#i'm not even kidding all of us are neurospicy
being neurodivergent and constantly being surrounded by other neurodivergents is such a vibe. like,,,
*different and conflicting forms of stimming* "can you PLEASE stop pacing for one moment?? i'm trying to hear this song i've had on repeat for an hour and you keep distracting me"
"where the FUCK are my keys?!?!?" *30 minute group search*
"that's your masking smile. what's wrong??"
*floor time*
*body mirroring/doubling as the only way of getting anything done*
"let me infodump about the Peruvian Nazca Lines!" "okay, but then you have to let me talk about Korean phonetics."
*abandoned hyperfixations as far as the eye can see*
"i'm in hell" "you can do this. just try not to tap your foot. it's called exposure and response therapy for a reason! it's going to be uncomfortable." "i'm going to scream"
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rhiaarrow · 3 months
Todays 5am rambling;
There is a difference between 'qBad' and 'Tio Bad' because Tio Bad instincts are just absolutely INGRAINED in ccBads brain and is just entirely separate from his actual qCharacter
Honestly. Half of the stuff he does he does out of instinct, not rp at this point.
And I'm 5am rambling about this just because it's become really really obvious to me these past couple days because Bad will be in rp with the eggs where he's not supposed to recognize them or know them but then he'll do or say little things that just doesn't quite fit with that and it's just so adorable because it's so obvious that he's just so used to hanging with the egg actors that some things are just natural at this point.
The most obvious is the iconic gasp whenever there's an egg downed message, of course.
(I still remain surprised that he managed to act completely nonchalant when Richas got knocked the other day, +1000 rp points there Brad)
That is a bodily response at this point, there is no character rp in that gasp of anxiety.
But there are just little things that slip through even when he is in full rp mode.
When Tallulah first saw him again he acted as qBad would but when Tallulah started to get genuinely upset Bad's voice changed to the voice he uses when talking through hard topics with eggs and he reassured her in a way that he didn't take the time to do with any of the other eggs and honestly it must've broken ccBad to not be able to comfort an egg that he's been a source of comfort for for almost a year.
Or when he went to ask Leo if she wanted to go mining. He'd previously been loud and confused with Leo and Foolish but when he went to speak to Leo alone he crouched in front of her and spoke clearly as he asked her and waited for her response, copying her when she jumped or crouched excitedly.
He learnt early on (back when the translations were still buggy as all hell) that sometimes when babysitting Leo in particular he had to make sure to speak clearly so that nothing got lost in translation because if you watch early vods there are times where Leo just does not understand what Bad is saying (and if you look at the transcription box it's often pretty damn easy to understand why she's confused because some of the stuff the early transcripts pick up are frankly hilariously far off from what was said).
Overtime he adapted, speaking clearer and reducing his use of complex vernacular or occasionally repeating phrases but changing them slightly to make the translations as understandable as possible and he still does that whenever he's talking directly with Leo, and now Pepito too.
The one that hurt and was the point that made me start writing this whole rambling was the way that Bad IMMEDIATELY snapped back into Tio mode as soon as he saw Pepito at spawn (even if from a pure rp standpoint it made not a lot of sense).
He was crouching in front of him, back to calling him little one, referring to all the eggs as 'kids' again, reassuring Pepito that he'd go pick up his dad and bring him to Pepito but only if he could make sure that Pepito was safe at his house first, trying to immediately get him out of the open and to set a pearl, telling him it wasn't his fault and that he doesn't need to apologise, that it's okay to be sad about his death but they need to get him somewhere safe first.
It broke me because this was just an exact echo of how he's had to act with every other egg after their deaths when he discusses the deep topics with them. He is too used to comforting eggs about these sorts of things and hearing him give the same reassurances killed me because Pepito is just a baby, he shouldn't have to have Tio Bad give him the after-death talk already.
(I feel like I keep giving Ted Talks atp with the length of my posts but ahhhhhhh neurospicy brainrot is just all consuming sometimes y'know? 🙃)
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'that adhd feel of-' 'adhd is not being able to' 'adhd is when you forget-' you're describing executive dysfunction. that's...it's executive dysfunction. like I NEED you to understand this.
I don't think this is purposefully malicious but jesus fucking christ it's no wonder the ~neurodiverse~ community on here can feel super alienating. I'd fucking eat own shoe if any so-called 'neurospicy' (derogatory) blogs can name EVEN ONE other condition then either adhd or autism as part of neurodiversity. ppl think it starts and ends there - and what I find the most infuriating, is that one of the most common symptoms when it comes to diverse brains (aka executive dysfunction) is talked about like it's SOLELY for adhd.
look. I got dyspraxia and ocd - two things considered a part of the neurodiverse umbrella. I also have learning disabilities that have affected my whole school life, and memory issues that I've been explaining to people as to why I've already forgotten their name since I was a kid. YET, ocd is rarely talked about in neurodiverse circles or even considered, and I'll literally pay two bucks to anyone reading this who can tell me what dyspraxia is (who isn't a professional or someone who has it, and if you do have dyspraxia, then I am giving you a cookie and fist bump). yet often, when I see posts passed around talking about issues like poor motivation or time blindness or bad memory, I find a lot to relate to - bc executive dysfunction, in case anyone missed it, affects many, many conditions! you don't even have to be neurodiverse; it's known to affect those with anxiety and depression too! there's so much layover - yet, I will see, inevitably, the post attributed to adhd or possibly asd. frankly, it's both alienating to those with other neurodiverse conditions, and possibly misleading, even if unintentional, to say it's an 'adhd thing.' you guys run the market and it's over-saturated; I'm just asking for adhd/asd to share a piece of it's throne.
to be honest, as what's considered a 'neurodiverse person', I barely find any commonality within the community. yes, as mentioned above, I will relate to common shared symptoms like executive dysfunction, but it's a complete shut-out when we act like those symptoms are only attributed to one condition. frankly with my ocd, I find way more commonality in schizophrenia/paranoia/psychosis communities then in the ND one (I would never act or say I know what it's like to experience those conditions, but I can relate to the fear of some outside force telling you something horrible is going to/will happen), and with dyspraxia, even when we talk about it, it gets so little coverage and recognition it leaves the whole community a bit dry. if anyone gives a shit, then maybe shine the light on us and others kicked to the sides (ppl with learning disabilities, dysgraphia, language disorders, and those with schizophrenia/affective disorders like I mentioned earlier, who are so often vilified by ppl online and on this site). we all struggle with executive dysfunction and a million other layover symptoms, and the nerotypical world is just as hard for us to navigate even if no one is bothering to listen.
I'm rambling at this point. everyone just..do better and actually recognize the 'diversity' in 'neurodiverse.'
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doublel27 · 1 year
That’s so valid about Owen. “I’m gonna go annoy my kids now”
And there was something so squishy about the 3 of them being a lil family unit now 🥹
I'm sure whoever you are, dear sweet nonny, you threw this in here knowing I would likely meta on about it.
And I've been thinking about the end scenes nearly all day.
I'm notoriously interested in Owen as a character. He's a facinating character who, like his son, has had his life scarred by loss. Owen's whole raison d'etre is saving his brother. It's why saving that one little girl from drowning sent him into a life focused on saving others. Then he lost his entire firehouse in 9/11, and slowly lost other survivors of 9/11 to cancer and mental health disorders.
Then, he has to bring his son back from the dead and moves him to Texas in an attempt to save his life and restart, all while diagnosed with cancer. We lose Tim Rosewater which sets Owen into deep levels of depression and guilt, because he'll never be able to keep the promise that everyone who starts a shift goes home at the end of it.
Gwyn is in town, and they're still in love and he's working on making it work. They're gonna have a baby and Owen has a redo. He's got a chance to do it RIGHT this time. Because Owen's fatal flaw is always believing if things had been different, if he had been better, if he'd beena moment sooner: maybe he could have fixed things. He had a whole speech to that effect in last night's episode, where he figured if he'd known about 9/11 ahead of time that he could have prevented his whole team from dying.
Then the baby's not his and Gwyn leaves and whatever Owen managed to cobble together of his mental health for Gwyn and teh baby disipates and there's a lot of very classic PTSD/depressive/anxiety things that come up in Owen.
And then we lose Gwyn which is devestating to everyone but Owen soldiers on for TK, but he's...not doing well, at all. He finally gets his ass to therapy and even though we see him make some progress he's still keeping TK at a distance. Mostly because TK's doing well and Owen CANT be Captain Save a Ho for TK in these moments. He does crop up (usually) when TK's struggling, but only when there's something TO DO.
This episode marked a change.
Owen, in talking with O'Brien, who is giving a speech pretty reminicent of Owen's own speeches, about how he made a promise and he didn't keep it because look at this awful thing that happened, and Owen manages to give solid reasoning to be like "Look, he's alive and his son's alive and that's something."
And then it's like the lightbulb goes off in Owen's brain as O'Brien takes off after his great nephew - that Owen is indeed alive, and his son is also alive, and that's something. He may not have saved everyone but he saved TK.
Then, Owen goes and picks up food (which is really one of Carlos and TK's main love langauges, is feeding people - TK does it with takeout because he shouldn't be in the kitchen) and brings it over. But he doesn't just pick up any take out, he picks up the chinese food that TK introduced Gwyn to that they used to eat as a family.
I take this to be significant in multiple ways:
One, the Gwyneth Morgan of it all. Owen picked something that was a family thing and brought it over. Which is a very significant thing to do.
Two, it's one of the few times that food is involved and Owen doesn't mention the healthy/unhealthy nature of the food. Look, I could probably write a whole disertation on why Owen Strand, who has survived 21 1/2 years post 9/11 is obsessed with his health, but nearly every interaction with food, Owen has a coment about it. He doesn't make a single comment about this round of chinese food. I lied, he doesn't mention it in 3.08 either. But that's in the wake of grief, and maybe here Owen's still living in it.
Three, ordering chinese is very clearly TK's comfort meal. Look, a lot of us who are neurospicy joke about TK being neurospicy. And when you are neurospicy, there are certain foods that are..."safe" or an instant "yes" all the time. And we default to them often. I know when I'm struggling when I'm like "It's a comfort food day." (I have a rotation) but it eliminates decision fatigue and the need to emotionally regulate if it's not exactly what you wanted. Chinese food has a connection to Gwyn, and comfort and it comes up a lot when TK's stressed. (Even in 3.03, when Carlos doesn't come home, TK ordered chinese for them)
And then Owen does something he hasn't done...at all...since TK moved out (maybe they did when they moved into Owen's house and I don't know where they had chinese in 3.08) but Owen shows up at their place to share a meal with them.
And it's significant because TK and Carlos have invited him over for many meals between seasons 2 and 3, and Owen never accepts. Or, in the case of 2.11, Owen accepts and then goes off to catch an arsonist instead, which could be his hero complex but could also be a general avoidance of things that are uncomfortable for Owen, like TK growing up and not needing Owen anymore.
For as much as Owen has been an absent father for various parts of TK's life, because of his PTSD and trauma and general *waves hands* Owenness, Owen is a loving dad who would do just about anything for his son. We know this, we've watched him do it. But Carlos is also a competent control freak who Owen trusts implicitly with TK's life on numerous occasions. I do believe there's a big part of Owen's psyche that doesn't know what to do if he's not NEEDED.
But at the end of 4.06, he shows up, with chinese food, which is not needed because TK and Carlos already made a beautiful dinner and are looking very handsome, but he comes in and tells TK that he's proud of him, again. And you know, not trying to blow people up is a very low bar, but you know, TK clears it. And then they stay and have dinner, and Owen inserts himself in his son's life, not because TK needs him, but because Owen WANTS to be there, and that's such a drastic change for these two.
I love that Carlos and TK bring him in. Look, we could punish Owen for his mistakes and transgressions, but that's never been who TK is and this is his last living biological parent (Enzo forever) and TK loves him. And Carlos loves TK and respects Owen and wants them to have a good relationship.
And I cannot wait for Owen to "do what he does best" (owen's words) and be a pain in their asses about this wedding.
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neonscandal · 5 months
If you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from BNHA? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
My faves, I've been asked a few times so I'll be light on explanation, but, honestly, I'm liable to switch up depending on whatever I just read or watched.
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Katsuki Bakugo - I just expanded on this but I just generally think more people could give more grace to the traumatized little demon child who has, for reasons against his will, largely been put through trials not only as Midoriya's rival but also as a potential love interest (re: damsel in distress trope)
Izuku Midoriya - I kinda touched on what makes Midoriya interesting but realize it's kinda in the context of the chemical reaction between he and Bakugo. Simply, I like Midoriya for a few reasons that I may not have previously intimated. Those being he is a certified chaos gremlin which is sometimes lost on us as the reader/viewer because he's our narrator (Bakugo only seems insolent. He'll say "don't tell me what to do", but do exactly as you've asked. Midoriya will smile in your face after being told what not to do and adapt the most pants shitting plan to break his bones and risk fatal injury known to man right after.), he's such a fucking nerd, also, kin.
Shouta Aizawa - I love a good traumatized character. But his characterization is so stern, rough around the edges and nonchalant (I usually like trauma with a side of silly goofy✨). It truly belies the fact that he's just a big ole softie who understands the nuance of his students in such an endearing way. Like, I just love him.
Shoto Todoroki - Character wise, Shoto is really entertaining because, while he is a nepo baby, he is skilled to back up why he should be in class 1A. He is not dumb but he is simple. I appreciate that he is regularly unexpected comedic relief and it definitely comes at the price of something neurospicy. Additionally, he and his family situation are just as integral to the story as Midoriya and Bakugo's evolving relationship and power dynamic and it adds texture to him as a tritagonist.
Eijirou Kirishima - My fifth is an oscillating fan available for whoever last occupied my mind but this comes from a recent ask where someone mentioned being a kiribaku because same. Kirishima is the first to earn Bakugo's respect because of his earnest and unrelenting attempts to befriend him. He and Denki are good indicators that Bakugo is, perhaps, not as enigmatic as the narration leads us to believe. His veneer of manly bravado barely covering his insecurities and lack of confidence? The fact that he thought the best way to be a new person was to dye his hair?? KIN. He is precious to me.
⚠️ Spoiler Warning through chapter 411.
These moments are not in any particular (in terms of favorite or chronological) order.
Feral Deku Being Found By Kacchan - Just, the whole arc of being found by Class 1A, beaten down by them, apology in the rain, and being advocated for by Class 1A against an angry mob? The whole thing was goosebumps inducing, just the way they've all grown.
Discovering the Sir Nighteye's Prediction Saw Deku Dying in Action - Toga is a disruptor but also, perhaps, so are all those OFA quirks. Even so, Sir Nighteye not only resigned to his own death but also Deku's which is so wild of him when he so earnestly wanted to discourage All Might from the path to destruction he saw ahead of him. He really had beef with a kid. BUT ALSO Sir Nighteye coming back to be like "All Might... this isn't a comic book, you don't have to die here,". OMG the boomerang arcs all of these characters get is just so heartwarming/wrenching depending on who it is.
Bakugo, With No Other Choice, Facing Off Against Shigaraki - We got so much from that, including, confirming that he cared about that whole host of extras so much that he would think to pass along their care to someone else. That was just so beautiful for his development but also real tears. I remember I was in the midst of reading the manga for the first time and saw a hint of a leak and I read like 150 chapters in a matter of days to get caught up.
Heroes Rising - Literally, that whole movie. GOOSEBUMPS.
Bakugo vs Uraraka at the Sports Festival - This fight was so brilliant for so many reasons.
1. Uraraka gave Bakugo a legitimate run for his money all on her own 2. It demonstrates sexism in universe based on audience perception of the fight as well as how much public opinion bears on the split between a hero and a villain 3. Aizawa gave an unbiased interpretation of the fight and continues to defend Bakugo's character later in the story when people bring up his "villainous" behavior at the Sport's Festival 4. Bakugo is shown to be really noble where other boys from Class 1A seem to think they need to go easy on girls (who end up handing them their ass later) during the Sports Festival but also during the Class 1A vs Class 1B joint exercise 5. It spurred Uraraka to push beyond the confines of her quirk and seek tutelage under Gunhead which is like.. so huge in terms of her development but also pushes her outside of a perception of helplessness that would typically befall a main female lead in a shonen series.
Thanks for asking!
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a-crystallen-author · 3 months
Hello, Writeblr! I hear it's polite to introduce oneself around these parts, so here it is: my Writeblr Intro (ta-dahhh)
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Identification: Amanda La Crystallen (she/her). You can call me Amanda-La or La Crystallen.
Generation: Hobbit
Location: West Coast in the streets, East Coast in the sheets! Currently Nor-Cal, but if I need to hydrate, I'm asking for the bubblah.
Facts that are definitely fast and hopefully also fun:
Escaped Evangelical
Recovering perfectionist
Collector of sunglasses, lip color, socks, vinyl, and spare onewheel parts I'll probably never use again.
Writing and WIP details below the fold.
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Genre(s): Spec fic, esp. fantasy; YA and/or "new adult" (is that a thing? Did "new adult" happen?); generally whimsical
Influences: Terry Pratchett, Scott Westerfeld, Charlie Jane Anders, Christopher Moore, "His Dark Materials," "Welcome to Night Vale," prob will add more to this list later
WIPs (I'm making this plural even though I only have one right now. Maybe I can trick myself into writing more??)
Necromancer Unleashed!
A subverted kids' book (think "Bunnicula" for grown-ups) about a dog who accidentally learns to raise the dead. Told through the eyes of pets around the neighborhood, "Unleashed!" is a tail—woof, I meant tale—about dogs that's secretly about people, and what happens to all of us when it's time to cross the Rainbow Bridge. Like all good stories, this one starts with a smell...
Vibe: Spooky slice-of-life. Hygge horror. Equal measures silly and poignant—or at least that's the goal!
Tags: #necromancer unleashed! #Homer's modern odyssey
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maikaartwork · 6 months
15 people, 15 questions
@thornescratch tagged me in this, and since I have the first day off in like, three weeks today, I feel inclined to share - thanks for wanting to know stuff about me thorne!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not to my knowledge. I was supposed to be given a different name, but the priest didn't agree to it (I live in a weird country and the 80s were even weirder), so I got the second choice on my parents' list.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Pretty recently, actually, the stress of the last few weeks made me a bit meltdown-y, despite the calming effects of the cool medication that makes me generally chill.
3. Do you have kids?
I have a cat daughter. For a long time I wanted children, but it never worked out. Now I feel a bit too old and a bit too single for the childbearing endeavor and decided to focus on doing cool shit that I enjoy and on being the weird auncle to my friends' kids. If I ever have the means, I would like to adopt.
4. What sports do you play/have played?
Currently - nothing except transportational rollerblading. I used to do offroad biking, basketball and swimming. If it counts, I was also a competition level sharpshooter.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I should insert a sarcastic remark here but the truth is: I try, but I'm bad at it. My brand of neurospiciness makes it very hard for me to detect sarcasm sometimes in others and honestly, it makes me wonder if I'm ever doing it right. Also makes me nervous that people will not get that I'm being sarcastic and get offended.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Nails, posture, hairstyle, tattoos, demeanor, accessories, type of creasing on their face, amount of makeup, amount of dandruff and animal hair on their clothes, shirt print. All at the same time. Neurospicy.
7. What’s your eye color?
Brown changing into hazelnut, depending on lighting and, apparently, moood.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings.
9. Any talents?
I got good at reading people's hidden needs. I'm really good at searching out information and fixing computer issues. I'm well-trained in customer service. I guess I draw good, too? I'm a fast learner and good with organizing shit.
10. Where were you born?
Poland, a medium sized-city down in the Silesia region
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading, drawing, playing ttrpg, learning obscure facts, observing people
12. Do you have any pets? My cat daughter, Piu (pronounced Pew) and a cornsnake named Noodle that has a pattern on his head that some say looks like a heart and others say looks like a dick.
13. How tall are you? 168 cm
14. Favorite subject in school?
Art, English, Biology (this one mostly because in middle school I had a REALLY cool teacher that sparked my love for the subject that holds to this day)
15. Dream job? What I do now, actually - tattooing and drawing dumb shit on the side. After finishing my management bachelor's I never thought I'd go that way but here we are and honestly, I couldn't be happier. When I ever get too old or too bored with it, I'll become a Marie Kondo-style helper for those in need of organizing their spaces, I think.
No pressure tags: I saw some of my friends being tagged in this already, but I would love to learn more about @legitcookie @sidekick-hero @luna-fortunaa @maxinemaxmayfield @pink-luna-moth @xirayn @becomingfoxes @atmilliways @eriquin @stacetanicpanic and anyone that wants to tag themselves in lieu of the last five tags (sorry, I am sick, brain foggy, remembering nicknames hard)
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notyourastarion · 8 months
Roleplay info
No AI interactions & no minor interactions
Feel free to just jump in any way you like - message, ask, tag me, whatever works for you - just specify your muse of choice!
My style tends to be more words than actions alot of the time, so expect more dialogue-with-stage-direction than novels, but I do like writing paragraphs, witty one-liners are fun too, but just having a natural back & forth is just as fun
Multiverse - my inbox is open to all. Heck you don’t even have to be a character, come as you are.
Always happy to chat on discord, but I prefer to rp here! (Though I reserve the right to remove people from my discord if I feel I need to for any reason)
NSFW/18+ content is welcome, but intimacy scenes will fade to black/time skip. I might be up for doing it privately or under a read-more but we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.
Fluff, angst, romance, friendship, enemies, general chat - all are welcome
Triggering content is welcome as long as it’s properly labelled & I'll always discuss first if there's a possibility that triggering content will be in a reply [especially if it's something you wouldn't expect to find here - blood/mentions of abuse are kind of a given at some point or another.]
Muses - Italicised by request only
Astarion Ancunin - BG3 Origin (Primary)
Karlach Cliffgate - BG3 Origin
Jaheira - BG3
Withers - BG3
Zaeed Everstone - BG3 Tav [Info here!]
Regis - Witcher (games & books - I'm not against writing with netflix fans, just letting you know I stopped watching the show a looong while back)
Starters - always accepting - but you can always message me to plot something, or tag me in something you'd like me to respond to! It honestly gives me such a boost when someone actively wants to write with me 🖤
I realised I just can't do memes. I overthink them and worry about whether I've understood, and ones directed at 'any muse I don't mind' put me in decision paralysis so much I can't respond at all. It's probably best I leave them alone 😅
Roleplayer Info
Hey all, I’m Robin! I'm 30 years old & use he/him pronouns. I also have a shitposting personal blog over at robinrolledaone
I'm based in Wales, UK, and have a husband & 2 young kids who keep me very busy!
I'm trans, neurospicy, pagan & poly
I've been roleplaying online for 13 years now, I also have a degree in contemporary performance which I guess is kinda relevant here lmao and maybe why my style is a bit more script-y than novel-y
I'll respond as soon as I can, but be patient please!
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mggsttn · 5 months
"I'd like to poke the void."
This is a phrase that my fandom bestie and I came up with a little while back.
Now for context: I am 25, neurospicy, an introvert and didn't go to college. My bestie (we'll call her Este) on the other hand is 24, an extrovert, and went to school for dramaturgy*. (We're both theater kids, became friends because we're both fans of 5SOS and unlike a percentage of most fandoms WE ARE SELF AWARE, HAVE TOUCHED GRASS AND RESPECT OUR IDOLS AND REALIZE THAT THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS.) I digress.
Over the years we've gone down COUNTLESS rabbit holes, analyzed and overanalyzed lyrics and MV's and had many, MANY discussions on the inner workings of fan culture. These conversations often start with a random, weird ass question like:
"Why TF is Luke drinking a GALLON OF MILK in the Motion MV??"
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Or me rambling about the Cinematic Universe that Stray Kids has through out their MV's and losing my shit over the chronological timeline and how it relates to the storyline.
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Or her talking about the names in the Hunger Games and why they were chosen.
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The conclusion to these were:
"Luke is portraying a sense of innocence in the MV. We often associate drinking milk with children (we can all probably remember a parent telling us to drink milk so we grow up big and strong!) By showing him drinking milk it's relating him back to that innocence."
Her giving me a crash course in the types of storytelling including chronological and basket weaving ST. And giving explanations on how prequels and sequels work in context to a story, etc. (I have the notes somewhere, yes I took actual notes. This is all paraphrased off of memory.)
And I don't remember the conclusion for the names, but she did point out that it was odd for the Capitol to choose these kinds of names.
All that to say: we have hour long, in depth discussions about things that seem pointless out of context.
Going back to "I'd like to poke the void."
As i was writing this I snapped her asking for examples of "void pokes" we've done and she ended up giving me the perfect definition for this phrase.
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“I need to rant and ask questions, please play devils advocate if you feel so inclined.”
In grade school and high school I was definitely seen as the weird kid because I would be obsessed with different things and just know a lot of random facts and reasons for things. As I've grown up I've definitely learned to embrace that more and find other people who don't just accept my obsessions but they GET them and encourage them. Even if Este has NO IDEA what I'm talking about (insert tangent about the use of the phrase "take off" in these specific SKZ MV's) she'll still listen and be a person that I can do critical thinking with and who will challenge my ideas and make me stand for them or alter them as needed.
In short, be a fangirl. Find your Este. Learn lots of stuff about lots of things. And never stop poking the void.
*Dramaturgy is a sociological perspective on identity that employs a theatrical metaphor to explore issues of identity formation and reformation. As such, dramaturgy assumes a place, a moment, and an audience to whom the identity is being presented.
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