#gwen stacy x female! reader
fiendishfables · 30 days
what do you think about maybe an one shot of gwen accompanying her gf to get a piercing? it can be any piercing, up to you 🫶 doesn’t have to be long or anything just something that came to mind
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Just a pinch
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pairing: Gwen Stacy x Fem! Reader
warnings: pure fluff, needles, wholesomeness, Gwen being an amazing gf, cursing, the piercer is a real one fr
genre: fluff + comfort
words: 2.4k+
a/n: I can't write anything short, apologies-This idea is so cute! I love Gwen sm, she is an absolute sweetheart; I can see her doing something like this for sure. She'd be your biggest fan! <3
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"Okay, brace yourself! You will soon be entering the land of pain and sparkle!"
"Oh joy, Gwen."
A piercing was not meant to be on the agenda for the day. It was supposed to be, in fact, a fun day out; that consisted of hanging out with your girlfriend at the local mall downtown. Most of your time was spent in the arcade, where Gwen refused to move from her spot at one of the claw machines until she won you a spiderman-themed teddy bear.
After that was all said and done, the two of you had continued on your way throughout the mall, stopping in many of the various shops to explore any of the little wonders they provided. You were able to prevent Gwen from spending all of her available cash on gifts for you despite her complaining, reminding her that she already broke a sweat for you when trying to get the teddy bear from the claw machine. She relented eventually, but as soon as the both of you came across the small piercing shop, Gwen instantly pulled you inside and straight to the front desk, hand tightly gripping yours.
Of course, she had asked you first before even speaking to the worker, but when you said you'd love to get a matching piercing with her, you could've sworn her whole face lit up. For the longest time she had been trying to get you to also get your eyebrow pierced; it was almost like a moment in history for her. She wasted no time in requesting an appointment upfront for you after that; she then quickly ushered you to a seat in the waiting area.
Many thoughts were swirling throughout your head as you silently assessed the situation you found yourself in, heart beginning to pick up speed as the minutes ticked by. Somehow, Gwen had managed to convince you to get an eyebrow piercing; the same as what she had, so the two of you could be 'brow bros'. Her words, not yours.
And now here you both found yourselves.
Currently sitting in the waiting area, awaiting the call of your name from the woman who claimed to be the one in charge of your appointment; to come out from the back of the shop and alert you that it was indeed your turn to stick a needle in dangerously close proximity to your eyeball.
"I am so excited for you! You're going to look great!" Gwen said, ecstatically smiling in your direction. She had been trying to encourage you for the past ten minutes, as she attempted to calm any last minute nerves you might be clinging on to whilst you waited.
"Are you sure its not going to hurt a whole bunch?" You asked, an eyebrow raised in an almost skeptical mannerism. You trusted Gwen with your whole heart, but sometimes she tended to underexaggerate certain situations. "They are putting a needle pretty close to my eye, y'know? Last time I checked, the two don't necessarily form a good blend."
"I promise, it feels like nothing. Just a pinch!"
"Just a pinch? Really?"
"Really! When have I ever lied to you?"
"You really can't just let me win one debate, can you?"
"Maybe if you asked nicely I'd be more willing."
"Shut up."
You could practically hear Gwen smirking from right beside you without even having to turn your head; the thought made you smirk as well. Your fingers twiddled around one another at an attempt of distracting yourself from the nerves bubbling up within your chest. Whether it was your first piercing or not, the anticipation of waiting to get a needle stuck in your skin was enough to get anyone antsy.
How long had it been since you'd sat down? Five minutes? Ten? Fifteen? However many, you didn't really want to think about it. The longer you had to wait, the worse the nerves buzzed.
Without warning, Gwen gently grabbed your fidgety hands in her own, giving them a gentle squeeze of what was probably meant to be comfort. A quizzical look overcame your features when you looked up and saw her seemingly serious expression.
"Hey...you don't have to do this, you know? If its making you too nervous or anything, we can always come back another time." She said, affection lacing with concern within her eyes.
You looked around the expanse of the small store then back to her, confused by her sudden change in behavior. "What? Why-"
"I know you only do that when you get stressed out or nervous." She explained, referring to all the movements you'd been making with your fingers only seconds prior. "I'm sorry if I pressured or pushed you into this; you don't have to go through with it if you're not ready or don't want to.
"Oh. Gwen-"
"You won't hurt my feelings!" She quickly assured you, holding her palms up as if in a mock surrender. "I can go up to the desk right now and tell them-"
"Gwen!" You said, louder now than you'd previously been speaking. She looked at you surprised, then bashfully, realizing she had begun to ramble. You never did like it when she tended to get too deep into her own head; but you also liked to remind her that it's what made her so unique.
A deep breath came and left your lungs as you looked her over briefly, seeing as her hands were practically crushing yours in their grip. You offered a squeeze of your own, helping release some of the tension from your knuckles.
"I want to do this, okay?" You looked at her for a good second, wanting to be sure she heard the affirmation. "You didn't push me into anything. I agreed, did I not?" A knowing smile made it's way onto your lips. "You of all people should know that I won't let anyone pressure me into doing anything I'm not comfortable with. You said it yourself; it's why you love me."
Gwen had her mouth slightly agape, almost like she was surprised you were able to use her own words of affection towards you in such a way to prove your point. You just continued to smile at her.
" I would love to be your 'brow bro'." You finished, knowing those were the words she really wanted to hear above all else.
Gwen suddenly laughed and pulled you into a tight hug, which you reciprocated almost immediately.
"I knew it! I knew you couldn't resist!" She said through her soft laughter.
"Oh, come on. I love you too much, how could I resist? Besides, being a 'brow bro' sounds totally badass if you ask me." You said, grinning like a dork. "You always manage to come up with the strangest names for things, Gwen Stacy."
"It truly is a gift, isn't it?"
While the two of you were busy cracking stupid jokes and giggling like school-girls, the piercer responsible for your appointment finally called out your name, causing both you and Gwen to jolt upwards. Your girlfriend gave you an encouraging look, gripping your hand as she assisted you in standing from your chair. She made an effort of handing you the teddy bear she had won you from the arcade earlier, as it had been sitting on its own chair besides your own. You gladly took it from her and tucked it under your arm with a grin and quick roll of your eyes. Your affection for one another was unmatched.
"C'mon," She said, grinning. "let's make it official."
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You sat on a comfortable lounge-like chair in one of the back rooms of the small shop, where they did the piercings. Gwen was beside you, sat atop one of the extra chairs provided for bystanders in the room. She held your hand in her own, smiling reassuringly at you as the worker who would be administering the piercing sterilized a needle for the job, humming softly to herself as she glanced at the two of you.
"It's okay to be nervous." Gwen told you softly, running her thumb over your knuckles. "I was terrified to get mine done, but hey, it looks cool, right?"
"You weren't scared at all, were you?" You deadpanned.
Gwen rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly as you looked at her. "Well to be honest, no." She took a breath and let a bright smile fill her face. "But hey! I forced my dad to hold my hand, so that's got to count for something, right?"
You rolled your eyes with a soft chuckle, noticing the proud gleam of pride in Gwen's eyes at being able to make you less nervous about the whole situation. It was her forte after all.
"Alright, missy. You ready?" The piercer had turned away from the counter full of sterile tools and was now looking at the both of you, surveying the situation as Gwen tried to calm you in any way she possibly could; yet she spoke to you specifically.
"Yep. This one here has been hyping me up for the past half-hour." You said, tilting your head in Gwen's direction. She offered that same bright smile to the worker, even offering a small wave of her hand that was not yet occupied with holding one of your own.
"Well then, hopefully this all goes smoothly for you. Though I like to think I'm pretty good at my job; no one has died yet." The worker said with a grin of her own, obviously finding the two of you to be humorous; something she could learn to appreciate after dealing with not-so cooperative clients. It was always a breath of fresh air to see young adults trying a new sort of style, and it kept the shop in business. The small piercing shop was most likely the only one in New York that did not require adult supervision to get a piercing(unless you went to some back alley, which wasn't ideal), so keeping up was never usually an issue.
Gwen and you both chuckled at that, feeling the blonde pat you hand she already held within her own.
"I'm right here. You're going to be fine, I promise." Gwen told you softly, watching as the worker approached you and stood on your other side with the sterilized needle ready. You nodded, silently thanking your girlfriend for her never-ending support in the moment, taking a few deep breaths as you turned your head to face the worker when she asked you, positioning the needle right on your eyebrow.
Within the count of three seconds, she had pushed the needle through the delicate skin of your eyebrow, causing your nose to scrunch up a bit in discomfort but stay still as a rock nonetheless. You could feel Gwen's grip tighten on your hand, and hear her praises towards you as the piercing process commenced.
"You're okay, you're doing great!"
"It's almost over, just a second more."
"I love it already, babe!"
As soon as the process had begun, it was over. After assuring that the jewelry piece was firmly set how it should be in your eyebrow, the worker complimented you on your bravery and ability to stay still with an almost proud, parent-like smile, before busying herself with cleaning the needle once more and getting everything set up again for any other clients she may be seeing that day, if any.
You got out of the chair, and, with Gwen's hand still in yours, made your way out of the room and up to the front desk in order to pay. The piercer had given you a discount for your appointment, claiming it's because it took her longer than usual to get set up and get the two of you back to the room; but both you and Gwen knew it was most likely because she found your dynamic to be the most wholesome she had yet to witness, especially when getting a piercing. Hey, neither of you were about to protest; 50 percent off was 50 percent off.
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"Ahh- I love it!" Gwen exclaimed excitedly, grinning like she'd just won a million bucks. To her, your company and happiness were worth just that.
Seeing you adjust and examine the small piece of jewelry now stuck in your eyebrow with an awe and undoubtable joy, using her cars rearview mirror to see yourself, just made her heart melt. She remembered feeling the same way when she first got hers done. It made you feel brand new, in a sense.
"I love it, too!" You said, grinning as the two of you agreed. You delicately pushed the mirror back into place as you settled comfortably back down in the passenger seat. "Guess this officially makes us 'brow bros', huh?"
This earned a genuine laugh from Gwen, as she gently grabbed the rearview mirror after you finished using it, adjusting it to her liking before letting her hand fall back onto the steering wheel. She just playfully shook her head, loose strands of her hair moving to fall slightly over her beautiful blue eyes.
"You look amazing, you know? It really suits you." She admitted, a shy expression overtaking her features, causing your newly pierced eyebrow to lift.
"You've only been telling me since we left the shop." You responded, smiling as she laughed again, watching as her ears turned a light shade of crimson. "Though I am so lucky to have you as my personal cheerleader." You softly elbowed her in the ribs and she swatted your arm away.
"I'm being serious!" She exclaimed, trying to stop laughing. "Shit looks badass!"
You snorted, amused. "I will admit, it was very well worth it. Not as bad as I previously thought."
"Duh." She replied, rolling her eyes like you had earlier, in a teasing manner. "I told you, didn't I? Just a pinch."
You held up your hands in mock surrender, smirking at her. "Just a pinch."
She shot you a smug grin. "You do know this means you're stuck with me, right? I mean, I can't have my 'brow bro' up and leaving me, y'know?"
You laughed loudly and put an arm around her shoulders, leaning over the divide between your two seats to give her a quick, affectionate kiss on the cheek, looking triumphantly on as her cheeks filled with color and she leaned into your touch.
"And you know I wouldn't have it any other way."
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kikinhas-drawings · 1 year
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Spider-verse shoes🕷️
I’m so obsessed with this movie, I swear😭 (it’s like the first one all over again)
Make sure to follow me on insta
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thebestandrealestever · 10 months
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miles1610/hobie brown x black fem! reader
sum: miles cheats on reader w gwen, reader gets even 🤷🏽‍♀️
warnings : slang, the n word, cursing, cheating . emotional cheating. READER BEING PETTY unedited and not proofread
genre: angst, a lil of comfort?
a/n:i rly hope it don’t disappoint, part 2 w miles and reader make up eventually, cause i can’t stand writing miles as a dickhead. JUST A STORY, I DONT CONDONE CHEATING, DONT THIS TO PEOPLE.
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first time in a long time.
hurting deeply inside .
there it was. the confirmation you so desperately needed to blow off on miles. you’d suspected he was messing with gwen for a little while now, him leaving you too go on missions with her that ONLY they knew about, being on facetime with her while he was at YOUR house, his highlight on instagram for her, not to mention the countless drawings of her around his room that he hid horribly, just a bunch of weird shit. you had conversations about it before but he always reassured you and gaslit you until you shook of the accusations. but now, now you knew he was cheating. miles was in the shower he left his phone on the nightstand, you looked long and hard at it. debating whether if it was a invasion of privacy, as you thought about it you get more and more upset. if gwen could be an invasion of your relationship then this didn’t really matter. you pick up the phone and put the password it, it’s his birthday (narcissist 🙄.) you go to gwen’s message thread, the blue heart next to it made you infuriated. your stomach twist and your eyes leak with tears that you don’t even try to wipe not wanting to miss anything. all of the “i love you’s” and the “im with her right now’s” made your fingers tremble as you scrolled farther into their text. why did he waste his time with you if he loved her? why would he do that to you? when did he fall out of love? what did you do? your thoughts quickly interrupted by the sound of the shower turning off you jumped up turned the phone off and put it in the same downward facing position wiping your face speed walking back to the bed pretending to watch tv.
“what’s going on now , ma?“ he asked referring to the episode you were watching. your face turned as you came up with a lie. “uh nothing really they just found out she was pregnant” you huffed, you’ve never been a good liar and miles could read your emotions like they were his own, you had no idea how you were going to go the rest of the night with him, so you didn’t. getting up from the bed you acted like your mom texted you to come home, frowning looking at the fake text. miles squinted at your pout, walking closer to you he said,
“you okay?” “my mom said i had to come home, she’s going out tonight and wants me to watch my sister, she’s sick” miles fake frowned “you want me to come with you?” he suggested walking to his drawers to get some clothes. you shook your head no “i don’t want you to get sick, it’s fine i’ll just facetime you okay?” you said as you picked up your purse and put on your shoes. “okay at least lemme drive you home. can’t have my baby walking alone in the dark.” he joked as he put on his own shoes and jacket too. you internally cringed at his sentence reminded of who he also called his “baby”.
trust, trust who?
watching my back even when i’m in the booth.
ohh, trust who?
you’re in the passenger seat of his car, seeing the blue hair tie in the cup holder that wasn’t yours. you stared at it for a bit rethinking your entire relationship. he glanced at you, then the hair tye. he spoke up rubbing your thigh trying to get your mind off of it. “u wanna go to the mall tomorrow? we can get froyo.” he suggested knowing that you liked the froyo place in the mall, you knew he was trying to make you happy so you wouldn’t question the hair tye you just went along with it.
“yea okay.” you smiled warmly at miles not meaning it at all. his phone buzzed and you both looked down at it, the speed of which he grabbed it in was almost inhumane. you side eyed him closely as he swiped the opened the message then turned his phone off placing it into the cup holder facing away from you. as you pulled up to your house he leaned forward to peck your cheek, you couldn’t stand the feeling of his lips on your skin right you. “bye mami, facetime me later okay?” he whispered as he looked into your eyes with that same look on his face that made you swoon once before. “okay, i will” you said knowing you weren’t. as soon as you got into your room you cried, searching in your mind for a clue on why he was doing this to you. you’d tears interrupted once again as your phone buzzed, who was calling you and why couldn’t they go away ?? you checked it as a small smile speared on your face it was margo. margo kess had been your best friend since before you met miles, she worked at the same spidey agency he did , or whatever the fuck it was called. you answered wiping your tears. she was eating unti she saw your expression. “what happened??? why you crying boo?” she frowned at you through the screen “miles is cheating on me with gwen, i checked his phone” you chuckled through sniffles as her jaw dropped “what the fuck?? u exposed him his ass right ??” she shouted and you shook your head “i was in denial i guess, i still can’t believe this shit” “you know what you gotta do right?” she said and your face turned into a confused expression “what i gotta do?” she rolled her eyes “get even duhhhhh!! you way to pretty to let this nigga cheat on you with a big back ass bitch you know that.” you snorted at her compliment “ion know mar, maybe gwen didn’t know we was dating” you said trying to express grace to gwen.
“bitch how?? all that nigga do is talk about you, not to mention youre his lock screen.” you tilted your head in agreement, she spoke up again “and you been told his ass all that shit he did with gwen was weird and he didn’t stop it? if he wanna act nonchalant you can act notchabitch” margo smiled as she her attempt to cheer you up worked. “speak of the damn devil, guess who texted me.” you smirked as margo raised her eyebrow “don’t tell me you talm bout hobie.” you tried to fight the smile on your face as you clicked on his message
“hey, wyd rn?” the text read. margo sighed as she saw the smile on your face “HOBIE. HOBART BROWN?? really (name)? well i mean the way he looks at you is crazy, and i been saying y’all would be mad cute .” she shrugged as she resolved up her own feelings, you nodded as you thought about it . was this really what you wanted to do? hurt miles? nonono if he didn’t care about hurting you he can’t say shit when you do it back. you texted hobie back “nun rn, wby?” and he replied almost instantly “im bored, lemme come over?” you almost laughed at how you realized that hobie has never cared about your relationship with miles . you told him yes and you said your goodbyes to margo as you got ready for him to come over, eyes burning as you saw the multiple hoodies that miles owned .
“hey love.” hobie said as he walked into your room from the window, you always noticed hoboes accent but you never noticed how attractive it was until now. “hey hobie.” you said as he lifted your chin up with index and thumb. “you’ve been crying? what happened ?” he said trying to read your face. “um nothing just stuff with miles” he almost winced at the mention of miles, he would offen tell you that he wasn’t good for you, guess he was right. “what did he do now. something when gwen again i bet” you sighed deeply remember the messages in his phone again. “yea, he’s cheating i just found out.” hobie eyebrows furrow as you say this, if he didn’t like the way miles was treating you before, he definitely hated him now.
“i was just joking but, really? what the fuck? after everything you’ve done for him? i’m gonna murder him i swear to g-“ “hobie no, no don’t say anything. i’m fine i’m gonna deal with it myself.” you say pushing him back with your fingers. “at least let me make you feel better.” he said giving you a tight hug. he smirked as he said “you know i’d never make you feel like that.” you snorted into his chest pulling away, hobie grabbed your face with both hands and kissed your forehead. “you don’t deserve this ,(name) you deserve the entire world” he muttered , looking down at you with so much care. stand on your tipe toes to kiss hobie, he doesn’t kiss back for a while in shock but then he reciprocates it and you know you shouldn’t do this, that’s the exact reason why you did it anyway . you pull away looking up into his deep brown eyes, you needed this, comfort from someone that wasn’t hurting you. someone that wasn’t him. he kissed you again more aggressively this time. he pulls away this time only to catch his breath. he pecks your lips once , then twice. he smiles at you then walks to the bed and turns on the tv, you thought it was weird but you also didn’t want to talk about it, and definitely didn’t wanna do anything further. after watching tv with him at a uncomfortable distance you decide to address the elephant in the room.
“so, we not gon talk about that?” you turn off the tv before turning your head to look at him and he does the same “we don’t have to, you know i like you. but i don’t think you need that tonight, i think you just need me here.” he said and honestly, he was right. even though he had you all the way fucked up onna tuesday, you still loved him. you just nod at hobie and he kisses your cheek wrapping his arms around you so he’s spooning you, the way hobie is holding makes you think that he’s the only boy in the world. he falls asleep and you lie awake looking at the ceiling, you decide to go on instagram looking at people’s story until you see gwen’s story, it was a picture of her and miles in his car her feet up on the dashboard, the same car you were just in, the same car you had your first kiss in. that’s not even the half of it, the picture had a “besties” caption on it but you could tell from 20 miles away they were far from that. you take a picture of hobie asleep and post it, tagging him too copying the same caption as gwen had. after maybe 20 minutes miles replies to it “wtf? why are you letting hobie touch you like that? and i thought u had to watch your sister” “and i thought you and gwen were besties?” you reply back sending him the screenshots you send to your phone if gwen and miles text he starts blowing u up like crazy but you put your phone down and snuggle closer into hobie, maybe you could get even.
doing my own thing,
i’m down to come clean,
not like you.
lmk wat u think 😭.
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keenzinemugstudent · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara x Black godparent reader imagines
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Okay people Miguel likes you but your Miles godparent basically his second parent so he tries keyword TRIES to be much nicer to Miles when around you because he sees how much you absolutely adore this kid but it's so hard because he doesn't like the kid (poor Miles) Miles see's how much he likes you and tries to help but Miguel is stubborn as hell and doesn't want help but he's gonna need it because let's face it the man wants you to like him and knows he's gonna need a lot of help so who better to get to help him than Miles?
Plan 1 show that he is deeply sorry for trying to annihilate your poor godson and try to convince you that it was a mistake and will definitely NEVER happen again at first you weren't buying into it but took Miles to get you to see there was no hard feelings and everything was water under the bridge so you accepted his apology but you were still on guard for whatever was to come which was a good start on a newfound friendship between you and Miguel Peter b had made a joke that Miguel looked like a sad puppy which had almost made Miguel want to hurt the man
Plan 2 You need help you with your spidey training you're still new to the whole Spider-Man thing and because now you're a spider person you're still trying to get the hang of it so Miles with the help of Gwen convinces you to have Miguel offers to help train you which you quickly declined because you did not want to be left alone with the man and you didn't want to waste his time but Miguel had no problems with helping you train he happily offered this man was desperate to have you like him, you were thankful for his help but and it got a bit rocky starting with him kind of being impatient and yelling at tou and you hard-headed and stressed out from trying to do your best well you both started yelling at each other which made you lose focus on you sticking to the wall and you fell from the ceiling but luckily he was quick enough to catch you in his arms before you hit the ground you were blushing like an idiot being carried by this man and quickly thanked him than ran out the room Miguel looked at you run and sat on the ground face in hand cursing in Spanish ears red, while Gwen and Miles hide behind the corner smirking.
Plan 3 gives you lots and mean LOT'S of praise you like being told your doing a good job and that your working hard also compliments will get you to be flustered the whole day Miles knows this first hand because he always brags to people about how awesome his godparent in hand to hand combat (you taught him a couple of moves) which Peter b learned the hard way after doubting your fighting skills let's just say he does not want to ever get on your bad side EVER! So while training you got the hang of swinging from place to place and to stick / crawling to the walls Miguel took this as an opportunity to congratulate you and compliment you on your improvement which got you blushing and stuttering like an idiot around the man but it also got you the smile big and hug him which made his heart beat fast the man was trying so hard to make it not obvious that he was interested in you nearly which was a big fail because everyone and I mean everyone knew that he liked you.
Plan 4 you loved food and loved to try new food so yeah when Miles told Miguel this and he quickly wiped something up for you. He is a good cook he actually loves to cook but no one knows this so shhhh Miles told him what type of food you liked too eat and Miguel happily made it but was a nervous wreck he didn't know if he made it just right but lucky you loved the food doing a cute little happy dance, after a hards day of work fighting bad guys you fell asleep on his shoulder making the poor man go red in the face he felt eyes on him only to turn to see most of the spider gang giving him a thumbs up he actually hissed at them which made them go away in fear from being bitten and or paralyzed by the man.
Plan 5 you didn't have a outfit for being a spiderman/woman all you had was a (favorite color) T-shirt with the spider symbol on it and (favorite color) jeans or shorts with combat boots, so Miguel with the help of Gwen who got you to talk about what type of outfit you would love to wear and the man Miguel immediately had Lyla get to work on your outfit let's just say you were absolutely in love with your outfit and gave the poor man kisses all over his face dude was so shocked he just stood there with the lipstick markings on his face and lips. Peter b tried to snap him out of it but nothing worked the man was frozen like a statue, Miles thought it was funny but was just annoyed he was happy though, Gwen just laughed because dun dun dunnnnn ladies and gentlemen you already knew that Miguel liked you! Shocking right? You told Gwen you knew that he had asked Miles for help for you to like him but you did not know this until plan 4 when you feel asleep on him and he admitted his feelings for you to your sleeping body (you're only half asleep) so yeah you just wanted him to work for your affections which was working but you might need a little bit more convincing though guess we're going to have to wait and see.
I know this is like really cringe but I had a fun making this so I hoped you guys like to reading, and yeah I know Miguel is out of character but I tired okay!
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transfemarmin · 10 months
Can you do a fic where miles g aka miles 42 got mad at the black reader for ignoring him as a prank?
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˗ˏˋ ★ˎˊ˗ - BOREDOM
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pair: m.morales x black! fem! reader
summary: [name] hasn’t always been the brightest when it comes to deciding which pranks she should pull on her boyfriend, but after this.. she definitely learned.
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_________________________________________________. ˏˋ ★ˎˊ˗ [NAME] FELT THAT THE FEELING OF BOREDOM…
was similar to that of a sickness, the teenaged girl thought it might’ve a silent death as well, as boredom can kill or injure many things and many people depending on the actions you taking during those feelings.. friendships, reputation, and sometimes even relationships.. and [name] learned that the hard way..
our story takes places on a wednesday morning, [name] was sitting in her second period class, legs crossed, and her head resting on the palm of her right hand while her left hand scrolled through tiktok, where she discovered some sort of ‘ trend ‘ where you ignore your boyfriend for an entire day and then talk to him like nothing happened…
she knew deep down that this was a bad idea, but the urge for anything to entertain her was stronger than her logically side, the girl favorited the video, making a mental note as she continued to scroll down her ‘ for you page’, just as she passed the video her boyfriend, miles texted her
miles 💗: hi mi vida
miles 💗: was wondering if you wanted to go out
miles 💗: like on a date
miles 💗: if no, thats coo. ima swing by regardless
it was like this opportunity was given to her on a silver plate, egging her to do it.. like the little devil on her shoulder was whispering in her ear..
“ do it..”
“ it’s just a prank..”
“ do it.”
temptation ate away at her for five straight minutes, before she caved.. she tapped on the notification, it taking her to her messaging app, she started key smashing, to make it look like she was typing on his side of things, before she stopped, deleting it and then exiting out of the messages app.
the response came nearly as soon as she did that.
miles 💗: ???
miles 💗: girl can you answer the question?
read: 11:32am
typing . . .
miles 💗: [name] you getting me real fucked up rn.
miles was the type to get mad first before his logically side kicked in, where he’d rack his brain for everything he’d ever done that may have upset the people around him, so when the next array of messages came and he was apologizing.. [name] wasn’t surprised
miles 💗: mami what I do?
miles 💗: did I upset you?
miles 💗: im sorry if I did, ion mean to make you mad
miles 💗: r u mad cus I said your forehead was mad big?
miles 💗: mami you know I was joking
miles 💗: mami please talk to me
miles 💗: im sorry
miles 💗: I’ll leave you alone.
miles 💗: I love you <3
those set of messages made [name]’s skin crawl with guilt, but she left those messages on read as well. miles didn’t text her back again for a minute, as the hours went by she’d see tiny glimpses of him and he’d glance her way, but she’d turn around and walk the other way before he could come talk to her.
the third time she did this, miles didn’t let her go this easily, he was determined to figure out what was wrong with his girl, he needed to know. what did he do to fuck up this bad?
“ ma .” his tone was soft as he jogged to her side.. no amount of time doing missions as the prowler made it so he could have the stamina to walk by a woman who didn’t want to talk to him.. those women could win the olympics by just walking.. “ what I do? can you please tell me? ion wanna go home with you angry at me and I don’t even know what the problem was..” his voice was barely above a whisper, and he seemed genuinely upset with the fact he was getting ignored by his girlfriend
this was it.. the guilt was eating away at her, she turned to look at him, seeing his eyes were glossy, like he was about to start crying. “ c’mon… mi vida, I can’t lose you.. just speak to me, tell me what I did.” he had a harsh frown on his face as his pace slowed down once [name]’s did, she couldn’t keep up this stupid thing she saw on tiktok anymore, her boyfriend was too sweet and too much of an over thinker when it came to this.
“ nothing.”
“ mami.. don’t say that, just tell me-“
“ no, miles.. im being deadass.. I was just.. bored.”
miles’ look of worry he once had, was now placed with a look of anger and disbelief, he blinked a few times.. holding back the tears he almost let spill at the thought of losing the woman he loves
“ what you mean you was bored?”
if this was anyone else he would’ve said something a little more vulgar.. but his momma raised him better than that.
“ you mean you was playin’ in my face? making me think I did sum to you..?”
hearing her actions broken down to what they truly were made [name] wince before she nodded her head; his dark eyes looking down at her shoes, she heard her boyfriend suck his teeth and mumble about how stupid that was.
“ ‘m sorry, miles.” she gave an awkward shrug of her shoulders as she looked back at him, her eyes showing just how much guilt she had been harboring deep inside her ever since she ignored the first message
“ wow.”
that was all he had to say, as he sniffed, his soft sniff seemed to catch [name]’s attention.. god, he was about to cry? miles was always crazy about her, and always making sure they was good.. remembering all of this only made her hurt squeeze with remorse.
“ so..you was just playing with my feelings.. cause you was bored.. do you know how much that affected me? i thought you was gon’ break up wit me, [name]!” his words were like razors in her heart as she listened to him spill out his frustrations
“ …bro. that shit won’t cool, what the hell.. you had me thinking shit was bad, yo..” miles shook his head, he narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend, who had her arms around her body, who was staring down at the ground.. and who’s lashes were getting wet with tears
“ ‘m sorry.”
her voice cracked as she spoke, and she blinked.
the tear ran down her face, it was big and fat as she looked at him for a moment, their eyes meeting and his softening in nearly an instant
“ mami…” he let out a sigh, one of frustration mixed with anger
“ that prank wasn’t.. cool or nothing.. I’m mad right now. so ima chill off you for a minute, this don’t mean we breaking up.. we just…on a break.. not one of those ones which is an excuse to cheat.. im your man and you my girl, but I need like.. a break to reset, I’m mad right now.. don’t mean ima be mad forever, okay?
even though she hurt him, he was still willing to put his feelings aside.. for her..
god why did she do this stupid prank, her heart was in her stomach, and her whole body hurt.. but she nodded
“ okay..”
she owed him this little bit of space, it wasn’t gonna be forever
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fish-eat-fish · 11 months
⋆ Gwen x f!reader ⋆ Sleep ⋆
request: @hyunslvvr can u pls do one for f!reader x gwen where they have a day in and they just stay in bed:)
tags: fluff, comfort, wlw, cuddling
word count: 2.1k
a/n: im paving away at requests rn, this one had me kicking my feet i LOVE gwen stacy _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR REQUESTING FOR HER, another one for the gays <3
Un unbelievable stack of homework and two essays due. You couldn’t believe it. The sunlight beamed through your window and shined onto your desk, papers covering its surface as you tiredly scribbled on your assignment papers. Friday night and you had nothing better to do than weekend homework, how miserable. You sighed, tapping mindlessly on your desk when a buzz from your phone interrupted you. Picking it up, you smiled seeing it was Gwen.
It read, “on the way, open ur window!”
You sighed at the words, setting down your pencil and getting up out of your chair to unlock your window. Gwen had a bad habit of breaking in when she wanted to. You’d already assured her your family was okay with her visiting, preferably through the front door. But she always insisted that it was easier this way. Socializing seemed to sometimes stress her out you noticed.
Unlocking your window with a click, you raised it open, taking a nice breather as cold air blew in. The sunset was particularly nice today, and you didn’t quite mind seeing your favorite person right now. Sitting on your bed, you spiffed up your room for Gwen, making the bed and cleaning your cluttered desk. Just as you were about to exit your room to go and grab some snacks, a few knocks on your window sill signaled that your girlfriend had arrived. You turned around and beamed.
“Hey, sorry for the late notice.” She apologized, sitting on your window sill and climbing down from it. Taking off her white mask, Gwen sat down on your bed, crashing down on it. Until she rose up again.
“Oh, sorry.”
“Thank you for remembering.” You teased. Watching her take off her beaten-up shoes, and carefully placing them near the window on the floor. She let out a huff, flopping back onto your bed. Gwen’s suit was a little damaged and scratched. She looked tired.
“I’m not keeping you from anything, am I…?” She asked. It was obvious that she felt guilty about her visit. But you’d reassured her many times before that your room was always available to her whenever she wanted. And so was your company.
Eyeing the homework on your desk, you declared your study session over. It didn’t matter all that much compared to hanging out with her. “Nope. I’m glad you dropped by actually, I was getting bored.” You explained, looking at Gwen as she folded her legs up on your bed. Gwen awkwardly rubbed her arm as she looked around the room.
She raised her eyebrow, “You don’t even know what I was gonna say.”
Rolling your eyes, you responded, “Yes you can sleep over. I don’t mind.”
Gwen smiled at you, relieved. You leaned back against your desk, “I’m glad you’re here.”
She smirked, “What, you missed me?”
“Actually I did, yeah.”
Looking at Gwen, you figured that she didn’t have the best day today, being a crime fighting hero and all. Walking up to her and leaning down, you placed a hand on her cheek and gave her face a quick kiss. She chuckled and peered up at you. You held onto her cheek momentarily, “I’m gonna go and get us some snacks. Have you eaten anything today?”
“Oh uh, I haven’t had the chance yet.”
“Gwen.” You said, sternly.
“I just had to go to band practice, then there was some jerk downtown and-” She spoke quietly, her voice dying down as you stared at her, an irritated look on your face. Gwen sighed and grabbed the back of her neck, her hair falling down to hide her guilty expression.
You sighed, smiling at her nonetheless, “I’m gonna go make us some food. Stay put Spider.” Gwen grinned at you, watching you walk out of the room. She took a deep breath, lying down as she observed your room like she always did. She loved the comfort you and your space brought her. Your room was decorated with posters and fairy lights.
Gwen looked around, deciding that she should probably change. It was an unspoken ritual for Gwen to pick out something from your closet. You’d let her do it once, for a sleepover. But ever since, she’d found routine in picking out an outfit of yours for her to wear and potentially keep if given permission.
She walked up to your closet, finding a pair of pajama pants and an oversized tee. She slipped it on as she changed out of her spider suit, carefully tucking it away to where it was out of sight. Just in case. Gwen tugged the shirt towards her face, taking in your scent. Her senses were filled with just you, as she felt at ease.
Walking over to your bed, she noticed a new photo in your little collage of Polaroids. It was from your last hangout. “The Mary Janes Concert–October.” In it, Gwen was holding you by the waist, her drumsticks clasped in her hand. Your arm held her cheek for a kiss, whilst the other held up Gwen’s Polaroid camera. Gwen was laughing as she looked in your direction, feeling proud of your praise of her performance.
That night your throat was so raspy from cheering for her, and Gwen felt absolutely ecstatic as you tackled her after the concert. She was happy to introduce you to her band members after, grabbing you by the hand and speaking with pride to announce you as her one and only girlfriend.
Gwen stared at the Polaroid, taking it in. She smiled and reached out, touching the photo. Moments like these felt surreal, and being reminded that someone as amazing as you were willing to stick by her and be in her life, made her woozy. Gwen loved you a lot.
The door cranked open as you walked in, a plate of sandwiches in one hand, and a mug of freshly brewed tea in your other. You set down the food on your nightstand, glancing at Gwen as she took her hand away from the Polaroid hung up above your bed. You observed her, obsessed with the way she looked in your clothes.
“Being nosy again?”
“Just lookin’ around.” She shrugged, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.
You sat down next to her, the bed shifting under your weight. You held out the plate towards her, to which she gratefully accepted. Gwen dug in right away, mumbling incoherent words as she ate. You laughed at this, “I can’t understand you when your chewing, you know that right?” Gwen swallowed her bite and smiled at you, gesturing to her sandwich.
“This is seriously good. I’ll never get tired of your food.”
“Glad you like it.” You grabbed the mug off of the nightstand, passing it to her as she finished the last bite of her sandwich. Chamomile is Gwen’s favorite. You’d made an effort to always keep it in stock for her since she liked to crash at yours a lot. Gwen took it carefully in her hands, blowing on the tea to cool it down.
You grabbed a pillow off of your bed and hugged it to your chest, just quietly watching Gwen as she drank her tea. You gently smiled, as she seemed a little bit more energized now. Grabbing your own mug from the nightstand, you drank it quickly, uncaring of how cold it had gotten. Putting the mug down, you patted the bed. Gwen looked up at you curiously.
“I’m a little tired today, do you wanna…?”
Her eyes widened as she lowered her mug.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind.” She smiled at your offer, shifting off of the bed, and placing her tea on your nightstand. She lifted the covers off of your bed, carefully moving the pillows and occasional stuffed animals off to the side to make room. As Gwen got into the bed, you turned off your main light, allowing the darkness to consume your room. The sun had set long ago now, and it was time to wind down. You walked up to your fairy lights, switching them on so that only gentle orange light illuminated your room.
Carefully stepping over to your bed, you got in, placing the covers over yourself, noting how you were much colder before. The warmth of your covers had you snuggling into them deeper. You glanced over at Gwen, who looked a little unsure of what to do with herself. You two were still kind of new to the whole cuddling thing. It’d taken a long while for Gwen to be comfortable with physical contact like that on top of that. She let out a small laugh as you snaked your arm around her as you faced her.
“What?” You asked, curious of her amusement.
“I don’t think this position is natural for you.” She teased, noting how awkward your arm felt around her torso. Your body was also pretty stiff. Gwen’s face was gently glowing due to the string lights, her blonde hair fell down into her face as she shifted her body to face towards you. So much for being big spoon tonight.
There was a quick silence between the two of you. Your face was comfortably above the covers, whilst Gwen pulled them up to cover her exposed skin. Her heart was racing, as usual. She’d never gotten used to intimate moments like this, and she’d decided that she’d never get used to it. You made her nervous in all the good ways.
Gwen peered at you, the covers pulled up to half of her face. Nothing was said between the two of you. Leaning in closer, you gently moved her blonde hair out of her eyes. Talking no louder than a whisper, you spoke, “Your hair, I think the pink is fading, you should…”
Gwen shuffled, reaching out and grabbing your collar, pulling you closer to her. Her hair tickled your face as she hovered her face near yours, before carefully connecting her lips with yours. It was quick but intimate. And if not for the dark, Gwen would have definitely taken the opportunity to comment on the rising red on your cheeks. She pulled away, not completely leaving the kiss as her lips brushed over yours. And yet just like that it was over.
She cleared her throat as you lay there speechless, she glanced at your eyes through the dim room, avoiding eye contact as much as possible.
“We should probably sleep now. It’s getting… late.” She blurted. That statement was probably wrong, but you nodded anyways. Gwen’s internal alarms went off, as she criticized her judgment. That took a lot of courage, but she didn’t want you to know. Laying beside her, you stared at Gwen in awe and adoration. You loved this girl so much it was unbelievable.
“Fine.” You sighed. Gwen eyed you questioningly.
“Go on.” You said defeatedly. Gwen laughed at your words, smirking as she saw your expression.
“Finally.” She teased.
Turning over to the other side, you felt her cold hands wrap around your torso, pulling you in closer. Your bodies were snug against each other. Still being wide awake, you hoped Gwen didn’t feel your thumping heart as her hand was placed on your torso. She definitely did notice of course, but she was nervous too, hiding her face in your shirt.
You both lay there, nervous and awkward, as it was usually in the beginning stages of a relationship. You felt her move your fingers, playing with them.
“I think you’re the most amazing girl I know.” She spoke softly, into your back. Your heart fluttered at this. At Gwen’s voice, and the way she gave you affection.
“I love you,” you whispered out.
Gwen only smiled as she planted a soft kiss into your shoulder.
“I love you too.”
Yawning, Gwen mumbled something into your shirt, unable to really keep her eyes open any longer. You hummed, questioning what she said. But she didn’t reply. You’d finally calmed down, letting the comfort of the covers and Gwen’s warmth ease your mind. The city’s ambiance seeped into your room through the open window as you let your mind wander. Gwen’s breathing slowed down, her head placed on your back.
Readjusting yourself and the covers by pulling them up, you froze as Gwen stirred in her sleep. Cautiously, you pulled part of the covers over her. Gwen held onto your torso tighter and moved her face into your neck, her breathing tickling your skin. Holding her hand, you caressed her skin. Her hands were rough and calloused, evidence of her skills as a drummer.
Feeling Gwen twitch in her sleep, she subconsciously intertwined her fingers with yours. The only thing you could remember was Gwen’s touch as you dozed off. Gwen may have needed your comfort and presence the most after every day as Ghost-Spider, but she’d never understand that you needed her more than you let on.
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unluckiestmember · 1 year
Hey, could you write spider-Gwen x fem reader jealous headcanons?
Coming right up!
Gwen Stacy X Jealous Fem! Reader
Characters: Gwen Stacy, Miles Morales and Hobie Brown
Tags: Established Relationship, jealous!Gwen Stacy, reassurance, fluff, oblivious nature and self esteem issues.
Warning: Mild Cussing, but SFW.
A/N: Gwen is a beautiful woman, does she know that? Like damn!
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So Gwen isn’t the heavy jealous type.
Would she be upset if someone’s flirting with you knowing you’re dating her? Absolutely.
But is she going to kick someone’s ass for doing it? No.
If there’s touching involved? Maybe.
But all in all, she was a chill girlfriend.
But you? Hooo boy!
You are aware Gwen is kind of a bombshell.
If the way Miles drools over her and the way Hobie talks to her didn’t make you realize that, someone else would.
At first you were okay with it, thinking they were only like this because she was beautiful.
But more men and women started to hit on her. And the more she got compliments, the more it fuelled your jealousy.
Gwen didn’t think much of it though, always brushing off the flirting as mindless compliments.
It wasn’t until your unspoken frustration started translating in your body language did she get a clue into your jealousy.
It had gotten to the point where she sat the both of you down to talk about it.
She didn’t understand initially though.
She thought it was an issue of trust and that hurt her. But the real reason hurt more;
Your esteem was starting to get low and grew lower to where you felt you weren’t good enough for her.
You felt like she deserves someone better. More attractive, more social, more perfect.
But Gwen would say otherwise.
And she did.
“Y/N. I love you. No one could ever compare to you because you are everything I could ever ask for. You’re perfect and I could only love you. Don’t ever forget that, okay?”
Ever since, she makes sure to tell you everyday how much she loves you.
If someone tries to flirt with her, it’ll go in one ear and out the other.
She’ll even go as far as telling that person that she’s taken or to cease their advances.
There’s only one person who can flirt with her. And that's you.
Spider-Verse Requests are open!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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hail-brod · 1 year
Smile, Smile. 1
Gwen Stacy x FReader
Next chapter: Part 2 || Masterlist
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W!: Cursing, Implication of Depression, Suicide, Some ATSV Spoilers.
Gwen Stacy harboured feelings for you but she resists it. Then again, it's never easy to forget something so beautiful.
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Gwen Stacy crushed on you.
You didn't knew of course. Gwen hid it like an expert, intent on burying it deep down because she had other things to worry about. Being Ghost-Spider and mourning the loss of a close friend was proven to be agonizingly tough on her part. What more when her father chooses to pursue the supposed to be 'killer' which was actually her.
There was no room for silly little crushes when she's all that occupied.
When she met Miles, she clearly had a speck of interest in knowing him more. It was her deprived self looking for someone to confide in and that led something inside of her to bloom. A spark of hope and easiness. They we're both spider-persons and she felt this feeling of connection, not like the buzz that comes when they face off with another spider-person, but a connection that just felt...refreshing. Even the others that tagged along, all with their spider personas, she felt like she belonged somewhere.
She was recharged with emotions that stopped flowing.
But you,
You never really left her mind.
As much as she wanted to forget and ignore, you we're like a butterfly fluttering around in her mind, stunningly blessed with flattering wings that always mesmerized her—and she couldn't bring herself to swat your existence away.
She really tried. But you we're always popping in her mind. Even if she managed to forget you for a day, you we're always at the back of her mind, like a memory wriggling it's way up to corrupt her mind.
How could someone like you hold so much power over her mind?
You we're just a girl that she met on a rainy day, offering her an umbrella with a bright smile that overpowered the dark skies, as if you weren't just standing next to a superhero in a spider costume.
Gwen had no words that time. She couldn't do so. It was the day her father had promised to spite her spider self and chase her to the fiery ends of hell. She didn't know what to do that time. She was just a conflicted soul, sulking in the cold embrace of a storm.
And you we're there. A witness to her lone form, with the mask concealing her emotions.
You gave her that smile. That damn smile that made everything lit up. That damn smile that took over her mind ever since that day. That damn smile that made her recognize you in the halls of her school. That damn smile that was willing to wash her worries away even if she told herself she didn't need it. That damn smile that made her reconsider her views to get to know you.
When she finally did face you as Gwen, you still had that same damn smile.
But there was a slight difference when she's not looking at you through her mask,
You looked prettier.
In her eyes, you we're clear as day and blinding like the sun.
Honestly, how did she not notice you before? In the same school and same neighborhood. You we're always nearby, attending a few of the same classes as her. And yet here she is, only realizing and seeing it. How come you weren't the talk of everyone else? Is it just her or no one else truly sees how beguiling you are?
Introducing herself to you was simple enough on her part, socializing was never a scary thing for her. And yet, why does it feel like she's melting in consciousness whenever she meets your eyes? You exchange names and the way you asked anything about her was calculating and genuine, politeness seeping through your words.
Sure, the amount of formality you show was unusual but it was refreshing.
Days flew by and Gwen would always spot you in the school hallways. In the classroom. School campus. And even in the streets as Ghost-Spider. She would stop on her tracks to greet you at school and you would greet back with more enthusiasm than she can show, and she always appreciates it.
Sometimes you would beckon her to join you in lunch and she would take a moment to bring in what you're offering before accepting your invitation with a smile that made her stomach flutter in delight. A few of those lunches with you was spent with her giving you fond gazes as you chatter about why raccoons are actually cute. As you go on and on, you've never noticed the way Gwen lifts up a soft smile whenever you crack a joke or when she glances at you in amusement with her cheek resting on her palm atop the table.
Those we're the only times Gwen could feel serenity.
But she knows it's only temporary. As Ghost-Spider, she couldn't afford to let you in on the other side of the coin. She doesn't know if she could take it anymore when you would be captured in the web of chaos that is being a spider-person.
From then on, you only came to be someone Gwen admired from afar.
But then, it was only one thing that caught her eye when she came to visit Miles' universe again.
"What the hell..."
"Huh? What...What is it?" Miles asked.
Gwen didn't bothered to listen to the boy the first time as she breathes out gasps of shock. Her fingertips grazed the fresh newspaper as she eventually started gripping it too tightly. Her eyes solely focused on one section of the article, featuring a photo of your strained smile.
A smile that was so foreign she didn't thought you're capable of wearing it.
It wasn't bright. No. Nowhere close.
"Gwen, what's wrong?" Worry could be traced on Miles' question as he tried to peek on what caught her attention.
"She..." The girl trailed off.
Skimming through the articles that took most of the paper, Miles soon realized where she was looking at.
And he could only frown in gloom.
"[Y/N] [L/N]...." He started. "Do...Do you know her?"
He took noticed how her gaze was scorned with such disbelief and....sadness. There must be something deeper than what he knows that connects her and his ex-schoolmate, but he doesn't want to pry further when the girl looks like it had affected her greatly.
But either way, she tries to answer. "I- I do...." Mouth agape, she doesn't know if she should inquire further. "Shit...I- "
What happened?
When she was thrown into this universe, she didn't saw your other self. Yet, how did you end up in the same school that she temporarily went to? You could have possibly transferred when she was gone but- what the fuck happened?
She's completely aware that, this is not her [Y/N]. And things we're bound to be different because this is a different universe. But what changed? Why changed? What kind of event that caused something like this to happen? Even if you weren't the one on that newspaper, how could it be any different when it's your literal other self who might actually think like you and feel like you. Some things are bound to happen and she might just fear what fate has in store for you.
It scares her.
You could've been good at fooling her with that damn smile- or maybe not. But she'll make sure you're smiling without hiding anything underneath it.
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Next chapter: Part 2 || Masterlist
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venuscrashed · 11 months
Miles and Gwen x trans reader (separate)
This is for both mtf and ftm. As well as anyone other that falls under that umbrella.
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The most supportive man you will ever meet.
Gos out with you to by everything that you want or need.
Will go to every doctors appointment and treat you after with either ice cream or shopping.
Will draw as your current gender. If you’re mtf: he’ll draw you in the best dresses and clothes. FTM: you’ll have a flat chest and and in suits and such.
Will correct someone if they ever misgender/deadname you.
At first slipped up about your pronouns but soon got use to it.
His parents are so supportive to.
Will let you sleep over at his house if your parents aren’t supportive.
Had the best nicknames for you.
If you ever feel insecure, you guys are going to go out, do everything fun then go home and cuddle while watching a movie and Miles will whisper sweet nothings into your ears.
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Will be so happy once you come out.
Will help you with your transition.
If you’re mtf, she’ll put you in her clothes. Help with your makeover. Basically put on a fashion show.
If you’re ftm, she’ll help cut you hair. Buy you a bunch of clothes. Help with binding, especially help with working out. She’ll help with the glow up.
If someone ever misgenders/deadnames you she’s fighting them.
Her dads a bit iffy but would still like you. He’ll drive you guys to your doctors appointments.
She’ll swing around while holding you and take you anywhere if you’re ever insecure.
You guys never sleep a night apart. You’re either at her house or she’s at yours.
Will use gender neutral pet names, but when ever you’re having a bad she’ll use pet names that are aligned with your gender.
Will shamelessly show you off. She’ll be like “yup that’s my s/o,” and shut people up if they make a comment about your gender. “So what if they’re trans. They’re still better than you.”
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Please send in requests. I’m running out of ideas.
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dreadheadmadi · 2 months
Imma keep my ting brief:
You can’t get mad at Miles smut and then turn around and repost fan art of Miles with rock hard abs, Gwen with a big butt and large breasts, and Hobie and Pavitr making out.
Don’t like pedos on your page? Stop giving them ammo. Argue with your momma🤷🏾‍♀️
Edit: Not defending no one, both sides are ugly n nasty as fuck. Don’t @ me unless you got some real defense, n “but I’m a minor” ain’t shit.
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alexetbishop · 2 months
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→ The sun and the moon
Your girlfriend comes to your universe unexpectedly. This will lead to heart melting cuddles and sweet kisses.
→ Dancing in the stars
Your valentine's Day gets a twist when your best friend suddenly knocks on your door.
→ Eat you out (not in that sense)
Your superhero crush knocks on your bakery and it will lead you to fall even more for her (Literally and figuratively).
→ Bad day
Your girlfriend comforts you after a bad day.
→ Wishing it was me
You're at one of the famous Bishop parties, however your heart shatters when you see Kate kiss a boy. Little did you know that she actually likes you back.
As of right now I'm writing for Kate Bishop
But I'm also willing to write for:
→ Peter Parker
→ Gwen Stacy
→ Yelena Belova
!!ATTENTION!! I won't be writing ANY smut, as I'm not comfortable writing it yet.
I will only be writing fluff and angst.
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 3 months
the swan and her princess (part 2)
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summary: Swan Lake isn’t all beauty and grace, contrary to popular belief. And you experience firsthand that as you wage a one-sided war with your “rival” for the role of Odette.
chapter summary: A pleasant surprise turns out to be possibly not so pleasant after all.
pairing: Gwen Stacy (Spider-Woman) x fem!Ballerina!Reader [aka some sort of a messy Ballet!AU]
word count: 2695
warnings: cussing, ballet terms, creative liberties taken since I’ve never been to Lincoln Center and the research I’ve done may or may not be fully accurate
a/n: :D got a little carried away with this one whoops doing this is much harder than i expected this au is taking up my entire brain pls help
part 1 // part 2 // part 3 (pending)
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Barre: A handrail used by ballet dancers to maintain balance while exercising. One hand is placed on the barre at all times, and the dancer stands beside it.
Kitri: The feisty and wilful heroine of the ballet Don Quixote. When her father Lorenzo tries to marry her off for money, she doesn’t play the victim, but hatches a plan to marry Basilio, the charming barber who has won her heart, and pursue her own version of happiness. As a dancer’s role, Kitri is athletic and demanding. Kitri wears striking red costumes (look them up, they’re really beautiful) and gestures expressively with a fan in a nod to her Spanish heritage.
Don Quixote: Don Quixote is a ballet in three acts, based on episodes taken from the famous novel Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes.
Kurta: A loose collarless shirt/dress of a type worn by people in South Asia, usually with a salwar, churidars, or pyjama.
Dupatta: A length of material arranged in two folds over the chest and thrown back around the shoulders, typically with a salwar kameez. Usually worn by women from South Asia.
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Right after you set foot in the studio and dropped your bag in the corner, you made a beeline for the cacophonous, eagerly buzzing crowd that had formed around the cast list.
You saw a familiar duffel bag and raised your eyebrows slightly. Surprisingly, Gwen had showed up on time. Miracles really did exist.
Murmurs of disappointment and cheers of satisfaction rippled through the dancers in the room as they dispersed one by one, either wearing an expression of genuine excitement or a mask of disguised regret that they hadn’t tried harder or trained longer.
You pushed your way to the front, your eyes immediately darting to the name next to Odette. Your heart sank as you traced over the curly loops and sharper lines of the handwritten letters.
White Swan/Princess Odette : Patricia Roberts.
Sure, she was good, but she was always a little bit too fast for the pieces. She was brilliant at lightning-quick steps in speedy variations, but couldn’t ‘dance like a flowy fairy’, as your ballet teacher said, to save her life.
And the White Swan was all about being slow and sad and graceful.
Your eyes travelled further down the list, going through the roles of Odile, the cygnets, the general swans, and the royals. Each time, you were disappointed. By the time you reached the end of the list, you couldn’t help but feel a little bit anxious. Your name just… wasn’t there.
You were a part of this, right?
The entire class was taking part in this production. It wouldn’t make any sense for you to not be there. Even if it was just as a regular background swan.
“Can’t find your name either, huh?”
You hadn’t noticed that everyone else had broken off into excitedly chattering groups to start warming up and take their places at the barre, leaving only you and Gwen standing and craning your necks up at the piece of paper that seemed to decide your fate in the studio for the next few months.
You shook your head no, earning a sigh from Gwen that lasted longer than it probably should have.
“Well, we could ask Miss Walker, but she’s not here yet. So…” She shifted awkwardly beside you. You tried to observe her from your peripheral vision without being too obvious. She sounded… tired. Exhausted, really, like she hadn’t slept in a few days and then had to run a marathon around the city. She had done a pretty shoddy job of concealing the heavy dark circles under her eyes — which truly was saying something, because her makeup was usually immaculate.
Fuck. You couldn’t believe it, but for a moment you almost felt sorry for her. Well, maybe not just almost.
“Hey, uh… you good?” You winced at your attempt at a nonchalant tone. Gwen turned to look at you like you had sprouted a third head, slight confusion reflecting in her eyes.
You had never noticed them before, but she had nice eyes, honestly. The expressive kind that could show every little shift in her emotions if she didn’t hide it. And right now she looked like she was about to grin or crack a joke, so you fixed a scowl on your face to ward off any amusing thing she might have been gearing up to say.
The smile in her eyes faded.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
Time to poke the bee’s nest. “You don’t sound—”
You were cut off as the studio doors flew open, and Miss Walker, looking extremely hassled, practically sprinted in. Random strands of hair poked out of her unusually-untidy bun, and her glasses were perched precariously on the tip of her nose. She held her phone in one hand and a clipboard in the other.
“Class, pointes on and everyone to the barre right now, please! Finish your second warmup, I’ll be right with you. Gwendolyn, Y/N, may I have a word with the two of you?”
We’re in trouble, mouthed Gwen with a comically scared, wide-eyed, completely exaggerated expression that was very childish and definitely should not have made you want to laugh. You bit the inside of your cheek to clamp down on your smile.
Your ballet teacher led you both over to a corner of the studio, adjusting her glasses right as they were about to fall off. “Okay, so I have some very good news for both of you. You might have noticed that your names weren’t on the final cast list at all, correct?”
You both nodded.
“As it turns out, you’ve been selected by the School of American Ballet to feature in New York City Ballet’s version of Swan Lake! And not selected for just any role — you girls are playing both Swans!”
The words took a few seconds to register in your mind. The sheer improbability of it all was phenomenal — two mere teenagers chosen to perform by the most prestigious ballet company in the world, to dance alongside some of the best professional ballerinas-in-the-making? This was a dream come true; was any of this real?
“You’re joking,” you heard Gwen say beside you. You felt like you were about to lift off and float all the way to the sky when your teacher just gave a broad, proud smile.
Everything after that was surrounded by a hazy glow of euphoric shock — blurred by excitement and lightheadedness and disbelief. You might’ve blacked out at one point, bracing yourself against the wall while you waited for your vision to clear.
Gwen suddenly narrowed her eyes in a wince, squinting as if she had a headache. “I’m so sorry, I have to go,” She mumbled hastily, before grabbing her bag and slipping out of the studio. And just like that, she was gone. Again.
You and Miss Walker exchanged a look of slight confusion, but she shrugged. “Well, you’re dismissed for today, Y/N. They’re expecting you tomorrow. You know where the company is, right?”
“Yes, miss.” Of course you did, which ballerina didn’t? Of all the best aspiring ballet dancers’ dream companies, New York City Ballet was right up there with The Royal Ballet in London, Paris Opera Ballet in France, and the Australian Ballet in Melbourne. In other words: this was a giant fucking deal and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
You’d have to be beyond idiotic to blow it off.
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You arrived at Lincoln Center (which housed the New York City Ballet), fresh-faced and a few minutes early. Well, maybe not so fresh-faced, since you could barely sleep because of nerves. Throughout the night, what felt like a million thoughts that were all variations of what if I’m not good enough? and maybe I’m not cut out for this plagued you well into the early hours of the morning.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to see Gwen, looking annoyingly (and most probably effortlessly) put-together and honestly quite fashionable. Did she have to have such perfect eyeliner? Even her hair tips seemed pinker than usual.
“Wow, you’re early for once,” You tried to load snark into your tone but failed miserably, earning you an insufferably relaxed chuckle from Gwen.
You shook your head and focused on trying to find the ballet company’s actual studio. Lincoln Center was comprised of a complex of buildings in a giant neighbourhood that you had never been in before, and the David H. Koch Theater which housed the New York City Ballet was just one of those many buildings spread over 16.3 acres.
You were lucky you two had arrived early, because it took you ten whole minutes trying to find the theater - because, as it turns out, you and Gwen had entered from a separate entrance from the main one. Finally you entered the studio, and for a while the only sounds were that of your shoes squeaking on the shiny wooden floors.
Something that struck you was just how big everything about it was.
The light fixtures that lined the walls cast yellow light all along the hallway, illuminating everything with a soft glow the colour of honeyed amber. Just walking that corridor made you feel like you were approaching a royal ballroom, floating around in a gown that could put Kitri’s costume from Don Quixote to shame.
You finally saw the door to the studio. Someone was waiting outside — a man in an all-black suit with close-cropped black hair and a salt-and-pepper beard. His face broke into a smile as he saw you and Gwen, and without waiting for you to fully make it to the door, he strode forward and clasped your hand.
“Welcome to New York City Ballet! I’m Carlos, the resident choreographer of this company. We’ve been expecting you! Your teacher has informed you of the production we are working on, yes?” He rattled all of this off at full speed in clipped, staccato pronunciations, so fast that it took you a second to register what he was saying.
“Swan Lake, right?” Gwen answered for you.
“Yes, yes. I assume you both know the combinations for both swans?” You nodded maybe a little too eagerly, eliciting a subtle eyebrow-raise from Carlos. “Very good. Come, I will introduce you to Shaoni. She is our support staff, and a former ballet mistress. She taught many young dancers who went on to become famous prima ballerinas. Don’t take her words too seriously; her bark is worse than her bite.”
He gave you a sympathetic smile and pushed open the double doors. Immediately the first thing you saw was a woman wearing a blue kurta with a gold-trimmed dupatta, her dark hair pinned into a bun at the nape of her neck. The thing that stood out most about her was her highly displeased scowl that had her looking like someone had insulted her entire bloodline three times over, spat in her face and then wrecked her favourite tutu.
Forget a simple resting bitch face, this was a prime, next-level display of an I’m-done-with-this-shit-and-I-need-a-vacation expression.
“Good morning, girls. My name is Shaoni Lahiri, you will address me as Miss Lahiri. You’re a bit early; please begin your warmup while we wait for the others. Also, our artistic director wanted to talk to you about your first day, so once he arrives meet him in his office.” Miss Lahiri had just finished her introductory monologue when her phone buzzed in her pocket with a notification.
Her eyes swiped over the lockscreen for a brief second before she tucked it away again, and you could’ve sworn you saw her roll her eyes slightly when she saw the name of the messager. “Mr. Osborn will see you now. The door to his office is in the far left corner of the studio. Try not to get lost, will you?” Even her sarcasm sounded effortlessly annoyed beyond relief.
And just like that, she abandoned you and went over to compare choreography notes with Carlos.
You turned and followed her directions, noticing a polished wooden door near the end wall of the studio. “Hey, wait for me!” Gwen had been busy gawking at the studio and, really, you couldn’t quite blame her. It truly was something else compared to the much smaller one you were used to.
You knocked once and pushed open the door once you heard a voice call out, “Come in!”
The moment the door swung open, you were immediately blinded by the brightest white light you had ever seen. The entire office looked like it had been bleached to within an inch of its life; there were no specks of dust to be seen and everything was neatly arranged in cupboards and on shelves.
“Oh, hello there!” Once your eyes had readjusted, you noticed a man with greying red-brown hair in a crisp suit with a green pinstripe jacket, an orange vest, and black pants. He sat with his hands clasped neatly on the lacquered teakwood desk in front of him, wearing a polite smile.
“You must be the new arrivals, yes? Let’s see, what are your names…” He opened a folder that had been pushed to one side of the desk, flicking through pages. “Gwen Stacy and Y/N Y/L/N?”
“Yes, that’s us,” You answered quickly, feeling slightly giddy with excitement as the truth sunk in properly. This wasn’t a dream, you had really been selected by the fucking New York City Ballet. You would be working alongside some of the best ballet dancers in the area. Better yet, you had more than a fair chance at dancing Odette. Of course, so did Gwen, but you were obviously the better choice… it wasn’t personal, really, just that she barely attended a full class and therefore should probably dance Odile instead.
“Excellent, excellent. Pleasure to meet you. I’m Norman Osborn, the artistic director of this company.” He stood up and shook your hand. He smiled at Gwen, but instead of smiling back, she just dropped her gaze, inhaling sharply as if she had been stung.
“Something’s not right with him,” She murmured to you the moment Mr. Osborn turned his back to retrieve a folder from his filing cabinet. “I can’t explain it, just… please trust me. I think he’s going to be a threat to us.”
You felt annoyance flare up inside you, white-hot maelstroms of anger expanding by the second. “Please excuse us, Mr. Osborn. Gwen and I need to discuss something.” You tried to sound as inconspicuous and well-mannered as you could. You grabbed Gwen’s shoulder and pulled her through the door, closing it behind you.
“Listen here,” You hissed, letting go of her. “I didn’t make it all this way and train for an extra four hours a day for three years just so you could blow this off. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re some sort of a package deal. So don’t you dare make up stuff and tell me this perfectly polite man is a threat. Is this some sort of scheme? You make me get cold feet, pretend like you’re dropping out, then when you convince me to leave the company you swoop in and snatch up the role of Odette? Is that what you’re playing at?”
Gwen stared at you in utter disbelief, rubbing her shoulder where your grip had tightened just a little too much. “What? No, of course not. I would never—”
“Okay, good. Now let’s get back in there and do whatever the hell he wants us to do, because this is the New York City Ballet and we are not leaving till we’re done with this production, got it?”
For a split second, intense desperation marred her features and she looked like she was about to cry. Then, just as quickly as it had come, all the vulnerability displayed on her face disappeared — but not from her eyes. Her mouth and eyebrows were relaxed, cool, but her eyes shone with a feverish light that made her look a bit manic. Finally she took a deep breath and glared levelly at you.
“Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Something about her tone would have sent a shiver down your spine if you hadn’t been so pumped up about this whole ordeal. You dismissed it easily, penning it, possibly, as the sullen disappointment of a plotter whose evil scheme hadn’t gone quite according to plan.
You entered the office again, Gwen trailing behind you reluctantly, and gave Mr. Osborn a big smile. “You were saying?”
He passed you and Gwen two sheets of paper and a pen. “Sign this. It’s a contract that officialises your stay at this company for the duration of this production.”
You signed it eagerly. Gwen, who was studying the words intently, noticed your impatience and signed it too.
“Perfect,” said Norman Osborn, giving you a big smile. Was it just you, or did it look more plastic this time…?
Nope, definitely just you. He carefully filed the sheets away and clasped your hand in a handshake once again. “Welcome to New York City Ballet. I’m sure this contract will prove to be beneficial to the both of us.”
Gwen dropped her eyes to the floor. Probably just her odd headaches acting up again.
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@hobiebrownismygod @l0starl @therealloopylupin2099 @theprismyyy
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yelenasvestenthusiast · 2 months
whoops, wrong way ; gwen stacy
gwen swings through a now-familiar city, excitement coursing through her veins as she feels the cold breeze seeping through her suit and to her skin. she had so many things to tell miles after a week of universe-hopping - like mayday's first word.
she reaches an apartment and scales its walls, internally keeping count of how many floors she'd climbed.
taking in deep breaths, she flattens herself against the wall beside a wide-open window. "miles! you won't believe what just happened-" with a swift hand, she pulls down her suit's hood and her mask, before turning around to slide into miles's bedroom-
-or, well, what she thought was miles's bedroom.
she comes face to face with a girl, around her age, an uneaten sandwich in her hand as she stands halfway through the doorway.
gwen stops mid-slide, so that she has her legs in the room but her upper body was still awkwardly outside. "oh, sorry, wrong window?"
but it couldn't be, because gwen could recognize the bed and the posters and the bookshelf filled with notebooks.
"is it normal to enter through windows for you?" you ask.
gwen should be leaving. she should be apologizing and asking you to forget about everything and hiding her identity with her mask. she should not be staying and holding a conversation with you.
but she can't help it. there's something about your casualness and your lack of surprise, as if you were used to people in webbed costumes and wall-stickers. she can't help but admire your laidback attitude, your kind aura and your teasing smile.
and, wow, you were one of the most gorgeous girls she'd ever seen.
"certain people's windows, yes," she mutters, averting her gaze and still frozen in her spot.
your smile remained, e/c glazing over gwen's attire before gesturing for her to come inside. "come in. that can't be a very comfortable position. i assume you're looking for miles morales?"
she freezes once again once she's fully inside the bedroom. "you know miles morales?"
a smile plays on the corner of her mouth after hearing you laugh. "of course i do. why else would i be in his house? c'mon."
as gwen follows you through the halls of the apartment, she gets a good look at you. your h/c hair that shimmers from the sunlight shining in through the open curtains, the self-assured posture, the shoes full of doodles.
"how did you know i was looking for miles, exactly?" gwen questions.
"babe," she turns red at that, "why else would you be attempting to enter his bedroom? surely you're not planning on breaking and entering?"
"no," she mutters. "i just didn't expect him to have someone over."
you send her a confused look, interpreting her words as jealousy. "yes, well.."
"you don't seem to be worried about my... outfit."
at that, you smile. "no, of course not. i know about miles' little side-gig, and he's told me about a lot of stuff, so.." you trail off, assuming that this blonde spiderwoman had a thing going on with miles and perhaps mentioning that miles told you about a lot of things wasn't a good idea.
"so you know he's spiderman."
oof. that tone. you shrug. "i'm sure a secret like that could be a burden. i'm more than happy to share the load. ah, miles, you have a guest."
miles tears his attention away from the television, a sandwich in hand. "gwen!" he scrambles out of the couch and awkwardly stands in front of her. "i didn't know you were coming."
the blonde girl shrugs. "didn't know you had someone over."
"we were just doing homework together!" you blurt out. gwen looks to you with a raised eyebrow. "sorry. i just thought that girls don't usually like their boyfriends hanging out with other girls-"
"wait, wait, wait. say that again?" gwen asks.
"i didn't want to ruin anything?"
"no," she says," the other thing."
you were regretting to speak more and more. "girls don't like their boyfriends hanging out with other girls...?"
gwen turns to miles with a slight glare. "what does she mean?"
with a nervous laugh, miles takes a step back. "i honestly don't know. but we're not dating, y/n! it's.. we're... um, not."
your eyes flicker from miles to gwen. "oh."
"i could still leave, though, since you two might want to catch up-"
"no, no, no, don't leave!" gwen grabs your hand, flinching at the contact even though she initiated the action. she clears her throat and reluctantly lets go, already missing the perfect weight of your hand. "i meant, um, i.."
miles eyes her suddenly shy posture. "you got a crush on my best friend now?"
"what? no!" she denies, only to stare at you in surprise upon hearing you utter the same words. it's only then that she notices your cheeks tinted pink.
a snicker interrupts yours and her staring contest. it's your turn to glare at miles, kicking him in the back of the knee. "shut up, miles."
"okay, but on a serious note," gwen huffs, "i want to get to know your friend, miles. y/n, right?"
you nod.
"pretty name."
you blush, much to gwen's satisfaction.
"oh boy." miles grumbles. "this should be interesting."
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bumblesimagines · 11 months
“ do you trust me? “ “ yes. “
“ i'm extremely okay with this. “
- Gwen Stacy
“ do you trust me? “ “ yes. “
“ i'm extremely okay with this. “
pronouns for y/n: they/them, gender neutral
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"Jesus, Gwen!" You yelped, flinching back and nearly dropping the supplies in your arms. Gwen smiled sheepishly from her spot on your bed, a breeze coming in through the window you were certain had been closed when you left. Her backpack sat on her lap, tightly squeezed to her chest by her arms.
"The front door is just as effective as a window, Gwen." You huffed softly and entered your room, setting the supplies down on the desk and sorting through them. She watched you, fiddling her thumbs and pursing her lips. If she wanted to do it, she needed to take the leap and hope for the best.
"Do you trust me?" Silly question. She knew the answer, but she needed to be sure. She wanted to hear it in hopes it'd soothe her racing heart.
"Yes. Why? What'd you do?" You paused your movements to look at her over your shoulder, raising your brows at the blonde. Nothing good ever came out of questions like that, especially for someone who had a knack for attracting trouble. She slung her backpack over one shoulder.
"I need to show you something." Gwen exhaled and stood up from your bed, walking toward the window and climbing out onto the fire escape. You blinked, brows furrowing in the slightest at her nervous tone. You followed her out and up the fire escape until you reached the rooftop of the apartment complex.
"Gwen, what's going-"
"Just... promise me you won't freak out."
"It's... It's not that bad. Or bad at all." Gwen assured and rounded the corner, hiding behind the rooftop exit. You tried forming ideas as to what it could possibly be, but all you drew were blanks. Why the rooftop? Why the backpack? None of it made sense, until she stepped out.
In Spider-Woman's suit.
"Oh." Was the only word that slipped out. You stared at her and she stared at you, the mask crumbled up in her fingers. Her eyes flickered around, jumping from your face to the floor to anything within her line of vision.
"Y-Yeah, I... I'm... I'm Spider-Woman." God, she wished Miles or Peter B were around to ease the tension, the silent awkwardness. You soaked in the image of your best friend in the familiar black and white suit. You'd seen pictures and videos of her online, sat at the dinner table while her dad ranted about her, and even caught of glimpse of her once. But nothing could've prepared you for this.
Gwen was a superhero.
Holy shit.
"Wow, okay, uhm..." You laughed and brought a hand to your forehead, blinking rapidly as the information settled in. Gwen's tense figure relaxed and she let a small smile slip, walking back to you and clearing her throat.
"I-I know this is a lot. I just... I couldn't keep it a secret anymore, you know? You're my best friend and so much has happened this past month. I can't keep lying or avoiding everyone. I needed to get this off my chest, and I understand if this is too much for you-"
"Gwen, I'm extremely okay with this. Like, yeah, it's a lot to process right now. It's not everyday you find out your bestie is a goddamn superhero who fights bad guys every other day. I mean, shit, Gwen. Should I be asking for an autograph or something?"
She giggling softly, arms dropping to her sides and smile widening. "A hug would be nice."
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transfemarmin · 10 months
Could you do a miles ( idc wich one ) x fem reader , where miles comforts reader cuz her roblox acc got hacked 😔
OK SO LOL IK THE COMFORT THING IS SILLY BUT IT WAS SO BAD 💀 .( little rant : Like i just wanted to play rh I was lvl 500 and my bloxburg house was so pretty BUT NO I GOT FREAKING HACKED ?!?!?!?!?!?!?? LIKE I NEVER SHARED MY PASSWORD ! ALSO ON TOH I HAD LIKE 11800 THINGYS 😔💀😭 ) ok sorry lol
So only if you want too cuz ik this is a bit silly lol .
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A/N: nooo it’s not silly 😭😭 hun don’t worry I’d be upset too
when he opened the door to his girlfriend’s apartment, with his spare key. he blinked one time, frozen because a thousand thoughts ran through his head before he sprang into action. running as fast as his lanky legs could take him before he stopped in her doorway, to catch his breath.. he was in shape.. but he just full blown sprint to her.. it was a lot out of him.
his brown eyes looked into her room, looking for any sign of danger, but all he saw was her, hunched over her desk crying in front of a ‘ incorrect password’ screen.. miles pushed himself off her door frame, as he had caught his breath already, “ hey, princess-“ he cringed as that left his mouth, the two had only recently started dating and he was trying to test out new nicknames.
“ uh.. [name] what happened..” he zipped up his jacket, concealing his spiderman suit from [name], as she turned around; eyes puffy with tears. “ I got hacked.” the poor girl’s voice barely above a whisper, bottom lip poking out in a pout. “ hacked like.. all your information is gone?” his eyes widened, “ don’t worry, honey-“ he cringed again, “ don’t worry.. [name] i promise I’ll try and find who did this.” he turned to leave, but the shaking of her head stopped him.
“ no.. on roblox.” the mention of the website where she lost everything made her break down in tears again, it confused miles at first, but then he remembered he never spent any money on the game; his girlfriend on the other hand did.. he only played with [name], but she played a good portion of her free time, she loved it.
“ oh.. [name].. my love, I’m sorry..” he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her body; pulling her into his chest. her face was hidden there, his jacket wet with her tears, “ i can.. always ask my dad for a couple extra bucks.. so we can get you started on a new account.” he offered, the start of having to start over made her start sobbing again. “ I don’t wanna start over.. I was level five hundred in royal high! my house on bloxburg was perfect! i want you to use your spiderman connections and get my account back!” she demanded, her eyebrows furrowed. he sighed, and patted her back. “ you know I can’t do that..”
“ then ask ganke!” her voice came out louder than she intended it to, miles took zero offense to it. he knew she was just mad, distraught that her roblox account had gotten hacked and stolen right under her fingers. he knew she was very safe when it came to her information, and her password wasn’t easy to guess either. “ I’ll text him, okay?” his voice calm, in an attempt to make her tears at least come to a temporary stop.
they didn’t, she was still sobbing her eyes out. so miles tried something else, shutting her computer. he figured that [name] staring at the screen would drive her mad, and make her more upset. he sat down on her bed, and held his arms out.. inviting her to sit in his lap.
“ I don’t want to.” was her first response, she just wanted to be mad, but miles wasn’t gonna give up so easily, he reached forward and looped his finger through one of the .. loops in her jeans pulling her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her waist. “ look.. look at what I’m doing.” his voice soft, he was trying to get her to look at him, but she didn’t at first.. not until the sound of him typing on his phone piqued her curiosity. “ see..? im texting ganke now… asking him to hack into your account and change your password to something else.. okay? if he can’t do it.. im sure I can help you get everything back to normal..” he said, he sent the message; and pulled [name] onto his lap
“ i know it’s not fair.. especially because you worked really hard on that account.. but this new one.. I’ll help you whenever I’m free. I’ll even do all the stuff for you until you get the motivation to redo everything.” the fact he realized that this loss would so unmotivating made her crack a small smile; his help and his words were enough alone though. “ huh? my girl smiling now.. ?” a giggle made it’s why out of her mouth, as he called her ‘ his girl’ “ ah? she giggling.” his hands gripped on your waist; his fingers tickling her sides, a full blown laugh leaving her mouth.
her laughter was contagious, before long miles was laughing as well, “ stop.. stop! im gonna pee!” [name] cried out, which made her boyfriend automatically stop tickling her, as well as giving her a moment to catch her breath.
“ look.. how about.. we hang out at my place for a bit?” he offered, “ get your mind off the whole roblox thing for a minute?”
[name] nodded her head, “ yeah.. that sounds nice.. thank you.”
“ anytime.. im sorry i can’t really do much.. im trying to understand the whole affect it has on you, and I think I got it now.. because I’d lose my mind if something I worked so hard for was just gone…hacking on roblox should be a crime.” his last sentence made her nod her head in pure agreement
“ right! when I find out who hacked me I’m suing for emotional distress!” her voice had cracked, gotten a little higher when she said ‘ emotional distress’ made miles smile. “ well.. until then.. we can cuddle.. and I can kiss you to make you feel better.” he said as he kicked his jordans off, and scooting back onto the bed, his girlfriend’s warm body still against his as he laid down on the pillow, letting out a soft sigh.
“ I’ll try to be okay.”
“ that’s all I’m asking.. for you to try.” he spoke softly; giving [name] a kiss on the forehead, she held her head up, looking at him. the two making eye contact for a moment before she leaned in, capturing his lips with her own.
she needed the distraction .. the love, the comfort that miles brings.. distracting her from this tragedy she was facing, and she loved him for it.
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yandere-kokeshi · 11 months
Gwen Stacy has a “protect trans kids” flag in her room. Imagine if she has that because she has a trans little brother (male reader)?
I’d like to request platonic yandere Gwen Stacy with a younger brother who is ftm. :] It would also be really cool if you could add some headcanons with the others, because sometimes Gwen wants M/n to be safe, but can’t watch him herself. So she allows the ones she trusts the MOST (Hobie, Pavitr, Miles, whoever else) to watch and be with him for her!
(details that you can choose if you wanna include or not: dealing with transphobia, missing Gwen when she’s on missions, potentially cuddles because sometimes he just wants to be held and it doesn’t really matter who does it)
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Warnings: yandere behavior, platonic Gwen, talks about harassment and transphobia,
A/N: this was really fun to write! Ty for requesting. Please enjoy this :]
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The fact is, she’s like your biggest supporter ever. Ever since you decided to come out, she makes sure to protect you, taking care of you by often pulling harmless pranks on you and adoring you. She probably shows way more love to you than she's shown to anyone.
If and when people misgender you, Gwen will go do things two ways. One, she will correct the pronouns and make sure the rest of the week is horrible for them (ex. Moving their keys to make them late for work, randomly tripping throughout their day, getting paper objects thrown at the head, etc.) Or two, which is also her favorite, she’ll play dumb and make sure the person is extremely annoyed by the fact ‘you’ don’t exist.
“Who are you talking about? We don’t know anyone by that name. You must be losing it, a bit coo-coo much?”
The two of you often stay up late, her asking questions about school and that one person you’ve never mentioned before. Of course, she laughs it off and says it’s a coincidence. You both have nights where you eat junk food, watching funny sitcoms as she cracks up jokes now and again.
Whenever she’s on missions, it’s an unpredictable trip that you never have a point-on time of when she’ll get back. However, in the meantime, it’s often you’ll find a hoodie of hers, a piece of her stuck with you until the real her comes back. At some point, she’ll come home and see you huddled on the couch, wearing her hoodie. It makes her heartbreak as you miss her. But don’t worry, she makes it up in the morning by making you breakfast and buying your favorite snacks.
Hugs and kisses on the cheeks everywhere. While Gwen doesn’t show a lot of affection, especially with physical touch, more with words and gifts, sometimes things get out of hand and she gets upset; causing her to bust into your room with a sour face, tears threatening to fall as her arms wrap around you, saying nothing as the two of you hug.
With learning, just to hold her as tight. Please. She needs it. Especially from you, sometimes she has nightmares of losing you and while she does sneak in to check up on you, it scares her of what the future might hold. Just being able to hold you close, and feel you laugh as she smiles, it reminds her how good of a life she has.
Whenever she’s gone for a long period, whether that’s a mission or doing some type of spider-woman hero stuff, Gwen will make sure to grab some items she sees that she thinks you’ll like; more often it’s street food and expensive figurines of shows you adore to heart.
Sometimes, she’ll come home heaving out of breath, holding way more things than she should, and throwing them all with you, ignoring George’s protest about leaving a mess by the door. All she cares about is watching you open them with excitement.
Sadly, transphobia is quite popular these days. With this said, Gwen (and her friends, especially Hobie!) will yell at the person, cursing them off and possibly threatening them. While Gwen is more on the relaxed side and tends to ignore it the flipping the bird.
If any of her closest friends are with her, you can bet it’ll be a mess; yelling ensues around you, and having to hold back Miles or Pavitr from approaching them with mean insults.
To be honest, the whole crew thinks you’re so cool, especially Hobie and Pavitr. While Miles has known you longer and makes sure to check up on you as much as he can, the other two guys love to ask you questions and annoy you when you’re supposed to be doing something else.
They’re all just as protective of you as Gwen, her worried words of ‘please take care of him when I’m gone’. Hobie is most often around, practically dragging you to his chaos and helping you with school when you need it (he’s the ‘uncle’ who brings alcohol to your 18th birthday because you’re an adult now).
Pavitr is a huge sweetheart, always checking up on you and offering Chai to you when he senses you’re stressed. In all honesty, he's the best person to help with homework - he's incredibly focused and rewards you with candy.
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