#i learned this when i started getting into perfume
makismei · 2 days
(18+ somewhere randomly near the end bc my pussy took over) it is currently 2:57am and while i was writing an upcoming fic, i suddenly thought of nanami, as your underclassman at jujutsu high... not proofread (possibly incoherent) i am sorry i finished at 5am
he's two years younger than you, but he's been enamoured by you since he spoke to you back when he was sixteen on your eighteenth birthday, hosted at gojo's condo.
almost everyone was drunk, courtesy of shoko managing to get her hands on bottles of tequila and vodka. you were barely tispy, finding a completely sober nanami stuck to a wall with his eyebrows pulled together. he doesn't like it here. he wants to go home. but this is what being a teenager is like... right?
through flashing lights and loud music, you told him that cherishing your youth goes beyond what he's seeing before his eyes.
with you being a third year, he rarely saw you at the school. up close, he realizes how beautiful you are and that your perfume suits you so well.
"being a child is just fine," you say, as if you aren't only two years older. "you have your whole life to experience partying."
you end up outside on the balcony, talking all night about anything and everything.
and nanami learns, at sixteen, what uncontrollably clammy hands feel like, stuttering over simple words and the desperation for more of your presence.
since that night, he looks for you on campus when you are between missions. in the beginning, he couldn't find the courage to start conversation, but slowly, it starts to come to him easy.
over the years, he's seen you introduce your older boyfriends to your friends. he's also seen you get your heartbroken because the men that you chose to love were straight up losers.
what is he to do? clearly, you have a type and it's not him. although, he is confident he can treat you far better.
you like dark hair and tattoos, "manly" looking men but they don't even hold the door for you. what the hell is wrong with you? nanami swears, if he was yours, you'd never look back.
nanami is freshly nineteen, listening to you talk to shoko and utahime about how relationships are no longer worth your time. something inside of him feels disgusting because you're pouring your heart out and god, he just thinks you're so beautiful.
when he confesses to you for the first time, he is twenty-one and it's winter. it's been three years since your last relationship and you haven't pursued another since. he knows it's a long shot, but he goes for it anyways.
you smile, hand on his arm, "you deserve better than me, kento. but thank you, truly. i'm flattered you think of me so highly."
nanami raises a brow, "who doesn't?"
you're halfway into your door, smiling sadly. "you'd be surprised."
six months later, you're in cahoots with a horrible man and nanami thinks he's going to go bald early. why do you do this to yourself????
since his confession, he's tried to be mindful so he doesn't make you uncomfortable. but in the most friendship way possible, he tries to show you there are men (meaning: him, he is best fit for you) that are willingly to love you the way you deserve (him).
you, on the other hand, are biting your nails as far as you can, you cannot be catching feelings for nanami kento? you've never seen him in a romantic light, even after he confessed, but recently there has to be something poisonous in the air.
you blocked that douchebag two days ago because talking to him makes you feel disgusting. but you think you might unblock him to save nanami.
nanami cannot be yours, sure he's younger than you and you swore you would never date a younger man because they're so "immature", but nanami is a good... mature person. he is honest and hardworking, growing into his features and in turn, becoming more handsome as the years go by.
you'd be lying if you weren't jealous thinking about the woman that he would call his one day.
you think it's for the better. nanami cannot get caught up with your antics. he's really only seen the good sides and the thought of him seeing your bad sides makes you nauseous. he'd hate you, for sure. then what would you do?
but it doesn't matter, you don't even like him like that! but he's such a good friend you can't fathom the thought of ruining your friendship.
but what if he gets a girlfriend? you're pacing back and forth in your living room, obviously you can't be close with him anymore because that is just so suspicious.
oh my god. you're spiralling.
what do you do? you call nanami.
you tell him everything and more, that you're sorry, that you might be confused but your gut is telling you otherwise. you cry on the phone to him because you're at a loss and you feel so guilty.
nanami does not say a word or make a sound.
until, you hear a knock on your door through the phone and in real life.
"will you let me see you?" he asks, desperate. "i need to see you."
"you had me waiting for so long." he mutters, hips swinging into yours. he has you in a mating press, forehead pressed against yours. "am i making you feel good, beautiful? tell me."
you nod, legs quivering at his sides. "you're so good—i.. i think i'm gonna cum again!"
he shushes you, kissing you so deeply your mind goes blank. he starts thrusting harder and your mind is so mushy you can't even kiss him back. nanami groans, this can't be real. you feel so good that he might get addicted.
he can't let you go now that he's had a taste. he's not letting you go.
you love him. you told him in a panic over the phone.
you love him.
he needs you wholeheartedly and even though he had to wait almost eight years, he would gladly wait another eight years because if it's not you, it's no one. over the years he's loved you one-sidedly, he did a lot of thinking.
a silly high school crush ended up swallowing him whole. he was searching for you in all the blind dates gojo made him go on because gojo was convinced he was cooked and that you would not like him back.
so to see gojo's jaw dropping when you kissed nanami on the lips in the jujutsu tech courtyard, made his heart swell.
he was always yours.
you think that maybe, you've loved nanami for longer than you've thought.
"thanks for waiting for me." you breathe, "i'll make you happy."
nanami smiles, "you will always make me happy."
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eupheme · 20 hours
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— yours, all yours
cooper howard/the ghoul x f!reader
rated e - 2.3k
tags: cooper pov, jealous and possessive!reader, sort-of alternate timeline (includes a fo4 character for fun), cooper is an ass, partners-with-benefits, mutual yearning, light angstintentional pushing/teasing, soft thoughts, kissing, oral sex, praise kink, biting and marking, come swallowing
a/n: @aliisa-jones left a sweet comment on mine, all mine that got stuck in my head, so this is a “what-if” situation that I whipped up today, with reader being the jealous one (with Coop & Nora on the other side)!
Cooper can’t help the little bark of a laugh when he realizes - disbelief woven into the sharp sound that spills from him.
Goddamn. His little wastelander might just be jealous.
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Cooper’s always been a perceptive man. Able to read people when it mattered - a real helping hand during his time in Hollywood.
Even more so now - gun drawn and ready before they’re even figuring their own conclusion. Twisting the situation to his benefit.
So he doesn’t know why it took him so damn long this time.
Two days to notice, after they picked up that Vaultie. Made from before - like he was - on her way to New Vegas.
A pinch of curiosity had plucked at him with her addition, but nothing more. Had been a rare indulgence to have someone understand all the shit he says, unable to help the occasional age-old idioms that have still lingered inside his mind.
But something about her had set you on edge. He’d thought you’d like her. Two peas in a pod, annoying the shit out of him with idle chatter during the long hours on the road.
You had bristled. Narrowed eyes and distrusting. Wondered if that’s the way he looked, half the time.
Wasn’t until you started to move, that he really noticed. Wandering closer than he’s used to. Finding reasons to pass by him, your ass pressing snug his front. Your pretty tits pushed up against his arm, leaning close to ask him something.
Pretty eyes blinking his way, hanging onto every word.
Riling him up.
Acting like a cat in heat. As if there were pink clouds of perfume drifting off you, spelling out “mine” as they settled over his clothes.
Funny, once he’s got it figured out.
Not sure how he missed it before.
The jealousy that oozes from you. His eyes going to yours each time that frown crosses your face.
Nora is a handsome woman. He’s got eyes, after all - yhey hadn’t rotted away like the rest of him. Can appreciate where she’s come from, deep down, though he’d never say it.
But he seen lots of good-looking people throughout his time walking this earth. And even back when he was just a man, that sort of thing never swayed him.
He’d buried old Cooper Howard some two hundred years ago. A mercy - tucking his corpse away deep in the labyrinth of his soul, as the Ghoul was reborn into rot and ruin.
A place he isn’t sure how to get to anymore, but sometimes there’s still bits of him that linger. Flowers sprouting up through concrete.
Loyal, perhaps, in spite of it all. When it suits him.
Besides, it's been a while since he’s tasted fruit so sweet. Biting down until you’re gushing against his tongue. Supposed he’s not looking to ruin a good thing.
But despite all that, he decides lets it all play out. Amused at the thought.
Seeing where it goes.
Let’s himself appear at-ease, when Nora slinks closer. A cocked brow bone at the low purr of her voice as they pick through an old house - clearing it for the night.
“You mod that yourself?” Her eyes drag slowly across him, down to the holster that rests at his hip, “Didn’t take you for a handyman, cowboy.”
“Sure did,” Cooper drawls - the shotgun slung across his back held loosely in his hand, as his eye scan the old dining room. “You pick up a few new things, out here.”
Had to, to survive. His clothes a patchwork of black thread, holding together ripped seams. Weapons had come next, not like he hadn’t had the time to learn.
“Can I see?”
She’s reaching for him, and he lets her. His eyes flicking towards you as she slips the gun from his holster, fingers curling around the grip.
“Modified MTs255,” He explains, as she turns it over in her hand. Purposeful in the way she moves - with the slow, admiring brush and stroke of fingers, “Changed it from a side-loader to a-"
“Top-break.” She muses with a nod, her shoulder brushing his as she flicks at the lever. A smirk, as she glances his way - her eyebrow lifting this time, “How’s she handle?”
There’s a soft lilt to her voice. Easy to pick up on - especially with the way she smiles, tongue caught between the white of her teeth.
“Oh, I’d say she handles just fine.” He lets the words turn sweet, smooth as honey as they leave his tongue.
You make a frustrated sound, then. A little whine in the back of your throat that he barely catches, before you’re turning sharply on your heel. Stomping off deeper into the house, and he can’t help the smirk that curls at the edges of his lips.
“See for yourself,” He's quick to excuses himself, leaving the gun in Nora's possession. Peeling away from the Vaultie, not sparing her a second glance. If she calls after him - he doesn’t hear it.
His steps purposely slow as he follows behind you. Letting you simmer.
You don’t notice as he slips in the doorway behind you. A head cocked in interest as you wrench open old cabinets. Breath heavy, a rough hiss between your teeth as your fingers clench into fists against the counter.
“That'd get you killed.” He comments, idly, “Runnin’ off like that.”
A little gasp as you whirl. Your hand doesn’t even twitch towards your gun, and he'd not sure if that annoys him. Or if he knows you knew it was him by the low rasp of his voice.
“Didn’t think you’d notice,” You sniff, head quick to turn away. Eager to break eye contact, arms crossing tightly over your chest.
A huff of a laugh rumbles in his chest, “Now what makes you say that, sweetheart?”
You blink at him, his spurs jangling as he closes the space. Hands pressing flat on either side of your hips, a flash of teeth as he waits.
“She-,”You huff - finger pointing accusatorily, “You let her-“
Another little sound, as your frown deepens, “Her hands were all over you, and you didn’t even care!”
It’s spat out. A kitten showing her claws, sharp little teeth bared.
Cooper lets his hips press against yours. Your hands brace against his chest, torn between pushing him away and yanking him closer.
“Takes two to tango, sweetheart.” He coos, but you just frown - not understanding.
Something in his favor. An admission you won’t get. That flicker of tenderness lost in the air.
He wonders if you’d still be angry, if you knew how long he roamed the wasteland without knowing the touch of another. That it would take more than a gun-laced innuendo to truly turn his head.
“‘Sides,” Cooper husks - finger tucking beneath your chin, “What are you goin’ to do about it?”
Needling at you. A thumb against a bruise, pressing until it stings.
Your jaw grits. Eyes searching his, fingernails pricking worn leather. Before they’re sliding up - fitting against his shoulder, around the back of his neck, as you tug him to meet you.
Pressing your lips against his. It’s possessive - an arch to your body as it curves. Tits pressed to his chest as your tongue flicks against his lower lip.
A rough groan as he parts them, as you seek more. He swallows your whine as his hands roam. Across the fat of your hip, squeezing. Fitting the curve of your waist. Palming at your breast as your hips roll against his.
Needy, in the way you gasp. Little panting breath as his head tilts. As he takes control - pressing you into the counter as he licks into your mouth.
He’s stayed away, since you picked up this new stray. Put away a lot of people, or put them in the ground. Not about to let someone use you against him.
It had him pent-up, too. Desire red-hot in his belly. Stiffening with the way you rock against him - a part of him craving the touch.
Easy then, to catch your hand. To drag it down, across the leather of his bandoiler, the heavy buckle of his belt. Pressing your palm flush against the heavy curve of his cock.
Rocking into the cup of your fingers, grinfing into your touch.
“That’s all you, sweetie.” He rasps, and you moan.
Pulling back to look down, as you trace how he strains. The heel of your palm pressing against his clothed, flushed tip, as a low growl rumbles in his throat.
Unable to hide his own need, as his tongue loosens a command.
“Why don’t you show me why I keep you ‘round.”
It’s cruel to word it that way. He’s been trying to scare you away for weeks. Knowing deep down that you’re meant for better things than him. His words now are untrue, even - he knows that.
But you do too, and you don’t care - a determination in your eyes, as they reluctantly pull up to his. Still caught on the evidence of his desire.
Fingers already fitting around his buckle - tugging.
“She might hear.” You breathe, though you don’t slow. Not until you’ve popped the button. Tugged at the zipper, a hitch in your breath as you draw him out.
He had found you tucked around the corner of the kitchen, close to an old pantry. The window behind peeking out into a long backyard. Facing towards a broken-down swing set, the grass overgrown with thick brush and weeds.
The evening sun casting blue and pink shadows, spilling over your shoulders. The room set deep against the far wall of the house.
No doors to hide behind in a kitchen like that, and you’re right - the sound might just happen to travel.
He grins, all teeth.
“Ain’t that what you want, darlin’?”
You inhale a breath.
Desire swirling in your eyes as they meet his. Sinking onto your knees without a second thought, tucked between his hips and the counter.
A small kindness, in the way his coat would block you from view, if someone were to come looking. Keeping the vision of you just for himself.
He’s biting out a curse as you take him into your mouth. The tight, wet heat as he presses against your tongue, no warning before he’s nudging against your throat.
His own hands scrape against the counter - resisting the urge to buck his hips, not wanting to gag you.
“Easy, now.” Cooper husks, something for both of you.
You hum in response - knees spreading wider. A slow bob of your head as you lick against the underside of his cock.
Eyes lifting until they’re on his. Wide and wanting as your head tips - drawing back to show how he rests against your tongue, glossy with spit.
There’s a deep throb in his core. A rattling groan as you leave him completely, your fist wrapping around his cock. Steady in the way your jerk him from base to tip, as your tongue dips down to trace against his sack.
“Fuck.” It’s bitten out, “Gotta make you jealous more often, sweetheart.”
You hum at the way he sees you so clearly. A soft suck against drawn-tight skin, before your head is turning - teeth sinking into the flesh at his hipbone.
He grunts, as his fingers jerk - clamping down against your shirt. Biting into your skin as you suck on ruined skin, the redden shade of his skin blooming darker.
Bucking into the pump of your fist, as his little wastelander marks him up. Marking a hickey along the curve of the stomach, then the meat of his thigh.
He relishes the sting. Letting you explore, as long as you keep touching him. The pleasure-pain blending into bliss as you stroke him.
There’s a tightening deep in his core, a tremor to his thighs. You go easily when he thumbs at your jaw - a soft whine buzzing in you throat that he can feel all the way down his shaft, when your lips close around him.
It has his cock jerking against his tongue.
You didn’t have memories of dirty films, the lewd magazines from before. Not knowing what it means to exaggerate pleasure for his benefit.
The need etched across your face is real - a hand dropping to nudge against your core. He’ll make up for this later, when the house is bathed in darkness. Spread you out across that dining room table he spotted, tasting what he did to you. Make you come on his cock, driving his point home.
Leaving you sticky and clenching around nothing for now. Always eager to make you learn a lesson.
“You're takin’ me so fuckin’ well.” He growls, and you shiver with the praise, “So good for me, aren’t you?”
You hum around him, your answer in the bob of your head. The sound of your fist and mouth is lewd, slick and loud. His own grunts and panting breath layering in, as everything winds tight.
Unable to help the buck of his hips, now. How expertly you work him, with none of that slow exploration when you’re alone.
Eyes focused on his face, watching what you do it him. Looking for the way his head tips back, the part of his lips.
He’s close. Can feel the way everything tightens up, that mounting pressure in his belly.
“Fuck, honey.” Cooper lets the name slip free, “‘Bout to fuckin’ come. You gonna be a good girl and swallow?”
You moan again, as you work him. Letting his hands guide you to the pace he needs. Lips glossy with spit, all but drooling as he uses you.
His breath coming short and harsh, until his teeth click sharply together. A rough groan before he’s bucking into your mouth, spilling against your tongue.
Your fist works him through it. A hand cupping his sack, gently squeezing as he throbs. Those eyes fixed greedily on his, soaking in every expression that flickers across his face.
Always good for him, and you both know it.
“Show me,” He husks, and you do - a ragged gasp as you pull of him, lips parting. The hinge of your jaw opening to show the way his come pools against the dip of your tongue.
“Fuckin’ christ,” It’s enough to have him ready to go again, if he could. “Go on, then. Swallow for me. Show me you’re mine.”
There’s the gulp as you swallow. Eyes blown wide with need as he hauls you to your feet. Your hand still drifting back to tuck around him - putting him back together, as your head tips towards his.
“Yours.” You breathe - the words hoarse as they slide from your used throat, just as you close the gap between you.
Another kiss. Softer now, though just as possessive. He can taste himself on your tongue. Always liked the way the two of you meld together.
Like it’s meant to be.
And maybe, he thinks -
Maybe a little part of him is yours, too.
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ahh thank you for reading! I always love a little cooper pov, it's such a fave to write!
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tosahobi-if · 2 months
??? Is living in a different world than me, my sense of smell is so bad I’m shocked when I DO smell something. Watch them catch my Mc having to all but shove a flower up their nose to get a bit of “oh that does smell nice.”
it's entirely possible to train your nose >_< the more you smell different things (like spices or flowers!) and practice naming and seeing if you can recognize notes in the outside world the more your brain will make the connections for you! ??? just has a natural talent for it.
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ftmgirlie · 6 months
Detrans Resolutions
I was too late for detrans december, so why not detrans 2024!
last update: jan 3, 2024
Let’s see how far we get hehehe
This will be counted until January 31, however, i’ll immediately start when i get home from the holidays ; )
I hope we can get a whole year of fun though!
every note = a day of letting my hair grow out
every 2 notes = groping my tits for 5 mins for a night
every 5 notes = a day of wearing panties
every 10 notes = a week of keeping my pussy shaved
every 15 notes = I won’t bind for five days
every 20 notes = a week I wear clothes that show off my curves
every 25 notes = I’ll fuck my pussy with my thickest dildo every other day for the rest of the game to remind myself of it’s true purpose
every 50 notes = I’ll go outside with a buttplug without panties or any other underwear
every 75 notes = i’ll skip a shot of t
100 notes = I’ll wear feminine perfume for a month
115 notes = i’ll shave my legs
125 notes = i’ll try to induce lactation
150 notes = i’ll wear lipstick for a month
200 notes = i’ll put my full first dead names on my header
250 notes = i have to keep an edge streak of two weeks to come once
300 notes = i have to get my nails painted once a month and keep it on as long as possible
325 notes = i’ll stretch my holes with an expanding toy every week
350 notes = i’ll try double penetration every 20 notes onward
375 notes = i’ll try pills that help with lactation
400 notes = i’ll make an account on a hookup app
450 notes = i’ll stop birth control
500 notes = i’ll have unprotected sex and try to get bred every 100 notes onwards
600 notes = i get a temporary womb tattoo
700 notes = i have to learn how to cum just from my nipples being played with
800 notes = i cant touch my clit without permission anymore
1000 notes = i stop ordering t vials and i can only use the one i have left until it runs out (its less than 5 ml)
1200 notes = i get a permanent womb tattoo
1500 notes = i get my ears pierced and wear feminine/dangly earrings every day
2000 notes = getting my nipples pierced (note: i may have to delay this to induce lactation better)
4000 notes = i get my clit pierced
5500 notes + submit suggestions in my asks/dms if you have any (i’ll most likely add them + i loooove submissions)
5000 notes = i publicly announce my detransition and return to womanhood
spamming encouraged! do your worst!
i’ll be posting an update on the total count of everything on jan 31!
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girlprincess · 2 months
Becoming a ☆Dream Girl☆
Who doesn’t want to be a dream girl? Put together, always smells nice, radiant, confident, cute, and content. Where does one even begin when trying to embody that dream girl energy?! Well, with a few practical changes to my life and routines, I’m starting to feel more confident in myself and in love with my appearance and my own energy. Here’s what I’m doing to become my own dream girl!
- Overnight Curls and Wave! I’m going to start wearing my hair in braids or curlers when I go to bed so I can wake up with beautiful, dreamy hair.
- Wake Up Earlier. I need to build in time to my schedule to be able to properly get ready in the morning! I usually roll out of bed, do my hair very fast, brush my teeth, put on clothes, and run out the door. If I want to start doing beauty routines and investing more time into myself, I need to wake up earlier! My ideal routine is:
• Wash face
• Brush teeth
• Sunscreen & makeup
• Hair
• Outfit & accessories
• Fragrance
• Breakfast!
- Simple Makeup. Sunscreen, blush, highlighter, mascara, and tinted lip balm or lip gloss would make me look radiant and angelic everyday!
- Work Out 30 Minutes 6 Days a Week! I have a family history of high blood pressure LOL so I think I should begin experimenting with exercise and learning how to move my body in ways that I enjoy while I’m still young :)
- Body Care / Skin Care! I’m going to buy salicylic acid body wash and a fragrance free moisturizer to prevent acne, hydrate my skin, and make my body glow.
- Pick a Signature Fragrance! I want to pick a signature scent for everyday, and possibly a scent for special events! I think I prefer picking a scent that matches each season, so I can have some variation throughout the year. Here’s the perfumes I own so far:
• Love’s Baby Soft (Summer)
• Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy (Fall)
• YSL Mon Paris (Winter)
• Marc Jacobs Honey (Spring)
• Sabrina Carpenter Sweet Tooth
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rene-spade · 4 months
my man isn’t creepy! i | f1 grid
growing up leclerc au !
fem! leclerc! reader x f1 grid, leclerc family
part i: carlos sainz, daniel ricciardo, oscar piastri, pierre gasly & kika gomes
synopsis. when the youngest leclerc finds her partners’ ‘shrine’ of her, but she’s a leclerc so the red flags aren’t all that red
WARNING(s); i like em crazy y’all, obsessive/possessive behavior, implied stalking/shrines, unhealthy relationship dynamics, sexual implications but no smut
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carlos sainz.
“What is it?” You asked, head tilted to the side as you look up at your boyfriend. The Spaniard melted, muttering a curse to himself and running his hands through his thick hair. He felt hot, nervous for what the outcome of this discussion could be.
“Dios mío, ángel, it’s— it is not what you think— nothing bad. I am just embarrassed is all.” He reassured, big hands gripping at your shoulders. But he knew it was a bit bad, even his enabling family members were worried he’d freak you out if you saw. His movements were made to comfort you, but you could tell they were more self-soothing. Arthur had a similar habit whenever you got upset with him, too.
You only frowned, but it fueled Carlos’ panic.
“Mi amor, I will do whatever you ask-! You know this. I will let you in when it’s cleaned, I swear it.” He pulled you into his chest, arms fully embracing you. But you squirmed out of his hold, making him respond with an unhappy attempt to coo you back into comfort.
“You’re hiding something in there, Carlos. This is the first time I’m staying with you in your home since we started dating, let me see.” And at the sight of your big, beautiful, angry eyes, how could he refuse an Angel? With a twitch of his fingers, Carlos unlocked the door without any movement to push it open.
With a short huff, you pushed yourself through the door, only pausing at seeing at the sheer amount of merchandise that covered every surface. It was all you-themed, from posters and cut-outs, down to a body-pillow and even an outfit you’d only worn once for a runway show. There was a glass shelf with your old perfumes, newer ones too, and photos everywhere.
“Carlos….” You began, covering your mouth with your fingers and stepping further in.
“I know—! But I liked you so much before we started seeing each other and I- I am just a passionate man is all, my whole family says so—!” You cut off his red-faced rambling with a beaming grin.
“Ouah! I didn’t know you were a super fan before we met!” You giggled, mumbling to yourself in French about the various things he’d collected. “maybe you are a bit extreme, but it’s kind of cute, no?”
“¿En serio? Sí, mi perla!” He breathed shakily before grinning, “I should have known you’d understand! Mis hermanas se burlaron de mí, ¿sabes? But it was all silly…” (You’re serious? Yes, my pearl! My sisters teased me, you know?)
“What are you saying? Your sisters… something? I’m still learning, mon chéri.” You pout at him, in a much better mood now that you knew what your boyfriend was hiding behind the door he seemed so desperate to keep you away from.
He shook his head, hair messy after having run his fingers through it many times due to stress, “We should have dinner with them tonight while we’re still in Spain, I said. Let’s go back downstairs?”
“Why? Got anything weird?”
“Don’t say things like that, amor!”
♤ ♤ ♤
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daniel ricciardo.
“Shit-!” He jumped out of surprise, dropping the box he was reaching from the top shelf of the closet.
“Oh, I’m sorry, mon soleil!” You squeaked, jumping back as well. You hadn’t meant to scare him, but it wasn’t your fault he was so focused in the dead of night. You were just curious is all. The box he dropped was was rectangular in shape, but easily bigger than a shoebox. You shot him a sleepy grin, “What do you have there?”
He sighed, shaking his head, “Why are you up, sleepy girl? Get back to bed, I’ll be right there. Didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“I’m up because you’re up.” You wrinkled your nose, inching closer to him with a small blanket in your arms. You tried to get a glimpse of what fell out of the box, but Daniel wrapped himself around you so you couldn’t see. He wrestled the blanket from your fingers, careful not to be rough with long nails, and threw it over your head with smile.
As you wrestled, your boyfriend only laughed and placed kisses on any part of you he could without being hit by your flying limbs, “Pretty things like you should be asleep. Your brothers would kill me if they knew I disturbed your beauty rest.”
“Are you trying to hide something from me?” You pulled the blanket off your head, hair a mess.
Daniel froze, jaw clenching as he tried to hold a toothy smile. But he didn’t have it in him to lie to you. The moment was completely still, before you finally broke eye contact and crept passed him to see the mess on the floor. You could hear Danny gulp as you plucked the first item from the ground; a pretty, navy blue set of lacy underwear. Yours, yes. But from ages ago, you swore you lost them. Then there were a few pieces of jewelry, a lipstick tube, a silk scrunchie, a press-on nail, a red heel, and two pieces of now-hardened chewing gum. All yours from various points of this past year.
“Daniel,” no, not the first name, he begged internally, squeezing his eyes shut, deciding to just wait for the inevitable disgust and rejection. You never called him by his full first name, only sweet ‘danny’s his way, sometimes ‘mon soleil’ or ‘sunshine’.
“You know you can just ask for my things, yes? You don’t have to take.” You were looking right up at him, navy colored panties still in your hand like you didn’t even mind that he took them. His reasoning couldn’t have been pure, you know that.
You hummed, pulling at his fingers so you can shove the underwear into his balled up fist, “lá.”
“Perfect girl.” He muttered, pulling you back into him and dragging you to bed, “give me the pair you have on then, yeah?”
♤ ♤ ♤
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max verstappen.
It wasn’t always like this with you— you used to be just Charles “track terror” Leclerc’s pretty little sister, a little girl. But now it was years later and you’ve become something perfect and irresistible— something he can’t live without. He knows he’d resorted to some immoral, if not a little creepy, behaviors, but it’s not like he’s one of those guys that would ever hurt you. No, you’re a deity to him. He told his sister about his feelings at one point (even thought about showing her the shrine), but she told him— “This is all because you watched You!” The Netflix show that follows a stalker.
So he took down the shrine— moving most of it into his bedside drawer and the rest under his bed. But he realized he didn’t think it all the way through when he had you in his room for the first time; all pretty and perfect and curious.
“Good race, Maxie.” You hopped back onto the bed, your hair bouncing as you landed, “You’re so tense and for what, huh?”
Max had just a little bit of shame about the whole thing, but maybe not too much. I mean, his body definitely felt some kind of physical guilt or something if you’re judging him by the shaking and sweating— but his mind was happy. You were here with him in his home. In fact, the physical reaction might just be from seeing you curled up in his bed. But you’re close to finding out how… intense he was. (As his mother would say.)
“Sorry, lief, I’m just tired and you’re distracting me by being cute.” He smiled down at you as he began to change, “you need a shirt to wear?”
“Yes, s'il te plaît. Hey, can I put my bracelets in here—? oh!” He’d barely turned his back for a second, just long enough to remove his shirt, but that’s all it took for you to pull the drawer open and see the copious amount of photos of you (some edited to have him in them) and unsent love letters.
“It’s not a shrine— I’m not a creep! It’s just some things I made back before we got together—! You weren’t supposed to see them!” He was trying to shove some of the papers back in, but you were already skimming one of the letters.
“Mijn hart,” he winced at seeing the one you had— one of the more unhinged ones. The worst of it was in Dutch, so that worked out for him at least.
“Oh c’mon, Maxie! It’s kind of sweet! You had such a big crush on me! It’s a little hot, even.”
He grew even more red and fidgety at that, “Shit.”
You giggled at the words you could understand before he wrestled the page out of your grip. You grabbed him and pressed a kiss to his cheek before he could stray too far.
“From Max Verstappen-Leclerc, hm?”
♤ ♤ ♤
oscar piastri.
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“Can’t I just grab a hoodie, Osc?” You questioned as he held you in place on the counter, from his spot between your legs, still in his race suit.
“You don’t need one, Lovey, it’s hot.” He pressed himself into you so he could feel you breathe better. You’d asked for a jacket the moment you’d entered his freezing trailer just after the race. He saw you go for the closet and quickly redirected you onto the counter.
“Non, you’re hot because you just raced in a little car for hours and now you’re all over me. I am normal temperature.”
“Then get closer, I’m hot.”
You huff obnoxiously like the pretty spoiled girl you are and Oscar can feel the rush of serotonin he got just from the sound. He knew this is the part where you’d get cute and pretend to pick a fight, his sweet thing. But bad timing— he’s desperate to hide his secret now.
“I can’t get any closer to you if I trieddd. What? You have a girl hiding in that closet? Hm?” He scoffed into your shoulder, but stiffened, knowing just what was behind that door.
You gasped dramatically, likely playing it up to get what you wanted (a tactic you used with your brothers, Oscar noticed), “You do! Irréelle!”
“I don’t!” His face shot up from your shoulder, brows furrowed, but he didn’t let you go, “You know I don’t like any other girls!”
“Then you need to show me so I can be sure! And I’m still cold.” You crossed your arms and pulled your knees together to get him to back up.
“I can’t.” He choked out. “There’s— it’s just— I have this thing—”
You hopped down and booked it across the trailer before he could reach out and stop you, yanking the door open to see what your new boyfriend was hiding.
You breathed out a dramatic sigh of relief at the sight, “Goodness, Osc.” Rather than finding a person, you instead found some sort of… collection? Collage of yourself and your things? Photos mostly, magazines, and lots of hearts drawn on articles about you.
Oscar grabbed you by the shoulders and quickly spun you around into him, slamming the door, “You saw?”
Looking up at him with big eyes, you nodded, “Yeah, why? You really like me that much?”
“What? Yes— yeah I do. You—? Okay.”
♤ ♤ ♤
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pierre gasly. | kika gomes.
“I’m prepared to blame you for this if Charles finds it.” Pierre breathed, looking at the start of his girlfriend’s collection of your things. Kika scoffed, a smile playing at her lips as she re-organizes your makeup. Mostly lip balms, you’d let her borrow some of your things, not knowing she wasn’t going to give any of it back. Kika even managed to get a few skirts from you as well. The small framed photo of you sitting in her vanity was just a personal touch.
Pierre would be lying if he said he wasn’t impressed, but he could say he wasn’t surprised. He and Kika were a good couple, a good duo in general, but especially when it came to drawing you in. Because Pierre was such a good friend to Charles, it came pretty easy; Charles was easier on him around you. Unfortunately, that grace didn’t extend to Kika just because they were dating. Charles had something of a sixth sense for when pretty girls liked his pretty sister; so he was on to Kika. Where at the beginning it was nothing to get you alone with them, it was now next to impossible.
“Pierre? Kika? Are you home?” Wow it’s like they could hear your pretty voice— oh wait they gave you a key. To their apartment. In Monaco, where you live and you can really just waltz in and see all of the things they took (—yes they, Pierre is a thief too—)
Like two naughty school children, the couple shot up to cover what they’d done before you could reach their bedroom. This was their fault naturally, none of yours at all, they were the ones who encouraged you to come over whenever physically possible.
“Grab everything and I’ll distract her!” Kika whispered, rushing to slip out of the room.
Before the ‘not fair-’ could slip from his lips, his girlfriend was off to catch you, brushing passed him and leaving the door cracked. He could hear your surprised greeting, a cute squeak escaping you, before Kika saying something like ‘Oh, Pierre is busy now’, then silence. Pulling the handle back just an inch, he peaked outside to see Kika’s lips not even a centimeter from your own, her hands gripping your jacket for dear life.
“Oh, pretty girls, ce n'est tout simplement pas juste.” Slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it. Your eyes shot to his, but Kika’s remained trained on your face. After just a second, your gaze drifted to Kika’s vanity behind him.
The couple froze, you saw. Pierre pulled the door shut behind him as Kika’s mouth opened to form words.
“Oi! Get your hands off my little sister, huh? Démon impoli et pratique, seriously.” Charles slipped into the living room from the front hallway, having obviously accompanied his little sister in her visit.
“Non, Charlie, Kika helped me when I almost tripped.” You smiled at your brother, quickly covering for them, “I was just coming to see if I could get my jean skirt back?”
You looked up at her so sweet and she thinks you’re blushing—“Oh.” She squeaked, “yes, no problem. Pierre.”
“I’ll get it for her, mate.”
“surveille ta copine. je ne suis pas aveugle, mate.”
♤ ♤ ♤
Your man (s girlfriend) is definitely creepy, girl.
note; I made kika and pierres a lil longer bc they’re two ppl so yeah ft charles
thinking part ii with lando, mick (ft the schumachers), lewis, lance, alex & lily, george and carmen?
- ren
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videovamptramp · 6 months
i’m right over here, why can’t you see me? (2)
// when ellie’s reaction to you and abby hooking up isn’t quite what you expected, she leads you right into abby’s open arms. //
[warnings: jealousy, pining, angst, slight arguing, angry!ellie, illusions to one-sided feelings, simp!abby, fuckgirl!ellie, sexual implications]
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this is pt.2 (pt.1 can be found here)
abby was always taught to be the bigger person. her father consistently reminded her that no matter how people treat her, she should always be the bigger person. that’s most of the reason why she’s so reserved and non-confrontational. when she first started university, she knew she didn’t quite fit in. unlike a vast majority of students around here, she wasn’t here for the “college” experience. she was just here to play soccer and get her degree in engineering. she also noticed you from the first day of freshman year, but she was way too shy to say hi to you. abby’s never really been good at flirting or starting conversation with new people. she often feels too awkward, or too intimidated to say anything.
manny took a liking to her right away; the school got his rooming situation mixed up, and that’s how he ended up being abby’s roommate. it was strange at first for her; she was wary about having a guy as a roommate. but she quickly learned manny was a cool guy. he was funny, and hung up pictures of him and his dad right away. abby could relate, as she was very close to her dad as well.
manny slowly seemed to get abby out of her shell, and would invite her to various functions and parties. but he quickly learned if it didn’t have anything to do with soccer, abby wasn’t really interested. even the girls who threw themselves at the dark haired blonde, would get shot down without abby even realizing she was rejecting them. you were ironically the first person abby found herself interested in. hell, after the party yesterday, abby was almost certain she was enthralled by you.
after walking you back to your dorm, you gave abby your number and hugged her tightly. abby walked all the way back to her shared room with a dorky grin on her face. she could still smell your girly perfume, and all she could think about was your pretty smile. a part of her wondered if you’d cave and call ellie, but when you texted her after she had gotten out of the shower, she knew you didn’t.
y/n (1:34 a.m): i can’t wait to see how she reacts tomorrow, thanks for helping me haha
y/n (1:35 a.m): and thank you for keeping me company tonight, i really liked getting to know you abby 🖤
the smile that tugged at her lips after reading your message was nearly unrecognizable. as she walked out of the bathroom with her eyes and thumbs on her phone screen, manny raises a brow in slight suspicion at the peculiar sight.
abby (1:42 a.m): i really liked getting to know you too, i hope we can get to know each other better :) i was serious about teaching you how to ride a horse lol
“that’s a face i’ve never seen before.” manny states observingly, causing abby to look away from her phone, over at her roommate who was flashing her an intrigued smile. a blush coats her freckled covered cheeks as she thinks about you and your smile. “you remember that girl from my women’s history class? y/n?” abby reminds her best friend, who throws his head back and lets out a bark of a laugh. “abby you jugadora (player)! i knew you’d get laid eventually.” he taunts causing the jock to roll her eyes. “i didn’t ‘get laid’, gross ass. i finally said more than five words to her. i got her number too.” abby smirks, and mischief glints in manny’s eyes. “so nora dragging you to that party was a good thing then?” he half taunts and abby’s phone chimes, signaling that you’ve texted her again; her face gets hot, and manny chuckles.
y/n (1:44 a.m): i’ll be waiting for you to set something up when we’re not tipsy then ;)
abby (1:46a.m): i don’t think you’ll be waiting for very long <3 goodnigjt y/n, sleep tight
y/n (1:47 a.m): goodnight abby 🖤
when you wake up the next morning, your head is throbbing, and thoughts of last night begin to flood your mind. suddenly you remember all about abby’s plan to make ellie jealous. you reach over for your phone and see you have a string of missed calls, and five texts from ellie. your heart thumps as you open the text thread with the brunette.
ellie (2:20 a.m): you home??
ellie (6:34 a.m): why didn’t you call me last night?
ellie (6:35 a.m): did you make it back to your room safely??
ellie (9:35 a.m): you going to class today?
ellie (11:47 a.m) did you really hookup with anderson last night? it’s all that nora chick and her friend are talking about rn.
your cheeks heat up as you read the last message; word certainly seems to move fast around here. before you can even think about a response to ellie’s various messages, your gaze wanders to the time. your eyes widen as you gasp, realizing you slept nearly half the day away; it was already 2:30 p.m and nobody except for abby knew you were alive. you scurry off your bed, and just as your about to grab your clothes and stuff to shower, dina comes barging into your shared dorm. “dude, is it true!? did you hookup with the captain of the soccer team last night!?” dina sounds excited, and your cheeks turn a dark shade of pink, causing her to gasp.
“you did! holy shit, y/n… i didn’t think you had it in you.” she comments, sounding a bit impressed. “what? you didn’t think i had enough rizz to pull abby anderson?” you question half jokingly, causing the raven haired girl to laugh loudly. “oh no, i’m well aware you can pull whoever you want, i just didn’t think you’d move on from ellie so fast! i didn’t even come home last night, i spent the night listening to ellie rant about you and abby hunky anderson.” dina teases you mercilessly, doing nothing to ease the way your face is burning.
the raven haired girls eyes then widen, shining with pure amusement. “did you two do it in here? on your bed!?” she cackles before whistling, “who are you?” dina asks half jokingly as she begins to walk over to her side of the room, reaching for her biology textbook. “you’re leaving again?” you ask out loud, and dina nods, turning her head and flashing you a roguish smile. “yup, i’m studying with jesse till five.” she admits, and you raise your brows, offering her a disbelieving expression. “studying or fucking?” you ask her, poking fun at the slightly taller girl. she rolls her eyes, but looks away from you in order to keep you from seeing the way her face changes in color. “unlike you, i am considerate of jesse’s roommate. we wait until he’s at work.” dina’s response causes you to laugh, shaking your head in amusement.
“whatever. i’m going to shower, and change into pajamas. maybe i’ll make myself a cup soup and watch reruns of buffy all evening.” you tell her, and dina snorts. “maybe you could call anderson to join you. i’m sure she’ll be up for round two.” dina’s voice is sardonic but dripping with lightheartedness. “who says we didn’t already have round two?” you inquire challengingly, causing dina to gasp as she reaches for a pillow on her bed, tossing it right at you. you laugh loudly, as you make your way towards the door with your pajamas and toothbrush in hands. right as you open the door to rush out, you come face to face with ellie who had been debating with herself on whether to knock or not.
her eyebrows meet her hairline as she sees you, your mascara from last night a mess, and your hairs a mess. there’s a wave of hot, red anger that surges throughout the brunette as she realizes you’ve been so busy with abby anderson, you haven’t been able to answer any of her messages, or even been able to wash your face. her eyes flicker over to your bed that’s a mess, and suddenly unwanted images of abby fucking you on your bed flood her mind.
“it’s nice to see you’re alive.” ellie grumbles a bit dramatically as she pushes her way into the room, causing dina to turn around and look at you. “you knew i was okay. i was with abby.” you respond, and the mere mention of the other girl seems to set ellie off. “no i didn’t know that y/n! i don’t know a fucking thing about abby! she could’ve been a weirdo who only wanted to take advantage of you—” you cut ellie off before she can say something stupid, “but she wasn’t! abby and i are both two consenting adults who hooked up, just like everyone else around here!” you snap a bit harshly, and the words feel like a slap to the face for ellie. “so the rumors are true? you and anderson hooked up last night?” ellie’s voice sounds hurt, and you can’t even recognize the expression that’s etched onto her features.
“uh, jesse’s waiting for me, so i’ll let you guys talk.” dina declares a bit awkwardly, she can feel the tension in the room, but she decides to stay out of it and walk away. before she walks out, the raven haired girl flashes you a look of reassurance. when she shuts the door behind her, you and ellie are left alone. you shake your head, “why do you sound so angry about it? you hookup with girls all the time!” you counterpoint, and ellie shakes her head. “but i never ditch you to do it!” she hisses, while you respond with an eye roll. “yes you do! ellie, you ditched me last night for angela! you do it at every party with different girls, but the one time i do it, it’s a problem?” you ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
“i was worried about you! i don’t care about your meaningless, shitty hookup with anderson.” ellie spits rudely, and you let out an angry laugh of disbelief. “shitty? why do you think i was asleep all day? it was amazing.” you nearly grimace as you realize you sound like you’re trying too hard to convince ellie. “besides, abby already asked me on a date. she wants to go horseback riding.” you lie right through your teeth, and ellie lets out a chuckle. “yeah? that sounds like complete bullshit.” she calls you on your bluff, and you raise a brow, “what sounds like bullshit? that someone could actually want something more than a hookup with me?” you ask challengingly, causing ellie’s annoyed expression to falter. “no, y/n, that’s not what i meant…” she trails off, her voice lowering slightly.
“then what did you mean? because to me it sounds like you think all abby or anyone could ever want me for is a hookup.” you reply dryly, but ellie can detect the slight hurt in your tone. she shakes her head again, “no that isn’t— it’s not you! it’s abby! girls like her aren’t actually interested in dating anyone. i mean, half the cheerleading team said she sleeps with girls and never talks to them again!” ellie points out, and you furrow your eyebrows. “since when do you listen to rumors?” you demand, making her run her fingers through her hair in frustration. “you can’t seriously be thinking about going out with her, are you?”
her question causes you to frown, “yes i am. and unless you can give me an actual reason on why i shouldn’t, then we have nothing left to fight about.” your voice is strangely stern, and something in ellie’s stomach drops because of it. “i’m going to go shower… just like was before you barged in here.” you know you sound meaner than usual, but you can’t help it. ellie was supposed to be showing you how sexy she was when she was jealous, not what a jerk she was. you didn’t even mean to lie about your date with abby; it had just slipped out. ellie had a way of pushing your buttons, and in a way you knew the more you talked about abby, the more you were pushing hers. you walk out of your room, shutting the door behind you and leaving ellie alone. she can’t help but glance over at the messy, undid bed that was taunting her. ellie hates thinking about you and abby together, but she still can’t figure out why. dina was right, the brunette might just be the most oblivious person on the planet.
you’re not as upset after getting clean. a warm shower and a fresh set of pajamas always makes you feel better. when you get back to your room, ellie is no longer there, but there's a twinge of guilt that runs through your veins. you push it as far away from your thoughts as you can. you know you shouldn't feel bad; after all, ellie has been raving about how "pretty" and "hot" angela is for the last four weeks! you shouldn't feel the slightest bit guilty for making her jealous with abby.
as your mind thinks about the honey blonde girl, a small, inevitable smile makes it's way onto your lips. though the smile falls fast when you realize you're going to have to ask abby to help you again. this time it was your own doing; you angrily lied to ellie and told her you had a date with abby. in a way it made you feel a bit pathetic, faking a date. the cruel voice in your head was telling you that ellie was right; you couldn't get a date with someone like abby... not an actual date at least. but ellie didn't really know that. as far as she knew, you were going to be riding off into the sunset with abby after your date.
ellie doesn’t text you throughout the rest of the evening or night. a part of you feels a bit bad for lying to her, but the other part of you knows you only did it because she was acting stupid. the next morning you wake up and get ready for your classes; feeling way better than you did yesterday. abby sees you walking to your second class, which happens to be women’s history with her. she can’t stop herself from approaching you, regardless of the butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
“y/n.” she greets you with that soft accent, that causes an unfamiliar warmth to course throughout your body. “abigail.” you respond back, unable to contain the smile on your face. “how did things go with williams yesterday?” she asks curiously, and your smile falls at the mention of your best friend. “not good? was my plan a bust?” she questions cautiously, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. you sigh, “i don’t know. i mean, she was really mad yesterday when she came to my room. she heard people saying we hooked up, and she said all you wanted was to hookup and never talk to me again…” you trail off, and abby opens her mouth to disagree, but you go on before she can get a word out.
“i kinda got really mad when she said that and i might’ve lied to her about us having a date.” you blush in pure embarrassment, and abby lets out a laugh. “oh jeez, i don’t even wanna picture how angry she got when you told her that.” abby’s voice is light, yet there’s a slight seriousness in her tone; she remembers the way ellie was glaring at her the other night. you shake your head, a small frown etching itself onto your face. abby can’t figure out how you look so pretty all the time; even when you’re upset. “yeah she was pretty mad… but who cares? she’s just acting like a jerk! i mean, to be jealous is one thing but she doesn’t have to be an asshole about it. she’s supposed to be my best friend. realistically she’s supposed to be happy for me.” you mutter, causing the blonde to raise her brows in amusement.
“she’s your best friend who’s in love with you. the more time you spend with me, the angrier she’s gonna get.” abby points out with a slight mumble, and you sigh, “if ellie is as in love with me as you and dina say she is, then she would’ve said something yesterday. but she didn’t. i honestly think ellie just isn’t into me like that.” you sound genuinely sad as you come to terms with this, and the dismal expression on your face causes something to tug at abby’s heartstrings. she doesn’t like seeing you sad.
“she’s just stubborn. she needs more of a push. i mean you said she got upset when you told her we have a date.” abby tries, as you both stand outside of the classroom, continuing the conversation. “yeah, but she’s ellie, she literally has anger issues. maybe she was just mad that i promised to call, and i didn’t.” you explain, and abby shrugs. “then lets go on a date. let’s see how ellie reacts to it.” the taller girl throws the idea out there, causing you to freeze. you look at her, “you wanna take me on a “date”, just so i can see how ellie reacts?” your voice has suspicion laced throughout it, as abby nods. “why do you wanna help me so badly?” you interrogate slightly, obviously not trusting the blonde.
she laughs at the way your eyes are narrowed, and she can’t help but find every expression of yours absolutely adorable. “because i like you. you’re the coolest person i’ve met around here aside from nora and manny. i’ll help you get the girl if that’s what you want. i’m a great wingman.” she winks at you, and you roll your eyes playfully, that genuine smile that causes abby’s heart to palpitate returns. “you’re also a very sweet person.” you add onto her boast; this causes the back of her neck to heat up, as she looks down at her boots and smiles. you wrap your arms around her and hug her tightly, just like you did the other night.
and just like the first time you hugged her, abby’s mind begins to race as the smell of your perfume takes over her senses. she hugs you back, and when you pull away you have this mischievous grin on your face. “i guess we’ve officially got a date then, anderson.” you half joke, as you lead abby into the classroom. abby’s sure her face is as red as a tomato, and she’s much too busy thinking about how soft you are and how good you smell to think of a good response. instead, all abby can do is follow you like a puppy to your seat. she sits down next to you, and throughout the entire class, she doesn’t pay attention once.
after the class ends she realizes she hasn’t taken a single note, and has no idea what the assignment topic for tonight is. every thought she seemed to have, circled back to you. the worst of it was, you were probably thinking about ellie while she was thinking about you nonstop.
after class, she groans to herself as she realizes she has no idea what the assignment topic for tonight is. she was too busy stealing glances at you, and thinking about your “date”.
“god, what the hell did i get myself into?”
abby thinks to herself as she walks into her shared dorm. she throws herself onto her bed, her thoughts never leaving you.
meanwhile ellie slams the door behind her as she storms into her room. she can’t help but feel more upset than ever. she saw you and abby walking to class today, and it caused an ugly green wave of jealousy to wash over her. for a moment she actually wanted to go up to abby and punch her right in front of you, though ellie knew you’d never forgive her for that. but ellie also couldn’t just sit around and watch you fall for abby fucking anderson.
suddenly, she pauses in the middle of pacing as an idea hits her; like a lightbulb lighting up over her head. ellie knows what she has to do; she’s going to ruin your date with abby, and she has a million different ideas on how to do it.
team abby or team ellie? 👀
taglist: @macaroni676 @swxxtbnny @bellaramseyswife @asabovesobelow666 @thatonementallyillsimp @fofinhamarie @p4ison1vy @harrysslutsstuff @jalousiexx @mostlyhornyandsad @clouded-whispers @elliewilliams4ever @forelliesposts @dergy @uraesthete @4rt3m1ss @3bolivia @calderysuh @milfsandtittyenthusiast @fofinhamarie @mikimambo @elliewilliamsgf69 @ariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii01 @ellienbilliearemywives @emst4rr @nabiba @bycoincidencesoflife @jennasoneanonly @lizzygoldenr @bready101 @dinasbigtoe @fairlyang @wingedoafbasketballjudge-blog @halfmooneclipse @defencelessarcher @selfcentered-bitch @vswerve @iwantyoutocryforme @hsangel64 @abbysleftbicepp @gabsssssblog @2dmenlackimperfection @cinematicdilfs @masclover111 @mai5mai @teenagedramaqueenlisa
i’m sorry to everyone it didn’t let me tag, some of your blogs weren’t popping up 😭 merry christmas loves, stay safe - vamp <3
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gotham--fc · 28 days
Avergonyit - An Alexia Putellas Imagine
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Not requested, just a little idea I had as I emerge from my woho brainrot and get back into woso
R moves to Barcelona and tries to learn Catalan, what happens when she hears her girlfriend Alexia teasing her about her pronunciation with the team?
I don't speak Spanish or Catalan so I apologize if anything's incorrect I did my best
It probably wasn’t the best idea, moving to Barcelona without knowing any Spanish. Y/N hadn’t planned on transferring, but when Barca Femini makes an offer, well, it’s not like Y/N could refuse. It all happened very quickly, the offer coming towards the end of the transfer window, not leaving Y/N much time to prepare. It really was only a few weeks between the offer coming in, and Y/N landing in Barcelona. She’s extremely grateful that the team got everything set up for her in Barcelona, so Y/N didn’t have to worry about trying to find an apartment or any of those things during the whirlwind of packing and moving across the globe to a place she’s never been.
Needless to say, Y/N’s Spanish was very bad, at least at first. It was a challenge, trying to find her way to the training centre, the nearest grocery store, when she’s not able to ask anyone for directions. Add on that most people speak Catalan anyway, any rudimentary Spanish Y/N could muster didn’t do much for her.
It got easier, the longer she’s here. The team speaks a mixture of Spanish and Catalan, but most speak English too, or at least enough English that Y/N can talk to them. She picks up words and phrases, mostly football terms, since that’s what she hears most often. She’s able to understand what the coaches yell at the team on the field, most of the time, and she finds the areas of the city where people speak English and she’s settles in as well as she can.
What really helps her settle in is the team. Y/N bonds with the other non-Spanish players, them being the first ones she could really speak to without needing someone to translate everything. As time goes on, Y/N finds herself gravitating towards Alexia more and more.
Alexia, as captain, took it upon herself to make sure Y/N was settling in well, and the two hang out outside of training as Alexia gives Y/N a tour of the city and takes her out to her favourite restaurants and coffee shops. The more and more they hang out, the more and more it stops feeling like a captain trying to help a new teammate settle in. Y/N isn’t really sure what to make of it, she knows the ways she’s starting to feel about Alexia, but she’s not sure about Alexia’s feelings.
Things really shift after a tough game, a hard fought win, when the team, despite all being exhausted and sore, decide to go out to a club after. Y/N’s having fun, laughing and dancing with her teammates, and she takes a quick break from the dancefloor to get a drink from the bar. She’s sipping her drink, watching her teammates, when a body slides up next to her.
“Hola carinyet,” Alexia says. Y/N smiles as she turns to Alexia. She’s asked before what the nickname means, but Alexia just smiled and told her not to worry about it.
“Hola Ale,” Y/N says.
“Very good,” Alexia says, “Soon you will be speaking Catalan better than me.”
“I just said hello,” Y/N says. She notices suddenly that both her and Alexia have been leaning towards each other and now Y/N can clearly smell the scent of Alexia’s perfume. Y/N’s distracted by it that she misses what Alexia says next. She zones back in as Alexia laughs and places her hand on Y/N’s arm.
“Do you want to get some air?” Alexia asks. Y/N nods. She quickly downs the rest of her drink and follows Alexia outside.
The air is cool, much cooler than it was inside and Y/N shivers involuntarily. Alexia leans casually on the wall, watching Y/N with a look of amusement.
“What?” Y/N asks.
“Nothing, ets bonica.”
“I don’t know what that means,” Y/N says.
“Vull fer-te un petó,” Alexia says in response.
“Ale…” Y/N whines, “Stop bullying me, you know I don’t know what that means.”
“It means,” Alexia takes Y/N’s hand and tugs her closer, “I want to kiss you. Is that okay, carinyet?”
“Oh.” Y/N breathes, surprised. Alexia doesn’t falter, stays where she is, the same easy confident look on her face as Y/N processes her words. “Yeah. Yeah. You can.”
After that kiss, and the next morning where Y/N woke up with a hangover in Alexia’s bed, they’ve been inseparable. They’ve been dating ever since and Y/N couldn’t be happier. Alexia makes her feel so happy and content and loved. They’ve had a few bumps along the way, but nothing very serious and nothing that isn’t fixed easily.
“Hola lovebirds,” Mapi says as she and Ingrid walk into the locker room. Alexia rolls her eyes and Y/N sticks her tongue out.
“She’s in some kind of mood today,” Ingrid says as she sets her things down in her locker.
“Don’t act like you don’t love it amor,” Mapi says.
Y/N smiles as she listens to her teammates. She really loves it here and she loves listening to her teammates tease Mapi and Ingrid for being grossly adorable. That, and whenever they tease Mapi they don’t tease Y/N and Alexia.
“Ale?” Y/N says while the team is semi distracted, “What do you want to do, uh, després de la pràctica?”
Since they started dating, Y/N has been trying to learn Catalan. It’s a slow process, but she has managed to pick up a lot of words and phrases and ‘after practice’ is one of them. Y/N speaks Catalan more at home when it’s just her and Alexia, mostly because she’s still not confident in her skills. She’s trying to speak it more with the others, but she still can’t do more than basic sentences.
Before Alexia can answer, Mapi snorts.
“‘Després de la pràctica’” Mapi says, “A pronunciació no és important per a tu, Ale?”
“Està massa ocupada amb altres coses,” Patri says, wagging her eyebrows.
“What are they saying?” Y/N asks Alexia. Alexia hesitates in answering.
“Hey Y/N,” Mapi says, “Can you tell me what this says?” Mapi turns her phone to Y/N, a word, embarbussament, written in her notes app. It’s not a word Y/N has seen before, and not one Alexia has taught her, but she tries. As she stumbles her way through, the snickers around the room get louder.
“Are you sure you’ve been teaching her Catalan?” Patri says. “She’s worse than CGH.”
“What are you talking about?” Y/N says. Y/N tries to grab Alexia’s arm, but she doesn’t pay attention as she heads over to where Patri and Mapi are sitting and continues joking with them about Y/N’s pronunciation.
Y/N can feel the embarrassment building. The more the laughter builds, the more Y/N feels like crying. She’s been trying her hardest and Alexia has been, until now, so patient with her. Alexia has always praised Y/N for her Catalan, gently correcting her when needed, but always telling her how proud she is that she’s trying. But now, listening to Alexia laugh at her, Y/N wonders if Alexia really is proud of her, or if she just says that to Y/N’s face, and then makes fun of her behind her back. Along with the embarrassment and humiliation she feels, Y/N also feels betrayed. Alexia knows how nervous she is to speak Catalan in front of the team, terrified of making a mistake. Y/N always thought she would Alexia in her corner, no matter what, but now Y/N realizes that was never true.
Y/N stops speaking Catalan after that.
She still wants to learn, but after what happened, she can’t bring herself to try again. Alexia keeps asking if she wants to practice her Catalan, but Y/N says no every time. She’s not going to give Alexia anything else to make fun of her about. Y/N starts to distance herself from Alexia. It’s not intentional and not what she wants, but whenever they’re together, Y/N can’t help but remember how she felt hearing Alexia laugh at her.
“Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?” Alexia asks. Y/N shakes her head.
��I’m pretty tired, think I’ll just stay home.”
“I don’t mind staying in,” Alexia says, “We can order something or I can cook something for you, carinyet.”
“If you want to go out, then you should go out. I’m sure you can find someone who wants to grab dinner with you. I’ll be fine.”
“Just drop it Alexia,” Y/N says, “Go have fun with your friends, I don’t care.”
Alexia doesn’t go out, she orders food for them both and they eat in silence. Alexia tries to make conversation, but Y/N stays quiet. After they finish eating and cleaning up, Alexia grabs Y/N before she can go sit by herself.
“What is going on? What’s wrong?” Alexia asks. Y/N shakes her head. “Don’t lie to me. I know something is wrong, tell me what’s bothering you.”
“Why?” Y/N mumbles, “So you can go laugh about it with Mapi and Patri later?”
“What?” Alexia says, “What are you talking about? What do they have to do with anything?”
“You were making fun of me!” Y/N says, feeling tears spring to her eyes, “The three of you, you kept making fun of me.”
“When? What are you talking about?”
“You were being mean about how I speak Catalan. You were being mean. I felt so embarrassed,” Y/N can’t stop the tears falling. “I’m trying my best and I know I’m not good and I know I screw up but it’s not like I grew up speaking it like you! You know how nervous I am to speak it and you were mean to me about it.”
“Bebita, we were just teasing. We weren’t trying to be mean.”
“It wasn’t funny!” Y/N takes a shaky breath. “You embarrassed me, Alexia. In front of the whole team. I felt so stupid. I feel so stupid. You keep saying all these things about how proud you are of me and how well I’m doing and then you let everyone make fun of me and you join in yourself!”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were upset,” Alexia says, “I am proud of you and I am impressed by you learning Catalan and I didn’t mean those things I said. I’m sorry I embarrassed you. I didn’t mean to. I love hearing you speak Catalan, mistakes and all, because it shows how dedicated you are. I love getting to share my language and my city and my culture with you. I’m so, so sorry that I ever made you feel like I wasn’t proud of you, or that you are not the most wonderful, and amazing, and caring person I know.”
“It didn’t feel good,” Y/N says, “It made me feel like crap. My girlfriend being so mean to me to her friends, it doesn’t feel good, Ale.”
“I’m sorry,” The longer the conversation goes on, the more distressed Alexia looks. “Please, por favor, what can I do? What can I do to fix this?”
Y/N shrugs. She doesn’t know.
“I promise that I will never make you feel like that again. Every minute of every day I will tell you how amazing you are, and I will never make you feel like you’re not the most incredible person. Te amo, carinyet, t'estimo tant.”
“I really want to believe you,” Y/N says, “I want to move on from this whole thing and forget about it, but I can’t.”
“I’m so sorry, I feel terrible. I hate that I hurt you. I mean it when I say I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I promise I will.”
“I know Ale.”
Y/N finally allows herself to fall into Alexia’s arms, lets her wipe away her tears. She lets Alexia hold her and comfort her and whisper apologies and comforting words in her ear. Y/N doesn’t know how they’ll fix this, but she does know that Alexia will never stop trying to make it right.
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kmt123whatsthetea · 10 months
Fred and George Weasley headcanon
What would they be like with the new employee at Weasley Wizard Wheezes?
A/N: until I get any ideas, I'm going to try writing shorts and headcanons. If you have any requests for shorts or requests for stuff they’d do with the reader etc, I’ll be more than happy to write them.
T/W: NSFW, Our favourite twins being pervy, maybe slightly dark (unknown ownership and the reader is innocent and unaware of the pervy twins’ antics), spanking, pinching, groping, nicknames, praise, drugging? (mentions of aphrodisiacs, sex pollen, and love potions), Smell kink? (like perfume and scent sniffing)
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Both twins
- They’d be all over you, fact
-At first, they thought you didn't mind their attention, but then it dawned on them that you were innocent enough to not notice (that didn't stop them)
-One would ask you to bend down and get something or stand on the step ladder to reach higher stock, the other would be enjoying every glimpse of your underwear
-They would definitely get you a uniform, which would be a very short skirt and a top that shows a lot of skin (they just tell you that its standard uniform and that some of the products stain clothes)
-And if your uniform is ‘crooked’, they’ll happily adjust it for you
-You were so eager for the job that you barely even read your contract (luckily for them)
-In small print was a paragraph that stated that you belonged to them and that they could do anything they wanted to you, ANYTHING
-Making mistakes has its advantages
They won't dock your pay or give you a warning, they’ll just pinch your thighs or give your ass and pussy spanks until you learn your lesson (Fred started this punishment)
-If a customer takes a liking to you or tries to make a move, the twins will slip him some puking pastilles (they have their ways)
-If a customer is mean, they’ll let you sit on one of their laps whilst they comfort you (again, this customer will be getting some puking pastilles for making their favourite girl upset)
-Anything new they make, they try on you (or so they tell you. They only want you to test the new line of ‘potions’ that they have made *cough* aphrodisiac and a sex pollen potions *cough*)
-At first, they wanted to compete for you, but they realised that two heads are better than one
-If Ron comes in and tries to make a move, they bar him from entering (until Molly finds out and sends them a howler)
-They’re waiting for the right moment to spike you with a love potion
Fred Weasley
-Fred is more handsy
-If your thigh is showing, his hands are already there
-If you’re on the stepladder, he will definitely grope your ass and tell you that he's making sure you don't fall
-One of his sneaky tricks involves dropping a small box that has small pieces inside onto you, he's just hoping that some of those pieces will fall out between your tits and he’s more than happy to reach between them to get them out
-If its George’s day off and a customer makes you upset, you will have to hold him back because he will whip his wand out (his magic wand, you dirty minds)
-He’s more possessive of you, and more handsy, and meaner (he will make sure you make a mistake just to punish you)
-Fred has taken a liking to calling you Kitten
George Weasley
-George is sweeter
-He can be just as sneaky as Fred, but he’ll praise you more often than he’ll punish you
-If you get tired when you stand at the till, he won't let you use the chair. As far as he’s concerned, you’re only allowed to sit on his lap or not sit at all (so he’ll just sit down and make you sit on his lap)
-If a customer is mean to you, George will stroke your hair (whilst you’re on his lap) and press small kisses to your cheek, which you think he’s doing to make you smile but he’s doing it cause he loves how you smell
-There have been times where you pout to him about Fred’s punishments, but he just strokes your hair and pretends to feel sorry, saying something like “you should have been a good girl and then Fred won't pinch those pretty little thighs”
-If you come to work and it's raining outside, George will let you change into a shirt of his whilst your clothes dry (he won't wash that shirt, he’ll keep it and smell it whilst his hand works wonders *wink* *wink*)
-George has taken a liking to calling you bunny
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seospicybin · 2 months
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Hyunjin x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle Masterlist
Synopsis: You and Hyunjin become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (14k words)
Author's note: Feel free to vent in my inbox once you finished reading it :)
LANA: In order to test how committed my guests are to the process, I call for help from my former retreat guests: Felix, Chris, and Avery. Their mission is to entice them to find out if they're capable of following the rules outside the retreat.
Everyone is going around exchanging hugs and cheek kisses while telling each other's names.
You only remember it now, the name of the girl, it's Avery and she looks like a Malibu Barbie with an Australian accent.
When it's your turn to hug Chris, you have to actively tell your brain to stay calm and not think about how you have a secret crush on him.
"Chris," he introduces himself, opening his arm for a friendly hug.
It's a good thing that he's not shirtless or else, you'd be drooling by now but those big biceps are quite distracting.
"Hi, Chris," you manage to sound coy saying it.
You catch a whiff of his perfume as you exchange a hug and Gosh, he smells amazing. You're staggering as you walk backward to be with everyone else.
"The three of you are Australians," Edie innocently says.
"We' are Australia's sexiest export since... ever," Felix jokingly says then breaks into laughter.
Even his laugh is so attractive, It's sonorous and infectious, inviting you to laugh along with him.
"We came back because we learned so much on the previous seasons that we came to pass the lesson on to you," Avery says, then she glances at the guys standing on each side of her, "Right, guys?"
Felix puts his hand against his waist and puts all of his weight to one side like he's striking a pose in a photo shoot.
"Well, yeah," he says with his nose scrunched, "but also we came here to show you guys how to have fun!"
Chris pops open the bottle of champagne on cue, sending the content spurting out of it and he hurriedly takes a chug to stop it from spilling.
It's unfair how Chris can easily make you feel the slightest bit hot and bothered, just standing there with that wine dripping down his chin. You lick your lips while imagining licking the wine on his veiny neck.
Realizing that you're in the presence of other people, you hurriedly snap yourself out of it.
"Wait, wait, it's not fair that there's three of us and five of them," Avery says while adorably crossing her arms in front of her.
Felix puts his arm around her and brightly smiles, "Don't worry, we'll make it even," he says.
Your head starts looking around the boat, anticipating something and perhaps, anyone's arrival based on what Felix said.
"Give a warm welcome to the two new arrivals!" Avery cheerily announces.
With Lana, it can't be just a boat party, you can tell that she threw this party for certain purposes other than to introduce the new arrivals.
It's wise that you keep cautious with whatever you're doing at this party. You don't want to mess with either Lana or the money, and you surely don't want to mess it up with Hyunjin.
The new arrivals are looking hot and heavy, ready to fuck everybody. The girl is a gorgeous blonde with big, blue eyes named Emile and the guy is a Brazilian man with a chest tattoo, Gustav.
With Chris tirelessly filling the glass and Felix distributing it to everyone, they make sure everyone holds a drink in their hands and is ready for a toast.
"Cheers!" Everyone says in unison, raising their champagne flutes in the air before taking a sip of it.
Things get crazy whenever alcohol is involved so to be safe, you moderately drink your wine and sip as little as possible.
"Okay now we each choose someone to do a body shot with," Felix suggests an icebreaker to fully kickstart the party.
Avery is the one who enthusiastically welcomed that idea and she starts looking for someone to do it with. The boys must be buzzing and whoever gets chosen, he's lucky as hell.
"You," Avery says, pointing in your direction.
You look to the side at Edouard and elbow his side to make him aware of this one-of-a-kind offer.
"No. You," Avery says, talking to you.
Aghast, you unconsciously point at yourself and ask her back to confirm, "Me?"
Avery laughs at the way you reacted, "Come here, my darling," she puts away her drink, then holds her hand out at you.
Half disoriented, you reach for her hand and she makes you sit on the wooden floor with colorful cushions strewn around for people to lay about.
"Now, lay down," she instructs you.
Somehow, you find yourself obeying her words and putting yourself in a compromising position. You rest your head on your pillow and try to stay calm even though everyone is looking at you.
Avery grabs a glass of shot in her hand and she puts all of her hair away on one shoulder, she smiles as she lifts the shot before dripping it onto your chest.
"Oh, my gosh!" You shakily gasp the second the liquid makes contact with your skin, making you shiver from the cold.
But that's the least of the things you should be surprised by. Avery then leans down while keeping her hair down on her shoulder and drinks the puddle of alcohol gathered on the valley of your breasts.
Avery lands a long lick down your front, her tongue feels slick and hot on your skin, making you grip the cushion and try so hard not to squeal.
She seems to enjoy doing it and everyone else can only watch it with envy in their eyes. The laugh she lets out as she lifts her head confirms it.
"Now that's how you start a party!" Edouard says.
Without having to look, you know you're flustered and your hands fly to cover your face, embarrassed. Also, you must admit it gets you a little aroused as well and the party has only started.
YOU: In the middle of the sea, on a boat with these sexy, horny people and plenty of booze... [exhales] That's the recipe for chaos.
Hyunjin's head is all over the place. He can't stay still and when he finally does, all sorts of thoughts go through his head and they're all not helping him relax.
And he can't help but wonder is this how you felt when he was going on that date with Saskia?
He'll take it as his karma then but he's not the only one feeling restless, the others who are in couples are going through the same things but have different ways of handling it.
Andy, however, is not taking it well. He's going through five stages of grief around the villa.
"When I went on that date with Edie she made it clear that she only wanted to be friends and that she wanted to connect with someone else," Andy croons while tugging his blond hair.
Hyunjin nods to let him know that he's listening to his rant but has nothing to respond to that.
"I think it'll be good for her to connect with someone else," he says with a nonchalant shrug.
That would be nice of him to think so because Hyunjin could never think that way, he wants you to be happy but God, he'd hate to lose you to someone else.
Andy plops onto the lounger next to him and roughly runs his hands through his hair.
"I've already detached myself from her and I feel bad for still wanting to be with her," he grumbles.
"We've all been there," Hyunjin says, trying to sympathize with him.
Hyunjin almost forgot about that part where Andy broke up with Edie. Even though they're no longer a couple now, you can just detach yourself from people but the feelings, they're pretty much still intact.
It's even harder in the villa because the person is there and you have to deal with it face to face.
God, Hyunjin hopes he doesn't need to go through that much pain.
HYUNJIN: [Breathing deeply]
The boat party is in full swing.
Felix is making sure everyone's glass is filled, Avery is floating around with her wide, bright smile and Chris is playing some party music on his small DJ set-up.
So far so good, no one has broken the rules yet but 'yet' is the keyword here, you get the feeling that it's only about time until someone caves in, and when that happens, it will trigger a chain reaction.
You decide to sit this one out and watch the party from the side, avoiding any potential risk that would lead you to break the rules.
You're quietly sipping your wine while sitting against the big cushion and enjoying the nice, warm sea breeze when the temptation comes over to you carrying a bottle of champagne.
It's hard not to smile whenever he's around and he's smiling at you.
"Do you mind if I join you?" Chris asks.
"Not at all," you reply, scooting a little to the side to make space for him.
"Let me refill it for you," he says, offering to fill your glass with more wine.
In return, you take the bottle from him and fill his glass for him, having a toast to finally have a sip together. He's sitting so close to you, that you can feel your arms brushing together from the slightest of movement.
He looks out at the view of the sun that is slowly sinking into the horizon and delightfully sighs. Then he turns his head at you and asks you something that you're not ready to answer.
"Would you kiss anyone here?"
Well, there is someone you would like to kiss but he's off-limits.
"Oh, I would love to but uh..." you break into a laugh as your eyes meet his.
Chris licks his lips after sipping his wine, "Are you worried about the rules?"
Not the main reason why but yeah, that's one of the reasons. You chuckle and answer, "I've spent a lot of money already."
He cracks a laugh and his dimples appear on his cheeks, "Been there, done that."
As someone who went through this before, you're sure he knows how it felt because there's no other reason why he laughed.
"So, tell me about this guy you've spent a lot of money with," he asks.
You contemplate for a moment how much can you tell but since he's someone from outside of this retreat and went through the same thing, maybe he can give you some insights.
"Well, he kind of messed up a while ago actually," you share with him.
"Ouch!" He exclaims.
"But I found myself still liking him despite all of that," you continue, sipping your wine in between sentences, "It's actually scared me because I think I've lost my head a little."
It's been gnawing inside you, how you doubt Hyunjin will be the right one for you as you get haunted by this fear that he'll make the same mistake again.
Chris holds his drink in the other hand and slightly turns his body to face you, "Maybe losing your head means you're maybe in your heart," he warmly tells you.
You smile hearing his words and you really wish they're true, you're having this doubt because you want this to be something genuine.
"That's what I hope," he adds with a smile.
"Thank you, Chris," you sincerely tell him, clinking your glass with him for another toast.
When you said it's only about time, well, the time is here. As you look around for another bottle of wine, you see Edie and the new guy going at each other's faces like animals in heat.
But that's the least of your worries. When you turn your head the other way, you see Edouard doing body shots on Saskia.
It's not only about the money now, but also loyalty and friendships. You drain your wine glass empty and gasp, "We're fucked!"
YOU: They forgot everything! They forgot about the purpose, forgot about Lana, forgot about everyone.
Hyunjin can hardly think of anything when you haven't returned on dinnertime. He barely eats his food, he tries shoving a few spoonfuls but has a hard time swallowing them down.
"I'm not hungry," he says, pushing the plate away from him.
"Your plate is still full," Frida says, her voice tinted with concern.
He reclines in his seat and sighs, "I'm too tense."
"I know how you feel," Vic says as she's also waiting for Edouard to return.
Andy pats his shoulder and with a mouth full of food says, "At least you're not worrying someone who doesn't want to be with you."
Well, that's a way to look at the brighter side of things.
The longer you're away from him, the more he worries and his worries affect other people in the vicinity as well. However, there's one person in particular who is having fun in this situation.
"If Edouard kissed someone, would you be pissed?" Diego asks Vic who's sitting cross-legged on the single sofa on the terrace.
"Depends on who he did it with," she answers while picking at her nails.
"If he kissed Saskia, would you be pissed?"
"Very," she answers without a beat.
That gets Hyunjin more alerted, because what if you kissed someone? You know, like out of curiosity? Speaking of experience, he almost did it once with Saskia.
"Do you think they might do something?" Hyunjin nervously asks.
"What do you think?" Diego tosses the question at Vic.
"If I know him like I think I do, I think he won't kiss anyone," she diplomatically answers.
Hyunjin doesn't know how she's doing it but he must admire Vic's patience and calmness in handling this.
"They won't do anything," Andy says, perhaps still stuck in the denial phase.
"If I were with someone here and I went there, and people started kissing each other, I'd probably do it," Diego is here to fuel more gas into the fire.
Frida grabs him by the knee and makes him listen to her, "It is something that I won't do to you because not only it would affect us, but also my friendship with her."
That seems to work on putting some sense into Diego and makes him stop talking altogether.
Hyunjin always thinks highly of you, he knows you wouldn't throw away what the two of you have built together, and that gets him a little hopeful.
"I bet my ass they're doing stuff," Vic remarks out of the blue.
Hyunjin doesn't expect this change of mood, she seems to have reached her limit and can't keep her composure anymore.
Andy sighs and leans back on the sofa, playing with the cushion on his lap, twirling it in the air a couple of times.
"There's a lot at stake today. Relationships, friendships, the house, the money..." he pauses to turn his head to the side to look at Vic, "...Vic's ass."
Everyone laughs at that and it helps to lighten up the mood, the only one who doesn't take it well is Vic.
"Fuck you!" She curses while laughing, hurling a cushion at Andy.
HYUNJIN: I hope for the best. But I also expect for the worst [blows air]
"Okay, honestly, but there is one person I'd like to kiss here," you suddenly share.
That gets Chris' eyebrow raised in curiosity, "Yeah. Who is it?"
You look him right in the eyes and answer, "I'm looking right at him."
He closes his eyes and grins, from the way his ear reddening you can tell he gets shy from what you said which is why you said that in the first place. That, and because of alcohol.
"But I know you're engaged and all," you quickly add.
He grins wider, and he looks so cute and shy like that, if he weren't off-limits, your head would definitely take a hard turn.
"I may be bad but I'm not that bad," you further explain, giggling along with him.
"So, not because of the guy you broke rules with?"
That catches you off guard and you laugh in embarrassment, "Well, yeah, that too."
"In that order?" He asks again, bumping his shoulder against you.
"Exactly in that order. You then him," you jokingly say.
This time, his cheeks get all red and his dimples sunken deeper into his cheeks as he keeps grinning.
"Guys, let's swim!" Felix shouts at both of you.
To be honest, you feel comfortable sharing the space with Chris and want to stay in it a bit longer. You shake your head and kindly refuse his offer.
"No, I'm good," you tell him.
The screams and squeals of the girls jumping into the water startle you, more so, because they ditch their bikinis.
"Oh, come on!" Felix grumbles, coming over to you and taking you by the hand.
"You're coming too," he shouts at Chris.
He's forcing you to get up and join him, taking you by the end of the edge of the deck. Since everyone is going in anyway, you have no option but to follow suit but decide to keep your bikini on.
"Wait, wait, I have to take this..." you tell him, untying the outerwear you're wearing.
"I'll help you," Chris says, helping you to take it off of you.
You're shivering as his hands brush the skin on your back but it's nothing compared to when he's taking his top off. You don't think this moment will come but here you are, looking at his body in its glory with the golden rays of the sun hitting him just right.
Impatient, Felix gets ahead and jumps into the sea while shouting some gibberish words out loud.
"Do it together, yeah?" He offers.
"Yeah, okay," you nervous answers.
He holds his hand out at you and you take it without hesitating, he counts from three, and on one, you both jump into the water together.
Everyone is having fun, you see Pablo is going at it with the new girl and Edie is simply having the time of her life. She squeal when she finally acknowledges your presence, waddling her way to you and clinging to you.
"Did you see me kissing him?" she whines,
"You mean sucking his soul out?" You joke.
"I didn't know how many times I kissed him," she whines again, putting her hands around you.
"Don't worry. Lana will know," you tell her.
For this once, you don't want to think of the money. You let yourself enjoy it, this moment and the company you're with, and also the beautiful view of the sunset.
YOU: I must admit, I had a lot of fun. I really needed that party.
Everyone is already waiting in the cabana for your return from the boat party.
You don't know why you're nervous, maybe it's coming from knowing everything that happened at the boat party and you came back with your hair and bikini damp from swimming.
Since there's no space left, you take the remaining spot that is on the far end of the sofa, sitting far away from Hyunjin.
Lana chimes in not long after everyone has settled down.
"Welcome back," She greets everyone who just came back from the boat party, "And welcome to the two new arrivals."
No one seems to realize the new additions to the retreat until Lana mentions them.
"Thank you, Lana," Emilie says with a smile.
"To test your growth, I prepared a party on a boat with the illustrious presence of some of my former retreat guests: Felix, Avery, and Chris," Lana informs.
Frida reacts with a loud gasp, "Really?"
"Yeah. It was so nice to meet them," Edie answers.
"You had no idea. It was awesome," Saskia adds, making her more envious.
"Damn!" Andy quietly curses next to Hyunjin.
Which makes you glance at Hyunjin and he seems a little tense, his jaws are all clenched yet it makes him more attractive.
"As soon as you left for the party, your friends had to choose whether or not to bet on your loyalty to the principles of the retreat."
A scoff slips out of you because your guess is right, you're not new to Lana's hidden agenda, the boat party was a test and you may not broken any rules but you failed nonetheless.
"We can double the prize money you know," Diego says, "All you had to do was to not break any rules."
"Oh, no..." Saskia cringes.
"What did you bet?" You ask, feeling a little anxious if they choose to bet all of the money.
"We bet to put our trust in you," Andy answers.
And that's where you failed, you could have prevented anyone from breaking the rules but you let them happen.
YOU: I never thought that they would bet double, that we weren't going to do anything.
Hyunjin is nervous, anxious even but when he finally sees you coming, he feels so relieved. Now that you're back, a new question pops in his head: did you break any rules?
His faith wavers a little as he notices that your bikini is damp and so is your hair, and you sit on the far end of the sofa. He doesn't even dare to ask and waits for someone else to do it for him.
"It's a good time to tell us if you broke any rules," Andy says, taking the role to ask the big question.
Edie's hand raised in the air and the sheer smile on Andy's face falters, "I broke the rules. I kissed Gustav," she admits right away.
"We kissed, yes," the new guy, Gustav, confirms with a sly grin.
"I thought the rules didn't apply outside the retreat," Edie innocently says in an effort to defend her rule break.
"Felix and Chris, and uh... Avery, they were encouraging us to break rules, saying that Lana wasn't there," Saskia delivers a weak argument.
Hyunjin is getting more tense with every detail of the boat party getting exposed in this heated argument.
"We held back at first," Edie calmly remarks.
"But you did give in," Remy says, easily diminishing her remark.
"I regret to inform you that many rule breaks were detected," Lana spoils another detail.
"I thought it was only the two of you," Marie says, pointing at Edie and Gustav, "Was there someone else?"
Hyunjin looks around and deeply hopes that he doesn't see your hand raised in the air, he sees Pablo's hand instead.
"Emilie and I kissed," he admits a little too late.
"They threw away kisses," Andy sighs while pinching the bridge of his nose in distress.
Pablo tries to throw the blame back at Edie, "She kissed a lot."
"Everyone did body shots," Edie reveals another detail and her hand flies in your direction.
"I only did one body shot," you defend yourself, "And I don't think that counts."
Hyunjin is fine with body shots, he has done it a couple of times during parties but his concern is who you did it with.
"We also went skinny dipping," Edouard reveals another thing.
And now skinny dipping? He's so wrong to think that you won't do anything, he slumps in his seat, disappointed.
Frida groans out loud, also slumping in her seat.
"Lana, give us the bill!" Diego says, no longer enjoying this.
"Fuck! It's going to be bad, it's double," Andy says in distress.
It takes Lana a moment to calculate the rule breaks and finally comes up with the final result, "All of these rule breaks have cost the group $72,000."
A minute passes in eerie silence as everyone tries to process how much money have lost at that boat party. There were only five people invited and yet they were capable of spending that much money.
"It must have been awesome being there," Marie sneers with a scowl.
"Of course it was," Pablo unapologetically says, being insensitive to his surroundings.
"The prize fund now stands at $60,000," Lana updates the current prize fund.
There's not much money left and with the new guest, he can't guarantee that it'll stay on that amount for long.
"You have the opportunity to develop and learn to connect. Don't take the process for granted," Lana concludes the session with a warning.
HYUNJIN: We are paying the price for something that wasn't our fault. All I can do is laugh.
It's close to bedtime and you head straight to the dressing room to take a quick shower and put on a pair of comfortable clothes of camisole and white shorts.
You're not purposely avoiding Hyunjin because at some point you'll have to talk to him, you merely give yourself and him some time to process what happened at the cabana earlier.
As you're doing your skincare routine, you see him entering the dressing room with an apparent scowl on his face and you take this as a cue to talk to him.
As he walks past your chair, you grab him by the hand and look up at him, "Hey, let's talk."
He rather seems reluctant to your invite but you don't want to wait anymore, it's a great time to have a talk since the two of you are alone in the dressing room.
You pat the chair next to you where Edie usually sits, "Come, sit here!"
He obeys you without saying anything, sitting facing you and letting you hold his hand on his lap. You have told everything about the boat party but you know you have to assure him that there's nothing else happened other than that.
"What happened at the boat party, I've already said everything that I did. I only did a body shot and nothing else," you tell him, keeping your tone soft and calm.
He gets quiet for a moment and it's his turn to speak so you wait for him to say anything, rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb.
He slightly slumps on the chair, sending his long legs spreading open in front of you and you know it's not the time for it but you feel tempted to tease him.
"We were all talking about all of you and the things you probably do there," he says.
You let go of his hand and rest your hand on his thigh all the while your eyes are looking at him, "Yeah?"
"I said if it were me, I wouldn't do that because one, out of respect for you and what we have."
Based on experience, you doubt that his act would match his words but you give him the chance to finish his talk.
"Two, for the group," he continues.
He makes it sound like you are this selfish person who does things as she pleases and you don't care about him at all when in fact, you did nothing on that boat party except for that one bodyshot with Avery.
"It wasn't intentional, someone chose to do it with me," you tell him the reason why you did it, not because you wanted to.
"I'm just—" he abruptly stops talking as if he has a change of mind in the middle of a sentence.
"I know what I feel for you and it's just that I can't act like that I'm okay with what you did," he explains.
You retract your hand off of him and grip the edge of your chair, "I told you, I only did one body shot and nothing else."
"You wouldn't like it if I did it," he hastily replies, almost losing himself there as he gives you an intense glare.
You hate to sleep without resolving it but it's obvious that he's angry so it's best to give him time to cool down and you can talk it all out with clear heads the next day.
YOU: He almost kissed another girl on a date and what makes him think that he won't do anything at that boat party? [Scoffs]
It's when you wake up that you realize that some people were switching beds last night.
Vic is sleeping with Marie while Edouard sleeps with Andy so you guess she already knew about what happened between Edouard and Saskia. At least, she knew it from Edouard himself and not from someone else.
As for you, you're not going into the talk yet. You still cuddle him and give him a morning kiss, you treat him like usual to let him know that nothing changed between you and him. This is just another thing you need to overcome together and deep down, you know you will.
The morning continues with a mumbling mess that is Vic at the breakfast table.
"I'm only going to try again if he can actually win me over," she says, stirring the scrambled egg on her plate with a fork.
You don't have the energy to deal with drama first thing in the morning so you decide not to meddle and risk saying things that upset her more.
"Then let him win you over," Marie from two chairs over tells her.
"I don't think he understands that he really needs to do the work to win me back," Vic grumbles again, dropping her fork onto her plate.
"So tell him," Marie coyly responds.
Vic sighs and runs her hands through his dark long hair, "But I know I'm never going to work things out with Saskia."
You know it's better not to stay away from it but you can't help it when your friends are going against each other, especially over a boy.
You put down your cutlery and look at Vic, "Vic, I think that you're a grown woman, and whether you want to or not, you should work things out with her."
She subtly rolls her eyes in response, not taking your words when it's possible to do so if one of them is open to reconciliation.
"You could figure this out together," you assure her.
"I am not going to talk to this girl. If she wants to talk to me which she won't then I'll talk to her. But she won't," Vic says with her nostrils flaring in anger.
It's obvious that Vic is not open to reconciliation, moreover, it's tricky considering that she has stubbornness in her. Then there's nothing left to do but tell her which side you're taking and it's neither.
"I just want you to understand that I love you and I also like talking to her. I don't want you to think that I'm two-faced," you carefully explain not avoid getting your words twisted.
"I just want everything to be fine because I like you both a lot," you add.
In the afternoon, Lana called everyone to the cabana as usual and she prepared something for everyone there. There's a TV with the word 'Cinelana' on the screen.
"Cinelana?" Edie says in genuine confusion.
Marie puts all of her hair to the side before taking a seat, "Will it be...?" She wildly guessed with a raised eyebrow.
Not long after everyone has taken their seats, the melodic chime comes and the cone lights up to signify Lana's arrival.
"Hello, everyone."
"Hi, Lana!" Everyone replies in unison.
"How are you?" Lana asks.
"Poor," Frida shortly replies.
"Broke and scared," Saskia answers.
To be honest, you feel more scared than broke. Maybe it's coming from knowing that you didn't contribute to that money deduction.
"From what I can see from your behavior, some forms of physical contact can be more sexual than those prohibited at the retreat," Lana says.
You have a feeling that she's about to expose everyone with this Cinelana and that's what you're scared of.
"But it's better to show than tell."
YOU: I have no problem showing everything that happened. Showing the thing I did is fine by me. But when it comes to the others, I don't know.
"I want you to see yourselves through my eyes."
The ones who went to the boat party seem to be nervous and everyone pretty much knows what Lana is about to show. Hyunjin can only hope that he doesn't see what he doesn't want to see.
"What is she going to show?" Diego curiously asks.
"Is there popcorn?" Marie casually asks.
"May the first session of Cinelana begin," Lana announces.
Cinelana starts with them having a big toast and from there, things escalate quickly, everyone reacts with a lot of gasps and squeals, cheering when they catch someone doing the rule break.
Hyunjin's heart skips a beat when you come on the screen, a girl pours a drink onto your chest and proceeds to drink it straight from it. He sees that you cover your face with your hands, looking flustered.
He feels a little jealous but not the kind that makes him angry, It's the kind that makes him envy. It's even crazier that he doesn't which one he should be more jealous of, the girl who did the body shot on you or you.
"Calm down. This is just the beginning," you tell everyone.
It suddenly turns quiet when the footage of Saskia and Edouard doing body shots on each other. Hyunjin can't help but look to the side, at Vic who looks uncomfortable and displeased with what she's seeing.
Thankfully, the attention is shifted to Edie who's devouring the new guy with ferocious kisses that get everyone hysterically screaming.
"Wow. Edie!" Diego clicks his tongue at her.
The movie ends with them going into the sea naked and Hyunjin is relieved to see that you told the truth to him, in fact, he should be proud that you stick to the principles even though everyone around you doing the opposite.
"And that's why we're poor," Marie comments as the screen turns dark.
Lana chimes once more, "What do you think about the movie?"
"I liked it, Lana," Pablo jokingly says.
"Do you think this behavior is fair to the group? Would anyone act differently?" Lana asks.
That seems to make everyone turn quiet again, offending the ones who went to the boat party. He turns to the side and sees that you open your mouth to speak.
"For me personally, when I got on that boat, that's when it stopped making sense to me. I realize that I would much rather be here than be there," you say.
You turn your head at him and smile, an unexpected gesture that makes him feel touched. All of a sudden, he doesn't know why he's mad in the first place, you've told him the truth and that should be enough for him.
"I think I'd have acted differently if I knew how much it would affect some people here," Edouard adds with a defeated look on his face.
"Now is the time to think about how are you going to move forward. I really hope you try harder," Lana says.
In other words, Lana demands everyone to do better from this moment on. Hyunjin figures that he should do better too in building this connection with you, he doubted you when he should have trusted you just like you trust him.
"That's all for today," Lana concludes the session.
Now is the time to pick up the conversation from last night. He takes you to the firepit to get some privacy so the two of you can talk comfortably.
"So, what do you think?" You ask, folding your legs on the sofa facing him.
Hyunjin cracks a smile and answers, "I can't even be mad at that. That was so hot."
You burst out laughing and playfully hit his chest, he catches your hand to stop you, pulling you onto his lap. He looks up at you and brushes your hair to the side, "I think I was made because you were gone the whole day," he honestly admits.
A smile rises on your face, "You missed me?"
"So much," he shamelessly answers.
"You're so into me, mmh?" You ask, putting your forehead against his.
"I'm so into you," he shortly replies, ignoring how stupid he sounded.
"Me too," you tell him with your hand cupping his jaw, "I'm so into you."
It's one of those moments that Hyunjin wishes he could freely kiss you just to prove his words to you with actions and it stresses him that he can't do that.
As if you read his mind, you land a soft kiss on his nose to compensate for not being able to kiss his lips and smile when you pull away. It doesn't quite satisfy his needs but it's enough to make his heart pitter-pattering inside his chest.
"We're even now," he jokingly says.
You hit his chest again a little harder this time, "Excuse me? This was different!" You strongly disagree.
He laughs and pulls you closer, what he did that time with Saskia is far worse than someone doing a body shot on you. He nods and immediately agrees with you.
"Okay, okay, but you owe me a body shot," he says, trying to get something out of it.
"That's fair," you agree to it.
HYUNJIN: My honest reaction? I liked the movie. It's better than I thought [chuckles]
The drama between Vic, Edouard, and Saskia continues onto the next day.
It gets even messier when the girls are doing makeup in the dressing room, it was a nice and quiet afternoon until Vic starts a fight, unprovoked.
"Do you think Edouard was hitting on her?" She asks you, fully aware that Saskia is there on the opposite side of the vanity table, curling her hair in peace.
Hearing that she is being indirectly addressed, Saskia puts down her curling iron and looks at Vic.
"No, he wasn't hitting on me, Vic. It's not like that," she tells him.
Vic acts nonchalantly, she continues putting foundation on her face as she talks, "Then what was it like?"
"He wasn't hitting on me and I wasn't hitting on him either," Saskia remarks.
"If you were hitting on him, then I have a problem with that," Vic argues more instead of dropping the conversation there.
"You think I hit on him? For God's sake, Victoria, don't be silly!" Saskia says with a sarcastic scoff.
The fact that Saskia addresses Vic by her full name only means that she has struck her nerves.
"No, I mean it," Vic keeps arguing.
You hate to get caught in the middle of the conflict so does everyone else on the vanity table but to meddle in is not the best option either.
'Yeah, keep believing that men are so honest. Men always talk their way out of things and the woman is the slut, the woman is the whore," Saskia says, still managing to curl her hair despite being in the middle of an argument.
Vic roughly puts down her makeup brush onto the table with a clang, "But if you led him on—"
Saskia cuts her off to defend herself, "Everyone was drinking, and when you drink—"
And Vic cuts her off midsentence in return, "You led him to believe you wanted him."
Saskia scoffs again and stops doing things altogether, "Oh, so you mean I can't drink? I can't get excited. I can't have fun at a party?"
You grab Vic's hand to stop her from keeping going and escalate things further, filling the room with palpable animosity. You don't want to be seen as taking anyone's side but no one is trying to stop them from coming at each other and turning it into a whole fight.
Looking around for help, you have no one to turn to but the cone perched on the shelf in the dressing room. Before you can ask for help, she chimes in.
Things are getting out of hand that Lana has to intervene, she gathers the three in the bedroom to talk and hopefully, they get to work it out together.
Since there's a party tonight, you continue doing your makeup with the rest of the girls while hoping for the best outcome for the three of them.
You still feel a little tense from being caught in the middle of conflict and Hyunjin seems to notice it. He comes from behind you, putting all of your hair away to the side so he can kiss your neck.
With his hand wrapped around your neck to keep you still, he gently sucking on the skin. You're squealing as he keeps placing ticklish kisses along your shoulder blade.
"Oh, I'm jealous," says the new girl, Emilie.
Somehow, it feels good to know that your relationship is making someone jealous. Hyunjin places another kiss on your cheek before leaving for the bathroom.
"Let's be a throuple," Emilie says as she sits on Saskia's chair.
"A sincere relationship with three people," she explains as if you don't know what it means.
You almost broke up with him when you knew he almost kissed another girl and what makes her think that you'll be okay sharing Hyunjin with her? You give her a pass because she's new so you awkwardly chuckle in response.
YOU: Back off, girl. I'm not into this throuple business.
It's a real party when everyone is getting along well and having fun.
The talk seems to be a success with Vic looking so much better, she's back to her chipper mood and she's dancing with Edouard. On the other hand, you sense that things between her and Saskia are not doing that well but at least, they're staying civil to each other now.
Putting drama aside, you and Hyunjin are doing better than ever. You trust each other more now and your connection is getting stronger, the next plan is to show true growth in your relationship to earn a green light.
Hyunjin hoists you against his body until your feet are off the ground, you hurriedly cling to him by putting your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist.
"Is this how we're going to do it?" You jokingly ask with a sly grin on your face and your hand massages the nape of his neck.
"In front of everybody? Yeah, that's the idea," he playfully responds.
The fun time has to end with Lana being a party pooper as usual. Everyone knows what to do when the chime comes, heading to the cabana like animals about to get slaughtered. Considering that she crashed the party, she'd better have some good news for the group.
"Hi, Lana. Do you have another movie?" Diego jokingly asks.
"Do you want her to show yours?" Edie pokes fun at him.
Lana skips the casual greeting and goes straight into the talk, you hate whenever that happens because it means she's not pleased with something. But everyone has been behaving well, especially after that huge blow to the prize money at the boat party.
"I see how you talk a lot about finding a connection but I also see that some of you do little about it," Lana says.
There's still hope that this going to turn out well and you cling to that hope.
"Connecting is not necessarily trying to be a couple, but opening up to the process and being aware that mistakes are part of any learning process."
Everyone stays quiet, no one is saying anything but intently listening to what Lana says to know where this talk leads.
"Getting it wrong is one thing. Giving up on the process is another. And that can no longer continue to happen here on my retreat."
"Y-yeah?" Edie stammers, sensing that Lana is onto something, something unpleasant.
"I detected some of you have a lack of interest in new connections. Therefore I need to continue my work here without the presence of some people."
It's only a minute ago you thought about how you need to show growth in your relationship and now you're worried that you haven't done enough. Your hand immediately grabs Hyunjin's as you close your eyes, anxious.
"Two of you must leave the retreat tonight," Lana announces.
YOU: And we thought we'd get good news [exhales]
The tension in the room heightens as Lana is about to announce the two people being sent home tonight.
Hyunjin is nervous and so is everyone because, at this point, it could be anyone. Lana sees everything and he admits that he hasn't shown enough progress which puts him at risk of leaving the retreat.
"One of you has spoken many times about being a closed-off person, and couldn't see how the retreat would change that," Lana explains the reason why she chose this person.
Hyunjin can think of someone who fits that description, he turns his head to the side where Marie is sitting and she kind of guesses who it is as well.
"The second person I'm eliminating tried opening up to the process at first but it seems that they lost focus on the purpose of the retreat," Lana gives another explanation on the reason why she sent home the second person.
For this one, Hyunjin can't tell who it is but he prays inside that it's not him. He hopes that Lana gives him so more time to continue building this connection with you.
"Therefore, their stay at this retreat has come to an end."
He slowly inhales air and quietly lets it out while continuously wishing that Lana would not call his name.
"Exiting the retreat tonight are..."
He sees no one is feeling safe either because no one wants to go home yet.
"...Pablo and Marie."
He feels relieved that it's not him but it doesn't make him feel good either knowing that someone else has to go. He gets up from his seat to give Pablo and Marie a farewell hug for he found friendship in them.
"Pablo and Marie, it's time for you to leave the retreat," Lana orders.
Everyone standing up to send them off with a wave goodbye and sending well wishes their way.
Tonight started fun and it turned into the opposite in a flip of a switch, but that's life, we never know what's going to happen next.
What Hyunjin knows is that he's grateful that he's still here. He rests his head on your neck as the two of you lie on the bed still dressed in your party costumes, he puts his arm across your chest and pulls you close.
"I'm happy we still have each other," he softly whispers to you.
You endearingly brush his head and place a sweet peck on his forehead, "Me too, baby."
Lana has given him more time in the retreat when it could have been him going home tonight and for that, he feels grateful because he's not ready to go, he can't even imagine himself leaving you.
HYUNJIN: It's been hard, but at the same time, I... understand the situation.
This morning is the same as like other morning in the retreat.
The lights are on as a wake-up call for everyone at the same time every day. You wake up and see Hyunjin the moment you open your eyes, you give him a morning kiss on the cheek.
You run your hand through his hair and softly greet him, "Morning, baby."
He smiles in response and mumbles, "Morning."
He takes your hand, puts it around him, and leans in to make a trail of kisses on your inner arm, continuing it to your shoulder and neck.
"Morning, fam!" Edie cheerfully greets everyone in the room who is still stuck in their beds.
"It's crazy that sometimes I can see this mole of yours and sometimes I don't," you say in bewilderment as your index finger poked the faint mole under his left eye.
He closes his eyes and blissfully smiles at you, "Want to hear something crazier?"
"Yeah. What?"
"You're getting sexier and sexier every day," he answers while squeezing the flesh on your waist.
"Ouch!" You yelp in pain but that only encourages him to tighten his hold around you.
It's a peaceful morning until someone recognizes what is missing in this room.
"Wait, where's Lana?" Frida asks.
You scramble to turn on the bed to see the cone is missing from its usual place, she usually sits prettily on the small round table in the corner of the room but she's not there.
"Shit! Lana's gone," Edie says, her mouth stays open.
You exchange a glance with Hyunjin but he's also befuddled with Lana's sudden disappearance, well, a staff probably took the cone away while we were asleep but there must be a reason they're doing it.
"We're always in a throuple with her so it's weird Lana is not here when we wake up," Saskia says while cuddling with Remy on their bed.
"She's out on a date with Siri," Andy jokingly says with a satisfied laugh.
"Maybe Lana prepared breakfast for us," Diego wildly guesses, "she's in the kitchen being Lana Ramsey."
Everyone laughs at that one but it starts to get serious when everyone is getting their breakfast and Lana is not there, Andy goes to check the cabana just in case someone misplaced her.
"She's not there either," Andy returns with an answer.
"Do we have to find her?" Gustav confoundedly asks, not knowing what to do since he's still new in this retreat.
"Just don't make us dig sand to find her, please?" Edie grumbles, getting flashbacks from that first day we arrived at the villa.
"Do you think Lana's disappearance is good or bad for us?" Edouard asks, curious about what everyone thinks of it.
"Maybe she needs some time alone, guys," Saskia coyly says with a glass of orange juice in her hand.
Everyone comes up with various theories about Lana's disappearance and they react differently to it, some are nervous, a few are excited and the rest are a mix of both.
"Oh no, she's not here either," Emilie whines as she looks around searching for the cone in the dressing room.
"Maybe she's tired of us?" Frida coyly says, plopping onto her usual seat at the vanity table.
Vic hands you a bottle of sunspray and turns her back to you, "As long as she doesn't take the money with her, I'm cool," she says.
You turn on your chair to help her spray her backside evenly and make sure you don't miss a spot, you've been doing a very good job at it considering that her skin remains pale while everyone else has gotten tan lines.
"I think Lana is watching us from afar you know when you leave kids by themselves to see if they're going to misbehave or not?" Saskia comes up with another theory.
Her theory is the most plausible one, it's Lana we're talking about, just because she isn't there doesn't mean she's not watching. She wasn't there during the boat party yet she knew everything that happened.
"She probably sitting in the control room laughing at us right now," Edie jokes.
However, the scariest part of this is not the disappearance but what will happen with Lana not around to keep everyone's behavior?
YOU: This can't be good. She's just gone like that?
Wait, is everything allowed now?
With Lana disappearing this can only mean that the rules no longer exist as well and that gets Hyunjin excited. He's been good all these times so he thinks he deserves, at least, a little something for his good behavior.
"Lana is gone. The rules are off," Hyunjin mutters as he styles his hair next to Diego in the bathroom.
Diego chuckles and sprays some hairspray into his hair, "I don't know, man, I think that's a bad idea," he disagrees with him.
"Why don't we kiss to test the water?" Hyunjin boldly suggests.
Diego shoves him to the side in reaction to his crazy idea, he gets it that he's been careful with Frida ever since they got the green light. He then leaves the bathroom only for Edouard to come and take his spot.
"Lana's gone. What does that mean?"
Hyunjin's question is not merely a question, it's a test to find out which side Edouard is on: the side that wants to break the rules or the other side that thinks Lana is still watching.
"There's no rule, bro. Know what I mean?" Edouard says with a devilish grin as he combs his hair to the back.
This is the energy that Hyunjin seeks from someone and he feels more confident now knowing he's sharing the same brainwave with someone in this retreat, an accomplice to his mischief.
"Bro, I'm definitely breaking the rules tonight," Hyunjin boldly remarks with a wild, wide grin.
"Been holding it in for so long," Edouard says in continuation of Hyunjin's remark.
"This is going to be a mad night!" Hyunjin concludes with a wicked grin on his face. He raises both hands in the air at Edouard and claps their hands together for double high fives.
Tonight, Hyunjin wants to do a lot of things with you and he'll make sure that it's going to happen.
HYUNJIN: My plan for tonight is to give her the best night of her life [smirks]
"As soon as I found out Lana's gone, everything I learned from the retreat has gone out of the window," Vic openly admits.
The dressing room is buzzing and the girls are exceptionally energized tonight, maybe it's the fact that the cock-blocker is nowhere in sight. Vic's words are true, it feels like everyone is back to their default settings and forgot about the purpose of the retreat.
"Okay, but out of all of the boys, who is most likely to break the rules tonight?" Emilie curiously asks while swinging her mascara wand in the air.
"Pfft... I hope it's Edouard," Vic mumbles.
Edie smacks her lips together then places her hand on your forehand, "To be honest, I think it's Hyunjin," she says, sticking her face at you.
"Oh, yeah," Saskia agrees with an exclamation mark drawn on her face.
Frida chuckles and glares at you, "You better be satisfied tonight 'cause if you ain't, girl..."
"You'll be satisfied tonight," Edie teases you with a sing-song tone while shaking your shoulders.
Their assumption is only making you nervous because of how it comes close to the truth. Hyunjin is and has been ogling at you. Not that he never ogled at you before, he does it more often today and it's not hard to read his mind when he's acting like that the whole day.
Hyunjin chooses the firepit to spend some alone time with you, he makes you sit on his lap even though the sofa could fit seven people. You don't have to second guess everything, you know exactly what he's trying to do.
"Are you alright?" He asks, splaying the hand resting on the small of your back.
"I'm feeling good, babe," you reply with a convincing smile and hope it's enough to hide how nervous you are inside.
His other hand rubs down your thigh and plays with the hem of your skirt, all the while he's putting on this gaze that is soft yet intense and lustful.
"You look very, very cute," he compliments.
He touches the strap of your top and then your hair, "Cute dress, cute smile, cute everything."
Wow! He really is trying hard to win you over and put that sweet mouth to use, and you need to toughen up more.
"Thanks. You look gorgeous," you compliment back.
Hyunjin is wearing a plain white shirts and leaves the top three buttons open, exposing his firm chest muscles and soft skin, inviting you to touch.
Instead of giving in to your intrusive thoughts, you start buttoning his shirts.
"Why are you buttoning up my shirts?" He asks while chuckling.
"So you don't get cold," you simply answer with a suppressed laugh.
He ends up unbuttoning them again and parts the opening of his shirt wider to entice you more. You look away to keep your composure and look back at him when get yourself under control.
But Hyunjin steps up his game, he mixes his sweet words with some physical touches, weakening your defense system with each passing second.
He brushes your hair to the side and holds it there, "You know I never thought I'd meet somebody like you. You're such a lovely person," he mutters to you.
You reach for his hand and put it down, you're holding it on your lap after.
"That's very sweet of you," you reply with a smile.
He brings your hand to his mouth and then places a soft kiss on your knuckles, reminding you of how plush his lips are.
If this keeps going, you don't know how long you can restrain yourself.
YOU: I'm not sure if Lana's testing us, but I'm going to try really hard to not break the rules.
Hyunjin knows which side you're in.
You don't want to break rules while Hyunjin is doing exactly the opposite of that. He can see your defense is up, you're a little rigid, you're being cautious with everything you do, and trying so hard not to fall to his charms.
It's a good thing that Hyunjin has a lot of charms and a strong will to crack your defense. He did it once, he just needs to do it again, except that he needs to do it better this time.
He swipes his thumb across your lips and does it carefully to not smudge your lipstick.
"I miss kissing you," he says in his low, sultry voice, "I want to feel those soft lips again."
You nervously chuckle and slip your hand into the hair on the back of his head, "We've known each other better and I don't think we need to put pressure on ourselves to do anything," you tell him.
Hyunjin drops his other hand to your leg, resting it on the back of your thigh and lightly rubbing the skin with his thumb.
"We could do something," he says with a low laugh, "We can break the rules tonight. Like... why waste the opportunity?"
You chuckle again, tilting your head to the side, away from him to put a safe space between you and him. But, he only needs to close that safe space so he leans in.
"A little kiss, come on," he sweetly whispers.
You cup his jaw and fondly smile at him, "I'm rather suspicious that this is actually a test," you say.
He playfully pinches the skin on the back of your thigh and seductively smiles, "Just a bit of fun. No one will find out," he assures you.
He gets a move on by planting kisses on your neck, fluttering little kisses that he's sure make you tingling inside. He puts his hand on the nape of your neck so he can angle your head as he pleases.
He tilts your head to the side and presses his mouth to your ear, "You're so special to me."
He notices that you're slowly lowering your guard down, your eyes are fluttering shut and your hand helplessly gripping the front of his shirt. All it takes is a bit more of his charm.
"You're my special, special, special," he places a kiss along your jaw every time he repeats that one word.
"Special girl," he murmurs for the last time and then he crashes his lips against you
There is no way you will say no to his kiss, not when he kisses you so passionately, lathering your lips with his, soft on soft, slowly and tenderly.
He pries open your mouth with his tongue to taste you more, he uses his teeth to gently bite your lips and puts his hand in the right place to gain access to deepen the kiss.
You break the kiss first and immediately gasp for air, the next thing you do is wipe the lipstick mark around his mouth.
"Does the color look good on me?" He playfully asks.
"Yeah," you shortly reply.
"Put some more then," he teases.
This is only the first rule break of many and it's already a success.
HYUNJIN: Told you, Hwang Hyunjin always gets what he wants [nonchalantly shrugs]
Now that he's already got what he wants, you hope it's enough for him.
Honestly, you didn't know how you also needed that until he kissed you. You stay in the firepit while everyone else is starting to turn in for the night and the two of you are the only ones still outside.
He brushes your hair, putting it away from your face, and holds your head in his hands like you're a fragile object.
"Should we do something else?" He jokingly asks.
Gosh. You hope he's not seriously asking to do more than a kiss. You pretend to not hear it and take his hands in yours.
"It's getting late," you tell him with a pout and half-shut eyes, showing him that you're getting drowsy even though you're not.
He gently rubs your chin and softly asks, "Want to head inside?"
You nod and smile, "Mm-hmm."
It's a relief that Hyunjin stops trying, you feel like you can properly breathe now as you get off his lap. He gets up from the sofa too and leads the way back to the villa.
You may have failed not breaking the rules but you've tried your best to show some restraint until Hyunjin stops by the terrace and turns his head to the side.
"Want to check the suite first?" He asks.
You nervously chuckle and jokingly ask, "Is it even open?"
Your words only encourage him to take you there and check it. You deeply wish the suite is locked or else, you don't have any other reasons not to get in there with him.
To your dismay, the suite is unlocked.
Hyunjin opens the door and lets you in first. The suite looks exactly like the last time you've seen it, except, there's no chilled champagne, no rose petals on the bed and it's dim with no lit candles in sight.
He closes the door behind him and then goes straight to the bed, sitting on the end of the bed with his legs spreading open.
You're nervous to even get close to him, afraid of what it would lead to. You stand in between his legs, not sure what to do in this enclosed space with him.
Hyunjin puts his hands on each side of your waist and pulls you close, he then buries his head in your chest. You both stay like that for a moment with you softly scratching his head.
He then lifts his head and looks up at you, "I want it to do it," he straightforwardly says.
He loops his arms around your waist and closes the gap between your bodies, "Do you want to do it?"
You don't want to be a hypocrite by saying no when the truth is you want it, you want it so bad that you don't want to resist anymore.
"I do," you honestly answer.
"But it's a big decision," you add with a thin smile.
With Hyunjin, you know you want more than just casually dating each other, you want this to be a genuine relationship, and in a genuine relationship, having sex means taking a step further into a more established relationship.
"You know how I feel about you so let me show you that," he says.
He slightly rises from the bed just to place a kiss on your jaw, "I'm only waiting for you to say the word," he says.
The moment you step into the suite, you know that you've made up your mind and honestly, you're tired of pretending like you can resist him.
You take a deep breath and hold his head in your face, you look into his eyes to seek assurance that you're ready for the next step.
Instead of using words, you plant your lips on him and let your kisses answer it for you.
YOU: How am I going to resist Hyunjin?
Hyunjin wastes not another second, he takes your top off, exposing your half-naked body to him and he gladly buries his head in between your breasts. He takes one into his mouth while the other one is being fondled by his big hand with his fingers circling your nipple.
"Baby, be gentle, please?" You whine when he accidentally sucks too harder.
He keeps your words in mind but sometimes his body won't obey his commands, it's like it has a mind of its own, a mind that is so hungry for you and only knows a lot of ways to devour you.
He lifts your leg, making you straddle him to satisfy his need for closeness. He crashes his lips against yours again and again yet, can't get enough of it.
Without him knowing, you manage to undo all of the buttons on his shirt and he helps by getting rid of it for you, hurriedly tosses it aside so he can hold you again.
"You never cease to amaze me, baby," he tells you before roughly leaning in to kiss you again.
It's quiet in the room except for the sounds of his lips placing kisses all over you. Your skirt is all hunched up around your waist, your hands are cupping your breasts and Hyunjin keeps going down south, continuing the trail of kisses to your feet.
He then kneels on the bed and looks down at you, his dark lustful eyes traveling down your body, making him realize that you still have your skirt on.
He tugs his fingers on the waistband of your skirt and softly he says, "Raise your hips for me, baby."
You obey right away, raising your hips high enough to let Hyunjin pull your skirt down and off your legs, leaving you with nothing but lacy underwear, the fabric is so thin he can see through it, the thing that endlessly tantalizes him.
He grabs both of your legs, holding them close to his chest before parting them open. He turns his head to the side, bringing your ankle close to his mouth to kiss it. He doesn't stop there, the kisses continue to your inner thighs.
Hyunjin doesn't bother to remove it first, he dives right into your clothed cunt, his greedy mouth full of your flesh and your underwear soaked wet from his saliva.
He's enjoying, enjoying it so much that he puts your underwear to the side so he can taste you better, his slick tongue and his soft lips drenched in your wetness.
He can hear you moaning but it's somewhat muffled, he pulls away for a moment and looks at you between your legs.
"Moan louder for me, baby. I can't hear you with my head between your thighs."
Well, the only way he can make you moan louder is by pushing the right button. He adds his fingers to the combination, giving you the utmost pleasure by moving them in sync.
You keep arching your back and grinding at his mouth, enough to tell him that he only needs to continue his delightful assault to get you to your release.
"Baby, oh..." your voice cracks as your eyes screwed shut, overwhelmed with pleasure.
He kisses your inner thigh as he watches your cunt soaking wet with a mix of your essence and his saliva, but it's your gushing hole that makes him impatient to be inside you.
"Why are you so good with your mouth?" You ask in awe, half panting from all the moaning.
Well, Hyunjin takes pride in his prowess at giving head and it gives a boost of confidence to show you what else he's good at. He pulls the duvet until it covers both of your bodies so as to not expose yourselves to the cameras installed in the room.
Under the cover, he manages to take your underwear off without looking and plays with your bundle of nerves after, feeling it swelling and pulsating under his touch.
"I'm good with my hands too," he says.
You shyly smile and pull him for a kiss, but you show him you want the other thing. You put your hand inside his jeans and his boxer altogether, easily finding his hard cock and wrapping your hand around it.
"So hard. So big," you breathlessly murmur against his lips.
"So ready to be inside you," he finishes your sentence.
You crack a laugh and peck his lips, "Well, what are you waiting for?"
It's good to know he's not the only one being impatient here, but first, he has to get rid of his jeans and put
"Give me a minute to get a condom on," he gives you a peck before rolling to the side of the bed.
He sits on the edge of the bed, rummaging through the small drawers on the bedside table to find a condom, and then takes his jeans off. He unwraps the foil wrapper and carefully rolls the rubber down his length, it's not hard to do so when he's fully erect and it's all because of you.
Once he makes sure he properly put the condom on, he climbs onto the bed and gets under the duvet with you, arms instantly wrapped around you.
The only fear that still lingers in him is that he won't last long considering that he's been refrained from any sexual activities for these past couple weeks. What if he cum the second he put himself inside you? He wants to make the first time having sex with you a special moment, not a humiliating one.
"I want to do it with you," you tell him out of the blue.
It's as if you heard his mind, you assure him that this is what you and there's no pressure whatsoever, you merely want to do it with him.
"And I want to do it with you," he says back with a soft smile on his small face.
You put your hands around his neck and pull him for a kiss, "Let's do it together."
In that moment, Hyunjin gets hit by the realization that everything else doesn't matter. What matters is this moment with you.
He kisses you, fueling himself for what he's about to do next, and while brushing your hair to the side, he says, "I'm going in, yeah?"
You nod with a smile, permitting him to enter the most sacred part of your body.
It's tricky to keep the duvet from sliding off of him as he kneels on the bed again, he then takes your legs and parts them open. He starts by repeatedly rubbing his length against your slit, using your bodily fluid as a lubricant.
With the reminder to be gentle, he uses his tip to tease your entrance before slowly easing himself inside, little by little. You're breathlessly moaning as you keep taking his length so well that Hyunjin can only watch as his cock disappeared into you with your mouth agape.
The only time his eyes stray away from your cunt is to see you moaning with your eyes closed and your hands squeezing your breasts.
A moan slips past his mouth when he is fully sheathed inside your warm, velvety walls and he's not ashamed of it. He keeps groaning as the pleasure of being inside you gets to him, sending his brain close to short-circuit.
He glides his hand up your front and holds the hand cupping your left breast, "Do you see that, baby?"
Hyunjin is eyeing his cock fully buried inside you to the hilt, the image is being imprinted in the back of his head as he thinks out loud.
"I look so perfect inside you, don't you think?"
You nod in a way that is innocent but arousing at the same time which reminds him of how much he wants to ruin you.
He rubs his hand up and down your inner thigh, admiring the view of your body and how it's connected with him.
"You feel so good," he lowly mutters.
He glides his hand up to your chest and kneads on your breast, "I think I need a moment."
Hyunjin takes a minute to adjust himself inside you, how good it feels to be wrapped in your warmth, tight walls, and the way you clench and unclench around him in the slightest of movement.
He kisses you hard and deep to finally start moving and feeling his cock launches deeper and deeper for every thrust into you.
He keeps kissing you and when he's not, moans keep spilling out of your mouth, and calling his name in between those moans. Your bodies eventually move in sync and work together to chase that release.
When Hyunjin finally snaps, he has a moment of clarity. He couldn't believe that he managed to not do it the last time he was here, he had that much restraint in him but now, all bets are off and he's fully aware that it's his biggest gamble yet.
HYUNJIN: Best believe, I'm going all in tonight.
The next morning, Lana is still no-show.
You know she'll be back at some point but you feel a little relieved that she hasn't, you don't want to deal with that yet. You still want to live in this bubble together with Hyunjin.
"Good morning, angel baby," he sweetly whispers into your ear as he spoons you from behind.
You giggle as he places ticklish kisses on your bare shoulder and neck. He holds you close as he rests his head in the crook of your neck to get a little extra sleep.
The two of you returned late from the suite and sneaked into the bedroom while everyone else had fallen asleep. You see that no one is suspecting anything but Lana's sinister disappearance.
"Lana, girl, how long are you going to hide?" Frida asks while twisting her curly hair and securing it with a hair claw.
Thinking about Lana gets you a little uneasy, you break away from Hyunjin's hold and sit on the bed, offering your lap to let him rest his head on.
He gladly does that, resting his head on your lap and putting your hand in his hair, asking you to play with his dark, silky locks.
"Lana is not running away with our money, right?" Andy asks in a panic.
It's funny that he puts a sense of ownership over it when it's no one's money in the first place, and Lana has the right to run away with the money if she wants to.
"Did anyone break the rules last night though?" Diego asks around, scanning the room with his eyes.
Everyone is playing innocent, shaking their heads or completely ignoring the question like you and Hyunjin did. Avoiding it doesn't mean you're not free of guilt, it's there and it's pooling in the pit of your stomach, making you feel faint.
After lunch, you share the hammock with Hyunjin, simply enjoying each other's presence and the beautiful view of the sea.
"Last night felt like a dream," he says out of the blue.
You get butterflies whenever you recall moments from last night and you find yourself smiling like a fool, "Yeah."
The memories are still fresh in your brain, you remember every detail from the way he looked at you, touched you, kissed you, where he put his hand on your body, and oh... just everything.
He puts his arm around you and puts his head against yours, "I didn't regret doing it with you. It was special to me," he tells you.
"You made me feel special," you sincerely tell him because that's what he made you feel last night: nothing less than special.
"Last night, we took a big step in our relationship," he says.
You nod in agreement.
"Whatever happens, we're in it together," he says, pressing a kiss on your temple.
Of course, he knows that you need comfort and assurance, that's why he said those words. You gently hold his jaw and place a tender kiss on his cheek.
"We're in it together," you repeat his words back to him with a smile.
Hyunjin is right, whatever happens, you shouldn't be afraid because you're not alone, you're in it together with him.
When you walk back to the villa, Andy comes running toward the two of you, his blond hair bouncing on his head.
"What's going on?" You ask him.
"It's Lana. She's back," Andy answers.
YOU: I knew it was all too good to be true [exhales]
"Anxiety is back, my friend," Edouard shouts as he takes a seat on the curved sofa.
No shit. Your legs are shaking, your hands are sweating and you press your lips together so that it forms a thin line on your face. Even with Hyunjin sitting next to you, you can't seem to relax.
"Even though my conscience is clear, I'm tense," Frida says then lets out a sigh.
The cone is there on the table and she's quietly glaring at you. When she chimes, you almost jump on your seat.
Everyone is gasping in response to her return, even though you know no one is expecting she will be back this soon.
"Hello, everyone," Lana starts with her usual greeting.
"Hi, Lana," you weakly reply with your knee bouncing against the floor.
"Yesterday, I disappeared from the villa to test how you would behave when left to your own devices. Just as you will be in the real world after my retreat," Lana explains.
You do not like where this is going but you have nowhere to go either, you have to face the music.
"Despite my absence, my sensors kept monitoring your every move," Lana further reveals.
"I knew it!" Diego exclaims, triumphantly fisting the air.
Emilie shakes her head and sighs, "It was all too good to be true.
Your guess is not off the mark either, you were right that this was all just a test from Lana and you clearly failed.
"I am very disappointed to report that there were several breaches of the rules," Lana informs.
This is where the witch hunt begins, everyone is looking at each other and trying to spot any guilty faces. Somehow, you manage to keep a straight face despite your heart beating out of your chest.
"Anyone want to start?" Diego asks.
You see Remy and Saskia are glancing at each other and then she turns her head to face everyone again.
"We had a kiss," Saskia comes clean.
"We had a chat, we got carried on. Just once, I swear," Remy explains the details and ends it with a sincere apology.
"There was another breach of the rules," Lana will not stop exposing the rule breakers until they come out with the truth.
Remy and Saskia had it easy because it was their first time breaking the rule and it was only just a kiss. You can't compare it to what you've done with Hyunjin.
"We also kissed, Edouard and I," Vic immediately admits, not holding back from telling everyone about it.
"I just thought that the rules were off," Edouard coyly explains, but the grin on his face tells otherwise.
"Told you, Lana was watching the whole time," Andy tells him.
"I'm sorry," Edouard quickly apologizes to end the conversation.
"The prize fund now stands at $48,000," Lana updates the current amount of prize money.
Everyone must think that's the end of it, that no one else breaking the rules and losing $12,000 is the worst anyone could have done to the prize fund.
You hate to break it to them but they haven't heard the worst of it, you look at Hyunjin and he's pinching at his lower lip which is something he does whenever he's nervous.
"However, there was an additional, serious breach of the rules," Lana further reveals.
YOU: I don't know what's coming but Hyunjin and I might be in some trouble.
Hyunjin knows he's got to be a big boy and owns up to his mistake. Also, he can't stand seeing you all tense and anxious next to him.
Before it gets messy and uncomfortable for everyone, he leans forward in his seat and starts talking.
"Last night, we... uh," Hyunjin couldn't find any words that would help him soften the blow.
He takes a deep breath and tries again, "Last night we took a step further—"
He gets cut off as everyone else starts groaning in response, knowing the rest of the sentence without him needing to finish it. A few of them seem to have expected this to happen and most of them are disappointed in him.
"This is all my fault, I messed up and I do feel bad," he sincerely says.
He looks at everyone, each and every one of them eye to eye, then with all of his heart, he apologizes.
"I'm sorry," he earnestly says.
"You yet again failed to show any form of restraint and broke the ultimate rule of my retreat, sexual intercourse," Lana says.
Hyunjin didn't think that it would hit him this hard, he may have said he did not regret what he did last night but he regretted acting so selfishly.
"There was $48,000 in the prize fund but because of your numerous rule breaks last night, your prize fund is now at $0," Lana finally drops the shocking news.
There's no money left in the pot anymore and it is all his fault, he understands if everyone is disappointed in him or even hates him for it. He deserves it.
"The prize fund is at $0. However, there will be more tests and opportunities to replenish the prize fund," Lana suddenly shares uplifting news.
It's very rare for her to share good news after bad ones and the mood turns a little lighter, everyone is cheering and applauding for the good news.
"Yes, Lana!" Diego exclaims while clapping his hands together.
"Now I need everyone on their best behavior!" Frida scolds everyone.
But as we all know, happiness is fleeting because Lana hasn't finished with the announcement yet.
"But not for all of you."
Everyone knows what that means and it means she's going to send someone home. He hates to admit it but he has a feeling that Lana is going to send you and him out of here.
"Oh, my days!" Edie whines, fanning her face as she gets red all over from holding her tears.
"No, please, Lana," Saskia hopelessly begs at the cone.
His thought somehow manifests into reality as Lana calls both of your names and his heart drops to his stomach.
"Please stand up!" Lana orders.
Hyunjin can't even feel the ground beneath him as he gets up from the sofa and takes a stand, he puts his arm around you and holds you close, providing you comfort even though he knows you're just as anxious as him.
"As a couple, you have broken the most rules but one of you has shown more disregard for the rules than the other. And that person will be going home," Lana announces.
"Oh, my god," Edie whines again, burying her face in her hands.
"The person leaving the retreat is..."
Deep down, Hyunjin knows that Lana is sending him home, he looks at you and holds you tighter. He can see that you know that he knows.
HYUNJIN: At the end of the day, you can only point one finger and that's at me.
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alicenpai · 11 months
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my piece for the Hemisphere: a Witch Hat Atelier seasons themed zine! thank you for having me! they're having a leftovers sale until stock runs out 🖋🍀🌷🍁❄🌧 WIPs + inspiration board + symbolism under the cut! got some requests to put this on my inprnt! the site has sales very often & you can grab it as a small or big size print.
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I had a pretty good idea of the composition from the get-go. I took inspiration from art nouveau (primarily Alphonse Mucha), German fairy tales, and some 1920s perfume ads. I wanted the girls to look like fairies, akin to The Root Children by Sibylle von Olfers.
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Olly just didn't work out in this drawing due to time restraints. I do love him very much though.
I actually kinda stopped making illustrations like these (including the TGAA/DGS tarot card + TGAA/DGS zine pieces a while back) because they were starting to get very hard on my arm, as I had an RSI (repetitive strain injury) a few years back during school. (Not putting the onus on the zines at all ofc! I genuinely love working with zine projects! it's def a me thing WAHAHAHA. my style was getting too anime and too detailed for my liking and everything was just taking forever to finish ngl. but I didn't have time to experiment with a more simple style outside of all of my deadlines)
I think that realizing you need to stop is okay. It's something that Shirahama teaches us in her story and I want to learn to take it to heart.
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MILD SPOILERS AHEAD (for those who havent read the story I guess)
each character's symbolism:
- Coco - spring, clovers - Coco is the quintessential spring girl, and I wanted her to symbolize new beginnings, and oh boy did Coco bring a big one. The four leaf clover in particular symbolizes luck and good fortune - to some characters, Coco may have brought fortune, to others her presence brings misfortune, take that as you will.
- Tetia - summer, gladiolus - the name "gladiolus" comes from the Latin word "gladius", meaning "sword", based on the shape of the flower. you can interpret it as "you pierce my heart", perfect for a girl like Tetia, who has a contagious energy, with a romantic and grandiose nature.
- Agott - autumn, marigold - I read somewhere marigolds symbolize strength and power, perfect for our little magical powerhouse Agott. They can also symbolize jealousy (yellow flowers in particular have this association), which reflects on her rivalry with Coco in the beginning.
- Riche - winter, snowdrop - The white color of snowdrops has a strong connotation to innocence, which reflects on Riche's wish to stay a child forever. It can also symbolize rebirth and new beginnings (like Coco's clovers), as the snowdrop is the first flower to bloom in the spring, when the snow has not yet melted. I wanted the concept of "rebirth" to associate with Riche's friendship with Euini, and of his sort of "rebirth" into a new being.
- Qifrey - he does not have a flower per se, but as the caregiver and educator of the four girls, he represents the rainy season - precipitation being the one thing that binds all of these seasons together. (Note some areas of the world do not have a rainy season like where I live). I think somewhere along the line I wanted to put hydrangeas behind him, to really bring out the "rainy" theme, but the thought probably got lost somewhere in translation...
- bg flowers - honestly I just picked whatever. white lily, daffodil, hydrangea, zinnia, tulip
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papercorgiworld · 3 months
Pansy’s Prediction
After finding out you might not be so innocent the guys make their move. Pansy's prediction: eventually you’ll give in.
Pick your guy Blaise, Mattheo, Draco or Theo+Enzo
This is part two. Read part one here: Pansy’s  Potion. 
Warning: smut, 18+
Yes, you read that right Theo and Enzo are a package deal. Funny how a few weeks ago I couldn’t manage to write a threesome for Matt and Enzo, but now suddenly my brain is like: here’s a random Theo and Enzo threesome. I guess it’s because my brain thinks those two are just incredibly slutty. Anyway, for Blaise, Draco and Mattheo it’s just ‘average’ smut, I mean nothing too unholy, okay with Draco it’s kinda public soo yeahhh. Smutty readings, dears! 
If you read all four scenario's you get a cookie, bc this is 6900+ words of smut!
You make a formal apology and the guys are so annoyed with you. “I was not myself and I promise it will never happen again, I will not in any way behave like I did yesterday evening. I hope you can find it in yourselves to forgive me, so we can go back to how it was before.” Pansy’s grinning eyes move between you and the boys. You drive them crazy and then you just want to pretend like you don’t want them. You stare at them nervously waiting for a response and Blaise is the one that ends your suffering by speaking up, though his voice is hesitant. “Suuure.” Enzo nods with his lips in an awkward line. You wanna leave the room so you make peace with only Enzo and Blaise recognizing your apology and quickly say goodbye.
As soon as you leave the common room the boys openly show their annoyance. “An apology?” Enzo asks offended and Pansy snickers. “Yeah, sorry guys. She’s back to pretending she’s an innocent good girl.” Draco huffs. “No fair.” Theodore lets his head fall back a little. “Can’t believe we missed our one and only chance.” Blaise leans forward and focuses on Pansy. “Is there no way to- you know… get the less innocent version back?” Pansy smirks as all boys stare at her with hopeful eyes. “Well, I guess, if you work hard enough for it… she’ll eventually crack, but the only question is who’ll win her over?” 
Forget about slutty saturday and sunday, because the guys had a plan and it involved… slutty smonday.
Enzo was cheeky, his hair was more perfect than ever and when he sat down next to you in class his perfume had your mind thinking dirty. His hand would brush your thigh ever so often, but when you looked at him, his eyes were focused on the professor. 
Draco was determined, holding doors open for you and carrying your books despite your protests. When he would push a door open for you he would make sure your bodies would touch. In the afternoon he would loosen his tie and his smug smile had you bite your lip. 
Theodore was sneaky. During DADA he spotted the perfect opportunity to become your tutor, standing behind you. His warm breath on your neck as his hand slowly traces up your arm to hold your hand in his to guide you through the spell. You learned nothing and blushed like crazy.
Blaise caught you off guard. You were waiting for Pansy in the slytherin common room so you could study together, when Blaise approached you wearing a shirt that showed his perfectly sculpted body. “About this morning…” He began and you looked startled. “You don’t need to worry about what happened, we’re just glad you’re okay.” You force a smile as you try to relax, but a nervous blush still forms on your cheeks. With a sweet smile Blaise moves closer, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “No need to get so shy, I’m here for you.” His voice had you almost falling to your knees, but you’re not giving in and you turn on your heels.
As you turn around, trying to keep composure, Mattheo walks in, wearing grey revealing sweatpants and clearly nothing else. Your eyes widen, moving from his chest to rest on the shape in his pants for a second too long, making him smirk. “You know-” Mattheo starts, voice smug, but you don’t allow him to speak. “No. No. And no.” You say and hurry out of there, leaving Mattheo and Blaise grinning as they watch you. “Oh, she’s close to breaking point.” Blaise says, very pleased, and Mattheo’s grin turns more devilish. 
As Mattheo is still staring at the door through which you left, Blaise spots one of your books and instantly a smirk forms on his lips. Oh, you’ll be back and I’ll be here for you. After a few seconds of staring and silly comments Mattheo puts on a sweatshirt and heads for the astronomy tower. Satisfied with the situation, Blaise lets himself fall on the couch, holding your book as he focuses on the door you’ll be walking through any minute. 
Still flustered, you walk in and notice Blaise flipping through the pages of your book. “Quite interesting.” He says and you reach for the book, but Blaise holds it back forcing you to lean a little bit over him as he still lounges on the sofa. You groan and reach for the book giving Blaise the perfect opportunity to move his hand over your thigh. You feel your whole body heat up and move away a little, but Blaise grabs your wrist pulling you on top of him. You yelp and he smirks, satisfied with the position he’s got you in. “Stop playing, Zabini. Give me my book. I need it for studying.” He laughs and wraps an arm around you, telling you he doesn’t intend on letting you go. “You need it for studying?” He mocks and you narrow your eyes. “How about I help you study? Everyone's gone, we have my dorm all to ourselves.” His eyes are teasing and his tongue hungerly moves over his bottom lip. You can’t help but drown in his eyes as your mind wonders what it would be like to be alone with him. 
Blaise lets the book fall to the floor so his hand can move to your hips as he still holds you close to his chest. “No one needs to know. It can be our little dirty secret.” He whispers as his fingers play with your skirt, pulling the fabric higher. The fact that you’re still resting on top of him tells him enough and he pushes on a little. “Let me take care of you, princess.” He whispers seductively, his lips brushing your ear moving to your cheek. “If you want you can pretend afterwards no none of it happened.” His lips brush yours and instead of pulling away like the smart girl in you wished you would do, you move with his lips allowing him to kiss you tenderly. 
Quick enough a hand moves to the back of your head holding you as he deepens the kiss. When the sloppy kiss turns too heated, Blaise pulls away. “Let’s go study.” He raises his eyebrows suggestively and you push yourself up allowing him to get up and guide you to his dorm. Once there you get cold feet as Blaise locks the door and you quickly turn around to face him. ”Maybe this was a mista-” You fall silent as Blaise pulls his shirt over his head, revealing his perfect body. A smug smile tugs on his lips as he lets his shirt fall to the floor and moves closer to you. His suggestive eyes meet yours and you let him close the distance between you two. “Still having second thoughts?” He whispers teasingly, leaning down to place a sloppy kiss on your lips as his hands roam your back, hips and ass. 
While kissing you passionately, he picks you up and instinctively you wrap your legs around him. He walks you over to his bed, gently laying you down before tracing kisses down your neck while undoing the buttons of your shirt. Hands exploring your chest and earning a sweet moan from you as you lay on his bed enjoying his hands and lips moving along your skin. With his mouth teasing your nipples his hands wiggle your skirt and panties down, before moving his tongue to your bellybutton and kissing down to your pussy. 
You squirm as his kisses close in on your bare cunt, but Blaise shushes you and his hands stroke your thighs making you moan involuntarily. You can feel his smirk against your skin and you bite your lips to keep yourself quiet not wanting to show how sensitive to his touch you really are. However, your efforts are pointless when he kisses your folds and inserts a finger, instantly making you grip the sheets as pleasure rushes through you. You had no idea how badly you needed this man until now. You bite down on your lips to muffle the desperate sounds that escape you. “Blaise-” You softly whine as a weak protest as he plays with your sensitive cunt. Needing more of his touch you hesitantly move your hips and he eagerly gets rougher, making you squirm again and forcing him to hold you still. His hand reaches for one of yours, still clinging to the sheets. He entangles his free hand with yours showing you love while forcing an orgasm onto you by fucking your pussy with his fingers and tongue. 
You arch your back as you softly cry his name, unable to control yourself as you climax with his mouth still working your soaking cunt hard. “Look at that.” Blaise whispers, grinning as he crawls over you, leaving sloppy kisses on your breasts before meeting your lips. “You got there fast. You must’ve really needed it.” His eyes smugly search to meet yours, but as soon as they do you look away. You were not in the mood for slytherin arrogance. Your hand traces down to the bulge in his pants. “I bet you really need it as well.” You whimper as he kisses the sweet spot of your neck. “Don’t worry, I’ll sling your legs over my shoulder and I’ll let your perfectly wet pussy take care of me.” His words have you roll your eyes and arch your back as he sucks at your neck, while unbuckling his belt with one hand. 
A cry that almost sounded like yelp escapes you at the size of he reveals and your whole body heats up as his grinning eyes look up at you. “Way to boost a guy’s confidence.” Blaise jokes and you’re ready to hide out of embarrassment. His large hands move up and down your thighs as he takes a good position between your legs. Your body tenses as his length sinks into your cunt, his eyes are focused on your entrance and a smirk spreads on his lips as he sees you take all of him. A soft gasp from you causes him to shift his gaze at you and you meet his eyes. He smirks at your flustered face and parted lips. He could see in your eyes and in every expression that you loved the feeling of him inside of you. He leans down to peck your lips and your hand traces his torso, making him smile lovingly at your touch. 
“Tell me what you need, darling.” His low whisper as your cunt throbbing and your head spinning. You shake your head, reluctant to sound like a needy girl. The smirk on his face grows filthy and his hand moves up and down your thigh. Getting impatient for an answer since his dick was painfully hard Blaise moves his lips to your ear. “Do you want me to fold you and fuck you?” Your eyes roll to the back of your head at his guttural voice. When Blaise locks his eyes with yours you sheepishly nod, but that doesn’t do it. “Talk to me baby.” He demands and his hand moves to play with your nipple rather roughly as punishment for not answering his question and you gasp. “Fuck me, Blaise, please fuck me.” You whine and he takes in the view and your words for a moment, before he moves your legs to rest on his shoulder and grabs your hips. 
His thrusts are deep and he grunts at the wonderful feeling your walls provide, increasing his pace as a reward for having such a wonderful cunt. Your mouth hangs agape as your stomach fills with pleasure and your mind gets hazy as Blaise pushes you towards your climax. Being in perfect shape Blaise holds a steady pace for quite some time, but he knows you're close and he himself is desperate to cum with you. Like having your knees almost pressed to your chest was enough, Blaise rests a hand on your belly increasing the pressure as he thrusts deep into you. Sure other people knew what was going on by the sounds coming from the room, his hips slamming against yours, you crying his name as you cling to his biceps and Blaise’s heavy grunts as he feels himself lose control. A painful cry escapes you as your orgasm hits you and your clenching walls have Blaise spill and almost immediately collapse on you. “Fuck, you’re something else.” Blaise breaths and your watery eyes meet his, he made you feel like a goddess in more than one way.
Carefully Blaise slips out of you, before grabbing some tissues for the both of you and falling down next to you on the bed. “Our little dirty secret, right?” You ask Blaise, referring to what he had said earlier. Blaise smiles at the ceiling and then rolls over to face you. “Yeah.” He cups your cheek and pecks your lips. “You’re my dirty little secret.” No way this was going to be a one time thing.
Still flustered, you curse yourself when you realise that you forgot your book. For several seconds you contemplate on whether to go back or just give up on your plans to study tonight. However, you really wanted to revise your material before tomorrow's class so reluctantly you turned around heading back to the slytherin common room. You are almost there when you suddenly hear Mattheo’s smug voice.  “Change your mind?” Immediately your face heats up, he still hadn’t bothered to dress properly and it bothered you in more than one way. Smirking, Mattheo approaches your nervous figure. “I- I forgot my book.” You finally manage to say and Mattheo nods, far from impressed by your answer. “Sure, that’s all you want?” His eyes suggestively scan you from head to toe, before resting on your lips. Your chest heaves as your mind runs crazy with all things you really want, but you nod. “Just my book.” You bravely, but calmly say. 
Mattheo watches you for a second and you have no idea what’s going on in his mind, but suddenly he pushes you against a door of a broom closet. “I don’t believe you.” He whispers, agitated and obviously hungry for you. You gasp as your back collides with the door, giving him the opportunity to crash his lips onto yours and move his tongue to dominate yours, while simultaneously opening the door and pushing into the privacy of the broom closet. “I think you want me as badly as I want you.” You hold onto the shelves behind you for stability as Mattheo grinds his dick between your legs while aggressively kissing and sucking your lips. One hand kneading your breast as his other hand has a firm hold of your thigh, so you have one leg wrapped around his hips, giving him perfect access to rub his hardening member against your pussy. Your breaths get unsteady and you stop resisting the moment, allowing your hand to rest on his bare chest as the other entangles with his pretty curls, while he bruises your neck with hungry kisses. Vocal moans of pure pleasure escape you as Mattheo plays with every sweet spot your body has.
“I need you noisy.” Mattheo breathes, pulling away from your neck to ravish your mouth and making you moan against his lips. You can feel him smirk against your lips and as much as you hate it, it turns you on even more. You try to subtly buck your hips against his demanding more friction, but the gentle move doesn’t go unnoticed. “You’re far from innocent. Do you want me to fuck you?” Mattheo’s voice is filthy, he’s so pleased to have you needing him. “Tell me, do you want me, love? Do you want me to have my way with you?” His husky whisper and hot breath on your skin has you whimper and cling to his neck, eyes needy and drowning in his. You nod. “Please.” You whisper and as much as Mattheo wants you to say it again, louder or even scream it and beg for it, he himself is too desperate to tease and taunt. 
“Be a good girl and let me hear you.” He whispers, lips against your ear before getting to his knees, eyes never leaving yours. His hands move up your legs, slowly, and still his eyes stay locked with yours. He wants to see everything that you feel, every sensation that runs through you. You make a soft sound when his hands move up your thighs and reach your panties. Anticipation fills you as he pulls them down slowly, while he leaves gentle kisses up your thighs closing in to your cunt. Another moan slips as your whole body tenses at Mattheo’s soft lips only inches/centimetres away from your desperate entrance. “Please.” You moan when you get impatient, purposely sounding as needy as possible knowing that he wouldn’t be able to resist. And you were right, if you beg and sound as sweet as you do, Mattheo is more than willing to comply. His mouth moves between your legs, tongue slipping through your folds, hands grabbing onto you to keep you from squirming when he digs in hard, tongue playing with your clit.
He wanted you noisy, he needed you to come for him. To him it was like his pride depended on it. So there was nothing sweet about how he works your sensitive throbbing cunt, he was mercilessly devouring you while getting rock hard at every moan or whimper that filled the room. When you feel yourself get closer your legs get shaky and your breaths unsteady, making him take full control of your body pressing you against his face and making you yelp as his tongue flicks at your sensitive spot. That desperate sound makes Mattheo moan against your pussy. That groan of a moan has you throw your head back and give in to all the feelings building up, whining as Mattheo tastes your juices not giving you a moment's rest. He loved how messy he had gotten you, the usually so perfect behaving girl.  
Part of you was relieved when he moved away, allowing you to breathe, but you miss his touch quickly and your eyes look soft, but still sparkle enough to make Mattheo grin. His dick was painfully hard and seeing you out of breath but still in need, made him almost spill in his pants. He was over the moon that he could fuck you right here and now, but he wouldn’t let you see how overjoyed he was and kept a filthy smirk up. “I want you naked.” He demands eyes locked with yours as his hand moves to his sweatpants. His demanding voice bothers you but you want his touch and you want his dick. Your eyes fall to his hard cock, clearly visible through the fabric, and without meeting his eyes you slip off your clothes as Mattheo watches, touching himself.
Now fully naked, Mattheo closes the distance between you two and rests his head against yours. “Fuck, you’re gorgious.” He breaths, voice dominant and yet adoring. He drops his pants revealing his size, pumping himself a few times and soaking his hand in precum. You spread your legs a little, resting against the shelves of the small broom closet as Mattheo grabs your thigh, lifting you as he lets his tip explore your soaking folds. You throw your head back at his perfect touch and he groans at the feeling and the view. The moment is intimate as Mattheo is gentle, almost careful, with you when he moves deep inside of you, stretching your walls and making you whimper. He watches your every expression as he keeps on pushing until he’s settled deep. A soft breath leaves you and he feels himself fall in love with your perfection. He leans closer his free hand cupping your face and kissing you tenderly. 
However, Mattheo's eyes quickly move to your chest and then lower to your pussy filled by him. His hands grips the flesh of your ass, so he has a firm hold on you. His hard grip has you gasp and a smirk tugs on Mattheo’s lips as he starts rocking slowly and ever so gently increasing the pace, making sure you get maximum pleasure from every thrust. You cling to the shelves behind you when Mattheo gets rougher, stretching you deep and hitting you right. “You need this, you want this so bad, don’t you?” His voice is dirty and he doesn’t just move, he’s so consumed by the moment that he starts slamming you on him. Your eyes scan his sweaty and panting body as he works so hard to give you all of him. “Mattheo.” You breathe in between soft blissful moans and his eyes shoot up to yours, dark and having you guessing what he’s thinking. “Again.” He whispers as a gentle demand and you comply, doing your best to move your hips with him as you allow yourself to shamelessly moan his name, turning him on even more. You were becoming too much to handle for him. He almost felt the urge to beg for you to come or even to just allow him to come. Luckily for him, your shameless moans reveal how close you are to your orgasm. 
“Matt- ah- I’m so-” He doesn’t let you finish as your voice pushes him too close and he starts pounding into you even harder. “That’s okay, love, come- fuck, please.” He can’t believe he actually begged. He’s a mess and so are you and almost simultaneously you reach your high. Panting, he lets himself fall against you and holds your unstable body as he slips out of you, making you hide your face in the crook of his neck. For several minutes your naked bodies just stay entangled in one another, enjoying the pleasure rush through your body. Slowly, you feel Mattheo’s smirk grow against your cheek. “There’s no denying it now. You want this and you need me.” You ignore his arrogant tone and just continue to rest your arms around his neck and his around your body. “Just admit it, so I can take care of you and we can freshen up together.” Mattheo kisses your cheek softly. “Must you gloat like this?” You huff, still hiding your flustered face and he smiles. “Yes.” God, you loved that raspy, smug voice of his. Neither of you were ready to admit it, but you were down bad for each other.
For Drace, Theodore and Enzo continue reading here
You had apologised and then made it your mission to avoid them for the rest of the day. Despite the guys' attempts, you had kept your composure pretty good. However, Snape was about to ruin it. 
“Out of all the people Snape could’ve paired me with…him.” Pansy snorts at your complaint. “Might get interesting…” Her smile and eyes are devilish and you instantly get more worried than you already were.
It was late and you were not in the mood for more of Draco’s smugness, but there was no escaping Snape’s project so you headed for the library to meet Draco. It took you a while to find him since he had picked a secluded spot on the first floor of the library. He wasn’t wearing his tie anymore, his hair was a little messy and shirt was partly unbuttoned. He had obviously already done some of the work since he was surrounded by books on the topic. When he noticed you approaching, a bright smile tugged on his lips and you rolled your eyes. When he noticed that he just couldn’t keep quiet. “Not as excited to see me as you were yesterday?”
You took a seat opposite of him and stared at him unamused trying to play tough and not get flustered. “You’ve done some work already?” You ask, changing the subject and gesturing to the books. “Yes, I was hoping if we get it done quickly we can have another dance, I did love the way you moved last night.” This time you try to look stern, but fail, feeling too embarrassed about how you had thrown yourself at him. Clearly remember now how you grinded against him in the middle of the dance floor. “There’s no need to be embarrassed about it, I said I loved it.” He gets up from his chair and you open one of the books to avoid his gaze. “Let’s just focus on the assignment, okay.” You mutter and Draco can’t help but think you’re adorable, blushing and muttering. 
He sits down next to you, but you pretend to read the page in front of you while Draco studies your face. You feel his breath on your cheek as he leans closer to your ear. “And what if I told you, I had already finished it.” His whisper makes you look up at him and suddenly you feel his hand on your thigh. “Draco-” You protest with a soft voice, but Draco ignores it and crashes his lips against yours. His tongue moves over your bottom lip begging for entrance and instinctively you give in to him, simultaneously encouraging him to move his hand on your thigh, stroking you gently. 
You pull away after a moment, but Draco’s lips follow you, his nose brushing yours and eyes locked with yours. “This- I- We can’t.” You whisper barely audible and Draco notices your face head up like crazy. His hand moves under your skirt and you gasp, allowing him to sneak in his tongue and kiss you with eager passion. “We can, you just have to keep quiet.” Draco whispers and you feel his hand tug your panties, but instead of protesting you lean closer to him and kiss him hungrily. He moves one finger slowly through your folds, teasing, while his free hand holds your head to deepen the breathless kiss. However, he doesn’t tease long and you feel him mercilessly exploring your pussy and adding another finger to stretch you. You pull your lips away and gulp as he circles your sensitive clit and his mouth urgently finds yours again to keep you quiet. 
Though there weren’t a lot of people that could hear you, Draco knew well enough it only needed to be heard by one to have the entire school know what you two were up to in the library late at night. Mattheo or Theo probably wouldn’t have cared, but Draco respected and maybe even loved you too much to have your reputation ruined by something like this. Yet he wasn’t going to stop playing with you either, he just had to keep you quiet. When you feel yourself get closer at the pace of his fingers moving you hide your face in his neck, softly biting the flesh of his shoulder to keep yourself from moaning, only whimpering softly. Never had Draco had someone so pretty and perfect cling so desperately to him and he loved it as much as it aroused him, making a deep moan roll over his lips as he rested his head against yours. 
You did not know how turned on you could get by a man, until you heard Draco moan like that. In an instant you decided that his fingers weren’t enough. Without thinking about the location you were in, you look up at Draco, eyes needy for him. “I want to sit on your cock.” You whisper and his eyes widen at your blunt suggestion, did he really hear you say that? With his lips parted in shock he nods, leaning back a bit to give you space to move out of your seat. As you get up Draco unbuckles his belt still staring at you in disbelief, but also eager to move his pants down and reveal his hard dick to you. He wanted you so bad and he was about to have you. Blushing and still a little shy you look at his hard member, feeling your pussy throb at the side of his size. 
Slowly and a little insecure about the whole situation while also so desperate to have him deep inside of you, you rest one hand on his shoulder and straddle him. Your free hand moves your panties to the side and Draco holds his size, guiding it inside of you as you sink down on him. “Fuck. You’re-” You interrupt him by placing a finger on his lips to remind him that in a library you have to be quiet. His hand moves to the back of your head and he pulls you in for a tender but intense kiss. 
In an attempt to stay quiet you decide to move slowly, making the moment between you two more intimate. Watching you throw your head back and bite your lip as you ride him slowly but hard has Draco’s fingers digging into your hips as he feels himself get closer really quickly. Shamelessly you grind on his dick, pleasing yourself with every move you make, while simultaneously enjoying Draco’s hungry eyes on you. 
You both struggle to reduce your moans to soft whimpers, but as you reach your high your eyes get teary as you're forced to keep quiet. Draco notices and crashes his lips onto yours for a sloppy and needy kiss as he bucks his dick a few times, hitting your soft spot hard and deep, pushing you over the edge. Soft cries get muffled by Draco’s hungry kiss. Your walls clench around Draco’s cock and he continues to thrust into you, less and less worried about the sounds others might hear. Soon enough he cums, slamming himself deep inside of you and wrapping his arms around you as you both enjoy the ecstasy of your orgasm. After several minutes of panting in each other's arms, Draco gives you a soft kiss on your temple. “Not that I would mind being seen with you, but I think we should pack up and maybe head to a room, mine or yours.” You chuckle, still not really believing what had just happened, what you had done… with Draco Malfoy of all people. “We need to finish our potions project.” You blur out as your mind starts to focus on reality again. Draco cups your cheek and forces you to meet his eyes. “I wasn’t kidding earlier, I did all the work so you just have to put your name on it.” You frown at his words and he smirks. “Don’t worry about it, you did your part by doing all the other work.” You roll your eyes at his suggestive comment, but when his lips search for yours you meet him for a sweet kiss. 
Theodore + Enzo
“Enzo!” Theodore yells as Enzo walks in wearing only a towel. “What are you doing here? (y/n) will be here any moment.” Enzo fakes a surprised look. “Oh! No! I totally forgot about that.” Theodore grits his teeth, seeing through Enzo’s little act. “You sneaky bastard, you are not stealing this opportunity. Snape partnered her up with me, this is ‘my’ chance to win her over.” Lorenzo stops acting innocent and grins. “Worried this will steal your potions partner away from you.” He gestures at his toned body and low hanging towel, making Theodore roll his eyes at his friend.
Just then you knock at the door. “Yes.” Enzo says one split second before Theodore says “No!”. Angry eyes shoot up to Enzo, but there’s no time for Theo to do anything about Enzo’s presence now as you open the door. Your eyes immediately land on the half naked Enzo grinning at you and you narrow your eyes in confusion. Theodore loses his mind when he notices you only have eyes for Enzo and in a desperate attempt to make you look away he takes off his shirt and his plan works because now your eyes are on him, which makes Theo smirk, proud of his genius. 
“Yeah. Not happening.” You say and turn around, making both guys panic. “No, no.” Theodore says as he closes the door before you reach it. He leans against the door and you watch him with stern eyes, but it’s Enzo who speaks. “Look the deal was you drank the potion to sober up and we do whatever you want.” You don’t turn around to look at Enzo, but just stare at the doorknob. Theodore closes the distance between you two, leaving no space between you two. “It’s okay to want it, we’ll be good to you.” His hands cup your face and make you look up at him, eyes locking so there’s no escaping the truth. Enzo holds his breath as he can feel himself get way too excited at the thought of the both of them actually having you. 
You don’t answer, but you make no move to leave and that’s enough for them to know you want it as bad as they want it. Enzo moves to stand behind you. Shameless pressing his hard dick against you, hands move over your hips to your thighs. “Kiss him.” Enzo says and Theo leans in, knowing you’ll obey. The kiss is passionate and Theo’s tongue is eager to dominate, while Enzo’s hand slips between your thighs and pushes your panties aside, making you hold onto Theo’s shoulders for support. You moan as Enzo’s finger moves between your folds and Theodore allows you to breathe for a second to take in the view before his hands move under your shirt to knead your breasts. As soon as another helpless moan leaves you his lips are on yours again. 
Meanwhile Enzo’s fingers don’t stop playing with your clit as he rubs his hard dick against you. “Tell us, what did you want us to do last night?” Theo whispers, intense eyes focused on yours. You hesitate and Theodore brushes your cheek, while Enzo presses himself closer to you. “Tell us, sweetheart.” Enzo whispers. You’re not brave enough to use your words but your eyes and hand move down to the bulge in Theodore’s pants and he smirks. Enzo’s hand leaves you and Theodore takes a step away from you, unbuckling his pants, making you whimper at the sight of his large size. Enzo still stands behind you with an arm around you as you watch Theodore sit on his bed and jerk his hard member. Enzo kisses your neck, while working on the buttons of your shirt, before getting impatient and just tearing your shirt off. You moan and throw your head back as Enzo takes off your bra and plays with your breasts, while Theo watches, eyes hungry. Fuck, you’re a view.
“If you suck him nice and good, I’ll take care of that desperate pussy of yours.” Enzo’s fingers play with your nipple earning him a whiny moan and taking that as yes to his proposition. Theodore moves on the bed as Enzo guides you towards his friend. Theodore reaches for you, kissing you and cupping your breasts as you crawl on the bed with Enzo right behind you, his hand moving under your skirt and squeezing your ass. Theodore’s fingers entangle with your hair and move your head down to his cock, while Enzo has a firm grip on your hips keeping your ass up so he can easily snake a hand between your legs. Your throbbing clit is victim to Enzo’s endless teasing and playing as you do your best to take as much of Theodore's length as you can, while Theo’s free hand rubs your nipple between his fingers. 
It only takes seconds to turn you into a whimpering and moaning mess as both men play with every part of you, overstimulating you. Your walls clench around Enzo’s fingers, soaking them with your juices. As your orgasm runs through you, your eyes get teary and Theodore pulls you away from his dick to kiss you, but Enzo doesn’t stop and you whine into the kiss. “Do you want him to fuck you?” Theo asks and with watery eyes you nod, ignoring your sensitive cunt in favour of your needy core. A filthy smirk spreads on Theodore lips as his eyes drown in your needy ones. “You like being fucked like a doll, played with like your our toy?” Theodore taunts and you whine as Enzo’s fingers leave your pussy. “Such a desperate little girl with a needy pussy. ‘you gonna take me so good.” Enzo says with a dirty sound to his voice that has you look at Theodore, begging for mercy you know you’re not gonna get because they know you don’t really want it. With a hungry force Enzo rips off your skirt and panties.
Theo moves your head back down as your eyes stay focussed on his smirk. Enzo moans as he pumps himself, before lining himself up with your entrance. You whimper with Theo’s dick in your mouth when Enzo pushes himself deep inside of you. You try your best to focus on sucking Theo’s member, but as soon Enzo starts thrusting immediately keeping a steady pace the best you can do is let Theo bob your head and take him deep every time he bucks his hips needing more. Your moans turn to desperate whimpers, signalling to both Slytherins that you’re close to your second orgasm. With haste Theodore starts fucking your mouth searching his own high so he can come with you. It’s Theodore’s breathy moans that push you over the edge, your body squirm as pleasure washes over you and your walls clench around Enzo’s cock. Theo orgasms only seconds after you, leaving cum dripping from your mouth. “So pretty.” Theodore's hoarse voice whispers as his thumb moves over your lip, holding your chin so you meet his eyes, while your pussy is still taking Enzo from behind you. Theo’s eyes look soft as his mind is still hazy from the high he had just felt. Your eyes are glassy as Enzo has you building up to a third orgasm, hitting you right with every thrust, groaning as he struggles to keep a steady pace, feeling the need to spill inside your tight cunt.
“Fuck.” Enzo breathes, taking you harder each time, making your moans sound like desperate cries. “Fuck. She sounds beautiful.” Enzo says with a heavy breath, making Theodore smirk in agreement as he watches you. “Yeah.” Theo whispers watching your flustered face, orgasm building. You're too overwhelmed to notice Theodore’s smirk turn into a filthy grin, before he moves away from you. “Just spill, Enz. I bet she wants both of us to fill her.” Theo’s words make you sink your head into the sheets as you feel your body get more desperate for another release. Mercilessly pounding into you Enzo searches his own high, turning your moans pornographic as his body repeatedly smacks against yours. Out of the corner of your eye you can see Theo jerk himself like a madman watching Enzo fuck you. Out of breath Enzo pushes deep inside of you, filling your cunt with his cum and enjoying your walls clench as he climaxes. 
You can already feel Theo’s hand trace your body as Enzo slowly pulls out, leaving your soaked but needy cunt aching for release, but also sensitive and overstimulated. You can’t help but instinctively squirm at Theo’s touch, but when Enzo lets himself fall next to you his soft shiny eyes relax your body. He looks blissful adoring your flustered face and he pulls your face closer to his to passionately kiss you as Theo’s large hands grab the flesh of your asscheeks while aligning his thick cum dripping cock with your throbbing pussy. You bury your head in Enzo’s gentle embrace as Theo pushes you towards another climax. “Salazar, you’re perfect like this.” Enzo whispers in your ear as you make soft noises, while a smirking Theo takes you hard, quickly cumming inside. “Satisfied now that your needy cunt is filled by both of us?” You hear Theo ask with a dirty dominant tone and you squirm closer to Enzo’s soft embrace, too embarrassed that you let both men come inside of you. 
Theo leans over you to cover your naked body with a soft blanket, but as vulnerable as you look he can’t help but tease a little more. “Nothing left of that innocent act of yours, you're our little slut now.” You feel Theo’s soft lips place a gentle kiss on your cheek and Enzo squeeze you a little closer, biting his lip still enjoying the wonderful experience. 
Requested tags for this one: @lauramjcmanus @whiteoakoak @bri-mercado-00 @adreamingpendulum
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anticanonsposts · 5 months
Early flirting/relationship things
(I'm just thinking out loud)
i feel like when you first start to flirt with him he is kind of oblivious
talking to you already makes him so nervous so I think if you were intentionally being flirty he would already be so nervous that he wouldn’t notice
when you two do officially start going out…
he tends to make very prolonged eye contact when talking to you
especially when you guys go on more ‘traditional’ restaurant style dates 
like his eyes would NOT leave you 
defo from the beginning he pays for EVERYTHING 
even when he doesn’t fucking get anything
one time he invited you for coffee and pastries, you got there, and he didn’t order anything…
he said oh no I’m not hungry but like he wasn’t being rude, he wasn’t doing it for any other reason
but he still insisted on paying 
(he really just wanted an excuse to see you and used food) 
idk why but I feel like at the beginning he would be a little cautious about eating around you
i just feel like sometimes with social anxiety, eating in front of people can be more difficult
so i feel like he would eat a more ‘normal’ amount/portion instead of his normal much bigger amount
but his stomach would give him hell so usually after he took you out to lunch or something, on the drive home or wherever you were going next he’d ask if you wanted to stop somewhere for a ‘snack’ 
then he would eat a whole other meal 
he kept doing this until you were ordering at a restaurant once and you just touched his arm and said ‘is that all you want? Get more if you’re hungry babe’ 
and he realized he wasn’t as slick as he thought 
from then on he’s just your human garbage disposal 
any time you have left overs you don’t want, already taken care of 
considering he isn’t from the US (this only applies ig if y’all are living in the US) 
i always see people from the states go on vacation in other places and they lose weight because the food is better quality/better for you/less banned ingredients lol anywhere outside of the U.S.
i think the reverse would happen for König
one thing about him, guy likes to eat
so I think when he first comes here he’s a little overwhelmed by all of the snack/food options and would gain a decent amount of weight 
also regardless of where you guys live/where you are from/your heritage I think he would love learning about your cultural foods and your favorite foods, he would want to try everything 
not food related…
before moving in together, the guy would get so giddy whenever you spent the night with him
especially when you would forget or leave stuff at his house
it would brighten his day when you aren’t there and he sees something of yours, like a body care product, a perfume (which he would defo steal/hide forever), or a piece of clothing
in the most wholesome way possible, he would love being in bed with you 
just being cozy and feeling your body against his 
he would also start sleeping better the more you guys slept together 
i honestly don’t think he’s super picky about cuddle position, as long as you two are wrapped around each other in some way, he doesn’t give a fuck <3
things that i think definitely happen before you guys’ first time together…
literally googles ‘how to eat pussy’
idk if I headcanon him as a virgin or not, considering I like to write about mid 20s him, more likely??
for sure he doesn’t have much relationship experience, like bullied, then 17 joined the military, not much opportunity there
but sex, maybe he’s had sex before, but either way would be really nervous about pleasing you 
first time together he really wants you to lead the way but honestly
he gets super into it very quickly and just gets obsessed with how you feel
basically devours your face and neck with his mouth 
when he is finally able to pull himself away he eats you out for so fucking long
at least 3 orgasms with is mouth/hands because he is nervous and making you cum makes him less nervous and because let's face it….dude has a third leg
he wants to make sure you are prepped enough that he won’t cause any discomfort 
i think he would be very attentive to facial expressions and body language during sex, so when you looked a little nervous after seeing how big he was he rushed to comfort you but you just said-
‘don’t worry, I’ll make it fit’ which ngl besides the amount of concern he had for you made him even more flustered 
i also think this man is just vocal in general, but ESPECIALLY at the beginning 
partly bc he wanted you to know it felt good but also because it was just so overwhelmingly good 
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ashwhowrites · 5 months
The mother of it all
Plot- Eddie finds himself crushing on his girlfriend's mom
⚠️Eddie is a perv! Fair warning. Eddie is legal (18) but the reader is 35, age gap relationship/sex
Extremely long....but I hope you guys enjoy it🫶🏻 I really loved writing this and I hope you guys love it 🤞🏻 I also gave up proofreading half way through so lets ignore mistakes
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Y/N went through a messy divorce, a husband who never loved her the way she needed. She felt alone in her marriage and craved to mean something to someone. Her daughter, Brittany was a daddy's girl. Brittany saw her dad with this sense of pride that Y/N never received. When Y/N asked for the divorce, Brittany turned on her. She couldn't see that her dad was the bad guy in it all, she tore Y/N apart and would never forgive her for being the reason their family broke apart.
Now Y/N was in her 30s, starting over in a world of dating. She met losers, creeps, cheaters, and everything under the moon. Except for a handsome man who has potential. She quit looking, she gave up on the idea that she'd fall in love again and that someone would fall for her.
That was until Brittany met a boy named Eddie Munson.
Eddie Munson was Brittany's boyfriend, their relationship was rocky. They fought constantly, then made up with sex. That was all the relationship was. Y/N could see there were no feelings on either side, it was just sexual tension. But Y/N would never say a word of that to her daughter. Brittany already hated her, giving relationship advice would cause a war. So Y/N let Brittany do what she wanted, but she felt bad for the poor boy. She wasn't sure why he still bothered to come around.
He came around for Y/N. The first time Eddie ever met Brittany's mom, he couldn't get her out of his head. Her sexy curves, her chest, her smile, and those eyes. She was gorgeous, effortlessly beautiful. Eddie was attracted to Brittany of course, but something about her mom called to Eddie even more. Maybe it was his mommy issues, the abandonment he felt growing up. Y/N provided everything for him when he was over. She cooked dinner, and she was an excellent chef. Not that Brittany would give her the credit. She refused to eat anything her mom made, yet Eddie sat down and had seconds. He didn't understand the toxic environment between the mother and daughter. He didn't understand how Brittany could be so cruel to Y/N.
He always felt a snap in his chest when Brittany brushed aside Y/N, the painful look in Y/N's eyes as she forced out a smile. He wanted to hold her, he wanted to kiss all the pain away. But he also wanted to drill his cock so deep inside her that she'd feel him in her stomach. He wanted to watch her tits bounce as she rode him. He wanted to feel her skin drenched in sweat and her cum smeared into his pubic hair. He was obsessed with Brittany's mom.
Another fight between Brittany and Y/N left Eddie awkwardly sitting in his girlfriend's room. He learned to block out their screams. He took his time walking around Brittany's room. His eyes catch all the photos, but none of Y/N. Eddie couldn't help but feel disappointed, he knew they would fight for hours. Then Brittany would come upstairs and they'd fuck her anger out.
Eddie slowly made his way across the hall, the sweet smell of Y/N's perfume filled his nose as he traveled into her room. He slowly closed the door behind him, signing in relief as it shut quietly. He walked quickly over to her dresser, he searched and searched until he found the lacy and silk lingerie. He felt his cock twitch in his jeans as he grabbed a red lacy thong. Eddie felt no shame as he brought the thong to his nose, inhaling the laundry detergent she used, but that tiny smell of her. He whimpered as he could feel his cock pulsing. He tucked the thong into his pocket and closed the dresser. He raced to the bathroom, quickly yanking down his jeans. He wrapped the thong around his cock, eagerly jerking off. He bit down on his lap as he fucked himself, he knew he had to be fast and quiet. He closed his eyes as he imagined her hands on him. Her nails scrape down his stomach, a smirk on her face as she teased the tip of his cock. Her mouth was on his neck, marking him as hers before she sank her wet cunt on him.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Brittany screamed, Eddie's eyes snapped open at the sound of her voice. He could hear her feet pounding up the stairs, he quickly tucked his cock back in his jeans, the thong in his back pocket as he washed his hands. He left the bathroom by the time Brittany made it to the top.
She growled and grabbed his hand. Eddie couldn't help but look down the stairs, Y/N stood there with fire in her eyes. He knew the pissed-off look was meant for Brittany, but he couldn't help but whimper. When she noticed his eyes on her, she let out a small smile. Eddie wanted to smile back but Brittany yanked him into her room.
"Wanna go out tonight?" Brittany asked, her hands moving up and down Eddie's chest as they sat in the cafeteria. It was a Friday and Eddie planned to sit in his room and work on his music. He wasn't much in the mood to listen to Brittany argue about something.
"Who's weekend is it?" He asked he crossed his fingers under the table.
"Dad. He's been asking to meet you. He doesn't know why you only go to my mom's." Brittany said, a small glare in her eyes. "Neither do I."
Eddie knew why.
"I can't, Wayne and I are going to a work thing." Eddie lied, shrugging his shoulders.
The second Eddie made it home, he thanked God Wayne was still at work. He stripped himself naked and dug in his nightstand. He felt around until he felt the thong, he grabbed it and slid it up his legs. He pulled it up until his cock was covered, he closed his eyes and pictured Y/N. He pictured his hands were hers as he trailed his fingertips down his chest, slowly moving down to his cock. He teased himself over the thong, enjoying the way the lace scratched against his sensitive skin. He moaned as he began to rub himself.
"Fuck, Ms. Y/N, that feels so good." He moaned. He rubbed himself until he felt that tight feeling in his stomach and until he came inside her underwear.
Eddie got excited as the new weekend came closer, knowing this weekend was Y/N's weekend. He agreed to whatever date Brittany wanted, his mind just on the fact he'd get to see her mom again.
"Eddie, nice to see you again," Y/N said politely, Eddie felt his mouth go dry as she leaned over the counter to scrub the table. He licked his lips as he checked out her ass in the leggings she wore.
"Don't talk to him." Brittany snapped, she yanked Eddie up to her room.
"She's just being nice," Eddie said as he stripped off his shirt, Brittany gagged and rolled her eyes as she unclipped her bra.
"She's not nice. She's just sucking up to you." Brittany argued. "But not talking about her, she'll kill the mood."
But Eddie disagreed, knowing he was going to picture Y/N under him as he brought Brittany to an orgasm.
"Should we get dinner?" Brittany asked as she got herself dressed. Eddie shrugged from the bed, lying in his boxers.
"We could eat here...maybe your mom is making dinner?" Eddie asked, Brittany glared at the idea.
"Yeah right. I'm not eating anything that witch makes. Probably poison in it."
"Brittany, don't you think you are a little harsh on her?" Eddie asked, but Brittany turned around with fire in her eyes.
"No! She's a horrible person. She divorced my dad and broke up the family. For what? So she can slut around and hop on as many men as she wants." Brittany scoffed. Eddie couldn't help but feel a burn of jealousy in his stomach at the thought of Y/N having sex with other people.
"She's dating?" Eddie asked, he wasn't sure if that was hope or disappointment in his voice.
"who cares, let's go get dinner with my dad," Brittany said, grabbing her phone and texting.
They finished getting dressed and walked downstairs. The smell of pasta filled the house and Eddie could feel his stomach growl.
"Just in time! I was about to call you down." Y/N said she cleaned her hands off on a towel as she looked over at them.
Eddie was zoned in on her sweaty skin. The sweat in her hairline, the wetness on her neck, and the way she threw her hair up to be out of the way. A few pieces framed her face, she wore no makeup. Her skin looked soft and flawless.
"We are eating with Dad so," Brittany said, a mocking pout on her face as she grabbed her coat.
"But Brittany, it's my weekend and I spent the last hour making Alfredo with chicken, broccoli, and garlic bread."
"No one asked you to," Brittany said, walking right out the door.
Eddie stood silently as he watched Y/N deflate. He moved a little closer to her, his movement reminded Y/N he was still there.
"Um here!" She said as she reached into her purse, she handed Eddie a bundle of cash. "That loser won't pay for anyone but himself. Get whatever you'd like and don't worry about change."
Eddie shivered as her hand touched his. He hated the sad look in her eyes. She looked exhausted and lonely.
"I'm sorry about her," Eddie said he didn't think twice before he pulled her into a hug. He had a few inches on her, his head on top of hers. He tried to focus on making her feel better and not on the fact her chest was pressed against his.
"You're an amazing mother and one day she'll realize you aren't the evil one."
Y/N gladly accepted the hug, she needed someone. She tried to ignore how amazing he smelled, how warm he felt, and how hard his chest felt. She pulled away and quickly wiped away the tear in her eye.
"You're a gentleman. Thank you." Y/N said. She watched as he walked out the door, closing it behind him.
That was the first time she felt something towards Eddie.
"Oh, Brittany isn't home yet," Y/N said as she checked her watch, Eddie stood on the doorstep.
"That's okay, I can come back," Eddie said, he went to turn around but Y/N stopped him.
"You can wait inside, hun."
Eddie smiled at the nickname, accepting her invitation inside.
"Want a snack?" She asked she walked into the kitchen, and Eddie followed behind. He took a seat at the counter as she opened up the cabinet, she named snack after snack. But Eddie craved to be between her thighs.
"Any of that pasta left?" He asked, "It smelled amazing the other night." Eddie felt himself smile as her face lit up.
"There is!" She sounded so excited as she began to warm up the meal for him on the stove. He tried to ignore the big amount she had left, knowing it would be left untouched by Brittany.
They made small conversation as she recooked the meal. She played it for him and set it in front of him.
"Thank you, Ms. Y/L/N, this is amazing." Eddie complimented as he took a few bites of the pasta.
"You can call me Y/N, and thank you. At least someone will eat it." She joked, but both knew it wasn't meant to be funny.
"She's missing out," Eddie said, taking another bite of the pasta.
"Does she ever...say anything nice about me?" Y/N asked, the vulnerability in her voice. She looked down at Eddie's plate, too shy to look in his eyes.
"Does she say anything nice about anyone?" Eddie joked, pride in his chest as Y/N let out a laugh.
"Fair enough." Y/N laughed.
"I think you're underappreciated though. You love her, you care about her so much. You're funny, I know you're incredibly smart, and independent. You don't let anything knock you down. There are so many nice things to say about you." Eddie said, his words soft as he looked into her eyes.
She tried to bite her lip to stop the huge smile creeping on. She felt her cheeks flame up as she took in the compliments.
"Effortlessly beautiful too," Eddie whispered, he didn't realize he was leaning closer to her until her lips were right in front of his face. Her elbows were on the counter as she leaned forward.
"You think I'm beautiful?" She whispered, her heart racing as he leaned further into her.
"Fucking breathtaking. Your beauty never leaves my mind. Your eyes, your hair, those lips and curves. "
She held her breath as he looked down at her lips. For a moment, she was weak. For a split second, she looked down at his lips too.
Then the front door slammed and Y/N jumped back. Her eyes wide as she realized she was seconds away from kissing a teenager, a boy who was still in high school, at least seventeen years younger than her, her daughter's boyfriend.
"Good, you're already here," Brittany said as she grabbed Eddie's arm and yanked him off the stool.
Y/N held her breath as Eddie gave her one last longing look. He was filled with disappointment as Brittany led him into her room. His heart was still racing from having Y/N so close, seconds away from tasting her breath.
Y/N rubbed her hands over her face before grabbing Eddie's plate. Panic in her chest as she anxiously scrubbed the plate clean. She clenched her eyes shut as she tried to forget the look in Eddie's eyes. A look she longed to see someone have, that look of lust and desire. She shook her head as different thoughts filled her head. Thoughts of his lips on hers, her chest, and her thighs. What was she thinking? It was so inappropriate to think of Eddie in that way. And it was inappropriate for Eddie to think of her the way he did, but she couldn't help but like that he did.
What the fuck was she doing?
A week passed since her moment with Eddie in the kitchen and she couldn't forget it. But she knew she needed to.
She sat on the couch, a glass of wine in her hand as she watched some old movie. She sat in a T-shirt and panties, a blanket on her naked legs. She groaned when she heard a knock on the door, she sat down her glass and wrapped the blanket around herself as she walked to the door.
"Eddie?" Confusion on her face when she opened the door. "Brittany is at her dad's house."
"Not here for her," Eddie admitted, his hand on the door as he pushed it open further and walked in.
"Eddie." Y/N sighed as she closed the door. The speech died on her tongue when she turned around and he towered over her.
"hm?" He asked, his eyes scanning all over her face.
"What are you here for?" She asked, taking a step back. She took a big gulp of air as she tried to ignore how hot her body was. She walked to the couch and sat back down. She sipped on her wine, praying it would calm down her nerves. But she grew more nervous when he took the spot next to her. His fingers grabbed the blanket, moving it off her bare legs.
"I can't get that moment out of my head. Being so close to finally kissing you." He said, his hands skimming up her naked legs. She tried to keep her breathing even as he moved up her thighs.
"Eddie, we can't." She said, stopping his hand and moving it off of her.
"I don't care. I want it." He argued, his voice deep and raspy.
She gasped as he pushed her knees apart, easily placing his body between her. His knees were against the cushions as he towered over her again.
"You want it too. You want to feel wanted, desired and loved. You want someone to make your skin burn and your toes curl. You want someone to need you so desperately." He whispered, his hand grabbed hers. She whined when he placed her hand on his thin sweatpants, his hard cock easy to feel. "And I'm that someone."
"Eddie, you are my daughter's boyfriend. This is very inappropriate." Y/N tried again, but Eddie kept her hand right against him. He listened to her words but pushed his hips forward, pushing his cock into her hand.
"Forget about her. Focus on just me." He said softly, leaning down as he softly pecked her lips. He waited a second, watching her as she licked her lips. He could see the gears working in her mind. His lips were inches away from hers.
She freed her hand from his grip, using both her hands to tangle them into his hair as she smashed her lips on his. Her eyes closed as she let herself melt into him. Eddie moaned as he pushed her body down on the couch, his tongue working inside of her mouth as he let his hands feel every inch of her. The kiss was hot and messy, but she didn't care.
Y/N wasn't sure how they moved so fast, but before she knew it her panties were pushed to the side as Eddie's tongue dove between her thighs. She moaned as his tongue flicked her clit and three fingers pushed inside her cunt.
She wasn't even embarrassed that she hadn't shaved. With her ex-husband, she was always smooth and prepped, otherwise, he'd never go down on her. But here Eddie was, eating her out with no care in the world.
"Fuck Eddie." She whined, her hands in his hair, pushing his head against her cunt. He happily let her take control, he let her rock her hips against his tongue. He sucked on her clit, fingering her as fast as he could. He loved the way she got louder and louder. His name on her lips, the way her thighs clenched around his head. She gripped his hair so tight as she rocked her hips against his face. With his free hand, he reached up her body to play with her chest.
"RIGHT THERE!" she screamed, his fingers hitting the spongy spot inside of her. Eddie smirked against her cunt as he continuously hit that spot, watching her body twitch beyond her control.
She gasped as she felt her orgasm building, one hand on his head as the other flew behind her, smacking her glass of red wine straight to the floor. Her back arched as she came on his fingers and tongue.
Y/N whined as she scrubbed her carpet. The red stain did not leave as she continued to work on it. She felt sweat on her brow as she scraped and scraped.
"Don't mind her. She spilled wine over the weekend and won't give up on it." Brittany scoffed as she welcomed Eddie inside the house.
Eddie tried to hide his smirk when he watched Y/N scrub the stain on her hands and knees.
"Oh no, wonder how that happened," Eddie said, his voice catching Y/N's attention. Her head snapped to look over her shoulder.
"Who cares." Brittany said, walking up the stairs.
Eddie gave Y/N a wink before he followed Brittany up the stairs.
Y/N tossed and turned in her bed. Ever since Eddie ate her out on the couch, she's tried to sleep with this burning ache in her cunt.
She barely slept that Friday night after he left. Saturday she got a blink of sleep. And now Sunday, was worse than ever knowing he was just down the hall.
She groaned as the bright red lights shined
Another night of no sleep. She might as well make the best of it. She slid her hands down into her panties, instantly moaning as she spread her wetness up and down.
"Psst." She jumped up when she heard a sound. She flipped on the lamp next to her bed.
"Eddie!" She scolded quietly, the boy stood in her doorway, a cheeky smile on his face.
She couldn't help but let her eyes rank down his naked chest. He was a skinny boy but toned in the rest places. He had a clean chest but a happy trail that made her mind wander. Some tattoos scattered along his chest, she always questioned if he had more than just the ones on his arms.
"What are you doing?" She whispered, slightly embarrassed that she was about to finger herself to the thought of him to get rid of the ache between her thighs.
He closed the door behind him, the sound of the lock made her shiver. He tugged down his sleep shorts, and his cock sprang up to smack his stomach. Y/N couldn't help but clench her thighs together underneath the sheets.
"Trying so hard to sleep. But my mind kept thinking of you laying here, thought of the way you tasted when you came all over my tongue." He moaned as he walked to her bed.
He yanked down her blanket, ignoring her gasps as he crawled between her legs.
"I can smell you, smell so sweet and wet." He moaned, he leaned down to nudge his nose against her covered clit. His tongue ran over her cunt.
"Someone started without me." He said with a smirk, looking up at her.
Y/N wasn't sure what came over her. She didn't know if it was the fact he looked so hot smirking between her legs, or that she's been craving him in ways she shouldn't. But she lost control.
Before she knew it, he was under her, his hands bruised her hips as she rode him. Her nails clawed down his chest as her cunt clenched around him. His mouth sucked on her chest, creating a trail of marks.
"Fuck you're so good. Such a good cock." She praised, her brain melted with the way he fucked back up into her.
Eddie whined under her praise, her words alone had him clenching his thighs.
"Oh someone like that? Does someone like praise?" She teased, he whined louder. His hips struggled to keep up with his rhythm.
She leaned down to pinch his cheeks together, his lips puffed out.
"Answer me." She demanded, her nose against his as she slowed down her hips.
"Yes, mommy."
His eyes flew wide open when he released what he said. Fear in his stomach as she froze on top of him. The apology was ready on his tongue.
"Say it again." She asked, her eyes bored into his.
"Fuck me, Mommy. "
Y/N moaned as she began to move her hips again. She fucked him and she fucked him hard. She placed her feet on either side of Eddie's body, the extra leverage helped her ride him faster. Her hands held on to his hairy thighs as she bounced on him.
Eddie couldn't keep up with her, his orgasm so close that he couldn't think straight. It felt so good to be taken care of. He loved that she had the control and he was forced to take it all. She used his cock the exact way she wanted it.
"Fuck, gonna." He warned, he quickly gained his control, flipped them over and pulled out. He painted her stomach with his cum. He kept his eyes on her the best he could as he pumped himself dry.
"That's mommy's good boy." She praised, she scooped up his cum and placed it on her tongue. Eddie felt himself choke on his spit as he watched her.
"You're so fucking sexy." He praised, his lips pressed against hers.
"Make me cum, Eddie," she said against his lips.
Two months passed, Eddie and Y/N found themselves sneaking off to see each other. Some nights they hooked up and other night they talked.
Y/N hated that she found herself falling for Eddie. She hated that he made her feel so loved and wanted. She felt like an idiot for craving something real with him. Which could never happen. He was young and had a whole future ahead of him, oh and the fact that he's dating her daughter.
So she went back on the dating websites. She needed to move on and get Eddie out of her head.
Eddie didn't question why Brittany bounced on him the second they heard the front door open. His mouth was covered by hers as she practically choked him with her tongue.
Her hands were removing his clothes faster than he could ask what was going on.
"Brittany, slow down. What's going on?"
Before she could answer, Eddie heard laughter coming from downstairs. The sounds of giggles and a male voice.
"Who's that?" Eddie asked
"My mom and her date. Can we fuck now?" Brittany scoffed, her lips on his neck.
Eddie sat in pity as she kissed his neck. All he could hear was the sound of Y/N giggling and flirting with that man. With her date.
She was dating? And bringing him home? Was she hoping they'd have sex? Eddie couldn't help but wonder if she showered, shaved, and bought sexy lingerie just to wear for her date. He felt the jealousy burning in his skin when he heard that familiar moan.
"That's so good." Y/N moaned, it was needy and whiny, and it caused something to snap in Eddie.
He had Brittany screaming underneath him as he fucked out his anger and jealousy. He pounded into her hard, no part of him cared to be gentle. Her bed was smacking into the wall, guaranteed echoing throughout the house. And the thought made Eddie smirk. He wanted Y/N to know he was fucking Brittany like there wasn't a tomorrow. He wanted her to be just as jealous as he felt.
"BEST CUNT I'VE EVER HAD." Eddie screamed, his hand smacking against the wall.
Eddie panted as Brittany began to get dressed. The sweat was thick on his skin as he pulled on his boxers. There was silence downstairs, no more giggles and moans. Eddie felt sick at the thought. Maybe it was silent because their mouths were busy.
But then Brittany's door slammed open. Y/N stood pissed on the other side. Eddie couldn't help but take in the beautiful tight red dress she wore. It framed her perfectly. Her hair was loose on her shoulders, makeup simple but captivating. She looked stunning.
"I ASKED YOU FOR ONE THING! I asked you just for once not to fuck something up for me. Why can't you let me have anything?" Y/N screamed, her finger pointed straight at Brittany, who simply rolled her eyes.
Eddie gulped as he covered his mostly naked body with the blanket. Not like either person in that room hasn't seen it, but he felt like he was just as in trouble.
"Oh I'm sorry! Was that date tonight? The one you asked me to not interrupt?" Brittany asked, a fake confused look on her face.
"I'm tired of you disrespecting me. You get to be happy, your father gets to be happy, why can't I be happy? Your father fucking cheated on me! He hooked up with every whore in his office, and he's the one with a girlfriend and a daughter that loves him. Why can't I ever just have something without you ruining it? Especially when you admitted you didn't want it" Eddie swore her eyes landed on him before she went back to Brittany. "WHY DO I HAVE TO BE ALONE AND SUFFER?" Y/N cried, her eyes watered. Eddie couldn't tell if it was from sadness or pure anger.
But now he couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach. He ruined her night just as much as Brittany did. He purposely ruined her night just as much as Brittany did.
For once, Brittany was silent.
Y/N took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. Her once perfect makeup was starting to smear as more water dropped from her eyes.
"Eddie, I'd like you to leave for tonight." She said before she closed the door.
"You've got to be kidding me, Brittany!" Eddie scoffed, throwing the blankets off as he stood up.
"what did I do?"
"You planned it! You invited me over, telling me you wanted to have sex. Then we sat here for two hours doing nothing. The second your mom comes home you attack. You wanted to ruin her date." Eddie said as he realized. He couldn't help but feel like such an idiot. He knew his jealousy was getting out of hand, it killed him to hear Y/N giggle with another man. He didn't even think about how Y/N might have felt throughout it all. The embarrassment she probably felt as Eddie and Brittany's sounds traveled down the stairs to interrupt her date.
"Oh please! Like you didn't enjoy it? Who were you putting the show on for, Eddie. Me or my fucking mom?"
Eddie froze as the words left Brittany's lips. His back to her as he thought about what to say.
"You two really thought I wouldn't notice?" Brittany scoffed. "I always knew my mother was a whore, but to fuck my own boyfriend? New low."
Eddie turned around in a heat of anger. His jaw clenched as he grabbed Brittany's arm and held it tightly.
"Don't you call her that." He seethed.
"I knew it," Brittany laughed, she yanked her arm free. "I did plan it, Eddie. I planned to kill two birds with one stone. Ruin the relationship with whatever poor excuse of a man she found on that website, and to ruin the relationship she had with you."
Eddie was looking into the face of evil and didn't know what to do. He was scared he fucked up with Y/N. He was so fucking scared.
"The relationship isn't ruined. I'll talk to her, I'll apologize and explain it all." Eddie said, he threw on his clothes.
"I'm afraid that won't work, sweetie." Brittany smirked. "You see, I already had a conversation with her about you. She admitted she really fell for you," she mocked. Eddie felt his heart race, Y/N fell for him? "Think of how hurt she probably was when you were so busy making sure I could scream your name so she could hear. So she could hear just how much you wanted me."
"You set me up." Eddie snapped.
"Yeah I did. We're done. My dad and I are leaving the state tonight. Hope you two are happy." Brittany said, grabbing a packed bag from her closet. She walked out of her room, down the stairs, and out the door.
Eddie stood in the silence of her room. Y/N's across the hall, the door shut. He hung his head as he walked the distance. He felt like his tail was tucked between his legs as he knocked on the door.
"I asked you to go home." She said through the door.
"I know, but can we talk? I need to explain." He begged, his knocks continued on the door.
Y/N yanked open the door, her eyes were red and her makeup was cleaned off.
"Explain what? That you were simply having sex with your girlfriend? Trust me, Eddie. This was so fucking stupid of us. I'm a mom, and you are only eighteen. It's time I act like an adult. Go home Eddie. And please don't come back here again."
The door slammed in his face.
Eddie went to her house every day for a week. And each day she never answered. But this time was different, he didn't leave. He refused to leave. He wanted her, and he wasn't leaving.
He opened the door, walking right in.
"Eddie come on!" She whined in frustration.
"You want me and I want you. You fell for me and I fell for you. Why are you saying no?" Eddie asked.
"I'm saying no because you are my daughter's boyfriend."
"I'm not anymore and you know that. I'm single now and so are you. What's the real reason you are telling me no? Why are you scared of there being an us?"
"EDDIE!" She snapped, "My god, think logically! You graduate in what, a month? Then you are off to college. And once you see college girls, you're not going to want this." She said as she gestured between them.
"I'm always going to want this." Eddie said.
"You're too young to understand. But I'm right about this."
"Stop treating me like I'm a child!" Eddie snapped, "I know how I feel and that has nothing to do with my age."
"Yes it does! You think in a year when you are surrounded by college girls, having the time of your life going to parties, that you are going to want to come back here to visit your girlfriend that graduated college ten years ago?" Y/N scoffed.
"I won't have to come visit you, because I'm not leaving."
"No, listen to me. I don't plan to go to college, I didn't plan to go before I met you. You just gave me more of a reason to want to stay here. For once in your life, I need you to believe that someone loves you and that someone wants you. Let me be that someone." Eddie said, he slowly moved closer to her. He grasped her hands.
"Just give me the chance." Eddie begged, he dropped down to his knees, he kissed her hands before he let them go. Then he wrapped his arms around her, his face against her stomach.
"Let me love you." He said, moving down her body as he began to tug down her leggings. She huffed but she didn't stop him.
"Let me show you how happy I can make you." He said against her bare thighs as he kissed her skin. His mouth moved closer to her cunt.
"Please. I love you" He said, his nose inhaling her sweet scent.
"I love you too." She whined, her head thrown back as he rubbed his nose against her covered clit.
He smiled in victory and kissed back up her body, landing on her lips.
"Tonight, I'm taking you out on a real date. I don't care what anyone thinks. I want to be with you and call you mine."
"I want to be with you too." She said as she wrapped her arms around him.
Their relationship may have not made sense to anyone else. It may have been very frowned upon. But for once, she was happy and felt loved. She deserved that. And Eddie was more than honored to be the one to give it to her.
@aimee-ginge @wivwer @3rd-conchord @internetshmiternet @3ddiemunsons-l0ver @wtfmariaclara
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slttygeto · 4 months
cw: fem! reader, making out, biting, super self indulgent.
I like to believe that when hanma kisses, he puts his whole body into it. his hands are roaming your sides, sliding under your shirt and trying to feel as much of your skin as your clothes allow him to. you guys are making out on his couch, you are straddling his lap and the man cannot get enough of the way your lips move against his.
you can smell his perfume, it’s intoxicating how whenever he pulls back to stare at your face, you get a whiff of his perfume and your hands grab his face to pull him back for a deeper kiss. he likes that, he likes that you’re also hungry for more and he is almost ready to give himself to you. you learn that he’s into biting, he pulls back from your neck when he hears you hiss at the sting and he doesn’t apologize, he just stares up at you with intense golden eyes and his thumb rubs at your skin to soothe it.
“did I hurt ya?” you don’t give a verbal response, but instead lean down and bite down at his neck too. it’s not one of revenge, but because his neck is long—it’s attractive and you see the way he clenches his jaw. you half expect him to hiss just like you, have the same reaction but instead, a shameless moan escapes his lips and you feel his hips buck up from underneath you.
god, he’s so hot. you almost wanna grab his face and bite down at his lip, see if he really likes being bit this much.
he leans towards you and captures your lips in another kiss, but this time he flips you on your back as you land on the couch, and your heart thrums loudly against your ribcage when you feel him tower over you. you realize that you cannot escape him even if you wanted to.
with the way he was pressing his knee against your clothed cunt, leaving was the last option on your mind. you needed to feel this man impossibly closer to you, and when his hand starts to spread your legs, gripping your thighs in his hands to make himself more comfortable, you realize how much you don’t want him to stop.
“shuji,” you sound so sweet, your swollen lips are tempting and said man bites his own lip as he hums in response.
“let’s take it slow,”
did he want to? maybe not, he could feel his cock straining against his pants. but for you, for that sweet voice and those adorable eyes staring up at him with so much trust. he would go as slow as how time passes by when he’s waiting for you to come by.
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soov · 14 days
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KEEP JAZZ A(LiVE)ㅤ. . .ㅤ﹫ park jongseong ★
꒰ 📒 ꒱ ceo ! jay & fem reader, 1500 words. ㅤg ceo au, strangers to lovers, established relationship, fluff, long fic. ㅤw kissing, mentions of food, suggestive.ㅤlibrary
in which you and jay coincidentally go to the same live jazz restaurant, and end up with your dates being at his house after some of his wooing.
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Jazz and food — is there a greater combination? You liked to believe that there wasn’t, especially after discovering L'Arôme, a restaurant unexpectedly close to your house hidden by a narrow cobblestone path and many vine branches.
L'Arôme was easily one of the most beautiful places you had ever visited. The dim atmosphere and yellowish lamps managed to make the open interior look cozier than it should. The walls were mostly textured with burnished concrete; the plants that grew on the outside of the restaurant, too, covered the inside of it.
The ambiance was jaw-dropping, the food was delicious, and the live jazz music was equally as perfect. Marcus and Thereza, the old, retired couple who played the saxophone and piano out of love for music, had also gotten a special place in your heart.
You started to love the place even more when a certain man began to frequent it every late Friday as you did.
He was exceptionally charming, white shirt neatly rolled up to his elbows, hair combed back, and a Rolex on his wrist. Despite him looking like the embodiment of luxury, what attracted your attention were his courteous interactions with the employees, and the polite small-talk he had with the musicians to compliment them.
“Men like him still exist?” It seemed that even the people who worked there pondered the same thing. At least, that was what your bartender told you.
The raven-haired man left you intrigued for his next visits; even more so when he pulled out a tiny moleskin and pen out of his pocket, jotting down notes whilst carefully listening to the music, and occasionally stealing a bite of his dish.
You didn’t notice how he gazed back at you until he cracked one of his peaceful smiles, making you immediately look back to your glass of wine sheepishly.
He kept exchanging glances and grins with you before he finally came up to you one night.
“Can I sit here? Don’t worry, I’ll pay for my food.” He pointed to the wooden chair in front of you, and you agreed, of course. Why wouldn’t you?
During that dinner, you found out that his name is Park Jongseong, but he prefers going by Jay. He loves traveling and learning about new cultures, cooking, and sometimes composing songs, hence the notebook. He learned that you enjoy fashion and cats. You two discovered that among your many shared tastes, perfumes and scents were your top ones. Ironic, considering the name of the place where you two met.
Jay did not pay his bill that night, by the way, but rather his and yours when you had a quick restroom break. When it was time for you to leave, he ordered you a cab, making sure you were alright before closing its door.
He did that for the next few weeks, and in a specific one, Jay called you asking if the meetup could be an actual date. And again, you agreed. Why wouldn’t you?
So he showed up with a suit of your favorite color. You didn’t remember that well when you told him what it was, but he still remembered it, just like your favorite flowers in the bouquet he held. Even with all his grand gestures, Jongseong was a simple man — just a kiss on his tan cheek before you hopped in the cab made him weak on his knees.
The pattern kept going on up ‘till he asked you to be his girlfriend, and the next dates moved to his million-dollar penthouse. You didn’t get how crazy money he made in his CEO job until he picked you up in his sleek black Porsche and drove you to one of the best neighborhoods in the city. When he already had such manners and looked like a sculpture manually carved by the Greek gods, his money wasn’t that much of a big deal.
And with all that being said, Jay was ten thousand times happier with having your Friday dates in the coziness and intimacy of his home.
“Jay, baby, I wanna help too...” You mumbled with your arms nestled around his waist, chin on his broad back as you watched him set up the final touches to the seasoned meat to get it to the oven.
“You’re helping already with your hugs,” he said back, chuckling when you whined against his cashmere sweater.
“Doesn’t count,” you huffed, “you already had prepared everything before I arrived. You’re no fun.”
He couldn’t help but laugh again, “I didn’t fill our glasses with wine, though. You can help me with that.” Jay suggested, washing his hands off.
With grumbles of defeat, you made your way to his wine wall, picking up an unopened bottle of your favorite. After you began dating him, you had turned into a somewhat wine expert with all the knowledge he shared.
Popping the bottle open, you poured the drink into two burgundy glasses, taking a sip of yours and leaving it near the charcuterie board on the coffee table.
Jay changed the vinyl playing to a copy of Thereza’s and Marcus’ jazz album that he bought from them, one of their original songs playing smoothly in the background. He soon approached you, hand reached out in reverence. “Can I have this dance?”
You beamed and nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck and allowing him to encircle your waist. “This is nice.” You commented and he nodded in agreement.
“Really nice.”
His thumbs rubbed your sides while your fingertips ran through his strands, meekly massaging his scalp. Jay melted into you, his cheek resting on your shoulder as if wanting to get even closer during the slow dance.
“You’re gonna suffocate me, Jay,” you choked out with a giggle, and he immediately took a step back, though still leaning on your body.
“Sorry.” He mumbled.
When his apology got dismissed, he tugged you to the living room quickly without even bothering to say a word. You let out a quiet laugh when he sat down and pulled you to his lap.
“What’s up with the commotion?” You prodded at his slightly uncommon clinginess and quietude.
Your boyfriend shrugged, his chin on your chest and an impish smile on his lips as he stared up at you, “Just missed you.” Jongseong explained in a gentle tone.
There were multiple reasons for his homesickness, and one of them was the twelve-day business trip that he had to take to Russia, making your date on the weekend prior get canceled. You didn’t blame him for wanting attention.
“You’re cute when you’re all clingy like that,” pointing out, you made sure to leave a peck on his exposed forehead, nose, and lips.
With an uninterested ‘mhm’, he kept you in place by grasping the back of your head with a firm grip. Jay kissed you slowly — and a tad bit messily — to make good use of the short period he’d have with you until his next business trip. His plush lips didn’t leave yours for a second, occasionally nibbling on them up to when he had to pull away for air.
He leaned back on the couch, trying to create distance between you. However, his eyes never left your face, devouring every curve and contour as if you were the last meal he would ever have. “You’re pretty.”
“You sound like you just started to find me pretty.”
Jay huffed in disbelief at your taunt, a toothy grin and a nose wrinkle appearing, “Take a compliment, will you?”
“Alright. Thanks, then.” You shrugged and turned in his lap to grab your glass of wine by the coffee table. Taking a sip, you hummed at the feeling of Jay’s lazy kisses and pecks along your neck. “Needy, huh?”
“You entertain me.” He muttered back with a gentle bite to your skin, mentally patting himself on the back for the little yelp of surprise you let out.
Park kept pampering you during your small snack break, focused on being as doting as he could only until the oven’s timer ticked. His hand cupped your hips as you left his lap, making sure that you were balanced before letting go of you.
You got the tray out of the oven and carefully rested it on the well-decorated dining table. Your boyfriend approached you, chivalrously taking off the protection glove from your hand and pulling out the chair for you.
And as you both suited yourselves and enjoyed his cooking, you once again realized how much of a good cook Jay was.
“S’too good, Jay,” you mumbled with a finger hooked in front of your lips, munching happily on the absurdly good side dishes he made.
“Thank you, I know it is.” Jay proudly admitted, mostly joking around with you, but happy with the outcome of the plates.
You scoffed with a small grin, “No need to get all cocky now.”
“Maybe there is. I have a feeling my girl likes when I’m cocky.” He quipped back, showing that you really entertained him in his playful moments.
He used the dinner to fill you in the details of his trip that he didn’t say through text, feeling bashful whenever you gasped or quipped with a question.
Eventually, the conversation turned to his guitar, and soon he was strumming his favorite songs on the couch while you relaxed against him.
Seemed like it was about time you added Jay to the top of your ranking.
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⠀ ⠀ SOOV © 2O24
ㅤ𝗿𝗲𝗶’s notes ⪩⪨ for my biggest inspiration ever since animeblr HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAEL!! @boyfhee
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