#gwil one shot
almightyellie · 2 years
gwilym lee masterlist
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titles marked with a ♥︎ include smut
one shots
⇢ bookworm ♥︎
in which you have a rather large crush on your librarian and it gets you into a situation unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.
⇢ if it means a lot to you
in which in the midst of your best friends wedding, you find yourself having stronger and stronger feelings for the best man, despite the obstacles between you.
⇢ around the world and back
in which gwilym is a new teacher at the school you work at and your students truly can’t mind their own business.
⇢ fools ♥︎
in which your english professor was decidedly not a people person, but he developed a particularly soft spot for you.
⇢ rio
in which gwilym (your professor? your boyfriend?) must take care of you after a night out.
⇢ something stupid
in which your neighbor somehow always manages to make you feel better.
⇢ heaven falls
in which a feeble attempt at getting your best friend to fall in love with you turns into something far different.
⇢ i lived ♥︎
in which after tragedy strikes, you resolve to step out of your comfort zone and it leads you to something and someone unexpected.
⇢ carolina ♥︎
in which your professor is colder than you’re used to, but some unforseen circumstances bring the two of you a little closer than you should be.
⇢ p.s. i love you
in which your best friend gets sent to war, and for the first time, you begin to wonder if he’s just your best friend.
⇢ everything that glitters
in which two single parents rely on one another for the sake of themselves and their children, and after an almost mundane day, one finally has something out of the ordinary to say.
⇢ cold december night
in which while staying at your parent’s house for the holidays, you find that some feelings never change.
⇢ patience
in which you and gwilym are simply two fools. two blind fools.
⇢ classy girls
in which gwilym is, quite literally, the darcy to your elizabeth, but he takes the role a little more seriously than you had anticipated.
⇢ would that i
in which an arranged marriage is the worst possible fate and you refuse to accept it. gwilym makes it difficult to reject him.
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⇢ secret for the mad (part 1) ♥︎
in which your professor is the object of your affections, but that is simply not going to happen. except it isn’t so simple.
⇢ would you be so kind (part 2) ♥︎
in which you and your professor have a hard time adjusting to your less than appropriate relationship.
⇢ absolutely smitten (part 3) ♥︎
in which a life you’d never found probable was now your reality.
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⇢ riding gwil ♥︎ ⇢ prof!gwil and polaroids ➝ part 2 ♥︎ ⇢ enemies to lovers with daddy gwil ♥︎ ⇢ sugar daddy prof!gwil ➝ part 2 ♥︎ ⇢ a year in the life with prof!gwil ⇢ prof!gwil’s birthday ⇢ riding gwil’s thigh ♥︎ ⇢ pet names with prof!gwil ⇢ plus size reader + prof!gwil ♥︎ ⇢ soft prof!gwil ⇢ london holiday with prof!gwil ⇢ drunken tattoos with prof!gwil ⇢ baby making with prof!gwil ♥︎ ⇢ wearing prof!gwil’s sweater ⇢ new years with prof!gwil ♥︎ ⇢ prof!gwil on tinder ⇢ semi-angry sex with prof!gwil ♥︎ ⇢ prof!gwil choking you for the first time ♥︎ ⇢ protective prof!gwil ⇢ prof!gwil’s proposal ⇢ single dad x teacher!reader ⇢ dad!prof!gwil angst ⇢ prof!gwil smutty alphabet ♥︎ ⇢ dad!prof!gwil and his little girl ⇢ dad!prof!gwil when you’re still a student ⇢ primary school teachers
all mini blurbs can be found here!
⇢ dad!gwil
⇢ prof!gwil
⇢ dad!prof!gwil
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queensdivas · 5 years
My Son
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Word count: 1.8K. 
Storyline: Gwils mum has always told him that his dad could bring the masses to their feet. He knew that his father was Brian May since he was born. So when Bohrap was casting, he was given the role obviously. Brian May never heard of Gwil before in his life till the moment they walked into the trailer. Will they form a father and son relationship? 
Authors Note: Okay so this idea was really cute when it was asked to me and I wanted to write it as fast as I could for everyone! I hope you enjoy! @rawyld for this marvelous idea because it was so damn fun to write! Please send in request and if you want to be added in the taglist just let me know! 
Coming onto the set of the Live Aid was making Brians heart sore, but also aching a little bit because of Freddie and John not being here. He wished those two goofballs would be here watching the magic happening again before their eyes. The crew members were rushing around again as they walked over to the trailer where the bohrap boys were staying in. Roger had a plan to intimidate this kid named Ben Hardy who would be playing him. Brian had a completely different plan by just seeing what this kid can do on guitar and portraying this hair of his. Roger climbed up the tiny stairs for him to bang on the trailer door. Rami opened the door while laughing at something Joe said to end up having the door slammed in their face. 
“HOLY SHIT IT’S THEM!” Someone yelled as the door opened again with Roger and Brian chuckling. 
“Please come in!” Rami smiled, moving out of the doorway then the rest of the boys stood up and gave them warm smiles. But you could feel their nervousness radiating like a space heater. 
“My name is Rami Malek, that doofus over there is Joseph Mazzello or Joe for most of us. Ben Hardy over there and Gwilym Lee.” Rami pointed everyone out then Brian made eye contact with Gwil. On the outside he gave everyone a smile, a nod, and how eager he was that they’re making this movie. On the inside. Well..completely different story. Brian was beginning to do some math in his head since this Gwil guy resembled him way too easily. He has to be around 33 or 34 at the moment. Maybe. He sat down on the couch next to the kid as he noticed he was studying the chords for one of the songs. 
“Mr.May. If I might ask you a question?” Gwil asked as Brian scooted a little closer to notice his eyes were the same color as his and that his nose was a direct copy of his. That math was going much faster in his head. 19..1982 or 1983 when he screwed that one lady after the show in Lancaster. He couldn’t remember if he worse protection that night and was now trying to remember. 
“Ask away Mr. Lee.” Brian smiled as Gwil grabbed his guitar and began to position his fingers for each chord. 
“Now when you play. I notice that your hands sort of do this sort of curl to them..is that how you do it?” He noticed the form of his hand to see that he also had the long fingers. Jesus did he not use protection that night? 
“Exactly like that. But a little more with the pinkie there.” Brian held up his pinkie a little more and it was an exact replica. He needed to speak to this kid before the day was out since this was way too much of a coincidence in Brian's eyes at least. 
A crew member came into the trailer a few minutes later to gather up the boys so they could start shooting Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Brian and Roger said there goodbyes as another crew member showed them where they could stand and watch the show. 
“So Bri. What do you think of those kids?” Roger asked as they followed the crew member to stage right. 
“They seem very nice and eager to make the movie. Hopefully with this opening scene it will go nicely.”
“I will say they did an amazing job with the casting. Especially with Gwil.” Roger knew. Oh he knew as soon as he set eyes on Gwil. It was bluntly obvious to him since he had been in this situation before. Turns out the kid wasn’t even his but still to the point. 
“Very impressed.” Brian and him stood on stage left with him pulling out his phone to record the scene. We know how much Brian loves recording almost every moment he can. They began working on the scene and Brian was completely blown away by how Gwil was playing the guitar, and doing that step move we all know and love. Is this his son? A son he had absolutely no idea even existed? 
Gwil and Brian became close during the days of filming Live Aid and well. It really shook Brians core since Gwil had very similar passions in life. Loved astrophysics, was donating most of his money to humanitarian societies in the world, and enjoyed talking about guitars. 
Ridge Farm studio was the next scene that Brian decided to come visit, and was asked by the director so he could personally record the guitar solo for the movie. Bringing Red Special with him so that Gwil could personal pretend to play the solo. 
He opened the door to the recording booth where Rami was rereading his script while Gwil was out in the studio itself working on more of the chords. They greeted Brian with hugs and high fives then Gwil waving from the studio. The director told Brian what the idea was and of course Brian was all for it. 
Brian walked into the studio and the nostalgia hit him right in the gut. It looked almost exactly like the studio back in 75. His heart became a little heavy till Gwil walked up with his Red Special prop with a little hop in his step. 
“Brian! My friend! Tell me that isn’t her.” Gwil was even more eager than Brain in that moment. He nodded while putting the case down on the table to pull the baby out. Putting the strap around his neck then the memories of the day recording the solo was playing before him again. 
Those huge headphones sitting on top of his curls, so many chords tangled around him, and a pair of pink bunny slippers on his feet. It got cold sometimes in that studio. He remembers Freddie wearing that blue shirt, constantly replaying the solo and Rogers falsetto moments. 
“You okay mate?” Gwil asked, putting his hand on Brian's shoulder. 
“I’ll be alright son. Now let’s shoot this bad boy.” Brian plugged in the guitar to the amp and Gwil took a step back. His fingers began shredding as if he was recording it for the first time in his life! His heart was soaring ever higher than he even imagined in this moment, it was happening all over again. 
Mum always did say my true dad was a rockstar that would make the masses fall to their feet. For thirty five years I watched his shows, his interviews, and every single video I could find of my dad. This is the closest I’ve ever stepped foot to him and I’m still not quite sure how I should handle this. Should I tell him? 
The guitar solo finished as Gwil moved back over to Brian as they looked at each other for a moment, both releasing that they’ve been wanting to ask that question yet too nervous to even ask each other. 
“The operatic section.” They both said while nodding to the recording booth. Both faces of anticipation, excitement, and a little bit of sentimental. 
“Good.” Both in sync again as the director yells cut. Everyone clapped, cheered, and Gwil looked upon his dad with such joy. Brian looked upon his son with contentment. 
“Shall we go for a walk?” Brian suggested with Gwil nodding his head.
Walking out of the house, they began walking down the muddy road in silence at first as they tried to figure out how to start this conversation. Just head straight into the field or slowly ask the question. 
“Mum always said that my dad was a true rockstar, yet failed to mention that it was you Brian.” They stopped at the fence line where they watched a few cows grazing in the field. Brian let out a long sigh, rubbing his hands together trying to keep himself from crying. 
“Don’t apologise Brian. You had no idea in the first place since my mom didn’t even try to tell you about it. She said that if she did, she would be forced into a marriage that wouldn’t last a lifetime.” His mum was now appearing in Brian's memory. Her name was Esther and was a groupie for the guys during the tour in 81’. At the time, Brian and Chrissie were in a little bit of a rough patch and Esther was a perfect target to release the stress of touring, marital issues, and the rest of the problems of the world. Even after the tour ended he went one last time to her home and said his final goodbye with a night of drunk yet sweet passionate love making. 
“Your mother definitely had a very special place in my heart during that time in my life Gwil. Just wish she would’ve told me now..so I would’ve been apart of your life.” Brian's eyes began to water a little bit with the image of Gwil as a child, not being in his life broke his spirit since all of his kids had some sort of childhood with him. 
“She told me that...that year she was with Queen was the best part of her life and wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Well after me being born obviously. If she knew that I was playing you in this movie, I think she would be here every day watching me perform you.” Brian turned his head to him to see Gwils eyes also watering slowly. A small sniffle came from Gwil as he rubbed the coat sleeve against his eyes. 
“I’m so sorry Gwil...I should’ve..I shou..” Brian began sobbing as they pulled into each other body for a very tender hug. His hand cupped the back of Girl's head while Gwil held onto him a little tighter. His first embrace with his dad, and he was standing next to cow shit. But it couldn’t be even more perfect. 
“Don’t you dare start Dad! You didn’t know and mom wanted us to have a normal life! It’s not your fault!” Gwil was trying to speak but was trying to breath from the sudden sobbing. 
“I know but I should’ve checked in on her everyone once in a while! She was a close friend of mine who I left in the dust. From now on Gwil, you and I are going to be more unstoppable than..than.. 
“I don’t know..but can I call you dad? Not in front of the boys but..at least one on one?” 
“Of course my son..of course!” 
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borhap-au · 4 years
Gwil x bookstore employee.
You recognized Gwilym from one or two of your classes, you had the same major in college. He usually sat behind you, and you of course didn’t know it, but he was much more interested in what you were doing than what the professor was saying. He tried to talk to you a few times, sometimes even got the courage to do it, but he couldn’t come up with a good enough topic, so he usually asked about school projects and homework, therefore obviously the conversations ended pretty soon.
You wanted to talk to him as well, but you didn’t want to make the conversation awkward or force it to make it longer. Plus he usually only asked about college stuff, so naturally you thought he’s not interested in you, just asking for some crucial information to pass the class.
The situation slightly changed when you started to work in a bookstore nearby.
The first time Gwilym came there, he honestly didn’t know you would be there, let alone work there. He just wanted some books to read on a spring break. When he saw you in the shirt with the bookstore’s logo and understood you worked there, he thought about a plan to be able to talk to you more and get to know you closer. He didn’t come up to you yet that day, hiding behind the shelves of books, and it looked a little bit as if you were playing hide and seek. However, the next time he promised himself to be more courageous and prepared for the meeting.
He came up to you one day, with a smile on his face, and you immediately smiled back.
“Gwil, hi! Didn’t think I’ll meet you here,” you welcomed him and put the books you had in your hands aside, as he caught you while you were sorting them.
“Oh, you definitely will meet me here a lot. I love reading,” you smiled wider hearing that. What a nice change, to meet a guy who likes reading. All of your male friends were too busy playing videogames all day.
“So, did you get something? Or want me to recommend you a good read?” you raised your brow looking at him. He immediately nodded at your proposition, as he wanted to ask you himself, but didn’t know how to do it.
“Yes, please. I just finished all the series I was reading and need some new ones,” you nodded your head hearing that and looked at him.
“So, what did you read? I could recommend something based on that,” he then proceeded to name several series, some of which you also started reading. You then took a minute to look through the books. “Hmm… You really read everything that was there. But… What about “The Dark Tower” series by Stephen King? You may like it.” He looked at the back of the book to read the summary and then nodded smiling.
“Sounds like fun, I’ll take it,” you took the books he wanted to buy and brought them to the counter.
“We have a discount for extremely nice customers,” you winked to him, making it quite obvious that there was no actual discount, different from the one for employees, which you were planning to give him. You told him the price of the books and he gave you the money, but he didn’t leave immediately after, as you were sure he would.
“When are you finishing?” he asked and you tried to hide both the surprise and the smile. You looked at him.
“In about forty minutes. I just need to finish putting those books in order and then close the bookstore. Why, do you want to talk about books some more?” you smiled at him. Gosh, he was so handsome.
“About books, but not only. I’d like to take you out for coffee or tea, if you wanted to come with me…” you chuckled quietly and that reaction caught him by surprise. “…or not?”
“No, no, I would like to come with you. It’s just that it rhymed, it sounded like a poem,” he smiled as well. “So, do you want to stay with me, or will you come back after I close the shop?”
“I can stay. I can even help you if you want,” you were a little hesitant about it, but finally you agreed.
“But you know, you really don’t have to,” you assured him while he carried a pile of books so you didn’t have to walk for them every single time.
“I know, but I want to,” he smiled and you decided not to dispute the matter with him anymore. Actually, you could really use the help, so it was like heaven listened to your earlier cursing about the weight of the piles of books and big boxes and decided to give you a break.
“Actually, this book should be good for you too,” you said while unpacking another box. “It’s a new one, I started reading it in class, it was quite interesting for me. I’m planning to finish it on the weekend.” Gwilym smiled to hide his embarrassment. Actually, while he was looking for a reason to talk to you, he saw you carrying that book and decided to buy it and read it as well, just so the next time he sees you, he can say ‘oh, you’re reading that?! What a great choice, I just finished it last week!’ and hopefully the problem with the topic of the conversation would work itself out after that.
“Oh, I’m also reading that book, I got it from my friend. Once we finish, we can discuss the plot and everything. I mean, if you want to. I just like to share my opinions with others, create new theories or backgrounds for the characters,” he smiled a bit, because he knew it made him sound like a total dork and a geek.
“Actually, I’d love that,” you smiled. “I already have a few theories and I will like to share them once we finish the book,” oh, he was relieved.
Gwilym found it both ironic and annoying how trying to get to know a girl you like when you’re shy resembled being a total creep and stalking someone. He did not go as far as to check your Facebook profile back to the day you’ve created it, he didn’t even try to check if you have an Instagram account. However, whenever he had a chance he admired your beauty from a distance, like a teenager with a crush, and tried to pick some small details he could hang on the next time he’s trying to start a conversation. He hated his shyness, but you actually found it quite cute. Despite the fact you cursed your own shyness whenever you wanted to talk to him more, but couldn’t, because you were overthinking every single word and once you decided to speak, the moment passed, and it was too late.
Soon, when Gwilym figured out the pattern you had for sorting books, he didn’t just carry them for you, but he also started helping out with putting them in place as well. It was especially useful when you had to go to help the clients and he was left alone with the boxes. You honestly thought you will have to stay overtime to do it, but with his help, you finished right on time.
“Give me a second, I will just change and take my things and we can go. Promise it won’t be long,” you smiled apologetically, but he didn’t have a problem with that.
“I’ll just wait here, reading,” you chuckled quietly.
“Well, I promise I won’t be so long that you’ll finish the whole bookstore.” After that you went to change and it took you just a couple of minutes to be ready, but of course you made sure your make-up and hair were on point. You were also thanking yourself for choosing one of your favorite shirts for today, the one that nicely highlighted your assets – your cleavage and collarbones.
When you came back to Gwil, he smiled involuntary on the sight he had before his eyes.
“You look great,” he smiled as he opened the door for you. You blushed immediately.
“Thanks,” you muttered quietly. Once you closed the bookstore, you headed in the direction he decided on. You felt awkward with yourself, being inexperienced in the whole dating world, but with Gwilym you somehow felt more relaxed, because of his friendly personality and his everlasting smile. When you went to the cafe, he insisted on paying for you, and you finally gave up, promising the next time you’ll pay. You both took hot chocolate, as you decided it was the best drink for talking about books.
“Do you come here often?” you asked, looking around, while you sat at your table. You both immediately chose the one in the corner, away from people, without consulting one another beforehand about the options.
“Yeah, actually, I come here on the breaks sometimes. I like the atmosphere here,” he explained, while making himself comfortable in the big armchair.
“I can see why. It’s a perfect place for a cozy afternoon with a book. I don’t know why I haven’t been here yet. It’s quite close to my workplace after all…”
Somehow the conversation didn’t feel awkward between you two. You proceeded to discuss various books, characters, theories and fandoms and it was as if you met here every Friday for a few months. And it soon became that. He often came to pick you up from work, you always told him when you found some nice new book to read. You also watched the same TV series, so the conversation topics soon expanded, and it felt more natural and easy with every single time.
One time, after a few weeks of your meetings, Gwilym surprised you at work, without earlier giving you any hints that he may be coming. He didn’t let you know simply because he didn’t know himself if he will get the courage to come that evening. You were surprised, but in a nice way, and you welcomed him with a hug.
“I’m finishing in a few minutes, so we can go somewhere. Maybe to the cinema, for the new superhero movie and then for a dinner, how about it?” you had to say it all at once because you knew that if you hesitated, you wouldn’t say it. It was the very first time you were to meet outside college, your workplace or that cafe. You were too shy and insecure to assume he liked you the same way you liked him, but you prayed for it. That’s why you decided to invite him on a proper date, rather than just for a two-people book club meeting.
He nodded, but was sort of in a different place mentally, so you naturally took it as a “no” in a sense that he did not like you back. However, he then gave you a notebook. It was a black notebook with no design on it, so you looked at him a bit surprised. Then you decided to just open it. While it opened on the first page, you saw a question written on it, in Gwilym’s neat handwriting.
“Will you be Mary Jane to my Spiderman?” was the sentence on the page, with some doodles of spider webs and the Spiderman himself, with his heart pumping out of his chest. You looked at it with disbelief and then at him. After a few seconds you nodded and hugged him tightly.
“Yes! Yes, of course I will,” you smiled widely and he hugged you back, quietly sighing with relief. He kissed your cheek.
“I’m sorry for being so cheesy. I was just too scared to say it out loud,” he muttered embarrassed, actually blushing, which makes him look even cuter.
“I find it very sweet. It’s going to be our notebook, for our memories. And book reviews!” you joked and he smiled hugging you and taking you off the ground, spinning you around, as you squeaked quietly, scared to kick some books off the shelves in the process.
He leaned down to put you back on the ground and you looked at each other. You both intuitively moved a little closer to each other and you ended up kissing. What a beautiful view that was, like right from one of the books you read. Outside there was raining, that’s why Gwilym came in a little wet, and now you were kissing right next to the glass door of the bookstore. It made you look as if you were on a cover of a book. And it truly was a beautiful love story.
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brianprobablywill · 5 years
imagine waiting for gwil to come home
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you’d come to visit gwil on set, the flight from your hometown to london draining you completely
you knew gwil would be gone all day; you’d just have to spend the day in his apartment. you decided to get some work done while you waited, even though you had told yourself you wouldn’t work for the next few days.
a few hours passed as you worked. you ordered some food and washed it down with a few glasses of wine as you continued with work.
before you knew it, you were getting drowsy. you didn’t want to go to the bed till it was with gwil, so you simply pushed your laptop aside and sunk into the couch.
sleep was just taking over you when you heard the front door click - gwil had come home.
“sweetheart,” gwil cooed when he saw you in the living room. you kept your eyes shut, wanting to see what he’d do.
you could hear the sound of his boots on the floor as he walked over, putting the laptop on the coffee table, taking a sip from your glass of wine. 
he brought his hand to your face, tucking your hair behind your ear as gently as he could. “you work so much,” he whispered.
you turned your face towards him, opening your eyes a tiny bit. “hi,” you whispered back.
“you’re awake,” gwil chuckled, pressing a kiss to your temple. “i thought you took this week not to work.”
“but you were working, so i thought i would too.” you reasoned, turning your body towards his. gwil shifted, adjusting so that he could hold you better.
gwil made a sound of disapproval as he took your hand into his own. he played with your fingers, running his fingers over every part of your hands.
“i have tomorrow and the day after off,” he said, smiling.
you made a sound of excitement - still quiet - before a yawn took over.
gwil laughed again, touching a finger to your nose. “you’re so cute.” he stood up, holding out an arm to you, “c’mon, let’s go to bed.”
you stood up with him, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. “i had a very different idea of how tonight would go down.”
gwil was tugging on your arm, “maybe tomorrow night. or morning,” he said, his voice only slightly teasing. he sounded tired too.
once you were both under the covers, gwil pressed you close to him, kissing you on the top of your head. “sleep tight, princess. i love you.”
tag list: @lv7867 @multifangirl17 
gwil tags: @sweetlygwilym
my tag lists are open and so are my requests! feel free to shoot me a message, i’d love to make friends! :)
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kenobion · 5 years
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Gwilym Lee and Miranda Tapsell in Top End Wedding
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borhapstyles · 5 years
HC : dating Gwilym since shortly after he came back from shooting BoRhap, you’re not in the business and the Globes are your first big event together, you meet the whole band, instant bff with Lucy and Joe ... i mean i’d continue for hours but please explore ✨🥰
You and gwilym were friends before he started shooting Bo Rhap
but he liked you and you liked him
spoiler ur relationship was like one big slow burn fanfic
happy ending of course cause u guys r together now *fireworks*
before when you guys were just talking and he was still filming
he’d send you snapchats of himself on set or text you stories of the randomest shit that happened that day
“Joe and Ben stole my phone while I was getting my wig fitted on and they took selfies. This is the end result.”
“my god, you should’ve been there today when Ben realised he didn’t have to play the drum solo, he looked like he was gonna shit himself while simultaneously wanting to kill Rami”
Gwil talked about the bo rhap boys non stop and so you were really excited to meet them
but the way it was to happen stressed you out a bit more than it should’ve
Gwil knew the next time they’d all reunite was at the golden globes
so when Gwil was planning out his trip to the globes,
he didn’t even really bother asking you, it was more so just assumed you’d go
“i’m going.. as your girlfriend?”
“no, as my pet llama. yes as my girlfriend” he rolled his eyes (jokingly tho)
you were so so beyond proud tho
but you were also scared
“Gwil you do realise we haven’t really gone public with our relationship yet”
and he just tugged you close and kissed your temple and said
“i know, darling. I figured we could at the Globes, if you’re okay with that. I’ll only do it if you’re comfortable with it though, I don’t want to make you do anything you’re not up for.”
so you kissed him and told him it was probably for the best that you do it there
that didn’t stop you from being nervous though
as someone who isn’t in the film industry whatsoever, you weren’t sure what to expect at the globes
so walking around the red carpet with everyone throwing questions at you and Gwil?? not inviting
but everyone was quick to realise you guys were dating when Gwil kissed your temple
a small gesture but it drove everyone mad in the best way
cause y’all would be so damn cute and the entire bo rhap fam would be supportive
y’all bitches better be supportive of whatever relationship they get into irl smh 
but to the rescue the bo rhap cast came when you met them
and no amount of Gwil’s descriptions could prepare you for how much you loved them
and they adored you from the start
and they didn’t fail to mention just how much Gwil spoke about you on the set of Bo Rhap before you guys were even together
Joe: “This guy was head over heels for you, and that’s not an exaggeration. He was telling us something about you when he tripped over a pair of heels that was lying around in the dressing room.”
Ben: “Yeah, you’ve got yourself a good one there, Y/N. He said you can call him sweet, like he’s some kind of cheese.”
but the very very first interaction you had with them?? you couldn’t help but mess with Joe
you had the whole cast in front of you, huddled around in a mini circle
“Y/N, this is Joe”
“oh, you’re the one with the perm who didn’t know a perm stood for permanent, right?”
Joe scowled at Gwil and you just played along even further
“i-i’m sorry, that’s the only description of you he gave me.”
jsksj the rest of the cast laughed
Rami was a sweet jelly bean when you hugged him tho
and in the middle of the night when u were trying to video everyone’s happiness?? rami stopped u and told u that you guys could take a picture instead
Lucy was your best friend right away (as she should be)
The first five minutes of your friendship she set up a date to go shopping together and that’s how u knew she was gonna be ya main hoe for life
“it’s nice to finally meet you, Y/N.  you’re even more lovely than Gwil described”
and when Joe, Gwil, Ben and Rami were all dancing around, she noticed how you were just watching Gwil with the smile on your face
she smiled and said “that’s the face Gwil got whenever he spoke about you on set. you two are perfect for each other”
Joe too tho he was such a big advocate for your guys relationship
sometimes more than you and Gwil combined lmao
if he came across pictures of you and gwil together online he’d send them to you and hype you guys up
“power couple of the century, they give Harry and Meghan a run for their money” he’d say
but the whole night, Gwil wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off you and
not that you minded, it was his night and the sex that followed after oh lord
but also he knew how anxious you were about the whole affair so during the night he’d be checking on you to see if you were alright and overall just wanted you to be comfortable
your comfort and your well-being would be the most important thing to Gwil
didn’t matter if you guys were at the globes or just getting coffee somewhere
how you felt was key to him being alright as well
and when Gwil wasn’t around the follow morning but you were with the rest of the bo rhap cast
they’d tell you thank you and say they’ve never seen Gwil in this light, so happy
because Gwil loves you with all his heart and soul and he’s so glad to have you around
soz if this sucks, darling! it’s almost 2am where i’m from but i couldn’t sleep and i wanted to do this, i hope it works! lots of love xx
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gayspamer · 5 years
Love doesn’t last forever
Pairing: Gwilym Lee x Reader 
Warnings: this is really fucking sad
A/N: I was really sad when I wrote this so it turned out really sad too. I hope you enjoy it. I’m sure you will enjoy it more if you first listen to Bob Dylan’s song Make you feel my love.
Word Count: 1057
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It was a cold Sunday afternoon you were waiting for Gwilym to get home, it was raining which made you even sadder. You and Gwil had been dating for 3 years now and it used to be wonderful until it wasn’t. “Love doesn’t last forever” you could hear your bestfriend say. You wondered trying to remember when things started going wrong but you couldn’t, the only thing you were sure about is that you two together didn’t work anymore.
“Yes, but not about you” You replied
Suddenly you heard Gwil open the door, you took a deep breath knowing what you were about to do. “Hi” he said “is everything okay?” he asked looking at you confused. He tried reaching you to give you a hug but you pushed him away. You could already feel the tears gathering in your eyes.
“Nothing’s okay, it hasn’t been for months” You sighed without looking at him, you couldn’t bare to. It was your fault, your relationship not working and now it becoming to an end, all of it, it was your fault.
“Do I need to tell you again? We can go through this” He comforted you “Y/N it has been 3 years, I know we can defeat anything, together” He took your hand looking right into your eyes.
“Not this Gwil, not this” you lamented feeling the first tear falling down your cheek. It hurted knowing you were telling the truth, you used to feel invincible when you were together but not anymore.
“Maybe if you tell me what is that thing we can’t overcome maybe we can at least try” He cheered while cleaning that tear from your face. You stared right into those beautiful eyes you fell in love with, remembering the first time you saw them, “I will always love those eyes” you remember thinking, it sucked to know you were wrong.
“Come on Y/N, you can tell me, I will love you no matter what” He insisted “I mean it, no matter what” He kept holding your hand.
“You won’t” you mumbled “not after this” You noticed there were now more tears going down your cheeks, goodbye really sucked. “I’m sorry” You said moving your hand away from his touch, you noticed tears gathering in his eyes.
“I am the one who is going to decide that” he argued “Y/N it has been months since you started hiding things! and it fucking hurts” a single tear falling from his eyes. He loved you, he really did and that was exactly the problem, you couldn’t love him back anymore.
“I’m sorry” You repeated looking at the floor, even after three years you weren’t able to handle seeing him cry.
“Stop saying you are sorry and tell me what the hell is going on Y/N” he demanded. You dared to look at him and you swear you could see the pain in his eyes.
“I- I don’t love you anymore Gwil” You managed to say between sobs
He didn’t answer he just fell in the couch and looked to the roof letting the tears roll down, he sighed but didn’t say anything. “I’m sorry” You lamented while sitting down next to him looking at your hands like a little kid who had been grounded.
“Since when?” He asked still looking at the roof
“Since when what?”
“You love someone who is not me” You could hear in his voice it was breaking his heart to pronounce those words
“I didn’t say that-”
“I am quite intelligent Y/N I notice things, even if you don’t tell me” He assured “Just tell me the truth”
“I… don’t know Gwil, maybe it’d be better if I leave” You were about to stand up but he grabbed your wrist to stop you
“Who is it?” He finally looked at you with the saddest expression you’ve ever seen in his face
“Can we not do this? I really should go” You replied. He can’t know, not now at least. It is too much.
“Y/N, Wait… Can we have one last dance?” He stood up and tried to smile. Dancing was the only thing you two always did together, “if we dance together we will stay together” you almost heard him say in your thoughts. You didn’t reply you just took his hand and nodded as a response. He reached out to the old record player you two owned choosing the one song that could break your hearts even more, Make You Feel My Love by Bob Dylan.
When the rain is blowing in your face  
and the whole world is on your case
He pulled you closer, you could feel him breathing and the warmth of his body. You closed your eyes trying to enjoy the last dance with the man you loved for more than two years.
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love
In that moment you forgot you were breaking up, you forgot about the world. It was like being in another universe, one where things worked out, Gwil was singing to you, the lyrics would never have this much love in them.
I know you haven’t made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
His chest filling up everytime he took some air and the tears rolling down from both of your faces, it was heartbreaking.
Nothing that I wouldn’t do
Go to the end of the earth for you
To make you feel my love
And just like that the song finished as well as the relationship you dedicated more than two years to leaving you with the worst silence you’ve ever experienced.
“I really should go Gwil, I’m sorry” You apologized again giving him a kiss in the cheek. You reached your room and started packing only what was completely yours leaving those thing you and Gwil shared behind.
“I will never give up on us” He said when you were done packing. You just smiled at him passing next to him reaching the apartment door.
“Goodbye Gwilym” You opened the door to leave hoping he would stop you, but he didn’t so you left and for a moment you considered going back to him but your phone ringing interrupted the thought. It was Ben. You answered.
“Did you tell him?” He asked carefully with a soft tone
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poachedhazontoast · 5 years
Morning People
Pairing: Gwilym Lee x Reader
Word count: 600
Prompt: “No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.”
Warnings: None!
A/N: I finally got around to doing this! It’s a few days later than I wanted it to be but it’s finally done! This is my entry for @bensroger ’s writing challenge. If you haven’t checked out Abby’s writing you’re missing out! She just reached 3k followers (I can only dream) so this is in celebration of that! It’s short and sweet (crazy, I know) but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless 💕
You never were a morning person.
Mornings were always too cold, too hectic, too lonely to be enjoyed. You could never pull off the messy hair look, and you were rarely able to drag yourself out of bed early enough to take a shower before getting on with the rest of the day. Your back was always far too sore, your eyes far too tired, and your brain far too foggy to function.
No, you never were a morning person.
But damn it if you couldn’t appreciate the beauty of the golden hour. The way the light flickered through the curtains and reflected off the tiny dust particles dancing through the air. The way the entire room became engulfed in a soft orange glow. The way the birds would create your own personal symphony right outside your window. The way the cool breeze always made Gwil curl up a little bit closer to you.
It would be a bold faced lie for you to say that you didn’t leave the window open at night for this reason and this reason alone, and last night had certainly been no different. Despite the groggy feeling that lingered in your eyes, you always managed to waste at least five minutes of your time admiring your boyfriend. Your fingers would trace over every part of his face in an ill-fated attempt to commit every single detail to memory. They would dance along the bridge of his nose, across his cheekbones, and down to his lips, where they would be gently replaced with your own in a swift kiss before begrudgingly beginning your day.
It was the same routine every morning, and it gave you some semblance of reverence despite the mundane nature of it all. What wasn’t usually part of this routine, however, was the addition of Gwilym’s arm settling across your waist and pulling you closer to his chest. A warmth spread throughout your entire body at the action, the kind that couldn’t even be rivaled by that of the sunlight that was currently caressing the bed that you shared.
“Where’re you goin’?” Gwil’s voice was deep with exhaustion, and a rush of adoration swept over you like a tidal wave.
“I’m going out to meet Holly for yoga. It’s Sunday, remember? You can go back to sleep, love.” You spoke softly before pressing your nose to his cheek and feathering the lightest of kisses against his jawline. “I’ll be back soon, I promise.” A light giggle escaped your lips as his grip tightened, and you already knew that you weren’t going to be going anywhere that morning.
“No, I’m not letting you go.” He placed a gentle kiss against your exposed shoulder before pulling the comforter back up to engulf the both of you in it’s warmth . He chuckled lightly at the sound of satisfaction that escaped you. “It’s too early to get out of bed.” You pretended to think about it for a short while, but one look at his lazy smile broke your resolve.
“Fine. But you have to be the one to tell Holly.” You grinned to yourself as Gwil began to drift back into unconsciousness, content with your decision.
“Already done.” He mumbled before pulling you on top of his chest, being sure that you’re both still cocooned in the blanket. “Now go back to sleep, my love.”
A smile graced your features as you’re lulled back to sleep by Gwil’s heartbeat, and you found yourself feeling grateful for at least one thing in the early hours of the day.
Gwilym Lee never was a morning person.
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brokenmoonsongs · 2 years
In Defense of Jaskier, Not Your Average Sidekick
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(Original image of Jaskier in the Netflix Timeline site. You could find him playing in a forest, and then below was the list of season one songs.) Summary: My analysis of Jaskier in Netflix's The Witcher, stemming both seasons but an emphasis on season two. His character, his relationships, his portrayal and representation in media. This will touch on fandom and beliefs topics surrounding toxic masculinity, queer platonic relationships, queer bait tropes, and heteronormativity in the media. Word Count: ~11.7K
This is going to be extremely rambly, and probably will be tons of points already mentioned in the the Tags and other parts of Fandom. But I've been stewing over this since I saw season 2 and just need to get it all out. I've only read one post on tumblr, and plenty of author notes through fanfics produced in the last few weeks.
Final disclaimer, while I've only consumed the show, I have read summaries of the books and researched as much as I can of the games/books and talked to a few IRL friends who were fans of the book first. My focus here will be of course on the show's portrayal.
EDIT: Apologies, somehow queuing this up fucked up the formatting?
First Impressions & Jaskier Season 01 vs the Books
I had managed to avoid playing the Witcher Games ever since I saw an interview with the studio in a magazine back when the first one was supposed to come out. Even though Fantasy hack and slash RPG was (and is) totally my jam, I hated how misogynistic and racist the studio interview was (surprise, surprise with what we got from Cyberpunk, lol) so vowed to just ignore.
Flash forward to a few years ago (what is time anymore) when GOG.Com came out with Gwent as a standalone game. Up to that point, I've seen some random scenes of the video games from watching friend streamers play it, so I knew of Gwent. It felt like it was supposed to be as difficult to figure out as Triple Triad from Final Fantasy. But I had a chance to play a beta version of the game. There was a storyline/lore component to learn the game, which was of course narrated by Dandelion. I loved everything about him, even though I didn't know much, but totally my type (I've been a Gambit fan since the Saturday morning cartoon). And already, I was like hmm... What if Dandelion and Geralt? I didn't play the beta long as I got distracted with other stuff and then again Witcher was far from my mind.
Until the Netflix series. Being a fan of Henry Cavil, I was willing to give it a shot. It wasn't until the person I was dating at the time (Jan 2020) insisted on watching it that I finally did. They were a HUGE fan of the book series, having read it all and played the games. So it took a while for me to realize Dandelion was Jaskier, and then things were filled for me as we watched the first few episodes together.
I watched the rest of the season on my own. And again, I was captivated by Jaskier. I don't think it was obvious in season one what was definitely set up on season two. I'm definitely a shipper type of person. But for me, in tv shows? It's almost never the canon ships they want people to see. So it was Istredd/Yennefer and Geralt/Jaskier almost immediately. I didn't know at the time that twenty years had passed from first and last appearances of Jaskier. At least the amount of time that Cirilla was born, for sure.
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Look, the barker/bard trailing after the big macho fighter and being the plucky best friend/sidekick is not new. We had Hercules & Joxer, Xena and Gabrielle, He-Man and Gwil-dor, Sherlock & Watson, Robin Hood & Much, Blair & Jim. And in a lot of these, there's a fandom for the pairing. It's just as good as rivals/enemies to lovers. And nearly in all of these, the canon states (except for Xena & Gabrielle) that they are all straight people who only love each other in a platonic way.
We'll get more on that later.
But here are two good friends, complete opposites in nearly every which way who's managed to not kill each other (intentionally) for two decades. And there was Jaskier, reaching out for Geralt, to give us that hint of "hey it's been twenty years, is what pleases us still the same" in Jaskier's demeanor. Geralt was cranky before the mountain, maybe it was the beginning signs of a friendship that needed to adapt/evolve. Nothing can stay the same for that long span of years (at least for humans). And Jaskier, being a very perceptive person, was feeling that out, was realizing maybe something needed to change.
Having slept through an important battle and missed out on a very important discussion regarding his best friend, Jaskier then tries to to do what he always does best. Be an outlet for Geralt, with humor and annoyance. Problem is, he misjudges and gets a verbal lashing that actually affects him. It's the fact that Geralt NEVER said "go" in this that makes it even worse. Because even when they first met, Geralt had tried to leave Jaskier behind and never see him again. It's the words never said, but all in the actions and feeling that Jaskier gets the message. It's not like old fights or yelling.
(What's even MORE frustrating, is in the season two recap we get before starting the first ep, we don't see Jaskier until a little over halfway of the 3minutes. We see everything that Geralt claims is Jaskier's fault, except edited in a way where Jaskier is not shown. And then we get the shit shovel line and Jaskier's heartbreak. AND, super imposed audio of the first meeting: "This is where we part ways, bard, for good." implying he said it in the mountain.
Now, being a video editor and social media marketer myself, and having worked with game marketing departments, one hand doesn't listen to the other. So can't blame this on the writing/editing of the show itself. But it's very telling that they make this scene worse than it is and imply Jaskier's part in Geralt's life was miniscule compared to everything else.)
And then it's the last we see of Jaskier. Obviously, between the pain on Jaskier's face and the vitriol spewed by Geralt, the heartache and heartbreak is where it really cemented this relationship.
It's meant to be platonic heartbreak. And believe me, I know. I've had friends I've loved (in a friend/platonic way) who've betrayed me, who've broken my heart in worse ways than actual relationships have. It's powerful, and it's not often showed or talked about. Especially in fandoms where we're grasping for more queer content that we'll translate this. It's still just as important and meaningful even if we just kept this at surface level.
But what makes this hard to swallow sometimes too, is the book fans crying out about how their relationship in the books wasn't like this. That Geralt was always sweet to Jaskier and they were obviously best friends and yeah Jaskier got on his (and other's) nerves as is the way of being a loud, flamboyant bard. While it was in the books and games that they didn't spend all twenty years together, Jaskier having his own life and pursuits, and probably stupid petty fights too, they never had a break up like this. It never got to this point. When you adapt texts, you have to be mindful of what you change and what that implies.
In theory, this meant that Netflix!Geralt cared less about this friendship than Book!Geralt. And up until the viewing of season two, most fans didn't want to believe this. We gave excuses for his more recalcitrant nature and even more silent demeanor. We still believed and hoped that Netflix!Geralt cared just as much and regretted it immediately. It's unsure whether that final look we get is of that, or if Geralt was just in his head too much (could be both).
Now, there's an argument I've heard a few times, both from online people I know and from just general commentary on media... "Why can't we just have good platonic relationships? Why can't they just be friends?" when talking about a presumed same sex couple. And there's definitely some validity to that and truth to that. But in media, everything's extremely heteronormative. People are always saying "men and women can't be friends" and using that as an excuse to romance two people of different genders. You never hear that about "same sex" friendships.
(I apologize at keeping this in the restrictive binary. Relationships of all sorts are much more complicated and nuanced, and there's not the same tropes with transgender, nonbinary and other minority identities. And while I'm currently questioning my cis-ness, I'm not capable of expanding this conversation with confidence.)
I've watched only a handful of interviews about season two since watching the season, mostly Joey's, and it's emphasized of course about the friendship they have, and being able to celebrate just the closeness and intimacy they have. As friends. Who just happen to be two guys. And that's great. In the very online world that we live in now, we don't actually see a lot of positive male intimacy in American/Western society/media.
There's always the idea of #NoHomo and the marketable #Bromance that's thrown around. There's a lot of toxic masculinity going around that affects everyone, about not showing feelings to other guys, not showing how much their guy friends mean to each other. Usually when we see some form of male intimacy between seemingly straight guys, it's usually quickly played up for laughs, or it happens after some very traumatic event. Sometimes it's the pat on the back type of hug, sometimes it's an actual, genuine full hug. I always think back to the FRIENDS episode where Joey and Ross become nap buddies. They fall asleep together and curl up with each other. They accept it when they're alone. But as soon as anyone else finds out, it's "oh shit!" and they pull apart and then it's known to the group, so they stop doing it.
So no, we really don't get enough positive reinforcements of this. And on the other side, while women friends are more accepted and not questioned, whenever a guy is involved and there's that misnomer love triangle, then suddenly they can't be good or close friends. We get them competing for attention of the guy, or being jealous of each other. Or if one's in a relationship and the other isn't, their friendship usually turns into either complaining about the guy or complaining about being single. And in the few shows that have women as the main characters (such as Rizzoli & Isles) it's very much more about them being independent and not needing a guy and how relationships interfere with their dynamic. We rarely if ever see that particular situation when a show is comprised of mostly male lead characters.
And that's the problem. So many shows, "genre" and modern, are comprised of mostly male leads and casts and are mostly straight. So the whole "why can't they just be friends" argument doesn't hold up that well when we have queerbaiting/bromance marketing going on all the time for shows like Hawaii 5-0, NCIS: LA, Psych, Lethal Weapon show, or even shows not marketed like that like Sons of Anarchy, Cobra Kai, The Boys, and others. And even in non-Western media, we have to contend with shows based on actual LGBTQIA+ works being transformed into "just good friends" like Sleuth of Ming Dynasty because of censorship and other things.
Wheel of Time has some of the best queer rep I've seen in a studio made fantasy adventure show. It fails in other departments, but goddamn, did it make me happy to see polyamory, and queer people, especially queer people of color. And it was a mix of having to hide it (because of politics not favoring relationships of any sort) and being proudly open about it. It's not there as shock value or to titillate or prove a point about someone's proclivities (looking at you, Yennefer orgy scene in season 01).
So when the first season of Witcher came out, it was always marketed as Geralt and Yennefer as the big romance. It was never doing the bromance thing with Jaskier, even though we got more scenes with Jaskier & Geralt together than Yennefer & Geralt making their supposed romance/lust for each other seem very contrived. Even me with knowing how it was years of back and forth with the two in the books, couldn't really see it.
All we get in the show is sexual attraction. It's there in spades between Geralt and Yennefer. There's only implied emotional connect at the end, right when they force the issue in the Mountain scene. It was too little too late. A little bit of this gets fixed in season two, but we'll get to that (sorta).
And this is an issue in a lot of heterosexual "romances" in media, both on TV and in movies. It's always about sexual attraction and then a relationship and then maybe if one's lucky, there's emotional/romantic/mental attraction between the two. And usually it's lopsided.
One gregarious example is with Big Bang Theory. While I liked Leonard mostly in the first season (playing shy nerdy dude who seemed to be a good guy), it was more and more obvious (and tech obvious from the get-go), that he really only cared about Penny's beauty and his attraction to her. This is supposed to be the extreme case of opposites attract. But what Penny first fell for in Leonard was the whole "not like other guys" which was the masculine definition, someone taller than her, strong, and conventionally sexy, but almost always an asshole. She liked that he was sweet and kind to her with not really expecting anything else. Aka the "friendzone." She eventually learns to like him and feel attraction to him because of who he supposedly is. We really never get that from Leonard's side. And while he never cared about her being as smart as him, things really didn't get serious until she got a more reputable job that was science-adjacent. And in one of the many seasons when they were broken up and "just friends", they go out on a friend date and he admits that when they were dating, he only pretended to like the things she was into to get sex. He even lauded it over her. Meanwhile, she suffered with Sheldon's tutelage so she could feel a little smarter. She wasn't a geek, but she tried to get into his geekdom. (We'll ignore the only time this ever worked was when Sheldon got her into things like Star Trek, MMORPGs, and a few others when she felt genuinely interested.)
So here we have Geralt and Yennefer who do actually have a lot in common but we don't get it in the show. I'm sure it's in the books, and fandom, even Geraskier fandom, fills in the blanks about why they should have worked but also why it makes sense that they don't. They're both opposites and yet too much alike. But because they're straight (supposedly, orgy scene aside), that means they're just supposed to fit and it be unquestioned. We get no romance, just some possible romantic lines.
Now here's an interesting thing. In a lot of "bromances" or buddy cop shows, there's always the line of "you act like a married couple", (this also happens in Hallmark Romances with het characters), and usually it's regard to friendly or not so friendly bickering/teasing/light fighting. It always felt like a wink wink nod nod kind of thing. It also is part of that whole trope that's SO excessive in het romances (especially Shoujo manga) that fighting and hiding things and pulling pigtails is indicative of love, and it's "just so obvious guys". So with straight couples, it's a sign of true love, but with generally two men? It's just a joke and they're "just bros" or "good friends".
As a writer, I do my best to do research even for throwaway lines. The Netflix site for the Witcher Timeline is invaluable as I want to stay true to Netflix and then sprinkle in game/book stuff when there's not enough information. I keep forgetting sites like these are VERY ephemeral. I luckily took a cap above before season two hit. There wasn't much about Jaskier in the last iteration of the site before season two (the events of the animated prequel were added then). We had his date of birth which confirmed 20 years went by, and that he came from Oxenfurt and Lettenhove (no mention of Viscount). Now, I don't remember if one of the entries was always like this, but only when I checked last did I notice the paragraph about Jaskier and Geralt. And instead of using the tried and true phrase of "bicker like an old couple" it actually said "they fight like brothers."
That's... not a phrase I've seen often in shows with two main leads, unless they were previously "brothers in arms" in the military or something. I thought this was very choice wording, especially considering that Geralt does have his own brothers and we see he treats them in season two way differently than we've seen him treat Jaskier. Granted, one main difference is that when Jaskier is in trouble, Geralt doesn't hesitate to help him. But this is more I believe because Jaskier is just human and needs that protection than the other Witchers.
I'll touch more on that odd line from the older Netflix entry later, or at least tie it in with what we'll probably get in season 03. Mind, I know we'll never get canon Geraskier. It feels like we'll get bi Jaskier at least, and then quite possibly confirmation of a queer platonic relationship. (I do worry though this will play out like how The Rock handles any queer guys in his last two films: Jungle Cruise & Red Notice, which isn't great.)
Again, we do need more instances of queer platonic relationships, especially in a healthy, positive, affirming light. I just don't think that'll happen here given how poorly Jaskier is treated in the show and related media (like in the updated Netflix timeline site). It would just be nice, you know? It's miserable we're still desperate for crumbs in 2022.
Treatment of Jaskier by Others in Season 01
The Bard is almost always treated as a comedic sidekick in shows, or the supposed best friend of the main hero. They're the ones to lighten up the situation and give some softness to the gruff/angst-ridden lead. They're the wingman. We see this often in Joxer, Gabrielle, Ron, Poe Dameron, Danno (his stories are always second to McGarret), Riley (of National Treasure), Goose, Gus, Donkey, Genie... Usually, the only one that sees their worth or that they're more than just there for comic relief is the audience and the hero. But not always.
Understandably, Yennefer cares not for the bard (and vice versa). We don't get confirmation till the second season that a lot of it is jealousy/rivalry based, and not just Jaskier's personality. But it makes sense, more sense than Yennefer and Geralt's romance.
When we first meet Jaskier, the Posadans don't care for him at all for his shit songs, and that makes sense. He's 18, doesn't know how to read the regular folk, and is very academic. The Sylvan and Elves? Hate humans, especially naïve ones who only know of the hateful rhetoric.
Now, it's roughly 6-8ish years after Posada that Jaskier is invited to play for Calanthe. No matter her opinion of him (which is low) she still invited him. And this is Cintra, where EVERYONE on the continent was afraid to mess with politically or otherwise. So it's definitely high praise if she's seeking out entertainment OUTSIDE her walls, especially from a possible Redanian. (Still unsure where Lettenhove is but, still at least very north of Cintra.) So while Toss a Coin has become an earworm that everyone loves to hate, or hates to love, it's still has brought him fame. Along with every other song he's created since then. Jaskier is already becoming extremely well known. And he plays with the court band well. In the briefest of cameos with the court band, they don't hate him, they like him, and there's at least musical/professional respect going on.
Frankly, this is the only time we see anyone treat Jaskier with respect that's not connected with either his flirtations OR with Geralt (like when the villagers were eager to tell their tales to Jaskier). We get the angry cuckolded noble, we get Mousesack who sniffs at the ridiculous outfit, we get the Queen who sniffs at anyone really who's not a warrior. But at least she enjoys the music when Jaskier changes it up.
I'm not sure about Chireadan, who was hard to watch in his scenes, and doesn't necessarily look down at Jaskier, but it seems like it was more like "we're both lowly people who should bow to the awesomeness that is Yennefer and/or powerful people like Geralt" than anything. Again, here it was more playing for laughs.
Up the mountain, Yarpin and his lot obviously don't care for Jaskier, and neither do the rest of the adventuring party. They just see a foppish fool of a bard. And yeah, Jaskier isn't at his best at his poor flirtation with Téa and Véa. This really reminded me of all the attempts Gus does around Shawn in Psych, skating the lines of creepiness. Again, despite us being told he gets around easily and is the "typical bard" who flirts with anyone, we don't see him being smooth and suave. This could be because he's distracted with Yennefer's presence, or the fact there was again some tension going on with him and Geralt in the beginning of the episode. And then Borch also pays him no mind, more interested in the destiny and chaos surrounding Geralt and Yennefer.
Despite the fact that we're now at twenty years of Jaskier following Geralt around, he still acts like he doesn't know what he's doing for an adventuring party, talking to an unknown and possibly deadly creature. Showing up his supposed incompetence and buffoonery. We can meta this as him just being that goodhearted person that we know, that he's still naïve (and harkens to a famous book quote about him still acting like a child of 10), and that it's not necessarily a bad thing. He's with Geralt, he technically doesn't have to worry about anything.
But, the whole "what pleases me" scene and his reaction to witnessing a traumatic "death" was fantastic and sobering and we get that hint of him realizing it's been YEARS at this and maybe, just maybe, something should change. Like what I wrote at the beginning where he's realizing this subtle shift with Geralt, he's possibly realizing now a shift within himself.
And then we have Geralt. Who barely tolerated him in the first adventure, punched him for mentioning the Butcher, tried to leave him for good after selflessly trying to sacrifice himself for him. Next, we see him barely tolerating him after a nasty hunt, making faces at him (and the bartender which was hilarious), but relying on him for a good bath and the possibility of good food and drink. He then lies to a noble to save his friend, doing it in such a way that yes would make the noble feel bad for the man, but also again, to belittle Jaskier (and emasculate him despite his supposed reputation of being a pleaser). Still, he does his due diligence and even after the end of everything still tries to warn Jaskier to play it safe. The djinn situation makes it seem it happened within a year of Cintra (1249) but it was actually 7 years later. Obviously it wasn't seven years since Jaskier seen Geralt but they definitely hadn't spent most of that year together. We can't fault Geralt's demeaner here with Jaskier, as both aren't in their best of minds. But here we see that he does care (even beyond just helping a hapless human), willing to make a deal with a powerful rogue court mage. Once he's assured that Jaskier will be fine, he relaxes. This is not necessarily a bad thing but when it comes to Jaskier, we see in season two that Geralt is shit at follow through/ups.
I really wish we had gotten one more episode of their adventures to see their friendship more, and hell, more of Geralt and Yennefer interacting that wasn't just sex, but showing how their brilliant minds could solve problems.
But no, despite seeing this care and then kind of discard of Jaskier (Geralt finally getting sleep and who knows if Jaskier stayed around that time or not), we go right to the mountain. Where Geralt again is irritated with Jaskier who's just trying to write a new song and waiting by Roach. Like I had mentioned earlier with Jaskier seemingly not have changed in 20 years, Geralt's treatment to Jaskier here shows similar to Posada. He again mostly ignores Jaskier, worried for Yennefer. And especially when Jaskier tries to not be his bardic self (maybe showing that noble upbringing), to console him and open up to him, Geralt takes it as sign to just go to Yennefer and not realize what Jaskier was attempting.
Who knows why Jaskier isn't woken up by the morning activities, that he misses all the action. Is it because Geralt's so focused on Yennefer? Possibly. Is it because Geralt thinks Jaskier would be safer away? Maybe. More likely it's the Yennefer thing AND that he knows Jaskier would be pretty much useless in a fight. And then the final interaction. Jaskier, not knowing the context, trying to be what was always expected of him, someone to make light of the situation, to get Geralt's mind off of things, and maybe he expected annoyance, but not the anger and vitriol.
Overall, Jaskier is not treated with kindness and respect. We're told that he's loved by a lot, and his songs are famous and revered, and beyond everyone enjoying Toss a Coin, we almost see none of that. He's just here for the comedic outlet, for the songs. Never mind in the books, he's treated better by most everyone, that he's done a lot of respectable things including being a famous musician. He has many flaws, and we see them, just despite it all, he's a good person, he's doing his best, he's HUMAN. And one of the best humans out there for anyone considered or is non-human. Jaskier is a contradiction in so many ways but we shouldn't be getting so much of that in the show and supplements related to the show. But, at least season one ends with the final song Jaskier was working on with Geralt.
I am weak my love, and I am wanting.
Season 02: Where's Jaskier?
The writer(s) seemed to realize that hey, Jaskier is a HUGE fan favorite. We do get more depth to Jaskier in season two, at least more obvious than all the implication in season 01, but again, there's so much contradictions and so much ERASURE done to ensure we're all reminded that this is the Geralt and Ciri and Yennefer show. This part here is just me as a fan's feelings (I mean all of this is but I've been trying to analyze and talk it out with facts we know), but I feel like we were punished in ways for wanting more Jaskier (and possibly Geraskier fandom being one of the loudest? I'm unsure, I kept myself in a grief bubble for most of last year) for what we do and don't get in season two.
Mainly, we had to wait for FOUR episodes for Jaskier to appear. He's not even MENTIONED or referenced in the first three episodes. His part in season one of the recap was erased to JUST show Jaskier being tossed aside, despite his importance to the events in Geralt's life. How does Geralt not bring Jaskier up when talking to Ciri? Even just a passing "I was at your parents' betrothal cause I was protecting a dumb bard" or something. This bothered me so much I wrote a character study about that first episode lol. It's tossed in our faces too when Geralt mentions who his friends are but never once called Jaskier a friend, or admitted it.
There's a possible chance that Yennefer again was the first to mention Jaskier in an offhand way when she picks up that the elven songs have actual lyrics. That's what I was hoping on. This is still a possibility given what we now know will be happening in the prequel mini-series (which I hope turns to be a full on series on its own right). I haven't scoured every single interview for everything, so maybe that's been confirmed? I'll go on the current presumption it's not.
In the original Netflix site timeline, it indicated that between the mountain and Geralt finding Ciri was just nearly a year. It seems like the show writers forgot about that (and what is distance, crossing the continent back and forth like it was only a half day's ride without portals but I digress), and tries to make this entire season fit in just winter?? So three months? Man, music must've spread like wildfire for Jaskier to have THREE BANGERS hit across the continent (Her Sweet Kiss, The Golden One, and now as the Sandpiper, "Man of a Thousand Grunts"). Which we all agree on is impossible again to make such connections with Ciri and the Witchers and just... I'm still going to go with at least a year in between and then maybe 3-5 months with Geralt & Ciri together.
I bring you that tangent because it's related to what we do learn of Jaskier this whole season. Of what he did before we FINALLY see him.
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Even the above snippet from Netflixpedia (as I'm going to dub it from here on out) is truly too short of a summary of Jaskier's escapades the past twenty years. Granted, we get a few extra in the locations and events around the continent, but it's still sparse. This is I believe one of the few entries not written as Jaskier (which is common across all media that most of the narration done is by Jaskier/Dandelion himself).
Going with the belief of about a year in between seasons, we know this. Jaskier made it safely down the mountain. Jaskier did not stop composing or performing. Jaskier believed that when Cintra fell, possibly the Witcher did too, temporarily (How disappointing). For a time, instead of going straight back to Oxenfurt, he went to Bleobheris. Although we got "Her Sweet Kiss" at the end of season 01, I don't think he finished it first. I think "The Golden One" came out first. Like "Toss Your Coin", it was a surprise hit, and much similar to one hit wonder pop songs like "Friday" where it's just an ear worm. It's not Jaskier's best, musicality wise still good, but he wrote it cause he needed to get the Mountain out and make himself feel better. Maybe working out his feelings.
I believe he finally released "Her Sweet Kiss" when he thought possibly Geralt and/or Yennefer was dead (Battle of Sodden taking out so many sorcerers and sorceresses). Mind, he's still heartbroken and hurting and the anger building. But Bleobheris happens. We figure he was there at least long enough for it to really make an impression. Was it his first time there? Who knows. Maybe he was even starting to heal a bit, being among others like himself. And then he witnesses an atrocity first hand. I'm sure Jaskier has witnessed a lot, but he's smart to keep himself out of anything military wise. And in this Netflix version, he hasn't done any spying (as far it feels like) prior to the Mountain. But this, similar to what happened in Posada is possibly the first time he's seen anything like it. It's scarring. He knows he's lucky to have been considered "safe" and not a "danger". We'll get more on this below. That affected him deeply, both as a compassionate and empathic person, and knowing it could eventually come down to him. He gets enough out of his rut to be willing to do anything to help. To not shovel piles of shit and be a useless bard. To have a purpose that aligns with his heart and head and abilities.
So he becomes the Sandpiper.
"The common sandpiper is a migrator, but it frequents similar habitats year-round. When in upland areas, sandpipers live along river, ponds, or lakes."
Seems fitting, no?
Between the raid and Oxenfurt and his new identity, he pens what we call "Burn, Butcher, Burn" but technically at last check on Netflixpedia, it's actually called "Man of a Thousand Grunts". His heartbreak and hurt manifested into this song when he realizes that Geralt is still alive. And after all this time, has not come for him. I won't necessarily fault Geralt for this (even most of Geraskier fandom doesn't, we love parent!Geralt), and to a point not even Jaskier later on. But it doesn't mean it doesn't sting, it doesn't hurt. No check ups, no letters left, nothing. And he's dramatic, he's admitted this. With his new purpose in life, he needs to do his best to get past twenty years of history. But it's not easy. He writes this break up song as a way to move on and of course like all his other songs, it's a hit.
Jaskier has been a popular artist for at least a decade. This isn't recent. It may be the most music he's churned out in a season—it helps if he's not on the road dodging monsters and taking care of Witchers, but he's consistent.
Let's not also forget that it seems like he singlehandedly came up with this idea of the Sandpiper or at least put it into execution. That's no easy feat. To use his charm to get several benefactors and to keep the chain going. It had to be working for a long enough time, and he's managed to DISGUISE himself as Sandpiper without a real disguise in the city where Julian Alfred Pankratz/Jaskier, master of the seven arts and occasional teacher is FAMOUS. Granted, yes, it seems like one of his biggest benefactors is freaking Sigismund Dijkstra, but still.
He could've gone back and gone to court or just stayed in the bubble of Oxenfurt Academy. But he doesn't. He does this work as often as there's ships to give enough passage. He's holding a lot of hate and hurt in his heart for what happened on the Mountain, for what is happening to the poor Elves and others. And he's drinking. He's drinking constantly, even before Yennefer gets to him, and definitely after. I believe the drinking isn't necessarily due to the heartbreak but also what he witnessed at the raid. He's no one to confide in, to rely on, even when he reunites with this new Yennefer, and eventually Geralt.
But all this? We learn in a few choice sentences and references. What we get on screen of Jaskier is perfect and wonderful and Joey Batey is probably now one of my most favorite actors and singers out there. All the little things, the subtle the looks and touches he does.
We can see through his quips and expressions and mannerisms that he hasn't moved on. He was ready to be just as nasty to Yennefer as he always was, not caring that she could literally hex his balls off. And I'm sure he had a whole speech ready for Geralt too. But she comes and hugs him, relieved for something resembling normal and safe for her. Her whole demeanor is different. We know she's grown and learned and matured (at least a little) to realize Jaskier's worth before even getting to the Sandpiper business, but I'm sure that helped too. And especially after his explanation. Finally, he has someone who understands, even if it's his rival.
I love their relationship, their dynamics. I wish we saw the cattiness of them in season one even more than what we saw, the in betweens, when Geralt and Yennefer were on a good footing for a bit. But still, this is great, and we can see that Jaskier is touch starved/friend starved. He latches onto Yennefer but is smart enough to know when to let go, to know that he still has a lot of shit to work through. Yennefer brings memories of what he could never have, and if he can save her, and never see her again? Then at least he'll feel accomplished.
I also LOVE that little bit. That he knew. That it was a conversation had either with Yennefer or with Geralt, about her family origins. And it was never a thing lorded over her cause of course Jaskier isn't like that. That despite everything he hates of her, it's not and never been her heritage.
Now, every time we see something serious or mature done by Jaskier, it has to be "balanced" with him giving into his flaws. This is where we get to learn that he did write a song about the mountain, and meeting a fan of sorts. His ego and hubris gets to him, and even admits to himself that he's doing the stupid thing to argue with this guy, potentially ruining this night's run of getting the Elves (and Yennefer) to safety. We have to presume this is a rare occurrence since no on seems wary on relying or searching for the Sandpiper. So that means he has to be consistently helping.
Quick aside. While the writing overall was much better this season as a whole, there are so many easy/simple parallels going on and the writers patting themselves on the back. They're consistently setting things up for an easy win (much to the detriment of characterization when it came to the Witchers and their Keep, or that we can get across the continent conveniently in a day when needed) without good follow through. This scene is to set up Jaskier is beholden to his pride and to give another elf the chance of redemption for the death of a young black elf. It's very contrived and frustrating.
"The Golden One" isn't his best work, not even better than "Toss a Coin" but it's popular and loved and it's possibly one of the few songs (Dandy Lion aside) where Jaskier's inserted himself. Yeah, it's an easy line of him getting the girls, but it's deeper (calling my right of death of the author here) than that. It's him trying to prove to himself and the others that he's not a shit shoveler, that he's a "worthy travel companion" to others. It's a small bit to the rest of the song about the greatness of a dragon. It's technically not supposed to be noticed or called out, just a silly little bard insert, yet it hurts when it's the main part being criticized, along with it being apparently one of his weakest songs. But it's his first song he's written post Geralt fully. So obviously it's still a dear song to him.
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And as us who are content creators know online, or even just being professionals online in social media, sometimes it's the straw that breaks the camel back of being told how to do what we're trained to do by people who have NO idea what's it like. (Being a game dev person, a writer, a video editor, and worked manufacturing, it's amazing what Twitter & YouTube commenters think they know about in these industries. Amongst other parallels.) While Jaskier is a well known artist, a rock star in his own right, he doesn't play just the big venues (court, festivals), he plays taverns and bars. For the Sandpiper gig, it has to be that way. I mention this cause it gives the illusion that anyone can come up to him and talk to him like a professional when they're not. Jaskier also is someone who thrives on people liking him, praising him, or engaging him meaningfully so it's not like he's going to keep his distance either. So this, along with what he says to Rience, shows that it's an extremely common occurrence. And he's at that part of his career where he doesn't have to listen to just anyone about his music.
Despite that hiccup, he gets the elves on, meets Dara briefly (and hopefully inspired him), and says what he hopes is final goodbye to Yennefer.
And then he gets hit over the head, knocked out, and loses his lute, for good. Fitting final scene of seeing it broken. The end of an era.
Now the torture scene with Rience is apparently longer and more brutal than it was in the books. All we know is that he gets beaten for a few hours (anywhere between 2 and 4 or more depending on the tides of the ship leaving and it being early morning when he's finally rescued), not spilling anything. And then the fire and his fingers are burned. Not by REGULAR fire mind, but mage fire. Probably burns hotter than we expected. And all it takes is those few seconds to get serious burns.
And despite it all, Jaskier holds out, still has his wits about him. If we take what he says at face value, and later scenes sort of reinforce it. Sadly twenty years of being Geralt's companion yet Geralt never shared anything to Jaskier? Fanon of course had it that Jaskier did see Cirilla a few times after she was born. It's believable (if albeit sad) that Jaskier never went to Kaer Morhen, but man, maybe if he was a sex worker he would have since they were frequent visitors apparently. What he slips out could be coincidence of him making it up, and yes we know Jaskier is brilliant with words. Or it could have all been a ruse and Jaskier did know more but managed to keep it to himself.
Did we ever figure out HOW Rience found the keep?? Man that keep was so easily found by so many this season. And The Killer pass wasn't so murderous.
But guh, that speech was great, and how he's able to go from the pain of torture to improving with Yennefer AND at the same time be scared for her since she has no magic and seemingly as defenseless as him. Fantastic scene there. We see both of their vulnerabilities, we see Jaskier's quick-wittedness (along with Yennefer's), we see how well he knows Oxenfurt by the back of his hand, knowing which way to go and where, and willing to goad men to follow him. Despite being "a humble (human) bard", he's fast on his feet, nimble for his age. And he knows his worth, that he's the damsel and even without her powers, Yennefer's still formidable.
I would've loved to see how Jaskier rescued Yennefer from the brothel, we saw his mind working quick before she escaped herself. And then he's thrown into a prison. For how long? Who knows, a few days, a week. Even without the flashback timeline shenanigans, time is still wibbly wobbly in this season. It's enough that his untreated burns have healed a bit.
Writing nitpick. Oxenfurt is his home. Why didn't he use his name or his place at the Academy to get out of Jail? We know he has a large network of people, outside of the Sandpiper business, and this is his city, not a foreign land. Other than for plot sake, it's weird.
You can on Spotify hear the whole rendition of Whoreson Prison Blue's but I still love the "live" version we hear in the jailcell. Here's Jaskier's beautiful mind always composing, always coming up with something to wile away time or piss off people to his advantage. When he's not alone (truly) or have access to alcohol, he remains pretty stoic and unflappable. We see the charm and Disney princess like quality of him befriending some mice. Played to comedic effect of course, but it works, shows more of what kind of person Jaskier is.
Again, commending Joey Batey's fantastic acting here, giving us so much in the span of a few seconds. He sees Geralt and the relief of him being there, being alive. The "Fuck it" and the hug is so good, and we get Geralt showing a positive emotion and glimmer of guilt (not enough). We get to see Jaskier not be a push over (sort of) when he tries to get Geralt into an actual conversation, an actual apology, because we know and he knows that Jaskier's forgiven him already. Not forgotten, but forgiven. And while Geralt doesn't say "I need you" (again it's Yennefer first) it's close enough for Jaskier.
It's frustrating that we don't get to see the fallout of everything Jaskier's been through, to show anyone have any concern for him and what he went through. We do get a lovely fan service scene of Jaskier and Geralt falling into their old dynamics, with Jaskier cleaning up and doing a bit of exposition and comedy. We see that Jaskier isn't an idiot at all, gullible maybe because he constantly tries to assume the best of people, even Yennefer. But despite the strides he and Yennefer made into amending whatever their own dynamics are, he's of course going to take time to get through those feelings he's harbored for almost a decade when it concerns her. It's easier to slip, especially with Geralt around, to snarking about her, to try and ensure that Geralt doesn't fall back in love or forgiveness for her. But we can see that even Jaskier knows he's fighting a losing battle about it.
The scene with Yarpen and his crew again showcases how little is cared for about Jaskier, but granted, he couldn't remember their names or faces. I do say though he's been nearly drinking himself to oblivion since the mountain, and they didn't care for him back then so why should he do the same?
We get the high horse apology and immediately Jaskier cuts Geralt off, quipping with him and putting Geralt at ease. It's a sweet scene, even if most of fandom doesn't think it's enough (it's not). Jaskier was the one tortured and rotting away in a cell and yet he's the one walking having to look up at Geralt. We see Jaskier sympathizing and empathizing again, learning what Geralt's been through, and putting Geralt (and Ciri) and his needs first and foremost. Jaskier knows Geralt best, knows that the Witcher carries so much on his shoulders, both deserved and undeserved. It's easy to ensure there's one less burden there.
But we can see in the lingering looks and the mannerisms when Geralt isn't looking at Jaskier, that Jaskier still hurts, still aches. His heart is still shattered into a million pieces. But he's a good person, and he won't hold it over Geralt now. He tried in the jail cell to get what he desperately needed. Not the time or place, but will Jaskier ever get what's owed him at least? I doubt it.
Do we even know why Geralt needed Jaskier's help? Just to have someone with him to look for Ciri? To get the Yennefer information and that's it? Or simply for the escort mission to the apparently short distance from Cintra to Kaer Morhen? (Which should've taken weeks.) Jaskier's there though not really in the escort back, no one knowing that Ciri gets possessed.... And then the next we see him is him drunk in a cold bed, sleeping nearly the entire big event away (again). Except Yennefer searches for him.
Yennefer is the one that says she needs HIM. Not his help but him. Seriously their dynamic is so good this season, through and through, and I hope in the next we'll get more of it. Jaskier shows again that he believes he knows his worth, he's not a coward, he's smart. What can he, a human do? So Yennefer gives him a McGuffin.
I really feel like Jaskier was made to be a McGuffin to us fans, teasing us with all this potential. At our grasps yet the follow through is never quite there. (I feel the same with Dara and Istredd. Like the writers knew the fans cared about these characters but they weren't important enough to do much but muddle around in the plot. I love these two and what they tried to do for themselves and others but again, frustration.
Because yeah, in the end, even though Geralt did hear Jaskier, how much of that was really needed? Geralt and the other Witchers were kind of being really stupid in this fight (and in Eskel's fight too) just for the sake of it. Jaskier risked life and limb to the one job he was given. He was determined. But the Jasper, like he, was useless, wasn't needed, truly.
Though we are teased with Dijkstra's reveal that he's one of the Bard's benefactors. That he's of some use and Dijkstra's going to come collect. I fear this means we'll have Jaskier separate again just so that Yennefer, and Geralt, and Ciri can interact and be the DESTINED TRIO. Jaskier will be bardnapped and pressed into spy services, hopefully being actually more crucial to the political plots going on. It may also mean like it seems like a betrayal to Geralt, but we know Jaskier won't do it so willingly. It's been teased in an interview that he'll have a more significant part, and this could be why. I just want him and the other three to have some good adventures together and not suffering.
The final two times we see Jaskier are both meaningful but also contradictory. When the trio comes back from another Sphere, Jaskier goes to Yennefer first, cause she's without chaos and "technically" the weakest of the three. He's genuinely worried for her, for her potential sacrifice to make things right again. The soft touches, the looks at each other before he looks at Ciri and Geralt. He may not be able to do much, but he's able to do this.
Jaskier's an outsider. The only human up in the keep. Everyone knew of Yennefer and Geralt, but we have no indication Geralt talked about Jaskier (like how he wasn't mentioned at all in the first episode this season). He technically didn't help in the fight (he tried). And all he wanted was to feel like he belonged. But instead, we had to be reminded on how little people think of Jaskier, that he's just the comedic sidekick. And so he gets pushed roughly away from Lambert, and is told he's not part of the family. Which Jaskier accepts. Cause it was always this way for him. He takes it mostly in stride, as he does every lump he's been given. And paralleling last season, he is dismissed and that's what we last see.
(Jaskier's) Respect Doesn't Make History
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There were times in season one mostly where Jaskier seemingly breaks the fourth wall. The most obvious example of this in season two is when he tells Yennefer that he's supposed to be the damsel in distress. We get these small snippets of Jaskier knowing his place in the grand scheme of things. And he accepts it. He's not the main character. He's the storyteller, he's the one that gets to tell everyone else about the main characters, create scenarios where the real heroes get to prove that they are heroes. I think partially that's why he doesn't push for the respect owed to him beyond his music. It's why that he clings to needing to be right about his music, his craft, which becomes his detriment at times, or his folly. It's why he hides his pain in a breakup song and drink, and lets Geralt believe everything is okay.
Fandom wants a proper apology, wants proper acknowledgement of everything Jaskier's done for and been through with Geralt. Even as friends, brothers, this is just as important than if they were lovers, and in some ways even more important. Especially if the hints thrown this season gets cemented with Jaskier being bi (even if it's typical TV!bi like Lucifer and not atypical!bi like Constantine). Because queer platonic relationships demand respect and love and courtesy and importance as others.
I don't think we'll get this. We may get one more acknowledgement from Geralt, either before Jaskier is taken by Sigi or maybe after he needs rescue again, but it won't be enough. I worry we'll get the typical masculine portrayal of forgiveness (something that's shown frequently between Geralt and his Wolf brothers) of blowing up and then it's water under the bridge. We sort of already got that, but we'll probably get one more of it from the other half too (burn, butcher, burn after all).
I've already mentioned it a few times but emphasizing here, that we get a lot of fantastic writing and acting with Jaskier in this season. Yet also, with the writing, just all these teasers and failed stopping points. We have to be constantly reminded that Jaskier is the side kick, the best buddy friend, the support, but most importantly... The comedic relief. If not through jokes than through his pratfalls. This in essence isn't a bad thing as it's a lot of Jaskier's charm, a lot of why we as the audience love him. He brings levity and joy and innocence, and the human experience. He's surrounded by Destined Ones^TM and people of awesome power, and he can still stand up with them.
But he must always know his place.
Especially in the Netflixpedia, in the dock worker who had an opinion, in the prison guard, in Yarpen and his crew, and in Lambert and the surviving Witchers. And, in Sigismund Dijkstra.
They are all people who don't know Jaskier and takes him and his antics at face value. Despite most knowing of him, of hearing his deeds or songs for the past couple of decades.
We see the maturity of Jaskier, of him figuring out who he could possibly be if he could no longer be the Witcher's anything. And it was working, being the Sandpiper. He was respected, not that he was looking for that, and looked up to. He was still Jaskier the talented lutist/lyricist, whom most of the crowd loved and adored. He still strikes a dashing figure, catching the eyes of women and men in the tavern, in the ship, and even a lovely bearded female dwarf of Yarpen's crew.
I already mentioned most of these characters in the review of the season and their disregard of him. The dock worker's opinion was unprompted. Yarpen threw an axe not between Geralt and Jaskier but to Jaskier's shirt specifically. Ignored and dismissed his introduction for a second time. Sure, maybe like the elves in "Toss a Coin" with "The Golden One" they felt pissed at the portrayal in song. Especially as Jaskier didn't necessarily do anything during the Dragon hunt compared to Yarpen and them.
But that puts in a dichotomy of sorts, with Jaskier's songs being popular and loved by the people, but not by anyone who's opinion that really matters to Jaskier. Again it's not recognizing that Jaskier is more than a one-hit wonder, is a pop star/rock star, yet not treated as anything with respect. Because he's not constituted with doing masculine work, like being a Witcher, being a Knight, being a band of bandits, or anything that would be considered more salt of the earth. Even Yarpen makes a comment on why they didn't stay being lords of the land. Never mind that Jaskier gave up his nobility at a young age and has been traveling on the Path with Geralt on and off for twenty years.
We get the waitress who's sick of the song and seemingly of him, giving him a dirty look when he drinks any of the discarded ale before meeting Yennefer. Of course the prison guard is purposely being annoyed by Jaskier.
Now, between the extreme hubris "Jaskier" writes of himself in Netflixpedia and of course his persona as Jaskier on the show whenever he sees someone pretty, it makes sense to knock him down a little. Even Geralt gets knocked down time again for his own hubris and refusal to learn and grow. But with Geralt, he's always seen on a level playing field. It nearly never is with Jaskier.
Jaskier who can slip into being the Sandpiper and help others, truly selflessly, is one of the only times he has respect and awe. The only one who truly gives him respect as himself is Yennefer. She's happy for him, that he hasn't changed so much to be unrecognizable to what she knew of him, and learns more about him in one evening than all their time together. All because the barrier of Geralt isn't there and they're both nursing their broken hearts. There's a kinship, and I'm glad it's not lost after Yennefer reconnects with Geralt, even to disastrous effect. She finally understands him and when she's without her chaos, she cares and respects and needs him.
She saves Jaskier not for any ulterior motive. Not to help her, or to get on Geralt's good side again, or anything. She takes her time in telling Geralt about Jaskier, and sort of plays down the fact he was tortured for a few hours. I think that's more her juggling with the decisions and and promise she made with baba yaga—I mean, Voleth Meir and her own conflicting feelings with Geralt. Her and Jaskier both tossed their hurt feelings aside to forgive and give into Geralt. And then with the battle at Kaer Morhen, Yennefer relies on Jaskier, believing that he's the best chance to get through to Geralt, that only Jaskier is still trustworthy enough. She accepts his kind touch after coming back from the other sphere and it's sweet and touching. She's the only one in all of season two to see Jaskier, to respect him, to care about him.
Geralt? Did worry about Jaskier when someone finally mentioned him. Did think of him first when Nenneke said he couldn't do this alone. Admitted he missed him and hugged him back. And.. he did try to apologize after [timey wimey travel time], and he trusted Jaskier with Ciri (along with Yarpen). He gave Jaskier a chance to bathe and rant without really pushing him around.
But again I must mention how the writing fails, with Geralt needing Jaskier's help and Yennefer just needing him. It comes to naught, as much as Jaskier tries to be good and useful. But he's only human and of the few GOOD humans in this show, the writers don't know what to do with that.
Geralt has respect, but not a lot for Jaskier. It's better here than in season one to a point. But Geralt has so much more on his mind so much other rightfully important things. He hasn't had time to mourn Eskel, his horse, or the other Witchers dying before and after Ciri's reveal. He barely allowed himself time to mourn when he thought Yennefer was dead. We just unfortunately did not get a lot of interaction between them because of other events that were more pressing. We can only make a lot of assumptions.
With Lambert's remark and Jaskier's final onscreen scene, there is no other context to see if this is just regular joking or the other Witchers seeing Jaskier as less than. This is why it was frustrating that Jaskier is not mentioned for three whole episodes. No one asks about Geralt's Bard, or mentions the new songs going around since before the fall of Cintra. Everything points to Jaskier never been brought up to Geralt's family in the last twenty years. This could have easily been fixed with a single line or two from any of the Witchers, the way that the line of Jaskier knowing of Yennefer's heritage spoke volumes.
Now, granted, in a time of war and politics, everyone's being used as pawns and being seen as useful, threats, or disposable. Dijikstra only sees a pawn of a bard, an investment he put in so he can be used in the future. But aside from Jaskier, every other human who's moving pieces around who seems to be of importance, are kings and queens and of politics. We don't see other human rebels trying to fight the good fight. But understandably so, in this story, in this series they are the bad guys. In most fantasies, it's the case, with maybe a group of plucky young heroes being the exception.
Now, maybe it's the long con, the long game, the hints in interviews that Jaskier will be thrusted into importance in the 3rd (and future??) seasons. We know now he'll be the narrator for the prequel series, but again playing the dumb human who has to be corrected about what really happened. (I'm hoping we won't have Jaskier human!splaining for comedic effect, but... we'll see.) We have the spying come up, and hopefully more political intrigue. This is what I thought would happened this season when we had gotten the season two trailer and Geralt needing Jaskier's help. It's what made sense to me, to navigate the courts.
This could all be buildup for parallels that were set up here for season 03. One can truly hope, but I'm not holding my breath.
We have two seasons of Jaskier being disrespected left and right, having his best friend throw him away when angry and only seek him when he's needed. He doesn't have the respect from others as he should, to the point where he makes it up on his own in his hubris and ego and in the logs of Netflixpedia. When it really matters, Jaskier is always putting others first, always putting himself in harms way to help others. And he swallows his feelings down, transforming them into songs that people listen, and enjoy, but never truly understand.
He's a human, through and through. He is both cowardly and fearless, brilliant and childish, compassionate and ambitious. And the show keeps punishing him for it, for not being more. Yet that's the brilliance of him. Of this single human having shifted destiny so many times, all for the love (platonic or otherwise) of one misunderstood Witcher.
Jaskier, Bi Fodder
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I thought this section would be majority of this post, haha. But I've explained a lot of my thoughts on this through the other parts. I apologize for my rambling. While TVTropes isn't the definitive of what is a consensus on media and representation, it does support a lot of what's been written here. Like with any canon or perceived bisexual guys, they tend to have both "Ambiguously Bi" tag and "Camp Straight". Short of us seeing Jaskier with another man, or him straight out saying it, everyone can still explain away that Geralt and him are just brothers, just friends, that the heartbreak was borne of friendship shattered. He flirts only with women on screen, we only hear of his escapades with married women and running from straight men.
And yet, here we are. We know he was heartbroken, he said it. He and Yennefer can sympathize together. In his singing scene, a few of the male patrons look at him with something a little more interesting, and so does one of the male elves. The way he looks at Geralt in this season speaks volumes. Joey's alluded in interviews on how he was surprised and happy that the script took his character into new and dark and surprising situations, to be bold.
"As many of you will know, the story of Geralt and Yennefer's rocky romance is chronicled in 'Her Sweet Kiss, one of Jaskier 's most famous ballads..."
— From Netflixpedia
Yet TVTropes and fandom saw this song as a bit queer, as Jaskier looking in and longing. It was teased and joked in Twitter after what we lovingly call "Burn, Butcher, Burn" that of course "Her Sweet Kiss" wasn't obvious enough in heartbreak so they had to make it more obvious with the break up song of the century.
But what really cinched it for me with the show trying to tell us *wink wink nudge nudge* that Jaskier is more than he seems? The quote above. When he talks about why he's helping the elves.
"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
— Martin Niemöller
It was a parallel to this famous poem. Combined with the fact that if one had studied American/Western Media in the 50s through the 80s with regard to LGBTQIA, artists were considered Queer. Majority of the blacklisting that happened wasn't just to do with communism, but anti-Semitism, homophobia, and other prejudices. One had to look between the lines, to see the subtext here. This is both overt and sub text going on.
It was Jaskier alluding that he was other for many reasons, and not just for being a "humble bard" considering we've been shown time again that they're not respected. So where would the fear come into play? Unless he was doing or saying something revolutionary. And this was before he became the Sandpiper. The way he hesitates, pauses, looks at Yennefer... Jaskier is the sort of person that talks all the time and says everything in his mind but not nearly everything in his heart. It's fantastic deflection that's hidden in the expectations of what a bard should be. But here, he's very careful with his words, with not saying too much.
When speaking of hubris this time, I'm pointing at the head writer and others in that team. They think they're so clever, being ambiguous in interviews and social media (and I know, part of it is you have to, you just can't spoil an upcoming season, duh, or promise something that hasn't been written or approved of). There's a lot of "pat on back" moments in the season, not to just Jaskier but others where they think they've done something different and new.
But the fantasy adventure bar is so goddamn low, especially in TV and Movies. Especially when it comes to any sort of MEANINGFUL representation. Wheel of Time did queerness real well, but failed in other marginalized representations. Witcher? Maybe because its origin is Poland, where real people are fighting for their lives to just be queer freely. I'm not saying the author is phobic, but he is very cisgendered straight, and it shows. We have fantasy homophobia, because it always parallels what we perceive history to be (even though history didn't have the right words for this discourse, and in some places were more queer friendly back then than we are now).
Why can't we have fantasy stories where queerness is normalized? It's still treated as something explicitly sexual and weird. We only see it in Yennefer's orgy scene (which was made fun of for such poor choreography), just to show that Yennefer is a "worldly" woman. All the sex workers that came up to Kaer Morhen were visibly women (and presumably cis, but easily could be otherwise).
We can argue what Fringilla and Francesca had as possibly queer too. It was lovely to see their friendship grow and how they helped each other. It's probably the only other sort of representation we can conceivably grasp for in the show.
So yes, I do believe they're setting up Jaskier to be bi/queer. Maybe it wasn't something he even realized till later in life, or something he always hid. One could argue that in the book's version of events of him running from his family cause he messed with the wrong noble, it could've been a male one. They may leave it continually ambiguous. We'll never get Geralt as anything but straight, especially as Henry keeps on insisting that all he wants is the show to be as close/true to the books as possible. While this would bode well for a more friendly happy companionship with his character and Jaskier, it's a continual insistence that the only true love for Geralt is Yennefer. I don't seem him as one of the actors who would be comfortable with anything but straight roles. Mind, again, I don't watch every single interview of this show or of the actors in others. I am a geek and a general fan of Henry, but it's not something I look to often.
And, if the best we can get out of this is a queer platonic relationship, fantastic. But as I've harped on throughout all of this... We need a healthy one. We need Geralt to acknowledge the pain he caused, for Jaskier to admit to that pain to him, to get them to an understanding, one that is full of love and hope and friendship and family and importantly, respect.
I don't know if the solution is to keep him forever pining (please no Supernatural ending here), or to create a new character (or gender swap one we haven't seen yet) for him to have a happy queer relationship. I've always hated "pair the spare" last minute kind of endings we get when a series comes to a close. I think, we just need more of him with the others in meaningful situations. Not empty ones that lead to no where (the jasper, the following possessed!Ciri) but ones of his choice and of others too.
We should be beyond the token bi/queer, the little scraps and hints and that is all we can get from these big shows. Granted, the best option is to have queer media be adapted and created from the get-go. But we should get that and get rep in the popular shows too.
Jaskier is a wonderfully complex character in all versions of him. I just wished the Netflix creators could see that.
“The richness, beauty and depths of love can only be fully experienced in a climate of complete openness, honesty and vulnerability.” – Anthony Venn Brown
Sources Used: Witcher Game Fandom Page - Jaskier & Various Witcher Netflix Site (Media Heavy) Witcher Jaskier TVTropes Page Wikipedia - "First they came..." Various Official Youtube & Tumblr Interviews with Joey & Lauren & Henry
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
Domestic life; Ben Hardy x reader
*Author’s note*
Here is a cute little drabble request I got from my Wattpad account, I had hoped to have also posted this yesterday but oh well (I mean the fic doesn’t really revolve around Valentine’s day but it’s still fluffy enough to be counted as such). So enjoy this sweet little drabble. 
Warnings: Fluffy till your teeth rot. Lockdowns due to COVID (BUT THAT’S IT. Just the word and mention of just lockdowns in general).
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I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, even though I didn’t want to.  My arms raised over my head as I let out a tired groan and stretched myself out and let out a soft yawn.  I then looked over to my left and saw the man of life sleeping right beside me.  His golden locks looked like a halo under the rare chance we had a sunny day in London.
His tattoos exposed from his nightshirt, my favorite of course being his lion nose and mouth tattoo.  Those soft cute snores that came off his lips (even though he tries to deny it), and his chest slowly rising and falling with each breath he took. I raised my hand up and couldn’t help but lightly stroke the shape of his tattoo, very faintly tracing the curve of the nose, sliding my finger down the straight line before swaying across the bottom curve of the mouth.
“You know we could get you a matching set.” Ben’s sleepy baritone voice spoke up.  I looked up at him and said.
“If we did it’d have to be washable. You know how I am around needles.” He chuckled softly and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in closer.  “Did you sleep good?”
“I slept great. You?”
“Like a rockfish.” He placed a kiss to my forehead and we just looked into each other’s eyes.  “So what shall it be today?”
“Well you know WandaVision premieres today so wanna check it out?”
“I still can’t believe you made me binge the entire MCU movies during our lockdown.”
“And you loved it admit it. Hell Benny boy you were in the Marvel Universe. Granted it was solely owned by Sony before Disney bought the rights but it’s still the Marvel fandom.”
“So after that, then what shall we do?”
“Well we really can’t go anywhere so……wanna just have a lazy day in? No work out day, order take out for our three meals and maybe—fool around?” I teased with a wink.
“You are a cheeky mix.” He then captured my lips with his.
“Yes but—you did asked me to marry you. Which I’m surprised by the way.”
“What do you mean?” he asked as he began to kiss down my neck.
“Don’t act stupid Ben. I know about that affair with Joe and your little side hustle with Gwil. I swear it’s like I married 3 men instead of 1.”
“You knew what you were getting yourself into when you agreed to marry me.” He said as he hovered over me.
“Yes I know.” He chuckled as he pecked my lips. Then again, and again and again. I giggled and playfully pushed him off of me and said. “Alright you human golden retriever.”
“You know that if I were going to be a dog, I’d be a beagle like Frankie.”
“Nah you’re a golden retriever. Silly, goofy, and loving all the way.” I bopped his nose before getting up and headed downstairs to let Frankie out into the backyard to go pee.
As soon as she saw me, she got out from her bed and I greeted her with a ruffle and scratch on her head.
“Hey there baby girl, ready for breakfast?” her head cocked to the side as her tail began wagging softly. “Come on let’s have breakfast.” She got out of her bed and trailed me to the kitchen.  I reached in and grabbed her dog food and dumbed a good amount into her dog bowl and she immediately started scarfing it down.
I began preparing breakfast and as I cracked the last egg, I felt Ben’s arms wrap around me and felt a kiss at my temple.
“You make the best omelets ever.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.” I teased him.
“Who says I’m trying to flatter you? I’m stating pure fact.” I smiled at him.
“Well how about you give me a hand here instead of just standing there looking pretty.” He chuckled softly and saluted to me.
“Just tell me what to do Captain.” I then told him what to give me next and I proceeded to finish making the omelets.
Once they were done, Ben and I went over to the living room and I started up Disney+ to play the first 2 episodes of WandaVision.
“Okay so remind me again, is this before or after Endgame?” asked Ben.
“I wanna say this is after Endgame. Again I’ve been a little confused as to the timeline or what exactly is the time period here. All I know is that it’s like a sitcom now. And I can see that they’ve definitely gotten the exact cinematography down. You see how it’s a full screen and them using a single camera.”
“God I love it when you talk cinematography like that.”
“Sorry if I come across as annoying while we watch this.”
“No, no, no, no, no it’s fine. Really. It means you’ve got a good eye for camera angels. Remember when Dexter allowed you to film us when we were doing the We will rock you scene?”
“It was only for 10 minutes while he went to talk with the costuming department and to get him his 10th cup of coffee.”
“Still, he was amazed at the fact you helped with blocking and what you had already filmed. So much so we had it in the film.” I softly smiled and we continued to watch the episode, then watched the second one.
As the day went on, Ben and I kept watching various films as well as taking Frankie out for her walks.  The sun was just starting to set and Ben said.
“Alright one last movie of the day, I feel like if I keep eating more popcorn I won’t be able to fit into these sweats anymore.”
“I wouldn’t mind that. Whether you have a 6 pack or a bit of a pooh bear tummy, I’d love you either way.” He blushed at my compliment and scrunched himself into a ball as I poked his tummy.
“Alright so what shall our last movie be tonight?”
“Well, how about we do Gwil’s movie Top End Wedding?” Ben pondered before saying.
“Okay. Any reason why?”
“Well I—he and I may have talked about that shortly after it came out and I might have told him I’d already seen it when actually I didn’t.” I wearily said.
“Oh I see so you-you lied to my best mate about a movie he was in and wanted your opinion on.”
“Oh coming from you Mr. Oh yes I’ve drummed since I was 12!” I sassed back at him.  He shushed me and covered my mouth with his hand.  I pushed his hand away from my mouth and said. “So can we watch it? I’ve been busy and you know it.”
“Yeah I know love, you know I was just teasing.” He wrapped his arm over my shoulder and switched over to Hulu now and we found Gwil’s movie.  I’ll admit it took me by surprise (I mean based off the trailers I’ve seen it pretty much told the whole story) but the humor and message it sent out really spoke volumes that no other romcom has ever done before.
Plus the aerial shots were just amazing.  The way the cameras would pan over the river or the ridges, you can’t fake that breathtaking view with CGI.  After the movie was over, I let out a soft yawn.
“You tired?” questioned Ben.  I nodded, barely able to keep my eyes open any longer. “Alright, come on then you. Let’s get you into bed.” I moaned softly and held my arms out.
“Carry me.” I heard him chuckle but I felt him lift me up in his arms bridal style and he carried me all the way to our bedroom.
He set me down on the bed and cuddled up close to me before putting the duvet over us.  I automatically placed my head over his chest and placed my arm over his stomach while his arms came around me.
“I had fun today.” I said as I nuzzled into his chest.
“Me too. It’s nice to just kick back and relax for the day. Thank you babe.”
“Anything for my handsome boy.” He kissed the top of my head and soon the two of us cuddled closer (even though I don’t know how much closer we could be at this point) to one another till finally we fell fast asleep.
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queensdivas · 4 years
@bonafiderocketqueen and I are kind of watching Jamestown. (I’m busy with rdr2 tonight.) and watching all the pics of Gwil..let me show you how my brain is Rn.
Brain: look at Gwil so handsome.
Heart: write a fic.
Brain: what?
Heart: write a fic!
Brain: no! I already have a crap ton!
Heart: WRITE IT!
Brain: NO! PISS OFF!
Heart: write the fucking fic!
Brain:NO!...fuck it’s already got a storyline and character FUCK!
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borhap-au · 5 years
Going grey – Dad!Gwil.
(I saw a request to write something like this, but I’ve lost the original post…)
 The first time Gwil became a dad, he was so thrilled he couldn’t even find words to express it. He was 36 at the time, after Bohemian his career was going great, and he just got married to the love of his life. Life couldn’t be better.
But then his daughter went to kindergarten and he started to notice most of the parents there could be his children if he tried very hard. He was obviously one of the older parents, and the only ones that were roughly his age, were the ones who had like 3 older children already. He felt really bad about it. Despite still feeling young, he was scared that soon he’ll look more like his daughter’s granddad than her father. After all he knew how different Brian’s perspective on himself was from what other people thought of him. May still felt young, while everyone else treated him as sweet grandpa. He didn’t want to feel the same.
Today was one of the days when he felt worse about it. He stood in front of the mirror, almost counting all the grey hair he had. He was looking for wrinkles and all the other signs of age. He was scared to have more children, because before they appear, he could’ve gone completely grey. 
He rested his hands on the sink and sighed. Once again he lifted his head to look in the mirror and then just turned away and went to the bedroom. He sat on the bed and before he could hide his face in his hands, his daughter came to him running and climbed in his arms. He smiled and hugged her tightly.
"How's my babygirl doing?" He asked, smiling at his daughter. She gave him a wide smile in return.
"Mommy bought me a new Ken doll!" She said proudly. "And I'm calling him Gwilym because he has the same shirt as you do!" She chuckled, at which he smiled and kissed her head.
"That's very nice, honey. Thank you for this honour" Gwilym said with a confidence in his voice. "Did you eat?" She tried to lie at first, but before she could come up with anything, she just shook her head. "So let's go to eat something."
He took her in his arms and brought her to the kitchen. He let her sit on the chair and she immediately grabbed her new doll and started playing with it.
"I really have a similar shirt!" Gwilym said surprised.
"And I bought that one too" you said and kisses his lips gently, and he immediately kissed you back. You both started to make the meal.
"It's getting worse" Gwilym whispered to you. "I feel like I'm getting more and more grey hair every day."
"Honey, you overthink it. You still look great. And if it bothers you so much, why don't you just dye your hair? A lot of actors do it." You tried to comfort him.
"It won't stop aging. Soon I'll start to find wrinkles on my face... I don't want to look like our children's grandfather." He whispered to you and you looked at him concerned.
"Gwil, no" you protested. "That will never happen. It's just a few grey hair. You still look young and very, very sexy" you smiled to him and he also smiled a bit.
"So, Gwilym Kenson, what's your problem?" Asked your daughter, playing with her doll. "You think you don't look good?" You were surprised. You didn't expect her to listen, thinking that whispering will be enough for her not to hear you.
"That's some big poo, my dear" you chuckled quietly hearing her saying that. "You still look great. What? You don't want to look old to scare your daughter? Darling! She loves you so so much, you have nothing to be scared about! And she definitely won't ever stop because of some stupid hair. So don't care what others think, she will always be there for you." You smiled at her using such expressions as "darling", because they clearly derived from Gwilym's stories about Freddie.
She jumped off her chair and came to Gwilym to hug him, and he took her in his arms.
"I love you, daddy. Just the way you are, with all the naughty, misbehaving, bad grey hair!" She smiled looking at him.
"Thank you, honey. Your opinion means everything to me. There's nobody else I listen to" he said and your daughter looked at you, terrified.
"You shouldn't say that around mom, dad!" He chuckled and you both hugged her tightly.
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innuendostyles · 3 years
Your from the UK right??? Not to make u sad but imagine going to Asda with Ben at 2 in the morning (u only went for some milk) and u end up coming out with almost the entire shop in ur trolley 😂😂 Happens to the best of us
“We’re only going for milk.” He quietly mumbled as he aimed the keys at the car and pressed the lock button, hearing the sound of the mechanisms working to ensure the car wouldn’t get stolen from the car park. He held his hand out for you to take before he crossed the zebra crossings, giving a silent nod to a car that’d stopped so the two of you could pass.
It was a gentle reminder but also a jest at himself, considering the last time he’d gone to Asda this late, he’d returned home with a new DVD player for your living room, an abundance of on-sale Easter chocolate, and a DIY friendship bracelets set (it was located in the 6 years and over section, but he wouldn’t tell anyone that part.)
The bracelets aforementioned had been tied to your wrists for a month and a half now, yours was a braided black, white and yellow band while his was black, white and red. He somehow matched his outfit, black jogging bottoms, a red Nike hoodie and the best part of all…. socks with sliders. You’d claim that if he wore those out of the house, you’d pretend not to know him, but later decided that it was more endearing than embarrassing. His socks were black with red love hearts printed all over them, some you’d got him for Valentine’s Day as he claimed that “a pair of socks is the best present you could ever buy a man.”
You, on the other hand, wore a pair of black leggings, paired with an extremely worn “Rolling Stones 1979 Tour” acid wash t-shirt. Ben had insisted that you wear one of his jackets, given the fact that your local Asda always seemed to be freezing around this time, so it was topped off with a navy blue Nike Air Max windbreaker. Your fluffy bed socks really pulled the outfit together.
You each had one of Ben’s AirPods in your ear, currently listening to a song by The Lumineers, one that Ben described to you as making him feel as if he was “running down a sandy beach trying to get to you.” His pinky finger slid around your pinky finger as he strayed to the shelter where all the trolleys (shopping carts) were located.
He always pushed the trolley, claiming his driving skills were better than yours, but you knew the only reason he enjoyed pushing them so much was so he could “fly down the aisles”, an act in which he would push the cart extremely fast when there was nobody near you, and lift his feet from the ground, letting the cart take all his weight.
The song ended and changed to a Snoop Dogg song, to which you quirked an eyebrow, asking, “What fucking playlist is this?” with a laugh.
You walked through the sliding doors, Ben already getting distracted by some plants that were on clearance at the front doors, silently placing 2 small plant pots with some sort of pink flower in the middle into the cart.
There was a display as soon as you entered the shop floor, a large green cardboard cut out of the grinch, next to it sitting a handful of Christmas DVD’s, letting all the customers know that they could “Buy 1 Christmas DVD and receive a free 9” pizza”. Ben’s eyes immediately lit up, turning his head towards yours as he exclaimed that Christmas films and food are two of his favourite things ever. You shook your head in disbelief as you picked through the DVD’s, most of them being new and animated films you’d never heard of.
You were looking for one in particular, though you had little faith that it would be in the same pile as these cartoon ones. Ben loved The Nativity, one of the funniest Christmas films in the world, he reckons. He thought Martin Freeman was one of the best actors ever, and that along with Marc Wootton, it had to be the best film ever.
You rifled through the array of cases, finally picking out a white cover that read, “The Nativity!” You placed it in the cart, seeing Ben’s eyes light up as he bounced up and down in excitement, like a child.
“Can we get pepperoni on the pizza? Please!” He whined, earning a “yes” from you, to which he skipped down the aisle and giggled like a schoolboy.
You reached the fridges, Ben picking up 2 pints of milk and putting them in the trolley before giving an accomplished nod.
“Can we ‘ave a look at some vinyls?” He asked, with a pleading pout that he knew always won you over.
“Ooh, yeah actually, Gwil said he wanted the Hamilton vinyl a couple of weeks ago. Might be a good present, yeah?” You suggested, knowing it would result in Ben realising he hadn’t yet bought Christmas presents for any of his friends yet, something you’d been trying to gently remind him of for the last couple of weeks.
You made your way to the music section, getting distracted by anything and everything you could find. Ben was clinging onto a t-shirt with a green dinosaur on it, lit up by Christmas lights with a star on top of its head, the phrase “Tree-Rex” printed underneath it.
He held up the knitted fabric to you, and you both whispered, “Joe.” at the exact same time. It was folded and placed into the cart.
A pack of 250 small Christmas cards was the next thing to grab your attention, Ben telling you that the two of you “had to send the neighbours a card this year, considering the amount of times they’ve had to endure foolish giggles and the  creaky bed really late at night!” You’d simply nodded with a chuckle, though he didn’t put them in straight away. He noticed the box had been busted open at the top and went on a hunt for an unopened box. He reached his arm all the way back into the shelf, jokingly asking you to hold his hand so he didn’t get lost. He finally grabbed a pack, throwing them into the trolley from about a meter away and doing a celebratory dance when they went in.
One of the lights overhead flickered, which caused Ben to turn to you with an over-exaggerated gasp, claiming “Asda is haunted!!!!” and running away from you frantically. You guffawed at his antics, lightly jogging after him while trying to catch your breath from laughing.
After collecting your pizza on the way to the music section, Ben made a quick turn down the homeware section. He browsed the cushion cases, holding up a few colours and patterns that he thought may match your living room sofa, all of which received a horrified glare from you (this was the exact reason you didn’t let him take the lead when you decided to start decorating your flat together… his first suggestion was warm brown walls with a stripy turquoise and black sofa…)
He reached the mirror section, finding an extremely large plain mirror, with no frame, slowly running his finger over the edge of it.
“Might buy us this for Christmas.” He stated.
Your brows raised in confusion, tilting your head to tell him you were unsure why he’d said it.
“One of them naughty mirrors…… when you put it on the ceiling so I’d be able to see everything when you’re ridi-“  your hand quickly shot over his mouth, your eyes widening as you took in what he meant. You could feel his lips sporting a smirk beneath your palm. You shook your head and giggled along with him.
“C'mon babe… know you’d love seeing this juicy cheeks every time I’m on top of you…” you lightly smacked his chest and delivered a sharp, yet humorous, “enough!”.
Once you’d finally made it to the music section, Ben appeared to be in his element. He’d picked up the Hamilton vinyl for Gwilym, as well as a new Ariana Grande record for Lucy. He was eyeing up Taylor Swift’s newest release, hoping you wouldn’t notice when he slipped it into the cart. He groaned when you looked him directly in the eyes and shook your head with a knowing smile on your face.
“I was gonna give you that for Christmas! Now you’ve ruined the surprise!” He whined with a pout.
“You are all I want for Christmas.” You replied, already cringing wondering if anyone else had heard you.
He, too, shook his head, but still gave you a quick kiss on the cheek to show his appreciation for you.
The next aisle was the clearance aisle. This was a dangerous one for Ben. His Mum had always taught him “never to pass up a bargain, cause you’ll see it one day, regret not buying it, go back the next day and it’ll be gone!”.
Within 5 minutes of browsing the shelves, he’d picked up a large Christmas-themed Yankee Candle gift set for his brother, a turkey-shaped dog toy for Frankie (this one you’d suggested) as well as a pack of 3 photo frames and a new flower vase for his mum.
Walking to the checkout was always a dangerous game, as the bakery part of the shop was located right next to all the tills. He’d always claim to be “just looking” while you unloaded the trolley onto the moving belt so the cashier could scan your items, and most times he only came back with a box of flapjacks or at the most, 2 jam donuts and a reduced fat chocolate eclair cake.
What you weren’t expecting today, however, was for your boyfriend to return with a basket he’d picked up from somewhere, filled with pastries and cakes that made your mouth water.
“These’ll be alright til Christmas Eve won’t they? Can watch Nativity with our little pizza ‘n then fill ourselves wi’ these after? Yeah?” You didn’t really get a chance to reply before the food was placed down onto the belt. You’d never seen him so happy with himself, thinking he’d just come up with the best idea in the entire world, even though you’d done basically the same thing for the last 2 years of spending Christmas together.
The cashier gave you your total, a whopping £110, even though you’d originally come in for 2 pints of milk, which should’ve brought your total to around…. £3.
He shook his head with a small smile as he took his card out of his wallet, swiping it over the reader and thanking the lady when she gave him his receipt. He rolled the trolley out onto the car park, you following closely behind telling him to unlock the car so you’d be able to hear the beep it made and find it, considering how dark it was outside. After locating the vehicle, he gently placed all the items in the backseat, taking extra care to make sure the pizza was cushioned by Joe’s new shirt and Frankie’s new toy. He dropped the trolley back off at the shelter before getting into the car, strapping his seatbelt and turning the radio on.
Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” filled the speakers, causing Ben to let out a quiet, “What a fuckin’ banger!”.
You couldn’t resist the urge to lean over and give him a peck on the cheek and a ruffle of his hair. You simply were having a wonderful Christmas time.
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Get ready for more prof!gwil content tomorrow thotties ✨
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brianprobablywill · 5 years
I don’t know why this is the first thing I thought of but how about a headcanon of the boys helping the reader pick out a dress (for a wedding/formal event/etc, you choose)
aaah this sounds so cute! i wrote this as the boys helping the reader out for a wedding. (this is gwil x reader, side note)
“no white. unless you’re the bride.” ben’s croaky voice says over group video chat.
“hey, kelly kapoor wears white at weddings.” joe smiles from his position on your bedroom floor.
“wow, i can’t believe you know that.” gwil says snarkily from another window of the video chat.
“come on, it’s the office.” joe counters.
you roll your eyes at how silly the boys were being. “this?”. you spin around, holding a light pink floor length dress.
“didn’t you wear that to alicia’s wedding? weren’t you her bridesmaid? i was your date!” joe snaps, pointing fingers
“what, is there a rule that you can’t wear a bridesmaid’s dress to another wedding?” ben scoffed, resting his chin on his hands.
“yeah, if that bride is going to be there.” gwil helped. “going back to that last thing, joe, you were my girlfriend’s date?”
“this was two years ago, gwilly,”
“we didn’t even know you back then.”
“but he’s also your date today.” gwil countered. “speaking of, why aren’t you dressed yet, joe?”
joe got up huffily, “i’m going, dad.”
“fine, i’ve finally decided,” you turn around after rummaging through your closet again, pulling out a delicate wine-coloured number.
ben whistles, “wow, that is gorgeous.”
“oi mate.” you hear gwil chide as you run off to change too, leaving ben and gwil to talk to each other.
you come back at the same time as joe, who he led your hand and twirls you around before dipping you as you giggle. he turns to look at the camera, “completely platonic, gwilliam.”
“ugh, i know.” gwil says to joe before turning his attention to you, “you look beautiful, baby. i wish i was there.”
“should we leave?” joe butts in, “ben turn off the camera.”
“no.” you smack joe in the chest. “we should get going anyway.”
“okay—” ben begins saying, before looking at gwil’s puckered lips coming towards the screen. “gwilym, mate, seriously! it’s just a few more weeks till we see y/n!”
gwil huffs one final time, shooting you a flying kiss, “have fun. you too, joe.”
“we will. bye guys!”
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taglist: @lv7867 @multifangirl17
send me headcanon/concept/imagine requests!
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almightyellie · 3 years
cold december night
in which while staying at your parent’s house for the holidays, you find that some feelings never change.
word count: 4.4k
warnings: drinking ig, reader is A Grump but in a hallmark movie way, i tried to make this is vague as possible holiday-wise but there are some mentions of the holidays, so be wary of that if you don’t celebrate, my unbearable ability to drone on for ten pages about absolutely nothing
a/n: hehehe i love winter fics bye
title song: cold december night // michael buble
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Many years ago, you had enjoyed this kind of torture. The matching sweaters and entertaining the gaggle of your siblings’ children and so much hot chocolate that it made your stomach ache. Now, however, you huff impatiently.
The neighborhood had always been picturesque, and since you had moved out, it only seemed to be getting better. Each of the snow-frosted houses was decorated to perfection, not too gaudy but not too simple. It’s pleasant, really. There are worse ways to spend your holiday, you tell yourself, so you would hunker down at your parents’ house for a few days and enjoy the serenity that your noisy flat didn’t have the luxury of.
The kids run around the yard, giggling as they try to hide from one another. Luke ducks behind your legs, clasping tightly to you as he squeals, trying to hide from his cousins. “I’m done!” He cries, reaching up for you. “I’m done! Help me!”
This, you decide, you could not help but lighten up at. You could never pick a favorite amongst your nieces and nephews, but if you really had to, Luke had long stood as your best friend at every family function, and as you lift the little boy on your hip, you rub his back. “Already done, Lukey?” You ask softly, heart softening when he rests his head on your shoulder.
You feel rather than see his frown at the nickname. “Yes,” he huffs, “Wanna go back inside.”
With a raised brow and a pointed glance, you look at your mother across the yard. “You and me both, kid,” you murmur, adjusting your hold on him. He doesn’t have the extended vocabulary to say so, but every look he shares with you, every sidelong glance at his cousins, or your brother, or even your mother, all in their matching sweaters, indicates that he’s just as unimpressed with them as you are.
You like the tradition even less when that threateningly sleek car parks in the driveway beside yours. It’s embarrassing to be seen like this at any age, you think, but especially yours. Especially by him.
Gwilym doesn’t judge. He never had, not as long as you had known him, not that you had known him well in the last ten years. When you did know him, though, before he was some Hollywood big shot with a fancy car and expensive taste, he had just been Gwil. Gwil with a big heart and a soothing laugh and a bright countenance. You liked that Gwil. In some way, that version of him still held your heart.
It had been a long time, though. You don’t really know him anymore, but as you watch him stand from his car, straightening a nice winter coat over what you assume is an even nicer outfit underneath, you’re reminded that there’s no two ways about it. Gwilym Lee was handsome when he was young, but that has multiplied tenfold in the last few years.
He turns toward your family, flashing one of those devastating smiles and waving at the lot of you, dressed up with nowhere to go but the snow-covered yard, and he can’t help his chuckle. “Well, look at all you! That’s quite a coincidence.”
It isn’t funny, but your mother makes a show of laughing at it, at him, like he’s just done a full stand-up routine, and even your sister can’t help but giggle shamelessly at him, both of them fawning over him near the fence. You, on the other hand, are not so impressed, quirking a brow at the cheesy, forced joke, and you wonder if that’s the kind of stuff he has to say to make himself seem more approachable, or if he’s truly just unfunny now. Either way, you adjust Luke on your hip and turn to your father, jerking your head back to indicate you were going inside. He doesn’t allow it for a moment, putting a hand up to stop you and motioning to Gwilym. “Say, Gwil, you wouldn’t mind snapping a picture, would you?”
His blue eyes brighten with a grin and he shakes his head. “Of course not,” he insists, hurrying around his car to find his way into your parent‘s yard. You grumble and Luke’s arms tighten around your neck.
“C’mon, bud. We’re taking a picture,” you say softly, trying to nudge the boy up.
He huffs. “If I take a picture, can we go inside?”
You can’t help the smile that quirks on your lips. “Yeah, I’m sure we could work that. Now, up.”
Luke sits up with a grumpy little pout as the rest of your family lines up in front of the house, your mother’s phone already in Gwilym’s hands. You’re jostled in the shuffle of the line, your sister forcing everyone into a perfect position before she finally decides everyone is where they belong. Shivering and irritated, you stare back at Gwil, who takes one last look at everyone to ensure they’re picture-perfect. Just before he clicks the button, his eyes become visible over the phone, already locked on yours.
“Liven up, Y/N,” he insists, winking in your direction, and your nose wrinkles in annoyance for half a second before you finally plaster on a fake grin. You realize only a moment too late that, after over a decade without communication, Gwil still knows exactly who you are. Can even pick you out of the lineup. It’s a silly thing to get yourself excited over; there was no way he could have forgotten you, not after the years of friendship and all the trouble the two of you had gotten into together. Even so, when he snaps the picture, your heart is fluttering.
But then he’s crossing the yard to hand your mother’s phone back and Luke is leaning into your ear. “Can we go in now?”
And, before you can genuinely embarrass yourself in front of Gwilym, who suddenly has you flustered, you decide that’s an excellent idea, turning on your heel to take your nephew inside as the rest of your family swarms your neighbor.
Luke tugs at his sweater when you take him inside with a heavy sigh, pleased to get out of the cold. With a dent between your brows, you peeked out the front window through the curtains, looking at the crowd of red and black gingham and seeing Gwil above them all, laughing good-naturedly and playing with the kids and a little piece of you, one that hasn’t woken up since you last spoke to him, twists in your gut. You clear your throat, turning around to look at Luke.
“Alright, kid. What are we doing?”
You and Luke curl up under a heavy blanket your dad left across the couch and turn on a movie, something to pass the time until your nephew went to bed and you left the house. After a while, your family finds their way back inside. Though you don’t look at him, you’re sure that your nephew is frowning at the television, and the idea is enough to make you smile.
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Dinner had, against all odds, passed without incidence, and though it had been nice, you had been waiting all night for this—to leave.  “I’ll be back soon,” you tell your sister, waving quickly, and she nods easily, but Luke frowns and tugs at your coat.
“Where are you going? Can I come?”
You frown to match his, crouching beside him. “No can do, Lukey,” you say softly, smoothing his pajamas over. “But how about tomorrow, I sneak us away for a little bit to go get some lunch?”
It’s enough to brighten his mood a little, and you find that even you have a bounce in your step with an excuse to get out of the over-crowded house tomorrow. With a quick kiss to the top of his head, you make your way out of the house into the cold. You pray that your poor attitude about your family will lighten up after a few drinks with your friends. It felt as though you had been looking forward to this break all year, but now that you were stuffed into the tiny house with your entire family, it was quickly losing its charm.
The bar is crowded, likely full of everyone else who could hardly handle being back with their families, but you spot your friends immediately, a bright grin spreading across your face at the sight. It has all the makings of the perfect night, down to the guy you can’t stop making eyes at across the room, and it finally feels like you can breathe in your old stomping grounds. After a few drinks, after you’ve loosened up for the first time in days, your friend leans close to you.
Dani giggles in your ear, already half-drunk and wrapping her arms around your neck. “Y/N, some hottie has been staring you down all night,” she whispers loudly, her breath hot on your ear. You squirm away from her with a laugh, cheeks warming under the attention of your friends. Part of you wonders if it’s the same guy you’ve been looking at since you walked in, but Bree points discreetly in the opposite direction, toward the bar, and nervously, you glanced over.
“Oh, no,” you breathe, smiling awkwardly at Gwil’s tiny wave and sweet smile before you were turning back to your friends. “Him?”
“Who is that?” Bree asks, shamelessly staring at your neighbor, and you scoff at your friend, raising a brow at her ogling.
“My mom’s dorky, stupid handsome, successful neighbor,” you grumble, staring down at your glass.
“He is handsome,” Dani sings in your ear, and you’ve never wanted to die more, because now both of your friends are staring across the bar at Gwil and you don’t doubt that he’s looking back, enjoying the attention he’s receiving from them.
You grunt. “Hey, isn’t it me that you haven’t seen in months? Shouldn’t I be getting all the attention?”
They pay you no mind, still giggling at the sight of Gwilym, who still seems to be looking at you if their reactions are any indication. You keep your eyes down, fiddling with the napkin set in front of you. The last thing you really want is to be close to Gwilym; long ago, when he was nothing but your cute friend next door, he had a knack for making you nervous. You hadn’t seen him much at all since you were still capable of those juvenile butterflies he had always inspired in you, and you’d like to minimize the sickening flutter of your heart by avoiding him altogether.
No matter how low you hang your head, though, you suppose you never would have gotten away with not speaking to him while your friends were still fawning over him, so when you hear his voice already teasing you in your ear, you force a reluctant smile. “Hey, stranger,” he greets, a smile already in his voice.
You look over your shoulder, chest already warm at the sight of him grinning. “Gwilym.” It’s not a greeting, not really, but he seems to accept it. “Um...these are my friends, Dani and Bree.”
“So lovely to meet you,” Dani cuts in, batting her eyelashes, and you roll your eyes with a quiet laugh.
Ever the good sport, as long as you had known him, Gwil laughs her off. “Come sit, Gwilym,” Bree insists, waving you off. “We want to hear all about Y/N when she was younger.”
“No, you don’t,” you insist, shooting a pointed look at Gwilym, who smiles slyly at you.
He sits across from you, tilting his head, and you feel that familiar twinge in your gut, the same one you felt when you had watched him talking to your family through the window earlier in the day, and you look away quickly. “Oh, I do,” Dani agrees, leaning on her palm to get a little closer to the man. “All the juicy details. I mean, I really want her to be embarrassed, you know?”
Gwilym beams at you, shaking his head smally. “No, no. Y/N was always a dream; no embarrassing stories,” he says, winking at you, and you roll your eyes to hide the fact that you’re already flustered under his gaze.
He has a special way of captivating your friends. Every joke he tells, every look he shares with them, every single word that falls out of his mouth has them absolutely entranced. After years of friendship—and practice—you had learned that it wasn’t exactly easy to leave them speechless, but one look at Dani shows you that the only words she has waiting on the tip of her tongue are ‘I love you,’ and you can’t help but admire him a little more than before. It seems like he guides the conversation all night long, though none of you seem to mind.
It almost irks you how delightful Gwil really is and you’re sure that you spend all night with adoration written all over your face. After so many years, he still has you wrapped around his finger the same way he did when you ran around together as children. It instills a sort of nostalgia in you; you had felt that same adoration every moment you had spent with him when you were young and luckily or not, it had stuck with you.
Gwil barely drinks the whole night. Instead, he nurses the same drink and watches you laugh, enjoys how loose you become with the touches on his hand and how blatant you become when staring at him. This is not so unlike the Y/N he remembers, no longer shy and avoiding his gaze but laughing along with him, playing along with his jokes and leaning close to catch all his words.
Eventually, Dani has to return home to her partner and Bree reluctantly agrees, and after the smallest bit of goading, they agree to let Gwilym take you home. It only makes sense; they were traveling the opposite way and Gwilym was going back to his parents’ house anyway. It warms you, deep in your chest, the thought of driving home with him in the warmth of his car, enjoying the sweet musk of his cologne for a few minutes more, and you’re in high spirits when the two of you leave the bar, your jacket pulled tight around you to keep you warm.
“Your friends are lovely,” Gwilym says, guiding you toward his car.
You grin, glancing at him over your shoulder. “Yeah, yeah, they’re great.”
Even in the frigid night, you feel content, either because you’re tipsy or because you feel like a teenager again, hopelessly in love with the man who walks beside you. It brings back a sweet, comforting nostalgia that you haven’t been able to appreciate for years; you stick your hands in your pockets, your smile fading but not disappearing, still small when Gwil opens the car door for you.
He has a way of making you feel comfortable even after years apart; you still feel like you know him, like he’s the same boy who snuck into your room after curfew to help you with your homework, and as you listen to him speak on your way home, you can’t help your quiet, pleased sigh. He seems to have an endless wealth of stories, anecdotes designed just to make you laugh, and you’re sure you have stars in your eyes when he glances over at you.
“What?” He asks, voice tilted in amusement.
Your smile grows, glancing out your window. “Nothing. I just forgot that I like you,” you tease quietly.
Your entire chest burns when he laughs at your words, that gorgeous smile aimed at you when you look back at him. “You forgot, huh?” He chuckles, and your chest swells with a giggle you’re unsure you’re prepared to let him hear. “Well, I’m glad to remind you.”
“Very charming,” you say tightly, a smile on your face. Gwilym thumbs at the corner of his mouth, still upturned, when he pulls into his parents’ driveway.
You turn to tell him goodnight only to find him already looking at you, leaning against the center console. “Can I walk you home?”
With a gentle laugh, you raise a brow, glancing over the fence at your parents’ house before you look back at him. “I wouldn’t want you to wear yourself out.”
He rolls his eyes and taps the console. “Get out.”
You smirk and both of you step out of the car, a shiver running down your spine. Pulling your jacket tighter around your body, you begin the short walk to your front door, practically floating as Gwilym’s arm brushes yours. Most of the alcohol in your system has worked itself out, leaving you pleasantly serene rather than dizzy, and part of you considers that you’ll remember this feeling for a long time.
One of Gwilym’s hands presses gently between your shoulders as you walk up the drive, something that would normally irritate you but now only serves to make you swoon, and you breathe out a quiet hum, happy to soak up the moments with him before you fell into bed. He stops at the front door, hand lingering on your back before he turns to you, glancing up at the light above the two of you. “Thanks for walking me home,” you say softly, unable to bring yourself to truly shatter the peace between the two of you yet.
Gwilym chuckled, head tilting. “It was my distinct pleasure.” He sticks his hands in his pockets, rocking on his heels awkwardly. “It was really good to see you, Y/N. It’s been too long.”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s just hard to come around, y’know, with my family and everything,” you murmur, grinding the toe of your shoe into the welcome mat. “It’s just a little crazy around here.”
“Well, if you ever need an escape,” he says, shifting forward minutely. “You know where to find me.”
With a little extra courage from your lowered inhibition and a lot of extra affection that you thought you outgrew, you stand on your toes to press a soft, tentative kiss to his lips. The kiss is over in only a second and it feels like a wash of sobriety hits you like a tidal wave, because you aren’t even flat on your feet when you feel your ears begin to burn with embarrassment and your eyes widen. Gwilym doesn’t have a moment to react, still recovering from the kiss itself before you’re swinging the front door open. “Goodnight,” you squeak.
You close the door a little too loudly for the time of night, your heart pounding in anxiety when you groan. Idiot. You were a complete, insane, unbearable idiot.
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You pull your duvet closer around your shoulders, trying to block out the excitement happening outside your bedroom. After lunch with Luke, you had excused yourself with a pounding headache and though your nap helped a little bit, you knew that it wouldn’t be long before it was even worse with your family yelling from the living room. Despite your mounting irritation and the loud laughing outside, you’re about to drift back off to sleep when a knock sounds at your door.
With a discontented hum, you bid whoever it is to open the door if only to ensure they leave sooner, but your sister pokes her head in with a sly smile you know all too well. Under your blanket, your face sets in a hazy confusion. “Gwilym is here to see you.”
Your whole body jolts awake in an ice-cold panic and you have to fight between burrowing under your blankets and jumping right out of bed. Instead, you sit up straight to keep yourself from heaving. “Tell him I’m dead.”
She throws her head back in a loud laugh. “He’s staying for dinner, Y/N. I fear it won’t be as easy to fake your death when you’re sitting across from him.”
The loud groan that leaves your body is nearly involuntary. It wasn’t as if you could skip dinner—your mother wouldn’t hear of it. If Gwilym were going to pick an opportunity to tell you off for being such an intolerable creep, you wish he would pick somewhere a little less embarrassing than your family dinner table. Dread eats up at your insides so fast that it nearly makes you sick.
“Fuck,” you breath, covering your eyes and falling back onto your pillows.
Your sister, unphased by your upset, only scoffs at your dramatics. “Get dressed, dinner is almost ready.”
She leaves you alone with your thoughts and you give an unhappy huff, rolling out of bed. Perhaps if you had gone out just minutes sooner, you would have gotten him out the door before your parents had strong-armed him into dinner. It doesn’t matter now, you suppose, because he is here and ready to drag you to hell and back in front of your entire family. You deserve it, that much you know, so you take in a long breath and straighten out your sweater before leaving your bedroom.
His mirthful laugh fills the home like it’s meant to be there and despite yourself, you feel your chest warm at the sound. Tip-toeing down the hallway and into the kitchen, you find him already surrounded at the table, your mother on one side and one of your nieces on his other, leaning into his side in childlike affection that you seem to have in common. The one seat left, yours, is directly across from his, saved with a napkin by Luke, and you ruffle your nephew’s hair when you sit beside him.
It’s hot under Gwilym’s gaze and though you try to avoid his eye, it seems you can’t control yourself when you decide you must sneak a peek. Instead of the disgust you’re expecting, or maybe the discomfort you had imagined, his lips are already pulled into the sweetest smile you had ever seen him wear, one that made him look fifteen again, and you’re so shocked for a second that you barely register the way Luke nudges your side and asks for you to pass him the corn.
Your heart slams against your chest, leg bouncing under the table, and you feel giddy under his unrelenting gaze. Unable to add anything to the conversation, especially not when your voice would be so unreliable anyway, you listen to your family talk to Gwilym, entranced by him in the same way your friends are, in the same way you are.
“You’ve been up to big things, Gwil,” your father begins. “Amazing that you still find the time to get back here.”
And if it were any other situation, the comment might set you off. It might feel like a well-deserved dig on your father’s part. But you’re too wrapped up in the way Gwilym smiles humbly, glancing down at his plate. For a second, you’re unsure that he’s even going to respond, but then he glances up. “Well, I love it here. The place and the people.” He glances over at you with a gentle smile. “There are just some things here that are too hard to leave behind.”
Finally, you look down at your plate with a smitten smile on your face. Yes, he was right. Some pieces of your past could not be forgotten.
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“So…” he trails off, leaning against the counter beside you.
For the first time all night, your family is distracted by something other than Gwilym. While you wipe down the counters, he’s content to just be back with you for a moment.
“So…” you mimic, shifting on your feet to look back at him. The two of you had barely exchanged any words all night; you had been communicating exclusively through subtle looks, a gentle brush of his foot against your ankle under the table. It’s all so juvenile, but you can’t help yourself from getting excited over it all. A tiny piece of you knows that it’s nostalgia; yes, you know that you can attribute your feelings to the familiarity of him and that innocent puppy love you had bottled up years ago, but a little piece of knowledge tugs deep in your consciousness. You know that this is just Gwilym and the way he makes you feel.
He tilts his head with a warm smile. “I was going to get you a gift, but I realized that I don’t know you anymore,” he murmurs, leaning on his elbow, just close enough for you to breathe in his cologne.
“Oh?” You chuckle, willing yourself not to lean into him.
He clicks his tongue and glances out the window, “Well, when we were at the bar, I thought I had you pegged. You seemed like you hadn’t changed a bit,” he begins, and your ears begin to burn because you know exactly where this is going, so when he looks back at you, you break eye contact again, chuckling nervously. “And then I dropped you off and it became abundantly clear to me that you’re a completely different person, because my Y/N might never have worked up the courage to kiss me.”
You scoff. “I’d hardly call it courage. Are we not forgetting my quick exit?” Gwilym laughs, just loud enough for you to hear, and you smile, just the smallest bit. “Besides, it’s been ten years. I hope I would have changed a little.”
“I don’t know,” he says quietly. “I liked the old Y/N. I seem to remember harboring a pretty intense crush on her.”
And that alone is enough to set your teenage heart on fire, but you just laugh, rubbing the back of your neck. “Well, I think the new Y/N is pretty crush-worthy, too.”
Gwil breaks into a big grin, so wide you fear his cheeks hurt, before he says, “I think that’s a judgement I’m going to have to make myself.”
“Yeah?” You whisper. He finally stands up straight, two long fingers slipping through your belt loops to pull you close to him, and you lean back just enough to get the perfect view of his face.
“Yeah. But from what I’ve seen so far, I think you’re right.”
One of his hands slips from your hip to the back of your neck, hardly a moment wasted before he’s pressing his lips against yours in a proper kiss, one that puts your hasty peck on the porch to shame. As he pulls you in close to his body, his warmth surrounding you, you listen to your family chatter in the other room. For the first time in days, it doesn’t bother you.
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