#herpes community
Sorry Asexuals, I don’t believe in this I believe in celibacy, 5yrs for me to reevaluate your sexual priorities or address health issues or paying to play. Since Sex workers are being the MOST sexually responsible if they are sexually active as everyone wants a taste, it was important I took time off to decide what was smartest and safest for me and others. The “incel” culture I think is odd, they’re basically asexuals who couldn’t or think they can’t get laid so they gave up. I suppose some of you just like the IDEA of sex but sex is an ACTION it isn’t an idea but we all got our things. I’m thrilled to have sex with at least 6 millionaires then 150 average earners who are amazing lovers on film before this is all over.
Sex is risk, I get why you’re asexual but I’m thrilled to end my celibacy. lol Breaks are good, my situation Is vastly different. I got herpes at 23yrs old after years of hooking up with older men from 14-22yrs old with men 18-65yrs old when I was young as well, I consented I loved it I just wish they PAID me, only regret. Their secret is safe with TIME. Lucky they got young me, fuckers. HSV2, found out on my 23rd BDAY I thought it was the end of my sexual life as I didn’t ever wanna pass it. It’s a shame people get STDs or hiv and just say “Fuck it, imma be sexually reckless and spread it”.
BUG chasers also exist young men, they seek to get permanent disease to not have to fear it anymore which was a toxic thing the LGBT community allowed to grow in the pozzing community, sure the undetectable gays tried to stop it but they also just wanted everyone to still fuck men with HIV and shame men HIV negative with herpes, like myself. Testing 6 times a year for HIV to make sure I was HIV negative was/is smart as should YOU or every 14 days if you’re meeting new partners weekly, herpes I eventually found out wasn’t a death sentence nor was it the end of my sexual life, just had to make HUGE changes…
To be continued. https://linktr.ee/rainbow_raven27
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positivesinglesdate · 2 years
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Dating is stress you out
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herpesdatingsingles · 2 years
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couple love
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letustalkstds · 11 months
What are the anxieties of Herpes Singles?
Fear of rejection: Many people with herpes worry that they will be rejected by potential partners once they disclose their status. This fear can be especially strong if they have experienced rejection in the past.
Stigma and shame: There is still a significant amount of stigma attached to herpes, and many people with the condition feel ashamed or embarrassed. This can lead to feelings of isolation and a reluctance to discuss their status with others.
Anxiety about transmission: People with herpes may worry about transmitting the virus to others, even if they are taking steps to manage their symptoms and reduce the risk of transmission.
Difficulty dating: Some people with herpes may feel that their dating options are limited because of their condition, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Negative self-image: Having herpes can impact a person's self-image and self-esteem. They may feel less attractive or desirable, which can affect their confidence and ability to form relationships.
It's important to note that these anxieties are common, but they are not universal. Many people with herpes are able to manage their condition and lead happy, fulfilling lives. Herpes online community can be helpful for those struggling with the emotional impact of herpes.
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taviokapudding · 1 year
Okay so the horns are curved but also the size of their chin to tip of their forehead…hmm
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*processing in cosplayer*
I wasn’t a Homestucker nor a Homestuck cosplayer but I think I understand what I need to do based off what everyone has said, I’m just worried about wind and weight hmmmm. I already have a wig (not pictured below) and I started making all the red ropes out of some extra red yarn I had
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It’s 3 smaller braids, braided into each other to create a 9 rope tri braid. I have a pile in my room now that are just ready to go but I forgot to take pics. I’ll have to do that later.
To everyone who thought I was joking about cosplaying Hiyori, y e a h I hyperfixated around the construction and contractor ADHD father and it’s too late to back peddle now. He joked we had plastic Christmas ornaments I could use for the necklace and then insisted we could use this metal sheet so I made stencils (one was too bit so I made another that’s a bit smaller below) so tldr tomorrow is power tools day.
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meewithherpes · 2 years
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Why depression is hard to understand
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fandom · 6 months
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Tumblr Communities
Rise of the Herpblr. All hail the herps.  
Artists on Tumblr
Photographers on Tumblr
Cats of Tumblr +4
Writers on Tumblr -1
Curators On Tumblr
Simblr +3
Trafficblr +7
ActuallyAutistic +3
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Booklr -4
Black Tumblr +5
Jumblr +10
Hermitblr -1
Illustrators On Tumblr +3
Starwarsblr -2
Witchblr -8
MCYTblr -2
Poets On Tumblr -8
Birblr +6
Plushblr +1
Mineblr -2
Actually ADHD +4
Desiblr +5
Throwbackblr -1
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Ratblr +14
Fishblr +19
Langblr +4
Artblr +7
Empiresblr +3
Classicfilmblr -2
Actually Neurodivergent -5
Fitblr -12
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Cottageblr -7
F1blr +6
Reptiblr +2
Horseblr -1
Ladiesblr -24
Greek Tumblr -7
The number in italics indicates how many spots a community moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded communities weren’t on the list last year.
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positivesinglespage · 2 years
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Don't Give Up !!!
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merobot · 2 years
I’m depressed about them again hours
#i wanna fuck them one last time and be mean like they like but this time I’ll mean it#i don’t even like being mean#I’m so fucking lonely#i was driving home tonight just missing their company on long drives at night#there’s no way to communicate with them#and they still don’t understand how hurt I actually am#i should just give up and accept being alone#i wasted a year of my life with someone who didn’t give a shit about me#and then they gave me herpes and left me for someone else#i feel so fucking stupid#and I still can’t let them go even though they very clearly don’t care about me#it just takes me back to school and how people would just fucking ditch me all the time#back to the bullies who pretended to be my friend#they triggered so much in me with this and they have no idea#and also no capacity to understand#i want them to understand how much I’ve suffered because of them#they never will#i just want them to hold me#it all feels hollow now#i did stuff I never thought I’d do with anyone#and it was consensual but i wouldn’t have chosen to do it if they didn’t bring it up#i hate them but i hate myself more#i live with this hurt constantly#it just doesn’t go away#i just feel stupid and ugly and not good enough#i just want to be loved#but I’m too insecure to form healthy relationships and I’m trying to work on myself but it’s not going very well#i wish I was dead#dead bodies don’t feel shit#i think the only way they’d care about me was if I died and I don’t think anyone would tell them if I did
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positivesinglesdate · 2 years
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2023yearinreview · 6 months
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Tumblr's 2023 Year in Review: Tumblr Communities
Rise of the Herpblr. All hail the herps.  
See what other communities wormed their way into the most talked about groups on Tumblr this year by visiting the link below. ⤵
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herpesdatingsingles · 2 years
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Relationships and dating for HSV singles
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letustalkstds · 1 year
How can I reduce the risk of transmitting herpes to my partner?
If you have herpes, it's important to take steps to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to your partner. Here are some strategies you can use to reduce the risk of transmission:
Practice safe sex: Using condoms or other barrier methods during sexual activity can help reduce the risk of transmission. It's important to use condoms consistently and correctly, and to change condoms between different types of sexual activity (e.g., vaginal, anal, oral).
Take antiviral medication: Antiviral medication can help reduce the risk of transmitting herpes to a sexual partner. These medications work by suppressing the virus and reducing the frequency and severity of outbreaks. It's important to take antiviral medication as directed by a healthcare provider.
Avoid sexual activity during outbreaks: Herpes is most contagious during outbreaks when symptoms are present. Avoiding sexual activity during outbreaks can help reduce the risk of transmission to a sexual partner.
Communicate with your partner: It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your herpes diagnosis. This can help you both make informed decisions about sexual activity and reduce the risk of transmission. It's also important to let your partner know if and when you are experiencing symptoms or outbreaks.
Get tested regularly: Regular STI testing can help identify any new cases of herpes or other STIs. This can help reduce the risk of transmission to a sexual partner.
Remember, there is always a risk of transmission with herpes, even when taking precautions. However, by practicing safe sex, taking antiviral medication, avoiding sexual activity during outbreaks, communicating with your partner, and getting tested regularly, you can reduce the risk of transmission and protect your partner's health.
Talk about std topics? follow us: https://www.datingpeoplewithherpes.com/
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drdemonprince · 3 months
Is "safe sex" even real? Never done it so idk but you mentioned risk profiles once. I feel like demographically I've got a higher risk profile and the anxiety about that really prevents me from going and trying anything. Do you think that's overly anxious in a negative way?
"safe sex" is a really misleading and binary term. There is never any guarantee of safety in anything we do. Every choice we make comes with risks. Hell, choosing not to connect with other people sexually (if you have any desire to) does ITSELF come with its own risks and costs over time.
The chase after perfect, guranteed safety will only lead to us feeling powerless and afraid, because it is an impossibility. All that we can do is inform ourselves of the risks, mitigate the risks we are the most concerned about and that affect others, and then knowingly accept what risks we still face as the cost of leading a full, enjoyable life.
When we inform ourselves about risk mitigation, we learn there are certain steps that we should probably take to protect ourselves and others if we are engaging in behavior that carries risk. If you're having sex with a complete stranger, it's probably smart to use a condom. If you have sex regularly you might want an HPV vaccine or to be on PreP to prevent HIV transmission. When you meet up with people you should get tested for COVID. You should get vaccinated against COVID. If you want to get suspended in rope from the ceiling don't use a hardware store $3 carabeener, get the good shit from the rock-climbing supply store. Things like that.
But even if you use a condom, you might get herpes or HPV or crabs or a yeast infection. Even if you never have sex, you might already have herpes or HPV or crabs or a yeast infection. I've had several of those things, including some of the "scarier" sounding ones, and they're really not that big a deal. They're just a thing that happens in life. Most people have them. You pop a Valtrex when you have symptoms, you shove a suppostiory up your vulva when it itches, you sleep without underwear on, you communicate with partners, you move on with your life.
Sure, I do what I can to avoid the risks I am most concerned about. I take PreP right now because not getting HIV would be preferable to me. But I could still live if I got it. I am informed about the realities of living with HIV today, which makes that fear more manageable. It is easier for me to make carefully considered and yet realistic decisions surrounding my risk profile because I can confront the realities that scare me and learn more about them.
The body is not separable form its environment. We are connected to our surroundings and the people around us, and our bodies get sick, catch viruses, grow old, get messy, and die inevitably and return to the earth. With our one life, we each have to choose what is most important to us and what potential costs we can stand. But with each year that passes, a cost to our bodies is already incurred, and there's nothing we can do to prevent aging and death from coming our way.
So what would you like to do while you are around? Would you like to have sex with condoms? Go on PreP? Get the HPV vaccine? Take random loads in a glory hole? Make out and dry hump with a cutie at a party and catch her cold sore? Cross the street in the dark after looking both ways? Go out dancing so late that your sleep is disrupted for the whole week? Get your heart broken? Have a great all-consuming love? Have children? Endure a torn labia while giving birth? Try psychedelics? Go on a swinger's cruise? Get a UTI from spermicide? Roleplay online instead of meeting in person? Fuck people with a strap-on?
The choice is yours. And no choice you make will be perfect or come without risk. No life is safe. Accepting loss is one of the necessary tasks of leading a life. But you can educate yourself, reflect on what you most want out of life and what you fear, and then take steps to demystefy your worst fears and mitigate the risks that loom largest to you and the people you care about.
Whatever you decide, I hope you have some fun.
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