#i would love to help with your sci fi fantasy if you'd like!!
runa-falls · 11 months
friendly favors
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pairing: best friend!steven grant x reader
w/c: ~750
c/w: suggestive content (18+)
a/n: SCREAMING this into the void (YEA I KNOW I HAVE WIPS BUT FUCK IT)
part two | part three
the arrangement started when you noticed how stiff he was next to you as you watched a movie. even though his eyes were locked onto the screen, you could tell that his mind was elsewhere.
his leg bounced nervously when you looked over at him. he thought you wouldn't notice his embarrassing hardness under your shared blanket, but he was so desperate that his bulge was quite obvious, even with the extra layer.
it was the film that made him like that.
as your pick for the week, you chose a particularly adult film compared to the usual sci-fi/fantasy marathons you've been having. so far, there's been at least 3 make out scenes and 2 sex scenes.
steven's been counting.
usually, he would be fine.
if the actors didn't have insane chemistry that could convince the audience that they're really in love and obsessed with each other, he wouldn't be in this position.
unfortunately, that extra touch of genuineness turns him on to an unbelievable degree.
he couldn't even stand up and excuse himself the first time they kissed because he was already harder than he'd ever been in his life.
then there was you, sitting right next to him, smelling as lovely as always, dressed in comfy clothes that make him delirious. and then there's the way you look at him, speaking to him like he's a sleepy puppy. like a fragile thing for you to take care of.
"you want some help?" he freezes at the soft sound of your voice.
the movie was turned down low (to placate the neighbors) so he couldn't just ignore you and pretend like you didn't say something. you sound so sweet like you're offering to fold his laundry out of the goodness of your heart.
"help...? with what?" his eyes avoid yours as his hands attempt to pull a throw pillow over his lap. you gently slip it out of his hand with a soft smile and plop it on the carpeted floor.
"you seem a bit stressed, steven." you sound breathy as you take in his flushed appearance, appreciating his disheveled curls and shy glances. "let me help you relax, honey."
"i dunno...what you're talking about." he continues to play dumb, too mortified that this conversation is happening, but he can't avoid it once you peel the blanket off of both of you.
"this." his breathing quickens rapidly as your hand smooths over his thigh and palms over the tent of his pants.
"oh..." you squeeze and he loses his sight for a second. "...that" he barely wheezes out.
you're best friends with steven -- and you have been for a while. as a long-time tour guide, you took him under your wing when he started to train at the museum (he got a promotion!) and it wasn't long before he happily let you invade his life outside of work too.
now you have weekly movie nights, alternating lunch 'dates' (if he shows up to work), and daily 'friendly favors', or hook ups if you want to be brash (again, if he decides to show up).
you spend so much time with him, you really don't understand why he doesn't get the hint and just ask you out already!
you're know he can be naive, but you're still surprised that he truly believes you're loving on him as a friend. he's so hesitant, like you'd refuse him if he tried to kiss you or hold you close, even though you've shown him time and again that you crave his touch and affection.
you can tell he really appreciates your help though, always being gentle when he uses your mouth and throat, and cleaning you up when he's done. he makes sure to tell you when he's about to cum, not wanting to make a mess, though you'd love it if he would.
at the end he always says "thank you" like the polite boy he is as if you're doing him a favor, when really, you're being quite selfish, taking everything he gives you with hidden desires and intentions. then he steps away from you with a blush, zips himself back into his pants, and pretends like he wasn't just whining and begging for your tongue.
today is different though.
today, you weren't the one to make the first move.
steven was.
"love. could we--instead of you helping me...i was wondering if i could use my mouth on you."
"if you don't want to--"
"no! i-i...let's try it out."
ok, this literally isn't my fault. i've been seeing steven posts/edits/fics/ideas BLASTED on my dashboard. WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO IF NOT WRITE SOMETHING INDULGENT 😭
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My Sky Of Gray - Peter Parker X Female Reader
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Title: My Sky Of Gray
Peter Parker X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's mother (Sarah) and Aunt May
Requested by Anon!
WC: 2,191
Warnings: Soulmate AU, slight angst, nervousness, anxiety, crying, heartbreak, mentions of killing, and fluff
Slamming the door shut, you rushed to take your shoes off, stumbling slightly as you made your way down the hall and up the stairs. You slid off your backpack and pushed open your bedroom door before dropping your bag haphazardly and running to your bed. The mattress bounced as you landed on your stomach, pulling your phone out of the back pocket and quickly unlocking it. You ignored the notifications as you tapped open your messages. A smile lit up your face as you saw the new text from your best online friend, Peter. It had been almost a year since you first met him playing video games. You forgot how it all happened but soon enough you were talking to each other in the gamer chats. Which then led to both playing Minecraft together on your switches, and that led to having each other's numbers. 
You texted each other almost every day. About everything and anything. Peter would send you funny scientific memes that you didn't understand and even random facts. Most nights you spent hours and hours just talking, whether that be texting or calling. You'd take until your phone was on the brink of death before you would take the time to find the charger. You really liked Peter. He was funny, sweet, charming even. He was kind of a nerd too. His interests consisted mainly of sci-fi and science theories, while yours was more of fantasy RPGs and gaming theory. He had always told you that you were his favorite gamer, which always made you blush. And on especially bad days, he'd always make you feel better. No matter how sad you were, he always made you smile. He'd send you funny videos from Tik Tok, even one time sending you a picture of a duck he saw on a walk home from school. You loved that about him; how caring and understanding he was. 
And, against your better judgment, you were falling in love with him. Every day, it seemed more and more difficult to push away the butterflies in your stomach when you heard his voice, and laugh at his jokes. He made you feel happy and safe, despite how strange it felt. He made you want to tell him how you felt, but what if he didn't like you back? What if he wasn't your soulmate? That was another issue, what if he wasn't your soulmate? Oh, how you wished he was. To meet him in real life and look into his eyes, finally seeing color for the first time. You'd wonder what his hair color would be, or his eyes... From the pictures and selfies he'd sent, his hair was a dark gray. 
Tapping on his recent text, you sighed happily, gazing down at the words on your phone. 
'Hey cutie pie! Just got back from school. You free to play tonight?' 
You frowned, turning to see your backpack on the floor, before typing away, 
'I can't. I got tonnns of hw but I wanna talk to you.'
You watched with a skip of your heartbeat as the texting bubble popped up before his text appeared.
'Bad day?'
Your fingers trembled as you wrote,
'Yeah. I'm okay tho! Promise. I just hate hw lol'
'ok, do you wanna talk bout it?'
Hunched over his desk, arms acting as a pillow for his head; Peter bit his lip as he stared at his phone screen. There was a lump forming in his throat as he waited for your reply. He hoped that you were really okay and that nothing bad happened. Peter didn't realize until recently that he more than liked you as a friend. Ever since you two started talking online, he found himself spending so much time with you. He never knew he'd grow a crush on you. You; funny, smart, sassy, competitive... You... The thought of something happening to you made his insides squirm uneasily. And the fact that he couldn't be there in person to help you with anything made him even more anxious. He wanted to be there for you. He needed to be there for you. So why did he still feel nervous? Why did it feel like his heart was trying to escape his chest? And why did he keep rereading your message over and over again?
'I just failed my test. Have to come in and retake it Saturday.' You answered as Peter grabbed his phone, staring at the screen.
'That was going to be our game day...' He replied back before adding to that, 'We could move it to Sunday?'
'I can't, mom taking me to Queens sunday, something about visiting an old friend of her from high school...'
Peter frowned, Game Day Saturday was what he always looked forward to, the first being able to hang out with you.
‘oh, ok.’ He sent, before cringing and quickly typing more, ‘do you wanna call? I could help you with your hw if you wany?’
You sputtered a laugh as you replied,
‘wany? Yeah, i’d like that.’
You leaned your head against the passenger window, watching as the houses, apartments, and other buildings flew by. You were excited to meet your mother’s friend, but you really wished you could’ve stayed home and spent time with Peter. You wished you were at home, leaned back in your spinny chair, playing Minecraft on your Switch or even playing Bigfoot Multiplayer with him on your computer. But, you know it was the polite thing to do. 
Pulling up into a parking spot on the side of the street, you hopped out of the car and stared up at the apartment building in front of you. Your mother led you into the building and up the stairs, where you waited behind her as she knocked on the door. Waiting for a moment, you heard the pitter-pattering of feet before the door opened. There, at the door was a woman, long hair, wearing a cute sweater, you noticed. She smiled, stepping out of the way to let you both in.
“Sarah! Oh, it’s been years! How are you?” The friend of your mother asked, as she pulled her into a hug.
“I am perfect, May. How are you? Are you still raising your nephew?” Your mother asked, pulling back from the hug. 
May nodded, gesturing her head to the side, “I’m good. And yes, he’s still in high school, so he’ll be here for a while.” She then turned to you, giving you a caring smile, “And you must be Y/N. You can call me May.” She spoke before pulling you into a hug as well. You awkwardly hugged her back, before she pulled back. “I’ll go get Peter. You and him can talk while the grown ups do.” She spoke, and the moment she said the name ‘Peter’ you froze up. Your heart began to beat and you held onto a sliver of hope that this ‘Peter’ was your ‘Peter’.
Your mother must have noticed your expression as May left because she placed a hand on your shoulder, “Sorry, she’s a hugger.” 
You pursed your lips, giving your mother a nod before you clasped your hands together in front of you, fiddling with your fingers anxiously as you waited. Eyes staring to the hall where May had disappeared into. As your heart swelled with anxiety and nervousness, along with doubt that this was your Peter and that he was your soulmate… Your soul hoped that he was. 
It was like you were in slow-motion when he stepped out. Donning sweats and a plain t-shirt, hair slightly ruffled as he ran a hand through it. He’s gorgeous, was your first thought. Please, look at me, was your second. Slowly, he looked up, eyes widening as he looked at you. You were ready for your world to brighten. You were waiting for the world to burst into color as you stared into his eyes… But… No… The world around you was still as gray as can be. You felt immediately chest-fallen, you felt as if your soul was snatched from you body, leaving you completely breathless; gasping for air. 
He wasn’t your soulmate. Peter wasn’t your soulmate.
You noticed as you stared at Peter, that his eyes seemed to widen as he cast his gaze to the ground briefly. Was he hoping for the same thing you had wished for? No? Maybe? But, it didn’t matter anyway. He wasn’t meant to be yours. You gulped, gaining the courage to speak. You didn’t want things to be awkward. Peter was still your friend. And that was enough.
“Hi, Peter.” You spoke up softly, as May and your mother turned to look at each other confused.
“You know each other?” May asked and Peter nodded, turning to his aunt.
“We met through video games.” He finally spoke up as your mother huffed, crossing her arms.
“Of course,” She rolled her eyes playfully, “She never gets off that Switch thing.”
May gave you and her nephew a smile, “Well, that’s lovely. You two go play some video games then. Your mother and I are going to catch up.”
You gave her a nod before following Peter awkwardly to his room. Shutting the door, Peter shifted his gaze around his room as you stuffed your hands in your hoodie pockets, looking at the floor. The tension between you could have been cut with a knife. The air felt warm and suffocating as you fidgeted in your spot. 
“Uh… I…” Peter began, grabbing your attention and glancing up at you. “Uh… So, how are you?”
You glanced around the room, spotting the multiple Star Wars posters and merchandise, “Good.” You said shortly, “Uh, how are you?” 
Peter nodded, giving you a sheepish smile, “Good, uh, good. Uh… This is cool… My aunt knows your mom.” He stated and you nodded, finally looking back at him.
“Yeah, it’s… It’s cool.” You agreed, smiling shyly as Peter rubbed the back of his neck.
“Uh, so I’m just going to say this because I don’t know how to say this in the first place and this is already awkward but… We’re soulmates.” He chuckled awkwardly, making you furrow your eyebrows, confused.
“What?” You asked as Peter nodded.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to freak out because my aunt May would make a big deal about it and probably post about it on her Twitter but we’re soulmates.” He laughed out breathily, “I can’t believe it. I mean, I was hoping you’d be my soulmate.” He looked up at you, “I mean, this is awesome. I have you as my soulmate and see colors.” He ranted, making you more and more confused.
“Uh… Peter… We’re not soulmates.” You interrupted him, making him frown as he grew confused too.
“We’re not soulmates.”
Peter shook his head, cracking a nervous smile, “No, we are.” He tried to insist.
You shook your own head, “Last time I checked… I still see grayscale.” You sighed and Peter pursed his lips.
“So… You mean… Wait, that doesn’t really make any sense. I can see colors and you can’t? What does that even mean?” He asked as he began to pace his room.
You followed him with your eyes, growing more and more disappointed, “I’m your soulmate… But you’re not mine.” You muttered out, shoulders slumping as you dropped your eyes to the ground.
Peter shook his head rapidly, pausing his pacing to turn to you, walking over and pulling you into a hug. You squeezed your eyes shut, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as you dug your face in his shoulder. You felt the tears well up in your eyes, but you pushed them down. You held onto Peter as if you made one false move you would float away. Like an anchor, he held you down. 
“You’re my soulmate. I love you, Y/N.” Peter confessed, shocking you as you felt his tears fall onto your hoodie. “I know I’m not your soulmate, but I just wanted to get this off my chest.” He continued, sniffling as he held you closer.
You let out a sigh, fingers clutching his shirt in a deathgrip, “I love you too, Peter. Ever since I killed you in PvP Minecraft,” You joked lightly, earning a small laugh from him.
“I let you win.” He answered back, “I’d let you win a million times more.”
You laughed, pulling back slightly to look at Peter, his dark gray eyes peered back into yours. You wished you could know what color his eyes were and the shade of his har, but deep down, you didn’t really care. Peter was all you wanted. “We’ll figure something out.” You repeated his words, giving him a smile. “We both aced out Science tests, we’ll do some research.”
“Yeah, maybe this is a crazy once-in-a-lifetime mystical phenomenon.”
You nodded, “That, or the world is messing with us.” You countered as Peter raised his hand to flick your forehead fondly.
“Wanna play some Minecraft? I’ll let you be player one.” He offered as you nodded.
“As long as you’ll be my player two.”
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
Are there any hobbies or careers your characters have that you'd like to do one day?
(I'm asking because I noticed how I picked up coding from my oc Elijah, so of course I'm curious)
Thank you for the Ask, Bug! That's a very, very interesting question!
Most of my WIP's take place in either very historical high fantasy settings or futuristic sci-fi worlds. Even my modern superhero story takes place in a near, very cyberpunk, future.
So most of the jobs/careers my characters have are either:
1. very, very old and dated to that specific time period (such as being a sword-fighting knight of a chivalric order, an indentured servant working for a noble in the Victorian Era, etc),
2. fictional (a dragon rider, a spaceship navigator in a far off galaxy, a mage from a mystical high council, etc),
3. highly illegal and morally incorrect (mobster/mafia boss, assassin, tomb-raider thief, etc)
Therefore, it is very difficult/impossible for me to say which of those occupations I would actually pick up in my real life, lmao, BUT, I know which jobs I would like to have if I actually lived in the world of my WIPs, as in, if I were a fictional character as well. Being the leader of the Dragon Riders from The Last Wrath would be very fun, while I would love being an adventurous space pilot in Supernova Initiative.
However, out of the actual hobbies - not main jobs - my characters have, however, I can safely say that learning how to sew (Nethen Fahris's hobby from The Last Wrath, and Julia Killian's from Enchanted Illusions), play the violin (Marcus Kallihan's hobby from Enchanted Illusions), and learning high level computer-science (Jym Callister's hobby and job from Open Secret Files) would definitely be very fun and helpful!
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avelera · 1 year
Hello! First of all, I'm loving your writing, thank you for sharing it with us 😊 I think I saw that you had participated in an Odyssey writing workshop in the past? I applied for an upcoming workshop- I'm a published poet but have had a hard time finishing a novel/fiction in general. Is it a program you'd recommend for someone looking to switch genres? Thank you!
Hey there Anon!
It's hard to answer your question directly without a deeper knowledge of your specific goals.
HOWEVER, if I may wax poetic for a second, the Odyssey Writing Workshop is where you go, in my opinion, when you want to achieve 10 years of genre fiction writing development in 6 weeks. If I had to say when one should attend it, I'd say it's a pretty advanced course, one I'd recommend to writers like fanfic writers (speaking from my own context) who have finished at least one (1) longfic and who feel their desire to go pro or at least take a serious swing at it is stable and strong enough that advanced workshopping will not discourage them. For me, knowing that I had a few dozen fics under my belt and one popular, complete longfic gave me the confidence to both attend the course and to not be daunted or discouraged by the possibility of tough-but-useful critique, because I sincerely wanted to get better and take a real stab at going pro on some level (even if it's not a full time job, for example).
If you're not a fanfic writer, I'd say the equivalent would be, say, you've completed one novel draft and/or about 10 short stories and have undergone enough critique that receiving a bad critique or one that tells you what you don't want to hear (even if it's true) no longer rocks you enough that you'll consider giving up on writing. This requires self-knowledge and perseverance that--I cannot stress this enough--no one can really know when you've achieved except you.
Now, I was also a creative writing major in college at a top 20-ish liberal arts school in the US and I cannot stress this enough the experience was such utter garbage and I would never do it again nor would I recommend it to anyone. I have an entire rant around the way creative writing is taught in colleges and universities in the US. I can't speak to all experiences but short version, if you see a class that is 1) no practical craft lessons and 2) nothing but amateurs workshopping other amateurs, RUN FOR THE HILLS. The format (originating at the University of Illinois) is literally so bad that I buy into the conspiracy theory that it was deliberately crafted to discourage writers as part of the "War on Communism". But that's a discussion for another day.
Because creative writing is taught so poorly in the US, I was on the lookout, for literal years to find a place where I could actually learn writing craft/technique and not just workshop with other amateurs forever. Particularly I wanted to learn to write sci-fi/fantasy/historical fiction (aka, genre fiction), which is nearly impossible in the US university system.
I have taken other workshops and courses besides Odyssey, including at the NYC New School for science fiction writing and another very well regarded one called Viable Paradise, which I also recommend as a very fun time and a shorter time commitment. However, Odyssey was everything I was looking for as far as nose-to-the-grindstone, bootcamp style craft. How to create a plot if you're bad at plot. How to worldbuild. How to create suspense. How to write a story an editor or agent isn't going to immediately toss in the Reject bin. Nowhere else has even come close to how much I learned there. I suspect not even the Clarion Workshops, which are even more famous, would be as useful based on my comparison of their curricula.
Will it help you transition from poetry to genre fiction? I'm not really sure. Will it teach you how to write genre fiction if you're already a passionate amateur/intermediate skilled writer hoping to become advanced? Yes, it is literally better than any other program I've ever encountered and that is after a great deal of thorough searching.
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castleaudios · 1 year
HI CASTLE, WELCOME TO TUMBLR!! (thank the gods you made one, I cannot keep track of twitter to save my life) I considered sending this outside of anon but, I am not ready to be perceived. Anyway- hmmmm I wanted to know a couple stupid things and now I can ask them.
How bad is Celine at keeping updated with the times? We know she uses spectacles. Does she still use quills and ink bottles???? Can she at least use a brick phone?? Does she know what a tamagotchi is.
What does evie do for work? We know what Beth does for work, but as far as I can remember we haven't heard about what evie does.
What is Rose's favourite genre of book? We're certain that she reads in her free time but we don't really know what she reads. Is she into fantasy? Does she secretly have a taste for those mature books hidden in the back of the library that Chloe mentioned? or something else? I MUST KNOW
What name would Ro like to be their official legal name? I'm assuming Ro is short for something but, if I'm wrong just correct me.
I have no questions for Claire, she just deserves a hug.
Actually no, has she talked to ranger about what she's discovered yet?
Who got Beth into therapy? She's clearly grown a lot over the last few years, and her therapist definitely worked overtime for that first year, but I can't imagine that Beth was the one to first take that step.
Will Abby ever follow up on that story of how she felt drawn to glenwood? She seemed pretty excited about it
Speaking of that, is that whole "glenwood called to me" thing, something rooted in magic? Is it orchestrated, is it just things coming together coincidentally? Or things falling into place through some force.
I know you mentioned collabs in your q&a and, I won't rush you cause that's pretty daunting. But- have you considered who you'd want to voice Simon? I know that there's probably other characters who may show up in the future but, Simon is so cool and I would love to see who you envision playing him if you ever push through with a collab in the future.
Did you ever find that color palette of each character that you mentioned during your q&a?
Once again, you do such great work and all of it just brightens my day! I hope you have a good one -Arry
THANK YOU! And don’t worry, I’m still not used to being perceived, this shit is weird
But onto the questions!
1. She’s actually very good at keeping up with the world, it’s just the digital age that’s been so quick, plus the rest of the vamps saving her from the internet. Celine’s a collector by nature so she had every tamagotchi
2. Evie worked as a math tutor and at a grocery store to pay the rent, but now she’s on the pack’s payroll helping maintain the finances for the whole operation.
3. Rose is a sci-fi/fantasy reader and she most certainly knows all about that secret shelf in the back! Her favorite series is the original John Carter books, her most recent read was “The Fifth Season” by N.K. Jemisin
4. Ro is their full chosen name! They no longer go by their deadname and the whole pack has moved on from using it. All the paperwork was to simply make the change official on all their legal documents!
5. She does 😔
6. That little conversation will be next week’s audio! (1/18/23)
7. Beth has been in therapy since she was 13 years old. She stopped going for a while before reconnecting with a new therapist after the whole pack situation happened. Simon was the one to officially get her started and we’ll learn why in Beth’s next audio!
8. Yes, she will! There will be more explanation for what that “pull” is and why the Open Wielder felt it as well
9. I promise that Glenwood isn’t nearly as sinister as people are thinking.
10. Simon is a character who is very dear to my heart and will appears in multiple audios, so finding a VA who could be on standby for that has been tricky! I’d love to hold auditions for anyone who’d like to try out and play him. I always imagine Simon as just a brick wall of a man (think Sig Curtis from FMAB or Massimo from Luca) so I’d love to find a voice that fits that image. No VA’s immediately come to mind but I also wouldn’t want to put any pressure on any creator mentioned.
11. I… completely forgot about the color pallet… adding it to the To Do List!
Thank you for all your questions! I hope you have a great day as well 💛
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7ndipity · 5 months
Oooooooh shipping game?? How did I miss that you’re doing this! I haven’t participated in one in so long, so hopefully I’ll be able to give you something to work with 🙈
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Chinese zodiac: Wood Dog (94 liner, and I actually turn 30 this year and hoooo boy the crisis is real)
MBTI: whichever one is the (turbulent) Logician type, sorry I don’t remember the abbreviations
She/her pronouns.
I’m an introvert (not the shy type) who routinely gets adopted by extroverts and then has to withdraw from society to recover. I love dogs (but irl I actually have a cat, because my dogs were too big to move them with me when I moved out for uni, so I literally googled ‚cat breeds dog personality’ and got one for myself).
I’m also a bookworm, although uni kinda killed my love for reading for a long while (literature major) and my favorite genres are fantasy, sci-fi and supernatural horror. I’m drawn to things that are a bit (a lot) darker than the usual, books and movies that explore the complexity of human nature and our place in the universe (I feel like I’m setting myself up to be shipped with Namjoon by writing this). I was raised as a metalhead and still listed to metal and rock a lot, I actually got into BTS and k-pop in general in early 2023 because my extroverted friend nagged me for six months and the rabbit hole just opened up one day. Other than BTS my favorite group is Stray Kids.
I’m pretty independent as a person, often come off as closed off or straight up bitchy, but I’ve been told that once people get to know me better it’s like I’m fluffy on the inside. My best friend would probably tell you that I’m like a tunnel: once we’re friends and you betray my trust, the tunnel collapses and there’s no going back. My other friend claims that I have goth/witchy vibes and that I’m a grinch (which tracks, actually). It’s not easy for me to make friends but I found out in the past year or so that I have a lot more of them than I thought possible.
Other than that, I love dark humor and dark comedy. I rarely make jokes, mainly because I don’t think I’m that funny, but I do enjoy banter. I find it really hard to let go and let loose (anxiety is a bitch and a half), but I try my best to be better at just being myself and vibing with other people.
I’ve been told I’m a decent cook and have some tattoos (and planning on getting more). And I think that’s about it really 🙈
I would love to see who you’d ship me with if you have the time! Thanks so much for all the hard work you put into your writing this past year, when I dove into the BTS content your blog was like a headcanon central for me 😹
Lol, I know you joked about it, but I do genuinely ship you with Namjoon, as well as Yoongi!
You have a lot similar interests and traits as both of them that I think would make it easy for you to connect, and although Joon is an extrovert, he really respectful his and other people's boundaries and space, so I think he'd be good at helping you open up a bit more without being draining or exhausting for you.(Also lowkey think they'd both really be into your style)
Yoongi's also has that 'tough outside, soft inside' vibe, and also isn't afraid to discuss darker topics or the different aspects of the human experience, and I think he'd appreciate someone he can talk with easily about those types of things.(He also has/had a slightly dark sense of humor, so I think you'd be able to bounce off each other well)
Hope this was okay!💜
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enochscribbles · 7 months
Can I have a honkai star rail matchup please
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration (like make insensitive jokes or don’t consider the comfort of others or are mean just cause they can) people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
Love language:
Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat i have minor ehlers danalos (a hyper mobility disorder) but it doesn’t hurt me like it does my sisters i get abdominal migraines which is basically like a migraine but instead of headaches it’s nausea
Thank you
Hello! Thank you for the request. first matchup so I hope this is ok. I’ll assume this is a romantic matchup but it can be read either way (I’m really sorry if it’s not perfect as I’m not as up-to-date with HSR, but I’ve done my best ;w;)
I pretty much listed everything that came to mind for this one, so matchups following this one may not be as long, apologies
I’d match you with Gepard Landau!
Okay, so, first, Gepard is very stubborn, as a deeply loyal person
Protecting others is his top priority, his path is Preservation, so there’s no question of whether he takes other people into consideration or not
And he’s a very kind-hearted person, so I think you’d get along
Despite how it may seem, he’s quite empathetic himself and would definitely appreciate how compassionate you are, having a lot of respect for how you care about and help others
So you'd share how you see a lot of things
Gepard’s also used to a sassy and sarcastic personality from his sister, Serval (who’s also a good platonic match, I think), so conversation with him would be fun and lively especially if Serval joined it
It’s amazing to him how you’re able to create worlds out of text, and your liking books, music and such might spark an interest for him in those things, too (he'd be nice to talk to about whatever media you're into because he pays so much attention and tries to learn about it in his downtime so he can talk about it with you)
He also absolutely understands the feeling of being a part of something bigger than yourself with his role in the Silvermane Guards and the protection of the entire city
And he’d find you really nice to be around, being soft-spoken
You might have a bit of trouble with him putting the safety of others over his own and coming back injured (or getting wounded if you join him in the fray), but really, he’s very reasonable and would make sure everyone, including himself, was safe and healthy
And he would do the same thing right back to you, fussing over whether you’re looking after yourself, of course.
He also finds himself singing or humming Serval’s songs to himself (though he’s a little out of tune) and would find your singing lovely if you wanted to share it with him
As a final note, he’d be really supportive of you and reassure you if you were anxious in any way, not only is he good at boosting morale as a guard but for his friends and partner, he’d be able to genuinely tell you everything that’s amazing about you, and say you’re stronger than you think
(also the Landau siblings’ names are all big cat themed, which leads me to believe,, surprisingly has an affinity with ur cat lol. that’s all)
being a tank is all about love a gepard textpost i feel is relevant
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can-of-pringles · 11 months
OC asks for Lee and Odel please!
glance, motion, night, formal, outerwear, texture, favorite, and alternate please (or as many/few of these as you'd like)
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
Lee: I think her long brown hair and expressive brown eyes. Also maybe her height since she's on the shorter side compared to other Sandman characters.
Odel: She has almost jet black hair and I think the shape of her nose and eyes are pretty distinctive?
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Lee: She's probably a fast walker and that's how she keeps up with others. I don't think her clothes would hinder her? I think she's pretty flexible but she sometimes bumps into things like the corners of things.
Odel: I like to imagine she's fairly graceful but also energetic. She wears a lot of skirts and dresses and sometimes baggy stuff so maybe that would slightly be hindering. She's pretty coordinated.
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
Lee: She has her favorite shark pajamas or anything that's a pair of fleece pants and a big sleep shirt.
Odel: I feel like I've said this somewhere before.. but I can't remember. She probably wears a lot of gowns or silky/satin things.
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Lee: Lee would definitely be the blazer type. Like probably a jacket and more fem top underneath and pants that match the jacket.
Odel: Oh you know Odel is going all out. She loves wearing a lot of formal dresses and shiny stuff with frills and it's probably a lot of pink. (She loves pink in case you didn't know /j)
outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
Lee: Well she has her iconic jacket I've drawn. I imagine her wearing a lot of jackets and coats. She doesn't deal with much weather but idk she's not going cold at least lol
Odel: She's the sweater type but doesn't mind the occasional jacket. I feel like she tries to keep updated with the weather and dress accordingly.
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
Lee: I don't think so... but she really doesn't like wearing jeans. She likes soft stuff, and corduroy is a good one.
Odel: Anything that's cold to touch initially like the satiny type stuff. She doesn't like to wear stuff that doesn't protect against poking sequins like the inside stitching 😣
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
Lee: Pretty much her main outfit with the shark tshirt. She just likes sharks there's not really a meaning behind it. Wear it all the time.
Odel: She has a favorite pink sweater I think. It was probably one of the first items of clothing she had truly liked to wear. She likes to wear it often but tries to keep it safe.
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
I couldn't think of an AU... sorry
OC questions
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Can i have a matchup for the arcana please
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body type black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses 50% of the time (i only wear them when i need to im still getting used to them)
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence sassy sarcastic soft spoken (my friends think im cute so ig that counts)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime cartoons music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration people i care about not taking care of themselves not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater i have a cat i have EDS (a hyper mobility disorder) but it’s not extreme i have internal existential crisis
Thank you
Thank you millions for being the first new ask! Now, I did debate between two potential matchups for you because both could honestly work! However, both I decided to set aside for the match I'm giving you. Asra and Julian are pretty easy to match with others given how open they are, but I think you'd actually be much better with the man I have in mind!
I pair you with...
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He would never hurt a thing if he can help it. You can see that in every careful step he takes to avoid stepping on something accidentally.
I can imagine him being VERY gentle with your cat. Inanna might scare your kitty at first, but she's also a gentle beast at heart! You're all a big family.
I feel like while the others would push your limits and encourage you to try new things, Muriel is VERY understanding. If you don't like eating something, you will never have to eat it with him as your partner.
Have I explained how cautious and careful this man is? Because he keeps it safe, you don't usually have to worry about him getting severely hurt unless it's an emergency. But, you'll have time to care for him because sometimes he'll need it!
Offer to make sweets/bread with him and he's yours. This man definitely loves eating with you, but baking with you?? That's like TWICE as loveable.
Imagine his surprise when you both wander out in the forest and you're petting a deer. You radiate such positive energy that animals can't help but be so curious of you.
I can't imagine him really being physically affectionate unless you outright tell him you're a cuddly person. He won't be on you all of the time, but he'll cuddle up at night like a big ol tired bear and let you be little spoon.
He really understands your insecurities. He's not a fan of himself either. But it's not just your body he fell in love with, is it? He saw your heart. Saw every good thing about you and fell into a deep and true love. Your body he ended up craving just as much as your love. You'll never meet a man more caring or obsessed.
I really hope you liked this! I thought about it for a little bit but ultimately something in me paired you with Muriel <3
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courtofmatchups · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a matchup? I’m bi so any gender is fine. I use she/her pronouns as well. For personality I’m creative, introverted, and individualistic. Though I’m introverted, around my friends/when I’m comfortable I can be quite talkative and humorous. However, I definitely treasure my alone time the most. Im a very big homebody and can be very hermit introvert sometimes. As for bad traits, I am sometimes the worst pessimist when it comes to myself. I’ll be fine motivating others but then when it comes to me I live by the “be ready for the worst and you wont be disappointed” As for hobbies escaping to new worlds while reading books/comics, watching movies, and playing rpg video games. My favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi, though I do love a good classic from time to time. Apart from that, I love working out. My interests on the other hand are art focused. I’m currently in art school working with mostly digital mediums, though I sometimes work with traditional. I love my practice and everything including, game, web and interaction design, video art and visual effects, 3D modeling and character design, and digital illustration. Sometimes I whip out graphite and ink. A list of random likes: coffee, chai tea, dark chocolate, rock/blues/jazz/80s pop/soundtrack music, cafe art shows, arcades, comic book stores, purple, thai/Indian/Chinese food, roller blading to classic rock, quality alone time. A random list of dislikes: people i am unfamiliar with and have to make small talk with, the biting cold, rain, non fiction, staying too close to reality and not being allowed to daydream/imagine/roam freely in my thoughts, physical touch, overly crowded areas. I think that’s it thank you!
It seems to me you've captured the heart of...
The Lone Flame:
Lance Ira
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(A/N: WOW. This took forever to write. I had university assignments that are a higher priority for me 😳)
I hope you're into slow burn because this burn will be incredibly slow. It is worth it in the end, however, since he realizes how similar you are. You give off some major black cat energy, and I feel like Lance would quite appreciate that. He's also a bit introverted, so the first time you'd meet is during a class you're both basically conscripted into taking. You might laugh, but the way you'd actually get to know each other happens in the most "Wattpad" way possible: the two of you are paired up for a project kind of like what happens in his own route.
As he gets to know you, he takes more interest in what you're into. Of course, some of the more modern things you're into are a bit lost on him, but he's more than willing to hear about them. I headcanon that he also has an appreciation for art, so whatever artwork you'd make he'd absolutely adore. He may even ask you to draw him and Gruscha if you're okay with it. He'd even keep some of your pieces for himself.
If he does make it to Earth, I think he'd also like your more modern interests. Heck, I think he'd even do some of your favourite activities with you.
(Earth AU because, why not?)
To say that the experience with your paramour on Earth was bizarre is putting it quite lightly. The ubiquitous nature of technology here is dizzying to him, much like magic was to you when you were unceremoniously thrown into Saligia. It took him a while to learn about the magicless world around him, but he managed in no time with your help.
Once he's got his footing on Earth, you took him to places you thought he'd enjoy: restaurants, parks, arcades, as well as some comic book stores. He quite enjoyed his time there, mostly because he was with you. Of course, he was still a bit lost, but he still enjoyed himself. His favourite activity was roller skating at an empty park with you.
You: All right, over there?
Lance: Yep. I must say, no matter how much I do this, I can never get enough of the thrill
You: Tell me about it. By the by, what do you think of my playlist?
Lance: I quite like it! It has all the classic rock songs you and I like, but it feels a bit different
You: That's because I made the playlist with the two of us in mind
Lance: Hahaha! You're a precious one, you
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moonflower-rose · 1 year
Hello! This is maybe a strange question, especially since we don't know each other, but you seem kind and reasonable.
How, exactly, does one realize they have Drarry brain rot? Say... Do you maybe hear a song you've loved since before you even cared about Drarry and you suddenly think of them? And then you immediately realize you know another song and the two songs together would be like like telling a Draco POV and another is the Harry POV?
Because... That may be my affliction. Alas! Me with the no storytelling talent.
So I figured you'd be nice enough to tell me if this is normal for daydreamer types or if it's time get off AO3 and Tumblr.
Hi there - this was an interesting ask. I think what stands out for me in particular is when you talk about 'brain rot' and 'affliction' and 'it's time to get off AO3 and Tumblr'.
What I'm hearing with those words is that you feel (or want to imply) that there is something inherently wrong with the behaviour you're describing.
So my answer to you is that Drarry brain rot doesn't exist, because it's perfectly valid for you to enjoy Drarry and to find inspiration in everyday things. Don't get off either AO3 or Tumblr, if anything, lean in! If Drarry fandom makes you feel good - why would you want to stop!?? Nothing rotten about that, especially if you are engaging with others in a positive way and not giving others a hard time if they enjoy things in a different way to you.
I know for me, I have always been a huge daydreamer in general and I've had fandom daydreams specifically since I was a little kid. Star Wars and Star Trek and Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal and The Neverending Story and The Chronicles of Narnia and Fraggle Rock - and that was just before I turned 10! I think what helped me was that my parents were also really big fans of sci-fi and fantasy, and went to Star Trek conventions in the '80s and my mum had an enormous collection of Star Trek novels (shoutout to @dduane for writing several of my personal faves) and she built a huge Romulan warbird model that sat on top of the TV, and they treated this like normal, not unusual or fringe behaviour. They never hid it or acted like it was embarassing. High five to my parents for being a couple of cool nerds.
I think the long history of pop culture fandom generally and the size of it, and the 'mainstreaming' of fandom over the past 15 years, demonstrates that it's very normal to enjoy pop culture, to be a fan, to be part of fandom, and to spend time thinking and daydreaming about it. It's as normal as people who are super into sports teams or fashion or cooking or home renovation. They might not be zoning out to songs and imagining Gordon Ramsey sensuously kissing Heston Blumenthal (but maybe they are, and thats okay), but they're probably having other kinds of daydreams about their thing, whatever it may be. Those things are not more valid or legitimate than being a Drarry fan.
In conclusion:
if you have been in fear that your enjoyment of Drarry has been too much, too preoccupying, and says something negative about you, then give that feeling a little kiss on the forehead and chuck it into the sea.
You might not think you have a storytelling talent, or you might not have the confidence to put yourself out there, but your ask was quite whimsical, why not give it a try? Or if you've been super inspired by those two songs and you don't feel ready or able to have a crack at it on your own, maybe you can join forces with someone else to make it happen, or use it as a prompt in a fest (like @hd-wireless) and give it life in another way.
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
🐾 💌 💕❌ for the ask game? teehee
🐾 Favorite duo/group dynamic trope
i loooove the “older brother figure saddled with a bunch of little gremlins” group dynamic. yes, having a long-suffering mom-type, or dad-type (or grandpa-type) is fun, but there’s something unique about the brother figure that’s just mildly baffled about everything… chaos ensues, he wants to help, but also he’s a brother, so he lowkey worsens things because of his warped sense of older-brother-humor… do you get the vision? yes, this is about simeon being stuck with shenanigans happening around him, but most importantly, this is cassian being an older-brother figure deliberately fucking around.
i also enjoy the duo dynamic of two people having their own language/references that are utterly baffling and impenetrable from an outsider’s perspective… down to silently staring at each other as there’s a silent convo occurring via facial expressions, to obscure movie references, to a reference to some very and weirdly specific situation that happened on that one thursday night seven years ago when it was raining… i think silent, secret languages are so funny and endearing <3
💌 What's your favorite genre to write?
i like writing magical realism with lots of drama, and many horror elements. also, i guess technically fantasy with body horror elements (i stand by the fact that there’s no effective horror fantasy that doesn’t lean heavily into body horror) and lots of relationship drama. basically i adore writing relationship drama with the added tension of otherworldly forces at play.
💕 What's a genre/trope you'd like to write more?
HORROR COMEDYYYY, but like. effective horror, as opposed to horror as a garnish. no, i want people to laugh at my works and to also be scared to fall asleep at night. i would love to dabble in that more, but currently… relationship drama is my best friend <3
❌ What's a genre/trope you don't like to write?
i cannot stand sci-fi… i’m sorry, don’t put me anywhere near it… i don’t like space, i don’t like aliens, i don’t like any of it… none of it is fun to write :((( stargate au gets a pass bc i’m twisting it into a more fantasy “guillermo del toro” au, so it’s not even sci-fi at its core anymore.
you’ll also never catch me writing “immortal x teenager” NOR WILL I EVER WRITE “love interest is out of control and scary bc of Magical Reasons and puts the one they love in danger/vaguely assault-esque situation”…. that’s not love. that’s an abusive dynamic and disgusting.
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do you have any advice for writing a book with a main character love story without it centering around those two characters only? basically being able to focus on that part of the plot while also keeping it interesting with other antagonist, drama, characters etc? thank you!
Romantic Story with Non-Romantic Plot
If you want to write a romantic story set against a non-romantic plot, you'll want to look at your characters, their situations, and their worlds, and see if you can figure out an external conflict against which to base their story.
I think a great example of this is the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. While the time-bending romance between Claire Randall and Jamie Fraser is the heart of the story, the series wouldn't be what it is without the backdrop of first the English occupation of Scotland and the Jacobite rising of 1745, and later the Revolutionary War in America and events leading up to it. Claire and Jamie's relationship plays out in relation to the events of those conflicts, so while those events could certainly exist without Jamie and Claire, their relationship and what they go through together is due in large part to those events.
Another example would be The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Though the relationship between Katniss and Peeta is less central, it's still important to the story. The external conflict of the series is the rebellion against the oppressive Capitol, and that plays out in the smaller external conflicts of each book, such as the Hunger Games event in book one, the Quarter Quell event in book two, and the events of the rebellion in book three.
So, figure out your external conflict, starting with thinking about the genre you'd like your story to be. You could set this story against a fantasy backdrop, like A Court of Thorns and Roses. You could set this story against a sci-fi backdrop, like the Lunar Chronicles. You could set this story against a contemporary backdrop like Felix Ever After. You could set it against a mystery backdrop like People Like Us... you get the point. Once you've decided on your genre, you can decide on an external conflict. What happens in your characters' world that turns their life upside down? How does their relationship play out against this conflict? What roles do other characters play in their lives, their relationship, and the events of the external conflict? I hope that's enough to help you get started! :)
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rumblebumble22 · 2 years
Why do people write books?
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Actually, there are a lot of reasons for that. Ask yourself first, why would you like to write a book? For fame or because you want to share your experience? Maybe you want to stay in history, or maybe you just want to help others understand something? The reasons for writing are endless, but I'd like to point out just some of them.
Money is one of the reasons for writing. Who knows, maybe your novel would become a bestseller, you would sell millions of copies and fly away to the Bahamas? If you are lucky enough, you can win a ticket in this lottery, sure. But to become a really successful writer, you have to work hard, so ask yourself, are you ready for that? 
Also, people write books when they simply couldn’t not write. Yeah, some people have a strong desire to write and feel uncomfortable until they are able to put their thoughts on paper. Some of these writers become world famous, and deserve their fame, while others don't. While it's hard to judge them, I can give you one piece of advice: if you have a passion for writing, go for it. Who knows, maybe you are that next writer who will create a life-changing piece of art for many people? 
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Another reason for writing is sharing experiences from our lives. For instance, imagine that you know exactly how to bake delicious cakes. Would you like to share your experience with others? Or, maybe you are a talented gardener who grew delicious tomatoes and cabbages in your yard. Why don't you tell others how to do it properly? Of course, your future book might not be about something so practical, and you can always share a story about your childhood or some life-changing events. Many people often dream of telling others about themselves, so why not do this if you want it too? It might be an enjoyable experience for you and your readers. 
So why else should we write? Because we want to remember our loved ones, relatives or events. There are plenty of writers who share stories about their family, their partners or something else. There are even people who write about their pets, and if you tell me ‘’Hey, it’s not a valid reason for writing’’, ask yourself ‘’Why?’’ The story about your cat might still be a well-written one. The essence here is not a topic, but the way you tell this story. Also, there are many ways to pack your experience into a book: you can write a biography or a documental novel, a poem or memoirs — it’s up to you.
By the way, writing is just fun. Don’t you agree? It might be really joyful to immerse yourself in a made-up world which you create by yourself. Want to write a fantasy book? Do this, and make-up what you want: an abandoned magical kingdom, sci-fi city with aliens and so on. You will be able to create whatever you like, whether it is magicians, dragons or a city of the future.
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Additionally, we create books because we are curious about the world. When we want to look closer at some topic or research something deeper, there is always the opportunity for a book. Curiosity is what drives people to write on all kinds of topics, from childfree issues to social problems. Want to know why humanity still has wars and unequalities? Write a book about it. Not sure whether you'd like to have children or not? Write a book. Want to get to know a particular author of the past? Find out how the music developed in the 60s? You know what to do. 
Writing a book is one of the most effective ways to understand any topic, because you will learn this topic in the process. At the beginning you have to do a lot of research and truly understand the subject about which you will talk. Before writing, you must first determine who, when, why and where. It will take a lot of work, but you will be awarded, because it will be an interesting trip.
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beecastle · 2 years
hi bee :D i’m here for the character match (lin character ofc but if you want to recommend a pedro character for me to start with i wouldn’t mind 😆)
i like: reading (ofc) especially fantasy/sci-fi/memoirs, a wide variety of music, party tricks that double as fidget (cough pencil spinning cough), cuddling when it’s someone i like, mechanical things (i.e. analog watch instead of a smart watch), validation, being up high (this may seem like a trick to make you give me lee but i literally have a loft bed lol), roller coasters + other adrenaline-inducing things, animals, procrastination, small details, accents, candid pictures, space + things that make me feel small, crisp things, exchanging lots of little compliments, small presents (yes i’m a gold-digger /j)
favorites: sky blue, cats, taylor swift (atm; it changes a lot), mulan (1998), microwave popcorn
dream date: i honestly don’t think about this a whole lot, but definitely something fairly low-key. if it was huge and fancy i’d be flattered but also supremely uncomfortable and burnt-out within a few minutes lol. the devil’s in the details! if someone includes the little things they know i like, i’d definitely be very happy and flattered. honestly, it’s enough to just be together and not do anything.
dream guy: i promise i am not intentionally describing anyone here. someone with a nice smile, preferably taller than me (not by too much though), is willing to talk when i want to talk but can back off when i’m socially tired, good dry sense of humor, inside jokes, i don’t have to force him to do self-care (eating, sleeping, etc), preferably not very hot-headed because i am and that wouldn’t be a good combo lol, stubborn like me but knows to back off when necessary
thank you! i think the fact that you’re celebrating your milestone by giving more to your (numerous, for a reason) fans says something. ilysm and congrats!! <3
Moony! I'll give you a Lin and a Pedro one
So Jack would be perfect for you, he's all about the little details, he'd bring you little presents like flowers and candies. And on big occasions you bet he's saving up to gift you a book. He loves hearing about the books you read and reading them with you, there's nothing better for him that to spend the afternoon cuddling with you and reading out loud.
And you'd definitely adopt a cat together, I'm picturing Jack finding a stray cat on his work route and feeding it, the cat eventually follows him home and now it's your cat 😌
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And for your Pedro boy I'm giving you Ezra, from the movie Prospect, here he is
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He's the biggest reader you are going to find, when he talks is like poetry is coming out of his mouth, he uses words to their maximum extent, I swear this man has read the whole dictionary. He'd definitely give you compliments every single day.
And you're never going to be bored when you're with him, he has a ton of stories about his space travels, he has visited a lot of places and done a lot of things, some he's not proud of but they helped him survive. And he's going to be totally honest with you about every single thing.
This is a man who can match your wits and I promise you you'll have the most interesting conversations!
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willowhaired · 2 years
For the random ask: 💞 with Donna Hayward from Twin Peaks or Rustin Cohle from TD (you decide)
I feel like you know me pretty well but I‘m going to give you a short description anyway: My name‘s Juno, I‘m 23 years old and quite the quirky person I‘d say. I love all things retro, the forest, hiking, being creative, reading and watching horror movies!! My aesthetic could probably be described as hippie/fairygrunge/medieval ranger lmao 🌼 I consume absurd amounts of coffee, I’m introverted but still quite talkative. When it comes to dating a person I’m usually very upfront about being interested in them. I like giving compliments to the person, I’m very caring and supportive but also moody sometimes. I’m very interested in all things mystical, horrific and fantastical (philosophy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, poems etc.). Oh and I’m a Leo Venus if that helps 😉
Hello Juno! I figured I'd do one for Donna since we've talked so much about you dating Rust already. 😉
Donna always had a thing for problematic people - she expected you to be the same, so she was surprised to learn that you were so trustworthy and dependable. At first she felt weird, and didn't hit in for her that the two of you were actually dating; it was so natural and you clicked right away. It was when you kissed her that she realised you weren't friends and she had to admit to herself that she definitely had feelings for you. At the beginning of your relationship, you both tried to keep things low-key, only allowing yourselves small touches and gestures here and there. It was exciting, but then came a time when she became adamant that she wanted to introduce you to her parents: they already knew you, but Donna wanted to make it official. Both of you were surprised how well it went and both Doctor Hayward and his wife took a liking to you. They saw the same safety and love in you that they held for each other. There was no doubt in their mind that you'd be a fantastic addition to their family. That being said, especially during the early stages of your relationship, Donna snuck out countless nights to spend time with you. She'd learn your preferred coffee order by heart and bring it to you when you had a big exam, or just because she wanted to see you. She would shower you with compliments about your outfits and she'd always insist you show her your art. Once she learned you wrote poetry she begged until you read to her from it. Not only did it make her tear up, but she fell even deeper in love with you. Sometimes the both of you would go on picnics in the woods or just explore the forests, and she'd never mind taking a rest: that meant she'd have time to cuddle you.
Hope you have a lovely day darling, and thank you for sending the ask in. 💖
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