#i want more content for them so bad 🥺🥺
Huskerdust first time request!
And when I say that they would flirt and be fluffy at the exact same time and spontaneously be nervous as SHIT and NERVOUS they’re so stupid 😭🙏🏾🙏🏾
I love your writing style, I can’t wait to see how you write this! Thank you! <33
Note: Thank you so much for requesting something!!! It really means a lot to me, so thank you endlessly 🫶🫶🫶
Here’s 1500 words of fluffy/smutty Huskerdust! This prompt was honestly perfect, because I just know their first time would be so nerve-wracking for both of them until they realize that they can just lose themselves in each other 🥺 they make me sick /pos
Enjoy!!! (Oneshot under the cut)
    It’s only been a few minutes, but Angel already knows two things— one, Husk is so good at kissing it should be illegal, and two, things are about to escalate much further than just that if Husk keeps on doing what he’s doing.
    He’s so gentle with the way he kisses him, almost as if he’s testing the waters, and Angel feels the energy between them go straight down to his core. He pulls the other man as close as he can, sighing into the kiss, his face on fire and a soft smile tugging at his lips.
    It could be minutes or hours that they’ve been making out, but Angel doesn’t know— and, quite frankly, he doesn’t care. He’s perfectly content to stay like this forever, basking in the success of his confession (and, hey, kissing Husk isn’t too bad of an outcome, either).
    They pull apart momentarily, and Angel smiles wider as Husk plants one more quick kiss on his jaw.
    “You know, you aren’t too bad at this, Whiskers,” the spider teases, and Husk chuckles as he moves in for the second time.
    This time, the kiss is softer than ever, quiet breaths and hands tangled softly in hair, the two of them wrapped up in each other even closer. Angel blushes further; god, how invincible Husk makes him feel. He’s just about to pull back again, perhaps make a cheeky comment or two, when he notices something that makes his eyes widen and his face go a tomato-like red.
    Oh, shit. Husk is hard. It’s really no wonder, with the way the two of them are pressed against each other, but his cheeks still burn with surprise and a tad bit of shame. Way to ruin things real fast, Anthony.
    Husk seems to notice thjs predicament at the same time he does, and his eyes widen slightly, his face flushing as well. “Huh,” he remarks, somehow summoning the audacity to shoot Angel an amused look. “That’s…”
    “Oh- I, uh-“ Angel stammers. “Sorry about that. I can, uh, go for a sec, if you want some time alone—“ he blinks once, finding an opportunity and seizing it. “Or…”
    Husk doesn’t meet his eye, still blushing red. Angel finds it strangely adorable, and he presses a kiss to his forehead. “I don’t mind, if you want to do this.”
    The air around them goes from sweet to charged with energy, though Angel can’t quite tell what kind. Husk brushes a hand across his cheek, and it’s then that Husk seems to make a decision, and nods.
    “Only if you’re fine with it.” Husk’s hand comes to rest on Angel’s waist, holding him close. Angel nods and swallows, smiling warmly at Husk.
    “Are ya crazy? I ain’t never turnin’ down this.” He leans down and presses his mouth to Husk’s again, opening it slightly so he can push his tongue inside.
    He tastes like brandy and sugar, warm and inviting, and his embrace is just as sweet. Angel shivers as Husk’s mouth moves down to his jaw, his eyes half-lidded and sharp.
    “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” Angel laughs, and Husk just holds him closer in response.
    “Me too, Angel,” he murmurs, and Angel feels the wind nearly get knocked out of his lungs at how sincere the older man sounds— he’s never heard that tone of voice in his entire existence, not from any number of partners he’s been with, for business or simply on the side.
    Husk’s hand slides up his shirt almost cautiously, and Angel gives a small groan of approval. The other’s hands run across his bare skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
    He’s absolutely breathless, dizzy with anticipation, his heart threatening to leap out of his chest. Slowly, he grinds down onto Husk’s lap, eliciting a light gasp from the both of them at the pressure. 
    Fuck, am I really about to do this? 
    Of course, ‘this’ is nothing new to him, in the practical sense. He'd been in this position plenty of times before, but right now? He just can’t help but feel that this is different. Is it the fact that Husk is so gentle with him, so calm and trustworthy? Is it how late it is at night now, or his previous confession, or…
    That doesn’t matter now, though, as Husk reaches up to unbutton his shirt, snapping him clean out of his thoughts. Shifting in his lap to give him more access, Angel pulls back to admire the look on his face, one of both concentration and impatience combined. 
    “Excited?” he teases, and Husk rolls his eyes playfully as the shirt finally comes off, throwing the garment to the side and leaning forward to kiss him lightly on the collarbone.
    “Say, Whiskers, Id’a never thought you of all people would be so eager to— fuck!” Angel gasps and sucks in a breath as Husk presses a kiss to the sensitive skin on his jawline, sending a jolt of surprise through his body.
    Husk nibbles once more at his collar, smiling. “That’s the plan, sweetheart,” he retorts, earning a smack on the arm from Angel.
    “Aw, shut your face an’ kiss me.” Angel tilts his head as their lips connect again, sighing as he lets him run his hands through the soft hair on his chest. Husk’s hand dips to his waist, just for a moment, but Angel can sense the question there— may I?
    “Please,” he breathes out, his heartbeat going wild in his chest. He’s this close to losing his regular bravado, but if he’s honest? He doesn’t care. Husk has seen him like this before, seen Anthony instead of Angel Dust, seen him at his worst and at his very best… So why not see him now?
    Husk shrugs out of his own clothing before helping Angel out of the rest of his, letting out a small whistle at the sight of him. Angel blushes and averts his eyes as he lays back on his elbows, feeling shy all of a sudden despite how often he’s been bare like this.
    “You’re beautiful,” Husk whispers against his jaw, his hands roaming across the other’s body. They slip lower, lower, lower, stopping just below his navel. “Can I…”
    Angel feels the entire room melt away around him, leaving just him, Husk, and the question he’s been asked hanging in the air. He nods, letting out a small chuckle and brushing a hand through his hair. “Yeah,” he says, half disbelieving the luck he’s had tonight and half scared out of his mind. “Go ahead.”
    Husk kisses him on the lips as he slides a single finger into his entrance, and Angel gasps and arches his back. It’s odd, since he’s not normally so sensitive, but he’s definitely not complaining— and neither is Husk, from the look on his face. He twists his hand, eliciting another soft cry from the spider. 
    “Oh, shit— Who the hell taught you to do that?” Angel pants, and Husk merely laughs and kisses him again, continuing to pump his fingers inside him, another one of his fingers entering him as he circles his clit.
    Angel’s surprisingly quiet, for having a job that requires him to be so vocal, but each small sound he makes as Husk does his work is more intoxicating than anything else could ever be. Just as he gets close to the edge, an oh-so-familiar twinge twisting in his gut, Husk pulls back and looks him in the eye. 
    “Is it alright if I do more?” Husk asks, making sure Angel keeps eye contact. Angel nods, smiling, and kisses him again.
    “Trust me, if I don’t like it, I’ll stop ya.” Angel’s voice is soft, slightly hoarse, but he makes sure he’s heard. He hears just a slight bit of rustling as Husk positions himself, and then—
    “Fuck”. Angel lets out a shaky moan, clinging onto Husk and closing his eyes. “Oh- oh, god,” he breathes, kissing him again as they both adjust to the new feeling.
    Husk’s lips on his feel so familiar, as if he’s kissed him a million times before, and Angel lets himself sink into the other man’s embrace as he draws him closer, their bodies intertwined. Slowly, Husk moves further inside him, his mouth swallowing the strangled groan that Angel chokes out as he begins to set a slow but even pace.
    It feels like something straight out of one of his shoots— though this time, he doesn’t have to fake his pleasure. It feels as if waves of a feeling suspiciously like fire are rolling over him, and he lets himself succumb, lost in bliss as he nears the edge.
    “You close, Legs?” Husk pants out, tilting Angel’s chin so he’ll look him in the eye.
    “Y-yeah, I am.” The words are shaky.
    “Me too.”
    Husk kisses him, passionate and deep, and with one final thrust, they both topple over the edge. It’s a high like Angel’s never felt, sober or otherwise, like climbing Mount Everest and then jumping right off, knowing there’s someone at the bottom of the summit to catch him all the same. Husk plops down on his chest, pulling out, and they simply stay as their breathing calms and they both come down.
    “Holy fuck.” Angel lets out a laugh, stroking the top of Husk’s head. “That was…”
    “Earth-shattering?” Husk laces their fingers together. “Agreed.” 
    Angel’s eyelids are heavy, and Husk seems to notice— he reaches for the bed’s blanket and pulls it over them, cuddling close to Angel and placing a soft kiss on his lips.
    “We should probably clean up,” Angel whispers, but neither of them move. Eh, we’ll get it tomorrow. 
    As he begins to drift off, Angel can’t help but be grateful for that letter he’d written— and for every single thing in his afterlife that had led to this moment, to the love of his life dozing peacefully with him in his arms, warm and secure. 
    “I love you,” he whispers, planting a kiss on Husk’s forehead.
    “I love you too, Anthony,” Husk murmurs back, and then they both fall into a deep, peaceful sleep, their bodies and hearts intertwined.
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drawthething · 1 year
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Was gonna scream about how much I love these two but fine, I'll spare you the ramblings and go finish one of my 100 year old WIPs instead
Was this supposed to be a posing practice? Yes. Am I happy with the posing? Ehhhh ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Aaaalso just wanna say that I'm opening ✨commissions✨ again if anyone's interested (still working on my boblin stuff I swear!)
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coolspacequips · 8 months
My unpopular opinion abt the new Castlevania series ig is that I just don't have any care or sympathy for these little church goons that they were trying to humanize this time around... Like Olrox revenge kill go off, I watch u kill that boys mom minute 1 but I'm still in ur corner bbygirl! I see ur thru line.
But then his little shitty church bf sanctioning and standing by all the actions of the church and also we don't talk about the homophobia he's supporting while also being gay and also sleeping w a man his church would have (and did) sanctioned the genocide of several times over... I'm supposed to think the way he shut Olrox down was anything worth feeling bad for, I just rolled my eyes at his self righteousness. Walk away from that man, Olrox!! We saw where this manic Christian love leads, and it's what ur Abbott did (who I also don't give 1 fuck about him or his white xtian guilt especially after That LOL)
I guess I can tentatively respect that the church guard's storyline is gonna potentially be about deprogramming him, but I hate that they seemed to be posing him as correct in accusing Olrox of having no soul, when we as the viewer know it was an act of love that he didn't think he was capable anymore, after what was done to him at the hands of ppl that the church guard. To me all i felt was the heartache from his POV so common in these communities where u thought you have a Good Christian that saw you, but he still sees you as the monolith of his imaginary enemy the second push comes to shove, even though your actions have shown again and again that there's nuance to be had
#the only whites that gave gotten a pass from me is baby belmont and the speaker mom#who's daughter I'm sure will mature i want to like her but she got shackled into a plot w the abott#which means we have to spend a lot of time on his white man pain about how he had the power to do so many terriblw things and chose to do i#anyway just wanted to get this off my chest i couldn't watch it fast enough and don't remember the guards name#and didn't look it up bc i don't want someone looking for him and starting a fight w me#just sucks bc i love Olrox so much and a lot of his fan content is him w this man i can't stomach tbh#i hoped he would be different i hope he can change or that Olrox finds someone else#text posts#i don't want to get into it too much more i have to rewatch this show bc baby belmont and Annette are my kids and Edouard is so special 2 m#bls im not a hater so if u like the guard i don't care#i just have a lot less interest in these types of threads ik some ppl who have been victims of the church find them cathartic#but i often find the storyline too much in the business of comforting the oppressor being represented and find them tedious#raised in American South where a lot of the cultures being examined exist and have flavored it#particularly this time period being looked at w plantation slavery plus French and native relations being v highlighted in my region#ugh anyway let me not get started x2 plus i don't care who's side drolta is on#she's bad and unjustified just insane and likes murder and looks very hot while she does it the end#(i love her every show putting black girls in it take note of the way they treated her hair so many styles 🥺💕)
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byakuyasdarling · 1 year
I hate randomly blocking people that follow me for no reason other than “what they draw makes me uncomfortable” because it illustrates a fundamental misunderstanding of MY SCRIMBLO (/lh). I understand it’s simply conjecture, but people who highlight that part of his light novel (a part that was revealed to be a dream and not close to canonicity) bother me a lot.
#in short… I hate the Pol//aris P Po//lanski shit#14 year old D//GR fans will be like ‘I know so much about Byakuya 🥺🥺 I read a brief synopsis of his light novel and completely -#misinterpretated this whole plot point and the majority of his quotes!!’#if you didn’t know: in the light novel he has to cross dress to get into the Legacy Crown Championship#(which decides who is head male - and who gets exhiled)#but if you BOTHERED to read the ending of the dubiously canon novel and his CANON LINES you would know that the plot is actually all in -#-Bl//ue Ink’s head (his step sister who ‘documents’ his legacy as he thinks he is destined to win)#- false memories. I can’t EXACTLY remember why but it was only a dubious recollection of actual events — and in-game and in the novel -#-Byakuya is recognised as#- one of the 15 ‘gold rank’ Tog//ami siblings and therefore never needed to cross-dress to get into the race in the first place#also the book is just hella confusing and awfully gruesome LMAO#but the drawing had his disguise in glasses when Pol//aris wore contacts!! because in the novel Byakuya states he finds glasses unappealing-#-on a woman. though fashionable for himself as a man (thanks ‘Kuya… I have 20/20 vision and I still hate that).#so yeah I was mega uncomfortable for no reason I’m just pedantic and I hate the fandom (for the most part)#I love you guys though LMAO#sorry I sounded like a gatekeeper LOL#I’ve ran into like… 3 more wives of Byakuya and I do actually really like their content and was okay with them but I didn’t interact beyond-#- a cursory glance because I don’t want to risk myself being uncomfortable or anyone else. I only have a lot of warnings because there are -#-fringe cases I really hate. so I have to use umbrella terms.#(so I am not THAT BAD. but I can be especially with the non-canon Pola//ris stuff and blatant misinterpretation#I FEEL SO MEAN.#not good for business.
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Bileven & Eddissy for ship bingo :)
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verstappen-cult · 3 months
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summary: people always like to jump into conclusions and you are the internet’s newest victim, the ‘slut playing with two boys’. little do they know, there’s more to the story.
pairings: max verstappen x fem!reader x charles leclerc. content warning: kaia gerber as fem!reader, cursing, toxic fans, tiny bit of angst because i like to make them suffer, f1 grid because they need their own warning. inspired in the song slut! by taylor swift.
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Liked by user01, f1wagsnews and 152,840 others
paddockgossip Max Verstappen and a mysterious girl spotted in Monaco this afternoon. This is the second time we’ve seen them in a span of two weeks. We still don’t know who she is, but they seem pretty close. Is Max Verstappen finally taken?
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user01 not paddockgossip calling max’s childhood friend a ‘mysterious girl’ loool
user02 she’s been getting so much attention ever since they started dating
user03 we don’t even know if they’re actually dating
user04 i’m sure i’ve seen her before 🤔
user05 that’s because you have! she was seen with charles leclerc like a month ago but no one talks about it bc they haven’t been seen together after that user06 she’s friends with max AND charles????
user07 is this really max wearing non redbull merch???
user08 the girlfriend effect is real user09 ffs we don’t know if they’re dating
user10 no one’s asking the important question here: who is she?? do we have an instagram, twitter, something????
user11 she’s @/yourusername user12 no way she’s THAT pretty
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Liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and 63,734 others
yourusername tummy hurts don’t talk 2 me
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user13 so this is max’s new girlfriend?
user14 shes one of us.
user16 and she has stomach issues too. it’s like looking at myself in a mirror
charles_leclerc but i was omw with some goddies, what do i do now?
yourusername tummy don’t hurt anymore 🥺
user17 i didn’t know charles and y/n were that close
user18 girl haven’t you seen the photos? user17 WHAT PHOTOS
maxverstappen1 i won’t say i told you so but i told you so.
yourusername you’re no fun at all
user18 oh to be y/n and have not one but two formula 1 drivers flirting with me in the comments
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Liked by maxverstappen1, redbullracing and 135,767 others
yourusername book nerds! 📚 we have some really exciting changes coming for our book club in the next couple of weeks — but in the meantime, i want to share that the incredible @/lauradern will be joining us to talk about “honey, baby, mine”, a collection of conversations between laura and her mom… grab a copy and join us next thursday!
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ana_d_armas This is amazing! 👏👏 can’t wait to join you and know more about this amazing book.
user19 Reading now!
user20 is that-is that really max verstappen?
user21 max verstappen? like as in formula one champion max verstappen? THAT ONE?
user22 what is max doing with her?
user23 do u think he knows about what’s going on with her and charles? think about your gf cheating on your face with your so called ‘friend’ user24 he has to know otherwise that’s pretty sad. user22 think about your gf cheating on you with your friend and having to see that friend every weekend… that’s so fucking awkward!
user25 where is charles? you got tired of him already? 😂
redbullracing You said he was gonna join your book club but all I see is Max napping. Bad. Very bad behavior.
yourusername sorry admin i tried!
user26 i need an explanation, like i would settle for anything at this point i just wanna know what is happening with them
user27 stop freaking out! they’re probably just friends
user28 yeah right nobody believes that
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Liked by user29, francisca.cgomes and 254,122 others
paddockgossip New photos of Max Verstappen and Y/N L/N out and about in Barcelona. There are multiple witnesses that saw the couple ‘very cozy, they couldn’t stop touching each other’ inside the restaurant — this comes after the pictures of Y/N with Charles Leclerc kissing on his yatch just a week ago. We don’t know what is happening, who is cheating on who, but we do not support this kind of behavior.
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user29 this is disgusting
user30 what is this chick playing at?
user31 oh shut up you all. you wish you were her.
user32 WHAT IS GOING ON WHY IS NO ONE SAYING SOMETHING ??? user33 probably because this is bullshit
user34 you don’t know anything. is actually so fun seeing you all losing your minds over this.
user36 they look good together ngl
francisca.cgomes 😂
user37 kika what does this mean
user38 they’re sick
user39 she’s jumping from one driver to another it wouldn’t surprise me if the next one is lando.
user40 at this point i think she would pretty much crawl into anybody’s bed
user41 she’s just looking for fame
user42 that’s what i’m saying! just look at her followers now, she gained like 100k user43 oh i hate her so much
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Liked by user44, wags_news and 534,665 others
paddockgossip Well, well… We really thought we wouldn’t get any more news about the chaotic mess between Y/N L/N and Max Verstappen & Charles Leclerc, so, we were a little surprised to see Charles’ latest instagram story (second slide) where he tagged Y/N! It’s a beautiful picture but then we have Y/N’s story: a conversation between her and Max Verstappen. So, what do you think is happening here?
View all 25,736 comments
user46 are they-are they soft launching their relationship?
user47 nah it’s mpossible these boys don’t know y/n is playing with them
user48 oh bestie that is so not what’s happening here
user50 what the actual fuck
user51 she’s such a slut
user52 she’s cheating and she doesn’t care. iconic
user53 i’m gonna throw up
user54 they need to get out of there asap
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Liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and others
yourusername you really thought you knew it all, uh?
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maxverstappen1 loves of my life.
liked by author and charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc my pretty girl and pretty boy.
liked by author and maxverstappen1
carlossainz55 FUCKING FINALLY.
lilymhe i love you all so much. 🩷
pierregasly you can finally stop moaning to me about wanting to be public. i was just about to commit murder.
user60 i never thought i would see the day where charles and max would be kissing
user61 not only that but also dating user62 in a poly relationship*
francisca.cgomes my favorite throuple. 💜
user63 this is so NOT what i was expecting
landonorris can you adopt me?
oscarpiastri me too, please.
user64 the fifth pic??? i also wanna kiss both of them pls
redbullracing Can we celebrate now? 🥺
scuderiaferrari My house? 10PM?
alex_albon this is such a surprise to me. i’m shocked.
danielricciardo MY PARENTS. 🤩
user65 look at that last slide 😭 they really were destined to be together.
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toji-girl · 17 days
pregnant!reader and toji who can't stop eating her out cause he thinks she tastes so sweet now 🥺
just fell to my knees from thinking about this
18+ only content - mdni
I am going outside to dig my grave
tags: pregnant! fem reader + explicit smut
Warm hands slid under your dress as you bent over to pull the clothes from the dryer, fingers squeezed and gripped your ass then your hips as he pulled you back against his pelvis rocking against you.
"Yes? Can I help you with something?" You hummed knowing exactly where this was going to go, Toji sunk to his knees pressing his face against the soft globes of your ass and then to your belly bump.
He didn't say anything as his teeth caught the hem of your panties pulling them down to your thighs as his fingers deftly spread you open and his tongue lolled out to taste you slowly licking up and down only to end at your clit that he suckled on slowly.
Thick fingers dented the plush flesh of your hips as he pulled you back onto his face, his tongue traced the curves of your pussy as your fingers held the edge of the dryer feeling your legs knock together when his fingers slid inside you to join in making you moan his name.
Toji was a menace and he couldn't get enough of you, his tongue was fused to your pussy. "You taste so sweet, give me one more, be a good girl and cum for me." He'd always coax you into another orgasm.
Your hormones changed making you glow as you settled into your pregnancy with Toji who couldn't keep his hands to himself, before you ended up like this he was always on you but now you couldn't help but feel the same way, always tugging on his shirt with a pout.
Fucking him was your only thought a lot of the time it seemed, sinking down on his cock that never failed to stretch you out and make you feel so full to alleviate the permanent ache between your legs that only he could cure.
But no matter how bad you begged for him to finally make love to you Toji wanted to stay between your legs to treat your pussy like it was mouth-melting chocolate, his tongue was sinful as he swirled it against your clit and up and down making sure to keep you on edge.
He was well-versed in pussy eating and you were sure to take advantage of that as well, you knew that when he finally pulls away from your slicked cunt with a shiny mouth he was going to give you what you want, he enjoyed feeling you wrapped around him like hot silk.
"Can't get enough of how you darlin', I should keep you pregnant all the time," Toji teased as he settled between your legs when he caught you on the couch watching TV, you shucked your clothes in favor of giving your body no restrictions and it gave Toji full access to you.
His dark head between your thighs as you gripped the couch grinding down on his face, his nose sliding in between your pussylips as he laps at you like a starved man of something to drink and he was going to drink you like a tall glass of water until his thirst was quenched. "If you act like this then I don't care," You moaned.
Toji loved it when you tugged on his hair drowning him in your essence as you rode his face the best you could until you creamed in his mouth before he made love to you a few times that night.
It's worse when you wear any dresses around him and on the warmer days you do, the short ones around the house which is how you ended up on the edge of the bed and Toji slurping at your cunt moaning about good you tasted while palming his dick.
His tongue felt like it was permanently attached to you always sure to clean up the mess he made by kissing you and grabbing the back of your neck softly or your jaw knowing it would make you needy.
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fuwushiguro · 10 months
Hi love! Your content is great and always makes my head spin🤤 I was wondering if you could maybe do fitness trainer Toji with a plush reader? Like you go to the gym wanting to slim down and ask for a trainer and before any of the other loser trainers can get to you, Toji steps in. He is constantly reassuring you the entire time And at the end of the session he just can’t resist from not touching you🥺🫶🏼 thank you in advance and I hope you have the best day possible!
I can literally imagine Toji quoting this in his head as he hears you talk negatively about your body (not proofed I'm lazy) warnings: chubby!reader, body issues, raw sex, slightly public, praise etc etc lmk if i missed any
"I literally need a gym trainer who's going to help me look like a rake."
"I- what? A fuckin' rake? What are you talking about?"
"My boyfriend cheated on me, and of course the girl he slept with is tiny. He left me for her... I don't want him back but I want to prove a point!" you explain, looking at him with hopeful eyes, desperate for him to help with your mission.
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He stared at you, and it scared you a little. You aren't sure if you've said something wrong or if he just had no interest in your tragic love life. But you can only assume he doesn't get many clients with this attitude.
"Fine, kid. But listen, I'm not helping you 'look like a rake'." he tells you.
"I'll help you train. If you lose weight, whatever. If you gain muscle... I think that'll be a better revenge body to make your ex regret leaving you." he explains.
"O-Oh... really? Okay, I trust you."
He smirks at that.
It's not often he's trusted by women.
"I hate sit ups." you pant, breathlessly.
"It's your last set, just do it 'n then you can go home." he tells you, as he sits beside you drinking some water from his comically large bottle. By the size of it, you'd think he'd be the one who had been working out for the last hour.
"C'mere." he shuffles his body so that he's closer to you, positioning your legs and hips like you're weightless. "You might find it easier now. I'll stay here, gimme ten more."
"Do it."
You sigh, lying flat as you mentally prepare yourself for how bad your stomach is about to ache. Your cheeks fill as you blow out a puff of air. You're painfully aware of his eyes on you, and honestly, you're embarrassed. You begin to sit up again and again as you think about his incredible physique. About how he surely thinks the same way as your ex boyfriend.
Your eyes lock with his with ever sit up you perform, his hands grabbing your knees to keep you in place. Your noses almost touch and his eyes are filled with what you can only assume is disgust. You're humiliating yourself trying to make yourself appear more attractive to the male species.
"Aaaand done, good job, kid." he smiles at you, his small mouth scar pulling slightly as he does. "So, wanna make this a regular thing?"
You hold up a finger as you catch your breath, eventually nodding. He holds his hand out to you, helping you to your feet with ease. He walks away from you, tilting his head and indicating for you to follow. You aren't sure where he's taking you, but you follow mindlessly.
"My calendar is in my office, I'll get you booked in for a few sessions this month and then you can just give them your card details at the fron desk." he explains.
"Sure, sounds good." you smile, he walks into his office first and holds the door opening, closing it right after you come in. Your ears prick when you hear the door lock, but for whatever reason you don't feel alarmed.
The air is knocked from your lungs as you feel his hands on your waist, lifting you into the air and practically slamming you onto his desk.
"W-What are you doing?!" you gasp.
"Can I kiss you?" he asks, it's almost polite but not really. He's expecting one answer, and luckily for you you're nodding before you can think of declining. He hikes up your leg and squeezes your plush thigh as his lips connect with yours. "You're so soft... so fuckin' perfect."
"Shut up." you laugh, you try to kiss him again but he pulls away.
"I'm serious." he lifts your up your sports bra and tosses it aside, grabbing a handful of your large chest. He pushes you backwards so that your spine is flat against his desk, tugging off your leggings with no hesitation. He peppers kisses across your tender skin. Your thighs, your tummy, your heavy tits. "There's nothin' wrong with your body, y'know? Your ex is a fuckin' pussy."
Your body tenses up, feeling horrendously aware of how exposed your figure is and how he's examining you.
"I- I was too heavy for him." you pant, unsure whether to try and chat casually about it or make a run for your clothes and the exit. "I don't blame him."
"You weigh the same as paper to me, darlin'." he smirks, picking you up and making you wrap your legs around his waist. He slams you against the wall as you makeout heavily. "You want this cock? F-Feel how hard I am for ya?"
"P-Please. You're so big.. please fuck me." you beg. You paw at his shirt, desperate to feel the muscles that you could clearly see beneath.
His facial expression is almost menacing as he knows he's won, he's got you exactly where he wants you and you're begging for his cock. Thick fingers dig into malleable flesh, bruises of his name signed into your skin like a binding contract that you're his new favourite play thing.
"You're so fuckin' perfect, sweetheart. Love cute bodies like yours..." he tells you, staring into your eyes to catch your expression, grinning at the way your cheeks flush and a bead of sweat forms in your hairline.
"Aah! Ah, fuck.. 'h my god..." you moan, the embarrassment overwhelming you and the feeling of his heavy cock splitting you open making your heart race.
He begins a brutal pace, easily holding your body up with one muscular arm as he slams into you, his free hand tweaking your pert nipple. The way your eyes cross dumbly as he ruins your insides almost makes him blow his load on the spot.
"Too— mmmnn.." you moan, unable to form a coherent thought.
"Too what?" he laughs a little, "Too? Have I fucked you so stupid you already can't think? Oh sweetheart... think I'm in love." he tells you as he kisses your neck.
Your fingers scratch his back repeatedly and he can only his from the pain and pleasure of it all. He's happy to be marked by you, he's going to do the same to your insides after all.
"'m gonna cum, I'm— ah—!" your cunt tightens around him as you finish, and soon enough he's pressing his body as much as he can into yours, pinning you between him and the wall as his balls tighten and he paints your desperate, wanting walls.
You pant against each other, neither of you moving for a while. All you can bring yourself to do is catch your breath and stare into his jade coloured eyes. And eventually, he helps you down and offers you a towel before sitting at his desk and checking through his calendar.
"Are you free Friday night?" he asks.
"O-Oh, Toji, I'm too exhausted from that workout to even think about my next training session." you chuckle a little, wiping yourself down before collecting your scattered clothing.
"No, baby, I'm takin' you on a date." he smiles at you earnestly. "Perfect body, perfect pussy, and newly single. You're crazy if you think I'm not taking full advantage of the opportunity to make you mine."
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© 2023 fuwushiguro
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chrisevansonly · 10 months
𝐚 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜
✯social media au
✯charles leclerc x female reader
✯surprise surprise, a new leclerc is on the way!
✯not requested, just wanted to post a little something, im still struggling with writing motivation :/ but i might do a pt2 to this if people like it<3
part 2 part 3
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liked by charles_leclerc, kellypique, arthur_leclerc and 765,000 others
little baby leclerc coming soon, i can’t wait to be a parent with you charles, our baby is the luckiest little one in the world♥️
tagged charles_leclerc
see 106,000 comments
username oh my god i cannot😭
username im so happy for them!!!
username they’ve been trying for so long i’m so so happy for them🥹🥹
arthur_leclerc congratulations you two, can’t wait to be an uncle❤️
liked by charles_leclerc and ynleclerc
charles_leclerc je t’aime tellement chérie
charles_leclerc can’t wait for this new adventure❤️
>ynleclerc i love you so so much ❤️
carlossainz55 baby ferrari alert!!!!
liked by ynleclerc
username convulsing and crying atm
ynleclerc added to their story!
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*comments disabled*
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liked by scuderiaferrari, ynleclerc, joristrouche and 1M others
last summer as a family of two, can’t wait to be a family of three❤️
tagged ynleclerc
see 367,000 comments
username y/n looks so beautiful!!!
lilyhme @:y/nleclerc babe you are looking stunning!!
>ynleclerc my angel you!!! miss you so much🩷
username omg the baby content we’ll get soon😭
ynleclerc family of three omg 🥹
ynleclerc i’m so excited 🩷🩷
liked by charles_leclerc
scuderiaferrari we’ll save the best seat for them!!
liked by ynleclerc and charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc added to their story!
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*comments disabled*
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liked by arthur_leclerc, apmmonaco, charles_leclerc and 989,000 others
i will forever be very thankful for charles who takes me out at 3:30 in the morning for the most strange cravings that sometimes takes us a few hours out of town. even if i’m crying feeling bad he does his best to cheer me up, make me laugh and keep me happy. he is the absolute best husband in the world, and he’s going to be the most amazing father, thank you for being you my love🩷
tagged charles_leclerc
see 109,000 comments
username this is so sweet😭
username he’s giving dilf vibes already
username 🥹🥹🥹
charles_leclerc i’d do anything for you, i love you❤️
>ynleclerc i love you more:(
carlossainz55 yet you wouldn’t walk 3 feet to get me a sandwich…hmm
>charles_leclerc mate it was right in front of you
username carlos just wants to be loved too 😭
arthur_leclerc don’t forget the time he came over and raided my fridge knowing i had the specific jello you liked….
>ynleclerc thank you thur🥺🥺
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liked by ynleclerc, joristrouche, puma and 2M others
closer and closer everyday 🩷🩵
tagged ynleclerc
see 547,000 comments
username do they know the gender yet?!
>ynleclerc not yet!!! 🥰
username i think it’s a girl
username charles as a boy dad??
ynleclerc feels like a lifetime, i just want them to be here:(
>charles_leclerc soon mon ange, soon❤️
>ynleclerc not soon enough 🥺
landonorris my money is on girl
>carlossainz55 mines on boy
>danielricciardo im w carlos
>alexalbon nah it’s gonna be a girl
username the grid guesses 👀
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quirklezz · 5 months
Rumor has it (Part 3) | Tom Blyth
pairing: Tom Blyth x fem!actress!reader
summary: Ever since the premiere of tbosas fans of yours have been shipping you with your costar, Tom Blyth. Is it all just rumors or were they right all along?
a/n: I’m loving all the support I’ve been getting with this mini series so here are the links to part 1 & part 2 if you haven’t been caught up! As always feedback is appreciated and requests are open!
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ynusername Say hello to my nephew, Lenny 🐶 @rachelzegler @tomblyth
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user1 not YN calling Lenny her nephew I CANT
↳ user3 I mean her and Rachel are practically sisters at this point 🥺
↳ user1 true
user4 I never wanted to be a dog so bad in my entire life until now
↳ user5 why do I relate to this comment so bad 😫
user6 I guess that makes Tom the uncle
user2 Didn’t Tom say he’s getting a dog in an interview and the breed he mentioned is YN’s favorite
↳ user3 they’ll make great dog parents
rachelzegler come back Lenny misses you two 😭
↳ user5 Lenny is a real one
↳ user4 If YN and Tom left me I’d be missing them too
↳ user2 we need more Lenny content from them pls
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tomyndaily It’s the way he’s looking at @ynusername in this pic for me 😫
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user3 Idk who to be jealous of YN or Rachel?!
↳ user1 same
↳ user6 I’m jealous of Tom tbh 😤
user2 He looks at her with so much love and admiration
↳ user4 men take notes ✍️
user5 can’t wait to see more of them on the red carpet soon
↳ user2 I just know they’re going to slay
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ynusername Coryo may not be a gentleman, but @tomblyth sure is. Tbosas is out now in theaters everywhere!! 🌹🎶🐍
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user3 the Taylor Swift reference!!
↳ user1 she’s not wrong though
↳ user2 not mother quoting mother
user4 I wish Tom Blyth was real 😭
↳ ynusername me too 😔
↳ user3 she’s too funny
tomyndaily I love how she took this while Tom picked her up from the airport
↳ user6 proof?
↳ tomyndaily posted in stories
rachelzegler did you just Mike Wazowski me? 🙃
↳ ynusername I just realized I did after posting it sorry not sorry 😆
↳ user5 as he should
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yntomsources A old pic of Tom at @ynusername house back in 2022 while they were filming tbosas taking from her insta stories
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user4 I never seen this pic before
user2 buzzcut Tom for the win
↳ user3 agree to disagree
↳ user1 it’s not that serious
user5 I went to her stories but I don’t see it anywhere 🤔
↳ yntomsources she deleted it
↳ user6 I guess she wasn’t a fan of the buzzcut 🫢
↳ user4 team flowing locks is better
user2 we have to spam her now to see which she prefers skskskskksksks
↳ user3 BET
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taglist: @bada-lee-ily (lmk if anyone else would like to be tagged in future projects)
472 notes · View notes
fastandcarlos · 5 days
Wholesome Weekends : ̗̀➛ Alex Albon
summary: a rare weekend away brings some quality time for alex and y/n to make a few more memories
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liked by alex_albon, logansargeant and 90,486 others
ynusername: making the most of the next few days with you, can’t wait to have you to myself for the whole weekend ❤️
alex_albon: can’t wait to spend every day waking up next to you
username1: my heart can’t take how cute these two are
username2: do we get to see alex’s pov of photo 1??
logansargeant: can’t wait to hear all about your trip ☺️
landonorris: can you stop making all us single people feel even more lonely please
ynusername: @/landonorris maybe one day you’ll find your own alex albon too 😂
username3: can’t wait for the spam to start
username4: have you ever seen a guy more in love 🤔
carmenmmundt: promise to compare trip notes in miami next week?
ynusername: @/carmenmmundt yessssss! hope you and george have the best time 🩷
username5: we want to hear all about the trip too!
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 483,300 others
alex_albon: adventuring with my girl…could life get any better? ✈️
landonorris: you could be adventuring with me instead 🤷🏻
alex_albon: @/landonorris my question was if life could get better, not worse 😂
username6: lando forever getting rinsed as the single friend lmao
username7: if you’re ever looking for a third wheel…I’m here 👋🏻
ynusername: i definitely don’t think my life could get any better my love 🥰
alex_albon: @/ynusername ❤️❤️❤️❤️
oscarpiastri: don’t forget to visit that cafe I suggested!
username8: oh to fly anywhere in the world with alex albon 🫠
username9: y/n forever getting those perfect boyfriend angles of alex
danielricciardo: these photos are almost alex.jpg worthy bro
alex_albon: @/danielricciardo inspired by the best 😂
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liked by maxverstappen1, lance_stroll and 738,595 others
alex_albon: first things first, a quick pit stop to visit our babies 🥺🩷
maxverstappen1: now this is my kinda content!!
username10: alex + cats = the perfect photo
username11: I want to be held just like how alex holds his babies
oscarpiastri: you look happier to see the cats then they do you 😂
alex_albon: @/oscarpiastri they were just posing for the camera 📸
username12: I love how they still prioritise the cats and shower them with so much love
ynusername: I didn’t want to move with all their cuddles 😭
username13: can you adopt me like you adopt all your fur babies??
estebanocon: how have you never introduced me to these cuties before 😣
username14: okay but who has cuter cats…max or alex?
alex_albon: @/username14 🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽
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liked by pierregasly, carmenmmundt and 103,853 others
ynusername: I’d let you take me anywhere as long as I’m with you ☺️
landonorris: eurgh enough with the soppy posts now
ynusername: @/landonorris you’ve got a whole weekend of this to enjoy my friend ☺️
username15: the holding hands, I repeat, the holding hands
alex_albon: the feeling is mutual babe 💕
username16: idek which of those photos has the better view
logansargeant: two hands on the wheel at all times, did you learn nothing from your driving instructor??
alex_albon: @/logansargeant you saw nothing, my hands are on 10 and 2 always 😂
username17: not logan scolding alex like he’s the perfect driver
username18: ultimate passenger princess mode activated
charles_leclerc: how come you’ve never offered to drive me around like this?
alex_albon: @/charles_leclerc I’ll hold your hand whenever you want sweet cheeks
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liked by charles_leclerc, georgerussell63 and 628,940 others
alex_albon: exploring with my favourite is an exhausting job but I wouldn’t have it any other way 🥰
username19: pls lord let me have a boyfriend as sweet as alex
danielricciardo: you’re giving us high performing athletes a bad name sitting down on the job 😂
alex_albon: @/danielricciardo ever been a walk with y/n before?? she’s like a machine 😅
username20: I never want this weekend of photos to end
username21: y/n are you willing to loan alex out to a single gal pls?
pierregasly: damn make sure you get those leg muscles flexing brother
logansargeant: don’t let the boss see you sat down and relaxing 😉
alex_albon: @/logansargeant this is harder work than anything we do I swear
username22: they’re just everything
username23: these photos are making my heart so happy
ynusername: hurry up and catch up with me loser rather than posting on instagram 🏃🏻‍♀️
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris and 93,504 others
ynusername: to anyone from williams looking at our weekend, I promise I’m still working him hard 💪🏻
username24: you’re not convincing anyone y/n 😂
username25: poor alex never truly gets a day off
landonorris: what exercises were you doing? a lot of staring I imagine
ynusername: @/landonorris mind your damn business 🤫
username26: who knew gym alex was so attractive 😅
username27: if you ever need a workout buddy alex, I’ll sign up for free
alex_albon: best workout partner ever 🤩
maxverstappen1: true dedication to the job there buddy
carmenmmundt: george had me in the gym this morning too 😅 the perks of dating an f1 driver
ynusername: @/carmenmmundt usually I’d complain…but the sights I got to see this morning were pretty cool 🫠
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liked by logansargeant, carlossainz55 and 548,605 others
alex_albon: like any good weekend plenty of food has been demolished ❤️
ynusername: as handsome as you are…that food was something else ☺️
alex_albon: @/ynusername agreed!! thanks @/oscarpiastri for the recommendation
oscarpiastri: @/alex_albon I knew you guys would love it
username28: now that’s the smile of a guy who knows his food
username29: how is everyone sleeping how cute y/n looks in that photo
lance_stroll: wherever this is dude you need to tell me!
charles_leclerc: you gonna make weight in miami after consuming that?? 😂
alex_albon: @/charles_leclerc honestly its touch and go
username30: I love how much of a foodie alex is…a guy after my own heart
yukitsunoda0511: I still need to cook for you guys! I’ll show you a proper meal
alex_albon: @/yukitsunoda0511 that’s an offer that I could never say no to 😂
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liked by alex_albon, danielricciardo and 78,390 others
ynusername: sun, sea and 🤫, the perfect end to the perfect weekend ☺️💕
danielricciardo: now that’s my kinda caption 😂
username31: y/n wtf I thought you were better than this
landonorris: I really hope you’re not implying what I think you’re implying
username32: farewell to y/n’s pg era
yukitsunoda0511: someone might have to fill me in here 😣
username33: @/yukitsunoda0511 no don’t let anyone take your adorable innocence from you
alex_albon: thank you for the most incredible weekend bub 💕
alex_albon: ps thank you for making my back look insane in all these photos 🔥
ynusername: @/alex_albon I did nothing…you can thank my handsome model 🥰
username34: how can two people be so beautiful
iamrebeccad: my girl you are looking insane 🔥
logansargeant: nice to see all that time in the gym paying off 😂
username35: @/logansargeant doesn’t sound like they’re just working out in the gym either
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liked by oscarpiastri, alexandrasaintmleux and 179,493 others
ynusername: and it all got too much for little alex albon 💤
georgerussell63: hahahahahah y/n you’re the best!!
oscarpiastri: and the award for best caption goes to…
username36: not y/n exposing herself for watching f1 memes 😂
landonorris: why you gotta do me dirty like this 💔
ynusername: @/landonorris stop being a walking meme then loser
alex_albon: thank you for making sure you capture all my flattering angles 😂🩷
ynusername: @/alex_albon 🫡🫡🫡
logansargeant: idk which I prefer the photos or the caption
username37: this is hands down my fave photo from the weekend
username38: y/n and alex forever making lando feel single is the best
danielricciardo: y/n stop! you’re coming across funnier than me 🥺
ynusername: @/danielricciardo I could never steal your crown king 👑
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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strawberry-cowmilk · 7 months
i NEED mc being upset that Mammon constantly wants to hide that he likes them! Like y r u ashamed of me? U want me to love u and only spend time with u and not pay attention to any one, but every instance u could have to prove that u love me u fold? Mc who DOES love him back but isn't willing to be treated like an embarrassment/burden??? I neeed this 🥺
hi anon! I really like this idea! I hope I do this right, enjoy!
be honest
-> mammon x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: fighting
Every day Mammon brags about being your 'first man' to his brothers. Every day he gets jealous any of them sit next to you at dinner. One time, Levi accused him of being 'absolutely smitten' with you and like usual, Mammon started avoiding any eye contact, his body language turning more reserved while denying Levi's statement. At first it was sweet right? Having such an energetic, confident demon turn all shy the second it's clear he loves you. It honestly made you like him back more too. But, it's been years. Years of Mammon clearly having a crush on you to the point the average person passing by on the street could tell but denying it in the least subtle way possible. You know, maybe he doesn't want to commit to you. Is it because you're a human? Is Mammon afraid of what others may think of him when he starts dating a human?
You finally had enough during game night with Mammon, Levi and Beel. In the game you were playing, you needed to be in teams of two. Beel and Levi were one team, leaving you with Mammon. Levi was joking about how Mammon kept using every healing item he got on you, while Beel nodded silently in agreement Of course, the second brother made up a silly excuse like 'Mc has lower health' or 'it was an accident.' The more he kept fighting Levi on this, the more annoyed you got to the point of going to your room early this game night.
Of course Mammon went right after you, calling your name until you finally turned around. The confusion, anger and sadness in your expression was clear to him. Before he could ask what was going on, you kind of blurted out how awful you have grown to feel about his 'I don't love Mc' act. You told him to just drop the act if you're so enbarrassing to date and reject you properly. It would hurt, but not as bad as the constant denial. Like just be honest, Mammon!
Mammon however did not see this coming. He feels awful for making you feel this way, especially since he really didn't mean to. You must really hate him now, no way you'd agree to be his lover, right? He apologised to you. 'I, well, it's my own issue' he explained. It's not you he's ashamed of, it's his own way of acting. But now is not the time for shame, you want him to be honest.
Mammon confessed to you. It was not how he imagined it to be, over a candlelit dinner with roses, but in front of your bedroom door after a fight. 'I'm sorry I hurt you, Mc.. I'd still like a relationship, you know, if that's alright.' Clearly embarrassed and afraid, Mammon looked down at his shoes until you gently touched his arm. Despite everything, despite still being mad at him, you still love him back.
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gabigabigabby · 9 months
second best | l. norris
lando norris x sainz!reader
the landosainz saga
a/n: LANDO P2 AT THE HOMETOWN GP SO PROUD OF MY BOY. also my first f1 fic so bear w me. also hometown gp content. ALSO best gp in the calendar i don't make the rules
synopsis: lando wins p2 in singapore and you celebrate with the entire mclaren team
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liked by carlossainz55, lewishamilton and 669,002 others
ynsainzzz now, isn't that just lovely? 2nd 🧡
tagged: landonorris, mclaren
view all 77,542 comments
mclaren Our Lando! 🧡
landonorris SECOND!!! 😆
ynsainzzz landonorris 🔝
landonorris All because of youuuu princess! 😘🧡
ynsainzzz landonorris you are too much 🤞🏽
carlossainz55 Cabrónnnn [Badass]
comment liked by ynsainzzz and landonorris
landovsthewrld congratulations landoooo 🧡
mclarenovererrthing LN4 🔝🧡
carlandonorrainz Lando sharing the P with Carlos in the best GP in the calendar 😭😭😭
ynsainznorris4 y/n and lando... enough to make a grown man cry 🥹
georgieandlew Congrats Lando 🔝
f1saveslives top driver today lando
francisca.cgomes my fav couple🥹
comment liked by ynsainzzz
ynsainzzz francisca.cgomes come to the japan gp imy💔
landonorris francisca.cgomes kind of you kika 🥹
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liked by ynsainzzz, carlossainz55 and 359,853 others
mclaren WHAT IT MEANS! 🧡 Simply stunning drive, landonorris! 👏
tagged: landonorris
view all 25,890 comments
ynsainzzz 🌟boy 🧡🤞🏽
comment liked by mclaren and landonorris
pierregasly 🔝
lewishamilton Good lad 👊
carlossainz55 The Lando to my Car 🧡❤️
comment liked by ynsainzzz
francisca.cgomes 🌟🌟
footyandf1 P1 soon Lando ☝🏽
gaslyxnorris sick drive-around tonight lando!
landonorizz the people's boy!!!! 🧡
carlossainz55 and landonorris
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liked by pierregasly, ynsainzzz and 1,862,149 others
carlossainz55 CARLANDOOOO 1-2!
tagged: landonorris
view all 18,599 comments
landonorris Kissies kissies ❤️🧡
comment liked by carlossainz55
ynsainzzz liking bc lando's in this photo
carlossainz55 ynsainzzz I'm not surprised, do what you want, I guess
landonorris ynsainzzz love you baby boo bear 😘😘
h44milton ynsainzzz you'll be drowning in lando's "kissies" as soon as you get back to the hotel
ynsainzzz h44milton tell me about it😭
landonorris ynsainzzz i thought you loved them!!! 🥺
pierregasly landonorris hate to break it to ya bud... 😂
ynsainzzz proud of you hermano ig 🌟🤞🏽
carlossainz55 ynsainzzz yeah thanks y/n mi hermanita. This is the least I expected from you 😅🤞🏽
c4rlossa1nzjr YES CARLANDOOOO ❤️🧡
tomholland2013 Congratulations mates! 🌟
comment liked by carlossainz55 and landonorris
sergioramos ¡Enhorabuena! 👊
comment liked by carlossainz55
livelaughlovef1 Congratulations Carlos and Lando!!! Best duo in the sport ☝🏽❤️🧡
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly and 1,662,540 others
ynsainzzz damn. lucky me ig 🧡🐐
tagged: landonorris
view all 77,525 comments
landonorris So orange is a not so bad colour after all innit? 😆
ynsainzzz landonorris don't try to convince me ☝🏽
landonorris I love you the absolute most princess!!!! 🧡🤞🏽👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
ynsainzzz landonorris love you more champ 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
carlossainz55 I guess you guys are cute 🤷🏽
ynsainzzz carlossainz55 about time hermano 🙄
pierregasly ❤️
comment liked by ynsainzzz
charles_leclerc You still bleed red tho 🤷🏻❤️
ynsainzzz charles_leclerc okay bro and? 🥱
oscarpiastri 🧡🧡
ynsainzzz oscarpiastri great drive tonight oz!! +10 up, prouda ya 👊🧡
oscarpiastri ynsainzzz thanks y/n 🙏🏻🧡
allthingsf1 Love you guys!!!
francisca.cgomes lando is so lucky
landonorris francisca.cgomes real talk‼️
ynsainzzz francisca.cgomes damn right he is, ain't nobody else finna wanna get on a plane and fly across the world to do this wit him😆❤️
sophiaaemelia so happy for you guys!!! celebrate that p2 🤍
ynsainzzz sophiaaemelia thanks sweet!! let's arrange something soon 😘
comment liked by landonorris
madelineargy 👏👏👏
comment liked by ynsainzzz
neymarjr Landoooo 👏🏽👏🏽
landonorris neymarjr 😆😆😆
comment liked by ynsainzzz
biglandogirl you guys are too cute 😭😭😭
landonorizz4 you're so lucky frrrr! congratulations lando!! 🧡
carlando455 you calling lando the goat😭 that's literally what he is!! congrats on p2 lando!!!!!
Marina Bay Singapore
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liked by carlossainz55, ynsainzzz and 912,827 others
landonorris Whatttttaaaaa weekend ❤️
tagged: mclaren, ynsainzzz, carlossainz55
view all 26,667 comments
ynsainzzz i love ur camera
landonorris ynsainzzz thanks, you can have it at suzuka 😉
ynsainzzz congratulations to my tiny boy with the biggest heart!!! i love you very much pet 🤞🏽🌟🧡
landonorris ynsainzzz love you to pieces lad 🤞🏽
ynsainzzz seems like the letter L no longer stands for Loser anymore, stands for Lando P2 babyyyyy ☝🏽👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
landonorris ynsainzzz on gooooddd
carlossainz55 Mi lagooooo [My lakeeeeee]
landonorris carlossainz55 hermanoooo 🫡 [brotherrr]
pierregasly 🔝 drive from you tonight, brother! 🫡
comment liked by landonorris
georgerussell63 🔝
comment liked by landonorris
mclaren Queen has spoken: the letter L stands for Lando P2! Put it in the dictionary 🌟🧡
ynsainzzz mclaren on god, team ☝🏽🧡
landonorris mclaren yes to all this
carlandoooo554 Best race of the year, argue with the wall 🫡
francisca.cgomes yes bossssss 🫡 well done 👏🏽
landonorris francisca.cgomes miss you 🥲
h44milton congratulations!!! now we will need a singapore dump soon lando, counting on you for it 👊
landonorris h44milton lando.jpg 👀
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4unnyr0se · 11 days
pookie pls can you write for gojo where reader and him are coworkers at jujutsu high and have a dynamic similar to utahime and gojo? and like yaga is always making them work together even tho they don’t like eachother, but Gojo lowkey gets off on reader being annoyed at him so there is *tension*? 🥺🥺🥺
❥ whole lotta attitude | satoru gojo
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warnings: enemies to lovers, gojo is a dickhead but it's okay because he's gojo, fem! reader, unprotected sex, office sex (im a slut for office sex), multiple orgasms, wall sex, roughness, one hickey, spanking, oral sex (m! receiving), making out, filthy filthy words are spoken, hella sexual tension, reader hates gojo but gojo loooooves her, gojo gets slapped once, degrading, praise, hair pulling, hate(?) sex, gojo texts like a super senior, a little bit of a textfic but not rlly, fluff at the end
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 3.6k
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Jujutsu High was quiet today. That wasn’t unusual because most of the students were either out on missions or in Shokos’ office experiencing whatever the hell she called “medicine.” The quiet was nice, strangely calming, and reassuring. Being a jujutsu sorcerer yourself, calm was a foreign feeling. The cool breeze blew your hair softly in the wind, the songbirds tweeting a melody that was most becoming on this quiet say. You took a deep breath in as you leaned against a wooden pole, admiring how clear the sky was. Everything was simply perfect. If tomorrow was your last day alive, today would be the most wonderful send-off.
“Hey there princess! I missed you!” 
And just like that, there was no more peace. No more tranquility, no more sing-song bird crap. There’s only Satoru Gojo and his humongous ego that crushes anyone within a 50-foot radius. 
His deep voice was laced with a sickly sweet playful tone that made you want to grab his collar and punch him right in his perfect nose. God, you fucking hated him. He was the bane of your existence with his smug attitude and that stupid infinity that he only turned off when you were around. Did he seriously think you were that weak, and he didn’t even need to use infinity because he could defeat you within a millisecond? Stupid fucking handsome bastard, you hated him with every fiber of your being. 
“What, you’re ignoring me now? Don’t be like that, it’s not nice!” Gojo laughed and practically teleported to where you were sitting, his eyes no doubt sparkling under that black blindfold he always wore. 
You groaned and rolled your eyes, crossing your arms and looking away from the smug bastard. “Fuck off, Gojo. I was having a perfectly peaceful afternoon before your very existence ruined it for me.” You pinched your temple with your index finger and thumb, rubbing the stressed skin. “I was calm for once in my damn life. You really do have a talent for making me wish I was six feet under.”
Gojo playfully pouted and shifted himself to your other side, taking your hand off your temple. He cradled it with his own, royally pissing you off in the process. “Why are you always so grumpy all the time, huh? Is it because your students are always out on missions instead of keeping little ol’ your company?” He mocked slightly, letting go of your hand. His blue eyes sparkled beneath his blindfold, filled with mischief. “I could keep your company, you know that right? Or is Little Miss Grumpy Pants too high and mighty to give me a shot?”
“I would literally rather make out with Jogo than spend more time with you than I’m legally required.”
“Ouch, that hurt.”
“Too bad, so sad.” You smirked, shoving him away. If anyone else had seen that they would have been shocked. The mighty Satoru Gojo, pushed to the ground by a grade two sorcerer. You rose up from the wooden desk and dusted yourself off, walking away as quickly as you could in your tennis shoes.
“I always look forward to these meetings you know!” Gojo yelled at you in the distance only to see the faintest image of your middle finger wiggling at him. Gojo smirked and put down the hem of his blindfold, his hair returning to its usual upright position. 
You stormed back into your office and locked the door shut, sliding down against the mahogany doorframe in exhaustion. How was it possible that just being in his presence absolutely drained you of all resolve? Was he really that strong, or was he just super fucking annoying? You had no idea, no one ever had any idea when it came to Satoru Gojo. 
The beautiful day finally came to an end and you got back to your apartment, collapsing onto your couch. Most jujutsu sorcerers had house provided to them by their clans, but that was not your case. Your neighbors thought you were a teacher at some religious school deep in the country side. It was the best excuse you could come up with for being gone for practically days at a time. Maybe the only bus to the train station broke down or something, any old excuse like that in order to keep the nosy (and mostly elderly) fellow tennents off your back.
“Fuck my life…” You groaned, placing your head in your hands as you stumbled over to your cozy bedroom, it’s warm environment almost giving you a hug in its own way. You slipped into your pajamas and curled up under the covers, setting your alarm on your phone for the next morning. Just as you were about to close your eyes, your phone started to buzz. At first it was just a single vibration, probably a text from your mother or something. But the buzzes and vibrations kept coming until your phone was practically moving itself off the bed.
You groaned in annoyance and turned over, checking the notification center to see who the hell had the nerve to text you nine times in a row. And sure enough, sporting the contact photo of a .5 that he took of himself when he stole your phone that one time, Satoru fucking Gojo had spam texted you at 11:41PM.
“What the actual hell?” You whispered, unlocking your phone to see what could possibly be this important. Nothing was ever this important past 10PM, not even if your apartment building was on fucking fire.
The messages plagued your screen, his smirking face in the contact photo made you even more angry. And yet a faint blush found itself creeping up against your face. Maybe it was the sheer excitement of a man texting you at night, or maybe deep down you actually liked Gojo. You smacked yourself lightly on the cheek, trying to erase that thought from your sleep-ridden mind.
Worst person alive: heyyyy
Worst person alive: r u up???
Worst person alive: theres no way u actually went to bed, omg ur such a grandma
Worst person alive: im bored talk to me
Worst person alive: megumi wont answer my texts :(( i think he hates me
Worst person alive: i know ur awake, u were active three minutes ago on insta
Worst person alive: ik u blocked me on their but jokes on u i have 5 other accounts
Worst person alive: pls pls pls pls talk to me im dying over here princess
Worst person alive: btw yaga assigned us on a mission tmrw mwah
Your eyed widened at the last message, your hands gripped the phone with white-knuckle strength. “Fucker!” You yelled, turning off your phone before melting under the covers. Why did Yaga have to do this to you? You and Gojo together was torture enough, but now you had to do actual work with each other? Gojo was grossly incompetent at anything that didn’t involve exorcising cursed spirits. 
You sighed and closed your eyes, silently praying that a curse would somehow break into your bedroom and murder you right then and there. But unfortuanly, you woke up to your alarm blaring in your ear the next morning.
Gojo and yourself were sat in Yaga’s office, Gojo smirking at you the entire time. You blushed under his gaze, hands gripping the edges of your seat as you waited for Yaga to tell you what the assignment was. Was Yaga being late on purpose just to mess with you? Did you manage to piss him off somehow? A million questions were flying through your mind and there was no answer in sight. 
“I saw you read my messages princess.” Gojo finally spoke, leaning forward. He was significantly taller over you, his towering muscular frame intimating you. “Why didn’t you respond? I was really bored. It’s rude to ignore your friends.” He spoke, that same sticky and syrupy voice coming back to haunt you.
“Maybe that’s because we aren’t friends, Gojo.” You scoffed, flipping your hair behind your back. “Could you please just shut up until Yaga gets here? If I have to listen to you mock me again I might actually explode.” Sighing, you placed your face in your hands.
“Actually,” Gojo purred, getting up from his seat only to sit down in Yaga’s velvet office chair. “Yaga doesn’t have a mission for us, princess.” He kicked his feet up on the desk, taking off his blindfold. His snowy white hair fell into a beautiful mess, with his painfully gorgeous blue eyes lighting up his already hellishly handsome face.
You looked up from your hands to raise an eyebrow, your face immediately turning a bright red upon seeing Gojo without his signature blindfold. “I’m sorry, what? I don’t follow.”
Gojo tutted and threw the black fabric onto your lap, his eyes still staring at your blushing face. Gojo found it simply adorable how you would always get so flustered, so annoyed in his presence. How you would always deny being attracted to him, how you swore up and down that he was put on this Earth to make your life a living hell. But he noticed that you would always squeeze your thighs together when he spoke. It was precious, really. How you thought you could hide your painfully obvious desire for him.
“Ae you hard of hearing or something, princess?” Gojo purred, leaning forward to he could grab onto the collar of your navy blue work uniform. With just a snap of his wrists his face was mere centimeters away from your own, the tips of your noses were pressed up against each other so perfectly. You felt your breathing quicken, the atmosphere in Yaga’s office so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. “I said that Yaga never gave us a fucking mission. I just wanted to see you again.” He breathed out, his steaming air causing the hair on the back of your neck to stand up. His grip on your collar tighten, his eyes were filled with desire. Desire for you that’s long overdue to be broken.
Your brows furrowed at you gripped onto his wrist, trying your best to pry his hand away from your uniform collar. Twisting and turning his wrist every which way turned out ot be fruitless, causing you to grow ever more angry and flustered. Fuck Gojo and his superhuman abilities, fuck him for being the strongest. 
Instead, your hand came flying at his face. Your palm collided with his flesh, the cold stinging sensation snapping Gojo out of his lustful trance. His spare hand crept onto his cheek, rubbing the mark softly. You gulped, nervous to see how the strongest jujutsu sorcerer would react to getting slapped across the face by a grade two. 
He smirked and threw his head back slightly, a dark chuckle emitting from his throat. He looked back down at you, his grip on your collar so strong that you started to choke. “God, I was hoping you would fucking do that.” 
In an instant his lips were on yours, roughly clashing against each other. It took every fiber of his being to not rip all your clothes off right then and there, to bend you over Yaga’s desk and fuck you senseless. Oh how long Gojo had waited to feel your plump lips being ravaged by his own, and how deliciously rewarding it was to play the long game. Finally your lips were melding perfectly with each other, his tongue picking up just the faintest taste of peach chapstick. 
Gojo pulled away from the kiss after about a minute, a thick strand of saliva connecting your lips. He sighed in pleasue as his eye landed on your flustered face, your mouth still agape like a slut.
“So fucking pretty like this,” he muttered, stepping out from behind the desk. He pulled you out of your chair and trapped you against the wall, his muscular torso being so easily felt under the think fabric of the uniforms the school provided. “Been wanting to kiss you since forever, y’know.” He mumbled, dragging his callosued hands up and down the clothed snatches of your wasit. “Your lips taste even better than I imaged, sweetness.”
You blushed at his sultry words, the faint glim in his ocean blue eyes only making your knees evern weaker. Slowly but carefully, your arms wrapped themselves around his broad shoulders. “You’re still on my shitlist,” you muttered, standing on the tips of your toes to meet his eyeline.
“And you’re as stubborn as ever, princess.” Gojo purred picking you up by the bottoms of your thighs, Your legs wrapped instinctively around his waist, making it look like a scene straight out of a movie. “Such a pretty mouth, you gonna let me fuck it?” He whispered, rubbing circled on your bare thighs. The modest jujutsu skirt you wore covered your legs quite nicely, so you never really felt the need to wear tights. And that drove Gojo fucking wild.
“Depends, what’s in it for me?” You smirked, tugging lightly on the baby hairs at the back of his head. Gojo hissed in pleasure, kind of proud that you were being equally as bratty to him as he was to you. 
“The best fuck you’ll ever get, plus some more.” Gojo let go of your thighs, letting you drop onto your knees. You looked up at him, gulping in anticipation as you saw the imprint of his throbbing erection covered by his pants. “You gotta get me prepared first, princess. Or else I might not fuck that pussy as good, got it?” His voice was dripping with desire for you as his expert hands pulled down his pants, tossing them aside along with his boxers. His cock tapped against his shirt, leaving the smallest precum stain.
You bit down on your lip at the sight of his cock, moving yourself foreward. Ever so carefully, your right hand gripping onto the base of his cock. Tongue falling out of your mouth, you took his cock in your wet cavern slowly, your cheeks hollowing out to accommodate his girth and length.
“Shit princess, just like that. Yeah, I knew you would be good at suckin’ dick.” Gojo praised, offering you a slanted smile as your hands stroked what your mouth couldn’t fit. His large hand tangled itself into your messy hair, tugging on the roots ever so gently. His hips bucked into your mouth ever so slowly, almost painfully slow. He treated you like you were so fragile, sharp contrast to when he had you pinned against the wall with his tongue shoved down your throat.
He groaned in pleasure as his cock his the back of his throat, his hips driving his member down your throat even faster. His grip on your hair tighten, causing a small pool of tears to well in the corner of your eye. A singular droplet ran down your pretty little face, which Gojo thought was just the cutest little thing.
“Oh, is my princess crying? What, my dick to big for your slutty little mouth?” His hips stopped snapping into your face, pulling your mouth off of his member slowly. “Well, if you can’t handle my dick in your mouth,” He grabbed your arm, throwing you against the desk. His pushed you down so your face was against the hard mahogany wood, with your ass up and on display for Gojo to smack. “Then maybe your pretty pussy will be able to handle me, hm?”
He shoved your skirt above your ass, the blue material bunching the divet in your waist. His hand ran over your soaked panties, shoving them aside to expose your soaked core to the cold office air. “So pretty f’me…” Gojo mumbled, gathering up some of your slick on his thumb and popping it inside of his mouth. “Delicious too, maybe you’ll be my dinner one day. Wouldn’t you like that, princess?” He teased, his hand cracking against the supple flesh of your perfect ass.
“Fuck!” you cried out, your hands gripping onto the wooden desk for dear life. You grew increasingly frustrated, especially knowing that Gojo was taking immense pleasure in making you wait tt get fucked. “Dammit Gojo, just fuck me already!” You demanded, your eyes being slightly covered by your mess of hair falling in front of them. 
He smacked his hand across your ass again, alighting his cock with your sobbing entrance. “You sure got a whole lotta attitude, princess.” He purred, teasing your hole with his mushroom head. “I’ll be sure to fuck it outta you, don’t you worry your pretty little head.”
He shoved his cock inside of you, hissing as your tight walls enveloped his member. You cried out in both pain and pleasure, having never experienced someone as big or as girthy inside of you. Sure, you had slept around before but this time he might actually make you cum. You wouldn’t have to fake an orgasm just for it to end.
“Shit, Gojo!” You screamed, lifting your head up from the desk to meet his gaze from behind. “Y-you’re too fuckin’ big, you know that?”
Gojo smirked and started to slowly thrust himself in and out of your weeping cunt, the sound of his groans mixing with your moans of pleasure filling the chilly office. “God, you’re so fuckin’ tight. Squeezing me already, princess? Good fuckin’ slut.” He grunted, pulling your hair back so your neck was against his mouth. His hips were now snapping furiously at your ass, his balls clapping against the skin. “You won’t mind if I give you a little mark, right? Gotta make sure you remember being bent over like this, pretty thing.”
His sharp teeth bit down onto your neck, sucking a nasty purple circle right where your jugular would be. The stimulation was utterly overwhelming, your mouth was agape and your throat was starting to hurt from all your cries. “Fuck, such a good slut for me.”
Gojo’s rough and callosued hands reached under your top to grope one of your tits, his fingers pinching and rubbing your nipple under the thin fabric. He could feel your orgasm was fast approaching the way you squeezed onto his cock, almost like your body was trying to suck him in even deeper inside of you. “Gojo, fuck! T-Too fucking handsy!” You managed to moan out, your brain slowly starting to turn to mush as the coil in your belly threatened to snap at any minte. “Fuck, gonna fucking cum!”
Gojo smirked and smacked your ass once more, slipping his hand from behind you to rub on your sensitive clit. “Cum all over this cock baby, f-fuck. Be a good fucking girl.” He demanded in your ear, his fingers now furiously rubbing themselves on your clit while his cock hit every place it needed to.
With a wanton gasp you threw your head back onto his shoulders, your orgasm washing over you like tsunami or a tidal wave. Wave after wave of pure bliss crashed over your every nerve, your eyes feeling fuzzy as you swore you could see stars.
“Fuck, holy fuck! Gojo, oh my fucking God!” you sobbed, your bottom lip trembling as you came down from your high. Gojo sighed and began to kiss your neck gently, his thrusts becoming faster and desperate as he felt his own euphoria approaching.
“Shit, gonna cum princess. Lemme cum inside of you, yeah? God you’re so fucking warm and tight, fuck!” He moaned into your neck, the movement of his hips becoming staggering and sloppy as his hot ropes of sticky cum coated your insides, filling you up so nicely. “F-fuck, oh my god…”
Gojo pulled out of you, smirking to himself as he saw his cum leak from your sloppy pussy. “Fucking amazing, princess.” He bent down to pick up his boxers and pants, putting them on quickly. 
You got up from leaning over the desk and turned around, your face flushed and your hair sticking to your sweaty forehead. Your hands still gripping onto the table, your pretty lips slightly agape. “Holy shit…I think that was the best sex I’ve ever fucking had.” You breathed out, brushing the sweaty babyhairs out of your face.
Gojo smiled and bent down slightly, kissing your nose with a gentleness that was the complete opposite of how he fucked you. “I’ve been wanting to do that sicne I met you, you know.” 
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, adjusting your stretched-out shirt collar. “Stop lying, you already fucked me. No need to lie anymore, Gojo.”
He frowned and grabbed onto your hand, his thumb carefully rubbing onto the back of it. “I’m not lying, you know.”
Raising an eyebrow you looked into his blue eyes, curious as to why there wasn’t a hint of deception swirling around in his oceans of blue. “Gojo…are you being serious?” You whispered, a blush once again covering your face. It wasn’t a blush of desire but a blush of shyness, like you were sixteen years old and just got confessed to.
“Satoru,” he spoke, bringing your hand to cup his pale face. “Call me Satoru, please.”
You smiled and rolled your eyes once more, your hand gently petting his flushed face. You took a step towards him, allowing Gojo to wrap his other hand around your waist. You two held each other in Yaga’s office, the scent of sex and passionate still filling up the otherwise stiff air.
“What are you gonna call me then, Satoru?” You softly spoke, standing on the tips of your toes so your lips were hovering against his once more. Gojo offered you a gentle smile, pecking your lips tenderly.
“I’m gonna call you mine.”
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mango-bango-bby · 8 months
For the Halloween event can I request for the vampire one but like its Dad!gojo and baby reader, like the reader is just growing her fangs out, and is frustrated because it hurts!! Also she's sick because she has a sudden want for something, that she can't figure out what, its blood. And then there's Dad!gojo beside her teaching her things❤️❤️❤️
-💎 anon
Ps. Have a great day mango!😚 thank you!
♡ Teething ♡
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, dad!Gojo, child/baby!reader,
Halloween Prompt: 🦇 Vampire 🦇
Summary: Your fangs are beginning to grow in and your father notices (Platonic!Yan!Gojo x GN!child/baby!reader)
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Your father knew that this would happen eventually. He was a vampire after all, he knew you would eventually grow into your fangs.
He knew that it wasn’t going to be an easy process, your teeth coming in was already painful enough for you, but now your fangs. He knew it was not going to be easy.
“C’mon~” Gojo coos, trying to use an enticing voice to get you to calm down. Your cries echo through the nursery as your father tries to pry your mouth open.
“C’mon, your father traveled all the way into the village to get this for you” He coos, still trying to open up your mouth but you’re crying so heavily. Large tears rolling down your chubby cheeks.
He is eventually able to get your mouth open a little bit. Despite having barely any teeth already, he can see your fangs coming in.
They’re barely in but they are there. They aren’t as pointy as they will be, only being small rounded fangs at the moment. But he knows you’ll grow into them when you grow more.
He gently rubs the medicine on his finger onto your fangs and gums. Gojo really only went into village when he needed to feed but because you were in so much pain he decided to go get you some medicine.
But he has a feeling that with your fangs growing in, he’d need to visit the village again soon to get your first human to feed off of.
Gojo lived with you in an “abandoned” mansion away from the village. It was safer for you that way, although it was rare, he couldn’t have you being found out by a vampire hunter.
It was safer for you in the mansion so would stay in there with him. Only leaving to be in the garden of dead rose bushes and trees when your father brought you.
“That wasn’t so bad, now was it?” He says softly after applying the medicine. You sit on his lap still crying from the pain your fangs coming in. He gently bounces you, trying to calm your crying down.
Your crying does eventually calm down once the medication begins to numb your gums. Your sniffles echoing through the nursery.
“See? You’re okay, baby. I promise you’ll fangs will be in before you know it” Gojo smiles, ruffling your fluffy, wispy hair on top of your head causing you to giggle and reach for his hand.
He lets you grab onto his hand, gnawing on his finger with your small rounded fangs. “Already trying to hunt, huh?” Gojo chuckles, joking with you even though he knows you can’t understand what he is saying.
“Don’t worry, we will go into the village hunting whenever you’re older”
Thank you for reading, darling!!
(A/N: Happy Halloween 🧡🧡 I hope you all are doing well!! There are still A LOT of halloween prompts available so if you want to, go ahead and request 🥺🥺)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
Prompt List ➸ ♡
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owliellder · 9 months
I need more Bunny Hybrid!Reader x Leon in my life 💖💖💖 smut, fluff, it doesn't matter to me 🥺
I'll make this one hurt/comfort since I need a whole bunch of hybrid content under my belt. Also I don't see a lot of content with hybrids other than smut. I want everyone to make hybrid content (feed me seymour)
Leon Kennedy x fem Bunny Hybrid! Reader
The routine you and Leon had fallen into during his work days was rather easygoing. He's usually gone before you wake up, leaving you to your own devices until he returns home around 7 or 8pm where you and him would then eat dinner, relax, and go to bed only to repeat the cycle.
It was mundane, you being able to occupy yourself for a short while until quickly growing bored of the quiet house. You didn't want to express to him just how much you hated being left alone all day since it would only stress Leon out. He couldn't do anything about his work schedule, why change the established routine when it'd been working out so far?
Days went by with you only growing more agitated and upset with the loneliness. You started waking up when Leon did just to spend that little extra time with him before he left in the mornings, sometimes getting up even earlier to put out his work clothes and make him a small breakfast.
Of course he didn't protest, he loved the extra time with his little bunny. Though he wasn't quite sure what had you up with him in the mornings now, he didn't feel the need to question it. He was so swamped with work, returning too tired in the evenings to notice your increasingly bad behavior.
You did your best to hide your disdain of the routine from Leon, but that could only go on for so long before you really started to display a bad attitude. You were becoming snappy, suddenly avoiding all time spent with him before and after he would come home.
It didn't help that Leon barely noticed your switch up until last minute. He'd woken up confused in the middle of the night to an empty bed, walking out into the living room to find you laying curled up in your pet bed next to the couch.
"Bun..?" Leon muttered quietly, rubbing at his eyes as he sauntered over to you. "What're y'doin out here?"
You heard him as soon as he walked out since it was near impossible to fall asleep out here in the living room all alone like this. "Nothin..." An obvious lie to egg him to question you further.
"That's convincing.." He grumbled, stepping to the side to sit down on the couch closest to your pet bed. He placed one of his arms across his stomach, groaning softly as he relaxed into the couch.
The two of you sat in the dark, silent for a few minutes. You were hoping Leon would ask again, yet he said the few words you didn't want to hear. "I've got work in the mornin', so c'mon to bed, okay?"
That only made you angry. He didn't even ask what was wrong, only ever thinking about work work work. He only seemed more confused when you grabbed at your soft ears, pulling them down so you could cover them.
"Hey, what's all that about?" He furrowed his brow as he watched your ears disappear from his view, resting his elbow on the arm of the couch before leaning over to look down at where you were laying. You kept quiet, shutting your eyes closed tightly to emphasize the fact that you were blatantly ignoring him.
"Okay, that's it." Leon pulled a yelp from you as he suddenly reached over and picked you up from the small bed, setting you on his lap. "What's going on with you lately?" Oh, so he had noticed everything!
You crossed your arms with a pout and turned your head to look away from him, though he fixed that immediately by grabbing your chin to force you to look at him. "Don't even with that."
Avoiding Leon to make this silly point had really taken it's toll on you since you barely got to spend time with him in the first place, so hearing Leon use such a stern tone was enough to break your tough act. Your bottom lip wobbled, vision blurring, and before he could do anything you burst into tears, your hands flying up to pull your bunny ears down to cover your face.
Leon was taken aback by your outburst, hesitating for a moment before quickly bringing you into tight hug. "Hey hey hey.. shhh.. I've got ya.." He rubbed your back with one hand while the other held the back of your head, keeping your head buried in his neck. A frown tugged at the corner of his lips, guilt settling in his chest.
He let you cry for some time since it was obvious that you needed to let it out. He noticed your change in behavior a big ago, but he didn't realize whatever it was had been weighing on you so heavily.
He whispered sweet nothings to you until your cries lessened to a soft weep, feeling your breath stutter as you hiccupped. "Alright.. alright, there ya go, baby..." He craned his neck to kiss the top of your head after brushing your hair flat with his hand.
You were eventually able to get a deep enough breath in you let go of your ears, letting them move to flop over the sides of your head. "You ready to talk?" Leon's soft voice grabbed your attention, now looking up at him through wet eyelashes.
"I-.. I miss you..." Is all you could muster before starting to weep again, hiding your face right back into his neck. He ran his fingers through your hair before rubbing your soft bunny ears with his fingers.
Leon's chest vibrated as he hummed, slowly rocking you side to side all the while. "Missin' me, huh?" He smiled slightly and cocked an eyebrow when he felt you nod. "Care to explain, baby bun?"
You mumbled against his bare skin about him never being home, how lonely you were, and whatever else came to your mind at that moment. He couldn't hear all of it, but he got the gist of your small ramble.
"You should've just asked. I have more power at work than you think." Leon whispered in your ear with a playful smirk, pulling your head away from his shoulder so he could look at you again. "I do have a lot of vacation time that needs to be used up, so how do you feel about taking a little trip somewhere next week?"
The mere suggestion had your little cotton tail wagging and a watery smile on your face, head nodding vigorously with growing excitement. You did feel a little silly acting out over something that could've been resolved so easily, but it did feel nice to cry in the safety of Leon's strong arms.
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