to trust me, there’s no time to explain, just do everything I say and you’ll be safe.”
“Joel,” You whimpered and Joel cupped your cheek, bringing your foreheads together as he shushed you once more.
“I know you’re scared, baby, I know,” Joel whispered and you felt your eyes fill with tears. Joel was looking back at you and though he tried to hide it you could see he was scared and if something scared Joel you knew it had to be bad. “We have to be silent now, no more talking, trust me, I’m gonna get you home.”
You nodded and Joel wiped away the single tear that slid down your cheek, before he placed a soft kiss to your forehead and pulled away.
‘Stay behind me.’ Joel mouthed at you and you nodded, practically gluing yourself to his back as he moved, both of you stopping dead in your tracks as an inhuman sound came from behind one of the book cases. You felt your heart stutter as you looked at Joel but his focus was on the direction the noise came from before he turned to look at you.
‘Quiet.’ He reminded you and you nodded, biting your lip hard enough to draw blood to stop any sound from escaping. He tilted his head and you nodded again, keeping half a step behind him as you held your breath.
Just as you turned a corner you gasped but Joel turned and managed to cover your mouth just in time like he had been expecting the reaction. In front of you was, you couldn’t even describe it, it was monstrous, how that had once been human was mind blowing. Tears slid down your cheeks as Joel kept your mouth covered and the thing made its way towards the two of you causing you to screw your eyes shut.
You looked up at Joel when he tapped your cheek and Joel made a gesture where he pointed towards the clicker before he covered his eyes and mouthed ‘they can’t see’ before pointing to his ear ‘they go off sound’. You nodded and Joel removed his hand, watching how your face scrunched up in an effort to slow the tears and suppress any sobs.
He had to get you out of here, it was the only thought in his head as he kept himself between you and the clicker, making sure each step was silent. You’d managed a good few steps before the thing stopped dead in its tracks and turned sharply to face you and you couldn’t stop the sharp intake of breath, that was enough for the thing to launch itself at the two of you.
Joel barely caught it, keeping his arm under its chin to avoid being bitten as he tried to get a good shot on his gun whilst also keeping one eye on you.
“Get out of here!” He yelled at you and he could see you frozen in fear. “Y/N, baby, you gotta go now!”
“I can’t leave you!” You called back and the clicker responded to the noise, trying to fight its way to you but Joel kept his grip on it somehow.
“Y/N I promise I’ll be right behind you!” He grunted as he tried to force the clicker back. “You gotta go!”
You waited another second before nodding and he watched you go with a sigh of relief, finally able to throw the clicker to the side. It only stayed on the floor for a second before it snapped back up and lunged at Joel.
Joel shot at it four times, each time missing its head with how much it was moving. Joel managed to shove it back down on the floor and shoot its chest before running the way you had gone, hiding behind one of the book cases and keeping as silent as possible. In the distance he saw you crouched behind one of the tables and took a silent breath as he peered around to see where the clicker was, the thing was up again and moving through the aisles, thankfully going the other way.
Joel stayed silent as he made his way over to you and saw you with your knees drawn to your chest and your eyes screwed shut. He lightly touched your knee and silently shushed you as your eyes flew open.
He pointed to where the clicker had walked off to and saw the gun clutched in your hands, gently prying it from you and seeing how much ammo you had.
‘You, go out the door, wait.’ He mouthed to you, motioning between you and the door before he watched as you shook your head. He nodded back at you before pointing to himself, raising the two guns he held. ‘I’ll distract it, you go.’
‘Joel,’ you mouthed and he could practically hear your pleading town as more tears slid down your cheeks. ‘I’m sorry.’
Joel just shook his head, you weren’t doing this now, right now he had to get you out of here and then he would deal with everything else. You weren’t going to die today, he wouldn’t let it happen.
‘Go baby.’ He mouthed and gestured for the door, watching as you took a breath, your mouth thinning into a line as you choked back sobs before you nodded at him. He cupped your cheek and you brought your hand up to his, hesitating for a moment before leaning forward.
It wasn’t exactly a kiss, both of you were too focused on being silent for it to be more than a brushing of your lips together but Joel pulled you closer anyway and held you against him for a second longer before he pulled back and brushed his thumb across your cheek bone.
‘Go.’ He mouthed again and this time you nodded more confidently as you stood silently and Joel followed after you, the two of you parting ways so Joel could grab the clicker before it got to you.
He knew how fast these things moved and if he had gone with you the door wouldn’t have even been able to open before it was attacking you, at least this way he could be sure you were out of the door and far away from this damn thing.
The two of you looked at each other and Joel nodded at you, he watched you take a breath before your hand touch the door knob and turned it, the sound causing the clicker to let out a loud noise that had Joel lunging for it before it could take more than a step in your direction. He wrestled the thing, trying to shove it as far away from the door as possible and out of the corner of his eye he watched as you left, finally able to breathe a sigh of relief as he focused on the clicker.
It felt like hours before Joel managed to shove it to the floor, sweat pooling at his forehead as he shot both guns, using up all the rounds before he watched the thing finally lay lifeless, not movements coming from it. He took a moment to lean against the wall and catch his breath before he turned his head to the door.
After a few more seconds he made his way out of the building and scanned the area for you, frowning when he didn’t see you but the frown left as you peaked your head out from behind a car. In a few large steps Joel was pulling you into his chest and you were sobbing as you held onto him like he was your life line.
Joel’s hand rested on the back of your head as he held you up, his arms holding you close to him and he could feel your fingers digging into his back as you choked out apologies. Joel just kept shushing you as you continued to apologise, he knew he needed to move the two of you, he had no ammo left and the dark was starting to set in but he wanted to make sure you were ok first.
“Hey,” Joel said, pulling back and tilting your chin so you could look at him, he didn’t speak as he wiped gently at your cheeks, leaving his hands there as he spoke. “You have nothing to apologise for, alright? You needed to see for yourself what it was like out here, I get it Y/N/N, I do but you’re alright, I promise.”
“I should’ve listened to you Joel.” You sniffed and he smiled softly at you.
“You got an idea in your head, I should’ve known there was no stopping you.” He said and you let out a wet chuckle. “I’m not mad at you, we’re both alright.” Those words made your eyes widen and you pulled back abruptly causing him to frown.
“Are you?” You asked, tugging his sleeves up and inspecting it for bites before moving the collar of his shirt and checking there too. Joel chuckled as he caught your wrists in his hands, more gently than he had earlier and shushed you.
“I’m okay, promise.” He told you and your eyes ran up and down him before you sagged in relief, trusting that he’d tell you if he wasn’t. “Now will you please let me get you home?”
“Please.” You practically begged and Joel smiled softly at you before gesturing for you to follow him though there was no need to really, Joel’s arm was still wrapped around your shoulder and you had practically attached yourself to his side.
It was well into the night by the time the two of you got home, having Joel with you made it easier to sneak in and it wasn’t long before you were quietly entering his apartment. The walk home had been mostly silent, your thoughts running a mile a minute and Joel content with the silence and the feeling of you in his arms to tell him you were ok, that you were alive.
“Go clean up and change.” Joel told you as he closed the door and set his backpack down before moving to take yours off for you and then gently pulling your jacket off.
You didn’t say anything, just smiled over at him before moving into his bedroom and pulling out one of his shirts before shuffling into the bathroom. It was only a few moments later he heard the shower running and let himself collapse into the sofa, suddenly feeling drained now that he had gotten you back to safety.
He knew you were too damn curious for your own good, knew that you needed to see the world for yourself. He should have known you’d have gone out there with or without him, hell some part of him had known and that’s why he checked your apartment at five in the morning before marching back to his room and packing his gun, desperately hoping you hadn’t gone and got yourself killed.
Any of the initial anger he had felt seeing you gone had worn off long before he found you and now he could only feel relief. He knew you were terrified, the last time you had seen clickers up close was when the outbreak started, you’d told him about the bombs in the city and being scared at how fast the things were but this was different, this was twenty years of evolution.
Joel sighed and lay down on the sofa, throwing an arm over his eyes. You were fine, the clicker hadn’t gotten near you and he had got you home safe. He could hear the shower running and knew you’d be out any minute, dressed in his shirt and ready to fall asleep in his arms.
That thought sent his mind back to the kiss. God, it hadn’t even been more than a small brushing of the lips but God, it had left him breathless. He knew you liked him, he wasn’t stupid. At this point you had practically moved into his apartment, the two of you spent more nights asleep together in his bed than you’d slept in your own bed since being here. He just couldn’t put himself in a position to get hurt again but today had shown him how even if he went the rest of his life without telling you how he felt he knew if anything happened to you it’d kill him, so why not at least make the most of the time he had with you.
He didn’t mean to drift off, one second he was just resting his eyes and the next he was blinking awake when he felt something shift next to him. He forced his eyes open and looked down to see you had pushed yourself into the small space between him and the sofa, your body more on him really, and a blanket thrown over the two of you. Your hand gently ran across his chest before you lay it flat against him and cuddled into him.
Joel brought his arm around you and you glanced up at him with tired eyes but still smiled at him and he couldn’t help but return the gesture before he placed a soft kiss to your head.
“Go to sleep, baby.” He murmured and watched as your smile widened, eyes lighting up now that you were safe and could enjoy the way the pet name sounded coming from Joel’s lips.
“Does you calling me baby mean you’re ready to tell me you love me?” You asked, tone light and joking so that Joel didn’t freak out.
“Sure does.” Joel said back, your eyes widening and smile dropping when his tone stayed even and serious, his lips twitching upwards as he looked at your expression. He had thought on the way home how he could tell you and hadn’t come up with anything but you had given him an opening and he decided it didn’t need to be a big deal. He knew how he felt about you and now you knew too. “Go to sleep, baby.”
“Yeah,” You said, still looking up at him in disbelief before your lips pulled into a wide smile and you reached up to cup his cheek before pulling him into a kiss.
The angle wasn’t great for it but that didn’t matter as Joel kissed you back, the kiss soft but filled with lots of pent up emotions but there was no rush, the two of you were home and safe and had each other and plenty of time.
When Joel pulled away he couldn’t help but smile down at you, your eyes stayed closed for a few seconds longer before they fluttered open and you smiled back at him.
“God baby, I’ve wanted to do that for years.” Joel told you, causing you to laugh because he could have done that years ago and you wouldn’t have had any complaints. Despite how badly Joel wanted to keep kissing you, hell he could have spent the whole night like that quite happily, he could see the tiredness in your eyes and could feel his own exhaustion pulling at him so instead he pulled you into his chest and wrapped the blanket around you both tightly before pressing a lingering kiss to your head.
“Get some rest now, baby.” He murmured into your hair and felt you nod against his chest, fingers curling into his shirt as you let your eyes fall closed.
The room was silent except for the sounds of your breathing and Joel had thought you had drifted off until you spoke again, your voice was soft, barely above a whisper but you needed to say it before you fell asleep.
“I love you too.” Joel grinned down at you and kissed your head again, whispering the words back once more before he finally felt you relax fully against him as you fell asleep.
He found it quite easy to follow after you, heart light as the confessions were finally out in the open after years of skilfully avoiding talking about your feelings. His fears from earlier were gone now that you were home and safe in his arms and he swore to himself he would protect you from whatever else the world threw your way.
Joel Miller Taglist (Click the link in my bio to add yourself!) -
@avengersfan25​, @happycupcakeenthusiast​, @cilliansangel​
Thank you so much for reading!🖤
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conitagray · 11 months
i remember it, all too well.
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42!miles g morales x reader
summary: you've been dating someone for a year and slowly you realize they've become distant. barely texting you, not showing any admiration, always out clubbing. until you went to their place and see something unspeakably wrong, you snap and they try to come back to you. months later, still broken. you met miles and you two become very close. one day you see them again and you can remember the memories all too well.
warnings: super angst (fluff in the end of COURSE) cursing, bad spanish (i’m so sorry y’all😭) creepy ex bro, cheating.
a/n: WHOOP i started listening to atwtmv for like a 100 times and it gave me the idea to write this (all hail taylor swift!!) this is gonna be so angsty i swear like im so sorry yall 😭 but lemme tell y’all i swear 42 miles has rizz i’m not lying
words: 2.2k
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
your life was pretty fine the past few months since you’ve met your partner.
they were, everything you wanted. they loved you to the moon and back and you said the same thing too.
but a year passed and things started to change, drastically.
they stopped paying attention to you, stopped hanging out with you, was always on their phone and most of all, always went clubbing.
you’d be at your place and it was around 12:45 in the morning, he was supposed to come by.
the first thing that came up to your mind was text him, they were probably busy anyway?
12:46 am
y/n: babe, wru? you were supposed to come to my place an hour ago.
seen 12:48 am.
y/n : hello?
seen 12:50 am.
you sighed, tossing your phone to the side of the bed as u curled up in ball, thinking why they left you on seen.
you decided to go check up on them yourself, so you put your shoes on and walked over to his apartment.
you knocked on their door, seemingly waiting for an answer, there was none.
so you opened the door which was seemingly unlocked, and scanned around the room, calling out their name.
when you heard loud music from his room.
you knocked but there was no answer as you thought the music was drowning your knock so you opened it.
and oh boy were you in for a surprise.
you dropped your purse on the floor as you stood there as if you saw a ghost, but instead you saw them making out with someone else.
“so that’s how shits going huh.” you said bluntly with tears in your eyes as your words jolted both of them up and your partner turned to look at you.
“it’s not what it seems like bab-“ they were protesting, pushing the other person away and walking to you but you cut them off and pushed them away.
“there’s nothing to fucking explain!” you screamed. “its all right infront of me, dont even bother.” you said as the tears flowed out of your eyes, looking away.
“please love im sorry i- just- give me another chance” they tried to grab your hands and you pulled away quickly.
“so you just can call me up again just to break me like a fucking promise huh? i expected better from you.” my voice cracked at every word as i walked away and slammed the door shut.
i was home, on the floor. in a ball of sadness. tears, snot, everything flowing out. while they kept texting me.
unknown number.
1:15 am
un: babe please
un: please im sorry
un: i won’t do it again
un: forgive me
seen 1:20 am.
you knew damn well he was lying so you blocked the number, shutting off your phone and sliding it across the room.
that day, your whole heart broke, you never felt anything anymore, love was completely just a game to you
but do you think everything will change soon?
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it was your usual day. wake up, get ready for work, walk, get to work and actually work.
you worked at the cashier in some convenience store.
you’d felt numb and dull the past few weeks and didn’t really have the motivation to do anything, but you had to so you did. but you just remember everything all too well.
you were doing your job as normal and nothing around changed honestly, it was just your average normal day until someone came in that caught your eye.
it was a boy about your age, he was wearing sweatpants and a sweater, the way his jawline stands out and his braids touching his shoulders.
you thought he was cute but you shook off your feelings and went on with your day.
you noticed he was catching a few glances from you, you thought of it as nothing when he paid normally and went out the store.
but he kept coming back to the store every single day for the whole week and you two start to talk a bit more, but not your actual huge conversations.
but this one time. he was in the store picking up a few stuff and bringing it to the counter.
you scanned the items as you put it in a paper bag,
“15.44.” you told him the price.
“keep the change.” he said giving you a 20 and his spanish accent had you rolling on the floor (metaphorically).
you mumbled a thank you as he walked out, you were going to put the 20 in the cash box but suddenly, you saw a note attached to it.
* xxx-xxx-xxxx, my number. text me soon hermosa. - miles:) *
you were shocked to the brim as u held the paper in hand profusely blushing as you started to smile a bit.
did a guy just really give his number out to you?
you kept the note in your pocket, still blushing and went on with your day. until you came back home
you held the note in your hand again, still contemplating if you should put the number in your phone.
you did it anyway.
as you shakily typed the number in your phone, you added his name in the contact number and pressed the message button.
10:05 pm.
y/n: hello?
*minutes pass by and you were doubting a message back from him. but your phone dinged.*
miles(?): hey
*you were shaking in your bed as you saw his reply.*
y/n: you’re miles right?, the guy from the store?
miles(?): the one and only. miles(?): and you’re…?
y/n: sorry.. i’m y/n
miles(?): nice name ;)
*at that point you were shocked by the little winky face he put*
y/n: the same goes to you :)) y/n: so.. weird question but why’d you give me your number?
miles(?): just thought you were cute.
*his reply literally had you in shambles and you didn’t know what to reply with but it hit you. it could be your ex’s friend again trying to get on you for breaking up with them.*
y/n: are u sure? because i swear to god if you’re one of my ex’s friends trying to shit on me for breaking up w them i will literally murder you.
miles(?): i swear, i don’t know who your ex is. but are you okay though?
*i sighed in relief, knowing that they stopped doing it.*
y/n: yeah, sorry i’m just paranoid. y/n: i gotta go, talk to you soon?
miles(?): alright, see ya soon hermosa.
you closed your phone and start to smile, but it feels like everything that went down happened was only yesterday, time won’t fly for you. it’s like your paralyzed in your own heartbreak.
you lay down in your bed, thoughts drowning in you as you start to fall asleep.
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days turn to weeks and you and miles start to become closer friends. and you wouldn’t deny to admit that you liked him, ALOT.
but you never told him. you were scared of commitment ever since it happened.
you never told him, you never bothered to say anything because he never asked you and you were fine with it. until one day.
you both were on the rooftop at his place laughing about anything and everything, talking about what happens.
until he asks a question.
“so, that day, the day you first messaged me about your ex’s friends shitting on you for what happened, whyd you think i was one of them?” he looked at the stars slyly, glancing at you at times.
“well.” you sighed, fiddling around with your fingers,
“i didn’t know who his friends were, so they would come around at work, giving me their number and i would text them obviously and they would always tell me i was cute or something but the next second they just shit on me saying mean stuff and i kinda just couldn’t trust anyone after that.”
he looks back down to look at you , with an apologetic look on his face, when he went to scoot a bit closer to you.
“can i ask what happened?” he asked as his hand was slightly touching yours as you looked at the stars.
“we were happy for a year, everything was fine but they grew distant. they stopped talking to me and always went to clubs and came back home drunk. they seemed off for so long and i went to their place and saw them making out with someone else and i just kinda lost it, because they did this twice and i lost my shit at that point, i haven’t felt love ever since. i just kinda lost motivation, i really want my old self but i just can’t seem to find it.” tears filled your eyes to the brim as i told him everything.
as the tears start to flow out, he hugged you tightly and rubbed your back. “lo siento mucho querida.” he whispered.
“you did nothing wrong okay? it was all them.” he hugged you tighter.
as he pulled back from the hug, wiping the tears from your eyes.
it was silent for a moment after he pulled away.
“i could change that.” he spoke up after the brief silence that filled between us.
you locked at him surprised, “what.. do you mean?”
“you said.. you would never feel love again right..?” his words were soft when he spoke.
you nodded slowly as you turn to look at him looking at the stars.
“well, i could change that.” his head lowered down to look at you but you looked away.
“how will i know you end up the same as they did?” you looked down looking at your knees when you felt his hand grab your chin and pull you in closer for a kiss.
you were shocked at first but then you slowly melt in to the kiss, finally realizing he was the one.
as he pulled away, he held your hand tightly. “i promise i won’t break your heart mi amor.” he whispered. "ill give you the world, the stars if possible, anything for you."
you felt this wave of love you’ve never felt before and it made you feel full, you went to hug him tightly as you never wanted to pull back
“i love you, miles.”
“te quiero también, mi amor. más de lo que sabes.”
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after that day, you and miles started dating and it was nothing like you experienced before.
it was always flowers here, flowers there and he was just a straight up gentleman to you.
you just closed up your shop early tonight to go on your first date with miles, and when you both were walking there, you bumped into someone and both crash to the ground.
“oh my god im so sorr-“ you were frantically picking up their stuff to give it back and when you both look at eachother, you stopped talking. it was your ex.
everything, every single memory of you both flowed down your mind and you remembered it all too well.
“amor are you okay?” miles bent down to check on you when he noticed you giving a dirty glance at your ex, and it hit him.
“yeah i’m fine let’s just go.” you tried to stand up but your ex’s hand pulled you back down and restraining you from standing up.
“what the fuck do you want?” you screamed and it grabbed miles attention.
“please, im sorry i didn’t mean it can things just go back the way it was?” he protested and was on their knees begging you to stay
i pulled my hand out of his grip as we both stood up “i already told you, a million fucking times, no.”
“please i’m sorry, i- i was drunk and i wasn’t thinking straight.”
“so you’re telling me, those both times you were drunk and you weren’t thinking straight? those both times you fucking cheated on me and you weren’t thinking straight? you choosing pleasure over our goddamn relationship and you weren’t thinking straight? you could’ve thought for a SINGLE moment, will this affect my relationship? of course it fucking will you asshole. get out of my sight.” you stood back up and walked opposite where your ex was, but they wouldn’t stop and grabbed your hand again.
“just forgive me plea-“ he was about to get on his knees but miles stood infront of you and grabbed their arm tightly so they could release your arm
“back up bro, y/n already told you they don’t want you. don’t make it harder for us. one step closer and you’re gone got it?” miles let go of his hand as a warning and they nodded and ran away and miles turned to you.
“are you okay querida? you aren’t hurt anywhere are you?” he put his arms on your shoulders, scanning your body for any wounds.
“i’m okay, just a bit shaken up." you sighed, fixing your clothes.
miles was genuinely worried about you and you told him everything's fine as long he was with you.
"i'm so sorry amor that they keep doing that to you." he grabbed yout waist and pulled you in a hug.
"you know ill protect you always right?" he pulled away from the hug.
"promise?" you held out your pinky for a pinky promise and smiled softly.
"promise querida." he took his pinky and hooked it with yours and shook it softly and pulled you in another hug.
although you still remember all the heartbreaking memories all too well, you had him and that was enough for you.
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
© hearts4hobie.
do not steal, translate, and rewrite without permission.
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Carlos-in-Glasses Goes to Paris
For prosperity I’ve written up my experience of the First Responders Reunion Convention – which is my first convention experience. And what an overwhelmingly good and stressful time it was. Under the cut is my attempt to capture my memories and the essence of it, rather than a transcription of panels and meeting rooms, as others have already done the good work (or will be). I hope you find this interesting and useful if you do read, and if you have any specific questions (including about travelling alone/logistics/issues I had) I’ll do my best to provide a coherent answer.
I am very tired and this is slightly manic but here we go:
Friday: If you are among those who waited in line for three hours to register for the convention, even if I did not see or interact with you….I feel we are spiritually bonded forever by the experience. Blimey, crikey, and bloody hell. It was not clear at all how long the wait would be, but I was not expecting that! However, there was an undeniable thrill in the air. I was in pain all over, yet happy. By the late evening, dinner was half a tube of Pringles and a glass of red wine.
Saturday: Breakfast was four croissants. I actually recommend this because they really did carry me through until lunch. Not long after arriving, we were milling about in the lobby waiting for the opening ceremony to begin - when Ronen walked past up on the mezzanine/ balcony thing, waving to us, all fabulous and just….there in the flesh?!!!...and revealing his hair. We’d speculated that he’d dyed it pink or the bisexual pride flag colours, or “wouldn’t it be funny if it’s just brown?!” And it was brown! And it WAS Funny.
The opening ceremony was a trip lol. Holy shit. They played a music video compilation of the actors from each show (I never want to hear How to Save a Life by The Fray ever again. Jk jk don’t come for meee). There was an undulation of incredibly loud screaming whenever particular actors popped up on screen, so it was like being on a rollercoaster that wasn’t moving. Adrenaline was high by the time all the actors walked out on stage and say hello. It’s hard to explain exactly how bonkers it is to be in the same physical space as Ronen, Rafa, Sierra and Natacha and see their non-TV dimensions… TANGENT TIME:
….Speaking of dimensions! I tried to pay close attention to the height difference between Ronen and Rafa, but it’s also an optical illusion in real life? FYI, I’m 5 ft 7 – Ronen didn’t seem massively taller than me, Rafa did seem massively taller than me; next to each other it was like there was nothing in it. But in my photos they’re both much taller than me and Ronen looks slightly the biggest I think 🤔 So I have no clue what’s going on. In fact, I’m more confused than ever.
After the opening ceremony (which I fled from because fuuuck) I was waiting around due to rocking up early for my meeting room by accident. The schedule was a confusing design and I was far from the only person who was doing a sort of 'hit-and-hope' when it came to figuring out where to be and when, especially as things almost immediately overran, so other activities got moved around/ postponed. ANYWAY – Ronen walked right past with a member of staff who was instructing him. I overheard him tell her “It’s okay…I’m a pro at this.” He really did wander around like he owned the place. At one point he strolled through the lobby with an unlit cigarette in his mouth.
My first activity was the meeting room with Ronen and Rafa (ie. a group of a set number of people in a room with actors for half an hour). By chance it turned out that I was sitting almost right next to them, with a gap left for the door between us. So, super close. And obviously they were both mesmerising. This was the meeting room where Rafa said “To catch the murderer, Carlos has to behave like one”, and explained that Carlos would have to murder parts of himself. His emphasis was on how Carlos’ innocence has been taken from him because his father’s life was stolen. For what it’s worth, I interpreted this as Rafa viewing the whole thing very much from an dramatic actor’s standpoint, and how he needs to get into the mindset of Carlos’ particular grief metaphorically, rather than meaning anything literal. He speaks quite intensely and thoughtfully and his choice of words is often bold. For anyone concerned about it, just remember he was asked a question and responded off the cuff the best he could in the moment, with limited time. He doesn’t write the show and I guess he’s making assumptions based on how season 4 left off, like the rest of us, unless he’s had very specific conversations with Tim (which, maybe! But he wouldn’t be able to give anything away. We don’t know anything). Then, when Ronen brought up TK dying (because Ronen always dies in the films/TV he does – using an axe to the chest as an example) it was pointed out that Tarlos is endgame, so he can’t die. Cue Rafa being like “Carlos could die with him! They die together!” I was like goodness me lads it’s early in the morning for this. I needed a brandy afterwards.
Next up was my Tarlos Duo Photoshoot. As noted above, everything had fallen behind schedule, and things were starting to get switched around. Honestly, it was confusing, daunting and stressful (please note: Am VERY easily confused, daunted, and stressed). But thanks to the power of following others and asking questions, I ended up where I needed to be. When it was my turn, Rafa immediately and warmly put his arm around me to pose but Ronen was talking to a staff member, so Rafa and I were just… touching each other for a good few seconds before Ro joined us! I took the opportunity to thank Rafa for doing this for us, but I can’t remember how he responded. Then the photo was taken. I told them they’re both amazing, they said “aw thanks” at the same time, and again I fled the scene. As there are so many people, the shoot you have is super speedy. I advise really trying to keep your cool even though it’s a highly flustering situation. You don’t want it to become a total blur or something you regret, because it really is lovely to be next to them and quickly say a few words and get a keepsake afterwards.
My next activity was autographs and selfies with Natacha and Sierra. A super lovely thing. I gave them cards I'd written (as I also did for Rafa and Ronen the next day). Sierra was an absolute highlight for me. Just the warmest, kindest person. A total joy. She opened her card in front of me and I was like nooooo don't. It truly felt like she’d come to the convention for the opportunity to meet us, rather than the other way around. She told me she liked my outfit and said I look beautiful in pink. Similar to what I said to Rafa, I thanked her and told her I can’t imagine what it’s like for them to do this, expecting her to quickly say “oh you’re welcome” or something. But she started having a mini-philosophical conversation with me about the nature of fame and fandom! Then she said “it is overwhelming in the best way” because she gets to see the human heart behind all the messages etc (I’m paraphrasing). I said “it’s all about love” and she said “yes! It’s all about love, absolutely.” She was a true delight. And Natacha is a blast. She also complimented my pink outfit and I was like ???? Thanks????!!! Gahhh. The selfies came out way more flattering than the photoshoot. The lighting. Oof.
The last Saturday thing for me was the panel with Ronen and Rafa. It was quite brief but there were some real gems. Rafa saying he only has eyes for Tarlos. Ronen saying “Safe in their apartment holding on to each other. I think Carlos is TK’s honeymoon.” I melted. I let our an audible aww.
Sunday: The first thing was a Lone Star quiz in the panel room with Natacha and Sierra. They were so fun and such good sports. Then it was the Lone Star panel, where Natacha, Sierra, Ronen and Rafa were all on stage together answering fan questions. It was really nice to see them all interact, banter and laugh together. Sierra made a point of saying they’re all close in real life and hang out in their free time. There was a great vibe between them and such a good atmosphere in the room. I loved it when Rafa told Ronen that he was out of rhythm when it came to learning the pilot episode line dance; Ronen argued that he smashed it and there's video evidence. Rafa's response was "Sweetie, no."
I then had the autograph and selfie sessions with Rafa and Ronen, but because the Lone Star panel overran, suddenly Ronen had his photoshoot session instead, so I had a clash between going to that or staying downstairs for Rafa. I was trying to figure out what to do until the queen that is @actuallysara got some clarity from a staff member and we went up to Ronen, but by that point the upper level by the studio was crowded and chaotic. Be advised to prepare for disarray if you’ve never been to a convention before. It might be that you experience no scheduling issues or confusion, but just be prepared for the advent anyway. As it happened, I was through quickly for my photo with Ronen – again thanks to Sara locating the door! Ronen, hungover, was wearing his sunglasses, so I wore mine. He did a dumb pose without saying anything; I grinned at the camera and then thanked him and ran off again to get back downstairs where Rafa was still signing autographs. I got to tell him he plays my favourite character of all time and we took a selfie I really love ahhhh. Then Rafa had to leave for his photoshoot – which was my next thing – so I ran back upstairs and was one of the first in line! So I was like “heeey nice to see you again so soon…!” He remembered my name – I guess because he’d only just written it down 😅 I thanked him for the 10th time – just couldn’t stop thanking everyone like I’d caught a disease where the symptom is permanent gratitude. THEN I ran downstairs to do the autograph and selfie with Ronen, who was running late – so that got postponed to the afternoon after we’d already waited a long while. When it did happen it was great - I can't remember what I said to him but I assume it was polite and made sense – although a chaotic queuing system again ensued. A whole long line of us were crushed together in the heat. I had an Aperpol spritz after and when I tell you I’d never needed a drink like that more…
That was it for my paid activities! Unknown to me at the time, my final glimpse of Ronen, Rafa, Sierra and Natacha was when I was sitting on the floor eating Ritz Crackers while they were wandering past on their way to/from whatever they were doing next. It felt so normal to see them around at that point. We gathered for the closing ceremony, thinking we’d see all the actors on stage once more for a goodbye, but the ceremony had to happen without any of the actors because of running late. So, I cherish my ‘seeing them in the hallway’ memories.
Overall feelings and would I do it again? If you’ve never been to a convention before but want to, do go into it with open eyes: There’s potentially a lot of waiting around and standing in line for a long time in a hot space (sometimes the line is more like a shapeless crowd and you don’t know where it begins and ends). Some of the activities are quite rushed. They fall behind schedule easily and you have to be agile about where to go next and what to do. The Dream It team worked super hard and could do with employing more staff in stewarding roles, ideally wearing something that identifies them as such (the staff blended in with the visitors of the convention). But I don’t know the economics of their staffing situation so maybe they can’t grow the team. Anyway, having more signs up also would have been useful. When you do get your moment with Ronen, Rafa, Sierra, Natacha though – or whoever you have come to see – it really is beautiful and meaningful.
Right now, I’m flipflopping – but mainly I think once is enough for me, unless they come to a convention the UK. There’s a couple of aspects I’d like to ‘do over,’ but perhaps not enough to try to recreate the magic a second time, given the expense of it?? That might change over the coming months – we’ll see! I went to this convention with the goal of meeting Ronen and Rafa (with Natacha and a Sierra being a glorious bonus as I booked it long before they were announced as guests) to tell them in person thank you and I love you – and I achieved that. I do think it was worth my money, but it is very expensive and tiring. I was lucky to be in a good position to pay for it this year, which might not be the case going forward. You really need to be able to afford to do it, and genuinely want to do it, knowing you’re paying money for something that is going to have some hard and challenging aspects as well as the amazing and joyful. Personally, I love that I went once. I didn’t love the Super Endurance Test of 2023 that was standing in line for three hours on Friday after travelling hahaaaaaa god. I loved the selfies and autograph sessions. I didn’t love the photoshoot outcomes but I loved that I’ve had Rafa’s large hand on my shoulder because I'm slutty so. I love that I looked into both his and Ronen’s eyes and told them how great they are. I love that I uploaded my selfie with Rafa to my instastory and he viewed it, so there’s just a line of my friends’ names, then actuallyrafa, then a line of my friends’ names 🤣
I also want to note that in real life, compared to footage of them in interviews/insta lives/wherever, I think you get even more of a sense of just how different they are to their characters. It made me respect them all even more than I already did, which I didn’t think was possible. They are SO talented.
BUT most importantly: The reason why this was so brilliant was @actuallysara, without whom I wouldn’t have thought I could travel alone to Paris and do this at all. Sara, meeting you and giving you a big hug was also the dream. You are so helpful and knowledgeable and kind ,and once again your flags were a fantastic idea and I’m so happy I got to sign them. I hope I get to see you again very soon. Thank you from the depths of my soul. @meditating-honey-badger (and your fabulous companion…!) it was a true delight to hang out, and chill out, and have such funny and deep conversations. You are an absolute light and I loved meeting you. I hope so much to see you again too. Like Sara, it could never be too soon. And @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut. What can I say. What can I possibly say. I want to make drinking on rooftop bars while talking about writing our thing. I’ve never done that with anyone else. We really went through this side by side and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I already miss you and I thank you too. You are, in fact, the warmest doughnut in town. All of you, forever ❤️. You made it what it was.
(Digitally applied giant aviator sunglasses and some editing so the Tarlos duo photoshoot doesn't count as a face reveal. Thank you also to the lovely people who made bracelets and handed them out.)
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banshee1013 · 8 months
Suptober / Flufftober Day 3 - Song of the Heart
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Doing this thing AND this thing and it's time for Day 3!
Prompts: Suptober: Inspired Flufftober: "Wait, you love me?" "I always have."
Entry below and on AO3, and check out the series for past days: October Days (and Nights).
Title: Song of the Heart Rating: Teen Warnings: No Warnings Apply  Tags: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Domestic Fluff, Love Confessions, Dean Uses Actual Words (sorta) Summary: Sam picks a musical for the Bunker Movie Night and now Dean has an earworm that won't let him sleep. An earworm he feels in his heart but has never been good at saying.
Maybe he could sing them, instead. Words: 731 AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50792872
It’s dark in their room as they lie there in bed, but there’s just enough light coming under the door for Dean to tell that, even though his eyes are closed, Cas is wide awake.
He does that, for Dean’s sake — pretends to sleep while watching over him, to keep the weird itch Dean gets when attention is paid to him at bay.
But this time, Dean is awake, too. He can’t sleep because of the song running through his head.
It had been movie night in the Bunker and Sam’s turn to pick the movie. For some unhinged reason, he decided on a musical: Fiddler On The Roof. 
Dean had been baffled at the choice. Oklahoma he could have understood since Sam had been in a school production of it and he’s nostalgic like that — but at his obvious puzzlement, he explains in a quiet, hesitant voice that his and Jess’ first date had been a Stanford production of Fiddler and yeah, nostalgia. Throughout the movie, Eileen held him close and Sam even sang along to some of it, wiping away the occasional leakage from his eyes that Dean refrained from teasing him for.
But now the joke’s on Dean as a particular earworm runs through his brain, over and over on repeat, as he looks at Cas' pretend-sleeping form.
Do you love me…
Dean is not good at words, not ones that open him to any kind of vulnerability. Even after all this time, even though Cas has said it to him a number of times (the thought that, all but that last, desperate time, had been quickly followed by “I love you all” was done because Cas was certain Dean could not possibly love him back, is like a knife to his heart even now), Dean has never really been able to say it back. 
Do you love me…
The words echo in his head and seem to bounce off the still walls of the dark bedroom. 
Here in the dark, maybe he can get them out.
“Do you love me…” Dean sings softly, tentatively into the stillness of the room, his voice barely a whisper.
The blue eyes crack open. “Did you say something, Dean?” 
Dean’s stomach flip-flops. Nope, didn’t say nothin’ dances on the tip of his tongue and almost spills out, but a surprising surge of anger at himself stops it. No. I’m gonna do it. Cas deserves to hear it.
Instead, he deploys his favorite weapon — humor.
“Cas, that’s not the line. You’re supposed to say, ‘do I what’.”
Cas’ squint is palpable even in the dark. “Alright. ‘Do I what?’”
Dean swallows in a dry throat but manages to sing the line again. “Do you love me?”
A light bulb appears to go off behind the blue eyes, and Cas smiles. His expression turns contemplative, chin cradled between his thumb and forefinger. “Hmmm. Do I love him…” 
Cas rolls over to face him and Dean is suddenly engulfed, drowning in the soft, warm blue of his gaze.
“Fifteen years I’ve watched over him, protected him, fought by him.” He reaches to brush Dean’s hair back from his face, longer than he’s worn it before because Cas asked him not to cut it. “Fifteen years I’ve stood by him.” Cas moves closer, their lips a breath apart.
“If that’s not love,” he sings, soft and low, “what is?”
Dean’s heart is in his throat but once again, humor to his rescue. “Wait… you love me?” he says, eyes wide and his hand pressing to his heart.
He expects an epic eyeroll from his dramatics, but what he gets instead takes his breath away. 
Cas’ hand presses against Dean’s own still covering his heart. “I always have,” he says, heartfelt sincerity in every word.
That’s not the line, the snarky asshole in Dean’s brain almost makes him say, but once again he slaps it down.
He’s going to say it, needs to say it. For Cas.
Past his heart still lodged in his throat, he whispers, “And I have always loved you, too.” 
Cas’ eyes fly open wide, and Dean feels him give a small shuddering breath as he pulls Dean to him.
Dean buries his face in Cas’ chest and repeats, “I have always loved you too.”
It’s easier to say, now. Maybe tomorrow, he’ll be able to say it in the light, too.
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manabombs · 26 days
billy bones blogging
I was Flint's first mate that voyage... three days east of Tortola in the Caribie. Flint knew an island. That's where we buried the treasure. Gold and blood, they were Flint's trademarks. He'd leave both behind him that day.
Muppet Treasure Island, 1996
As I was working on the art piece I just posted the other day, it occurred to me that it might have actually been my first time drawing Billy Bones. Which seemed Wrong, considering that he is, in fact, one of the main reasons that I fell in love with this show you know other than the vanerackham brain worms.
And I've spent a long time thinking that I should make a post articulating exactly why I'm so attached to him (I usually just keep my thoughts confined to the tags over on @benjaminagunn but this is just that important) Muppet Treasure Island came out when I was like 6 years old and was one of my favorite movies growing up. I watched it enough times to have most of the songs memorized, along with large chunks of dialogue. In particular, the opening scene. The film opens with a musical number that presents the backstory of Flint's treasure-- then cuts to a scene at a busy inn, where we are introduced to the narrator of the aforementioned tale: Billy Bones.
"Oh, aye. Fifteen men went ashore that day... and only Flint, his own self, returned. Oh, aye, and then old Flinty... up and died afore they could get back to that cursed island... and dig up the treasure. No one knows to this day who has old Flint's map. Now, isn't that a story worth the hearing?" "It was the first dozen times we heard it."
A couples scenes & a musical number later, it's revealed that Billy had the map the whole time, and he passes it to our protagonist Jim Hawkins before promptly dying. His job is to set the plot in motion and then be completely absent from the rest of the story.
In high school, I decided that since I enjoyed this movie so much, I should read the full unabridged version of the book. And the first thing that really struck me about it was the description of Billy Bones. Obviously, I was expecting there to be differences between this 19th century novel and the adaptation that involves Muppets. And the I do think that the character of Billy Bones, as portrayed by Billy Connolly, is a great adaptation of the character!
But the novel paints a more complete image of him: The boisterous side of him that we see in Muppet Treasure Island is only how he behaves on the nights he gets incredibly drunk; most of the time he is quiet and brooding.
He was a very silent man by custom. All day he hung round the cove or upon the cliffs with a brass telescope; all evening he sat in a corner of the parlour next the fire and drank rum and water very strong. Mostly he would not speak when spoken to, only look up sudden and fierce and blow through his nose like a fog-horn; and we and the people who came about our house soon learned to let him be. Every day when he came back from his stroll he would ask if any seafaring men had gone by along the road. At first we thought it was the want of company of his own kind that made him ask this question, but at last we began to see he was desirous to avoid them. When a seaman did put up at the Admiral Benbow (as now and then some did, making by the coast road for Bristol) he would look in at him through the curtained door before he entered the parlour; and he was always sure to be as silent as a mouse when any such was present. For me, at least, there was no secret about the matter, for I was, in a way, a sharer in his alarms. He had taken me aside one day and promised me a silver fourpenny on the first of every month if I would only keep my “weather-eye open for a seafaring man with one leg” and let him know the moment he appeared. Often enough when the first of the month came round and I applied to him for my wage, he would only blow through his nose at me and stare me down, but before the week was out he was sure to think better of it, bring me my four-penny piece, and repeat his orders to look out for “the seafaring man with one leg.”
When I read the book, I got a greater sense that Billy Bones was a man suffering from a great deal of trauma-- which is very significant for the character, considering that he literally gets Scared To Death.
So! Years later when I heard "Starz is making a pirate drama that's a prequel to Treasure Island", I was stoked! So much so that I felt like I couldn't actually watch it until I was Emotionally Ready... which wasn't until 2019.
I watched the first episode, and I cradled Billy Bones in my hands, and I said "oh my sweet summer child.... you're going to have some serious Long John Silver related PTSD by the time this is over..... you're going to become a husk of the man you are now..... you are Unkillable because your death is already written in stone baby!"
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jaybird-fanfics · 1 year
Villain Roommate |Chapter One|
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(Fair warning before you start reading, I am not caught up with the manga so things might not be true to the canon story line. But this is a fanfiction, you didn't come here for canon did you?
Also, this will be a slow burn. Well, as slow as I can make it lol, don't expect to get it on with Dabi within the first few chapters. That being said, there will be smut. I'll put a warning on the chapter(s) that will involve it.
That's all, enjoy reading)
It had been a long day at work. All you wanted to do, was go home, get some food in your, watch a little of your favorite show/movie, then go right to bed. Your boss didn't go easy on you today, which only made you yearn for some alone time even more. What had you done to set him off? Nothing, no really, you did nothing except come in a few minutes late. He must have been pre-pissed off, cause there was no need for him to cause a scene like he did. You sigh and look at your phone, checking the time.
8:30 pm. Yep, time to go home. You gathered your things and made for the elevators. You stepped in and pushed the lower floor button, then leaned against the wall with a heavy exhale. You waited while soft yet annoying elevator music played all the way down to the bottom floor. The doors opened, letting you walk out.
You decided to go the quickest way home tonight, not that you'd ever go the long way. Especially at night. However tonight, you came across something that would prevent you from going the quick way. Construction signs, tape, and blocks were up on the street you'd always walk down. Nothing had happened yet, but it looks like the road might be worked on.
As it should, you couldn't count the times you nearly tripped because of the uneven cracked road. But you wouldn't mind it tonight, that's how badly you just wanted to go home. However, that would not be the case tonight. You almost thought about hopping over the tape and walking through anyway. But no, you were a good citizen, and tonight, you would take the long way home.
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You were just about home, when you came across something that stopped you in your tracks. In the alleyway just next to you, you saw a person slumped up against a wall. You also noticed the blood on his hands. You thought about calling the police, figuring you were but feet from a corpse. But when that "corpse" moved, and groaned. The softer side of you came out, and you rushed over to their side.
"Hey, are you ok?" You ask as you crouched down next to them. They did not answer, they must of finally passed out. You panicked for a moment before remembering-
You has a quirk perfect for this situation!
"It might take too long for help to get here, and I really don't wanna see a person die in front of me..." You said before looking for whatever injury that was causing all this blood. Finally, you found it, a large cut on his side. You moved up their large hoodie just enough to see it. With careful hands, you placed them on the wound, flinching a bit at the warm blood that made contact with your palms.
You took a deep breath in and focused on the wound. And slowly but surely, the wound closed up. You sighed a breath of relief. "Still got it. Now...to get you some help." You pulled out your phone and began to dial nine-one-one, but before you could press the first number, the person grabbed your wrist. You yelp in surprise.
The person's voice was rough and low, you assumed it was a man's voice. "W-What do you mean don't? You were bleeding out, you need help." You tried to tell him. "You fixed it didn't you?" He asked, referring to his wound. "Yes but, you're beat up pretty bad too. And that wound took a lot out of me, I can't heal the rest of you."
The man finally let go of your hand and stood up, you did as well. He leaned against the wall, panting slightly. He was hurt bad, you may have healed the worst of it, but he was still hurting. Why didn't he want help?
"Then try harder." He demanded. You could get a better look at his face now. His hood was up and he wore a mask and dark shades to hide his face. Why? "I-I can't..."
He was going to say something else but was cut off by coughing, blood stains were forming in the mask. He nearly fell over, but thankfully you caught him. He was heavy. "Look! You're obviously hurt way more than I thought! You need help!" You said more sternly. "If you know what's good for you..." The man said with heavy breaths. "You won't call the fucking cops...got...it?" You knew he passed out when he slumped against you, going limp entirely.
Well...what now?
"Was he threatening me just now? Or warning me?" You asked yourself . Either way, you didn't want to find out what would happen. You had a feeling it would turn out bad. And so, without anymore options, there was only one thing you could do. But you really, really, didn't want to do it.
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You were so lucky no one was out at this time. Otherwise, the cops would have been called for dragging a unconscious man into your house.
You groaned as you flopped the half-dead man on your couch. You were totally out of energy, but you needed to make sure this guy doesn't die on you. Or on your couch, in your home. Have fun explaining that to the police. You rolled up your sleeves and got to work. First you struggled to get off the man's hoodie all the way. You gasped at the sight.
Burn marks, deep burn marks. And lots of staples keeping his burnt skin connected to his untouched skin. What did this? Was there an accident? Clearly these aren't fresh, they didn't add to the man's injuries. You took a deep breath, then placed your hands on his chest, slowly moving down his abdomen as you used your quirk. You couldn't heal his scars, but whatever was wrong with him, you could and did heal.
You removed your hands and looked at his face. "I need to get that off of you." You said as you took off his shades and bloodied mask. You dropped both as you got a look at his face. You stood up and backed away.
"No way...no fucking way..."
Laying before you, was none other than the infamous villain Dabi. You had just used your healing quirk, on a villain. And not just any villain, one of Japan's most wanted villain. No wonder he didn't want you to call the cops. Well your sure as fuck was going to do it now. You pulled out your phone and began to dial, but before you could press call, Dabi spoke.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
You almost dropped your phone hearing his voice. You looked up from your phone and saw Dabi bringing himself to a stand. He cracked his neck and wiped away the blood from his mouth. "Did you have fun? Putting your hands all over my body like that?" He smirked. You backed away further until you were against a wall. "Aw, look at you...you're trembling." He said as he took a step closer to you. "You should be." He said lowly.
Your grip on the phone couldn't be any tighter, you thought you'd break it in half. Dabi kept inching closer and closer until he was face to face with you. "Now be a good girl, and give me the phone." Dabi said, holding out his hand. You swallowed hard before shakily giving him you're phone. "Atta girl." Dabi said before tossing it somewhere. Thinking it might break was the least of your worries right now. You were about to be murdered.
"P-Please." You started, your voice barely above a whisper. "Don't kill me."
"Kill you?" Dabi asked. He reached for you. You closed your eyes and waited for what would come next. What did come next however, surprised you. Dabi moved a strand of your hair out of your face, flinching at his touch, you slowly reopened your eyes. "After you saved my life? Ah, don't give me that look. It's not so bad that you saved a wanted man. What are ya? A hero in training?"
You shook your head. "N-No...I'm not."
Dabi looked you up and down. "Hm, yeah, you're not dressed like it. That's for sure. What? You just sit at a desk all day then? How boring." Dabi finally backed off from you. "Anyways, I should be off. Thanks again, life saver." He waved before heading for the exit of your home. "Oh and by the way." He turned to face you.
"If you try to call the police, I'll have to pay you another visit. And I won't be as merciful next time."
With that he left. You fell to your knees, heart and mind racing.
What have you done?
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