#frosta is the best
capndragn94 · 5 months
Catra: *cough* Excuse me I- *cough* *cough*
*coughs up a suspiciously blonde hairball*
Adora: *blushing*
Bow: ...
Glimmer: Ew.
Catra: If you'll excuse me, I'll be jumping out of this window now.
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gryffon-x · 6 months
no clue how to really start this but here's what owl house coven i think each of the she-ra characters would be in if they could pick
Adora - Healing
Catra - Abominations
Glimmer - Illusions & Potions
Bow - Bard
Angella - Oracle & Healing
Micah - Oracle & Illusions
Perfuma - Plant & Healing
Mermista - Illusions & Construction
Sea Hawk - Construction
Entrapta - Abominations & Construction
Frosta - Abominations
Netossa - Illusions
Spinnerella - Potions
Swift Wind - Bard
Light Hope - Oracle & Illusions
Scorpia - Beast Keeping
Shadow Weaver - Oracle
Hordak - Construction & Abominations
Horde Prime - Oracle
Wrong Hordak - Beast Keeping
Mara - Healing
Madame Razz - Oracle & Potions
Huntara - Construction
Double Trouble - Illusions
Castaspella - Potions
Lonnie - Abominations
Rogelio - Construction
Kyle - Healing
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“Signals” is still the funniest episode of She-ra.... frankly it embodies the strengths and weaknesses of the show at this stage...  
Rebellion story: Ridiculous scooby doo shenanigans. It turns out the GHOSTS were HOLOGRAMS!!!!!  Everyone realises their friendship is the thing that mattered. Bow misinterprets an incredibly plot important signal for a glitch on his tracker pad. This glitch is interpreted correctly as a signal later... entirely offscreen. 
Horde story: Threatening political intrigue as Catra claws her way to power, is at constant risk of death, and gets accidentally usurped by a sunshine gremlin with no self preservation instinct. How? She was the only one brazen and dumb enough to tell the Evil Supreme Overlord that his electronics were below the standard of a middle school student. Somehow this is an incredible plot twist with huge implications for the rest of the story and for Catra’s psyche. 
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
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While we're discussing the official She-Ra merchandise (most of which is really hard to find via search unless you know how to look bc the Amazon algorithm is actively evil), one of the weirdest products has to be these "Close-Up Tote Bags" which are all of your favorite heroes (except Adora for some reason???) staring directly into your soul.
(If you want to see them for yourself, I made a link directly to them because it's surprisingly hard to trick Amazon into showing them to you. They are actively on sale but apparently Amazon is ashamed of them and doesn't want you to know they are. 😂)
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phantomlesbian · 2 years
Adora's bangs are something so precious to me. So are Catra's. I just love them so much, they show so much personality.
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yourfellowhuman07 · 8 months
Hey! I'm the girl making the no Horde Prime AU and need some questions answered.
Hey guys. I'm the girl writing the No Prime AU and amping up the fantasy drama. I'm currently in the process of writing the first couple chapters. I'm getting a feel for the tone I'm going for before I start the publishing process.
In the meantime, I need your help in deciding some things. While I love my other fics, I really want to make this one special; therefore, I need some input to make it the best it can be.
Since I can't put them all in one post, I'm going to make a series of polls for this fic.
To see more of these polls and other content regarding this fic, I recommend following me.
Thank you for your time, and thank you to all the people who have read my stuff before. I love you all (platonically).
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yourhighness6 · 3 months
I'm announcing to anyone who cares that I'm going to be watching SPOP for the first time since I was about ten, but before I do, here is everything I recall about the characters:
There's a girl with a sword who turns into a butch lesbian whose name I can't remember. I think she is the main character but that might be Glitter
Butch lesbian girl has an evil girlfriend who is apparently a hot furry. I can confirm. A large number of people insist she is toxic, but I am saving my judgement until I watch the show again. She also apparently runs an evil empire of some sort.
There is another girl called Glitter who is also a lesbian I think?? This is unclear, as I have seen her shipped with both the hot furry and the butch girl, but also with an archer himbo dude. She may be bisexual. I am not entirely sure how she fits into the story, but I do know she has mommy issues.
Archer himbo dude is a prince I think?? This is also unclear, but I have gathered that he is best boy and the only good man in the universe, which is very cool.
There is someone named Seahawk who likes to sing, and he has a mermaid gf named (very creatively) Mermista, who is apparently the SPOP version of Mai.
Evil empire furry also apparently has parents of some sort who are very toxic? I gather that one is a witchy sort of person and the other looks like a chaotic version of the terminator. Hot furry also has a stepmother who is very cute and autistic and has giant pigtails and is very smart. I don't know exactly how they fit into the story either, but pigtail stepmom seems like the MVP.
There is also a princess of some sort who acts like Toph. I believe her name is Frosta and she is basically the short version of Elsa but a lot more violent. I am not entirely sure why she is a princess? Is she archer himbo dude's brother? (I have so many questions)
There is an annoying unicorn with very pretty hair
That's all I know but I'm excited to learn more!
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i think i've mentioned The Magnus Archives before, but i wanted to talk about it again, in connection with Catra's redemption. The Magnus Archives is a fictional horror podcast with an overarching storyline and amazingly written characters.
[spoilers for TMA below]
one of the themes that was briefly explored in the final season was about forgiveness. it was a very brief moment but it really stuck with me so i'll share it with y'all.
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this right here was so important. for context, one of the characters, Daisy Tonner, was a cop who frequently engaged in police brutality. there was nuance to this since she was an Avatar of the Hunt but simply put, she thought she was doing the right thing. regardless of her intentions, a lot of people were killed or grievously harmed by her. for similar reasons, she tries to kill Jon, the protagonist.
later after disconnecting from her entity, Daisy realizes her mistakes and feels painfully guilty about everything. she couldn't bring back the dead, she couldn't reverse anything that she had done. all she could do at that point was to just stop engaging in violence and try to be a better person.
she bonds with Jon after some time of mutual awkwardness. Jon, being lonely himself, wasn't entirely opposed to talking to her and they even form a friendship of sorts. for context, Jon has hurt people too and he could relate with Daisy's guilt and her attempts at redemption.
in the transcript i shared above, Jon is discussing her crimes with the other characters. the thing that was so refreshing about Daisy's redemption is that Jon wasn't forced to forgive her. she put him through an extremely traumatizing and agonizing situation that he couldn't forget. his trauma was taken seriously and while he had begun to consider Daisy as his friend, that doesn't mean he forgave her. and she knew that. she understood that she didn't deserve forgiveness, but she still worked on trying to be a better person.
and later on in the series, Jon even expresses his appreciation for her friendship and admits to wanting to say goodbye to her.
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i feel like this is the best way to write a redemption arc. of course it's nice seeing the bad guy being forgiven and accepted by the other characters. but sometimes you have to acknowledge that some people go too far and while they deserve a redemption, they don't deserve forgiveness. the other characters can still appreciate and respect their attempts at redemption, and even become their friend but without being forced to forgive them.
contrast this to SPOP where literally all of the characters have to forgive Catra after everything she's done to them. it doesn't matter how much damage she caused, as soon as she expresses the tiniest bit of guilt, she is instantly forgiven. there's no question of how the other characters feel, their trauma is not valid.
also, i have a feeling that if any of the characters refused to forgive Catra, she would have immediately thrown a hissy fit and spiralled right back to square one. i mean, look at her reaction to Frosta punching her.
by the way, i want to add that Daisy was also a traumatized character. she was also a sympathetic antagonist and she was partially controlled by the Hunt (whether the entities controlled their avatars or not was an unanswered question but it was confirmed that the Avatars were at least 80% in control of themselves). but she still did what she did and no amount of tragic backstory could justify her actions. if only the writers of SPOP actually stopped to think this through, instead of just hyperfocusing on getting Catra and Adora together.
anyway, if you like cosmic/existential horror, lots of angst, deep psychological stuff, complex morally grey characters, and queer representation, i highly recommend TMA! it's the whole package.
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sonofthedragon · 2 years
Something that kinda just popped into my head the other day while thinking about She Ra is that despite the show's overwhelmingly female cast, there's no "Rarity". By which I mean there's no "girly girl" who constantly fretting about her appearance & whether or not her clothes are in style.
Adora is a jock who man spreads at every available opportunity.
Glimmer looks the part but is a raging ball of fire who will fuck you up if the situation calls for it.
Perfuma is the all-loving hippie with a hidden bitch center.
Mermista is the reserved stoic who doesn't do feelings while having the faintest nerd streak hidden underneath.
Entrapta is an energetic tech expert who may struggle to interact with other people is always willing to give it her best try.
Catra wears a tux to prom, need I say more.
Scorpia is a perky goth.
Frosta starts as the stoic rule follower before becoming a mini-Glimmer.
I could go on but I think I've made my point. The show writes a show that's 90% female, gives them each their own distinct personality without making any of them just a girl. And I think that's neat.
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baggebythesea · 2 months
She-Ra cast as drinking buddies
Adora - She's great. Friendly and eager and up for anything. Hope you like to talk about horses, though. Try to keep her away from arm wrestling or that's what you're doing the rest of the evening.
Glimmer - She's an angry drunk. Or a happy drunk. Or a crying drunk. Or she challenges everyone in the bar on dart. Whatever she does, she'll do it with a hundred percent intensity. If someone picks a fight with you, you'll have to hold her back before she smashes a bottle and cuts a bitch.
Bow - He's everyones bestest buddie. He will pay for the drinks, listen to your rants, hold up your head over the toilet and help rain in Glimmer.
Catra - She's really guarded at first, but when the inhibitions drops either the claws or the tears come out. Step very carefully around her. Also, if she wants to have your jacket, it's her jacket now.
Scorpia - She's a delight. Friendly and considerate and a good listener. Although there is this feeling that she has some stuff of her own she's just dying to talk to someone about… if you open the floodgates, be prepared for a lot of tears and to listen for the next few hours.
Entrapta - Let's be honest - she won't listen to a word you say and she'll most likely have dismantled the beer pump and invented a new kind of drink before the evening is over, but you won't be bored.
Mermista - Surprisingly good company, once you get past the attitude. Keeps the drinks coming and have some good stories between all the 'Uuuuuughs'.
Sea Hawk - Life of the party. Shanties and drinks and arm wrestling. It's fun to have fun with frieeeeeends. Will probably have set something on fire and got you kicked out (unrelated incidents) before the evening is over, and never shuts up about Mermiiiiiiiista.
Swift Wind (did someone say Swift Wind?) - Pair him with Adora or Sea Hawk and no net amount of brain cells will have been added to the party. Up for anything and a good sport, though. Expect singing.
Perfuma - Friendly and considerate and works really hard to be a good listener, but if you just want a drink and some chit-chats rather than a group therapy session she's a bit too much. Try to appeal to her inner theatre kid to channel her energies into something more entertaining.
Spinnerella - The team mom makes sure everyone has a good time and stays hydrated.
Frosta - Thinks it's super unfair that she isn't allowed to drink. Still, if you get her to settle down in the juice bar she can be tons of fun.
Castaspella - Fruit drinks and party hats for everyone! Better step up your game, because everyone's friendly wine aunt won't let anyone be bored.
Shadow Weaver - The drinks are bad and the atmosphere is worse and you are beneath her notice. If you can get through her barrage of insults and appeal to her pride, she has the best stories though. Don't expect to come out of it unscarred.
Hordak - He will sit stiff, uncomfortable and completely silent for three drinks, and then he will speak in monotone voice with increasing amount of rage about the injustices he has suffered. Someone might die before the night is over, but it will sure be memorable
Horde Prime - Wonderful company - if your idea of a good time is hearing a narcisist yap on about himself and demand your constant attention. Otherwise, prepare to have a lousy time. Don't leave your drinks alone with him at any time.
Imp - WHO LET THAT LITTLE SHIT INTO THE BAR? Good luck catching him when he zooms around the ceiling.
Emily - I'll be honest, I didn't know robots could drink. Neither did I know they can DISCO, but Emily proves me wrong on both counts.
Angella - Good luck getting her to settle down and relax. No, Angella, the fact that you heard a siren doesn't mean Glimmer has set something on fire (we hope, at least). Has no idea how the social codes are supposed to work, but likes to feel included.
Micah - At home in any company and a great listener. If you're lucky you'll get some stories out of him that will start with "Oh, it's nothing special. We all have that evil teacher that tricked you into helping her kill the entire senior faculty, right?" and spirals from there.
Juliet - The royal guard is never off duty. She might haul you off to cool down if you get too rowdy, but that's it.
Rogelio - Great listener, but not that good a conversationalist.
Kyle - Goddamit, Kyle!
Lonnie - Yes, Lonnie, you can drink more than me. Yes, Lonnie, you can arm wrestle me. No, Lonnie, I wasn't trying to start any shit with Kyle. Sorry, Lonnie, I'll stay out of your way.
Double Trouble - "Hey, you know what would be REALLY funny. If you distract the bartender, I'll… do a thing. No, don't worry about it. Just a thing. It will be funny."
Huntara - Two rules in the Crimson Waste, where one is not to disturb her as she drinks. If you're on her in-list, prepare to have a good time. If you're not, step carefully around her.
Tung Lashor - Sometimes all you want is someone to chug beer and shout the refrains to some stupid songs with. Just keep him away from cats.
Octavia - You know what, better keep her away from cats as well.
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spopsalt · 1 month
More miscellaneous She-Ra pins I found while sorting through Pinterest that made me want to die and my commentary on them. Pt. 2
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Don’t you have to at least like eachother to be family? Thaws guys aren’t even friends. The only ones that get along are Scorpia and Perfuma, which was forced as hell, and Frosta is on okay terms with most (not all) of the characters listed. Everyone else tolerates eachother at best, or seem to flat out hate eachother at worst.
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For example… Just gonna drop a little fun fact here, Mermista is the only Rebellion member who can breathe underwater. So, pairing that knowledge, along with Mermista’s subtle-as-a-bat-to-the-face hatred for Entrapta, and her overall unpleasant personality that leads me to believe she would do this without batting an eye, I’m fully convinced this fanart is just Mermista trying to murder Entrapta via drowning, and they made Entrapta seem too stupid to realize it. Listen, I watched Steven Universe, and specifically remember one of the eventual protagonists did try to drown others the same way. But at least they called her out for it at some point. Lapis didn’t seem to regret it, but at least they call her out. Knowing that Perfuma yoinked Entrapta off a high-ass rock, and could’ve killed her by doing that and didn’t seem to care… Idk, I feel like Mermista casually trying to drown Entrapta and Entrapta being portrayed as obliviously smiling because she’s treated as too dumb to live could easily be something I could see happening in canon. No, it hasn’t happened in canon, but it’s just so in line with the writing that I could see it.
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Double whammy here. Some fans must be gymnast level flexible with how much they’re reaching. This is literally just her sleeping. Lots of people sleep that way. I mean, if it was the canon reason she does this, I wouldn’t take it so much as a sign of shipping as much as it’s a sign of Catra being entitled. Girl has a bed and chooses to take up half of Adora’s. I get that real cats do it, but real cats are also not the size of a teen girl and taking up that much space. I definitely don’t think the way Adora sleeps has anything to do with Catra. I’m just saying if it did, it wouldn’t be great anyway.
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Idk about same, but it’s definitely similar energy. But these fans gotta realize it’s not a good thing…
Also, I hate how Glimmer and Bow are just smiling and letting it happen. I don’t even like Glimmer or Bow that much, but I can confidently say that they’re better friends than this. I swear, their writing in S5 was utter trash.
Like how you said, most of these people just tolerate each other at best, and hate each other at worst
Yeahhh given the Mermista is VERY obvious in her distain for Entrapta, I doubt it's just some cute silly thing
Damn Catradora stans back must hurt from all the streching their doing. That's a common sleeping posistion? I sleep like that, does it mean I'm making space for my abusive sister to sleep at the edge of my bed like a dog?
Ah yes, two people disobeying their love interests boundaries while nobody does anything to stop them when the other person is clearly uncomfortable..how romantic
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capndragn94 · 1 year
Adora: Glimmer, why are you crying?
Glimmer: *sniff* I just found out Frosta has a date with that new friend she made.
Adora: Aww. And you're sad that she's growing up and isn't a little kid anymore.
Glimmer: No, I'm sad because I was in love with my best friend for my entire life, and Frosta was able to get a date with someone she likes after only knowing them for a couple of weeks!
Adora: ...
*Adora and Glimmer both start weeping*
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n7punk · 4 months
“By the Sea (Drown Me Already)” Fic Notes
By the Sea is done! It took a longer than I was expecting with everything that happened in my life, but it’s also longer than I was originally intending so that's to be expected lol.
This AU was purely vibes for a while, and thus the playlist was mostly vibe-based at first, but a few of these are very good fits.
GOOD GIRL ERA (SIDE A) — UPSAHL. FBL (SIDE B) — UPSAHL. WEEKEND — Betty Who. Silk Chiffon — MUNA (feat. Phoebe Bridgers) Bed — Niko Rubio. Love Seasons — Nina Nesbitt. Yellow — XANA. bad idea right? — Olivia Rodrigo. Casual — Chappell Roan. HOT TO GO! — Chappell Roan. Shy — K.Flay. Naked In Manhatten — Chappell Roan. Borderline — Sigrid. Minute — Kim Petras.
Epilogue Life:
I did more of a traditional epilogue than I usually do, so there’s not too much to say here, but they date working through their issues for six months before Catra officially moves in with Adora and not long after Scorpia, Entrapta, and Perfuma move in together. Catra does stay at the marina for a lot longer than she ever thought she would before eventually getting too fed up with the waves and getting an opportunity to work for one of the resorts instead.
Chapter 1:
⦁ This AU is heavily based on an area I used to visit as a kid, which sucked so much you can bet there was not a single resort there, but it was the basis of my beach experiences, so it inspired certain parts of this set up. I wanted to do a resort-type AU, but there are also some moral issues when it comes to resorts so I focused on the general vacation town angle.
⦁ I made a lot of jokes about not knowing jackshit about what I was writing, which is partially true, but I actually have Some experience related to the water parts of this fic, it’s just rather removed, and I don’t know the first thing about diving. I haven’t even been to a beach in seven years, but I dated a girl with a boat once and I leaned heavily on that experience lmao.
⦁ “Hot surfer chicks coming to the marina might make it a bit more bearable.” Catra, honey, you have Got to stop jinxing yourself.
⦁ Entrapta was right about Perfuma being anxious. She has so much experience trying to decipher emotions that are easily evident to others and picked up on the body language.
⦁ My POV for fics is always somewhat reactionary. If I do a fic that is primarily from one perspective (Adora POV in Roses & Thorns) it’s almost inevitable that the next fic (Catra POV in By The Sea) will swing the other way to balance it out. That’s not planned at all, it just happens a lot. My brain misses whatever girl it got to spend less time with lol.
Chapter 2:
⦁ Mermista’s dad owned the marina for several decades before he sold it to Netossa when he retired because Mermista wasn’t interested in running it and also in middle school. They get a free boat spot for life.
⦁ I mentioned this in a comment but couldn’t expand on it at the time: Adora and Catra’s relationship is very inspired by the setting. It’s a surprise reunion in an unexpected place, which works well with the vacation town vibes, but they’re both also worried about losing it, which matches with the transience of such a place.
Chapter 3:
⦁ Adora’s small talk was actually really important stuff for diving, that just didn’t have any relevance to the rest of the office, nor did Frosta care, and to Catra it just sounded like weather small talk.
Chapter 4:
⦁ Catra kept up most of their photos from high school. There’s one or two she had said something too glowing about Adora in the caption and thus deleted in a fit of spitefulness, but for the most part she couldn’t stand to lose them. Except that one. That one hurt so much every time she read it because it just seemed like lies, and when she was feeling generous enough to not view it was that, it was the ramblings of a best friend who only felt friendly. It was either lies, a goodbye, or a consolation prize to being “friendzoned.” She wiped it from her account and then quickly regretted it.
⦁ On Adora’s part, you can guess, but she wiped her social media in a low fit after her shoulder. The last thing she had posted was a photo taken by the training pool, gushing about how excited she was for the scouting. It hurt too much. Every photo from college did, and every photo from high school had for a while, but those were at least good memories. Now everything from college was tinged with regret and failure. She saved a lot of the old photos — mostly from high school — and even screenshotted some captions or comments — Catra-related, or even left by Catra herself — and then stuck all of that on her harddrive and pretended none of it existed. After she found a life again, she found herself occasionally going back to look at those high school photos, but she rarely revisited the few she saved from college. It took her months to feel like she could post again. It wasn’t until the next summer, when she hoped enough of her college friends had moved on or forgotten either her or what happened, that she felt comfortable doing it, and when she did she went public on her account, trying to open back up her life. Being public also felt like it gave her a layer of separation from those old high school/college followers even if all it really did was add more strangers to the pool.
⦁ I went back and forth on how to describe the age of the account and the timing of the incident, because they’re kind of halfway. Adora’s shoulder got injured at the end of sophomore year, and her social media existence started many months later, after healing time, so her account got remade roughly two-two and a half years ago and she got injured around three.
⦁ The post of Adora getting fancy dinner after the surfboard post was because her friends saw her anxiety and her overworking herself to get the money to get it fixed and knew she would never let them just pay for the repairs, so they took her to dinner instead and didn’t let her pay for the check. She needed a good time with her friends, and the free meal couldn’t hurt.
⦁ The line about crutches in Adora’s caption is actually something I said to my friend once when they were feeling ashamed of their aid. When you need them, you need them, and something being a “crutch” doesn’t mean it’s bad or unnecessary.
⦁ Adora’s injury was her “breaking the sword” moment in this universe.
⦁ It got cut because it was awkwardly shoehorned in the dinner conversation, but Adora’s Serenia bio says she has four years of experience because she actually tried diving while at college, but it was basically just some fun lessons she did that she never expected to go beyond that. It’s part of why Mara took her under her wing so hard, though. She recognized Adora’s trauma with water, but also how it was so tied to her identity and left her feeling like a shell after “failing” at swimming, so she found new ways for Adora to use those talents and find fun in them. And honestly she needed another hand with the town’s growth.
⦁ I’ll be honest: my knowledge of torn ligaments comes not from sports, but from my dog tearing her knee. I remember the vet told us some wild statistic like half of all dogs will have torn their other leg within a year of the first injury but we made all the lifestyle changes recommended while healing from surgery to mitigate risk factors and she never had any more problems! That was like six years ago now and she’s still super peppy. You’d have no idea she’s a senior dog with a knee surgery under her belt. Oh anyway that’s why I mention the injury lingering because yeah it can affect dogs at least so bad they fuck up their other leg the same way from compensation within months.
⦁ Adora talking about being happy in Bright Moon making her realize how much she missed Catra actually was a pretty big revelation for her. College was just hard the whole way through and Adora was distracting herself from her pain (emotional and physical when she overworked herself) by… overworking herself more. Taking a full load, spending too much energy at practice, working a part-time job after school, she had absolutely no room to breathe and honestly the only surprising thing is that it took her that long to get injured. She never had room to look up and see what was missing because she was explicitly avoiding doing that and pretty much everything was a pain point. Once she was healed and happy, the loss of Catra reared its head again and refused to be pushed aside, even if she was more prepared to process it. It was a lot less painful, but still present.
Chapter 5:
⦁ I think Bow 100% is the kind of guy who would enjoy being made into a sand castle but sand is so unpleasant in a lot of places and to get it out of your binder you’d have to take it off and then put it back on, which is kind of difficult on the go.
Chapter 6:
⦁ Okay so the “armor” from the title is Catra’s bravado combined with the emotional armor of making her wants and Adora’s lingering eyes all about desire instead of acknowledging the enormity of her feelings. Adora is doing a similar thing in her head, but she’s also trying to deny her desire too, so her head is a full on shitshow.
⦁ Originally the grocery store scene was going to be later in the fic when they were “Maybes” because I love the casual intimacy of grocery shopping together (romantically or platonically! It’s just fun), but I needed an Adora scene in this chapter to give a little more of a read on where she was at (denial) and the chapter was really short without it, so I decided to write it now.
⦁ I have actually seen a guy “rescue” a grocery store lobster and keep it as a pet for years on youtube. The transformation she went through under his care is insane.
⦁ Apparently cats and dogs aren’t really suppose to have nuts because it’s a big risk to them, but for the most part it has nothing to do with toxins and is just because they’re a choking hazard or at risk of being a blockage since cats and dogs don’t usually chew things up a lot. Anyway there are a few that are actual problems and that’s specifically raw cashews.
Chapter 7:
⦁ I actually wrote the scene with Mara talking about Adora surfing before chapter five, but it was too early in the fic for that and they needed to build more before something that important. The entire point of putting it early was Catra being surprised by how quickly Mara was willing to accept her and thus wondering what Adora had said about her in the past, but 1) it’s honestly still like that even being pushed back, and it’s more reasonable in that regard, 2) it was both too assuring and too insecure for the vibes I wanted.
⦁ Everything from chapter 8 was originally in chapter 7, but then all the swimming/hook up stuff got so long I had to separate them out, so CH7 ended up being mostly transition. I tell myself transitions are important when I just want to write angsty trash make outs lol.
Chapter 8:
⦁ The make out against the pool deck is like The Scene Lite™️ for this fic. It’s one of like two points I was building to early.
⦁ The original idea for the fic was that Adora would live in a house on Mara’s big property out of town, but when I went to write this scene Adora just said some stuff about living twenty-five minutes away and that got abandoned.
Chapter 9:
⦁ Honestly you can take your pick on whether Bow couldn’t arm wrestle Sea Hawk because it would make his arm too sore to drive or the losing penalty was taking shots. Both were ideas.
⦁ The closet scene is The Scene™️ for this fic. I think I wrote it before the first hookup scene in the first outline when things were more antagonistic (more on that later).
⦁ It’s so not relevant to the fic so I’m sticking it here, but Adora’s old swim coach was almost as bad as Weaver, but that actually worked out for her when it came to scouting. The swim coach wanted Adora to go pro for the glory to her team, and she knew Weaver wanted her to go to a local college, so when scouting started, the coach worked with Adora behind Weaver’s back to help her get seen and apply. This made it even easier to hide, and without it she probably would have needed Catra’s help to pull that off, thus assuring Catra actually knew about it and wasn’t totally blindsided. Adora’s coach actually helped her out and drove her to the airport for her flight out since Adora had a total blow-up with Weaver when she found out. It was something Adora needed, but it was still self-serving.
Chapter 10:
⦁ Their whole conversation here was supposed to be a quick joke and then it became the entire chapter somehow and that’s just the story of all my fics tbh. I really wanted it to be quick since I didn’t want people to think I was making light of IRL racial fetishes but I truly do think all of that would function very differently in any world with multiple species, especially the more diverse the species get and thus the less alike. It starts becoming increasingly harder for a human to be wired to find them attractive, and obviously the species in SPOP aren’t that different, but it’s a topic that always intrigued me in Mass Effect/sci-fi fic that there really is nothing like in our reality, so I was interested in at least brushing up against it and that’s how the joke happened. I’ve made some jokes about it before but they were always the quick jokes I meant for this one to be and obviously that didn’t end up happening here.
Chapter 11:
⦁ A lot of people clocked it but the musical song was Dead Girl Walking (not the reprise) from the Heathers musical (which is infinitely better than the movie, god, don’t watch that thing).
⦁ I went back and forth on if Catra would like the Ferris wheel, because on one hand, they have their secret place really high up and she doesn’t seem to be afraid of falling off the railing, but on the other hand, cats getting stuck in trees. Lol no but it is very different when you’re in something that feels as precarious as a dangling basket versus a solid building seemingly made from steel.
⦁ Okay so Bow’s whole thing here was actually written before I had the idea for Adora to ask Catra if she’s aromantic and I ended up turning this scene into that Seed Of Doubt instead of the single mention. It was another thing I meant to be a quick joke (well, Catra to be the joke where she managed to act unbothered so well — to Adora at least — that she screwed herself) but it ended up expanding into a full plot point. Also I should probably mention here I’m greyaro for the people who don’t follow me on Tumblr usually.
Chapter 12:
⦁ Let’s just say that Catra’s work day here is incredibly realistic.
⦁ I know I’ve mentioned this fic spiraling a few times, but the title “Surfboard at Midnight (I Just Might Swim)” was originally on… chapter 5. Okay, okay, it wasn’t that bad because I came up with the name before the chapter contents, but yeah, I was constantly kicking it back. The title belonged to chapter 5, and then 6, and then 8, and then like 10, and then 11, and 12, just constantly kicking it down the road as things leading up to the skinny dipping moment spiraled.
Chapter 13:
⦁ I originally said the POV for this fic was whoever because I wanted to leave the door open for having a scene from Scorfumtrapta’s perspective, but that was back when the fic didn’t have plot, and as the lesbians got increasingly dramatic, the focus on their relationship fell into the background. The main scene I was thinking of was what ended up being turned into the dinner scene. At the time, I just thought it was funny for Scorpia to realize months late that she was in a three-way relationship, but in the fic it turned into this thing about Catra feeling adrift and alone even with her friends, which wouldn’t have come through if I had used Scorpia’s perspective or something.
⦁ This chapter has a Secret Theme. So sometimes — quite often — I’ll write scenes in my head for a fic that I know have no place in it. Maybe it conflicts with the overall tone (in the fic, or just that portion of it) that I’m going for, sometimes it doesn’t super make sense, etc. Some of these things end up repurposed or I do find a way to integrate them, and that’s what this entire chapter is. When I was outlining Catra turning up at Adora’s in the middle of night for sleep cuddles, I wasn’t actually planning to put it in the fic, but then it was really sweet and I realized  fit with the transition of their relationship, so it became an unofficial part of the outline before being promoted to part of the story.
⦁ I did say this entire chapter was from scenes that weren’t supposed to be used, though, so what about the boat scenes? Well, the boat scenes were originally outlined… for Roses & Thorns. Yes, okay, I know. Let me explain. That fic wasn’t supposed to be nearly as horny as this one, but when I was writing the very end of it I had this vision of a scene with the two of them messing around backstage (being vague to avoid spoilers if you haven’t read it). It included some of the dialogue that ended up in the make out scene on the boat, but I knew it wouldn’t fit with the rest of the fic to suddenly have them getting hot and heavy on screen, so I just kind of saved the dialogue with the plan to implement it somewhere else down the line. As I was outlining this fic I had the idea for them to hook up in the storage room at the docks at one point, but I ended up moving it to the boat because that would have necessitated luring Netossa away first if they wanted to get away with it, which was less likely after the summer rush faded.
⦁ So I don’t know how all phones work but on iPhone you can set certain people to break through Do Not Disturb and Adora put Catra on that list because sometimes they would text past when hers activated for the night.
Chapter 14:
⦁ Kinds of chocolate according to Catra: White Dark Super Dark Baking Semi-sweet Sweet Milk Orange (wildcard)
⦁ The “there’s other ways to get these endorphins” thing really goes to show how little Adora understands what Catra is doing. Those kisses are “I love you”s and bids for assurance that Adora just isn’t getting and thus isn’t giving back because she’s so focused on not taking advantage of Catra and the such.
⦁ I’ll be honest I tried to get them together here and it didn’t work. Catra reacted too strongly, too fast. When I first outlined this scene I was thinking about another possible get together (that didn’t end up happening) and wondered how I would even get out of this scene without them getting together and then when it came time and the plan had changed I couldn’t MAKE them talk.
Chapter 15:
⦁ Samantha is dressed like a butch prince and I think that’s great. Also I pulled the name Samantha out of my ass because I didn’t feel like coming up with a reference like a week ago- psyche nevermind the song it's from literally just came on shuffle as I was posting this so it's actually from a Leah Kate song and I just forgot why I picked it.
⦁ This chapter easily could/should be split into two, but I like the flow of it all being together.
Original Outline:
So, this AU didn’t have an outline. It was pure vibes when I started it, with plot just taking vague shape in the back of my mind as I wrote. Pretty quickly I had a few big scenes — the make out at the pool, the closet scene — but I was building the rails as I drove at first. As such, I kept having ideas that pushed the few ideas I started with further out in a spiral.
When this AU was extremely nebulous, there were some different ideas for the concept where maybe Catra worked for the resort so she and Adora were closer to being coworkers, and then others where they all worked totally unrelated jobs on the pier but were hooking up in the “offices” when others weren’t looking, which is closer to what the final thing became, but these were all fleeting ideas before I really started writing. Originally the AU featured more antagonism between them at first too, with Catra denying even being her friend at first, but again, things just happened as I wrote and that didn’t materialize at all.
There was a draft with a very different final chapter/get together, but I honestly might use it in another AU where it fits a lot better (there’s a reason it was kicked) so I don’t want to say what it was lmao. Aside from that, this AU was something I wrote as the ideas came to me, which is fun to do sometimes.
I’ve got a couple of one shots in the works and then we’ll see what AU takes me, but for now I’m playing around in canon universe (mostly).
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We Have The Power Chapter 1 - Strange Dreams, New Friends
We Have The Power (8036 words) by TheStarGayzingEtherian Chapters: 1/? Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Adora/Catra (She-Ra), Bow/Glimmer (She-Ra), Perfuma/Scorpia (She-Ra), Entrapta/Hordak (She-Ra), Mermista/Sea Hawk (She-Ra), Netossa/Spinnerella (She-Ra) Characters: Adora (She-Ra), Catra (She-Ra), Bow (She-Ra), Glimmer (She-Ra), He-Man | Adam, Teela (He-Man), Skeletor (He-Man), Evil-Lyn (He-Man), Perfuma (She-Ra), Scorpia (She-Ra), Entrapta (She-Ra), Wrong Hordak (She-Ra), Mermista (She-Ra), Sea Hawk (She-Ra), Frosta (She-Ra), Netossa (She-Ra), Spinnerella (She-Ra), Lonnie (She-Ra), Kyle (She-Ra), Rogelio (She-Ra), Huntara (She-Ra), Orko (He-Man), Battle Cat | Cringer, Andra (He-Man), Man-At-Arms (He-Man), Sorceress of Castle Grayskull | Zoar the Falcon, Ram-Ma'am | Krass, Beastman (He-Man), Trap Jaw (He-Man), Tri-Klops (He-Man), Mer-Man (He-Man), Darla | Mara's Ship (She-Ra), Mara (She-Ra), Angella (She-Ra), Micah (She-Ra), Hordak (She-Ra), Marlena (He-Man), The Red Knight (She-Ra) Additional Tags: Canon, Post-Canon, Post-She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) Season 5, Fluff, Action, Canon-Typical Violence, Best Friend Squad (She-Ra), Adora Meets Her Brother, Action/Adventure, Spaceships, She-Ra Movie, Adora is in Love with Catra (She-Ra), Catra is in Love with Adora (She-Ra), Magic, Outer Space, Wrong Hordak is Named Kadroh (She-Ra), Catra Redemption (She-Ra), Hordak Redemption (She-Ra), All of the He-Man stuff is my own lore for SPOP, No He-Man knowledge required Series: Part 1 of She-Ra: Beyond The Heart Summary: It has been four months since the defeat of Horde Prime and Etheria has mostly rebuilt following the end of the war. Adora has been spending much of her time finally getting a chance to rest… yet, strange dreams plague her, dreams of horrible events yet to come. Meanwhile, on their travels through space, Catra, Glimmer and Bow meet a man named Adam and his friends. Adam is soon revealed to be He-Man, a magical warrior similar to She-Ra and as such, the best friend squad invite Adam to visit Etheria to meet Adora. However, this little visit sparks off quite the adventure, as He-Man's arch enemy Skeletor sets his sights upon Etheria… and Adora discovers the family she never knew she had. All the secrets of the universe shall be finally revealed! (Catradora, Canon, Part of She-Ra: Beyond The Heart)
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lavenderstobins · 1 month
idk if you’ve spoken about this in a while but i’d love to hear more about the ronance catradora au
personally, i feel like nancy and adora have the same energy and robin and catra have the same energy but i also feel in terms of plot and all, nancy as catra just makes sense, same with robin and adora
i would love to know what you think since this has been on my mind for the past hour 😭
i see both options!
realistically, in terms of energy/attitude i do agree that nancy and adora have similarities and robin and catra have similarities. robin would handle the rejection similarly to catra while nancy would pick up the hero mantle.
that being said, i actually think character-wise and plotwise that robin as adora and nancy as catra makes more sense. robin is too empathetic to stay with the horde while nancy renounces them; nancy, however, while empathetic, would be more willing to get things done for the greater good.
nancy has her guard up, is slow to form new relationships, and lets her emotions drive her more than anything. this alone rules her out as adora in my opinion as I don't see her forming a bond with whoever bow and glimmer would be, especially after being held captive. nancy wouldn't even be held captive by them. robin, though, is shown to be clumsy and forms quick friendships (look at her dynamic with dustin and erica in s3). she, to me, fits adora's style of heroism much more than nancy does.
nancy as catra, though? that's the biggest hook for me. nancy taking what feels like a rejection, in my opinion, would spur her down catra's path. nancy is the leader. nancy is the planner. nancy is very rarely wrong. she's smart enough to know what the horde is doing, like catra is, but to ultimately believe it's the best course of action, because it's all she knows. nancy wants to prove herself, to be something, and whoever shadoweaver would be would be able to take advantage of that.
i don't see nancy being as naive as adora is in some situations. she'd know what's going on but be smart enough to keep quiet. and, honestly, if robin had asked her to run away with her separately to rejecting the horde and embracing helping her 'new friends', I think nancy would've joined her. as it is, because it's nancy asking robin to come back and robin saying 'no, this is wrong', nancy takes it like a slap to the face, because in her eyes robin isn't rejecting the horde, she's rejecting her.
as a side note, i think plot-wise it makes more sense too. i think max could fit glimmer's character and lucas could fit bow's and steve's like, their bodyguard, or something. in which case, robin stumbling into that dynamic makes Sense. (erica fits frosta pretty well also, and dustin as entrapta).
robin's schtick is that underneath it all she's kind. she wants to help people. nancy does, too, but overall nancy is less concerned with people's feelings than she is getting she wants. robin puts on a tough front, but it immediately crumbles the moment she's actually close to someone.
this is all an extremely long-winded way to say that I personally see robin as adora and nancy as catra (especially because it makes their dynamics delicious), but I like both options!
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