#henchman x scientist
mechanicalpiper · 22 days
May I request Villain’s henchman and Hero’s scientist share snide comments with a touch of flirting?
Adore this prompt!! This one's pretty short, but I really like it~ Thank you!
Also, cw: suggestive :3
Snippet #10
Scientist huffed into their gag as they were set down from an over-the-shoulder carry onto what felt like a wooden chair.
They briefly struggled in their bindings out of petty defiance when put down, but stopped when they felt their unknown captor grab the knot of their blindfold and untie it. As the cloth was removed from their eyes, they blinked rapidly in the sudden light.
"Pfff~ Thought this catch couldn't get any easier, but you're the lightest carry I've had yet!"
As Scientist's eyes adjusted to the bright room, they finally got a good look at their captor.
Henchman, looking down at them with a taunting expression and a hand on their hip.
Scientist grumbled into their gag, meeting the cocky expression with a glare.
"And good timing, too..." Henchman mused with a somewhat dramatic turn to pace behind the bound Scientist, who let their head drop back down with a small 'Hmph.'
"It's been ages since I've been ordered to snag anyone besides Hero." Henchman grabbed the knot of the cloth used for Scientist's gag and began to untie it. Scientist slightly grumbled, looking off to the side with the same glare. "I don't know what it is with Villain and that dumbass, but thank god we can finally grab someone actually useful to us."
The gag fell off. Scientist was quick to spit out the gag stuffing as Henchman walked back to the front, eyes locked on the captive.
"Hmpf. Flattering." Scientist's voice was dripping with sarcasm... but, on some level, it really was flattering. They turned their attention back to Henchman, still defiant. "Let me guess- you need me to build some kind of large-scale weapon."
"Brilliant deduction, Einstein."
"Yeah, yeah. But you couldn't just find someone actually willing? There's tons of people as smart as me out there. You all can't even plan properly."
"Oh, what is it with you Agency members and practicality?" Henchman grumbled. "Villainy isn't about practicality, sweetheart. It's about impact."
Henchman did another rather dramatic turn to pace back and forth as they rambled, taking a small knife out of their pocket to flip it around in their hand. "If we were practical, this ornate lair would be hidden and efficient. We'd wear combat armor instead of intricate outfits. We'd strike quickly and cleanly at night."
Henchman stopped in front of Scientist, turning their gaze back to the frustrated captive. "But we don't. We're loud and flashy, because it makes an impact."
They leaned in further, looming over Scientist. The captive kept their cool visually, their expression staying firmly as an angry glare, but... well, their heart was racing as the Villain's servant towered over them.
"So tell me, Scientist. What makes a bigger impact? Hiring some generic, bland mad scientist to do the dirty work for us..."
Henchman leaned further in for emphasis, the two's faces nearly touching. Scientist's breath got shaky.
"Or making the Agency's finest little researcher create the very machine we'll use to destroy it?"
Henchman leaned back, looking down expectantly at Scientist trying their hardest to keep themselves composed.
They couldn't find the words to respond. They simply stared at Henchman, expression furious. Frustrated they couldn't do anything to fight back.
Unsure why it was so, so flustering.
"Aw~" Henchman giggled. "See, you've got the adorable anger down already! You're picking up the damsel in distress role quite nicely."
Scientist's glare directed to the side as they let out a growl.
Henchman let out a satisfied, infuriating giggle. They took another step forward, slipping their hand under Scientist's chin to tilt their head back up.
"We'll be getting you to work tomorrow. And don't even think of trying anything- on top of some loose cuffs, I'll be supervising you. Got it?"
Scientist's eyes narrowed defiantly.
Henchman gripped slightly harder, although not painfully, and leaned in a little further. Their voice was stern.
"Got it?"
Scientist let out another shaky breath... then a defeated sigh and a small nod.
"There we go~"
Henchman stood back up, moving the hand from Scientist's chin to instead gently pat their head, met with a grumble.
"Theeere's a good lil nerd. The Agency's certainly not utilizing you well... we'll put that pretty head of yours to good use, don't worry~"
Scientist was furious.
Furious they couldn't help but love this.
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Short Prompt #79
“What are you working on?” Henchman asked, lowering their weapon and leaning over Scientist’s shoulder to peer inside the Petri dish.
“It’s more of an activity than a project. I’m looking for water bears.”
Henchman gaped. “There are bears in there?!”
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letters-unsending · 6 months
No. 43
Henchman x Scientist x Villain in small snippets
“I would lay down my life for you, my lord.”
“I’d prefer if you didn’t, [Henchman].” Villain glanced up from their papers. “You signed off on any life debts when you took this job. It’d be a poor investment.”
“While I appreciate your dedication and obvious drive toward the task at hand, there is no reason to continue with such…vigor.” Villain stood at the entrance to Scientist’s office. Their desk was rife with paper, coffee cups and tangled wires—a fire risk that’d he’d address at a later date—and Scientist worked overtop the mess, hands never stopping as they turned to acknowledge Villain.
“Yes, yes, it’s quite late isn’t it? I’ll be closing shop soon, I promise, but while you’re here, do you mind testing this out?” Scientist grabbed a device from a drawer and presented it to Villain.
Villain eyed the curve of metal, gleaming darkly in Scientists palm. “On the condition that you go home and get some rest.”
“You drive a hard bargain, boss.” Scientist laughed, skin crinkling at the edges of their tired eyes. “Now, come here.”
“Surely, this is unnecessary,” Villain argued as Scientist combed back his hair. They’d added gel and the brush tugged at his scalp.
“Supervillain is strict on presentation.” Henchman muttered, holding up a tie against Villain’s chest, assessing the color. He brought up another and squinted.
“The red one will do just fine, darling.” Scientist paused, leaning over Villain’s shoulder to assess the options. Villain blinked as Scientist kept their hand on his temple and reached with their other hand to feel the fabric of the tie, running their thumb over the textured pattern. “He always looks rather dashing in red, wouldn’t you agree?”
Henchman raised a brow at Scientist as Villain straightened in his seat.
“Yes, it’s a quite shame we don’t see that red suit of yours anymore, [Villain].”
“It’s an impractical color for subterfuge.” Villain breathed a sigh of relief as Scientist shifted back and resumed focus on his hair. “And the heroes have favored the color as of late. I would like to prevent any misconceptions.”
“You two are supposed to be on holiday.”
“We are.” Henchman raised two steaming tins and a wrapped plate. “Just came in to visit.”
They were both red in their cheeks and noses, and wrapped in thick coats. Scientist worked their scarf off their neck and slung it over Villain’s armor stand.
“I gave you time off,” Villain insisted as Henchman set the food on Villain’s counter, “time to visit your friends and family. You don’t have—you’re not obligated to spend your vacation here.”
Scientist sighed and worked their gloves off. Humming a tune, Henchman drifted past Scientist and patted Villain on the shoulder; his hand still carried the warmth of the trays. “Come on, let’s eat before the food gets cold.”
Once they’d both taken off their winter gear, they settled down at the cramped table in Villain’s kitchen and talked about Scientist’s most recent invention. Villain chewed on something spicy and gum-achingly sweet as Henchman tried to decode Scientist’s mathematical ramblings into words Villain could comprehend.
“[Villain], dear, would you pass me that book?” Scientist called.
Villain almost bumped into the shelf as he turned toward Henchman. “That must’ve been meant for you.”
“I don’t have a book.” Henchman smiled, waving his empty hands.
Villain stared as Henchman for a beat, then gazed at the book in his hand, then looked at Henchman once more before swiveling around and passing the book into Scientist’s waiting grasp. Scientist smiled at him in thanks and returned to frantically penning down their latest theorem.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Villain turned back to Henchman. “They must be really focused.”
“Certainly, dear.” Henchman assured.
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notveryimpressed · 28 days
I just wanted to try something. This is not related to the villain and mittens series in any way or maybe it is idk
In the shadows of a desolate laboratory, the once formidable villain lay weakened and alone. His grand plans for domination had crumbled like dust, betrayed by those he had trusted most dearly.
It began with whispers among his closest confidants—the Scientist, the Right Hand, and the Henchmen. They had grown weary of his tyrannical ways, his relentless pursuit of power at any cost. Their loyalty wavered as they saw the devastation he wrought upon innocent lives.
One fateful night, as the villain toiled away in his laboratory, his former allies crept in, their hearts heavy with treachery. The Scientist approached first, bearing a vial of poison disguised as a remedy for the villain's ailments.
"Drink this, my Lord," the Scientist murmured, his voice laced with false concern. "It will ease your suffering."
But the villain, though weakened, was not blind to the betrayal unfolding before him. With a trembling hand, he pushed the vial away, his eyes burning with betrayal.
"Traitors!" he cried, his voice echoing through the empty corridors. "You dare to defy me?"
The Right Hand stepped forward, his gaze cold and unyielding. "It is time for a new era, my Lord," he declared. "An era free from your tyranny."
And with those words, the Henchmen moved in, their once loyal eyes now filled with malice. They bound the villain with chains of steel, leaving him to wither away in the darkness of his own creation.
Alone and forsaken, the villain watched helplessly as his former allies vanished into the night, their laughter echoing like a cruel symphony of betrayal. With each passing moment, his strength waned, his hopes of redemption fading into the abyss.
In the end, the villain was left to face his demise alone—a tragic figure, consumed by his own ambition, abandoned by those he had once called friends. And as the shadows closed in around him, he whispered a final lament, cursing the darkness that had consumed his soul.
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the-slaylus-parable · 11 months
“For god’s sake, Mad Scientist!” Villain couldn’t help but raise their voice. “I don’t want your experiments or your work! I want you! I want your hair and your smile and your laughter and your lips and that big, incredible brain and everything about you! I don’t care about the research, I...” Villain trailed off, leaving the words hanging in the air as Mad Scientist tried to wrap their head around what they had said.
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a-killer-obsession · 30 days
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Wavelengths [Killer x Reader, Heat x Reader]
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 4 - Welcome Party
You get wasted and cause bodily harm.
WC: ~4k
The henchmen had already set up your furniture by the time you got back to the ship, and you stood in the doorway with Heat admiring it, before entirely fucking the room up with shopping bags on every surface. The two of you were exhausted so you both plopped down on the bed, already made courtesy of a cabin boy, laying horizontally across it with your legs hanging off the side, feet still on the floor, staring at the ceiling.
“Thanks for your help Heat,” you said, turning to your side and curling up against him, he was so damn warm, it was like cuddling a seven foot tall hot water bottle. “Fuck I hope I never have to do that again though”
Heat happily wrapped an arm around you, Mission: Girlfriend was thus far proving successful in his mind. “Any time doll,” he smiled, “we probably have time for a quick nap before dinner if you want, it'll probably be later than usual since Kid and Killer aren't back from their errands yet.”
“Mmm,” you hummed, rubbing your head against his chest to get comfy, so warm… “good idea”
“If you're gonna nap on me at least let me lay flat,” he laughed, making you grumble when he pushed you off so he could kick off his shoes and climb on to the bed properly. Given the opportunity to rearrange, you removed the seastone from your jacket pocket, before also kicking off your shoes and throwing your jacket on the pile of shopping bags. You removed your mask carefully, placing it on the side table, before climbing back on the bed to curl up against him again, totally comfortable and happy to nap with him. You found Heat easy to be around, and after spending the entire day together you weren't quite ready for him to leave yet, it was nice to have a friend after such a long time being alone. Hell, even just being near someone who wasn't actively trying to hurt or traumatize you was incredible. You draped a leg over his while he wrapped an arm under your head and around your shoulders, and you both quickly fell asleep, entirely spent from the shopping marathon. Your body was aching but the warmth from Heat soothed them, lulling you into a deeper sleep.
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It was close to dinner time, the bonfire was stacked tall and ready to be lit, barrels of liquor had been purchased and arranged on the beach along with multiple felled logs for sitting on, but the guest of honor was nowhere to be seen. Kid was starting to get impatient, and turned to Killer, who was sitting on one of the logs, flicking through a new cookbook he'd just purchased. His observation haki was far better than Kid's, so instead of wasting his time searching the ship it would be easier to just ask. Killer was well aware of Kid's agitation by now and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why he was annoyed, so he'd already gone to the trouble of using his haki to find you, and was just waiting for Kid to crack and ask.
Kid approached him, and opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Killer, who didn't even look up from his book. “She's in her room,” he told Kid, “having a nap with Heat. I presume. Either that or they're fucking, they've been together in there for a few hours now”
“That dog,” Kid smiled knowlingly, “quick to jump on her, huh? Guess I'll go interrupt the lovebirds, I'm not waiting any longer to get the party going. Oi, you,” he pointed at henchman who was throwing more wood on to the stack near the makeshift fire pit, ready to replenish the fire later on, “get the fire going”
The henchman gave a quick “aye aye” and Kid stomped off to the ship, the gang plank bowing slightly under his massive weight. He made his way to your room, which used to be a storage closet, and opened the door without knocking - this was his ship, he could go wherever the fuck he wanted. And also because it would have been funny as hell to catch the two of you in the middle of fucking.
He was surprised (and a little disappointed) to find that you and Heat were in fact just sleeping, lying fully clothed on top of the bedding, your body wrapped around his, your faces squished together. He was also surprised to see you weren't wearing your mask, but did note your tightly closed fist on Heat's chest, coming to the assumption that you must have found a piece of seastone. Killer had of course passed along all the information he'd gotten from you, so he knew you couldn't be without either your mask or seastone without going insane. He paused for a moment to check out what you'd bought, quietly snooping through a few of the bags near him on the floor and smirking when he found one full of lacey panties. He could barely see the floor or furniture under the massive piles of shopping bags, but he could see the ornate purple-heart headboards of the bed and admired the craftsmanship for a moment.
It didn't take him long to grow bored though and he shuffled his way through the shopping bags to stand at the side of the bed, leaning as close to your and Heat's faces as he could without losing his balance and falling on top of you both.
“UP AND AT EM PUSSIES,” he yelled directly in your faces.
You both woke with a startle, and you went straight to fight or flight mode, letting go off the seastone and grabbing Kid's thick neck while your heart threatened to burst directly out of your chest with how fast it was beating. You weren't strong enough to squeeze it, and your hand was nowhere near big enough to wrap around it, so instinctively you sent pulses of electricity through the muscles to contract, making them act like he was having a severe allergic reaction and closing off his airway. Your eyes were cold, the spooky grey-pink looking up at him, unblinking, as you stared right into his amber eyes, not at all recognising him in your panic. He tried to punch you in the stomach to get you to stop, but you sensed the movement in the air and covered your abdomen in a thick protective layer of armament haki.
Heat, who was used to being woken like this, clawed at your back to pull you off of Kid, genuinely concerned that you were about to kill the captain in your blind panic. You barely registered him, entirely blacked out by your violent panic attack.
“Yin stop, it's just Kid,” he begged, yanking your arms, unable to pry you off, “you're safe, its okay, stop it Yin, he's not going to hurt you”
Kid was turning blue, unable to connect a punch, when you finally came back to reality and let him go. He wheezed and held his aching neck with his flesh hand as you scrambled backwards over Heat's legs, hiding behind him and burying your face in his back.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry-” you were pleading like you were about to be beaten for disobedience, even though you were no doubt the most powerful person in the room. It was a common response for you, beaten into you over almost two decades of abuse. It didn't matter how strong you were, in the face of authority you would always feel small. Even with your face pressed against Heat to block any light, the sounds were quickly becoming overwhelming and you started to twitch. Heat grabbed the seastone you'd abandoned on the blankets in your panic and pressed it against your bare arm, settling your devil fruit. You were already deep into a panic attack, hyperventilating as you pressed against Heat for support, clinging to his warmth like it was a lifeboat.
“Fuck you're strong,” Kid wheezed with a strained throat. He should have been mad, but it was kind of his own fault for spooking you, and he was more impressed right now that you'd almost killed a man as big as him with your bare hands. “I won't sneak up on you again, I just wanted to come get you for dinner, the bonfire is ready”
Heat forced the seastone into your hand and wrapped his arms around you, rocking you gently and rubbing soothing circles on your back to calm you. You blinked at him in confusion before you finally came back to the present and got your shit together, finally getting your erratic breathing under control. You were flush with embarrassment at your overreaction and confused that you weren't being punished.
“Ah, sorry,” you mumbled, prying Heat's arms off, “I'll be out soon”
“Take your time,” Kid replied, turning to leave, still rubbing his sore neck, “don't ever do that shit to me again though. This is your warning, next time I'll throw you overboard”
“Sorry Captain,” you mumbled as he left.
You let out a deep sigh as the door closed, sitting on the edge of the bed with your head in your hands. Heat was sitting up in the bed, and rubbed your back soothingly. “Don't beat yourself up about it,” he told you, “everyone here goes fight over flight, only pussies go flight mode, you'll get use to the rude wake up calls eventually”
“I almost killed him..” you whispered.
“Yeah well, you didn't,” he stated, “everyone here has at least taken a swing at the captain, he probably respects you more for it. Don't worry about it, just get dressed and we can go get drunk and forget about this”
“Yeah, okay..” you mumbled, starting to search through the bags for the outfit you'd picked out for tonight.
“It's your big night, just focus on having a good time,” he told you as he stood, giving you a reassuring slap on the back, “I'll see you out there”
You replied with a half-hearted hum and he left, closing the door behind him.
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Half an hour later you finally emerged on the beach, it had taken longer than you thought it would to tame your hair, which had grown significantly since the last time you'd styled it. Your go to hairstyle was a pair of messy space buns, and you used a pair of old crappy medical scissors you'd found under the bathroom sink to hastily chop straight bangs. Nobody else would even see them under your mask but you liked having them cut like that anyway. You'd also slapped on a quick layer of a mauve lipstick with a gloss over the top, nothing crazy but it helped add volume to your small lips. Being that they were the only part of your face that was visible under the mask, it was nice to add a little pizzazz to them for the special occasion.
Most of the clothes the shop attendant had picked out for you were pastel hues, colours that worked well with your lavender hair, white headset, and the yellow and teal jacket you couldn't be separated from. You would stick out like a sore tooth among the Kid Pirates but you didn't give a shit - the bright, cheerful colours made you happy, and Heat had reassured you that as long as you were happy, everyone else could stick their opinions up their ass. You also took a quick shower before styling your hair, shaving your legs as quickly as you could and brushing your teeth like you were possessed by a dentist.
You'd chosen a baby pink bodycon dress for the party, which went down to your midthigh, over a set of matching magenta lingerie, sliding your jacket on top. To finish it off you wore a set of tall wedge heels with thick white straps. It took you a few minutes of fumbling in your room to get the hang of walking in them, but you were a quick learner, and could always vibrate the air around you a little to steady yourself if you had to. The outfit put your legs on full display, leading up to a plump ass assisted by the posture the heels gave you, a heaven send for your usually flat rear. Not much could be done for your chest though, even a push up bra wouldn't help you till you filled out a little.
You feigned confidence as you made your way down the gangplank and over to the crew, noting the way they all eyed you hungrily, which you supposed was what you intended when you decided on such a short dress. It was after all your night to shine, why not show off your assets and soak up being the center of attention? Kid made a low whistle as you approached.
“Damn, who would have thought there'd be a hot body under Killer's baggy ass shirts or that marine uniform?” he purred. He clicked his fingers towards a henchman, who immediately came running over with a beer for you. “Drink up scrawny bitch, it's not a proper welcome party unless you end the night puking in the bushes, so you better get started”
“Aye aye Captain!” You lifted the bottle to your mouth and immediately chugged the entire thing. The commanders around you all cheered and Heat handed you a glass of whiskey, taking your empty bottle from you.
“Before you get too drunk though,” Kid clicked his fingers and a cabin boy came running over with your old marine uniform, “if you're gonna be a pirate, you gotta uphold our traditions”
You happily handed your glass back to Heat so you could take hold of the old uniform. It stunk from year's worth of sweat and the navy pants were still stained with blood, ‘god, is that what I smelt like?’. You wore a bright smile as you took the clothes and thanked the scared looking cabin boy, before turning to the fire.
“Rest in shit, you stank ass uniform!” You yelled before throwing the clothes into the fire. The pirates cheered and Kid smacked you on the back encouragingly. Heat handed you back the glass of whiskey, and oh so smoothly wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You didn't protest, you were in such a good mood watching your old life burn and his arm was a reminder that you weren't alone anymore. You lent in to him, resting your head on his shoulder and sipping your drink as the old uniform disappeared in the flames.
A thought occurred to you though. You weren't entirely free yet, one thing still bound you to your past. You gently pushed Heat's arm away, and held out your glass for him to take. He took it with a raised eyebrow and watched you remove your jacket, leaving it carefully on a nearby log. You needed one more thing though, since you'd left both of your weapons on the ship.
“Hey Captain?” you asked sweetly, eyeing the strap that hung across his chest, holding his pistol and several daggers, “could I borrow a knife?”
He looked at you quizzically but unhooked a blade for you anyway, holding it out for you to take. You took the handle and walked to the fireside, kneeling next to it and holding the blade in the flames. The commanders watched you with amusement, entirely confused as to why you needed a heated knife. When the blade was red hot you removed it from the flames, inspecting it carefully as you stood to face the commanders.
“To freedom!” you shouted, before pressing the hot blade to the marines tattoo on your forearm. There was a small series of surprised gasps as you pressed the red-hot blade to your skin, and the smell of burning flesh as it sizzled. Killer and Heat both rushed for you as you groaned and your stance faulted, the knife and your whiskey glass falling to the sand as Heat caught you before you could entirely collapse from the shock of the pain. Your skin continued to make small sizzling sounds as the blade was pulled away, small blisters forming over the dark red wound.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Heat shouted. He dragged you away from the fire to sit in the sand, leaning your back against one of the logs. The smell of singed skin tickled his nose and Mohawk was quick to rush to your side, inspecting the wound carefully, doctor mode fully engaged. To be fair, it wouldn't be a Kid Pirate party without someone getting hurt.
“A little warning next time? Fucking hell,” he grumbled, pulling gently at the surrounding skin to inspect the wound closely, before looking over your face to check your condition. You were heavily lidded, and somewhat out of it, but wore a dazed smile regardless. He stood to address Kid, who was surprised but impressed by the display. “It'll heal fine if she keeps it clean, she's just in shock right now but she'll be fine in a bit when the adrenaline wears off. I'd give her painkillers but booze will work fine for tonight. It's gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow though”
“Fucking hell Yin,” Heat mumbled, sitting behind you on the log and steadying your body between his legs, lifting your injured arm and resting it on his knee, “what happened to getting a tattoo?”
“Sorry,” you giggled, “didn't feel like waiting that long”
Kid collected his now cooled blade from the sand and slid it back into the holster. “That was hardcore,” he laughed, “you're a fucking laugh, woman”
“That was irresponsible,” Killer mumbled under his mask, returning to his previous spot sitting on a log.
“Ah don't be a vibe killer, Killer,” you smiled, sticking your tongue out at the massacre soldier, “don't act like that wasn't the coolest shit you've ever seen a chick do.” He rolled his eyes under the mask and openly ignored you, but to be fair, you weren't wrong.
Mohawk, who had disappeared to the ship, returned with a med bag and dressed the wound while Heat held your arm up for him. The burn was making you a little dizzy, so you leaned your head against Heat's other leg, practically nuzzling against it. He had to be careful to not sit too close to you, or you might feel the erection forming from your innocent rubbing against his thigh.
Once the dizziness passed, Mohawk gave you permission to start drinking again, and it didn't take long for you to get completely trashed. At some point you and Heat swapped places, with Heat now sitting on the sand between your legs while you braided his thick, blue hair.
“Your hair is so pretty, Heat, such a pretty colour for a pretty boy,” you giggled. Kid groaned, you'd been like this for hours. Apparently you were an affectionate drunk. “Aw Kiddie, are you jealous baby? Your hair is pretty too! So many pretty boys. Killer are you pretty too under there? I bet you're pretty. Everyone on this crew is pretty”
“Stop calling my men pretty!” Kid growled, “We're fearsome pirates, not dolls”
“Boo,” you pouted, “it's not my fault you're all pretty. Killer let me braid your hair next!”
“Absolutely not,” he deadpanned, inserting the straw of his drink through the holes of his mask to take another swig.
“But it's my party!” You whined, “you gotta be nice to me!”
“I'm already being nice by not dunking you in the water,” he grumbled, “you bring that touchy feely shit over here and I'm stuffing you in a potato sack, filling it with cannonballs and throwing you overboard”
“Yesh, mister grumpymask,” you flopped another finished braid over Heat's shoulder so it laid against his chest, “lighten up would you? Chill out Mr. Massacre”
“Killer has never been chill a day in his life,” Kid laughed, “oi Heat, speaking of chill, light one up would you?”
“Aye aye Captain,” Heat laughed, giving a mock salute, reaching into the pocket of his baggy pants and pulling out a small zipper pouch. From it he retrieved a lighter and a couple of pre-rolled joints, lighting one and handing it to Kid, before lighting his own. You wrinkled your nose at the unfamiliar smell.
“What is that?” You asked curiously. Heat and Kid laughed in response at your innocence. Heat shuffled around on the ground, turning so he was sitting perpendicular to you, his back against one of your legs. He held the joint up for you to see.
“You've never smoked weed?” He asked curiously.
“Oh, that's what that is?” You replied, “I heard a few people mention it at some marine parties but I've never actually seen it, or smelt it. The marines took drug screening pretty seriously”. You took the joint he was holding out for you and inspected it carefully.
“Deep inhale, hold it for a second then let it out. Do it soft or you'll choke on the smoke” Heat instructed. This certainly wasn't his first time introducing someone to his favourite plant.
You brought the joint to your mouth hesitantly and did as you were told, but you must have inhaled too harshly because you couldn't help but cough a few times. Your head spun from the hit and you giggled. “That feels weird,” you took another inhale, without coughing this time, and handed it back to Heat as you exhaled the stream of dank smoke.
“You don't know the half of it,” he laughed, “wait till it really hits”
“Fuck, if she's affectionate when she's drunk, what's you gonna be like high?” Kid roared, “Bet you a hundred berri she gets naked”
“I'm not sticking around for that,” Killer grumbled as he stood, “I'm going to bed”
“Awww, lame!” you moaned, “grandpa!”
“I'm going to drown you,” he said, pushing you off the log as he walked past. You stayed where you'd landed on your back, your legs draped over the log, giggling like a crazy woman.
“Killer! Your ass looks really good from this angle!” You called after him as he left.
“My ass always looks good,” he said under his breath. You were the only one who heard him, and laughed maniacally, almost kicking poor Heat in the process.
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As it turned out, you were a sleepy stoner, and Heat ended up having to carry you to bed after you fell asleep leaning against him, a half finished braid still in your hand. The party continued long into the night till the beach was covered with drunk, sleeping pirates and the fire died out.
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🌷Roses🌷 (Major Dr. Ghastly x Male Henchman Reader)
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🌷 Original story 🌷
❤️ Ao3 version ❤️
(This was my first ever fic on this blog and I'm so glad that I was able to re-read and edit it! 🌷 ❤️ 🌷 ❤️ Enjoy! <3)
You only joined Evil Con Carne not because you had an interest in world domination per se but rather you needed the money and were super desperate.
And after working for the evil organization for about a week now, you soon came to realize that being a henchman - or rather a throwaway goon - for the evil, pink brain you and others knew as Hector Con Carne wasn't an easy job.
Not only did you get very little pay or sometimes no pay at all in most cases, but Private Doofus, an extremely stupid hillbilly henchman, once explained to you that your job and his job as Hector's men were essentially to either get badly injured or arrested.
Heck, you even found out the other day that Hector and General Skarr would place bets on what would happen to a henchman on missions!
Hector himself wasn't the most caring or compassionate boss either, as he would act like an evil overbearing tyrant who yelled alot, insult others and boss them around.
You found General Skarr also known as "The One-Eyed Weirdo" too creepy and cruel to be around and would only interact with him when he was leading you and the other workers.
It wasn't any better that your soldier co-workers were a bunch of bumbling fools, who couldn't do something as simple as march in a straight line without clumsily falling down.
But, despite all the negatives at working at Evil Con Carne - Hector's aggressiveness, General Skarr's harsh personality, your co-worker's incompetence to complete tasks, etc - there was one positive, and that was getting to be in the presence of the lovely Major Dr. Ghastly whenever you and the other troops were called in by Hector to do a mission.
Ever since you started working at E.C.C. (Evil Con Carne) you've had your eye on the red headed female scientist for quite some time now.
You just loved everything about her; her ruby red hair which was usually in a bun style and baby blue eyes, her ability to build and operate a wide array of weapons and machines, her kind personality, and not to mention the way her skin-tight rubber suit would show off her curvaceous body.
She was the definition of wife material.
One day, after you were done training with your henchman acquaintances, you passed by Major Doctor Ghastly's lab and peeked behind the entrance of the laboratory to see what she was up to.
The Major Doctor seemed to be working on an evil invention of some sort that had lots of knobs and buttons. This gave you the perfect opportunity to pull out from behind your back the bouquet of roses you had bought for her.
"I-I hope she's a fan of roses," you gulped, nervous.
You slowly and quietly make your way to the doctor, nervousness in every little step you took.
Finally arriving behind her you took a deep breath and tapped on her shoulder. Alarmed and surprised by the sudden tap to the shoulder, Ghastly quickly turned around.
Once she saw that it was just you, a simple henchman, she sighed in relief.
"Oh, ha, ha, it's just you. For a second there I thought you were someone else."
You slowly raised up the hand that was holding the bouquet to her and looked down shyly, blushing a bit.
"F-For you, M-Ms. Major Doctor. My apologies if you don't like roses," you shuttered, your face now imitating a tomato due to how red it was.
Ghastly was at a lost for words. She never had someone, let alone a soldier, deliver her flowers like this. Now, the scientist already had feelings for the power hungry maniac Hector Con Carne who she referred to as "Chief", but she took the bouquet from your hands and smiled, seeing this as simply an act of kindness rather than you trying to confess your feelings to her.
She began admiring the roses.
"Oh my, these are absolutely divine, soldier!" she beamed before taking a sniff. "Not to mention, they smell great too!"
"A-Actually, it's (Y/N). My name is (Y/N), and you're welcome," you say, glad to know that that the Doctor is pleased by your little gift.
"Thank you, (Y/N)! I'll make sure to put these in a flower vase and water them after I'm done working on my latest invention." After thanking you, she smiles and goes back to admiring the roses. You, your face still red, back away awkwardly, shooting finger guns.
"Hey! Anytime, sweet stuff!" You say before turning to exit the lab.
Once fully out of the lab and out of the sight of Ghastly, you facepalm for how stupid you sounded and acted at the very end of all that.
'Ugh, I'm so stupid! Did I seriously just call The Major Doctor "sweet stuff"?'
The memory of Ghastly smiling and thanking you popped into your head, making you go a little easy on yourself.
"Oh well," you sighed happily, "At least she liked the roses."
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6leafypot9 · 11 months
Hero & Villain Pair Ideas 3
*I'm back with part 3!!! I haven't been able to write or finish my wips as much as I want to because I'm about to graduate, so I'm posting this for now.*
Grumpy!Villain x Retired!Hero x Civilian
Hero and Civilian are finally able to move in together! They have a new house, a new dog, and a new neighbor! They bump into Villain in the middle of screaming at his henchmen over the phone. They have no idea who Villain is and fall in love, nobody knows if Villain has the same feelings though.
Sidekick x Right Hand
Just two bros sharing a smoothie, holding hands, and watching their boss fight each other. Definitely no homo.
Supervillain x Chef!Henchman
Henchman only exists for one reason, and that's to serve Supervillain all the sweets they could ever want. Supervillain also exists for one reason, and that's to marry Hennchman. What? What do you mean he skipped a few stages?
Vigilante x Retired!Vigilante
Vigilante is a hardcore fan of Retired, and ever since they stopped their hero work, Vigilante wanted to live up to Retired's name. Vigilante is unaware that he's roommates with the said ex-vigilante. Retired is just trying to make sure his dumbass friend doesn't get himself killed.
Retired!Villain x Retired!Hero
Basically, the two of them got tired of their game and decided to live a cottagecore life with each other. Bonus points if their old sidekicks (who are now the new Hero and Villain) find them in the middle of a romantic picnic.
Corrupt!Hero x Anti-Hero x Villain
They heores are partners, Corrupt does suspicious things like using money from donations and lying about how fights happen. They think Anti has no clue, but in reality, Anti-Hero is on Villain's lap and they're both gushing about Corrupt.
Chaotic!Villain x Scientist x Monster!Villain
Somebody help the poor scientist, they just wanted to experiment on people, not get bothered by two terrifying beings! Tell Chaotic to get off their lap and tell Monster, that no, leaving a decapitated head on their doorstep is not romantic.
SuperVillain x Stoner!Civilian
SuperVillain lands in an alley badly wounded, sees Civilian and threatens them. Civilian, who is high as kite, gives 0 shits and offers SuperVillain some weed.
Superhero x Flirty!Secretary
Somebody tell these two to lock the door, nobody wants to see them doing the dirty on the meeting room's table.
Barista!Civilian x Monster!Villain
Lord have mercy on the poor soul that decides to try and rob the cafe, or kidnap the barista, because heaven knows Monster is gonna have their entrails hanging as decoration.
Scientist x Stoner!Civilian
Scientist uses Civilian to test their drugs. Civilian is A-OK with this because the scientist is cute and the trip is good.
Monster!Hero x Vigilante
The hero society is corrupt and treats Hero like they're an animal. Experimentation, bad living conditions and hardly any pay. Vigilante notices and decides to basically bribe Hero with food into living with them instead. They reveal the hero society's wrongdoings too.
Retired!Hero x SuperHero
Retired quits (gets fired) being a hero and is struggling with money. SuperHero who has been pining for them since they first joined the hero society, is happy to be sugar daddy. Retired is too tsundere though, so a lot of bonding has to be done.
Himbo!Civilian x Hero
Hero finds Civilian facedown in their dumpster, Civilian who is awake and very much out of it, calls Hero pretty and passes out. Hero gets blushy and decides that they will be responsible for this idiot from now on.
Himbo!Villain x Henchman x RightHand
Villain is stupid as rocks and RightHand is the one usually making the plans (they still add what Villain wants though cause they're whipped.) Henchman has no idea and idolizes Villain. It's a comical relationship where RightHand might need some more headache medicine.
*There you go, I am working as fast as I can on my ao3 fics I swear-*
Parts: 1 , 2 , [here]
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1) i hope your test went well!!! Tests are always scary
2) what are your pronouns??
3) I have a request 👉👈 " henchman x villain but villain slowly finds out that henchman is much more powerful than them and doesn't know it/keeps a very careful hand on their power(s?) "
Have a free pumpkin candle (unless you don't like pumpkin, then a scent you do like) 🕯
Hello, anon! My test went well, thanks for asking! It actually went way better than I initially thought it would. I was absolutely not prepared and assumed I would get between a sixty and seventy. I got an eighty-four and was riding that high all night. I definitely struggle taking tests as I'm riddled with learning disabilities (one of which is dyslexia). As for my pronouns, I use she/her, which can also be found at the top of my blog. Thanks for the candle (I do like pumpkin) and request. Sorry for the wait on this, but I hope you enjoy!
Inevitable Interview
Villain was no closer to getting answers. Every interview was one dead-end after another. Unfortunately, this one was no different. Nothing stood out from the engineer's story--it lined up with the others they heard as well as their own memory of that day. Supervillain broke into the lab, slaughtering a few henchmen and scientists along the way. A fight broke out between Villain and their rival, then Villain killed him. Somehow.
"You're dismissed. Thank you for your time." The engineer nodded and was out the door in a rush, leaving the criminal in the silence of their office. Villain ran a hand through their hair, catching a few tangles as they considered their next move. There were four people left to interview. If they didn't find anything of note, they would need to rethink the whole investigation. Maybe Right Hand was right; perhaps they were overreacting. Perhaps they were experiencing things that weren't really there, much like the phantom pain of a lost limb. Villain crossed off the engineer's name from the list of interviewees and called their Right Hand.
"Please send in the next one."
The criminal leaned back in their leather office chair, sighing. It took five well-placed hits from Villain to take down Supervillain's shields on a bad day. Not only had they been destroyed in two, the final shot had been the death of their rival. It shouldn't have been possible, yet here they were--their rival dead at their hand as they struggled to understand how it happened.
Villain had delivered the final shot. Between the extensive autopsy and hours of examining the security footage from the lab, they were certain of that. Perhaps they were chasing a nonexistent mystery, looking too deeply into an improbable outcome as Right Hand was suggesting; however, that idea didn't sit right with them. It wasn't the first time their powers had behaved strangely. Villain could recount a handful of times their powers acted in ways they shouldn't have.
The first time was a little over two years ago, after they hired a new batch of henchmen. Villain was observing their training when one of the machines malfunctioned and exploded. The villain shouldn't have been able to contain and redirect the blast, yet it ended with no casualties. They though they could remember a surge of power strengthening their abilities, allowing them to avoid a catastrophe. From then on, they noticed slight changes in their abilities on a number of occasions. It had only been little things they could write off as their imagination caused by the heat of the moment. That is until last week with Supervillain.
A sharp knock drew them from their thoughts and signaled the arrival of...Henchman, according to the list. They had worked together before. Villain straightened themself, taking a moment to reorganize their desk before welcoming their subordinate.
"Come in." The door opened and Henchmen shuffled in with unsure steps, closing the door behind them. "Please, have a seat." Villain gestured to the chairs in front of the desk, taking a final glance at the list before turning their attention to Henchman. They fidgeted and kept their eyes down as they settled in a chair.
"You understand why you're here, yes?"
"Y-yes, sir. It's because of what happened back in the lab with Supervillain."
"Exactly. I understand why you might be nervous, but you don't need to be. As you may know, I'm interviewing everyone who was in the lab that day. I want to avoid a situation like that from occurring again, and I wanted to see how everyone was doing. I know it wasn't something anyone wanted to experience." There was a third reason for these interviews, one they hadn't disclosed to anyone but Right Hand. Something about that day and Supervillain's defeat wasn't adding up. Villain needed to know why.
"I know it's been a week since it happened," Villain continued, "but I want to hear what you remember of that day. Even if it seems like an insignificant detail, anything will be helpful."
Henchmen nodded, fiddling with their keycard as they stared at their hands. "I was in the lab helping Engineer label some equipment," they said eventually. "Supervillain blew the doors open and killed Other Henchman when she tried to stop him. He killed a few others before you could intervene and said something about coming to eliminate an inconvenience. That being you, uh, as you know. You two fought, and you killed him."
Villain waited for Henchman to continue, frowning when they realized they were done with their story. "Is that all?"
"M-More or less. I'm not sure what else there is to say. You took out Supervillain in only two hits, and ended work early for the day. I-I didn't really stick around after that for obvious reason."
Villain narrowed their eyes. Other than Right Hand, no one else had noted how quickly Supervillain was dealt with. People didn't suspect it as odd or particularly, otherwise they would've brought it up. Henchman didn't seem to notice Villain staring as their eyes wandered over the criminal's desk. It was almost like they were desperate to avoid drawing attention to themself. Villain leaned forward, smiling lightly.
"Actually, I managed to kill Supervillain and take out his shields in two hits." Henchman visibly relaxed. "I'm not sure how I did it, but it doesn't matter. I neutralized him before he could do more damage. Anyway, we're getting a bit off topic here, I think. Is there anything else you remember of that day?"
"Not-not really. It was...overwhelming and I-I tried to stay away from the crossfire."
That wasn't right. Hadn't Henchman been standing nearby when they delivered the final blow? Weren't they also involved in the rescue mission for Other Villain? And that training session two years ago...
Something clicked as Villain stared at their subordinate. They had always been there when their powers behaved strangely, always nearby Villain. How could they have missed it? Whatever had happened with Supervillain and the strange occurrences over the years had to be tied to Henchman. Other than Villain themself, they were the one constant in every situation. Villain straightened themself, masking their excitement at the realization.
"So, um, is that all?"
"Yes, you're dismissed. Thank you for your time, Henchman."
Henchman nodded, nearly jumping up from their seat and scurrying to the door without another word. Villain smirked as they watched them leave. There was something odd about them. Whatever it was, Villain was sure it had something to do with Supervillain's death.
They called Right Hand again. "Go ahead and send in the next person. Also, please get me Henchman's file."
Villain leaned back in their chair, elbows on their desk as they entwined their fingers. The more they thought about it, the more certain they were of a connection. If they were right, Henchman had powers, likely something to do with strengthening people's abilities. They had to be fairly powerful--potentially even more powerful than Villain--if they were able to boost their abilities enough to kill Supervillain. It would take a few days of research to be sure, but they knew the results would be worth it.
So it's been a bit since I've posted some writing. I got this ask last week, and have been trying to work on it when I have time. I started a new job last Monday and have been waking up at six in the morning for it. I haven't been able to write a ton, but I'm glad I got this out.
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lesbianwriter · 2 years
Master list #2
I reached my link limit on the other one :(
Retired Hero
Part one
Part two
Werewolf x Witch
Part one
Henchman x Villain
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Detective x Thief
Part one
Part two
Sick Villain
Part one
Crabby Villain and Naive Hero Stuck Together
Part one
Part two
Single Mother Villain
Part one
Love Serum
Part one
Part two
The Show Must Go On
Part one
Part one
Supervillain and Scientist
Part one
Was It All a Lie
Part one
Princess in the Dragon Tower
Part one
Morally Grey Hero
Part one
Favorite Villain
Part one
Part one
Spies and Lies
Part one
Part two
Part three
Villain Kidnaps Civilian For Attention
Part one
Part two
Working Together
Part one
Cop x Villain
Part one
Lonely Lamia
Part one
An Old Enemy
Part one
Mentors and Mentees
Part one
Aro/Ace Assassins
Part one
Sidekick x Supervillain
Part one
Secret Identity
Part one
Cuddles and Kisses
Part one
Villain’s Child Wants to be a Hero
Part one
Part two
Asthma Attack
Part one
Part one
Does It Hurt?
Part one
Civilian Kidnaps Villain
Part one
Straight Hero Flirts With Villain
Part one
A Goddess’s Aid
Part one
Hero x Civilian
Part one
Demon Transformation
Part one
Valentines Day
Part one
Part one
Bratty Hero
Part one
Stockholm Syndrome
Part one
Villain Dies
Part one
Running from the Law
Part one
Illusionist Vigilante
Part one
Retired Superhero and Supervillain
Part one
Evil Monologue
Part one
Childhood Friends to Enemies
Part one
Bad Day
Part one
Civilian and Villain are Roommates
Part one
Rehabilitation With Silent Villain
Part one
Part two
Villain x Reader
Part one
Hero is Villain’s Maid
Part one
Part two
Robot x Human
Part one
Part two
Part three
Hero Sitting By the Window
Part one
Dragon Kidnaps a Princess
Part one
Shy Vampire
Part one
Part one
Villain Cares for Civilian
Part one
Sleeping In
Part one
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myscalesofjustice · 2 years
I have an idea for a late arc villain in Spy x Family:
WISE is at war with a terrorist cell that seems to have sprung up from nowhere. That would be bad enough, but the scary boss carries a recent photo of Anya. The implication being the scientists from Anya’s backstory want her back, making the battles that much more personal for Twilight and Yor.
The twist: The shot caller isn’t a scientist, but Anya’s biological father! He and Anya’s mother were lab rats with psychic abilities too, except they were used as human weapons during the war dominating Loid and Yor’s backstories. So, his powers are deadlier than one-way telepathy. First choices are pyrokinesis or telekinesis. After the war, the couple managed to escape and live in hiding for a while. When Anya was expected, the government scientists abducted them to study this incredible result of superhuman breeding. The mother was killed after Anya was born, most likely in after being pushed beyond her limits in tests. The father was led to believe both had died, only discovering after killing his captors that his daughter was still alive. He’s been searching for her in between plotting revenge on the political powers that made his life hell.
(Perhaps he’s the reason Anya ever escaped from the lab? He and his underlings stormed the place and Anya, with no way of knowing who was breaking in, just ran away amidst the chaos.)
I want to think the guy won’t be a bad-hearted person, so he will eventually accept Loid and Yor are better for Anya than he is. This can end two ways: He either sacrifices himself to ensure the Forgers’ wellbeing, or just bows gracefully out of their lives. And his name should be Ernest. Why? Aside from being the first name of the Bond villain, “earnest” is synonymous with honest, which counteracts the Forgers’ theme of deceit.
It would just be a bonus if he has a henchman based on Le Chiffre, forced into terrorism by gambling depts. “Chiffre” shares its roots with “Zero”, so Zero would be a good name for him.
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ohsimspo · 1 year
Tumblr media
Pride month is coming and I thought it might be fun creating a challenge dedicated to it. The idea is to create couples in CAS! But it doesn't have to just be a challenge; it can be used for ideas in general. Just have fun with it. (And although it says w/w and m/m, I'm not excluding non beanies or other folks in the LGBTQIA+. Like I said, just have fun with it.)
prince / princess x loyal knight
goth x pastel
cottagecore x dark academia
fae x vampire
bimbo x librarian
human x werewolf
pirate x selkie / merfolk
ghost x groundskeeper
chauffeur x celebrity
bookstore owner x artist
florist x tattoo artist
demon x angel
jester x knight
lifeguard x merfolk
elf x traveller
huldra x baker's daughter
hunter x vampire
werewolf x vampire
dragon x royalty
living statue x gardener
werewolf x hunter
knight x stablehand
alien x conspiracy theorist
archeologist x immortal
real estate agent x unsellable house's ghost
your choice
half spider / drider x naga
siren x diver
detective x thief
hero x villain
and because I went way overboard, your bonus challenges/inspiration can be found below the read more.
blue x red
photographer x model's assistant
mortician x zombie
guard x the guarded
sun x moon
scientist x failed lab experiment
court jester x prince / princess
journalist x antihero
cheerleader x sports player
tired college student x barista
fashion designer x model
punk x gamer
author x video game designer
social butterfly x loner
doorman of hotel x receptionist
workaholic x late night janitor
henchman x sidekick
singer x songwriter
tourist x summer not-so-fling
beekeeper x farmer’s market stall worker
sidekick x villain
zookeeper x animal communicator
if anyone has an ideas they'd like to add, feel free to message me. i'll add more to this post or make a separate one.
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Just for fun :) I love villain dynamics the most, so I was curious.
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penquinlori · 1 year
Okay I got tagged by both @arkhana and @maniac-reboggles for this, so here you go!
3 Ships: I don’t get invested in character relationships, but here are the three couples I’ve enjoyed thinking about lately:
Mina Murray x Jonathan Harker - I’m so glad Dracula Daily happened and more people became aware of this couple, the healthiest canonical relationship in classic horror literature. They are such a good team and so caring of and dedicated to each other without being particularly unhealthy or alarming about it and it’s a travesty that popular culture ignored practically everything about this relationship.
Agent Stone x Dr. Robotnik - I’ve not actually been thinking about this one a lot, but every time I remember it exists, it brings me joy. Lee Majdoub totally sells it as an assistant/minion who is very much in love with his mad scientist/boss. They are the best thing about the Sonic movies for me. Every good mad scientist needs a dedicated right hand henchman I truly wish that Agent Stone starts appearing beside Robotnik in everything from now on.
Salvatore Moreau x Bernadette Beneviento - I have been thinking about this couple a lot… although she is mentioned in game, Bernadette B is technically an OC and since RE didn’t give us much to work with regarding Moreau I have a lot of free reign to make their backstory connected and as tragic as I see fit! BWHAHAHA!
1st Ever Ship: …I genuinely have no idea. I was wracking my brain, but I don’t remember ever being wholly obsessed with a fandom relationship. However I do remember enjoying Bernard and Bianca in the Rescuers and Rescuers Down Under - so sweet and such a great team.
Last Song:
Never Love An Anchor by The Crane Wives
Hells Comin’ With Me by Poor Man’s Poison
Last Movie: If miniseries count it’s Over the Garden Wall. Otherwise I think the last film I watched was Wolf Walkers.
Currently Reading:
Moira’s Pen by Megan Whalen Turner
Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison
Currently Watching: Drawfee Show’s latest episode.
Currently Consuming: Leftover pasta and salad.
Currently Craving: Pizza.
Tagging: …
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notveryimpressed · 6 months
Villain: Gather 'round, my nefarious associates! Today, we shall unleash a prank of unparalleled villainy upon those insufferable heroes. The very foundation of their breakfasts shall crumble!
Right Hand: My Lord, are you referring to the diabolical plot involving the jam and the... err, spicy sauce?
Villain: Indeed, Right Hand! I have devised a scheme so devilish that even the most stoic hero will shed a tear over their ruined toast. Behold, we shall replace all their innocent jam bottles with jars of fiery sriracha sauce!
Henchman #1: (snickering) Sriracha sauce, boss? Won't they notice the difference right away?
Villain: That's where you're wrong, my unwitting underling! The labels, yes, the labels shall be our masterpiece. Mittens!
Mittens: (with a tiny villainous cape) Oh, joy. I always wanted to be a cat forger.
Villain: Mittens, you shall forge labels so exquisite, so perfect, that the heroes won't suspect a thing! I want the labels to scream "premium, extra-fancy jam" while concealing the fiery truth within.
Right Hand: (suppressing laughter) My Lord, isn't Mittens more skilled in knocking things off tables than label forgery?
Villain: Nonsense! I have seen Mittens weave her devious paws through the most intricate tasks. She once unraveled the hero's secret meeting plans by batting a ball of yarn across their secret files!
Mittens: (proudly) Meow.
Henchman #2: (snickering) But boss, what if they taste the sauce and realize it's not jam?
Villain: Ah, my dear simpleton, that's where our pièce de résistance comes in. Scientist!
Scientist: (entering with a clipboard) You called, my villainous overlord?
Villain: Scientist, you shall concoct a special potion that numbs the taste buds temporarily! Just enough for the heroes to savor the sweet anticipation before the fiery revelation.
Scientist: (scribbling notes) Numbing potion, understood. How long should the effect last?
Villain: Long enough for them to question their very existence, but short enough for them to recover before they suspect foul play.
Right Hand: (trying not to laugh) Brilliant, my Lord. A scheme so devious, even the heroes won't see it coming.
Henchman #1: (chuckles) And they'll be wondering if their taste buds have turned traitor!
Villain: Precisely! Now, to action, my minions! Mittens, forge those labels. Scientist, brew that potion. Henchmen, prepare for a raid on the hero's breakfast nooks!
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rat-father · 2 years
villain x scientist, villain x henchman, villain x villain, villain x civilian >>>> villain x hero
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