#i feel like netflix’s homophobia is showing..
orionsangel86 · 8 months
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It's that time of year for anyone thinking about flexing their creative muscles and wanting to try their hand at a bit of art to throw themselves into Inktober!
This year thanks to this lovely fandoms enthusiam I thought it would be fun to run a Sandman themed inktober month and with help from the extremely talented @seiya-starsniper who has put together the above graphic, we have our prompt list for 2023!
Like all Inktober events the challenge is to post one piece of art each day throughout October to fit the prompt of that day.
All art mediums are welcome, from pencil sketches, to paints, to digital art etc.
If you fancy using the prompts as writing prompts instead that is also more than welcome.
Please ensure all posts are tagged #sandtober2023 to ensure that they are found.
If you would like to tag me too please do as I will reblog all contributions I come across.
If you can't commit to creating every single day thats absolutely fine! Pick the prompts and the days that you can do and go big for those!
This really is a no pressure, low commitment event if you want it to be, but of course if you want to challenge yourself to posting every day that is also highly encouraged! Do whatever you feel you can do!
There are no rules regarding characters or ships other than that they have to relate to either The Sandman comic or Netflix show.
Obviously standard fandom etiquette applies re no hate, discrimination, racism, homophobia, etc etc.
Also lets adhere to Tumblrs ban on anything too NSFW *sigh*. I'm personally fine with it but if you do wanna do something spicy maybe avoid drawing genitalia or anything that'll ping the filters.
Please do spread the prompts far and wide, cross-post to other social media, discord servers, anywhere you feel will generate interest so long as you tag #Sandtober2023
Most importantly HAVE FUN! I really can't wait to see what you all come up with!
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
My favorite combination of endgame byler proof dates back to the promotion for season two (bc of course it does)!
About a week before s2 premiered, David Harbour did an interview, and deadass the only thing that makes any sense in regards to what he could possibly be referring to here, is endgame Byler:
"We’re talking about ending Stranger Things at either season four or season five. I know there is an end to the story. It’s a very beautiful end. We’ve already been laying out the pipework. There are easter eggs in season one that you won’t get until season four. You’ll look back and say ‘we’ve been seeing this story the whole time, we just haven’t realized it’. To me, that’s wonderful.”
Now, one could try to argue that David was referring to Will’s sexuality/feelings for Mike here, and I would agree, at least partly, because David’s wording sounds an awful lot like what Noah said recently in his interview with Variety:
"I mean, it’s pretty clear this season that Will has feelings for Mike. They’ve been intentionally pulling that out over the past few seasons. Even in Season 1, they hinted at that and slowly, slowly grew that storyline. I think for Season 4, it was just me playing this character who loves his best friend but struggles with knowing if he’ll be accepted or not, and feeling like a mistake and like he doesn’t belong. Will has always felt like that."
Where it gets complicated though, is that if David was referring to solely Will sexuality/unrequited feelings in this interview, then it doesn’t really make sense for him to frame it as ‘wonderful’.
But, it is important to note that David was talking about the ending, not the beginning of the end, which is what s4 ended up being. His assumption back then, was based on his knowledge of the ending, and how long he hoped the show would go for them to close off that story.
S4 obviously wasn’t a 'beautiful', nor 'wonderful' conclusion to Will’s story arc involving his sexuality/feelings for Mike being built up since s1. So, even if that’s all David was referring to, we are still yet to see the payoff.
This is where the damning proof combo comes in...
Most of you probably know, but as promotion for s2, Spotify collaborated with Netflix for official playlists dedicated to each of the ST characters. It was said that these playlists were specialized and unique to each characters traits.
But especially when it comes to the first song on each of these playlists, almost all of them are instantly recognizable as to why we can assume they chose that song, for that specific character, to start off their playlist. And arguably, even for the most casual of viewers.
For El it’s, Papa Don’t Broach. Pretty self explanatory.
For Will, it’s Should I Stay or Should I Go. Again, self explanatory.
For Mike, it's Smalltown Boy...
To those who don't know, Smalltown Boy (1984) is an unequivocal gay anthem about a young, gay man in the 80's who experiences homophobia and alienation in his small home-town, only to leave (run away) by the end, in order to be happy.
The music video leans even more blatantly into this narrative. Here it is beside this shot of Mike in 4x01 (one of the very few POV shots we got from him in s4, might I add), and it fits quite well with the Smalltown Boy agenda...
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To be clear, this isn't just some song the queer community loved and so it turned into a gay anthem overtime. Because, yeah, there are definitely some songs that lyrically just feel like they could be queer (despite not intentionally being), and so the gays sort of claim it and it gains even more meaning and importance over time. However, that is not the case here. This song is undoubtedly one of the most intentionally gay songs of the 80's. And a heartbreaking SYNTH one at that!!!
If the hints for Will were intentional back then (confirmed), then it’s highly likely Smalltown Boy being the first song on Mike’s official playlist, may just be one of the many Easter eggs pointing to the fact that Mike has also been gay (and in love with Will??) this whole time.
Also worth mentioning that when Finn was recently asked about M*leven's relationship in season 5 (the ending), he had this to say;
"I don’t know, I’m really interested… I don’t know, I’m interested kind of like for the end of the show kinda in general (…) Who’s gonna stay in Hawkins, who’s gonna leave. Who’s gonna try to find a life outside. Is there even gonna be a Hawkins? I don’t know. But yeah. I’d be interested to see if Mike stays in Hawkins, or tries to find a life outside of his town. And also, you know it’s hard to tell, like obviously with Eleven and his relationship, but I hope they find, you know, happiness."
When they make-up after fighting in 4x04, Mike tells Will that Hawkins isn't the same without him. After literally listing off all of their friends, basically separating them from Will, "They're great... but-" sort of confirms to us that no matter what Hawkins has to offer, without Will, it's not the same to Mike. Which means if Will isn't going to stay in Hawkins at the end (he won't), Mike probably wont either.
TBH, Will and Mike both having feelings for each other since the beginning, and ending up together, fits a whole lot better with: ‘we’ve been seeing this story the whole time, we just haven’t realized it. And I think that’s wonderful’, than an unrequited love story does....
And the fact that all of these easter eggs, for both Mike and Will, started picking up more prominently after season 2, makes the Duffers whole "what is s2?" act right now even more funny...
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thebroccolination · 1 year
I never hold budget issues against a series that was made with love.
Sound engineering issues abound in most Thai BL series. I don’t have industry experience, but I think a lot of those issues stem from a very short postproduction window. Most series are filmed over a few months and then they’re put together in even less time—usually while the series is airing. Nuchy, director of Not Me, was editing some episodes the night before they aired. Not because she wanted to, but because she was under a strict, tight budget and didn’t have the time to do it any earlier. She’s gone into minute detail about the budgeting issues they faced, and it’s nowhere more obvious than in how the writing unspooled toward the end of the series—where they had episodes cut mid-production and didn’t have time to course-correct or edit or reshoot properly.
Meanwhile, shows on Netflix or Amazon or Disney take much longer to film, and postproduction takes even longer. Spending hours picking through each minute of footage for accidental clothing noises or unexpected sounds or muffled voices or echoing rooms takes budget. So does paying everyone to come back and reshoot a scene when you can’t remove those sounds.
Recently we found out that Prem wanted to add a pool-related scene to the end of Between Us because he thought it would enhance the story, but the production had already wrapped filming at the pool. So Prem offered to pay most of the cost of renting that location again because the production just didn’t have the money to do reshoots on a whim. Prem understands that and still wanted to shoot the scene because Between Us is a passion project about characters he loves. And New, the director, covered the rest of the cost as well as the cost to hire everyone back for that one scene.
Like most series, there have been sound issues in Between Us. But I’ve noticed more of them in the past few episodes than in the first five, likely because they had more time to work on those. During the homophobia scene in episode seven, Boun’s mic was under his shirt, so when he hugged Prem, his dialogue was muffled. The fact that they kept that take doesn’t mean they’re lazy or they don’t care—I have no idea how many other takes they had, or why they couldn’t use a boom mic instead, or what other technical issues they were having. I suspect they didn’t have the time or resources to correct it.
What I do know is that there has been a metric ton and a half of love put into this series by every person involved, and for me personally, that’s all I want from any series. A series can be as well-produced and dazzling as can be, but if there’s no heart in it, my interest in it plummets like a rock. I’ve dropped better funded series because they’re flashy and pretty but there’s no heart in them. They’re purely a vehicle to launch their actors into the larger marketing scheme.
So, y’know. Win’s changing roots, sound issues, etc., none of it makes a dent for me, and it’s why I never mention them even though I’ve noticed. That’s surface-level stuff that doesn’t make a significant difference to me. The acting, the story, and the character growth—that’s what I came for, and I think that’s what they’re excelling in. Boun and Prem have loved WinTeam for over three years, and it’s clear from their every scene together that they committed every iota of feeling to their performances.
They could have dropped Between Us at any point. Their popularity was skyrocketing before they even started filming, and the only reason they were only playing side characters in other series for so long was their commitment to Between Us. They love the story and the characters so much they both agreed to effectively put their careers on hold. They kept their popularity on a steady increase by doing promotional, sponsored work while they waited for their passion project.
It’s passion that I love. I’ll always love a story told with sincerity over a series that took thousands or millions more and lacks emotional depth. Everyone’s priority is different, of course, and some people value both production quality and emotional depth equally.
I’ll always look the other way with production shortcomings if the people telling the story are telling it with their whole heart.
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gayandfairycore · 11 months
Do you see right through me?
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A/n: I am back! Restarting my streak of posting a fic every few months, XO kitty is my new obsession atm and I have seen no fanfics about the loml, so here’s an unrequested kitty x femreader! This doesn’t really follow everything in the show, but nevertheless I’m happy with it! As always all chaste aged up side note I am curious of your thoughts on the show? I’m sad people disliked the show as much as they did, I actually thought it was pretty alright? cringey at moments, but isn’t that all Netflix’s shows…
Summary: falling in love with kitty covey when she comes to K.I.S.S and your fellow students surprised by your care for the girl. When kitty hears Minho talk about how untouchable you were to anyone. She begins to hope that you feel for her what she feels for you.
Warnings: bullying, panic attacks, mentions of slurs but no actual use of slurs, (not so) unrequited love, homophobia, internalised homophobia, purposely getting someone drunk, daes a smidge homophobic in this fic, this fic is also not proof read because I’m lazy 😌
You knew she was with dae, hell you knew since the moment she met you, rambling excited about her true love, and The fact that she had flown half way around the globe for a boy.
It felt blaringly obvious that if she were to do that there was no way that she would be into women. Plus you’d never. Ever. Want to steal someone’s partner That was just wrong.
So you would watch from afar, hold on to any touches the girl would give you, and you would force yourself to feel happiness for the girl. Force down any feelings of bitterness when she would stare at dae with love in her eyes.
Kitty song-covey was just so magnetic. It was like she vibrated on a whole different plane of existence. No matter how hard you tried You couldn’t stop half of your heart from breaking whenever she told you the details about her quest to get back dae.
You felt anger burn in you, boil your blood at the audacity of the boy lucky enough to hold her heart. To cheat on her it made you feel sick.
She deserved better, you hoped that maybe better would be you… from the moment you saw her she caught your heart. The illusive y/n l/n.
If she were to ask any student at KISS she would find out the rumours of your name. You were the girl who was smoking hot and yet had never had a boyfriend, despite many boys asking you out in grandiose ways.
You were, too many, The untouchable girl.
And for a girl with such a reputation It felt embarrassing how quickly you began to feel things for her. Non platonic things.
you felt a sense of duty when you saw her slip in those cupcakes. you moved without a second thought the click of your heels on the polished floors as you bent to her level.
“Are you okay?” You’d ask the girl
No reply left her lips, with orange frosting sticky and coated to her dress, tears shone in her eyes. As she looked up at you, with a tearful gaze, her eyes glazed over in embarrassment as she searched her surroundings. Staring down the lens of a phone camera she started to think maybe coming to Korea was a mistake.
The girl begun to replay every unfortunate incident over, and over in her head. There was virtually no one good here.
From her meeting with Minho at the airport, being swerved by principal Lim about her mother, meeting yuri, meeting her long term boyfriend again in person only to find him with a different girl she felt ridiculous.
As the lenses of cameras continued to stay pointed at her, kitty appreciated your kind smile as you pushed yourself off from being knelt beside her
“hey! Nothing to see here people. Go about your merry business.” Youd announce loudly to the leering students as they stared at the girl.
Feeling exasperated when no onlookers attempted to look away you spoke again. With a demanding and expecting.
“Go on! Shoo.” Only turning back to the red head once they made hast to look away, sighing and brushing your hair from your face you took the girl by her fore arm and pulled her up.
Before you could speak daes figure had made himself comfortable at her side rambling on about how it wasn’t what it looked like.
Kitty was clearly overwhelmed, from the jet lag, and the terrible experience she endured it was almost as if the room was closing in on the girl, the crushing weight of what seemed to be her mistakes crashed over her in unkind waves.
When the girl looking around the room, daes rambles became almost muted to the girl as the murmurs in the crowd of people were the final straw for the girl. Your hand on her arm the only thing grounding her from her onslaught of tears, And embarrassment.
Breaking your hold on her arm as the girl ran out of the room you sent an angry glare to the boy standing next to you, sending him a look that says something like ‘aren’t you going to go after her??’
Shaking your head at the raven haired boy when he averted his gaze as yuris perfectly manicured hands wrapped around his arm and lead him away sending an almost apologetic smile towards yourself it wouldn’t fix this mess.
Taking a deep breath you made a move to go after the girl, walking steadfast towards the exit your steps only faltering when the murmurs of the party goers no longer pertained to just kitty.
Gossip started far too quickly for your liking, their words thick with speculation as they questioned your sexuality, slurs muffled by hands into friends ears targeted at you made you begin to feel sick.
The beady eyes of students set heavily on you. The air thick, with each click of heels on the floor, and fast beat of your heart you felt bile rise to your throat. panic set deep in your heart.
Shaking your head and taking a breath, you wanted to leave, no. You needed to leave. With every watchful, beady, speculatory eye that stared seemingly right through you.
The thought kept repeating through your head they see right through you. Slamming through the door to the corridor, kitty is of course long gone, yet you still crane your neck in hopes to catch a glimpse of her. When you come up empty you hasten your steps rushing into the stall of the girl’s bathroom setting down the lid of the toilet and stifling your sobs with your hands stop crying. Stop crying. Stop crying.
You repeat it like a mantra, you know you look like a mess, but all you care about is not showing that they’ve gotten to you. Hardening your expression they will not look right through you, you won’t let them. You can’t.
But for this moment you will not hide. Leaning your head against the stall walls, you say it for the first time.
“I’m a lesbian/bisexual/pansexual/your identity”
“I know.” You hear through the door, fear spikes ypur heart jumping to your throat as Q pokes his head over the stall.
“Q? This is the girls bathroom?”
“Yeah…I just wanted to you know make sure you’re alright?”
“I’m not but- how are you in here? Minhos outside distracting the girls from entering the bathroom…”
“Really?” You mutter wiping your eyes with the back of your hand
“Yeah sweetheart, open the door and we’ll take you back to your room.”
“Okay” you chuckle, unlatching the lock the sound of minho frantically trying to come up with excuses as to why the girls toilets are off limits won’t hold out for much longer.
His voice getting increasingly higher as he scrambles to block the door, sharing a look with Q you both grab the door handle, Minhos figure stumbling backwards into your body’s, you and Q both look to the ground grabbing his hand and bursting through the crowd of girls.
Their outraged cries consisting off “was that a boy in the girls bathroom?!?” And “what was he doing in there!” All three of you begin to laugh at your heist.
All three of you trying to catch your breath outside the auditorium, dae comes walking hastily towards your group pointing a finger back in there he asks “why did I just hear one of the girls say Q was in the girls toilets?”
“And that they couldn’t enter because minho said he was hiding a giant cake in the bathroom…”
“A giant cake?” You and Q both ask the boy turning expectantly for an answer
“This feel’s suddenly very judgemental, I didn’t have to help you, you know.” Minho defends, his face hard before dropping his facade after minutes of awkward silence.
Locking arms with the boys you make hast towards the dormitory’s as a teacher locks eyes with the four of you.
“Go, go, go, go” Q pushing, at first your group speeds off with small hurried steps, getting faster until it’s an all out run, when the teacher bursts out of the door. Laughter fills the cool night air as you all rush to your dorms.
The loud ring of your alarm clock waking you up, your roommate still not here, you began to strip yourself of your dress from the night before. Instead sporting the school uniform. Slinging your bag over your back you set off to the cafeteria to buy yourself breakfast.
Your converse scraping against the ground, as you walked the path. A familiar head of hair came into view, biting down your smile you stepped closer.
The sight of Her cannery yellow suitcase bringing a frown to your face, along with the silouette of the boy next to her. You watch in discomfort, hesitant to move, to speak, to breathe. As you watch them embrace, the expression of hesitant love on the boys face is painful. You are painfully aware of just how in love they look.
when the sight of a black car and a silhouette of a girl steps out, you Release a breath you didn’t know you were holding when yuri breaks the two apart and steals dae away. It’s almost as if things aren’t so bad, You suddenly aren’t suffocating. Your converse clad feet walk closer to the red head, calling out her name.
A smile forms on her face as she sees you “y/n! Hey..”
“Covey, it’s nice to see you.” You smile rocking back and forth on your feet. Sizing her up you speak again with a shy smile
“I’ve got to say orange is not your colour.”
your eyes glance down to her suitcase as you tease the girl, any semblance of humour fades as she catches your gaze.
“Oh! Don’t worry!” The bubbly girl reassures “I’m not leaving, atleast not anymore.” She persists smiling with her teeth.
A soft look crinkles your eyes, you’re dead serious when you speak “good im glad you’ve decided to stay here.”
A bashful smile overcomes her face as she takes a look around you both. It’s silent for a few moments. It’s not an uncomfortable silence. Throughout that minute of silence you both seem to rake your eyes over eachother.
You’re the first to break it when you clear your throat. “Um you might want to take your things back to your dorm before classes. here I’ll help you.”
You nod toward her suitcase, and before she can stop you you’re picking up her suitcase, she smiles kindly. The walk to her dorm is quiet, you don’t mention the boys dormitory. Instead you bid the girl goodbye at the door.
And just like that time begins to fly with the girl, Days turn to weeks, stray touches and friendly hugs begin to linger too long. Far too long to be friendly. Atleast from your side.
Something held you back, from telling her, her relationship (if you could call it that) with dae, the fact she wasn’t into girls, or the fear of coming out.
And as Kitty spends her time chasing after dae, you spent your time chasing after kitty, whilst she was determined to be proved right that yuri & daes relationship was fake.
A part of you hoped it wasn’t, it felt cruel to think that as you were actively helping her, but part of you wished on every stray fallen eyelash, and every shooting star you saw. That maybe she’d like you too.
Maybe your touches set her skin on fire like hers did for you. When the day of Minhos party arrives and kitty asks you to do her makeup you jump at the opportunity to be closer to her.
With every stroke of your makeup brush against the apples of kittys cheeks it felt like you were buzzing with excitement just being so close to the girl.
Wanting to savour this moment you went slower, when kitty asked the harmless question of is you could do her lipstick your cheeks almost grew just as red as the blush you applied.
Before you started to dab the red pigment on your finger, tapping it gently against her lips the pads of your fingers bouncing off of her plump lips.
You couldn’t help imagining what it would be like to kiss her, your gaze lingered on her lips as your finger slowed its movement.
Turning your gaze up to meet kitty’s eyes, only to find the girl was already staring back at you.
Q watched intently from the doorway of his room, before he broke your stare on her lips with a “everybody ready?” Both kitty and yourself breaking eye contact simultaneously you Fling yourself away from kitty. Embarrassment begins to creep up your cheeks at being caught.
“You okay Y/n? We don’t have to go if you’re feeling sick.” Kitty speaks her eyes searching yours for any semblance of a lie.
“No, no! I’m alright let’s go.”
And with that you made your way to the door Qs hand gripped your upper arm with enough force to stop you but not hurt
“Hey y/n, yknow I saw you looking at kitty’s lips. If it’s any consolation I think she likes you too.” He smiled, his voice soft and comforting.
You wanted to say ‘really? You think so?
But instead your gaze dropped to the floor and you say an emotionless “she doesn’t like me like that.”
With a sigh from Q he opened his mouth as if to say more, his words dying in his throat as you broke his hold making your way down the hall to kitty’s figure.
Side stepping the girls attempt to hold your hand, her previous excitement dropped from her face for a moment before she cleared her throat “I’ve ordered us an Uber so let’s-let’s go.”
Walking ahead of the girl in a hurry, you miss the disappointed glance she shoots Q he rubs her arm in a comforting manner.
When you arrive to rubik the air is hot and stuffy, sweaty bodies dancing and drinking when florian orders you a fruity mock tail spiking it with what you assume to be vodka you drink it in silence, florian whispering to Q if you were okay.
You block them out, opting to instead dance your feelings away when you begin to dance to whatever was playing you began to feel a sense of freedom, your dance wasn’t anything special, wasn’t even particularly graceful. But you still felt eyes on you, as you turned to look to the pair that was staring at you eagerly you instead are met with the leering face of a fellow kiss student the buzz of alcohol dimming your senses as he leans down to whisper to you.
“We’ll aren’t you just beautiful, tell me can I buy you a drink?”
You don’t think. The alcohol numbing you, all you think is what can you do to take your mind off of kitty.
And before you know what you’re doing you grip his hand and lead him towards the bar, he buys you a drink, the familiar burn of some cheap vodka dances over the back of your throat before youre gripping his hands and you’re dancing with him.
And you dance for what feels like hours, and when you aren’t dancing you’re drinking, the burn of the alcohol stings the back of your throat.
And yet you keep drinking, seemingly oblivious, blissfully unaware of the fact he’s been buying, and buying, and buying, you drinks. And yet he hasn’t once touched a sip of alcohol.
The red flags aren’t red to you anymore, YPU can’t even hear the alarm bells ringing.
Sometime through the night you come to the realisation you’ve lost your friends, you’ve danced for as long as you can your feet aching and now all you feel is sick and exhausted.
“H-hey I think I’m gonna find my friends.” You tell your date, your words slurring together as vomit rises to your throat you take your hands off of the guy.
Ready to go back to your friends, even with dulled senses you’re on high alert when his soft smile leaves his face and his gaze hardens on your chest, his hands spring out to grip your arms in one hand. With bruising force, tugging
before Q sees you begin to wobble as the boy leads you to the exit of the club he walks past Q and florian.
The boys feel an immediate sense of urgency to protect you. They ask if you want to go with this guy, when they get your shaky “no” it’s enough conformation. Florian is pulling you into him as Q is telling the guy to leave you alone.
Breathing shakily, bile rises to the back of your throat, your eyes burning, as you gaze up at the boys their sympathetic faces giving you a once over.
“I just wanted to stop thinking about her.” You cried, slamming your head into Florian’s chest
“Oh dear” florian says looking you over “find kitty.” And just like that Q’s off in search of the girl, when teachers burst through the doors of the club. Principle lim pulling the plug to the speakers.
The club grows silent before the onslaught of people start running for the door, Florian leads you toward the exit. He doesn’t mind listening to your drunk rambles as you walk. Your legs unsteady, your mainly being supported by florian.
Taking the water he hands you with gratitude you take slow sips. Time seemed to barely move, as your memory felt funny. One moment you were in the club a flurry of lights disorienting you the next in your dorm bed room.
Cracking an eye open and groaning from the splitting headache behind your eyes you sluggishly roll out of bed.
Opening the bedroom door Qs figure slouched over the arm of the couch as minhos making coffee in the kitchen.
“Hey, y/n. We have Saturday detention by the way. Since someone got the party busted.”
Watching kitty on the stage her hair pinned up, you think she looks gorgeous in traditional clothing, adoration clear on your face.
Time seemingly slows as you watch her perform, with each movement of the fan your stare is still looking at the girl.
Conflict I’d happening on the stage, you can’t hear what they’re saying but you’re already concerned for the girl. Your heart leaps to your throat as you watch her trip.
Loud cracks of fireworks fill the gymnasium, time stops slowing, your ears block out the sound of scampering feet trying to exit the gym. you’re fully competent and you know what you’re doing when your shoes squeak against the floor you’re running toward the panicked girl.
Ripping off your jacket you throw it over the girls flaming skirt, easing her to the ground as you do so.
Kitty is panicked, frantic breaths leaving in puffed out pants, looking up at her through your lashes, your heart clenches at the sight of her scared face.
“Hey! Hey! I got you, you’re alright.” You state, your fingers that were previously patting wildly at the skirt, stop.
“Th-thank you.” Kitty whispers gratefully, her body visibly relaxing, yet She still looks scared with an emotion you can’t quite make out swimming in her eyes.
you make a move to comfort her more but your hand still’s outstretched towards her when dae comes rushing to her side.
His eyes wild, as he asks the girl if she’s okay, he lets out a breath when she tells him you helped.
“Yknow I would’ve helped her-“ nodding at his words, you feel guilty that you don’t quite believe the boy.
“I know. but I got here first.”
“I’m here now.” He exclaims coldly, his eyes nonverbally telling you to leave, bowing your head you look at kitty,
“I’m just glad you’re okay” and with that you turn and make your way of stage, meeting up with Minho by the door.
A knowing look on his face prompts you to ask “what’s that look for?”
“Nothing! No nothing. Aside from the fact you practically raced up there to save her…”
“You didn’t even think you just…went.”
Trying to no avail to hide the blush dusting your cheeks you cross your arms over your chest “well what’s it too you? I mean you’re famously anti kitty.”
“Mm you’re right, i don’t think she’s right for dae. I think she’s right for someone else…” he trails off making eye contact with you.
He sends you a comforting smile. His eyes flicker to dae as he marches up to both Minho and yourself. slamming Minho into the wooden wall dae sneers out “a you call yourself my friend” In Korean.
Minhos confusion seeps out as he asks “what’s all this about?!?” Also in korean, dae sees red slamming the boy harder into the wood before continuing “don’t pretend like you don’t know!”
Looking frantically around you, you decide to try and pry the boy off calling out a:
“What are you doing dae? let him go!” You cry pulling at the boys arm to get him to loosen his grip. His eyes hard as he turns to you, flinging his arm out, your feet falter at the abrupt movement when he pushes you off him His push sending you colliding with the gymnasium floor. Your hands slap against the ground, tears well in your eyes at the sting of your hands. and the bruise forming on your butt.
Despite your efforts Dae is still glaring at the boy infront pf him, Seemingly not caring that his shove sent you to the floor. “Dae, stop. Stop it! it’s not min Ho!” Kitty cries, “this has nothing to do with him”
“What you’re gay?” Dae laughs, sparing a glance at your form on the floor, Confusion and realisation dawn on the boys face before he mutters an apology to Minho.
sparing a hateful glance toward you on the floor, looking kitty in the eyes, the girl is clearly distraught in her hanbok. Her makeup runs down her cheeks as embarrassment boils. Dae shakes his head as he bursts from the door to the room.
Minho does a double take before giving you his hand, asking tentatively “are you okay?” His eyes rake your figure trying to asses the damage.
“I’m fine, I’m okay.” You stress putting yours hands in the air in attempt to reassure the boy.
“Good, good.”Minho mutters, clearly not believing you in the slightest. pulling you up, He shares a look with kitty watching as she diverts her gaze.
You shoot a glance to the red head, as Minho leads you away. Your concern for the girl outweighs any confusion about dae.
The cool air stings your face as Minho leads you outside, sitting you down on a concrete seat, “are you okay?” He asks.
Sighing shakily you look him in his eyes “yes-“
“And don’t lie to me.” He cuts you off, pointing his finger, he nods for you to continue his hard serious face still there.
“No? I mean! Ugh I really like her? But she clearly likes someone else…and she still has dae. And I don’t know what I’m supposed to do?”
“I’m failing pretty much all of my classes, and I’m gay. But I can’t be.”
“Oh you sweet thing.” Minho says pulling you into his chest, running his hands over your head as sobs break from your chest, wetting the boys suit.
“You know it’s okay to be afraid of your feelings for someone, but I can see it Kitty likes you, Not dae.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“God are you really so oblivious?!?” Exasperation reeks from the boy as he stared at you.
“She’s in love with you, you didn’t see it but her face when you saved her was enough to make dae realise she doesn’t like him anymore.”
“Oh my god. That’s what that was?”you question, your stomach dropping in anticipation. Vomit rising to your throat,
“I have to go!” You call breaking from Minhos hold,
“Another job well done” Minho smiles, shaking his head at the wet patch on his suit.
Your feet slam against the ground as you run to find the girl, bursting back into the gym she of course isn’t there.
Doubling over breathing heavily, panic grips your chest, as you look around. Closing your eyes you feel defeated.
“If you’re looking for kitty she’s in the dorm.”
Your eyebrows furrow, as you turn to face dae, an apologetic and yet reserved expression takes over his face.
“I-what? How did you-“
“It’s pretty obvious… no offence. But hey I’m happy for you.” The boy smiles, before turning to go
“How do you know she’ll like me back?” You whisper, daes steps halt as he turns to look at you.
“I’ve seen the way she stares at you when you aren’t looking, she used to look at me like that…” he looks sad as he remarks the girl’s feelings. but when he smiles at you with a watery smile and the nod of his head it’s his way of giving you the go ahead. And suddenly everything lightens up, the weight on your shoulders suddenly dissipates as you accept daes consent to make a move.
To let yourself be happy.
So you do, turning around you jog up stairs, and dodge various people as you make your way through the crowds of students in the halls.
Making your way to the boys dorm had become like a ritual, it was no longer buzzing with joy and laughter as a game or movie was in full swing Minho cooking something in the kitchen or rambling about the films his mum was in.
Instead the warmth in your chest was no longer there, You suddenly feel apprehension, as you stand there, your hand hovering over the door handle, you question if kitty will want this, if you should just turn around and couch surf until you go home.
When the door swings open to a sad kitty, in comfortable clothing, her hairs a mess, and she’s wearing an old ratty tshirt, but she still looks at gorgeous as ever as she stares up at you.
“Y/n?” She asks, her eyes glancing you up and down.
“Hi.” You whisper, bringing your hand up to caress her cheek, you ask her “can I kiss you?”
When she nods it’s all the permission you need, before you place a passionate yet gentle kiss on the girls lips, you pull away when the girl doesn’t move to kiss you back.
Only to be pulled back in my kittys soft hands against both of your cheeks pulling you in her lips crash against yours, the kiss isn’t perfect the techniques all wrong, and it’s sloppy, but you can’t help caring because you’re kissing her.
Tangling your hands in her unruly hair, you smile into the kiss.
When kitty pulls back, you look alarmed the girl feels a sharp guilt at breaking from the kiss, the pads of her fingers run over your cheek gently as if she is afraid you’ll break. The girl takes a breath in
“I’ve begun to learn a lot on Korea, about my mother, my friends, myself. And more Often then not my friends helped me realise things.” Kitty breaths she looks almost afraid to speak as she collects herself you can visibly see the cogs turning in her head as she speaks.
“And well, Q made me realise my feelings. They were confusing, and fun, and scary? But I think i really like them?”
“I think I really like them as well.” You smile, placing a kiss on her lips before continuing “And hey remind me to thank Q for all this.”
“No need you two, this is all the thanks I need.” Breaking from her hold you both turn to face your roomates their smug (mainly Minho) proud faces staring at you both.
“You know For a match maker you’re a bit oblivious.” Q speaks before planting himself on the couch
“I- what do you mean?” Kitty exclaims offended
“Kitty I’ve been in love with you since the moment I saw you...”
“WHAT!” Kitty exclaims in outrage “but- no- I’m supposed to know these things!!” The girl slumps over dramatically
Sharing content looks with your fellow roommates, none of you can hold it in bursting out in laughter.
It made you realise how much you wish you could stay in this moment forever before tomorrow comes and everything good hangs in the balance…
For now, you all were happy.
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ifonlyicouldrun · 1 year
I feel like queer people are a bit too nice sometime. For the past year I have been on tumblr, I have seen some of us trying to find excuse to deny that ST would be guilty of queerbaiting if Byler does not happened.
I just want to point out that the homophobia that we receive on a daily basis online has not once been addressed by Netflix or the writers. We only support we ever got was from Brett (bless him). But what we got was :
Official social media accounts heavily teasing Byler during the pride month
ST Netflix twitter accounts Making jokes about Will’s haircut during the can scene over and over again, even after we told them several times that it was annoying and hurtful
signgate (i dont need to explain)
And now I see that they keep making jokes about Byler? While they perfectly know that it will fuel the bullying we are already subjected to??
I am sorry but this combines with the painting merch + the 300+ pieces of evidence that they deliberately put in the show to queercode Mike (because yes this is heavy queercoding. We are not delusional) would definitely make Byler the biggest and most complicated queerbait I have seen in my life.
So let’s not be afraid to say it!
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purpleyin · 4 months
Shadow and Bone is such an important show for representation, making people of many types feel seen and like they too could fit in a fantasy setting. For example, nuanced South Asian and East Asian representation that's important to both the actors and the fans. Multiple disabled characters where their disability is only one part of them. Queer characters where their queerness isn't used for tragedy + a rare setting free of homophobia. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head, there's other rep too I'm sure. Also, see this article on queer representation in fantasy for a quote by one of the actors, Jack Wolfe, about how he felt to have a queer role on such a show. Of course, as with many shows including diversity, Netflix cancelled it despite the data showing it was doing well. But we don't want to accept that, we want our rep back! So if you're reading this and haven't seen the show, please please consider signing to help us out (and/or watching the show, new viewers show demand for it to Netflix). We're at nearly 187,000 signatures so far and trying to get to 200,000 signatures this month, ideally by the time the billboard our fandom fundraised for goes up on January 22nd. We want to send a message to Netflix that shows like this are wanted, that they matter to people, and that we won't simply accept cancellation after cancellation of diverse shows
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kleinblue52 · 9 months
Sometimes I stop and think back to my childhood and how people around me dealt with homosexuality. I wouldn't even consider my family very conservative, or at all really, but in the late 80s and early 90s it just wasn't something that was commonly discussed. I remember when I saw the first hints at people being gay on TV and even though I knew that that was me, I still thought that it was so weird that someone on TV would even hint at that, I thought that the world would never come to a place where showing gay people on TV would be in any way acceptable. Then we had Will & Grace in the late 90s and I think young people today don't realize what an amazing turning point that was, but it was still one thing, and it was still seen as something daring, almost something that you should feel ashamed for watching.
And then I think that today we have two major streaming platforms building up to a silly Twitter feud over a gay rom-com only because it's such a massive hit, and we have not one but multiple TV shows with queer characters of all kinds that cover multiple genres and are massively popular. We have Netflix posting stupid videos with two queer teens to promote an award-winning queer teen drama aimed at teens and preteens and everything feels normal.
Let me tell you, it didn't use to be normal. I know that it's easy to take it for granted, but we shouldn't, we really shouldn't. Anyone who's over 25 will tell you how incredibly different things used to be.
With homophobia showing its ugly head in the politics of my country and everything that seems to happen on a daily basis in the US (book bans, killings of allies) and everything that I'm sure keeps happening all over the world, we really should not take for granted the things that are good and sane for the community. That doesn't mean that every LGBTQIA person should like every single piece of queer media. But we should ALL appreciate that we even have enough queer media that there are things we end up liking and things that we don't.
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newtthetranswriter · 7 days
Pride Event 2024
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Hello everyone, as you may have figured out I am a queer trans writer, and therefore I want to do something for Pride month this year. I want to write a bunch of LGBTQIA fics to post throughout the month of June, and so hopefully that’s where all of you lovelies come in. If you wish please send in Lgbtqia requests for any of the characters I listed in this post, as long as it’s lgbtq I’ll see what I can do with it. This post will have a list of characters I will write for during this event, as well as a list of rules for the event. So without further ado please join me in prepping for Pride month and consider requesting. everything is under the keep reading to no clog the dash.
Here's my master list if you want to check out some of my work
Rules: (rules for event will differ slightly from my regular rules)
Please have some kind of plot when requesting, not just character & fluff, I need more to work with
In addition to the first rule, please don’t send me a request that is two pages long. Please keep requests to four or five sentences. If your request needs to be longer, please message me the details and we can discuss.
When requesting, please state if you want headcannons, a drabbel, or oneshot.
Limit of four characters for headcannons and drabbels
All characters are aged up, unless stated otherwise.
From now on Minors/ageless blogs will be blocked
No Smut (just not confident enough to write it yet, might change later on)
NO CHILD READER (in any way, even if it's a look back on character and reader as kids. I'm not comfortable with it)
No incest/stepcest or anything of the sort
No minor x adult 
No big age gaps even if both sides are adults
No Homophobia/Transphobia/racism, there is an exception for if it is part of the plot requested. For example character comforting reader after they get harassed
No self-harm, ed’s, or s/a’s
Please do not send links. I would like to believe that you lovelies would try to put a virus on my computer, but I will not risk it.
Please only send requests or ask questions, don't say weird shit
if you have any questions about if I will accept a request, feel free to message me for clarification
Characters: (some characters may be available for the event but crossed off on my main list, this means i will only write them for the event at this time.)
Jujutsu Kaisen (anime and manga)
My Hero Academia (anime and manga)
Tokyo Revengers (anime and manga)
Haikyuu (anime and manga)
Demon Slayer (anime and manga)
Chainsaw Man (anime only)
Fairy Tail
Black Clover (anime and manga)
Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Roy mustang
The Legend Of Zelda (Breath of the wild and Tears of The Kingdom)
Final fantasy 7 Remake and Crisis core reunion
The Umbrella Academy
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Avatar The Last AirBender and the legend of Korra
The Witcher (netflix show)
Good Omens
The Dragon Prince
Buddy Daddies
Blue exorcist (anime and manga)
World of Warcraft (any expansion as I'm down to read lore)
Kalecgos / Kalec (distinction because maybe reader is unaware of him being a dragon
Illidan Stormrage
Genn Greymane
Anduin wrynn
How to train your dragon
Fire force (anime only)
Captain Obi
Shinmon Benimaru
note: Regular requests are still open and I'm working on the ones I have, I ask that if it is a request for my pride event please make it known some how.
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lilareviewsbooks · 9 months
Books for Good Omens fans!
Are you emotionally scarred by the ending of season 2? Is the wait for season 3 going to be excruciating for you? Are you looking for something that’ll fill those voids? Look no further, Good Omens fan! I have some media for you to consume!
The Tea Dragon Series, starting with The Tea Dragon Society, by K. O’Neil
71 pages (first book)
Contains: tea magic!; a cute sapphic romance; queer rep all around :)
If you like Good Omens because of how fluffy it can be (though that season finale was not fluffy), I highly recommend this series! The Tea Dragon Society is a comic book trilogy following Greta, who is swept into the world of caring for tea dragons, tiny little creatures that grow tea leaves on their foreheads. 
As is the case with Good Omens, this trilogy includes a lot of queer representation. It’s written by a non-binary author, K. O’Neil, who introduces us to queer characters of all identities. Also much like Good Omens, there is no discussion of homophobia or transphobia. There’s also a sapphic romance between Greta and her love interest, which is very sweet! This is perfect if you need a pick-me-up after season 2, and if the fluffier aspects of Good Omens are your favorites!
The Greenhollow Duology, starting with a Silver In The Wood, by Emily Tesh
112 pages (first book)
Contains: the fae!!; enchanted woods; middle-aged gay people!!
If what brings you joy in Good Omens is it’s middle-aged leads, I give you Silver in the Wood, and its companion Drowned Country. These two stories are quite episodic – much like Crowley and Aziraphale’s little adventures – and feature a pair of middle-aged men who fall in love against the backdrop of supernatural things afoot.
Apart from representing the older portion of the queer community, The Greenhollow Duology is also brilliantly written and very atmospheric. It will place you inside the cottage where most of the action happens, and you will be able to feel the magic in the air. Both of the books are novellas, and so are quite short reads you can enjoy whenever!
A Series of Unfortunate Events, starting with The Bad Beginning, by Lemony Snicket
176 pages (first book)
Contains: adults that are incompetent; children that are very competent; quirky writing!
If your favorite aspect of Good Omens is its quirkiness, I give you: A Series of Unfortunate Events! This middle-grade series follows a trio of siblings as they are passed from distant relative to distant relative after their parents’ mysterious death, all the while being chased by the evil Count Olaf.
This series reminds me of Good Omens for its tongue-in-cheek humor. Mr. Snicket is a master at metatextual comedy, that is, making jokes about the text itself. I’ve always had a lot of fun reading his writing! A TV show adaptation of this series has been made, and it’s on Netflix, but I haven’t watched it all the way through and can’t speak to how good it is, but it’s worth a shot if you’re feeling like watching something! Though I have to warn you: no gay people here :( 
A Master of Djinn, by P. Djeli Clark
438 pages
Contains: alternate history; a steampunk Cairo; muslim rep!!
A Master of Djinn is for those among you who want to see gay people save the world. I give you: gay people saving the world. This one follows Agent Fatma of the Ministry of Alchemy, Enchantments and Supernatural Entities in an alternate, steampunk-y Cairo, where magic was brought to life by mage Al-Jahiz, many years ago. Fatma is faced with a mysterious murder and must join forces with her lover Siti to find out what happened – except it’s waaay more complicated than it seems…
I think this reminds me of Good Omens the most because there’s a very cool dynamic between Siti and Fatma. Much like Crowley and Aziraphale, they have opposing views on a lot of things, religion for instance, and must reconcile that with their love for one another. They’re also very much ride-or-die for each other, and go on many supernatural adventures together, just like our favorite couple in Good Omens! It also features elements of fantasy being woven into a “normal” world, in this case even affecting history as we know it, to build an alternate reality! 
But, be warned: there is discussion of homophobia and sexism in this book!
This is part of larger universe, namely the Dead Djinn Universe, which includes two other novellas. You can read them in this order, or choose to start with A Master of Djinn. The novel is self-contained and will explain everything you need to know!
The Mimicking of Known Successes, by Malka Older
169 pages
Contains: a murder mystery; a second chance romance; humans living on one of Jupiter’s moons!
Another one for gay people who just like a nice couple they can follow around as they unravel some intrigue, and who were desperately infatuated with “detective Aziraphale”: The Mimicking of Known Successes is a Sherlock Holmes-like story following Pleiti and Mossa, a couple of ex-girlfriends whose paths cross again when Mossa begins investigating a mysterious murder. This one takes place on a human colony in one of Jupiter’s moons, but, apart from that, is not very hard sci-fi. There’s not really any science-y bits that I can remember. Mostly, it’s just a murder mystery, but set in space!
It’s perfect for Good Omens fans who love following a couple with a long history. Not to mention, it also has an almost grumpy/sunshine dynamic that kinda reminds me of Crowley and Aziraphale. And since I know most of us Good Omens fans were once deep in the Sherlock trenches, I thought I’d add this one to cure your heart’s many, many wounds (oh, Steven Moffatt… One day, one day you will pay…)
This is not currently part of a series, but a second novella,  The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles, will be published in 2024.
That’s all I got, everyone! If you’d like some more books that, just like Good Omens, don’t delve into homophobia or transphobia, I have a whole list of books that fit the bill! :) 
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francesminos-tt · 10 months
I don't know if you wrote something like this on twitter or AO3, but I'm obsessed with the idea of ​​Daeron and Joffrey having a secret love affair but Daeron dealing with interlized homophobia
This idea sounds great! I can see Joff being a confident, out of the closet, bold gay man but Daeron is withdrawn and subdued. I think this works best in modern settings.
Joffrey meets Daeron in a family gathering after Joffrey finished his education abroad. Joffrey is playing frisbee with his dog Tyx in the back yard when Daeron shows up. The weather is hot so Joffrey is shirtless. He notices Daeron staring at him hungrily but every time he tries to catch Daeron’s eyes, the blonde looks away.
Joffrey takes a job at the animal shelter as a vet. He makes friends immediately despite he has been away for several years. One night, he’s out drinking and he meets Daeron again. The bar isn’t a gay bar, per se, but it is homo friendly. They meet on the dance floor and share an intimate dance. Afterwards, under the influence of alcohol, Joffrey sucks Daeron’s dick in the filthy bathroom and that’s how their relationship begins.
The relationship with Daeron is difficult. He is a caring lover when they are alone, but outside, Daeron never wants to hold hands, never shares any loving gestures, he doesn’t even want to stand too close to Joffrey in public. They never eat outside. Never go to a movie together. Never drive in the same car. Joffrey understands Daeron’s fear and struggle, and he wants to be a good lover to Daeron. He tells himself that it’s ok to eat takeout pizza, to cuddle on the couch with curtains tightly closed in the stifling heat of summer, to watch a movie on Netflix. Joffrey knows. He really does, but his nerves can only be stretched so long before they snap.
The final straw is when Daeron takes Joff to his high school reunion as a plus one. Joff is excited at first, because he feels that he can finally enter Daeron’s life. However, Daeron acts so cold and distant the whole time, and he even laughs to a nasty homophobia joke along with his high school mates. Joffrey feels hurt. But what hurts him more is when Daeron agrees to slow dance with his prom date, a beautiful young woman. They dance in harmony, so perfectly matched that Joffrey feels like a fool. He is left alone, shunned by his own boyfriend.
Joffrey flees the scene with tears in his eyes.
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My dear lgbt+ kids,
it's Pride Month, so I have an excuse to talk about my favorite lgbt+ media with you - and today I want to share my favorite Asian gay dramas with you. All of those are available with English subtitles.
Note: these are my personal opinions - taste is subjective. These are all mlm (I guess that's just what I gravitate towards when picking something to watch) but the first one also has a wlw couple!
CW for "Until we meet again" (suicide and death mention).
Bad Buddy (Thai series): My absolute favorite series that I just can't shut up about. Think Romeo and Julia, but in a modern setting and gay. This series manages to be funny and have that comforting rom-com feeling while still having a solid, emotionally stirring plot. It subtly turns a lot of overused tropes in gay movies on their heads and the acting is so good. Also has one of the best kissing scenes ever.
You can watch it on Youtube.
Wish You (Korean movie): A soft and sweet comfort movie (no homophobia, no tragedy, just a love story!). The plot is very simple: A keyboarder and a singer fall in love. But the simplicity is what makes it so incredibly beautiful. The storytelling is subtle and gentle - it really doesn’t need a lot of dialogue or action, their eyes tell you more than words could. This movie just feels like a comforting hug.
You can watch it on Netflix and Rakuten Viki.
2gether (Thai series): Funny, sweet and comforting. This one holds a special place in my heart as it became my safe haven during quarantine. The plot is... well, don't think about the plot too hard. It doesn't really make that much sense. But it has a fake relationship that leads to real feelings and it feels very much like a cheesy fanfic, and sometimes that's exactly what you need.
You can watch it on Youtube.
Until we meet again (Thai series): We are moving away from the funny, sweet ones here. This one also has some light-hearted rom-com moments but it overall has a really heavy, intense feeling. It heavily(!) deals with suicide and death. A gay couple that lives during a homophobic time commits suicide together - and is reborn 30 years later in a more supportive time. (I feel like they were careful to not romanticize or glorify suicide which is very important with a plot like that). I can't remember ever crying this much during a series! It's heartbreaking and at the same time so important. Definitely a strong anti-suicide and anti-homophobia message.
You can watch it on Youtube and Rakuten Viki.
Color Rush (Korean movie): Supernatural mystery romance. It plays in a world where some people can not see colors - unless they meet their one special person. A little bit on the creepy side, especially Part 2, but also sweet and romantic! A good choice if you want something more thrilling than your usual love story. Deals with discrimination in a creative way by not focusing on real-world homophobia and still having messages that apply to the real world.
You can watch it on Rakuten Viki.
Semantic Error (Korean series): I think they never explicitly say that the lead is neurodivergent but this still very much felt like neurodivergent representation. A student exposes his classmate for not putting any effort into a group project and by doing so, messes up his plans to study abroad... It's an "enemies to lovers" and "opposites attract" type of story but never veers into problematic territory. They don't overdo the "enemies" part and the series did a great job on showing consent, especially with a main character who doesn't like (spontaneous) touch.
You can watch this on Rakuten Viki.
Not Me (Thai series): I'm taking a little risk by including this one - I am currently watching this, so I don't know the ending yet! But I already love it so much that I feel justified in already including it in my favorites. A man disguises himself as his twin in order to discover who attacked him and put him in a coma. It's thrilling and fast-paced and a bit more violent than I usually like - but it's so deep and dives into so many important topics. Social justice, anti-capitalism, disability rights, to just name a few. If you feel like most love stories are too superficial and predictable, you'll love this.
You can watch this on Youtube.
Bonus: Until we meet again and 2gether feature lgbt+ actors (not the entire cast), Bad Buddy was directed by a gay man and Not Me by a trans woman!
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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saezurumurmurs · 9 months
Hey!!...how are you??. I just wanted to ask you about what do you think about Alice Osman words about bl/yaoi. From my point of view, she sounds quite pretencious, because I dont feel "heartstoppers" is that great , and she just from be british she has the opprtunity a big plattaform as netflix oppen their doors, so she cant imagine what is been an asian author and how actually his work is BL.
Taking Advantage of A Fandom
I watched the show, and haven’t read the comic. However @absolutebl posted a terrific commentary on this issue a while back:
From my perspective, BL and by extension, yaoi, is a uniquely Asian sub genre of erotic romance.
Alice Osman is a British creator who wrote a young adult LGBT+ romance comic. So the comparisons made seem ‘convenient’ for ‘marketing purposes’.
I personally resent the accusations lobbed against fujoshi of fetishisation, because it’s rooted in anti-woman rhetoric and I won’t have my tastes dictated to me. Everybody has opinions, but not all of them are valid.
BL is full of problematic tropes, just like regular M/F romance… and I’ve been reading romance and erotica for forty odd years. But these tropes are part of romance as a genre, and these tropes reflect our lived context. To single out BL/Yaoi as unique is nonsense. The tropes exist because the reality exists. Storytelling exists to allow us to find empathy for one another.
There are some good academic pieces out there, that debate this far better than I can. What I can tell you is that the internalised and externalised misogyny regarding BL content, is quite painful to me. Somebody always gotta rush on to tell women what they can and cannot enjoy. Dictate their sexuality and shame them for their pleasures.
We literally can’t have a damn thing nice, without some bozo trying to make us feel bad because we like it. Chile, I’m too old for that shit. We are allowed to like what we like, and enjoy problematic media just like anyone else. We are people too!
And lest you think otherwise: homophobia and transphobia’s roots are in anti-woman thinking and policies. That women do it to other women… well, it’s nice to be somebody’s favourite pet isn’t it. You get a padded cage, and the best kibble.
Osman benefits from the BL label, even though her story isn’t in my opinion BL. But criticising and alienating potential readers within the BL fandom seems to be a bit of a sport across ‘BL’ as it’s being broadly defined here. Because throwing shade on fans happens too much… by too many creators both Asian and Western.
Which is interesting, because the global market consuming this content is HUGE. You don’t understand the numbers of people reading Painter of The Night. I believe last year, it was more than all the people who bought romance novels in the West COMBINED. So if you think the Western authors don’t know the market for their stories are pale compared to what BL is doing on a global level, I should encourage you all to get interested in the business of BL. There is a lot of money and soft power in it.
But because it’s a FEMALE audience interested in SMUTTY stories, well… it’s a PROBLEM. Even in the countries of origin.
I get that we should analyze the problematic tropes in BL/Yaoi, but that’s what storytelling is for. I’m not for false equivalencies, because I personally disdain most Western content… and where do you see these types of stories in profusion from Western creators? No place. That’s where.
Maybe Osman has feelings because her story is no Painter of The Night. Maybe somebody asked her one too many times about our smutty stories… and what we got was shade and salt.
I did watch Heartbreaker on Netflix, and it was cute but I don’t feel compelled to rewatch it, the way I do say KinnPorsche or Love In The Air. I haven’t been moved to hunt down the comic to find out what happens next, the way I did when I watched that last scene of Twittering Birds Never Fly: The Clouds Gather.
Chile… Osman could NEVA.
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booasaur · 11 months
As someone at 27 y/o bi leaning towards women.. who’s born in a country that doesn’t support lgbt rights and also in the closet because of homophobic dad/relatives, im honestly so upset by this. The only way I can live my truth is to live vicariously through the wlw media that I consume and it fuckin hurts. It’s heartbreaking that even just being who I am is impossible and the only way I can is being ripped away from me. I don’t know how much more I can take, especially during pride month
Oof, I get you, anon. When it's your only outlet to something that for others can manifest in so many life-changing ways, crushes, first kisses, dating, sex, marriage, children, it can be so stifling when even the one avenue you have is closed off. And however far away it's happening, it's a reminder of the same homophobia and restrictions you see right around you, so it feels even more hopeless, knowing that in places that are supposedly better off, there are still these major battles to be fought.
I don't know your exact situation, but here are some of the things that helped me come to terms with these same frustrations:
First, focus on individual people more than trends. That's tough to do, for sure, especially when, again, you see so much homophobia directly around you so it seems ubiquitous, but if you're particularly taking WN's case to heart, remember that as much as Netflix tried to shut it down, the cast and crew fought for it! For all these cancellations, there are people who made the original media in the first place and tried to keep it going. It's not hopeless, there's so much support and so many allies.
This next part might be hard to accept, and you know, maybe it's not what'll work for you, but for me, I really did have to learn to not get really deep into any one show or ship. When things are good, they're so good, it all sucks you in, you check the updates all the time, and maybe most importantly, there's this whole community you become a part of. But when you lose it, not if, because in f/f you will, even if things end well, there aren't enough people to keep it going, the more you've made it a part of your life, the more you feel that loss.
All fans should exercise moderation and keep things in perspective, but I'm speaking more to people like us, who don't have anything in real life to balance out what we experience through media.
I answered this ask a little late because I did get sucked up into other shows airing right now that have f/f and that doesn't negate the core issue, this will be the final season for most of them, if not all, but there's still something to get into, even just in f/f media. Perhaps you may prefer lesfic, or the f/f Youtube/Tiktok scene, or webseries.
It's also worth getting into non-media hobbies. Or, you know, at least consuming non-f/f media. I remember being angry at seeing the m/f couples in pretty much everything else while we couldn't have anything, so I just didn't watch anything at all and instead just did those elaborate adult paint by numbers and listened to comedy podcasts. And once I did feel more in the mood to watch stuff again, it was goofy sitcoms and old school murder mysteries, where it wasn't really like, oh, I wish this had more of us. :P
Lastly, it really does sting at you if you feel isolated and alone even from your own family, so try to see if there are other ways you can connect with them. Otherwise it just adds to your negative feelings to resent and fear them.
None of this may work for you, there are so many other possibilities, moving away, coming out, getting involved with LGBT organizations near you or just meeting other queer people, but I'm sure you've already considered those options and they're not currently doing enough for you. But I would at least give some of this a shot, try some distance at first, and hopefully it'll start to feel better. It really doesn't help that we're globally going through a pretty rough time, but just focus on feeling better yourself.
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thenightling · 11 months
A rant against some not-so-great Witcher fans...
The behavior I've seen from some Witcher (book) fans lately does NOT make me proud to usually be a book purist. And no, I'm not talking about the ones who are upset that Jaskier is being shipped with an aged-up Radovid. ( I understand the concern there but you know it's just for plot angst.)
I'm seeing blatant homophobia and sometimes out-right biphobia, including videos of "book fans" who won't even use the term bisexual. They claim Jaskier was "made gay for woke points" by Netflix. Some of the nicer comments I've seen include: "But he's slept with lots of women!" And "But I wanted to see him with Prescilla" (even though she was a creation of the video games and Netflix has no rights to her...) "This means he can't be with Precscilla." ...I can't help but feel these people don't know what bisexual means... They didn't seem to think he couldn't be with Priscilla when they mentioned other woman lovers. I'm still in awe that there are people who claim there's nothing bi about Jaskier (AKA Buttercup AKA Dandelion) in the Netflix show. And again this is not about who he hooks up with. I've seen comments on Facebook of "This is why Henry Cavill left. He's tired of the f-- sh-t." and similar statements. Last year I came across some Witcher book fans who insisted Ciri can never be a "True" Witcher (even in the games where that is an ending) because "only a man can be a true Witcher!" and "The method for making REAL Witchers was lost. It's important to the canon that no woman ever be a Witcher!" And now it's "They're ruining Dandelion!" and "There's no hint that Jaskier was ever gay!" Excuse me... Please read these lyrics to the song he wrote when Geralt left him on the side on the mountain. And as if those lyrics aren't obvious enough Yennefer actually confronts him on the song being about Geralt.
For people who just "love the original books" I'm seeing blatant sexism and homophobia / biphobia in your midst and it's starting to make me ashamed and distrusting of other book fans. You can't convince me statements of "They've ruined Jaskier by making him queer!" are purely because of who his love interest is going to be next season.
And so many "No wonder Henry Cavill left!" Actually, there has been NO official statement about why Henry Cavill is leaving the show, just a lot of fan speculation (Though yes, some of it is reasonable as he was a fan of the books). He is extremely busy though with the Warhammer franchise, and there's a rumor he might have a Sherlock spin-off and some other things in the works. Just know that when people try to insist how "Straight" Jaskier was portrayed these last two seasons (and spin-off prequel series) and go on long tangents about why Ciri can never be a Witcher... Try to consider they might not be "trying to protect the integrity" of the series after all. I've seen behavior like this before and it's never really about protecting the stories. Here's a hint. I'll use my own dislike of the Interview With the Vampire TV series for comparison. If the person complains that "(this character) would never harm (this other character here)" you may want to listen. The story might matter to them. (This goes for Yennefer and Ciri and Lestat and Louis of Interview with The vampire). However if the complaint has to do with race (i.e. whining about Louis being played by a black man in Interview with the vampire), or sexuality... chances are it's not really about the story at all.
I've seen rants about how straight Jaskier "used to be" and I can't help but wonder if those people were able to keep a straight face (ha!) while writing it. It would be funny if they weren't serious. Honestly these ARE the same sort of people who used to insist Xena and Gabrielle were straight, or that Louis in interview With the Vampire was straight, or that John Constantine in the Hellblazer comics was straight (and those still existed until relatively recently.)
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sugarcubetikki · 2 years
I don’t usually post for this fandom but let’s just say I’m way too invested and before Vol 2 comes out I really really needed to compile a long list of explanations to why requited Byler being confirmed on Friday would be REVOLUTIONARY. The long-term signifance of this narrative move is just going to be truly amazing and so so meaningful no matter what reaction we get immediately after (and even now it’ll be a big reaction because the gen audience won’t be ready for it).
Stranger Things is a mainstream show, one of the most popular on Netflix, and it’s really rare for us to get a main queer couple on mainstream shows as most of them are fueled by the pure existance and hyping up of straight ships to appeal to a wider audience. It would open up a gateway for more queer representation between main characters on mainstream shows in general because like if a big show like Stranger Things can take such a big step forward, it makes it possible for more shows to do this in the future. It’s like what happened with more lgbtq representation within animation and how it expanded throughout shows as more creators took the initiative. 
Byler is such a nuanced queer ship and subverts so many tropes as well as fighting some of those gay stereotypes. Both Mike and Will as characters are different in their journeys to discovering themselves and their sexualities. The show also incorporates a wide range of queer themes and it’s much more than the obvious ones but also ones that we don’t really see portrayed on tv enough like internalised homophobia and comphet. 
More on Byler being nuanced as a ship in general! It’s a ship that heavily relies on emotional chemistry between characters and the love they share between them is something so pure and realistic, they aren’t dramatised in any way. The buildup between them would feel so natural: childhood best friends to lovers. They already share a very intimate level of comfort and I think later on in S5 when you’d get to see their relationship dynamic it’ll truly be so heartwarming. I know it may come as a surprise to casual viewers after Vol 2 and we might get some very annoying reactions but I think after it being blatantly confirmed once we get to see their relationship dynamic in S5 a lot more of them will warm up to it because I mean these two are adorable and if you’re really looking you can see it!
The time period is something to note: show set in the 80s having one of their main couples being gay! It’s quite iconic because a lot of people use the time period as an argument against to why the show might not make it canon which is just heteronormative and ugh because gay people did exist in the 80s! Their struggles were quite different then however as society was more heteronormative and less accepting so them just casually normalising depicting gay characters even in a show set in the 80s goes against that problematic idea of why it would be unrealistic for shows set in the past to have lgbtq characters. We also really get some interesting storylines about being lgbtq in the 80s as well. Besides, the existance of Robin Buckley already refutes that idea (I love her she’s amazing and iconic) and having two more confirmed gay characters within the main cast IN A RELATIONSHIP would be so amazing in terms of queer representation. Plus, it wouldn’t be unrealistic at all because as a show that focuses on social outcasts and rebelling against social expectations it would make so much sense for them to be depicting exactly that through their range of characters.
The problematic pattern of gay ships being sunk in the favour of the “ultimate straight ship” would be challenged and subverted. People go in expecting that this one ship would become canon because it makes sense on a surface level and fans are just used to being fed the straight ship they’ve rooted for since day one becoming canon eventually. This has been a pattern that media has created that feeds into fanservice and heteronormativity that’s why majority of the general audience are under the assumption that the they won’t go through with Byler and that Mike and El will have to end up together because it makes sense according to conventional storytelling patterns of the past. However, ST making Byler canon is just a complete subversion of those conventional storytelling patterns and heteronormative expectations, it’ll make media history for sure when the gay ship is given preference and made endgame over the highly hyped up straight ship, it’s just so revolutionary and also breaks so any problematic tropes of gay characters and ships being easily disregarded to favour the straights because so many people right now assume that Will is just going to be rejected and this is just all forced representation because Mike and El are endgame, right?
I think a lot of people would go over and re-watch the show if Mike and Will were made canon to look for signs and hints especially because I’m sure the writers/the cast would do so many interviews explaining how it’s been built up for sometime now. I mean Noah, David Harbour and the Duffers have already said that in regards to Will’s feelings for Mike. And watching the show through “romantic Byler lens” there are a lot of things people will pick up for sure like everything about the crazy together scene, the tragedy of the Byler fight and a lot of queercoding too. Mike’s eccentric behaviour in S3/4 would also be viewed in a much different light if you take him being gay into consideration and people would just really understand his character more. Also, a lot of people would go over the many byler proofs the fanbase has collected over the years and that will definitely gear people in! This would just tell people to look deeper into details that shows place as well instead of what’s surface level obvious. Plus, encouraging stranger things fans to look deeper is a good mindset to have going into S5, I feel like with the last season coming, they want us to find as many Easter eggs as possible! As for concerns about people just being negative and ignorant of everything in relation to Byler, it doesn’t matter, I think S5 would truly build up Byler more blatantly as most of the audience would be in on it at this point and fans who may not want to look into deeper details may change their mind after more blatant depiction of Byler.
Ultimately, the ship being made canon is just so so good for queer fans in general. Queer fans who see two characters of the same sex having as much chemistry as two of the opposite and having great reasons for why they should become canon/them becoming canon being a possibility. We have to compile proofs after proofs, explanations after explanations and people who don’t understand see it as delusional behaviour which is not the case. We live in a world where we’re marginalised and deprived of representation. Characters of the opposite sex can intimately look at each other and that’s enough for the fanbase to be rooting for them and for the show to make them canon because heteronormativity is a drug. However, the same isn’t true for same-sex characters, we have to compile reasons and make lists and constantly try to prove queerness and we never know whether we’re going to get the good end of the bargain or not. We can get so much queercoding at times and at times even get queerbaited with the creators actually having no intention to make our ship canon because staying heteronormative is the safe option but rather feeding off of our support which is so frustrating time and time again. (The biggest reason to why I don’t believe the Duffers are tricking us is because of their decision to not only confirm Will as gay and involve a narrative about it this season but also have it center around him having feelings for Mike which is just crazy to think about how that’s confirmed and directly shown after years and years of subtext). 
I do believe based on what we’ve gotten so far from all the narrative evidence, the reactions from the cast, details matching up with Byler so perfectly and them confirming Will as gay after so much queercoding in previous seasons that they are going down the requited Byler route and for all the reasons I’ve stated it will truly be so wonderful and revolutionary and a huge win. If they don’t, I genuinely will be disappointed as it would be so much wasted potential and queerbaiting due to all the promo they’ve done especially this pride month but I am keeping my fingers crossed here and as of now based on all the signs I’m sure we’re heading towards a win! 
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miaisagirllover · 11 months
Most Reddit Milkvan shippers are ones that had a countdown to Millie turning 18 so they could "legally" jerk off to her No surprise that they are homophobes who love to downplay Noah's performance as Will Byers I did not even see one post from them talking about Noahs Variety interview where he confirms Will is gay and in love with Mike I hope Byler is endgame so they can choke on their tears!
i agree with u and wish u weren't anon so that i could follow u. the whole "18 countdown" thing is so creepy like if i was a celeb and found a countdown of when i turn 18 im leaving earth and joining elon musk in space. and i feel in the subreddit they pay attention to every actor in the show except noah, which could be thinly veiled homophobia. and they always like to take down byler posts which is straight up censorship considering that its a st reddit not malooban reddit. im just waiting for byler to be canon in s5 so that they can made a bunch of excuses like "the duffers are doing fan service or "netflix has gone woke"
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