#i plan on putting more jewelry and stuff when i get more money
rightintoalake · 8 months
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when will my boy come back from the war (absent from oxventure) link to on flight rising
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image as ref and to link to from fr
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 6 months
3rd Advent - Christmas shopping for the crows
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Pairing: Kaz Brekker x reader
Word count: 1011
Warnings: Mentioning of weapons
Summary: You go Christmas shopping for the crows with Kaz and then enjoy an afternoon at the slat.
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“Which one do you think Inej would like more?” You pointed at two different beautifully crafted daggers. They were delicate and elegant, and both of them had carved handles, but one of them had roses carved into the blade. Kaz took a look at the daggers before pointing swiftly to the second one and you smiled as you handed the money to the woman selling them. She carefully wrapped it up in some paper before handing it to you, bidding you goodbye and wishing you a wonderful holiday.
Ketterdam was in a strangely good mood now when christmas was coming and you had been pulled into the christmas spirit as well. You’d even convinced Kaz to let you buy presents for the crows, as long as you didn’t buy anything for him. You planned on doing that anyway.
Kaz mumbled something about checking out the stand that was selling bottles of chemicals and stuff to see if he could find whatever Wylan had asked you two to get while you were out. You just nodded and decided quietly that this was your chance to find something for Kaz. As he stalked away you turned around to see that the different stands were selling and you found one that was selling beautifully handcrafted jewelry. You approached the man with a smile.
“Hello there! You don’t happen to make custom pieces, do you?” you kindly asked and the man nodded at you in return.
“Indeed I do. For the right price, that is.” You nodded understandingly and pulled out a stack of kruge.
“This is 500, will that be enough to make me a pendant?” you spoke quietly in case Kaz came back earlier than you’d expected. The man shrugged, “it depends on the design.”
“I want something discreet. A backwards ‘K’ and an ‘R’ that is put together,” you tried to explain and the man pulled out a pen and paper and began sketching something to get a hum on the design. You nodded in appreciation when he showed you the finished design after the two of you had gone back and forth a bit. He put away the sketch and you noticed how he didn’t need to touch the metal box he put them in to close the lid. You carefully leaned forward and spoke up quietly.
“Could you be able to make it stay warm at all times? Like body temperature or a bit hotter?” You glanced down at the metal box and he widened his eyes, understanding that you’d seen his slip-up. He nodded, “I’ll have it done in a week and delivered to the crowclub, I presume?” he said and eyed something behind you. Kaz was back.
“Thank you so much!” You smiled and he gave you a nod. As you turned around you were met with Kaz handing you a bag with Wylans stuff in it and you took it from his hand with a nod. Snow was still falling and you let your gaze linger on the powdered snow that fell in Kaz’ hair when he took off his hat to free it from the snow that had gathered upon it. He caught your lingering gaze and raised an eyebrow at you but let a smirk pull at his lips anyway.
“Time to head back?” He wondered and you nodded. He began leading you through the market and then eventually down the streets of Ketterdam, back towards the slat. You were walking close enough to feel each other's presence but not close enough to touch. Kaz appreciated you for not pushing his boundaries but still staying close enough as comfortable.
When you reached the slat, Kaz pulled the door open for you and held it open. You stepped inside and was met with a sight you never thought you’d see. The whole slat was covered in Christmas decorations.
Tinsel was wrapped around the bar, someone (probably Jesper) had brought in a Christmas tree and decorated it with tinsel, baubles and lights. On top sat a crow decoration. Someone had strung up fairy lights in the ceiling and tinsel was wrapped around the banister. You saw Kaz roll his eyes at the mess made but a small smile and the fact that he didn’t say anything about removing it made you smile wide.
“What have happened here?” He mumbled but smiled slightly at your reaction. You turned to him with glimmering eyes and a wide smile.
“Jesper probably.” He laughed discreetly at that and nodded, “yeah, probably.”
You’d almost forgotten the presents in your hands and hurried over to the tree to put them there until Christmas Day. Please with today's effort you headed over to the bar for a glass. Kaz joined you not soon after and Wylan and Jesper came bouncing down the stairs and gave you a walkthrough on the decorating. Warmth filled your heart for the people you shared this home with and you couldn’t stop smiling the whole evening.
Nina and Matthias made everyone some food and Inej set a table for the 7 of you. Wylan put on some music, although Christmas music was a step too far and you had to settle for some classical instead. You lit some candles and Kaz and Jesper made everyone a drink. It filled you with love for the found family you’d been so lucky to have gotten and you swore that day to do everything you could to assure their happiness. Especially during Christmas.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Western!AU where Roach is pretending to be a woman for whatever reason and his coach gets robbed, so he's trying to figure out how to get himself out of this situation
Cue cowboys!Soap and Ghost who come up to try to save him.
Smut or I will steal your pelvis
@callsign-bunnie I think you'll like this one
I read this wrong but I talked to the anon who sent it and they said its fine
Ghost saw the stagecoach rattling by. He and Soap were hiding on either side, waiting. They heard it had a mail order bride and a ton of jewelry on it, so they were planning to steal everything and let the lady escape on one of the horses. Easy money.
The horses were spooked by something, starting to slow down. They looked around and snorted. The stagecoach driver snapped at them to keep moving, but he had been startled as well.
Ghost aimed his gun and shot, knocking one of the wheels. The coach shuddered and quickly started to run off the rails. Soap shot the other front wheel and the horses started to try to run. It dragged the half broken carriage forward as the driver tried desperately to get them to settle. He pulled his gun and started to shoot in Ghost's general direction, missing by miles.
Soap raced out, quickly shooting at him. Blood splattered as the men fell, hitting the ground with a dull thump.
Ghost rushed the stagecoach, just in case someone of fighting ability was in there.
There was a rather small little lady. Well, compared to him at least. Her dress hit her ankles and she had a hat with a veil. She stood up, clearly frightened.
"Don't worry. I wouldn't do anything to ya. Just want the cargo you're carrying." He put the gun up, aiming at her. She didn't move instead freezing in one place. Her head cocked to one side.
Soap opened the door on his side and jumped in. She almost jumped out of her skin and twirled around, putting her back to Ghost. Ghost grabbed her and quickly started to tie her up.
Her head slammed against his nose, the only thing stopping it from breaking being the hard mask over his nose. She slammed her feet into Soap's chest and tried to escape.
"We're not even into women. Just stop fighting so we can grab our stuff and go." Soap said and grabbed her legs, flushing a little when he realized her skirts were flying up. He quickly tried to push them back down.
Ghost held her tighter and the hat fell off her head and subsequently the veil.
They both stopped fighting immediately, staring.
Roach stared back at them. His hair was rather short and though he had some feminine features, he was clearly a man. He blushed brightly.
Soap lifted his skirt to look up it and Roach kicked him hard.
"So... you're a lad. Are you one of those people that doesn't feel like a lad?"
Roach shook his head head, looking more flustered.
Ghost was real quiet as he took in Roach. He was gorgeous. "What's your name?"
Roach reached for his necklace and showed him the engraving.
"Gary Roach Sanderson. Prefer Roach?" Ghost asked him. When Roach nodded, Ghost frowned. "Don't want to talk, love?"
Roach flushed and drew an X over his mouth, a pretty much universal way of saying he's mute.
"He's really pretty." Soap smiled at Ghost, both of them apparently thinking the same thing.
Roach looked between them. Both of them had on masks of skulls and were bigger men. Between them, Roach seemed rather tiny. He flushed more and wiggled just a tiny bit. Ghost had his arms pinned to his chest and Soap still held him up by his legs.
"Just shake your head no and we'll leave, okay?" Ghost promised, gently tilting Roach's head to the side. Roach flushed more but didn't move. Soap slowly ran his fingers further up his legs, exposing more of Roach.
Johnny smiled. "Alright, love. I'm going to unlace your dress." He reached up and started to undo the laces. Ghost lifted his mask and started to kiss Roach's neck. Roach shivered against him and let out a tiny breath.
"Sensitive?" Ghost purred and set Roach down so they could get his dress off. He didn't let Roach turn around to see his face, instead making him face Soap. Soap didn't care that much because he took his mask off fully and stole a kiss from Roach.
Ghost tugged the little garter on Roach's thighs, enjoying the way he jumped against Soap's chest and blushed more. "What do you want to do to him first?"
Soap grinned at him and without saying a word, Soap ended up laying on the seats with Roach in his lap. His back to Soap's chest. Roach blushed more but relaxed against Soap as Ghost spread his legs.
Ghost settled in front of him, starting to smoke, the mask pulled up just enough for him to do so. Soap pushed his fingers into Roach, going slow. Roach shivered and mewled, hips rolling up.
Ghost smirked and kept eye contact with him as Soap worked him open.
Soap kissed along Roach's neck. "Pretty boy. Feel real tight." He let Roach take over as he sat up and slid down on Soap's cock. He bit his own lip and flushed, tensing with his thighs shaking.
Roach rode him slowly, panting softly. His face flushed more and he looked up at Ghost.
Ghost grabbed him by the back of his neck, moving closer. He kept eye contact with him as he leaned in. "There you go. Feel good?"
Roach nodded and kissed him. Neither closed their eyes. Ghost blew the cigarette smoke into his mouth, feeling Roach eagerly open his mouth for.
Soap thrust up into him with no warning and Roach opened his mouth like he was crying out, but no noise came out. He did it again and Roach's eyes rolled back. Roach pressed back and started to quickly bounce again, almost desperately.
"Right there. Think you did something." Ghost grinned at Soap who immediately did it again. Roach's back arched as he eagerly tried to get more. "Don't finish until he does."
Soap groaned. "You're a sadist."
"It's called planning. Want to show him a good time, don't we?"
Roach tried to replicate what Soap had done, but he was too nervous. Ghost could see him trying to shift his hips without letting Soap go too deep. He reached over and forced Roach down, apparently hitting his bitch button dead on.
"There, that better?" Soap purred in his ears.
Roach nodded frantically and pressed back against Soap. He started tearing up, both of his hands now gripping desperately onto Ghost. He desperately rocked on him, eyelashes fluttering as he clearly got close. Soap spit in his hand and stroked Roach.
Their prize managed a barely audible whine before coming all over himself, panting him. Soap grabbed his hips and started to thrust into him hard. He lasted a few more minutes, Roach shaking and starting to get hard again, before he came inside him, kissing his cheek.
"You want a turn?"
"Of course."
Roach whimpered a little as Soap picked him up and passed him over. Ghost laid Roach down and pushed his legs up and out. "Just relax. Not going to stop until you finish."
Thanks to the change in position, it was much easier for him to fuck Roach how he wanted. He was rough with him, grazing his teeth over Roach's shoulder.
A tiny whimper made him almost feral.
Roach wrapped his legs around and Soap's hand found its way into Ghost's hair, gently stroking it away from the mask on his face.
"What if we keep him?" Johnny smiled.
"I wouldn't mind. Want to go home with us sweetheart?" Simon purred.
Roach nodded immediately, head tilted back. He trembled under Ghost who quickly started to stroke him, wanting to finish first. Roach started to shake his head immediately, overstimulated but he quickly melted into it, shaking. His back arched as he whimpered.
Ghost was persistent and pretty soon, Roach couldn't help it. He came again, melting to a puddle in Ghost's arms. Ghost came in him, feeling it drip out of Roach.
Roach held on to his shoulders and buried his face in his arms. Ghost picked him up. "I'll carry him and you get the horse?"
"You got it Simon." Soap kissed him softly and ruffled Roach's hair before stepping away.
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clankie otp prompts that ran on a bit oops
1.) Who spends almost all their money on the other?
Which is impressive, considering her family is honest to Ra entombed in gold, but she manages. Buying things is how she grew up seeing affection done-
(RE: her parents getting her new sparklies every birthday and Nefera coming back from Scaris with MORE jewelry for her)
-so shopping sprees are the default when she first tries showering Frankie with love.
She’s more thoughtful about it than just random shinies though (she knows what it’s like to have something on your wish list for centuries and Never Get It) so it’s a lot of lab tools, weird things Frankie hasn’t seen before, and things like always getting them their fav snacks and drinks at the Coffinbean.
Frankie likes a lot of the stuff Cleo gets them, but also just bluntly says spending time with Cleo is the best
(this after Cleo spent a whole NIGHT trying to track down this one thing she KNEW Frankie would love, while Frankie sprawled on the floor all droopy and limp and pining for her).
This clicks something on in Cleo’s brain and she realizes she ALSO loves being with the monsters she cares for.
So after spending time recharging Frankie by looking at (but NOT buying) weird things on amazombie together, she drops in on Nefera, just to sit around and bug her while her older sis is doing schoolwork.
Nefera can’t believe it’s happening at first. Then she FLINGS her homework across the room so the sisters can have a good gossip session together for the first time in centuries.
2.) Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
Frankie likes falling asleep with Cleo in their lap. They just kinda drape themselves around her whenever their charge gets low, and Cleo makes sure they're securely snuggled before she settles in with her icoffin.
Frankie’s a deep sleeper, so Cleo can be as loud and giggly as she wants, BUT she keeps hush instead and shushes / death glares anyone who makes a ruckus around her monster while they sleep.
She also likes playing with Frankie’s hair without realizing it, or reach back to cuddle their cheek, just checking on them.
More intentionally, Frankie sometimes naps with their eyes open if they’re really tired (its a stasis thing). It freaks out everyone else except Cleo, who can spend a looooong time just sappily staring into their mismatched eyes.
3.) Who walks around half naked and who yells at them to put some clothes on?
Swap clothes for limbs and you have Frankie Stein, wandering around without an arm or leg or eyeball because they had a thought half way thought swapping out body parts and tots forgot what they were doing.
Cleo’s reaction is less of a yell and more of a concerned yelp when she finds Frankie’s arms stuffed between sofa cushions and runs over to find Frankie trying to fry a skillet of scary side up eggs with just their teeth.
4.) Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one does it anyway?
I think this is Cleo when she gets in party planning or scheming to take over the throne mode.
Frankie’s like, okay, but even queens need sleep right? So you’ll go to bed at some point, right? Uh-huh, Cleo says over her shoulder, absolutely getting no sleep.
Frankie enables this a little because watching Cleo get nerdy and passionate about stuff makes them all fizzy-happy inside, but they DO want Cleo to get some sleep eventually.
So Frankie learns the best way to break Cleo out of this is to just stay with her and fall asleep themselves under a snack food table or something, because Cleo WILL check on them to make sure they’re comfy, and Cleo WILL NOT be able to resist cuddling up with them. Just for a bit. A few minutes that’s all she swears.
5.) Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies.
Cleo loves all the homemade stuff Frankie gives them, so as part of her exploring other ways of showing affection that Don’t involve gold and gems, she tries making paincakes.
Pain def happens. The cakes? Not so much. Not even Cleo’s beetle babies can salvage a batter bowl once Cleo gets her hands on it.
Frankie finds the mess really impressive (once they’ve hosed things down with their fire extinguisher attachment, specially built after Cleo started taking an interest in cooking) and, as a monster who eats other monster’s popcorn off of theater floors, the taste of char is kinda yummy to them actually.
Them and Cleo make cookies together afterwards mostly just for the fun of it (and so Cleo can have something to snack on too).
6.) Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
Frankie’s very literal. Unless the prompt is something they and Cleo have SPECIFICALLY done, they are just a flat Nope We Haven’t, sometimes then followed with a thoughtful and worrying Yet.
Cleo, meanwhile, is so enamored with Frankie as her gallant protector she REFUSES to accept she’s actually an angry Smol protecting her Tol. She’s not yelling at people for upsetting Frankie- It’s just called saying THE TRUTH, which is that the person should be ashamed and if they are not then she will Curse Them.
7.) Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
We all know Frankie is never getting that varsity jacket back once Cleo gets her hands on it.
Though it’s more like, Frankie drapes it over her shoulders once because Cleo felt a chill (she was hoping for a hug or a snuggle) and saw how cool Cleo looked in it, and how much she liked wearing it, and it made Frankie shoot off sparks for the rest of the day.
So. Even though it does NOT go with Cleo’s carefully selected and matched royal regalia outfit (even more classy than Nefera's)… yeah. She starts wearing the jacket A Lot. And, snuggling with it.
Friends try teasing her about it but she’s immune because she is WEARING FRANKIE’S JACKET HELLO???
8.) Which one spends the day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
Frankie loves running errands. Frankie almost NEVER comes back with what they set out to actually get on said errands.
Cleo checks in with them via text, or just tags along, because she always makes lists and loves checking them twice. And this way maybe Frankie makes it back with the copper tubing they wanted instead of a giant scorpion plushy.
9.) Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
As per @bluebelleisabelle‘s idea, Frankie behind the wheel of a car isn’t a good idea do to potential brain bit memories distracting them at bad moments, so Cleo works hard to get a license (the first one in her ENTIRE family) just to drive them around (Drac helped her learn and it was an Experience).
Frankie is in charge of the map and does a good imitation of a car GPS (global positioning scream).
Sometimes their brain bits remind them of a shortcut- sometimes the shortcut is still there, and sometimes they’re remembering a donkey track that got built over a hundred years ago. No matter how many times it turns out to be the latter, Cleo's never stops trusting them or making sudden U-turns on command.
Its always an adventure to get in the car with Cleo and Frankie! Which is why most of their other friends Don’t.
10.) Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
Cleo would LOVE posing, Frankie would LOVE to see her do it, but it’s probably more of a scrap metal sculpture done with loud as heck hacksaws and torches than soft romantic drawing thing.
At least plenty of sparks would fly, though.
And Cleo would probably install the sculpture in pride of place in her section of the family tomb, much to the confusion of later visitors.
11.) If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
Okay so Cleo legit in the first episode lowered herself from the ceiling like a character from a heist film- AND she likes planning stuff.
Less backflips, more cunning doges and precision crawling under the camera’s blind spots. It’s awkward, not elegant, but she’s got this, she knows what to do and how to do it. She’s, almost there-  
Frankie, thanks to their ballet brain bit, is pirouetting freely around security in the background. Until they spot someone’s gum on the floor. And reach for it. And reach right into a laser trip wire and- oh zaps- RA HAVE MERCY- sorry cleo! do wanna split the gum with me-? FRANKIE QUICK OVERLOAD THE SYSTEM- oh uh right um-
*distant explosion sound effect*
Clawdeen and Drac don’t even look up they just sigh as Clawdeen grabs a spare pair of ski masks and Draculaura fetches the keys to her dad’s fastest stunt car.   
12.) Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
Listen. I’m not saying Frankie sees a human car for the first time (Cladween’s dad’s car??? powered by LIQUIFIED DEAD THINGS???) and instantly tries a sip of something they shouldn’t have, and then likes it so much they keep trying to go back for more-
But I AM saying that Cleo would NOT want her precious monster getting poisoned, and would skip out on learning more about the human world to keep dragging Frankie away from the car- one body part at a time if necessary- and then hold their hair back when they get sick in the storm drain an hour later.
It’s just what ghoulfriends are for, sometimes.
13.) Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
Cleo cannot open her locker without there being some little origami note or flower or baked treat inside from Frankie.
No matter how tired or dispirited she is after a long day of still not getting any new followers or popularity after organizing the last school function, the little surprises from her monster always make her smile.
Maybe not too many others in school think about Cleo De Nile on a daily basis. But Frankie does. Always.
14.) Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
Clawdeen joked once “Frankie, when it comes to your feelings for Cleo? Frankly, you’re in DE NILE!” once and “Frankie De Nile” has been rattling around Frankie’s brain every since.
It pops out sometimes. Cleo thinks it’s so cute.
They both died a little inside tho when Frankie met her parents and introduced themself and… well….  
Frankie brought out the brain getter out two-thousand again after THAT little memory got created (Cleo had to call in Clawdeen and Draculaura as reinforcements to get the plunger away from them)
15.) Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
Beetles? Cleo loves beetle babies
Any other bug? Cleo is screaming. Cleo is running. Cleo is climbing Frankie like a ghoul’s damn tree and shrieking for them to KILL IT KILL IT AAAAHH!!!
Frankie picks the spider up in their bare hands and takes it outside
(only after looking at it very closely for FAR TOO LONG in Cleo’s opinion. No Cleo will not climb down form off of Frankie if being near the spider creeps her out this much. Clinging to Frankie’s back is the safest place she knows and more importantly it's HERS and NO she is NOT giving it up to a SPIDER)
16.) Which one gives the other their jacket?
So I said Frankie earlier, but now I’m thinking- there’s no way Cleo doesn’t have a fancy, snazzy royal jacket stuffed in a closet somewhere, maybe kept for formal occasions.
And Frankie? Wearing her colors?? Is it even possible Cleo could RESIST that idea?
I think not.
Absolutely they go on dates wearing each other’s jackets.
Cleo takes a million selfies of them, and gets increasingly frantic comments from Nefera wondering why someone else is wearing the family regalia Cleo, Cleo mummy and baba follow your social media if they see this they are going to Get Ideas and Start Planning and, Cleo, stop giggling with Frankie for a sec you do NOT want mummy and baba Planning Things- Cleo? CLEO! BY HATHOR PLEASE CHECK YOUR MESSAGES. I CAN ONLY SPAM CUTE BABY SCORPIAN PICS AS A SHIELD FOR SO LONG!!!! D:
17.) Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
Nefera would never, and Frankie’s too much of a sweetie, so Cleo doesn’t worry about that too much.
Until Clawdeen and Draculaura drag her into the lab one day start explaining Exactly how long hypothetic mummy would last if she hypothetically made a werewolf and vampire upset by hypothetically breaking their franken friend’s heart. Hypothetically.
Cleo listens in shock and then rates them an ehhhhh 7/10. Could have been more detailed. Not quite as much passion in the threats as Cleo would have hoped for. Maybe try again somtime?
Next time, they bring Lagoona.
(Meanwhile Nefera and Frankie have a lovely chat at the coffinbean over gutshakes and Nefera cheerfully tells them she can completely disembowel and dismember a body in less a minute but Frankie won’t make Cleo unhappy and will never have to worry about that~)
(Frankie thinks about this all day, finally confessing to Cleo she’d really like to be autopsied by Nefera, but NEVER if the only way is by upsetting Cleo.)
(Cleo assures them anyone would be lucky to autopsy them and then has a little Chat with her big sis)
(From Nefera’s ensuing terrified screams, everyone else realizes they REALLY need to step up their game)
18.) Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
Oh Frankie’s been feeling them longer, and they’re the kind of monster to examine each new feeling with great interest as an when they first appear, so they’d def KNOW about their feels first. And they seemed pretty, hrm, direct and unabashed about it in Horoscare. That held eye contact and little head tilt at the end… oh they WANTED Cleo to notice their little spark, notice them noticing it, and check her reaction to all that…
But. They also get anxious and shy easily when it comes to interpersonal stuff. Unsure.
I can see them being chill about the feels until they start gathering more data about it, then starting to freak out a little. Because where there’s parameters and social norms, there’s things they can get wrong, wrong with CLEO and-
They REALLY don’t like risking pushing any of their friends away with their feels (re: crushed and what’s up watzie) even if it makes them sad.
So, smooth as they’ve been, I can see them choking up when I comes to actually out loud admitting it.  
Who actually SAYS it first?
Probably bc Frankie was doing everything EXCEPT saying “Hey! I have a crush on you!! wanna date?” and getting all frazzled about it, and miss high level emotional regulation Cleo looks at her poor precious rambling monster and goes
“Frankie Stein? Would you, ah-hem, like to go out sometime? You know. As like, friends but also… more?”
Frankie’s ecstatic “ohmyzaps YES!!!” causes a school-wide power outage.
their first date is technically in detention
(they giggle so much headmistress Bloodgood lets them leave early just to her head from falling off with the force of her eyerolls)
19.) How good would your OTP be at parenting?
I have head canon-ed them a scarab swarm child and they would be very worn out and overwhelmed but also great at it.
Cleo is all “who’s a little bug baby? who is it?? You! Yes!! You are!!!!” while Frankie’s reading a giant monster’s guide to parenting monstrosities like
“okay so routines are good and consistency is good and explaining stuff is good and beware of the flesh-threshing threes, and- Reading about all this is kinda boring, actually. I don’t know what the flesh-threshing threes are, but I wanna make those traumatic memories together, as a family! Now who wants to start a pre bedtime eyescream ritual?”
The bug baby grows up with a great relationship with them bc both mummy Cleo and themmy Frankie are very open about emotions and admitting when they’re wrong and figuring out your own identity, and also lots and lots of hugs.
(the one problem is separation anxiety- cleo has it worst, but fankie gets it too and the bug baby tries to hide it later when she gets old enough to go to school and stuff but, yeah, all three of them really really suffer and facetime / text CONSTANTLY just to ease the agonies)  
Also if you touch that child, you are DEAD. Frankie will vaporize you. Cleo will curse your remains so that they never rise again.  
20.) Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
Canon Cleo legit SPEAKS in brb and such. She’s def typing “can’t w8 2 c u QT <3 <3” at Frankie and Frankie def spends so long trying to decode the message that Cleo ends up having to come looking for them in codes and foreign languages section of the library.
(Twyla tried to help but also had no idea and the two got so wrapped up learning about morse code they forgot to ask Manny the puzzle wiz)   
21.) Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
Toralei finds her first grey hair on her tail the day she’s mean to Frankie in front of Cleo.
(canon Frankie also saved Cleo from Toralei, by actually carrying her away from the werecat’s attack, but they’re better at the whole whisking away from danger than they are picking up on and countering social stuff)
(Cleo makes sure anyone who thinks that’s an invitation to bully Frankie learns the flaw inherent to their logic. In the most traumatizing way possible, preferably.)
22.) Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
Cleo makes terrible puns IN CANON and Frankie laughs at them so fucking stupidly im sorry they know the pun is terrible but Cleo said it and they can’t help themselves.
The laughter only gets louder and longer and more delighted over time, which only encourages Cleo to come up with worse and worse ones,  and all of their friends (except Clawdeen) are in PAIN.
Drac especially so.
23.) Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
So. Frankie did kinda in canon adopt the first puppy they saw and brought it home with them.
BUT! Cleo has no control or resistance to cute things in need of help (re frankie), and I can really see her hiding a new puppy behind her back like
“Oh hey Frankie! You’ll NEVER in a THOUSAND YEARS guess what I totally thought really long and hard about before bringing home with me!” and Frankie just tilts their heads and points “is it something to do with the happy wagging tail of a dog? Or did you just get that for yourself?” “IT IS IN FACT…… OUR NEW DOG!” “Oh wow! Good job hiding it Cleo, you’re right! I never would’ve guessed!”
Cleo is never able to hide it for more than a few seconds and Frankie is always impressed with her sneakiness (and the dog)
24.) Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
Frankie to Cleo, full stop. Cleo wraps her arms around the tall monster’s shoulders with her organ bag in front of them, and Frankie lifts her like she’s nothing (remember the boulder? Yeah. Frankie lifts)
There’s at least one scary moment though when Frankie runs low on charge and Cleo’s so frightened of them wearing that little last bit out with walking that she INSISTS on carrying Frankie the rest of the way, no matter how awkward, hard, or silly it looks.
25.) Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
Oh they both can get into it and both cheer like there’s no tomorrow (Cleo's getting good at catching Frankie's limbs when they go flying off at random, or having her beetle babies fetch them if she's not fast enough). The energy these two have together is Intense.
Ra help you if they ever complete against you as a team, or cheer for the person you’re competing against.
They may not win. But you WILL be terrified the entire time they're working against you.
26.) Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
Cleo is steadily heading towards a solid MILLION pics of her with Frankie napping on her shoulder. The ones where Frankie is making weird faces and snoring are her favs.
(Frankie doesn’t take pics- they know how sensitive Cleo is to embarrassing pics after her fearbook photos- but they have sleeping Cleo’s face etched into their brain and sometimes absentmindedly doodle a cross hatch sketch of her so lifelike people who glimpse it think it’s a pic with a filter on it at first. Then frankie erases it at light speed before any incriminating evidence of Adorable Sleeping Cleo can be gathered)  
27.) Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
Frankie wonders aloud once what it’d feel like to be royal as themself (not their king of goreway brain bit) and before they’ve even finished their sentence, Cleo is dragging them off by the disembodied hand to go have a makeover date~
28.) Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
It’s mainly the Judgement of Cleo’s pets that Frankie fears, but yeah, they’re absolutely terrified.
"Cleo...they're smirking at me..." "Oh Frankie they're just smiling at you!" "They hate me don't they." "HATE YOU?? Pffa! You're Frankie Stein, how could anyone hate YOU! You're too sweet for it~" "Aww, Cleo! I- ..... they just glared at me." "Frankie..."
29.) Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
Frankie has an arm-brella prosthetic and brings it out on romantic dates in the thunderstorms.
Cleo always groans when they get back and she see’s Frankie’s other arm and shoulder are soaked AGAIN  bc they wanted to make sure the umbrella covered Cleo completely, even if it meant getting a bit wet themselves. She punishes Frankie for this with a smooch, which really has the opposite effect <3  
30.) If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
They would go. Everywhere.
But the highlight for Frankie would be Japan, to finally try some homemade wormen just like Kuma always raves about, and Cleo’s family home in Egypt, bc Cleo really loves it and loves showing it off and Frankie loves when she gets all excited about stuff.
For Cleo, visiting various places in Europe and listening as Frankie’s brain bits spark up this or that tidbit of gossip from their past lives would be a Treat, by FAR the most fun she’s ever had traveling.
Cloe takes pics of Frankie posing with or trying out all the tourist trap usuals. Especially the cliché ones.
Frankie takes candid shots of Cleo handling their passports and tickets and checking time tables and happily reorganizing their itinerary at various unmentionable bus stops or train stations...
Sometimes (a lot of times) there's an iconic landmark blurry and out of focus in the background when they take pics of her
(here's the Eldritch Tower in Scaris, mostly blocked by Cleo's head piece)
(the Leering Tower of Scares-a, waaaaay in the corner as Cleo chats with a local and gets directions to a nice little cafe)
(the shadows on the ground reveal Frankie climbed ON ancient Stone Haunt to get a better angle of Cleo spreading all the maps and tickets and brochures on the grass nearby, smiling as she works out the BEST trip they could POSSIBLY have together)
so yes. All these sights they came to see, that other monsters can't take their eyes off of, and Frankie has even less to compare it too, all the easier for them to get impressed by it-
Even so, right then, they were happier just looking at Cleo
and cleo has the pictures to prove it
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sxrvice · 4 months
lucas lee x (trans) todd ingram
wc: 3k
warnings: i haven't written in almost 2 years PUHLEASE bare wit me, breeding, cunnilingus, unprotected sex, cream pie,
i used the song "Cater" by Tink & 2 Chainz <3 love that song, i also have to give applause to thelovelyruin for giving me the motivation to write this shit - love her choso x yn stuff its great so go check her out
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You’ve been on your grind and the way you shine, I’m fallin’ in love.
Lucas and Todd had been messing around with each other for about a month now, behind the scenes of everything. After his job in the movie industry went to hell, Lucas decided to focus on his skate company. Todd, on the other hand, ditched TCAD. He said fuck it to everything, and he was okay with that. The black-haired man spoiled Todd rotten with cologne and jewelry - Anything Todd asked for, he got it. The blond was attached to Lucas and didn’t plan on leaving anytime soon, not because of the money, but because he truly felt like Lucas cared about him. Todd loved him. Was head over heels for that man. Despite that fact… That Todd was harboring a secret from his boyfriend. 
Swallow my pride, no one alive is gonna separate us.
The two were lying on the couch together. Todd was on his back while Lucas was atop him. The blonde played with his noir locks.
“Babe,” Lucas called. Todd looked down.
“What’s up?”
“I.. Have a question.”
“That being?” One of Todd’s brows raised.
“So.. You know how we’ve been together for a month?”
“A-and I’m curious as to why we haven’t fucked yet.”
Todd looked down at Lucas with his eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. He felt his heart begin to pump harder and harder.
‘What the hell do I say?!’ Todd’s breathing got heavier and heavier. 
“I.. I… Get off. Please.” 
Lucas slid off of Todd, looking at the blonde with a concerned face. 
“What’s wrong? Was it something I said?” Lucas’ hand went to Todd’s, to which the vegan pulled away and set it on his lap.
“I - It’s difficult.”
“How difficult? We’ve gone through some things, sure but-”
“I don’t want to talk about it, okay?”
Sit on your lap, I massage your back anytime you had a long day.
Lucas felt awful. Todd had been acting off ever since Lucas asked why they hadn’t gotten intimate in the time they’d spent together. He didn’t want Todd to think his body was the only thing on Lucas’ mind. Swallowing his pride that felt like a brick in his throat, he went into their gigantic shared bedroom. Todd lay there on the bed, back turned to the door. He flipped over slowly as his almond eyes met Lucas’ dark ones.
“It’s me, babe. Look, I-I’m sorry about what I said earlier, okay?”
Todd nodded.
“It’s fine. I know you didn’t mean anything by it”
The blonde looked at him with such a sweet face. 
“Here how about this - I know chicks like it n’ all, but how about a massage? Does that sound nice?”
“Do I have to undress?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Okay then. Sure.”
I’ma kiss your neck, and I’m at my best when I got you standing right here.
The lights were dimmed, and Todd’s shirt was lifted a bit so Lucas could put his big hands to work. The black-haired man kneaded the blonde’s back, taking in every little dip and moe that dotted his tanned skin. His back was soft, like a chick, free from the scruffy hair. Lucas adored that. He loved everything about him. The palms of his hands pushed down and Todd let out a squeak and then a sigh.
“Hit a good spot?” Lucas chuckled.
Lucas continued his ministration, pulling out noises from Todd’s mouth constantly. “Feels so good, Luke..” Todd whispered. Lucas grinned.
“I bet it does, your back is so tense.”
“I wonder why…”
It only took a few more moments. Just a few. 
“Luke..” Todd turned his body just enough so that the two could make eye contact.
“Kiss me.”
I’ma cater to you. You’re the man of my dreams, I wanna fulfill all your needs, oh yeah.
Lucas had pulled Todd on top of him, setting him on Lucas’ lap. The black-haired man had put his warm hands on Todd’s waist.
“So little..” His hands rubbed up and down. Todd giggled.
“Oh. Sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“Kiss me, Lucas. Kiss me.” Todd’s eyes seemed to sparkle, like stars twinkling in the dark sky. 
Lucas nodded and closed the space between them. Todd’s lips were so plush and soft, comforting, it felt like home. Lucas could feel himself growing in his pants. Their lips moved in harmony - This kiss was fucking unreal. Todd pulled away, looking at him with half-lidded eyes, burning with his undying love. Lucas looked into them, those deep, dark, bottomless pits. He relished in them.
‘God, if I’m dreamin’, don’t fuckin’ wake me up!’ 
Todd closed the space between them this time. It was rough and desperate. The blonde’s fingers went to Lucas’ hair and gripped it. He couldn’t get enough, not yet. Not now. This was all he wanted. Fuck TCAD. Fuck Ramona. Fuck Envy. And most of all, fuck Wallace Wells!
I admire your hustle. Stay in your duffle.
Their tongues fought for dominance. Lucas liked Todd’s struggle. His tongue was smaller than Lucas’, by a lot. But that was okay. He loved how everything on Todd was small despite him being tall. Well, smaller to Lucas. By this point, his dick was rock solid. It was so hard it hurt. Todd felt the familiar ache of arousal. It shot butterflies into his tummy, feeling so good. But so painful. He wanted Lucas. He wanted it bad. Todd snapped back into reality.
“Wait - Wait. I-I’m not sure about this anymore…” Todd whimpered out. 
Lucas stared at him. All that was on his mind was how beautiful Todd looked with his face all flushed and pink, blonde hair all messy and sticking to his face.
“Okay. Talk to me, babe. I’m tired of you bein’ all mysterious and keeping secrets.”
Todd’s heart began to pound. The anxiety rose again.
“I- I.. Lucas I..” Todd looked down. He felt guilty. He felt so shameful.
“Todd.. Whatever it is, I won’t judge you for it. It’s okay.” Lucas’ voice was soothing and he meant every word. Todd nodded, taking a deep breath.
“Okay.. W-well… Well..” His voice wobbled.
Lucas put his hand atop Todd’s. That helped a bit.
“Look.. I feel really bad for keeping this a secret for so long…” Todd began to lift his shirt up. Lucas watched eagerly. Then it came. Todd had these two huge scars under his pecs. Lucas’ head tilted to the side, clear confusion written on his face.
“What? You’ve got two cool ass scars under your pecs? Why would that make me leave you?”
Todd’s face broke into a soft smile, a giggle leaving him.
“No, no you… Luke. I’m trans.” 
“Wait. You’re trans?” Todd’s face shrunk.
“Cool. It ain’t gonna make me love you any less. So what, you went from a chick to a dude? That’s cool. But, honestly, whatever. You’re mine and mine alone and nothin’ is gonna change that fact.” 
“You still wanna feel good?”
Todd nodded.
“Are you sure you don’t care about me not being a… Biological guy?”
Lucas peered at him. He smirked.
“Pshh. Whatever.”
I like your skin on the tip of my tongue. Kick it like Air Jordan one’s.
Lucas twiddled with Todd’s nipples, enjoying every moan that jumped from his chest. Lucas leaned down and latched onto one of his pretty pink nubs in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it.
“Oh, oh!” The blonde whined.
Lucas pulled back and began to mark up the blonde's chest, neck, collarbone - You name it. Todd gasped and yelped with every bite. It hurt. But it hurt so good.
“Luke - I…”
Lucas pulled back, beginning to mess with his nipples again by pinching them softly between his fingers. 
“You what?”
“Touch me. There.”
‘There, Lucas. There.”
Todd took one of Lucas’ hands, leading it down from his chest, down his tummy, and onto his clothed pussy.
Thought about you this morning, you look at me too long and that make me horny.
With every pump of Lucas’ thick fingers in Todd’s wet cavern, another noise left the blonde. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, laying his head back on Lucas’ shoulder.
“Lord - God, oh my god…” 
“You like that, huh?” Lucas purred into Todd’s ear.
“Yes, yes!”
Lucas pushed his fingers in further, making Todd’s back arch. He scissored his fingers to open Todd’s entrance up further, prepping him nicely. Whining and mewling filled the room, bouncing off the walls. For Lucas, though, the moans were reverberating inside his dome.
He pulled his fingers out and Todd whined, opening his eyes and looking at him.
“Why’d you stop?”
“‘Cause. I wanna eat your pussy.”
The butterflies went through him again.
“No one’s ever done that before… Are you sure?”
The skateboarder pulled the vegan into a kiss. Sweet, genuine kiss.
“Of course I’m sure.” 
With his legs up and over Lucas’ shoulder, Todd admired the man between his thighs with a hazy expression. He felt overwhelmed, but in a way that felt too good to let go of. Lucas, on the other hand, was ogling Todd’s lower half. Everything about it was just so… Mesmerizing. He began to plant soft kisses on Todd’s inner thighs, sometimes leaving a mark for decoration. 
“Don’t tease me, Luke…”
A breathy chuckle left Lucas.
“Why not? That’s the best part about sex, babe.” His hand began to rub his hand on Todd’s outer thigh.
“Ugh…” The blonde’s head fell back.
Lucas chuckled again before continuing to plant kisses.
Until he didn’t.
Lucas’ hot tongue swiped Todd’s sopping cunt, making the vegan yelp and close his thighs around the skateboarder’s head. Lucas found that to be incredibly hot. He then licked Todd’s pussy slowly. Agonizingly slow, but it was a good way to get Todd used to the feeling. His moans were like music to Lucas’ ears, and he craved more. He pulled his mouth away from the vegan’s pussy.
“I need’ja to open up your legs, ‘kay?”
Todd obeyed, his shy gaze meeting Lucas’.
“Good boy.”
Todd’s eyes widened and he felt his pussy throb at Lucas’ praise. He spread his legs further.
“J-just… Go back down on me.”
“You’re missin’ a word there, sweetie.”
“There ya go.”
This time, Lucas had wrapped his arms on the underside of Todd’s thick thighs, his hands set on the upper part of the thighs. Now, they were locked in place. Todd was stuck and would have to be at the mercy of Lucas’ tongue. Speaking of - Lucas went to town on the poor guy. He’d suck on his pearl, picking up the pace with his tongue, flicking it. He would tease Todd’s entrance with the tip of his tongue before shoving the hot muscle into the blonde. His taste was better than the finest of wine.
I’ma cater to you.
By this point, the sheets underneath the two were soaked with Todd’s juices. Lucas ripped so many orgasm’s out of the blonde that they both had lost count. 
“Hah - Lucas, please! S’too much - Oh!”
“Ouuu, if this is too much for you I don’t know if you’ll survive this dick, babe.” Lucas snorted at his reply.
“Ha ha, you find - Fffuck!” Todd’s sentence ended abruptly when the two fingers that had been working inside of him pushed up and hit a sensitive spot. One of them - But not the one.
“Oh, for fucks sake, Lucas, please! I want - No, need you! I’ve been good long enough, please?!” That plea was enough to flip a switch in the brute's head. He pulled his fingers out of the vegan, wiping them on the sheets. The clinking of a belt filled the room beside Todd’s panting. 
Off came the shirt. 
Then the pants.
Then the boxers.
And holy fuck was he huge. 
Todd gawked at Lucas’ cock. It had to be like… 9 inches, 10 maybe, all he knew was that the thing was ginormous and had zero hope it was gonna fit in his kitty kat. (Love what I did there, huh?)
“Like what’cha see, huh?” Lucas’ voice had snapped Todd out of his trance.
“I mean y-yeah but.. It’s huge!” 
“Mmm.. But it makes for more pleasure.”
I’m so glad to call this mine. I’d do anything to prove what you mean to me.
Todd hissed in pain when Lucas pushed past his puffy folds and into him. The pain of being stretched was unlike any other pain he’d felt before, and the only way he knew how to try and take his mind off of it was biting his lip and gripping the sheets.
Whimpers escaped the blonde, pitiful whimpers.
“You okay, babe?”
“No - No, it hurts, Luke..”
Lucas pecked Todd’s cheek.
“I know. But, you’re doin’ great. This your first time?”
Todd rolled his eyes and chuckled.
“Funny you ask that now..”
Lucas laughed softly.
“I’m just trying to make a little convo while you get used to me!”
The blonde smiled.
“Thanks. But, no, this isn’t. I… Got a little wild with a fan after a show and well… Yeah.”
“Oh. Eh, it’s not like I haven’t done that either.”
Their conversation soon ended because of Lucas continuing to push into Todd further, which made the man under him shriek. “Burns…!”
“I know, I know.” Lucas attempted to calm down Todd, peppering kiss over his face. “I know, but you’re doing such a good job. But if it hurts too bad, we can sto-”
“No, no! I-I want to do this with you, Lucas.. I’m not used to it is all.”
Todd gazed up at Lucas. His eyes spoke for him. The sincerity in his eyes, the trust - It was all there. Lucas nodded before continuing to push in.
Deeper and deeper until Lucas’ hips met Todd’s.
“You did it, babe. So proud..” He lent down and caputured Todd’s lips with his.
As he pulled back, Todd’s eyes fluttered open to look up at Lucas.
“M’so full Luke…”
“Sure are.” Lucas cackled, which made the blonde giggle a little.
“Let me know when it’s okay to move, ‘kay?”
It only took 3 minutes. 3 minutes before Todd gave his permission to Lucas that he could move. The thrusts were soft and slow, Todd mewled from the sparks of pleasure that shot from his pussy and into his head. Never knew missionary could feel so amazing. 
“Oh, fuck you feel amazing…” Lucas groaned.
Lucas began to gradually speed up, their skin slapping beginning to resound in their room. Todd’s eyes opened and closed, he couldn’t decide to focus on how Lucas looked fucking his pussy or to focus on how good he felt. It was all too much. Lucas set his hand on Todd’s lower abdomen, thrusting in him hard enough to where he could feel the head of his cock poke the palm of his hand. A smirk went across his face as Todd made a surprised yelp.
“Didn’t know I could do that, huh?”
Todd shook his head.
“Ya do now.”
They went from slow and sweet, to rough-in-fuckin’-tuff. Lucas had flipped Todd over minutes prior into doggy and was going ham on him. Todd’s back was arched and he held a pillow with
his face stuffed into it, but even the fluffy pillow could stifle his deafening moans. Tears rolled down his face from the pleasure he felt when Lucas pulled himself out and shoved back in. A loud “SMACK!” went off when Lucas had smacked the hell out of Todd’s fat ass, leaving a red handprint in its wake. A loud groan left the blonde underneath him. Lucas chuckled.
“Oh? You like that?”
Todd nodded into the pillow. Lucas wasn’t having that.
“Nuh-uh. You gotta tell me you like it. Use your words.”
Todd pulled his head up, moans spilling out his mouth before he spoke.
“You mind if I pull your hair?” He was rough but he still cared.
“No - Ah! - No!”
One of Lucas’ hands went to his pretty blond hair and gripped it, beginning to buck into Todd quicker.
“Fuck, M’gonna cum!” 
That sounded like heaven to Lucas. To have his drop-dead gorgeous boyfriend’s pussy spasm and contract around his dick was true heaven. 
“Cum, cum on my dick, baby.”
Lucas pulled his hand out of Todd’s hair and trailed it hurriedly under Todd’s stomach, reaching his clit and rubbing it quickly which made Todd 
“Cum, y’know you wanna - Cum on my dick, babe!”
And did he cum. 
Todd cried out as he felt the white hot ecstasy shoot throughout his entire body. He babbled Lucas’ name as he came and strangled the sheets while clear liquid fell down his thighs and soaked the bed. Lucas’ continued to thrust, overstimulating Todd - But it was okay. That pain hurt so good.
Lucas felt the knot in his stomach coil as he fucked the blonde, creaky moans leaving him as he looked back at the black-haired man. 
“Shit, shit - Okay, where do you want it babe?” 
Lucas fought back his orgasm by biting his lip and looking away from Todd’s face. It tore him apart to, though, because god did that vegan hottie look hot. His eyes were hazy, face bright red and his hair stuck to his face from sweating. His jaw was slightly agape, drooling onto the bed a little. 
“In… Side..”
“But won’t that-”
“I said inside!”
Lucas chose not to question Todd anymore and locked eyes with Todd again as he felt his balls tighten and cock twitch, spilling his hot cum into Todd’s awaiting pussy. He came with a loud groan, Todd sighing happily as his boyfriend painted his walls white.
Lucas pulled out, and pulled Todd’s ass apart to see the mess they had made.
“Jeez, you’re gonna need a bath.”
Todd chuckled and rolled his eyes.
“You’d better help.”
I’ma cater to you.
After their shared shower and changing the sheets, the two were under the covers in the dark while the TV played some random movie.
“Thank you.”
Lucas kissed Todd’s forehead.
“You’re welcome.”
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stargirl-evie · 1 year
“Are you staying or leaving”Keefe x reader
um hello, im Evie and I’m not an experienced writer, but I like imagining scenarios with the characters and stories I like, so I figured I’d try to share them, so maybe you could enjoy them too!
I typically imagine myself in these scenarios so I apologize if the reader presents feminine or is described in any way that might exclude another reader… uh, anyways, basically this is a short one shot/ head cannon/ prompt…? (I’m honestly not sure) about Keefe Sencen meeting and sort of falling for (human) reader while in the forbidden cites. It didn’t really follow the plot or timeline of stellerloon, it’s implied that he’s in the forbidden cities much longer than in the book and that he struggles way more with adapting and it’s probably very ooc…anyways I love Sokeefe but I just though the idea was interesting :]
oh this also isn’t proofread and it’s probably really cringy but yeah, there isn’t enough x reader fics in the Kotlc fandom so I figured I’d try, feedback and constructive criticism are welcome and encouraged :))
⭒ …
To put things simply, he was lost, hungry, confused, and currently short on cash. Turns out walking around with the money from his mothers jewelry in his pockets…wasn’t the safest plan. He’d lost a good amount of it, and probably been scammed out of most of it. He’d considered sneaking back to the lost cites to steal borrow some more of mommy-dearest’s stuff, but the idea of getting caught and possibly facing his friends caused him to quickly scratch that plan. Besides, if he could get away with it the fist time, then it would probably be even easier to take some things from one of the fancier human houses he had paced by in his travels.
So here he was, standing outside the biggest house he had seen in the neighborhood, if you could call it that- all the houses were so far apart that of you tried to walk from the first one to the last one, you might need to stop and camp before continuing to the end.
He had planned it all out-making sure to use the weird human invention called a phone- to look up the owners, make sure they weren’t very good people, or that they’d be home that particular night. He could easily levitate to one of the higher windows since no one would be around. The (l/n) family would be in their vacation home, far from here, and no grounds workers or servants would be back until the owners were ready to return.
It would be easy, slip in, grab a few valuable things, maybe some food too, then slip out and continue on his way to London. What he didn’t have a plan for, was you.
His plan had been going smoothly, he was inside and sifting through your mother’s jewelry box, when you walked in.
For a moment you both stared at each other. You, at the seemingly your age and incredibly handsome boy in black jeans and a Batman hoodie that was currently holding a pair of your mothers diamond earrings- and him at a girl, probably a little younger than him, standing in a soft pink nightgown, and holding a metal baseball bat in both hands.
That seemed to snap him out of his initial shock, and quickly throw his hands up so you wouldn’t hit him with it.
Braking your own trance, you pulled the bat back, and demanded, “Who are you? Why are you in my house? How did you even get in? Wha-”
He was quick to back up a bit before interrupting your questions, “I’m Keefe, I swear I’m not here to hurt you, I just needed to make some money real quick,I thought your family was away, I wouldn’t have come if I’d know you’d be home!” He internally smacked himself for his stupid mistake.
“Oh yeah ‘cause that makes it so much better” you said while rolling your eyes and lowering your arms and ignoring the strange feeling you got about him not wanting to be there while you were, even though it made no sense for you to be upset by that. You decided to blame it on the fact that it was 2:47 am and he just happens to have really nice hair.
You pitched your voice lower to mimic his before adding, “I swear I’d only steal from you if I didn’t think you’d be home to catch me (y/n) sorry ‘bout that.” and then swung the bat around to place the head on the floor and lean your weight against it while smirking at him.
His eyebrows shot up, surprised that you were almost joking with him right now, instead of clobbering his head with the bat, like he thought you were about to. He cleared his throat, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, I just-actually I don’t know what I was trying to achieve with that..” He brought his arms down to wrap them around himself, before deciding that he probably looked stupid standing in front of you like that. Especially since you seemed so calm.
“Um, I should go,, I don’t, this was a mistake, sorry, I-I should probably go now-God I sound like an idiot right now. No wonder you aren’t scared of me. Not that i wanted you to be, of course i didn’t. Who would want a pretty girl with a weapon to be scared of them? Not that I think you’re pretty. I mean you’re not, not, pretty im just-“
It was time for your to cut him off, “hey! Relax ok, im honestly not sure what your rambling about right now, but you look like you haven’t eaten in days, and im going to ignore the fact that you called me ugly and pretty just now and offer you some food so you stop trying to steal from me.”
He took a step closer to you, confused as to why he was being so unlike himself right and even more confused as to why you were now offering him kindness. He focused on the emotions coming from you, trying to figure out if you were only helping him out of pity, but only finding empathy and a few more frantic vibes.
You shifted under his suddenly intense-and very close (seriously when had he backs you up against your mothers vanity chair)-gaze, the moonlight steaming through the open window highlighted his eyes and you could see in your proximity the striking ice blue and the darker flecks of azure, cobalt, and royal blue. but you shook your head and forced yourself to ignore his stunning eyes to push him back and question why he had gotten so quite and intense.
He apologized and stepped even further back. “ I guess I was trying to see why you were being so nice to me.”
“And you thought the best way was to push the limits of stranger danger and stare into my soul all intensely with your snowstorm eyes?”
You had meant to be teasing him, but the words came out quieter then you meant them to be, and he seemed to pick up on the later half more than the first.
“So… you were staring at my eyes?” There he was, flirty and teasing and giving you a smirk that had your insides doing weird flippy-floppy things they didn’t usually do.
You felt your face get warm, and you prayed to whatever higher powers there might be that your face wasn’t nearly as red as it felt.
Not that it mattered of course.
He gave you another smirk before letting out a laugh that would have the best choir angels embarrassed by their singing abilities. And that had your betraying face warm even more.
“C’mon, let’s get you something to eat before you push me into this mirror” you quickly turned to the door to lead him towards your own room.
He followed you down the long hallway while teasing you about the pink hue that still refused to let up, particularly due do his continued torture.
You grabbed a coat from your closet and pocketed some cash before leading him out the front door.
“So where are we going (n/n)? I didn’t see anything down this way to eat while I was stalki-er, uh, looking up this place.” He cringed at himself for reminding you about the circumstances of your meeting.
You ignored the word slip and the little nickname in favor of describing a little town with plenty of back alley restaurants that you often snuck out to eat at when your parents were actually home.
He caught the shift in your mood when you mentioned your parents and decided to risk asking about it, besides, how much weirder could this first meeting get?
“Sooo…. I’m kinda confused about something.” “Yeah? What’s up?” You slowed slightly to look at him while he spoke, noticing his slight shift in tone.
“Well, you don’t have to answer or anything, since you don’t really know me-”
“Oh wow, uh sorry to interrupt, but it feels like I do, given how easy it is to talk to you, strange that we only meet what? An hour ago?”
He stoped walking completely to stare at you. “Really? Only an hour? Huh it does feel like we’ve know each other longer…”
The both of you fell quite for a moment before walking again, this time with your destination in sight.
“Uh anyways, why are you here, if your parents and staff are away?” He focused on you emotions to make sure he hadn’t seriously overstepped.
“Oh, well, we don’t really agree about much, or anything really. They’re jerks that only care about money and showing off to other people about how perfect they are. My mom is always taking about how young men approach her about leaving her husband because shes so ‘naturally’ beautiful and my dad is always bragging about how incredibly smart he is and how good he is at handling his business. They like to talk about how well they raised me, even though they never spent time with me or did any of the parenting stuff, and they like to parade around like they’re better than everyone when really, they’re miserable together and they’re always doing shady shit behind the scenes of their business. When they said they wanted to go on a cruise around one of their vacation homes I refused to go with them because they’d just ignore me and force me to play along with their stupid charade.”
By now you were standing in front of a tiny Italian restaurant with low lights and tall booths, very warm and inviting, the perfect safe space that just so happened to smell amazing. And Keefe was more than ready to eat whatever smelled so good. Even if it meant more of the god-awful human water.
But he couldn’t help but stop to watch you for a minute. It was insane how easy it felt to be around you, and safe. He had been in the forbidden cities for months and this was the safest he’d felt in a very long time. Everything about you felt like a complement to him. Even your shitty social status obsessed parents were another way you were similar.
You looked at him, and for a moment he wondered if the weird emotional flurry around you meant you felt the same way. “Keefe? We should head inside, and you can tell me about whatever led to you breaking into my house.”
You giggled at him, it was soft and sweet and he absolutely believed that you could bribe any of the councilors to do your bidding if you wanted to with that laugh.
The rest of the night (or rather, incredibly early morning) was spent sharing every detail about both his and your lives, even when he confessed that he was an elf you barely bat an eye, and he could tell that you genuinely didn’t mind that his mom had done all kinds of weird shit to his head.
You shared your own secrets as well, and you marveled at how accepting he was. Everyone and everything faded away, and for a few hours you were simply two teens that could really understand each other, and it was you best either of you had felt in a very long time.
As the sun came up you took him to the roof of a flower shop that had yet to open for the day. Together you sat and shared the desert from the restaurant while you described your passion for drawing, and he described his. Everything just seem perfect and both you and him wished it could last forever.
Of course things could never be that easy, after all, he explained why he was in the forbidden cities, and you understood that he would probably return to his world eventually, but that did nothing to stop the overwhelming desire to kiss him and run away together.
Even as he explained how his empathy worked and you tried to get your emotions in check so he wouldn’t think you were insane for developing such strong feelings in the span of a few hours, nothing could shadow them.
And when he looked at you, even more intensely than that first time he read you in your mothers bedroom, you couldn’t help but feel like he felt the same way.
He leaned forward slightly and you met him halfway, there was a hairs space between you, and you could feel his warm breath, see all the different blues in his eyes, and smell his soft skin…
“Wait Keefe.”
He froze and his eyes opened so wide you almost worried they would crack like real ice.
“Yes (y/n)? Is something wrong? Did I say something or-”
You cut him off before could spiral, trying to make your emotions clear so he wouldn’t worry so much.
“ I have to ask, after everything you’ve said, are you staying or leaving?”
He paused before pulling back and letting out a deeply emotional sigh. “I have to go, there’s still so much I don’t know or understand, and I still haven’t made it to London to look for those people and, wait! What if, and I know this might sound crazy but…”
He trailed off looking afraid to continue. You could feel your heart beating faster than ever before, and you tried to not get your hopes up. Gently, you urged him to continue, especially since these next words could change everything for you.
He said your name in a way that made your soul tingle and your stomach knot, “Would you be willing, to leave with me?”
You stared at each other for a moment, before you closed your eyes and quickly but softly pressed your lips to his. For a moment, your were scared, for a moment, you considered pulling back, for a moment, you thought you read all his teasing and flirting wrong and completely ruined the best night of your life, and then? He was kissing you back. He was wrapping an arm around your waist and cupping his hand around your face. He was blushing and nervous and probably feeling everything you were feeling.But he was kissing you back. And everything felt perfect.
Slowly you pulled apart and he reseted his forehead against yours while closing his eyes.
The two of you sat there, on the roof of the flower shop, bathed in soft light of the rising sun, practically glowing in each other’s arms.
It would be risky, but leaving everything behind for him seemed worth it, not that there was anything really keeping you here. Maybe you were crazy, but leaving with him felt like the best idea you had ever had, and you were not going to give that up.
He could only hope that none of this would put you in to much danger, but he’d do anything to protect you now, and keep you by his side. Maybe he was crazy, or maybe his mom had truly screwed his head on wrong after she messed him up, but this was the best thing that ever happened to him, and he was not about to give that up.
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bunniesnuggie · 2 years
Hey it’s my birthday today and I was wondering if you could do an Eddie/ little! Reader and what he would do for their birthday? Hcs or fic, either one is cool :))
first of all, happy birthday lovie!!!! im gonna do head canons so i can get them out faster!!! sorry if it’s short and sucky, i wanted you to have them today :3
~ Birthday Baby! ~
cg!eddie munson x (gn)little!reader
summary: it’s your birthday, eddie’s favorite holiday
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• eddie LOVES to celebrate you, doesn’t matter the reason
anniversaries (he’s the type to celebrate the day you first spoke to eachother, even if it was only a word), good grades, any accomplishments, tying you shoe and especially your birthday, to put it lightly he celebrates everything you do
• did someone say birth week?
because that’s what eddie heard when you told him when your birthday is. you’re his baby bunny boo-boo you deserve the best, and he feels bad that he can’t afford the best so he prolongs it for as long as possible
• like I stated in my first headcanons about Eddie, he doesn’t make a lot of money but he’s crafty
 homemade cards? Oh yeah, the pop-up kind. he may not be that good of a cook but he does try and he makes you breakfast in bed every morning, whatever you want!  And of course he writes a new addition of “Sir Edward the Noble Knight and his Precious Prince/ss” where it is the Royal‘s birthday. he makes birthday hats for all your stufffies so you can wake up to a tiny surprise party!!!
• takes you to build-a-bear!!
you both make bears that look like each other. yours is a brown bear with curly fur, you dressed him in a band tee, jeans, boots and your daddy even bought you a tiny guitar for him 🥹 his is your favorite color and is wearing a little onesie and we’ll as has it own tinier bear (bearception). he splurged so you both could record a secret message for them. his was a funny little song / lullaby he always sings to you, and you left him a sweet message about how much you love and appreciate him. he definitely doesn’t cry when he hears it, and he definitely doesn’t sleep with it when your not there. he does kick dustin’s ass for making fun of the little bear
• if you don’t like cake, he makes you a birthday sundae with a candel
a little self indulge sorry hehe but i don’t like cake (sensory thing) so all week you get a different treat with a candle in it!
• since he celebrates all month week he does at least one “big” surprise and one “little”
not like, in size. buy like you get a present big you would like; concert tickets, jewelry, recreational things 🧍🏻‍♀️etc. but he makes sure to get presents little you would like more; stuffies, blankeys, cartoons, little space gear. he loves to give you gifts in general, but you light up the most when small
• it’s basically a rule free week
no bed time, allowed sugary drinks and candy whenever, no limit on screen time, stuff like that. you still have to be his good babysitter. he’s already pretty lax anyway, but he still has things set for your own good. one week won’t hurt
• biggest celebration is on your actual birthday
it’s all day. you wake up to a huge breakfast in bed, alll your favorite foods are made. this is when the tiny stuffies surprise party is btw!! he has your daily card set out with two gifts on the night stand. he lets you pick out your lil birthday outfit, crown included and he takes you to do whatever you want that day!!! then that night he takes you to dinner, nothing super fancy, but it’s perfect. when it’s time for bed he puts an extra scoop of sugar into you angles milk <3
• you watch tangled a million times that week
bc duh
• he just loves his little peanut so much, thinks they deserve the best
(which you do!!) literally plans it a year in advanced, as soon as the day ends and your in bed. he’s reading you your new story and planning next years 🥹🥹
• ofc on his birthday, you always return the favour
he never got the normal birthday experience when he was young, so you try to give that to him, it makes him 🫠 so now, birthdays are a thing in the munson trailer
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a/n : saw this and got super excited because my birthday is in two weeks, cancer supremacy :D
also i’m actually going to build-a-bear for mine so that’s where that came from!!
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\\ tag list \\
@bootlegmothman420 @angelbaby-fics @lil--bun @stardancerluv
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minervadashwood · 2 years
Scars and Stitches, Ch. 4: Alone
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Series Masterlist | Masterlist
Summary: Rick is not pleased. Later, an attack on your camp. Warnings:  Typical twd violence.
How we need another soul to cling to. ― Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
When Daryl let go of your wrist, you turned and threw up your hands defensively, trying to put yourself between him and the barrel of Rick’s gun. 
“Don’t shoot. Don’t shoot.” You glanced back at Daryl, and he was now about three feet away from you, crossbow raised and aimed at Rick.
Behind Rick were some of the other men from yesterday. Glenn seemed to be the only one with any sense; he wasn’t holding a weapon at the ready.
You figured it would be best to deal with Rick.  “Daryl didn’t do anything wrong.  I made him bring me out here.”
Rick glanced at you, then glared at Daryl.
Annoyed more than anything, you put both hands on Rick’s chest.  “Calm the fuck down, Rick.  You put your gun down, and Daryl will put his crossbow down.  No one here wants to hurt anyone else.  Just be calm, and I’ll explain everything.”
“She’s right,” Daryl said behind you, and to your surprise, he slung his crossbow over his shoulder.
“Yeah, c’mon man,” Glenn chimed in.
With a labored sigh, Rick uncocked his gun and holstered it. Then he gave you a long, hard look.  “I thought Daryl kidnapped you. To get back at me for Merle.  You had me worried sick.”
Rick was about the same age as you, but this was sounding like something a father might say.
“We woke up this morning,” Rick continued, “and no one could find you. Jim said you were at the Dixons’ tent last night, so I thought maybe you were with him.” It was clear Rick meant in the Biblical sense, prompting you to shake your head furiously.  “But he was gone, too.  I thought the worst.  Whole camp’s worried about you.”
Before you could process that bit of information, Daryl called your name.
You turned, and he tossed you the padlock from the door to the roof. 
You missed the toss, and the heavy lock clanged on the concrete. However, you understood Daryl’s intent.  You picked up the lock, and using a paperclip, unlocked it like you had before.
Rick raised his eyebrows.  “Why didn’t you tell anyone about that yesterday?”
“I tried to. I told everyone I wanted to go back, but no one listened.  And I didn’t want to come out and say, ‘I used to steal stuff,’ to a cop who’s been keeping me safe the past two days.”
Glenn perked up. “What did you steal?”
“Oh, come on, man, that don’t matter now,” T-Dog stepped away, clearly relieved but still anxious to get out of the city.
“Food,” you told Glenn. “Sometimes clothes or shoes. Money. Depended on what we needed. Never took from anyone who needed it more than me, though.”
“Oh,” Glenn said, deflated. “I was hoping it was like jewelry or casino heists or something.”
Rick looked like he had more to say to you, but all he did was start talking about guns and Dale’s toolbox.  As Glenn laid out his plan, you braced yourself for another exciting day in the big city.
As he drove the truck with you sitting safely between him and Glenn, Rick was still furious with you.
But he’d be lying if he didn’t admit he was a little impressed.  You may not be able to defend yourself, but he was quickly learning you weren’t as lacking in skills as you’d claimed.  He didn’t think you were deceiving him, just that you didn’t realize some things about yourself.
For instance, you’d convinced that crazy redneck Daryl to protect you in a city full of walkers. And kept him calm while doing it. Keeping Daryl Dixon calm was not something he—or anyone else—had managed to do. Rick didn’t like the thought of you getting close to a man like Daryl, but it was clear you could handle yourself when it came to the guy.
Beginning to think of you as a younger (if only slightly) sister, he hoped you would come to realize what a valuable person you were. Until then, he’d keep looking after you and try to steer you in the right direction.
It was early evening when you arrived back at camp to find pandemonium in place of your safe haven.  Rick ordered you to stay in the truck while he and the others went to help fight off the walkers.  Traumatized by the thought of being in danger again, you had no problem obeying.
When the attack on the camp was over, you watched through the windshield as everyone started hugging their families and friends, crying, but relaxed now that the walkers were gone.
You were sad for Andrea just like you were sad for Daryl, but you were also sad for yourself.  You didn’t have anyone to hug or hold on to.  If the camp had worried about you while you were gone, no one seemed to care about you now. Not even Rick.
You tried to tell yourself all the logical reasons you weren’t the loneliest person in the world, but it didn’t stop you from feeling like you were.
Eventually, some folks went to work making the camp habitable again, and soon the only people out and about were the few keeping watch.
With no reason to leave the vehicle, you continued to sit there, feeling sorry for yourself.  The valium in your medicine bag tempted you, but you’d never taken drugs aside from prescribed antidepressants. You wouldn’t start now.  Addictive behavior was in your genes, and the risk just wasn’t worth it.
Just when you thought you may as well lay down and try to sleep, the door to the truck swung open.
Daryl Dixon stared at you. “Hungry?”
Stunned speechless, you stared back.
“Got some ‘possum.”  After a pause, “Cooked.”
Daryl held out his hand, and, desperately craving the touch of another human being, you let him help you—for real this time.
Sometime later, Rick approached the small fire where you sat with Daryl Dixon.
“Morgan…” he began, trying to find the words.
Glancing at the radio in his hand, you asked, “Did he answer?”
Rick shook his head.  “I missed sunset, with everything that happened.  Tried for a while, but nothing.”
The deputy observed you and Daryl for a moment.  You went back to staring at the small fire, and Rick wished he knew what to say. He was torn between taking you back to the main camp and allowing you some space.
Besides, sister or not, Rick couldn’t really tell you what to do.
Without looking up from the fire, you said, “Lori and Carl okay?”
Rick nodded.  “Shaken like the rest of us, but okay.”
Without a word, Daryl stood, left the fire, and disappeared behind his tent. After a moment, Rick squatted beside you.  “You did good today.”
You looked up at him through hooded lashes.  “Do you think Morgan and Duane are okay?  Maybe something happened to them right after we left.  And I just abandoned them….”
Rick took a knee, so he was eye level with you. Then he said, “You can’t abandon someone who decides to stay behind.  Morgan made what he thought was the best choice for him and Duane.  He can’t take that back any more than I can take back leading you to a city full of the dead.”
You seemed doubtful.
“We all make choices,” Rick told you.  “No use trying to change them. Just have to learn from it and move forward.”
Shoulders slightly more relaxed, you sighed, “Thanks, Rick.”
He stood when you began to stare at the fire again.  “Well, you need anything, you know where to find me. Lori, too.”
Daryl reappeared after Rick left and again took a seat next to you.
You watched as he began using his knife to carve a series of wooden sticks into sharp points.  His hands worked expertly, turning the stick this way and that, knife chipping away at the wood. Once the first stick had been sharpened to his satisfaction, Daryl then carved out two notches a few inches from the other end of the stick.  You had no idea what the purpose behind it all was, but you were fascinated.
“Who’re Morgan and Duane?” Daryl said.
You realized you’d been staring, so you schooled your gaze back to the fire.  “My friend and his son. I was with them when I met Rick.”
Unbidden, a giggle burst out of you.  “Morgan and his wife, Jenny, are my best friends.  And I practically watched Duane grow up.  Jenny’s gone, though.”  You were starting to think Morgan and Duane might be gone now, too, but conceding that thought might really break you.
Daryl continued working at his stick project, whatever it was, and you furtively wiped at the corners of your eyes.
Time passed, and on a day in which the least frightening thing you’d done was stare into the barrel of a loaded revolver, you were ready to do something brave.
“Daryl, I know this sounds weird, but…can I hug you?”
He was clearly startled, but after a moment, he stood and held out his hand.
Mindful of the injury you’d stitched up yesterday, you pulled yourself to him, threw your arms around him, and buried your face in his chest. An overwhelming sense of comfort enveloped you as you breathed in the scent of him.  Like before, he smelled of the forest and cigarettes, and it reminded you of a life you’d left long ago. Although you had no regrets about leaving it, your childhood would always be a part of you.
Daryl silently held you in his strong embrace. You were reluctant to let go, but you forced yourself to not impose on him anymore.
You pulled away, gave him a whispered, “thanks,” and took your seat by the fire.
You both resumed the easy silence you’d had most of the evening. Words were unnecessary. You wouldn’t have minded another hug, but it was comfort enough just to share the same space with someone who seemed to care.
Daryl worked for a while more until he appeared satisfied with his stick sharpening. The fire itself was now nothing but a dim glow of fading embers.
“Better get out of the way,” Daryl said, standing up.
You stood and took a few steps back, then Daryl began kicking dirt on what remained of the fire. 
This was it.  You had to find your way to your borrowed sleeping bag and face the night alone.
Then, Daryl said, “You can stay with me. Merle’s stuff is still there.  He had an air mattress and a new pillow.”
You furrowed your brow at him, surprised but so very grateful. “Either you’re very perceptive or I’m easier to read than a popup book.”
Daryl shrugged.  “Safer havin’ someone watch your back than go it alone.”
AN: Gentle reminder that reader is not Rick's actual sister, but from here on out, he thinks of her as one.
Next Chapter
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inkofamethyst · 3 months
March 13, 2024
Happy covid-iversary, yay. "Two weeks to stop the spread," is a saying that will haunt me my entire life, I think.
I didn't actually journal on March 13 which is a shame in hindsight, but I remember not doing much. I lounged around my house because classes were cancelled, I picked my sister up from school, and we went to get ice cream. A lot of other people from my/her high school had the same idea, so the line was long, and I was too awkward to say hi to the people I kinda knew (but I always thought they were cooler than me (I genuinely think most people are cooler than me... which might be a problem in some respects, but I'll deal with that later.)).
Anyway I coded for 5 hours straight and got a working encounter system, a working character creator, and a working opponent set generator. There's still a lot to move from my note to the script, but, the game works, and everything I've written runs as intended. Is it fun? Well, right now, it's all the same. Name yourself, fight one-fight two-fight three (each only requiring one or two inputs), game ends. It was exciting the first couple of times, but now I want to add more for more variety, of course.
[edit: wrote the above a couple days ago and after a break it has returned to being kind of fun. I've also learned that instantaneousness kills all tension, so I wrote a few basic functions to delay and separate lines in various ways. Anyway I'm going to hold off on doing much more transcribing/coding from my pseudocode, since I don't want to get too far ahead of the final project timeline, and I don't even really know what the expectations are, so I could be way outside of bounds here and I just wouldn't know.]
[edit 2, next day: New plan. Going to write more detailed pseudo/update poorly-detailed pseudo, do some story planning for the secret ending that I don't intend to get to but hey yaneverknow, and try to balance mechanics/come up with items/do a bunch of the little things that sap a surprising amount of creativity.]
I also binged She-Hulk, and I loved it?! I thought it was going to be awful and cringey the way people online (dudes?) talked about it, but it was genuine, and meta, and actually had me laughing at times. I mean, that last episode? Come on!!! Sure, some of the vfx were just alright, but it's a show, and after six-odd years of AOS, I'm used to it. I'm glad they leaned into the unseriousness. Also,,,, Matt Murdock is such a hottie. The quips, the law banter, the violence, ahhhh. My dnd-friend strongly endorses Daredevil, but I've held off because I was afraid of the violence, honestly. But I'm a big girl, and I'm very good at closing my eyes.
Today I'm thankful for a successful antiquing run!!!! Early last semester I heard about this antique market, and I finally put in the effort to get there today, and it was amazing!!! I was looking for shared housewares (found the specific item I was looking for!) and unique vintagey jewelry. Didn't quite manage to find anything truly vintage, but I got a darling piece of simple costume jewelry and the most fantastic mug that's shaped like a head of lettuce (this description does not do its beauty justice). The necklace will be perfect for when I finally make my way to the opera, and the mug is like something a fairy would drink from. I stayed within my budget which means I have just a little bit left in my allowance to thrift for clothes, maybe on Friday or Saturday (since I'll be in lab all day tomorrow).
By the way, the antique store was amazing. It has at least five floors (I got tired after three and a half) and is filled to the brim with some of the most eclectic stuff you could ever find, with old-timey radios playing music from various eras throughout. Magical. I could waste a lot of money there.
Oh wait, before I go, yesterday was such a busy day that I didn't even journal but I:
Met up with a lab/classmate and their partner for a lunch and a stroll in the city which was fantastic. My original plan was to go see Dune and also to pick up some (red, short, block) heels I'd ordered, but I didn't end up liking the heels on me very much, and I was enjoying the pair's company too much to cut the time short with a three-hour movie.
Went to a paint night through a diversity org I'm in which was also fantastic. I painted a cute little mushroom scene! I don’t really consider myself a visual artist and I’m not a huge fan of acrylic but it was very relaxing so I’d love to try watercolor sometime. Also like,, because this isn’t my "preferred medium" it was SO nice to not be stressed about perfection and just go for it.
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r-o-s-e-f-i-r-e · 1 year
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This is 100% Steve getting drawn in and having to play a role in the heist a la Julia Roberts in Ocean’s 12. His ex-husband Eddie is running a con on his current boyfriend Henry Creel. Steve lost all of his fucking friends in the divorce because he’d never been in the game, really, had mostly tuned out whenever they started discussing their next job and kept making everyone sandwiches. 
They’d all agreed to keep Steve out of it — Nancy and Robin and Dustin and Will, everyone, since Steve liked his job as a middle school guidance counselor too much to jeopardize it. Couldn’t lie for shit. Then they idk do something, like, big time stupid, a huge fuck up that lands Eddie in prison, and Steve is so mad he can’t take it any more and cuts them all off and files for divorce.
Three years later Eddie’s out of prison (I think Nancy is Rusty in this world) and wants to run one last job on Henry Creel, old rival, Vegas casino owner, notorious slimeball, something something drug trafficking other super illegal stuff. Nancy’s fully like sure, right, this has nothing to do with how he’s been parading Steve around like slutty decorative arm candy since they met, putting him in tight white pants, expensive loafers, giving him jewelry, and Eddie of course goes surely not this is purely business etc etc. 
They get the band back together: Dustin for comms, Robin to plant in the casino, Mike on explosives, Argyle and Jon for transpo, Lucas on surveillance, Will is the acrobat. MAX IS MATT DAMON. Murray bankrolls them. 
Heist heist etc. Steve and Eddie run into each other in the casino, Eddie is trying to be chill except Steve is just as beautiful as he remembers and also has another man’s fingerprints all over him. Steve is angry and heartsick, knows Eddie’s up to something. 
Something something plan A goes wrong, maybe Eddie gets captured by Jason Carver, unexpected third player late in the game. Dustin and Robin convince Steve the only way they can save him is if Steve draws Jason and Henry’s attention away long enough for Max to get in and get Eddie out. Steve pretends to fight with Henry and then gets posted up at Robin’s poker table with Dustin in his ear so that he can track Jason, moving around the casino, get Henry to come down and try to make up. 
Steve is of two minds, half his attention on letting Henry draw him in and murmur apologies in his ear, the other half on Eddie, wherever he was in the bowels of the casino, hoping Max gets him out before Jason Carver can find him, sick with worry. 
Heist heist etc!! They steal all the money. Chrissy is another plant and she honeypots Jason Carver and then breaks his neck with her thighs. Eddie manages to get audio from Dustin in Steve’s ear of Henry Creel saying he cared more about the money than Steve. Steve slaps Henry across the face and gives him back the gold bracelet he’d insisted on Steve wearing. The whole crew is in front of the fountain, when Steve finds them. They all slink away down the Vegas strip. 
“You’re such a fucking asshole,” Steve says, and then draws Eddie in and kisses him as Claire de Lune starts playing. They’re married again a month later. 
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sylver-drawer · 1 year
Hi. Could we please get a post of Wmmap headcanons with Jen, Ana and Kristina after they leave Obelia?
Ooo, no one’s every asked me this before
Hm. I feel like I’ve thought about it, but at the same time have never actually thought about it.
I guess I should put some spoiler warnings since I do kinda plan for LPFS to follow the main storyline? To an extent at least, so be warned.
• I don’t know for sure if Anastasius has lost his magic, but from what Lucas implied, Jen and Ana haven’t lost their magic. They just lost the genes that provide imperial magic (which manifests in their eyes). So in this headcanon, he still has his magic.
• Ana probably has no morally good/socially acceptable ways of paying for stuff since he mainly lived in hiding, and before that it was being the future emperor. Kristina also doesn’t trust him that much, so she has to accompany him at all times when they’re out buying stuff.
• There are significantly great parallels between Ana and Athy that are drawn, so in this headcanon Anastasius has tried to magically summon money illegally but Jen and Kristina have to stop him (Kristina then proceeds to mention that Roger(?)Claude(?)Athy(?) has entrusted her with their funds because why the hell would they entrust Ana with their funds)
• Because they had to leave the palace in a hurry (as well as figure out what clothes were the least inconspicuous and don’t scream royalty), one of the first things they do is go on a shopping trip. Jennette absolutely loves the dresses sold in the townsplace and markets because they’re so light and airy and minimalistic in comparison to the very decorated and accessorized gowns in high society.
• Jen’s the one who mainly eludes to Ana’s new wardrobe style since Kristina has no sense of taste when it comes to clothes if it isn’t for children.
• After a while it suddenly dawns upon the father-daughter duo that ‘wait, Krissy what about your clothes’
• So now Jen excitedly goes around and tries clothes on her maternal figure since she’s only ever seen Kristina in a servants’ uniform. Whenever Jen asks for her father’s opinion, he just awkwardly does nod, shake head, or thumbs up or down.
• I talked about it before in a previous post, but Kristina and Anastasius have a weird relationship. It’s not that he hates or likes her, if anything he’s thankful to her, but he can definitely sense that she doesn’t quite like him. You know, that feeling when you want to get along with someone but you have the feeling they don’t really like you.
• Despite her weird feelings toward Ana, she does feel he sincerely cares about Jen, so she tries to make opportunities for them to bond more as a father-daughter pair (when shopping for new clothes for Jen, asking for his opinion; leaving them alone together during some activities, suggesting family outings and etc.)
• Jen’s particularly sensitive to people’s emotions, so she knows that her dad and her ‘mother’ don’t particularly seem to get along too well. So while Kris is trying to set up father-daughter bonding, Jen is also at the same time trying to get them closer
• Whether that works or not, I’m still not sure jsgdjdbsjb
• Jen love love loves the ocean and sightseeing.
• Jen also loves interacting with new people. Since it’s a harbor town(?), I can assume there’s be quite a bit of foreigners. Jen’s never had the opportunity to socialize outside maybe one or two tea parties, so she likes listening to the stories of people she’s never met or seen before
• I don’t even know if I would have wanted Ana and Kristina to get together at some point, so for now they have the novel Felix and Lily relationship where they coparent a child. It is a bit awkward when Jen calls Anastacious ‘Father’ and then turns to call Kristina ‘Mom’.
• Jen likes sending seashells with her letters to Athy, Kiel and Roger. Kristina teaches her to make jewelry out of seashells and sea glass, in which she sends to Athy (in which Athy wears whenever she has beach and water-themed outfits).
• Jen also gets other letters, in which I’ll write a mini one shot about later :) Needless to say, Ana is conflicted in that he’s protective of her as a father, but wonders if he has the right to as he has been absent her whole life
• Their house is much smaller than the Alpheus estate, but still reasonably big. After all, it’s an Alpheus beach house (a ducal family’s beach house). For privacy reasons, there are probably only very few servants (like four or five?) so it does feel lonely, which is why the three often have food together.
• Speaking of, Kristina is the only reason why they can eat well cooked and nicely presented food. Jen helps every now and then, slowly learning, but Ana is absolutely banned from the kitchen.
• It’s noted that Jen calls Kristina ‘Mom’, but still when referring to Penelope calls her ‘Mother’. They are both her mothers, but they do not replace one another and she wants to make that clear.
• Oh yes, hobbies. Jen likes to sew and make dresses (based off of how many dolls she has in the Manhwa), especially since she gets inspired so easily with new experiences. So much so that her designs actually gain a bit of attention and ladies come and commission some from her.
• This also applies to her sea themed jewelry, which is especially popular due to it being a harbor town.
• Ana also??? Needs friends??? And hobbies???
• Maybe the local bartender idk, someone he can rant to without any ickiness
• “I used to be an emperor you know”
• “haha I like your jokes funny man”
• Kristina would still be attached to Protea and Erith (Ijekiel’s nanny), so I imagine she’d write letters to them often. Ijekiel’s an adult by then I think, right? So I guess Erith wouldn’t really be his nanny anymore. She’ll probably visit occasionally since Kristina’s letters—in comparison to Jen’s—are kinda dry so she needs to see in person how they’re doing.
Otherwise, I can’t think of anything else of their Mieta life svdjvdjd
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cat-egg-gt · 2 years
Daisy (4/4)
This is going to be the last chapter, I'm sorry for cutting it short but I've had other things I've wanted to write but felt I had to finish this first. I plan on putting a lot more time and planning into my next stories. Thank you.
(Summary: Mimi takes a trip into town, and later shares an intimate moment with Daisy.)
Once we finished our breakfast, Daisy had gotten to work constructing but I realized that once I was done with the health check up, I really didn’t have anything else I had to do today. It's not like there are more patients to be seen. I just stood there awkwardly for a few minutes while she worked, her hands fluidly putting the pieces into place, each of her fingers moving in harmony together. She must’ve noticed me just standing there because she turned to me and said,
“You should head into town and get some groceries, the cafeteria food gets boring after a while.”
“Oh, that's a good idea.” I said and felt around my pockets for my wallet. “Shit, I forgot my wallet in my room.”
“That’s fine, you won’t need it.” She stated, “Nothing costs money here. Since we basically have our own system here, there's no need for it, everyone just takes what they need.”
“Oh.” I said in response. I guess it makes sense. Somehow. I decided to try to figure out how that works later. I turned to walk out into the hallway but I stopped as I heard her say,
“Wait. Let me give you my number,” She said. I was surprised how much technology they made for her, the tv, the tablet, and apparently a phone too. She told me the digits and I started adding her to my contacts.
“There, text me if you need help carrying stuff when you're done.” She said as she turned back to her work.
I was confused on what she meant, but by the time I had finished inputting her number, she was already working on her structure again. I decided I wouldn't bother her and walked through the door into the hallway.
As I walked towards the entrance I came into the building through yesterday I thought about what she said. Did she mean she would come into town to carry stuff? I guess I never really thought about if she ever went outside. It would be kind of sad if she couldn't. I guess she also could mean carrying the groceries to my room. I was brought out of my thoughts as I walked out into the sunlight. The town was littered with people in the streets, some of which pulled wagons behind them with their items they bought in them. I looked around a bit, not sure if I’d find what I was looking for. Soon enough though, I saw it, a wagon rental. I decided to rent one, but since it was no cost I guess it was more like borrowing, and started to walk around the shops. Since I didn't have any food I guessed I would be getting more than I could carry, so a wagon is a must.
I went around the various stores, mostly getting essentials for cooking, and some dishes and utensils as well. While most of the stores sold essential things such as food and toilet paper, there were a few that sold more materialistic things, like a bookstore and a jewelry shop. I stopped by them both and got a few things, and then was finally done. I looked at my watch and saw it was already noon. I then looked back at my wagon full of stuff. It would really be nice to have help with it actually. I pulled out my phone and typed out a message to Daisy.
*This is Mimi. I’ve finished shopping, could you come help?*
About 20 seconds later, I got a reply. A simple,
*on my way*
Not long after I received the reply, there was a loud alarm type sound throughout the entire town. I looked around and saw people quickly clearing the streets, going into shops and homes, or just standing on the grass next to the stone pathway. My phone buzzed as I got another text
*stand by the wagon rental*
I guess she was coming outside. I was a little shocked but I was also curious to see everyone in town's reaction to her. I made my way over to the wagon rentals and stood waiting. After a few minutes, the sirens stopped. I had seen her sitting down and standing up before, but that was always when I was on the desk or nightstand. Seeing her now, standing on the ground as she came out through a giant door on the side of the building I somehow didn’t notice before, it actually hit me how huge she was. I must’ve been about as tall as her shoes. When she made her way over to where I was, she walked carefully, watching her feet with every step she took.
“Daisy!” I heard someone standing on the grass yell. She stopped and looked down.
“Hey Ray,” she said as she carefully kneeled down. The man who called out to her walked out in front of her and continued talking in a shout so she could hear him.
“Listen, did you ever put in an order for those watermelons? Summer is right around the corner and we’d love to have some in town.”
“I did actually, they should come with the next shipment that comes in.” She said back to him.
“Thanks!” He said then moved back onto the grass. 
She got up and continued over to me. Once she was at the wagon rental she squatted down and put the groceries I got into her hand.
“You want a ride? Or are you gonna walk back?” She asked as she held her empty hand out towards me. I was hesitant, but also really didn't want to walk all the way back.
“Sure.” I said as I put the wagon back and carefully climbed into her hand. I felt my head spin from being lifted up quickly as she stood up and started walking back towards the building. I looked behind her and saw everyone going back to their usual activities, as if a 50ft lady didn't just walk through the town.
Once we were back inside and I had put the groceries away, we talked a bit about little things. The weather and small talk like that. I felt around in my pockets for my phone and instead found something I had forgotten I got. 
“Hey, I actually got you something.” I said nervously and pulled the item out of my pocket. “It’s a necklace with daisies on it. Er, I know it won't fit as a necklace but I thought it might fit as a ring.”
“Oh,” She said, looking surprised. She held out her hand and I carefully slid the necklace onto her pointer finger.
“I just thought you might like it, because you know, it has daisies on it, and your name is, well you know what your name is…” I trailed off and looked down at my feet, embarrassed. 
For a while she didn’t say anything. I started to get worried that she didn’t like it, but suddenly I saw a shadow fall over me as I was looking to the floor. I felt her give me a soft peck on the top of my head. I looked up at her and could feel my face turning red.
“Thank you, I love it.” She said as she smiled down at me. “I’m going to finish what I’m working on, but it’s getting late if you want to turn in.” 
I couldn’t do anything but nod in shock as I shuffled towards the door, and walked through the hallway towards the second entrance to my room. As I lay in my bed, I can’t stop thinking about that moment. I softly felt my head where she kissed me, and smiled as I closed my eyes. I think I like this job.
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crystalkitty1220 · 2 years
I'm assuming you've done a dungeon or so
In my main campaign I'm like a total of level 8?
The only really recent thing we've done is fight a dinosaur in one adventure and medusa and her brother with like 16 orcs in another
Also I'm free to listen to rambling I would love to hear what crazy shit you've done in your guys' campaign
I have done one practice fight where the dm put us up against a skeleton minotaur and every single attack we used ended up going through the minotaur's ribs. And then we created our current characters and did a dungeon where shenanigans and character bonding occurred (there's plans to do more at some point but every time we've all been together there's always been somebody who was too tired to play).
I genuinely have no clue how the level system works so I have no point of reference for that lol
Holy shit medusa has a brother??? Is that like an actual mythology thing or just a D&D thing?
Probably the best stories to tell about our campaign is how the characters have interacted with eachother. I'll mainly talk about my own character and the DM's character because I doubt he would mind.
My character is a halfling rogue and she's a little chaos gremlin and I love her. Pretty much everything about her is pieced together from my favorite characters, everything from her name to her moveset. She does stuff with illusions and she's extremely cocky and she's probably more of a liability to the team than an asset. She's small enough that she can literally fit inside a minor illusion of a box or a rock. She has a bucket list with everything from "meet a fae" to "aquire a poncho for every occasion" on it. Also she always wears over-the-top stuff like extremely bright outfits and excessive jewelry (one time she picked up an earring from off the ground and started wearing it, and was warned that she'd probably get an ear infection from it, but she didn't listen even when her ear started to hurt, and then it turned out that the earring was a mimic and now she secretly keeps it in a tiny box and feeds it scraps, but her ear is torn now). She's the type of person to use Disguise Self for absolutely no productive reason, and then have to explain herself to the rest of the group. I love her.
The DM's character is a dragonborn paladin(?) who is usually the level-headed one of the group, unless he starts talking about his god, and then he just won't shut up about how his god is the best god. The DM really likes to twist the rules in his character's favor, and we just kinda go with it because it's fun and means we can focus on having a good time. Also he has a pet dinosaur for some reason but literally the only thing it's done so far was carry me on it's back so we could all escape a dungeon.
I don't really remember the dungeon that well, but I remember that it started with my character trying to pickpocket the other two in a bar, we all got asked to rescue an npc's thing from some orcs or goblins or something, my character almost died to a rug (twice), we carefully navigated around some gelatinous slimes (not before I attempted to take some shiny things that were in a slime), we found out that the orcs/goblins/something had been killed by some tunneling creatures, we kidnapped one of the baby tunneling creatures because everyone thought it was cute, and then we all had to escape from the rest of them. I'm pretty sure when we returned to the npc, we were like "here's your mystical artifact back" and he went "what the heck is that" and we were like "your thingy" and the npc just looked at it and went "no, no, i lost my brush, not that" and we were all confused, and the npc had to explain the importance of this brush. And I don't remember if any of us had grabbed it earlier, but we sure as hell didn't go back for it. Literally the only reason anyone on our team does anything is for amusement, for money, or because "it's what my wonderful, glorious god would want."
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masakiastrology · 11 months
signs as christmas stuff 💭
So, it is officially July. And I am sure you know what July means? No, not July 4th. CHRISTMAS IN JULY!
So, I'm doing the honors of telling you what Christmas presents you should get each zodiac sign.
A jacket from their favorite band or artist. Aries almost always have an artist or band they love more than another. And they're not afraid to show off what they like. They don't care what others think, it's their likes, not others.
A planner. Believe it or not, Aries enjoy making plans and doing new projects. With a planner, they can write down important information and make sure they set appointments, parties, and hang outs on free days.
Some new sneakers. Aries love being active, whether it's hiking, playing sports, or going to the gym. So, with the amount of activeness they do, their sneakers are bound to get worn out soon.
A gym or pool membership. As said before, Aries like to be active. If the Aries doesn't like a gym, get a membership to your local pool. If your Aries friend isn't an active Aries, then get them a membership to their favorite game or a gift card.
A plant. Taurus are big nature lovers, need I say more? They know how to care for a plant, just like they know how to care for animals and people!
A nature-scented perfume. A scented nature perfume may appeal to your Taurus friends or family, and even remind them of the nature they enjoy.
A plush robe. Taurus love comfort and being cozy. So, what better way to be cozy on Christmas then cuddling up in a plush robe by the fireplace, drinking hot cocoa and watching a Christmas movie?
A candle: And if they don't have a fireplace, get them a scented candle instead! :)
A planner or journal: Geminis are very logical. So, their minds are often cluttered with important info, and they tend to forget useful information a lot. So, get them a planner or a journal to write down important info, dates, or assignments.
A set of colored pens: Geminis are very creative, so they probably like to write in different colors. So, get them a set of colorful pens to go with the planner!
A duffel or tote bag. Geminis are probably going to be traveling somewhere after Christmas as they love to travel and go on a vacations. So, why not buy them a duffel or tote bag so they can put their clothes, accessories, and extra items in their?
A book: Geminis are often bookworms. Whether it be something simple, like a magazine or non-fiction book, or something major, like the entire Harry Potter series, all Geminis have some type of story that interests them.
New cooking supply(ies): Cancers are very creative. And, almost all Cancers I know love to cook and bake. So, why not get them a new frying pan, oven mitts, baking sheet, or even just some utensils?
A new hoodie: Similar to Taurus, Cancers strive for comfort. They usually like to cuddle up in a hoodie when they get cold.
Art supplies: Cancers love to draw and paint, and art is a huge hobby of theirs.
Movies: Cancers once again like to cuddle up and relax. So, get them a new movie they've never seen before.
A scarf: Leos love to go Christmas shopping, usually for themselves with Christmas money they get. Why not get them a warm scarf to wear for comfort and style while they go?
Jewelry: Most Leos accessorize their outfits with jewelry, usually earrings or necklaces.
A new video game: Believe it or not, most Leos like to game.
New clothes: Leos love to make new outfits, some give them some new clothes to make new outfits with!
Activity books: Virgos have a lot on their mind, and often need to just de-stress. So, get them one of those 'variety puzzles' books and watch them go to town solving them.
Something electronic: Virgos are very high-tech and modern, so they love receiving the latest technology. So, get them something technological. It can be something somewhat cheap, like a camera or watch, or something expensive like a macbook or VR system.
Stuffed animal: Virgos are huge animal lovers and love to cuddle up with a stuffed animal.
A gift card or money: Now, Virgos are often really picky, so make sure to slide some cash or a gift card in their Christmas card so they can buy something they want.
Makeup: Some Libras love making new makeup looks and practicing tutorials they see.
Earrings: A Libra you know have their ears pierced? They did it for a reason. They did it for the earrings.
A painting to put in their room: Libras are fans of design and high-art.
Headphones: Do Libras like music, TikTok, and podcasts? Yes. Do they like playing it out loud? Not really.
A jacket. We Scorpios tend to go out a lot with friends and family, and since Christmas is in Winter, get us a cozy jacket to wear out. <3
A purse or bag: Based on experience, and me being a Scorpio, we usually carry a lot of stuff with us. Like, just for an hour long road trip, I have my phone, money, eyeliner, lip gloss, my airpods, and a book. And nowhere to put it.
A blanket: Us Scorpios love comfort and warmth. And I love to hide under a blanket and watch Netflix, please.
A customized gift: I love when people give me customized gift because it makes me think 'omg, you really did think of me!'
A vacation: If you're going on vacation, please take your Sagittarius friend. They're stressed out and really need a break.
A purse or wallet: Sagittarius' cannot live with a purse or wallet to put all their supplies in.
Movies: Sagittarius like to sit back and take it easy most of the time, so what better way than with a new movie?
Exercise equipment: Based on my own experiences with Sagittarius, most of them love working out at home. Not at the gym.
A gift card: Do Capricorns love money? Yes!
A journal: Capricorns have a lot to say, and a lot of feelings. So, get them a journal for them to write in.
Hair accessories: Capricorns love their hair, and they love to style it.
A magazine or a book: Capricorns like to read.
New shoes: Based on my own experience, some Aquarius have a shoe obsession.
A watch: They're busy people who need to keep up with the time.
Earrings: They like jewelry.
A book: They're logical and smart like Virgos, and one way to keep up that logic and intelligence is by reading.
A stuffed animal: Pisces love animals and they also love cuddling with stuffed animals.
Bed sheets/a new comforter: Pisces love comfort and style, and they also enjoy a chance every now and then.
Slippers: Comfort!
A poetry book: They get bored easily with novels, but they enjoy short books with poems or various stories.
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maskedtruths666 · 2 years
New series I’ve been wanting to write for a while now. It’s gonna be an interesting one with a few parts to it. Hope you guys like it. Obviously, everyone knows their real names and IG but I will be using a fictitious name instead. DM me your thoughts!
Trophy Wife Part 1
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Caylin, is Jack’s first love. They’ve been together for the longest time and they’ve been through thick and thin. Coming from a small town in Malaysia, they’ve never had the chance to explore the world. But things changed when they both got a job offer to work in Singapore. Caylin, a marketing executive got offered a permanent job with great benefits over in Singapore and Jack was offered a position as a trader in a financial firm over in Singapore too. Both were overjoyed as they could be together and start earning money in Singapore.
As a couple, they were each other’s first love and both had taken each other’s firsts. First hug, first kiss, first fuck. Everyone knew it was a matter of time before they got married. Both attended the same school, had the same clique, they were literally inseparable. They both even shared an apartment in Singapore when they eventually moved.
Months have passed since they moved to Singapore and their quality of life has never been better. Caylin was happy at her job and earning well. Jack was raking in the money as a trader and getting a hefty commission whilst doing so. It wasn’t long before Jack got promoted and with his promotion came a shit ton more money and status. He had his own office, his own secretary and his own team of traders under him. Raking in a cool mil a year in annual salary excluding bonuses was enough for him to secretly start planning for a wedding.
Jack started spoiling Caylin with more luxurious clothes and jewelry and they’ve both never been happier. Soon, Jack caught the eye of upper management because of his stellar track record and was invited to an annual dinner and dance. He made sure to pamper Caylin and bought her a stunning dress that showed her figure.
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At dinner that night, it wasn’t the food or drinks that stole the show but Caylin. All heads turned when she walked past them and when Jack introduced her to his colleagues and bosses, the sentiment was the same. All the guys could not keep their eyes off her and all the girls hated her, except one girl, Karina. Karina was Jack’s direct rival in the company. Both had an intense rivalry and have a stellar track record. Both were identical in terms of money earned and on paper, both were indispensable.
“Woah dude, you’ve outdone yourself. Your girl is mad hot. Is she a trophy girl?” Jeremy asked.
“What? No dude. I’ve been with her for the longest time. We’ve been together since 10 years ago man. Why would I ever want a trophy girl?” Jack asked, puzzled at Jeremy’s question.
“Well, in the finance world, materialism is how we get more clients and stuff. So I figured you hired an escort to be your partner. It’s not like you tell us much about yourself.” Jeremy explained.
“Oh no dude. She’s mine. Legit.” Jack said, laughing it off.
Throughout the night, many guys kept texting Jack to ask if she’s an escort or a trophy girl, much to his annoyance. When he saw Francis animatedly chatting with Caylin, he felt an emotion he never felt before. Jealousy. With a poker face on, he approached the pair of them to assert his dominance over his girl. He put his arms around her waist and joined the conversation.
Pleasantly surprised by Jack’s action, Caylin whispered in his ear, “I like it when you’re jealous. Shows me you still care after 10 years and you’re not bored of me. Everyone’s been telling me about you and Karina and that has made me want you even more.”
“Follow me.” Jack said, keeping a poker face and he held Caylin’s hand and brought her out of the room. He hurriedly brought her to to toilet only to find the handicapped toilet in use.
“Oooh, someone wants me bad huh?” Caylin whispered as she reached down to caress his bulge.
“Yes. I want you now.” Jack growled, unable to control his lust. He saw a door leading to the staircase and he hastened his pace there. As he was leaving, Karina came out of the handicapped toilet and saw Jack bringing his girl away. She decided to follow them, curious to see what would happen.
The moment they entered the staircase, Jack pushed Caylin against the wall and started making out with her. Whilst making out, he had one finger in her already wet pussy. Upon discovering she was not wearing any underwear, he turned her around and bent her over the railing. With one hand covering her mouth to muffle any moans, his rock hard throbbing dick penetrated her from the back.
Karina at this moment, quickly went up one floor, entered the floor above them and quietly peeked from above. As she saw Jack ravaging Caylin from the back, she couldn’t help but want Jack to pummel her from the back too. Despite their rivalry, she’s always fantasized about being fucked hard by her rival at work and it so happens to be Jack. Whilst Jack was intensely fucking Caylin, Karina started finger herself, it was easy access as she was wearing a G-string and a rather low cut dress. With two fingers furiously rubbing her wet pussy, her other hand carefully covering her mouth to prevent her moans from escaping.
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As Jack was pounding Caylin from the back, all he could think of were the guys who wanted to do this to his girlfriend. That gave him some sort of a sick fetish and his innocent love for her slowly turned into an obsession and power play sort of feeling. Sure he did love her still but something sick awoken in him.
As he continually penetrated her from the back, Caylin experienced many orgasms as she felt passion and lust and jealousy from Jack. Something that she has not felt for a long time and she loved it. As Jack was nearing his climax, Caylin dutifully knelt down like she always did and in that moment, Karina saw how big Jack’s dick is and her lust increased twofold.
As Caylin was sucking Jack off, she was careful to not get any saliva on her face as her make up was beautifully done. Soon, Jack exploded in her mouth and given the intensity of the quickie they had, it was a rather large load. Unable to swallow in time, a few drops of cum dropped from her mouth onto her dress. As always, Jack would finish off a sex session with a deep kiss with Caylin and once they were done, Caylin quickly made her exit to head to the washroom to freshen up.
“I’ll wait for you outside the toilet my dear. See you in a bit.” Jack said.
Just as Jack was about to exit the staircase, Karina made her entrance and said, “I saw what you did and you’ve made me horny. I want you inside me.”
Stunned, Jack could only stare at Karina. Sure, she is hot but he’s never thought about anyone else sexually because he only has eyes for Caylin. After all, in his eyes, she’s way prettier than anyone else.
Smiling seductively, Karina approached Jack quickly, pushed him against the wall. With one hand pulling his head backwards, she went straight for his neck and started giving him a love bite. Her other hand, reached down into his pants and started stroking his dick with her satin gloves.
Jack allowed himself to feel pleasure longer than he should have and quickly pushed Karina away. He left hurriedly but not before he heard Karina say, “You know you want me.”
He quickly went to the toilet to wash up and as he exited, he saw Caylin and Karina chatting happily. Being the observant girl she is, Caylin noticed a red mark on his neck and immediately asked, “Oh baby, did you start scratching yourself again or are your allergies acting up?”
“Oh I’m not sure baby. I think it’s a bite or something. It’s nothing. Don’t worry.” Jack said, trying to keep his composure.
As they re-entered the dining hall, Karina bade goodbye to Caylin and as she was leaving, she quickly grabbed Jack’s ass when Caylin wasn’t looking.
Part 2 coming soon
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southparkbrainrot · 3 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐬/𝐨
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a/n ᝰ first fic :) hope it’s good (=´∀`)
warnings ᝰ none! (i think?)
reader ᝰ gender neutral
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𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐧
he really likes your personality, but warms up to your clothing. it’s just so… feminine..
cartman will never let you paint his nails or do his makeup when others are around. you have to promise to never tell anyone else if you really want to dress him up and stuff 🤨
will buy you all the stereotypically girly things you could want (by whining to liane for money…) - skirts, lipgloss… anything. literally anything
1 time, someone at school was bullying you for your clothes and how you were “deliberately trying to be in the male gaze”
you told eric, and in typically cartman fashion, he literally fkn creating a whole plan on how to get revenge
searches through your stuff to understand more about girls
he likes to listen to pop music with you secretly, even if he acts like it sucks
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𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐡
stan thinks you’re adorable!
when you come over to meet his parents, his parents also think you’re adorable
if he comes over to your house, he’ll be baffled by how feminine your place is. the collection of pop cds, magazines..
likes to do crafts with you like making sea shell necklaces, taking cute pictures with polaroids, etc.
doesn’t really like going shopping with you, but likes to watch you get excited over small things
like cartman, you can only do stan’s makeup if you promise to never tell anyone
too bad butters walked in on stan and you while he had blue eyeshadow and winged eyeliner on 😶‍🌫️
after that, you aren’t allowed to do his makeup anymore :,)
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𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐬𝐤𝐢
unlike the others, kyle will let you style him, even if he gets teased by his friends <3
“what’s with the clown get-up?”
“shut the hell up, cartman!”
paints your nails and decorates them as best as he can - he’s trying his best ;w;
kyle and you both make cookies!! he even bought pink frosting and sprinkles, although his cookies are considerably more messy—
will blush if he sees you in a skirt
buys you some cute necklaces from forever 21 whenever he gets his hands on a couple of dollar bills
loves to dick around with your stuff when you’re not looking
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𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐦𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐤
this man has never met someone as girly as you before
but he totally adores your personality and sense of style - it’s cute ^^
kenny can’t really afford to buy you gifts, but he vows to buy you at least a couple of accessories like tiny handbags
you’re not allowed to do his makeup or nails at all. period. if you put it on him when he’s sleeping, he’ll thankfully laugh it off and find a way to enact revenge later
helps you decorate your room
also likes to mess around with your things, even when you’re present. will tease you relentlessly
will go through the process of dying and being brought back to life just to get you some cd or a piece of jewelry that you like
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